majunju · 2 years
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on “love”
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takusan-no-ai · 7 months
Can I Be With You Tonight?
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PAIRING: Atreus x Female Reader (Romantic) (Slow-burn)
SUMMARY: The three travel far, meeting a blue dwarf, and coming upon the tracks of a wild beast.
(Y/N) and Atreus ran ahead of Kratos towards the dwarf kicking his feet.
“Can’t get this sloe-eyed cocklump to cross the bridge! Hrmph!” (Y/N) petted the creature while Atreus looked around.
“It’s because she’s scared of something in the trees over there. You can sense it too, right hrólfr?” Atreus asked, to which she shook her head. Atreus was shocked for a split second before moving over to Kratos.
“There’s what now?” Brok scrunched his face and looked into the distance.
“Father, throw your axe at those trees on the other side of the bridge—the ones with the white trunks.”
Kratos threw his axe and a loud growl was heard in the distance. He recalled the axe back as the animal stood up. “You were right,” Kratos said to Atreus, which made him smile.
“Hey…you must be smart or somthin’, boy. You are a boy aren’tcha? Not the hobo still squatting down right?” (Y/N) looked at the others with wide eyes.
“Hey! I’m not a hobo.”–she placed her hands on her hips–“I consider myself to be quite rich in happiness.” Brok stared her in the eyes for some seconds before hollering in laughter.
He slapped the animal on the behind, but she still didn’t move. “What’s her name?” Atreus asked Brok.
“I dunno. Rude bastard ain’t ever asked mine so I ain’t ever asked hers, HAAA!!” He answered while shoving the animal to move forward. But still she wouldn’t budge.
“What’s yours?”
“Vera logn…,” Atreus whispered to the animal and just like that she walked the rest of the way across the bridge. The boy and girl walked with her alongside each other.
Brok looked at the axe on Kratos’ back. “Huh. Say…you’re not gonna believe me but uh…that axe you got, uh? It was me what made her–me and my brother. Was one of our best.”
“So don’t let nobody else go work on her except for us two. AAACH!” The animal ‘s tail whacked him on the head. He quickly recovered and continued on,”You gotta handle her special or she’ll wreck beyond fixin’. I can enhance her right now if it so pleases you son of a bitch.”
(Y/N) pulled a small book out of her back pocket and began sounding out words from it. “Still studying?” Atreus asked.
“Mhmm! Thanks for the lessons. I’ll be sure to make it up to you.”
“Just you being my friend is good enough for me.” They both smiled at each other and finished crossing the bridge.
“So what say you? HAA!” Brok slapped the animal and it went to go sit.
“You are right…I do not believe you.” Kratos spoke plainly. “Come, boy, girl.”
“There’s a rune in the shape of a fork–under the grip.” Brok quickly said. Kratos checked as Brok yelled in the background. Both Atreus and (Y/N) took a look themselves. “That was our brand, my brother and me, before we split. I got half of it right here–see?” Brok returned with half of the rune on a branding iron.
“Look, you want I should upgrade her or not?”
“Very well. I expect an improvement.” He walked with Brok to his workshop and placed the axe down.
“So where’s the other half of the brand?” Atreus and (Y/N) asked at the same time.
“Oh, my dumb brother’s got it. But I got all the talent. Look!” Brok upgraded the leviathan axe and made new armor for the three; each one making them stronger than they were before.
“Well, don’t look now but our friends who were hiding in the trees are back for more! Go on, give that axe a twirl!” Brok watched from the side as Kratos slashed through the draugr easily.
“Say, your pa can KILL. You kiddos gonna learn to do that too?”
“I’m not sure…,” Atreus replied. (Y/N) pinched his cheek with a small scowl.
“We’re definitely going to learn that.” She said while looking at him.
Kratos walks up to Brok after finishing off the last draugr. “This road…it leads to the mountain?” Brok smacks the two kids on their shoulders.
“Should put you in the right direction, sure.”
Kratos and the kids traveled further towards the mountain. “You both left me to fight alone.” He spoke plainly. Atreus and (Y/N) followed closely behind as he opened the gate, the latter sweating pinballs.
“I did.” Atreus immediately replied. (Y/N) fought back a face palm at his response.
“Does he have a death wish?” She thought.
“People are one thing. Everything else, you fight…until I say stop or we are dead. Understand? Pull your weight or we go home.” Kratos stared down at Atreus and (Y/N). Once Kratos turned around, the boy rolled his eyes and walked forward.
“I understand.” They said in unison.
“Good then.”
They traveled through the cave, Kratos leading the way, while Atreus and (Y/N) fought off enemies from the sidelines. They eventually made it up towards a cliff, reaching over the stave and whole forest.
Atreus ran ahead first, basking in the view. (Y/N) followed closely behind and looked over from a safer distance. “Wow…never been this close to the mountain before.”
Kratos walked up behind Atreus looking over alongside him and (Y/N). “Looks so big. I wish mom was here to see it.” Atreus said while looking at Kratos.
Kratos reached out towards him, but hesitated. (Y/N) watched with a dejected smile. “Come, boy.” Kratos walked forward, waiting for the two kids to follow him.
Atreus takes one last look before quickly turning around to follow his father. He ran past (Y/N) while ruffling her hair in a frenzy.
They ran through the mist and came across a puzzle, a giant door blocking the way through. “Look, there are runes written along the side.” Atreus said enthusiastically.
“What does it say?” Kratos asked. Atreus motioned for (Y/N) to come closer and pointed at each word.
“As we are, we two, we three / As I alone can never be.”
“A riddle?” He asked again. (Y/N) squeezed her head in her hands, face scrunched up immensely.
“I-no idea.”
“Hmmm…maybe there’s a clue around here.”
Kratos found a turning device and twisted it, making the door spin in three different directions, at three different speeds. He then proceeded to throw his axe at the cogs in the machine’s holes. Eventually, this spelt out the answer.
“That’s it! I see runes!” Atreus exclaimed excitedly.
“Boy. What do those runes say?”
“Ooooh, it says family. That’s not a clue. It’s the answer! What I alone can never be—right?” Atreus looked at (Y/N) and Kratos for confirmation.
Kratos nodded in agreement,”Use your knife and trace the ruins into the sand.”
“Really?” Atreus traced the rune into the sand and the door glowed brightly as it opened. “It worked!” he said. Atreus ran through the door first, followed by Kratos and (Y/N).
“I’m happy we met Brok…but…I’m happier we’re leaving this place…,” Atreus said.
“Yeah. Hopefully it’ll be smooth sailing through the rest of this. I really want to fulfill Faye’s wish.” (Y/N) responded. Atreus slowed down and walked at (Y/N)’s pace. He smiled at her and held her hand in his.
“I miss her.” He said. Atreus looked up at his father, eyes wide and tears threatening to fall.
“Me too.” Kratos said. It was short but even (Y/N) could tell his words carried a weight that would otherwise be a burden on her shoulders.
They traveled through the small cave and made it to the other side, coming across animal tracks in the mud. “Boy…”–Kratos called out–“these tracks….”
“Mm…a boar maybe? Not sure. But I’ll find it.” Atreus said confidently. (Y/N) cheered him on with a fist pump in the air. He walked ahead while the other two followed Atreus’ lead.
“This should be easy enough.” (Y/N) mumbled under her breath.
- Fin
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heartstringsduet · 5 months
in regards to your post about kudos/comments on AO3, i 100% agree with you. i very recently started posting my fics and the hits to kudos/comment ratio is very discouraging and cant help but feel doubt in my writing ability. and i understand i don’t have an established audience like others who have been writing for a while. not to make this about me but i just wanted to say i totally agree. and you aren’t alone in feeling this way.
Hey there 🥰 Thanks for sharing your view and your pain points and your sympathy. 💕 First of all, I did not mean to make it all about me. I'm aware that I at least have a little readership already and that 17 kudos aren't worth much when they clearly still show that people liked and engaged with something I wrote. I still value people 'just' reading and not at all engaging. It's still good to know people care enough to click on something. But now enough about me, just wanted to contextualize it a little to say that I know it must be a lot harder for people just starting out writing or writing for this fandom. I think it's very valid to be sad and doubt your writing. I definitely been and will be there again. But what helps me is to try and really get away from numbers (which I fabulously showed I definitely can't always) and really think of the comments I do get. And even if a chapter 'only' gets two comments when I worked 3/4 of a year on a fic, I truly have the loveliest comments. And I don't even mean the very logn ones though they are surely appreciated. But someone took the time to comment on my story I updated daily "lovely chapter" and it made my day because I knew SOMEONE out there way waiting for that daily update and actually read along every day. My story gets a single kudo a day? Someone out there is reading my story. And is touched by it. That won't solve the issue. I still think both can be true. I can write for me and my five loyal readers; but I can also be sad some days because I really wished more people would engage in some way. Even leave a single heart emoji in the comment just to show, hey I read this, it's nice. And I do hope you continue to write. Maybe it will unburden you too to feel like you don't have to meet expectations of readers if those readers aren't even showing they like it in any way. Write the weirdest, most self-indulgent thing you can think of. Write because you love writing. Find that fandom friend who will go a little bananas in your comments. Write in spite. I'm sure that fandom engagement will pick up in the new season release but even if I'm wrong, please keep on writing. Nothing would be sadder than having less fanfiction. And I'm really sorry you're feeling down. Feel hugged.
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Prompt: Younger Lara finds and artifact that unleashes the runination onto her world, with her as the leader.
She wasn't entirely sure of what it had been. Some kind of scepter, most likely, but the inscriptions within the tomb had been too damaged by time to tell her much about the king who held it, who was buried here and when. The only things she'd been able to decipger was that the scepter would assure that the king holding it would ensure "ruination of his enemies", and something about "slaves worshiping the ground" of its wielder.
She had brought it back to her camp, but the night would have made close examination difficult and so she simply sat it next to her bedroll as she went to sleep. She'd examine it in the morning light, when she could properly look at it from every angle and read any inscriptions on it.
Her dreams this night were not normal ones. She dreamt of conquest. Seh dreamt she was sitting on a throne of stone on an isle somewhere, jagged rocks everywhere. She dreamt that she felt powerful, powerful enough to control people's very minds. She dreamt that, around her throne as she sat, were dozens of women on their knees, worshipping her, ready to do anythign she wished them to, and anything that they thought would please her.
She dreamt that she was queen, that she reigned over everything, that her slaves cared for nothing more than her pleasure, that she could doanything, command them to do anything... They were kissign her feet, moaning for her, begging to be stepped on...
And then she woke up.
But unlike the bright morning sun she'd hoped to find waiting for her, she was engulfed in a strange mist. Not the usual slightly grey humid mist of the mountain either, it was something thicker, something darker. It did not feel natural in the slightest, and she needed to get out of there. Examining the scepter would wait. She quickly packed her bags, put her bags on her back, a gun in one hand and her other hand on the scepter.
The moment her fingers touched the metal rod, she felt something course through her. Visions, memories, the story of that scepter, of its previous wielder. A strange power. An understanding. Of what this scepter did.of what the prrviosu own had doen with it, of how she could use it. She knew that she did not need to be afraid of the mist, and that she now commanded it. It would not harm her, it could even respond to her thoughts if needed. and it would spread. She was now the brigner of Ruination, and she would conquer all.
She would not even need to fight, for anyone that stepped into the mist logn enough would submit to her, would be driven to her. Strands of sickly green power emanated from her, circling her asshe walked. She was Queen, now.
But she was alone with her newfoudn power, with her new mind, for some time. it was an isolated area, after all, and the nearest village was far away.
It did not matter, she would reach it. And her Black Mist would reach it well before her.
It was some time later (maybe an hour, maybe two) that she stepped into the village. The mist had been there for quite soem time, and every person she could see had been marked, had been corrupted. They all bore the sickly green crown of Ruin. Their eyes the same green as the power that coursed through her. They all knelt before her, and the women approached her.
She barely needed to say a word when she sat down, looking at her new slaves with a smirk.
"Undress yourselves, then undress and serve me." she commanded.
She had eventually returned to England, deciding that the Croft manor would make a much better palace than this tiny hovel in the middle of nowhere. A throne had been fashioned for her, in black stone and dark jewels, and she sat on it. Between her feet was Sam, who was eagerly licking her mistress's cunt, doign her best to service her, to brign her to orgasm no matter what it took.
Every day, more slaves arrived, more servants that had been ruined, that obeyed her every whim. It was only a matter of days until the entire world was hers.
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chiefatticcreator · 5 months
Prompt. Mayfeng attacks Adrien and Annerose during their picnic date and reveals her wish to make Adrien her submissive slave. However, before girls could do anything, Adrien reacts first by laughing as if he heard some joke. Then, after calming down, he shows Mayfeng her place by relentlessly fucking her ass and making her lick Annerose's pussy.
(i love those Adrien prompts!)
The two lovers were eating peacefully. annerose still too sore to fuck again, she was content to simply eat with her new boyfriend, and Adrien was grateful for some calm time with Annerose.
Which was why they were quite surprised when they suddenly saw Mayfeng appear, Annerose immediately rising to her feet to fight her off.
"I'm not here for you today, Annerose." Mayfeng told her in a sickenly sweet, mocking, voice. "Step back and i'll let you off easy now. I'm just going to steal your cute boyfriend."
"You're not going to!" Annerose got up, immediately getting ready to fight.
"Yes, i will! that cute boyfriend of yours is goign to be my new pet." Mayfeng boasted. "My pretty little boytoy, my slave."
This was a tense situation, a fight was about to erupt, and this strange witch clearly only wanted harm to Annerose and him, and yet Adrien couldn't hold back a laugh at her words. and his laughter couldn't stop either.
"Did i say something funny?" Mayfeng's glare turned from Annerose to Adrien himself, and she looked angrier by the second.
"You.. you did." Adrien had trouble even just stopping his laughter logn enough to answer, but he eventually managed, looking at her clearly amused. "You really think I'll be your slave?"
His complete lack of fear and the levity with which he took it, how arrogant he was, took Mayfeng by surprise, her eyes dartign between Annerose and the blonde boy, but her own confidence quickly returned.
"Because you think you can stop me?" she smirked.
"I can do more than that." adrien smirked back.
"If you don't make Annerose cum with your mouth, i'll stop fucking you."
That was enoguh to make the bitch witch double her efforts. Not even taunting or praising or cryign out, she was now doing her best to focus on eating out her rival's pussy.
Adrien's gigantic cock was stretching Mayfeng's ass to its very limit, and he was fuckign her harder and faster than anything she had felt before. And yet he kept his composure, seemingly not tiring from it at all, even as he reshaped Mayfeng's insides to be nothing more than a cocksocket for his dick.
"She feels nice." he commented, looking up at Annerose. "How is her mouth?"
"She's... she's doing great!" Annerose moaned.
Seeing her boyfriend, her master, utterly break Mayfeng, shattering her mind with his cock, all that efortlessly, made her love and lust for Adrien even more.
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Hello i saw those cool asks. Hit me with em
Four of them! Fregion Ancient charr and crow plus....Evelynn! "When news broke out that there would be a truce, I was almost relived. Sure I'd still be needed on the front with Flame and the ghosts swarming Irons homeland but I thought, more breathing room right? But then...my warband died. The orders head hunted me...I got older and older but I wasnt able to slow down, retire like others would have. I'm older then most charr by far. The fact that I'm alive is a statement to my skill on the battlefield. I grow more and more tired and I'm starting to think one day I wont be able to keep up, one day I'll be holding people behind."- Fregion "One day, i had a vision. Our people were approaching something terrible. Death like nothing we've seen of our people before. A scattering and shattering of what little unity we had. But my sight of the future stopped. I could not see past a particular point and each time i tried pushing past the block the magical backlash was...painful. I knew what was to come, I warned everyone. No one listened. I was branded a heretic and stripped of my position. My lover begged for me to interfere with what was to come. But I could not. Time is a delicate fabric and to interfere with it could cause unforeseen consequences. So enraged was my lover, that they used my own magic against me in the my temple, locking me in stasis." - Ancient Charr
"Ash legion took an interest in me after my little display of shadow magic. They'd never heard or seen of something like that before. So i worked for them for a bit after getting out of the fahrar. Yet I logned for more! Oh the wonderful pictures the books and plays i could see in my mind. The human novels were the best. I longed to be the king or prince who saved his true love from the grips of torment!" -Crow the Shadow Lord
"My brother says I used to be different. I couldnt say since I dont remember! He says i was a shy cub, very mild mannered and overly polite. Doesnt sound like me at all if im being honest. I love killing things! Hunted humans for sport for a bit before my mate made me stop. Just something so satisfying about gutting a mouse, ya know?" -Evelynn Painbringger
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rinnysmuses · 2 years
i remember talking to him right after and him joking about it kjglfkjgldf "i'm so fucking sorry you had to go through that but also holy shit finally i'm not the only one anymore!! someone who gets it!!"
yEAH he definitely joked about it to ashe but afterwards, before the tower of babil stuff, he very discreetly and quietly took her aside to just... 
because yeah! he gets it. and he knows how unnerving it must have been for her. 
they were probably gone for a very logn time lol]
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thehammondlegacy · 3 years
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Rewind part 3
23) Margaret and Cristobal try to work things out: So, of course, Margaret and Cristobal eventually came back together, but it took a while before these two were officially back as a couple. I really tried not to rush things out with them because it wouldn’t be real. You’ll see this at the new throwback as well.
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24) Isabella becomes a teen: Oh, boy the lighting!! Always use a while light, guys! Never a yellow one!! Anyway, when Isabella became a teen, it took me a while to figure out her personality. I knew she looked A LOT phisically to Margaret, so I wanted their personalities to be different. Bella is the bold one of the family. She is very honest and tough (Princess Anne vibes!). 
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25) Cristobal moves to Willow Creek and Joins the Army: Ok, so we all remember this! Cristobal left his title behind, divorced his wife and moved to Willow Creek to be near Margaret. At this point, I knew he would marry Margaret of course, so I wanted him to start his carreer in the army before that.
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26) Alice’s book: Who remembers all the tea Alice spilled on her book about her time as wife to the Prince of Oasis Springs? Well, if you don’t remember, you’ll get to see some soon! With this book I wanted to show how strong Alice actually was. I didn’t want her to be seen as weak cause she isn’t! 
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27) Margaret and Cristobal go back together: So after a LOGN time, these two officially came back together and even moved in for a while before tying the knot. We know about George hating the idea of them living together before the wedding, but he eventually got round to it. 
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28) Andrew and Irina’s breakup: This was probably THE breakup of my story. Of course, everyone expected this to happen, but considering Irina was Andrew’s first real love, it was a big thing. Writing Irina’s story was not easy for me cause, like her, I suffer from anxiety and it’s a constant battle that I didn’t want to face in this story, but I thought it was a good idea to include mental health issues, cause they are very normal. 
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29) The twins become teens: We need to go faster, so I’m jumping to the twins era. I know I haven’t shown much of them, but that was the whole point cause Tony and Emma are very low profile! Tony is the golden child, always doing what he’s told and following the rules, and Emma... We all know Emma loves breaking the rules and showing up at protests and living an unconventional life. Well, plot twist! Emma is inspired in my own life. I am the wild child of my family, lol. 
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30) Tony and Emma attend the Pride Parade: This is one of my favourite posts ever! As you all know, I’m a big supporter of the LGBTIQ community, so of course I wanted to include it in my story. Although, none of the royal children have been confirmed to be part of this community, soon you’ll find out one of them is! I’ve been working on this since this child was born, and I’m hoping you to like the story I’m planning. You know Henry and Sofia are very open-minded, so that won’t be an issue.
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31) Andrew dating the Princess Royal of Farrington: Oh, this couple ♥ So, I’ve been collaborating with @thesimmonarchy​ since the beginning of my story, and this was something we were both looking foward to do. We did make some changes while we were writing their love story, but it ended up to be really good for both of us. Alice was so perfect for Andrew at the time because she is wild (in a good way) and he needed that. I guess she made him the man he is today.
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32) Tony starts dating Elle: Oh, to be young and in love! :P So because Tony is the golden child, he is also a one-woman man. Unlike his brother Andrew, Tony has managed to date the same girl during the whole story. As I said, Tony and Emma are very low profile, so that’s why you didn’t see much of them, but now that these two are getting married, you’ll get to see a lot of them!
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33) Margaret and Cristobal’s engagement: And finally, the big moment! The engagement of the Crown Princess to the love of her life. Yes, you’ll get to see the proposal and everything! I have to admit it, I took this screenshot like 5 times lol. I wasn’t sure about the ring, then I wasn’t sure about the clothes and the hairstyle. It was a mess choosing one, but this one was the best of them. I loved how everyone was worried about them not being able to get married because he was divorsed, and how I reasured you that everything was fine, because Henry had changed the law years ago when he saw Cristobal was getting married and he, somehow knew, he was going to get divorse and go back to his loving daughter. Yes, Henry can see the future!
Last part of the rewind coming up next!
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nadacwriter · 3 years
Natalie’s Curse/Dinogad’s Smock
When Natalie Gaine was born, they say she was cursed. As a hybrid of a human and a ghastly creature, she has some powers that may be out of her control. How will her family, specifically her Mother Marion, cope with these powers?
AN: A oneshot featuring a 6-year-old Natalie going through her first transformation. There’s a scene in this one where two characters speak Welsh to each other in the story, but I kept the written dialogue in english, I didn’t want you to have to translate for one of my silly little stories.
CW: Body Horror
Words: 2,335
The last name ‘Gaine’ carries respect with it in Delstran circles all over the world. Maybe you knew of the Gaine’s line, dating back generations; known for progressive politics, many saw them as activists and folk heroes, but others saw them as agitators and terrorists. It was hard to find a witch or wizard in their native Wales that didn’t have an opinion on the line.
Or, maybe you knew more about Marion Gaine, the world renowned duelist who married Krysta Gibson, one of the finest alchemists in the United States, bar none. If you lived in the town they called home, Edelmen, Iowa, you might have known their 8-year-old, Norah, born magically from Krysta. And their newest addition, Charice, a little infant, who had just had her blessing ceremony a month or so ago.
But if you know one thing about the Gaines, in Wales OR America, it’s this:
Natalie Gaine is cursed.
Natalie Gaine is the only child that Marion Gaine herself gave birth to, just two years after Norah was born. The story behind her conception is indeed gruesome, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone willing to tell you the whole story. After all, hybridization with other species is often fine, but with a red wraith? A highly dangerous spirit that most people had never even SEEN before? That was something else.
It didn’t matter. Natalie didn’t look anything like her sisters. Her skin was fair, her hair was jet black, and her body was small, feeble. But that doesn’t constitute rumors of a curse. But nearly killing your mother at birth? Reddish-gray eyes, massive scars and markings all over your body, surprising magical skill, a nasty temper, an inability to sleep, and a morbid curiosity for the dark and macabre? Those were, to the locals, anyways, SURE signs that the child had been cursed. Not the Gaine family, not even necessarily Marion Gaine herself, the biological mother.
Just the child. And life was going to get much more difficult…
“MOM! MAM!” Norah called out, her eyes wide and her stance tense, “I NEED HELP!”
Krysta was busy with her child, but she could hear the concern in Norah’s voice. She took the infant Charice in her arms and walked with her, finding Norah at the top of the stairs to the third floor, “Norah? What’s the Matter?”
Marion, who had been working down on the first floor, trying to repair one of her capes, heard the call as well, and headed swiftly up the stairs, finding Krysta and putting a hand on her shoulder, looking up to Norah, “What’s all the fuss about, love?” Norah breathlessly explained, “N-Natalie! She got angry, because someone was throwing rocks at her window, and she got really mad and she started breaking and I don’t know what to do but I think she’s broken!”
Krysta handed Charice off to Marion, who took her and shushed the now antsy infant. Krysta made her way up to the top of the stairs and put her hands on Norah’s shoulders, moving her out of the way. Norah ran down to Marion, “I-Is Mom gonna be okay?” She asked, tugging on Marion’s dress.
Marion was about to tell Norah that yes, everything would be fine, she probably just cast a spell wrong and they’d need to fix it, it wouldn’t be a big deal...when all of the sudden, a scream. “MARION!”
A pause, then, “Hold her, Norah,” Marion let Norah hold Charice. She made sure Norah’s hands were firm on Charice before bolting up the stairs, nearly tripping on her dress as she made her way to Natalie’s bedroom, finding Krysta. Krysta wore a terror on her face that Marion hadn’t seen in a logn, long time.
“What’s gone wrong? What’s happened?” Marion asked, gripping Krystan’s arms and looking her in the eye, “do I need to call someone?”
“Look, look!” Krysta pointed into the room, and the pair looked upon what was inside. The room was messy, with unmade bed and books strewn about the floor, as well as a window with a small crack in it. But that wasn’t really the pair’s focal point.
Natalie had transformed. Again, when other hybrids did this, it was fine. A human looking more like a fae, or a dryad of some kind. But with a red wraith, it was different. Natalie must have gotten VERY angry to transform like this, and she was probably still angry and scared and confused. The mirror in the room was smashed to bits.
Natalie’s hair was long and greasy, hanging black at her sides. Her clothes were stretched over this new body, and her fingers had formed into long, gnarly claws, with sickly gray tips, serving as claws. Her eyes glowed a cutting scarlet, and shined in the light. But the scariest feature was the mouth. Sharp, long teeth, and there were dozens of them. And her mouth had split, as well, with deep, horrible jowls hanging down from her mouth to her chest, embedded with teeth. Her breathing was heavy and labored, and her head flitted and shook, like a bird expecting a fight.
“I-I don’t know, WHAT is going on,” Krysta began, fear apparent in her wavering voice, “but if that’s permanent, we need to call-”
Marion shook her head, “No. It isn’t permanent.” She let go of Krysta, “Hybrids do this. It’s scary, but, I know how to fix this.” Marion displayed a level of calm and collection that could make a nun look like a drill sergeant. “I’ll fix this,” she said, “I’ll be fine. Go see to Norah.”
Krsta nodded gently, and hurried off. She was an attentive and caring figure, but anyone confronted with their child being transformed into that would be caught off guard. As she went away from the room, Marion calmly entered, and shut the door.
Natalie hissed at her as the door shut, and scurried into a corner, grunting and hitting her head against the wall. Whether she was trying to escape or otherwise, it wasn’t working. As Marion went to put a hand onto Natalie’s shoulder, she recoiled into herself, and screamed out, before she began what sounded like crying. The low, rough noise choking out from her was painful for Marion to hear. But she endured it, to help her daughter.
Marion scoured the books on the floor. She was looking for one in particular, a little picture book she’d brought with her from Wales. She’d never known why she’d kept it until now. And when she found the book, she slowly went to Natalie, sitting behind her.
“It’s alright, pet...cry.” She said, “I know you’re in there, somewhere, Natalie.” Marion reached for Natalie’s shoulder again, and this time, Natalie let herself be touched. She was cold, wrinkled, and she shook. Marion then began to hum a song, as she opened the book.
Natalie responded well, as she turned to face her mam. She spotted the book as well, and hissed at it, looking at the pages intently. Marion, meanwhile, kept the humming going, before she began to sing.
“Pais Dinogat Vreith, Vreith…
O grwyn balaot ban wreith…
Chwit chwit chwidogeith,
Gochanwn gochenyn wythgeith…”
Marion would point at the pictures in the book. A rotund man, wearing a furry smock, and carrying a club, and a spear, and holding two dogs on a rope leash. Natalie was now leaning into Marion ow, calming down from her fear and rage. Her skin was growing warm, her hair short, and her eyes more human. Marion, meanwhile, continued,
“Pais Dinogat Vreith, Vreith…
O grwyn balaot ban wreith…
Chwit chwit chwidogeith,
Gochanwn gochenyn wythgeith…”
Natalie was looking more human, her hands retracting into fingers and palms, her legs doing the same, and even her teeth grew less sharp, her chin reforming. Marion turned the page, and pointed out pictures, containing different amounts of animals that Dinogad had hunted. Marion’s smile was gentle, as was her grip on Natalie.
“Un ,
Natalie was back to normal. Her face was stained with tears, her voice was shaky, but she was finally calming herself down. It was Natalie who sang the next part in the book, her voice gentle and raspy.
“Pais Dinogat Vreith, Vreith…
O grwyn balaot ban wreith…
Chwit chwit chwidogeith,
Gochanwn gochenyn wythgeith…”
The pair went on, singing until the song was done and the book was closed. Marion stroked Natalie’s hair, kissing her forehead. She spoke with Natalie in Welsh, gently lifting her to the bed, and resting her own head on her own arms.
“Natalie,” She began, “Do you want to tell me what happened?” She asked, observing as her daughter turned away. She kept her eyes on her, just in case she ended up transforming again.
“Someone through a rock and my window and I got mad. Then Norah said my teeth looked funny, and I got scared. Then I heard a voice telling me to-” she paused, reluctant to go on, gripping the comforter of her bed.
“Natalie,” Marion got up and got the girl a set of less stretched clothes, “You transformed because you got too angry and too scared. Your brain didn’t want to hold back anymore.”
“But you told me I can’t control when I’m angry!” Natalie said, wrapping herself up in her blanket. She made it clear that she wasn’t budging, at least for a little while.
“Nat,” Marion sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her, “You can’t. But you can control how you deal with it.” Marion rubbed Nat’s back through the blanket, “Life will not be easy. Not for anyone. But your mother and I can help you take some of that weight. Okay?”
“…” Natalie reached out and hugged her mother tightly, squeezing her, “Thanks, Mam. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, Nat. You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me, a little anger management isn’t gonna change that.”
Marion walked down the stairs calmly and quietly, and was greeted by Krysta, holding Charice, a worried expression on her face. “So...did you change her back?”
“Yes. Where’s Norah, is she alright?” Asked Marion, kissing Krysta gently on the cheek.
“She’s fine, I calmed her down,” she said, shaking her head and sitting in a nearby chair, “so, Natalie just transformed into a red wraith.”
“Yes.” Marion stated, matter-of-factly, as she sat next to Krysta, “It had to do with her anger. We’re gonna have to figure out a way to control it. I don’t know how.” Marion sighed, leaning forward.
Krysta bounced Charice up and down on her leg, “We’ll figure it out, Marion. I promise.” She put a hand onto of Marion’s, rubbing the back of her hand gently.
Marion smiled softly and nodded. “I know.” She said, leaning back into her chair. “Here,” She took Charice once more, rocking her gently, “I’ll keep her for now. You’ve been up a while. Rest.”
“You sure, dear? I know that couldn’t have been easy.”
“Ohh, I’m sure. She’s our baby, after all, should get to know her Mam.” Marion responded, nuzzling her nose into Charice’s, kissing her forehead, and letting her smile grow as Charice giggled in response.
Krysta rose from her seat and made her way down the stairs, letting Marion sit alone with Charice, and with her thoughts. Her smile faded into a frown, and her stare became vacant, as she let the little child sit in her arms, rocking back and forth in the chair. Thinking about Natalie, about how scared she looked when she’d turned, how terrified she must have felt when she turned. She thought for a while, until she heard the sound of little footsteps padding down the stairs.
Natalie was still wrapped up in her blanket, and looked to see Marion, walking over to her. “Can I sit, Mam?”
“’course, dear.” Marion replied, looking up and moving some pale hair out of her face.
Natalie sat in the chair next to Marion, and looked at Charice, wriggling a little and looking all around the room, her eyes taking in all the new sights. She kicked a little bit, and pointed at Natalie.
Natalie’s eyes widened, and she let a smile creep across her face, “can I hold her, Mam, pleeeease?”
marion looked over at the girl. Eyes red, hair black, scars and marks apparent. But her whole body was excited with the aspect of holding her little sister, of taking her into her arms. She just looked so ecstatic to hold her, and like she would die if she didn’t get to.
“Let me show you how,” Marion rose from her seat and walked over, teaching Natalie how to cradle Charice’s head in the crook of her elbow, how to support her body, instructing her to sit down when she held her. And then, she placed Charice into Natalie’s arms, and let go.
Charice kicked and wriggled, grunting and babbling, but she took well to the new person holding her. She sputtered and wriggled some more, all the while being looked at by Natalie, whose eyes were dead set on Charice the second she entered her arms.
“Mam,” She gasped, “She’s so tiny…”
“Gonna be as big as you some day, Nat, maybe even bigger!” Marion said. Marion watched as Natalie held Charice, careful with her, even while she was sitting down, and wrapped in a soft blanket. She was incredibly deliberate, as if every breath was calculated. All because she didn’t want to hurt her sister.
Marion stopped worrying about Natalie’s anger, at least, for now. She watched Natalie hold her little sister, with every ounce of care she could. And Marion knew, somewhere, that even IF Natalie was cursed, even if part of her wanted to kill those kids who were messing with her, there was a bigger part. A part that knew how important it was to be careful with a young child.
And Marion wouldn’t have it any other way.
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fan-clan-fun · 5 years
Fanclan Allegiances
while i work on tigerclaw’s family members and most notable history, decided to make some allegiances for the fic i’m planning! this is set before he’s born, and i’m thinking of calling it Oakstar’s Wrath? i always liked the idea of a leader that wants the best for his Clan and is willing to do whatever it takes to get that. also, U might remember some of the cats as I talked about some of them previously in Sycamore’s profile (e.g. Lightningclaw, Foxstep, Ryeheart, etc).
Lovely, more allegiances! Im excited to hear about these cats, as well as more on Oakstar’s wrath. Let’s see what we have. 
anyway, here U go!!
Take those canon names and use them! Although you might have to constantly remind readers she’s female, just cause of canon fireheart. 
WARRIORS (in order from most seniority to least)
WARRIORS (in order from most seniority to least)
Amaranth is an absolutely beautiful prefix. I love it. I want it. 
WARRIORS (in order from most seniority to least)
Ryeheart is here is U remember him, he’s now Ryestorm, I felt it fit him much better.
Tigerclaw isn’t present, but he’ll be born to Pinepelt and Peachpaw (Peachflower). his mother can’t nurse him due to an infection (and by this point, Mudflower is long out of the nursery) and so he’s given to Marshclan and Swallowflower takes him in, with the cavaet that they give him back once he’s weaned. When that time comes  up, Marshclan doesn’t want to, Swallowflower’s grown attached and conflict insures.
Interesting, I would like to know how all of these character dynamics actually affect or have to do with the plot, it seems like you at least know them all very well!
I took a few names from canon, and I’m excited to flesh them out!!
Leopardfur is named after the leopard moth, hence the black and white coloring.
I see that! It might throw people off a bit at first, like I said up there, but as logn as you are able to tell a compelling story, and none of them are major players, you should be able to do it. Im excited to see how this works out!
Thanks again for the submission!
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thebigg-v3 · 5 years
AI – Thoughts and Rants
This summer semester I decided to take Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, which the university I go to offers as an elective for CS majors. Which is awesome, I know! As a computer science student I had been curious for a while about the robots, talking computers that assist Iron Man, and even the “magic” behind things like Siri. Yes even I, someone who is in the “know” about a field like software engineering, which is intertwined with AI in more ways than one, fantasizes (or used to, maybe?) about a future where robots assist us on all kinds of tasks and make our lives better/easier, or in the case of I, Robot, a lot worse. All jokes and fiction aside, the fact is that AI exists already in our lives. In fact it is so infused with our day-to-day lives that we don’t even notice it. You ever look at the weather app on your phone? Do you ever go to Google Translate? Do you ever ask Google for directions? Do you ever ask Siri anything? All of these things use some technique that was born in the field of AI, or machine learning (which is a very close sibling to AI). I could go into all  kinds of impressive, and not-so-impressive, techniques that I learned about in the class. A-Star search; Informed Search; Probabilistic Reasoning; Markovian Models; Neural Nets, etc. But this is not the reason why I write this.
The reason why I write this essay/blog post is because a friend of mine, who is planning on taking the class next semester, asked me a very simple question, “How is AI?”. Well...the truth is that is not a simple question at all. It’s a tough question. Because I do have MANY reservations about AI. They range from the philosophical, technical and even reach out to my ethical concerns about Artificial Intelligence. Now, before I go on, I want to be clear about something: THIS IS A BIASED PIECE. As I go on, you’ll notice I have specific opinions about AI as a software engineer. I also want to state that this is NOT a piece meant to attack/offend anybody/anyone/ any organization that is researching AI or building products powered by AI/machine learning. I think you are all awesome people(a little crazy, but in a good way), and you have my utmost and sincere respect. Now that that is out of the way, let’s get down to business.
Before coming to this class I thought AI was an awesome/fascinating field(at the moment I still do). That with everyone—mainstream media, programmers, Google, Microsoft—hyping up AI, I thought to myself, there has to be reason for all the buzz and fuzz about this “AI thing” . And to be honest, MOST of it is undeniably granted. So...as a software engineer I was surprised by how mathematical AI really was. You’d think that a field that is, as stated before, so infused with our lives would be somewhere on the vicinity of software engineering in regards to practicality. But it’s truly not. The truth is that a lot of problems, rightfully so, have to be theorized/generalized in some way before they’re solved in an intelligent manner by a machine. And this makes sense. Think about it, if you want to talk about path-finding, “paths” aren’t simply cities A-F, and find the shortest path. This could be the surface of a new planet with a different landscape, New York, a colony in the moon or you might even have a case where you’re concerned about the cost of moving a piece on a chessboard. It’s also not just about making the algorithm fast. And it’s not that AI doesn’t welcome nice Big O notations like constant time and linear and logN—and these are becoming less central to any algorithm given all of the crazy-fast hardware we have today and the crazier-faster that is still to come. These are, like any algorithm, preferred over N^2 or something above that. However, AI’s top priority to my understanding(at least if I learned what I was supposed to learn), is to solve problems, or find answers, in an intelligent way.
But what the in the world does intelligent mean, anyway?
This is when AI becomes philosophical. And, if you ever take this class(or at least the specific AI class I took), you won’t be tested on the philosophical definitions of AI. But even though you won’t be tested on those when doing the projects, which is the most important part of the class, you won’t directly use anything philosophical, it’s worth keeping in mind that any algorithm in AI is trying to do things intelligently. This means that brute force is not welcome; that randomness, with some exceptions(like hill climbing), is not very welcome; most things that aren’t generalized(in an intelligent manner) are not very welcome. This is one of the reasons why AI is math-heavy: AI scientists need a way to generalize intelligence. But how general can intelligence really be? Can it really mimic the intelligence of a human to the point that it can compose songs, write an essay on the politics of the world and even make moral judgments? At the end of the day, not really. I mean you can take all of the songs recorded up to this day, and write a fancy neural net(don’t ask me how they work, they’re not super-complicated, but not a walk-in-the-park either) and it can classify and recognize some patterns and put something together….but it’s just re-mixing what we’ve already heard and listened to a million times. So no, AI is not that general. The AI of today is very narrow. This is not to say that it is useless. AI is very useful and will be in the future; speech recognition will get better; self-driving cars will improve; it will be able to write “better” songs. But AI won’t have a face; it won’t (and this is subjectively my opinion) have the ability to make moral judgments(and if we allow it to, then we are fools buying snake oil). As a software engineer I found the radical uses of Bayes Theorem somewhat interesting, but not very exciting. I found myself subscribing to the idea to program intelligence into the machine, rather than program it and tell it what to do. This, if I’m being frank, made me a little uncomfortable. As a software engineer I like tinkering with machines, I like to write programs that solve problems(rather than “program” intelligence and let It solve the problems for me). I felt as if I were being submissive to this idea—I know, it’s a stretch. And yes, I am probably romanticizing programming as a craft, but I’m sorry, I can’t help it. Speaking of programming machines, that reminds me, to the AI people(and I’m speaking about the specific people that guided me throughout the class—professors and TAs) the code did not matter. Which struck me as surprising, and a little unnerving. To them all that mattered was the theorems, excel charts and “report”. Which again, given the fact that the code itself in practice is the building block for the AI agent to do whatever it is that it needs to do, was unnerving—borderline frustrating. I don’t write code to plot charts, theorize formulas or see trends. That’s not to say, I write code without documentation. Documentation is not what we are talking about here. Indeed, self-documented code is a must. But to write code to satisfy Bayes Theorem? That itself is frustrating and, in my opinion, goes against the spirit of creativity in programming. It goes against the lemma I follow when I code—hack away. Hack the malloc calls to the point where all of the segments you allocate are continuous; trick the OS into caching at all levels only your processes; manipulate CPU priorities to make your process priority 1 because the game you’re building is over-bloated with physics calculations and unnecessary art, and that computer does not have a GPU. AI felt nothing like hacking computers. AI felt nothing like engineering solutions. It felt like forcing code to comply with some theorem—Bayes Theorem,  making informed decisions, Perceptron, etc. I seriously respect these techniques, because all of them are incredibly cool and quite impressive. And heck, software engineers do use these techniques today. But, in my humble opinion, an engineer doesn’t have to fully comply with a mathematical rule. They are nice because they make a bunch of assumptions that MOST of the time are true. But in engineering, when we have to directly sometimes interact with hardware and users, some of these assumptions are not very useful in practice. Sometimes as engineers, if we were building an OS, one might have to hard-code stuff with macros in C to make a specific architecture/piece of hardware faster. Sometimes in software engineering, one doesn’t have the luxury of just “throwing memory” at a problem—which is part of the idea of machine learning, along with some statistics. Throw memory at it, implement perceptron and you can classify pictures! Engineers have to keep in mind the cost of adding two gigs of ram—cost in terms of money and resources. As an engineer, when handling CPU scheduling, sometimes one doesn’t know what the best scheduling scheme is. Sometimes engineers have to wait till users actually use the software, and get a “feel” for what’s the best CPU scheduling scheme, given the different use cases. AI doesn’t like hard-coded macros, that’s not intelligent. AI doesn’t love edge-cases hacks, that’s not intelligent. AI doesn’t care about beautiful code that might be 10% faster because one follows good practices. AI, from the impression I got in this class, is almost programming-independent. One might even say it finds programming languages hindering because there isn’t a language that fully expresses how “great”(ahem, intelligent) It really is. I could be wrong about these assumptions. Because, heck, what do I know? I’m only a software engineer.
Despite my reservations about AI, I highly recommend taking the class as a CS major. Having said what I said, AI is not going away. For better or worse, it will stay in the lives of people, software engineers and not-software engineers. It is and will be a necessary evil of our present and future. Take the class, get a feel for what you think of it. And if you’re like me—you like to hack computers—you’ll survive in that jungle of probability and intelligence greatness. I honestly can’t tell you to stay or not, that’s your choice. In the meantime, I choose not to.
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epickendall · 5 years
The Summer of Del'goxoth part 7
The next day Danny is in the dining room watching TV Danny is watching the entertainment channel doing an interview in downtown Los angles about the disappearance of Logan Hall. The reporter for the Channel is a woman in her late 20s wearing a teal suit. The reporter spots a teenage girl having brown hair, black and green glasses walking across the street the reporter and the cameramen go to the teenager.
"Excuse me, young lady, how do you feel about the missing of Logan Hall?" said the reporter points the mic to the teenager's mouth
"Geez, I hope he okay and not hurt I just love all his movies," Said the teenager
"Even the bad ones?"
"Yes, all of his movies are classic films to me,"
"Okay thank you for your time,"
The reporter moves on from the teenager she then sees an older businessman drinking his coffee next to a parked SUV the reporter, and the cameramen go up to him.
"Sir, what you think about no word or sight of the missing actor Logn Hall?"
"Who cares about that punk he's probably in some resort drinking a bunch of jello shots with some tramps. no excuse me I got somewhere important to be," the businessmen push the reporter and cameramen out of the way
"Rude!" the cameramen yelled.
The reporter then sees a blonde woman wearing a fancy grey dress and open toe high heel walking down the sidewalk the reporter and the cameramen make their way to her and ask the same type of question she said to the two other people.
"How do you feel about the disappearance of Logan Hall miss?"
The women face got red, and she is angry; the women grab the reporter mic.
"I feel that I'm glad Logan Hall missing better yet I hope that mother*beep* is dead Logan Hall I can't believe you cheated on me with that little *beep* of my cousin and say our sex was not good it was 2 out of 5 the next time I see you I'll rip your.."
Then the Channel went off the air Danny changed the Channel to a game show.
"Logan Hall must be a massive jerk to that woman causing her to snap on live Tv," Danny thought.
Danny's stomach starts to growl Danny goes into the kitchen to get himself something to eat but there isn't anything in the refrigerator and the kitchen cabinets to eat as Washington order Chinese food for Dinner last night.
"Hm we should go get groceries from a store this week  I did saw a diner called Greasy's Diner I'll eat there but should tell Washington where I'm going,"
Danny goes to the study room to see Washington looking at a bunch of files in a revolving chair.
"Hey Washington I'm going get myself something to eat at the town diner," said Danny
"Okay don't get yourself in trouble and call me when you leave the diner after you have done eating," said Washington not looking up from his files
"I won't."
Danny puts on his River identity disguise. He leaves the house and made his way over to the diner. It took a while for Danny to get to the diner on foot making him rethink he should have asked Washington to drive him there. Danny made it to the diner he goes in and sits in the diner booth as he looks at the menu then a thought came to Danny mind.
"I wonder how everyone doing back in Amity park is doing?"
Back in Amity Park Sam and Valerie were talking to each other on a park bench in the towns park they talk about Danny not being in the Amity Park.
"I wonder how Danny doing?" said Valerie
"I'm sure he's fine Valerie Danny fought multiple ghosts before whatever Danny is I think he could handle it," said Sam
Danny didn't exactly tell her and Tucker where the FBI sent him to because he wants them to be safe in case some cult member kidnapped one them for information on Danny whereabouts. Sam agrees with Danny not telling them where the FBI sent to him even though it doesn't feel right to her.
"So Sam the FBI come to my house yesterday,"
"They wanted me to help them out with keep all the ghost in this town in line until Danny gets back,"
"How did they even know about your ghost hunting?"
"I ask the same question to them, and they say they got a watchful eye on people,"
"That sound very suspicious, did you agree to what they offer Valerie?"
"Yeah, I did Sam I know how to handle a ghost in this town like Danny,"
Then they hear screams Sam and Valerie turn to see the Box ghost flying away from two FBI agents with armed with Anti-ghost guns.
The Box ghost turns to the FBI agents "foolish human you think you could take down the Box ghost with those toys of yours?"
One of FBI shoots the Box ghost in the butt that causes the chase to resume Sam and Valerie laugh at the event that they witness.
"Do the Box ghost ever give up?" said Sam between her laugh
"Never Sam he's too stupid to give up," said Valerie
"Valerie, Sam,"
The two girls see Paulina walking to them while texting on her phone when Paulina approach Sam and Valerie she put away her phone and looked at them.
"What do you want Paulina?" said Sam not wanting to deal with Paulina for the day
"I want to know where Danny I'm sure that you two know where he is," said Paulina
"We have no idea where Danny is,"
"Bullshit don't be selfish on this information that would ruin my chances with Danny,"
"How we were selfish?" said Sam
"Yourself selfish because of you two got a hold on Danny to be with him even though you two used to date him than ending up breaking up,"
"First off we're not selfish Paulina Danny is our friend when don't have a hold on him," said Valerie
"Lastly no way in hell would Danny ever going to date you shallow bitch," said Sam in angry
"Whatever losers I gotta go to the beauty salon for an appointment to get my hair done after that over I will find out where is Danny and he'll be mine," Paulina walks off.
"The nerve of that girl," said Valerie
"I hope someday Karam gets to her when it does I hope I'll be there to see this," said Sam
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miriamandvictoria · 5 years
Fun character bio
@ocprompting Fun Character Bio Victoria
What is it?
Victoria Willsson
Does it mean anything, who gave it to them and why?
It doesn't have a specific meaning, but was given to her by Catherine Willsson, the woman who originally adopted her when she was two months old. Catherine died when Victoria was five, and her name is one of very few thing she has left of her.
Do they like it?
Yes, but sometimes they wonder what their biological mother might've called her
Is it a common name for their setting/culture, or is it obscure?
It's common
Other basics
Personality traits
What are their most defining traits to their personality?
Absolutely past giving a shit about anyone, compassionate and protective, and very intelligent
What sticks out as soon as you meet them, what kind of first impression do they make?
First anyone would notice is that they are very creative. It shows in their clothes, in the way they act, everything. A real free spirited artist. They usually make a good first impression, but they can quickly be stereotyped as a 'quirky artist'
What are their good traits?
Creative, compassionate, intellegent, dependable
What are their bad traits?
A bit too artistic, not the best at socializing, naive (not in bussiness, but personal relations), strong fight or flight reflex (run away when things get over her head), proud
Any other traits?
Fiercely protective of her family
How do they describe themself, how do they view themself?
They see themselves as a grounded, dependable person with an a creative side. They don't have the best self-image, especially not when it comes to close relations, and often second guess themselves in pretty much anything they do, but they try to act proud and unwavering.
How do others describe them, how do others view them?
Others see them as a nice, dependable person and a good mother. They are often impressed by her determination to not give up on her creativity and artistic calling, even if they have to have a regular 9 to 5 job as well. Sometimes their uncertainty about close relations show, and it can be a bit unsettling because it appears to go against their confident and dependable nature.
What parts of their personality always prevail and are always present no matter what the situation is?
Her creativity and dependableness. She is always quick to come up with inventive solutions even in terrible situations, and even if she can sometimes be umcertain about close relations she will be there when you need her no matter what.
Are they a different person when you first meet them than when you get to know them, does it take them time to open up? Or are they an open book from the get go?
They are pretty much an open book from the get go, though you sometiems underestimate how complex the story is. The more you learm to know them the more you learn that there's a complecity to it that doesn't immidiatly show from the outside.
About 185 cm
Body build/shape/weight?
Tall, lean and wide hips & larger breast.
Facial shape - What are their eyes like? How about their nose, or lips? Shape of cheeks? Eyebrows?
They have green eyes that are rather cat like - some of her friends claim they glow in the dark. Thin lips and nose. Sharp, downwards pointing eyebrows that can make her look angry even if she is just sad or concerned.
Hair - Is it short? Long? How is the texture/shape? How is the style? Do they wear it different ways or only one way? What colour(s) is it, and is that natural or changed?
Her natural hair colour is auburn, but they went gray in their mid-20s and coloured it a chocolate brown colour until her mid 30s. They had long (down to stomach, little longer) and straight hair until their late 20s. Since then it's a little past their shoulders in length, and it has it's natural texture which is wavy. They also curl it occasionally with quite good results.
Skin tone?
They're white (American)
Anything such as glasses? freckles? dimples? scars? any wrinkles?
She got slight crows feet and small wrinkles around her mouth. She also have dimples. She got reading glasses, but use them less often than she should. She has scars on her fingers from when she first learned to play guitar, because she didn't know how to tune it. She also has a c-section scar from having her daughter.
Do they look younger, average, or older than their age?
Physically they look a bit younger than their actual age, but their grey hair tend to 'give away' their real age.
How do they feel about their appearance? Do they like it, do they dislike it, is it mixed, or do they not place much value on their looks?
It's pretty mixed. They have good and bad days, like most people. She decidedly dislike how she look with glasses though.
Is there anything they would want to change about their appearance? Is there anything they refuse to change about their appearance?
When she was younger she definatly wished that she hadn't gone grey so early, and solved it by colouring leticoulesly and never letting any of the grey show. It was rather hard on her hair and she first started trying shorter hairstyles to make it easier for her and her hair. Nowadays she strictly tells herselg she is perfect the way she is, and leave it at that.
Gender identity/etc
What is their gender?Are they intersex or perisex (non intersex)? Or does their culture not even have different “sexes”? Are they cis or trans? Or does their culture not even assign genders?What are their pronouns?
Perisex cisgender female, she/her
Orientation/attraction (if oc is aro and/or ace, skip the ones you feel not applicable)
Sexual orientation/Romantic orientation?
Bisexual with a heavy preference for women
Are they dating anyone? Are they married? Do they want to get married? Or do they prefer ‘one night stands’?
They aree married to a woman called Miriam Willson-Paul. She met her when Miriam had just turned twenty, and she was twenty-six. They fell in love rather quickly, but it took 15 years before they got married, both due to trouble in the relationship and because it was not legall in either of their home states.
How do they react when they first fall for someone?
She's a head over heels kind of person. She falls in love quick and hard.
How do they react when they first begin being intimate with someone?
At first they can be worried and uncertain. They're not really very trusting when becoming intimate with new people, even if they love them dearly. This has however grown away a bit as they got older, and got more secure in themselves and the fact that it is not their fault if people chos eto leave, as logn as she doesn't do anything bad to the relationship.
How do they react further on down the relationship?
They get much more secure in themselves, and though they always fall hard from the get go, it truly starts to show when they get comfortable further down the line. Her wife once described it as 'the eruption of the emotional volcano'.
Do they change or do they stay the same but stronger feelings?
They stay the same. They're head ove rheels for the getgo, sp the only thign that happen is the feelings become more solid.
Do they have a lot of dating experience, a little, or none?
Only a little. A number of one night stands and two true loves in their life.
What ways do they express intimacy or love? Hugs, Kisses, Giving gifts, Doing favors, Creating things for them, Verbal flattery, etc?
Creating gifts, verbal flattery, favours and hugs & kisses
Are they casual or intense in the relationship?
Intense, once they dare to show it
Do they value the relationship as important and lasting, or just fun and fleeting? Are they fast or slow in their relationships?Are they dominant or passive in the relationship? Do they take the lead, let their partner(s) take the lead, a mixture, or is there no lead in their relationships?
They value it as important and lasting, they're fast in their head but pretty slow in reality. Once they're comfortable they are definatly dominant, though it rarely show because they got a more dominant partner. Usually its a mix of who take the lead. They got their insecurities and their expertises, and take lead accordingly.
Do they enjoy sexual aspects to their relationship more, or romantic aspects more?
They enjoy both equally, but they have a Demisexual partner who do not enjoy sex as much, so Romantic has come to be most important.
Do they have any sexual interests that they do with their partner(s), either for themself or for their partner(s)?
Not really, they like sex as such but they'r enot very adventurous and their partner doesn't much care for sex.
What do they do if there is something upsetting in their relationship, how do they handle slight turmoil in their relationships? (as in, not abuse, but a small/singular problem)? Are they confident when with a partner, or are they insecure? If they are confident, how do they feel about confident partners? How about insecure partners? if insecure, then how do they feel about confident partners? or insecure partners?
Usually they try to run from the problem. She and her partner are terrible at communicating, and especially when they were younger she could spend weeks sleeping on the couch in a silent stand-off. Omce they get comfy, they are very confident but their wife is even stronger, which sometiems make them look insecure in comparising. However, small issues can make them both dissolve into insecure messes, so it's really individual to the situation. They do, however, like someone who is confident in a relationship.
Do they have a 'type’? Personality wise, what do they enjoy in a partner(s)? Looks wise, what do they enjoy as well?How well do they handle heartbreak?
They do't have a type, but prefer women over men and do find hair very fascinating, so women with longer hair and more elaborate hair styles are more intresting. They are terrible at heart break! They still have a lot of emotional scars & unproccessed trauma from their first real heart-break. It was an on and off relationship with a married man who abused drugs and alcohol. It also included a triangle drama with his jelous wife, her girlfriend of the time and several assorted women that he played with. It ended with the man killing himself with drugs and alcohol, and Victoria still carries a lot of deeply rooted issues from it.
Platonic relationships
What kinds of people do they make friends with? What kinds of people DON’T they make friends with?
They caan make friends with just about anyone, but will drop you if you are not faithful to your partner or talk shit about people who are mot present.
What kinds of things do they enjoy to do with friends?
They lile to sing and play music with their friends, as well as paint and sculpt. Their own hobbies, but with others. Otherwise just going out fir a beer or to the movies is fine too.
Do they like to chill at home, go out somewhere exciting, hang at a quiet coffee shop, etc? Do they enjoy a large friend group or small? Would they rather a few great friends, or many good friends?
They like to go out, but can stay home too. Its fine with either for her. She has a few trusted friends that she stick to, and a large group of shallow aquintances.
Do they make friends with anyone easily, or are they selective? How long does it take them being around a person to consider them a friend? How do they handle a fight with a friend? How do they express their friendship? What kinds of things do they do to/with friends to let them know they care for them?
They make friends easily, but to really have a strong bond with them will take years and years until you can be accepted a 'proper' friend. They handle fights terrible. People usually avoid fighting them because they know how bad it can get. They express their friendship through unwavering lpyalty and dependability. They will always be there.
How do they feel about animals as a whole? Do they view them as friends, helpers, tools/rescources, equal companions, annoyances, or enemies?
They love animals!
Do they have a favourite animal, for any reason? A least favourite animal?
Favourite animal are dogs. No least favourite.
Do they have any pets? Have they formally had pets? If no pet, do they want one?Are they good with animals or are they bad with them?
They are great with animals! They have three dogs, their wife has a cow and a horse, and their son has a cat.
What kinds of food do they enjoy? What kinds of foods do they not enjoy?
They like hardy homecooked comfort food. They dislike sleak, fat free upscale resturant food.
Do they eat a little, a lot, or somewhere inbetween? If a little, Do they only eat a little due to being poor/conserving, or is there another reason such as culture/religious/etc? If a lot, do they do so due to money/abundance of food, or would they still find a way to eat a lot even if poor? 
They eat a lot when their wife has cooked for them, but left alone they eat very little both due to having had little money growing up and early on in their adulthood, and due to not really mich experiencing hunger.
Do they have any food allergies, or restrictions such as vegetarian/vegan/pescetarian/etc? If the latter, is it a personal belief, a cultural belief, a religious belief, due to allergies, or something else?
No allergies
Do they view food as just sustenance or as a pleasure? Or balance it out? If given a big plate of food, do they eat their fav food first or last? If given a big plate of food, do they eat it all at once, or save some for later?
Again, if someone else cook its pleasure, otherwise its sustenance. They eat their fav food last always. If given a big plate they'll take it all on the spot. They were raiaed with the principle of 'clean plates equal respect for the cook'.
How do they feel on sweets? How do they feel on sour foods? How do they feel on spicy foods? How do they feel on bland/basic foods?Are they good at cooking/baking, or do they instead just buy premade meals? Do they cook basic storebought foods or do they make food from scratch? Or if rich, do they pay someone else to prepare their foods?
They like sweets, but prefer savoury food. Sour is not a taste they care much for. Spicy food they've come to like because their wife likes cooking spicy mexican cuisine. Bland/basic foods work well for them if theyre cooking for themselves. They're rather mediocre at cooking but will do simple form scratch meals for themselves rather than buy preprepped.
Social/political beliefs
What are their views on social groups?
They think that the society is way too segregated as is today.
Are they open minded or close minded? Are they progressive, or do they dislike if their society changes?
They're open minded, and are posetive to a lot of changes since they're youth since its made it easier for her and her wife.
What is the government like in their setting? Do they like the way it is set up, or not? Do they like their current leader, or not?
They live in modern day America. They do not like the leaders and think the system could be better.
What kinds of clothes do they like?
They're a real redneck and like shirts and cowboy boots and jeanse most the time.
What kinds of things will they include in every outfit?
There is always colour. They would never dress all black, white or grey
What kinds of clothes do they dislike? What kinds of things would they refuse to wear?
They dislike smart suits and you can never get them to wear fancy fabrics like silk, cashmiere etc
Any accessories they always wear, like a bracelet, hair tie, ring, locket, etc? Does it have any significance?
They often wear earings. They always have their wedding ring, even if they may not admit its a wedding ring.
What is their relationship with clothing? Do they wear what’s comfortable, what they aesthetically like, what is easy to work in/what fits their profession, something formal, something casual?
They're pretty casual and artsy. They care a lot for aestethic, but will always make sure they are practical and comfortable too.
Do they view clothes as just fabric to cover their body, or do they consider it an important/integral part of their identity, or somewhere in between? Do they prefer to have less or more skin exposed in their outfits? Do they wear as little as possible, or maybe do they use clothes to hide something about themselves?
Its an important part of their identity. When they were young they could be pretty skimpily clad, but have become more and more prudish with the years. Especially her C-section scar is something she is keen to cover at any cost.
Do they live somewhere with the same temperature/weather all year, or does the climate change? if it does change, do they change their clothes by the changing seasons, or do they stick to their “brand” no matter what? if it doesn’t change, do they like having the same style clothes all year or not?
They live in an area with relatively predictable weather, but will stick to their 'brand' no matter what.
Do they have any physical disorders/ailments/etc?
Do they have any mental disorders/ailments/etc? What about, are they neurodivergent?
They quite possibly have PTSD as a result of traumatic events in their past, as well as some abadonment issues from being abadoned as a baby, and having her first adooted parent die when she was five, but has never been to a psychiatrist. They are not neurodivergent.
Hobbies and talents
Do they have any hobbies or recreational interests? Do they practice them a little at a time/during whatever free time, or are their hobbies more time consuming and take up a good deal of their day/week/etc? Is their hobby to de stress, to bring fulfillment, to build up a skill, or another reason?
They paint, sculpt, sing and play rythm guitarre. Painting and sculpting take a lot of their time in the week. It is both destressing and a thing that fills her with personal fullfillment as it is a skill since shes had since a child and she feel successful as a person as she develop it.
Why do they do their hobby? What made them pick up/do this hobby? Is their hobby something done in their alone time, or something done in a group setting/with friends?
All theur hobbies are things that has come naturally to them since childhood. Thry love doing it with others, but their subject and the contents might vary a lot deoending on who is presemt/watching.
What kinds of talents do they have? What are they good at? Is it something more well regarded like singing, dancing, painting, etc.. or something more obscure like quickly organizing things alphabetically, remembering what kind of flowers their friend likes, or another skill that isnt as widely seen as a typical “talent/skill”?
Painting, sculpting, singing and playing guitarre are their skills. All widely regarded skills that are taken seriously.
is there any type of hobby they detest and would never partake in? Is there any sort of skill or subject they are just completely bad at? Is there a hobby they wish they could try? Is there a skill they wish they had?
Not really. They are a well rounded person who is not completely horrible at snything really, even if they defiantly have their owm expertise. They are also willing to try most things if someone want them to.
Are their hobbies or skills more practical and useful in a job or career, more suited for social life/aspects, more creative and for fun, or do they serve a different kind of purpose in their life?
They use their hobbies as a career, but most freely they handle it as a job on the side of their normal job.
Religion and spirituality
Are they religious?
No, they are an atheist. They only partcipate when their wife, who is religious, ask them to.
Where they raised on their faith, or did they convert in later?
They were raised christaim, but a very liberal type of christinaity that did not include visiting the local church as their mother found it too negatibe and restrictive compared to her take on christianity. They decided they were atheist around age fifteen.
financial status/job
What financial class do they belong to? Are they a ruler/royalty, nobility, upper class, middle class, lower class, or poor as can be?Were they born in to this class, or came in to it later on?
They are normal middle class citizensbut was raised in a finacially limited family.
What is their job, if they have one?
They're an art teacher on a middle school level. They sell art and sculptures on the side.
How do they earn their money, or at least things like food and other necessities? Do they enjoy their work, do they only work for the money, or do they detest their job?
They do not much like their normal job but love selling art and sculptures and doing paid jobs as a preelance artist. Their favourite thing is doing album covers.
Is work something enjoyable or is it stressful?Is this their dream job, or is there something they’d like to be doing more?
Its stressful and definatly not the dream job to be a teacher - they want to be an artist full time.
What is stopping them - do they not have the social class, do they not have the money or ability to achieve it, or do they maybe just not believe they’re capable?
They do mot become an artist fulltime because they've had three kids to look after and did not think it was economically viable evem if they do make some money on it on the side. As they grow older and the kids move out, they're considering going straight at it.
Do they have any phobias or fears?
They have a fear of abadonment that can be triggered by foghting with friends and family, amogn other things
After escaping the situation, how do they recover?
Lots of tlc with family or friends.
How long does it take to do so?
Between a few hours and a few days. Usually it last until the trigger that started it is resolved.
Is their fear easily able to be overcome after facing it once or twice, or is it something more chronic and they have the same response no matter how often they experience it?
Its chronic
Does their fear come from a frightening life experience, or is it more 'random’ and not 'derived’ from anything?
It comes from being abadoned as a baby of two months, her first adooted parent then dying when she was five.
When playing truth or dare, which option do they take when asked?
If hypothetically stranded on an island for a week, what three objects and three people would they take with them?
Pocket knife, waaterbottle with cleaning filter and their wife
If given 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
More dogs, to meet their Bio. Mum and for their first love not to have died.
What’s their fav music genre?
What’s their fav tv/book genre?
Fantasy & historical fiction
Fav video game genre?
They don't play videogames
Do they like board games, or do board games frustrate them?
They get frustrated, but they still played it a lot with their kids
Do they sing in the shower? Do they sing when they cook? Do they sing when doing chores?
Yes on all 3
How do they react to having an annoying song stuck in their head for 3 days?
They play it 24/7 until its out of their head
Are they good with kids?
What’s the quickest way to make them smile/laugh?
Remind them of something embaressing they did once.
Quickest way to make them cry/break their heart?
Pick a fight and walk away before it can be resolved/fail to accept apolegise/explanations
Quickest way to get on their nerves/piss them off?
Cheat on your partner
How do they sleep? Light sleeper, heavy sleeper, do they snore? do they toss and turn or are they a brick?
They toss around a lot, and is quite a light sleeper. Snore a lot.
Do they own a comfort object?
Yes, a rag doll in the shape of a White bunny with a blue dress.
Do they own a sacred object?
A 1950s J-200 Gibson Guitarre
Do they own a useful object? Any sort of thing they own that they heavily rely on for something?
Their painting/sculpting equipment.
Zodiac sign?
Do they care about this sort of thing?
How do they react to/act when they are sick?
They try to get through it but often end up covered in blankets on the couch while their wife looks after them
How do they react to/act when in pain?
They get aggressive
How do they react to/act when hungry?
They rarely notice and it doesn't affect them much when they don't eat.
Any tropes that apply? Or, what is their basic “character type”?
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OTP QUESTIONS 1-30 IF YOU PLEASE. Seriously though, you can just pick like two or three. I'm easy to please.
 Sorry that this took me so long! Questions found here.
1. Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Ivar has too much money to really be able to spend almost all of it on Ylva. He does spend a lot of money on her though. Ylva is a stay at home wife and mother/ student for several years of their marriage and most often doesn’t have her own income. When she does get a job, it is mostly unpaid volunteer work.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
They both do, Ylva slightly more often than Ivar. Ivar sometimes falls asleep with his head in Ylva’s lap.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
Ylva walks around half-naked but Ivar doesn’t complain.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Ylva tells Ivar to remember to sleep and while he does listen to her most of the time, he definitely pulls some all-nighters too.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
Ivar tries to cook for Ylva but it doesn’t end well so Ylva makes chocolate chip cookies for the both of them.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
Ylva does read them but she rarely brings them up to Ivar.
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
Ylva wears Ivar’s clothes, especially when going to the hospital as it comforts her. Ivar can’t really fit into her clothes.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
They mostly have their staff run errands. Ylva is more likely to go with the staff, but Ivar is always careful to make sure that everything he wants is written down before they leave.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
None of them drive, they have Lars for that.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Neither of them really draw, but Ivar takes a lot of photos of Ylva.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
Ylva is definitely the one to stroll behind wth a bag of chips.
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
Ivar knows his limits when it comes to alcohol while Ylva has no clue. However, once she learns her limits she rarely gets drunk. Ivar does have to stop her on a few occasions when she’s upset and not thinking about how much alcohol she’s had.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
Ivar is quite good at surprising Ylva with gifts.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
Ylva uses Ivar’s last name a lot even before they’re married (she keeps her own last name too), but it’s not accidental. She knows that Ragnarsson earns her more respect than Geirrsdottír.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Ivar hates spiders and so Ylva needs to take care of them.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
Ivar gives Ylva his jacket.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
Ylva and Ubbe don’t always get along but I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Ubbe threatens her.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Ivar is the first to say “I love you”, though it’s pretty clear before that that they do have feelings for each other.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Ivar isn’t very good at being strict, at least not with their first child. Ylva worries a lot but she doesn’t really let it out on their kids, she’s panicking to herself instead. All in all though, they do make good parents that really are dedicated to keeping their children safe and happy.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Ivar is a lot more formal but when talking and writing. Not so strange considering that Ylva never got to start 1st grade and doesn’t really start any proper form of education until she’s in her late teens.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
They protect each other. Ylva has nearly jumped Björn on more than one occasion for the way he treats Ivar, and Ivar is adamant to protect Ylva from the online hate she receives. 
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Ivar isn’t that fond of puns, but he knows that they annoy the hell out of Ylva.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
Logn (their first dog) is a surprise from Ivar.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
Piggyback rides aren’t really a thing in their relationship. Ivar does sometimes give her a ride on his lap while he’s in his wheelchair.
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
Ylva is the overzealous cheerer, depending a bit on the acitvity. 
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Ylva has dozens of them, and she frequently looks at them. Ivar would never admit it but he has taken a couple of similar photos.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked? Ylva does love to play dress up and she does learn a few things about fashion over the years. She might help Ivar if he asked, she does do his hair. That being said, they both have staff to help them with clothes and neither think that the other is in need of a makeover.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
They own all their pets together and find none of them terrifying.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains? Ylva walks close to the wheelchair with an umbrella in her hand.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
Ivar takes the more professional looking photos, Ylva takes the “faces mashed together and traces of ice cream still around the mouth” selfies. They don’t go on vacation very often, first because of Ivar’s job and then they have kids. On their honey moon, they rented a secluded house with a private beach. They’ve also been to Hanoi, which was one of Ylva’s favourite vacations.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
they sat feeding it radiation and high doses all there were dead after including tommy f who sounded odd. was prob mac daddy on rc. but he was right the core decays and wont go off.  and bain said for the sake of your children it better go off adn said it wrong. odd too.  as if he was canceling the project. and he was. saw it hit your city we takie it no. not it.  so we wondered.  he took it  out and yes correct to for his piurpose and irradiatd used immediatly.  but if irradiated and cooled, the insides would deteriorate...if not too irradiated, though if past it it might explode and destroy all of nyc proper and fifty miles outside it the blast zone radius.  it is huge what he did..helped us but he did make them.  to help. and it is huge. the arguement it is ready to move, banging it not good but would reduce it to about  50 even a small pin hole tear or other  and less if more damage.  so they are careless bu t at that point very sick.  very sick.  and dead. and the purpose tommy f has is just though he may not be there fully and may be borge by mac.  it is to display its  power and has us announce it. and it is coming up.  tommorrow and she is sick si her there and msut rinse and salt an rinse and salt..and iodine and take tons in.  and she laughs raman noodle oh ok but it is ok with food. and she goes ok..eats is ok and feels it gurlge no.  a bit of pepto. and she is ok.  then this i barf get it out try again..and does and drinks salted water.  better and for montths and seh say i cant why id ot it all the time...and oh.  tons of salt is not bad no. and iodine..it is resistance to poisn yoyu gain. and liked it. is her catwoman and is daves wife..he is batman. and knew abou tit yeh built it. tries it but on th city. andnope meant to fly it.  and a dud. then this. no. i t was to degread the core and cause it to depresurize..and some caught it.  maight work and we think so. but takes a long time.  more like n to blow it.  and then tried a detonator wrappped arouond it evenly and both were in on it try fo r the trigger and he said  a civilian would never hav it.  due to her no ou siad i got it and left andno  they said this your a civilian no you ar nope.  odd statement.  handed it to someone. yup.  on the bus yup and bain. to make the  big boom...but by the time he landed all over..and true too logn ten is too long.  so they saw it. hes aquaman. seeks it. gets it too Thor Freya
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a-freaking-diary · 3 years
Fri, Aug 27, 2021
I was listening to madison beer's album called life support and didn't really expect it to be actually good. But guess what it was actually good. Especially blue, and numb and carry on. It was so nice. I haven't listened to any album in a logn time that gained my interest so it was nice. So that got me a bit depressed. Well technically yesterday I went to AA house to leave N clothes so they can send it to her in Fin. So we had to stay there for a bit. I always have to change my look when going there...its freaking annoying i hate it but that's fucked u pak culture for you. Forcing people to do things. Unfortunately the guy was there. So I had to stay there and I hated it. It was kind of nice talking to Zai even though I don't think she enjoys my company that much. There are elements of jealousy present in it because of prolly finance and education or something. I don't freaking know. I am just sad that's how it is. But she's young and it will be over eventually. I am sure that AA made him feel insecure about it. He's a creep and an asshole. An insecure freaking bastzrd with big ass ego.
I enjoyed talking because I haven't really talked to anyone in a long time. But moving on. Two days onwards I haven't really been able to fall asleep properly because of all of these emotions: guilt, regret, and anger.
The thoughts were suffocating, it was like there was something stuck in my chest. And I just felt sorry for myself. So I took a bit of recluse in ami. But she is so freaking abusive emotionally. It was just for that moment that I needed soemone. My mother makes me feel very broken, hurt and sad. I just fell asleep by distracting myself and thinking of rick and morty. It's quite a big interest of mine for now.
So today I watched videos about advice for 18 year olds and I came up with this list.
• learn how to learn and focus on studies. Do your best. They matter big time. 4.0 Gpa I m coming for you
-> especially for me since I want to move to Canada or UK for masters and get a job there (this is a big thing for me, I want to leave this place really badly, I can't handle this society. I don't even feel safe when I go out because of femicide and every man sexualizing me when I go out by staring at me. I am gonna keep a knife for myself when I go out.)
• document everything like taking pictures of everyone
• network and connect, be the first to connect different friend groups. Attend the different functions
• know about finance (long term investment (stock market) (prolly start during my masters time))
• dont date now, date later in life when you have settled yourself and don't settle for less (someone who has similar values, interests, beliefs and core values as you)
• learn different skills.
-> I am learning French so that's pretty good ig
• travel
• learn the serenity prayer by heart (you are definitely gonna need it zai) and go by your values.
• learn to make thigns easier for yourself
-> Think of life as a challenge and multiple obstacles that need to be overcome.
This is all for now ig.
Also just gonna post the 20s goals here
[  ] Get bachelors degree
> 3.9 GPA (be so good academically that the uni won't be able to refuse you)
> GRE Exams (at the start of 4th year)
> IELTS Exams (//)
[  ] Get masters degree abroad (MFE)
[  ] Get a job (//)
[  ] Get a house (//)
[  ] Get the citizenship (//)
> Get PR first by staying for 3 years
[  ] Tie your tubes
[  ] Travel
[ ] Get the freaking therapy
I have to do all of this for myself and my future. For my well being. If I stay here, it might as well just rot me from the inside.
My mother will suffocate me to death.
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