#Teen mental health treatment centers
At Interval by La Ventana Treatment Programs, our mental health residential program in Thousand Oaks is dedicated to guiding individuals on their path to mental wellness. We understand the complexities of mental health disorders and offer a holistic approach to treatment that includes medical, psychological, and social support. From the moment you enter our program, you will be embraced by a supportive community committed to your recovery.
Interval by La Ventana Treatment Programs 1408 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (800) 560–8518
My Official Website: https://intervalteen.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7995448551301906579
Service We Offer:
Mental health service mental health residential program Anxiety Disorders Depressive Disorders Bipolar & Other Mood Disorders Trauma & Stress Related Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Reactive Attachment Disorder Abandonment / Adoption Issues Impulse Control ADHD Gender Identity Somatic symptoms Bullying Grief & Loss Self-harm behaviors (cutting, burning, skin picking) Suicidal thoughts & behaviors
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basepointacademy · 2 years
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Website : https://basepointacademy.com/locations/arlington-tx/
Address : 3900 Arlington Highlands Blvd Suite 237, Arlington, TX 76018
Phone : +1 469-747-1797
BasePoint Academy is a licensed mental health and substance use disorder treatment center serving children, adolescent and teens age 12-18 in the Arlington and Dallas Fort Worth Metro area. Our behavioral health treatment center provides therapy and counseling for teens, anxiety & depression treatment, and primary mental health rehab for teens with secondary drug addiction treatment. We offer some of the leading child psychologists and teenage psychiatrists in the DFW area. Our treatment modalities include resilience therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, CBT, DBT, Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), motivational interviewing therapy, experiential therapy, solution focused therapy, mindfulness therapy and more.
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jester-lover · 9 months
hello!!! Not sure if you still do requests but could I request Tim wright from marble hornets as a father figure to emo/scene kid teens <33
(I centered this request in a post-series context)
Tim as a father figure to an emo/scene kid ( PLATONIC !!! )
CWs/ mental illness, treatment of mental illness, smoking, substances, alcohol, minor violence, bittersweet fluff (not proofread)
Firstly, Tim is surprised that anyone sees him as a paternal figure to any degree. After the shock fades, he’s kinda proud of himself and the fact that he’s got it together enough for someone to see him as a parental figure.
🎞️Most of the bonding time you and Tim have is spent out in the yard of whatever place you call home, sharing pitchers of ice cold sweet tea in the humid Alabama heat.
🎞️Tim’s life experience has proved him to be a good mentor in all things related to mental health and finding good coping skills. He’ll try his best to discourage substance abuse and encourage you to make good decisions when it comes to finding friends.
🎞️He’ll teach you some valuable practical life skills as well, stuff he’s picked up over the years and over his torment with the operator. Mostly small security measures and self defense tactics.
🎞️Starts a lot of his stories with “Back in my day…” and an overdramatized sigh because he knows you get a kick out of it. He does try to sanitize some of the more serious stuff he’s seen.
🎞️More often than not, Tim enjoys whatever emo/scene music you’re into, and gives you free rein over the aux cord whenever he’s picking you up/dropping you off at school.
🎞️You can trust that he’s perceptive towards your interests, he always remembers to get you band tees and fun stuff for your birthday and any other holiday you celebrate.
🎞️Tim would never undermine your issues as ‘teen angst’ or moodiness, because if anyone can understand emotional distress, it’s him.
🎞️ Even if he smokes, he’ll advise you against it; being a responsible adult and all.
🎞️ Maybe gets a little bit teary eyed every time he sees you enjoying your life with your friends, he’s just so happy his kid is getting everything he couldn’t.
🎞️He’s definitely the dad standing around the back of hardcore shows cheering on his kid as they pummel people in the pit, sometimes he even joins in.
🎞️The fact that you’re an emo/scene kid would also make Tim nostalgic about his own college days and the emo/scene people he hung around.
🎞️If he finds out his kid is getting bullied, Tim is the type of parent to support retaliation. He doesn’t like seeing people get kicked around, and will always encourage you to speak up.
🎞️At the end of the day, I think Tim would make a great dad/father figure, and raise his scemo spawn up to be a relatively healthy and content adult with whom he spends time with and speaks to regularly. His own mistakes ceased to define him when he had you to worry about.
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trans-axolotl2 · 2 years
so excited for this book coming out at the end of January:
Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships by Rob Wipond.
Blurb from Amazon:
"Asylums are supposed to be in the past. However, though the buildings were closed, many of the practices lived on.
In fact, more law-abiding Americans today are being involuntarily committed and forcibly treated “for their own good” than at any time in history.
In the first work of investigative journalism in decades to give a comprehensive view into contemporary psychiatric incarceration and forced interventions, Your Consent Is Not Required exposes how rising numbers of people from many walks of life are being subjected against their will to surveillance, indefinite detention, and powerful tranquilizing drugs, restraints, seclusion, and electroshock.
There’s a common misconception that, due to asylum closures, only “dangerous” people get committed now. But forced psychiatric interventions today occur in thousands of public and private hospitals, and also in group and long-term care facilities, troubled-teen and residential treatment centers, and even in people’s own homes under outpatient commitment orders. Intended to “help,” for many people the experiences are terrifying, traumatizing, and permanently damaging.
Driven partly by individuals’ genuine concerns for the “mental health” of others, and partly by institutions entangled with goals of power, profit, and social control, psychiatric coercion is increasingly used to:
-manage school children and the elderly -quell family conflicts -police the streets -control people in shelters, community living, and prisons -fraudulently increase hospital profits -“resolve” workplace disagreements -detain protesters and discredit whistleblowers
Thoroughly researched, with alarming true stories and hard data from the US and Canada, Rob Wipond’s Your Consent Is Not Required builds an unassailable case for greater transparency, vigilance, and change."
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About 12 million people in the United States – nearly 5% of the adult population – have chronic pain that is accompanied by anxiety or depression so severe that it limits their ability to work, socialize and complete daily tasks, according to a new study.
The co-occurrence of chronic pain with anxiety and/or depression (A/D) is well known, but little research has been conducted on its prevalence or impact. To see how often the symptoms occur, researchers at the University of Arizona Health Sciences analyzed responses from nearly 32,000 people who participated in the 2019 National Health Interview Survey.
Their findings, published in in the journal PAIN, show that adults with chronic pain are about five times more likely to report anxiety or depression than those without chronic pain. The risk is even higher in adults with “high impact pain” – pain severe enough to limit daily life and work activities -- who are eight times more likely to have A/D. "The study's findings highlight an underappreciated population and health care need -- the interdependency between mental health and chronic pain," said lead author Jennifer De La Rosa, PhD, director of strategy for the UArizona Health Sciences Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center...
...Researchers say further studies are needed to see if people receiving pain treatment are also getting mental health care, and whether that care is helping with their symptoms. A recent study found that anxiety, depression and other mood disorders often precede the development of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). (Read more at link)
Yeah that was exactly my experience. Struggled with depression and anxiety from early teens and then by late twenties I started developing chronic issues starting with IBS, but also eventually including Fibromyalgia and a herniated disk. Although I did suffer from severe migraines in my teens too that aren't as debilitating now.
Also there is a risk of taking benzos for anxiety and opioids for pain together. Some doctors won't even prescribe opioids to people on benzos like Klonopin and Ativan. I actually managed to decrease the amount of Ativan I need monthly by just smoking marijuana daily.
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Dr. Phil: States across the country have passed laws banning "gender affirming care" on minors. Our next guest is a queer woman who is married to a trans man. When Jamie Reed worked as a caseworker at the transgender centre at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, she thought she was saving trans kids' lives. But she claims what she witnessed there was so morally and medically appalling that she had no choice but to expose what was really going on.
Jamie Reed: I was working in a paediatric gender for 4 1/2 years, primarily responsible for patient intakes. The center followed this message that transition would solve everything. That it would solve a child’s mental health problems. There were very few written protocols or guidelines. One of the providers even said we were "flying the plane as we built it." Doctors are acting like they're God when it comes to medically transitioning children.
Children could identify themselves as transgender, see a therapist for one visit, see our endocrinologist for one visit, and end up with hormones that would impact and change their bodies for their lifetime. These were identities that were still shifting and changing, but the treatments were irreversible and permanent. I saw a young person who was begging to have their breasts put back on after having surgery.
We were encouraged not to make a big deal out of it and definitely not to tell other families. I couldn't continue to be silent on it. The medical harms and trauma that I saw with these teens just took over my life. I was told I could no longer raise concerns or even use the phrase, "I have concerns about a patient." I have no trust in this industry medically transitioning minors anymore.
Dr. Phil: Jamie, thank you for being here.
Jamie: Thank you for having me.
Dr. Phil: You describe yourself a queer woman married to a transgender man and you're a member of the LGBTQ community and you went there to do something good, something positive at this clinic in St Louis. What changed your mind?
Jamie: A number of things. We started to see patients who were experiencing very significant medical harms. Being rushed to the emergency room with lacerations requiring stitches. We had patients contact us who were begging to have body parts put back on within months of having surgeries. And the thing that kept happening is every time I would raise concerns and ask about the protocols and ask about the guidelines, this is just how the industry works. If a child says they're trans, there’s no questioning it, we just say, "yep, you're trans, what would you like?"
Dr. Phil: You’re telling me that a 12- or 13-year-old who can’t decide which pyjamas to wear can come in and say, "I’ve decided that I want to transition," and with no more than a couple of hours - or two visits, not even a couple of hours, two visits - they say, okay, start taking this, start doing this. Which alters their biochemistry in a way that you can’t come back from.
Jamie: Correct.
Dr. Phil: And you say you saw dramatic increases in teenage girls that had no previous history of gender distress and they suddenly declared themselves transgender and demanded immediate testosterone [and] blockers.
Jamie: When I started - so I was there for 4 1/2 years, and when I started, I maybe would have 5 to 10 new incoming patients a month. By the time I left it was close to 50 every single month. My background is in clinical research and so I started looking at the data, I wanted to know what the numbers told me. And towards the end of my tenure, 73% of the new patients coming to us were girls who were in their teen years, so in that really vulnerable age of like 13 to 16 where they are just exposed to so many social pressures and they’re so empathetic to what’s going on around them too, that they really pick up on what’s going on in their peer group. We had clusters where it would be a handful of one whole high school classroom would come in all trans identified.
Dr. Phil: Historically, this typically would be males and you would have a female how often?
Jamie: Oh, very rare. And also, the ages were different. So, it would usually be younger boys who seemed very feminine or had feminine traits to their family and their families would seek care trying to understand what’s going on for their young male child. This was never something that would start in adolescence.
And these girls were also learning on TikTok, Instagram, they would come in and they would almost have the exact same storyline too. Like they learned what to say from a video to explain, "oh no really, I’ve felt this way from early childhood." But a lot of their parents couldn’t remember anything like that.
And part of what’s going on right now is that if you question this at all, you are immediately called transphobic, you’re immediately called homophobic, you’re immediately considered a bigot. And it’s just not scientific reality.
Dr. Phil: Jamie Reed says that her goal was to support trans youth. Jamie says patients had no idea what they were going to be as adults, yet all it took for them to permanently transform themselves was one or two short conversations with a therapist. When you say short, what would you call short?
Jamie: One visit. I saw letters being written approving children for puberty blockers or cross sex hormones after a single visit with a therapist.
Dr. Phil: And how long would that visit be?
Jamie: 30, 40 minutes.
Dr. Phil: And you said that the clinic would actually provide them a letter that checked all the boxes for them to qualify for the treatment.
Jamie: It wasn’t the clinic, it was me. It was my job. I sent out the fill-in-the-blank letter. I sent it. It’s what we did. We sent it directly to the community therapist and said just fill this out, plug-in where you need to, and we’re good to go.
Dr. Phil: What kind of things would it say?
Jamie: At the end of all of the letters would say, "I am approving this patient for puberty blockers or cross sex hormones." "They meet criteria."
Dr. Phil: There were some emails that you saw that were very troubling to you and I’d like to look at these.
Email to Jamie from Parent Revoking Consent June 9, 2022
"Please be advised that I’m revoking my consent for this course of medical treatment. Grades have dropped, there’s been an in-patient behavioural health visit and now he’s on 5 different medications. Lexapro, Trazadone, Buspar, etc. Blank is a shell of his former self riddled with anxiety. Who knows if it’s because of the hormone blockers or the other medications. I revoke my consent. I want the hormone blocker removed."
Jamie: The mom, who is a legal guardian, sent us that email and we acted like we knew better than a parent. And we refused to remove the blocker.
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hi, do you have anything for arfid? i dont struggle with my self image but i do struggle with eating enough or even eating on harder days and its so disheartening when i have no energy and feel bad and exhausted and i know i just have to eat to feel better but i CANT
Hello dear one! I can absolutely offer some resources for ARFID. Compared to how we understand many other eating and feeding disorders, ARFID is often left out do discussions because it isn’t body image centered. This can make finding support really difficult! I am so proud of you for working towards a happier and healthier self and finding ways to eat, especially with such strong mental barriers trying to stop you.
Understanding whether you’re dealing with ARFID oriented more around avoidance, aversion, restriction, or a combination may be a good place to start. This can help you define what actually happens in your mind, and what you feel prevents you from eating. Did this disorder stem from a specific experience, genetics, social factors, or a mix? Answering these questions will likely be a big factor in what treatment your pursue.
As I recommend for every eating disorder, a multidisciplinary approach of therapy, nutritional support, and medical assessment is very important for recovering. This isn’t something you are making up, nor is it something you can magically stop. It’s okay to need more help, and because it’s a mental health issue you may need someone to help you work through a professional level plan.
I know many people struggling with ARFID receive support in eating and trying new foods as a form of exposure therapy. This is a very scary and mentally intense task, so it should be planned. Planning to work with a professional or loved one on a specific schedule and slowly work up to trying and eating new and more foods is a good way to press your limits. You will struggle, it will suck a lot sometimes! But you will also make progress. Don’t push yourself into a panic, it’s okay to work up to a single crumb over a period. Whatever works works. Also prepare to rest and recover from the experience. If you work up to taking a bite of a food you previously couldn’t, you are allowed to feel exhausted and need to practice self care after. This isn’t meant to be a punishing experience.
I’ve attached two articles below that offer information that could be helpful for seeking treatment. I also recommend support groups and recovery groups, which may help be a healthy motivator and reassurance that you are not alone in this.
You’ve got this!
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
The FDA hasn’t approved them for gender dysphoria, and their effects are serious and permanent.
The fashion for transgenderism has brought with it a new euphemism: “gender-affirming care,” which means surgical and pharmacological interventions designed to make the body look and feel more like that of the opposite sex. Gender-affirming care for children involves the use of “puberty blockers”: one of five powerful synthetic drugs that block the natural production of sex hormones.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved those medications to treat prostate cancer, endometriosis, certain types of infertility and a rare childhood disease caused by a genetic mutation. But it has never approved them for gender dysphoria, the clinical term for the belief that one’s body is the wrong sex.
Thus the drugs, led by AbbVie’s Lupron, are prescribed to minors “off label.” (They are also used off-label for chemical castration of repeat sex offenders.) Off-label dispensing is legal; some half of all prescriptions in the U.S. are for off-label uses. But off-label use circumvents the FDA’s authority to examine drug safety and efficacy, especially when the patients are children. Some U.S. states have eliminated the need for parental consent for teens as young as 15 to start puberty blockers.
Proponents of puberty blockers contend there is little downside. The Department of Health and Human Services claims puberty blockers are “reversible.” It omits the evidence that “by impeding the usual process of sexual orientation and gender identity development,” these drugs “effectively ‘lock in’ children and young people to a treatment pathway,” according to a report by Britain’s National Health Service, which cites studies finding that 96% to 98% of minors prescribed puberty blockers proceed to cross-sex hormones.
Gender advocates also falsely contend that puberty blockers for children and teens have been “used safely since the late 1980s,” as a recent Scientific American article put it. That ignores substantial evidence of harmful long-term side effects.
The Center for Investigative Reporting revealed in 2017 that the FDA had received more than 10,000 adverse event reports from women who were given Lupron off-label as children to help them grow taller. They reported thinning and brittle bones, teeth that shed enamel or cracked, degenerative spinal disks, painful joints, radical mood swings, seizures, migraines and suicidal thoughts. Some developed fibromyalgia. There were reports of fertility problems and cognitive issues.
The FDA in 2016 ordered AbbVie to add a warning that children on Lupron might develop new or intensified psychiatric problems. Transgender children are at least three times as likely as the general population to have anxiety, depression and neurodevelopmental disorders. Last year, the FDA added another warning for children about the risk of brain swelling and vision loss.
The lack of research demonstrating that benefits outweigh the risks has resulted in some noteworthy pushback in the U.S. and abroad. Republican legislatures in a dozen states have curtailed or banned gender-affirming care for minors. Finland, citing concerns about side effects, in 2020 cut back puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors. Sweden followed suit in 2022 and Norway this year. Britain’s National Health Service shuttered the country’s largest youth gender clinic after 35 clinicians resigned over three years, complaining they were pressured to overdiagnose gay, mentally ill, and autistic teens and prescribe medications that made their conditions worse.
Still, the U.S. and most European countries embrace a standard of care that pushes youngsters toward “gender-affirming” treatments. It circumvents “watchful waiting” and talk therapy and diagnoses many children as gender dysphoric when they may simply be going through a phase.
Gender-affirming care for children is undoubtedly a flashpoint in America’s culture wars. It is also a human experiment on children and teens, the most vulnerable patients. Ignoring the long-term dangers posed by unrestricted off-label dispensing of powerful puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, combined with the large overdiagnosis of minors as gender dysphoric, borders on child abuse.
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thegrimalldis · 2 years
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This is for the very special nonnie who sent me their headcanon/au story for Chriszola. If you would like to read it, I put it under the cut!
My very very very long AU Chriszola headcanon goes like this. From where you currently left them off in the story they continue to grow closer as friends now that Zola’s told him the truth about Green Eyes and they made up over what Chris said to Max. Zola keeps working on writing and recording Circus Attraction and is thriving in the creative process. She’s doing so well in fact that Eric(?) the CEO for Rift Records is NOT happy to see that Zola is on her way to producing another hit album. So Eric has one of the producers working on Zola’s album send over one of the tracks to Mikael for Hailee to secretly record. Rift Records pull the ultimate snake move and release an EP from Hailee that was completely stolen from the album Zola was working on. Hailee goes viral on TikTok with the song breaking Spotify streaming records. Zola is absolutely devastated to the point where she doesn’t leave her house for two weeks and cancels several appearances she has and Chris is so concerned he goes and stays with her to make sure she’s eating and taking care of herself. The sleuth Zolanators end putting together that Hailee’s new hit song must have been written by Zola based on lyrics and stylistic similarities between the song and the music off of the Green Eyes album. But Zola isn’t credited as a writer on the song! Based on Zola’s cancelled appearances, social media silence, and leaks within the music industry it goes public that Zolanation’s theory about her song being stolen was right! Zola leaves her house for the first time in weeks to pick up some groceries and is hounded by the press to the point where she gets caught on camera having a panic attack while trying to safely exit the store. The store owner ends up having to call an ambulance/the police and Zola ends up checking herself into a facility so that she can receive treatment for her mental health and the stress she’s been under. Chris goes with Zola’s mom Lorelai to drop her off at the treatment center. Rift Records and Hailee receive a TON of backlash. It’s so bad that both are also blamed for Zola’s panic attack and stay at the treatment center.
While Zola is at the treatment center for two months, Chris runs into Hailee at one of Nate’s parties. She tries to approach Chris but he gives her the cold shoulder as he thinks that she was aware that she was singing Zola’s music. Hailee tells him that she had no idea the single had been written by Zola, as Mikael (her producer) came to her one day and said that Eric had a great new single in mind that he thought would be perfect for her. Hailee recorded the song trusting the more experienced producers around her. Had she known the song had been stolen from Zola’s upcoming album she would have said no to recording it. Hailee feels awful about what went down with Zola because she herself was a huge Zola fan as a teen and has always admired her for paving the way for other female musicians like herself. Chris believes her. During this same time, the Grimalldis are not the kindest when it comes to Zola. They don’t know anything about the true rumors going around about Rift Records stealing her song to give it too Hailee. They just know she had a public meltdown of some sort and is off in “rehab.” Lottie makes an offhand comment one night during a family dinner about how this is Zola’s karma coming to get her and in a very rare moment for Chris he goes off on her at the dinner table. Telling her and his family how disappointed he is to hear them judging Zola, a woman they don’t know, when they have no clue what’s really been going on with her. He tells them about her mental health struggles, and how Rift Records had already been trying to phase her out before this incident, and how the label stole her song to give to Hailee. Chris also reveals that Zola never meant to publish Green Eyes, that it was leaked by someone else to get her a breakthrough hit and that she and him have made up over it. But mostly he tells his family he’s disappointed to hear them belittling someone who is so clearly suffering at the moment, especially because of their own family’s history with public breakdowns (cc: Cora attacking Josh’s car/Eleanor’s failed wedding). Chris believes he was raised better than this and that his family is capable of more empathy and compassion than is being displayed. Even if they don’t believe Zola about Green Eyes he tells them that they should be embarrassed of themselves for not trusting Chris’ own judgment and respecting his friendship with Zola, because if he was able to forgive her and move on from what happened then as his family they should respect that. He coldly gets up and leaves the table leaving behind a crying Lottie who feels terrible and a stunned rest of the table.
During her stay at the treatment facility, Zola connects well with one of the counselors there who is able to get her to delve into the sources of much of her anxiety and depression (her relationship with her dad, lack of friends besides Chris, trust issues, an unhealthy relationship with food etc). She makes good progress while in treatment and when she leaves she actually sends her dad a handwritten note she wrote him while in treatment opening up about how their poor relationship has impacted her, telling him she’s not ready to see him right now but one day hopes they can sit down and repair their relationship. Lorelai (her mom) picks her up from the treatment center, and brings Zola back home where she is shocked to find that Chris has delivered a huge assortment of sunflowers (Zola’s favorite) with a note about how he wanted to bring some sunshine to her and that he can’t wait to see her once she’s settled back in. Lorelai sees the smile on Zola’s face reading the card and tells her “I think that I may have been wrong about that Grimalldi boy. He checked in with me everyday while you were away to make sure that you were okay.” While away Zola wasn’t getting her hair dyed, and she decides now that she’s back home that she’s done with the look that Rift Records designed for her. She goes to see her hair stylist and has them color her hair back to her natural brunette color. When Chris sees her for the first time since she got back home it brings a huge smile to his face to see Zola back to her natural roots. He offers to refer her to his lawyers if she wants to sue Rift Records and Eric, Zola thanks him and tells him that she and her lawyers are working on their solution. Zola ends up having a meeting with her team of lawyers and Eric’s. Her terms are simple: a writing credit on the song they stole from her and gave to Hailee; to be let out of her contract early with no money owed to the label , and to allow her to leave with al of the unfinished circus attraction tracks that she and her producers had been working on. Eric laughs at her and tells her that Rift Records own all of the music that she’s written in the past as well as her upcoming album and that if she wants out the label won’t allow her to take the new music she was working on elsewhere. Zola calls his bluff and tells Eric that if he doesn’t acquiesce to her more than fair terms she will go the press and agree to a sit down interview where she spills all to the world about the toxic nature of the label, how Eric stole her music to try and prop up Haille and pit them against each other, and how the pressures and stress she faced over years of mistreatment culminated in her public breakdown. Her lawyers are prepared to sue Rift Records for intentional infliction of emotional distress and copyright infringement based on an obscure clause in Zola’s contract that gave her songwriting credits on released Rift Records musical property. Zola makes it clear to Eric that holding her and her music hostage will simply be a PR nightmare and that her fans have already publicized what he did to her and Hailee. The legal team for Rift Records advises Eric to agree to Zola’s terms and in exchange she gets no money that was still owed to her under her contract and the label still owns the rights to all her previous music. Zola agrees so that she can finally be free to move on and make new music the way she wants.
With her newfound freedom, Zola signs with a smaller label that is more client based and actually has female producers (a rarity in the music industry). Zola and her new producer Maya get along very well and together they finish writing and producing the Circus Attraction Album. Hailee reaches out to Zola after it’s announced that she’s left Rift Records and the two privately meet up to discuss what went down with the song. They talk everything out and even manage to post a photo together on their insta grids showing them meeting up together with the caption “#womensupportingwomen” which sends both their fanbases into a tizzy and has Eric and Rift Records trending for hours on twitter being dragged as a misogynist who tried to make these two girls enemies of each other. While Zola is getting her career back on track, Margot has a talk with Max and tells him that Chris was right, the family behaved very poorly in their reactions to Zola’s struggles and they had no right to judge her so harshly when they themselves are far from perfect. Max says that even though Chris says he and Zola have made up he still is weary about Chris being friends with her because he viewed her notoriety and fans as being a liability to the family’s public image. Margot says that they have to trust Chris in whom he is friends with. Max says he’s worried that they may become more than just friends to which Margot reminds him that if that day comes they will cross that bridge then. Chris ignored Lottie’s many phone calls for a week until she sent him a photo of Clarice saying that his niece missed her Uncle Chris. Chris agreed to meet up with Lottie and she apologized for how insensitive her comments were, telling him that her anger over the years came from how hurt she knew Chris had been back then. She realizes that he was right in not knowing who Zola as an adult was and that kicking her while she was down was not cool as Lottie is a better person than that. She tells Chris she’s still uncomfortable with him being so close with Zola now because she thinks her world is not right for Chris. Chris assures her for the umpteenth time that they are just friends and he needs to respect that. Lottie agrees to back off. Zola and Chris continue being best friends and she eventually debuts Circus Attraction to record breaking success.
Circus Attraction is the biggest success of Zola’s career and over the next two years she debuts the album and embarks on a world-wide stadium tour, selling out every venue and rebranding her image as the Queen of Pop.  Chris and Zola continue their friendship and meet up when they can in-between her tour stops. Chris makes sure to have food delivered to Zola’s hotel/tour bus at least once a week while she’s on tour to continue their tradition of him making sure she eats a real meal. During those two years Chris continues his royal work as the Duke of Wells and has two non-serious relationships. He dates a Windasian model for 4 months and then a few months later dates a marketing executive for six months that he met through mutual friends at a dinner party. Zola meets both of them, and neither takes a liking to the “best friend” that Chris is always delivering food too and texting 24/7. Lottie is still dropping hints to Chris that he and a single Emi should get back together, as she wasn’t a fan of the model (who she met once briefly ) and is mad she never even got to meet the marketing executive. Zola on the other hand stays single (aside from some much needed one night stands cause a girl has needs) and focuses on herself and planning her next album.
Once her Circus Attraction Tour is over and she’s back in Monaca she tells Chris about how even when she was on tour she felt like she still didn’t really get to enjoy any of the places she went too b/c she was on such a busy schedule and how she wishes she’d had more downtime. Chris tells her that she still can and tells her to be spontaneous with him and catch a flight to Paris that night. Zola is obviously confused and tells him they can’t just jump on a plane! Chris is like “why not? It’s Saturday and I don’t have any engagements until Monday.” Tempted by Chris’ offer of a full day of sightseeing with her best friend and the use of the Grimalldi private jet she agrees. They fly to Paris and spend the day lazily wandering down the city streets, stopping for lunch inside street side cafes indulging in French bread with homemade butter, croissants, and all the delicacies Parisian bakeries have to offer. To keep themselves under the radar they don’t go to any fancy restaurants for dinner instead buying cheap wine and delicious food from street vendors. As the night wears on they end up at one of the parks that has a picturesque view of the Eiffel Tower, sitting there under the stars, full moon shining down at them, Zola thanks Chris for being there for her and tells him that she truly doesn’t believe she would have survived the last three years without him. Chris echoes her sentiments. Zola then laughs telling him that since she was a kid she’d always dreamed of spending a night underneath the Paris skyline with a mysterious Frenchman who swept her off her feet. She never imagined she’d actually to do it with her ex-boyfriend/best friend who just soo happens to be a prince. As they’re both laying in the grass Chris tickles her at that remark and they both start to laugh as Chris hits all of Zola’s ticklish spots. Sparks fly as he ends up hovered right above her and for a brief moment their lips almost touch. They start intensely at one another before Zola breaks away laughing a bit to lighten up the mood. But despite their attempts to laugh off their almost kiss, both are now aware that something has shifted for each of them. Zola tells Chis that she knows he’s lonely and that he thinks he’ll never fall in love again after Emi, but she tells him that she thinks that he’s wrong and that hell fall in love again one day without even realizing it. During their red-eye flight home early that next morning both are consumed with thoughts about what happened. And while Chris is asleep on the plane, the sunlight pouring through the window and falling on his face, Zola starts  humming along a melody that coms to mind, eventually writing down on her napkin the following lyrics: “I want to brainwash you into loving me forever. Confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters.” These lyrics spark her creativity for her next album and end up being the first track she writes, with the song aptly titled “Paris” (cc; Taylor’s Swift’s song Paris off the Midnight Albums to hear what it sounds like).
Back in Monaca, Zola is eager to get back into the studio and start working on her next album feeling inspired by the initial lyrics she’s written down so far for “Paris” Meanwhile Chris gets back into work and trying to convince himself that what he felt in Paris for Zola was just a momentary lapse of tension fueled by being in Paris. They are just friends. Zola on the other hand has long realized that she’s had feelings for Chris. Before her public breakdown she knew she had a crush on him, and once she got out of treatment and was regularly seeing a therapist she accepted that those feelings were more than a crush, especially as she and Chris grew closer over the next several years. But because she knew Chris only saw her as a friend she never said anything, and has just been focused on taking care of herself. Over the next few months Chris keeps having to stop himself from thinking of Zola in a romantic way as his attraction to her grows. Things hit a huge roof spot though when Zola finds out that her dad has been diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. She hasn’t spoken to her dad in three years since their argument that sparked the idea for Circus Attraction. Despite her reaching out to him after she got out of treatment he never responded to her letter and Zola had decided to just move on. Her dad’s diagnosis hits Zola very hard as Thaddeus is only 60 years old. Zola goes through the full range of emotions, anger at her dad for not ever reaching out to her when she was in crisis and at her worst physically and mentally, sadness that they don’t have the time together she thought they would to repair things, regret at all the time they lost out on together. Thad’s prognosis is not good and the doctors only give him a few months to live, not wanting to die in the hospital he elects to forgo treatment and spend his final days at home with Sharon. Sharon and Greg reach out to Zola and beg her to come see Thad as they don’t want him to die with the two of them estranged. Zola declines to go see him the first two months after he’s diagnosed as she’s still processing her feelings over the situation. Finally she gets a call from Sharon telling her it’s now or never. Chris volunteers to go with Zola to say goodbye to her dad as he knows that she doesn’t want to go alone, and Lorelai doesn’t want to see him. Zola arrives to see her dad and it’s clear that Thaddeus is in his last days and won’t be conscious for much longer. Zola sits down with him and tells him it’s her, as at this point he’s having a hard time deciphering who he’s talking too. In his disoriented state Thaddeus doesn’t recognize her, and keeps asking for his “little girl” making Zola realize that he’s referring to her. Knowing she’ll never be able to have the conversation with him she’s so desperately wanted, she instead takes his hand and starts singing Jeff Buckley’s version of Hallelujah, tears streaming down her face. Thaddeus calms down and drifts off into sleep, never fully regaining consciousness before he passes away three days laters. Unbeknownst to Zola, Chris and Sharon are watching Zola and Thaddeus' goodbye from the hallway. Both in tears it’s at this moment that Chris realizes that he thinks he’s falling in love with his best friend.
After Zola’s dad dies, Chris is more confused than ever. He goes to Edmund’s house because he needs someone to talk things over with. He tells Edmund how he always knew that Emi was the love of his life and that he could never imagine himself loving anyone else the way that he loved her. But that now he has feelings for Zola and he’s not sure what to do. Edmund tells Chris that two things can be true at once. Emi was a great love of Chris’ life, and what he had with her was special and one of a kind and isn’t something that he’ll share with anyone else again in the same way. But that doesn’t mean that he can’t fall in love with someone else and experience a great love story with them that is just theirs and just as worth having. Like Edmund says  if Chris thinks that he and Zola are worth taking that risk together, then he needs to stop wasting his time talking to Edmund and go tell Zola that 😂 Shortly after this Chris and Zola both end up attending another party of Nate’s. At this party Maya, Zola’s producer introduces her to an artist named Matt that she’s friends with and who she has been wanting to get Zola on a date with forever. Zola and Matt hit off and are just engaging in interesting small talk when Chris arrives at the party. He sees Zola with Matt and can tell that Matt’s interested in her. Although he knows it’s not fair for him to feel this way, he’s jealous plain and simple. In typical Chris fashion when he’s uncomfortable he retreats inwardly, and spends the rest of the party ignoring Zola and Matt. Zola on the other hand notices that Chris is there and when she tries to say hi to him is hurt when he quickly blows her off, briefly introducing himself to Matt before walking away to chat with Nate for the rest of the night. Pissed off Zola shows up at Chris’ house after the party and demands to know why he was ignoring her all night. Chris denies he was ignoring her to which Zola calls bullshit. “I’ve been your best friend for four years now Chris. I know when you’re lying. Just be honest with me” Chris insists that he just was in a bad mood and didn’t want to disturb her and Matt. This really upsets Zola as she realizes now that he was jealous. She tells Chris that this isn’t fair, that he doesn’t get to have her as his best friend, but then ignore her when she’s just talking to another guy. Especially when it’s been obvious since she got out of the treatment center that she’s been in love with him. Chris is shocked to hear Zola say it out loud and she repeats herself: “There I said it. I’m in love with you Chris. I’ve been in love with you all this time and I think deep down part of you has always known that.” Zola breaks down and with tears starting to trickle down her eye tells Chris that she thought she could keep her feelings to herself, just accept only having Chris as her friend, but that she realizes now it’s not fair to either of them to do that. She deserves to be with someone who loves her and that if Chris doesn’t feel the same way he needs to tell her so that she can finally let go of the possibility of Chris and move on with her life. Chris is genuinely stunned and doesn’t know what to say. He tells Zola that over the last year since their Paris trip he has thought of her as more than a friend but that he didn’t know how to handle it and doesn’t know what to do. Zola is heartbroken and tells him that she thinks they both need some space away from each other. As she’s leaving his house she drops off an envelope for him and tells him it’s an early birthday present.
A week goes by and Chris and Zola still haven’t spoken. Chris is informed at the last minute that he needs to take Eleanor’s place on an upcoming engagement in Gardania (much to Lottie’s delight) because Eleanor’s doctor has advised her not to travel due to her pregnancy complications (she’s pregnant with Ingrid at this point). Chris travels to Gardania where he undertakes an engagement with none other than Miss Emilia DeVilliers herself. Chrisemi undertake their engagement together, astutely handling the press’ invasive questions about whether they’re going to get back together. After the engagement is over Emi asks Chris if he’d like to have dinner with her that night as friends to catch up. Chris agrees. They have dinner and easily fall back into their old banter and routine with one another. An hour and 2 glasses of wine into dinner Emi mentions the elephant in the room and asks Chris if he ever imagines what their lives together would have been like had they not broken up. Chris tells her of course he has, that everyday for the first few years after their break up he thought about her and wished that he had been more mature so that he could have handled his military deployment better. He apologizes to Emi for not communicating with her properly and tells her that she deserved more than to be blindsided like that. Emi accepts his apology and apologizes for not having recognized sooner that Chris was struggling at the time and that trying to fix things for him wasn’t what he needed. She also says she’s sorry if she hurt him once she started dating Bart. Chris admits he was upset about it because he knew that Bart had feelings for Emi while they were together and it made him second guess whether she did too. Emi says she didn’t and that after the break up she was so heart broken that it was just easy and comfortable to fall back into a relationship with Bart since they knew each other so well and trusted each other. She was lonely and he was the right person who was there for her when she needed it. This then leads Emi to ask Chris about Zola. Seeing them rekindle their friendship really surprised Emi and she had her own thoughts about whether Chris had thought about her during their relationship. Chris doesn’t hesitate to say no, absolutely not. He never thought about Zola while he was with Emi and probably never would have spoken to her again had they not both ended up together at Nate’s beach party that day. But even then Chris tells Emi he’s glad that he and Zola came back into each other’s lives when they did because they were both there for one another when they really needed it. Staring at him Emi can tell that Chris cares about Zola quite deeply, and she tells him quietly that she thinks he should tell Zola that he’s in love with her. A surprised Chris aks Emi how she can tell and she said its obvious from the way that his face lights up when he talks about as it her reminds Emi of how he used to look at her when they were together. Chris tells Emi he thinks he’s already blown his chance, but she tells him to learn from their mistakes and go after her. As they end their evening giving each other a warm hug goodbye, neither notices that they’ve been photographed by an annoying paparazzo with a long-lease camera from across the street.
The next morning Chris awakens to a flurry of text messages and missed calls from his press secretary, Helena, Max, and most importantly Lottie as photos of him and Emi from the night before have been posted all over the internet proclaiming them back together. Chris freaks out because he realizes how this is going to look to Zola and he doesn’t want her to get the wrong idea about him and Emi. He tries calling and texting her but doesn’t get a response. On his flight back home to Monaca as he’s stressing he remembers the envelope Zola had left him. He’d packed it inside his briefcase but had forgotten to open it. Inside it the envelope is a flash drive and a note that simply reads: “to the only person I’d want to explore Paris with” Intrigued Chris plugged the flash drive into his laptop and clicked play on the single track labeled “Paris” as he did he was taken aback hearing the song that Zola had written about their night together. Hearing Zola belt out:
I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever. I wanna transport you. To somewhere the culture’s clever. Confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters. Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight….in an alleyway, drinking champagne. Cause we were in Paris. Yes we were somewhere else. My love, we were in Paris, Yes we were somewhere else.”
Chris realized not only how much Zola loved him but how much he loved her too. When his plane landed he called his press secretary and told him to put out a statement denying the reports about him an Emi and to clear his schedule for the rest of the day because he had an important stop he had to make. Racing over to Zola’s house Chris banged on the door hoping she was home. When Zola answered Chris told her to not say anything and to just hear him out: He didn’t know what she’d heard or seen online about him and Emi but none of it was true. It was just two friends saying goodbye after a great dinner together. And the reason he needed her to know is because she’s his best friend, and being honest with each other is what they do. Which is why he was sorry for not being honest with her about his feelings for her sooner. Because the truth is that he’s in love with her and he has been ever since their night together in Paris. He was just too scared to admit it because after Emi he was so heartbroken he thought he would never fall in love again and he didn’t want to get hurt. That night in Paris Zola had told Chris that one day he would fall in love again without even realizing it, and she was right, he had…with her. Slowly and then all at once. He’d listened to “Paris” and although he wasn’t the mysterious frenchman of her dreams, if she’d have him he would love to be the guy she always wants to roam the streets of Paris with. Queue Zola jumping into Chris’ arms and telling him “it took you long enough” as they both laugh and share a movie-worthy kiss.
Chris and Zola start dating and four months later the Grimalldi’s press office announces their relationship after being tipped off that the press was about to publish a story on them dating.  Their relationship announcement sends Zolanation into such a freak out that they break twitter and cause the app to go down from all the freak outs over their reunion. Zola’s next album comes out two months later with Paris as the debut track (released with Chris’ permission). And after realizing that Paris is about Chris, most of Zolanation become ardent supporters of their rekindled romance. At Margot’s behest the rest of the family is respectful and supportive of Chris dating Zola. Even Lottie comes to like Zola the more time she actually starts to spend with her. A year and half into their relationship Chris tells Helena + Marmax that he wants to propose to Zola and that once they’re married he’s stepping down from being a working royal. Chris lets them know that he’ll continue to serve the family with dignity in the future work he wants to pursue but that he wants to build a life with Zola and he knows that being a working royal isn’t for her. Helena and Max are NOT happy about this but Margot makes it clear to them that they need to respect Chris’ choices or risk losing him. With Margot ever the voice of reason, Helena and Max give Chris their blessing to propose to Zola. Chris proposes to Zola in Paris (of course) at midnight on the anniversary of the night of their infamous trip. They get married in a private ceremony on the beach where they first reconnected at Nate’s party 6 years ago. True to his word Chris renounces his duchy title and decides to start his own non-profit organization aimed at helping military veterans re-adjusting to civilian life. The inspiration was the series of journals his Uncle Nicholas had written during his military tenure and in his first year back at home after the Nihon War. Eliza had given the journals to Chris before he left for his initial deployment and they provided him with a lot of guidance during his first few years of service. Zola retired from singing and touring after her she and Chris got married as she wanted to settle down and have a family. Two years after their wedding they had twins Julian (boy) and Lydia (a girl) (aka the fake Chriszola babies you previously made). When the twins are three Zola eventually writes and produces an album of children’s lullabies inspired by her twins, the album is a success and she ends up winning another grammy for it. When the twins are four oopsie baby number three happens Evelyn (girl) aka Evie. She has Zola’s brown hair and the Grimalldi green eyes. Chris and Zola raise their kids out of the spotlight (as much as they can) but luckily for Zola’s fans after her children’s album she makes guest appearances over the years singing at some of the events put on by Chris’s non-profit. Although Zola was never able to really heal her relationship with her dad before he died, she remains close to her stepmom Sharon and her brother Greg. Chriszola happily grow old together watching their kids grow up. Julian ends up following in his dad’s footsteps and takes over running the non-profit once Chris retires. Lydia ends up becoming a famous fashion model and Evie becomes an archaeologist specializing in Ancient Egyptian history (yes this is 100% a nod to the badass that is Miss Evelyn O’Connor of The Mummy Series).
The End. 
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Interval by La Ventana Treatment Programs, we understand the unique challenges that teens face when dealing with mental health issues. Our specialized program is designed to provide comprehensive and compassionate treatment for teenagers struggling with various mental health conditions. Call us at (800) 560–8518 for more information about mental health treatment for teens or visit our website.
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ghostjunksickness · 10 months
Here’s the Vahn breakdown!
Circumstance, Trauma and healing.
Vahns entire life is a series of things going terribly wrong and then continuing to live whether they like it or not.
What exactly Vahn was like right before the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Day is a big blank space, so they can only really be analyzed from the time they met Trigger and onwards (with the exception of a handful of early childhood flashbacks).
For all the messiness of the two hunters relationship, I do think that on the whole Trigger was probably the best person to have found Vahn. He was never the best at helping Vahn emotionally, but Trigger’s decision making inadvertently kept Vahn safe from Interstellar for Five Years.
At face value, Andrew seems like he would have been the best person to have picked up Vahn. He’s already familiar with Vahn and the rest of the Avalons would have been an incredible support network for the freshly traumatized teen. However . That’s not taking into account Vahns new powers coupled with a dangerously unstable mental state.
We saw in a flashback the first time Vahns arms extended, they were having some kind of emotional breakdown and attacking Trigger. If Vahn did that to a member of the Avalon family, it could have gone much worse than a minor concussion for just Vahn. Andrew is freshly traumatized himself at this point which adds another volatile element to the mix. Even if everything worked out about as well as it did with Trigger, the greatest difference is that Andrew would have almost certainly brought up Vahns tattoos and powers to outside parties. Well intentioned no doubt but with what we know of Interstellar and especially Dr. Yaromir, any whiff of Vahns powers would have had Fiachra and her people kidnapping Vahn within the week.
Hell, within 24 hours of Trigger semi abandoning them, Vahns tattoos were photographed and sent to Yaromir at a random bar, five YEARS after everything went down. And the more I think about it, the more I’m amazed Trigger managed to not only hide them for so long, but keep Vahn in relatively good health too. Trigger happened to have just the right collection of contacts and paranoia to get Vahn medicine, wrapped up and off the wrong radars long enough to survive to this point.
Which is all the more important considering Vahns amnesia. Vahn regularly gets mistaken for a kid and does exhibit many childish qualities, but when you take into account they’re working with all of five years worth of memories? Yeah makes sense why they’re skewing a bit lower. Vahn doesn’t have access to their formative years so it’s a bit like trying to understand a book that’s had the first dozen chapters ripped out.
Blocking out painful memories seems to be Vahns way of dealing with trauma as well. Selective memory is a legitimate way people can deal with extremely traumatic experiences.
It happens at least twice, the first being when Vahn first got their tattoos and the world almost ending. And then again after being halfway murdered and assaulted by Aiden. At least the second time Vahn only lost a week. But while losing memories helped protect Vahns mind the first time, it left them in an extremely vulnerable state where they needed to relearn how to be a person.
On the whole, Trigger was decent about avoiding Vahns triggers (pun intended). They didn’t push about their past unnecessarily. Respected Vahns wishes to stay away from hospitals. Triggers overprotective treatment certainly stifled Vahn in the long run, but in the early days, I don’t think Vahn had the emotional bandwidth to take care of themselves.
(What makes me curious as well is why Trigger let Vahn stay for so long. Sure it’s the right thing to do, but Trigger could have just dropped them off at the nearest crisis center with some spare clothes and flown away still having done right by, what was essentially, a stranger.)
By the time of the comic, Vahns dependence on Trigger has curdled into over-dependence. Up until Raw Schism. Vahn always defers to Triggers direction, even when they disagree with him. Two scenes in particular really cement this: when Trigger locks Vahn in the bathroom during Rotten Hand Brothers, and when Trigger and Vahn shoplifted. Both times Vahn is verbally disagreeing with Trigger but still physically follows his directions. Where as by Raw Schism, Vahn has learned first and second hand that Trigger Can Be Wrong. Which is HUGE for Vahn, since that now forces them into the uncomfortable position of having to make decisions for themselves.
One of the reasons I really love Poco A Poco is that it’s basically Vahn speed running what every college freshman goes through their first time moving out from home. Gotta do all your own cooking, cleaning, maintenance etc. Most importantly, Vahn had Erich there to teach them that independence is not isolation.
Vahn and Triggers relationship has been unhealthily codependent for a long time, and what was good for them at the start isn’t what either of them need right. You can’t leave a cast on forever.
When I think about the worst case scenario between Vahns memory loss and the target of their powers, there could have been a very unpleasant timeline where Vahn was kidnapped by Interstellar much earlier on. What kind of person would that have created? If the main influences on Vahn had been Fiachra and Yaromir instead of Trigger?
Time heals all wounds, but with the wrong kind of treatment, not all wounds heal back Right.
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The roads Vahn has had to face have never been easy, that's for sure, oh boy;;; All paths seem to lead to some level of pain and there's some less so than others (and we'd say you've made some excellent deductions hoho) but you're absolutely right that Vahn's journey has always been about deciding whether or not it's worth bearing to see another day.
Thank you for another juicy analysis, we loved reading this so much!!! We're floored and absolutely humbled!! 🙏✨
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detentiontrack · 10 months
what was the process of getting diagnosed with bipolar like? (assuming you're diagnosed)
Okay so it was a LONG process.
When I was 11/12, I started experiencing depression. At the time I had 2 autoimmune diseases that caused depression and I was also living in an abusive environment so we (me and my mom) kind of assumed it was just that and it would go away once I got medical treatment and moved out of the abusive environment.
When I was 13/14 I started having episodes where I was extremely angry, combative, irritable, irrational, with racing thoughts. At the time, my parents were in the process of divorcing and I was a teenager, so we thought it was just teen angst. I even brought it up to my therapist asking if I could be bipolar, and she said I couldn’t have it so young.
When I was 13 my autoimmune disease doctor put me on an SSRI (Effexor) and the anger and irritability got worse. We assumed I just reacted badly to the medicine, and I was taken off of it. Later I would learn that those episodes were most likely hypomanic episodes.
When I was 15, COVID hit and quarantine took a huge toll on my mental health. I got put on Zoloft had a major manic psychotic episode that led to me being hospitalized at a residential center for about 2 months.
When I got out of residential I was diagnosed with just “unspecified mood disorder”
My psychiatrist wasn’t big on putting labels on a patient, so he still didn’t diagnose me, but when I was 16, he started treated me as if I had bipolar. I found some relief with anti psychotics
When I was 17, I had another breakdown and ended up in the hospital psych ward for a week. There I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2 because I didn’t disclose my psychotic symptoms or how long my episodes tended to last. I got put on lithium and it helped with mood swings, but as time went on, I started to experience more and more psychosis
When I was still 17 (earlier this year) I had another major manic episode that came with heavy psychosis and ruined my life and all my relationships for a long time. FINALLY my therapist and my psychiatrist got together, and finally gave me the accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder type 1 with psychosis and mania
Now I take 3 medications for my psychiatric symptoms, and I feel as if my symptoms are being very well managed. I’m able to live a normal life.
That’s my story! Feel free to ask any questions about bipolar or my experience. I know a lot about it and I like educating people. I hope this helps <3
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handsforu · 4 months
Different Types Of Alcohol Addiction!
Alcohol is one of the easily available drugs around the world, and individuals must take care of take care of themselves because it can cause a lot of issues. As the top-notch, Drug De-Addiction Center in Mumbai, we are offering everyone excellent quality treatment for all types of addiction. Today, in this article, we are going to shed some light on different types of alcohol addiction. 
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Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is characterized by the consumption of large quantities of alcohol in a short period, typically leading to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. For men, this usually means consuming five or more drinks in about two hours, and for women, four or more drinks. While binge drinkers may not drink every day, the pattern can still lead to significant health and social problems.
Heavy Drinking
Heavy drinking involves regular consumption of alcohol at levels that exceed standard guidelines. 
Functional Alcoholism
Functional alcoholics often maintain what appears to be a normal life, with steady employment, relationships, and responsibilities. Despite this, they are dependent on alcohol and may drink heavily or regularly. 
Young Adult Subtype
This subtype typically includes individuals in their late teens and early twenties who engage in binge drinking and heavy drinking but may not drink every day. They often have fewer co-occurring mental health issues and generally have less severe alcohol dependence.
Young Antisocial Subtype
Young antisocial alcoholics also tend to start drinking at a young age and often have a family history of alcoholism. This subtype is characterized by antisocial behavior, including a higher likelihood of engaging in criminal activities and other risky behaviors.
Intermediate Familial Subtype
This subtype includes middle-aged individuals with a significant family history of alcoholism. These individuals often start drinking in their teenage years and may experience moderate levels of alcohol dependence. They frequently have co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression.
Chronic Severe Subtype
Chronic severe alcoholics represent the most severe form of alcohol addiction. They often have high levels of alcohol dependence, a long history of drinking, and numerous alcohol-related problems, including health issues and legal troubles. 
High-Functioning Alcoholism
High-functioning alcoholics are similar to functional alcoholics but may hold high-level jobs, have advanced degrees, and maintain a seemingly successful social life. Despite their outward success, their dependency on alcohol can have severe consequences over time.
End-Stage Alcoholism
At this stage, the person often drinks throughout the day to avoid withdrawal symptoms, and severe health issues are common.
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meret118 · 1 year
It allows a Florida court to take jurisdiction over child custody disputes when an out-of-state parent is pursuing gender-affirming care for their child and the child is present in Florida, even if only temporarily. It’s the only provision of its kind in the country, said Shannon Minter, legal director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights and also a member of that team.
“I have had to spend an inordinate amount of time dispelling misinformation about the custody provisions specifically,” Chriss said. “The misinformation alleging that the state can take children away from their parents — which is just completely untrue and wildly unfounded — [has caused] fear and, honestly, trauma among so many folks in this community.”
The law doesn’t apply to children who aren’t the subject of a custody battle in another state. And it wouldn’t allow the state to take custody of children who are provided with gender-affirming care in Florida.
. . .
The exception for children already on hormonal treatments, which was added as an amendment, requires them to get off those treatments over the course of an unspecified period with the help of their doctor. Only those who started receiving those treatments before June 1 and also had at least 12 mental health counseling sessions or six months of psychotherapy are eligible to continue taking the treatments temporarily under that provision.
But the provision is based on the false notion that children can safely “wean” themselves off the treatments. “That is medical malpractice,” Minter said. “It’s like weaning a child who’s diabetic off insulin. There is no medical reason to discontinue the care, and doing so will be harmful to those kids.”
There’s also a question as to whether those children will even be able to access care. Many clinics in Texas that offered gender-affirming care have already closed or stopped offering those services on account of political pressure, including most recently a clinic at Austin’s Dell Children’s Medical Center. The hospital announced last week that all the physicians working in that clinic would be departing, and it’s unclear whether they were fired or left of their own accord.
“I don’t think there’s any mystery about why it’s happened,” Minter said. “The state of Texas has made it very clear that they are punishing doctors who try to continue to provide” gender-affirming care.
Another provision in the Texas bill that prohibits public money from being used to provide or facilitate the provision of gender-affirming care to a minor has raised alarm bells for Oakley. While other states with gender-affirming care bans have adopted similar provisions, the language of the Texas bill is much broader and could have more far-reaching consequences.
A “plausible reading” of the language suggests that any entity that does business with the state, even on just a one-time basis, could be held liable by Texas if they provide employee benefits that cover gender-affirming care for minors, Oakley said. “It’s possible that the state of Texas would have a claim against that company for providing those benefits to employees far outside the state of Texas,” she said.
I'm confused since I've seen so many articles say FL can take your kids with no mention of custody.
The Texas legislature passed a ban Wednesday on gender-affirming care for kids under 18, which includes hormone treatments and gender-affirming surgeries, though such surgeries are rarely performed on children. The ban allows trans teens already receiving hormone treatments to temporarily continue them. Still, it requires that they “wean” themselves off the treatments. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to sign the bill.
Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is reportedly gearing up to announce his 2024 presidential bid next week, also signed a similar ban in his state Wednesday, one that imposes felony penalties on health care providers who administer gender-affirming care to kids under 18. 
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coochiequeens · 9 months
Another violent man claiming to be the actual victim. This time use gender ideology.
By Anna Slatz January 1, 2024
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault committed against both adult and child victims. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A violent transgender sex offender has launched multiple lawsuits against over 20 members of staff at the St. Francois County Jail and South Missouri Mental Health Center after reportedly being denied female undergarments. Kelly McSean, a violent rapist and pedophile, is awaiting trial after escaping jail while in custody for attacking sex offender treatment program staff.
As previously reported by Reduxx, McSean, born Larry Bemboom, has an extremely long and depraved criminal history.
In 2003, while still living under his birth name, he pleaded guilty to the sexual assault of a 39-year-old African American woman. McSean had offered the woman a ride home, but instead took her to his residence where he both orally and vaginally raped her.
During the assault, McSean made racially degrading remarks to the victim, telling her that his ancestors owned slaves and ordering her call to him “master.” The woman managed to escape and fled nude from his residence. For the brutal attack, he was sentenced to just five years in prison.
Before his scheduled 2008 release, a prison psychiatrist reported that McSean met the statutory definition of a sexually violent predator and, after a second evaluating psychiatrist concurred, the state of Missouri filed a petition to involuntarily commit him to its Sex Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Service program. A jury trial subsequently found that he met the legal requirements for civil commitment, and he was sent to reside at Sex Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Program (SORTS) in Farmington.
McSean appealed the decision, but evidence presented by the evaluating psychiatrist provided insight into the predator’s extensive history of sexual violence dating back to when he was just a minor.
According to the evaluation — at 13 years of age, McSean molested an eight-year-old girl and forced her to perform oral sex on him. He also fondled and orally copulated a 12-year-old boy. The following year, he was sent to counseling after he was found soliciting other boys to perform oral sex on him in his school bathroom.
McSean was placed in sex offender treatment when he was just 15 years old after exposing himself to a younger relative, but while in treatment he molested another underage girl in his proximity.
Between the ages of 19 and 30, McSean would commit several more sex offenses, primarily against minors. He told the evaluating psychiatrist that he repeatedly raped a 16-year-old girl in 1995, as well as engaged in oral sex with her 11-year-old brother. He also stated that he moved in with two girls aged 14 and 16 in 1998, raped a 15-year-old girl, and molested a 14-year-old.
At age 30, he was arrested for sodomizing a 12-year-old girl after giving her marijuana. He received a suspended five-year sentence and three years probation. McSean said that while in the community, he committed a number of sexual assaults for which he was never charged, including molesting children as young as 8 at the Salvation Army, and raping unidentified male and female children.
In 2003, prior to being charged for the rape of the 39-year-old woman, McSean admitted to having kidnapped two teens and holding them captive at his residence where he forced them to perform oral sex on him.
McSean also said that around the same time, he was molesting a younger female relative and threatening to kill her if she told on him. He would sneak into her room at night, cover her mouth and rape her, as well as penetrating her with foreign objects.
While McSean attempted to appeal his sexually violent offender designation, the appeal was denied in 2010 and he has remained in civil commitment since. Sometime between 2010 and 2023, he began identifying as a “transgender female woman.”
While at SORTS, McSean violently attacked a treatment worker, leading to his transfer to the St. Francois County Jail to await trial on the charges.
On January 17, McSean, along with 4 other inmates, escaped the prison via a plumbing-access hole. Cameras that would ordinarily have tracked their escape were not functioning due to construction being done on the building. The prisoners weren’t discovered missing until a routine inmate count. A wild police chase ensued, with McSean and the others being caught on street surveillance camera footage stealing a car in a nearby parking lot.
McSean was apprehended three days after the escape, and has been at the St. Francois County Jail ever since. But Reduxx has now learned that over the course of the past 5 months, McSean has filed a number of lawsuits alleging mistreatment at the hands of staff both at the jail and at the South Missouri Mental Health Center.
Though McSean is alleging various forms of mistreatment, the majority of his complaints appear to stem from his inability to access “gender affirming” items and treatments, most notably women’s undergarments. He also takes issue with being “misgendered” and “demeaned” while in custody, and having been treated as a male despite his state and prison documentation listing him as a “female.”
McSean has similarly alleged sexual harassment, with these claims stemming from “misgendering” incidents, “discrimination on the basis of sex,” and routine searches not being conducted in the fashion he demands. He has also claimed he was “sexually assaulted” during a strip-search, emphasizing that his penis and “breasts” had been exposed to male officers.
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McSean has alleged the various “mistreatments” have caused him anxiety, sleep issues, nightmares, high blood pressure, a los of appetite, migraines, crying spells, and more physical and psychological issues. He has requested damages ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 per defendant and per concern. In one of the filed complaints alone, the total requested damages exceed $14,900,000.
One of McSean’s lawsuits was filed with two other inmates as co-Plaintiffs, both of whom were involved in McSean’s escape from the jail in January – Aaron Sebastian, a sexually violent predator who sodomized a young girl, and Dakota Pace. McSean identifies both of the men as “friends” of his. In their lawsuit, the three criminals allege mistreatment at the hands of St. Francois County Jail staff.
Disturbingly, one of the multiple complaints filed by McSean suggests that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has intervened on his behalf at least once. In a hand-written complaint submitted in August, McSean wrote:
“After being informed that the ACLU and an attorney has contacted the St. Francois county detention center of [sic] the constitutional rights of transgender persons, I submitted an inmate request form as to the status of ability to purchase and have female undergarments.”
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While the ACLU has not commented publicly on McSean’s case, the organization has been known to be a strong advocate of transgender inmates, even those who have committed the most heinous crimes.
In Indiana, the ACLU recently filed a lawsuit against the state’s Department of Corrections after a trans-identified male inmate convicted of murdering his infant stepdaughter was denied “gender affirming” surgeries. The suit, which was filed on August 28 of 2023, challenges a recently-adopted policy stipulating that the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC) cannot provide transgender surgeries to inmates.
The ACLU has also lamented the criminal penalties of transgender inmates, including the Florida execution of rapist and murderer Duane Owen.
On June 16 of 2023, the ACLU, through their official Twitter account, lambasted the state of Florida for refusing to provide “medically necessary gender-affirming care” to Duane Owen. Using feminine pronouns to refer to Owen, the ACLU claimed the state had caused Owen “enormous suffering” and had violated “her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.” 
They further stated that Owen, who had raped and murdered two women in an effort to “harvest their hormones,” had argued in legal documents that he “should be afforded the essence of human dignity.”
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By: Gerald Posner
Published: Jun 7, 2023
The fashion for transgenderism has brought with it a new euphemism: “gender-affirming care,” which means surgical and pharmacological interventions designed to make the body look and feel more like that of the opposite sex. Gender-affirming care for children involves the use of “puberty blockers”: one of five powerful synthetic drugs that block the natural production of sex hormones.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved those medications to treat prostate cancer, endometriosis, certain types of infertility and a rare childhood disease caused by a genetic mutation. But it has never approved them for gender dysphoria, the clinical term for the belief that one’s body is the wrong sex.
Thus the drugs, led by AbbVie’s Lupron, are prescribed to minors “off label.” (They are also used off-label for chemical castration of repeat sex offenders.) Off-label dispensing is legal; some half of all prescriptions in the U.S. are for off-label uses. But off-label use circumvents the FDA’s authority to examine drug safety and efficacy, especially when the patients are children. Some U.S. states have eliminated the need for parental consent for teens as young as 15 to start puberty blockers.
Proponents of puberty blockers contend there is little downside. The Department of Health and Human Services claims puberty blockers are “reversible.” It omits the evidence that “by impeding the usual process of sexual orientation and gender identity development,” these drugs “effectively ‘lock in’ children and young people to a treatment pathway,” according to a report by Britain’s National Health Service, which cites studies finding that 96% to 98% of minors prescribed puberty blockers proceed to cross-sex hormones.
Gender advocates also falsely contend that puberty blockers for children and teens have been “used safely since the late 1980s,” as a recent Scientific American article put it. That ignores substantial evidence of harmful long-term side effects.
The Center for Investigative Reporting revealed in 2017 that the FDA had received more than 10,000 adverse event reports from women who were given Lupron off-label as children to help them grow taller. They reported thinning and brittle bones, teeth that shed enamel or cracked, degenerative spinal disks, painful joints, radical mood swings, seizures, migraines and suicidal thoughts. Some developed fibromyalgia. There were reports of fertility problems and cognitive issues.
The FDA in 2016 ordered AbbVie to add a warning that children on Lupron might develop new or intensified psychiatric problems. Transgender children are at least three times as likely as the general population to have anxiety, depression and neurodevelopmental disorders. Last year, the FDA added another warning for children about the risk of brain swelling and vision loss.
The lack of research demonstrating that benefits outweigh the risks has resulted in some noteworthy pushback in the U.S. and abroad. Republican legislatures in a dozen states have curtailed or banned gender-affirming care for minors. Finland, citing concerns about side effects, in 2020 cut back puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors. Sweden followed suit in 2022 and Norway this year. Britain’s National Health Service shuttered the country’s largest youth gender clinic after 35 clinicians resigned over three years, complaining they were pressured to overdiagnose gay, mentally ill, and autistic teens and prescribe medications that made their conditions worse.
Still, the U.S. and most European countries embrace a standard of care that pushes youngsters toward “gender-affirming” treatments. It circumvents “watchful waiting” and talk therapy and diagnoses many children as gender dysphoric when they may simply be going through a phase.
Gender-affirming care for children is undoubtedly a flashpoint in America’s culture wars. It is also a human experiment on children and teens, the most vulnerable patients. Ignoring the long-term dangers posed by unrestricted off-label dispensing of powerful puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, combined with the large overdiagnosis of minors as gender dysphoric, borders on child abuse.
Gender thalidomide.
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