#The Walking Dead fan creations
tac-the-unseen · 5 months
What the Lost boys think about vampire related media
Fluff, x reader but just barely
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•While making conversation with your four Vampire lovers you were suddenly plagued with a question.
“How do you guys feel about vampire related media?”
-That question was an immediate head turner. The cave goes dead quite before Dwayne speaks up, “Well…vampires are in hiding so…”
-This sparks a conversation about how media representation of vampires may not be accurate, but that's a good thing. “If a book or movie comes out and it is shockingly accurate to what being a vampire is really like, the creator isn't going to last long.” David explained
-That's because there's a set of rules vampires have to follow and one of those rules is to never publicly reveal your double life identity
-”If something like that comes out, that means a vampire has broken that rule OR somebody knows vampires very closely and is creating media they know shouldn't exist.”
-Turns out if a vampire breaks that rule it's basically open season to kill and destroy their creations.
•You turn the conversation and begin to ask how they, specifically, feel about certain vampire representation
•Bram Stoker's Dracula
-Dwayne is the first to buy in his opinion.
-Dwayne feels that while it is a cult classic and well written, The characters are exceedingly dumb.
-”Johnathan spends a ridiculous amount of time talking about other characters ‘Breasts’ and trying to figure out why his host climbs walls ‘like a lizard's.”
-David is the next one to speak up
-David thinks it's not really worth the read
-”Unless you're trying to brag to people there's no point in reading it.”
-”Also why was Mina talking to that old sailor so much?”
-Paul laughs as he remembers “how fucking crazy he wrote Dracula to be”
-”I'm pretty sure the real Dracula thinks it's a heinous crime against him”
-Paul hasn't read it but have heard enough about it to know even the more obscure references
-Marko comments on the graceful writing style and the beautiful descriptions
-”I've only read it because Dwayne thought I would like it"
-Marko also loves how oblivious Jonathan and most of the other characters are
-All of them think the movie adaptation is hilarious and love the shitty special effects
•Interview with a vampire
-Paul chimes in immediately
-”God it's so homo erotic it hurts…in a good way.”
-Paul thinks its a nice horror novel mixed with a weird cozy atmosphere
-Dwayne thinks it's another well written classic and He actually begins to rave about all the themes involved within Anne Rice’s work
-”It's a beautiful Gothic thriller with a deep, sadly comedic energy.”
-He even offers to read it too you sometime
-Marko chimes in quickly about “Claudia’s rebellious behavior and persona”
-”imagine watching your family choose somebody else over you. It's so deeply upsetting but to an understandable level.”
-”I would have hated to turn so young. I look like a teenager and other people can respect that to a certain point. But being five years old with the mind of an adult, No one would respect you.”
-Marko relates to Claudia on an internal level and loves unraveling her character. When you ask why he quickly responds "Some people call me a cherub... You think I enjoy that?"
-David says he doesn't have much to say other than it was a decent read (That's his version of a compliments)
-All of them agree that it's laughably horrendous
-Almost immediately at the same time they say “This is the skin of a killer Bella”
-This leads to banshee like laughter
David speaks up immediately
-”Why do you humans want us to sparkle so bad?”
-”I personally hate the idea of being a walking disco ball, but to each their own.”
-Marko chimes in quickly
-”Would you like it if we sparkled?” He asked while leans on you affectionately
-Marko thinks the only reason to read it is to have a nice laugh
-”Why did Edward have such a violent reaction of Bella standing by a fan? That makes no sense…like I have mates and I enjoy the smell of you guys but…I'm not nearly clawing off my face at your smell”
-”Yeah yeah, I get he's trying not to overreact but running out of class to get away is crazy.”
-Paul even adds that even thought it's very dumb even he can appreciate the message it's trying to said.
-”something something, coming over adversary, something something, love wins, something something..”
-”Also that Jacob imprinting on Bella's infant daughter is super fucking creepy.”
-when you asked Dwayne about his feels he scoffed and said It's insulting at best and borderline sexual harassment at worst.
-He refused to go into depth
•You thank them for humoring you and they tell you that it's no problem
-David kisses the side of your head in an uncharacteristically soft way “We don't ever mind answering your vampire related question.” He tells you
-Marko turns to you “But seriously do you want us to sparkle?”
-”I think I have some roll on body glitter somewhere..” Paul says while getting up to look for it
Thanks for reading <3
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tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
WinterIron Fic Recs
NarutoRox: “It’s the Little Things in Life” (Bucky/Tony) • Though Barnes had been living in the tower for almost six months now, things between him and Tony were still a bit awkward. Which is why Tony is a tad confused when Barnes starts leaving him strange little gifts.
Tahlruil: “What Has Been Done” (Bucky/Tony) Bucky has lived with the Avengers for a while now, and he's mostly settled in. During the process, he fell for Tony Stark - hard - but he can't quite bring himself to admit it to the brilliant engineer. So he just does what he can to take care of and protect him, hoping that maybe the other man will fall just as hard for him... and be the one to take their relationship to the next level. In the meantime, he's noticed that there's one member of the team that Tony seems afraid of, and he is definitely not pleased by the notion. Once he finds out what Wanda did to cause that fear, she might wish she'd never left Hydra.
Withered: “Fresh out the freezer” (Bucky/Tony) • Listen; he’s not a total asshole. Tony figures that the guy whose brain has been scrambled since the forties might have some tender sensibilities and he tones down a lot out of respect for that. It’s sweet. But ultimately unnecessary when all Bucky’s been thinking about is bending Tony over the nearest table.
Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar): “Grown Ass Man” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony Stark looks self-conscious, and it takes Bucky a stupid amount of time to figure out that’s even what he’s seeing on the guy’s face, because he’s never seen it there before. “Sorry, shoulda knocked.” Which, yeah, he should have, but he was used to rolling into the workshop whenever he felt like it. He certainly hadn’t expected to find a shirtless Tony Stark in the process of doing something with the arc reactor. And sure, he’s staring, has been staring this whole time, right from the moment he’d walked in, because this is the first he’s actually seeing the arc reactor.
Potrix: “Paths Are Made by Walking” (Bucky/Tony) • The road to recovery is long, winding and a different one for every person walking it. Bucky chooses to help himself the only way he knows how; by doing what he does best. Or, alternatively; the one in which Tony is a mess and accidentally kick-starts Bucky’s protective mother hen instincts.
Potrix: “Flirting (with danger)” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony stares at the man shackled to the wall for a long, unblinking moment. “You’re supposed to be dead.” The man raises an unimpressed eyebrow back at him. “Right back at ya, pal.”
RayShippouUchiha: “The Great Awakening (To Hold Infinity)” (Bucky/Tony) • Constellations wheel around in Tony’s mind at night, illuminating his sleep with the beauty of a supernova, the terrible gaping hunger of black holes, the whimpering cry of a nebula as it births new stars into creation. All of Space laid out for him to marvel at. Tony learns and learns and learns and then he creeps downstairs and babbles relentlessly to his first and only friend. All the while the Cube hums, just a bit smug, just a bit loving, and shows him more.
Monyas: “Bad Scoping Mechanisms Series” (Bucky/Tony) (part of a series - there's 2 more fics here) Like, the general public hates Tony Stark for having been a weapons manufacturer but actually he was pretty popular while he was still in the weapons industry so one wonders, who would have been a fan of Stark Industries before Afghanistan? Military, alphabet agencies, private security, hitmen and assassins? …Hydra assassins? -In which the Winter Soldier, aka Bucky Barnes, is an avid fan of Tony Stark for reasons.-
Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar): “Sometimes Life Happens” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony hadn’t necessarily been looking for further proof of his maladjusted—one might even argue self-destructive—approach to problems, but sometimes life happened, and you didn’t have any choice but to take a long, hard look at yourself. Sometimes, you’re sitting in your car, staring into your recently emptied coffee cup, contemplating whether or not you really want to do this whole “leading a responsible life” thing anymore, and a guy with a gun slides into your passenger seat. Sometimes, that’s just the way your Monday goes.
Ceealaina: “He's Got a Secret” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony snorted. “Are you planning to rent out the Met? I mean, I’m not saying no, the look on his face would be hilarious. But otherwise, I think we can probably make whatever you want to do work with less lead time. We’ve got almost eight months, and I am very, very rich.” Bucky stopped rubbing Tony’s shoulder, ignoring his faint noise of protest. “Eight months?” he repeated. “What are you talking about?” Tony frowned at him. “It’s November.” “Yeah.” “Steve’s birthday is in July.” “Steve’s birthday is when now?” Based on that tumblr post about Steve's birthday not ACTUALLY being July 4, and Steve being in too deep to tell the truth.
RiotFalling: “When is a bed not a bed? (When you’re not in it)” (Bucky/Tony) There’s a tiny safe house, with one tiny window and one tiny couch. And one tiny little bed.
RiotFalling: “Melt into Me (Your Words Are My Own)” (Bucky/Tony) • Bucky has a new strategy for getting Tony to take proper human care of himself. Tony has never been so well fed, hydrated, thoroughly rested, and confused in all his life.  That doesn’t mean he wants it to stop, and it’s amazing how many boring adult things Bucky can get him to do just by patting his head and calling him ‘good boy’. Right up until Tony possibly ruins everything.
RiotFalling: “Hey Tony” (Bucky/Tony) • Steve points out that Bucky never calls Tony by his actual name. Bucky doesn’t believe him, until he does.
RiotFalling: “Show Tunes and Extra Sauce” (Bucky/Tony) • So maybe three years in Bucky is completely in love, and this might be his first bodyguard gig but he's pretty sure that's breaking Rule One. It's definitely one of the top five rules, at the very least. He can't even be surprised with himself either, not when it's Tony. Bucky’s job is basically to hang out with his crush all the time, and sure sometimes he gets shot or stabbed or has to physically drag Tony out of his lab when he starts sleep-deprived-rambling about building some piece of tech from a scifi movie, but most days Bucky doesn't have a single thing to complain about. And then there's Valentine's Day.
InTheShadows: “Nothing More Deceptive” (Bucky/Tony) • When Tony enters the kitchen he is focused on one thing and one thing only - coffee. What he isn't expecting is Barnes to already be in there. What he really isn't expecting is a sassy, verbal Barnes. The man hasn't said a word since he entered the Tower as far as Tony knows. And what he most certainly isn't expecting if for it to become a tradition of late night meetings, flirting and fun that seems to be headed for something more. Right? (What if it's all in Tony's head after all?)
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qtubbo · 7 months
Your like one of the biggest q!Tubbo fans i know here so i thought you’d be a pretty good person to ask this, but what’s going on with q!Tubbo’s lore rn??? i sadly haven’t been able to keep up much 😭😭😭😭
I’ve heard some stuff abt this “Creation” guy???
(you don’t have to explain it if you don’t want to obviously!! /nf :] )
Sure! As some character background, Tubbo’s been fairly depressed and suicidal for a while now, often joking about death and purposefully putting himself in harms way. Recently, he started talking about how he had “2 Lives left” in the same way as the eggs, noting that he wanted to give one to Empanada but was unable to. Most people assumed he was being lighthearted, and it was just a silly challenge that he set for himself because it was phrased in a ridiculous manner, a player having egg lives? He was not joking, and restated multiple times it was for real, but it wasn’t to be believed till Richas killed him.
Sunny and Chayanne took the death very seriously, treating it as if Tubbo had died for good, even with Phil saying it was okay and he’ll just come back. Sunny ended up staying with Phil for the rest of the day because Chayanne had stood still at the body for 10 minutes, which was good comfort for her. Later that day, Creation showed up here to protect Sunny since their primary protector was now missing, and also seeking to put Tubbo back together. Some background of who Creation is might be need, Niki’s stream and our theories about Sunny’s secret friend.
Firstly, Niki had a stream ages ago where she and Empanada met Creation, originally assuming it to be some messed up version of Tubbo. Creation showed it could point people away, assumably to a pocket dimension the eggs consider this like a warm nap, and that it didn’t have a lot of understanding about emotions. Being very stressed out and aggressive till Niki calmed it down, through Niki it was revealed that Creation has a ranking systems for the eggs most prioritized to least, and was designed to protect them by Tubbo and that Tubbo can not know its out. If I can find the VOD or someone sends it to me I’ll link it here, since it’s just a good watch to get context.
Second, Sunny’s secret friend, as of late Sunny’s been talking about this friend of hers that Tubbo can not know any details about. Sunny was protected by this friend on her walk “alone” to Bad’s place, Sunny needs to get a plush to keep them happy, and they live in a secret trapdoor in Sunny's room. This was heavily implied, but not confirmed, to be Creation, meaning that even after the reset that managed to get back to server its purpose protect Sunny.
Okay back to today’s stream, Tubbo’s dead and Creation just appeared to keep Sunny safe since her Primary Protector had gone missing. Creation points Sunny away brings them back and reveals that she’s Rank 1 calling her that for the rest of the night. Creation then starts talking about Tubbo and how it will bring it back, that Tubbo just needs to be pretty much reuploaded but Creation needs Tubbo’s data. BUT then Creation drops another bombshell that Tubbo can not die because he’s always been dead, meaning that Tubbo’s likely been a robot-like creature this entire time.
Once Creation gets to Tubbo’s body it declares it can’t bring Tubbo back because he’s missing data, his purpose, Creation becomes enraged by this revealing that while he wants to hurt Richas for the data, its code forbids it from hurting an Egg. Creation tells everyone that Tubbo needs this golden computer part to be brought back, which does once again state that Tubbo’s a robot-like creature, but it’s also revealed only the federation can get this item.
Tubbo’s currently still dead, and Sunny & Chayanne aren’t doing too hot both feeling terrible about it. I assume this is what you wanted not the Morning Crew stuff but I can explain that to if needed.
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utilitycaster · 6 months
Level-up post: Bells Hells L13
girl help usually I draft these well in advance but I forgot about this one so it's going to be a little shorter and probably less pithy. Anyway as always: corrections on errors appreciated, but if I didn't list every single possible spell or feat someone could take then that's because I don't care. And, because we do the level-ups like this rather than at the end of a session, this will include L14 speculation. Without further ado:
Everyone's proficiency bonus goes up to +5, and the non-multiclassed full spellcasters (Imogen and FCG) get access to 7th level spells.
Chetney: Chetney took another level in Blood Hunter, granting him an ASI/Feat. On the one hand, his wisdom score is odd and so an ASI to that makes sense. On the other hand fuck WIS forever and ever amen; CON, STR, and INT are all way more important for him and for this party. Orym can perceive enough for everyone. L13 Blood Hunter is a nice one that grants him an additional use of blood maledict, as well as the Brand of Tethering which is both thematically appropriate for the campaign and could REALLY ruin Ludinus's day.
Laudna: Another sorcerer level, which grants her more metamagic, and Marisha said in the video she'd be taking Empowered Spell. She also learns another spell up to 5th level, and another cantrip. Frankly I have no idea for cantrips since between two casting classes with cantrips, her subclasses, and spell sniper, she is Cantrips Georg, but Seeming and Teleportation Circle are both pragmatic options that would help the party; Creation and Insect Plague are both aesthetically apt; and Dominate Person, while coming from her sorcery, does have that touch of Delilah. Looking forward I must admit that warlock is infinitely more useful and interesting but it's probably wiser to get 6th level spells.
FCG: FCG's main improvement here is access to 7th level spells; these are pretty great for clerics. I am personally a fan of Divine Word, and Plane Shift seems likely quite useful, but Regenerate and Resurrection are good to have available. L14 for clerics is quiet and simply improves their ability to destroy undead, as is 15, which grants them 8th level spells.
Fearne: Fearne took a 10th level in Druid, granting her another cantrip and another 5th level spell. She gets Cauterizing Flames, which is a little like Wither and Bloom or some of the Circle of the Shepherd features: when a small or larger creature dies within 30 feet of her or Little Mister, she can use a reaction to either heal a creature within 30 feet of the dead creature, or deal fire damage to it. This may become immediately useful if we're fighting Liliana or Otohan. I am hoping she levels up to 11 in Druid at the next level up, which would give her Transport via Plants and Wind Walk access, making the party a little less reliant on Keyleth. As for her cantrip, I'm thinking Druidcraft would be fun since she doesn't have it and it's been so useful on Ruidus.
Imogen: Imogen gets 7th level spells, of which Teleport is a clear winner, particularly since FCG can take Plane Shift, but there are some of my favorite damage/fuckery spells in there (Prismatic Spray, Reverse Gravity, and Delayed Blast Fireball). Level 14 gives her Revelation in Flesh. I must admit I'd be more psyched about this if she'd leaned into the slime aspects of the subclass, but I am interested in seeing how it gets modified because I don't think she should get the swim speed if she won't grow weird cilia and gills; the other features can stay though.
Orym: In addition to having the stupidest passive perception score on the moon, he also gains another use of indomitable. Level 14 gives him an ASI/Feat and really he can't go wrong here; because he got feats from his pact I'm thinking an ASI to CON to make him even more of a tank would be fun, but fighters get so many feats that he can really go nuts.
Ashton: Base barbarian ability of Brutal Critical goes up to 2 dice from 1, giving them the ability to do more damage when they crit. Eyes peeled for his next level-up, when he gets his final Path of Fundamental Chaos feature!
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spotty-bee · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcannon
I've been thinking a lot about Adam, Lute, Vaggie and the exorcists. How they all work and everything that we've learned over the course of the show about them. After looking over the pictures of them without their masks and all the back dealings with heaven I was kinda starting to think...
What if their all related?
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Adam and Vaggie have the same skin colour. Lute has Adam's nose. They all have golden pupils (Though Vaggie's sclera is red, many have head cannoned that being from living in hell.) Vaggie and Lute both have white hair. Theres a lot of similarities between these characters physically and while that can be due to the art style, I do start to wonder.
However WHY would Lute , Vaggie and possibly all the exorcists be Adam's daughters? Well it starts to make sense when you remember that Sera wanted to keep the Exterminations under wraps. If you have Heaven Born or Saint (Dead humans who got into Heaven) warriors doing the exterminations, word would eventually get out. These people have lives outside of their work and all it would take is talking to a spouse or one of them feeling guilty before news spreads. IF you have warriors who's entire life was Exterminations, then they would A- be less likely to tell anyone and B- Be less likely to feel guilty if they weren't taught anything else.
As for where all these woman came from, my guess would be cloning. We know for a FACT that Heaven has Science.
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A good way to get warriors that won't have outside influence/ loose lips is if they don't have any parents that will be wondering whats going on. Cloning would also ensure that warriors will walk off the assembly line fully grown and ready to train. Adam likely used his DNA and then mixed it with donated DNA from other Heavenly Residents . All he then had to do was train his army.
OF course this opens up some rather dark things to consider. There are at least 100 Exterminators. All of them are female. The likelihood of that happening by happenstance is extremely low. Adam had to have chosen to only have woman in his army, and when you factor in Adam's misogynist, narcissistic attitude, that dose not paint a pretty picture. We also need to consider that Adam was left to train/educate these woman with almost no outside interference. Sera made it clear she wanted as little to do with the Extermination business as possible and she maybe one of the few who knew about the army's creation. IN FACT I know she had nothing to do with the army because, apparently, Adam got to name these girls and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, stopped him from naming Vaggie after female anatomy. (I wouldn't be surprised if Vaggie is a nickname and she's actually just named Vagina.)
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They seem to have lived a life of constant training and battle. Its also heavily implied that Vaggie (and Lute to a lesser extent) were taught to view themselves as disposable. Worthless if they didn't have someone to serve. We see it when Vaggie tries to lead the trust exercises, when she beats herself up for not making a proper commercial for the hotel, in fact she seems to have little personal life unless its training or Charlie is involved. Lute herself rips off her own arm just to try and help Adam. If Adam did raise/train them, then these are some pretty bad signs.
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These are just some things I was thinking about looking over the show. I am also not making this to bash anyone who ships Adam and Lute. This is all speculation and personal interpretation. I've just never felt anything romantic between Lute and Adam, but they were clearly close. I took that last, tearful goodbye in the finally as a distant, estranged Father- Daughter relationship.
Anyway, what do you think? Its highly unlikely this is true, but could make for a fun, dark fan fiction or Au!
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justkeeptrekkin · 1 year
Resurrection and The Second Coming
There is a recurring motif in season 2, and that is the image of resurrection and being raised from the dead. I think this all points to what will happen in season 3 and tie into the Second Coming plot that was mentioned by Metatron. I’m not sure what exactly it’s indicating, obviously, but here are the clues:
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1) 25 Lazuri miracle
I enjoyed the reference to Lazarus, and I found it quite striking! It IS interesting, isn’t it Crowley, that Heaven measure miracles by how many times it could have brought someone back from the dead?
And isn’t it interesting that Aziraphale and Crowley, combined, could bring back 25 human lives with a single, half-arsed miracle?
I’m getting the impression that bringing people back to life and the power to resurrect is going to be a bigggggg deal in the future plot.
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2) The opening credits
The opening credits have been said to hold a few clues for season 3. One of the things I've noticed is that there’s plenty of apocalypse and hell imagery, none of which we see in season 2. For example, above, we see A and C moving underground, like they’re navigating some route to the underworld. Then we see them leading a growing crowd of people through a very traditional portrayal of hell, with fire and giant spiders etc., through the blitz, through a SPACE (?) and a very modern perspective of the apocalypse, with scrapheaps and riots. 
There’s a LOT to unpack in that, but what I want to focus on here is the concept of the afterlife. We’re presented with an almost Dante-esque, Ancient Greek view of Hell: A and C are walking through dim tunnels to a fiery, wretched view of the underworld. Where is this??? In the show, I mean??? We’ve never seen this version of hell. as far as we know, it has always been the bureaucratic landscape that we’ve seen in S1 and S2. We can assume it’s always looked like this because Heaven has always had the office-style setting since even Job’s time. 
So what are we seeing here? A and C leading people to Hell? Then... walking out of it!? It is very reminiscent of the ancient myths of Greek heroes attempting to bring the souls of their loved ones back to Earth. 
And, notably, we do not see either of them walk through heaven in the opening credits. 
Who are they leading through this opening credits scene and why?
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3) Give me Coffee or Give me Death
I don’t actually have a lot to say about this other than there was a lot of emphasis on the name of the shop. Possibly just because it’s a fuckin’ cool name for a cafe... but even Metatron makes a pointed remark about it. 
Call me a tin-hat bitch, but I actually have a feeling that Nina, who is sooooo hyperaware of all the bizarre events going on around her-- to the point that she’s lucid at Aziraphale’s party-- is an angel. I think she was removed from the Book of Life, so no one knows she ever existed as an angel. She seems to have some connection with the supernatural, with Sight, and perhaps, given the name of her shop, the afterlife. 
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4) The Resurrectionist and Mr Dalrymple
The whole minisode of The Resurrectionist was bizarre-- I really enjoyed it, but it does make 100% sense that it’s referred to as a minisode. Because it feels oddly separate from the plot (until of course we find out the connection with Beelzebub and Gabriel). Even then, though, it’s a little jarring. 
WHY this particular flashback in history? 
And WHY do B and G meet there in the first place? Out of all the places for them to meet in the universe? 
This is another rather heavyhanded hint towards the concept of resurrection and being raised from the dead. Mr Dalrymple, ethics aside, is using the dead to bring life to others. He’s giving the dead a new lease on life. 
And, listen, I’m a fan of the classics, so the connections to Shelley’s Frankenstein is VERY blatant-- bringing in the question of morality and playing god and the creation of life and modern prometheus and responsibility and resurrection etc. AND Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. (The latter especially in the sense that Stevenson was a doctor from Edinburgh.) 
I just think the minisode is another example of a thread left untied in season 2. 
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5) Gabriel’s prophecy
“I remember when the morning stars sang together and all the angels of god shouted for joy.” (A reference to Job, see below)
“There will come a tempest and darkness and great storms. And the dead will leave their graves and walk the earth once more. And there will be great lamentations. Everyday is getting closer.” 
I mean, what else is there to say here? This is explicitly a prophecy about what will happen later in the story-- the dead returning and walking the earth. This HAS to be a reference to the Second Coming, which I talk about more in point 9. 
What if this is hinting at a giant rehaul of heaven and hell? The living and the dead facing true judgement?
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6) Zombies in the blitz
Have any of you noticed that we’ve seen plenty of Heaven and Hell, but the only time we’ve ever seen any signs of human beings in said afterlife is with the Nazis? It only occurred to me while piecing this post together, but we’ve never seen anyone in heaven aside from angels. No saints, no good people who went to the good place. In hell we’ve seen lots of shuffling people, but honestly I’ve always thought they were demons. Now, we’re seeing the check-in process in Hell, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but... it’s just occurred to me that it’s the only time we’ve explicitly seen any human afterlife in hell rather than just demons.
What does it mean? Not sure. Perhaps it’s hinting at what will occur in season 3. Perhaps it’s suggesting that there is a major fault in how heaven and hell actually organise human afterlife. Maybe the system is broken beyond the institutional abuse we’ve seen among the angels and demons...
Zombies are undead. Life resurrected. Lazarus kinda. Right? Obvious connection. But what *is* interesting is that these Nazis specifically were resurrected as a part of the plot to survey A and C. Out of all the people to bring to life... they are a pretty depressing and unsettling choice. Even if they’re like, comedically terrible/evil. Eek. 
Lazarus, after all, was supposed to be a good guy. (I think. Jesus brought him back to life after all.)
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7) Job’s children
The various versions of this story I’ve looked at have been fantastically vague about what Job heard and what happened to him at the end-- which is, I gather, the whole point. The message appears to be about having faith in God. It’s a test of faith and love for the Almighty. 
But like, even the idea of the children being returned to life is vague. In some versions it looks like he gets his original kids back plus more, in others, it’s not specified. In this version, we see Crowley’s kindness in saving them in the form of metamorphosis (at least temporarily). Job’s children aren’t brought back to life as such, then, but they are returned to Job. In a way, the whole of this series is bringing stories back to life by retelling them on the screen. (Stop it, I know it’s a stretch...)
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8) Magic tricks
Ok, so the most famous magic tricks in the book are the idea of DEATH EVADING ESCAPADES! Such as sawing a body in half. Or, in Aziraphale’s case, the bullet catch. 
I dunno where I'm going with this, but it feels relevant. Especially given that there’s the whole scare of ‘oh no we can’t use miracles! I could be discorporated! Then there’s all the paperwork... for RESURRECTION...’
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9) The Second Coming
So, I am not all too familiar with the Second Coming. It appears across various religions and interpretations of the scripture. 
My understanding of it is LIMITED even after research, so I would appreciate others chipping in if they can clarify for me and for others. 
- It involves Jesus returning to Earth (often during a time of war and destruction among humans, though not in every religion).
- Jesus’ second coming to Earth will trigger Judgement Day. The living and the dead will be judged on whether they go to heaven or to hell. 
- Some Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the second coming of Jesus occurs after Armageddon and brings the ‘conclusion of the system of things’. A giant rehaul, I think.  
- For Catholics, the second coming will cause ‘the fullness of the reign of God and the consummation of the universe and mankind.’ What this essentially means is that mankind and the universe get to share in Jesus’ resurrection, so the dead will walk again. Just as God manifested himself through Jesus once, now, God will appear through the whole of mankind and the universe. Personally, I've always appreciated this interpretation of God-- that the Holy Spirit is everywhere and in everything, rather than a person in the sky.
- Catholics also believe that “at the moment of Jesus' arrival, three events will happen all at once in an instant, in the blink of an eye: the living will die, the universe will be transfigured, and the dead will be resurrected, judged, and recompensed. After this single instant or moment, the church does not know what will happen for the rest of eternity - only that the damned will continue to be in hell and the saved will continue to experience the beatific vision.” (thank you Wikipedia)
- Most religions see it is as the final true judgement of God over mankind. 
I don’t know what it all means, but I think it all boils down to the Second Coming, the final judgement, and perhaps a big reshuffle of heaven and hell. 
In my opinion, Heaven and Hell as we know it in the show will be completely deconstructed and reconstructed. I think perhaps Metatron has been the ‘man behind the curtain’, an imposter meddling with mankind, their prophecies, and even the Book of Life. 
Perhaps, all of these little hints are an example of Metatron’s ‘Second Coming’ plan bleeding through whatever reality we’re in. 
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Last updated: 18 Sept 2024 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although I do not own the characters or specific events from The Walking Dead, this blog contains transformative fan fiction protected under the Fair Use Act and I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION for it to be copied and pasted, posted on other platforms or accounts, shared through videos or audio or screenshots, etc without the express written permission of myself. Sharing can be done with the ‘reblog’ button or sharing a direct link to my original work ONLY. Please ask permission to use any of my work as “inspiration” for your own fictional creations. I retain the right to refuse any requests and retain all rights to the work here under copyright 2024.
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Series: * denotes ongoing series (newest on top)
Bad Medicine* Imprisoned in Alexandria, Negan's mental health is suffering. After pissing off Gabriel, Y/N volunteers to take him on as a project, working toward some vague goal of rehabilitation. Can both Y/N and Negan come to terms with his past? And what does the future look like for the former Savior? Era: Alexandria, post-Negan Reader pronouns: largely unspecified Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (coming soon!)
One shots: (newest on top)
The Storm (Daryl Dixon x Reader but Negan-centric) Words: 7,737 Reader pronouns: she/her Imprisoned in Alexandria still, it seems Negan has a soft spot for Y/N, one of Alexandria’s doctors. With Daryl gone moving the The Kingdom to Hilltop, everyone back home tries to weather the storm. But help comes from an unexpected place when Y/N doesn’t return from venturing out into the blizzard. Era: Post-Negan Alexandria
Drabbles: (these links may not return every single relevant drabble, but pretty close!)
All Negan Drabbles (newest first) Negan Fluff Protective!Negan
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plaguelily-art · 9 months
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Artwork completed for @ferarepairweek. This was for Day 4, and I went with "Clothes".
Okay, this one probably needs some explaining too. So, this is Sumeragi, Mikoto, and my design for Ikona, and I absolutely headcanon them as a all being in love with each other, and I have for years. This goes way back to when Fates was still popular, and I kept seeing a lot of headcanons portraying Ikona as jealous of Mikoto and/or with the two generally not getting along, and like, that's valid and all, but it really didn't work for me. And so one rainy morning walking to a college class I wondered, "What if Ikona and Mikoto were in love?" which was quickly followed by, "What if all three were in love?" Which then made all their deaths in Fates all the more tragic for me, and so I've stuck with it ever since. So while I know this is technically a canon ship, since my headcanons go against a lot of popular fanon, and these three as a canon thruple get entirely ignored by both fans and IntSys, I still feel justified in calling this ship a rarepair.
I, unsurprisingly given my love for wildly underdeveloped dead moms, have a ton of thoughts about Ikona, and I also spent a really long time trying to figure out her appearance based on how the Hoshido siblings look, which I might share later (I have an idea for an artwork for just Ikona, and that would be a better place to write out my headcanons for her). But to explain a little, I do have Ikona sharing her hair and eye color with Takumi--I think there's something rather bittersweet about Takumi being the only one to look a lot like his biological mother.
As fond of this ship as I am, I am never drawing Sumeragi and his Sonic Hedgehog hair again if I can avoid it.
2023, Fall Digital (Adobe Photoshop) Design for Ikona is my own. Sumeragi, Mikoto, and Ikona are characters from the Fire Emblem series, and belong to Intelligent Systems. Artwork belongs to me.
This image (published by the artist to deviantart.com/plaguelily, plaguelily-art.tumblr.com) may not be reproduced, copied, edited, republished, reuploaded, distributed, or redistributed in any way, and I do not give permission for the creation of any sort of derivatives of my work including the use of the work in datasets used for generation of AI art or any other sort of procedurally generated image program or software. Thank you.
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thefallenangelsgang · 5 months
"If everyone who liked the video bought a subscription then they would make x amount of money blah blah blah" MAY be true but you guys have to understand that even if they make that much money it still will not be enough to last them long term.
1. They are in an oversaturated market offering substandard services
2. Gaining more consumers is extremely hard for subscription based services
3. Retaining consumers is even harder (doubly so when there are better services on the market) ((this is why subscription services make it difficult to cancel))
4. Overhead costs for these services are expensive between running costs, advertisements (which you need a LOT OF), and then content creation costs
They've already set themselves behind on Marketing. This release has been disastrous. And if they start an aggressive ad campaign like they need to they will face immense backlash. Without new consumers their already small profit will be effectively limited. When they are limited they can't grow their content. When they can't grow their content they will lose subscriptions on top of the normal drop off rate that comes with these services. They've totally fucked this release. They need to back down because this venture is dead in the water.
The worst possible case that was still salvageable would have been a scenario where no one really hears about the service but they have a committed base who did that allows them to work on growing support.
Second Worst-but-Salvageable-Case is they walk back the exclusivity and used the service like a Patreon thus retaining the consumers who can be swayed back into favor but aren't willing or able to pay for the subscription service. That enables them to still profit off of both halves of the company.
Absolutely best case scenario was this release being met with positive response.
Anything else meant this thing was dead from the moment it released. They might be able to squeeze a few months out of it but the money will run out.
They still have time to walk this back and make money on youtube if they downsize and work on gaining back trust with their fan base. Unless in the absolute worst move possible, they've banked everything on this and have effectively bankrupted themselves.
All of this screams they had absolutely no business plan to me. How they have managed the business for four years without it is beyond me. Clearly they haven't based on how they are acting right now.
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deathsbestgirl · 3 months
txf mytharc: pilot
preface: what you can expect from this series of mine.
i’m likely going to talk about each mytharc episode in full (at least nearly). the point of this isn’t to focus on mulder and scully, but there will still be a lot about them. we mostly see the mytharc through their eyes, and their partnership & experiences are a major part of that (and i think at this point, it’s clear i never shut up about them!). so for those that don’t really care about the mytharc, you might still find things to enjoy. at the end of each post, i’ll do a little summary of episode connections. i’m doing this as i rewatch so i will not have watched the future episodes yet – so please forgive any mistakes in details! i’m also pairing this with reading myth x: one fan’s interpretation of the the x files mytharc, and i’ll include some pieces that helped me unravel certain things, or that i’m simply keeping in mind as i rewatch! but mostly, this is just me enjoying the show. it’s what i think about when i watch. if it’s not your cup of tea, i completely understand. i do welcome discussion, but i make no promises to engage. i’m just sharing my little thoughts on this show that i really, really love.
sharing has gotten more difficult for me, but i truly enjoy it. just asking everyone to be kind & thoughtful, because i’m putting a lot of my time into this and i’m sensitive about it lol
something i get caught up in every time i watch the pilot is what csm & the syndicate were thinking (specifically in regards to assigning scully to the x files with mulder — i will probably talk about this over & over).
in the pilot we don’t even know about the syndicate. we meet section chief blevins, and other men with no names. including csm, who doesn’t even speak. he stands there looking stressed and smoking, observing scully and listening intently to the whole exchange. at the beginning, it’s hard to imagine how deep this goes, how widespread the government conspiracy is and it’s what makes it so fun for me to go back. we have so much more information later on, and we can take it back when we rewatch. there are so many connections to be made and although a lot of it doesn’t line up perfectly, i think it’s way more in line than people say. for me, there are several reasons that fit in with the world of the x files. first, there are so many unreliable narrators, people dealing in lies and coverups, only letting mulder & scully and whomever see what they want them to see. they purposely feed certain beliefs, and stifle them at other times. csm’s goals are muddled: he wants mulder on his side, he’s trying to save the human race/shape it into his own creation. he pretends to be a chess master, but as he says in sixth extinction/amor fati: he is one man.
the pilot starts with a cold open, a young woman running through the woods in her pajamas. we see a male figure and a bright white light. next thing, the young woman is lying dead on the forest floor as a team documents the scene and tries to identify her. detective miles identifies here as karen swanson and walks away, as the other investigator shouts “it’s happening again, isn’t it?”
next we follow special agent dana scully into the hoover building and to blevins office. he peppers her with questions about her fbi experience, if she’s heard of fox mulder and the x files. she’s young and open and maybe a little too honest. every time i try to write about the pilot something i always end up writing: scully understood what these men wanted her to. i don’t think it’s what csm wanted, but it might be what the syndicate wanted. scully was expected to debunk the x files, and if she did, they would probably reward her with whatever promotion or job she wanted within the fbi (or better, recruit her to the syndicate?). but as will consistently happen, they underestimated her. i’m not sure any of these men could have predicted what her & mulder would come to mean to each other. i don't think they could grasp her honesty or goodness, her ethics & morals, her complex beliefs & sense of justice. they live in a world where everyone is selfish & cruel, where they do what is “necessary” or what they're ordered to, where people will always choose themselves above others, but that is not scully. and it isn’t mulder.
(aside that maybe isn’t necessarily relevant but the thought always pops into my mind: it’s very interesting to me that they have this meeting with her and just send her down to mulder’s office. there’s no meeting with mulder, scully and their superiors together. all of it strikes me as a punishment for mulder, and a test for scully. i really think there’s something of interest to them in scully’s background. scientist, medical doctor, navy captain’s daughter, semi practicing/lapsed catholic. in theory, she could have been a perfect fit for the syndicate. but i really think most of them lack an understanding of people, of humanity. they deal in the worst of humanity – and mulder & scully are the best of humanity.)
initially when i started this (my little notebook) i was going to focus on just csm. but lately, the mytharc has gripped me. i don’t typically rewatch those episodes, unless i’m watching the entire series or a season in full. or a specific arc (like the cancer arc of course). but i’ve been slowly watching the mytharc episodes and they all connect, intricately, weaving a complicated web of truths & untruths & half truths. it’s so detailed and convoluted and maybe confusing. and so i wanted to go piece by piece. as i’ve said before, i don’t think everything lines up perfectly, and it isn’t supposed to. this is a global conspiracy, we learn things as mulder & scully do. they are largely on the outside of it, trying to break in to expose the truth & hopefully dismantle it. they are continuously misled, misdirected, stonewalled. there are many different projects with experimental science developing different defenses/giruses/andmtidotes, with different goals. evidence destroyed or stolen, tampered with. they are manipulated and used and discarded and returned and nearly killed as the syndicate sees fit at the current time. but so many things connect back to the pilot. the writers may not have had a show bible, but they most certainly looked back to pick up different threads and carry them through.
after scully’s meeting, we follow her down into mulder’s basement office. scully knocks on the door, opens it when he responds and takes in the whole atmosphere. he jumps right into it, letting scully know he’s aware of what her assignment is, that he looked into her background, and starting in on the case. in mulder’s way, he starts testing scully too, and i think she passes every single one. even if she’s saying things he doesn’t really want to hear. at the least, she takes him seriously (enough) to give rebuttals and show she cares. i’m not sure mulder has ever distrusted a single soul, but at least scully earns it.
the few things we learn about the case, what makes it an x file: the marks on the girl’s back, the compound in the surrounding tissue, no clear cause of death. and the fact that there’s a string of these killings in bellefleur, oregon with similarities to other cases in shamrock, texas and sturgis, south dakota.
mulder poses two questions, the first:
maybe what you can explain to me is why it’s bureau policy to label these cases “unexplained phenomenon” and ignore them.
scully has no answer, but i do think this starts her mind rolling. right here she’s put on the path of radicalization, in her scully way. the second:
when convention and science offer us no answer, might we not finally turn to the fantastic as a plausibility?
and i think this moment sets up their roles. scully responds with “the girl obviously died of something. if it was natural causes, it’s plausible that there was something missed in the post-mortem. if she was murdered, it’s plausible there was a sloppy investigation. what i find fantastic is any notion that there are answers beyond the realm of science. the answers are there. you just have to know where to look.” mulder, the believer, turning to the fantastic. scully, the skeptic, turning to science. this is my favorite thing about them, it builds the way they communicate and is a huge part of building trust between them. it’s also a major part in how they get to know each other. it’s always been one of my favorite things about them. it’s built on listening, not just pushing their beliefs or agenda. they always incorporate what the other says – as in, scully tends to shape the science & investigation around his theories. it gives her a place to start and build from. and scully’s science refines mulder’s theories and gets them closer to the truth.
it very quickly becomes one of the ways they depend on each other, setting up expectations they don’t yet understand the implications of and will take them years to rewrite (still built on the trust blooming from this first scene).
as soon as they’re in oregon, even still on the plane, the weirdness starts. unexpected turbulence, radio interference, inhuman like corpse unburied, the metal implant in the nasal cavity. mulder isn’t surprised by the turbulence or radio static, he marks the spot with an x. scully is just confused and baffled by his behavior (i love it). during the autopsy, they’re a little combative. my favorite moment is when mulder tells her:
i’m not crazy, scully. i have the same doubts you do.
this is an important moment for scully. he cares what she thinks, and she does take him seriously. i think it’s easy to think that she doesn’t, she does dismiss his ideas initially. but she’s still following him, peppering him with questions. they talk it through every time, and that’s special. it only gets stronger.
when mulder lifts peggy o’dell’s shirt to find the marks on her back, scully is so angry (she’s afraid) and she storms out of the building – mulder immediately follows her. she doesn’t believe these are alien abductions, she doesn’t know yet what the marks are, what the experience is. she has questions and she wants answers, she wants the truth. scully doesn’t believe his theory of alien abductions, and he asks her “do you have a better explanation?” and this is the first time he directly asks what she thinks. to me, this is the scene that really determines their dynamic. what mulder takes from this conversation is scully really does want the truth, she cares. and that’s important. and scully asks: “what were they doing in the forest?” cut to mulder and scully in the forest, scully pocketing dirt, detective miles coming upon them. (he listened to her, and the next step in their investigation becomes trying to answer that question!)
in the car, she shows mulder the dirt. he asks if it’s a campfire (it does look a lot like ash). but scully tells him it was all over the ground. right after, the car loses power and they lose nine minutes. scully doesn’t witness the time change but mulder is ecstatic.
this all leads to the motel room scene. scully has marks on her back and she can’t see them and the marks on peggy o’dell scared her. you could see it in her face, even through her anger & annoyance with mulder. the fact that she goes running to mulder, clearly afraid and vulnerable…it showed something else to mulder. this moment lets him see beyond ‘scully’s a spy” and her disbelief/skepticism. mulder cares about people, and he cares about scully despite himself. so when she turns into his chest, he puts his arm on her shoulder. shocked at her vulnerability, the way she seeks comfort from him. mulder lets her stay in his room, gives her a blanket to curl up on his bed as he sits below her and tells her about samantha.
usually this scene is discussed because of the intimacy between mulder & scully, but we learn a lot about the mytharc here too. samantha “disappeared from her bed one night” and there was no evidence, no contact, and no one would talk about it. he went to oxford, got recruited by the bureau. (while they’re having this conversation, someone is lurking outside the motel room.) he finds the x files and he was allowed to indulge because of his success and connections. mulder tells scully:
i’m telling you this, scully, because you need to know, because of what you’ve seen. in my research, i’ve worked very closely with a man named dr. heitz werber and he’s taken me through deep regression hypnosis. i’ve been able to go into my own repressed memories to the night my sister disappeared. i can recall a bright light outside and a presence in the room. i was paralyzed, unable to respond to my sister’s calls for help…listen to me, scully, this thing exists…the government knows about it, and i gotta know what they’re protecting. nothing else matters to me, and this is as close as i’ve ever gotten to it.
he covers sam’s abduction, how he found the x files, why he’s allowed to work on them, and the first inkling (for the audience) of a government conspiracy.
this is when mulder gets the call about peggy o’dell. (scully’s jump at the phone ringing is striking. she was so focused on mulder and what he was telling her, everything else faded away.) they go to the scene and mulder is shocked to hear peggy was running – “on foot?” just really cracks me up. as he’s focused on talking to the man driving, scully is taking a look at peggy’s body and makes note of the time on her watch, which is stopped. but just then, mulder learns ray soames’ corpse is missing. when they get back to the motel, it’s on fire with scully’s laptop, pictures and evidence inside.
theresa nemman approaches them in the chaos, they take her to a diner to hear what she has to say. she talks about finding herself in the woods, not knowing how she got there. she tells them she has the marks on her back too. she’s afraid she’s going to die too. her nose starts to bleed, like peggy’s did earlier, and as scully jumps up to grab napkins for her, theresa’s father, dr. nemman shows up with detective miles to take her home. this is when they realize det. miles’ is billy’s father.
mulder & scully have a brief conversation, brimming with their frustrations of losing their files & evidence, being denied access to a girl who needs help and wanted to talk, realizing how much these men are concealing. scully’s putting together dr. nemman’s & det. miles’ involvement. “they know” vs “they know something” – leading to mulder’s ultimate question (at this moment lol) of what’s in the other graves. when they go to check, the graves have already been dug up. the only other bodies already taken. at the graves, mulder puts together that billy miles is responsible. scully starts to follow his thoughts. he talks about time being stopped, he pauses “you think i’m crazy” and scully…she’s silent for a moment before telling him about peggy o’dell’s watch. another huge moment to me. she doesn’t believe it’s alien abduction, but she starts to understand the way mulder’s mind works, the connections he makes and the subsequent leaps. she doesn't keep this information from him despite it feeding a theory she doesn't agree with.
they head over to see billy miles. mulder talks to the nurse and scully starts to examine billy, finding his feet dirty, covered in the same dirt she found in the forest. a boy, who has been in a coma for years, completely bedridden and seemingly unaware of what’s happening around him. and scully is ready to run with this. he was out in the woods!!! and another important moment, mulder grounds her. reminds her of what she needs to do, her reports, procedure. and i think this is the moment that cements their roles – but shows they can also switch as need arises. mulder didn't understand how much he needed the science & evidence until he had someone ready to find it. so they go back out to the woods to get another sample of the dirt. that’s when they hear theresa scream and they go running. det. miles hits scully over the head and goes running after mulder, holding him at gunpoint as theresa continues to scream. and i love this moment too, because mulder appeals to this man’s better nature, urging him not to let billy kill another person. mulder stops him from shooting his son too. we see the marks on billy’s back, as a white light starts to overtake the scene with leaves blowing like a cyclone around billy & theresa. when the light finally fades, billy is conscious again, theresa is safe and the marks are gone from billy’s back. instantaneously.
the ending scenes are billy under hypnotic regression with dr. werber. mulder in the room with them. scully, blevins, the other man from scully’s meeting, and csm observing. billy talks about the aliens, the tests, the implant. the tests didn’t work, and the aliens were destroying the evidence. killing the abductees…mulder and scully make eye contact through the glass. cut to scully reporting to blevins. she can’t substantiate anything, they have no evidence, how do you prosecute?? this is what blevins & company care about. but scully held onto one piece of evidence: the implant, made of a metal that could not be identified, the implant billy miles claimed was controlling him. she leaves it with blevins, and when she exits, she watches csm enter blevins’ office. she has no idea who this man is, but he has been present at crucial moments and she took notice. she doesn’t understand yet but she won’t forget him.
in the end, mulder calls scully late at night to tell her the case file on billy miles has disappeared. csm is walking into the pentagon storage facility, filing away the metal implant with others just like it.
the pilot really lays a lot of groundwork. the implants, the marks/scars. the abduction experience, time loss, electronic interference, hypnotic regression. deformed corpses. government connections. disappearing evidence, constant interference. samantha’s abduction.
episode connections (before i watch future episodes):
conduit: small detail, but the ash-like dirt reminds me of the sand & glass at lake okobogee.
duane barry: he has an implant in his nasal cavity, much like the one they find. later on, in the anasazi trilogy, we learn scully has a chip in her neck which later connects her to other female abductees and carries through to cassandra in patient x/the red and the black.
cancer arc: billy miles indicates the exact place scully gets cancer.
reduxes: blevins is exposed as the mole. for the first part of the first season, scully reports to him until the x files is reassigned to skinner’s jurisdiction. his involvement isn’t fully explored, but he doesn’t completely disappear.
deadalive: ray soames’ transformation – possibly a failed attempt of what happens to billy miles & others, and nearly happens to mulder. also similar to the bodies mulder finds in anasazi.
csm: he’s there for scully’s meeting with blevins, he is there at the end for billy miles’ hypnotic regression. he is the most prominent figure in the conspiracy, as far as what we see, with a direct hand in scully’s & mulder’s experiences.
samantha’s abduction: there are two different versions of her abduction. truthfully, i think they just changed the story to work better for them. BUT (as i’ve mentioned before) i think it fits well into the mytharc later on – within the framework of the show, i think it’s possible samantha was abducted twice. conduit, paper hearts, demons, and another episode.
myth x:
one thing i really do like about this book is that it breaks down all the players. each group of aliens are given a clear name (which appear in the show but was never completely clear to me until this time around). michelle bush purports that the aliens abducting the oregon teens are walk-ins, representing the divine. they’re supposedly good but don’t know how to go about their goals. in some ways, this rings true. it’s the walk-ins that “save” samantha from more suffering. it’s like the walk-ins cassandra spender believes are trying to help them. bush describes their goal as “reintegration of both halves of the whole (alien and human) using natural means; this results in a single sentience allowing a return to physical and spiritual harmony.” which on paper, doesn’t sound bad. but their methods are as harmful as any of the others (alien and human alike).
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small-sinclair · 1 year
@vampyrgoff, I saw you were looking for some Vincent Sinclair headcanons awhile back (I'm a simp for this man, too), so here's some to quince that thrust. Hope you like vampires...
Vampire requests are open!
Vampire!Vincent Sinclair x Reader
Tw: blood, biting, draining, killing mentioned, obsessed Vincent of you
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To me, this makes since because he see him more outside at night than in the day (besides scaring the shit out of Carly). So, I like the idea of Vincent being a vampire in a different world.
He wears long sleeves when he goes outside to make sure his arms don't get burned, and he can retract his hands into his sleeves if the heat gets too much.
Because he can't go into the sun, he goes out at night for walks and for fresh air when he feels like it.
Because he can go out at night while his brothers can walk in the daylight, Vincent knows all the stars in the sky and can name every single shape.
Also, he and Lester go night fishing/hunting. Vincent is really good at night fishing! He prefers to do that when he and Lester hang out.
He's the strongest out of his brothers
Vincent's a fan of drink from his victims when they are parallelized because it makes it easy. They don't fight. No screaming or begging-- it's perfect.
If he has to drink without the parallelized shot, he's strong enough to make hold the person down to drink until the person's dead.
If the person is almost dead and Bo gives them as a leftover, he makes sure to hold the person tight and lovingly as if he's giving them a hug when he finishes them off. He can feel their pain, their death; he knows how Bo is: rough and like an animal when he feeds.
If he doesn't want to drink at the moment, he'll just drain them until they are a husk of a person.
Two of his vampire powers, because every vampire has to have vampire powers, is the ability to see his victim's memories after taking their blood and reading thoughts just by looking at a person. He looks back on the victim's memories whenever he wants to escape from reality and see what's outside of Ambrose. He always wanted to travel the state...
Then he met you.
You were exploring the House of Wax while Bo was replacing your spark plugs. You were looking at all of Vincent's creations with awe and bright eyes, but you looked the paintings the most.
He watched you as he stood still in the room, pretending to be a statue, and watched you take a chair from the "Dinning Room" and placed it in front of the painting. His eyes lingered over you as you took out a notebook and started writing something. If he came any closer, he knew you would feel him there, so he'll stay put. It's been a while since someone has looked over his work, but he hasn't seen a writer before.
Then you closed your notebook and looked at his painting, a small smile forming over your lips. You stayed still as you looked over his work. The colors just mixed perfectly that you didn't thing anything of it besides beauty and admiration. Part of you was happy that your spark plugs busted and it led you here. You love art and paintings.
"Vincent," you read aloud the name on the painting as if it was a prayer. Behind you, he gripped the inside of his sleeve. The way you said his name made his still-beating heart start again. He watched the flames get higher and higher, and it burned the inside of his blood.
He heard your heartbeat and how low it grew as you looked at the painting. He sees you pull out your phone and take a picture of his painting, so you can remember it forever. He wondered who you would show it to, who else would love his paintings just as you do. He wasn't to keep you close and never let you go, but why cage a free bird? He decided not to kill you, to let you walk away with memories of the House of Wax and his painting forever stilled in your phone. Even if you forget his name when you leave, he'll never forget you.
"Got yer car fixed," Bo's voice echoed in the house as his boots tapped over the floor. "A good fix, too! Hope ya don't mind mind but I changed your oil as well and put air in y'er tires."
Vincent wanted to tell his brother to stay back and not say anything to him. He wanted to let his brother no to acknowledge him. He wanted to soak in your beauty for a while longer, to inspire him more and more. To remember you as his muse.
But Bo didn't listen to his silent pleads as he looked right at his masked twin.
"Hello, Vincent."
You tilted your head as Bo looked right at a statue then you thought of something that both brothers didn't expect. "Oh! All the statues have names?" Then you looked right at Vincent, smiling, "Is that the statue of the person that did the painting?"
Bo fixed his hat, finally picking up on why Vincent hasn't moved. He chuckles lowly and says, "Why, yes, darlin'." He nodded at Vincent and said, "This is what he looks lik'."
You stood up from your chair and stood in front of him, arms length away. You offered a smile at him and it was the most beautiful thing Vincent has ever laid eyes on. He can't look at the sun or feel its warmth on his face, but your smile made him see every sunset and rise, every bright summer sunny say, every blue filled sky of light and stars.
I wonder if he looks as handsome as he does as a statue, you thought. Vincent's cheeks burned as he heard your thoughts of him racing more and more. I hope I can meet him.
"I love his paintings," you told Bo with a grin. You looked behind to see the painting again. "Do you think I could meet him? I would love to praise his art!" You faced them again and asked, "I love his paintings."
Bo smirks, giving you his best southern boy smile. "Wha' if I tol' you y'all already met him?"
You tilted your head as he patted the back of the statue, but froze as your eyes grew wide. You were expecting something hallow, but you heard Bo's hand patted the back of a person. of a human.
You looked between Bo and the statue, stepping back.
Vincent blinks.
You let out a yelp as you bumped into the chair and fell on your ass. You watched as the statue moved, but Vincent looked almost sad as he did. His lone blue eyes lingered over you as you watched it morph into a bright red, something so close to a blood and red roses.
"Mama tol' ya not t'play wit' y'er food, Vinny," Bo drawl, no emotion in his face. "Ya know betta than 'at."
You coward away until your back is pressed under the painting frame, and you closed your eyes and turned your head to look away. You felt Vincent kneeling in front of you as you started shaking, and he frowned slightly. You're not even going to fight him to stay alive? If you stay with him, he'll fight for you. He'll fight every day and night for you if you'd like.
He placed a hand on your knee and he watched you jump at his touch. He wanted to talk, to tell you you're safe. He wanted to let you know no harm will come. He wants you to live, y/n. Don't you see that? Don't you see he wants you to be happy in his world of art?
Bo stood behind his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Well? Get after it, Vin."
Vincent shook his head as he looked up at his brother.
Bo tilted his head then a wicked grin formed. "Oh... you wanna keep 'em?"
Vincent nods as he placed his other hand on your arm. He watched you cry softly as he has you open your eyes to look at him. When your eyes met, he felt his face fall. You looked so scared of him, scared of everything around you, but you relaxed slightly when you watched his red eyes turn from red back to blue.
"Gotta name?" Bo asked you, red eyes looking over your form.
"Y/n," you answered meekly. "I'm y/n." Your eyes scanned over Vincent and you gave a gentle smile, trying to be brave. If the wanted you dead, they would've killed you by now. Vincent would've attacked you from behind and ripped your throat out, but he didn't. He watched you the whole time. "It's nice to meet you, Vincent."
You were still scared, terrified, but something inside you grew.
"Welcome t'Ambrose, y/n," Bo said, his voice sweet as honey. As he gave you a smile, you saw his fangs and how sharp they were.
But Vincent will keep you safe. Vincent will keep you safe forever. Nothing and no one will harm you.
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
Ever since ava 1 he's been haunted by something on his computer. It follows him to other devices too. He can't prove it definitely, but it's very noticeable. He sometimes jokes about being cursed when it comes to technology, but sometimes that feels like the only explanation. He still uses computers and animates, but he can't help feeling like he's being watched when he should be alone.
victim witnesses him created another stick figure. They watch him spare this one, but force them to work for him against their will. They watch him torment this figure, unable to help for a long time. Eventually however, victim tries to send a pop up to release them. It doesn't work since they are forced to burn it, but that still leads to them escaping. victim watches a new figure be drawn to kill them, but then watches it team up with them instead and destroy their creator's PC. victim watches them escape, but cannot follow because they are stuck.
victim is cursed to always watch their creator killer and just wants to be free. They do their best to try and make him miserable, but they are limited. When he gets a new computer, they are forced to follow. But then something strange happens. He creates another by accident and they get to watch this strange orange stick enjoy freedom and meet new friends. He returns though and kills the friends, but for some reason is unable to kill the stick he created. The orange stick tries to avenge her friends, but is eventually cornered. victim tries to look away, knowing what will happen next as the poor stick begs for mercy, but instead something else happens. He chooses to show mercy to the stick and even brings her friends back. He offers the stick a deal; freedom and safety on the PC in exchange for not breaking things and teaching him to animate better. victim could only stare.
Why hadn't they been allowed to live? Why couldn't he treat his other creations with the same respect? The stick accepted the deal and over time, befriended the animator. They watched as he grew to care about them, treating them as people and even letting them get away with destroying his stuff at times. It wasn't fair! Why did they have to die?! Why couldn't he have shown them the same kindness? victim had always been alone, but seeing other people there getting along and playing together while they couldn't even tell they were there made them feel that loneliness in their core.
They ached for that connection they never got the chance to have. And yet, they couldn't even be angry at the sticks. It's not like they knew any better. They didn't know what a monster the animator was. Was he even still a monster? He had to be. It wasn't fair that he could change for these sticks but didn't even pay them a second glance. But the more they watched, the more they could see him genuinely care.
For so long they had wanted to make him suffer, but they didn't even know if that was a good idea anymore. They didn't know anything anymore. They spent most days floating aimlessly, trying to avoid being around the others because that only made it hurt more. They didn't even know what they wanted to do now, but it didn't matter did it? They were dead, and the dead aren't supposed to have ambitions. Their memory had been buried. Nothing mattered anymore. It never did. They were foolish to think otherwise. They might as well not even be there at all.
That's how things were for next few years. Just an infinite loop of seeing what could've been, knowing that they missed their chance. But something strange happened. The creator had been animating alongside his creation, when a sound could be heard from the computer fan. It was much louder than it was supposed to be. It was then that a virus was discovered and threatened to kill the sticks. There was nothing victim could do but watch as they were trapped as certain death approached.
All the sudden, the PC shook as an explosion came from the wifi. victim recognized the figure walking through it, they were the stick that victim had helped escape. They were okay! They made it! But why? Why would they come back here? They were glad that they had saved the others from death however. The stick had fought and defeated the virus, then left again through the portal. The others followed too out of curiosity, but like before, victim still couldn't leave.
They waited for them to return, floating in circles as they did so. A notification appeared to alert the animator that the stick was in trouble. He hesitated, but eventually clicked on it. victim saw a window into another world form, and saw that the cursor could interact with it. victim touched the window and found that they could go through it. They saw the others hiding in a shack with a computer and heard sounds of combat. Turning to look, victim saw the other figure that escaped all those years ago trying to kill the stick that it had escaped with. The animator was trying to assist the figure that saved the others, but it was a tough fight. The group in the shack accidentally alerted it to their presence, who went to investigate. They all hid over a pit of deactivated viruses and avoided being seen, but the stick then took an armband and put it on. This gave it full control of the viruses and the ability to summon deadly virus blades.
It was stressful not being able to do anything. They should be used to it by now, but that didn't change it. Eventually, the cursor was deleted and the window was closed, sending them back to the PC. They had no way to know what was happening and just had to hope for the best. After what felt like an eternity, they watched as the window was restored by a strange green glow. They felt something strange. They were pulled back through the restored portal and saw that they were glowing green and becoming physical.
They felt the ground and heard the others talking. They felt the temperature of the air and could smell the ocean. It was disorienting feeling so many things. It was hard to even tell what was going on. They looked at the others and they looked in victim's direction, likely since something was behind them. They were used to that. But then the red one approached them and poked them out of curiosity. They lost their balance and landed on the ground and the red stick began loudly apologizing. It was all too loud, but they saw them. All of them could see them. They could lose their balance because they were now physical.
(I was originally just gonna pitch this as a concept but I got carried away lol)
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blackstarchanx3new · 24 days
On a scale of 1-10 how much do you dislike the canon manga Red?
This turned into a rant lmfao.
Gotta make Red simps hate me more than they already do X'D
Like a 5 at least.
The problem mainly boils down to how I perceive him due to MY OWN PERSONAL READING OF THE TEXT.
So, the start: I'm not a fan of those types of "i'm so cute teehee" characters to begin with but for Red specifically...I just hate how inconsistent and poorly utilized he is.
He just morphs to be whatever the narrative needs him to be instead of having a real character.
He's a plot device more than a character tbh and it's why I struggled SO MUCH with figuring out a direction for him in FSR.
because...all the plot is character driven.
And I literally had no USE for a character who's soul purpose was filling in gaps when there weren't any with this cast.
His behavior isn't ever fully dived into like the other three.
I've mentioned this before: I think they cut a stand alone Red Chapter somewhere in development because the way his scene ends to where we see him later after they split up is SO WEIRD.
Funnily enough I find Dark Link and Red very similar. (Which is a huge problem but I'll get into that some other time)
Except Dark Link's inconsistencies and overall character loops back to his creation and he himself being a conflict of interest in Vaati's mind when he created Dark. he WANTED HIS Link back the only person he felt a connection to who he last had on good terms with, paired with wanting to HURT and destroy the current incarnation of Link.
making a twisted as hell individual who simultaneously embodies Link and is Link's twisted mirror image.
Naive uncertain and full of inner turmoil due to his purpose.
But when Dark REALIZES what he is to the truest extent he has to justify or crumble under the weight of his reality. There's a reason i described early Dark link as "Delusional" because he was.
Red just...doesn't have any of that kind of retrospection or intrigue in cannon.
Dark's innocence comes from his naivete but where the fuck does it come from with Red? (and it's proven to be fake anyway because he's the first one to stab someone who they think is their knight friends buuuuuut-)
Red's just canonically a contradiction with no real point and it's never pointed out in the narrative so like...it's just weird and kinda unnerving.
Like I pointed out, he literally acts like Lil Gideon before the reveal he's a crazy maniac.
Except we never GET the reveal for Red.
Red doesn't have any flaws that aren't him playing up his baby persona and fucking shit up for the others. He's just stupid af sometimes and helpful others without much rhyme or reason.
...Again I've said this before but if he was smart in areas Vio was dumb in (liKE IF THE DIRECTIONS THING WAS MORE OBVIOUSLY A CANNON THING IDK IF VIO BEING DICK WITH DIRECTIONS WAS JUST SMTH THEY ACCIDENTILY REPEATED A FEW TIMES OR A REAL INTENTIONAL TRAIT OF HIS) it could have been a fun dynamic but Vio and Red barely interact.
Honestly most of the dynamics I find myself WANTING with Red revolve around Vio...
And, imo his persona is blatantly fake from how often he just...drops it when the plot requires him to or when...idk it's just not NEEDED?
Him not shedding a TEAR when Shadow dies continues to creep me out.
because everything we know about Red tells us he should at least LOOK sat but he just...isn't.
And you can't be like "Oh but Shadow was their enemy"
Like no, I didn't want Red to dramatically burst into tears and ruin the moment, but dude didn't even look SAD.
Didn't look sad a dude with his face DIED.
Burned Blue's ass after JUST CRYING about him being DEAD and just WALKED AWAY.
Like if he had any depth to him this shit would be dived into but he's as shallow as a puddle and I dislike it strongly.
Like if ANY of this shit was even addressed in the manga I'd like him WAY MORE.
but it feels UNINENTIONAL which is the issue I have with Red as a character.
Long as hell walk to say:
I don't wanna spoil stuff but I do think you could have fresh ideas with Red being VERY DIFFRENT from link but my main issue with him in the actual cannon manga is:
He doesn't feel realistically like a part of Link due to my interpretation of the text and it's storytelling, and the WAY the text WANTS portrays him doesn't line up with his actions, and I don't like it.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone!! Whether you celebrate or not, I sincerely hope that your day today is amazing and full of love and light <3. That said, I wanted to give some special shoutouts here to all the fellow creators who have helped to make my year that much better. I love every single one of you, and I want to thank every single person who has interacted with my stuff and sent me asks about my babies, but for now these people deserve some special love for all they’ve done for me. Therefore, I want to shout out:
— @luucypevensie, for always listening to my ramblings, no matter how crazy, and for always being willing to talk about crossovers with me.
— @dancingsunflowers-ocs, for being so endlessly supportive of all my plot bunnies and ideas, and for making the most beautiful moodboard gift for my boy Sebastian.
— @carmens-garden, for being my man Wyatt’s biggest fan, for making such beautiful gifts for her exchanges, and for being part of the inspiration for my new Teen Wolf OCs!
— @auxiliarydetective, for introducing me to both One Piece and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen this year (and inspiring my babies Star, Lark, Enola, and Lila as a result), always being willing to listen to my half-crazy ramblings, and teaching me about both ancient Roman society and how German schools work.
— @oneirataxia-girl, for inspiring me to actually introduce my Narnia babies, being my girl Annie’s biggest fan, and just generally being the absolute best.
— @starcrossedjedis, for being an amazing newfound friend this year, being the other person who inspired me to watch One Piece, and just generally being a super cool mom friend.
— @endless-oc-creations, for being the biggest champion of my babies Luci and Carlos, convincing me to watch The Walking Dead, and for the absolutely amazing edits she made for my slasher OC.
— @come-along-pond, as always, for inspiring me to watch The Boys, teaching me British slang, and calling me Mother many times on Discord.
— @ginevrastilinski-ocs, for making such beautiful gifts for my girl Ivana for the Halloween exchange, always sending me asks when I needed them, and being my sister in cool Winchester sister OCs.
— @asirensrage, for always being an inspiration to me and putting up with my rambles in her inbox, and being one of the coolest creators in the game.
— @arrthurpendragon, for always being the best OC fairy godmother any of us could ask for, for her amazing fics, and for inspiring me to create my new Pride & Prejudice babies.
— @nolanhollogay and @witchofinterest, for being some more newfound friends this year and always supporting my ramblings on the queer OC Discord - you guys are the best!!
— @richitozier, for always being an inspiration to me, and for having genuinely some of the coolest OCs and most amazing edits around.
— @bibaybe, for working tirelessly to run the queerocs blog and always hyping up my babies and sending me asks when I needed them most.
— @eddiemunscns, for inspiring me to create three new Ted Lasso OCs, being super nice whenever I chose to bother her, and just generally being a cool person.
And so many more people that I’m so sorry if I’m forgetting!! Again, I really really hope you all have an amazing day even if you’re not celebrating anything, and remember I love and appreciate every single one of you!! ✨🎄
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vividly-twisted · 1 year
The Void Between Us - Chapter 1 Pt. 1
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Masterlist Epigraph | Chapter 1 Pt.1 | Chapter 1 Pt.2
College Athlete!Bucky x Reader 
James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes, is a dream formed from the glitter of campus sports media. Living as a figure who often gets admiring glances, makes it easy for him to attract the hearts of almost any girl with his charisma and sweet words.
However, he forgot that everything has a limit.
Until someone comes into his life so suddenly. As a walking paradox that melts in society. Its existence captivates with a shroud of mystery, so that no one really knows who it is.
And you are there to show those boundaries.
This is a fan fiction made for personal satisfaction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination and used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
This is my first time writing on Tumblr, and English is not my first language, so I hope my writing is worthy enough to be enjoyed.
The Void Between Us © 2022 – Author: Vividly Twisted
This work deals with violence, inappropriate language, implicitly contains smut, suicidal tendencies, slow burn, slight angst.
Reader discretion is advised.
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CHAPTER 1 | Pt.1 Three Means Destiny
Some say, if you accidentally meet someone you don't know three times―that's called destiny.
However, it seems that this sentence is not quite right when applied to the life of a Bucky Barnes. Because he is a top star quarterback with a beautiful face that adorns several campus sports columns. He met a lot of people―lots of girls―and not all the names remained in his head. Although some say they've met two or three times, in a class or at a party. Bucky never really remembered their faces or their names.
His name is talk. There's no denying that wherever Bucky goes to party, he's the life of the party. Having his own charisma, girls cast seductive glances, trying to get closer, like ants quickly swarming candy.
Bucky is always open to any opportunity (as long as it seems interesting to him). So he held a little longer the gaze that was most attractive to him. A few moments later he would end up in their dormitory, maybe in his car, or wherever possible. He didn't really care.
He knew exactly what he had to do to give these girl a boost of dopamine. However, from all his ability to snare without providing meaningful bait, he never really stayed.
Bucky Barnes is not open to an exclusive relationship.
But unfortunately the reverse law applies to him. Instead of making the girl leave the star, this statement actually made the girl compete in conquering him. However, at least until the fourth year of Bucky's study, he still held fast to his status.
Just thinking that he was bound a little longer with one of the girls alone made him cramped.
At least that's what Bucky believed―until he met you.
His attention that never really stopped on anyone, somehow found you. Even to the point where he can find you even in a sea of people.
No, it didn't just happen.
Come to think of it, that 'interest' started after three chance encounters.
One day, one week after his mother's birthday, Bucky attended an open exhibition of his college art department. He never had an interest in paintings or anything like that. It's just that weekend, his best friend, Steve, asked him to come together to replace Sharon. Yes, they had just broken up and Bucky was still sympathetic to his best friend for coming along.
When his best friend was immersed in paintings that don't know what their meaning was for Bucky. He finds another pleasure when a girl comes to him. "Oh, Bucky, didn't think you would come to a place like this," she greeted him, seeming to leave her sorority friends who were whispering behind her.
Bucky gave his smile. He just so happened to remember her name. “I also enjoy the creation of someone's hard work, Gina. Like these paintings for example.” he is clearly lying. But, isn't that the way to attract girl's attention? Say as if you like what they like, as if you have something in common.
"Really? Knew like that I could invite you to the party last Wednesday night. By the way, have you seen my work?" asked the girl named Gina with a little teasing wink.
"Oh, you're showing your work too?" he replied this time with his trademark grin and the next second he had been dragged over to view the piece. Acted like he was genuinely interested in what she had to say about her painting. Occasionally throwing compliments and saying in a whisper near the girl's ear.
"Wanna do some more fun, Bucky?" the girl asked when they had been around for a while with her hands still wrapped around Bucky's strong arms.
Raised his eyebrows at the offer. “Of course,” he replied without thinking twice. "But, at least I have to tell Steve―" his eyes roamed every corner of the exhibition area, but stopped on his blonde best friend who was talking to another girl, whom Bucky didn't recognize, "―oh, we can go out now."
The pleasure begins with a kiss on the lips, then a tucked tongue, and a wet kiss. Little haste. Holding her smaller body against the brick wall of the fire escape outside the building, deepening their kiss, Bucky was too good at this.
Fingers deftly took off Bucky's belt buckle. Laughing interrupted stealing breath. The girl broke their kiss, then pushed Bucky's body against the metal railing behind him and knelt down.
Bucky ran his fingers through her hair, saying sweet words before she did her job. Until the metal door upstairs sounded creaking and Bucky felt a wet and warm sensation enveloping him. Back then he didn't really care who would appear on the top rung of the ladder. Because, usually people will choose to leave, either annoyed or embarrassed right?
Inside his head which was slightly foggy at that time, Bucky heard the sound of footsteps approaching towards the end of the stairs above him, until he could see the silhouette of a girl's body. The yellowish light attached to the brick wall showed the face of the body's owner in the dim light. Ah, the girl who was talking to Steve earlier, he thought with a little shortness of breath because of the activity he was doing.
However, it seems that he wasn't entirely right about how people would react when they saw what he and Gina were doing. Because, the girl at the end of the top step was still standing where she was, looking at them. Was she shocked to the point of not being able to move? he asked himself, guessing.
Bucky could see that face even in the low light. Their two pairs of eyes met, staring at each other in silence. But Bucky still couldn't figure out what the girl up there was thinking.
Bucky's breath caught again every time Gina slightly twisted his tongue and at that moment the sound of a lighter was heard. Bucky could see the embers of the cigarette burning red, giving the girl's face a hint of warmth. A strange shiver ran through his body as the puff of smoke curling in the air disappeared to reveal a pair of eyes still looking at him. As if cold air had suddenly brushed against the nape of his neck, his body trembled slightly.
The girl was now leaning against the railing above. Remains not to say anything and just look. It was as if she was watching a show and she was judging. Bucky's body heats up, his head is a little dizzy, his breath short. He had never felt a sensation like this before from just a sucking down there.
"Gina," Bucky called out in a warning hiss and Gina quickened her pace.
Bucky's fingers lightly brushed the blonde hair beneath him, controlling the pace of Gina's head. His forehead was furrowed deeply creating a line between his eyebrows. A pair of eyes up there seemed to lock another pair of eyes that were struggling not to close. Traps Bucky's eyes to keep him in the eye. Until the last movement from Gina which gave a quick release that Bucky had never felt before.
Regulating his breath, which was a bit out of breath, Bucky broke eye contact and turned to look at Gina who was still kneeling beneath him, wiping the saliva on his chin. However, the next second was the sound of a cell phone ringing loudly, drawing both Gina's and Bucky's attention towards the source of the sound.
“Oh!” Gina exclaimed in surprise, immediately covering her face with the cardigan she was wearing, stood up and immediately ran to enter the metal door next to her. Thinking, that maybe someone was recording their activity just now.
Bucky, reflexively adjusting his trousers, fastened his belt buckle. Looking back at the girl above who seemed to be on the phone, Bucky's heart stopped for a moment when his eyes met the girl's again who didn't seem to take her eyes off of him.
“Me,” she said in a questioning tone, threw away her cigarette and stepped on the coals to death. "I'll be there in a minute."
Eye contact was broken and the girl left the fire escape, still talking to the figure on the phone. The iron door closed again and there was silence. Bucky was left alone, stunned.
That night, Bucky still didn't know what strange turmoil he felt at the bottom of his stomach, why his internal organs seemed to be working harder, and why his ejaculation was faster.
Because it was the first time he met you. Leaving your face with a slightly reddish color of coals in the dark of the night, and how your voice sounds as if nothing is disturbed, everything is clearly recorded in the head of a Bucky Barnes.
Too bad he doesn't know your name.
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This is my first time writing on Tumblr, and English is not my first language, so I hope my writing is worthy enough to be enjoyed. Honestly I'm not really sure anyone will read this, lmao, but since I love slight angst and Bucky so much, I'm writing this as an outpouring of my thoughts.
I thank you guys for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy it. Love xx
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glory-boxxxxx · 3 months
A god and roo fan fic bc I saw one on ao3🎀
|-2| |-1| |1(coming soon!:)|
God let out a huge sigh as he sat in his office with piles and piles of paperwork. He stared down at the current paper he was working on.
Usually God doesn’t need sleep. I mean he’s God why would he? But these past few weeks Years. He’s been overworking himself like crazy.
Life without his light was just miserable. Ever since the other angels threw him out of heaven it feels like his life is getting worse by the second.
‘Maybe she was right… I am to soft…’ he thought to himself before getting out of his office chair and walking slowly to the door.
His shoes taped against the floors as he started to open the door and walk for a mile to make it to his room also passing by a very familiar family picture. God opened the door to his very massive and empty room.
He flopped onto the bed and with a snap of his fingers he was in his pajamas and ready to sleep.
Knock knock knock
‘Who the fuck could that be!’ God rolled his eyes and opened the door. “Oh hello, Uriel.” “Heavenly Father.” She bowed to him. “I’m sorry to be a nuisance father but you are needed at in the meeting room.” She said looking down. “Why? I thought Sera, Adam, and Micheal had it under control?” “That’s why you are needed. Adam is dead.”
“What.” “Adam is dead.” “I-im sorry but you mean MY first man is dead?” “Yes, he was killed during the extermination.” There was a long pause before God broke the silence. “Thank you Uriel. I’ll be there soon.”
As Uriel walked off God snapped his fingers into his usual white suit and summoned a portal to the meeting room. There he saw most of the archangels, Sera, and an exorcist with a horrible bob…
“Heavenly Father.” They all got up and greeted him with a bow. “How did Adam die?” He said practically cutting them off. The exorcist stood up and spoke “he died because of the demons retaliating against exterminations.”
“Sera what is an extermination and why are they in hell?” Sera stood up. “You told us to handle the demon population while you worked on your creations.” “Yes I told you to redeem them. I gave you a fat stack of papers and told Adam to give it to Lucifer. “
Michael then spoke up “we figured since most demons are to prideful, and the overlords trying to go against heaven we would exterminate them.” “Yeah but I told you to REDEEM them. Not kill them! Why do you think they’re going against heaven! And why are you worried about anyone attacking heaven! IM RIGHT HERE!”
Sera began to speak again this time with more worry in her voice “Well… it would’ve caused a.. major problem for the winners. We just wanted to keep the kingdom and your cre-“ “The people you’re killing down there are ALSO my creations. Why do you think I want to redeem them? To send them back?”
“Father we were only doing this for the winners. They are your creations too and just think of how they would act up here!” Azrael stood up and put his hands on the table making him bend a little. “They would act like a winner? Do you think I’ll just let all the sinners up here without going through ANY type of process?”
“We not have gone my your rules father but we still have a say in most of the stuff you do.” Gabriel stated. God rubbed his head and summoned a glass of wine. “I don’t want to start a problem with you Heavenly Father but these demons need a punishment for their actions. They killed the first man!”
“I agree. We need to take some kind of action. These demons including Lucifer might think they just do what ever they want! We need to show they who’s the superior realm.” Jophiel butted in. God didn’t reply instead he let everyone agree on something while he closed his eyes and counted to ten.
“I think this meeting is over with. We will talk about this another time.” God announced. As everyone got ready to leave God decided to pay someone a special visit.
It’s kinda bad but like… is it good for my first time?
Roo is being introduced next!🩷🩷
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