#Technical Issues
riverofrainbows · 2 months
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Updated version. Apparently world wide chaos.
ETA: i swear it was called CloudStrike in the articles this morning. Don't know how i misread that from/how it changed to CrowdStrike
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dropoutdottv · 10 months
ATTN: Android Users
You may be aware of a new issue with the Dropout app where videos simply aren't displaying in series collections. There's a solve you can do now to fix the issue immediately: Uninstall the Dropout app on your device, and then reinstall it.
There will also be a new update arriving tomorrow to solve the issue for users who do not uninstall the app. Apologies again for the issues you've been experiencing - we're working with the dev team at Vimeo to make sure these issues do not happen again in the future.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
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Guys! Help! I dunno why but Insta keeps doing this weird crop thing whenever I try to post more than one horizontal drawing! I don't know what to do and I'm worried for the future posts I'll make. Can anyone tell me what's going on and how to fix it? I've tried resizing, posting with my phone instead of tablet, trying it out on other pictures bedsides the ones you see here that are also horizontal, but of different sizes and still, NOTHING!!! Would appreciate any help!!! Pls!!! This happened before, but I can't remember how I resolved it, all I know is that I did. It's really stressful tho. Google and YouTube has been no help whatsoever either. They keep telling me to resize the photo and I did, but nothing changes! The empty black space besides the photos are the problem. Those spots are supposed to parts of the drawings themselves and when I try to post it as is, it fully crops my picture to the size of it you only see. I know how to make it so Insta will accept a different sized picture than the usual 1x1, but it's not letting me get pass the editing phase this time. How am I to share my art like this??? -Bubs.
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(If you can't help, pls try reblogging until someone who does know sees it. TvT I just wanna get this over with.)
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quakes-of-cragclan · 5 months
I have sone more unfortunate news y’all :( this one isn’t an easy fix like the last
No, I haven’t lost my clangen files, BUT, the computer that contains all the important information is nearly dead and literally unable to charge rn. By this I mean both chargers I own have broken and I will likely need to get either a new charger, or straight up a new computer :( all of my screenshots are saved on my files, not google drive, so I’ll need to probably move both my clangen files over there, and I’m unsure how to do that when I only have 25 minutes of battery life, probably less
You guys I’m not even joking I literally have to MASSAGE THE CHARGING BLOCK like a CREEP for it to even get a few seconds of charge, and then it usually shuts right back off and I have to do it AGAIN I’m sorry but this is S AS CTUALLY SO FRUSTRATING
In the mean time, I may start my new Gen account on my phone which is ALSO BROKEN bc I dropped it yesterday SOBS and I can start working on moon 0 but that’s about it. Hope you guys understand DIJSIIVIUX
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niik0 · 1 month
The way I genuinely want to read the Hot Guy Comic Zine but it just
Won’t let me?
I’ve tried from both my phone and laptop in multiple different places with varying levels of wifi or bars and each time it either gives me an error page or it downloads and then gives me an error page after I get a few lines in
It’s just a blank white page that says “ExpiredRequestRequest has expired” and it’s actually making me so sad because I really want to read it so I can show my support to all the artists and writers but it just won’t let me:((
I definitely won’t stop trying to get it to work but I’m curious if anyone else is having this problem or if it’s just me
Also! @hotguycomiczine from what I’ve read of the first few panels it’s absolutely amazing! Here’s to hoping I can read the rest soon!
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alarminglybad · 2 months
Guarantee you he just didn’t plug it in
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lefttoesucker · 4 months
Hey, lovely people on Tumblr, I have a question
I've had this issues since forever, but I'm getting more active again so it's really starting to bother me
Why can't I comment/reply to comments on here?
Every time I do so it just says "we could not complete your request in time"
As far as I know I haven't broken any community guidelines, I tried switching to desktop and it still doesn't work, and it's not an issue of internet connection either
I have two accounts, with different emails, and on the other one it works with no problem. On this one I have this art sideblog and suddenly there's a problem
Does anyone else have this problem? And if so, is there a way to fix this?
I'd just really like to be able to talk to people through comments again
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natteryaktoad · 2 months
I seem to have lost my entire downloads folder! Help!
I was on a deleting spree a few days ago, trying to free up space on my computer. I must've somehow deleted something from the programme files (I honestly don't know how, because that's not a place I was deleting stuff from!) and when I tried to launch Sims today, it told me it wasn't installed.
I renamed my EA Games folder to keep it safe, and intalled the Sims 2 base game. When I then tried to run the game, it told me to insert the M&G disk (my latest EP). I did, renamed the new install and then renamed my EA Games folder back to normal so it would load my actual game.
I loaded the game, and loaded the Knowe/Thyme/Mander household, at which point I discovered there was no CC. I remembered that on a new install you have to let the CC pop up come up at the start menu, enable CC, then close and reload the game for the CC to come up. Which I did. Still no CC.
So I quit the game again, looked in my EA Games folder, and everything is there as normal except the downloads folder. It's not in my recyle bin, nor anywhere else I can find.
Any suggestions of what to try now (I have restarted my computer, although I didn't really think that would help - it didn't).
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12raben · 11 months
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This is my game with dxvk.
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This is my game without dxvk.
It might look almost the same, but I have a noticeable performance gain, when using dxvk. Problem is, that it seems to overwrite some edits I make with Nvidia profil Inspector, so using dxvk, the game looks simultaneously better and worse. I think, it's the anti aliasing, that is affected the most. I'll test some more in the next days.
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spookysalem13 · 4 months
I think something may be wrong with my asks submission box. It tells me I have asks, then I click to read them and it says there's nothing there.
I've tried everything to fix this error. If you've sent me an ask and I haven't responded I'm truly sorry, I cannot see it.
If you feel comfortable please leave it below this post and I will comment back to you or send you a direct message per your request 💜
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 3 months
does anyone else use clip studio paint im so pissed, i spent two-three hours last night organizing my brushes, as i have a ton of custom brushes. took the time to save it properly. then this morning i wake up, boot up clip studio, and almost all of my brushes are gone. even the default ones. it saved the location of the few that it kept, the folders and submenus i put it in, so its not like it reverted it to an older settup. it just removed the majority of my brushes for absolutely no reason. is there any recovery??? christ im pissed lmao
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fansplaining · 9 months
Hello! I have just started listening to your show after hearing about it in passing many times. I am enjoying it! But I noticed that only the episodes from 2020 to present are available on all three of the podcatchers that I have on my phone. Is there a way to listen to older episodes besides doing so on the website? It'll be a while before I run out of available episodes of course, but I would like to be able to scroll through them all to see use what I want to listen to. Are there plans to add the older eps?
Hi anon! We're so glad you're enjoying the show. <333 You are now the second person to flag us about this recently, and since you both cited multiple podcatchers, we think it's something to do with Libsyn, where we host the audio. We are investigating and will report back (hopefully with a fix!). Thank you so much for letting us know.
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I'm making a Chain Breakers sandwich. What kind of cheese(s) does Fiasco want on the sandwich? (american, swiss, mottzerella, blue, saucey? sliced? crumbled? grated? etc.)
I am not sure what kind of cheese @fiasco-of-freyglen would like on a sandwich. Maybe swiss?
Lionel prefers gouda, but that seems a bit much.
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dormimi-zzz · 3 months
I can't click on any links anymore for some reason. Is there a way I can fix this?
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Guys, look... Did... Did I do it? Am I free? My "For You" is empty. I think I finished Tumblr.
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hateful-daystar · 7 months
You are the ✨ rectangles ✨
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I used special unicode characters to make it a cool font. The empty boxes SHOULD READ as “DAYSTAR”.
I guess the device you used to view that post does not support the unicode characters I used. This is what it SHOULD look like.
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Out of curiosity, what device do you use?
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