dreamaboutwhathappens · 8 months
take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die…… sincerely the chairman of the tortured poets department……… i’m setting off but not without my muse…… my muses turned into bruises……………………
she, the poet, set off for the lakes and a part of her did not survive, methinks
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strawbxsblog · 4 months
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extra-v1rgin · 4 months
I feel like the dunmesh fandom is a great mirror to the real world because the only two ways they treat disabled characters are like a cute dog you can pet or you’re an ugly fucking non-human stinky man /pos 🥺 and everyone pretends it’s cute and quirky instead of dehumanizing
People are pretending they’re uplifting disabled people while reducing them to their disability
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toomanywordsnllines · 2 months
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THIS GUY ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
I'll be opening 4 Slots for now! You can DM or send me an email to take on slot if you're interested!
I recommend reading my TOS -here- before doing so!
But if you have any questions feel free to ask! I'll gadly answer them
This is my first time opening comissions so all communication possible is welcomed (I also thank the patience with me figuring stuff out as I go)
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amyylinchen · 1 year
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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April 5, 2008 - Sakhir, Bahrain Source: Mark Thompson/Getty Images
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eldritch-ace · 1 month
I'm working on commissions rn, but I want to do other stuff too, so I would love to do some silly Hatchetfield ship doodle requests >:3
Here's pretty much all the ships off the top of my head I'd love to do. If you don't see smth here, feel free to ask! (QP just means I prefer them in a queer platonic sense, still willing to draw them romantically):
Also droid23/Falsekins
Nerdycule/Waylon House Party
QP Nerdy Prude Trio
QP Jägertitty
Grace x Steph x Ruth
Steph x Ruth
QP Spankoffschitz
QP Flemschitz/Flipschitz
QP Chaslautski
Chai Coffee/Dirty Chai/MusicBox
Caramel Coffee
Paul x Melissa
Lee x Mcnamara
Wilbur x Mcnamara
Swedish Barbecue
Officer Bailey x Miss Mulberry
Ted x Officer Bailey
Holy Bastard
Legally Blond/Garlinda
Melissa x Woman
Attorney in a Hurry
Appletheosis/ Made Inevitable
Hidgens x Workin’ Boys
QP Hannah x Sophia x Daniel
Wine n' Dine
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luniise-kel · 5 months
vat7k and its literally varian compiling the world's Worst dnd group bc 3/4 rolled nat 20 on ego. we got hugo who thinks he better than everyone else all of the time. Nuru with that huge ego teenagers get. Varian who lowkey has a huge ego cause hes was the smartest person in the room at any given moment back in corona. and then we got Yong in the corner who is just as intelligent as all of them main difference is he doesnt have a big ego on it
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itzsarahhh · 28 days
I am so curious about the original timeline or the reality of what happened to Great. Because if he is reliving his past as he is dying, then all of the changes he made didn’t actually happen right? But then that would mean a lot of other events might not have happened.
If he didn’t save that lady he hit, then she wouldn’t have been alive to hire the hitman to kill Great’s parents. Unless someone else found her in the tunnel and called an ambulance for her after Great left like he did in the vision.
If he didn’t save Nan then she wouldn’t have told the world about Great’s family’s shady business (which also caused the lady to hire a hitman). Unless, Tyme released all of the information after finding out Nan was killed.
Most of the good choices he made after having the visions still had bad consequences for him and his family. So maybe whatever choice he made, it would end up the same way, with his family’s secrets being exposed and him being shot. But his consciousness was filled with guilt for making the wrong choices, and so he relived his mistakes while dying to try to picture himself as a better person.
So is the whole show up till now everything that Great wishes he had done differently? Was any of it real? I am literally questioning everything we have seen up till this point. At least all the scenes with Great. The scenes with Tonkla might be the actual timeline.
The choices he made also helped him get closer to Tyme, so what is their relationship in the real timeline? I am still thinking about that Thai tea that Tyme got Great which flashed to say “Can you forgive me Great?” for a second. What does it mean?
Ugh I need answers. Can’t they just release the rest of the episodes already? My patience is being tested to the extreme with this series.
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wrenwinchester · 6 months
Bear with me here. Because I have. Some thoughts.
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First things first, visit here for another in depth analysis of the table carvings that doesn’t really have anything to do with my commentary, but I found it while looking for the picture for the table and liked their analysis. So….
Anyway, the table. We watch as Sam and Dean carve their own initials, and we know Mary’s initials get added after her death in season 14. That’s all fine and dandy. And we know Cas and Jack’s names get added sometime after Cas’s death, and presumably after Jack leaves, but we don’t really know when, or even by who. We also don’t really know who carved Mary’s initials, not really.
However, we see Sam and Dean’s different styles of carving into things twice. (Sorry about the gore it was the cleanest picture I could find of the car initials completely.)
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Now, neither of the boys are identical, however, we can see a distinct difference between Sam and Dean’s style. Dean carves deep, so it will stay a long time, despite wear and tear. Sam however carves wide. He carves out his initials instead of making a hole. It’s much more surface level, almost as if he’s scared of getting in trouble and wants it to be easier to get rid of. But that’s something we can get into later.
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When they add Mary’s initials there are a couple things that tip us off that it was Dean who actually carved them in, A) they’re from that direction, which is the side/seat Dean almost always sits in when both brothers are up and about. And B) it has that same depth to it as his initials, and the same style of how the lines meet. Therefore Dean carved Mary’s initials.
However, this brings us back to Jack and Cas.
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Both Cas and Jack’s names have that same width over depth, more surface level carving as Sam’s initials. Especially when compared to Dean and Mary’s. The S in Castiel has very similar strokes to the S for Sam’s initials, and the A’s and C’s in their names are similar if not the same (or as same as they can be considering they were carved into wood and sometimes the grain of the wood disrupts flow a little bit).
This, to me, means that Sam was the one to carve Castiel and Jack’s names into the table. And I’d even bet, that he didn’t do it until after Dean died.
Now I could be wrong about this last part, but if I’m remembering correctly, we don’t see all five names/initials until after Dean’s death. While Sam is sitting at the table (notably in Dean’s spot, and wearing dean’s sweatshirt.) with Miracle, so it’s plausible, and even probable.
And I’d bet he did it when he decided he couldn’t live in the bunker anymore without Dean because every little thing reminded him of his brother. And I’ll bet he did it because they are a part of his family and they deserved to be remembered too.
Castiel, the angel of Thursday, the angel who betrayed heaven for the sake of humanity. Who chose over and over again to take the Winchester’s side over any other supernatural being because he trusted their sense of right versus wrong. Castiel, one of the Winchester’s only friends who stuck around, who made sure that they took care of themselves, and made sure to save them while they were saving the world. Castiel, the Winchester’s best friend.
And Jack, their kid. Sure, he was the spawn of Lucifer, but he was Castiel’s kid. He was Sam’s kid, and he was Dean’s kid. (I’ll get to a rant about Dean and Jack’s relationship at a different point because I have thoughts.) Jack saved the world, and he turned out good because of Castiel, because of Sam, and because of Dean. Jack took the mantle of God to protect the world, so he could protect his family, and keep the angels from interfering with human affairs.
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nnato · 5 months
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lady-phasma · 4 months
Why do the writing gods do this to me?! Please don't hate me when I start writing Interview with the Vampire fics again for the first time in 20+ years. The brain rot is real.
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shananigans-posting · 5 months
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The Reverse Omens fanart possibilities from this image requires talent beyond me. But a PWP fanfic is not.
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luxurydumpsterfire · 22 days
Currently going through the five stages of grief rn because these two mofo's aren't canon
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I'm being so fr,one minute I think I've already gotten over it and then I'm zoning out in the shower imagining how they could have worked out and thinking about how intriguing their relationship was.
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sadboytristan · 2 months
For the longest time, I had no idea how felix didn't realise Ralph was treated so badly. Thought homie was just,,, as oblivious as a brick.
But TODAY, I took a look at the movie frame by frame
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The nicelanders had been smiling. But the moment felix closes his eyes, is when thir expressions change. I'm assuming that the only time he'd actually witnessed the nicelanders being awful to Ralph, was at the 30th anniversary party.
Not to mention his reaction to them telling him to get rid of Ralph. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if felix HAD sent Ralph invitations to anniversary parties in the past, and the Nicelanders interfered so Ralph never got it. Felix probably assumed Ralph just wanted them to leave him alone-
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