#The lines & names are who they stole that from btw
burning-quesadilla · 2 years
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They’re so *shakes hands violently*
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aimbutmiss · 8 months
So, we know that Shanks didn't leave East Blue after the Loguetown incident. He heard of Yasopp's fame as a sniper and went to recruit him. Then we skip to Foosha, after he's formed a crew, where he meets Luffy. And we all know how the story goes from there. He stays there for a year, leaves for the Grand Line and is recognised as as a yonko six years later.
Now, here's the problem: That "skip" from Loguetown to Foosha is a whopping 12 years. What the fuck was this man doing all those years??? We have no idea. All we know is that he regularly dueled with Mihawk and had that infamous fight with Blackbeard that left him with his scar (exact time unknown). But other than that? Absolutely nothing.
Here is what we do know though: Benn Beckman is from the North Blue, and Lucky Roux is from the South Blue. So, Shanks was just possibly going around all four blues recruiting people before going into the Grand Line? Makes sense. Except 12 years seems like an awfully long amount of time for that... Especially considering in the main storyline of One Piece, not even a full year has passed, ignoring the timeskip.
Blackbeard was part of Whitebeard's crew back then too, so he must have been in the Grand Line, right? So either;
A) Shanks entered the Grand Line once before, had his fight with Blackbeard there, and came back to the East Blue for an unknown reason. Or,
B) Blackbeard left the Grand Line for whatever reason and they had their fight in one of the four blues.
I think option A is more plausible. But that begs the question, what was Shanks doing in the Grand Line if not building his reputation, and why did he come back to the East Blue? The most accepted theory (I think?) is about what Roger said to him after returning from Laugh Tale. Whatever information was passed between them (which made Shanks cry btw, so maybe he also told him he'd be dying soon?) it must have been somehow related to Joy Boy, even though we can't exactly know what it is. Roger has said that he was sad about missing Joy Boy's time, being a bit early. And he's also said that he wishes his son would be the one to find One Piece even though he didn't have a son back then. So, if Shanks was aware of Joy Boy and the devil fruit, he probably spent his time in the Grand Line looking for it, after forming a reliable crew for which he traveled tne whole world. When he eventually found it, he stole it, and brought it to the East Blue. Why? Who's in the East Blue? It's Ace. It's always been Ace. Shanks wanted to fulfill his captain's dream and pass on the title of new generation's hope onto his son. That's why he told Buggy he wouldn't look for the One Piece, which led to their falling out. Buggy always believed Shanks would become the next Pirate King, but Shanks knew he wasn't meant to be the one, it was Ace. But things didn't go according to plan when Luffy ate the fruit. We have two possibilities once again. Either;
A) Shanks saw Roger in Luffy before the boy ate the fruit, and arranged it so that he would find it and eat it.
B) Luffy found and ate the fruit before Shanks saw his potential by pure coincidence.
I honestly don't know which one it is, and I don't think it matters much. Either way, Shanks' plan didn't go like what he had in mind but fate made it so that things would work out anyway. Only after making sure the future was in safe hands could he go on to the Grand Line once again to make a name for himself. He did say that he bet his arm on the future after all.
So, what do you think?? I think this theory makes the most sense but I'd be interested in hearing other opinions, or add ons to this one.
Also, six years in the Grand Line before becoming an emperor is quite long too, I think. I wonder how Shanks rose to that status? Who was his predecessor and what happened to them?? Or was there no predecessor and only three emperors??? (I've seen people say Rocks pirates ruled the seas and the emperor system didn't exist yet but let me remind you all, Rocks pirates disbanded at God Valley when Shanks was only one year old. So emperors have existed for more than 30 years probably.) Shanks probably had a plan for his second (technically third) journey on the Grand Line too but what was his goal this time??? So many questions about this man and I didn't even bring up the case of how he was found by the Roger pirates exactly during the God Valley incident, which is a very important event that ties into so many plot points. And inside a treasure chest of all things??? This guy drives me insane STOP BEING MYSTERIOUS STUPID RED HAIRED MAN
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ms-moonlight-inn · 1 month
“Shame-proof” DVD Commentary
Thank you to @shamelessdvdcommentary & to the anon to requested us (whoever you are, we love you!). My bestie @notherenewjersey & I are here to answer all of your burning questions (do you have the syph? why's it burning? it's not supposed to burn.)
Anyway, here's our stuff... hopefully it'll help with that itchy burny.
Which fanfic is your DVD commentary about?
“Shame-proof” is about two childhood actors who lose contact with each other after their series wraps. Quickly, we find out that Ian had been harboring a deep crush on Mickey, who had basically been bullying Ian the whole time. Confessions & apologies ensue.
Also, a friend called it an undercover RPF... and if that’s how you choose to look at it, well we’re not gonna stop you.
NJ–  it COULD be RPF but that’s not how it was written. We weren’t imagining Cam or Noel’s childhoods here, aside from what we stole of Mickey’s back canon that Ian watches as he pines.
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc)
The outline started on 4/16/24. 22887 words posted. Posted for the Summer Camp project on 8/3 but we were done before that.  Moonlight was convinced it would be 10k but I knew it was bigger. And this was without us going down every rabbit hole we saw. It’s 8 chapters, most of the chapters start with a flashback to the past and then jump to the “present.”
Moonlight– seriously, NJ dragged me away from some other HC I had kicking around, & we dove into this one instead.
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
I read Jeanette McCurdy’s book, and as with any time I read anything, my brain said “What if this was Gallavich?” I know Moonlight is an L.A. girl, so I knew I wanted her input. I think I had a rough outline already when I looped her in, but she immediately took what I had and expanded and deepened it, as she always does.
Moonlight– God it’s so much fun to talk trash about all the things you grew up with & around. Los Angeles is filled with opportunities for trash talking. LOL 
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
This didn’t start out as either of us deciding to stay in Ian’s POV, but in order to keep Mickey’s motivations a little more opaque, we landed there. Until the latter chapters, at least. For the drama.
Moonlight– No further comment.
What was your favourite scene to write?
All of them? I like Sue so much, and I love writing Frank’s bullshit. RuPaul is fun, too. 
Moonlight– I’ve got two favorite scenes. The first is the scene where they’re kids doing the campground episode. I adored the moments of discovery Ian had there –figuring out that trees existed in southern California, figuring out that he had a serious crush on Mickey, and then the boy he meets on set as he’s running away from his problems. (BTW, 10 punk rock points to anyone who knew the song before I remembered to add a link).
The other scene I loved writing was the rimming scene. In the outline NJ said, “they get together in the sexiest and most romantic way.” And I wanted to throw my laptop at her face. SERIOUSLY, what the actual fuck?! So I got them all the way up to the part where Ian’s naked and stalled out for, like, two weeks. I was on a call with @mybrainismelted saying, “I’m stuck on this scene. I’ve managed to get one dick out, but I haven’t quite figured out how the other one’s gonna get naked AND STILL KEEP THIS BULLSHIT SEXY AND ROMANTIC.” Needless to say, I figured it out. 😁
NJ– Yup! That was, I think, the entire outline for that chapter, originally. One line. I knew that’s what happened at that point in the story, why bother with details? LOL
How did you come up with the title?
Oh geez. Trying to come up with both an AU of Shameless AND a reboot name, both of which would sound semi-natural was tough! But Shame-proof is more than just the title of a fake TV show. It also speaks to how Ian and Mickey were able to finally live wholly as themselves. No more hiding, nothing left unsaid. Without shame, shameless in the very best ways.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
I always throw things in. We both do. But hopefully, readers who haven’t read either our individual or joint back canon can still enjoy the story.
Moonlight– See easter egg question.
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
NJ– if one of us is stuck, the other usually isn’t or can jostle the other into being unstuck. We’re good like that.
Favorite line in the story?
NJ– @gallavichgeek pointed out two of my favorite lines, but I will repeat them here because … yeah. 
“Hey, come back,” Mickey says softly.
“I’m still here,” Ian answers, a little confused.
“Yeah, but all of you. M’ not ready to let any of you go a moment sooner than I hafta.”
“I’d say,” he hesitates, then goes on, “that someday you’re gonna get everything you ever wanted. That all the bad shit, the bullshit, and the pain, it’ll all be worth it.” 
If I crash, I’m coming back to haunt you, Ian had answered.
If you crash, I’m diving in after you.
Moonlight– “What the fuck? How ‘bout double-dutch no with a cherry on top.” Mickey steadily refuses. (Anytime Mickey is being creative with his cursing & curses is a good time. Bad language & mockery are his love languages.)
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc) 
All of it? It’s a great story. 
Moonlight– I’m also proud of the structure we used. It was NJ’s choice to do what basically amounted to two mini chapters in one –past & present colliding, if you will. And it worked so well for this storyline. 
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
Not deleted, so much as we had ideas that didn’t make it to fully fleshed for the final draft.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a character’s head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line?
NJ– It’s important for people to know that Mickey in the past was protecting Ian so much more than he was protecting himself, with his bullying behavior. 
Moonlight– God, yes. 
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add?
NJ– I want more of Ray, more of Sue, more of the Random Studio Infant now grown up. More of Sheila and of Kermit. I want the world to be fuller. And maybe it will, eventually.
Moonlight– Def’ more Ray, he’s funny & I’m sure he & Ian had so many stupid adventures. I think I’d like to see a few of the conversations between Ian & Mickey, but I struggle with that ‘cause I love when there is that air of mystery to a storyline. I don’t necessarily want to be told everything. But I think at least one of those late night conversations we reference would be nice to see.
NJ– yeah, we did have a time limit so some of the scope got condensed. I agree, those conversations would be incredible to see/hear. 
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
Well…. This story has legs. It has scope beyond what you’ve seen. I have believed, since the outline began, that this was the fic that would make the leap to traditional publishing. Moonlight and I are hoping to expand it and bring it to a publisher. “It’s a crossover between Shameless, I’m Glad My Mom Died, and RWRB.” Who wouldn’t wanna read that? LOL The Gallagher family will shrink a little, Terry will still be his monstrous self. So no, there won’t be a traditional fic sequel. But if we’re all very, very lucky, there will be an expanded version that scratches the same itch.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc?
The Saint Christopher’s medallion that Ian receives from Mickey? Yeah, the person I wrote that for knows it was for them. 🫶 
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity?
By far NOT our most popular story. Yet.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
I HATE waiting to post- posting a fic like this where it’s all done upfront is hard for me, emotionally. So I was beyond excited for people to read it and love it as much as we do!
Moonlight– NJ really hates not posting immediately. Like, really hates it. This fic was written for the @gallavich-fic-club Summer Camp Event & we had to wait our turn. Which she HATED. 🤣 
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote?
Can we count each other? I’m a genuine writing freak- fast, thoughtless, and I rarely edit beyond typos. (many of which elude me and still end up in the final draft.) Moonlight is the opposite- she’s incredibly deliberate and also deeply and passionately devoted to the editing process. When we edit together, it can look a little argumentative, but we trust each other, so a lot of those conversations end up like, “I don’t see the issue, but I trust your judgment.” We both say it all the time.
Moonlight– D’aw, bb. You’re making me blush. You’re right, I am a meticulous asshole, but your brain is fast & witty. Together, we write good shit. 
NJ-- Also, god the verb tenses in this story gave me fits. I am a grammar nerd, so is Moonlight. But skipping between tenses for the past and present when we wrote straight through- she never had an issue but I regularly was in the wrong tense and had to go back and fix, cursing my own self the whole time. Loudly. Often on the phone with Moonlight. 
Moonlight– 🤣🤣🤣 yeah…
If any one has any comments, words of praise, complaints you’d like to register with our headquarters, please let us know. 
NJ - in the greatest detail, if you’d be so kind.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story?
Moonlight– Yes, the cheese sledding story is based on semi-true events. The guys at my high school used to carry large blocks of ice to the top hill of the local golf course & ride them down. Years later, a dorm mate I knew in grad school told us about his Vermont cheese tour where he saw “giant wheels of cheese” that he swore he could use as a mode of transportation. And so, the cheese sledding story was born. 
NJ-- And I made sure it was at Trump’s golf course because a few years back, a man in New Jersey did some fun vandalism like that and I find it deeply satisfying.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Time to wrap up and close shop.
3 years.
That takes us back to when?
I guess it is time for me to say my goodbyes, accept that JM and JK are not together and that Tae and JK are married.
Before I go, I guess I have a few questions...
Can't help but wonder when this happened and how exactly Tae agreed to marry JK after JK sucked on his soulmate's ear and tattooed his soulmate's name on his hand.
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Was it before or after Tae's soulmate sucked on JK's neck and JK, his husband then already (?) paraded said hickey around for all to see, caressing it so lovingly and proudly?
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Kind of wondering how this marriage is working back in 2020-21 with JK and JM living together.
So, Taekook married while JK is keeping on holding JM?
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And bridal carrying JM in LV.
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And telling JM he loves him out loud and the finger hearts.
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Always the finger hearts.
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Wow, what a show JK was putting on...
Talk about dedication.
Hiding out in a dark corner touching... JK probably knew the camera was coming, he had to. Same with his arm on JM's waist.
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And talking about waists... was this really necessary?
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And all these latest lives. It must have been Tae's way of supporting his soulmate. Must have been. No other explanation why his hubby would be acting like a love sick puppy every single time JM showed up in the comments, or dedicate a full 90 minute live to JM.
See that smile?
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Definitely put on, and all for the love of his beloved husband, who, btw didn't publicly congratulate his soulmate himself for his first solo album, or for his record breaking achievements. Nope. He sent JK to do it for the two of them.
Ok, I guess the joke is over.
Because if I don't stop here there might just be some that will actually think I'm serious.
Taekookers are reeling. They are devastated and throwing punches in every direction possible.
This one, TKK being married for 3 years is a new one. Well, sorry, I lie. Not first time I've heard the marriage story. The 3 years is new. The level of delusion here is wow, hard to describe. The story I heard was of marriage in LV, adoption of 2 little American kids, living with Tae at home. Sorry, with Taekook at Tae's. These beautiful children they adopted in LV and are now raising together.
So yeah, there's that level of delusion.
Now with Taenni out and public we have new stories.
We have the denial, of course, with the stories about cosplayers, all disproven (these fuckers stooped so low they stole a woman's photos claiming her to be the Jenni cosplayer only for her to go public about it).
And then you have those that are still towing the line and claiming it's all a publicity stunt.
Cause yep, the 2 super popular idols in the 2 biggest Kpop bands in the world need to have a supposed relationship to boost either of their popularity and help their careers.
Fucking morons.
a. Seriously? These two need that to boost their publicity. These two rival companies working hand in hand to create this fake relationship going on for over 18 months to what? Have Tae go from 58.8 million followers to 58.9 million. Talk about a failure of such an elaborate plan... Lest we forget about the hate Jenni has been getting all this time from TKKs all this time. Definitley a publicity stunt.
b. I'm infuriated at how ignorant these people are. Because with even minimal understanding of Kpop culture they would know that for an idol to go public with a relationship there is a price to pay. Idols don't have the right to have private lives. They don't have the right to have relationships, especially not in the prime of their success. the very few who had gone public with their relationships in the past had done so before marriage. They apologised for having a personal life.
Moon Hee Jun, Taeyang, Chen, Bobby.
The fact that there are so few of them should be an indicator as how this really is not a career helping move.
Having a personal life, being in a relationship, being emotionally unavailable for your fans is not a publicity stunt in Kpop. It can be a career killer. And even if it doesn't kill the career, it definitley does not promote it, quite the opposite in the short run.
And Tae, well he's already paying a price. We already saw all the angry fan messages about how they were betrayed by him, about how he's supposed to be theirs. Putting him together with JK is an easy fix, it's not realistic, it keeps him available for them (well in their twisted minds).
So yeah, definitely not a publicity stunt.
And then you have those that are turning on him. Well on the whole maknae line, because why not? Why not bring JK and JM in on this if you can (especially JM, right)?
The ones that are mad that he is in an actual relationship with another woman, the scorned.
The ones that are now angry claiming the maknae line were queerbaiting.
Like wtf?
How in the fucking hell were TKK queerbaiting?
Real genuine affection for the others? Yes.
Fanservice? Heck yeah.
Tae is the king of fanservice and teasing and flirting with the members. He loooooves it. And some play along more than others. As a matter of fact JK is one of those that plays along the least. But again, TKKs lack the brain capacity to watch original content and see that.
The hugs and affection and closeness isn't put on. It's genuine.
As for JM and JK, well they aren't fucking queerbaiting. They are just literally f***ing.
When Taenni did this, went public (and again, this was their choice of doing, walking hand in hand by the Saines river, identifiable managers walking 5 steps behind, Tae stopping to give autographs to fans),
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I knew this would come back to hit us too. But you know what? I don't mind it. I love Tae and Jenni for this. They are very brave, both could pay a price for it. Tae is literally telling us all, the industry and the fans, that his personal life takes precedent. I love him for that.
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We talk about BTS being the trailblazers, and this is the start of it....I hope.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
✦ Character Voice Tag 3 ✦
Hopping on open tags from @the-golden-comet (X) and @paeliae-occasionally (X)!
Lines used: ✦ "Okay, confess: WHO ate the last bite?!" from the-golden-comet ✦ "I care about your safety" from paeliae-occasionally ✦ "Are you threatening me?" kidnapped from @drchenquill
Your line(s) (pick one or more!): ✦ "Why, I oughtta!" ✦ "I have a terrible feeling about this..." ✦ "Everything's great, nothing's wrong at all!"
Characters from Sun and Shadow: Freya, Crow, Daleira, Maritza, Soren, Faer, Valyarus, Ponderosa, Marlon
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“Okay, confess: WHO ate the last bite?!”
Frey: (*smiling ominously*) Hey, who took the last bite? It's okay--I just want to talk.
Crow: WHO POURED OUT MY BLOOD?--I don't care how gross it is!--OR IF YOU FIND IT UNETHICAL??? If it's in a damn container, it's already been harvested! You're just going to make me have to find more elsewhere! Do you know how hard it is to get that stuff? It's not like I just sip that shit straight out of anyone's necks, you know!?!? I try to get it ethically! AND DUMPING IT JUST MAKES THAT HARDER--
Daleira: I put my name on that... 😟
Maritza: Real cool, guys! Just stealing the last bit?? Did you even think to check if anyone else hadn't had any yet?
Soren: (*silent frustration. Won't act on it, though... or at least, not obviously. Will, however, investigate who did it and very subtly sabotage them until he's satisfied. Tbf, it won't take long.*)
Faer: Just know, whoever you are... you're no better than an animal.
Valyarus: (*summons everyone who possibly could've done it into the same room and sets a "truth" spell upon it--making it so everyone inside is unable to lie*) Valyarus: Who stole my daughter's food? (*scans everyone's faces as nobody speaks up*) Valyarus: (*smiles darkly*) Let's try this again. Confess to your crime, have someone else expose you, or have me find out the truth the hard way and face the consequences for making this difficult.
Ponderosa: (*magically slams the doors open with wind, using as much force as they can muster*) WHO STOLE MY TARTS??? WHO???? I'LL KILL YOU!!!
Marlon: (*casually, as though talking about the weather; but loudly, as to make sure everyone in the room can hear*) Whoever it is that took the last of the desserts... (*raises his wineglass and takes a drink with a poorly-repressed smirk*) Marlon: (*finally, looks down at the glass and "admires" it for a long moment before slowly scanning everyone's faces again*) ... I'll send my condolences to your family.
"I care about your safety"
Frey: Look, I--... (*struggling for words, and especially to not say exactly what she means*)... listen, don't get hurt out there, okay? I'd hate to see you hurt. Or... find out that.. worse happened. Crow: (*teasingly, winking and nudging her with their elbow*) Oh? Is there something else you're meaning to say? Frey: (*snaps, throwing her arms up*) Yeah, don't fucking disappear like my dad, got it!? Crow: (*oope, humbled--*) Crow: Of course. Who do you take me for? 😅 Frey: (*avoiding looking at them, turning to leave herself*) Someone who does a lot of dumb and reckless things. Crow: Crow, to themself: (well, that's just mean.)
Crow: Hey, uh... Frey? Frey: What's up, bird brain? Crow: 😑 Crow: (*struggling--*) Listen, I just... I'm going to go get my charm refilled from--from the old guy, y'know? Frey: (*looks up from her book*) Yeah, okay?... and? 🤨 Crow: What do you mean, "and?" Frey: You sound like you have something else to say. Crow: Crow: (*looks away, mulling over their words*) Crow: Just... take care of yourself. Frey: Frey: (*frowns, about to ask why that sounds so final--*) Crow: And if I don't come back... I'm sorry. Frey: (*alarmed, quickly stands up--*) Crow: (*sinks and disappears into their own shadow, already teleporting away... to do something incredibly dumb and reckless.*)
(oh btw y'all? Those two scenes are 100% canon. 👀😘)
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Daleira: (*first time*) I... I love you, okay? Don't do anything stupid. Daleira: (*any other time; sweetly*) Take care of yourself, don't be an idiot. I love you. 😊
Maritza: Please take care of yourself... Soren: You know I can't promise that. Maritza: I know, but... still. Please. Soren: (*sighs heavily, pinching his nose and scanning the room*) Soren: "My best" is all I can guarantee. Maritza: That's enough...
Soren: (*during an absolutely horrible storm while they're at sea*) When you finish, get below deck. I’ll take care of everything up here. Frey: Don't! Don't stay-- Soren: Freya, somebody needs to steer the ship. And my-- Frey: (*swiping her hand out furiously, crying*) AND I NEED A DAD! Soren: (*face softens for a moment, then hardens again*) Soren: (*sternly*) This isn’t the first time I’ve done this. I can control the waves to keep us safe. I just need to make sure you’re all— Frey: THEN COME DOWN WITH US! Do it from below deck! Soren: Freya, as your captain, I order you to go to safety while I steer the ship! Are you going to disobey your captain? Frey: (*venomously*) FINE! What do I care!? ominous-feychild:
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Faer: Are... you sure this is a good idea? Daleira: What? Faer: Doing... this. I just-- Daleira: Look, I'm not arguing with you on this. She needs m-- Faer: Does she really, though? What, worst case scenario they put her in a cell and-- Daleira: Faer. I hate to tell you this, but you know nothing of what this place is like. You stay in here, by yourself, isolating yourself from humanity on purpose. You don't know what they'll actually do to her. Even though she's not guilty. Are you really saying you'd be okay with something like that? Faer: ... I just don't see why it's your responsibility, Daleira. Daleira: (*stunned speechless*) Daleira: Daleira: ... look. If nothing else, I owe her and Soren this much. She came here because of me. But, really? I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do. Think about that, would you? (*magically folds into herself, disappearing*) Faer: ... Faer: (*is, in fact, going to think about that!*)
(also canon, whoops^^)
Valyarus: You shouldn't be mixing yourself in with their business. Ponderosa: (*stirs the wind around the room, drifting toward Valyarus with their face twitching and hair turning into stormclouds*) Ponderosa: Who do you think you are to tell me what to do, old man? Valyarus: You know the answer to that question, Aspen. Ponderosa: (*throws their hands up and flying backwards, accidentally making the winds all the more violent. Zips back forward to jab a finger into Valyarus's chest*) STOP CALLING ME THAT! I'M NOT 'ASPEN'! Valyarus: (*calmly, looking them up and down*) That's besides the point, Asp--... Ponderosa: (*fists and teeth clenched, their "hair" thundering--*) Valyarus: (*takes a slow, deep breath and sighs, closing his eyes for a second before meeting theirs again*) Still. It's dangerous to-- Ponderosa: Yeah, well, I don't care what you have to say! You're not my dad, and I don't have to do SHIT that you tell me to! Valyarus: Isn't that the same thing you said about Saifel? Valyarus: (*oope, went too far--*) Ponderosa: (*FITE!!!!*) Ponderosa: (*barely going to manage to get any hits in, and gets nowhere near actually "winning" the fight. After almost an hour, passes out from magical exhaustion. Valyarus moves them to sleep it off in a guest bedroom in his home.*)
(at this point, just assume these are all canon.)
Ponderosa: (*sneaks into Marlon's office by turning themself into pure air, slipping through the cracks in the window, and appearing full-formed in his office!*) Marlon: (*on the ground surrounded in medical supplies; gritting his teeth as he works on treating his own injuries--*) Ponderosa, shocked: Marlon? Marlon: (*tenses, immediately stopping what he was doing to stand and point his medical scissors like a dagger*) Marlon: (*at the same time, pulled water out of hidden pots to form an array of floating knives around Ponderosa*) Marlon: Ponderosa: (*awkward smile!*) Just me. Marlon: (*half groans, half sighs, but leans against his desk as he drops himself back to the ground and works on treating his injuries again. Much more easily returns the water to the hidden pots*) Marlon: (*curtly, through his teeth*) Sorry. Ponderosa: 'sokay. (*floats a few feet above his head to watch him*) What happened? Marlon: (*doing his best to ignore them above him*) Got jumped. Wasn't prepared for it. Didn't have enough water nearby. Here we are. Ponderosa: (*chews their lip, not understanding the weird feeling in their chest. Are they sick? Did somebody curse them??? That must be it; it would make sense. Lots of people hated them. They'll have to find a shaman to check it out.*) Ponderosa: (*before they can think better of it, blurts*) Have you ever thought about other jobs? Marlon: Marlon: (*looks up at them in shock*) You... do realize that this kinda thing is for life, right? Even if I find a successor, I'm still going to have to look after the mafia after I 'retire'. I'll still have people gunning for my life. Quitting would be even more dangerous than it is for me now. Ponderosa: (*takes a long moment to mull it over and internalize it*) Ponderosa: (*finally, pouts*) That's not fair. Marlon: (*still shocked they even asked, but chuckles weakly and returns to treating his wounds*) Maybe, kid. But I chose this a long time ago. Don't worry about me. Ponderosa: Ponderosa: (*jerks higher in the air, nearly ramming into the ceiling*) WORRIED about you??? What??? I'm not worried!!! Y'know what, you're boring! GOODBYEEEE! (*and hurriedly leaves the same way they came*) Marlon: (*busts out laughing despite the pain*)
(Ponderosa's kinda immortal/Marlon doesn't have any reason to worry about their safety, but I already wrote a scene as close to that as possible in the last post? Here's a prequel!)
Marlon: (*suddenly*) You know, I've been thinking. Ponderosa (*perks up, quickly floating to his side to eye his paperwork*) You have? What's up!? You have something else for me to do? Oooo, please tell me it's destro-- Marlon: (*sighs slowly, ruefully looking up at them*) That's... not quite what I was thinking of. Ponderosa: Ponderosa: (*frowns, confused, and twists their head (and the rest of their body in the process)*) What do you mean? Ponderosa: (*before he can speak, perks up and grins awkwardly*) Oh! It's not about me, is it? Marlon: No, it is-- Ponderosa: (*at the same time*) --Sorry! Both: Ponderosa: (*frowning more*) It's about me? But how, if you're not asking me to do something? Marlon: (*sighs, dropping his pen to massage his nose... and avoiding looking at Ponder. Isn't expecting this to go well*) Well, it is... but it's not for the mafia. It's for you. Ponderosa: Ponderosa: (*slowly drifts upside-down and steadily kicks their feet*) That's weird. What, you want me to try new foods again? (*crinkles their nose, rightening*) Wait, I am NOT trying to make friends again! Marlon: (*drops his hand from his face to meet their eyes, prepared for their temper-tantrum*) I think you should learn to defend yourself without magic. Ponderosa: WHAT!?!?!? Marlon: There's been a mass--! Ponderosa: (*already storming it up in the room*) I WILL NOT!!! Marlon: (*already given up on the papers flying everywhere; shouting to be heard above the wind*) LISTEN! There's been a mass of antimagic devices flooding the market! If you-- Ponderosa: (*plugs their ears and closes their eyes*) LALALA, I'M NOT LISTENINGGGG! Marlon: I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! KID, DO YOU WANT TO DIE!? Ponderosa: (*opens their eyes and drifts backwards, snarling*) Ponderosa: I don't care what you have to say! BYEEEE! Marlon: KID! I SWEAR TO THE GODS-- Ponderosa: (*turns to air and slips through the window*) Marlon: (*face flushed in anger, but admittedly not surprised. Lets out a heavy, frustrated sigh as he scans the mess that is his office. Papers, books, water, furniture, and broken glass is everywhere... and he's going to have to clean it all up.*)
(Bonus: a general "I care about you" that I wrote before realizing it didn't count, haha. Can you tell I love these two?)
Ponderosa: (*flipping in circles in the air*) Marrrrrrlooooooonnnn, I'm booooooredddd! Marlon: (*looks at them over his reading glasses*) I'm doing paperwork. Don't you have anything else to do? Ponderosa: (*pouts, hanging upside-down with their arms under their legs as they watch him*) But you don't want me messing with your grunts! Marlon: (*quirking an eyebrow*) That never stopped you before. Ponderosa: Ponderosa: (*makes a face*) Well, I just don't want to right now! And you can't tell me what to do, so! Ponderosa: (*grins and spins to be right-side-up*) Entertain me! Marlon: Hm. (*skims over his paperwork for another moment before sighing and putting it down*) Fine. I suppose you deserve a treat for good behavior. (*smirks a bit--*) Ponderosa: (*whines*) I'm not a DOG! (*not actually upset; knows he's just joking*)
I love characters who say "I care about you/your safety" without actually saying it, and instead imply it through their actions-- 🥰
"Are you threatening me?"
Frey: I'm sorry, what did you just say? Say that again. I dare you.
Crow:(*can't help a small, goofy grin*) Did you want to try that again? or, alternatively: (*straight-faced unimpressed*) Spare us both the trouble. Walk. away. (really depends on their mood/the timing which one they are, haha)
Daleira: (*freezes, then looks at them incredulously*) I--I'm sorry. You--you do know who I am, right? What I am? I--I don't think you understand-- (*pleadingly*)
Maritza (if a mugging): Listen, whatever you want, I'll give it to you. Just, please, for both of our sakes--don't take this any further. Maritza (if it's political): (*laughs sharply, surprised*) I'm sorry, did you really think that would work?
Soren (if it involves Frey): (*angry head tilt; eyes them with a look of pure, barely-contained rage*) Go anywhere near my daughter--or have anything else do so on your behalf--and I will personally make sure that not only do you never die, but the rest of your miserable existence will be in agony. Soren (excluding Frey): (*quirks an eyebrow*) Are you sure about that?
Faer: (*stunned silent*) His literal cyborg bobcat "pet" Gullveig: (*growls, putting herself between Faer and the person who made the threat*) Faer: (*frowning, steps around Gullveig while meeting their eyes. Calmly*) ... I don't think you know who you're threatening. I spent a majority of my life fighting creatures far stronger than you just to survive. I'd recommend you leave before I decide to take you seriously.
Valyarus (if it's someone significantly weaker than him): (*scoffs, then magically seizes their body and drags them just an inch away from his face, snarling. Evenly, with hints of anger underlying his voice*) I'm sure you misspoke. Would you like to try that again? Valyarus (if it's someone near his level): (*can't help grinning, almost bouncing with joy; maliciously*) Oh, really? Say that again? I'm sorry--I just want to make sure I heard you correctly. Valyarus (if it's someone he knows he can't beat): (*fighting a snarl, maintains a passive expression*) Of course... forgive me, {sir / ma'am / mixter}.
Ponderosa: Who do you think you are? (*literal murder time*)
Marlon (if it's physically): (*eyes them up and down, gauging whether or not he thinks he can beat them in a fight*) Marlon (if he thinks can win): (*laughs, grinning darkly, but anger behind his eyes*) Walk out with your life while I still feel merciful. And hope I don't change my mind after you've left. Marlon (if he thinks can't win): (*subtly presses his "call Ponderosa; I'm in danger" button*) Really?... what are your conditions. (*stalls for time; will defend himself to the best of his ability if a fight starts*) Marlon (if it's political): That's bold of you... so. What makes you think this'll work?
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The "someone just threatened them" one was really fun! Haha, then again, they were all pretty fun. The "I care about your safety" one was pretty much all canon scenes that were just floating around my head, so I guess it wasn't too bad to get them put down!
I'm ngl, I wasn't expecting Soren's “Freya got threatened” one to go so far, but I guess it really goes to show his fatherly protectiveness, haha. Despite his major absence in her life, he really does love her more than anything else. 🥺😭
And it's hilarious to me just how much Valyarus loves fighting / craves to fight someone or thing on his level, haha. Curious about that? Leave an ask!
Also, yes, lmao, Marlon is a mob boss and Ponderosa is his willing attack dog... 99% of the time. Curious about that? Leave an ask! 😉
What do you guys think of the formatting of these? My personal outlines are traditionally formatted like this, but I've been told before that my they can be hard to read, so I worry that might also be the case for these. 😅 But, uh, idk how else I'd put them down, haha.
Tag list: @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @the-letterbox-archives
@yourpenpaldee @mysticstarlightduck @darkandstormydolls @wyked-ao3 @ashirisu
@urnumber1star @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa + open tags!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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warmhealerr · 3 months
While I work on finishing Ta'rath's refs and because I just couldn't draw like I wanted for shit tonight here's a Concept. I can't put down on paper or digital the silhouette I'm envisioning so fuck it, the sketch is here so I can write down what's been on my mind. I'm slowly coming up with an adventure years down the line after BG3's campaign.
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This Alhoon eventually becomes Ta'rath's ally (and more) in taking down an Illithid conspiracy blooming in the underdark. I have no name yet but it's gonna come to me, eventually, I'm not good with fantasy names. Once a githyanki (though they've no recollection of that), they're a powerful psychic and necromancer, part of a lich circle alongside Baltumal (that's Oulmat's patron btw, another OC of mine, who Ta'rath has known during BG3. There's a whole tie-in with Oulmat and Joufos, old allies becoming enemies). They wear a mech suit to produce and hold steam, so their skin isn't an entirely dry mess outside of their tentacles when out of their lair. I like to think the only thing one can really see through the glass is the glow of their eyes. Their lich colleagues love asking for their help for hard to extort information, they're known for being able to break through most mind barriers, and anyway there's nothing eating a brain can't do if that doesn't work out. While Baltumal holds Ta'rath captive, he reaches out in an attempt to find out the whereabouts of an artifact Ta'rath stole, unfortunately for Baltumal that means they find out from that probing he is working with an Ulitharid and that's who the artifact is really for. You can figure out it doesn't work out in his favor. Both Ta'rath and this Alhoon hold a deep fascination for each other and I really do love how their dynamic has been cooking in my head thus far.
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sunsetling-12 · 10 months
i loved the adaptation btw, of course its the hunger games franchise that we're talking about here
anyway, spoilers ahead
we dont see him making the infamous cabbage soup, but we do see the snows apartment falling apart
tigris is still everything to me, they pulled her lines straight from the books — unfortunately we don't see much of her, but hunter schafer slayed every time she was on screen
i was very confused abou the plinth prize being a thing since the beggining, but i think it made sense... idk a lot happened in the movie after coryo rescued sejanus from the arena so i dont know if they had the time
i was also very confused that the thing about the academy students mentoring the tributes was unknown until that moment in the movie, again, i think they did this to expose the most things at once
lucy gray singing after her reaping was everything to me
oh, and the snake on mayfair's back too, very girlboss of her
the scene in the zoo, when he's parading her around is a copy of the book, i liked it very much
unfortunately coryo and lucy gray barely interacted, not like they did in the book, but the scenes they had before she went into the arena were very good
i though they were going to skip arachne's death, but they didn't — they skipped her funeral, though, but thats fine
they did the scene with clemensia and the snakes but she dissappeared right after, we never got to see her skin changing to scales which i think was a miss
the explosion didn't kill as many of the mentors as it did in the book, not that they showed anyway, the only name mentioned was felix ravinstill
i loved that we got to see more of the arena than in the books
the scene where coryo rescues sejanus is the exact same and i wasn't expecting less
lucy gray doesnt kill wovey :D
she does kill dill D:
i kind of hate the fact that coryo gave her the compact with the poison inside already, it just... idk it didnt had the same impact
i missed that they cut lucky interviewing the mentors as their tributes got killed, i would've liked to se lysistrata talking about jessup and humanizing him for the capitol
the snakes scene is awesome, a lot more people die in this — including reaper, which i think was a better ending for him than the one he got in the book, he embraced his death and it was quite beautiful
lucy gray singing to the snakes was AMAZING, everything that i ever wanted
i kinda loved how coryo gave the handkerchief with her scent to the snakes, it was a very deliberate choice and not like the book that he "did without thinking straight"
viola davis as dr. gaul was PERFECT, everytime she stole everyone's moment, she's just as unhinged as she is in the book, we dont see as much, but its implied
i wished they showed her expetiments with the avoxes to get the point across on how she is, but thats fine
casca highbottom was also a little shit, love it
coryo and sejanus meeting on the train to go to twelve caught me off guard, but i like it
rachel sang a lot in the movie and i was there for it, it was perfect everytime
their reunion was sweet, i'll admit it
i wished they've show it where the covey lived in the seam, but we cut straight to where he meets her in the meadow
i loved their scene in the lake and lucy gray singing "lucy gray" (lol) but i wished she'd sing the valley song to maude ivory instead
i also loved that they made movie coryo be the only one — technically, she most likely sang it to the covey, but anyway — who heard her sing the hanging three since you know, in 65 years he'll be shitting his pants with katniss
the hanging of sejanus was so heartbreaking, him crying out for his Ma... i cried, i knew i was going to cry and i did it anyway
seeing lucy gray realize coryo also killed sejanus was pure gold, i loved seeing her visibly tensed up and starting to see him with an entire different lenses
the whole ending in the woods was just like the books, i think it made a little less ambiguous about lucy gray's end, but i liked it
(and also i always believed she lived anyway)
maybe im reading waaaay too much into tigris, but her calling snow by "coriolanus" instead of "coryo" made me think she's starting to see the man he'd become — and this man is nothing like the little cousin she loved
"snow lands on top" is the last line of the movie, perfection, if you asked me
the only thing that i didn't like was that i dont know if they made coryo as unhinged as he is in the books, because we're not in his head and reading his line of thought, in the movie he does seem very genuine and it does seem like he really likes and cares about sejanus and lucy gray — we don't see him comparing her to an object or the excuses he gives himself to like her because she's not "really district" therefore not a second class citizen — until the very end when she finds out about the whole sejanus-being-hanged-because-of-him thing
idk his breakdown kinda feels rushed in the end since we dont have the context of what was going on in his mind beforehand and i think people who dont read the book would think it came out of nowhere
aside from this, i loved the movie and im totally going to see it again as soon as i can lol
EDIT: i just fucking remembered that they dont say anywhere that the 10th Games were erased ????? why ????? is the whole point !!!! oh i would've love to hear him say "goodbye lucy gray, we hardly knew you" i would've gone insane
and also, she doesn't say "the show is not over until the mockingjay sings", and it makes me a little annoyed — like, idk where they couldve put this line, but i whish they did
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Here are some completely random fun facts about Odysseus' family from various myths:
His grandfather, Autolycus (meaning "the wolf itself", pretty badass) , was a shape-shifting trickster, also known as "the king of all thiefs", with the ability to change the shape of random objects he stole and was also the direct son of Hermes (originally he was just some dude Hermes liked, post-Odyssey he was changed to be his son. I'd say both versions are equally accepted though the son thing wasn't there from the beginning).
Autolycus was also the sworn rival of King Sysyphus, who you might know as that one guy who escaped death and whose punishment for it was pushing a rock for eternity, or that very nice guy from Tartarus in Hades. Autolycus used to steal Sysyphus' cattle and when the latter finally managed to find tangible proof of his guilt he did the only sensible thing he could think of.
He fucked his daughter.
As one does.
As I'm saying this I really want you guys to imagine the Sysyphus from Hades doing all this. Because I find it fucking hilarious.
Also btw, said daughter is named Anticleia and in her youth she was apparantly a companion to Artemis. Absolutely pop off queen.
So Yada Yada time skip and Anticleia promptly moves on from Sysyphus to Laertes of Ithaca, they get married and soon after a baby boy is born. And by soon I mean, pretty soon after. Suspiciously soon after...I think you know where I'm going with this.
YEP, there are some myths where instead of being the son of Laertes, Odysseus is the son of Sysyphus, yet the absolute gigachad that is Laertes still raised the baby as his own.
Now, myths are everything but consistent, and much like Autolycus beings Hermes' son, this connection with Sysyphus was likely added post-Odyssey, meaning that even if this variation of the myth exists, Odysseus was still widely seen as Laertes' biological son and it's pretty safe to say that he's exactly that in both the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Why did I tell you all this then?
Because it's fanfiction material and I want people to use it.
Sooooo, the baby is born and it's time to give him a name, and the one to do just that is Autolycus, for whatever reason. I mean from what I've read Anticleia actually insisted he named him, so yeah, not super important but I still felt like it was worth mentioning.
So Autolycus cradles his new infant grandson, he looks him in his small baby eyes and says: "You know, I pissed off a fuck ton of people during my life, like really a lot of peeps, so I think I'm gonna name him Hateful."
You think I'm joking but this is kinda how it actually went.
The name Odysseus actually means "To Hate", and yeah, Autolycus specifically chooses it because he himself pissed off a lot of people.
And yeah, that's pretty much it really.
I mean I guess there's the fact that Odysseus got his famous leg scar while hunting with his grandpa, but that's stuff you can read directly on the Odyssey anyway. I just wanted to shine a light on the sheer badassery of this family.
So yeah.
Oh also there are certain myths that say that Homer was Telemachus' son through Nestor's youngest daughter and I think that's kinda neat honestly.
(The girl in question SHOULD be Polycaste, thought some people said it was a different daughter that was apparantly not among the original roster of Nestor's kids which probably means she was written in many years later. Telemachus' love life is actually a bit of a mess really, even putting whatever the hell the Telegony is aside, he's still got at least 3 other possible wives, them being Polycaste, Nausicaa and even Calypso. There is also this one line from the Odyssey where Polycaste bathes him and some people apparantly interpreted it as them banging and it's said she eventually gave birth to a boy named Perseptolis. But yeah, the boy's a womanizer.)
Aaaaand yeah, that's pretty much it.
So what did we learn today? Well, in Odysseus' family the badassery is hereditary it seems.
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literary-lesbian · 28 days
summary of last night's mischief movie night!!! (26/08/24) (inspired by @whoops-im-obsessed)
Entitled "Renaissance Nightmare" (suggested by a child, other option was Medi-Evil Times), a horror/comedy with a monster set at a Ren Faire! (this is quite long)
cast was jon as oscar, hen, niall, josh, ruth, rhyanna and matt
both title and genre were suggested by children, and so jon was very annoyed about all swearing and the pants-shitting subplot
when asked for a genre a guy in the front row said "porno" very quickly and very loudly, and so jon frequently tried to steer the movie away from any and all suggestive elements
so it was about three brothers (matt, josh & niall) at a ren faire, matt was called jonathan and then bradley which led to his name becoming jonathan bradley
jonathan bradley's ren faire persona was Duke Craig and he had three scrolls for Decrees (and worked at qwik fit)(last year he shat his pants because of the mead)(this is unfortunately a recurring joke)
josh's character (unnamed) was King John and he had a sword
niall's character (unnamed) was called Princess Piss but oscar did not like this so he changed it to "the artist formerly know as princess" which is a great joke
they're all very dependent on their mother (rhyanna) and can't be trusted with money (niall's character compulsively throws it out of the window, josh's character bought a batmobile and jonathan bradley shits it out somehow)(he shits his pants a lot)
rhyanna did not realise they were in the car park and knocked on a door to enter the scene which led to a running joke about random doors at the faire
two ren faire workers, melissa (ruth) and the manager (hen) are worried about rumours about "a thing in the woods" (and also that jonathan bradley would shit his pants and die) (director's cut showed a scene of these rumours being created at the rumour mill, great joke from hen) but they wanted it to go ahead so they could earn £8000 from the 40 people attending PLUS "mead revenue"
best line of the whole show: "there's nothing quicker than a qwik fit shitter" (thanks hen)
there was a jig to open the faire
the brothers went to the jester's (hen) court - oscar paused and said that the jester would do intricate wordplay and puns - hen pranced around and told ZERO jokes but foretold much death
another character left the scene and IMMEDIATELY died (this was rewound because oscar found the abruptness hilarious), followed by the jester who did the exact same thing
jonathan bradley then shat his pants and was killed by the monster but crawled back to tell his brothers to hide in the woods (they'd all had their eyes removed btw)
niall + josh went to the woods and met two riddle monsters (matt + melissa) who were so focused on saying the same words at the same time that their riddle made no sense ("my first is in arm but not in leaf") so niall + josh literally just left the scene
they came to a troll bridge (hen) and clambered over him - oscar again reminding everyone about the children present + referencing porno guy
at the magic well (rhyanna) niall decided to go in to find out what happened to jonathan bradley - he confessed that he, too, shits his pants often. then josh confessed that he's the one doing the shitting and he shits THROUGH the other two. this scene was them talking about shitting and oscar pausing every two minutes to try and get them to stop (rhyanna was originally lunging to be the well but had to sit down because the pauses were so long)
in the well niall met the well monster (hen) who stole his eyes but he escaped to return to josh + their mother
the manager was panicking about all the death but melissa threatened him. he was forced to take up the jester's role.
josh decides to go into the well to find out what's happening. in the well is ruth. it's still unclear as to which character she was being. possibly the riddle monster.
he realises that in allowing his brothers to be attacked PLUS the shitting shenanigans, maybe HE'S been the monster all along. then the ghost of jonathan bradley strangles him so maybe JB was the monster. i think everyone had a different idea of who the real monster was
turns out melissa was the monster all along, she doesn't care about the £8000 and claims she could make the same amount "selling stuff on vinted". the manager is very upset that she doesn't care about the mead revenue and then she goes on a monster rampage, killing the manager and then everyone at the ren faire.
she goes to the magic well, who is her master? she has to kill niall or all the brothers can be resurrected
it turns out the well IS their mother, despite them having been in scenes together earlier in the movie
niall realises that at the ren faire you can be whatever you want to be and turns into a bigger, better monster than melissa (josh + jonathan bradley become part of him)
ends with an epic monster-off - the brothers vs ruth + hen + rhyanna
the brothers won and were resurrected. they all forgave each other for the shitting and realised they didn't need their mother anymore (which was good because she was dead)
ended with a nice song about brotherhood and then a reprise of the jig at the start of the faire :)
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dwaekkisprincess · 11 months
love between || park jongseong
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paring: bf ! jongseong and latin ! reader (they/them pronouns)
plot: you and your boyfriend, jay, were watching baking shows such the great british bake off and nailed it then you both decided to bake something yourselfs !
a/n: i had NO idea who to write about so thank my bsf emily ! 😭😭 btw stream ! also ! credits to @benkeibear for the divider ! also also ! not proofread-
genre: FLUFFFF/ slight comedy
cw: established relationship, mentions of jake, mentions of food, cussing, spanglish (??)
wc: 1.7k
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jay and you had been binge-watching baking shows for hours. you even watched baking videos on tiktok, reels on Instagram, and even youtube videos. the other members had been at the dorms while you and jay were at your house. when jay paused the video, you looked at him with a confused look. "you know what we should do?" he asked. "don't you dare-" he cut you off. "we should bake a cake !" he said, smiling at you. you playfully groaned at him. "por quéeeee?" you asked, dragging out the word.
"because it'll be fun- in this context it means why, right ?" he asked looking at you who nodded at him. "and we can learn some new baking techniques !” he added. jay got up and started checking for the ingredients in the kitchen. "um... so we kind of have to go to the store," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "en serio, jay ?" you said, shaking your head at your boyfriend. "okay, how was I supposed to know that we didn't have any baking ingredients?! this is literally YOUR house !" jay said, grabbing his wallet and the keys.
"should we walk?" you asked, grabbing your shoes and putting them on. "or we could ask my mom to bring some stuff while she's out," you continued. jay checked the weather app and the temperature before responding to you. "we could walk, It's only a 5 minutes away," he said, walking to the front door with you, holding your hand. “besides it’s a lovely night.” he said
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you two headed to the store while sharing airpods with your boyfriend as he played his playlist. jay kissed your hand and started walking with you. the first song that played was "Love Between" by kali uchis, a song that you played a lot from time to time “you stole this from my playlist !” you said playfully acusing him. “what no ! you just recommend it and i-“ you cut him off by laughing at him trying to explain himself. “sureee jay.” you said laughing as you both walked into the grocery store. jay grabbed a shopping cart and started walking through the aisle’s checking items off the list. he turned to you and mumbled something about getting different types of cake flavors.
“we should do a four tier cake !” jay said smiling at you, who stared at him like he was going crazy. “okay three tier ?” he said as you just blinked at him. “two, take it or leave it.” you said pointing your finger at him. “deal.” he said as he nodded. you grabbed cake decorations and cake mix the same time as jay did. “are we having a kdrama moment right now ?” he asked playfully smirking. you let go of the decorations and cake mix as you made a face of disgust (jokingly) and started walking away from him which caused him to put the ingredients in the basket and started following you while calling your name.
“ynnnnn ! i was joking !” he said as he walked behind you with the basket. you stopped walking and playfully glared at him. “no vuelvas a hacer eso. you’re starting to act like jake.” you said shaking your head and shuddering at the thought of jay acting like jake.
“what’s wrong with jake ?” jay asked wiggling his eyebrows which made you make another disgusted face but this time your eyes had a look of horror. “everything.” you said in “fear” jay laughed and wiggled his eyebrows at you again this time smiling. “te dejaré en la tienda jay.” you say as you walk over to him and playfully hit his shoulder. “but that’s mean.” he said as you two started walking towards the checkout lines.
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jay played with your fingers as you both waited in the line. you looked at jay with the most loving eyes ever. you were just admiring your boyfriend and you didn’t realize how long you were looking at him until jay looked over at you. his eyes were filled with love and happiness, after realizing that you had been staring at him, you smiled warmly. it was a genuine smile that showed your love and admiration for him. the corners of your lips curled upwards, revealing the genuine happiness that he brought to your life, as your eyes met, a spark of connection passed between you, deepening the bond that you shared. it was a small, yet significant moment that spoke volumes about the growing connection and attraction between the two of you.
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jay payed for the groceries after the cashier had scanned and bagged them. you grabbed the bags as jay pushed the basket back to the basket corrals. the walk back home seemed quicker than the walk to the store, well quicker for you. jay who decided that he should give you a piggyback ride all the way home said that “it’s only right” you didn’t question him anymore after that. once you two got back home jay set the items out as you started grabbing the pans and bowls to mix it in.
while mixing the ingredients and waiting for the oven to heat up, jay lovingly kissed your head, showing affection and tenderness in that moment. as jay's lips touched your head, a warm sensation spread through your body. It was a simple gesture, but it carried so much meaning. in that moment, you felt a deep connection with jay, a reassurance of his love and presence. it was a small act of affection that reminded you of the bond you shared. the familiar scent of the baking ingredients filled the air, mixing with the sweet aroma of jay's cologne. you and jay exchanged loving glances, and silent giggles understanding passing between you, baking adventure was not just about creating a delicious treat; it was about creating memories together.
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the oven beeped, indicating that it had reached the desired temperature. you carefully poured the cake batter into the prepared pans, while jay eagerly observed the process. his eyes sparkled with excitement and curiosity, mirroring your own enthusiasm. the cake was a representation of your teamwork and shared experiences. as you placed the pans into the oven, jay wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. the warmth of his embrace enveloped you, making you feel safe and cherished. In that moment, you realized that baking a cake with jay wasn't just about the end result; it was about the love that you shared along the way.
the sweet scent of the baking cake filled the kitchen, creating an ambiance of comfort and anticipation. you and jay stood side by side, eagerly waiting for the cake to bake. the moments of silence were filled with stolen glances and playful smiles, a language only the two of you understood. as the timer ticked away, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this simple yet profound moment. it was a reminder of the joy that could be found in the smallest of gestures, in the simplest of activities.
together, you and your boyfriend jay decorated the cake with swirls of frosting, sprinkles, and edible flowers, turning it into a masterpiece of love. As you admired the final result, jay wrapped his arms around you, his chin resting on your shoulder. the pride and happiness radiated from both of you as you stood there, hand in hand, marveling at the creation you had made together. in that moment, surrounded by the aroma of the freshly baked cake and the love that filled the room, you realized that it was not just about the cake itself. baking a cake with jay had become a symbol of your shared experiences, a testament to the strength of your bond.
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after you two had finished decorating the cake you leaned over and kissed his cheek. “i hope it’s edible…” you mumbled at him. “it will be !” he said exclaimed happily as he carefully cut a piece of the cake. he placed the piece of cake on a plate and you both took a small bite of the cake. jay nodded proudly at the cake you and him (mainly him) made. you pretended to think as you tapped your jaw.
“well mr park, your cake is very soft, very sweet, the perfect sponge and very…hydrated-” “did you just call my cake hydrated ?” he said laughing at you. “well i didn’t want to say..moist.” you said as you felt your body cringe.
“moiiist.” he said playfully as he wiggled his eyebrows at you again which made you take the rest of the slice of cake and walk away from him.
“babe ! not again ! i’m sorry !” he said chasing after you. “nuh uh.” you said walking towards your room upstairs.
“mi amor... lo siento, no lo volveré a hacer, por favor, vuelve para que podamos terminar nuestro espectáculo y nuestro pastel.” jay said which made you stop in your tracks, you quickly turned around and started walking back to your boyfriend as if he had put you in some sort of trance.
“¿oh? ¿así que has estado prestando atención cuando hablo español?” you said standing in front of your boyfriend. “of course. for you, i would learn every language in the world.” he whispered softly as he pressed a small kiss on your lips.
“te amo”
“i love you more”
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centipedelightning · 11 months
Hi! I saw your elephant!monster reader ask and decided to throw my hat in the ring with a mouse!monster reader with the same pairings, My oc is the monsterized version of the mouse in the wall. A silly goofy rodent with a habit of "borrowing" things and food from people and shops across the underground
this is so cute are you kidding me. ik you didn't request him but I couldn't resist the klepto4klepto idea in my head with Cash. Congrats on being my first "inspiration point" btw.
ALSO: if this didn’t satisfy you, feel free to resubmit your request fhsgdhdh. i can do something a bit more in line w what you were probably expecting.
| UT/UF/US(+SF Pap) x Klepto Mouse!Reader || Platonic/Non-specified || Fluff |
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You'll probably first meet at Grillby's.
The usual patrons are there and in you come. Slinking.. Scheming...
The crystal glasses have been calling your name for a week now.
To your surprise, this is a day Grillby is out so a certain skeleton is behind the counter.
You sidle up to the bar and order some food, intent on getting Sans away from the glassware. Once he's gone you're in action.
With deft fingers, you are reaching over the counter and grabbing as many glasses as you think you can get away with.
Once your inventory is good and full, you settle back into your spot.
You don't realize you've been caught until an empty glass is put in front of you.
"you've been a little mousy you're whole life?"
"I like to think I'm pretty outgoing actually."
That gets a laugh out of the skeleton. "i'm afraid i'll need those glasses back."
You decide to hand him a pair of glasses you "borrowed" from a frog Monster you met in Waterfall.
This goes on all night. After a certain point, you decide to give up the ghost and hand the absurd number of glasses back over to Sans. He even promised to not rat you out to Grillby.
You were walking through Waterfall when you saw Papyrus walking along a lower level just under you.
He was carrying a comical stack of Tupperware containers full of something. It was simple curiosity! He wouldn't even miss it!
You succeeded at snatching a Tupperware and cracked it open. The acrid smell of pure evil is the only thing that graces your nostrils.
Deciding you have no desire to hold onto whatever science experiment the skeleton had made, you hopped down and chased after him.
You came up with a quick excuse that he dropped the item and you were just innocently returning it.
Papyrus' sockets shine as he drops the armload of "food". You get thanked so profusely you almost thought you did something honorable, not stole food.
You get questioned about your culinary inclinations while he picks all the containers back up. Many of them busted open when dropped, though the skeleton doesn't seem to care.
You didn't realize that you started following him while talking and after some time you arrived to his front door.
You tried to bid him farewell before you were all but begged to come in and cook with him. It is free entry into his house.
Who knows what goodies you might be able to snag.
You've heard about the funny skeleton that sometimes performs at MTT resort and decided to check it out.
You were in the area, there was an interesting list of comics on the roster, and the audience looked like types to have a lot of interesting things on them. What reason did you have not to go?
Many of the performers were fine. A few of them were so dull you had no way to sneak about without being caught.
Red was the closer, and by then your pockets were starting to feel well and full.
You, of course, continued on your mission; stifling giggles and laughs as best you could.
Red's set was nearly over by the time you felt satisfied. Oddly enough, when you fully tuned back in you notice something strange. He was making a few too many rodent-themed jokes than one might expect.
It was only after the second or third time he glanced directly into your beady eyes that you realized he absolutely knew what you were doing.
You tried to slip out of the dining room unnoticed but a certain toothy grin at the front doors stopped you.
"got caught with your hand in the mouse trap there buddy"
You had very few options other than running or offering a bribe. you went with a bribe.
Red, surprisingly, accepts and even offers a little deal. You join up with him during his sets. He tells jokes so good no one will notice a certain mousey's fingers in their pockets. Split the loot after.
You didn't have many options to counteroffer, but even then you didn't particularly want to.
You were caught pocketing some cinnamon bunnies and got the guard called on you. Naturally, you were well practiced in avoiding the guard.
You tried to spend as little time as possible in Snowdin until everything cooled off some. What you didn't realize is that the up-and-coming royal guardsman was not one to give up so quickly.
Once you decided enough time had passed, you made your appearance back into the thrall of the small town. It was only after you picked up some whispers behind you that you realized you perhaps haven't been away as long as you should've been.
What ensued was chaos. Once you realized that yes, people definitely recognized you and had called for the guard, you were booking it out of there.
A few members of the dog pack put up a chase for a while, but none of them cared for petty theft. The only one who decided to pursue you into the forest for the better part of an hour was the new skeleton recruit, Edge.
The chase only ended after you both found yourselves stuck on a large frozen lake, unable to get your feet underneath you. After hitting an impasse, you try one last boon.
You offer to pay for everything you stole and then some. Edge didn't believe you were good for it, but you were no stranger to "borrowing" a good amount of G.
While slipping and sliding past each other, Edge pulled out a long itemized list of everything you have stolen. It took a good few minutes to read through your bill but you did manage to have enough money on you to pay the shopkeep back.
After that, you were watched like a hawk by Edge personally whenever he saw you out about town. It didn't take long to realize you could intentionally run him around if you stole something in his line of sight.
Blue was one of the only people who bothered to regularly set puzzles and traps that were more interesting than piles of snow.
That also meant you could get a bunch of neat junk if you went around to dig out the parts.
You became his shadow. He'd set up a puzzle, you'd slip in and take a few parts. It certainly didn't help that Blue was incredibly amusing to watch once he saw your handiwork.
He even tried to stake you out a few times, though it never worked.
There was only once that Blue caught you.
You were out somewhere else and he put his plan in action.
You came back to your usual spot to scope out how you were going to sneak past the puzzle part of the puzzle. You didn't even think that the course looked suspicious.
It was a switch-flipping style puzzle. Certain switches move different snow poffs and you had to pick the right combination to get through. Easy.
It was only as you solved the puzzle and the floor gave out under you that you realized you made a mistake.
You got pulled out of the snow that fell on top of you none other than Blue himself.
You weren't able to do much more than laugh and deny. Deny! DENY!
It didn't work of course, though Blue did ask to keep you around.
Something about making the puzzles so hard a human wouldn't even be able to pass them?
Stretch was trying to do a simple run to the craft store to get some fabric. His brother wanted a new workout set and refused to just buy one.
You were also there. You were in the bead aisle hamfisting those suckers into your pockets. Stretch could only imagine would you have already stashed away in your inventory.
It was a slow day and he had time for a little prank.
Everywhere you went, the skeleton followed. Everything you put on your person, the skeleton subtly magicked right back out.
It took you a while to notice, but once you did the game changed. It became a combination of making sure you didn't catch him putting your ill-gotten gains back and not being caught himself.
This went on for a while.
You started to get smart. You tried to shake your mysterious pursuer by taking random turns and power-walking down each aisle as quick as you could.
After a time, you also realized your pockets never got heavier. You decided you absolutely had more time to waste and got to plotting.
You started picking up items you didn't even want. Scrap fabric and strange decor items were shoved places you thought you would know if they were tampered with.
It didn't work. The standoff, so to speak, lasted two hours and you didn't catch your shadower once.
You decided to give up. You grab a couple small items and go up to the store clerk to check out. It's the least you could do after being a terror in their store for the past few hours.
It's only after you are well on your way out the door do you feel something. Your bag got slightly heavier. You stop to dig around in it and notice a pack of pencils you didn't steal and definitely didn't buy.
As you look it over you notice it has a little note drawn on the package: "that was fun. quit trying to steal things. see you around."
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• Inspiration Point •
Anyone with a working brain would know not to mess with the skeleton brothers. Most of all you would never want to gamble against the taller one.
You never took their advice. Cash was fine entertainment from afar, but at the table was where the real fun started.
You didn't do it often, but every once in a while you'd find your way to Grillby's Bar & Grill after hours. There was where you'd find the good loot.
With your pockets full and inventory fuller, you found a seat at the round table where the fire elemental was dealing the first round of poker.
You got your wares appraised earlier, so your starting chips were already piled high before you.
The real joy of the table was watching people lose. They almost always came with an air of unearned confidence that made the fall that much sweeter to watch.
They always lost and were always sore losers.
That night, there were only a few real players. Cash was there, like most nights. Dogaressa and Dogamy were there, though Dogamy was only good for moral support. A few of the bar's regulars were at the table as well. The rest of the seats were filled by desperate newbies.
As soon as the table was full, the game started. It continued as you expected. Most of the newbies were overconfident and lost all their G near immediately. Dogamy backed out. The regulars all slowly backed out after losing what little money they offered in the first place.
What was surprising was how long you made it. The only people left at the table were you, Cash, and Dogaressa. You weren't playing for money and you certainly weren't playing to win.
You just wanted some easy entertainment to watch some full adult Monsters throw a few tantrums. It's not like the money you brought to the table came from a personal fund.
It didn't take long before the sore losers all left, so your interest was waning.
It wasn't until you noticed Cash do a weird little hand motion that you recognized quite well. He was pocketing cards. If he's not above cheating why should you be?
In the end, Cash won the lot. You didn't expect to win, nor did you care to cheat enough so that you would've. If anything, that would've been suspicious.
You knew that Cash realized your play and that made the night all the more interesting. Once he knew you were cheating, it became a joint effort to do as much as possible without being fought by Grillby or Dogaressa and miraculously you both pulled it off.
Or, you both pulled it off long enough to get out the door snickering to each other, G in hand.
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I am a BJD content creator that is well known since the early 2000's. Something came up that recently made me think of the crazy things I'd seen in this hobby.
I once had a girl come out of the woodwork telling me she was sick of my copying her doll. I had no idea who she was. I asked her what she meant, and she sent me a picture of her doll and said I copied her. There were 3 things that apparently, I stole from her. Our dolls were wearing the same wigs (completely different bjd companies / models btw). Their first names both started with the same letter. (Even though hers was a real name used in real life and mine is made up and when you google it, my doll is the only thing that comes up). The last thing was that they were both the same creature type. That's it. Of course, I laughed at her, because these were really stretching the limit on "copying"...but it made me wonder...do people not KNOW that nothing is original? I did not copy her, so I presume it was her ego telling her that I did because we all live in our own little worlds.
The fact is, I have a lot of dolls...like a LOT...at some point...ONE of them will have vague similarities to other characters. This was also back in the day when there were way less choices in clothing/wigs/eyes and only three companies were "big" and everyone had their dolls. I know it was a long time ago, but it still pops up in my mind and frosts me a little because I wondered who she was telling these lies to. I was completely blindsided by the accusation. Remember that there are two sides to every story when you are in this hobby. And that the more "popular" side of the argument doesn't always mean that it's the truth.
These days I just stick to myself and ignore the users who reach out to me. So that's the other side of it. When people ask "Where did so-and-so go" I get why it happens that people disappear because I did the same thing. I personally know others who've gotten hateful and jealous messages from people DEMANDING they sell their doll to them or whining because it's their grail and they want it. Here's a little tip. The next time you want to reach out to someone with ideas along any of these lines, go look in the mirror and say the words to yourself. If you still feel righteous and entitled, remember that the people you're being mean to don't really give a shit about your life or what you're doing with your dolls. Maybe go play with them...sew them something...do something nice instead of being one of those people who chases others out or makes it an uncomfortable place to exist.
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heroing · 6 months
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*note: i have DID and am writing this from that experience.
** note two: while this is to give anyone who interacts perspective, none of these alters will EVER acknowledge being different people. it likely won't come up in threads unless the other writer specifically requests it.
this got so so so long lmao.
alter: sometimes also called 'headmates' (this is the term i use for mine). these are the 'alternate' identities. a lot of people consider them as distinct people, separate from the "base personality", though some might consider themselves only facets.
switching: the process of changing from one alter to another. this can be sudden, uncontrolled switches (often caused by a trigger of some kind) or slower, more controlled switches when someone is deliberately called to the front.
the front/fronting: the place of control/who is controlling the body. there can be multiple alters fronting at the same time, even some that control different parts of the body at the same time.
splitting: the act of creating a new alter. the initial one is typically caused by some kind of trauma but other ones can split off for any number of reasons, some even being deliberately created.
bruce wayne: the primary alter. he's what you might consider the "base" alter. i tend to call him the "cowl down" alter. he's most present in moments when the cowl is down and he's around smaller/non-public groups of people. he's more emotionally stable and softer. he's often more reasonable and lenient. he does occasionally front while in the cowl when a gentler touch is needed but he prefers to interact with the cowl down.
batman: the "cowl up" alter. he formed during bruce's batman training. he tends to be harsher and more brutal. willing to do things that bruce might not. he's calculating and willing to put logic/the mission before emotion. if the cowl is up, it's probably batman. he doesn't front at all if the cowl is down/off.
brucie: the "public face" alter. formed when bruce started having to have a public persona and kind of freaked out about it. his entire job is being the public face. he's ditzy and forgetful and kind of a whore. he's the most obviously a different person because he doesn't always remember things from when bruce or batman were fronting. (dick in particular seems to view him as a separate person canonically. see: that gotham knights arc)
the bat: the "persecutor/protector" alter. this is the original alter to split off bruce. it takes the form of a giant, almost humanoid bat. it flips between encouraging bruce, protecting him from his own past emotions/memories, and persecuting him for his failures. it never fronts. (this is drawn from the ram v detective comics run, btw, check it out.)
failsafe: the "persecutor" alter. even more than the bat. he was deliberately created by batman to do what he couldn't. including kill. he was supposed to be a last resort but there have been times that he has wrested control for periods of time. (canonically, he is called batman of zur-en-arrh but i hate that name so i stole the name of a DIFFERENT batman thing. see: the current zdarsky run for more.)
tommy: the "child" alter. also formed around the same time as the bat. he is based off tommy elliot and presents as a childhood friend in bruce's memories. which is why his memories don't line up with what the ACTUAL tommy elliot says. while tommy has fronted before, it has almost never been alone, has always been accidental, and alfred has done a good job of getting him away before anyone notices.
bruce sees his parents die. he splits the bat and tommy.
he trains to be batman, realizes he might not be able to handle everything this entails, and batman splits off.
batman is worried about his ability to perform both as a hero and a civilian. he deliberately creates failsafe to do what he can't. brucie splits off on his own around this time.
i didn't include him above but matches malone splits when bruce goes undercover for a little too long.
there are some other thoughts i have, like internal workings, their relationships with each other, their relationships with people outside the system... but that's a post for another day. this one has already gotten so long.
again, this post is mostly just for OOC knowledge as it likely won't come up in threads unless requested.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 7 months
OOO OOO I HAVE A QUESTION. FOR YOUR FIC. FOR YOUR AU. How did Mrs. Afton/Delores die? (yes I remebered her name. I’m a True Fan ™️ btw/silly) alsoooo what was she like with Lizzy did she spoil her the same way William did orrr :0000 spill the tea
teehee, I actually stole Mrs. Afton’s name from @acesophiewalten because I didn’t personally have a Mrs. Afton. which leads to ur question 😀 there’s a reason I glossed over it (I didn’t feel like coming up with a reason HAHHAHAHDJ)
but my headcanon (of my own AU yes) is that she stepped out of line like Vanessa did and wanted to leave with Elizabeth because she found out about William’s murders and experimentations with animatronics after the death of Charlie (there’s a reference to Charlie’s death in chapter 7, which reminds me. someone should ask me about all the nuances in chapter 7 cause i have so so so much to say *wink wink*). And William refused to have his “perfect white picket fence” life ruined by Delores leaving with Elizabeth. In his eyes, murdering Delores was justified because she wanted to destroy the perfect life they had. This way, he could still keep Elizabeth, his perfect daughter who listened to him, and that was enough for him.
also absolutely, I think Delores doted on Elizabeth just as much as William did, Elizabeth just happened to be a Daddy’s girl (unfortunately for her)
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2offayyo-kzt · 2 years
I'm going to explain why 'Brain Scramblies' is my favorite episode of wwdits and a genius TV episode :
Simply because this episode is funny as hell and there are a lot of subtle references, I decided to list the ones I noticed from the most explicit to the most implicit :
Charmaine's name origin ¦
So her name is obviously taken from the movie Ocean's Eleven.
It's the name of a prostitute who helped the protagonists of the movie to get a badge from a technician who works in the casino.
She stole it from one of the technicians 'Edward' by using her charms (him being drunk and crazy in love with her)
In the same way that Sean fell madly in love with Charmaine in the show.
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'Inferno' by Dan Brown ¦
In one of the rooms that Nadja ruins to find the Jade necklace that belonged to her mother, we see on a bedside table a book "Inferno" by Dan Brown.
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This is the beginning of the Wikipedia summary : "Robert Langdon wakes up in the middle of the night in the hospital, almost amnesiac and having suffered a concussion. Nevertheless, all his other intellectual and psychic functions remain intact. Disoriented, with a head injury, he has no memory of the last 36 hours. He does not know why he is in Florence and where the object that the doctors discovered in his belongings came from. A dream torments his mind, that of an old veiled woman wearing an amulet around her neck..."
'The Golden Lily' by Richelle Mead ¦
After Sean has his brain in a pudding state and falls back in love with Charmaine again, this is one of the sentences he says to her :
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"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen."
It is the exact beginning of a quote from the book "The Golden Lily" written by Richelle Mead, which talks about vampires.
"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth. You have no clue of how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine"
Brief summary of the book :
"Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets-and human lives."
This may have been the only way Sean could explain to his wife, in a fucked-up state, that the neighbors are vampires.
(The idea that Sean reads teenage romance vampire fiction is killing me 😭🤣)
'The Vampire Diaries' ¦
Sean's declaration of love is full of references, here is a new one :
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He pronounced this while offering the Jade necklace : "It's a token of my undying love", an almost similar phrase was uttered in episode 2 of season 8 of the Vampires Diaries.
"[...]will you do me the honor of wearing this engagement ring, as a token of my love"
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It's a proposal from Stephan, a vampire, and then the couple kiss in the same way that Charmaine and Sean kissed after he offered the necklace.
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One of my favorite references, probably the most speculative :
'Mama Lucha' ¦
When he 'first' sees Charmaine, he exclaims this :
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I found no meaning for this word, we could say that it's a compliment he invented thanks to his fried brain.
However, I think he exclaimed "Mama Lucha !", because after some research, it wouldn't surprise me if Sean, a hugefan of heist movies, is actually referring to this woman : "Luz María Endara Altamirano" better known by the alias 'Mama Lucha'
There is little information about this woman but in short she was "an Ecuadorian extortionist, who was prosecuted for the crimes of tax evasion and treason."
After her death it is said that : "In the San Roque market, where one of her houses is located and where she used to live, there is an atmosphere of amnesia. Most of the shopkeepers say they do not know her, they do not know who she is."
Might be a reference that in this episode Sean became amnesiac.
Even funnier, it is just possible that Sean just noticed that his wife shares a slight resemblance with the emblem of the supermarket Bodega Aurrerá also called "Mama Lucha" :
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Btw a lot of the lines Sean says are similar to phrases from the 1999 series ' The Sopranos' like "get the fuck out of here" or "who's that piece of ass"
Synopsis : "Tony Soprano, a gangster living in New Jersey, suffers from panic attacks and must secretly see a psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi. Tony has problems with his family: he is in conflict with his wife Carmela, his two children, Meadow and Anthony Junior, his mother Livia and his uncle "Junior"
Well I know nothing about the show and I'm going into bullshit, but from the synopsis, Carmela could be Charmaine, Livia could be Joan (Sean's mother) and once Sean mentioned his uncle "Fulvio"
Tony & Carmela :
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Finally ! the post is over, all this to conclude that the writers of wwdits are geniuses 🙌
Please feel free to reblog this post, to make discover to the greatest number the fucking pure genius of wwdits 😌
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twistedsocials · 13 days
HELLO IT IS I THE ANON W THE TWST CROSSOVER AU I SHARE CUSTODY OF W A FREN (all art here belongs to said friend btw!!) (n spoilers incoming for Arcana n maybe DDLC idk)
Aka Yuu's abnormal ahh family, they don't actually play too big of a role in the story except maybe YuKuro, the mom. Who is, btw, actually Chernabog n is the embodiment of evil and also iirc, the reason why blot even exists in the twst universe. Her husband, YuiShiro is the complete opposite, being the literal embodiment of Good. They have a weird fucked up relationship but it is very loving they just kill eachother n hunt eachother for sport sometimes (it is so unfortunate their taste in partners got passed down) but unfortunately they fucken DIE well YuiShiro does anyway YuKuro goes into the mirror of where Mii will live in the future to hibernate or something only appearing after enough overblots happen (She is the RSA Mickey Mii. Save them)
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(YuiShiro!!) (Can't find much art abt YuKuro sadly...got flooded by la messages)
Now onto the first set of twins, Yuichi n Yuiko! Yuichi was born very very sickly he's attached to several life support machines probably 24/7 as a nerf to the fact his ahh can bend reality... but dw! he's still kickin. y'know who isn't kickin tho? Yuiko cuz they're the Arcana protag. Theyre gonna be stuck in a state of limbo bc theyre constantly cycling through everyone's fates to try and save them lol. Yuichi works in Team Salvato as one of their best coders n stuff and I think he eventually takes over the company due to not liking their treatment of him haha dont ask how he did it. also he'll eventually revive Luke via necromancy down the line and maybe even bring back the scrybes but idk the Scrybe thing isn't cemented. He gets paid bank that's how he supported his two lil sibs
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(Left is Yuiko n right is Yuichi!) (they were both colorpicked from the magic mirror iirc)
now for the second set of twinsss, Yuu m Yuki! Hoo boy where do I begin w them. ok so both Yuichi n Yuiko were born w a certain amount of magic in them but for these two?? Yuki stole all the magic in the womb LOL. these two care abt each other very much but also Yuu is very very envious of Yuki due to them always outshining them despite being introverted n also for getting along w Yuichi the best (its a very complicated thing where Yuu kind of does Too Much for Yuichi cuz of his condition that he can't really repay creating a sort of barrier between the two). Yuki is actually rlly guilty aswell abt outshining Yuu so much bcz its kind of gone to the point where even Yuu's friends focus more on them. they both do Not communicate this issue tho. not until they go through their isekai adventures in hell n twisted wonderland
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(Yuki n Yuu!) (Yuki's on the left while Yuu is on the left)
woops i went insane againa AHAHAHSNSJDNDNWDJ but i must spread the Viewpoints we are so normal about them (there are thousands of messages of us being normal about them
Additional facts!
-Yuki has their own rival except this time it's actually a rivalry, their name is Miku and they look VERY similar to Mii and actually almost have the same name, they aren't related tho its just a very very lucky coincidence
-Yuu's hair is actually dyed while Yuki's is natural
-YuiShiro has his own familiar named Flambe lol. He acts like a normal cat in the household
-Yuichi, Levi, and Idia are all gaming buddies in this au. They don't really find out they're from different universes somehow until the twins reunite in twst
Okay you cooked with actually omg ALSO MII
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