#The way she is able to write emotion? *chef’s kiss*
My wonderful most amazing awesome friend @my-name-is-mine-to-know is doing Febuwhump. And she’s so cool and one of the BEST authors I know so I think you should go read her stuff.
Go admire her museum, which will soon be covered from floor to ceiling in tapestries beautifully woven with words. I haven’t met a better writer in all of my existence, and I don’t think I ever will.
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only-lonely-star · 1 month
Your recent fic of the Soda mishap is my new fav fic of the outsiders! It was so funny with just the right amount of angst!
Could I request a fic with a sister reader who is the youngest curtis and develops separation anxiety with Soda after the two of them were in a little fender bender? Neither were hurt but it brought up memories of their parents dying and she can't shake off the thought that Soda not being in her eyesight means he's gone too? She refuses to sleep in her own room goes with him to work (it's summer holidays so school isn't a factor) and anytime he showers she stands outsode the bathroom door asking if he's okay periodically. Just a big emotional breakdown if she happens to get separated from him? I hope that makes sense!
Thanks you!
☁︎ The Accident ☁︎
~ Sodapop Curtis ~
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Warnings - Minor car accident, mentions of death, separation anxiety
Summary - You couldn’t imagine losing Sodapop.
Author’s Note - THIS REQUEST WAS MWAH!! CHEF’S KISS! 😽 I’m very proud of this one. It took me longer to write since I got a bit carried away, so I apologize for the long wait. I couldn't bring myself to make the ending sad, so I hope you all like how I closed the story. Thank you so much for requesting, enjoy it my loves !!
Word Count - 3.3k.
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You kicked back, finally able to rest after a long morning spent dipping in the lake with your older brother, Sodapop. It was summer break, so what better way to spend the day than being under the sun - swimming and shoving him around in the cool, crisp water? Your oldest brother, Darrel, still had work, even over the summer. Your third oldest brother, Ponyboy, decided he'd rather spend some time with his friends. Being the empath he is, Sodapop decided to drive you down to the lake to ensure you didn't feel left out. He loved spending quality time with you either way - he quite enjoyed your company.
Feet on the dashboard, you turned up the radio and sang along. You could practically feel the funky music thumping in your chest. The bass could be heard a mile away, causing Sodapop to let out a chuckle. "Havin' fun?" he asked, his eyes drifting to see you smile bigger than he ever had since the accident.
You nodded vigorously, a few stray droplets of water that remained on the ends of your hair flying onto Sodapop, dampening his skin. "Of course!" you beamed, removing your feet off the dashboard as you leaned back into your seat.
He gave a head nod of accomplishment at that. Sodapop was glad to have taken you out for a fun time for once. He would have to return to the DX again tomorrow morning, the cycle repeating all over again. "Glad we went swimmin', we could go next weekend or something too y'know..." he suggested, a grin on his lips not faltering once as he offered another trip down to the lake.
You gasped, already looking forward to it. "Really? Like - you'll actually take me again?" you asked, needing the last bit of reassurance before you could truly accept the offer.
He nodded once more, stopping at a red light to gently swat your shoulder with his knuckles. "'Course I'll take you again."
He earned another grin from you at that, proud of himself once more. Sodapop's eyes darted for the rearview mirror, noticing a red Pontiac Firebird riding up on the back of their car. "Well damn, you gonna slow down?" he asked aloud, a slight bit of annoyance in his voice. The car must have been going at least fifteen miles per hour right at the red light. You hadn't paid much attention to it until you noticed Sodapop's eyes go wide. The 'deer in headlights' gaze is the only right way you could describe it. Sodapop cursed under his breath once more, holding his hand out to press against your chest. The sound of screeching breaks against the road scared the both of you as you jerked forward. Sodapop's arm prevented you from moving around that much, but there was still an impact. You slowly opened your eyes, recovering from a wince you hadn't even realized was in effect.
"The fuck - ?!" he hollered, rolling down the window before slamming his hand onto the horn and holding it there to express his anger. Road rage was one thing, but this was totally different. Sodapop rarely acted out on his anger, let alone follow through with it and stick his hand out of the window just to flip him off.
You sat there, breath hitched in your throat as you momentarily dissociated whilst staring at the dashboard.
This was all too familiar for you. ‘The Accident’ is what still haunts the four of you to this day. Having both of your parents wind up in an auto wreck sure wasn’t on your bucket list at all.
It was the sound of the car nearly crashing that frightened you. The fact you could have obtained the same fate as your parents was such a big fear you’d been attempting to hide since the accident. What you dreaded the most was losing your brothers. Put in a life or death situation - you’d hand over your life in an instant if it would ensure your siblings would be safe.
It wasn’t until you realized you and Sodapop were pulled over with that same Pontiac behind you. Slowly returning to reality, the bearded man with salt and pepper-colored hair had his arms resting on the now rolled-down window. “She alright?” he asked, his eyes fixated on you. Your dazed expression had been permanently marked onto your face.
Sodapop scanned your face for any other emotion, but couldn't seem to detect any. He quickly turned back to the man, brushing him off. “She’s a little spooked, she’ll be alright.”
He gave a slight shrug and waved the both of you off. Sodapop immediately placed a hand on your shoulder and shook your upper half. “Gave me some cash to fix the damage…it ain’t too bad, the back is a little dented and some paint got scratched off - but that’s about it,” he explained in an attempt to snap you back to reality.
Your eyes scanned the road, still busy with vehicles buzzing around everywhere you look. Listening was easy, but trying to comprehend his words while your mind raced with panic was a difficult task.
“You sure look out of it,” he commented, moving the gearshift to head home. There was an underlying tone of concern you could easily hear in his voice.
Squirming around in your seat, you found a better position where you could see the road ahead, clear as day. Feeling paranoid was an understatement. “No, no, I’m fine,” you assured him, all the confidence you could muster coming into play. You couldn’t stand the thought of worrying him even further with your newfound state of shock.
The car turned at an intersection, a red Corvette coming at you from the left side. It was as if your body just knew what to do - curling up into a ball as your eyes closed shut. The car isn’t going to hit you. This is how normal cars drive. You weren’t hurt. Stop.
“Why are you all jumpy with me? You ain’t in any danger,” Sodapop piped up, noticing your flinch at the sight of the Corvette. “Calm down a bit, will ya?” he teased light-heartedly, unaware of the true conflict inside your mind.
“Sorry…” you mumbled in response, pushing down any remaining feelings of apprehension. “That car, Soda -…” the crack in your voice said it all, “Just scared me a bit, I guess I just don't want you to… to end up like Mom and Dad.”
The car became eerily silent, the only noise being the zooming of cars outside. The accident was a touchy subject for both of you - Darrel and Ponyboy as well. Just talking about it always darkened the mood.
“No. You’re safe, I ain’t ever gonna let anything like that happen to you,” he assured you, his voice thick with tension. He seemed to grasp onto the wheel tighter as he pulled over just outside your home. “You hear me? It ain’t happening.”
For once, he was stern. Sodapop was never stern nor agitated with you, he was always bubbly and grinning. You knew the mention of your deceased mother and father had triggered it. The accident may have been months ago, but the damage was nowhere near repaired.
“I hear you,” you mumbled shamefully, opening the car door and shutting it behind you swiftly. You stood with your hand rubbing onto your arm. The body language represented was one of dread and concern, but somehow relief. Relief that Sodapop was still standing before you - even if he was completing a mundane task.
Sodapop shut the car door as he hauled the bag of wet bathing suits through the gate and towards the front door. You followed, not once letting him out of your sight. You watched as he set the bag near the bathroom door. “Darry and Pony ain’t home yet, better shower before they come back,” he suggested, offering you first dibs with the shower.
You shook your head and stood underneath his arm, seeking some bit of comfort. “No, uh - I’ll do it later,” the words nervously fell from your tongue.
Sodapop ruffled his fingers through your hair, grinning like always. At least something felt normal. “Alright then, shower after me.”
With that, Sodapop waltzed inside the tiled room, unraveling an off-white and awfully tattered towel. Tossing it on the counter, he placed his hand on the doorknob and pushed it closed. You respected the privacy of course, but the pang of paranoia kicked in once more.
“Soda…?” you called out, the sound only a hoarse whisper. No reply.
It was strangely quiet on the other end of the door. No water could be heard running, no background noise of shifting clothes around, nothing. Your hand balled into a fist, the sound of three knocks beckoning him. “Soda, you okay?”
“Yeah…?” Sodapop responded with a confused tone, leaving the boy in deep confusion. “Are you?” he stifled a laugh at the question. He’d been gone a mere few seconds!
“I’m fine,” your voice quivered, exhaling deeply as you slid down the wall. You rested your arms around your knees and sat on the brown wooden flooring. You could practically feel the sadness washing over you. The corners of your lips seemed to subtly droop, your expression now a worried frown. A warm tear escaped from your left eye, leaving you to wonder why you were crying in the first place.
That car could’ve killed you. It could’ve killed Sodapop too - oh god, anyone but him. You couldn’t lose him. First your parents and now your brother - ?”
Wiping the stray tear away, you stood back to your feet and leaned your ear against the door, trying to make out any heavy breathing. The panic set in once more when the running water was the only sound coming from the other end of the door. “Soda, are you alright?”
The knob had been twisted, causing less water to flow from the shower head. “I’m okay - now what in the hell is up with you?” Sodapop demanded as his words echoed through your mind.
Sodapop beginning to feel a bit pestered by you didn’t seem to be an issue, you were at least grateful to have a response. “Nothing…sorry,” you spoke up, giving it a rest for the time being.
The eerie silence only led to the intrusive thoughts of Sodapop no longer being alive. This was torture at its finest. The shower seemed to drag on longer than you would’ve liked.
As the day came to a quiet evening, Sodapop had already climbed into bed for the night. Darrel could be found in the kitchen with Ponyboy baking a chocolate cake for tomorrow’s usual breakfast. Clutching your pillow and stuffed bear you’d had since childhood by your side, you crept inside his darkened room. He was lying on his front side, face buried in his pillow. A smile adorned your face once you saw him sleeping peacefully underneath the warm bedding. You tip-toed for Ponyboy’s spot in bed and lifted the corner of the sheets to slide in underneath them. Sodapop stirred and scooted further back toward his side of the bed. His eyes could make out your figure, halfway crawled into bed. “What’re you doin’?”
You were quick to reply, fully laying on your back now that he was awake. “I just wanted to sleep in here tonight…” you shrugged, the stuffed teddy a source of comfort against your chest.
Normally Sodapop would’ve urged it's best for you to not upset Ponyboy by taking his spot in bed. He felt tremendously guilty for earlier’s mention of the accident, it only made him want to ease your concern for his wellbeing. Sodapop could sense the constant fear nagging at you that if he wasn’t with you, he was gone as well. He wasn’t stupid - he was well aware. “Scoot over so there’s room for three,” he sighed softly before pulling your arm closer.
You could feel his lips curled into a loving grin against your hair. It was getting late, so it was a given that Ponyboy would walk in any moment now and settle down for the night. Your back against Sodapop’s chest provided a warm feeling inside. His arm was almost trapping you beside him from how tightly the embrace was. Feeling his heartbeat thumping against your back eased any nervousness that still lingered in your mind.
Sure enough, the hallway lights could be heard flicking off with a quick hit to the switch. A faint ‘goodnight’ was barely audible through the closed wooden door. Ponyboy twisted the knob and saw an unfamiliar shadow beside Sodapop in bed. He groaned once the realization swept over his head that it was you. “Alright, outta my bed,” he commanded with a rather sassy eye roll.
The sheets were flung off of your body as Ponyboy expectantly waited for you to leave. Sodapop squeezed you tighter against himself. “Pony, let her stay.”
Ponyboy scoffed and furrowed his brows in frustration. “Stay - ?! This is our bed, she has her own!”
Sodapop stifled a groan of his own, his hand extending to toss the bedding back over your body. “You’ve got room, either sleep with us or take her bed. It’s just for tonight...”
Ponyboy took one last glance at the two of you before plopping himself down in a huff. “You don’t even need to be here, it ain’t your bed,” he grumbled as he fiddled with the blanket that had been kicked to his side.
You felt guilty enough as is, but now the guilt had grown stronger. You exhaled softly and let your eyes drift shut. “I’m sorry,” is all you could manage to say in response before it turned to a whole meltdown on why you needed to stay close to Sodapop.
Ponyboy’s anger subsided to a calm and aloof demeanor. He was most likely too tired to even argue it anymore.
“I just can’t go back to my room…not when Soda’s all the way in here,” you explained, your voice kept at a quiet whisper. No response from either of them. That sickening feeling of loss had begun to eat you alive yet again now that you lay awake, speaking to your unresponsive brothers.
Morning came once again, except this time you weren’t woken up to the bird’s singing outside, or one of your brothers pouncing over your resting body. It was as if your mind already knew that Sodapop had left. Ponyboy too, it was nearly ten o’clock in the morning when the lonely feeling sank back in. You sighed and propped yourself up onto the pillows, using your forearms for support.
A muffled sound escaped your lips, immediately calling for Sodapop. Obviously, he couldn’t hear you behind a closed door. You sprung out of bed, the stuffed bear falling to the floor along with you. With a swift twist of the doorknob, you sprinted down the hallway to catch sight of Ponyboy in the kitchen.
“Soda - Soda - where’s Soda?” you asked frantically, no sign of your two eldest brothers being around.
Ponyboy bit into a mouthful of chocolate cake, not caring to finish chewing before speaking, “Leavin’ for work, why?”
You shook your head without another word and scrambled for the front door, pajamas and all. You saw Sodapop buckling in beside Darrel as he slipped on a shirt. You sprinted towards the car, shouting and pleading for them to wait.
“Soda, Darry!” you called out, your hand smacking the side of the car to stop the vehicle. Darrel looked beyond frustrated to see you causing such a scene. Sodapop was filled with great concern, even as the adrenaline rushing throughout your body masked your fear. He gave a head tilt to signal Darrel to let him handle this.
“I’m here,” he replied in an assertive tone, his empathic eyes feeling every emotion you’ve felt since yesterday’s accident. He understood you better than anyone. Reaching a hand out to pull you closer, his gentle grasp latched onto your wrist. He leaned closer to you and spoke lowly, “You alright, kid? You’re scarin’ us, y’know.”
You nodded. In all honesty, you were okay now that you’d seen Sodapop. It felt like every second spent away from him was hell on earth. He could be hurt, laying out in the street somewhere - dead.
“I’m coming with you,” you insisted, tugging on the backseat door behind Sodapop. It didn’t open. Instead, Darrel’s husky voice backed you away from the handle.
“Coming with us -? No kids allowed, be realistic for once.” Darrel gave you a stern warning that if you didn’t head back indoors then you would never hear the end of it.
Sodapop exhaled sharply and glanced between you both, trying to handle the situation. He locked eyes on you, giving you the same empathic look as before. “Just…” he gave Darrel a wince before facing you again, “You got five minutes to get ready and then we're leaving.”
Your smile reappeared yet again, immediately racing back up the stairs leading to the front door. The sound of your brothers’ voices grew louder even as the distance between you and the car grew. A glimpse of the two arguing caused a bitter pang in your heart. Pushing the feeling away, you darted for the bathroom.
“She can stay with me. The DX ain’t in a bad area, she’ll be fine…” Sodapop spoke softly to Darrel, trying to reason as to why you should come along to work with them.
You settled yourself in the vehicle as it began to propel forward. The tension of the previous argument still lingered, but at least Darrel kept quiet as soon as you were in a close enough radius to hear the bickering. He wouldn’t be caught dead speaking of you like that while you were listening.
Taking Sodapop’s hand, he led you inside of the gas station in which he worked. You’d been here countless times before, bumming around with your brother’s friends as they smoked and attempted to sweet-talk any girl that passed. Sodapop and Steve never did, they would be fired after receiving complaints for doing such activities. Sodapop would always bend the rules, slipping a few snacks and whatnot into his pocket before leaving work. The DX brought back fond memories even as you stepped inside the front door, a small bell ringing overhead, indicating your entry.
“Now, I ain’t supposed to have company,” Sodapop spoke quietly, holding onto your shoulder and bending down a bit to be eye level with you, “But I couldn’t say no, I just couldn’t.”
Your eyes stung from the tears that dared to form during such a heartfelt moment. Sodapop was aware?
“Soda, I can’t lose you too,” your voice quivered as you quickly closed the distance between one another. Your arms wrapped around his neck, Sodapop immediately reciprocated the hug.
“I know, I know…” he replied as he softly stroked the back of your head, his fingers intertwining with your hair in a soothing motion. “You ain’t losin’ me anytime soon, I can promise you that.”
You willingly let the tears fall from your cheeks, landing on Sodapop’s shoulder which dampened the fabric quite a lot. He didn’t mind at all, in fact - he was glad you were no longer bottling yourself up. You squeezed him tighter, wishing the hug could ensure you’d never lose him. “I love you,” you spat out in a desperate cry.
Sodapop nodded along, the soothing motion of his hand still in effect. “I love you too y’know, a lot,” he said with a delicate tone, one he only used with you. You were his little sister and he would never let anything separate the two of you.
You just don’t stop living because you lose somebody.
It was as if the hug was the one thing you needed - the one thing that could ease your pain. Learning to cope with the death of your parents was by far the most difficult task you’d faced. Memories of the accident only strengthened your love for your brothers, clinging onto them as if you’d lose them next. Living in constant fear, dreading any separation was no healthy way to cope. The only way to cure the feeling of this overwhelming pain was to cherish your brothers like never before. And that’s exactly what you did.
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Imagine Leona after his overblot, never taking off his gloves even when he plays magift/spell-drive life he used to, yet still seeing everyone flinch from his hands. Imagine him being thrust back to when he was young, where the whispers of the staff curled around him like he wishes his mother’s arms would have, feeling like a monster for something he doesn’t understand, didn’t ask for, didn’t want to have. Imagine him, who already saw his hands as a symbol of destruction and evil and cruelty, being shown yet again that people will only ever fear his touch.
Except, imagine that the Prefect is there. Imagine the prefect is hearing these whispers, sees the flinches, and is angry. The Prefect was there- magicless and terrified- in the middle of a sandstorm, fighting to survive and fighting to make sure her friends survive, who felt what King’s Roar does when it touches your skin, who has a matching scar with Ruggie from the battle against Leona’s blot. How can these nobodies, who have never known the sting of sand down to the molecular level act like this? How dare they, who had only seen Leona’s grumpy tsundere type of care and not the scars from the fight, now act like they understand the dangers of King’s Roar?
Imagine the Prefect, caught in this righteous anger, storming up to Leona.
Imagine Leona bracing himself for another emotional wound, knowing that from anyone- he deserves the scorn and hatred and fear that you may spew at him. He knows it will crush him in a way that no others could replicate, save maybe for the tiny cub that he pretends to not love.
Imagine the prefect stopping in front of him and grabbing his hand, taking off the gloves and placing the bare hand on their throat.
Imagine the whole school stopping.
Imagine Leona’s heart stopping.
Imagine the shaking in his hands, the weakness in his knees, the tear welling up in his inner child’s eyes when you say, for all the world to hear, “these hands aren’t evil. Leona isn’t evil. King’s Roar isn’t evil. I was there when these hands were used, when they were turned against me as weapons, but I trust them, I trust Leona.”
Imagine Leona, for the first time since his unique magic showed up, feeling someone trust him and his hands completely, without any covering or barrier or safety net. For the first time since King’s Roar ruined his life, he felt the warmth of another person on his bare hand.
Imagine Leona being able to tell his younger self that someday, he will find the most stubborn, annoying, foolhearty, beautiful, selfless, kind, amazing herbivore who will give him their lives to hold in his bare hands without flinching.
Imagine Leona being able to tell his younger self that someday, someone will love all of him, including his hands.
(My first time writing something, usually I just gush and reblog to @/scared-reader-electric-boogaloo, so let me know if this sucks or oversteps a line!)
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I've seen the trope of character A puts the hand of character B around their throat as a show of trust in a fanfic in two other fandoms I've been in and that is literally my kryptonite because it literally put's the whole "I trust you with my life" thing in a whole new context
(I've also had this WIP/blurb of Fem!Yuu/Reader doing something similar with Rook by having him shoot an arrow at an apple on her head from a distance (probably whilst blindfolded as well) and when he releases the super sharp, pointed metal arrow, she just stares right in front of her, completely straight-faced and unblinking, without even a hint of fear - kind of like this scene from The Addams Family Musical mixed with that scene in Divergent where Four throws knives at Tris)
But you know what's great about this trope being pulled of with Leona? Since he's a lion beastman - an apex predator built for hunting prey - he has enhanced hearing which means that he can hear Yuu's heartbeat and can literally have solid proof that Yuu isn't scared since their heartrate hasn't increased a bit.
And also, he loves his herbivore so much. Who needs a kingdom or a throne when he has the world?
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andypantsx3 · 7 months
Hi Andie my loveeee! This is not a fic request of any sort but I wanted to share an idea with you if that's ok?
I have recently been OBSESSED with "The Apothecary Diaries" and I definitely see some similarities between Jinshi and Shouto that make me laugh a lot when I am watching it but that got me thinking...
Imagine... SecretPrince!Shouto. No one knows what the youngest son of Emperor!Enji looks like, Todoroki Shouto is a name shrouded in mystery. The reason being with Shouto now old enough; Enji tasks Shouto with the matters of the Inner Palace undercover to test him and if he does a good enough job he promises him to bring back Empress!Rei to the main court from the outer palace. She had been sent there after her position declined as a courtesan since the "death" of her eldest son and the tyranny of the emperor drove her mad. Shouto agrees.
Imagine... Commoner!Reader who was taught to read and write despite not being a noble, who harbored a special interest in medicine. Her family has plans of making her a courtesan (which she despises but can't do anything against) , thus the formal education. However, with her father's business going under she has no choice but to join the Imperial Palace work force as one of the ladies in waiting for Courtesan!Momo so they can make ends meet. Surprisingly Momo turns out to be quite generous and open minded unlike the other nobles and the reader finds a family along with the other ladies in waiting such as Ochako, Tsuyu, Jiro and Mina. Now all she has to do is finish her term without any trouble, until then her father should be able to get things back in control at home...
But of course things never go as planned as a bunch of mysteries unfold at the palace needing the help of a specific apothecary, the appearance of a way too handsome yet mysterious eunuch at the inner palace, and his strange yet frequent visits to Lady Momo's place... Wait what he came specifically asked for us?... Huh... how bizarre...
Omg I can see it so so clearly. Through a series of odd encounters, where the reader learns about the true nature on this strange eunuch and surprisingly... he's kind of nice... and the Eunuch of the other hand having such weird curiosity over a simple maid with no courtly manners or refined personality to point where he continuously seeks her company. But we must not get sidetracked! we are here for our family... not for some... handsome... kind... gentle...wai- WHAT NO NO NO BRAIN STOP IT!!!
Obviously this is heavily HEAVILY inspired by apothecary diaries but I think it fits so well... MilitaryCommander!Bakugo, his right hand man being Kirishima, CourtAdviser!Aizawa, MissingPrince!Touya who fled to the neighboring kindom and has been plotting his revenge since.
Omg I loveeeeeee this skdjhskjdhsfl I am gonna have to watch Apothecary Diaries because this concept is everything??
I absolutely love the layers of intrigue and Shouto would work sooooo well as a secret prince masquerading as a far too handsome eunuch!!
We would tie ourselves in knots over how beautiful we found him and wondering if that's something he would ever want too!!! And then to find out he's a prince. I can just see the emotional turmoil of no we must not have feelings morphing into okay we have feelings but he's a eunuch he probably doesn't want us morphing into oh my god I think he wants us?? morphing into HE'S ROYALTY!!!!!! PANIC!!!!!!!!!
Chef's kiss, love this, this is the kind of Reader torture I love to see. I absolutely think you need to make this a fic and I will be watching Apothecary Diaries ASAP!!!!!!
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iris-sistibly · 3 months
The Targ Talk: House of the Dragon S2
Episode 3 commentary:
Late to the party again but anyway,
Alicent and Criston's lOveY doVey moment before the cunt left is cringey af.
Rhaenys defending Rhaenyra from the council full of men is *chef's kiss* she's the only one who understands why the queen has been holding back. I get the council's point that they should be acting now because the greens are advancing. If you really think about it, it's really too late for peace negotiations, but the queen's desperate attempts to choose a peaceful way to end this conflict--despite how hopeless, was because she knew how important it was to keep the houses united (the prophecy), she also knew that this war will cause the downfall of their House, and more innocent lives will be claimed including her loved ones and she cannot allow that.
Rhaenyra sending her babies away to keep them safe will never not be heartbreaking. I feel bad for Rhaena too, all her life she felt useless and unloved. It sucks because she never felt like a true Targaryen just because she didn't have a dragon at the time (she wouldn't have Morning until much, much later). But my girl would be taking care and watching over two future kings. A role that Rhaenyra entrusted her, which is just as important.
I've read that Geeta Patel confirmed that Dany's dragons were actually Syrax's babies, which surprised me because those three looked more like Dreamfyre than Syrax or even Caraxes (if he's their dad). I even thought that Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal were those three eggs Elissa Farman stole from way, way back (like Rhaena Targaryen, the OG rider of Dreamfyre days). Perhaps they purposely did that since Daenerys came from Rhaenyra and Daemon's line but they should have at least made Syrax look like Dany's dragons 🤷.
Milly Alcock briefly appearing in Season 2 🥹🥹 Although that scene when she was sewing Jaehaerys' neck while singing gave off a really creepy vibe, it served as Daemon's conscience and I love the way they delivered it. Hands down to Matt Smith!!! I love that scene when Daemon teared up upon realizing how much pain he had caused Rhaenyra, Matt was impeccable.
I love how Crispy Cunt and Gwayne were scrambling to save their asses from getting burned by Moondancer. Baela scaring the shit out of them is priceless, and her dragon is a cutie.
Strangely, even if Aegon is back to his Joffrey Barratheon era I don't hate him as much as the latter. He is so easy to manipulate to the point that it makes him so pathetic, I feel sorry for him that he's only king by name. However, I feel worse for Helaena. She was setting aside her own grief because she felt like the small folk had it worse. Girl you are allowed to mourn, you did not deserve that kind of trauma.
Speaking of which, I wish they have shown more of Helaena's grief--the guilt, the nightmare that kept haunting her, OR Helaena setting her emotions aside because she felt that she does not deserve to mourn the death of Jaehaerys because she felt guilty of what she did. I think that would have been truer to what Helaena actually feels (and closer to her story in the book). Though I commend her strength for being able to "forgive" Alicent, not just for what happened to Jaehaerys, but perhaps for the things she fucked up in the past. Though I've read a fan theory that the scene could also depict Helaena's vision that Alicent might betray the greens in an attempt to correct her mistake or something like that, what do you think?
Ewan Mitchell is brave for doing that nude scene to show Aemond's vulnerable side. He is cold, fierce, and intelligent on the outside, but underneath that armor, he is someone who has suffered so much at a young age and is still hurting until now.
I'm still mad at this incredibly stupid writing that Alicent thought Viserys was referring to their son Aegon. Imagine losing your children, killing each other, and traumatizing your surviving loved ones over a misunderstanding. A fucking misunderstanding. Idk what the screenwriters were thinking or who came up with this idea but...I cannot.
Rhaenyra's last attempt, as expected was pointless. Even if Alicent admitted that she fucked up, and declare Rhaenyra as the rightful queen, she knew it wouldn't change anything. Aegon [most likely] wouldn't just suck it up and accept Rhaenyra as queen knowing how angry he is at her for his son's death, and it's not like the council would listen to Alicent anyway, so much are already at stake and I don't think the greens would back down just like that.
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maybeimamuppet · 8 months
i saw the mean girls movie yesterday and i have THOUGHTS. spoilers below the cut but general thoughts up here
1. is it objectively not a super great movie? yes
2. is it my new favorite movie? yes
3. will i defend this movie tooth and nail from people who don’t like it just bc it’s a musical or bc they’re a 2004 purist? YES
4. did this movie make me feel so many conflicting emotions back to back i have now had a tummyache for 24 hours? YESSS
5. will i ever, ever, EVER IN MY LIFE forgive tina fey for the ending? no.
alright babes welcome to below the elementary school gym class parachute
last spoiler warning!!
these aren’t all in order and are most definitely not all the thoughts i had bc i have the memory storage of a flea and once an experience is over it is GONE FROM MY HEAD so this is the list of thoughts i struggled to put together when i got home lmao
overall thoughts:
it felt very gimmicky. the stage production felt gimmicky too but in a fun way, this was gimmicky in a way that kinda gave me a touch of the ick
it did not feel to me very much like a cohesive movie. it felt like browsing ig or tiktok and just seeing a hodgepodge of scenes stuck together. which is a cool idea but idk how well it worked in practice and i also don’t know if it was intentional.
this is not the word i’m looking for but in terms of personality they absolutely whitewashed all of the characters and i really don’t care for that. the visuals and the casting were so immaculate but in terms of personality they just made them all taste like unsweetened corn flakes.
i’m biased and didn’t care for most of the tweaks they made to the songs individually BUT i think they blended with each other more cohesively than they do in the stage production so that was cool. and i am able to understand why they made them more pop-esque than theatre-y it’s just not my personal vibe
it all felt very emma watson’s beauty and the beast. like. not deserving of much hate but also just not as good. it has its time and place but i still just. the changes they made were too much for me. that being said i am gonna be the #1 viewer whenever it’s released to streaming platforms was not kidding when i said this is a new favorite movie
the whole like. tiktok and iphone camera thing was an interesting??? idea. i really liked it for cautionary tale but the rest. i think it was a better idea than the way they executed it.
i miss do this thing!! i wish they had done like a mashup with it and the stupid with love reprise but i wasn’t mad at the reprise so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fourth wall break was real cringe!!
thoughts abt cady:
angourie is so cute!!!!!!! she has the perfect look for cady. her costumes were kinda yikes but physically she’s mwah chefs kiss perfection
cady is so viscerally autistic in this version and it is DELIGHTFUL
but again i feel like they took so much from her. in the show she’s this overexcited little bubbly (autistic again but still) thing and she’s naive and then it’s revealed she’s conniving and manipulative and has this serious dark streak in her. in the movie it felt like she was just. awkward and then straight to conniving and manipulative. it was interesting but i miss my little jumping bean i wish they had given her some more spice
this movie has turned me into a cadina shipper of THE HIGHEST ORDER i’m already writing a fic for them and i call diiiiibs nobody else do it i write slow /j
i honestly really liked what ifs. i didn’t enjoy it as much as it roars but i think for the screen and for angourie’s voice it was a better fit. and i think it blended better with the new versions of the songs than it roars would have. not mad at it and the staging of it was really cool
cady being the one with a single parent is so interesting to me!! idk why they did that but i think it’s interesting. makes me wonder what happened to her dad but also go mom!!! women in stem!!!
her relationship with the art freaks was so???? weird??? it seemed like damian was the only one who really wanted all of them to be friends. i love this version of janis and damian together but when they were with cady it was all just so BLAND. it didn’t really feel like she and janis were friends at all which is what’s supposed to make the betrayal sting so much
whatever they were aiming for with someone gets hurt they missed hard bc holy cadina batman that shits gay dude BUT THE STAGING WAS SO COOL with everyone like frozen and then they all kick back in all crazy with the music it was great
janis thoughts:
janis is supposed to be spunky and angry and hurt and vengeful and quirky and out there and firey and she’s meant to HAVE GRIT GOTDANGIT but again she just felt so whitewashed. like here’s a vaguely leftist lesbian in ripped jeans and cool eyeshadow that’s janis right?? LIKE NO IT IS NOT
i’d rather be me, while it had a little less vocal oomph behind it than the stage show, was as transcendent as i hoped for and i got chills multiple times. also the comedic timing of the bus was immaculate and the sound it made made me cackle
i can’t tell how i feel about the new middle school incident. i think it takes so much of the pain out of it for janis which is meant to be her main motivator. she was not supposed to be KICKED OUT she was PULLED OUT but i do kind of like that they clearly made it where regina kissed a girl and liked it and freaked out and that was the catalyst for everything
i do not ship this version of cadnis and that to me is unforgivable. they have sooo little chemistry as friends let alone lovers i just can’t stand it. janis doesn’t ever even seem like she wants cady around. it seems so much like they took away what makes janis janis just to turn her into another catalyst for regina and cady’s stories
apex predator was fun!! i honestly like it being janis and damian singing it better than janis and cady i think it works better as a warning and stuff! and also the band in the tree made me laugh so hard. i’m glad cady had them as her tour guides but again that’s all it felt like they were to each other and i miss them being a little posse
REVENGE PARTYYYYYYUH. i thought the staging was really fucking weird?? like all the pastels and shit didn’t really fit i would’ve much preferred it to start like that and then have blood dripping down the walls or something when they’re talking ABOUT PEOPLES HEADS ON SPIKES. but musically it was my favorite of everything!! i’m so happy they put the original verse back i almost screamed out loud in the theater when i heard it!!!!!
i never thought i would say this but i wish they had not canonically made her a lesbian. i will never forgive tina fey for having her end up with that random girl. no shade to the girl, she’s gorgeous and i’m glad we got some on screen, good, healthy queer rep. but in my eyes that is absolutely just a cop out because they know people wanted her to end up with cady or regina. they’re spitting on us and saying “here have your fucking lesbian and enjoy it this is what you get” and expect us to be happy with it. i get so angry every time i think about it and it honestly kind of ruined the whole thing for me. i would rather she have ended up with kevin g again. or like. honestly damian romantically would’ve made more sense in a twisted fucked up way. i just absolutely hate how they handled that.
damian thoughts:
HE! WAS! PERFECT! i am a grey henson stan first and a human being second but by golly he might be my new favorite. comedic timing on point and the fact we barely get to hear him sing is a FELONY. he was delightful and i love him also we love black queer rep!!! fuck yeah!!!! his bit with the fan before id rather be me. sent me into the dang stratosphere i love him so much
regina thoughts:
again everything that’s a core tenet of her personality was removed. i wasn’t afraid of her which is a CRIME bc renee on broadway’s regina was TERRIFYING. she just felt like one of those girls that every hs has like 7 of. they’re a dime a dozen, they’re rich and hot shit and they know it but you don’t care what they do because you know they’ll be divorced and broke and probably fat at your 10 year reunion. it’s giving peaked in high school and not queen bee which is really sad honestly
it made cady seem so much more evil tho?? like regina seemed. hurt. and cady was still so gung ho about taking her down. and it made janis seem much more manipulative too. i don’t care for either of those things
her costumes were so weird??? half that shit regina would not touch with a ten foot pole but it’s renee and she would and she’s hot so i do not care. also this isn’t a criticism but her halloween costume was giving gargoyle more than angel lol
plastics thoughts:
gretchen again felt really reductive. she was all anxiety. not that gretchen isn’t that onstage but it just felt like that was her entire personality. but bebe was adorable and i loved what’s wrong with me she did a great job
avantika was DELIGHTFUL. i loved her so much more than i was expecting to she was the only one where i never had a moment like “i am watching people acting in a movie they are repeating written lines” it felt much more like fluid with her. 10/10 beautifully done to her
aaron thoughts:
he was already the most redundant character in the whole goddamn thing and they somehow made him even more useless. he could’ve been removed from the movie entirely and it would’ve changed NOTHING. he is white bread if he was a spice he’d be flour. didn’t think it was possible to make him more that but by golly they did it
HOW DID HE AND CADY END UP TOGETHER HE HAS THE CHEMISTRY OF A BRICK WALL. she has so much more romantic fire and chemistry with regina this is some of the most comphet shit i’ve ever seen. it’s giving wicked levels of comphet like gooooddamn.
misc. thoughts:
overall like 7/10 good movie i’m angry about a whole bunch but this is also amazing i’m so glad we got this new content and i am definitely hyperfixating on it now. so not that different from my stage show opinions lol
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fantasylandbitch · 11 months
top 5 fav writers
Top 5 Fav Writers hmm..
But if I had to say my top 5 it would be-..hold on before I say whom and I know this isn't apart if of the question, however, every writer sort of in some way fills a particular need or a want that I long for....TMI ahead.
1. Alkivm because and this is kind of embarrassing to admit but I love love how she writes erotica. Because the way she writes and how she interprets it is very like "Wanting, Desire, I need you, I want everything you have to offer but slowly I don't want to scare you, and like I crave you" at least that is what I see in her writing in my opinion and she doesn't seem afraid to go in-depth. Also her non smut writing is equally as beautiful because to me she writes from a personal place of love and fun and who doesn't want that? It's like I got permission to like erotica and everything linked to it and honestly I'm here to stay.
(Also Alkivm is mysterious and wise. Everything about her screams attractive and cool and I'm pretty sure she knows it to. Yeah i said it. Am I scared for admitting that yes.)
2. Blackwolfstabs because I'm falling in love with how she writes for Sam and Tara. She adds a different approach to the girls and the way she writes its raw and personal to me it just adds a bit of flavor to her writing. I also love how she adds so much emotion to the characters like when Sam and Tara are protective of each other or when they're feeling a bit vulnerable. I guess I feel like its something I missed out on a little with my older sisters but I know we all kind of grew up differently and were molded differently. She hits where it hurts sometimes and its great to feel emotions when you least expect it.
3. Zombiemeadow because the way he writes for Billy and Stu is so spot on to me its crazy. In a good way of course and he writes the characters with a real but also silly dynamic sometimes but that is literally how those two characters are even though Billy Loomis is kind of mean. Now admittedly I've only read some of Billy's work, however, I'm looking forward to reading more from him.
(his writing reminds me of my little  brother a little because my brother is super silly but he knows how to talk to people without a care in the world.)
4. Wandagrcre because she writes really well for Wanda, Sam Carpenter, Black Widow, Carol Danvers, and Kate Bishop. And I dont know why but for some reason I feel like I've been following her forever..even though I might be wrong. I say that because maybe something about her writing is super familiar to me and its not a bad thing. It feels like a lost soul or companion seeing each other again and how she writes is like *chefs kiss* its hard to put into words.
5. Me lol I'm just messing with you but at the moment I don't have anyone else in mind, like that sounds bad I know. But I do appreciate the range that you guys are able to write and you guys should be proud of the work you put out.
This is a shout out to all writers out there!!!!
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I never flew in for suggestions so quick in my life I’m desperate for his man. I’d love to definitely see something with Jealous Krauser x f!reader where she is with Leon on this mission and the two have trained with Krauser in the past and seeing them close makes him jealous and worried that she’s moved on from him and he pulls her aside to have a chat (small angst, small fluff, slight smut). Jealous Krauser would just be **chef kiss**
Omg omg OMG. This is such a great idea! I fell in love with him since the remake came out (well, I'm down bad at this point), and this was so fun to write. I hope you like it!
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Krauser's eyes followed the two of you across the room. There was something about how that rookie looked at you that made him mad. On top of that, he could feel his blood boil whenever Leon would touch you. It didn't matter if there were simple touches, such as gentle pats on the back, they still annoyed him.
Krauser figure it out he had a crush on you the moment he saw Leon helping you with your aim. When he saw Leon so close to your body, he got so jealous that he almost killed the poor guy in the next training session.
The Major couldn't focus on his mission, which wasn't in his character.
"Hey, you alright?" Leon asked as he gently rubbed your back. He saw your distressed state and wanted to comfort you since it was your first mission and you were kinda nervous. Leon and Krauser had some sort of experience, but you were a rookie. So far, you have been grateful for having them by your side. You leaned your head over Leon's shoulder, and he pulled you closer. Then you wrapped your arm around his waist, listening to his encouraging words.
"C'mon, it will be easy, you'll see. If I survived a zombie outbreak, you can survive on this mission just fine."
Lucky for all of you, it wasn't something that involved BOWs. It was an undercover mission, but you were nervous regardless.
"Yeah, but you’re awesome and badass, and I’m just a rookie."
"Don't say that," Leon said in a soft tone. "You're awesome in your own way. I've seen you train with Krauser, and trust me, I wouldn't be able to last that long like you did."
"Heh, yeah..." you said, and you immediately blushed as some dirty memories appeared in your mind.
What Leon and the rest didn't know is that you and Krauser dated for a while. It was...magical. You thought that Jack would be cold and distant with you just as he was at work, but he surprised you with how gentle and caring he could be. However, Jack valued his work above anything else, and when the time came for him to choose the ending, it was obvious.
You went your separate ways, tried to move on, and now you look at this man who hugs and comforts, starting to see a possible new beginning. You're still not completely over Krauser, tho. This mission was already hard for you without his presence. You tried to ignore him as you were still pissed, but there was a small part of your heart that wanted to see him try to take you back. You hated how he ignored you and treated you like a normal soldier.
You raised your head and met Leon's eyes. He was looking down at you with what seemed to be the most carrying and gentle glance. Looking at his face almost made you forget about Krauser, but even after so much time, thinking about a man like this still feels like cheating.
"We have a mission to finish," you said as you pulled away. Still, Leon seemed to have a hard time separating from your body.
Krauser couldn't do anything but watch helplessly the whole scene from across the room. For him, you were still his girl, and seeing you so close to another man infuriated him. He hated when he felt so...vulnerable in front of his emotions. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if you were over him completely, because judging by how you and Leon acted recently, it seems that way.
Jack didn't want to lose you, he didn't want to see you with another man, especially one that he trained. He couldn't wait until the mission was finished, he had to act now.
He came from behind you and gently grabbed your arm.
"Y/N, a word?" he asked, annoyed.
"Uhm, sure."
Leon was busy talking with other agents and didn't notice you two leaving.
"So what's up?" you asked with your hands in your pockets, not knowing what to say. You were nervous, an emotional wreck, even as his mere touch brought up some feelings you thought were gone. It's been a while since you two were so close. On one hand, you were still angry with him, but on the other hand, you wanted him. You wanted him to touch you, to hug you, and to just kiss you on your cheeks, lips, and bruises like he used to do after every training.
"Nothing much, I just wanted to make sure you're ok that's all. I noticed you were kinda nervous."
Oh, please, like you care." You scoffed and turned around to join Leon and the rest.
"Already wanna go to your precious rookie, huh?" He teased, a smirk appearing on his face.
You froze for a second, then turned around again to confront him.
"Oh, grow up! He just tries to comfort me. If you'd pay attention, you'd learn a thing or two."
"Oh dear, but I've been paying attention, and all I could see was two agents fooling around instead of focusing on the damn mission!"
"Fooling around?! Never mind, that's all you care about anyway." You shouted, not caring if anyone heard you. "You only care about the damn mission. It's all about the duty, never about the people around you."
"How can you say that? I care about my people and my team, and I care about you! I've always cared about you!"
"You never bothered to show me that."
"That's because you didn't let me." He kept closing the distance between you, but you didn't move an inch. You were still angry at him, but at the same time, something about this whole scene made you desire him more and more. "I-I was a fool..."
This confession left you speechless. Seeing you remain silent, he continued.
"You were right about me. I did not treat you right." His eyes, which used to be filled with rage, were now full of regret. "I kept trying to fulfill my duty as a soldier but failed to fulfill my duty as your partner."
"Jack, what is the reason you wanted to talk with me?" You asked confused. You didn't know what was going on.
"I-" he sighed and paused for a second. "I saw you getting closer to Leon and I got panicked. I felt like I was losing you, and I can't stand the idea of not having you in my life. I just-" He raised a hand to caress your cheek. "I just want to start over, I want you."
You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to melt into his touch.
"But if you don't want me back, I get it. Just say the word, and I'll stop chasing you."
"Don't stop." You kept your eyes close and felt Krauser close the distance between you completely. Your bodies were glued together as he pinned you to the wall. You soon felt your lover's lips over yours, and in just a few seconds you were kissing passionately, reminiscing all the good times you spent together. His hands began to wander all over your body, from your neck to your waist, and they stopped on your hips. Your hands never stopped caressing his chest, as you knew that was his soft spot.
"Hmm, don't stop." You said between kisses and whimpers. One of his hands moved to grab your neck and urged you to tilt your head back. Bless that height difference, as you've never felt so good. You never thought that you'd make out with your Major on your first mission, but you were grateful for feeling his touch once again.
"I'll never stop..." he said almost breathlessly in a needy tone. "Never..." Your tongues never stopped playing with each other, even when you ran out of energy. The kiss became sloppy, but you both enjoyed it regardless, making you both want more.
"Major Krauser?" Leon shouted from the other room, not daring to check on you. "Is everything alright?"
You both froze the kiss, refusing for a moment to stop. Eventually, Krauser pulled out a thin strand of saliva that connected your lips for a second before being broken.
Goddamnit, rookie..." he said, frustrated.
"Hey..." you cupped his cheek and made him look at you. "We can continue this after this mission." You winked and kissed his lips once again before joining the rest. Krauser followed you after he calmed himself down and fixed his pants.
"Everything good?" Leon asked you, noticing your rosy face.
"Yes, yes, just had a little argument, that's all. C'mon, we have a mission to finish."
"Wow, someone has a different vibe. This means that you won the argument?"
"You can say that." You barely stopped the smirk from appearing on your face.
"Told you you were a badass. Not everyone can win an argument against the Major and come out as happy as you."
You couldn't stop giggling. Leon was a smart guy, but he was so clueless sometimes.
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Lol your defending for GabiYui is really on point. I remember some watchers even said 'too bad Gabimaru's heart is stick on his wife, Sagiri is much prettier or hotter' or 'go for it Gabimaru, it's okay to have multiple wives'. Come on, are we now living in an era where a husband being loyal to his wife is something really weird? I need Gabimaru to show his ninjutsu to these people lol.
awww thank you! ofc I will defend GabiYui no matter what since this pair is so close to my heart and has actually inspired me to write better at romance (aside from the other characters from different fandoms I am in) and do my best in life (Nishinoya from Haikyuu is still my main drive but still)
now onto some big points of this ask hehe
re: "Sagiri is prettier than Yui" issue
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these two are absolute sisters your honor
I won't deny that sagiri is beautiful like I swear have you seen her and the way she fights back despite men looking down on her and how she swings her sword? plus episode 6 highlighted her being able to balance her emotions, making her gently kill rokurota. ugh perfection. chef's kiss. 1000/10 rating.
but ya know I don't get why people have to be like "Sagiri is way prettier and hotter but too bad Gabi is not in love with her" like what do you mean too bad? like ???? idk if it's just me but does gabimaru have to appreciate her being hot or what? plus ya know gabi is not into the appearance anyways. he even said in the latest episode (which is episode 7 as of this writing) that appearances really don't matter.
plus I don't get why people love comparing yui and sagiri's physical appearance against each other and saying "this girl is prettier" yada yada when they are both best girls with distinct beauty. in fact, there is an interview with Chainsaw Man author Tatsuki Fujimoto about Hell's Paradise author Yuji Kaku where he discussed about drawing female characters. according to Fujimoto-sensei, Kaku-sensei always drew his female characters beautifully in an aesthethic manner and his reason behind this is bcos "all girls are cute regardless so we must always draw them as cute girls" (not exact quote but you get what I mean) that's why Fujimoto-sensei added he has been trying to draw his female characters as cute as possible. so yeah both sagiri and yui are cute and pretty or whatnot. they just exhibit different vibes like sagiri has major main female chara vibes while yui is def softcore cottagecore vibes 🥰🥰🥰
besides, no matter what people say, yui will still be the most beautiful person in gabimaru's eyes. he even said so in both manga and episode 7.
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note: he used the word "utsukushii" for the term "beautiful" and in Japanese, using this term means you really find a person so beautiful inside and out that it moves you emotionally so the mere fact gabimaru described yui in this manner despite her telling him that she's ugly is something else 😭🥺💖
re: "it's okay for Gabimaru to take on multiple wives" issue
here's MY NOT SO CONTROVERSIAL TAKE on this one bcos you all know my answer.
it is no doubt that gabimaru can take on multiple wives. after all, gantetsusai mentioned he has multiple wives across japan. plus their time period allows men to marry multiple women so people making this statement knows what they are saying.
I actually don't think gabimaru will engage in this sort of thing (see, I told you my opinion on this is not controversial hehe) and here's why.
we all know that osa (aka iwagakure village chief) killed gabimaru's parents and took gabimaru in, even to a point where gabimaru literally lives in the village chief's home like some sort of special treatment.
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however, I think one reason gabimaru got special treatment is bcos both of his parents are high-class shinobis (like jonin level) and ofc osa saw his potential that maybe "ah this kid might inherit his parents' ninja skills or something"
plus, osa doesn't have any sons to begin with bcos surprise surprise YUI HAS NEARLY 20 HALF SISTERS with her being the eighth daughter. and accdg to Kaku-sensei, there is a major possibility of yui and gabimaru meeting as children (but alas it is hard to tell since yui has so many sisters). and yes this is all mentioned in Jigokuraku Kaitai Shinsho (pls someone translate this huhu)
so when tsuki (the toasted marshmallow gabimaru that we know) became the 58th gabimaru by killing the 57th gabimaru, he was rewarded for his skills and intellect by marrying yui. but the thing is, it's a common talk among iwagakure ninjas that osa has been looking for a successor and bcos he doesn't have a son, the only choice is to have gabimaru marry into his family (which is common in Japan)
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fun fact: gabimaru actually doesn't know why he was married to yui though. he even thought maybe yui has some kind of secret ninjutsu or something. he tried to find out but this boy went home and when yui greeted him with a beaming smile, he was immediately overwhelmed with feelings that he forgot his own agenda 😭😭😭
so what's the point of all this? you see gabimaru has never realized why yui was so adamant abt this sense of normalcy and all that stuff until he finally learned the meaning behind her dream. after all, in iwagakure, when a man is born, he automatically has to be a ninja and a woman has to get pregnant and bear more children that will become ninjas. and if they die during training, then they'll be replaced by another batch of offsprings that will be ninjas or vessels for children.
in short: women in iwagakure are not only beaten, but also treated as baby-making factories (ofc some of them become kunoichis but most of them just become a housewife that takes care of dozen babies). doesn't matter how young or old. as long as you can get pregnant, then you go do your duty for iwagakure. hence why yui loathed this kind of set up and when she voiced out her want for normalcy, she paid the price by having her face scarred.
but what if a girl doesn't get pregnant? ahh then the guy will take another wife, get her pregnant, then process repeat and repeat. it's a cruel cycle that never ends.
in osa's case, it took him like so long before finally accepting his wives cannot give him a son. and in my own opinion, these things can influence gabimaru into not having a harem marriage in the first place. like imagine marrying multiple women just for the sake of a duty.
besides, given how bad he's down for yui, I don't think he would want another woman other than her. like srsly gabimaru has so much respect for her and having a harem marriage would defeat every single thing he and yui are fighting for.
after all, gabimaru hates the idea of women being treated as broodmares. remember, his wife has been "marked" for the same reason. like he really abhors the idea and there are theories of yui being possibly pressured into having children with gabimaru and tbh it all boils down into this canon evidence from the manga.
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plus I hate it when people normalize cheating like "gabi might cheat with sagiri" or something like srsly? I thought we were all past NTR and all that stuff? if you are into NTR kinks, there are various media forms that can cater to that and sadly, Hell's Paradise is not the medium for NTR as much as these people want it to be.
that's all for today, folks.
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stillresolved · 1 month
Dissect your own writing style. What do you do most often? What do you want to take away from other writers (tag them if you want)? What is something you want to break out of?
@eternasci / unprompted.
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HI SYNNIE!! I WANTED TO ANSWER THIS FOR THE LONGEST TIME ( and i also looked at your analysis and that is *chef's kiss* i'll be using a format similar to that though i can't guarantee the length :'D )
ironically, tumblr roleplay is actually one of the reasons i began pursuing writing professionally; beginning of my writing journey on here began back in our lord and savior year 2014 :'D i was writing oc x canon short stories ( we called them oneshots teehee) back on quizilla and even did do a stint of rp thru the shitty messaging. lucky for me, almost all traces of my writing before 2021 have been deleted so i will never have to go through the cringe of other people reading my shitty characters and writing back then :) but let me actually answer the questions here!!
this was pointed out to me by one of my writing professors and something i've come to realize more and more, but i don't describe human bodies. i don't like to either ( i have some suspicions on the root of this too ), but perhaps this is why i like tumblr rp so- we are able to use a faceclaim to represent a character; there's no need give a physical description if a picture can do it for you. for me, if there is description, it's going to be more intentional as is the action itself.
to connect with that point, my writing tends to lean more towards exploring character interiority: how the action of the other muse or even just the presence of the other muse will affect their opinions, their perception. i'm most comfortable with beginning from the interior before branching out into the character's exterior/actual interaction in the moment. this might be the reason why sometimes it feels like my replies are drawn out.
i used to wish i could write metaphorically and lyrically the way say, oc.ean v.uong does. however, i've learned that while i can admire that style, it's not one that comes easily for me. my writing tends to be more on the literal side. if a metaphor or a simile slips in, it was unintentional but it feels right. i think figurative language comes in for me when it comes to describing emotions or sensations my characters might be feeling ( ex. one & two ). i don't like to simply state emotions or intangible concepts; there's only so many ways to state a character is in love, but there are a thousand ways to describe a character in love ( ex. one & two ).
these days and my dear lenlen also pointed this out!! but i also tend to use...parentheses generously ^^' of course this draws out mixed reactions from my readers. here, i assume it's okay, but in my prose when it happens, my critique partners tell me to get rid of it :'D i personally love using both parentheses and the strikeout as it lets me play around with thoughts that my muses perhaps don't want to admit to themselves.
i like to think i've managed to weed out some bad habits that tend to be rampant among tumblr writing. when referring to characters, i will only use either their name or their pronouns. unless it adds to the voice of the muse itself, i'll never use epithets ( 'the female', 'the japanese', etc. ) as they really aren't used in say, published writing. when i was younger, i also used to have a bad habit of using 'she looked'/ eye direction. sometimes i do end up writing those things but i manage to catch myself and cut those sentences out. unless it's a significant action, i always usually assume the reader knows the general eye direction ^^'
one thing i know my mutuals and my critique partners tend to tell me about my writing is that my characters are well-developed, each having their own distinct voices. i do notice that my style/how my response is written does differ depending on which muse i'm writing. below are trends in my writing of certain muses:
annie: lots of imagery and metaphorical language involving water and aquatic life. since she is the mad girl, the idea of 'madness' and 'being good' comes up a lot too. tone is a tad more innocent and there does tend to be a bit more metaphorical language as well; to process her trauma, it's easier on her to think metaphorically or about her childhood than to think literally and to be in the moment.
ga-ram: sentences are shorter, less flowy as they are quite curt. responses of them will also be on the shorter side as they don't usually have as much to say in comparison to some of my other muses. also since they devoted like the last 10 years of their life to helping judge kang, unfortunately, they will think of him and make comparisons.
nell: her replies end up on the longer side, mostly because when she talks, she talks a lot. to reflect her never-ending train of thought and her anxiety, the narration in her replies and her dialogue especially tends to consist of long sentences with lots of dashes and interruptions.
suki: i think i've said this before, but the use of dramatic (and situational) irony comes out the most here. because she's quite set in her ways, but also has a tendency to (majorly) misinterpret a situation, i've found that breaking the fourth wall on occasion helps to contribute to the humor and the light heartedness of her threads. you'll see a lot of declarative sentences and exclamation points here.
patrick: unfortunately, he is a man of literature and therefore, has a tendency to ramble. literally- his responses are almost always like 500+ words. his narration is much more formal, much more...sophisticated? i guess just think of british english ( or at least my best interpretation of it ^^' ) also more metaphorical language here in comparison to the others and plenty of allusions to greek and roman myths since he's well read in both.
i'll just start off with saying that i don't think i'd be nearly as good of writer if not for my writing partners. one of the best things about roleplay is that writers here aren't in competition with one another; they have to collaborate if they want to be fulfilled here. that being said here's my list of tumblr writers i would say i learned something from:
cyan ( @bloodxhound ) is one of the first people on this hell*site that i like to think really challenged my writing. there's an elegance and a rhythm to her prose (her word choice specifically) that reads so well...reading her stuff made me want to expand the vocabulary in my own writing, going beyond what is used colloquially in american english.
lenlen ( @ptternminds )'s writing always gives me BRAIN FOOD so you have anyone to blame for me going off the deep end when it comes to character interiority, they're the culprit :3 okay but seriously, their character metas and headcanons go HARD and the fact that they're able to incorporate that kind of analysis of both their own muse and of their partner is incredible. it makes want to figure out how to interpret and incorporate the other muse into my replies.
lynnie ( @geaesaekki ) has a different writing style from mine and i appreciate that. rather than showing everything, it's sometimes more effective to simply tell the reader what they need to know. whereas my writing can get roundabout, lynnie's writing style is more direct, straight to the point. it makes her writing accessible to her partners and that directness is actually something i'm trying to work on here ^^'
honestly, i feel pretty confident in my writing style on here ( my prose is a very different story ); it's not perfect, but it's mine. That being said, i have a tendency to take too long to get to the action of my threads or even to the main point. because i prefer to show most things rather than tell, it can bog down the pace of my writing and also the speed at which i get my writing done :'D
this goes hand in hand with point one, but i also have a bad habit of overexplaining my character's interiority out of fear of not giving enough context. this is something i've also noticed in my prose ( though i do manage to cut it out of my drafts ^^' ) and am working on. trusting the reader more to pick up the details i want them to.
i also think i might need to get more comfy with describing bodies/physical description? it certainly would make writing sensual scenes a bit easier ^^' as of right now, writing appearances, etc. has always been something i've turned off by. but who knows if that'll change one day.
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vodkassassin · 11 months
:3c Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
and i’m reminded of the simple life (where I work and just be used) (SVSSS) Shang Qinghua
It’s my Shang Qinghua superwhump fic with an overlaying plot that evolved from a one shot I had written one morning over coffee before work a few years ago. I never anticipated it growing into something of this scale. Through this fic, I’ve been able to explore certain characters and their motivations and behaviors in ways I wouldn’t in other stories. It’s great fun for me <3
Shakespeare in the Park (Skyrim) Dominic Moriah (OC)
My good old insert-OC Dominic and his adventures in Skyrim, transmigration gamer style. This one is a story I’ve been working off and on for YEARS and I still have so much planned for it. I’ve barely even started m. The fact i have gotten so many comments on this fic along the lines of “I don’t even go here (skyrim) but I love this story” is mind boggling. I hope my writing was able to inspire someone to play the game at least once 👀
Plus, Dominic as a character is just so much fun to write. And, gratifyingly, I have been told he’s also very fun to read.
Ear to the Wall (Naruto) Hatake Kakashi
Ah, my baby. One of my most successful fics ever. Topping the charts of my statistics. Raking in the bread (I wish lmao).
The fact that this story, too, started from just a one shot of a vague idea I had one day and somehow snowballed into this absolute monstrosity that so many people love is what I live for as a writer. So many people nuts enjoy reading about sick baby Kakashi tumbling blindly through his own time travel fix-it, and it breathes life into me every day.
above, and beyond, and below (MDZS) Su She (OC-Insert)
Genuinely I am so proud of the way I’ve written this story. I can reread it and come across barely any points in which I feel like rewriting, which is rare! The pacing, the emotion, the character voices, the implications of future plot points… I wanna chef kiss myself with tongue for the great job I’ve been doing with this story.
Plus, the amount of people who have raged at me for making them cry with this one specifically is how I survive in this cold and cruel world 💖
bundle up tight (American Dragon Jake Long) Jake
Listen, this fandom could use some new blood. Not people, I mean, just stories — I mean, the world building potential alone! It deserves more attention. The sandbox is unlimited and there’s room for more people to build castles next to my small and humble home.
I’ll come back myself and read this one, and it always brings me joy. Nostalgia paired with my own ideas in writing it just makes me feel cozy.
Honorable mentions:
Pelsitheos (Percy Jackson) Percy [time travel, canon overhaul, character motivation focus, collecting adoptable characters] WIP
cornered animals bear their teeth (SVSSS) Shang Qinghua [throat tearing, badass SQH, infatuated MBJ, just 😏] COMPLETE
Attempt #2 (Trash of the Count’s Family) Cale Henituse|Kim Rok Soo [protective papa Eruhaben, best big brother Alberu, Cale Henituse Protection Squad] COMPLETE
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stuiie · 2 months
Hi Stuie!
I absolutely adore your story! I started reading it two days ago and just finished it 😅 There are SO MANY things I love about it, I could go on forever, but I’ll just name a few.
For starters, the pet names! They have me on my knees ��‍♀️‍���️ I love how Wanda and Natasha call each other “My love” and Ducky is referred to as “My little love”. My personal favourite, simple as it may be, is “Darling”. It makes me melt every time without fail. And when she was all shy about wanting to be referred to as “Princess” , I think that was in the club? Either way, *chefs kiss*.
The slow burn in this story was so well-written, I love how you set the scene and gave us backstory instead of going straight in, it really adds to the reading experience. The fact that they took so long to tell Yelena, much as she may dislike it, also adds to the authenticity, because it feels like something that would just kind of happen? Ducky was so scared of losing Yelena as a friend, of course she was hesitant to tell her.
This is just a small thing, but the rest of the characters in the story being from the marvel universe is just such a nice touch. Sometimes I’d be so deep into the story that I wouldn’t realise, like it took me a while to realise that Peter was Peter Parker lmao. But especially all the scenes at various parties and the club, where all of Natasha and Wanda’s friends are pre-existing characters. I like knowing what characters in stories look like, so it’s nice to already know or to be able to just Google them.
Another thing related to the characters is that you write them all so well! Sometimes it can be hard to give characters separate personalities, and their dialogue can be a little dry. But you’ve done a wonderful job of giving them all unique dialogue and little personality quirks, which just makes it more enjoyable to read. Like how Wanda has less control than Natasha, as is made clear in the elevator scene.
One of the specific things I enjoy is when Wanda paints with Ducky, especially when she sits behind her. The way you describe it, with Wanda taking charge and helping her is so sweet. That first time she did it and Ducky got all nervous when Natasha came in was cute lmao.
Thank you for writing this great fic, you’re a fantastic writer and I can’t wait for chapter 30! <3
Hi endofn1ght 🥰,
First of all wow, thank you so much for your incredibly kind message! 🥹 I’m honestly so touched that you took the time to share your thoughts in such detail—I’m over the moon over here. Second of all, it means a lot to hear that you enjoyed the pet names; I was afraid I had overused them a bit, but I love them so much. I wanted them to add an extra layer of affection between the characters. Thank you so much for sharing your favorite ones; I love to know these things.
The slow burn was something I really wanted to get right, so I do get a bit emotional hearing that you liked it. It means a lot to me as a writer to know you felt Ducky’s hesitance to tell Yelena was a natural reaction and that you enjoyed how it all unfolded.
Haha, hell YEAH! I’m so very happy that you enjoyed the inclusion of other Marvel characters! I had a lot of fun incorporating them into the story in subtle ways, and I love that you picked up on those moments. It’s super rewarding to know that the characters and their personalities felt distinct and authentic 🥰.
The painting scene was one of my favorite scenes to write between Wanda and Ducky. I spent a lot of time trying to capture those intimate, sweet moments between them. Your feedback makes me feel like all the little details I put in are really appreciated, which is so motivating.
Thank you again so very much for your wonderful words and for being such a supportive reader. I really needed this after some extremely grueling days at work. 💖
I’m so excited to share Chapter 30 with you, and I hope to finish it soon. I’m still aiming for this week, unless something unexpected happens!
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
3rd Anniversary Event - A Beast's Dream Fulfilled by Beauty - Clavis
Main route
Many people are gather in the only bookstore in Lelouch Kingdom, something Clavis had set up for Emma, for reading and writing lessons. On one particular day while Emma was giving lessons, a young boy approaches her and tells her of his dream to become a bureaucrat. He had heard that it's a rewarding job with a high salary and makes you popular with the ladies. Of course he heard it from Clavis.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. His breath against Emma's ear causes her to jump.
Emma: Don't do that! You almost made my heart stop. Clavis: My, that would be terrible. I should do something about it. Most fairytale princesses are cured with a kiss- Emma: I'm good!
So why is Clavis at the bookstore? Well, wherever his fiancée is, he'll be there too. Though he pouts at how packed the store is. Emma says it's all thanks to him. The bookstore was like a place for people to start on working their way toward achieving their dreams. The boy tells Clavis that he'll become a bureaucrat for sure, so hire him when the time comes. Clavis replies that if the boy becomes someone amusing, he'll consider it. And then adds that he still has a ways to go if he only has one dream to fulfill. YOLO, it'd be a waste just just want to be a bureaucrat. Emma asks Clavis if he has a lot of dreams.
As a child, Clavis dreamt of being the best gentleman on the whole continent. He also thought about being a butler, becoming a chef and opening a restaurant, becoming a doctor, and even the only trap master out there. In the end, they all came true. Emma backs him up on that, well except for the part about becoming a chef.
Clavis: What do you think? I'm pretty amazing, aren't I? Have you fallen for me? Emma: I've fallen deeply in love. Kyaa, Clavis is so cool. Clavis: ... Emma: I really respect you?
It's too embarrassing for Emma to put emotion into it. Clavis laughs as she turns her reddening face away. His tsun-tsun fiancée's as cute as ever.
The boy asks Clavis how he was able to make so many dreams come true. The answer's simple. He then suddenly wraps his arm around Emma's waist and asks the boy he knows (since she wouldn't look at him, he wanted to at least feel her body heat). As Emma protests because they're in public, the boy's like "yeah, yeah, you're in love. So explain." Is Emma the only one flustered here??? Apparently so because everyone else in the store's treating this as something that happens all the time. Emma just settles in his arms.
Clavis tells the boy that he needs to take action now. Need to figure out how to achieve the dream. If he procrastinates on it, it'll just remain a dream. But it's fine to just start off small and build his way up.
Clavis sounds so cool, but why does he look so sad? Hearing his words, the boy resolves to study a lot. Emma's a bit taken aback, but will do her best to help. And may rope Clavis in too since he's here. He agrees to it, for a fee, and finally lets Emma go. Everyone in the store applauds. But Emma can't get that expression on Clavis' face out of her head.
That night, Emma and Clavis are taking a bath together. The former asks if this is the fee for earlier. Yep. It's not often that she takes baths with Clavis. Emma wonders if this is something lovers normally do. She asks him to stop his roaming hands or else she'll overheat. He jokes about taking care of her if she does, but being the gentleman that he is, stops touching her. But now it's a little too quiet for Emma. She asks Clavis if there's something on his mind because he looked sad back at the bookstore. Clavis tells Emma that he was just remembering some things. He still has some dreams that are unfulfilled.
He'd like to:
Wash Emma's hair and body, and make her shine with his own hands
Have a portrait of her done and hang it in the bedroom
Change how they say "good night" to each other. Say "I love you" instead (aishiteru)
Travel the world together
It'll be hard to fulfil these dreams with such a tsun-tsun fiancée, even if she's been more dere-dere recently. Maybe they'll start with the first on the list - Emma turns that down. She'd die of embarrassment. Then how about the portrait? She makes a face but Clavis will get his way eventually. He blows a breath against her ear.
Emma: I told you, no roaming hands! Clavis: I'm not touching you, though Emma: No breathing either. Clavis: You want me to stop breathing?
After much teasing, Emma gives in and agrees to have her portrait done. She mentally prepares herself for tomorrow, still wondering about that sad look.
Cyril's there to provide moral support as she gets her portrait done. Clavis asks the painter to make sure he gets her shy expression down.
It's time for the two to say "good night" to each other. Emma asks if they really have to, but Clavis is practically beaming at her. She did say that she'd help achieve his dreams. Emma asks if "I like you a lot" (daisuki) is okay. Nope, he wants the aishiteru. He says it to Emma. The sweetness of the words is too much for her and she hides under the blanket. After calming down a bit, she peeks up at him and stutters the words out. This will be how they say "good night" to each other from now on.
The two visit Jade, which has a close relationship with Lelouch Kingdom, for personal reasons rather than on official business. Clavis bought Jade's famous "all-purpose iced herbal tea somehow packed with all sorts of benefits" and they relax on a bench in town. As Emma sips on the delicious tea, Clavis tells her about how their teas taste different. Emma asks if him if he wants a taste of hers and holds her glass out to him. In return, he'll let her taste his. Was this the kind of lovey-dovey acts he was talking about wanting to do? While her tea was sweet, his was refreshing.
His dreams are being fulfilled, one by one. But Emma's STILL thinking about that sad look. Emma brings what Clavis had said earlier about making his dreams come true as soon as possible. So why didn't he do these things before? She's not taking his answer about being in the mood. Clavis continues to dodge the question by talking about how good the tea is. Emma just continues to look at him until he surrenders.
Though he has many dreams, there's one that he can't make come true, and it's something that he still worries over.
Sweet + Premium End
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moonliched · 11 months
Hello! Anon from before! Comment you say comment you get! I was positively swiped out from the ground with the whole fic, but this chapter? *Chefs kiss* The plot twist with Moon knowing language better than we thought is a really nice touch, I plan on rereading the fic with this new perspective in mind! I didn't really thought about the fact that Sun could use English much better. I just thought their skills are different there but nope. Moon is just a little drama queen. I love that you included "healthy relationship" beetwen Moon and Y/n, when they found out he can talk they were slightly irritated by it and expressed that but almost imidiatly (now they are sure he will understand complicated sentences) explains the situation and what they are feeling. Because ladies and gentlemen communication is the key 👏 👏 👏 Moon expressing himself with his thoughts about reader seeing him as a dumb animal or trying to tame him is also a nice touch that isn't really used in other fics I've read, If some alien thing appeared near my house and started trying to teach me to speak or to do some tricks I would be also offended. The no bullshit attitude is mu h needed fuck the little misunderstandings let's talk openly like a good couple fishman.
I also love the fact that even that y/n now can communicate with Moon and wants to get to know him they are still pretty cautious. As they explained its not easy to overcome first impressions especially when there have been their lives on the plate(in their eyes). I would love to see them warming up to each other! Which is already happening and I think it's so so cute they are both trying really hard to make it work.
The romance is just pure gold. I was squeaking with the whole bracelet thing. My man Moon got send to his namesake I'm sure he was seeing his kids with y/n get away to fish college at this moment keke. It's very cute that y/n regifted something as precious as shell to him. I am assuming the shell that he made himself and spend lots of time on is some courting proposal. So him getting something crafted with equal effort by his Brat will give him ideas. Good. We want more. I think you are great at creating tension and writing some really cute fluffy moments, as well as the more intimate ones. I love how you write y/n her personality, and reasoning. You created a great character that despite some strong character its still pretty easy to put yourself in their shoes.
The fact that Moon noticed marks after webbing on y/n hands is also interesting. I wonder what he thinks right now and what will he do with that information. Also I am hoping he didn't misunderstood that Sun was the one to rip them out. Coz when he asked of the reason they are gone we just started blabbering about the yellow mermaid and that they didn't really mean it .
I'm very curious about Sun and Moon relationship, for sure it's not bad as Moon said himself ,, he is mine,, ,,my Sun". It's intriguing what they are to each other. I feel bad for the guy he a little lonely boy with too much energy that gets into your personal bubble but he means well. I hope we will get to meet him officaly soon and that Moon after learning about our meeting will put some information about his human friend into his Sun so he will know better than to almost drown them hahah.
I really enjoyed the way you pictured Glamrocks and I was shocked when you said you are not very skilled in writing them. The dialogues for each of them works really well and you kept their personalities just perfect in my eyes. I was mesmerised how smoothly I went through this chapter and how many emotions it got from me. The dynamic in the team is great and they just appeared and with small nudges and small talks from you we can already tell or at least predict so much about them.
Of course we can't forget about Vanessa, she would never let us forget. But what amazes me is how you were able to create such a mixed feelings towards this character in me. I am a first person to throw someone into the jerk category fast but with her I keep changing my mind. She is very well written, annoying but you can sometimes see a little bit of the other side. There is clearly something wrong with her, with her hallucinations and paranoia. Also the fear of mer might play the role here with the big bad trap boi. As much as I want to showe her head into a grinder every second she appears I also get amused, such an interesting character. And this is all thanks to you those types are very hard to write. It only shows how big of a talent you posses.
I very much enjoy the relationship beetwen y/n and Bon Bon. Little siblings that bicker with each other all the time but when one of them shows up with dead man in the middle of the night they will help them dug the grave hahaha The personality you gave him is astonishing and enduring. I didn't read a lot about Bon Bon but know your version of him is my headcanon and lives rent free in my head haha. The little soft moments with reader that ends up in jesting are really heart-warming.
I am also very curious about Monty. Can he communicate with mers? I have a feeling some yellow fella got pretty excited that there is some possible friend nearby. Ahh I love Sun so much I want to cuddle him. All he wants is snuggles but all he gets is struggles.
The length of the chapter is a blessing I needed some good stuff to relax into and let my mind flow which you were able to provide so thank you. I mean it with my heart when I say you are very talented. This fic is well organised, with a good balance of all aspects that keeps you entertained. From the beginning I didn't skip any paragraph (which I admit is my sinful behaviour where something in the fic bores me ) and even rereaded to whole thing in the matter of days. I couldn't keep myself away trying to find something I might have missed amd relived the events once again. I love your version of the boys, the Moon being the first to open up and fall for reader is a nice change (where in most fics he is the one more cautious). I fell in love with him and his behaviour a big teasing, lovesick softy. It must have shocked him when reader's antena went missing haha.
Your addictions at the end of the chapters are so cute and bring me so much joy. I love your little ,,memes" and that sometimes it gives us the glimpse of others perspective. I can't recall which but some of your jokes from previous chapters got me laughing so hard. And stayed in my head that at the random moment hours later I would start chuckling. So thank you for that. Thank you for creating this fic and keeping working on it. I can say it's one of my favourites and we are only on the 10 chapter! This chapter was a blast that i will have to reread soon. Can't wait to see more of your great ideas. Keep up the good work and don't forget you are amazing ❤❤❤
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this has to be the most rewarding and thoughtful message i have ever received aaaauuuuu😭💗💗💗 i don't even know what to say!! i keep rereading over and over. you've taken note of a bunch of stuff i was rly hoping people would appreciate. the glamrocks especially, i worked so hard on their dialogue and flow, and the other side to Vanessa beyond the antagonism! i think every time i feel down or hesitant about my writing, i'll revisit this lovely comment, thank you thank you thank you!✨🌈❤️
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ssreeder · 6 months
I didnt see that there was an update until now and i dont feel like discording and i just read the new chapter so here i am with my few main points bc i dont feel like doing a full live reaction👍👍🫶
Seeing Jeeto come into play in any capacity at all makes me feel like a proud parent watching their children grow. Its always wonderful like those are my emotional support middle aged fictional men. I watched them go from conspiracy to getting crumbs to now their "dates" and gossiping together. Youve gotta love it. Those are my children. Im so proud of them. But im also scared because you killed shen so obviously my feeligns mean nothing to you 🙄😒😒. (Im never going to get over that, im going to be 80 years old in some pst apocolypic enviroment with horrors all around me, but im going to be having nightmares about shen. Ill send you my therapy bill) (im going to get a tattoo in his memory istg)
Also its always really subtle but its funny to see your specific linguistical patterns in liab esp because i can never really explain it. Like ill read a random sentence and be like 'yeah that seems like sreeder wrote it' i just think its neat.
I also really loved zukka this chapter. But i always lovr zukka so its not a surprise. But espesially this chapter because its mostly soft zukka.
"Do you think we will stay together" NO Zukko divorce 🔫🔫. 🙅🏻🔥🔥🔥🙅🏾
The 'moving forward' ness of zukka in liab is so nicely written. Like ive been reading liab since (almost) the beginning and it has been a ride and its starting to feel more conclusive and that is SCARY but its also nice because you write it very well and i adore the way you write trauma and the healing of it and the ups and downs and the two steps forward two steps backness. Its very lovely.
I knew ara was going to have a suicide attempt (esque situation (idk if that counts)) i called it i win.
Idc what others say ara will always be amazing. I love her character SO MUCH
i feel like you can always tell the strengths of a writer in the way they write complicated characters and the way you write ara is very telling of that. Like the fragility and also harshness used for her is very realistic and i always enjoy her parts so much.
Like her deciding to move on independant of how zuko or sokka feel about it is and regardless of whether people thinks she 'deserves it' is immaculate.
And thats a good example on your specific strengths as the author of liab (being able to handle delicate situations well, and realistically and make them very thought out and not rushed, stuff like that).
But her 'i need to start getting along with other girls' is great because like,, RHATS SO TRUE. she is genuienlly one of my favorite characters of all time, i could write essays on why i love her. Exquisite.
Thats my emotional support woobified early 20 something year old man. I adore him. If 30 people love reho i am one of them, if one person loves reho i am them if 0 people love reho i am dead (rip rehoes 😔) i will defend his (and aras) good names until i die.
Amazing chapter as always 10/10 *chefs kiss* im so excited for the series to finish and see what you do with everyone and the rest of the storylines and such.
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Every time I think of Shen’s death I think of your utter devastation & how I wasn’t expecting you to be so distraught over it. I will say I had another commenter lately who was talking about how much they liked Shen & wanted an Iroh/Shen/Zuko dynamic and I kept thinking…. Damn it buddy, you’re going to be soooo mad at me in a few chapter haha…. oops.
ugh my linguistic patterns haunt me and I specifically ask my betas to check for them because I feel sooooo repetitive sometimes especially when there’s a lot of introspection lol. So it’s funny you mentioned that lol.
Omg I remember when I was still on RIA & someone in the server was like “dude I’m rooting for some jeeto.” & I was like oh no how do they know??? I created this fun divide between hakoda and bato just to push Bato into Jees arm!! Don’t spoil it haha, but whatever at least Dentys dead
Awwww thanks for the compliments it means a lot coming from you <3 but also yeah Ara is my delicate dumpster fire who says she going to make her existence everyone’s problem (most importantly sokka because damn girl could just LEAVE but she refuses lol) I love it. She’s fun, and any scene with her expect utter chaos haha.
every time I write Reho in a scene my mind says and the crowd goes wild,,, he’s annoying but I’m glad you like him.
thanks for this amazing ask you’re awesome
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peppermintbits · 1 year
Fionna and Cake recent episode spoilers!!!
-----------------Not major ones but still.
I love how much of an obvious shipper/voice for the audience joke Cake is because it's, A, a clear little nod to the way people act with characters. And B, implies she's actually been absorbing media with Fionna this whole time as her pet.
Like Cake as a pet kitty didn't understand anything anyone said except very specific words like most people assume animals do, but the fact she's able to say outrageous things like "You two should kiss" and "Enemies to lovers, my favorite.", shows she could still understand the emotions of things she saw on the TV or overheard Fionna talking about back home as a pet.
Like she and Fionna were watching anime one day and Cake as a little cate realized she just absolutely LOVED the vibes of two people who wanted to kill each other suddenly kissing even if she didn't understand a damn word they said.
And I think that's really cute for an animal based character like Cake 😊. She's a magical person-cat now yes, but she's still being characterized as someone who is getting used to being fully "human". So the writing showing she was acting as animals would in our heads, going off of emotions first to get an understanding of something in media, which leads to her being able to verbalize now that she really likes that energy, chefs kiss.
Also the fact she has always wanted to play on Fionna's phone is so funny...reminds me of how cats want to be included/mirror their humans and now she can do exactly what she always wanted to do when she was a pet to Fionna.
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