#Team up with your loved one to defeat the beast!
smuttysabina · 3 days
IVE vs Dreamcatcher
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(IVE x Dreamcatcher- 2.4k Words) Tags: Freaky Lesbian Sex, Homoeroticism, Lots of fluff, Just a fun little piece to establish IVE's personalities, Oh yeah, Fingering, Strapons, Cunnilingus (what a fun word), Lesbian domination, Magical girls vs witches, lets be honest here we all know who's winning, verbal humiliation, moral degeneration, also there's a cool robot-lizard thing.
"In the name of justice, we will punish you!" Yujin's voice rings down from on high, where she poses fashionably with the rest of IVE, as they all glare down at the villains below with righteous fury. Yujin bubbles internally with excitement, this was just like how magical girl stories always went, the pretty, clever, heroines taking on the evil, devious, hot, evildoers! Of course, Leeseo was busy fighting some awesome lizard-robot thing half a city away, but she was certain that IVE could take on Dreamcatcher even outnumbered. With haughty Wonyoung, tenacious Rei, zealous Gaeul, just Liz, and of course, herself, the angelic Yujin, they would have no trouble fighting those nefarious witches; it would be a hard battle for sure, but that just made it all the more magnificent! Putting on her best face, Yujin examines the cretins cowering in the rubble below, just look at them, their faces flush with fear, already trembling in terror in anticipation of their sanction, just look at that girl on the side- Her internal monologue screeches to halt as she focus in on the witch, er, Dami? Before awkwardly calling down to the assembled cultists, "Um, is she doing okay?" Their leader, Jiu, raises her eyebrows before glancing over at Dami, who appears to be hyperventilating and staring a hole through Wonyoung. She smiles kindly and calls back, "Oh, you mean Dami, please do not worry dear," Jiu reassures Yujin, "she just gets overly excited around beautiful women!" Wonyoung perks up slightly at this praise, as usual, and Yujin frowns as she processes this. Well, there often was a weird obsessive villain on the enemy team, who would go all crazy while fighting, so that makes sense! Her confidence restored, Yujin resumes her noble dialogue, "Anyways, we will defeat you, and stop your wicked attacks upon this city!"
As Yujin continues her meandering rant, the dark ladies of Dreamcatcher merely smile, and lick their lips in anticipation, everyone loves magical girls...
Yujin's harangue, (which had gone on for several minutes now) is only stopped when Gaeul soundly cries out in alarm and points downwards, "Look! They have brought their disgusting allies as well!" Yujin squints down at the mess of concrete and spots the ominously familiar slimy shape of a tentacle monster, groveling next to its mistress, that depraved summoner Gahyeon. She draws in a breathe to continue, "I see you have some foul minions with you-" "WAIT," squeaks Gaeul, "what is she doing!" Yujin takes a second look, and realizes that one of the beast's appendages was boldly pulsating between Gahyeon's legs, having disappeared up her skirt; and her stomach certainly had a strange bulge in it... Gaeul is practically frothing at the mouth, "Are you fornicating with that, that THING? That is disgusting! Depraved! You sick freak!" Gahyeon meanwhile simply smirks in response, moaning teasingly up at the prudish girl, which only drives Gaeul's fury only higher. Yujin tones out her fellow IVE member's ravings as her brain attempts to justify what she is seeing. While it certainly was a bit lewd, maybe Gahyeon was symbiotically bound to her monster in some way? Perhaps it connected to her tailbone like a tail or something? Yeah that must be it! It's a bit odd, but hey, they were cool and mature magical girls, of course their foes would take things up a notch! While Rei soothes the the raging Gaeul, Yujin begins bantering once more,
"It doesn't matter what perversities you bring against us, IVE will still be victorious no matter what, on our pride as magical girls!" "I'm going to enjoy making you my magical girl," Siyeon calls up huskily. Yujin feels herself blush slightly, but she steels herself, dealing with an older, sexy, seductive lady's empty flirting was simply part of the job, surely Siyeon was just trying to throw her off before launching a sudden attack! Her eyes sweep over the devious witches, watching for any sign of aggression, but instead she sees... "I'm sorry, but is she masturbating?" Everyone pauses to glance over at Handong, who surreptitiously withdraws her hand from beneath her skirt; cheerfully ignoring the wet sheen coating her fingers. IVE stare down at her with varying degrees of disgust, before Wonyoung steps forward to ask what they had all been thinking, "You do realize we're here to fight right, not have... freaky lesbian sex or something?" Dreamcatcher glance at one another, until Yoohyeon lets out an embarrassed laugh, "Wait, we aren't?" causing all seven of the girls to break out in giggles and snorts of barely restrained mirth. IVE roll their eyes and shift nervously, "We are going to punish you gross perverts," Liz calls down angrily, "you will be begging us for mercy!" Which only made the older girls howl all the louder, and Sua begins to salaciously wiggle her ass while spanking herself, "Oh yes! Harder, dear! Harder!" Liz flushes with what Yujin can only hope is anger, as the rational part of her brain, the one she uses during her day job as an idol, belatedly notices that far from looking humbled, Sua looks downright predatory. Oh she is going to break, she thinks, before her blabbering mind takes control once more and resumes its fantasy of being a heroic magical girl.
Yujin stands straighter, and rallies her girls by reminding them what was at stake, pretending not to notice Rei muttering, "Our chastity?", and preparing them for battle. IVE ready themselves with varying levels of enthusiasm, and in response Dreamcatcher lazily prepare themselves as well. With a triumphal cry, Yujin leaps from the building, leading IVE into the fray, bringing light and righteous wrath against their foes; Dreamcatcher respond with darkness, and peals of mocking laughter.
When Yujin blearily comes to, it takes many moments for her mind to form a cohesive picture of what happened. Belatedly, she notices that she is clad only in scraps of clothing, and comes to the conclusion that she had fallen in valiant combat against overwhelming odds; the vast quantities of energy had obviously torn off her clothes, she had read about it many times. The other part of brain screams and beats at its confinement, but Yujin blithely ignores the truth hidden in that box- Siyeon's fingers curled knuckle-deep in her sopping cunt as she plays her pussy like a piano- No no no, Yujin had been defeated in mutual combat, that is what happened! Shaking her head, she glances around at the ruins around her, and spots no sign of those degenerate villains, evidently IVE had managed to obliterate their foul foes and drive them to flight! Thusly reassured, Yujin sets off to find the rest of her girls, worried about their health.
Yujin first encounters Wonyoung, curled up in the fetal position, her fully nude body covered in marks and bruises from head to toe. Yujin shakes her head, that energy blast sure must have been powerful to strip Wony as well! Crouching down, she tentatively shakes her friend, who lets out a pitiful whine, "I'm a pretty girl," she informs Yujin dreamily, her expression one of utter relaxation. Well that's not good, Yujin thinks to herself, the poor girl had evidently been hit with some sort of stupefying blast had rendered her- feebleminded, Wonyoung moans with ecstasy as Dami and Yoohyeon worship every inch over her body with their lips. Sucking and kissing her quivering flesh until she had broken under their attentions and begged for more, so that when Dami's strap-on entered her she thanked her for it with rapturous tears- No, no. Wonyoung had not been reduced to a squealing slut focused only upon her own sordid pleasures, she had been overcome by foul sorcery. Yes, that's it!
Now with more than a touch of desperation, Yujin tracks down her next member, and finds Rei prostrate with her asshole gaping widely; still gushing a stinking pale liquid into the puddle surrounding her rear. At this her delusional fantasy becomes unsustainable, and her mind reverts to it's more ordinary state, and she finds herself entirely unworried by the sight before her. Rei groans in torment and clutches at her butt, prolapsed and leaking what almost certainly is tentacle monster's semen; which for her, was relatively normal. When she notices her leader squatting next to her, the idol moans piteously, "I think they broke my ass, Yujin." Yujin rolls her eyes, "Oh when is it not broken, Rei?" remembering -the sight of Gahyeon with half her arm up Rei's butt, fisting her furiously until allowing her pet to have its way with the girl while she forced Rei to eat out her cunt and suckle upon her leaking nipples. Rei had wailed and blubbered, but her guts had been violated all the same, even as she climaxed repeatedly like the ass-whore that she was- "Well at least they left your pussy alone," Rei merely grumbles in acknowledgement, before shooing away her leader a hand. "When you're doing better, go check on Wony, I think she's broken," Rei snorts, "Not as much as my asshole!" Yujin has nothing to say to that, so she moves on.
Next up is Liz, perched forlornly on a rock, where Yujin tentatively joins, giving her nude body a cursory examination that offers up few clues. She hesitantly touches her shoulder, "You um, are you good?" Liz gives her a frank look, "Are you?" Yujin snorts in surprise, "Obviously, my guts aren't clogged with cum and I'm not braindead, so I think I'm doing pretty well." Liz looks unconvinced, but nods slowly, "Sure. I'll go check in on the other two then, it sounds like they're a mess," she stands up, before giving Yujin an oddly pitying glance, "You... did good too, okay?" Yujin frowns, "What is that supposed to mean?" Oh but she does know -Siyeon's hands clamped tight around her plump butt as her tongue shoves its way down her throat- Yujin forces it down, "Um, you did a great job punishing her there, really showed some Sadism!" Liz lets out a bleak laugh, "If you count cleaning her ass out with my tongue sure, she did let me try though," she becomes thoughtful, "I did learn a lot, even if she did take over at the end." Which was a bit of s lie when -Sua moans lewdly as Liz plows her from behind with her strap-on, viciously spanking the slut in retribution for the evils she had wrought; but also because it aroused her. At least until Sua grows bored of her lackluster domination (after around ten minutes), and shows her how it's really done, starting with a thorough cleaning of her rear- Yujin simply nods reassuringly, before continuing; at least Liz had done decently well.
Gaeul however, is busy bawling her eyes out, as starkly naked as the rest of them, sitting in a shallow pool of foul-smelling liquids; well to most people at least, to an idol it was beyond normal. Yujin splashes through the puddle of spilt sexual fluids and squats down next to the poor uptight girl before giving her a hug. Gaeul furiously pushes her away however, snarling at her leader, "Don't touch me! I'm... dirty. Those. Those. Those perverts violated me!" Oh they had done more than that -Gaeul wails in distress is she is double penetrated, though that does not stop her from squirting all over Jiu and Handong as they fuck her. Jiu sweetly does her best to comfort the girl, even as Handong depravedly plows her ass with abandon; until the pure and innocent idol had been broken. Gaeul had shamelessly begged for it in the end, demanding that she be defiled, being so needy that Yoohyeon had to come over and fill her mouth as well to shut her up- Yujin makes soothing noises, "You resisted them mightily Gaeul, you did all you could!" Gaeul gives her a baleful look, "Which is more than you ever did." Taken aback, Yujin shakes her head, "What?" "Seriously?" Gaeul points emphatically at Yujin's thighs. Yujin glances down, and discovers that somebody had written their number on her left thigh, while the right bore the message, "Call Me -Siyeon" Her face flushes, ohnononononONONO -Siyeon growls huskily as she makes out with Yujin, groping her perky ass with relish until she is satisfied. Yujin had barely put up any resistance once Siyeon's tongue had been shoved down her throat, her natural libido overcoming her paltry delusions of heroism. She had gorged upon SIyeon's cunt for what felt like hours, swallowing an endless tide of fluids until they ran down her neck. Then she had begged for it. The first to break, Yujin had loudly implored Siyeon, even as the rest of IVE watched appalled, still locked in their own battles, their leader had degenerated into a lewd slut. And oh, how Siyeon had punished her for it, properly, making her denigrate herself even further, making her noisily proclaim what a valiant magical girl she was even as she rode her villainous foe's strap-on. Yujin was a very good magical girl, Siyeon had told her that while she was busy painting her wrists with her sloppy cunt juices, her eyes rolling back as she climaxed continuously-
Yujin moans in mortification as the shamelessness of her fall truly hit her, after all of her outward strength she had given in so easily? What happened to her grand morals and ideals? Gaeul allows some sympathy to shine through, "It's okay Yujin, we all knew you were a slut, you just need to be more honest with yourself," they sit in silence for several minutes before she hesitantly continues, "Though to be honest, I think they did hit you with some sort of... arousal spell? Like you were out of your clothes before we even really started fighting them. Normal fighting I mean, not freaky lesbian sex." Gaeul coughs in embarrassment, but luckily for the both of their fragile egos their phones ping loudly, "Oh, looks like Leeseo finally blew up that alligator cyborg, at least she had fun." Yujin groans, "I want to blow up lizard robots too! Why can't we just do normal magical girl things?" Gaeul sighs and stiffly pats her leader's back, "Maybe we should stick to fighting monsters and not... perverted witches?" Yujin perks up a little at this, "That sounds like a good idea," she winces, "It is going to make seeing them at that awards show next week really awkward though, there is no way were are doing this shit in public." Gaeul gives her a speculative look, "What about in private?"
Yujin smiles, oh she loves her IVE, "Well then we can play at magical girls and witches again, and this time, justice will triumph!"
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paperstarwriters · 2 months
What do you do if you find your lover sleeping with a better version of you?
Maybe not even sexually, but they wrap their arm around your midsection, they cuddle their face into your neck, and from afar it looks as if they're hugging you.
but that can't be you, because you're standing here. In the doorway, staring at the stranger who wears your skin. And when they turn their head, you know full well that it is not you.
They're beautiful. Too beautiful. Too ethereally beautiful their face is just like yours but so much prettier somehow, it's softer where it should be soft, sharper where it should be sharp. The structure is the same, but fine details are changed. Not every blemish is removed form your skin, but enough are that you can tell, and those that remain hardly even look like blemishes.
Your skin looks smooth, free of the texture that it's notorious for having, your hair looks tousled and yet is somehow free of knots.
and when that creature opens it's eyes, you find yourself looking at your own, glossier, shinier and prettier than you've ever seen them before.
It's like every single word, every single compliment your partner ever gave you turned true.
And though you see the creature shift, though you see the bones snap and swivel and turn, you see the flesh shrink, stretch, melt, they eyes roll loops in it's skull, you still find yourself reaching out to touch the finished figure.
They look exactly like your love.
To you at least perhaps... did you truly look so pretty to your love? Did you—
did you check if they were alive?
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The Paddock Princess Diaries (Dad! Charles Leclerc x Wife! Female Reader)
Genre: Fluff Word count: 2k
Join Magalie Leclerc, a four-year-old who steals the hearts of the Formula 1 world as she accompanies her father, Charles Leclerc, to his race.
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In their hotel room overlooking the scenic Ardennes forest, the morning sun peaked through the curtains, casting a comfortable glow upon the Leclerc family. Charles stood in front of the mirror, his usually impeccable hair staging a rebellion of its own, sticking out in every direction imaginable.
“Charles, sweetheart, we've got to hustle! The race isn't going to wait for your hair to behave,” Y/N called out from across the room, trying to stifle her laughter at her husband's wrestling match with his brown locks. Meanwhile she is gently nudging Magalie's tiny feet into her Ferrari-themed sneakers. The vibrant red of the shoes matched the excitement in the room.
“I know, I know, just a second,” Charles groaned, his frustration evident as he attempted to coax his stubborn strands into submission.
Y/N smirked. “Well, maybe you should have a chat with it, see if you can reason with it,” she suggested, earning a side eye glare from her husband.
“Ha-ha, very funny,” he retorted before handing her the comb in defeat. “Here, you're the only one who can tame this wild beast.”
Grinning triumphantly, Y/N took up the challenge, expertly smoothing down his hair with exaggerated motion. As she worked, their eyes met in the mirror, a silent exchange passing between them. “There, much better! You almost look presentable now,” she teased which elicited a mortified gasp from Charles.
Magalie proudly showed off her Ferrari-themed outfit to her parents. “Regarde, Papa, Maman! Je suis prête pour la course!” she exclaimed in her adorable, still-learning French, her words a delightful jumble of accents and mispronunciations.
Charles laughed, swooping in to scoop her up into his arms. "Bravo, ma petite championne! You look très chic in your Ferrari gear,” he said with a wink, earning a giggle from his daughter.
As they made their way towards the door, Magalie suddenly stopped in her tracks.
“Papa, Maman, can Teddy come too?” she pleaded, her voice hopeful.
Charles and Y/N exchanged amused glances, charmed by their daughter's request. “Of course, honey,” Y/N replied with a smile. But only if Teddy promises to cheer loudly for Papa!”
Magalie's face lit up with delight, and she hugged her teddy bear. “Bien sûr, Maman! Teddy loves Ferrari too!” she exclaimed, her words punctuated by the enthusiastic nodding of her stuffed companion.
Chuckling at the adorable sight, Charles ruffled Magalie's hair affectionately. “Alright then, it's settled. Teddy can come along to keep you company,” he said, his heart swelling with love.
With Magalie clutching Teddy in one hand and Charles holding her other hand, the Leclercs set off, their laughter echoing through the hotel corridors.
Mechanics scurried about, fine-tuning the scarlet machines, while engineers huddled around laptops, analyzing data and strategies for the upcoming race.
Magalie, clutching her teddy bear and sporting her Ferrari-themed outfit, drew immediate attention as soon as she stepped into the garage. The team members couldn't help but pause in their tasks to admire the adorable sight before them.
“Regardez, c'est la petite Magalie! Elle est trop mignonne!” exclaimed one of the mechanics, his eyes twinkling with delight as he knelt down to Magalie's level.
“She's like a mini-Charles, but even cuter!” another chimed in, a fond smile playing on his lips as he admired Magalie's outfit.
Magalie beamed at the attention, her cheeks flushing with pride. “Merci!” she replied shyly, her French accent adding to her charm as she clung tightly to her teddy bear.
The team members chuckled warmly, ruffling her hair and exchanging amused glances with each other. “Watch out, boys, we've got a future heartbreaker in our midst!” one of them joked, earning a chorus of laughter from the group.
As the Ferrari team members gathered around Magalie, she couldn't contain her excitement. With a gleam in her eye, she raised her tiny fist into the air, ready to unleash her rallying cry.
“Fowza Fewawi, sem-pwe!” she declared, her attempt at rolling the R's coming out more like a playful purr than a roar.
The garage erupted into laughter. “Close enough, Magalie! We'll work on those Rs later,” one of the mechanics joked.
Magalie giggled along with the team. “Forza Ferwawi!” she tried again, determination shining through despite her adorable mispronunciation.
Charles and Y/N exchanged amused glances, their hearts melting at their daughter's antics. “She's trying her best,” Charles whispered to Y/N, his voice filled with pride. And Y/N could swear that the man is on the verge of crying.
Magalie, not content with just her own cheering, looked down at her teddy bear and had a stroke of genius. With a toothy grin, she grabbed Teddy's arms and began moving them up and down in sync with her own cheers, creating a hilarious spectacle that had everyone in stitches.
Magalie Leclerc and her animated teddy bear became the unofficial mascots of the Ferrari team for the day. “Look at Teddy go!” someone exclaimed, while others clapped along to the makeshift cheer routine.
As Y/N and Magalie settled into the Ferrari hospitality cafe, the lively atmosphere of the paddock enveloped them. Magalie took delighted sips from her baby chino, eyes sparkling as she soaked in the sights and sounds around her.
Suddenly, a familiar voice caught Y/N's attention, and she turned to see a friendly face approaching their table. “Y/N!” the voice exclaimed, belonging to Oliver Bearman.
“Ollie! It's great to see you,” Y/N greeted him with a warm smile, gesturing for him to join them at their table. “I did not expect you would be here”
Oliver took the seat opposite Y/N. “Well you can’t miss a Spa race.” he replied, his eyes lighting up as he glanced at Magalie. “And who is this little Ferrari fan?”
Y/N beamed with pride, placing a gentle hand on Magalie's shoulder. “This is Magalie. Charles finally agreed to bring her to a race. As you can see, she’s already a big fan of the sport.”
Magalie, sensing a new friend in Oliver, offered him a wave before taking another sip of her baby chino.
Oliver tilted his head curiously, “So, Magalie, do you want to be a racer like your Papa when you grow up?”
Magalie's face lit up at the question. Her little mind already cooking up something.
Y/N jumped in with a laugh. “She’s more of a water than land person. Oh, Ollie, you have no idea. Once she's in, Charles and I have to practically beg, plead, and promise her all the chocolates in the world just to get her out and dry,” she confessed.
Magalie nodded eagerly, “I want to be a swimming athlete,” she declared proudly, her arms flapping as she imagined herself gliding through the water.
Ollie chuckled as he imagined the scene of Charles and Y/N negotiating with their determined little swimmer. “A swimming athlete, huh? Well, you'll definitely make quite the splash in the pool.”
“That's right! I'll be the fastest fish in the sea!” she proclaimed, her imagination running wild with visions of swimming glory.
Magalie's eyes sparkled with excitement as she turned to Oliver, her voice filled with eager anticipation. “Oncle Ollie, will you train me to be the best swimmer ever?”
Ollie’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, uh, Magalie, I have to admit, I'm not much of a swimmer,” he confessed.
Magalie's face fell for a moment, disappointment flickering across her features.
“I'll cheer for you from the sidelines like nobody's business," he promised, trying to lift up her mood.
The Belgian circuit buzzed with excitement as Charles Leclerc zipped around the track during qualifying. It is no surprise either when he got the pole position.
Charles embraced his daughter tightly as she clung to him, her tiny hands clutching his racing suit. “Did you see, Papa? You were so fast!” Magalie exclaimed, her voice filled with awe.
He beamed down at her. “Yes, Magalie, I did it for you,” he said, lifting her up so she could see the world from his perspective. “This pole position is for you.”
Magalie's eyes sparkled with delight as she recounted Charles with tales of her encounter. “Regarde, Papa! I met Ollie!”.
Charles's heart skipped a beat as he listened to Magalie's tale. “Oh là là! Mon dieu!” he exclaimed dramatically, his hand flying to his chest. “But Magalie, pourquoi Ollie? Tu préfères Ollie à ton papa?” he lamented, feigning devastation.
Magalie giggled, not quite understanding her father's theatrics. “We talked about racing, Papa! Ollie showed me his helmet and let me sit in his simulator,” her enthusiasm contagious.
Y/N chimed in. “And they discussed their favorite ice cream flavors too! Magalie was convinced that chocolate chip is the best,” she added, shooting Charles a playful grin.
Charles gasped. “Mon cœur! Mon âme! Comment peux-tu, Magalie?" he almost visibly flinch. “You prefer chocolate chip over my delicious homemade vanilla ice cream? Sacrebleu!”.
As the chatter in the hospitality club continued, Ollie casually strolled by, his charisma lighting up the room. With a theatrical flourish, he shot Ollie a mock-serious glare.
“Don't even think about stealing my daughter's heart,” Charles declared in mock seriousness.
Ollie, always one to play along, raised an eyebrow with a sly grin. “Oh, Charles, you wound me,” he replied, feigning offense. “I would never dream of it.”
Y/N, already accustomed to her husband’s flair for the dramatic, simply rolled her eyes with a fond smile, shaking her head in amusement.
But Charles wasn't finished yet. He launched into a series of grandiose tales, regaling them with exaggerated accounts of his own racing triumphs. Each story seemed to grow taller and more fantastical than the last, as Charles spun elaborate yarns of daring maneuvers and impossible victories.
Ollie played along, his laughter mingling with Charles's, as the two drivers engaged in a friendly competition of one-upmanship. Magalie watched with wide-eyed fascination.
As the playful banter reached its climax, Charles turned to Magalie. “Magalie, ma chérie, who do you think is more handsome: Papa or Ollie?” he asked.
Magalie's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected question. “Um... Ollie!” she blurted out, her decision made with the innocence of a child.
Gasping dramatically, he clutched his chest as if struck by a sudden heart attack, his eyes widening in horror. “Mon Dieu! Ma propre fille me trahit!“ he exclaimed, his voice trembling with despair. “To think that my own flesh and blood would choose Ollie over her beloved Papa! C'est tragique!”
Y/N’s amusement bubbling over into uncontrollable giggles. “Charles, tu es si dramatique,” she teased.
As the cameras pivot towards Magalie, she sits in Y/N's arms, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The journalists approach, their questions carefully curated for the young spectator.
“Well, hello there, Magalie! How are you finding your first race?” A journalist from Sky Sport greets her with a warm smile.
Magalie beams. “It's amazing! Papa goes really fast!” Her tiny hands gesture wildly, trying to capture the speed of the cars.
Y/N chuckles softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from Magalie's face. “Yes, he does, sweetheart. What's been your favorite part so far?”
“When the cars go zoom, zoom, zoom!!” she exclaims, her arms mimicking the motions on the track.
Another journalist, this one appears to be from beIN SPORTS, charmed by Magalie's animated gestures, joins in. “How about your Papa getting pole position today? What do you think about that?”
Her face lights up with pride, smile reaching ear to ear. “I knew he would win! He's the best!”
Y/N motions for them to wrap up the questions soon, and they all nodded in understanding.
“One last thing, Magalie, do you have a message for all the Ferrari fans who are watching this race?” someone inquires from the back.
“To all the Ferrari fans,” she begins, “thank you for cheering for My Papa! He loves you all very much, and he's going to win for you!”
As the interviews wrap up, one of the journalists can't resist bestowing a title for Magalie.
“Well, folks, it looks like we've found our newest addition to the paddock royalty! Introducing... Magalie Leclerc, the Paddock Princess!” The journalist announces.
Magalie glances up at Y/N, who beams with pride at her daughter. “Paddock Princess, huh?” Y/N muses. "I think that has a nice ring to it, your royal highness.”
“If I am a princess, then that means you are the queen, Maman.”
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
inspired by TAWOG’s “The Matchmaker”episode. aka damian asserting his dominance the prequel. everyone is aged up and legal.
pairing: yan! batfam/teen titans x kitsune! reader
status: unedited
[ prequel to this fic ]
Damian had finally come to terms that he may have a crush on you. As evidenced by his large collection of photos, clothing and drawings. But, along with this came a slew of obstacles.
Now you see the biggest problem about his crush on you was that a lot of people also had an obsession with your magnificent self, mainly Garfield and Rachel. In addition to your newfound relationship with the former, Damian was in shambles.
And Rachel, not realizing Garfield was actually serious about his flirtations towards you, may or may not have created a love potion that he ended up stealing and dosing you with.
“So you’re saying that the reason why I’ve been suffering these past few days weren’t because they genuinely loved each-other, but because you. screwed. up?!”
Dick shook the magic-user back and forth. You had been outright rejecting his advances these past few days in favor of actually being loyal to your boyfriend and it hurt his poor ego; shattered his heart. Not only that but the two of you would engage in such aggressive PDA he wouldn’t be surprised if you two started boning during a fight.
“No, it’s because they’re just destined to be together— yes, Grayson! I screwed up!” Rachel shoved him off of her. Dusting her cape before readjusting it to cover her entire body again.
“And Garfield didn’t consume any of this Love Potion, you speak of?” Kori thought back to the times Garfield outright said how much he loved you. He was quite shameless but he never got serious or confident enough to properly pursue you when the entire team was after your affections.
“That’s. . . all on him. The Love Potion works with just one recipient.”
“That little—“
Damian interrupted Jamie from swearing, an even graver look on his face as he commander. “Titans. It’s time to play Matchbreaker.”
The plan of attack included several strategies. Each carefully thought out before hand. Well, for the most part.
“[Y/N] hates commitment. What if we scare them by making Garfield propose?” Jamie proposed, the beetle behind him pulses its lights in agreement.
“On it.” Tim got to working. In just an hour he had a site and link to lure you in. Running on pure determination to keep you away from Beast Boy, it wasn’t a challenge to make an elaborate trap by hacking into Garfield’s account and messaging you. That, and considering you’re a bit of a boomer. You didn’t really question much of what was happening.
“. . . You’re invited to a wedding with Garfield?” You read aloud as everyone watched with bated breaths.
But instead of reeling in disgust, it’s almost as if hearts started growing out of your eyes as you squealed, “Awe~! A-ccept!”
Everyone deflated in defeat. Some looked to Rachel in scorn. “I may or may not have increased the dosage to . . . almost unbreakable levels.”
“As . . . practice. . .” Rachel looked away, using her cape to partially cover her face.
The rest of the titans collectively sigh.
“Nothing a little finesse can’t fix.” Dick cracked his knuckles.
“[Y/N]. You look stunning today.” Nightwing approached you. A smirk on his face that would look menacing if it wasn’t from your friend.
“Thanks, Dick — I— “ You waved at him only for your lips to meet his seconds after. You struggled to push him away, but that only worsened the situation and prompted him to insert his tongue.
The worst part of the whole situation being that Garfield just walked in to witness that.
Rachel and Damian appeared behind him, courtesy of the former’s magic and with the latter holding a baton in his hands. “What’s this?”
“A crime of passion.”
The two were prepared to knock out Garfield if he did seriously attempt hurting you. Desperate times call for desperate measures after all, and since he wasn’t affected by magic everything should go according to pla-
“But they’re too good not to be shared!”
“Alright folks, get the big bird off of them!”
Dick was knocked out by Jason and Victor, effectively putting him out of commission for the next . . . several plans.
“Okay who named this plan, exactly?”
Rachel questioned as she looked through the blueprints and diagrams on the board (Yes, they were being that thorough).
Victor coughed at her comment.
“Before we start this properly I can at least make one of his transformations last a while so they don’t . . . “ Do the hanky panky. Everyone thought in different levels of crassness in their head.
“Do it.” The entire team wordlessly agreed, if there was anything they’d do everything to stop it was you getting down and dirty with the green young adult.
After an intense mission and just as Rachel’s spell dictated, Garfield was stuck in his gorilla form. “I- I can’t turn back!”
But the heroes seemed to forget that you also had a furry form and did not mind Garfield’s in the slightest, even cheering him up by saying, “It’s fine, honey. It just means there’s more to love!“
“GET THEM AWAY FROM EACHOTHER, NOW!” Victor screeched in horror, circuits frying from the terrifying sight he’s witnessing.
After promptly blasting the two of you apart for a bit, the team members hurried into their positions for the second half of the plan.
“Quick, get the lice!” Kori hollered at Jamie who was fumbling around with the box of lice he bought online. She then lifted him overhead, allowing the blue suited man to cover his former friend (he didn’t consider him a friend anymore at this point) with the insects.
“Ack! Why am I feeling so itchy?”
“Let me help you with that—“
You two are swiftly sent to different parts of the state before things get too nasty.
PLAN L: JEA[L]OUS DAMIAN (actual name: [L]eft Nut)
It has been almost a week since they started unleashing their plans upon the couple but the Titans and co. didn’t gain much ground. Your infatuation almost worsened as the days went by, and keeping you away from Beast Boy was close to impossible when your specialty in the team was stealth and espionage.
“Demonspawn? Hang on — what are you-“ Jason, who had a perfect line up for Garfield’s scrotum raised his hands in annoyance, watching through his scope as his younger brother suddenly swooped in to grab you from your boyfriend and ruining his shot.
“Well . . . That works.”
Once Damian had you secured in his room, he slammed you unto his bed.
May it be from the shock of sudden movements or seeing your own crush hovering over you, the effects of the Love Potion broke and you leaned upwards to kiss your leader.
You two spent hours tied up together before you eventually pulled away. Meeting the youngest Robin’s still angered face you laughed awkwardly,
“Ahaha . . . I’m screwed aren’t I?”
“Oh Habibti, you can’t even imagine.”
Damian was unsure of his future with you. What he was sure of was that this little fox needed a leash, and what leader would he be if he didn’t assert his authority?
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dgrailwar · 1 month
Round 6, Day 3 - Team Avenger
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The hound collapsed, one final head raising as it whimpered and growled-- helpless as the Count served the final blow. Without words, the Avenger continued onward, stepping deeper and deeper within the confines of the cavern.
He stopped, staring into the massive chamber at the end of the dark stone passageway, pointing at a massive figure laying at rest.
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"A tomb. The hound guarded a tomb… this is what it held so dearly and wished to protect. Avenger or no, we all fight within the bounds of love and hatred. That hound fought for the sake of 'love'."
He noted, staring at the dragon. It was massive, a grand beast who's gargantuan frame took up almost every ounce of space. A low rumble filled the chamber, an earthen tremor that you quickly recognized as the beast breathing. Faint, shallow, yet breathing. Alive, in the barest sense. It's slumber deep and intense.
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"An Extra-Class. The dragon himself is one as well. That is what the Temptress warned us of… and if we were to awake him, things would truly turn for the worse. I have no opinions-- he doesn't stand in the way of my revenge, nor my path to the Grail. Besides, I doubt we could rouse it from its slumber."
Due to your Defensive Play choices, you gain a +1% bonus to Free-for-All's (not triggered by 'Playing Defensively') next round!
Servant Skills:
Determination of Steel (EX Rank): If Avenger is about to take a fatal wound, if there's at least a 3% difference in their score and the victor above him, he may avoid damage. When facing a single-target (1-on-1), he will gain a +3% boost.
Monte Cristo Mythologie: The King of the Cavern (C Rank): When battling enemies, his flames are like a poison. He reduces demerits against him by 3%, and when he is victorious against another, he inflicts a -2% demerit for their next round. This demerit increases by 2% by every 10% difference in scores.
Wisdom of Predicament (A Rank): When engaged in a Free-for-All, gain a +3% boost. Additionally, if Avenger earns last place, both the victor and the 2nd place Servant gain a -2% demerit, rather than simply the 2nd place Servant.
NOBLE PHANTASM: Enfer Château d'If (A Rank)
A high-speed Noble Phantasm that inflicts 2 ‘wounds’ rather than 1. If this Noble Phantasm is triggered during a one-on-one battle, then he gains a +20% boost. If it is triggered in a Free-for-All, the boost increases to +30%. Demerits lose any and all effectiveness against him for the duration of the round.
AVENGER-CLASS Servants are vengeful by nature. The first time they are defeated by a Servant, they gain an automatic +2% bonus against that specific Servant, without needing to study them (but can in order to increase the bonus). They gain a permanent +3% bonus per wound they attain that will remain if the wound remains, but will disappear if the wound is healed.
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readychilledwine · 6 months
Happier Than Ever
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Summary- Lucien finds himself in familiar arms, After Elain rejects the bond (Lucien x Spring Court reader)
Warnings - sad Lucien, angst, a tamlin appearance, friends to lovers-ish
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You had never seen Lucien this defeated. He sighed heavily again, forehead pressed into his knees and silent sniffles falling from him.
She had destroyed him. Completely and utterly destroyed him. You moved to sit next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him against you. “It's okay to cry, Lu.” He wrapped an arm around you, burying his head in your neck and hair.
“I don't understand,” he cried softly. “I never pushed. I never begged. I never forced anything. I gave her space.”
“I know,” You ran a hand through his long hair. “I know, Lu.”
It could have been hours, days, weeks. You and Lucien stayed in that spot until he cried himself to sleep, head resting on the chest, body weight pressing you into your couch further.
You vowed then never to let your friend feel this way again, at all costs.
It took a month for Lucien to return to a more normal sense of himself. He had begun helping around your small home, hunting his familiar spots in the forest to find himself again, and would even tease you with his sharp tongue. He had even asked Tamlin to come tonight, hoping the three of you could maybe fall into a sense of peace you all had not found since before Amarantha.
You set the table, watching as Lucien held a warm cup of coffee, freshly bathed and changed into a button-down tunic and some softer pants. “Whatever you made smells delightful. As it always does. The worst thing Tamlin ever did in the manor was hire kitchen staff instead of you cooking for us every day." You watched as his smile grew as a familiar beast approached before shifting. “Let's see how quickly he threatens to kill me, or tries to seduce you, shall we?"
You shook your head, laughing as they greeted each other awkwardly. You knew there was anger there, hurt from both of them, but understanding deep down.
Tamlin made choices because he was in love.
Lucien made choices because he had found his mate.
Choices that had led to pain for both of them, choices that held a sense of loss for both of them.
Tamlin moved to you, kissing your head softly. "Missed you," he tucked a hair behind your ear.
"Missed you too," you nodded them towards the table. "I made your favorites." You placed the elk steaks in front of Tamlin and Lucien, seeing them both smile at the familiar spread.
“Thank you, little rose,” Tamlin kissed your hand. “I have missed your cooking. I will be honest.” You just smiled, watching Lucien pick at the food. “Lucien, is something wrong?” The male perked up, mask snapping back in place, and you and Tamlin could only just share a look.
"Just thought my next fancy meal would be made by her," his voice trailed off. He stared out the window for a second before coming back to you and Tamlin. "Did you hear about the last match?" He looked at Tamlin with a small smirk.
"Your team is full of cheats and liars," Tamlin muttered.
By the 3rd month in your home, Lucien seemed to have fully healed as he twirled you around in the meadow. You two had taken the rare day off from helping repair Spring to enjoy each other's company.
You had packed a picnic basket of cheeses and fruits as well as some wines and set out for the meadow you two used to frequent On days off from the manor by late morning.
Lucien had been all smiles and gentle touches the past few days, leaning in closer to you, flirting with you and flushing when you'd flirt back. It was as if you had fallen back into a routine you two hadn't felt in years. One that often led to Tamlin feeling like a third wheel and vocally mentioning it.
You two laid in the flowers, laughing so hard you began to snort lightly. Lucien just smiled, staring at you and then sighed. “This is the happiest day I've had in several years,” he reached his hand for yours, lacing your fingers together.
“I'm glad you are happy, Lucien.” He pulled on your hand, forcing you on top of him, free hand resting on his chest as your hair blocked the rest of the world from how close your faces were.
He glanced at you again, smiling as his other hand came your hip and rested there. "I should have never left you," it was a soft confession hanging in the air, waiting for your response. "It was always meant to be you, y/n. I'm sorry I was too blind to see that."
You shook your head, then rested your forehead against his. "You needed answers. I understood. I still do."
His eyes fluttered shut, a soft sigh of content leaving his mouth. "You are why I am happy, butterfly. You made me want to be better. You made me want to be the male you deserve."
The distance between you two was closing more and more, lips practically brushing with each syllable passed between you two.
"Are you going to kiss me yet?"
He chuckled, hand on your hip, moving to the back of your neck. "Of course."
He met your lips gently, savoring you, savoring this. It was like a sense of completion washing over both of you like a gentle rain.
There was no Elain.
No heartache.
No pain.
Just you and Lucien.
Lucien and you.
And the thought of that made you two happier than ever.
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Milo w/ Champion f! s/o
fluff; Milo with a super strong f! s/o who's the champion
Hop, M/c and the others r aged up to 20, Milo 22
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Proud bf frfr.
Every single match you've ever fought in he has watched, cheering you on with a big goofy grin
Big strong lad likes strong lass.
You are a workaholic and rarely slow down.
"Have you eaten yet?" "......Oops."
I headcannon this man is malewife material and is a beast in the kitchen. He makes the best apple curry frfr.
All your Pokémon love him! even your VERY protective Cinderace.
Firm believer he falls hard and fast
Milo sat in the stands of the stadium, eyes trained onto the field where the familiar shape of his girlfriend's body and the body of your long-time rival, Hop.
Despite Hop deciding to go down the path of a professor, you and him decided to have a friendly battle just like the old days.
You had became the champion at the age of 18, overthrowing Leon when he was 21.
Milo still fondly remembers the first time he interacted with you. (Even if the very first interaction was a Wooloo smacking into you) He remembers watching in anticipation as you took on his gym challenge. He had just lost against the champion's brother, so he was intrigued by the other challenger endorsed by Leon.
You seemed to have a special way with the Wooloo. What normally was a chaotic task was turned into a quick, streamlined one as you expertly guided the Wooloo into the pen, decimating his trainers. Of course, their grass types were no match for your Raboot.
When you reached him, he was able to see your bond with your Pokémon first hand, and he instantly gained a small crush. Your team at the time was only two Pokémon, which was a pretty small team, but they were both incredibly well trained. The grass type trainer could tell you cared more about quality over quantity.
Sadly, in his gym match against you, he stood no chance. He wasn't even able to land a single hit on your Raboot, let alone see the next member of your team. You wiped out his Pokémon in one hit. You didn't even have to Dynamax.
Of course, when you had such a strong bond with a Pokémon you are almost unbeatable. You and your Raboot were in perfect sync, you barely even had to direct her on what to do, when you did, she followed your orders with full trust.
After his crushing defeat, he approached you offering his gym badge, and some advice on where to next.
Since you had peaked his interest, he watched all your matches, watching as you took down his friends without drawing out a second Pokémon. Even Nessa with her water types stood no chance against the powerhouse fire type.
By Kabu's gym you had 3 Pokémon now, the last two still a mystery. Your Raboot evolved into a Cinderace, and the affects of the pyro ball were devastating on Kabu.
It wasn't until your fight with Opal that he was able to cross you again. This was also the first match where he was able to see another one of your Pokémon (by then you had 5). Upon the start of the battle, he prepared himself to see your Cinderace take the field. Instead a Toxapex appeared. Using the poison type advantage you wiped Opal with her only managing to land 2 hits.
He had been in Ballonlea on gym-leader business, but decided he had time to watch your match. "It's good to finally see another one of your Pokémon." he commented with a smile as he aproached you outside the gym.
"Great job on the match, I was in town and decided to check it out. Your bond with your Pokémon amazes me as always."
"What do you mean as always? You've only seen me battle once?" You asked, tilting your head.
"Ah- Well, you see, it's. uh. Well, It's rare to see a trainer who has such a uhm strong bond with their Pokémon, so I just uh- wanted to see more of your matches. I- uh have really enjoyed watching your bond with Cinderace grow." he mumbled, turning bright red, and averting his eyes to the ground.
"Aww, that's so sweet. I'm glad you like watching my matches so much. Do you want to meet the full team?"
"Can I?"
"Sure, just don't go around telling everyone my team. I've been keeping them a secret to prepare for Leon." You winked at him, holding a finger to your lips, causing him to blush.
"I-I promise!" He squeaked, excited to see your Pokémon.
"Come on out guys!" You threw your pokeballs into the air. Cinderace and Toxapex were the pokemon he knew about, however a Mimikyu, Appletun, and a Shuckle were the remaing 3 team members.
Upon being released, the pokemon let out delighted cries and immediately ran up to you for pets, all letting out of noises of content as they snuggled up with you.
It wasn't until Milo gasped that their attention was snatched away. your Appletun and Shuckle approached the man in curiosity, while Mimikyu and Toxapex stayed by you. Cinderace glared at him, her arms crossed as she loomed next to you.
"Carnelian, it's okay, Milo's nice. Plus even if he wasn't, you could take him easily." You sent him a look that told him to play along.
"Haha yeah. I stood no chance against you when you were a Raboot, no way I'd stand a chance now." He rubbed the back of his head, while the rabbit stuck her chest out in pride.
"Now, why don't you go play with Aquamarine and Onyx?" The rabbit pokemon nodded and hopped over to play with the water and ghost types.
Turning to Milo you sent him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Carnelian and I have been through a lot together, so she's super protective. She doesn't like anyone getting near me, let alone men. The only way to ease her up is if she knows she's stronger."
"It's ok, I get it. Plus it's not like I was lying. Even without the type advantage, your bond is unbeatable."
"Yeah, I suppose it is." A small smile came to your face as you reflected on all your memories with your pokemon. "Anyways, now that you've seen my secret, you owe me a date."
The gentle giant exploded into red. "I-I What? I'm flattered I really am, but I'm sure you have much better things to do than spend time with someone like me."
"Hmm, sure I do, but I think you're super cute and want to get to know you more. How about you accompany me to Circhester?"
"I do have to head there next..." he mumbled. "Are you sure you don't mind?"
"Not at all. Traveling with company is always more fun, plus I meant what I said about wanting to get to know you better."
"O-Okay" He flushed as you grabbed his hand and pulled him into Route 8.
The 3 days he spent traveling with you allowed the two of you to grow close enough to start dating.
He watched in person as you crushed Gordie, but sadly could not attend your fight with Piers in person as he had to return to his gym.
"I promise I will be watching from home and cheering you on. Win for me ok?" he brought a hand down to rest on your head.
"I promise. Knowing you're cheering me on will make me win!" With a smile, you leaned up and gave him a small peck on the lips, which caused him to short circuit. "I'll see you at the champion cup!" With a wink, you ran off towards your next gym.
The day of the Champion cup comes, and as expected you destroy the semifinals with the new addition to your team, Morpeko. Marnie nor Hop stands a chance.
Before you can continue on to defeat Leon, you are interrupted by Chairman Rose and the whole Eternatus thing. Leading you and Hop to return to the slumbering weald to get the help of the legendary pokemon.
Finally after the match being pushed back two days, you were able to fight Leon. You did not breeze through this fight as quickly, struggling with his Inteleon and of course his partner, Charizard, but with the help of Carnelian, you and best friend defeated Leon and became the new champions.
As soon as the match was over, Milo had already scooped you up off the ground and was twirling you around. "YES! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! EVER SINCE YOU FIRST TOOK ON MY GYM I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA DO GREAT!"
Letting out a giggle a brilliant smile crossed your face. "I can't believe we did it!"
Back to the current battle, as expected you wiped the floor with Hop, just as you had done every time before. The male only laughed, exclaiming that it was good to battle you again.
After exchanging a hug, you turned to your boyfriend who was waiting with the dumbest grin on his face.
Upon seeing he had your attention, he slowly got down on one knee, eyes filled with love. "(Name), ever since I first saw your incredible bond with your pokemon, I have been smitten. I have watched proudly as you overcame every single challenge thrown your way and saved our region. I have been lucky enough to call myself your boyfriend, but would you let me be even luckier and call myself your fiancé?"
Throwing yourself onto him, tears filling your eyes, you screamed out a yes.
"I promise you will never feel unloved with me. I love you."
"I love you too."
(That turned out so much longer than planned oops. I recently replayed Sword cuz why not and uh oh hyperfixation back.)
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madamefluffnstuff · 5 months
Quelling the Beast
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online
Pairing: Fennorian x Fem!Werewolf!Vestige, could be pre-romance or established relationship.
Rating: T
Warning(s): Werewolves, vampires, supernatural transformation, lots of blood, attempted assassination, angst, hurt/comfort themes, etc.
Words: 990
AN: Yes I *know* I have a request I need to finish, but after I saw our sweet Fennorian was coming back in the ESO reveal I had to go back and finish this one to celebrate.
This is actually one of the darker ones I've written, so just be cautious if blood isn't your thing. (Also Gwendis is a menace but I love her dearly. Bless.)
The Gray Host ambush was just that- an ambush. Masterfully planned and executed, Verandis' protégé and the Vestige were caught completely off guard. House Ravenwatch fought valiantly, and with the Vestige at their side it seemed to be going well. Until Fennorian tried to help Gwendis as a tag team and they both were sent flying back.
The Vestige snapped and let the bloodlust take over. Hircine's gift ripped through her as the beast inside roared in her ears. Only one thing on her mind: Save them.
When things calmed down somewhat, and no more Gray Host to be seen, the Vestige stood in the middle of the room in all her werewolf glory. Covered in blood, cuts, gashes, and flecks of robes, most people would be terrified and run the opposite direction. Not Fennorian.
"Listen to me- listen to me- It's all right, you're fine," he tried to soothe her. He knew he was taking a huge risk approaching her in her werewolf form when she was still coming down from the blood rush. If she spooked or snapped... He didn't want to think about it.
Her chest heaved as she panted, hard. Glowing yellow eyes with dangerously thin pupils bored into him. Deep, low warning growls rumbled in her ribcage. Every muscle in her body was visibly tensed, ready to either fight or flee.
When she didn't attack, Fenn took a tentative step forward, palms up. And another. And another. Until he was standing directly in front of the Vestige, his eyes level with hers. The intensity of her powerful gaze tested his nerves. But he was determined to help her.
Slowly, cautiously, the vampire wrapped his arms around the werewolf's neck. The sickly sweet smell of the blood on her maw nearly made him ill. Had he not just recently fed, he might have been in trouble with so much of it so close to his face.
"It's all right, my friend," he whispered. "You're safe. We're safe. I'm here. I've got you..."
Nobody moved. No one dared to breathe. The only sound was the Vestige's heavy exhalations and growling. Fennorian began gently moving his hands back and forth in her fur, rubbing her shoulders. As he did, he tried to talk to her again. If he could just get through to her-
"You don't have to fight them anymore," he murmured into her thick fur, "You defeated them. We're safe. Myself, Gwendis, Adusa.. We're all safe..."
Suddenly he felt his words starting to work- the werewolf's shoulders physically relaxed and she let out a guttural sigh.
"Please, you don't have to do this. Just- just come back to m- us-" Fennorian's voice cracked painfully as he pleaded with her.
It was Gwendis who saw it before Fenn felt it: the Vestige's knees starting to shake, threatening to give out. In a puff of black mist, she disappeared and reappeared next to her brother. The wood elf vampire sprinted to Fenn's opposite side and helped him in supporting their lycan companion.
And not a moment too soon- the Vestige's knees finally gave out and she collapsed into, and onto, them. She let out a strangled choking sound as Fennorian and Gwendis cushioned her fall. Fenn's heart nearly broke as he listened to her whimpering and whining, her wolven body shaking as the blood rush finally dissipated.
"It's all right, friend. Take it easy," Gwendis ran her hands through the Vestige's coarse, smokey gray fur. "You did amazing, you did that all by yourself," a smile was evident in her voice as she tried her own soothing words.
The Vestige tried to stand up, but her spent and exhausted body just couldn't support itself right now. Her lycanthropic form took so much from her with this battle. She felt a pair of arms under her chin and they gently rested on someone's lap. She glanced up and locked eyes with Fennorian. He could see her tired, dull yellow eyes, lacking the primal glow from earlier.
Adusa-daro decided it was safe enough to make herself known. Just like Gwendis, the Khajiiti vampire disappeared in a cloud of black mist and joined her siblings. "This one is impressed, Fennorian. I was not sure you would be able to bring her back."
He continued stroking the Vestige's fur and sighed, "Truth be told, neither did I. I'm not sure how I did it."
"Well, he did," Gwendis piped in, also petting the pacified werewolf. "And he did a damn fine job. You should be proud of yourself, Fennorian."
He nodded, his gaze never leaving the Vestige. "We have to get her back home. She's hurt and needs help."
The ladies nodded. "I can arrange for transportation. Discreet transportation," Gwendis said. "You stay here with her, Fenn."
"This one will go ahead and let Verandis know. He can set up a room for her to rest," Adusa offered up.
Fennorian, more or less on autopilot, nodded again. "I'll stay here with her. Keep an eye on her."
Gwendis rounded the hallway corner and knocked on the door. She waited. Fennorian didn't answer. She knocked again. Still no answer. A twist of the doorknob showed the door wasn't even locked. As it swung open, she poked her head in.
Fenn was sitting on the bed, propped against the headboard, sound asleep, with the Vestige. She had since reverted back from her werewolf transformation, though she was in the same position she fell asleep in: her big, furry head resting in Fenn's lap, one arm around his torso. His own arm, which had been on her back while she was a werewolf, was now draped across her human shoulders.
His sister couldn't help but smile as she quietly closed the door. They'd be fine. And she knew Fenn would tear apart anyone who touched the Vestige. She'd leave them be for now.
The playful teasing she'd give them later, however, was another story.
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sharkdream3421 · 2 years
Your scared of them headcanons (Izuku Midoriya, Fumikage Tokoyami, Gang Orca)
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This headcanon is so sad! I love them with all my heart!
Izuku Midoriya:
It happens during the class 1-A VS Class 1-B Arc where Izuku, Ochaco, Mina, and Mineta team up. You happen to be on their team too.
You and Izuku work together to distract the Class 1-B students.
Then once blackwhip breaks lose. You get hit by it, and it was painful.
You were whipped right into the ground very hard and almost broke all the bones in your body.
"Y/N! NO!" Izuku shouts with sadness and distress in his voice.
Because of you getting hurt, Aizawa hurries to the scene and immediately erases his quirk.
Izuku is so tired after what just happened and he passes out.
You are taken to the hospital and you were unconscious for several days after the incident.
Izuku would always visit the hospital every day to check on you and would always give you a light kiss on the cheek.
Once you wake up Izuku is so happy to see that your okay. Although instead, of a hug or a friendly greeting from you.
Your terrified of him, specifically his powers.
Izuku looks hurt at you being afraid of him.
You tell him that your just scared of his powers.
Izuku reassures that it's not out of control right now.
This calms you down a little as you let Izuku engulf you in a hug.
"I promise you Y/N, I will control this power. For your safety and everyone else's!"
You gave him a kiss as you smiled at him.
"Relax Izuku, but I appreciate your commitment. Thank you."
Izuku is always there for your recovery and if you ever needed anything, he was just a phone call away to assist you.
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This poor baby bean noo! The tears in his eyes😭 Fumikage Tokoyami:
It was night time and you both were being attacked by a villain in a cave.
This riled dark shadow and the beast from within had awaken.
Dark Shadow was able to beat the villain to a plump, but you were still in the cave with him and he couldn't control dark shadow.
There was only one course of action that you could do.
Tokoyami had tears streaming down his face as he looked like he was being corrupted by Dark Shadow.
"Y/N, RUN!" Tokoyami bellowed out.
You ran out of the cave system as Dark Shadow followed you along with Tokoyami who couldn't do anything but cry worrying for your safety.
You were terrified! You didn't want to be hurt or worse!
You were lucky that you found a building that had a freaking flamethrower!!!
It appeared to have weapons inside. This must have been the location of where the illegal weapons were, which was the goal of your and Tokoyami's mission.
Find the illegal weapons and report it to the authorities.
That's great and all, but if you didn't have a big shadow attacking you then maybe your job would have been easier!
A big gust of flames emerged from the weapon, which made Dark Shadow cry in pain.
Thankfully, Dark Shadow retreated back into Tokoyami's body and Tokoyami was left on the ground breathing hard.
Tokoyami then straight up passed out. Poor guy!
After calling the authorities and bringing Tokoyami back to his house. He slowly started to open his eyes.
Once he realized that it was you he was looking at...
Tokoyami started to cry.
"Hey what's wrong?!" You asked him.
"I-I almost hurt you Y/N. I should have known that Dark Shadow would have gone on a rage. You could have gotten hurt, or worse. I scared you, I'm so sorry."
As Tokoyami sat up on his bed, you moved close to his face and gave him a deep, and long kiss on his beak.
As you pulled away you smirked, "It takes more than Dark Shadow to defeat me Honey."
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Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata):
Kugo didn’t know, but you saw his villainous performance at the Provisional License Exam.
This would have some repercussions on your relationship.
You wondered what would happen if Kugo turned evil one day. He gave up his hero work to be a villain.
Mainly because society views him as someone who looks like a villain.
What if he started to go down a dark path and hurt you?
At first it was just an after thought. The idea was completely ridiculous. I mean you trusted Kugo with your life. You know Kugo would never intentionally hurt you.
Or so you thought…
The idea started to appear in your head a little more often.
You started to think deeply about it and the idea started to make you worry.
Kugo noticed and he was starting to worry about you.
Level Two…
You started to have nightmares about Kugo hurting you and so many other students.
You would have to escape Kugo’s arms that would be wrapped around your figure.
Kugo can be a deep sleeper so it would be a little difficult to wake him up.
You would be sitting in your arm chair sipping on a bottle of water as you thought deeply about the nightmare.
You would only be out of bed for about ten minutes, then come back to the bed so Kugo wouldn’t have to worry about your missing presence.
It just got worse from there.
You were at home and having a small argument with your boyfriend.
Kugo was going to reach for something in the top cabinet, but to you it looked like he was ready to slap you.
Not to mention you heard glass breaking.
You panicked and ran to you’re bedroom and slammed the door.
KNOCK KNOCK “Y/N, sweety, your worrying me. Please open the door.”
You hesitantly opened the door for him to enter, but as soon as you did you started to sob.
With your face planted onto the bed covers sobbing. Kugo sat beside you and rubbed your back to calm you down.
Once you calmed down you looked at him with your eyes looking exhausted, “Can we talk about it in bed?”
”Yes.” Kugo replied as you both tucked yourself in your bed and cuddled next to each other.
”What’s wrong Y/N, why did you panic?” He asked in a soft voice.
You buried your head in his chest as you told him all about the nightmares and how you saw his performance in the exam.
”Y/N, I wished you didn’t have to see that. I was only training the students to become better heroes. It was all an act.”
Kugo put a hand on your cheek as you leaned into it. Feeling his rubbery skin meet yours was relaxing.
”Y/N, I would never hurt you in any sort of way. I can also assure you that I would never turn against you. Your trust means a lot to me and I take it very seriously. Just because society may look at me as a villain doesn’t mean I will be one.”
You smiled, “Thank you Kugo, I think I feel better now. I think I just had to hear you say it. Can we cuddle in bed some more?”
He smiled softly as he brought your head closer to his chest.
”Of course my love. I will always protect you no matter what.”
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: “Siege of Lothal”
In which Vader is an absolute beast and we shift off-base from Lothal for (semi-permanent) good.
A brief note on the nature of serial escalation.
Oftentimes in a series, especially one based around extrapersonal conflict with multiple arcs, what will happen is that your initial antagonist will be something or someone relatively small or simple to handle, and as your characters grow and get stronger the threats will get bigger and bigger.
Now, there is a point at which the villain can grow to be TOO big, and there’s no way for the heroes to defeat them or nowhere bigger for them to go from there.
You also don’t want to throw your strongest antagonist at the heroes at the very beginning, or risk everything else looking anticlimactic by comparison.  This could have been a risk in Season Two, as Vader is quite a significant step up from Imperial officers, Agent Kallus, and the Grand Inquisitor.  Fortunately Rebels makes the wise decision to keep Vader in reserve most of the season, only really bringing him out for the two most significant narrative points in the story (the opener and the finale), and relegating mundane antagonist duties to our new Inquisitor duo.  In this way, the narrative keeps our heroes busy but not overwhelmed, leaving more breathing room in the story for individual characters to get plenty of focus and development.
And on that note, let’s dive in.
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We open In Media Res with an action prologue that quickly informs us of the new Status Quo and allows us a moment to settle into it.  The Ghost is no longer flying alone, but alongside a half-dozen other Rebel ships, who work in perfect coordination and tandem with our team.
The dialogue is comfortably casual.  The music is generically exhilarating.  Kanan and Hera tease each other.  Zeb topples off a railing.  Ezra gets heart eyes about Sabine being amazing.
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The Spectres are now a part of the wider Rebellion and things are looking up.  They’re looking good.
Which of course means it’s time to ruin things for them. XD
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In the Imperial Dome, Kallus and Tua snipe at each other about the problems they’re facing and even in the frustrated dialogue she gives, it’s obvious Tua isn’t entirely enthusiastic about punishing her own people for the actions of the Spectres, only listing out things like patrols and checkpoints and curfews.  While definitely authoritarian given the Empire, these are relatively light restrictions.
Which Vader points out as he enters.
It’s obvious in hindsight that Vader’s immediately sussed her out as more sympathetic to the Rebels than she lets on.  (Consider how she claimed there was nothing more she could do yet the minute her life was in danger immediately knew to beeline for Jho because he had contact with the Spectres and has a ready list of Rebel sympathizers to barter with who she hasn’t had arrested.)
It’s insidiously clever, how Vader uses her to set a trap.  But poor Tua.
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She was just a frightened normie in the end.
Hi Sato!  You are criminally underrated as a character and I love you.
I love how you can already tell Kanan isn’t comfortable with this from his sulking posture back there.
Catch me sobbing about how Ezra’s so intimately empathic and connected to Lothal that he can sense Tua’s genuine intentions from a holotransmission.
Tua dropping hints that she knows about the “true reason” the Empire came to Lothal and once again I’m marveling and wondering at just how far back the whole World Between Worlds reveal might have been planned.
This whole scene between Kanan and Hera is fraught with tension.  (And not just the romantic kind.)
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Seriously, show me a more intimate setup and blocking.
Kanan’s dialogue and agitated tone and body language betrays his apprehensions.  He’s afraid to join another military organization, to be around reminders of the Clone Wars, to be drawn back into that environment.  It’s one of the first hints we get about his PTSD regarding the Clone Wars, and I love that Ezra overhears.
I think it’s hilarious how the Spectres take a Star Commuter 2000 shuttle like it’s just a day trip to Lothal from Garel like last time, lol.
Aaaaah Ezra showing off his character development and how selfless he’s grown!  I’m so proud of him.
Also he can sense Vader from atmosphere.
I haven’t commented about the music much but I like the way the strings drag across the notes here to create some quality tension.
Kallus is such a smug snake here, it’s amazing that I like him.
I think I hear a very brief snippet of the “Shenanigans” leitmotif in very serious trumpet.
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Man.  What a way to go.  RIP Tua.  :(
Vader overwatching lets us know this exactly according to plan.  He is scarily competent in these episodes.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way the blaster bolts spark as they pop off the side of the shuttle.
A snippet of Ezra’s theme here, as we find our heroes hiding in his old house.
Ezra holding his old cadet helmet. :(((((
There’s a somber kind of finality when the troopers set fire to the house.  This whole season premiere has an overall sense of, “You can’t go home anymore.” and nothing emphasizes it more than the Empire torching places we know and have been (Ezra’s home, Tarkintown, etc.).
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His face. :((((
Rebels bucks the Status Quo so hard it’s painful.
“I wish that worked for me.”  “I wish it worked on you.”  Lol.
"Have you smelled me?” Love this subtle joking callback to Ezra complaining about how Zeb smells. <3
All these typical light-hearted bits and moments only contrast harder against Vader’s later deadly serious entrance.  It’s quite effective, actually.
This sequence is one of my personal No Context Signature Scenes, I love it so much.
This slow small pan away from Kanan et. all as they exit frame, hinting that something’s behind.  How Kanan stops in his tracks, eyes widening with fear and alarm.
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How Ezra stops too and you can practically see the goosebumps raising on his arms, feel the deadly cold they’re feeling.
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Yeah, I’d be terrified too.
The Imperial March cuts out right before the TO BE CONTINUED titlecard and if you weren’t screaming before, you certainly were now, lol.
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Ezra looks so terrified, look at the way he’s shrinking into his shoulders here.
Vader barely expends any effort in this fight, blocking one-handed, effortlessly flinging Kanan and Ezra across the landing pad, which reinforces how seriously outclassed they and the Spectres are.
You do not win a fight against Vader.  You do not even survive a fight against Vader.  If you survive an encounter with Vader it’s because he let you.
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This moment where Vader almost forces Ezra to cut off his own head with his own lightsaber is particularly dark and terrifying ggkjghdsk.
Twice in this fight the importance of armor is proven.  Kanan catches a glance of Vader’s saber on his shoulder pauldron and Sabine gets a blaster bolt reflected into her freaking breastplate AND helmet.
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The Imperial March is a constant in this scene, not surprising, given that it’s technically Vader’s leitmotif.  It fades out as we check up on our heroes and this is such an effective scene.
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Everyone is visibly rattled by the encounter, and the voice acting perfectly conveys how shaken and frightened they are.  Something I do have to give the Disney era of Lucasfilm props for is remembering that Vader is a freaking terrifying villain, practically a walking Eldritch Abomination in the eyes of normal denizens of the galaxy.  So this scene helps convey that.
Lol Kanan and Ezra immediately objecting to calling Lando for help.
“The compassion of the Rebels is a weakness.  One we will exploit.”
*sobs in Rebellion Era Jedi feels*
“Jedi cannot help what they are.  Their compassion leaves a trail.”
No I’m never going to be over that line, sue me.
Proof that even “filler” episodes on this show come back and have relevance, the crew make a deal with Lando for help to get them offworld. :)
We even visit his farm again. :)
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Also I love this southern-accented droid, he’s so polite.
There’s a unique flute cue here that I really like.  Also, the “Shenanigans” theme has been slowed down, tempo-altered, minor keyed and just put through the gamut of musical variation this episode, wrung out until it’s almost unrecognizable.
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This smoke effect is gorgeous, almost painted in texture.
This conversation between Kanan and Ezra about the cost of their actions is fascinating in what it reveals, especially towards the end.  Kanan sees reflections of his battle-eager younger self in Ezra, still fired up and passionate about the fight, not yet truly damaged by his experiences.
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That wouldn’t truly cement in Ezra until the finale, but we’ll get to that later.
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There are in fact a lot more Star Destroyers guarding Lothal this time, we see three up in orbit and I know we saw at least three others in airspace above Capitol City.
I... think they reused Sato’s voice actor for one of these Imperial technicians here.
I love this quiet scene right here.  Kanan’s still got massive misgivings about being involved with the wider Rebellion, but he’s overruled by the others, by Ezra’s sense of obligation to get stronger for the sake of his people.  (This would later play into his Dark Side temptations in Season Three, Ezra has always viewed power as a means to protect, to preserve, to cling to.)
The shuttle seems to have been tracked with a more mundane method this time, a transmitter that activates upon reentry from hyperspace.
Another brilliant ploy from Vader.  Told you, he’s scarily competent in this.
A modified Endor space battle cue plays in the background here.  The notes are ever-so-slightly soured, off-tune.
Would like to point out, just to emphasize, Vader nearly takes out the entire Phoenix cell on his own here.
Ahsoka’s presence has been mostly downplayed until now but the narrative subtly brings her into prominence by having her board the Ghost for the fight.
“All right kids, do Mom and Dad proud.” <33333
The Found Family vibes always get to me.
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Underrated awesome Kanan moment: Boosting and assisting Ahsoka’s Force Scan of Vader.
God, that sliiiight turn of Vader’s head as he senses Ahsoka back just gets to me.  This whole sequence, Ezra talking about the cold, about the fear, anger, and hate he senses, Ahsoka’s eyes snapping open in horror, “The apprentice lives.” I HAVEN’T EVEN WATCHED ALL OF CLONE WARS OR PARTICULARLY CARE THAT MUCH ABOUT THIS RELATIONSHIP AND I STILL CATCH THE FEELS.
Vader being single-mindedly focused on the Ghost now that he knows Ahsoka’s aboard... not to Kenobi-show blubber again but, “All he’ll see is me.” Anakin is so obsessed with erasing himself and everyone who knew him it will drive him to obsession uuhhhhggggghh this stupid messy asshole.
Hera outflying motherfreaking Vader because he’s too distracted. <333333
I do like that Rebels kept Ahsoka’s appearances to a minimum too, knowing her mere presence would overshadow the others.  (Same reason the Teen Titans writers never brought in the adult heroes; they had to let their cast stand on their own merits.)
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Egads look at the lighting effects in this scene.  Look at those slow-moving patches of light and shadow.
Ahsoka deep in denial about Vader’s identity.
Ezra’s theme ringing out briefly until it dissolves into tense strings.
And the Emperor’s theme comes in along with the first technical appearance of the man in this show, even though we never see him, only hear his voice.
I... kiiiiiiinda prefer Sam Whitwer’s dub of the scene, honestly.  Glad Disney+ still has his version on their site.  (Apparently the Ian McDiarmid redub is only on the Amazon Prime digital downloads, which is kind of asinine, but hey I appreciate not having the retconned version foisted on me.)
Aaaaaand episode end.
This was a rollercoaster of a season premiere, emphasizing that things have definitely changed for our heroes, that what was familiar can no longer be accessed, that we’re now hitched along for the ride with the wider Rebellion and what happens to it.
It’s simple and effective and it lets Vader be absolutely terrifying.  No complaints, really.
Next time, we get even more TCW characters reappearing.
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billythesimp · 2 years
Be Mine?
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Thank you for the request! I am more then happy to write for Von, he’s one of my favorite beefy boys. Just wolves man... wolves be sexi. 
Tagging: @xxrainmxx​
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tw: none
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⋈ You had peaked Von’s attention from the other servants in the mansion. Dutiful, careful and precise. Your work pleased him and meant that he could trust you to work by yourself and not cause a problem. Sometimes, he will compare other works to you as he can’t have picked a more perfect subject of excellent service and work effort. 
⋈ But eventually, after being assigned similar chores and team commissions, Von couldn’t help but grow fond of the young man. He could even be seen growing… too attached to him as many have a problem with approaching him without Von breathing down their back. He’s rather protective of him, much like Corwin… but you're different. 
⋈ His way of courting you is rather blunt but also adorable in his own way. Sometimes, he’ll accompany him down the corridors and stare at him lovingly with a slight wag of his large tail. Other times, he has you pinned to a counter or a wall  whale looking deeply into your eyes before saying how nice you smell today. 
⋈ Von just likes to see you in general, it leaves him staring in awe while a sudden heat grows in his stomach. One that bubbles up and starts trying to break through his chest. It’s similar to the rush he feels when defeating hollow beasts and the rush of blood with stimulation from his calves to his hips all the way to his lungs. It makes him want to be feral, but gentle and hold him close. 
⋈ It takes a while, a lot of buttering up to the occasion as he toyed with the idea of asking the young man out. But when he does it, it makes him slowly start to realize how insane he’d be if you tease him any second longer. He needs your touch and attention, like a puppy he’ll nuzzle into your arms and curl up into a ball of emotions just because you tell him you love him and want him back. It’ll be a side of him no one else will have ever seen before, 
⋈ Ever bring up how he was when you said yes and first started dating, he’ll have some words for you. While he still is professional and takes his job seriously, he also has a soft spot for you and lets you show your affection towards him. That is unless you act out and then need serious punishment for your bad behavior, then he’ll happily straighten you out until you learned that his kindness doesn’t come for free. 
⋈ He loves you, but he won’t tolerate a mess inside his manor.
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sidonisms · 10 months
@gioandvanni replied to your post “I made myself a BotW/TotK Sheik because I miss him”:
I love your Shiek! Is there any lore accompanied with him? :o
Thank you so much!!
There is!! I wanted to include it with the post but ended up opting out!! I apologize if this is a little messy!!
My AU Sheik is quiet, blunt, and a tad surly. Despite being somewhat rude (though it's unintentional) he's considered very reliable by the other members of the village. Before Link appeared, he was the one who handled the problems in the Journal of Various Worries.
He's an excellent ninja, thanks to the training he received from Impa. Even with her only being able to teach him through verbal instructions, he excelled. Through learning the abilities of a Sheikah warrior, he's become somewhat disillusioned with their role and the fact that've "lost their teeth."
How he would function in game below the cut!!
BotW -
Unless Link has defeated at least one Divine Beast, Sheik won't speak to him and will only respond with "...." when being interacted with. He's almost always playing his harp near the goddess statue.
Opinions on him are split between the adults and children. The adults sigh that his skills have made him cold and arrogant while the children say he's a softie.
Cado will comment that if he lost the attitude, he could be the next guard for Lady Impa but his bluntness would offend any guest she would have.
Cottla on the other hand says that he's always playing with her and Koko and calls him big brother Sheik. Cottla thinks that if the adults tried to listen to him instead of speaking for him they'd get along better.
Once Link does defeat a Divine Beast, Sheik will finally begin to talk to him, apologizing for being rude and ignoring him. With the world in jeopardy from the Calamity again, Sheik is fed up with the village's seclusion and pacifism and wants to help fight but doesn't want to leave the village vulnerable without him.
He's glad there's at least one warrior in Hyrule that's capable of fighting back the Calamity and he confides in Link that if he could, he would like to serve as Princess Zelda's bodyguard when she's freed
During BotW he's a young man with a lot he feels he has to prove
TotK -
In TotK, Sheik has come into his own a lot more. Rather than listlessly playing his harp, he patrols Kakariko Village. He's almost always on edge, keeping an eye out for Yiga members. He's vocally against the Zonai survey team being in the village because of his worry that the Yiga could be hiding among them.
Despite this, he's serving as Paya's eyes and ears, acting as a spy/bodyguard to the village chief, something that he did for Impa after the defeat of Calamity Ganon. Though he still wishes he was serving Zelda, she was the one who gave him the role of protecting her dear friend and her heir, some he didn't complain.
He has a side quest with Link when he tells Link that he spotted a Yiga camp up in the mountains and wants to go with Link to destroy it. After doing so, Sheik tells Link he's finally had enough. The world is growing more and more dangerous and he refuses to wait to be saved again.
Following this, a scene with Sheik talking to Paya begins. He apologizes to her but says he needs to leave the village. Abandoning his duty and leaving just Dorian to protect Paya shames him but he can't sit by anymore when the world is on the road to ruin. He kneels to Paya, requesting permission to leave his post and start taking the fight to their enemies. Paya agrees on the condition that when he's done, he comes home safely.
After the event, he'll be at Lookout Landing, patrolling the walls. When Link speaks to him he seems much happier and comments that the world feels so much bigger now. He makes Link promise that when the battle really kicks off, he'll tell him so they can fight together.
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razieltwelve · 10 months
Partner (Final Rose x Pokemon)
Note: In the Final Rose x Pokemon AU, Cynthia x Averia is a thing. Phoebe is their first kid.
Averia loved all of her children, and she wanted the absolute best for them in life. That was why she'd spoken to her mother about getting an egg for Phoebe. It had become clear very early on that Phoebe wanted to become a trainer just like Averia and Cynthia.
She could already imagine the pressure that Phoebe would be under once she began her journey. Averia came from a family of World Champions, and Cynthia probably would have become one too if Averia and Diana hadn't split the position between themselves for so long.
In short, Phoebe had pedigree.
And Averia was going to make sure that she got a starter who could match that pedigree.
Averia had gotten Torrent when she was six years old, and Diana had gotten Inferno at the same age. It was customary amongst the Yun Clan, and Cynthia had agreed that it would be good for Phoebe to get her starter early too. If nothing else, it would reduce the pressure on her a bit when she finally began her journey.
And so Averi had asked for the egg.
It was a Riolu egg, and it's lineage was one many trainers, even Regional Champions, would kill for.
The mother was a Lucario... who was the daughter of Lightning's Lucario. And Lightning's Lucario was the Lucario, the starter and ace of the greatest World Champion in history, a Pokemon who had never once been defeated when holding the anchor position. His daughter had not accomplished those heady highs... but Lightning had trained her too, and she had proven to be almost as accomplished as her legendary father.
And the egg's father?
That was Cynthia's own Lucario, one of the strongest Pokemon in the world.
It honestly wasn't fair. But Averia didn't care. Phoebe was her daughter. She wouldn't fight her battles for her, but she would absolutely make sure that she was as well-armed as possible. Besides, they wouldn't be giving Phoebe the rest of her team. Like Averia, Diana, and Cynthia, she would be gathering the rest herself.
Averia very much looked forward to seeing what her daughter would come up with.
Years later...
"Mother!" Phoebe wailed, clutching at Averia's leg. "You have to help me plan!"
Averia raised one eyebrow. "You want me to help you develop a plan to beat your mom?"
Phoebe nodded. "Yes." Beside her, her Lucario nodded too. "I'm your daughter, you have to help me!"
"Your mom is my wife. Maybe I should help her instead."
"But mom is already a Regional Champion! I'm just a tournament winner. I need your help more!"
Averia tried not to laugh. Phoebe had more than met everybody's expectations by beating all the gyms in their region in a year and then winning the tournament. She had then accepted the traditional Champion vs Tournament Winner match... thereby pitting her against Cynthia.
Cynthia had certainly found it amusing. She had secretly confided to Averia afterward, that she'd almost burst out laughing when Phoebe finally realised that, yes, she would have to fight her in a match that would be televised across the entire world.
"Phoebe, you're my daughter, and I love you very much." Averia patted her daughter on the head. "But I'm not going to help you."
"But... but...!"
"I remember when I won the tournament for Oerba. As the tournament winner, I too accepted the challenge to face the Regional Champion." Averia shuddered at the memory. "I was actually stupid enough to think I might be able to challenge my mother."
Phoebe blinked. "Wow. You actually thought you could beat Grandma Lightning?"
Averia sighed. "Yes. Like I said, I was stupid. I begged your Grandma Fang for help. After all, the closest anybody ever got to beating your Grandma Lightning was when she faced your Grandma Fang."
"Bahamut is a beast!" Phoebe said.
"Indeed. Instead, your Grandma Fang told me to do my best and that miracles can happen when you work hard and believe."
"There wasn't a miracle, was there?" Phoebe asked.
"Oh no. Your Grandma Lightning obliterated me. She sent her Lucario out and swept my team." Averia's eye twitched in aggravation. "And afterward, she patted me on the head and complimented me for lasting as long as I did. The worst bit was that she was being honest. Sure, I got swept, but I lasted longer than the last four tournament winners combined."
"..." Phoebe shuddered. "Mom is going to kick my ass, isn't she?"
"Almost certainly."
Author's Notes
Cynthia... terrorising her own children, and you can bet that she'll have Averia playing the piano for the theme too.
In all seriousness, Phoebe was absolutely under a lot of pressure right from the start due to who her parents were. Cynthia was still the Regional Champion, and Averia was head of the Pokemon Academy in Sinnoh.
Everybody was taking bets on whether or not she'd live up the family reputation (both sides). The fact that she did says it all. Alas, her run of victories came to an end when Cynthia kicked her ass. That said, Phoebe does eventually become the World Champion.
Funnily enough, her team ends up resembling Lightning's more than Diana's or Averia's teams ever do. For instance, Phoebe has a Lucario, and Garchomp, and a Gardevoir, all Pokemon that Lightning famously had on her team. However, she fights more like Cynthia and Averia than like Lightning.
She is exceptional at studying her opponents and their Pokemon to develop plans for battles. However, she is also outstanding at adapting on the fly and learns very quickly. As a trainer, she is renowned for her keen battle sense, which allows her to snowball even the smallest advantage into an insurmountable victory.
During her era, the World Champion position was generally contested between Averia's branch of the family and Diana's. Many people remarked on how nostalgic it was since it reminded them of when Diana and Averia would routinely swap the position between them.
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Scared to be Lonely - Epilogue
Part One     Part Two      Part Three
Summary: The morning after. Marc and Sigyn have #noregrets, but they do have some things to answer for...
Pairing: Marc x Fem!OC, Steven x Fem!OC,  Jakex Fem!OC, past Loki x Fem!OC, past Marc x Layla, platonic Thor x Fem!OC
Rating: Mature (for once)
Word Count: 2.6k
TW/CW: Sexual innuendos and suggestive themes, invasions of privacy, Sigyn oversteps when discussing Marc’s DID (but apologizes)
A/N: THANK YOU again to everyone who’s read and supported! Can’t believe we’re wrapping this beast of a fic up! Though of course I have a few more plot bunnies thumping around in this silly little head of mine for Moon Knight...
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It was nearing midday when Thor trudged down the hotel corridor. His battle-weary appearance – blood smeared across his face, cape torn and singed, ash and dirt clinging to his hair – was incredibly out of place amongst the pristine hallway he lumbered down.
Yelena and the rest of S.W.O.R.D. weren’t far behind him. He’d arrived back first, opting to use the Bifrost to travel back to London instead their ship. Thor needed the space. It wasn’t often the god felt defeated, and he feared if his comrades noticed just how despondent the previous night’s battle had left him, the whole team would lose morale. Gorr was much more slippery than they realized, which meant he was all that more deadly. They were outmatched on Contraxia. It frightened Thor. Heavy is the hand that carries the ax.
Thor was genuinely looking forward to seeing his sister however. He wanted nothing more than to take a long, hot shower, order a feast’s worth of room service, and watch the show about the Midgardian island of love with Sigyn that they’d grown shamefully fond of.
The door guards ushered the Asgardian in without hesitation. Thor wasn’t sure what he had been expecting when he entered the suite, perhaps Marc asleep on the couch or he and Sigyn eating a late breakfast, but the god’s heart dropped when he found the living space quiet and deserted.
“Seeg?” he called. When there was no response, he tried “Marc?”
Nothing from either of them. Thor brushed it off, they must be sleeping in!
He checked the suite’s smaller bedroom first, the one assigned to Marc. Empty. Not only was Marc missing, the bed was still made up, clearly never touched over the course of the evening. Indignant rage and cold fear competed for Thor’s attention. That puny Midgardian shit. Where had he gone? Surely Marc wouldn’t have abandoned Sigyn?
Sigyn. Before the god’s anger could consume him any further, he raced down the hall to the principal bedroom. They must’ve escaped, he assumed. A worse thought pushed into his mind on the heels of the last, what if they were taken? Though he hadn’t met this version of Loki, he knew no incarnation of his brother would let his supposed bride be absent from his side for long.
“SIGYN!?” Thor bellowed as he threw the bedroom door open, startling the lump in the bed from slumber.
“In the name of Valhalla, what is it?!” Sigyn hollered back.
Yet the sight before him rendered Thor speechless. Sigyn and Marc were safely in the suite alright, naked in bed together. Both lovers had bolted upright in the bed when Thor intruded. Sigyn clasped the sheets to her bust to preserve some sense of modesty while Marc brooded bare-chested next to her.
She turned to her bedmate, searching his face, and murmured something Thor couldn’t quite make out. Marc replied back just as lowly, his response causing Sigyn to relax somewhat and whisper “good.”
“I um…I just wanted to make sure you were here,” Thor told them with all the nonchalance he could muster. It wasn’t much.
“Brother, would you give Marc and I a moment?” the princess asked.
“I can leave,” Marc volunteered before Thor could respond, moving toward the edge of the mattress.
“No,” Sigyn objected. The softness and need in her words didn't go unnoticed by her brother.
“Your highness, could you?” Marc gestured to his exposed skin.
Whereas before Sigyn had required Marc to call her by her title, now its use stung her with its cold formality. Nevertheless, Sigyn conjured a similar set of pajamas onto Marc’s body as she did for Steven.
Thor stopped him when the Midgardian tried to pass him to the door. “I wager you’re not stupid enough to leave these rooms before I speak to you?”
Marc nodded and the god allowed him to leave, closing the door behind him.
A heavy, anticipatory silence transpired between the two Asgardians. For the first time, Sigyn observed how disheveled her brother appeared. The mission couldn’t have gone well. Thor would be ornery which meant she had to get the first word in. She straightened, trying to seem as imperious as possible with her messy hair and lack of clothing.
“Brother, you more than anyone cannot judge me for laying with a Midgardian.”
“That may be so, but he was your guard,” Thor began pacing. “Which alters did you sleep with?”
“All of them.”
“All of them?! By the Norns Sigyn!” the god exclaimed. Deep down, he was impressed at his sister’s stamina, but concealed it.
“What did you think would happen?” She shot back. “You’re the one who enlisted the devastatingly handsome, recently divorced man to watch me and then left us alone!”
Thor pinched the bridge of his nose. Tried to calm himself.
“I thought you’d be pleased that I didn’t leave the hotel.”
He summoned some of the breathing techniques from the meditation applications Bruce had shown him, but like always, they only made him angrier.
“You mustn’t be cross with me,” Sigyn argued, “You’ve locked me away–”
“I’m not cross with you,” Thor cut her off. “I’m exhausted, and frustrated, and smell like a bilgesnipe that bathed itself in mud.”
“I can smell you from here,” she attested. “I do apologize however. I’d planned to be decent by the time you returned and overslept.”
“I’m sorry I freaked out,” he admitted. “I was afraid you’d left.”
“Have the rest of your compatriots returned?” Sigyn asked, concerned by what Marc was potentially walking into outside of the bedroom.
“No, thank the Norns,” Despite his hellacious B.O., Thor leaned Stormbreaker against the wall, and sat on the edge of the bed closer to his sister. “It was a disaster, as I’m sure you can tell.”
“I’m sorry,” the princess swallowed the remark she wanted to make about bringing her along and increasing their chances for victory. Instead she inquired, “Was he there?”
“No,” Thor knew she was asking about Loki. “They’ve divided and conquered it seems.”
Another pregnant lull ensued.
“Did you um, enjoy yourself at least?”
“Thor!” Sigyn tossed a pillow at him. “But yes, if you must know.”
“Was that the first time you…since–”
“Thor,” Sigyn interrupted before he could say her estranged husband’s name.
“What?! You promised we wouldn’t keep secrets!”
The dynamic between the two gods was unexpectedly endearing, Marc contemplated on the other side of the door while he eavesdropped.
We shouldn’t be doing this, Steven admonished, they’re having a private conversation.
Jake jumped in the headspace so Marc wouldn’t have to reply verbally. Too bad hombre, this Gorr and Loki shit concerns us. Besides, she just said she enjoyed herself, don’t you want to hear what else she has to say about us?
Steven harrumphed but quieted down. He did want to know if she’d mention him to Thor. He didn’t have to wait long to get his wish.
“So what do you think?” Thor queried. “What’s the other alter like?
“Steven is much warmer than Marc,” Sigyn divulged. “He’s open and trusting, and I sense that he’ll fight to his last breath if he believes in what he’s fighting for. Which is advantageous for us.”
“Then we recruit them,” Thor concluded. A pause, then the god followed up with “Why not?”
“Because there’s a third.”
“You had a threesome?”
“NORNS, Thor! No!!” Marc heard the distinct thump of another projectile pillow. “Marc has a second alter he neglected to tell us about.”
Shit, the system swore in unison. They’d let their guard down and she’d ratted them out. Fucking Sigyn and her fucking sparkling eyes and fucking perky tits and fucking juicy pussy and fucking plump ass. Of course the wife of the god of mischief would have ulterior motives.
Sigyn continued. “His name is Jake. If Marc is cold and Steven is warm, Jake is fire. He’s the most ruthless in battle I suspect.”
“I don’t see a problem, Seeg.”
“Brother, not only did Marc keep his existence from us, Jake professes to be Khonshu’s favorite. I know you’re desperate to–”
“I’m not desperate–”
“I know you’re keen,” Sigyn amended, “to rebuild the Avengers but we can’t trust them. Not until we know their true intentions, let alone Khonshu’s.”
The god hummed as he mulled over her words. “I trust you, sister, and if you don’t believe we can rely on them, especially after you–” Marc assumed Thor paused to gesticulate the word “fucked” instead of saying it “--with all of them, I take your word.”
“Thank you, brother. Now please, I beg you, go take a shower.”
Thor laughed, a quick, booming guffaw, then stood. The sound of his heavy footsteps sent Marc backpedaling to the living room so as not to be caught. He pretended to be fascinated with the bland hotel art.
“You and Sigyn had quite the night, huh?” Thor stood a few feet behind him.
Marc crossed to the Asgardian and played dumb. “Look I don’t know what she told you, but it just sort of happened. It was unprofessional as hell, but I swear I didn’t make her–”
Thor held a hand up to stop him with a chuckle. “Oh believe me, I know you didn’t. You can’t make Sigyn do anything as far as I’ve seen.”
Marc cocked his head in silent agreement. “Rough night?”
“I wish I had better news for you to bring Khonshu, but Gorr is a man possessed,” Thor recounted. “Literally. He has the Necrosword and it’s corrupting him. We’ll stop him though, no matter what.”
“You know I have a lot more skills than babysitting a goddess,” Marc began.
Marc let out an irritated sigh. “That’s not what I meant. I can help, and so can your sister.”
Thor grinned “I see she worked her magic on you.”
Again, Marc faltered.
“I hear you, Marc Spector,” Thor told him, “and I’ll consider it.”
“Thank you, Thor.”
“And for the record, I’m not angry you bedded my sister, but I will be angry if you don’t go back in there and tend to her. Very poor bedside manner back there.”
The god motioned with his hand for Marc to leave. He didn’t usually let others tell him what to do, but the Asgardian had six inches on him, plus an ax the size of his head in his hand. He headed back toward the bedroom but Thor stopped him with a call of his name.
“Now I know you’re both adults, and you’re entitled to your privacy…but if you ever abandon or hurt my sister I will tear you limb from limb and feed you to the most heinous beast I can find.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.”
He knocked on Sigyn’s door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Marc.”
The door swung open on its own. Marc stepped through just as Sigyn emerged from the en-suite refreshed and clothed in her black robe again.
“Did Thor threaten you?”
“Yeah, standard stuff,” he shrugged.
Sigyn shook her head with a little annoyed huff, then refocused back on Marc. “Hi.”
She was sheepish. “I’m presuming that you could see what happened last night after we made love?”
She nodded. “Are you angry?”
“Not about that.”
Her brow creased with concern. “Then what about?”
“Why did you tell your brother about Jake? That we shouldn’t join the Avengers and the effort to stop Gorr? What is it, you think I’m crazy? A fun fuck to tell your brother about?”
Sigyn rushed to his side, genuinely hurt. “Marc, no.” She tried to place her hands on his arm but he shook her off. “That’s not it at all.”
“Well what was it? Because that wasn’t your information to share.”
“You’re right, I shouldn't have,” Sigyn’s apology was instant and sincere. “I’m so sorry.”
“Why did you?”
“Because as much as I love my brother, though I’ve only known this rendition of him for barely a week, he’s aligned himself with incompetent fools. I didn’t want him to recruit you because I wanted us to go find the Godbutcher ourselves. S.W.O.R.D. will only slow us down,” she confessed. “Besides, you don’t strike me as one who works well in a team per se.”
Marc arched an eyebrow in amusement. “You’re right there.”
“Again, I’m terribly sorry Marc,” she reiterated. “I hope you, Steven, and Jake can forgive me.”
Marc was reluctant to accept her apology.
“I had a dream last night. About Loki. I believe I know where he is.”
“How do you know it wasn’t just a dream?” he followed up, still not convinced.
“Because the only thing Loki loved more than fucking me was to fuck with me,” she told him. “He’s likely watching me too, and furious I had such stellar sex with you.”
Marc cracked a smile at that. “It’s probably a trap.”
“That’s why I’d like you to come with me. He’s angry which means he’ll be sloppy. We could outsmart him.”
“Really?!” Sigyn beamed. She threw herself into Marc’s arms and kissed him.
He let her. But she could feel he was still holding back, so when they broke apart she asked, “You’re still cross. What is it?”
“You let Jake do anal.”
A laugh bubbled out of Sigyn but she tamped down on it. The princess pressed herself into him, caressing his shoulders and biceps as she assuaged Marc, “That doesn’t mean I won’t let you.”
“Mmm I’d love it,” the princess purred as she grinded her hip against his growing erection.
He kissed her again, this time holding nothing back. “Fuck, you’re bad for business. You scramble my brain like an egg.”
Sigyn treated Marc to the open smile he’d grown to crave. “I’m rather fond of you too.”
There was something else on his mind. “I have a question. You and Thor never..”
“No!” Sigyn exclaimed. “He’s my brother.”
“In-law,” Marc pointed out. “And this Thor isn’t even that.”
“Even so, I assure you our relationship is nothing but familial,” she averred. “To be candid, I could always see and understand his appeal intellectually, but never actually felt it. It must have fed into my resentment toward my mother for trying to match my sister with him when I lacked the desire every other maiden seemed to possess in Asgard for the prince.”
“I see.” Marc believed that they weren’t romantically entwined, but couldn’t shake that the two were in cahoots on something that went beyond stopping Gorr.
He kept it himself for the time being, enjoying the view of Sigyn changing out of her robe into a simple dove gray dress.
“Now I have a question,” she announced, sitting on the arm of the chair Marc had taken a seat in.
“I didn’t take Steven’s virginity, did I?” Before Marc could reply she added, “Please tell me I didn’t.”
“You don’t want the honor of being his first?” Marc teased. Sigyn slapped his arm. “You’re safe.”
She sighed in relief.
“Were you afraid that you were?”
“Losing your virginity to a goddess sets a rather high bar, don’t you think?”
Now it was Marc’s turn to give her a playful shove, which resulted in Sigyn climbing into Marc’s lap.
“So what’s next?” He asked, searching her deep blue irises, ignoring his body’s urge to buck up into her.
“You’ll need to summon your avian master, I presume. We need to get to Knowhere.”
“It’s a moon, made up of the severed head of a Celestial,” Sigyn elucidated, extracting herself from Marc’s hold. “I saw Loki there in my dream. I recommend getting dressed.”
Marc smirked, the wrappings of the suit already encasing him. “Way ahead of you, your highness.”
A/N: Check out the next installment BALLROOM BLITZ
Thanks everyone for reading!! 
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crystalelemental · 2 months
Now for the other half of the Nexomon Extinction bit: story, characters, creatures, etc. The non-mechanics. And this? This is, I think, their stride.
To clarify: we are currently through the Drake Isles. My wife started in on the Frozen Tundra, but had to double back for levels due to some team composition changes. Everything I'm talking about is only up through that point. I'd say "please don't share future details," but the Nexomon tag here seems to be like three people, and the Reddit forum hasn't updated in two years, so I'm probably safe. That said, I'm about to be that spoiler for everyone else. Yes, all three of you.
The story's pretty good! The first game was mostly fine, if goofy. The netherworld section had a great conclusion that really set things up nicely. Omnicron was released, but waited for your return as its rival; the strongest human against the strongest Nexomon. You win, and can destroy him, leading to the inevitable extinction of all Nexomon. They kinda leave off there, though, with the post-game being "His children also came back, but you can find them with this radar thing." It's contextless acquisition of legendary monsters though, nothing story-based occurs.
Extinction picks up 1000 years later, where the central conflict seems to be that these major beasts called Tyrants are awakening and fighting each other for dominance, in a war to find a new king to replace Omnicron. Humans are pushing back, and have dragons that are made to hunt these Tyrants, in order to prevent a sort of second coming of Omnicron that could wipe them out.
Your role in this is that you're a starting tamer going off on your quest when you are attacked by a dragon and have to find shelter. This kicks off a chain of events that sees you join the guild to fight against the Tyrants, and also to owning an egg that will one day hatch into a Tyrant. Things go as they go, fighting different Tyrant masters and eventually learning some really fun stuff about some of the major players being perhaps a tad extreme. It's a really interesting pivot, and I really enjoy how things are framed.
Cast is a lot more dynamic this time too. Not that there weren't interesting ones before, but I feel like a lot of it existed to be goofy. This time around, they're a little more...established? Or maybe I just find them more interesting. Amelie is fascinating, I like her a lot. There's a scene talking about how her life's work could go to waste if she doesn't take action, and the response is just a calm "If it could be undermined that easily, then what good was it? Let the best course win." Her motivation really is a sort of "good for the people" mentality, regardless of her own standing.
The children of Omnicron are back, and we get a bit more resolution about what's going on with them. Specifically, confirmation that the player character from game 1 did go back to defeat and imprison each of them, and they're really salty about it. It's interesting, because neither of them are particularly hostile anymore, just dissatisfied with their circumstance. I do like that both of the children we've met have kinda come around to you, at least mildly. Nadine in particular giving you advice on how to not die implies some level of interest in what you're doing. Given that Deena is currently standing against the current antagonist, it would be interesting if all the children aligned on this one. They're bastards, but I do love a good domesticated villain.
The creatures themselves are good to great. I like a lot of the creative work on these designs, and in particular love the amount of cats. Lunabelle is my favorite design in this series so far. I'm also a big fan of Malitress, Madamusa, Sirnympha, and Floreina. Some of the dragon designs are also really cool. I don't generally like standard dragons, but the dragons that don't strictly look like dragons are my jam. So big fan of the Psychic and Ghost dragons. The starter designs are all really strong, too. Even the ones I didn't love at first really grew on me. I think, by and large, I like this set of Nexomon better. There are a few designs I really miss, but this is a good batch.
I have been very satisfied with the general experience of the game overall. It's been great.
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peachmangopie323 · 2 years
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Chapter 6: Set him free
(Kirby SST!)
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"...Negative energy had took over Void, she is now known as Void Termina, the Dark lord, destroyer of worlds. Void knew that this will someday happen, she told Galacta of this beforehand, she held him close and said
"You have to kill me." She begged.
Galacta's smile warped into a face of horror, he doesn't want to kill the person he loves the most!"
Kirby read his textbook home in curiosity as he lays on the floor.
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"Meta Knight somehow knew of this, he started training harder, it was his chance to prove himself that he is strong just like his older brother. He wants to be the one who kills Void Termina.
The ancients knew of Galacta's hesitance to attacking Mother void, they begged and pleaded for him to defend the Galaxy.
"There..there must be another wa-" Galacta panicked.
One certain Priest reached out to Galacta Knight and whispered a powerful sealing spell for him to use,
"You need not to take our Lord's soul, but rather...You could recite a spell that could keep thine beast in it's place forever."
"...Really? Why, thank you, Hyness. I'll be off to put your spell to good use." Galacta felt relief.
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It was time, Void Termina becomes this giant scary beast who yearns for chaos and destruction, it's roar echoes throughout the vast outer space, letting Galacta and his army know the battle has started.
And just as Meta knight catches up with him on outer space, Galacta Knight opens a portal with his lance to the other side of the Galaxy and pushed Meta Knight inside.
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"You can not defeat Void Termina, this is for your own good." Galacta said.
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Meta Knight shouted in anger as the dimensional rift closes, meta knight felt betrayed, he felt Galacta just called him weak, he thought that Galacta only wants the attention he'll get if he defeats such a strong opponent."
"And as Galacta Knight charged his attack on Void Termina, Meta Knight was left lost on the endless darkness of space. Until he saw a bright ray of light, he came across the brightest star of the universe, that's right, it was Planet Popstar."
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"And so, Galacta found a way to get rid of Void Termina without killing her off, he sealed her for good.
Galacta got the praise he deserved but The Ancients were unnerved of what Void Termina could do, of how negative energy could influence a god, even more unnerved that the person who could defeat it could potentially use his powers for evil one day.
They didn't take any chances and sealed him away in a crystal. Never to be seen again."
Kirby closed the book as the story ends, though, the ending gave him an uneasy feeling. He felt, guilt?...sympathy? Maybe both.
He wanted to talk to Meta Knight about it.
Kirby looked all over the castle and there was no sign of him, he tried calling him but Meta Knight never picked up.
"There's only one place he usually goes to when he's late..."
He rushed downstairs and into the garden to find a fountain, there should be a hidden button nearby just Incase someone dropped their special button somewhere.
*Hidden door opens*
Kirby's footsteps echoes throughout the underground lair, he gazed at how big in scale Halberd was, he's glad that Halberd is doing well.
*Knock knock* he knocked at the metal door.
"Ah! Who is it?" Sailor Dee opens the door,
"AAAAH!!! I mean, h-hello Sir Kirby, haha...why are you here?"
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"What is all that nois- AAAHH!!!!!!!!!" Captain Vul shouted.
"You guys look like you've seen a ghost or something" Kirby giggles.
"No but we're seeing the mighty ship destroyer." Captain Vul murmured.
"Is Meta Knight inside? I really need to talk to him about something."
"Oh uhh, well...he took off on his own he didn't really inform the team where he went haha! Classic lord Meta Knight!" Sailor Dee said nervously as Captain Vul gestures her to keep distracting Kirby.
"How about we watch your favorite cartoon together, I like cartoons..." She held his hand to lead him upstairs.
"Really!? Okay!" Kirby said in excitement.
They ascend the surface talking back in forth as Meta knight discreetly left with them without Kirby noticing.
☆゚.*・。゚*.✧ a little earlier:
"Are you out of your mind!?" Captain Vul exclaimed.
"You haven't even heard of what I'll do once I track the location."
"I know it involves letting him out of that crystal and challenging him on a duel! I know you! I forbid it! Your uncontrollable itch for a battle isn't worth the risk!"
Meta Knight ignored his Captain's words as he checks his personal computer for messages.
"On second thought maybe it is better if you continue sleeping, Captain.
Sailor Dee, are you able to track it?"
"We don't really know where Galacta's crystal is located specifically, Halcandra is way out of our radar...but...*Typing noises*
...We do know a man here on Dreamland who might just be familiar with it."
"Please don't be Magolor..."  Meta Knight muttered.
"... His name is Mr. Magolor and given that he's trying to redeem himself he will help you!"
"What seems to be the commotion up there?" Sword knight whispered to blade knight on a distance,
"Argdontknewomaybeargboutgalactaknight" Blade replied.
"Well I hope we don't get involved..."
"Meeineitherladsororeighseremei" Blade shrugged.
Meta Knight goes out of his way to ask help from the town shop keeper Magolor, Meta Knight is clearly not fond of the Halcandran but there isn't many options he could choose.
"I need your help."
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"What do you want sad caped man?"  Magolor said in an annoyed tone with his foot on the counter reading a book,
Meta Knight slammed a sack full of gem apples right infront of Magolor shop, Magolor quickly stands up as his mood brightens.
"What could I do for ya? Sir Meta Knight!"
"By any chance, could you use your...Lor Starcutter once again?"
"...for what?"
"I assume that you know the exact location of Galacta Knight's infamous crystal, it would be easier for me if your little ship opens a dimensional rift for me.."
"Woah there...First, Halcandra is in the other side of the universe, not Galaxy, Universe! And second, are you just looking for another rematch? You can't risk the galaxy for that!"
"If you're just going to lecture me I might as well find help somewhere else for free." He said as he's about to grab back the sack of apples.
"Wait! wait wait wait! Of course I'll help you aha! But you have to understand, Lor Starcutter is off limits for now, I don't want to get involved if the great aeon hero starts destroying planets!
....If it makes you feel better, I do know the exact location to where he's sealed, I could tell that your Halberd will suffice. So, do we have a deal?" Magolor added
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"Deal." He replied as they shook their hands together.
As Meta knight's mood slowly lights up, he begins to think his plan a bit more realistically. Is beating Galacta what he really wants? He had always wanted to be the Strongest warrior of the Galaxy but now, he's not so sure anymore.
It would be the end of Popstar if he lets an enraged Galacta Knight on the loose it's truly a risk if he doesn't think this through carefully.
"Yeah well, since we've never heard anything from Galacta for a thousand years we had to rely on ancient scriptures and interviews to piece our work together." A
Writer said to the knight.
Meta Knight ended up meeting with the textbook's writer, he wanted to know if the writings were reliable in the first place.
"What about 'Dark Matters' was there any writing about that?"
"There's few ancient writing about them and paintings of their appearance, though their origins are left unknown due to some works missing."
"How did you know how both of us were born?"
"From what we could gather our book is heavily based on Galacta's perspective of things, Galacta likes writing he'd always keep a journal or two around.."
"Some text may get lost in translation and certain words faded in time but the more I read his story the more I feel like he's not like how people portray he is."
"Perhaps you're...a fan of him?" He said with a bit of annoyance.
"Not a fan but, I really feel like this irrational fear that we have of him is from the ancients trying to justify why they have to do such a thing to their protector."
"And you, you portrayed him as this selfish, boastful person when he's more than that!" The writer added.
"Pardon?" Meta Knight felt a bit offended.
"You were blinded by his power and that's the only thing you saw him as, you've never saw what he looked like under that mask and it's just...sad.
it's too bad I didn't have complete control over the book's final draft, but atleast I get to share my side with you."
Meta Knight furrowed his eyebrows and sighed, he admits that Galacta isn't a bad person at all, that Galacta was just specifically mean to Meta Knight because of a yet unknown reason.
The writer leaned and whispered.
"Kirby also needs someone stronger than him to hone his talent, if you somehow unseal Galacta without getting him angry it will benefit us greatly."
Meta Knight didn't want to listen any further but the writer was right. He sat down quiet with his arms crossed.
"He is not immortal, he will slowly and painfully die inside that crystal after eons. Give him another chance in life, he's not evil to begin with hes- he's unfairly sealed after he saves the universe from destruction, he deserves to be free!
Aren't you a knight who values justice?"
The writer explained, Meta Knight paused and said,
"Fine, do not make me regret this."  Meta Knight stood up and left,
"It was an honor meeting you, Sir Meta Knight!" The writer waved goodbye.
Meta Knight thought about how if he himself is ought to die earlier than expected, Kirby would have someone to guide him.
He trailed through his past memories and concluded that maybe Galacta was just misunderstood, maybe Galacta was a victim of injustice, that he has the right of freedom somehow.
It's a dangerous task but if he manages to get in his good side things may turn well.  They might just earn another protector. He started to believe that maybe he isn't the monster everyone thinks he is.
It is all for the sake of the universe, As so he thought.
"Change of plans, I will not be fighting Galacta Knight." The knight called his team from an earpiece,
"Oh phew..." Captain Vul signed in relief
"But I will still set him free."
Meta Knight cut off the communication before his sensitive ears hear more scolding.
"Miss Sailor! The cake is probably cooked can you take it out for me while I prevent the ganache from burning?"
"O-oh! Right away chef!"
The two seemed to be baking a cake using Kirby's Cook ability, the smell of the freshly baked chocolate cake had their Knight following it's scent to the kitchen.
"Meta Knight you're back! Where did you go?"
"Just...had a meeting of some sort, that pleasant smell, is that what I think it is?"
"Mhm! You're just in time for the preparation!"
Kirby poured a pot of hot chocolate fudge on top of the moist thick chocolate cake on a tray,  Meta Knight remembered he had not eaten any lunch since this noon, it is almost sunset,
he drooled on the sight of the cake being sliced.
"I saw that you were sad earlier and I thought maybe you need something sweet!"
"That is very thoughtful of you Kirby, thank you" Meta Knight tried to keep his composure as he removed his mask to reveal his sweet smile craving for the cake.
His cheeks are puffed and full of cake, smiling at every bite, it was a rare sight for Sailor Dee and Kirby!
"You two baked it perfectly, it tastes divine...you should have a slice before I finish it all up!" Meta Knight said with a mouth full,
They snapped out of staring and quickly grabbed a fork and plate, everyone enjoyed their slice, this sweet act of Kirby reminds him that he need not to duel people in order to feel genuine happiness, sometimes he just needs some cake!
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Despite me writing about characters eating cake i don't like cake wwww
They just kinda taste like sponges
I like the textures of brownies more
Thank you for the votes, reads and comments!
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