#Taiyang is Ruby's father
iamafanofcartoons · 8 months
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All I wanted is a Happy Xiao Long Rose Family AU in RWBY.
Instead, all I see are fanfics trying to tear the family apart.
Why can't there be a happy fanfic of the family?
Artist is AlessiaDettaAlex
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anthurak · 6 months
The dichotomy of Raven Branwen and Taiyang Xiao Long is that the latter is a generally good person but a TERRIBLE father, while the former is many bad things but a 'bad mother' is NOT one of them. Or at the very least, she's not any worse than her teammates.
Well for one, because when Raven left her daughter(s), she made sure they were left in the care of people she trusted to raise and take care of them because she believed she was unfit to raise them ("You're better at that life. Better than I was").
While when Tai effectively checked out of his daughters' lives to the point where BOTH have stated up-front and matter-of-factly that Yang raised Ruby, it's pretty clear that he DID NOT.
(Also please note that I am not saying that Raven is a 'good' mother. NONE of Team STRQ were 'good' parents. They ALL failed Ruby and Yang in one way or another. It's just that some people seem insistent on giving Tai a free pass just because he doesn't fit the typical/generic 'shitty dad' traits and also isn't a woman.)
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howlingday · 3 months
Ruby/Yang: Happy Father's Day~!
Taiyang: Oh, you girls~! (Hugs them)
Blake: Happy Father's Day, Dad.
Ghira: Oh, thank you, sweetie. (Hugs her)
Weiss: ...I hope you're not expecting me to wish you a Happy Father's Day. Whitley might have sent you the flowers, but unfortunately, Winter and I know better. I just had the decency to speak to you myself, instead of ignoring you.
Weiss: Why Mother or anyone else in Atlas would care enough to give you a grave is beyond me. And before you go patting yourself on the back, no, Whitley didn't commission it. It was Mother. Our of respect for you.
Weiss: Respect. What respect? She hated you just as much as you hated her. The only reason you two stayed together was because you threw yourself into your work while she drowned herself in her bottle, all so you both could avoid a scandal that would ruin your business and my family name.
Weiss: And do you know what the worst part is? I can't bring myself to hate you, even after everything you've done to me, your own daughter. Because deep down, I remember the man I was told you were. Someone who sought to bring Atlas to the forefront of greatness. The same man I was told cared too much about Atlas to consider his children. They may have been lies Winter and Mother told me, but... Dammit all, I can't just dismiss them away like anything else you may have spewed at me.
Weiss: Good-bye, Father. May you find peace in knowing that you've won at least one more battle in my war of defiance.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Watermelon Crush
Blake: I still can't believe you tricked us into spending time together, Mom....
Raven: Honestly, I can. She's very persuasive.
Kali: Oh, would you two suck it up already? Our little outing wasn't that bad. Besides, you have more in common than you think.
Blake & Raven: I have nothing in common with her!
BRK: What in the world? (Turn the corner and see a crowd of people cheering)
Blake: What is going on?
Emerald: (counting lien smugly) Your girlfriend and father-in-law are competing to see who can break the most watermelons between their thighs in five minutes.
Kali: Father-in-law???? Blake, how could you get married without telling me?!
Blake: Mom, I swear! Yang and I haven't-
Raven: (grabs the top of Blake’s head and turns her focus towards the crowd - resulting in a full Jurassic Park moment)
Blake: (jaw drops)
Taiyang: (panting and grunting warily as he finally cleaves his tenth watermelon in half. He's wearing a pair of retro-red male equivalent of booty exercise shorts, leaving his juice stained, chiseled, Dad hairy legs on display)
Yang: (wearing similar shorts as tai but in black and yellow, shakes off the guts from her twelfth watermelon as she quickly reloads and bursts a thirteenth with a roar. Watermelon and seeds fly everywhere, juices and black spots of seeds follow the contours of her leg muscles as they shake from exertion)
Ruby: Time's up! A valiant effort, you two! But our winner is Yang!
Kali: (claps as the crowd roars) Well, that's one way to spend quality time. (Looks over to Blake and Raven) Don't you- oh! (Snickers)
Blake & Raven: (blushing beet red as their eyes scour their prospective blonde's legs and juice covered bodies)
Kali: And you think you have nothing in common.
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blackhakumen · 3 months
Mini Fanfic 1210: Gardening with Mr. Xiao Long (RWBY)
2:41 p.m. The Xiao Long Cabin's Backyard........
Oscar: ('Phew') (Uses his Arm to Wipe the Sweat Off his Forehead While Panting and Holding onto the Stick Part of the Shovel He Placed Next to the Now Slightly Shaded Garden) Okay! I think....That's everything.....for now.....
Tai: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey now, don't get tired on me just yet there, kiddo! I thought you're used to this kind of work.
Oscar: (Turns to his Girlfriend's Father) I am. Heck, I'm all for doing more of it nowadays, but not in this level of heat capacity. It's unbearable!
Tai: That's the Summer Heat for ya. It's so hot that it could make even most strongest willed warriors worn out after a while.
Oscar: Yeah, but did it really have to be here now? It's not even technically Summer yet!
Tai: (Smiles More Sheepishly) True, but it.....practically already start the moment the first day of June came around, so.....
Oscar: ('Sigh') You're not wrong there. The road was already filled with traffic before Ren brought me here.
Tai: (Shrugs) Eh. The roads are always busy in Patch, no matter the season- (Forms a Cheeky Grin) Or Weather the forecast~
'Badum Tssss'
Oscar: (Eyes Widened Before Slowly Turning his Head to Taiyang) Was that pun you made just now?
Tai: Yep! Been a long while since I've made one believe it or not, so I gotta make up for lost times. 'Less I wanna be pass my- (Points and Shows Off his Watch) time! (Chuckles Some More)
Oscar: ('Sigh') You are definitely Yang's father alrght.....
Tai: Hey, if you can stomach through my little firecracker's puns on a daily, you can handle a few of mines as well. (Wraps his Arm Around Oscar's Shoulder) Now, come on, let's head back in and get away from this heatwave before it gets even more un-BEAR-able! (Let's Out a Single Laugh Before Walking Himself and Oscar Back to the House) I still got it.
Oscar: (Oh god. He really is the King of Corny Dad Puns......)
Inside of Xiao Long's Cabin............
Tai: (Pouring a Two Glasses of Cold Lemonade for Both Him and Oscar) Thanks again for helping me take care of the garden out there, Oscar. There's no way I would've gotten everything done alone in that heat. (Hands Oscar his Drink)
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) It's no problem at all, Mr. Xiao Long. As exhausting as today was, I'm glad we got the chance to spend time together today at least. You're a pretty good company to have around. (Takes a Sip of his Drink)
Tai: (Smiles Brightly) Likewise, kiddo! Better be careful now. (Forms a Playful Smirk) We wouldn't want the girls thinking I'm stealing you away from them.
Oscar: ('Scoffs') Please. As if those two would ever get mad at their dad, let alone over me of all people.
Tai: (Takes a Sip of his Lemonade) I dunno. You seem like a pretty lovable guy for people to protect and fight tooth and nail over.
Oscar: That's true. I can't begin to tell you how many legs Nora broken trying to kept me from getting killed in battle......
Tai: (Chuckles Lightly) Is that right? I take it her and Pyrrha playing the mother hens these days?
Oscar: Yep. They can be a bit much at times, but I still love 'em regardless. Jaune and Ren too. They're all are amazing to have around.
Tai: Good! I'm happy life been treating you a whole lot better these days, especially after all the crap you all had to endure.
Oscar: ('Sighs Heavily') You said it. To this day, it still surprises how far I've come to here, with and without Ozpin's help.
Tai: You ever missed having him around?
Oscar: Sometimes. We never see eye-to-eye in a few instances, but it was nice to have him around inside my head until the very end, especially when we're both at the lowest we've been in our lives.
Tai: (Smiles Softly) I'm glad you two got along throughout all of it. That man has been a tortured soul for as long as i knew him, which made sense to me why he doesn't trust people as easily as either of us do these days.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Yeah, that's been a century issue believe it or not. B-But he had gotten better at it overtime! Even more so when everyone stop being angry and gave him one more chance, despite their trust in him weren't the same as it was before. (Sighs Once More) But regardless, I'm just glad he's finally resting in peace now.
Tai (Happily Nodded in Agreement) As he should.
Oscar and Taiyang raise their glasses of lemonade towards one another before taking another sip of their respective drinks.
Tai: ('Sighs Relaxingly') You know, Ruby's been talking about you quite a lot these days.
Oscar: She has?
Tai: Yeah. Way before you two started dating. I mean, she talks a lot about her and your friends as well, but....not exactly in a way she does on you, if you catch my drift.
Oscar: I- (Raises an Eyebrow a Bit in Confusion) think so?
Tai: Like, how happy you've made her and how you've inspired her to better herself as huntress and person and what have you.
Oscar: Ohhh! Okay, gotcha. (Chuckles a But Before Rubbing The Back of his Head and Putting on a More Sheepish Smile) I honestly feel like she inspired me a lot more if anything. Can't imagine what my life would've been like if Oz didn't convinced me to go meet her and the others in Mistral.......
Tai: (Casually Shrugs) I'm sure you two would've met under different circumstances. (Smiles Brightly) Even then, there wouldn't be any doubt in my mind that you two would be a perfect match for one another.
Oscar: (Stares at Taiyang For a Brief Second Before Happily Bowing his Head to Him) Thank you, sir. I'm not as strong as Ruby, at least when it comes to combat, but I promise I'll continue to keep her safe.
Tai: You don't have to the strongest in the globe to try and look after her, yoi know? You're a team, partners in crime busting. You really think Ruby gonna let you fight on your own at your very lowest?
Oscar: No, she would beat 'em down in a bloody pulp if anyone dares lay a finger on me. Her words.
Tai: (Burst Out Laughing) Exactly! She'll always have your back and you'll always have hers, even when she'll propose to you on the spot one of these days!
Oscar: Pretty sure that's too early to- Wait. (Raises an Eyebrow Again) You think Ruby will propose before me?
Tai: (Forms a Cheeky Grin) I believe so, yes~ Girl's loves you way too much not to at this point. Especially since she takes under her mother, Summer.
Oscar: She proposed to you in the past?
Tai: Oh yeah. Night out under the stars, in the middle of the forest. (Starts Snickering) She quickly swept me off my feet and kissed me the very moment I said "Yes". That was like the most romantic thing she'd done yet!
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly) Oho she is definitely Ruby's mom alright.
Tai: What? She swepts you off your feet too?
Oscar: More times than I can could.
'Door Opens'
Oscar: (Sighs as He and Tai Turns to See Two Very Familiar Faces Entering the Room) Speaking of which.......
Tai: (Smiles Brightly at his Two Daughters, Ruby and Yang) Hey there, ladies! How was your mini patrol today?
Yang: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) As uneventfully time wasting as you can imagine.
Ruby: Yeah, they weren't any sight of Grimm anywhere so they let us come back home early. Which is great- (Rushes Over and Hugs Oscar Very Lovingly) Cause we missed you like crazy, honey!~
Yang: (Gently Ruffles the Top of Oscar's Hair With a Bright Smile) Hope you and dad had a great time at home together today. He wasn't boring you too much, was he?
Oscar: Nah. Not really. He was cool enough to make us both lemonade after I helped him take care of his garden and whatnot.
Tai: (Forms Another Cheeky Grin) I'm a good company in his eyes. Possibly better you girls are.
Yang: ('Playfully Scoffs') Please. I'm a FAR more funner company for him than you'll be, old man.
Ruby: (Starts Pouting at her Sister and Father) Um hello! Girlfriend in the room! I'm clearly the most superior company he ever has around here!~
Yang: Over Nora? I don't believe it.
Tai: Yeah, that kind seems far fetched there, kiddo.
Ruby: (Comically Glares at the Two) IS NOT!!
Oscar: Guys, guys, you ALL are amazing company to me. Now cool already.
Yang: (Points at Ruby) I will once she's brave enough to pop the question~
Ruby: (Turns to Yang) Hey! I'll put a ring on his finger one of these days, quit rushing me!!
Tai: (Watches the Girls Bicker Along with a Flustered Oscar) Well, whaddya know? (Gives Oscar a Bit of a Cocky Like Smirk) I was right on the money this hole-time~
'Bada Tssssss'
Oscar: (Gives his Future Father in Law a Deadpinned Look) Don't start. (Turns Back to his Girlfriend) Hey Ruby, I have a surprise to give you if you shimmer down a bit.
Ruby: (Growling at Tongue Sticked Out Yang Before Quickly Turning Back to Oscar) ('Gasps') You do? Truly?
Oscar: Yeah. (Gets Himself Up From his Seat) It's not much, but consider this a token for your hardwork as a huntress- (Gives Ruby a Kiss on the Cheek Before Turning Away, Blushing and Smiling a Little) As well as being the best girlfriend I could ever ask for~
Yang: (Clasps her Hands Together in Awe) Awwww~ That's so sweet~
Tai: (Chuckles Lightly) And very gentleman like!~ That kid's a real keeper, Ruby.
Ruby: (Giggles Softly While Blushing as Well) You darn right he is!~ (Hugs Oscar Again) How bold of you to kiss me in front if my dad like that, Mister Farm Boi!~
Oscar: (Shrugs) Yeah, well, it took every nerve in my body to even think about doing this. Don't expect this to be a recurring thing.
Ruby: Don't worry, I won't. (Forms a Mischievous Grin on her Face) Buuuuuuuuut~
Oscar: Oh god, what is it?
Ruby: Given that you've been so kind as to bond and help my dad with gardening, I think it's right that I return a favor, no?~
Oscar: Yeah, sure, if that's what you wanna- DO!? (Immediately Gets Swept Off His Feet by Ruby)
Ruby: (Happily Carrying Oscar in a Bridal Carry) Of course!~ (Looks Down at Oscar With a More Flirtatious Smirk on her Face) Now brace yourself and plucked up~ (Ignite her Kissy Fury Upon Oscar's Freckled Face)
Oscar: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Ruby's Love and Affection) Rubyhehehe!~ Not in front of your familyhe!~
Yang: (Let's Out a Bit of a Playful Grossed Out Noise While Watching the Couple's Antics Along with Her Father) ('Ugh') Young love.
Tai: (Smirks at Yang) Oh and like you haven't done the same to Blake.
Yang: Hey, at least we had the common decency to do it closed doors. Those two have no shame at all!
Tai: Just like your mother and I~
Yang: Summer or Raven?
Tai: ...............Yes.
Yang: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Barf.
Tai: Hey, you asked!
Yang: And I'm regretting it as we speak! (Turns Back to Taiyang) Get off my freaking back!!
Tai: Twerp!
Yang: Old Fart!
Tai and Yang glare at each other for a few seconds before they start breaking down laughing.
Yang: ('Sigh') But no seriously though, dad. I'm glad you like Oscar.
Tai: (Smiles Softly as He Wrap his Arm Around his Elder Daughter's Arm) I am too, Yang. He's a really good kid and so long as he keeps my girl happy, that's good enough for me. Though I do wish he would appericate my puns a lot more. I'm getting desperate here.
Yang: (Gently Pats her Dad on the Back) He'll come around to them eventually.
Happy Father's Day!!!
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Penny: Happy Father's day! I have brought a variety of confections for you to enjoy, Father!
Pietro: Oh my darling daughter, No matter how good they may be, none are as sweet as you.
Penny: Thank you, father. I love you!
Tai: Hey gir- HMMP!
Ruby: *Tackling him* Hey dad! Happy fathers Day! Yang's bringing in your gift!
Tai: Well it's good to see you again! What'd you get me?
Yang: We got you some albums - A Vinyl Record and some C.D.'s. Hey Pop's!
Tai: You girls are too good for me.
Ruby: Maybe Just a little.
Blake: Dad!
Ghira: Blake! *Hugging her* It's great to see you again.
Blake: Happy Father's day! I couldn't find amything for you, but I just wanted you to know-
Ghira: You being here is enough of a gift for me, Blake.
Papa Arc: BOY!
Jaune: Hey Da-*Hugged*
Papa Arc: You're alright! You're alright. Don't run off like that again, please.
Jaune: ... It's good to see you again, old man.
Papa Arc: I ain't that old!
Papa Arc: Though, you've seemed to have done some growin' yerself.
Jaune: Yeah, I have. Also your dating advice Sucks.
Papa Arc: Worked on yer Ma' enough to get her to suck Me!
Jaune: *Blushing* DAD!
Ren: *Meditating with his Father's knife*
Nora: Um H-Hello sir! Uh ... I know we never got the chance to meet, but thank you. You're son is wonderful, and kind, and he's always had my back. He thinks the world of you, and ... Thanks For giving Him to the World.
Ren: *Smiles, Tears roll down his cheeks*
Ozpin: What are you two girls up to? Your teams are out for fathers day.
Weiss: While I might refer to Jacques as Father, he hardly deserves the title.
Pyrrha: I have two Moms. Father's day is a free day for me.
Ozpin: Well those are both very fair reasons. Have a nice day, and please stay out of trouble.
Pyrrha: Oh, you know our teams usually pull us into their shenanigans.
Weiss: ... Hey, Professor Ozpin, You always say you're older than you look. Have you ever had kids?
Ozpin: *Visibly Stiffens* Uh ... Yes. Once upon a Time, I did have children. Four beautiful Daughters ...
Ozpin: I ... I'd rather not speak about what happened.
Weiss: OH! Sorry for bringing it up Sir!
Ozpin: It's all fine Miss Schnee, you couldn't have possibly known without the use of some kind of Magic. Enjoy your afternoon. Good day.
Happy Father's day, This is just a reminder that a biological Father isn't the same a a Real Father. Have a nice day, whether or not you celebrate Father's day.
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dragoonbutched · 1 year
Yang and Ruby: Haply Dad's Day, Dad! *hands him a pun-jacket*
Tai: Thanks Kiddos! You're sure thread this all the way to my heart! *group hug*
Penny: Happy Father's Day, Doctor! Here's some new glasses *hands him googly glasses*
Pietro: Awww! Thank you, Penny *both hug*
Blake: Happy Father's Day, Dad...*hugs Ghira*
Ghira: I love you too, Blake. *hugs back*
Weiss, Winter, and Whitney: Father...
Marcus and Mercury:
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rwby-taboo · 4 months
How open are the members of team RWBY about being daddy's girls?
(Sorry for taking so long, but now getting to answering these.)
In order from most ashamed to most willing to flaunt it?
Given all the effort Weiss went through to get away from Jacques, she is mortified how much she wound up enjoying serving as her father's cum slut and bed warmer. She tries telling herself that any pleasure she experienced was merely her focusing on getting to Beacon, and had nothing to do with taking her father's Schneenis.
Blake has slightly more positive, but still very mixed feelings about joining Ghira's bedchambers with Kali. On one hand, her father is unquestionably a better lover than Adam "Crimson McEdgehorn" "One Rage-Pump Chump" Taurus ever was, and the trysts she's enjoyed are more euphoric than all her filthiest smut novels could have ever made her imagine. On the other, she's pretty sure that most girls wouldn't consider their own fathers as potential rebounds, and she'd prefer not to give anti-faunus bigots and human supremacists more ammo to use for a race war - the propaganda writes itself, "Only filthy animals would dare engage in such filthy taboo debauchery!"
Ruby, being the social awkward butterfly she is, tended to bond the most with her dad and Uncle Qrow prior to her arrival at Beacon. Back at Signal, whenever her classmates brought up her male relatives' looks, she'd pretend to act grossed out that anyone would ever dare imagine them in the context of such FILTH - while also trying to keep from blushing at the memories of following in her mom's footsteps as the one who could help Qrow and Taiyang settle down. Of course, if she does find someone she thinks can keep a secret, she'll gladly talk about the fun times she's had with the "daddies" of Team STRQ.
And that brings us to Yang Xiao Long. While she might prefer girls most of the time, her daddy is the one man she loves the most of all. Its a bit of a delicate dance between the two Xiao Longs, as Tai doesn't want to force his daughter into anything she doesn't want - whereas Yang has made it clear multiple times over that she'd have no problem picking up the slack from her moms. She's got many reasons to become a Huntress, but amongst them are proving she's better than Raven Branwen. A better person, a better fighter, a better lover and a better wife and mother. And if that leads her to becoming her father's THIRD wife - and mother to her and Ruby's half-sibling - then she'll gladly take the honor.
Suffice to say, the last thing Team RWBY ever expected to have in common was being able to compare notes on their sex lives with their father's - Yang and Ruby enjoyed getting some outside perspective.
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of course you added straight white men. I rest my case
is this sarcasm? For the person's sake, I hope this is a joke-ask.
If not then...you do realize the show writers favorite course of action is giving screentime to Jaune Arc of all people, right?
I could add a whole volume of nothing but Qrow staring at the floor and it would still take up less than Jaune's subplots about more and more dead women.
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xfanzonly · 1 year
I genuinely want to know why people think Taiyang is a good father? He neglected his kids and Yang had to raise Ruby! Seeing him get praise yesterday was honestly so sickening to me, him and Jacques are in the same boat if you ask me 🤷‍♀️
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Why Qrow being Ruby’s father serves no purpose whatsoever other than to ruin the writing, themes, and elements of RWBY.
Qrow: Listen, Ruby... I'm your dad.
Ruby: Wait like... what?
Yang: He means Dad isn't your father, and I guess that means we're cousins instead of sisters?
Ruby: Wait, really?
Qrow: Yeah, kid... look I-
Ruby: What does this really change?
Qrow: What?
Ruby: Yeah, that's what I'm asking. Do I start calling you 'dad' instead of 'uncle Qrow'? Do I start calling Dad "uncle Tai"?
Yang: Whoa now Rubes, let's not jump to any conclusions. Are we really sure Qrow and Raven are siblings?
Qrow: Wait, what?
Ruby: "Oh no, everything about my life is a lie, I am so distraught!" Like is that what you're expecting?
Qrow: No, I'm not --
Ruby: If nothing needs to change, then I don't care. I'm the daughter of Summer Rose. I know THAT for sure because it's what everyone's been telling me all my life and the photographic evidence is right there. Taiyang raised me as his daughter, you raised me as your niece, Yang raised me as her little sister. Even if none of that is *entirely accurate* I don't care. Brothers, if you told me I was adopted and introduced me to my birth parents then I'd say "cool" and try to learn what they're all about, but I'm not going to change how I feel about the people who raised me, who I've known all my life.
Yang: Maybe I came out of Raven Branwen, but Summer Rose is my mom. She did the job when Raven wouldn't. It doesn't matter WHO I came out of, Summer was the one who raised me.
Ruby: So if you're telling me that part of me came from you, when a bunch of me *holds up Crescent Rose, flourishes red cape* ALREADY came from you, the only thing it tells me is that you slept with my mom.
Yang: And Qrow, let's be honest... that's not too surprising. You all slept with each other.
Qrow: Hey I didn't sleep with Raven!!
Ruby: So unless you can tell me how this changes ANYTHING, Uncle Qrow, I am telling you, I. Do not. Care. I still love you and you'd need to do a LOT worse to convince me to stop.
As much as I love qrow and as much as some fans like to shit on tai for having the NERVE to suffer from depression after summers death, Qrow was a whole mess throughout most of this series for anything that wasn't a fight or mission from oz.
He may have taught ruby how to fight but using his own words, because he believed he was "cursed" I highly doubt he spent THAT much time with her growing up.
Having him be her dad takes him from a somewhat irresponsible but loving uncle to a drunk neglectful father who passed his kid off to his best friend after potentially cheating with said best friends wife and then proceeded to spend the next decade and a half mostly drunk and doing everything under the sun EXCEPT raising his daughter for more than a few weeks at a time.
It also gives him very little moral highground to be talking about raven not being there to raise yang.
In short it ruins his character for very little payoff.
Realistically what would ruby stand to gain by learning qrow was her father, other than more unneeded stress? It's not like he has a magical bloodline as well to give her a power boost.
The very notion that Ruby would change if Qrow was her biological dad is completely against the overall themes of RWBY as a show, and about the messages regarding found families. It's such a basic, melodramatic, and frankly old-fashioned notion that someone's blood parent is Of Great Importance that it feels completely out of step with the characters themselves.
In Conclusion: Nothing would change. Qrow didn't raise Ruby, so he isn't her dad. Ruby & Yang were raised as sisters, that doesn't change no matter what. It's the time they spent together that matter. Blood doesn't matter. Qrow is still a part of the family, but he didn't put in the work to be a father, he has no right to be that. And Ruby already loves Qrow, it's not like they're estranged or unfamiliar, if anything would change maybe what Ruby calls him. But even then, again Tai is Ruby's dad, he read her bedtime stories, tucked her in and changed her diapers. Taiyang is Ruby's dad.
So I will say this once again to the anonymous person who spammed that stupid ask in my inbox...Let this godforsaken theory die and be buried for good.
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anthurak · 6 days
So here's a minor Rosebird Parents-related thought I've been mulling over for a bit that I've also been asked about a couple time:
Even outside of the general 'Unreliable Narrator' nature of himself and Tai that I have already discussed, Qrow not telling Ruby (or Yang) about Raven being her dad/other-mom makes a lot more sense then you might think.
Simply because it is actually entirely possible that Qrow wouldn't actually KNOW that Raven is Ruby's other mom. At least, he wouldn't know for sure.
Qrow would have his suspicions certainly. He could even be PRETTY SURE that Ruby is actually Raven's and Summer's kid. But if Summer was being tight-lipped on the matter, there really wouldn't be anything Qrow could do to confirm it.
And after Summer's disappearance, there's only two people left who could confirm Ruby's true parentage to Qrow, and neither of them would be easily pressed for information.
I've got a lengthy theory-post on Qrow's and Tai's relationship in the works (the REAL foil to bumbleby on Team STRQ XD) that goes into detail on this, but given what we've seen of them together I imagine that Qrow has basically been 'walking on eggshells' around Tai ever since Summer's 'death'. Out of fear of destroying his relationship with the one teammate he has left (and also because he's still pining for Tai, but more on that in a later post). So Qrow would never just up and ask Tai "hey, so is Ruby ACTUALLY your kid?"
And of course, Raven being ENTIRELY unforthcoming with information would likewise absolutely be in-character for her.
So with all that said, even putting aside the general tendency of adults in RWBY to hide VERY IMPORTANT information from their children/students/charges, I think it actually is entirely in-character for Qrow to have not mentioned this possibility to Ruby. And I would even call it an actually GOOD mentoring/parenting decision on his part.
I mean would it really have been a good thing for Qrow to one day pull a pre-teen Ruby aside and go 'Hey, so I think your parents were lying to you and your dad isn't actually your dad and your real dad is my sister and also your sister's mom who's been gone for your entire life. I mean I don't know for sure, but I've got a pretty good hunch about it.'?
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obligatoryjauneblog · 5 months
For @pilot-boi 's Twins AU: where Jaune was born Yin Xiao Long
Taiyang knelt in front of three graves, placing a stick of incense by each and lighting them. The last one he placed in front of a tombstone that read;
Here lies Jaune Julius Arc, beloved son and brother
Tai: I... I brought something, wanted to share it with you when you were older…
He pulled out a bottle of whiskey, pouring some of its contents out in front of Ruby and Yang’s tombstones.
Tai: The first time I lost you, I became a lush… To the point I couldn’t take care of your sisters, and.. and I promised I wouldn’t go back to the bottle unless to celebrate you or Sum coming back.
He paused, as if the stone slab was replying. Tears started to form as he kept going.
Tai: And.. and when you did, I missed out on so much… You were basically already a man at that point, who didn’t need his pops anymore… I couldn’t teach you to shave, how to talk to girls, or even play a game of catch because you were too old for that.. But I thought we could share a drink at least, introduce you to the ole’ Xiao Long vice…
There was still no response.
Tai: I should have been there for you, I should have been a better father to all of you, I-I’m sorry, Yin.
He broke down, clutching the tombstone and sobbing into the rock. Freezing when he heard from behind.
Jaune: ... I forgive you.
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RWBY: Pokémon AU
Taiyang gives his girls eggs to hatch when they start out on their journey to go along with their starters. He runs the Xiao Long - Rose Nursery, so he has no idea what they end up being. His partners are Charizard and Kummo-o.
Yang & Growlithe: Thanks, Dad!
Taiyang: Just be careful.
-A Few Weeks Later-
Yang: (on videochat) Dad! Dad! You'll never guess what happened!!!
Taiyang: What?
Yang: (holds up shiny Jangmo-o) The egg hatched!!!
Taiyang: (clutches chest) That's.... wonderful, baby girl.
-A Few Years Later-
Taiyang: And here's your egg, Ruby. Be safe out there. When you get to the fire gym, let Yang and Barkanine know I say hi.
Ruby & Riolu: Thanks, Dad!
Taiyang: Be careful out there!
-A Few Weeks Later-
Taiyang: Hey, Ruby! Did you make it to the fire gym alright?
Ruby: DadDadDadDadDadDad!!!! You're never going to believe this!!!!
Taiyang: (thinking: Oh, no...) What is it, baby girl?
Ruby: (holds up shiny Raltz) THE EGG HATCHED!!!! AND IT'S A SHINY!!!!
Taiyang: (clutches chest tighter and cries) That's... Unreal.... Sweetheart....
*Call Ends*
Taiyang: (crying into Charazard's belly) I've never hatched or even seen a shiny before in my life... and yet both of my girls got one within a few weeks of starting their journeys?!
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howlingday · 4 months
Jaune x raven
Ruby and yang's reaction along with there dad and summer.
"Ah, shit..."
"Raven?" Summer called out to her former teammate. "Raven, is that you?"
"Hello, Summer... Tai... Yang..."
"And Ruby!" Piped up the younger Rose.
"What, uh... What's going on?" Taiyang asked, clearly feeling awkward about the scenario, and to be honest, who wouldn't? His ex-lover was seated at a cafe, alone, with two teacups in front of her.
"I'm on a date."
"Oh, really?" Growled Yang. "Guess Dad just isn't good enough for you anymore?"
"Your father and I broke things off years ago." She then looked to the Rose duo. "He's clearly gotten over me. Why is it wrong for me to do the same?"
"The same?!" Yang's eyes flashed red and her hair golden. "How is this even close to being-"
"Yang! Enough!" The girl calmed down a bit at her father's words. "It's good to see you again, Raven. I'm happy you've moved on."
"Thank you." Raven replied, cordially.
"My, this new lover must be having some kind of effect on you." Summer said. "I've never heard you say thank you before."
"Maybe." Raven shrugged. "I didn't really notice, I guess. If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my date."
"Oh, of course!" Summer nodded. "Come on, girls, let's leave Raven to romantic rendezvous."
"Her what?" Ruby asked.'
"Her date." Yang answered, already turning away. Not bothering to say good-bye, she already started walking. However, a familiar voice suddenly rang in her ear.
"Sorry I took so long. The bathroom only lets one person at a..." She slowly turned to see her friend, a fellow blond whose blue eyes were strikingly similar to another man she knew. One who was standing nearby and at a similar height to him. "Uh, hi, Ruby... Yang... and... parents?"
"Parents." Summer nodded. "Raven? Would you like to introduce us?"
"Not really, no."
"Uh, well..." The young man extended his hand and the elder took it. "I'm Jaune, Jaune Arc."
"Taiyang Xiao Long." The father shook the hand. "And, uh, this is awkward."
"Oh, good," Yang said, "then it isn't just me."
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palsinabox · 1 year
I think the thing that gets me about this “playboy Yang” idea that some people have is that it’s like they forget who she is in relation to her family. I’m not saying that we are all just our genetics, but we are definitely our genetics plus our experiences and here’s who Yang is in regards to her parents:
-Taiyang Jr. The writers literally named her after her father who one of the first things we know about him is that he has abandonment issues from lost loves. She watched her father be so deeply depressed after losing his wife that he ceased to function. Why would she be interested in that? And yeah, being named after someone in real life doesn’t mean anything, but this is FICTION and it means so much
-Raven “Relying On Other Makes You Weak” Branwen’s daughter, which isn’t a philosophy Yang has but I’m sure it contributes to her instinct of not letting anyone too close
-Summer Rose, Super Mom, baked cookies and fought monsters. That’s her ideal parent and who she tried to be for Ruby. There’s no time for anything else when that’s on a child’s plate.
Do people not think about this stuff? I find it impossible to ignore.
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