#TRULY IS just Oblivion 2
scarlet-star-witch · 2 months
The moon and his sun (Part VII - Final Part)
Aemond Targaryen x Female Reader
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Summary: People would remember their story. Even decades after they were gone, Septa’s would tell young children about the one-eyed dragon prince and his sweet wife as if they were a part of a fairytale, too good to be true for the harshness real life possessed.
Aemond meets a young girl who quickly becomes his most cherished friend and changes the course of history.
Word count: 13.2 K
Warnings: Angst as usual, Aegon testing my patience, smut, and fluff
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6 ... Epilogue
She and Aemond had barely spoken since their fight, the strain between them growing with each passing day.
He was always quick to leave their chambers in the early morning, leaving her to break her fast by herself. 
She didn’t mind, she found she had trouble even meeting his eye without feeling as though her insides were crumbling into dust, reminding her of how easy it would be to lose him. 
It felt like dying a slow, agonizing death. 
The door to their chambers opened and she instinctively perked up at the thought of seeing her husband, despite the warring emotions within her, but she immediately froze, fear rising as Aegon strolled inside as if they were his own chambers. 
He smiled widely at the sight of her and was quick to take a seat beside her, entirely too close for her liking. 
“What are you doing?”
“Joining my sweet sister for breakfast.” Aegon smiled, the gesture anything but innocent as he helped himself to the spread of food in front of him. “Where is my brother?”
“He’ll be back soon.” She answered immediately, as if she could use Aemond’s presence to deter him from staying. But with the way he looked at her intently, it was obvious he didn’t believe her. 
He knew the rift between them kept Aemond out of his chambers for hours on end. 
With a lump in her throat that grew larger and heavier with each second that passed with Aegon beside her, she kept her eyes down, beginning to sparsely pick at her food. 
“You know I never thought much of you.” Aegon began, his gaze never wavering from her tense form that refused to relax in his presence. 
She flinched and jerked away as Aegon’s fingers brushed against her cheek, her breathing becoming heavy as she fought hard not to smack the most powerful man in the realm. 
He smirked at her as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, feeling victorious at the sight of her discomfort. 
“It wasn’t until I saw you bouncing on my brother’s cock…saw this body bare, saw the kind of whore you are, that it felt as though I was truly seeing you for the first time.” He crooned, his fingers tracing down the length of her jaw and down her neck. 
As his fingers trailed downwards, getting close to the dip of her breasts, she finally snapped, her hand shooting out, gripping onto his wrist tightly, desperate to stop him before he could touch her further, in places only her husband had ever touched her. 
“Careful, sister. The punishment for putting your hands on your King could cost you your hand.” Aegon warned, delighting in the fury that crossed her features. “Save that fire for my bed.” 
“I will slit my throat before you could ever take me to your bed.” She told him with a fire in her voice that only made his eyes light with intrigue and delight, knowing he was getting under her skin exactly the way he wanted. 
The door to their chambers opened, Aemond stepping inside wearily, though when he saw Aegon, how close he was sitting to his wife, his wrist encased in her grip, her face drawn tightly with hatred, did cold dread settle over him, washing away any ounce of hesitation he felt to face her and their fight.
“What are you doing here?” He barked at his brother, his face hard with a deadly scowl.
“Just getting to know my future wife.” 
Aemond grit his teeth. It took all of his willpower to not beat his brother into oblivion. 
“Get out.” He ordered sternly, though Aegon only laughed and leaned back in his seat.
Aegon’s sharp response had Aemond flinching in surprise, his surprise overtaking his anger for a moment at the presence of his weak brother’s backbone. It seemed that the crown on his head had finally made him unmovable in the face of his younger’s brother’s rage that used to make him cower.
“I am your King, you don’t command me, brother.” 
Aemond, without caring for the consequences or the threat of Aegon’s guards that stood outside the door, stormed forward, grabbing his brother by the shirt and hauling him to his feet, desperate to wrench him away from his wife who watched on with fear. 
“If you have any hope of winning this war, it is because of me and my dragon. You are a drunken idiot that has no idea what it truly takes to rule and if you wish to keep breathing and sitting on that throne you will keep your mouth shut and stay far away from my wife.” Aemond spat darkly, jerking his wastrel of a brother in his harsh grip. 
“I am already a Kinslayer and I will take whatever judgment the Gods give me for sinning again.” Aemond threatened him, his hatred clear. 
Aegon looked back at him with nothing but disdain, hating the fact that he needed Aemond, needed Vhagar, to fight his cause. His harsh glare moved to the woman who remained sitting, watching the brothers with wide, nervous eyes. 
“I will see you soon, Sister.” Aegon drawled out the word as if it were an insult, sneering at her one last time before he shoved his brother off him and made his way out of their chambers, leaving the couple in a tense silence. 
Aemond breathed heavily and turned toward his wife, his eye softening immediately at the sight of her. 
“Did he hurt you?”
“No.” She spoke quietly. 
Aemond watched her carefully, noting that she had yet to meet his eye. He sighed and sat next to her. The news from the council the previous night that he had yet to tell her weighed on him heavily. 
She had been asleep by the time he returned to their chambers last night and he loathed to wake her, especially for news that would only upset her. 
“We are to go to battle tomorrow.” He finally blurted out. 
His words finally had her gaze rising to meet him, a startled fearfulness growing in her eyes. 
“I am taking Vhagar to Rook’s Rest.” 
She remained quiet as she took in his words, the growing fear inside of her quickly incapacitating her. A thousand thoughts ran through her head, most of them all the ways she could lose him.  
The longer she stayed quiet, the more tense he became. 
“I’ve talked to my mother.” He continued quickly, looking at her hopefully. “She has agreed to let go of the annulment. I’ve asked her to station more guards at the door. A group will be with you any day I’m not here. They will protect you while I’m gone and if I… if anything happens in battle… they will take you home.” 
Her eyes watched him calculatingly, as if she were staring at a stranger and not the man she loved. Her mind was a mess of thoughts, none of which she could really make sense of. 
Her silence rang out in the room loudly, agonizing Aemond. He looked at her intently, pleadingly. 
“Say something, please.” He whispered weakly. 
She let out a long sigh, her face impassive, not revealing any emotion. Even the sight of her husband’s sadness wasn’t enough to sway her. 
“What do you want me to say?”
“Anything.” He practically begged, her monotonous voice causing an ache to grow within him.
She grit her teeth, looking away from him. “Do you really believe it?”
“That your mother is no longer a pawn in that ridiculous plan. That a few more measly guards will protect me from your family. That in the event of your death, I’ll be free to go home and not thrown in the black cells or shackled to Aegon’s bed.”
Aemond flinched at each of her words, looking pained at the reminder of the danger she was in, the danger his own family was placing on her head. 
“You are many things, Husband, but I have never known you to be naive.” 
“I am not naive-”
“You are if you believe I am safe here, especially in your absence.” She interrupted him sharply. “If you were to die in battle, that would be the end of me. No one would take me home, no one would let me live out the rest of my days as a mourning widow, they would have their boots on my neck the minute it was clear you would not be around to protect me.”
Only a stunted breath escaped him, as words were lost to him.
He looked at her pleadingly, but the guilt that lingered in his gaze did not go unnoticed by her and it only served to fuel her anger, knowing that he knew exactly the situation they were in, exactly the hard rock they were pushed up against by his own family.
“They won’t hurt you.” He began and held back a wince as she scoffed and shook her head. “They won’t. I have to believe it.”
“You have to?” She repeated, almost mockingly.
“Yes, because I cannot take another fucking breath if I don’t.” He replied loudly, his desperation, his slipping control clear as he looked at her, his eye wide and brimming with frustration. 
Her expression changed in an instant, the hard front she was portraying shattering the moment she saw how close her husband was to cracking. He had always tried to shield her from the worst parts of him, never wanting her to worry or fuss over him.
It wasn’t often he let her see him falter, but she could see now just how exhausted and broken he was over everything that had happened in the past month. 
She suddenly thought of all the times he had held her, picked her back up when her grief knocked her down, and she struggled to think of the times she was there for him, when he allowed her to be strong for him when he couldn’t.
He didn’t let himself show his weakness, hardly even to her, and it was slowly crushing him. 
“Do you truly have to go tomorrow?” She asked quietly, the fight gone from her voice. 
“I do.” 
There was a hesitation to him, as if he knew it wasn’t a good idea, but didn’t have another choice. He was burdened by the duty he was shackled to, beaten down by the sentiment that had been drilled in him since he was a child.
He felt this was all he could do, simply because his family told him so.
She hated they had such a hold on him, that they held such control over him.
“I will come back.” He told her, looking at her intently, as if he could will her to believe it. 
She just nodded, her throat growing tight with emotion at the thought of how tomorrow could go so wrong, at the thought of losing the one person she cherished with her entire being. The thought of losing him was already unfathomable, but the thought of losing him now, never being able to heal the rift between them was enough to break her. 
He stood, hesitating for a moment, knowing he had to meet with Ser Criston, but wary of leaving his wife, of furthering the divide between them. 
He looked to her longingly, as if he wanted to reach out to her, to kiss her, to lavish his affection on her as he used to, but just couldn’t find the courage to. 
He didn’t know if she even wanted him to, so he settled for a half-hearted nod and a mumble of goodbye before leaving her side once again, feeling as though the cracks in his heart were growing deeper and deeper with each passing day they were fractured.
She remained in his thoughts for the rest of the day, as she always did any moment he was not at her side.
He didn’t see her until that night at the feast Aegon was adamant on hosting. It was more of an excuse for Aegon to lavish in praises for his bravery for their planned battle on the morrow. 
Aemond could only roll his eyes at his brother’s brazen showmanship. 
They would run out of coin soon enough with all the celebrations he’d thrown in the short amount of time he sat on the throne. 
It seemed parties were the only thing Aegon could think to decree during his reign, despite the war that raged. It was a wonder a battle even got planned with his ambivalence for planning anything that didn’t include wine.
He looked to his wife sat by his side, her expression portraying she’d rather be anywhere else. She boredly looked among the dancing couples and reveling Lords who were drinking copiously, their laughter unable to stir a smile of her own. 
Aemond knew better than to ask if she wanted to dance. He knew she would refuse. 
He thought back to that night, the beginning of their divide and wanted to scream and cry all at once for the state of things, for this dreaded feeling of being so far from her in a way he had never experienced before. 
The thought of her not by his side was too terrifying to even imagine. The thought of her willingly separating from him broke his heart and he didn’t know how to react in any way but anger.
She had barely spoken to him since that night and it wasn’t as though he was any more forthcoming in swallowing his pride and apologizing for his anger that had struck her that fateful day.
Next to him, his mother sat, sending him a weak smile. Despite her assurance that she wouldn’t be forcing an annulment, he couldn’t deny that he had trouble believing her, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how agonizing it was to not believe it. So he did what he could to force himself to. 
But he knew he would worry every time he was not at his wife’s side that Aegon would swoop in and use his power to take her from him.
His brother was certainly not above despicable behavior. 
His wife was barely able to look at his family. A curt smile was all she was able to give as they arrived that evening. The only real emotion she had shown was towards Helaena, but even then it was only a weak smile that didn’t reach her eyes. 
Aemond was sure it did not go unnoticed how tense the table of royals looked. He could only imagine the gossip that was spreading about them. 
He felt as though he could breathe easier once his mother retired for the night, his view of her irrevocably changed since that meeting. 
He tapped his fingers against the table erratically, stealing another look at his wife. A servant placed a new cup of wine before her and Aemond waved his hand, refusing another cup for himself, it was only making his already churning stomach worse. 
“Are you enjoying the music?” He asked, internally wincing to himself for how awkward he sounded as he tried to engage his wife in conversation. 
“Not particularly.” She answered monotonously. 
Aemond’s lips parted, but no words were found. It felt like talking to a stranger than to the woman he had loved for years.
“Could you two cheer up?” Aegon chastised as he approached the table to fill up his cup. “You look like you’re attending a funeral.” 
Aegon’s attention on her seemed to be the last straw of her already waning patience. With a sigh, she pushed her chair out and stood.
“I’m tired, I’m going to retire for the night.” She explained and left without another word.
Aemond watched her go with a frown. The lack of affection wasn’t something he was used to, not from her at least and it was enough to leave him with a sick feeling in his stomach. 
“She’s become quite frigid.” Aegon noted, not bothering to look at his brother and catch the glare he would surely be sending his way. “Have you stopped fucking her? Is that why she’s become such a surly bitch?” 
Aemond grit his teeth, his hands twitching with the urge to knock his brother’s teeth out. It seemed the drunken idiot had already forgotten about his earlier threat on his life. 
“Well, if she’s not drinking it.” Aegon laughed, grabbing the goblet that sat before his wife’s empty seat, handing it over to some foot soldier from the Lannister army who eagerly swallowed it down in one gulp, the cheering crowd around him growing raucous. 
Aemond could barely contain his annoyance, his desire to leave overwhelming. His fingers tapped at the table incessantly, itching to follow his wife, to be as far from Aegon’s arrogance as he could. 
“Must you look so sullen, brother?” Aegon chastised him.
Meeting the glassy eyes of his drunken brother, Aemond was forced to use all the willpower he possessed to not throw a punch, removing the smug smile from his face. 
“Stop crying over your wife. There are plenty of other women here-”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” Aemond snapped at him darkly. 
Aegon scoffed, a multitude of insults on the tip of his tongue, but the sound of hacking coughs caught both of their attention. They looked to the Lannister soldier, his eyes wide, his face turning red as he gasped for air that wouldn’t come. He clutched at his neck, his body-shaking coughs bringing him to his knees.
The chattering of the crowd ceased, leaving terrified gasps and screams as men quickly surrounded the dying man, surveying for a threat.
Aemond stood from his seat, taking large steps forward, pushing others out of the way. He took in the scene before him with a growing dread. His gaze moved from the man twitching out a last painful breath, blood and bile spilling from his lips, to the empty cup on the ground. 
The cup that was meant for his wife. 
Something broke inside him at the realization. 
He rushed out of the room, elbowing his way past the crowd. He sprinted through the halls, a shrill ringing in his ears, his mind conjuring the horrible sights that he would find. 
What if he wasn’t fast enough this time?
He had already lost his child, he couldn’t lose her. 
The thoughts raced through his mind torturously as he ran, his fear growing with each step. His pulse thundered in his ears, his throat tight as he pictured the gruesome scene waiting for him.
He came to an abrupt stop, almost losing his footing, his chest heaving as he narrowed his gaze on the lone guard at their chamber doors. The man startled slightly at the sudden appearance of the disheveled prince and he bowed, greeting him dutifully. 
“Has anyone been inside?” 
“No, my Prince. Not since your wife.”
He stepped forward purposefully, the adrenaline in his veins and the fear that lingered, causing his hands to tremble. 
“Where’s the rest of you?”
“My Prince?” The guard questioned in confusion.
“Where are the other guards? There’s supposed to be more of you here keeping watch.” He seethed impatiently, the man before him blanching in intimidation.
“I-I’m sorry my Prince. It is only me. I have not heard of any others to be stationed with me.”
Aemond stared the man down angrily, his mind racing with thoughts he couldn’t quite make sense of. He pushed past the guard and rushed into his chambers, his shoulders sagging immediately, expelling a heavy exhale of relief as he spotted her. 
His wife lay in their bed, fast asleep and unharmed. 
He stepped towards her on weak legs, sitting on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to just look at her, to ease his wounded mind. He knew he wasn’t reaching, that what had happened just minutes ago, that man choking on his own blood, was no accident. 
Someone had tried to take her from him, again. 
He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead, reveling in the sweet scent of the floral oil she had put in her hair that night. 
“I’ll make it right, I promise.” He whispered into the quiet room, needing to speak the promise aloud, even if she wasn’t awake to hear it. He needed to reassure himself that he could protect her, for he felt as though he had been failing. 
With one last lingering look at her, he stood and stepped out of the room, giving a quick warning to the guard to be on alert as he stomped down the hall. 
He made it to his mother’s chambers, barely acknowledging Ser Criston who stood vigil and stormed inside. 
His mother startled at his abrupt entrance and her face twisted, gearing up to scold him, but she soon noticed the fear in his eye, the lingering fury that made her stiffen.
“What’s happened?” She asked tersely, placing a hand over her racing heart, her stomach churning for what she was about to hear. 
“A man was murdered tonight.” He spoke monotonously. 
“What? Who?” Alicent asked breathlessly. 
“He drank from my wife’s cup. He drank the wine that was meant for her and barely a minute later he was dead.” 
Alicent’s throat went tight, her blood running cold within her veins. She straightened her posture, attempting to remain composed. 
“Rhaenyra and Daemon’s bloodlust knows no bounds.” 
“Where were the guards?” Aemond asked abruptly, glossing over his mother’s comment.
“What guards?” 
“In front of our chambers.” He clarified, his voice hard as stone. “I asked you to assign more, to ensure my wife would be protected. You said you would, but there was only one.”
Alicent’s heart raced wildly within her chest, the rapid rise and fall of her chest visible as she tried hard to settle her breathing. 
“I will have a talk with them. They should have been there.” She answered, the wavering of her voice clear, forcing her to swallow hard in an attempt to get rid of the lump that had grown and threatened to stop her from breathing.
Aemond watched his mother thoughtfully, the sinking feeling he had already been plagued with growing tenfold the longer he watched her, slowly becoming aware of her charade. 
His eyes moved to watch the flames dance in the fireplace, breathing out a long sigh as the thoughts in his head swirled like a hurricane. He wanted to refuse it, to not believe his mother would ever have anything to do with something so sinister, but her entire being portrayed guilt. He knew his family's ambitions made for crass and even sometimes despicable actions, he knew the way of war, he just never expected to fall victim to it at the hands of the ones who should have loved him dearly. 
“I was excited to be a father.” He started quietly, the tension in his body the only sign of the storm silently raging within him. “I knew I would have done anything for my child. They could’ve asked me for the stars and I would have flown on Vhagar in the night and taken every one of them from the sky.” 
The mention of the babe he had lost had Alicent’s chest tightening, her eyes beginning to sting with tears that threatened to give away the turmoil plaguing her. 
“I don’t even have a babe to hold and I know I would have done whatever I could to make them happy.” His voice became stunted, anger tinging the heartbreaking words that kept his emotions on a short tether, the reminder of what he lost, what had been ripped so brutally from him and his beloved. 
His lone eye raised from the fire and landed on his mother who seemed to squirm under his intense gaze. 
“You… you weren’t even trying to keep me from my happiness, you’re trying to rip it right out of my hands.”
Alicent’s breath caught in her throat, her stomach sinking with dread. 
“I don’t know what-”
“You know exactly what I’m speaking of.” He interrupted her angrily, his hands clenched into fists as it took all of his restraint to not lunge at her, having to constantly remind himself that the woman in front of him was his mother.
“Think about what you are accusing me of, it’s absolutely ridiculous.” Alicent screeched, her emotions fraying as she desperately tried to pull her son back to her. 
“You never wanted me to marry her. You wanted to deny me her, you wanted to tear her from me even when you knew she was the only one that truly made me happy.”
Alicent rolled her eyes, her fear quickly shifting into indignation. That Island girl has sunk her claws so deep in her son, she scarcely recognized him anymore. 
“The only one?” She questioned, almost sarcastically. “After everything I’ve done and you still don’t see that it was all for you, for our family.” 
Aemond let out a bitter sounding laugh, a sound that would have sent chills down the spine of a lesser man. 
“Tell me, Mother, when exactly were you thinking about my happiness? When you tried to force an annulment from the woman I love or when you tried to murder her?” 
Alicent’s voice caught in her throat. Each word was like a slap to the face. The guilt churned in her stomach so violently she thought she was going to be sick. 
“I know grandsire’s ambitions would have retribution, but I never thought you would bend to them at the expense of your children.”
Alicent sunk back in her chair, the fight swept from her as she realized Aemond was not going to budge an inch. She picked at the skin by her nails anxiously, her teeth biting her bottom lip incessantly as her heart raced. 
“We needed to help Aegon’s cause.”
The whispered words were all the confession he needed to hear. 
Aemond fumed silently, his jaw clenching so tightly it was a wonder he didn’t crack any of his teeth. His first thought was that he couldn’t believe his own mother would do this to him, to break him into disrepair by taking his wife from him, but as he remembered the forced annulment, he soon realized he didn’t really know his mother at all. 
“We know what Rhaenyra would do to us once she sat on the throne. I had to protect you, I did what I could so our family would survive.”
Aemond scoffed bitterly. He too once thought his life would be forfeit once his half-sister rose to power, but the longer he thought of it over the years, the more he spoke of those fears with his wife, the more he realized how unfounded they had been. 
“You really think my father-by-law would allow that to happen? Ixtal is King’s Landing’s greatest importer, you think Rhaenyra would risk the entirety of the realm, her position as ruler, just to do away with siblings she could not spare a second thought for?” 
“You don’t know that!” Alicent yelled, becoming desperate as she felt as though her son was slipping through her fingers.
Aemond sighed and stood from his chair, heading towards the door, but Alicent’s sobs stopped him as she begged him not to go.
“Aemond, you have to understand.” She cried. “I had to do what I could to keep you safe. You will see that one day, you will see that I only did what I thought was right for our family.”
To hear her speak of the life of his wife, his greatest love, as nothing more than collateral made him feel sick, his disdain growing even further. 
“I hope you will see one day that your ambition is what ruined this family.” 
With those final words, he left, leaving his mother to sob in solitude. He numbly walked back to his chambers, the look in his mother’s eyes haunting his mind. 
It wasn’t until he was behind the closed door of his chamber, standing in the dark room that he allowed himself to release a shuddering breath, his throat tightening as it all caught up to him. 
His mother’s betrayal was like a dagger to the stomach, letting the wound bleed until there was nothing left of him. 
His gaze fell on his sleeping wife and the dam broke. Tears fell from his eyes as he realized how close he had been to losing her and by the hands of his own family. It was enough to undo him completely. 
He knelt at her bedside, unable to stop the tears that fell. His lip trembled, shaking breaths escaping him as he clutched to her hand. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He whispered weakly. 
She stirred and blinked her weary eyes open, frowning immediately as she noticed the tears her husband was shedding.
“Aemond? What happened?” She asked tiredly, propping herself up on her elbow as she intertwined their fingers. 
“I didn’t protect you.” He whispered, his voice tight with tearful emotion.
“What are you talking about?”
“The second this war started, I should’ve done something. I knew you weren’t safe here, I knew you weren’t safe with them and I didn’t do anything. I’m so sorry, issa prūmia, please forgive me.” 
“Aemond…” She was stunned, watching as her husband, the stoic man she knew, broke into pieces before her. 
She laid her hand over his that held her other tightly, caressing gentle touches over his hardened knuckles. 
“Darling, there’s nothing to forgive.” She assured him, but the look on his face remained tortured. 
He sniffled and wiped his tears forcefully, tearing his hand from hers and he got to his feet, making his way across their chambers to her wardrobe. 
“I’m getting you out of here.” He spoke, his voice now full of determination.
“It’s not safe for you here. You’re going back to Ixtal.”
Her heart jumped in her chest, it was everything she had wanted since this war started, but she couldn’t ignore the lingering dread that settled within her like lead, realizing what it would mean for them. The thought of separating from him was unbearable. 
“I’m not leaving without you.” She spoke forcefully, standing from the bed, her eyes hardened as she stared back at her husband. 
She knew it was a big ask to leave his family and his home for her, but circumstances were different now. She had already lost so much, she wasn’t going to lose him too, she certainly wasn’t going to let his family take advantage of her absence and shackle him to another woman. 
Aemond swallowed thickly and stepped towards her, his hands cradling her face gently as he revered her with nothing but adoration, his decision made in a split second.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but by your side.” 
Her face softened, emotions swelling, tightening her throat. 
“What happened?” She asked quietly. His change of heart was unexpected and the state of him she had woken to was more than concerning. It wasn’t often he let himself feel his emotions, except anger of course, and it was upsetting to say the least.
Aemond seemed to shudder at her question, his eyes holding a faraway look that seemed tortured. 
“Not yet.” He said, his voice barely audible. He would tell her everything once they were safe, once they were far from King’s Landing and his scheming family. “Pack your things, we need to be quick and leave before the light.” 
She nodded and rushed to her wardrobe, hauling out as many dresses as she could carry and tossed them on the bed. A sudden realization came to her, igniting her worries once more.
“Wait, Aemond.” She spoke up frantically. “Helaena and the children. We can’t leave without them, they’re not safe here.”
Aemond’s entire being softened. Helaena and her children were the only ones, outside of her, that he cared about above anyone else and her care for them, her willingness to accept them as her own warmed his heart, only confirming to him that he was making the right decision.
His mother’s betrayal stung, it festered in him like a disease that threatened to spread and ruin him, but he pushed it down. He would feel the heartbreak when they were safe in Ixtal.
It didn’t take long for them to pack their meager belongings. They didn’t need to take much, there wasn’t much of anything with sentimental value he would miss. He just needed his wife at his side. 
They traveled through the hidden halls, quickly coming to the entrance of Helaena’s room. Aemond pushed the entrance open slowly, wincing at the noise, hoping he wasn’t about to scare his sweet sister.
He was soon shocked, flinching back as he met the awaiting eyes of his sister, her children cradled to her sides, bags at their feet.
“Is it time?” 
“What- Helaena…”
“We are leaving, are we not?” 
“Well… yes, but-”
“Let’s go. We shouldn’t waste any more time.” She smiled warmly, placing her hand on her brother’s cheek briefly before moving towards her friend, wrapping her up in a tight hug, her gratitude overflowing from her. “I knew you would be our saving grace.”
The whispered words of the Princess left her shocked. She had to shake herself of her surprise and hauled Jaehaerys into her arms. With Helaena carrying Jaehaera, their bags secured with Aemond leading them, they were on their way. His hand fluttered towards the sword at his hip every so often, senses sharp and at the ready for anything and anyone that dared to stop them.
It didn’t take long to get to the Dragon Pit.
“I’ll meet you outside with Vhagar.” Aemond assured her and with one last squeeze of her hand, he was gone. 
Her heart was in her throat, her palms sweating with nerves as she helped strap the children’s bags to Dreamfyre’s saddle. Once Helaena was seated on her dragon, she helped Jaehaera up and strapped her in. 
“It’s alright, my Darlings.” Helaena cooed to her children who were quiet and sullen with fright. “We’re going to a beautiful place where we’ll be safe.” 
“Is father coming too?” Jaehaera asked quietly and Helaena shook her head, almost seemingly delighted to share the news of the absence of their father. But the child just nodded and whispered ‘good’. 
She repressed a shudder. She didn’t want to think of the neglect Aegon had forced on his children. She swept Jaehaerys up into her arms once again, her heart aching as he nuzzled into her, burying his face in the crook of her neck. 
“You like to swim, don’t you, Jae?”
He nodded against her and she smiled, brushing her fingers through his hair soothingly.
“I know where to find the most beautiful beaches. You’ll get to swim in the bluest water you’ve ever seen where the fish swim between your toes and jump out of the water to greet you.”
“Will you show me?” 
She smiled and nodded. “I’ll take you there myself.” 
With the assurance, he loosened his grip on her, more at ease. A distant roar caught their attention, the familiar sound of Vhagar. With one last look to Helaena, silently assuring her that she would keep her son safe, she slipped out of the Dragon Pit, hurrying her way up the hill where Vhagar rested. 
Her hope spiked, her fear receding slightly as she spotted Aemond atop his dragon. Their escape was imminent. No one would stop them now, not when they had Vhagar to face. 
She helped Jaehaerys climb up into the waiting arms of his uncle who strapped him in carefully. She climbed, her movements familiar use, not something she’d ever thought she would say in relation to dragon riding, but Aemond had been insistent over the years of his two favorite girls bonding. 
She used to roll her eyes at him, but now she couldn’t have been more thankful. 
As she settled herself, her heart sped, uncertainty suddenly overtaking her adrenaline, the gravity of their actions soon crashing into her overwhelmingly. She placed her hand over Aemond's, stopping him before he could grasp the reins. 
“Aemond,” She spoke, her voice tight as her mind raced. “You have to be sure, entirely sure, that this is what you want.” 
He sighed, as if disappointed by her hesitation, believing he would ever second guess the decision to run away with her, to keep her safe. 
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.” He assured her, tilting her chin with his finger so she was looking at him head on. “I promised you, didn’t I? We’re going to Ixtal where we’ll grow old and raise our children.” 
His words, which were once said in the comfort of their sheets, their love nothing more than a secret from the rest of the realm, soothed every ounce of insecurity that had crept through her veins. 
She breathed out in relief and leaned forward, kissing him swiftly. 
Dreamfyre’s roar broke them apart and they watched as Helaena took flight with her daughter. 
“Are you ready, Jae?” 
The child nodded eagerly to his uncle and leaned back into his aunt’s arms, holding tightly to her as the mighty dragon below them rumbled and stretched her wings, taking to the skies with ease. 
The moonlight was their only guide in the dead of night. It wasn’t until they settled high in the sky, covered by the clouds, easy on their course, did she finally let herself relax. She leaned back into the strong chest behind her, her husband’s hand leaving the reins to wrap around her, securing herself to his front, his forehead rested against hers, a look of nothing but pure contentment on his face, a far cry from the scowl that had been securely etched onto his features for months. 
She knew his decision to leave could not have been easy and she was terrified to hear what had happened, what the final straw was to get him to agree to leave the place he called home, to leave his mother behind.
She leaned into him, as if needing his comfort from the mere thought of what transpired to make him turn his back on the woman that raised him.
Aemond held her tightly, breathing in the scent of her, his eye falling closed in fulfillment at the feel of her skin under his fingertips. Even the brush of her hair against his face in the wind was the greatest thing he could have ever felt. 
She was all he needed. 
A weight was lifted from his chest, allowing him to breathe easier the farther they flew from King’s Landing. His family’s schemes, his mother’s betrayal, Aegon’s threats, they all seemed to melt away as the distance grew between them. 
The sun was just beginning to rise as they spotted the shores of Ixtal. 
Warmth bloomed within her at the sight of her home, knowing she was only minutes from reuniting with her family. 
She felt jittery, anxious excitement taking over every inch of her as they landed on the shores. A slew of guards were already waiting for them on the shores, the dragons having been spotted in the distance and causing mayhem in fear of a potential attack. 
Among the pointed spears and swords, she spotted her father’s face. She breathed shakily, eagerly undoing the straps around her waist, charging down from Vhagar’s back despite Aemond’s protests. 
She didn’t care for safety, she didn’t care for decorum. She charged towards the group of guards who soon lowered their weapons at their leader’s cries for a cease. Her father pushed the guards out of his way, coming to the front of the blockade, the sight of her causing tears to brim in his eyes. 
Barely a second later, she was in his arms, the force of her embrace almost knocking him off his feet. 
“You’re here.” He breathed out, holding tightly to his beloved daughter with a force that could only be portrayed by that of a father with a heavy heart. “How are you here? I haven’t heard from you in weeks, we thought-”
His words stopped as he noticed Aemond’s presence over her shoulder. His brows furrowed at the sight of the young child in his arms, his confusion only furthered as Princess Helaena stepped forward, another child in her arms. 
“You brought an entourage?”
Her face turned serious, worrying him immediately.
“Father, we… we’re seeking refuge from King’s Landing. It’s no longer safe for us there.”
He looked at his daughter incredulously, sensing there would be a long story to come. He nodded stiffly, having trouble tearing his eyes away from his daughter, his little girl he had been fraught with worry over the past moons.
A yell of her name sounded, catching their attention. Her face smoothed out, her worry disappearing as a bright smile grew. 
“Mother!” She called out, racing past her father and the litany of guards still standing at attention to seek out her mother who had raced out of the palace at the sight of the dragons, her arms open and ready for her daughter. 
Aemond watched, an ease settling over him as he saw her smile again, that bright, wondrous sight that could only assure him he had done the right thing. 
The Lord of Ixtal stepped forward, sending a polite smile to Helaena and eyeing the children with a soft gaze.
“Come, you must be exhausted from your journey.” He motioned them forward, allowing Helaena to lead, hand in hand with her twins, the two men settling in a matching pace side by side. “I knew you were the right man for the job.”
Aemond looked at the man beside him questioningly. 
“I knew you would keep my daughter safe. I never had any doubt.”
The young prince seemed to deflate under the praise. The guilt that had been festering within him unfurled, overtaking him so powerfully, he stopped walking.
“I didn’t- there was… it was too close-”
“Aemond,” His father-by-law placed his hand on his shoulder, squeezing comfortingly. “You’re here. You brought her home, safe and sound.”
“But I couldn't-”
“You are one man. You cannot fight the entire world of enemies alone, especially not when they are your own family.”
Aemond’s eye widened, looking perplexed by his words. The Lord just smiled sadly and shook his head.
“I had my suspicions from the start. I knew they didn’t want you to marry her, I knew their ambitions would become too great.”
Aemond just nodded stiffly, the words getting caught in his throat, not yet able to voice just what his family, his own mother, had done. 
“You’re a good man, Aemond. I hope you’ll be happy here.” 
“I will be.” He spoke, his voice laced with conviction, as if there were no doubts in his mind about his life now that he was standing on the sandy beaches of Ixtal, his future no longer out of his own control.
They stepped into the palace, his eyes finding her immediately. Her mother left her daughter’s side, coming towards him, a tearful smile gracing her features. 
Before he could say a word, she wrapped him in a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” She whispered to him, the words and the affectionate gesture plucking at his weakest points. The affection of a mother, a caring and kind soul, reminding him of what he had just lost, what he had purposefully stepped away from.
But it had never been like this. Alicent had never held him this tight, he had never felt love from his mother in a single touch, not like he was now from a woman he had met only a handful of times before. 
“You three look like you have hiked through the seven hells and back. Why don’t you rest for a while longer, we can talk later.” Her mother suggested. 
Helaena was guided to her new chambers for her and the children, her smile wide, no trace of derision from her escape. She seemed all too happy to be back to the place she had fallen in love with in that first visit years ago.
Aemond let his wife lead him to her old childhood chambers. 
He stepped in, taking in a deep breath, letting the events of the night roll off his back. He looked at the dried flowers and childhood drawings that lined the walls, some hers, some her siblings that had been gifted to her years ago that she couldn’t bear to part with. 
Her sentimental heart never failed to warm his own. 
As he set their bags down, his gaze fell to the view of the horizon from the balcony, picturing the chaos that would be ensuing across the sea in King’s Landing as their absence was discovered. 
He thought of his mother and the state she would be in once she realized both he and Helaena were gone, her grandchildren safe from their clutches. 
He let out a shaking breath and barely a second later, arms were winding around his waist. He hummed a grateful sounding noise, placing a hand over her clasped ones at his front.
“What are you thinking about?”
“They’ll send search parties.” He mused, his mind beginning to conjure the many ways his brother and grandsire could ruin the peace they tried to find for themselves.
“My father will handle it.” She assured him. “Besides, no one would dare try to force Vhagar away from here.” 
He smiled, his eyes falling to his mighty dragon that was basking in the sun, her wings fluttering in the waves that crashed onto the shore, her rumbles of contentment echoing up to their room. He looked over his shoulder at his wife, the warm feeling in chest growing at the sight of her, the ease she now carried around her.
“Thank you.”
Her eyes softened, a small smile growing. “I think I should be saying that to you.”
He had a million things he wanted to say but no idea how to say them. So he settled for kissing her softly, hoping it conveyed every ounce of love and adoration he held for her, the thanks he wanted to bestow upon her for saving his life, for saving his sister and her children. 
He pulled away regretfully, letting his forehead rest against hers as he thought over how close he had come to losing her just hours ago, causing tears to brim in his eye.
“I’m sorry.” He choked out, emotion welling his throat yet again. 
Her brows furrowed, not used to seeing him break as he was now, as he did just hours ago. 
“I haven’t been a good husband.” 
“I haven’t.” He spoke again, interrupting her attempt to soothe him. “I didn’t listen, I thought I could fight against everything alone. I pushed you away and I hurt you.” 
She watched him carefully, noting the guilt that seemed to seep out of every inch of him. 
“I’ll spend the rest of my life making up for it all, I swear.” He whispered frantically, as if he was desperate for her to believe him, as if she had any doubt. 
“What happened?” She questioned again, looking at him worriedly, but he shook his head, pushing the thought of this mother, of that man choking on his own blood, from his mind. 
“Not yet.” He whispered again, not yet ready to reveal to her the threat on her life, not wanting to break the peace they’d finally found after months of such heart-breaking tension. 
She was in his arms, they were safe, his sister and her children were safe. That was all that mattered. 
He kissed her again, this time firmer, more sure of himself. After tumultuous weeks of grieving and then spite between them, they hadn’t been close like this in ages. It had been too long since he had made love to his sweet wife. 
She melted into him, the feel of his hands on her, his lips against hers so desperately, was enough to heal the wounds in her heart the war had caused. 
“You are so beautiful.” He whispered as he planted kisses down the slope of her neck. “You are so wonderful, so kind. You have the most perfect, golden heart.” 
He lavished praise as his hands untied the laces of her gown, his lips finding their place over her racing heart, the heart that had given him so much love, enough to heal a boy doomed from the start. 
They moved slowly, treasuring each gentle caress and loving kiss as they stripped themselves bare. The waking nightmares they had been faced with in King’s Landing melted into nothing but old memories in the wake of their embrace. 
For so long, after the attack and losing their child, she had felt so disconnected to her own body. Now, as Aemond kissed every inch of her, as his hands roamed the familiar curves of her body, she felt she was finally herself again. 
She had spent too long watching her husband succumb to who his family wanted him to be. It made her determined to remind him why she loved him, how much she cherished him. 
Her hand slithered down the strong planes of his chest, his breath hitching as it traveled lower and lower until she gently grasped his stiff length in her hand that twitched with desire under her touch. 
Breaths left him in desperate pants as she stroked him, her touch familiar yet so missed. He repressed a shiver as she quickened her pace, her eyes watching him intently, the sight of his pleasure a welcome reprieve to how tightly wound she’d seen him for months. 
He moaned and quickly grabbed her hand, stopping her motions. He would not spill too early, before he even had the chance to bring her pleasure. 
She squealed in surprise, her laugh ringing out in the room as he picked her up and eagerly carried her to the bed. Her delighted giggles continued as she fell back on the soft mattress below her, biting her lip and practically writhing at the heated look from the man above her. 
She reached up, taking his eye patch off and tossing it to the side, needing to see all of him.
Aemond wasted no time, he couldn’t go another second without her. He spread her legs and kneeled before her, his mouth devouring her with a fervor of a man starved, moaning at the delectable taste of her.
She cried out, her hand falling to his head, tangling her fingers in his hair, pulling with each deliberately devastating stroke of his tongue. 
Her body was powerless against him, a litany of praise falling past her lips without her knowledge, mindlessly calling out to him, divulging every ounce of her love for him, both cursing and acclaiming his tongue and his ability to render her completely mindless. 
He growled against her, the sound of his name spoken so breathlessly, so desperately, quickly becoming his undoing. He quickened his pace, his need to push her over the edge growing as his own desires did.
She almost screamed, her back arching as he added his fingers, curling them in just the way he knew would drive her crazy. 
Her hands twisted into the sheets below her, her legs beginning to quiver from their place over his shoulders as he worked her to the cusp of ecstasy. 
“Aemond!” She cried out as his wicked tongue and fingers brought her to a blinding peak. 
She panted heavily, her limbs still trembling from the force of her release, barely able to comprehend the heated kiss Aemond pressed to her lips, the taste of her on his tongue making her moan. 
The soft sound turned into another high pitched cry as he entered her slowly, a shuddering breath falling past his own lips as they joined for the first time in months. He stilled, needing a moment before he lost his composure completely. 
He gazed at her below him, his lone eye shining, the love he felt for her in that moment suddenly overwhelming. He ducked his head into the crook of her neck, squeezing his eye shut as her hand caressed through his hair, her soft lips brushing against his temple. 
“It’s alright.” She whispered. “I’m here. I won’t ever be parted from your side.” 
Her words, as if she knew exactly what had happened just hours ago, the attempt on her life on the orders of his own family, were the salve to the torment running through his head since he learned of the threat against her. 
He raised his head, kissing her firmly, his tongue tangling with hers, desperate for her touch, her taste, every inch of her. 
“No one will ever take you from me.” He spoke softly, though the air of determination surrounding his words did not go unnoticed, whether to reassure her or himself he wasn’t sure. 
His hips began to move rhythmically, thrusting in and out of her gently, as if it were their first time again. 
She sighed, her eyes fluttering closed. Her hands gripped onto his back, feeling his muscle ripple under his skin as he moved. 
She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him tightly as he made love to her as if he were afraid to break her, afraid to cause her any more harm than what she had endured since the war started. 
“Aemond,” She breathed out, leaning upwards, her nose brushing against his as she brushed her lips against his. “I’m ok. You can go faster, I can take it.” 
His face twisted, memories of the night of the attack, of her screams and cries of agony, of how close she had been last night to succumbing to the war. The thoughts were torturous. 
“I can’t-” He choked out, his jaw clenching, his brows furrowed as if he were in pain himself. “I can’t hurt you.”
“You won’t. I know you would never.” She assured him, her hands cradling his face as she looked at him intently, pure trust and love echoing through her eyes. 
He exhaled loudly, allowing his pace to quicken slightly, the moan she let out like music to his ears, soothing every ounce of his worry. 
“I trust you.” She whispered and his resolve shattered completely in an instant. 
He whimpered and began to thrust into her harder, his movements becoming more assured, his hunger for her reaching its peak, his hips now crashing against hers purposefully, moans falling freely from his lips as she cried out at every hard thrust, his cock hitting that place inside her that made her writhe against him.
Her noises were beautiful, they sent shivers down his spine, made his head spin in that delightful way only she could give him. He never liked to feel as though he wasn’t in control, but with her he welcomed the feeling. 
She was the only one he felt safe around to let himself feel it. 
He gripped onto her thigh, hiking it higher on his hip, allowing him to reach deeper inside her, her name like a desperate prayer on his lips as he felt himself nearing his end. It had been too long and he was no match for her perfect body. 
He brought his hand down, his thumb brushing against her clit, desperate to bring her with him. It didn’t take long until she trembled against him, her nails digging into his back, her head thrown back against the sheets as she cried out loudly. 
The feeling of her tightening around him and the sight of her lost in pleasure beneath him undid him effortlessly. He gasped, his movements becoming more frantic in his end, frantic groans following with each of his movements. It hit him like a wave, crashing over him all at once. He cried out, a sound more desperate than she had ever heard from him, his body stiffening before falling lax as he came hard. 
His eye fell shut as the haze of pleasure overtook him. He breathed harshly, letting the aftershocks of bliss roll through his shaking limbs. Her hands brushing his hair out of his face brought him back into the present.  
His eye fluttered open, meeting the eyes of the woman below him, her easy, pleasure filled smile bringing one of his own.
He leaned down, kissing her softly. Silently vowing to himself that he would never let anything threaten her life again, not as long as he lived, that he would never bring her pain ever again. 
He held her tightly, breathing out a long, drawn out breath, expelling every bit of the bitter anger and betrayal that clung to him. 
As he lay beside her, his softening length still buried inside her, the blissful touch of her hand running through his hair, he listened to the waves outside the open balcony doors, the calls of seabirds reminding him of where he was, where he would spend the rest of his days with her by his side.
It brought him more peace than he ever could have imagined. 
With Aemond’s absence, and subsequently Vhagar’s absence from the frontlines, the Greens quickly succumbed to the Blacks. 
She held tightly to Aemond’s hand as her father read outloud the letter sent from Rhaenyra who now sat the throne. He gave no reaction as he heard of Otto’s execution, of Aegon’s demise in the black cells. He barely twitched as he heard his mother was to be sequestered in the Red Keep, forced to live out the rest of her life in solitude. 
The only emotion he showed was the breath he let out when he heard Daeron was to remain in Oldtown, with strict orders never to return to King’s Landing. He was thankful his younger brother never played a role in the war, that his life was spared from a gruesome fate. 
Helaena looked forlorn, her eyes cast down to her hands that fidgeted in her lap. She left for a reason, she had escaped with her children, an act she would never regret, but it didn’t lessen the unease in her heart.
She always knew this was how it would end. 
The knowledge that Aegon would never touch her again was a shining ray of light in the storm of dark clouds that was the news of the demise of her family. 
They were dismissed quickly, her mother throwing her a wary look as Aemond practically sprinted from the room as if it were deprived of air he desperately needed. 
She walked at a slow pace, knowing he’d need a few minutes to himself to take in the news. Making her way through the gardens, she knew exactly where he’d be, where he often found himself in moments of deep thoughts and contemplation. 
She knew he didn’t regret leaving, but some days the decision was harder to swallow than others. 
Within a few minutes, she found him sitting on the bench in front of the billowing willow tree, the place they had first spoken, the place he had complimented her drawings, the place where she had made him laugh as if they were old friends rather than new acquaintances. 
He didn’t look up as she approached. 
The only indication he gave to her presence was the long breath he let out as she took a seat next to him. 
“I’m fine.” He spoke impatiently, as if to assure her so he could be left to his torturous solitude.
“You know I don’t believe that.” She admonished softly, making no move to leave. 
His foot tapped erratically against the stone below him, his teeth biting his bottom lip, his shoulders hunched, the very picture of discontent. Frowning, she placed her hand on his arm, sliding down the length of his tense muscles until she found his hand, intertwining their fingers.
“I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re feeling.”
“I can’t quite make sense of it myself.” He admitted quietly.
“I know you’re not happy Rhaenyra is on the throne-”
“I don’t care about that.” He spoke abruptly, his tone becoming sharp. “Our lives would have been much easier if that damned chair didn’t exist.”
She knew since coming to Ixtal, after the month of peace they’d had without his family breathing down his neck, forcing his every move, he could breathe easier. But it was still his family, his own brother and grandsire who had perished in the war. 
“Aemond,” She began softly. “Talk to me, please.”
“I know what my brother was. I won’t pretend to mourn him.” 
“You do not have to.” 
His eyes held a vacant look, as he retreated into the mess of thoughts in his head. He knew what his grandsire had done, the game he had played long before he had even been born. He knew the retribution Otto faced was well deserved. 
It didn’t cause him much grief. 
It was the thought of his mother that left his insides twisting in a way he hadn’t anticipated. 
“It doesn’t seem like enough.” He whispered, his words almost lost to the wind. 
“What doesn’t?”
“She tried to take you from me yet she lives.” 
Her breath caught in her throat. She had never had a close bond with Aemond’s mother but after she had been told what had happened that fateful night they left, what caused her husband’s tears, her view of Alicent had been forever changed. 
Aemond held tightly to her hand, as if saying the words aloud were too much to handle. 
He let out a shaking breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, he could feel a headache coming on, one that was all too familiar when it came to the derision his family caused him. 
“It does not seem a fitting punishment yet I’m… relieved. I don’t think I truly want her dead.”
Aemond didn’t know what to make of what he felt for his mother. He was angered she still drew breath yet relieved she hadn’t been killed brutally by Rhaenyra, yet he still couldn’t stomach the thought of her, not after what she’d done. 
“Of course you don’t. No matter what she’s done, she’s still your mother.” 
He thinks to himself that he doesn’t deserve her, this wonderful woman in front of him, the only one to truly see him. 
When he lies with his wife, when he sees her beautiful smile, when he feels her touch on his skin, he thinks he’d be content if his mother never saw the light of day again, yet deep down, the guilt festers. 
He was the reason their side lost. His departure was the sole reason Aegon and Otto are dead, the reason his mother is confined for the rest of her days. 
He can’t find himself regretting his actions, knowing the outcomes, yet he can’t help but feel as though he had failed his family. 
The sense of duty they had instilled in him was screaming, raging at him for what he had done. But he wasn’t that man they raised him to be. 
He was the man who fell in love with his best friend. He was the man who finally felt love as a child from a girl who tried endlessly to get him to see the beauty in himself and the world around him. 
The part of him that felt guilty for his mother was soon crushed out by the love he held for his wife. When he looked at her, he realized no one had ever truly cared for him but her. No one had ever had his best interest at heart except her. 
He squeezed her hand in his, finally letting his gaze reach hers, the concern in her eyes melting a part of him that desperately needed to be melted. 
“I don’t regret a single moment with you.” He tells her, the look in his eye now soft, no longer shrouded in agony and confusion. 
She smiles softly, still worried for him, worried for what the news would cause him. 
“I just want to think about our future.” He interrupted, knowing exactly what fears lay on her tongue, fearing much of the same for himself. 
But he would cross that bridge when he came to it. He would feel the moments of guilt, of relief, of whatever other emotion his family would cause him, as they came. 
He didn’t fear what he would feel because he knew the woman he loved would be there to soothe him in every one of those dark moments. His family, though they may try, couldn’t hurt him anymore.
“I want to raise our children here, where they won’t know any pressures of the court or successions, of war or conflict.” 
“Are you sure you don’t-”
“Protecting you was and will always be my number one priority.” He assured her before she could even voice her question about his regret. 
Her smile was much more genuine, his words soothing the anxiety she felt at his reaction. He felt himself smile at the sight before him, eased merely by her presence.
He leaned in, kissing her softly, letting his forehead rest against hers.
“You were always my purpose.” 
His whispered words were assurances they both clung to in the face of uncertainty. 
Tension would always exist as long as their enemy sat on the throne, but they were content, miles away, across the sea where their love flourished, where they would start their family.
No one would take that away from them.
A year had passed peacefully. No further word from King’s Landing came. Helaena and her children thrived in the beauty that was Ixtal. The eccentric Princess made many friends with the ladies in court, finally feeling as though she could be herself without judgment, without fearing retribution or gossip. She no longer felt the pressure to be the perfect image of a Targaryen Princess. 
Aemond had quickly found his place alongside her younger brother in leading the city watch. He melded into his new life with an ease she hadn’t expected. 
Her own father accepted Aemond into their council, his voice soon becoming a valuable and respected asset to the island and its governance with most of the realm. 
Their new life was everything they wanted. 
Until the day their past caught up to them. 
“My Lady?” She looked up to notice her guard approaching, a nervous expression painting his features. “A dragon has been spotted approaching our shores. Shall I request your husband?”
Her face was drawn tightly and she shook her head brusquely. She knew exactly who would be accosting them.
“No, I will handle it.” 
She walked determinedly to the throne room, her guard following behind her worriedly.
“Where is my father?”
“In a council meeting.”
“And my husband is with him?”
“Yes, my Lady.” 
“Good.” She breathed out. She didn’t need either of them catching wind of their guest’s arrival and causing a stir. “You are dismissed.” She spoke to her guard whose eyes widened at the command, his mouth opening to refuse, but she gave him a pointed look.
“I can handle this, Ser Jerrod.” 
The guard sighed defeatedly and gave her a look of resignation.
“I am telling your husband of your orders when he comes to punish me.” 
Aemond had developed quite the reputation of being protective of his wife, the guards were terrified to obey her orders when they knew they would face the ire of her dragon husband. 
“I will take the blame, I promise you.” She assured him with a smirk. 
As her guard left, leaving her alone in the throne room, she let out a long breath, her heart racing as she prepared herself for what she would soon face. 
Only minutes later, the great doors opened and Queen Rhaenyra entered, her face hardened, bitter anger in her eyes. 
Her steps faltered, her powerful pace slowing as she met the eyes of the person she had least expected. 
Rhaenyra spoke her name slowly, her entire demeanor changed, abruptly thrown off from her course of murderous rage that darkened her thoughts, that prompted her abrupt arrival. 
She breathed deeply, straightening her posture as she steeled her expression, putting on the mask of anger back into place.
“I’m sure you know why I am here.”
“I do.” She answered Rhaenyra cooly, her posture relaxed, an exact contrast from the woman before her who looked as though she was unraveling. 
The dark circles under her eyes did not go unnoticed. 
“I need to see Aemond.”
“That’s not going to happen, Rhaenyra, you know that.”
“He needs to pay for what he did.” The woman spoke through gritted teeth, angry tears filling her eyes. 
She stared at the woman, the Queen, before her for a few long seconds, taking in her state of weariness with a heavy sigh, which only seemed to upset Rhaenyra further, her face turning red, her jaw clenching as she took a mighty step towards her.
“He killed my son!”
“And you killed mine!” She yelled back, matching her with the ferocity only a devastated mother could have. 
The reminder of what Rhaenyra agreed to, what she allowed Daemon to do, made her face crumble, her eyes falling to the floor, refusing to meet the gaze of the woman in front of her, the woman she had made lose everything. 
She never wished the loss of a child on any woman, yet here she was, standing face to face with the woman with whom she had directly caused the greatest sorrow. 
“Gods, Rhaenyra, do you think yourself innocent, do you think you are absolved of punishment from your place in this war?”
“I know I am not.” She choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. “But I did not start this. Your husband must pay for what he has done.”
“My husband does not hold this blame alone. This war would’ve happened no matter who laid the first blow, you know that.”
“They usurped my crown!”
“Yet you sit on the throne and the only reason you do is because Aemond chose to step down from the fight.” 
Rhaenyra’s jaw tightened, the fury in her eyes taking over her grief. 
“You did not come here to wager about succession.”
“No, I came to kill my brother.” Rhaenyra stated simply, her glare deepening when the woman in front of her scoffed.
“Aemond is under Ixtal’s protection. He has no governance under the crown.”
“Your father is an honorable man, he will do what is right-”
Her sarcastic laugh stopped Rhaenyra mid sentence, the older woman scowling at the young woman before her with blooming hatred.
“My father does not know all the details about what happened that night in King’s Landing, why I was attacked, how I lost my baby. If he knew it was you and Daemon that orchestrated it, that you were the reason he lost his grandchild, no force in this realm could save you.” She threatened, delighting in the way Rhaenyra shrunk under her pointed words. 
“Your position is tentative, Rhaenyra. Most of the realm despises you, especially after this senseless war. The smallfolk in King’s Landing are starving, the Lords of great houses are fed up with your trade arrangements, raising taxes, abandoning treaties.” She started, her voice low with animosity that steadily grew with each passing second she stood before her.
Rhaenyra looked surprised by what she knew, the details that hounded her night after night, the reason she was berated practically daily in court by smallfolk and Lords alike. 
“Most leaders in this realm hate you, you have little support anymore. If my father were to break tradition and take a stand against your position, how many houses do you think would remain loyal to you?”
Rhaenyra remained silent, her face twisted with disdain, mostly because she knew she had no argument. 
“If you threaten my husband, if you plan some heinous attack on his life, if you darken Ixtal with your presence again, I will tell my father the role you played in my attack and nothing will stop him from marching to the gates of King’s Landing, with the support of the entire realm behind him.” She warned darkly. “Don’t forget, we’re the reason you still have food on your plates. You shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
“Who do you think you are to threaten me? I am your Queen.” Rhaenyra raged, losing what little control she had left. 
“You think you can threaten me?” She countered. “That’s what you came here for, wasn’t it? To exert what little power you have left to boost your ego, to enact revenge for a bitter fight you caused.”
Rhaenyra flinched, her face twisted with derision at her words.
“Don’t pretend you have no role in this, Rhaenyra, you are smarter than that.” She added before the queen could speak another senseless word. “You pretended some measly words against your sons were more dire than a child who lost an eye. You added fire to an already growing inferno and you think they would, what? Live in peace?”
Rhaenyra gazed past her, refusing to look her in the eye. 
“I am truly sorry about what happened to Lucerys.”
“Don’t say his name.” Rhaenyra seethed.
“A son for a son, that was what you wanted, wasn’t it?” 
Rhaenyra flinched, swallowing harshly against the lump in her throat, the guilt she still felt for her role in such a violent act drowning her, especially now as she faced the woman she hurt directly. 
“You got what you wanted, so consider us even.” She choked out through her own growing emotions, the memory of that night still haunting her. “Now leave.”
She watched, feeling victorious as Rhaenyra bowed her head, unable to look at her, as she turned on her heel and began to walk to the door in defeat.
“You may sit on that throne but it is my house that holds the power.” She called out before she could leave the room. “Remember that next time you get the urge to visit again.”
The door closed behind the Queen and she let out a long breath, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, having spoken to the reason for her attack for the first time, having expelled her anger towards the woman who had caused her greatest loss. 
She let her shoulders relax, suddenly realizing how tense her entire body had become. She turned on her heel and stopped abruptly as she noticed Aemond in the doorway across the room.
His face was passive, she couldn’t read a single emotion on his face. Even after all their time together, she still had trouble reading him in moments when he was guarded. 
“How long have you been here?”
“Long enough.” He answered vaguely. A moment passed before he let a small smile grow and she breathed out, laughing slightly as she approached him. “I quite like seeing that side of you.”
“You are not mad?”
“Mad?” He asked in disbelief and laughed. “No, I think you handled that with much more grace than I ever could.” 
He held his hand out to her as she came before him, taking her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. 
“In fact, seeing you defend me as valiantly as you did was quite… stirring.” 
She rolled her eyes and pushed at his chest.
“Aemond.” She admonished. “This is serious.”
“It is and you handled yourself as if you’ve been ruling for years.”
She sighed in annoyance, the praise not having the effect she expected. She felt as though he was avoiding the seriousness of what happened, or how wrong things could have turned out. 
“Your sister arrived to kill you and all you can do is compliment me?” 
Aemond’s smile faltered, his demeanor changing in an instant, the cool air around him gone.
“I have to live with what I did… to Lucerys.” He admitted quietly. “She must live with what she did. It’s like you said, we are even.” 
She intertwined their fingers, her hand squeezing his in a silent show of comfort. She knew he still felt immense guilt about what had happened that night, for what she endured as a result of it. 
He still had nights when he couldn’t face it. 
“Do you think she will retaliate?” She asked quietly and Aemond shook his head, clearing his throat and the air of intensity surrounding him as his easy smile returned. 
“Not unless she wants another verbal lashing from you.”
She scoffed and looked at her husband plainly. He pulled her towards him, a serious look in his eye even as his smirk remained. 
“If she ever dares to return, she will have to face Vhagar.” He told her. “I would never let her hurt you or anyone on this Island.”
She breathed out in relief. She didn’t want it to ever come to that, but to hear it so plainly, the lengths Aemond would go to protect her, to protect her family and their home, was a strange comfort. 
He kissed her forehead and looked at her with a gaze full of nothing but love, the words she had said to Rhaenyra in his defense running around his head. He would not soon forget it, the way she stood up for him. 
Her name was called from across the hall, breaking the moment between them. 
They turned to see her younger sister approaching, their smiles widening as they saw the bundle she carried in her arms.
“Sorry to interrupt, but she was getting fussy. I think she’s missing you two.” 
Aemond met her halfway, his arms already outstretched to take his daughter from his good sister. He whispered his thanks, his gaze locked onto the babe in his arms, his precious girl. 
At only 3 moons old, she was the greatest light in his life, aside from her mother of course. She had him wrapped around her little finger the second she took her first breath.
“Thank you for looking after her.” She told her sister and stood by Aemond’s side, latching onto his arm as they both gazed down at their child. 
“Is everything ok? I heard there was a dragon spotted.” Her sister inquired.
She looked over at Aemond, but he seemed too engrossed in their daughter to have even heard the question. 
“Everything’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about, she won’t be coming back.” She assured her sister who nodded and quickly made her exit, sensing the couple wanted to be alone with their little family.
Together, they walked out of the palace and through the gardens, coming to the familiar bench by the willow tree. 
Aemond sat, sparsely taking his eyes off his daughter. Next to him, his wife laughed, continually amused at how effortlessly their daughter mesmerized him. 
She leaned her head on his shoulder and reached out, gently tracing her finger over her daughter’s chubby cheeks that grinned at her touch, making a noise of contentment as she wriggled in her father’s arms. 
Aemond placed a kiss to her forehead and she raised her head, meeting his gaze. 
Their smiles grew at the same time, the same thought running through their minds. They had made it.
Whispered promises made in the beginning of their love had finally come true. 
They had their family and nothing could take it from them. 
Thank you all for reading and coming with me and this wild ride! All of your comments have meant the absolute world to me and I'm just so happy I got to share this with you all xx
There will be an epilogue so this will not be the end of Aemond and his Sun xx
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gothcsz · 4 months
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The Boy is Mine | Javier Peña x Fem!Reader | ~7k wc | Part 1 of the Fantasize series | Explicit. Minors DNI.
Summary: You become obsessed with the new DEA attaché.
Tags: oral (m receiving), stalking, voyeurism, dirty talk, masturbation (f), we're humping a pillow y'all, light spanking, javi's gun makes an appearance, some physical descriptions but overall it's pretty vague, dubcon, no use of Y/N, reader is a photojournalist, other shit i’m probably forgetting.
A/N: i told myself i was going to take my time with this but i've been hyperfixated on this song and music video since it dropped... imagining my favorite pedro boy and... well i cranked this sucker out so fast. oh to break in to javi's apartment and blow him into oblivion 😫 let me know what you think! i might write a part 2 if there's interest for it xoxo mwah enjoy queridas. 🖤
You’ve never seen a man so handsome. So determined. So capable.
So perfect.
You knew from the moment you laid eyes on him that he was the one.
You’d been waiting outside of the embassy in the pouring rain for over an hour trying to catch him while on his break, wanting to get a quote from the new DEA attaché on his plans to tackle the Cali cartel.
That’s why you’re here in Colombia. Fresh out of grad school with a masters in photojournalism. Your advisor had presented to you a great position in South America involving documenting the war on drugs and its subsequent effects. Despite Pablo Escobar’s death, this so called war remained relentless, and with your ability to capture photos that truly are worth a thousand words, your advisor knew you’d be perfect for the job.
So here you are, immersed in a beautiful country, working your dream job. It had its bad days just like anything else; but your passion and prowess made those hard days worth it.
When he finally did emerge from the government building, you shivered and it wasn’t because you were soaking wet from the rain. 
Your handbag did little to nothing to shield you from it as you held it over your head and jogged over to him.
He immediately blew you off, quickly eyeing your appearance before giving you a simple ‘no comment’ which would usually piss you off and have you press further–– however, you were left in a trancelike state by merely being in his presence.
He was more handsome than you could have imagined. You didn’t know what he looked like before arriving, solely going off the description given to you by your boss then what little his secretary had told you when you called to ask for a meeting earlier (which you were denied).
Brows cinched together in a perpetual frown, pouty lips turned downward in a scowl with chocolate brown eyes that make you miss the warmth of your hometown. 
He had taken your breath away entirely, leaving you standing there in a puddle of both rain and arousal as he darted off in the opposite direction.
That was all you needed, really, to be thrown into a pit of absolute delusion and wanton want for Javier Peña.
You watch him relentlessly. At first, it began with scouring through the archives, reading any printings that involved him, seeing his photograph on countless articles and video footage of him giving press conferences.
The more you dived in to the professional life of the agent, the more devoted you became.
Then the following started. To and from work. Late nights at the bar. While tracking down leads. You can’t help yourself, you are obsessed. Everything this man does is fascinating, further deluding you into an infatuated trance.
You don’t know where this side of you came from. You’re usually so unproblematic and independent, your sole focus being your career with little to no time to even fathom romance.
There’s just something about him that flipped this twisted switch within you, rendering you a cock-thirsty, lovestruck mess.
One night, you watched him bring another woman home and that’s when you realized how palpable your obsession had gotten. The jealousy that bubbled in your chest became unbearable. So much, that it led you to get out of your car, climb the fire escape of his luxurious apartment building, and onto his balcony.
You observed from the other side of the glass door, in the shadows, as he took this woman on his couch.
A plethora of toxic emotions swirled within you. Envy and arousal the most intense, your thighs clenching together at the sight of his bare torso against the gentle, warm light of the singular lamp that was on.
A sheen of sweat glistened over his tan skin. He is so chiseled with a softness that makes you want to run your tongue against every dip and ridge, all the way down to the enticing trail of hair that leads right to what you crave the most.
You sighed, fantasizing about being in that lucky bitch’s spot, with his hands running all over you, kneading and squeezing your curves, the scratch of his mustache having your skin curl beneath the coarser touch. You managed to control the whimper that threatened to slip up your throat in the off chance that it got you caught.
It’s not until you felt your pager in your pocket that you returned to reality, the buzz forcefully pulling you from your erotic daydream. With a final glance at their moving bodies, at him, you swiftly descended the fire escape and to the nearest phone booth.
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Since that night you’ve been insatiable. You just need one taste, a small, micro dose of him to keep your hunger at bay.
It’s not until a few days later that you return to his apartment. He’s away for work in Cali (you followed him to the airport, watching him board the plane behind your thick sunglasses and a newspaper) leaving his place empty with no surveillance. You ascend the fire escape again, the city lights of the capitol twinkling in the distance. 
Slipping your gloves on, you expertly pick the lock of the balcony door before suavely entering the space. You’ve been practicing on your own at home in preparation.
It’s neat and clean. Not much personality to it which is unsurprising considering how stoic this man is. His hardened demeanor amongst the many things about him that drive you crazy. There’s never a break in his expression, always painted with typical tension and weariness.
You wonder if you could be the one who is able to crack him. To get a reaction out of that handsome face.
After surveying the entirety of the open space, you sneak down the hallway and push open the door of his bedroom.
Immediately, his smell engulfs your senses and your eyes flutter close at the scent. It’s comforting yet enticing; nothing different than what other men smell like, but there’s something about Javier specifically that you just can’t describe.
It’s so satisfying. A fucking aphrodisiac.
Walking deeper into the room, you diligently rummage through his belongings, beginning in his en suite bathroom.
With every little piece you study, you learn more about the agent. What toothpaste he uses, the brand of razors that he buys, the specific shade of blue of his towels.
Little things you wouldn’t be able to catch during your, plainly put, stalking.
Back in the room, you open the drawer that stores his shirts, your fingers running along the front of a brightly colored pink one that’s neatly folded at the top.
You imagine yourself walking around in this and nothing else, the softness of the fabric hanging from your curves, unbuttoned enough to expose the swells of your breasts, and maybe even a nipple slip to tempt him even further.
Would he think you look sexy in his clothes?
You now stand at the foot of his large bed, the window behind it casting the silver of the moonlight against the mattress tantalizingly, as if urging you to go full on goldilocks by climbing in it and pretending it’s a bed you share with him.
You stare and you stare, lower lip pinched between your teeth before you gently crawl onto it, lowering your chest so it brushes against the duvet as your nose trails up up up until it’s at his pillow, inhaling deeply as you get a more potent smell of him. 
A sweet moan pushes through your lips, your clit throbbing in tandem with your heart as you lose yourself entirely, your mind already conjuring an erotic fantasy.
Your lips against his thick neck, licking and biting the salty skin while he fucks you in missionary. The details become so vivid; that familiar furrow of his brows as he concentrates on your soaking cunt swallowing his cock, fingers digging into the skin of your hips as he praises you for taking his dick like the good little slut that you are.
You whimper, grinding your hips against the mattress, the friction delicious against your clit, while your nose remains buried in the pillow.
Deciding that you need more, you lift your head momentarily to grab one of the other cushions and then slip your jeans off; tossing them on the floor and placing the cushion between your thighs.
Positioning yourself at the perfect angle, you bring the pillow he sleeps on up to your face and begin to grind down on the one between your legs.
Drifting back to your lewd thoughts, you picture him beneath you while your hips move at a sensual pace. You know you’d take him bare, needing to feel every vein and divot… how thick he is breaking your pussy open while simultaneously molding it to fit perfectly tight around his cock.
His mouth on your bouncing breasts, nipping and sucking on your nipples while his large hand runs down to land a harsh slap against your ass cheek, groping the skin to soothe it before repeating the action again and again and again.
You move faster against the pillow, your now ruined panties only adding to the overwhelming sensation as the wet fabric rubs against your needy pussy. 
“Javier…” His name falls from your lips in a gasp when your face leaves the pillow, your body needing fresh air but you being selfish and wanting to suffocate in his scent. You know your wetness is smearing all over the pillow but you really don’t give a fuck at the moment, too caught up in your own pleasure and delusions to think of how wrong this is.
But it feels so good.
Your free hand goes under your shirt and bra to massage your sensitive tit, stomach tightening as your orgasm begins to creep up on you.
You think of his devilishly curved nose and how fucking magnificent it’d feel nudging against your clit while you ride his face. That position specifically has always made you a little nervous due to the thickness of your thighs and ass, but you just know that he would be able to handle it like the sex god that he is.
His tongue would lap over your slit hungrily, kissing your folds before wrapping his lips around the flesh of your clit and sucking hard. The phantom sensation of it is enough to get you to hump harder against the pillow and bury your face into the one in your hands once more, your cunt clenching around nothing as euphoria washes over you.
The room is filled with your muffled moans and cries of his name as you come undone, hips wildly thrusting against the cushion and your juices absolutely soak through it.
It’s an out of body experience, really, as you attempt to return back to earth.
You’ve never came that hard, especially not on your own.
Breathing heavily, you take what feels like an eternity to calm your shaking body down. Once your mind is a little clearer, you wobble off the bed and proceed to wash the pillow you just marked like a possessive cat, lounging around his apartment until you’ve made sure everything is as he left it before swiftly making your exit.
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His return comes in the form of a news broadcast. You’re in the middle of cooking dinner when you hear the anchorwoman report that one of the Cali godfathers, Gilberto Rodríguez, has been arrested thanks to the joint efforts of the DEA and Search Bloc.
The kitchen knife falls from your hands and onto the cutting board as you scurry over to the boxy television set in your living room, fingers twisting the knob to increase the volume as he appears.
You’re kneeled in front of the screen, face damn near pressed up against it as you intently watch him command the room. He stands behind a podium with microphones pointed at him from every direction, cameras shuttering, an array of men on either side of him and a large crowd gathered at the front.
“I promise you… the other three godfathers will fall.”
You nod your head as if he is speaking only to you, “That’s right baby, you tell them. So hot.” 
You stand, attention still fully on the television as that familiar stir of arousal begins to heat up within you.
He’s home and your resolve is wearing thin. Thin enough that you decide to say fuck it.
You need another taste.
Dinner is long forgotten as you go to your room, pulling open the closet and grabbing a solid black box from the top shelf.
You purchased this little number when your fantasies had begun. Wearing it around your apartment while you teased yourself, roleplaying him coming home after a long work trip and using your pussy to help him forget the horrors of his job.
Using a realistic looking dildo, you imagined it to be the man of your dreams while you fucked yourself with it in a myriad of positions.
The outfit is simple. A short, black leather dress with a corset bust and sheer sleeves that cover your shoulders and arms, doing a great job of making you look sexy. The skirt falls at your upper thigh, exposing your nylon clad legs paired with simple black heels. You slip on your mesh gloves, your red acrylics popping against the black, almost see through material.
The ensemble looks divine against your skin but you feel like something is missing. Taking one, long look at your face you realize that you’re not ready to fully reveal yourself to him, so you turn back to your closet and your eyes light up once you see the cat mask you wore to a costume party not that long ago.
You smirk at the idea.
A sexy little cat burglar. Breaking in to take what she wants.
Putting it on, your reflection stares back at you and you feel like a whole different person. The corset cinches your waist just right, your thighs curvy and inviting beneath the stockings, tits pressed together and almost spilling out the top.
The lacy mask covers half your face, leaving your glossy lips exposed with cute kitten ears at the top. 
You’d fuck yourself, honestly. This new wave of confidence does nothing but fuel your determination.
Walking over to the opposite side of your room, you tilt your head up to take in the shrine of photos you’ve made of him.
Most come from you and your camera, all those days you spent watching him and documenting his every move. Others are from newspapers then there’s some messy sketches you did out of boredom.
Your finger comes up to trace his sharp features on one of the pictures, lingering on his nose and your pussy tingles as you breathe out a wistful sigh.
You can’t wait to try him.
Throwing on a black trench coat, you leave your apartment and take the familiar route to his. It’s raining, but not harsh enough to spoil your plans. Just a light drizzle.
When you arrive, your heart sinks at the fact that he isn’t home yet. Of course. He was just on TV! You hadn’t really thought this plan all the way through, absolutely blinded by your desire.
Whatever, you take the time to touch up on your makeup and fix your hair. The night presses on until finally you see his jeep coming down the road and pulling into the garage of the building.
With a final look over in your rearview mirror, you exit the car and cross the street to make your way up the familiar ladder, careful not to slip against the slick surface with the heels you have on.
Thankfully there’s no one out tonight, and if there was you aren’t sure how the hell you’d explain what you’re doing. You don’t even know how to explain it to yourself.
The butterflies in your stomach wildly flutter once you make it to his balcony, rain droplets adorn the glass door and you crouch to keep yourself hidden.
He walks in not long after, looking exhausted as ever as he pulls his tie loose around his neck and tosses his keys into a small bowl at the entryway table. His expensive dress shoes are kicked off, suit jacket slipping from shoulders revealing how broad he is. You bite your lip.
He stalks across the apartment, not even glancing in your direction, unbuttoning part of his shirt and rolling up the sleeves. His figure is a little blurry due to the condensation on the door but you don’t care, you’re under his spell as you watch him pour himself a glass of whiskey.
Wetting your lips, you can almost taste the spicy liquor as he drinks it in one shot before pouring himself another. Except this time it’s on the rocks.
Would the ice make his lips cool? Surely. A shiver dances down your spine at the thought of them pressed against your heated skin. 
The orange street light casts softly into the space, the shadows sharpening his features and making him look more rugged and masculine and just downright fuckable. You want to so badly break through the glass and take a seat on that chiseled jaw, to have him harshly grip your ass as you fuck yourself on his tongue.
He disappears down the hallway and into his office, giving you the opportunity to sneak in like last time. You give yourself one final pep talk before fully committing, slipping off the trench coat and tossing it aside.
After picking the lock, you very diligently and quietly slide the door open and enter, shutting it behind you.
Just like the cat burglar you pretend to be, you suavely follow his trail down the hallway, leaving a wet trail of your own from the rain, stopping at the cracked door of his office.
You see him hunched over his wooden desk, back facing you, deep in thought at whatever documents lay sprawled against the surface.
His back muscles tense with every subtle move he makes, your dark eyes taking him in entirely from his slutty little waist to the curls at the nape of his neck.
You can tell he’s been frustratingly running his fingers through his hair since it’s sticking up in some places, making it look so sexily tousled.
You want to tug on it, run your fingertips against his scalp while he devours you whole.
So lost in your observance of him, you don’t catch the moan that escapes you and his head snaps up at the sound. 
Your eyes widen and you take a delicate step back, still watching as he reaches for the gun that’s nestled against his lower back.
Trying not to make too much noise, you make your way further down the hall and into his bedroom, heart in your throat as you climb into his bed, laying on your side with your body weight propped up on one hand as you anticipate his presence.
This is it. This is what you’ve been dreaming of since the moment you laid eyes on him.
The first thing you see is the silver tip of his pistol as the door opens further, then he comes fully into view with that goddamn scowl on his face that makes your skin tingle.
His breath hitches once he lays eyes on you, large hands squeezing the weapon as you sexily wave at him.
“Hello agent.”
Your sweet voice fills the space, the muted sound of the weather picking up outside serving as the perfect white noise to set the ambiance for this scene.
“Who the fuck are you and how the hell did you get in here?”
Oh, his voice. So smooth yet raspy like the whiskey and cigarettes he can’t live without.
“An admirer that saw you took down one of the godfathers and decided to come thank you in person.”
His gaze narrows, gun lowering slightly as he contemplates whether you’re a threat or not.
You are, but not in the way that he thinks.
“How did you get in?”
“That’s a trick I’m going to have to keep to myself.”
You shift your body, moving to rest on your knees and you watch as his eyes lustfully trace the contours of your figure. You’re absolutely keening beneath the heaviness of his stare, loving the fact that you have his undivided attention.
It doesn’t even worry you that he’s got a fully loaded gun pointed right at your pretty face. If anything, it just turns you on even more.
“What do you want?”
“I already told you. To thank you in person.” Your eyes roll and his jaw tightens.
“Thank me in person?” He echoes your words with a dry chuckle, “What the fuck does that even mean?”
“Let me show you.” Your tone is hushed and dripping with suggestion, slipping off the bed slowly and sensually.
You watch his adam’s apple bob at your change of position, letting him see you in your full get up, watching intently as his eyes land on a different part of your body with every second that passes.
“Drop the gun, Javier.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I could do right now.”
You cock your head to the side, eyes narrowing behind the mask as you contemplate your next move.
He’s standing on the rug that’s spread out against the wooden floor which gives you an idea.
“Please? I’m not going to hurt you.” You whine with a pout, beginning to lower yourself to the ground as if showing him your unwavering submission.
The seconds that tick by feel like hours as you attentively take each other in. Then you hear it, your ears twitching at the faint sound of the safety switching on and it’s enough to spur you into action.
You don’t know where this newfound strength comes from, probably the adrenaline you feel of simply existing in the same room as him. You yank the rug, causing him to lose his footing as he falls onto his back with a loud thud, the gun slipping from his grasp and sliding across the floor.
He groans out in pain but you don’t care, pulling him closer, then fully on your knees as you begin to crawl over to him.
“I told you to put the gun down.” 
He’s still on his back, making no attempt to move as you draw closer. He does lean up on his forearms, dark eyes fixed on you, watching as you shuffle on your hands and knees until you plant your hands on his shins and work your way up.
You barely graze the hardening bulge in his pants, causing him to shudder, and white heat licks at your core knowing that in this moment; he wants you too.
The two of you don’t break eye contact as you straddle him, gloved hands falling on his pecs.
“I’m not usually like this…” you begin in a gentle murmur, running your open palms anywhere you can, relishing in feeling his taut body beneath yours after fantasizing about it for so long, “Shit, it’s like news to me, but I can’t ignore my heart anymore.”
One of your hands wraps around his tie, tugging on it harshly until you’re nose to nose with the man that’s been living in your head rent free for the past few weeks.
His lust blown, brown eyes search yours, as if trying to discern your identity which you assume he’ll never figure out. You’ve only ever had that one interaction and even then he had barely paid you any attention.
You feel his breath fanning across your mouth, so badly do you want to press your lips against his but you suppress the urge.
You continue to play with him, enjoying this sense of power you have with how compliant he’s being.
You expected for him to be fully dominant, which you know he’s capable of being since you watched him fuck the shit out of that one girl. But it seems like this, your taboo act and the suddenness of it, is affecting him in an entirely different way.
You put pressure against your palms, having him lay flat on his back and you hover over him, taking in all the small details of his charming face.
The frown lines, hairs of his mustache, blemishes and faint scars. Every little detail making you fall harder and harder for him. He has no idea just how much he means to you.
“What game are you playing at here, gatita?” He gives in, entranced by this enigma of a woman that’s perched over him. His calloused hands grip at your outer thighs, blunt fingernails almost ripping the fabric of your stockings.
You hum at his touch, loving the sound of the pet name, gently rocking on his lap and clutching his shirt in your fists.
“One where you’re the prize, handsome.”
You lean forward, sticking your tongue out and slowly licking a broad stripe from his chin all the way to the tip of his nose, curling your tongue when you flick at it.
His chest vibrates with a groan and you smirk at the feeling of his cock twitching underneath his pants.
“You looked so good on the news tonight. I couldn’t help myself.”
You undo his tie, toying with the notion of wrapping it around his wrists to detain him, but with what you have planned on doing to him tonight, you’d rather keep his hands accessible. 
Maybe next time.
You toss the silky fabric aside to focus on unbuttoning his shirt. He does nothing but remain silent, his chest heaving up and down while he suppresses the primal urge to take over and fuck this sweet little thing that’s dropped herself on his lap.
And you know he’s more than capable of switching the roles. He’s strong and skilled, could easily flip you onto your back and proceed to exert his dominance over you.
But you’re the one with the grand plan here, not him, and he’s indulging in your shared fantasy by letting you do whatever it is that you want, lost in a horny daze of his own.
The silence is comfortable and it further builds the sexual tension. You finish getting his shirt undone, opening it wider to get a better look at his toned body.
“So hot. You drive me crazy, agent.” You’re so wet, the slickness of your arousal seeping through the flimsy material of your thong smears against his fancy dress pants.
“Y tú, kitten, look like something out of a wet fucking dream. I have to be dreaming.”
You giggle, blushing at his words as some coyness slips into your facade.
“You’re not dreaming. I promise you.” 
Leaning down once more, you begin to leave wet kisses against the cut of his jaw, suckling on the warm skin then running your nose along the length of his neck.
You take in a deep breath, smelling his cologne atop of his sweat and natural scent and you feel so high. 
No amount of cocaine comes close to how Javier Peña makes you feel.
You suck a love bite against a protruding vein in his neck, a grunt pushing past his lips at the sensation of your teeth grazing the skin. 
Satisfied with your possessive marking, you lick from his jaw all the way up to his ear, biting down on the lobe.
“Now I’m going to taste you.” You purr seductively, leaning back to look down at his absolutely wrecked face.
His puppy eyes stare up at you like you’re the only woman in the world, a goddess that’s decided to bestow such an erotic experience onto him. He knows you’re about to ruin his body for any other woman that comes after you.
You decide to be a little theatrical, slowly pulling off your gloves to reveal your pretty hands and fresh manicure.
He can’t help but bring his large hand up to grasp your wrist, pulling your hand closer to his face as he studies your nails before gently nipping at your fingers, then slipping two digits into his mouth, running his tongue all over them and sucking them softly.
You gasp at the sensation, not breaking eye contact while he smirks at your reaction. Suddenly, lighting strikes and the room is illuminated for a split second in the white light. 
You both look so feral, suspended in this vivacious moment.
Pulling your hand away, you let it drag down his pouty bottom lip, pinching the delicate skin before shuffling back on his lap.
You hover again, this time at eye level with his chest as you place soft kisses against his brown skin, tongue peering out to lick his pecs then down his soft tummy.
His hips buck involuntarily and you pull back, tilting your head to the side as you look down at him.
“Stay still or this little kitten is going to find someone else to play with.”
A litany of curses fall from his lips in both English and Spanish, but you pay it no mind, your attention on his belt as you unbuckle it then pop the button of his dress pants.
Leaning down, you bring your face until it’s right at his crotch and you catch the metallic zipper between your teeth.
Slowly pulling it down, your eyes flit up to him and he’s intently watching you, his own tongue hanging from his mouth like a dog in anticipation of what you’re about to do.
You press your nose into the fabric of his now exposed boxers, nuzzling your face against his erection and his breath catches in his throat.
Your wetness managed to penetrate through his pants and onto his boxers, so you kitten lick your arousal from him and he lets out a guttural moan.
Basking in the sounds of his pleasure, you continue until there’s a giant wet spot on the cotton.
Deciding that it’s time you get what you came here for, your fingers hook at the band of his bottoms, dragging them down to his mid thigh and he assists you by lifting his hips.
His cock is so fucking big. Your eyes widen at the sight as it rests against his left thigh.
It’s thick, like you imagined, with ridges and veins that are begging to be traced by the tip of your tongue.
The color of it is a little darker than the rest of his body, the weeping tip plush and leaking with excessive precum from your foreplay. It’s cut with a subtle curve, long enough to where you know if he angles it just right; he’d bruise the fuck out of your cervix.
“Mmm,” you hum, licking your lips like a woman who has been starved for far too long.
“¿Que pasó, nena? Cat got your tongue?” This asshole, teasing you as if he’s not the one at your mercy.
But is that really the truth? One would observe that you’re the one at his mercy; considering your obsession with the DEA agent.
“It just looks so delicious,” you purr, bringing your hand to hover your face.
Meeting his gaze, you seductively lick your palm, wetting it with your saliva before wrapping it around his throbbing length.
“Mierda,” he hisses, head dropping back against the hardwood floor as you begin to pump him in languid motions, getting a feel for what he likes. Attuned.
His flesh feels warm and smooth beneath your smaller hand, your thumb swipes over his tip as you collect some of his precum.
You bring it up to your lips, sucking it into your mouth and you whimper at the taste. Salty, heady, intoxicating.
You need more.
Your hand leaves his cock as you position yourself in between his strong thighs. His dick stands erect, waiting for you to lavish it in your attention.
Leaning down, you poke your tongue out to run one long, broad stripe from his balls all the way up to his head.
He shudders, fists clenching at his sides while his slit spurts out more precum.
“I got you all wet, baby.” you gloat with a gentle laugh, repeating the motion a few more times.
Each groan of his and twitch of his body influences you to keep going, placing open mouthed kisses all over his base then up and down his cock. Making out with it.
You let a wad of spit fall over his tip and watch as it drips down obscenely over his length, bringing your hand back to pump him a little faster with a tighter grip. Your saliva drips from in between your knuckles. 
“That’s it, gatita, just like that pretty girl.” He’s getting more vocal now and you’re intoxicated, drunk off his praise.
You slap the fat head of his cock against your pursed lips a few times before letting your tongue lap at the slit then sinfully lick around the tip. 
Your tongue continues its assault on his girth, lapping every inch of it like he’s a refreshing mango popsicle on a hot summer day.
The attention is then shifted on his balls as you continue to jerk him, the tip of your muscle outlining the sensitive skin before you suck one into your mouth softly.
“Puta madre, bebita, esa boquita feels like fucking heaven.”
You whimper, nuzzling your nose against his sack and taking in his musky smell. Your mouth waters, drool leaking from the corners as you reposition yourself back over his hard cock.
You part your lips, taking him slowly, inch by inch as you savor the weight of him inside your hot mouth. Your hand remains at his base while you swallow him whole, tongue lapping around the bits that it can reach.
It’s not until you feel him tickle the back of your throat that you pull back slightly, sucking your cheeks in and beginning to set a slow pace.
Up, down, up, down.
He’s so fucking big, you’re not able to take him fully down your throat… yet. You’re gonna need a moment to break open your mouth enough to fit him.
He continues with his praises. The sweet filth that fills your ears urging you to be a good girl and to suck his cock like your life depends on it.
Because it does. All you want to do is lose yourself in him, to become nothing more than just Javier’s plaything.
Tears pool at your tear ducts from the messy head you’re giving but it doesn’t deter you. You just blink them away and take him further down your throat.
You splutter and gag as he presses against your uvula, causing him to inadvertently bring his hand down to the back of your head, fisting your hair.
You wince but the pain feels delicious on your scalp. You pull away and his saliva coated cock falls from your swollen lips with a trail of spit connecting you two.
“I want you to fuck my face, Javier. Can you do that for me?”
You bat your lashes, biting on your lower lip as you look up at him.
Your back is arched sexily, giving him a good view of your ass behind you as you remain on your knees in between his legs.
“Si, gatita, whatever you want.”
He gathers your hair into a makeshift ponytail, guiding you back to his cock.
He slips back into your mouth easily, his hips bucking upward to fully bury himself down your throat.
You breathe through your nose as he begins to set the pace, much harsher and faster than what you’ve been doing on your own.
The filthy sounds of his groans mixed with your gagging and squelching of your mouth fill the room and it’s like music to your ears.
You fucking love this. Love the way he’s fucking your throat and using it to get himself off.
His other hand falls down to tenderly caress your cheek, cupping your jaw and that sets off an explosion of fireworks against your needy pussy, moving your hips against nothing. The simple act is enough to get you closer to your own orgasm.
Your fingernails dig into his meaty thighs when he manages to fully situate himself into your mouth, the tip of your nose brushing against his coarse pubic hairs.
He keeps you there, depriving you of oxygen and your jaw aches with how it’s been widely unhinged for the past however long.
You don’t care about your pain, you only care about tasting his cum when he finally releases inside of you.
“I’m so close baby, god damn it I could die in this pretty little mouth. Such a filthy whore, breaking into my apartment just so you can suck my cock.”
You whimper, the sound vibrating around his shaft and you bring one of your hands down beneath your skirt and panties, rubbing tight circles against your engorged clit.
He goes back to thrusting in and out of your throat while you pleasure yourself; both of you teetering on the precipice of your respective orgasms.
The hold on the back of your head tightens as his climax begins to peak, and the tension of it is enough to send you over the edge first.
You splutter and groan all over his cock while you cum, your release coating your fingers and dripping down your folds and onto your inner thighs.
“Fuck I’m about to come. You better swallow every fucking drop gatita. Isn’t that what you came here for? Ah-shit, to milk my cock like the perverted bitch that you are?”
If you hadn’t come already, you would be now with his abrasive words and rougher thrusts of his hips.
“I bet, fuuuck, bet that pussy tastes so fucking sweet and feels as heavenly as this mouth. Ay gatita sucia, you gonna let me destroy your tight little cunt or are you going to leave me with just a taste of your boquita?”
You want to respond, to tell him that you want nothing more than to have his cock split you open, to render you a mess that can’t walk for days after getting fucked hard by him.
His thrusts stagger and he comes with a primitive growl, his hot seed spilling into your mouth and down your throat.
You moan at the feeling and he holds you flush against his pelvis while he empties his balls into you.
When he’s finally drained, you tentatively let him fall from your mouth with a lewd pop, some of his spend still resting on your tongue.
You climb up his body again, noticing the bead of sweat dripping from the tip of his brow and down his chiseled cheek. His lips are swollen, much like yours, from chewing on it due to the intensity of your ministrations.
His dark eyes are swimming with lust and adoration, shallow breaths exhaling from his nostrils.
You open your mouth wide, sticking your tongue out so he can see his milky cum against the pink muscle before you retract it and swallow exaggeratedly, smirking as you bring the back of your hand up to wipe the saliva and other fluids that coat the bottom half of your face.
“Thank you for keeping us safe from the narcos, agent.” You whisper, reaching for your gloves to slip them back on.
He watches intently before he raises the hand that had just cupped your cheek affectionately to the edge of your mask, beginning to lift it up to expose your identity.
“¿Quien eres, gatita?”
You stop him by grasping his wrist harshly, shaking your head.
“Un secreto,” you whisper back, close enough to where your lips are softly brushing against each other.
Moving his hand away from your face, your eyes gaze into his one final time before you lean in to press a sweet kiss against his lips. 
It’s everything you dreamed of and more, the feeling of his mouth slotting against yours in the most passionate kiss you’ve ever shared with anyone.
You pull back before things get heated again, your mission now complete until the next time.
“I’m going to leave now,” you begin in a hushed tone, “and you’re going to stay right here. You’re not going to follow me out or stop me. Are we clear?”
Another tilt of your head and you can see the resistance in his stare, how badly he wants to keep you here like a pet. His kitten.
But he nods ever so slightly.
“Will I see you again?”
Yes, but you don’t reveal this to him so easily.
“Only if you do something worth warranting a visit.”
With that, you rise from his lap, your long legs on either side of his waist as you look down upon this man you just wrecked without giving him your name or letting him get a good look at your face.
His eyes trail over you, trying to etch the image of you in his mind for the lonely days that are about to come.
He won’t forget you, that’s for sure. You’re about to infiltrate his mind in the same manner in which he infiltrated yours.
The soft click of your heels can be heard as you depart from his bedroom, leaving him with his soft cock out and pants down his legs.
Before closing the bedroom door behind you, you stop and look at him over your shoulder.
“Goodnight agent.”
The minutes tick by agonizingly slow before he scrambles to get up, grunting at the subtle pain in his back as he tucks himself back into his pants and picks his gun up to place on the dresser.
He follows your wet trail down the hallway and to the glass door of his balcony that you purposefully left cracked; an answer to his earlier question.
“How the hell did you get in here?”
He smirks when he sees the heart shape you’ve left against the surface. 
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onehoplessromantic · 2 months
B. Bradshaw | Masterlist
Top Gun - Maverick
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Updated: 8/7/2024 [permanent state of oblivion]
!!authors!! if u want something removed plz pm me 💕 ily
Hi!!! So? This is it! I've been continuously cringing at myself for even making the first search for this the other day but I did. I ended up falling down a rabbit hole full of incredible fics written by some incredible people so I hope you give it a look. No need to judge me, I'm already judging myself T-T.
PSA: if you want to be kept up to date with the happenings of this list you can sign up for my tag list here so you will be notified when i add fics or chapters and you can choose to keep up with bigger announcements as well
fluff-> 🤍 | smut -> 🍋 | angst -> 🌧️ | major tw -> ‼️
☆ ALTITUDE | @tongue-like-a-razor
13 chapters | on hold | 🌧️🤍
Sydney is not a pilot. But she knows all their tricks. That's why, when she meets the smooth-talking Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, she's not falling for any of them. She's not falling for him, either.
☆ ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? | @perpetuallydaydreaming
12 chapters | complete | 🤍🌧️🍋
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw and you have been friends since you can remember, just friends (unfortunately) but when you are called back to Top Gun everything changes...
☆ JEALOUSY, JEALOUSY | @feralforfrank
3 chapters | complete | 🌧️🤍🍋
Rooster and you have never liked each other. One night at the Hard Deck is enough to change the dynamic between you.
☆ IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY | @bloatedandalone04
4 chapters | complete | 🌧️🤍🍋
The one where you give Bradley your heart and he breaks it.
☆ FAKING IT | @tongue-like-a-razor
8 chapters | complete | 🌧️🤍
Fake dating your friend, Bradley Bradshaw - what could possibly go wrong? Your sister is getting married and you need a date. You enlist Bradley's help and the rest is history.
☆ AT LEAST I LET THE LIGHT IN | @heartsofminds
1 chapter | on hold (?) | 🌧️‼️
Bradley is on a downward spiral and Natasha doesn't know how much more she can take - unofficial sequel to 'cause no one breaks my heart like you (linked here)
☆ DRUNK IN LOVE / DRUNK IN LOVE | @feralforfrank
2 chapters | complete | 🌧️🤍
Rooster brings a drunk!reader to his house. What happens when you wake up in bed with Rooster, your sworn rival?
☆ THIS LOVE CAME BACK TO ME | @beyondthesefourwalls
13 chapters | complete | 🌧️‼️‼️
You and Bradley hadn’t ended on bad terms; really, you stopped before the two of you could ever truly begin. Still, in the last seven months, you had never completely left his mind. So when you suddenly appeared in front of him at the bar, asking for a favor and pulling him in for a kiss, he thought maybe it was a perfect opportunity to see if this time, things could be different. But what neither of realized was that there’s more going on than just rekindling a lost romance, and it might not be as easy as simply wanting it.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read the warnings carefully before reading this story!!
☆ REMEMBER YOU EVEN WHEN I DON'T | @beyondthesefourwalls
10 chapters | complete | 🤍🍋🌧️
A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting right beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement
☆ HOTTER THAN TEXAS | @tongue-like-a-razor
3 chapters | ongoing | 🤍
Bradley Bradshaw is tasked with transporting a not-so-delicate package in the form of Jake Seresin's baby sister, who turns out to be Bradley's dream girl worst nightmare.
☆ BRAD BRAD | @peterparkersnose
wc: 1.9k | 🤍🌧️
teasing, intimidation, situationship coming to a close, ANGST, mentions of death and dealing with death, rooster is in denial of looove, fluff at the end
Rooster gets upset when a harmless joke crosses the line.
wc: 1.3k | request | 🌧️🤍
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x aviator!reader, callsign casper (like the ghost hehe), some swearing
Rooster gets upset when pilot hazing goes too far
☆ LOVE IN THE DARK | @bloatedandalone04
wc: 2.8k | 🌧️
swearing, angst, sad boy bradley, lowkey depressed reader, more angst bc im sick and unhappy about it, new theme
The one where the deployments become too much.
wc: idk loll | prompt | 🌧️🤍
angst with a happy ending, miscommunication trope (?), nondescriptive reader
Rooster and reader fight, but they make up in their own way.
wc: 1.7k | request | 🌧️
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader, some swearing, angst
You miss Bradley so much while he's away, in trying to communicate this to him, lines get crossed and emotions rise.
☆ CRUMBLE | @daddy-bradley
wc: idk | 🌧️🤍
angst, cursing, mentions of parental insecurity, depression, anxiety, has a happy ending
You and Bradley are having your first fight after your baby is born. How will you both come to a solution and learn to cope through this together.
wc: 19k | 🌧️‼️
heavy angst, miscommunication, heartbreak, right person wrong universe type shit, slow burn angst, disrespect towards women, drinking, bradley is a dick
Bradley Bradshaw is terrified of commitment and he decides to stop being selfish (even though its hard to see)
☆ MIDNIGHT RAIN | @bloatedandalone04
wc: 3.6k | 🤍🍋🌧️‼️
fluff, smut, angst, oral (f receiving), mentions/descriptions of bad past relationships, mentions of abuse, past abuse, toxic ex, trauma?, bad coping habits, arguments, crying, swearing
The one where Bradley is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, but even he cant fully erase the bad memories of your last relationship.
☆ THINGS UNSEEN AND HEARD | @bloatedandalone04
wc: 4.1k | 🍋🌧️🤍
smut, angst, fluff, obvious bradley insecurities, self-deprecating thoughts, unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol consumption, maybe more
The one where you overhear Bradley talk about you to Jake and decide to give him the space he apparently wanted.
☆ THE STACHE INCIDENT | @feralforfrank
wc: no clue | drabble | 🤍
tooth rotting fluff, its honestly tragic
the title says all you need to know
☆ WHO DID THIS TO YOU? | @feralforfrank
wc: i dunno | 🌧️🤍
accidental injury (reader got hit in the face), crying, nondescript reader
It’s a drabble, I cant say much…
☆ THE ZIPPER INCIDENT | @tongue-like-a-razor
wc: i honestly, truly, don’t know | request | 🌧️🤍
fluff, angst, swearing, a pinch of smut, you stand up your date, which is shitty of you, but it’s probably worth it
You’re running late and you need help zipping up your dress. After recovering from the initial shock of seeing you all dolled up, Rooster is more than happy to assist.
☆ SLEEPYHEAD | @roosterbruiser
wc: *shrugs* | blurb | 🤍
tooth-rotting fluff, sleepy bradley
just read it goddamnit 🥹
☆ PERMANENT STATE OF OBLIVION | @topgun-imagines
wc: 3.2k | request | 🌧️🤍
drinking, arguments, angsty feelings
Despite all the times you have tried to make your feelings for the mustached pilot obvious, he still hasn't caught on. You make things clear one night at the hard deck.
taglist sign up
ⓒ onehopelessromantic, August 2024
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thatseitagremlin · 5 months
gremlyn's danganronpa: despair time x limbus company au (drdt spoilers under cut up to chapter 2!!)
i LOVE making aus with a target audience of one person (1) by blendering two of my current interests together. this truly was our despair time.
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everyone except mai's "sprites" are drawn based on official sprites, and they're meant to be height accurate! or, uh, a valiant attempt was made. at the very least i got to practice drawing everyone 🎉
(complete but constantly changing AU & character notes under cut: LOTS and i mean LOTS of yapping down there. spoilers up to chapter 2 and literature girl insane MV. content warning for "standard danganronpa stuff"; the hidden text in here is about the same level as drdt's hidden tumblr page quotes)
first up is a quick crash course on limbus company! that being said, i don't think i explained myself well at all, so i recommend just checking out the official website. or straight up playing it. i'm happy to answer any and all questions, though, whether here or in my limbus-centric main (@iamjustagremlin)!
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and now here are the character notes. i have a Lot to say.
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one more minor thing i'm 99% sure forgot to include and am too lazy to fix: the canon sinners are each assigned a color code and a cool descriptor (it doesn't even need to be an adjective. cool factor always wins), such as "oblivion yellow", "dreamy gray", and "inferno red". my brain won't let me tackle these yet, but my first attempt for xander was "courageous crimson", and my first attempt for teruko was "cursed clover".
once again, if you've made it this far: thank you for reading! and my askbox is always open for mutual brainrotting 👉 👈
(also, if you squint at the character notes for long enough, there might be even more to read... it's not much, but it's honest work. do note that it should be about as "heavy" as drdt's hidden tumblr page quotes)
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pinkishplush · 6 months
Sweetest Revenge
Regina George x Reader
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All eyes were on me as I walked into the cafeteria. I was now the newest trending topic, again. "I'm the Queen Bee, again?". I repeated the question in my head over and over again.
I walked to my usual lunch table and just sat there, staring into oblivion. Not too long later Regina walked in...she was wearing sweatpants. On a Thursday. All eyes were on her and her confident spark was gone.
As she moved to sit down at the usual plastics table. Cady was sitting there like she was the HBIC "Regina, you're wearing sweatpants." Gretchen pointed out "So?" Regina scoffed. "So. You can't sit with us." Gretchen pointed out the rule.
Regina scoffed again in response "Those rules are made up. They're not real." She said as she stood there, everyone was still watching "They were real that day I wore a vest." Karen said "Yeah because that vest was ugly!" Regina stated "You can't sit with us!" Gretchen shouted.
Regina shook her head and turned to walk away "Take a picture it'll last longer." She said. Everyone took out their phones to take photos/videos. In response I stood up and grabbed her shoulder leading her to sit down with me.
Everyone gasped in response "What are you doing?" She scoffed "Saving your ass from being embarrassed." I said as I sat down next to her. She smiled at me gratefully and ate her lunch but I could still see she felt uncomfortable. I looked up and noticed everyone still filming.
I stood up from my seat next to her "Do you bozos have something you wanna say. If you don't put your fucking phones up your ass and sit the fuck down!" I demanded before sitting back down. Everyone turned off their phones and went back to minding their business except for the few gossipers.
"So is that what the former Queen Bee is all about?" Regina asked with a smirk "Shut up and eat your lunch doofus." I chuckled softly. I knew Regina did everything that she did to me because she was jealous. I guess I was just angry because she didn't think that what she was doing would possibly hurt me in the process.
I still love her to say the least but that's a story for another time. I looked up and noticed Janis' bewildered look. I shrugged it off. I knew I had hurt her feelings but she hurt mine first so she would just have to deal with it.
"I just don't understand though." Regina said aloud suddenly "Understand what?" I asked "Why'd you do this." She asked "Do what?" I asked her to clarify "Let me sit with you. After all I've done to you. Don't you hate me?" She stated as if it was an obvious answer.
"Well, love makes you do stupid things. And revenge is so sweet when you've realized you're the one that was truly played." I said softly. "I don't get it." She mumbled "Me either I just made that up." I said quickly.
She looked at me with a blank expression before laughing "But really. I don't hate you, Gina. You were my first everything. I could never hate you." I said softly as I held her hand under the table. She smiled softly "God you've got me blushing over here, stop it." She said bashfully.
I laughed softly as she looked down at her tray. Maybe this was the beginning of something new again. (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
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x0xomady · 6 months
Uppercut - pt.2*
pt. 1
harrystyles!boxer x reader!nurse
warnings: violence • fighting • cursing • degradation • smut 18+
summary: harry is obsessed with the nurse that takes care of him after his fights.
stargirl - wattpad
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it’s been a couple weeks since harry and y/n met at his fight and needless to say, he was obsessed.
y/n was perfect. she came to every fight in cute little outfits and always had ribbons in her hair. she is always so gentle. harry isn’t exactly a fragile man but she always has a soft touch.
whenever she is patching up his hands or face she takes her time and makes sure harry isn’t in pain. he was enamored with her. that and he was obsessed with her pussy.
they have gotten into a little habit. harry called her his lucky charm and insisted that they do their ritual before every fight. this ritual was just harry railing her on the couch.
so, that’s where they are now.
“fuck baby!” harry moaned. his hand was pressed against her back as he fucked into her from behind. y/n’s face was pressed into the couch pillow masking her moans and whimpers. harry noticed this and grabbed her hair to pull her head back.
“don’t hide your sweet sounds let me hear you.” harry held her hair back as he continued to thrust relentlessly into her. y/n gasped and shook her head. “n-no h! someone’s gonna hear!”
harry smirked and started snapping his hips faster. “did i fucking ask? don’t you want everyone to know who this sweet little cunt belongs too?”
y/n bites her lip and whimpers softly. harry rolls his eyes with a smug look and reaches his hand down to play with her button. “it wasn’t a fucking question. let me hear you or i’m not letting you cum.”
her hips instantly buck back when harry reaches his hand down. as hard as it was to admit, he knew exactly what to do. harry knew how to press all of her buttons perfectly.
“harry please!” y/n gasps and shoves her hips back against his. he was so much larger than anyone else she had ever been with so it was truly a blissful experience.
harry was also the roughest man she had ever been with. y/n didn’t even know she was into that until he did it for the first time.
2 weeks earlier
“wanna fuck you hard baby. can i do that?”
harry was taking his time being rough with y/n since she was so soft and gentle but he could hardly contain himself. the way she smelled, looked, and acted was all too much for him.
“god sweetheart. gonna fuck you like my little slut.”
“you wanna cum baby?” harry smirked and thrusted harder. his girl was so innocent and small he just wanted to fuck her into oblivion all the time.
“p-please h!” y/n whimpered as harry rolled his hips against hers.
“gonna have to work for it if you want it.” he pulls out of her and sits on the couch. “ride me”
y/n waists no time in throwing her leg over his lap. the stretch was rough but so delicious. harry had started paying for y/n to be on birth control a couple weeks ago. he said he would do anything to fuck her raw and so she agreed and started it.
harry watches her with a smug look on his face. he grabs a cigarette and lights it while watching her struggle to fuck herself on his cock.
“what’s wrong baby? too dumb to do it yourself?” he smirks and takes a drag from the cigarette.
y/n nods helplessly and raises her hips up. he felt so good, every ridge and vein on his thick cock felt like a wonder to her. y/n slowly starts raising her hips up and down along his length, but she could never do it as well as harry.
“does my sweet girl need me to help her?” he leans back on the couch with the cigarette hanging from his pink lips.
“please h!” y/n moans with her hands on harry’s chest. they only have 10 minutes until harry’s fight so if they wanted to finish they needed to hurry up.
“fuck, such a dumb little slut for me huh? can’t even fuck yourself cus of how drunk that little brain is for me.” he smirks and takes the cigarette from his lips.
harry puts the cig in y/n’s mouth and grabs her hips with his rough calloused hands. with no warning harry starts frantically fucking up into her. y/n is instantly a whimpering and moaning mess while trying not to drop the cigarette.
“that’s it…. just a sweet little hole for he to fuck. your my little stress reliever isn’t that right?”
y/n nodded and whined as harry continued to snap his hips up. she couldn’t even form an answer. y/n frantically reached to hold his shoulders for support. he knew exactly how to get her into a moaning mess on his cock.
“harry 4 minutes!” a voice called out from behind the door. harry rolled his eyes and picked y/n up. he flipped her on her stomach and pushed back in. y/n shoved her face into the couch cushions to muffle her moans. harry continued railing into her from behind. his thick hands held onto her soft hips roughly.
“cmon pretty girl cum on my cock” he moaned out and reached his hand down. harry rubbed tight fast circles on her nerves while continuing to thrust into her. y/n moaned desperately into the couch cushion while harry kept up his brutal pace.
“h- ” y/n moaned out pathetically while trying to push her hips back faster. she could feel the balloon in her stomach start to grow as harry fucked her towards her orgasm. his thick cock and fingers on her clit had her barreling towards release.
“that’s it. cum on my cock. my cute little slut.” harry groaned and pulled her hips back harder. with one final thrust into her y/n came. it was euphoric, his brutal thrusts and the stimulation on her bundle of nerves had her i tears.
harry smirked as he felt her release drip down his cock onto the couch. “such a messy whore aren’t you?”
he quickly pulled out and flipped her on her back. “gonna cum on those pretty tits babe” harry smiled at her fucked out state and weak little nods.
harry groaned as he watched his release cover her soft skin. her very own pearl necklace.
“such a pretty girl for me.” he reached down and scooped up some of his cum onto his thumb. without hesitation he brought it up to y/ns lips. she eagerly took his thumb in her mouth and sucked it off.
harry smirked and kissed her forehead. “gonna go fuck up this stupid ass then i’ll be back for round two.”
with that he left y/n fucked out on the couch while he went to his match.
it’s not hard to tell y/n loves her new job.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
Hidden In The Shadows
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Part 2 Here
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Following a lesson about this town that seemed to suddenly vanish, Y/N is intrigued to figure out what truly happened. However she might’ve bitten off more than she can chew….
Warnings⚠️: Nothing crazy, talks of/explanations of a cult, creepy rural town. This was from a Drabble about matt based on a type of horror movie he’d be done by @gamermattsgf she’s wifey and I had to adapt this into an imagine😫 @st7rnioiossblog
Song for imagine: Oblivion- Grimes
I never walk about after dark
It’s my point of view
Cause someone could break your neck
Coming up behind you
Always coming and you’d never have a clue
Moving out of my hometown wasn’t on my bingo cards for this year and moving out of my hometown for a research project was 1000 percent not on my bingo cards. Yet somehow I was packed up and on the road within three months of starting my project.
I’ve always had a weird niche for all things history, but especially history that just seems to vanish into thin air. I began to become extremely interested in towns that are no longer on the map due to poverty, weather change or even these people becoming hunters and gathers. Packing up and moving out in an instant. It all started in my senior year of college. I was studying geography at my local four year college in my hometown of Nevada.
Honestly I hated college all the long hours, all the homework and also having a full time job on top of that, but I had a full ride so I decided to suck it up. My very last year I had some space for a filler class that got me extra credits so I landed on the study of United States Lands focusing on increase and decrease of population throughout the recent centuries.
Personally I thought the class was going to suck, but to my surprise my professor was amazing. Towards the end of my final semester we began to learn about Pleasant Town Oklahoma. A once booming town immediately vanished off the face of the earth.
“Now class you may be asking yourself why was this town so rich? And I’m here to tell you it’s because the mayor at the time in the year 1915 had connections with our president. They hid money, fabrics, food and all types of expensive items within this small town” Mr Wayne stated
“I mean with hiding all this stuff how did they become so wealthy?” One guy had asked, my eyes darting to him
“They were being paid off for hiding these things, however the money was dirty money, so they created many businesses to get the cash flow moving. From one store to one man’s pocket to the next and then next thing you know that dirty money is in George's hand who lives in Virginia! It was all an amazing scheme, very smart. But as you can see it didn’t last long nor did it end well” He had stated as he clicked the laptop to show the next slide shown on the board
“Within three years of this operation this small town alone was bringing in about $100,000 a month which is over $2 million dollars in today's money. So then you ask yourself how does such a rich state with so much money just disappear? And all the money too?” He states scratching his chin
“So Professor Wayne….what exactly happened to them?” I asked after raising my hand
“No one really knows” he states uncrossing his arms and leaning off the desk
“I mean there has to be a reason right? That’s a lot of money to just disappear” I state as I jot down notes
“Well here’s the other thing, there are many rumors dating back to the creation of Oklahoma which was 1907. Sources have stated that Pleasant Town is evil and I’m talking demonic evil. People have said the reason the cash flow never stopped was because they were all a cult and seemingly used one another as sacrifice.” He stated clearing his throat
“Sacrifice?” I questioned raising my eyebrow
“Well yes! In many cultures it is stated if you do a blood sacrifice for the devil and/or sell your soul then your wishes shall come true. Their wishes were to stay wealthy. This came with problems however” he says as he sits down at his desk
The whole class was on the edge of their seats waiting for him to go on.
“Many of these men had short arms and deep pockets. Making it very easy for one man to kill the next out of greed” Wayne goes on
“And didn’t they get caught? I mean the president wouldn’t allow that” one classmate states
“Very true! The town was very small, only about 80 people now if 10 people suddenly die many eyebrows are raised. For a while they covered up the stories claiming a sickness like smallpox. The mayor decided to bring animals claiming this would make them richer since they produce meat, eggs and milk. Now he wasn’t wrong, but the animals were used in these blood sacrifices to hide their tracks” he says nodding his head
“God these people were ahead of their time” I blurt out and crossed my arms over their chest
“Oh they were, but that might’ve costed them their fortunes and their town” Professor Wayne states
“So that’s it? They just left? And what now?” I asked him
“It’s stated that they just separated, leaving most of the money to the whole state of Oklahoma. Afraid the president was after them or maybe they danced with the devil for too long and ended up paying the price” he states bluntly
“And the price is?” I asked him
“Death” he says frowning a bit which caused a chill to run up my spine
“But this is all speculation. About 30 years later Pleasant Town was rebuilt and supposedly none of that cult stuff was brought to that town. And till this day it’s still up and running. I believe the population is only about 200-250 people max?” He says rubbing his chin in thought
“I mean that’s just sad… we’ll never know the truth” I said to him shutting my notebook
“I mean you could always go and visit, spend the summer there. See what it’s like……anybody up for a challenge” he says laughing as the class shudders in fear and averts their eyes to the floor
I mean I was super interested in this lost town with such a dark history that suddenly reappeared 30 years after weird cult shit was happening. I could always take the summer off from work since I graduate in May….. take a road trip to Pleasant Town Oklahoma. Find the real history and report back to Professor Wayne.
My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang and he bid his goodbyes to the class. Everyone was quick on their feet out of the door, but I stood back very interested in talking to him.
I trotted over to his desk as he shut his laptop, stuffing it into his book bag. His eyes darting up once he felt my presence
“Ahh Ms. Y/L/N…. You seemed very intrigued with today's lesson, planning a weekend getaway?” He asked me playfully
“Funny that you mention it because I was thinking more of a whole summer get away” I stated
“A whole summer?” He says brows lifting immediately
“I’m really interested in this town. I mean a mayor in on cult rituals to bring tons of cash in and the president not having a clue? And then they just vanished? This is like a movie sir” I state as I ramble on
“I mean it’s all just speculations Y/N” he says smiling at me
“I know sir, but is there any way I can get your research on this town so I can study it a bit more? I plan on building a whole case for this and figuring it out” I pleaded
“You’re really interested in this aren’t you?” He asks opening his bag up
“I really am Professor Wayne” I say back
“Here, but listen this is a tight knit community. Don’t go digging your nose where it doesn’t belong. Tread lightly this isn’t your turf, okay? In a town like that with such a small population and a dark history, you don’t want any enemies” he says handing me the folder titled “Pleasant Town”
“Yes, and thank you sir” I stated nodding my head
After that I finished my final semester two months later in May. Between work and classes I built up more of a file on this town jumping from a folder to two binders stacked with information.
Two days after my graduation I did some research on the town. This place had no hotels, no motels and for sure no air bnbs. That’s where I ran into my first problem, attempting to find a place to stay.
Searching on Zillow I had found a house for rent. In the middle of nowhere. One gravel road and corn fields. From the pictures it did seem there were few houses across and next to it, so I figured that was perfect. I'd make friends with neighbors.
I mean the house was decent for the area. Seemed to be a two bedroom two bathroom house. The bedrooms upstairs, one bathroom down stairs and one upstairs. Had a pretty average sized kitchen in the back of the house, a dining room to the right of the front door, a living room to the left of the front door, the stairs faced the front door, and then there were small hallways that lead to the kitchen. And there was a basement that seemed small, well kept and empty. It sucks to say I actually liked the place
My second problem began when I called the realtor a very old southern man by the name of Beaufort Smithson. I dialed him that morning and from the moment he heard my accent he seemed to turn a cold shoulder.
“Please sir” I pleaded with him
“Listen ma’am you sound young and not from these parts. What bring someone like you around this small town” he states deeply
“Well I’m from Nevada and it’s just so crazy here and I’ve been looking to stay somewhere a few states away that’s quiet and small” I state
“But you’re looking to rent from June 1st to August 31st…. We do 7 month rentals” he says bluntly
“Well I want to see it I like it first” I say lying through my teeth
“Can’t you see from the pictures if you like it or not” he says sucking on his tobacco tucked in his lip
“I can have the full rent for those three months ready for you in cash” I state desperately
“In cash you say” he says as I hear his chair squeak from underneath him
God these people really were money hungry till this day…
“Yes sir $800 a month for 3 months I can get you that $2,400 in cash June 1st” I state
“Well little lady you have yourself a deal. Now get yourself a pen and paper and jot this down. June 1st 12 in the afternoon we’re going to meet at the gas station in Pleasant Town” he states spitting his tobacco into a styrofoam cup
“Uhhh what gas station is that sir?” I ask as the pen dangled in my hand
“Sweetie we only got one gas station down yonder….you can’t miss it” he says chuckling
“Right…. Well thank you Mr. Smithson, my names Y/N Y/L/N, and I’ll be seeing you on June 1st” I state
“Well alright darling see you then” he says chuckling
“Oh by the way I look like-“ but I was cut off
“Oh trust me I’ll know what you look like…..safe travels” he whispers before hanging the phone up on me
That phone call made me slightly regret my choices of spending my summer with some shit kickers than on the Las Vegas strip…..
I spent the last two and a half weeks packing, purchasing what I know I won’t find in Oklahoma and doing more research.
I think I was on page 4,000 on google before I found a new article with information I hadn’t seen before. I placed my plate of pizza down as my eyes scanned the laptop screen quickly.
It was a newspaper clipping dating back to the year 1953. Only 70 years ago…. Interesting. The title stated “Farm owner questioned in the massive slaying of all his animals” my brows furrowed.
There’s no possible way that 70 years ago these cult killings continued? But my fingers scrolled down further as I began to whisper
“Confused and angry farm owner, Thomas Sturniolo was seen today yelling at cops as he was taken out of his small Pleasant Town home. After all his farm animals died and weird things happened around town he was suspected of killing his animals in a weird cult-like way. Demanding he be let loose, and that the town was crazy and out to get him because he is the wealthiest farmer. Insisting his competition killed his livestock and not him.”
My eyes couldn’t believe what I was reading…this was pretty recent honestly. This was happening around the time my grandparents were young children… I printed those news clippings out along with many other clippings of his arrest, his release and his disappearance…..
Adding them to my binder as I finished my pizza. This was so insane to me, and this would make a great conversation with professor Wayne after my studies.
I opened up my email and decided to email my professor.
Hello Professor Wayne! I hope your summer treats you well. In about three days I am off to study the lost town of Pleasant Town Oklahoma. That folder of information you gave me has grown into two large binders, and I found more information today. Down below you’ll find links to news articles dating back to the 50’s about weird cult animal killings! I think you’d find it fascinating! I’d like to update you here and there through my three month stay, and then maybe when I get back we can discuss all my findings over lunch! Thank you for your time! Hope to talk to you soon. -Sincerely, Y/N Y/L/N
Two days later I was all packed up into my car. About four large luggage and two duffel bags…. I was well prepared to say the least. Saying bye to my family and friends I began my venture to Pleasant Town.
My venture was a full day, and I made sure I counted for gas breaks, nap breaks and food breaks to make sure I got to Mr. Smithson at 12 on the dot.
June 1st 11:25 am- 35 min ETA Pleasant Town Gas Station
I was coming across the entrance to the town. I was jamming out to SZA, bobbing my head I looked over to my right smiling as I read the sign
“Welcome to Helltown….once you get in you’ll never get out!” It read
My smiled dropped, I snatched my sunglasses off my face and turned the radio down….. a cold sweat began to form on my back as I looked in the rear view mirror
What the fuck was that? I was becoming increasingly anxious and wondered if I just made the worst mistake of my life. I rubbed my lips together in anxiety as I gripped onto the steering wheel harder.
I chose to shake it off, there has to be a logical explanation for this I thought to myself. Putting my sunglasses back on, I turned my music up a little bit and continued down the silent road.
My map told me 1 minute, and slowly I pulled up to a very old and very dusty gas station. Coming to a stop as the gravel left a smoke trail ahead of my car.
I put the car in park and hopped out, stretching my back and cracking my neck. Suddenly an old man hopped out of his large red truck. Spitting tobacco on the ground as he waddled over
“You, young lady must be Y/N?” He asks as he sucks the tobacco
“Yes sir I am” I state as I smile and place my hand out to shake his
Looking down as he smacks his lips, he firmly shakes my hands.
“Good to met ya, welcome to Pleasant Town” he states coughing
“Thank you Mr. Smithson” I state smiling once again
“Well uhh” he states smiling at me
“Oh right” I say, eyes going wide as I walk over to the passenger side. Grabbing the envelope with all the money in it.
“Here you go, $2,400 cash” I state handing the envelope over to him
He grabs the envelope and takes the money out, beginning to count it
“300,400,500-“ he says flying through the money
“Uhh what’s with the welcome sign saying welcome to Helltown? Once you get in you’ll never get out?” I ask pointing over my shoulder
He immediately stops counting, sucks his teeth and looks up at me through his lashes
“Idiot teenagers who have nothing better to do than destroy property that isn’t theirs” he states as he goes back to counting
“Oh…” I state rocking back and forth on my heels
“Alright it’s all here! Thank you sweetheart. I’ll drive you to your house just follow behind me” he states stuffing the money back in the envelope
“Thank you sir” I state as he turns and walks back to his truck
I hop in mine and wait for him to go, following closely behind him I take in the surroundings. Trees, dirty roads, corn fields, farm houses, large stacks of hay and pretty decent sized homes. They were just super outdated.
It was only about a 15 minute drive, but man it felt like forever. I’d hate to get stuck with no gas on a road like this.
Pulling up to the house he pulls onto the gravel driveway as I do too. We both hop out and we walk towards the house. We walk up the steps and wait on the front porch as he digs around for the keys.
Looking around I take in the surroundings, there’s quite a bit of farms around here…. My thoughts are interrupted when he finds the keys and opens the door. Allowing me to walk in first
“I had my crew clean up the place for you” he states shutting the door
“Oh, do you own a cleaning company?” I ask looking at him
“No.. I get these young boys out here to do what needs to be done around these parts” he states bluntly
“Oh the young teenagers who mess around” I say laughing
“No, I send those boys to work the corn fields…. The older men do the hard work round here. The cleaning, the lifting, the shootin” he says sucking the tobacco
“Shooting?” I ask as I turn to face him
“Yup they shoot the ones for my man down under” he states looking me dead in my eyes
“What?” I ask as I began to get nervous
“Oh I’m sorry sweetheart I must be confusing you, you see my dad loved to hunt but he’s too old now and lives in my basement. He has me send out the young men to shoot for him and bring him back some animals” he states chuckling
“Ohhhh yeah” I say laughing awkwardly
“Well young lady this is your home now” he says handing me the keys.
“Thank you” I say meekly
“You got your dining room, living room, and kitchen all down here fully furnished as you can see. Bathroom down here one upstairs and both bedrooms upstairs. Oh uhh I’d suggest food shopping early in the day, you don’t want to be out late at night around here….that is due to the wild animals of course like bears and coyotes” he states looking at me
“Of course” I say nodding politely
“Make sure you lock your doors at night. Especially the back door….. animals in the kitchen are never a good thing” he says turning around to head to the front door
“Got it” I state
“And uhhh we’re a family here….youre house is my home….or whatever the saying is….my house is your house….ah you know what I mean” he says shaking his head
We bid our goodbye and I watched him drive off. My hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. This whole conversation was making me nervous and uneasy. One other thing I realized was I’d be having no WiFi here. However my phone had 5G and the service wasn’t awful here shockingly….. I immediately sent an email back to Professor Wayne
“Just got here! The house is actually super nice. It's very historical and artsy. The realtor is a total creep though. His name is Beaufort so that explains a lot! He said some weird things and made weird analogies. Making it seem like beyond the naked eye there’s more to this town…. I’ll keep you posted”
I hit send and slid my phone back into my pocket. I placed the keys in my front pocket and walked outside. The warm sun kissed my skin as I squinted. Walking over to my car I popped the trunk and began to take my luggage’s out.
Suddenly I felt like there were eyes on me. The way the area got super quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. I looked over my shoulder in the least scared way possible. There was nobody there. I rubbed my forehead and let out a breath.
“Y/N relax” I whispered to myself as I took my last luggage out
However unbeknownst to Y/N, she was in fact being watched. A young man on the second floor of his parents house. He stood in his room peering at the young woman through his sheer curtains.
His gaze was dull as he stared out the window, sweat trickled down his forehead, his mouth hung open slightly and his breathing became deep. His fingers swirled and tugged at his red flannel.
She was like out of a movie. He had never seen a woman like that down here. Those are the ones his mom warned him about. The type who didn’t like boys like him, the type he should….hate. However when he looked at her he couldn’t hate her….she seemed precious….precious just like his horse Bertha.
“Young Man! What did I tell you about standing at that window” he heard from behind him, he jilted and turned around
“I’m sorry mama…I wasn’t doin nuffin” he states as he looks at her
“It is not polite to stare at people you aren’t a child anymore. You don’t do that” she says to him
“I wasn’t looking I swear” he says with pleading eyes
“Well you go on now. Your father and I are leaving for the afternoon” she says to the boy
After his mom leaves he pears out his window again. The young woman had stopped to talk on the phone. He was so fascinated by her he simply couldn’t look away.
I hung up the phone after saying bye to my mom and pulled out my second luggage. Rolling it into my house and coming back out to get my third luggage. I huffed out a breath of air and wiped the sweat off my forehead
I leaned over to get the third luggage but it was stuck on something. I sucked my teeth and began to tug on the handle harder.
“Need a hand ma’am?” I heard from behind me
“OH SHIT” I yelled turning around and grabbing my heart
“Oh im sorry darling I didn’t mean to scare you” the young man states backing up a bit
“No it’s okay, I’m new to town so I’m a bit jumpy” I state shaking my head
“My apologies for sneaking up behind you, may I help you?” He asks looking at my trunk
“Yeah please that would be great” I say smiling as I tried to control my breathing
The young man grabs both of my luggages for me and I grab my duffel bags. We walk to the house and he leads the way to my other two luggage’s.
“Thank you so much” I say placing my bags on the couch
“My pleasure sweetheart” he says nodding his head
“I’m Y/N” I say sticking my hand out
“I’m Matthew, but I go by Matt” he says wiping his forehead with the inside of his shirt. The shirt lifted just enough for me to get a perfect view of his lower stomach.
Damn…why were the shit kickers in a creepy town always so hot…. I guess the movies aren’t wrong..
“Well Matt thank you once again, can I offer you some water?” I ask him
“Water would be nice” he says smiling a bright smile
We walked to the kitchen and I found some old glasses left behind. I rinsed it with water and then gave him some water from the sink.
He drank the full cup, allowing the water to dribble down his chin and to his neck. My gaze ever so slightly following the head of water.
“So, what brings you to this part of town darling?” He asks, his accent so thick I couldn’t even focus
“I come from a busy town and I’ve always wanted to move to a small rural area. Pleasant Town seemed just right” I state licking my lips
“Once you see what this towns like you’ll go running for the hills” he says smirking darkly
“What do you mean by that?” I asked clearing my throat
“Well we hunt, we drink beer til we’re piss drunk and race in old cars for fun, we sneak into farms at night and tip over the sleeping cows…. Amongst many other things” he states handing the glass back over to me
“Oh that’s nothing compared to where I’m from” I say placing the glass in the sink
“And that is?” He asks crossing his legs as he leaned against the wall
“Las Vegas Nevada” I state nodding
“Never been” he states
“You should visit one day” I say
“If I ever leave this town” he states swallowing thickly
“If you ever leave?” I question once again
“Well you know this place is home I don’t know how I’d do in a big place like that” he says smiling at me
“I suppose you guys are pretty far behind on a lot” I say giggling
“Oh trust me aren’t we all” he says kicking himself off the wall
“Well uh thank you so much Matt I don’t mean to keep you” I say to him as I begin to walk out the kitchen
“Oh no worries darlin” he says as he follows behind me his thick cowboy boots hitting the wood in all the right places
He opened my front door and began to head out
“I’ll see you around neighbor” I state to him
“See you around, oh and if you ever feel like there’s eyes on you….that's because there is….you know small town haha we can’t escape each other” he says coldly before adding a laugh at the end
“Right…right” I state smiling at him and blinking quickly
I watch him walk across the street and head into the home. I lock my car doors and shut my front door. Locking the door before walking to the kitchen back door, locking that one as well.
I spent the rest of the day sweeping up, cleaning and setting up my room. I hadn’t realized how late it gotten or how hungry I was till my stomach growling woke me up from a small Power Nap.
I got up and realized it was 8pm, I wasn’t sure what food stores would be open, but it was worth the try. Ignoring the warning not to go out at night I grabbed my house keys and car keys.
Locking the front door, I got into my car. Turning it on I put it in reverse. I looked over my right shoulder and when I went to look over my left Matt was there and had banged on my window.
I jumped out of my skin and hit the breaks. Rolling my window down I was breathing heavy
“Sorry sweetie” he says as he looks down at me
“Is there something I can do for you?” I asked him genuinely curious
“Oh me? No no, but you, you shouldn’t be out at this hour” he states
“It’s 8pm though?” I say furrowing my brows
“Yeah well the bears and coyotes come out this time” he says tapping the hood of my car
“I’m just running to the local store” I say
“You shouldn’t be out at this hour” he says again a bit firmer
“Umm okay” I say to him, remember what Professor Wayne said “no enemies this isn’t my turf”
I placed the car back in park and got out. Shutting the door and locking it I looked at Matt, a shot gun in his right hand as my eyes darted up.
“Don’t worry darling this ain’t nothing special. I use this to hunt” he says to me as he moves the gun back a bit
“For uhh Mr. Smithson’s dad?” I ask as my eyes slowly track up to his
“Oh no I do a different type of hunting for him” he says clearing his throat
“Do you now” I say rocking on my heels
“I get the animals causing issues for us here, the ones eating up all our crops. We can’t have those round these parts” he states chuckling
“Yeah…yeah bad for business. I’m going to head in for the night then” I say pointing behind myself
“Well alright now! You have a great night” he says in a whisper while offering me a smile
I smile back before turning in my heels and heading back into the house. Locking the door immediately as I run up the stairs.
I decided to shower and eat some leftover snacks. By this point it was midnight and I decided to brush my teeth so I could lay down for the night.
Shutting the bathroom light off I walk into my dark room using the brightness of my screen to lead me to my bed. Shutting my bedroom door behind me I trot over to my bed. However something in my peripheral view catches my eye.
Through the little dent in the Venetian blinds I see a light on in the house across the street from me. Slowly walking over to the window I peak out the small dent and look across the street.
All I can see is the silhouette of a skinny man with a shotgun in hand standing at the window. Almost like he’s staring out the window….
Suddenly he slides out of view and the light goes out, but I stay looking and I get an uneasy feeling. It’s like he’s still by the window…hiding in the shadows…watching….waiting….
I scared myself by doing this, so I backed away from the window and decided to lay down. Listening to my heart thump in my ears as I focused on controlling my breathing. My mind was racing because I was so nervous about this town and whether or not I made the right decision…..
I attempted to clear my mind and doze off to sleep. I knew I had a full day of adventures the following day especially since I needed to find a supermarket of some sort here!
The End…. For now
Alright guys I know I’ve been GONE, but it feels good to be back! I hope you enjoyed this part. Can’t wait to start working on part 2 shortly 🤭🖤 we’re at 2,009 followers! I love yall soooo much 🥺
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baaby-honeyy · 3 months
YES RELEASE PT 2! and tag me pls 🙏🙏🫣🫣
Run (Ruin, pt 2)
A/N: hey… it’s genuinely been like a whole year. i know how much of you wanted Ruin part 2, but it’s better late than never!! i feel horrible, but i really did need the break. now that it’s summer, i should have a lot more free time on my hands. please enjoy, and beware of the dark themes. if you don’t like it, please click away, don’t report. thank you<3
TW: VERYdark/dom/POSSESSIVE/toxic!harry x sub/crybaby/innocent reader, dacryphilia, daddy kink, primal kink, SMUT WITH PLOT!, unprotected sex, spanking, forced orgasms, cunnilingis, oral (male receiving), overstimulation, breeding kink, spit kink, gaslighting. please let me know if there’s something missing.
SUMMARY: When a predator hunts its prey, they search, pursue, attack and consume. Even going so far as to mock, play, and taunt their prey before utterly destroying it. While the predator enjoys the delicious reward after the exhilarating chase, the hunt is what they live for.
Ruin, Pt 1
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It started out as a normal car ride. Harry was driving you back home from the park, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping the wheel. He can’t help his anger, and he refuses to feel like this is his fault. It’s his mess, but he’s not the one who made it go this far. You were the one who disobeyed his every rule, to the point where his two friends thought they could take his place.
It started out as a normal car ride. Until one missed exit because two, and two became three. Harry doesn’t even know where he’s going, or what he’s thinking. He only knows that you’re sitting next to him, your favorite stuffed animal in hand, and smile on your face like you’re excited to go back to your life at home. Only, you don’t deserve it. Not after you forced him to punish you for being so terrible. Harry’s jaw clenches just at the thought of you sitting next to Drue or Jack. Before he misses the fourth exit, he quickly turns and exits the freeway.
He was hoping you would stay quiet. But, of course, there you go with your dense questions.
“Where we goin, Harry?” You peep, with that squeaky curious voice of yours. Harry nearly rolled his eyes.
“Be silent unless I call for you.” He responds, dull and quick, making a left turn. It obviously flew past your head— because your eyes grow big as you stare out the window, palms pressed against the cool glass. You watch as you seem to get farther and farther from the city, and into an endless roadway of tall trees. You're in a trance for a while, your fuzzy little brain- too focused on how tall the trees are- doesn't even realize how every car that passes becomes less and less as you drive. Until there were none left. No cars, no buildings, and barely any houses.
Staring mindlessly into oblivion, you wiggle your feet in boredom to pass time. Your favorite pair of shoes ever, your pink and white Mary Janes, have been exchanged for your earlier pink shoes. They were truly the cutest shoes you’ve ever seen, your favorite part being the little hearts scattered all over them. They just screamed you, and Harry thought the same. For this reason, you always carry them with you in case you decide to switch.
Turning around to look at Harry, whose eyes are squinted as he focuses on the road, you try to figure out for yourself where you're going. Harry has barely spoken to you the entire ride, despite all the curious questions you've asked throughout the trip. The only thing close to a response you've gotten out of him so far was a plain "Mhm," which made you wonder.
“Hm?” You respond perkily, excited to hear Harry calling your name. His eyes have a glimmer of despair and disappointment, rather than their typical blank appearance. You patiently wait for Harry to speak again.
“What were you thinking? That I was gone and they could take my place? That I wouldn’t come back for you? Tell me exactly what you thought.”Harry speaks, taking care to keep his tone steady and low so you can hear how serious he is.
But you can’t, and your little brain can’t understand what you’ve done wrong, no matter how hard you try. You’ve replayed the moments over and over in your head, and still, you can’t see what’s made Harry so upset with you. From the minute you woke up, to the new park Harry took you to, to your favorite park, the ice cream shop and the park again, you thought you’ve done everything right.
“I- I don’t understand, Harry. I did what you told me to, like a good girl..” You trail off. Only shaking his head, Harry reacts to your pitiful excuse for an explanation. He grips the steering wheel harder, making a few more turns.
You have no idea what Harry’s been through to keep you. The countless amount of times where you interrupt his meetings because you’re needy and want to held, the countless amount of times where you’d starve yourself because Harry wasn’t there to eat with you. The countless amount of times where people wonder. They wonder why you act the way you do, why you need Harry so much, just to breathe it seems like. They wonder where he found you and why you’ve remained attached to him ever since.
Harry’s answer is always the same.
“She’s my angel. What matters is that I found her, not how.” And it’s true. It seemed when you two first met, you needed each other to live and function. When Harry considers where it's all gone wrong, his heart can't help but ache.
Something has to happen with you. Something has to make you listen. Harry’s convinced that the guilt he’s feeling is his mind playing tricks on him, trying to let you get away with what you’ve done. So he pushes the thoughts away, and keeps on driving, and driving, and driving.
After a few more minutes of what felt like an endless road of trees, you feel the car come to a stop.
“Where are-”
“Get out.”
You unbuckle your seatbelt, going as fast as you can. Harry’s already out the car, and sees you struggling to move as quick as he’d like. He walks to your side and unbuckles the seatbelt quickly, yanking you out of the car and slamming the door behind you.
“Don’t speak unless I call for you.”
Harry telling you to be silent- it wasn’t for his own benefit, it was for yours.
He guides you to a forest entrance, and before you know it, the enormous trees are swallowing you. You can only make out the grass and trees.
You’re lost in wonder when Harry suddenly stops, making you jerk to a stop as well. He gives you a long, hard look before removing his jacket and checking his pockets. He pulls out his wallet, sunglasses, and keys before setting them all on the floor. His attention shifts back to you once he covers everything with his jacket.
With a confused look in your eye, you look at Harry, who’s looking at you expectantly. He opens his mouth to speak, but quickly changed his mind and rushes to you. He takes off your sweater, and pauses. You squeak when he begins touching over you, feeling every inch of your body for anything you may be carrying. He removes your phone, and your bag, and throws it next to his things. He took everything he could off your body, skipping your bracelet.
“Harry, what are yo-“
“Are you holding anything? Give it to me.” Harry interrupts, holding out his palm. He impatiently eyes your teddy bear that’s hanging from your clenched hands, and brings his gaze back to you.
“Right now.”
You reluctantly give him your bear, and as soon as you watch Harry cruelly toss him on the forest floor, regret fills inside of you. He didn't even look at where he was being thrown; instead, he was fixated on you the entire time. Your poor bear lays on the ground face down into a dense, dirty pile of leaves. The sight makes you cringe horribly, because you love that bear, and you’ve taken such great care of him like you were told to, when Harry first gave him to you.
You stare in disbelief, and open your mouth to speak, but Harry cuts you off before you can start. He stalks toward you- and you unknowingly step back, his eyes narrowed, and his gaze piercing into your startled one. The crunch sound beneath his feet echo as he steps. He gets closer, having to lean down to get to you.
There’s a lengthy silence before you break it. You can’t stop the smile from spreading across you face, and the giggle from escaping your mouth. Harry looks dead serious, keeping silent with his eyes narrowed down at you. He has no amuse from watching you giggle.
“Harry, we can’t run in the woods! You’re so funny! We can get lo-”
“My God- Y/n, shut the fuck up! I swear to God if I hear even a little squeak come from your mouth..”Harry interrupts you, pinching his nose bridge as he always does when he’s frustrated.
“Don’t make a sound unless I call for you. Unless I call for you. Do you fucking hear me!?” He shouts, his voice strained and his veins popping out of his neck as he speaks.
Still, you can’t help the giggles coming from you. You didn’t even bring your running shoes. There’s no way you’d run in your MaryJanes and risk ruining your most favorite shoes! Harry’s jokes have gotten funnier than ever!
But he doesn’t laugh with you. He doesn’t smile. He doesn’t even blink. You become more and more aware of how drastically the atmosphere has changed with each passing second. Harry’s joke became less and less funny, and more dire.
“I said,” Harry starts, grabbing a fistful of your hair harshly and yanking your head back. You almost yelp at the feeling of your scalped being so harshly pulled. His eyes are full of a darkness you’ve never seen before, and his mouth formed into a snarl. It was enough to make you cry.
You waste no time, only looking back once to see Harry before sprinting down the forest path. You let out helpless, frightened whimpers out of fear that Harry’s right behind you. But he stays back, still in his place as he watches you scramble away like a helpless little mouse. Poor baby, so scared at the much bigger, scary man that was just your loving, protective partner. How quickly things can things can change.
Harry counted to 120. He waited until he couldn’t hear your rushed footsteps against the crunchy leaves of the forest floor. He waited until the sound of your frantic whimpers and pants faded away as you ran. He waited until there was silence. Nothing but him and the towering trees. For a moment, he ponders on why he’s even here- telling his girlfriend to run away from him, in the middle of the forest, like he’s a wild wolf. Then he remembers how horrible he felt when he saw you with Drue and Jack. How he wanted to take you right then and there, not caring about who he’d piss off.
That’s when he starts to run. Green Adidas leave tracks in the mud as he darts through the damp forest. He runs, and he runs, the daunting thought of you cuddled up with his friends in the back of his mind. He’s set on catching you- letting out a growl of determination as he goes. The image of you cowering away- hiding from him in a bush sends blood rushing to his cock, and he picks up his speed.
It feels like it’s been hours that you’ve been hiding from Harry.
Your hands rush to your mouth, concealing a startled squeal. If you heard correctly, a twig snapped not that far from you. You cower deeper in your bush and grab the massive leafy branch you laid in front of you. You position it to where you’re concealed completely, and once everything goes quiet, that’s when the realization sets in. You don’t even know why you’re running from your kind, loving Harry.
But the way he threw your bear makes you feel like you don’t want to find out. Tears threaten to spill from your waterline as you suddenly become very, very, homesick. You miss the rest of your stuffies at home. You long to be on the luxurious, soft mattress right now, holding your bear close to your chest. You miss Harry’s scent, and the cuddles he’s give you every single night before sleep time. How long are you going to be here? Harry made you leave your phone, your purse, everything.
You make an effort to keep your composure as you consider all the potential causes of that sound. Any wild animal could be passing by. A common squirrel can be searching for acorns to bring home to its family. In the midst of all this terror, you smile at the idea of a squirrel packing its face with acorns. The thought of it just takes your mind, until you giggle unconsciously to yourself. Once more covering your lips with your palm, you briefly hold your breath.
Like the last few times, it seems like there is nothing there. But you suddenly hear whistling, followed by Harry's loud yet unsettlingly deep voice.
“Come out.. I know you’re there.. somewhere..” He wanders while cooing in a taunting manner.
“C’mon.. Won’t be mad at you, Baby. I’m the one who told you to run, aren’t I? Are you.. here?” Harry looks in a bush, nearing closer to yours. You watch him closely through the spaces in the bush.
Knowing that Harry won't be angry with you for running away makes you feel relieved. You want nothing more than to be in his arms again, in your warm bed under the covers. Your chest starts to ache at how badly you want it. Mindlessly, and completely lost in thought, you crawl from the bush— but stop and think about what Harry said.
“Don’t speak unless I call for you.” Your mind hears Harry's voice so clearly that you stop. He’s been shouting out things to ease you into thinking it’s okay to come out, but he never once called for you. You praise yourself silently for remembering before you could make a huge mistake.
“How long do you think you can hide before I find you? And trust me, when I do, M’ gonna fuck you dumb. Like the dumb little kitten you are..” Harry’s voice booms across the forest because of the silence.
“You’d like that though.. huh? You’d like me fucking you over, and over, and over… till you’re screaming, begging me to stop. Remember last week on the couch? ‘Oh, Daddy! Daddy! Stop it! T-too much, oh, Daddy! M’ gonna cum!’ “You couldn’t get away from me if you tried your hardest, baby.” He makes fun of you, jogging vivid memories of that day. You make an effort not to dwell on it too much, but you can already feel wetness in your panties, and you start to ache for Harry. How can you be so scared yet so turned on at the same time?
He continues with his little taunts, and searches for any sign of you. A tiny groan escapes him as a reflection of light strikes his eye. Following the reflection, he sees it bouncing off a nearby tree. As he searches for the source of the light, he follows it and fixes his gaze on a another bush. Your bush.
Your eyes fix on Harry's as you continue to observe through the bushes. He doesn’t notice you yet, and you try to see what exactly he noticed. The sun was just starting to set, and the bright sun made it hard for you to see. You shift carefully, and then realize just what he’s looking at— your bracelet. The one you swore to never take off when Harry gave it to you. Why didn’t that come across your mind? The sun was reflecting right on your arm, and when you try to take it off, you only made things worse. He continues searching for you, getting closer, and closer. You don’t make a sound, you don’t even breath.
“Do you think you can hide forever? Huh? Think you can run and escape from me? Well, there’s one thing you’re forgetting.” Harry taunts and teases, sounding more frustrated and desperate. A sudden silent falls upon you, and you wonder if he left another direction to search for you. When it’s clear he’s gone, you let go of your breath.
“I’ll always find you.”
Screaming at Harry’s voice in your ear, you try to escape, but his massive, strong hands grab you by your ankles and yank you back.
“N-no!” You screech. You kick your foot back at Harry, it was surprisingly easy, as if Harry let you go himself. You rose to your feet as quickly as you could and broke into a sprint; you knew that he was holding off on going after you on purpose because if he had wanted to, Harry could have immediately captured you in his arms and destroyed you.
The worst part of it was that, although knowing he'll catch you eventually, he still allowed you to exhaust yourself out of amusement. Instead of being grateful for the opportunity to escape, you were afraid of how much worse he would make things for you as punishment for not just giving up at the very start.
Dodging all the twigs and tree branches that have fallen off, you sprint faster than you ever have before. Although the mud was damp and heavy, you kept your pace. You run and run, and soon think you’ve lost him and you can stop. Before you can even slow down, though, you hear heavy, fast footsteps behind you. Turning around as you run, you see Harry gaining on you, an unnerving, malicious smile wide across his face. You give it all you’ve got, and pick up your speed.
“That’s right, Y/n.. Run, run!” Harry shouts behind you, an exasperated rasp in his voice. A helpless, scared whimper comes out of you as you try, you try so hard to run faster and faster. You can't help but bump into a few low-hanging branches, leaving small scrapes on your arms and a terrible tear in your pink sundress, which is now filthy. Your MaryJanes have unbuckled because of fast you’ve been going, and your feet start to slip. Your body aches so much. You want to stop and ask Harry why he’s doing this to you, but that eerie smile you saw just a few minutes ago keeps you moving.
Your eyes well up with tears. You can’t even see where you’re going, it seems almost pointless to run now. You almost stop. Your ears start to fill with the obnoxious noise of passing cars, and you cringe at the sensation. The last thing your little head needed was a headache, and you’re already prone to one from all of this exertion. But when you realize that is your ticket out of here, your eyes widen from adrenaline. Moving your legs faster, you head for the sound of the cars, which was luckily straight ahead. Harry notices where you’re headed, and attempts to catch you before you get there. He’s right on you. You know he is - because you can hear his condescending laughter coming closer and closer.
Another reminder that while for him it was fun game, for you it was almost life or death.
The more you run the more you can see your exit. It’s so, so perfect. You’d run out towards the street, towards civilization where people can see you in broad daylight. You take a look behind you, and notice Harry isn’t behind you anymore. It doesn’t bother you too much, the thought of being out of the forest takes all of your concentration.
You’re getting closer.. and closer.. you can almost feel the sunlight hit your face. Almost reaching the concrete, a smile of victory appears on your face, before completely disappearing. You rush into Harry's chest head-on, your eyes widening so much that you lose your balance and land on your ass. Before you can flee, he kneels down at your shaking body and grabs you by the hair.
You gasp in terror as you stare up at him towering over you and it makes you realize just how manic Harry looks. His clothes are surprisingly in one piece, and as clean as they were before. His shaggy brown hair is all over the place, some clinging to his forehead from sweat. His eyes, beady and wide as they maliciously stare down into yours.
Although you're certain that you both appear the same, Harry has an unsettling stature about him that you’ve never seen so close before. He chuckles darkly, enjoying every second you have that horrified look on your face.
“You stupid, stupid baby. Stand up and take that pretty lil dress off— Daddy wants to see all of you.”
You cry. You can’t imagine how uncomfortable you’ll be once you take off your dress. The forest air was so humid, and you knew it wouldn’t be kind to your skin- especially your princess parts. Harry frowns at watching you hesitate at his orders, and smacks you lightly across the face. You let out a piercing yelp, and Harry only rolls his eyes in pity of you.
“Go on, then. I want the dress off. Shoes too.”
Completely sobbing again, you stand yourself up, and slowly pull your dress over your head. You cringe at the harsh humid air attacking your skin, making your nipples immediately harden. Harry remains looking down at you with a slight smirk. His eyes wander on every part of your body.
“What should I use first, hm?” Harry brings his hand to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb over your chapped lips.
“Your pretty mouth? Or..” His eyes travel downwards, and you can feel his sharp gaze pierce through the skin of your thighs.
“That tight lil pussy of yours.. or..” He continues, making you cringe at what else he could possibly want from you. His hands trail downwards, down your chest and in between your thighs, stopping at the center of your panties. Using his index finger, he toys with you a little bit— sliding his finger over your clit and in your folds as best he could through the cloth. You can’t help your whimpering as you feel the moisture in between your legs worsen. When you feel Harry’s hands go downwards past your panties, you start to squirm away again. You and Harry have done it almost every way possible, but never down there; it has always been far too difficult for you, and the concept of it has terrified you to your core.
“No! Harry, stop!” The words come out in a jumble as you struggle to run around his tall, towering body. You manage to escape from his grasp, but of course Harry’s insanely strong arms keep you back. Instead of grabbing you this time, he throws you to the ground, where you helplessly crawled until he caught you by the ankles. He revels in the way you think you could ever escape him. He keeps you in that position for a bit- you being face flat on the ground, back already arched for him.
“Why’re you trying to hide from me so much, hm? Daddy’s not that scary, is he? Bet you loved it.. and your pussy—” Harry yanks your panties to the side in a split second, giving you no time to prepare for the forest humidity on the most sensitive part of you. A wide, cheshire like smile spreads across his face once he sees your soaked pussy, and whether you like it or not— it was begging to be touched.
“S’wet, isn’t it? Yeah, just like I knew you’d be. You’re crazy, just like Daddy.”
He flips you back over, taking you by the hair once again to make sure he has enough to be able to yank you if he wanted. You whine in protest. The harsh forest ground was already hurting your fraile little body.
“God, Y/n- you squeal so fuckin’ much.. Think I’ve decided, baby. M’ gonna use that lil mouth of yours.. shut you up for a bit.” Harry almost whines in annoyance, getting to his feet and unbuckling his belt. He does it in a rush, like he’s growing impatient of watching you beg, and lets his pants sag to his mid-thigh.
“On your knees, c’mon.” Sternly, Harry commands you, only giving you a split second to do it yourself before he does it for you.
“N-no.. Harry! Harry, no! Stop.. Daddy, Daddy, please!” You screech, using his name, his proper name— to get him to see how desperate you are.
Harry took his erection out of his boxers as you winced and tried to turn away, but he put a palm on your head to show you. Choking on your sobs, you swallow before giving him another look— begging once more. Harry couldn’t care less, and brings his tip to your chin. You did nothing; and Harry roughly shoves two fingers between your lips to get you to open.
“Don’t fret, kitty. It won’t be too rough,” Harry grumbles, contradicting himself though— not even warning you as he shoves his massive length down your throat. You gagged immediately, letting out a pathetic mewl which sent vibrations straight to his cock.
You only let his cock sit in your mouth, your eye already watering at how painful it is to keep your mouth wide enough for Harry’s length. He lets out an annoyed sound, thrusting his hips to gain some movement.
“Y/n, come on. You’re fucking dumb, but you’re not that dumb. Suck on it.”
Out of reluctance, but lacking other options, you pursed your lips and hollowed out your cheeks. He immediately lets out a groan, closing his eyes and leaning his head back on the tree behind him.
“Shit- knew that’s what I was missin’- your cute lil mouth. S’ all it’s good for, huh? Suckin me off and talking back- fuck- keep going, baby.”
You close your eyes in concentration, trying your hardest to ignore how your jaw feels like it’s going to fall off. It’s not like you’re not used to this though, or haven’t done this before. You love to please Harry, and you love to suck on him when you can— sometimes even begging him to let you have a taste. But this was different though, it felt as if he genuinely didn’t care if you felt bad, just as long as you were making him feel good.
You slide your head back, just enough to bring your lips right on his tip. You give his cock little kitten licks, your favorite thing to do— before swirling your tongue all around.
Harry moans, bending his knees a bit before steadying himself again. His eyes rolled back before he shuts them again completely.
“F-fuck, good girl! Don’t call you Kitten for no reason- that’s right, be a good girl and keep sucking for Daddy.” He says in a pant, using a hand to brush his hair back before bringing it back down to yours. He pulls your hair back slightly to guide you in the pace he wants. Swallowing harshly, he opens his mouth to speak again.
“Been thinking about this since the ice cream shop, babydoll. You act so innocent but you just love this, don’t you? My lil fuckin’ slut.”
Tears are filled to the brim of your eyes, but you keep on going. Taking your hand, you reach for Harry’s balls and squeeze them as you go.
“Mhm- yeah, should’ve done this in front of Drue and Jack, maybe they would’ve gotten a fuckin’ hint,” Harry says through grunts and moans. Looking down at you, you already look so worn and tired. Your knees are bruised already, your mascara’s running down your face, and your teary, red eyes droop down from exertion.
Harry almost cums from the sight of you crying over his cock.
He thinks about how horrible this all must look; you being completely naked, on your knees, shivering while sucking his cock. He’s still almost fully clothed, and completely comfortable. He loves it— you need to suffer. This is all your fault.
He thrusts his cock even deeper down your throat, but you move your head farther away. As soon as you do, Harry shoves your head down again, indulging in the sight of you so desperate for a break. You struggle and fight for air, pushing on Harry’s thighs desperately, but it only made him thrust his cock faster.
“Mm!” You try to tell him it’s too much, you can’t breath, but it’s no use. His thighs clench harshly, and let’s out a strained groan, which leaves his mouth open slightly. He uses you to edge himself just a bit more, before he decides he’s already become bored.
It felt like ages, but Harry did eventually let you go. You pulled back with a choking gasp and cough. He looks down at you pitifully, a hand slowly rubbing his aching cock. You wipe your dripping tears, feeling your heartbeat quicken when you feel Harry grab you up by the hair.
Whining, you find it difficult to move when he pulls your hair up, but you move rapidly when you notice Harry's angry expression. In one swift movement, he flips you around, your bare backside on his front. He groans when he feels your ass pressing against his still hard cock.
“Baby-baby, baby, baby…” He says in a whisper, so close to your ear, you almost whimper at how sensitive it feels on your skin. Harry holds you in a chokehold with one arm across your neck, and the other trails down your body. He moves so excruciatingly slow, almost tickling you. His hands stroked your stomach, glided down your thighs until he reached between your shaking legs.
All Harry had to do was flick your miserable clit once, and you almost died of pleasure. He knew you were cumming as soon as he felt your poor pussy throb against his fingers. Letting out a shriek of surprise, you almost fall to your knees before Harry’s strong arms catch you. You hadn’t even realized how riled up you were until you squirting all over Harry’s hand, your poor little body shaking tremendously against his.
Even Harry looked surprised for a second, watching how hard you’re cumming from one single flick. You ride out your unexpected orgasm, wailing and whimpering Daddy— over, and over as you came down from your high.
Once you’re done, Harry shoves you away from him, and turns you so you’re forced to face him once more.
“You’re having too much fun.” His tone is so velvety smooth, yet so heartless and demeaning— you can never understand how he does it.
“AH!” You wail, crying out as Harry shoves you harshly towards the ground for like the fourth time. It hurt a thousand times more because you had nothing on. The sticks and forest dirt scrape you vigorously, you have to bite your lip to keep from screaming again. The same sadistic look in Harry’s eyes teases you, watching as you wince in pain below him.
“Ow! Daddy, that hurt!” You whine, your voice wavering from holding in your tears. Harry gives you another “pout.”
“Aw, my baby. Did Daddy push you too hard? Hm? S’hurting you?” You mentally let out a sigh at Harry sympathizing with you for the first time today. It makes you want to forget about everything he’s said and just leap into his arms.
“I don’t fucking care. I don’t care that it hurts,” Harry goes on, the soft tone he used at the start of his sentence completely diminished, making you feel so, so, hopeless.
“You didn’t care how much it hurt to see you with those two bastards, did you? Should’ve known you were too fucking incompetent and dull to understand simple orders.” He begins to take his shoes and clothes off, eyes brutally locked onto yours. He brings his pants all the way down, and with a swift movement, he brings his shirt over his head. Coming to the ground, he climbs on top of you and brings your wrists all the way above your body.
Like the big bad wolf closing in on his victim, he beams at the thought that nothing—not even you—could stop him from torturing you in whatever way he chooses.
You whimper in fear immediately, squirming helplessly under him. You’re eyes go wide when you feel his strong fingers press on your sensitive, raw clit again. You cried out, “Too-too much, AH! Daddy, no.. mm!”
“Too much? I haven’t even begun with you, Kitten.”
He brings his hand to his throbbing cock, stroking it a few times before rubbing it slowly on your pussy. You don’t know why, but this time, looking at his massive length scares you more than any other. You’d be lying if you said his cock didn’t intimidate you every time you saw it. So huge, so thick and veiny— it was imposing, and it always, always hurt when Harry entered you. You knew your sensitive pussy couldn’t take him right now.
“Why, why?” You cry roughly, squirming away again, of course being stopped by Harry’s strong body. His muscles flex while trying to hold you still, and his front strands of hair fall onto his face again.
“Because.. I love to watch you squirm. You know your poor, tiny baby cunt can’t take me.” He pauses.
“But, I feel bad for you. So I’ll give you a count. Five seconds, okay? Go.”
You open your mouth to count, the words falling from your mouth so quietly. As you go, you feel Harry enter you slowly, and you wince at how tight you are, and how big he is. You’re on the fourth count, but you stop, squirming around so much that Harry’s cock falls out of you. It wasn’t in yet, you gratefully sigh— and continue your attempt to leave.
Harry’s bored now. In fact, he’s been bored for the last 10 minutes. He’s sick of hearing your pointless, pathetic begging. He’s sick of your moving around while he’s trying to fuck you. Maybe he could stuff some leaves in your mouth so he can finally make you silent while he has his way with you. Or, maybe he can leave you here all by yourself, with nothing but dirt on your body, while he leaves and enjoys the silent car ride he’ll have to himself. He decides both of those ideas aren’t good at all, because he won’t be able to hear your pretty chokes and gasps when he finally enters you.
Decisions, decisions.
“Look, Kitten— I’m going to fuck you now. Unless your moaning and begging for my dick, you better shut your fucking mouth.”
You cringe. How could Harry be so mean? You’ve tried to get away. You’ve tried to do what he wants, but it always came back to bite you.
“Fucking useless,” Harry mutters. “Count.”
You have no choice. There’s no way out, you’ve realized that now. You always have, but this time you’re finally admitting it to yourself. So, you count.
“One.. T-two..” Harry slowly enters you as you go. At least you’ll be able to prepare for him to be fully in your tight entrance.
“Thr- AH!!” You lunge forward in surprise, eyes rolling back in pain.
“AH! DADDY, MY- You scramble your words, screeching at Harry entering you in one hard, unforgiving thrust. He ignores your tight pussy trying to squeeze him out.
He doesn’t care at all if he’s being cruel, not when your sorry pussy was right there, just waiting to be taken advantage of.
“Oh, fuck.. yeah!” Harry groans out, laughing in the process. He laughs at how miserable and betrayed you look below him.
“Y-you said.. you said..” You choke on your sobs, looking at him through half shut, red teary eyes. Your tiny hands grip his shoulders for support.
“You said count till five!!”
He laughs at your hurt, broken voice.
“Mm, did I?” Harry says, a pondering look on his face, before a sarcastic, devilish one takes its place.
“Sorry, Kitten. Guess I lied.” He barely pays attention to you, pulling out and then thrusting deeper into your walls. He savors your tightness, squeezing him so hard he can barely move.
“How do you stay this fucking tight? Hm? S’like the first time I had you.” He says in groans, his eyes rolling back before staying on you.
“Why- why did you lie?” You can’t help but ask. This whole day has been lies, lies, lies.
Harry doesn’t bother to answer your dull question. He harshly grabs your thigh and pins it above his shoulder so he has a better angle at fucking you. In his head, he curses himself for not bringing a condom, but immediately smiles at the thought of what could happen next.
He’s not completely opposed to the idea of knocking you up, plus, your sweet, sweet pussy is too heavenly to have it be masked by a stupid condom.
You can only look up at Harry, who’s smiling— and you wonder what could be making him smile while you’re enduring such pain. Your chest heaves and your limbs flail around with each thrust. Harry’s so, so, unbelievably big. How does he manage to fit inside you every time? You can never describe how full you feel every time he enters you.
“God- my baby’s got the best pussy out there, yeah-” Harry grunts at how harsh your pussy’s gripping him. He glares down at you, seeing your droopy, shut eyes and the tears streaming down your cheeks. He leans down a little and kisses your tears, gathering the salty taste on his tongue.
“Open those pretty eyes, Babydoll.” He says softly against your skin.
“Open those eyes and cry harder f’me, Darlin’. Like a little baby.. Y’know Daddy loves that, right?”
The raw, filthy sound of you and Harry’s skin coming together fills your ears. His intruding length just rips through you again and again, making your eyes roll back from pain. A strained whine rises from within you.
“Harry.. Daddy.. Stop… hurts so much..”
Harry doesn’t hear you. He chooses not to. He continues to pound into you relentlessly, growling as he picks up his pace. Even with the dirt and scrapes covering them, he can't get over how soft and velvety your thighs always are. He’s in love with your small whimpers and your big eyes pleading for help. He’s in love with how in denial you are, and how perfect his cock fits inside you.
It makes him wonder; have you thought about being this intimate with them? When he punished you in the car, was that what made you confide in them? Did they say something to make you turn away from him? He’s not sure he wants to know. If he did, it would only lead to bad things.
You can’t help but follow Harry’s orders, and you cry harder and harder from the pain. Your mouth falls open, you look up to see Harry move his mouth in a way that’s all too familiar.
“Uh uh.. Daddy, no.. mmh!” Whining in protest, you attempt to turn your head away from Harry, who grabs your jaw roughly.
“Open, Baby. Open, Open..” He forces his fingers in between your lips, and gathers up some saliva from his mouth. He leans down closer, so close to your face that you can feel his breathing hit your face. You hold out your tongue in obedience, tears still constantly streaming down your face. Spit trails from Harry’s pursed lips, falling on your tongue before sliding down your throat. Harry slips his fingers in your mouth again, moaning at your now over-salivated tongue coating his fingers.
The way Harry’s fucking you has him on the verge of tears. He’s in control again. He’s the one who has you wailing from how good he fucks you. Nobody can do that but him. He watches your precious tears fall down your face, and he feels nothing but joy. You can almost feel your little brain struggle at trying to figure this out.
You, crying in a mixture of harsh, stinging pain and pleasure, and him, crying because of how good it feels to be back inside you. How good it feels to have you cry, kick and scream for him to stop because you can’t take anymore.
“Sh-shit! Look what you’ve done.. have me acting out like this..” Harry says in a strained groan while blinking his tears away. He’s appreciative that you shut your eyes, preventing you from witnessing his moment of weakness.
You yelp as you feel Harry continue deeper in you, hitting your spot. The familiar knot in your stomach begins to form, and you cry because, no matter how hard you try, you can’t help it. Your helpless, needy little pussy aches and aches, and it only aches for one thing. Subconsciously, you whimper out Harry’s name, over and over, biting your lip and clawing at his back. Your eyes roll back until you see nothing.
Harry sees how you’re holding back, you’re trying not to cum, and that makes him more than angry. Growling, he brings a hand to your neck, his big, veiny hand choking you slightly. You’re forced to stare at him right in the eyes, seeing the different glints of black, brown, and light green reflect in them.
“Do you seriously think that’s going to work? Hm?Answer me!” Harry shouts the last part, his hand gripping you tighter around the neck as he keeps his pace inside you.
“Do you really think your sad, pathetic pussy could ever not cum when I’m inside you? Look.” Harry exclaims, pulling out slightly, not all the way- just enough to be able to go deeper inside you. He thrusts deep until he reaches your spot again, watching at how distraught you look. Your body shakes and you whimper under him, and if that wasn’t proving his point, your poor pussy closes around Harry’s cock like a vice.
“Think you can deny me.. yeah? Think you can turn away, disobey me and there won’t be any consequences?” He speaks in your ear, making you whine at you sensitive it feels.
“Daddy’s gonna fill you up, Kitty. Gonna cum inside this pretty pussy.. I’m gonna breed you till that test says positive -ah, f-fuck!” He lets out a strained sound- like mixture of a groan and a whine. He feels his cock twitch repeatedly inside you. He’s close, and he knows you are too.
“You won’t be able to deny me then, huh, baby? Won’t be able to deny me when you’re carrying my offspring in this pretty lil body..” He says tauntingly, bringing his hand from your neck to pet your head slowly.
“Ah- oh my God!! Harry, don’t wanna-”
“Not God, you silly, dumb baby. Just me.” Harry interrupts, placing a soft kiss on your nose before moaning out. His thrust are becoming less stable and more erratic, you can feel it. You clench your pussy more in hopes you can hold on longer, but your body gives up, and your pussy starts to throb around Harry’s cock.
“Yeah.. C’mon! Give it to Daddy. Let Daddy have it, baby. That’s right!” Harry’s face contorts into that malicious smile you saw when he was chasing you earlier. Bringing a hand down to your clit, he rubs vigorously to make it extra hard for you to hold on. He watches your eyes widen as your body finally gives in.
“DADDY!” You screech before breaking into a complete sob, your legs giving out from being up so long.
You’re cumming. There’s nothing you can do to stop it. Your limbs flail around, and your eyes remain rolled to the back of your head. Your pussy throbs harsh and fast around Harry’s cock. You whimper, whine, groan- almost every kind of sound leaves your opened mouth as you shake harshly under Harry. He stares at every involuntary reaction your body has towards him, focusing hard on all the small twitches and movements. How your back is arched so high, how you always, always bite your lip.
Harry will never get tired of knowing that he’s caused that. You’re full of his veiny, fat dick - the only dick you've seen this close, the only dick that's ever been inside of you.
The edging, the messing around, it’s all caught up to him.
“Y-yeah, baby. Daddy’s gonna cum- fuck! Daddy’s gonna cum inside your pretty pussy, alright? Want Daddy to cum inside you? Hm?”
He grunts out, watching you frantically shake your head no. You know what he wants, he admitted it himself. He wants to breed you, make you his forever.
“No.. don’t do it, Daddy..” You begged beneath him.
“Aw,” Harry starts with another one of his condescending pouts. “How am I supposed to pull out of a pussy like this?” He grins, before mocking the desperate expression on your face.
“You keep squeezing me tighter and tighter, Sweetheart- just know this pussy wants to milk Daddy’s cock. Gonna fill you-” He interrupts himself, moaning out as cum pours out of his pulsating cock, and coats your walls. He continues to thrust in you, gripping your hair as he goes. Filling you with his searing, hot cum, it makes you feel so so full. You feel it so deep inside you, claiming you, making his mark inside your body. Just like he wants.
You wanted so badly to not want this, but God, you love how it feels when Harry fills you up. You’ve always been obsessed with feeling his cock twitch and pulsate inside you.
Harry stays inside you for a little while longer, watching you still shake and cry helplessly under him. Though you’re quiet, tears still fall from your cheeks and splatter onto the forest ground. After a few moments more, and Harry pulls out of you slowly, immediately moaning at how all your juices pour out when he does.
He brings his fingers to your sopping pussy, fingering all the juices and cum back into you.
“Mine, mine, mine..” Again, he speaks more to himself, until he looks back at you.
“C’mon. Say it. Be a good girl for Daddy and say it,” He says in your ear.
“Who do you belong to?”
Harry’s hoping inside that you’ll say what’s right. If you do, then all this can be over and the both of you can go back to the way things were. He wouldn’t have to punish you anymore, because he’d know he did his job.
You open your mouth to speak, and a hopeful yet menacing smile appears on Harry’s face. But, your mouth closes, and you turn your face away from him. If you kept eye contact, you would’ve seen the most dark, and wrathful glare Harry could ever give you.
You wanted to say you belong to him, because you do, you know that you do. But you still don’t know what this was for. You thought being close with Drue and Jack was what Harry wanted! When Harry left you in that park, you went to seek comfort from his two best friends. How could that have been so wrong? Would he rather you do that with some random stranger? You still don’t understand.
“Fine.” Scoffing, Harry gets up and quickly puts back in his clothes, leaving his belt off. You gulp, a sinking feeling in your stomach telling you that you know what’s coming next.
Harry grabs his belt, beginning to fold it in half, until he pauses completely.
“Y’know what? Not gonna need it.” He says, callously discarding it somewhere beside you.
“Daddy-” You begin, trying to find a way to compromise with Harry. If you were correct about what was coming next, you were going to do everything you could to stop it. Feeling the scrapes and small gashes on your legs reminded you that your fraile body can’t take that much pain.
Sitting back down on the forest floor, Harry effortlessly brings you back onto his lap. He makes sure you’re on your stomach, propping his left leg slightly so you’re ass remains up in the air. Slowly, he rubs his fingers over your sore ass. His gaze shifts to you, withering at his touch. Your soft sobs continue on.
“You have one more chance, Babydoll. One more.” Harry begins, continuing his slow rubs on your ass.
“It’s really not that hard, I’m sure even you can understand this. All you have to do is say the right answer.” Tauntingly, Harry rubs your hair to calm your nerves.
“Who do you belong-”
“NO!” You screech, completely overpowering Harry. He cocks his head slowly to the side, getting more pissed off by the second. You look up at him, uncomfortably twisting your head to make eye contact. He sees your little pathetic look of determination and laughs.
“No..? What do you mean no?”
You clear your throat before attempting to speak again, trying making sure you sound as big and bad as you can be. You don’t deserve a spanking, you know it. You’ve been nothing but good to Harry. He brought you all the way out here, chased and fucked you until your body gave out, and now wants you to answer a question you know you shouldn’t answer. You just want to be back home in bed, watching your favorite cartoons and stuffing your face with all your favorite food. Instead you’re here, being punished and still not knowing why. You’re angry- No, you’re infuriated.
“You’re just jealous because Drue and Jack can treat me better!”
Horrible idea.
Immediately after saying that, your hands fly to your mouth as if they can take back what you just said. But they can’t, and that scares you to the core. Harry’s face is wrathful, and he narrows his eyes as his pupils grow beady.
“You dumb, pathetic girl.” You think you hear, not being able to comprehend it because of how low Harry spoke. It’s silent for a moment, before your piercing screech breaks right through.
Harry brings his hand right on your ass, the sharp sound of the slap filling your ears. Your body jerks in response to the pain, and your tears flood your face.
Harry grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head all the way back. Your body is arched as far as it can go, making you whine in pain. He harshly tugs again before bringing his mouth to your ear.
“DO YOU HEAR ME? DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?” He shouts, making your sensitive ears feel like they’re going to fall off. He harshly spanks you again, and again, and again, your body jerking helplessly at every blow.
“Y’think those dimwits could ever take care of you? The way I do? No- better? You stupid girl! Go ahead and see for yourself! They don’t know shit!
You try to get away before he can spank you again, but it’s no use. His grip on your hair won’t budge, and there’s no way you’d be able to leave if you want your hair still attached to your scalp. You see his hand lift up again, and you brace yourself for the blow. This time was even harder, making your ass move harshly at the hit. Harry spanks you again, his jaw clenched and his eyebrows furrowed with frustration.
“You need me! You know it! You and your stupid pus- look at it! Look at this stupid-“ He cuts himself off, letting your hair go and using both hands to spread your ass cheeks.
“Look at this stupid fucking cunt- you’re still wet!” He callously spanks your still sensitive pussy, and you wail as you grip his thigh.
“HARRY! AH-” Your wails are interrupted by Harry spanking you again. You don’t know how much longer you can take this. It hurt so much, you almost feel numb. Your poor ass was now an angry red, bruised and so beat up. Harry doesn’t care, he continues lashing out on your poor body.
“Go ahead and scream, you pathetic baby. Nobody can fucking hear you!” Harry taunts, never stopping his blows to your ass.
As he goes, you remember a certain sentence from Drue, when you were on the bench with him and Jack.
“Someone as innocent as you shouldn’t be with someone as fucked up as Harry.”
The moment plays through your head clearly, making you realize something; Drue and Jack were trying to get to you all along. They danced with you, touched you, and even tried to take care of you, all while Harry was gone. It made you realize that Harry was right the whole time.
And that only made everything worse.
Your sobs grow louder as Harry continues spanking you, taking turns on each cheek. You don’t even fight anymore, knowing full well that you deserve it. You were bad. You should’ve just listened to Harry, instead you were stubborn, like you always were.
“Daddy..! I’m sorry! I’m so- I’m so sorry..” You begin, still wailing like a little baby over Harry’s lap.
“I’m yours, Daddy! I’m yours, only yours!”
The spankings stop as soon as Harry hears those words. For a while, Harry doesn’t do anything. He leans back against the tree, watching you completely fall apart on his lap. You sob and sob, your body helplessly twitching from being so stimulated. A few more long, excruciating moments pass before you feel Harry grab your torso and flip you on your back. You still remain on his lap, and your eyes begin to flutter shut as you see Harry’s eyes stare right down into yours.
“That’s my girl..” He whispers ever so gently above you. That was mainly for him to hear. His hands wander slowly and carefully up and down your body, feeling every part of you that he could with just his hands. He makes his way to your chest, grabbing and squeezing your precious boobs before he kisses them softly. Next, his hands wander down your waist, tracing your curves until he got to your thighs. Your beautiful, luscious thighs. He could never do without them. He loves them for multiple reasons. He loves to lay on them, kiss them, bite them.. He loves when he’s face deep in between your thighs.. and how you wrap them around his head to push him deeper. To feel his tongue deeper in you.
Slowly, you shift so you can sit perfectly in Harry’s lap. He doesn’t help you. He watches as you helplessly crawl back to him. Once you get fully comfortable without hurting yourself, you bury your head into Harry’s chest.
“Da-Daddy.. H-hurts.. everything hurts..” Your voice is strained, like almost everything else on your body, and you shiver as the cold wind begins to pick up.
“I know, baby.. I know.” Harry grabs his jacket and wraps it around you tightly before trapping you in his warmth.
“Shhh. It’s okay Darlin’. See? that’s all you needed to do. Just needed to tell Daddy you’re his- I know, baby.” Harry sympathizes with you, trying to ensure that you know he’s no longer cross with you.
“S’okay now, I promise.“
Nobody knows how to tear you apart and put you back together like he does.
“Let’s get this pretty dress back on you, yeah? Y’know this is one of Daddy’s favorites.” He starts to reclothe you while maintaining a low, soothing voice for you. Wiping the dirt and dander from the forest floor, he attempts to unwrinkle it as best he can. He locates your MaryJanes and applies the same treatment to them, taking care to remove the obvious stains from your most precious shoe. Once you are both off the ground, he gives you a long, passionate kiss on top of your head.
“You did a good job, baby.”
You’re silent. You acknowledge him with a barely noticeable nod, too tired to give him a full response. With one arm, Harry carries you against his hip all the way back to the car. Somewhere along the path he noticed your body fall limp in his arms, your head laying helplessly on his shoulder as fall asleep. He places you in the passenger seat of the car, buckling you up before going back for your belongings.
Harry did get the peaceful drive back that he wanted. Your soft, faint snores with the low sound of the car engine are all that can be heard. Still, memories of that day at the park continue to nag at him.
There are a lot of things about that day that Harry will never admit. How when he left you at the park with Drue and Jack to make phone calls, he was in his car, spending the majority of his time jerking off to the fading taste of your juices that were left on his tongue. If he's being truly honest with himself, the fact that his friends genuinely thought they could replace him, turned him on even more. They don't know the closest thing about taking care of you, and how to take care of you when you're acting up. How to take care of you when you're crying and crying about something so stupid.
The days that follow show just how much the little run around in the forest impacted you. Your body has been so sorely used and strained that you're dependent on Harry for help with nearly everything. You can’t even use the bathroom or sit in a chair because of sensitive and worn out you are. Harry’s lap is the only thing your body can withstand. And your pussy, your poor pussy still hasn’t been recovered from being so fucked out. The slightest bit of contact between your pussy and literally anything makes you clench your legs. Harry of course helps you with everything, giving you massages and relieving the aching pain in your pussy whenever he can. He’s always conveniently there.
He tells you that you’re a big girl and you can handle this, but you don’t how much more you can take before you rip your hair out. It’s like being stimulated 24/7, which nothing and no one but Harry to help the pain. You’re indeed suffering, but Harry couldn’t feel any more accomplished. Now more than ever, you need him, you rely on him, just like you always should. You’re ruined. It shows in almost every aspect.
Yes, Harry couldn’t be anymore satisfied.
<3 @love-letters-to-uranus
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tarotmundomonde · 5 months
The person on your mind May 2024
love reading (feelings & actions)
pick a number 1-5 OR an emoji 🙀 💨 🍏 🧐 🩹 Let me know, if it resonates and if you enjoyed the reading!
(ps. this reading is for practice and for fun)
1.🙀 If you chose this pile, it looks similar to a make it or break it situation. It looks like you have some lessons to learn, but are you learning? There is a desire for renewal, for creating something beautiful of your connection. You do have love for each other. But it can go two ways, either you repeat the same old cycles and lessons or you've learned your lessons and finally can upgrade this connection and make it into something of higher quality. Basically, you can renew a situation and feel stuck or you've learned your lessons and this love can grow deeper and fonder. Currently, it looks like your person feels that it's over between you two. But as the month of May goes by, in their heart they truly desire to renew your love for each other. This person is ready to apologize, if necessary, but if there is no need for that, then they simply really want to confess their love for you. They really feel the spark and the love for you. Their feelings are running high for you and they feel a sense of hope. As for their actions, it kinda looks like they will shock you 😂 It doesn't seem like they are very sure yet about what they are going to do, but they will take a step back to think about it. This person wants to have truce with you. But it looks like they feel such a strong attraction towards you that it's like one day they'll just show up at your door or call or send you a message about how they want to be with you. The only sure thing is you will be shocked. It's just at first they will probably try to postpone things, so there will be some delays from your perspective. It's not gonna happen, when you expect it to. But there is a sense of preparation here. Like when they take time off, then their energy gets redirected and it becomes available for them to use it in a healthy way. So it's like gradually, the intensity will grow till they just can't take it anymore and they come running to you.
2.💨 Looking at the cards, there is a focus on you, rather than on the connection. This connection right now is filled with mysteries, nothing clear. Lots of dreams and thoughts, but nothing concrete. You can only know about yourself. But mind you, the cards are talking about vanity, the situation being very superficial and that there could be another female in the picture. So it seems right now this connection is teaching you about self-love. About just being you and not trying to please anyone. This person does not feel comfortable about their feelings for you. They do have them, they feel like there is something very special between you two. It looks like this person wants to catch you. They want to touch you, if only they could touch you. They want to hold you with their hands. Like you are someone delicate and precious. Like they have to tread you softly no matter how overwhelming their feelings are for you. And as the month of May goes by, they choose to hold back till they are free of all their feelings for you. As for their actions, it looks like they are very adamant on walking away. They are trying to draw the line, to not look back. But there seems to be temptation to see, what you are up to. They could try to be oblivion, a bit like a fool. Hoping you'd pick on the hints. They might be talking about you with their friends, too, to ask for their advice. But it looks like they'll just try to keep themselves busy till they make it. Till they no longer have feelings for you. That's what it looks like.
3.🍏 Looking at the cards, the current situation of this connection could be a little messy to say the least. It looks like there are other people involved and they have an opinion or two to share. Definitely some third-party situation going on here. It seems like there is someone else or some other people here, who think the person on your mind is their soulmate. They are very jealous, so it seems there is an open competition going on here, they are not holding back. They refuse to accept that you could be the one they want to be with. So there is a lot of entrapment here. Them trying to isolate and separate you two from each other, creating traps even. But it seems there is a whole lot of passion between you and the person on your mind and it seems they think there is something special between you. They are definitely wondering, if what they feel could mean that you are soulmates. But a lot of drama here, and it looks like a lot could be happening online. This person does not want to give up on you. They feel very much invested and they don't want to give up. They still want to try and work on this, put in the effort and see what happens. And as the month of May goes by, their feelings for you are not changing at all. Like at all. As for their actions, they want to have some fun. It kinda looks like they want to poke you to get a reaction out of you. They want you to give them love, show them love, shower them with your love. But they are not really reciprocating it. Instead, they want to do and say things and then see, how and what you'll respond to it. It's like you are an apple they want to slice open, they want to know, how you exactly feel and what exactly you think. Indeed, there is a focus on wanting to receive from you. They are trying to gather their courage to transform the situation, to face it. But for them it's a lot about experiencing. They want to receive some experiences from you, like you offer them something different from the others. But this situation also brings you experiences of courage and transformation.
4.🧐 If you chose this pile, the current situation of this connection is sadness. It feels like there's been an abrupt ending of some kind or maybe something was said. It looks like a pattern has been broken in this connection. Maybe the person on your mind chose someone else over you. But they don't seem happy, either. Though the feeling is that something happened and you did not respond in an expected way. Like no matter what they do, they can't make you angry anymore, they can't make you jealous. It keeps coming through as you've said something and it's like they don't have power over you. But there is expansion here. In theory, this connection could be improved. Really, it looks like they could be with someone else but not giving up on you completely yet. It's like they want something from you. They feel in their heart that they have the tools to make things work between you two. They feel like they want to try something. And as the month of May goes by, they remain curious about you. That's the one thing that doesn't change. But just you know, you are burning in their heart. You have such a huge presence in their heart. They feel pride, joy and happiness, they have pure feelings for you. Okay, this is a little weird, but it's how it's coming through in the reading: they are saying that how dare you be the main character in their heart, when it should be them and whoever they personally choose to be in their heart. This person can't stop feeling curious about you. They feel a bit like a kiddo. They do feel like sending you signs, maybe messages. This person wants your attention, they want a reaction from you. As for their actions, they are looking forward to something. They are patient this month. This person wants to impress you, they want your attention for sure. They really want to see what you'll do and they are planning, what they'll do. This person is looking for the right timing to show up somehow. It also looks like they are creating stress in this situation. It's like there is no room for a wrong move. They are coming through as very stubborn. Like no way they are going to step up and do what's right, yet, at the same time they want to rebel also in the way of wanting to do, what they want to do. This person wants something to become more clear between you two. They want things to go beyond illusion. That means there is a call of truth coming in. They know they need to make a bigger move at your direction. But beware, they might bring in a lot of baggage this month. It just looks like there are too many people involved, too many people surrounding them. So no matter what they do, it could be that there is too much interference from other potential lovers at their side.
5.🩹 There is a lot of healing and joy here in this connection. Also, definitely physical attraction and intimacy. But it says you are at a crossroad right now. Perhaps you are considering, if you want to be more than just having a fling? This person feels very self-confident, when it comes to you. They are certain you desire them. But perhaps your connection is a rebound for them? To be honest, it looks a bit like that, because the way it's coming through is that their feelings for you is like they can come to you anytime they need a self-confidence boost or a boost to their self-esteem. But they do feel a lot of passion, a sense of determination. With you they know they can get what they want from you. And as the month of May goes by, you can tell it's a theme. This person is self-centered. It's more about them than about you. They feel like they are the one holding the keys in their hands. They feel very self-assured. But in their heart they are a bit uncertain, whether they want to pursue anything romantic with you. As for now it looks like this month in their heart they prefer a friends-with-benefits situation. They might want to test you, to kinda give you a chance. As for their actions, this person intends to keep things up in the air with you. They want to keep their options open and to explore them, but it doesn't seem like they are gonna tell you that. Indeed, this person wants to welcome change in. This person wants change, so they will not be 100% in. When it comes to you, they are looking for healing, but when it comes to love they are comparing you to others. So really looking back at the whole reading, it seems that from their side this is a rebound relationship, they are having this connection with you to heal themselves.
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thatdammchickennugget · 10 months
The slytherin boys building snowmen
(the Draco pic was made by @finalgirllx <3)
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Lorenzo Berkshire;
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he named it Wilbur and gave it a whole backstory
was only building his snowman for about 15 minutes and then got bored and started making fun of the other's
he told Mattheo his was ugly and ended up being chased through the whole castle
because he was being chased he fortunately did not have to witness Theo kicking Wilbur into oblivion
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Mattheo Riddle;
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Mattheo pretended not to be into it but ended up trying super hard
even went back to his dorm to get the clothing
ended up naming him Ronaldo because Enzo made all of them think of names for their creations
was truly offended by Enzo's comment and did not stop chasing him until he managed to push him face first into the snow
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Theodore Nott;
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said he did not care and actually did not care at all what his snowman looked like
he built it in like 2 minutes and just sat down to have a smoke after
ended up being pretty proud if it though
refused to give him a name so Enzo named it Theo the tiny
felt like he was being watched by Enzo's snowman and kicked it down
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Blaise Zabini;
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everyone agreed they liked his the best which made Draco pretty upset
did not try that hard but seems to be naturally good at anything he does
boy was wearing three jackets and still constantly complaining about freezing
named it Barry the drunk
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Draco Malfoy;
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tryhard of the group
took the longest and then did not stop bragging about how his looks the best
did not even have enough time to come up with a name before the others started kicking it (he almost cried)
made the others stay out with him until he was done building it the second time, protected it with his life this time
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Tom Riddle;
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let's be honest he did not participate
but if he did it would look somewhat like this
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gravidwithlore · 3 months
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Part 2 of my Usurper x Prince piece
Augustin couldn't shake the fact that something was wrong. Something was unsettling him, drawing his mind out of the pleasant hazy fog he'd been happy to wade through the past… how long had it been? 
It couldn't be the children, he had just checked on them, fed them, left them to be burped by their amazing nursemaids. It wasn't the little ones in his belly, safe and content, just starting to stretch and explore the shelter of his womb. It wasn't his husband, caressing his body, swaying him back and forth, whispering praises as he pressed kisses to the crook of Augustin's neck. His husband… his husband-
Augustin's eyes shot open, and in the mirror he could see a sickly green flash leave his eyes as the enchantment over him was banished. It all washed over him. The call to travel home, the looming threat of war from within his kingdom, news of General Kane's treachery, his carriage ambushed on the woodland path, being kidnapped, being held hostage, Kane's enchantment fogging his mind and rendering him under his thrall. More clearly now, he remembered his wedding, his so-called honeymoon, his brain-washed joy as his belly began to swell with the would-be usurper's babies, his heavy gravid form paraded through the remains of the battlefield of his home, waddling through the debris as his so-called husband led him to the royal vault, draped his naked form with all the jewels and finery from the vault that he could. Augustin shivered with revulsion as he remembered sitting on Kane's lap as his father, though greedy and incompetent, still his father, was led to the usurped throne in chains, staring in horror, as all that Augustin's enchanted clouded mind cared about was finding pleasure on the traitors cock. He remembered giving birth to his first-borns, his magically altered mental state making him find the pain pleasurable, made him whine and pout at the thought of his babies leaving his body, how Kane encouraged him to spread his legs and push by promising to knock him up again as soon as possible, he cringed as he remembered how eagerly he labored after, how many times just the sensation of giving birth alone made him cum. And how Kane made good on his promise, making sure he was well and truly knocked up with another set of heirs, how much pleasure it gave his little brain-washed broodmare brain to feel his second-borns move in his belly as his first-borns suckled at his constantly weeping tits. 
Which is how he arrived at that moment in the middle of the night, in front of the mirror, Kane's amused villainous chuckle reverberated through his blood, as he gently swayed them back and forth, one hand fondled one of Augustins tits, already leaking even after having just fed their children, another tenderly but firmly wrapping around what may have once been his waist, his hand resting across the already expansive dome of his belly. 
“Caught up quickly, have we?” Teased the usurper, his husband, Augustin thought with disgust.
Augustin felt like he'd just tried to run the length of his kingdom, all the suppressed rage and shame bubbling up at once, leaving him frozen in place, staring at a reflection of himself simultaneously familiar and shockingly different to what he remembered.
“Or do we need another minute to process?” Kane teased again, frustratingly unconcerned, almost dismissive in how he continued to fondle Augustin's body, which had gone stiff and un-receptive in shock. Augustin's breath hitched, and he swallowed as he tried to form words of his own for the first time in over a year. 
“You're a monster.” Augustin whispered, still in shock, suddenly afraid that Kane would snap his fingers and he'd be a just brain-addled empty-headed broodmare yet again, a few seconds of realization and clarity to see the fear and despair in his eyes before sending him back to foggy oblivion. 
Kane just chuckled again and shrugged, not phased in the slightest. Augustin opened his mouth again to speak, but no words came out. His mouth clicked shut in an attempt to start over and try again. His mind swam in confusion, still parsing which over the past year or so had been real and which had been the enchantment. There was so much he wanted to say, he wanted to curse Kane out, he wanted to rail against him, denounce him, and cast him out, to call the guards, to have him bound and in chains. With no little amount of horror, he realized none of that would work. Kane was officially the King, and though Augustin had been Prince all his life, by birthright should be the one to hold the throne, everyone in the castle served Kane, and he was simply just Kane's royal baby-maker, there or gone by Kane's command. 
“Why?” His breath hitched, and it came out as barely a whisper, but nose buried in his throat Kane clearly heard him, as his eyes snapped to meet Augustin's in the mirror and a devilish smile spread across his face. 
“Well, well, well. I underestimated you, my love.” The last he spoke with honeyed venom, clearly trying to get a rise out of Augustin. “I expected at least a few more rounds of name-calling before you actually started thinking. Now, why, what, my dearest?” 
Augustin fought down the urge to punch Kane right in his shit-eating grin and spoke again.
“Why dismiss the enchantment? And why now?”
“Hm. Well…” Kane paused, Augustin assumed for dramatic effect, and shifted their positions so that his arms loosely wrapped over Augustins already prominent baby bump, his chin easily resting on his head. “I remember you used to be quite a smart lad, the pregnancy brain might get in the way of that now, but I could always use someone like you by my side.” He drawled. 
“So, basically, you're such a sad paranoid old man, that you no longer trust anyone or anything, much less your council and advisors, and now you're desperate enough to come crawling to me, your brain-washed broodmare.” Augustin rolled his eyes in disdain. “Pathetic.” 
He could feel Kane tense, his jaw tighten, in the mirror his eyes cold and hardened, the mischievous glint gone. “Perhaps, it simply has been getting annoying to tell you it's not the right time to be dry-humping my leg and begging to be railed about 50 times a gods-damned day.” He spoke evenly, an eyebrow arched in annoyance. 
“Oh please, you love that shit, you degenerate freak. I've seen that look in your eye, when you bring me to council meetings, knowing I'm going to beg to impale myself on your cock, in front of everybody. I'm sitting on your lap, you traitorous snake, I can feel how hard you get at everyone's scandalized faces. Now, what do you really want?” Augustin’s eyes shone in the mirror as he glared at Kane, focused for the first time in a long time. 
“Yes, well.” Kane briefly broke eye contact to glance down at the swell of Augustin’s belly, running a hand down it's expanse to cup it at the base of his womb. “Perhaps, you're correct. The other councilors and nobles aren't quite bonded in the way that we are. Perhaps, I think, with time, we would make an excellent team.” 
Augustin let the statement, the admission, the metaphorical baring of his throat hang in silence around them. Kane must feel like things are dire, or is just extremely lonely, a little voice in the back of his mind offers, to take on the unbrain-washed former enemy as his closest ally. He was putting on a convincing front, as if he was the one offering Augustin the opportunity of a lifetime, a deal he was hoping he would be desperate enough to grab before it was too late. But Augustin had been born a prince, not the village dunce.
“What if I said no?” Augustin whipped around to face Kane. He wanted, no, needed, to see his reaction firsthand. No more mirrors, no more illusions.
“W-what?” Kane stumbled back, narrowly avoiding a bludgeoning from Augustin's belly. For the first time in a long time, he appeared genuinely shocked.
“ What if, I said, no?” Augustin repeated more firmly, keeping unrelenting eye contact. For a moment Kane seemed to be at a genuine loss for words. His eyes drifted down Augustin’s form, and surprisingly, something in his eyes softened. 
“You know-” He paused, a huff of a laugh escaping his lips. “You know, I only set your enchantment to enthrall you to do 2 things. To marry me, and get pregnant with my heirs.”
“Your point being?” Augustin crossed his arms, annoyed.
“I never commanded you to love them, to genuinely care for them, our children. And yet, here we are, wide awake in the middle of the night, because you knew it was time to feed them. Despite the fact that we have the best wet nurses in the kingdom at their beck and call, sitting by their cribs day and night, might I add. Despite everything, you still love our babies.”
“Are you threatening my children?” For the second time that night Kane looked genuinely taken aback, greatly offended even, a very relieved part of Augustin observed.
“No, I am not threatening our children! Don't you want a better world for them, a better world than the one your father would have left them, a better world than those insipid greedy bastards on the council would leave them with?” He pleaded. “We could make that. Together.” 
“And let's say I believe one word of your ‘leave the world better than you found it’ bullshit, you traitorous liar. How are you going to explain the sudden return of my complete mental capacities to those bastards on the council, hmm?” Augustin raised an eyebrow. 
“As if I care what they think.” Kane rolled his eyes in disdain. 
“You should.” Augustin jammed a finger into his chest. “How long do you think you're going to last on this throne if you don't? Because I'd say you'd last maybe about as long as my father did, if you're lucky.” 
For a moment, Kane took in his words and considered them, carefully. Very carefully.
“So then, what do you propose?” He asked with unfamiliar hesitation. 
“Once we figure out an reasonable explanation for why I'm suddenly back to my intelligent old self again, you'll treat me as an equal. Not a royal baby-maker, not as a common concubine, not even as an advisor. An equal. Who you listen to, and respect. Got it?” 
“And?” Kane pushed his luck even further, confidant he'd be able to get away with it. 
“And I won't slit your throat in your sleep.” 
Kane laughed. A man so used to sleeping with one eye open, it wasn't that he underestimated Augustin’s resolve, but that he already expected it, planned for an inevitable betrayal from everyone he'd ever met. A different tactic was needed then, but it wasn't as if Augustin had much left to bargain with. Looking back on the events of the past couple of years, the only thing he had left were his children, and they were off limits as bargaining tools. Except maybe…
“And-” Augustin snapped, bringing Kane’s attention back. “And I'll keep fucking you.” 
Augustin watched as he started to laugh again, then realization dawned on his face, the seed planted the thought began to spread, much like the babies growing in Augustin’s womb. Kane was a man who had climbed his way to power, tooth and nail, and against all odds he'd won it. And as a man who had clawed his way to power, over time he'd become accustomed to the trappings of power, some things he'd never grow accustomed to the way that people born into nobility are. But certain things he'd grown quite accustomed to in his, so far, short reign.
“I'll keep up the act, doting loving adoring husband, who only wants to please his King. And whenever you want, I'll spread my pretty little legs and beg you to fuck baby after baby after baby in me. Even when I'm about to pop.” In spite of himself, Augustin was making himself wet, teasing Kane, reminding him of how quickly he'd gotten hard again after he'd broken Augustin’s waters his last pregnancy. From the way Kane’s eyes darkened he could tell he was thinking the same thing. 
“Then it seems we have a deal.” Kane’s devilish smile spread across his face, his expression both relentlessly teasing and desperately wanting all at once. 
“Good.” And for the third time that night, Kane’s face twisted into shock as Augustin pushed him several steps back, his knees hit the edge of the bed and he landed heavily on his back. “Now that that's over, you’ve gotten me all hot and bothered, playing with my tits and rubbing your hard-on all over my ass earlier, so why don't we hurry up and seal this deal, hmm?” 
Augustin ripped down Kane’s sleeping pants, then lifted his own short shift as he climbed onto Kane, pinning him down between his thighs, their throaty groans of relief harmonizing as Augustin sank down onto his cock. 
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lalachat · 11 months
"And there you were..."
Author's note: WITERLLY WHAT THE HECK GUYS!!! You have made my heart so full! Almost 100 notes in under 24 hours😭❤️ yall gon make me cry! I am truly and utterly grateful that y'all are liking it so far! I'm a little insecure with my writing, but it's only because i'm so new. I am open to any kind of advice you can give me or constructive criticism that will help make this fic better for you readers. With practice comes improvement!! Also, look i'm evolving with my tumbler knowledge and added dividers, a tag list, and a masterlist that i hope works! Look at me go😭🤧 ANYWHOOOO... are y'all ready for this one?? I fully planned on posting this next week but i'm too freaking excited! Eheheheh writing this had me giggling and kicking my feet! Enjoy my loves<3
Summary: You and Lucien decided to leave Rita's after discovering your mates kissing each other. With no reason to stay, Lucien offers you the comfort of his home and a glass of your favorite wine to help decompress the stress of both your mates. How could you say no?
This is for all my Lucien girlies❤️
Warnings: usage of profanity, sexual tension growing between Lucien and y/n, some fluff bc why not, sharing a bed, potential grammar and spelling issues
Word Count: around 3,350
Chapter 2: "Scream my name..."
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As you and Lucien walked out of Rita’s, neither of you had noticed two pairs of eyes lingering watching you both leave after they heard Rhys’ commotion questioning Mor into oblivion about what the hell was going on. Mor had almost smirked at the fact that all it took was for you and Lucien to leave together to make Az and Elain both glance at y’alls receding figures. If it weren't for Rhysand in her face, she well would have. Even as Rhys is trying to get her to talk, she could not wait to tell you the plan had worked! Even if it was just a glance, it was still something! Small progress is still progress, right? Oh, she wishes she could have Feyre paint their reactions to you two leaving because it was priceless. Maybe Mor would and give it to you for solstice? But for now, she has a very upset cousin to deal with.
You and Lucien stopped at a local market to grab snacks and your favorite wine for your impromptu evening at his apartment. As you walk out of the market towards his place, Lucien can’t help but to ask about Azriel. 
“So... The shadowsinger is your mate huh?” Lucien asks while tucking his hands in his front pockets glancing to your face as he asked you his question. 
“Yeah... When I first met Az, it was when Rhys had offered me a room to stay in for a night. Rhys and I had quite literally run into each other a moment prior. I was traveling through the night court and was so distracted by the beauty that I ended up running right into Rhysand. I had knocked his freshly bought paint that he was planning to give Feyre all over us. I felt so bad that I kept offering to pay him for the cost of the paint along with his clothes, but he kindly refused. I had no mental shields back then, so he easily saw I was a nomadic traveler that had no place to stay or wash up. He offered me a room in his home for a night and a training over mental shields as payment, and I kindly accepted. I hadn't had a nice place to stay in such a long time. But, little did I know it would not be my peace and that my mate lived in the home I was about to stay at.” you said as you walked in tandem with Lucien down the streets towards his apartment.  
“Always so generous that high lord. And, I assume you know who my mate is then?”  
“That he is. And yes, I do. If you don’t mind me asking, why doesn’t she want the bond?” 
“The same reason your mate doesn’t see yours... She’s too busy being enamored by him to try and pursue or explore things with me.” He finds a rock on the pavement to kick along as you two walk. Lucien kicks it towards you. 
“At least she knows you’re her mate.” you shrug, kick the rock back, and Lucien chuckles. 
“You have a point, and Azriel would know if you would just tell him.” 
“Yeah, but would it change anything between us? Probably not. It would most likely end up like you and Elain if I told him...” Lucien stops and goes silent for a moment. “No offense of course!” 
“None taken. How did we even end up in this mess? You and I both having mates who do not reciprocate any kind of feelings toward us because they like each other is almost ironic.” He laughs at this situation you are both in. 
“You know now that you're saying it out loud, it is quite ridiculous.” You giggle. For a moment you had completely forgotten about Azriel and Elain. Lucien once again, being so alluring that you forgotten what you had just seen at Rita’s.  
Lucien glances at you and finally takes in your appearance. Your cheeks start to turn rosy at the sight of his eyes trailing over your body. Your dress still leaving little imagination for Lucien. Your body grows hot from the sudden attention. 
“He’s absolutely dumb as rocks for not looking at you tonight, because you look ravishing.” and gives you a playful wink. 
“Lucien you're just saying that to make me feel better.” 
“Y/n I kid you not, I truly mean it. You are one of the most beautiful females I have ever seen!” 
“Thank you Lucien, that means so much more to me than you will ever know,” as you look into his eyes and smile at him. He stares at you, smiles and dips his head to say you're welcome before continuing. 
“Almost there, it is right around this corner.” 
“Perfect, because I am freezing and in dire of more alcohol. I am too sober for all this emotional shit,” you say as Lucien laughs at your comment and you both turn the corner. 
“And we're here! Home sweet home!” 
You walk into his apartment and your senses are engulfed by the smell of cinnamon sticks, crisp apples, cedarwood, and roasted chestnuts. It felt like home. Everything in his apartment felt so warm and welcoming. You sat down the groceries you had gotten on the center table near the living room couch, and slowly took in his décor. You were surprised everything looked so coordinated. His apartment was filled with warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows. It reminded you of your brief stay in the autumn court. You wondered if that’s why Lucien decorated it this way. Maybe he had found a sense of belonging in those colors. While you were taking in his apartment, you hadn’t noticed him grabbing you a change of clothes to wear along with a warm woolly blanket.  
“Here, these are for you to change into, and this is for you when you get cold later because I know you,” Lucien handed you the clothes and sat the blanket down on the couch. “The bathroom is through the hall on your left! Let me know if you need anything.” 
“Okay, thank you!” 
You started walking to the bathroom, the floor creaking beneath your feet as you opened the door. You stepped inside and quietly shut the door. You could hear Lucien in the kitchen popping the bottle of wine and pouring you both glasses, but what you forgot to realize is how you were going to take this dress off. After Mor’s last minute dress change, you had to call Nuala and Cerridwen to help you into it. You had not thought about how you were going to get it off. You slightly began to panic. “It’s okay... you can do this. It’s just a dress, can't be that hard right?” You tried to maneuver your arms into reaching the back of your dress but to no avail, Mor had to pick the most complicated thing you have ever seen. She was right though, this dress did look hot as fuck on you. You struggled a few times more before huffing and giving up. So, you had to do what you had to do...  
“LUCIEN, I NEED HELP!” You could practically hear him sprinting down the hall to get to you in the bathroom. Without thinking he pushes the door wide open. 
“WHAT IS IT? Are you alright?” His face scans you for any kind of injuries but finds none. The only thing he finds is you still in that damn dress that drove him crazy. “Why are you not in the clothes I gave you?” 
“First of all, I could have been indecent. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to knock! Secondly, you see, as a male you would not understand this predicament, but I cannot get my dress off by myself. I need help unfortunately... I swear this is all Mor’s fault!” 
Cauldron boil him... “So, you mean to tell me, you screamed my name to help you with your dress because you cannot do it yourself?” 
“Yes...” you can hear Lucien sigh. 
“There are much better ways to scream my name y/n and you know that but for the sake that you are quite literally stuck in that dress, I’ll help you. Turn around.” Your face turns hot at his comment, and you swat at his arm. 
“LUCIEN! This is not funny!” he can't help but chuckle at your flustered state. 
“Okay, okay, you being stuck in a dress is not funny. Got it! Now stop being stubborn and turn around so I can help.” 
“No, wait! You have to close your eyes!” 
“Y/n, how am I supposed to help you with your dress if I cannot see? Besides you act like I haven't seen you naked.” Again, your face betrays you as your cheeks turn bright red at the thought. You huff. 
“Fine, okay you can keep your eyes open but no funny business Mr. Vanserra. I am watching you!” Lucien chuckles at how flustered he had made you and he is living for it.  
You slowly turn your back to him and lock eyes with him through the bathroom mirror. Lucien takes the back of his knuckles and traces them delicately down the skin of your spine, almost like if you were made of glass and that you'd break at the slightest touch. His hand radiates so much warmth you must stop yourself from letting out a couple of sighs. The entire time he does this his eyes do not leave from yours through the mirror. His hand finally reaches the back of your dress, and he looks away to start undoing the claps. Thank the mother because his stare was driving you crazy. Each clasp he undoes, he makes sure to take his sweet time on. He doesn't miss the way your skin crawls with goosebumps at the slightest touch of his hands against your back. Gods, you had missed his fiery touch. It had felt like forever since he last touched you.
You slowly felt the dress getting heavier with each clasp undone. You could tell Lucien was near the end when your dress had almost slipped off your chest threatening to expose your naked breasts to him. Luckily, Lucien was too preoccupied to have noticed you trying to regather it back up for coverage. You couldn’t help but to selfishly think about turning around to look at him as your dress falls to the floor. Heat slowly began to warm your lower abdomen. You had to clench your thighs together in hope of Lucien not catching your growing scent of arousal. What would Lucien do to you if you did that? Would he pin you against the sink and truly make you scream his name? Gods you wished. Just then you caught a whiff of your scent. Damn your mind and body for betraying you! You were so worried about Lucien this whole time, when you should've been worrying about yourself. However, you decide that this is probably not the time to be thinking about such lewd things after what happened with Az.
As he was on the last clasp, Lucien couldn’t help catching your lingering scent in the air. You were going to be the death of him. He kisses the newly exposed skin of your back as his scent starts to slightly change and mix in with yours. Your head fell back as your eyes closed in anticipation. His eyes had wandered back to the mirror to see your eyes shut reeling in his touch as he peppered kisses up and down your spine. He marveled at this moment for a brief second before unclasping the last clasp of your dress. Your eyes met his as the last clasp was undone, and you let your dress pool to the floor as a test of restraint. For you or him, you didn’t know which. He held you gaze for a moment, never looking away from your eyes, before ghosting his lips on the nape of your neck. 
“All done...” he whispered as he slowly turned around, shut the door, and walked away back to the kitchen. Cruel wicked male.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and tried to recompose yourself. Gods would drinking more wine be safe anymore after what just happened? You sighed and you picked your dress up off the floor and folded it as nicely as you could. You grabbed the clothes Lucien had given you to change into and started putting them on. Immediately you are swallowed by the musk of Lucien's clothes. It is almost overwhelming if it weren’t for the fact that you loved the smell of the autumn court male.
You laughed at yourself in the mirror as you looked and saw his t hanging so loose on you, it was practically a dress. But let's be honest, you loved it. You slowly opened the bathroom door and made your way out with your former dress folded nicely in your hands. You sat your dress down on the table and turned towards Lucien with a smile. 
“So... how do I look?” and give him a twirl. Lucien looks at you and smiles. Gods, you looked even better in his clothes than in that dress but he wasn’t about to give in that easily. 
“Like a little boy.” Lucien said with a playful gleam in his eyes. 
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!” as you shake a finger at his face. He laughs. 
“Fine... You look like a very cute little boy!” he says grinning from ear to ear loving the effects his teasing was having on you tonight. You instead stick out your tongue and give him that all too well known finger gesture. He is practically hurled over in laughter, but you just huff and plop yourself on his couch.  
“Be useful and get this “cute little boy” more wine! I'm definitely too sober now.” He laughs again and it warms your chest. You cant help but to grin back.
“Are you sure you can drink wine? You look a little young to be drinking such adult drinks” as he grabs the wine glasses along with the bottle for refills later.  
“Okay, okay. Here’s your wine doll.” He hands you your glass with a smile, “You actually look even more beautiful now that you’re in my clothes.” As he sends you a wink before sipping some of his wine. 
“Thank you...” you smile as you take a sip from your own glass. 
“So, other than your mate being an enigma to you, what else has happened since I saw you last?” you both get comfy on the couch and sip on your wine. 
You had failed to realize how long you and Lucien were apart. You told him about your travels through all the different courts, and he told you about his part in the war along with how he became a part of the night court. You both sat there and exchanged every story you could possibly think of, trying to catch up on every moment you missed together. Soon the stories turn into giggling. Neither of you could hold it together as one of you would say something slurred and the other could cry out in laughter. It was the wine-speaking now, but neither of you had minded. You both had forgotten what it was like to be in each other's presence. It was nice to rekindle old flames with your friend, but you had to be careful. Recatching old feelings would not be good for you with this whole Azriel situation. You looked out the corner of your eye to see Lucien trying to fight off a yawn.  
“Oh, don't tell me my lil fox boy has grown tired of me?” as you slightly pinch his cheeks. He grins as he sees you also fighting off your own tiredness. 
“Mmmm seems like my yawns are contagious then, because I could’ve sworn I saw you do one just now.” he raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Okay, maybe I did. All this catching up and wine drinking has made me sleepy.” You decide to grab the blanket Lucien sat on the couch for you earlier this evening.  
“I don’t blame you... Now if you excuse me, I am going to go change into something more comfortable, these clothes are killing me, and then we will call it a night.” he says as he sticks a finger in his collared shirt to loosen the neck and walks off still in the clothes he wore at Rita’s. You chuckle at his figure walking down the hallway to what you would assume to be his room. You don’t know how long he was in there, but you couldn’t wait any longer. Your eyes were too heavy, and you were too drunk to stop your movements down the hallway towards where Lucien disappeared. You find the door he dipped into and see it is cracked a smidge. You decide to knock, unlike Lucien earlier.  
“Hey Lu? Can I come in?” No answer. “Lucien I’m really tired and I don’t know where you want me to sleep...” you slowly push the door open but put too much weight on it and tumble forward into his room. Unlike your knocking, Lucien heard you tumble and was at your side to catch you in a heartbeat. You let out a laugh. “Oh, I'm too drunk for this shit... I'm sorry, I only came here too-” you look up to see him in gray sweat pants, hair loose, and no shirt. Mother blessed this man too much! Oh fuck. Get me out of here.  
“Y/n, you were saying something?” He looks down at you with mischief in his eyes knowing you couldn’t keep yours off his bare chest and gray sweatpants. Your eyes blink rapidly, and you shake your head trying to get that image out your mind but its seared its way in.
“Oh yes. I was just- um, why did I- OH! Where do you want me to sleep? I’m like minutes away from passing out on the damn floor!” Lucien laughs. 
“You can sleep in here, and I can stay on the couch for tonight. Is that alright?” 
“This is your bed and home Lucien. I can't let you sleep on the couch as I take your bed... it just feels wrong. I'll take the couch and you can keep your bed for tonight.” you say as you turn around to head back into the living room before you feel Lucien's hand around your waist stopping you.  
“Y/n I swear to the mother, do not be stubborn and take the damn bed please. It’s too late for this, I promise you it’s okay! I insist.” 
“I guess old habits never die. Always trying to get me in your bed Lu.” you smirk as you crawl in and wrap up in his silk auburn sheets. You thought his house and clothes smelled nice, but his sheets, his sheets were heavenly. You almost fell asleep then and there because it was so calming. Lucien walks over to you and kisses you on the forehead. 
“Goodnight doll, I am truly sorry for your mates behavior tonight. Sleep well...” He turns around, turns out the lights, and is about to walk out the door but hesitates as he hears you say-- 
“Lucien wait-” 
“We’re both adults here, right?”  
“Well one of us looks like a little boy, but yes. Why?” Lucien replied. You rolled your eyes at his playful remark from earlier. 
“Adults can share a bed, and nothing has to happen.” 
“Y/n are you saying you want me to sleep next to you?” 
“Yes, I am. I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.” you sigh. 
“Always so persuasive... scoot over.” You open the sheets and scoot over in the bed to make room for Lucien. You feel the bed dip down as he crawls in. You both lay there for a moment reeling in that you two are sharing a bed again. The only difference is now the lingering heartbreak you both feel from your mates. You turn around to face Lucien and ask- 
“Can I lay on your chest?” He doesn’t verbally respond but wraps his hands around your waist and softly pulls you closer to him. You lay your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, and look up at his face. You tuck a couple of stray hairs that had fallen in his face and tuck them behind his ears and say, “Thank you for tonight, Lucien. Elain is so lucky to have you, she just doesn’t know it yet.” 
“Thank you doll, neither does Azriel. Now let's get some much needed rest. Goodnight,” said Lucien. 
“Goodnight Lu,” as you rest your hand on his bare chest next to your head and you feel Lucien's arms tighten around you. You can't help but to feel so at peace in his presence, and neither can he, as you both fell asleep holding each other all night.  
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teecupangel · 1 month
I just had a random plot bunny attack me at work. What if Desmond Miles was reborn as Sora from Kingdom Hearts with no memories of his former life? He goes through Kingdom Hearts (the first game) as normal but once we hit Chain of Memories things start to change. The plot of CoM is Memories and what is and isn't real. As Marluxia (or was it Axel) put it, "To lose is to find, and to find is to lose." Rather than Namine, Sora begins to remember his life as Desmond Miles. Kinda scaring Donald and Goofy. However it kinda goes away for a bit when Namine restores Sora's memories, for Kingdom Hearts 2 and Dream Drop. Yet Kingdom Hearts 3 is where it can get interesting again. Change out one of the 13 vessels for either Clay or Lucy and have Sora start to have an existential crisis and by the time of the Remind DLC when Sora uses the power of waking to save his friends, it's such a Desmond move that both parts of him are at peace.
Then he wakes up back on earth near the Grand Temple 11 years later, as the sixteen or seventeen year old Sora, or is it Desmond?
I’m gonna be honest with you, my highschool crush was Roxas so I wanna keep him in this idea but, my god, it would be so fun if Sora’s ‘nobody’ turns out to be one of his Bleeds.
But… we can actually keep Roxas since his looks is based on Ventus who was resting in Sora’s heart but we hint at his connection with Desmond Miles by making the prologue of KH2 dwell on his family and it’s talked about how he has an older brother, younger sister and younger brother. Namine later admitted that she wasn’t the one who wrote that in. It was Roxas himself who added that ‘detail’. ‘DiZ’ suggested that it was Roxas’ subconscious taking a bit of ‘memory’ from Sora but that doesn’t make sense when Riku tells him that Sora was an only child.
The real reason why they needed Roxas to merge with Sora is because Sora’s memories and Desmond Miles’ memories are not stable. His experience in Castle Oblivion and Namine’s powers only served to widen the gap between the two sets of memories.
Roxas, being both Sora and Desmond as his nobody, is meant to cover the gaps to stabilize him.
When the time came when Roxas and Sora became one, Desmond Miles’ memories go to sleep to stabilize Sora.
It wasn’t what DiZ wanted. He believed Desmond Miles’ memories was necessary for Sora to grow and defeat Organization 13 but they have no idea why Desmond Miles’ memories refused to resurface.
KH3 happens and everyone remembers Xion.
Because sure, one of the 13 vessels turn out to be Lucy or Clay (or maybe even Cross) but the most they were able to do was tell Sora that he wasn’t the chosen one. Desmond Miles was the chosen one. He just so happened to be a vessel to the real chosen one and Xehanort’s goal had been to awaken Desmond Miles to control Kingdom Hearts because Kingdom Hearts was an ‘artifact’ from another dimension that appeared in their dimension.
And Desmond Miles was an otherwordly soul, the only being that can control Kingdom Hearts.
And the reason why Sora can’t fully remember his life as Desmond Miles?
Because he wasn’t the true vessel.
Desmond’s true vessel wasn’t actually Sora.
It was Ventus.
Sora was a ‘replacement’ because of what happened to Ventus.
And that was why Xion doesn’t have any of Desmond Miles’ memories nor did she ever take his face. She was an imperfect replica so she wasn’t capable of even trying to hold Desmond’s memories in the first place.
Cue Sora having an existential crisis of who he truly was because he was honestly getting on board with the whole idea of being Desmond Miles as well.
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seaadc · 1 year
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leaving. | xiao x gn!reader
a/n: this is inspired by moira dela torre’s song “Paubaya”! make sure to listen to it, its greaattt<3 (NO HATE TO LUMINEE)
summary: you and xiao loved eachother so much, treated eachother fairly, not until traveler came into your world. part 2.
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“I’m leaving it all up to her.”
Xiao loved you, for whoever you are, for whatever mistake you did. And you loved him unconditionally. Truth be told, You loved him more than he loved you.
He doesn’t express his feelings, it took quite a while for you to befriend him but he got comfortable around you. Whenever you left, he would realize how empty his world is when you were gone. He would come back to you first after arguments, And you would do the same.
You both knew who was in the wrong at petty fights, If Xiao was, He would come back to you and apologize with roses in his hand. You would of course forgive him since he was your boyfriend.
Every rose he gave you, you put them all up in a vase. To put it simply, you collected that one rose he gave you that night when you guys’s argument was really bad. Both were in the wrong but Xiao chose to say it was his fault.
You both were happy, No one was meddling in your life, You didn’t care if people gossiped on ‘how on earth did you choose a yaksha to be your boyfriend?’.
You both didn’t care, Not a single care left in the world as you both loved each-other unconditionally.
Until, Traveler came. Her name was Lumine, You could tell she was not from here because of how she dresses. She had blonde hair that reaches to her shoulders, A pretty fair lady.
Xiao had stopped hanging out with you during his freetime, He says he has to protect all of Liyue and you understood that. Probably because you just don’t want the both of you to have an argument.
You decided to visit Wangshu Inn, holding some Almond Tofu you cooked in your home before leaving. You greeted Verr and asked where Xiao is.
“Oh, Xiao? He’s upstairs at the balcony. He’s with—“ You cut Verr off with a thanks and rushed immediately to the balcony upstairs, That place was also where both of you had your first date. You still remember that shy face of Xiao that day.
But today, You were met with that same expression. Not to you, But to Lumine.
You stood there, all the excitement in your body gone as it was replaced with disappointment. The pale expression on your face explains how this scenario hurt you.
Xiao and Lumine were on the railings, Lumine laughing with her eyes closed while Xiao was blushing with a pink hue spreaded across his cheeks, He looked down at Lumine’s lips and kissed her which— in turn, Lumine reciprocated.
You put on a sad smile, putting down the plate in the table causing a sound to which Xiao flinched at and his expression turned dark when he realized you were there.
“[Name]..? You.. w-were here?” Xiao mumbled, his heart pounding due to nervousness while Lumine was shocked. Her eyes widening.
I wonder what her flying companion would think of this.. behavior she had been doing.
You smile at them and bow, looking over to Xiao. “I just dropped by some Almond Tofu, have fun.” You say, putting on the most brightest smile, yet, Xiao could tell it was fake.
You left, rushing down the stairs with tears welling up in your eyes as Verr tried to ask if you were okay but you sprinted past her desk.
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You sat down on the chair in your kitchen, A blank expression on your face while you stared into oblivion.
Xiao went inside, You stood up and looked at him. He was sweating and panting.
“[Name].. Can we please.. talk..?” He murmured, gulping and approaching you in the kitchen.
You walked over him to face him, smiling sadly at him while you cupped both his cheeks. You hugged him tight, He reciprocated the hug tenderly and you both stayed like that for a few minutes..
You were the one he embraced, but he was still thinking of her.
“Xiao.. If you truly loved me.. Choose her.” You mumbled, pulling away from the warm embrace that you wished, oh wished to have lasted longer but you couldn’t. you just wouldn’t.
Xiao winced at your words and shook his head, He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “Where did my love lack? I gave everything to make you smile.” You said, looking down with a faint smile.
You both stayed quiet, the silence wasn’t peaceful. It was sad, and pale.
You looked up at him while Xiao’s eyes widened at the sight, You were tearing up. Tears were dripping down from your eyes and down to the floor while you looked at him.
“I love you Xiao, truly. So that’s why..” You paused, wiping your tears while you cupped both his cheeks after and you kissed him on the forehead while his eyes were welling up with tears that threatened to fall.
“I’m letting you go.”
You said, which made his tears fall, He hugged you, tighter than that last hug. You cried at his shoulders, patting his back while he silently cried on your back.
Xiao pulled away, wiping his tears while you both headed onto the door. You pointed at the door and smiled sadly at him.
“Go.. please.. She’s waiting for you.” You chuckled in a sad tone, Xiao smiled and kissed you, one final time before he left.
You counted, wishing he would come back and hug you in his embrace while you hugged him by the shoulders.
You had burst into tears, crying, but no shoulder to cry on. You didn’t have an arm wrapped around you tightly, You didn’t have an arm that had tattoos trying to comfort you while soft hands took off the strands of hair in your face.
You had no one else, except you.
You were the one he needed, but not the one he loved.
Lumine had met up with you, outside of your house. You smiled at her and hugged her, then reached your mouth over to her ears. “Don’t make him cry like what I did… Please.. take care of him.”
Lumine widened her eyes at your words, she then squinted it then returned the hug, nodding while you pulled away and smiled sadly.
She walked away, Xiao next to her side while you were there, alone.
No one to wake you up in the morning, No one to support you to what you wanted to do.
While you didn’t notice, the rose Xiao had gave you that was in your vase, The rose you kept so long and taken care of, one of it’s petals has fell.
Xiao looked at Lumine tenderly, love and desire plastered onto his eyes while he smiled slightly.
“And it can be really seen in your eyes, why you chose her.”
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amaritypewriter · 6 months
SIDE NOTE: explaining um so this is old and I remember I was writing this a 2 am and got really sad all of sudden that’s why this is how it turned out 😭
Alastor get jealous because you were getting to friendly with Vox and then gets sad? (man idk)
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“fuck, please —” You cried out for the hundredth time, Alastor had been edging you for what felt like hours since you had been acting like a brat all week knowing that he was busy with work and other overlord business you still did your best to annoy him weather that was whispering in his soft, sensitive ears while he was trying to concentrate or something more like touching and teasing him in many other ways to get him mad or turned on he didn’t know anymore. But you finally managed to tick him off all because of a conversation you had with Vox earlier when you bumped into each other in town. Knowing this was probably the only person Alastor truly hated you kept the conversation long and friendly. Since the beginning of your relationship Alastor had set out clear rules, his number one? No talking to Vox or any of the Vee’s for that matter. Of course you were still his pretty little princess, however right now you were just his slut, just another toy of his to play with and punish. Every time your moans got louder and increased in frequency he would pull his tongue away leaving you a pathetic crying wet mess on his soft mattress. All you wanted was for him to say the world, to give any command and you were on it weather it was to ride his face or to just lay there and let him fuck you dumb just to be reminded of the power he holds over you. Anything, any touch , any word just please to give you attention in any way. You felt like you were in the dark not just because of the blindfold he had set upon you when this whole thing started but because Alastor hadn’t said anything this whole time. All you could feel right now was his wet tongue softly grazing your inner walls with soft touches of his gently gloved hands grazing over your thighs. Alastor kitten licking and sucking gently at your throbbing clit while pinching at your thighs harshly, your hands flew to his head in an instant your head rolled back, your eyes sinking to the back of your head at the slightest touch of his hands and his mouth on your sensitive bud. Your senses were so over stimulated you were so tired all you could think about was him and the heat you felt between your legs that was now transferring up to your stomach, you needed him and he knew it too “A-alastorrrr~” you whined your voice hoarse from your throat starting to dry up from all the time you had been crying and or whining. Alastor looked up at you with soft pity in his eyes. He loathed any moment where you made him feel that way he was supposed to be strong and unbothered by anyone anywhere lower than him in the ranks; it helped him feel in control and stable. But you, you made him feel and he cursed the day he met you the day his hell damned life would change forever. And one day you were going to be redeemed leaving him behind, forgetting him and once again he’d be left behind. At the thought of this Alastor pulled away from you leaving you desperate and needy for his touch however you were blind with lust and anger to see Alastor had completely pulled back before straightening his bow tie, his ears were pulled back a clear sign of how uncomfortable and worried the thought of you leaving him made him, he began dusting himself off before disappearing into the oblivion.
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azukiel · 10 months
Nightfall Heir Chapter 6
Warnings (as a whole): Explicit sexual content, Graphic descriptions of violence, PTSD, Angst, Blood kink, Kidnapping, Pregnancy and Childbirth
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
⭐Here is the story on Archive of Our Own ⭐
Summary: Two years have passed since the events surrounding the destruction of the Absolute. Baldur's Gate is slowly rebuilding itself from the rubble, and you and your companions have established yourselves within the city to help in its restoration.
You and your vampiric lover, Astarion, had been nigh inseparable since coming back together. Yet a certain turn of events saw to your kidnapping and then... to your unexpected pregnancy.
🔥Comments and reblogs are much appreciated! 🔥
Regrettably, Astarion had important tasks to complete and couldn't join you on your journey back. Despite your offer to keep him company at the Halls of Justice, he knew he would just want to keep riding you to oblivion after what had just occurred. He assured and promised to do so upon his return home. That had brought a deep blush to your cheeks, which only caused him to smirk and laugh.
“How long do you think it will be before you’re done?” You asked, sending him a telling gaze.
“Well,” he grinned as he fiddled with the ring on his finger. “I intend to make quick work of my reports.”
You grinned deviously. “Hurry home as fast as you can. I’ll have dinner ready,” you offered.
“We don’t need dinner, my love.”
You shook your head, chuckling, “You may not need food, but I do!”
“Oh, I know, but I intend to devour you entirely. Make sure you're well fed before I return.”
“Is that an order?” You fluttered your eyelashes bashfully.
“Yes!” He gave you a quick, teasing slap on your backside. “So when you get home, make sure you rest. You're going to need your energy tonight.”
“So ravenous,” you purred.
“Only for you,” he smirked.
“So you’ve told me,” you grinned, and brought him in for a hug and a last deep kiss.
“See you later,” he murmured, his ruby gaze fixated on your eyes.
“Try to hurry home,” you reiterated, staring back intently.
“I shall see what I can do.”
As the two of you unlocked your loving hold on each other, you rose to the tip of your toes and gave him a peck on the cheek. “My heroic magistrate, off to do the law’s bidding.”
His smouldering gaze was all-knowing, but he chuckled anyway, rolling his eyes at your banter. “Off you go.”
And so you did, taking his advice and making the long walk back to your humble abode. Your mind lingered on the pleasant events that just transpired. Gods, there was something so pleasantly filthy - raunchy - in what you had both just done.
The memory made you nibble on your bottom lip and shiver from his promises. You needed to get home and rest, for he was going to utterly devour you. The events left you utterly depleted, and your mind continued to speculate on his recent insatiable appetite. The sudden occurrence happened even before menstruation, so there was no room for complaint. You resolved to discuss it with him at some later time. Perhaps he was just content to finally being free to control his own life; finally free to feel the true warmth of being loved and needed. Of being wanted. For many years, it was something you had desired. Astarion's fall for you introduced you to a love you had never known. The elusive feeling of a true love's kiss and the longing embrace of someone who truly desired you had always been out of reach. You had only ever known pain. You were grateful that the two of you could find such euphoric joy in one another. The partnership may not be seen as appropriate or respectable by everyone, but you felt no shame in his arms. With him by your side, you felt you could accomplish anything.
If the city was still in one piece, your walk would have not taken so long. Due to numerous collapsed buildings and broken roads awaiting repair, you had to take a longer route. With main roads still crowded with repair crews, merchants, and people going about their daily business, you chose the quieter back streets that had been cleared. With the many dilapidated structures, homeless people seeking shelter could find reprieve against the elements.
Your heart went out to those poor, innocent people. It agonized you to see the destruction that had been done by the Absolute.
Continuing on your way, you offered a couple of gold coins to the desperate people who approached you. Giving up a few coins for the greater good didn't bother you. Making Baldur's Gate a pleasant place to reside was necessary. Sighing, you continued on your way, reaching narrower and less populated alleys. You were heading into the bowels of the lower city now.
Your Drow senses quickly detected that you were being followed. The sensation of being spied on caused you to quickly look back, but there was nothing unusual in sight. Squinting your eyes, you sped up your pace.
You couldn’t hear the footsteps running up from behind you, for their movements were far too light for mortal ears to detect. But you felt them. The cold fury that surrounded your pursuer was like icy teeth latching onto your skin. Spinning on the spot, your magic arced up your fingertips in eager anticipation of a fight. You were not known to be cowardly, and neither did you like the idea of getting caught unawares.
You steeled yourself to counter any form of attack, whether physical or one of a magical nature. Yet, no matter how hard you scrutinised, there were no visible signs of any potential opponents. At first, you were confused and concerned. Were you just being paranoid? Had the many nights with Astarion clouded your senses?
Deciding it was just your nerves or your own imagination playing tricks upon you, you turned around, intent on continuing home. Only there was a subtle, melancholic humming in the air, as if singing a sad ballad. It sent your senses on a tingling wave, for the tone of it reminded you of the soothing murmur of the brooks and streams from home, deep within the Underdark. A home that, in truth, you did not miss.
Ignoring the musical notes dancing along the back of your neck, you continued on. Though you did so, your feet felt heavier with every step. A sinking feeling began in the pit of your stomach, a sensation that told you something was terribly wrong.
Glancing over your shoulder once more, you felt a chill breeze snake its way through the folds of your skirts. It made you shudder, and the melody seemed to hum louder, beckoning you into the unknown. Your senses were screaming at you.
Suddenly, your entire body stopped. Though it did not physically strain from the opposing force, the invisible chains of whatever spell that had been woven around you seemed to tighten their grip.
Despite the painful seizure of your body, you twisted your head around enough to see the figure a short distance behind you, cloaked in shadows. Through gritted teeth you muttered an incantation, and the twisting of the invincible chains vanished as the figure screamed, clutching the sides of their head. You knew it was wise not to linger and went to chant an invincibility spell, but no sooner did you open your mouth to mutter the words did you feel something being pulled over your head and tightened around your throat. The tingling of the weave which coursed through your veins vanished.
“No...” Items that could subdue your powers were virtually unheard of.
Your knees abruptly gave way, and you toppled to the ground. You felt every ounce of your breath being squeezed from your lungs. The cloaked figure, who previously tried to subdue you, approached while still holding their head.
“Mistress’ orders. She is not to be harmed.” Came the gruff male voice.
You heard a female scoff. “I know! You needn’t remind me! We need to bring her back immediately. She is fighting the collar. I do not know how long it will last.”
All you can remember is the blunt pain of a fist connecting with your skull.
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