radar-chaos · 9 months
Ssoooo... This is a thiiiing.
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smolsidesandco · 3 years
Regressed!Remus: *sneaks into Janus's room to snuggle while Jan is asleep.*
Janus: *slightly awake* Remus? Why are you in my room?
Regressed!Remus: "Got scared and wanted cuddle Moddy."
Janus: "oh my little octopus. Okay baby we can cuddle as long as you try to sleep for me." *gives him a soft little head kiss.*
Regressed!Remus: "otay moddy. I sleeps"
Janus: "Thank you sm- wait how did you get into my room? The door was locked?"
Regressed!Remus: "magic"
Regressed!Remus: "Lockpicks are magical"
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randomnerd30 · 3 years
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For Day 2 of @thatsthat24 Sanderstober promt list. Here is my minimalistic drawing for the Sanders sides characters.
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janustrash1 · 4 years
Remy’s headcaonons #4
none of the others knew about janus' courtroom scenario. and we could see from romans outfit that they were all decked out specifically for the job. we also know from virgils reaction in the bloopers that none of the others had fancy clothing. now whatever you do, dont imagine janus working for months between can lying be good and SvS on these suits for the sides, because "we must fit the roles if we are to take it seriously" but really he just wanted to do something nice for them and this was acctually his first step into acceptance.
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Okay but can we talk about when Roman finally got up again
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Virgil looks SO RELIEVED
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That little smile right there makes my heart flutter every time. They look out for each other.
Whispers and they love each other.
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yt-memes · 4 years
So spoilers for the new tss buuuuuuut
I was watching tiktok and I came upon this. (People talking about the new sander sides)
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And I was shocked! Cause we all know Virgil and Remus had their little parts in video game stuff, but this was different.
As this tiktok stated. This text is orange.
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That's strange.....hm.....
Wait....what happens when you flip that over?
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Completely flipped and reversed and whatever.....is Hello....
Orange text that says hello.....
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saskwatche · 5 years
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"Then, what's the truth?"
"You get enough people to share a piece of land and breathe the same air and... You've got a society! Why? It's just a bunch of people in the same general area. It's an abstract concept, as real as the monster under your bed. But we obey these rules, or get punished for breaking them! All in the name of 'society'. It's absurd and terrifying."
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years
The Hummingford
More for the short angsty short text i posted 9 months ago.
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Characters (all of them are sympathetic): Deceit, Roman, Remus, Logan, Patton, Virgil, Thomas, Dr. Emile Picani, Sloan, Corbin, Elliott, Sleep (Remy) other tsshorts characters will show up as well.
Warnings: Mature, description of past violence and abuse. Oppressive language. Curses and foul language. Violence. Slavery. Slavery mentioned. Past emotional/physical abuse due to said slavery mentioned. Mentions of starvation. Mentions of past body modifications. People being generally shitty. PTSD. Anxiety. Sickness. Kidnapping.  If i missed any don’t hesitate to tell me.
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Word count on this post: 1 195
Word count total: 32 762
- AO3 Link -
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Tag list: @redhoneysugarorange, 
General Fanfic Tag list: @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @rabbitsartcorner, @punsterterry,  @sleepyssnail,  @nightmaresides, @virgilswritings, @ninja-girl2846, @ninjago2020, @starryfirefliesbloggo, @garecc,  @sympatheticdeceit, @cookiethedevil, @askthesnake,  @all-bridges-will-burn, @tacohippy56900, @little-euro-girl, @aggressiveshipper, @imbasicallyshakespear, @slayerofspiders, @prinssess61, @underthesea73​,  @suicidalcitrusfruit​,
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Roman wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up in this scenario. He had no idea why the shady merchant had decided that he was the one to sell his black market goods too. Sure Roman was dressed in less regal clothes than normally, mainly to keep a low profile, but in Roman’s opinion he didn’t exactly look like he was the right person to approach either, yet, it seemed that was a very different opinion for the merchant.
Deciding to humour the man Roman let himself be led along the narrow alleyways and cobbled streets of the city, that slowly turned to trampled mud and dirt, before they stopped at the entrance of a big tent in the less... lawful parts of the city.
 “Right this way sire~” the merchant chuckled as he pulled the canvas that hung before the entrance of the tent away, allowing Roman entry.
Roman sent the merchant a look before he entered the big awning of the tent. It was cluttered with weird knick-knacks strewn all over the shelves. Roman didn’t get time to absorb the vicinity as the merchant grabbed him by the elbow and pulled him along.
 “This way, this way, my fine sir. The things I’m positive you will love are in the back~” the merchant gave away another giggle and Roman sighed inwardly and once again questioned how he ended up in this situation, as the merchant lead the way to the bigger part of the tent. He pushed the maroon coloured canvas away, compared to the awning at the entrance, which had been lit up by magical torches and lanterns, was the only existing light source in the big tent one lantern, hanging from one of the many wooden beams that made up the tent’s structure. Cages took up the inside of the tent, most of them covered by dirty and dusty sheets. Roman frowned, but as the merchant started to show him around, it was clear the cages held several different sorts of animals and other creatures, most of them in a cage of their own or several of the same kind together. All from exotic birds, dogs, cats, and even more as well as magical beasts were part of the merchants varied but big collection. The animals were fairly quiet, only piping up with noise when the merchant and Roman moved past their cage
 A cough made Roman straighten up there he stood before a cage with an animal that looked like a mix of a bear and tiger.
It didn’t sound like a noise any of the animals he’d seen so far would be able to make, but he couldn’t pinpoint where the cough had come from.
The merchant quickly tried to regain his attention by speaking up.
 “You, you my fine sir look like a man of great renown, I’m sure something in my collection will spike your interest!” the merchant said and grinned showing all his yellowed and dirty teeth, as he led Roman along to another cage.
 Another cough reached his ears, making Roman look around again.
 “What is that?” he asked.
 “Nothing for you to worry about, sir, probably just one of the dogs who ate too fast.” the merchant said in a rush.
Roman glanced at him, frown growing.
Roman knew it was not one of the dogs, since there had been no food in their cage when the merchant had shown him the gnarly beasts.
 “It does not sound like any of your dogs, sir.” Roman stated, voice growing hard as another series of coughs was heard again, now and again sounding stifled as if the one coughing didn’t want to bring attention to themselves.
 Roman turned on his heel and walked towards the sound to the best of his ability.
The merchant scrambling after him to catch up, rambling every excuse he seemingly could think off right off the bat in order to regain Roman’s already lost attention.
Roman stopped at the end of one line of cages.
Most of them were empty and halfheartedly covered with a sheet off their own, rusted and covered in old and newer dirt.
Roman felt a flare of anger ignite in his chest when he saw who it was that was the source of the coughing. Sitting, dressed in scraps, that didn’t even deserve to be called clothes, was a young shipian.
 Yellow scales scattered along their pale skin over their thin and bruised body. From what Roman could see the scales gather closer together on the shipians left side.
The half snake was coughing and it was clear from how thin and pale they were that they were not healthy, especially with the fading bruises against the pale, almost paper thin skin that was pulled taunt against their prominent bones, and the shivers that shook their already trembling body.
Roman watched the shipian with a critical eye for visible wounds, catching sight of the old burn scars that was around the half snakes left eye, leaving the skin a pale reddish pink against the yellow scales, as well as the scar that went from the end of the mouth along their cheek bone to their ear.
   “What is this?” Roman asked in a slight growl, not looking away from the half snake, not missing how the young shipian stiffened and sent a panicked look up at Roman with feverish bi coloured eyes, before looking down again, trying to become smaller and hide in the rags they wore.
 “Oh this… oh this is nothing, I wouldn’t want to trouble you with this one, sir, it is damaged goods and has been returned far too many times.” the merchant said grinning up at Roman “I don’t know why I still keep it around, useless creature as it is-” the merchant said and kicked at the cage, making the shipian flinch, before he continued in annoyance to complain, but Roman stopped listening to him. He had to force himself to not summon his magical sword. Causing a scene would not be of any help in this scenario.
He willed the red glow to dim out from his clenched palms, and tuned the merchant back in.
 “-all this useless reptile has done is giving me troubles, what am I to do when my clients keeps returning it, killing it is too much of a pain, and releasing it? Hah! No chance.” Roman sent the merchant a dirty look, seeing how the man was red in the face from frustration.
 “And if I was interested, what would the cost be?” Roman asked, trying his best to not let his emotions show, glad from the lessons he had had with Logan back at the castle.
 “Wha- Whu?! You actually-” the merchant spluttered before his gleaming salesman smile fell onto his lips “Well for you, my fine sir, only 1500 gold.”
For a, so called broken shipian, you sure know how to throw the price up, you piece of garbage. Roman thought with a internal scowl, keeping his outwardly expression neutral as he hummed, giving the half snake a look over, a bit hard when they were trying to become as small as possible.
-Continue reading on AO3-
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nymphaeasage · 5 years
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Snazzy Snek Boi[s] 🐍 
— https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwse9VclRpQ/?igshid=19llz18bfk79r
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pushussmollworld · 4 years
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Janus's sketch page!!
Virgil Logan Roman Remus Patton
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smolsidesandco · 3 years
Title: I'm not icky 
Description: Remus is an age and pet regressor, but because of his intrusive thoughts, icky things commonly fill his head and make him think he's not a regressor. 
In this, Janus aka his Moddy ends up slowly helping the smol away from the intrusive thoughts.
Not exactly a series in order but I will be doing more with this same concept.
Universe info: Human Au
                       Janus is a wonderful enby with 
                    vitiligo that uses they/them
                        Remus is trans masc, and 
                    uses he/him
         This stuff doesn't come up really but I 
             enjoy this info.
Word count: 1,404
Tw: mentions of k!nk things, intrusive thoughts, impure regression
Thoughts that held themselves like a dark gooey slime squirmed all throughout his head. Squishy squishy squishy icky thoughts. Black tar that covered and stuck to everything he did. All his movements, all his thoughts, every breath that left his lips. 'Lips that he could be using to-' no no no no! The green haired boy covered his ears. As if that would stop the rampant icky thoughts and ideas that ran through his head. Even though it wouldn't logically, it was all the little Duke could think about doing. Even if this had happened over and over when he had regressed. Whether that was involuntary or voluntary, nine times out of ten his intrusive thoughts would get increasingly louder and more on the adult icky side.
He didn't mind thoughts about blood or gore, that was just simple things. Those things just didn't bother him usually, even when he regressed. More dramatically violent thoughts for some reason just didn't seem so destructive to his mental state. It didn't haunt him or tear him apart like the gooey thoughts. The black icky darkness that he always had a hard time escaping. He had gotten quite sick before due to the thoughts filling his brain. Or even sometimes pushing him out of regression so he could do other icky things.
A sob escaped his mouth as he started to pull at his green and silver hair. As if yanking on it would pull away the icky sort of thoughts out. What if he was faking being a regressor? What if he wasn't a regressor and..and he was one of those icky kinds of littles? What if, that's what he was doing! He didn't like these thoughts...but but if he was having these kind of thoughts then that must be it! That must be-
"Remus?" A voice spoke from the entrance of his bedroom doorway. A figure dressed in what can be described as a casual Gothic ouji look stood at the door. Having easily been able to pick up on the crying from the other room. Either someone had stubbed their toe, which they totally wouldn't have laughed at them for, or something had happened to a regressed Remus. Re regressing alone was usually a recipe for disaster for multiple reasons. Sometimes it was a plotting smol causing chaos. A tiny octo tearing up something that he wasn't supposed to. Or in this case, overwhelming unwanted thoughts.
The smol one in question quickly started to rub his eyes of all the tears that were blurring his vision. His knees brought up to his chest as he had stuffed himself in the corner of his bedroom. Hoping he would have been able to make himself tiny and hide from these icky thoughts. But it seemed that the thoughts were too good at hide and seek and found him everytime he tried to hide! "I-tried to h-hide cause cause. Hnng im just Icky!" Remus tried to explain before he ended up in even more tears from before.
"You are not icky my little Morningstar." Janus was quick but soft to assure the crying baby. Their 'carer mode' quickly kicking in at seeing the small one cry over his own thoughts. Gently but quickly moving over to the regressed one on the floor. Not wanting to add to the overwhelming feeling Remus was feeling, but knowing he needed to be close enough to the smol to help them. 
"Those thoughts in your head do not make you icky. Moddy knows that it isn't fun at all to have all those things in your head, but that doesn't make you icky." They kept  their voice soft and steady as they spoke. Carefully holding out gloved hands for the other to take if he wanted to. 
"F-feels icky icky icky." Remus sniffled trying to look up at the big person without tears blocking his vision. "Don't don't wanna be icky! I'm already icky when not a baby! I don't wanna be icky baby too!" His emotions shifted between self anger, fear, and sadness. He was scared of all these thoughts he felt in his head. Sad that his smolspace was tainted by icky things and emotions he couldn't control. Angry at himself and the universe for not letting him have something that wasn't icky. 
"Baby you are not always icky, you're just very open and extra." Janus did agree that Remus tended to be rather talkative about that sort of stuff when he was in his big headspace, but they didn't consider it any different from his brother going on and on about romantic things. That and saying anything about the other being icky right now wouldn't help the situation right now.
The smol one gently reached out with one of his hands to touch the soft gloves that Jan always wore. Feeling the comforting texture that he liked to feel. It was smooth and soft against his hand, not a texture he touched the most often but still one that he really liked. It usually meant he was safe and things would be okay. It's a texture he associated with moddy a lot since they always wore gloves. Touching things with their actual hands could become too much for them a lot of the time. So a lot of the time they wore gloves over their hands to keep them away from touching anything bad. 
"Is there anything Moddy can do to help their very not icky Morningstar?" Janus asked as Remus started to get more and more distracted by feeling their gloves, textures always seemed to be an easy place to start getting them away from unwanted sort of thoughts. Textures simply had a way of conveying messages and feelings that words couldn't. Of course unwanted textures weren't good to feel, but figuring out textures that the little ones liked wasn't too hard to figure out after a while. This baby certainly liked the material their gloves were made of. 
"Would you like moddy to hold you?" That question seemed to pull Remus out of feeling the fabric of the gloves, instantly making grabby hands up at Janus with wide eyes. It was as if the other had said some sort of magic sentence. Like when you asked a dog if they wanted to go on walkies. Which is something that happened commonly when Roman happened to be in animal space. Unless you wanted him to have zoomies inside. Which rarely ended well.
"Uppies! Up up!!" 
Janus couldn't help but chuckle softly at the small baby demanding uppies with an adorable little bounce. "Well how can I say no to such an adorable and valid baby boy, hm?" Carefully picking up the little one in their arms. Not wanting to accidentally drop him, in moments they were rather thankful that Remus was relatively short and small compared to them. Otherwise he wasn't sure he would be able to pick the other up. 
Remus gave a happy giggle as he was picked up, grabbing onto moddy's caplet once he was picked up. This was another texture he really liked to feel. Moddy really had the best touchy feely stuff. It made his fingers feel nice and happy! Like they were dancing to a really awesome song! "Touchy touchy touch touch!"  He made another happy giggle as moddy messed around with his hair the way he liked. And...liking his hair being played with was okay! It wasn't icky! "No icky icky." He smiled proudly at being able to say it wasn't icky without anyone else having to say it. Usually he needed help but this time he did it himself!
"Thats very very true baby, not icky at all. Very good little one." Janus said with a smile at the regressed baby in their arms coming to the conclusion by himself. There was still a long way to go before Remus was fully able to get through the intrusive thoughts, but every pinch of progress was a success. It was slow yes, but that was okay. It was much better than the other being stuck in these thoughts or stuck in the horrible things of the past. "I'm very proud of you, now how about we go watch some cartoons in moddy's room?"
"Mhm mhm mhm! Wanna watch the one with the monsters at the school!"
"Oh really? Well I think that sounds like a plan then."
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randomnerd30 · 3 years
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Here is my submission for the #impsc400 from @impossiblysporadiccreation . I decided to do a bleeping deceit with his bleeping pet snake.
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sanderstribute · 4 years
cant wait to draw the orange one as a cute ginger
i dont care who he is or what he represents his hair will be pumpkin flavored this is the hill i will die on i do n o t care listen if i draw deceit with blonde hair i WILL NOT pass on the opportunity to draw the orange fool as a whole carrot and you WILL thank me have a great day
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love-carries-on · 4 years
Love Carries On: Chapter X
Tw: Questionable Mother-son relationship
Sorry for this dialogue heavy chapter
 Patton’s breath caught in his throat, he hadn’t heard his mother’s voice in a very long time. He swallowed, and spoke, using french so that his mother would understand him. “Hey mom.” 
“Patton, my love, it’s so nice to hear from you.” 
“I have a question to ask you mom. Well not really a question, it’s sort of - -” 
“Just tell me.” 
“Well my partners think I should make a list of foods I don’t like. Isn’t that silly?”
She was quiet for a long while, and for a moment he was afraid she had hung up. “My love, you were always a special boy.” Special, she always used special, never autistic. “I thought perhaps you would grow out of it. Now I see I was wrong.” 
“Isn’t it silly that they thought that I should do something like that though?” 
“My darling, they’re just showing that they love you.” She paused for a long moment. “Perhaps I should have done that as well.” 
It was not often that Victoire Faucheux admitted her faults, but the way she had treated her son growing up was one that she could admit. Looking back on it, now, she realized how off putting her actions must’ve been for her only son. 
“My love, I am so sorry for how I acted towards you. It was wrong of me, I am a terrible mother.” There was so much sorrow in her voice that even Patton, who struggled without being able to see someone’s face understood. 
“No no mama, it’s okay.” He cringed to himself at the way his voice sounded, but he persisted. “It’s not your fault, you were right to try and make me normal.” 
“You can not change the way you are born.” her voice was soft, carrying across the line with the same gentle tone she might use when talking to a child. “And I should not have tried to. Perhaps you should do as they say and make a list. It might help you.” 
That wasn’t what he wanted to hear. “I’ve got to go, I love you.” 
“I love you too.” She sounded slightly taken aback, but she hung up the phone. 
Patton sat down at the table, putting his phone back in his pocket, he was frustrated. It seemed that everyone was against him, even his own mother. He pushed his hair out of his face with a huff, looking around at the entire room with an anger tinted gaze. Stupid tiles and stupid stove, stupid table and stupid vase that doesn’t make any sense and stupid flowers. He was so into his passive aggressive rant that he didn’t even notice the door opening until he heard Logan’s voice. 
“In the Kitchen.” He called. 
He heard footsteps, three sets, two humans and one animal. He looked up to see Diego and Logan, with Stella at his side. 
“Patton are you alright?” Diego sat down next to him.
“I’m fine thank you.” Even as he said it he knew he sounded angry. 
“What’s got you forlorn hun?” Logan rested his hand on his shoulder, partially to navigate himself into a sitting position. 
He was silent, crossing his arms over his chest and turning to look down. He didn’t want to face either of them, especially not Diego, who could actually see him. 
“Hun?” Logan’s voice was even softer, his grip tightening in a comforting way. 
“It’s that stupid list you want me to write.” He exclaimed after a few more minutes of silence, leaning back in his chair so violently that he almost fell. 
“What’s wrong with it?” 
“I don’t want to do it. I’m not some kid that you have to care for because I’m incapable.” 
“We don’t think you’re incapable.” 
“Yes! You do!” He got up, shrugging off his hand and starting to pace. “You think that I’m silly because I cry about certain textures and you think I need to be taken care of and you go out of your way to make sure that I’m happy because you think I can’t take care of myself.”
“Patton, love, has it occured to you that we might do that because we love you?” Diego looked over at him, waiting for his response. 
“That doesn’t even make any sense.” He accused, stopping just long enough to shoot him a look. 
“We want you to write out that list so that you don’t get upset. We all love you very deeply and because of that we want you to be happy. Which is why we try to avoid textures you don’t like. We know you’re capable.” His voice was soft and reassuring, he tried to keep to many overwhelming emotions out of it, he wanted Patton to understand. 
“Really?” He looked at Diego for confirmation, and when he nodded his head softly, he came back over and sat down. 
“I’m sorry I freaked out, that was probably stupid of me.” 
“It’s okay to feel things hun.” Logan reached out to him again, knowing that Patton found comfort in touch. 
“I understand feeling like everyone thinks you’re incapable, but you aren’t. In fact, you’re so very capable, and that’s why we want to make this list, to help you become even more capable.” He paused to think about how to word his next thought. “This world wasn’t designed for us, and as such, we must find a way to adapt it to us. We shouldn’t have to change for the world, it is easier for it to change for us.” 
“Will you write down things with me? So that I don’t feel stupid doing it myself?” He looked at both of them with pleading eyes. 
“Of course hun, though I will not be able to add much,” Logan smiled in his direction. 
“That’s fine!” He turned to Diego for his assertion. 
“I will if it helps,” he got up. “I’ll get a notebook, once we’re done we can put the list on the fridge.” 
He came back a few minutes later, carrying a blue notebook, it’s cover hastily wiped clean of dust. He handed it over, along with a pen out of his pocket. Patton took both items, sitting them on the table in front of him and flipping open to a clean page, disregarding the pages of elegant cursive. 
He wrote a header at the top of the page NoNo foods. Then he stuck the pen in his mouth, idly chewing on it as he thought about what he wanted to list. There’s so many things I could put, how specific do I want to be? What if it’s something that I’ve eaten before because I didn’t want him to know that I didn’t like it? 
After thinking for a while he had compiled a list of things, both big and small: hard-boiled egg yolk, cooked beans, sauceless noodles, most meat, asparagus, cooked carrots he thought a little while longer, before handing the page over to Diego so that he could write out the things he didn’t like, and allowed him to write down Logan’s disliked foods, which included ‘very liquidy soups, anything covered in heavy sauce’ and ‘foods with gravy’
By the time they were finished, they had filled an entire page with things that were ‘NoNo foods’. Patton put it on the fridge, using a blue magnet. 
As soon as he was done, he went into the living room, quickly being joined by Diego (who went back over to his computer), Logan, who sat down next to him and flipped on PBS so that he could play a documentary and Stella, who laid down at their feet, her head resting on her paws. 
By the time Roman and Virgil came home, Patton was half-asleep in his spot. The door opening caused him to sit up intently, and he watched them both come in, smiling as they hung up their jackets and closed the door. Roman immediately went into the kitchen, and he could be heard loudly muttering to himself and opening doors to get out the ingredients. He went suddenly quiet for a few minutes, before the sound resumed. It was clear he had seen the list on the fridge. 
When dinner time finally rolled around, Patton was delighted to find that all of the restrictions on the page had been abided by. Roman had whipped up a thick stew of a mixture of vegetables, rice and noodles. Dinner went off without a hitch (a difficult thing to do) and everyone, especially Patton went to bed with a content heart. 
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Anxiety: guys, there's a cockroach in the living room.
Duke: [walks in]
Anxiety: oh no, it followed me here.
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jessibbb · 5 years
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My new reference for the boys !! It kinda took forever cause I need more practice with lineless art but here it is !!
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