eileensdress · 2 years
I feel like I don’t see nearly enough slander about the fucking godawful song that got slapped over the last 5-ish minutes of Wrath. What the fuck was that? Who was in the editing booth and made that fucking decision? Who the fuck grabbed their ipod, put it on shuffle and decided to call it a day?
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the alchemy // mattheo riddle x fem gryffindor reader
playlist: the alchemy - taylor swift
"who are we to fight the alchemy?"
summary: mattheo riddle hasnt left you alone with his relentless flirting since third year , youre sick of it! or are you?...
gryffindor reader , y/n used , fluff, minor swearing, short
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"yknow youre the most beautiful girl in all of hogwarts." mattheo stated from besides you , staring at you with his head in his hand.
"as you tell me everyday mattheo , i appreciate it but i think our potions project would appreciate your attention and care much more than me." you stated with a sigh looking up at him and tapping on his empty parchment.
"isnt it just so lucky we got partnered together?" he said dreamily as you scoffed.
"yes, soo very lucky." you muttered with sarcasm.
"so what do we have left to do princess?" he asked.
"are you being serious? im not sure who we is but based on the fact youve done nothing this whole session- its me that has work left." you scoffed and ranted at him with annoyance , only to recieve a bright smile from him.
"i cant help but be distracted besides you." he shrugged and draped an arm across the back of your chair.
you sighed in pure frustration before angrily packing all of your things into a bag and standing up , ignoring the confused and saddened boy besides you.
"where are you going?" he asked with disappointment.
"carry on acting cute riddle , it wont work. unlike you, some of us need grades to get a job in the future, not all of us have devilishly good looks that get us everything."
"you think i have devishily good looks?" he asked both teasingly and happily.
"sadly , i do," he smirked at this before you leaned down to him , your faces practically touching making his smug attitude drop into shyness, "doesnt mean im going to date you , dont even bother asking."
he quickly regained his composure and moved his face slightly so he could whisper into your ear , lips hitting your skin with every word , "youll come around eventually and when you do..im right here baby."
you blushed brightly before pretending to be digusted by his words , pulling away and crossing your arms with a scowl, "maybe in your dreams riddle but dont let delusion alter your reality too much. and your reality is that we're doing a project together that needs to be in by friday , so get to work baby."
he shifted his gaze as his face turned bright red and he began to heat up at your words , or more specfically the nickname.
"k but seriously , get to work or ill be beyond pissed. goodbye riddle" you said seriously , walking away and leaving the flustered boy to drown in his thoughts at the library table.
"gorgeous!" mattheo riddle shouted down the corridore as you rolled your eyes , this was either directed at you or one of his hook ups. and upon feeling an arm wrap around your waist , you assumed it was you, "i finished our project just as you requested your majesty."
you didnt bother looking up at the boy and simply continued to walk down the hall , mattheo clinging onto you ,"well done riddle you actually worked for once. at dinner hand me the papers you wrote and ill review it and finish our conclusion. thanks for actually doing it i didnt think you would."
"anything for my girl" he brightly smiled , enjoying your subtle praise greatly.
"not your girl but sure." you rolled your eyes.
"maybe not now , but very soon" he stated confidentaly , giving your waist a quick squeeze before letting go , "as much as id love to walk you to class , i have to attend to skipping herbology! later beautiful."
"bye" you said quietly , giving him a small smile that brightened his whole afternoon.
"here you go my love!" mattheo announced as he sat himself down on the bench besides you and placed some paper besides your empty plate.
you threw the papers a quick glance ,seeing they infact had writing and grabbed them , shoving them into your bag, "thank you riddle. ill help you finish later."
suprisingly the boy sat in silence , in confusion you turned to look at him, only to be given a teasing smirk and wiggling eyebrows.
"what?" you asked in confusion before releasing and smacking his arm lightly , biting back a laugh, "dont be so childish mattheo!"
his expression soon dropped completely , staring at you stunned.
"whats wrong?" you again asked in confusion and sudden anxiety.
"you.....you called me mattheo." he stuttered , face red.
"well yeah thats your name is it not? or is it mathew?-"
"no its just.....you never call me by my first name."
you soon realised , looking away to hide the pink tint that stained your cheeks.
"whatever it just slipped out!" you tried to hide your shyness.
"dont ever call me riddle again.. just mattheo , hell you can call me anything but riddle. id love it if you called me yours though." he flirted again, losing any hint of fluster.
"not happening!" you let out a genuine laugh because of the boy, for the first time in years.
mattheo couldnt help but watch in awe, admiring as you laughed with him.
"come to my quidditch match tomorrow , you can wear my jersey if you want," he winked.
"ill pass on the jersey but sure ill be there , supporting gryffindor." you teased as the boys pouted.
"cheer for me atleast?" he asked softly , staring into your eyes.
"until i lose my voice," you smiled back at him, a wide smile youd never given him before. it felt like a blessing to the boy.
he had no idea why youd become so open to him , you didnt either , but you did know that the boy had definetly flirted his way into your thoughts after years of determination.
"welcome to the third match of the year, slytherin and gryffindor! buzzing to see the new cheats slytherin pull this time around!-" lees commentation was cut off by mcgonagall clearing her throat , "sorry professor."
"anyways back to the match! a pretty decent line up today , the usual team for gryffindor. slytherin having brought 3rd year joseph off the bench for the first time. hopefully we see some of his skills in this match! but i must say the most interesting player of slytherins team this match , has to be riddle. not only did he perform well last season but he seems to have his eyes on his own trophy , as per usual , y/n y/l/n! whats most interesting is the slytherin jersey shes wearing , i mean the girls in gryffindor , where is the house pride!!-" lees rant was cut off by mcgonagall throwing him a sharp glare. you cringed from the crowd as your house threw you dirty looks , the only look you focused on being the smirk and wink mattheo gave you from his broom.
"anyways , the captians are now deciding who starts the match. by the determenation on all of payers faces, this match will be anything but clean and fair , tough luck madame hooch!" lee laughed as the teams decided who started, all of the players taking their positions as the whistle blows, "and the match begins!".
all of your house members threw you distasteful looks as you sheepishly walked down the stands and towards the pitch , where the slytherin players had gathered.
you had hardly stepped onto the grass when an arm around you swept you off your feet and spun you around.
"did you see, love? we won!" mattheo who was currently holding you tightly , exclaimed in excitement.
"yes , yeah i saw!" you grinned at him , looking into his eyes as he finally rested you on the ground, his arms around you and yours resting around the back of his neck.
"you were my good luck charm," he said softly , his eyes tracing your body, "i see you decided to wear my jersey".
"like i had a choice! you bribed the twins to not let me out the common room until i wore it!" you both laughed.
"it suits you , no other number or name suits you better , " he smirked , pulling you in closer as you giggled.
"hm i dont know y/n potter sounds quite good." you teased as his eyes hardened.
"no." he stated darkly as you laughed at his seriousness,
" dont worry riddle , you could say im yours."
he grinned widely , "oh yeah, what changed?"
"i stopped trying to resist the mattheo charm." you teased with a bright smile.
he didnt waste a second in pulling you into a passionate kiss , one he had held back for years. after about a minute he chased your lips once you pulled away.
"i love you , since first year" he whispered.
"thats a lie, i thought it was third year!" you gasped in fake suprise.
he chuckled , looking at you in lovesickness ,"i loved you before i even met you."
"thats not possible matt," you laughed.
"it is when we're soulmates," he stated.
"soulmates? wow you really do love me huh, riddle?!" you teased.
"more than youll ever know."
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regulusrules · 10 months
A very long meta explaining why the confession scene in Good Omens is the best that has ever been written and performed on screen
First of, the scene begins with two different realisations that makes each of them believe that their dynamic will significantly change (Crowley wanting to confess his love and Aziraphale wanting to break out the news about heaven). This, you can see, creates an unprecedented shift in their energy, makes them super excited (Azi) and super nervous (Crowley) to break the news to one another. And despite the two matters being drastically different, when Aziraphale begins his revelation we don't get the Miscommunication trope where Crowley listens to the offer and passively retreats back his emotions. No. He is steadfast in his resolution, in his love for Aziraphale.
And that right here is king attitude no.1, because even if Aziraphale just threw something so godforsaken on him, he won't allow himself to be cowardly or let go of the one person he loves more than eternity. Crowley still bares his heart, still lets it all out, because he will not lose Aziraphale in his naivete of still believing that Heaven is good and Hell is evil. (I write this with supreme detachment of my own beliefs lol) He tries to make Aziraphale understand that sides didn't do them any good the past 6000 years, that the only solid foundation they ever had was them, and that Crowley would rather have them than have everything.
The way you hear Tennant's voice breaking when he said “And we spent our whole existence pretending that we aren’t”, is the perfect reflection of how Crowley genuinely despairs the time they lost and wouldn't have any more of it. And even with how bare and raw he's feeling with revealing all this, he still goes on. He still tries to tell him and I would like to spend our whole existence together, but struggles and struggles because he's strung wide open. But he keeps trying.
Now you see here a moment of disbelief on Aziraphale's behalf, because he doesn't understand why Crowley would refuse going back to heaven with him when all Aziraphale remembers of Angel!Crowley was how utterly bright his eyes shone when he lit up the stars and surely Crowley must miss that too? He wants the same thing Crowley is saying, just in a different dimension. The “I can make a difference” immediately changes to “We can make a difference” because that's all what’s ever been for Aziraphale; them changing the small engines of the world according to their partnered will. He is genuinely benign and not ill-intentioned when he says “Nothing lasts forever”, because he truly wants a better life for them, a better existence. And that's when it gets better: Crowley has his walls back up, he's walking away, because he can't bear that he was never enough as he is for Aziraphale. That he was never worth reciprocation.
But Aziraphale doesn't let him leave.
And that is king attitude no.2, because he doesn't want Crowley to leave when things are strewn all over the place that they don't know where they stand. All Aziraphale ever wanted was for them to stand on the same ground. He asks him to come back to him but hides it by finishing it with “to heaven!” because the whole conversation is going too fast for him, and he's undergoing a religious crisis of sorts that does not end in 6000 years, yet even so he still doesn't want to lose Crowley because he's everything he has and he can't do it without him and “I — I need you!”
And that's when it gets reaaally interesting. Aziraphale's expression then turns from sorrowful desperation to rageful desperation, because he's baring his heart and Crowley is walking away from him. Their solid ground is completely shaken when he says “I don't think you understand what I'm offering you” because he's trying to be subtle about his love for Crowley and still direct as much as he can, but Crowley responds with a condescending “I think I understand a whole lot better than you do” and if this isn't peak human beings in their arguments, I don't know what is. Because we all think we are so misunderstood every time we get into an argument with someone we love, and we absolutely despise it when we feel patronized, so it's no wonder Aziraphale bitterly says “Then there's nothing more to say”, because if Crowley understands, truly does, then he'd see right past his fear to how much he loves the ground Crowley walks over.
And on the other hand I don't believe Crowley truly meant to be patronizing, but in a desperate last attempt he wanted to make Aziraphale understand what he is trying to say, what he spent his entire eternity feeling for Aziraphale, what Aziraphale would be giving up if he goes to heaven. What their life sounds like with no nightingales.
“You idiot, we could've been.. us” is the very culmination of love confessions. It took every single emotion and equated it. Tennant's delivery of it was unsurpassed in the way that it truly covers everything. And the way he grabbed Aziraphale, not entirely lovingly but desperately and angrily and, honest to God, awfully, is the reason why their kiss is so perfect. No queerbaiting, no beating around bushes. It is raw and sad and giving and agonising. Crowley wants to say see what you're giving up? See what we can have? And all Aziraphale thinks is how could you lay this on me now after everything, after every chance we could've been something, after me loving you from the first time I've met you. He's angry towards himself too, because nothing he can offer Crowley will be good enough that he chooses him instead of his choices. Sheen's choice in making his character grab Crowley's shoulder and let it go and then grab it once more in desperation is so unexplainably perfect of how much Aziraphale wants to hold onto Crowley.
But in the back of his mind, Crowley isn't choosing the same. Instead, Crowley's choosing to run from something that no doubt will rebound in their faces. They are angels and demons of heaven and hell, how could Crowley expect they could run and hide without being a repercussion later on? At least what Aziraphale is suggesting ensures that they will have a high position of power, enough to make them together, enough to make them happy, but instead, Crowley is walking away.
And when Crowley lets go of him, not the other way around because of course it is Crowley who must let go and detach from the utter pain that pierced his heart, you can see his expression being one of defeated longing. He sees all expressions passing across Aziraphale, sees how torn apart the other man is, too, and awaits just a semblance of anything they could work with. But instead, Aziraphale's face closes, and he tells Crowley “I forgive you”, and Crowley thinks this must be his second falling, because he's never felt more pain. “Don’t bother”, he says, yet still waits for Aziraphale outside and doesn't leave until Aziraphale has left him. Because in the end, Crowley would always be there for Aziraphale, even if he doesn’t feel worthy of it.
And that, my beloveds, is why eternity will remember this scene.
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fyodere · 2 months
actor!dazai au + hate fucking
I hope nobody catch us (but I kinda hope they catch us)
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“she wanna go viral . . ?
keep fucking for hours
that pussy got power ”
₍^. .^₎⟆ ── content warnings / tags : nsfw content (mdni), actor!au, dazai is mean, nasty absolutely filthy smut, reader is a new name on acting scene, semi public sex, child star dazai, rivals with benefits, hate fucking, petnames, degradation, dazai is a sadic, unprotected sex, dirt talk, light dom/sub dynamic ♡
﹙ 🔪 ﹚── synopsis : Fighting for a spot on the entertainment industry was rough, but co-staring another film with Dazai was rougher.
Now you’re at the after party, all the paparazzi and interviewers are gone. You can finally relax now. At least, that was what you thought.
“Meet me in the bathroom.” Dazai whispered to you and quickly vanished, you were used to his superstar behavior, but it still annoys you.
You always fight on set and hate each other. What’s up with him now?
﹙ 🧥 ﹚── author's note : OKAY IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS i absolutely loved writing the whole rivals with benefits thing. it’s just too hot. i hope y’all enjoy it <3 my requests are always open so don’t be shy!
. . . ꒰ ꐦ › ロ ‹ ꒱
Fighting for a spot on the entertainment industry was rough, but co-staring another film with Osamu Dazai was rougher. For years, you had clawed your way through auditions, rejections, and fleeting moments of success, all in pursuit of that elusive breakthrough role. And just when you thought you had finally made it, fate threw you yet another curveball: co-starring in another film with the enigmatic and notoriously difficult Dazai Osamu.
The after-party buzzed with energy as celebrities mingled, champagne flowed, and laughter filled the air. For you, it was both a relief and a moment of triumph. Landing a role alongside the enigmatic Osamu was a career milestone, but it came with its own set of challenges.
As you sipped your drink, a familiar voice cut through the chatter. It was Dazai, his dark eyes glinting mischievously as he beckoned you with a subtle gesture. You rolled your eyes, accustomed to his dramatic antics. Despite their on-screen chemistry, behind the scenes, you both clashed like oil and water.
Reluctantly, you slipped away from the crowd, your curiosity piqued by Dazai's clandestine summons.
The tension between you and Dazai was palpable from day one of filming. Both of you were fiercely talented and fiercely competitive, each vying for the spotlight in every scene. The set became a battleground of egos, with sparks flying whenever your characters shared the screen.
Now, amidst the glitz and glamour of the after-party, with the paparazzi and interviewers finally gone, you hoped for a moment of respite. But as you leaned against the bar, nursing a cocktail and trying to unwind.
As the night wore on, you found yourself swept up in Dazai's whirlwind scheme, the lines between enemy and ally blurring in the face of ambition. And as you stood on the precipice of this daring venture, you realized that sometimes, the greatest battles were fought not on the silver screen, but behind the scenes, in the shadows where dreams and egos collided.
Dazai was a star since childhood. After starring in a movie at the age of 5, his career was an unstoppable ascent with no contenders. Every role, every appearance, no matter how small, made the project take off. Having Osamu in a project was synonymous with success.
At least, it was until he turned 15.
At 15, Dazai found himself on a thin line brought about by the consequences of fame. Surrounded by a world of drinks and nighttime dangers, Dazai felt embraced by the dark side of fame.
At 18, Osamu stepped away from his acting career. He needed a break from the spotlight and to clean himself from all the vices he had started in his adolescence. The media portrayed him as a comet in eruption disguised as a shooting star—if the media didn't want Dazai Osamu, then it wouldn't have him. Dazai distanced himself from screens and public scrutiny.
Now, at 22, Osamu was preparing for his comeback to the prestigious world of cinema, and when the cast was announced, people were stunned. Dazai's return after 4 years away from the stage. The return was so sudden that the media had no choice but to remind the public of Dazai's difficult phase.
His return was in a minor role in a drama film, the same film where you were one of the stars. You're a model represented by Fyodor Dostoevsky who landed this role by chance. It was a simple equation: good agents, beauty, charisma, and connections. There was no way your career could go wrong.
Despite the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, the atmosphere on set was anything but glamorous. From the moment filming began, it was clear that the animosity between you and Dazai was more than just a clash of egos—it was a full-blown feud.
Every interaction was laced with tension, each scene a battle for dominance. Behind the camera, snide remarks and passive-aggressive jabs were exchanged with alarming frequency, as you and Dazai vied for control of the spotlight.
But as the days turned into weeks, a begrudging respect began to simmer beneath the surface. Despite your mutual disdain, there was no denying the undeniable chemistry that crackled between you on screen. And as much as you hated to admit it, Dazai's talent was matched only by your own.
Yet, even as you grudgingly acknowledged each other's skill, the bitterness between you remained palpable. Every success felt like a personal affront, every compliment a thinly veiled insult. And as the pressure mounted, so too did the intensity of your rivalry.
But amidst the chaos and conflict, a glimmer of opportunity emerged. As filming progressed, it became increasingly clear that the success of the project hinged on your ability to set aside your differences and work together towards a common goal.
And so, begrudgingly, you and Dazai began to cooperate—not out of friendship or camaraderie, but out of sheer necessity. As the stakes grew higher and the deadline loomed closer, you found yourselves reluctantly setting aside your differences in pursuit of a greater good.
But, returning to the premiere of the film you were starring in: the after party was perfect. Only the most renowned people, the most coveted celebrities, all of it without any paparazzi or interviewer to disrupt the moment. That was the perfect opportunity to establish connections with the big names in the media. But, honestly, at that moment, all you wanted was to enjoy good drinks and soak in the energy of the place, having a well-deserved rest.
Navigating the treacherous waters of the entertainment industry had always been a challenge, but nothing could have prepared you for the tumultuous journey that came with co-starring in another film alongside the enigmatic Dazai. The tension between you two was palpable, a constant undercurrent of rivalry and animosity that colored every interaction.
Now, amidst the glittering lights and pulsating energy of the after party, with the paparazzi and interviewers finally gone, you hoped for a moment of respite. A chance to unwind and revel in the success of the film, to bask in the glow of your hard-earned achievements. But fate had other plans.
As you sipped your drink, a familiar voice sliced through the air, pulling you from your reverie. It was Dazai, his words laden with urgency and mystery. "Meet me in the bathroom," he murmured, before disappearing into the crowd. His abrupt departure left you both bewildered and irritated, a perfect encapsulation of your tumultuous relationship.
You and Dazai had always clashed on set, your fiery personalities and fierce ambition fueling a rivalry that bordered on hatred. Every scene was a battleground, every interaction a test of wills. And yet, beneath the surface animosity, there was a begrudging respect—a recognition of each other's talent and determination.
But as you made your way to the designated meeting spot, the backstage area cloaked in shadows and secrecy, you couldn't help but wonder what game Dazai was playing now. What could he possibly want from you?
As you rounded the corner, you found Dazai waiting for you, his expression inscrutable. The air crackled with tension, the weight of unspoken words hanging between you like a veil. And in that moment, you realized that whatever lay ahead, it would be anything but predictable.
You walked to the bathroom concerned. What the hell Dazai would want with you? You hate to admit it, but you’re kind of curious.
“Oh, well.” You said looking at the tall man with brown hair and mysterious eyes. “The demon prodigy want to talk to me. What an honor. Should I thank God for this?” You said with the voice dripping sarcasm as you roll your eyes.
The bathroom was empty and quiet. The place reeked of cigarette smell. Dazai was waiting there with a slight smile on his face. As soon as he saw you, he quickly put out his cigarette and threw the bud to the dumpster.
“Why so nervous?” His tone was taunting. He was leaning against the wall while talking to you.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You retort. “I’m trying to enjoy this after party but, damn, you really want to ruin everything.”
“Ruining it… or making it more interesting?” Dazai crossed his arms and smirked. His tone was still annoying. “Oh, don’t be so dramatic. Like always.” Dazai muttered. You could see he was trying to make you angry.
“I wanted to talk with you in private. Since we’re having another film together. I want to propose something to you, since our reputation is on the line…” He said slowly.
“Our reputation?” You said laughter than you planned. “Oh, please. You’re the one who couldn’t resist to alcohol at 15. You’re the one who fucked up your image to the midia. Don’t put me into your twisted games.”
“Just listen before you go all ‘I hate you!’ On me, I get enough of that from the paparazzi.” Dazai said with a fake laugh.
Dazai stayed silent for a few seconds.
“You know how the rumor mill always says we are both in a relationship?” He sighed. “That’s not a problem to me. In fact, I believe it’s even better for us. I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend and feed the media with the idea that we are dating—“ You abruptly cut him off.
“Oh, don’t even come with this. I get enough bad ideas from my agent. I don’t need even more.”
Dazai's smirk widened at your reaction, his gaze unwavering. "I understand your hesitation, but think about it," he urged, his voice taking on a persuasive tone. "This could be mutually beneficial for both of us. Imagine the headlines, the buzz surrounding our 'relationship.' It would catapult us into the spotlight like never before."
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. "And what about the fallout when the truth inevitably comes out?" you countered, your tone dripping with skepticism. "We'd be crucified by the media, branded as frauds and manipulators. Is that really the kind of attention you want?"
Dazai's expression softened slightly, a hint of vulnerability flickering in his eyes. "I know it's risky," he admitted, his voice quieter now. "But think about what we could achieve together. With our combined talent and charisma, we could dominate the industry. This could be our ticket to the top."
You hesitated, torn between your reservations and the tantalizing prospect of fame and success. The allure of the spotlight was undeniable, but at what cost? Could you really trust Dazai to have your best interests at heart, or was this just another one of his manipulative schemes?
As you weighed your options, the air between you crackled with tension, the silence stretching taut with unspoken possibilities. And in that moment, you knew that whatever decision you made would irrevocably alter the course of your career—and perhaps your life.
For a moment, you considered leaving, quitting the project before it even began, but the thought of walking away from such a high-profile opportunity filled you with dread. Instead, you looked back at Dazai, your expression unreadable. "I guess I have no choice," you said ironically. "If you insist on being such a jerk, I'll play your game. But remember, you're the one who's going to end up regretting this. Just wait until I show my true colors, and the world sees what a fucking asshole you really are."
With those words, You turned your back on Dazai, ignoring his derisive snort as you walked out of the room. You could feel his eyes burning into your back, and for a moment, you wondered if you had made the right decision. But then you reminded herself that you didn't need to like him; you only needed to tolerate him. After all, there was no way you could afford to lose your job over their petty feud.
Osamu couldn't help but smirk as he watched you storm off, your back rigid with anger and defiance. He had never cared about your opinion, but he still found himself curious about your reaction to his antics. There was something about your fierce determination and independence that intrigued him, and he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you ever decided to fight back against him.
Without thinking, Dazai grabbed you by the arm. “Hey, I’m still talking to you, belladonna.” He smirked. “Don’t think you could run away from me so easily.”
“Huh? Get lost!” You said firmly. “Don’t you dare touch me.” You gnashed your teeth while stepping closer to him, stepping on his foot.
Dazai’s grin widened as he felt your foot press down on his foot. It was clear that you were furious, and he reveled in the knowledge that he had managed to rile you up so quickly.
"Oh, come on, sweetheart. You know you love it when I tease you like this," he said, trying to sound casual. "It's part of my charm." His smile turned mischievous. "Besides, I think I deserve some credit for getting you to stay after all."
“Oh, don’t be so cheeky.” You said while rolling your eyes. He was still holding your arm, like he didn’t want to let you go.
"I am being cheeky, hmm?" Osamu retorted, his voice low and dangerous. "And you know it. Don't play innocent, sweetheart. We both know you secretly enjoy the attention I give you."
"I do not!" You spat, glaring at him. "You are such a jerk."
"Is that so?" Dazai asked, his tone still light and carefree "I am?" Osamu arched an eyebrow. "You really believe that, don't you?" He leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. "You know you want me to keep doing it, right?"
"Shut up! I hate you, demon prodigy. You know how much I dislike you?” You said stepping on his foot even more heavily. Putting your face close to his.
Osamu laughed, the sound harsh and unpleasant. "So, you say you hate me?" He took a step closer, pressing his body against yours. "Well, I hate you too, sweetheart. But we can't seem to get rid of each other, can we?"
He moved his hand up to cup your face, turning your head so their gazes locked. "But that doesn't mean I can't make your life miserable, does it?" Your faces were to close, a single word could make your lips touch.
The air between you seemed to crackle with tension as Dazai looked into your eyes. His thumb brushed over your lower lip, tracing its outline. "If you don't want me to keep bothering you, then you should tell me to stop. If you do, I'll back off and leave you alone."
“Just shut up.” You said and finally pressed your lips against his.
Your tongues tangled together, Dazai's fingers digging into your hair, pulling your head back slightly. He was rough, demanding, and yet there was something undeniably compelling about the kiss.
As if he couldn't help himself, he deepened the kiss, taking control of the situation completely.
Osamu gripped you tightly, using all his strength to hold you in place. When he pulled away, he let out a loud laugh, a harsh bark of humorless mirth. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Osamu broke away from the kiss, leaving you panting and gasping for air. His breath was hot against your skin, his eyes dark and hungry.
Osamu smirked, the smug expression making your blood boil. “I think you're enjoying it,” he murmured, his voice low and dangerous. “You know what? I'm going to keep doing it until you beg me to stop.”
He grabbed your hands and pulled you above your head, pinning you against the wall. “Now, let's see how long you can last before you give in to my charms, hmm?”
Dazai leaned in again, pressing his body against yours once more. This time, he didn't use his tongue; instead, he bit down hard on your bottom lip.
“Fuck…” You said between heavy breaths.
“Mmm, that's my girl.” Dazai grinned, showing off his teeth. “Keep screaming out your protests, sweetheart. I love it when you fight me like this. Makes it all the more fun.”
With that, he licked at your lower lip, sucking it into his mouth. Then, he released it, only to bite down harder. The pain was intense, almost unbearable, but it also had a strange sort of pleasure attached to it.
Osamu's hand moved to your breast, cupping it through your dress. He squeezed it gently, then twisted it, causing her nipple to pierce through the fabric. The sensation was both excruciating and exquisite.
“A-Ah! Fuck!” You yelled, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Osamu laughed softly, his smile growing wider. “You're so cute when you get mad,” he said, still holding onto your breast. “But remember, you asked for this, sweetheart. You wanted to play with the big boys, right?”
He released your breast, letting go of it. Instead, he began to run his fingers up and down your spine, making sure to tease you wherever possible. As he did so, he gave you breasts a rough tug, forcing your chest to arch upwards.
“Now, tell me, do you want me to continue or should I stop?” he asked, his tone casual and nonchalant. Osamu knew that he could push you to the breaking point, but he also knew that you would never say no to him.
You were breathless, your heart racing. Your cheeks were flushed, and you couldn't help but feel hot and bothered by his actions. It was clear that he enjoyed tormenting you, and you found yourself wondering if you should just let him have his way with you.
You hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to answer his question. Finally, you spoke, your voice barely audible over your panting. “... Fuck. Just keep going.”
Osamu nodded, his grin widening even further. “As you wish, my dear,” he said, giving you another hard pinch between your legs. This time, however, he made sure to rub against your thigh, pressing it against your sensitive flesh.
The sensation was incredibly intense, and it left you feeling exposed and vulnerable. But you didn't seem to mind; instead, you moaned softly, your body reacting to the stimulation.
Dazai's hands roamed across your back, tracing every curve and line. His fingers brushed against your skin, leaving trails of heat and desire in their wake. He grabbed hold of your ass, squeezing it tightly, before giving it a sharp smack.
“I'm going to fuck you, dear.” he whispered, his voice low and seductive. “I'm going to make you mine, and I'll never let you go.”
He leaned in close, his lips brushing against hers.
The sensation of his finger pressing against your entrance made you shudder, your skin feeling sensitive and exposed. It was then that you realized just how vulnerable you was in this situation, and it scared you. But for some reason, it was addictive.
Still, you didn't back away from him, even though you knew he had the power to hurt you. Instead, you just looked at him, you eyes wide and pleading.
“Please, Osamu. Please, keep going.”
Osamu chuckled, his amusement evident in the twinkle of his eyes. He leaned back slightly, keeping his finger pressed firmly against your entrance as he glanced up at you.
“You're adorable when you beg, sweetheart. So cute and pathetic. But you know what? You asked for this, so you get exactly what you deserve.”
Without warning, he pulled his finger out of you, leaving you aching and needy.
Osamu chuckled, his smile wicked and predatory. He continued to tease you, gently rubbing your clit and pushing his finger deeper into you tight hole.
“You're such a good girl, aren't you?” he said, his voice dripping with mockery. “So obedient and submissive, like a dog. Always ready to do whatever your master tells you to do. But I bet you haven't ever asked what your master wants, right? I mean, it's only fair to ask before you start serving him, isn't it?”
The moment he pulled out, you whimpered, your body desperate for more. You wanted to cry out, to beg him to continue, but you knew it would only encourage him further. So instead, you just watched him, waiting for his next move.
As he sat up, you noticed something odd about his expression—it was almost as if he was enjoying himself. And yet, there was something cruel about the way he was treating you, something that made you want to run away from him.
But you couldn't leave. Not when he had you trapped in this bathroom.
“Dazai…” you said, your voice trembling slightly. “What do you want from me?”
Osamu laughed again, a harsh sound that echoed through the small space. His gaze never left hers as he spoke.
“I'm doing this because I hate you,” he said simply. “I think you're a terrible actress, and I can't stand the sight of you. Plus, it's fun to see you squirm and beg for mercy.
He reached over and grabbed your arm, pulling you close enough that your bodies were practically touching. He let go of you, however, and stood up, taking a few steps backward.
“Now, come here, belladonna. I want to fuck you until you beg for my cum.”
You sit down on the cold sink of bathroom and spread your legs, waiting for him.
Osamu smirked at your submission, a dark satisfaction curling deep within him. He walked towards you, his every step heavy with purpose and determination. When he finally reached you, he took hold of your hips and began to push your legs apart, making sure you were fully exposed and vulnerable.
He leaned in close, his breath hot against your skin as he whispered in your ear. “You know how much I hate you, right? Well, I hate you even more when you look like this, all pretty and helpless. It makes me feel powerful.”
With that, he released your hips and took hold of your thighs, lifting them off the ground and exposing your cunt completely.
As soon as he lifted your legs, you could feel his hardness pressing against your sensitive flesh. You shivered, feeling the chill of the air on your most intimate parts. Your heart raced, fear coursing through your veins. But still, you didn't try to stop him or fight back. Instead, you waited, your eyes wide and filled with fear and anticipation.
Osamu smirked once more before pushing into your tight, wet entrance. The sensation was intense, almost painful, but he continued to press forward, slowly filling you with his thick member. He gently rocked his hips, causing his cock to rub against your walls in a way that felt both rough and pleasurable.
As he did so, he couldn't help but grind out words against your neck. “Fuck, you're so tight. You'll be begging for my cum soon enough.”
The pressure inside you grew unbearable, but you tried not to let it show. Instead, you bit your lip and tried to focus on something else, anything else. All you could think about was how much you hated him, how much you wanted to make him suffer. But the thought of doing so only made you feel guilty and ashamed.
Osamu moaned softly, his voice low and rumbling against your neck. His hands clenched tightly onto your thighs, keeping your legs raised and exposed as he continued to pound into your with fierce intensity. He was determined to get what he wanted, and he would do whatever it took to make you suffer.
The sound of his moans echoed throughout the bathroom, the only thing breaking the silence besides their heavy breathing. Despite the fact that he was clearly enjoying himself, there was no love or affection in his actions; rather, it was all fueled by anger and hatred.
The tension in the room was palpable, and you found yourself unable to move or speak. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, and every time he moved, it caused your insides to writhe and protest. The thought of having sex with someone you hated so much was sickening, but at this point, you had no choice but to endure it.
You tried to bite down on your own lip, hoping to muffle some of the sounds of discomfort that were escaping your mouth. But it was no use; your moans were too loud and too frequent for you to keep quiet. And even though you knew that he would only use it against you later, you couldn't help but give in to the pleasure, however small it may be.
Osamu groaned out loud, his voice rough and strained as he felt his orgasm approaching. It was almost painful, the way he had to force himself to continue moving. But he wouldn't stop until he had finished, and when he finally did, he collapsed on top of you, his weight crushing you against the bathroom sink.
He pulled out of her with a grunt, his eyes still closed as he tried to catch his breath. Then, without warning, he reached up and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. When you opened your mouth to say something, he cut her off with a harsh glare.
"You think you can get away with your little tricks?" he growled, his tone dark and threatening. "Well, guess again."
He felt his climax approaching, so he released all inside of you, and as soon as you left, Dazai let out a sigh, his face twisting into a scowl. "Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath. "Why does she have to be so difficult? It's like pulling teeth to get anything out of her. This is going to be a nightmare." He plopped down on the couch, rubbing his temples in frustration. "I swear, sometimes I wish I could just strangle her and be done with it."
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
also guess who’s back can i ask for a athena!daugter reader where it’s kinda like Annabeth trying to tell the reader that “hey clarisse is bad she tried to fucking kill percy she’s evil” and the reader us kinda tries to convince her that Clarisse really isn’t that bad😔
(i love your work girl and your end memes please do more 🔥‼️)
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She’s the only one I got
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of Athena reader
An- fun-fact clarisse loves Dr Pepper It’s cannon Go read the sea of monsters. She’s literally perfect I can’t
An pt 2 - I Hope this is ok i wasn’t really sure what to write but it’s ok bc I’m just a girl
Pt 1 — Pt 2
Palestine aid link
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“Are you serious?!” Annabeth yelled, a few of your other siblings backing her up.
You however were standing infront of the full length mirror inside your cabin fixing your outfit which was a pair of bellebottoms and a camp sweater. “Look Annie i get your our counselor and your the smartest out of us all but your not the smartest when it comes to relationships”
“And now she’s starting to sound like an Aphrodite kid” Malcom your brother rolled his eyes before returning to his book. You shot him a hateful look. “All right fine Your right I don’t get relationships like you but I do know clarisse”
“Really?” You sarcastically spoke just wanting the argument to be over. Grabbing some hoops you were deciding between the two different pairs. “Yeah, Clarisse is a hateful arrogant and rude person. She makes fun of our cabin with her siblings and didn’t she use to make fun of you to”
Deciding on the star shape hoop you put the earring in. “Fine! Fine ok I get it but I promise you clarisse is not like that ok she’s sweet, she loves me Annie why don’t you get that” you sighed facing your sister.
The shorter girl crossed her arms, leaning against a desk inside the studious cabin. “Because she’s a bitch”
“I’m 12 why are you giving me shit for cussing you cuss”
“Because I’m 16 you’ve still got two years before you morally can curse now stop.. damn about to make me get Luke” you sighed shaking your head. Facing back to the mirror you analyzed your look.
Annabeth rolled her eyes looking away for some time before facing you once again. “I still don’t trust you being alone with her..”
After finally having enough you turned towards the wiser girl. “Know what fine you can spy on us during our date today, then you’ll see she’s not such a terrible person and you’ll finally get off my ass… deal” you crossed your arms looking down at annabeth.
Your younger sister looked around for a moment feeling somewhat threatened by you before nodding in defeat. “Great” you sighed stepping back, grabbing a small drawstring bag and a book on the stars, you threw on your shoes before leaving.
You were sitting in a clearing in the woods, a blanket set out with some strawberries and a pack of Dr Pepper you bought from the Hermes cabin. Annabeth was positioned behind a tree with her cap of invisibility on.
Eventually clarisse showed up. “Five minutes late” you jokingly chastised her.
“Shut up I’m on time” she scoffed sitting down beside you on the blanket. Pulling you into her some she kissed you softly. Her hands finding themselves on your waist
Bringing yourself back you leaned over grabbing a soda, handing it over to the curly haired girl. “Mmhm so how was running around like a fool for the entire morning?”
Clarisse rolled her eyes taking the drink In a harsh joking manner. “First of all its called training and secondly it was actually alot of fun, how was staying up all night to just watch some stupid dots in the sky”
Scrunching your nose at the girl you gave her a sarcastic look. “Yeah you think your so funny huh”
“Yeah I do”
“Mmhm” you knew clarisse was looking at your lips— she wasn’t subtle about it. Tired of her just imagining it you leaned in kissing her again. The playful banter between you two faded away while clarisse deepened the kiss
As much as you wanted to makeout with your girlfriend you weren’t doing it infront of your sister. Pulling back you placed a hand on clarisses arm while darting your eyes to some trees around you with a smile.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows but made a signal to her head almost mimicking a hat. Nodding you knew clarisse understood annabeth was spying on you two.
“Whatever this is stupid” clarisse gave you a teasing look. “What being on a date with your girlfriend? Yeah it’s so stupid” you responded in the same tone.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not. What I meant” shaking her head you watched as clarisse reached over to her spear grabbing a plastic bag.
Handing it over to you you looked inside. “No way clarisse did you”
“Yeah I did. Your not gonna embarrass me about it if I own up to it” she continued to mess with you. Opening the bag you smiled as your girlfriend made you chocolate chip cookies with the nymphs in the kitchen. “Your the sweetest you know” you becoming flustered while you looked at the treats.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, laying down clarisse moved around to lay her head in your lap. “Woah careful clarisse you might admit you actually like me a boring Athena kid remember”
“Mmhm Same can be said about you what was that about me being a bitchy ares kid?” She bit back. Flicking her forehead lightly just to get back at her.
You smiled while playing with one of the girls curls. You loved clarisse, wanting to proudly say it but worried you’d scare the girl off so for now you’d settle on just this.. cute dates with her, sneaking into her cabin to spend the night with her and just enjoying the silence with her.
After some time you knew annabeth had left after all she had gotten all the proof she needed. Clarisse knew it to.
“I love you” it finally left your lips. You noticed clarisses body tense making you regret the decision immediately. Clarisse however grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I guess I love you to”
“Shut up”
“Why You Said you loved me”
Annabeth - Fine she’s not a bitch
Clarisse - *having a Stare off with annabeth*
Clarisse - do we have a Problem
Y/n - dude..
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jpnriikicore · 9 months
── super shy
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paring stiles stilinski x mccall!reader, word count 1k, genre fluff, authors note ngl this is my fav writing piece i've done so far 🫶🏻( masterlist )
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your standing on the bleachers during a lacrosse practice before tonight’s game. as your a photographer for the year book club you decided to take a few pictures of the lacrosse team for the page that was going to be dedicated to them.
you zoomed your lens in on one player in particular, stiles stilinski. he was talking with the coach - well, more like arguing which wasn’t unusual for the two. you snap a few pictures of him. truth be told, you had a crush on stilinski since fourth grade finding the boy's humor and sarcasm charming.
as he gets back into line to continue to practice he notices you and waves at you. you back away from the camera shyly waving back at him.
you sit down on the bleachers searching through your bag to find a different lens. you were too busy with finding the lens that you completely ignored the sound of someone walking up the bleachers.
"you coming to the game tonight?" his voice slightly startled you as you look up at him. he knew that it was a stupid question. you came to every single game, but he got to nervous and just asked the first question that came to his mind.
he was always incredibly nervous in front of you. either he’s to shy to talk to you which like never happens when talking with anyone else. if you asked everybody else in the school if stiles was talkative or not they would reply that stiles never shuts up. or he would ramble on about the most stupidest topics. well, he believed that it was stupid, but you didn’t you find it to add to his charm and personality.
"yeah!" you nodded looking up at him.
"stilinski!" coach yelled grabbing the attention of the two teenagers.
"see you there," he pointed finger guns at her. she smiled at the playful action. "i-i gotta go get back to practice." he pointed with his thumb behind towards the field.
"yeah, okay. see you at the game stilinski."
luckily, stiles wasn’t on the bench anymore and actually got to play. you sat down on the bleachers next the sheriff and your mom, melissa. like normal game day your wearing braids with red ribbons and a red sweater due to the cold weather with the number '11' on the back to support your brother.
you bought your camera to take a few more pictures. though you tried to take pictures of all of the players fairly for the yearbook you couldn’t help, but notice that the majority of the pictures you took was of stiles. you put your camera down to focus on the game happening in front of you. you looked over to the scoreboard taking notice that beacon hills was winning a few points ahead.
stiles glanced over at you and now is completely emerged about the thought of you. his mind wasn’t focused on the game by any means. you looked too alluring making all his interest go on you. the wind moves a few pieces of your hair that managed to get loose from your braids that exposed '24' painted in red on your cheek. it was a small subtle thing, but it made butterflies irrupt in his stomach.
he managed to get his focus back on the game after getting snapped back into reality by scott. he threw the ball into the net scoring the last point for beacon hills to win. while the other players celebrated he searched for you in the crowd that formed on the field.
you snapped a few more pictures of the players celebrating after the win before packing up your camera equipment which lead to you being one of the last ones to get off the bleachers. you walked through the crowd trying to find your brother to tell him congratulations.
stiles found you first though rushing up to you lifting you up from the ground spinning you around. in shock a few giggles escaped your mouth. a rush of excitement and adrenaline filled stiles as his body reacted before his mind could comprehend what he was doing. he kissed you.
"do you want to go on a date with me?" the words slipped without him thinking by the time he realized it was too late to backtrack his question. he swallowed nervously waiting for your answer.
"i would love to." you nodded, smiling up at him. you held his hand as you walk to the parking lot to your truck. you could tell your brother congratulations once he got home.
you chuck your camera equipment in the passenger seat through the rolled down window of the drivers seat. once you turns around to face stiles once again he trapped you between his body and the truck. his hand resting on the truck and the other carefully cradling your jaw. he leans in kissing you yet again. you melted into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer. you could definitely get used to this.
"can i see the pictures you took?" he mumbled against your lips.
"yeah." you nodded reaching for the bag that sitting in the driver seat and unzips it getting the camera. you turn to him as you turn the camera on handing it to him. a bright smile paints his face.
"seems like you have a crush on someone." he teased, playfully pushing his shoulder on yours. you looks down in embarrassment kicking the small pebbles in the parking lot with you shoe.
"i've had a crush on you since fourth grade." you admitted lowly.
"i've had a crush on you since we met in the sandbox."
your face lit up at his confession. one night could truly change everything. at one point of tonight you was just childhood friends now you planned on going on a date next friday and kissed twice within the span of five minutes. what you believed was unrequited love for so many years turns out not to be as unrequited as what you believed.
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matryosika · 8 months
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Incoming Call
Pairing — Hyunjin x fem!reader Wordcount — 3,394 words Genre — Smut (18+) Includes — Suggestive content. Smut warnings under the cut. Author's note — This honestly came out of the blue. I was just feeling like phone sex and exhibitionism and this is what I ended up writing, haha. I hope you like it, it's just a silly little drabble in which my writer's block didn't get the best of me. I am actually proud I could come up with something, but it's not as filthy as other of my works. Please remember that english is not my first language, so i apologize for any mistakes in advanced! If you wish to support my blog further, please reblog and comment, leave an ask and check my pinned post for my ko-fi!
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Smut warnings — Dirty talk. Phone sex and exhibitionism if you squint. Masturbation (m), Hyunjin is kind of a perv but it's very very tame. Use of petnames (baby), mentions of creampies, and other sexual fantasies. Hyunjin is needy and desperate. Reader's mom interrupts the hated moment (not cool!).
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Time zones. 
By far your most terrible enemies these days. 
It wasn't only the jet lag that threw you off from coming back home, but the abysmal time difference between you and your boyfriend —he goes to bed right before you wake up, and his most active time is when you are about to sleep. 
It has been a couple of days, but texting with him has been an absolute nightmare. 
“It’s only a week,” you reassured him as he waved you goodbye at the airport. His lower lip was slightly pouting, and his usually straight eyebrows were raised in a subtle furrow. “I’m sure you’ll live, Hyunjin”. 
“Yeah but I wanted to come with you,” there was genuine pity in his voice and you knew he meant it —he never misses a chance to join you on your trips back home, or meeting your parents.  
Because of how busy he has been, and the fact that this trip was practically nonexistent a week before, he just couldn't ask for a time off at work this time.
“We’re spending Christmas there this year,” you tried to cheer him up, rubbing his arm with solace, “time flies by, anyways”. 
Hyunjin nodded, resigning himself to the imminent struggle of being hours and miles apart from each other.
“Text me when you get there, yeah?” He planted a chaste kiss on your forehead and held you tightly. “Text me all the time, I’ll reply when I can, okay?”
You nodded against his chest, and kept his promise throughout the whole trip. 
You texted him when you got to your home country, and you also texted him a picture of your first meal there. You told him all about the weather, how happy your parents were to see you after a while and the things you missed the most.
He promised he would reply when he could, but you knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Or at least not for a couple of more hours, until he woke up.
And basically, that has been the whole dynamic all along —you text him everything about your day at a given time, and he texts you everything about his day at a given time as well. There's very little conversation happening in between, but it's understandable.
By day 3, Hyunjin learned to convert time zones. If it is morning for him, it is late afternoon for you. If it is his late night, you're probably just waking up.
He knows when to text you —if he is expecting a quick response— and knows when you're sleeping. Taking all that into account, Hyunjin tries to make the most of the time that's actually convenient for the two of you to talk.
[08:19 a.m., Hyunjin: Baby]
With furrowed eyebrows, your fingers type away faster than your mind can comprehend it. 
[08:19 a.m., You: Shouldn’t you be asleep?]
[08:19 a.m., You: Isn’t it like 11 p.m. in Seoul?]
He is a night owl. Always have been.
But he has been trying really hard to adopt a healthier sleeping schedule, so seeing him online past 10 p.m. it's unusual these days.
“Everything alright?” Your father asks, picking up on the subtle furrow of your brows.
“Yeah, I’m just talking to Hyunjin,” with your phone in one hand, and the other busy with a fork on your breakfast, you await his response. 
“It’s such a shame he couldn’t make it,” your mother adds, “it has been a while since we last met him”.
At that moment, when your mom and dad start talking about how great of a guy he is and how happy they’re to have him as part of the family, your phone vibrates yet again in your hand. 
[08:21 a.m., Hyunjin: Attachment: one image]
[08:21 a.m., Hyunjin: Can you see how much I miss you?]
If it wasn’t for the glass of water you smartly chugged down to hide your coughs, you would have choked on a piece of fruit. Inevitably, and after a failed attempt to conceal the embarrassing moment, your parents' eyes are fixed on you with concern.
“Sorry,” you excuse yourself, cleaning your lips with a napkin while you relentlessly try to put your phone away from anyone’s sight. 
“Are you alright?” your mother asks this time, softly hitting your back 
“Yes,” you nod swiftly. “I just- the food kind of went into the wrong pipe”. 
On your lap, your phone keeps vibrating —one after another, you lose count after message number 4.
[08:22 a.m., Hyunjin: God, I miss your body so much]
[08:22 a.m., Hyunjin: Just want you here for me. Don't want anyone else to have you right now] 
[08:23 a.m., Hyunjin: My hand isn't enough. It doesn't feel like your pussy does]
[08:23 a.m., Hyunjin: Can you come back to me now? Lay underneath me and let me have my way with you?]
[08:24 a.m., Hyunjin: You have no idea how fucking hard I am] 
You gulp loudly.
“What do you think?” It's only when your mother directs a question at you that you snap out of your trance. 
“What do you think about spending Christmas in some beautiful cabins? They're like 45 minutes away from the city,” she continues, offering you some of the context you missed because of Hyunjin’s heated messages.
“Uh, yeah,” you reply with hesitation. Not because of the idea, but because you really can’t process anything other than the warmth between your legs. “I- uh, I have to go to the restroom”. 
For all he knows, you're lying comfortably in your bed as this is around the time you usually wake up. So damned you, for not letting Hyunjin know that today you are having breakfast with your family at a restaurant. And damned him for putting you into an awkward situation without even knowing of it.
[08:25 a.m., Hyunjin: Can I call you?]
[08:25 a.m., Hyunjin: Want to hear your voice]
[08:25 a.m., Hyunjin: Please, talk to me. Tell me anything you want. Just let me hear that pretty voice of yours]
[08:27 a.m., Hyunjin: Fuck it]
[08:27 a.m., Hyunijn: I’m calling you]
Good luck can’t be any more useful than right now, that you enter the restaurant’s restroom with your fingers crossed and an immense feeling of relief when you see every single stall open. 
And, as if on cue, the soft piano melody coming from your phone's speakers tells you that Hyunjin stuck up to his last message. 
“Are you busy?” It’s the first thing he says, with a hoarse voice and a hitched breath. 
“I’m at a restaurant,” you reply with just a little bit of shame in your tone. “With my parents”. 
Your boyfriend lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Shit I’m- I didn’t know, I’m sorry,” you can hear him panicking, maybe because he thinks you're upset. But in reality, it's all quite the opposite. “I’ll call you later just- forget I even- whatever, I’ll call you another time”. 
“No,” you rush to say, locking yourself into one of the bathroom stalls. “Don’t hang up, I can- I’m at the restroom”. 
There's a quick seconds of silence from the other line as Hyunjin gathers the remaining coherent thoughts after getting to hear your voice. “Is it- are there other people there?”
“For now it’s just me,” you reassure him.
“Just you?” He asks, and you hum in response. “I’m sorry for calling it’s just- God, I can’t spend another day without you”. 
The wet, sloppy slow sounds paired with the laziness of his voice can only give you a hint of what he is doing.
“Are you- masturbating?” 
It's not like you're a prude, but this whole thing is taking you by surprise. You're always together, so there's no need for phone sex or anything of that sort. Sexting isn’t unusual, but this is definitely a first.
“Yeah,” he replies with a raspy scoff. “Want me to stop?”
“No, I- no,” when you encourage him to continue, the lewd, wet sounds start to become more and more frequent —increasingly loud for you to hear them, “keep going”. 
Hyunjin lets out a deep sigh of frustration.
“Do you miss me too?” he asks, biting down his lower lip to prevent any whimpers from falling from them. 
“Yes,” with shortness of breath you admit. “I miss you too,”.
“Yeah?” He whispers under his breath, letting small grunts make their way to your ears. “I miss you badly. Can’t stop thinking about you- shit, can’t stop thinking about how pretty you look when you’re naked in my bed”. 
The compliments, all together, make your cheeks and body grow hotter. But inevitably, they force you to fix your gaze under the bathroom stall, in that little gap between it and the floor. There’s no sound nor signals of footsteps approaching, but the adrenaline of hearing him say such dirty things when you're out in public is definitely a new experience.
You can't say you hate it.
“Baby,” Hyunjin moans. And although you can’t see it, you can take a wild guess what he looks like right now: head kicked back, legs spread, his hand and dick glistening with lube, or lotion, or maybe spit. You can picture how pretty his face is right now, contorted in pleasure, with his lips all swollen from licking and biting them, eyes completely white while he bucks his hips up against his fist. “Talk to me, tell me about your plans for the day”.
You can’t help but laugh a little in the midst of the tension. 
“You want me to- talk about my day while you masturbate?”
“Well,” he scoffs under his breath. “I don’t expect you to say dirty stuff while you’re locked in a public restroom where anyone can walk in”. 
“Right,” you nod to yourself. “But I don't understand what that would do for you”. 
“I like your voice,” your boyfriend lets out a deep exhale of relief. “I can get off just by listening to it, doesn’t matter what you’re talking about”.
“You’re crazy,” a soft chuckle falls from your lips. “You’re not even going to pay attention to me”.
“Please?” you can hear a small whimper, and that alone convinces you. 
“Okay well,” you clear your throat before continuing, wondering how this could arouse him. But he is asking you something that is nowhere near difficult, so you comply. “I’m having breakfast with my parents right now”. 
“Aha,” Hyunjin hums, and if you play close attention you can hear his hand sliding up and down his cock. All you're left with is your imagination. “Keep going”.
“I will meet with a friend later, we’re going to grab some coffee”. 
Despite the weirdness of it all, there's something enticing about knowing he is using you, in some way, to get off. You're only talking about your day. But knowing your boyfriend is masturbating to the sound of your voice is arousing.
“Then I’ll go back home, get some work done,” you continue. “Think about you, think about how much I miss you right now”. 
The line goes silent, except for a mixture of gasps and groans. 
“You’re going to think about me?” Hyunjin asks, his silky voice sending shivers down your spine. “You’re going to touch yourself thinking about me?”
“Yes,” of course he doesn't expect you to talk dirty to him. But that never meant he couldn't say that kind of stuff to you. At that, you're at a disadvantage. No matter how turned on you're getting, there's nothing you can do about it and Hyunjin sort of feels thrilled because of it.
“You’re going to fuck my pussy with those fingers of you?”
God, how much you hate him for that. How he talks about your body as if it is his, reminding you that you belong to him and him only. 
You only hate it because it never fails to arouse you.
“Y-yes Hyune,” you reply, swallowing thickly. You're aware you can't say anything too obscene, but you still can engage in that kind of conversation without airing yourself too much. “Or should I- use something else?” 
“You packed your toys?” your boyfriend lets out a satisfied groan at your hum of agreement. You two are just so alike. “Which one are you using tonight, baby?”
“The transparent one”.
“The transparent one?” he thinks about it for a second, and immediately remembers which one you're referring to. “Thought you were going for the wand because it's your favorite, but I'm guessing you miss feeling full?”
“Aha,” you exhale. “Yes, I- miss it so bad”.
“You miss my cock stretching that tight pussy of yours?” At that, the wet movements become louder. “Stretch it nice and open for me baby, make sure to prep yourself every day for when you get back”. 
You bite your nails. “What’s going to happen when I get back?”
The answer is rather obvious, but you want to hear it from him.
“I’m going to make you come until you pass out,” Hyunjin bites his lips and kicks his head back, reminiscing all those times where you’ve come around his cock, fingers and tongue. “Make it up to you for all the days you've been away”. 
You can feel the pooling wetness in your underwear, the minimum squeeze of your thighs against each other is a constant reminder of it. 
“You miss my lips against your pussy like I do?” he asks, letting out a liberating gasp. “You miss tasting yourself off of me while we kiss?”
“You know I do,” you gulp loudly, caressing your lips with the tip of your fingers. God, how much you miss feeling his against yours.
They’re so soft, and velvety, and they know exactly how to kiss and bite you.
“I’m so close,” Hyunjin announces, and you feel your nipples hardening underneath your underwear at the despair in his voice. “I just- wish you were here, want to come all over your face, and body, make you swallow me full”. 
You want to say something, anything, but his words have much of a chokehold on you. You'll give anything to taste him, to kneel in front of him right now and open your mouth wide for him. 
You miss his taste, miss kissing him afterwards in between whines and grunts.
“I would grab your hair really tightly,” he explains, increasing the speed of his sounds. “I’d push my cock deep inside that pretty mouth of yours, have you gagging and drooling all over it”. 
Between his overwhelming words, and the loud sound of someone barging through the door of the restroom, you mutter a quick "can't talk anymore" before going completely silent.
“Honey, are you okay?”
You close your eyes, trying to focus on both parts: Hyunjin’s moans, and the way your mother is standing right outside your bathroom stall.
“It has been like 10 minutes, your father and I got worried”.
Your boyfriend lets out a teasing scoff, one that only you can hear.
“She’s asking you a question,” Hyunjin murmurs, still with a hitched breath. “Aren’t you going to answer?”
“I’m fine,” you rush to say. “Just- having a stomachache”. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? I’ve got some medicine in my bag,” of course she did. She always does, ever since you were little.
“Maybe you should tell her the truth,” the voice from the other line calls. “Tell her that you’re busy making me come”.
Immediately, your eyes open like plates and you wonder if the sound of the phone is too loud  for your mom to hear it inside the quiet restroom. 
“I forgot!” you snap, practically yell out loud. “I forgot you carried those with you”.
“Want me to bring them to you?”
You hear the faucet running, and Hyunjin chuckling slowly. At least she isn’t standing right outside the stall, but you’re still not at ease. 
“Y-yeah, please,” on the line, Hyunjin is waiting for the perfect moment to interrupt. 
Those two words are enough to send him to the edge. Despite the lack of sexual connotations, hearing you beg for anything it’s enough to arouse him.
“Ah, but I’ll have to bring you some water too,” your mother explains. “Maybe you can have it when you return to the table?”
“No!” You insist, all in an attempt to kick her away from the restroom. “Please, I need it right now. Please?” 
“Are you going to beg for me like that too?” Hyunjin groans through the line, not caring if anyone can hear him. Also not caring about interrupting your conversation. “Are you going to open your legs for me and beg for my dick like you’re begging right now?”
You almost choke on your own saliva, but the feeling quickly goes away when you hear your mother mutter an “okay, alright” before walking out the restroom door with a mission of easing your fake stomach ache.
“I almost get caught,” you gasp, only when a couple of seconds pass after she leaves. 
“Then hang up,” his shakily breath only tells you he is not that far from coming. Especially after hearing your voice again, pleading for whatever it was you were asking. 
“No,” you shake your head. “Want to hear you, please”. 
“Want to hear how I come for you?” he chuckles. “Want to her how I moan your name while I come thinking about how much I wish I was fucking you?”.
In a whisper, you hum quietly. 
“So dirty,” he is getting closer. “So, so f-fucking dirty. I can tell you’re enjoying this, even while you're out in public. Maybe you'll like it if i were to fuck you right there, while your parents wait for us at the table?”. 
You cover your mouth in surprise, trying to muffle a gasp.
“I would love to come inside you right now, pull up your panties and force you to spend the rest of the day with my cum leaking out of you,” he lets out another loud, choked groan before continuing to elaborate on the fantasy. “You'd be so wet, you wouldn't know if you're turned on or it's just my cum”.
“You’re insane,” you whisper under your breath.
“Yeah?” Hyunjin asks teasingly, slurring his words in between moans. “I know you are too, baby. I don’t even need to take a look at you to know you’re probably dripping just by my words, right?”
Damned him.
“And I know I’m not too out of my mind when I say you would let me fuck you right then and there, where everyone could hear you and anyone could walk in,” at that, the lewd noises increase. “Might even let me finger you underneath the table, right? Bet you would love to have my fingers deep inside you while you try to pretend you don’t”. 
“And I know I’m not too out of my mind when I say you would let me fuck you right then and there, where everyone could hear you and anyone could walk in,” at that, the lewd noises increase. “Might even let me finger you underneath the table, right? Bet you would love to have my fingers deep inside you while you try to pretend you don’t”. 
Oh you're definitely going to cancel all your plans for the day. Might even book an early fly.
Anything, just to see him soon.
“God,” Hyunjin exhales, and it’s between quiet moans that you realize he is coming. “F-fuck, ‘m coming so fucking much”.
You can picture it. His tone abdomen all glistening with sweat and cum, shining brightly underneath the dim light of your room. His cock is probably red, and swollen, and twitching while he overcomes his high.
Fuck, damned be Hyunjin for making you ruin your panties this early in the morning.
“So much,” he repeats, fingers trailing the lines of his abdomen as he collects his arousal off of it. “Too sad it went to waste, I would’ve preferred to fuck it back inside of you”.
“I hate you,” you finally breathe, both in relief and frustration. “I hate how much I miss you”.
“Then come home soon,” your boyfriend pouts.
And honestly? You might.
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you-til-i-die · 2 months
wishin’ I could write my name on it
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f.odair x fem!reader
summary: a sneak peak into you and finnick’s lives
warnings/content: I wrote and edited this all in one sitting so if it’s absolute shit that’s why<3 district four victor!r, r is said to have throw up a few times, but none of it is graphic. mentions of blood and sex trafficking, cannon-typical shit really, swearing
song: august - ts
wc: 1.9k
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You and Finnick have one rule.
Don’t talk about it. Don’t ask about it. Don’t acknowledge it.
When the two of you are together, you can just forget about it. You can hang out on the beaches of District Four and pretend like these aren’t your lives.
But they are.
And it always somehow seeps through the cracks.
It’s in the way Finnick’s eyes are dull and empty the first few days after a trip to the capitol.
It’s in the way your laugh has morphed into a short bark.
It’s everywhere and it’s everything.
There’s no escaping it.
It haunts your dreams, it probably haunts Finnick’s too, even though you’d never ask.
Because that’s the rule. No asking. Ever.
It was August. The sun seemed to slowly be getting the message that fall was getting nearer, the rays a little less intense then they had been a few weeks ago. The water was even the tiniest bit cooler, soothing a stubborn sunburn on your shoulders.
You were laying on the beach, face down on a towel, trying to ignore the stick of salt drying on your skin. You can’t help but let out a yawn, exhausted from the still persistent heat and trying to win against Finnick in a swimming race all day.
You were so relaxed. Focusing on the waves crashing against the shore. And the presence beside you that you knew was Finnick.
You honestly were about to fall asleep before he speaks. He mentions it so casually, he might as well have been asking what you wanted for dinner.
“Snow needs me in the capitol. I’m leaving on Friday.”
His voice is completely flat, devoid from all of its usual humor. It made you nauseous. You consider asking if he feels the same way, but you don’t. That was the rule. And you know the rules.
You push yourself up onto your elbows to get a good look at him, to try and decipher the look on his face. You could almost always read him. You hadn’t spent four years attached to each other to not learn the subtle mannerisms of the other. But this was different. It always was.
You and Finnick could talk about almost anything together. The games, the fear that you could never seem to shake, the nightmares, the way it was sometimes hard to stomach killing even a fish. But you never talk about this.
You never talk about how Snow will whisk one, or sometimes both, of you away whenever he needs a favor. You never tell him how afterwards you have to scrub your entire body raw before you can even begin to feel clean again. You don’t tell him how the first couple of times you would sob until you threw up, but now you just curl up and do your best to avoid the pit in your stomach.
Well, truthfully, you had talked about it once. But never again.
You had just been crowned victor of the 69th Hunger Games, District Four’s second victor in four years. It was no surprise, really. You were seventeen, and one of the oldest in the arena. You were strong, quick, and smart. So, so smart. You had won through pure trickery, and everyone loved you for it.
It’s hard for you to remember what happened the week after you won. There’s little snippets, of course. Looking down at the blood on your hands, blood that wasn’t yours. The booming of a voice in the arena, announcing that you were the victor. You had won. You did it. You had made District Four proud. And then you threw up.
You must have blacked out afterwards, because the next thing you remember is being back in your suite in the training center, sobbing in Finnick’s arms while he held you. Most of what you can remember is centered around him. Gripping onto his hand like a lifeline while your stylists buzzed around you. Glancing over Snow’s shoulder at him while the president crowned you. Watching him standing in the wings of the stage while Ceasar Flickerman went over a highlight reel of your time in the arena. Finding your way back into his arms on the train. You’re pretty sure Finnick didn’t say more than the same couple words the first week. It seemed to be a constant variation of “I know honey, but you’re safe now. I’ve got you sweetheart.”
It wasn’t until your victory tour that he told you. You doubt he ever would have, if he didn’t know for sure it would happen to you.
He had sat you down on the train after a party in District Two and told you everything. How Snow would practically sell him to people. How he didn’t have a say, and how you wouldn’t either, unless you wanted everyone you loved to be dead. He had grabbed your hands, shaking hand in shaking hand, and apologized profusely. He told you how he would do everything possible to keep you safe, he would offer himself instead of you. But you knew that wouldn’t work. Snow gets what Snow wants, and if Snow wants you to fuck his friends for some sick favor, there was nothing you, or Finnick, could do to stop that from happening.
“Yah.” Was all Finnick said, refusing to meet you gaze as he stared out at the ocean. He’s working one of the muscles in his jaw and you have to look away before you grab his face and do something stupid.
“When will you be back?” You don’t say it, but you’re sure he understands the meaning. Please say it’ll only be one night. Please tell me they won’t put you through it more than once this time. Please tell me you’ll be back to hold me through the nightmares soon. Please don’t make me wait for you more than I already do.
“I’m not sure. Snow said a couple of days.”
No no no no no no no please no.
You didn’t respond. Scared that if you open your mouth the bile collecting in your throat would spill out.
You just look over at him. Take him in. It’s no wonder why the capitol loves him so much. Although not for his humor, his kindness, his strength, the way he’s always looking out for everyone but himself. None of that. Just because he’s a pretty face. But in the bright, golden sun, you find it hard to disagree with them. He’s all broad shoulders and a strong jawline. Bright green eyes that always seem to shine when they look at you. Sharp teeth hiding behind that perfect fucking smile. Salty hair you wanted to run your fingers through. Credit where credit is due, the capitol knows how to pick a sex symbol.
But you don’t see a sex symbol. Not right now. Right now all you see is the person you want to hold on to, and never let go of. The person you’d throw it all away for, if he asked. The person who seemed to always have another layer for you to work your way into, but you’d be damned if you ever stopped trying to get to the root of him.
You’ve been staring for an embarrassingly long amount of time. Finnick notices, of course, because Finnick notices everything.
You tear your eyes away from where they had been tracing the veins in his hands. “Hm?”
“You ok?” And there it is. That fucking wolf smile. All sharp canines and slightly raised eyebrows because he knows. He knows he’s got you in between his teeth and he knows you’re happy to stay there because it’s him.
You pause, but just for a moment, trying not to give him the satisfaction of winning, of successfully flustering you. But his eyes are boring into yours and it’s so hard to look away from him, but you do. He wins. He normally does.
“‘M just thinking.”
“What about?” He asks. Flopping down on his side, trying to get on eye level with you because it’s never just enough for him to win, he has to make sure you know that he knows it.
You just roll your eyes at him, there’s nothing else you can do.
“About how we’ve been out here since nine in the morning and it’s after noon now, and you haven’t reapplied sunscreen once.”
It’s his turn to roll his eyes now.
“I don’t burn, honey, you know that.”
“What about that time you were out all day, didn’t put sunscreen on once, and then I had to rub aloe vera on your back for a week because you burned like hell and all of your skin was peeling off?” You ask, smile working its way onto your face. You know you’ve got him. You’re winning now.
He pauses, he doesn’t back down easily. “It was a fluke. A glitch, even.” He says, trying his best to shrug his shoulders even though he’s lying down. He fails. It looks ridiculous. You have to try not to laugh. “I honestly think the sun just had a vendetta against me that day.”
You’re failing at biting back a smile now. “At least let me get your back because there is literally nothing you could say or do to ever get me to help you with a third degree sunburn again.”
He doesn’t say anything. Just makes a big show of groaning and rolling his eyes at you before rolling onto his back.
You’ve won.
“So dramatic? You know that? It’s like being friends with a child.” You say as you root around in your bag for your sunscreen. Trying to ignore the disgusting feeling you know it will leave on your hands as you squirt it out.
He props himself up on his elbows to look at you, surely about to counter with some story about you being much more dramatic than him, before you shove him back down, face in the sand.
“You’re fine. A little sand never killed anyone.”
You decide to ignore his grumbling, focusing on spreading the sunscreen on his back. However, you can’t ignore the growing pit in your stomach that you know will be there until Finnick’s back from the capitol.
Still, they can’t take this from you. You’ve earned it. You deserve to be here, definitely not checking out your best friend who you know you can’t have.
You lose yourself for a moment. Letting yourself focus on the way his muscles feel under your hands. Maybe, one day, this could be real. The capitol will find new, attractive victors, and they’ll move on. You and Finnick can fade into the background, and just live.
You pull back, and grab the tube again, squirting it directly on his back. You start to rub it in before pausing for a moment, why not?
Quickly, you write your name in the sunscreen on his back. Snow has cameras everywhere. Maybe he’s watching. Maybe he’s not. But either way, at least for a second, you can say mine. All mine. You can’t take him from me, not really.
He feels it, lifting his head up just as you’re wiping away the evidence.
“Are you drawing on my back?”
You flash him your own smile. A little less wolfish, a little more coy.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
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A/n: Hi omg I wrote this in one sitting😭this has just been rattling around in my head for weeks now and I had to get it out lol. Constructive criticism and feedback is always appreciated, I hope you all enjoyed<3
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peachsayshi · 9 months
Hey, Peaches! For the "102 types of kisses"... May I request for 38 or 46 for Choso? 🥺👉👈 He's been rotting my thoughts and you always write him so deliciously.
➳  minors / ageless / blank blogs dni / this blog is 20+ for follows
38. Character A pressing Character B up against the wall and kissing them senseless (102 types of kisses)
⥽ notes: mavis, darling! thank you so much for requesting choso! <3 I hope you like this xo
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ tags: au; secret fwb relationship; jealous choso; hot and heavy kissing; dirty talk; implied that the reader isn't wearing a bra; nipple play
you taste like strawberries dipped in honey. the texture of your tacky lipgloss sticks to choso's lips, and he sighs dreamily as you part your eager mouth to slide your tongue along his. you paint your fingers in black ink when you tangle them between the strands of his hair, and moan shamelessly when he sneaks his hand underneath your top to tweak at your hard, sensitive nipple.
he isn't seeing red anymore. his anger easily withering away by your touch, and the unfiltered jealousy evaporates as he slides his other hand into the back pocket of your jeans to tug you even closer to his frame.
"mmph-cho..." you moan with a subtle grind of your hips, lashes fluttering when you rub over his bulge and you drop your hands down to his firm chest to squeeze the fabric of his black hoodie.
he slips his thigh between your legs, slotting himself perfectly into you like a puzzle and giving you something grind against. he pulls away to find the delicate curve of your neck, and sucks on the tender flesh with a hunger that sends a ripple down your spine.
is this what you wanted? he thinks. is this all part of some fun little game to play with my mind?
he had to stand their in silence watching the guys flock around you like incessant birds putting on a show for their mate. he clenched his jaw at geto, whose gaze never left your chest, listening to him spew sentence after sentence with all his smooth talking. he rolled his eyes at gojo, who upped his eccentric humor in order to garner a few pretty laughs out of you, and he nearly snapped at mahito for his inability to comprehend personal space when he would nonchalantly place an arm around your shoulder or waist.
yes, you were all friends, but choso had to deal with the brunt of their desire over you, while still remaining tight lipped about the truth behind your "friendship".
the guys continuously threw the term "friend-zoned" in his face on the belief that choso managed to keep his hands to himself after all these years.
"you've known each other since high school," he remembers geto mocking, "if you haven't fucked by now, then you probably never will"
"that's right," mahito egged on, "she's fair game"
little did they know that you have always been his; your first kiss belonged to him, your first experience with pleasure was done by his hand, he was the first man you've ever tasted on your tongue, his mouth the first to know the divine flavor of the space between your legs, and he was the first person to feel the way your body trembled when he fucked you tenderly against his bed sheets.
which is why he can't help but feel tested when you showed up at tonight's gathering wearing an outfit that had you looking like a delectable little treat and making the rest of the guys salivate over you.
choso adjusts his position, spinning on his heel quickly so your back was now pressed up against the cool, concrete wall of your hallway. he pinches the tip of your breast and squeezes your ass through your jeans. the stimulation only makes you cry out with pleasure as your lover smiles against your neck with approval.
idiots, he thinks, with your response fanning his ego in a way that nothing else in this world ever could.
"unh, choso you're makin' me wet..." you pant, but he simply captures your lips once more for a heated kiss and softly ruts his pelvis into you.
"m'hard too," he mumbles into the kiss, "you had me turned on since you walk in with these poking through your shirt..."
he lightly brushes his knuckles over the taut buds, and you exhale softly as you lift your arms while he tugs at fabric and pushes it above your chest.
he drops the material onto the ground, both hands now groping the pillow soft mounds as you lure him back in for another kiss.
if only the others could see him now, he scoffs. if only they knew what he was really up to when he excused himself to drive you back home.
he's so used to being underestimated by those around him, knowing full well that the guys would never believe that quiet, introverted choso could bag someone as beautiful and mesmerizing as yourself.
you pull away, cupping his jaw in the palm of your hands and swiping a glittering string of spit from his bottom lip.
"wanna sleepover?" you politely ask, with the same question that he's heard many times before, and the one that always makes the blood rush between his legs.
"yeah," he exhales, pressing a gentle kiss against the pad of your thumb. his hands drop to the waistband of your jeans. he unfastens the button, slowly releases each notch of the zip before slipping his hand to feel the source of your heat.
"I wasn't planning on going home anytime soon..." he murmurs as he closes the gap by pressing his mouth to yours.
years of this, of this off-and-on game, with lovers in between and periods where the benefits were off the table...and yet, you both always circle back to this very point of winding up tangled in each other's limbs and succumbing to the heaviness of sleep after another night of pleasure.
⥽ requests?
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
ok I’m sorry about having you write those heartbreaking Grayson hcs, I’m gonna be honest they made me sob so hard 😭 so let’s get some happy Grayson ones (I loved that last one by the way, he’s so cute)
happy grayson head canons
of course, i have made another grayson post (some are happy, some are sad), but i'll make another one bc he's everything (it might be shorter though).also i have no idea what 'happy' head canons are so here are some that aren't sad (some funny, some happy, some embarrassing, etc). hope you like them <3. @lanterns-and-daydreams helped with some of these
he doesn't smile often, but when he does you see his little dimples (idk if this is canon but, if it isn't, i like the idea of him having dimples)
he talks to their dog, tiramisu, in a really high pitched voice
he works out religiously. he has like a schedule and everything, and he sings when he works out.
he watches my little pony as a guilty pleasure. xander knows and is using it as blackmail material.
he desperately wants a cat but doesn't want their dog to kill it.
he has an obsession with is ass. he takes pride in it being big and juicy.
he's jealous of jameson bc he's an inch taller than gray is, and he uses it against him.
he joined a yoga group without knowing it was for girls only, so now, once a week, he gossips and does yoga with these old ladies.
he loves face masks more than anything. xander and jameson have tons of pictures of him with cucumbers on his eyes and a face mask.
he doesn't like colors. if someone were to ask him what his favorite color is, he'd just say black or white or smth
he loves composing his own piano pieces and playing them to his brothers and the others.
he despises sex education with a passion. whenever he used to have those classes in school, he would blush so hard the teachers thought he was having a stroke or some shit
grayson loves poetry (ik this was mentioned in tbh, but i hc he still does it for fun to express his emotions (he didn't stop after the one year challenge))
when he was younger, he really liked snails. he used to collect some and give them a 'home' in jars he found around the mansion.
he's a sucker for matchas. he literally makes himself one every morning before he starts working. (he has a cup with cats on it that he uses every day)
he owns a human dog bed (if you don't know what it is, search it up)
he once tried to watch p*rn to see what the hype is all about, but he got so disgusted and uncomfortable he threw away his laptop.
all of the pens in his pen collection are placed side by side from smallest to biggest in his drawer.
he has the biggest walk in closet you can imagine (bigger than barbie's)
xander once bought him a skirt and dared him to go to work wearing it. pictures of it got out and his fans started calling him baby girl.
he makes playlist for his favorite book couples.
this dude cannot smirk for the life of him. he looks like a constipated sloth when he tries to.
he can do the splits perfectly.
when someone kicks him in the balls, he sounds like a dying hyena. he just wheezes for like 5 minutes straight whilst everyone just looks at him in horror. he then wobbles away.
he's a really good just dance player. he actually laughs when he plays.
grayson knows how to pole dance.
when he was younger, he was jealous that jamie had more prominent abs so he used to contour his to make them look like jamie's
when he was younger, he tried to learn how to purr. he thought it would be cool
he wanted to be like nash so bad when he was younger than he would stick a hay strand in his mouth and try to speak in a southern accent. skye was mortified.
grayson loved flower crowns. xander used to make him some and he would walk around wearing them proudly.
he wears subtle makeup sometimes (when he's in the mood) (blush, concealer, very subtle eyeliner, etc)
when he was younger, he would also try to gallop around like a horse. he would get on his hands and knees and strut around (tobias wanted to kill himself)
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vintagevict0ria · 6 months
𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞
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“You brush past me in the hallway…”
chapter 1
pairing: Adam Driver x f!reader
content: n/a
a/n: omg i am soooooo excited for this you have no idea. Its been so long since i posted and this idea has been stuck in my drafts since july and since im back in my Adam driver era- id thought id finish this. This is mostly inspired by Taylor Swifts song "I can see you" and each chapter will be based on a lyric! So i am no expert on how film/actor/movie stuff works so bear with me. Hopeful as this goes on, it will get better. Im planning on finishing this by the new year (who knows if that will happen) but since im on break i should take advantage of my free time. Ok long story short I will be writing this shit non stop since im on a writing high so who knows if the next chapter will come out tommorow! Hope you enjoy! Notes are greatly appreciated!!
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Y/n, a famous actress known for her beautiful face and captivating personality but also her incredible acting skills. You had been nominated for over 50 awards and won 5 oscars. It had been a while since you were on a set nor a movie. The last film was a roaring success and the critics were crazy about it! The media begged for another film starring Y/N Y/L/N.
The first thing you heard when you woke up was the sound of your phone ringing. Your agent- Carolina, was calling. You quickly answered- yawning and hoping she wouldn’t hear it. “Y/n! Great news!” You sighed, not really understanding what was happening. “You got the job!” The job? what is she talking about? “huh?” You rubbed your eyes, laying back down. “The movie!! Adam Driver is in it too! Oh my gosh i can hear them now! ‘Y/n y/l/n and Adam Driver are co-stars in the biggest hit of the year!” Once you heard his name, you sprung up “Wait what?” “Yeah! They want you here in LA by tomorrow morning. I’ve already booked you a flight to leave in..5 hours! Bye!” She hung up before you could say another word. You glanced over at the clock- 9:35. The flight was at 2:15 and it would take a while to pack and get ready. So, being the smart woman you are, you got up and started the day. Showering, packing, and of course- stopping to get starbucks.
Once you arrived in LA, you headed to the condo where you would be staying for a majority of filming. That morning you woke up and started getting ready for the day. Showering, and making a coffee before you headed out to the table read. You threw on a pair of leggings and a tshirt. It was late autumn so you took a jacket on the way out. At the studio you said hello to the crew and a huge thank you to the casting director. “Y/n!” It was Carolina- she ran up to you and embraced you in a tight hug. “How was the flight?” You smiled at the redhead girl “Great.” Carolina jumped up and down with excitement and handed you sheets of paper. On the cover was the name of the film, the name of the director-JJ Abrams- and your name. “Heres your script. You need to go ahead and head in there! Bye!” She walked away, the sound of her heals clicked across the floor. You quickly skimmed through the pages while walking and not paying attention. You soon enough ran into someone, your coffee spilling over you and the floor along with your script- which was on the floor…covered in coffee. “Oh gosh Im so sorry!” You apologized while picking up your script, wincing at the wet paper. “You might want to watch where you are going next time.” The voice was soft but stern. You looked up and realized it was Adam Driver.
He was wearing all black and his hair was messy. He glanced at you with a subtle stare. “Im so sorry!” You stood up, brushing yourself off. “No worries, happens to the best of us.” He rolled his shoulders back and popped his neck, closing his eyes. Damn he was attractive. ”You headed in?” You asked, trying to keep your composure together. Adam simply just nodded.
The first day of the read consisted of going over the aspects of the film and the time line of production. After the read through, filming would start, then the movie premiere would take place after filming and production in Hollywood, but that was a whiles away. When the read was over you walked out with another co star. Heading to your condo, you received a text from Carolina. "Girl, just talked to JJ and he just gave me word that there is a sex scene between you and Adam 😁" The stupid emoji at the end made you cringe. Carolina giving you this news shot your nerves through the roof. As if you weren't already nervous enough about working with Adam, having to film a intimate scene made it far worse. Kicking your shoes off and falling onto your bed, you opened instagram, an attempt to get your mind of the situation at hand, it didn't work.
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prongsie-kins · 1 month
as promised, here's the first part of when i met you, also posted on ao3
this is a filo!james au revolving around james potter courting regulus black in a semi-traditional way
disclaimer: english is NOT my first language and not the type that this would be beautifully written but there might be some grammatical error i didn't notice while editing. also keep in mind that this is my first multichapter fic and im still trying to improve my writing
there i was, an empty piece of a shell, just minding my own world
Honestly, sixth year is definitely the year James' anticipating. He just knew that this will be the year he would treasure. It all first started when he laid eyes on Regulus back on the train. It's like this man just gets more beautiful as years go by. Not that he's attracted to him, no. You can say he's just...very observant.
Though he also noticed the dark circles sitting under his eyes. He knows Sirius leaving really took a toll on the both of them. He has heard Sirius' silent sobbing when he thinks no one can hear him.
As if sensing someone watching him, Regulus looks up from the book he's reading. Meeting James' eyes. His face pulled into a frown. "What are you doing?"
"Came to say hi, Reg." He gently waved his hand as if to prove a point, displaying a tight-lipped smile.
"Don't call me that," Regulus deadpans before raising his book by his face. Clearly indicating that he's not interested in having a conversation.
"Well then, see you around, Reggie." He walked away before the man even get to complain about the nickname.
He was greeting by the solemn face of Sirius when he came back to their compartment, leaning onto Remus' shoulder. He was looking out to the window as if there's something interesting in grass, grass, and grass.
"Where were you?" Remus asked.
"The loo." He sat down next to Peter. "Just saw Regulus at the other compartment," He continued, eyeing Sirius as he visibly perked up.
Sirius suddenly stood up. Excusing himself to go. James knew the brothers needed to talk.
He came back a while later. His eyes, red-rimmed as he sunk down next to Remus.
It took a while for James to ask what happened. Breaking the deafening silence.
"He lashed out," Sirius muttered. "I mean, I understand since I left him there. I just hoped he wasn't closed off like that. I missed him, Prongs."
James walked up to him, opening his arms, offering a hug which Sirius accepted immediately. "I know," he whispered. He gently rubbed circles on Sirius' back. They were quickly enveloped in a hug. The four of them in the middle of the compartment.
It was devastating, seeing Sirius' constant attempt to talk to his brother only to be shunned down. But he was persistent. It hurts to see him try to smile after another failed attempt to talk to Regulus.
James wanted to talk to Regulus but he know it's not his problem to deal with. So he can only watch Sirius trying and trying and trying and being there for him when he was ignored.
He sure hoped Regulus would come around soon enough. He didn't know if this interest in Regulus was for Sirius or his own benefit. Either way he can't help but check up on him every chance he can get.
The somber look on his face only gets worse day by day. One time he saw Regulus in the library. His head lays on an open book he was reading. It's obvious that he doesn't get enough sleep. Even in his slumber, his face was still frowning, James wanted to press his thumb on the crease between his eyebrows to let his face relax.
Of course he didn't do it. He even wondered why he thought of that in the first place.
Regulus constantly feels James in his orbit. He can always feel him lingering around. It was not just him who notice. Barty even bugged him if he was having a secret rendezvous with James behind their backs. He threw a pillow at him in response.
James was not even trying to be subtle when he stare at Regulus' direction in the Great Hall. Every time he glanced up at the Gryffindor's table when he thought James tore his attention off him, their eyes would meet. Every. Fucking. Time.
It's like this man doesn't have anything else to do. Even Sirius takes a break every once in a while.
Regulus is getting annoyed, to be honest. Who wouldn't when someone you despise is a persistent little shit even when he's not trying.
"What exactly are you doing, Potter?" Regulus finally asked when one day he felt James' looming figure nearing his previously sleeping figure. He open his eyes to meet James' face near him. Cold grey eyes meeting his wide dark brown ones.
He was obviously startled, assuming Regulus was asleep. He quickly replaced his startled expression with a smug one. "Did you know you snore when you sleep?"
He quickly sat straight up. "I do not," Regulus frowned.
"I wish my ears were deceiving me but no, you snore quite loudly." James smirked. "As for what I was doing. I wanted to wake you up 'cause you're disturbing students with your snorts."
"Sure," Regulus replies, obviously not believing every word the man said. "As if I didn't notice littering around when you think I don't know. Honestly, Potter, I would assume you fancy me."
He expected a defensive reply. But edge of his lips just upturned. "What if I do?"
"Oh shove off."
"Sirius misses you, you know?" James suddenly said, quietly.
Regulus was obviously taken aback. So this is what this is about. "Why do you care, Potter. I obviously don't care. Mind your own business." He quickly stood and took his things to get out of the library. If his heart clenched at the statement. Nobody's gonna know about it.
A few weeks has passed. Regulus slumped back down to his bed, shakily sighing in relief. It was him who approached Sirius this time after weeks of trying to talk to him. The heavy feeling in his chest immediately vanishing after their talk. He sure missed his brother dearly. He can dwell on that the best he can and ignore the situation in his own household. That is a problem future Regulus would handle. Tonight, he would bask on this giddy feeling.
"You seem to be in a good mood. I'm assuming the talk went well?" Pandora, who was sitting by his bed asked.
"I feel like I can sleep peacefully now."
"Oh, thank Merlin," Evan commented. "I wouldn't have to deal with you moping late at night anymore."
"Fuck you," he glared at him. "I don't mope."
"As you say so."
James immediately knew the talk went well when Sirius came back all smiley and jumpy. He got quite worried when Regulus got up to their table at the Great Hall, asking Sirius if he could talk to him. He sags in relief, ecstatic to see the brothers fix their relationship.
But then, James suddenly realized that now that the situation is okay, he wouldn't have a reason to approach Regulus now. Just when he (finally) admitted to himself that he quite fancy him. Maybe observing him for Sirius is just one of the factors of why he was drawn to him.
"I'll walk you there, come on," James wasn't even supposed to be there. Regulus is on his way to Charms when James suddenly appeared by his side. Asking where he was going. Even offering to carry his things.
"Don't you have classes to attend to?"
"Doesn't matter, let's go," James said as walked ahead of him.
Regulus hastily walked by his side. This long legged bastard. Seriously, what does this guy want? His relationship with Sirius is obviously okay now so he doesn't see the reason why James keep lingering.
"Why are you here, anyway?"
"Well, I was serving detention."
"So you escaped to sneak up on me? I'm a prefect you know?"
"Oh I am aware. You wouldn't take points from me now, wouldn't you?" Before he even gets a chance to reply, they finally arrived. "I'll be back after class, Reggie." James waves as he gave him his things. "Don't be surprised next time, love. Liligawan na kita."
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faithinus · 1 year
Eyes Open
Joe Quinn x Fem!Reader 🤍
Summary: Starting out with a classic friends to lovers blurb. The reader and Joe are close friends. She wakes up in his bed one morning and overthinks everything. Enjoy :)
Disclaimer: nothing too serious in this piece, just good old friends to lovers, but there are suggestions of past smutty activities, and of course this is real person fiction. Apologies in advance. This is my first time writing in years!
Word count: 2.1K
There was a subtle hum, like someone was yawning but with their lips pressed together. It was almost inaudible but you caught it. The bed shifted from weight lifting off of the mattress. You became suddenly aware that the pillow smelled different than the one you had at home. That’s when it hit you that you were in his home, sleeping in his bed.
Eyes still shut, you tried to orient yourself in the room. If you opened them, you risked being face to face with Joe. Sure, you wondered what he looked like still sleepy. Oh god, Joe probably had cute puffy eyes and messy curls and a woolly morning voice. As much as you wanted to find out, you weren’t ready to confront last night and all of its potential consequences just yet. So, you kept your eyes shut and tried not to move. Feet padded across the wood floor and the bathroom door creaked open. How long could you lie here until you had to confront the elephant in the room?
Then, the door clicked shut. Your eyes shot open.
Last night’s silky black dress had been haphazardly tossed on the floor next to the bed. One of the straps was clearly broken, collateral damage from your fit of passion. You couldn’t remember whose fault it was, and quite frankly didn’t care. The two of you stripped each other so quickly. It was almost ravenous. So many months of being friends built up a palpable tension that burst as soon as you stepped through his front door.
Thinking about last night brought back the feeling of your spine against the wall, his breath on your neck, his hands snaking up your torso -
The door clicked open, snapping you out of your thoughts. You forced your eyes shut immediately. It was your only defense.
“Sorry. Did I wake you?”
Not quick enough. He must’ve seen.
“No,” you whispered “s’okay”. With eyes open again, you got the chance to take him all in. Joe stood across the room, curls disheveled, last night’s slacks sitting loosely on his hips.
“Want a coffee?” he chimed, pushing a few strands off his forehead. For the record, Joe’s morning hair was just as noteworthy as you thought it would be, but his nonchalant attitude was confusing. He just slept with one of his best friends. How was he acting so calm about this?
“Yeah, sounds nice. Thank you.” You tried to match his cheery tone but the words came out more groggy than intended. 
“You tired? Didn’t sleep well?” Joe teased and threw open a curtain. The sunlight hit your eyes. You squinted and dramatically threw your head in the other direction in protest. His phone screen lit up with a notification. Time: 8:20 am. It’s not that you didn’t sleep well. In fact, you were out like a light once your head hit the pillow. It’s that you didn’t sleep very long. Joe had your undivided attention until the early hours of the morning and he knew that. He was taking this opportunity to poke fun. You were trying to decide if him finding this situation amusing was a good sign for the status of your relationship or not.
“No s’fine,” you said rolling over on your side. Your bra sat cockeyed on your chest, partly exposing a nipple. The air caught in your throat and you tugged up at the fabric. Joe looked away and chuckled under his breath. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Act like I haven’t seen.” He smirked and inspected the street outside the bedroom window. The satisfied look on his face made you roll your eyes. If it was anyone else, he would’ve sounded too proud, too fuckboyish. However, his confident attitude secretly made you want to pull him back to bed for round two.
And you understood. It was comical that you were rushing to cover yourself up when hours ago you had been shuddering under his touch. He had seen the full buffet, but now you were desperate to hide... at least until you could figure out where Joe’s head was at. He opened a dresser drawer and took out the first t-shirt he saw. It was black with a design on the front from an old band you barely recognized. Joe tossed it at the bed and it landed in your lap.
“Lemme go get that coffee, yeah?” He slipped out of the bedroom door. You still couldn’t wrap your mind around how casual he was acting. It was as if he was going through his normal routine. He acted totally content with sleeping with his best friend and carrying on with business as usual. Joe offered you a coffee, tossed you a shirt, and waltzed off like he had done it 1,000 times before. I mean of course he had done this before, but did he regularly bring friends home? Oh god, did you just accidentally fall into a friends with benefits situation? Wait. Did that mean he just gave you his hookup shirt?
You swung your legs over the side of the bed and slipped Joe’s t-shirt over your head. You brought the collar up to your nose and inhaled, half expecting it to smell like another girl.
It didn’t, of course. But it didn’t particularly smell like Joe either. Tie game.
You looked over your shoulder at his bedside table. Three of his rings sat in a little pile. You had to hold yourself back from focusing on them. If you let your eyes linger too long, you could almost start to feel the metal pressing into your hip, hands desperately pulling you in. You shook your head, trying to snap out of it. If this was all simply a one-night stand to Joe, you were going to curse yourself later. A one-night stand meant you need to go back to acting like friends. Acting like friends meant you would spend god-knows-how-long trying forget about the damn rings and all the places they touched you.
How had it even happened? The scenes of last night came back to you in bits and pieces, but not because of the alcohol. You were just in shock.
The two of you were out at a birthday party. Many of your mutual friends were in attendance. You had greeted Joe when he arrived and he didn’t leave your side during the entire event. From the outside, anyone could have mistaken it for normal, friendly behavior. Everyone knew you two were close, but you noticed the difference. Joe didn’t make his usual rounds. He spoke to you until someone else went out of their way to come up to him. His presence felt more intense. Each time you two would lock eyes, it was clear neither person wanted to look away. Everyone else had faded into the background.
Somewhere along the way Joe had gotten more touchy than normal. He had complimented your dress and played with your shoulder strap in a way you didn’t expect. When you walked through the crowd, his hand found your lower back. One of your favorite songs came on and he laughed at the way you sang. You teased him for the way he moved his hips when he danced.
As you swayed back and forth, your fingers toyed with the buttons on his shirt. Joe encouraged you to undo a few, making a comment about how hot it was getting in the crowded room. You knew that caring about the temperature was a lie by the way he got closer. Joe let your breath hit his face. His forehead was nearly touching yours and his palms slid down your back. At that point, you were sober enough to make your own decisions but intoxicated enough to act on your true feelings. One thing led to another and he was leading you out the door to call a cab. 
He had one hand on your thigh the whole way home.
Joe’s head popped through the door frame, two coffees in hand. “I didn’t know if you wanted cream, so I made one with and one without.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. Joe held out the mugs in front of you and raised his eyebrows, begging you to pick. “Thank you,” you whispered, taking your preference. With your other hand, you picked your dress off the floor and examined a tear along the seam. “I’m no good at sewing. It’s a shame. I really liked this dress”.
Joe lowered himself onto the bed next to you. He suppressed a smile at the work you two made of your outfit. “I know a good tailor up the street. I can have it done for you.”
“Is this what you do for all the girls? Rip their clothes and take them to your tailor friend?” You said it like a joke but were secretly dying for answers. It would be totally unreasonable to assume Joe never brought a girl home. That wasn’t the point. 
As difficult as it was to admit to yourself, you were just sick of it. Sick of stealing glances across rooms and brushing it off. Sick of taking an interest in every one of Joe’s hobbies, opinions, or whereabouts and chalking it up to “being a good friend.” Sick of searching for a new movie to watch and your first thought being: “I wonder if Joe likes this one?”. Sick of rethinking every past interaction from a romantic standpoint. Sick of acting like other people are a legitimate option.
For a moment, a flash of genuine hesitation was in Joe’s eyes. He looked away from you and sipped his coffee.
“The girls? And who might they be?” he mumbled into his cup.
There was an instant pang of regret in your chest. Your question was definitely not a pleasant conversation starter.
“I don’t know Joe…you are a hot commodity these days,” you bumped your elbow into his, trying to play it off as a joke once again.
He furrowed his eyebrows and stood up. The air in the room was noticeably heavier. Ah great, you made it awkward already. Joe took a few steps and then paused, back still facing you. “Did you think- is this… a one time thing?”
You didn’t respond. Joe may have been looking for your confirmation, but you couldn’t give that to him. Your stomach was doing flips, urging you to say no. The way you looked at each other over drinks, in the cab, in his bed, even now, none of it was consistent with a one-time deal.
“You didn’t have to come back with me,” Joe spoke up. His hands went to his hips and eyes dropped to the floor. “If you are regretting this-” he trailed off nervously.
And then you laughed, which only confused him more. The last thing he did was pressure you or give you anything to regret. In fact, he was impressively attentive. The way he whispered “y’sure?” breathless between kisses, the way he glanced up at you looking for clues of your pleasure, the way he squeezed your hand and mumbled “I know” into your neck. It was all so attentive.
“No Joe,” you shook your head as you laughed. “That’s nonsense. You were lovely, really.”
He spun around to face you. “Then what are you on about?... ‘All the girls?’” he mocked your tone.
Now it was your turn to go shy under his gaze. You looked down to fidget with the hem of your - well his - shirt. You hoped you wouldn’t grow to regret this moment, but it was too late to turn back now.
“Am I crazy or was last night the result of a lot of built-up feelings? I don’t want to lose this friendship… but I don’t know if I can pretend like this never happened either. I need clarity here.”
He stood in front of you silently for the next several seconds, lost in thought. Way to leave someone with a cliffhanger, Joseph.
In an effort to cover your tracks you stood up and began rambling “I’m just worried about our friends, Joe. They probably saw us together last night. I don’t want things to be awkward between everyone. They are going to find out and-”
Joe stopped you in your tracks when his hand reached out and gently made contact with your cheek. His fingers tilted you up to face him. If Joe was anyone else, his steady gaze would be intimidating. But it wasn’t like that. It was admiration not a challenge. Your bodies drifted closer together. You lingered with your lips open, dangerously close to his, but not yet kissing. The corners of his mouth turned up. “Let them.”
“Please. By all means, let them find out.”
One more glance at his eyes and Joe was pulling you in by the collar of his shirt. The way his lips pressed into yours was dizzying. One of your hands slid up to his shoulder and drew his body closer. Sugar and dark roast were still on his tongue. It was going to be a while before you wanted to open your eyes again.
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darlingggdearest · 11 months
Thank you for accepting Enmu requests! Not many write about him. Can I ask for yandere Enmu headcanons please? 👉👈
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Thank you so much for requesting!!
WARNING: Yandere, Enmu being gross.
+ PLEASE yandere Enmu would be SO hard to get off your back. He wants to be around you all the time and won't hesitate to show it.
+ I feel as though Enmu would be very patient with his darling. Stalking them for months waiting for the *perfect* moment to snatch you away. Not to mention the patience he has for you when he does have you in his grasp. You're kicking and screaming with your limbs tied in extra tight ropes. And he'll just be sitting next to you with his head nuzzled in your neck, gently drawing shapes on your arm with his claw, of course that's not passive aggressive at all.
+ "Darling, there's no reason to be scared! I'm not going to hurt you, my love, please calm down."
+ If you were a regular human, then he would have just knocked you out with his blood demon art, however, he kind of likes it... Of course he wants you to be happy with him, but he can't deny that he doesn't get an absolute thrill of seeing you so helpless under his thumb.
+ But soon your little moment of terror peace is gone and the train is close to boarding. Enmu is a little disappointed that he never got you to calm down from your "temper tantrum", but he reminds himself that this is your first day with him. So he's not mad.
+ Enmu presses his head against yours, using his blood demon art to make you drift off into a timeless sleep. You don't, or really can't fight back that much, your energy being too used up to keep you awake. So you fall limp, right into Enmu's lap. He picks you up bridal style and carries you to the back of the train where the luggage was being kept, and sets you down gently behind a crate so you wouldn't be noticed.
+ Alright, lets have a chat. I see most of the time yandere Enmu is displayed as being in a more submissive role in most fanfiction. Of course that's fine, however I don't see him playing the same role for someone who is weaker than him (a human). As we know, Enmu is a kiss up to anyone who is more powerful than him, but when we're talking about someone weak who he's obsessed with, It would make sense if the opposite dynamic took place. He is your god. Not the other way around.
+ Does he expect worship? That depends on you. He expects you to let him do as he pleases whenever he wants, (cuddles, kisses, *zesty jazz music starts playing*) however, unless you've been bad, I don't think he would care if you downright worship him or not. But don't get me wrong, if you've done something in an act of rebellion, or have threw one to many curses at him he won't hesitate to grab you by your jaw and stare you down, scolding you for whatever you had done.
+ "My dear, you're really testing me today aren't you?"
+ he also likes to remind you he's more powerful than you in much more subtle ways too. He forces you to make direct eye contact with him. This way (because his blood demon art revolves around putting people to sleep with his eyes) you forever have a reminder of what he could do to you if he wanted to.
+ Enmu plans on turning you into a demon, soon. Maybe a year after he takes you. This way he would be able to live with you forever, like he has always wanted. And a little bonus to that is you would be by his side more often because of the threat of demon slayers.
+ Trying to escape? H. E. L. L. N. O.
+ You'd get caught within seconds. And not only that, but that is the only thing thing that makes Enmu truly angry. You don't want to see Enmu at his angriest. R.I.P. your leg.
+ Overall 8/10 on the yandere scale. Good luck.
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Thank you for reading!
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onlygenxhere · 7 months
Morning Revelations
From @innytoes prompt list
Julie threw open the studio doors and froze.
Luke was sprawled across the mattress of the pull out sofa apparently sound asleep and completely naked. The blankets were still wrapped around his lower legs but everything above that was pale and smooth. He was hugging one of the pillows and his slightly overgrown mop of hair was covering his face.
She’d expected him to be here. They were supposed to meet to write today but she hadn’t expected him to still be sleeping… and naked.
A towel appeared in front of her face and she jumped.
“Got a little something on your chin Jules.”
She turned to scowl at Reggie who was snickering at her.
“Shut up,” she grabbed the towel from him and then threw it back in his face making him giggle and jump away. “What is he doing sleeping in there?” she hissed.
Reggie shrugged. “He told me he didn’t want to piss you off for being late.”
She growled. “Why is he naked?!”
Reggie rolled his eyes. “Because he’s a walking furnace and always sleeps naked unless we’re sharing a bed.”
“Oh.” Julie frowned. “Where did you and Alex sleep?”
Reggie pointed back to the house. “I slept in the guest room and Alex stayed at Willie’s place. He’ll be here shortly.”
Julie bit her lip as her eyes were drawn back to the sleeping form of her crush.
Nope, nope she did not have a crush on Luke. They were friends and writing partners and band mates and that was all.
“What time did you all get in last night anyway?” The guys had gone out with a band they’d all met last week at their gig. Julie totally wasn’t bitter that she wasn’t twenty one yet and couldn’t go out with them last night or any night they went to a bar or a club unless it was eighteen and up which was rare.
“Luke and I got back around two.”
She’d stayed home, not that she’d had much of a choice and worked on some of her school work for her psychology class so she’d have today free to write and practice with the guys… with Luke.
Julie couldn’t stop staring at him.
The sun was streaming in the bay window making all that pale smooth skin practically glow.
“I kinda wanna touch it.”
Julie whipped her head back at Reggie, “Did I say that out loud?” she hissed.
Reggie shook with suppressed laughter. “Yeah, but...seriously” He took a calming breath. “What if he woke up and saw you?” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Are you ready to tell him you like him?”
She wanted to argue, or deny it but he knew, Alex knew, hell everyone knew except for Luke. She thought she’d been painfully obvious for years. Either Luke was really that oblivious or more likely he wasn’t interested in her like that and was just trying to spare her feelings.
She sighed, “No.”
He rolled his eyes, “You two really need to get your crap together.”
“I…” she started to say when there was movement on the bed and Luke started to shift. Julie squeaked and skittered away from the open door. She was not ready to see more than she already had. She’d already seen more than she should have.
Reggie pushed the open door partway closed and turned to frown at her crossing his arms.
“Why won’t you just tell him and put all of us out of our misery?”
She rolled her eyes, “Because he obviously doesn’t think of me like that.”
Reggie scoffed. “You’re as blind as he is.”
“You know he,” she pointed toward the sleeping man on the other side of the door. “…could say something to me!” she pointed at herself.
Reggie sighed. “You’re both impossible.”
“I just think you’re wrong Reg.” Julie crossed her arms and huffed. “I know Crystal was with you all last night and she’s been painfully obvious with how much she likes Luke.” Crystal was the bass player for the band the guys went out with last night and she’d been less than subtle with all her arm touching and inane giggling at everything Luke said when they’d all met last week.
“Julie,” Reggie rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t like her. He doesn’t like any of them. He’s in love with you!”
She shook her head and turned away from Reggie’s earnest face. She just couldn’t hear it any more, it hurt too much. Luke was considerate enough not to parade all the girls who flirted with him in front of her but she was sure he must be getting together with them when he and the guys were out partying without her.  
Julie could feel the tears trying to well up in her eyes as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat. It was fine, he deserved to have fun.
She just didn’t understand how Reggie could stand there and say Luke was in love with her when he’d never said anything. They’d been friends for years now. She’d thought when she was younger it was because he was a couple years older than her but she was nineteen now and far from a kid.
Reggie had to be wrong.
A warm hand tugged on her shoulder, turning her back around.
It was Luke.
“What are you…?”
He was looking at her so intently she barely registered his hands on her shoulders. “I promise I don’t like Crystal.”
“You don’t?” she breathed out laying her hand on his chest to steady herself. Thank goodness he’d put some clothes on.
He shook his head and leaned a little closer. “How could I possibly want to be with anyone when you’re all I think about.”
He nodded. “I’m not wrong here am I?” he said as he leaned his forehead against hers. “You want…”
She licked her lips and tilted her head up in invitation. “Yes.”
He smiled before closing the distance between them and pressing their lips together in a soft kiss.
It only lasted for a moment, both of them unable to stop smiling, before there was clapping and hollering behind them.
They broke apart, laughing, to see not only Reggie but Alex and Willie high fiving each other.
“It’s about time you two!” Alex laughed.
“Ok, ok, shows over.” Luke grinned as he slid his arm around her waist. “Jules and I have songs to write.”
“Right,” Alex rolled his eyes and glanced at Willie and Reggie. “We’ll go see if Ray needs any help with anything for a couple hours so you two can go write.” Alex said making exaggerated quotation marks.
She couldn’t stop grinning at him as they walked with their arms around each other toward the studio.
“Just think how much misery we could have spared everyone if we’d just shown Julie Luke’s naked ass ages ago.” Reggie said gleefully as he, Alex and Willie trooped up the stairs.
Julie squeaked and pulled away from Luke completely mortified.
She sprinted the last few feet into the studio as Luke burst out laughing at Reggie’s words.
Check out @1mnobodywhoareyou version of this prompt here. We stan a flustered Luke.
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seriouslysam8 · 8 months
What if Sirius daughter overheard Snape be a little shit to him on his first lesson. What of Harry was able to answer every single question Snape threw at him because his parents made sure he was prepared. Snape is baffled and is trying to find another way to insult this James look alike, and when Snape sees that he’s using his mirror and girl who looks like Sirius on the other end he loses it. It brings back memories of how James and Sirius got away with everything and he says some really mean shit to Harry about their dads. Sirius daughter is fuming because she knew how much her brother was looking forward to Potions because of what their dad told them about their grandfather and mama Lily (that’s what they both refer her as), and their mom always made sure they picked up on potions. So she starts planning her revenge, and she’s evil when someone hurts the people she loves (it’s the black in her). The kid’s got a full year of planning and she gets Ginny involved too, who at this point she knows is in love with her brother and they’ll officially become sisters one day. Marlene walks in on them constructing their plan and scolds them but when they tell her why she subtly gives them hints to improve their “secret potion”. Sirius on the other hand is not so subtle. He rolls up sleeves, looks over their plans, grabs them four butterbeers (because he knows Marlene is all in at this point because no one messes with their kids) and says alright let’s do this. Snapey boy doesn’t even last 2 months in Hogwarts upon the duo’s arrival.
Oh. My. Gosh. YES!!
Could you imagine??
Stop guys. You’re making me want to write this!!
Me totally not spending about 2 hours looking for little kid actor faceclaims for Harry and little girl Black, whom I have started to call Maia Lily Black.
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