#The Revenge of Scar
staydandy · 1 year
Fullmetal Alchemist 2: The Revenge of Scar (2022) - 鋼の錬金術師 完結編 復讐者スカー - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : When a mysterious figure starts to target State Alchemists for their sins against God, Alchemist Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse are at their most vulnerable, meanwhile the homunculi begin to unveil themselves once again. (MDL)
Whumpee : Edward Elric played by Yamada Ryosuke
Country : 🇯🇵 Japan
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the manga "Fullmetal Alchemist" (鋼の錬金術師) by Arakawa Hiromu (荒川弘).
Related List : Fullmetal Alchemist (2017)
Timestamps on List : 7 Total Movie Length : 2 hr. 5 min.
*Spoilers below*
0:07:00 : In a fight.. caught in a bomb blast twice, almost falls off a train
0:11:30 : Pushed off the train
0:21:30 : In a fight, automail arm is destroyed, falls to his knees
0:26:30 : Punched by Al for being stupid
0:58:00 : In an alchemy fight
1:42:00 : In an alchemy fight.. in a collapsing building
1:52:00 : In a fight with the homunculi.. swallowed by Gluttony
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felidaekitty01 · 2 years
Watching the new fma movies on Netflix... Armstrong, my boy, my dude, shiny buff guy... WTF did they do to you?!?!?
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lonepiper5758 · 2 years
August 20 - Netflix Australia.
Thank you very much!
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fragileheartbeats · 3 days
Y/n: I can't stand you!
Him: sit on my face then
Him: *smirks* or my dick
Y/n: alright here I come–
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milimiki · 2 years
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Revenge of Scar
Just watch the anime. Please, don’t do this to yourself. You’re much better off watching the original series and Brotherhood.
The writing, the cinematography, the acting, the editing, the pacing, the CG, the compositing… ALL of it is bad.
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carrotkicks · 6 months
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golden child
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vader-anakin · 4 days
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— Revenge of the Sith (2005) Dir. George Lucas
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clownpalette · 8 months
This character's name shall be Ikari!
Don't they look friendly?? 😍😍
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And their story would be called Revenge's tears!
Tbh don't think I'll ever make their story bc i already feel like abandoning this project; °~°
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it’s not even been 24 hours and people are already mischaracterising scar’s win as “he rekt gem and pearl”.
okay gem yes, but pearl no way. yall are cowards to face the fact that pearl quite obviously gave him the win.
this isn’t copium, and not to say that scar couldn’t take her anyway, but she was very clear that she didn’t want to win and she barely tried to hit him. not only is this more interesting than a pure brute force win it’s also just the truth
“he managed to kill scarlet pearl” listen to her voice. at most that’s hermitcraft pearl in a goofy mood. she already knew she would die.
SHE WANTED HIM TO WIN. this has SO MUCH MORE potential than “he just won like that” because if you want “everyone hates scar but he did it!” content we have enough of that
THIS DOESNT DEVALUE SCAR OR HIS WIN AT ALL. the man killed more people than gem, and he took her down in the end, and he killed pearl masterfully. in fact, it makes it better. he made one ally, and that ally laid down her life for him because she wanted him to win, and he took that chance and did it to a 100%.
it wasn’t a straight up sacrifice or straight up pvp!! you want brute force wins limited life has it, you want sacrifice double life has that, secret life ending is different ok
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Wow these spot the difference challenges are getting harder
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
STUPID FIC CONCEPT TWO HUNDRED AND SOMETHING: scar has been Horse Cursed by bdubs. this means, of course, that one day he wakes up transformed into a horse, and must go through a series of ridiculous shenanigans to become not-a-horse and solve his horse curse. post now,
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one thing ive always loved about fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is that it never begrudges a person their revenge. it never paints them as evil or worse than the object of their outrage. fullmetal alchemist will never tell a victim they have not earned their anger, or that it is not right. it does not speak against revenge because your anger is wrong. it only says that you must be careful - that vengeance may destroy you and the ones you care for if you let it consume you.
when mustang hears that scar is ishvalan, he says that, in many ways, his killing of state alchemists is justified, although he's still not keen to become a victim of it. when scar is faced with the daughter of the doctors he killed, he bows his head and tells her that justice is hers to deliver, and that he will not fight if she chooses to bestow it. roy is never told that he must forgive envy, or that hes wrong to want them dead; only that, should he choose to kill them, he will no longer be the kind of man he wants to be. the kind of man he can be. they all agree that envy must die - ed never says that roys anger or grief is unjustified, that his vengeance wouldnt be deserved. instead, he asks "is that the face you plan to wear when you lead this country?" he says your anger is earned, your violence is justified. if you burned them to death like you wanted to, no one would say they did not do it to themself. but is a man who burns a defeated enemy to death the kind of man you want to be?
when scar finally decides to stop killing state alchemists, he doesnt do it because he has learned to forgive, or because they do not deserve it. there is no forgiveness for the things amestris has done to his people, and arakawa never suggests that there could be. rather, he stops killing state alchemists because he cannot build a better world on top of more corpses. his anger is justified, but his violence will breed more violence, his hatred more hatred. it will kill him if he does not stop it first, and it will lead his people to even further ruin if he cannot escape it.
fullmetal alchemist never says that revenge is evil, or that your anger is not reasonable. it only asks, do you know the cost of taking that vengeance? is that the kind of man you want to be?
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haikus-art-corner · 23 days
What if Chifuyu had scars of when he's been beaten up by Baji ?
I was thinking of this the other day and-
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Also extra:
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whump-blog · 11 months
Prompt 47
Ever since Villain's capture, he's been passed around between different hero teams. Some wanted to interrogate him, others take revenge, and a few just treated him like a servant.
Now, Villain finds himself with a new group of heroes, but they don't seem interested in him at all. He just sits in his assigned room, waiting for a hero to come in and either punish him for his crimes or find some use for him.
But as days go by without anything bad happening, Villain decides to take matters into his own hands. He steps out of his room and starts doing chores like cleaning, cooking, and whatever else he can to keep the heroes happy. Maybe if he proves useful, they'll take pity on him and let him stay a bit longer before passing him to the next team.
The heroes are surprised and concerned by Villain's behavior. He's constantly trying to please them and working hard for no apparent reason. Upon investigating, the team discovers the scars that cover Villain's body, revealing the abuses been going through.
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storge · 2 years
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It seems you have a problem.
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talkbycolor · 12 days
transmasc characters
i don't know how to say it in words but trust me, these characters are very trans flavored and i'm here to explain it with a chart
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