#The others all go by donnie so it's more complicated from there
deadtiredghost · 4 months
a donnie appreciation post cause I haven't posted much about them yet
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I didn't realise I made 30.... I was just focused I guess hehe
Guess imma have to do this for all of them now- oh well
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dandylovesturtles · 9 months
just a little A Team hurt/comfort
Raph knocked over some moving boxes during their last shouting match - he spares them a guilty glance as he walks past. Someone has tried to clean up the mess (Mikey, most likely), but he can still tell that they were recently upended and their contents left scattered on the ground.
He knows this is why they told him to go get Leo for breakfast. They want this to be a peace offering. Raph would like for it to be a peace offering, too, but...
Well, it's not like he likes fighting with Leo. Things are just... complicated.
He makes it to Leo's train car, and takes a deep breath before pulling the curtain back. He can do this. One civil interaction.
Leo's already awake, scrolling through his phone. That's in his favor - Leo's always grumpy if you wake him up. At least this way, Raph doesn't have to.
"Hey Leo," he says, and his brother flicks his eyes up from the phone screen. "Breakfast in five. Mikey made waffles."
"Oh, sweet," says Leo. He grins, but even Raph can tell it's forced. "I'll be there in a sec - just checkin' the socials."
And for a moment, Raph almost says something; says that he's sorry, and he takes back everything he said, and Leo should just forget about it, not worry about it, he doesn't want to fight anymore and this is stupid-
And then he thinks about Karai, and the Shredder, and their dad, and the far too close call they had to losing each other, New York, the whole world-
And he thinks about Leo skipping training to go skateboarding, Leo showing up late to patrol with a quip and laugh, Leo charging into fights without so much as a word to the rest of them, Leo who can't take anything seriously-
And it dies in his mouth. He says instead, "Yeah, sure. Just get there before it gets cold."
He turns to leave, but before he can, Leo calls out, "Hey, Raph?"
Raph only half turns, looking over his shoulder at Leo. Wondering if, maybe, Leo is going to try to say something instead. Wondering if he finally gets it, or if they're going to start fighting before breakfast.
Maybe Leo is running the same calculations. Raph is sure he is, actually, because Leo's brain twists over words the way Donnie's twists over physics.
So he must come to the same conclusion, because he doesn't say anything about the fight, or training, or his responsibilities, or any of it. What he says is, "Love you, big bro."
And Raph's heart drops into his stomach.
Leo's always been looser with those words than any of the rest of them. Been that way since they were little, and Splinter kept them in the same part of the sewer, sleeping on pallet beds with whatever pillows and sheets he managed to find in the dump.
"Goodnight, Daddy. I love you," said Leo. "Goodnight Raphie, I love you. Goodnight, Donnie..."
The ritual was long - Leo always used three times as many words as other people. Sometimes Splinter would say, "Yes, yes, Blue, now let your brothers sleep." Sometimes Raph would say, "Hurry it up, Leo." Sometimes Donnie would hide his head under his pillow, or smack that same pillow over Leo's face.
Nowadays, Raph misses that: the sincerely sweet way Leo wanted them all to know he loved them.
As he grew older, Leo began using those words more flippantly. "I love you, but" became one of his stock phrases, a way to soften the blow of criticism. "Come on, you know I love you," said to ward off any retaliation after a prank or insult. "Love ya, bye!" rushed out at the end of one of their rare phone calls, a signal he didn't want to talk anymore.
But every now and then, Raph still got the sincere version. When he brought Leo tea the morning after a bad bout of insomnia. When Leo fussed over an injury, gently winding bandages around his arm or leg. When Leo was sleepy after a long Lou Jitsu marathon, and he reverted to the old ritual as Raph tucked him into bed: "Goodnight, I love you."
The "love you" Leo says to him now, in his room, before breakfast, with the mess of their last big fight barely cleaned up, is none of those.
The "love you" Leo says now is a question.
He doesn't pronounce it like a question. There's no upward lilt to his voice. He doesn't end it by asking if Raph knows. But Raph can still hear it, buried deep in Leo's tone: he's not sure. About loving Raph? About being loved? About what there still is between them?
Raph loves Leo. He loves him so much it aches. It's why he knocked the box over. It's why he wants to knock another ten boxes over. It's why he just needs Leo to understand, to hear him, to see what he sees when he closes his eyes and sees Karai, and the Shredder, and their family almost-
But here they are. With Leo saying "love you" like it's a question and Raph doesn't know the right answer.
"Yeah," he says. "Breakfast in five," he says.
He doesn't know the right answer but he does know that wasn't it.
He leaves Leo in his room, and goes back to his own. Puts his face in his hands. He sees Karai.
He knocks another box over.
Leo's hand is a tiny thing in his. It's also, maybe, the only part of his body that isn't broken. Not like his legs, his arms, his shell, his jaw, his neck-
Raph can't look at his neck. The bruise there makes him want to throw up.
Leo's been out of critical condition for almost two full days. It hasn't made any of them less on edge, and they still spend most of their time crowded in the med bay, watching Leo's chest like it will stop rising the moment they turn their backs.
But Leo's heart doesn't stop, and he breathes in and out, and Raph holds his hand and strokes the back of it with his thumb.
He'd wanted Leo to understand.
He hadn't wanted this to be how Leo learned.
When he closes his eyes now he sees Leo right next to Karai, and he has to touch Leo again, to make sure he's still really there.
Movement from the bed, and a soft noise. Raph's gaze trails up from Leo's hand to his eyes, open but heavy lidded, clouded with a haze of exhaustion and medicine.
"Hey, Leo," he says, trying to keep his tone upbeat despite it all. "You're home; you're safe."
"Mm," hums Leo, still sleepy. He twists the hand that Raph's holding, adjusting his grip so it's wrapped around Raph's thumb. He strokes at Raph the way Raph had just been doing for him, and Raph feels tears sting his eyes.
"Love you, Raphie," says Leo, and this time, there's not a hint of uncertainty.
Raph's heart lurches again. Whatever answer Leo had been looking for last time, he must have found it.
Raph doesn't plan to leave anything to chance. Not anymore.
"Love you too, Leo." He leans in, press his forehead to the top of Leo's head. "I love you, too."
Leo makes a pleased noise, low in his throat. He's already sinking back into sleep, his grip on Raph's hand growing loose. His breaths are still steady and even, heart beating strong, the look on his face peaceful.
"Goodnight, Leo," says Raph. "I love you."
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In a lot of iterations of TMNT Leonardo always seems to have a strong moral compass & the same possibly seems true for Leo in Rise as well as he often seems mindful of the safety of civilians 
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Raph: Alright you incredibly, unusually buff book worm! Give us the little guy and you’ll walk out of here with your horns still attached
Leo: Shouldn’t we also stop him from creating crab men?
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Leo: I say we revise Raph’s plan to make sure this guy doesn’t get mutated
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Leo: Hey April, cool if you don’t, but do you still have that Orb with all the people of New York in it?
Leo has often expressed concern for the wellbeing of strangers throughout the series, when April & the Turtles first encountered Draxum it was Leo who said that they should stop Draxum from mutating people & Leo later actively tries to stop the soon to be Bull Hop from getting mutated in Bug Busters.
In the episode Anatawa Hitorijanai, Leo is also the one that expresses concern over the fate of the people of New York even though the family already has a lot to deal with, with the Shredder.
However in contrast to how Leo is arguably one of the most mindful of the safety of strangers he also seems as though he’s arguably the most unsympathetic towards villains when compared to the rest of his family
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Mikey: We haven’t found the armour and we can’t leave him to get eaten
Leo: Oh great, we get to save the guy who once repoed a birthday cake
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April: We’ve gotta help him get his friend/ roomie/ it’s complicated back from Baron Draxum! It’s my Birthday Wish!
Leo: You’re invoking B-Day right on him!
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Donnie: Ah a moral quandary, do we give the antidote to the villain or-
Leo: Poison? Antidote? Everything he makes is delicious! 
While Leo is often concerned with the safety of strangers whenever one of the Turtle’s villains are in need of help, Leo typically seems as though he’s the one most opposed to the idea of helping one of their enemies which can be seen when Leo was reluctant to save Repo in the episode One Man’s Junk or when he expressed disbelief over April wanting to help Warren save Hypno in the episode Warren and Hypno, Sitting in a Tree.
In the episode Pizza Puffs Leo also demonstrated his reluctance to help villains when he decided to use the remaining antidote to eat more pizza puffs over giving the last of the antidote to Meat Sweats 
At first glance it would seem as though Leo has some sort of ‘black & white’ view on morality where he prioritises the safety of ‘innocent people’ but is unsympathetic towards enemies or evil doers however it’s shown that Leo is not always against helping former enemies.
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Leo: You can’t just kick out your untrustworthy criminal brother, he’s family. So whaddya need skin man?
In the episode The Hidden City Job Leo is the one that pushes Señor Hueso to help Capitán Piel even though the last time they saw each other, Leo was actively fighting Piel’s pirate crew, Leo wanting to help Piel seems to go against the idea that Leo is unsympathetic towards enemies which leads to the question on what makes the situation with Piel different than the other situations where one of the Turtles enemies have needed help?
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Leo: Wait! I know a brother squabble when I see one and there’s no one better to un-squabble you than moi
Señor Hueso: Aren’t you here because you had a fight with your brother?
The first reason that Leo might be more sympathetic to Piel than he is with other villains is because Piel needed help mending his relationship with his brother Señor Hueso. 
It’s been shown time & time that family is incredibly important to Leo so it could be possible that Leo simply cannot stand the idea of family fighting which made him more inclined to help Piel, it’s also worth noting that during the episode The Hidden City Job, Leo had recently gotten into an argument with Donnie, so Leo might be projecting his argument with his own brother onto Piel & Hueso.
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Leo: I freed you from your pirate prison. Your welcome.
Raph: Pirate prison?
Mikey: You portalled us to Tahiti!
The second reason on why Leo might have been more sympathetic towards helping Piel than he is with other villains is that Piel had never actively tried to harm Leo’s brothers.
In the episode Portal Jacked the reason Leo was fighting Capitán Piel’s crew in the first place was that Leo had thought that the pirates had kidnapped his brothers which turned out not to be the case as instead Raph, Donnie & Mikey had been in Tahiti during the events of the episode meaning it’s possible that Leo doesn’t hold the same animosity towards Piel that he would with other villains as Piel hasn’t gone out of his way to bring harm to Leo’s family the way other villains have
So rather than Leo having some sort of ‘black & white’ view on morality where he prioritises the safety of ‘innocent people’ but is unsympathetic towards enemies or evil doers it’s more likely that Leo has the mindset where he wants to protect people but is unsympathetic towards those that have tried to harm his family.
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yorshie · 10 months
Hii, I just Saw that your request are open and I couldn't help myself because i just love your work so much, especially "Pick Up the phone", i just want to know more! Could you do after the incident how the relationship grew and if the turtles ended up together with her??
hmmmm...listen. I knew exactly where Pick Up The Phone was going eventually when I wrote it, I just got a wee bit distracted writing other things. I guess it's about time I completed the story, I'm just really sorry because I'm sure you weren't thinking there'd be this much angst in it. Thank you for requesting this, hope you like it enough to wait til the third part before you write off the story as just sad.
Bayverse TMNT x Fem Reader Part One
Length: 5.7k
Summary/warnings: SFW, reader deals with the fallout of witnessing the turtles commit violence on her behalf. Warnings include: angst, trauma and coping with that trauma, panic attacks, complicated relationships, and, because when I wrote the first part the relationship was a bit vague, we're going with turtles have caught Feelings but reader isn't aware. Set in 2023 - turtles are 24-25
Tag list: @jackalope-in-a-storm @tmnt-tychou @spooneyes
[Hey Angel! Would you like to come hang out for a little bit? I’m grabbing some noodles and Leo’s pulled out some of his old tapes?]
You stared at the text, thumb hovering over the keyboard, torn between answering- even if it was just a few words- and not responding at all.
Outside your apartment, an early summer storm curled its way in-between the buildings, fog pressing up against the window like a hand pressing its palm flat against the glass. While it wasn’t raining yet, the way your soft hair clung to your sweater said it would soon.
Your arm itched in it’s colorful cast, and your phone screen dimmed from inactivity, pulling your attention back to the problem at hand. You sighed, set the little device to the side before curling in on yourself and scrubbing your free hand over you face.
You didn’t mean to avoid the turtles. It just sort of happened… before you realized it was happening.
Memories of that night were a little hazy, a little blurry when you tried to focus on them. You remember Donnie and Leo dropping you off at the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, Donnie clipping something to the back of your ear to help them keep track of you before Leo nudged you towards the emergency room doors.
You remember the nurses fussing over you, asking questions. You gave them the answers Donnie whispered to you over the little comm, too tired and out of it to keep anything straight. You were barely aware of the way people danced around you, the pointed questions, too preoccupied with the burn in your arm and the fog in your head to worry about what anyone else thought.
They tried to get you to talk to a social worker when you doggedly reiterated your story over and over. When you refused, the nurses traded looks, and it bothered you more that they thought you weren’t aware enough to clock the silent messages than their obvious conclusion to your injuries. 
Finally, after hours of dancing around, they confirmed that your arm was broken, but the break was clean and not all the way through, the doctor coming in to set the cast correctly before leaving you to the nurses once more.
They tried to keep you overnight for observation. When you refused that as well, they slapped a prescription in your hands to help with the pain and you were finally free, too far gone to worry about a tail following you out despite Donnie whispering in your ear.
You left by the front door, not really sure but walking on autopilot, unaware you were moving away from your watching protectors. Leo had scooped you up at the first alleyway you’d crossed, gaze curious. You knew he wanted to ask what was wrong, but you didn’t have an answer to give him. Not one that you could articulate, anyway.
The trip back to your apartment was a blur, but you remember distinctly standing in the middle of your living room, aware that someone had been in your space recently. Things had been moved. It wasn’t quite a good feeling, but you were too spaced to do more than blink and watch silently as Leo brushed past you and headed for your bathroom. He returned with a small bag of toiletries, and you hadn’t had the clarity to wonder how he knew what to grab.
“Why?” You’d asked, and maybe you’d tried to get out more words, but your throat was still so tight, the rest of the sentence trailing off into a slurred hum that had Donnie reaching for your arm.
“Raph forgot your toothbrush. “Leo said like it was common sense, tone gentle despite his tilted head, and you blinked again, an errant, floating thought wondering why Raph was even here in the first place.
Without thinking, you had looked around at your little space again. You swayed, silent, until you clocked movement in the corner of your vision and you realized both turtles were watching you worriedly. 
“I want… to stay here.” You slurred out, pressing a hand up to your eye to keep your brain in place.
“You have a concussion.” Donnie interjected softly, practical and no nonsense. His hand slid up your arm to palm the side of your face, to cover your hand. “It’s really not a good idea for you to be alone right now.”
“But…” You tried to tilt your head up to look at him, failing somewhere around his shoulders.
“No buts,” Leo said, and you realized you had trailed off mid-thought. “You’re going to the Lair where we can watch over you. I don’t like how fast you’re deteriorating.”
You didn’t want to- might have even opened your mouth to slur out a weak protest, but Donnie was already hoisting you up, curling his lean arms around your torso and legs to keep you close against him as he followed Leo back out the window.
You had conceded to staying the night in the Lair, let the four turtles take turns making sure you were alright, suffered through the wake up checks before being lulled back to sleep against one of them while the tv played softly in the background, low enough that the sound garbled everything around you. 
You weren’t exactly sure who was who, but you knew you woke up to each of them at least one, vibrant eyes staring into your own and fingers smoothing over the angles of your cheekbones, too close and too personal. You weren’t sure if it was your skin or theirs that felt feverish. Weren’t sure if it was your dreams or them that kept you jolting awake, crying and sweaty, but you were always aware of how strong their hands held you, how alien the rumble in their chests sounded, and the inky darkness always pressing at the edge of your vision.
In the morning you had bullied Mikey into taking you home, claiming the need of showering in your own space. He had conceded after you had threatened walking,  sweet face falling into sadness when he had waffled and you had started outright bawling at the overwhelmed feeling gripping your chest.
Mikey had dropped you off at your apartment, and you had locked the window, turned off your phone, and bawled in the shower for an hour straight.
That had been two weeks ago. Now, the weather was turning, the first pings of rain occasionally hitting your window, and- and your phone was vibrating on the couch seat next to you.
“Please.” You whispered into your hands, before unfurling and letting your head rest against the couch cushions to stare at the ceiling. “Please, stop checking in on me.”
The phone stopped buzzing as if it heard your plea, and you had a moment of blissful numbness, your eyes sliding to half mast as you stared at the opposite wall.
You didn’t know what was wrong with you, why your thoughts moved so slow, so tepid. You didn’t understand why you were avoiding the turtles, your friends, but somewhere in the back of your mind you were scared and tired of the way your hands shook, of the way you kept looking around for the next thing coming. It had to stop.
All at once, you felt that awful ball of emotion in your chest again. The one that hadn’t fully disappeared since you had broken down in the harsh light of Donnie’s medical room, when the turtles had held your breaking pieces together. The seesaw of emotions teetered violently under your skin.
You needed to be held together. 
Your phone started buzzing again, and this time your palm landed down on it with an audible smack, hand curling around to answer before you could think about the consequences.
“Mikey?” You rasped into the speaker, not quite sure what exactly you were asking but hoping he’d have an answer.
“Um… no. It’s me.” Came Leo’s apologetic tone, and you winced hard, but before you could apologize he was barreling onwards, “I can- I can get Mike for you-”
“Leo.” You wanted to shout his name, but it came out quiet. He stopped though, mid sentence, silent as he waited. 
“I’m sorry.” You finally choked out. “I saw Mikey’s message, thought it was him calling.”
“Ah.” Leo breathed into the phone, and your lips almost twitched, the sound familiar despite all the times you’d tried to teach him how to angle his phone so the air wouldn’t whistle. “That’s… why I’m calling, actually? We thought maybe you hadn’t seen it.”
“I saw.” You were quiet for another minute, your mouth opening and closing several times, trying to get the words you wanted to come out but they stayed lodged in the back of your throat, tasting more awful with every passing second.
Leo was patiently quiet through it all, though you know he must have heard you lick your lips and your breath stutter each time you tried to start. Finally though, just as you were on the brink of whining at whatever it was you were failing to articulate, he spoke, his words a low rumble that rubbed against your ears.
“I wish you were here.” He said, and it unfurled something tight in your chest. “We miss you.”
And just like that, whatever was in your throat came out like a sob, and you pressed your arm across your eyes and leaned forward, emotion running from your throat to your chest in a heady rush until you couldn’t tell if it was elation or a sharp stab.
“I miss you guys too.” You got it out, somehow, too raw to know if you were telling the truth, but it was ripped out of you. 
Leo made that low noise that you had only heard a handful of times before, where he was concerned but stuck, and the sound had you hiccuping at the knowledge that with this he couldn’t just pick you up and run from the danger.
“Can… can you come get me?” You started, stopped, powered through, and he answered too quickly, like he had been waiting for those words to leave your mouth.
“Raph’s on his way.” His tongue clicked, voice disappearing for a moment in what you assumed was his head pulling away to check on something. “Should- he should be there any minute.”
There was the heady rush of elation, the swoop at the top of the roller coaster you were waiting on. It felt a lot like falling though. You dug your nails deeply into your leg to stay focused.
“Stay on the phone?” With me, but it felt a little too much like an admission to breathe it out, but he didn’t hesitate in his answer.
“Of course.” 
You breathed out low, letting the soft sounds from his side of the phone lull you back into a sort of calm numbness. You weren’t sure if a minute passed, or ten, but all too soon there was a tap at your window and you startled. 
Leo must have heard the way your breath hitched. “Raph?”
“Y-yeah,” you pressed your palm into you eye, trying to steady yourself. “Guess… I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, yeah. You will.” He promised, stubborn enough to make you be the one to hang up. 
You don’ think Leo warned his brother, because when you drew back the curtain to unlock the window, you could feel Raph burning a stare into the side of your head despite the way you kept your eyes stubbornly on the tricky task of unlocking the latch one handed.
He took over the job as soon as you lifted it enough for him to wedge his fingers under the pane. The window rattled a bit when he shoved it upwards with a grunt, and you flinched at the sound, before cutting off all movement at the feel of a heavy hand settling on the tear tracks on your cheeks.
“Sweetheart?” He asked, thumb moving across skin made sensitive from you scrubbing at it. “Who- whose ass am I-”
“It’s nothing.” You whispered up at him, ducking away from his hand before chasing it with your own on instinct. You shivered at the way his hand swallowed yours whole and had grip left over for your wrist. “Just… feeling a bit-”
He pulled you closer, and you heard the sound you had gotten acquainted with the night they had watched over you, that rumble deep under his plastron that lingered at the edge of your auditory range. “Are you ok?”
No. “Yes.” Your eyes burned at the outright lie, and he leveled a shoulder against the edge of your window, raised his other hand to slide a knuckle under your chin. “Not… really.” 
You whispered the confession with eyes fixed just over his shoulder, and he tilted his head until all you could see was the color of his bandana. “Talked to… Leo, about it… a bit. Just- well.” You brought up your free hand to press at your forehead, and the hand under your chin slid away. “Not really sure what’s… going on. Sorry.”
“You don’t gotta be sorry.” Raph assured you, tugging your other hand down when you started scrubbing at your face again, grip gentle on your cast. “As long as no one needs a lesson on not messin’ with ya.”
You shivered at the reminder, and the feeling of his hands swallowing yours became just a little to visceral for a moment. When you tried to tug out of his grip, he let you, though his rough sigh showed his frustration at the action. 
You turned your head to the side to avoid the feeling that sound pulled up. “Can we… just go to the Lair?”
“Gotta say somethin’, first.” Raph argued, and you sighed roughly, but nodded for him to continue.
The ledge under the window creaked as he leaned through it, and you felt his fingers whisper over the nape of your neck before he cupped it, finger nudging the far side of your jaw to convince you to look at him.
You did, slowly, hand coming to absently rub at the thin skin above your cast where it suddenly itched. 
“The last thing I ever wanna do,” He spoke lowly, holding your gaze, “is hurt you, sweetheart. I need you to know that, ok?”
You stared into his green flecked eyes, the color starting to swim as you felt tears well up. You blinked hard, nodding when he made a questioning rumble, and didn’t stutter at the feel of his thumb wiping across your face.
“Good. S’long as you know that.” He blew out a breath. When you reopened your eyes, and gave you a small crooked smile that looked like a shadow of the one he normally threw your way. “You ready to get going?”
You nodded, voice still locked in your tight throat, and took his offered hand to help clamber over the sill, straddling the worn wood before he leveled his weight backwards and you had enough room to sling your good arm over his shoulders.
The rain was soft pricks of cold across the back of your neck, Raph’s shell icy where your arm was pressed against it. You had a moment to wonder if you should climb back inside for a coat, but Raph’s next words drowned out the thought.
“Hold on tight with that arm.” He warned, his own arm slotting under your thighs, hand curling around one knee while the other squeezed just under his shell. “Taking the fast route through the tunnels, so might be best to close your eyes, princess.”
You nodded into his neck, breathing out slow when he abruptly let go of the ledge and you both free fell through the fog.
Leo was the first one you saw when you and Raph entered the Lair through the turnstiles, arms crossed and swaying back and forth, eyes trained on the floor as he listened to Donnie speak. The purple turtle was leaning against the table, long legs crossed in front of him, gesturing with his hands as he made some point to the leader in blue.
“-perfectly normal to come away from that with trauma, we should have been on the look out for it.” 
Leo made some low sound at that, shaking his head in denial. “You know for a fact this wasn’t suppose to happen, whether or not we were on the look out for-” He broke off when he caught sight of the two of you, straightening and going still, and the change in his stance was enough to have Donnie turning around to squint as well.
“Mother hens say ‘what’.” Raph groused, large hand only tightening around the bend of your knee when you tried to slide out of his grip. The added height meant you didn’t have to crane up to meet the other two’s gaze, and after a moment you leaned back against Raph’s covered shoulder, let his shoulder pad bite into the slope of your head as Leo moved to stand in front of the red turtle.
“Hey.” He said, gaze flicking to your arm before settling on your face. You could see Donnie’s lips compress out of the corner of your eye, feel the tendons in Raph’s neck flex as he no doubt rolled his eyes.
You gave Leo a tight lipped smile, knew from the way both his and Donnie’s eyes jumped around your face that it was still rubbed raw from crying and scratching at it. “I was told there would be old movies and noodles?”
Leo blew out a breath at your words, his shoulders sagging, but Donnie stepped forward, hands careful as he gestured towards your cast and ran his thumbs along your limb when you held it outwards.
“Any new pain?” He asked, and when you shook your head no he seemed pleased, one hand sliding to cup along the back of your shoulder. “Well that’s good. I’ve projected that you should only have six more weeks in the cast, but I’d still like to take a proper look sometime tonight.”
The thought of going back into the sterile medical room had you swallowing heavily, pulse jumping as nausea rose up to press at your throat. “I don’t- I don’t think-”
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna.” Raph said from behind you, and your head dipped, pulling your arms back in to hold them tight against your sides. “Don doesn’t have’ta poke-”
You didn’t really hear what he was saying, mouth moving on autopilot, a small voice prompting you to explain instead of keeping everything wrong wedged up under your ribs. When you interrupted him, Raph’s jaw all but snapped shut. 
“-I don’t… want to go in that room again.” You said, more to the hand still locked around your knee than anyone else.
Donnie’s thumb rubbed a soothing stroke across your shoulder, and you made yourself relax into the motion, finding it comfortable when the digit repeated the trek. “Alright, that’s perfectly fine.” He bobbed his head, glasses catching on the light. “As long as there’s nothing new, it should be fine.”
You nodded to show you understood, and Leo spoke up again. “Mikey’s still getting the food, but would you mind waiting on the couch while we do some last minute cleaning?” 
You shook your head no, not missing the way glances were traded over your tendency to remain non-verbal. 
“Ok, then. I’ll start one of those movies to keep you company until we’re done.” Leo murmured, then led the way into the living room area, bending to shuffle an old tape out of its cover and into the player. You were distracted from watching him when Raph finally released your knee and let you slip onto the blanket covered couch. 
“Be right back.” He tapped the top of your head to make sure he had your attention. “Don’t go disappearin, kay?”
“Kay.” You made yourself say, just to break your silence. You were rewarded with a little quirk of his lips, and a searching look from Donnie before the three shuffled out of the room and left you with the tv turned down low.
The movie was about a blind samurai, you thought, the opening scene a little familiar. Leo must have shown it to you before, but the monotone coloring was soothing, the subtitles large, blocky and blurry before you closed your eyes and just listening to the way the voices ebbed and flowed, uncaring that you didn’t have any idea what they were saying.
It wasn’t… as difficult, now that you were here. As long as you didn’t go into the medical room. And it was good to see your friends again. Something tight slowly started to ease in your muscles. The Lair was always a safe space, had always been a place you looked forward to visiting when you were invited. You repeated the mantra as the music from the movie started to swell.
The skin above your cast itched again, and you snuck a finger into the space right at the edge, dragged a nail along the little area. A lull in the movie’s soundtrack, and you hummed, knowing a fight scene was coming up, before faint voices had your eyes cracking open.
You sat up slowly, turning just your head to better catch where the words were coming from. 
That was Donnie’s voice, just out of sight, and a harsh answering whisper that sounded like Raph had you moving on autopilot, feet quiet as you slipped a little rounding the couch. The whispers led you to the edge of Donnie’s half dome of monitors, the voices tucked behind the half closed door that led deeper into the Lab space.
“-get your head out your shell and stop pushing.” It was a patient tone you had heard a couple of times, a patent Leo Lecture, as Mikey called them behind his brother’s back to make you and Donnie snort with laughter.
Raph’s voice was much rougher in answering, “‘M not pushin, Fearless. All I did was tell her I didn’t want to hurt her, that’s it.”
“That’s obviously enough to set her off, Raphael.” Leo's stern words were followed by the sound of a palm shoving a face, and you wondered who shoved who before Donnie’s words cut between the two, and in-between your ribs.
“None of us thought it would turn out like this, but we shouldn’t jump to conclusions until we figure out what the problem is exactly. Obviously,” he lingered on the word, “she’s experiencing some fight or flight response concerning us, but it could be left over from the ‘experience’, not our feelings for-.”
“She doesn’t know anything about that.” Raph cut in. “Or it’s not what’s buggin’ her. Came right to me when I got there.”
Your heart stopped, then thundered over itself to make up the difference, and you swallowed hard enough to feel the pull in the tendons on either side of your throat protest. 
“Whether or not she knows, it’s enough that she’s on edge.” Leo’s voice came out clipped, tight, and you took a little step to the side, fingers finding the edge of Donnie’s desk as you struggled to listen through deep breaths. “We had a plan. It was working.”
“If that fucker hadn’t needed a beatdown, we wouldn’t be back to square one, but it is what-”
A hand, palm cool and callused, skirted up your cast free arm, and you shrieked, jumping backwards, hitting Donnie’s desk and sending half the bobbits strew across the surface clattering into the floor.
You were crying before you even registered it was Mikey, the orange turtle cooing and apologetic as he tightened his grip on you and tried calming you down. “Hey, babes- baby, I’m so sorry, please-”
You were shoving at him, ineffectively, palms scraping across the buckles of his backpack, but the sound of the heavy door you’d been eavesdropping at opening violently had you babbling out your own apologies at the green blobs with splashes of color across their faces crowded around you. Your heart thundered in your chest, color high in your face and nose running like a leaky faucet as they tried again and again to get you to calm down.
When they realized you weren’t calming down, and your breathing was turning into high pitched wheezes as your throat closed up in panic, you found yourself picked up, carried through the Lair. You squawked in panic when you thought they were heading for the medical room before whoever was holding you split to the right and the bathroom door loomed up instead.
It wasn’t until you were plopped down in front of one of the personalized sinks that you realized Leo had apparently lost the battle with his ‘get you someplace safe’ instincts, but his distraction with checking you over allowed you to shove your cast into his beak and duck into one of the widened bathroom stalls, effectively putting a barrier up between you and the four turtles.
You slid the flimsy lock home, and braced your arm across the door, shivering and heaving for breath between sobs. The four turtles were murmuring to themselves, not being quiet at all but the roaring in your ears kept you from making out words. With a stilted heave that whistled through your closed throat, you banged your fist against the door, the action sending vibrations through your muscles and tethering you to the ground.
The outside door shut, and for a moment you thought you were alone, that they had left you to settle. The thought had you pressing your forehead against the inside of your elbow, a stifled sob hitching your shoulders.
“Babes?” Michelangelo asked, and every muscles in your body went taunt once more.
He was quiet, though you could hear the sound of his palm sliding across the closed door, before the heavy sigh of him sitting outside the stall had you peering down, just seeing the bottom of his shell tucked against the tile.
“I’m sorry for grabbing you.” He said plainly, and as if a rope was cut, you breathed shakily into your arm, pressing your open mouth hard against your skin. You sunk down slowly, knowing he could hear you moving, until you crouched just behind him. If not for the door, you’d be splayed against his shell.
“You mean so much to me.” He whispered. “Mean so much to us. I should have thought before I grabbed you like that.”
You leaned your head forward, until the edge of your brow gently pressed against the cold plastic. It took two tries, but you finally pulled your mouth back from your skin, licked your lips, and whispered. “I wasn’t- suppose to find out yet, was I?”
You hoped he wouldn’t try and turn the question on its head, knowing he knew what you were talking about. His hearing was better than yours. Still, he made some low, wounded sound at the way your voice rasped broken and raw over the words.
“It certainly wasn’t how I envisioned it.” He offered with self deprecating humor, and you blinked, thinking the tone didn’t suit him at all. 
“Who- who else?” God, it hurt to talk. Your knee hit the tiled floor as you readjusted, and Mikey’s shell shifted on the other side of the thin barrier between the two of you.
“Um….” He trailed off, but you heard the silent all of us, thinking back to the way they’d held you together the night your arm, and heart, had broken.
“Oh- God.” You choked on the word, coughed and brought your arm back to your mouth to muffle the sound. 
Mikey moved, and for one terrified moment you thought he was going to try breaking the lock, but his steps moved away. Water running in the sink, and then he returned, shoved a glass under the little opening below the door.
You didn’t thank him as he returned to his spot, reaching down slowly and grabbing the chilled glass. 
He waited until he heard you take a few sips, before asking. “How’s your arm? You shoved it into Leo’s face pretty hard.”
“It hurts.” You breathed into the glass, aware you’d been holding the cast tight against your chest.
“I’m gonna go get Donnie.” Mikey’s hand appeared under the door, splayed against the tile as he pushed himself upright.
“Don’t-” You cut off, until his hand turned, brushed against your shoe. “-go.” You swallowed. “Please.”
“I won’t, babes,” he promised, “Just gonna go get Dee, ok?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see, and sat down heavily as you listened to him moving for the bathroom door.
It was… a lot, to take in. Too much to do so right now, with your arm burning and your mind swirling around like a shaken fishbowl. You wanted to bury it, until the realization felt a little more distant. A little more manageable. You couldn’t-
You brutally squashed that train of thought, sitting down heavily with only one arm to balance yourself with. You stretched one foot out first, then the other, sticking your sneakers out from under the partition and leaning forward to place your fevered, sticky cheek against the door again.
You must have spaced out, because the sound of Donnie’s knuckles rapping gently against the plastic had you startling, pulling your feet back against your chest and scooting to the corner.
“Dove?” He called, and you saw the shadow of his hand on the handle. “I’m going to open the door, ok?”
You hummed in acknowledgement, staring at your shoes as he opened the lock from the outside. The door squeaked when he cracked it open, and you looked up finally, meeting his hesitant smile from where he craned around the door.
“There you are. Are you ready to come out, now?”
You weren’t, but you still moved, letting him grip under your bicep and help you find your feet when you wobbled.
“Good, that’s good. Let’s sit on the edge of the tub.” He led you, and you felt more than saw Mikey hovering just out of your space, watching you with concerned eyes. 
When you were finally sitting on the tiled edge of the basin they called a bath, Donnie felt you for a moment, and Mikey returned to sit next to you, just shy of touching.
“Heya, babes. You’re ok.” He gave you a tilted smile, a little watery, and you scrubbed at your cheek at the realization you probably looked like you had indeed been blubbering in a bathroom stall.
“Alrighty, then.” Donnie was back, and you tipped your head towards him without thinking. His hand came up to grip your chin, tightening when you tried to flinch away. “It’s just me, dove, relax just a little bit.”
The cloth he wiped over your face was warm and sudsy, and you closed your eyes on instinct, leaning into his touch as he wiped away the gunk and the tear stains. The soft, repetitive motions had you sighing unconsciously, shoulders slumping in relief when the cloth ran over clean skin. 
Donnie traded the cloth for his thumbs, stooping to peer into your face as his wide digits scrubbed across your cheekbones. “There you go, that’s better, right?”
You nodded, feeling his knuckles hook around the edge of your jaw, before his snout swung to the side and he focused on your cast. “Can I take a look at that, now?”
You bit your lip, nodded again, free hand casting out to find Mikey’s arm and latch onto it when Donnie lowered his goggles and peered at your arm, hands softly probing at the ends of your cast.
Mikey captured your hand, let you squeeze his palm as Donnie worked. After a moment, his thumb came out to slide slowly over the back of your hand, and you looked up, caught on the baby blues that stared back.
The door to the bathroom creaked open, and Raph stuck his head in. “How’s it goin’ in here?”
“Fine, despite your lack of patience.” Donnie quipped without taking his eyes off his task, and the muscle in your cheek contracted at the heavy eye roll Raph gave his brother before his green eyes focused on you. 
“You alright, sweetheart?”
“…fine.” The word was scratchy, and you cleared your throat before trying again. “How’s… Leo?”
Raph gave you a smirk, “ah, he’ll live, he’s just getting some ice for it. Good shot, though.” 
Donnie made some little noise at your side, pulling your attention back to him. “I don’t think there’s any new damage.” He gave you a soft smile. “Just don’t go shoving your arm into anyone else’s face, kay?”
You sighed, tried to pull your hand from Mikey’s grip, but he wouldn’t allow you to, slotting your fingers between his to maintain the grip. “How bout we go get those noodles before they get cold, babes? I got the spicy ones you like.”
Your stomach rebelled at just the mention of food, but there were sharp eyes on your face, taking notice of every twitch. “I think… maybe just the movie, Angelo.”
Mikey, bless him, looked happy you were just agreeing, tugged you to your feet and almost into Donatello before the taller turtle ducked seamlessly out of your space. 
“Wait, wait-” your head heaved at the quick movements, and Mikey lurched to a stop, that concerned look back. “Just, slow, Mikey. Slow.”
You… weren’t just talking about heading to the living room area, and while it might have gone right over Mikey’s head, you saw the traded looks between the other two turtles, and it made you swallow heavily. No time for that now. The thought got sloshed back to the back of your head when Mikey’s free had touched your shoulder and led you backwards into the main room. 
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imagionationstation · 3 months
I don’t know what’s going on with my brain but it has been AU gender swapping Donnie so hard the past few days.
I’m just going to fix the series in a few simple steps:
Donnie leaning heavily on April only because she’s the first other female that she’s gotten to interact with ever
Leo getting some female interaction so he sees Karai as a potential friend instead of immediately crushing and the later reveal isn’t as conflicting since they’re just battle besties
Casey stays decent and awesome without the “battle for April” plot making his character hard to truly appreciate
The brothers are more supportive of Donnie and her attempts to form a relationship with April & Donnie doesn’t have to talk to a jar of guts and mutagen because they know how secluded she’s been, so they’re more free with advice like hey, maybe don’t stalk her and just text her or somethin’, mkay?
Splinter visibly checking up on her activities in the lab throughout the series because he has no idea how to raise a female (he was counting on Tang Shen for that) but he does his best to let her know he cares by supporting her in other ways 💜🤎
More softie Raph moments with his sis so the haters in the audience don’t hate him as much as they unreasonably do
Mikey doesn’t need to change. He just gets to have some more of the “emotionally intelligent” moments that we were deprived off.
I can’t think straight with all these bubbling rewrites help me-
For anyone who cares, also my favorite tidbits:
Splinter not realizing that Donnie was female at first and the name Donatello just ends up sticking. Donnie will die on a hill that Donatello is gender neutral even though her family and friends know it’s not. It’s a topic that they just avoid bringing up
Her brothers use Dona when they’re teasing her
An explanation as to why canon Donnie’s figure is just so randomly different from her practically identical brothers
The shock of Irma isn’t as crippling because April still has Donnie as her devoted female bestie & now the farmhouse era is a lot less stressful and complicated for April and the viewers
Role model Leo still exists & Donnie has a crisis over him bonding with Karai and that creates tension for a while & Four Trap is actually Leo accusing Donnie of not trying hard enough because of that past debacle and “try harder” has clear purpose
Donnie gets an official ✨ big sister ✨ and that means that good-guy snake Karai exists in the series more as the reptilian mutant females bond
Overprotective brothers over their sister (and-)
The sister who appreciates it but there are some moments where she gets tired of them treating her like she’s not as capable as them (not true, but how she interprets their actions) and one episode decides to prove herself (Operation Break Out)
Potential for Casey/Donnie but currently undecided
Consistent “girls are so emotional” jokes that are beyond cringe but the viewers have to tolerate them anyway bc 2012 humor
Broken Foot actually having an affect on Karai since she almost took part in killing off her only sister
Donnie’s biggest fear is that her brothers will one day get tired of her because of how different she is/feels and then she’ll be alone & this fear is the main debacle that she struggles with through the entire series instead of the weird love triangle thing
It’s okay everyone I’ll shut up now and go sit in my corner bye ✌️
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wonderingpanda · 1 year
(^-^)/ Hello beautiful person!
I have a request for bayverse or rott (or both ;_;) of crush dozing off on the lair couch and makes grabby arms at their respective turtle because they want to cuddle?
Grabby hands for nap time is just cute to me. Especially the two Raphs since they're chonky boys. (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ ♪
Rise!Turtles x Reader
Of course gorgeous person. I decided to make this another Rise one since I’m currently working on two other Bayverse headcanons that I’ll try to post over the next few days. Please enjoy.
It had been movie night at the lair
You fell a sleep halfway through out of boredom since it was the same movie from the last two nights
April had gone home when the movie ended and the others went to their rooms but when Raph got up to leave he noticed you still laying on the couch
At first he panicked not entirely sure on what to do in the moment
He thought about picking you up and carrying you home but considered all the complications of doing so and decided against it
He thought about taking you to his room but the second the thought crossed his mind he threw it away
There was no way he’d do that without your permission
He could just leave you there but you might wake up uncomfortable
But he didn’t want to wake you since you looked so peaceful
Eventually he got over his worries and tried nudging you awake while whispering your name
He freaked out when you began to toss and turn thinking that he disturbed you to much
Imagine his surprise when you rolled onto your side and began making grabby hands at him
He blushed and asked what you were doing
Cuddles Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home? Mmm too tired, just want cuddles. Do you maybe want to go somewhere more comfortable? Nooo just give me a hug!
He eventually caved and lifted you up
He got comfortable on the couch and placed you on his plastron
He didn’t want to crush you
Eventually you two ended up on your sides facing each other with you snuggled into the crook of Raph’s neck and him with his arms around you protectively
No one bothered either of you until Splinter came running in wanting to watch tv in peace
Poor Raph was so embarrassed after that, his brothers would never let him hear the end of it
It happened when you two decided to do a Jupiter Jim marathon
Leo had invited you over to the lair since his brothers were all busy and you two spent the whole day watching movies together
Everything was going okay and the last movie was nearly done when Leo felt a sudden weight on his shoulder
All it took was a slight turn to see your head lying calmly on his shoulder
His heart rate increased tenfold
But he didn’t want to miss the opportunity so he just went with it
After a few minutes though there had been a loud sound effect from the movie
Leo was worried it would wake you up and it did, partially
He was disappointed when he felt your head leave his shoulder but was surprised when he turned around and found you reaching out to him making grabby hands
He took a moment to take in exactly what you were doing
Once it all registered he began to blush and laugh quietly
It was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen
However his laugh was cut short when you grabbed his face and slammed your forehead against his
Quit laughing and cuddle me, now. Pfft I’m sorry, what? You heard me, cuddles. Now!
That’s all it took to convince him
Leo smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and sat slumped on your knees on his legs
He slid back slightly for ultimate comfortability and held you close
As you two cuddled he began to go over every piece of blackmail he had on his brothers just in case any of them happened to find you two on the couch
But despite that thought in the back of his mind he knew this was going to be some of the best sleep he’d had in ages
Out of all the brothers Donnie was the least prepared for this
I mean of course he’s always planning and preparing and has just about every possible scenario listed in his head for whenever you two hang out
But there’s no way he’d ever imagine that you would try, scratch that, want to cuddle with him
It had been a quiet night at the lair
The only reason you had come over was because your watch was broken and you needed Donnie to fix it before your parents found out
He had of course warned you that it may take hours for him to get the thing back into shape but you reassured him it would be fine
After what felt like ages of mindlessly looking at your phone you eventually passed out on the couch
Donnie left his lab to give you your newly repaired watch and sighed as he was met with the sight of you calmly passed out on the couch
He walked over and picked up your phone which had carelessly fallen onto the floor
Thankfully it wasn’t broken but Donnie did decide to place it somewhere safe along with your watch
When he turned around to figure out what to do with you he was confused to be met with your hands reaching out to him
Uh Y/N what are you doing? I want cuddles. I-I’m sorry what, cuddles? Yesss. You want to cuddle with me? No I want to hug a porcupine. But there aren’t any- Come here!
Donnie didn’t even have time to react as you pulled him down onto the couch
He fell on top of you and didn’t really know how to act from there
He tried shifting to one side slightly and quickly grabbed you as you nearly fell off
With your back facing him, Donnie hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist deciding that there was no way out of this now
Leo had found you two snuggled into each other when he left his room for a glass of water
He’d be showing everyone the photos he got of you two in the morning
Mikey had invited you over for a simple baking session
It went smoothly
That was until you two had a food fight in the kitchen
Flour and eggs went everywhere
Splinter made you both clean it all up which took hours and left you feeling exhausted
It was cupcakes that you were making but they’d take a while longer to bake so you both decided to chill on the couch
It had only been minutes, mere minutes after the two of you sat down and Mikey already noticed your body hunched over with your head in the palm of your hand, your elbow propped up by the armrest
He was about to do something when the timer for the cupcakes went off
He immediately dashed to get them out of the oven and onto a tray to cool down, choosing to leave you alone for the time being
When he came back your body began to turn and soon enough your back was slightly draped over the armrest as your head and arms appeared to be upside down
Mikey smiled and blushed from the cute face you made at him and he got more excited as you lifted your arms up to make grabby hands at him
Mikeyyyy I need cuddles! Aww, sure thing Y/N! You finished the cookies right? Yup all done. Good.
He gushed over the sight and immediately ran to scoop you into the biggest hug of your life
He flopped backwards onto the couch with you still in his arms and happily held you close without a care as to who found you two in the morning
Thanks for reading. I’m going to get more busy as the weeks go by so I may begin to post less frequently but I’ll be trying to post at least once a week. Have an amazing day/night wherever you are in the world!✨
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing(Yan! ROTTMNT x defiant reader)
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A/N, not important: I just assumed 'dangerous' meant they fought back(aka, defiant). Also I wrote this in math class lmao. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: drugging(Donnie), kidnapping, manipulation, harm to reader, breaking bones, threatening nature, unconsentual touching(non-sexual), dark themes, abusive themes, food restriction/forced starvation as punishment, yandere themes
Words: 1244
Summary: The Yan ROTTMNT boys deal with a reader who's personality switches from sugary sweet to downright defiant.
He’s severely disappointed after he kidnaps you and you start to snap back. He tries to fall into his personas and talk it through with you, but gets severely frustrated at your pushback. He nearly cries when you try to hurt him.
He chains you to him, not wanting to be far from you. He’s convinced you’re just scared, and that you need reassurance. If you’re always with him, he can give it at a moment's notice.
He tries to win you over with food. You’re constantly fed your favorites and pampered to no end by him. Anything you want, he’ll try and get. He wants to bribe his way back into your heart, not seeing a single thing wrong with how he’s acting.
When you start to get heated, he pulls you close and wraps his chains around you to keep you from lashing out. He just situates you on the couch or his bed depending on where you both are and cuddles you until you calm down. He’ll make you sit with him for hours if he deems it necessary.
Freaks out everytime you try to hit him. He tries to convince himself it’s an accident for months. You’re so sweet, you would never do something like that to him. Once he realizes you’re lashing out and trying to hit him on purpose? He gets pissed.
He’ll strip you of all your old luxuries, taking away something you enjoy with every hit. Soon you’re not allowed any entertainment other than Mikey, being left with nothing to do but talk to him. He gives you less complicated meals, serving you the same thing he makes for the rest of his family instead of whatever you’re craving.
And if your anger still persists? He’ll tie you down and keep you isolated, only letting you see him and be in his room. He’ll break you down eventually, and he’s willing to wait.
Is completely unimpressed with your change in attitude. He treats you more as an unruly child than a person with valid feelings and wants. If you start complaining about a rule he set, he’ll just reexplain his reasons and shut you down when you argue. He’s the genius, he’s the one in the right.
Tries to keep you under check and placate you swiftly. He doesn’t want to deal with this version of you, he wants his love back. He’ll stop at nothing to get you back.
He’ll try setting up a reward system at first, wanting to not go straight into punishments. You’ve only been here for a few days, so he assumes you just don’t know better. He’ll reward what he deems as good behavior with sweets, time with him, or time doing your own thing. He wants to keep you happy and stimulated so you’ll appreciate him.
Drugs you the first time you try to fight him. He’ll experiment with different doses until he’s keeping you under some drug almost 24/7. If you won’t listen, he’ll just fix you himself. By keeping you too tired to fight back, he finds it much easier to hold you and love you. He’s able to keep you under his thumb fairly easily.
Takes you off the drugs once a week to see how much progress you made. If you’re still too much of a hassle, he’ll drug you again and wait a while. He doesn’t want to rush it.
Isn’t afraid to break a few fingers if you keep trying to fight. He’ll make you sick or break a leg once you get too unruly for his tastes. He’s not one to let bad behavior slide.
He’ll slowly work at making you calmer, trying to bring you back to your old personality. He loves you and is willing to work with you, wanting to bring you back to your old self. He isn’t going to lose you.
He didn’t expect a thing. You were always so sweet, he was astonished when he saw how hard you were fighting him. Your constant punches and harsh words made him upset. He thought this would be a smooth transition, and he was harshly mistaken.
He tries so hard not to snap back. Seeing you fight him despite having almost no chance of winning was amusing at first, especially with your kind demeanor, but he can only take so much.
He’ll keep you tied and gagged in an attempt to keep the fighting down. He’ll pretend you’re fine, that you weren’t hurtling insults and curses at him just moments before.
If you actually get a hit on him, he’ll go quiet. He’ll throw you in his room and keep it locked, leaving you alone for hours on end. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but you make it so hard to hold himself back.
But if he loses his temper, and isn’t able to walk away? You’re going to find just how hard a genetically modified weapon of war can punch. He’ll probably break your arm by accident, not even noticing. He’ll grab you and yell, his grip getting tighter without him noticing. He doesn’t let go until you’re sobbing on the floor.
He really didn’t mean to hurt you, honest. Just listening to you tell him how much you hated him day after day made him snap. He can still take care of you, he just needs you to accept your place with him.
He’s constantly paranoid about you escaping. You’re too volatile to be trusted, so you’re either in his sight, or locked down tight. He’d be devastated to lose you. He just wants you to love him, and go back the way you were. You might want to hurry up though. Raph isn’t known for his patience.
He knew it would happen and saw the signs. During his months of stalking, he saw how you got when you felt threatened or spited. He was prepared for the backlash when he took you. He was ready to smother the fire out.
He tries to give you a decent amount of leeway with your insults. He’s hurt you would say all these things, but he’s hoping if he shows he’s not a threat, you’ll calm down. Until you start fighting physically.
The first time you try to punch Leo, you're not allowed to eat for three days. He ties your arms behind your back and holds you close, squeezing tighter in warning every time you try to squirm away. He wants you to feel safe with him, but he refuses to let you steamroll over him. He’s ready to fight back.
If you ever get a good hit, or try to majorly harm him, he’ll break your hand. He’s tired of your resistance, and just wants you to love him. If you fearing him gives him an opening to your heart, he’ll jump for it. He’s not too picky about how you fall in love, just that you do.
Is constantly holding you or touching you. He’s treating you like a feral cat, trying to get you used to him by exposure. In his mind, you’re just frightened, so if he can get you used to him and his presence, you’ll soften back up.
Guilt trips and gaslights you to no end. He’s constantly telling you how he’s in the right, and that he’s only punishing you because of your behavior. He promises he’ll be sweeter once you do the same.
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10 for Rise. Gimme warcrimes duo >:]
Donnie didn't realize just how much Witchtown hated him until he wound up in front of the majority of the town at Hidden City court.
Witches of all kinds shouted over each other, listing crimes that Donnie most definitely had NOT committed.
"--trampled my mushrooms!"
"--released the kraken into our town fountain!"
"--totally demolished my self esteem!"
"--ATE MY CAT!!!"
"-- and destroyed the statue of our great founder!"
Okay that one he actually had done. In his defense, he hadn't meant to blast it with his tech bo. Defense, however, was something he was missing.
He glanced over at the judge. "I don't know how Hidden City trials work but isn't there supposed to be someone on my side? I mean, ahem, with my superb knowledge of everything I could absolutely provide my own defense but, uhm..." I don't really want to do this all on my own, he finished in his head.
All of Donnie's knowledge of courtroom proceedings came from a show he and Raph used to watch together. Raph loved watching the good guys solve crimes and fight bad guys. Donnie loved the mysteries and collection of evidence. Neither of them found the legal stuff super interesting, so they'd discussed the real life logistics of the crime (whether Donnie could commit it, whether Raph could catch him, and how they'd avoid getting caught) during those scenes. Donnie wished he'd payed more attention.
The doors flew open with a BANG.
Donnie blinked.
The jury all looked at each other like she'd made a brilliant point, muttering and nodding along.
The judge stroked his beard. "Good entrance. One point to the defense."
There were very few times that Donnie didn't have at least SOME idea of what was happening. Now was, unfortunately, one of those times.
Casey seemed to appear right next to him. "SO! Got yourself in trouble with Witchtown, eh?"
Flustered, Donnie could only think to say, "I didn't do it! Their accusations are entirely--"
"HEY! That's MY job!" She cleared her throat. "As I was saying, Witchtown is tough, but I'm tougher! You're lucky I took this case, otherwise you would already be rotting in Hidden City prison."
"I-- Casey why are you a lawyer in the Hidden City?" Things were spiraling entirely out of control.
Casey grinned her insane grin. "I love yelling, fighting, arguing, squabbling, debating, etc. Passing the exam was super easy, too! The laws here aren't any more complicated than the Foot Clan laws. You know, normally I'm on the offensive. But I am Hamato Clan now! I WILL NOT BETRAY MY CLAN!"
Donnie couldn't help but be impressed. "Huh. What a strangely fitting career choice for you."
"INDEED! And the lawyer to politician pipeline is extremely fast. I shall build my way up to becoming a mayor, senator, and eventually I shall be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Junior has already signed on to be my vice president. Our slogan is either going to be: 'Jones and Jones: we'll feast on your bones' OR 'Vote Jones squared and your lives will be spared'. Catchy right?"
Donnie's mind was already buzzing with how his Genius Built brand could be expanded by personally knowing the president. "Casey," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "I will personally help fund your presidential campaign."
"Excellent! Now, we are in the middle of court so we can discuss that later."
"Oh yeah." Donnie had actually forgotten that he was literally on trial. Casey has the effect of being extremely distracting. "I need to tell you my alibi and--"
"Pffft, no need. What kind of court do you think this is?" Casey cracked her neck, and stretched her arms above her head.
The judge banged his gavel, which sent a shockwave across the room. The ground rumbled and the seats all slid back to open up a wide space in front of the stand. "We are now in session. Let prosecutor Gilby Gilbert of Witchtown and defendant Casey Jones of the Hamato Clan enter the ring."
The what?!
Gilby Gilbert, whom Donnie vaguely recognized from the Witchtown episode leapt into the ring. "That turtle is GUILTY!"
With a running leap, Casey Jones flipped into the ring and kicked him squarely in the chest. "Mr Hamato is more innocent than you and your corrupted, black market, embezzling town will ever be!"
The jury gasped.
"Flair, solid hit, AND a plot twist! Three more points to the defense!" the judge ruled.
Donnie was now very glad he had not been the one to plead (punch?) his own case.
"Turtle boy is against everything we stand for!" Gilby choked from inside a headlock.
"Since your treasury records show illegal trade with criminals AND many Witchtown officials who have been pocketing those funds, I'd say it's a good thing that Mr Hamato stands against you, you LOWLIFE!" Casey released the headlock, only to kick her opponent to the ground and curb stomp him.
Donnie was no longer worried.
In fact, as he watched Casey continue to kick Gilby (who had curled into a ball), he actually smiled. Perhaps the answer to science vs magic was brute force.
He had decided that when this trial was over and he and Casey had officially won, he was going to make her a fashionable Genius Built lawyer suit. He'd make it easily torn away to give her more points in style.
It was the least he could do.
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turtlecleric · 8 months
I'm in Hell
I'm so Unwell. I have never had any misunderstandings like the thing with Donnie, but I have been betrayed by someone who was my best friend for years, so this chapter... it's hitting me really, really hard.
When Leo first met Vi, he was studying her a lot. Remember the near-physical weight his scrutiny had felt like? You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. ... like a pinned rabbit ... you see an obsidian edge beneath his smile that feels a little sharp as you lean into it.
And then later in her apartment:
[Leo talking] “…You know what really got me interested in talking to you?”
“What?” you ask, tilting your head. 
“Donnie came back from talking with April and he was talking about you."
This is literally Vi and Leo's first time meeting - I don't think Leo started to really hate her until after she started coming to the Lair and he saw how Donnie reacted to her presence, but he mentions that Donnie talked about her already. It's framed within Vi's mind as him being careful with his family. He's the leader, he's careful around new people, he wants to make sure she isn't a threat, etc. But even though this is before the touch thing started, there could've been the seed of hatred already there depending on how Donnie spoke about Vi to Leo.
He [Leo] peers at you like he can read your life story where it’s written on your soul. ... “…You don’t have a lot of friends, do you?” he asks, his voice soft and yet cutting you all the same.
and this:
[Vi talking] “I had a lot of fun tonight. I’d… like to have more nights like this one. To. To have a family. If I can.” “You can,” he [Leo] says
He knew from the first fucking time he met her that she was lonely. That she wanted friends, wanted a family, wanted to belong. He knew that better than anyone else in the family, not only because of her saying this to him but also because of how well he reads people and how much time he spent with her. He's the only one who has seen her in her apartment, too, caught her in those few vulnerable moments in her home. I'm so fucking angry.
There are so many times in the fic that... I can't even articulate... here's some quotes early on -> "you hate how much you like this guy [Leo]" and "you smile when you see [the text notification is from] Leo" and when Vi is sick in the store she says "I miss Leo" and on and on. And that whole fucking time! He was!! UGH!!!
When Vi agrees to make Leo some bread so that maybe he can get some of Donnie's apology cookies he texts her "ttyl i gotta go rub this in donnie’s face" and yeah that's him being a little shit as always, but it's ALSO proof of him using EVEN THEIR PRIVATE TEXT CONVERSATIONS as ammunition rile up Donnie.
Hey look! Bits that hit different/hint at more going on/might be Leo's mask slipping!
“How long do we hafta wait before she ain’t a guest anymore?” Raph asks, causing you to snort a laugh. 
“That’s up to Donnie,” Leo says, voice heavy with an undercurrent of meaning you’re not picking up on, causing you to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He smirks, reaching over to poke your cheek with his finger. “Y’know. He’s the one who met you first, and all that.” 
…Something tells you it’s more than that, but he’s good enough at hiding it that you don’t feel comfortable calling him on it in front of the others.
you have no idea how you fit in [to the family], and Leo had all but told you that the space is here, ready and emblazoned with your name on it. You don’t quite see it yet, even if he apparently does.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. It’s complicated,” Leo says easily, and it’s only just, but you pick out the thread of iron bars in his tone, ready to come crashing down if you push even a little too hard. So, you don’t.
“Okay,” you say easily, causing him to get that piercing look he gets sometimes, the one when he feels more like a ninja than a funny turtle man who tries to see how many cookies he can shove into his mouth at once and sends you pizza rat memes at four in the morning. “…Dude, we’ve been friends for like, a week. It’s cool that you aren’t ready to spill your guts yet, you know that, right?” 
His eyes go sharp, but then he hums and smiles. You feel like you did the night you first met him, like there’s a test here and it’s in a language you don’t understand. It’s a bit uncomfortable, prompting you to grab your own drink and swallow a healthy bit of it just to have something to do.
[Vi talking] “…He [Donnie] seems lonely.”
Leo hums under his breath, cutting a portal that feels a little like home. “Well, lucky he has you, then.”
“Uh, I met her first,” Donnie says, scowling, while Leo just gives him a smug look. 
You do, however, lean in while the others are occupied, whispering to Donnie, “So, ten dollars, which one of them tops?” and laughing when he chokes. You catch Leo’s eyes and give him a devious grin, spying him look to Donnie with a curiously blank look before shifting to a catty smile of his own when he looks back to you
“One portal home for a lovely lady,” Leo says as he steps through, his face going a little flat when he looks over your shoulder to Donnie behind you.
Leo is… astonishingly quiet for a moment, his face blank of anything for you to read as he stares at the piece hard. Then he looks up at you, and you see an unusually capable person that doesn’t feel like your best friend, even as much as it feels like the real Leonardo, here for the first time for you to see.
[Vi talking] “I don’t… I don’t like keeping secrets. Or lying. Not from people I care about.” 
The weight of Leo’s eyes is almost physical. It makes you remember that he’s asked you to keep secrets, and your eyes snap to his, wondering if that’s the reason why he’s gone still like this. “I—I haven’t told anyone. About the ninja thing, or the Krang thing. I’d never—”
“I know,” Leo interrupts, threading his hand through your hair so he can cup your nape and press your forehead to his own. “I trust you.” You release a sigh of relief, nodding. “I’m just… thinking it might be time for us to repay that back.” 
You blink, gaze darting between his eyes. “I don’t… what do you mean?”
“We’re a pretty close-knit family. There’s a lot of… baggage. A lot of history. A lot of stuff we haven’t told you. And it’s… it’s starting to feel a little disrespectful,” he says, looking a bit displeased. “You’re one of us. It’s only fair.”
We all know about the constant comments Leo makes about being Vi's "favorite turtle" and "best friend" in front of the others/in the group chat. He talks in Chapter 22 about purposefully draping himself across her and pulling her close, hugging her, scenting her, touching her in front of Donnie to piss Donnie off. But there's all these other little things that seemed so innocent at the time and now I'm losing my mind wondering about each of them, wondering - is that something he did with malicious intent? How many nice things were ONLY done to piss off Donnie? There are so many times that he compliments her - for example:
“What? I can’t compliment my bestie and her fine legs?” Leo coos, reaching over and flicking your nose gently.
“Leonardo,” Donnie warns, folding his arms.
And I remember, during my second read through after I finished Chapter 20, being so happy and grateful that Leo was pretty consistently giving her compliments, because she deserves to be complimented and taken care of and loved, because she deserves good friends who hype her up, and this WHOLE TIME-
(Side note - that time that Leo complains she smells like Donnie's lab, he shoves her away and she falls to the floor. First read, it's just Leo being playful. Second read, I wonder... is that a little bit of his frustration getting out of him in a physical way? He shoved her to the fucking floor, and then, once Donnie shows up, Leo pats the cushion next to him for Vi to sit by him. Then he wraps his arm around her and pulls her in close to smell her. But that's only after Donnie shows up.)
When Mikey takes Vi's So-Shell profile picture -> “Wha—?” you start, only to feel Leo leaning in to smoosh his cheek against yours, the distinct feeling of bunny ears brushing the back of your skull. Once again, this is in front of Donnie. Plus it's for her profile picture, so that means every time Donnie sees her So-Shell profile he'll see Leo in the picture, too. Leo was also famously the first like on her first So-Shell post and gets her to always leave nice comments/emojis on his thirst traps.
When she comes to the Lair to practice with her viola, Leo offers up HIS room first, and only once she declines does he -> “Ugh, fine, you are so boring,” he says, and removing his arm, he shoves at your shoulders hard and pushes you through the portal. (Pushing her onto the floor, pushing her through the portal... he's kind of rough with her in the beginning, and I figured it was just because he's haha silly funny turtle man, physical comedy, joking around whatever but... again I wonder. Is he letting himself be a little rough as a way to express his true feelings?)
God, all these little things that... might have an ulterior motive and might not.
It's around the time Vi gets bruised up by that guy at the coffee shop that Leo seems to start actually acting like a real friend, in my opinion. “…You don’t even get how incredible you are, do you?” he asks, causing you to roll your eyes. “You seriously don’t see it.” 
The very next chapter he gets a glimpse of her being anxious over not being able to play, while she notices that he looks tired, invites him to listen to music and lets him sleep on her back, and in that chapter it says: you sit, quiet, letting him use you. My second read through, this line hit me hard because I KEPT noticing that she really does nothing but GIVE and I feel like she's constantly doing things to be useful to others. And now, as I'm skimming through a third time, it turns out that... yeah. Yeah. He was fucking using her. In Chapter 22, Leo says "then you reach out and touch me in a way no one has. You’ve helped me, even though I was just using you" and I'm thinking this is the moment that that really started. When she first let him sleep on her. And that's also the first time he churrs with her. After that, he gets her really nice sushi, and she thinks he's guilty for drooling all over for her, but I think maybe he was guilty because he's starting to realize how nice she is and how shitty it is that he's using her like that, even though he does continue those manipulative behaviors.
He sighs, his face going openly affectionate. “…You’re so…” 
What he thinks you are, you don’t know, as he chooses instead to pull you into a hug. You go easily, seeking the comfort of his embrace, hoping he can feel in your arms that you truly do mean what you said. 
“You know, instead of sorry, you should say—” Leo says, though as his face gets close to your throat, his mouth snaps shut and he goes still in a manner that reminds you a little of Donnie. 
“…Leo?” you ask, going to pull back from the hug to look into his face only to feel his hands go tight on your back, holding you close while he dips his beak to your skin and inhales. When he does pull back, he’s got a look of shock on his face that he quickly schools into something more neutral, but barely. 
This is where he smells Donnie on you for the first time, and the guilt he was starting to feel, the actual genuine affection he was developing for her, may have then been interrupted/overshadowed by his anger.
Vi was right to say she isn't gonna go back and examine every detail, because it's so fucking MUDDY! There are glimpses of true softness from him sprinkled throughout with him ALSO still hanging over her and doing shit that pisses Donnie off on purpose. And then of course the scene with Leo in the kitchen when he scares her, where we get the first big glimpse into his true anger about the whole situation, where we see him being sharp and cutting and dismissive and- I'm not going to paste in that whole scene, but he's so, so, SO angry. When she has that visceral, terrified reaction, he feels so bad (I do think he was genuinely, truly horrified that he scared her), but then he finds out that Vi and Donnie are (as far as Vi is aware) dating, followed by her telling him that Donnie misses touching his brothers, misses hugs, followed by Leo deciding to tell Vi about all the family secrets... so he's wrestling with this rage and jealousy, but he's also starting to really accept her as family (I think, since he shared the info about the Krang, about Lou Jitsu, about Casey, since he asked for her help)...
It kills me that, after that, he saw her trying so hard to help, like when she went to the library and got books on PTSD and fell asleep taking notes and she wakes up with a blanket covering her and a little blue heart on a note - he saw her doing that, on top of everything else she CONSTANTLY does for other people, for his family, and HE STILL, EVEN AFTER THAT, DOES SHIT THAT'S MANIPULATIVE. THE 4TH OF JULY PARTY, FOR EXAMPLE. “What she said,” Leo purrs, his fingers fluttering on your stomach as his eyes cut off to the side. He has a sharp look to his features that you’re a bit too drunk to dissect, so you just ignore it. He HAS to be looking at Donnie, here.
(Side note - we still don't know what Leo was doing when Vi was in the shower getting ready for the party... if anything. Maybe he really was eating cookies.)
It's at the end of the party that he smells sex on Vi, I think, for the first time. And the following chapter is when he starts avoiding Vi, and she goes to confront him and he says he's "Thinking about things. About what I want.” And THAT'S when he finally stops his bullshit. Ch 22 - "I stopped. Completely. After we talked in my room.”
I'm still working on fully re-reading Chapters 17+ until I make it back up to 22 and putting more thoughts into that post, but. Dear God. Sam is a genius and I'm so angry at myself. I had been so confused and angry with Donnie, when in reality he truly DID NOT KNOW about the misunderstanding between him and Vi. Meanwhile, as I'm fawning over Leo and so happy Vi has him and so grateful he's been such a good friend to her... he was the one using her, this whole time. I cannot believe it. I'm SICK with rage. I can't imagine how Vi could possibly... I can't... FUCK dude
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mushangaa · 7 months
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2024/02 (full view 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7) Next
Decided it would be better to throw this in it's own post - and relined the speech bubbles and text while I was at it because the scanner really ate those a bit too much I think (along with some shading lol) Just a mini comic of my sillies entering the @tmntaucompetition
Just for context because for this short sequence I figured setting up the environment was a bit too much/complicated and it's more about vibes and expressions and them talking but the whole fam is talking to each other from different levels of the farmhouse. So it's like the house has three levels: basement area, main floor and 1st story. The rooms of the house wrap around the central hallway which has like an atrium style deal going on in the middle that connects all the floors (stairwell is in the back, that fenced off area is just for light basically) and this is were the little ones run to to communicate the news to the rest of the family, because I really just like the idea of them being on different levels and talking up 'n down via this lil area. Raph, Frida and Donnie are in the basement area, Donnie has his lab/workshop down there and is busy and they have a training area there too which is where Frida n Raph are. The living room were splinter is, is naturally on the main floor so he just walks up to his youngest. F!Leo and P!Leo are both up on the 1st floor in their respective rooms initially but F!Leo also walks out to join the convo at the atrium fence.
Aside from that... the funny thing is the main comic is not even out yet but while drawing this i was already mentally right in this story and I need to draw faster yo. Timeline wise this would be somewhen later because Winter is technically still a good bit away from the beginning of the story and I already wanna be there just saying. The main story starts Spring/beginning of Summer tho so... mhm.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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It kinda goes in order like this for who gets along with who the most:
Raph —> softest for April, Mikey, Donnie, Leo
Leo—> softest for Mikey, Donnie, April, Raph
Mikey —> softest for Donnie, Raph, Leo, April
Donnie —> softest for Leo, Mikey, Raph, April (April will eventually move to share the #1 spot with Leo lol)
April —> softest for Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Leo
Although this order can change pretty often, depending on things like who ate the last pop tart, only to leave the empty box in the pantry, and sometimes multiple siblings can share a rank spot lol. It is more complicated than I could put in a simple graph. They very much each have their own special type of relationship with one another, but this is kinda the basic dynamics for anyone wondering.
When the three bros have finally all reunited with the fam there’s an immediate period of a couple months where Raph and April patrol on their own, because Donnie obviously isn’t ready for that. So Leo has to stay behind to watch him, and Mikey has to stay behind and act as mediator, because the two can rile each other up if left alone. From the get go, Leo seems to only truly enjoy spending time with Mikey. He grudgingly respects Raph (despite the two butting heads so often), tolerates Splinter and is polite to April, but Donnie just presses all of his buttons, some that Leo wasn’t even aware existed to be pushed!!
And sure, Leo was instrumental in bringing Donnie home, and he’s happy he’s safe with them, and not with Draxum anymore, but HE DRIVES LEO NUTS. If he had hair, he’d be bald from yanking it out in frustration. Unfortunately for him, Mikey is constantly trying to make Donnie join in on the ‘brother bonding’ so Leo has to learn how to keep his frustration in check, if he doesn’t wanna hear Mikey whine. But once Leo starts to pay more attention to the way Donnie acts, it’s obvious that he’s not actually trying to pick a fight for the sake of it, like Leo first thought…more just the simple fact that Donnie wants Leo’s attention and doesn’t know how to ask for it. So Leo takes a page out of Mikey’s book and starts initiating things on his end, and finds that as a result, Donnie doesn’t go as hard with the antics.
One weird thing though, that Leo does notice. No matter how much attention Donnie seems intent on soaking up from him, the only person who ever gets to actually see Donnie’s new tech is Mikey. When Leo asks to get a look at the thing Donnie’s spent the better part of the afternoon rambling about, Donnie claims it’s still in beta—then he says the same thing the next three times Leo asks. Leo’s almost given up, when Donnie seems to relent and presents him with said tech, but he’s clearly jittery and beyond scared of something as he hands it over. When Leo asks if he’s okay, and Donnie haltingly begs Leo not to break it if he doesn’t like it—promises if it’s lacking in any way, he can upgrade it!—and Leo’s heart breaks a bit instead. So Leo maybe goes a bit overboard with the praise—feels a bit ridiculous, but it’s worth it when Donnie just lights up. From then on Leo gets first look at anything, and eventually, Donnie starts showing the rest of the family his tech as well. He even starts making them gifts clearly meant to make their lives easier (Over the years, Splinter and Raph did what they could with the lair, but Donnie really outfits it, until it’s eventually up to the same level as it is in the show). They’re not always wins, but when that is the case, the brothers always try and insist that next time whatever Donnie makes will be so cool.
As for Mikey seeking comfort, it depends on what he’s looking for. If he’s looking for advice on something, he goes to Leo or April. If he’s looking for emotional support or physical comfort or even just a sounding board it’s Raph or Donnie. Mikey is the baby, so he gets spoiled by his big bros and sis. But Leo and Donnie are probably the worst with it. And it’s even worse than in the show as far as them all being overprotective, but instead of being frustrated with it like canon, Mikey just eats it up and thinks it’s hilarious, because he knows he could easily kill anyone who would ever try anything with him.
They all kind of takes turns doing the whole “protectively standing ominously behind the sibling in the middle of the conflict, and giving the aggressor murder eyes over their shoulder”
As the protectee: Donnie and Raph would be totally oblivious (but when they did discover it Donnie would be “aw that’s so sweet” while Raph would be “YoU WERE DoinG WHaT??!”). Mikey as stated—just stands there smiling innocently as if daring the attacker to try it and see what state his siblings would leave them in, and April and Leo would just be sighing and trying to get the conflict resolved before there’s a fight they’d have to break up.
As the protector: Donnie and April are the most ready for violence (see Snow Day lol) with Raph sometimes being another one who’s ready to throw hands a little too quickly over nothing. Mikey and Raph are the loudest and most aggressive, Leo is by far the scariest.
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@ebbz99 Leo is probably the most resentful, with Mikey being a silent second—never admitting it out loud like Leo can during the worst of his fights with Raph. Because the two of them have more solid memories of the day they got taken and how differently things could’ve gone. Donnie never had that peaceful life snatched from him, so he’s more wistful than anything, thinking about how different he would be if he got to grow up with Splinter as his father. But he would never wish one of his other brothers had been in his place. In fact, once Draxum discovered Mikey’s location he’d often threaten Three that he could go collect Mikey and put him through the same tests and training, if Three didn’t behave and follow his orders. He made Three believe that as long as he complied he’d leave Mikey alone—Three never knew that Draxum didn’t have the resources to follow through with his threats.
But no matter how much the bros can sometimes be resentful/jealous of Raph, it’s nothing compared to the constant guilt Raph deals with on his end.
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Leo is more likely to spit fire and rage than cry, but if he does ever feel tears coming on he takes off into the sewer tunnels or goes somewhere where he can slice something up. Donnie cries pretty easily since his emotions are always going haywire at the drop of a hat, but tries to laugh it off and insist everything’s fine. Mikey feels most comfortable crying alone at night, under his covers. If he is ever caught crying, he’ll always try and turn the situation on the other person by asking how they’re doing. He can actually be sneakily manipulative, so it often works, except with April and Leo.
Raph has a pretty hard time sharing when he’s hurt or upset, just from all that aforementioned guilt. He thinks that he has no room to be sad about anything, when his brothers are dealing with such heavy problems. He will go to April and Splinter if he gets to the point where he’s so stressed out he feels himself start to shut down, but he practically begs them not to say anything. He promises that he’s fine, now that he’s calmed, and had some time to untangle his thoughts, and he’s pretty convincing. It’s his job to be the port in the storm that his brothers can rely on, and in battle especially, this constant way of thinking has him putting himself in harm’s way without a care to his own well being. He’s such a naturally strong pillar that nobody really notices he’s having such a rough go of it—Raph is their tank, he’s practically built to take hits and walk away like it’s nothing, and most of the time he does.
It’s the emotional toll and burn out that takes him down in the end. When the rest of the boys finally have their eyes opened to how much Raph is struggling, they try their best to make him realize that he’s not doing them any favors by keeping all his emotions bottled up. It’s a little bit of a rough and awkward talk since none of them, except Mikey have any experience with unpacking emotions, but they do get their point across.
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munsonfamilyband · 3 months
I'm in the mood to give Steve good parents so fuck it, here we go.
Steve's dad, I always name him Richard, was lower middle class growing up, he wasn't poor but he also wasn't anywhere near his mom, Elizabeth. Betsy was the child of Italian immigrants (I personally love the idea they're Sicilian) and her dad had managed to open a thriving business when he first emigrated. She grew up wealthy, but her parents always made sure that their children knew that they weren't special - experiencing the discrimination her parents went through as immigrants definitely helped with making that message stick.
She was a cheerleader in High School but she also worked on the school newspaper and worked as a camp counselor during the summers. Steve's dad was a mathlete and head of the debate club. They met when Betsy approached him for an interview for a recent debate success.
Betsy was best friends with Sue Anderson (she was a bridesmaid in her wedding to Charles Sinclair) and friendly with both Karen Childress and Joyce Moldano until Karen started ditching them to hang out with her "boyfriend" Ted Wheeler (both Sue and Betsy tried to get her to see that he was much too old but she wouldn't listen). Joyce was a more complicated falling out that happened slowly as Lonnie Byers started showing interest and then started isolating her from all of her friends. Betsy still sent a gift to Karen, both for her and her new baby, when she found out that Karen had given birth. She also went to Joyce personally with lasagna when she heard about Lonnie running out of town.
Rich was best friends with Donnie Henderson, pushing him to pursue Claudia Yount when they were juniors, going on double dates with them when he and Betsy got together (after she got sick of his longing looks that he thought he was hiding and wasn't so she asked him when he was taking her on a date). He and Charles Sinclair were mathletes together and he gave Betsy tips to pass along to Sue when she had spilled that her friend had a crush on him. Rich had always been friendly with Jim Hopper Jr. but he was also friends with the Munson brothers and they didn't seem to like him that much. Wayne seemed nicer so on one occasion Rich tried to approach him and ask if he had done something to offend them, but Wayne had been two years older than him at the time and just scoffed and told him to run home to daddy.
(Years later he found out that Al had told Wayne that Rich had said something rude to him about being trailer trash. He only said that because he had been pissed seeing Rich sit with Lizzie Franklin at lunch, having forgotten that they were on the debate team together, nevermind the fact that almost everyone knew that Rich was gone on Betsy Lombardi.)
Betsy loved to read, and when Steve was little she would read to him all the time. (It's part of why they missed Steve's dyslexia.) As he got slightly older she started reading her favorite fairy tales to him, and then eventually when he asked for something new she broke out the Hobbit and they would cuddle up in his race car bed and she would read until he fell asleep.
Rich loved sci fi, any kind he could get his hands on. He would record episodes of Star Trek and he and Steve would sit on the couch together on Saturdays and spend all afternoon and night watching it together. When the first Star Wars came out he and Steve went together to go see it, then made them both lightsabers out of cardboard when they got home. Betsy would find them in the basement wearing blankets secured with safety pins like robes and dueling with their lightsabers. She managed to get it on tape once.
When Steve got to middle school his parents couldn't avoid the travel they needed to do for work any longer. Betsy went out and got them a very expensive cell phone and made sure to put the number on the fridge so Steve could see it and call anytime he needed them. They also made sure to call at least every other night, but in the early years it was often every night and only got less frequent when Steve got to high school.
They sent him little gifts from wherever they were staying, Steve getting a package at least once per trip. Sometimes it had candies and snacks, sometimes it was figurines and magnets, sometimes they even sent him clothing they thought he would like (Betsy keeps his measurements updated regularly so they can send him things that fit).
As Steve got older he went through the period of feeling embarrassed by how close he was to his parents, so he often didn't tell people about them other than saying that they weren't home often.
When he went through the events of '83, he managed to hold out for 3 days of not wanted to bother his parents before he called and begged for one of them to come home. Steve knew contracts, and he knew that the NDA the government made him sign wasn't legally binding without his parents there, so he could tell them everything. His parents were home a day later and he fell into his mom's arms and told them everything. The following year he was too out of it in the hospital from the concussion Billy gave him to properly give his parents number. When he got home, after Hopper refused to let him out of his sight for 4 days, he was able to call them and his mom rushed home, arriving that same day. A similar thing happened after the mall fire in '85 except his parents had been called by Sue about the fire so Steve never managed to call. When they arrived at the hospital it was only Steve and Robin, who they loved instantly.
When they heard about the earthquake on the news, they both immediately got on a flight home. Only, that was finally when everyone else learned about them because Steve's room was very full. Betsy had tunnel vision and ran to Steve's bedside, petting his hair while he blinked awake, while Rich went to Robin and pulled her into a tight hug that she returned without hesitation. Everyone else in the room was completely confused by these two people's appearance until Robin introduced them, so Steve could sleep again.
A month or so later Steve came to them, clearly nervous, and explained that while he did like girls he also liked boys and he might have a boyfriend, maybe? Betsy and Rich glanced at each other for just one moment of eye contact before they both stood and pulled Steve into a group hug. They reassured him that they loved him and just want him to be safe, then they demanded to meet this boy that has Steve so flustered.
Later that week they were reintroduced to Eddie, who had been unconscious when they had come to the hospital. Instantly they adored him. Rich and he had a long conversation about Star Trek and rock music, Eddie even giving Rich some recommendations for some metal that he might like. Betsy somehow had an even longer conversation about Lord of the Rings and she even grabbed a notepad when he started explaining Dungeons and Dragons to her. Steve was definitely jealous that his parents were taking up all of his time with Eddie but he was also so glad they liked him, and very clearly approved of him.
When Eddie went to the Harringtons years later and mentioned wanting to ask Steve to illegally marry him, Betsy burst into tears and grabbed Eddie in a bone crushing hug. Rich clearly had tears in his eyes and clapped a hand on Eddie's shoulder and told him they whenever they did it, wherever they did it, they would happily be there and would love to be involved in planning however they could.
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Something that I have kind of been thinking about are all the various dynamics that Big Mama seems to have with the Hamato Clan.
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Leo: Just the spider I was coming to gloat to.
Big Mama: I am not one to be outmanoeuvred my turtle boo. Well done. 
With Leo it almost seems as though Big Mama has possibly been set up as a foil for Leo, with Leo being the member of the Hamato Clan that was able to outmanoeuvre Big Mama in the episode 'Many Unhappy Returns' & was able to see through Big Mama's deceit in the episode 'Bug Busters'.
Something that I have seen a few people talk about are the possible parallels between Big Mama & Leo as they are both able to twist situations into something in their own favour, however they also contrast each other as Big Mama seems to be primarily motivated for her own gain while Leo is motivated by trying to keep his family safe.
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Splinter: From you, as we tangoed the night away.
With Splinter, Big Mama has a complicated history as exes, with Big Mama having betrayed Splinter's trust & forced him to fight in the Battle Nexus however their relationship also seems slightly more complicated in the fact that they possibly seem to still have some kind of feelings for one another as in the episode 'The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek' it's shown that Big Mama kept a photo of them & Splinter went to retrieve the photo & towards the end of the episode 'Battle Nexus New York' Splinter attempted to save Big Mama from the Shredder & in the final episode of Rise, Big Mama did seem to help the Turtles find where the Shredder had taken Splinter & Draxum.
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Big Mama: We both know my train is the only way to secretly move your cargo to the shrine.
Draxum: And I’m paying a heavy price for not asking questions
With Draxum, Big Mama has been portrayed as both a sort of rivals Draxum having originally taken Lou Jitsu from her in the episode 'Goyle, Goyles, Goyles' & Big Mama has tried to use Draxum's oozesquitoes for her Battle Nexus in the episode 'Bug Busters', however they are also kind of portrayed as bussiness partners as well as in the episode 'Insane in the Mama Train' Draxum was also the one who gave Big Mama the orb she needed for her Battle Nexus New York plan & Big Mama was the one who gave Draxum the opportunity to transport the Dark Armour creating the impression that Big Mama & Draxum will work together if it benefits them but will double cross each other if there is more to gain.
Something I kind of wonder about however is what their dynamic would be like after Draxum's redemption.
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Donnie: I have only one question. How dare you?
With Donnie their dynamic seems to be Donnie showing a dislike towards Big Mama whenever they interact with each other whether due to Donnie still holding a grudge over Big Mama trying to use him & betraying his trust in the episode 'Bug Busters' or that Donnie is simply just generally upset at everything Big Mama has done to his family but something that I think is kind of interesting is that Donnie might possibly be the Turtle that almost kind of seems to show his dislike towards Big Mama the most out of the Hamato Clan.
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Big Mama: You did your part so I will do mine
Something I also kind of think about is Big Mama's Assistant being one of the missing Turtle siblings meaning Big Mama kind of technically raised a member of the Hamato Clan which kind of makes me wonder how it would affect Big Mama's other dynamics with the rest of the Hamato Clan if they knew who Big Mama's Assistant was.
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Raph: Heh.. uh… H-Hi..Big Mama.
Big Mama: Hello turtley boo
With Raph when Big Mama interacts with him in the episode 'Raph's Ride Along', Big Mama seems to act amused towards Raph while Raph seems to act nervous around her, this could possibly be due to what was going on during the episode however this could also be a glimpse into their dynamic of Raph possibly being intimidated by Big Mama due to knowing that she is dangerous & Big Mama simply being amused by Raph as she doesn't seem to view him as a threat to her.
Something that I kind of wonder about is what Big Mama's dynamic could have possibly been like with Mikey & April if we could have seen them interact properly with each other.
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Hi I love your art it has so much emotion and detail! But I was wandering if the turtles from 2018 will learn about the 2012 love interests, and what would be their reactions?
Thank you! I try my best to put as much raw emotion into the pictures as possible!
So the Donnie-April-Casey love triangle disaster has been brought up a few times in the comic (mostly as a joke)
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The first time it’s brought up is Colliding Worlds part 2, where the Donnies find Rise Leo, 12 Casey and April. Donnie and Casey throw each other’s their favorite insults (Gap Tooth and Cave Mouth) hinting at the tension between them and April. Leo and Donnie definitely acknowledge the tension as Rise Donnie then says:
“Not to intrude on your conversation that is apparently of extreme importance, but perhaps we could pick this up any other time!?”
The next time their love triangle is mentioned is in Eye of the Storm Part 2, where if you look closely you can see this interesting little scene while the others are recapping the book so far.
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Later in Eye of the Storm part 3, you can see that Rise Casey has taken notice to the 12 Casey and Donnie’s tense relationship.
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He asks why Casey and Donnie dislike each other so much, but is cut off with a harsh “No.”
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A few pages after, Rise Casey sees 12 Casey flirting with April and Donnie walking in very upset. Rise Casey sees what’s going on a puts it together out loud, to which 12 Raph says:
“‘Love Triangle’ makes it sound so romantic. It’s more like what happens when you add water to hot oil.”
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And of course in the most recent update, you see while the 12 boys are hugging it out, Casey and April flirt, April asking “What’cha thinking about Jones?” And Casey delivering the corniest one liner, “A red and yellow sunset.” (Give Casey a break, his two brain cells worked really hard to think that one up!)
As for Leo, There’s some scrapped dialogue from Retribution Part 1 where the Leo-Karai debacle was going to be brought up.
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As you some of you probably noticed, Rise Leo is accidentally quoting Karai. In some of the ideas for the dialogue, it looked something like this:
R!Leo: You always talk to yourself when you’re alone?
12Leo: Ka-L-Leo? *sigh* Gosh you sound like my sister…
R!Leo: Wait! You have a sister!?
12Leo: uh…well um, it‘s…kinda complicated…
Later on the next page:
12Leo: thanks…I…I needed that…
R!Leo: Hey! I’m just returning the favor! But, by the way, you seem really awkward talking about your sister, you didn’t like accidentally fall in love with her because she was adopted by your enemy and so thought she wasn’t related to you and you thought she’s super hot, right?
12Leo: … … …
R!Leo: WHAT!? Wait Seriously!? That was like the stupidest thing I could come up with!! Ohmigosh that’s priceless! What’s she like? Is she super into martial arts? Is she hot? Is she-
R!Leo: *snicker-snicker* (so he still likes her, lol)
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As for Raph’s relationship with Mona Lisa, I’ve posted this concept Art before, but I’ll post it again. Mona was meant to appear earlier(probably somewhere in Corrupted Logic) however, that was scrapped, and while I would like to put her in later, I don’t think it would work.
I do, however plan on doing some shorts that’ll go in the back of the comic, much like the holiday specials I’ve done and the Behind the Scenes Potty Mouths short. I really REALLY love Ramona and I think if any of the ships get a special, it’s that one.
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Mikey and Renet or Shinigami(whichever you were thinking of I guess) haven’t been mentioned at all. I don’t plan on either of them showing up or it really being mentioned at all. Sorry Mike.
The vast majority of the romance(what little there is) in the comic, is played out in the background, as I don’t want it to take the stage as the main focus. The plot is not about the Donnie-April-Casey love triangle or whatever the heck is going on with Leo and Karai, it’s about the turtles defeating the Krang and learning to work with their counterparts and be a better team along the way. So sorry if it’s a little hard to spot/doesn’t exist in the canon, lol
Good question! :]
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tangledinink · 1 year
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Chapter Eleven of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is here!!! The gang's got a new lead, and the first step is to re-group and re-plan... which is a little difficult given their current, uh, whole situation. But they'll be fine, probably! Read it on ao3 or below the cut!
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After drafting and deleting seven different texts to the quote-unquote "Mad Dogz" group chat that did not even come close to summarizing the conversation she just had, April finally gave up, instead just texting, "where is everyone???? emergency huddle asap"
Not more than fifteen seconds after she sent that off, her phone started buzzing with a call from Raph. Y’know, she wasn't sure what she had expected.
 "Are you okay? What's goin' on?" Raph demanded the second she picked up the call, and she had to bite back a breathless, shaky little laugh. She knew it wasn't nice, and that he was just wound up and worried, but she was still just buzzing from the conversation she had just had with Sunita. It wasn't him, she was just-- overwhelmed. In a good way?
"I'm fine! I'm fine. It's-- it's a good emergency, I swear. Where are you?"
"I just ducked outta class. I'm on the third floor. Where we meetin'?"
"Okay. Uh. Head towards the south stairwell, and I'll figure out where the others are and we'll go from there." 
"Raph's got it! See ya soon."
April ended the call, heading off in the direction of their agreed rendezvous point with hurried steps, struggling to find an appropriate pace. She fought the urge to sprint through the halls, knowing that this was just going to bring unwanted attention her way... but every bit of her body was absolutely alight with energy. The exhaustion from earlier had melted away. Her entire circulatory system had all been replaced with adrenaline, and she was just shining, all lit up in every sense. 
Things were gonna be okay. Things were gonna be okay. Things were gonna be okay.
Raph beat her to the stairwell, and April was thrilled because there was no way she could stand to sit around and wait for anything right now. The second the door to the stairwell was closed behind her, and they were away from any prying eyes, her carefully measured steps turned into an ecstatic bounce-and-hop motion, closing the small gap between the two of them with an excited squeak as she threw her arms around her brother and squeezed him as tight as she possibly could.
"Whoa," Raph blinked in surprise, shifting slightly to correct his footing and prevent his older sister from straight-up tripping over him. "Did somethin' happen?"
"YES!" April exclaimed. "Yes, yes, yes! It's-- it's a really long story and I really really wanna tell you absolutely everything right now but it's gonna be so much easier to wait until we have everyone even though it is killing me but it's-- it's good! Raph, I think everything is gonna work out!!!"
Her cheeks ached from grinning.
"It's not simple or anything, but I just-- I really, really, really think things might actually end up being okay." 
His expression wasn't quite readable to her-- it was somewhere between excited and confused and hesitant, with stress and exhaustion coloring it all, but it was still the best expression she had seen on him in over two weeks and it made all the hair on her body stand up with goosebumps and just.
She wanted her dumb extended family back together and happy again so so so bad.
"Wha--?! April, you can't just say that and then not explain nothin'--!" Raph protested, and April shook out her hands, flicking her wrists back and forth as if to shake away the excess energy.
"I know! I know, I promise I'll explain everything! We just gotta get the rest of the guys first! It's really complicated... did anyone else text back yet?"
"Uhhh..." Raph fished his phone out of his pocket, and his eyes immediately bugged out of his head. Oooh, that can't be good. April leaned over to see.
[ Mikey: principals office :p i can prbly sneak out tho
Donnie: I'm currently occupying Supply Closet 33C, located on the left side of the second floor of the East Wing. It is labeled as such on the school's blueprints.
Leo: lmao wtf y'all
Leo: im on the roof tho ]
"WHAT THE--!?"
"Oh my god," April groaned, burying her face in her hands.
"It's-- it's fine! We can go get 'em, it'll be fine!"
"RAPH!" April grabbed the other's shoulders, shaking him briefly. "Chill! It's fine. Okay? We'll kick their asses later. Let's just go collect them first and get out of here, okay? Way bigger fish to fry, remember?"
He groaned loudly, tilting his head back, biting his lip, all but sulking with his arms crossed over his chest. "... Fine."
Thank god. Raph may be a dumbass sometimes, but he was way more reasonable than he let on... usually. April sighed softly, offering a fist to bump.
"Come on. Team Big Sibling?"
"Yeah... okay. Team Big Sibling. Let's go bail those knuckleheads out."
Raph watched the cup fall, but he still jumped and winced at the sound of ceramic shattering on the ground.
“Oops,” Leo said. Suddenly he didn’t want to be standing on the counter quite so bad anymore, and quickly scuttled his way back down.
“Leo!” Raph huffed in annoyance, immediately on his feet. “I told you you were gonna knock somethin’ over!”
“Yeah, but I wanted to--”
“Raph doesn’t wanna hear it! Go get a broom or somethin’ so we can clean it up before Dad sees!” Raphael insisted, all but shooing his brother away. Leo groaned loudly, rolling his eyes and scowling, but obeyed regardless, running off to go and retrieve the requested tool. Raph huffed, moving to begin cleaning up the evidence of the crime… this was one of Dad’s favorite mugs. Hopefully, he didn’t hear the shattering glass from the back garden with Mikey. Mikey was pretty loud. With any luck, this secret would die with them.
“... How do you do that?” April questioned after a moment, tilting her head to the side, leaning over the side of the couch as she observed the exchange from the living room.
Raph paused slightly, his brows furrowing. “Do what?”
“Get ‘em to listen to you like that.” 
“Oh,” Raph said. “Well, they don’t always listen to me.”
“Yeah, but they do when you really want ‘em to.”
Raph frowned a little, considering this for a moment before shrugging. “Because I’m the biggest, I guess.”
April laughed, “Like you’ll beat them up if they don’t do what you say?”
“No!” Raph protested. “... Well, I mean, yeah, kinda. But also ‘cause I’m the big brother! They have to.”
“‘Cause. Dad said I’m in charge when he’s not here. I’m responsible, and all that other junk,” he explained proudly.
“Well, like, yeah, but why? Why do you gotta be the responsible one just ‘cause you were born first?”
“Uh… I dunno. I guess just ‘cause they’re littler and they don’t know as much stuff yet,” he said. 
“But Donnie is really smart. He knows lots of stuff.”
“He wins at the trivia games every single time we play. And Scrabble!”
Raph hesitated a bit, shrugging a little as he picked up pieces of ceramic off the floor. “I guess there’s stuff that they know that I don’t. But I still gotta take care of ‘em and protect them and stuff. It’s just what big brothers do. It’s our job.” 
“You can’t have a job,” April said with a snort. “You’re eight.”
“Yeah, but I want to,” he said. “... I like taking care of ‘em and stuff. I dunno. Maybe you just do that when you’re born first. Automatically. Like, just ‘cause they’re littler. And so you wanna keep them safe and make sure no one hurts them and nothing bad happens or anything.”
April narrowed her eyes slightly behind her glasses, and Raph looked slightly to the side.
“And I kinda like getting to tell them what to do sometimes!”
April laughed, and this time Raph joined her. “Well, sometimes they deserve it!” He insisted, tossing the mug pieces in the trash, taking care to drop them in such a way that they would fall down to the bottom and not be visible from the top. As biggest brother, he knew by now how to destroy evidence. He flopped back over onto the couch with April once he was done, jostling her slightly, leaning into her on purpose as he did so. She squealed in response, pushing him back, and the two shoved and pushed in between giggles for a moment before they finally settled in a heap across the cushions, sort of splayed out across one another and staring up at the ceiling. 
April breathed in deep before giving a very soft sigh.
“I wish I was a big sister.”
Raph glanced over at the other, hesitating a moment before he spoke up again.
“You kinda are, though.”
She paused, moving to meet his eyes with a look of surprise.
“You think so?”
“Well. Yeah! I mean. We hang out all the time,” Raph said, shrugging. “And you come to our house after school. And we go to your house on the weekends. And you eat dinner with us sometimes, and we do sleepovers, and we have all our birthdays together… And they listen to you, too, when you want ‘em too. And you know how to talk with Donnie, and you keep an eye on Mikey, and you laugh at Leo’s jokes--”
“I’m not being nice! I really do think they’re funny!”
“-- so I think that basically counts, probably.”
April wrinkled her nose up with thought.
“Does that mean you’re not the biggest brother?”
“Wait, what!?” Raph floundered for a moment, rolling back over onto his stomach so he could face April properly. “No! Raph’s the biggest brother!” He couldn’t not be the biggest brother! He had always been the biggest brother! It was his job to look after his little brothers, to always protect them and take care of them and make sure they were safe. That was what Raph did! And he was good at it!
“But you can’t be the biggest if I’m your sister!” April argued. “I’m seven months older than you are!”
“Yeah but-- but that’s different!”
“Why? You just said I’m a big sister.”
“Yeah, but, I meant, like… like to everyone else!”
“So I’m not your sister?”
“No! I mean-- you are-- but--” Raph screwed up his face. “I still wanna be the big brother, April! You can’t just un-biggest me!”
April frowned, looking the other up and down, considering for a moment, before she finally sighed.
“Okay, fine. I guess we can probably both be the big siblings together, then. Deal?”
Raph sighed in relief, flopping down on the couch again and extending his hand.
After assuring their little brothers that they were on their way, Raph and April had started on the journey towards the Principal's office to retrieve the littlest Hamato, taking care to dodge any hall monitors, faculty, or staff, and intensely plotting their rescue mission as they went.
"Alright, and you're sure that you can do a believable impression of Hugh Jackman?"
"Yeah, of course I can!" Raph blustered. "I mean... how hard can it be? It'll be over the phone anyway. You know stuff always sounds weird over the phone."
"Raph, come on! If we can't get the secretary to go look at her car's check engine light, this plan is never gonna get Mikey out of there!"
"Raph can do it! I swear! And if this doesn't work, we still have the backup plan--"
"No, we don't, remember? I only brought the strawberry chapstick today, my peach-flavored one is at home--"
"What are you guys talking about?" Mikey interrupted, poking his head from around the corner. April and Raph both jumped.
"MIKEY!" Raph yelped, struggling to keep his voice level. "We-- you-- what are you doin' here?! I thought you were in the principal's office!"
"Well yeah, I was, but then I left to come meet you guys!"
"How'd you get out!?" April questioned, and Mikey shrugged.
"Oh, it's easy. You just have to cry hard enough that the receptionist offers to go get you some water, and then you walk out," Mikey explained. "That's what I always do."
"What you always do?!" Raph spluttered. "What do you mean what you always-- what the heck happened, anyway?! Why were you in there in the first place? Are you okay? Did you-- what happened to your hand?!"
Raph wasn't meaning to, uhhh, spiral like this exactly, but they were all valid questions, he was pretty sure! He grabbed his little brother's wrist to examine his knuckles, which were somewhat bloodied, scabbed, and swollen. 
"I'm fine!" Mikey whined in protest, trying to wriggle his way out of his brother's grip. "It's not a big deal--"
"Did you get into a fight?!"
"Calling it a fight might be a little generous,” Mikey muttered, rolling his eyes. “Honestly, Raph, I'm fine! I can take care of myself!" He insisted, squirming away, darting behind April as if to shield himself. Raph was feeling that eye twitch coming back on. ‘Not a big deal!?’ What did he mean, ‘not a big deal!?’ They had talked about this before!!! What if he got hurt!? And this kind of thing went on his permanent record, you know, didn't he understand that they weren't little kids anymore!? He could get into real trouble--
"Can't we talk about this later?" Mikey insisted, holding his hands up to plead, batting his eyes. "Leo and Donnie are still waiting! Remember?"
"Okay, look," April interrupted. "Mikey has a point. Let's get Leo and Donnie first, and then you guys can do your whole... whatever this thing that you’re doing is. Okay?"
Raph groaned, grinding his teeth, scrubbing at his face with his hands. Right. He still had two other little brothers he had to round up... and one of them was on the roof. Aw, man. He swore he could feel himself going gray...
"Fine. But this conversation is not over," he hissed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Where next?"
"Let's go grab Leo," April sighed. "Since he's probably freezing his butt off, and then we'll snag Donnie on our way back down and skip out of here. Sound good?"
"How did Leo get onto the roof?" Mikey questioned, already making his way towards the staircase, the other two following after.
"I. Don't. Know." Raph grit out as they made their way back into the stairwell, heading on up. He had never been up to the roof before-- could they even get up there? Surely they must be able to, given that Leo had gotten up there in the first place, right? He could only assume that the door had locked behind him. He wondered dimly how long he had been up there, wrinkling up his nose with worry. Leo got cold pretty easily... all of them did, actually, it ran in the family, and it wasn't exactly nice outside. Certainly not freezing or anything, but brisk. The last thing they needed was for him to get sick or something...
He picked up the pace, taking two steps at a time. Mikey kept up with ease, and April complained from behind them, lagging somewhat. Sorry, Apes! Little brother to rescue. 
Like most buildings in NYC, their school was big and tall, so it was a little bit of a trek to get to the top of the staircase. Luckily, they had already started about halfway up, and, just as Raph had been hoping, the door did, in fact, open from the inside. Thank god. Raph made a mental note not to let that shut behind them and trap all of them up here.
"Leo!" He called, looking around frantically. He had to be up here, right? They only had one roof? He was almost certain-- wait, what if there was a second roof he didn't know about?! And they were on the wrong roof?!
"Hey, big brother." Leo's voice was a lazy drawl, and he peered from behind the door, where he had been posted up against the wall, just out of sight once the door had swung open. "Took you guys long enough."
Oh good. He was here. He was okay. 
This was ideal because this way Raph could throttle him.
"Leo!" He exclaimed, turning to face him properly. "What are you doin' on the roof?! How long have you been up here!?"
"Uhhh..." Leo had the audacity to check his watch. "I dunno. Like. Four hours?"
"FOUR HOURS?! Leo, it's freezin' up here!"
"It's n-not that b-bad," Leo insisted, giving a wave. "It's, like... peaceful or whatever. I took a n-nap."
"You took a--?! How did you even get up here!? Why didn't you text somebody!?"
"Uhhh..." Leo pursed his lips, tilting his head back, staring up at the sky. He rolled his shoulders, humming softly, shuffling his feet a bit. "... I dunno!"
"You don't--? How can you not--?!"
Raph caught his tongue. He took a long, deep breath, and then sighed in an exhale. He shucked off his flannel so that he could wrap it around his younger brother instead, adding it over top of his hoodie and pulling him inside before he could protest-- dragging him into the building where it was safe and warm, closing the door firmly behind them.
Leo could act and put on airs all he wanted, but it was obvious just from looking at him that he was cold. Raphael wasn't that dumb. He didn't consider himself to be smart, exactly, but he wasn't dumb, either. 'Least not about this stuff.
“Raph, I’m fine, I don’t need--”
"Raph doesn’t wanna hear it. Keep the flannel on, you’re freezing. Come on. Let's go get Donnie."
Raph held the dustpan while Leo swept, repeatedly shifting his position to catch any remnants of broken ceramics that were left behind. 
“Is that all of it?” Leo questioned, leaning over to see, and Raph gave an affirmative nod, getting to his feet and moving to dump the last of the evidence in the garbage can.
“Yep! All set!” Raph affirmed, giving his younger brother a thumbs up. “No one’ll suspect a thing!”
Leo didn’t look so sure. “Yeah, but won’t Dad notice that the mug is missing?”
“Nah, don’t worry about it!” Raph assured, slinging an arm around the other’s shoulder. “We’ll just come up with a cover story. Like. Uhhh. We’ll say someone broke in and stole it or something! Or… well. Raph’ll come up with a plan! Dad’ll never know,” he insisted. He’d have to work on that later. He really wasn’t very good at that kind of thing, and he had no idea what he’d say, but he’d figure it out. He always did! Leo laughed a little bit, wrinkling up his nose with amusement. 
“Are you sure?”
“Course I’m sure!” Raph declared, puffing out his chest a bit. “Don’t worry. Raph has got your back. Even when you’re bein’ stupid.”
It wasn't that Casey didn't understand that the grand mission that her Clan had in the wings demanded sacrifice. She was well aware, and furthermore, perfectly willing to make those sacrifices. She had already made many over the course of her life, and she didn't regret a thing. Her former life, her education, former hobbies... none of that mattered even half as much as the path she was on now. She understood sacrifice. She was willing to sacrifice. 
But dammit, did she always have to be on lookout duty!?
Casey grumbled softly to herself, shifting her weight from foot to foot. She could only sit in one position on this dumb rooftop for so long before her legs started to go to sleep. She had been tempted for over an hour now to take a quick lap around the block, but she didn't dare leave her post. She was tasked with watching the Hamato household-- so watch the Hamato household she would. 
She had been doing this for days now, though it felt like longer, sharing shifts with other recruits of the Foot Clan. Though, of course, now that Jocelyn had been promoted to a full member of the Foot Clan, she would no longer be subject to such menial tasks. Cassandra had nearly broken a tooth this morning when she took over the other’s post-- the last one Jocelyn would ever have to endure-- biting out a strained congratulations to the other through a clenched jaw. Spoiled, stupid, undeserving, bratty little--
Casey was just on the brink of a total temper tantrum when she paused, a sudden realization smacking her in the face. Wait. 
Where was the big red one?
She paused, glancing at her watch and back up at the apartment several times, straining to peer through the various windows. It was noon. Cassandra hadn't been doing this for that long, but when you sit and watch the same family for days and days on end, you pick up on their habits and routines pretty quickly. And every single day since she had started watching them, without fail, the biggest Hamato would emerge from his room, head to the kitchen, retrieve a protein shake from the fridge, and go up the stairs to the third floor. She couldn't see from the windows exactly where he was going, but it was like absolute clockwork. She suspected that he must have an alarm set with how consistent this was-- him fetching a drink and bringing it to, she could only assume, one of the other members of the household.
But it was twelve-oh-five. And there was no sign of him.
A sinking feeling thudded through her gut. Now that she was thinking about it, she hadn't seen any of them the entire watch. Not even once. The woman she had seen several times, working on her laptop in the living room and occasionally puttering around the apartment, but... No Hamatos.
None at all.
Spluttering a bit, Casey reeled, jumping up to her feet. They weren't here!? But she had watched the entire time! She hadn't taken her eyes off the building-- she had been so vigilant! Did they know the Foot was watching them!? Did they sneak out somehow--
She set her jaws, hackles rising as she reached yet another epiphany. A strangled shriek of frustration escaped her.
Oh, she knew she wasn't taking this lookout thing seriously! Casey had wasted the past three hours of her life watching a building that didn't even have the targets in it--!!! Swearing loudly, she wrestled her phone from her bag, nearly dropping it in her haste. 
"Hello--? Sir Baron Draxum? This is the Hamato Lookout team reporting--"
Leo had asked Donnie what he was doing in a supply closet. Donnie had, in response, asked what Leo was doing on the roof, effectively eliminating any further questions, though April was certain that all three of her younger brothers would be answering to Raph later. But not right now. There were way bigger priorities right now. Luckily, the upside to attending an absolutely massive school in the middle of NYC was that there were a ton of kids, the building was huge, and it was actually quite easy to just walk off campus. Only three blocks away from their high school was a local skate park: a popular destination for the group, so much so that it sported multiple murals and tags from Mikey, and almost sure to be sparsely populated at this time of day. Meaning it was quiet enough for April to finally recount her recent conversation with Sunita, through excited, frenzied whispers, stumbling over her own words as she attempted to explain.
"So Sunita is a... slime monster?" Mikey questioned, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"Well-- kind of. She's a 'yokai,' I guess? But she has this magic thing called a Cloaking Brooch that lets her disguise herself as a human."
"Whoa!" Mikey gasped. "They have that?! So mystic people can just... look like humans?"
"Fascinating," Donnie remarked, tapping out a few notes on his phone. "Imagine how many citizens of New York could actually be yokai in disguise..."
"I wonder how many other kids at our school have secretly been, like, mystic creatures this whole time, and we don't even know it!" Mikey awed.
"Well, I guess cloaking-brooch-crystal-things are, like, really rare, or something? And, like, crazy valuable," April explained. "It's kind of hard to get a hold of them, Sunita said. I mean. She also said some yokai can just do it on their own without any crystal magic or whatever, but if you can't, then you need a crystal, and they're hard to get. Sunita said her’s is a family heirloom, but they've only got one, and she gets it right now so she can go to school."
"What, they don't have yokai schools in the Hidden City?" Raph questioned.
"Uh. Kinda," April said, leaning back against the skate ramp they were huddled behind. "I guess it's kind of... uh... a little chaotic over there. I mean. I dunno. I guess the police don't do a lot, and also the city is basically under the control of a super-powerful crime boss? And she basically runs everything. And also bloodsport is, like, super a thing that they just do, and that's fine, so like, there's not really a lot of 'law' or 'order' or whatever? So if you have a chance to send your kid to the surface instead, it's sorta a no-brainer."
"Okay, but, like, how is that that different from New York..."
"I'm serious, Leo!" April insisted. "And it's, like, super against the rules to tell anyone who's not in the know about the Hidden City or yokai or anything, so we can't tell anyone that Sunita told us or her whole family could be in danger! This is a take-it-to-your-grave kind of secret, okay!?"
"Okay, okay," Leo said, holding his hands up in surrender. "I get it. Seriously. No jokes or quips, even. It's a secret. We won't tell a soul, April. I promise."
April sighed in relief, tilting her head back slightly. She totally owed Sunita a pizza night or something after this... 
"Okay... so… that's where Dad is? How do you know?"
April took a long, deep breath. "Okay, so, you know how I said that there's a super powerful crime boss? And that bloodsport is a thing?"
Weirdly enough, the cool concrete floor below him felt really good on his back right now. But maybe that was just because he was sore. Or because he was exhausted. Probably both. And though his previous stint in the Battle Nexus involved him flip-flopping back and forth between Luxury Boxes and cell blocks, Yoshi had a sneaking suspicion that it would be in his best interest to get used to his current dungeon-esque accommodations, at least for the foreseeable future. He doubted he would be being invited to any red-carpet events or dinner parties by his employer any time soon. He wasn't sure if he was upset about this or not. He didn't think he had the energy to socialize, let alone with Big Mama or any of her various acquaintances or cohorts. 
But it was far too quiet down here, all by himself, with only the echoing rumbles and cries of the Battle Nexus in the distance for company. He relished what little time he had outside of the ring, certainly, but… Though his body was crying for it, he found it difficult to sleep. His mind was too often occupied, mostly with thoughts of his children. Wondering how they were doing. Wondering if they were still looking, or if the police had already closed the case and assumed him dead-- again. 
How long had it been now? It was somewhat difficult to keep track of the exact passage of time down here, and he had to think on it for a moment before he came to the conclusion.
Eleven days, he believed it had been. Eleven days since he had last seen his children. He sighed softly through his nose, allowing his eyes to slide shut, to give himself a break from staring at the stone ceiling and take some time examining the backs of his eyelids instead.
This was the longest he had ever been away from them in all their lives. 
"The next-door neighbor's daughter is very good friends with the boys, so you can call or text them if you have any questions and can't get in touch with me, but I will have my phone on me if anything happens..."
"Their child, April, comes over often, and they like to play in the basement with her. Just keep the door open so you can hear any screaming."
"Okay, got it--"
"And these are all the emergency numbers. This is their doctor, this is Donatello's counselor, this one is Mikey's… this is the school, this is the director's number, my agent, my lawyer, the hotel I will be staying at..."
"Right, I--"
"And this is their schedule. It is very important that you stick to it! Especially this week. Purple will get very upset if things change too much, so make sure they are able to get to all of their activities. Orange has ballet on Tuesdays and Thursdays and art classes on Mondays. He and the twins also have gymnastics on Fridays. They all do martial arts together during the weekends. Oh, and Red just started clarinet lessons, so make sure he is practicing!"
"Okay, I'll--"
"And do not let them convince you that they are allowed onto the roof! They are not! And do not let Donatello take the toaster into his room, under any circumstances! And--"
"Mr. Hamato!" 
Yoshi paused in his long-winded explanation, blinking widely at the flustered-looking babysitter, whose face was pink.
"Sorry! Sorry, I don't mean to, uh, interrupt, but..." She offered him a somewhat nervous smile. "I promise I've reviewed all the paperwork you sent. I've got their schedules saved, all the numbers are already in my phone, and I reached out to Adam to introduce myself and coordinate everything for the week already," she assured, referring to the young man Yoshi had hired years ago to help taxi his children about the city and get them to all their various after-school activities. Yoshi swore, every other month, one of them would try something new on a whim (usually a sport of some kind,) only to discover yet another innate aptitude and then beg to start taking classes. Adam was something of a cross between a chauffeur and a babysitter, helping to cart kids to and from various lessons and clubs when Yoshi couldn't do it himself. Yoshi would have happily hired him to babysit for the coming week, but unfortunately his college classes kept him too busy for such a commitment. Likewise, he would have liked to leave them in the O'Neil's care, but with both parents working full-time, they had concluded that the Hamato childrens’ demanding schedule would leave them a bit out of their depth. 
And so he had hired Emily.
It was not the first time he had hired Emily. Emily had babysat for him in the past whenever he needed someone to watch some or all of the boys. But never for more than a day. Never overnight. Certainly not for a full week.
"Right. Of course," Yoshi laughed nervously, pinching the bridge of his nose slightly. "My apologies. A week is just… a long time."
"I know. But we'll call every evening!"
"Yes, yes," he sighed a bit. "... Right. You are perfectly capable! I'm sure you will be fine!" He said, his voice a bit clipped. "And if you have any questions, you can call! I will have my cell phone on me!"
"Of course!" She assured with a gentle smile, beginning to gather up and organize all the various papers and forms Yoshi had provided her, making one last final review before he took his leave. Yoshi sighed deeply, glancing down at his watch. He could only afford to drag his feet for so much longer before he missed his flight. Emily politely kept herself busy and pretended not to notice him reorganizing his suitcase four different times before he finally zipped it up for good, leaving it by the front door.
"Boys!" He called. In a similar fashion to him pretending not to be stalling his inevitable exit, they pretended like they had not been hiding in just the next room, trying to eavesdrop on the two adults. They were all gathered up at his feet in a snap, with Mikey leading the charge and Donnie lagging behind, and Yoshi kneeled down to meet them.
"Alright, my sons. I will talk to you all on the phone later tonight. Be good for Emily while I am gone, understand? I have already told her she is allowed to sell you to the zoo if you are not good listeners, so best behavior!"
This got a giggle out of at least half of them, so he'd count that as a win. Mikey wrapped his arms around Yoshi's neck, tugging at him slightly and pulling himself up so he could climb on him, clinging to his neck. Yoshi thought to himself that he was starting to get too big to keep using him as a jungle gym, but… there was still time. He wasn’t too big yet. At least not today.
"Where are you going again, Daddy?"
"To California."
"How far away is that?"
"Hmmm," Yoshi pretended to think. "Well. It is farther than New Jersey. But it is closer than Japan." 
"Do we get to watch your new movie when you get home?" Leo demanded, leaning on his father's knee. "I wanna show everyone at school! Justin didn't believe me when I said you were gonna go make a movie!"
"It will take a little longer than that, Blue," he laughed. "But we can all watch together when they are finished making it. In the meantime, make them watch The Rabbit Bodyguard. I was very cool in that one." This new job wasn't actually a very large role-- there was no way he could film in only a week otherwise-- but he felt no need to explain that to Leonardo, who was absolutely beaming, giving a nod of affirmation.
"Are you sure it's gonna be a whole week?" Raph fret, his mouth curved into a frown.
"Yes, Red, I am sure. But you boys will be so busy with Emily you will not even notice I'm gone!"
"Yeah we will," Raph muttered, crossing his arms. 
"Oh, but you boys have so many activities!" He declared dramatically, before leaning into Raph, almost conspiring, to stage-whisper to him. "I did not want to say it in front of Emily, but I think she may need your help, Raphael. She is not used to how busy you boys all are. Or dealing with your little akuma-chan brothers! You may have to help make sure everything goes smoothly while I am gone."
"Hey!" Leo protested.
Raphael glanced over at Emily from across the living room, where she was still organizing papers in the kitchen, before turning back to Yoshi and giving a firm nod. Mission accepted. Phew. Yoshi knew he would be far less anxious over the coming week if he was instead focused on time management and keeping his brothers in line. 
"Why can't we come with you?" Leo questioned, sulking slightly. "I wanna go to Hollywood!"
"Akuma-chan children are not allowed in the state of California. It is against federal law," he replied easily.
"That's not true!" Leo protested.
"It is. Only the best-behaved children are allowed to go to California. You have to submit an application. With referrals from teachers and babysitters saying you should get to go in," he explained confidently. "Perhaps if you boys are very good, then we can take a trip there someday..."
"And see Hollywood?"
"Yes, and see Hollywood."
"And sea lions?!" Mikey squealed. 
"Yes, sea lions as well."
"Okay!" The two agreed, and Yoshi smiled a tiny bit to himself. They were getting older now, and he doubted that Leo actually believed the story he was weaving, though Mikey might. But Yoshi would be hard-pressed to find any joke, game, or bit that Leo wasn't willing to play along with.
He gave Raph a tight hug, assuring his oldest that he trusted him to keep an eye on the family in his absence, that Emily would take good care of them, and that he would be home soon. He scooped up Leo next, agreeing to all his demands for souvenirs, and promising that he would, in fact, call every day. He squeezed Mikey close, and confirmed that yes, Emily did know how to make all the foods they liked, and she would play with them and give hugs, and that Daddy would come back home as soon as he could, for sure, he promised. 
 Donatello was last, still lingering to the side even after his brothers had all turned their attention to Emily instead, staring down at his feet.
"Purple," Yoshi bade softly. Donnie grunted in response.
"I will be coming back home on the 11th. My flight is at 4:15 PM in California time. It's flight 983. And today's flight is 212. You and your brothers can track it on the computer if you want." 
Donnie nodded a tiny bit, not yet looking up.
"I will call you all every night at bedtime. And you can always ask Emily to call me if you need me. Even if I don't pick up right away, I will call you back." 
Donnie hummed quietly, shuffling his feet.
"And Emily is going to take very good care of you boys. You like Emily, don’t you? She has watched you before. And I know you like it when she performs the musical parts of movies with you. And she lets you ask her questions about her architecture degree. And she knows how to do you boys' hair better than I do," he smiled softly. "So you will even get to have special things this week."
Donnie wrinkled up his nose, swaying back and forth for a bit before he finally signed.
Yoshi sighed.
"I can't stay, Donnie. I have to go to work. Just like April’s parents have to go to work. But I will come back. I promise. It will only be a week, and then I will be back, okay?" He hummed softly, leaning in close. "But I know you will be okay while I'm gone. You and your brothers are going to take care of each other. And April and her parents will help take care of you, too. You will still see her all this week and get to play with her. And you will still get to go to school, and to see Mossy, and to go to robotics club and gymnastics and all the other things you like. Even if I'm not here, you and your brothers will be okay. I am sure of it."
Donnie sniffled a bit, screwing up his face for a moment before he finally moved, all but bodily walking into his father, burying his face against his chest and curling up against him. Yoshi wrapped his arms around him tight, giving him a squeeze.
"Promise you'll come back?" He whispered.
"Of course I will," Yoshi whispered in reply. "I promise I will come back."
"I never get to use my algorithms..." Donnie sighed very softly, looking longingly at the spreadsheet on his phone as they trudged through the alleys of the city. And after Mikey had gotten all this data for him, too...
"Donnie. This is a good thing," Leo said, raising a brow and giving his brother a look. "Finding Dad was our goal, remember?"
"Yeah. I know," Donnie sighed, slumping a tiny bit. "But must science always be on the backburner?!"
"Aw, cheer up, Dee!" Mikey chirped, nudging his brother gently with an elbow as he trotted along. "I'm sure you can come up with some sort of mystic-scanning machine to put in your goggles or whatever after we get Dad back!"
"Yes, yes, I will add it to my itinerary," he sighed, rolling his shoulders slightly as they marched. "How much farther do we have to go to find this hidden doorway anyway, April? I thought you said it was close."
"Chill. We're almost there. Uh. I think," April said.
"You think?"
“Look, I've never located a secret mystic doorway before, okay?" She huffed, scowling at her younger brother. "Sunita’s directions were clear in theory, but in practice, it's a little more complicated! If you wanna take a turn leading, then be my guest...!"
"Don't worry! I'm sure we'll find it!" Mikey encouraged, bounding over to match April's pace and fall into stride next to her, a bright grin lighting up his face. He had practically been bouncing around like a kangaroo ever since they left the skatepark, overflowing with hopeful excitement. "There's no way anything can stop us now when we're this close to getting Pops back!"
"Right... and what's our plan again, when we do find this supposed secret doorway?" Donnie questioned, arching a brow.
"Ninja in, kick some yokai butt, rescue Dad, and ninja out," Leo supplied with a shrug. "Simple!"
"Exactly!" Raph agreed. "We know where Dad is-- so we go get him! He needs us! You guys just be careful and let Raph do all the smashing, and we'll be fine."
"Right..." Donnie mumbled, rolling his eyes a bit. Note to self: do not join any action squads with his brothers in the future. Risk of serious injury or untimely death: high. “In any case, we should still, at the very least, come up with some contingencies should we get separated or anything else go awry. We’re heading into unknown and supposedly magical territory, most likely populated with a bunch of yokai creatures, apparently half of which are criminals, so who knows what we may run into. So it may be wise to all be in agreement as to what we’re doing should anything happen--”
“That would be wise,” agreed a voice from behind the group-- far too deep and foreign to be any of his siblings. Donnie froze, a chill latching onto his spine, and he felt his family do the same before collectively turning to face the stranger.
“I knew you would have to come out of that apartment eventually,” the yokai observed, tilting their chin to look down at them through the glassy screen of their horned helmet-- eyes slitted, mouth fanged, their hair long and magenta, tall and familiar and terrifying. Donnie tensed.
“I’ve been hoping to get a chance to speak with you four.”
[ next ]
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wonderingpanda · 1 year
Hello!! Could you please either write a scenario or Headcanon for either rottmnt or bayverse x reader for pining turtles (turtles with a crush on reader) and how they try to “romance” them? Who’s more upfront who isn’t it? What kind of gestures they do? Please and thank you
Rise Turtles Pining for Reader
Originally I was going to do both Bayverse and Rottmnt but I wrote this pretty late and couldn’t come up with many ideas for Bayverse. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
I feel like Raph is the kind of person to act casual around his crush and then freak out later
He’ll get excited around you and try to show you extra care
He’s also going to be very worried for your safety
If you had plans to go over to the lair and end up being 10 minutes late he’s already picturing the worst
Raph does try show off his muscle and strength sometimes
Particularly if you watch him train it’s a huge confidence boost
But his favourite moments are when you get to watch him win against one of his brothers while sparring
Oh come on you totally cheated. Sorry Leo rules are rules. That was awesome Raph! O-oh Y/N! Thanks.
He is a gentle giant so you can expect him to be extra attentive to your every need
And of course he’s giving out the best hugs of all time
While he may be pretty chill about his feelings, if you flirt with him it will leave him a flustered mess
I’m talking, he may be unable to form coherent sentences for several hours
At the end of the day, he just really wants you to like him and will always be there for you no matter what
Oh boy, here we go
The second Leo realised he liked you there was no more peace
You won’t get a single moment alone because this boy will just be everywhere
He’ll try every pick-up line he can think of and will find any excuse to flirt with you
The guy has no shame because he makes it look like a joke
Spoiler alert, it’s not
Have I ever told you I think you’re beautiful No, why? Cause you’re beautiful. Aww thanks Leo. *kisses on the cheek* *Dies inside*
While Leo might act confident on the outside if you try to flirt back with him his heart will instantly melt
But he’d never show it of course, he’s too cool for that
He is also a complete drama queen so he may occasionally dramatise things when talking about you with his brothers
And yes, he will talk about you frequently because how else is he meant to go over your every interaction from that day
He’s also an easily jealous person so if he sees any of your human friends as competition, hide them
Hide them fast
Another important thing to note is that he loves to show off
He’s got fighting moves, skateboard tricks, video game scores, comic collections and more
He loves you, wants you and will let you know loud and clear that he’s in love
But he’s only “kidding”
Donnie is far more reserved in comparison to Leo
He also has a very complicated idea of what he wants
He wants you to know he likes you without you knowing he wants you to know he likes you
That being said, there are a lot of different ways to tell if Donnie is pining for you
He’ll feel more comfortable with you in his lab vs others
Lots of gifts and is always free for whatever favour you need
You can expect to be given more privileges around his tech
But that’s also because he wants to impress you with it
He might also make small comments to hint he likes you
What were you thinking!? Ah but you see my sweet beautiful Y/N, he wasn’t thinking. Don, quit flirting with your girlfriend and come save me! Not my girlfriend!…*whispers* yet.
He’s the kind of person who will admire from afar and won’t try to get super close physically
Although if he’s really excited then he may give you a hug or two
He will also pretend to hate any romantic aspects of holidays to hide how much he’d love to experience them with you
Valentines, mistletoe, New Years kiss, he acts like he can’t stand them
And you can bet that after every moment you two have he’ll be in his lab celebrating like there’s no tomorrow
Because a dancing Donnie is a happy Donnie
Mikey just goes with the flow
Wait he likes you! Oh well, time to show tons of love and affection
It’s hard to tell if he likes you or not because he acts the same way around everyone else
Lots of physical affection, big hugs, warm smiles, hand holding
One unique thing you might be able to nitpick at though is his kisses
That’s right, Mikey will constantly be kissing your forehead or cheek if he gets the chance
You’re also one of his biggest inspirations
The amount of times this turtle will tell you to hold your pose so he can sketch it
He wants you to understand that to him you’re beautiful and inspiring
Compliments are another big thing for Mikey
He won’t stop telling you how pretty, smart and cute he thinks you are
Hey Y/N do you mind standing right there for a second? Uh sure, another drawing? Yup! Sorry you’re just so pretty I can’t stop drawing you. Awwww Mikey! That’s really sweet.
He is definitely more upfront about his feelings and is just waiting for the day he can open up and say he loves you
I hope this was similar to what you wanted. Have an amazing day/night wherever it is you are!✨
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