#Taking care of Mister Fell's things indeed
ineffablydelighted · 1 year
[Cute Omens #4]
[Also called: Crowley gets j-e-a-l-o-u-ssss]
Right before Aziraphale leaves for Edimburg, ready to get inside the Bentley
Maggie: Oh, Mister Fell, wait! *runs towards him*
Aziraphale: Yes, Maggie? Hello?
Maggie: I just wanted to tell you again how grateful I am for... You know... *awkward shoulder balancing and smile* Not collecting the rent.
Aziraphale: *soft smile of an Angel* My pleasure, Maggie! No need to thank me everyday 😊
Maggie: You... You don't get it, do you?
Aziraphale: I... I'm not sure, now?
Maggie: Nobody does that anymore... People like you, I mean. They do no exist anymore. People are more like... your... *unsure but tries* boyfriend.
Aziraphale: Crowley? Oh, no, Maggie, you've got the wrong idea, Crowley is a very nice... *very long pause* friend... of mine? *shy smile*
Maggie: F-friend of yours? Oh, oh my, I am so sorry, I've... got the wrong idea, um... It's just that... I see him with you so often, and you are- and I just figured- Nevermind.
Aziraphale: *his smile starts to display some hints of regret without him realizing*
Maggie: Listen, Mister Fell, it is most probably not my place, but... In case you wanted to... You know, live something less... "friendly", I might know someone who might be... interested?
Aziraphale: *sudden flashes of Maggie's grandmother hitting on him* O-Oh? You do?
Maggie: You... Remember Mister Brown?
Aziraphale: Oh, yes, I saw him yesterday, he asked me to organize the next Monthly Meeting!
Maggie: Didn't he ask... Anything else?
Aziraphale: Not anything of substance I can remember of. Are you... implying he would have wanted to... hum... ask something else to me? *is never comfortable about these things*
Maggie: I think he likes you very much. And... I am sorry to say, again, certainly not my place, but... he might be a... better fit than your... friend.
Aziraphale: *embarrassed laugh* Maggie, truly, you've got the wrong idea about Crowley! He's the nicest person I've ever met *in over 6000 years which is saying something* and the best...*always marks a pause there for some reason* friend I could ever wish for!
Maggie: I understand, really, it's just that you seem... lonely, sometimes?
Aziraphale: Do I?
Maggie: Trust me, I know the feeling!
Aziraphale: *sympathetic smile* Nothing from... Nina?
Maggie: I'd rather not talk about it, it's... painful. Anyway, um... If you wanted to... Talk some more with Mister Brown, I'm pretty sure he would be very pleased!
Aziraphale: Well, I-
Maggie: *runs without warning* Oh, I-I really have to go, have a good trip, Mister Fell!
Aziraphale: *awkward wave**gets in the car* Oh, hello, there. I'm sure we're gonna get along just perfectly! *taps the steering wheel amicably*
Bentley: *activates a random song the second Aziraphale is seated and ready to go*
Oh, how wrong can you be?
Oh, to fall in love was my very first mistake,
How was I to know,
I was far too much in love to see oh
Look at me now...
The next morning, the Bookshop's bell rings
Mr Brown: Mister Fell? Hello?
Jim: Hello, I'm Jim, Mister Fell's assistant! How can I help you not buying a book?
Mr Brown: Actually, I was hoping I could see Mister Fell himself, if that is...
Crowley: *arrives in style* Mister Fell is not here, who's ask- *stops and looks at him from afar* Oh. You, again? *is unsure why this last word came out of his mouth but still did*
Mr Brown: *startled* Ah, it is... you... Mister...?
Crowley: *reaches his glasses and puts them on**smirks and walks towards him* Crowley. Hello.
Mr Brown: I-I forgot to ask yesterday, you are...?
Crowley: *raises an eyebrow* I... am...?
Mr Brown: *tries to express himself with just the eyes*
Crowley: *does not get it**at all**makes some waves with his chin to signify he needs more details*
Mr Brown: Maybe... that was a mistake...
Crowley: *clueless Demon* A... mistake? What? The monthly meeting?
Mr Brown: N-no! Nothing to do with the monthly meeting! I...
Crowley: You wanted to see Mister Fell about... Not the meeting? Why?
Mr Brown: I... This is... *sighs* Can we, please, stop beating around the bush?
Crowley: *thinks he somewhat starts to get it but remains unsure* Uhhh... Sure...
Mr Brown: Is Mister Fell in a... relationship at the moment?
Crowley: *hesitates for much longer than he expected* Not... that I know of? And, well, I certainly... would know?
Mr Brown: Wait... You're not his... On-and-off partner?
Crowley: *feels something unexpected growing besides astonishment**is it... anger?* I am most certainly not.
Mr Brown: Oh... OH! G-good! I mean, okay! Are you his... cousin or something?
Crowley: *laughs* Hell no! *is tempted to remove his glasses for some reason*
Mr Brown: Business partner?
Crowley: Sort... of... speak?
Mr Brown: Oh, okay, hum... Can you please not tell Mister Fell about our encounter? I feel like I need to ask him out myself, you see?
Crowley: *finally totally gets it* Sorry. Ask him out? As in... Ask him for a date? *chuckles* Oh, no! Angel doesn't date, ever! *has heard the joke of the next three centuries*
Mr Brown: *gets offended**and cold**well, at least he tries* I-I'm sorry to say but that is not on you to decide, is it?
Crowley: *stops laughing out of nowhere and feels the anger taking the lead**approaches him menacingly* Or maybe, just maybe... it is?
Mr Brown: B-but, you said-
Crowley: *even colder voice* I know what I said, I just don't believe you heard me, so let me clarify... *takes him by the collar*
Mr Brown: *gasps*
Crowley: Mister Fell... doesn't... date. *ends up with a creepy smile*
Mr Brown: *muster some courage**looks at Crowley's hands on his vest**looks back at Crowley's glasses* What if he wants to?
Crowley: *gritted teeth* I assure you: he doesn't.
Mr Brown: How would you know that?!
Crowley: I just do.
Jim: *is back or maybe has never left, nobody knows* Uhhhh... Do you need... assistance in anything?
Crowley: *releases Mr Brown with the heaviest, most threatening smirk**turns at Jim* Can you show Mister Brown the exit? We're done here.
Mr Brown: But I...
Crowley: *turns back at him**accidently nose-on-nose* Ou-T.
Mr Brown: *recoils**frowns his brows**but remains intimidated* I guess you have some unfinished business to attend to, Mister Crowley.
Crowley: *looks at his nails* Yeahhh, I most certainly do. Taking care of Mister Fell's things takes such a long time indeed!
Mr Brown: *to Jim* I know the exit, thank you. Good... *to both* Have a... good day.
Crowley: *indifferent* Oh, I will. Taking care of...
Mr Brown: Mister Fell's things. Yes, I caught that.
Jim: Have a good day! *waves enthusiastically*
[The door closes]
Mr Brown: God, these two really need to talk!
Navigation time!
[While needing you to consider that, most of the time, the scenes are randomized and do no necessarily follow one another at all]
Previous - Beginning - Next
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makeitallmarvel · 1 year
Part 6
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Nursing your dislocated finger was the only way to keep yourself from crying these days. Focusing on physical pain seemed to numb out the emotional. You practically lived in the gym during the week. “You should take a break kid” a familiar voice advised from behind you. A slow smile crept onto your face as you realized who it was. “Clint! What’s your old retired ass doing here?” You wondered as you closed in for a hug. “I had to turn in some old files” he explained quickly. You wiped the sweat off of your forehead and started to jog in place. “The last time I saw you like this was after..” he began to say but you cut him off, “we don’t talk about him” Clint just shrugged knowing an abusive ex didn’t make good conversation. “Alright then. I don’t like this funk you’re in. Get dressed, we're going out tonight. I’ll get the guys” Clint stated before taking off in the direction of fury’s office. “Are you sure you can keep up old man?” You hollered after him receiving a middle finger in return. 
Within the first five minutes of sitting at the VIP section you had downed two shots and was already picking up your mixed drink to begin drinking that down. Bucky was sitting in the corner on the opposite end of you with his arms lounging on the top of the couch. He had the most serious look on his face watching you get drunk. Wanda grabbed your hand and took you to standing on the couch so you could dance with the music. Twisting and grinding you worked up a sweat. Just as you stopped a second to breathe you saw Tony bringing a fresh tray of tequila shots. “Woo!” You yelled on the top of your lungs. You grabbed another two and knocked them back easily. “Whoa” you groaned as you swayed to the side. Your vision was starting to blur as the alcohol forced your blood pressure higher. It was as if you could hear the blood pounding through your veins. Somehow you found yourself next to bucky and Steve. “Hey there mister winter soldier. Why so damn serious?” You giggled and slung your arm around him. Buckys face melted and became hard as he kept his emotions in looking at your wrecked state. “I wonder what that thing in your pants has for a body count” you continued on, unable to stop yourself. Bucky inhaled sharply as his body gained a new level of tension you’ve never seen before. “Y/n!” Steve yelled at you in warning.  His voice was so disappointed. “Oh Stevie don’t act like you’re too good to think about it” you stammered making no sense. “I think I’m going to kill Clint” he grumbled. His voice was so dark it sent chills through your blood turning you on. Or maybe that was the alcohol. Actually it was the vomit climbing the back of your throat for a quick exit. You ran off with your hand covering your mouth to the restroom to release it.
“Mr. Rogers you must take me to dinner first” you giggled as even Steve struggled to keep you upright. He had one of your arms over his shoulder as he tried to get you in bed. “Y/n go to sleep” he commanded, he sounded completely over you. Bucky filed in behind Steve slowly watching the scene unfold. “Can you help me get her out of this?” Steve wondered knowing it was indeed asking a lot of his friend. Bucky said nothing but instead walked to your dresser to the top drawer where you kept your pajamas. Steve did wonder how he knew where your items were but now was not the time to ask. Steve lifted your limp and heavy arms over your head as your head fell back.  Steve caught it with his other hand quickly, your mouth hanging wide open as the alcohol took the full effect on your body. Bucky carefully slid the large t shirt over your head and onto your small frame. Next with care he took your heels off and gave your feet a small rub in hope they wouldn’t be so sore in the morning. Steve gently laid you on your side, propped up on your pillows. As soon as your head hit the pillow you began to snore loudly making the two men laugh to themselves. “Well I’d say I’ve been there but it’s been awhile” Bucky joked quietly. They took their leave of your apartment but bucky paused at the door. “Someone should keep an eye on her” he suggested. Steve took a moment and looked deeply at his oldest friends face in concern, “are you sure?” He asked trying to protect him from anymore heartbreak. To be honest you kept breaking each other’s hearts the blame wasn’t on just one person but what you had said tonight hurt Bucky more than he would ever let on. “I’m sure man. Go get some rest” he stated checking his phone and noticing the time was 3 AM. Once Steve was clear to the floor below bucky slid down against the wall and released the tears he held back all evening.
Your eyes unglued themselves slowly as you came back into consciousness. Quickly you closed your mouth and groaned attempting to stretch your sore limbs. Your head was pounding sending a sick feeling to your stomach. You were afraid to sit up and feel the full headache pain. Honestly you just hoped you wouldn’t end up with a migraine. That’s all you needed was to lay in bed for days in pain. Eventually you found your strength to stand up. The first thing on your mind was to see Bruce. He could heal what was hurting.  Quickly you wrapped a blanket around your body and started for the open door. You stopped in your tracks once you saw the familiar body leaned against your wall. “What are you doing here?” You moaned, swaying back and forth. The nausea was almost killing you. “I was trying to sleep but your overly obnoxious snoring kept me awake most of the night” he shot back behind closed eyes. His back was leaning against the wall of your doorway. You blushed deeply.  “What happened?” You asked clearly in a daze. “We’ll if you’re ok then I’m going to go now” he got up quickly and retreated. Once your vision was less blurry trying to track his figure down the hall you noticed another one staring at you. “Loki, save it” you warned your voice exhausted. “You’ve made quite the mess, haven't you love?” He teased gently. Within the same moment you turned around to make a straight line for the toilet with more of last nights regret coming up.
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years
Basic Instinct Chapter 11
A/N: This chapter will basically be just a few fluff drabble scenes leading up to the Vorpal Swords vs Jabberwock game. Slight warnings of the reader struggling with self-esteem because of the abuse at home. Masterpost
Akashi had decided to pick you up that monday. He decided he'd go as obvious with the two of you being a thing as possible. He wanted to showcase you and your relationship to the whole wide world. Like an excited puppy, he did not even mind being drive in front of the school gates by his driver. He wanted to make an entrance. You were leaning against him, enjoying his scent. "Do you wear cologne?" "I do," He wasn't going to tell you he started wearing it as he fell in love with you, hoping you'd notice it someday. You smiled up at him, "it's really nice." You breathed him in, much to his enjoyment. He grinned, and as the driver opened the door, he slid out of the car gracefully, holding his hand out to you. With a small blush, you took it and the two of you walked equally red cheeked but proud onto the school grounds. Not everyone seemed to notice, it wasn't like a movie were everyone was looking at you like a deer in the headlights. But some people did, including the Uncrowned Generals who were waiting for their captain. Kotaro was whilsting and Nebuya belted out a, "WOOH, GOOD FOR YOU". Reo flinched slightly at the loud noise, but he smiled softly at the two of you. "I am happy you got the girl, Sei-Chan. Please be patient with him, Y/n-Chan." You giggled. "Sure I will. I am certain I can endure his attitude forever." "What is that supposed to mean?" Akashi mused, not too offended and you grinned at him. "You know what it means, Mister Absolute." He chuckled, squeezing your hand as his face softened. You squeezed right back, feeling absolutely warm and happy.
It was the day before Valentine's Day, and having dated Akashi for two weeks, you obviously wanted to give him some chocolate. Reo was thankfully there to help you as the two of you mused over designs. "I really want to do it right this time! My shogi muffins totally looked awful." You said, hating on your own hard work, per usual. Just thinking about it, you wanted to cringe and question yourself how you ever dared to present them to Akashi. Reo looked at you stern yet somewhat softened by care as he said, "I am certain they weren't that awful, and you never get anywhere without practise. Shall we begin with your first ever Valentine chocolate?" "Sure, let's practise! I am certain you can teach me, Reo-nee!" He chuckled lightly, as he grabbed all the ingredients needed for the heart shaped bon bons you liked from the designs. "I am happy Sei-Chan found such a wonderful girlfriend. You've been taking good care of him ever since the two of you started hanging out and frankly he needs it." "I know, he was always so devoted to everything but himself, it hurt to watch." Reo's smile grew, "and that is why I'm happy. He deserves a girlfriend who cares as much as you do. Just like a sweet young lady such as yourself deserves a true gentleman." You giggled in response. "You're a good friend, you know that right?" "Of course I do."
It was the day of the sakura festival, and Akashi had invited you to go with him. You had to admit, it was indeed absolutely beautiful and romantic, the blossoms were vibrant and mesmerizing. The weather was lovely too, the sun wasn't too bright, the temperature perfect and a soft breeze that was just right flowing some blossom petals through the air. The two of you were strolling through the park, your arm linked through his own. "I hope we stay together and can behold this pretty sight year after year with you in my arms." Akashi said, his gaze locking itself on you. You giggled, kissing him on the cheek. "Me too. You look even more handsome today. It's as if the pretty scenery is elevating your looks." You teased lightly, even though you did totally want to take a picture of him and the blossoms. It was a sight to never forget. Akashi chuckled as he plucked a pink petal out of your hair. "Funny, I was just thinking something similar. Pure beauty, all around me as well as at my side." You continued to giggle, as the two of you continued forward, trying to find a spot in the park. As Akashi found one, he spread a sheet across the grass, and the two of you sat. Snacks were consumned, laughter was shared and you had fallen asleep sitting against him, the warm sun, the comfortable sheet and your boyfriend's comforting presence making you too drowsy to stay awake. It truly was a perfect day, as far as Akashi was concerned whilst he was continueing to play with your hair. He wouldn't change a thing, not now, or ever.
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Rage Fire Institution
Accelerating. 33.
Kidnapped back into the depths of the research wing, Maki was delivered into the hands of Doctor Suzu Kim. He still didn’t think he needed a doctor, let alone a doctor with a lab full of fancy equipment. Seeing he was being forced to go, he thought he’d have the right to have Tatsumi present so he could rub it in his friend’s face that he was worried for nothing. The arsehole daring to stand there waving goodbye as Maki was taken by the arm and led backwards, the door sliding closed between them.
“Mister Sato, please take a seat on the examination bed. You can leave your belongings on the table beside it. I’m Suzu Kim, Tatsumi told me you were running a fever”
Maki crossed his arms. Tatsumi had a big mouth
“I’m not. He’s overreacting”
Doctor Kim ignored him, busying herself by pulling on gloves. Maki didn’t want to know why. He wasn’t even ill
“I’m sure he is, but you’re here now, on the bed please”
Sensing he wouldn’t be able to get out of this, Maki did as he was told, trying his hardest not to over exaggerate each move. It was a waste of time. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he watched Doctor Kim roll over a trolley of things that looked less fun then her gloves
“I’m not ill. I don’t have a fever”
Doctor Kim really didn’t care. His protests falling on deaf ears
“I’m going to start with your temperature. Why don’t you tell my your symptoms other than fever. I had a quick look over your medical file and it seems you’ve stayed mostly in good health”
The Doctor held up her scanner in front of his face, Maki huffing
“I don’t have any. One minute I was thinking and the next thing I know Tatsumi is bringing me here”
The scanner gave a beep, Doctor Kim smiling as she showed him
“39.5, so you do indeed have a fever. Now, symptoms?”
Maki was sure if he did have a fever then he should know it, alphas naturally ran hot, but he usually sat on a pretty even 38 degrees Celsius
“I don’t have any. I didn’t know I had a fever”
“Alright, then have you done anything to explain it? Physical activity? Mental training?”
“No and no. We were doing homework”
“By we you mean you and Tatsumi?”
Who else was he going to mean?
“Yeah. We were in the library when he suddenly decided I had a fever”
Doctor Kim hummed as if that meant something. Maki had no clue what it could mean seeing he saw Tatsumi every day
“Any loss in concentration? Trouble holding conversation?”
Placing the scanner down, Doctor Kim picked up a blood pressure cuff, Maki holding his arm out so the thin piece of tech could be slid up it
“No. I mean, I was having trouble concentrating but that was because I had other thing on my mind”
“Such as?”
“Just… stuff. Nothing really important”
“Is this stuff something stressful?”
“I mean, a bit, but not like super stressful”
When the cuff turned green, Doctor Kim slid it back off the alpha’s arm
“Your heart rate is also elevated. How did you sleep last night?”
Maki felt himself redden. He’d slept like the dead a top of a human pillow. His Doctor clicked her tongue
Knowing what she was thinking, Maki quickly went to correct her
“No! No. Not like that. I had a really good sleep. Tatsumi and I were talking and fell asleep next to each other!”
As Maki died internally, Kim raised an eyebrow, her tone curious then she was nodding to herself
“You were with Tatsumi last night… wait, of course, that was yesterday”
“Whatever you’re thinking, it wasn’t like that. He needed a friend”
Maki wished to the heavens someone would come along and stuff a gag into his stupid mouth. He was only making it sound worse and worse. Kim shook her head
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking that way. I know yesterday would have been hard on him because…”
The way she stopped herself from telling him why told Maki she knew and he didn’t want to talk about it
“I know what happened… I… uh, I don’t feel comfortable discussing that with Tatsumi not in the room”
Doctor Kim gave a small nod
“No, of course not. I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but I’m glad he’s found a friend. No wonder he sent you to me instead of the school doctor, you must be quite the friend”
A friend who’d nearly kissed another friend… Maki mumbling
“I don’t know about that”
“I’m sure you’re selling yourself short. He has great faith in you. Now, I think I know what’s going on, but I need to check your glands. Is that alright?”
“Oh, sure…”
Letting Doctor Kim manipulate his neck, the woman smiled as she stepped back
“It’s good news, you’re going to live. The bad news is that you’re pre-rut. I saw you recently changed suppressants. How long ago was your last rut?”
“Just after New Years. I don’t use suppressants at home”
“So 8 months. I’ll give you an injection if you’d like, it’ll knock the rut symptoms back. I think Tatsumi’s pheromones must have gotten onto you while you slept and your body reacted from prolonged exposure and your own upset over your friend’s state”
Maki had never heard of such a thing. He knew alphas could and would get territorial… Had Tatsumi gotten territorial? Maybe because he’d fallen asleep on him?
“Is that possible?”
“Highly likely. He would have been in a terrible emotional state yesterday. Alcohol, and stress can lower the potency of suppressants. Especially when the omega is compromised with mental distress. You probably had a good nights rest due to his leaking pheromones, and your body released pheromones in response. It’s purely biological and nothing to worry over”
Maki blinked half a dozen times. His brow drawn as it did. Doctor Kim had said omega… but Tatsumi was an alpha… unless Tatsumi wasn’t an alpha… If Tatsumi was releasing pheromones… and his pheromones… Tatsumi was an omega? No. He’d ruled that out before… and he was pretty sure he couldn’t ask Doctor Kim to go back and repeat themself again. Then again… Tatsumi never came into the alpha dorm when they walked back together and he’d never bumped into him in there without Skylark around... and they always met outside… Why had never asked Tatsumi why he saw him off. The alpha jumping as the doctor clicked their fingers in front of him
“Mister Sato?”
No. He needed time to… to think. He felt like he was learning this for the first time, but strangely he also didn’t?
“Sorry, I was thinking about something else. What was the question?”
“If you would like the injection or not. I’m assuming you have a mate, or at least a lover?”
Maki wished he’d remained ignorant to the question
“Uh, no… No”
Doctor Kim’s eyes widened in surprised
“I thought a young alpha such as yourself would have left a trail of broken hearts behind you. I only ask as it may affect your love life for the next few days if you do. Before you move, I’m going to take a quick sample from your gland, it’s just a swab test”
Maki didn’t care if it affected his love life, as long as he could pilot. Still, he felt ashamed as he answered
“I don’t have a love life… I’m not even sure what it means to be in love”
Doctor Kim gave a light chuckle
“There’s plenty of time for all of that. When the right person comes along, you’ll feel it”
That didn’t make logical sense. Li was falling in love every other day
“How do you know you’re in love?”
His Doctor went about opening a swab packet, humming lightly before answering
“Well, that person makes you happy, and you want to make them happy too”
Maki snorted
“That doesn’t sound right. I’m happy for my best friend but I’m not in love with him. Are you in love Doctor?”
“Ah, that’s a different type of love with friends. You can love your friends like a family and platonically. It’s that feeling you get when you see them, or when you get a message and you rush to reply. You get anxious and mad, sometimes you don’t understand why. It doesn’t necessarily start by wanting to kiss them or mate. It can be slow and gradual. Or it can be love at first sight and you make a fool of yourself. That’s how it was for me and Doctor Poaw. I fell hard and made an utter fool of myself. I wanted to shut up, and stop saying embarrassing things, but I couldn’t stop myself. Then there’s being in love. It’s anxiety, dependency, stress, jealousy, happiness, longing, contentment, fear, pushing and pulling, commitments, joy, sorrow, every emotion you experience by their side and the constant surprise of what comes next. But, it’s worth it because you work it out together in the end and come through stronger together. Love is acceptance. I guess that’s how I’d say it. You accept that neither of you are perfect beings and you handle it together”
Love sounded complicated… love also sounded a lot like how Maki felt when he was with Tatsumi. He couldn’t love his babysitter… so why did so many things align? Was it because Doctor Kim turned into an idiot, the way Li did, when talking about the person they loved?
“You research people are weird”
Having swabbed his gland while explaining, Doctor Kim placed his sample into a tube
“Maybe a little. You’re a bright alpha, and a good friend to our Tatsumi. Now there’s a man who’d never know how to say he loved someone. It’d be all mech parts and technical training”
“I’ve been told that before”
“It’s true. Poor man, if only he’d find a mate and let himself be happy. No, I’m not going to talk about that, you’re completely right about it being inappropriate without his expressed permission. Thank you for being there for him last night, it would have been hard for him to open up, so I’m glad you didn’t turn him down”
There was too much going into Maki’s brain for his brain to keep braining. He felt dumb replying
“Friends are there for friends”
Doctor Kim smiled brightly, moving on to fetching the promised injection
“That’s very true. Many of the bonds made here last a lifetime. Now, no piloting today. Not for 36 hours. Monitor your moods, temperature and glands. Don’t feel embarrassed if you suddenly feel sexual urges, it’s natural. If you feel the shot hasn’t worked, come back to me, okay? We can organise something else, or a sleep pod for your rut”
That was well and good. Maki knew he should be upset given his precious Erebus would have to wait, but there was something more important
“You… you won’t tell Tatsumi, right? He’ll be upset if he knows it was his pheromones”
“Doctor patient secrecy is a magical thing. If you don’t want to tell him, that’s your business”
“And you won’t put it in my file? If the principal finds out I might not be able to compete”
He also faced Tatsumi figuring it out and he didn’t want that. He needed to deal with everything else first in his head, like how he felt about the fact Tatsumi was an omega
“I’ll keep it out, all it will say is you presented with a low grade fever and I prescribed rest after giving you a shot for it. You’re the hope of our little research project team, they’d skin me alive if I prevented you competing”
Yeah, Maki could see that…
“Flo can be scary. I’m certain she still doesn’t like me”
“Flo? Oh, no. She’s all bark but not so much bite. No, Sara is the one you have to look out for, she’d sacrifice your internal organs if it got her an A. Dan isn’t much better”
Maki found himself smiling again, relieved Tatsumi wouldn’t find out that his pheromones had sent him into a prerut and relieved that Doctor Kim had a sense of humour
“I didn’t want to come here, but you’re much nicer than the school doctor”
“Aw, thanks. You’re not so bad yourself. Now, this will sting. Big sting, none of this little sting business”
Having to sit and wait half an hour after the injection, Maki didn’t know why he’d thought Tatsumi would have given up waiting. Leaning against the hallway wall, the man quickly abandoned his comms and stood properly as soon as he saw him. Maki suddenly didn’t have a single idea of how he was going to explain things without sounding as if he was lying. Tatsumi looked so worried and relieved at the same time, making it hard for the alpha to look his friend in the eye
“Maki, how’d you go?”
Doctor Kim patted Maki’s shoulder
“He’ll be just fine. Small fever and a little mental fatigue, so I’ve given him a shot. No piloting today and tomorrow, but he’ll be right as rain. I’ve told him he’s got to take it easy and come back if he feels worse, right, Maki?”
“Yeah, right… I’m not sure I want to come back, they shouldn’t let you loose with needles”
Doctor Kim hadn’t lied to him, it was a bloody big sting as the needle entered his left gland. Still, he wouldn’t go into rut and Tatsumi would have nothing to feel guilty over, so it was worth it. Doctor Kim laughed happily
“Your face really did make such an interesting expression. Take him back to his dorm, and make sure he goes straight to bed”
“Thanks, Suzu. I know your schedule is busy but I appreciate you making time for him”
“Nonsense. He’s just like someone else we know, never comes by on his own merit and dislikes needles. It was nice to talk to someone actually interested in their own health”
Tatsumi coughed as he ducked his head, changing topic away from Doctor Kim calling him out
“Let’s get you back to your dorm, Maki. I’ll notify Skylark and let him know you’re down with a fever. He’ll organise it with your teachers”
Doctor Kim swapped from the supportive hand on the shoulder to propelling him towards Tatsumi and out of the safety of the lab. He’d been betrayed at the final hour. The pair waved off
“Don’t forget to call. Or write. Or visit”
Tatsumi shook his head, the man ruffling Maki’s hair
“Let’s get you back to your dorm room. Homework can wait”
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siliquasquama · 2 years
The Cat with the Onion
Well, now, you're asking not who I am but what I am? Strange way to ask someone about themselves. But sit down and I'll tell ya.
ONCE UPON A TIME, in a land far from here, in a great grand valley, there was a stork.
There are a lot of storks in the world, of course, but only some of them deliver babies. This one, though, didn't deliver a human baby at all. It delivered a cat, an adult cat, a cat wearing big tall boots. And it didn't drop the cat in a swaddling bundle, oh no. The cat was hanging onto the stork's legs. And the stork didn't place the cat gently down, but dropped it from a height.
Well, some folks in the crowd were a little dismayed to see this spectacle, but a great height is no trouble to a cat, especially one wearing boots. So the cat landed with a thump, and a yowl, but it picked itself up and it dusted itself off and then licked itself clean, and everyone could see that it was indeed a cat.
But you'd expect a cat wearing big tall boots to also have a sword. That's the proper form for a cat in boots. Ah, but cats do as they will, don't they? This one had an onion tied to its belt. Everyone did, of course, that was the style at the time -- but the cat did too, and that meant something, though no one was sure what.
So a man in the crowd said "It's a strange little cat alright. We should take it to the Mayor."
And the cat said, "Oh, I was heading that direction myself, if you'll join me."
And so the cat led a big crowd of people towards the Mayor's palace, and not a few of them wondered why the cat wanted to see the man.
The Mayor, whose name happened to be Mister Mayor (everyone said he was a shoo-in for the job, and not just because it was hereditary), stomped out of his palace in his own big tall boots, and he looked at the little cat with the boots and the onion, and he said, "What do you mean by it, eh? Why've you got no sword, cat? Cats in boots are supposed to have swords. That's how it's done."
And the cat said, "Why, Mister Mayor, to be sure, it is the proper form, but I care for what is effective, not what is proper. And I must tell you, the thing heading toward your city will not respond to one little sword, or a hundred. But with an onion, I can make it weep."
And so the little cat with the big boots was put in charge of the city's defenses. Just in time, too, for soon people saw the wine in their goblets rippling, and on the horizon there appeared a great monster, a gigantic lizard on two big hind legs with two tiny little arms in front, and a head so big it looked like it could take a bite out of a mountain, and teeth as long as the spire on the church. And it roared, so loud that it shook everyone's bones, even from far away.
And the big lizard stomped its way toward the city -- Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! And as it got closer, everybody jumped with each stomp. And as it got closer, everybody had to put their hands over their ears as it roared. And as it got even closer, everybody had to hold their noses because of its stinky breath.And then it drew closer, right up to the city walls, and its head looked like it could take a bit out of the sky, and it roared so loud everyone stumbled backward.
And the cat said, "Batter up!" And it wound up and chucked the onion as hard as it could. And the onion smacked the big lizard right in the top of the open mouth, which startled it enough to stop it in its tracks. And then it started to cough, and big tears fell from its eyes, tears so big that they made a pond as they fell. And the cat said, "Big lizards don't like onions! Everyone chuck your onion into its mouth!"
And so everyone did, and the big mouth was so big it was easy even for a little bitty child to toss an onion in. And the big lizard ate all the onions, and it coughed and it coughed and ic coughed, so hard it blew everyone off the walls, and it cried so many tears that the pond beneath it became a great river. And then it fell into the water, raising a mighty splash that swept some of the wall away.
Well, after that there was a fair amount of repair work to do, and farmers to compensate for their flooded fields, but there was also so much lizard meat to smoke and salt and store away that everyone in the city would not go hungry for many long years. So everyone hailed the little cat as a hero, and they gave it all their onions.
Which was a problem, because cats don't like onions either. So the cat in the boots chucked all those onions at an army that was trying to invade the city from the north, and the army cried so many tears that they made another river.
And Mister mayor said, "Cat, if you keep doing that, we're going to wind up in the middle of a big lake. Why don't you go out questing, and if you do enough for us, we will reward you."
So the cat left the city limits with its big bag of onions, and it went on many quests for the sake of the city, vanquishing monsters and making many foes weep, so that everywhere the cat went, there was a new pond, a new lake, a new river.
But, by and by, the cat's foes got wise to the onion trick, and they started wearing goggles and gas masks. And the cat could not vanquish them as it had done so easily. So one day, the cat went to the witch of the woods, and said, "Witch of the woods, I'd like to ask you a great favor. For once in my nine lives, I need a sword."
And the witch said, "Oh, goodness, I hardly know what that is! But I will make you an onion sword, little cat. All I need in return is five bees."
And the cat said, "Will a quarter-dollar piece do?"
And the witch said, "Quarter? Dollar? I said bees, cat, not coin. Real bees."
So the cat went into the woods with an onion and searched for a bee hive. When it found one, it realized it had no way to make smoke to smoke the bees out. So it took the onion and broke it in its hands, and crushed the pieces, and the smell was enough to make the bees fill up with honey and hide anyway. Save for five little bees who had been asleep, and were woken up by the smell, too late to escape. The cat scooped them up and took them back to the witch.
"Five real bees," said the cat, "and my apologies. Where I come from, we call five-cent pieces 'bees', for reasons I cannot fathom."
"That's quite alright," said the witch of the woods. "Now I shall make your onion sword." And the witch went to their forge, and took the onions and beat them and smelted them and did all the things a blacksmith does to make a sword], and the witch chanted many strange things no one has ever heard, and by the end of the task, they had made a sword, and a sheathe to go with it.
And they handed the sheathed sword to the cat, and said, "Mind you wear a gas mask when you draw that sword, little cat, and only draw it in direst need."
So the cat took its new sword, and went questing again. It vanquished foes left and right with nary more effort than drawing its sword a little out of the sheathe, and they could cough and cough and cry many tears, and so the world became soggier and soggier.
One day a cat in big tall boots and a gas mask came up to the gates of the city wearing an onion sword, and it demanded entrance. But the mayor, whose name was Mister Mayor, stood on the wall atop the gate, and said, "We cannot let you enter."
"Long have I fought for you," said the cat. "I have earned my place in your city, I have earned my place on your councils. I have vanquished your foes. Will you not reward me?"
"You have turned all the land into bogs and swamps and ponds," said the mayor. "You have made it a soggier place, when the people are used to growing onions in drier earth. We will not reward you."
"Then I will show you what you have earned," said the cat, and it drew its sword fully out of its sheathe.
And all the people of the city coughed and coughed, and they wept and they wept, and they cried all the tears one could cry, so many tears that all the land was flooded even more, connecting swamp to swamp and pond to pond and river to river, until it was all one, and the great grand valley became a great grand lake, the widest the world has ever seen or will ever see. Though it was very shallow.
All the people scorned the cat and hurled curses at it. But the cat cared nothing for their annoyance.
By and by, the city adapted to its new circumstance, turning to the fishing trade and building small fishing boats for all and sundry, sending small trading ships far and wide and growing richer than before. But this put it in competition with a greater city on the other side of the lake. The people of that city decided they would send a navy to conquer their rival.
The people of the cat's city were frightened. They had not had time to put together more than a few small fighting ships, so focused had they been on building fishing boats. They did not have time to hire mercenary fleets, because the enemy was already on the horizon.
So they turned to the cat, and the cat said, "If I save you, you must reward me this time. But if you would have me save you, you must brace yourselves, for I will do just as I have done." And the cat drew the onion sword fully out of its sheathe, and all the people coughed and coughed, and they cried many tears, and all their coughing stirred up the rushing water, and sent it in a great wave at the enemy fleet, and all the ships were sunk.
The city was good to its word, and they made the cat the new mayor, and sang many songs of praise to the cat for their deliverance. So the sea came to be called the Cat's Paean Sea,  though many years have passed and the name might have gotten muddled by now.
Now, in all that, I bet you're wondering where I was. Well, I'm not the cat. I'm the witch. Always helping people if they ask, otherwise keeping my own counsel, busy with my own unpredictable business. If you will excuse me, I have to go plant some onions.
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His Butler, Pleased
This is my first Fanfic, written in late 2012 so please open with care.. It's a Warning!
Work Text:
His Master was looking outside the window. He was tired from all the work he had that day. But he wasn't that 'tired'. He knew his Butler had needs too.
The Demon entered the room. "Bocchan." He said with a smirk on his face. "Sebastian." Said Ciel. The Demon put both of his hands on the desk facing Ciel, his Master. They were both looking in each others eyes. The Young Gentleman already lost himself in his Butler's eyes.
The Demon lean in and pressed his lips against his Master's. The Young Earl rushed his fingers through his Butler's hair. Then crossed his arms on the Demon's neck.
The Demon lifted The Little Earl of the chair. The Earl's legs around Sebastian's waist. The Demon's hands below the Young Boy's But.
Both of them kissing. Sebastian takes Ciel to the Bedroom. Opens the door and then slams it. Even Mei-Rin woke up. "M-Mister Sebastian what are you doing?!" She says putting her glasses on. The Demon trow his Master on the Bed. And then like a Wild Tiger roughly kissed Ciel and slid his Demon tongue. While they were eating themselves Sebby started torning button by button Ciel's shirt.
The Demon's tongue went on Ciel's pink buds. He was twirling around Ciel's lift nipple while rubbing the right nipple, but still having his White Gloves on that were hiding the Faustian Contract.
Ciel's body twitched Sebastian really fast took of his coat and vest. Little Ciel wanted to help. He tried to unbutton his Butler's shirt. He couldn't do it so fast because of the thing that was done to his nipples. They were already hard.
Sebby took the shirt off when Ciel finally unbutton it. The Demon touched The Little Boy's bottom lip and slid his index finger on his chin, neck, middle of his chest and stomach. Then got to Ciel's shorts. Ciel was blushing. His face all Red. Crimson Red. "W-What?!" He asked. Sebby only showed an evilly grin and took off The Little Boy's shorts. He could already say that His Master was rock hard. He slid Ciel's pants down.
His Butler was shocked indeed. Ciel's member wasn't that small after all even if he was only a thirteen year old boy. Ciel looked away blushing. He tried to cover himself. The Demon caught both of his hands and put them above Ciel's head. He was holding them with one hand. Ciel struggled But His Butler didn't let go. He touched the tip of His Master's member with his index finger. He teased him like that until Little Ciel said: "More… p-please." His Butler smirked. He caught His Master's member and started rubbing it. Harder and harder. The Earl's moans were loud.
(The Fucked Up Part.) Even the Servants heard. The couldn't sleep. With eyes wide open they were hearing their Master's moans. Mei-Rin was in very uncomfortable situation. She wanted to see the passionable thing that was happening in her Master's Bedroom. She slowly on her toes went to Ciel's Bedroom door. Here cheeks were Red as a Tomato.
Finian was also a curious boy. He did the same thing to get to his Master's door. They both whispering "What are you doing here?!" Both blushed and sat on their knees. Mei-Rin needed to clean her glasses from the hotness And Finny just covered his mouth. And we saw Mei-Rin's nosebleed. He couldn't hold it anymore.
And Baldroy had pride. He didn't pay attention to his Master's moans. He fell asleep blushing. But before falling asleep he said: "Damm, that Butler Getting everything he wants." The Servant of course regret his choice.
The Butler heard the Little Peasants in front of the door. He smirked again. Ciel moaned louder. Then came all over himself. Sebastian like a good Butler licked all the white.
Remember the Servants? They were still at the door peeking After he licked up his Master, Sebastian wanted to take of his trousers but… The Little Boy blushing covered his eyes with the back of his hand.
The Demon suddenly started facing the Servants, the door. He slowly and sensually started taking off his trousers He was only left with pants. He slid them down like he was stripping.
(The More Fucked Up Part.) Mei-Rin 'died'… in her own little way. Little Boy Finny was amazed. He licked his lips. He wanted to get in there. But he couldn't. He didn't want to interfere. He couldn't hold it of course. Little Finny didn't care Mei-Rin was passed out.
(The Most Fucked Up Part.) He slid down his pajamas and started jerking off while peeking through the lock. Sebby turned his Master so now he was laying on his stomach. The Demon pulled the Little Earl to himself and widened his but. Ciel chuckled and said: "No, that's t-to b-big! It cant get in!" Sebas-chan evilly smirked and said: "You sure?~" Then he put his Demon member in Ciel's but. At first it was hard but then it slid in. Ciel's eyes widened as moaned: "Ahhhh…" The Demon thrusted, the Master enjoyed. He thrusted harder and harder. Ciel was moaning louder and louder.
Remember Finny? He just came. Mei-Rin blinked two times. And sat. Then she looked at Finny and released what he was doing what he was doing. "Oh, My Goddess .." She was amazed. Little Finny was too horny to cover himself or to do something. "D-Don't look…" He whispered. She blushed and looked away.
It was still hot in their Master's bedroom. Then there was a moan. A moan loudest of them all. Even Baldroy woke up. He couldn't stand it anymore so he went upstairs.
He was shocked by the sight and the sounds. Ciel's moan. That beautiful Angelic voice. Baldroy asked: "Why are you here?" Mei-Rin and Finny said: "Shhh!" Baldroy sat on his knees. So they could all enjoy.
After Ciel's loudest moan, Sebastian took off his member from Ciel's but. White came out of Ciel's but. The Demon licked it all. The turned Little Ciel again on the back. He licked the tip of His Master's member. He was teasing him until his body twitched. Then he started sucking His Master's member. He sucked harder and harder. For Little Ciel it was like he was in "Wonderland." Ciel came in Sebastian's mouth. " You bad boy~" He drooled and kissed Ciel.
Can You Hear Me Now?
In Victoria-Era London, a young woman is convinced to work at the Phantomhive Manor. Originally living in the middle of nowhere, her origins were unknown to even the queen's watchdog who employs her. Yet there is one key fact that the Earl and his butler do know, and originally the only reason she was sought after in the first place. She can hear incredibly well.
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Chapter 1: That Maid, Private
Chapter Text
The two met coincidentally whilst she was on her walk but it was soon brought to her attention that it was no coincidence and that the very thought was quite stupid of her. She lived in a barren land after all, where only shrubbery and flies lived, and little to no sign of civilisation existed. Why would a sane man dressed in a tailcoat be walking around here?
“Why couldn’t I hear you?” was the other question pending on her lips.
Not one gradual footstep or breath to indicate he was coming closer, but then all of a sudden she could hear each movement of his muscles, his heart contracting and relaxing, his lungs expanding and contracting, his quadriceps extending as he walked. It was the suddenness of their meeting that made her forget all of this but now, and as he talked ostentatiously she was irritated by her idiocy and had the mind to stab this fellow just to stop him talking.
As she had this thought, he instantly lunged at her and she couldn’t see where he had gone. She heard his grin become wider and feeling slightly agitated, she artfully dodged the small knives he had flung at her and became increasingly confused as she caught one in mid-air. Her bewildered expression became stunned as she realised he was behind her, and quickly turning around, the pair’s sword met with a clank and their eyes met.
“You’re a demon,” she whispered. The words came out of her mouth faster than the realisation of what they meant and even he looked surprised at her sudden revelation. He slowly stepped back, and she began walking away, hoping the test was over.
“Miss Lilja,” he said.
“I have no interest in listening to a child of Satan,” she said, although not seriously so it sounded like she was making a joke.
“Well that hurts my feelings,” he said, following after her.
The grainy land had very few safe paths to walk through, and fewer paths that allowed two people to share a conversation. There were only clouds in the sky, but the air was still stifling and heavy like it was most days.
“Where are you going?”
“To follow you. Won’t you listen to what I have to say?”
“I listened. I heard you. A professional broke into the manor, your master lost something important, and your, what you’re inferring to be trained staff, didn’t hear a sound. Therefore with my heightened sense of hearing, I would be the perfect security guard for any future heists. I know it looked like I wasn’t paying attention, I wasn’t, but I listened so you can go back home now. I have no interest in gaining employment at this time, and especially not to a manor with a demon running amock.”
“It sounds like you’ve had a bad encounter with a demon before,” he said, “And you were even left alive after you came across it.”
“Your curiosity is exceedingly cute, but it’s none of my concern if it’s quelled or not.”
“My, aren’t you a character?” he grinned again. “I have overstayed my welcome, I hope you think about my offer Miss Lilja, it surely would benefit you.”
Yet when he came back two days later, her answer was still the same, and another three days later her answer didn’t change. He began coming with bribes, long gowns, comfortable trousers, thick wedged boots, and he even brought delicacies that she had never tried before. Medium rare steak, poached salmon, Orchard Pie, the list of new dishes were ever-increasing, and he would sit opposite her as she had these meals, talking away about how he had made them and where they originated from.
She realised that that was his scheme all along. He knew she didn’t care about the food or the clothes, she wouldn’t be so easily swayed, else she wouldn’t be living here to begin with, it was only when he stopped visiting for a whole week after consecutively visiting for several days that she experienced the absence of human interaction. Then the next time he came, she expectedly agreed when he asked her again and she quickly found herself in the Phantomhive kitchen, introducing herself to her new colleagues.
When Sebastian said they were massively understaffed, it seemed like an understatement. Five people stood in front of her, as they introduced themselves and she unconsciously began analysing each of them. Baldroy, who was the chef was American, from the way his eye twitched and the callouses on his hands, it was safe to say he was a former army soldier. Mey-Rin, a maid, or the only maid, was of East Asian descent and not only had guns strapped to her legs but had remnants of firing a gun on her hand. Snake, who was already extremely odd, was the footman and had so many snakes it was difficult to distinguish between the number of hisses. Finny, the gardener, was probably the oddest of the lot, his muscles contracted differently from any human being Lilja had ever heard, and she couldn’t pinpoint why. The house steward, Tanaka, was the most normal, although she could tell that he was good at combat despite his age.
“You’ve picked up a pretty one this time Sebastian,” Baldroy said with a grin.
“I hope we work well together Miss Lilja,” Mey-Rin said.
“Yeah, me too,” she replied absently.
Given the job as a sentinel at night, Lilja was to also ease the work of Mey-Rin, who was the main and only housemaid and therefore she became the kitchen maid and laundry maid. Her shift started at 1am at night and ended at 4pm where she would sleep for 9 hours before starting her day again.
Sebastian began giving orders of what he wanted to be done for the day, as the young master would be awake any second. He required Baldroy to make breakfast, even though there was an assortment of cakes waiting to be moved to the dining room, which was Mey-Rin’s job, Finny was to pick an array of vegetables needed for today’s lunch menu, and Snake was to wait for an order to come to the manor and carry the boxes in.
“And Lilja can assist Baldroy, and then join the young master for breakfast. He would like to chat with you.”
The posse chimed a, “Yes Sir!” before doing their respective jobs, although it seemed obvious the head chef had no idea what he wanted to do as he began dawdling through cupboards and taking nothing out.
“So eggs, bacon, and bread?” Lilja asked.
“Yeah… yeah that sounds good.” He said awkwardly as he opened the cupboard doors he closed and brought out ingredients he thought that would include. Lilja explored the kitchen for a moment, tapping on worktops to figure out what was inside, and then began bringing out utensils to help make this dish. She hadn’t cooked in a nice kitchen for quite a while and found it quite enjoyable.
“Sebastian probably has some bread he has left to rest somewhere, doesn’t he?” she asked. Baldroy was playing around with the fire as he watched the bacon sizzle and was trying to look for an answer to her question.
“I think I remember him putting something in the oven,” he said. She nodded and looked in the oven, lo and behold there was uncooked bread waiting to be baked. Was this another test? She turned on the oven to the best of her memories and then checked on the bacon and eggs which were nearly done.
“This is yours, if we serve this to the Earl, it won’t be warm enough for when the bread is ready,” she said as she handed him the plate.
He didn’t disagree with the logic as he took it and began digging in. She put more bacon on the pan and put the heat to the lowest as she scoured for more eggs.
“You’ve been a cook before?” he asked.
“I just cook for myself,” she said, “I lived alone for the past couple of years.”
“A lass like you completely on your own?” he asked. “Well, I guess Sebastian hired you for that sort of reason then.”
She assumed what he meant by that and didn’t ask any further questions. A lass like herself, she looked frail and thin, the mark of someone who’s poor and also not very strong. But she was hired anyways, if you worked here, you definitely have the means to protect the manor singlehandedly and you’re able to make a decent living under a normal alias. The perfect job for these types of people.
“You must be-.” She cut him off as he began.
“I have a question,” she said. “The Earl of this manor, surely he’s not a child is he?”
She could hear what was going on in the entire manor, and Sebastian just woke up who he calls ‘Young Master’. He was rubbing his eyes like a child, talking with a child’s voice, and moving like someone with very short stature. She listened as the master and butler had a conversation about the general state of London and then herself, whilst flipping over the bacon and adding garnishing to the eggs. Baldroy had explained how he was thirteen, and about the tragedy that struck the Phantomhive family several years ago. Lord Phantomhive was ready for breakfast by the time the bread was finished and she quickly sliced it into equal pieces and then asked Baldroy to call Mey-Rin to take it all to the dining room.
She followed shortly after she washed her hands and greeted the thirteen-year-old lord. He looked at her carefully before smiling and asking her to join him.
No wonder a demon like Sebastian was able to make a contract. Was all that she could think as Sebastian poured the two of them a cup of tea.
“How are you enjoying England?” he asked.
“Well it’s, it’s fine,” she said, unsure of what to say.
“I’m aware that you took on this job with a lot of pestering,” he said, “Sebastian kept insisting that you would be a perfect addition to the manor, so I allowed him to recruit you for the month it took to convince you. Now the issue is, whether I should trust you.”
“If you took a month to recruit me, surely you would’ve thought that through already?”
He took a sip of his tea as he glanced at her and then said, “Who are you, Lilja?”
She began fiddling with the handle of the teacup in front of her. That is a reasonable question, especially when trust is involved, knowing the identity of the person you employ is a given. The fact that she was being asked now means that even after a month’s time they hadn’t been able to find out, although how they knew that she had abnormal hearing was now a bigger mystery. She could see out of her peripheral vision that Sebastian was standing to the side, with an unperturbed, smiling expression. He didn’t care at all, so in extension neither did the boy in front of him. Probably.
“Lilja, no surname. I’ve been living alone with minimal connection to anyone for the past several years as you’re already aware. I also have good hearing, but you also know that. There’s not much more to say.”
The boy stared at her for a moment, she could see it on his face immediately, he knew that she lied. He was a genius regardless of his age, even a sixty-year-old Duke wouldn’t be as quick-witted.
“Follow Sebastian’s every order, I’m giving him full responsibility for you.”
“Yes sir.”
She went back to the kitchen pondering her unanswered questions and saw Finny who was bringing in a basket of tomatoes, setting it on the countertop talking to Baldroy. She sat down on the stool beside Baldroy’s and began eating the end bits of the bread she cut.
“Didn’t Sebastian say an array of vegetables?” she asked suddenly.
The two looked at her as if she spoke in another language and then seemingly at once the realisation hit as they both stared at the tomatoes in shock.
“I thought an array meant a row! You don’t have more than one type of vegetable in a row!” Finny exclaimed, nearly in tears.
“Well… a tomato isn’t a vegetable either, so you didn’t get that right too.”
This wasn’t helpful in the slightest and instead made Finny more upset as he wondered what he should do. Baldroy suggested hiding the tomatoes and picking the right vegetables quickly, but then Finny cried out that he had picked all of the tomatoes in the garden so what if Sebastian asked for tomatoes tomorrow. Lilja worked hard to contain her sudden burst of laughter which confused the two as they continued worrying.
“It’s alright. Tomatoes have a shelf life of a week so that’s not a massive issue. If it’s a big problem, we can always buy some. Rather than that, Baldroy’s right, you should go and pick two of each vegetable and bring them over before lunch.”
Finny nodded with teary eyes and took a different basket outside with him as Baldroy beckoned the newcomer to call him by his nickname. Lilja took the tomatoes to the storage room as she carefully put them away, and Baldroy followed behind her as he watched her.
“How did you know where to store those?” he asked. “Have you worked in a big estate before this?”
“Are you going to be playing Sebastian’s spy all day, Private?”
He was quiet as he stared at the back of her head, as she continued to store the fruits. She smiled to herself as she heard his mouth twitching, wanting so desperately to say something. Of course, he must think it was a lucky guess or even a joke. He then sighed as he scratched the back of his head.
“I told him I wasn’t any good at espionage,” he said with a cigarette bouncing around his lips. “You’ve caught me, I’ll be out of your hair now then. You can take a break till Sebastian starts lunch.”
The day ended quickly as the work continued, from washing dishes to folding up the sheets of laundry, and she was able to settle into her new bedroom by four. She had discussed this before with Sebastian, how she had trouble sleeping with others in a room and so she was given a room in the most desert corner of the manor so it was at least a little bit quieter. She couldn’t even take off more than her apron before she collapsed onto her bed. It’s been a long while since she had done so much work in a day that her legs felt weak and without even another thought she was fast asleep.
She woke up far too early as she could still hear people moving about but after attempting to sleep again for the third time, she jumped up in her bed and stretched her arms. After fixing her hair and uniform, she glided down the halls with a quiet yawn as she listened to what everyone was doing. The Earl was already asleep, Finny was also in bed, Mey-Rin was getting ready for bed, Baldroy was having a cigarette outside, Snake was in the garden talking to his friends and Tanaka was strolling around the manor. The other one was a bit too quiet for her to hear.
“You’re going to be tired if you wake up now,” Sebastian said, suddenly appearing behind her.
“God damn demons,” she thought as she turned around to make sure he was there. “I’m already awake, what can I do?”
“Well, have your dinner then. Your patrol starts in two hours.”
She heard Baldroy breathe out a puff of smoke and suddenly craved one for herself. Yet, when he’s closer by she could also hear what it was doing to his lungs and her own thoughts made her shiver. After nodding to Sebastian, she made her way to the kitchen which Baldroy was just entering, the smell of smoke entrancing her as she rubbed her temple to make her cravings stop.
“Sebastian left you dinner, here,” Baldroy said as he uncovered a dish.
A full English dinner of Roast Capon - a lean veal covered with herbs, and spices, slathered in butter, and roasted over an open fire, is one of the biggest delicacies an Englishman could have. There was also a soup to the side, though without tasting it she wouldn’t be able to tell what it was. Miraculously, or less miracle more demonly, the dish was still hot and her mouth began watering at the sight of it.
“About earlier.”
She looked up, hearing his heart thump faster in his chest. He looked away sheepishly as their eyes met.
“I’m sorry if I was prying, it was rude even if it was for Sebastian.”
She nodded, accepting his words easily. He was right, he was rude, and he even apologised. She was even a little impressed. Men don’t tend to apologise.
“Are you that mad about it?”
She looked at him in confusion, which in turn made him confused. He then chuckled and told her good night and she waved carelessly back as she continued eating.
“You’re doing well,” Sebastian chimed in as he walked in.
He was on the other side of the building a moment ago, locking windows nobody would even think of trying to trespass through. Yet, even with supernatural abilities, he oftentimes would take a longer route to do things than just will them to existence like he is capable of. The contract he made with that boy must be strict, and it must be a good one if he has been here long enough to have a whole staff of people wholly dedicated to him.
“I’ve always been good at tests.”
“You only have three left and then I may be able to half convince the young master you’re fit for the job.”
Her eyebrows furrowed as she frowned at this comment.
“Are you training me up to be your replacement?”
Sebastian was silent as he placed a plate into the sink. “Of course not, what good would that be?”
She felt relieved as she looked back at her meal. Her question didn’t make sense anyways, why was she so worried all of a sudden. Still, it’s unnatural to have her be able to handle each staff member in a simple sentinel position. Even if she required help, Baldroy was the obvious lead with the most experience on battlefields, though she couldn’t be sure without seeing the abilities of the others.
“Also read through this, it’s your employment contract.” He placed a file in front of her, and as she peeked in she saw far too many pages. She bit her lips as she looked at the first page of long paragraphs of small writing and skipped to the end to see a simple signature page.
“You’ll have to give me time to read through this,” she said finally. She couldn’t trust a demon and his master to write an honest contract when it comes to her job safety. The law is scarier than any being from hell.
“Of course,” he said. “Take your time until your shift starts.”
Chapter 2: That Maid, Sleepy
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“How was your first night, Lilja?” Baldroy asked as he entered the kitchen. He grinned. “Quiet wasn’t it? It’s usually like that in this manor.”
Her eyelids felt heavy as she nodded. She knew he had asked her a question but hadn’t really paid attention until she repeated the sounds he made in her head. Ah, without realising it she had lied. Well, it was easier to lie than try to begin explaining that ‘quiet’ didn’t pass as an adjective she’d use to describe her first shift.
It was okay at first, she walked a few laps around the manor and took in the night view of the place she was running around the entire day in. It was much gloomier in the dark, and she began to believe the only reason it seemed bright in the morning was because of the staff that was employed. It’d been a while that she seemed content hearing the rustling of each person in their respective rooms, happy that the whole house was safe from dangers that may come their way.
Her head snapped towards the grove at the back of the manor as she heard footsteps. She listened carefully as she walked in that direction and content that they weren’t moving anymore she took out her gun and silencer as she approached the trees. Nothing was visible on this moonless night and she was completely relying on her hearing to find what was lurking in the shadows. It was weird though, she couldn’t hear anything even though she knew someone was there, and she sighed as she realised who it was. Is it that fun to shut your organs down just to play games with her? She jumped as something from above grabbed her shoulder and she shot at him, aiming straight for his cold heart.
“Even after you figured out it was me, you still decided to shoot me?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I thought that was the answer for this test.”
He snickered as he placed the bullet into her palm, and pushed her fingers to wrap around it. How amusing was she to him? She put the bullet in her pocket as she began walking out of the forest.
“Where are you going? Who says this part of the test is over?”
“Stop wasting time on useless things,” she said as she waved her gun in the air. “I’m going to go raid your armory since you made me waste a bullet.”
But then she heard a wagon in the distance, led by two horses. Sebastian had already left when she turned around again. She began sprinting as she listened carefully, it was odd because although he was driving a wagon it was completely empty, the driver was the only one there. Was this another test? Was she expected to kill him? As the wagon climbed up the hill towards the manor, the man suddenly jumped off the wagon as the horses continued to bolt forward. She didn’t have enough ammunition to kill two horses too, and if it was up to her she’d rather not.
The gates were closed, so she had to climb up the wall. Using the speed she already had she jumped onto the wall and propelled herself with the foot she had managed to plant, stretching her arms high to grab the top of the wall. She didn’t have much arm strength and hurriedly pulled herself up over the wall before jumping down it just as fast.
The intruder was fast on his feet too, he was running towards a tree closer to the manor, probably to shoot someone with the rifle he was lugging on his back. The horses didn’t seem to be slowing down either, though all they would end up doing is making a lot of noise if she didn’t stop them. She sighed as she imagined Sebastian scolding her for waking up his young master. She ran towards the wagon and realised it was closer than she anticipated as she jumped on it. Slowly she approached the driver’s seat and grabbed onto the reins, pulling them gently to signal the horses to stop. As they did she jumped out of the seat and began running towards the intruder. She didn’t think he was much of an issue when there were no targets who slept in the visible rooms from the tree, but she couldn’t help but grow curious as she climbed the tree after him about who he was aiming for.
Of course, no matter how great your hearing is, you can’t make yourself quieter when doing difficult tasks and the intruder seemed to be able to hear her as she heard a bullet leave his gun. She grabbed onto a branch and swung away from it in time, and quickened her pace as she climbed. He shot again, and she dodged. He shot once more and she began to grow agitated as she jumped onto the branch he was on and kicked him, before grabbing him by his collar.
“I get the message, give it a rest.”
He was young, in his late teens, and looked completely mortified as she threw his rifle to the ground.
“You’re too shit to be doing this job alone. Where’s your friend?”
Sounds came out of his mouth but they were unrecognisable as words, and he yelped as she pushed him farther over the edge of the branch, she could hear the wood churning, wanting to split apart.
“Say it properly.”
“From the other side! He’s going to shoot from inside the building.”
She sighed as she pushed him towards the trunk of the tree and jumped down towards a closer branch. He grabbed on for dear life as he waited in fear for her to leave. As she got to the ground she took out her pistol and looked up, hearing his shaky breath and rapid heartbeat, she shot him in his leg cleanly. She then began running for what she vowed to be the last time tonight.
She couldn’t hear anything on the other side of the manor and questioned how someone would be able to get inside the building in the first place. She scowled, wondering if she had set up an easy excuse to lie but then sighed with relief as the sounds of a man on a horse could be heard up ahead. He had the same rifle as his friend and was probably aiming to get into the manor through the garden. If it was her, she’d do the same. They probably knew of the rumors and made one of their rookies act as bait for the great guards of Phantomhive. They should’ve brought more than two men if they wanted a real winning chance.
She found a piece of rope in the garden shed and she set it up to trip the horse as it ran through. She stood waiting as she heard him coming down the path she predicted and watched as he got off the horse before the rope and adjusted the rifle on his back. She shot at him from where she stood but he realised, as he hid behind a tree, and he was shooting at her… without a silencer.
“Shush,” she said as she suddenly appeared behind him, kicking the back of his head with her knee. He dropped his gun as he fell forward, but he jumped up again as she stepped on his rifle, aiming her gun at his head. He put his hands up immediately and then began pleading with her to spare him.
“What are you doing then? Shoot him.” Her spine pricked up with fear as Sebastian whispered into her ear.
“Yes sir,” she muttered with an overdramatic tone after she pulled the trigger. The man in front of her fell back as his forehead erupted with blood and she looked away, irritation filled her as she heard Sebastian’s smile widen.
“Not a fan of killing, are you?”
“I’ll go question the other one now.”
“No, go change first. You ripped the back of your dress.”
She thought back to when she was climbing the tree and had to move out of the way to not get shot, her uniform tearing because of a branch. She could feel a coolness on her back as well and that was why. She jumped as Sebastian’ placed his gloved fingers on her shoulder blade and jerked away quickly which made Sebastian smile more.
“Did you pick the design yourself?” he asked.
“It’s none of your business,” she said as she walked away but he followed closely behind her.
“Did you want that tattoo?”
“You don’t care.”
“Why on earth would you have it burnt on your back though?”
“I’ve told you before, your curiosity isn’t of my concern.”
“It must’ve hurt a lot.”
He then pouted when she was silent. “And here I thought if we were on night duty together, you would open up to me.”
After she changed and Sebastian disposed of the boy who was dragging his leg through the forest, she sat back down in the courtyard to continue reading the everlasting contract. The courtyard seemed to be the most centre in the estate and she kept one ear open as she spent the remainder of the night attempting to understand the contract as the demon amused himself by irritating her with more questions.
“It was fine,” she responded to Finny who asked the same question as Baldroy.
They all seemed very energetic this morning, probably because they didn’t have to wake up to deal with the trespassers. She was currently cutting carrots for no apparent reason bar the fact that Sebastian placed them in front of her, ordering her to cut them, and flared her nostrils when she accidentally nipped her finger with the knife. He’s making breakfast, what would he need these for? The devil himself then appeared and began ordering the servants of their daily tasks, preparing the day all over again for it to be perfect for his young master.
“And Lilja, remember to clean the still room.”
“I already visited-. Wait, you want me to actually clean the still room?”
He smiled innocently as he began preparing breakfast. She blinked hard to keep her eyes open as she continued to try and not cut any more of her fingers. It didn’t matter that she slept before, her body was begging for her to go to bed, especially after that night of running.
After, she went to find Mey-Rin to ask for the cleaning supplies since she was still new to this manor. She could hear her in the Earl’s bedroom, taking off the bedsheets although there was something odd about her right now. Right, she keeps glancing out the window. As Lilja opened the door, Mey-Rin looked surprised as she was now staring out the bedroom window and Lilja was shocked too as she had seen her, without her thick-lensed glasses for the first time. She had been staring with hazel eyes that were narrowed, focussed, her eyebrows lowered, drawn together as if she was about to pull out her gun and shoot a person right then and there. Lilja could hear the blood rush to her cheeks and her gulp as she stared at the maid in front of her.
“Lilja, are you okay?” she asked as she rushedly put her glasses on.
“Huh? Yes, sorry, I, uh, cleaning supplies.”
“Cleaning… ah! I didn’t show you where they were yesterday, I’ll take you there right away.”
“No, I don’t want to intrude. I’ll help you with this first.”
The two took the old bedsheet off and replaced it as Mey-Rin chatted enthusiastically about what it was like working here and she commented on all the workers too. She seemed to have a positive view of all her colleagues, and especially her supervisor, boasting about Sebastian’s capabilities and gentlemanly nature.
They then went to the laundry room to drop off the sheets before Mey-Rin lead her to the closet where they keep the cleaning supplies. As Lilja picked up the items she needed, Mey-Rin continued to follow her and she asked where she was going.
“Well you helped me with the young master’s room, I’ll help you with your thing.”
“Sebastian told me to clean the still room, though I’m half sure he was joking.”
“Oh, it won’t take that long. ‘Specially if we’re doing it together!” She beamed as she said this and Lilja heard her heart beat louder again.
After they took the time to organise the preserves and liquors, they cleaned each surface and then mopped the floor. She didn’t even realise all that time had passed and they were already finished. Mey-Rin then had to leave as Sebastian was calling for her, and Lilja went to the laundry room to start the washing load. In a normal upper-class home in England, wash days would happen infrequently since it was a lot of work, but seeing as this home is led by a demon, it wasn’t odd to see clothes hanging to dry every couple of days. It was probably because of the Earl’s asthma since there’s no treatment and only old wives’ tales of drinking strong coffee or keeping the air clean around the patient to lessen the effects of it.
When lunch rolled around, there were talks of a dinner guest but it didn’t concern her since she would be asleep when they arrived. She watched Sebastian give Baldroy a big piece of meat to cut up and cook and ignored the problems that they would inevitably face as she finished her chicken soup. She also knew Mey-Rin was told to prepare the dining room, but before she could go find him and help, Sebastian asked her to inform Snake that there would be guests. The shortest way was to go out the back and around. She walked like a puppet, allowing the wind to drag her to the front door where Snake was crouched down, beside the staircase, talking to his friends. He stood up abruptly and his cowlick straightened as she sat down on the staircase, her gaze fell to his direction as she noticed how his scales sparkled in the sun. He looked uncomfortable so she stared at the path in front of her instead.
“There’ll be guests tonight, Sebastian told me to tell you, Mr. Footman,” she said finally. “He said to be present at the door for when the Earl greets them.”
“Thank you - says Emily.”
“He also said, ‘Keats should be dressed appropriately'. Do you put bow ties on your snakes?”
Snake blinked and was silent for a moment. “That would be uncomfortable - says Wilde.”
“Well, I think it would be funny.” A yawn escaped her mouth as she lost focus on the path. She leaned her head on the banister and closed her eyes for a moment.
“It would be bad to sleep here, you should go inside - says Wilde.”
“Thanks, Wilde but I’m just resting my eyes.”
Snake and his friends weren’t convinced as they offered to help her inside but she was already asleep as they continued talking. Fortunately, she jumped awake a few minutes later as Snake leaned down towards her, placing his jacket on her. She watched his golden eyes widen and thought for a moment that they were very pretty. He jumped back, standing up straight, the snake on his shoulder bouncing back and forth with him.
“You’ll get cold, says Bronte,” Snake said.
She looked up to the cloudy grey skies that were slowly moving over the manor and nodded. She probably would. Standing up, she looked at the blazer as she passed it back to him. She hadn’t received a kind gesture like this for a long time.
“Thank you.”
“You should sleep if you’re tired, says Emily,” he said as she watched her stretch and head back.
“I’ll be fine, I’ve only a few hours left on my shift.”
Though there wasn’t much more to do and so she let herself get off work an hour early. She took a deep breath into her pillow when she got into her room and just the like day before she didn’t have the energy to get into her night dress as she closed her eyes and began to tune out the noise around her. Though today seemed more difficult as Mey-Rin had ripped the new ocean blue table cloth in the dining room, Baldroy had cut the meat into pieces and charred about half of it already and Finny dropped all the strawberries Sebastian bought for dinner from the market, and then proceeded to trip and fall face first into them. She burst out laughing as she heard him stand up and slip again. Sebastian’s eyebrows were scrunched up and all he could do was sigh as he let his staff off the hook and gave them new orders to fix their mistakes, including Snake who hadn’t even done anything.
With the voices of her new friends continuing to entertain her, she was lulled into her dreams peacefully and with a slight smile on her face.
Two weeks late but it's out! I didn't get any notifications from ao3 so I forgot this was a thing I was doing since I barely open my personal laptop now :( Working 9 to 5 isn't worth it kids
Hi! That was the first chapter of what I hope to be many of this fanfiction. It's set after the Book of Circus arc in Black Butler so if you're caught up to that point then you're all set! I will try to update weekly but I'm currently on placement for my apprenticeship so I don't know if I can definitely say that. Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it :) <3
0 notes
banzaitaka · 2 years
Hello, I hope all is well in your life. Prince Rukia, is it possible to have the part with Zonghli about the kid who steals the bag and gets adopted? I really liked what you did! If you don't want to, that's okay!
Lucky for you, the day tumblr was being a bitch I had to wait about 2 hours to get picked up, phone on the brink of dying
So I spent some of that time to write everything down I remembered of Zhongli's part
Otherwise I might've still been too annoyed about loosing it in the first place and would've declined this request kdjfskj
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
TW: abandoned reader, mentions of blood (no major wounds)
Zhongli x gn! reader
Tumblr media
Thief no more
(Y/HC) hair, messy and wild. Simple clothing, dirty and torn. Stomach empty, begging to be filled as soon as possible. Their life on the streets wasn’t easy, but they survived by taking things that weren’t theirs. They didn’t like to steal, they couldn’t even be proud of themself when they managed to get away with stealing twice as much they usually got.
Which should be considered an accomplishment, seeing they barely managed to get their little hands on anything at all.
Now that they thought about it, it actually had been quite some time since anyone spotted them. Or someone did, but just ignored them. Who would want to help such an useless little thing anyway? Their parents definitely didn’t, having abandoned their child for not learning as fast as the neighbor kid.
The (Y/EC) eyed clutched their kryo vision in their scratched hand, the kryo archon seemed to be the only one seeing and understanding them.
The rumbling of their stomach made them grit their teeth to prevent themself to bend over from the pain. They were so incredibly hungry…
Just for a moment, it seemed for them, they felt dizzy and their vision got blurry. So as they looked straight ahead and waited for their eyes to focus again, they were surprised to suddenly see a bag laying on a bench. The person that seemed like the owner was just walking a few steps away from said bench to talk to someone.
It seemed like the perfect opportunity for the child.
Their little legs carried them for what seemed like forever, but kept begging the (Y/HC)-haired to stop as they ached with every step, every turn. They were sure someone noticed them, the dizziness prevented them from concentrating and they weren’t ready to face the owner of the stolen item if they were caught.
As soon as the child found a place to hide in an alley with a dead end, they let themself fall to the ground. Only the gods knew how the child managed to live like this.
They didn’t even wait to catch their breath, immediately emptying the bag in hopes of finding something edible…
…but there was nothing.
Their shaky breath echoed through the alley, soon followed with wild sobs as they completely gave up on life in that very moment.
They wrapped their twitching arms around themself and pulled their bloody knees to their chest. They didn’t even realise they hurt themself when they fell to the ground, but they didn’t care.
No one wanted them anyways.
"Uhm...mister Zhongli? Your bag seems to be...missing...?"
"Oh. How unfortunate.", was all Zhongli said as he turned around to see that his bag was indeed missing.
He turned back around with a hand on his chin, "The items in that bag were rather important. I have to find it quickly." The brown-haired looked around, soon seeing a child running away, clutching something to their chest. Zhongli couldn't say for sure they snatched his bag, but it was worth investigating for sure.
With a quick head-bow to the person he was conversing with, he began to go after the suspicous child. Swiftly dodging people scattered around Liyue harbor.
Only when a crowd of tourists blocked his way he halted, keeping his eyes on the child as they turned a corner. Finally, Zhongli had a chance to take a glimpse at the object they were holding onto so tightly. If only for a moment.
Recognizing the color though, the brown-haired grew more sure of his suspicion, quickly trying to snake his way through the people without bumping into anyone.
Suitable to his suspicion, the amber-eyed also had a theory ready as well as a plan.
He slowed down his step once he turned the corner, not seeing the child anywhere. His gaze shifted to an alley way just a few meters away from him. Stepping into said alley, Zhongli quickly made out the items of his bag scattered across the dirty ground, but more importantly, a crying child with bloody knees cowering in the dark.
Carefully, the man approached the thief, kneeling infront of them, "You must be starving.", he said in a hushed voice. The (Y/HC)-haired flinched upon hearing a voice so near so suddenly, not daring to look up at first. But after a few seconds they couldn't help but to do so, raising their head from behind their arms and locking eyes with the man they robbed.
"I'm sorry...", was all they let out in their scratchy voice.
Zhongli shook his head, "No no. You simply tried to survive. Come, I won't let you tend to yourself like this any longer."
A small smile forced itself on their face, holding onto Zhongli's shoulders as he carried them on his back.
They went to get something to eat and were now on the way to Bubu Pharmacy to get their knees tended to. "Mister Zhongli?", they called out, "Why do you not have a wallet on you?", they asked, recalling the events of a few minutes ago at Wanmin Restaurant.
Zhongli chuckled, "I forgot it at home." "Huuuh..."
Discarding the topic, Zhongli slightly looked over his shoulder for a moment, "I noticed you are in possession of a kryo vision. I can show you how to use it, if you'd like." "Really?", they asked, not doing well in hiding their excitement. "Why yes. If we don't find someone to take care of you, you'll stay with me anyways. Might as well, right?", it was hard not to hear the smile in the brown-haired's words, widening the child's own smile further.
"Thank you so much...", they whispered out as their grip on the man's shoulders tightened.
"Haha, you're very much welcome, my child."
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Coming Home (C.E)
Chris Evans Fanfiction (Fanfiction Masterlist)
Summary: dad!Chris Evans. Chris comes home to his twins fighting and he scolds them. But he also takes care of their wounds with you and then you all go out to eat ice cream and have a family day.
Warnings: None. Minimum angst but fluff all the way.
"Where are the kids?" Your husband came and sat right next to you on the couch. It was a shock to him when he didn't see his two little munchkins clinging to his legs the moment he entered the house. It has been kind of their routine from the moment they could walk on their little two legs.
“They are busy playing in their play room. Why are you not happy about it?” You knew that after a full day of shooting, coming home to two energetic kids was tiring and stressful. So you were shocked when he wasn’t glad to have a moment of peace by himself.
“Well, they are a part of my routine now. It feels weird not having them jumping around me.” The three year olds have always been more attached to Chris than you. Initially, you were a little jealous that the twins focused all their attention on your husband but now you were glad. Having a piece of quiet while he handled the children was pretty awesome.
You both had pretty successful careers and when the twins came into your lives, you both decided that you would handle it all together. In the start, each one of your married girlfriend told you that you had to quit your job as the marketing head because being a mom was a full time job. You were scared and when you shared your concerns with Chris, he consoled you and told you that you would both do it all. Having successful careers while being good parents.
“Just spend sometime with me while Emma and Jason are distracted.” Pouring him a glass of wine, you leaned in to him with your head on his shoulder.
“That is a good way to spend my evening. How was your day, sweetheart?”
“It was hell. My boss gave me a project to complete with a bizarre timeline and when I couldn’t complete it on time. He just took it all out on me in front of my colleague.” Today was humiliating for you and you couldn’t wait to get home, drink a nice glass of wine and relax. “Hated it, babe. How about you?
“Well, my co star couldn’t get her part right so we had to do the same scene five times. We are behind on shooting now and I have to get up early tomorrow morning so that we can catch up to the schedule.” Sighing, he took a long sip of the red liquid and felt his muscles relaxing.
There was a moment of silence that enveloped the room and you just basked in it. “A crappy day for us both.”
“Indeed. Let’s do something exciting then.” He kissed you and just when things were about to get heated, a piercing scream interrupted the moment.
“What-What is happening?” He was still in a haze and couldn’t properly interpret anything.
“It looks like your kids are fighting again.”
“Are you going to handle them?”
“Oh no!” Laughing at his incredulous request, you picked up your glass again. “You wanted to spend time with them so go on.”
Chris got up from the couch and went upstairs. Emma and Jason love each other to death but they have been fighting from the womb. Emma is the stubborn one and while, Jason backs out most of the time. Sometimes, he retaliates and it turns real bad, real fast. They were pretty hot headed, just like you.
“What is happening here?” The dad mode was fully in place when he saw his little girl sitting on the floor with hands pressed to a bloody forehead and his little boy trying to console her.
“She pushed me and then I pushed her. Not my fault. But she hurt, daddy.” The panic in Jason’s eyes was evident.
“(Y/N)! Come here, right now!” You scrambled to your feet as soon as Chris’s voice boomed across the living room. “You never hurt your sister, Jason. This is not alright.” The stern voice was new for Chris but the situation required it.
“But, daddy-”
“No excuses, Mister. Now, apologise to your sister and no toys for you for the whole week.” He got in to action with the first aid kit that he took out of their walk in closet. Emma was still crying her lungs out even when Chris tried to console her. She was not letting him touch the wound and was squirming uncontrollably in his lap.
“Daddy, why you always bla- blame me? Hate you.” Hiccuping, he stuttered on the big words and then stomped out of the room. You tried to stop your son but he just ran past you.
“What is- Oh my god!” The blood was now soaking up your little girl’s shirt and she still wouldn’t let Chris touch the wound.
The one thing that your kids inherited from your husband was the fear of blood and stitches. The small three year old knew that a boo boo that hurts really bad will lead to stitches. You knew how to handle all three of your babies in situation like these. Taking Emma from your husband, you hugged her lightly.
“Bubba, I need to look at your boo boo and then you can have the Elsa bandage.”
“Promise.” When she removed her chubby, little hand, you were relieved that the cut was not big or deep. A bandage would just do the trick. You softly hummed a tune in her ears while you applied an antiseptic to the wound and then the band aid. She had tears streaming down her face and she was sniffling quietly. Chris took her from you when you were done and gently rocked her in his arms. He always loved it when both your children seeked comfort in you. It reminded him of how lucky he was to have you. “Where did Jason go?”
“I scolded his regarding this and he threw a tantrum.” When Emma heard Jason’s name, she further curled herself into his chest.
“Give her to me.” Raising her face by holding her chin, you sternly asked her. “Tell me what happened, young lady?”
With a guilty tone, she told you both that she was the one who pushed Jason first. They were both playing with the doll house that Chris bought Emma as her third birthday present. Jason wanted to add his toy cars to the doll house but she won’t allow it. She pushed him first and he hit his wrist on the small coffee table but then he pushed her back. When she fell back, she hit her head on the side of the wooden house.
“You are going to apologise to him, Emma. I told you that this much anger is not alright, bubba.” Chris took her to the twin’s room that had two different themes running through it. Emma was never a fan of the color pink so she went with purple and Jason really loved yellow, so he got that. The room looked like a clown’s den but Chris was never the one to deny his children’s requests. They had his whole heart well, except you.
“Jace, Emma would like to say something to you.” Setting her on her feet, she went towards his elder brother by barely three minutes.
“I am sorry, Jacey. Never should have pushed you. Kiss your boo boo to make up?” He nodded gently when his sister climbed in to the body. Extending the bruised wrist, Emma held it in her hands and lightly pecked on it. Meanwhile, you got a numbing cream for Jason and you stopped in the doorway with Chris and watched their interaction. They were your and Chris’s two little bundle of joys and you both couldn’t get enough.
“I am sorry that I yelled at you, baby. You two will not have your toys for a week. But who wants ice cream right now?” They both jumped at the mention of their favorite treat.
Chris had a way with the children. He completed all their wishes from eating ice cream as dinner or buying the most expensive toys for them. Making them happy was his primary job and he fulfilled it with great joy. However, he knew when to step up. He knew when to tell them no because he didn’t want his children to be some spoiled brats. He knew how to mediate and that was one of the many thing that you loved about him.
“I will get your jackets while daddy will help you with your shoes.” Going downstairs, you placed Dodger’s food in his bowl because you were going to be out for sometime. Chris always turns a simple outing to a full blown family day. A walk in the park, dinner at a high end restaurant and then shopping at the mall.
“Let’s go.” He buckled both the kids in their respective booster seats and made sure that they both had their preferred stuff toys. God knows, if they didn’t have them on their car ride.
The ice cream place on the fifth avenue was your favorite because it was where Chris took you on your first date. Both the children went for chocolate ice creams and Chris cleaned them up after they were done anything. It was so wholesome to watch him perform his dad duties.
“Then Oliver tried to eat dirt and the teacher gave him a time out.” You never understood why your son was friends with that boy because all he ever cared about was dirt.
“That’s why I hate boys. They are dirty.”
“That’s right, bubba. They are all dirty and disgusting. You stay away from all of them.” Gently nudging him with your shoulders, you playfully scoffed at him. He was sometimes very protective of his children.
“Ollie said girls also have icky germs.”
“Yes. You also stay away from them.” Chris was full on laughing at the situation right now because both the kids were in some serious thoughts.
“Okay dadda.” They both started skipping on the side walk and already started bickering about who was their dad’s favorite. He took you in his arms and kissed you on the forehead.
“Thank you for all this, babe. I love you.” He was truly thankful for you and for everything that you brought in his life.
“I love you too. Now let’s buckle them in before they start pushing each other again.”
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: Dad Chris Evans is a dream so I wanted to write a little blurb related to this idea. Hope you guys enjoyed it. You guys can send in requests but I will get to them a little bit later because I am focusing on my drafts right now. Tell me if you guys want to be added to the tag list.
Taglist: @justile
Like, comment and reblog.
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Day 14: Shooting Stars - Alfie Solomons x reader
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Summary: You and the little girl you’re taking care of always spend your days on the beach, bumping into a grumpy old man and his dog. Days go by and all Ellie wants to do is watch the shooting stars with you, the grumpy man and Cyril, and who are you to say no to her?
A/N: Now, I love Alfie. Love him with all my heart. But writing for him terrified me lol But I decided that I’d try, ‘cause this idea would not leave me alone, so here it is. Fair warning, I probably, very possibly, butchered his accent, but I tried 💕
Words: 2k
September prompts here
Margate was…something. Something you needed.  You had all but ran away from your city, leaving your job behind, and not much more. You didn’t have many friends, and none of them were close, no family, no lover, no relationships worth staying for, so you left. You didn’t even say goodbye, disappearing overnight, suitcases in hand, leaving only a note on your table with the month’s rent for when the landlord would come in.  You needed a new start, and Margate seemed as good a place as any. 
The first week went by slowly, with not much to do but set your new (small) apartment up, hang the few pictures you had on the wall and let some of your neighbours know that you were looking for a job. It was then that someone told you about Ellie, a little girl that lived down the road. Her mum needed someone to take care of her, take her out, after she had fallen ill and couldn't move much anymore. Ellie had spent many weeks indoors, waiting for her mum to get better, but eventually gave up on the idea. She needed someone to take care of her, and you were up for the task. 
“I wanna go to the beach!”  She loved the beach. Even if it was freezing now, she still loved to go, running on the sand and playing with the seagulls, and you had no problem going there with her. You met a few people on your walks, helping you fit in more and more with the people of Margate.  “Let’s go then.” She skipped along with you all the way to the beach, waving and greeting every person she met.  You reached the beach, running after Ellie as she sprinted towards the dog she had sighted not far away. She’d never learn. You told her many times to wait for you before approaching dogs, since some owners didn’t like kids around them, or some dogs could be afraid, but she loved them so much, she just couldn’t resist.  “Ellie!” you shouted when you reached her, trying to pry her away from the dog, who was licking her face, making her laugh at the gesture.  “He don’t bite.”  You turned at the voice, seeing a man sitting not far from you.  You nodded and stayed, watching the two play, until it was time to go. “Well, thank you…” “Alfie.”  “Alfie. See you around?” He didn’t answer, standing and calling for his dog, Cyril, lifting his hand as he walked away, a quick wave, you assumed. He was weird, but interesting. Something about him. Just like Margate, something you needed. “Why was his face like that?” “Hmm?” “His face?”  “Oh. He…” you didn’t know what to say. You weren’t sure what had happened to him, and you weren’t one to make stories up, so you just went with the truth. “I don’t know, I didn’t ask. But maybe you could try asking him next time? If he doesn’t mind he might tell you.”
It had become a habit to meet him on the beach. Same time, same place, same play buddy for Cyril. So you weren’t surprised to see him on the beach again, today, at the usual spot. Cyril spotted you and ran towards you, his tongue out and his tail wagging, ready to greet you and Ellie as he always did. You caressed him and played for a moment, before heading over and sitting with the big grumpy man. “‘Ello, lass” “‘Ello, you.” you mimicked him, sitting by his side, eyes fixed on Ellie, how she ran around, chased by Cyril, her laughter loud, bringing joy to the gloomy day.  You shuffled closer, feeling your leg brush against his. You liked him, you couldn’t deny it, and you loved spending time with him. He didn’t talk much, not when Ellie was around, anyway. Too afraid of swearing or scaring her. You remembered the second time you saw him. “Mister?” “Aye?” “Why is your face like that?” “Ellie!” you sent her a warning glance. It wasn’t the question, the problem, but the phrasing of it. You had gone over polite ways of asking delicate things, but she was so focused on the answer that she forgot all that you taught her. “Alfie, I’m sorry. She means-” “Ah, this? Right, I got shot right in the fuckin’-” “Alfie!”  Sometimes having both Ellie and Alfie around was like dealing with two kids, not one. You looked at him and pointed at Ellie, hoping he’d get it. He didn’t. “What?” “No swearing.”  “Ah.” You closed your eyes, waiting for him to carry on. “Got shot. In the face. Ah... yeah. ‘s all.”  Ellie walked closer to him, her hand gently grazing over his scar. He didn’t flinch, but nodded when she walked back, thanking him before running back to Cyril. “Fuckin’ ‘ell.” “I’m sorry. She was curious.” “Nah, it’s good. She’s a lovely little lass. Just don’t know how to be with kids.” “You’re doing good. Minus the swearing.”
“There’s going to be shooting stars tonight.” Ellie announced, holding her book up proudly. The wonders of Astrology were written in big golden letters on the front of the old blue fabric. You took it from her, reading from the page she had marked. “Indeed. Shall we ask your mum if you can stay up just a bit later so that we can see the stars together?” “Can we go to the beach?” “Sure.” “Can Alfie and Cyril come too?” “I… I can ask them to. You’ve got to stay with your mum this afternoon, yeah? She wants to spend some time with you since she’s feeling better. I’ll go look for Alfie and Cyril and let them know about tonight, alright?” “Yeah! Please!”  “Good. I’ll see you later then, dear.”
The walk to the beach was a quiet one, for once, your footsteps being the only sound. You reached the beach in no time, without stopping to greet everyone for an absurd amount of time. Adults were different. A simple “Hello” and they were on their way. Kids had all the time in the world, and they’d tell you about their favourite book, or how many worms they found in the garden, or what weird dream they had.  You spotted Cyril and Alfie and, before he spotted you, you could’ve sworn that Alfie was pacing around, looking for you and Ellie. You were late today, and maybe he thought you wouldn’t show up, but when he saw you he sat again, pretending not to notice you approaching them.  “‘Ello.” you teased, plopping down next to him, giggling when Cyril came over you to fill you with kisses.  “See, this is the kind of welcome I like, lots of kisses and cuddles, right Cyril? Your owner could learn a thing or two from you.”  His tail wagged quicker, but his owner grunted at your comment, shuffling away from you ever so slightly.  “Where’s the kid?” “Ellie’s home today. But she asked me to come and invite you and Cyril here tonight. We’re watching shooting stars. On the beach.”  He scratched his beard, looking ahead. You really hoped he’d come. You liked him more and more each day, and a small part of you wished that something more would come from this… friendship. “Right, I’ll come. But only ‘cause Ellie asked.”  “Sure.”  He looked at you to make sure you knew that he was joking, that you were the main reason why he wanted to come, but you had already started walking back home, your hand lifted in a wave. He cursed under his breath, scratching his beard again. “Women.” he muttered, shaking his head. 
The sky was covered in clouds, but you told Ellie that she could make a wish anyway, the stars were there, waiting for her. So she did. She wouldn’t tell you what she wished for, but she jumped happily afterwards, eying you and Alfie every few minutes. She played for a while, but eventually fell asleep on the small blanket you laid out for her, snuggling to Cyril while she dreamt. “We could make a wish.” You whispered, breaking the silence when you knew she had indeed fallen asleep, her snores loud enough to startle Cyril, at times. “Hmm?” “Shooting stars.”  You pointed up to the sky, attempting a smile. You knew that the grumpy man sitting next to you wouldn’t smile back, but you wouldn’t hide your own. He’d warm up to you, eventually.  “It’s fuckin’ cloudy, though, innit?”  “Yeah. But they’re there. Just ‘cause you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.” He nodded, his eyes trailing up to the sky, glancing then at you, your eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed in concentration.  “The fuck are ya doing, lass?” You looked at him and laughed at his confusion.  “I’m making a wish!” “Well, that’s a dumb fuckin’ face to make. No one’ll grant you a wish like that.” “Did you make a wish?” “Don’t believe in wishes. What’s your wish?” “Ain’t telling. Won’t come true if not.” “I’ll tell ya what. You tell me yer wish, and I’ll wish for the same.” “That’s not how it works.” “I don’t believe in wishes, right, but you do, so two wishes are better than one, aye?” “Aye.” “Then tell me.”  “It’s…” You couldn’t tell him. You couldn’t tell him that your wish had to do with him, and you, and more time spent together. Alone. You just couldn’t. So you made up the first thing you could think of. “I wish you would smile more.”  “I smile plenty.” “You’re a grumpy old man. You’ve never smiled for me.” “Never given me a reason to.” “Ah, fuck off. Let’s make my wish and go.”  You closed your eyes, feeling him looking at you, but you ignored it, nodding and standing up.  “All done.”  “Aye.” he confirmed, looking up to the sky once more.  “Good night, Alfie.”  He didn’t believe in wishes. Maybe you didn’t either, but something inside you gave you the courage to chase what you desired.  Why did men always have to be the ones taking the first step? If you had to wait for this one to realise where you stood, you’d both be long dead before he even asked you out. You leaned down, placing a quick kiss on his cheek, feeling his beard tickle you as you did so, before turning away and kneeling down, scooping Ellie up from the ground and wrapping her in the blanket.  He walked beside you, not saying a word, but taking Ellie from your arms, deeming it right to at least help you take her home. It was the least he could do.  Her mother opened the door, ushering you in and leading you upstairs so that you could place her in bed.  “I’ll come by tomorrow.” you whispered, covering Ellie as you spoke. “Thank you.” said her mother, walking you back down the stairs. She was feeling a lot better, rest and medicine helping her a lot, but she still wanted you around. You were kind, and Ellie loved you, and she couldn’t ask for a bigger help than what you were giving her.  Walking out of the door, you didn’t expect to see him still there. “You can go home, Alfie. I know the way to my place.” you joked, waving, but he was back by your side, still not talking, but always there.  You lived just behind the corner, so the walk was short, but you still enjoyed the extra time together.  “Good night, then.” you said again, looking for your keys.  He waited until you had opened the door to reach for your arm, stopping your entrance and coming higher up the steps to face you, his face inching closer to yours until he found the courage and kissed you, his hand cradling your cheek before falling back down, taking a step back. You stared at him, waiting, but he just smiled, offering a nod before walking away, following Cyril back to their home.
He turned one more, his smile still there. So your wish did come true. 
And maybe he didn’t believe in wishes, but his came true too.
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I have a thing for Car wash
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Genre: NonIdol!AU, SummerJob!AU
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Summary: You do car wash as a summer job each year. But this year , 7 new employees are added to the mix.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none
A/N: Thoses Butter's concept photoshoot are gonna be the death of me ...
Summer’s Job never been dreamy or appealing you always preferred to stay home and play games or hangout with your friends.
You were doing the same summer job from your high school’s years throughout your UNI years, this year was the last year where you could work at the same gas station you usually spent your summer’s at. You were quite happy about this news because your work there wasn’t really enjoyable to say the least.
You were working as car washer.
The staff was limited to you and Gladys. Gladys was an Australian grandma’ with an heavy accent and a loud voice.
You used to complain about the underpaid job and understaff issue to her each year , but even if she tried her best to pay you more each year, the problem of understaff was remaining.
Plus you had the marvelous advantage , note the irony, to be a woman. So of course you had some guy every now and then asking you for some porn kink including cars and water to you.
And of course as soon as you dared to say to them that it was not respectful of them to ask for such favors , well their ego feeling insecure will make them insult you ‘til Gladys will come out and try to dissolve any trouble. And if they didn’t leave… well then Tallulah will come help you out. Were Gladys was a true perfect cottage core granny , Tallulah her spouse, was a weightlifting Olympics coach. So she was , massive and looked very frightening.
But since she was often occupied most of the time Gladys would have to do the trick , and if too much persistent she would call her little brother Jeff a policeman always coming in and out of the shop to check on things.
It was nice, for a summer or two, but seeing as it’s been years since you were first introduce to this summer’s job to say it became painfully annoying was an understatement.
And this year would be the same…
Or so you though.
Gladys finally took your complains about the car wash job being understaffed and recruited a few people to help out .
When she said a few, you though she was talking about 2 to 3 people.
But no, no non no no no. Gladys took in 7 people !
She promised you your check wouldn’t take any damage by the presence of those new employees , but you sincerely doubt that.
And of course you’ll have to show them around and proceed to show them how to wash a car because of course it’s not like anybody could know how to do it by themselves.
You were moody when that tons of information’s felled down on your head, but now finding yourself in front of the 7 new employees changed everything.
Apparently Gladys misspelled car wash job for model’s photoshoot coz’ those 7 boys were for sure way too beautiful to need a car wash job.
It had to be a prank, right?
So being more self aware in what you’ve been for years you showed carefully those men of to do the job. And no it wasn’t cute or sexy, far from it.
You were dressed in your yellow hoodie and black jogging with flip-flop.
For once you wished you had were those fucking shorts looking like panties more than anything, and a crop top or something similar, like all those freaks watching too much porn often asked you to.
But no , and those guys were dressed in matching outfits in jeans and whites tee.
Even if they were very dreamy swoon over , you had more pressing issues to think about.
Like why one of them started a water fight with another one, and putting a stop to it before one of them put soap into their eyes.
“Okay guys!!! Please stop …? I don’t want to have to report you to Gladys on your first day okay? So keep that behavior for when you’re on your own okay?”
“Sorry , we didn’t meant to …” Said one.
“Huh sorry to interrupt , but none of us seems to have catch your name earlier ?” Said the guy with blue hair.
You liked his hair, it was nice, like blue waves , more darker on the edges and lighter on the center of his scalp. He had such beautiful eyes too, so sharp an-
Oh god , wait did you really lost yourself by admiring him?!
“Huh miss???”
“Y-Yeah !!! Haha my name’s Y/N !” You extended your hand , losing your mind for talking in a higher voice to him , good job at not being suspect Y/N….
And you hated yourself even more for being awkward by presenting your hand to him. But he, on the other hand sensed your discomfort and made your move seem completely normal shaking your hand lightly and giving you a cute smile showing off his dimples.
“Namjoon,…. And those two are Jungkook and Taehyung, and I hate to be the one breaking it to you but we’re probably gonna have a hard time keeping them calm.”
“Oh… Okay” You just ended , looking to the two guys involved in the previous water fight, and looking back to Namjoon’s face. He was calm and put you at ease. Hargh you were staring , good job on not being a freak Y/N .
The one all covered in jean from head to toe approached you, and ever so silently spoke to you.
“Hate to be a bother Y/N, but can I have a bucket to wring out my sponge, please?”
“Huh Yeah of course huh-hu….”
“Yoongi’s the name…”
“Oh huh well yeah let me get that from Gladys to you okay I’ll be back in just a sec Yoongi.”
He nodded very calm much to your dismay as you were starting to feel anxious about advising Gladys for more employees, maybe you should have just shut it.
You entered the store who basked in a sunny light as the morning was starting to begin for most of other people’s in the city.
At the register was one of the new employees, he wore a plaid skirt and converse’s with a white thee and jean shirt. You couldn’t believe how gracious his lips draw themselves on his face. They looked pillowy and as dreamy as the six other’s man out there waiting for you.
“Huh hello ? You might remember me from earlier ? Y/N the foremost employee?”
“Of course I do you’re the sweet mango! “
“I’m sorry what ?”
“The sweet mango ! The color of your sweatshirt look alike a mango!”
“I-I Yeah it does…”
“Would you like another nickname maybe? I’m sorry if this one doesn’t fit your style haha. What about little mouse ?”
“Do I look like a little mouse ?”
“No ,you look like a fucking rat”
Said another voice coming from behind you.
“I beg you pardon?”
You turn over to the masculine voice behind you to find yourself facing a chest. Your eyes flew up to the face of the stranger, ready to take down any bratty client. And you were surprised to face a smiling shit eating brunette man glancing down at you . He was snickering and looking at you like he was mentally undressing you with his eyes.
“Yah ! Jin ! Don’t be rude to our new friend!”
You look down to the content in his arms, some sandwiches squeezed between bottles of water.
“Wait your on job duty ! Why aren’t you with the others ?” You started to take over yourself and focus on your task, keeping everything organized.
“Some of us forgot to bring our lunch to work this morning , so I volunteered to go for it , but you’ve been blocking the line too preoccupied to talk to mister big flirt over there.”
He gestured at the cashier.
“We weren’t flirt-“
“You totally were!” Gladys interrupted you coming out from the back of the shop with several boxes of energy bars .
“Gladys I would ne-“
“Don’t lie to me girl ! Okay Jimin go fill up the shelves with those and Jin , you’re lucky you have a nice face, it’s on the house for today so go back to work will you now?”
“Sure thing Gladys! Thank you so much !” He offered her a wink before smirking down at you , going back to his devices.
“AND SHE DOESN’T LOOK LIKE A RAT! BUT YOU SURE TALK LIKE A BRATT!!!” Shouted Gladys at Jin, while a girl was approaching him to take care of her car and asking for his number. He was a blushing mess and Tae had to intervene to talk an eligible sentence to, the poor lost girl, after that.
“Now, Y/N what do you need sweetheart? I mean other than Jimin’s number of course?” She had said it loud enough for Jimin to hear it and bringing a cute smile on his face content of his accomplishments.
“Gladys please stop. “ You warned her with a tired face. She maybe looked old but she was fearless for sure .
“I need extra buckets for the boys, please.”
She leaved the register for what felt only two seconds before bringing over 5 extra buckets for you , to share.
“Thank you , you’re a life savior!”
“I know , should have started a sect when it was trendy.”
You left laughing to her dumb joke , but not before quickly glancing to Jimin. After that event you formed three distinct groups between all of you to get their heads in the game.
But with Jimin busy with helping out Gladys around the store, one of them was standing by himself.
“Okay since your alone I’ll help out for today.”
“Really? Thank you so much I was worried I’ll found myself alone when everyone’s having fun in groups.”
You looked around to indeed found them more busy playing around then actively work in silence .
“Yeah well normally having so much fun isn’t part of the job but I don’t want to kill the mood.”
“I’m Hoseok by the way but you can call me Hobi ! “ He said with a heart shaped smile.
“Y/N. Haha did you had to see Jimin assigning you a nickname too?”
“No this one’s for my crushes .” He said glancing up at you with stars shining eyes behind the comfort of his sunglasses.
“Yah! Hobi Does it mean I’m one of your freaking crushes?!” Yelled a not-so-speechless Jin , across the parking lot.
“Why don’t you come found out ?!” Yelled back a way too enthusiast Hoseok.
The day went by pretty quietly apart from those 7 agents of chaos you were stuck with from now.
Lunch came around pretty quickly and you all went to the back of the shop to have your break there , enjoying the nice breeze of the fan, while chatting.
“So , how come you’re all working here this summer?” You asked between bites of your meal.
“My aunt knows Gladys and told me she was recruiting , and since I was in need of a job I took it.” Said Jimin looking at you oh so charmingly.
“I have a thing for car wash.” Said Jin like it was completely normal.
“Your such a weirdo something hyung I swear… I was in need of a summer job saw the flyers by the campus and thought why not ? Here I am.”
Replied Jungkook slowly slurping down his noodles.
“We wanted to prove some sexist asshole that , no it wasn’t , a job only reserved to women.” Said a disgusted Namjoon swallowing quickly his part of the sandwich.
“I want to be a social entrepreneur.”
Said Taehyung leaving you with wide eyes.
“How is that related to bein-“
“If I succeed to make this place a rentable place from just the car wash then I could do anything.”
“And how would you do that ?” asked Jin dismissing his lunch to look over at Taehuyng.
“What about a photoshoot?”
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vaelitis · 3 years
Zhongli x Fem!Reader
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Thank you so much to all of you, even if i’m not very active due to school work I still managed to hit 200 followers, i’m sending virtual cookies to you all 💞
To celebrate, i’m happy to announce the release of “ One Hell of A Glaze Lillie” Chapter I
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Roaming around the once busy streets of Liyue Harbour now lulled in a comforting and peaceful silence, you found yourself bewitched. Your eyes reflected the starry sky while the soothing moonlight, swathed the ancient buildings around the sidewalks of a gentle blue hue.
Never did your irises harboured a hint of boredom as they faced the ever so fascinating sight of this land, no matter how many strolls you took upon those paved roads.
Only your footsteps and the distant swell of the ocean reached your ears, as you let your legs wander wherever they pleased along the city center.
Raising your head slightly, eyes now closed, you took a moment to appreciate the delicate caress of the fresh breeze grazing your cheeks, covering your flesh in a light veil of coldness in which triggered a pleasant shiver to run down your spine.
Liyue never felt cold to you. Even from the late evening, to the moment when the sun decides to lavish the city of its warmth.
Your senses and lungs were filled with the ever so appeasing scent of autumn leaves and spices flooding the entire city, and as you relished in this feeling of pure bliss, a thin smile graced your face when you realized that this moment could be even wondrous in his presence.
Though you quickly put this idea aside, for the poor old grandpa as you loved to call him as such, certainly fell into a deep slumber at this hour. You were aware that he had important duties to fulfil in the next early morning, he told you as much when you came to visit him today, like you always do after clearing your daily missions. The two of you gathering around a warm cup of tea brewed by his careful hands in his office, at Wengsheng Funeral parlour.
Yet, you thought to yourself that it would be far too egoistic, not to share this breathtaking show that the stars were displaying tonight.
The only thing you weren't aware of, was how the same flow of words rolled off his tongue,and how his eyes usually swimming in a pool of warm amber, remained thoughtful as the mystical glow of the moonlight seemed to have cooled their fiery hues.
The lantern rite was in full swing, and that was particularly why you’ve decided to take a refreshing stroll tonight, which apparently lasted longer than expected. Though no wonder, after all, Liyue was indeed a ravishing sight to behold.
Even more so, when the silken whispers of the wind were cradling along with their freshness, the last singing chirps o birds which have yet to succumb into the pleasure of an undisturbed slumber.
How could you not find yourself entranced ? It seemed like the purest assault. Beautifully crafted lanterns made of the finest materials, painting the night sky with their appeasing light like billions of baby sun, reflecting in your bewildered eyes.
You hoped this overwhelming beauty could have engulfed the echoing pleas of your heart. However lately it seemed to find peace in its pace, only by the side of a certain retired Archon.
A bittersweet smile mad its way to your face, lost in thought. There was no point in denying it now was it ? As time passed by, your fondness for him along with the fear of facing your own feelings inevitably grew. At first, you were in complete denial. From the moment your eyes landed upon his majestic stature and charming smile, you swore not to surrender to the sweet temptation named love. Unfortunately for you it is not for nothing that we relate this dangerous feeling to doves, for as freely as the flapping of a wing, love can nestle its flame within the depths of your heart.
So you couldn't help but hear the deepness of his voice swaying among your thoughts, as lanterns floated by you ;
"Have you heard of the origins of the lantern rite ? In the war, long ago, the people of Liyue would release lanterns to remind their soldiers of the way home, and to never lose sight of themselves. Though, I doubt that there are any that remember."
It quite surprised you how easily you registered any trivia (as he loved to call his impressive knowledge as such) he would generously share with you, denouncing how even your mind was infatuated with your recent acquaintance..
A true, amused smirk graced your features this time, as a glint of mischief swirled in your irises.
The guilt of disrupting any of his occupations soon died down and was replaced by the urge of a playful revenge. After all, he was the one invading your every thought...It would only be a matter of fairness, a value that you have soon noticed was the highest in his standards, to invade him in return.
That was enough of an excuse to find yourself right before his front door.
One would have believed such a gentleman to possess more than a simple modest place to live in, yet you were part of the few aware that the great Mister Zhongli wasn't bound by Mora. As such... you grew used to pay for the meals he "treated" you to.
You were also part of the rare ones, to know about his identity. The former overpowering God of War, who has crushed ancient gods under his giant spears made of unbreakable rock, now known as Guyun Stone Forest. The infamous Rex Lapis, who took upon the form of a lordly, breathtaking Dragon, ruling over Liyue that he created with his own hands. Advices full of wisdom that he gained over the span of millennia, were carefully given to the common folks out of everlasting devotion to fairness.
...Yet, he wasn't even able to afford fermented rice balls.
A snort escaped your smiling mouth, not that you actually wanted to suppress it. To say he was the epitome of enigmatic would be an understatement, even if the mysterious aura surrounding him was what inevitably drew you into his world.
Little did you know that, once you get entangled with Zhongli, there is no getting away from him at all.
A sultry, familiar voice interrupted your flow of thoughts. You swiftly looked up, eyes wide, to the source of it.
-" Why is it that..once you finally get a break, instead of taking a rest, you instead come to me?"
Your ears relished in how every syllable that rolled off his tongue were coated in such a voluptuousness. You stopped counting the times you almost fell asleep on the spot while he was calmly reciting his old memories.
There he was in all his glory, leaning against the wooden door frame wit crossed arms. Time had almost stopped, he stared fondly down at yo r timid form, a mix of shyness and excitement bubbling up your chest as your lips stretched on their own.
It was getting more and more arduous to hold his intense gaze, and as your eyes drifted away, he tilted his head to the sid an spoke once more.
-“ Or, is it that you want to hear one of my stories ?”
Your soft chuckle answered his sarcasm
-“ Actually...”
Still looking down, you took several steps forward until you were able to see his own feet.
-“ I honestly just wanted to go stargaze with you.”
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I wasn’t supposed to post it now that’s why it is not very long, but i did not expect to hit 200 followers that quickly! 🥺
Rendez-vous to the next chapter 💓
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bleulone · 4 years
Can we talk about about how Colin looked in ep 1 when he first saw Marina compared to how he looked when he saw Pen in ep 8. Almost the exact same look! Of course his look to Penelope is probably more about his guilt because he brushed her off when she tried to warn him but still..progress! Lol and then when he's getting ready to leave for Greece, he glanced towards Penelope's home. I think they're having Colin's feelings for her grow gradually in the show instead of all of a sudden like in the books.
Hey! Thank you for this insightful ask of yours :) Sorry for the late answer, I took a long time to write this— without further ado, here we go!
Indeed, Polin is first and foremost a story of gazes, those gazes being of many natures. Whether they are love ones, friendly ones, admirative ones or lustful ones, looking imposes itself to be a huge parameter in Penelope and Colin’s love story.
In order to understand that on screen, film-making has at its disposal a very rich and smart langage of its own. Sometimes, comparision helps to underlines the differences between one character’s relationship with person A mirorring person B. I feel like Shondaland and Chris Van Dussen wanted to introduce the audience to the evolution of our Bridgerton men’s perception of Love. For instance, while Anthony views attachement— to Siena— as a way to escape his responsibilities before becoming his villain (...until our queen ma’am Kate Sheffield comes to the picture), Benedict doesn’t comprehend this universal concept and prefers to enjoy the many physical pleasures life can offer. In other words, the older brothers already explored their sexuality here and there, making them the infamous rakes that they are. As for Colin, it’s a complete other thing.
Colin is young. Very young. At 21, he’s just left Eton College and barely knows anything of the world nor women. Like Anthony said in 1x06, Colin hasn’t been taken to brothels which is a very important step in the building of young men’s sentimental and sexual education during that time period. Since he missed this essential step, our sweet/immature boy has no clue about how to deal sagaciously with his feelings and his “foolish” impulses, baring his naivety. At this point of the story, we can easily come to the conclusion that Colin is a virgin who can’t drive XD. He’s just a child overcame by his passions, a hopelessly romantic who rushes things without taking the time to properly court or know his significant other. And his off-screen flirtation with those supposed numerous girls in London isn’t of any help to justify his (oh so little) experience. So when he sees Marina, he’s so struck by her... mainly by her alluring appearance. And he doesn’t seem to let his eyes nor mind go beyond her exquisite beauty.
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In this perspective, the whole Colin/Marina storyline can be perceived as a parallelism to the Pen/Colin’s one. In 1x01, he is immediatley smitten with a dancing Miss Thompson, which happens to be ironically the same case with a 17 year-old Pen but with him. We got to see her, a few moments ago, dreamily looking at him from the back of the dancefloor (echoeing the episode where she fell madly in love with him after he fell off his horse at Hyde Park). She’s charmed by his dashing look and his kindness, yet she doesn’t seem to know anything else about him considering the rare conversations they share. Her burning gaze fits the original story from Julia Quinn’s books because in Romancing Mister Bridgerton, the 28 year-old spinster Penelope do realize later on that Colin is more than a good looking man : he’s a human who possesses a temper and flaws.
Either way, both of our boos are portrayed as hopelessly young people in love who childishly idealize the objects of their affection.
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In 1x08, it’s the other way around. It’s Colin who sees Pen first, her who appears to wear the yellow dress’ lookalike from the pilot—what an interesting call back ^^. With his mouth slightly agape and his eyes wide open, we can catch sight of the timid spark of a change in his gaze : Colin Bridgerton notices Penelope Featherington. He‘s touched by the realization that she cares about him. It would be rather inappropriate of me to say that Colin is already in love with her. However, in the finale, I do believe that he’s more struck by her high level of deep care for him than her beauty.
We are thus able to spot two big differences in Colin’s relationship with women in this season : when his attraction to Marina was purely physical and rushed, his attraction with Penelope is more emotional and slow. And for now, he comes to cherish his special bond with her, especially after she tried to warn him of the dangerous trap he was about to fall into. Even if he just sees her as his younger sister’s best friend right now, Pen matters in his life. And it’s still a little yet important progress for sure.
Speaking of which, I agree with you that this look of awe as well as realization is mostly mixed up with guilt. Since he didn’t take into account her words, he felt the strong need to apologize. But bear in mind that guilt formulates a considerable part in Colin’s feelings for Pen... and it’s only the very beginning. In the future, he’ll blame himself for not seeing her as the beautiful goddess and siren that she is in the first place. He’ll blame himself for not reciprocating the feelings for her.... Though at the moment, due to his lack of experience with women, Colin is oblivious to Pen’s obvious signs of sorrow when he told her he’s leaving for Greece/Cyprus. Next time, he’ll detect her sadness and won’t let her go, I’m sure of it (if he doesn’t I’ll riot).
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Furthermore, I’m so glad you brought up the scene where Colin glances at the Featherington house. I had the same thought as well. When you put this still and the one where Pen is crying while looking at her window side by side, it even seems like they’re looking at each other. In a way, it implicitly confirms Pen’s key role in his final decision... After all, she’s the one who inadvertently inspired him right ?
The act of traveling has always been seen as cathartic since leaving home to discover yourself allows you to heal your broken heart and soul. It’s natural for Colin to do this. To make his first real steps into the world. His choice is quite relatable more than it is essential for his arc in the series. I can’t wait for him to come back all changed, hot ^^ and mature. I think, like you said, they are planning on making him progressively falling in love with her. Colin’s feelings will gradually leave the platonic zone to explore and officially stay in the intimate zone throughout the seasons.
Overall, the Colin/Marina and Colin/Penelope parallel in s1 mostly helps viewers to compare the way Colin evolves from being a stubborn naive boy to a heartbroken young man who’s aware of his crutial need for Experience. His coming of age, just like Pen’s, has just begun. And they will surely lead to our boy changing himself into the true charming rake that he’s meant to be and our girl into a more confident woman. Consequently, I think their story won’t take 10 years but rather at the very least 5 years perhaps to fit the TV timeline. Once Polin will finally be able to discuss, we’ll hopefully get to see more interesting nuances and shades added to the portrait they painted of one another over the years. They’re indispensable to the slow build up of their emotions/attraction as well as the shattering of their childish idealization/perception of each other.
All in all, I’m so loving the fact that season 1 beautifully sets up the importance of the gaze in Polin’s love story. This first installment is like an expository scene of a play. It leaves a trail of clues and pieces of information here and there at the reach every viewers who can pick them up and analyze what can be the main themes which will determine one character’s story arc/romance. With Polin we have : admiration, wit, love and friendship, desillusionment. (I know they are more but it’s all I can think of rn lol).
If we’re already emotional messes just with the mere power of them looking at each other, imagine when they’ll actually talk and share real conversations. It’s going to be a long way to canon but luv me some good fluffy angsty steamy slow burn :) ✨ I hope this long of mine answers your ask ahah, even if I talked about many things other than just Polin’s looks. Also, sorry if you spot some grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.
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kissme-hs · 4 years
Oooo what about a request where Chris and Reader are on their honeymoon? All the smut and the fluff 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Omg yes!! Using the gif I just saw on my page :,)
Feedback and requests are appreciated. Feel free to reblog <3
Fem!Reader x Chris
*Smut warning ;)*
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The idea of loving someone never felt something you’d put your time into, and there’s no one to blame for it. You’ve always tried having a relationship but it never worked out. Giving up hope to find love and settle down with the one you carried on your life. The years were lonely until that one year which changed your life.The year universe stumbled you upon someone you never could’ve imagined giving you so much love that made your heart ache. Someone who always put your happiness before them. Someone who promised to hold your hand and never stepped back from their words.
For a lady, one of her biggest dream is to find a person who’d love her the most. Whom she can settle down with, get married to and start a family. Chris brought all the happiness in your life. He made sure you go to bed with a smile on your face and wake up with one.
Chris himself never had a good luck finding love. All his relationships where he saw himself growing old with the lady came crashing leaving him bruised and vulnerable. Sometimes the strongest of all need a shoulder to cry on. And when he gave up his hope—came you. Laughing and giggling. Filling up his life of frowns again with the wave of joy. And the moment he kissed you for the first time was the hour or realisation for Chris, how he never felt this strong feeling for someone before. He knew he had to marry you.
“Hey! Good morning honey”
Chris’s deep morning voice echoed the tiny world of yours stirring you up from your sleep. He tried being as soft as he could, as if he was forgetting that he meant to wake you up. One hand over your head laying straight while other on your belly, he stared at the lying woman in from on him. Hair all over the pillow, one shoulder of the t-shirt you stole from him and slipped on the night before now dangling down revealing your supple skin.
You were so imperfectly perfect he, it was hard for him to belive. How you just laid there resting peacefully with breath you took reminding him of how beautiful life is. His eyes glistening with pure affection as his heart swell with the feeling people call Love.
“Well good morning to you too husband, hard for you to be only one awake in the morning eh?”
You laughed rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. He laughed shaking his leaning closed to place a chaste kiss on your cheek shining diamond resting upon your ring finger caught his attention. The band was not just a piece of metal with a million dollar worth diamond but it was a bond of two souls. It was the promise he made to keep you safe. It was his promise of forever unconditional love to you.
Bringing your hand up to his lips he loves a soft kiss making your head turn. You knew how emotional and expressive Chris was. And you were also aware of the fact that your wedding unleashed a new sense of emotion for him. Tears brimmed up his eyes as you cupped his cheek turning on your side so you were directly facing him. Taking in the feeling of the soft skin of your palm on his bearded cheek, he turn his head pecking your hand.
“I’m so grateful for the life I’m living right now my love. So grateful. I can never be thankful enough for you.”
He whispered opening his eyes. The sun peeking through the windows of Italian villa you rented for your honeymoon, glorified his face. And those blue eyes you fell in love with shined with nothing but utter admiration he had for you.
The man looked soft, his 39 year self was lost amongt the teenager who looked for love and finally found it. His eyes were subtle and so was his breath. His lips waited for you to make a move and seal the morning with the kiss of life. And so you did. Raising yourself on elbow you held his face with your other hand, before attaching to your lips with his awaited ones.
There was not aggression, but passion and hunger. You straddled his lap keeping your mouth on his letting your tongue go on a stroll and explore his mouth. His wet tongue slipped in your mouth as he caught your lower lip between his teeth and pulled on them with the slightest tug. His once clam breath now took a turn and changed into soft groans and heavy breaths.
With one swift motion he wrapped his arm around your waist laying you down on your back and getting on top of you. With his now boner poking your lace panties you put on the night before thinking something sexy would happen only to go unnoticed because of how tired you both were now caught his eyes. Those blue soft eyes weren’t soft anymore, they were dilated filled with hunger.
“Gosh baby, look at that pretty thing you’ve got on” he groaned lowering himself on your belly kissing your skin through the fabric. He wasn’t gentle anymore. Chris knew when to be gentle and when to not. The lovemaking face of the honeymoon was finished few days ago when you asked him to fuck you rough—mercilessly.
“Smell so good doll. So fucking good.” He moaned sniffing your lace covered core as he threw his legs over his shoulder. His eyes never leaving your face as you plopped your on your elbows maintaining the eye contact knowing how much he enjoys seeing your body come crashing down with the pleasure only he is allowed to give you.
“Don’t tease husband.” You said biting your lip as a heavy breaths go out nose. The eagerness made Chris chuckle like a bastard as he pushed the panties aside exposing your slick—wet skin to the cold air. A shiver ran down your spine because of the sudden exposure to air but Chris quickly made up for it but licking a long stride over your heat. The feeling of his tongue making continuous small licks made your body shudder as your grabbed his fluffy bead hair.
The tight grip caused Chris to groan in a painful satisfying.
He sucked and slurped the juices of your core feasting like a hungry man who’s been thirsty for years. He rested his cheek on your left thigh—his mouth never leaving your sensitive area as he instered one finger in your opening, his other hand holding down on your belly massaging your tits here and there.
“Oh just right there baby, hmm add one more please” you mewled out of pleasure thrusting your hips further in his face. A deep laugh rumbled through his chest at your impatient self. And he didn’t need to be told twice. His closed eyes savoured your tastes as he added one more finger inside you stretching your walls deliciously. His now hard rock dick twitched with the feeling of your tight walls clean hung around his fingers leaving him to imagine how good they’re take his dick in.
“You gunna come for me yeah? Going to cum for your husband my doll? Gunna let me taste your sweetness?” He asked in his Boston accent bringing you to the edge as he pumped his fingers inside of you as he would do with his dick. He lifted his face to look at your scrunched features. Eyes closed, lips shaped “o”, hands over his kneading the breasts?—he swore he could’ve come just by looking at you but with the twisting coil in your belly you pushed his head down on your pussy again. He knew you were close, with you constantly closing your thigh and clenching your walls. Chris didn’t stop licking you. He wanted to savour as much as he could and not later than that you felt the wave hitting you as you let go of your self Cuming warmly on his spread out tongue.
Without waiting further Chris licked you clean making sure to take in every drop as if it was too precious to be wasted. After cleaning you up he pressed a last soft kiss on your clit and laid on top of you not caring if he was almost, almost crushing you. Raising one hand to rest on the back of his head you closed your eyes catching your breath as he did the same. Staying like that for a few minutes were too soothing. The room indeed smelled like sex and it only made him hard again.
“On your back now mister” you giggled flipping open and straddling his waist as you got rid of the t-shirt you had one.
“I love you goddamn”
“I love you too Chris” with a whisper went another round of pure filth.
Hope you liked it!
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darknessisafriend · 3 years
Periods Commodus x Reader
Here I’m back with an imagine about our dear Emperor, @beatlebabe1996​ I dedicate this to you ;) 
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You and Commodus had been married for a bit less than a month now, slowly, you had gotten used to each other’s presence, his frequent brooding and worries, but also his playfulness. Commodus was a man to discover and each day you learned more about him and fell even more in love with him; what had started as an arranged marriage had evolved into love. Even your husband, who was very suspicious over you at first and distant was learning to let down his guard, learning to know you were trustworthy. Yet, you still had a lot to learn about each other, you were discreet and shy, and he had a terrifying reputation…
You groaned in bed, burying your head under the sheets as the chamberlain came to wake you and your husband; today you really didn’t want to get up, you had a difficult night and pains in your lower belly had awaken you, you had understood your periods were coming. And as you woke up, you realized a slight wetness between your thighs, oh no…not when your husband was next to you, he would be disgusted, like many roman men were, some even considered it as a bad omen; what if Commodus reacted that badly too? Your heart started to hammer in your chest, you didn’t know how you would get out of that situation. You retained a little jump as you felt Commodus’ arm wrap around you.
“My Y/N…it’s time to rise.” He said softly and placed a feather like kiss on your temple. You closed your eyes, those soft lips gave you goosebump; but you lightly groaned, pretending not to feel very well.
“I’m…I think I’m going to stay in bed a bit more. I’m not feeling at my best…” you muttered. And you instantly felt your husband’s worry grow.
“What is it Y/N? are you feeling any pain?” he quickly asked, ready to call for a doctor.
“Commodus, please don’t worry about it. Just get up and start your day, I will surely feel better later.” You tried to convince him, you didn’t want the doctors involved and telling you to sleep separately from your husband until your periods ended, you wanted his comfort during that tough time of the month. But you knew how stubborn he was, he wouldn’t let go so easily.
“Tell me what you have. I don’t like things to be hidden from me. Especially from people I love. Don’t make me order you Y/N” He replied on a tone without appeal, he won’t leave this bed until you told him your symptoms.
“My belly hurts quite a lot…” you moaned as another cramp hit you. However, you didn’t expect Commodus to pull on the sheet to take a look and so you couldn’t prevent him from seeing the blood that had tainted your nightgown, you looked away in shame, your heart racing in fear that he would get angry.
“Oh Y/N tell me this is just your monthly bleeding…” murmured your husband, just for you to hear and avoid getting attention from anyone else. In fact, at the view of the blood, his heart had skipped a beat, fearing you had gotten severely ill.
“Yes, it is. I’m sorry, I should have known it was coming and I should have gone to my quarters.” You quickly apologized, not knowing how he would react. But he didn’t answer, instead you felt him get off the bed, perhaps in disgust he wanted to get away from you, you squinted your eyes shut, what would he do next?
“Love, here.” You jumped, startled by his voice so close to you. Slowly you opened your eyes and met his clear orbs, he looked at you softly, no hint of disgust or anger. You were speechless, you had to admit. And only after long seconds you noticed he held a piece of cloth in his hand, perhaps one of his expensive neck scarves made of silk.
“What…?” you asked confused.
“To absorb the blood for now.” He explained, not caring to dirty and taint the cloth “And I got you a clean loincloth.” He gave her a little smile, handing it to you as well and you couldn’t help but look at him as if he was crazy. “What?” he asked, curious as to why you looked at him like that.
“Well you’re not…? horrified or disgusted? Something like that?”
He chuckled, shaking his head “I have seen a lot more blood in the Colosseum.” He said jokingly, trying to relax you.  his hand going to caress your hair. “And I heard some doctors say it could be a thing that helped the woman to procreate. So, something that would give me a baby with you, an heir…it’s neither disgusting nor horrifying. It’s beautiful.” He replied more seriously. He respected you and would never treat you in such way, the only woman he could trust and have close to him.
“But all men they…” you tried to explain, to be sure of how he felt.
“I’m not like all men my dear. I am Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, the Emperor.” He smirked proudly at you. And you couldn’t help but giggle, indeed he wasn’t, he was unique, in many ways. He sat on the edge of the bed. “Don’t be ashamed my love. I will take care of you today, only emergencies of the Empire will get my attention.” He added, and you sighed in relief, he was a very caring lover, fully dedicated. So, you got up, taking the cloth and the loincloth and going to change.
Once you were all cleaned, you sighed contently, you were in fresh, absorbent undergarments. You felt much better and knowing Commodus would be mostly by your side today greatly helped. As the day passed, Commodus spent his time with you in your shared bedroom, away from the Senate or councilors, working at his desk, dressed in his black and red toga, reading and replying to petitions from the People.
Each time he heard you groan as you cramps became more painful, he left his desk and joined you on the bed, lying down next to you, wrapping an arm around you. “Be strong my love, it will go away.” He murmured against your ear as his hand gently massaged your lower belly. His warmth and gentle caresses alone appeased your pain, or at least distracted you from them. He stayed as long as you needed, or until you dozed off, tired by those changes in your body.
You were discovering how caring Commodus was, he had this tender side that was well hidden by a protective wall around his heart, he had been betrayed so many times. But with you, he could be himself, because you made yourself vulnerable to him and he felt safe enough to be in return. Soon, your poor husband witnessed your mood swings for the first time and found you snaping at him for no reason and then you ended up on the verge of tears. But Commodus showed himself very understanding, these monthly bleedings really seemed to impact the woman deeply.
“You know, I do have mood swings too sometimes…” he said as he hugged you, soothingly caressing your back, his words making you laugh.
“That’s actually true, mister grumpy!” you giggled, burying your face in his neck, now placing soft kisses against his warm skin, making Commodus hum in pleasure.
“How about we go for a bath?” he suggested, kissing your temple.
“Hmm good idea.” You grinned, nibbling his skin, earning a small moan from the Emperor, your mood swings were quick, but he wasn’t complaining from that one, he actually enjoyed it, a lot.
You both headed for the baths, hand in hand. Commodus had especially requested the water to be warmer, he had quickly understood warmth relaxed you and soothed your pains; and indeed, he was a very good observer. As you both entered the warm waters, you sighed in contentment and a slave came to bring a plate full of nuts and dates.
“I asked our physician Galen about what you go through. He recommends you eat these. Helps with fatigue and moodiness.” Your husband explained to you as he took some to eat, you looked at him, once again amazed.
“Dear, you surprise me more each time. It’s such a sweet attention. Thank you.” You smiled happily, swimming to join him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Anything for you Y/N. You are my world.” He replied as if those words were naturally coming out of his mouth and with you it was. He took a date and presented it to your mouth, smiling as you eagerly ate it.
“I had never dreamt of such wonderful husband.” You murmured, tenderly kissing him, grateful to have him; your mouth traveling to his jaw. You felt him sigh contently, how much he loved feeling you so close to him, purely desiring him…his hand buried in your hair as you nibbled his earlobe.
“Oh Y/N…” he breathed, slowly starting to feel aroused, he wrapped his arm around your waist while his hand seized your chin, making you look at him in the eyes. “Kiss me.” He said softly that request was the sweetest command, as if he feared you would stop.
“Yes, my love.” You agreed softly, instantly closing the gap between the two of you. He supported you just as you supported him. An endless devotion and an always stronger love, you could fight the whole world just to be in each other’s arms.
Commodus harem: @lyoongx​ @weirdflecksbutok​ @skaravile​ @niniitah-ah @stardancerluv​ @sgtsavoytruffle​ @charlie-sisters @ohcarlesmycarles​ @rajacero @hopelessdisasterr @stellargirlie​ @rosebloodstuffandthangss​ @clowndaddyfleck​ @jaylovesbats @dreamingmaria​ @sagyunaro​ @just-a-fucking-comedy​ @spaceinvader​ @radio-hoo-ha​ @lady-carnivals-stuff​ @sierraclegane​​ @legojorny​ @lemondedeniname​​ @hvproductions​​ @syvellsworld​​ @papercut-paranoia​​ @jokerflecker​​ @beautifulyoungprospect​​ @bring-your-holy-water @five-miles-over​ @yukis-writing​ @morrisonmercurryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix​
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leamy-world · 3 years
Reaction to The Devil Judge (spoilers for ep. 9 & 10)
It’s been a while since i’ve last been on tumblr, but i got invested in this drama every week & the fandom’s analyses to not talk about it sometime! (Last time i was hooked, it was with Beyond Evil and i watched it by the time the finale already aired so i didn’t suffer from the weekly wait!)
So here i am, this is mainly self-indulgent with essay-long interpretations of some scenes in a totally random order, but i’d love to interact with whoever reads this if they want to react!
I’m sorry for the potential awkward phrasings, english is not my first language!
- The recap was nicely done and tied everything together, it made me realize so many things happened since the beginning! The repetition didn’t make me skip it, the narration was dynamic & fun.
- The ‘power display’ & threat Yohan showed to Soohyun (by lashing out at Juk Chang and strangling him, as proxy for Soohyun, in front of her while staring at her) were something …! She answered in the same fashion, passing by him saying she will ‘arrest Juk Chang’. I wonder how their next encounters will unfold.
- Many people already pointed this out, but Soohyun’s decision to leave Elijah, a minor, alone in her car (with its doors open, daring to tell her to stay there when she has no other choice anyway) + stop the gang alone and unannounced off duty was irresponsible. Anyways, i wonder if she will interact again with Elijah because they were adorable, i would miss it!
- The conversation between Soohyun & Gaon at his apartment (ep. 10) was interesting on both parts: 
It sounded casual, but Soohyun wanted to see where he stood in the Kang family and make sure he wasn’t in Yohan’s plans (i hope she didn’t seriously mean the ‘weird’ comment about Elijah, it’d be sad since Elijah enjoyed her company!).
Gaon was anxious professor Min told her about their last conversation (i think she’ll talk to him in the next eps). He also indirectly defended the Kangs by associating himself with them (« I’m pretty sure i’m just as weird ») and voiced his concern about Yohan, speaking more to himself than following the conversation at hand. 
When Soohyun changed the subject with the ‘i’m jealous’ bit, maybe it was to brighten the mood with a light-hearted comment, hoping Gaon would follow. And by the look of her pause right after, it seemed she was also expecting GO’s ‘positive’ reaction to her jealousy, giving in to the kind of teasing/flirt they have in their friendship. But deep down, it was also to voice her true unease about Gaon’s involvement with Yohan she had since the beginning and ep. 8. 
It’s obvious to us she meant she was jealous of Yohan. And GO could’ve understood it this way too, since she confessed to him multiple times and her feelings must be known to him (i think he takes it as a ‘joke’ given how many times she confessed and each time when he was crying, so maybe he thought, very reasonably, it was to cheer him up? I also guess he’s too absorbed by his current worries about the Kangs and her potential suspicion, to notice her attempts). 
But instead of that, he’s not in the same line of thoughts at all and picks up on the « rich », musing on what makes one’s existence rich, thinking Soohyun was envying Yohan’s position and life and proving her he’s indeed in a whole different world, empathizing with Yohan. 
She then looked like her face fell, until her eyes lit up again when he was about to admit she was precious to him along with his family.
By the way, this scene picks up right where we were left off in ep. 8, when Gaon tends to his plants:
« - Are you back for good? - Not really. They need some looking after. - You should come back, not drop by. This is where you live. - Someone there needs some taking care of too. - Take care of your own self, please. - What about me? I’m living a shamelessly comfortable life. Soohyun. - Yes? - What are you thinking about? - Nothing. By the way, Gaon … » (i wonder what she was going to say!)
Lost in thoughts, Gaon’s mixed emotions when he said Yohan was not rich (« he’s not rich. If you get to know him, Kang Yohan is really poor. ») were very well depicted by Jinyoung’s acting: the soft voice and the ghost of a smile that convey understanding and endearment, leaning on his counter in a relaxed stance, but also at the same time the stare lost in the space, maybe to all the memories tied to the Kangs and Yohan, and the tension in his left lip corner by the end of his sentence which betray his sadness and empathy with Yohan’s life. After this, when he became aware of Soohyun’s gaze, it’s like his bubble popped. He looked surprised with his eyes widening, and was fidgeting a little, then changed the subject to himself.
And « I have you, Soohyun » sounded truly grateful but also sad and conflicted, GO lets his worries show when she’s gone, maybe wondering if they would be bound to be against each other one day as he continues to side with Yohan, menacing to jeopardize their friendship to the point of no return. In these kinds of stories you expect these kinds of twists, but i grew fond of the cast send help
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- I loved how Yohan’s confession to GO about his brother was filmed: the camera faced head-on his pain, slipping unbeknownst to him through the façade he always showed to protect himself. But this time, despite his (late) attempts to dismiss these feelings both for him and Gaon to regain composure (the hand gestures to hide his tears, pretending to be tough with the  « there’s no such things as innocent people », drinking away his sorrow with a bitter laugh that rings hollow), all this façade fades out in front of Gaon literally by being blurred out in the shot, as if he clearly sees his pain through (his silhouette appearing clear-cut between Yohan’s gestures). I know it’s a pretty classic shot but it fit well with this scene. He clenches his jaw in the next shot, moved by Yohan opening up. 
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- The dinner scene was really moving …! Especially when you put the colder tones the kitchen had when we first saw Yohan have dinner by himself next to this scene, full of light in contrast! I wonder when the OST playing will be released, it was so beautiful and reminded me of My Mister’s OST (especially Rainbow!). I look forward to the lyrics, because most of the time the OST gives more layers & depth to the story and the characters! (please don’t let it be about Yohan’s budding feeling of a true ‘home’ ;;) I didn’t realize it upon my first watch, but Gaon really took the cutlery hostage, it cracked me up!
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- The parallels in this show will be the end of me: Yohan went from the « i’m so sick of this place » (ep. 5) to asking K to drive him « home » with a delighted smile. 
- I liked the parallel of Yohan’s reaction to GO/Sun-Ah sitting in his office chair, impeding on his space (he reminds SA to stay out of it, the first time politely, the second time almost grimacing, his jaw clenched: « Just because you’re the head of the OSC doesn’t mean you can barge in like this (…) So please stop barging in like this. », while he says nothing to GO)
- At the beginning of ep. 10, we have Yohan saying he doesn’t like «  hanging out with people » & by the end of it, Soohyun saying « My childhood’s best friend is hanging out with a rich guy ».
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- These two episodes gave more insight and nuance into Sun-Ah’s character, which was very nice ; and also Cha Kyung-Hee’s comeback (and her last confrontation with Sun-Ah!!!!)
- The people following Juk Chang also targeted sexual minorities according to the subs i had, i wonder if it will be addressed again sometime in the drama. 
- I loved Elijah’s « hacking » technique scene, i felt proud too! I always look forward to her scenes (and Kkomi’s too haha)! And her reaching out Gaon’s shoulder for the first time ;;
- The ‘humans lose their minds when they think they’ve lost what they have’ ……… repeated twice by YH ………… It will hit hard and all those lines will come right back at us viewers, but i’m not prepared haha! And also for the ‘if you want revenge, don’t hesitate’, i hope it doesn’t foreshadow a future revenge Gaon will execute without hesitation aaaaaa
Also, what lawyer Ko said about himself in ep. 8 may apply to Yohan’s case by the end, will he atone for what he did someday? (« I’m no longer a lawyer. I’m just a criminal. When all this comes to an end, I’ll pay for what i did. »)
- I really loved Yohan’s efforts to take into consideration both Elijah’s (he refrained himself from acting rashly like the last time she went out and listened to her) and Gaon’s feelings (stopping him from endangering himself recklessly, not forcing him onto the revenge path lest he’d regret it afterwards, and helping him to face the truth rationally). 
- « She’s hungry for affection. No matter how much you hate the world and the people in it, you can never live alone. You always need someone to rely on. As long as you’re a human being. » Many people commented on it, Gaon must speak from his own experience and empathizes with both Elijah and Yohan’s situation. These two episodes showed how Gaon cares for the Kangs more openly, and i live for it! 
- Give me that domestic scene where Gaon plays cards with YH, the nanny and Elijah! And also more K and lawyer Ko scenes!
- Jinjoo’s and Gaon’s intervention in the trial were gold! And Satie’s Gnossiennes rearrangement playing in the background during Juk Chang’s speech, it’s the cherry on the cake haha
- By the way, there was also an arrangement of Rachmaninoff’s piano concerto no. 2 during the first charity event Yohan went with Jinjoo in the earlier episodes, it was also beautiful!
- GO’s Awkward Smile. I have no words, it is now forever imprinted on my mind.
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Have a nice week and take care!
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You’re my sunshine...
For the talented @hiraethmaximoff​ ​​🌷
Hope you’ll like it!
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Escorted by two Dora Miljae and handcuffed, Helmut Zemo arrived in Wakanda. After all, it was a part of the deal made between Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson: in exchange for the help from Wakanda, they must hand the man responsible for King Tchaka's death to them.
Following him, Sam and Bucky watched their unusual ally walking to his fate. They decided to come with the Wakandian royal guards to keep an eye on Zemo. But also for paying a visit to their Avenger colleague, King T'Challa, aka Black Panther.
The group arrived at the royal palace and met King T'Challa, Queen Mother Ramonda, and Princess Shuri.
The monarch got up from his throne and came to greet his friends:
"Welcome to Wakanda, my dear friends. It's been a long time!"
"Indeed, T'Challa. I would rather pay you a visit in other circumstances, but here we are!" replied Bucky.
"I agree. But, as we promised to your Dora Milaje, we bring Baron Helmut Zemo to you. But I suppose you do not need presentations..." said Sam.
"I don't think so, indeed," replied Queen Ramonda.
As for Shuri, she glared at Zemo with anger. She never forgave him for plotting this explosion that claimed the life of her beloved father.
T'Challa went near the prisoner and faced him with dignity:
"So, we meet again, Zemo."
"The pleasure is reciprocal, Your Majesty." replied the Sokovian with a sly grin.
Shaking his head with displeasure, T'Challa ordered his guards to take their prisoner away.
Once Zemo away, Shuri turned to Bucky and Sam before saying:
"I hope that it would help us to find some peace. It felt so long before you finally catch this man."
She paused before muttering:
"Even if it would not bring my father back."
"I am sorry for your loss..." politely replied Sam.
"However, I have heard from Okoye that he suffered a loss too. Is that right?"
"Indeed, Your Majesty. During the events in Sokovia, when the Avengers fought against Ultron, he lost his wife and his son. Since this tragedy, Zemo held the Avengers responsible for their deaths. And well, you know the story." sighed Bucky.
"Unfortunately, yes. However, the S.H.I.E.L.D visited us two years ago."
T'Challa nodded.
"Yes, and Director Fury entrusted us with a special guest. And when I said a special guest, I weigh my words!" 
"Who is it?" asked Sam.
"Follow me, and you will see!" explained the king.
Puzzled, the Winter Soldier and the Falcon followed T'Challa through the corridors of the royal palace until they arrived in front of a large door.
The Wakanda ruler knocked at the door, and a servant opened:
"Yes, Your Majesty?"
"Is (Y/N) here?"
"Indeed, King T'Challa. The young (Y/N) is currently reading a book in his private library, sir."
"I would like to see him."
The servant nodded, then opened the door before leading the group to the library. They saw a young boy, sitting on an armchair, who read a novel.
The servant politely announced:
"Young Mister (Y/N), His Majesty King T'Challa would like to discuss with you."
The young boy closed his book and got up to greet his visitors:
"Hello, T'Challa. Good afternoon, Queen Ramonda. Hi, Shuri"
"Good afternoon, my boy. Sorry to interrupt your reading!" gently said the Queen Mother of Wakanda.
The brown-haired boy looked at the newcomers with puzzlement.
"Is there something wrong?"
They all looked at each other before Shuri explained:
"(Y/N), I think you should sit down. We need to talk..."
Meanwhile, in his cell, Helmut Zemo evaluated his situation. Honestly, his condition was not worse as he expected: despite being King T'Chaka's indirect murderer, he was in a comfortable cell. 
He closed his eyes as he remembered his last confrontation with Bucky. The Sokovian wondered why Barnes did not shoot him in the face. One bullet in his skull, and he would have been free. 
He would have been reunited with them again. 
A tear fell on his cheek as he remembered his wife, Inge. He often wondered how such a beautiful and smart woman like her could end up being his wife. Helmut wished they had more time together to tell her how much he loved her.
And she gave him the most beautiful present he could ever dream of: his son (Y/N).
Zemo kept his eyes tightly closed as he reminisced the day he held his child for the first time. He was so scared that he would not be a good father. But, at the same time, he felt a wave of joy and love went through him, as he made himself a promise to always be there for his son.
His little boy was the most precious thing he could ever have in his life. (Y/N) was so lovely, cute, and clever. He always has a smile on his face, like a ray of sun in a grey sky.
His heart hurt as Helmut reminded this dreadful day after the destruction of Sokovia. He looked around the ruins, screaming the names of his beloved ones at the top of his lungs. 
Then, he spotted the dead body of his father, who laid on the floor, a large bleeding wound on his forehead. He felt a pang of fear in his chest, and what he feared the most happened. 
Zemo discovered his wife and his son under the ruins of a wall. He saw himself falling on his knees, wailing of despair as he held their bodies against him.
It was the beginning of his downward spiral against the Avengers, those who caused all this disaster... 
"You're okay?"
Zemo woke up from his thoughts and noticed the presence of Bucky, leaning against the doorframe. 
He scoffed:
"I expected worse. But I won't complain."
"Sure, you could have a harsh treatment."
The two men stayed silent until Helmut sighed:
"You should have killed me."
"I beg your pardon?"
Barnes saw a wave of anger and sadness in Zemo's eyes:
"You should have pulled the trigger once and for all."
"I made a deal, and I always keep my promise."
Helmut muttered:
"Sure you are... unlike me."
"What are you talking about?"
Zemo got up and walked to the glass that separated him from his freedom, facing Bucky.
"I promised my son that he would be safe, and I will be with him. I failed to keep it, thanks to your friends!"
"Hey, blame Ultron for it!"
"And who created Ultron?"
Bucky kept his mouth shut as he admitted Zemo was right: if only Stark did not create this homicidal android... 
"Oh, whatever! It would not bring them back!"
Bucky turned around and replied while leaving them:
"You know, life always has a surprise in store for us."
Helmut did not know what to think about Barnes's sentence: it was too obscure.
Anyway, he would not get out of here until King T'Challa said so. Leaning on the wall, Zemo closed his eyes and hummed a song he used to sing to (Y/N) when he needed some comfort:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Helmut snapped his eyes open as he heard this familiar voice calling him. No, it could not be... It is impossible!
He turned his head and saw a young boy who looked at him through the glass. He might be 12 years old, probably.
But for sure, Zemo could recognize him anywhere.
"(Y/N)!" he cried as he rushed near the glass, putting his palms against it.
He could not believe his eyes: his beloved son was here, alive and in good health!
As for (Y/N), he was happy to see his father again. Even if he would prefer to see him free, not in jail, but after what he did out of revenge, the young boy guessed his dad got his righteous punishment. 
"Hi, Dad." he gently said as he put his hand where his father put his palm. 
Meanwhile, behind a tainted glass, Bucky, Sam, and the royal family of Wakanda watched this moving reunion.
"So, if I understand: when the S.H.I.E.L.D went to Sokovia to certify the damage after the battle against Ultron, they found the Zemo family and realized this boy was barely alive, right?" asked Sam.
"Exactly. Fury took the child with him and gave him the best medical treatment. It took a long time, but he managed to recover. Then, he brought (Y/N) here, as he knew Wakanda would have better medical equipment! At the time, Zemo provoked this disaster in Berlin," explained Shuri.
"And we took care of (Y/N). I could not believe that this sweet boy was the son of the man who killed my husband. But I would not blame him for his father's sins!" added Ramonda.
"We explained to him what his father did and the reason behind his crimes. (Y/N) was saddened but happy to know his father was alive. After all, it is his only family left!"
"Indeed..." muttered Bucky.
At that moment, Helmut and (Y/N) tried to catch up with time.
"I thought I lost you."
"I thought I would never see you again, Dad."
Suddenly, Zemo felt a wage of guilt through his body. How down he went! What his flesh and blood could think of him being in jail?
"I wish you would never see me like this. I can understand that you're ashamed of me..."
"I am not, dad. At least, we are together now."
(Y/N) bit his lip.
"Besides, no matter what happens, I will be waiting for you until you paid for your crimes. Because I trust you, and I love you!"
"I love you too, Mein Kleiner Sonnenschein." (My little sunshine).
Suddenly, the glass between them disappeared. Then, Helmut and (Y/N) heard the voice of Shuri through the speakers:
"What would be a proper father-son reunion without an embrace?"
When he realized what she did, Zemo hugged his son in a fierce embrace, kissing his forehead.
"I promise, son: I will do anything to be the father you deserve."
"You already are."
Finally, Zemo got his sunshine back, and it enlightened his long road to redemption...
Thanks for the reading: I hope you enjoyed!
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See you later and take care!🥰😘😍
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