#That's fun! I can sit there and think about what pair of glasses I'm gonna give them
bonefall · 2 years
Are you considering making Firestar purebred? Not that it matters to the plot lol. I’ve always designed him after an Abyssinian :3
I know the clans have a bunch of mixed genetics so they wouldn’t *be* purebred, but do you have any breed HCs for specific cats? I draw Yellowfang based on scrungly persians myself :)
Nah! I'm actually only considering purebred cats for SkyClan to put some more of their kittypet-ancestry on display!
I think thematically it works really well for SkyClan specifically, and will make for some really cool ancestral traits to be passed down in the coming generations... even though realistically, no cat with SkyClan ancestry would be "purebred."
(in fact purebreeding discourages outbreeding often to the detriment of the health of the cats but woogh)
I'm not super fond of picking out breed headcanons otherwise because it feels stifling, like Cat Genetics, another thing I'm not interested in. When I want Bluestar's family to have a wolf motif I just draw them having a wolf motif. Next to Brokenstar's glasses, Spottedleaf's blight theme, or Thrushpelt's mullet, just picking a cat breed seems mundane.
I like to design with "soft" fantasy elements in mind! It's why I have a very 'Bring Your Own Design' approach to my rewrite and encourage people to have different takes on stuff. Never been able to draw realistically.
(actual ecological/bushcraft/medical research? I'm plugged in. Drawing realism? Not my style.)
Though, I do think Silverflame's mate was a cat with extreme brachycephaly. A persian-like cat. I imagine Brightflower had a few breathing problems as a result, but by the time it got to Yellowfang she has enough muzzle to be healthy and for it to just be a quirk of her family.
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sematarygirls · 7 months
Living Dead Girl Pt. II — Patrick Hockstetter.
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part one
pairing : patrick hockstetter x ghost!reader
summary : patrick gave into his urges and finally tested his morbid curiosities on prey much larger than just a cat or dog. little did he know his actions would come back to haunt him... literally.
warnings : patrick being a psychopath , animal cruelty , male masturbation , graphic descriptions of murder and suicide , reader being manipulative , degradation , sexual themes ,
word count : 4.5k words !
a/n : can't believe i'm finally posting this after a year and a half. also this is my first attempt at smut-ish so i'm sorry if it's ass. im not gonna say this is 18+ bc I myself am not 18+ (im turning 18 this year tho) also im not your mom and idgaf what you read.
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"Finally," a voice sounded, causing him to drop both his can and his plate. The sharp sound of glass breaking followed by a loud thud echoed through the room as the plate and soda can collided with the floor.
"No, no, no," Patrick shook his head, shutting his eyes. "This isn't real. I killed you. You're not here. You're not real."
"Sorry, babe," the voice, your voice, whispered into his ear. Your warm breath fanned his ear, and he felt his whole body tense. "I'm very much real."
"That's not possible," he said through gritted teeth. "I watched you die. I buried you!" He opened his eyes, convinced that this was all some terrible drug trip. Maybe the weed he'd just got from Henry was laced, or maybe he was suffering from a temporary psychosis. Either way, there had to be some rational and logical reason that he was seeing you.
However, when he saw you there, sitting there with a smug look on your face, your presence as solid as any living person, he felt his heart skip a beat.
You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowing as you pouted. "What's wrong, Patrick?" You asked condescendingly. "Don't act so scared now." You walked toward him slowly, watching him scramble backward in a panic. A smile spread across your lips as you saw the pure fear in his eyes when he hit the wall behind him, having nowhere else to go. "You weren't scared when you stabbed me. You weren't scared when you watched me bleed out in your arms. You weren't scared when you buried my body like some animal you found on the side of the road." Your voice was seeping with anger as you stepped closer and closer, cornering him. "So you don't get to be scared now."
Patrick Hockstetter was not someone who was frightened easily. In fact, up until this very moment, he didn't think he had the ability to be frightened at all. His unique ability to remain calm and collected in situations that would often stress others out was one he was prideful of. However, at that moment, he felt all composure and level-headedness dissolve. For the first time in his life, he was scared. Not just scared—terrified.
"What- What do you want?" He asked, his voice shaky as he looked into your eyes. You no longer looked at him like he hung the moon. There were no remnants of your innocence and naivety—willing to trust that people have the best intentions. There was nothing behind your cold, lifeless eyes. It was like staring at a corpse.
"Now, what's the fun in that?" You grinned, leaning forward so your face was inches away from his. Your gaze flickered to his lips. The same lips you thought he'd planned to kiss you with, but instead, he'd stabbed you in the stomach and mocked your intelligence. "You should really watch your back, Patrick," you whispered with a devious smirk, your breath fanning over his face. "I heard the search for me is really picking up after they found my blood in the woods."
Your words snapped him back to the reality of the situation at hand. He had killed you. What you were saying was impossible though. Right? He was meticulous in every stage of his plan. There was no way they found any trace of you. "What are you talking about?" He asked, his eyes searching you for any sign of deception, but you were impossible to read like this. He was no longer able to detect everything from a single glance. He only knew what you wanted him to know.
Without another word, you disappeared, leaving the boy spiraling as he went through all the events of that night over and over again. "Come back!" He screamed, his voice echoing through the empty house. "You can't just leave like that you bitch!"
Patrick let out a frustrated yell as he grabbed the nearest thing—which happened to be a porno mag—and threw it across the room in a fit of rage. Who did you think you were to haunt him? To come into his room, make him feel that horrible emotion, and tease him just to leave abruptly?
He sat on the edge of his bed, trying to control his heavy breathing as his anger took over. You had to have been lying, trying to get into his head. He hated to admit that it was working. He was supposed to be the one in your head. This was his world. He controlled everyone and everything. You shouldn't be here. You should be dead and buried like he had intended.
He fell back in his bed and took a deep breath, letting his mind settle as he chased sleep. He told himself you would be gone tomorrow and that would be that. Your appearance to him, like something out of a Charles Dickens novel, was just a fluke. Tomorrow you would be dead and all would be right with the world.
He drifted off to sleep, having convinced himself that he would never see you again. He was able to get a few hours of sleep, but you weren't going to let him be at peace for long
At around 4 am, Patrick had a very vivid dream that he was choking. He was gasping for air, clawing at his neck as he looked around frantically. His surroundings dissolved into a pitch-black room. He felt his lungs burning, his brain growing fuzzy as the oxygen left him. It felt so vivid, so real.
He awoke in a panic, sitting up straight as he gasped for air. His lungs felt like they were on fire. Like he had truly been deprived of air like he'd dreamed about. He panted, catching his breath as he looked around at his room, thankfully finding no signs of you. However, when he finally felt secure, able to draw a breath without feeling like a thirsty man drinking water, he realized the pillow that had been behind his head was now sat on his lap.
The realization dawned on him that he may have been actually suffocating, and you were the culprit. He shook his head, trying to expel the thought as he laid back down, throwing the pillow off into the black depths of his room, so he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. It was just a dream. Just as you were just a vision.
Patrick wasn't stupid, though many would argue to the contrary. Just because he didn't give a shit about school and didn't try didn't mean he wasn't smart. He just saved his intelligence for things that actually mattered—like planning and executing a murder.
That in mind, his refusal to accept the things he deep down knew to be true was not, as some would think, him being stupid. On the contrary, he believed himself smarter than to believe in silly things like ghosts. Dead things stay dead. He'd learned that at a very young age. He knew when he killed his brother that he would not be coming back. Just as he knew when he killed you that you would not be coming back.
Ghosts don't exist. He wasn't dumb enough to believe that.
As he laid in bed, trying to rationalize himself into a calm enough state to fall asleep again, he found himself more on edge with every creak of the old house around him. He stared up at the ceiling, his eyes conspiring with the moonlight to play tricks on him. His breath hitched at every shadow dancing around the dark.
You were proud of your work, and you had barely done anything yet. You watched from the shadows, pleased as he seemed to run himself in circles trying to cope with everything going on. The mere thought of you was torture enough.
You grinned, biting your lip as a thought washed over you. As a ghost, not bound by the physical realm, you had the ability to do a lot of things. One of those so happened to be raising and lowering the temperature in a room.
You focused hard, raising the temperature several degrees, making Patrick swear at the sudden sweat washing over him. You watched with a satisfied smirk as he pulled his shirt over his head, trying to cool himself off.
He didn't have a six pack or anything, but you didn't expect him to. He had a lean, toned torso with a very sexy v-line peeking out from his jeans. A small tattoo sat on his stomach just above his v-line on the right side. You couldn't make it out in the darkness, but you didn't care much. The sight of it alone was enough.
After all, who said you couldn't mix a little bit of business with pleasure.
He had taken away the rest of your life, all the possibilities of experiencing having your first kiss, losing your virginity, falling in love. It was only fair he made up for that in one way or another before your time together came to an end.
The time passed agonizingly slowly with Patrick staring at the ceiling and you watching him, studying him like he was some foreign thing. It was so interesting to watch someone when they don't know they're being watched. Of course, he felt the hairs on his neck stand on end, his body detecting the unseen eyes on him, but he chalked it up to paranoia—as he did every other unexplainable thing that seemed to be happening to him.
His mind drifted off, the heat making him restless as his brain filled with gruesome images of his previous kills. He sifted through his memory for the most interesting ones—dismembering birds, beheading cats, snapping a squirrel or two's neck—but none of them seemed to get him off anymore.
The image of your face right after he stabbed you made it's way into his mind. Your eyes, so wide and filled with fear. He could practically hear your sweet voice crying out, asking why he would do this to you. The thought made his cock tighten in his jeans.
He reached down, palming himself through his jeans with a groan. Reliving the sounds of you choking and coughing up your own blood had his fingers working quickly to undo his belt. He tossed it to the side, practically ripping the button off his jeans as he pulled them down along with his underwear, allowing his dick to finally be free from the restrictive fabric.
He spat in his hand, gripping his cock and lubricating it. He caught his chapped lower lip between his teeth as swept his thumb over his pink head, smearing his precum across it. He let out a low moan, letting his hand travel up and down his dick at a slow, agonizing pace. He kept his eyes screwed shut, immersing himself in the memory of your murder as he stroked himself.
Patrick was not a moral man by any means but this was a new low. Getting himself off to you, in his mind, was no better than if he was imagining one of his dead animal playthings. You were nothing to him. You were roadkill.
But, for some reason, the fresh sight of you, wearing the clothes he killed you in with that dark blood stain right where he'd stabbed you, your hair all matted, and the cold, lifeless look in your eyes, made it so easy to relive that night in great detail.
It was the greatest night of his life. The biggest release of pressure he'd ever felt since he began getting those homicidal urges—those itches. He didn't think he'd ever get to feel that euphoria again, but fucking himself to the thought of it would get him pretty damn close.
He let out a strangled moan, his hips pushing into his hand as he came, and he was right, it was the second-best feeling he'd ever felt. It didn't compare to killing you, but it was enough to satiate his urges once again.
He laid there, panting for what felt like hours. The time moved by so slowly until finally, the sound of the alarm block beside his bed blaring pulled him from his thoughts.
The red numbers reading 7:30 blinked slowly, reminding him that he had to get up and get ready for school. He leaned over, smacking the top of the clock roughly to silence it before falling back flat on his bed, preparing himself to get up.
He groaned, pushing himself up and grabbing a random pair of jeans and a shirt that smelled clean enough. He quickly got dressed before making his way back downstairs. He knew Belch would be here any second to pick him up—he always woke up later than he was realistically supposed to.
He slipped his boots on, and a few moments later, he heard Belch laying on his car horn. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door, heading outside and letting it slam just behind him.
"Calm your tits," he shouted in annoyance. Patrick always had a short fuse, but after the particularly restless night in which he'd been visited by some fucking ghost of Christmas Past, he found himself particularly irritable.
"Dude what happened yesterday?" Victor asked as Patrick climbed into the blue Trans Am.
"You were totally tripping the fuck out," Belch chimed in, starting the car and peeling out of Patrick's neighborhood.
"Dumb fuck can't handle his liquor," Henry scoffed from his spot in the passenger's seat.
"Shut the fuck up, Bowers," Patrick bit back, gazing out the window. "At least some of us don't piss our pants when we drink."
"It was one fucking time you dickhead!" Henry defended quickly, his cheeks turning red from the embarrassment.
At the feeling of someone's hand on his thigh, Patrick quickly looked over at Vic. "Don't fucking touch me you-" he paused just short of spitting some derogatory remark about Victor being gay and a freak when he saw you sitting between him and Victor, grinning at him darkly.
"What the fuck are you talking about, dude?" Victor asked, bewildered by Patrick's behavior. Patrick was always an odd one, but he never acted this weird.
"He probably smoked himself fucking dumb," Henry grumbled, still annoyed about the pants pissing remark.
You held a finger to your lips as climbed over onto his lap, holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself. You just wanted to rile him up a little, make him feel suffocated by you, like he could never escape. And truly, he couldn't. You were never going anywhere until you believed justice had properly been served, and you would take that in any form.
He glared at you, but you paid him no mind, leaning to whisper into his ear: "How cute," you condescended him. "You thought I would just go away." You dug your nails into his shoulders making him sharply inhale, trying not to tip off his friends to the seemingly unwarranted pain he was feeling. "You will never be rid of me," you whispered menacingly, looking deep into his eyes with a sickening grin that made nausea pool in his stomach.
In any other situation, having someone on his lap, digging their nails into his shoulders would probably have been a pleasurable experience, but this was not any other situation. This was a nightmare he couldn't seem to wake up from.
When Belch finally pulled into the school parking lot, Patrick couldn't get out of the car fast enough. You disappeared as he scrambled to unlock the door and get out, finally feeling like he could breathe. He pulled his shirt collar to the side, looking down at the angry red marks where your nails had been. They served as a disturbing reminder that you were really there, and you could do anything to him.
"You get laid last night, Hockstetter?" Belch asked, grinning as he saw the red marks.
"That why you ran off yesterday?" Henry snickered. "You pussy whipped?"
"At least, I actually get pussy," he sneered, paling as he heard your laugh echoing around him the moment the words slipped from his lips. It was a deafening sound. Like a mix between a cackle and a scream that seemed to permeate his surroundings.
His jaw clenched, eye twitching as he resisted the urge to cover his ears. Apart from not wanting to look insane, he also didn't think it would help much. You weren't around him. You were in him, in his head.
The bell could faintly be heard going off inside the school, making Victor curse under his breath. They had two minutes to get to class or they were late.
"Mrs. Denton's gonna throw a bitch fit if I'm late again," he groaned, watching as Henry lit a cigarette.
"Kiss ass," he remarked, taking a long drag before exhaling the puff of smoke into Belch's face as Victor walked away.
"You asshole," Belch coughed, shoving Henry.
"Oh, shit." Henry's eyes widened as he tossed his cigarette on the ground, quickly stomping it out. "Let's go," he ordered, making his way up the stairs to the front doors of the school, looking behind him frantically.
Patrick's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden shift in Henry's demeanor. He followed the brunette's gaze, his eyes locking with those of Butch Bowers, the sheriff.
"Wonder if they're here for you," your voice taunted him, breath tickling the back of his right ear. He turned, preparing to come face to face with that condescending smile you always seemed to be wearing, but you weren't there.
He looked back, finding Sheriff Bowers still staring at him, seemingly ignoring whatever the deputy was leaning into his ear to say. Patrick wasn't one to back down easily, but your presence, your warnings, had him on edge. He quickly advanced forward, his lengthy legs providing long strides as he followed suit in heading inside Derry Highschool.
The sounds of his heavy boots hitting the linoleum floor echoed through the empty hall as he made his way to his math class. Victor was right; Mrs. Densen was going to throw a bitch fit that he was late, but he didn't care. He wouldn't have cared on a normal day, but on this day, with the police sniffing around and you practically breathing down his neck, he cared even less—which he didn't even know was possible.
He pulled open the door to the classroom, a hush falling over the students as he entered. Most stared at him wide-eyed, some avoided looking at him altogether, and he briefly caught Vic looking at him with sympathy. The teacher, however, was glaring at him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Mr. Hockstetter, late again I see," she said pointedly. "You've earned yourself a detention after school today." Patrick stifled a laugh as he made his way to his seat at the very back of the classroom. "Is something funny?" She asked, her tone displaying clear annoyance.
"Yeah, that you think I care," he rolled his eyes, slipping into his desk. He tuned out whatever lecture the teacher decided to give him after that. His gaze drifted to the empty desk in the front row— the one you used to sit at.
"Don't go feeling remorseful now," you said into his ear. He felt your arm around his shoulders as you leaned down, your face positioned next to his. He turned to look at you, and you turned to look at him, your faces almost touching.
your breath fanned across his face, the moment oddly intimate until you grinned at him, opening your mouth and emitting an ear piercing scream.
"Ah," he grunted in pain, his eyes screwing shut, and his hands gripping his ears. It felt like his eardrums were seconds away from bursting and causing blood to pour out of his ears. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, the room, and you, falling dead silent immediately after the words left him.
He peeled his eyes open, his hands falling as he looked around. "Excuse me, Mr. Hockstetter," the teacher gasped, clearly taken aback by his outburst. "Take yourself to the principal's office right this instant!" She ordered him.
His blood began to boil as he stood up abruptly, storming out of the classroom and slamming the door behind him. He was getting very very sick and tired of your little games. He headed toward the back door of the school, not wanting to cross paths with Henry's dad.
"This doesn't look like the way to the principal's office," you mused, appearing beside him. He stopped, turning to shove you against the locker. He groaned when his arms made contact with the locker instead of your body, and your laugh echoed behind him. "You think you can hurt me, how cute."
He let out a frustrated groan, smashing his fists against the locker. He couldn't stand you. He couldn't stand having someone that he couldn't manipulate or hurt but that could manipulate and hurt him. "What do you want with me?" He asked, refusing to look at you.
"To break you," you grinned. "To have you begging for it to stop."
Yeah, right he thought.
He was Patrick fucking Hockstetter; he didn't beg. He didn't bend to the will of others, especially not some dead bitch. He was determined not to let you win. You would eventually get tired of tormenting him and go back to wherever the fuck you came from. He was sure of it.
Oh, how he underestimated your patience and overestimated his resilience.
He lasted exactly a week. A week of you screaming and poking and scratching and fucking with his head. A week of people staring at him like he was insane with his random outbursts and talking to the air. A week of torment before you finally had him right where you wanted him.
"Just leave me alone!" He begged, standing in the middle of his room with his head in his hands. You had finally drove him to the brink of insanity, and he didn't know how much longer he could live like this. You, being everywhere all the time, taunting and touching and teasing, it was too much for him. He couldn't take it anymore. "Go away!"
You tsked, grinning at him, that condescending grin that filled him with indescribable rage. How could you look at him like that? Like he was stupid? You were the stupid one. You were killed by him not the other way around!
"I'm afraid that's not how this works," you told him, shaking your head slightly. "I get to stay until you give me what I want." You took a step, punctuating the next words you said with a pause between each one and another step forward. "However. Long. It. Takes."
"What the fuck do you want from me?" He yelled, desperate to get you away from him forever.
"Well," you drawled, running your index finger along his chest, making him flinch. You smiled at the effect you had on him. He talked a big game, getting mad when you left—cursing, throwing things, even—having the audacity to fuck himself to the thought of your murder— but when it came to being face to face with you, he cowered away.
Ain't nothing like a little fear to make a paper man crumble as Henry Bowers' father once said.
"I'll be nice and give you a choice," you said darkly. "You can turn yourself in," you almost laughed at the way his demeanor hardened. "Which we both know you're too proud and stubborn to do," you continued. The intrigue behind Patrick's eyes was undeniable as he eagerly awaited his second choice. "Or," you trailed off, grabbing a razor from his dresser and holding it in front of his face. "You can die."
"You're a crazy bitch!" He shouted, though his inability to mask the tremble in his voice made him sound less than threatening.
"Maybe," you shrugged, admiring the sharp piece of metal. "Hmm," you hummed. "I wonder how you'll feel about me in another week," you asked thoughtfully. "I bet you'll be wishing you took the chance while you had it."
His jaw clenched at your words. He'd already lost a considerable amount of sleep because of you, and the thought of you tormenting him any longer was a fate worse than death. "Why don't you just kill me?" He asked defeatedly. You'd backed him into a corner that he was positive he couldn't get out of without doing things your way.
"I'm not you, Patrick," you spat hatefully. "I don't kill people or things."
"What? Like driving me to suicide is any better?" He scoffed, challenging your sense of superiority over him.
"You have an informed choice," you told him, trying to regain your calm. You didn't like losing your temper, especially not to the likes of Patrick Hockstetter, scum of the earth. "That's a luxury you didn't extend to me."
He eyed the blade in your hand warily. He didn't like accepting defeat. He would never admit to killing you. Being confined to a tiny room, unable to satiate that burning itch deep inside him whenever he needed; it would drive him mad.
"Go on," you urged him softly, holding the razor out for him to take. "Put yourself out of your misery. End it all and be free."
He looked between you and the blade hesitantly, a million thoughts running through his mind as he tried to make a decision. Glaring at you, he took the blade. A scowl formed on his face as he observed the triumphant expression that you seemed to wear immediately after he made his choice.
"Two deep cuts, and you'll never have to see me again," you assured him. That all but sealed the deal. Patrick didn't believe in heaven or hell and death didn't scare him. Being caged like one of the many animals he's so cruelly killed scared him more than dying. He walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge.
He sucked in a breath, pressing the blade into his wrist and dragging it upward toward his inner elbow. He clenched his teeth, deeply inhaling through them. A groan of pain fell from his lips as he felt the warm blood begin seeping from his wound, running down his arms and onto his jeans. He continued the action on the other arm, feeling nauseous and lightheaded.
The blade fell from his trembling fingers, clattering to the floor as he fell back onto the bed. His head felt foggy, and the pain began to melt away into numbness. His eyes began to droop, and he faintly saw your outline standing above him.
He just barely felt you lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. His ears began to ring as his eyes fell shut. The words you spoke next were the last he would hear before his heart slowed to an eventual stop. He almost couldn't make them out, the sound muffled, as if he was underwater, but his mind used its last bit of energy to process them before giving out.
"Goodbye, Patrick Hockstetter," you said softly. "May you burn in hell."
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tags! : @fatfagsj , @mysticalhills , @simpingforthe80s , @slasherho , @pinkpanther-44 , @slaggylemon , @kyranisnotdead , @ladydragiiss ,
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stinkyturd · 1 month
Your Fragrance
Pairing: Romeo Lucci/Reader
Comments: It's Romeo, so it's gonna be a little possessive and weird. If that makes you uncomfortable, this probably isn't your cup of tea. Also, I absolutely hate naming throwaway characters, but I did here to avoid confusion, haha. So, if for some reason you're second guessing if you're misremembering a canon side character, you're not. 🙂‍↕️
Working for Romeo could be exhausting.
The Sinostra vice-captain always had something for you. Be it helping out with casino security, sending out reminders for outstanding loans, or doing menial errands like fetching him various products he may need to keep his skin hydrated or his hair in mint condition. Sometimes he'd even message you at ungodly hours when you were tucked away, seconds from slumbering at your cathedral. 
Overall, you didn't mind. It's not like you HAD to do it. Darkwick hadn't been quite as needy with sending you out on inspector related errands, so you had the time, and you didn't mind Romeo's company. Sure, his personality is completely abrasive and an acquired taste, but underneath it all he had some redeeming qualities. And for some reason he chose you to hire as an assistant. You didn't get paid much. In fact, it was lower than minimum wage. You're pretty sure you could get a part-time job around the campus that would be far more fruitful with less work. 
And now that you were on consistent speaking terms, it was a lot easier to find ways to get under his skin. It was kind of fun pushing him to that level of irritation just before it all boils over. Oddly enough, a scrunched up scowl really highlighted his devastatingly pretty features. You're not sure you've seen anything quite like it on anyone else before. 
Right now, you are sitting next to him on the massive sectional sofa in the VIP room, listening to him rant about trivial anecdotes while you check his email for him. 
"I don't want to deal with these degenerates speaking to me any longer!" Romeo huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You need to establish a precedent in this place that no one should talk to me without pre-approved incentive!"
Your eyes remain locked on the laptop in front of you as you attempt to read over a document sent to you by one of the vice-captain's subordinates, while still acknowledging Romeo's ramblings. "I can give it a shot. What happened this time?"
"A fool from Frostheim came in this morning. That USP told me that the new cashmere divan I purchased for the lobby is tacky! What the fuck does he know about quality luxury...?! That buffoon probably washes his face with hand soap, if he does at all!"
You smirk a little at that, clumsily scrolling the page in front of you with just a trackpad. "Is he a regular?"
"Yes, it's that idiot that always sits at the table by the high limit slots! The one with those shitty, thick-framed, square glasses!" Romeo leans back into the sofa, folding his arms across his chest. 
"Oh...?" Your lips tug into a mischievous smirk. "I think I remember that guy. Dark hair, super clear skin? Has good taste in cologne?" The student he's referring to does actually have dark hair. You remember because it's not the first time Romeo has complained about him. The rest of the description you gave is entirely fabricated. 
You catch a glimpse of the vice-captain's reaction in your peripheral vision. If looks could kill.
Romeo narrows his fuchsia eyes at you. "Have you lost your mind?! Clear skin?" The vice-captain leans in close, jabbing a gloved finger to his face. "This! This is clear skin!"
"Oh, for real?" You don't look up as you suppress a shit-eating grin, tapping away at the keyboard in front of you. 
"Look at me when I'm talking to you, nitwit! I can't have my BB of an assistant prancing around thinking that some Frostheim pig's face even compares to mine!" Romeo removes the laptop from your lap, setting it on the low-profile table in front of you.
You flick your gaze over to his face that's less than a foot from yours. Placing a hand on your chin, you pretend to examine his skin. "Hmm... really? I don't see the difference." 
You did. No one's skin glows as much as the man in front of you.
Romeo clenches his jaw so tightly you're almost concerned he's going to grind down his perfect teeth. "You don't see the difference...?! Perhaps we should get your eyes checked! And you're supposed to be the one surveying the EITS?!"
"But you agree his cologne is pretty solid?" Your lips twitch as the vice-captain's face comically becomes more animated with each snarky comment you make. 
"That fool may as well be rolling around with a wet dog! Whatever bootleg fragrance he wears does not match his pH! How far away were you from that imbecile to draw that conclusion?!" Romeo shouts indignantly.
You're no longer able to keep up the act, your lips peeling into a full on grin as a giggle escapes you.
This only seems to irritate Romeo further. "And what's so funny?!"
"I was only teasing you. I've never been close enough to smell him. Definitely not close enough to see his pores."
"Y-You...!" Romeo's face flushes in a mixture of frustration and embarrassment. "For what purpose, fool?!"
"You look cute when you're all mad," You say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Sorry, Boss. You make it too easy."
"Do you know how much my collagen cream costs? If you expedite the rate in which I obtain wrinkles, you will be my servant until the day you die to pay me back!" Romeo growls.
"How scary," You tease, tearing your gaze from the man shouting at such close proximity. If he stays like that any longer while you face him, you may actually start blushing. Reaching forward, you set the portable computer back in your lap.
"Fucking right, it's scary! I'll make sure your income is so low that you'll be taking residence in my private office," Romeo huffs, finally sitting back as he was before. 
You snort. "Are you going to make me stay in my underwear too, like you did with Kaito?" 
"You'll be lucky if you are even granted that amount of decency," Romeo spats. 
Heat crawls up your neck at the implication. 
"...Wow. Pervert." You're barely able to say it without your voice nervously cracking.
"Tch...! Don't flatter yourself," Romeo counters. A vibration, followed by a ringing sound emanates from his dress pants. The vice-captain stands, pulling his cell phone out. Before he answers it, he shoots you a glare. "You're in need of some serious TLC in order for that to be any concern of yours."
"Oh? That's okay, you're not my type anyway," You lie, as you return your attention to the email in front of you. 
"Excuse me...?!" Romeo flits his furious gaze from you then back to the phone. "This conversation isn't over! Just you wait…!" The Sinostra vice-captain drags a finger across his phone's screen, then brings it to his ear. As if the caller on the other end is physically present, Romeo relaxes his face with his tone before replying. "Hello...? Right, when…?" 
The vice-captain paces around the room mumbling vague replies to the mystery receiver. After a minute or so, he hangs up and stalks back in your direction. 
You pretend you don't notice him as you continue working, anticipating verbal outlash. Instead, you feel a weight sit alarmingly close to your side. Your hand stills on the track pad in front of you when Romeo wraps an arm around your backside. 
"(Y/N)~" The vice-captain speaks so close to your ear that involuntary chills run up your spine. 
You weren't that startled by the gesture. Romeo did this occasionally when he wanted something. Trying to act all sultry to fluster you to the point of accepting his request. That was further confirmed by the rare use of your actual name rather than an acronym disguising an insult.
Usually, you would do whatever he wanted anyway as long as it wasn't too out of your comfort zone. Any time that you'd decline he'd have a fit about it and ignore you for a while after. 
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to ask me to do something ridiculous?" You ask with a sigh. 
"Oh, it's nothing too crazy. But do you think you could get a permit and make a delivery for me outside campus, pretty girl? I know you have enough rapport with the Chancellor to do it by now," Romeo drawls, tucking stray hairs behind your ear. 
"What are you trying to get me to deliver? And where?" You ask, flicking your gaze to his suspiciously.
"It's not important, I will give you the address. All you have to do is drop it off in a mailbox. It's not too far from the station," Romeo explains coolly, his minty breath tickling your nose. 
"Hmm..." You hum contemplatively, turning your head back to the laptop. "I dunno... sounds kinda sus. I don't want to lose my honor student privileges, you know?" 
"...There is nothing sus about it! And you won't. Just say you want to make a delivery to a friend." The demanding impatience in Romeo's tone is already starting to rear its head as you continue to question him.
"I dunno. What's in it for me?" You persist nonchalantly. 
"Continued employment and my approval, obviously! What more could you want?" Romeo argues.
You weren't stupid. He was probably fully intending on sending you off with illegal substances. It would be easy to do it and not get caught, but it's not like you were gung-ho about making runs like that. And it's not like Romeo could do it himself with Sinostra's suspension. What could you request in return that he would be deterred from ever asking you again?
"I might consider it if you do something for me," You reply as another impish grin threatens to peel back. 
Romeo clicks his tongue impatiently. "Asking me for favors now? What could you possibly want?"
"Kiss me," You request, making a point to sound as deadpan as possible. 
The room becomes uncannily still for several moments once the words fall from your mouth.
You smirk, taking your time before you look back at Romeo to assess the damage. The Sinostra vice-captain is boring a hole through you with his eyebrows furrowed. You watch his smooth lips part marginally, as if something is just on the tip of his tongue. 
It's almost hilarious. The way that he just came onto you with the intention of coaxing you to do his bidding, but when the tables are turned he's at a loss for words. You let out a short laugh, deeming this to be your victory as you refocus your attention on the laptop in front of you yet again. "Looks like my hands are tied, Vice-Captain. Maybe you can blackmail Kaito into doing it."
Romeo clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Imbecile, did I say no?"
Well, you can't say you were expecting that. 
You laugh awkwardly, looking at him like he just lost his mind. "What, you're going to agree just like that?"
Romeo nods. "If you wash your face and do a proper skin care routine beforehand. And make sure your mouth is entirely scrubbed clean, if I taste anything foul on your lips, so help me god...!"
"Woah, woah, woah...! I didn't say anything about the lips," You reply, your voice slightly panicked. "Also, you gotta kiss my face as is. It's part of the stipulation. And I haven't washed it in, like, five days. I probably got blackheads galore. You seriously wanna go through with that?"
You had washed your face and put on products previously recommended to you by Romeo this morning. The more affordable ones, anyway. Not that he needed to know that. 
Romeo squints his eyes as he closes in on you, stopping just inches from your face. "You're lying. Why? I don't have time for these games."
How did he immediately call on your bluff?
When you struggle to formulate an excuse, Romeo leans forward, cupping his gloved hand on your chin. You don't have time to react before he presses his plush lips against your cheek. The vice-captain stays that way for a second too long, the kiss past the point of being chaste. When Romeo pulls back, he's quirking a perfectly groomed eyebrow at you. 
"I'd recognize that scent anywhere. Did you put on Tatcha cream this morning?"
You can feel heat gather at the apples of your cheeks as you gawk at him wordlessly. 
"I suppose you're not entirely hopeless after all." Romeo smirks approvingly as he gives you the backhanded compliment. 
"Shit," You mutter, sighing in defeat.
"Looks like you will be my delivery girl. Don't fuck it up, BB," Romeo says derisively, before getting to his feet and walking off to retrieve the parcel. 
Days pass after you begrudgingly follow through with the delivery without anything particularly eventful happening. Currently, you're seated at a bench in the courtyard just outside of campus helping Kaito prepare for an upcoming test in a class you both had. Your phone has been vibrating in your pocket for a hot minute, but you're so determined with focusing on helping Kaito, you ignore it for the time being.
"Jesus effing Christ! I don't get this shit at all, I'm totally gonna bomb this," Kaito whines. The Frostheim student has his fingers wound in his hair as if he's ready to yank it out in clumps. 
"If you hold that attitude the entire time, you just might. A lot of this test is going to be memorization. If anything, I can whip up some flash cards really quick for you," You offer, shooting him a sympathetic glance. 
"Hah... y-you'd really do that? You're seriously an angel." Kaito's voice cracks and he dramatically begins to sprout tears from the corners of his eyes. 
"Pffft, it's nothing. If anything, I still owe you for helping me out so much when I first got here." You pull out a stack of blank index cards from your messenger bag and peer over at the highlighted material in the notepad settled in Kaito's lap. 
Picking up a pen, you begin scribbling the most important bits on the cards that you presume will be on the test. It takes you around ten minutes, but when you finish you hand the stack over to the Frostheim student. 
"Just study it before bed for at least twenty minutes every night until the exam. That's what I always do when I don't retain enough," You remark with a reassuring smile. "Easy peasy."
"T-Thanks so much, (Y/N)." Kaito looks at you with a melting expression, his lower lip puckered into a pout. "I'll get a permit and take you out to my favorite ramen place if I pass this thing, for real."
"Oh? I'll hold you to that," You quip, smirking at him.
Kaito holds out his pinky, nodding fervently. "Pinky swear! It'll be super fun."
You latch your own finger with his. "I bet. I've been craving those marinated eggs lately. It's like you read my mind. Maybe we could bring Lucas, too?"
"Uh... m-maybe. Or it could be..." Kaito giggles nervously, scratching his blonde mop. "Like a d-d-date...?"
"A date...?" You tilt your head, eyeing your friend curiously. 
Before Kaito can present his case, a black gloved hand swats his out of yours in the blink of an eye. 
"A date?! Don't make me laugh, leech! If you don't pay EPB you will be lucky to be still breathing come the day of your exams!"
"GYAAAAH...!" Kaito stumbles back from his seat, landing butt first on the stone ground. "W-What the hell are y-you doing here...?! And how long were you listening?!"
Romeo places a hand on his lip, glowering at Kaito with disdain. "Long enough." The vice-captain briskly snaps his head in your direction. "And just how long did you think you would continue getting away with ignoring me, BB? While fraternizing with this fool who owes me money? You want to take permanent residence in my private office that badly?"
You blink at Romeo owlishly. "Huh? Ignoring you? Since when?" Then it dawns on you. Your phone was vibrating in your pocket like crazy earlier. 
"Don't play dumb! I know your phone is on you!" Romeo yells, jabbing an accusing finger in your direction.
You snort at that. "How do you know that? Maybe I left it at my dorm."
"Are you so daft that you think I'd let my assistant frolic around OTG?"
You avert your gaze upwards, pondering what the acronym could possibly mean. "...Alright, you lost me. OTG?"
"Off. The. Grid...!" Romeo retorts, enunciating each word with biting emphasis. 
You stare at his sour face blankly for a few seconds as you belatedly digest the implication. Scratching your cheek, you quirk an eyebrow at him. "Don't tell me you're tracking me, Boss?"
"Of course I am!" Romeo admits shamelessly. "And don't even think about finding the application and removing it! I made sure that your access is restricted from such tampering!"
You sigh, not particularly perturbed or surprised by the revelation. "You're a real weirdo, you know that? If this were a legitimate job with human resources I could totally report you if I wanted."
"S-Since when did you start working for this nut job?!" Kaito asks, now scrambling to his feet. "Jesus Christ, just work at the campus!"
Romeo glares daggers at the blonde. "Unless you'd like to spend the night being hung up by your toes, I suggest you make yourself scarce! And I expect a money order by 12pm sharp tomorrow, or I will be making an appearance at your dormitory."
"Urk...! F-Fine...!" Kaito hastily grabs his messenger bag from the bench. "I'll see you later (Y/N)! Text me...!" The blonde flicks a wary glance in Romeo's direction before scampering off.
"Now that the fool has left, you are coming with me, BB! I have a job for you. And turn your audio notifications on for my number, FFS!" Romeo orders.
You roll your eyes before getting to your feet. "Fine, fine, I hear ya." 
After announcing that Romeo had your location tracked, you swore that you had begun to notice that he was making more frequent appearances where you didn't usually see him. When you went to eat at the weird diner Ren works at with Lucas, Romeo showed up in the middle of your meal, requesting you return to Sinostra as soon as possible. A day later you saw him on the main campus in the second year wing of the building to fetch you after class. Another day, you went to help Alan with some paperwork and the Sinostra vice-captain was there, too. Romeo had claimed that he was just there to speak with Leo, but then insisted that you come with him once you had finished up, anyway. 
It's not like you had a set schedule to work. Sometimes you wouldn't help him for a day or two in the event that Darkwick needed something that took priority. Who knows? Maybe it really was all a coincidence. 
You sat in the VIP room again, a few of Romeo's goons were talking amongst themselves across the room, while you were waiting for whatever task the vice-captain had planned for you that evening. Romeo had texted you earlier in the day, and he had made it seem as if it were something urgent. 
Eventually, the double doors burst open and Romeo made a beeline for you. 
You lift your eyes to meet the Sinostra vice-captain's as he approaches, stopping to a halt right in front of you. “Heya, Boss,” You smirk up at him. “What's good?”
“(Y/N),” Romeo starts, his voice as sweet as molasses. The vice-captain is looking down at you with a jovial smile. ”Just In time~”
“Ugh…” Your expression falters to a tired one in an instant. Standing up, you make an attempt to slide out from in front of him. “Just realized, Cornelius asked me to do some stuff at Frostheim, so if you'll excuse me–”
Romeo holds your waist firmly in place, narrowing his eyes sharply at you. “The Chancellor sent you no such notification. I should know.”
“C'mon now you're hacking into my phone to read my messages?” You ask in disbelief, irritation rising in your voice. “I'm starting to think you're in love with me.” 
“Idiot! Now you're just blowing smoke up your ass! I have my reasons,” Romeo counters vaguely. The vice-captain is close enough that you can smell every fragrant product he had on today.
You click your tongue, sitting back down with your arms folded over your chest. Debating with Romeo was like talking to a brick wall, so you weren't about to waste your breath. “Fine, what do you need?”
Romeo turns his head to the group of his lackeys behind him. “Fools! You better have that box with you.”
“Sorry, right here, Boss!” One of the students hurried over to Romeo's side, handing said box over to him. 
Romeo takes it, then tosses it in your lap. It's not that heavy and it has a white lid. “Here! This will be my gift to you, should you do what I ask.”
You eye him skeptically, to which he nods. Despite the usage of the word gift, knowing him, there was a pretty big catch. Hesitantly, you reach out and lift the lid in front of you. 
The scarlet fabric immediately catches your eye. Silk? 
You lift the item out of its box, extending the piece of clothing enough to where you can really judge what you're looking at. It looks to be some type of halter neck evening gown. Formal, yet not too formal. The way the fabric feels against your fingertips tells you that this is worth several months' pay at least. Just beneath the dress is a set of accenting jewelry at the bottom of the box. You don't know enough about that kind of thing to even begin to guess it's worth.
“...What the hell is this?” You ask, completely bewildered. 
“A dress, obviously. Do you have eyes?” Romeo snaps.
“Okay, but why?”
Romeo exhales, steeling himself like he's about to make a sales pitch. “...Tonight I have a guest. A former colleague of mine, for lack of a better word. I have a list of tables I need you to lead him to and goad him into playing. The fool likes to bid high.”
“And I gotta wear this to do it?” You prod, creasing your eyebrows. 
“That GFNS has a type and if I work my magic, you will fit that,” Romeo explains, placing a hand on his hip.
“You can't seriously expect me to flirt with some rando. And what, are you gonna cheat him out of money? I thought you were against that!” You argue. 
Romeo clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “You don't need to seduce him, just act as you normally do. Pretend you recognize him. The idiot has a meager amount of fame in the outside world, so it won't be odd. As for cheating him– the piece of shit deserves it. He did the same to me and still believes I am unaware. It's a wonder I haven't killed him already.”
You pause, taking a moment to process everything. “How the hell am I supposed to convince him to follow me around?”
“Start by offering him a drink, and tell him you're my cousin. I will provide you with a list of what to do from there. The majority of men are simple meatheads,” Romeo states matter-of-factly. “Throw a pretty woman in front of them and they will fold like a deck of cards.” 
You roll your eyes. “So now I'm pretty? What happened to ‘basic bitch’?” 
“...You're not repulsive,” Romeo admits, averting his gaze. 
“Such a charmer,” You say sarcastically.
“So, will you do it?”
It didn't sound like the most fun task in the world, but if you weren't pressured into behaving a certain way, it really wouldn't be so bad. Plus, you kind of want to have Romeo doll you up. The vice-captain has referenced it enough in passing, but had yet to follow through.
“I really don't have to hit on him?” You reiterate. 
“Be friendly, that's it,” Romeo insists. 
“Do I get another kiss for this?” You joke, wiggling your eyebrows.
Romeo's flicks his gaze over you fully, as if he's genuinely considering your question. “...Ask me again when you clean up.”
You nearly choke on air at his nonchalant reply.
“Joke! That was a joke!” You insist with a nervous laugh, waving your hands wildly in protest. “My next kiss, face or otherwise, will be reserved for my future partner!”
Romeo's lips pull slightly downward and his expression wavers like he has more commentary to throw back at you. Instead, the vice-captain pushes out an exasperated sigh as he turns on his heel and waves you off dismissively. “Go and put that on. Don't keep me waiting.” 
“Okie dokie. You got it, Boss.”
When Romeo handed you a mirror after he applied makeup on you and styled your hair, you almost didn't recognize yourself. It's not as if you hadn't dressed up before, but it never came out quite this well. As it turns out, the vice-captain wasn't all talk with his stylistic choices. 
You were thoroughly impressed. Romeo had also brought shoes to you before he had gotten started on your makeup, that matched the dress and accessories. Everything fit perfectly, too. Which, you did wonder how that was possible without Romeo somehow invading your privacy again. You didn't bother touching on that subject. 
“Woah, you really know your stuff,” You compliment Romeo, as you admire the rouge lip color he had applied to your face. It complimented the dress perfectly. 
“I am offended that you ever doubted me,” Romeo retorts. He's sitting on a stool in front of you and the couch in the VIP lounge. “I have a feeling this will go according to plan. Just look over your notes beforehand, got it?” 
You nod, lowering the mirror onto the table in front of you. “By the way, is this guy really going to make up what it cost to get me this stuff? This looks crazy expensive.”
“Of course,” Romeo insists, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. “You think I intend to support a charity case? As long as you do what I say, this will be a miniscule dent in the return.”
“That's good at least. I almost started to feel bad.” You stand up, with the intention of getting the ball rolling. 
“Hold on,” Romeo stands with you, pulling a golden vial out of the pouch of makeup that rests on the table. The vice-captain opens it, a strong, but inviting fragrance permeates your immediate surroundings. Leaning in close, Romeo dabs some of the liquid from the wand that's attached to the lid onto your neck. 
“Oh, that smells nice…” You murmur, pretending like the close proximity of your gorgeous tyrant of a boss isn't making your heart beat rapidly. 
“As it should. It's of high quality.” Romeo brings a pale hand to your neck, spreading the oil-like perfume across the expanse of your neck gently with his fingertips. 
The Sinostra vice-captain's expression is completely unreadable at the moment. And for reasons unbeknownst to you– you struggle to take your eyes off of him. Maybe it's because he looks more peaceful than usual? If you had to guess, this kind of thing might be fun for him. 
“Thank you,” You say impulsively, beaming at him. 
Romeo removes his fingers from your neck, flitting his gaze to meet yours. His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion. “What are you thanking me for?” 
“I dunno, this is kind of fun. I think it's better than you making me go on a drug deal,” You tease. 
“I never admitted to making you do anything of the sort,” Romeo counters. 
“Never admitted,” You emphasize with a coy smirk. “Even if you're doing this for your own agenda, I still appreciate your creative efforts. So, thanks.”
Romeo stares at you with an indiscernible  expression for a few beats, his face alarmingly close to yours. It feels strange. Since when was he so comfortable being this close without reason? Especially when he's not visibly pissed about something.
“...Thank me by doing your job correctly,” He finally says. 
Romeo increases the distance between the two of you, placing the now closed vial of perfume back where he got it. “Now scram. I have things to do.”
It feels like you can finally breathe. What is this strange feeling?
“Yeah, sure thing…”
The guest Romeo had told you to tag along with was turning out to be a seemingly decent guy. He had dark hair and was handsome enough, but compared to the ghouls at Darkwick, he didn't particularly stand out. Based on the information Romeo wrote down for you, he is well known on social media for creating and promoting a pretty successful clothing line. His actual name was lost on you, but Romeo just told you to refer to him as Zomo. You weren't sure if it was a public nickname for him, or one given to him by the vice-captain himself. 
Everything Romeo had told you to do had seemingly worked. The influencer initially had been confused by you approaching him, until you labeled yourself as Romeo's close cousin. From there it was relatively easy to converse with him. You showed him around and you didn't have to try very hard to get him to participate at the table games. The first table the list told you to take him to was a game of roulette. And you couldn't help but notice a familiar red-headed captain seated at the gaming table. 
You knew basic casino etiquette, courtesy of Romeo. Since you didn't intend on playing, you observed from behind Zomo's chair. 
“Say… don't I know ya from somewhere, Kitty?”
You glance over at Taiga. He's leaning on the table in a languid posture, his head resting on his fist. The Sinostra Captain is smirking at you impishly. 
“Yeah. Don't you remember? It's me, John Titor,” You joke, though you intentionally keep your expression serious for the bit. 
“...That what it was?” The smile never leaves Taiga's face as he stares at you, likely trying to figure out if it's actually the truth. After a long pause, he starts laughing. “...Gyahaha! Ya don't seem like a John. Feel like ya gotta have a beard for that one!”
Romeo's guest looks between the two of you skeptically. You wonder if he knows Taiga already. If not, you could only imagine the confusion, especially considering you introduced yourself with your real name. 
“I'll just call ya Johnny for now, how ‘bout it?” Taiga holds a fist out to you, like he intends to hand you something. Curious, you reach your palm out to him. 
Without warning, Taiga slaps several orange chips directly into your hand. A familiar tingling sensation lingers on your palm at the contact. You blink, meeting Taiga's gaze dubiously.
Was it part of Romeo's plan for Taiga to use his stigma, then? Guess it only makes sense if they're trying to screw this guy.
Taiga grins at you wolfishly for a moment before pulling back and leaning onto the table again. “Get me a drink will ya? Think I'm in the mood for an Old Fashioned.”
“...Sure,” You say. Looking down at the Zomo guy, you speak up again. “Want anything?”
“Same thing, thanks,” He replies.
Hours went by of spectating as Romeo's guest fails each and every one of the games he participates in. A constant throughout the evening was Taiga making an appearance at every table that you influenced Zomo to play at. If you had any doubt that Romeo and the Sinostra Captain had collaborated in the scheme together, that was long gone. 
Throughout it all, Zomo continued requesting drinks, and you retrieved them every time he asked. He was either so trashed that he didn't realize how much money he lost, or he just didn't care. By the time you reached the finale of the last game on your list, Zomo was completely out of chips. 
“Damn… lost again, eh? That's embarrassing.” Romeo's guest lethargically scratches his head at the Baccarat table. The rest of the players had already made themselves scarce, leaving the two of you alone for the moment. Aside from the dealer who was busying himself in idle chatter with another casino employee.
“Oof, damn!” You say, doing your best to feign shock for the umpteenth time. “That sucks, buddy. Maybe next time?”
“Buddy…?” Zomo repeats, his brow creased. You hear him curse under his breath. And only seconds after that, you feel a hand grip your wrist and yank you forward. 
“Woah…!” You trip over your feet and nearly butt heads with the man seated at the table. Zomo stretches a hand out, stilling your shoulder in time with his free hand. 
“Here I thought you were gonna cozy up with me for the night. Turns out you're just a fuckin’ tease, eh?”
Oops, looks like you made the wrong dialogue choice. Creeper alert!
You attempt to yank your hand back, but the man's grip is firm. Zomo's face is just inches from yours, and his breath reeks of brown liquor. Taking a deep breath, you narrow your eyes at him. “Let me go, fuck face.”
“Don't think I'm gonna do that,” He says, his voice slurring over his words.
“Dude, seriously!” You growl, moving your other hand forward to attempt to peel the man's fingers off. 
The sound of a gun bolt sliding back and locking into place sounds from your right. 
You glance up. The Sinostra vice-captain is training a rifle less than a foot from the man's head. Your breath catches in your throat as you watch his finger linger dangerously close to the trigger. “W-Wait Romeo, don't–”
“Get the fuck out,” Romeo seethes, his words come out far more venomous than you ever thought possible. “Unless you'd like me to contact Darkwick's medical facility to relay details for your death certificate.”
“W-Woah, chill man…! I w-wasn't gonna do anything,” Zomo sputters out as he releases your wrist to hold his hands up in surrender. 
“Not only are you a thieving weasel, you're lying through your teeth,” Romeo balances the butt of the rifle against his shoulder, using his free hand to wave over a member of security. “Escort this BFL out.”
The security member quickly makes his way over to grab Zomo's shoulder and carries out Romeo's orders. The vice-captain's old acquaintance doesn't make a fuss as he's led towards the door. If he did, you may actually think he's insane. You wouldn't put it past Romeo to actually pull the trigger. The Sinostra vice-captain had shot at Ritsu before, after all. 
Romeo lowers his gun once Zomo's out of sight, and turns his head to look at you, his gaze cold. “VIP room, now.”
“Uh, sure.”
You follow Romeo back to the room you can never seem to stay out of nowadays. The vice-captain says nothing the entire walk there. It was a little unsettling not hearing him rant angrily about one thing or another. You weren't sure what to expect when you watched Romeo close the massive double doors behind the two of you. A distinct clicking noise makes you double take in his direction. 
Did he just lock the door?
A brief surveillance of the room tells you that you're the only two people inside. 
“Sit,” Romeo demands, waving in the general direction of the sofa. The vice-captain doesn't wait for you to reply before he stalks off towards the back of the room with his rifle, presumably to stow it away. 
You make your way over to the sofa, plopping down. Deciding it's been weirdly awkward for long enough, you speak up. “You're being quiet. Are you mad?”
You hear something click shut from behind you, and a few moments later Romeo walks back into view. The vice-captain makes his way over to you, taking a seat relatively close to you. He looks at you with a hard gaze.
“Would it kill you to take my word and just follow the script I gave you, moron?” Romeo finally reprimands. Though, he sounds almost nice compared to how he usually berates.
“How the hell was I supposed to know that ‘buddy’ would set that weirdo off?” You argue. “You really know some odd people.”
“...You should be grateful I was using the EITS to watch over you,” Romeo spats, his arms folded over his chest. 
“It's okay, I would have karate chopped him,” You insist, holding your arms out in a playful representation of what you imagine a proper karate pose would look like. 
“Don't make me laugh,” Romeo starts, though the agitation in his tone tells you he's not actually in a laughing kind of mood. “You couldn't even peel that pig's fingers off of you!”
You pivot your body to face him, leaning your cheek on the back of the couch. “You worried about little old me?”
“Worried…?” Romeo repeats, his intense gaze burning a hole through you. “The only one who should be worried is that weasel. So long as you are in my LOS, no one will touch you.”
You feel your cheeks burn at Romeo's words. “Uhm… line of sight?”
“Geez. Can’t tell if you sound delusional, or romantic,” You mutter, averting your gaze to a random spot on the couch. 
Romeo scoffs. “I said it exactly as I meant it. Attributing further sentiment is a waste of time.”
You laugh a bit, in spite of yourself. “Yeah, don't I know it. I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry Boss.”
“You should be. Now make up for it by canceling your extracurricular plans this week to work for me.” Romeo's lips peel into a devilish grin as he makes the absurd request. 
“That hardly seems like a fair shake,” You say with a snort. “What are you gonna do when I'm not around one day?”
Romeo's expression slips into a puzzled one. “What do you mean?”
“Well, one day I'm gonna return home if I break my curse. I doubt Darwick intends on giving me permanent residence here. I'll have to help you find someone to replace me when that happens,” You explain, flashing him a bittersweet smile. “You forget?”
Romeo frowns, eyeing you dubiously. “I don't plan on forking my assistant over so easily.”
“I didn't realize that you had any real say in it,” You tease. “Are you going to convince Hyde that I will be a valuable asset for the foreseeable future?”
“If that's what it comes to. That DOF owes me anyhow, always nagging at the most inconvenient of times!” Romeo pauses, holding your gaze. “...Don't tell me you actually have been looking forward to going back to your mundane life?”
Did you? 
Maybe in some ways. Though, Darkwick and the people in it have become your second home. Initially it wasn't a choice, but for the moment you wouldn't trade it away. Not yet. 
“...There are things I miss. People,” You admit, doing your best not to sound like a sad sack. 
“Like who?” Romeo persists, the frustrated look on his face not budging.
“Family and friends,” You reply vaguely. “I miss the normalcy sometimes. The routine, being able to put time into things that aren't important, and going out when I want with whoever.”
Romeo clicks his tongue irritably. “...What a stupid sentiment. You can basically have all that here. Why not just stay here and visit there?”
You snicker at his persistence. This might be the most interest that the Sinostra vice-captain ever showed in how you feel. Though, the bar is still low considering he's using that information to try and manipulate your actions.
“Why not just visit me if I can't stay here?” You counter. 
“I have far more important things to do.” 
You sigh, feigning a wistful expression. “Well, that's alright. I guess I'll just invite Kaito over.”
“What…?” Romeo sits forward, his fuchsia eyes glaring daggers at you. “You intend to let that blubbering fool into your home alone?!”
“Sure, why not?” You ask, your lips curling into a coy smirk.
“That leech still owes me money! If he's around you with that much freedom the hormonal fool will spend my cash impulsively,” Romeo explains.
“Oh, right…” You mumble, wearing a pensive expression. “...Then I guess Alan could visit.”
“That behemoth will cause a mess bumbling around in your dinky home,” Romeo argues.
“Hm… Towa, surely.”
“Have you lost your mind? Do you have flood insurance?!”
“Okay, Boss. Tell me– who is suitable for me to invite into my home?” You ask, stifling a laugh. 
“No one,” Romeo answers with conviction. “So stop considering it, BB.”
You sigh. “You know this ongoing territorial Boss bit is totally gonna scare away any potential love interests for me in the future.” 
“Good,” Romeo remarks impassively, narrowing his eyes at you. “Let there be no other distractions.”
“That's totally not fair. Unless you're planning on doing the charity work of being my boyfriend, I think I'll pass,” You retort, puffing your cheeks. “As a hopeless romantic, there's some things I won't sacrifice.”
“I will do it,” Romeo declares pointedly. 
Your eyes widen and you lift your head from the back cushion of the couch, gawking in disbelief. “...What?”
The vice-captain's expression is serious. Romeo's words are not to be taken lightly. 
“I said I'll do it, idiot,” Romeo insists. “But I will write up a list of guidelines you must follow consistently in regards to hygiene and skin care routines. And for outings together you will not give me any push back when I select your outfits, or how I choose to style your hair. And you must be prompt when I invite you out, no excuses.”
You gape at him in shock. “...You're serious?”
“Does it seem like I'm joking, nitwit?” Romeo snaps. 
“Okay… what about, uh…” Your cheeks turn bright red, you can just feel it. “Intimacy? Physical touch? Is that really something you'd be open to…?”
“So long as you're not filthy, I will accomodate,” Romeo answers, like it's the simplest question in the world. 
“Er… But is that something you want or just something you'd be willing to do just to keep me here?” You prod, brows tented. 
Romeo gives you a prickly stare. “Obviously, my intention is to keep you here.”
There's a couple ways you could interpret that, if you think hard enough about it. But since it wasn't the answer you were looking for, it was difficult to not take personal. You weren't particularly interested in trading intimacy with someone who just wanted you around for business purposes. Even if it seemed like it could be fun, it would inevitably be a disaster in the long run. But it was Romeo, what did you expect?
Shifting your gaze off to the side, you speak in a near whisper “...I'm sorry, that's not really something I'm interested in. I'm gonna have to pass on this one. I like you and all, but I think this is seriously gonna blow if I get attached to you romantically, ya know?”
Romeo stares at you pensively. Even as you shoot up from your seat seconds later. 
“I'm gonna head home now!” You announce, somehow managing to keep your voice steady. “You can call me whenever you need me in the morning though, since there's no classes tomorrow.”
Just as you wave Romeo off and turn heel, an arm snakes around your waist, pulling you backwards.
In the blink of an eye, you're sitting back on the couch, with your thighs overlapping Romeo's. The Sinostra vice-captain is gripping one of your wrists and his left arm is looped around your backside.
You stare up at him in surprise, and he's glaring daggers back at you. His pretty lips pressed into a thin line. 
“I cannot believe you have the audacity to reject me,” Romeo says, his jaw clenched as if he's struggling to maintain his composure. 
“Hey, reject?” You echo, your eyes wide like saucers. “T-That's not my intention.”
The vice-captain's eye twitches in vexation. “Not your intention? How else could I possibly interpret that?! Do you have any idea how lucky you should feel that the thought even crossed my mind, THD?”
“I do feel lucky,” You argue, your brow creasing. “I-I just don't think the way we feel about each other is the same.”
“If that's the case or not, what difference does it make? There is no one better suited for you, I can assure you that,” Romeo asserts. 
Heat rises to your cheeks at the bold statement. You open your mouth, but find yourself grappling with your brain and heart to the point where nothing slips out. 
“Is there someone else? Is that what this is about? One of the fools you rattled off earlier? Do tell me their name,” Romeo rants. Despite the vice-captain's voice not being as elevated as it usually is, his expression isn't any less venomous. “If you try to weasel your way out of it, I will find out eventually.”
“No…!” You nearly shout in disbelief. “C'mon, you're being completely unreasonable! How would there be? I'm with you during most of my free time!”
Romeo lifts a skeptical eyebrow. “On four separate occasions this week, you were spending time with other ghouls. And I've seen the way those Frostheim fools look at you!”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Seriously, Romeo it's not like that…!”
“Don't! Don't call me that…!” The vice-captain tears his gaze from yours, his eyes settling somewhere on your lap. “...Take some responsibility, BB! You're the one that started this shit with that idiotic kiss nonsense!”
“That's what this is about…?” You ask, your jaw slack as you stare at Romeo's conflicted expression.
As far as you could tell, the Sinostra vice-captain had been completely flippant about the interaction. Was that really the catalyst for his possessive behavior? Your attempt to mess with him?
“It infuriates me,” Romeo starts, his posture tense. “You had remnants of sweat on your face, and you looked as if you just rolled out of bed, putting no thought into your appearance whatsoever. Other than that moisturizer, there was no fragrance lingering on you.”
You give Romeo a tired look, wondering where he could possibly be going with this. 
“...It infuriates me that I didn't hate it,” Romeo admits, his grip on your wrist tightening marginally as the confession leaves his mouth.
“...You mean you like the way my natural skin smells?” You ask, eyeing the vice-captain curiously. 
“Must I repeat myself in another language, fool?” Romeo snaps, his steely eyes darting up at you. 
It wasn't that unusual to like the smell of someone's natural oils. But you suppose for someone as finicky about scents and hygiene as Romeo could be, it was probably pretty important to him. 
A giggle slips past your lips involuntarily.
“And what about this is so funny…?!” Romeo snaps. 
You smile at him, finding the beautiful ghoul in front of you particularly endearing right now. “That's just the best compliment I think I may ever receive from you. And it's super common. Science might say that it means you're attracted to my pheromones. You're so cute.”
“Cute?” Romeo repeats, looking at you like you've lost your mind. “I have been reduced to falling prey to primitive behavior that does nothing to serve me! There's nothing ‘cute’ about this, FFS!”
So, Romeo likes your smell so much that it's been making him act like a possessive basket case all week? That explanation didn't entirely track.
“Do you like me, Boss?” You ask, sporting a lopsided smile. 
“Like? Who fucking knows,” Romeo grumbles, leaning back into the couch as his grip falls from your wrist. 
“Well…” You look down at your legs that were still on top of his. “I gotta say, I don't think I would have ever thought you'd let me be on you like this. You want me to move?”
Romeo doesn't give you a verbal reply, but the arm around your waist stiffens. 
“No, then?” You prod.
“You're not leaving. Not like that. Not now,” Romeo decides. The vice-captain looks at you like he's daring you to go against his orders.
“I won't go if you don't want me to,” You reassure.
Romeo must believe you because his arm relaxes slightly. 
“...Hey,” You start. “If you're not sure how you feel, can I try something? Maybe it will help you determine your feelings. And then we can discuss the whole dating thing again.”
“...Try what?” Romeo asks, raising an eyebrow. 
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for a potential adverse reaction. “Okay, here me out. And feel free to throw me off for my brazen stupidity if you're against it…”
“Spit it out, idiot.” 
“Okay, okay. Can I kiss you…?” You blurt out, wincing preemptively.
Romeo stares at you with an unreadable gaze, and your stomach flips with anticipation.
“Oh, for real?” 
“Do it before I change my mind, BB,” Romeo demands. 
“Oh, yes. Of course. So, uh… like before?” You meant the cheek kiss. Hopefully the vice-captain would catch on to save you the embarrassment of explaining.
Romeo clicks his tongue. “Do I have to hold your hand through everything? Just do it.”
Okay, cheek kiss to be safe. That shouldn't be too intimidating. You've kissed your friends and family members cheeks, nothing but a cinch!
You sit up and inch your face closer towards Romeo's. It doesn't help your nerves that he's staring at you expectantly. Has this guy ever been on the receiving end of a kiss before? Couldn't he at least close his staggeringly pretty eyes so your heart would stop pounding against your chest like a jackhammer?
Knowing how bothered Romeo would be if you chickened out now helps you regain your composure. You shut your eyes and close the distance, pressing your lips against his devastatingly plush cheek. After an appropriate length of time, you pull back and assess the damage. 
Romeo shoots you an unimpressed look. “What? That's it?”
You twiddle your thumbs nervously, an awkward laugh spilling from your mouth. “Uh… what, you want me to do it again?”
“Yes! Would you like me to write it in crayon?” Romeo snaps, the faintest hint of pink dusting his cheeks. 
“Okay, okay!” You impulsively reach for Romeo's gloved hand, intertwining your fingers with his. 
The vice-captain shows no sign of protest at the gesture, so you proceed with the second kiss, this time landing your lips closer to his temple. 
By the time you pull back, Romeo looks nothing short of impatient. “Are you so caught up in the role you played earlier that you forgot we aren't actually related? Is this supposed to entice me?”
You puff your cheeks, your face burning from his criticism. “You're such a turd! You really want me to kiss you for real?”
That's the only conclusion you could draw from the vice-captain's words. If your lips were even slightly chapped, or breath even a little off there would surely be hell to pay. You don't recall eating anything sinister. 
You don't have time to make any further advances, nor does he grant you the courtesy of a verbal reply. The arm around your waist effortlessly draws you closer, to where you're sitting fully on the vice-captain's lap. Romeo pulls his hand from your grip, drawing it towards your shoulder. 
You nearly gasp when you feel the wandering hand ghost over the expanse of your collar bone. “What are you–” 
“Quiet,” Romeo interjects softly. His fuchsia eyes rake over you in admiration as his fingertips travel upwards towards your neck. You feel his thumb gently brush against the length of your throat, eventually tickling your jawline. 
“Exactly as I pictured it,” Romeo murmurs vaguely. “...Don't wear this around anyone else.”
“...W-Well, to be fair I was already seen in this by countless people,” You argue, struggling to hold his gaze. If someone would have told you just hours before that the Sinostra vice-captain would be leering so suggestively at you right now, you'd surely laugh in their face. 
Just what did you do to catch the attention of the most self-assured and vain man you'd ever met in your life?
“A severe lapse in judgment on my part. Don't anticipate it happening again,” Romeo retorts bitterly. 
Without warning, the Sinostra vice-captain cups his hand against your neck and pulls you forward. Your eyes flutter shut unconsciously and the warmth of his lips reach yours. 
In spite of the intense nervousness you felt just moments prior, the kiss has you melting on impact. Maybe it's the way his touch is so characteristically deliberate, yet delicate at the same time. You knew his lips were soft, it's obvious at just a glance. But it was clear to you now that having them pressed against your own is far more satisfying than you could have ever imagined. 
You wrap your arms around Romeo's neck in your mindless search for a closer touch. A passing insecure thought that you're doing too much materializes, but is quickly quelled when you feel his lips part and reconnect with yours again. You feel a hand grip the side of your hip, his digits going in for a tight squeeze. Involuntarily, you whimper against Romeo's mouth.
The Sinostra vice-captain pulls back from the kiss, his face beautifully flushed. His right thumb strokes the contour of your jaw languidly as he surveys you with half-lidded eyes. “I've made up my mind.”
You feel completely malleable under his deceptively soft gaze. Drawing your arms back ever so slightly, you press him further. “...And?”
Romeo regards you voraciously, his lips curling into a smirk. “You're mine, (Y/N). It would be in your best interest to remember that.”
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mins-fins · 2 months
hold me tight
&&. yes it took you a good couple of years, but it's nothing making out in a pool can't fix!
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pairing: na jaemin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, sorta kinda sorta suggestive
warnings: kissing (is that a warning?)
word count: 1.4k
notes: this is a snippet from a longer form thing that i have given up on, but anyway, who else loves na jaemin?? if we ignore the fact that i only learned how to swim like one week ago….. i really like pools now that im not almost drowning every few business minutes 😁 i also really like na jaemin, and my last nana work was angst so i have to make it up to you all ⭐️ also, sort of kissing writing practice, it's terrible, don't focus on it pls xoxo
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your arms are crossed as you slide the glass door open.
you sigh, a heavy breath leaving your lips. he giggles, escaping your scathing stare by diving under the water. your corresponding groan gives him yet another thing to smile about, even when he's attempting to hide from you in chenle's pool. "how the fuck are you swimming at eleven pm?"
when jaemin rises again, he snickers, somehow able to keep his composure after almost inhaling a bunch of chlorine. "it's fun, y/n, why do you nag me so much?"
"i'm not nagging, i just need to make sure you don't get hypothermia".
he pouts like a child being punished. "your boring y/n" he sings, smile still tugging at his lips as he lays on his back, basking in the water that keeps him afloat.
you again sigh, rolling your eyes as you sit down at the edge of the pool, legs crossed. "and you act like a child, jaemin".
though he would usually feign offense at such words, it seems a switch flips in his head, and he swims his way over to you, leaning his arms against the ground you sit on. "you love me, though".
you chuckle, now that's amusing. "do i?"
jaemin hums, nodding, smile unmoving as traces shapes into your leg. "you do, that's why you aren't snitching on me to chenle".
you scrunch your nose at the feeling of his wet finger on your body. "what are you gonna do if i don't follow that?"
"strangle you, maybe".
the threat is said with such certainty that you laugh, because there's a hidden sense of playfulness behind the warning. "you can't strangle me, you need me".
he scoffs, pinching your knee and chuckling at the yelp he receives. "you sound like jeno".
"is that an insult?"
"you two are just as desperate as each other, so.. yeah!"
your eye roll is stuck to you at this point, maybe you simply expect such words from your best friend, because it doesn't exactly furrow your eyebrows as much as it makes you giggle. you slap jaemin's hand away from your leg, childishly sticking out your tongue at him. "your a bastard".
"i'm being honest, come in with me?"
now it's your turn to scoff, listening to the rhythmic whistles and silent splashes of water. "no, you're crazy".
"oh come on! you aren't leaving me to entertain myself alone, are you?"
"i can entertain you while being dry".
he narrows his eyes, arms crossing over his chest underwater. "you are boring".
you click your tongue; "how sad".
"y/n!" he's quick to whine. "how are you going to come out here to nag me then not get in the water?"
"well i didn't come out here to swim".
"then you should leave".
he pouts again, and you sigh again. it's always like this with na jaemin isn't it?
you roll your eyes as he starts staring at you with that look. "okay fine, i'm sorr— AHH!"
your statement is suddenly cut off when he uses his superhuman strength to pull you down from your place, and you fall face first into the pool with a huge splash.
when you finally come to, jaemin only stares at you with that same shit eating grin. "oh you assho—"
"hey! you can't punch me in chenle's pool!"
"and whose gonna stop me?"
you yelp again when he splashes water in your direction, just barely closing your eyes in enough time to avoid the water attempting to enter them. "you think your sooooo funny huh?"
"hilarious, even".
you grimace, shaking your head aggressively back and forth in an attempt to get some of the water out of your hair. "fuck you".
jaemin frowns again, but he can barely hold in his snicker, and now it's your turn to cross your arms underwater. he moves his hair strands out of his face, staring at you for a weirdly long time. "i mean.. you look pretty like this".
you deadpan, cheeks just barely flaring up at the words. he says it all the time, y/n, it's not weird..
but na jaemin himself is weird, so you shouldn't be thinking all that into it.
"are you flattering me so i don't murder you?"
he snickers, looking down, seemingly as nervous about it as you are. "oh so i'm not allowed to compliment you now?"
"you're a weirdo, i always have to question what you do".
jaemin gasps loudly, clear offense in his tone, you can barely hide your smile as you see his reaction. maybe it's a bit strange how his eyes linger on your smile, but what can he say? it's pretty, he needs to make you laugh again.
you blink, staring at your best friend with eyes full of desire. did the outside air just turn up in temperature? it can not be this hot in early march. "yes?"
he hesitates for a moment, as if contemplating his words, which is probably the strongest sight to ever meet your eyes, because when na jaemin wants to say something, he says it. you sometimes forget he even has a thought process with how abrupt he is.
"can i kiss you?"
maybe it's the way it falls from his lips so naturally, or maybe it's the way his lips press together, they do look particularly soft, his constant use of lip balm clearly paying off.
you stare, the air getting significantly hotter, the water should be combatting that, right? your super attractive best friend who you totally harbor no romantic feelings towards just asked for permission to kiss you.
you chuckle. "in chenle's pool? really?"
your stalling, trying to correctly collect your word as your wondrous, beautiful best friend, na jaemin himself, stares at you like you're the only person in the world. has his gaze always been that heavy? when did your hands begin getting so clammy? what if you simply trust fall back into the water and drown? maybe it would be easier to avoid the awkwardness of this situation then..
"hey, when you have a chance you take it".
you laugh again, he really is something. you don't say more, simply pull him forward by his shoulder, finger itching to trace the skin of his bare chest. not before the kiss y/n, have some composure.
jaemin traces his fingers over the line of your jaw, and he pulls you in. his other hand slides down to your right hip, drawing a small squeak from you as your hands move up to his hair.
he wants to savor the moment, take a picture of it and hang it on his wall, there's a certain hunger in the way he groans against your lips, thumbs caressing the sides of your cheek. your arms are quick to wrap around his neck, still feeling the hairs on the back of his neck.
"you're so eager".
"you're the one who asked" you breath, gritting your teeth. "and besides—" you lean forward to take his lips again, the heat of his body transferring to yours. "—you wanted this as much as me didn't you?"
your desperation is quick to manifest, it manifests in the way you exhale sighs and whines, it's just something with na jaemin.
you two slowly.. swim(?) backward, your back hitting the surface of the pool wall. "oh chenle is going to kill us".
jaemin snickers. "why? it's not like were fucking in the pool".
you stare at him incredulously, of course he had to bring that up out of all things, but your face still heats up, and his lips turn up. "oh? do you want to fuck in the pool?"
"no you— pervert! we are not going to fuck in the pool!"
"okay okay, it was just a suggestion" he rolls his eyes, squeezing your hip.
you scrunch your nose, splashing water in his direction. "hey, let's just make this easy, go out with me?"
your jaw almost drops. is this man really serious?
"are you really asking me out in chenle's pool?"
"not as romantic as i wanted it to be but.. it works".
you would punch that smile off na jaemin's face if he wasn't absolutely adorable, oh, and you also really enjoy kissing him down. "okay stupid, but make it a good first date".
"i always keep my promises!"
and if you kiss him again? well that's no one else's business.
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wooahaes · 6 months
on repeat
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pairing: non-idol!dk x gn!reader
prompt: soulmate au series. 12/13
word count: ~7.0k
warnings: mentions of food. time loop au. some angst concerning not having a soulmate. also mentioned angst for other member (hao).
daisy’s notes: i feel like this one could have been longer but i didnt want it to get Too long compared to the other fics, yknow?
summary: What started as a day of making deliveries ended in Seokmin waking up on the same day. And then again, and then again… So, wherever you are, he needs to find you if he wants to see Saturday again.
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Seokmin had been living his life on schedule ever since he turned ten. Before that, truly, because his parents had always set something for him (school, play, dinner, bath time, bedtime), but he knew that it became a little different after he turned ten. He had doctors appointments configured into that schedule, and every appointment had his dad holding his hand as the doctor tried yet again to work out what Seokmin's sign could be. Some of them would always be subtle and hard to detect, but there were plenty of things they could figure out.
And then when that list was exhausted, the afternoon doctor's appointments turned into Wednesday afternoon appointments with Dr. Jeon. She'd spoken to Seokmin for their first appointment with his mother sitting next to him, gauging how he truly felt about the fact he might not have a soulmate. He didn't tell her at first that it hurt to be different. Not with his mother next to him, rubbing soothing circles onto his back. He needed to smile for his mom, to be the bubbly boy she knew and loved.
Wednesday afternoon, Seokmin went back alone starting with that second visit. "My classmates made fun of me again for not having a soulmate."
Dr. Jeon had adjusted her bright pink glasses, and frowned at him. "How do you feel about that?"
That they're right, so it shouldn't hurt to hear the truth. "Bad." He'd curled into himself a little more, tugging his jacket closer to himself. Maybe he could disappear if he tried. "I can't help it."
Dr. Jeon's room was lit only by lamps and whatever light made it through the blinds and curtains. She hated the overhead lights (they buzzed loudly and she could never hear herself think, she said), and Seokmin never minded that they were off. The orange glow made things feel oddly safer. So did the fake sunflowers on her desk, tucked away behind her behemoth of a computer (Dr. Jeon said she could never keep them alive if they were real). As much as he wanted to disappear, he felt safe here. Dr. Jeon wasn't his mom. He didn't have to pretend for Dr. Jeon.
"I wish I had a soulmate," his voice was quieter that time. "Some of my classmates think something's wrong with me. That..."
She looked up from where she's been jotting something down. "That?" She prodded in that inquisitive way she did last time they spoke alone for a few minutes, and Seokmin knew he couldn't drop it without feeling guilty. "It's okay, Seokmin. You can take all the time you need."
He didn't meet her gaze. "They think that I'm never gonna be loved."
Dr. Jeon frowned again at his words. "Do your parents love you?"
His head shot up. "Yes! Of course they love me!"
"Do your friends?"
He nodded furiously. "And—And I love my friends. But what does that have to do with my soulmate?"
Dr. Jeon shook her head. "Love comes in many forms, Seokmin. A soulmate's love isn't guaranteed to be romantic, but even if it was, you aren't guaranteed to be with your soulmate. Love takes effort. My husband is a relationship counselor," she twisted her wedding ring around her finger, "and he sees plenty of couples who assume being soulmates is the only thing they need to make it work."
"But..." He furrowed his brow. "I thought soulmates were forever."
"They can be." Dr. Jeon paused. "You're so young, Seokmin, but you'll understand one day. A soulmate represents the possibility of that love, not the only existence of it." She chuckled. "Besides... You're too young to worry about romantic love. But for now, we can work on acceptance."
"Whether you have a soulmate or not, Seokmin," she said, the big beads of her earrings clinking together as she set aside her pad of notes, "you're still a person capable of loving others and being loved. It's hard for kids your age to separate out love like this, but you'll realize it as you grow up. There is nothing wrong with not having a soulmate."
Seokmin hadn't been able to accept her words for a while. Every day, he saw something new in the world about soulmates. A new drama based around them, or a new discount to those who can prove they're with their soulmate, or a new magazine with childish quizzes that pretend to predict your soulmate's traits. Every Wednesday, he found himself back on that plush couch and talking about something new. A new thing he's eliminated. Another classmate discovered their sign. News of an intern at his dad's work that found his soulmate (this one Seokmin wasn't supposed to hear). And every week, he left Dr. Jeon's sessions with those words said at the end:
There was nothing wrong with not having a soulmate... So why did Seokmin want one so badly?
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Seokmin grew up. He started college, and he met Minghao through it. Eventually his routine changed as he began to balance work and school and a social life, all while living in a cozy little apartment with Minghao. Make breakfast, go to class, go to work, find time to shove food into his face, deal with more customers... It became a schedule he pretty much lived by with his social life a little less present. He'd get it back one day, hopefully. But he always made time for dinner with Minghao on Friday nights: their one day a week where they’ve completely slowed down together.
Minghao seemed more tired this week. "I'm tired of blue."
Seokmin looked up from his dinner. "Which blue?"
"Calm blue. Not sad. They're fine, wherever they are, and I should be glad for it, but I'm not." Minghao scowled.
Seokmin frowned as he watched Minghao. Their vision is filled with red now, he wanted to say. Are you okay with that? But he didn't, instead reaching out to ruffle his hair. "It'll be okay," he said. "At least they're calm now."
Minghao said nothing. He just sat there, staring, brows drawing together more and more.
"It's darker."
His soulmate was upset by something. Seokmin averted his gaze. He kept his thoughts to himself. No doubt Minghao already had them himself: his frustration upset his soulmate. He couldn't help but wonder if that was the kind of person Minghao's soulmate was: someone who empathized even though they had no idea where their own soulmate's feelings were coming from. No doubt their vision would be clouded by those same blues. Minghao could be sharp-tongued and snarky at times, but he wasn't a monster. He worried for them whenever his vision was lit up with fiery reds and deep blues and nauseating green.
"I used to be angry, too, you know." Seokmin kept his focus on his own dinner now. "That I don't have one."
"You know I don't believe that." Minghao had always been one of the ones who, for some reason, believed Seokmin did have a soulmate. His sign just wasn't one of the obvious ones like his or Seungkwan's. But Minghao was reasonable about it, too: Seokmin was the kind of person who could forge his own soulmate if things felt right enough.
Seokmin waved it off. "But I understand being angry. It's something outside of your control, and it's hard to let that... be."
Humans, in Seokmin's experience, liked having control over themselves. He saw it in himself as a child, always wanting to have some choice in what he wore, in the foods he ate. He saw it now, too, in children when he went shopping and saw patient mothers holding up two options for their child to pick from. But he always saw it the most with his friends. The frustration that etched itself into Minghao's brows whenever the colors changed, the subtle annoyance before his thanks when someone pushed Seungcheol toward the right object, the way Seungkwan would flinch from pain sometime and wave off any concern. All things that stemmed from depending entirely upon another person in one way or another. And Seokmin felt it, too, in not having. A soulmate was never a guarantee to have love in your life, after all. Yet Seokmin didn't get to choose whether he would want this person at all. Would he? If he had a soulmate, would he fall for them? He had plenty of love in his heart to give... but would they even want it from him, too?
"You're right," Minghao's voice was softer now. "I think... I want to meet them someday."
Seokmin smiled. "I think you should."
“I’m scared they’ll hate me.” Minghao let out a sigh, staring down at his food for a moment. “So what if they do?”
“Then you’ll figure it out.” Seokmin reached across the table, squeezing Minghao’s hand gently. “If they’re your soulmate… Then they’ll try to understand you. You’ll do the same, right?”
Minghao met his gaze, but said nothing. Today wasn’t a day that he could agree with Seokmin, already too inside his own head. In time, he’d accept it: Seokmin knew he would. He just needed time, and Seokmin was more than happy to give him that and whatever space he needed. He could believe in Minghao’s soulmate enough for the both of them. 
And the day he met them face to face, Seokmin knew he’d been right: Minghao’s soulmate was patient in the way he needed them to be. Understanding, too, without any hidden malice toward him. Exactly what Minghao needed.
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There was a text from Seungcheol in the group chat: dinner at jun's? i'm paying :)
Not everyone was able to make it, of course. It was horribly last minute, but Seokmin figured it had to be important since it was. A few people had their reasons to not be there (work, other things that needed doing). Seokmin, on the other hand, was free from his usual job. All he had was the option to make some deliveries for extra money, and he'd probably spend the day doing that to get some exercise in. He rolled out of bed, got ready for the day, and stepped out of his bedroom to see where Minghao was asleep on the couch. Seokmin paused, brows drawing together until he saw that he was clutching his phone still. Ah. He must have come back late last night and fell asleep while on the phone with his soulmate as they made their way home. Seokmin left him with a blanket draped over him before he headed out for the day. Maybe next time, Minghao would end up asleep in his own room.
He checked the app while waiting for the elevator. Sure enough, there were already delivery orders made. Groceries (he only ever accepted the small orders), food deliveries, flowers... Seokmin scrolled through for the closest pickup to start. He wouldn't mind the long ride to wherever he was delivering to, but there was a flower shop just down the street that Seokmin always loved making deliveries for. Flowers made people happy, after all. One popped up from someone named Minho for someone named Jinki ("a 'thank you' gift for my hyung"), and Seokmin accepted it without another thought. Soon enough he'd taken the elevator down and set out for the day, pedaling his way to the flower shop.
Jinki had been caught off-guard when Seokmin showed up to his workplace with a vase of sunflowers he'd protected with his life. He passed the message onto the man, and made his way out for the next delivery, bumping into an intern on his way out. He'd apologized to her quickly, and started out for another delivery. A grocery delivery for a single dad who was taking care of a sick kid, another run to a store for cat food for a man who'd run low and couldn't leave his apartment easily with a broken leg, a lunch delivery for a young woman at work... Seokmin went about his day like any other, always greeting people with a smile before moving onto the next thing. By the end of the day, he was exhausted, and immediately went to Jun's restaurant to rest.
Jun wordlessly set a cup of water in front of him. "Push these tables together after you wipe them down," he said. "Cheol will be here soon."
Seokmin had waved him off after agreeing, just enjoying a few minutes of downtime. It wasn't even his job—Where the hell was Mingyu?—but Seungcheol had insisted that it was important. He didn't mind helping out if it made things move a little smoother. He made his way to the back to grab the things he needed, and put himself back to work. The tables were wiped down thoroughly, and Seokmin pushed them together before straightening up. The next time the door chimed, Seungcheol had come in with the brightest smile on his face that Seokmin had ever seen.
"What happened?" He asked, pushing a final chair into place. "Minghao texted to say his soulmate had something come up. I'll let him know the good news tonight, okay?"
Seungcheol made his way over, shedding the light jacket he was wearing. "I should wait until the others get here, but..." He paused, and then shook his head. "No—I'll wait. It's important."
Seokmin stood still for a moment, mind already thrumming with possibilities. "It is good news... Right?"
He nodded. "It's..." His gaze softened a little as his smile fell a little. His happiness was still warm and welcoming, but now felt akin to the tenderness of a warm embrace than the crackling fire it had been before. "It's really good news, Seokmin."
The possibilities dwindled by tens and hundreds. No bad news... Which meant this had to be big. A promotion, or maybe he finally heard back from the graduate program he was trying to get into? Seokmin drummed his fingers along the chair he'd been clutching, before tearing him away from it. People began to file in over the next twenty minutes: Jeonghan and Joshua arriving together, Mingyu bursting into the room loudly (yes, Jun, he saw the restaurant was empty—and yes, he enjoyed resting after work) with Soonyoung coming in just a few minutes later, and eventually Vernon and Chan had joined the table while bemoaning a late bus. Mingyu helped Jun serve food as they caught up on life.
“Seungcheol,” Jeonghan called out from the other end of the table, a knowing look on his face. “You wanted to tell them something.”
Seungcheol fought back a smile. “I found them.” 
Immediately, the room went silent. Vernon was staring at him with wide-eyes, mouth agape. Jeonghan was just smiling, clearly having been informed ahead of time—and the same could be said of Joshua, who had this shit-eating grin on his face.
“Well?” Seungcheol pouted. “You aren’t going to say anything?”
“That’s great!” Seokmin decided to say quickly, and he saw the way Seungcheol then smiled. “Do you want us to keep it a secret, or can I tell Minghao?”
“You can tell him,” Seungcheol waved him off. “I just wanted to tell the rest of you. I told Seungkwan—” He then paused, “Speaking of—All of you are terrible!” He scowled a little. “I told him first and he immediately started sending me pictures of myself in ugly outfits you all swore went together!”
Jeonghan snorted, typing something out on his phone. “We didn’t do it all the time, you know.”
Seokmin chuckled, glancing over to where Jun had settled in the chair next to him. “Remember the shirt he wore to this place’s opening?”
Seungcheol let out another whine. “I didn’t know it was neon! Joshua said it wasn’t that bad!”
“It wasn’t!” 
If looks could kill, Joshua would be ash. But Seungcheol had started bickering with him about it (apparently that shirt had been a gift from Joshua… on April fools…), and Seokmin took his chance to steal another dumpling. His phone buzzed, and he glanced down at it to see it was the app he delivered for—there was someone for a restaurant not that far away. He dismissed it. He could use the money, sure, but… He’d stay at least a little longer. Just to see Seungcheol happy.
Fed up with his debate with Joshua (an immovable object against Seungcheol’s unstoppable force), Seungcheol let the topic go for now. “We’re going out on Tuesday, actually,” he said. “I think you guys will like them. We ended up shopping together for a while and talking—they’re really nice, and…”
Seokmin let his mind drift for a moment as he listened, his own heart sinking in his chest. Everyone seemed to be finding their soulmate over this past year. He looked at Jun for a moment. That meant he was the only one who hadn’t found his soulmate yet, right? He couldn’t imagine being the last person, but Jun seemed to be taking it well. Soonyoung, just as Seokmin did, went out on the occasional date—hell, both of them had dated a bit recently before deciding to prioritize other things for a bit. But it was weird knowing that he was going to be on his own now. Even Vernon and Jihoon ended up having soulmates. Seokmin had wanted to hold out hope that maybe that meant he had one, too, but…
The door opened, and in walked someone who looked at the group with wide-eyes. “Sorry—I thought this was still open—”
“It is!” Jun said, getting up and making his way toward the counter. “Sorry, how can I help you?”
The customer had started rambling about their friend, Minho, having been here a few days ago. Seokmin listened as they explained their own soulmate sign—the same as Jun’s—and he felt his feelings swirl inside of him. The computer chirped, and Seokmin moved to see that it was a takeout request. With permission from Jun, Seokmin accepted it and immediately went to snag the delivery request himself. He’d be back before the hour was over, and it’d give him some time to clear his mind. The customer had gone to an empty table, and Jun disappeared into the back to start cooking both their food and the order that Seokmin left hanging on the line.
“Hey.” Vernon had made his way over to the counter, voice lower, “Everything okay?”
Seokmin nodded, quietly sliding a fortune cookie across the counter. “I’m going to make a delivery,” he said. “Just to get some air.”
Vernon slowly nodded, immediately getting it. He’d stepped out when his own struggles were getting to him before he found his own soulmate, after all. “Gotcha. Is it a good tip?”
Seokmin glanced at the screen. Not really, but he didn’t mind: it was a small order and he wasn’t going far. It was better than no tip, at least. “Yeah,” he lied. “I could use the extra money.”
Vernon knew he was lying. But he nodded again, tucking the cookie into his hoodie pocket. “Travel safe, dude.”
All too quickly, Jun had plated the food. Mingyu had dipped into the back, delivering the dishes to the customer that sat alone, and Jun sat next to Seokmin. He’d uncapped a sharpie with his teeth, drawing a little cat onto the corner of the plate alongside a flower. Above it, he’d written some message of encouragement—all a part of the order’s request. 
“Someone else could pick up the order,” Jun capped the marker again. “If you don’t want to go.” 
Seokmin shrugged it off. “It isn’t far.” He paused, “Plus my bike is outside. I’ll be back soon, okay?”
Jun hadn’t responded, brows drawing together. He looked over to the customer in the room, watching as they ate for a moment.
He took a step away, realization spreading over his features. “Sorry, I just—” He walked away, quietly greeting the customer. Seokmin watched as he rounded the other chair, hands curling around the top of it as he said something… and soon Seokmin knew. 
So he packed away the meal, tying the bag, and confirmed that the order was on its way. He’d congratulate Jun later on finding his soulmate. But now, he just needed to get out before the heat and smell of spice suffocated him. He grabbed his bike, unlocked it, and took off toward the towering building not that far into the city. It was all too easy to get into the building and get pointed toward the right floor. Normally, he’d leave it here, but he decided to waste a few minutes heading upstairs.
A young man had greeted him, breaking away from where his coworkers were gathered around pizza. One of them had already heckled him for being the one person to order something out, but it all seemed to be in good faith. The guy—Soobin, according to the app—had thanked him, quickly enough. Someone bumped into Seokmin as he was waiting for Soobin to hand him a cash tip (something he’d insisted upon), and Seokmin felt his heart leap. Maybe he’d text Jun and apologize and head home instead. Things were… off. 
Jun didn’t hold it against him when he did. All he did was wish him a good night, and Seokmin was thankful for it. 
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There was a text from Seungcheol in the group chat: dinner at jun's? i'm paying :)
Which was odd. Seungcheol had already treated them out last night, so why invite them out again? What was he going to announce—a marriage proposal? Seokmin was still half asleep as he pushed himself out of bed. He'd agree to be there after he ate breakfast. He skipped it yesterday and soon regretted it. Yet the moment he stepped out of his bedroom, he saw Minghao asleep on the couch again. He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he made his way over.
"Minghao, your bed is more comfortable," he nudged him awake. "Two nights in a row? Really?"
Minghao had furrowed his brow upon waking up, staring up at him. "Two...? What are you talking about?"
Seokmin walked away, stretching as he went. "Didn't you fall asleep here the other night?"
With a confused look, he shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He stretched before reaching for his phone, looking down to see the new message on it. "What does Cheol want...? It's short notice and he knows it."
Seokmin looked up, already growing more confused. "He found his soulmate. Don't you remember? I told you when I got back last night."
"You were asleep when I got in." Minghao frowned at him. "When did he tell you?"
"Last night when we..." He trailed off, looking at his phone more clearly now. It was Friday, but yesterday had been Friday. He knew it, because he'd lived it. "We had dinner with a couple of the others, and..."
Minghao folded his jacket over his arms, and it was now that Seokmin realized this had been what he'd seen Minghao wearing on Thursday night. "You must be psychic or something," he made his way toward his room. "Don't ruin the surprise. Cheol will never let you hear the end of it if you do."
Yesterday was Friday. Seokmin knew that yesterday was Friday. So why the hell was it Friday again? Maybe he'd dreamed the entire thing. Was that a sign? He'd look into it later. Food and work would come first. He'd start looking into it when he showed up to Jun's restaurant tonight.
Sure enough, every single order he'd filled yesterday was right there today. Seokmin accepted those, too: maybe his dream meant something.
Sure enough, the night played out the same. Seungcheol announced having a soulmate. The others teased him over the past outfits he’d worn. Joshua poked fun at a neon shirt. Jun’s soulmate came into the restaurant. And Seokmin accepted that same takeout order. This time he had almost avoided the person coming in, and he’d given them a strange look when they turned back to acknowledge him this time. Again, they apologized to him after a moment before going on, checking their phone.
And then he went to sleep, and, again, it was Friday.
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Around the fifth Friday he lived through, Seokmin realized a few things. He’d already figured out that he both met his soulmate and missed them (he Googled a lot that third Friday), and that he just needed to find them to break the loop. Every single day, he tried to fill the same delivery orders. He tried to go to the same places at the same time. He met the same people most of the time—he’d already missed that final order twice now, snatched up by someone else while he was trying to figure out what was wrong. 
But that was… beyond several Fridays ago. This was Friday number fifteen, and he’d managed to exact a few things. Minghao had given him something to say to prove that, yes, Seokmin was trapped in a time loop (details of his date the night before, followed by a quick enough explanation that Minghao knew wasn’t bullshit by the panic in his voice), and it’d given him an ally in every repeat day. He’d slipped up and spoiled Seungcheol’s surprise during one of the loops and given up on finding his soulmate that time. It didn’t feel fair to potentially let that be the day. 
Minghao filled a cup with ice and water. “You’re not trying to make the day perfect though, right? Because you’re going to just prolong it if you do.”
“I’m not.” Seokmin had stretched out across their couch, arms resting over his stomach. He didn’t have to leave for another few minutes. “I just didn’t want to find them after I ruined Seungcheol’s surprise.”
“He doesn’t remember now, though,” he shrugged. “Try to find them soon, though. You seem tired.”
“I am.” 
Minghao came over to him, extending the glass to him. “Then get out there and keep looking.”
“I have to stick to the schedule, though,” Seokmin accepted the glass as he sat up. “Otherwise I’ll keep missing them.” 
“Remember what we all said?” Minghao crossed his arms. “You’ll know them when you see them.”
Seokmin moved over, giving Minghao space to sit next to him. “I don’t know what that means.”
“When I saw my soulmate, I…” He pressed his lips together, looking toward the windows for a moment. “I felt like I was at peace.” Again, he paused, thinking over his words. “Like… I was ready to try to love them. To learn more about them and see why they were my soulmate.” 
That night, Seokmin posed the question of how they all knew while sitting at dinner with the others. He mouthed an apology to Soonyoung for asking a question neither of them (to his knowledge) would ever understand, but he didn’t seem all too bothered by it. The group had gone quiet, all thinking about their individual answers. And as Seokmin expected, Seungcheol had his the soonest.
“I didn’t feel anything special until I caught them,” he admitted, looking at Seokmin. “But when I did… It felt like everything was right. Like… Everything had been leading to that moment. I was where I needed to be, I think. As much as I wanted to meet them sooner, I think we found each other at the right time.”
Jeonghan nodded along to it, a soft hum sounding from him as he agreed with every sentence. “Right. I know I’m different because I’ve always known mine, but… I felt like I’d found the missing piece in my life. I know that’s sappy to say,” he laughed softly, “but it’s true. I’ve loved them this long, you know?”
Vernon had pressed his lips together. And a moment later, he nodded, too. “Right. I’d liked them for a while, but I think realizing that our sign had been right there the entire time… It all just made sense—”
“You literally made out with them immediately, don’t act all sentimental,” Chan rolled his eyes. “But… I felt this pull when I met them. Their friend had caught me, but it still felt like something was pulling me toward them.”
“Right, right…” Mingyu nodded along to that. “It felt like things were right in this way I can’t describe.”
Joshua hummed to himself, the sole person without an answer yet. He raked his fingers through his hair before meeting Seokmin’s gaze. “Maybe I’m just weird, but I didn’t really have anything like that. Like… I knew I was about to meet them since we’d agreed to meet up at a coffee shop, but the most I felt was this comfortable warmth. Like, we’d grown up sharing this experience together. It just felt like I met someone who understood me in some way.”
Seokmin noted down everything in his mind. A feeling of things being right, or a pull toward someone, or even that he’d found something he’d always been missing (although maybe without realizing it, if it were to apply to him). 
Yet he went to bed that night, woke up to another Friday, and wondered if he had broken something along the way.
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Online forums helped plenty. He made and remade an account and the same post since around Friday number eight, always getting the same people chiming in and believing in him. You’ll find them soon! He’d always say how many Fridays he’d repeated, and yet there was always the same encouragement. Today was Friday number seventeen. Every single day, Seokmin woke up to the same situation. A new account, a new post. Seungcheol’s text. The same deliveries, the same thanks. The same breaks for lunch, including texting Mingyu about meeting up for coffee sometime (he hadn’t made it yet, but he was determined to). The people on the forums had told him the same thing his friends did: he would know his soulmate when he saw them.
So why was he so antsy today?
He’d shown up to Jun’s restaurant at the same time, wiping down the tables in record speed before relaxing with his cup of ice water. He listened to the clamor of pans in the back as Jun cooked for another table, eyes fluttering shut as he sighed. Friday number seventeen, and he wasn’t getting any closer, was he? Over two weeks and he’d found little ways to break up the monotony when he could. No one he delivered to was his soulmate. No one in that Jinki guy’s office had faced a repeat day (he’d done the stupid thing and stood up during day twelve and asked out loud, and he was thankful no one would remember it by midnight). No one in any of the stores he went to, either (again, day fourteen he did the same as he did with Jinki’s work). And he’d delivered to Soobin faster than ever before, only to receive no answer when he asked yesterday. 
So where was his soulmate?
Seungcheol arrived soon enough, smiling as brightly as ever. The others filed in over time, too. Jeonghan and Joshua arrived together once more, always talking about some movie they were still debating about the real meaning of. Mingyu made a big deal stretching and bragging about his short break at home with his soulmate—he’d bring the back takeout afterward. Soonyoung burst into the restaurant soon enough, always talking about how he was tired of his office being short on staff. Then Vernon and Chan, bemoaning their late bus as always, joined the table soon enough. Seokmin had known the following conversation by heart: Seungcheol announcing that he found his soulmate, followed by him pouting when no one immediately said anything. Seokmin always found himself being the first to congratulate him, saying he’d pass word along to Minghao if he wanted. Seungkwan sent Seungcheol all of the ugly outfits they’d lovingly tricked him into wearing over the years (never for serious events—always for a stupid get-together with the full group). The neon shirt. Jun’s soulmate would be there soon. They always came in at the exact same time…
Jun reached out, fingers brushing against Seokmin’s bicep and tearing his eyes away from his watch. “Are you okay?” His voice was soft enough to not alert the others, and Seokmin barely paid him any mind at first.
“Just waiting for something.” He paused, then realized that he was the only person present who knew of his situation. He looked up, shaking his head as he turned to Jun. “Sorry! Sorry, I’m fine. Just…” He glanced at the door for a moment. Any moment now. “Waiting.”
Seungcheol spoke up again about his soulmate, and Seokmin was thankful for the change in topic. He’d explain it all in due time. Hopefully today would give him another do-over and he wouldn’t worry Jun. Soon enough, the door jingled, and Seokmin rose up out of his chair. Jun’s soulmate was here, which meant the order from Soobin would be coming in soon. He’d made his way over to the computer, tapping at the edge of it as he waited impatiently. Soon. Soon. Jun had stood up, excusing himself from the group to unknowingly speak to his soulmate.
“Sorry,” Jun’s soulmate had said to him, and he slid them a menu without much thought. “My friend, Minho, came here with a couple of friends…”
Seconds passed with each tap of Seokmin’s finger. Soobin’s order. Always steamed pork buns and fried rice and some sort of beef or pork (the only thing that might change—the tiniest change that didn’t affect anything). He pressed his lips tighter together. Tomorrow, he’d start from the top. He’d ask everyone. He’d tell everyone that he was stuck in a time loop. Minghao would help him convince them all. If they knew that Seokmin was looking for his soulmate, they would help. 
The computer chimed. Seokmin tapped the order, reading over it. Steamed pork buns. Fried rice. Beef. And…
And more?
He hesitated to accept it, glancing over to Jun and his soulmate.  “Jun. There’s a request for takeout.” He paused for just a second, “I’m gonna confirm it, alright?”
Jun waved him on, and Seokmin felt his heart hammering in his chest as the ticket printed out. He made his way to the kitchen, clipping it to the line for Jun to refer to. This had to be a sign. You were there. You had to be there, right? No one ever changed their order like this. His brows knit together. Had he done something to set off some sort of butterfly effect? Was he just giving himself false hope now? He wanted out of this loop, soulmate or no soulmate. He’d lived this Friday seventeen times now, and all he wanted was to wake up on Saturday morning and go get coffee with Mingyu because Mingyu was offering. Mingyu would pay for a slice of cake or whatever dessert he wanted, too. And at this point, Seokmin had earned the same thing.
“Is everything okay?” Jun had approached him, keeping his voice low—again, mindful of what little privacy they had with so many of their friends present. “You seem… different.”
He shook his head. No need to worry him yet. “The ticket’s on the line,” he couldn’t stop staring at the screen now. An extra order. For what? For who? Jun hadn’t budged. Seokmin decided to lie: “Just… thought I recognized the name.”
Thankfully, Jun shrugged it off. Mingyu had made his way to the kitchens to help, and Seokmin held himself together. He would not get his hopes up. Not too high. This could be it, or it could be some sort of butterfly effect. He took a different way to the store earlier, after all. Wasn’t that what the whole thing was based around? Small actions having bigger impacts? Wonwoo would know. He was smart, he’d probably read about it. Maybe he’d ask Wonwoo about it on Friday number eighteen, if he woke up on Friday again. 
The food was made and plated before Seokmin knew, and he watched as Jun uncapped a sharpie with his teeth. He’d drawn a little cat onto the corner of one of the lids—the unfamiliar order, Seokmin realized—and then drew a little flower next to it. He’d always done it for Soobin’s order. Would that change things, too…?
“Someone else could pick up the order,” Jun said as he re-capped the marker. “If you don’t want to go.”
“No!” Seokmin paused. When did he get so desperate? He waved a hand, trying to act casual again. “I mean—The money is good, and my bike is outside.” Please don’t push. “I’ll try to be back to help clean up.” But if this is it, I won’t. I can’t. Please understand. Seokmin tied the bag tight after throwing in a few sets of utensils and more than enough fortune cookies. He picked up the bag, stopping to turn back to Jun. 
His soulmate was right there, and Jun hadn’t realized it yet. Maybe…
Jun looked up from where he’d begun to tidy up behind the counter, that same earnest look on his face. Seokmin always wondered what he looked like when he realized that person was his soulmate. Even when he missed being able to deliver Soobin’s order, he tried to go out, to retrace his steps and hopefully run into his soulmate. Then again… Would telling him throw things off even further? Or would Jun even want for him to tell him? 
Seokmin opened his mouth, then closed it a moment later. He turned, looking at Jun’s soulmate. They were sitting alone, about to break into their meal. Jun would know soon enough. And… if it were him, Seokmin wouldn’t want to have the moment given to him like this. He turned back to Jun one last time. “Actually… Don’t worry about it. I’ll be back later.”
He could see the concern on Jun’s face, clear as day. No doubt he would be calling him come morning. Seokmin made his way out of the restaurant, waving to the others and saying he’d try to be back as soon as he could. Soon enough, he’d unlocked the bike lock and tucked it into his bag, strapping on his helmet. He’d biked this path so many times he knew it by heart, no need to keep track of his location through his phone’s map. He left his bike near the doors in the lobby, the way he always did when the secretary let him into the building. The elevator ride felt shorter than normal, and Seokmin found himself hesitating. He could hear Soobin and his coworkers talking in the other room. 
He shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and made his way forward. Soobin lit up when he saw him. Again, he was heckled by another coworker for ordering something else, and Soobin waved them off.
“I’m not the only one,” he’d said this time. “They’re—” He paused, looking around, only to roll his eyes. “They’re in the bathroom still—”
“I’m here!”
Your shoulder bumped against Seokmin as you rushed in, and Seokmin felt his heart leap. It was you. You’d bumped into him that first day while Soobin was giving him the cash tip he’d insisted on. And now you were pulling out your own wallet, insisting on covering a cash tip since Soobin hadn’t tipped enough on the app. You’d been rambling about how today you felt like something other than pizza, and…
“It’s you.” 
You looked up, blinking as you stared at Seokmin. “Me…?” And then it clicked, those pretty eyes lighting up with realization. “You—” You had gasped, eyes already growing teary. “You’re—”
Seokmin could kiss you now, relief flooding every single cell in his body. He’d dropped the bag onto Soobin’s desk, ignoring the way the guy dove to make sure nothing spilled, and stepped forward. You had immediately wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tight. Something felt right about it all, like his life had come together in a way he never knew it could have. The rest of your coworkers had gone quiet, and Seokmin had let himself cry a little. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” he said, voice wavering. He held you tighter, “I—I almost thought I wouldn’t find you.”
You said nothing and just let yourself cry out of relief. 
When you finally pulled away, it was to tell your coworkers that you needed to leave soon. You knew just as well as he did that the two of you needed to be together when midnight struck, and you weren’t going to work through the entire night. Not with Seokmin right there with you. It seemed to renew the energy in your team as all of you got to work. You pulled a chair over for Seokmin to sit near you while he waited, and he took the chance to text a few things out:
To Minghao: I’ll see you saturday
To Jun: I’ll explain tomorrow :) don’t worry about me. I’m okay now.
And to Seungcheol: I found them. 
You had paused for a moment, looking at Seokmin curiously. After a moment, you caught yourself staring, and grew flustered. “Sorry. Just… What do you want to do? We've got some time to kill until midnight, so...”
Seokmin had been living his life adhering to routine. From childhood to adulthood to the past seventeen Fridays, everything had a time and place for him to be. So he just smiled at you, rolling his chair a little closer to you: “Whatever you want to do.” He paused, deciding to go all in on being cheesy. “Let’s follow our hearts this time, okay?”
And you, who had found routine over and over in your own life, smiled and made living on repeat worth it with that smile.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
201 notes · View notes
prim-and-rotten · 3 months
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃 girls night
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pairing: (fem)yandere!bestfriend x reader
summary: during a relaxing sleepover with your best friend, you try to cancel the next in favor of a new guy.
a/n: not sure I like how I ended it but ill post it anyway. a tame one for my first
warnings: implied stalking and murder at the end
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delicate fingers draw random shapes around your back. jasmine is humming softly to her playlist in the background, a private one, tailor made to suit both of your tastes. it's melodies are blurred and distant, dulled by the heavy blanket of exhaustion enveloping you.
your nights spent together always come to a close like this. Next to two emptied wine glasses sitting at her bedside table, you're now both laying on the softness of her queen sized bed. skincare done, another matching set of glossy polish sticking to your nails, dressed in warm matching pjs she bought a few days prior for the occasion, and hair put up in another heatless overnight curl hack you found online.
"are you falling asleep already?" you can hear the cheeky grin in her voice. the sun is down and the lights are dim, the clock at her bedside table reading 23:36. "It's friday, sleepyhead... i was hoping we'd stay up a little longer." with a quiet snicker, her hand is now resting flat against your back, and it takes a stupid amount of strength in you to not whine and ask her to keep going. really, how could she blame you? she always goes out of her way to make you as comfortable as possible and then acts confused when your eyelids start feeling heavy.
"what else did you have planned for tonight?" you stay still, knowing that if you get her talking and focused on something else she'll go back to aimlessly drawing shapes into your back. and she does. "i was thinking we should watch another scary movie." a sigh escapes you. "you always pick the worst, it's gonna keep me up all night." she snickers again, a bit louder this time now that she knows you're not asleep. "oh no, you'll have to spend more time with me. how terrible!". her hand is on your arm now. "come on, you know that's not what i meant."
a silent beat passes, and her comforting touch almost lulls you back to sleep. almost.
"fine. then before you sleep, let's pick out a recipe for sunday's dinner. you should come over earlier so we can make it together, it'll be fun. i'm getting tired of takeout." she's playing with your hand now, admiring her work and already thinking of what color she should paint your nails next once they start chipping.
sunday. you have your sleepovers on fridays and sundays. sometimes when your schedule allows it, you have them on saturdays too. it's something you've been doing together since high school, and while your schedule now is a little more busy due to school and your part time jobs, you still try to stay consistent with your established routine. you have to pick up your coworkers shift tomorrow, so the next one should be on sunday. wait... you changed plans for sunday. right, your date. you never told her about that. shit.
"actually, i can't do sunday.." she pauses. "why? I thought you're free," the dissatisfaction is clear in her tone. you already know how she's going to react once you tell her, but you can't come up with a lie on the spot. so with no choice left, you finally turn to her and hesitantly begin to explain.
"do you remember seth from last week?" her eyebrows furrow. you met seth after she regrettably left you unattended for a quick trip to the bathroom at the frat party you dragged her to last week, one she really, really did not want to go to. if there's one thing jas hates, it's sweaty frat boys making moves on her and worst of all you. she couldn't care less about making new girl friends either because she already has you, and in her eyes you're all she really needs.
"no." that's a lie. yes she remembers, unfortunately so. when she saw you two tucked away at a corner a little too close for comfort, she almost gagged. she walked, no, practically ran to you to drag you away from his filthy hands. what could he possibly have said to you to put that smile on your face? it's not the kind you give to her, it's cute and shy and your cheeks are red and she can't tell if it's the alcohol in your system or him who made them bloom into that pretty color. seth, whose name honestly rolls off her tongue like shit. seth, the greasy frat boy with the ugly mug. the one you're somehow actually interested in. great.
"you don't? i don't remember you drinking that much." your voice is quieter, like you're trying to tread lightly. because of course you are, she's doing a pretty terrible job at hiding her disgust, and at this realization she tries to tone it down for your sake. "yeah I don't, remind me." so you do. just in case you drop some details about the conversation you had at the party, so she doesn't have to ask outright for all the details and out herself for being obsessive. but you don't add anything new about the party, instead, you tell her you had been texting for just a few days now. he has your number. yuck.
"you've been texting and you didn't tell me?" she can feel the tension in the room now, the same room that was previously occupied by nothing but warmth and comfort. she's trying to backtrack now, putting away the face of slight disgust she had put up and replacing it with a smile of disbelief at an attempt at making you feel less guilty. she knows why you wouldn't tell her right away, this isn't the first time she's reacted to this kind of thing negatively. this is not a habit she wants you to form, so she needs to do some damage control. to make you feel comfortable with talking about your love life again. how is she supposed to protect you from these greaseballs if she doesn't know you're speaking to them in the first place?
so she brings back the playfulness that was there before. she's playing with your hand again to put you at ease, so that you hopefully start rambling about him, and luckily you do.
he approached you at the party and you found him funny so you exchanged numbers. you've been texting back and forth for the past 4 days. you think he's cute and charming. he asked you out 2 days ago, and your schedules only allowed for the date to happen on sunday. you're really looking forward to it. how unfortunate.
"isn't it a bit early? i don't really trust him." you let out a chuckle at that, "i could count the amount of people you trust in one hand." touché. "i'm just looking out for you." you sigh. "i know, but you don't have to. i can handle it." she raises an eyebrow at that, and you know exactly what she's about to say. "don't forget who was left picking up the pieces every time you got stood up. I don't mean to be a dick by bringing it up but i'm the one who's left having to take care of you, and i hate seeing you cry over the same breed of asshole over and over again." there's another beat of silence.
shes right of course, so you can't really come up with another rebuttal. "you know where to go if something happens," and you do. every last date you've gone to ended with you spending the night at her place, the one place you feel comfortable going to for anything, with puffy eyes, a box of tissues and a big headache. the conversation ends here.
it's silent again, and all you can hear is the music playing and the air conditioner whirring. it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep, you've turned to your side and jasmine continues to play with your back until she hears the telltale sign of light snoring. she can't join you just yet, not until she's done with her research.
not until she knows his schedule and has a plan laid out. the guilt of being the sole reason you keep getting stood up does eat at her at times like these, because she knows it makes you insecure. what else are you supposed to think? but it's okay, because at the end of the day it's always her you come back to, and she's pretty damn good at bringing your confidence back up if she does say so herself. it's her you seek out for comfort, and if she can't have you for herself, she'll do anything to keep it that way.
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toomuchracket · 3 months
office nerd saying “I love you” for the first time…
here, have a fic <3
i'm in love with you (office nerd matty x reader fluff)
you collapse into giggles as the song ends, hugging the girls before excusing yourself to get a drink. matty looks up from the conversation he's having with his dad, grinning as you make your way towards him and the table, lip syncing and nodding in time to the girls aloud song that's just begun; he slides your chair out in anticipation of you, kissing your head when you sit down. “alright, darling?”
“yeah. that was fun,” you down the last of your diet coke, turning to face the men. “christ, i'm thirsty. anyone want another drink?”
“finish my pint, if you want,” matty moves to stand, gathering some of the empty glasses. “i'll get the refills.”
you start to protest, but tim gently pats your hand and shakes his head. “let him, pet, you got the last round. which is deplorable, by the way, matthew. you should be spoiling her.”
tim winks at you as he finishes talking, clearly taking the piss; that fact seems to bypass his eldest, though, currently blushing beet-red and scoffing. “yeah, thanks for that, dad,” matty turns to you, face softening. his cheeks still stay rosy, however. “what d'you fancy, darling? aside from me, i mean.”
“daft boy,” you shake your head at the same time tim mutters “fuck's sake”, before you smile genuinely at matty and reach to kiss his hand. “surprise me.”
“alright,” comes the reply, followed by a forehead kiss. “be back in a minute. dad, you want anything?”
“i'm alright, thanks, son.”
as your boyfriend hurries off, curls bouncing as he weaves his way towards the bar, you take a sip of the guinness he left you, doing your best not to wince at how bad the pour is. tim notices anyway, and chuckles. “that dublin trip ruined the pair of yous - matty made the exact same face when he started on that pint.”
you smile. “we had a good time, though. and,” shuffling in your seat, you take another sip of the pint (it's not that bad) and smirk. “matty spoiled me rotten, just in case you were worried about that. paid for everything. carried my shopping bags. lifted me over puddles so i didn't get wet. the whole shebang.”
“he lifted you over puddles?”
“well, he offered to. you know what he's like.”
“aye. daft as a brush.”
“i was gonna say ‘very sweet’, but yeah, you’re right too.”
tim laughs, patting your hand again. “i’m glad yous two have each other, pet. and that we all get to know you - you're a diamond.”
your heart glows, and you squeeze his hand in a wordless thank you; wordless, because a lump seems to be forming in your throat in response to the kindness of his words. it dissipates when you clear your throat, and you speak. “he makes me really happy,” you look across to the bar, where you can see matty talking animatedly with one of his cousins. there's a cosy, loving energy throughout the room, more potent than at any other wedding you've been to, and you like being surrounded by it. “and so does being here, with all of you. i feel proper part of it, you know? s'nice.”
tim smiles. “that's because you are, pet.”
“she's what?” matty returns, and carefully lays the ice bucket on the table in front of you before sitting down and kissing your cheek. “perfect? i agree, dad.”
snuggling into him, you giggle, and you can feel his lips stretch into a smile against your forehead. “not quite, darling.”
“well, i think you are,” he kisses your forehead properly and leans back to look at you. fuck, he is so beautiful. “come outside for a bit? i need a cig.”
“yeah, alright,” you stand, gesturing to the wine in the bucket of ice. “we taking that?”
matty nods, picking it up. “bring a couple of glasses, babe. we'll be back in a bit, dad, yeah?”
“aye,” tim nods. “your mam seems to be holding your brother hostage on the dancefloor. i’ll see if i can rescue him.”
your boyfriend laughs. “yeah, good luck with that one. right,” he holds his free hand out to you, and you clasp it eagerly. “ready, darling?”
“mhmm,” you shove your bag onto your shoulder, waving to tim before scooping up two coupé glasses. “see you in a little bit!”
tim nods. “bye, pet.”
after saying his own goodbye to his dad, matty begins to lead you through the crowded room, towards the french doors open to the summer evening. the air is cool when you step out, a refreshing change from the heat indoors, and the setting sun is turning the clouds a beautiful shade of pinky-orange.
you stop just around the corner from the door you exited, next to a quaint little wrought-iron bench and side table. matty lays the bucket on the latter, and you follow suit with the glasses before rifling through your handbag for the cigarettes of matty's you've been safekeeping all day; you light one, taking a drag of it yourself before you pass it to him. “oh, christ, i forgot i had lippy on. sorry, baby.”
“s'alright, darling. you know i love it when you cover things in lipstick marks,” matty happily takes the red-rimmed cig from you, taking a couple of drags and passing it back to you so he can open the bottle. “tempted to get one tatted on me, if i'm honest.”
you snort. “where?”
“dunno yet. arsecheek?”
“you're an idiot,” you scoff, watching him fiddle with the foil over the bottle cork; your eyes widen when you read the label. “a proper, proper idiot, actually. champagne?! i thought it was prosecco! jesus christ, matty, how much did that cost?”
he just smiles demurely, twisting the cork out of the bottle almost professionally. “well, it's your favourite. what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't get my girl the things she loves?”
“a sane one,” you mutter, giggling when he flicks your nose. “but thank you, angel, i appreciate it.”
“anything for you, my gorgeous girl,” matty hands you a glass, clinking it against his own and kissing you quickly. “shall we sit?”
you nod, letting him settle down on the bench before settling yourself on his lap as gracefully as you can. for a moment or two, there's peaceful silence between the two of you, soundtracked only by the birds chirping in the nearby trees, the muffled music playing through the wall behind you, the soft exhales of cigarette smoke and sipping of champagne. it's not cold by any means, but you snuggle into matty anyway, resting your head in the crook of his neck and savouring the way his arm moves around to pull you tighter against him. you can hear the buzz of laughter from inside, and the dj inviting the newlyweds onto the floor “for another dance”; it's a reminder of the happy occasion that brought you to this exact moment, dressed up in your finery and cosied up to your sweetheart of a boyfriend, looking out over lush greenery, vision tinted golden by the evening sky and lips flavoured sweet by the champagne.
it's so idyllic, so cosy, so fucking perfect, in fact, that you barely register the words when they seem to flow of their own accord from your lips. “mmm, i love you.”
matty's breath catches in his throat, his body tensing around you; your throat muscles follow a beat later, panic setting in as you realise what you just said and growing when you register his reaction. you sit up as best you can, turning to talk to him, and the slight frown on his face breaks your heart. “matty, i-”
“no,” he shakes his head, eyes closed, and you feel tears prick at your own. after an inhale, he looks at you - bemusingly, there's a small smile on his face. “you just had to go and steal my fucking moment, didn't you?”
you sniffle. “what?”
matty beams, laying his cigarette in the ashtray and his drink on the table. his hands come up to cup your face, thumbs gently wiping the tears pooling at your lower lashline; his expression is even more gentle, pretty eyes sparkling. “i love you too, darling. was gonna tell you once i'd finished the cig. been working up to it all day, actually.”
“shit,” you press your forehead to his, giggling with embarrassment. “sorry, baby. just… couldn't not say it, you know? it felt right.”
“i know, angel, i know,” matty coos, kissing the bridge of your nose. “m'glad you did, yeah? i mean, how could i not be? the girl i'm in love with is in love with me, too. doesn't get any better.’
“yeah, it does.”
“oh?” matty grins, moving you so you're straddling him. “elaborate for me, baby.”
you beam. “she's gonna be in love with you forever.”
your boyfriend laughs, pulling you in for a kiss. “and it's reciprocated, believe me,” he reaches across to grab the champagne glasses, clinking his off yours. “to us, then. i love you!”
giggling, you nod, and take a sip. “i love you too.”
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ohkkotsuu · 1 year
ৎ୭ PAIRING: maki zenin x f!reader (she/her pronouns, afab anatomy)
ৎ୭ ABOUT: having maki as a girlfriend is to be treated like a spoiled princess! nothing but the best for her favorite girl.
ৎ୭ CW/TW: SFW. no-curses au, maki is kind of despised by the zenin clan but she still has A LOT of money, this is like a sugar mommy fantasy im not gonna lie but with TONS of affection and no sex. reader is the daughter of a lesser family. everyone is around 21-26. reader is not exactly a bimbo, but i wrote that thinking about a bimbo-way of acting. this is kinda of nonsensey?
ৎ୭ A/N: english is not my first language and I wanted to write about Maki buying stuff to her gf. this is my first time posting anything I write, im sorry!! i hope you like it.
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MAKI is used to disobeying zenin clan's orders. she owes them nothing, and never will. despite her insistence on breaking the rules, they refuse to let her out of the gilded cage that is this family. so she makes things difficult for them.
she thought things couldn't really get good. that even with her eternal struggle, she would still be forever subjected to a putrid rockbottom with no escape. no light, no guiding star. there's when you show up.
the first time she sees you is at a diamond viewing party. of course, a jewel auction for the three clans to squander their wealth, but also for the heirs — the real diamonds — to come forward and form bonds. if not for the arranged marriage, then for the fun and drinking. the illusion of choice gleaming in the eyes of those naive ones makes maki's stomach turn.
most heirs are annoying. she has no idea where mai is (and frankly, she couldn't care less), the youngest boy of the kamo clan is being annoying. everyone is completely stressing her out, not realizing it's all lambs heading to the slaughter. in their lives there is no real life or joy. they will enjoy their families' dirty money, but they won't be happy. everyone is pretending everything is fine, and it's getting on maki's nerves.
so, she grabs a glass of champagne from a waiter's tray and leaves the party, her feet leading her to the most secluded place in the house: the garden. only issue is, you had the same idea. sitting on an elegant bench and surrounded by flowers, there's you. it looks like a damn movie scene, she thinks when her heart skips a bit. you don't seem willing to put on a mask to please your family either, if you're sitting on a cold night alone in an elegant garden.
she can see you're trying not to shiver, but the sleeveless dress they've chosen doesn't help against the biting cold. at least the zenin gave her a white (fake) fur coat courtesy. then she walks over, takes the fur off her shoulders and puts it on yours. you look up at her, frowning. you look cute when you frown, she thinks.
“you're going to freeze to death here. keep the coat, I don't need it.” she says simply, sitting beside you without asking. but she didn't need to ask. you were happy.
maki took a sip of champagne, and you took a moment to study her. the black dress hugged her curves and showed off her muscles well. she had an aura of confidence, her hair shorter than most women's. it looked like she'd been through hell and come out stronger. though, you thought, not even Dante could have written such a beautiful, angelic figure.
“so, i'm Maki.” she introduces herself with a smile. you smile back at her. “and you are?”
and that's how it started — the gateway to her paradise.
maki hangs up the phone without a second thought. she doesn't care which idiot wants to marry her. she has everything she needs right here, now, in front of her. she wants to focus on that. you're in an expensive mall coffee shop, finishing your orders when she gets the call. another marriage proposal, another refusal.
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“Maki?” your soft voice pull her out of her thoughts. it's like being called by an angel. because that's what you are. her angel. “are you alright?”
“yes, darling, don't worry.” she gives you a reassuring smile and moves her hand to rest over yours on the table. it makes you smile and one day, she swears she's going to combust over your smile. it is the most important smile of her life, the smile she will protect without hesitation. “is the coffee good, angel?”
the petname makes you flustered. you nod, sipping on the coffee. it's the kind of stupidly expensive store, even for a coffee shop. the seats are comfortable and the food is simply delicious. your girlfriend loves to spoil you, after all.
“yes! it's so nice.”
“perfect, dear. do you wanna go to that clothing store after you're done with your food?”
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maki can go a little overboard sometimes, but spending money on your favorite things is her way of her showing love. gift giving. moreover, it's an excuse for her to see you trying on nice clothes, feeling good, turning around to show her the extent of the fabric. to her eyes and her eyes only.
the store is so fancy, and has every kind of dress, and it's perfect. she totally let go of her schedule, because no matter how many boring meetings the zenin want her to lead — sitting on a comfortable fancy sofa and watching you twirl in cute dresses is a much better way of spending her time.
“Maki, look! this one is so pretty!” the dress you show her, your favorite color, is amazing on you.
maki is sprawled out in the elegant sofa with light-tone pillows. the whole appearance of the store makes her much more evident, the dark green hair and the black and white laid-back suit make her look powerful. but that's the fun in your dynamic: she's the resting bitch face girlfriend, and you're the one in a cute dress, spending her money like it was your own. because is. all of her is yours.
“yeah. it is.” she smiles softly, raising one of her arms and moving her index finger to call you. “babe, come here. you like this one, right?”
you nod, coming closer. god, you're so pretty, she can't help but think.
her heart is yours, completely in love with all the ways you act. her soul is intertwined with yours, fate decided to bring you together permanently, that's the feeling she has. she is absolutely and completely lost when it comes to you — no one can take her love like you do. and nobody can love her like you do.
maki holds the hem of the dress, feeling the fabric between her hands. she meticulously evaluates, but her biggest focus is on your smile, your happiness — and of course, the dress actually looks great on you. it's a perfect win-win: you look comfortable and pretty.
“so let's take this one too and a couple others. pick whatever you want.” she moves her head to look for an employee. next to your girlfriend, on the same sofa, there is already a pile of dresses of your size. “excuse me, my girlfriend wants to see more dresses like this.”
she says the title with possession, smirking. she grabs one of your hands and bring it close to her mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
“anything else you like, angel? buy anything you want. we'll be using my card.”
anything for her favorite girl.
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©OHKKOTSUU on tumblr.
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if you're still taking requests, could you write 15. “touch yourself, i want to watch” with boyfriend!Tony, young or not, you choose! thxxx
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PAIRING || Boyfriend!Young!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Pregnant!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || Being away from your boyfriend is never fun, but usually, you can get through it relatively okay. However, since you got pregnant and you’re carrying a set of twins, your hormones have gone all crazy, leaving you needier than ever before for him. This results in a FaceTime call Tony won’t forget anytime soon.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || College AU. Pregnancy fic. Established relationship. Explicit sexual content.
SMUT || Teasing. Dirty talk. Praise. Pregnancy kink. Lactation kink. Voyeurism. Exhibitionism. Phone/FaceTime sex. Stripping/striptease. Handjob. Fingering. Masturbation (F+M).
A/N || This is written for my Summer of Drabbles. Nonnie, I cannot even begin to explain how much fun I had while writing this! I always enjoy giving a little insight into these two and their dynamic, so I think this is a perfect addition to their story! This is proofread by the amazing @ccbsrmsf1, I love you so much, bestie! 🤍
EVENTS @fandombingo || A Familiar Face @tonystarkbingo #8005 || Thirst
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Photo: Source || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark || Young!Tony Stark || Summer of Drabbles
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"Touch yourself; I want to watch."
No, "Hello, how are you?" or "Hi!" is said by you as your boyfriend, Tony, answers your FaceTime call. It just won't do when you're feeling needy for your boyfriend, and he's not there with you to relieve the longing between your thighs. A smirk is visible on your boyfriend's face, making his glasses slide down his nose a bit, making him look adorable.
"Hello to you, Sunshine; how's your trip?" he asks, and you let out a frustrated huff in response, as that's so not the point of your call. You'd get to the small talk later. First, you need to do something about your growing arousal. Ever since you got pregnant about seven months ago, your hormones have been all over the place, and your libido has been raised exponentially, which is how you two have gotten into this situation, to begin with.
"Yeah, yeah, fine! Now, can we move on?" you ask, a hint of frustration in your voice that your boyfriend can't help but smile at. He feigns innocence for just a few more moments, claiming not to know what you're talking about, but then he gives in. The last thing he'd want to do is make you feel frustrated.
"I'm gonna give you a nice show; what do you think of that, Sunshine? Are you gonna watch as I take off layer after layer of my clothes until I'm completely naked for you?" he asks, his voice low as he does, and you immediately nod. Your eyes are roaming over every inch of skin he exposes, layers being sensually pulled off his body as he shows himself off to you. Soft moans keep escaping at the sight, your fingers playing gently with yourself so you won't cum before it has even started.
The moment his shirt is lifted agonizingly slow over his muscular torso, you lean in a little to get an even better view, the veins on his arms making them look like works of art that you can't wait to explore the second you're back in New York. The next thing to go is his pants, which he unbuttons quickly, though he takes his sweet time pulling them down, a smile appearing on your features as you realize he's not wearing any underwear, his cock hard and straining the denim fabric of his jeans.
A soft gasp slips past your lips as it springs free with an audible splat against his abs, and you can't get enough of the sight in front of you. His hand wraps around his length, a groan coming from deep in his chest as his large, calloused hand glides over the velvet skin of his cock, the veins adorning it only adding to the pleasure. Meanwhile, all you can think about is sitting on it again and feeling how it fills you up the way only your boyfriend can.
"Sunshine," he says gently, guiding your attention back to his face instead of his cock, warmth spreading over your face as you realize he caught you staring. A dopey smile is on his lips as you make eye contact again, and your heart skips a beat at seeing your boyfriend's striking, familiar face. The face you've committed to memory, and the one you can stare at for hours without ever getting bored.
"I believe it's your turn now. I've been missing your beautiful, perfect body, and I can't wait much longer to have a look. Been thinking of the way your round belly feels under my fingertips and the way you clench around my fingers and cock when I rub it softly," he says, his eyes showing nothing but thirst over your body. While your pregnancy has changed a lot of things about you and your body, Tony has embraced every single change, only becoming more turned on as well with every passing day.
"Hmm, and the way your tits produce the sweetest milk for me to drink, fuck!" he exclaims as he grips the base of his cock, your dress now on the floor as well as you spread yourself open for your boyfriend to the best of your abilities. He has the perfect sight of the way your fingers dip into your tight, dripping pussy and rub circles over your sensitive, throbbing clit as your high builds quickly.
"Fuck, Sunshine, you don't have any idea what you do to me right now. Makes me so fucking hard to see you play with yourself. Just a needy little slut wanting to see her boyfriend's cock now that she's not with him. I promise you I will fucking ruin you when you're back, Sunshine. Every single hole will be used until all you can think of is me," he says, his breath quickly picking up as he does while your orgasm approaches quickly.
"'M so close, Sunshine," Tony groans, and you nod in response, unable to talk as he jerks himself faster, both of you moaning in unison until you fall apart on your fingers, shortly followed by your boyfriend as he paints his abs and chest with cum before scooping some of it up and swallowing it, humming at the taste.
"I love you so much, Sunshine, and I can't wait to have you and our twins back soon," he says with a deep red blush on his cheeks, his glasses sliding further down again. You rub your belly as you reposition yourself, and that's when they decide to kick again, making you smile.
"Oh, I wish you could feel them kicking right now, My Love; I think our adventure woke them up!" you joke, and Tony looks at your belly with so much love that it makes your heart swell with it, too. You have rarely felt more loved than you do now, even though you're on the other side of the country.
Your love for each other knows no bounds, and this moment definitely cements that for you both.
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httpsdana · 4 months
𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬~𝐀 𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐭 𝟏𝟕
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summary: Barça players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
Pedri barely asked to hang out with y/n before. After he started dating Sira, he wants for some reason to hang out almost everyday, of course with Sira AND Ferran there.
Sira wasn't hiding the fact she wants Ferran back. She was constantly trying to talk to him, sometimes sitting next to him to try and touch him in any possible way.
Ferran was always trying to avoid her, but sometimes it was nearly impossible. And y/n didn't like that. The only times Ferran can't avoid Sira, y/n would be watching. So she would think that Ferran doesn't actually mind whatever Sira was doing.
And Pedri was enjoying it. He still can't accept the fact his best friend was dating his sister. And after what Fermin had told him about the two, he made it his mission to break them up.
A bad brother yeah? well yes but also a selfish one.
"Sira is coming over. call Ferran" Pedri walked into y/n's apartment as soon as she opened the door.
She rolled her eyes closing the door behind him.
"he's busy" she murmured, making Pedri look at her weirdly.
"why?" he asked, flopping down on the couch
"he has some video filming with the team" she said, sitting down next to him.
Pedri looked troubled, not knowing what to do.
"well I can't cancel on Sira she's already on her way. what should we do?" he asked. y/n raised her eyebrows wondering why he was so worried
"so what we can't hang out the 3 of us?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest
Pedri hesitated, avoiding her eyes before talking.
"well yes but..." he mumbled, before the door knocked
y/n got up, opening the door to see Sira standing there, a beautiful sundress on with her glasses and fancy bag.
"y/n... hello" she said, an obviously fake smile taking over face.
y/n gave her the same smile back, letting her in.
She walked behind Sira, watching how Pedri nodded his head motioning for Sira to come sit next to him. He whispered a few words in her ear, making her face drop.
y/n was confused by both of their actions, but also she knows that Pedri is mostly dating Sira so he can break up her and Ferran.
"uh...i remembered that I actually have to pack for the next match so...I have to go" Sira said, getting up immediately, leaving with no goodbye
y/n's heart dropped at her words. Sira was gonna be at the away match against PSG. Of course she will be, her father is literally their coach. Sira is gonna be there and y/n won't be. For some reason it caused an uneasy feeling to rise in her stomach.
"she's going with you?" y/n asked, leaning back on her couch
Pedri nodded. "yeah her and the other wags will be together on the same flight" he said, not looking up from his phone
So all the wags were going?
"are they all going?" y/n asked again.
Pedri also nodded. "yeah the guys decided they can all take their partners so they can have some fun together" he said
why didn't Ferran invite her? She has gotten a bit close with some of the wags and enjoyed their company.
"oh" she mumbled
"did Ferran not invite you?" he asked confused
y/n didn't want to embarrass herself by saying she wasn't invited, and didn't wanna show Pedri that she was a bit hurt by the situation.
"oh yeah he did. I just don't know if I'm going or not" she murmured, grabbing her phone as a distraction. Pedri hummed keeping his focus on his phone.
She saw a text from Ferran, telling her that he finished filming with the team and is on his way to her apartment.
y/n sighed, wondering if she should ask Ferran about the trip or not.
"well I have to go pack too. I'll see you later" Pedri said, slamming the door behind him after he left.
"uh you don't have any matches this week right?" Ferran asked y/n as she was sitting on the kitchen counter while he washed the dishes
"no it's until next week we have the copa final" she said, scrolling through tiktok while talking to him
"well...Sara Gundo's wife has been telling him to tell me to try and convince you to go with us to Paris for the match. the wags have planned a small trip and some things you can do there" he said, not looking at her focusing on the dishes
y/n smiled at Sara's thoughtfulness. She was the one that tried to include y/n in every activity they did. But then y/n realized his words. Sara wanted her there, not him. He's only inviting her because Sara told him to do so.
"um yeah I guess I can go" she hesitated, wondering if that might bother him. He dried his hands quickly with a smile, pressing a kiss on both her cheeks.
"I'm glad you're going" he smiled, making y/n relax a bit at his words
But something felt off about this trip. Like something bad was gonna happen.
(short chapter sorry. I have exams :( anws all the other requests will be written after I finish this series)
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jenniferjareauwife · 6 months
Can you write about JJ finding out that her teenage daughter is self harming? I know you don’t write for Emily, but could you maybe write Emily finding out first and then telling JJ about it? (Just like a mention or small part of it) I love your writing <3
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pairing: jennifer jareau x daughter reader
category: hurt/comfort
warnings: self harm, depression
word count: 1070
age: 15
summary: emily finds out you self harm and tells your mom
a/n: i had so much fun writing this thanks for the request!
I sat on the couch in my living room, trying to block out all the noise my moms team was making. I mean, I loved all of them but it really wasn't what I needed right now.
Light footsteps snapped me out of my thoughts and I realized that Emily had sat down next to me. "Hey Em." I said quietly, fiddling with the rings on my fingers.
"Hey y/n." She set down her glass of wine and looked at me with a smile. "I haven't seen you in a while. What's going on with you?"
"Nothing really. Just life I guess." I shrugged and leaned back against the couch, staring down at my hands. "I'm gonna go to my room-"
"Hey." Her voice scared me a bit. It was urgent but also full of care. "What's on your wrists?" I quickly pulled my sleeves down.
"Nothing, Em I'm really tired-"
"Y/n." She moved over so I could sit next to her again. "What's going on?"
"Nothings going on. I'm fine."
"The cuts on your wrist say otherwise." She said simply. "Can you let me look at them? Just to make sure they're not infected." I hesitated but knew there was no way of getting out of it.
"Fine." I lifted my sleeve up slightly so she could take a look at it. "See? It's not infected." She nodded and pulled my sleeve down for me. When she stayed silent I knew exactly what she was thinking. "Don't tell my mom." I blurted. Her eyes filled with sympathy but that only filled me with dread.
"I have to-"
"No you don't."
"She needs to know y/n. She's your mother and you're clearly not open to getting help." She put her hand on my knee.
"Please don't."
"Your mom cares about you. Nothing bad can come from it, ok? She just wants to help you-"
"I need to go." I jumped up and ran upstairs, ignoring the looks from my mom and her team members. I hid under my covers and sobbed.
It was only an hour later until everyone was gone and I heard a soft knocking on my bedroom door. "Y/n? Can I come in?" It was my mom. I didn't answer. I knew what she wanted to talk about and my heart was beating out of my chest at even the thought of talking to her about it. "I'm going to come in, ok?" She opened the door and sat down on the foot of my bed, putting her hand on my leg and rubbing it. "Can I talk to you about something?"
"Em told you didn't she?"
"She did. And I'm really glad she did." Her hand ran up to my shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. "Can you sit up for me baby?" I reluctantly sat up and leaned back against my headboard. "I'm not mad at you, ok?" Her voice softened even more if that was possible.
"You want to see them don't you?"
"Em told me they weren't infected so I don't need to unless you want to show me." She rubbed my thigh comfortingly as I avoided eye contact. "Baby can you look at me?" I reluctantly looked up at her with teary eyes. "Why'd you do it?" The question was so simple but I didn't have an answer for her. I didn't know how to explain how it felt and every time I tried to think of the right words it just made me want to scream.
"I-I don't know." I admitted. "Just...I just didn't feel good." I rubbed my forehead and looked down, fighting back tears.
"Hey, it's ok. It's ok honey, you can cry if you need to." She pulled me against her so my face was buried in her neck. I completely melted into her as I sobbed against her, my fists gripping at her shirt. "It's ok." She rubbed my back and kissed my temple. "It's ok baby. I got you."
"I-I'm sorry." I sobbed.
"Shh. There's no need to apologize honey." She kissed my temple again. My sobs got louder as I started to hiccup between them. "It's ok. It's ok baby just let it out, I'm right here." She started stroking my hair, knowing exactly how to calm me down.
After about ten minutes I calmed down entirely but didn't pull away from the hug. "I didn't know how to tell you." I sniffled. "I didn't know how you'd react and I didn't want to burden you because you've been so busy-"
"Hey." Her voice was so soft as she gently pushed me away from her and cradled my face in her hands. "You are never a burden to me." She wiped away a few remaining tears with her thumbs. "You're my daughter, you're more important than anything in the world. If I had known you were struggling I would've dropped everything. You never have to worry about being a burden to me, ok?"
"I'm sorry-" She shook her head.
"No apologies." She kissed my forehead. "I'm just glad I know now, ok? I know you didn't want Emily to tell me but it was a good thing that she did. This isn't something you should be dealing with by yourself, ever." I just nodded, my lips pouting as I tried not to cry again. "I'm gonna help you find some better coping mechanisms, ok?"
"Thank you." I told her sincerely, sniffling.
"I am always, always here for you, ok? Always." She kissed my forehead again. "You just have to tell me when you need me to be there a bit more." I nodded. "I'm going to stay here for the next few cases, I'll just help Garcia so I can be closer to you."
"Can I stay home from school for a few days?"
"Of course you can." She caressed my cheeks. "And if you ever need to talk just find me, ok? If I'm at work, call me. I'll always pick up the phone for you." I nodded and smiled a bit as she wiped away another tear that had escaped.
"Yeah baby?"
"Can you sleep here tonight?"
"Of course." She kissed the top of my head as I leaned into her, needing more hugs. "I love you so much. I'm always here if you need me, ok?" She mumbled against the top of my head. "Always."
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
They Reject You (hyung line)- part three
Pairing: BTS x Reader
Word Count: 8K
Warnings: swear words here and there, a little kissing scene.
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"I told you, you should have done this sooner."
"Hey, if I had known this was gonna be this much fun, I would have."
"I did tell you, you just didn't believe me."
You huff. "Okay fine! You were right all along and I was wrong. Happy?"
Blair chugs down another shot and winces at the bitter taste. "I'll be happy when you listen to my advice."
"Asking for too much, now. Aren't you?" 
"Cool then, mop over a boy for over a month again. Why don't you?" She retorts with no real bite, rather genuinely enjoying the glimpse of the old you back. 
A wave of sadness hits you when you're reminded about the said boy and you sigh. "He isn't just a boy, he's also my best friend."
Blair immediately regrets her words when she notices the look on your face. "I understand that you would need time but if I hadn't dragged you out today, you would have not made any efforts to move on for at least another six months."
You feel an instant urge to deny it but end up not protesting because you know how true her words are.
Moving on would have been easier if you knew the answer to this one question; how does one move on from their best friend? 
How do you forget the moments that made you fall for him? Moments when he was the only one you could confide in. When you two would spend hours talking on the phone about random things. When the two of you would sit on the balcony and judge every passerby. The inside jokes, the tears, the hugs, the words of comfort. How do you forget those and tell yourself to not feel the way you do?
And even if you manage to do so, will the two of you really ever get back to being as close as you once were? Won't that result in you falling for him all over again?
You take hold of another glass of shot when you realise that you were overthinking again. Today your plan is to get enough alcohol in your system so that you do not overthink the little things.
"What is he doing here?" Blair whispers to herself.
"Who?" Your tipsy mind gets distracted by that and you start checking left and right to catch sight of the person she's talking about.
Your eyes widen in shock and you freeze in your seat. "Jin is here?"
Blair nods, feeling the same amount of disbelief as you. 
"Should I hide in the washroom?" You whisper shout. You don't even know why you feel the need to run when you and Jin have had a civil conversation just a few weeks ago. All you know is that you do not wish to face Jin. You are not ready to face the stir of emotions Jin would inevitably ignite.
"Fun fact, his eyes are fixed here," she quips with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "I'm also pretty sure, he's aware that we are talking about him."
You shut your eyes and groan audibly. "Fuck. Just what I needed."
"Fun fact part two, he's coming here."
As soon as she completes her sentence, you hear your name being called. 
"Jin!" You put on a fake smile and try to seem as excited as you possibly can. You won't allow your spirits to dwindle so easily. "What are you doing here?"
Jin thinks for a brief moment if he should lie and say that it was a coincidence but then decides otherwise. "Well, Jimin texted me that you're here and I had something important to tell you, so,"
"Well, I don't feel stalked at all." You grin sarcastically.
Jin smiles. That's the first stage of you getting drunk; getting sassy. "Well, I'd be hurt if you were to call me a creepy stalker."
He says it with such a soft look of adoration that Blair has to clear her throat loudly to announce her presence.
"I'm Blair," she introduces herself.
Jin understands that Blair's words are directed at him and he politely puts his hand forward in greeting. "I'm Jin."
Blair nods and shakes his hand. From the look in his eyes, she already has an idea about why Jin might be here and if what she's assuming is right, she should really get out of here as quickly as she can. 
"Well, it's good that you are here, I have somewhere to go. Take care of her," as soon as the words are out of her mouth, Blair quickly leaves the spot knowing very well how you are going to react. 
You gasp dramatically, concerned about how quickly she changed her colours. What a traitor you have as a friend. 
Jin sits on the stool next to you before you can recover from your shock. "So what have you been drinking?" 
You look at Jin with your mouth parted open, still having a hard time understanding what just happened in the span of a few minutes. How you came to the club to temporarily forget about Jin and how now, you are sitting right next to him.
You blink a few times to let the shock subside and with Blair gone, you feel your adrenaline rush fade away.
"I don't know, Blair ordered it," you shrug.
He hums, fiddling with his fingers on the table. "Any special reason you are out here clubbing on a weekday?"
"Nah," you say just as casually as you had uttered the previous sentence. Maybe it's because of the alcohol but you don't find yourself feeling anxious in his presence. There's only a very little amount of unease but that's only because you don't want to get too into your emotions. 
Jin watches you closely. You don't look drunk, just tipsy. And thankfully, for him, you don't seem to be too bothered by the fact that he just invited himself. 
Someone might say that he's being overdramatic coming all the way to say something he could have said any other time. But when Jimin texted him that you're here, his thoughts started getting a little wild.
What if you were in a club trying to get over him? What if some hot bartender catches your eye? What if your friends are telling you that you deserve better? (The last one, Jin agrees with) 
It's fair to say that those thoughts made him rush to this place so that he can finally say what he figured out in the last few days.
Jin inhales deeply and asks the million-dollar question. "Do you– do you still love me?"
You choke on your drink and a series of coughs that follows. Jin immediately asks for a glass of water and helps you calm down.
"What kind of a question is that?" You ask in a raspy voice when your coughing fit subsides.
"A very important one?" He asks you back, his brows now furrowing in nervousness.
You mimic his expression, only that your brows furrow in annoyance. "What kind of people do you hang around with to get the idea that people's feelings change in the span of a few weeks?"
Ah, yes. You're sassy right now.
Jin's features soften and he looks at you with a look of disbelief.
"So you still love me?" He asks in a whisper, too scared to say the words out loud.
"Unfortunately, yes." You nod.
Before you can take hold of another glass of shot, Jin's hand comes to rest on yours. You look at him in confusion, wondering what even is he up to.
"Well, I love you too," a wide smile breaks out on his face as if the thought of you is enough to make him happy.
This time, you choke on thin air. "Excuse me?!"
He takes your hand and brings it to his lips. "I'm sorry it took me so long, but now that I know, I just want to be with you forever."
Your eyes follow his movements and you find your breathing getting shallower and only one question coming to your mind; Is this really happening?
Jin notices the way you seem to have run out of words. It makes him want to smirk in satisfaction but at the same time wrap you in his arms. Had he known you would react this way, he would have done this way sooner. But he was busy being a fool back then. 
You were always by his side, through the worst and the best. You were his only constant in the world of variables. He always felt so at home with you, that the thought of changing the dynamics never occurred to him. You two were perfect being best friends and he thought that was how it was going to be forever. 
But then he's also a hopeless romantic at heart. He has always dreamt of his perfect partner and what life with them will look like. He has also had his fair share of crushes and relationships but never did the faceless person from his dreams appear to be one of them.
Now that he thinks of it, he knows why that was the case. 
"You don't have to say anything," Jin adds, not wanting you to stress about it. "I just needed you to know that I love you and I'm sorry for realising it so late."
Now as sassy as you are when you're tipsy, you're just as bold. Without thinking any further, you lean forward and kiss him. It's odd and something your sober self would never do, but right now you're definitely not sober. Plus, you can leave the overthinking for her when she wakes up tomorrow. At the moment, the only thing that matters to you is that the man you so irrevocably love, loves you back. 
Jin freezes and his eyes widen in shock when he feels your lips on his. 
He knows you are only doing this because you are drunk. He knows that had you been sober you would have asked a million questions by now. He also, knows that he shouldn't be kissing you back but when he hears a whine of complaint from you at his lack of enthusiasm, his resolve crumbles. 
He gently puts his palms on your cheeks and kisses you back passionately. The warm sensation of your lips on his makes his head spin and he wonders how on earth has he gone so long without doing this. 
However, he pulls back when he feels your tongue against his lips. "We should get you home."
You shake your head like a stubborn child. "No, I don't want to go."
Gosh, he wants to kiss that pout away. How did he not realise that it's been you all along? 
Blair watches from a distance as you throw your hands in the air like a small child and a smile makes its way onto her lips. Guess, she won't have to worry about you moping anymore. 
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As soon as the doorbell rings, you freeze. That must be Yoongi.
You have been looking forward to this moment and at the same time have been dreading it. But it's one of those things that you know just needs to be done.
You haven't had a single moment of peace since yesterday. It's tiring honestly. You don't know how the conversation with Yoongi will go, but you at least hope that after this you won't feel this heavy weight on your shoulders and will be able to have a good night's sleep. 
With that hope, you open the door and you're greeted by Yoongi in a purple suit and the sight itself makes you swallow. You really wish you could marry him.
Shaking the thought away, you welcome him in and ask him to take a seat on the couch. 
"Would you like some tea or coffee?" You query
Yoongi shakes his head. "Nothing really. I had coffee before leaving."
Well then, guess you won't get the time to figure out how to start the conversation. 
You take a seat on the opposite couch and play with the rings that adorn your fingers. "I called you at my place because there's something important we need to talk about and I thought that a public place isn't suitable for the conversation."
Yoongi nods. He won't lie but he shares the same view. It's difficult for him as it is to talk about his emotions. He doesn't want to imagine having to explain why he came across as nonchalant to your confession and how he respects your honesty, more than he could show.
However, nothing could have prepared him for the next words that leave your mouth.
"I think we should not go forward with this marriage."
Your words cause Yoongi to choke. Out of all the things he wanted to discuss with you, he never saw this coming. "What?!"
Seeing Yoongi react like this catches you slightly off guard. Usually, he always has his emotions in check and is unreadable. It always makes you feel like he's out of reach. However, right now, you can read him like a book, which oddly enough gives you a sense of satisfaction.
"We should not get married." You repeat your words and wait for Yoongi's shocked features to subside. 
Yoongi looks at you and notices how determined you seem, as if you have thought about this long and hard and only then have you come to this decision. The thought that there's probably no changing your mind, scares him. 
Clearing his throat, he tries to sound as calm as he can. "Why though?"
Now it's your turn to be surprised. Isn't it obvious why the two of you shouldn't get married?
Chewing on your lower lip, you ponder how you should frame your words. After a brief pause, you start with a gentle tone that somehow comes out sad.
"When two people love each other, they get married. Not because they have to, but because they want to. It's like this celebration of their love, where they declare to the world that they are each other's for the rest of eternity. But you see, that's the most important factor–" you look up to lock eyes with Yoongi. "–love."
It's a word Yoongi has hardly ever given thought to.
Yoongi knows what it feels like to be loved. His parents love him, his sister loves him, his friends love him, his dog loves him. He also knows what it is like to love someone because he loves these people just as much. But love in the way you describe it? Yoongi has never felt that.  
From a very young age, he has known that it will be his parents who will choose who he is to marry. Which is why he has never felt or given much thought to what it is like to want to spend his whole life with someone. 
But clearly, you have. 
It looks like you know exactly what you want and he won't lie, he envies that. He wonders what it's like for someone to know what they want so clearly that they won't settle for anything less. 
"We can always fall in love," he says with a small shrug as if it's not a big deal. The gesture makes his words look insincere and although it's true that he doesn't realise the intensity of his words, it's also true that he had shrugged simply to hide how uncomfortable he feels. He has never had to talk to someone about falling in love with them. 
You chuckle humorlessly. "I don't think you realise what falling in love really means." 
Yoongi wants to feel offended by your words but he can't. Because you're right. "Well, it's never too late to learn."
You can tell that Yoongi is being genuine. But you don't know how you should perceive his genuineness. Should you feel flattered that he's willing to give your marriage a try? Or should you feel sad that he has to try falling in love with someone? 
You don't know what the answer to that would be but the thought of him falling for you because he had no other choice, does not sit right with you. Even if you two were happy one day, maybe somewhere at the corner of your mind will be the thought that he fell for you only because you two were forced into this marriage. 
"I don't think it will work, Yoongi," you say with a sigh.
Yoongi's brow furrows in frustration. Why are you complicating things like this? "I don't understand what exactly is the problem?"
Here goes nothing.
"We have been on ten dates so far and on none of those occasions, did you ever seem interested in getting to know me on a deeper level. You are a closed book and I respect that it might not be easy for everyone to be open, but what counts is the effort. We have never had an open conversation or proper communication." Your voice comes out even, not a speck of anger or disappointment lacing your words. It sounds like you're only reading out observations from a science experiment. "Why do you think that is? If you were to ask me, and I might be wrong, but it's because you were never interested in the prospect of marrying."
"Had I not asked to break the marriage, things would have been pretty much the same and I would have never voiced these thoughts. You would have made no effort and I would have been trying way too hard to fulfil my wishes. Don't you see how wrong that could go?" 
Yoongi remains speechless with his mouth parted. 
"It's not only that, though," a small smile appears on your lips. "When you believe in love as much as I do, you'd know that love is inevitable. Everyone deserves it, including you. And I hope that when you do fall in love, you get to walk with them with your head held high without worrying about the wife you had to marry to boost your business."
With each word that comes out of your mouth, you feel a weight being lifted off of your chest one by one. Last night, you stayed up with countless thoughts running through your head. Countless reasons and scenarios why this marriage won't work and would be painful for both of you. Especially you.
Yoongi takes a deep inhale and lets the silence linger. 
What else is even there to say? You have given this a whole lot of thinking while he has hardly ever thought about it. Which only goes on to prove your point and how different both of your views on marriage are. 
Indeed, he has never shown much effort towards establishing a connection between the both of you. There's no denying that, but he wishes he could tell you that it's not because he wasn't interested in forming one but rather that he does not know how to. 
He knows there's no point in clarifying that now though, it will only sound like he's making excuses. Hence, he settles for responding to you with the only sentence that he thinks is relevant. 
"We can't break this alliance."
"I know," you nod. "It won't be easy but I'm sure we both will come up with a way to convince our parents."
Yoongi huffs, sensing that you are underestimating his words. "Do you know that the deal has been signed?" 
Your eyes widen in shock and disbelief. "What?! H–When?" 
Your reaction is enough for Yoongi to know that you indeed, had no idea about the papers being finalised and signed. Your previous words make much sense to Yoongi now and why you thought that the two of you even had any other option but to get married to each other. 
"About a week ago," he replies, expression now turning sombre. "I got to know about it only a couple of days ago."
A week ago? That would be around the time you and Yoongi went on your last date where you had confessed to him your feelings. Was it around the same time that both of your doors to escape were closed? 
Panic shoots through your veins when the thought that there might be no way out, comes to your mind. No, no, no. There has to be some way. 
But is there really?
Yoongi's company is way bigger than your father's. If the two of you back down now, the deal will be cancelled but it will be your father's company that will suffer the most whereas Yoongi's will recover in a few days. It was one thing if the deal was not signed. No gains, no losses. But now, it would be no gain, only losses. 
How can you do that to your parents knowing how much stress it will cause them?
You can't.
"I don't have any other choice, do I?" Your voice comes out small, highly in contrast with how confidently you were speaking a few minutes ago. 
"I don't think we do," Yoongi sighs, a deep sadness looming over his chest at how dejected you look. "But if it makes you feel any better, we can make a deal."
An abrupt chuckle escapes your lips. "Another deal? Haven't we already had enough?"
"This deal gives you the choice to be free," he comments, noticing how a small hopeful glint appears in your eyes.
"Let's stay married for a year, if you still want an out after that, we will get divorced." 
Yoongi's words give you a pause. 
You can't say that the deal is ideal but it is better than nothing. It gives you the hope that the two of you won't be stuck in a loveless marriage. It also does not create the pressure of being happy with each other because that's the only option.
After thinking for a few moments, you realise that this indeed is what it has all come down to and you'll have to accept it whether you like it or not.
"What about the business deal?" You query, your brain jumping to the concerns of the after-effects of having a divorce.
"By that time, the majority of shares will be transferred to me, I'll take care of it so that there is minimal loss."
You nod and sit back, feeling exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster this conversation has been. You just wish things were simple. That you both could get married to people you were in love with. Or that you both were in love with each other. 
The thought makes you look at Yoongi. You can still feel the butterflies in your stomach but there's also this dread that tags along.  
Last night, you had considered every possible scenario, and each one of them convinced you why this marriage is not a good idea. But out of all those, there was one which stood out, one that scared you the most and was the most heartbreaking. 
The possibility of you falling in love with Yoongi but his response being the same as it was on your last date. You know that the pain you went through this time, would be nothing compared to the pain you would experience then.
You don't want that.
The thought scares you so much, that you make a promise to yourself to not let your guard down so that the situation never occurs. 
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"You went a little too hard on us today," you say, breathless as you take a bottle of water and uncap it. 
Hoseok chuckles. "You say that after every class."
"Do I?" You ask with a small smile, knowing very well that you indeed do. But can you be blamed when Hoseok loses track of time when it comes to dancing and the only thing he focuses on is perfection?
He raises a brow as if asking you to stop pretending and you raise your arms in the air in mock surrender. 
He chuckles and shakes his head in amusement. "That's what I thought."
"Oh by the way," you say all excited. "I binge-watched little women during the weekend."
Hoseok's grin widens at the thought that you took the time to watch his recommended show. "Did you enjoy it?" 
A thoughtful look appears on your face. "I think it would have been better if the girls had more wins throughout but then I guess it wouldn't have been realistic."
Hoseok hums, understanding where you're coming from. That's an emotion he shares as well. While watching the show, he too wished that the girls didn't have to go through so many ups and downs.
"But you know what I liked?" You say with sparkling eyes. 
"What?" Hoseok asks, the gleam in your eyes doing something to his heart. 
"Choi Do-il's character!" You say with a small smirk on your lips.
Hoseok finds your behaviour amusing. "Liked him huh?"
"How can I not? He's so cool! He was so loyal to In-joo and he has such a sharp mind, made such tough decisions on the spot." You blabber. "I wish there was someone like him in real life, I'd fall for him in the blink of an eye."
"I wonder what Henry would have to say about that," he replies in a teasing tone, trying to pull your leg. But his smile fades when he sees that your excited expression has now turned sombre. 
You shake your head with a soft smile. "Well, we have broken up, so I don't think he would have anything in particular to say."
Hoseok hates that his first reaction is that of joy, which is soon followed by a feeling of guilt. He had convinced himself that he wasn't waiting for this particular day but now, his reaction clearly proves otherwise. 
For the time being, he puts his emotions aside and puts your feelings first.
"Do you want to talk about it?" 
You sigh. "There isn't anything to talk about. The relationship had run its course."
And that's the truth.
Things were pretty smooth at first, but when the honeymoon phase faded, somewhere down the line, both of you realised that you two weren't right for each other. 
The breakup wasn't painful for either of you and maybe that's what acceptance is supposed to be like. It was coming to this understanding that the both of you make great friends but there isn't much hope when it comes to something more than that. 
Hoseok chews on his lower lip and wonders what's the right thing to say. 
It has been six months since that day in the club and five months and three weeks since he realised that his feelings for you run deeper than he had initially thought. 
The first three weeks that followed after his realisation was not easy for him at all. He tried his best to be in denial but with time, he couldn't deny it anymore and he felt anger. Anger towards himself for having the audacity to accept that he has any form of romantic feelings for you after you had been so brave about yours and had put your heart on a plate only for him to be a complete dumb wit. Which was soon followed by the feeling of loss. He lost the opportunity when he had it and won't probably ever get it again. 
But after that, it started getting better. 
He accepted the fact that you have moved on with someone else and are happy with them. But that doesn't mean he did not get jealous every once in a while when he stumbled upon a picture of you and Henry on Instagram. That little spark of jealousy would serve as the reminder that somewhere deep down, he still wishes for you to be his. 
There have been times when he had thought about what he would do if someday, years later you and Henry were to break up. But never did he prepare himself for it. Plus, now, he finds it ridiculous that he had always thought that this would be an opportunity for him to correct his mistake when you could have very well removed any feelings for him from the very root. 
Before he can figure it out though, you sense the awkward silence and make an effort to break it. "I'm over it though, it does not bother me."
Hoseok nods softly, his thoughts still muddled. "How long has it been?"
"About a month."
Hoseok observes you closely from his peripheral. He notices how relaxed your features are and concludes that the topic of your breakup isn't necessarily a painful one for you. You also seem, pretty okay with the idea of the two of you having broken up, which makes him hope that you have moved on from Henry. And if in case you haven't, he will wait as long as it takes for you to let someone new in and he will do everything he possibly can to be that someone.
"This might be inappropriate but are you planning to return to the dating world?" Hoseok tries to look as casual as he can by pretending to arrange the CDs on the shelf.
It takes a few moments for you to think about the question before you can come up with an answer.
Are you looking for someone you can date? Not really. 
When you had downloaded Tinder all those months ago, it was simply so that you can find a distraction from Hoseok and move on. Fortunately, you found that and more in Henry. But now, that chapter is over and you don't find yourself actively looking for someone to be with.
"Not at the moment, no," you reply honestly. "Maybe a few months later, I'll reinstall Tinder," you laugh at the thought.
Hoseok hums, with his back facing you. "When you decide to reinstall the app, do tell me."
You don't think much of his words and innocently ask, "Why?" 
The whole of Hoseok's body heats up in anxiety and he starts putting the CDs on the shelf at a much high speed. "Because then I'll install tinder too and will search you up."
Your frown morphs into an expression of surprise and your lips part to form a small 'o'. 
Is…..is Hoseok saying what you think he's saying? Is it his way of saying that he would like to take you out on a date? And say, if the answer to these questions is, yes, what will you do?
In the six months that you have been with Henry, you haven't thought of Hoseok in that way. The intensity of your feelings lessened and you could let yourself be friends with him without letting your feelings get in the way. 
But are your feelings for him gone? 
You don't know.
Hoseok is a great friend of yours. He is nice, charming, kind, helpful and talented. Not to mention that he is utterly gorgeous. Anyone would be lucky to have him as their partner. But do you still want him as one?
You look at Hoseok and realise that the thought of being with him doesn't feel weird. If anything, it causes a little bit of excitement to stir up in your stomach.
It's true that your crush on him is not as deep as it once was and you're not looking for a relationship at the moment, but for some reason, you feel like when you're ready, you may just fall for him harder than you have ever before. 
Clearing your throat, you come up with a response that you think is just right. "In that case, I'll have to make sure that I don't forget to tell you about it." 
Hoseok turns around immediately to look at you with a surprised look as if that was the last thing he had expected you to say. But when that surprised look turns into that of relief, your previous questions about Hoseok's intent are answered. 
A smile appears on his lips when his surprise fades and he makes a promise to himself to not waste the chance you have been kind enough to give him again. "I'll eagerly wait for that day"
Something in your heart blooms at the soft look he gives you and you nod. 
After that, both of your chit-chat resumes and you two giggle and laugh like never before while you pack your stuff. Once you're done, you get ready to leave. "I'll get going then?"
With a gleeful smile, Hoseok responds, "see you next Saturday."
As you're walking out of the door, a thought appears to you. "Oh, also, you can't search for people on Tinder."
And then you're gone. 
Hoseok watches your retreating figure and he has to try really hard to stop smiling like a fool. 
Maybe there will be no need for Tinder after all. 
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"I love Y/N," as soon as the words are out of his mouth, he winces, anticipating and dreading Yoongi's reaction. 
Yoongi, on the other hand, merely blinks at Namjoon's words. ".....and?"
Out of all the reactions, Namjoon thought Yoongi would give, this was not one of them. This makes things way scarier for him because he thinks this is Yoongi's version of 'calm before the storm'. 
"Listen, you can be mad at me all you want. I understand but I just wanted to let you know." Namjoon rambles, his voice coming out high-pitched. 
A small frown appears on Yoongi's face. This is it, Namjoon thinks.
"Why do you assume that I'm mad?" Yoongi's question, however, leaves Namjoon perplexed. He searches for any form of pretence on Yoongi's features but when he doesn't find any, he sighs.
"I don't know–" Yoongi's frown deepening is enough for Namjoon to backtrack and start speaking the truth. "–you told me that if I were to ever try to show interest in your sister, our friendship would be over."
"I mean, I don't recall saying that but it does sound like something I'd say," Yoongi nods. 
Now it's Namjoon's turn to frown. Is Yoongi mad or not? "What am I supposed to make of it?" 
"Nothing," Yoongi shrugs. "I should rather ask you, what was your purpose in telling me that you have feelings for Y/N? Was it because you felt like you had to ask for my permission? Or were you scared that it would affect our friendship?" A chuckle escapes Yoongi's lips. 
Namjoom sighs, feeling his muscles relax as he finally lets himself realise that Yoongi isn't mad. "I think it's more of the latter."
"So you won't ask for my permission, before pursuing her?" A scowl appears on Yoongi's face which immediately makes Namjoon stutter.
"I–I–I didn't mean that. Of course, I would ask for your permission." 
Yoongi tries his hardest to hold back the satisfied smirk that tries to make an appearance. It's nice to see Namjoon being scared of him every once in a while. 
"That's better," Yoongi hums. "And you don't have to worry about ruining our friendship and all that shit. That's very high school."
Namjoon feels like he can breathe again. After weeks, it feels like he can finally be honest with himself and most importantly with you, without being scared. A wide dimpled smile appears on his face at the thought of finally confessing to you. 
"Gosh, that's annoying," Yoongi huffs, with no real annoyance in his tone. If anything, he's glad to see the wide grin on his friend's face. "If she does reciprocate your feelings and the two of you become a couple, I do hope that the two of you don't turn out to be one of those intolerable ones."
You find almost everything intolerable. That's the thought that comes to Namjoon's mind but before he can speak those words, a much scary thought appears to him which takes his breath away. 
"What if Y/N does not accept my feelings?" His voice comes out in a whisper, too scared to speak those words loudly. 
Yoongi thinks the chances of that happening are very low. But he chooses not to say it. It's your feelings, you're the only one who knows where they lie. Yoongi does not wish to assume. Instead, he chooses to assure his friend that even if he were to get turned down, he will be there for him. 
"I will order a bottle of champagne and soju, each. If things work out, then we will celebrate with champagne. If they don't, then we can have soju." 
Namjoon is grateful for Yoongi's words, he really is but the fear that courses through his veins makes it impossible for him to think straight. "You don't get it. She confessed to me and I turned her down."
This time, a genuine scowl appears on Yoongi's face. "Why would you do that?"
Namjoon lets out a heavy breath. "I thought you'd be mad and our friendship would get ruined."
Yoongi tries his hardest not to let his eyes roll but ultimately fails. "Now I remember why I had told you not to pursue my sister."
Namjoon's heart drops at the comment. Is Yoongi about to change his mind? 
"One because it was high school and you were going through your fuckboy stage," Yoongi says, with squinted eyes that make it obvious that he's judging Namjoon. "Second, you were dense as fuck at times. Which, clearly, hasn't changed even now."
That had been two days ago. 
After the very scary chat session with Yoongi, Namjooon needed some time to recover. Two days to be exact. Now he has finally managed to grab the courage to talk to you and be honest. 
His hands hover in the air for a few moments before he knocks. He hopes and wants this to go well, otherwise, he thinks, he won't be able to forgive himself.
You frown when you hear the knock. Who has decided to bother you on a fine Sunday? 
You set aside the book you were reading and begrudgingly get up. With heavy steps, you head towards the door and swing it open. The regret that hits you is instantaneous. You should have checked through the peephole before opening. 
Namjoon notices your features drop and it makes him feel terribly guilty for his actions and words. With that guilt, also comes the strong need to make things right. 
"Do you need something?" You keep your tone cold to avoid any display of emotion. It's not that you are mad at him for the rejection. You're hurt about it, sure. Mad? No.
However, you feel incredibly embarrassed about confessing the way you did. You are aware that you were under the influence of alcohol but that doesn't make it any less humiliating. 
"I need to talk to you," Namjoon replies shakily as he finds his anxiety increasing. What if you have decided to move on or have come to the conclusion that he isn't worth it? 
You'd really like to make an excuse as to why you wouldn't be able to talk right now but something in you makes you decide otherwise. Maybe it's because you don't want things to be awkward between the two of you as it would put Yoongi in a tough spot. Or maybe it's because you hate seeing Namjoon so anxious, that you find yourself moving out of his way.
"Can I take a seat?" He asks awkwardly, with his index finger pointing at the couch, when he realises that you are simply waiting for him to start talking about whatever it is that he is here for. 
You are aware that you are being rude but you honestly don't know how to behave 'normally' around him, anymore. So, you simply hum and wait for him to take a seat. 
"Uhm," he clears his throat, "I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the party."
"We can talk about anything but that," you say pointedly. There's no way you are going to talk about that night when all you want is to leave that memory somewhere far behind. 
Namjoon notices the discomfort that etches your features despite your attempts at hiding it and sighs. "Okay, then I won't bring that up but I need to tell you something."
"Go on."
Namjoon takes in a deep breath before closing his eyes to grab the courage to let the words spill out. "I'm in love with you."
At first, the words don't sink in. 
You stand there, leaning against the wall, watching Namjoon. However, when you see the scared and anxious look on his face, you replay his words in your mind. 
I'm in love with you.
He's in love with you. 
The thought makes you angry.
You scoff. "Do you expect me to take you seriously?"
Namjoon shakes his head. "I don't expect you to but just hear me out."
"I don't want to." You declare stubbornly.
"I know but give me just one chance to explain myself." He pleads gently, not wanting you to feel as if you have to hear him out. He has already caused you enough pain and if you choose that you do not wish to hear him out, he is going to respect that. 
You want to laugh at Namjoon's request. You can accept the fact that he does not have feelings for you, no matter how hard that might be. But accepting that he is in love with you after the pain that you have been through? You can't accept that.
You'd very much like to close this topic and never have either of you mention it. But you can't say no to Namjoon when he looks like that. He is one of your biggest weaknesses and not hearing him out would cause you pain as well.
Instead of telling him verbally that you will hear him out, you look out of the window and stare outside blankly, which is enough for Namjoon to know that you're listening.
"I never thought that my feelings would be reciprocated. Which is why, I did not know what to say and said what I thought was right, at the time," his voice comes out vulnerable. 
You feel your annoyance flaring. If that really were the case he could have just said the truth. Why lie? Whose first instinct is to lie about their feelings, upon realising that they are not one sided?
Namjoon's next words answer your unasked question. "After my last two relationships ended the way, they did, I thought that all my relationships were destined to be doomed. I was scared to commit to anyone, especially you."
He sighs. "If we were to date and break up, it would change everything not only for the both of us but also for Yoongi. And if that were to happen I'd never be able to forgive myself."
It was around the time that Namjoon mentioned his last two relationships, that you stopped pretending to not care about what he had to say. You know how sensitive the topic is for him and for him to bring it up now, it must be serious. 
To put it simply, his last two relationships ended terribly. But each time, Namjoon blamed himself and thought that it was entirely his fault, which you know isn't the case.
Now that Namjoon breaks it down to you, you find your anger fading and find yourself sympathising with him. You may not agree with his actions but you can understand where he was coming from.
What you don't understand, however, is why he is telling you these things. If you're understanding him right, he said what he said at the party because he was scared. But now, he is here, telling you that he loves you. But why?
"Why are you telling me this?" You ask and you are surprised by the lack of coldness in your voice. Maybe it's because he's being vulnerable with you that gives you the courage to put your embarrassment aside for the time being.
Namjoon smiles softly. "I had a chat with Yoongi and it made me realise that I am the only one who thinks this way."
He was indeed scared shitless of his feelings affecting the friendship between him and Yoongi. He had taken Yoongi's cautionary way too seriously and while he was under that impression, what scared him even more was that he would take the risk of being with you only to later wish that he had stayed in his lane. He thought that maybe Yoongi too shares the same viewpoint as he does and hence had asked him to stay from you.
When he had gathered the courage to talk about it to Yoongi, it was with the intention of getting Yoongi's approval. Namjoon already knew that he wasn't going to listen to the voice in his head and that you were worth the risk. 
However, when Namjoon went back to his dorms and thought about the conversation he had with Yoongi, it made him realise that he was the only one who was holding these beliefs. Not only that, but Yoongi's reaction made him believe in himself, because even if Yoongi won't ever say it out loud, his calm and nonchalant behaviour was him letting Namjoon know that he trusts him.
"Plus," Namjoon continues, "I know I would regret it forever if I were to let you go simply because I was scared." 
You swallow at his words as any remaining trace of anger is washed away from your body. 
You know it can't be easy to do something when your insecurities are constantly telling you to do otherwise. But him doing just that, serves as a testimony of his love for you. Hence, even though at the beginning you weren't willing to accept his declaration of love, now you find your heart melting.
"So," you fiddle with your fingers. "What does all this mean?"
"Well if you have forgiven me for my stupidity, I'd like to take you out on a date." Namjoon hopes it isn't too soon to ask you out. But more than anything else, he wishes for your forgiveness. 
His words make your chest hurt and you immediately rush to make things clear. "There's nothing to be forgiven, I never held a grudge against you."
"But you wouldn't even look at me?" He asks, with a pained look.
Your heart sinks further. You had thought that it was only painful for you clearly that wasn't the case. "That's because I was embarrassed. It's just incredibly stupid to get drunk because you saw the man you love kissing someone else and then going and confessing like that."
Right, that whole him making out with someone, thing. He now remembers you mentioning it at the party. 
"Sorry to break it to you, but I did not kiss anyone," a small amused smile plays on his lips. "I was only helping the girl to get rid of something that had gotten into her eyes."
Your eyes widen when you hear that. Gosh, could you be any more stupid? You close your eyes tightly and groan in annoyance. 
Namjoon gets up from the couch and slowly walks towards you. He understands why it might have looked like he was making out with someone, after all, parties have the worst lighting. But he doesn't want you to feel embarrassed about it. After all, if it hadn't been for that misunderstanding, you would have never confessed and neither would he. 
After a small moment of hesitation, he puts his palm on your cheek and urges you to open your eyes.
"Hey," he whispers. "I'm really glad you misunderstood things that day. But I can assure you, that yours are the only lips I would ever want to kiss."
His words make you gulp. Here you were drowning in embarrassment a few moments ago and here you are now, breathless from the close proximity.
"Prove it," you whisper back. 
Namjoon's eyes fall on your lips. As much as he would like to feel how soft your lips are, he wants to do things right. 
With great willpower, he brings his eyes back to yours and kisses you on the forehead. "Trust me, there's nothing more I want than kissing you right now. But I want to take you out on a date first."
You chuckle at his words. "Well then, take me out on a date and at the end of it, kiss me like you mean it."
Namjoon's heart does a little dance at your words and he already feels his mind coming up with ideas of how he can make the date one that you never forget. "I'll make the date as perfect as you are."
Maybe you two will indeed be like one of those couples, Yoongi finds intolerable.
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A/N: I definitely plan to write a Ceo Yoongi series with these two, hence that's how I decided to write them for this part!
For early access to maknae line and for choosing what characters you want the maknae line to play, head over to my patreon! Hope you enjoyed reading this part!
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bi-bard · 2 years
Human Connection - Joel Miller Imagine [HBO's The Last of Us]
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Title: Human Connection
Pairing: Joel Miller X Reader
Word Count: 1,210 words
Warning(s): mention of gunfire, mention of sex (really brief)
Summary: A loud noise from a neighbor's place sends Joel into high alert. When all is discovered to be fine, Joel and (Y/n) take the incident as an excuse to enjoy each other's company.
Author's Note: Fun fact: The Last of Us was the first game that I watched an entire playthrough for. It's kinda funny to write for it now.
It started with a loud boom.
Or a gunshot.
In all honesty, in my not-quite-awake state, I couldn't really tell.
The most distinct noise was the sound of my book slamming on the ground.
"Shit," I muttered to myself, picking it up quickly and tossing it on the couch next to me.
There was a loud knock on my door just a few minutes later.
Joel. Joel Miller.
I would've assumed he was passed out as a result of the pills and booze.
"(Y/n), open the door before I bust in," he continued. "I'm not leaving until I know that you're alright."
I sighed before pushing myself off the couch.
I don't know when Joel and I ended up being... whatever we were. I would say friends but I'm pretty sure Joel would fight that title with every fiber of his being.
But he was always there. When it really mattered, he was there. Like right now.
I pulled the door open. Joel had a gun out, waiting to aim it at something.
"Put that away," I said.
"Are you alright," he asked.
"Yeah," I replied. "Something happened outside, spooked me, and I kind of through my book when I jumped. That's what the noise was. The book hitting the floor."
"You always throw shit when you get scared?"
"When I'm half-asleep, yeah," I nodded.
There was a pause before Joel spoke again, "Well, just wanted to make sure you weren't dead, so... I'll leave you to your book."
"Joel," I called as he walked away. "Wanna come in for a drink?"
He didn't react for a moment.
"Are you gonna look me in the eye and tell me that you're gonna turn down free booze," I asked.
"Keep your fucking voice down about it," he grumbled as he walked back over.
I smirked as I stepped back inside. I closed the door behind me before going to get the only two cups I had and the bottle I had hidden in the back of an armchair.
"Clever," Joel commented.
"I always am," I did a dramatic bow before walking over to the little dining room table that I had. I placed a glass in front of him.
"Y'know, I go through a lot of trouble to get you those books," he commented as I poured our drinks. I placed the bottle closer to the middle of the table. "And here you are, just throwing them around."
"That's why I want the books," I replied sarcastically. "Just so I can throw them."
Joel chuckled.
"And you act like you don't like getting me. I didn't ask you to do that. It's just your character."
"To take care of people," I explained.
"I'm out here to protect myself," he tried to correct me. "I think you're latching onto something that's just not there."
"Well, I think you're a big softy," I shrugged. I could feel Joel glaring at me. I looked at him as I put my glass down. "You act all tough and closed off because it helps you. But inside... you're a softy. Protective to almost a fault."
"Think so, huh?"
"You showed up at my door in the middle of the night because of a loud noise. You refused to leave until you knew that I was okay. Not to mention the books that you've been sneaking me. Either you're secretly a softy... or I am just really special."
He scoffed and took another swig of his drink. No response.
I pretended to gasp. "Is it both? That's just flattering, Joel."
Still no response.
I took the pause to study his face a bit. He was a good-looking guy. There was no denying it. I had a small crush on him, but in the world that we lived in, I just ignored it. I pushed it down and continued on like there was nothing going on.
But here... in my apartment, silently sitting together... something was different.
"Joel?" I said quietly.
"What," he asked, looking back at me.
I paused for a moment before leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. I felt one of his hands touch my leg as I did.
It was awkward. Neither one of us really moved. It was only a few moments before I leaned back again. I didn't move very far back. Just enough to properly look him in the eye again.
His hand pulled away from my leg. I almost missed it. Such a small thing that felt so monumental.
I couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh after a moment of just looking at him.
"What," Joel asked.
"Nothing," I shook my head as I leaned back fully. "Just been a while since I kissed anyone. Didn't even realize that I missed it."
"I don't believe that for a second," he replied. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You expect me to believe someone that looks like you has gone for all that long without a kiss?"
"Shut up," I smacked his arm, laughing along with him. "For your information... it's been about fifteen years."
This time, his eyebrows furrowed.
The math didn't quite work. What was I doing during the first five years of the end of the world?
"I... I had this phase where I wanted to believe that human connection would save us in the long run," I continued. "Had a guy who convinced me that he believed the same thing."
"He didn't?"
"He believed that getting his dick sucked made him feel better."
Joel's eyes went wide for a moment.
"But nothing beyond that. I was actually lonelier."
There was a long pause between us.
"I fucked that whole thing up, didn't I?" I ran my hands over my face, forcing a laugh out. "Totally shit on the moment by bringing up some past bullshit."
"I don't think so," Joel replied.
I looked at him again. "Mr. 'Keep-Our-Pasts-to-Ourselves' is fine with trudging up my past."
"I said you didn't ruin the moment," he explained. "I still wanna kiss you even though you trudged up the past."
I bit my lip for a moment, feeling my face warm up. I took a deep breath before speaking again, "Then, why don't you?"
"Come here," he turned so his body was actually facing me. I pulled my seat a little closer to him, waiting for him to make the first move.
He held my chin with his thumb and index finger, studying my face for a moment before leaning over and pressing his lips to mine.
This kiss was less awkward than the first one. It was slow, careful, but not awkward. It felt like two people learning each other's habits. Not some rushed moment between two touch-starved neighbors, but a genuinely loving kiss between two people who had been hiding how they felt for God knows how long.
He leaned back for a moment, eyes scanning my face. He was probably looking for any sign that I didn't want the moment to continue.
"Softy," I teased, trying to keep him from questioning himself too much.
A grin pulled at the edge of his lips. "Hush."
I leaned over and kissed him again.
Maybe human connection was more important than I thought it was.
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kswlust · 2 years
crazy what alcohol does.. | k.sw
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sypnosis : drunk bestfriend!sunoo tells you about how much he likes you and how much he wants you to rip off his clothes and do whatever you want to him, so you do just that.
pairing : bestfriend!sunoo x afab!reader
contains : underage drinking (don't do this!), reader cheats on her boyfriend with sunoo, age gap (reader is 23 and sunoo is 19), lots of swears, making out, hickies, sub!sunoo and dom!reader, oral (m . receiving), reader fingers herself, unprotected sex (not recommended unless ur ariana grande and want them babies), edging/orgasm denial, they get caught at the end.
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'ding dong!' you heard a faint voice shout, along with the doorbell. you looked at the time, making a questioning face. your boyfriend, heeseung said that he was not gonna be home until 3 am and it was only 1. you got up and went to go check it, when you opened the door, to your surprise, you saw sunoo.
"hi, y/n!!" he said happily. he looked so messed up, his cheeks a cherry shade of red, his eyes half opened, his hair all messy. "sunoo?? what are you doing here.. it's 1 am- why do you look so fucked up..?" you asked, genuinely kinda concerned.
"I just went to a party and someone drugged me, fun, right??" he said, obviously joking. he just decided to rebel and underage drink. "haha, very funny." you said sarcastically and pulled sunoo inside, dragging him to sit on your couch.
"why the hell did you drink?? you're not old enough t-" he stopped you, placing a hand on your face and telling you to shush. you giggled slightly before pushing his hand off your face. "I'll get you some water, wait here. don't go anywhere, alright??"
you asked and waited for sunoo to nod before you got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. you came back to see sunoo chewing on the neckline of his sweater. you stared at him in shock before running over.
"seriously, you had nothing else to eat?!" you yelled, pulling the neckline away from his mouth and handing him the glass. "drink this, quickly-" you said and he immediately followed your order, drinking the glass whole before putting it down on the coffee table and coughing.
"now, will you explain to me why you were drinking?" you asked nicely. the man shook his head as a no. "I wanna tell you something." he said, looking kinda nervous. you furrowed your eyebrows as you stopped the movie that was still playing. "go on.."
"okay, I don't know how to say this but I like you! I know you have a boyfriend and you love him so much but I don't think I can bottle up my feelings inside me anymore. I've liked you ever since the time you tutored me. you just look so fucking pretty and you are so nice to me. you helped me pass my grades and then became my comfort person. you make me so mad because I just can't get myself to tell you that I just want you to rip off my clothes and do whatever you want to me! you looked so hot in that black dress a few days ago, I couldn't help myself but be jealous of your boyfriend. fuck, if only you were mine. seriously, I'm going mad, I'm gonna go fucking mad if I don't get to kiss you right now!" he blurted out, his hand in the air, resisting the urge to pull you closer to him by your shirt.
your mouth dropped, eyes widened, face a pretty shade of baby pink. "but I can't do that, because I don't want to ruin your relationship and our friendship." he said, dropping his hand on his lap.
you were in pure disbelief. there was a very obvious frown on his face. "sunoo, i-" you didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry, y/n, I'll leave." sunoo said, getting up. you felt a pang in your heart. this was so weird and you really didn't know how the hell to react.
the things he said about you kept playing in your head nonstop. you grabbed the bottom of sunoos sweater, stopping him. you pulled him back onto the couch and got on top of him, immediately starting to kiss him like crazy. you could literally taste the flavor of the alcohol as he started kissing back.
you pulled away, staring into his eyes for a few seconds. "y/n.. we shouldn't be doing this, you have a boyfriend." he said as you started tugging at the waistband of his pants. "weren't you the one who wanted this a few seconds ago? you're gonna have to defend me if heeseung finds out about any of this."
if you were honest, you kinda liked sunoo aswell. I mean, he's kim sunwoo, who the hell doesn't like him??? you loved your boyfriend, heeseung, of course but.. sunoos unresistible.
"but if you don't wanna-.." you said, immediately getting cut off. "no, no, please, I do-!" he begged cutely. you smiled, immediately pulling off his pants and boxers in one go, going down and taking him in your mouth.
sunoo threw his head back, letting out the prettiest moan you've ever heard. you started slowly bobbing your head up and down, sunoo resisting the urge to thrust into your mouth. "y/n- please! faster.." he said, gripping onto the couch.
"what'd you say, baby?" you asked, stopping. sunoo whined, a hand going to grip your hair. "faster!" he said, looking down at you. the sight was so fucking sinful. you smiled slightly before going back to bobbing your head, way way faster this time.
sunoo started moaning so loudly, his toes curling. "oh-oh fuck! im close- I'm clo-se.." he alerted you. as soon as sunoo looked like he was about to come, you immediately pulled off him.
"no.. wh- whyd you do that..? thats so mean.." he said, letting go of your hair and trying to sit up, but failing as you pushed him back down and got on top of him. "you said I can do whatever I wanted, so, why don't you behave and take it like a good boy?"
you smiled innocently, sunoos face turned even redder than it already was. he nodded, keeping his mouth shut. you got back on top of him again, rubbing your clothed knee on his dick. sunoo moaned your name over and over again.
"sunoo, I never imagined you as a sub. it's funny how you're under me, behaving so nice and obediently right now. yeah?" you asked, unbuttoning your shirt but leaving it on, just showing your beautiful body. you pulled off your pants and panties aswell, throwing them to god knows where.
sunoo didn't answer, just watching you undress in awe. his dick even harder than before as he stared at your body on top of him. "I asked you a question." you said, pulling him up by the same sweater neckline he was chewing on a few moments ago.
"yes, it- its-" he didn't know what to say, just trying to think of something while panicking was so overwhelming for him. "hush, baby, don't worry.." you said, letting him fall back on his back.
you reached your hand down to your pussy, immediately shoving a finger inside yourself. you moaned softly, sunoo stared at your pretty face as you moaned, pleasing your self. you fingered yourself as a bit of prep.
you pulled your fingers out and stuck them in sunoos mouth, the same mouth he used to confess how he thought about you. you then gon onto sunoo, balancing your self ontop of him before slowly sliding him in.
sunoo moaned so fucking loud, your tight and warm walls just clenching on his dick, making it even harder for him to breathe. you moaned aswell, it felt so fucking good. if honest, better than heeseung.
"y/n, oh my god.. move, move, please!" he mumbled, your fingers still inside his mouth. you took them out and wiped them down on his sweater before starting to move up and down on his perfect cock.
the two of you were making so many lewd voices, it was crazy. this was better than porn. seriously, so much better. you moved fast, kinda desperate for a release too. "y/n, I'm close!" sunoo alerted once again and you smirked. "hold it."
sunoos eyes widened, this was absolutely crazy to him. literally, for so long, you kept telling him to hold it and he was trying to damn hard for so long. he found it unfair how you got to release whenever but he didn't.
"y/n, please.." he begged again, and again, and again, but you never really gave in. you continued cumming whenever and torturing him. now, the only sounds that were heard were you guys' lewd ass noises and wet squelching from your cunt.
you were so busy pleasing each other, that you didn't even notice heeseung walk into the room. "babe, I got you chick-fil-a—" heeseung said with a smile, but his smile dropped as he looked up, immediately dropping the bag in his hands.
you stopped, eyes widened as you turned to him. sunoos heart started beating so fast as he looked at heeseung. well, they were kinda fucked now but the situation didn't stop sunoo from releasing in you when he had the chance.
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© kswlust || translations not allowed, pls don't plagiarize.
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c0pper0tter · 6 months
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Currently hyperfixated on the girlies Gambit and Rogue so have a page of digital drawings I made of them recently
Also to be extra annoying since everyone online is being mad about x men being 'woke' here are my headcanons about these lovely two individuals
First of all they are literally just this meme and yes I will be drawing it with them some day
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Gambit and Rogue are t4t I make the laws here
Gambit is also the definition of bisexuality (look at what he's wearing people come on) and Rogue just gives me the vibes she doesn't have a label for her sexuality, she just vibes and is definitively not straight
They both are also autistic cause again, I make the rules
Rogues stims by humming, rocking, and mouth clicks while Gambits main stims are hand stims like flapping or hitting his wrists along with rocking and hopping
I like to think Gambit wears big chunky sound proof headphones anytime he can cause 1 autism and 2 his power is to make things explode so he's gotta have something to protect his hearing from the explosions, on missions he has special made tiny ones that aren't so big and bulky
He is getting slight hearing loss though from before he started wearing protection
I like to think Rogue also has bad eyesight cause same bro and she wears contacts, she refuses to wear glasses but Remy thinks she looks cute with them
She does have a pair of red glasses for when she can't wear contacts
They both love physical affection but only with eachother, Rogue has been touch starved due to her powers and Remy tends to be touch averse due to trust issues but clings to those he trusts I think so both of them only engage in affection with people they're really close with, so they're constantly cuddling and just holding eachothers hand whenever their next to eachother
Neither of them really give a shit about gender roles so they both are always stealing eachothers clothes
Rogue: Remy, have you seen my green tube dress?
Gambit: *walks out wearing said dress* .......it makes me feel pretty :)
Rogue: .......well now I'm pissed that you look better in it than I do
Gambit: :/
Both also have I guess you'd call them 'girls nights' where they watch shitty movies put on face masks and talk shit about the other x men, like spill the tea babe what's the latest drama, sometimes nightcrawler joins them but he usually just sits there awkwardly like 'what's going on, am I third wheeling?'
Rogue and Nightcrawler are the bestest of siblings btw, they love eachother so much and whenever they annoy the other there's a running gag of one of them shouting 'I'm telling mom!' and the other shouting back 'which one cause good luck they both ain't gonna do shit!'
Siblings man
I like to imagine Nightcrawler and Gambit don't really know what to make of eachother at first, they both try to joke with the other and get along but it always ends up awkward on one end cause their trying a little too hard and don't know what to do lol
Rogue laughs at them when they complain about it to her
Eventually, after a way too long era of awkwardness, they become decent bros
Rogue and Gambit are that couple who threaten to kill eachother on the daily and say the worst shit to eachother but the second you insult one of them the other will be at your throat with a knife and a promise it'll end up in you somehow
They also both make fun of eachothers accents constantly
I really don't care if none of this is comic book accurate I'm making my own interpretation of the characters and having fun
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sleepybabybees · 6 months
Some more ft kortac and Los vaqueros (Farah and Alex too-)
Alejandro : Who the fuck-
Rodolfo : Language!
Alejandro : Whom the fuck-
Rodolfo : No.
Alejandro : This bloodline ends with me.
Rodolfo : That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say "I'm gay".
Rodolfo : You’ve got to learn to love yourself.
Alejandro : But don't you hate yourself.
Rodolfo : Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Alejandro : Look, I’m glad everyone’s on the same page.
Alejandro : But it’s the last page in a book titled “we’re all going to die”.
Rodolfo : That’s not even clever.
Rodolfo : WHY?!
Alejandro , throwing his head into Rodolfo 's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
Rodolfo , lovingly stroking his hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Farah: What? I'm not aggressive!
Alex: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?
Farah: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
Alex: Who's in charge here?
Farah, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest.
Farah, texting: Alex, will you please go to sleep?
Alex, texting back: What makes you think you didn’t just wake me up?
Farah, texting: Just a hunch :) You goin’ to sleep soon?
Alex, texting: I’m trying
Farah, texting: Okay, don’t stay up too late or you’ll be cranky :)
Alex: Do you love me?
Farah: We’re literally married.
Alex: Yeah, but as friends or—
Horangi: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks!
Konig: Why would I do that?
Horangi: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
Soap: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
Ghost: What did you do, soap?
Soap: a Mistake.
Gaz: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Roach: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Gaz: Yes.
Roach: I'd sleep.
Price: Wow, I feel happy and I’m having so much fun!
Price: *narrows eyes* Something’s wrong here.
Price: The dinosaurs didn’t rule the earth they were just alive. Stop giving them credit for administration skills they didn’t have.
Ghost: I don’t think our death ray is working. I’m standing right in it, and I’m not dead yet.
Farah: I ran into Alex in the kitchen at 1 AM last night and when I asked him what he was doing, he just shrugged, said “these are my roaming hours,” and wandered off, strumming vaguely on a guitar...
Soap: I’m gonna kill you.
Ghost: Get in line!
Farah: I'm gonna need a human skull but you can't ask why.
Alex: Only if you also don't ask why.
Alex: *pulls four pristine human skulls out of his bag*
Farah: ...
Farah, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
Alex: It’s nice to be wanted, you know?
Soap: Not by the law!
Ghost: I have an idea.
Alex: A good idea?
Ghost: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Farah: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok?
Alex: Okay.
Ghost: Alex! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble.
Farah, whispering: Deny everything.
Alex, loudly: That isn't a chair.
*While the Squad is in a battle*
Alex, trying to warn about the location of an enemy: To the left!
Soap: Take it back now y'all!
Gaz: I told Roach that their ears turn red when they lie.
Price: Do they?
Gaz: No.
Price: Then why did you tell them that?
Gaz: Because I can do this.
Gaz: Hey Roach! Do you love us?
Roach, with their hands over their ears: No.
Roach: What have I done wrong?!
Ghost: Everything. For your entire life.
Soap: Hey! Wanna hear a joke?
Roach: Sure.
Soap: Your life!
Roach: Actually, my life isn’t a joke, jokes have meaning.
Soap: Roach, no.
Horangi: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Konig: How can you still say that?
Horangi: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Konig: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Horangi: It was autocorrect.
Konig: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Horangi: Yes.
Horangi, texting Konig: Konig there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Horangi: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry
Horangi: Konig
Horangi: Konig
Konig: Konig is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
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