#The Queer Tarot
qldqueerboy · 5 months
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Inspiration arrives in the most unexpected source today in understanding your emotional response to a person who is critical about your desire to spread your wings today into a new adventure. Their motives you are assured comes from a heart space of love and wellbeing and yet offers no comfort by their insistence that you will be subjected to many fraudsters. It’s a presumption that does sit comfortably with you today considering the amount of thought, guidance and preparation that has been done.
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jupiter-suggestion · 11 months
tarot readings are now available on my shiny new kofi page! pay-what-you-want with some stipulations. prices are in CAD.
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roebeanstalk · 10 months
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Stickers available now~!
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eveshmeve · 1 year
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deal with how you feel
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dirtgemini · 7 months
i want to highlight a native american artist that i adore this native american heritage month, steph littlebird! here's just a few of my favorite pieces & those that i have bought prints or stickers of
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i would highly recommend checking out steph's etsy shop!
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strvngevsvngels · 1 year
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Elsa Schiaparelli, Pieces from the Astrology Collection, 1938
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fickes · 4 months
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have a Tolkien love this Valentine's day
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sirenstreasurecove · 22 days
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Open honesty time, I'm still sick and struggling with my autoimmune disorder. I'm also struggling with food and bills. There's no miracle fix, everyone is having a hard time right now but if you feel so inclined I could really use the help. My OF is available for tips and content to purchase, I also do custom work. In addition to that I'm available for DMing for DnD, and a variety of witchy services that are not limited to custom sigils/spells, tarot, and astrology charts. If I could even make enough for food and medicine I would be so very thankful.
Recent picture from before I got sick but I think it's pretty 😍
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mariii1 · 7 months
(These piles are hella long, a lot came thru, this is open to everyone including ace/aro peeps 🤗 got this idea from FairySagMother on yt <3)
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☆ Piles start from top left with pile 1 ☆
YALL messages came throughh, I made a good choice buying this new oracle deck. ALSO the theme card of this reading is the waterfall card because it was in FIVE of the six piles 😭. The oracke deck is Herbiary by Maia Toll if you wanna buy it 😜. I definitely won't be super active in the next 6 months tbh because I'm incredibly stressed out and a lot is happening especially with my physical health, just a heads up...ALSO THANK YOU FOR 777 FOLLOWERS 😘 FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸
1. If you felt like people in the past were very selfish in relationships including your parents, this person is the opposite. They don't have you around just cause they want your attention, they genuinely care about your feelings and interests. You'll actually be able to connect with this person without feeling like things need to be transactional. If you feel you struggle with this concept especially if you have a low self esteem, working it out will bring this relationship in much faster. There's also no rush, no lovebombing and then ghosting, or trying to get you to commit quickly. This person seems very reassured within themselves and they expect you to not abruptly ghost/leave them without communicating why. I'm listening to Sociopathic Dance Queen and Feel Complete (by Pink Panthress); this person is the opposite of the antagonists in these songs. I hate being really woo woo but everything will happen as it should within this relationship. Your lives might be a mess but this relationship might be the only stable/secure thing when you get into it. I'm mostly getting romantic vibes but this could be platonic as well, although it will most likely start as a friendship and progress.
2. The cards were flying out so you either have a lot happening in your life rn and I'm getting for most of you, several healthy relationships will come in at the same time. If you're monogamous, you'll have several healthy options to choose from; if not, get ready to be to busy. You'll at least have a really good friend. I'm getting that with all of these people you are able to be vulnerable and specifically you're able to share interests especially if they're niche. Many or most of these relationships will last for a long time even if you do walk away from them at some point. If you're spiritual or religious your either going to meet someone who challenges your religious beliefs, particularly those that are restrictive or oppressive. They are not an atheist, they could actually be in the same religion as you but the are more self-assured and self-sufficient. If you're someone who often relies on the universe or a higher power to do things for you or to make them come your way, this person is going to force you out of that mindset. I'm specifically getting this will happen because you don't want to lose them and you'll see this mindset isn't actually working for you. They let you know it's ok to chase sometimes, especially when it comes to your own personal goals. This is specifically coming from that longterm friend I was getting at the beginning. I'm not really getting romance still, so love might be on the backburner for awhile.
3. I'm strongly getting this is a healthy s€xua1 relationship. It's not even a situationship tbh; you could be learning from a dominatrix or shibari master or maybe you pay to have that experience one day. I'm getting this might sound outlandish for some of you but a few of you are from pile 2 and this might come randomly or you might decide to do it on a whim. This person is very attractive and they take their job or interest seriously. They genuinely want you to feel comfortable and enjoy yourself. Especially if you are a s£x worker, this is someone you go out of your way to see orrr it's a new romantic partner. The emphasis may still be on s€x especially if you do OF, they'll probably help out, but they actually still have a personality and you can get along with them. I'm specifically getting a femme woman, or someone just who's afab but not super masculine. They are very sweet and attentive during play and have good aftercare. If this person does something you don't like, they'll listen to you without complaint. Even if this is a man, they are genuinely experienced and not weirdly misogynistic or abusive in any way. Boundaries are realllyy important to this person. They're just really good at creating a safe space.
4. Money, Money, Money by ABBA came up; this person will most definitely take care of you financially even if they are just a friend. I'm actually getting for some you, your get to get someone from a species that almost extinct: a man who treats you and is perfectly fine with just being friends NO S£X OR NUN in return🤯 this might make you attracted romantically to this person but I'm getting they could actually be married (they could be gay or queer in some way too) or they're just not interested in your romantically/sexually and just want to be besties. If you have anyyy health issues including paying medical bills they will help you out without a second thought. Some of you might unfortunately be in a situation where you get very hurt, like a car accident or sum, and this person is the first to visit you. They view as someone self-sufficient and extremely independent so they never get scared that you'll start to rely on them or leech off of them. Both of your goals and morals align especially if you have alternative politics (not conservative but extreme left, marxism, socialism, anarchism, etc.) and you'll be able to talk and debate without feeling like your friendship will fall apart. If this is someone that is romantically attracted to your gender, I really don't think they'll entertain the idea of dating you and even dating in general until much later in your friendship.
5. Right off the bat your most probably going tobget married if not, you'll be roommates for a very long time. This could honestly be a QPP for few of you, the rest I'll think you'll have a family with this person if you're interested. Even if you know for sure you don't want to get married, you will treat this person as if they are your spouse. You might've felt drained at the idea of a family or maybe yours and other ppl's was very chaotic to be in, but you'll genuinely feel like you can do it with this person without it being a risk for getting retraumatized. You might travel a lot with this person or live in a very nature filled area. I'm not getting much so I guess you don't really need to know more and I'm really getting this will be a surprise anyway, even at each stage of the relationship, you never expected to feel so emotionally secure with someone else constantly on your mind.
6. You might be connected to pile 4 or drawn to it. This is someone very new, as in you've never met anyone like them before. They either have a very unique appearance they put effort in or they really surpsie you with how deep they're personality and thoughts are. I'm getting for a lot of you, you might think this person is probably just annoying middle-aged person (😭) specifically man but then your talk and you're like woahh I was not expecting that. Their voice might not fit they're appearance either; they could have an extremely deep voice but be average height in whichever country they're from or their voices are quite animated even though their appearance might make them look gloomly or uninteresting (damn you guys are flaming this person during your first impression of them 😭😭) They point out a lot of things you don't notice or just know random facts that are helpful. They could even be a polyglot and travel a lot. However, this person is very stable in they're life, they feel ok at they're job or have a very specific idea of what they want to do with their career. If you end up working together, they are much more helpful than you anticipated. I'm getting for a lot you they aren't nice or super polite but they are very kind and generous. Like they don't smile much but ask them a question and you'll get a succinct answer. (Ughh this is my type 😩) They're very real and I love people like this cause they are genuine in wanting to help you and you don't have to constantly decipher they're words especially in a corporate context. There will definitely be an age gap and possible height gap. They could be almost 10 yrs older than you but you somehow have a lot in common although they are definitely not immature. I don't think they dated a lot or they had one really long relationship that they got out of when they met you.
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orphicss · 11 months
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From my 2018 tarot.
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matthewcats · 5 months
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"Jonnie Reads my Tarot"
prints available from my etsy shop:
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ajje-111 · 3 days
Pick a Painting: Intimate Tarot (Queer Edition)
❤️🧡💛💚💙 (18+)❤️🧡💛💚💙
Hello, my lovely tarot visitors! This is an intimate tarot reading, meaning this is an interpretation of sexual and intimate energies that read into sexual desires, practices, and thoughts. In this reading, I will focus on ambiguous language that does not characterize masculine or feminine energies. In this case, seek masculine and feminine energies as you see fit. In usual tarot fashion, take the resonated message and leave what is not. If there is a message that bothers your peace, my best advice is to leave it be, trying to make a message fit or apply to your situation will cause unnecessary confusion. I hope you enjoy this reading as a fun way to celebrate #Pride Month! Please be safe during your celebrations and more importantly, have fun!
Trigger Warning ⚠️: The messages in this reading are intended for 18+ audiences that includes descriptive language to describe sexual behavior, while not excluding intimate conversations that could be potentially triggering for inappropriate viewers.
With peace and love, always, Hare Krishna
*Owner of pictures/collages are from Bazaart; user @ultravioletness @nuizlaziart ,the post is reblogged on my page if you’d wish to visit the credited artist on Tumblr*
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Pile 1: Lovers by the Gate (Four of Swords)
Pile 2: “My knight and shining armor” (The Fool)
Pile 3: The Embracing Knight Warriors (The Chariot)
Pile 4: The Yellow Princess and The Purple Maiden (Queen of Cups)
Pile 5: Long-Haired Damsel and Red Widden Dame (Princess of Swords)
Pile 6: The Tidy Knights (Two of Wands)
Pile 1
Cards: Four of Wands, Queen of Wands, Five of Wands, Princess of Wands, & Six of Pentacles (Reverse)
Patience: I accept that everything happens in Divine order.
Success: I know that there is no greater goal than to love.
Hello, lovely pile 1 visitors. Immediately you can tell there are a lot of feelings regarding you and a person because of the heavy wand energy. You both could be earth signs but that is not for everyone I'm hearing. Heavy energy with both the Queen and Princess of wands, this could be you and this person, this could be same-sex relationship, doesn't have to be. You both could be the same sign.
A select few of you will resonate with the message that this person could be the first person you've had sex with. If not, either way, you affiliate this person with a strong feeling of sexual fulfillment.
The person who embodies the Queen of Wands energy is more dominant in the relationship and is sexually complex.
The Princess of Wand's energy is more submissive and open-minded when it comes to sex, as long as it feels good they don't mind.
For most of you, this will be a relationship you're currently in. Even for those who are single, the cards show that there is a foundation that has been built from past shared experiences. Whatever the relationship may be or not be, there is definitely a sexual history here with a specific person, you will know who they are.
Princess of Wands: This person desires to be restricted and taken control of. I get many visuals of Shibari and bondage-related intimacies. I think Shibari is a really beautiful art and for some of you, it has healed your relationship with a specific person either in the past or currently. Or they desire to do this. This energy likes to be overstimulated to the point of suffocation. Emotionally craves this unconditional feeling of being loved sexually, if not they could see the sex as pointless or not worth their time. Spirit asks you to be patient when it comes to sex, you will find what you seek by being present in the relationships and seizing the opportunity at the right place and the right time. It will feel much more satisfying and fulfilling that way.
Queen of Wands: You have one foot in the ground and one in the air. Literally. Those who resonate with the Queen of Wands will know what it means to be an individual. The greatest form of rebellion is to be yourself and these individuals live this lifestyle which translates very smoothly into their intimate experiences. I see this as the more dominant energy in the relationship. Visually I see the use of vibrators, maybe a strap-on, butt-plugs, and other toys. This energy likes to play during sex for sure, they are light-hearted at times and more intense during passionate moments. They know when to laugh and when to be serious. They like to be in control, telling the other what to do and how to do it. They like to use their mouth a lot and maybe have an oral fixation. This person could smoke weed or drink alcohol almost every day, that is not a message for everyone.
I can see that maybe your first time together didn't go as planned, something might've happened like someone getting very messy. A very specific message for some of you is that there was a moment when someone was embarrassed because their bodily fluids accidentally came out while being intimate. I see that the other person thought this was really adorable and made them laugh. I sense that laughter has actually caused your relationship to become closer in feelings and grew stronger because of this specific moment.
This dynamic of the dominant and the submissive is very apparent in your looks, I can see that this dynamic stresses some of you out. Why? There is this slight feeling of unnecessary pressure being put into this relationship.
For some of you, this is a situationship and it deeply burdens you that it isn't official with this person. But I think you're on the road to having that outcome. The card's "success" and "patience" suggest that very much.
With the five wands in reverse, you both may have some very dramatic arguments, I see words being thrown at each other like razor blades. There could be something you said or this person said that sticks with you both until this day. There is a level of passive aggressiveness coming from both sides, while this energy is cycled out intimately (during sex), it seems to resurface at times of hardship. This may be why there is a hesitancy to fully commit your soul to this relationship. I think you both could work it out.
Sexually this resentment towards each other fully disappears when you are intimate. It's like they could say something that ruined your day, but they make it up to you once you're in bed. Ideally, you both would like to have a stable foundation with each other but something tells me that you or this person is not putting in the correct emotional change to do so. But there is an effort here. I see you both working on this relationship individually in hopes that you can become a better person for each other, which is really beautiful in thought.
Song: Mother Nature's Bitch - Okay Kaya
Please take the messages that resonate and leave what does not. I hope this helps, be safe, and be well. With peace and love,
Pile 2
Cards: The Fool, Four of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Empress (Reversed), & Princess of Pentacles (Reversed)
Loneliness: I know that I am never alone.
Grief: I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it.
Failure: I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn.
Growth: I want to expand my consciousness and my awareness.
Hello, sweet pile 2 visitors. I'm getting such wholesome energy coming from those who are reading this pile. You could be a cardinal zodiac sign; Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. Doesn't have to be. Your natural approach to life is very inspiring, to say the least, you have the fool representing your approach towards co-creation which I find to be so beautiful. It's giving the movie Poor Things, which if you haven't seen it, it's about an adult woman who had her brain switched out for an infant's brain. She became a sex addict and then eventually matured into an individual with real desires despite the hardships they went through. You should definitely watch a few clips from the movie.
I visualize you being very in tune with your child-like wonder and someone who gives in easily to their sexual fantasies. A lot of self-love, with masturbation or vibrators.
There is a person who you dream about either daily or subconsciously in the dream realm. You know who this is. I don't know if this person reciprocates the same feelings towards you. Spirit tells me that is not the point of this message. They tell me that this person circles your mind constantly and blocks an opportunity, I also don't know what that opportunity may be. If it is with this person or another person they won't tell me. But they very sternly tell me that it blocks you from getting what it is you desire sexually in real manifestation.
I visualize you ready, on the front lines, and prepared to take action towards love. You're currently manifesting a person sexually through these fantasies. For some of you, you are in a relationship and are thinking of other people while being with your partner or masturbating to other people. There is slight guilt about this. For others who are single, there is an active manifestation that is merely a fantasy to you.
I think some of you may not understand the depth and power that is your sexual intuition. If not, there is more you will learn in the future that will cause you to feel insecure about what you have previously thought about sex. There is disappointment that everything was not what you thought would have been. It will help you to learn more about your sexual desires.
Some of you have recently gotten out of a sexual relationship with someone. You miss this person deeply, specifically, the role they played in your sexual stability. I don't know if they feel the same way spirit, does not tell me. Maybe they gave you a sense of confidence and now you believe that you cannot be the same without them. You may feel lonely without this person fulfilling that specific cup anymore. A strong message is that failure is an opportunity. It is like you are starving and a child gives you a small piece of his bread, you wouldn't dare to tell that child to take that bread elsewhere.
Someone's grandma is taking me out y'all lolllll, if you have a grandma who has passed over they're saying "Get your head out of your ass you got more ground to cover". Yes, very that, with the chariot card your ancestors nonetheless want you to know that you need to keep moving forward. Use your fantasies to good use, don't drown yourself in them!
Song: Ready or Not -After 7
I hope this helped, I wish you well and be safe. With Peace and love.
Pile 3
Cards: The Chariot, Nine of Cups, Two of Swords, & The Hanged Man (Reversed)
Denial: I acknowledge my fear, but I replace it with the insight of awareness.
Hello, pile 3 visitors, opening up the energy with the chariot card is empowering. Those of you may resonate with being very focused in your career life, ultimately allowing you to feel more confident in your intimate life. With denial here, there is a strong message that some of you may deny yourself intimate experiences unless you feel secure in your home/financial life. There is nothing wrong with that, you feel you should be able to provide for yourself, maybe this came from a past trauma where you felt like you had to fend for yourself and deny your heart of wanting to help others. Deep down inside you want to help others by helping yourself first which I deeply respect. Like RuPaul says "If you don't love yourself how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?" Lovely energy here, many of you are creatives and channel this energy as a career.
Spirit is urging you to let yourself go. There is a certain urge that seeks you romantically. If you encounter a moment where you feel a potential with someone, go for it. Even if it doesn't work out, it is a learning opportunity to express yourself. For some of you, there was someone who rejected you or you regret the way you acted in a past relationship with an intimate partner. Spirit asks you to re-write this karma positively, by showing the universe you have changed. Ancestors say they want to grant you a wish with the nine of cups energy, which is fulfillment, but you must show them you are ready to experience something new.
I feel like your next intimate encounter with someone will be spicy, and you'll be able to release pent-up sexual tension. I see visually, someone is very pleased, messy cum or squirting can be prevalent in your next experience.
A message for some of you is that you started seeing someone from work, or fantasize about someone you work with. You find this person very attractive and you wish to get them alone. You may fantasize about actually doing it at your job with them, maybe you already have. You or this person want them to have sex in clothes, there is an urge to get caught that makes both of you turned on.
Some of you are Sagittarius or a mutable sign like Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces.
Song: Express Yourself - Madonna
Hope this helped, I wish you well and be safe, with peace and love.
Pile 4
Cards: Queen of Cups, Princess of Cups, The Tower, The Hermit, Seven of Pentacles (Reversed), Four of Wands (Reversed), Two of Cups, & Prince of Wands
Grief: I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it.
Surrender: I can release my need to control.
Death: I am learning that endings are merely beginnings.
Denial: I acknowledge my fear, but I replace it with insight of awareness.
Hello, pile 4 visitors. From the beginning of this spread, I can feel that many of you are actively in contact with the divine. Some of you may be tarot readers yourself because I had an urge to do a Celtic cross reading which I only do for private or personal readings for myself.
Someone may be trying to test your energy here, sexual tension is what this comes up as. I don't know who you are involved spirit tells me that is not important and will be different for everyone. You may be a water sign or a cardinal sign. There is going to be a challenge in your intimate life that will test your creativity and perseverance toward a certain connection.
I see ya'll having a short fuse with a certain person or situation. In the past you have kept your mouth shut about how you feel, but I see that fully being in the past. There may have been a moment when someone triggered you, and you felt that you had to keeps these feelings to yourself.
This message is not for everyone, some of you may be leaving a relationship right now and jumping into a new one. And I say "jumping" because you've known that this person in the past doesn't seem to understand you or try at the very least. You have been unhappy for a while with this connection, so you are very happy to start dating new people.
There is a lot of hope that this situation that is making you feel restricted will end. With the tower at the center representing your challenge, it is apparent that there will be sunshine after the storm.
For some of you, there is a withholding of sexual energies with a current partner and you just wish it could end. I see that some of you may say no to your partner when they want to be intimate as some sort of punishment.
Although I see that your sexual energy is fulfilled, maybe you masturbate a lot or even see other people. Either way, I see that sex will allow you to step into your individual power. For some of you, it is an escape away from this person who burdens you, which is why there is a sense of grief and denial here.
Some of you may have a side-piece, in that you only meet up to have casual sex because you're comfortable with them and they'll never tell you no. This person doesn't have many boundaries over who they sleep with so be careful, and use protection. This is not for everyone, this would have been a person with you who has had causal intimate experiences sporadically for a course of time, never desired to make it a real connection on both parts.
Spirit asks you to surrender to the divine, be impulsive, and trust your instincts. Do it before you talk yourself out of something that could be exactly what you have been asking the divine for.
Song: After the storm (Ft. Tyler the Creator, Bootsy Collins) - Kali Uchis
Hope this helped, be safe and well. With peace and love.
Pile 5
Cards: Princess of Swords, Nine of Pentacles (Reversed), Queen of Wands, Nine of Wands, Ace of Pentacles (Reversed), King of Swords (Reversed), & Prince of Swords
Friendship: I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason.
Service: I feel good when I can help others.
Hello pile 5, just wanted to start off with a virtual hug because your energy is very sweet, ambitious, and goal-oriented for all the right reasons. Definitely embrace this energy as it shows up as one of your strengths.
There is a situation in your life that dims this energy and I see you finding out how to connect your sexual confidence to other aspects of your life like career. It doesn't have to be. You know what this is that brings you down, but I see effort on your part to rid of this energy.
Allow someone to help you if you are struggling in an area of your life that you feel resonates. Spirit asks you to work together with others to change the outcome of this situation. Right now the outcome shows me that there will be a misunderstanding of some type.
Some of you may be in the adult entertainment industry this is not for everyone. If you are, there is a strong message to keep pushing for something that you want, you will get it. Let go of the need to know all the details.
Believe that what it is that you want is already something you attained. Imagine what it will feel like once you already have gotten what you wanted, that is a message for everyone.
You could manifest while you're about to cum which is a very effective way to activate a new reality.
Someone here could actually be in love with their best friend and you think about them when you climax.
Others of you have a strong desire to move away or travel to find a partner who is different from you. Maybe you are single and romanticize sleeping with strangers.
A strong message to stand ten toes down in what you believe in. Seek strength in helping others, collaborating, and connecting with friends who understand you and can back you up. Embrace what you believe is your truth. Live how you want to live even if it is unconventional or not "socially accepted". Accept your desires and how you want to express yourself.
Save your money to express your character, with your desired clothing looks, wigs, hair color, or makeup. You will attract your dream partner this way.
Many of you may have "hoes" or a long list of people waiting to date you. None of which piques your interest. I see you may have a one-night stand with someone who looks like a person you desire, or dresses well. Or you may have been masturbating to people online who tick all your boxes visually, I see someone scrolling through Instagram profiles and reading smut. Take what resonates.
Song: SAD GIRLZ LUV MONEY (Ft. Moily) - Amaarae
Hope this helped, enjoy. Be safe and be well. With peace and love.
Pile 6
Cards: Two of Wands, The Lovers (Reversed), Ace of Wands (Reversed)
Person one: Ten of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune
Person two: Four of Wands, Strength, Ace of Cups (Reversed)
Loneliness: I know that I am never alone.
Fear: I realize that I am testing my resolve to live in the energy of love.
Indecision: I use my intuition in all aspects of life.
Forgiveness: I acknowledge that harboring resentment blocks the flow of love.
Hello pile 6 visitors, initially, the cards show me two separate entities that make up a whole. This indicates that this is a relationship, you could be in contact or not at all. This message is for those of you who share a karmic tie with another. This tells me you have had sex with this person because there is a soul tie. If none of this resonates at all I suggest picking another pile or taking the following messages with a grain of salt. I've separated this pile into two persons, a mini yours/theirs reading.
Person one: This energy is lonely and is waiting on a decision. It might be a breakup this person is trying to find ways to make it possible, unfortunately. This person hasn't been intimate with the other person in the way they would like to. Sex feels like a burden to them. I see someone watching a lot of porn and feeling guilty about it. They fantasize about other people. This is a message for some of you, this person has openly spoken about seeing other people or texting other people. It is also confusing because this person still feeds off the emotional stability that person two gives them, they use this energy to seem confident but deep down inside they're very insecure about their decisions.
Person two: Wishes for a strong desire that this relationship has the hope to continue through forgiveness and acceptance of fear. This person is correct but it would be a challenge to change person one's mind. This person believes that there is a chance but it is rooted in pride. The strength card was literally glued stuck to the ace of pentacles in reverse. Interpreting this as someone holding onto their pride for dear life. The ego is very present here trying to keep subconscious fear prominent in their train of thought. Spirit says that this person is giving much of their abilities for little in return. Maybe this person gave the person one oral and then got nothing in exchange, this is not for everyone. This person still masturbates to person one, but in past instances when you felt like there was a moment of reconciliation. There is a desire to reconnect with this person and a fear of being with someone new.
This may be a difficult time for you regardless of which energy you resonated with. You will get through this, you are going through a spiritual upgrade. There will be a moment in the future when you look back at this relationship and be grateful that you learned so many lessons through this experience. But for now, know that you're strong and please do what you feel is best for your mental health.
I wish you well, be safe. With peace and love.
Song: Why Won't They Talk To Me - Tame Impala
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roebeanstalk · 2 months
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embrace being the fool. head into whatever journey you're starting with bliss and hope. a lot follows this, but you're built for the ride. <3
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newblvotg · 3 months
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vampyredyke · 2 months
emergency commissions to help a jewish queer family!!
no idea if you guys remember my last donation/commission post, but my roommate and husband got in a car crash in late January and Lee is still wounded (as of today, 4/9/24), torn ACL, and will need surgery, the two of them are the only ones with jobs a the moment and we're about to have to move on top of this all
I really need to help cover some things because as it stands the hours he's missed at work, and the costs of ubers while we were without a car, our savings for the move have been entirely depleted for a lot of reasons
I'm looking to make a few thousand to cover moving out of state, and if everyone who follows me sent even just a dollar I'd have more than enough, i get things are tight for everyone but please message me about commissions we're a little desperate
art (traditional finished digitally):
will draw characters, mech, furry, and nsfw/gore within reason
$25 for base drawing
+$10 for an extra person
+$5 for shading
+$5 for detailing
examples of my art are tagged "my art" here
DM me and we can talk details
tarot readings (lost hollow tarot or marigold tarot decks)
$7 for a 3 card pull (present challenges, advice, future)
$5 of a 2 card pull (future and advice)
DM me if you're interested in something more detailed
please consider helping us! things are really tight right now!!
v*nmo: @ hellhole13
p*ypal: @ sbahj
112 notes · View notes
physiqueandfantasy · 7 months
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5 of Swords
Digital collage made by me
260 notes · View notes