#The Giant Cannibal Demon
voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
Just read the blog banner and description. I'll use this pinned post as a list of my OCs.
Jax and perhaps Springtime, you both know the rules I put for asks. And if you don't, reread the rules on @the-cookies-of-darkness blog.
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Even more OC tags
OC List under cut
Expo, a Sphinx Cat that is half void, and is extremely powerful because of that. He's a bit witty but all-in-all loves adventuring. Lost his mom soon after his birth and his father died in The Great Void War.
Luna The Werewolf Queen. She's a werewolf queen and can command werewolves. She, unlike other werewolves, is not weak to sliver. You'll find her backstory depressing, but I'm keeping a little mystery for now. She typically wears a special gold necklace that keeps her in a between-form. She just looks like a white wolf but her front paws are hand shaped. She's a bit self-conscious about her full werewolf form and doesn't go into it unless necessary. Yes, in the between-form she walks on all 4s.
Vinnie the Velociraptor. He's a Velociraptor from the dream realm and can enter others dreamrelms while they're asleep. He's kinda dumb but in a funny way, though he takes his 'job' to save others from nightmare seriously. He miraculously came from the dream realm of Sky The Cloud Warrior, in which in the realm he though Sky died and had a whole existential crisis when he became real.
Nameless, he does not know exactly what he is, even his own name was a bit of a misunderstanding but he kept it anyways. He stays around special rainbow crystals that keep him 'powered up', though he can still make more if given the energy. Here's some art of him by @maskoni-five. He's basepart wolf, has owl wings, aardvark claws in front, basilisk legs in back, a camel hump, and the venomous bite of a gila monster. His favorite food is eggs.
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He dislikes being called rat-like, especially while being AT LEAST the size of a Great Dane. In reality, he's a Demigod, the son of a god of nature from a different planet. Rumors spread that the new baby demigod had a key to immortality, so he was kidnapped. His dad wasn't too happy, so his papa cursed the species that kidnapped his son with immortality without any of the benefits(As in you literally cannot die but your body can't keep up forever), and for his safety sent Nameless off world with a protection boon so his true backstory would be near impossible to find out even from other godly beings. This, somewhat unfortunately, lead to Nameless not exactly knowing much about his own backstory and having large gaps in his memory. He got his name because for some official IDs that were made for him, a rather tired worker asked him for his name, and he said "I'm nameless...", which led to his name being named Nameless. He finds it funny and has gotten too used to it to get a 'real' name. He specializes in nature control and healing magic. The rainbow crystals are basically generators for his power, which he got from his mother's side. With enough energy, he can make more rainbow crystals, but prefers to just use the ones he already made. He can also use his power directly through the rainbow crystals, which makes it stronger.
Blacky The Void Demon. He's not exactly a "demon", demon is just the void's word for powerful, like the void's word for the world outside the void is "Osega". He has a pet Shadow Beast named Beastie. He also has a complex backstory, involving him loving somebody who his dad did not allow and (his dad)causing The Great Void War. He left out of hatered of his dad and gained enough power to be able to survive the osega without having to possess anyone, granting him rank of Void Demon. He'd be willing to share his knowledge about what lives in the void. Here's his ref.
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Fiqunzur: A full on species of mythical bests I have made. They can shapeshift and fit through even the tightest of gaps, and have the magpie's tendency to just take anything shiny or that they find neat. I'll likely be using Fritz and his two kids, Atsen(male) and Zemryu(female). Fritz's partner was murdered by the superstitious folk, but his kids don't know that. Here's what they looks like typically
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(Yes, my pfp is Blacky petting one)
Shadow Beasts. I've already introduced the jist of them on @the-cookies-of-darkness but I'm thinking of moving Raider, Silho, and Buddy here. They're shadowy lions, basically, though their temperament changes on how they grow up. Without supervision (or supervision of ferals), they grow up a feral apex predator. When treated like a person, they grow up acting like a person and are capable of speech, though still stand on all 4s(Raider, Silho, and Buddy as examples). And when treated like a pet, they'll act like a mix of a cat and a dog, Beastie being an example of this. They're weak to attacks of "pure light". Which they describe as "something you can see that does not cast a shadow". AKA mostly just fire. Their scratches typically leave permanent black marks, and when one dies they are reborn. Though they can still have the more 'traditional' kids way. They're all one gender but it still takes two. The ferals have been known for taking over universes.
Sola and Quasar are two space-patterned technically aliens. Sola looks like a and is about the size of a Songbird, while Quasar is a large and powerful-looking dragon. The two are in love. They refuge in this galaxy to hide from a Tyrant in their home one. Quasar, despite looking powerful, the most power he has is the strength due to his size, the typical dragon fire-breath (but, ya'know, at will), and technically being able to move at Faster Than Light speeds, but he's actually a big softie who loves to make cookies(for eating, which might cause awkwardice when confronting cookie run characters.) Sola is a bit more willing to talk about the tyrant dictator of their home multiverse, but is clearly still scared to talk about them. She's a bit more introverted and only really feels comfortable around Quasar. She's prone to nightmares.
Sybeny, said Tyrant Dictator. I do not intend for her to show up yet, but I am at least writing her name down. The warning I have: Do not let her cuteness fool you. That's exactly how she gets you.
Cannibal, one of my Just Shape and Beats OCs. His home world's treeangle had a star on top that often kept our cannibalistic friend fed, but after a lot of trouble and the world starting to fade, he and 2 remaining others had to leave. Will Of Fire (will be referred to as "Will") made the mech and infused his soul into it, giving the mech his ability to make golden fire that has like a midus touch effect. However, it did not have enough time to charge with solar power, so Cannibal grabbed his other remaining friend Fusion, who was already in a comatose state, and put him into the backup power source spot and managed to flee the world before it faded. Fusion will ne near impossible to wake up again unless another star-topped treeangle is found, Will's soul does have some mild influence in the mech, but Cannibal is the main guy controlling it. He controls it all from the head portion like that scene in Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 where Berry controls the sentinel of safety suit. He can leave the suit if he wants, but usually only opens the visor to eat, and only ever leaves to go to the bathroom. But here's a ref of him outside the humanoid mech suit! Due to not having a star treeangle piece to keep giving him the required food he needs, he usually eats cacti as it's the closest to what he could eat in home world that lives up to his cannibalistic instincts(as long as it works to keep him from self-cannibalism, that's what he's concerned about). He is not corrupted, he is just naturally pink.
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Fusion, another Just Shapes and Beats OC. When not able to be powered by a treeangle, Fusion will be in a comatose ball form that's all rainbow-y that constantly leaks energy. When powered by a treeangle, Fusion is a force to be reckoned with. With powers from each boss from Just Shapes and Beats with looks to boot, he is essentially a demigod. He takes his job to protect the innocent very seriously. Sometimes even too seriously. Threaten anyone he deems innocent, you're in for a bad time. If he's in a good mood, you'll likely just be punted. In a bad mood? Better start praying to what gods you believe in. His favorite attack is lasers, which he, like annihilate, can shoot from his mouth. He can also summon things like sawblades and scythes, fire and spider webbing. Arms can also detach and regrow like Blixer/Fresh/whatever you call the main boss guy.
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Quinton the Hydra. Good friend of Luna's, ended up in a minecraft world that's basically single-biome of cherry grove. So has gotten used to eating cherries, pigs, and sheep. Ironically, when I first made him I imaged him looking like the hydra from minecraft's Twilight Forest mod. He's kinda goofy, with his center head being in control, and the other heads tend to not exactly care, which leads him to limp now-and-then when the other heads are lazy and sleeping. He does take his job as a guardian seriously, however. He's covered in scars, though at least it seems people are smart enough to not cut any of his heads off. He calls his other heads Lefty and Righty
Swifty the Jagfox. She lives in the trees and is very quick in them, that's even how she got her name! And her jaguar spots help her camouflage. Was also in the cherry grove world. She tries to be friendly, but sometimes her hunting instincts take over. (Drawing was made when I was still, like, a freshman in highschool and was starting to get into drawing, so don't judge how bad it is :b)
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Silver the Giant Snake. She's an albino Burmese Python who is slightly bigger than a Reticulated Python. She's sometimes seen like the mom of the group, she's kind and caring, but can do the 'I'm not mad I'm disappointed' attitude. Sadly and ironically, she's infertile. She did take care of a baby turtle named Ellipse for a while before the shadow beast invasion, in which Ellipse was killed in front of her, which has caused her to be a little more depressed. Ellipse was friends with Swifty. She ended up in the Cherry Grove world
Firefly. A Windchime Squid from The Void. Ended up in the Osega when Void Cookie (from @the-cookies-of-darkness) had a power surge. He and Stinger both now control a body made out of scrap coredroid parts with a void-infused core. He controls the upper body. He uses fancier words and is quite smart, and often instructs Stinger where to go. He takes responsivity cleaning up most of the void-related messes
Stinger. A Monstera-Mimic The Void. Ended up in the Osega when Void Cookie (from @the-cookies-of-darkness) had a power surge. He and Firefly now control a body made out of scrap coredroid parts with a void-infused core. He controls the lower body. As a predator species from The Void, he's more physically strong than smart. While he often now listens to Firefly, his predator instincts will sometimes get the better of him and he starts using his thousands of microscopic stingers to consume sugars of those he gets close enough to. While Firefly insists they flee most squabbles, Stinger prefers to try to fight anyone off.
Notebuster. A Superhero on basically the other side of the world or at the very least a different country from where most of the OCs hang out. He's a superhero there with superpowers that relate to music! But he's also half-void on his mom's side, so he also has void powers like Expo! Just slightly ones, at the very least by color. He is somewhat ironically a cousin of a famous (in the towns nearby at least, anyone who knows void people would hate him) void demon hunter and killer named Oggy Budderhorn (who has since died and has a memorial). He wears a cyan suit with a screen, speaker, and special fingertips that allows him to control music in a way to create attacks.
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Rzore. Notebuster's mother. She's one of the last surviving members of the pink tribe that was wiped out in The Great Void War. She wasn't aware the war ever happened, and had been in hiding in the Osega for a few hundred years before finally having a child. She became a Void Demon through mostly determination, rather than killing fake people in a fake world like Blacky did. As for why? She found the Osega much more interesting than the void.
MINOR (for now) OCS:
Sky The Cloud Warrior. I do not intent on having him be very relevant other than being Vinnie's 'dad'. He's retired and loves pizza parties, though he gets his nickname "The Cloud Warrior" for a good reason. He lives on the top of a mountain. Here's a ref with a little bit of info on it(Via a very inexperienced OC maker past me). The clouds he makes are always the perfect comfortable temperature and he can choose whether or not they're tangible.
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Plobettba(Goes by "Plob" for short). I don't intend for her to actually show up in a long time, but she will be mentioned by Expo and the others. She's a cyborg dragon with the ability to melt planets, and only the metal on her could resist such high temperatures. She's killed her maker, Snatg(which is a shorting of "Snatgbbgu"(back when I was obsessed with Rot13 names lol), he was a mix of an Okapi and a Rhino, and is a more horrible and powerful tyrant than Sydeny could ever dream to be.), and has the source of his power on her. She's currently residing in the center of a star about a thousand lightyears away in hypersleep mode, and has connections to Expo if she wakes up and wants to talk, or if something goes horribly, horribly wrong to the point she can't handle it alone.
Qwarkon, The Blood Moon's Ghost. He's a weather elemental that looks ghost-like, though he can only seem to charge up his powers at night when the moon is out, and when he charges up, anyone nearby sees the moon turn to look like a blood moon. So he kinda typically stays away from the crowd and usually can't get himself the confidence to start a conversation.
Fred. He's just a grouchy scrooge Komodo Dragon who would kill just for peace and quiet.
These four. Not adding as much info as I've already shared it all in DMs with Jax and I'm pretty sure it's just me and him on this blog lol
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Phantasma the Ghost. He's a humanoid wolf-panther mix who is, of course, a ghost. His tail is completely clipped off and he has no idea what happened to it. He's a quiet guy who enjoys the little things. His favorite thing to do is watch Fireflies, which he hadn't done in a long time due to first being stuck underground and then being stuck in the cherry grove world (even if Minecraft added Fireflies, they would've only been in swamps). He is lacking a good chunk of his memories, and only remembers that he died due to his best friend betraying him and thus doesn't trust easily.
adding the mutants to the more OC Tags post
Desmond the Phantom Witch. He's a Phantom from Minecraft mixed with a Witch(which makes him humanoid). He makes potions for a 'living' and is always trying to find new things to use to make them. Being a phantom, however, he sometimes has a hard time controlling himself when he's around somebody who hasn't slept for days and feels the urge to aggressively leech the energies off of them. He wears a hat with mending and curse of binding to keep him from burning in the sunlight. He has a knack for showing up in random worlds when testing out potions. He always carries brewing stands and potion making supplies with him at all times. No matter what light, you can't see his face under the immense shade of his hat, just his glowing green eyes. He does mention he has fangs and a nose. Here's his ref and a poster he made! (Ignore the "in the thread" part, I used that for roleplays on Discord then the server got closed down =/)
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Avtug. One of the few of the elusive Void species called Lucem. He's one of the more braver ones of the species, but still flighty. He hides in ghost towns of the world, fleeing when any explorers or tourists or the like show up. He isn't afraid of being seen, he is afraid of his picture being taken and the world knowing about his species because of him.
Willy The Wanderer and Vlad The Destroyer. Two mice people (who I made using this Picrew) who are adventurers. They're cousins, but are as close as brothers. Willy is the one in black and has brown fur. He knows magic, and has somehow wound up in the wrong place multiple times. He's adventurous and has a knack for solving problems. Vlad is the one in read with gray fur, he's a sailor who sometimes tells tall tails, once saying he rode a shark with nothing but his fishing hook steering it. He's a bit more serious, but has a soft spot. The two live in the same area as Notebuster and Rzore
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selineram3421 · 6 months
*does some more research* Alright.
Courting Pursuit
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Alastor X Deer Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ mention of cannibalism (we all know who), I'm assuming Alastor is a marsh deer, reader is a mule deer, spanish translated, gender neutral (gn) reader, cartel mention, flustered Alastor, italics=thoughts ⚠
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Alastor was the only deer in Hell that anybody knew of.
If there was another buck, they wouldn't see them again. Most can make the correct assumption on why that is. The cannibalistic Overlord also dabbled in other kinds of meat as well but was best known for eating deer.
It wasn't until a new guest entered the hotel that he saw another like him.
Deer ears, tail, and hooves. The new guest was a little more of a bigger build, and from the shape of their tail and ears they were a mule deer.
They were slightly taller than him.
Angel dubbed them the gentle giant, and for the most part everyone agreed.
"Why are you calling them that?", Husk asked.
"Do you see how big they are? And their poor shirt. Their chest practically bursting out of it, those buttons are fighting for their life.", the spider demon replied.
It annoyed him more than he'd like to admit.
Another deer in his vicinity was dangerous. He wanted to rip them to shreds but of course he couldn't do that with them being a guest and all. He would never be forgiven if he did that.
What was odd was their control over their instincts.
Mule deer were known to be quite aggressive.
He found out where you had died from over hearing your conversation with the Princess and her partner.
"Me persiguió el cártel en una zona de caza de ciervos. No sé por qué me perseguían, pero conseguí matar a unos cuantos antes de encontrar mi final.", you had said. (I was chased by the cartel in a deer hunting area. I don't know why they were chasing me, but I managed to kill a few before meeting my end.)
"Vaggie? I don't know what they are saying..", Charlie looked over to the white haired woman.
"They were killed by the cartel but they don't know why.", Vaggie translated. "I wouldn't be surprised if they had a family member involved with someone important in Mexico."
In all honesty, he's never tried to start a conversation with you.
There were times that you had tried but ended up pulled away or had wrong timing.
It wasn't until you were sent to run an errand with him outside of the hotel. Everyone being too busy with other things or just not wanting to be around him.
"Don't do anything to them!", Vaggie said with a stern frown.
"I won't.", he rolled his eyes. "Though, I hope you don't mind that I'll take a quick stop by Rosie's."
"They are not to be eaten, do you understand?", she rephrased.
"Of course.", he waved off her concerns.
"Vamos?", you walked over, looking down to meet his eyes. (Let's go?)
"Follow me and don't lag behind! I won't look for you if you get lost.", he said and started to make his way towards the city.
Vaggie had sighed and spoke to you in spanish, it didn't take long for you to catch up.
You hadn't spoken a word for the entire trip. Only taking glances at him at times before looking forward.
It wasn't until you both arrived at Rosie's that you had made a sound.
"Qué lugar más bonito." (What a beautiful place.)
"Alastor!", Rosie greeted and pulled him into a hug. "Glad you paid a visit, I have just the gossip for you."
Then she notice the deer behind him.
"Oh? And who is this deer?", Rosie looked them up and down. "I'm surprised you haven't eaten this meal."
"I can't allow a guest at the hotel to be eaten.", he replied.
"Well? Introduce us.", she gestured for him to get on with it.
He called your name and you turned, noticing the new person.
"Ah. Perdóneme por no fijarme en usted, señora.", you bowed your head a bit. (Ah. Forgive me for not noticing you ma'am.)
"Oh, spanish speaking?"
"This is our newest hotel guest.", he said your name again before gesturing to Rosie, who began to bow. "This is Rosie."
Alastor didn't really care if you understood him, but he didn't know you were learning bits of English with Vaggie and Charlie.
"Hello beautiful, scary woman.", you said with a slightly thick accent.
"Ahahaha!", the cannibalistic woman laughs. "Oh I like this one, don't you take a bite Alastor!"
His friend teased him about how he should flatter her more often and pinched the mule deer's cheek while offering limbs for them to eat.
It took a while before Rosie finally decided to let them leave.
When arriving at the hotel, Alastor was annoyed to find pesky demons trying to trash the entrance.
"Do they not understand that I protect the hotel?", he chuckled darkly before transforming into his larger form.
He tore through the intruders with a laugh, letting them run a few feet away before dragging them back to rip their limbs. Blood and guts splattered on the ground, some hitting the walls and windows of the hotel.
When finishing up, he noticed you were still in the same spot, slightly covered in blood that managed to reach you.
"Apologies for the mess.", he walked over and offered his handkerchief. "To clean yourself up."
You nodded and did your best to get the blood off but missed a few speckles on your face.
With a roll of his eyes, Alastor took the cloth and gestured for you to lean closer. "Come now, you're not getting everything."
You smiled and leaned down a bit to kiss his forehead.
He froze, a screeching pop of static coming from his surprise.
"Qué ciervo más guapo.", you spoke softly as you caressed the side of his face before heading back inside the hotel. (What a handsome deer.)
The Radio Demon stood there for a while before he could collect his thoughts.
What...just happened?
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I thought Alastor with a big?/tall? significant other was cute.
~Seline, the person.
Part 1
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @+?
ML II Alastor🎙 | CP ChL🦌
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faun-the-fawn77 · 4 months
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Lucifer Morningstar x F!FallenAngel!Reader
Genre: SMUT
Word Count: 4.0k
Warnings: oral(m! receiving), creampie, breeding, mentions of having kids, clit play, overstimulation, squirting, brief fingering, whipped!Lucifer, Lucifer being a sweetheart, reader is horny 25/8
Desc: A one night stand is a one night stand... right? What happens when Lucifer keeps going back to the same fallen angel just for a taste of Heaven? Oh no... seems the Devil has caught feelings once again!
Note: Lucifer smut;) like there isn't enough already. Requests are open now! This is third and final fic of the votes. Don't worry to those who voted for others! I will be working on all those fics:) Next after this one is a part two to "Lips Of An Angel". Just have to...find a song that will match the part two:)
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I’m so addicted to
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
When you’re loving me
Another shitty day in Hell. Sinners were offing each other in the streets of the Pride Ring. The angelic building in the middle of the city shone brightly in the red light, the clock on each side had big letters reading ‘36 DAYS’. 
Lucifer, King of Hell himself, wandered the streets of Cannibal town, a mission in his mind. He tried to avoid Rosie ‘cause she’s a talker and would only make him late for where he needed to go after getting the thing he came to this lovely town for. He scoured the shops looking for the one thing that stood out to him last time he was here. It reminded him so much of Her. Of the one person he couldn’t get out of his mind. 
“Well, hello to our dear king! How are you on this hellish evening?” Lucifer growled lowly at the sound of that radio prick's voice. He turned to the red deer demon and pulled him down by his collar.
“Listen, I don’t have time for your theatrics today. I have places to be and things to get and I don’t need some lowlife sinner messing that up for me,” Lucifer let go of the demon’s coat and strided off to the jewelry shop he spotted out of the corner of his eye, waving behind to the overlord, “Hope you have a bad day!”
Later that evening, Lucifer turned up at his daughter’s hotel. He always came under the guise of seeing his daughter but everyone knew he came for one particular guest of his daughters. Knocking on the giant doors, he waited ‘till either his daughter or the deer prick opened up. 
The doors opened a few minutes later and Lucifer was greeted by, thankfully, his daughter’s voice, “Oh! Back again, dad? But I jus-”
“Charlie! You know I’m always here to see you! I just missed you so much that I couldn’t wait a few days!” Lucifer walked in and hugged his daughter. Vaggie stood off to the side, peering out the door for any dangers. 
Charlie gasped before smiling nervously and patted her dad’s back. She pulled away and held him by the shoulders. 
“Dad, you know I love when you visit. We all do! But uh- Everyone, especially Angel, has noticed that you only come here for a certain someone…” Charlie trailed off. Lucifer stood there silently and blinked slowly, almost frog-like.
“Ah…” He didn’t know what to say. Was he that obvious? The weight in his suit pocket seemed to weigh down on him immensely. He gripped the apple on his cane tightly. 
“Is she here?” Charlie smiled. She wanted her dad to be happy. After her mom had left them, her dad was in a slump. She checked up on him as much as she could but she could tell he wasn’t getting any better. After finding Y/N, a fallen angel just like her father, Charlie brought her with to her family home in hopes of them becoming friends. After that, Lucifer has been stopping by more than he used to. Charlie thought it was because they were good friends but after what Angel told the group last time…Charlie knew her father had fallen once again and this time harder than he fell for Lilith. 
“She’s here. Last I spoke with her, she was working on a secret project. She wouldn’t tell me what it was.” Lucifer looked about ready to bounce off the walls of the hotel lobby. 
“Well I’ll just uh- yeah…” Lucifer ran off towards the elevator and pressed the button for the penthouse at the top of the hotel. He rocked on his heels as the lift made its way up to the top. He stuck his clawed left hand into his suit pocket and clutched the velvet box.
“Well, hello there, handsome.” Y/N’s voice was like smooth silk. It calmed Lucifer’s nerves down, the breath stuck in his throat was exhaled as he stepped foot into his…friend’s penthouse. He wouldn’t call her friend with the amount of times they’ve gotten intimate but, he didn’t know what else to call it. 
“Hello, darling. How is your night going?” Lucifer plopped a seat on the sofa in her living room. He watched as she rounded the island in her kitchen, holding a cup of coffee and wearing nothing but a white silk robe. 
“I’m doing wonderfully, Luci. What prompted the visit?” She folded her legs as she sat on the other end of the sofa. Lucifer cleared his throat and shifted his legs. The robe was a bit see-through which made her breasts very noticeable to him.
“Just wanted to see you…” Y/N smiled cheekily. She knew what she was doing to him. With the way she sat to what she was wearing, Lucifer couldn’t believe he had this much self-control to not jump on her.
“Is that all?” Lucifer gulped. He shifted in his seat once again and gazed away from Y/N’s intense stare. Her eyes darkened with lust as she continued to stare right at him. 
“What do you actually want, Luci?” She placed her mug down, sliding her bottom over and closer to her partner. She watched him cross his legs and grip the arm of the sofa.
“Come on, Luci. Tell me what you desire~” She ran a hand up his arm and over his chest. Lucifer watched with bated breath as she undid his bowtie and slipped the first few buttons of his shirt undone. Her fingers snuck under the shirt and touched all over his pale chest.
“Luciiii~” Lucifer felt the last thin thread snap at the tone of her voice. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down onto the couch. He roughly kissed her and made sure to slide his forked tongue between her lips and into her mouth. He heard her moan and felt her hands run up his arms and into his hair. 
Lucifer pulled away with a dazed look in his red eyes. He was straddling her lap, his erection pushing painfully against his suit pants. 
“Need help with that?” Lucifer sat back as Y/N leaned over him, running her hands from his hair, down his semi-exposed chest, and to his tightened pants. She undid his black belt and slipped it from his pants. She popped the button on his pants and unzipped the zipper. 
“Please…” Lucifer whined. Y/N looked up at him and smirked. She made sure to go slow when she pulled his pants down his legs. Her knees hit the carpeted floor when his pants did. Her soft hands slid from his ankles and all the way up to his boxers elastic. 
“Be patient, Luci.”
“God, I’m addicted…” Lucifer mumbled. He was very addicted to her. To all the things she does to him both in and out of the sheets.
Y/N hummed and brought her mouth closer towards his erection. Her breath fanned across the dampened tip and she quickly tore through his duck-printed boxers. The shreds of fabric fell to the carpet. 
“Oh, Luci…” She licked a stripe up from his balls to tip. Lucifer moaned loudly and rushed to cover his mouth. Y/N laughed, pulling his hand from his mouth.
“You can be as loud as you want, my dear. No one can hear us.” With that, she took the tip of his dick into her hot mouth. Lucifer gripped the sofa, tearing streaks into it with his claws. His breathing became laboured as Y/N made work on his cock. She swirled her tongue around the tip, her hand coming up and wrapping around the base. She wanted to antagonise him. Make him want her.
“Oh my Lord, please! Please do something…” Lucifer could feel his patience run thin. Patience was definitely not one of his virtues, if he had any left. 
Y/N hummed. She removed her hand and placed both of them on his thighs, bracing herself, before taking him whole. 
“OH, Y/N/N! Plea~ah,” Lucifer moaned. He bucked his hips up into her mouth and down her throat. He wanted to feel guilty but he was so into the pleasure that she was giving him. Her nails dug into his thighs, her moans vibrated down his length which caused him to gag her once again. 
“I-I’m sorry! You just-hah-you just are so good,” Lucifer praised. She may have been an angel but by God was her mouth sinful. 
Ohh, girl, let’s take it slow
So as for you, well, you know where to go
I wanna take my love and hate you ‘til the end
It’s not like you to turn away
From all the bullshit I can’t take
It’s not like me to walk away
It’s been a few days since Lucifer has been intimate with his partner. His friends with benefits as he has learned from Angel Dust. He was scared. Every time they’ve gotten intimate, Lucifer was on the verge of telling her he loves her. It took all it had in him to not shout it when he came. 
“Oh, Rosie. I don’t know what to do!” Lucifer plonked his head on the table face first. His glass of whiskey shook at the action. 
Rosie, the one who made sure the cannibals in her town stayed in check, patted her king on his head. She smiled down at the fallen angel and watched as he mumbled to himself.
“Honey, if you don’t tell her how you feel, then how is she supposed to know you feel this way? What if someone else sweeps her off her feet? She is nothing like that ex of yours, ya know.” Lucifer grumbled. He knew she wasn’t like Lilith. Lilith was a cold-hearted bitch who cared about no one but herself. 
“I’m trying to take it slow.”
“Is having a one night stand and then becoming friends with benefits ‘taking it slow’?” Lucifer glared at the smiling cannibal. She was right and he knew it. He sighed and dug into his pocket. He brought out the velvet box and slid it over to his friend. 
“I wanted to give her this when I confessed… I don’t know if it’s too much…” Rosie gently took the box and opened it. She gasped when she saw what it was. 
“Lucifer! This is gorgeous! I’m sure she’ll love it, honey.” Lucifer felt his shoulders sag with relief. The piece in the velvet box was beautiful. It was a silver ring detailed with leaves. Deer antlers were what held the moss agate stone in the middle. He learned from Husk and Angel that she only wore silver jewellery and that her favourite stone was moss agate. It may not have been the most expensive but he wanted it to come from the heart and not from his wealth. 
“I know she will. I just…I hate how much I love her. It’s suffocating with her not knowing.” Lucifer was still scared. Scared that she’d walk away and leave everything they’ve built behind. Just like Lilith. He knew it wasn’t like Y/N to turn away. He knew because he’d attend some of those silly exercises his daughter hosted. 
“Tell her. Let her know and don’t bullshit your way outta this.” Rosie slid the ring back to Lucifer. She watched as he breathed in deeply, pocketed the box, and made his way to the door to her shop. 
“I won’t walk away from her. Not like I did to Lilith.” With that, Lucifer exited the shop and made his way to the hotel.
I’m so addicted to 
All the things you do 
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
When you’re loving me
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite king! How are you today, my dear?” Lucifer had arrived at Y/N’s place in seconds flat after leaving Rosies. He had spider lilies in one hand and a stuffed black cat in the other. Both being her favourite things she’s seen in Hell. 
“Good! I just wanted to have a chat with you. Hangout for a bit after all the paperwork I did this morning.” Lucifer watched her eyes light up at the sight of the flowers and stuffie. She grabbed them from his hands and raced to get the flowers in some water. She placed the stuffed cat on her loveseat near her bookshelf. 
Lucifer stepped out of the lift and slowly walked towards the kitchen of her penthouse. Y/N was humming as she cut the bottoms of the flowers and placed them in the black vase. Her fingers were nimble and held the flowers delicately to ensure they didn't get damaged. 
“What did you want to talk about, sweetheart?” Lucifer took a seat at the island, snatching an apple from the basket of fruit in the centre. 
“Nothing important… uhm, how was your day?” Lucifer was nervous. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t drop the L-bomb on her. She was too important to him to lose. 
“It was amazing! Your daughter is such a sweetie! She’s helped me adjust to life in Hell wonderfully. I wish I could pay her back somehow…” Lucifer looked at the angel. This angel was of pure heart and faith. He knew Y/N was still struggling with being in Hell. He knew because he could see the way she hid behind his daughter when they went out or when she would quote from the bible only to grow embarrassed when the others looked at her in confusion. 
“She is a sweetie, isn’t she? I’m glad you’re adjusting to Hell. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable while you’re here.” Lucifer bit into the apple. Y/N watched as the juice dripped from his chin. She licked her lips, walking towards the island and having a seat on the stool near Lucifer. 
Lucifer continued to munch on the apple, not noticing Y/N’s hand creeping towards his thigh. When she made contact, Lucifer jumped and choked on a bit of the sweet fruit. 
“Surely you didn’t come here just to talk.” Lucifer felt flushed. He cleared his throat and set the apple core down. 
“I promise it was only just to talk. I know I said it was nothing important but-”
“Shh, Luci. I can see how tense your shoulders are. Why don’t I-”
Lucifer stood up abruptly causing Y/N’s hand to fall from his lap. He stepped back and sucked in a breath. He reached into his pocket and produced the black velvet box for Y/N to see. He could see the confusion in her eyes. 
“Y/N, I love you. I love you so much that the thought of you not knowing was suffocating me. I know it only started out as us being friends and delving into a one night stand that then turned us into friends with benefits. After a while, it wasn’t just the sex for me. I wanted all of you. Heart, body, mind, and soul. I wanted to feel what it was like for you to love me for me and not for my body. I hope this doesn’t scare you off but I wanted you to know how I feel about you.” Lucifer finished up and placed the small box in front of her. He was sweating profusely and his hands gripped the apple on his cane tightly. He watched as Y/N lifted the box up gently and opened it. Her eyes glittered and he swore he saw tears in her eyes.
“Luci…” Her breath was airy. Like he took her breath away.
“Luci, thank you. No one has done this much for me since I’ve been created. You don’t have to be scared ‘cause I love you just as much.” Lucifer could cry. She felt the same! He smiled brightly and bounded up to the tall angel and hugged her tightly. 
“Oh my Hell! I could bounce off these walls in happiness! Oh, I love you so much, my angel!” Lucifer could feel the vibrations of her laugh. She hugged him back just as tightly, the ring he gave her glittering on her right hand. 
“Thank you for accepting me, Y/N/N,” Lucifer mumbled into her breasts. He felt her fingers run through his golden locks as she hummed.
“No need to thank me, honey. I love you so very much.”
“Let’s head to the bedroom. I need to get this energy out~”
And I know when it’s getting rough
All the times we spend
Trying to make this love something better than
Just making up again
It’s not like you to turn away
All the bullshit I can’t take
Just when I think I can walk away
They’ve only had a few fights but they were only about Lucifer's work. He was the king and every time he went to sign off on a meeting paper to say he wouldn’t be able to make it, Y/N scolded him and told him he needed to go or the residents of the seven rings of hell won’t take him seriously anymore. 
She was right. Every time they went out on a date, Lucifer could hear the whispers and snickering. He was gone for years when Lilith left and everyone had assumed that he was gone. Now that he’s back and appearing more in the public eye, the sinners in Pride casted snide remarks his way. 
“Honey, a letter just came in from Ozzie. Have you always had a family dinner every month with the seven sins and Charlie?” Lucifer paled at the mention of the dinner. He hasn’t been to one since Lilith left him. Charlie had tried to get him to go a couple times only for him to turn her down and go back to wallowing in his sadness. 
“Uh- yes… yes we do. Ozzie was the one that actually wanted it to happen.” Lucifer bounced his knee nervously. Y/N hummed and made his way into the study and up to his desk. She set down the letter and looked down at him.
“How about we go? Ozzie seems to want to meet me and to introduce us to that little imp of his. This’ll be good for you! We can see family and maybe we could invite the residents of the hotel? Have the sins come from their rings and hang out in Pride?” Y/N has been encouraging him to get back into contact with his family since they’ve gotten together. Seemed she was very family oriented. I mean, she had always had him finish inside her whenever they were intimate. He had a sense that she wanted kids but she hasn’t said anything to him yet. 
“Fine. How about you write the letter back to Ozzie. Have him send out a message to the others that we’ll be having the dinner at our place. I’ll fly over to the hotel and inform Charlie.” Y/N squeaked and pulled a blank paper from her lover’s pile of papers on the desk. She produced a quill with the snap of her fingers and wrote out the letter. Lucifer was happy that she was excited to meet his family. Every time they had the petty arguments about his work and paperwork, she would ignore him ‘til she got too horny and then seduced him into bed. He didn’t want this love to be about fighting and making up with sex. He wanted it to be more than that,
“I told him that we’ll have the dinner this Friday! Make sure you mention to Charlie that I invited everyone from the hotel to be there!” Lucifer smiled as she leaned down to kiss his rosy cheek. She bounced off to who-knows-where while Lucifer sat back in his desk chair and sighed. He had to talk to her. 
I’m so addicted to 
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
I’m so addicted to
The things you do
When you’re going down on me
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
When you’re loving me
When you’re loving me
“Oh fuck! Lucifer, right there!” The room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping and ragged breathing. Lucifer was pounding mercilessly into his lover’s pussy. He watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as his dick hit just the right spot inside her. Her moans echoed off the walls, her hands clenching the silk sheets beneath her. 
“Come on, baby. You have one more in you, don’t ya?” Lucifer groaned out into her ear. His stomach tightened when he felt her clench at his words. He smirked and brought a clawed hand to her pussy. His pointer and middle finger rubbing circles on her clit. She moaned loudly at the contact before she started to shake as her orgasm crashed through her. Juices squirted from her dripping pussy and coated his lower abdomen and thighs. 
“Oh fucking hell…” Lucifer moaned. His dick throbbed and he finally came into her clenching hole. His seed spilled out while he was still in her and when he pulled out he made sure to take his fingers, scoop up the mess, and push it back into her. Y/N moaned and tried to push his hand away only for him to grab it and shush her.
“It’s okay, honey. Just wanna make sure it takes…” Lucifer held still inside of her and when she calmed her breathing down, he made ‘come hither’ motions. She squeaked out and tried to squirm away only for Lucifer to pin her down. 
“One more. One more time, sweetheart. I need to make sure it takes,” Lucifer whispered. He leaned up and over her, pulling his fingers from her pussy and replacing it with his hardened dick. He saw her eyes tear up from overstimulation. He kissed her lips, holding onto her hips and slowly drove his hips into hers. 
“That’s it, sweetie. You can take it. I got you.” Lucifer whispered sweet nothings into her ear as he began to pick up his pace. His grip tightened on her hips when her pussy clenched around him. He moaned out, dropping his head onto her breasts. 
“I’m c-close, Luci! Please!” Lucifer thrusted his hips faster, making sure to hit the spot that made her see stars. Her eyes clenched shut and her hips moved to meet his hips. Her moans grew louder as her orgasm grew closer. 
“Oh, Hell…” Lucifer almost whined when Y/N tightened around his length, her moans loud as she shuddered. Her orgasm hit her full force, her pussy squirting out juices once again. Lucifer sped up until he finally released another load into her abused hole. 
“I want you to be a mama. Charlie already loves you, why not have another?” Lucifer mumbled. He dropped down on top of her, his dick still in her to keep his load inside to make sure it takes. 
Y/N ran her fingers through his messy hair and smiled down at him. He was such a softie for kids. Whenever they would visit the other rings, Y/N made sure they at least went to the circuses that were held that day to support the kids. 
“I love you, Luci.” 
Lucifer snuggled into her more and murmured out tiredly, “I love you most.”
How can I make it through
All the things you do
There’s just gotta be more to you and me
I’m so addicted to 
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
It’s unlike anything
I’m so addicted to
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
I’m so addicted to you
Addicted to you
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WOOOO SECOND LUCI FIC!!! Hope I did him justice:')
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comfortless · 5 months
syl im begging on my hands and knees pls pls pls expand on that idea of könig being a warrior rumored to eat womens hearts its like giving scheherazade and i NEED IT
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. vague time period/setting. fem(afab) reader. light descriptions of violence and gore, talk of cannibalism, non-con groping & cuddling, forced marriage.
There are endless tasks to be done and everything beneath a vast blue sky to explore, forgoing those things, the men about your village often prefer to gather for a duel. There are no rules for their game, only that you bring a weapon and thrust it toward the opponent in such a way that it brings you glory, pride, some scabbing mend to a crooked scar.
Except not you, never you. They wouldn’t so much as allow for the women to watch unless sparring for the hand of a weeping bride happened to be the gleaming prize waiting at the end of the night.
Your eyes had witnessed such before, a girl with hair the color of autumn straw that rolled down to the end of her back, whisked away by some man from the sea after he dug his blade into an old farmer’s belly. Her father. A sad thing, but you imagined her life must be much better now. Instead of tending to a mule or pricking her fingers on needles for sewing, she’s off collecting sea shells and has the ocean’s breeze eternally perfumed in her hair. Maybe she cradles a baby on her hip now, plump and cooing happily whilst they watch the waves roll and glitter beneath the sun.
A better life for only the cost of a swift death. It was something that you had always envisioned wanting for yourself, away from this village that reeks of blood, the very place where your options were limited to shoveling after the horses or to die a lonely hag.
That was until the behemoth began to show his face. Not quite his face at all, actually. It changed things for you. Instead of a longing for one of these strong men to carry you off into the night, there sat a creeping terror each and every time he crossed the threshold into the village.
He was rumored to be many things: an executioner from a foreign land, either a lost and wicked saint or a demon made flesh, and worst of them all… a cannibal from out in the untamed downs that crest the mountainside.
The women of the village were frightened by him, by the bulk and height that suggested he was not a man at all, but something far more terrifying beneath that black veil. They hid away when he first arrived, claiming he carried an organ in his hands, chewing away at a still-beating heart with blood running down his fingers. The men remained rigid, but their hands shook when they took up their weapons against him.
And there was no way of knowing then that this man was to be yours.
Time and time again, the giant would win, request a warm meal and a bed for the evening, and would be gone away come morning. He wouldn’t return for months, and the gossip would continue to fester until his return. Then, only then, would lips be pursed in silence and another fool would rush to death in an attempt to win some measure of pride. His opponent would be buried in the very field they would fight in, his bones serving for another layer upon the earthen stage once the worms and rats had picked him clean, and the giant would be back. He was always back.
The town is hushed to silence when his horse is led through the well-worn street. There are lingering observers: the broad stable hand that would not even dare to raise a whip or a dagger to this behemoth, the women of the brothel even shy away from him, and the children who whisper their rumors behind open palms.
He does not stop for any of them, only carries forward with that dark cloth concealing his head.
You peek out from your window, nursing tea with honey to calm the chill drifting through the air, feathering over your skin. It’s bitter on your tongue, even with the sweet coursing through it. Bitter, when his blue eyes flick in your direction and you feel every inch of your skin begin to prickle and tense.
He’s worse up close like this. The man doesn’t conceal his torso, never seemed to find a need to— no one ever gets close enough to wound him. Not any more, at least, judging by the pasty scars that mar his chest with the biggest being a healed, pinkish blemish that stretches from below his ribs down to a narrow hip. You find the most unsettling part about him is not those marks of violence, but the fact that you can not read his face.
Time slows to a halt as he just stares, takes you in with your cup of tea and the old dress stolen away from your mother’s own wardrobe. And you return it, warily looking him over from his veiled head down to the toes of his boots. After regarding you in the very same way a bored cat would observe an unaware, little bird, he moves along his path with a quiet huff of breath as his face is turned away from you.
There’s a heavy axe strapped to his back that you only notice then. Something new and shiny, glistening in the rays of golden sunlight above. Sharp and wicked, too cruel a weapon to be used in a bout for dinner and a lumpy mattress stuffed with decaying straw.
You could only hope he brought a cloth to clean it once this ordeal was over. Perhaps he truly does use his veil to do so, gets drunk on the scent of blood and gore clinging to it and pleasures himself to the violence as they claim. The macabre tales of this giant only go darker than that. But the tales he lives up to most of all are the ones about his skill in killing.
When night begins to scrape across the sky in dark, drab purple, fate comes crawling throughout the town as though it is nothing more than a famished ghoul.
Your mother storms toward you where you’re sat, preparing for bed. Her face is a mask of pure anguish when she pulls you into a tight embrace. She bawls into your hair, digs her nails into your back as though she would sooner die than let you go.
The men of the town follow behind her, wrenching her arms away from you and pulling you up by the front of your gown. The thin linen tears with the force of rough hands, rips a thick line down your chest that almost leaves you bared to them. Though the hands are eager, the eyes of these men do not shine with hunger, only with fear.
The shouts and cries from your lips are lost to them, to even your mother who wails in defeat someplace behind you.
“You’re plenty old enough to be a bride,” says one of the men, voice like a coiled snake spitting venom. It doesn’t take one of the well-educated people of the capital here to explain just what is to happen to you now.
The giant, the cannibal, saw something that he liked, and decided that you would be his prize. When you’re led to the field, kicking and flailing against the strong arms that hold you tightly in their grip, the sight is enough to tell you just how much that he enjoyed your silent, curious staring only hours before.
He stands upright, silent and daunting above a body that’s been split by the axe still held in one strong hand. The color of crimson cakes his knuckles, crests over his arm and the expanse of his chest, all from the headless corpse lying disposed at his feet.
The scene is what you expected, you’ve heard the words of your people about this beast of a man’s propensity for violence, but no amount of mental preparation could have truly readied you for seeing so much blood. The blood of a man you knew to be good and true, a hard-working blacksmith from the foothills. What a tragic way to go out: fighting for a pouch of coin when this horrible giant must have clearly lost his mind to rut and rage.
No hand comes to cover your mouth when you shriek, and the tight grips guiding you forward only loosen when your man or murderer stalks forward to take his prize. Through your tears, you still manage to make out the lines beneath his eyes, how they fold upward, and there’s no doubt that he’s smiling beneath that mask. A big, ugly grin at the thought of prying open your ribs and helping himself to a maiden’s heart.
He lifts it over his head in a swift motion, and drops it over your own instead, opposite to the hastily cut eye holes to block out all of the hazy, pale light of the moon and flickering yellow-red torches surrounding. Amidst the panic threatening to send your heart fleeing from your chest, the cold trickle of dread that finds itself curling in your belly, you feel two arms hoist you up and settle you over the back of his wretched steed.
“Gehen wir.”
Then, the darkness turns abyssal.
You only pray your body has truly died of fright when you first wake. There’s no darkness, no scent of blood when your eyelids pry apart to flutter. Water laps over your bare thighs, cold enough to force a shiver up from your feet to the blades of your shoulders. But behind you sits fire, a warmth so comforting you would think you’re rested against a stone bathed in summer sun, if not for the softness.
You take a moment to gather your thoughts, rationalize just what’s happening, until a hand clutching a scrap of cloth maneuvers up from your thigh to your tummy, lathers you in a soap that smells only of pine. It halts, cinches around your waist when you begin to tense, when he knows you’re truly awake. A pond to your front and a man of horror at your back.
There’s sunlight streaming down from above, painting the clouds in gold. There are birds happily singing from the surrounding trees, and other, unseen animals scurrying through fallen leaves. Serene, pretty, and almost comforting when the wind turns course and brings with it the scent of late-ripening fruit. If the reality of your situation were not so dire, perhaps you would have enjoyed it, being here with a man who killed instead of presented your family with a dowry or offered you some pleasant wedding to dine and drink your fill of berry wine at.
“Let me go.” Your voice is a feigned warning, the mocking growl of a mere pup. You imagine he must keep his weapons close, only offering himself the courtesy of cleaning you so your meat doesn’t taste of dirt or lavender oil when he sinks his teeth into it.
“Süss frau,” he mumbles behind you, presses his head into your hair and inhales deeply as your body only grows further rigid. There’s a pause, before he corrects himself. “Meine süss frau.”
It would help if you knew what he was saying, calm your nerves some, maybe, but each word spoken only sounds guttural and instills further fear. You twist in his grip, hissing small curses that would have left your mother in a rage, but he only laughs at your squirming. Then, he tightens his grip as the cloth is dropped into the pond’s glassy water.
“Take me back home,” you continue to urge, placing a trembling hand over the limb pressing your body further back against him. “Please.”
Your small attempt at pleading is met only with his head dropping to the nape of your neck, a kiss pressed against the flesh there. It warms for him, sends a heat spiking up to your cheeks in spite of the way you still suspect he wishes only to rip your throat open with teeth more akin to a devil’s fangs.
You turn your head, intent on spitting right in this monster’s face, but find only a man looking back at you.
There’s a shimmer in his eyes that almost seems playful, a grin so prevalent there it must cause the corners of his mouth to ache. No blood in his teeth, and though the silvery-blue of his eyes seems distant, they are not cold. The goliath who stole you away stinking of blood and innards isn’t present now, and that seems even less of a comfort. He’s even handsome in the strangest way, certainly not the look of nobility, but none of his features are cruel. There’s a boyish charm to him, perhaps he would have the look of a charismatic farmhand or an apprentice of sorts if not for the scarring.
“Won’t hurt you… too pretty,” he assures, burying his face against the side of your neck. But the bastard does, digs his teeth right in and suckles at your skin when you claw at his arm in surprise. It’s not enough to draw drops of blood, but it accentuates the point that he seems to see you as something of his, a possession of sorts.
There’s a messy patch of drool over bruising skin when he pulls away to laugh at the wounded expression upon your face. He apologizes in a huff of breath as he guides you up to stand at his side. His hands linger too long for comfort when they rest along your waist. Your sullen glare only seems to further endear him. Too much, judging by the way the pillar between his legs bounces thick and hard and proud, throbs when you tilt your chin up to meet his gaze and angrily hiss to him about how a man should treat his wife. Cannibal or not, the beast needed to learn some manners.
Fear still edges its way up your spine, but it diminishes more and more as the seconds pass.
He’s no gentleman when he splashes away the remnants of soap from your body, hands grazing over every inch of your bare skin he sees available to touch. Your breast first, weighed up in his palm with the nipple pinched between his index and middle. Emboldened by your hushed protests, he dares to slip his other between your legs, and only then do you force his hands away.
He certainly bears no resemblance to a proper husband when he hoists you over one shoulder to carry you further into the woods and into his shack, either.
It’s barren and ugly, an unsightly wooden structure decorated only with a thin mattress, a table too small, and blades of many forms. The axe sits proudly below the window, astonishingly cleaned of the gore from the night prior. The veil rests above it on the sill, damp from a cleaning that never should have been. You stare at his belongings for a time when you’re placed on your feet, silently judging the array in search of anything to justify the gossip, only to come up short of anything.
He doesn’t even touch you past the bathing in the pond. You’re dressed in a tunic that fits like a dress upon your form: far too big, long and dull to be anything you would normally be seen in. But there are no tailors this far out in the wilderness, though there’s an apologetic promise whispered to you once he sees you in his clothes. He’ll buy you a new dress upon your first visit to town as his wife, several if it pleases you.
The man leaves for a spell, brings you rabbit to clean and prepare, then busies himself stoking up a fire for cooking. His speech is a little broken when he tells you of how long he’s waited to have someone like you here with him, how he never suspected a woman so pretty would be his wife. And you don’t eat when the meat is fully cooked and placed in front of you both. You insist that you only wish to return back home, to hug your mother and tell her that you’re still alive.
That, he takes insult to.
His brow is pinched when he forces you to sit in his lap. He brings the meat to your lips and presses into your cheeks with his free hand to force your mouth open. There’s nothing romantic or cute about it, about him, but you do glumly settle in his hold when the realization does dawn on you that, though his strength is extraordinary, he is only a man and the only harm coming to you would be between your legs.
You’re drug over to the mattress after dinner by a tight hold over your wrist. The fight hasn’t left you, not by a smidge, even when the loose tunic is lifted over your head with shouts of your displeasure and you’re pressed onto your back with the giant watching you curiously from above.
He pins you there, but doesn’t force his hands down to your sex again. He only sighs when he rests his weight next to you and curls in to lie his head over your breasts.
You’re body remains stiff and rigid as a bowstring. His nearness only sends that same swell of heat back from the pond, brings with it the scent of fire smoke and sweat emanating from him. His hair is long and soft, soft as the kisses he places on the plushness of your tit, long as the drag of a callused palm from your hip up to cup the other.
He offers you no warning when his teeth circle over your nipple, holds fast to you when your back arches and your fingers weave into his hair to jerk him away. The worst part about him seemed to be having a penchant for leaving a mark, and the smug grin that crosses his face when he meets the fury in your eyes with the lust-drunk look in his own.
“Was? You don’t like?,” he grumbles, tracing over the marks of his teeth with his thumb, pressing against and smearing his saliva until you feel your back begin to arch and your breathing grow heavy.
“It hurts.”
He stares at you in amazement for a moment, whether surprised you haven’t made an attempt to flee or startled by the lack of a strike to his jaw after such a thing, it mattered not. Your terrible, ignorant “husband” only seems satisfied with your response. He draws back to sit on his knees before you, sliding his hands along each curve and dip of your body until they rest at your ankles.
“Ja… hurts. I will make it better, meine süße.”
He’s no less brazen when he makes a dive toward your womanhood, lips parted in preparation to breathe you in. Or… taste you in full, whichever option was suited for men who were more beasts than men at all. Maybe that was his only feat of cannibalism: licking at women until they were wet and pliant for him to take entirely. You pry him away with a gasp and a quick shift onto your side, demanding that he not touch you any further.
Again, he laughs, curls behind you and shifts his hips to slot the girth of his cock between your thighs, buries his face into your neck once again. You can feel the grin that stretches over his lips against your skin. When the dark envelopes you both, the quiet crackle of the fire in its pit still showing signs of life, he seems content to just cuddle you close.
Exhaustion creeps its way through your limbs, steals the fight from your voice and leaves your eyelids heavy. You consider waiting it out, listening to his breathing deepen and slow to creep away, but his grip is firm around your middle, so strangely comforting that you do allow yourself to relax. Running could wait until the morning sun rose.
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theamberfist · 5 months
One Blind Mouse | Uncle Alastor + Reader
Familial! Alastor is Reader's Uncle
Description: One day after an overlord meeting, Alastor stumbles upon a giant demonic mouse that he soon realizes is his relative from life.
(Notes: CW Alastor, death, violence) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's niece/nephew/whatever term you prefer) (Reader is blind) (Reader is a mouse sinner) (Pretend Alastor had a sister for the sake of this oneshot)
Words: 2,940
Alastor's ears perked at the familiar sound of screams that always seemed to accompany the streets of hell. He'd just stepped out of a surprisingly entertaining overlord meeting and now his high spirits lead him to take a walk down the road. 
This part of the city, being Carmilla Carmine's territory, was significantly less of a disaster compared to most of hell, and although he didn't enjoy the area nearly as much as some others- such as Rosie's Cannibal Town- it was still a pleasurable enough experience. As he walked, he calmly held his microphone-cane behind his back and took in all the sights.
Most of it was nothing out of the ordinary; sinners running in fear at the mere sight of him, remnants of bloody fights and brawls, as well as a few trashed buildings and alleyways the overlord expected Carmilla to be very unhappy about. 
Alastor sighed. If there was one thing he both loved and hated about hell it was that every day tended to be just the same. Territory disputes, murders that were ultimately never permanent, and newly-killed human souls ending up fearful and disoriented as they randomly appeared throughout hell were all nothing he hadn't seen before. In his time living down here, he'd come to place great value on entertainment and breaks from normality. At the very least, they made afterlife in hell a little more fun.
It was because of this he considered summoning Husk or even Nifty to liven things up. That was what he normally did when he lacked any other form of entertainment, but before he could even decide which to rip from their normal lives, a new sound reached his ears that suddenly caught his attention.
It was almost akin to a roar; something he would have expected to hear from a lion or even a dinosaur if they were more common forms for sinners to take on. Glancing up, he now realized the sound had come from just a few blocks away, where a giant figure towered over some of the nearby buildings. 
It looked like a huge...rat? That was the best way Alastor could describe the entity; with glowing grey eyes, demonic markings, and surprisingly sharp claws and teeth. The rat was ripping apart the nearby buildings as sinners screamed and tried to run away, which made the Radio Demon's ever-present smile widen. It seemed he'd found some entertainment at last. 
So of course, he made his way towards where the rat was towering over buildings; realizing it was right on the edge of Carmilla's territory; approaching that of the V's. He hadn't even realized he'd been so close to their space but it hardly mattered now. While he'd at first assumed the rat's goal to be complete destruction simply for the sake of discussion, that didn't seem to be the case now that he observed them. 
They were ignoring most of the frightened sinners around them; aside from a few that happened to scream extra loud as they ran. Instead, their focus was more towards the nearest building; a TV store in which every single piece of merchandise had a different channel playing at once that made for quite an obnoxious display of sound. Even Alastor wanted to cover his ears, not stopping the giant rat sinner as they tore the place apart sloppily. 
He continued watching the scene for a few more moments until a car finally showed up nearby and a tech-related sinner stepped out with a frightened look on her face. Alastor recognized her as one of Vox's employees from back when they'd still been friends, though he was surprised the TV producer hadn't fired her yet with his poor track record of employees. 
Once out of the car, she approached the giant rat cautiously; as if unsure of how to handle the situation. 
"E-excuse me?" The sinner called, though the rat ignored her, "I demand you stop! This store is property of Vox Tech and you're going to have to pay for any damages you cause!" Alastor's smile only widened now, curious to see whether this seemingly out-of-control sinner would even acknowledge the tech demon or if they'd just continue to go about their destruction. If his employee couldn't handle things, perhaps Vox would even come all the way down here himself, and wouldn't that be a treat to watch? 
As expected, the rat ignored her as they crushed another giant flat-screen TV between their claws. The Vox Tech employee seemed almost offended as she came closer to them. 
"How dare you?!" She exclaimed louder now; taking on a more demonic form that was indicative of her anger, "Have you no respect for the art of television?!" This seemed to finally get the rat's attention because they paused, dropping the shattered TV and turning to face her as they gazed down.
"Art?" They repeated, their voice coated with that demonic tone one became accustomed to hearing while in hell. Alastor raised an eyebrow at the realization that this was not their regular form, wondering what they could have originally looked like but not saying anything just yet. "You call this art?!"
The rat grabbed another TV and threw it at the tech demon, nearly crushing her under its weight if she hadn't gotten out of the way in time. "This is pathetic!" 
Alastor had to agree there. Television had always been a lesser form of media to him, and it seemed this other sinner understood that too. Perhaps when they calmed down the two of them would get along.
Though, there was another part of him that took note of how familiar this particular was...
The rat grabbed two more TV screens and crushed them in either hand now; snarling. "Don't pretend to know anything about art if you support him!" Alastor knew without needing to ask that they were referring to Vox, which made his smile widen even more. It seemed he really would get along with this rat. Though, the more he listened to them speak, the more it felt like he should recognize that voice.
"Don't make me tell you again! Unhand our property!" The tech demon tried, though she was shaking as the giant rat stared her down. 
"No." The rat replied before tossing another TV at her. This time, it managed to hit her and she was knocked back into the nearby wall. It seemed the impact was enough to kill her, too, because her body finally went limp. Alastor knew she wouldn't be dead for long before regenerating but it had done the job for now, anyway. 
It seemed the only one that didn't realize that was the rat because they reached for another blaring TV and tossed it in the direction of the now-dead sinner again. Then they grabbed another and did the same before repeating the act again and again until every last screen had been destroyed. 
It was only then that the Radio Demon realized what was going on as he watched the giant rat feel around the destroyed store for any more Vox Tech Products; they were blind. 
They couldn't actually see the tech demon when she'd shown up; they'd only known where to throw the TV based on where they'd heard her voice. They'd been sloppily feeling around and grabbing TV's earlier because they could hear the obnoxious sounds coming from them, and they'd only killed the extra loud sinners because they could hear where they were.
How interesting, Alastor thought as he watched the rat's shoulders rise and fall as they caught their breath. They were far from the first blind person he'd met but they were the first one he'd run into in hell thus far. Based on the display he'd just witnessed though, they were doing just fine down here despite not having sight. He was about to step forward and introduce himself when a peculiar sight stopped him.
The rat, which had been giant just a moment ago, was now shrinking in size before his very eyes. They went from being taller than the nearby building to becoming so small he couldn't even see them from where he stood anymore. 
Curious, he stepped forward, realizing they'd shrunk to the size of a mouse. And, in fact, it seemed that that was exactly what they were; not a rat, like he'd presumed earlier. Like most sinners in hell, they still possessed human qualities, but the big mouse ears on their head and the tail made it apparent which animal they were meant to resemble. 
Amusement shined in the Radio Demon's eyes now as he continued observing the little creature. This tiny mouse had done all that damage just moments ago; leaving one of Vox's stores in complete ruin. He never would have expected them to possess that kind of strength based on how they looked, but it made him all the more curious of their motive as he now approached them.
"Well, hell there!" He called. Immediately, the mouse jumped in surprise and reached for their ears as if they were in pain. "My, that was quite a display!" He went on, ignoring their clear shock, "May I ask what might have prompted it?"
There was a long pause as the tiny sinner regarded him, now bent at the waist so that his face was a little closer to their eye level. For a second he wondered if they really were capable of speaking or if he'd simply imagined it earlier, but then they shouted.
"Uncle Al?!" Their voice, which had lost its demonic edge and returned to normal now, suddenly sounded so familiar that it felt as if the Radio Demon had been hit by a truck. How had he not recognized you before? What other little demon could have casually caused so much destruction to a TV store than his own niece/nephew/etc? 
"Why, is that you, my little mouse?" He asked with a grin so wide it nearly hurt. You nodded eagerly, immediately running up to hug him. You were so small, though, that you could really only latch onto his ankle. 
"It is, Uncle!" You replied, only now realizing how ironic his old nickname for you had turned out to be. You'd known the second you'd heard his voice that it was your favorite family member and finding him again like this couldn't have made you happier. Alastor chuckled, kneeling and placing a hand beside your little body on the ground. Once you felt it beside you, you immediately climbed on and then he carefully held you up so that you were closer to his eye-level. 
"And here I'd thought you ended up in heaven!" He told you, though his tone only held amusement. Your presence had always been enjoyable to him; ever since you were a baby. When he'd died, he'd been surprised to find he actually missed the nights when he used to have to come over and babysit you for his dear little sister's sake. 
"Nope," you told him, "But I'm pretty sure mama is there! I've been alone down here for years." The Radio Demon nodded at that. Like their mother, he'd had no doubt his sister had gone to heaven. Your presence in hell was a surprise, but with how mischievous you'd been as a child, it made some sense, even if he hadn't gotten to see how you turned out when you grew up. 
"It must have been quite lonely being by yourself." He replied as he brought you to his coat pocket now. You felt around the area before seemingly deciding it was acceptable and getting comfortable within the fabric. 
"And loud." You nodded. Alastor didn't doubt that; you'd had great hearing even when you were alive, so he imagined those big mouse ears made it even more amplified now. "I hate television."
"I agree with you there!" Alastor replied as he began walking back down the street with you safely tucked into his pocket now. "Especially since the whole point of it is to see the pictures, isn't it?" You nodded, crossing your arms in disdain. "At least radio is tasteful." In life, you'd always loved tuning into your uncle's nightly broadcasts. No matter what you and your mother had been doing at the time, you'd always made her take you home to hear them. Alastor nodded in amusement now. 
"Uncle Al, where are we going anyway?" You asked suddenly.
"Well, I do still have a broadcast to run!" The Radio Demon replied, "I'm sure the citizens of hell will want to hear about that giant mouse causing so much destruction earlier." You giggled and got a little more comfortable in the demon's pocket. "Now, while we talk, do tell me more about those demonic powers of yours?" The fact that you possessed the ability to grow and shrink between more and less terrifying forms just like he did was certainly not lost on him, and nor was the possibility of capitalizing on those powers with the potential of you two taking over hell as family. 
♡ After that you're almost always found in Alastor's pocket whenever he goes anywhere
♡ Sometimes you like to hide in his pocket and then pop up at random times, which he used to scare some of the hotel guests after the first found you
♡ You go into your demon form whenever you get angry, which usually happens when you're surrounded by way too many loud noises at once and get overwhelmed
♡ Alastor thought it was entertaining at first but after the third time you broke his coat pocket by transforming while he was literally carrying you around, he invested in some cute little earmuffs to prevent it
♡ Everybody at the hotel thought you were adorable once they got past the initial shock of A) Alastor having a niece/nephew/etc and B) the fact that you'd popped out of his pocket and startled them
♡ Vaggie lets you ride on her hair bow sometimes and Charlie absolutely loves to pet your mouse ears (she's very gentle but sometimes gets too excited and Alastor has to pull you away from her)
♡ You were terrified of Husk at first because he's a cat and Alastor, always looking for entertainment, did nothing to help with that fear
♡ So for a while every time you would be near Husk he would have to be super careful not to scare you and make you go into demon form
♡ That was until you realized who you really had to be afraid of; Nifty
♡ She associates mice with uncleanliness so she tried to stab you many times at first. Alastor never let her actually succeed but he did enjoy watching her chase you around the hotel for the first week
♡ That was how you got over your fear of Husk because he would sometimes let you hide behind the bar in between the bottles of wine. He even fed you a piece of cheese once and you were sold on him after that
♡ Eventually though, a solution was reached with Nifty when Charlie suggested they dress you in nice clothes (A red striped suit like Alastor's or a dress version of his outfit, fitted for your tiny self) in order to give the cyclops a visibly difference between you and the actual vermin she was supposed to kill 
♡ That worked well but you're still too scared to go near Nifty most of the time
♡ Sir Pentious dubbed you an honorary egg because you were close to them in size and he thought you were just so cute. He got you a little hat like the ones they wear and would even let you ride atop his hat (kind of like Alice with the Mad Hatter in the live action Alice in Wonderland)
 ♡ Angel Dust also loves you and one of the first things he did was introduce you to Fat Nuggets, whom you adored
♡ Sometimes you ride Nuggets around the hotel like a horse since you're the perfect size for it and Angel has many photos on his phone of the two of you being absolutely adorable
♡ Despite how he may seem, Alastor can be a very protective uncle. Since you've come to the hotel, he makes sure everyone keeps their volume down most of the time so as not to bother your sensitive ears. If anyone so much as raises their voice in your presence they're met with his sadistic expression and radio dial eyes as a warning
♡ No one is allowed to watch TV when you're around either; he doesn't care that English Descriptive Audio exists he just doesn't want you to feel sad that you can't have a normal experience like everyone else because that used to get to really you when you were a kid 
♡ Since you're always in his pocket, you've met most of the other overlords at meetings and things
♡ Rosie adores you and every time she meets with Alastor she brings along a new mouse-sized outfit she sewed for you as a gift. You have a whole wardrobe of tasteful clothes made by her now
♡ Zestial and Carmilla think you're cute but won't ever admit it. They just smile whenever you pop out of Alastor's pocket during a meeting; wanting to see what they're all talking about
♡ You did meet Vox once because Alastor ran into him on the street
♡ That went about as well as expected and you turned into your demon form due to his loudness and the fact that he insulted your uncle
♡ You and Alastor took turns beating Vox up that day 
Headcannons related to this concept: Cursed-Cat and Mouse
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harleehazbinfics · 7 months
Love eat?
Alastor x cannibal servant!reader
Original Concept | Additional Concept
Word count: 1764
A/N: sup im back with more crack, jk. but yeahhh i did a oneshot of that imagine and now we're here. i've channeled my inner crazy and that led me to this oneshot lmao, sorry if it's not up to par but pls enjoooooyyyy!
ps I can't find the artist pls help. chainsaw man falling devil spoiler sorry
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“Yuta!” you called your boyfriend from where you sat waiting for him.
“Sorry, I'm late,” he says with an apologetic smile, placing his bag to his side while he sat in front of me.
“No, it's ok! You're doing your best in school. I was the one who asked you to eat with me anyway,” you responded clapping your hands together, appealing cutely to your boyfriend.
“But you're busy with your culinary classes too. I'm sure you're working harder than I am!” He replied, making you smile at how genuine he sounded.
You reached inside your bag and presented 2 lunch boxes in front of him. His eyes widen in anticipation while you opened them, revealing a well plated pork cutlet and a healthy salad in the other lunch box.
“I have! I learnt a few new things during class, and I wanted you to be the first to eat my cooking. I hope you like them!” He smiles at you, flattered that he was the first thing on your mind when you made the meal. He always loved your cooking.
The both of you met when you were first years, he was just roaming the halls familiarizing himself with the school layout when he heard you squealing inside a room and helped you put out a small fire that you accidentally created while you stayed behind in the Economics Room to relearn the basics taught to you that day. So, he stayed with you until the end so that you won't set the whole room on fire this time, and as thanks you gave the meal you completed to him afterwards. As he tasted it, threw it back up when he tasted how salty it was, so you resolved yourself that you'd make a decent meal for him, and that's where your friendship to relationship started.
“Wow! You've really outdone yourself this time!” He yells with stars in his eyes, savoring each bite.
You laughed at him and pushed the salad closer to him, and said, “You can eat all of it. It's all for you!”
“Really? Thanks a lot! It's so great to have you as my girlfriend!”
“Yuta?” you asked with wide eyes as you eyed the knife in his hand that was pointed at you.
“I-I can't take it anymore. I don't want to eat any food you make for me anymore, it’s disgusting. I don’t want to eat humans! I hate it, I hate it, I HATE YOU!” He screamed lunging at you.
He pushes the knife to your stomach, a few moments later you feel the metallic taste in your throat, letting the liquid drop from your tongue as you took has face that held great remorse for you. You smiled at the pretty expression on his face and rubbed your thumb on his cheeks, smearing it with your own blood.
"How pretty. I love all the expressions you make. Do it more," you coughed out.
His expression changes from fear to disgust and anger. Vengefully, he takes your wrists binding them together in his forceful grip and continues to stab you until you died from the pain and blood loss. However, despite your body tensing and losing color on you face, he never stopped. After his knife slipped out of his hands from your blood, he threw himself at you and bit into your neck.
Devouring you. Bit by bit.
You've been aimlessly roaming around hell and chopping sinners with your cleaver that were dumb enough to pick a fight with you. At the moment, you sat on top of a building waiting for something to happen while eating an beefy arm starting from the shoulder.
While you were gnawing at it with a blank expression on your face. You were surprised when a massive green explosion appeared out of nowhere, inducing a few screams of terror.
Just a couple blocks in front of you, you see a giant red deer demon with black tentacles coming out his back as he crushed sinners in his hands and consuming them.
You immediately dropped the arm you were holding and watched as the overlord showed off his power against you, sinners. Unable to hold yourself, you followed his parade of chaos and squeaked when he appears behind you wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"How rude of you to follow me around, while I was playing with my meal," he remarks with a snarky tone.
You got distracted with his voice. How could someone be so seductive with a radio filter on, you ask yourself.
"It's also rude to stare, you know?" He adds, starting to get pissed off by how unresponsive you were as you just kept gawking at him.
"I was just admiring how powerful you were, sir! I've never seen a demon turn into that kind of form. I-I was enchanted!" You yelled at him, hands clasped together while fan-girling at his abilities with hearts in your eyes.
"My, I've never seen such behavior from a person such as you. Are you eager to be eaten?" He laughs before his eyes turning black leaving his red pupils and radio dial iris.
"Yes! I would be happy to!" You answered almost immediately, making him revert to his normal self, getting caught off guard with your reply.
He hums turning his head in confusion and irritation, “Well, that just won’t do. I only like it when my prey gets scared rather than having a sacrifice like you.”
He tries to ride away in his shadow but before he could do so, he halts in his steps when you step in front of him. “Please! I’ll act scared! I’ll do anything! I just want to be with you!” you cried dropping to the floor pathetically making him deadpan to the sight.
He huffs, and turns his back at you, “Hmm. Do what you wish.”
With that, you stayed and served Alastor for years. You’ve arranged deals for him, did his bidding on some occasions and even represented him a few times in meetings. However, your main occupation was his personal chef.
Sure, one could argue that he likes his meats raw and cooks for himself sometimes. But do you expect that man to cook every meal for himself for a nearly a century? Overlords don’t have that much free time, you know? (or at least that what Sir Alastor says) and you happily take on this task when he discovers that you were an excellent chef, living up to his own impossible standards.
However, you find yourself in a very peculiar situation.
“(y/n)? Is it really you?”
You’ve come face to face with your first love and your killer. You couldn’t help but leap up from you position and hug him while he did his best to get away from you.
“Yuta! You’re finally in here! I knew you’d come to find me, hehe,” you cried still hugging him while he struggled in your mighty grip. “I’ve been waiting for you, y’know?” you said to him with your eyes darkening at him giving him the familiar dangerous look in your eye making him tense up and unconsciously threw you across the room with his strength.
You didn’t hit the impact when Alastor raised his arms and caught you before placing you on your feet, ignoring your heart-eyes as usual.
“And who is this with you?” he asks the group, almost sneering at the new man.
“This is Yuta! He’s our new guest! We found him in Cannibal Town, and he asked us where we were, he’s now he's here!” Charlie introduces excitedly holding Yuta by the shoulder.
“Ooh, is he a bad boy?” Nifty asks looking flirtatiously.
“Why, of course! He’s the one that killed me after all!” I announced with a smile. “Isn’t that right, dear?”
He rolls his eyes and says to Charlie, “I’ll be fine anywhere as long as I don’t get involved with her. I’ll find a room myself.”
You all watch as he shows himself to one of the rooms while Charlie replies, “Uhh, ookayyy?”
“So, what’s with you and that guy?” Angel first asks, “There’s a lot of sexual and… psychological tension there.”
“Yeah, and what do you mean he killed you?” Vaggie continues, while all of them looked at you.
“Oh, you know, couple fights. One thing led to another and poof, I was gone,” you explained simply with a laugh, making Nifty laugh as well.
“So, you two dated?” Angel asked in surprise.
“Exactly, why?” I smiled at him.
“Uhh, sure. He just looks like a boy failure to me. How the fuck could he bag a hottie like you!” Angel laughs throwing his head back.
"What a crazy bitch," Husk comments blankly looking at you before peeking at Alastor's annoyed face making him raise his long brow.
You tilt you head to the side confused, before Charlie would come in and say that she’d explain it to you.
A few weeks gone by, and you didn’t stop pestering your ex with things he hated when you couldn’t get enough of the expressions on his face. You loved seeing him get so angry with you, you just loved getting on his nerve. Or it could be some fucked up enjoyment of how you remembered being eaten by him half dead that sent chills to your body every time.
“That’s it! I’ve had enough of your shit!” he yells bursting in flames.
“Oh, what? Cat got your tongue baby boy?” you teased him hands behind your back trying to annoy him.
“Oh, fuck you!” he screams as he runs forward at you trying to land a punch which you jump away from effortlessly.
He eventually tires himself out and sees you giving the deer demon googly eyes that ticks him off. He loads up a fire blast and shoots it at Alastor. You intercepted it in between not noticing him following behind it and takes hold of you neck choking you.
“Not bad,” you wheeze out with a wicked grin, setting him off and squeezing your neck tighter.
He fails to notice the black portal underneath him where a black tentacle reaches out to his ankle and wraps around his body, making him let go off you.
“I’d rather you not mess with my property if I were you,” Alastor announces menacingly as he had you in his arms. You feel starstruck as you were being princess carried and being defended by the one you admired. “I don’t like sharing, so this is my last warning for both of you to not get involved with each other.”
“Yes, sir! Anything for you!” you scream your heart out that felt like it was beginning to burst out of your chest and leap in your throat, while you give him heart eyes that he ignored, while he brought both of you to his chambers.
"Are you finally going to eat me, Sir Alastor?"
"Shut your mouth before I stitch it up for you."
"Yes, sir! I love you! 💕"
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circeyoru · 7 months
Can I request soul owner the Reader with yandere Alastor go on a date I can imagine him being exciting and super happy with the reader being calm.
I've been reading anger a lot today so I want to read something funny happy cute anything you know.
By the way I hope you have a nice day 💐
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}
I'm having a great day! Doing work and getting my phone blown up with you guys' notification here. Thank you guys for the support!!! I will repeat this as many times, I'm just that grateful!!!!
Wholesome fluff time!!!
I'll imagine that Reader/you are the one to ask about going on a date because Alastor would be too hesitant to ask, since he doesn't want to mess things up after you declared your love and wanted things to go at your pace.
Surprise, you make an effort to do what Alastor likes. Alastor's the one to do what you like, so you figured, time for a bit of a flop around. You asked around what Alastor likes to do, the hotel members were no help.
Vaggie says Alastor hates TV and a bunch of modern day technology to the point of making a deal. But with you, he watches anime on your laptop while laying side by side. Huh??? Husk and Niffty said Alastor doesn't do sweets. But he baked you a number of desserts and those were the ones he did as trial and error, he ate all the leftovers because you didn't like wasting things. Charlie says Alastor's always smiling and loves the entertainment and misery of demons. But with you, every time you were down or sad, he's doing all he can to cheer you up. Lucifer was even worse, he said Alastor loves to take care of Charlie like a daughter. You paused him and just left. Nope.
You came to the conclusion that Alastor's preferences were non-existent when it came to spending time with you. The thought made you smile and feel bubbly. Now you had to make the date worthwhile.
As much energy and time it took, also to be secretive. You made it all happen. Of course, you had to tell Alastor's shadows to keep quiet about your plans, they agreed with your headpats.
On the day. You requested Alastor's undivided attention and time. He was confused and came to you on the dot, only to regret not appearing more charming when you said it was a date. You had to hold onto him so he doesn't teleport through the shadows to fix up his looks.
"You look just fine!"
"No! It's our first date! I must look perfect! BETTER THAN PERFECT!"
You started with a stroll through a garden, hooking his arm with yours as you walked along the path. Alastor's silence was because he was still shocked and didn't dare to speak thinking he'll say something wrong. So you started small talk.
Then you brought him to Cannibal Town. Setting him down on a table and Rosie distracted him enough for you to slip into the kitchen to cook him his meal. Lucky you practiced and didn't take long cause Alastor was about to search for you in his giant demonic form. You appearing with a trollery had him sit back down and Rosie left with a giggle. Alastor stared at the plate in front of him. You cooked him something? Is he in Heaven?
"Darling, I think Heaven's a bit too red and hot."
"Just eat and tell me how it taste."
Alastor was talking, wrong word, praising your cooking. He even said the two of you could cook sometime back in the hotel kitchen. You agreed to his joy. After that, you brought Alastor to the town square, jazz music played and you offered your hand, telling him to teach you some of his moves. He happily did so and other cannibals joined in on the dance party.
At the end of the day, you brought Alastor to the forest and sang him a song *Everytime We Touch*, using his microphone staff as a mic. He secretly recorded your voice too. You didn't mind since this was both of you's first date.
"So? How was the date? You like it?"
"Darling Love," Alastor suddenly brought you into a swirl and dipped you, "This is the third best day of my afterlife."
"What's the first and second?"
"Second is the day you defended me and confessed your love to me." Alastor straightened you up and brought you close to him, "The first is the day we met."
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Daddy’s Little Monster
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•Alastor x teen! daughter! reader
•Platonic, you sickos
•What if… Alastor had a daughter who wanted to be a serial killer too?
You woke up to a red sky. There was a great pain in your head, and your vision was blurry. Once you were fully oriented, you stood up. What was this place? It was like prison, and god, it smelled awful. When you looked up at the pentagram over the sky, it dawned on you. You had died. You were in hell.
It was no surprise why you were in hell. You weren’t the best human. You indulged in a bit of cannibalism, and wanted to be an assassin when you were older. Older. That was something you’ll never be. You were just 13, thirteen and dead. However, how you died was a mystery. You had no memory of how you died.
Could it be you were murdered? No, you hadn’t made many enemies. Maybe fell from somewhere high? No, you were too scared of heights to be anywhere high. Hit by a car? You were always careless crossing the street. Yes, that had to be it.
You looked down at your new form. You had bright blue skin, and dark blue hair(She kinda looks like Ruby Gillman). The hair in your pigtails was now in thick, tentacle, like strands. Your ears were similar to fins, and your limbs were long and stretchy. You were some sort of kraken.
It made sense you were a sea creature though. You had always found yourself fascinated with the sea and the animals that inhabit that. You wished that one day you would be able to dive in there, and never have to return to the surface. You had longed to be down there with the fish and the animals. It felt like home more than the surface ever did.
You felt…at peace in hell, like you wanted to stay here. Sure, it was a little rough around the edges, but it felt like home. But your friends…everyone you left behind. Wouldn’t they miss you? For a moment in time, you wanted to go back. Go back to tell your best friend you loved her one last time. You felt her pain and her tears, and it broke your heart. But you can’t change the past. All you can do is love her and remember.
You decide to walk around your new environment. The buildings look old and run down, and people are fighting. You pass a porn studio, and laugh to yourself. Hell seemed like the kind of place where a giant porn studio would be a normal occurrence. Something catches your eye. A vending machine for drugs. You think about it for a second, but decide not to get anything.
You walk near a place called Cannibal Town, and saw some demons eating a guy. You wanted to join in, the taste of human flesh lingering in your brain, fueling your desires. In front of you was a singing demon, with a resemblance to a porcelain doll. She seemed to improv her whole song, and it amazed you. You loved to sing, and was impressed by her skills. You wanted to tell her, but you would feel bad for interrupting her song.
After exploring hell, you found a street corner to cozy up in. As your first day in hell concluded, you thought to yourself ‘is eternal damnation as bad as I thought?’
•Hi! My names Vicky, I’m a sucker for platonic au’s. My head cannons take a while, but if my requests are open, I might make your idea for a fanfic, so be sure to ask.
•This was fun to write and it is not done. I’m just tired.
•Part 2 •Part 3 •Part 4 •Part 5
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tryingtofindava · 11 months
eyeless jack dating headcanons pls :)
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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He broke into your apartment with the intentions of harvesting your organs.
When he held the scalpel to your hip, and you began to stir awake. Mf froze.
Oh shit.
“What the fuck?”
Now bro only kills to eat, and when he does, he make sure it’s as painless for the victim as possible (unless he’s in a frenzy).
And That so called victim being awake? That just makes it 100x harder to get the task done.
And when you wake up to see a 6’6 man with an oddly terrifying blue mask holding a scalpel to your hip?
You (rightfully) freak tf out.
He’s not a sadist like some ppl… (cough Jeff Cough) So he probably awkwardly retreated back out to your window.
To the actual dating headcanons now.
You guys probably had a longgggggg ass slow burn. (not the only thing that’s long…)
The two of you definitely acted like a couple, before you were ACTUALLY a couple iykwim.
You find it so cool that your bfs a demon. He doesn’t really understand your excitement about it, since it’s literally a curse for him.
This boy is a walking furnace, he’s so cozy. So lots of winter cuddle sessions. Also perfect for when you on your period.
He purrs in his sleep. You can’t change my mind. You guys be cuddling on the couch all cute n’ shit and then there’s this soft buzzing sound… You crack open your eyes to look at him. His head on your lap as he naps.
“Babe… Are you purring?”
You asked with the biggest grin ever.
He likes when you read to him, he struggles to see (ik ik, he’s eyeless n shit, but I like to think he can still see, it’s js rlly rlly blurry or he has that heat vision where he can see body temps.) So when you can’t read to him, he just listens to audio books.
He’s a gentle giant towards you, y’all literally so cute. AND A GENTLEMAN🤭 he’s the whole damn package (minus the whole… cannibal eating ppl thing.)
He has animalistic like senses. So he can hear, and smell very well. So he can smell when you change your perfume or shampoo.
Imagine him leaning down to hug you (since you’re prob shorter than this tall ahh mf, nah seriously use the Hikaku sitatter site) and his face is buried in the crook of your neck. He’ll say shit like-
“Did you change you’re perfume to Miss Dior Eau De Parfum 30ml?”
When he started getting comfortable taking his mask off around you, everytime he does you call him ‘Pretty boy’ 🤭.
HE WILL FOLD. Partially bcs he likes getting praised. Partially bcs he’s not a fan of the whole demon look.
His morning voice is literally so sexy help. Frothing at the mouth, on my knees barking.
Yk when you have like a sore head, and then you ask Google what’s up and Google’s all like ‘lol bitch you’re gonna die.’ You ask him about it obviously freaked out and he had to reassure your fine.
Walks in the rain at like 4am.
Every time he sees you, he’ll give you a quick forehead kiss.
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls, I’m begging you. On my knees and begging for you to not look inside his mini fridge he has sitting in your storage room. Thank u.
He’s got some pretty gnarly things in there. Just be thankful he has the decency to not cross contaminate that shit with your food.
You guys slow dance in the kitchen to Mitski. He spins you around and all that cute shit.
He’s overprotective of you, and when you do get him to come out in public with you, he will growl at anyone that gets a little too close for his likings.
Wearing his hoodie<3. It just makes his dead heart happy.
He may seem all quiet and sweet. But he’s sassy af. This. Dude. Has. Attitude.
When you’re telling him to do something in a tone, he’ll mouth you’re words with his hands.
When you guys are cuddling in your bed at night, he’ll randomly nibble on your neck to shoulder. He has sharp ass teeth so it’s a bit nippy, but he makes sure to be extra careful to not draw blood.
He smothers you when you’re under the weather. He’s literally so sweet omfg.
When you guys argue which is like 10% of the time, it takes awhile for him to get agitated. But even when he does he will NEVER raise his hands to you. Other than that he keeps calm.
He will though, get a bit mean, he probably doesn’t mean what he says it’s just a defence mechanism.
He makes it up to you with a cute little gift basket (he stole it.)
Y’all have probably kissed, and he still had the taste of blood in his mouth from eating someone’s kidneys<3
He can’t steal your organs but he can deffo rearrange them ;)
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Quite A Handful Ch2 Urami And Zohakutan
(Warnings for possible mentions of violence, death, cannibalism, usual kny content, etc.
I decided to include the last two clones too since I wrote for the main clones and Hantengu. I'll include Zohakutan but his interactions with Wife Y/n are STRICTLY PLATONIC!!
Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Koyoharu Gotouge for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
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The darkness of night was always dangerous to those whom did not heed the warnings of the monsters whom lurked within the abyss and shadows.
The woman knew that more than anyone else very well. Often finding herself confined within it's hold. Innocence ensnared like a bird within it's cage. Singing it's innocent melodies despite being condemned to be surrounded by cold iron bars. Forever ongoing. Swirling, swirling around
The sun sank beneath the horizon to make way for his sister the moon to take her rightful place upon her throne of darkness surrounded by her army men of stars and comets. 'Cone out!' She cried out to her dark children that hid from the light. 'My brother and his infernal light is gone. Once more come out to greet your mother and wreck discord upon thine earth. Have your fun dancing in my gentle glow and bask in the darkness that I reign upon as I watch over you.' The monsters woul answer their mother's cries. Dancing. Reigning havoc over the darkness. Bringing entropy to every household they manage to invade.
A fire warmed up the skin as your lazy eyes watched the dancing flames in the pit. The flickering lights casted dancing shadows the lonely still walls. They frolicked in tune with their own rythme in their own universe. However the warmth of the fire kept your body warm and toasted from the cold outside. No doubt crawling with monsters and demons of the abyss walking forth towards you with every step they took. In tune with every breath you took. But you didn't mind. Infact within the darkness the maiden embraced their outstretched embrace.
Step. Step. Step.
Closer and closer.
Breaths of sins clawed their way from a maw that swallowed more innocent lives than the mind cared to remember. Smiling at a wicked whom remembered or a sinful coppery taste that it could still taste on the malicious tongue. Running the muscle along fangs sharp and destined to rip flesh from mere bond. However the sins of that life would be forgotten in exchange for the comfort of innocence that the night allowed him to have once every moon. Footsteps soft yet loud enough to echo through the darkness and approaching the house with remaining light. Light that offered warmth and comfort but not protection.
F/c eyes opened slightly and turned. A door normally provided comfort and protection was no match for the class that ensnared it and pushed it open allowing the night and shadows to spill inside. The sinful, wicked face was delighted to see the one of innocent happiness smiling back to her.
"Hi, Honey!," you greeted brightly from where you were currently cutting a raw cow steak into smaller pieces for your dinner while a giant pot of rice was bubbling in the fireplace behind your smiling face. "You're home late. How was work tonight?" You beamed expecting your husband to crawl in by himself and maybe a few of his clones to come in but you were stunned by who instead walked in through the doorway. "Oh no. What happened?"
It wasn't your husband that waltzed in through the doorway. Uh..Well technically it WAS but it just wasn't the part of him that you were expecting to see tonight. A giant lumbering figure ducked down having to bend at the knees just to get in. The exact copy of your husband if your husband was taller than even a large man and if he was angry instead of scared all the time. The large scowling demon had to lean over even when he was inside because he was so tall. A much smaller figure  walked in right behind him looking just as angry. He was young but only in appearance. You knew his looks were deceiving and the other looked so unusual because-
They were both clones. Extensions of your husband. 
But these clones weren't really common. In fact you barely if ever saw them in the entire time you've been married to your husband. Resentment and Hatred weren't really two emotions that really bubbled to the surface too often.
"None of your business, Woman!"
You leaned back taken by surprise by the harsh tone from the larger man before the other looked at him with a harder scowl to his face.
"Shut your mouth, you overgrown mules ass!" He hissed back which made the other hiss back. "You will not utter a fucking sentence like that towards her again less I rip your tongue out through your throat!"
"Boys, don't fight." You gently lowered the cleaver until it laid upon the cutting board. Although you were secretly happy to know that you'd be defended by some part of your husband. "I only ask because usually it's not the two of you I see. Oh no. Did something bad happen?"
"Nothing we couldn't handle."
"Those dammed Haishira! That's what!" Urami threw up his hands almost hard enough to punch holes into your ceiling. "If Zohakutan had just done his dam job in the first place then I wouldn't have to be bothered with this!"
Zohakutan fully turned to him now snapping his scowl up! "I WAS THE ONE THAT KILLED THE DAMMED HAISHIRA !! All you've done was run away like a dog- No! A BITCH WITH YOUR TAIL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS YOU GIANT WALKING JACKASS!!"
You looked back and forth between the two as they shouted at one another. Now you know why they didn't come out too often. Sigh.
"BOYS!!" You're shout echoed throughout the home.
Both of them snapped to your tired stare. A sigh left your mouth before your hand just grabbed the cleaver again and steadied the next chunk of meat.
"Why don't you both just come sit down for dinner? I have raw steak cutlets for you and rice for me." The cleaver made another loud THUNK sound as it collided with the wooden cutting block and slicing a thick chunk of beef in two.
Both instantly looked interested."Raw steak?"
You nodded. "I've been working all day slaving away to clean your house and make you dinner and all I get in return is the both of you arguing like children!" A scowl was thrown their way before you pointed the cleaver at them point, not in a threatening way but to just show a point of your current work. "Now BOTH of you shut up and go sit down before I rip Hantengu out of Urami's heart and feed him all of this instead!"
The two didn't say or do anything at this until they both shot each other the harshest scowls and walked into the kitchen making you sigh in relief. You thought you heard Urami mumble some kind of cursing under his breath but at least they stopped fighting..for now.
It was quite a handful having so many husbands.
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
Ok, Rosie headcanon for you!! Might be a slight AU but whatever lol
I like to imagine that Rosie is actually REALLY old. Died in the 1400s or something (maybe for being a suspected witch 👀) , and she just sort of kept up with the times until she found a period that suited her (getting there on that). This also ties into Cannibal Town/Colony name thing!!
Idk how much you know about American history (I know if I didn't live in this crazy country I'd know nothing by choice lol), but in the late 1500s Roanoke Colony was established where North Carolina is now. They struggled with supplies and relations with native people so the founder left to get supplies/help etc; when he came back 5 years later everyone had disappeared without a trace, no graves, bodies, only the word "CROATOAN" carved into a rock. It's a mystery nobody has solved since.
They ran out of resources, right? What if food ran so low that people began to resort to cannibalism? And things were going so badly that some desperate person tried to summon a demon, anything to help them?
And Rosie, twisted and dark as she may be, took her own sort of sympathy on the poor, struggling colony of Roanoke, and took them all down to Hell as her own colony of souls: Cannibal Colony, leaving Roanoke empty without a trace of its inhabitants. From then on, she just sort of adopted any cannibals who fell into hell as part of her little town, so long as they assimilated and didn't cause trouble. She owns all their souls, yes, but they have some level of peace and security knowing she'll take care of them.
With the "updating culture" thing, I also headcanon that she liked to keep up with the times and stay current until sometime after slavery ended, a little before Alastor arrived (depression era) she didn't like where modern times were headed and just sort of...stopped progress, like a time capsule. Modern times started progressing too fast, and she didn't want everything to be forgotten in the rush to the future, especially the way the human world was looking with the depression. She did rename them to Cannibal Town eventually, since it was more than just her original Colony that gave her Overlord status.
I love Rosie 👁👄👁 sorry for the giant text block lol
P.S. Your art inspires me so much!! And your characterizations are *chef's kiss* I feel like your blog is consistently one I can come to to get canon-accurate character content without facing an onslaught of r********e (finally someone who can't stand it as much as me! Sending all the love 💓
oH WOW! This is really damn good and interesting headcanon! You almost convinced me to change mine to this (well, i like the idea of Rosie being SUSPECTED witch gshssh angssssst yessss). I realized that actually I don't have much that keeps me from just accepting this. Only 2 things
one is that she in her life was fighting for women's rights, and keeps doing it in hell, but i guess she still can even being older.
second one is more important. Rosie and Alastor are roughly same age (30-40 age gap is nothing in hell, were age gaps can be thousands of years) and this is one of the reasons they get along, i think.
Plus in my plot Rosie being a relatively young overlord plays significant role...
But as i said, you headcanon really cool! Maybe i'd use it for some new AU haha
P.S. Your art inspires me so much!! And your characterizations are *chef's kiss* I feel like your blog is consistently one I can come to to get canon-accurate character content without facing an onslaught of r********e (finally someone who can't stand it as much as me! Sending all the love 💓
GAHYHHHAFGS THANK YOU! I'm really happy to know that i'm not alone on this hate board hsbfsdhfj
Here you can be safe, never ever you'll see anything positive about this ship on my blog 😂 (no offence to those who likes it) Love you too 💖💖💖
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jadeddangel · 6 months
lute with an exterminator reader? And maybe with some added angst of reader dying or getting extremely injured
"Just a few more breaths..."
Lute x reader
Summary: During the attack on the hazbin Hotel, you, lute's partner gets significantly wounded and is given the choice between saving you and Adam.
Warnings:Cussing, Graphic Violence, Talk of Death, abandonment issues, Angst
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You and Lute were sharing short kisses in the alley, desperate for any form of touch from the other. It was only 15 minutes until the attack on the hotel, Lute had begged you to be left out of the attack to Adam but Adam made the decision to keep you in due to needing "all hands on desk". So, instead of training, Lute had been spending as much time with you as possible. She was terrified of losing someone who actually loved her, someone who didn't want to lose her..Lute held you closer to her body, nuzzling into your feathered neck.
It had been almost 15 minutes since you and Lute had separated, and the fight was well.. gruesome, bloodstained dirt that had developed into a deep covered mud. Lute and Vaggie were in a rough tossle in the hotel as they both fought for their lives and well.. love. As cracks began to litter all over the concrete walls of the Hazbin hotel, the walls began to Crack under the pressure of the aggressive fight between Lucifer, The King of Hell, and Adam, The First Man.
You were fighting against the cannibals, tossing them over your shoulder when they cane close enough to push their teeth into your body. You had lost chunks of your wings and arms when the cannibals had gotten close. Your body was in a searing pain from what seemed to be angelic weapon encrusted teeth that they had. But you hadn't given them the pleasure of hearing your cries and/or screams. You were probably bleeding out of major arteries, but at this point, your mind had turned off pain reptors to your body. That wad until you were starting to get dizzy from blood loss, it felt like you were dying all over again... and it was... scary.. you hadn't been scared in so long...
The building finally collapsed, and all attention was on the giant pile of rubble as you saw your girlfriend, Lute, dive out of the building holding her bleeding stub where her arm once was.
"Lute!!" You screamed, pushing the cannibals off of your bleeding body using your wings as best as you could to soar over to Lute helping her up out of pity. Lute stood and pushed you away from her, "Don't focus on me! Get that fucking brat of lucifer's!" Lute yelled not even bothering to look at you or your wounds knowing she wouldn't be able to stop herself from babying you, if she knew you were hurt.
You flinched and moved back from Lute and pulled your wings in. She had never yelled at you. Suddenly, you saw vaggie dive in and push Lute to the ground, both of them quickly wrestling for dominance. You were panicking a bit, causing you to drop your guard, allowing The cat demon, Husk, the opportunity to sneak behind you, holding one of his divine cards to your neck.
As if on cue, you heard Adam begin screaming and giving a speech, "No! You don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam! I'm THE fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something. I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be worshipping me! You ungrateful, disgusting, fucking, LOSERS!!!" Adam screamed at Charlie and the surviving demons and then suddenly and out of nowhere, Squelch!! .It was sickening as everyone paused to watch the large divine sewing needle piercing through Adam's gut. Lucifer poked at his own gut, "Uhm, you've got a little something, like right there" Lucifer didn't really flinch or show any form of discomfort. Adam fell to his knees and then onto his stomach, you heard Lute scream and push vaggie off of her, rushing to Adam shaking him and tuning him over letting out cries and screams. You couldn't bear to look anymore as you shifted your gaze to the ground, you were too scared to move to much knowing your throat could be slit at any moment.
Lute turned her gaze towards you, noticing the danger. She knew she had to choose between you and Adam. It was a blur. All you remember is falling to the ground suddenly and your neck burning with a ferocity that you had never felt before. Your hands gripped onto your neck, feeling the warm feeling of blood, "Oh.." he had barely missed your jugular and windpipe, but it still didn't hurt. You heard a loud scream and heard a Lute rush to you laying your head in her lap, "no no no no.. not you, please.. please.. I can't lose you and Adam.. I don't wanna choose.." Lute, let out sobs punching over your body. You reached up and held lutes cheek, "Hey hey.. don't cry.." You croaked out struggling to breathe and speak. You had never seen lute cry so much. Slowly, all of the demons around you connected the fact that you were, in fact, lovers from body language. Vaggie walked closer, "Lute.. I.. I didn't realize you guys were still.." Vaggie started. Lute held your body closer to her, gritting her teeth, "Haven't you done enough?!!" Lute yelled through tears, holding you closer to her body.
Vaggie hesitated and backed up, putting her arm out defensively in front of Charlie, though Charlie was quite far behind her. Lute's lip quivered and held you closer to her, "Hey Lute?... i-i.. if I don't make it..." You started feeling your vision start to go black. "No, no, don't.. I'm not gonna let anything happen! We made plans! We... we were gonna have dinner together..get a pet together.. you said nothing would happen.. you said you would be fine.. I can fix this.. I can fix this.. this is all my fault.. I should have pushed to let you stay..I-I can fix this.. This is all my fault!!.." Lute ranted, only to be caught off by your loud coughs and blood splattering on her face. "Lute!.." you yelled the best you could. Your body was trembling against your will. "It's not your fault, Lute, I... it's not your fault.." You repeated gripping onto Lute's feathered neck. Lute held you closer to her understanding that she had no control over this anymore.
You couldn't see anymore, "I love you L-... Lute.." You struggled as you breathed out, passing out, making your body go limp...
Ending 1(you survive):
You shot up as you awoke, and you held your neck, remembering the struggling to breathe and the pain of the cut. You were shaking in pain as your head was on a swivel as you looked around paranoid. You recognized where you were. It was one of the angelic hospitals, It was mainly just for injuries from training with the angelic weapons. You felt yourself relax as you finally felt the large amount of pain from all over your body. It was from the bites, the stabs, and... the... the wound that almost killed you... You swung your legs off of the hospital bed, looking around terrified. Wait.. where was lute?! She came too, right? She hadn't stayed down there, right?! Your mind was racing as you heard talking outside of the hospital room and them the door opening to the hospital room. Your eyes flipped up to the person who had entered the room. You held your breath reflexively before relaxing, seeing Lute's familiar face, "I... wait.. Lute?..." you whispered, your voice was hoarse from the lack of use. Lute rushed to you and hugged you tightly, pulling you closer desperately, "You're ok!!" Lute yelled in surprise, sniffling a bit as she began crying in happiness. Turns out you had been in the hospital for about 2 months and had gone into critical care multiple times due to your weakened immune system. After you had gotten released to be able to go home, you and Lute had gotten promoted as commanders of the exorcist army. You had adopted a little angelic kitten and named it Adam. It was your guys' way of mourning the loss.
Ending 2(Reincarnated as a demon):
You shot awake holding your neck and looking around searching for the destruction you had caused, but nothing.. You looked down at your hands and froze.. your skin looked wrong.. you weren't in pain, though.. you reached up to feel for your halo but didn't feel it.. instead, you felt 2 rough horns that were so sharp that you nearly pierced through your palms. You let out a hiss of pain as you got up. You still had wings, but they were black with red splotches where you had been bitten and where chunks had been ripped out. You looked all over your body, noticing that the pattern had carried over your body. You were almost pitch black in color aside from red that had been where all of your scars were. And then, you connected all the pieces and headed straight to the pride ring, trying to get back to Lute.. trying to get back home...
Ending 3(???):
You opened your eyes slowly, before squinting them, there was a bright light, it was almost like... the sun? Your eyes adjusted after a moment as you opened your eyes completely. There was tall grass and tall cedar trees... it was beautiful.. it was somewhere you and Lute had always talked about.. You were in a large clearing that was surrounded by flowers and mushrooms that didn't seem poisonous or harmful. You saw smoke in the distance as you slowly walked forward.. you felt drawn to it almost.. You slowly followed the flowers that had almost created a trail towards where the smoke was.. You followed the "trail" and found a pretty little cabin. It was perfect. You opened the door to the cabin, I mean, the place seemed safe enough so it couldn't be too bad.You opened the door to see... Lute? She was in the kitchen. The sunlight licked at the window, leaving a golden glow on the window paine since the sun was sitting on the horizon. Lute was pouring steaming hot water into 2 cups that were in front of her before looking up at you, "Welcome home my love, make sure you close the door behind you, we wouldn't want Adam getting out again" Lute laughed a bit, she seemed relaxed. You tilted your head confused at the name until you saw a golden, almost ginger colored cat approach you rubbing against your legs affectionately. You shut the door softly before picking up the kitten, "What are you making?" You asked quietly. "Wellll I didn't know if you wanted coffee or tea, so I made your favorite kind of tea!" Lute smiled at you brightly. She approached you, holding the cups before holding one out to you. You smiled, setting the cat down and taking the cup, "I figured we could cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together, maybe?"Lute said. You smiled, "That sounds perfect.. we always did talk about how we could do that forever and how we never wanted it to end.." you muttered. You knew this wasn't real.. but you were happy... and you would be with her for the rest of time..
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
In addition to the sea of criticism the show is receiving, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring and offer one more.
Alastor was a LOT more interesting when we had only HEARD of his violent tendencies. In the pilot, Vaggie tells us about the mysterious Radio Demon who would broadcast the tortured screams of his victims throughout hell, on a channel you couldn't change or mute. That was such an interesting detail! No one ever SAW Alastor hurting people. They only heard the process as it went and saw the aftermath of what he'd done when overlords went missing.
Alastor, who in the pilot was so polite and refined, charismatic and personable, the perfect gentleman.... is also a horrible cannibal and serial killer and had a fondness for torturing his victims in live broadcast. It was SO interesting, the juxtaposition between what he was showing to Charlie and the legend he was to Hell.
But burning Alastor into a giant tentacle deer kaiju who just tears people limp from limp is so uninteresting... We never should've seen his "demon" form. It should've been done in shadow, extreme close-ups, harsh cuts between a threat and a mangled corpse, no idea how much time has passed.
I don't know. I just feel like, he like a TON of things in hazbin hotel, was implied to be a much different and more interesting entity in the pilot than in what he turned out to be in the series.
God, this would have been so cool and I'm extremely annoyed that we didn't get it. It would have been so fucking creepy, like pause the video and turn on all the lights in the house creepy.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Consider: Vaggie idly tracing her fingers along Charlie's horns, while Charlie's tail almost unconsciously coils to pull Vaggie closer.
Consider: post-almost breakup Charlie Morningstar's separation anxiety and new habit of curling up in demon mode on Vaggie's side of the bed whenever she's feeling miserable, and maybe Vaggie needed to see that
hmm this is more like a fic outline sampler than a headcanon. ah well
they're more partners than ever before, but being partners plus the hotel thing too also means they've each got so much stuff to DO
and they can't always do it together now
the newly re-built hotel (and relationship) comes with new rituals for them, like the squeeze of hands at the hotel gate when it's a busy day and one of them has to be on one side of town dealing with Cannibal Town politeness conventions and the other has to be on the other side of Pentagram City, saying thanks to Carmine while handing over all the new weapons picked up after the battle. Thank fuck there's two of them to cover it all and a promise to meet up back there later, like how they did after the-
Charlie doesn't like thinking about that part though. They separate and she blazes through Cannibal town with a smile big enough to devour heaven, instead thinking about meeting up with Vaggie at the hotel gates again just like they did last time, and won't THAT be fun?
she laughs and sings and pulls the cannibals into gleeful choruses of bloody defiance against heaven as they have proper gorgeous cannibal dinner funerals for the slain while Rosie watches with teeth-glinting interest
and maybe Charlie rushed things a bit too somehow, because she trots up the the hotel later all exhausted and eager and
finds the gates empty
had she really thought it would go just like last time? Had she really been counting on it...?
Charlie's wooden smile as she settles in to wait. Pacing up and down, doing a few nervous tap dances, casting hopeful looks down the street towards the Carmine territory
she could just call. Text to say she's home and Cannibal town went good and check in on how Vaggie's doing. Maybe ask if Vaggie wants Charlie to run over? Maybe they could meet up and walked home together, if Vaggie needs a hand with Carmilla-
no, Charlie shoves her phone away stops herself. She's not going to repeat the day with the trust building exercises, she's not going to ask Vaggie to do something and then not trust her with it or even risk making it LOOK like that's what's happening
one time being asked to leave Vaggie alone on a roof like that was enough
Charlie can just wait this time too
time ticks by. She fixes her hair, hugs herself, and tries not to look over at the giant gleaming memorial statue to Dazzle. she tries to wait
but handling things alone has never been Charlie's thing and waiting for Vaggie doesn't count as not feeling alone, so she doesn't stay out there long in the end
half an hour finds her heading into the endless noise of the hotel where someone is bickering with someone else about something. Charlie heads past it up to their room, too tired to do anything other than curl up and wait even if it mans being back in Vaggie's empty side of the bed
she also, though, keeps their bedroom suit door open a crack so she can hear the distant sounds of swearing from downstairs
Razzle would've been there to snuggle up with her, but right after shrugging off her jacket and kicking off her shoes and calling for him Charlie remembers she sent him off with Vaggie today. She'd insisted on it- just a little just-in-case help, just until the fresh heavenly steel marks in Vaggie's flesh stopped being quite so fresh both literally on Vaggie and non-literally on Charlie's stretched thin nerves
remembering Vaggie's blood smeared on her skin makes her feel sharp both inside and out, all horns and claws as she drops into bed, spade tipped tail already lashing the bedsheets into a lather
angry hurts less than loneliness so Charlie hunches inward and let's herself be angry all over again, burning over the years of guilt she spent thinking her home and her people had hurt Vaggie, done that to Vaggie, only to find out it was heaven all along
she sinks her claws into the bed and imagines Lute's flesh and bone being punctured instead. Imagines ripping-
Vaggie's small proud smile as she talked about having shone mercy flashes through Charlie's head and she snarls, kicking it away- of all the fucking times to show mercy, the one time Charlie's life actually could have been made so much simpler from Vaggie impaling someone-
cloven hoof slams into hardwood bedframe and cracks it. Charlie curls up tighter, not noticing how the voices downstairs have gone quiet
Charlie doesn't like being angry. Worse than that she hates being alone
right now she's both
Vaggie wasn't waiting for her at the gates and it's not fair how much that scared her, when there's nothing wrong and nothing to be scared of
she tells herself that and tells herself that, trying to relax
she's a lot less scared when she blinks awake later and hears Vaggie yelling at someone downstairs
and she COULD get out of bed now, she could jump up and smooth down her shirt, fix her hair, go bounding down the stairs three at a time and scoop Vaggie up in a twirl before Vaggie can even look around from threatening whoever was messing with the hotel today. Charlie could laugh and hug her and soak in Vaggie's smile and tell Vaggie how she missed her
Charlie stays in bed
She stays on Vaggie's side of their bed with her heart pounding, listening to Vaggie and Razzle bickering up the stairs
"...not a big deal and she won't notice anyway, right? My skin's already grey. You can't really tell if it's bruised..."
"Alright fine, she'd notice if you told her, which you could but won't."
"No you don't have to. How many doughnuts to make you not want to this time?"
"Me crashing into a window while flying us home is NOT worth two dozen doughnuts. I don't care how dumb I looked hitting the newly angel-proofed glass."
"What do you mean you stole my phone and recorded it-"
she hears the exact moment Vaggie pushes open the door and stops dead
Vaggie, seeing now exactly what Charlie had worked so hard not to let her see back then when being angry and hurt had hurt Charlie less than the gaping hole of terrifying loneliness she'd gotten from looking at Vaggie and wondering if Vaggie wanting to be with her- if the woman Charlie loves wanting to be with her- had just been another lie too
small wings flutter and Razzle's little paws pat her hair, little goat demon nose snuffling at her cheek
"Sweetie." Vaggie's voice is closer this time. Less confused. More worried. "Are you..."
Charlie doesn't want her finishing that question
talking would be the more normal option. Just tell Vaggie how she'd felt, but Rosie had said actions matter more and Charlie doesn't know what she felt or how to say it all anyway
so she makes the colossal effort to wiggle her tail tip out from under the blankets and lift it into a tiny wave
"Hi, Vaggie." she whispers, "You're back."
maybe she says 'i missed you' with those two last words anyway
because Vaggie is suddenly there by the bed, Vaggie who can step so quiet sometimes like she's not even touching the ground- the dancer in her Charlie used to think but maybe it's the angel thing- and Charlie can tell she's there with her eyes closed just from how her own muscles start to relax, even before Vaggie reaches down
"Hey." It's a soft stroke to Charlie's hoof, the one poking out from under the blanket cocoon, the one who'd kicked out earlier and probably dented their poor bed. "Tough time in Cannibal town?"
they're both really bad at actually talking about things. But that's fine
Charlie only notices her shivers when Vaggie presses down on her ankle and stops them, like magic. "Cannibal town was fine."
Vaggie hums. It's warm and low and soft and Charlie can hear how she knows what wasn't fine today, feels it in the squeeze of Vaggie's hand before Vaggie tucks the blankets in all neat an tidy around their balled-up blob of Charlie
"Do you want our door open," Vaggie asks, "or door closed?"
"Rrrrr." Razzle is up and fluttering before Vaggie can move. Razzle knows what Charlie needs just as much as she does
there's a click of the lock and a ping of guilt for only using the sounds of the hotel to make herself feel better when Vaggie wasn't here to do a better job of it, then a pang of something more sweet than bitter, thinking about how doors being open or closed were never even a question back when it was just them at home
the edge of the bed next to Charlie sinks and pulls her like gravity towards where Vaggie settles, sitting and fitting perfectly in the curve of the pitiful puddle of Charlie
"Kinda nice having guests in the hotel, huh?"
Vaggie's hand is brushing loose strands of hair away from Charlie's face, smoothing them off Charlie's horns and then staying there.
"Even if they're still part-time assholes about it."
Charlie feels it when Vaggie breaths in at the end of the sentence, tail having found its way over and around Vaggie without Charlie thinking about it
She thinks about how Vaggie had been yelling downstairs and trying to bribe Razzle on the way up. A corner of her mouth crooks, almost smiling
"Did they laugh when you hit the window?"
Tense up and slump and Vaggie huffing, giving up hiding it, also almost laughing too
"Only once."
There's a bruise on her somewhere a new fresh one to match the faded ones from the battle and Charlie's searching eyes snap open, that constant tight fist in her chest grabbing her heart and squeezing
"Are you okay?"
Vaggie is already looking back at her, like she's been waiting this whole time
"I'm fine, Charlie," she smiles. "Just a bruise to my stupid pride. Just what I get, for being in such a hurry."
her wings are still out. One relaxed and drooping all the way to the floor like a tossed aside blanket and the other held up over Charlie, feathers almost brushing her, mirroring Vaggie's arm still reaching out and her hand drifting mindlessly between smooth blood-red horn and tangled somewhat messy hair
she doesn't say she was in a hurry 'to see you' in the same way Charlie hadn't said 'i missed you' and that why today wasn't fine
that's okay
everything is okay, as long as Charlie can tug Vaggie closer and curl in closer around her still, her head snuggling on Vaggie's lap. As long as Vaggie can cradle her there with hands and wings and be there for Charlie to feel it when she breathes
post-angel revelation Vaggie sees a lot her demon gf's horns and tail and markings, more than she had in all the years they've been together
it's never about her wings. not about her lost halo, her spear, all the people she's killed with it. That's, somehow, not the problem
The problem is Charlie knows she knows about heaven now and she has questions, so many questions, but all Vaggie has are an exorcist's very narrow answers and a lightness where her mask used to be, and scars
Charlie always tries asking about the scars, then inevitably about how the fight with Lute went. Charlie can't ask those things or listen to the answers without heating up, angry in slow and silent and steady way Vaggie's never seen from her before
and sometimes Vaggie notices how she's casually playing with Charlie's horns during those talks, or tracing the black marks scoring down Charlie's cheeks or feeling how Charlie's tail adjusts it's already tight grip around her waist. Sometimes she wonders about how she savors it, when she's got her new ashen wings out and Charlie's running her pitch black talonned hands through them, like she wants to memorize every feather and check on each one, like how she seeks out Vaggie's new scars now too and adds it all to the tally of every last thing Lute took
it feels wrong to smile at the sight of the woman she loves wanting to kill someone because of her
definitely its wrong seeing Charlie wanting to kill not in a flash of passionate protective rage, but muted and hard and thoughtful. Vaggie has to have something wrong with herself when she sees how wrong that anger looks on Charlie, and still finds herself smiling over it
wrong feels pretty nice. That should worry her
Vaggie absentmindedly testing her thumb on one of Charlie's horn tips or breathing in to deepen the constrictor snake hug of Charlie's tail digging into her ribs. It's nice and it does make Vaggie smile
she'd felt Charlie's claws trembling at the end of the battle, them standing together as they looked down at un-armed and disarmed and half blinded from tears Lute
if ever there was a time to feel sympathy that would have been it. Well. Maybe it would've a bit more sympathetic if Lute hadn't still been spattered with Vaggie's blood. The woman had been on her knees and crying though, and Charlie had been ready to let Adam run home alive....
and if Vaggie hadn't been there anchoring Charlie, Lute would've been dead
but she had and Charlie hadn't and Lute wasn't
it's making Charlie angry, Vaggie knows, thinking about how the person who wanted to take out Vaggie's other eye before killing her is still out there, will probably be pathetic enough to try that shit again. Charlie doesn't like to be angry and now just looking at the new scar on Vaggie's post-impaled hand brings out the horns and hint of hellfire. Vaggie should feel bad about that
she runs her hand over Charlie's horns, hums into the tail wrapped round her chest, drapes herself and her wings over her girlfriend and smiles into Charlie's hair
these days Charlie wants so badly to hurt people for her, but also won't, because of her
Lute's life was Vaggie's choice and Vaggie chose mercy- edged with spite and the sharp cruel edge of revenge, sure, but still it was mercy and a second chance- and Charlie listened to that. Listened to her. Had needed her there for once as a reminder to be good
that almost makes it feel like.... maybe Vaggie does belong down in hell after all, in the good ways as well as the bad. Like maybe she really does belong right here, with Charlie
maybe Charlie holding on like this means she won't ever let Vaggie go
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ramlightly · 5 months
steeples fingers. PLEASE tell me about the carnivorous ecology of the gluttony circle I LOVE ecological worldbuilding
Alright alright so
Have you perhaps read/watched Life of Pi? The one with the kid stuck on a life boat with a tiger? At one point they stumble an island that turns out to turn carnivorous at night, where Pi finds a human tooth embedded in a flower. This is the inspiration for the Wilderness, the circle of Gluttony
So, this is more metaphor than actually scientific. Please don't expect science in hell or from me lol.
The Wilderness is a giant jungle, all based around a mountain where it's creator, Alvus the Hive, resides at his banquet hall within the earth. This is a land designed to consume.
It's a corrupted landscape, one that works in perfect harmony within itself but it utterly hostile to an other life forms that enter it. Nearly plant, is carnivorous or dangerous in some way, sometimes not even obvious. Sure you have the giant pitcher plants with it sweet smell and slippery insides, that's obvious enough. But sometimes that fruit you at will wait a day or two before erupting into a sapling in your stomach, using your body as nutrients as it grows into a new tree.
There are animals and creature that survive through very specific relationships with the environment or being very hardy. There are no settlement or civilizations, anyone who actually lives in the Wilderness stay in the mountain and serves Alvus.
Alvus makes and sends demons out to be prey for his wastelands. Though his hunters chase after these demons to bring back as meals for , they are just as likely to be swallowed by a pitcher plant or dissolves in an acid lake where their bones lays in it's depths. For the introduction of new meat - new personalities and emotions and souls - causes the environment to grow and change and mutate. The jungle gets more dense and the the ecology gets more interconnected. It's kind of evoking evolution in a land out of time. Alvus very much considers the Wilderness an extension of himself, almost literally as his locust-like bugs help pollinate the plants.
By the way, Alvus is considered a freak by even the other Archfiends lol. Like why did you make cannibal island, why??
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deedeeznoots · 3 months
The Eyes That Watch Me Sleep
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➺ Characters: Ryomen Sukuna, Fem!Reader 
➺ Word Count: 4.5k
➺ Genre: Horror Elements, Smut, Fluff 
➺ Content: MDNI, Sleep Paralysis Demon!Sukuna (not really though you don’t have sleep paralysis and he isn’t a hallucination but I don’t know what to call what he is lol), True Form!Sukuna, Overworked!Reader, Stalking (since he’s watching you sleep), Swearing, Mentions of Gore Specifically: Cannibalism, Breaking Your Bones (he doesn’t actually do any of this), Sukuna Is Kind of a POS but in the Himbo Way, SMUT, Dubcon (just to be safe but reader and Sukuna enthusiastically consent very early on), Masturbation, Voyeurism, Fearplay (maybe?), Teasing, Degradation, Pussy Slapping, Double Packed Sukuna, Anal, PiV, Sukuna Talking You Through It, Creampie, Breeding, Mentions of Possible Pregnancy, Possessive!Sukuna, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Rough!Sukuna, Pretty Spooky but it Turns Sweet I Promise 
➺ A/N: Oh to have Sukuna watch me in the dark every night and help me forget all my problems ☹️
➺ Synopsis: There’s a man who watches you sleep every night. Well…the term “man” is used loosely, considering the only thing you’re ever able to make out are four big eyes staring intensely while you lay  in bed. He never says anything, he never does anything, he simply just stares. At first you were afraid, but after a while you got used to his presence and even pulled all-nighters as he watched you, deciding the best course of action was to simply ignore him. That is of course, until he decided to come out of the shadows…
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You remember the first time you saw it. 
You woke up in a cold sweat, your chest rising up and down frantically, and you could practically hear your own heart beating out of your chest. You were sleeping soundly just a few seconds ago, but seemed to be jolted awake when your body felt a sudden change in the air. Similar to when a wild animal would wake in their sleep when their body tells them that there’s danger nearby, it almost seemed like your body was warning you.
It takes all of your might to shakily turn your head toward your alarm clock to look at the time. 3:36 AM, the bright and bold numbers stare back at you. However, you’re too focused on what you see in the distance, looming in the shadows almost out of sight of your eyes. Almost. 
Four giant eyes stare right at you as you turn your head to the dark corner in your room. At first you think it’s your imagination. It had to be… right?
No… inside, you know it’s real, and it’s horrible. You continue to excrete sweat as you make eye contact with the orbs. You shouldn’t stare. In fact, that was probably the last thing you should do, but you do so anyway… almost as if you were staring at a car crash. 
Every so often, the eyes blink back at you as you sit frozen in fear… continuing to stare back. Does it know you’re staring? Can it see the fear in your eyes? What does it plan to do next? These questions haunt you the entire night as you continuously stare back at the being.
The clock next to you continues to tick as you make eye contact with the monster. As time continues to pass, the sun begins to show itself, casting sunlight through your window panes. Just as the sunlight shines through the once dark corner, the eyes disappear with it, as if they were a part of the shadows themselves. 
Were you…crazy? The eyes looked so real…but as you stare at the now lit corner, you see nothing. 
You slowly got out of bed, lifting yourself out of the blankets that served as protection for the night. You slowly walk toward the corner and stare at it intensely, as if the eyes would suddenly appear again if you just kept looking. Feeling brave…you bring out your hand to try to touch the wall, trying to feel for anything that could possibly be different. 
Tired and exhausted, you give up on the odd corner and make your way to the bathroom. 
Staring at the bathroom mirror, you see your eyes, now bloodshot red with prominent dark circles around them… no doubt from staying up. You splash some cold water on your face, hoping the cool wetness helps to calm you down. 
You wipe yourself with a towel and walk back to your bedroom. Of course, your eyes are drawn once again to that very corner. 
…Whatever. You thought. It was probably just the shadows combined with your tired mind’s imagination. That morning you decided to simply move on with your day and forget all about the ominous eyes, no harm no foul. 
Unfortunately, it seems that your watcher had other plans in store. 
Every night… again and again, they came back to haunt you. Every single night you stood in fear while staring at the eyes. It was a different kind of fear, one that you had never felt before up to this point. Your heart would come up to your throat, you would nearly forget to breathe, and you were given no other choice but to stare back as your body refused to sleep with the looming threat near. Truly a horrible feeling, like all of hell made its way into your cherished bedroom. 
Every night, you would notice some new details about the eyes that you didn’t before. These details would unfortunately bring up more questions than answers. Like… Why are the eyes so high up? Is that how tall the monster is? Fuck… are these eyes even connected to a body? These questions would have made you shiver if only your body granted you the permission to move anything more than your head. 
Sometimes, on the scariest nights… you would not only see the eyes, but a wide smile. It was enjoying your fear, and it wanted you to know that. The sharp-tooth smile serves as a way to mock you and your fear, taunting you for your weakness under some mere eyes. 
Most days you’d be forced to stare at the eyes until sunrise. Though… on some days, your body would succumb to its exhaustion and you would somehow fall asleep, with its eyes being the last thing you see before your slumber. 
Despite all your fears though… it would never do anything. Sure, it was terrifying to see a dark looming figure in the corner watching you, but it never followed up with anything more than a wide smile every so often. Slowly... what was once something out of your nightmares became nothing more than a minor annoyance. 
You began to fall asleep by choice rather than from pure exhaustion. In fact, you began to stay up by choice rather than by fear… many days choosing to stay up working in the middle of the night while the eyes stared back at you. “I fucking hate work” you’d say to the eyes as you open your laptop to pull another all-nighter, albeit to no response. 
Sometimes you’d test out its strengths and turn on your phone flashlight near the figure to see it disappear, only to reappear again when the light dissipates. You never went near the eyes… no, you enjoyed your life too much for that, but you enjoyed indulging in your odd little tricks. The eyes were almost like just another thing in your room, with as much importance as your closet or desk. Only there to when needed to serve a purpose such as entertain you.
There was something comfortable about the eyes, about knowing that someone was watching you. There was something so comforting about the consistency of its behavior, with the fact that it came back so many times. Without realizing, you had done something that couldn’t be described as anything more than stupid. You began to trust that the eyes or whoever those eyes belonged to, would never really harm you. 
Other than sleep or work, sometimes you had other needs to attend to during the middle of the night. You are human, after all. At first you weren’t even thinking about the eyes, you simply wished to enjoy yourself for the night and indulge in your own body. 
You slowly took off your pesky clothes and began to spread your legs. “Mmph”, you let out a soft moan into the hand covering your mouth, while the other played with your pussy. Closing your eyes in ecstasy as you slipped a finger in whilst rubbing your clit, keeping a steady rhythm as you pushed your fingers in and out of you, whilist allowing your thumb to play with your little bundle of nerves. 
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? You felt amazing, turning into a moaning mess by your own hand. It felt so good, in fact, that you almost forgot that you were being watched. 
You open your eyes and you see them. Four giant eyes staring right at you once again. 
Does it see what you’re doing through the darkness? I hope so, you think to yourself.
What? No I don’t. What am I thinking? That’s so weird. Your mind stops you, trying to keep yourself from admitting that you did in fact enjoy being watched while you touched yourself. 
Still… the body knows what it wants, and you continue to stare at the monstrous eyes while playing with your cunt just the way you liked it. Everything about it felt so wrong, but you couldn’t help yourself but to continue eyeing the monster as you unashamedly made a mess out of yourself. 
I mean…it’s the one watching me in my private space! It’s not my fault! You said to yourself as your fingers reached deep inside of you, trying to do anything but admit the fact that you were turned on from doing something so dirty and perverted.
You feel your body heating up, and your pussy feeling more sensitive than ever before. Overwhelmed by the intensity, you let out an audible moan as you rubbed yourself through the sensations.
It had to have heard that. You try to look at its eyes for any change of reaction to anything that you’ve been doing, but the eyes remain the same and simply continue staring back at you oh so intently, focused on only you and your half-naked body. 
Feeling hot all over, you finally feel yourself come undone onto your fingers, making eye-contact once again with the monster as you came harder than you ever had before. 
You should be ashamed. You thought. Getting off on something watching you? Let alone something so monstrous? Still… you aren’t ashamed at all as you pull your fingers out of your cunt and fall back into your pillow, feeling your pussy twitch as the cool air hits its sensitive form. 
As you fall asleep, the last thing you see once again are those same four big eyes looking back at you. 
While that day was a bit shameful at first, you were eventually able to move on. You still didn’t care much about the eyes staring at you every night, and continued doing your normal activities like sleeping or the occasional all-nighter for work. 
Maybe it was waiting for this moment. Waiting for you to fully let your guard down so that one day it could finally have its way with you when you least expected it.
You wonder…
What will that day be like when it comes? 
Your eyes shoot open as you once again wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night… you remember this feeling, the feeling of pure fear. You hadn’t felt it in a while, but it’s something you could never forget. 
Almost on instinct, you look at the corner where the eyes lay. Your heart beats rapidly as you realize that there’s nothing there. This revelation sets your body into panic mode, and your breathing once again quickens. 
It’s funny, really… when you’re so used to the absurd, something being so normal somehow finds a way to terrify you more. 
You don’t miss the eyes for very long though, because as you slowly turn your head a little bit more, you begin to see the four oh so familiar eyes looking straight at yours. 
“Oh, hello”
It– no… he speaks. For the first time, he’s actually spoken to you. His voice is deep with a hint of charisma behind it. He didn’t sound like a monster, in fact… he sounded like everything but. 
You should be scared…right? You should be shocked, at the very least. Still… you can’t help but release a sigh of relief as your eyes meet him while he sits by the side of your bed. It was something about him staring at you in the dark of your room that made you almost feel…comfortable seeing him? 
He straightens his back as he looks down on you, no doubt as a way to make himself look more intimidating. You can’t help but notice the fact that he has four arms, with two on his hips as another two remain crossed, hugging his tattooed chest. You also observe the giant mouth on his stomach, and begin to wonder what the possible uses for such a thing would be, before it dawned on you that you probably didn’t want to find out the answer to that. 
He has a sinister smile plastered on his face as he looks at you, a smile that you’re all too familiar with. “Are you scared, human?” he chuckles darkly as he speaks to you. You simply stood still, choosing not to answer him. 
“You should be…” he continues, “The Ryomen Sukuna has been in your shadows for quite a long time, haven’t I?”. He takes the time to get close to your ear as he whispers “...and I’ve finally come out of hiding”. 
“Oh! What to do with you?” he laughs in excitement, his pupils dilating as he thinks of all the sick things he could do to you. “Maybe I can cut your legs off– Oh! And make you watch while I eat it” he laughs sadistically. “Or maybe I can slowly break each of your fingers one by one and watch as you beg for mercy” he turns his back to you in glee.
You simply look back at him as he goes on a tangent about all the horrible things he plans to do to you. It’s not like you didn’t care for his threats, but you almost had a hard time believing him. 
He seemed to notice this, considering he stopped abruptly as he looked back at you. “Oh–What the hell?!” he blurts out in frustration. 
Sukuna finds the light in your room and flips it on, the sudden brightness straining your eyes. You aren’t able to focus much on that, however, as Sukuna begins to speak. “Listen brat, we need to have a chat” he tells you, his gruff voice coated in annoyance. He’s less intimidating in the light, almost as if a curtain of suspense had been lifted on him, exposing his true nature.
Still groggy from your lack of sleep and the sudden light, you mumble a soft “Wha…” as you sit up to rub your eyes. Sukuna takes it upon himself to sit across from you, and you feel a dip as his large form sits atop your mattress. 
“What’s up with you?” he asks, looking at you closely, as if he were observing you. You were used to his staring at this point, but this was different. He was no longer trying to intimidate you, he was simply trying to figure you out.
“What are you talking about…?” you ask, annoyed at the fact that you are once again losing precious sleep to him. He grumbles in offense, seeing how little care (let alone fear), you have towards him. “This! This is what I’m talking about!” he looks at you in angered shock, “You shouldn’t be able to speak around me, human… Fuck– You should barely be able to breathe, what the hell is wrong with you?” he rests his chin on the palm of his hand, genuinely trying to figure out what’s so broken about you. 
“I…I don’t know man! I–”. 
“You know it used to be so fun messing with you” he cut you off. “I’d just sit and watch as you stare back at me in fear wondering what I’d do” he looks up at the roof as he thinks back at the memories. Is he… feeling nostalgic? You think to yourself… What an odd monster you've found yourself intertwined with.
“...But at some point, you stopped caring. Why?” he pouts, looking at you somewhat accusingly, as if you were the one who hurt him. 
You scratch the back of your head as you think about his question. I guess it couldn’t hurt to try to answer him, you thought. When did you stop being afraid of him?  
“I don’t know… I just got used to you I guess…” you answered honestly, but that didn’t seem like a good enough answer for Sukuna. 
“USED TO ME—” he stutters out, taken aback by your words. “E-Everyone FEARS ME… but YOU– a measly human is– USED to me?!”.
“Hey it’s not my fault, man!” you yell back at him, “You never did anything so I just got used to it—” 
A sound from the laptop on your desk softly alerts you of a new notification. “Hold on, let me grab it,” you tell Sukuna, casting him aside. “You– DON’T YOU IGNORE ME” he yells out from the bed. You do the opposite of what he says and ignore his whines, grabbing your laptop and making your way back to bed to see what the notification is about. 
You sigh when you see the text that covers the notification box. Another email from your boss telling you about something you need to finish as soon as possible. You rub your eyes again and look at the clock next to you, it’s late… too late to be working, but you suck it up anyways. “Damn it…I guess I’ll do it now” you say to yourself, forgetting all about the man right in front of you.
“Ugh— right” Sukuna comments, “You and your odd habit of staying up after hours to stare at your glowing box. How dreadful”.
“Yeah, well…that’s work man, dreadful and miserable”. 
Sukuna perks up at your words. Dreadful? Miserable? These were all things that he wanted you to feel for him. At that moment, this “work” you spoke of became his competitor, and Sukuna wasn’t one for losing. He tried to think… how could he get rid of this “work” of yours… the only time you stayed up doing anything but work was to…
“Hey… human” he tries to grab your attention. “Hm?” you respond, still refusing to look up from your device.
“This ‘work’... if you get rid of it, will you sleep more often?” he asks you, eyes beaming with curiosity. Still not looking away from your laptop, you answer “Uhh… yeah, probably”, not fully paying attention to his words.
The cogs in Sukuna’s head begin to move, and he comments “...and if you sleep more often, you’ll fear me again”. This catches your attention, and you let out a soft laugh, “Well I don’t know about tha—”.
The sight of your laptop flying across the room as Sukuna hits it away with the back of his hand in a surge of excitement cuts off your sentence. “OH MY FUCKING GO–”. 
“Shh…” he covers your mouth and hovers over you as he pushes you into your bed. “Don’t worry, human…I’ll make you forget about whatever this ‘work’ is in no time”. 
Which leads you to now… sprawled out on your bed for the giant monster that’s been watching you sleep every night. Sukuna’s four eyes stare at you intently once again, though now for a reason far different from before.
His eyes— the eyes once filled with menace are now filled with pure unadulterated lust as Sukuna’s tongue intertwined with yours in heated pleasure. You shouldn’t do this…right? How did things even get this way? Still… you couldn’t help yourself but be desperate for more as you find yourself humping against him in a pathetic display. 
When was the last time you’ve even been with a man? Oh… none of that matters now. All that matters is Sukuna, and feeling his body against yours as you crave more and more from him by the second. His mouth on yours, your bodies moving together in synchronization— it was overwhelming, and the pleasure was becoming almost unbearable. 
Deciding he’s had enough of your mouth, Sukuna pulls away “I want a taste of you, human” he smiles as he looks down at you. He was enjoying this just as much as you were, and something about that filled you with glee. 
He leaves kisses down your entire body. Starting with your neck, down to your chest and stomach, and leading his way to your thighs. Something about his soft kisses was shockingly intimate…this whole situation felt that way, in fact. It was something about this moment combined with the memories of all the late nights you two spent “together” that made the experience feel more romantic. Albeit while it was frightening at the time, it almost felt like he knew the most core parts of you and still had no intention of letting go. 
Kissing up your thighs, he finally makes it to where your cunt is and finds the smallest wet stain on your clothes. “Oh? Looks like my human is needy” he teases, laughing as he looks up at you and your blushing face. “What should I do about this?” he asks rhetorically, as he suddenly flicks his tongue on your pussy through your clothes, causing you to let out a gasp. He lets out another laugh at your sensitivity. He was going to have fun with you. 
Ever impatient, the moment he pulls your clothes off of your body he immediately starts ravaging you and your poor pussy. It’s a sight to see whenever Sukuna eats pussy. It’s wet, messy, and disgusting, but it feels amazing and turns you into a blubbering, moaning mess. Sukuna’s tongue paid extra attention to your clit while his long fingers slid in and out of you at just the right spots to make you go crazy. 
At one point, he let go of your clit on his tongue to speak to you “I always knew you were a little pervert, human”. This snaps you out of your trance and you go “H-huh?”, confused at his words. Sukuna simply chuckles “Oh? Did you think I wouldn’t realize? That you touch yourself while looking right at me?”. He brought his mouth back down to your clit, sucking on it lazily, but not before commenting, “No wonder you’re not scared of me, you’re too much of a fucking whore for that… aren’t you, human?”. 
You aren’t paying attention to anything he’s saying, only focused on how amazing you feel as his mouth and fingers reach places you couldn’t ever dream of finding. “Ngh– Sukuna–” you moan out, lost in your own pleasure.
In response, he slaps your pussy with one of his hands “Hm? Who gave you permission to say my name” he groans as your disrespect. “Ah! I’m sorry, ‘m sorry!” you cry out, the shock from the combined pain and pleasure you got from him slapping you being too much to bear. Sukuna simply scoffs, “Tsk, brat” and goes right back to eating you out. 
You begin to feel the familiar coil of your stomach and begin to warn the man below you “Ngh– Please… I’m going to cum!” you moan out as best you could, but Sukuna doesn’t falter, and continues eating you out with just as much fervor as before. You let out loud moans as you feel yourself come undone on Sukuna’s fingers and mouth, your body twitching from how much pleasure you were in. 
Your breath begins losing its rhythm as you try to calm yourself down from your overwhelming orgasm, but Sukuna wasn’t one for wasting time, as he got up and pulled your legs toward his crotch. 
“It’s my turn now, human” he says, rubbing his two cocks through your holes. 
Wait— When did he take his clothes off… and… wait— two of them?!
Your eyes grow wide in fear, and while Sukuna typically enjoyed the feeling of you looking at him in wide-eyed fear, this was certainly not the time for that. Rubbing your cheek, he tries his best to comfort you “Shhh… don’t worry, human. I’ll take good care of you” he says softly as he calms you down. He waits for you to give him a soft nod before looking down at your holes. 
Spreading your legs, he uses the arousal from your previous orgasm as lube to prep your asshole. Not used to the sensation, you squirm as he fingers you, “Quit movin’ human, it’ll hurt more that way” he keeps one of his arms on you to keep you still as he continues prepping you. 
When he’s finished, he lies atop you once again and gives you a soft kiss on your face, an oddly romantic gesture as he slowly slides both of his cocks into each of your holes. 
“Ah–!” you squirm out, not used to the filling sensation. Sukuna remains on top of you, looking you in the eyes as they begin to fill with tears of pleasure and discomfort. He lets out a soft groan as he finally bottoms out on you “See, it’s not so bad…right, human?” he says as he peppers kisses all over your face in order to keep you calm. Feeling a little bit better, you nod your head, which Sukuna takes as his sign to begin slowly moving. 
“Damn— You’re so fucking tight” he grunts as his dicks make their way in and out of you. You’re a blubbering mess as he has his way with you, with no other choice but to take what he gives you. His four arms are all over your body: your throat, your clit, your hips. You name it, and Sukuna has found a way to touch you there. You feel him everywhere and you feel nothing but mind-numbing pleasure as he has his way with you. 
“F–Fuck…I’m gonna cum inside” he announces. You think for a moment as he says those words. Fuck, he might get you pregnant. Is that even possible? Though, it’s not like you had the brain power to care anymore. 
Feeling your holes tighten around him, he lets out a sinister chuckle “Yeah… you’d like that, wouldn’t you? My little human? You want to be mine, don’t you?” he asks, but you don’t reply. Annoyed, he slaps your ass, “Answer.”. 
“Mmph–Yes… yes, please do it inside please please please—” you beg, you didn’t care about any of the logistics. You just needed more of him at all costs. 
At that, his thrusts get harder and he begins to pull at your hair as he gets rougher. “Yeah…you’re mine. Hear that, human? Mine” he growls. Your body begins to fill with a familiar sensation, and you begin to come undone on his two dicks. He doesn’t seem to mind as he quickly follows, filling you up to the brim. 
As he fills you up, you can’t help but feel a sense of fulfillment. As if your life had finally amounted to its purpose. Sukuna lets go of your hair and your slightly suspended head finally falls into your pillow. “Thank you, thank you, thank you” you cry out incoherently, barely able to function as Sukuna pulls out of you, leaving you empty. 
Just as Sukuna lifts his body out of the bed, you quickly clutch at his arm. “What are you doing?” you ask, attempting to tug him back to the bed. Sukuna awkwardly looks at you and says “Uhh… leaving?”, confused at your words, what did you expect him to do? 
You continue pulling him towards you, annoyed and offended by the fact that he’d leave after running a train through you. “Stay” you command, feeling uncharacteristically clingy toward the monster. 
He’s offended at the fact that it seems you still aren’t scared of him at all, but he decides to entertain your foolish gesture and lie next to you anyways. “Fine… go to sleep. I’ll be watching” he chuckles as your eyes begin to close. 
He’ll make you fear him again, but for now it wouldn’t hurt to make sure you’ve forgotten all about this “work” for good. It’s alright, Sukuna was a patient man, he’ll have you trembling in fear in no time. 
Any day now…
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