#Texas Process Servers
qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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t00thpasteface · 4 months
trying to clean the kitchen and one of my friends just messaged our whole campus-friend server saying "if you wanted a horse to smoke blunts until it dies you'd need ~2kg of weed which would cost $228,261 in texas" and then started describing their process for how they calculated it. we made this server to coordinate movie nights
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powerfultulips · 1 year
hi we need some help
we've been struggling for a while. we are a physically disabled, severely mentally ill dissociative system. we have been trying and fighting like hell to recover from our c-PTSD (among other things) but things are getting hard again and we don't have any sort of real income to help keep me afloat. some of the things we are asking for assistance with are: being able to afford small dates with our partner, some small items to reward ourselves for hitting recovery milestones (we'll be 8 months clean from self-harm soon, for example!), and just basic needs like food, gas, and some money to save up for the future.
we are especially excited about the future because we finally have a plan to escape texas, where we have lived for most of our life. it is increasingly unsafe for us to live here as an openly trans person (or people?), and having some savings would be really helpful to keep our heads above water through the moving process and beyond! we are initially going to set a goal of $250 to take care of some immediate needs as well as putting a significant amount of that towards the future!
the link below offers several ways you can help us. this includes direct payment options, as well as our bandcamp, where you can buy some or all of our music for a relatively cheap price! (just $4.50 - although you have the option to pay more if you feel so inclined - will get you our entire released discography to date!)
it would also be very helpful if you could please share this post! a simple reblog would be amazing, but we also consent to this post being shared around in discord servers, on other social medias, and anything else you can think of that could help! again, we deeply appreciate any and all support and assistance that comes our way, and we hope you all have a lovely day! thank you!
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outrunningthedark · 4 months
This is something that's been on my mind for days now and I still don't understand it. On tumblr and the discord server I'm in Helena's remark 'We'll replace it' was seen as something insidious and I don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm asian and the language and culture barrier was making me not understand it. But I didn't see anything bad about it. I just thought she didn't want to inconvenience Eddie and make Christopher stay longer at a place he's not comfortable at. I thought Christopher was ready to leave and making him stay longer at a place where he's not happy, just to look for something easily replaceable, is not good for him. I just saw Helena and Ramon thinking of Christopher as their responsibility and their thought process was that they'll provide everything for him so that no one is inconvenienced.
It's sad how people are just LOOKING for things to be mad about with this show and yet can't bring themselves to give it up because of...an actor? a ship? This is where that "self-insert" thing our fandom does very obviously comes into play, IMO. If these fans were the writers, they wouldn't have phrased it like that. If these fans were in Eddie's place, they'd be offended that their parents were trying to "take control". If these fans were in Christopher's place, they'd be upset that their grandparents think items can "just be replaced like it's no big deal".
Well, guess what! We're not the writers! And nobody was bothered! There WOULD be a discussion to be had about Helena's behavior had she immediately jumped to "we'll replace it". But she didn't. "Whatever he forgot, you can send it to us. Or we'll replace it." doesn't mean "Chris doesn't need the stuff from this house because we can give it to him ourselves." If Chris wants the exact thing he (hypothetically) left in his room? Eddie will get a call or a text asking to have it mailed to Texas. If Chris wants something, but doesn't really care about having it mailed? He just wants the thing replaced for the coming months, for the current home he's living in? Then they will replace it. And he'll still have the original item there when he goes home, too!
You know why Helena is hated so much? Because she's the most "real" mom on the show. She loves her kids, but in her mind, loving her kids means trying to make decisions for them and/or adding her opinions when nobody asked. That's a much easier character to relate to than a mom of a child with cerebral palsy or a mom who never recovered from burying her eight year old son. (And it shows in the way fandom reacts to all three women. People just don't pay close enough attention.)
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topwright · 30 days
are you a fan of creepypasta, horror, or the slenderverse ??
It's been a while, but if you don't know me by now, my name is Tim and I am the creator of an in-progress webseries titled: Anniversary Log on YouTube. It is a free project myself and some friends of mine are filming partially for fun and partially because I'd like to take the steps to start becoming a film director.
This webseries follows a college-aged man named Samuel who is documenting his search for his missing girlfriend Emilia.
I am looking for actors for this series, specifically for the two main characters: Sam Moreno and his girlfriend Emilia Hall.
I must clarify that the project is a hobby/student-film esque type of project and you WILL NOT BE PAID for it. The foundations of Anniversary Log are built solely on volunteers, friendship, and the mutual love for the Slenderverse and webseries like Marble Hornets.
It is extremely important that we recast these roles, as our previous actors had to step down because their schedules didn't allow them free time to dedicate to the project. If you choose to participate, here are the requirements:
FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE: Many in the cast and crew are in school and have jobs, but have flexible-enough schedules that it works in the project's favor. It is preferable that you are off on the weekends (especially Sunday) as we have rehearsals and table reads to do :)
LOCATION: These are in-person roles, meaning you MUST BE LOCAL to sign up. The project is centered in Texas around the San Antonio area, so it is preferred that you are close.
EMILIA: Female presenting
SAM: Male presenting
It is required of everyone in our cast and crew to be polite and respectful to everybody. It is incredibly important we keep a kind and non-hostile environment. This project is supposed to be fun amongst fans of Slenderverse horror.
If you choose to participate, the following is required of you in general:
DISCORD: The Anniversary Log crew work dilligently behind the scenes in a discord server where we can all communicate easily with each other. There is also an official Anniversary Log server where you will meet and chat with others who are interested in the series. This is also where you will spend majority of your time rehearsing with other people and praciticing before the auditions.
AVAILABILITY: I reach out quite a bit with many emails, informationals, dms and such that contain important information about the audition process and about the project itself. It is important that you have the time (and energy) to respond to these and check them as frequently as you can :)
A MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION: The character Sam Moreno is described as having a car in many scenes of Anniversary Log. He is also shown entering and exiting said car. It is important you have a means of transportation that will allow you to travel to and from our filming locations !!
SOCIAL MEDIA: In order to properly credit you, I must have access to your social media usernames so I can put them in the descriptors for all of our advertisement as well as in the bio of our Anniversary Log profiles.
EMAIL: It is required on the audition sheet to provide your email address. Please use one you check and use often, as it is important for me to have access to these. These email addresses are where you will receive the emails notifying you if you have made callbacks
ZOOM: These auditions will be held over Zoom. Primarily for everybody's (including my) safety. It also gives us a way so that all of the crew can be present for the auditions and can contribute accordingly.
The audition sheet is linked below. If you have any questions, here are my social medias:
Tumblr: @topwright & @morenosam
Twitter: @topwright_ & @alprojectoffic
Tiktok: @topwright & @anniversarylogprojectoffic_
Instagram: @henry.c0s__
Threads: @bu.bbl.e.bud.dy
Discord: @topwright_
On the offchance I do not respond, please reach out to my fellow crewmate Crow at any of the socials below. Discord is the best place to reach him:
Tumblr: @crowwbones
Instagram: @crowwbones
Discord: @crowwbones
(Make sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/@morenosam)
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dr-malice · 10 months
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UGH. Here is my lovely superjail oc and his lovely cat thing, whom I love.
And here is some lore😨
> Steven Katz
> He is 53; his birthdate is 09/02/70
> Posture- straight posture with a small limp at times
> Something always carried/Weapon/Tools
> Wallet | snacks for stimpy | brass knuckles and or pepper spray
> Skills
> Sniper/was (now prefers not to) | Therapist | Good at reading a room | Later in life human anatomy (future version)
> Struggles
> Alcohol addiction, weed addiction several other addictions
> bipolar: Autistic
> Strength/Talent
> helping others; can calm others down, has a calming demeanor
> Hobbies
> history, guns, theories, learning about marine life, being with the doctor
> Habits
> will fiddle with objects, often is blunt, has a strict schedule, has meltdowns
> Pets
> Stimpy (skin cat with a human eye, human hands, and feet) is given to him by the doctor; Stimpy is the main thing that brings Steven and the doctor together. As when Steven had gone around to meet the other staff members at Superjail, the doctor had made a mutant cat. Steven is highly fond of cats. So since then, Stimpy has followed both men around.
> Area of Residence/Environment
> superjail: his office: his room connected to said office: the doctor's area
> Home Description
> currently: queen size bed, red accents, green floor, and wall, faded, lava lamps (made by the doctor) , bong, metal slab, skulls, a singular sniper (A mix of the doctor's stuff and Stevens's stuff)
> Job Satisfaction
> he is okay with it though Is often drained, hard for him to cope
> Personality
> a very timid man, although does have a few spouts of WOOSH (opposite of timid) ((as he is bipolar and now unmedicated))
> Childhood Life
> He had a tough childhood, being born and raised in a farm household in Texas.
> • yeehaw but bullied for being gay at school, and once it reached home he was pretty much abandoned. As his parents were severely homophobic and honestly, just not good people all in all.
> -alcoholic mom and dad
> - James was his partner for many years till James's death. James was the only sense of security and safety Steven had known, hence his severe attachment.
> James and Steven both raised money to move elsewhere.
> ~ by age 16 he moved to Vermont from Texas with money he had gotten from sales since he was 14 plus with the help of James
> (raised animals and other side jobs)
> Important Past Event
> • Stevens's ex, James, was not a good person to Steven, overly controlling and bitter towards his work since he was in the military, served for 12 years before losing an arm discharge, and found out his husband cheated. He was upset yet couldn't leave. years later jailbot took care of him by "accident"
> The accident is when Jailbot bursts into Stevens's house to take them to be Superjail's therapist. Primarily for Jared. In the process of Jailbot coming in he had accidently killed James. Much to Stevens's dismay.
> Best Accomplishment
> Finding stimpy and talking to the doctor
> His therapy degree
> Worst Moment
> either the incident with his parents or James, maybe even when everything was taken away from him (first three weeks)
> Failure in life
> getting no arm, not leaving James before said incident.
> Timeline :
> 1970 : He was birthed
> 1983 Steven had realized he was gay and had gotten with James, who had kept their relationship a strict secret, would even be seen flirting w girls, but never stuck up for Steven (james was a year and a half older than he)
> 1986-87 ; Officially disowned, left to Vermont with James (James had family there) to peruse more career options (age : 16)
> 1988-89 : Steven had left to go to the millitary and had servered for quite some time as a marine. He was a sniper. James heavily disapproved of his job, But Steven thought it was the only option
> 1990-2002 : Steven had been overseas most of this time with a few breaks inbetween
> 2002 : Steven was discharged from the millitary due to loosing a limb (his left arm)
> 2004 : Steven had finally gone to college to be a therapist
> 2008 : He had finished college and became a therapist, which he was quite content with, aswell as he had finally gotten a prosthetic arm.
> 2009-2013 : his career had blossumed, he had been a very well known therapist within the state of Vermont.
> In 2014 : (when SJ was cannceled so the time line sorta lines up) This is when Steven had gotten snatched by Jailbot upon request of them needing a therapist/hr, James was killed on accident, woopsie
Steven Katz superjail
Steven Katz Superjail Oc
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fuck-customers · 2 years
Former fast food employee here.
Lady got mad that our systems shut down and we could not take card payments, this hasn't happened before, the manager and my employer was like "we will have to call a electrician in the morning to look at it, for now just take cash."
My coworker did not tell the lady while he was taking the order that we couldn't take card payments, whatever it was busy and low staffed so I wasn't mad but this lady's attitude made me very frustrated because she was not the first one to come up to me like this and I was tired and I probably would have quit on the spot that night if I was an asshole.
"Hi ma'am, I am very sorry to inform you that our wifi/servers shut down and our systems aren't taking card payments and I can only take cash, again I apologize for the inconvenience."
"So I have to suffer because of something you can control?"
"Unfortunately, I don't control my employers wifi/server connection, I just make sure you pay for the food you order and receive the food and since this has never happened before we have to call a technician in the morning."
"Well that's bullshit, you guys need to fix it or learn how."
"If I knew I was being hired on as an electrician and a customers punching bag I would have demanded higher pay than $10 an hour."
She drove off after me trying her card like three times and some other nasty comments we're thrown and damn near caused a crash because of her recklessness.
I definitely should have watched my mouth but I was on the 12th hour of my 8 hour shift (thanks a lot insert coworkers name) it was 3am and I wasn't going to take shit for something out of my control especially multiple times like I don't even know if it was a wifi connection problem or a server issue or what, it wouldn't process cards and I was told to only take cash for the night.
Thanks for reading, don't take shit from customers and don't work fast food if you can help it, I lived in the middle of butt fuck Texas at that time so it was damn near impossible to get a good high paying job, let alone most services past 10pm.
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moldypaintbrush1942 · 5 months
Dear readers,
Hello, my name is Dodger, Egon Spengler enjoyer.
I am a 23 y/o autistic woman (she/her) with a hyperfixation fixed on the Ghostbusters franchise.
I also enjoy true crime, weird stuff and paranormal things.
I enjoy making art and writing. Most my work currently revolves around my Egon x OC (Grayson Lee) fic I am working on.
My dms and asks are always open for anything at all. Hope y’all enjoy my page ✌️
Now a bit more about me. I’m from Texas and love it. I am Catholic and enjoy studying theology. I really like legos and have a small collection. I also love any kind of monsters. I also enjoy antiquing and visiting thrift stores. I love Jeopardy and trivia and I have two cats named Lazarus and Sputnik and they are my babies. I am also in the process of putting together a Ghostbusters uniform and hoping to have it ready by my next comic convention. I also really love music and almost always have my headphones on when I can. My favorite decades for music are the 1960s, the 1970s, and the 2000s/2010s. My main goal is to eventually share my Ghostbusters fic which takes place directly after the end of the second film.
I also have a Ghostbusters discord server! Feel free to join me and some other cool cats:
Thanks for reading y’all
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celestiiialz · 1 year
( lizeth selene, they/them, genderfluid ) i’m pretty sure i just ran into celestina ramirez! you know them, they’re the 25year old bottle girl that’s been here for 22 years. they can be pretty witty, but on the d.l., they’re also distant. i have their ringtone set as lento by julieta venegas in my cell. next time you’re around the bronx, tell them to give me a call! ( penelope, 24, she/her, est )
full name: celestina marie ramirez.
birthdate & age: october 25th.
birthplace: el paso, texas.
pronouns & gender: they/them, genderfluid.
sexuality: pansexual. she likes what she likes.
relationship status: single.
occupation: bottle server at a club.
celestina, or celeste, as they likes to go by, was born in el paso, texas. their parents were two undocumented immigrants who were searching for a better life, but they were young also, just shy of 20 and 19 years old... but things seemed promising.
they were barely scraping by when their father's friend had offered him a job opportunity in the bustling city of manhattan with housing in the bronx, which he was glad to accept. they were excited about the possibilities at hand even though they knew that there were challenges up ahead.
when they finally arrived to new york, their father got to work and their mother also picked up a job to help out with expenses. the apartment was tight and so was money, but the landlord was more than happy to help the struggling family.
things were okay, at first, at least to celeste. they were young and couldn't really comprehend or process the things happening around. eventually, they got enrolled into a public school and they all had a routine. their dad wasn't as present since his job was more demanding of hs time, but he was there. he was there.
at one point their father began to have later nights, usually chalking it up to work, but it became apparent that it wasn't reason his time had been occupied when he continuously arrived to the apartment visibly drunk and not well. there started the arguments, the resentment, the change in dynamic and it became even worse when their mother was pregnant again which was discovered only a few days after their 12th birthday.
it seemed like those next nine months were a blur, celeste had to drop out of school to help their parents with all the bills once their little sister was born. they would usually lie about their age and do small jobs here and there. the arguments became louder and more relentless, usually leaving them to calm down the baby he was screaming at the top of her lungs because of the chaos that was constantly plaguing their home.
the turning point was their mom disappearing, yes, their mother had left one without a single remark. leaving the 17 year old to care for the infant since their father was now jobless due to his alcoholism. they had multiple jobs and usually searched for the help of their friends to take care of their sister while they worked.
fast-forward to the present, and they are essentially taking care of her father (who has also been kicked out multiple times) and their thirteen year old sister. they scored a gig as a 'bottle girl' for a club which brings in a good amount of money, but only just enough as they are the only breadwinner now. there's nothing more that they wants than to be able to escape their current situation with their sister but unfortunately there's not much that can be done beyond work through it and hope for the best.
* thank you for reading all of this! if you'd like to plot or fabricate a thread just give this post a like and i'll reach out. <3
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dahliawolfe · 2 years
Sweet Pt. 1 Propositions
Original fic
“I just paid $1,500 last week!” I growl into the phone.
“This is a new course of treatment that I think Marian would benefit greatly from.”
I sigh. I can barely keep my own lights on. “Sure, you want to try this this week. What will it be next week?” I rub my temples, feeling a headache coming on.
“Ms. Winchester, I’m only trying to help your mother. You can decline the treatment, but I must say, I believe that this may be just what your mother needs.”
“Fine, I’ll have the money by the end of the week.” With that, I slam the phone back down on the receiver, and pick up my notepad again. Looks like I’ll need to put in overtime this week.
“Hi, I’m Sparrow, and I’ll be your waitress today. What can I get you to drink?” comes a softly lilting voice from above me as I take a seat at the diner that my client has chosen to meet at.
“Uhh, let me get a sweet tea, please,” I request, my Texas accent stronger than normal due to lack of sleep.
“Sure thing. Are you ready to order or would you like a few minutes?” the girl asks, and I finally look up. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. Her skin is milky white, and her hair is a bright copper. Her eyes are large and green. Her nose is delicate and small, and her lips are peachy and plump. And holy shit, I’m just staring at the poor girl. I clear my throat and give an awkward smile.
“I’ll take a few, if that’s alright.” She nods, offers one more crooked grin, and leaves the table.
I watch her walk away and notice how light she is on her feet. She seems to flow through the restaurant, dodging patrons and other servers. She’s agile, and I can’t help but wonder where that comes from. My mind flies with the possibilities of where she gained those skills until she comes back to the table with my drink. She places it on a coaster in front of me, and before my brain can process what I’m going to say, I speak. “Are you a dancer?”
She looks taken aback, but she recovers quickly. I open my mouth to apologize when she smirks and teases, “Yeah, this is just my day job.” I smile. She’s quick. I like that.
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“Well, that’s quite cliched. You’re not from Manhattan, are you?” I ask, leaning forward, almost drawn to her.
“No. I was born in Dublin. We came here when I was six.”
“Ahh. Ireland. I’ve always wanted to go there. Tell me about it?” She looks around a little before shaking her head.
“I shouldn’t. I have other customers. Are you ready to order?”
“Oh, yes. I’ll have the daily special. You have a daily special, right?” She chuckles.
“Yes. I’ll put your order in.”
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The new guy in my section is nice. He’s got an accent. I guess that means he’s not from here either. He looks like he’ll be a good tipper, and I definitely need that. I have to make $500 by the end of the week.
I drop the bill off as I pass, making sure to give a smile to both him and his guest. I clean the remainder of my tables before returning to collect his payment. He offers me a black credit card and wolfish smile. He’s not bad looking. Maybe 30 or 35; greying dark brown hair; kind blue eyes; a day or two’s worth of stubble on his sharp jawline. He’s also large, probably over six feet and muscled. He’s impeccably dressed, definitely standing out from the blue-collar people we get in here. I drop his receipt off, wish him a goodnight, and continue about my business. The next time I come by, he’s gone, and he’s left me a crisp $100 bill as a tip. I smile and pocket the money.
It’s nearly 1 a.m. before I get off of my shift. I took another shift, hoping to make a little extra cash. I huddle into my jacket as I make my way to the back parking lot where my old beater is parked. I nearly shit myself when somebody calls my name.
“Sparrow!” echoes across the lot. I spin on my heel and see that it’s the man from earlier.
“Fucking hell, man!” I exclaim, clutching my chest.  “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I demand, getting wary, finally realizing that this man has waited outside for nearly five hours on me. I clutch my keys between my fingers, shifting my weight to my toes in case I need to fight or run. He holds up his hands placatingly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just wanted to speak to you. I want to make you an offer.”
“An offer?” I question, backing away.
“I’m a very wealthy man. And you’re a very beautiful woman. I would like you to be my sugar baby.” That catches my attention, throwing me off guard. I stop in my tracks.
“Your what now?”
“Sugar baby. I’d pay you to…”
“I know what a sugar baby is! I’m not a prostitute!”
“What?! No! It’s not like that! Look, just think about it, and if you have any interest at all, come to Vancelli’s tomorrow night at 8. If you don’t come, I’ll understand, but I really hope you do.” With that, he walks away, leaving me standing in the middle of an empty parking lot looking like an idiot.
I walk away from Sparrow and cringe at myself. Maybe approaching her in the parking lot at 1 a.m. wasn’t the brightest idea. Good job, Collin. She probably thinks you’re psychotic now. But I know that I want her. I’ve had sugar daddy relationships before, and they haven’t worked out, but I feel like Sparrow is different. At least, I hope she is.
I haven’t slept all night. I don’t know why, but I’m considering his offer. Well, that’s not true, I do know why. Marian. My mother. She’s a paranoid schizophrenic. And I’m the one paying for her treatment. And I can barely make ends meet. Unless I come up with $300 extra this week, I won’t be able to keep my utilities on. That’s on top of the $350 I still need for her treatment. Fuck knows I have every right to just dump her on the state. Hell, she probably deserves it, but no matter what she’s put me through, I can’t do that. So, sighing, I make my way to my meager closet to try and find something nice enough for Vancelli’s.
I walk into the doors of Vancelli’s and immediately know that I’m underdressed, even though I’m wearing he best clothes I own; a black skater dress and black tights with black booties. I make my way over to the frowning concierge. “Hi, I’m meeting someone.”
“Uhh, umm…Well, I’m not sure who’s name it’s under, but my name is Sparrow.”
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“You’re Mr. Atlas’s date?” he asks in disgust, studying me with cruel eyes.
“Yes,” I say, trying to stay confident.
“Very well, follow me.” He moves away from his post, and I follow him to a private dining room, where Mr. Atlas is sitting at a large candlelit table. He smiles when he sees me.
“Sparrow! You came!” he greets, standing and striding over to me.
“Uhh, yeah, here I am,” I answer nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.
“You look beautiful. That’ll be all, Anthony,” he says, waving the concierge away and placing a hand in the small of my back and leading me to the table.
“Thanks. I’m sorry I’m not exactly up to par, but this is all I had,” I explain, suddenly feeling very out of place.
“Nonsense, you look great. I’m Collin, by the way, Collin Atlas.”
“Have you thought about my proposition?”
“Sparrow Winchester,” I reply.
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“Yes. And I need more information.” He nods and smiles.
“Ok. Well, you’ll have a weekly allowance, not counting the gifts I decide to give or you request. You’ll live in my apartment. You will travel with me. I will be the only man you see romantically, and you will be the only female I see. I will expect you to follow my rules, and we will discuss, if you agree, of course, your sexual preferences, as well as my own. But most importantly, I will be in charge.”
“$1,500 a week, and a bonus $2,000 at the end of every month.” I feel my throat close up. Holy shit.
“When you say you’re in charge?” I ask, trying to stop my mind from reeling.
“In every way. I will control you in the bedroom, and you will be my little girl outside of it as well. I’ll expect you to call me Daddy at some point, when you’re comfortable enough to do so. But only in private. In public, you can call me Collin.”
“Is there a contract or something?”
“There will be, yes.”
“And what about when you get tired of me?” I can see the hurt flash through his eyes.
“I would make sure you were secure before I left you. And you would receive a $10,000 severance payment.”
I take a deep breath and lay my head back against the tall chair.
“Look, let’s enjoy dinner, and you can tell me your decision after dessert, alright?”
“Yeah, ok. Can I get a drink? Think I’m gonna need a drink.” He laughs.
I study Sparrow as she absolutely devours her chocolate soufflé. She’s quite adorable. I sip my espresso and ponder my chances of walking away tonight with a new sugar baby. I believe they’re high, but I suppose I’ll soon find out.
After finishing her food, Sparrow wipes her mouth and clears her throat, taking another sip of her apple martini.
“Ok, let’s talk,” she says, sitting up straighter. I nod and do the same, leaning slightly into her.
“Your terms sound good. But I need an advance on my first payment. I have some business that I have to take care of by the end of the week. Also, might I suggest a one-month trial period? That way we can both feel each other out.”
“I like that idea.”
“Good. But about moving in with you. If we decide it isn’t going to work, where will I go?”
“Your severance will still apply, and you will have more than enough to find an apartment. But let’s focus more on the moment, shall we? Should I take this as a yes?”
“Yes.” I beam.
“Wonderful. Now, I need a way to contact you. What’s your phone number?”
“I don’t have a phone. I can’t afford it. You could call my job, I guess.” I’m stunned.
“No, we’ll get you a phone tomorrow. Now, I’ll call and make an appointment at Legacy Medical in the morning, I want you to get tested, as well as have a physical and pap smear. What birth control are you on?”
“I’m not on any.”
 “Hmm, well, we’ll work on that. Now, I’ll send movers by your place tomorrow. What’s your address?”
“Uhh, 113 West 49th, apartment 3B.”
“That’s a bad neighborhood. Are you safe there?”
“I make do.” I nod, not liking the answer, but knowing it’s the best I’ll get.
“Tell me, you’re how old?”
“20.” My eyes grow wide. I assumed she was a little older. She seems so mature.
“You just made me break the law, you know? Ordering you that drink.”
“It’s not my first drink,” she replies, looking at me evenly.
“It’ll be your last until you’re of age.”
“I…I’m Irish. Ma gave me my first drink when I was 14.”
“Maybe so, but Daddy won’t.” I can see her pondering just what in the hell she’s gotten herself into.
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mermaidadrianna721 · 2 years
Hello, Adrianna. I was a essential worker during 2020-2021. But I have left out of grocery store business because of emergency situations during the same time I have been suffering 2 car accidents injuries.
One has been miss diagnosed and turn up much later in life and I end up developing degenerated disc and the other one was when I was pushing carts and a driver had hit me while I was pushing carts during in a process trying to recover from an old injury.
I'm was living in Florida 22 years of my life.
So back then, I have all the connections and networking. But now I have no resources sadly the government of Texas only can help the rebillation problem made only for drugs and alcohol abuse that's there main focus since it's a baby state.
So the only special needs programs are made for server cases of austim. Not Asperger syndrome since I'm concerned to be Asperger syndrome I don't qualify any special needs support regarding of funds in the state of Texas.
I'm not asking much but as a request as a donation to a fellow citizen of the United States of America. who just so happened to have Asperger syndrome. I need some financial support for medical attentions for an example Chiropractic visits I go to the Joint every so often . And to travel since I use Uber to go to the places that need to go.
The small package for a start would cost $209 for the adjustment for my spine.
Sadly the churches can't help me because they are also don't have the enough funds to us. Because covid-19 situation restrictions I can't go to a normal job anymore. And they don't have anti-vaccinated jobs/ anti-covid-19 testing jobs available because the state of Texas is getting so expensive regarding of the taxes. And a hyperinflation. You can donate me any way you can you can send me an Uber gift card by sending me your physical address by emailing me. Or you can text me and I will send you my router number and that way you can deposit whatever amount you prefer to donate. I do not have a GoFundMe page because Facebook had deleted my GoFundMe page because Facebook is a anti freedom of speech Network system and anti-American .
My e.mail is [email protected] or text at 813-614-5277 Ps: Please leave your name address or email address thank you.
Donation instructions:
I will send you a paper form for sign the donation . Along with the envelope so you can send the donation by mail. If you want to send in cash or gift card. Or through the bank account it's up to you. Check will be fine. If it's easy for you. In fact I prefer check then sending my router number. Thank you and you have a blessed day.
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carriesthewind · 2 years
"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton fled his home in a truck driven by his wife, state Sen. Angela Paxton , to avoid being served a subpoena Monday, according to an affidavit filed in federal court."
Very normal country and very functional justice system we have here.
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theyoungturks · 2 years
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton ran from his home to avoid being served a subpoena, and later explained that he fled from the "stranger" because he was worried about his safety. Cenk Uygur and Jessica Burbank discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/26/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-subpoena-abortion-lawsuit/?utm_campaign=trib-social&utm_content=1664244917&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter "Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton fled his home in a truck driven by his wife, state Sen. Angela Paxton, to avoid being served a subpoena Monday, according to an affidavit filed in federal court. Ernesto Martin Herrera, a process server, was attempting to serve the state’s top attorney with a subpoena for a federal court hearing Tuesday in a lawsuit from nonprofits that want to help Texans pay for abortions out of state. Later on Monday, Paxton filed two requests: a motion to quash the subpoena and another to seal the certificates of service, which included the affidavit from process server." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 220927__TB03_Texas_AG_Runs by The Young Turks
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kaninchenzero · 2 years
texas ag ken paxton is a pathetic, sniveling coward
hey texas bar association come get your boy here
threatening to shoot people trying to serve him with legal papers is like not conduct becoming of an officer of the court
hiding behind his wife and physically dodging the process server is very funny and i want video
with scooby doo music over it
i guess y'all could get some yakkety sax but i have unfond memories of benny hill
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sleepyleftistdemon · 2 years
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cooltron-fans · 18 hours
Cooltron 400mm Axial Fans Power Up Texas Data Center Efficiency
400mm axial fan
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In the heart of Texas, where summers can be sweltering and winters surprisingly chilly, our data center faced a significant challenge in maintaining optimal operating temperatures. Equipment was overheating, leading to frequent shutdowns and costly downtime. That's when we discovered Cooltron's 400mm axial fan, a solution that has revolutionized our cooling efficiency.
From the moment we installed the fans, we noticed an immediate improvement in our facility's temperature regulation. The fans' powerful airflow, capable of moving large volumes of air quietly and efficiently, ensured that our servers stayed at a steady, cool temperature. This feature is particularly crucial for us because it means less risk of overheating and more uptime for our critical operations.
But it wasn't just the performance of the fans that impressed us; it was the build quality too. Crafted with durable materials designed to withstand the rigors of continuous operation, these fans have proven to be incredibly reliable. The fact that they require minimal maintenance has been a huge plus, as it reduces our operational costs and frees up our IT team to focus on other important tasks.
Moreover, Cooltron's commitment to customer service stood out. Their team provided expert advice during the selection process and continued support post-installation, which made the transition seamless. They have a wide distribution network covering not only major cities but also extending to rural counties across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This extensive reach ensures quick delivery and support wherever you might be located.
Since integrating Cooltron's 400mm axial fans into our facility, we've experienced a noticeable reduction in energy consumption. The fans operate so efficiently that we've seen a drop in our utility bills, making them not only a smart choice for our equipment but also for our budget. It's clear that these fans aren't just a piece of equipment; they're an investment in our data center's future.
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