pedrospatch · 1 year
a safe haven l nine
Jackson! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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series masterlist
summary: When you find out that you’re pregnant, everything comes crumbling down around you.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. (TW) THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A SCENE THAT HEAVILY IMPLIES DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. this chapter it also contains a very uncomfortable scene with reader and Luke, but despite the sexual nature of the scene, READER DOES NOT GET SA, BUT SHE DOES GET INJURED. INJURY there is a description of an injury as the result of DV HEAVILY IMPLYING STRANGULATION. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS. pregnancy, mentions of high risk pregnancy (not reader), mentions of child loss (not reader), mentions of pregnancy related symptoms (missed menstrual cycle, morning sickness), protective Tommy Miller, protective Joel, and last but certainly not least, feral Joel. this chapter is a lot, just proceed with caution if anything in bold can be a potential trigger for you.
word count: 11.8k
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October, 2024
It’s the middle of October.
By now, the pain had become almost unbearable. Time certainly wasn’t healing the wound. 
If anything, time only seemed to be making it worse.
So, so much fucking worse. 
It drags, and you almost feel as if you’re paralyzed by it. But the only thing that you can do about it, about any of this, is just pretend. 
Pretend everything is okay.
Pretend it doesn’t hurt.
Pretend you don’t feel empty.
Pretend you don’t need him.
But you do need him. Oh, how you fucking need him.
The hole in your heart is growing bigger by the day, and only Joel Miller is capable of filling the void. Only he has the ability to make you feel whole again. Complete.
“Be honest with me—what does this look like?”
You pause your knitting and glance over at Maria.
With her due date approaching, you had offered to help her prepare for the baby’s arrival. At about six months, Maria was expected to give birth towards the middle of winter season, and instead of trading or having to use rations for certain baby items, like blankets, little socks and mittens, you’d decided to show her how to make them instead. Not only was it saving her from having to trade or use her rations on things that could easily be knitted, but it served as a decent, albeit temporary, distraction, giving your mind the chance to focus on something else other than how deeply you were hurting without Joel.
Tilting your head slightly, you eye the soft, butter yellow wool she’s holding in her hands. “Um, is that the start of another baby blanket?”
“No.” Maria’s face falls. “It’s supposed to be a hat.”
“Oh. Um.” You lean forward in the brown leather armchair you’re perched on, squinting hard at it as she holds it up. “Okay, yeah, I can kind of see the shape of it now. I can totally see it being a little hat for the baby.” She tosses you a knowing smile and you squirm slightly, heat prickling at your ears.
“I appreciate you lying to me.” She giggles and sets down her knitting needles beside her on the couch along with the ball of wool yarn. Leaning back, she places both hands on her belly and sighs. “At the very least this child will never go without a blanket seeing as blankets are all I’m capable of making.”
You flash her a small, but reassuring smile.
“You’ll get the hang of it, Maria, I promise. It just takes some practice, that’s all.”
“Well, now that Luke has put me on strict bed rest until I have the baby, I’m going to have all the time in the world to practice,” Maria remarks, exhaling another sigh. Craning her neck, she peers at your own knitting project, which you’ve been working on in something of a secretive manner in your lap and out of the expectant mother’s view. “What are you making over there, anyway?”
Her timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
“I’m so glad you asked since I’m just about done.”
Crossing the last stitch, you set aside your knitting needles and then hold up the finished product. “What do you think of these?”
Maria’s hand flies to her mouth, tears welling up in her dark eyes the moment she sees the pair of little brown baby booties in your hands. “I’m sorry,” she apologizes, a tear rolling down the side of her face as you stand up and walk across her living room to present her with the shoes. Sitting down beside her, you hold them out in the palms of your hands. With trembling fingers, she accepts them. “Kevin had a pair just like these when he was a newborn. I kept them even after he’d outgrown them.” She lets out a small laugh in spite of herself. “You know, I’d always complain that he was growing up too fast. I used to wish that I could slow time down a little so I could enjoy my son being that young longer,” she admits, sniffing. She reaches up, dabbing at her damp eyes with one of her hands. “And now Kevin is frozen in time, forever a three year old little boy.”
She sets the booties down on her belly and inhales deeply, willing herself to keep her composure.
Swallowing back your own emotions, you brush a single, stray tear from her cheek with your thumb. It wasn’t the first time that she’d opened up about losing her child—but Maria often kept her emotions hidden, tucked away along with her son’s memory. For the last several years, she’d dedicated most of her time and energy to Jackson and to its people, pouring herself completely into her role as the community’s leader. But now that Luke had placed her on strict bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy, Maria had no choice but to step down, temporarily handing the role over to Tommy, along with a small council she’d handpicked herself.
It hadn’t been easy for her, after all, there was only so much she could do to keep herself preoccupied while being confined to the four walls of her home. She found her mind wandering to Kevin a lot more often than not lately, and the pregnancy hormones did absolutely nothing to help in the matter.
“Maria?” you say her name softly. “You okay?”
She slowly exhales the breath she’d been holding.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she finally replies, sniffing again.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” She pauses momentarily. “I just—there’s a part of me that still has trouble believing I’m going to be a mother again. It’s been so long, you know? What if I’ve forgotten how to be a good mom?”
Dropping your hand from Maria’s face, you offer it out for her to hold. She accepts it and you give her hand a gentle squeeze as you vouch, “This baby, they couldn’t be any luckier than to have a mother like you, Maria.”
“And a fuckin’ hell of a dad like me,” a voice teases from the doorway.
Tommy, who had been down at the commune’s market picking up some potatoes for dinner, saunters into the living room with a brown paper bag in his arm. Setting the bag down onto a nearby table, he then makes his way over to his wife. Noticing that she’d been crying, he leans over and presses his lips against her forehead, softly murmuring, “You doin’ alright, sweetheart?”
“I’m alright,” she assures him with a nod. “I’m just extra sensitive and hormonal right now. The usual.”
He hums. “Uh, yeah, I kinda figured that out when you bawled your way through Old Yeller at the movies the other night.”
She pouts. “Pregnant or not, that movie’s a tear jerker, okay? Only people made of stone don’t cry when the dog dies.”
“She’s got a point, Tommy,” you agree with a shrug. “I cried too, and I’m not pregnant.”
Drawing himself back up to his full height, Tommy glances at the booties resting on Maria’s belly. He picks them up and holds them both in the palm of his hand. 
“Well, ain’t these just the teeniest things I ever did see,” he remarks with a soft chuckle. “Who made these?”
Maria jerks her chin towards you. “She did.”
Tommy’s eyes meet yours and it feels like a punch to the fucking gut—they remind you of his brother. “Almost feels like a crime, havin’ you make clothes for our kid for free,” he states, shaking his head as he hands them back to Maria. “You’re makin’ the baby’s entire wardrobe at this point, little lady.”
Sheepishly, you wave a dismissive hand at him. “I made one sweater and a couple pairs of mittens for them. I wouldn’t exactly call that a wardrobe, Tommy.”
“It’s a hell of a lot more stuff than we had before. I gotta be honest, it just don’t feel right acceptin’ all these things from you without payin’ somehow. I’d really like to at least trade you somethin’ for them.”
Shaking your head, you politely decline the offer.
“I appreciate it, but I really don’t need anything.”
“What ‘bout Luke?”
“He doesn’t either.”
“Honey, don’t waste your breath,” Maria chimes in with a sigh. “I’ve been trying to get her to accept a trade all week long and she simply won’t budge.”
Tommy purses his lips together, slowly rubbing his chin in thought. “Okay, I’ve got an idea,” he proposes after a minute. “How ‘bout you and Luke both come on over and join us for dinner later tonight? That ain’t too bad of a deal, right?”
You silently mull over the offer for a second.
“If I accept the invitation, then will you two knock it off with all this damn trade nonsense?” When he eagerly nods, you sigh. “Alright then, I accept. We’ll come over for dinner tonight. Granted he doesn’t come home late from the clinic again.”
“Perfect,” he grins. “See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
Knowing he only means well, you decide to be a good sport about it and smile at him. “No, Tommy. I suppose it wasn’t.”
“Great!” Maria beams. “We haven’t had a chance to get together for dinner in months. Lately when I see Luke, it’s as his patient,” she muses. “I have to admit, it’ll be so nice to have a conversation with him that doesn’t revolve around my uterus for once.”
Tommy jokingly makes a face. “Yeah. Tell the doc to leave all that medical stuff at the door before he comes over. Last thing I wanna hear ‘bout while I’m chowin’ down on some big, juicy bison steaks is what fuckin’ size my wife’s uterus is—”
“Tommy! That’s not funny!” Rolling her eyes at her husband, Maria turns to you to apologize but she stops short when she notices a sudden, not to mention drastic, change in your complexion. Frowning, she reaches up and touches your cheek. “Hey, you don’t look so good. Are you feeling alright?”
You can taste the bile at the back of your throat.
“I—I’m sorry, what did you just say was for dinner?”
Tommy shoots you a strange look. “Uh, steaks?”
The mere mention of the word sends a violent wave of sickness crashing over you—slapping your hand tightly over your mouth, you scramble to jump off the couch and make a beeline for their downstairs bathroom right across the hallway. You’d made it just in time to fall to your knees in front of the toilet. Clutching the sides of the porcelain bowl, you gag loudly, and the sickening sound of your retching bounces off the walls.
As your stomach heaves, you feel one hand gather your hair to hold it back and out of your face, while the other rubs soothing circles into your back.
“Let it all out,” Maria encourages you. “It’s alright, just let it all out. There you go, get everything out.”
Tommy pokes his head into the bathroom.
“She okay?”
“Tommy! Get out of here!” Maria scolds him over her shoulder. “She doesn’t need an audience!”
He holds up his hands. “Alright, alright! Sheesh, I was just makin’ sure she’s okay, you ain’t gotta bite my head off!” He huffs at her. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you two need me.” Without another word, he spins around on the heel of his boot and disappears.
Once you’re certain there’s nothing left, your trembling hand reaches for the handle on the tank and pulls it down, flushing the toilet. You then sit back, slumping against the wall. “Jesus. I am so fucking sorry. I have no idea what the hell came over me,” you groan, the embarrassment evident in your tone as you wipe at your mouth with the sleeve of your flannel shirt.
Maria peers at you with a suspicious glint in her eyes.
“You know,” she says, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, “About five months ago, I went through a phase where I couldn’t stand the thought of meat—any kind, but red meat had to be the worst. I just could not stomach it.” Her hand falls away from your face and she rises to her feet with a labored grunt. Leaning back against the sink, she continues to say, “Poor Tommy, he couldn’t even mention it to me or I’d throw up on his boots. Not long after that, I found out I was pregnant.”
You stare at her, your lips parting slightly.  “Maria, you can’t seriously be insinuating—I am not pregnant. No, it’s not possible, you know that I can’t have kids,” you sputter out, furiously shaking your head. “There’s just no fucking way that I’m—”
Maria holds up her hands to stop you. “When was the date of your last menstrual cycle?”
“It was recent.”
“How recent?”
Silently, you start counting the weeks and you freeze the moment you realize you’d missed September completely, and October’s cycle had been due two weeks ago. You’ve been so lost in your own grief, so busy trying to keep yourself from falling apart, that you hadn’t even realized you haven’t bled since—
“August,” you breathe out in a terrified whisper.
The last time you had your period was in August.
Before you had slept with Joel Miller for the first time. 
Maria whirls around and starts digging in the medicine cabinet above the sink, and then in the one below it. After a minute of rummaging, she turns back around and extends a hand out to you, offering to help you to your feet. She lets out another grunt as she helps you stand. “I had one left,” she states, holding out her other hand to you, an individually wrapped pregnancy test in her palm. “At this point, I don’t think you even need to take a test, but it doesn’t hurt to have solid proof.”
You can hardly choke out her name. “Maria—”
She hastily shoves the test into your hands. “Just take it. I’ll be back in to check on you, okay?”
Not giving you the chance to protest, she steps out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
You look down at the test in your palm and then up into the mirror, meeting your own wide eyes in the reflection.
It can’t be possible. It just can’t be possible.
You can’t have children. 
With shaking hands, you unzip your blue jeans and then tear open the package. Your mind is in such a haze, you have to read the instructions three or four times before the information finally sticks. After taking the test, you lay it down top of the counter with the results window facing down. You pull your panties and jeans back into place and wash your hands using the bar of soap next to the sink—all the while, the sheer panic has started to settle in, the fear that accompanies it seeping deep into your bones.
Swallowing harshly, you realize it’d been well over the three minutes the package had instructed you to wait for the results.
“It’s negative. It’s negative,” you affirm quietly over and over underneath your breath as you pick it up and flip it in your hand. “It’s negative. It’s negative—”
You stop, and for a second, your heart feels like it stops too.
Horrified, you blink furiously, as if somehow you’ve misread the results—but there is no fucking mistaking those two solid little pink lines.
Your blood runs cold in your veins.
You’re pregnant. 
Luke hasn’t touched you in months.
And you’re pregnant. 
Luke hasn’t touched you in months. 
And you are fucking pregnant. 
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Maria knocks lightly on the bathroom door.
“It’s been a few minutes now—can I come in?”
She waits, only to be met with complete silence.
“Hey, hon.” She knocks again. “Is everything okay?”
Again, there’s no response from the other side of the door.
“Christ, Maria.” Tommy suddenly appears beside her with a glass of water in his hand. Flashing his wife a teasing look, he quips, “Can’t you let the poor girl do her goddamn business in peace? What’s wrong with you, woman?”
Maria frowns. “I think something’s wrong.”
His playful grin falters. “What do you mean?”
“She’s not answering me.”
Tommy chortles, quirking an eyebrow at her. “Maybe ‘cause she’s actually in there doin’ her business?”
Hesitantly, Maria bites down on her bottom lip.
“What? What is it?”
“I gave her a pregnancy test to take.”
Tommy’s eyes widen. “You fuckin’ with me?”
Maria glares at him. “No! I’m not fucking with you, I’m being serious! I gave her the test and then told her I would check back in with her after she took it, but now she’s not answering me and I’m kind of worried.”
“The door locked?”
She shakes her head. “No, I don’t think it is. Should we just open the door and see if she’s okay? I don’t want to barge in there but—”
Tommy hands Maria the glass of water. “Hey,” he calls lightly as he raps on the door with his fist. “Everythin’ alright in there?” He waits for a minute, but when you don’t reply, he grasps the brass doorknob in his hand and says sternly, “Now you listen here, little lady. You had best answer me right now, or we’re gonna have to come in, you understand me?”
“Last chance, talk or I’m gonna open this door.”
“Alright then, suit yourself. Hope you’re decent.”
Tommy turns the knob, cracking the door open—when he doesn’t see you, he tries pushing it open further. The door stops halfway, and he peers around it only to find you sitting on the floor with your back against the wall, preventing the door from going any further. “Shit, she’s sittin’ right behind the goddamn—fuckin’ hold on, Maria! If I try shovin’ it open, I could hurt her!” Being careful so as not to hit you or step on you by accident, he squeezes his way into the bathroom. He crouches down beside you, cupping your cheek in the palm of his hand. “Hey, what is it? What’s the matter?”
Your eyes flicker up to meet his.
You can’t speak. You can’t move.
All that you can do is stare at him. Petrified. 
“C’mon, little lady,” he coaxes, softly. “Talk to me.”
“Tommy! Let me in!” Maria demands, impatiently. “Can you move her? I can’t squeeze through, my belly is way too big.”
Tommy slides one arm around your shoulders and the other arm under your knees. “I’m just gonna move you out the way so Maria can come in, alright? C’mere.” He gingerly slides you across the tile and cradles the side of your body against his chest. He then calls out to his wife, “There, that should be enough room!”
Maria pushes the door open and rushes inside. “Is she okay?” Gripping Tommy’s shoulder, she slowly lowers herself to kneel beside you. Her eyes go straight to the test clutched in your hand. She just about has to pry your ice cold fingers off the white stick one by one. “It’s positive,” she gasps. “Your results are positive—you’re going to have a baby!”
Tommy lets out a loud, gleeful laugh. “Did’ya hear that, little lady? You’re gonna have a baby! You’re gonna be a mama! Ain’t that great news?”
Finally, you snap out of your trance. Your eyes anxiously bounce between Tommy and Maria, heart pounding as they eagerly wait for your reaction with smiles of pure excitement on their faces.
“I—” Unable to utter another word, you burst into tears.
And they’re certainly not tears of happiness.
No, the sobs coming from deep within you aren’t full of joy at the news that you’re going to be a mother.
They’re pained. Cries full of sorrow, anguish, and fear. As the confusion flashes across their faces, all you can do is weep harder, and louder.
“Wait a minute, I thought you would be happy.” Maria’s hands reach for yours and she holds them tightly as she tries to understand what it is that is causing such a negative reaction. “You and Luke tried for a really long time to have another baby. Why are you so upset?” She keeps her voice calm, kind. Warm. It wasn’t that she was judging you—Maria wants to help you, however there’s no way for her to help you if she doesn’t know what’s causing your grief in the first place. “What’s the matter, honey? Are you afraid after what happened last time?”
“I can’t be pregnant,” you rasp out. “I can’t—”
“Hey now, it’s alright. C’mere.” Tommy shifts and he moves to sit down beside you against the wall. His arm drapes around your trembling shoulders in an effort to comfort you. As your entire body shudders with sobs, he pulls you close against his side, rubbing your arm with his hand. Once they’ve subsided and little hiccups are all that are left, he finally speaks again. “You can talk to us, little lady. ‘Bout anythin’ that’s on your mind. We care ‘bout you a whole lot. Y’know that, don’t you?”
“Tommy’s right,” Maria nods. “You’re like family to us. You can come to us about anything. We’ll do whatever we can to help you, okay?”
You shake your head tightly. “I can’t. I just can’t.”
She lets out a small sigh and glances at her husband with a look of defeat. “I think you should run down to the clinic and get Luke. He’ll know what to do to calm her down.”
“No!” you shout loudly, startling them both. “I—Luke can’t find out that I’m pregnant. He just can’t know, or else—” A fresh batch of tears spring forward as you clamp a hand over your mouth, muffling another wail.
“Or else what?” Maria asks, raising an eyebrow.
Or else he was going to fucking kill you.
Tommy grabs your wrist, gently tugging it away from your face. “Or else what?” He echoes his wife. “What is goin’ on? Is there somethin’ we should know ‘bout?”
Yet another sob escapes you and his fingers curl tighter around your wrist, firmly, but he’s careful not to be too harsh.
“We’re gonna need you to tell us what’s goin’ on.”
There’s no way around it. Around any of it.
You have to tell them. 
Swallowing harshly, you admit, “There is.”
The couple waits expectantly.
“The baby isn’t Luke’s.” You mumble it so quietly and incoherently that neither of them hear it despite being in such close proximity.
Maria furrows an eyebrow. “What did you say?”
“The baby isn’t Luke’s!” You cry out, yanking your wrist out of Tommy’s hand. “This baby isn’t his and that’s why he can’t fucking know!”
And just like that, the truth comes tumbling out.
Luke’s violence towards you.
Your romantic affair with Joel.
Ellie discovering the abuse and telling him about it.
Your stubborn refusal to let either of them do anything to help you.
You spare no details of everything that had taken place over the last several months, and by the time you had finally finished, both Tommy and Maria were rendered completely speechless.
“Can one of you say something? Please? Anything at all?” Your voice is small, feeble.
After a minute, Tommy pulls his arm from around your shoulders and stands up. He helps Maria up to her feet before he extends his hand to you. “Alright, first thing’s first. Let me get you up off this floor, little lady.”
His voice is soft, and so is his gaze.
“Tommy how can you—after everything that I’ve done? Your brother—”
“Please. Just let me help you off the floor and then we can talk ‘bout it. Okay?”
You accept his hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet. Much to your surprise, he doesn’t let it go as he leads you out of the bathroom and back into the living room where he sits you down on the couch. Maria, who hasn’t said a single word, takes a seat beside you.
Tommy kneels down in front of you, placing a warm and gentle hand on your leg. He almost looks a little bit guilty, as if he should have known what was being done to you behind closed doors. “Look, m’gonna ask you a question and I need an honest answer. How long has he been doin’ this to you?”
Anxiously, you start wringing your hands in your lap.
“Tommy, I can’t. Please, don’t—”
“Tell me,” he encourages you, softly. “When did it first start?”
Your throat bobs. “Two months after my dad died,” you confess, another tear rolling down the side of your face.
Maria stiffens. “Luke has been putting his hands on you for two years?”
You can hear the shame in your own voice—shame for letting the abuse go on as long as it has, for everything to come to light like this.
“Fuckin’ hell.” Tommy sighs heavily and hangs his head. “Joel told me. He fuckin’ told me.”
You wipe at your swollen eyes with your forearm.
“What are you talking about, Tommy?”
He sighs again.
“Months ago, the day after the big summer party,” he begins to explain. “We were at the bar. Joel was askin’ me ‘bout you and Luke. Said somethin’ just wasn’t right when he saw you two together for the first time. He tried to tell me somethin’ was wrong and I—I didn’t fuckin’ believe him. Told him he was seein’ what he wanted to see ‘cause I knew he liked you. I fuckin’ told him that you and Luke were happy. He tried to tell me and I didn’t fuckin’ listen to him.”
“Tommy, please don’t blame yourself for this,” you beg him. “I’m the one who chose to hide it. This is my own fault, okay? This is all on me, not on you.”
Maria furiously shakes her head. “It’s not your fault and it sure as hell isn’t on you. You’re the victim here.”
The word makes you cringe.
“But it is my fault, Maria. I hid it from you guys for two fucking years.”
“But why? Why did you hide it? Why didn’t you come to us?” Tommy’s voice is strained. “You should’ve told us what he was doin’ to you. We—I could’a done somethin’ to stop it. I could’a helped you.”
“Because. I didn’t want to risk getting him thrown out of the community. Jackson needs him, Tommy.”
“Like hell we do,” Tommy rises to his feet. “Ain’t no way that we’re gonna tolerate that fuckin’ shit here.” With his hands curled tightly into fists, he spins around and starts heading towards the front door.
You stand and chase after him, catching him just as he opens it. “Where the hell are you going?”
“To confront that pathetic son of a bitch—”
“Tommy, please! Don’t do that.” Grabbing his arm, you shoot him a pleading look. “Please, think about this for a minute.”
“Ain’t nothin’ for me to fuckin’ think ‘bout, alright?”
“Yes, there fucking is! This town needs a doctor. They need Luke—Maria needs Luke.” You glance over at her just as she appears in the hallway with both hands on her belly. “God forbid that something goes wrong—she goes into preterm labor or she has a complication when she gives birth. Did you think about that?”
“We’ve got two nurses,” he reminds you.
“Two nurses who only know basic neonatal care. That’s it. If something serious happens, Maria’s going to need Luke. And the baby’s going to need him too.”
You knew you’d gotten your point across when Tommy turns to his wife, helplessly.
“Fuck,” he curses, slamming the door shut. “She’s right. I fuckin’ hate to say it, but she’s right ‘bout that.”
“I am right,” you state and his attention flits back to you. “Luke has to stay and you both know that as well as I do. For the good of Jackson, he has to stay.”
Conflicted, Tommy growls out in frustration. “So what, I’m just s’pposed to give him a fuckin’ pass? How the hell can you expect us—how can you expect me to let that motherfucker walk around this place knowin’ what he’s been doin’ to you over these last two years?”
Your fingers dig into his arm, a fresh batch of hot tears stinging your eyes. “Tommy, if this community suffers without Luke because of me, it will destroy me. The guilt will fucking destroy me.”
Finally, Maria decides to step in. “Listen, I know that you’re trying to look out for the people of this town and I get that. But you’re risking your own life by asking us to let him stay here.” She walks over to you, taking your hands in hers. “Honey, I know men like Luke because I used to prosecute men like Luke. I would take them to court on murder charges.” Her eyes find yours. “I don’t want to scare you, but if that is the only way for me to get through to you, then I will sit you down and I will tell you all about what happened to the women who swore to me their abusive husbands would never, ever take it that far.”
You swallow harshly and a chill runs up your spine.
“I’ll leave,” you squeak. “I’ll leave him.”
“And what if he doesn’t let you walk away?”
Tommy crosses his arms over his chest. “He will if I’m the one who fuckin’ talks to him. I ain’t gonna give him the choice. He has to let her go.”
Panicked, you furiously shake your head. “No! I can do this on my own, Tommy. I can handle him alone. I don’t need you to do it for me. I can fix this without your help, okay?”
“You can’t,” he says, firmly. “You just can’t.”
“Yes, I can—”
He cuts you off with a pleading look.
“You need to let us help you. Please. Let us help you.”
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You had agreed to it, but only on one condition.
“I need a couple of days,” you’d told them.
Tommy frowned. “No. It’s happenin’ tonight. We’re gonna talk to Luke, you’re gonna pack up a couple bags, and we’re gettin’ you away from him. You can stay here with us for a while. You’ll be safe.” Taking notice of the shocked look on your face, he said, “I know you ain’t crazy enough to think I’m gonna let you go home to him tonight. Ain’t no way in hell.”
“I—this is all happening so fast. It’s too overwhelming, Tommy. I just need a day or two to process everything before I take that leap.”
“And give Luke the fuckin’ chance to hurt you again?”
“He hasn’t laid a finger on me in weeks now.”
Tommy scoffed, “Well, someone give him a fuckin’ medal!” He exclaimed, throwing his hands up. “He hasn’t hit his wife in weeks! What a fuckin’ guy!”
You recoiled, his sarcasm stinging like he’d poured salt straight into the open wound.
“Tommy,” Maria glared at him. “Not helping.”
He immediately shot you an apologetic look.
“Shit. Sorry, little lady. I’m just real worried ‘bout you. I don’t like the idea of you goin’ home to him tonight, and much less knowin’ that you’re pregnant, y’know?” His eyes had fallen to your stomach with sudden curiosity. “When, uh—when do you plan on tellin’ Joel ‘bout the baby, anyway?”
Heat flooded your face and neck.
“I—I’m not really sure about that yet.”
“Jesus Christ, Tommy! She just told you that she’s feeling overwhelmed,” Maria chastised him. “Let’s take it one step at a time, okay? Our first priority is going to be to get her out of that house. She has already agreed to letting us help her, so I think there’s a bit of room for compromise. Here’s the deal.” She put a hand on your shoulder. “As much as I don’t want to let you go home to him tonight either, I’m going to allow it so you can take a breather. Tomorrow in the afternoon when you get home from work duty, I’ll come over and help you pack some clothes and necessities, and we can bring them over here to our place.”
Nervously chewing your lower lip, you asked, “And then what?”
“I’ll go confront Luke,” Tommy stated. “Best if you ain’t there when I talk to him, little lady.” He turned to Maria, placing a hand on her belly. “I don’t want you to be there either, sweetheart. I ain’t takin’ any chances and puttin’ you and the baby under stress so I’m gonna have to handle him alone, alright?”
Maria nodded, shifting her attention back to you. “So? Do we have a deal?”
Meekly, you had nodded in agreement. “Yes. We have a deal.”
The rest of that evening passes by in a blur.
Autopilot had taken over the moment that Tommy took you across the road and dropped you off at your door.
“Any problems, you come get me,” he’d said. “You come and get me. No matter what time it is, alright? You fuckin’ come and get me if he tries anythin’.”
All that you could do was give him a weak nod and then you’d turned around, slipping into the house.
You don’t remember cooking dinner.
You don’t remember looking at the clock, noticing it was well past dinnertime and realizing that Luke would be home late as usual. You don’t remember fixing him a plate and leaving it on top of the stove for him to find when he came home, storing all of the leftovers, and washing the small pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
You don’t remember heading upstairs afterwards, you don't remember taking a long shower, brushing your teeth or changing into your pajamas.
It wasn’t until hours later, when the bedroom door opened and Luke walked in, that autopilot finally disengaged.
“You’re still up?”
You’d been sitting on the foot of the bed anxiously picking at your fingernails without even realizing it until he glared at you—he’d always hated the habit and spent months smacking it out of you.
Ceasing from messing with your hands, you drop them into your lap.
“You’re home really late again,” you say, quietly.
“I made a last minute house call. John’s little boy came down with a hell of a fever tonight.” Luke sets down his satchel bag and shrugs out of his jacket—as he does so, you catch sight of the tiny, reddish purple bruise on his neck, right below his ear. Draping his jacket over a nearby chair, he arches his brow as if he were silently challenging you to confront him, as if he’s daring you to ask him who had given him a love bite.
You don’t care. You don’t care about what or who Luke has been doing over the last several nights when he’s been coming home so much later than usual.
Kicking off his black boots, he saunters over to you, his mouth stretching into a cruel, satisfied little smirk.
Oh, he knows damn well you’ve already figured it out.
He wanted you to figure it out.
“Spend the afternoon at Tommy and Maria’s again?”
“Yes. I did.”
“I see.” He hums. “She was telling me during her exam this morning at the clinic that you’ve been helping her knit some clothes for the baby. Is that so?”
“I have,” you murmur, looking down to avert his curious gaze as he stops in front of you. “We’ve been making blankets for the baby, too.”
Luke cups your chin, forcing your eyes back up to meet his. “Well, isn’t that sweet of you.” He roughly curls his fingers around your jaw, his thumb brushing along your quivering lower lip. He hums again. “Something about you seems different, darling. Been looking a lot prettier to me these days.” He lets go of your jaw and brushes your hair behind your shoulder, his finger skimming the strap of your cotton pajama top. “How long has it been now, sweetheart?”
Your throat goes dry, your lips parting in shock as Luke pulls it down your arm, his palm grazing over your skin.
No. This can’t be happening. He wants to—?
Without waiting for a response, Luke grabs one of your hands and places it over his belt buckle.
Noticing your expression, he laughs again. “Why do you look so surprised?”
“You—you haven’t wanted to touch me in months.”
Luke shrugs. “Well, what can I say? I’m suddenly in the mood for my pretty little wife’s cunt.” His grin stretches from ear to ear. “Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky this time. Maybe we’ll have a little one of our own running around this place. I’m feeling rather optimistic tonight.”
You’re going to be fucking sick all over him.
No, you can’t let him do this to you.
You can’t let him touch you.
He pushes your hand lower, right over his bulge.
“No!” Tearing your hand away, you jump up and roughly shove him away from you. “Don’t you fucking touch me!”
He stumbles backwards, but he catches himself before he can fall.
Your chest heaves a d he stares at you, bewildered at what you had just done. “I’m so sorry that whoever you fucked before you came home wasn’t enough for you, but you are not fucking touching me,” you spit at him. “In fact, you’re never touching me ever again because I’m leaving. I’m done, Luke.”
“Excuse me?”
“You fucking heard me.” Your voice trembles—you can’t be sure if it trembles out of anger or out of the sheer terror you feel. Maybe it’s a bit of both. “It’s over, Luke. This marriage is fucking over. I’m not putting up with what you’ve been doing to me for the past two years. I’m not going to tolerate it. Not anymore. I’m not going to allow you to keep on hurting me.” Lifting your hand, you slide your wedding band off of your finger and toss it at him. It clinks as it lands on the hardwood floor near his feet. “I’ll be out of the house by tomorrow evening.”
“Let me take a guess.” He speaks calmly, much too calmly, as he starts towards you. The time bomb has started ticking. “You’re going to move in with Joel Miller and his feral little rat of a kid?”
Hands curling into fists at your sides, you seethe, “Where I move is none of your fucking business, Luke.” He steps closer and your courage starts to falter. You can feel yourself wanting to back down—the thought of your unborn child is the only thing that keeps you from completely losing your nerve. “Here is the deal. You’re going to let me leave and you’re going to stay the fuck away from me. If you do that, then I won’t tell anyone anything about the things you’ve done to me. It’ll be like none of it ever happened. We both move on with our lives. Separately. Got it?”
He draws closer and closer. Much too close.
“Oh, you silly, silly girl,” he tsks. “Do you really think you can call the shots? Do you really fucking think you have the upper hand here? That you can make the decision to end this marriage, just like that?”
Closer, until his chest brushes against yours.
“Luke, I’m giving you a fucking chance here,” you say, backing away until the back of your knees hit the edge of the mattress. With nowhere else to go, to run, you fall backwards onto the bed, scrambling up towards the headboard. Your heart is pounding, too hard and too fast—would it give out before he even has the chance to get his hands on you? “Luke, please, just let me go.” Clasping your hands together in a plea, you beg him, your back pressed against the headboard, “If at any point in our relationship you loved me—if at any point in our marriage you actually cared about me, you will fucking let me go in peace. Please. Just let me go. Let me fucking go.”
Luke stands at the foot of the bed, his face blank.
Emotionless. There isn’t a single ounce of compassion in his eyes. No mercy. 
“Please,” you whisper once more. Curling both of your arms around yourself, you subconsciously protect your belly.
Luke reaches down and unbuckles his belt.
You watch, your stomach churning, as he slowly slides the black leather from the loops of his jeans.
“I’m not letting you go anywhere.”
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“I mean it, Joel. Stay away from Luke.” 
Joel clutches his stallion’s reins tightly in his hands as the pair fall into a slow, easy trot behind Tommy and his horse, Ranger.
He follows his brother as he leads the way through the quiet, tranquil plains of Wyoming. Instead of scanning their surroundings for signs of potential danger, all Joel can do is think about you—that was all he could ever do these days, was fucking think about you and about that fucking night.
The memory plays over and over in his mind on a loop, torturing him day in and day out. It never fucking stops. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
“I mean it, Joel. Stay away from Luke. And maybe it’s for the best if you just fucking stay away from me too.”
That’s precisely what he had done. He had stayed away from Luke. And against his better judgement, he had stayed away from you, too.
“How’s it feel to be back out here?” Tommy asks over his shoulder. He tugs at the reins and gives Ranger the cue to slow his trot, giving Joel and his horse, Bandit, the chance to catch up and ride at their side. “Bet you couldn’t be fuckin’ happier to be off house arrest, huh?” he adds, a light joking edge to his tone.
After about four and a half weeks, Joel had made a full recovery, and he was cleared to return to patrol duties. Wanting to ease him back into the swing of things after so much time off, Tommy decided to pair up with Joel as his partner for that morning’s watch. The two took a route just a few miles west of the community, one that was scoured every couple of days since it was so close to Jackson’s main gate.
“S’alright,” he mutters with a shrug that causes him to wince. His shoulder’s still a little sore. Ellie had assisted with his physical therapy, badgering him every single night to do the exercises in some book she’d found in the town’s library with Dina’s help. He had full range of motion again, and that’s all Tommy had needed in order to allow him to return to patrol.
“You feelin’ alright?” His brother notices the slight look of discomfort on his face. “Shoulder’s good?”
“Any particular reason you’re bein’ so annoyin’ today?”
Tommy feigns offense. “You got fuckin’ shot, Joel. Just makin’ sure you’re okay. Jesus.”
Joel lets out a small huff through his nose. “M’fine,” he assures him. “Shoulder’s good. Still hurts a little and the cold weather ain’t doin’ a whole lot to help, but ain’t nothin’ I can’t handle.” Sitting back in his saddle, he lets his thighs close around Bandit. “Whoa,” he utters to the animal, his fingers squeezing the reins as he signals for Bandit to come to a halt.
“What’s the matter? Why are we stoppin’?”
“This route’s clear, Tommy. We should turn around and go find the rest of the group. Check and see if the other routes are clear too.” Joel clicks his tongue, prompting Bandit to move again. He steers the stallion and starts turning around to lead them back east, but then stops once more. He glimpses over at Tommy, who hasn’t moved a muscle. Noticing the odd, pensive expression on his face, Joel frowns, asking, “What’s wrong?”
Tommy chews the inside of his cheek, his apprehension written all over his face. “Uh Joel, there’s something we need to talk ‘bout and maybe it’s best if we do it while we’re out here, just the two of us.”
Confused, Joel’s eyebrows pull together. “What is it?”
His brother hesitates. His lips purse together, a sudden look of regret flashing across his features.
“Tommy?” Joel prompts. “The hell’s goin’ on?”
Exhaling a heavy sigh, he states, “You were right.”
“Right ‘bout what?”
“‘Bout Luke.”
Joel freezes in the seat of his saddle.
“You were fuckin’ right ‘bout him mistreatin’ her.”
His grip around the reins tightens, skin stretching thin over his knuckles so tight they’d gone white.
“She was over at mine yesterday afternoon. Ended up tellin’ me and Maria everthin’ ‘bout Luke and what he’s done.” Rolling his lower lip between his teeth, Tommy pauses for a second before repeating, “You were right. You were fuckin’ right ‘bout that bastard from the start and I’m real sorry that I didn’t fuckin’ believe you, Joel.”
Joel’s mind begins to race.
What had prompted you to finally tell Tommy and Maria about the abuse? Did something happen to you that he didn’t know about?
Ellie had been pretty good about keeping him posted. He would ask her about you the very minute she’d walk through the front door after her shift at the stables and she would provide him a full report.
“She’s fine. She ain’t hurt,” Tommy reassures him, as if he’d read his mind. “We’re plannin’ on movin’ her outta the house later on tonight.”
“What?” Finally, Joel speaks, his voice rigid.
Tommy holds his hands up in defense. “Now, hold on. I need you to give me a minute and let me explain—”
“She told you Luke’s been abusin’ her and you just let her go back to him? Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? Why didn’t you and Maria fuckin’ stop her?”
“Why didn’t you fuckin’ stop her the night you saw the bruise on her?” He shoots back at him. 
Joel stares at him, his lips parting slightly.
How did he fucking know about that? 
“She told us the truth ‘bout the affair too, Joel.”
“She did?”
“She did,” Tommy confirms with a nod. “I had a hunch, y’know. The day of the ambush, I thought I saw panic in her eyes when I told Ellie you’d been shot. Then I saw it again when she saw you there sittin’ on that table with a bullet in your shoulder, but I brushed it off. Thought she was just real worried ‘bout the kid seein’ as those two are thick as fuckin’ thieves, y’know?” Despite the serious nature of the conversation, he can’t help but let out a chuckle when he thinks of you and Ellie. “But now I know she was scared of losin’ you. That girl loves you, Joel. I know you love her too. I’m willin’ to bet it’s the reason you let her walk away that night. Why you kept her secret.”
“Jesus.” Joel exhales a shaky breath. “Y’must think I’m a real fuckin’ coward for knowin’ what he’s been doin’ to her and not doin’ a goddamn thing ‘bout it, huh?”
Tommy shakes his head.
“It’s a complicated situation, brother. She only did what she did for the good of the community. She’s still trying to do what’s best for Jackson, believe it or not. She, uh, she wants us to let Luke stay.”
“She wants you to let him stay?”
“Girl’s got too big of a heart. Doesn’t want the town to be without a doctor.”
“Ain’t no goddamn way you’d let him stay! After all the fuckin’ shit he’s done to her?” When his brother doesn’t respond, Joel narrows his eyes at him. “Jesus Christ. You can’t fuckin’ tell me you’re actually considerin’ it? Are you fuckin’ serious, Tommy? You and Maria would let that son of a bitch stay in Jackson? Knowin’ he’s spent two fuckin’ years puttin’ his hands on his wife?”
“Look here, alright? I don’t like the idea as much as you don’t, and neither does Maria,” he says. “But this ain’t exactly black and white, Joel. I really fuckin’ wish it was. But the hard truth is that Jackson does need a doctor, and unless one magically falls out of the fuckin’ sky, we ain’t got much of a choice here. My wife and child, they might need him, y’know? Maria’s considered a high risk ‘cause of her age. If somethin’ happens and there’s complications when she’s in labor, she and the baby are gonna need him. Our nurses, they ain’t really trained to handle things like that, y’know?”
Joel’s lips press together into a tight, thin line.
Of course it’s black and white to him—because he loves you. You’re his fucking priority. There’s no gray area for him. None.
But Tommy? His priority is Maria and their unborn child.
Joel can’t fault him for that, and he certainly isn’t going to try. But what about you?
“Listen, Joel. I know this is real fuckin’ hard, believe me I do. I care about that girl a lot, a whole fuckin’ lot. I saw her as family long before I knew ‘bout your relationship with her and before I knew she was—”
He stops abruptly, red splotching his cheeks.
Joel still doesn’t know he is going to be a father. Again.
“Before you knew she was what, Tommy?”
“Tommy!” A woman’s voice shouts. “Joel! Over here!”
The two brothers glance over their shoulders and see the rest of their morning patrol group heading towards them.
Tommy bites back a sigh of utter relief. That had been too fucking close.
He turns to Joel, lowering his voice. “Joel, I need you to listen, and listen to me real good. We’ve gotta take this one step at a time. First thing’s first, me and Maria are gonna get her outta that house. She can stay with us at our place for a while. She’ll be safe with us. That much I can promise you.”
“Then what?”
“Don’t know yet. We get her out first and then we figure things out from there. In the meantime, I’m gonna need you to stay calm, Joel. Please. Don’t go off and do somethin’ stupid, alright?”
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That had been a lot easier said than done.
Joel needed to talk to you.
He needed to fucking see you. 
But his brother had been adamant.
“Don’t fuckin’ get involved, Joel. Not ‘til we get her out. I don’t want things to fuckin’ explode in our faces, alright? Let me handle this.” 
Letting out a heavy sigh, Joel leans back into the couch and looks down at the guitar in his lap—he’d just spent the last hour carefully polishing it in an effort to keep himself occupied. He thought back to that night you’d come over to gift it to him, how he had kissed you for the first time mere hours before you showed up on his doorstep with your father’s Gibson.
As he gives the guitar a gentle test strum, he recalls the request you made for him to sing you a song and a dull ache settles in his chest, right over his heart. He’ll sing you every song you want to hear, if given the chance.
Part of him is optimistic that he would get the chance.
You were meant to be his. He was meant to be yours.
He just fucking knows it.
Joel’s train of thought is shattered by the sound of the front door opening, and then loudly slamming shut.
“Ellie?” He calls out.
Her voice comes from the hallway. “Yeah?”
“C’mere, kiddo.”
Ellie grumbles incoherently as she walks into the living room, hair disheveled, clothes filthy, and her sneakers caked with muck from the stables.
Joel frowns at her. “What the hell happened to you?”
“Today was just really fucking shitty and while that was a great pun, for once, it was not fucking intended,” she sighs, crossing her arms over her chest. “If you called me in here to ask me about her, I’d save my breath. She stayed home today. She’s sick.”
Joel’s stomach instantly drops. “She’s sick?”
“Yeah. With like a really bad cold or something.”
Putting down the guitar, he questions, “And who told you that?”
“Dina,” Ellie replies, looking puzzled. “She said Luke told her—” She stops abruptly as he jumps to his feet and immediately shoves past her, heading towards the front door. She spins around on her heel, following him. As he flies down the porch and starts down the road towards your house, she is forced to jog along beside him just to keep up with his stride. “What, what? What is it? Fucking answer me, Joel, what is it?”
“She ain’t fuckin’ sick, Ellie.”
“What do you mean she’s not—oh fuck. You don’t think she’s hiding out at home because—?” Ellie’s heartbeat stutters when the realization sinks in. “Luke.”
When the pair arrive at your place, they find a very, very distraught Maria Miller standing on the front porch, her hands wrapped around the doorknob. “Hon, I need you to let me in!” She turns and pulls the knob, desperately. “Please! Open the door for me!”
Your tearful voice comes from the other side. “Go away, Maria!”
The sound of Joel’s boots prompt Maria to turn around. “Joel,” she breathes out his name in relief. “I can’t get her to open the door. Tommy went to see if we have a spare key for the unit. He hasn’t come back and I don’t know what to do.”
“Break a fucking window, maybe?” Ellie snaps at her.
Joel silences her with a glare and then takes Maria by her arms, moving her to stand behind him. “Open the goddamn door!” he commands firmly, pounding his fist harshly against the wood. He can almost feel the way you freeze on the other side the moment you hear the sound of his voice. “Open this fuckin’ door right now!”
Ellie chimes in, “Come on, please open the door!”
“Go away!”
Joel continues to beat his fists against the door. “Show me what he fuckin’ did to you!” He shouts as he drops his hands to the doorknob, clawing at it as if somehow that’s going to do the trick and open the door. “C’mon! Show me what that fuckin’ bastard did to you!”
“Please, go away, all of you! Just leave me alone!”
“You know we can’t do that,” Maria calls. “You’re going to have to open this door and let us—”
Losing what very little patience he has to begin with in the first place, Joel cuts her off. “I will fuckin’ break this door down if I have to,” he threatens. “I’ll cause a scene and let everyone in this whole fuckin’ town know what Luke does to you. Is that what you want?”
He hears the lock click almost instantly.
Finally, you crack the door open and peek out to show them your face. “There, you fucking see?” Your face is blotchy, your eyes red and swollen from crying. “I’m fucking fine! Now fucking go away!”
You try shutting the door, but Joel is too quick and slips the toe of his boot in, wedging it between the door and the doorframe.
“Move, Joel!”
“Nope,” he says, keeping it planted firmly in place.
Not wanting to break his foot, you let up and he shoves his way inside with Ellie and Maria trailing behind him.
Taking a clumsy step backwards, you gather up the front of your knitted cardigan in your trembling hands, bunching it around your neck to conceal it. “Get out! Please, just get out!” you beg them through your sobs. “Please leave! I’m fine! Look at me, I’m perfectly fine—”
Heart hammering painfully against his sternum, Joel walks over and he takes your wrists. “Let me see. Baby, please. Just let me see.” His voice is raw, thick, as if he were on the verge of tears himself. He just knows he’s failed you, failed to keep all those promises he had made about never letting anything bad happen to you. He’s fucking failed. Again. He tries to find your gaze, but you refuse to look him in the eye. “Let me see,” he chokes out again, the warmth of his skin a stark contrast against the iciness of your own. “I’ll force you if I have to, so please just show me. Please, just fuckin’ show me what he did to you.”
Letting out another agonized sob, you drop your hands and let go of the material, letting it fall back into place at your sides and exposing your injury.
Maria gasps into her hands. “God.” 
“Fuck.” Ellie’s eyes widen in complete horror.
Joel drops your wrists, taking a step backwards as his eyes glaze over the severe discoloration around your neck.
He feels fucking sick to his stomach, but it isn’t until he notices the clear imprint of a square belt buckle on the column of your throat that Joel thinks he might actually be sick all over the floor.
“What the hell is going on in here?”
Luke’s voice suddenly echoes through the foyer. He stands near the front door, looking thoroughly confused—that is, until he sees you standing there, exposing what he had done to you the night before with his belt. The very same belt he’s wearing now.
No one has the chance to speak.
No one has the chance to think.
No one even has the chance to breathe.
Joel charges at Luke. He roughly snatches the collar of his jacket and pulls him further into the foyer of the house, away from the open front door so that he has nowhere to run.
You rush towards them. “Joel, stop! No!”
Maria quickly hurries to stop you, grabbing you by the back of your sweater. She yanks you back and out of harm’s way. “Don’t!”
Horrified, you watch as Joel slams Luke straight into the mirror hanging on the wall—head first. He pulls him forward, then slams him back even harder, the impact completely shattering the glass. Hundreds of shards go flying across the hardwood floor.
“Oh shit! Watch out!” Ellie jumps back as a sharp piece of broken glass lands between her sneakers.
“Joel, stop it! Please, stop!” you cry out as Maria grasps your arm to keep you from jumping in the middle of the altercation. “Stop it!”
But Joel is too far gone. Ignoring your desperate cries, he wraps one hand around Luke’s neck, holding him in place. His other hand curls into a tight fist and he starts delivering bone shattering blow after bone shattering blow to his face. “You wanna fuckin’ hit someone?” He snarls as the man’s nose cracks beneath his knuckles. “You wanna fuckin’ put your hands on someone? Huh? Then you fuckin’ put ‘em on me! C’mon, I fuckin’ dare you to put ‘em on me!”
Throwing Luke onto the floor, Joel climbs on top of him and he secures both of his hands around his throat. He feels the uncontrollable urge to do to him what he had done to you—only, unlike Luke, he doesn’t need a belt, and unlike Luke, he isn’t going to stop.
He isn’t going to let him live.
Joel squeezes Luke’s neck, cutting off his oxygen.
“How do you fuckin’ like it,” he hisses, irises going from brown to black as he presses harder on his windpipe. “C’mon, tough guy, tell me how you fuckin’ like it.”
Luke feebly claws and scratches at his hands, gurgling as blood starts coming out of his nose and mouth.
“Joel! Stop!” Tommy rushes into the house, his boots scraping against the floor as he skids to halt. Without hesitating, he jumps into action. “Joel, stop! Fuckin’ let him go! Let him go!” He reaches down to pull him off.
“Look at what he did to her! Fuckin’ look at her!”
Tommy turns his attention to you, and the color drains from his face. “Jesus Christ,” he breathes out, shocked by the mark around your neck. He has half a mind to step back and allow Joel to finish the job, but with you, Ellie, and Maria watching on in terror, Tommy doesn’t have a choice. He grabs fistfuls of Joel’s denim shirt and tries to tug him off the man he’s about to kill. “Fuckin’ let him go, Joel! Right now! That’s an order!”
Luke’s attempts to fight him off grow weaker. His face is beaten beyond recognition, and there’s a pool of dark red growing under him, dripping from a deep laceration he’d sustained from the being slammed head first into the mirror. His hands fall from around Joel’s wrists. He’s close to losing complete consciousness.
“Joel, let him go!” Tommy bellows. “Now!”
“Tommy, be careful!” Maria warns him, worriedly.
Somehow, he finally manages to peel Joel off Luke. He shoves him up against the nearest wall, pinning him in place. Behind him, Luke coughs and sputters violently, gasping as he frantically tries to breathe some air back into his lungs.
“Fuckin’ let go of me!” Joel growls, his eyes wild as he drives his fists into Tommy’s chest. “I’ll fuckin’ kill him! Let me fuckin’ go!”
Tommy cups Joel’s face in his hands and tries to meet his gaze. “Hey, look at me, I need you to calm the fuck down—I said fuckin’ look at me, Joel!” He demands. “I need you to calm the fuck down. I know that he fuckin’ deserves it, alright? Trust me, it’s takin’ all the strength I’ve got in me not to fuckin’ let go, let you kill the son of a bitch. Hell, there’s a part of me that wants to help you fuckin’ do it! But it ain’t the way we handle things here. M’gonna need you to take a breath and calm down, big brother. If anythin’, just do it for her sake, alright?”
Joel’s chest heaves, his breaths rough and ragged as his eyes flicker over to you. His heart sinks at the sight of you sobbing uncontrollably in Ellie and Maria’s arms.
Groaning, Luke rolls over onto his stomach and spits a mouthful of blood into the floor. “You can fucking have her,” he rasps, looking up at Joel through swollen eyes. “Keep her. Keep the useless little whore.”
Blinded by white hot rage, Joel starts thrashing around in Tommy’s grasp and tries to break loose. “Fuckin’ call her that again you fuckin’ son of a bitch—”
“Shit.” Dropping her arms from around you, Ellie steps forward, standing protectively in front of both you and Maria.
“Get the fuck off me, Tommy! M’gonna fuckin’ kill him!”
Maria tucks your face into her shoulder. “Don’t watch.”
“Joel, fuckin’ stop it already!” Tommy struggles to keep him in place. “You’re scarin’ her half to death!”
“I don’t fuckin’ care—”
Tommy’s fingers curl around the collar of his shirt. He slams Joel back against the wall so hard, the mirror, or at least what’s left of it, falls. The square frame breaks in half when it hits the floor.
“Well, you should fuckin’ care! She’s pregnant, Joel.”
You lift your head from Maria’s shoulder. “Tommy.”
Ellie spins around on her heel to face you. She stares at you with wide, round eyes. “You’re fucking pregnant?”
Joel looks over at you. Just as shocked, if not more.
Tommy grabs his chin, forcing his older brother to look at him once more. “It’s true,” he murmurs quietly. “So please, just take a goddamn breath and calm the fuck down. For her sake—and for the sake of your child.” He releases Joel’s shirt and takes a careful step backwards towards Luke, who is still groaning in pain on the floor. Once he realizes Joel isn’t going to charge him again, Tommy turns around and grabs the injured man by the lapels of his jacket, pulling him up to his feet in a rough, careless manner. “Get the fuck up,” he says. He drags him towards the door. “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Tommy? Where are you taking him?” Maria questions him.
“Town jail. M’gonna throw his sorry ass in a fuckin’ cell and leave him in there ‘til we figure out what to do with him.” He glances over his shoulder. “I’ll get the council together for an emergency meetin’ tonight.”
“Jesus,” Ellie mutters under her breath as soon as they disappear. “Did this really just fucking happen?”
Chest still heaving, Joel glances down at his bloodied, torn knuckles and then turns to you, his eyes meeting yours. The tension between the two of you is almost palpable.
Maria lightly clears her throat. “We should probably get out of here,” she suggests. “Let’s head on over to mine and Tommy’s while we wait for him to get back.”
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“Are you cold?” Ellie asks, worriedly.
She holds up a blue fleece throw blanket she’d dug out from the hallway closet despite you warning her not to snoop around the house while Maria’s in the bathroom tending to Joel’s hand.
Shaking your head, you sigh, “I’m fine.”
“But it’s cold in here.” She drapes the blanket over your hunched shoulders. “Can I get you something? Water? Are you hungry? You should probably eat something—”
“Ellie, please stop with all the fussing.” You pat the spot on the couch beside you. “Just sit here with me. That’s all I need right now.”
Nodding, she sits down and angles herself toward you, getting a closer look at the wound you’d been left with.
“Shit,” Ellie mutters under her breath. Grimacing, she lifts a hand and gingerly presses her fingertips to your neck in disbelief. “Fuck, dude. How bad does it hurt?” She touches a particularly sore spot on the column of your throat and you hiss in pain. She retracts her hand and sputters an apology, “Fuck, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
Wincing, you assure her, “It’s fine. It’s just a little tender right now, that’s all.”
“A little?” she scoffs.
“Okay, maybe more than a little,” you admit.
Ellie observes you for a moment. “Are you okay?”
“It’ll heal, Ellie. It looks worse than it really is.”
“No, I mean—” Pausing, Ellie moves her hand, placing it on your stomach. “Is the baby okay?”
You glance down at yourself, almost as if you expected to see something different about yourself, but then you remember you’re only about six weeks along and there is nothing to see, no significant changes to your body. Perhaps it’s the reason why there’s a part of you having a hard time grasping that Ellie’s asking if the baby was okay. If your baby is okay.
After a minute, you nod. “Yeah, I think so,” you reply softly, putting a hand over hers.
Relieved, Ellie flashes you a small smile. “Good.”
“How are you two doing in here?” Maria appears in the living room with Joel trailing behind her. His right hand is wrapped up in a white bandage.
“We’re okay.” Ellie glances at Joel. “You okay?”
He gives a quick, subtle nod of his head. “M’fine.”
“We can take her home now, right?” When Ellie doesn’t ge the immediate response she’s seeking, she shoots him a tiny little glare. “She’s coming home with us, isn’t she? I mean, she fucking has to come home with us.”
He still doesn’t answer her question.
All Joel can do is stare at you, jaw clenched and his lips pressed into a tight, thin line.
“Hey, Ellie, how about we go into the kitchen and make some tea?” Maria beckons to her with her hand.
She snorts. “Seriously? Who the hell wants fucking tea after that fucking shitshow—”
Maria pins her with an exasperated glare. “Ellie.”
“Oh shit, okay. I get it now,” Ellie quickly realizes it’s simply an excuse for the two of them to leave the room. Dropping her hand away from your stomach, she jumps up to her feet and wraps her arms around you. Her hug is brief, but full of warmth and reassurance, as if she’s silently telling you everything’s going to be alright. She releases you and follows Maria to the kitchen, leaving you and Joel alone.
Nervously, you stand up, your knees wobbling.
You feel torn—torn between wanting to run over to him and jump into his arms, and wanting to run away in the opposite direction to find somewhere to bury your head in shame. You’d promised him he had nothing to worry about, swore to him you couldn’t bear a child, and now here you were, carrying his and putting a responsibility on his shoulders he didn’t ask for. A responsibility that, surely, he doesn’t want.
On top of everything else he’d been through with you.
No, because of you. And now this?
Somehow, you muster up enough courage to speak.
“Joel,” you squeak his name. “Say something.”
“You sure you’re pregnant?” He asks, quietly. He stands across the room, making no move to come closer.
Swallowing harshly, you nod. “I’m sure.”
“How long have you known?”
“I only just found out yesterday,” you swear.
“And Tommy and Maria fuckin’ knew before me?”
It’s hard to tell if he’s angry or if he’s disappointed—not that either was a better option than the other.
“I was here with them yesterday in the afternoon. I got sick out of nowhere. Maria’s the one who suspected it and suggested I take a pregnancy test when I realized I haven’t had my period since August. After the first time that you and I—well, you know.” Shifting from one foot to the other, you continue to explain, “It never even fucking crossed my mind, Joel. I didn’t notice anything. I didn’t notice the symptoms. Missing my period, the dizziness, and the nausea. I was so busy trying to keep myself from fucking falling apart without you that it all went right over my head.”
Joel’s harsh expression suddenly softens.
“I took the test. When the results turned out positive, I just lost it. I fucking lost it, and I told Tommy and Maria everything because I was scared.” Your voice breaks, and a tear slips out from the corner of your eye, rolling down the side of your face. Several more threaten to follow, but you blink them back. “They offered to help me, Joel. They wanted to get me out of the house last night, but I was too fucking stubborn. I didn’t listen to them. I thought I’d be fine for one more night, but when Luke came home, he wanted to be intimate with me.”
Joel sucks in a sharp breath. His anger boils in his veins all over again. “And did he—he touch you like that?”
“No, of course not. I didn’t let him. I couldn’t let him. I told him not to touch me and I pushed him away.”
“Then what happened?”
“I told him that it was over. That our marriage was over and I was leaving. That’s when he took off his belt and he—” Gesturing to your throat, you start sobbing again as images of the night before flood your mind.
Luke had done pretty horrific things to you before, but this? 
This had been the worst of them. He almost killed you.
“Baby.” Joel rushes over to you and pulls you right into his arms. “Shh, darlin’. S’alright,” he soothes. “S’alright, you’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
Whimpering, you met into his touch, the very touch you have been missing with every fiber of your being. “I’m so sorry, Joel,” you croak into his chest. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
He pulls away slightly, peering down at you. “Sorry? For what?” Without even giving you the chance to answer, he assures you, “There ain’t nothin’ for you to apologize for, sweet girl. Alright?”
You let out a tearful scoff. “Joel, I’m pregnant. And it’s fucking yours,” you remind him, the guilt in your tone loud and clear. “Don’t you remember how worried you were about it? And how I told you that you had nothing to be concerned about?”
“Don’t put it all on yourself, peach.”
You almost smile.
Oh, how you’ve missed hearing him call you that.
“Look, this is on me too, baby. Part of me knew there was still a possibility, but I didn’t care. All I cared ‘bout was makin’ you mine every fuckin’ chance I got.” Joel’s hand cups the side of your face. He chuckles nervously and says, “Y’know, at one point, I kinda thought I was at the age where I’m shootin’ blanks more than anythin’ else. Guess we were both wrong, huh?”
He cuts you off. “And if you’re worried I’m upset ‘bout you bein’ pregnant, you’re wrong ‘bout that too, darlin’.”
Surprised, you blurt, “You mean, you want the baby?”
Now it's his turn to be taken aback.
“Y’thought I wouldn’t want it?”
“Yeah,” you confess, sheepishly. “I thought you would be mad about this, if I’m being honest, Joel. I wasn’t sure if you’d even want anything to do with it.” Noticing he’d taken some offense to the notion that he wouldn’t want his own child, you exhale a small sigh and place a hand on his chest. “Come on, Joel, can you honestly blame me? When you were the one who was so damn worried about me getting knocked up in the first place? Wouldn’t you have thought the same if you were me?”
He grazes your cheek with his thumb. “Can’t lie to you, sweetheart. I probably would have.” Letting his hand fall away from your face, Joel takes a seat on the couch and pulls you down onto his lap. “Sure as hell wasn’t in my plans to have another kid in my fuckin’ fifties. But y’know, the idea of having a little one runnin’ around, it ain’t all that fuckin’ bad.” He pauses, adding with a faint grin, “‘Specially if he or she happens to look like you.”
Relieved, you lean into his chest, shoulders sagging in exhaustion. 
“You alright?” Joel murmurs, pressing a kiss into your hair.
Burying your face into his neck, you breathe him in. “I am now that I’m with you,” you confess as he wraps his arms around you, holding you tighter than he ever has before.
“M’gonna take real good care of you, darlin’. Both of you,” Joel reassures you, softly. “Nothin’s gonna hurt you, baby. S’long as you’re with me, nothin’ or no one is ever gonna hurt you ever again. Swear it on my life.”
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pookietsunoda · 2 months
I'm trying to withhold judgment on the new F1 movie given that we've only seen a teaser trailer, but I shan't lie I'm going to be a little disappointed if it's just Brad Pitt made a self-insert F1 fanfic, or a live action version of Cars 3. (Former great needs to get over himself to mentor the next generation.)
Not saying Cars 3 is bad! Just that even in the last ten years in REAL LIFE there have been so many movie worthy stories of nearly Shakespearian proportions that could inspire more original works of fiction.
Ex. Brocedes-- two childhood friends who achieve their dreams of racing at the highest level, only to be torn apart by professional rivalry. Includes optional homoerotic subtext. (Though ofc they wouldn't make the movie abt anything close to brocedes because Hamilton is producing it, and that would be awkward lol.)
Or Fernando Alonso's long and eventful career, and how like Forrest Gump he is somehow in proximity to the craziest F1 drama and scandals? (Fernando breaks the fourth wall constantly and is an unreliable narrator.)
Heck, in 20-30 years I'd watch the hell out of a decently made Max Verstappen biopic. What makes a racer great? And how does it feel to have your overbearing F1 stage dad living out his dreams through you?
Even with the same plot, it would be a much more interesting film to focus much more on the human drama of how as an athlete, you either retire in your prime and question what you could have still accomplished, or slowly decline and watch yourself replaced by younger and shinier things. Do you risk your health and legacy by trying to still win glory for yourself, or do you allow yourself to fade into the background? Focusing on the emotional stakes would make for a much better film than just technically impressive visuals.
Also I found out bc of posts about the F1 movie that Brad Pitt allegedly abused Angelina Jolie and their kids so. Yikes.
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arlerts-angel · 4 months
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determined to show kazutora what love really is, the two of you become surprisingly close... but one day, kazutora disappears without a word.
💛 note: heed the warnings. it is not my intention to romanticize dv in any way, shape, or form. if this is triggering for you - skip this one and i'll see you next time <3 this fic is my first contribution to the fics for gaza initiative! thank you @reiners-milkbiddies for the donation and i hope you love it. 🫶 @ficsforgaza
⚠️ warnings: dark content. allusions to dv (kazutora's dad) | brief mention of murder x2 | hurt no comfort | canon-adjacent | gender neutral + physically ambiguous reader
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if you asked kazutora what love was a couple of years ago, his answer would've been his fist in your face.
that's what he learned from his father.
you were determined to show his broken soul what real, true love was.
every day.
you pissed him off every day in the first year. so much so, that you learned how to take a punch.
slowly, but surely, kazutora started feeling remorse for his actions. he realized he didn't like hurting you when all you did was show him compassion.
it was a hard realization for him; that you were a lot like his mother, who only ever loved him, and his father, even when it hurt her.
you quickly became his solace. kazutora would start using different coping mechanisms until he learned not to be violent in the name of love.
some days were harder for kazutora, and he'd need some time alone. "healing isn't linear," you told him, "i'm here when you're ready."
he started going to your house instead of his every day - it became his home away from hell.
he'd tell you all about this new gang he founded with a few of his buddies. he knew you didn't like it, but always assured you that it was good, and it was good for him.
a couple years passed and the two of you grew together, as did your feelings. you never addressed it. the way your relationship was, there was no need to. you were happy. he was happy. "if it's not broke, don't fix it" type of thing.
he held your hand every day to and from school. he'd walk you home even if he had a meeting with the gang.
he'd go over to your house and stay as long as he could on sunday's until your parents said it was time for him to go home. he'd kiss your forehead in secret and say "i'll see you in the morning".
but one monday morning, kazutora didn't show up to your house.
he didn't walk you to school and he didn't walk you home.
you heard through the grapevine all day that he went to juvie for third degree murder.
your parents explained to you what they saw on the news. kazutora had, in fact, been sent to juvenile detention for killing his friend's brother.
kazutora...? no... not my 'tora.
the only people allowed to call or visit were his immediate family.
you didn't see him for two years.
you didn't hear from him for two years.
two agonizing years.
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at your locker, you heard a jingle. soft, yet loud enough to grab your attention. it came from someone's earring. he had a thousand-yard stare, as if he'd been through the trenches. his face seemed familiar.
he looked at you only for a second, and in that second you swore the life returned to his eyes.
maybe he didn't forget...
he blinked, and his eyes were lifeless again. he muttered to himself and carried on - he never looked back.
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kazutora wanted nothing more than to hold you and cry. it pained him to walk away from you, deep down.
i don't have time... must kill mikey...
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banner + dividers by cafekitsune
taglist: @milky-aeons @lees-chaotic-brain @katkusuo @tetta-kissaki @priv-rose
@toji-girl-main @blueberrisdove @darkstarlight82 @kodzukein @trevengersprincess
@little-miss-chaoss @i-literally-cant-with-this @ravereina
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
Amber Heard is what would've happened to Nicole Brown Simpson if she survived. I've heard the phrase 'the only good woman is a dead woman' many times in my life but never has it felt more significant.
Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do, even when the case isn't "trending" anymore. I'm limiting my visits to this blog for my mental health now + they reached a settlement but I'll be back to support this blog in a few years when the public finds a new celebrity witch to burn. Cheers x
"You won’t ever know the worst that happened to Nicole Brown Simpson in her marriage, because she is dead and cannot tell you. And if she were alive, remember, you wouldn’t believe her." - Andrea Dworkin
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jarakio · 10 days
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when I read it ends with us, I didnt know it’d contain domestic violence bc no one ever talked about it even tho I read it at PEAK booktok popularity. so the way the movie promo is being handled is not surprising to me in any way, just very, very disappointing. like people can get seriously triggered from stuff like this, and honestly im more interested in hearing about the actors experiences with filming this (like Justin Baldoni has been talking about about) than about Blake and Ryan’s funny jokes.
I think the reason Ryan and Hugh are even there is because they’re helping promote the movie after the book started to get bad rap, but the way to pick the reviews up is learn from the obvious mistakes of not talking about the domestic violence as a main plot point or talking about changes that may have been made
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hunterscabin · 1 year
Safe With Us
Summary: The reader is an actress on Supernatural. When a routine fight scene causes you to panic and run off set, Jared and Jensen comfort you. In doing so, they learn about the abuse you’ve been suffering at the hands of your boyfriend, Nicholas.
Pairings: Jared x Reader; Jensen x Reader; OC Nicholas
Warnings: Mentions of physical and sexual abuse; feelings of helplessness; language 
Word Count: 2.2k 
Author’s Note: If your or someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse, The National Domestic Hotline can help. You can find more information and resources on their website athttp://www.thehotline.org/. If you are afraid your internet usage is being monitored, you can reach someone from The National Domestic Hotline by phone at 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224. Click HERE for domestic violence resources for those living outside the United States.
Sufferers of sexual assault can seek help through RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. They can be reached via a live chat on their website, https://www.rainn.org/, or by phone at 1-800-656-4673. Click HERE for sexual assault resources for those living outside the United States.
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Suddenly, Jared brought his arm above his head, his palm open flat ready to strike you. You immediately cowered, turning in on yourself and away from him.
“Hold!” Rich called from behind the camera. “Everything okay, Y/N?”
“Sorry. Reflex.” you called out, still hunched over trying to collect yourself. It took a moment, but you were finally able to stand upright.
“I don’t remember rehearsing a slap,” you remarked, more to yourself than to the surrounding crew.
“We didn’t rehearse an actual hit because he won’t be following through. Sam is simply threatening your character.” the stunt coordinator explained.
You nodded slowly in understanding. You were still rattled, but you figured it best to just continue with the scene. Filming was almost finished, and it was only a matter of time before you could go back to your trailer and decompress.
“Sorry,” you repeated to Rich, your eyebrows furrowed in apology.  
“No worries,” he reassured. “We’re still rolling. Everyone back to one.”
You made your way to your mark where Jared was already repositioned.
“You all right?” he asked, noticing your lingering anxiety.
“I’m fine,” you lied with a forced smile.
The crew settled and Rich called out, “Action!”
You and Jared began the fight sequence. You expertly maneuvered through the first few steps, deflecting a body check and pinning Jared against the doorframe. It wasn’t until his hand unfurled from your grip and reached over his head that you froze. Panic swept through you, and the whole room started spinning.
“Get it together, Y/N,” you thought as you closed your eyes and attempted to steady your breathing. You were trying to calm your shaking hands when Rich slid out of his chair and approached you.
“What’s going on, Y/N/N?” His voice was quiet and concerned.
“I think I just need a minute.” Your eyes remained fixed on the floor. Jared and Rich exchange a worried look.  
“I can do you one better than a minute.” Rich turned to the crew and yelled, “Seems like a good time to break for lunch. Everyone back in an hour!”
“Thank you,” you muttered, expertly dodging the comforting hand Rich was extending toward your shoulder. Before he could say anything, you were nearly running off set. Rich caught Jared’s gaze and nodded after you in silent suggestion that he should follow to make sure you were okay. Jared understood and was right behind you as you burst through the soundstage doors.  
“Y/N. Talk to me!” Jared urged as he chased after you.
“Jared, please. I just need a minute.” You didn’t even turn around to acknowledge him. You were too focused on the nervous energy coursing through your entire body. You picked up speed as your trailer came into view, but your quickened pace was no match for Jared’s long legs. He was somehow at your door before you, blocking the entrance.
“Jare,” you exhaled. Your tone was urgent and laced with a profound sense of fear and defeat.
He knew immediately that whatever was going on was serious, so he proceeded carefully. You were extremely independent, and he knew that you didn’t easily accept help or comfort.
“We don’t need to talk,” he compromised, “I just don’t want you to be alone right now.”
Knowing he would never relent, you conceded with a sigh and nodded your head for him to open the door. Once you were both inside, Jared moved to sit on the couch, never taking his eyes off you. As he watched you flit about your trailer, he tried to determine what was bothering you. You hadn’t been yourself for several weeks. It was a regular topic of conversation between him and Jensen. Honestly, the majority of the cast and crew had sensed that something was off, but no one had confronted you. Despite your positive and outgoing nature, you were never very open with your feelings. You were one of the strongest women many of them knew, but your resiliency was built upon a near refusal to let others in. You had grown up in a family not unlike the Winchesters and had been taught from a young age that any sign of weakness was unacceptable.
“Can I get you something to drink?” you asked, filling up your teakettle.
“Coffee would be good,” he replied, acknowledging that you were trying to keep busy. You pulled a pod of his favorite brew from your cabinet and placed it in your coffee maker.
“Milk and sugar?”
“Just milk, please,” he answered, getting up to join you in your kitchenette.
“Oat milk okay?” you asked, surveying the limited contents of your refrigerator.
Before Jared was able to reply, you grabbed the carton and turned around, not realizing that he was now right behind you. Your face collided with his chest and the milk immediately slipped from your hand. You both made an attempt to catch the falling carton, but it hit the floor with a thud. The cap came flying off and milk spouted up, showering you both.
After a moment of surprise, you looked up to see Jared smiling. You let out a small laugh.  
“Sorry about that,” you said, reaching for a nearby hand towel. 
“No use crying over spilled milk,” Jared quipped and you both chuckled. You handed Jared the towel, and he began wiping his face and shirt.
Your outfit fared worse in the whole debacle, and you absentmindedly removed your nearly soaking flannel. You froze the second your top layer hit the floor. Distracted by the universe’s small gift of comedic relief, you had completely forgotten that underneath, you were only wearing a tank top. You quickly reached for a sweater draped on the chair beside you and scrambled into the long sleeves, but it was too late. 
“Y/N,” Jared gasped, barely above a whisper. He slowly moved toward you and placed a gentle hand on your arm. He grimaced when you instinctively flinched at his touch. You turned to face him, using every fiber of your being to maintain a stoic face.
“What happened?” Your nervous hands had been unable to zip your sweater, and Jared gingerly pulled one of the open lapels away from your shoulder exposing a large bruise. “Oh, Y/N/N,” he whispered. You remained still as he moved your sleeve down a bit more. “Did Nicholas do this?”
“Yes.” You were both taken aback by your quick and straightforward answer.
“Some of these bruises look old, Y/N/N.”
“It’s been going on for a while.” There was no use in continuing to cover up the truth.
“Honey,” he breathed, still taking in the green and purple hues covering your exposed arm.  
“Jare, I’m…” you were interrupted as your trailer door swung open.
“Hey, Y/N/N, Rich told me what happened, and I…” Jensen stopped cold when he saw you. You immediately pulled away from Jared and shrugged your sweater back onto your shoulder, zipping it up to your neck and wrapping your arms around your stomach.
“Y/N.” Jensen’s voice was worried but stern. It didn’t take him long to piece everything together. “Nicholas.” he seethed through clenched teeth. The anger of his realization propelled him forward, and just as quickly as he’d barged in, Jensen was gone.  
You gazed up at Jared, and after an unspoken exchange, he turned to go after his friend.
“Jensen.” Jared called as he barreled down the steps of your trailer. “Jay. Stop.”
Jensen spun around. His face was knotted with rage. “I’m gonna kill him, Jare. I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
Several crew members stopped briefly at the commotion, but Jared waved them off with a tight smile.
“Slow down.” Jared reasoned. He grabbed Jensen by the shoulders. “I know how badly you want to hurt him. Hell, if he were here, I’d kill him myself, but it’s not going to help anything. What Y/N/N needs right now is for us to be there for her.”
Jensen saw the pleading in Jared’s eyes and took a deep breath to center himself.
“You know she’ll never admit it, but she needs us, Jay.”
“You’re right.” Jensen conceded after a moment, and Jared patted his shoulder in reassurance.
You heard the door push open and were immediately overcome with guilt when you saw the boys’ expressions. Jensen had tried to collect himself as he and Jared walked back to your trailer, but he was still visibly worked up. Jared’s eyes were sunken with pity. It was painful to see the hurt they felt for you; you never wanted to put your suffering onto someone else.  
“I’m sorry,” you breathed, “This is why I didn’t tell either of you. I knew you’d be upset, and I just couldn’t bear...” your confession was interrupted as Jensen pulled you into his strong arms.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N/N.” he assured you.
“I’m still sorry.” you admitted, your words muffled in his shirt. His heart sank at your misplaced guilt, and he tightened his hold on you, one arm wrapping further around your waist while his other hand cradled your head.
“I know, sweetheart,” Jensen soothed “I know.” He kissed your forehead before resting his cheek against your temple. He continued to hold you while the three of you stood in apprehensive silence. In the comfort of his embrace, the hesitation and doubt you had in telling the boys about the abuse began to fade, but in its place, a terrifying vulnerability crept in. You had always been able to take care of yourself, but you were starting to understand that your current circumstances were beyond your control. You needed help, and the realization left you feeling exposed and dismayed. Jensen recognized the shift as your entire body tensed, and he guided you to the couch. He took a seat next to you, and Jared pulled up a chair directly in front of you.
“Y/N/N, we knew something was wrong.” Jared confessed, drawing a hand down his face. “We just didn’t want to press the issue. You’re so private, so…” he trailed off, struggling to find the right phrasing.
You knew he’d be too kind to bring up your faults at a time like this, so you offered some assistance, “Closed off? Stubborn?”
“Something like that.” he said with a humorless laugh.
“It’s clear that you’ve been going through something, Y/N/N, but we had no idea.” Jensen enveloped your hand in both of his. “I would have never guessed that he would be capable of hurting you like this.” He let out a deep sigh. Jared and Jensen remained quiet giving you the space to open up if you were ready. Their patience was rewarded when you broke the silence.
“I thought I could handle this on my own.” you began, your voice starting to break. You had been strong up until this point, but you could feel your defenses falling in the presence of their comfort.
Jared grabbed the seat underneath him and pulled it closer to you. He placed both hands on your neck, his thumbs wiping the silent tears that were now rolling down your cheeks. He leaned further in and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. Still holding your face he pulled away to look at you. He could see how scared and hopeless you felt, and it broke his heart. “Y/N/N, darlin’, you do not have to do this alone,” his voice was quiet but firm, “We’re gonna get you away from him.”
Jensen took the hand on top of yours and moved it to your back, rubbing comforting circles. With his other hand still holding yours, he gently squeezed your grip. He leaned toward you and pressed a long kiss into your temple.
The love and concern you saw in both of their eyes sent you careening over your emotional edge. You let out a loud sob as the abuse you’d kept hidden and suppressed crawled out of the shadows and came for you. You told them everything, recounting the night he first hit you. How he struck you across the face, apologizing profusely after he realized what he’d done. How it happened a second time after he picked a meaningless fight. How he eventually stopped apologizing and started getting better at hitting you in places where no one would see. How he became more and more violent. How he started forcing himself on you when you would no longer agree to sleep with him.  
“Oh, sweetheart.” Jensen couldn’t take it anymore. He hooked an arm under your legs and laid them over his. He pulled your waist into him and held your face to his chest, kissing your forehead as he gently rocked you. “I’m so sorry, Y/N/N.”
Jared moved to sit next to you while you broke down in Jensen’s arms. Sobs racked your body and both men felt their own eyes begin to sting. They allowed you your moment of catharsis, neither of them being able to begin to understand the pain and suffering you’d been through. Once your sobs quieted, Jared took up your hands in his and rubbed his thumbs over your wrists.
“Y/N/N, baby girl, please look at me.” It took several seconds, but after a shaky breath, you found the courage to glance up at him. “You are safe with us,” Jared assured you, “He will never hurt you again. Ever.” An unwavering focus had replaced the sadness in his eyes.
You nodded, squeezing Jared’s hands as you nuzzled into Jensen’s chest. You knew in that moment they would do anything and everything to protect you, and for the first time in months, you felt a wave of peace and relief wash over you.
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cbrownjc · 1 year
Could you explain why you are ok with ep 5? I hated seeing, yet again, the battered body of a black character beaten to a pulp by his white partner, especially since such violence never happened between Louis and Lestat in the books. While I know white people can't understand and probably couldn't care less, I'm genuinely curious about your take on this.
Hi Anon!
Okay, first I'm sorry this reply back took the long time it did for me to answer it but, aside from wanting to think on it, RL things got in the way too. And then I also got caught up with some other writing I'm doing. And, as I said, I wanted to think this out before I wrote on it.
Now, first of all, it's actually not true wrt the books that Lestat and Louis never fought before. Someone other than myself has taken screenshots of passages in the book ITWV where such fights have happened. So I do not believe that it was out of character at all for them to have even had a fight in such a way, as such things did happen in the books. (And honestly, I didn't think it was OOC for Lestat at the time it happened before people started posting screenshots of the passages in the book that showed them fighting).
What has upset people is how visceral and beaten Louis looked by the end of that fight. (And no one is wrong for feeling that way if they do/did). It is disturbing to see a black man beaten in such a way by his white partner. And I actually don't think the writers were completely unaware of that imagery when they did this either. Not when you take into account the other pointed underlying racial dynamics the show did and highlighted throughout the season, before and after that episode. (From basically all of EP3, to Claudia mocking Louis telepathically with the "massa" talk in EP6.) So no, I do not think they were at all ignorant of the loaded racial imagery in EP5 after that fight.
And whether some views can forgive Lestat for it will be an individual thing, at the end of it all IMO. Some views may never forgive it, and I think that is completely okay. However, for me - and why I not only wasn't that shocked by the fight itself but feel I understand what is going on with it is - is 1.) as said, they did have knock-down fights in the first book, 2.) knowing Lestat does have that level of violence-ability in him as I noted when the episode first aired and 3.) and this is the main point - that there, strategically, some clear missing context going on here wrt that fight.
Because the entirety of that fight never once was told from Louis' POV. Until that moment when Lestat took Louis out into the courtyard and then up into the air, the actual fight itself was all told from Claudia's POV.
And that was clearly a deliberate choice. Not just to highlight what it must have been like for Claudia to witness this but because there is clearly something about that fight that Louis is holding back about. And no, not because he's lying about the fight having happened at all, and him being beaten in such a way. The fight did happen, and Louis did get beaten in the way we saw at the end. Because, again, what we saw of the actual fight was all from Claudia's POV, and Claudia would have no reason to lie about such a thing in her diary, where the account of the fight was clearly taken from.
No, it's because I strongly feel that something was going on during it that I don't think Louis can - even now - really process. And I have a huge suspicion about what it is.
We're now headed into book spoiler territory and I don't know how much you might want those, so I'm going to stop with that here. All I will say is that the pauses in the fight when we heard Lestat's voice talking are very, very important, particularly when it comes to what he's saying.
Part of this, and that fight, has to do with the very nature of what Lestat and Louis, and Claudia all are as vampires. Again, I'm really trying not to spoil anything here, because I suspect the show might reveal some of this in Season 2, particularly wrt Paris and the Theater Coven.
Though I don't think the majority of it will be talked about until Season 3 when we finally get Lestat's POV. And it might even be something that carries on over into multiple seasons.
I understand the POV of people who will never be okay with the fight and the imagery it left wrt Louis. But I really do feel the writers didn't do it without one, knowing how it would look, and two, that there is a larger, overall, story arc point going on here which ties into the fact that we are not dealing with human beings here.
This isn't a story about vampires seeking redemption or a way back to humanity. With Rice's vampires, the longer they live, the more apart from humanity they become. That is, overall, one of the things the VC explores here. And they are all going to continue to do some really inhuman things, at least during these earlier parts of the story, towards people they love.
Over time, even as many of them, especially Lestat, learn better how to deal with that nature, particularly towards those they care about and love, those inhuman things about their nature will still be there.
So I think also having that view, understanding that about these characters, as well as everything else I talked about, (including something I strongly feel they are setting up as to why Lestat acted the way he did), goes into my few of that fight and why, when it happened, I honestly wasn't either surprised by it and am okay and want to see where they go from here with it. This is just all, personally, where I'm coming from it with it of course.
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pedrospatch · 1 year
a safe haven l eight
Jackson! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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series masterlist
summary: Joel encourages you to leave Luke and live the life you deserve with him and Ellie; Luke confronts you about Joel; Ellie discovers your secret and tells Joel, leading you to make a heartbreaking decision for the good of everyone in Jackson.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. (TW) THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A SCENE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. reader gets shoved and sustains an injury as a result (non life threatening). mentions of skin discoloration, the word bruise is used but no mentions of specific skin tone for reader, PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS. *other chapter warnings and tags include: soft Joel, domestic fluff between reader and Joel, Ellie is a little shit but we love her, death of two minor OCs, talk of grief, funeral and burial, confronation between Ellie and reader, confrontation between Joel and reader, ends with angst and a slight cliffhanger.
Word Count: 10k
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News of the ambush attack spreads like a wildfire.
Jackson’s safety and security has been rattled.
One life lost and another life hangs in the balance.
People are anxious—and they’re terrified.
And who could blame anyone for feeling this way?
For the first time in a long time, their peace of mind had been completely shattered.
“Where the hell did the kid run off to?” Joel grumbles, shifting uncomfortably on the examination table.
Now that the adrenaline is beginning to wear off, he’s really starting to feel the pain in his shoulder. It had started throbbing something awful not long after you’d finished stitching him up, and the expired oxycodone tablets you had given him had very little potency left—they hadn’t done a goddamn thing to help ease his discomfort. Not that it really came as a surprise to either one of you that the two decades old painkillers hadn’t worked, but it’d been worth a shot to at least try and see if they would do him any good.
“She’s with Rose in the supply closet,” you reply, taping a piece of gauze over his wound in an effort to keep it protected until you could take him home and get him cleaned up—then you would bandage up his shoulder properly. “They’re gathering some supplies you’ll need and looking for a sling.” It’s quite foolish to be this close to Joel with Luke just mere feet away in the exam room down the hallway, but you can’t seem to help yourself. Offering him a look of empathy, you lift your hand and cup the side of his face, delicately cradling it in your palm. You softly graze your thumb over the scruff of his beard. “I know, I know. You’re itching to get out of here. I promise, as soon as Ellie comes back with the supplies you need, we’ll get you home, okay?”
Joel raises a questioning eyebrow. “We?”
You nod. “I want to help Ellie get you settled in for the night and make sure you’re comfortable.”
He lowers his voice. “But what ‘bout Luke?”
“He’s going to be tied up here at the clinic tonight. It’ll be a while before he heads home,” you assure him. Dropping your hand away from his face, it falls back down against your side as you step back, putting some distance between the both of you. It probably isn’t the wisest idea to spend the night looking after Joel considering you’re already treading on thin ice with your husband for tending to his injury earlier, but your desire to take care of the man you love simply can’t be suppressed. Sensing his unease about it, you quickly add, “But if you don’t want me to, then I completely understand.”
Holding your breath, you anxiously wait for his response. 
Part of you almost hopes he’ll say that he doesn’t. 
One of you needs to be the voice of reason, and it sure as hell isn’t going to be you.
“No, that ain’t it—that ain’t it at all, sweet girl,” Joel says, shooting you a stern glare for even suggesting such a thing. “‘Course I want you to come home with me and Ellie. Just don’t want you riskin’ your neck for us. I don’t want you gettin’ yourself in some kinda trouble with Luke, that’s all.”
You flash him a small, wry smile. “I’ll be fine, Joel.”
That can’t be further from the truth.
But he doesn’t have to know that.
He doesn’t have to know you’ll be in for it when you’re finally home alone with Luke.
“We hit the fucking jackpot,” Ellie announces, walking into the room. She has an old, brown canvas bag slung over her shoulder and in her hands she holds a sling for Joel’s arm. “Well, sorta. Rose said this is the only adult size the clinic has in stock, so it’s more of a loaner. She said we’ll have to bring it back as soon as his shoulder heals. It’s seen better days,” she remarks, holding it out to you. “But it should do the job.”
Taking the sling from her, you start helping Joel into it. “What about the list I gave you?” you ask her over your shoulder as you adjust the thicker strap around his neck. “Did she get you everything that I wrote down?”
Clicking her tongue, Ellie double checks the bag.
“Uh, let’s see—saline, clean bandages, and a vial of penicillin.”
“And what about the syringes?”
“She could only give me three of them since stock is too low,” she replies. “That okay?”
You shrug. “We’ll have to make it work. We can always clean and boil the needles if we have to.” You tug the strap around Joel’s neck lightly making sure you’d fastened it securely, but not too tightly, either. You touch his arm. “That feel okay, honey?” The pet name slips out, falling from your lips before you even have the chance to catch it. Blood rushes to your face and your cheeks start to burn—even with your back turned to Ellie, you can feel the smirk that’s now plastered on her face. 
“Aww,” she teases. “Honey. How fucking cute is that?”
“Ellie,” Joel says her name warningly as you pick up his bloodied denim shirt and drape it over him in an effort to cover him up. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” 
“Don’t start.”
“Okay, I won’t.” Ellie pauses, her smirk widening as she slyly adds under her breath, “Honey.”
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“Jesus, it’s like this place turned into a fucking ghost town or something,” Ellie observes, glancing around as the three of you make your way down Main Street and head towards the residential side of town. “Where the hell did everybody fucking go? Did we miss something?”
“Maria must have sent out a message to call off all of today’s evening work duties,” you tell her. Even though there isn’t anyone else outside, you keep a healthy distance in between you and Joel as you walk beside him. “The last time that something like this happened, she let everyone take the night off so they could be with their families and mourn. She might even cancel tomorrow’s duties too, if she hasn’t already.”
Ellie lets out a small, understanding hum. “I see.”
“So someone dies and everythin’ just stops?” Joel asks, lightly shaking his head at the thought. “Just like that?”
“Jackson isn’t like the zones,” you remind him. “We’re a community. We all love and care for one another, and when we have a loss, it hits people hard. Peter was a husband and a friend who everyone adored. It’s not like he was some faceless number working himself to the bone to earn just enough rations to survive.” You look around the empty streets, shrugging lightly as you shove both of your hands into the back pockets of your jeans. “Here in Jackson, we don’t toss bodies carelessly into a big fire pit and walk away without giving it a second thought. We bury our dead together—we grieve together. We’re still human, Joel. We can’t let the world outside these walls make us forget our humanity.”
“S’ppose you’re right,” he agrees, quietly.
The sun’s just starting to set by the time the three of you make it to Joel and Ellie’s.
“Careful, Joel,” Ellie fusses, looping her arm through his as she guides him up the steps of their front porch. “Careful, careful, careful—”
“Ellie!” he snaps irritably. “I got shot in the shoulder, not in the fuckin’ kneecap. I can fuckin’ walk just fine.” 
Ellie glances over her shoulder at you, scoffing. “It honestly blows my fucking mind that you have the hots for this.” She jerks her chin towards him and rolls her eyes. “Seriously, how does someone like him even manage to pull someone like you? Pretty sure it wasn’t his incredible personality or dashing good looks that reeled you in, so what kind of voodoo spell did my old man put your ass under, princess?”
Joel glares at her. “Now you listen here y’little shit—”
“Alright, that’s enough,” you cut him off. “Knock it off, both of you.” Putting a hand on his lower back, you request, “Ellie can you get the door, please?”
She nods. Letting go of Joel’s arm, she reaches into one of the back pockets of her blue jeans. She digs out her single house key and quickly unlocks the front door, ushering you both inside. “His room’s upstairs,” Ellie informs you as she flips on the lights in the foyer and leads the way up the staircase. She beckons with her hand for you to follow her down the hallway and opens the door to Joel’s bedroom. “Okay, so what’s the plan?”
“For you two to stop makin’ a huge fuss over me so I can lay down and get some fuckin’ rest?” Joel hopes. “M’exhausted.”
“Soon enough,” you promise him. “Where’s your bathroom?”
“S’that door there on the left.” He pauses, shooting you a quizzical look. “Why? What are you gonna do?”
“Run a bath to get you all cleaned up, of course.”
“Gross.” Ellie makes a face at you. “Sorry, but you’re gonna have to fly solo on that one, princess. I refuse to help you give the old man a sponge bath.”
You laugh lightly, not the slightest bit surprised by her reaction. “Fair enough. How about you go downstairs and fix him something to eat while I help him wash up?”
“Don’t have to fucking tell me twice!” Ellie whirls around on the heels of her sneakers, booking it for the door. She sings out over the shoulder, “Behave yourselves in there, you two! Don’t forget there’s an innocent child present under this roof and she doesn’t need to hear you guys bumping uglies!”
Flustered, you look down at your boots.
“Ellie!” Joel bellows her name, angrily. Before he has the chance to reprimand her, she scurries out of the room and flies down the stairs towards the kitchen.
Choking back a nervous chuckle, you pivot on your heel and walk into his bathroom. You make your way over to the porcelain tub and turn on the faucet. You kneel beside it as you wait for it to fill with water, occasionally dipping your hand into the water to check the temperature.
“M’real sorry ‘bout her,” Joel apologizes from the door. 
“It’s quite alright,” you assure him, despite the heat burning your face and neck from the teenager’s teasing. As soon as the tub is full, you shut off the faucet and stand up. You must have risen to your feet too quickly—a wave of dizziness sweeps over you and for a second, the room spins. Blinking furiously, you brush it off and beckon with a hand for Joel. “Bath’s ready. Come here.”
“Peach, you don’t gotta do this for me, y’know.”
“I know, Joel.”
“M’perfectly capable of cleanin’ myself up.”
“Yeah Joel, I know that too,” you say. “Now come here, please.”
Sighing, Joel slowly makes his way over towards you, taking your hand in his. He gives it a gentle squeeze. “You’ve done more than enough for me today, darlin’. I appreciate you for wantin’ to take care of me, but you don’t—”
You cut him off by tenderly pressing your mouth to his. “Then please, for the sake of what little sanity I have left tonight, just let me,” you murmur quietly against his lips. You reach up, pushing his soiled shirt off of his shoulders, letting the torn, bloodied denim fall to the floor behind him in a crumpled heap. You place your palm on his bare chest, right over his heart and feel it thrum strong and steady beneath your fingertips. Perring up at him, you ask, “Will you let me take care of you, Joel? Please?”
He sighs again, this time in defeat. “It really ain’t fair, y’know.”
“What’s not fair?”
Joel brushes a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
“The fact that I can’t ever fuckin’ say no to you.”
With a satisfied smile, you start to help him out of the sling, setting it on the counter. You then take off his belt, unbutton his jeans, and pull down his zipper for him.
“Turn around,” he says, kicking off his boots. 
Amused, you cock an eyebrow at him. “Joel, are you kidding me?” He nods and you shake your head at him, reminding him, “I’ve seen you naked plenty of times before.”
“Never in the light,” he counters, sheepishly. “S’always in the dark.”
You lean forward and kiss his collarbone, eliciting a tiny groan from him. “Joel, please,” you mumble against his warm skin. “Don’t be silly. Now come on, let’s hurry before Ellie comes back upstairs with your dinner.” You take a step back and tug at his jeans, pulling them down his legs along with his boxer briefs. After dumping his dirty clothes into the woven laundry basket behind the door, you help him into the bathtub.
Joel hisses out in relief as he sinks into the water.
Once he’s settled in, you kneel beside it once again.
“How does it feel?”
“Feels good,” he remarks, the hot water easing the aches in his bones that have nothing to do with his injury and everything with his age. “Real fuckin’ good.”
Cupping your hands together, you dip them into the water and start wetting his hair. You can’t help but smile when you notice how it curls more so than usual when it’s wet. “Scoot forward and then lean back a little. I’m going to wash your hair—I don’t want to soak the gauze on your shoulder.” Reaching across him, you grab his bottle of shampoo, twisting the cap off. You pour some of the product into your palm and set the bottle back down. After lathering the shampoo between your hands, you start running the suds through his damp locks.
“Christ,” Joel’s eyes roll into the back of his head as soon as you start massaging his scalp. “Fuck, sweetheart. Y’know, I think I could get used to this,” he admits with a sigh of content. “Feels fuckin’ incredible.”
You smile again, opening your mouth to speak, but then immediately clamp it shut.
Suddenly, you’re feeling a little off—something doesn’t feel right.
Brows knitting together in confusion, your smile falters. 
Normally, you love the scent of Joel’s shampoo.
You can’t even begin to count all the nights you’d hold him in your arms, breathing in the earthiness of jojoba oil combined with calming lavender from his hair as he rested his head on your chest. It’s usually fairly subtle, however now, as you wash his hair, the scent seems heavier and much more potent than usual—it makes your stomach churn violently and you can taste the bile as it slowly creeps its way up your throat. Pausing, you take a brief moment to breathe your way through the wave of nausea and swallow back the bitterness, willing yourself not to be sick right there in his bath. Worried you actually might, you drop your hands from his hair, close your eyes, and sit back on your heels as you wait for the feeling to subside.
“Baby.” You hear the water slosh around him. He tries reaching out for you with his injured arm, but grimaces, unable to make it very far before a sharp pain shoots through his shoulder. “What is it? What’s the matter?”
After a minute, it passes. You open your eyes only to meet Joel’s as he watches you with concern. “Sorry.”
“What’s wrong, darlin’? You feelin’ alright?”
You nod. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Leaning forward, you lift your hands to continue washing his hair. Shrugging dismissively, you realize, “I think I just need to eat something. It’s been a while since my last meal.”
“When’s the last time you ate?”
“Breakfast,” you reluctantly admit. “I had quite a bit of work to do at the stables, so I decided to skip lunch today, and before you scold me for it, I know I shouldn’t have worked through lunch.” You flash him a crooked little grin as he pins you with a disapproving frown. “I promise I’ll eat something as soon as I get home, Joel.”
“You’d better.”
After rinsing the shampoo out of his hair, you take his washcloth and lather it up using his bar of castile soap.
“How’s the water, honey? Does it still feel alright?” you ask him sweetly, running the wet, soapy washcloth over his chest and neck. You’re careful to keep it away from his injured shoulder. Leaning over the side of the bathtub, you start washing his side, being gentle as you sweep over the bruise he’d gotten from falling off of his horse during the attack. A lock of hair falls loose from your ponytail and into your face.
Joel lifts his hand out of the water, tucking it behind your ear. “S’perfect,” he murmurs, his hand grazing your cheek. Water drips off of his arm and lands on your camisole, soaking through the thin cotton. “Looks like you’re gonna have to take off your shirt, peach. Got’cha wet.” He chuckles at his own awful innuendo.
“You’re unbelievable, Joel! I just pulled a bullet out of your shoulder, and you’re already thinking of getting me naked,” you tease him with a giggle. “Oh, and by the way, I hope you know that there will be none of that for a while, not until you’re all healed up. Got it?”
“You can’t be fuckin’ serious.” His face falls when he realizes that you aren’t joking. “But you said it could be four to six weeks until I heal. How am I s’pposed to go that fuckin’ long without touchin’ you?”
Giggling again, you give his chest a gentle pat. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll survive.”
Rolling his eyes at you, Joel grumbles incoherently underneath his breath.
“Oh, come here, you big grump.” You lean forward and press a delicate kiss to his right temple. Your lips linger over the small, jagged scar near his hairline, causing him to shudder slightly.
Joel hasn’t vocalized it to you, but you know that of all the scars he possesses, the one on his temple is the scar he’s the most self-conscious about, especially now that you know how he’d gotten it.
“You know, you were right about Ellie,” you murmur softly against his skin. “About her knowing. You were right to warn me that night.”
He frowns. “She confronted you ‘bout us?”
Pulling away from him, you nod. “She sure did.”
“Well, I reckon that explains why she was givin’ us so much shit earlier,” he huffs, shaking his head. “When did this happen?”
“Earlier this afternoon, when we were alone at the stables,” you answer. “She offered to work through lunch with me and it was just the two of us. It happened just before Tommy showed up and told us you had been shot.”
Joel grimaces. “Might regret askin’ this, but what did she say?”
You chew nervously on your bottom lip.
“She said she wants me to leave Luke.”
His eyebrows shoot up towards his hairline.
He knew his kid was pretty bold, but to go as far as telling you to leave your husband was pretty ballsy, even for her. He should reprimand her for it, but he can’t fault her for being brave enough to do what he still hasn’t mustered up the courage to do himself. “She did? What else did she say to you?”
“That the three of us could be a family together. A real family.” You drop the washcloth into the water and rest both arms on the edge of the tub as you continue filling him in on the encounter between you and Ellie. “She said it wasn’t complicated—that all I had to do was take off the ring, pack up my things, and leave him. She also said that I could just move in here and live with you two.” Pausing, you let out a small, breathy laugh. “I told her I would love that more than anything, but I can’t. It just isn’t possible. I can’t leave my husband.”
His jaw clenches, teeth gritting together. “‘Cause he won’t fuckin’ let you.”
You can’t help yourself and you laugh again.
Now you’re absolutely sure of it. Joel and Ellie really are cut from the same cloth.
You breathe out a long, melancholic sigh. 
“Joel, I love you. And I’ve grown to love Ellie, too. You both make me happy,” you tell him, softly. “Ever since you two came into my life, something in me changed. It was almost like I’d forgotten what it felt like to love and to be loved in return. I thought I’d lost that part of me when I lost my father two years ago. I thought that part of me had died along with him. His loss left left me feeling so empty. It left a void inside of me—but you and Ellie have filled it. It’s kind of silly, but sometimes I honestly think he sent you two to me. It’s almost like he knew I needed you.”
His eyes soften. “Ain’t silly at all, darlin’.”
“You both mean so fucking much to me,” you confess. 
“And you mean so fuckin’ much to us—you belong with us, peach. Your place is with us. Your home, it ain’t with Luke. It’s here, with me and with Ellie.”
“I know, trust me, I know that Joel. But I can’t—”
Joel sits up straight in the tub, wincing slightly.
“Joel, stop. Come on, you need to take it easy.”
Placing both hands on his chest, you try to push him back against the tub, but Joel’s hand reaches up and catches one of your wrists. He lightly curls his fingers around it. “Don’t you think it’s what your dad would want?” he questions. “You think he’d want you to be livin’ a life of misery with Luke?”
“Of course he wouldn’t. But I can’t leave him, Joel.”
“Look, whatever it is that you’re afraid of—”
“Joel, please,” you whisper, thickly. “Don’t do this.”
“You ain’t gotta be afraid, baby. I can protect you. I can keep you safe.” His thumb lightly caresses the thin, delicate skin on the inside of your wrist as his eyes meet yours. “I mean it. I can keep you safe, my sweet girl. I would never let anythin’ bad happen. I swear it. I wouldn’t let anythin’ bad happen to you, and neither would the kid. She loves you too goddamn much.”
You swallow the emotional lump in your throat. 
Lifting your wrist, Joel feathers a gentle kiss on the inside of it. He feels your pulse racing against his lips. “You’d be alright with us, y’know.”
“I know I would.”
“Then what the hell’s stoppin’ you?” Joel challenges. “We’re your family, baby. We’ve got you. No matter what—me and Ellie, we’ve got you, peach.”
Joel makes it sound so simple, so fucking easy. 
But he doesn’t know Luke the way you know Luke.
He won’t let you go, not without some kind of fight.
And Joel Miller wouldn’t be afraid to fight back.
He would kill Luke, if it came down to it.
After a moment’s silence, you finally speak. 
“Just—just give me a little time so I can figure things out, okay?” you bargain with him. “I need some time to sort things out.” Before Joel can even ask you what you’re talking about, you cut him off and shoot him a pleading look. “Please, Joel. Please. I’m just asking for some time, that’s all. If I can have it my way, I’ll be living here with you and Ellie before winter comes around in a couple of months.”
Joel sighs heavily. “Fine. I’ll give you time, but only on one condition.”
Apprehensive, you question, “What condition is that?”
“He does anythin’ to you, you come and tell me so I can handle it. Alright?”
“Joel, he’s not going to do anything to me.” The lie rolls off of your tongue with such ease that it actually takes you by surprise. “He’s not going to—”
He stops you. “Just promise me, baby. Promise that you’ll come to me if you need me. Please. S’all I’m askin’ of you.”
Knowing there is no other choice but to agree, you nod. “Of course I will.”
It’s a promise you can’t and won’t keep.
“That’s my girl.” Joel places another soft kiss onto your wrist. “I love you. I love you more than fuckin’ life itself.” He glances down and brushes his thumb over your wedding band. “Y’know, someday you’re gonna take this goddamn thing off for good and you ain’t gonna have to put it back on. You’ll be mine.”
Frowning, you counter, “But I’m already yours, Joel.”
“All mine,” he rephrases himself. “Who knows. Maybe I’ll find a ring to put on your finger myself some day.”
Worried you’ll break down, you gently tug your wrist out of his hand. “We should finish up in here. Ellie’s going to come upstairs soon.”
After you finish rinsing off the suds of soap from his body, you drain the tub and help him out of it and into a clean towel, wrapping it around his waist. You hand him a second towel which he uses to haphazardly dry off his chest and hair before walking back out into his bedroom. With his permission, you start searching through his drawers for some comfortable clothes. You pluck a pair of clean boxer briefs from one drawer and faded, navy blue sweatpants from another. Once you help him dress, you instruct, “Sit down. I’m going to bandage your shoulder.”
Obediently, Joel perches himself on the foot of his bed. 
You stand in front of him, unrolling the bandage.
“C’mere.” He grabs your hip, pulling you between his thighs. “Y’know, you make a real cute nurse.” He slides his hand up your shirt, his fingers gliding up the soft, smooth skin of your stomach.
“Joel, stop. Cut it out,” you scold him, playfully. “I need to make sure I do this right. Don’t distract me.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll behave,” Joel gruffs. He withdraws his hand from under your shirt and keeps it to himself.
You wrap the elastic, flesh toned bandage over his injured shoulder, pulling it behind his back before bringing it around across the front of his chest—after wrapping the excess material snugly around Joel’s bicep, you secure it, fastening the plastic clips at the end of it. “How does that feel? It’s not too tight, is it?”
“S’fine,” he answers. After you help him back into the sling, he wraps his opposite arm around you, pulling you closer to him. “So do I get a kiss or somethin’ for bein’ such a good patient for you, darlin’?”
“Yeah, I suppose you earned it.” Grinning, you carefully wrap an arm around his neck and lean down, swelling his lips with your own in a deep kiss. He swallows the soft moans that find their way from the back of your throat and into his mouth as his hand once again snakes its way up your shirt, touching each and every last inch of skin he can possibly reach.
“Oh fuck, my eyes!” Ellie’s voice cries behind you.
Startled, you rip yourself out of Joel’s grasp.
She stands at the door holding a steaming bowl in her hands, a horrified look on her face.
“Ellie,” you say her name, breathlessly. “We didn’t hear you coming up the stairs—”
“Obviously fucking not,” she huffs, rolling her eyes at you as she makes her way into his bedroom. “Well, now that I’m fucking scarred for life—” She pauses and sets the bowl down on Joel’s nightstand. “Here you go, Romeo. I made you some soup. And by made I really mean, I opened a can of twenty one year old chicken noodle soup and warmed it up on the stove.” Smirking, she adds, “So chow down. Unless you’re way too busy sucking her face off to eat, of course.”
Joel narrows his eyes at her. “Y’know I only need one hand to wring that little neck of yours, right?”
Before she has the opportunity to fire back, you step in. “I have to get going. It’s getting late and I need to make it home before Luke does.” You turn to Ellie. “He’s going to need a penicillin injection every six hours, okay? He’s pretty vulnerable to infection right now so he has to be on antibiotics for the next week or so.”
She nods, giving you a thumbs up. “You got it, doc.”
“Normally, you inject penicillin into the buttock—” You pause, holding back a laugh as a look of pure disgust flashes across the young girl’s face. “But, it can also be injected right into the thigh muscle. I’ll show you.” Pointing to the exact spot on the outer portion of his thigh, you instruct, “Five hundred milligrams, no more and no less. Easy enough?”
“Oh, okay. So that’s how you inject penicillin,” Ellie muses with a hum. After a moment, she mutters under her breath, “That would have been fucking useful to know about eight months ago.”
Your lips purse together tightly as you recall her story about what happened in Colorado with David and his group. 
“What’d you say, kid?” Joel asks, confused. 
“Nothing,” she replies, innocently.
Clearing your throat, you reach up, smoothing a hand over his damp curls, slicking them back. “I’m going to head home. Get plenty of rest, alright? I’ll come over and check up on you as often as I can. I promise.” You lean down, pressing a soft, gentle kiss to his forehead. 
“Jesus, you two make me so fucking sick already,” Ellie remarks, making a loud gagging noise. However, when you look at her, she’s smiling.
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You walk into the house, only to find it empty.
Luke must have still been caught up at the clinic.
It seems like a good sign that Carl might still be alive. 
After taking a quick, hot shower, you hastily put on some comfortable clothes and hurry downstairs to prepare a late dinner. You had just finished peeling some boiled russet potatoes you planned to mash up when the sound of the front door opening and then slamming shut echoes throughout the house. You hear his footsteps approaching and a chill runs down the length of your spine just like back in the clinic—all you can think about is what he’d said to you as he was leaving the room. 
“We’ll talk about this at home.” 
Anxiously, you turn around just as Luke enters the kitchen. He’d changed his clothes at the clinic, trading his blood soaked scrubs for a pair of dark wash blue jeans and a plain black button up shirt. “Hey,” you greet him, hoping you don’t sound as nervous as you feel. “How’s, um—how’s Carl doing?”
“He didn’t make it either,” he replies curtly. He sets his black leather satchel down onto the kitchen table. “He lost too much blood during surgery. And without a machine for a transfusion—” He stops short. He hangs his head and even from you’re standing at the stove, you can see the way his jaw clenches.
Luke takes it hard whenever he loses someone—and he always takes it out on you.
“I’m so sorry,” you manage to tell him. Despite trying to remain calm and collected, you’d started wringing your hands together out of habit.
“Well, at least there was one hero in that clinic today,” he scoffs out bitterly with a shake of his head.
You frown. “Luke, please don't do that. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Peter and Carl’s injuries were too severe. And besides, you said it yourself. We don’t have the proper equipment here in the commune.” You know there is no consoling him, not a single word of comfort could ease the blow of his failure, and yet, you find yourself trying anyway. “You did all you could do for them with what little we have. There’s nothing you could have done differently to change the outcome. Their wounds were fatal. Their fate was sealed long before they made it back to Jackson.”
Luke pinches the bridge of his nose and exhales a long, exasperated breath through his lips. It’s like watching a ticking time bomb.
“Look, it’s been a long day for everyone. Why don’t you go upstairs to take a shower, relax a bit, and then come back down for dinner?” you offer. “I’ve got a chicken baking in the oven, it shouldn’t be all that much longer now—”
Luke glares at you. “I just lost two fucking people today. Do you really think I’m fucking hungry right now?”
“You still need to eat,” you say, your voice small. 
“Are you really that fucking stupid?” He starts to walk over towards you. “What?” He asks when he notices you flinch, your body shrinking away from him. “What’s the matter, darling? You’re not afraid of me, are you?”
You answer him in the steadiest voice you can, but even you can hear the way it trembles with fear.
“Of course I’m not afraid of you, Luke.”
He lifts one of hands, prompting you to flinch again. “I’m not going to hit you,” he murmurs, touching your cheek before taking it in his palm. Knowing how uncomfortable he’s making you, his green eyes seek yours, only making it worse. “How is your boyfriend? Is he doing alright?”
The color drains from your face. “Excuse me?”
Luke cups your cheek harder. “Patching him up back at the clinic wasn’t enough for you, was it?”
You grab his wrist and try to tear his hand away from your face as you sputter, “What—what are you talking about, Luke?”
“Esther came into the clinic this evening with Martha and Lisa so they could say their goodbyes. While we were out in the hallway giving them a moment of privacy, Esther told me she saw you with Joel and Ellie. She said she watched you walk into their house with them—is that true?”
Left without another choice but to tell him the truth, you nod meekly. “It’s true,” you confess. “I walked them back to their place.” As soon as you see the anger flash in his eyes, you begin to ramble an explanation. “I went home with them so I could help Ellie get him settled. She’s fifteen years old, Luke. I needed to show her how to care for his wound and how to inject the penicillin he needs, that’s all—”
“Bullshit,” Luke seethes through his teeth. He grabs your shoulders, taking them harshly in his hands. “I’m going to ask you one more time—what the hell is going on between you and Joel Miller? And before you even think about giving me the same lie about his fucking brat of a kid, just know that I don’t fucking believe you.”
“Luke, let go of me—”
He starts shaking you as if it’ll somehow shake the answer out of you. “Fucking tell me the truth!”
You squirm in his grasp. “Luke, please! Let go of me!”
He shakes you harder, his violence escalating.
“Why were you at the fucking clinic in the first place, huh?”
“Luke, stop it! You’re hurting me!”
“What were you doing there in the first place?” He repeats, shouting the question into your face. “What were you fucking doing there? You heard your boyfriend got shot while he was out on patrol? You needed to make sure that he was okay? That he was still alive? Is that it?”
“Ellie asked me to go to the clinic with her! She was with me at the stables when Tommy showed up and told her Joel had been shot,” you try telling him. “She didn’t want to go alone!”
Finally, Luke stops rattling you. “And I suppose she asked you to tend to his injury, too?” He sneers. “She asked you to patch up his wound?”
Dizzy, you take a second to catch a quick breath, then respond, “Actually, she did. She and Tommy both asked me to take care of his shoulder and if you don’t believe me, then you can go find him and ask him yourself!”
“How fucking convenient,” Luke snorts. “Do you honestly take me for a fucking fool?”
He shoves you back roughly.
Your side meets the sharp edge of the countertop in a loud, painful thud. Clutching at your ribcage, you sink down to the kitchen floor, curling yourself up into the fetal position as you brace yourself and wait for what’s undoubtedly coming next.
Luke steps towards you, his hands curling into tight fists at his sides. But before he has the chance to lay another finger on you, the doorbell rings. 
You breathe out a small sigh of relief.
“Get up,” he hisses. “Go answer it. Now.”
Your side is throbbing, but you scramble up to your feet quickly and hurry to do as you’re told. “I’ll be right there,” you call out, wincing. You briefly stop in front of a mirror hanging in the hallway and check your reflection to make sure that you look—well, that you look normal. You fix up your hair a little, smooth your shirt, and put on a brave face before opening the door. “Tommy,” you say his name in surprise. Your eyes then flicker to his wife. “Maria. What are you two doing here?”
“Sorry, little lady. We know that it’s kinda late,” he apologizes, holding Maria's hand gently in his. “But we’re wonderin’ if we could come in for a minute to talk to you and Luke?”
Without hesitating, you step aside to allow the couple into the foyer of your home. “Of course you can,” you say, closing the door behind them. “I’ve got a late dinner in the oven. If you guys are hungry, then you’re more than welcome to join us. I made plenty.”
“That’s awful kind of you,” Tommy says with a grateful nod. “But it might have to wait for another time. We’ve still got a few more people to see tonight.”
Luke steps out of the kitchen. “Tommy? Maria? Is everything alright? It’s not the baby, is it?”
Maria places a hand on her swollen midsection.
At about five months, her belly had finally popped.
“The baby’s just fine,” she assures him. “Been kicking a storm up all day long.”
“Good.” Luke stands beside you. “I know today has been very difficult, but remember to take it easy, alright? You can’t stress too much, or it can put the baby in distress. I don’t want you going into preterm labor, Maria.”
She cradles her belly. “I know, Luke. I promise, I’m being very careful,” she swears. “We’re just going out door to door and checking in on everyone, offering support where it’s needed.”
Tommy nods, his face looking worn and tired as he pulls Maria close and tucks her into his side. “What happened today was a real fuckin’ tragedy. Two people gone, just like that,” he shakes his head, sadly. “We just wanna make sure everyone’s doin’ okay.”
“How’s Martha?” you ask, tentatively. “Lisa and her daughters, how are they holding up?”
“They’re devastated,” Maria replies, sighing. “Lisa can keep it all together for the sake of her girls. It’s a whole different story for Martha, though. Peter was the only person she had, you know?”
“I can check in on her,” you offer, kindly. “I can stop by on the way to the stables in the morning to see her. Make sure that she’s taking care of herself.”
“We actually canceled tomorrow’s work duties, so if you two need to take the day off, you can,” Maria informs you, her eyes flicking from you to Luke. 
“We’re holdin’ a memorial service tomorrow in the old church house,” Tommy states. “And the burial will take place right before sunset.”
“We’ll be there,” Luke nods, taking your hand in his. He squeezes it tightly. Harshly. “Won’t we, sweetheart?”
You wince a little. “Yes, of course we will.”
Tommy notices the way you squirm. “You alright there, little lady?”
Luke squeezes your hand even tighter. It’s a warning.
“Yes,” you lie to him. “I’m perfectly fine.”
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The next morning, you stop by Martha’s place, just like you’d told Maria you would. While you had no words that could console the grieving widow or ease the pain of her loss, you sat with her for a good hour and simply let her cry into your shoulder. She tuckered herself out quickly, and just before she fell asleep on the couch in her living room, you made her a promise, telling her you would see her at the memorial later that evening.
“What do you even wear to a funeral?” Ellie asks, curiously. She sits comfortably in Shimmer’s black leather saddle, the mare’s reins clutched in one of her hands. Despite work duties being canceled for the entire day, the two of you met at the stables to tend to the horses—the animals had enough water and food to get by until the following day, but still needed to be exercised so you’d suggested a short ride in the field out behind the paddock.
“Well, people typically wear black to funerals,” you answer, leading the way across the vacant patch of land on Ranger’s back. “Ellie, how many times am I going to have to tell you to hold onto the reins with both hands?” you chastise her over your shoulder. “I’m serious. The last thing we need is for you to fall off and break a bone. Both hands, missy.”
“Alright, alright. Sheesh, mom.” You can’t see it, but you hear the joking grin in her tone. “Why do people wear black to funerals? Was that always a thing?”
“Yeah. It’s the traditional color of mourning.”
“Why black? Why not like, green or something?”
“I don’t know, go ask the Ancient Romans.”
“The who?”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “Nevermind.”
Clicking your tongue, you start steering Ranger, signaling him to turn back towards the paddock.
“I don’t even think I own anything that’s black,” Ellie says behind you. She gently squeezes Shimmer’s sides with her calves and the horse breaks out into a trot, catching up with you and Ranger. “Green it’ll have to be, then. Oh, by the way, Joel told me to tell you that he’ll see you at midnight. Your usual place.”
You frown. “He’s one day into his recovery. He needs to rest.”
“That’s what I fucking told him. But I guess he just can’t stay away from you, princess,” she teases as the horses arrive back into the paddock.
“Alright, let me hop off Ranger and I’ll help you—”
You stop short, watching as Ellie swings her leg over the back of Shimmer’s saddle and jumps off.
She grins. “Please. I’m practically a professional at dismounting horses now. Call me Seabiscuit.”
You snort. “Ellie, Seabiscuit was the horse.”
“Oh.” She waves a dismissive hand. “Well, you know what I fucking mean.”
Laughing, you roll your eyes at her. You pull a foot free from one of the stirrups then swing your leg over and start dismounting Ranger—but the second you start going down, your opposite leg still in the stirrup supporting your weight wobbles and you lose your balance. You fall forward against the horse, accidentally sliding down his saddle.
To add insult to injury, the horn catches your sleeve and hikes up your blouse as soon as you land your feet on the ground.
“That was real fucking graceful,” Ellie cackles as she watches you try to unsnag your shirt from the saddle. Walking around Ranger to get a better view of the mishap, her grin suddenly vanishes. Her brown eyes widen when she catches a glimpse of the discoloration that starts near your hip and goes up your entire length of your side. “What the hell? Is that a fucking bruise?”
Finally, you free yourself from the saddle. Feeling your heart pound, you tug your shirt down into place, but it’s too late.“Ellie—”
“What happened to you?”
“Nothing happened to me,” you fib. “I’m fine.”
“You’re fine?” Ellie repeats, incredulously. “There’s a fucking bruise the size of the state of Wyoming on you and you’re fucking fine? Really?”
“I fell,” you tell her, giving her the first excuse that you could think of. “I’m really clumsy, Ellie. Clearly I am.” You gesture to the saddle. “You saw it, just now. I almost fell off a damn horse.”
“You fell.” Ellie raises her eyebrow at you. “Or were you pushed?”
Staring at her helplessly, you reassure her, “Ellie, it’s nothing. I fell and I hit myself. Alright?”
She steps towards you and grabs the hem of your blouse, yanking it up. “That,” she points her index finger at your side, “That is not fucking nothing! That is fucking something.”
“Ellie!” Gasping, you harshly slap her hand away.
“Luke did that you, didn’t he?”
Her accusation comes without hesitation.
“Of course he didn’t,” you stammer. “I told you I fell—”
“Bullshit. I’m fucking telling Joel.”
She spins around on the heel of her sneaker.
“Ellie! No!” You catch her arm, stopping her. “No, please don’t do that! Don’t tell him. Please don’t tell Joel.”
“Then I’ll tell Tommy and Maria,” Ellie says, shrugging. “I’ll tell them about what their precious doctor is doing to you behind closed fucking doors—” She starts to leave the paddock and you’re quick to stop her once more.
“No! You cannot tell anyone! Not Tommy, not Maria, or anyone else. And you especially cannot tell Joel.”
“He’s fucking hurting you!” Ellie all but shouts at you.
“Ellie, I have it under control—”
She snorts, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, clearly.” Sarcasm drips from her tone. “I can tell you have it under control.”
You take her hands, clasping them in yours. “I can handle Luke, Ellie. It’s all under control.” Your gaze meets hers. “Please. Do not tell anyone about this.”
“Ellie, please. I’m begging you,” you plead with her. “Don’t tell anyone—and especially not Joel. Please.”
It pains you to see her look so fucking helpless.
Maybe it’s selfish of you to ask her, a child, to keep such a secret.
But it’s for the good of Jackson.  
“Swear to me that you won’t tell him about this. Swear it.”
Again, she looks helpless, helpless, helpless. 
Eventually, she sighs out in defeat. “Okay. Fine. I swear I won’t tell Joel.”
“Or anyone else,” you add.
Her eyes fall away from yours as she mumbles, “I swear I won’t tell Joel. Or anyone else.”
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Later that evening, after the memorial service, everyone makes their way to Jackson Cemetery, a makeshift graveyard right outside the west wall that’s protected by a steel fence. With men and women armed and standing around the entire perimeter of the site, the burial carried on. Miles, a former pastor, reads verses from a bible out loud at the request of the men’s families who were people of faith. You stand at Martha’s side, holding her as Tommy and two other men lower her husband’s casket into the ground and begin to shovel in the dirt.
From the corner of your eye, you see Joel as he stands in the crowd with Ellie and Dina. The girls have their arms linked together. Ellie looks over at you, then glances away, sourly shaking her head as Luke puts a comforting hand on your back. She knows it’s just for show. He’s playing the role of a good husband when he’s anything but.
After the burial, the entire town is invited back to the commune mess hall for the traditional funeral repast. Food, drinks, and plenty of stories of the patrolmen are shared—fond memories are exchanged in efforts to lighten the somber mood.
Joel watches with jealousy as you stand by Luke’s side the entire evening, his arm secured around your waist. He’d been sitting at a table across the hall near the doors with Ellie. Forcing himself to look away from you, he turns his attention to her and notices she hasn’t scarfed down her food as usual. Joel would often have to tell her to slow down before she made herself sick, but tonight, he doesn’t have to. Instead of inhaling her potatoes like a human vacuum, she pushes them around on her plate with her fork.
“Is everythin’ alright, kiddo?” he asks her, worriedly.
She lets out a long, heavy sigh. “Yeah. Everything’s fine.”
He frowns. “Ellie, don’t lie to me.”
She sighs again. “Okay, everything’s not fine.”
“What’s goin’ on? The funeral bother you?”
Ellie looks over towards you and Luke, nervously biting down on her lower lip. She then glances back at Joel.
“Ellie? What is it?”
“She made me swear not to tell anyone. Especially not you.”
The second your name comes out of her mouth, he stiffens in his chair.
“I swore to her I wouldn’t say anything, but—”
“Ellie, what the hell’s goin’ on?”
“She’s going to be so mad at me if I tell you, Joel.”
He shakes his head. “No one’s gonna be mad, kiddo. I can promise you that. No one is gonna be mad at you, alright?” He promises her. “Just tell me what’s goin’ on.”
“Well, you see—” Ellie hesitates. “The thing is—”
She trails off, unsure of how to say it.
“Christ, Ellie. Just fuckin’ spit it out.”
“I think he’s hitting her,” she finally blurts out.
Joel freezes. “What?”
“Luke. I think he’s hitting her or something.”
“Why do you think that?” he asks, his voice rigid.
Ellie lowers her voice. “Today we were taking two of the horses out on a ride around the field behind the paddock. When we got back, she slipped while she was dismounting Ranger. Her sleeve got stuck on his saddle and her shirt pulled up.” She pauses, sucking in a deep breath, then exhaling it before saying, “I saw a huge bruise on her side. It was fucking massive. It looked fresh, too.”
His blood begins to boil. “You ask her ‘bout it?”
“Of course I did. When I asked her what happened, she told me that she fell. But I didn’t believe her. When I asked her if Luke did it—”
“She admitted he did.” It’s a statement, not a question.
Ellie’s face falls. “Well no, not exactly. But Luke did it, I know he fucking did it, Joel. He’s hurting her. It’s why she won’t leave him. She’s too fucking scared of him.”
Joel looks up, his lips pressed into a tight line.
His eyes meet Luke’s from across the room.
The man gives him a small, curt nod and takes your hand in his, pulling you towards where Martha and Lisa are sitting with a group of friends, among them, Tommy and Maria.
“Joel?” Ellie says his name, nervously.
“I’ll handle it, Ellie.”
He cuts her off.
“I said I’ll fuckin’ handle it.”
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Despite knowing that Joel needed to rest, the part of you that was incredibly selfish just couldn’t wait to see him—to be with him, to hold him in your arms and kiss him. Especially after such a long, gloomy and sorrowful evening.
When midnight rolls around, you find him already waiting behind the barn. Normally, it was you who would always arrive first, so when you see Joel standing there by the paddock fence, you can’t help but feel a little surprised.
“You beat me here,” you remark with a small laugh as you approach him.
“Yeah. I did.”
Excited to see him, you don’t even catch the tone of his voice at first.
You beam at him and say, “Hi, honey. I missed you.” Smiling, you lift an arm to throw it around Joel’s neck in a careful hug, but he catches your wrist in his hand and stops you, the creases in his brows deepening.
“Show me.” 
Your smile slowly falters. “What?”
“Show me,” he repeats, stiffly.
“What are you talking about?” Puzzled, you pull your wrist out of his grasp and step back. 
He’d never spoken to you like that. He’d never looked at you like that before, either. Angrily.
“Joel, what’s going on?”
“Ellie told me ‘bout the bruise.”
Your blood runs frigid in your veins. “What?”
“Earlier at the repast. She told me ‘bout the bruise she saw on your side today.”
“It’s nothing, Joel—” 
“Show. Me.” Joel bites the words out through gritted teeth.
You stare at him for a moment, then sigh.
With little choice in the matter, you lift the hem of your shirt.
“Here,” you say bitterly, turning your body. “Is this what you want to see?”
His stomach churns violently.
Ellie hadn’t been exaggerating about the size of it.
The painful mark starts at your hip, and it goes up the entire length of the side of your torso until it feathers out beneath your bustline.
“I fell.” Your voice is flat, emotionless. Because you don’t know how else to react now that he knows the truth.
You don’t know what to do or what to say. 
So, you turn the dial back to numb.
“The kid didn’t believe that bullshit lie and I fuckin’ don’t believe it either. We both fuckin’ know Luke did this to you.”
He almost expects you to deny it, but when you don’t, it’s all the confirmation he needs. He starts off towards the residential side of town, prepared to yank Luke out of bed and rip him to fucking shreds.
“Joel, where the hell are you going?” you huff as you start following behind him. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“M’gonna fuckin’ kill him,” Joel seethes. He lifts a hand and starts clawing at the strap of his sling to take it off. “For puttin’ his fuckin’ hands on you—”
You grab his arm. “Joel, please! Don’t!”
Refusing to stop, he drags you along behind him.
“Joel, stop! Please, can you just wait for one fucking minute?”
Digging your heels into the dirt, you yank at his arm, and plead for him to listen to you.
“Joel, just give me the chance to explain!”
Finally, he comes to a halt and whirls around, his nostrils flaring. With furiousness in his dark eyes, he faces you.
“You promised me! You fuckin’ promised me you’d come to me if he did somethin’ to you—” Realizing he’s shouting at you, Joel stops. Seeing your bottom lip quiver, he softens ever so slightly. He knows you’re not the person to take his anger out on. No, that person is fast asleep in his bed. “How long? How long has he been doin’ this to you? And don’t you lie to me.”
“Two years,” you admit in a whisper.
Joel’s face pales. 
Swallowing dryly, you shake your head. “Joel, he’s the only doctor in this town. There’s so much pressure that he carries on his back. He’s responsible for all of the people in this community,” you begin to explain. “It’s a lot to handle for one person, he’s always stressed—”
“And so beating you is the way he fuckin’ unwinds after a long day of work?” Joel, for the life of him, can’t fucking believe you’re attempting to defend Luke.
“He just loses his temper sometimes. It gets the best of him and then I’ll say something or so something to piss him off even more—”
Joel catches your hand in his. “Baby, fuckin’ stop that right now. Stop fuckin’ makin’ excuses for him. He’s fuckin’ hurtin’ you, and if something ain’t done, there’s a good chance he’s gonna wind up killin’ you.”
“I have everything under control, Joel.”
“No, you fuckin’ don’t. He’s fuckin’ hittin’ you.” Joel’s voice breaks as he speaks. “He’s hurtin’ you.”
“I can fix it,” you say, though you sound more helpless than anything else. “I just need time, but I can fix this, Joel.”
“No, peach. You can’t fix it. But I can—all you gotta do is let me.”
You look down at your shoes, feeling tears glaze over your eyes. “No. Jackson needs him, Joel.”
“But what ‘bout you?”
“I’m just one person,” you whisper. “You have to look at the bigger picture here. I’m just one fucking person.”
“One fuckin’ person who means everythin’ to me,” he says, squeezing your hand. “If you won’t let me handle him, then we go to Tommy and Maria—”
“If he gets locked up or thrown out, we won’t have a doctor, Joel. Don’t you fucking understand that?”
Joel’s beginning to lose his patience.
He knows you’re only trying to look out for the rest of the community, but at what fucking cost?
Your own life, possibly?
Maybe it’s selfish, but he doesn’t care about everybody else. He cares about you.
Dropping your hand, he steps back, shaking his head. “I ain’t gonna let him keep on hurtin’ you. I’m gonna put a stop to it.”
“Joel, you’re just going to make things fucking worse! I will handle it—I will fix it. I don’t need your help. I don’t need you stepping in trying to play the hero. It’s all under control, okay?”
“Like hell it fuckin’ is. First thing tomorrow, I’m gonna pay Luke a visit at the clinic. Have a little talk with him, man to man, or whatever he fuck he is—”
Your stomach sinks at the mere thought of it. “No! Don’t you fucking dare,” you warn him. “Don’t you even think about it, Joel.”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do? Stand around with my fuckin’ hands behind my back and just let him keep on hurtin’ you? Ain’t gonna fuckin’ happen.” Realizing your stance on the matter is firm, Joel comes to his own decision. “Listen, sweet girl. If you ain’t gonna give me permission, then I’m just gonna have to ask for your forgiveness.”
You glare at him and left your chin. “Well, I won’t give it to you.”
He stares at you, completely taken aback by your sudden coldness.
“If you do anything to hurt him, or tell Tommy and Maria about this, I will never forgive you,” you threaten, a warm tear slipping down the side of your face as you prepare to shatter both his heart and yours. “I mean it, Joel. Stay away from Luke. And maybe it’s for the best if you just fucking stay away from me too.”
Before Joel can even think about uttering another word, you turn around and walk away.
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You break down as soon as you make it home.
Sinking down onto the porch, you pull the collar of your shirt over your mouth and nose in an effort to muffle the sounds of your sobbing. That look of hurt on Joel’s face and in his eyes when you’d told him to stay away from you, it would be burned into your memory forever. It would haunt you for the rest of your damn life.
It wasn’t what you wanted.
This wasn’t what you wanted.
But there is no other choice.
There never has been another choice for you. 
The sound of gravel road crunching underneath a pair of old, tattered red low top sneakers fills the silent night air, prompting you to look up.
“Do you hate me?” Ellie questions you softly.
The remorseful expression on her face sends another sharp, stabbing pain through your chest.
“Oh, Ellie. Of course I don’t hate you.” You pat the empty spot beside you on the porch. “Come here.”
Ellie walks over and sits down beside you, pulling her knees up to her chest.
You wrap an arm around her, reassuring her, “I could never hate you, Ellie. I love you, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “I know I swore to you I would keep my fucking mouth shut, but I had to tell Joel about Luke. I’m sorry—I’m so fucking sorry.” She sniffs, dabbing at her eyes as they fill with frustrated tears.
“It’s okay. I would have done the same thing if I were you.”
“Really? You would have?”
You nod, wiping at your face with your opposite hand. “Absolutely.”
“You’re only saying that to make me feel less like a big pile of dog shit, aren’t you?”
“Mostly no, but partially yes,” you joke dryly in an effort to cheer her up.
Ellie flashes you a small, watery smile. “I’ll fucking take it.”
She leans her head against your shoulder and for a while, the two of you sit there in melancholy silence.
“What’s going to happen with you and Joel?” Ellie finally asks, her voice small.
“I don’t know, Ellie,” you admit quietly. “I really don’t know.”
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milkyspine · 7 months
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mumza03 · 7 months
Tw: domestic abuse
Hey guys i just wanted to send some love and support to shubble/shelby. She recently did a stream about a past relationship which became abusive, she is incredibly strong and brave for sharing her story. For anyone unaware here is a brief overview of all the horrible things he did:
- regularly bite her to the point she was crying and yelling at him to stop
- regularly would ignore her safeword
- lock her in his house
- financial manipulation/abuse
- would never clean his apartment and would make her do everything with the household chores (despite not actually living there)
Regardless of how much I grew the care and relate to this man abuse is never something that can be excused, and anyone who is supporting or feels bad for Wilbur Soot should leave this page. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.
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Something that really puts me off wolfstar, at least in canon and anything vaguely canon compliant, is that it takes Sirius being a shit friend in 1981 (something that becomes mutual by November 1981) and sprinkles in abuse.
If Remus and Sirius were in a romantic relationship in 1981, Sirius is using some classic abuse techniques on Remus.
Namely: (image taken from the NHS website)
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Isolate: Sirius goes to lengths to isolate Remus from his friends. By guaranteeing Remus isn’t told the secret (poa ch18), Remus will never see James, Lily, or Harry again because that’s how the fidelius charm works. He could have turned up at their door and still wouldn’t be able to see them. He has been very successfully cut out of their lives. According to Remus ,James wouldn’t have believed any of his friends were the spy (DH ch 5), meaning this all came from Sirius as we’re told in PoA (ch18).
Peter was also in hiding as the secret keeper, though to what extent we’re never told (“when I arrived at his hiding place, he was gone” (poa ch18)). If they’re trying to keep Peter safe from the spy and not tell Remus about the switch (which they are, poa ch18), it’s likely Remus has been cut out of his life too. Based on Sirius’ will.
Remus doesn’t have a major support network to fall back on; he refused to go to his father for help (pottermore) and his lycanthropy makes it difficult for him to have pretty much anyone (DH ch11). So if Sirius has been able to get James, Lily, and Peter out of Remus’ life by his conviction that Remus is the spy, he has successfully cut Remus off and isolated him from all of his close friends.
Money: This leads on from the previous point. Remus, at that point, didn’t work. His lycanthropy made it incredibly difficult for him to get and keep employment and so most of his time was dedicated to the Order (pottermore). As he wouldn’t return to living with his father, it was James that funded Remus’ entire life and paid his rent (leaky cauldron interview with JKR 2007).
Needless to say, cutting Remus off from James doesn’t just mean he has one less friend - it means Sirius has cut Remus off from his finances. If James and Remus are no longer in contact, and it stands to reason they’d have to be otherwise Remus would figure out that Sirius isn’t the secret keeper (which is the thing they want to avoid (poa ch18)), then Remus has no form of income. How quickly that would turn dire we don’t know, but probably not very long. Sirius’ actions are controlling Remus’ access to money.
Blame: We don’t know why Sirius thinks Remus is the spy, neither the books nor pottermore goes into any details (it’s not because Remus was with the werewolves, he doesn’t do that until 1996), only that he does. Meaning the isolation and controlling of his finances happens because of something Sirius believes of Remus - if Remus had noticed this (and if Peter hadn’t betrayed them within a week he would have) Remus would have been blamed for Sirius’ actions.
It’s also likely Sirius would deny his tactics if Remus called him out on it, tiptoeing pretty close to the “deny the abuse is happening, or downplay it” line too.
Accuse of affairs: Of course I say kinda this one not because of actual affairs, but because of what Sirius has accused Remus of doing elsewhere. Replace affairs with ‘accusations of murdering their comrades, planning to murder more, and conspiring with a fascist dictator’. Remus hasn’t done any of that, and yet it doesn’t stop Sirius from accusing him.
For comparison, when Remus believes Sirius was the spy; he has been told Sirius was the secret keeper, Dumbledore corroborated that Sirius was the secret keeper, Peter has been ‘killed’, there were eye witness accounts saying that Sirius murdered Peter and then blew up a street, Sirius was caught at the scene laughing and, as far we can discern, goes with law enforcement quietly, and he is imprisoned. There’s nothing to suggest Remus thought Sirius was the spy before he’s provided with the evidence (even if that evidence turned out to be wrong). Sirius did all this to Remus without evidence.
This is one hell of thing to accuse your boyfriend of doing. It’s a hell of a thing to accuse a friend of doing don’t get me wrong, but when this is the person you’re supposed to love and be the closest to? That shit is rough.
Viewing Sirius and Remus’ interactions in this period through a romantic lens takes it from just being shitty to being downright grim. Listen I love a good bit of angst in a ship, so long as the angst is built on a solid foundation of trust and respect, but this goes beyond like casual angst for me. And people’s claim that Sirius being in a relationship with Remus at the time is the thing that makes it okay is just not the one.
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jarakio · 9 days
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iwritetopassthetime · 2 years
home to you (2/9)
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x fem!reader
CHAPTER ONE: Blossom // Previous chapter // Masterlist // Next chapter
Wordcount: 4.3K
Summary: When two people are meant to be together, fate will always find a way to bring them to each other. It's just that sometimes it's not under the normal-est of circumstances. But a flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all, and Bradley will be ready to go through anything for the love of his Blossom.
Warnings: themes of abuse/domestic violence, descriptions of a panic/anxiety attack, self-deprecating thoughts, some heavy angst in this chapter so get ready, my dudes, Bradley being a sweetheart
A/N: This is my first time writing in 2nd person so let me know if I've fucked up somewhere, this was so odd for me!
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When experiencing a panic or anxiety attack, it always helps to use the five sense grounding technique. 
The first time you had to do it had felt difficult, near impossible; your body was shaking and heart pounding so heard you could swear you could hear it, or it could’ve been all the blood that was thumping in your ears. Adrenaline was coursing at high speed all through your body, shooting up into your brain and into the recesses within it that told you to run, freeze or hide. But your body wasn’t moving, the shaking in your hands being the only minuscule movement that someone else could register. 
After three years of having to rely on your senses to ground you when in that state, it felt as easy to pick out different aspects of your surroundings as plucking out dead leaves from a plant. 
It was almost mechanical. 
Five things you could see… what could you see? The muddy tips of your trainers, the light grey linoleum floor beneath them, the table across from you, a stack of paper cup carriers on top of it, and a glittery pot containing a very poorly kept jade plant.
Someone had overwatered it. The thick leaves were brown and moulding. How could anyone fail to take care of a jade plant, they were so simple and easy to care for?! Why would someone keep something so precious and just mistreat it?
Your breathing started picking up as you once again spiralled downwards. But you caught yourself quickly and continued with the following step.
Four things you could touch… okay, okay, okay… Four things, just four. Breathe… Hold… Exhale. The metal frame of your chair in your hands, the clothes on your back, your hair — both still damp from running in the early evening drizzle — and your phone poking out of your jean pocket. 
Three things you could hear… your breathing slowly evening out, the sound of a coffee machine and people’s muffled voices on the other side of the door.
Two things you could smell… freshly brewed coffee and rain.
One thing you could taste… the lingering, coppery taste of blood from your split lip. 
The split lip that Jett gave you when he smacked you across the face and his signet ring bit into the soft flesh. 
Why did you run, huh? You think you can just leave me? Fucking bitch! Stop crying, stop fucking crying!
You quickly banished that memory before it brought upon another attack. Your breathing had evened out and your heartbeat was within the spectrum of regularity. Your chest still felt very sore as if the organ had bashed itself against your rib cage from the inside. Your lungs felt hot and you coughed. Pain shot through your neck which only reminded you of the probability of bruising already forming there. 
You could still feel his hands grabbing and squeezing. Holding. Holding. Holding. 
Please! I’m sorry! Please, stop— I can’t breathe!
You shakily reached up and felt around the skin; it felt hot and tender. When you pressed your fingers against it, you hissed out as pain shot through you and you dropped your hands to your lap.
What time was it? Was it well past midnight? Or was it only a few minutes after you’d finished your phone call to Penny? And the panic had settled in.
Your phone was dead and you didn’t have your watch with you. There was a clock on the wall, but it wasn’t working, stuck on the same hour and minute.
You could potentially leave the storage room and go ask the lady in the coffee shop you’d found refuge in for the time. But the fear that he could’ve followed you, kept you glued to the uncomfortable chair. 
Just breathing. 
Your head was empty of everything save for the glimpses of what had happened tonight. Flashes of the door being kicked down and the chain snapping like it was nothing. Falling, hitting the floor and pain shooting through your left shoulder. Your back hurt something terrible. 
You reached around, feeling against your lower back where most of the aching came from and slowly rubbed circles into the spot. It didn’t bring instant relief but it did help a little. If you couldn’t get the pain throughout your body to cease, you could at least deal with the one pain you’d carried for much longer. 
The sound of the front doorbell ringing reached your ears and you steeled yourself lest it turned out to be him. You could’ve prayed to someone — there certainly wasn’t a shortage on deities in the world — but in the last three years you’d discovered that there wasn’t anyone who would answer. You were always on your own. 
Then you heard it. A familiar voice, but one that didn’t strike fear in your heart. A voice that brought memories of chocolate chip pancakes, you mum’s arms around you as she talked to her best friend, ringing laughter and happiness. Something that felt so foreign, you had to think again if those weren’t someone else’s memories. Or something you’d seen on TV. 
The door to the storage room opened and your head snapped in its direction.
Penny Benjamin gasped upon seeing you and rushed to your side, dropping on her knees in front of you. Her beautiful brown eyes started glistening with tears that soon started to fall. You felt your own do the same and your marred lip wobbled.
Penny wrapped you in a hug that invoked all those happy memories. The memories of Mama and Auntie Penny getting together when Penny was in the neighbourhood, talking for hours on end and laughing. Auntie Penny used to call you Blossom, a precious little flower that delighted everybody around. Your laughter used to delight her and Mama. You hadn’t laughed in such a long time, you couldn’t remember why is it that they found it so charming. 
‘Oh, Blossom!’ Penny sighed against your damp hair, arms keeping you close to her. The embrace warmed you to your bones and somehow even the chill in the air couldn’t get to you anymore. Finally you felt safe. At least a little bit.
Penny pulled back so she could look you over, her eyebrows furrowing and face falling more and more with each bruise and cut she saw. Your face wasn’t all that hurt — the cut lip and a tender feeling in her right cheek where a bruise had most likely formed by the slap — but the flimsy long-sleeved shirt you wore drew attention to the tender skin along your throat. To an ugly necklace of pain. 
‘I’m so sorry, Blossom. You’re safe now, sweetheart. Everything’s gonna be alright!’ 
Penny’s whispered assurances washed over you like a gust of warm wind and you felt more tears spring to your eyes at the thought alone. Safe. You were safe with Auntie Penny. 
Penny then turned to a man her age who was hanging by the door, his eyes just as worried as hers, and started talking. Her voice sounded too far away, like they were once again behind the door to the main part of the coffee shop. You were tired, and growing dizzier, and still under too much stress to register everything that was being said or happening around you. Something Penny seemed to notice because she gently pulled you up from the chair, guiding you out of the storage room and towards her parked jeep outside, an arm wrapped securely about your shoulders. 
One thought replaced all the others in your head for the first time in a long time: you were safe. 
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Once at the Benjamin residence, Penny showed you to the en-suite bathroom in the guest room. She gave you towels and toiletries, some of which belonged to her daughter Amelia. You can meet her when you feel better, she’d said and you all but burst out in tears again at all the tenderness and care Penny showed you. And she was giving all that to you without question, without requiring anything in return, only that you were going to take your time and tell her if you needed anything else. 
You felt greedy asking for more. You still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that she’d come to pick you up after not seeing you for ages. And not only that, she took you to a hospital in L.A. to get you checked out, paid out of pocket for the examination and medication you were prescribed. For god’s sake, the price of the petrol she would’ve had to pay for the trip to and from L.A.! It must be enough to make you choke on the hot water that was pouring over your head. 
Your hands were wrapped around yourself as you stood completely still beneath the stream, letting the heat overwhelm you so your own traitorous thoughts wouldn’t. Only when you felt the stiffness in you back and arms thaw did you reach for the shampoo Penny left for you.
You looked over the bottle as you slowly rubbed the citrusy liquid into your scalp all the way down to the ends of your hair. It seemed to be one of those custom made expensive brands, the ones that you couldn’t afford even when you worked at that nice landscaping firm. The prices just kept adding up and your breathing quickened as you spiralled further down that rabbit hole.
How would you ever manage to repay Penny’s kindness when you had nothing but the clothes on your back? Clothes that she was now putting through the laundry and dried as she promised.
You turned the water off once you thought you were sufficiently clean. You could finally feel the exhaustion in your bones as the stress of the past several hours started to wear off. Your back started to hurt again and it made breathing harder, like there was something sitting on your chest. You took a seat at the toilet, giving yourself a moment to catch your breath.
A soft knock came from the door and you heard Penny ask, ‘Blossom, is it okay for me to come in?’
‘Yea—’ your voice sounded rough and scratchy so you cleared your throat before trying to answer again, ‘Yeah.’
Penny slowly opened the door and smiled when she saw you all wrapped up in the towel she gave you. She came in and shut the door behind herself. In one hand she carried a small tub which she placed on the sink’s counter next to you. 
‘I remember your mother had very specific haircare products, and I don’t know which ones you normally use, but I found this,’ she showed you the tub. Now that it was close you could see the thick, shiny product inside. Penny rolled the lid and opened it, ‘Would you like me to help you or would you rather do it yourself?’
The sweet scent of the hair product hit you about as hard as someone throwing a daisy at your face and it made your eyes water again.
‘Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. Is that too much, would you like me to leave?’
You waved off her concerns, sobbing incessantly so you couldn’t form a word. 
Penny placed the tub of lotion back on the counter and placed her hands on your shoulders, rubbing them soothingly. 
‘I-I have n-no money to repay you,’ you hiccuped in between sobs.
She looked so shocked at your statement; it took you a second to remind yourself that even if you had unintentionally insulted her, Penny wouldn’t smack you across the face. Right?
‘What are you talking about, sweetie?’
‘Th-the doctor visit, the medication, driving up to L.A. and back,’ you listed off. ‘This,’ you pointed at the lotion, ‘letting me use your shower and your daughter’s shampoo and stuff. I don’t have the money to pay you back.’
Comprehension dawned on Penny’s features and she sighed, wrapping her up in another hug. 
‘Sweetie, I’m doing this for you and because your mother was one of my closest friends on the West Coast.’ She pulled back to give you a gentle, yet serious look. ‘I don’t expect you to give me even a single cent, do you understand. You’re family, I’m not taking any money from you. I’m doing this because I care for your safety and wellbeing.’
That only seemed to spur another tidal wave of sobbing from you which Penny faced head on, wrapping her arms around you and whispering soothing words against your temple. 
It took you another ten minutes to fully calm down after which Penny opened the tub of hair lotion and silently ran the product through your hair. She then took a smaller towel and carefully wrapped it around your head in a turban. After helping you out of the bathroom, she showed you the underwear and pyjamas she’d picked out for you and left you to change.
‘I’ll go make you something to drink in the meantime. Do you still like rose and mint tea?’
You nodded.
‘Good.’ Penny smiled at you. ‘Amelia and I drink it all the time. We’re big fans, too.’
The door closed and you were left to change in the semi-dark room. Through the gaps in the Venetian blinds you could see the warm, morning sunlight pour into the room as the new day began, but you were willing to skip on it if it meant getting some much needed rest.
It seemed that all the stress, and fear, and running had used up what little strength you had left and you could feel your head grow heavy with sleep. You snuck underneath the warm bedding just as the door opened to reveal Penny holding a steaming mug of tea that was quickly pressed into your grateful hands. 
‘I hope you don’t mind,’ Penny began as she took a seat on the edge of the bed, ‘Pete has asked his godson to stay over. He thought Bradley might keep you company when you feel up for it. But,’ she gave you a serious look, ‘if you feel uncomfortable, there is no issue with telling me that and I’ll ask him to leave.’
‘No, it’s okay.’
You took a sip of the tea, feeling how the herbal mixture instantly soothed your aching throat. The memories the taste itself brought up, however, soothed you heart. 
‘You won’t feel uncomfortable with a guy staying over?’
‘I actually don’t mind being surrounded by people right now,’ you said simply. ‘Makes me feel less… anxious, you know?’
Penny smiled again, tapping her fingers on the under side of your chin as she used to do back in the day. The action managed to get some semblance of a smile back on your face which immensely delighted the older woman.
‘I will leave you to rest now. If you need me, I’ll be downstairs. Pete, Amelia and Bradley are at home as well, in case I have to go run some errands and you need something.’
Even though sleep was coming upon you hard and fast, your eyelids heavy and droopy, you were going to finish the tea first. Penny had gone to the trouble of making it, you wouldn’t disrespect her by letting it grow cold. 
As she was about to leave, you lowered the almost empty mug to your lap and called after her. 
‘Thank you, Aunt Penny.’
She smiled brightly at you, the light from the corridor outside back-lighting her. A halo formed around the crown of her head. How fitting, you thought. 
‘I’m happy you’re safe now, Blossom. Sleep tight.’
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You had managed to sleep through most of the day and night, only waking up at short intervals. You were kind of glad that your sleep was uninterrupted by nightmares as it had been before, but then again the exhaustion from the past day and night was so severe that even your mind needed a rest.
Until your back started aching again.
Whatever you did, it didn’t seem to help. You sat up in bed to stretch, then rolled out of bed to stretch your entire body, then walked about the room in the hopes it would alleviate the pain a little, but to no avail. You took notice of a box of Tylenol that was left on the edge of your bedside table — Penny had most likely dropped by to leave it for you while you were sleeping — and you opened it to fish out two tablets that you swallowed dry.
Having had those pains for most of your life, chugging down pain medication without the help of a drink had become a sort of party trick. Albeit a sad one, but you couldn’t pride yourself on much else. 
Maybe the you from three years ago… She could pride herself on so many things. The you that was loud, boisterous, and all the things that people loved to have around them. The you that was unapologetically happy. Now it seemed like that was a different life, a different person. If you from three years ago could see you now, she’d be disappointed that you’d made all the mistakes she swore she’d never make. 
And all because you from three years ago— no, you from always was a hopeless romantic at heart who could only see the best in people. Maybe that was your best party trick. Naivety. 
You’re a fucking moron, sweetheart!
You couldn’t wait for the pills to kick in, suddenly feeling on edge. You grabbed a large UVA hoodie that was hanging from a hook on the door, slipped it on and a pair of slippers that were conveniently placed at the foot of the bed, and walked out.
It was still a little dark outside, most likely an hour or so away from sunrise. You made sure to be as quiet as possible, fearful of accidentally waking anybody in the house. You padded down the carpeted stairs, to the ground floor where you found your way to the kitchen and then to the backyard door. 
It wouldn’t hurt to sit in the fresh air for a little bit, you thought. 
You pushed the door open — leaving it slightly ajar lest it shuts loudly behind you and wakes someone up — and took a seat on the porch stairs. 
The sky looked beautiful from here. Scratch that, the entire view from Penny’s back porch was beautiful. Truly mesmerising. You could make out the ocean just beyond the fence, smell the salt in the air, feel the breeze caress your face. The scene before you was peaceful and that sensation moved into your heart. 
Someone knocked on the door frame behind you and your head whipped about, eyes darting up to look at the origin of the sudden disturbance. 
In the gap between the frame and the door itself stood a very tall man with shoulders that went on for days. His eyes were warm and inviting, the dim pre-dawn light catching in them. His long nose ended where a very manly — very 80’s — moustache began and just below it were his lips. A pair of lovely, plush lips that curved in a small, tentative smile. 
‘Hey, hope you don’t mind,’ he began. ‘I heard you coming outside and just wanted to check if you were alright.’
You noticed that his voice didn’t make you flinch, it didn’t make your anxiety spark up and guard go up.
‘I’m alright,’ you mumbled back. ‘I’m sorry, was I too loud?’
‘No, no, no,’ the young man pushed the door further open, hands coming up and waving your worries off. ‘I just… ya know… just wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m Bradley.’
You allowed yourself a small polite smile. Your cheeks felt very warm and you refused to admit that yes, maybe you did just blush at his consideration for you. 
‘I know. Penny told me. You are her boyfriend’s godson, right?’
‘That’s me.’ Bradley’s smile grew into a grin. 
His expression then changed for a second, remembering something and he reached back into the kitchen, his foot still holding the door open. He popped back out with two cups in his large hands.
‘Mind if I make you some company?’
You shook your head and he happily sat down on the stairs next to you, handing you one of the cups. The smell alone told you this was some really nice brand of coffee. 
Bradley kept a respectful distance between the two of you. He placed his own cup in the gap while fishing for something in the pockets of his grey sweatpants. 
He pulled out a few creamer pods, holding his palm out for you to take any if you needed them. And need them indeed you did. Not that you disliked black coffee, it’s just that you couldn’t sit still afterwards and felt horribly dizzy.
‘Thank you.’ 
It felt almost unnatural for someone to be as attentive without knowing you. A part of you reminded you that small bouts of kindness always preceded or were followed by pain and insults. But another part was willing to allow Bradley this one weakness on your part, only because his smile put you truly and completely at ease. 
‘I didn’t know how you take your coffee.’ His hand slowly dipped in a wide arch to take ahold his own cup and bring it to his lips, eyes trained at the horizon.
His movements were measured and delicate which seemed unnatural for a man of his size. He looked like the kind of person who didn’t need to bother with tentativeness. Was he doing this because of you? Was he being extra slow and gentle with his movements so he doesn’t scare you?
You felt your heart stutter and eyes water so you stared down into your cup as you emptied three of the creamers into the steaming coffee, your gaze following beige swirls as they fully mixed in with the drink. You couldn’t cry in front of a guy you just met. You didn’t want to insult him or make him think you were uncomfortable next to him after the lengths he’d gone to to make you coffee and be so sweet to you. 
Did Penny already tell him what had happened to you?
‘Couldn’t sleep?’
You looked up at him again, but found that he was still watching the ocean. It gave you a moment to take in his features. If circumstances were different and you felt just a little bolder, you might even dare to think him handsome. Which he was… incredibly handsome that is. Why on earth would this incredibly handsome man bother himself to make you company? What could he possibly get out of it?
When you didn’t immediately respond, Bradley glanced your way. 
‘Oh, uh— No, not exactly,’ you stuttered out a response, bringing the cup to your lips and taking your first drink of coffee. Man, it tasted just as good as it smelled! ‘I have back pains — thoracic scoliosis. It’s not that severe, but it gets irritated sometimes and makes sleeping… hard.’ 
‘Do you need some pain killers?’
‘Already took some Tylenol that Penny left me.’ You smiled at him and that seemed to make him happy. Gosh, you really liked the feeling that gave you! Made you almost proud.
‘Good ol’ Penny.’
‘She is.’
‘So... I’m guessing Blossom is a nickname,’ he added and you you shook your head with a little smile. 
‘Did she tell you that?’
‘It slipped out yesterday.’
You watched the sky alter its colours as the sun began to rise somewhere behind them. The stars began to disappear into the daylight one by one and the darkest shades of blue dipped beyond the distant line of the Pacific. 
‘She used to call me that when I was a child. I always loved flowers,’ you admitted bashfully, ‘lover learning about them, loved… stealing them from our neighbours’s gardens.’ 
You remembered with fondness how Mrs Davies would chase you away with her water hose which only seemed to amuse you rather than deter you from picking her petunias. 
‘Penny thought it up. She hasn’t changed her mind about it since… which makes me kinda glad.’
‘Suits you,’ Bradley said simply and you thanked him quietly. 
It felt good to simply sit there and talk of anything but what had transpired before you were brought to this house. Deep down you were worried that Bradley would be morbidly curious about what had happened to you. You had experienced that with a colleague when you still worked at the landscaping company, before Jett made you quit entirely; they felt more interested in the ugly details than they were in actually helping you. And that was also the last time you actively sought out someone’s help. Until the other night. 
‘Well then.’ Bradley got up from the stairs, dusting the back of his sweatpants. ‘I’m gonna go grab a shower and get started on breakfast. Hope you like chocolate chip pancakes, Amelia requested it and I’m kind of amazing at making those.’ 
You genuinely giggled at his not-so-humble brag. ‘I can’t think of a single person who doesn’t like chocolate chip pancakes.’
‘Perfect,’ he climbed up the steps and opened the back door. ‘You drink your coffee and I’ll call you when I’ve got a good first batch ready.’
‘Thank you, Bradley.’
He smiled at you, his moustache curling adorably on his top lip and brown eyes twinkling in the morning light. 
‘You’re very welcome, Blossom.’
Next chapter
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bitchesgetriches · 9 months
Thank you so much for making a post on financial abuse. As the child of a DV survivor and who witnessed this aspect of abuse as a teen, it is great to see people, especially ones who are dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals, talk about this.
Pudding cup, we are SO sorry that you and your parent went through this horrible experience. Your kind note is incredibly flattering. Thanks for sharing with us!
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Here's that article we wrote for anyone who missed it:
When Money is the Weapon: Understanding Intimate Partner Financial Abuse 
Did this help you out? Tip us!
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ladyphlogiston · 10 months
Dear fic author: you cannot blame unemployment for domestic violence. Normal people do not beat their spouses because they are bored.
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