#The New Norm
Fritz Hansen – luksus i ponadczasowy design w Twoim domu lub biurze
. Jeśli szukasz luksusowej i ponadczasowej dekoracji do Twojego domu albo biura, zwróć uwagę na fotel Egg. Ten mebelowy klasyk zaprojektowany przez Arne Jacobsena może stać się nie tylko wyrazem Twojej osobowości, ale również nadać wnętrzu wyjątkowego charakteru. Fotel Egg został zaprojektowany z myślą o hotelu Radisson SAS w Kopenhadze, dlatego doskonale komponuje się z każdym typem wnętrz. Wykonany z wysokiej jakości materiałów, takich jak chromowany metal i imitacja skóry (Ekoskóra Soft – numer koloru 525) jest wytrzymały i odporny na zarysowania oraz zabrudzenia. Jego unikalna forma pozwala na dopasowanie do potrzeb użytkownika, a blokada funkcji kołyski sprawia, że jest on wygodny w użytkowaniu. Fotel Egg od Arne Jacobsena, to klasyczny i wytrzymały mebel, który może dodać Twojemu domowi lub biurowi unikalny charakter. Producentem fotela jest firma Fritz Hansen, zajmująca się tworzeniem oryginalnych mebli od ponad stu lat. Od samego początku jej działalności stawia ona na wysoką jakość produktów, innowacyjne rozwiązania oraz estetyczny design. W swojej ofercie ma nie tylko fotel Egg, ale także inne designerskie meble, w tym stoły, krzesła oraz oświetlenie. Najnowszymi projektami, na które warto zwrócić uwagę są kolekcja Copenhague oraz The New Norm. Obie kolekcje oferują nowoczesne meble i oświetlenie, które doskonale łączą w sobie funkcjonalność i styl. Więcej informacji o produkcie oraz o firmie Fritz Hansen można znaleźć na oficjalnej stronie internetowej.
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brown-little-robin · 3 months
When Mob exorcises Dimple for the first time, he taps his fingers on Dimple's forehead and says: 僕は最低だ。That gets translated "I'm terrible" or "I'm the worst" in English.
Those are pretty vague words in English, though, so I paused the show to look it up. (took me a hot minute to find the listing for the word 最低, too, which means I'll probably remember it forever, but that's not relevant, lol.) SO. Mob says "boku wa saitei da"— I am 最低. Turns out that "the worst" is a pretty great translation, because it captures both the aspect of "least (lowest in some category)" and "most repugnant" from the original word.
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This is awful. Obviously. No 14-year-old should be calling himself that in full honesty. But that's not the point I want to get across:
The exact moment that Mob uses the word 最低 for himself is worth noting! Dimple has just jumped at Mob for a killing blow, proclaiming that in the battle between them, lived battle experience will determine who's the winner. Dimple is judging himself and Mob against each other on a scale of battle skill. The only variable he cares about is power. And when Mob wipes him out, clearly Mob is the winner of their contest. From Dimple's perspective, Mob should be saying he's 最高—saikou, the antonym of saitei, meaning "the best/highest". But Mob is judging himself by a completely different variable—the ability to control himself. That's why he calls himself the worst. It's a moment of self-loathing, yes, but not out of nowhere—he's correcting Dimple and re-contextualizing their fight as a failure on his part, not a victory for anyone.
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year
actually there's a huge difference between queerbaiting/"Hey guys look how gay these two are haha they're definitely gonna end up together, give us views uwu oh- never mind oops they're going to superhell" and "Hey it's 2004-2012 and there's no way we can get away with having our protags/main couple be two gay men but we really want to show these two are soulmates so we'll do it through subtext and underlying messages and by literally telling you over and over again their relationship is the most stable and important in the entire show, and the ending will imply they lived and died together", and it's insane that some of yall don't see how these two are not the same fucking thing.
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cyren-myadd · 28 days
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communistkenobi · 1 month
I keep thinking about that one post saying that everyone focuses on the changes you experience during the first two years of HRT despite most of the dramatic changes happening 3-5 years in and it has saved me from so many dysphoria spirals. Like i remember getting intense dysphoria whenever i heard a trans guy say “yeah so you won’t experience fat redistribution and facial hair growth until about 6 months into taking T” I have been taking T for over three years and I’m just now starting to experience those things lol. the emphasis on changes happening immediately sucks ass and causes so much unneeded despair
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ganondoodle · 7 months
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so, inspired by the warm welcome the captain received with that rough doodle i posted, i made an updated design for Ki'ita as well (basic and with clothes)
i removed the piercings she had bc considering that they spend the majority of their time in arctic waters i think having metal directly in your skin is a bad idea, no matter how thick your blubber is; i also gave her typical white markings a green hue bc ... i liked how it looked and makes them stand out a little more
(i will not repeat what i wrote on the post about the captain but wanted to add a bit of more info about Ki'ita herself)
(i dont have ALL of their backstory done yet but) the captain and Ki'ita worked together in another organization, one in which the father of the captains child also worked at, before being betrayed and barely managing to escape, after which the both of them founded their pirate crew (possible name is the Solar Pirates bc of their solar powered boat stuff); since the captain had her daughter shortly afterwards Ki'ita managed most of the organisational matters at first, including the construction of their base on an abandoned island they had initially fled to
over the years they invented the solar powered ships that allowed them to gain control over a large part of an important trade route, leaving normal ships (mostly) alone but attacking those of hunters and similar, rescuing demons and mutants, even some humans from them, most of which also join the crew and it quickly lead to them becoming their own little community
Ki'ita does not like to spend alot of time among large groups of people, no matter how much she cares about them, and her originally being from norther lands gave her the idea to explore, and if viable, do underground missions in those norther areas to disrupt the infrastructure the hunters had built in recent years and overall keep the crew informed about things that may otherwise stay hidden; with each of their travels her time absent from the base increased but the patience of the captain is wearing thin so its likely a serious talk is underway on Ki'itas third solo mission she nearly died due to entanglement in abandoned nets made by hunters from an unknown material that she could not break, the massive scars on her tail especially come from that, only surviving bc the date they were supposed to return to the crew had passed and the captain grew to worried about her and made the entire crew rush into an emergency search, including the captain herself and her toddler, who were not suited for the cold climate just like the rest of crew, taking a huge risk that Ki'ita still feels ashamed of for causing; they stayed within the base for a whole year afterwards, not just to recover but also as a silent apology, taking time preparing herself to ensure theyd not get into a situation like that again
(before departing on their next mission the captain gifted her a sword with the blade made from the material of the net, a wooden handle, bc of the cold, and a blue wrap around it reminiscent of the captains striking blue teeth; a reminder of what had happened, a means to defend herself when their strength and teeth are not enough, and also a promise to always return again)
the oldest members of the crew know Ki'ita well and treat her like an old friend, among the newer members she has more of a .. cryptic status, the mysteriously absent vice-captain who only appears every few months or so out of thin air, throws a big party, sleeps for a few days and then vanishes again, the only hint to when they will return soon again being the captain getting noticably grumpier
(OC art, Ki'ita, she/they)
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beantothenighe · 2 months
I'm going to need Norm to show up at the end of episode 1 in season 2 outside of the Vault with a little backpack, his pit boy and an army of hacked roboc robots ready to join the team to kick his dad's ass cause he deserves to get a hit in.
Lucy asked how and why he's here. Jump cut to Norm in the Vault 31 considering his options, telling Bud "Yeah, No. Ima go find my sister, and clean this mess up." And he just straight up hacks his way out. He found her by tracking her pit boy signal.
Ghoul asks about the Mr. Handys, Norm shrugs. He's not a fighter and he knew he wouldn't make it out in the wastes alone so he found an old map of the old world and located a Robco factory and got himself some muscle. He's named all of them.
The Brotherhood gang of Maximus, Thaddeus, and Dane join too cause I need this found family road trip.
Norm shows Maximus and Thaddeus how to play the games on the pit boy and Lucy starts a new books club with Ghoul and Dane when they find a library. Everyone is determined to prove Dogmeat loves them more than anyone else by giving him bribes.
Cooper gets attached to these two stupid Vault kids and three moronic Brotherhood brats and one stinky dog. It isn't the one he was looking for, but it's a family he's found none the less.
Then they get to New Vegas and take turns beating the shit out of Hank destroy Vault Tec, then go home to 33 and clean house before settling down. Give the Brotherhood gang clean water and all the oysters they can eat.
The End.
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lying-on-floors · 2 months
I love how so much of the Fallout show fandom/enjoyers want season 2 to be a road trip with the three main characters, Dane, Thaddeus, Norm and Dogmeat/CX404.
I need a fanfic of this asap.
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saltyyetbland · 4 months
ngl im fucking terrified of how the fandom will act when the asian ccs get added and they are confronted with asian customs such as honorifics, asian cultural norms, and the language itself (ie words that are common in one language that sounds like a slur in another) and i know most of the fandom will be open and welcoming but idk im probably being way too pessimistic as someone who is asian and has seen the bs that people can spew esp regarding things like stereotypes
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cinnamonsikwate · 5 months
"why couldn't shuro have just been honest about what he felt with laios and falin it's not that hard" are you. are you White
#dungeon meshi#shuro#toshiro nakamoto#look you can hate him for other things but this is very clearly a case of cultures (& personalities influenced by these cultures) clashing#shuro is japanese/east asian-coded and laios is european white boy#i am not japanese but i also come from a collectivistic society#pakikisama is a filipino value both prized and abhorred#it relies heavily on being able to read social cues and prior knowledge of societal norms#shuro being from a different country/culture is important to his character#his repressed nature is meant to contrast with laios' open one like that's the point#they both had similar upbringings but different coping mechanisms#shuro explicitly admits that he's jealous of laios being able to live life sincerely#anyway the point is they were operating on different expectations entirely and neither had healthy enough communication skills#to hash things out before they got too bad#re his attraction to falin i personally believe he unfortunately mpdg-ed her#she represented something new & different. a fresh drink of water for his parched repressed self#alas not meant to be#i'll be honest the way ryoko kui handles both fantasy & regular racism in dm is more miss than hit for me#i don't doubt that a lot of the shuro hate is based off of marcille's pov of him#marcille famously racist 😭#characters' racist views don't often get (too) challenged#practically everyone is casually racist at some point#anyway. again if you're gonna hate shuro at least hate him for being complicit in human trafficking & slavery#he couldn't help falling for the wrong woman goddamn 😭#calemonsito notes#edit: upon further reflection i take back what i said about toshiro mpdg-ing falin!#i'm sorry toshiro 😭
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hyperfigations · 2 months
Oh man! I haven't posted much on my Tumblr in SOOO long! I've been drawing a lot lately and so I want to share because I think I've gotten so much better! I just watched Fallout show and wanted to try a sort of pop art style! So here's my three favorite characters 🥰
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eywaseclipse · 2 months
The realization that if Trudy lived she would’ve LOVED those Sully kids with her whole heart.
Her and Norm would’ve spoiled them rotten.
They would’ve undoubtedly taken a responsibility for Spider and looked after him at the lab with the other scientists.
I have no doubt in my mind Lo’ak would be her favorite!!
She’d give Tuk packs hubba bubba gum and have bubble blowing contests.
I feel like Kiri would love collecting rocks for her.
And Neteyam probably would’ve thought she was really pretty.
Neytiri and Jake would let the kids call her auntie Trudy 😭😭🩵🩵💔💔💔
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foldingfittedsheets · 13 days
I don't really have a question about mattresses, just wanted to join in. Had a handmedown full mattress for years, was satisfied with it cuz I knew nothing else. My sibling convinced me to get a new Queen Sized with 3 reasons: 1: More room for stuffies and pillows (I have so many. I am a slut for comfortable things) 2: More room for nap buddies (I have 3 cats and 2 dogs, and my sibling sleeps in my bed during the day while I work to avoid the loud common area) 3: My full sized bed was dying. Dents and divets. ... I love my new mattress. It's nice. I dunno the modifications nor the things it does, but its nice to be able to sit in a bed and not immediately be thrown back or fall. I can properly sit on my bed without worry of not getting back up again.
I cannot even express how bad my sleep got when I was in training at the mattress store. I started becoming hyper aware of the deep hold I was sleeping in and every night I slept worse waiting with more and more anticipation for the day my employee discount could kick in and save me from my depressed full.
First night in the new bed was exquisite.
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marinecanary · 2 months
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mulderscully · 19 days
it's so immature when creators make a post about the reblog ratio and people complain abt how they can't be expected to reblog everything they see when that is literally not what anyone is suggesting. i don't know anyone who does that. we're saying engage with things you like, make this website feel like a community again. if posts about how hard it is to find a reason to keep making gifs, art or fic when you feel like it's going into a void is so hard on your spirit you can keep scrolling.
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Guys hold on, I've got another absolute banger of a Spider fic idea for all you Spider fic writers to use and then praise me for thinking of.
Consider this: Spider goes to Awa'atlu with the Sully's as their son in the first place, and he's been raised by them his whole life. But, he's got an avatar. He comes looking like hybrid like Kiri and Lo'ak. They decide, in order to best keep him safe, they won't say anything about his human half. I think most likely his human self stays with the Omaticaya, for his safety and for the logistics of sneaking a fucking lab onto the island secretly.
BUT JUST IMAGINE, imagine Spider having to pretend to be a bio child of Jake and Neytiri's and even though he's been supported and loved his entire life, the complicated emotions that would bring. He's being treated as entirely Na'vi, and even though he's getting bullied like his siblings, it's for reasons he'd much prefer to the usual comments he gets, even if most of the Omaticaya and humans love him. He also gets more attention than usual, because his avatar is a little more similar to his human body shape than to the Omaticaya. Shorter and stockier and more muscular than lean. Usually he'd get teased for it but now it helps him excel in the water. He's pulling long hours in the link, his human body is suffering and his parents, Norm, Max, and Mo'at are concerned but there isn't much to be done to keep up the ruse.
WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS AT NIGHT AND SPIDER ISN'T IN HIS BODY? Lol, Jake carrying him out of the Mauri like "he's a rEALLY heavy sleeper, guys, it's crazy right?" And Lo'ak and Neteyam have been crafting that ruse for weeks now, commenting on how hard it is to wake up Spider, about how Tuk always sleeps by him because she kicks, about how he slept through the bombing of Hometree the second time aND the first time? Laying the groundwork for someone trying to wake him up when he isn't in his body lol.
But detective Ao'nung is on the fucking case, something is sus with that short (he's like two inches taller than Tuk) Na'vi. Tsireya refuses to be involved and Rotxo thinks he's crazy but is tagging along begrudgingly on his investigations.
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