#Thanks so much for asking about my doggo
miradelletarot · 4 months
Hey! Sorry to hear you’re going through it and had a rough day. Tell me about your dog! What’s Lady like? I know gushing about my pets always makes me feel a little better.
Sending you love, and hope tomorrow is a better day. ❤️
My pupper!! She's such a potato but I love the hell out of her.
I don't recall how much I have actually shared about her so forgive any repeated info.
She was born October 8th, 2014 (She's a purebred. Me and my ex had a *lot* of issues with rescues sadly. long story...) We named her lady because she sat up all prim and proper with her front paws crossed and he just looked like royalty. it was the cutest thing. I was about halfway through my pregnancy with my daughter at the time, and so when I went to meet Lady before we could officially take her, she curled up on my belly and put her wittle face between my boobs (lol) and fell asleep. If I coulda taken her home that day I would have.
She's an old Lady now, but she's got a ton of energy. She's a bit lazy, and has really bad anxiety. She's the queen of puppy eyes, and loves attention. New person? LET. ME. LOVE. YOU. DAMNIT is 100% her energy. You'll get sick of her WAY before she gets sick of you. She won't play with toys, but if she sees a squirrel, a bird, a lizard, etc. you bet your ass she's gonna try and chase it. I think she's afraid of snakes tho. Also, she sheds like CRAZY. my ex said "let's get a short haired dog! she won't shed." BULLSHIT. I was only petting her the other day, and I think I petted a whole other dog off of her. I wish I was kidding.
Thank you for asking about my little love. Lady is to me like Tara is to Gale (minus the wings and the sassy motherly talk lol).
I adore her, and I hope she's secretly immortal.
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icantalk710 · 5 days
#well glad i finally stopped overthinking for three days and sent the damn text#i get if things are super hectic with work and everything immediate i do--but if we've still been feeling each other we'd still find a way#to connect?#i thought dinner with him went well a few weeks back--and would've gone better at mine if not for shitty super (big stressor) halfassing a#roof leak repair job in his closet making him have to go handle that after it rained a little during dinner#but we kissed goodbye saying we'd hang labor day and i told him to text me once home or about how the leak goes and he never did#but okay things were stressy and he forgot no worries#labor day came and i followed up day of not having heard from him and did an afternoon in the park after not hearing back#he apologized the next day saying he was going through a lot and i understood and said i'd still like to help take his mind off things--nada#he works weekends so i sent him a doggo video on IG to help some and checked in the next Monday asking if we did still want to hang again#and that i'd missed him--he apologized last Tuesday saying work was chaos and that he was two-weeksing his part time job#i understood and asked what he planned on doing from there to have us talking--nothing#but he did see the doggo video finally and said 'thanks for the doggo c:'#i did also have a free evening on thurs from a day off with mom so i low-presh said 'hey if you wanna hang?' and nothing#last thing was i asked on Sunday how his week was going and nothing#what confused me is that through all this he would still pop into my IG stories and like things which makes me think 'interest'#but i'd low-pressure like or comment a thing on his and i wouldnt get anything#and also still kinda seeing him on the site we met on with a guy leaving him a bj review a few weeks ago... which#it's fine it's been two dates so sure--but i'm also v much wanting to do things with him too and i'm kinda right there??#so all this to say that i felt like i had to just see if we are doing okay given it's been hard to tell#...but i did so much overthinking on how to phrase it the past 2-3 days before finally sending it#saying that if we are i'd like us to connect a bit more and that maybe Snapchat could help with that#[we probably should've traded SCs already 🥲]#anyway we'll see how that goes but idk as much as i've liked our chemistry i kinda feel like--to quote The Drums' 626 Bedford Ave--#i dont get near what i've been givin'#(space considerations for the hecticness aside ofc#so if we can communicate a bit better that'd be nice but could also gear toward an end so we'll see with the ball in his court#anyway thanks for reading that pre-bed vent#you're now imagining a corgi about to go paddling on a boat as a treat :)#🥱
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cry4mina · 1 month
No Lights, Only Tzu
(Tzuyu x gn!reader)
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Word Count: 8.8k
Summary: Staying late at the office on a Friday to finish a report your boss gave you last minute was annoying. Even worse, a massive storm is headed your way. This leads you to company you weren’t expecting and bonding you’ll never forget.
TW: Food mentions, kissing, small make out moment, cuddling and doggos.
A/N: Happy 5 Months to Cry4Mina! I can’t truly cannot believe it’s been 5 months since I started posting and it’s been insane for sure but I truly enjoy it so much and I appreciate you all taking time out of your lives to read the product of my brain rot! Lmfaooooo
Fluff is not my favorite thing to write but I did enjoy getting a little lost in this one. Per @ghostykapi saying “Gib” at the mention of wanting to write Tzuyu fluff lmaoooo
Bless and thank @raainberry and @myouicieloz for helping with names/titles/helping me not go insane while attempting the fluff 🖤
Thanks for reading!
As always, DMs and asks are always open! 🖤
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The silence of the office is deafening, it’s late on a Friday night and of course you’d be stuck finishing a report that your boss had gave you at right before the day ended.
“Please, have this in my inbox by midnight, Y/n. It’s very important that we get this to the clients tonight.” mocking you boss’ voice and tone as you fill in the last two boxes with the research requested.
Glancing down at your watch, it reads 8:45pm, way too late to be in this grey washed building any day, let alone a Friday.
Phone on the desk, vibrating with weather warnings that you’ve been ignoring all day. Taking just a moment to check what all the interruptions were throughout the night.
“Thunderstorm warnings…great.” typing even faster, trying to beat the rain.
A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you finish crunching numbers and send the report off to the appropriate parties.
“Finally!” Exclaimed victoriously, arms shooting up over your head to celebrate being able to leave, happy to start your weekend but also worried about driving in the storm that was about to drench the town.
Packing up your stuff, meticulously placing everything scattered across your desk in your briefcase and grabbing your blazer, not even bothering to put it on, before basically running to the elevator and slamming the “down” button.
The doors slide open, you step over the threshold only to press “Lobby” three times rapidly not willing to wait for the elevator to register that you were in a hurry.
It’s time to get out of this building.
Tapping your foot, waiting for the doors to open again so you can make your way to your car. The ding like the start of a race, taking large hurried steps through the lobby of the building and waving to the receptionist on your way out.
Automatic doors robotically opening to reveal a stormy night sky. You can see the outline of the moon behind the threat of the downpour and the scattered patter of rain from the storm that was threatening to drench the town.
“It’s going to be a rough one! Be safe on your way home.” A small velvety voice softly rings out, stopping you from taking a step down the stoned staircase towards the parking lot.
Turning to see who it was, it was the girl from the 4th floor. Tzuyu. Leaning against the stone column and seemingly annoyed but cheery enough to greet you.
Grace displayed in every move she made as she toyed with her side bag, running her fingers through her hair nervously, her eyes scanning the almost empty parking lot and then immediately looking down at her hands still tinkering with the zipper.
Tall but delicate, her long dark pin straight hair framing her face perfectly before landing elegantly on her shoulders. The black trench coat she wore was left open, allowing her business professional outfit of a pastel pink silk blouse tucked into a pencil skirt to peak through.
A polite smile that dawned on her face when she realized you weren’t going to just walk past her and wave, causing a flutter in your stomach, which would have stopped you had you not already frozen in place by her siren voice.
No wonder everyone had an innocent work place crush on her.
But why was she waiting out front?
“Thank you…Tzuyu, right?….are you okay out here? It’s late…shouldn’t you be at home too?” looking back at the sky and gesturing out, referencing the storm about to unleash its wrath on the city.
“Well, I’ve been waiting for an Uber but they keep cancelling because of the…” mimicking your gesture in a dramatic fashion, “so I’m stuck here until someone accepts the ride.” Sighing in frustration.
“How long have you been out here?” Concern riddled in your voice.
“Three hours.”
“Three hours?!” shock apparent in your tone and the facial expression you displayed, eyes wide, mouth open and brows furrowed.
Thinking about how she was usually very quiet around the office, she never really said much to anyone but when she did, it was always sweet, kind, or witty.
“Do you…want a ride?” The offer sounds shaky but still meant whole heartedly, the glimmer in her eye tells you that she knows you mean it.
“Truthfully, I was going to just walk but I won’t say no if you’re offering.” Smiling back at you, the gratefulness present in her grin.
“Well it’s about to down pour, I can’t let you walk home like this. It’s also pretty late…so it’s not entirely safe for you to do that. Come on, let’s go.” Waving her over to you so you can make way to your car and opening your passenger door for her.
“Thank you…” softly spoken to you as you got into the other side and started the car.
As you follow your GPS to Tzuyu’s apartment, the sky opens up. The once withheld clouds releasing their tears, engulfing everything and much like eyes full of emotion, it makes it hard to see the road in front of you.
Thankfully, most cars were off the road, the highway barren in nature, only reflecting the rain splatter and the hazy lines that were supposed to divide the lanes.
White knuckling the steering wheel and leaning forward, you squint. The blur of the road is impossible to read and it’s starting to feel unsafe. Especially with a passenger present.
“Hey, Tzuyu. I’m going to pull over, I can’t see anything and it would be a little too reckless for me to keep driving in these conditions” Pressing the brakes slowly to ensure not to hydroplane, turning the blinker on and pulling off to the side of the highway.
Pressing the button for your hazard lights, you look over at her to see her fidgeting with her fingers again. She seems nervous in her mannerisms, though still very elegant in the way she manuvers- a loud crack of thunder startles the both of you.
Both wide-eyed, you can’t help but giggle at what’s just happened. She joins you in that and before you know it, you’re both cackling at each other’s reactions to the clap of thunder.
“So, Tzuyu.” looking over at her again.
“What are you up to this weekend?” Trying to make conversation with this pretty human you hardly knew in your passenger seat.
“Well, my parents were supposed to come into town this weekend but because of the storm, they’re staying home. So my plans are kind of ruined actually. It hasn’t been the best week for me.” There’s a hint of sadness being shielded in this response, you can see it in her eyes and hear it in the infliction of her words.
“I’m really sorry to hear that.” Not really knowing what to say next to help her feel better.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I just don’t really get to see them often so I was really excited…” a beat of silence follows, she takes a deep breath and goes on.
“They’ll come another weekend, we just have to find one without a huge storm.” Chuckling at what she’s said and covering her mouth trying to mask the disappointment.
“Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be soon too! I’m sure they’re just as excited to see you.” smiling at her in an attempt to offer warmth to this borderline stranger.
“Thank you, Y/n. It’s really kind of you to say that.”
This is the first time you’ve really had a chance to see her, to really see her. Her doe eyes, shy smile, witty sense of humor that poked through momentarily before getting in the car, and the vulnerability she displayed…left you a little curious about who she is, what her personality would convey to you in this impromptu adventure you found yourself on.
“What about you?” Tzuyu’s calm voice snapped you out of the curious trance you were in.
“Oh! Uhm…well I was supposed to volunteer at the local animal shelter but given this storm going through Sunday evening, I don’t think I’ll be able to now.” a small sigh leaves your chest, you always did love volunteering and playing with the dogs, as you didn’t have one of your own.
“You volunteer too? Which one?!” the excitement that spreads across her face catches you off guard, sparking that thrill in your stomach again.
“The one off this exit, actually!” pointing to the sign a couple yards in front of you.
“That’s the one I volunteer at!” Tzuyu now beaming at you with admiration.
Blinking a few times, your stomach trembles in a way that was unfamiliar, at least in reaction to her. Sure, you thought she was beautiful, but you hadn’t really had any time to get to know each other aside from small greetings here and there. This was the first time you really had a chance to speak with her.
Heart beating a little faster as you watch her remove her jacket, revealing toned arms, and place it over her lap so she can rotate in the passenger seat to face you. Leaning back against the door and getting comfortable, she catches you looking at her.
The blush that washed over her cheeks flustered you, a warm boil in your stomach overturning all other emotions, a glimmering shimmer ascended from your bones that soaked into your muscles, causing them to tense and contract under the curiosity you had for the beautiful woman sitting in front of you.
Tzuyu giggled at your react, seeing your face turn red and you look down to avoid her eye contact.
A small rumble interrupted the attempted transformation into awkward silence. Grabbing your stomach realizing you hadn’t eaten since before you clocked in, at 8am. Looking down to view your hand shielding your torso, your eyes raise to Tzuyu, who was smiling back at you with her hand covering her mouth, covering the expression that was still being screamed through the her eyes.
“I’m hungry myself. There is a 24 hour diner around the corner from the shelter. Do you want to try to make it there? I bet they’re open.” repressing a giggle before looking down to try and keep her composure.
“We might be able to make it there.” clicking the hazard buttons off and carefully pulling onto the highway again, making sure to carefully steer and keep a moderate speed that wouldn’t be too dangerous.
The bell on the door jingles abruptly, startling the hostess who fell asleep at the podium, unwilling to blame her for the snooze. Rain always makes you tired and it’s not like the place is lively. Empty seats fill the room, so does the horrid song from the early 2000’s playing in the background.
Dripping wet from running from the car, you look to your right and see Tzuyu standing there, completely soaked. Curling up into her self to try and preserve some body heat, it would seem.
“Table for two, please” the hostess looks at you, then Tzuyu, then back at you and just nods her head, grabbing two menus and setting off to the first table next to her. She placed them at the table before silently walking back to the podium and sitting down again.
You pull the chair out for Tzuyu, this catches her by surprise and she thanks you graciously. Heart soaring as you find your seat across from her. She looks down at the menu, blinks a few times, and then scoots it off to the side.
“I know what I’m going to get, what about you?” curiosity or inquiring on whether or not you were ready to order? Are you overthinking this? *Yes.*
“Hmmmm…well I always order the same thing, so I think I’ll switch it up a bit.” pensively staring at the menu and giving the idea you’re going over it with a fine toothed comb.
“What do you normally get?” There is the curiosity you were just questioning.
“Waffles with strawberries.” placing the menu down on top of Tzuyu’s discarded one on the other side of the table.
“Oh wow, okay…are we the same person? Or is this just a very weird coincidence that we volunteer at the same place and have the same order at the diner that we both go to frequently…?” completely in shock about the other details that have surfaced, realizing that you might have more in common that you have previously expected, even if it’s a small thing.
It’s something to hold onto.
A waitress walks up and stands next to the table, this one you were unfamiliar with. She’s not the one here on the days you stop by while on this side of town for volunteering. Looking up and offering her a smile, she doesn’t acknowledge it and just simply pulls her pen out from behind her ear, licks the ballpoint, and stares at you as if waiting for something.
“Oh, uhm….okay, Two orders of waffles, One with strawberries and one with blue berries and 2 cups of hot coffee, please!” The waitress nods at you, writing down some shortened version of what was said, before snatching the menu’s off the table and prancing into the kitchen.
Twiddling your thumbs while taking in the atmosphere of the place you usually frequent during the day, the warm lighting was pleasant even in the wake of the storm clashing down outside. Yellowed walls from the years of the building being open covered in themed art based off of “Route 66.”
Street signs, a wagon wheel, maps of the desert, pictures of vintage cars, you name it - haphazardly sprawled on the walls in a nonsensical manner. It always was something that made you giggle as there was hardly any sense to the interior design of this place, but you enjoyed the food either way.
Eyes shifting back to Tzuyu, who was now shivering in her seat, smiled up at you through chattering teeth. Watching her as she rubbed her arms for warmth, her hair still dripping from the mere seconds of rain you experienced (an ode to how hellish it was).
You stood up, hastily.
Her eyes followed you, watching as you took your blazer off to reveal a perfectly dry black button down. She gazed up at you, watching as you undid your cufflinks and started unbuttoning your shirt.
“Take your jacket off.” stated as you reveal the undershirt you were wearing under your work shirt, untucking it as you pulled it off.
“Excuse me?” Tzuyu, confused and wondering if she should be upset, halfway glares at you for the statement.
“Oh! Gosh, no. Uhm, I’m trying to help you be more comfortable and your jacket is soaking wet. Let me hang it on the back of the chair for you and you can wear this instead.” handing her the shirt that was thick and dry.
“Oh…” She stands, removing her jacket in what appeared to you to be slow motion. Excitement returns, finding its place in your stomach as you help her out of her jacket and into your shirt. Nervousness taking over your limbs as you shake, hiding it from her.
She doesn’t need to know that you’re feeling this way…that you’re attracted to her.
Sitting down again, Tzuyu has already stopped shivering and can’t seem to hold eye contact with you. A little unnerved, you try to make small talk to quiet the new sensations you were experiencing.
“So, ho-”
“Thank you.” interrupted by the stunning girl sitting in front of you, you can’t even mad at the sudden disruption of the question you were about to ask her.
“Well, today has been kind of not by best day at all. I got stuck at the office, the storm outside, the lack of a ride home, my parents not coming to visit, and the you show up and fix almost every single one of those problems…I mean, you even gave me your shirt because I was cold…” her cheeks flush a lovely rose color.
“It’s really no trouble at all.” quietly from your side of the table, what was she implying here?
“This is really making my day, so thank you…seriously.”
“I’m glad that I can contribute to you having a good day, Tzu.” Sides of your mouth pulling up to offer a small smile, now feeling like you’re on the spot - you don’t really know what to do with yourself.
“Here you are, blueberry for you” a plate heavily placed down on the table and slid against the glassed wood that was heavily tarnished from years of the same movement.
“And strawberry for you.” the waitress repeats the movement and slides the fruit drenched waffles in front of Tzuyu before turning around and jogging to get the coffee she freshly made for the two of you.
“Do y’all need any cream? Sugar?” shouted back to the table from behind the “bar.”
“Yes, please!” Tzuyu now cutting her waffles before melting a slab of butter on them and then drenching them in syrup.
The waitress brings the packed of sugar and cream over with the two mugs and the pot of coffee, setting the entire tray down before stepping away and leaving the both of you to your breakfast.
Glancing down at the two mugs, you reach over and grab one.
“How do you take your coffee?” looking up at Tzuyu to see her plopping a syrup coated strawberry in her mouth and trying to chew it quickly so she can answer your question.
“Two sugars and a dash of cream, usually.” reaching out to take the mug from you, you swiftly move it just out of reach from her.
Setting it down just out of reach, she stops what she’s doing and watches you take the sugar packets and shake them so all of it piles up at the bottom of the thin paper before you rip them open.
“You better keep eating” scolding her playfully without looking up. A soft shy giggle is heard through the spoon mixing the sugar around, waiting for it to dissolve in the heat of the liquid before introducing the cool cream to the mixture.
Lifting the mug off the table, you hand it to Tzuyu, hands brushing as you pass the mug. The softness of her hands relaxes you, contemplating what it would be like to hold them.
Snapping out of that thought, you proceed to make your own coffee. She takes a sip of hers and nods her head at the warmth and flavor. She watches you tentatively, noticing the two packets of sugar, noticing the same amount of cream…
“Another thing in common?” taking another bite of the waffles, as you dressed yours the way you enjoyed.
“I actually prefer iced coffee but I wanted to know what your order tasted like.” sipping from the mug and making a face at the flavor.
Tzuyu reaches out and smacks your arm jovially, giggling at the playfulness you possessed when interacting with her.
“It’s just okay. It’s not sweet enough.” poking fun at her now before taking a massive bite of the blueberry waffles.
“Hey!” reaching over to push you lightly.
She hasn’t stopped smiling since the two of you sat down, not that it was an issue…her smile lit up the room, able to lift anyone’s mood, and add a warmth to the dreary night.
Gathering a helping of the blueberries on your plate, along with piece of the doughy fluff on your plate, you take your first bite.
“Oh, you HAVE to try the blueberries!” speaking with your mouthful in excitement of how delicious and sweet they were.
Scooping a few up on your fork with the waffle and the syrup, you lift it up to her mouth and she instinctually takes the bite with no hesitation.
A small amount of syrup dribbled down her chin. You reach for a napkin and lick the corner of it, placing your free hand on the side of her cheek, you carefully wipe the droplet from her chin before turning your attention back to your food.
She’s a few chews deep when both of you realize the intimate moment you have just had with each other.
A flash of heat radiates from you internally, embarrassed at the romantic nature of the action, you look down at your lap - fearful of what the response would be.
“I’m sorry, I know you could’ve done that yo-”
“Don’t worry about it…I took it from you, didn’t I? I leaned into it…didn’t I?” batting her dreamy eyes at you, if you weren’t already sitting down - you would’ve needed to.
Suddenly very aware of everything touching your skin, the air in your lungs, and the sweet flavor of the berries that resonated on your tongue. It’s hard to ignore the signs that you were developing a crush on her, and very afraid of overstepping and scaring her off.
Freeze this moment, hold onto the memory and remember it fondly later. The smile, to sweet words, the comfortability. It was unlike anything you’ve ever felt. No need to fear, this is happening naturally.
A film in development, a polaroid in waiting - comparable to what was happening right before both of your eyes.
“So why were you at the office so late today?” sipping the coffee you made for her, humming into the warmth of it, and grabbing her fork to sneak another blueberry or two from your plate.
Tzuyu is leaning in closer to you, elbows on the table and one hand other her chin, the other toying with the fruit on your plate. Sneaking a strawberry from hers, you continue on:
“Well…” letting out a sigh that rang true to how annoyed you were at the day you had.
“My boss sent me a report that needed to be finished by midnight tonight to be sent over to the shareholders overseas…at 4:30pm…when I normally clock out around 5-5:30pm.” rolling your eyes at the though, before glancing down at your watch to see it was 10:18pm already.
“Jeez, that was very inconsiderate of her…especially on a Friday when there’s a huge storm brewing outside.” another sip of her coffee, another blueberry stolen, another shy look through her long eyelashes, another moment to secretly swoon over her.
The comfort that you feel in her presence is…different.
Different in a good way, you were still nervous but not to the same degree. There was a safety here, you knew she wasn’t going to judge you and the anxious was more of an excitement than a fight or flight moment.
Taking the last bite of your waffle, you let a few more of the blueberries fall off onto the plate and watched her as she snagged her fork again, sneaking two and leaving the last two for you. Smiling at the gesture, you pop them into your mouth and enjoy the sweetness from both sides.
“It doesn’t look like the rain has stopped much.” glancing out the window and seeing the waterfall of rainwater cascading off the roof and into the parking lot.
“At least we are full now. I’m going to run to the bathroom and then I’ll be good to brace the storm again.” Tzuyu stands as she speaks, wrapping herself tightly in the button down to keep herself from shivering as she walks to the back of the diner.
Peacefully watching the rainfall down, sipping the warm coffee and waiting for her return, you gloss over everything that’s happened this evening.
Being trapped with a pretty woman in your car, not being able to see while driving, getting to this diner and finding out that she was actually really sweet and that you had a lot in common, the flutter returns once more. Tickling your already full stomach with even more comfort and calmness than you could express. A shit day turned into a lovely evening with someone very unexpected.
Flagging down the waitress to get the bill, she waves your hand down.
“Your friend already took care of it! Have a lovely night!”
Confused, you look up and see Tzuyu coming back from the bathroom with a big smile painted across her face.
“Why did you do that? I was goin-”
“You saved my day and you’re giving me a ride home, the least I could do was pay for dinner or…breakfast?” giggling as she continued to the table to grab the rest of her things.
“Besides, I ate your blueberries.” winking at you before grabbing her jacket and putting it on again. It was semi-dry now, but still damp enough to give her a small shiver.
“Fine, but next time, let me take care of it.” lightheartedly frowning at her.
“Stay here, I’m going to pull the car around so it’s not as wet for you this time around.” You stepped towards the door, buttoning your blazer up and trying to shield yourself from the rain you were about to encounter again.
Bolting out the door before Tzuyu could protest, you hop in the car and turn it on. Flipping your hair over your shoulder to get it out of your face, you pull out of the parking spot and pull up to the door as close as possible to insure maximum dryness in the human you were about to drive home.
She runs from the front doors to the passenger side of your car and hops in, much drier than before. Taking a second to wipe the excess water from her face, she looks over at you and scrunches her nose and furrows her brows.
“Next time?”
“You said next time…so next time you’re buying?” so soft it could’ve just been a breath, you can see her hands shaking as she utters the words, she’s nervous again.
“Yes, next time…unless you’d prefer we didn’t do this again?” pursing your lips and checking in to see if that was something she was interested in.
“Well, I think I’d enjoy it more if it wasn’t…you know…violently storming.” gesturing towards the windshield at the obvious damper on your….hang out?
“I think we can make that happen.”
Light conversation fills the slow moving car as you make your way to Tzuyu’s apartment. Talks of what you guys would do the next time you hung out and if you should start volunteering at the animal shelter at the same time got you excited about what was sparking between the two of you.
You can’t help but wonder if she’s just as excited as you are.
Pulling off the highway again, you notice it’s unusually dark. The street lights are dim, the traffic lights are flashing and the buildings don’t have any life in them at all. Pitch darkness covers the once bustling area with lifelessness and dew drops.
“Is it always this dark over here?” concern is very present, as you never know what’s lurking in the dark.
“No…I think the power is out…it’s always well lit. I wonder how long it’s been out for…my dogs are probably so anxious and it’s so hot too. I hope they’re alright without the A/C.” Tzuyu starts picking at her fingers, noticeably anxious at the thoughts she was having.
Before your brain could even understand the thoughts you were having, you blurted out:
“Why don’t you pack a bag and come stay with me for the night? You can bring the pups too, of course.” eyed widening when you hear what you just said, you look over at her and see that she has a reaction that is…good?
“Yeah, why not? I’ve got air conditioning and I’d love to have some puppy’s around since we won’t be able to volunteer this weekend…I mean, if you want to…if you’re comforta-“
“I’d love to.” softly spoken with a very small, very gentle smile across her face.
Pulling up to the building she pointed out as her apartment complex, you offer to come up and help her gather things she might need for the night. Dog food, their leashes, and a bag of her necessities but she politely declines.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick!” as she hops out of the passenger seat and runs inside, meanwhile you’re just enjoying the view.
It wasn’t long before she returned with bag in hand and two cute dogs following her. Luckily, there was a break in the rain so the dogs had time to use the bathroom before hoping into the car.
Tzuyu wiped their feet off with a hand towel she had ready before unleashing them into the back seat.
Shy at first, the dogs are seemingly a little timid in their approach to you. Not really knowing how to interact since this is the first meeting.
Rotating in your seat to face them, you stick your hand out very slowly, palm up so they can sniff and decide on their own if they want to be touched or not.
“Helloooo puppies! It’s nice to meet yo-…wait, what are their names?” looking over at Tzuyu for the answer.
“This one is Kaya and this one is Butter.” pointing them out one at a time and giving the closest one to her a little head pat.
“Hi hi hi!” showing excitement in your most bestest baby voice to get them to see you were excited to meet them, they were very quick to return the excitement.
Butter jumped over the center console and ended up on your lap, Kaya finding her way to Tzuyu’s before standing on her back legs to look out the window. Continuing to talk to Butter in a baby voice, you give pats and scritches, toying with her big ears and giving her every ounce of attention you could before she curled up and got comfortable on your lap.
Eyes on you as you softly coo and pet the tired dog’s head gently, the feeling of being watched overshadowed by the care and attentiveness you were giving to the usually anxious dog in front of you.
“I’ve never seen her calm down so quickly…even for me…wow” petting Kaya as the dog scans out the window - seemingly on guard.
Tzuyu just nods her head at you, looking into your eyes, you see a glint of something…feeling your heart strings play a song you’ve never heard, you watch as the corners of her mouth lift in a very miniscule way. It would’ve gone unnoticed had you not been sneakily trying to take in every detail of her tonight.
Feeling your body start to lean towards her, Tzuyu seems to have the same idea- leaning into you slight before both of you catch yourselves. Straightening up a little and trying to brush it off as nothing, you turning your head back to the road and grip the steering wheel.
“Uhm…you ready?” the sweat on your palms would be visible, if you were willing to let go long enough to look.
“Yes, I’ve got everything me and the girls will need for the night.” there’s a drop in her pitch, a snag in her tone…did she want you to make a move?
Putting the car into drive and heading to the highway again, you make your way to your apartment. The rain gradually picking back up as you pull into your parking garage and whip into your assigned spot.
Helping Tzuyu, you grabbed her bag for the night and her purse, letting her carry your two new furry friends as they were obviously more comfortable with their owner than they would be with you.
Hands full, you fumble for your keys. Nervous was an accurate description of what you were feeling, not really expecting to have guests but happy that she agreed to come. You were enjoying the time you were spending with her and weren’t really ready for it to be over.
“After you.” gesturing her and the pups into your apartment with a smile before you stepped in, closing the door behind you.
Kicking off your shoes and walking over to the couch, you toss the bags on the cushion and remove your blazer, hanging it up in the closet next to the door. Tzuyu still has your button down on, holding the dogs and looking like she isn’t really sure what to do as she scans the living room, taking in the pictures on the wall and the setup of the furniture as she places the dogs down on.
“Please, make yourself at home! I’m going to change into something more comfortable. There is a half bathroom to your right, if you’d like to do the same…I’ll be right back.” the clattering of dog nails on your hardwood floors makes you smile, bringing a warmth to your house that you hadn’t felt before.
The tapping gets closer, looking down to see who it was…Butter seems to be following you.
“Alright, girl come on. You can come with me!” leaning down to scratch her head before you and your four-legged shadow go to your bedroom.
Leaving the door ajar, just incase Butter decides she wants to leave, you slip out of your work clothes and toss them in the laundry hamper before snagging your favorite pair of sweatpants and a cropped tank top - just trying to be as comfortable as possible after being drenched by the downpour that was now re-opening up outside.
Butter just sits and watches, waiting for you. Unable to help yourself, you coo and talk to her in the “puppy voice.” She wags her tail back at you and barks a few times, playfully. She suddenly zooms, pushing the door open with her snout and barreling into the living room.
Taking the small moment of alone time to brush your hair out, untangling it and throwing it into a messy bun. A deep breath fills your lungs as you prepare to step out into the living room again. Grabbing a massive fleece king sized blanket out of the closet and a few pillows, you step back into the living room - completely blocked by fabric and fluff.
The dogs start barking at you, cautioning the mass of blanket walking towards them - Tzuyu is laughing at them for causing such a scene when they were just fawning over you.
“I know it’s late already, but we both had coffee so I was wondering if maybe you’d want to watch a movie or something. I know it’s going to take the dogs a minute to get settled…and I did so happen to get a bottle of wine the other day if you wanted to have a glass or two with me while we watched something…if you want…that is…” plopping the blankets down on the recliner that was next to the couch that Tzuyu already was seated on.
She did take the opportunity to change into something more casual and comfortable. A black cropped hoodie and some light gray sweatpants. Seems like she had a similar idea to you. Even with her sitting down, you could see the outline of her abs.
Swallowing heavily, you avert your eyes, trying not to stare…she was just so pretty and so easy to be around…great conversations and the way that she was just so graceful…*Wait wait wait*, don’t get ahead of yourself. You don’t even know if she is feeling the same way.
“Yes, that sounds great! What kind of movies do you like?” She shouts while watching you walk to the kitchen to get a few wine glasses, a cork screw, and the bottle you previously mentioned.
“It’s your pick! Whatever you want!” sliding back into the living room on the hardwood, socks allowing the slip of the wood to coast you to your destination with ease.
“Don’t do that with so much in your hands!” Tzuyu’s arms raise, ready to catch you if you fall.
“You’ve got glass and a sharp corkscrew! What if you fell?” She stands, taking the glasses and corkscrew from you and placing them on the coffee table before putting her hands on her hips and cocking her eyebrow.
“Awh, come on, I was just having fun!” poking at her for being such a stick in the mud.
Tzuyu sighs, shaking her head slightly before taking her seat on the couch, picking up the corkscrew again, sneaking the bottle from your hands and opening it herself.
“Tzuyu, I promise I won’t do it again.” Halfway whined from you as you plop next to her.
“Good.” Handing you the glass of wine she just poured, smiling about getting her way before pouring herself a glass and recorking the bottle.
The thunder claps outside, scaring both of you and the dogs. Barking at the loud sound, they run and jump up on the couch, cowering behind the two of you.
“Awh, babies! Don’t you worry, your Mom and I will keep you safe, okay? Okay.” scratching behind Butter’s ear, Kaya picking Tzuyu to hide behind.
A glimpse, that’s all it was, from the corner of your eye - Tzuyu was staring at you…hands on her chin, small smile on her lips…and that glimmer in her eyes.
Turning your head to face her, she quickly snapped out of it. Unwilling to show you what you’ve already seen, unable to be so forward with what her body language was already telling you.
“So what movie do you want to watch?” another crack of thunder and the brightest bolt of lightening you ever seen, followed by a very loud pop, the power surges and flickers out completely.
You sit in shock…the whole point of her and the dogs being here was to get out of the powerlessness of her own apartment, but now she was in yours…with her dogs…and no power.
“Did you hear that? The pop?” Tzuyu shakes her head yes in response to your question.
“That was the transformer…so…they’ll have to replace it before we get power back on…” the annoyance woven in the words as you spoke them.
She erupts in a fit of laughter, unable to contain it. Her giggle lights a fire in you, boiling your stomach and melting you from the inside you.
The way she covers her mouth when she laughs, the way she’s leaning back and smacking her knees…the infectious sounds pull the giggling right out of you, unable to stop yourself from joining her.
“Oh, that’s too funny! I was wondering when that would happen. “ wiping the tears out from under her eyes.
“What do you mean?” confused at the statement.
“Well…look at how stormy it is outside. It was likely the power was going to go out. Don’t you think?” Tzuyu gestures at the window, the pitch dark lit up by random flashes of lightening and the rumbling of the winds clashing together.
“Wait…so you knew my power was going to go out here too and you still came?” even more confused.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? It was a sweet offer and I’m having fun with you…how does “Spirited Away” sound?” using her phone as a flash light and going over to her bag to pull out an iPad.
Tzuyu flips open the case of her tablet and sets it up on the coffee table, taking a swig of the wine and getting the movie pulled up as she sits next to you. You’re a little awe struck, unable to understand what was happening in front of you.
“Everything okay?” leaning back and putting her arm on the back of the couch so it was almost around you, you’re facing her with one leg folded in front of you.
Sipping your wine, you set the glass down on the table and return to your previous position but this time, you rest your head on your hand. Soaking her in as she does the same to you, grinning at you a she takes a sip of her own wine.
Very unprepared for what happens next, Tzuyu reaches over and places her hand on your arm. Shockwaves blast through your nervous system, causing your body to clench and release under her touch.
The place where her hand sits on you burns in the best way, an ache that makes you want to curl up with her in the middle of this storm and just enjoy this time together.
“Why don’t you go and grab some candles and that blanket and come sit closer?” Her tone is…attractive.
Tzuyu sets her glass down on the table placed next to the couch, licking her lips to get the wine flavor off them and scooting into the corner, leaving space between the two of you.
Your insides are absolutely screaming, candles? Movie? Wine? Intentionally coming over even though she knew the power was going to go out? Was this…a date? Was she…flirting?
Quickly doing as you’re asked, grabbing the massive blanket and throwing it over top of her lap and going into the kitchen to grab a few candles.
You place them on the coffee table and light them with your emergency matches before sitting next to her on the couch.
Butter and Kaya jump up and find there spots in you and Tzuyu’s lap, she hits play and the movie starts. Her arm present on the back of the couch, you’re tempted to scoot all the way into her…temptation wasn’t enough to get you to do so.
There wasn’t enough proof it was what she wanted and you were way too nervous to act on the impulse of cuddling Tzuyu.
Fighting the urge to hold her hand, kiss her, innocently touch her arm all night, you can’t just…do it, what if she isn’t into it? The comfort of her presence was going to have to be enough for now.
The thought are interrupted by a soft hand on your shoulder, pulling you in closer to Tzuyu until your body’s were anchored together. You interweave your fingers together shyly, being so soft and slow with the movements as if you were sneaking affection.
Face turning towards her to seek permission, after the hands are already entwined, you are met with her face - mere centimeters from yours.
Time stops.
Her nose grazes against yours.
Nothing else matters.
“Is this okay?” whispered to you while her eyes flicker between your lips and your lashes, searching for signs in your body language.
Nodding your head so softly, had she not been that close to you, she might not have noticed.
Your eyes dance with hers, the tango of anticipation for what was coming.
Suddenly, Tzuyu leans in and connects your mouths together in the softest, sweetest, and gentle kiss.
Heart beat booming to the sparks of what was being created, the foundation of something more being built right before your very eyes.
Parting briefly for a moment, she looks at you and takes in your features, she lets you watch her do it this time.
She strokes your cheek with the backside of her pointer finger, tracing the lines of your cheekbones and moving her eyes back to your lips.
“Was that still oka-” before she can even finish the sentence, your lips are together again. Initiating something a little more passionate, bringing your hands up to cup her face and leaning further into her.
Her hands find their place on your forearms, holding them delicately while allowing you to take the lead. Fingers wandering back to entangle in her hair, you graze your tongue over her bottom lip, asking permission to take it one step farther.
Her next movement showed she consented, bringing her hands to the back of your next and allowing your tongues to meet. Innocently exploring each other, the movements gain speed as you feel like you’re ascending into heaven.
The satisfying ache of your bones drenched in honey, a thickness that could only be described as a sugary, sappy substance flooded your veins and made you instantly addicted to her.
A grandiose crescendo in the movie brings you both back down to the couch, snapping you back to the present, reminding you that this was just the first time you hung out…it was not the time to push it further than it needed to go. Pecking her lips a few times before resting your head on her shoulder, innocently.
Her heart beat is loud enough to be heard, you grab her arm and pull it around you, stretching out across the couch so you both can lay down together.
Her dogs on your laps, you in her arms, her favorite movie playing and the storm outside. All too comfortable and relaxing for the two of you.
You fight your eyes for a while, trying to combat the sleep as it fought for your attention and ultimately lose the battle.
The slow build of rain peacefully wakes you, drifting you out of the dreamless sleep, you let out a groan and stretch for a moment, rolling over on the couch and curling up in the blanket that was noticeably missing someone.
The tapping of claws on the floor and panting first thing in the early hours of the day were lovely, even half asleep.
The dogs are jumping on you, licking your fresh morning face and trying to get some love and affection.
“Hi hi hi!” in your groggy sleeping voice.
“Where is your mother? Where did she go?” puppy voice returning while you stand up and survey the room, noticing that the oven clock was blinking so the power was back on, and Tzuyu was nowhere in sight.
Well she had to be coming back, right? I mean the dogs are here, she wouldn’t just leave the-
The door cracks open very softly. A hooded figure steps in with a take out bag in hand, rain drops coating the water resistant jacket that was a little too familiar, and closes the door gently behind them. Taking their shoes off softly, before pulling the hood off…Tzuyu.
“Good Morning, I went out to the diner down the street to get us some breakfast! I thought it might be a nice way to celebrate the power coming back on and our first…uhm…well..” hesitating to say what you both knew it was.
“…Date?” finishing her sentence, smiling at her as you made your way up to her, wrapping your arms around her neck.
Tzuyu places her hands on your hips, slowly inching them around your waist so she can fully press her body on yours, lays a soft peck on your cheek.
Releasing you, on a mission to find your coffee stash and get a pot started for the two of you.
“What did you get for breakfast?” sitting down on the stool in front of the counter, rubbing your eyes to try and remove the sleep from them.
“Waffles. One order of blueberry, one order of strawberry. I figure we could go halfs-ies on them.” pursing her lips, folding her arms across her chest and tapping her cheek with her pointer finger.
“…and miss you trying to sneak blueberries off my plate? Not a chance.” smirking at her, knowing this wouldn’t be the last moment you brought up her blueberry thievery.
Tzuyu winks at you, before going back into her deep thought.
Unconsciously admiring her pensive face, you let her ponder for a moment. Taking in the way she shifts her weight from one leg to another, the way she hums while she thinks as if she’s talking to herself, and how she seemingly doesn’t want to ask for help locating whatever she’s looking for.
Gosh, she’s so cute.
“Whatcha looking for?” coming up behind her, sliding your hand over the small of her back. You feel her shiver under your touch before she leans into it.
“Are you trying to guess what cabinet they are in?” teasing her before lightheartedly turning her face towards yours, kissing her and whispering, “Top left, over the sink.” With another swift peck on her lips and you’re off to the other side of the kitchen to get 2 cups of coffee for the both of you.
Bringing both mugs back, placing one in front of her on your way to your own seat, she’s already got the plates divided up and is waiting for you to sit and get comfortable before she starts to eat.
Breakfast together was fun, asking about favorites - movies, music, colors, animals, hobbies and just learning different things about each other, with the occasional blueberry stolen from your plate. You made sure to share, with the dogs too.
Plain blueberries, of course.
Sitting there for a good few hours before feeding the dogs their actual food and moving back to the couch, you spend the majority of the day wrapped up in each other, the blanket just adding to the coziness of your newly found crush.
“Well, it’s getting late…” Tzuyu says when the clock hits 8pm.
She stands up, the storm still ever present outside. Getting a ride in this would be impossible.
“I should probably go.”
“You know you don’t have to! It’s still storming really badly out there…and I am very much enjoying your company.” looking up at her from the comfort of your couch.
Reaching out to grab her hand, you hold her by a few of her fingers and look up at her to find eyes of someone who most definitely did not want to leave.
“I don’t want to intrude…” Tzuyu looks at the floor, waiting for you to combat her sentence, knowing you would.
You stand up, her vision following you as tou step in front of her.
You look her in the eyes, bringing your hands up to tug on hem of her cropped shirt innocently, brushing her stomach with the back of your hand while you toy with the cloth.
“You’re not. I want you to stay.” toying with the strings of her hoodie while you shyly tell her to stay with you another night.
“Are you sure? I really don’t want to impose…you’ve already put me up for a night.” giggling at her own comment, before she meets your completely serious face.
“ I want you to stay. If you don’t want to stay, then you don’t have to. I want you to be comfortable. I’m okay with whatever you decide…it is storming pretty heavily outside though and I want you to be safe.”
Tzuyu beams at you, taking her seat on the couch again and ushering you over to her. You oblige, finding your new favorite spot. In her arms.
“Hey, I was thinking…” she starts to ask.
“Would you want to go to dinner with me next weekend? Maybe we could go to the shelter together and then go get dinner afterwards?” her voice shakes, nervousness looks really cute on her.
“I’ll have to check my schedule…” poking fun at her, smirking while you did it.
“I’d love if you could pencil me in.” snapping back at you with the same amount of playfulness.
“I’d love to.” snuggling into her, flipping the TV on while the storm raged outside.
You hand Tzuyu the remote, letting her pick what you watch. She chooses some documentary about animals for background noise, both of you are too busy wrapped in each other and watching the storm to care about what’s on the tv.
It was easy to drift off into a mid-afternoon nap in the comfort of her, feeling so safe and cared for while she runs her fingers through your hair…you’ll have to remember to thank your boss the following Monday for that stupid report.
Maybe even say thank you to the sky for the rain.
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cumikering · 8 months
Werewolf Keegan x reader 2
2.7k | fluff Hey kid, do you like dogs? (part 1) (part 3)
Who knew peanut butter was this delicious?
Keegan wasn’t a fan of it, only eating it for calories, but when he had it as a dog- no, wolf, he thought it was the best thing ever.
On his next trip to the store, he bought five big jars. The expensive kind, because his wolf was sensitive to added chemicals. Which was why he spent that Saturday morning making peanut butter sandwiches, crustless of course, for his solo trip.
There was a growly German Shephard on base called Raider who oddly got along with Keegan. Since being a werewolf, he almost always took the K9 along on his hikes. It was nice to have a doggo to chill with (hint: he couldn’t play tug of war otherwise).
But not this time. He didn’t like sharing his freshly ground, all-natural peanut butter.
By late afternoon, he’d finished his exquisite meal on the deck as he looked over the city. With his fur warm from the sun, he stretched. It was time for a little walk.
Halfway to the other side of the mountain, he stopped dead in his tracks. He tipped his head up, sniffing the air. He jogged back towards the cabin.
This smells better than peanut butter?!
He lurked behind the trees as you stood at the cabin door he’d left ajar.
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“Hello?” you called, shifting your weight. After a moment with no answer, you knocked on the door frame and peered in. “Is anyone there?”
No! My sandwiches are in danger! He leapt out of the bushes. Get away from my snack!
But of course it was a bark, and you turned with a gasp. You froze, eyes wide as he approached with a growl.
Wait! He circled you, sniffing your backpack furiously. It’s her! Why does she smell so good?
Oh God, was it bad he wanted to lick you? With his tail wagging, he stood on his hind legs, front paws on you, but his weight made you fall back against the wall. Good, because now he could shove his snout against your neck to inhale whatever delicious scent that was.
A broken whimper escaped you. He panted when he pulled away, only now noticing how your fists trembled with your eyes pinched shut, tears down your cheeks.
His head lowered with a yip. Oh, no, no. I didn’t mean to scare you! As he took a few steps backwards, his hind legs twitched.
Everything blurred for the next minute, like he was stuck in a loop, before his neurons finally fired and he barged far into the woods. When he was assured he was concealed (surely he didn’t want to seem like a creep watching you behind the trees), he plopped down to catch his breath. After he shifted, he was instantly hit with the chill wind.
Bad Keegan, he always forgot about this part. His clothes were neatly folded in the cabin.
He shifted back with grumble, dashing back out to retrieve them. But you were gone. He inhaled – you weren’t far yet. When he emerged out, decent this time, he jogged after you.
“Hey!” he bellowed. He didn’t have to.
You turned to him with wide eyes, shoulders taut. He wasn’t good at this, was he?
“You came to the cabin?” he asked when he got to you, being mindful of his tone.
You nodded, your shoulders relaxing a bit. “I… I can’t seem to find my way back to the trail.”
He tilted his head. “You’re actually really far from it.”
“Am I? No wonder I haven’t seen anyone else. I was curious if the view was better up here.”
He blinked. Was there a normal way to ask why a stranger smelt so good? “Well, the trail is that way.” He pointed at the opposite direction you were going.
“Oh, thank you so much.” You flashed a smile, yet your fingers fumbled with your shirt.
Am I not standing close enough? I can’t smell a thing. “I can walk you to the trail. To make sure you get back alright.”
Your lips pulled, like you were weighing your options.
He realised full well what it looked like: alone in the woods with a 6ft 1, 200 lbs stranger. He could have very well been a serial killer. Would smiling make him look less intimidating?
“If you want to, of co-“
“Please, if you don’t mind.”
You had a pretty smile, as pretty as your eyes. He let out a tiny sigh.
“Do you come here a lot?” you asked as you followed him.
“Once or twice a month. I could sit out here for hours looking at the city.”
“Is that… safe?”
“What do you mean?” He glanced at you.
“Well, when I was outside the cabin, this black… wolf came out of the bushes and sniffed me.”
“Oh, I’ve seen him. I gave him some of my sandwiches earlier.”
You blinked. “Sorry, you what now?”
“He’s a friendly wolf. Or dog. I don’t know. He looks like a wolf but acts like a dog.”
“He does! He had the zoomies before he left. Must be from all the carbs you gave him.” You smiled. “I would have been laughing if I wasn’t so scared.”
He paused. Is that what it was? “I don’t think he’s dangerous as long as you leave him alone. Probably was just curious.”
He could tell you’d relaxed even that you still kept your distance behind him.
“Again, I’m sorry to bother you. My boyfriend is picking me up and I don’t want to be late or he’ll be so worried.”
Of course you have a boyfriend. “I understand."
“I'd ask him to come with, but he just got back from a work trip.”
He hummed, but after a beat surprised himself when he asked, “How long have you guys been together?”
“Over a year now. He travels a lot and it gets hard at times, but we do try to make it work.”
Keegan dated a handful of times in his early 20’s but with his schedule, nothing lasted more than half a year. As the years passed, the idea grew to be less and less worthwhile, but sometimes when he heard of these stories… Sometimes the envy flared.
Even if for a second, it burnt to know no one had ever missed him the way he wanted to be missed. He recalled the weekends he’d spent not uttering a single word, sometimes not recognising his own voice come Monday morning. The worst part was that he didn’t really mind it.
You quickened your pace as the chatter of the hikers on top of the trail grew distinctive. “Thank you for your help.” You gave him that smile again, a more genuine one this time.
“It’s Keegan, and no problem.” He turned towards the trail, his hands in his pockets. “You get back safe.”
“I will, and I won’t get lost again next time!” You chuckled. “Bye Keegan!”
A small smile played on his lips on his silent way back to the cabin.
The better-than-peanut-butter scent clung to Keegan’s mind. It was sweet and warm, robust and a little sticky, but most of all, felt like a hug he didn’t know he needed. It seeped into him until recalling it was as easy as turning his own hand, and he did. A lot. Because basking in the scent slowed his mind and sleep didn’t elude him.
Eventually, the memory dissolved, like how perfumes would vaporise into thin air, leaving a ghost of what was but not enough. He was left with an unsettling craving for it.
While he and his wolf didn’t seem to share the same opinion on what constituted as mind-blowing, his wolf thought the scent was tasty, and Keegan knew tasty, at least. He brought home a variety of desserts with foreign names from different parts of the city, but nothing was remotely close. He kept trying, but after a week, he got sick of all the sugar.
But you didn’t smell anything out of the ordinary when he spoke to you. Could it have been your fading perfume that only canines could pick up? But why did it smell delicious, and why did it even matter?
As the last molecules left him, he decided it was something in the wind or that he’d messed up the memory, like staring at a selfie you liked too long until you hated it.
He didn’t think about it again until the end of the month when the scent filled his wolf again in the woods in the form of a gust of wind. The memories rushed in as chills ran down his spine. He perked up, following the trail with his nose. So he didn’t imagine it - it was something.
He crawled behind the bushes, spotting you sitting among other hikers at the top of the trail. You nibbled on your sandwich overlooking the city, your steaming drink in the thermos lid next to you.
It really was you, wasn’t it? He didn’t know what to say, but he needed to find out what the haunting scent was. He dashed to the cabin to get his clothes and shifted closer to the trail. You were sipping on your tea when he was back.
“Hey,” he said, his voice a little hoarse. “You got back alright last time?”
You looked up from your tea. “Oh, hello! I did, thanks to you.” You smiled, nodding at the view. “It’s better from further up.”
“Much better.” He chuckled, sitting down next to you.
“Don’t want to get lost again though, so here I am.”
“Not with me, you won’t.” When he was met with silence, he remembered that he was still the strange dude from the woods.
“Hey, can we take a selfie?” You turned to him. ”For my friends, so I can show them the Keegan who helped me out last time.”
He laughed. “Okay.”
You held your phone out and the both of you smiled at the camera. You typed a little caption before hitting send. “Let’s go.”
He led the way to the cabin. “Do you like dogs?”
“I love them. Grew up with one.”
“That’s good, because I brought my- well, not mine, but there’s a dog in the cabin.”
“You mean… the wolf-dog?”
“No, no. A real dog, from work. I take him on hikes.”
“You’re dog sitting.”
He laughed. “I guess.” He noticed you walked a little closer to him than last time.
“Is he scary?”
“He doesn’t get along with most, so don’t take it personally. Just don’t look at him the wrong way.”
You smiled. “That’s a yes then.”
“Should I call him?” When you nodded, he bellowed, “Raider!”
A distant bark came from the woods, followed by rustling that rapidly grew louder. The K9 slowed to a stop a few feet away. He bared his teeth, staring straight at you.
“Boy, be nice. Let her pet you.”
Raider took tentative steps to sniff your legs and sat down as he looked up at you. You stooped to scratch him behind the ear. His tail wagged, panting before he rolled onto his back.
“Hey, I only got him to do that after months!”
You laughed, rubbing his belly. “You’re a good boy, Raider.”
He wondered what it felt like to be scratched as a wolf, if he would ever get the opportunity.
It was odd how fast Raider warmed up to you, brushing against your leg as you walked to the cabin. Maybe you really smelt great to dogs.
“I’m not sure if I remembered correctly, but I think you wore a perfume last time?”
“Perfume? No, I didn’t.” You let out a small laugh. “Even if I did, I’m sure I was too sweaty for it to matter anyway. Why?”
Aw shit. You definitely thought he was creepy. “No, I just thought you-“
The rumble of the bright sky interrupted his words, and he was glad he did because he was on a collision course.
You looked up, the stray hair around your face glowed in the sun. “Really? I checked the weather forecast this morning.”
“We can wait it out in the cabin. We still have a lot of time before it gets dark anyway.”
It had started to drizzle when you reached the cabin. On the deck, Raider lied between you and Keegan, his head on your thigh as you caressed him mindlessly, looking ahead. The city sat low and far, pretty in the rain with the clouds casting a muted blue hue over it. He was more interested in looking at you though.
It surprised him how easy it was to be in your company, both in silence and not. He didn’t like talking, but you didn’t make him want to bail. His eyes flicked to the napping Raider, wondering what your fingers would feel in his hair instead. Was he jealous over a dog?
He probably wouldn’t see you again, but he still scolded himself for the thought. You were taken, for fuck’s sake! And even if you weren’t, it’s not like you’d even be interested in him. No one ever really was, especially not now with this werewolf shenanigan.
With not much else to do, you showed him random photos on your phone as you both shared the rest of his peanut butter sandwiches. Raider kept looking at you so you gave him a chunk, and he retreated to the corner to enjoy his snack.
Keegan scooted closer to you. He loved the way you laughed as you told the accompanying stories, about people at work and stolen lunches, and your friends’ wild antics.
“This guy,” you said, pointing at the dude in the middle of the group shot in a crowded club. He wore Raybans and a grin, a drink in each hand.
His eyes wondered to you on the side, laughing as you held your drink up towards the camera. A guy had his arm around your shoulder as he smiled fondly at you.
“Party animal. Used to show up to class just to sleep through it.” You pointed at the male next to him, the only one without a drink in hand. “This guy, a very nice guy, drove us that night. On the way back, Nick didn’t feel so hot so he puked on the highway.” You laughed. “His spinach pie dinner sprayed out of him, hitting the windshield of the Prius behind us in its chunky green juice glory.”
Okay, that one made him laugh the hardest.
In turn, he showed you the few pictures he had on his phone, mostly of his small family and the lasagna his mum always made when he visited, and some with his friends (teammates) on uneventful nights out. He wished he had fun stories to tell. He wanted to make you laugh too.
When the sky cleared and you got ready to head back, it only occurred to him you never showed any pictures of your boyfriend, probably because of how much he was away. He felt bad for you, remembering that this too was why he stopped dating.
The closer it was to the end of the trail, the closer you walked by his side, but his feet grew heavy. He found himself wishing the rain lasted longer. Raider on the other hand picked up his pace, circling the both of you as his tail swayed, showing no sympathy towards the gravity of the situation.
“This is me,” Keegan said as he swung his car door open. Raider slipped into the backseat, next to his backpack. “Hope to see you around again.” His eyes flicked to his feet.
“Do you want to get dinner?”
He looked up. “Isn’t your boyfriend picking you up?”
“About that…” You grimaced. “I’m sorry, I was scared last time. You know, being alone and all- no offense.”
He let out a relieved chuckle. “No, I get it. None taken.” He chewed on his lip. “But yes, I’d love to get dinner. I’m starving.”
You smiled when he helped you with your backpack. You said the night was most fitting for a greasy burger. He agreed.
He strapped himself in as he glanced at you. This was nothing more than an innocent dinner, yet he couldn’t he wipe the grin off his face.
At least it meant he had more time to figure out what the scent was.
More Keegan: second chance, fake dating
@sofasoap @tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy
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starrysvn · 9 months
puppy love | kang yeosang
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pairing: kang yeosang x gn!reader
genre: headcanon; e2l (i TRIED); co-workers au, volunteering at an animal shelter; fluff; angst if you really, really squint, crack (i’m nOT funny)
word count: 3.1k
rating: pg-13
warnings: none; one smooch, mayhaps a couple swear words (lowercase intended)
networks: @cromernet
author’s note: happy belated christmas from your secret santa, @armysantiny !! i really hope you’ll enjoy this and i sincerely hoped you spent warm holidays surrounded by people you loved! <3 i’ve tried my very best with the e2l but mAN writing it is so much less fun than reading it. big, huge, thanks to @hwaightme for giving me wonderful ideas to use and delulus to ponder so i could write this down. ilysm <333
kang yeosang is one infuriating individual. for one, there is no way anyone can be so praised and well-liked by literally everyone. not a day goes by where you don’t wonder how his small smiles and quiet attitude could bewitch every last person he talked to. not when he would not bother to say hi in passing to you specifically, or resolve to small nods and monosyllables when talking. to you.
it seems that you are the problem.
you and him work volunteer shifts at the same shelter. only, he deals with cats while you deal with dogs so it wasn’t like you’d see each other that often, but it was often enough to know he doesn’t like you.
not enough to say hi, engage in any sort of coversation or, least of all, help out if needed.
until christmas.
the shelter was decked out, you spent a whole afternoon helping out with decorations, along with yunho and yena, two other volunteers.
and yeosang.
the man almost laughed his ass off watching you balance on a ladder in the most uncoordinated way possible to avoid falling. arms flailing around and everything.
he just stood there, an ornament in his hands, with his stupidly cute smile and watched.
you sigh, scratching behind the ear of the latest rescue dog that was brought in. you like baxter, he is chill and his black, shiny fur does not show signs of him having had to live out in the streets all on his own for weeks anymore. you like him best because it looks like he is listening when you ramble on, in disbelief of the rudeness showcased, about yeosang.
just then, a call of your name sounds in the air, the voice coming from the front desk of the shelter.
“see you later,” you leave behind baxter’s toy, leaving him with one last pat on the head, and make your way to the front where hongjoong had called for you.
you smile upon entering the reception area as it had been a joint decorating effort between you, yunho and yena. the result was looking very much like an elementary school christmas project, but you enjoy the general vibe. the senior rescuer currently behind the counter, looking rather preoccupied with a few papers, however, had just shook his head dejectedly upon seeing the final result.
“i’m sorry to be doing this, but could you take the christmas day shift?” he looks apologetic as he asks, rushing to explain. “it’d only be a half day, I promise that by one you can leave, we’ve got the staff taking care of the other shifts and the morning one’s the only one left uncovered-”
“no worries,” you interrupt his rambling. “i’ll be there.”
hongjoong smiles, looking relieved only for a second, before his face betrays further worrying.
“what is it?”
“nothing, i,” he sighs, shoulders sagging upon seeing the inquisitive look on your face. “yeosang will be working the same shift.”
defeat. dejection. betrayed trust. you groan dramatically, barely hearing hongjoong say that you’d already agreed and it would not be that bad.
surely it’d make for an interesting christmas.
when you arrive on christmas morning, the night shift staff gives you a tired nod and you offer him a smile in return, quickly wishing him happy holidays.
you waste no time in doing the rounds, giving all the cute doggos their breakfast.
while going over the duty checklist left from the night shift staff you hear the bell jingle in the front and roll your eyes.
when you finally decide to go up front it takes a couple of minutes before yeosang finally comes into view.
decked out in his funniest ugly sweater it reads “here comes santa paws” and has a cat wearing a christmas hat on it and with his long hair tucked behind his ears, he’s coming up to you with an awkward air about him.
you squint your eyes in suspicion.
“merry christmas,”
you’re floored, shocked, gaping like a fish looking up at your co-worker who for the first time ever has spoken to you first.
“cookie?” he produces a tupperware from behind his back, carefully removing the lid to reveal the most crooked, ill-decorated christmas cookies you’ve ever seen. some look slightly burned. a gingerbread man has three eyes.
you’re still gaping, not in the slightest understanding how it's possible that he’s spoken to you first, and also not noticing how ever so slowly a blush starts to creep up on his cheeks.
maybe you’re hallucinating, but it snaps you out of your trance.
you quickly reach for the gingerbread man with three eyes.
“thanks,” you mumble, giving him a small smile. “merry christmas.”
yeosang nods, closing the tupperware and disappearing without a word.
so you’re left there, cookie in hand, not knowing what to do with this.
you stay put, eating your cookie, until you hear a loud bang.
you rush to the source of it, finding a very flustered yeosang surrounded by cat litter. at least it’s clean.
you hold in your laughter, seeing him stand there, look around and try to come up with a plan.
“a little help?” you pretend to wipe away tears, facing his deadpan expression.
“you would’ve let me fall from a ladder,”
“you would’ve survived,”
you scoff, turning around to grab the broom and toss it his way. Yeosang catches it, just barely.
“you scared my dogs.”
with that, you leave him to his mess, going to comfort and play a little bit with the shaken up puppies.
it’s not until a little later that you show up at the front desk again, noticing yeosang is already sitting there, typing away on the computer.
he’s also got the phone pressed to his ear, helping out someone on the line with cat duties, speaking with his honey voice and a small smile on his face.
it’s almost mesmerizing seeing him wear an expression that’s not his usual blank stare he holds up around you.
“if you’re done staring, we’ve got hongjoong’s checklist to go through,”
just like that, you feel like a deer caught in headlights, heat pervading your face.
“sure,” you shrug, going over to him to take a look at it, trying not to stare at his smug pout.
deep down, very deep down, you think about kissing it away.
if he weren’t so unbearable. but he is. so.
the checklist read “lobby Ikea chairs”
you both looked at each other, confused, until you noticed the boxes hidden behind the counter.
there was a post-it on it that read: “good luck! -HJ”
simply infuriating. you’d lost count of all the times you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes or drop everything and go back to your dogs.
there was no trace of the cold, odd yeosang you were used to.
he’d casually sat down on the spot where you were assembling the Ikea chairs, picked up the instruction manual and waited for you to hand him the screwdriver. bewildered, you had.
that was about two hours ago, before trying to follow instructions had gone to your heads, when it was only extremely awkward and quiet while he read the manual and you tried your best to sneak glances at him. to figure out what possibly could have been going through his head, of course.
now you were busy trying to one up each other in an undeclared war of who is the best handyman, clearly having lost the main aim: building the damned chairs.
“you were supposed to put in the screw first and then the little wooden thingy.”
“does it matter?”
“does your chair look structurally sound?”
“listen, if we start over-” pinching the bridge of his nose and scrunching his eyes closed with a sigh, you stop him before he could finish his sentence.
“like hell we are, it took us two hours just to get to this.”
“exactly,” his deadpan tone leaves you no choice but to sigh.
“fine,” you give in.
you were going to kill hongjoong.
because it took you only two hours to realize all it took for yeosang to distract you were his hands working on assembling furniture, his voice asking you to pass him stuff and his silence.
if you hated it before, now you appreciated the quiet moments where all you could hear was the faint music coming from the radio and the occasional bark or meow that prompted one of you to stand up and go check on your animals.
of course it was because you didn’t have to hear his disdainful reprimanding, not at all because it gave you the chance to throw glances at him and how a few strands of hair escaped the clips pinning it back and framing his face very nicely. no, not at all. you still couldn’t stand him. mhmh.
once you finally finish building the chairs, he helps you set them up in exchange for the older ones, now piled up in the storage room.
it’s almost second nature for you to hold up your fist for him to bump.
it’s just a thing you do all the time with your friends but now you’re standing there awkwardly, fist mid air, yeosang staring at you very lost, eyes going back and forth from your face to your hand and of course now he’s not going to want to see your face ever again and you feel embarrassment slowly and steadily creeping in the more you stand there until
he fist-bumps back
a little puzzled, seemingly asking if he’s done the right thing with one look, before dropping his hand and clearing his voice
you do the same
“gotta go see the dogs,”
“yeah, no, me too… i mean, the cats, yeah, so-”
he turns around and speeds away.
you follow him.
“so how’re the cats?”
yeosang jumps on his spot, almost dropping the little mouse toy he was about to throw for a kitty to catch.
“sleeping, mostly,” he shrugs. “how’re the dogs?”
you motion for him to follow and, surprisingly, he does.
immediately, he greets the ones that are up or go up to him with a smile on his face that you’ve never seen.
it shines brighter than the sun and you find yourself smiling as well, seeing him crouch down and pat dogs left and right.
then you get a grip, not for long
it leaves you pleasantly surprised how he follows while you introduce him to every dog, how he listens while you explain why they’re there, their stories, their backgrounds
but then, while you try to get some of the dogs to play with you so he could finish the round of greetings, he reaches the puppies’ enclosure and enters it to sit among them
and while he tries to play catch with a couple, one makes his way into his arms
and when he looks down at the pup, he’s wearing the most adoring expression
like a kid seeing snow for the first time
it’s wondrous and starry and happy
and you’re staring as he softly pats the puppy’s head and coos at it
“what’s his name?”
you almost don’t answer, too focused on the scene unfolding and having trouble locating the information he’s asked for in your brain
“i don’t think he has one,” you mumble, patting baxter’s head
“sleepy,” he looks down at the puppy. “cause he’s asleep while everyone wants to play, you know?”
you just nod with a smile, or at least you hope it is because what the fuck
why are you losing your mind over yeosang cradling a sleeping puppy?
why is your brain recognizing just now that your stomach’s doing cartwheels? why do you want to look away but also keep staring?
“what’s this?” you think he’s speaking to himself, but you still catch the words leaving his mouth as he enquires the toy another puppy has just brought him
then yeosang looks up at you, eyes wide as saucers, and your heart drops for being caught staring
he doesn’t say a thing, but looks down prompting you to do the same
it’s the mistletoe chew toy
yunho’s brilliant idea of getting the dogs christmas themed toys
yeosang looks away throwing it
“yunho,” you start, catching your coworker’s attention. “yunho’s idea, to get them those.”
you offer him a pained smile as he nods, scratching his head.
“seonghwa too, for the cats…”
“ah, really?”
you want to bash your head into the wall
but the phone saves you, so you dash to the front, escaping the burning flames of awkwardness
it turns out to be a family wanting to adopt as a christmas present for their kids
so you say that yes, you’re open and yes they can come in whenever
when they do, yeosang has re-emerged and stands beside you, silent like always
this time around, though, you fear he’ll hear your heart beating out of your chest at the proximity
why’s he so close?
you almost jump to greet the happy family of four when they walk in to the sound of let it snow coming from the radio
“we were afraid it wasn’t going to stop!” the dad says, brushing off some snow from his hat
turns out they’d like to adopt a dog
it surprises you that yeosang follows when you lead the family in but you try to pay him no mind
the kids seem to be enamored with every dog they see, their parents giving them free reign
they’re still very polite and don’t cause much ruckus or yell too loud, which you’re grateful for
“could you tell us more about him?”
you’re about to turn to answer the question, if it weren’t that yeosang’s already at it
he’s introducing the kids to baxter
“he’s been here for a while, he’s very fond of our y/n and his favorite snack is carrots. he doesn’t like loud noises all that much. his past owners left him here because they could no longer take care of him, but he’s looking to find a new home,” he speaks as if he’s always been taking care of him, like he hadn’t just learned all that stuff half an hour ago
and he has his smile on, the one who could charm and warm up even the coldest of hearts
except one detail
you didn’t notice the little girl facing the puppies enclosure
until you hear her go “that one’s sleeping!”
but you can’t tear your eyes away from yeosang and his can’t help but hear his soft giggle as he says “his name’s sleepy”
yeah you want to punch a wall just about now
though you have to snap out of it quick
because you’re now letting this nice family adopt baxter and can’t fuck up the procedure or hongjoong will have your head
“how’d you know?” you ask, a little melancholic but over the moon to finally see your baxter go to a family worthy of him, as you both watch the car pull out of the parking lot.
“know what?” when yeosang turns to look at you, it’s with a shadow of a smile and curious eyes, an expression you’ve rarely ever seen directed your way
you swallow hard before speaking next
“that baxter’s fond of me”
his eyes light up in recognition
yeosang swore no soul shall ever know of this
but now he feels his resolution coming apart under your waiting eyes
because truth is, he’s noticed
he notices everything about you
from how you walk in dragging your feet when you have an early morning shift, relying on your cup of coffee, to how you laugh loudly at yunho’s jokes, always get your favorite snack from the vending machines at just about the same time he goes to get his melon pan he does wait for you to be done before going up to the machines himself
and how deeply you care for the dogs and how you seem to have a soft spot for baxter
maybe he’s even heard you once or twice rambling on and on to him about how you don’t get why he doesn’t like you
truth is, he sees you, and he likes you
so much
too much
he’s afraid of doing the wrong thing, say the wrong thing and make you hate him
but apparently his plan had backfired immensely
that’s why he insisted hongjoong gave him and not seonghwa the christmas shift
he even baked stupid cookies to give you
“ah, well…” yeosang has no idea how to get out of this one. “you just seemed to like him a lot from the way you spoke about him”
you hum, not really convinced
yeosang notices though, just as he notices the car of the afternoon staff pull in under the snowfall to free you of your volunteering duties
it’s not long before the shift’s over and he’s not going to see you until after the holidays
so, as you part ways to say goodbye to the pets and grab your coats, he musters up some courage
under the snowfall, he calls your name
when you turn around his dark hair is lightly dusted with snowflakes, only making him look more ethereal, and his eyes are determined
you don’t know what’s up with you today and why suddenly he’s making you feel like a teenager dealing with their first crush under his gaze
he comes closer, much more than he’s ever been, so close that you’re frozen on the spot
“just wanted to let you know that you can redeem your mistletoe kiss whenever you want to”
there’s a smugness in his voice, in his pouty smirk and a sense of accomplishment shining clear in his honey eyes
have they always been this mesmerizing?
his words and his warmth leave you breathless for just a beat too long, until your eyes fall on his lips
when you look back into his eyes, his are already looking at you, waiting
“alright,” you mutter lowly, pecking his lips once, testing the waters
he places another peck on your lips and, before you know, you’re kissing him
it feels exhilarating, and soft, so soft, just like his lips. just like the hand that’s come up to cup your cheek, bringing you closer, deepening the kiss.
when you come up for air you giggle, yeosang following suit
“may i also interest you in a coffee?” he asks, hand still on your cheek, gently brushing away snowflakes before they melt. you smile.
“i thought you hated me,” it almost sounds like a question and your brow furrows when he clicks his tongue.
“have you ever heard about the concept of quiet, introverted people who feel highly intimidated by awesome, funny, pretty people?”
you laugh, finally presented with the answer to the question that most replayed in your head
“take me on a date, hilarious, quiet, handsome guy”
he blushes and you know he’ll blame it on the cold, but only brushes his nose against yours
and to think you thought he couldn’t stand you mere hours ago
now he’s here, making your heart melt like snow upon touching his perfect skin
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moonrisecoeur · 10 months
Hi! I reaaally love your work (and honestly other works) about sub!puppy Leon Kennedy. I'm not sure if there's an aftercare but can you please write about reader pampering him? Or maybe vice versa like Leon pampering the reader, I honestly don't know what else to add for this but yeah! Thank you so much in advance and I hope you're having a great day! 🤎🤎🤎
hey!! i actually haven’t written any puppy leon yet lol!! he’s been called puppy a number of times but like literally look at that man. he is doggo. he beloved sweet animal that deserves to be pet and loved!!
i don’t tend to write aftercare scenes but i can def do that!! i’ll do one for reader receiving aftercare and one for leon receiving aftercare, because subs and doms both need it!! <3
reader receiving:
leon gently rests you against the bed, pressing a sweet kiss to your temple as he grabs a towel to wipe off any messy fluids really quickly and grabbing you what wet you need before cuddling obvi!!
“sweetheart, you don’t have to—” you mumble to him, but he shushes you.
“no way, i’m going to take care of you, okay? just relax,” he says back, softly. his voice is always it’s most gentle in these moments, “do you need anything? water? a snack?”
“…could use some water,” you say as you hold onto him arm, which leaves him in a bit of a pickle.
“gonna need you to let go of me if i gotta grab water for you, honey,” he tries to convince you to let him go, laughing endearingly as you shake your head, “no? i can’t go?”
“baby, i gotta go, i swear that i’ll be right back,” he pulls himself away before quickly retrieving you a bottle of water. it takes him merely 20 seconds, and it feels agonizing.
when he returns, he leaves it on the nightstand for you, and smiles when you drink it as he cleans you up, “good, glad you’re drinking it. that was exhausting.”
“i know…” you breathe as you put the cap back on the bottle, “you feeling fine?”
“don’t worry about me, sweetie, i just wanna care for you. you do so much for me, and i gotta return the favor,” as he finishes, he curls up in bed next to you, holding you close to him, “wouldn’t trade ya for the world. you’re my everything,” he mumbles softly, pressing his cheek against the crown of your head as he holds you.
“even when i’m being mean to you? i feel like i took it too far today…” you ask, almost insecurely. he takes the opportunity to give reassurance.
“hey, hey, i’m okay. i feel good. i would have told you if you took it too far, but i didn’t. so you’re just gonna have to trust me, okay?” he says, and you nod, “okay, good. besides, i like you when you’re mean,” he laughs.
“oh yeah?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“yeah, you’re really hot when you talk down to me.”
“oh my god, don’t say that shit, leon. i’ll get horny again…”
reader giving:
“hey, sweetheart… that’s it, nice and easy,” you say to him, touching his face to try and bring his mind back to reality. he’s too deep in subspace to do much right now, but he lets you hold him and whisper sweet things to him to bring him back.
so you keep talking to him like this, “you’re okay, you’re okay. you’re doing wonderful,” your words are absorbed up into him like he’s a sponge, taking in your praise, “you’re so good, baby. you’re doing so well, so proud of you. you think you can talk for me?”
he makes a hum, a sound of acknowledgment.
“can you tell me if you’re okay?” you ask, always feeling the nerves in your stomach even though you’re sure he’s gonna say he’s fine.
“uhh.. ‘m okay…” he mumbles, eyes closed like he’s sleepy, “wanna hold you…”
“okay, my love, whatever you want,” you smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you settle neck to him, leaving more kisses on his shoulder, “you’re so pretty,” you comment absentmindedly, your touch nothing more than soft and intimate, but he gets embarrassed easily when he’s like this. stuff that normally just makes him giddy internally leaves him a flustered mess like this.
he’s defenseless to come up with any kind of counterargument or rebuttal. he holds you like he’ll fall apart without you.
“you can go to sleep, baby, know you’re tired. we’ll shower when you wake up, alright? just close your eyes, and breathe. you’re okay. none of the cruel things i said earlier are true. i think so highly of you, leon, don’t forget that. you’re my everything, i would never tell you you’re stupid or pathetic with the intent to hurt you. i know you’d tell me if i said something that you didn’t like.”
“don’t wanna go to sleep, i wanna stay like this with you…” he mumbles, but he’s already so tired. poor thing.
“it’s okay, we’ll stay like this. i’ll be right here when you wake up, mkay?”
“i love you,” he says, still so soft and submissive. he’ll probably be back to normal when he wakes up, or at least some of the way there.
“i know you do, baby. i love you, too.”
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blackmoonowl · 23 days
Hello fellow RJ enjoyer tumblr user blackmoonowl. As we both know, our poor mercenary shoulders several worlds' worth of stress and he doesn't often get a lot of downtime to enjoy things.
What are the little things in life that bring a smile to his face?
Sincerely, a fic writer who keeps making him board the bullet train to whumptown. Here's an older screenshot out of my faves as thanks <3 Have a great day!
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𓅓 Hello fellow MacCready enjoyer Twosides--samecoin. I happen to have an idea or two for a little messy list I threw together.
Things that MacCready would probably like!:
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❤︎ Caps, obviously. This greedy hog will expect a cut of all the caps you find. He's still a mercenary after all.
❤︎ The games on your pipboy, let him play with them and he'll be content for a while. Same goes for any comics you've collected.
❤︎ Hold him, he'll sink into your arms and you won't be going anywhere for a couple hours whilst he unwinds. Give him a few kisses to boot and he's a goner.
❤︎ Giving him sentimental objects of your past. He gave you the wooden toy soldier out of trust after you saved his son. Return the favor and this man falls head over heels onto his ass in love with you, again.
❤︎ For all his whining about earning caps and not standing around, MacCready loves lazy mornings. Simply lounging in bed with his arms wrapped around you, spooning you as his face lies in your shoulder. Good luck prying him off of you.
❤︎ If you are good with his son, prepare for a very emotional and happy mercenary. He might even consider a second child, one with you this time. With how things are going.. it might not not be such a bad idea.
❤︎ Loves stupid little competitions with you. Who can shoot more ferals? Who can drink more? It's one of his favorite past times to playfully challenge you.
❤︎ Your cooking. If you are somewhat decent at making food he's absolutely inhaling that shit, then asking for seconds. You'll be surprised with how such a thin guy can eat so much. He just has a very fast metabolism.
❤︎ Going out on the town. MacCready loves to drink at bars. At first he did it to drown his sorrows, letting the alcohol soothe the pain to cope. But now he loves going there with you, simply as a date.
❤︎ Also he likes Dogmeat. It's not your dog anymore, it's MacCready's dog. He loves playing fetch with the doggo when he's having some time to relax.
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angywritesstuff · 1 year
Pole King (blurb)
A little blurb as second part since someone asked (also this is me avoiding studying for my exam and working on the WIP I promised myself to focus on)
Here's the link to the first part
liked by ItsmeYn, sharlecler, and others
ilpredestinato Just found this old video of @ItsmeYn of when she wasn't dating Charles yet
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evelyn.leclerc "Going old money, WAG even though I'm neither of those things"... and then 😂
↪️ItsmeYn Yep i manifested and here I am now an all accredited member of the WAG club
charles.leclerc.fanclub I may be wrong but I think that's when they met
↪️ItsmeYn It was and I've been obsessed with him ever since 😁 ↪️charles.leclerc.fanclub Oh my god hi... ↪️ItsmeYn Hi sweetie
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liked by charles_leclerc, chanelofficial, and others
ItsmeYn My first family heirloom 🏎️...
P.S. @chanelofficial how cool would it be if there was a version of this shirt with the number 16 on a beautiful red car?! just putting it out there
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charles.leclerc.fanclub You know when you need a family heirloom? when you are starting a family
charles_in_red If you and @charleslecerc got married DROP THE PICTURES (respectfully asking of course)
↪️ilpredestinato DROP THE PICTURES ↪️sharlecrer drop the pictures ↪️passionerossa Drop the pictures
charles_in_red I don't want to interrupt the all "drop the pictures" thing but can we also talk about her asking motherfucking chanel to make the same shirt with Charles number?! 😂
gigi_leclerc if you got married DROP THE PICTURES
charles_as_memes drop the pictures... drop the pictures... drop the pictures
leclerc.wife ma'am can you drop the pictures please? thank you very much
ItsmeYn Oh my god... what is happening in this comment section?! @charles_leclerc control your fan! 😂
↪️gigi_leclerc guys she noticed... don't give up now ↪️ItsmeYn Oh my god... you guys are evil ↪️Pierregasly✓ I don't know which pictures we are talking about but... DROP THE PICTURES ↪️Piarlesstan ahaha pierre is one of us ↪️itsmeYn not you too @pierregasly
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liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc and others
ItsmeYN Let's hear it Tifosi... (and don't start with the drop the pictures thingy)
tagged : scuderiaferrari, fendi
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charles_leclerc✓ Beautiful ❤️
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liked by yourbestfriend, pierregasly, and others
ItsmeYN When you don't have a boyfriend anymore so you get a puppy
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charles_in_red wait what? this isn't what I was waiting for
↪️charles_leclerc_fanclub we were here asking for wedding pictures and they broke up? NOOOO ↪️gigi_leclerc I feel bad
yourbestfriend Are you ok? I'm calling you!
↪️evelyn the fact that even her friends are worried 😭
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liked by haasf1team, joris_trouche and others
ItsmeYn I dropped the picture as asked
tagged: haasf1team
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gigi_leclerc I'm crying... this can't be the end
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and others
ItsMeYn When you don't have a boyfriend anymore.... but you have an husband who let you have all the doggos you want
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charles_leclerc✓ I said yes to the ONE dog
↪️ItsmeYn sure you did honey ↪️charle_leclerc✓ Yn! ↪️ItsmeYn LOVE YOU
charles_leclerc✓ also... best day of my life
charles_leclerc_fanclub She trolled us so bad
charles_in_red She didn't want to let us win easily... was it worth? yes sir
yourbestfriend I was seriously scared you had gotten mad the other day with that post... you should have worned me
pierregasly✓ I gotta say you know how to throw a party Yn Leclerc...
↪️Piarlestan So gotta ask... were you the best-man? ↪️pierregasly✓ Actually I wasn't and I'm still offended by that... didn't we have an deal @itsmeYn ↪️ItsmeYn Sorry the leclerc bothers love each other too much🤷‍♀️. ↪️ilpredestinato "the Leclerc bothers".. it sounds like a boy band ↪️itsmeYn A boy band I would probably obsessed over 😁😏
↪️Pierregasly✓ me too ↪️ilpredestinato Oh my god... @pierregasly @itsmeYn you are so real for this
lewishamilton✓ It was a beautiful day, thank you for letting me be a part of it
↪️itsmeYn thank you Sir Lewis for coming
olliebearman✓ It was such an amazing day and Yn you looked stunning
↪️itsmeYN Thank you Ollie... and here I thought you found my cousin more good looking than me ↪️F1obsessed ahahaha itsmeYn exposing Ollie's new crush ↪️F1gossip when you can't get the first one you wanted... stay in the family and try again
your story
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rosethevideomancer · 3 months
Let's Fix Ruby's Mom Reveal
Certainly! Here's the revised version and sorry imma read more this one.
UNIT finishes the scan and finds it empty. There is still no match in the database for the mother. Then the TARDIS emits a shuddering noise and all the screens flicker. Multiple screens pop up, searching through every time and place they've visited, scanning planets and realities they've traversed. The Doctor gasps, Ruby starts tearing up, Kate considers deadlocking her access points, and finally, the screen displays "MATCH FOUND." We see Ruby's face and then cut abruptly to the Cafe.
A blonde woman enters and stands in line, chatting on her phone with a friend about her life improving now compared to years ago with her abusive father. She vaguely details his actions and stops when she hints at giving up Ruby Sunday.
We watch her convey the pain with her expressions as she remembers. She reaches the counter after a young girl, whose face remains unseen—Almost insignificant. She orders her coffee, sits down at a table, and continues discussing an upcoming trip, mentioning someone like Rani or Sally Sparrow for a potential future coincidence.
As she taps on her phone, checking her text messages to pass the time (describe her briefly, mention social help lines), Ruby remains out of focus in the background. Finally, she looks up and sees Ruby staring at her. Confused, she asks, "Can I help you?"
Ruby replies, "Oh, sorry. I just… thought you looked like someone I once knew," then hesitates and starts to leave. The woman stops her, saying, "I don't know, but I get whatcha mean. You… come here often?"
"Oh yeah, used to pop round here every day!" Ruby answers. The woman replies, "Oh, yeah? Well same! Maybe that's how we know each other—from seeing each other here!" Ruby knows this isn't true but agrees verbally, "I guess so. Well, sorry to bother you," and tries to leave. As she turns, the barista calls out, "Ruby!" The woman freezes, and Ruby cringes as she grabs her coffee. Starting to leave, the woman softly says, "Ruby's such a pretty name," to which Ruby, as always, replies instantly, "Thanks, it's the road I was found on," the ladys eyes go wide and realizing she said too much. Ruby hurries away.
She runs to the Doctor, leaning on his TARDIS outside. She hugs him and cries; he returns the hug as he understands. He also had the opportunity for answers in FLUX but didn't follow through. It's hard to accept answers when questions have been your constant companions throughout life.
After this sad moment, a voice interrupts, "Excuse me." Ruby turns and sees the woman, nervous and fidgety, looking almost like an older Ruby Sunday. "That road you were left on… It wouldn't happen to have been… Ruby Road… would it?" Ruby hesitates but reluctantly nods, and they share an awkward moment, both tearing up. The Doctor beams his smug grin before leaning in and and saying, "This is the part where you two hug," pushing Ruby gently. The music swells as they embrace. We see him lean back happy as he adds in a whisper, "The foundling finally found. Coincidence, coincidence, coincidence," glancing briefly up at the sky with concern before smiling.
Fade to a later scene with the Doctor, the Sunday family, and Ruby's bio-mom. Carla asks, "So you're not a god or something?" The Doctor interjects, "Yeah, no, turns out… My old girl the looovely TARDIS eventually figured out about our little death doggo stowaway when I crashed near the edge of the universe. Turns out he was using all the noise and energy of the cosmos to cloak himself, but when you're at the edge of space, well... it's hard to hide in an empty room. Once she found that out, she kept trying to think of ways to warn us—groaning, planting a song in Ruby's core and using the excess energy from coffee and a lil' mavity mix up to try and burn him off her. When that didn't work she figured the only way she could help is by making a mystery the death god couldn't resist, extending her perception filter to Ruby's birth Mother on Christmas Night 2005. Which you should feel honored about, thousands of years and she's rarely ever done that."
Ruby nods but adds "But what about the pointing?" Her biological mother chuckles and nods "Oh I remember now. Yes.. Christmas night, I was giving away my baby and the faint song from the church had me questioning myself. But the strangest thing happened.. I heard this noise and a big box that wasn't there moments ago was suddenly fading into reality only a few meters away from me. I thought I was going mad! My tongue was tied and voice gone! All I could do was point. Put yourself in my shoes, I thought god himself had come to punish me for my actions... But he just stared me down crying.. I wondered why god would cry... How did my choice make him that sad?" The Doctor looks at her reflecting on the Sutekh conversation about being made the god of life. Her Mom continues "I think it's what pushed me. I had a life so sad that even god cried for me. I made a promise in that moment to leave and get out and maybe one day if my life ever got better... I'd find you again. So I turned and I walked away I made that decision to live the life I wanted you to have, Ruby, and I knew I made the right choice because when I turned back... That man and his box were gone."
"And here now here we are and for the record I'm really very glad that for once, just this one beautiful time… " the Doctor sits between Ruby and her bio-mom and hugs them both beaming "It was just a human." The episode continues from there as usual.
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ezratheanon · 6 months
Hey guys today I'm gonna be talking about my essay on that one fic direct doggo posted, im so normal. (I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO TALK ABOUT THEM G R O W L S)
y'know, the one. uhh what was it called again? ah yes DSAF tales "Nothing" anyways something thats been nagging me is how people frame thats the worse daves been through, that henrys abuse weapon (?) is a wrench, well im here to tell you, are wrong. from the wonderful wording in the fic (thanks dd)
["Explain." William demanded of Henry. Henry smiled, coiling the spring again, knowing his trap was set.]
First implication something like this has happened before, this part also means henry knows exactly HOW to get dave stuck in these type of situations
["Well, obviously, I can see you, windin' up some kind of device, ready to put it into your unfinished bot, right?" Dave responded, now hesitant of whether or not he was bumbling his way into one of Henry's (quite typical) cruel lessons.]
second implication we can tell that this isn't the first time Dave's been through this,, hes hesitant, wondering if hes stumbling in one of henrys cruel lessons again. (notice plural in lesson? another bit of evidence)
[William had no time to brace himself before he received an unyielding impact, courtesy of the wrench still in Dr Miller's left hand. William yelped like a confused animal, held his jaw tightly, and paced a few steps backwards, careful not to expose his back to Henry.]
this section of the fic. oh boy theres so much to unpack here. first of, notice the wording? "courtesy of the wrench still in Dr millers hand" henry didnt specifically pick up a something and hit William with it. he just hit him with whatever he had on hand. this has ups and down, for example if he was holding a newspaper the blow could've been softer, on the other hand, if he was holding a more potentially dangerous weapon, like a wrench, then daves in a bit more trouble.
another thing, "careful not to expose his back to Henry" this part, he knows exactly what to do to try to not make it worse, this type of carefulness dosent come from a one-time thing. it also implies that, well, let's just say that some of the scars on his body (specifically his back) weren't made by springlocks
[Henry slowly turned back to his work, and continued cranking the coil of the mechanism that was again holding his sole interest, now that William was disciplined. Henry didn't bother to turn back to check if William had fled the room, he knew that his assistant wouldn't.]
here, this part "Henry didn't bother to turn back to check if William had fled the room, he knew that his assistant wouldn't" If this was henrys first time doing something similar to this, he would've wanted to see how William would've reacted, but since it isn't henrys first time, he didnt turn around, he knew how William would react to this type of treatment.
In this fic, you can also see how deep henry had Dave this deep in manipulation. just by looking at the vocabulary directdoggo used when henry was addressing William "Henry cooed" "Henry affectionately placed his hand on William's now bloodied chin."
in this fic, we can also see the method of manipulation he used to GET William this deep in.
["Henry affectionately placed his hand on William's now bloodied chin.
Now that you see it too, don't you want to protect others from it?" Henry asked him, "Don't you want to stay here, in the light, knowing that I won't let you ever become nothing?" William forced a shaky smile, and frantically nodded, tears in his eyes. Henry's face contorted into a smile, no less sinister, but noticeably wider, but with closed lips]
it's like beating up a dog, but then giving them some treats, knowing what you did is morally wrong and not caring, but needing to keep them loyal by giving reward at the end of abuse.
["How does it look, William?" Henry asked, turning to face his partner, who turned back, fixating himself on the costume to stop his very being from straying towards inconsolability.]
here we can see that William knew that henry would give no more consolation, implying he has tried before, in the past and was just met with worse, and after some studies I notice that children tend to go for comfort to their parents, even when the parents themselves were the one who beat them,funny enough, when it is the parent doing the abuse,child seem to blame it on themselves, strange how a child mind works, isn't it?
anyways theres so much more i want to talk about this fic but it dosent relate to henry and daves dynamic or i forgor so dont forget to like and subscribe and hit that bell!!!!! )
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anime-grimmy · 2 years
Trigun hyperfixation has an iron grip on me and I desperately need to get my head to think of something else. Especially cos I crave so much for good stories but to my suprise, a lot of (vashmeryl) fanfics I read are extremely samey, especially the post-anime ones.
That being said, while reading, I was actually suprised to see a few scenarios or themes never explored? So I thought, since I can't get my brain to focus anyways, might as well drop some vashmerly hcs and prompts.
the one I'm most suprised has not been explored at all is Meryl and Milly trying to teach Vash how to actually talk/flirt with women. I still dunno how Vash came to be known as a womamizer in the og anime cos he is abyssmal when it comes to flirting. So, after an especially embarassing rejection, Meryl picks a fight with Vash as usual and he's all like "yeah, then you show me how it's done." Not one to chicken out on a competition (and with avid encouragement by Milly) they set up a fake date. I can totally see it going really funny, Meryl trying her darn hardest to act like an actually interested date but can't help herself from cringing and and scoffing at how stupid Vash' approaches are. So basically, it would be a mix of silly flirting and a lot of bantering. By the end Meryl admits that he's not half bad if he just turns down the goofiness a bit, mentioning if he just ties up the night nicely he might even score a second date (she means in general, not realizing that it sounds like she's implying a date with her). Cue Vash doing the only smooth move in his life and stealing a goodnight kiss, asking "well, did it work?"
less of a prompt or headcanon, but in all the scar-centric fics Ive read, not once is it mentioned how Vash has a literal cage over his heart? Ive always loved this little design aspect, since it so obviously shows Vash fortifying his heart and keeping everyone out. I can also see Meryl being all smug like "well, im small and nimble, and the spaces between the bars are wide, I can easily slip through"
another funny thought about the metal grids on his body would be them cuddling but Meryl's hair gets caught on the metal and now they have to akwardly maneuver out of this situation
Meryl uses any and all situations to be taller than Vash. Since she is so much smaller than him, she usually stands when he sits, especially when they argue, tries to be just a few stairs above him or walks a few more steps up a slop so she can peer down on him. Not that her presence isn't big enough already, but she for sure tries her hardest to assert dominance.
To her dismay, Vash likes to use this moments to pick her up. I dunno why, but since Meryl is so small I can see Vash just enjoying it to pick her up and twirl her around. Lugging her around like a pretty looking sack of potatoes.
Vash is a human pretzel. He will contort his body in ways to hug as much of Meryl as possible.
Meryl becomes incredibly good at ignoring Vash if she needs to work. She could be sitting at her typewriter, only noticing Vash has her in a vice grip when Milly asks if she isn't distracted.
Despite how spiky it looks, Vash' hair is actually pretty soft and fluffy, and once Meryl finds out she uses any opportunity to run her fingers through it. Vash doesn't mind cos he totally digs the head scratches (humanoid typhoon? more like humanoid doggo)
when traveling together, they usually share a thomas cos Vash can't ride for shit. Vash likes to be dramatic and complain about it (cos he's a big boy thank you very much) but he can't deny that he wholly enjoys being cuddled up behind Meryl for hours on end.
Welp, just some food for thought cos my brain is in Trigun overdrive. These are specifically based on the 98 versions of them but I have a whole lot for Stampede as well haha
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californiaispurple · 7 months
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hiya @akai-anna, I'm your gift-giver for the @dcmk-exchange !! Thank you soooo much for being patient with me, for the past couple weeks!
When I went through your Vermouth posts and read through them, you inspired me to remember how much I love her character she is so cool!! We'll get more of her backstory one day... one day... !! You actually inspired me to go back and watch her episodes for this, and 10/10 they still hold up :D
(that top Vermouth is actually holding a gun down and that's why her arms are like that, but when I turned on the top layer, I realized the big Vermouth covered the entire gun! Whoops!)
The drawing's not as polished as I would have liked it to be, but I hope that you like it! It's been an absolute blast talking to you these past couple of weeks :D I loved hearing your thoughts about Detco and day to day life (and the doggos. of course the doggos!) I'll reply to your answer to my ask off anon tomorrow cause it's way too late here, (hehe), but I did see you had a busy day today! Good job on that, and hope you can have a good sleep ^_^!
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cry4mina · 6 months
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite (Part 2)
(Nayeon x fem!reader)
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Take Me Back To Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Word Count: 5k Angst/more angst/attempted fluff met with....angst Summary: Reader is struggling with the emotions that come with uncovering some uncomfortable truths about their relationship with Nayeon.
Tw: Mentions of drinking, reader has unhealthy coping mechanisms, reader is a little stuck in their head (very stuck in their head), spiraling, nausea, cursing, flash backs, food, cheating, panic attacks, crying, Dahmo is present again, a quick mention of Chaeyoung, doggos (the 10th member of twice and his brother make an appearance) If I missed anything pls let me know!
A/N: Thank you for all the support on Part 1 of this fic! If you haven't read that yet, it is linked above for context. There will be a Part 3 in the works, shortly! Thanks to @saiiidahyunee for always listening to me ramble as I organize my thoughts and coming through with the suggestions<3 Reminder: My asks/requests and DMs are always open!
You wake up to the smell of bacon. You reach to your right, but your hand lands on cool slick wood instead of your soft sheets. You get immediately upset that Nayeon isn't next to you.
When you open your eyes you’re met with an immediate headache and the realization that you aren’t in your own bed. Your vision is blurred much like the last 12 hours. Colors and shapes that aren’t distinct but there’s a familiarity in the patterns seen by your hungover eyes.
You usually wake to the sweet sound of her humming in the kitchen to herself. Your chest hollows remembering the previous morning.
Her showering you with affection from the minute you opened your eyes, her switching coffees with you so you could have the perfect cup, the giggles and glances while bathing together…your heart was dissociating down the path of you and Nayeon.
You shake those thoughts out of your brain, causing the dull ache behind your eyes to sharpen into a seering burn between your temples.
You blink rapidly to clear the haze and let out a groan at how bright the sun is beaming through the large windows in front of you. You recognize the living room from the neutral tones of the furniture, the Twice posters framed in black hung perfectly, the fireplace roaring to beat out the chilly air, and the hints of light pink everywhere.
You don’t even need to see the dog toys scattered throughout the room- , you’re in Momo’s living room.
The uncomfortable couch you had fallen asleep on was good for sitting and not for sleeping. You shift trying to sink a little deeper between the blanket someone placed on you and the firm cushion below you but the scream of your lower back was enough to keep you placed right where you were.
The sizzle of the bacon you just smelled and the clicking of nails on hardwood floors are now present throughout the house. You hear Boo barking for a piece of bacon followed by a loud “Shh!” Followed by a hushed ”Y/n is still sleeping…we’ve got to let her rest- Boo! You better share with Dobby!” You give a soft smile and yell “Don’t worry, I’m awake!”
You reach for your phone on the coffee table next to you and attempt to open your phone but your screen refuses to flicker on. “Great” You clammer to yourself tossing back on the table as you hear Momo greeting Dahyun in the kitchen.
“Good Morning, my love” the sound of a quick peck and a sigh; you feel the knot in your chest and the lump in your throat grow. You hear the way love is laced within the words Momo speaks when addressing Dahyun. It makes your skin burn with dread.
A deep ache that could only be filled by who you thought Nayeon was. Who she might have never been. The hushed conversation over the sounds of breakfast being made continues as you spiral.
Endless thoughts running through your brain as you try to file them away in their proper place. An attempt to process the feeling of betrayal. You can’t believe you’re even thinking about her doing such a thing.
“Nayeon? Cheating? She couldn’t…could she?” The woman who would threaten the Sun if it burnt you, the same woman who was so gentle with you, always making sure you felt safe and loved. You felt like acid was eating away at your frontal lobe while the knife twists against the memories flooding back to you as your brain tries to talk you out of accepting what you’ve seen in her wallet. Dehydrated, Hungover, Heart broken. A triple threat.
While you try to derail the train of thought that was plaguing your mind, you recognize the sound of nails and the shifting of floor boards as someone walks over to you through the hallway. The dogs follow and run ahead to jump on the couch and greet you. You laugh as they try to lick your face giving them equal attention without rising from your position.
“Good Morning, Y/n-nie,'' You avert your eyes slightly from the dogs to see Dahyun smiling down at you on the couch with a bottle of water raised up by her face. She gave a little shimmy and posed with the bottle to try to get you to smile.
“Good Morning, Dahyun” The dogs jump down when they hear the sound of Momo placing food in their bowl, scurrying off to their respective spots for breakfast.
You try to sit up as Dahyun holds her hand out with some medication waiting for you to pop them in your mouth before handing you the bottle.
“You are a saint,” you say while opening the water bottle. You chug half the bottle before coming up for air. Gasping at how great the cool liquid feels going down your throat.
She sits down next to you waiting for you to say anything. She doesn’t want to push you into more discomfort than you are already experiencing.
Your eyes scan the coffee table to see an empty tequila bottle, your dead phone, and 3 empty glasses. You sigh. You weren’t much of a drinker to begin with but you needed something to numb you.
The problem with that, is that now you weren’t numb. Your arms felt heavy at the weight of the emotions you are carrying. You feel as though the couch you are sitting on is swallowing you as you sink slowly into the void of absolute devastation.
Your jaw tenses as your eyes start to water. Remembering the way her voice shook when she told you it wasn’t what you thought it was. It echoed in your head, reverberating against your hangover and swollen eyes.
“Has she ever lied to you before? How long has it been going on? Did...did she really let someone else touch her?” You felt filthy and in need of a shower.
Staring boldly into the fire as you navigate your deep dejection, you watch memory after memory rush into your mind’s eye. Earlier attempts to fend these off failed.
A gray washed melancholy glazed over your facial expressions contouring your usually cheery demeanor into a desolate haze.
Dahyun watched all your emotions play out on your face.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she quietly inquired, shaking you out of the hopeless spiral.
“I don’t even know what to say. I have so many questions but Nayeon”
You flinch at the name as if someone just poked your tender heart with a sharp sewing needle… “ and this “J” person, only have the answers.”
Another wave of gray as you realize what you’ve just said. Hearing it in your own voice allowed the pieces to settle one by one. Pulling heart strings from the knot that was created over a flimsy piece of paper.
A single tear falls from your eye as Momo saunters in with 3 plates of food, handing you and Dahyun one before sitting down on the other couch, opposite you and her girlfriend.
“Thank you.” You can hear the cool slated tone of your voice as you try to hide the emotional turmoil you were drowning in.
“Thank you for letting me stay here and for being there for me. I’m really happy to have friends like you.”
They both smile empathetically with their mouths full as you take a bite of the salty strip of bacon.
With breakfast finished, Dahyun and Momo started to pack. Twice would be heading to Japan that afternoon for their schedules and wouldn’t be back until the middle of the following week.
You sit at the foot of their bed and help them decide which outfits to bring. Catching and folding the clothes that were thrown at you and tucking them neatly into the suitcases.
You lightly sigh, trying to not bring attention to yourself as you reminisce in silence about the last vacation you took with Nayeon. Giving almost the same routine you were experiencing with Momo in the moment.
The chaos that was Nayeon packing was one of the most unorganized things you’ve ever experienced. The first time you watched her try to get everything together for a trip you had to stop her 5 minutes in as she was sitting on a suitcase of shoes trying to close it enough to get the zipper to budge.
She hated packing and would just throw the jumbled mess of clothes into a case and call it good.
When you started living together, all of that changed. You would sit down on your bed and watch her showcase outfit after outfit to decide what to wear. You loved being able to help her decide between the colors and fabrics because it meant spending time with her.
She seemed to hate packing less too. You wonder how she’s fending trying to do it by herself as you redirect your attention to Momo.
“Y/n, I know you know you’re more than welcome to stay here while we are gone,” Momo says, pulling a black sweater vest with a turtleneck off the hanger and tossing it to you.
“I know you’ll probably go back to the apartment but I want you to know you don’t have to stay there if you don’t want to. Our guest bedroom is always open to you…or you can sleep on the couch again, if you prefer.”
You all share a laugh while you neatly fold the garment and place it on top of the already organized stack in the massive suitcase
“I think I'll pass on the couch, but I might take you up on the offer for the guest bedroom depending on how everything feels at the apartment.”
Momo nods her head, “You know where the spare key is, if you need it.”
Rain slicked streets and the sounds of cars passing is what fills your drive home. You’re fixating on the sound of rain tapping the windshield and the slosh of the tires in the puddles splayed out over the roads.
You are anxious heading back to the apartment. Muscles tensing throughout your body as you get closer and closer to your shared home with Nayeon.
You are hoping she’s already left for the airport so you don’t have to have the uncomfortable conversation just yet. You’d rather wait until you’ve fully processed what’s happened and gather your thoughts.
You do want to hear what she has to say but you need to be calm in order to react in a way that is best for you and your needs, just in case you have to only rely on yourself again.
You stop at a red light, patiently waiting for the bright green to flash again as if it carries you home. The drive isn’t a long one but knowing what’s waiting is what’s creating the time between houses. You look down at your hands and fidget with the dry skin, something Nayeon would light swat at your digits for doing.
If she saw you anxiously tapping your leg, touching your hair, or scratching at the sides of your fingers she would scoot closer to you, placing her hand on your thigh. Tracing small hearts, your initials and her initials, among other patterns, to get you to fixate on something else.
Self soothing now feels like a chore, you want to allow your spiral to run its course, sucking you into the disheveled thoughts occupying your headspace and filling your lungs with sharp cries.
The bright green of the traffic light reminds you you’re driving as you push the clutch in with your left foot, lifting your right off the break and accelerating with the gas. Clutch in again, shift to second, the balancing act of a stick shift car was almost too much today.
You had too many thoughts and wished you didn’t have to pay attention so much. Though it was probably for the better as safety is allegedly important.
You roll your eyes as traffic stops you from proceeding. You just want to go to a familiar place and sit still with yourself and these cars are blocking up the roads.
You can see the entrance of the front office to the building being crowded by people with cameras. The car in front of you being halted by a security guard so the people congesting the roads don’t get hit.
You quickly realize what’s happening and start staring at the grooves of the woven leather on your steering wheel. Fiddling with them to try to distract yourself from all the commotion outside of your vehicle. You hear the camera’s clicking and can see the flashes in your peripherals.
You glance up momentarily to get a view of Nayeon from your car window. The tints aren’t dark enough to shield you from her but the camera flashes might blind her enough to not see you.
She’s wearing a loose wrinkly sweater that belonged to you, sweatpants, white sneakers and a pair of dark black sunglasses. Her makeup doesn’t appear to be done and her hair is tucked into a messy bun. Your heart melts at the sight of her.
You feel a tear trickling down your cheek. You want nothing more than to embrace her. To feel her on your skin again, to feel the safety of your partner.
You remember the note, the singular letter repeating in your head, remember what brought you to this emotional state in the first place. You don’t allow the visual of her to comfort you, not for this.
She’s waving to the cameras and doing hand hearts while walking towards the black SUV that’s there to take her to the airport when she sees your car. You watch the revelation click in her head and she immediately stops walking and looks through the crowd to see you.
Mouth ajar and sadness creeping into her skin. You make eye contact for what feels like hours before she composes herself, cameras still blindingly flashing as she gets into the SUV.
You hear the door close and see the window in the back seat roll down, opposite of the crowd. The bigger car pulls out of the entrance to the complex and right up next to you.
You feel your heart start to beat at an alarming pace as she sticks her head out of the window after removing her sunglasses. Her eyes are red and swollen with bags under them. She definitely didn’t sleep.
You realize that she’s motioning for you to roll your window down. You comply quickly, knowing that it’ll be brief.
Barely louder than a whisper “Hey…Is your phone dead?”
You nod your head slightly, having trouble making eye contact with her. A beat of silence drums between the two of you as you awkwardly shift in your seat. The stiffness of your lower back proceeding to yell at you again from a combination of sleeping on the couch and the stress you were under.
She chooses to break the silence with exactly what you expected. “Can we talk when I get back?”. You can hear the glint of hope in her voice.
You hadn’t blocked her, you rolled your window down, and you haven’t pulled off yet (not that you could with traffic) so you’re still present in some sense.
You nod your head again, agreeing to the hard conversation. She smiles softly at you, cheeks rising up as she goes to speak again when you hear the driver husk “Miss Im, I’m sorry to interrupt but you do have a plane to catch.”
She nods her head at the driver then brings her attention back to you.
“I left you something on the counter and there’s dinner in the fridge for you…I didn’t know if you’d be home and wanted to make sure you remembered to eat... I love you, y/n” as the SUV slowly starts to drive, picking up its pace quickly as it continues down the street.
Once the crowd dissipates and the smoke clears, you pull into your designated parking spot with haste. Quickly pulling the E brake and putting the car in neutral so you can take in what just happened. Not many words were shared, but you felt every single one of them echoing in your mind.
You grab your keys as you replay the “I left you something on the counter and there’s dinner in the fridge for you. I love you, y/n” in your head over and over again as you make your way up the elevator.
Walking up to the door, you hesitate to open it. The thick dark wood is intimidating as it glares down at you belittling your right to walk through it. Shiny golden numbers reflect the bright lights back at you as you reach for your keys hanging from your hip.
Your skin prickles as you register that she won’t be on the other side of that waiting to hug you after a long day. The usual routine that happens when arriving home isn’t the same.
You brace yourself, slide the key into the lock and turn. Hearing the mechanism click as the cog turning inside. You turn the knob in tandem to reveal your kitchen.
Closing the door and locking it behind you, you absorb the atmosphere around you. The lighting is dark due to the overcast sky. The silence is loud as the room breathes around you. Your eyes pan over the room to find a bouquet of roses in a crystal vase on the counter.
You bought that vase to fill with flowers for her, now she was returning the favor. You take in the way the crystal shimmers with little to no light and the refractions of red coming off the sparkling corners that were etched into the filigree carved into its surface.
Flicking the lights on to reveal the spotless granite countertops, you realize that someone might have been stress cleaning. You remove your jacket and hang it on the rack on the back of the door hesitant to take your shoes off.
Your eyes hit the ground when you realize that the once sanctuary doesn’t feel nearly as safe. You push through the feeling, and put your shoes in their normal spot next to the door.
You glide through the kitchen with an attempted ease as you search for the comfort you once had, plugging your phone into the charger on the counter.
The soft smell of roses permitting the room. You look at them and notice an envelope with your initials and a heart scrawled on it in bright red ink next to the vase.
Picking up the envelope, you stare at it tracing the edges of the thick paper with your fingers. Would she write the answers to your questions here? Or would she wait until you asked? There’s only one way to find out, and you were sure you were too sober to pull the trigger.
Going into the cabinet, you pull out a wine glass and immediately turn for the fridge. Searching the shelves for the bottle that was already open. You pull the container of food out that Nayeon made for you, immediately getting nauseous at the idea of eating and you place it back on the shelf.
You realize that the bottle is missing. She had done exactly what you did the night before. Drank the pain away. You bite the inside of your cheek knowing you and her both were going through discomfort. You grab the unopened bottle of white win out of the door, closing it firmly behind you.
You pour yourself a glass and chug it. You begin to pour another while making a face as you swallow the bittersweet liquid. You walk over to the trash can to throw the foil from uncorking it out, still feeling guilty about not being able to comfort Nayeon. You toss the small frail metal into the can when something familiar catches your eye.
The tattered paper from her wallet lay on top of the empty bottle you were searching for moments ago. The letter ripped in half, one side of it facing you- the signature present in black ink.
Your anger grows when you see it. Remembering that she could have actually betrayed you and here you are being upset that you weren’t there to comfort her? Yeah, okay Y/n.
Your eyes flicker back to the envelope she left for you.
“Nope.” You say out loud. Your phone starts vibrating endlessly so you run over and turn it on silent knowing the amount of notifications you were about to receive.
You grab both the bottle and the glass of wine and head for the couch to get drunk and watch your favorite comfort movie.
The first night back, you decided to sleep on the couch and you stayed there for another 2 full days. Only moving to go to the bathroom and get some water. You just allowed your body to rest and recover.
The bed seemed tainted and would probably smell like her, you didn’t want your body to relax into the false sense of safety it had been used to.
You didn’t answer your phone or even look at the notifications. Pretending it did exist and basking in the solitude. By day three you realized people might start to worry about you if you didn’t reply to them. You usually reply pretty quickly so it would be off if you didn’t say something to them.
You filtered through your notifications, answering everyone but Nayeon. Momo had checked in with you and called you a few times leaving voicemails that got more threatening since you weren’t replying. You immediately called her back to let her know you were breathing.
“Thank god you’re okay. I was going to head to your house straight from the airport if I didn't hear from you before we got back!”
“That’s very sweet of you Momo-ssi. I’m doing alright just trying to take it day by day…or minute by minute, rather.”
“I understand. Have you talked to her yet?”
You hesitate to reply. Knowing that you’re avoiding communication with her in fear of what the truth could be. Momo notices this almost immediately and nods her head as if you can see her.
“I take that as a no, then?”
“Yeah…I just- I don’t know, I’m scared of what happens next.”
Momo sighed empathetically.
“Sometimes you just have to take the next step, no matter what it brings.”
You knew she was right so you tried to deflect.
“How is she?” your mouth utters before your brain could catch up.
“She seems off. You can tell she’s doing her best to try to keep it together. Less bubbly. Chaeyoung mentioned your name and she immediately went pale and changed the subject.”
You press your lips together. The back and forth of feeling guilty for not being there for Nayeon and feeling sorry for yourself was getting old and you were exhausted from the strain you've been putting on your nervous system.
“Momo, can I let you go? I guess I have to read these text messages.” you begrudgingly say.
“Yeah, good luck! Call me back if you need to talk about anything okay?” You say your goodbyes and hang up.
No longer ignoring the task at hand, you open your text messages to read the days worth of messages. At first they’re all panicky. A lot of begging for you to answer the phone, a lot them just simply saying your name.
They soon delve into “I miss you”, “I love you”, “Please come home” and “You mean everything to me” texts. A few of them were unintelligible, definitely sent after the wine she consumed.
You see some from the day she left for Japan, asking how the dinner was and if you read the note. A few more I love yous sent throughout the last few days.
You place your phone on the table and run your hands over your face, keeping your fingers over your mouth. You open your voicemails, put your phone on speaker and start to go through the ones from Nayeon. They’re all really hard to listen to. The first few especially.
“Y/n, please answer the phone. We can work through this. It’s not as bad as it seems, I swear. You are the only person I want to be with. Please call me back.” She sobs into the microphone.
Your heart cracks at the shakiness of her voice and the sadness dripping through your phones speaker.
Through the voicemails you can start to hear her words slur. The memory of how you were accepted by her members floods back into your brain again.
However, this time the joy is absent from the flashes of love. Only sorrow sits. The last voicemail she left you was from the morning of the day you came home. More of the same contents, but with sniffles instead of sobs.
You sit for a second to collect yourself. The envelope on the table, patiently waiting for you to rip open it’s seal and explore the contents.
You take a deep breath, picking it up. You slowly run your thumb between where the paper is stuck together, being sure not to damage anything inside. A pink slip of paper is neatly folded inside. You discard the envelope on the table and unfold the bright page and start reading.
“My Love,
I need you to know that you are so important to me. You are my safety. My guiding light. I’ve never felt as loved as I do when I’m with you. Please know that I am sorry for everything and I will explain when I get back. I hope you’re still home when I return.
With all the Love,
Your heart sinks. What do you mean you’re sorry for everything? What is everything? More questions and no answers.
You pick up your phone and call Momo again to vent about the apology you just received because all of the context is missing. The phone rang once, twice, and the third ring was interrupted with a familiar voice.
“Hi Baby,” You freeze, unsure of where to go from here. You decide to use the emotions you’ve been hiding as courage and ask the questions you’ve been holding onto for the last week.
“How long?” You ask sternly. Silence fills the other side of the phone as you wait patiently for the answer.
“Do you really want to do this right now? Can’t we wait until I get home so we can talk in person?
“No, we are going to do this on my terms. How long?”
Nayeon sighed as you heard a door close through the phone as she separated herself from the rest of Twice.
“...it only happened once…a few years ago…it was a few weeks after you asked me on our first date.” You flinch when her voice cracks. Tears silently spill down your face.
Focusing heavily on the admission of betrayal being told to you. “It hasn’t happened since. I messed up and I realized that. Please know I wouldn’t ever ever do something like that again.”
Your heart is racing, you are feeling your cyclical emotions take control again. Anger, nausea, fear and betrayal dance around your chest as the words spill out of your girlfriend's mouth.
“Why was the note in your wallet?”
“I just switched wallets, it was in the black one I was using last week and I just didn’t throw it away.”
“Nayeon, Who is J?”
A long pause as you wait for her to say the name of the person who helped defile your relationship. She sighs heavily, you can hear her shaking.
“Can we please just talk in person tomorrow when I get back?” she pleads.
“If you’re not going to tell me, I’ll hang up. I don’t need anything else from you besides that information.” Your voice is icy as the shards fly out to hit Nayeon’s chest. This is agonizing for both of you and you aren’t going to wait around for her to decide it’s time. You were the one who got cheated on, not her. You would never do that to her so she is not going to be extended any grace.
“Y/n…” You stay silent waiting for an answer that she is refusing to give.
“I’ll see you around, Nayeon.” You say as you move the phone away from your ear to end the call. You faintly hear her protesting but you hang up without fully hearing what she was trying to say.
You slam your phone down on the coffee table when you feel the adrenaline release, chilling your veins down while your breathing starts to shallow and quicken. You switch your breathing into manual as you try to stop the panic attack before it gets worse.
Long deep breaths only get you so far. Your hands and lips start to tremble as your chest tightens. You feel like you need to stand up and run out of the building but are too light headed from the hyperventilating. You are sure you’d just fall over if you even try to stand.
You catch a glimpse of your phone lighting up from a text message. You life your phone and read who it’s from.
-Momo: I’m sorry, I didn’t see that she grabbed my phone when you called. Are you okay?”
-Momo: Nayeon just walked back into the room crying...
You start to type a response through trembling fingers when another message banner drops down, catching your attention. It’s Nayeon. You read the text to yourself, mouth gaping when you realize this is the information you had asked her for on the phone.
“Oh, You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Take Me Back to Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
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prototypelq · 2 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
It turns out that today, July 30th, is friendship day! What are some of your favorite friendships in DMC? What friendships do you want to see? What headcanons do you have about them? Just anything about DMC friendships.
Thank you for continuing to send asks, Ember. I am glad to be answering them when I can.
This is a bit hard, as most DMC relationships, even when they are friendly in nature, tend to get more into 'adopted family' territory, but I'll try to stick a bit closer to actual friendships this time.
My faves are Nico and Nero interactions for sure. They are kind of adopted siblings to me, or like, true BFFs, but it's hard to draw the line between those interpretations either way. They're very fun to watch and a great duo, and I'd love to see more of them.
Nico, in general, is probably the most Friend-like character we have in canon at the moment. I'd love to see her interacting with Vergil too - they would be very fun to watch as well. I think he'd very much respect her analytical mind and crave for knowledge, and well, it's easy to get along with Vergil once you have his respect.
Also, right off the gate, cause you know I will name her - Patty. Just, more Patty please. She is more firmly in the adopted family category, but if we're talking friendly interactions - I think she qualifies. She's also a straight man in the company in a way, so you can pair her with pretty much anyone in canon and watch the ensuing chaos.
...I dunno who to pair with Kyrie in terms of friendship, but I'd like to see more interactions of her with others. Maybe Nero actually. They are the friends to lovers trope to me, but it doesn't make them less friends. I hope this makes some sense.
...okay I got the most freakin obscure friendship - Dante and his Devil Arms, also Vergil and Griffon. Their banter was great, I also miss the Arms' characterisation, I'd love to see more of twins interaction with their various Arms (more Cerberus pls I miss the devil doggos).
I also microwave-rotate in my head that Lucia still writes to Dante and can they please have some time together? I don't even mean it in a romantic way, though I can be a shipper for them, I just wish canon!Lucia has something better and more concrete than being left behind in the game people don't want to talk about. So yeah, I'd love to see her and Dante meet again in better circumstances.
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ruensroad · 9 months
So curious about the Hybrid AU! Is anyone else going to show up in the story? Are there anymore hybrid characters?
Ahhh thank you so much! While JiuYuan will be the main focus, I do have three other hybrids/pairs in mind!
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The first is good old Yue Qingyuan who is a loyal doggo hybrid. He's mostly in this AU as moral support for Shen Jiu. They were raised together in the same facility until he was adopted out at age 12. He was put up for adoption again when that family could no longer keep him, and he ended up with Mu Qingfang, a doctor that later tends to Shen Jiu and helps them reconnect.
Then we have another tomcat, Mobei Jun!
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He will feature in the AU a bit more, as Shang Qinghua and Shen Yuan work closely together. He's also one of the few hybrids Shen Yuan knows personally so often asks him for advice when dealing with Shen Jiu's trust issues. His own story isn't too different from Shen Jiu's, as he was adopted and raised by a man he called Uncle, until he learned he was just there as an expendable object, rather than part of a family. He broke free and was found wounded, then brought to a clinic. Shang Qinghua happened to be there at the time, having fallen while ice skating and spraining his wrist. He ends up adopting Mobei Jun to help cover medical costs and they end up falling in love after a year or so. They are now "engaged" even though legally humans and hybrids cannot get married (yet).
And finally, we have the hooligan that actually started all of this! Luo Binghe, the Himalayan lop rabbit!
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Before this AU was JiuYuan, it was a BingLiu. In this universe, rabbit hybrids are more prized for their beauty and sexual stamina than anything else. Nicknamed Playboy Bunnies, they are made to have higher libido and delicate features. Naturally, Luo Binghe learns very quickly that he can control others by how well he performs in bed, and how well he can seduce. Enter Liu Qingge by some convulted means, who doesn't react to the seduction. Like, at all.
Liu Qingge is an underground fighter in debt to the mob, though he doesn't outright tell Luo Binghe this as they move in together. Luo Binghe assumes the bruises are from an abusive partner, but the more he tries to show he's a better sexual companion, the less ground he makes. This story was about Luo Binghe learning what it means to make a true connection to someone, and the difference between seducing someone and actually loving them. All very sweet haha. I'm not sure if these two will show up in the story as it is right now, but I wanted to explain it anyway as the JiuYuan story wouldn't exist without BingLiu getting into my head first!
Thank you again for your interest! Hope this made sense lol!
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
hi steph! i am an ao3 writer and have lost my previous tumblr account, but my ao3 still stands, however this is not about it - i just wanted to come here and say i appreciate you and your work so much, after all these years you are such a safe space and your notifications always bring a smile to my face even if i am very busy with umiversity and work to check it all out, you recced my fics and you are such a supporter of all of us, we all love you! you are a godsend and the best johnlock auntie out there 💜
i hope you're doing better and that you have space for relaxation :) you deserve it!
sending you hugs and lots of love ❤️🤗 I'm attaching a picture of my doggo to bring you good luck! you have been blessed by the goodiest doggo 😇
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Hi Witchy!!!
First of all, thank you SO much for your kind words about me and my blog. I am humbled that this place is a safe place for more people than just myself, and that so many of you come here just to find peace. Everyday I am floored by the kindness you guys show me and my randomness, and I try my best to do the same for y'all. It's hard since I struggle so much myself with mental health and stress, but I do enjoy being a resource people like coming to.
Secondly, DOGGO!!! oh gosh, your puppers is SO cute!! I miss having a dog, but I live vicariously through everyone else showing me pics of their furbabies, LOL.
Next, I'm sorry you lost your old account, but I'm so happy that you're still writing!!! I hope university is going well for you, and I wish you the all the best through that!!!!!
Thank you so much again for your lovely ask. You have made my evening (at the time of replying to this) and asks like this remind me that even though I'm nowhere near as "popular" as I once was, that people do still come here religiously to get their fi(x)cs, LOL.
Take care, Lovely!!!
And if anyone else wants to give me serotonin with their pets, I would be so happy 💜🖤
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