#The Reddit Bus
sparkarrestor · 1 year
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Holy Shit he has a beard
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useragarfield · 6 months
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9K MAKE ME CHOOSE:・゚✧:・゚@louistomlinsun ASKED: Alex Karev or George O'Malley?
When people reach out a hand, you don’t bite it. Trust me, I did it for years, and the only thing it accomplishes is that people stop reaching out.
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paleimitatorz · 1 year
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kosmicsandshoes · 4 months
furries that i don't draw nearly as often as i should
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spurgie-cousin · 2 months
Wait so now fsu doesn’t allow Lott family snark anymore? Not that I care (and it’s probably for the best if they were posting the actual location of a busful of minor children) but wow, that’s a lot. And they’re so coy about it on FSU too…
I looked around and can't honestly can't tell tbh, if you search "Lott" there are still posts about that family up, just nothing newer than 2 weeks ago. It also looks like they wiped a lot of from the last month or two in general, but not everything, and I didn't see anything about that specific family in the rules. So my guess is that they scrubbed the sub of anything that could possibly be incriminating while it was private, and are either being very careful about what gets posted right now or just deleting everything for the time being.
Like I said though I don't follow that family much, so if any reddit users who do know different just let me know.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Calliope: what is yoUr darkest desire?
Dirk: I want to stare at someone from across the street and disappear when a bus passes.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
I feel like there’s this misconception about El that she has already reached this level of independence and self assurance and that there isn’t much personal growth left for her to do but uh… no…
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secondwheel · 1 year
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Wait for me!
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wesavegotham · 1 year
Some Tim fans still blaming Damian for Tim's "bad situation" is especially weird because DC did their best to keep Damian out of Gotham and away from his (own damn) father's side for years just so Tim could play the role of Batman's sidekick again yet they are still unhappy.
Zdaraky is literally letting Bruce fail and have Tim save him over and over again in the main Batman book yet they still bitch and moan about DC not treating Tim right.
What more do you want???
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some-pers0n · 1 year
My brother told my mom about my Twitter account and now she wants to see it (I do nothing but like memes and artwork of fictional characters)
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succssion · 2 years
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trai-and-party · 3 months
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Cirrus: Driving through the US Midwest is just absolute nothingness, and then, every 70 miles or so, you see “GOD IS REAL AND SO IS HELL” immediately followed by a sign for a store that sells XXL dildos.
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kosmicsandshoes · 4 months
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If I ever cease to make a vanoss thirst pic once a month, assume I’ve been killed
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spurgie-cousin · 2 months
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thank you @pumpkinhorror and @nerdfundiefollower for the explanation, the mods didn't include any of that in the post i was reading
ok well that is definitely not dramatic so i take back my last edit lol, that is dangerous as f but unfortunately not surprising from reddit. it's always just a matter of time.
like i get the argument that these people have already exploited their lives and put their business out there, but honestly people need to grow up and be the bigger person. if there are kids in the mix their safety needs to be top priority, even if their parents don't behave that way, and it's never in the kids' best interest for their locations to be leaked to hundreds of thousands of strangers.
i don't follow mother bus at all so i don't know if the CPS allegations are legit, from what i know about her i think it's totally possible they are, but those kinds of things need to be handled directly with law enforcement. the kids don't deserve to be exploited any more than they already have been.
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sapsolais · 6 months
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