#The God's Mark
marsipanic · 2 years
The God’s Mark
Chapter 1 part 2
It took little to convince the envoys to speak on their respective kingdoms, and the neutral Isle of Colde. After a weeks’ time of preparation, Claudia sent each of them back with an invitation to their kings, that they would introduce themselves to Her Imperial Majesty, and make their intentions clear. It heavily implied that if they refused the invitation, it would be seen as hostile.
“Ensure you tell them of our army and magic, if you would be so kind,” Claudia said as she saw them through the portal. When the last of them disappeared into the light, Cordelia turned to her sister with a somewhat grim expression.
“So, we play the waiting game, now,” she said. Claudia nodded.
“There’s much work to be done in the meantime. We won’t be seeing The Ivory for some time,” she said. Lia scoffed.
“I will find time, I assure you,” she linked arms with Claudia and together they led their cavalry back to the palace.
There were accommodations to be made for the 7 Kings, and their heirs. Each of their quarters were to be resplendent, a demonstration of Zaethis’s ability to meet the satisfaction of 7 kings, and their entourage, with ease. Food needed to be imported from each duchy, and proper payment needed to be made to each. The dragons needed to be readied. Gowns were to be ordered, gifts to be decided, and the Black Guard and the army needed to be briefed.
“Grandmother, are we sure we want to go through such great lengths? If they decide they want war after such expense…”
“My dear, if we want to foster peace the best way to do it is to make an offer they couldn’t possibly refuse. And friendship with our empire is a very valuable commodity. We shall see what they offer,” Hildegard said, and patted her gently on the hand. “Now, off you go, and see to it that Cordelia has finished the report on the infirmary supplies.”
Claudia said nothing in return, and curtsied as she left, although a frown etched her face. What good could a foreign band of men who argue amongst themselves for power bring to their door? She sought out her sister and prayed to the gods that there would not be a repeat of the war their father had started, years ago. He was gone now, and Claudia and Cordelia lived, marred by much more than a sword.
The day finally came, and everything was pristine. The statues and marble glimmered, and the entire court was present in their best finery.
Claudia sat in her throne, adjacent to Hildegarde’s, which was front and middle, of course, and Cordelia sat on the opposing side.
The sisters’ gowns were coordinated, and made of a draping, exquisite, white silk, and delicate lace, adorned with an ornate silver corset, which the barest amount of skin peeked through. Pale, green gems, hung like tear drops from the skirts, and a ribboned cape of silver garland and gold cascaded from their neck and fell to the ground. They both had circlets of pearls, and lilies woven into their braided hair. Their exposed shoulders pictured a blue, swirling tattoo; The Mark of Ciris and The Mark of Euna, the source of their abilities, and the declaration that they were descendants of the Creators. Hildegarde had the Mark of Omos, God of justice and redemption, as those who ruled before bared the marks of the pantheon.  
It was a far cry from their usual attire, and once again, a display. Hildegarde had the customary empress robes, an incandescent white and gold that took 15 servants to carry the train.
“Blighted thing only gets heavier with age,” Hildegarde said under her breath, as she took her place in the throne room. The sisters stifled a laugh.
As the trumpets sounded, everyone rose to their feet to greet the foreign kings.
“Look sharp, my dears,” Hildegarde whispered.
“Presenting: King Liam, of Akedia! Accompanied by; Queen Norah, and heir apparent, the Prince Lynt,” The herald bellowed.
A rather gentle looking couple came striding into the throne room, arm in arm, followed by a young man who looked as though he might sleep right where he was. The three of them had straw colored hair and green eyes.
“I daresay, is he fighting back a yawn?” Cordelia whispered.
They made their way to the platform, bowed and curtsied, before Liam stood by his assigned place at a long table, set at the front, right side. His wife and son took their place behind him, and this continued for each of the royal families who were announced.
“King Roc, of Avari! Accompanied by his heir apparent, Prince Guy!”
In strode a towering man, with long black hair, and only one crimson eye visible, as the other was covered with a patch. Beside him, was his son, sharing his father’s sharp features, and piercing expression.
“My, how they scowl,” Claudia said quietly. Cordelia put her hand delicately to her lips to stifle a giggle.
“Hush, you two,” Hildegard said, although the corner of her lips were slightly upturned.
The procession went on, until the last kingdom passed through the massive foyer.
“King Gilbert, of Qelsum! Accompanied by his heir, Prince Toa, and the Princess Idina!”
A man with an icy countenance strode in. His blue hair was twined neatly and coordinated well with his finery. The prince and princess were attractive, though, Idina had a scheming look about her.
Finally, the herald stood before them all, and introduced the hosts.
“You are in the presence of Her Imperial Majesty Hildegarde Augustine, Fifth of Her Name, Queen Defender of the People, and Empress of the Great Empire of Zaethis. On her right; Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Claudia Rebecca, First of Her Name, Captain Commander of the Black Guard, and Crown Heir Apparent. On her left; Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Cordelia Odette, Second of Her Name, Lieutenant of the Black Guard, and Imperial Scholar. All Hail!”
The court responded with a resound “Hail!”
Hildegarde glanced around, and with a satisfied nod, sat upon her throne, which prompted everyone to take their seats, thereafter. The tension and excitement in the court could have been ignited, and curious whispers could be heard within the crowded room.
“My Lords and My Ladies, I bid you a sincere welcome. I trust you have found your accommodations befitting,” Hildegard said.
King Klaus of Invidia rose to speak first.
“We are honored to be guests in your Empire, Your Majesty. Might I be the first to say, it is magnificent,” he placed a hand over his chest in a gesture of sincerity. “And I must thank you for returning all of our people to us, in one piece, after our grievous trespass.”
Roc scoffed beside him.
“Hardly,” he said. “They reported several broken limps and fingers, if I recall.”
“An unfortunate occurrence, to be sure,” Klaus interjected, nervously. “However, Her Majesty was kind enough to heal them, magically, afterwards.”
 “Ah, yes,” Hildegarde mused. “You must pardon Princess Claudia for the broken limbs, as she was only doing her duty to protect her land from foreign threats, you see. And you can thank Princess Cordelia for the mending of said broken limbs. My granddaughters are dedicated to their duty and their country, I’m sure you understand.”
“Quite! And may I be the first to say, they are also exquisitely beautiful,” King Louis of Luxure, rose, tossing his lock lavender locks over his shoulder, and fluttered his long lashes. “May I inquire of each, are either of Your Highness’ betrothed?”
Claudia and Cordelia exchanged a knowing look, and covered half their faces with their handheld fans, masking the laughter that threatened to escape.
“You flatter us, My Lord,” Lia said.
“I’m afraid we have prioritized our work and devotion to the empire, in place of pursuing a spouse,” Claudia added, already tired of the conversation.
“Creating and establishing heirs is a royal priority,” Roc spoke again. “I have little patience for this flattery. We have come to offer an alliance with the Kingdom of Avari. I offer betrothal to my heir. One of your granddaughters would be Queen, and in exchange we would have use of your technology and army.”
“What the boorish fool is trying to say,” Gilbert rose from the adjacent table, and a sneer snapped over Roc’s face. “Is while we must take our time to establish ourselves as useful allies, it is expected that one of our kingdoms leave with the hand of one, or both, of your granddaughters. Might you consider?”
“I believe the princesses would enjoy Invidia, as it is a most charming place,” Klaus said, the anxiety in his expression growing by the second.
“I would be more than honored to show them the entirety of Luxure,” Louis offered.
“Oh, dear,” Liam, finally spoke, but only because Lynt had fallen asleep, and was leaning on his father for support. His valet stood behind him, looking as though he might faint, himself.
The court broke into a cacophony of whispers and murmuring, while the kings began arguing and fussing amongst themselves. Claudia looked to Cordelia, who was just as unimpressed by the whole ordeal, and then leaned forward. Marriage? To these fools?
“Grandmother, must we continue—” She started.
Hildegard all but raised one hand, and silence struck the room like lightening. The woman was still formidable, even in her old age, and her presence was unrivaled, even by the number of kings before her.
“My Lords, my granddaughters are not brainless pawns for me to give away as I wish,” she said, and the princesses’ shoulders relaxed. “They are my cherished kin, my heirs, and the most important asset of this empire. While I would value each of your kingdoms’ friendship, they have no need to be queen of your countries, as one is to be the empress of this one, and the other her Right Hand. They have power, magic, an army, and the loyalty of all who live here. You will have to offer something they do not currently have: Companionship. Romantic love.”
“What kind of foolishness is this?” Roc said, the scowl on his face deepening.
“Yes, Grandmother, do explain,” Claudia’s voice was urgent, and the panic was rising in her stomach again.
“I don’t know how you do things in your country, but in mine, it is important to find one’s life partner, at the very least, pleasant,” Hildegarde said. “I offer you all this; You and your sons may stay for a duration here in my court. You will be allowed passage back to your kingdoms, at any point, for you are guests. If, in that period, your heirs have gained the approval of either of mine, and myself, I will agree to an alliance. Our resources will also be yours.”
“Grand— Your Majesty, if we could just pause a moment—” Cordelia tried but fell on deaf ears.
“A reasonable request!” Klaus proclaimed, happily.
“A challenge, then?” Roc scoffed. “So be it.”
“Excellent,” Hildegard said. “Although, there is one matter I wish to discuss before everyone takes their leave to get ready for tonight’s festivities. Which of you summoned the portal? Our studies of it show that it was done from your world.”
Each of the kings looked at one another, expectantly, but no one came forward.
“It appears we are not sure,” Liam said, still being used as a stool for his son.
“Interesting… I suppose we shall learn, then, won’t we?”
Hildegarde rose, and dismissed the court, and all of the valets and servants began their busy work.  Claudia and Lia followed the empress from the throne room, eyes wide in disbelief.
“Grandmother, you’ll forgive my insolence, but you can’t be completely serious?” Claudia asked, incredulously.
“Did you see that boy? He was asleep on his father in court.”
“And that Qelsum and Avari… I’ve seen frozen over lakes with more warmth,” Claudia added.
“My dear girls, you needn’t marry any of them if you do not wish to! Take this opportunity to build rapport with these kingdoms and learn something. If by chance, after some time, you find you’re still repulsed by the idea of marriage, we will still have gained. However, if you find that you are fond of one—”
“Grandmother, the likelihood of that happening—” Cordelia pleaded.
“—then all the more reason to have them as our guests. Now, go on, and get ready for the Welcoming Ball tonight. You will have many guests to attend to.”
Hildegarde and her valet’s left the girls standing quite stricken side by side. A fat silence lay between them, until a grim realization occurred to Claudia.
“Gods, they’re going to try and win us like a trophy, aren’t they?”
They both sighed in disgust, and marched off to their chambers, determined to get the night over with, as painlessly as possible.
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tizeline · 5 months
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Oh? What's that? Ya'll want the next part of TSAU's story? Well fuck you you're getting this fucking thing instead.
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grandkhan221b · 8 months
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More DW stuff
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tawnysoup · 30 days
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two new critters just dropped
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vintrage · 2 months
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motherless, friendless, and damned
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percabethcoded · 2 months
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this mf has 5,467 kills
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markscherz · 8 months
Is there any frog species you have a grudge against?
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Meet Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) pseudoasper
Peak calling activity? Between 3 and 4 am 😡
Its preferred perch? The canvas of my tent 🙃
The decibels of its call? Jet-engine levels 🫨
The sound? Fuckin' Star Wars lasers.
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crabussy · 6 months
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TEN GAZILLION PONY ATTACK!!!!! this is a part 2 of my subtle animation-friendly redesigns!!! I only made changes that could have happened in the show. hair gradients can be seen in cadence, and white markings on sunburst, for example.
feel free to ask me questions about the design choices!! (just mentioning: I love the CMC's actual cutie marks, just wanted to try designing individual ones this time around!) Part 1 with the mane 6!
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I try to avoid anti-percabeth posts because defensiveness is not a good look on me and obviously no one is going around saying that the MOA judo flip was Rick’s best writing choice but also like?
Oh no? Did the character who canonically isn’t very good at handling her feelings react poorly to being overwhelmed with emotions? Was that a little cringe? Does that make her an abusuer? Should we call the police? Grow up.
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egophiliac · 4 months
c. can i ask what's happening with idia during the whole tsum thing
Idia gets into a fistfight with his tsum and loses
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sculkshrieking · 8 months
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redrew my favorite Saw IV scene
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marsipanic · 2 years
The Gods’ Mark
Chapter 3 Part 1
The kings of Saligia are pretty misogynistic, even the nice ones at times. Claudia and Cordelia have to deal with them, and when their father is brought up, it makes them even colder to the foreign rulers. However, they start to make friends with Violet and Sherry and there is some fluffy girl time shooting arrows together before the boys ruin it. 
Hildegarde had called for a meeting with the Saligian kings in order to discuss future plans regarding the portal. As Claudia was captain of the Black Guard, and Cordelia was the Imperial Scholar, they, too, were called forth. There had been little discussion about it, despite the work that both princesses had been putting in to discovering it’s origin, and as a few days had passed since the arrival of the kings and their entourages, it was time.
Claudia approached the council room with Cordelia by her side, holding dossiers to her chest. They nodded to doormen who promptly opened the doors and announced their arrival.
Immediately, Claudia felt all of the eyes of the kings on her. They borrowed into her and Cordelia like knives into a decadent roast and it was all she could do to not snarl. A quick glance at Lia confirmed that she too was feeling their scrutiny. The two looked straight ahead at their grandmother, and they curtsied, deeply.
“Our apologies for our tardiness, Grandmother, My Lords,” Claudia said. “We were gathering the rest of the mana readings from just earlier today.”
“Excellent,” Hildegarde said, and reached out her hands for Cordelia to give the dossiers. “What have you found?”
“It’s an exorbitant amount of magic. Too much to be coming from one person alone, which should be obvious. The odd thing is there seems to be no kind of suspension magic, so the consistent mana levels could be interpreted as disconcerting,” Cordelia said.
“Remarkable,” Klaus said quietly.
“Indeed,” Lia continued. “Where we have seen similar magic in our own forces, this prolonged consistency gives us reason to believe—”
“Is it true the princesses command your armies and lead magical research? They do not depend on the leadership of an elder? A male, perhaps?” Klaus rambled on, ignoring the look of incredulity on both Claudia and Lia’s expression.
“Where is their father?” Roc interrupted. “I heard you had a son. Where is he?”
Frost could be crystallized on the ceiling with how cold and silent the room became. Clauda heard Cordelia intake a sharp breath and they both stood peculiarly still.
How dare they, Claudia thought and turned to tell them so. It was not their business, and they had no right to—
“My son, Alphonse, had a remarkable affinity for magic, like my granddaughters,” Hildegarde said before she could open her mouth. “He was brilliant and innovative. Unfortunately, he passed during an accident in his laboratory. It was tragic, and their mother fell ill afterwards. Her Highnesses remain in strong health, however, and it is imperative that we finish hearing this report.”
“Ah, my apologies…” Klaus said, meekly.
The meeting concluded with each of the kings agreeing to surveil their kingdoms for any abnormalities. As soon as they exited, Claudia exhaled loudly.
“Quite,” Lia said. “The sooner we can send them back and close this blighted portal, the better.”
“They can be ignorant numbskulls, and have some archaic views,” Hildegarde agreed. “However, if we find that we can’t close the portal, keeping relationships steady will be key to avoiding an all-out war.”
“They…were curious about Father,” Claudia said. The room once again went silent, and she could see her grandmother contemplative eyes shining in her direction.
“You let me worry about that,” Hildegarde said, finally. “In the meantime, do continue trying to make nice. If not for yourselves, then for my sake.”
When she put it like that, neither Lia nor Claudia could refuse. Begrudgingly, they promised that they would and made their way to the training grounds to work off some of their aggravation.
“The unmitigated gall,” Claudia said. “As though they’ve never met a woman who could contend with them before.”
Cordelia, bow in hand, took aim at one of the distant targets. She charged with mana, and drew back, tightly. When she released, the arrow whipped by, an aura of golden magic encapsulating it, before it struck the bullseye, splintering the wood and nearly toppling the target over.
“Imagining it was King Invidia?” Claudia asked. “Or the King Avari?”
“Both,” Lia said, wiping sweat from her brow. “It looks like we have company.”
Peering from across the way, was the Princess Sherry Invidia. With her, was a beautiful woman, with a full bust, dressed in Luxurean colors. Their eyes were wide with awe and curiosity.
“Do you think her dear papa’s brain would melt if we taught her to shoot?” Claudia asked, with a smirk.
“Let’s find out, shall we. Grandmother did say to make friends,” Cordelia smiled, and beckoned for them to come over.
They each started, exchanged a glance, and rushed over from where they stood.
All four curtsied in tandem.
“It’s an honor—”
“Forgive me—”
“How rude of us—”
They all froze, unsure of how to proceed, or who was to talk first, when they all burst into laughter.
“Good heavens, forgive our blundering,” Sherry said.
“Don’t fret. We are just as much to blame,” Claudia reassured. “We have not met, personally. I am Claudia, and this is my sister, Cordelia.”
“Lia, if you please,” Lia said.
“I am Sherry Invidia,” she said. Her eyes were almost the same glimmering gold as Lia’s, and her pink hair cascaded down her back. “This is my friend—”
“Violet Mueller, Your Highnesses,” the beautiful woman said. “But you may call me Letty, please.”
“A pleasure to meet you, My Ladies,” Claudia smiled, broadly. “What brings you out here this afternoon?”
“We were just admiring your incredible skills,” Sherry said, with a blush. “You are both so accomplished and impressive.”
“I’ve never seen someone charge an arrow with such power, and not tire. Is it terribly difficult?” Letty asked.
“Would you like us to show you how,” Lia said, and their eyes grew wide.
“I couldn’t possibly impose,” Sherry said. “I also don’t know how to shoot an arrow, I’ve never learned--”
“It is no trouble. Come, stand here,” Claudia gripped her hand and brought her to position. “Here, now relax your shoulders, keep them level, that’s right—”
They instructed both Sherry and Letty in holding the bow, and how to focus their magical energy through it and project the arrow. Both the Invidian princess and the Luxurean valet were thrilled, and before long all four women were laughing and exchanging quips and praise through every trial-and-error attempt. They hadn’t had as much fun since the Saligian’s had arrived, and so it was a welcome change of pace.
Finally, Sherry had managed to create a small bubble of mana around her arrow, and when she released it, it zipped forward faster than before, and struck the target, only slightly off the bullseyes, with a satisfying thunk!
“I did it! Letty, did you see?” Sherry exclaimed, nearly jumping up and down with joy at her new accomplishment.
“Excellent work,” Lia said as Claudia lightly applauded. Brilliant smiles lit up their faces, as they watched their guests, and new companions, celebrate Sherry’s new victory.
“Just so, Sherry, I knew you could do it!” A voice shouted from a distance, and they all turned. Heading toward them was the Prince Rio, jogging forward with a sword at his hip, and waving in their direction.
“Rio! How long were you watching?” Sherry asked.
“Since the first go of it! We all were,” he said and pointed to the spectator’s box from above them.
There, staring down at them, were the other six princes. Roy was waving and smiled, softly, while Lynt leaned against Prince Guy. His scowl remained the same, but there was something unreadable in his expression. Next to him was the unimpressed Lance Ira, an amused Fenn Luxure, and finally, Toa, whose face kept its icy countenance.
The smiles fell from Claudia and Lia’s expression like rotten fruit from a tree.
“Right then, should we have a sparring match? I would love to have a crack. I was told by some of the servants you both are amazing swordsmen—er…women,” Rio stammered.
“I’m afraid we have other appointments,” Claudia’s voice was flat and emotionless, and betrayed nothing of the frustration she was feeling at being seen so candidly by the foreign princes. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they only saw her and Lia as some means to an end, now they might take their friendliness with Sherry and Violet as a sign they were warming to them.
“Oh, I see,” Rio said, and frowned, but only for a moment. “Busy, you two are, running an empire. We’ll see you at dinner tonight, then? I can’t wait to try everything at the feast. The food at the ball was impeccable.”
“What Rio means to say,” Sherry interrupted. “Is that we are looking forward to your company later.”
“Thank you for taking your time to teach us, Claudia, Cordelia,” Letty said offering a sympathetic smile.
“Of course,” Lia said, but offered no such smile back, and with Claudia they curtsied and took their leave, leaving Sherry and Letty with concerned expressions, and Rio perplexed.
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finifugue · 5 months
i think every time someone says "sebastian and lewis are/were the nicest guys on the grid" mark webber and nico rosberg feel a great disturbance in the force and have to sit down for a while
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what belongs to the sea will always return to the sea. when the gods separated him from his lover for months erasing all traces of her without explanation, the sea's son got her back to him.
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milkywayes · 4 months
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GARRUS VAKARIAN: DATABASE IMAGE ACCESS. > PT. 1 : 2160, 2166, 2170. > all files backdated according to user preferences: (terran_coordinated.calendar).
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crismakesstuff · 6 months
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cast out of paradise
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