#The Curse of Humpty Dumpty
loveboatinsanity · 9 months
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splatteronmywalls · 1 year
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
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@misaki-tsukamoto  I Requested for art request and was given this creepy doll o.o by Misaki
btw what is the dolls name?
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gbhbl · 5 months
Horror Movie Review: The Cult of Humpty Dumpty (2022)
Guess whose back? Back again. Humpty’s back. Tell a friend. Or don’t, as they may not thank you for it.
Guess whose back? Back again. Humpty’s back. Tell a friend. Or don’t, as they may not thank you for it. Directed by Jack E. Bell, with a story by Sam Ashurst and Scott Chambers, The Cult of Humpty Dumpty is the sequel to 2021’s The Curse of Humpty Dumpty. A Jagged Edge Production film that turned out to be pretty good. So good, that this sequel was something to look forward to, which isn’t always…
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tctmp · 2 years
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gf: i'm coming over you better not be gwen from cursed princess club as an egg
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volfoss · 11 months
i love u hour and a half long horror movies with no budget and the worst premise known to mankind
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moviesandmania · 5 months
THE MADNESS OF HUMPTY DUMPTY (2024) British horror with trailer
The Madness of Humpty Dumpty 3 is a 2023 British horror film in which the titular monster continues his crazed murderous activities. The movie is a sequel to The Curse of Humpty Dumpty (2021) and The Curse of Humpty Dumpty 2 (2022). Previously known as The Curse of Humpty Dumpty 3. Directed by Daniel Yates and co-producer Louisa Warren (Cinderella’s Curse; Pigman; Legend of the Lizard Man; Tooth…
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hanafubukki · 9 months
Can be seen as a part 2 to this fic (after some time has passed that is) or can be read as a stand-alone.
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“Leave me alone human!”
“For someone who is chained to the ground and gravely injured, you’re pretty loud.”
“I’ll rip you from limb to limb.”
“Why don’t you get better first before we get there hmm?”
General Lilia Vanrouge screeched at you in the fae language, some of which you knew were curses. Ah yes, you can’t wait to make fun of your Lilia when you get back to your time. His cursing while playing video games had you easily recognizing some of them now.
Luckily for you and your ears, the General wore himself out. The wounds from the iron and those of the battles weakened him.
It didn’t help that he also had a fever as a result. You were put in this cell to help him recover. Humpty Dumpty- well, King Henrik, implied it was the least you could do.
A random human that was pick up by his men, who was using valuable resources that could go to his soldiers instead. Never mind the fact that you helped treat said soldiers and gather said resources.
The Knight of Dawn had clenched his fist, about to speak up on your behalf. But you simply grabbed his hand and shook your head. It wasn’t worth it. King Henrik would just make his life harder for talking back, and you didn’t want that. The Knight of Dawn dealt with enough, you didn’t want to add onto his troubles.
…But you also didn’t realize that meant staying locked up in this cell with General Lilia Vanrouge either.
The General wasn’t exactly happy when he first met you, and you couldn’t blame him. You just weren’t used to the open hatred from familiar eyes you would see everyday. Eyes that were always friendly to you, now burned you.
The first time you tried to provide him treatment, he had fought back until his wounds weakened him to an unconscious state. You had silently treated him then. Not a soul a witness to your tears.
As the weeks passed, the General gradually stopped fighting back, probably due to his weakening state…it didn’t shut his mouth though funny enough.
You were only let out for a change of clothes, a bath, a proper meal, and a bed to sleep in every few days. Even then, King Henrik made it seem as if that was too good for you.
You later found out it was due to the Knight of Dawn’s request that you were even allowed such accommodations. Your heart ached at the idea of what he must have gone through to get you this, as you knew King Henrik did not treat him well.
You breathed softly, you wished you could return home soon.
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You were dressing a wound on Lilia when you felt him stir.
You took a wet cloth and wiped his forehead.
He must be dreaming about his family.
You knew all would be well in the future, but that didn’t mean current events didn’t affect you.
It hurt you to see so many struggle in a useless war, due to greed from one man.
Lilia clutched at his stomach, his sharp claw like nails reopening the wounds you had painstakingly bandaged.
You quickly grabbed his hands and sucked in a breath of pain. His nails dug into your skin, drawing blood. His grip could break your bones to tiny, incomprehensible pieces, but you held on.
You knew he wanted to be free and return home, to protect his loved ones. You were determined to heal him for that very reason.
“Damn it Lilia Vanrouge! You will get through this! You have so much to look forward to. So many people who love you! Now, stop being a prick and let me go so I can treat you!”
Surprisingly, he let you go. You ignored your bleeding, aching hands in order to reseal his wound.
“…will you be in that future?”
You froze, turning and looking into feverish eyes.
General Lilia Vanrouge fell into a deep sleep for the next 10 days.
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You were returning to Lilia’s cell when a knife was held to your neck.
“Human, where is the fae you captured?”
Ah, it seems rescue finally arrived for Lilia. It took them long enough.
You looked up into hardened, familiar eyes. Baul Zigvolt would have been a sight for sore eyes if he didn’t, you know, have a knife to your throat.
“I would gladly show you if you take that knife away.”
“Besides, I was heading right in that direction. If you don’t want to be caught, you better hurry.”
You continued walking, listening to Baul grumble about frustrating humans. You couldn’t help the slight smile on your face as you remembered similar words said by his grandson.
You led Baul quickly and quietly to the cell that practically became a second home to you. No one in sight. You had noticed, unlike the men that the Knight of Dawn commanded, the men directly under King Henrik were…well, just like him: sleazy and lazy.
They let their guards down thinking The Right General of the Fae was too weak and couldn’t take any of them on. They even implied you were nothing but a sacrificial lamb should said Fae get angry, but of course, they would rescue you at a price.
It took you all you could not to spit in their faces or smash their heads on the wall. The self defense lessons Silver and Sebek taught you provided security that you would forever be grateful for.
It was due to this fatal thinking that Baul was able to infiltrate the base, as the men went to seek entertainment elsewhere.
When you arrived, you opened the cell door quietly so as to not hurt sensitive ears. The sun was high enough for the cell to be well lit.
You heard Baul hiss in anger before rushing to his general’s side. Lilia didn’t seem surprised to see him, telling you how he must have always known rescue would come for him.
“Careful! You’ll-”
Baul recoiled from the burns the iron chains struck at him.
“I tried to warn you.” You shook your head. You sat next to Lilia, taking his hand in yours. From the corner of your eye, you could see Baul tense but Lilia motioned for him to remain calm.
You picked at the lock. Another thing to be thankful for, your lock picking skills, which you learned quickly from days you were locked outside of Ramshackle Dorm because Grim forgot the key or the door just wouldn’t open.
“You got it in one go this time.”
“I told you I had surprises up my sleeves. I just needed the right tools.”
“Hmm, so you say.”
Baul looked at both of you as if you both at grown two heads each. Lilia noticed his look and waved towards his feet. Where chains that should have been locked were open.
“Any longer, Baul, and I would have rescued myself.”
Baul stammered before apologizing. You turned away to hide your smile.
Within moments, the atmosphere changed. General Lilia Vanrouge had to escape and return to his men.
“You have to leave. You need to return to your troops."
Lilia clenched his jaw, looking at you. You couldn't return with him; you both knew that. It didn't stop him from trying, but you shook your head before he could even open his mouth.
"I can't go with you."
A human amongst the fae would not last long, at least not now. There was too much hatred.
You took the cuffs that had been his tormentor for so long and locked them around your hands. You chose to ignore the angry growl Lilia tried to hide at the sight of the cuffs now imprisoning you.
"I'll make it look like you escaped, now go."
"They'll hurt you."
You shook your head.
"The Knight of Dawn would never let that happen."
He knew you were right. The Knight of Dawn had visited several times, helping you treat his wounds and restrain him when the fever would have him lash out at you.
The Knight of Dawn had honor, as a fellow general and soldier, Lilia respected him for it. Lilia pulled one of his magic stones off his belt before offering it to you.
"Take this. Smash it to the ground if you need help, I'll find you."
You agreed and watched the two soldiers turn to leave. General Lilia Vanrouge hesitated before speaking, "You told me you would be in my future."
"I will be."
"You better keep that promise, YN."
"I will."
General Lilia Vanrouge and Baul Zigvolt vanished from your sight.
I'll see you both soon.
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Part 3 (each part takes place after some time has passed) or can be read as a stand-alone.
Author’s Notes: I can’t believe this became a 1.5k fic, the way this bat fae drives me crazy. 😂💞🌺
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bedoballoons · 6 months
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Awe thank you!! I hope you're having a great night/day as well!! I've never written anything like this before so I hope you enjoy it!! Thank you for your request!!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️
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{༻~Hes mine~༺}
CW: Fem! Reader! Readers friend tries to sleep with character, reader is described as normally being sweet and kind, cursing and slight simping on the characters part for their possessive girlfriend~
(Includes: Lyney, Tighnari, Xiao, Wanderer, and Freminet!)
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"She doesn't have to know Lyney. It could just be our little secret~"
You felt your face heat up to your ears, anger spiking in your heart...you knew your best friend had their eyes on him for awhile now...but you never thought they'd actually try anything. You took a deep breath and threw open the door you'd been standing behind, making your friends almost jump out of their skin.
"Ah! H-hey bestie! How's it goin?"
You scowled at their voice, how dare they act like they hadn't been trying to get with Lyney just two seconds earlier. "How's it goin! IT WAS GOING REALLY NICE UNTIL YOU TRIED TO FUCK MY BOYFRIEND! HONESTLY ARE YOU SUCH A WHORE YOU HAVE TO TRY FOR EVERY GUY INCLUDING MINE?!?"
You stepped closer to them while Lyney shrunk back into the corner, his eyes wide with shock...and a light blush coating his cheeks. "Mon amou-"
"I...Im not a whore! You know if I had met him first, he would have picked me instead!"
"LEAVE RIGHT NOW. COME NEAR HIM AGAIN AND I WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU! GET OUT OF NY FACE AND SUCK SOME OTHER GUYS DICK!" You pointed to the exit, glaring at them as they ran out. It took a couple minutes for the room to settle, your heart pounding in your ears...when suddenly it dawned on you that you'd just acted like that...in front of Lyney. You turned to look him, surprised to see he was staring right back at you with this glazed over look, "Lyney...sorry you had to-"
"Do not apologise mon amour, just now I'm forever yours~"
"Tighnari, please. I promise I'll make it fun~"
You felt your heart sink, rage making your hands ball up into fists...you'd always been so nice to them, you considered them your best friend and the second your back was turned they stabbed you in it. You shook your head, pushing the door flat against the wall as the noise reverberated throughout the house, "Well, well, well, if iT ISNT THE ROYAL BACK STABBER THEMSELF. SORRY TO INTERRUPT YOUR LITTLE FLIRTING SESSION WITH MY BOYFRIEND! DID YOU REALLY THINK HED GO FOR YOU?!?"
You looked at them with a glint in your eyes that could send people scrambling for safety, unaware that Tighnari was right behind you...watching you with his tail wagging aggressively behind him.
"You weren't supposed to find out! It's not my fault you walked in! And yeah, he could have gone for me! Do you see how you're acting right now friend!"
You felt tears well up in your eyes as they slowly walked away from you...all those memories down the drain...and Tighnari not far away probably considering you a horrible person by now. "Tigh-"
"I love you too."
"I- what..."
"I. Love. You. Too. More then I think I can really express..."
"Awe Xiao, don't just say no right away, I have so many things to offer. I can show you everything she couldn't even think of~"
You slumped against the wall, feeling like you were about to throw up...of all the things you expected to hear as you walked up to your date with your boyfriend...your best friend asking to sleep with him wasn't one of them. It was like being punched in the gut..., "Wow..didn't even wait to make sure I wasn't around huh..."
You could hear your friend gasp, their demeanor instantly changing, "I-i don't know what you're talking about. I w-wasn't doing anything. Isn't that right Xiao? It just sounded bad!" You pulled yourself away from the wall, your anger bubbling inside of you as you looked at Xiao. He seemed surprised for some reason and it only egged you on, "Well Xiao?"
"They were trying to get me to break my loyalty to you. I would never fall for such things though. My desires are for you only."
You smiled evilly at your friend as the shouted at him, "Well look at that. I only have a few things to say to you. TAKE YOUR HORNY ASS BACK TO THE WHORE HOUSE AND LOOK FOR SOME HOOKER LOW LIFE INSTEAD. HE'S MINE AND EVEN IF HE WASN'T, HE'D NEVER FALL FOR YOU UGLY SELF! GO! NOW!" If steam could shoot out of your ears it would have. You could forgive so many things, but that wasn't one of them.
"I...fine! I never liked you anyway!"
They ran out the door, leaving you feeling like you needed to punch the wall..., "How did I ever become friends with them....Xiao you oka- mph!" You blushed madly as he interrupted you with a kiss. His lips meeting yours as he pulled you close to him, you could feel his heart racing and the warmth radiating off of him. He wouldn't even let you pull away till you were gasping for air, "X-xiao?"
"I don't really understand this feeling...but I liked seeing you fight for me. It made me want to kiss you..."
"I could turn you into my own little brat baby boy, don't you want that~"
It felt like a switch flipped in your mind as those words left your friends mouth...your normally nice sweet personality gone cold and bitter. To think you'd taken the chance to friend this person..."Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the only one who can call him that is me. In fact, pretty sure since he's MY boyfriend you shouldn't even be trying to fuck him. That just isn't who you are is it."
"I wasn't going to-"
"Wanderer, hush." You stared daggers at your ex friend as they backed towards the exit, their hands shaking with fear. "Trembling are you? IS IT CAUSE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN ME ANGRY? CAUSE HONESTLY, IVE NEVER FELT THIS MUCH RAGE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE SO CONGRATULATIONS FOR FINDING A WAY TO PISS ME OFF THAT BADLY. FUCK YOU!"
"Look just calm down, he said no anyway alright. I was just kidding! If I wanted to fuck him I would have by now!"
They slipped outside, leaving you alone with your breathing uneven and your face bright red. You were never one for yelling or cursing and in seconds someone you called a friend changed that...
"That was hot."
Your eyes shot open as you spun around. Wanderer was leaning against the wall, smirking at you under the brim of his hat, "I never would have guess my girlfriend could get so nasty. I'll only say this once, but I like seeing you loose your shit. Kinda a turn on~"
"Don't worry, I like when guys are shy in bed and she will never find out~"
"I-i said no. Leave me alone."
You bit your lip, listening to the fear in Freminets voice...the flirty tone in your friends. It was like some type of twisted joke, the ones that make your skin crawl...not only were they hurting you even though your were their best friend, but going after a taken guy who wasn't the best at defending himself in social altercations...that was a whole different kind of low.
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"You should probably take the hint. He said no. That means no. He's not a cheater and he doesn't want you." You revealed yourself from your hiding spot, taking satisfaction in the suprise painted on your friends features. Did they really think they were going to get away with it...did they really think he'd sleep with them?
"How long have you been there?!"
"Long enough to see who you really are and I hope I never have to again. Neither of us want anything to do with you now. Take fucking flirty words and advances and go find someone just as terrible as you to sleep with instead!" You threw their bag at them, standing in front of Freminet protectively as they glared at you.
"It's fine, I didn't really want him anyway! You two can keep eachother!"
You watched them leave, your body shaking with anger..."How fucking dare they..."
"A-are you okay?"
You looked at Freminet, shocked to see him staring back at you with a blush that matched your own...he couldn't look at you in the eye..."Yes I'm alright...are you?"
"I-im better then alright. I feel very w-warm. Thank you for defending me...but even if you hadn't shown up, I never would have been with them. I...I only like you."
"I only like you too Freminet."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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schoenht · 2 years
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j. viper x reader smau
synopsis: y/n was shoved into a world where they would have to play the therapist. but when someone adamantly refuses to be helped, even while being friends, the only question that remains is why? the best way to find the reason is to look for it, all while harboring a secret crush on both ends.
genre: smau, slowburn, idiots to lovers (idiots in the sense that neither believes their own feelings are there), angst, crack, fluff.
warnings: a lot of cursing.
note: listen. there are no jamil smaus and i decided to make one myself. also there are many chapters bc it forces me to actually do a slowburn so LMAOOOO yay! tbh though, do not be surprised if i delete some chapters in case it feels like i have nothing to write for that chapter. COMPLETED!
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the fish mafia | scarabia's best (worst) residents
act one.
i. azul's mom has got it going on
ii. ace, actually die
iii. spare dabloons?
iv. mr worldwide becomes mr universe
v. you wanna kiss me so bad
vi. cry about it
vii. alvin and the chipmunks from walmart
viii. the spelling b(itch)
vix. charles' angeles
x. australia called, they want floyd back
xi. your zodiac element: hurricane
xii. no wifi
xiii. beat his ass, bro!
xiv. dude he's got some pretty eyes
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act two.
xv. punch the crow shaped piñata
xvi. neige leblanche >:(
xvii. auditions
xviii. rook needs to stop
xix. rehearsals pt. 1
xx. y/n's future as a sports announcer
xxi. vocaloid era
xxii. play mamma mia by abba
xxiii. heart eyes
xxiv. maybe the real bad place...
xxv. ...was the friends we made all along
xxvi. who is u?
xxvii. the punching of the pretty boy
xxviii. 50k enemies to lovers hurt to comfort angst
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act three.
xxix. pinkity drinkity
xxx. are you lost babykrill
xxxi. little einsteins
xxxii. gatekeep the gatekeeping
xxxiii. humpty dumpty's biggest mistake
xxxiv. shakespeare monologue, go
xxxv. a little fixer upper
xxxvi. the Date(tm) ✎
xxxvii. rewind, restart
xxxviii. there is no answer
xxxix. but y/n is the answer
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xl. the wave returns to the ocean
xli. epilogue
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aae-tuu · 10 months
POV: They’re transformed into Humpty Dumpty because of a curse technique🥚
Ft: G. Satoru & G.Suguru (except I have a favorite) (fluff, crack, gn!reader)
Also: I think I should clarify all the POV’s/headcanons I’ve written so far are about teenage SatoSugu because I refuse to acknowledge that they grew up apart and not together
Also also: Don’t worry about the logistics of this cursed technique just roll with it haha
Gojo Satoru:
Locks himself in his room and refuses to leave
You have to pry open the door because he literally put 9183918492001 locks on his door and he keeps shouting at you to leave him alone
Once you break in he’s all bundled up in blankets upon blankets but you notice the shape is strange so you pull them all off at once
And once you do
You drop the blankets in shock
He literally looks like 🥚☹️
It takes a while to coax him out of his room but once he does he will waddle after you
You have to make sure you’re keeping an eye on him because he’s now super delicate and if he trips and falls
The Gojo bloodline will end with him
He’s not use to being so…breakable so it’s hard for him to accept he’ll be in this state for a while
If he gets annoying threaten to make an omelette out of him and it should shut him up
On the plus side
Once he discovers the uses of his new body he’ll get excited
Tried to use his technique to see if it still works and he almost blew himself up
Pranks people (“OH NOOO MY SHELLS BEEN CRACKED” he shouts as he lays on the ground with ketchup on him), hides in bushes to scare little kids then waddles before the parents can see him, once followed Nanami around and made him question if he was going crazy as he stared behind Haibara to see an egg that looked strangely similar to Gojo staring back at him like 🥚😈
(When Haibara turned around there was nothing there and Nanami insists that he is not going crazy and an egg has been following them)
Geto Suguru:
Sulks on a couch for a while
You know that Shinji meme?
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sorta since he can’t exactly bend all the way but close enough ig
When you approach he tries to comfort you??? even though he’s the egg???
Sit with him while he adjusts to his new body and he’ll slightly feel better
Very careful when he walks cause he doesn’t want to lose balance and topple over
Will grab onto your arm which would be hot under different circumstances to keep steady when he feels nervous
Will actually follow you everywhere you go because he doesn’t want to be left alone while being an egg
Almost everywhere
He’s a little skeptical about using his technique after his transformation but he wants to see if he can still summon curses
At the end decides not to because he doesn’t want to risk being eaten
Go ahead and tease him a little
Walk slightly faster than him while he follows you and just watch him waddle after you at the best of his ability without falling
Laugh all you want and he’ll still smile at you
(He’ll get you back once he’s back to his original self just you wait Y/N)
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rowanrowlandridley · 3 months
Haii!! :3
Do you have any headcanons or stuff like that for your Deathboots beauty and the beast au?? :3
Hiii~ I almost forgot that au omg ahjajdj
Well, let's see 👀
Death isn't under a magic spell/curse actually, he is just that way (a wolf) and is super grumpy and angry and all that, but he deep inside of his heart he's kind.
He let Perrito live with him because our little fellow almost d*ie drowned in a lake, and Death saved him. He also let Kitty stayed when she arrived wounded when she left her home when her former family cut off her claws.
Puss lives with Dulcinea and Humpty Dumpty in San Ricardo, the little town next to Death's castle (?) They were raised as siblings and care a lot for each other (even when Humpty says or does weird things)
The other people of San Ricardo thinks about them as freaks, not a bunch of fans if you ask them, but they (puss, dulci and Humpty doesn't care at all.
Dulcinea helps with the orphanage, and she's constantly traveling to different towns or cities to get things to help the children. One day she has an accident and was chased by wild wolves and ended up in Death's castle.
Death is constantly visited by the Blue Fairy, who thinks that death should change his manners and his way to be with others, she as well as Perrito thinks that death is actually a good person, and she gives him a magic rose to keep in his garden just to make it look pretty. Dulcinea wanted one of the roses but death gone mad when he caught her picking one.
And well, they're not headcanons or so, but anyway ajsjs.
Maybe I'll draw a little more of that au when I have free time 🙌
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shot in the dark neverafter predictions:
Lou has a secret tragic backstory that doesn't get revealed till the end of episode two
a deal is made with a witch
Zac incites the first pvp violence
a pc dies, but the party tries to resurrect them instead of immediately rerolling a new sheet
Goldilocks is a karen
the gang fails to recruit an army of rodents
a running theme is why we tell stories and the propagandistic morality of fairy tales
Brennan kills an innocent woodland creature to demonstrate the rules of an area
a mirror plays a prominent role in episode 11
the dome’s lights go out at one point for an effect Lou immediately curses out
someone makes an intimidation roll on flora
Emily befriends an early horror and utilizes it in the last combat
Murph's frog dies episode 1 but returns in the penultimate episode
Siobhan leaves the party on a solo mish
there's a combat that takes place halfway in a dream and halfway awake
there’s a combat with weaponized aging
there’s a combat inside a giant’s corpse
someone gets poisoned right before having to roll initiative
Rick Perry builds a minor jump scare into a set
the cast goes silent during box of doom rolls
Emily figures out a fairy tale reference full hours before Brennan intended anyone to
Ally finds a way to reference the invasion of Ukraine
two pcs get fused together
I cry when Emily cries
the royal guard is helping fund some horror because it keeps the lower classes in fear
Siobhan adopts an NPC
Humpty Dumpty shows up and is hard to look at
some other nursery rhyme shows up, someone argues it’s not a fairy tale
Lou sings a line of Into the Woods
Ally rolls a nat 20 on a death save
capitalism is bad
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alexfromjersey · 10 months
CHAPTER I: pogue lif3
warnings: smut (18+) and mature language
a/n: 2.0K words
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"We're the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time" - John B.
Seven Peterkin stared up at the sunset sky with her hands interlocked behind her head. Her sneakered covered feet were dangling from the scaffolding she was laying down on. The brown-skinned girl was sitting next to JJ or Thing One as she liked to call him. The clouds caught her attention and the longer she stared at them, the more they began to take shape into random things.
Oh, that looks like a bunny.
"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival"
Seven turned her head to the left to see John B trying to balance on the edge of the roof he was on.
"Triple dog dare you to jump for shits and giggles" the teenager challenged and turned her head to the boy.
"Hmm" John B sucked his pointer finger and lifted it to the wind playfully, "should I do it?"
"Yeah, you should jump" Pope dared the adventurous boy while pointing a nail gun at him. "I'll shoot you on the way down."
Seven shook her head at her friends with a smile on her face. The girl then sat up and climbed down the scaffolding. The curly afro haired girl leaned against one of the work benches. She then pulled out her cracked phone. A smirk appeared on her face when she saw a text message from a hook up of hers, Janet.
They met a street race last week when Seven dusted any and everyone that stepped to her. Janet approached her and the two engaged in a light hearted conversation before it started getting sexual. Long story short, they hooked up in the back of her Kia Soul and have been hooking up every other day after that.
"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers" Kiara ranted while walking out of the unfinished home. Seven was too in-grossed in her phone to notice her female best friend glance at her.
"Of course. Why wouldn't they?" JJ chimed in and took another sip of his beer.
"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles. I guess?" Kiara mocked. She took her eyes off Seven's distracted figure and they landed on John B, "Can you please not kill yourself?"
"Do it! I want the Chateau" Seven joked. Kiara playfully glared at the girl.
"Don't spill that beer, I'm not giving you another one" JJ warned the adventurous boy. Seven then locked her phone and slid it back into her black Nike shorts pocket. The teenager watched as John B continues to balance on the edge of the roof on one foot. But the wind picked up slightly which made him stumble and drop his beer.
"Oh, shit" John B cursed as the beer smacked on the deck spilling the liquid everywhere. Seven snorted at the idiot teenager.
"Of course, you did like right when I told you not to"
Pope looked on the side of the house when he heard a car door slam shut, "hey, uh, security's here. Let's wrap it up" He urged the group.
"Boys are early today," John B said and climbed down the scaffolding.
"Humpty dumpty, let's roll" JJ shouted.
Deciding that she wanted to taunt the security guards, she leaned over the railing.
"Mi hombre Gary, ¿cómo estás?" Seven taunted the frustrated security guard.
"SEVEN! STOP TESTING ME" Gary yelled. Seven snickered before Pope pulled her away from the railing before she could taunt Gary more.
"Come on, you rebel," Pope said.
The five best friends all flooded into the unfinished house running and laughing. Excitement was oozing out of Seven and she cheered with the rest of them following. JJ took them down to the ground level where they all separated . JJ banked to the left with Seven following and he was about to run right into Gary's hand but Seven pushed him out of the way and she spun around the heated security guard.
"Classic spin move, my guy" Seven laughed and continued running from the security guards. She caught up to JJ and Pope. JJ made it over the fence while Pope fell flat onto his face.
"Come on Pope! Gary, the Grinch is coming!" Seven said as she jumped over the fence and helped Pope to his feet.
"Hey! Come here, you little pricks!" They heard as they ran as fast they could to John B's van that just pulled up. Pope and Seven hopped in the van and John B skidded off.
"Hey, check out Gary gunning for a raise" Pope laughed as he pointed to Gary chasing after John B's van. JJ grabbed a can of beer and leaned out of the van.
"Slow down John B" Seven smiled.
"Stop it guys you're gonna give him a heart attack" Kiara laughed.
"Come on Gary! You're so close! You can do it" JJ taunted the out-of-breath security guard. He then tossed the unopened beer can in the air. "There you go," JJ laughed. Gary ends up shielding his head from the beer can which slowed him down. "They don't pay you enough bro."
Kiara pulled JJ into the van trying her best not to laugh at her stupid friend. "JJ stop," She said.
"Oh come on, that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished" JJ chuckled.
The five teens continued laughing and making jokes amongst themselves. They all were having a good time together like usual. Seven loved being with her friends. It was the thing she missed most when she was away in juvie on the mainland. She was alone and didn't have anyone there. She loved getting into trouble with them, she loved the thrill of it. She couldn't exactly explain why she loved the excitement of trouble but she did.
"Mmhm Sev" Janet's moans were silenced by Seven's skillful tongue entering her mouth. Janet started rocking her hips back and forth faster which makes Seven's hands grip them tighter. The soft sound of The Weekend's voice filled the car but it was being overpowered by the increasing moans spewing out of Janet's mouth.
Her pace sped up more as one hand gripped the back of Seven's neck and the other hand is pressed against the window. Seven felt her stomach tighten letting the curly-haired girl she was close to releasing. She also knew Janet was close by the way she tighten around her and her mouth dropped open.
"Oh my god...Seven!" Janet gasped and her movements stilled as her warm liquid coated Seven's length. Meanwhile, Seven let out a hiss as she released into the condom. The duo stayed in this position for a few moments to calm down before Janet climbed off her the brown skinned girl. Seven raised her eyebrow as she noticed Janet getting clothed at a fast pace.
"What's the rush energizer bunny? We still got like two hours til I have to take you back home. I was thinking we can grab some food from The Wreck and sit at-"
"Yeah, I can't. Not tonight Seven" Janet interrupted the girl.
"Okay...well maybe one of these days I can take you out. Like on an actual date" Seven proposed. This made Janet stop in her tracks and looked at Seven who had a hopeful expression on her face.
Janet sighed, "Sev..."
The hopeful expression disappeared on Seven's face when she noticed Janet's hesitation.
"Oh...I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward" Seven apologized.
"No, no...listen I'm not the type of person to be in a relationship. Every one that I've ever been in I always screw it up by either cheating or neglecting the relationship. I don't want to hurt you, you've been through. You're a nice person and I don't want to hurt you by breaking your heart," Janet explained.
"I've had my heart broken numerous times" Seven chuckled. "But...I can't help but respect you in telling me how you feel instead of stringing me along. I appreciate it."
Janet smiled, "of course. It's time I matured."
Seven chuckled at the girl before she fixed herself up while Janet drove to the Chateaü. Janet lived literally on the border between the Kook and Pogue sides of the island. She didn't claim either side which kinda drew Seven to the girl. She was just there, living life and being a teenager.
The pair quickly approached Seven's destination. She could see JJ, John B, Kiara, and Pope all sitting around a campfire engaged in conversations. The friends looked up at the approaching vehicle with curious eyes before Seven stepped out. The four watched Seven say something to Janet that made her burst out laughing before giving her the middle finger.
Seven laughed before walking to her friends. The boys had smirks on their faces but Kiara had a jealous smile on hers.
"So you ditch us to go touch genitals with Janet Mosses, that's cold blooded" John B joked.
"You haven't been here for a full month yet and you're already getting laid. Tell me your secret" JJ stated before getting close to Seven.
Seven pushed the blonde haired boy away, "Go to juvie. The girls love a jail story."
"By girls you mean desperate hoes that want attention" Kiara muttered.
"Attention that is solely focused on me. Excuse me if I take advantage of it...with consent. Consent is key. Consent is sexy" Seven emphasized. The boys nodded at her words.
"So it doesn't bother you when girls only want you because you went to juvie?" Kiara questioned.
Seven and the boys looked at each other highly confused to where the hostility Kiara has came from. She noticed the way they all looked at each other before she cleared her throat.
"I'm just trying to look out for you. I know how girls can get and how mean they can be. I just don't want to see you hurt...any of you" Kiara confessed.
Seven threw her arm around Kiara's shoulder and brought her close, "I appreciate it sweets."
Kiara rolled her eyes with a smile at the nickname and pushed Seven away. The curly afro girl looked at the boys with a knowing smirk.
"Attention poguies...we have a warrant for the dunking of Miss Kiara Carrera. In t-minus 30 seconds she will be meeting the local swap." Seven said in a sailor voice.
"NO! Absolutely not!" Kiara yelled and tried to run away from Seven and the boys. But Pope caught her before she can run, he went through all her pockets to take out any valuables.
They all took flying flaying body part and sped walk to the end of the dock. They counted down and swung Kiara into the water.
"SEV! I'm going to kill you!" Kiara screamed as soon as she came up from underwater.
Seven laughed, "I'm sorry it was too perfect to miss that opportunity."
"Can one of you at least help me up?" Kiara asked.
"Alright, alright I'll help you up" John B volunteered. He stuck his hand out for her to grab but she pulled him down the second she grabbed it.
The remaining pogues in the dock all burst out laughing at John B.
"How did you not see that coming?" JJ laughed.
"Yeah it's like you asked-" Pope was cut off by a hard push into the water. Seven was stood behind him waiting for the opportunity.
"Y'all are dumb" Seven laughed. She looked at JJ who looked at her.
"Backflip cannonball?" Seven asked.
"Dude, you didn't have to ask" JJ replied.
For the rest of the day, the five best friends were together. They ate dinner, courtesy of Kie again, and they watched movies until Pope, Sev, and Kiara had to leave for the night.
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mirrormazeworld · 1 year
TWST Theory : Grim The Jabberwocky-Deep Analysis Based on Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass
I was talking about Yuu, today I'm going to talk about the other Ramshackle dorm resident who's going to overblot in the future, our cute furbaby Grim.
In chapter 6 Idia did a research on Grim and this is one of Grim's test result :
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People assumed that Grim is Cerberus, the keeper of underworld. But when you look at him Grim is more of a cat beast rather than dog beast. But there's other possibility what Grim might be. We know that Grim is combination of beast and animal so I'm going to break it down and explain his animal part and his beast part one by one.
-Grim's Animal Part : Alice's Black Cat-
Had it crossed your mind why Grim is a cat and not any other animal? If it's true that Twisted Wonderland and Ramshackle dorm is based on Through The Looking Glass, that's because Grim is most likely based on Alice's black cat from said book by Lewis Carroll.
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In the future, it's Grim who's going to overblot, which means he is the "main villain" from Ramshackle just like Malleus from Diasomnia because he represents Maleficent. But why I said Grim is Alice's black cat? Because that black cat is "The Red Queen", who is the final "villain" of Through The Looking Glass.
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Alice goes back to her original world after she shakes Red Queen which turns out to be her black cat, which also means she needs to "defeat" the Red Queen (her black cat) to return back to her original world. Probably similar with Yuu who need to defeat Grim to go home.
-Grim's Beast Part : Jabberwocky-
What is Jabberwocky? Jabberwocky is a poem Alice found when she enters the mirror world. It's a poem that's written in backwards, therefore she would need a mirror to read it from its reflection. It's also the first poem and is also at the very first page of Through The Looking Glass book by Lewis Carroll before the story begins.
Who did we meet first right after we enter the Dark Mirror after we were guided by Crowley's voice? That's right, it's overblot Grim.
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Jabberwocky is a nonsense poem about a heroic boy slaying a creature named Jabberwock. It's made of 'portmanteaus' : a word made up of other words. The new word can be derived from usual english word or the combination of two words. Just like chimera, which is a single organism that's made up of cells from two or more "individuals". Which explains why overblot Grim is a chimera.
When Alice found the poem, she didn't know the meaning of those portmanteaus, but in the book, Carroll had Humpty Dumpty explain it to her. But right now I'll explain some of those portmanteaus based on what Lewis Carroll said himself. Below are some examples of the portmanteaus and their meanings :
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From JP fandom side, someone made a theory that Overblot Grim is the combination of all 7 dorms. And we can see that here.
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If you look closely, Jabberwocky consists of seven quatrains. How many official dorms in NRC and how many students are overblotting? That's right, it's seven.
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Some also said that Grim has something to do with the time loop. Jabberwocky has a rhyme scheme of (ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH IJIJ KLKL ABAB)
Notice how the rhyme repeats at the first and final stanzas? And the two quatrains of the first and the last are mirror images to one another. Moreover, Jabberwocky can be seen as an inverse mirror image of itself through it's distinguishable beginning and ending. Pretty much like how the time loop is, going back from the final to the beginning.
Additional (after thoughts) :
This is purely just my assumption and I don't have any evidence of it, but I have a feeling that Grim is the cause of why there's something called blot.
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In chapter 6, Idia wasn't so sure about Grim's amount of blot, that's because someone was casting a 1000 year old primitive, ancient magic on Grim to cleanse blot, pretty much like the curse in Idia's family, which is a curse from "The Age of Gods" (and Idia said he could only examine the outer layer of it, since there are many ancient magic on Grim that even with S.T.Y.X super computer it will need 100 years to finish it)
From chapter 6, it's hinted that Idia captured the overblotting NRC students because of an anonymous request from someone.
And suspiciously (again) Crowley seems to know something about Grim...
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