#The yellow as a symbol of both an innocence and a warning!!!
bongo-smash · 2 years
Someone help me I'm thinking about the 'kid in a yellow raincoat' horror trope in relation to Jason
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readychilledwine · 5 months
The Prettiest Fuck You
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Summary - After the birth of Rhysand and Feyre's 3rd child, Tamlin sends a coded message with the help of his mate
Warnings - slight jealously, mentions of breeding, little IC slander, Tamlin is in a goofy mood
Prompt Day 3 - Mate/Flower Language
A/N - just a short little silly for @tamlinweek I'm so excited for the masterlist for today to pop up. I'm going to eat it all up. I fell in love with the idea of a fuck you bouquet after several reddit posts and a few on here, and Tamlin would seriously love to send one. I just know it.
Tamlin Masterlist
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You blinked at Tamlin as you looked over the list of flowers that he had given you. Fox glove, yellow roses and carnations, Cyprus, babies breath, and marigolds?
Insincerity, congratulations, disappointment, death, and jealousy? You put the list down on your work table, silently hoping it would somehow magically disappear under the thousands of stems and ribbons from all the arrangements you had worked in today. “Tamlin-”
“Just do it.” He tucked your hair behind your ear and kissed your nose, trying to convince you with that signature smile.
“Tam-” You wanted to object to what the bouquet said, even if you would be able to make it absolutely stunning.
“It's fine.” Both hands were on your face as he kissed you softly.
“It will look beautiful. You make everything so beautiful, dearest.” You couldn't help the soft smile. His words were not a lie. You were the most sought-after florist to the 7 courts for a reason.
You shook it off, focuing again. “Tamlin, this is-”
“Perfect to congratulate them with!” He walked away from you, chuckling as he did. You had little choice. It was a done discussion.
Your mate wasn't a bitter male all the time. Life shined in those bright green eyes, and they were always full of wonder, amazement, love, joy. But the Lord and Lady of Night announcing the birth of their 3rd child and waiting for the praise and attention that was bound to come with it? That made Tamlin bitter, sick, angry.
He had been too stuck in himself, too trapped in years of trauma, to offer Feyre the life he had offered you. One safe from any duties you did not want. One safe from politics. One where you were free to give him a child at any point. One where a family was wanted, but in due time, instead of an expectation to prove your court was moving on.
You were not Tamlin's symbolic incubator. Your womb was not meant to be used to send a message. You were his wife, his love, the one he showered in red roses and baby's breath, a sign of his eternal love and devotion. You two would have children someday. You would have an army if he'd allow it. But for now, until this lingering bitterness passed, you two would just continue to learn and grow together.
You went back to the task at hand
Gathering the buds he had requested and inspecting each and every single one to ensure its perfection and beauty. If you were going to do this. You were going to do it so well that Rhysand would not come mist your mate and then trap you in that damned Stone City. Tamlin learned through you to speak through flowers when they were sent as gifts or placed in his home. He had learned to say congratulations, to say his sympathy, to say his love, to show support. He had learned a new form of expression through you, and as intricately laced and weaved the flowers he had picked into an arrangement, you realized you thought him too well.
The flowers were beautiful, varying shades of yellows, oranges, whites, reds, and you had mixed your favorite feather-like greens in. It seemed so innocent to anyone who didn't know what the flowers symbolized, the language they spoke. It said “Fuck you and die,” in the most beautiful way possible.
You signed as you picked the vase, enchanting everything to last and stamping the card with the sign of the Spring Court, a rose and thorns. You sent it, hugging yourself slightly before walking into your shared room. it was quiet behind that door, and when you opened it, you could not help but to smile.
Centered on your vanity sat a bouquet of White tulips, red roses, and red spider lily. You knew immediately who they were from, who had made the arrangement, and who may be missing her favorite flowers from her garden.
It was stunning. Shades of red and white mixed with greenery that it was so perfectly balanced. It was huge, occupying most of the corner it sat on. He had surrounded it with poetry and chocolates. "Tam," you took one of those soft roses in your hands, smelling that familiar scent and sighing so happily.
You jumped as arms went around your waist, and kiss was placed to the side of your head. “How did it turn out?” His voice was laced with pride over his own creation.
“Gorgeous. I wouldn't make it any other way. Regardless of what you wanted it to say.”
“Elain lives in Day now, right?” You hummed and nodded. “But she will come visit them, won't she?”
“Of course.”
“Perfect. Perfect. And how about your flowers? How did they turn out?” Your mate, so handsome and strong, tended to need those compliments, and you were eager to hand him praise.
You turned into him, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. “So beautiful. Thank you for including Spider Lilies. This has to be the most stunning arrangement you've made so far." You touched the spider lily, fingers lingering on the off shoots as you did.
“Growth and new beginnings,” he whispered the meaning to you and watched as you nodded, looking up at him through watering eyes.
“And purity and true love.”
“To symbolize us, y/n.”
“To symbolize us,” you repeated.
Rhysand placed the bouquet from Spring centered on his table. He always admired y/n's work. Yes, Elain did wonderful things with flowers, but centuries of practice and studying had allowed you to create masterpieces with the blink of an eye. He smiled before walking away. Leaving a stunned Elain and Lucien to silently laugh.
Her mate leaned into her ear, red hair falling over her shoulder. “He really out did himself with this one.”
Elain had tears forming, “She made it so beautiful.”
“Do we tell him?”
“No,” Elain fixed the flowers from where they had been resting on Rhysand's chest. “Let Tam have this. I have enjoyed him alive lately. His gardens are exquisite."
"You're exquisite," Lucien squeezed the now supple hips of his mate, loving their new plush. "We should really visit soon."
"We should."
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years
I recently saw a post that paired a quote from The Hunger Games: “That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.” With a Zutara vs. Kataang comparison, Zuko being the Gale in this quote and Aang being the Peeta. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this take.
i think this is an extremely shallow interpretation of the hunger games, atla, or both.
the implication of comparing gale and peeta to zuko and aang suggests to me that there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the point suzanne collins is trying to make about gale and peeta. the difference between the two is not that gale is angry while peeta is all about #kumbaya, but that gale has allowed his anger to blind him, while peeta, though just as furious, keeps his anger where it rightfully should be.
the love triangle in the hunger games begins to be set up in book 2, the same book that repeatedly warns katniss to "remember who your real enemy is". what katniss comes to realize over the course of the series is what peeta has known from the start: that the real enemy is president snow and the capitol elite who support him, not the other tributes or the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, something that gale is simply unable or unwilling to understand. 
that is why gale unhesitatingly reduces the other tributes in the games to mere prey to be hunted while peeta refuses to strip them of their humanity, why gale abides the mistreatment of katniss' makeup team in district 13 and is surprised by her horror, and why he ultimately ends up being complicit in the loss of innocent lives in his course for justice and revenge.
peeta is fundamentally kind and empathetic in a way that gale is no longer able or willing to be, and it is this kindness that he shares with zuko: the boy who risked his own life to save the man who tried to kill him, who put himself in danger to protect an enemy village, who reached out to a girl on the opposite side of the war simply because he saw a child like himself in need of comfort.
it's true that zuko in book 1 does have fire "kindled with rage and hatred" but his anger is a trauma response, and part of his healing from that trauma is realizing that he cannot use his anger as a crutch, or let it fuel him. that is why there is an entire episode centered around him losing his bending and actively choosing another path ("i don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore. there has to be another way"), one where his fire is fuelled by life and warmth. that is why zuko is foiled with jet (the actual closest gale figure in atla, a revolutionary who is blinded by rage and goes too far in his pursuit of righteousness), because jet symbolizes the person zuko could have become if he didn't learn to master his anger. zuko does what gale (and jet) are never able to do, and that is the reason he ends the show as a hero while they bring about their own downfalls.
as for aang being peeta, i can see the surface level comparison of "sweet sunshine guy" but what differentiates them is that peeta is always willing to do what needs to be done. he does not remain willfully ignorant of the horrors around him, and he does not risk the lives of others for the sake of his own selfish moral purity.
the actual comparison would probably be peeta and katara (someone who chooses kindness and hope, but does not blind themselves to the realities of the world), and zuko and katniss (someone who starts off closed off, distant and angry, but eventually chooses love and peace over rage and war), but if we're just comparing the two boys: zuko is far more peeta than gale, and anyone who says otherwise should really watch the show all the way to the end this time.
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
Could you please do more of Jack Horner with a y/n who's a menace? 👉👈
~ 'I break it, just because I can!' ~
Oh my god. You were insane. Mental.
He had no idea how he even managed to find someone as wild as you, but, God, you were actually insane. Well, to him, you were mentally insane.
He never been with someone so crazy, let alone someone who loved to cause havoc like you.
I mean, he did, but you were so much worse.
At this point, he put a muzzle on you.
Not really, he just kept close watch on you.
He never took his eyes off you. And, if he had too, he wrapped his big hands around your torso and held you between his fingers, his large pinky sticking out in some formal form. He would lift you off the ground, holding you so you wouldn't try to slip out.
But, you always tried. Whether it be squirming, kicking, thrashing, or even biting his hand, you tried it all, but he wouldn't put you down.
He thought MAYBE you'd be better in public.
One day, he sat in his carriage. The world passing you both by, as he glanced outside the window. The people looking almost like ants to him, nothing to him, pests. Rhats what he thought. Pests.
But, you on the other hand, looked out the other window. So many opportunities, for new friends, new experiences, new insanity to inflict upon the world that dared to even look your way.
Soon, the carriage came to a halt, the sounds of covered-hooves clacked against the hard rock beneath the horses. People stopped to look, as muffled chatter surrounded the carriage, as the person who drove the carriage easily slipped around. They opened the door to Jacks side first, he seemed more important anyway. Then they opened your side, your door letting out a small hiss, as you began to step out.
Your shoes clacked against the metal that adorned little steps on the side of his carriage, that symbolized his wealth and power.
As he stepped out, he took glances side to side, as a small smile cracked onto his face. He took large strides towards a shop, a tailor, just for a new outfit. He seemed to forget about his lover, which, was always a bad idea.
Oh my god .
You were free.
You glanced to the driver, who was starting to close your door. Their puffs of blue hair draped only to their shoulders, big eyebags shadowed their eyes. She had some wrinkles, symbolizing she was older, as she shakily trembled. A confused tinge curled up onto her lips, as they turned down.
But, you said nothing,
You only smiled back.
Before, you ran, oh how you ran.
Your shoes made little pitter-patters against the ground, as your hair and clothes rustled slightly from you running. Sweat trickled upon your forehead. Run, run, run! You kicked rocks along the path, you sang at the top of your lungs. You even wrapped two arms around an innocent civilian, planting a large hug upon their tensed body, very confused.
A tailor was sizing Jack, using the little yellow rulers. It wrapped around his large belly, as their assistant marked down a number onto a notepad. The tailor wore pink glasses, almost like cat-eye glasses, with two little strings of gems leading down to behind their neck. Wrinkles formed under their eyes, as they squinted and let out a sigh. What a tough job.
But, the tailor asked him a question, to break the deafening silence.
"You got any lovers, Mr. Horner?" The woman spoke, a shakey voice, but a tinge of her voice demonstrated she was older than she seemed.
It hit him, as his eyes widened.
"Oh my Griselda." He muttered, as the older female glanced up to him, her hands pinching the little ruler as she wrapped it around one of his legs. Her assistant checking the number.
"What? What is it? Did we size wrong?" She muttered, as her big eyes easily nudged towards the notepad, her assistant scattering to scoop it up and write down the number.
"No, no!," He hissed, as he used a hand and pushed back the woman's head, causing her to slam into the back of her chair. The force caused her chair to topple, before it hit the ground. A shriek escaping between her thin lips as Jack shook the ruler off of his leather-hidden leg. "I have to go!" He rumbled, as he sped out. Shaking the building as he ran.
The assistant put a hand under the boss, the other hand onto her bosses chest and began to lift the poor elderly woman up. They both looked towards the doors, as they clicked in and out, before they settled down.
What was he in a rush for..?
But, once he reached the outside of the dirty, brick, building, he caught no sight of you.
His heart stopped.
You're gone.
He ran towards his carriage, as he forced the door open. He almost tore the door off the carriage, as the baker looked back at him,
"Mr-,, Mr. Horner?" The disheveled baker squeaked, as he slammed himself down into a cushioned seat, that coated a beautiful golden lace around the trimming.
"DRIVE, NUTMEGAN." He hollered, his face tinging red with anger at the idea he even dared let you out of his sight.
She knew better.
She cracked the reins, as the horses reared up, kicking their two front legs into the air, but began to bolt.
Oh my gos.
How could he do this.
Oh my god.
But, his brows stayed furrowed, as they raced through town. Typically, he'd have someone go get his outfits done, but no one had his sizes written down anymore! Then he was forced to go do it, oh my god, he'll kill whoever lost that paper of his sizes!
But, you stood in a bar. You had one foot upon the bar table, the other sat, restful, on the stool. Within your fist, you gripped the handle to a big beer jug, filled with some kind of alcohol. Everyone had a jug of the same kind, as you cheered. You lifted it higher in the air, with a hsppy cackle.
You paid for everyone to have one, on the house!
Jack looked everyone, but he had one last stop.
The carriage halted at the bar, the horses slowed from a trot to a standstill, as NutMegan pulled back the reins to their leads.
She went to open his door, but it swung open, she stepped back in fear. She hunched over, almost trying to seem smaller to the male she called her boss. She still had no idea why she worked for him.
Maybe it was the good paycheck and insurance.
But, he stepped down, the weight being lifted up from the carriage, the carriage could finally relax without the harsh tugging from the horses.
His heels hit the ground, the pie shape on the bottom of the heel clacked gently against the rocks. This lowlife dump was the only place he didn't check.
His face contorted into a frustrated knot.
Oh, if you were in here.
He walked to the doors, not even ones with handles, ones you just pushed in on, that swayed and shut on their own. Like a kitchen door.
He took in a deep inhale.
As, he placed a hand against the cold, jungle, wood that made up the door.
Don't be in here...
He began to push on it,
Don't be in here...
Loud sounds came from the inside, as the door barely opened,
Don't be in here...
He stepped in, but he coooooooohhh my god.
You were in here..
Arm wrestling.
With a bar patreon that looked like he OBVIOUSLY goes here often.
Your elbow against the table, that was rather wobbly, blegj, your hand into his opposite hand, clasping onto eachother with harsh fingers. You were trying to beat some big, tough, bar-goer?
Are you serious?
Sweat made your hair stick to your face, as you panted, you must've beenntrying for a long time.
But, he began to step towards you. People moved away, glancing up towards Jack and feeling the need to back away, out of his way...
Your back was turned to your boyfriend, as the guy you fought so hard to win against an arm wrestle stared hard at you. Practically looking through you, before his eyes peered up towards something behind you, that casted a shadow over you.
His hand fell, as you slammed the back of it into the wobbly bar table.
Haha! Sucker!!
The guy stood, his arm staying down as you let go. You were confused. But you glanced up behind you...
Before you could even process him behind you, his large fist wrapped around your waist, his knuckles turning white with force as he snatches you out of the chair.
He didn't say a word, only snaked his way out of the doors.
Well, thats one way to end a night.
With him angrily plopping you into the seat of the carriage, as he angrily plops himself down,
Him telling you you can't just run off and try to fight bar people at arm wrestler, that's a low-life way,
Him dragging you inside you twos home,
Him getting ready for bed, as you tried to plead with him to let you go bsck, but he wouldn't allow you, as he laid down in the bed.
You laid beside him, as you started to curl up towards him. The weight naturally making his bed cave in, making you fall more towards him.
You rested your head onto his chest the best you could, as your hand placed itself upon his large belly, that was exposed from the bottom of his little sleep shirt. A sleeping mask covering his eyes, yet you could just stare at him.
You slowly closed your eyes, letting your eyelids drape over, your tired body practically shaking and ready to give in,
And it did,
You slept so nice. Peaceful.
But. He wasn't asleep yet, only thinking.
You gave him an idea.
Maybe he should promote in bars, you could try to arm wrestle people and he'll sell pies.
He'll talk to you about it tomorrow,
You'd probably love it.
'Let's break it, just because we can!'
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clmbina · 1 year
standing next to the kind and gentle you flower symbolism
a warning that this may consist of me repeating a lot, as a lot of flowers share meanings, especially when based on color.
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starting off with honami, her card has a range of dahlias and roses, with the main colors being white, orange, and yellow. because the orange rose didn’t exist until the 1950s, the orange rose has no meaning when it comes to the victorian era. this leaves us to depend on the meaning of what the color orange represents or the newly formed meaning of the rose. in recent times, the orange rose has been used to symbolize high energy levels and positivity.
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in the victorian era, a yellow rose was used to send a message of jealousy. they could also mean a decrease in love or "try to care," but the meaning of the flower has now changed. yellow roses represent joy, optimism, friendship, care, affection, bonds of friendship, remembrance, and appreciation.
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i can't tell if these are meant to be red or orange, so i'll share both. red roses are seen as a universal symbol of love, with the flower meaning affection, passion, romance, beauty, and desire. these flowers were used to send messages of love.
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orange roses often symbolize excitement, youthfulness, and wishes for success. they're also associated with positivity and high levels of energy. 
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white roses are seen as symbols of innocence, purity, and loyalty. they are often used at events like weddings, baptisms, and anniversaries.
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i'm not completely certain these are dahlias, i couldn't find anything else similar. common meanings of dahlias are remaining graceful, standing out from the crowd, elegance, inner strength, change, creativity, and dignity. during victorian times, this flower was used to symbolize a lasting bond and lifelong commitment between two people. white dahlias, like many other white flowers, are associated with purity and innocence. they can also symbolize staying focused.
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yellow dahlias are associated with personal power, self-worth, and self-esteem.  they're associated with joy, friendship, and good fortune. like most yellow flowers, they are also used to represent cheerfulness and joy.
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gerbera daisies are often associated with symbols of love, joy, optimism, and friendship. white petals are typically seen as a symbol of purity or innocence, while pink often means admiration, grace, and sympathy. gerbera daisies are used in weddings.
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kanade's card also consists of roses, specifically pale pink in her bouquet and white roses on her dress. similar to pink gerbera daisies, the pink rose symbolizes gratitude, admiration, and appreciation. in the language of flowers, pink roses carry the symbolic meaning of blossoming and first love.
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along with the pink roses, white roses signify innocence, purity, and loyalty. in the victorian language of flowers, a gift of white roses meant "i am worthy of you" or "you are heavenly." white roses are often found in bridal bouquets or used to  send a message of farewell, hope, or respect. overall, roses are seen as symbols of eternal love, passion, and appreciation.
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emus’ card consists mainly of roses, with a few daisies in the background. daisies are often used to represent new beginnings and rebirth. though these flowers can also have other meanings such as love, cheerfulness, beauty, purity, innocence, hope, fun, and affection. when it comes to spirituality, daisies represent faith and eternal life. 
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this card consists of many different rose colors: red, orange, pink, and purple. a red rose reflects the meaning of affection, passion, romance, and desire. orange roses and most flowers consisting of orange petals are used to symbolize high energy levels and a general sense of positivity. it’s used to indicate a sense of excitement, youthfulness, and wishes for success.
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the pink rose is often used to show youthfulness, friendship, blossoming romantic interest, happiness, admiration, new and developing relationships, hope, and gratitude. as i stated in kanade’s section, pink roses symbolized blossoming and first love in the victorian era. they also represented innocence, childhood, and healing from illness.
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the lavender rose symbolizes attractiveness, love at first sight, adoration, mystery, and wonder. because of their purple color, these roses can also represent royalty, luxury, and privilege. 
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rins card has a wide range of flowers! it consists of peonies, roses, daisies, camellias, and cornus kousa. the peony flower has consistent positive meanings, such as romance, compassion, good luck, prosperity, happy marriage, and bashfulness. yellow peonies symbolize new beginnings, good fortune, happiness, and prosperity.
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orange peonies can represent health, vitality, optimism, and longevity. this makes orange peonies good gifts for people who are dealing with challenges when it comes to health.
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the pink peony has the simple symbol of love. light pink peonies, like the ones in this card, are commonly used in wedding bouquets. rin has white roses on her hair accessory; white roses mean purity and innocence.
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as mentioned before, daisies represent rebirth, new beginnings, and hope. white daisies represent purity and innocence, while orange daisies represent passion, excitement, sunshine, and happiness. daisies during the victorian era were used to represent loyal love, innocence, and the ability to keep a secret. 
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pink camellias are symbols of prosperity, longevity, and good luck. it’s also believed to represent love, admiration, and gratitude and is considered a symbol of spring. for the smaller yellow flowers, i believe they are cornus kousa. while  they have no set meaning, yellow flowers often symbolize anything from joy and hope to jealousy and disappointment. they can also indicate abundance or royalty. 
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purple roses that are lighter in shade often represent feelings of peace, tranquility, love at first sight, and spirituality. they can also mean royalty, success, honor, elegance, and wisdom. for the flowers that fade from white to purple, i couldn’t find anything similar. it looks like there are pearls in the middle, so i’m under the assumption that they’re fake. still, most purple flowers share the same meanings already listed. 
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stargazer-sims · 10 months
thanks @dandylion240 ! Here you go!
I feel like I should put some kind of disclaimer or content warning on both Kiri's and Maxan's info (but Kiri's especially). Anyway... I'm putting it under a cut for that reason (and because it's long).
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Maxan (left) & Kiri (right)
((There's going to be a lot of background stuff included here, for context))
If Kiri had to choose one word to describe himself, it'd be survivor.
Kiri has a spot colour mutation known as polychromia. The majority of his species have single-coloured spots (or spots in shades of the same colour), but a small percentage of the population is born with a mutation that produces multicoloured spots. There are four known mutations; standard polychromia which shades from purple/pink through blue to teal/green (Max and Sri both have this one), dilute polychromia with pale purple/pink shading through to turquoise/teal, cool-tone polychromia with shades of blue and green (Kiri's colouration), and warm polychromia with fuschia/pink shading through to coral/orange and yellow (Kaji's colouration). Standard is the most common type and warm is the most rare.
Males with polychromia are generally smaller than typical males. They're considered to be more beautiful than average, with the smallest and the ones with the most colours or rarest colour mutations being the most highly-prized. Unfortunately, spot mutations aren't just connected to colour. A lot of males and some females with polychromatic mutations also have intellectual disabilities, compromised immune systems or congenital health problems.
Societal expectations for polychromatic males are low. They aren't expected to work or to receive more than a basic education. They're often spoiled and indulged by their mothers and their mates, sometimes to an extreme degree. Their most important role is to give birth to and raise children. Both males and females are capable of impregnating and becoming pregnant, but it's more often the males who have the babies.
Kiri originally came from a poor family, and when his mother realized she'd given birth to a child with the second rarest colour mutation, she couldn't help but see it as a future opportunity.
Sixamish culture has a practice of "bonding gifts" in which a female will give a gift to her future mother-in-law in exchange for the privilege of taking the older woman's son as her mate. Its intended purpose is a token of thanks, sort of like, "Thank you for trusting me with the care of your precious son. I honour your trust with this gift." It's largely symbolic and bonding usually isn't an arranged marriage type of situation. However, like so many things that start out innocently, people somehow find a way to corrupt it. Their world is a matriarchal society, and the most rich and influential people on the planet are females. Wealthy, powerful females decided they were willing to pay large amounts of money or other resources for the most beautiful males, essentially as trophy husbands or as a means to produce beautiful children, and of course there are always opportunists like Kiri's mother who are willing to give their sons for the right price.
Kiri was given to a wealthy businesswoman when he was only fourteen. He was a few months away from turning fifteen, but he was already sexually mature, so everyone looked the other way about him being more than a year underage (age of majority is 16 for them). Kiri's new spouse didn't waste any time getting around to educating him on the ways of mating, and he had his son Kaji when he was still just fifteen.
Kiri wasn't her only mate. Her first husband, the older one, hated Kiri and felt threatened by him because he'd produced the most beautiful child any of them had ever seen. The first husband was also the one their wife actually loved, and he had a lot of influence with her. As a consequence, Kiri was badly mistreated, sometimes being physically abused and often being denied food as a punishment for some arbitrary thing he did that displeased his mates. The most painful thing was that they often took Kaji away from him for days at a time as a punishment for some random thing.
Kiri had three miscarriages between having Kaji and having his twins, Xai and Sevan. By the time the twins came along, Kiri was determined that they would not be taken from him like Kaji was, and that he was going to protect them and teach them everything he could despite his limited knowledge. He refused to let his wife put the twins in a separate room, They slept with him and were practially with him at all times. When they got older, he would give his food to them, which meant that he sometimes didn't eat for days at a time. His health, which had never been the greatest, deteriorated to the point where several doctors were of the opinion that he'd never fully recover.
Fast-forward several years, and Kaji ends up in a similar predicament to Kiri, essentially being sold to a powerful female. Fortunately for Kaji, the female he ended up with was an ambassador to Earth, and she took Kaji there with her. While on Earth, Kaji escaped and was eventually rescued by Félix and Davian. Zira was the doctor who looked after him, and he eventually befriended Zira's husband Sri, and her best friend Maxan, who is also a doctor.
It was thanks to Kaji, along with Zira, Sri and Maxan, and Sri's mother, who is a magistrate (judge) that Kiri and the twins were eventually rescued and brought to Earth as well. The ship's doctor was afraid that Kiri wouldn't survive the voyage to Earth, but by sheer willpower and determination to see his long-lost Kaji, he did.
Maxan was the doctor who looked after Kiri once he arrived on Earth. Max was way more dedicated to Kiri's care than professionally advisable, but it worked out well for both of them in the end. Over the course of Kiri's recovery, they got to know each other far better than any doctor and patient rightfully should, and at some point they realized that they were destined to be more than just doctor and patient. Max is a survivor too, and they found strength in each other that they both needed.
Kiri still isn't in perfect health, but he's a lot better now than he ever was before coming to Earth. He and Max have had two children together, both of which Kiri gave birth to, and it's been a joy for him to raise his children without fear of them being taken away and without worrying about being able to feed them.
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applandpan · 2 years
Color meanings in Hello Charlotte are so meaningful. They really bring so much of the story together and it’s so so so powerful! (I will be using “Scarlotte” for convenience to talk about HC1 and HC2 Charlotte- sorry if it gets confusing to read.)
White: Last night I was thinking about how Charlotte’s (Scarlotte) evolution was really put into this. For example we have HC1 Charlotte: she is almost all white signifying purity, innocence, cleanliness, and peace. Our Charlotte in the first game is “clean”, not tainted by horrible thoughts or illness. She strives to be the best person she can be and is incredibly kind to others. She sees the good in everyone.
Black: She also wears some black which means grief, evil, death, and depression. There is a small part in her that is “evil” because she is Scarlett. This is especially true after her memory slightly reawakens when she is forced to kill the Freya by Charles/C. That small mental illness in her could be like her schizophrenia and how she desperately tries to hide the murder. Unlike what I’ve seen around, I believe Scarlotte is not completely wholesome and pure. Her mind is darkened, tainted, by her past and her mental illnesses that progress throughout her story; especially in HC2 which I’ve talked about before.
Yellow/Red: Finally, why a yellow ribbon specifically? On surface level it can symbolize positivity, joy, and hope. But it also means deceit, anxiety, illness, cowardice, and caution. Scarlotte is toxically positive at times, she’s a ray of sunshine that hopes for the best in everyone. She will sacrifice herself for others and finds interest in everything. She has also deceived herself of the world she lives in, ultimately believing everything she is imagining is real. (Note: currently I’m talking about HC1, but this plays an incredibly important role in HC2). I imagine that Charles could have used yellow because of the warning symbolism it holds. He is warning himself that that is Scarlett, she is dangerous and evil. Both yellow and red signify caution, which are colors that are mainly used to represent both Scarlotte and Scarlett.
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Note: As HC2 is my favorite game out of the main games, I most likely will go more into depth and tie any loose ends on this analysis. I love HC2 Charlotte so much, she is the skrunkle! She really showcases her flaws unlike our HC1 Charlotte… Hopefully that will come out soon, I’m pretty lazy. If people want, I’ll be more than glad to analyze any other character! I’m pretty excited to share my main theory in part 2 lol
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lit-crits · 4 months
(1891) The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde. 05/06/2024 - 06/06/2024
First time reading? No
Rating: 9/10
Favourite quote: "the great aristocratic art of doing absolutely nothing"
The book opens with the smells and colours of Basil's garden, a very natural setting, then starts introducing the 3 main characters: Basil (sad twink), Dorian (femboy) and Harry (mean bisexual). Basil's garden can be seen as a parallel to the Garden of Eden, it's full of natural innocence, beauty (including Dorian, who is described as being made of "ivory and rose-leaves") and is overall very peaceful. Dorian was safe in this garden, as Basil never wants to influence him negatively, but with the introduction of Harry this changes. Opposite to the description of Dorian, Harry is first described as being veiled in "blue wreaths of smoke" from his "opium-tainted cigarette" - this cigarette is man made and corruptive to the natural setting. This, and the fact Harry physically removes Dorian from this garden, frame him as a negative influence similar to that of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Throughout the entire book Dorian is obsessed with everything connected to the Church, but never makes an effort to find faith or change his ways until the very end of the book when it's too late - he sort of ignores it, then relishes in sinning, then hopes his sins will just be forgiven if he changes his ways, despite everything he has done. Dorian even uses a purple satin cover, taken from a "convent in Bologna", to hide his portrait when it starts to change as if hiding his sins under religious symbolism makes it OK? Then there is the yellow book that Harry lends him, there is a LOT to say generally about this point in the plot, but basically the book is a sinner's guide to life, stressing the importance of giving in to your temptations and being indulgent. Some literary theories say that the yellow book is the whole reason for Dorian's downfall as he becomes obsessed with it and its morals, but it has always been Harry's negative influence IMO, Harry is the one who gave him this book. When Basil finds out about the portrait changing, he says that both him and Dorian have sinned - Dorian by smoking opium and having nasty sex, and Basil for idolizing Dorian entirely (being gay and in love). I don't think Basil is to blame for any of it really, he was obsessed with Dorian and he did create the painting in the first place but Harry influenced Dorian from the start and Dorian was stupid enough to sell his soul for a pretty face. Even at the very end of the book Harry is still influencing Dorian, when Dorian decides he is going to be good and pure Harry replies he will be "warning people against all the sins of which you have grown tired" - basically saying he is hypocritical for wanting to be a better man, which is true. At the conclusion of the book, only Harry is left alive out of the trio of main characters that were introduced at the very beginning - Basil arguably died due to his obsession with Dorian and inability to stop Harry from influencing him, Dorian dies from his sins and from Harry's influence. Oscar Wilde writes an interesting villain because Harry isn't really even a villain, he doesn't actively work towards the death of Basil, and while he influences Dorian he doesn't really care about what happens? I think he definitely cares for Dorian (and they absolutely fucked) but he doesn't seem to have an attachment to anything other than himself and his interest in things is fleeting. In my head, in the events after the book, Harry would just be like "oh that's a shame" after hearing about Dorian's death and then move on to another pleasure or indulgence. Overall, a great book and one of my favourites!
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kommetz · 2 years
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I wonder why I thought to ask everyone for advice about asking her out. I think lately I’m not holding in my feelings as much anymore.
also i will die if i don’t talk about flower symbolism so…
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(sorry about the red video bar i am Bad with computers)
Red roses - love
Specifically, red roses symbolize romantic love. From day one, Tsubomi has been the apple of his eye. She’s the catalyst for Mob’s grow and is (plot-wise) considered the “end game” of his character development.
Pink tulips - love, affection, good wishes
Unlike red, which is reserved for romantic love, pink flowers can symbolize love for friends and family as well as romantic partners. Although they’re a little more ambiguous, they represent positive feelings like joy and affection towards others.
As a side note, yellow tulips in particular are symbols of friendships so think if that what you will.
White lilies - purity, innocence, rebirth
White lilies are one of the most popular funeral flowers. In general, white flowers often have connotations of purity or innocence. Mob’s desire to confess to Tsubomi has been a strong motivating factor in his youth. This event symbolizes the “death” of Mob’s innocence, though this isn’t necessarily a bad thing (though all things considered the short term ramifications aren’t exactly great). For something to go through a rebirth, it must first die. This marks an end to one chapter in Mob’s life and opens another.
Marigolds* - strength, jealousy
A flower with very opposite meanings! Considering that this is both a display of Mob’s power (his strength) and his hatred of it/his jealousy of people without psychic powers, both meanings can apply here.
Buttercups - happiness, youth
Buttercups are associated with children and their youthful joy. Similar to innocence with the lilies, this is a sign of Mob’s development throughout the story. Through blood, sweat, tears, and emotional turmoil, he’s grown up. That’s the very core of the story: growing and learning how to become a more whole person through both the people around you and your own willpower.
Buttercups are also poisonous, although their symbolic meanings are pretty much all positive. Mob earns the nickname “White T-Shirt Poison,” which I seriously doubt has an actual connection, but is a fun coincidence.
Sunflowers - happiness, loyalty, admiration, honesty/truth
[ Spoiler warning for anime-onlys. This will probably come up in the anime in a few days tbh, but just in case. ]
It’s right in the name with sunflowers. They turn their faces to sun, which is the root of many of its symbolic meanings. In one way, this is comparable to always looking on the bright-side or being optimistic/happy. Another interpretation is looking to the light in the same way you “shed light” on something. They open their eyes, turn away from the dark shadow of denial and instead face the painfully bright truth.
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In the manga, after Mob’s explosion and the appearance of ???%, the sunflower in the bouquet becomes a reoccurring focal point during each confrontation between Mob and the people he’s met on his journey. On the left, Teru bares his gratitude and admiration for what Mob has taught him. In the middle, Ritsu admits that he’s always been scared of his brother’s power and that it’s taken him until now to let go of that fear. Each time Mob insists that “this isn’t him,” that he wants to stop, that this power of his is a separate entity. He can’t accept himself.
On the left, Reigen finally tells Mob the truth about not being an actual psychic. However, instead of being apart of the confrontation, we get this panel:
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The bouquet rips apart, his childhood and innocence flying away in the wind. All that is left is a single sunflower:
He is ???%. ???% is him.
He accepts himself, his truth.
* i’m not 100% sure, but the small orange flowers look like marigolds to me. i also considered begonias and chrysanthemums, but ultimately thought marigolds fit the best.
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iwantjobs · 4 months
6/8/2024: I might paranoid and I might be wrong, but in the last 2 months, I am seeing an alarming amount of white children getting killed by ethnic children. a poor 3 year-old white boy got stabbed to death by a black woman in a shopping mall, but the mother survived her stabbing attack. White people like Mike Johnson, big Jew Chuck Schumer Biden, and Trump are wholeheartedly supporting Israelis bombing 2,000 lb bombs into Gaza where 30% of the population is children whom never voted for the Hamas terrorists as their government while living in their land of 400 years before Israelis cam in and demand their land of 3,000 years back as according to the Bible even though the Bible stated it was the ancestors of the Israelis (ancient Jews) who nailed Jesus. The fact that white people around the world are still conducting their colonizing and imperialism in colored people's land which was documented in old world map in the last 100 years while calling themselves civilized, Godly people, chosen people, all men are created, equality, and freedom people, this imposed colored people a lot and even me when I am supposed to be on white people's side. You white people called all Gazan children are Hamas and terrorists, even the 5 incubator Gazan babies got deliberately killed by Israelis for blacking fuels truck during 3 week of war, and the Muslims and even colored people are thinking your cute white innocent babies are colonizers, imperialists democracy terrorists. The cute boy Julian Wood was not killed by a Muslim, but it was a colored person (a black woman). This hate on both sides ((white (Christians and Jews) and colored people)) are releasing their hate into poor children which I call it War Against Children. If I am wrong white folks, show me the last time a colored woman shot or stabbed a white boy in America. Black people are also picking up the terrorists' hate against Christians and Jews for their pain of slavery and stolen land in Africa. Red people are also picking up that hate but I haven't heard any violence done by red people much. Asian like me is also picking up that terrorist hate on Christians and Jews, but my hate is not personal for my yellow people's pain done by Whites and Jews are not as painful as the pain of blacks, red, Muslims, and even a white male shooter in Maine shoot a child in his rage (usually white people spare their white children while shooting adults, but now, they don't seem to care). That is why I sue for a letter of apology with no money compensation and remove your support for that religious symbol of Judaism on Israeli flag according to the separation of Church and state in the first amendment and I am leaving your America as fast as I can as a crippled and a mental. If I were white, and even Asians, too, don't go out too much unless it's life and death and teach your children in mall and grocery stores and playground to look for danger and protect themselves with self defense. I might be wrong and paranoid, but at least I have done my part warning you whites and even Asians who follow white way of living. Trang's thinking at 51.2 years old. Plus, back in December 2023, your dirty dark blonde hair and blue eyes white man with a questionable nose that looks like a Jew nose fatally stabbed a 5 or 6 year-old Palestinian boy in Michigan after October 11th so I believe the door of attacking children in America was opened by that man and he was your white race that opened that door. It a terrorist, Muslim, or a colored person. Remember America, your country is about the same age as the amount of time the Palestinians have been living in the Palestine regionn: 400 years. If the Israelis cam take back their righteous land of 3,000 years ago, then the Indians can take back their land of 1,000 years, too. This goes to all the lands around the world that was stolen by Christian colonialism: Canada, Latin America, new Zealand, Australia, some Nordic countries, African countries where there are some white people living there, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, etc.
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mars2cieranshippy · 9 months
Just looking at the briefs research, as something on there can really help me with some of my designs.
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One thing this reminds me of is my previous project, where I had to confine the stairs inside a shape or around a shape and see how I can make them work, slightly wonky. But another thing this reminds me off is that of a Window -Looking into someone else room, or o another world, which could give me some ideas on how to portray that.
colour ranges, maybe look at complementary colour ranges. With this I will be gathering complementary colours and making unique designs with them
Red and Green: Red is the complementary color of green, and vice versa.
Blue and Orange: Blue is the complementary color of orange, and vice versa.
Yellow and Purple (or Violet): Yellow is the complementary color of purple (or violet),
Cyan and Red-Orange: Cyan is the complementary color of red-orange, and vice versa.
Magenta and Green-Yellow: Magenta is the complementary color of green-yellow, and vice versa.
Yellow-Green and Red-Purple: Yellow-green is the complementary color of red-purple, and vice versa.
Chartreuse and Maroon: Chartreuse is the complementary color of maroon, and vice versa.
Spring Green and Rose: Spring green is the complementary color of rose, and vice versa.
Azure and Orange-Red: Azure is the complementary color of orange-red, and vice versa.
Violet and Yellow-Orange: Violet is the complementary color of yellow-orange, and vice versa.
Indigo and Gold: Indigo is the complementary color of gold, and vice versa.
Electric Blue and Tangerine: Electric blue is the complementary color of tangerine, and vice versa.
Powder Blue and Coral: Powder blue is the complementary color of coral, and vice versa.
Steel Blue and Burnt Sienna: Steel blue is the complementary color of burnt sienna, and vice versa.
Turmeric and Denim Blue: Turmeric is the complementary color of denim blue, and
symbolism of colours - Same thing as the complementary colours Will be making designs corelating to that, maybe even conecting both of these tasks to one another.
Symbolizes: Passion, love, energy, warmth, danger.
Cultural associations: Love and passion, but also warning signs.
Symbolizes: Calmness, serenity, stability, trust.
Cultural associations: Often associated with tranquility and reliability.
Symbolizes: Nature, growth, harmony, fertility.
Cultural associations: Represents environmental awareness and balance.
Symbolizes: Happiness, optimism, warmth, energy.
Cultural associations: Often associated with joy and positivity.
Symbolizes: Royalty, luxury, mystery, spirituality.
Cultural associations: Historically associated with royalty and wealth.
Symbolizes: Creativity, enthusiasm, warmth, energy.
Cultural associations: Represents vibrancy and vitality.
Symbolizes: Love, femininity, sweetness, tenderness.
Cultural associations: Often associated with romance and softness.
Symbolizes: Earthiness, stability, simplicity.
Cultural associations: Can represent the natural world and dependability.
Symbolizes: Elegance, mystery, sophistication, power.
Cultural associations: Often associated with formality and authority.
Symbolizes: Purity, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity.
Cultural associations: Represents simplicity and cleanliness in many contexts.
Symbolizes: Neutrality, balance, sophistication.
Cultural associations: Often used for a neutral, classic aesthetic.
Symbolizes: Wealth, success, luxury.
Cultural associations: Represents opulence and prosperity.
Symbolizes: Modernity, sleekness, sophistication.
Cultural associations: Often associated with modern and high-tech aesthetics.
Consideration of what designs I can portray with them, maybe having some with double meaning to them but still somewhat tying to delusions and dream states.
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be-ly · 2 years
Heya I adapted my twitter thread about this (which i’m still proud of) since I won’t use my account anymore and I don’t wanna lose it.
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I will also. fix some english mistakes that I made before bc english is not my first language. But anyways, let’s begin!
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Before anything, I want to bring the quote that makes a huge importance in the game. When Umbrella Man gave Charlotte the ribbon, he says that "We are born colorless and people bring us color" By that, it means that color means connection with other people. Keep it in mind. Let's begin with the color that I could analyse really quickly, since it's only reflected in one character:
Red can be associated with love and passion, but when used excessively it can be linked to danger and violence. And most importantly: Red is associated with blood The only one character that is extremelly associated is red is Scarlett Eyler.
With monochromatic eyes and clothes, her ribbon and hair color emphasizes the color red. And like I said before, when red it's overused it can be associated with danger and violence.
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In true realm, Scarlett Eyler was literally Charles worst nightmare. Threatening him, hurting him and making his life hell multiple times. She was the true definition of violence. 
 And not just that. Remember when I said that red is related to blood? Well...  Scarlett Eyler was Charles unborn sister. She died inside Lilith's womb. She has no phisical image. So, Scarlett was most associated with blood. Now, let's move on to the next color:
Yellow is mostly associated with happiness, optimism and positivity. But, psychologically, yellow too makes people more analytical and think critically about themselves and others.
Mixing yellow, associated with cheerfulness and optimism with white (which means innocence and purity, but I'll talk about it later), Charlotte brings the energy of a perfect protagonist. With only her shirt and skirt being black, to equilibrate the energy between the colors.
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Even if Umbrella Man and Charles are most associated with black, yellow can be predominant to them too. Since both of them are observers in the game. A bright yellow can be associated with "warning", which explains why every character possessed by them gets a yellow eye color.
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Now let's get into the three most important colors in the games. First of them:
Black can be associated with mystery and the unknown. And negatively, black can symbolize death, and evilness. But, most importantly, black is the color that absorbs light.
Wearing full black clothes with black hair, Charles is one of the characters that are most associated with darkness during the whole game. The contrast between black and white is really emphatized in the game, mainly by The Tale of Ink Princess.
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Now I want to jump off topic to talk about the relation between The Tale Of Ink Princess and Charles. It says that the ink princess swamed in the ocean and polluted it, and it kinda resembles Charles' suicide, when he drowns in the ocean that is coincidentally designed black like ink. “Every morning she put on a pitch-black ink dress and combed her black hair. [...] The Princess swam in the sea, admiring how vast and clear it was, and all the fish died from pollution."Please leave these lands! Can't you see everything is dying?" the peasants begged the Princess. ”
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Ink, in Hello Charlotte, is associated with corruption and consequentially, death.
Charlotte, due to the Oracle in her head, gets the Ink Cough. It kinda relates a little to assotiation with black. And since black is a color that absorbs all light, the association with ink is direct.
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When we talk about mystery and unknown, we come to the most mysterious character in the games: Seth Eyler/Umbrella Man, which color palette matches Charles, but has different meanings. 
Umbrella Man can be associated with the interpretation of the color black that, too matches power and evil.
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And not only him, actually. His (almost) full black sprite is similar to V19 for a reason. Both of them are powerful characters that carries mystery and malice in their development, that's why they have almost the same sprites.
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Now, I’m going to mention a color that I didn’t analyze back then and I completely regret, since it’s also one of the most important colors in the game:
Grey is a mix between black and white. According to color psychology, grey means “neutrality and balance”. It can be a realiable and stable color, but in negative circumstances, it can mean loss and depression.
In the Grey Ending in Hello Charlotte EP2, shows a Vincent that “became like anyone else” after he lost the Trial. Then, the true face of Vincent is showm before his death.
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He became the real Vincent, the imperfect Vincent. The neutral Vincent. And not the pure white Vincent Charles tend to idolize. Which resembles the Vincent shown in True Realm on Hello Charlotte EP3, which has grey hair and eye-color.
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The reason why Etherane changed his true realm version’s hair and eye-color is unknown, (i mean, Vincent’s hair and eye-color also changes in Heaven’s Gate so I can’t say if that was just a design choice if there was something else involved) but since both colors are still considered “gray” in Pantone (changed from something similar to Oyster Gray to Gray Violet), the meaning of the design choice might have not changed.
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In the Grey Ending, is shown that Vincent’s soul cube is also Gray, meaning that it can be the color that represents him. Since the other soul cubes might have been probably white (by the description of an unused soul cube item)
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So, even if Vincent were constantly associated with pure and perfect white, Charles deep inside knew that the Vincent outside his distorted view is a balanced grey. Human, imperfect, but also reliable, mature and calm. Which reflects his personality based on what we saw about him.
Also, Vincent is the character Charles saw dying multiple times, in True Realm and Fake Realm, which made him relive is trauma about his loss over and over again. Then, Vincent’s melancholy and Charles’ loss can be associated with the color grey.
Now, the best for the last. The color that describes mostly the development of the games.
White is the color that symbolizes cleanliness, purity and innocence, and even perfection. When we talk about the color white, two characters instantly pop up in our minds: C and Q84.
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Let's bring back what Umbrella Man said: "We are born colorless. It's the people we meet who give us color.", So, color is associated with connections. Every Charlotte borns totally white. Like her hair and eyes. Scarlotte was given the Yellow color with the ribbon gifted to her. However, let's talk about Q84. She was bullied during her whole life (like every charlotte is designed to be), and the only characters that should've bring her joy, constantly tries to kill her. With that, Q84 associated connection with pain. By that color = pain.
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It kinda explains the design of the bullies. A colorful mess that resembles visual pollution in a way.
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With that, she says that she "won't become tained with ugly colors" and became obsessed with the color white. So much she spread White Flu to create a cult, based on the white color.
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Now that's going to be pure speculation, but the huge presence of the color white in the games and in some characters could be a manifestation of Charles' mysophobia, since white can mean cleanliness and purity. And like that, let's talk about C. First of all, I want to point that C's hair color is brighter in fake realm because of Charles' perception of him, like I explained when talking about the color grey. Of someone pure and perfect. With white clothes and gloves, the only manifestation of other colors in his design are his yellow eye color (due to Charles possession) and the bruises in his face caused by the bullies. The only two connections he got.
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Anyway, despite meaning "perfection" and "purity", white can also mean "cold" and "distant". In Charles' perspective of Vincent, he was perfect, pure, and almost god-like. But, he was still distant from him. The image of C was far away from his reality. And those meanings can relate to Q84, too. Refusing to connect with people, Q84 is untouchable, too perfect, and distant from others. That's why she's the only Charlotte with a full-white color scheme. The exaggeration of the color white could symbolize these negative aspects. With that, I finish my analysis. Thanks for reading until the end! I wrote most of these like almost 2 years ago, and since I’m studying Graphic Design and Color Theory I decided to revisit this thread and post it here. Well, have good day everyone! <3 
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goldenchocobo · 2 years
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I wanted to draw these before DR’s finale, but I held off just in case a lot of dire new stuff happened; and boy am I glad I waited! These two will most likely be my last for my flower pieces- at least until KHIV comes out and introduces us to new characters.
I’m really happy with how they turned out, and how their boarder came out as well, since I used some of Scala’s reliefs as reference.
Here are the rest of my Flower pieces, 24 in total:
Destiny Trio
Seasalt Trio
Wayfinder Trio
Lost Trio
Lauriam and Strelitzia
Master of Masters and Luxu
Keep reading for flower symbolism;
There’s spoilers for Dark Road, so be warned if you haven’t completed the game or watched the cutscenes and want too.
- Both have an Alstroemeria. Which symbolises the true power of friendship and a mutual bond and support between those two people.
In Dark Road, we see Xehanort wanting to ‘find his friends’ that are in his dream and in a sense return to them, as well as a wish to see his mother again. Azaleas represent the desire to return to what you see as home. As well as this, they also represent a developing passion or drive towards something; something we see happen in Dark Road with Xehanort. In addition to this, if given, Azaleas can also represent that, that person is intelligent. Yellow azaleas also denote strong bonds of friendships.
I have already used Begonia in my Luxu piece, but given what we know- it's apt to reuse that flower. Apart from foretelling dangerous times ahead, Begonia also represents standing out from the crowd; which Xehanort was taught he would do, being called ‘the child of destiny’. Another meaning to Begonia is trying to turn away from unpleasant thoughts and feelings that distract you from your happiness. 
Lilac; another flower that I’ve used; this time for Terra, although for a slightly different meaning. In this sense, the Lilac is to represent the feelings of concern and grief felt at the loss of his friends and that he may one day end up like Baldr. 
Eraqus is very much the class clown and jester of the group, always the butt of jokes as well as making them, trying to lighten the mood. Geraniums have a lot of different meanings; especially the variety they come in. Horseshoe Geraniums often symbolise Folly and silliness in a child-like and innocent way; while Oakleaf symbolises true friendship; both with a deep red colour to promote protection, both given and received.
Daisies are often associated with youth; which is what they symbolise here- youthful energy and the spontaneity that comes with it- as Eraqus is hardly the one to sit still and wait; he would rather rush in head-first if it meant helping his friends; or running away from danger if he sees it coming first. Pink for feelings of adoration- Eraqus looks up to Xehanort, as well as his all-round love for his friends; and White for purity- as he believes in the purity of Light, and that any darkness is inherently evil.
Dreams, and the fulfilment of them is scattered through Dark Road; so I thought the last flower I would give Eraqus is White Heather- which symbolises the fulfilment of dreams, as well as protection from harm, since only he and Xehanort were spared from Baldr’s slayings.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
a promise of forever
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pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader warnings: really just a big ball of fluff, a very brief mention of spencer's time in prison word count: 1.8k prompt: "i'm not very good with words..." summary: a rather unusual and a slightly delayed exchange of vows.
a/n: this is a my one shot submission for @ellesgreenaway 1k milestone celebration! india, a huge huge congratulations to you again 🎉 you're so incredibly talented and you deserve every single one of those follower, if not a million more! 🥳🧡 now, this is my first fic in a couple of weeks, and i think it's quite fitting that i wrote this instead of working on my own vows oops
A faint shine coming from the side lamp hit against the gold band on your finger, the glimmer instantly catching your eye. The book you were reading, was now closed in your lap and your gaze travelled to the ring, a smile creeping up on your features.
The item, however simple and dainty, carried with it so much meaning. Not only was it a symbol of undying everlasting love, showcasing to the world you were married to the person of your dreams. It was also a constant reminder of what you and Spencer overcame to get here. How far the two of you have come.
To say the last year was tough would be an understatement.
Spencer wasn’t the same after his release from prison. Often distant and quite reserved. His true self hidden from the rest of the world, afraid of getting so deeply hurt again. You of course didn’t put any blame on him for acting differently or resent him for it. What he went through was challenging enough, and you loved him more with each day regardless because he was still Spencer. Your Spencer.
And he adored your patience and your understanding. He adored the kindness you showed him while he regained control over his life. Simply, he adored you and he counted his blessings every day he spent with you.
One faithfull Saturday morning, Spencer asked you to marry him.
Completely out of the blue, while you were tangled together in the cotton bedsheets with morning breath and ruffled hair. He said he didn’t want to wait any longer because if his time in prison taught him anything, it would be not to waste moments with the people you cared about the most.
You cried. Tears of happiness, pure unfiltered joy.
Later, the very same day, the two of you stopped by a jeweler to invest in simple yellow-gold wedding bands before heading hand in hand to the court house. No muss, no fuss. No guests, no flowers, no cake, no vows. Nothing but unconditional love and a large order of chocolate chip pancakes afterwards, to celebrate.
It was the perfect day and you wouldn’t do it any differently.
You didn’t need anything else, neither did he. The memory along with the wedding ring was a promise in itself. A lifetime together. A lifetime of happiness. However, as you watched the band glisten on your finger, you couldn’t help but wonder what else Spencer would have promised you in his vows if he ever got a chance to say them.
And that’s how the brunette doctor found you - lost too deep in thought, attention solely focused on your wedding ring.
You, of course, didn’t hear him come in.
Spencer smiled to himself, quietly closing the door behind him so as not to startle you. He placed his bag down before ambling towards the back of the couch. His hands landed on your shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze to grab your attention, and you tilted your head up to look at him.
“Hi, my love.”
“Hello, beautiful.” Spencer bent over slightly, his lips catching yours in a tender welcoming kiss. “Let me go wash up quickly and you can tell me all about your day,” he added and you nodded, following him with your eyes until he disappeared into the bedroom.
While he cleaned himself up after an undeniably hectic workday, you sprung up on your feet and headed to the kitchen to cook up a late dinner for the two of you.
Spencer rejoined you shortly and immediately began playing sous chef, assisting you with preparing the meal. While the two of you worked over the various pots and pans, you exchanged with one another stories of how your days went. Listening attentively, joking together. Then you ate together before reconvening back to the couch.
A typical, and honestly, an ideal evening together when he wasn’t travelling.
“What were you thinking about earlier, when I got home?” Spencer asked, making himself comfortable next to you. You draped your legs over his lap with ease and his hands instantly made home on your thigh.
“Do you ever wonder what I would say to you in my vows if our wedding day looked any different?” you asked straight out, because there was no secrets between the two of you.
Spencer pondered the question for a moment before shaking his head. “No,” he answered honestly, “Do you?”
You briefly chewed on the inside of your cheek. “Sometimes,” you confessed, a hint of guilt and hesitance detectable in the tone of your voice.
He hummed softly at your response and proceeded to place a tender kiss on your temple. “I could tell you,” he murmured into your hair before pulling away, “If you’d like that is.”
His eyes found yours and a timid smile circled your lips at his offer.
“You don’t have to, Spence, I’m honestly happy not knowing and letting my imagination run free. Plus, I wouldn’t want to put you on the spot—”
“Y/N,” he politely cut in, “I’ve known what I would say to you in my vows ever since our first date.”
The sentence caused you to playfully roll your eyes, as the butterflies in your stomach fluttered free. “Hmm…” you smacked your lips together, “I don’t think I believe you,” you teased him with a chuckle.
Spencer pressed his tongue to his lips as he smirked at your comment. He took your innocent joke as a sort of challenge however, because in one swift motion, before you got a chance to react or say anything else, he pulled you in closer by your legs before taking your hands in his and giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I can recite the entirety of the English dictionary off by heart, but ironically I'm not very good with words—” Spencer began, his hazel gaze locking with yours, “—because when I think how to express how I truly feel about you, and how incredibly lucky I am to have you by my side, my mind goes completely blank and my eidetic memory is no longer of use.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle lightly, and you could just imagine the whole crowd laughing because whether Spencer liked to admit it or not, he was incredibly funny without even trying.
“However, as I sit here before you tonight, I will give my all to make the most sincere promise one heart can make to another. Y/N, I have waited a long time for you, and I promise from this day on until forever to be your constant love, your shoulder to cry on, your partner for life. I vow to give you the best of myself and not ask for anything in return. I vow to respect you. Respect your desires, your interests and needs.”
You could feel your eyes gloss over, as Spencer inhaled before continuing, "I promise to keep myself open to you and share with you my deepest feelings, thoughts, and dreams. I promise to continuously surprise you in hopes of bringing you joy and seeing you smile, because you have the most beautiful smile.”
Spencer gently rubbed circles into your hand with his thumb as he spoke, and the amiable loving look in his eyes made you think he didn’t really have these vows prepared beforehand, like he said he did.
He was speaking purely from the heart.
“I promise to love you through thick and thin. The good times and the bad. In sickness and in health. I promise to love you with every fibre of my being, until the end of time.” He paused, by that point salty wet droplets were slowly trailing down your jawline.
Spencer continued, “Now, I have been called many things in my life and gone by many different titles. From this day on however, the most important title I’ll hold is husband. Your husband.”
Silence filled the room once he concluded. A benevolent and earnest silence.
Nothing could have prepared you for what he said, and how his words would make you feel. How you thought it wasn’t possible to love him anymore than you already did, yet here the two of you sat and your heart swelled inside of your chest.
Spencer’s hand travelled to your cheek. He cupped it gently, wiping away any lone tears that escaped.
“You know—” you murmured, leaning into his touch and placing a kiss on the palm of his hand, “— for someone who claims they’re not good with words, you just strummed all the right heartstrings. I therefore dumb thee— a liar...”
The brunette doctor let out a soft chuckle at your comment and then proceeded to scoop you into his lap, completely effortlessly. He held you close by the waist while your fingers played with his brunette curls.
“And it’s a good thing you have an eidetic memory, my love, because I will ask you to recite those promises to me over and over and oveerrr again,” you added and Spencer threw his head back in a smooth laugh.
“How about I type them up and we can frame them instead?” he suggested, arching a brow. You licked your lips, considering the question for a moment, however before you got a chance to reply, Spencer added, “It would however, be nice to have both of our vows up...”
It was your turn to laugh, “I have nothing prepared, Spence. Not to mention, yours were so heartfelt and honest, I don’t think I can compete.”
The smile on Spencer’s face grew a little wider and he leaned in to peck your lips, “Say whatever that comes to mind, beautiful.”
“You’re not going to let this go now, are you?” you enquired and Spencer shook his head in response, a goofy grin plastered across his features.
“I really have my mind set on those frames now. Maybe we can hang them over our bed, or maybe we can dedicate a shelf to them in the bookcase.”
You raised a brow, “You’d give those frames a whole shelf?”
He nodded, “A whole shelf.”
The thought of your promises to one another typed up and on view for everyone that came to visit the apartment made you smile.
Glancing briefly at your wedding ring, looped among Spencer’s brunette curls, you nervously chewed on the inside of your cheek before glancing back into his hazel eyes. “I’m not very good with words—” you began with a modest tese, “—Therefore, I hope you don’t mind that I’m going to borrow someone else's.”
You paused, letting out a delicate shaky breath. “Atticus wrote, ‘I lost my way all the way to you and in you I found my way’. You are my everything, Dr. Spencer Reid. Thank you for choosing me, for loving me, for making me feel safe, for making me laugh, and for making my life a million times richer.”
Spencer’s lips found yours the second you finished, wrapping them in a gentle yet passionate kiss. A desirable sensation instantly spread through you, because when he kissed you like this, it was as if he was kissing you for the very first time.
“I love you,” Spencer whispered after slowly pulling away, pressing his forehead against yours.
“I love you too,” you expressed with a genuine smile.
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a-river-of-stars · 3 years
Gundam Wing analysis: set dressing in Episodes 35-38
Warning: image heavy post and gay 3x4 conspiracy theories ahead, so I’ve put in a Keep reading cut
Set dressing is a wonderful thing.  It adds a layer of depth to any story, but it is particularly useful when you’re trying to tell a primarily subtextual story in order to Get Shit Past the Censors.  The set dressing in Episodes 35-38 of Gundam Wing tells one such subtextual story.
When Trowa first returns to the circus with amnesia in Episode 35, we see three kinds of symbols on the boxes in the background: stars and specifically shooting stars (representing the Gundams and their pilots), question marks (representing Trowa’s amnesia and general feelings of confusion), and stripes (which could have multiple interpretations: the stripes resemble the bars of the lion’s cage, representing restraint or a feeling of being trapped, but when arranged diagonally instead of vertically they also bring to mind the diagonal stripe of the forbidden 🚫 symbol).
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Below is a closer look at that stack of boxes.  Note the color scheme of the striped box and how it matches Trowa’s costume trousers.  The person doing the restraining and forbidding here is Trowa himself; his own subconscious has made his memories off limits to him.
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In the scene at the end of Episode 35 (pictured below), one more symbol appears: hearts, which symbolize exactly what you’d expect.  Alone in the dark, Trowa is looking in a chest covered with symbols of all the important things he’s forgotten.  And looking a bit too deeply, it seems, as he’s soon overwhelmed by a mysterious “cold” feeling that prevents him from looking any further.  His subconscious is not ready to unpack all that.
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Even his previously smiling mask is sad now, painted with a teardrop that has never been there before.  😥
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There’s more to this post!  Click on Keep reading. :)
Never gonna give you up--  Nah, nevermind.  Sorry.  Please stay, there actually is more. 🤡
When Duo shows up at the circus in Episode 36 the boxes again have stars.  One of the stars in this scene has a distinctive six-point design instead of the usual five-point one; it may have religious significance considering the characters involved.  There is also an even more recognizable forbidden diagonal stripe (green box pictured below).  Once again, the green of that striped box is associated with Trowa as the color of his eyes and of his costume trousers.  Although Catherine soon comes to tell Duo to leave Trowa alone, it is Trowa himself who truly rejects Duo.  There are heavy shadows in this scene, as well.  Trowa is still literally and metaphorically in the dark.
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When Quatre arrives at the circus in Episode 38, the boxes have some interesting patterns.  There are a lot of stripes both vertical and diagonal, but there is also a notable return of hearts (pink box pictured below).  The pink color scheme of this box indicates a romantic love, light and innocent but romantic in nature nonetheless.
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Another striped box (above) is situated directly between Quatre and Trowa.  Their meeting is forbidden.  But by whom?  This time the color scheme of the forbidden stripes doesn’t match Trowa.  In fact, there is a large green box that does represent Trowa--even including an orange and yellow pattern that matches the other colors of his costume.  For once, Trowa is not restraining himself, but rather seems somewhat open to Quatre, even excited to discover that Quatre knows him.  Whereas Trowa looked terrified when Duo spoke to him in Episode 36, Trowa shows no fear of Quatre at all.  So, who is represented by that striped box?  The answer comes just a few frames later....
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Catherine’s shirt’s main color and shading are a perfect match to the striped box’s color scheme.  This lines up with the dialogue where Catherine explicitly forbids Quatre from contacting Trowa.  Just like the striped box, Catherine physically puts herself between Quatre and Trowa.  Note that more hearts have appeared beside Catherine, but with an unromantic color scheme that resembles the color of Trowa’s shirt: Catherine, too, loves Trowa, in a different way than does Quatre.  When she says that Trowa is like her brother, she truly means it.
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In the frame above, a second striped box appears in different colors, this one bearing a resemblance to Quatre’s eye color.  This suggests that it is now Quatre who is restraining or forbidding himself from interacting with Trowa.  Even if Catherine hadn’t forbidden contact between them--undoubtedly Quatre would have found a way around her if he’d really wanted--Quatre has now seen the harm his own mistake has caused Trowa and won’t let himself be near Trowa for fear of hurting him even more.  It doesn’t seem promising.  And yet, as Trowa secretly watches Quatre leave...
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The red box that has appeared beside Trowa’s trauma-addled head is covered with hearts.  The red indicates a romantic love, and of a much deeper and more recognizably romantic kind than the pink seen previously.  Though Trowa is unlikely to know what he’s feeling just yet, it does seem to line up with Trowa’s implied feelings toward Quatre when he recovers his memories in Episode 43 and with his behavior in the episodes that follow.
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Box conspiracy theories aside, Trowa is hiding in the shadows of the tent toward the end of this scene.  Going back to the beginning of this scene (pictured above), before Quatre and Trowa even meet, the sun shines around Quatre and guides him through a messy collection of jumbled items and forbidden striped boxes to where Trowa is.  The sun is both light and warm.  Perhaps it is this warmth that counters the mysterious “cold” Trowa talks about, his fear of whatever it is he has forgotten.   At the very end of this scene, when Trowa is brought to his knees as he begins to remember Quatre, he staggers partially out of the dark tent and into the sunlight. 
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Funny how much of a story can be told without words.
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Summary: Sacrifices are often made for the ones we love....even if it might hurt.
Parings: Sam Winchester x Male!Reader, Hinted at Male!reader x John Winchester, and Sam Winchester x Unmentioned girls
Warning?: Bi Sam ,Dean still flirting with reader, No jess death for M/n, Reader is a hunter...and never told Sam, Yellow-eyes, mention(hint at) smut
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Sam looked up at M/n with a smile he wore a sexy fireman outfit for the bar outing the yellow shirt looked like it was going to rip if the surprisingly taller male flexed a little too much the red suspenders held up loss fitting brown pants and a axe that leaned on the door frame. "Come on Babe dress up a little." He said tightening the suspenders straps.
"You know I don't like Halloween." Sam sighed as his boyfriend came up to him kissing his cheek with a mischievous smirk. "Too bad guess I can't give you your treat." The h/c man growled nipping his ear as he walked out of their shared bedroom. With a fake pout he chased after him. "If I put on a Halloween shirt will it pass?" He said hopefully putting his arms over M/n shoulder causing him to put his hands on his hips. "Hmmm....If I get to pick the shirt." Sam chuckled and nodded. He'll soon regret that.
Luis was loosing his shit laughing at the shit while M/n smiled proudly at what his boyfriend was wearing it was a plain dark gray t-shirt with the words 'Just the tip. I Promise.' And a knife. "This has to be your best work, N/n." Stephan, M/n best friend, said dressed as a cop high fives the awaiting hand.
M/n gave Sammy a small grin and winked causing him to blush slightly. It was time to celebrate with friends Sam's accomplishment he can wait later to celebrate with Sam his own way.
(Time skip past smexy times~might do it later)
M/n woke up in a empty bed to the sound of a fight he quickly got up in only his boxers to see what was wrong. He knew it was human since he had symbols all under wall paper and floor boards. Turning on the lights he sees Sam and a shorter man next to him "Sammy?" He said causing both of them to look over maybe he should have put on pants eyes raked down his form. "Woah. Hi I'm Dean Rapunzel's older brother. You must be his roommate..." The green eyed man bit his lip looking down south of the s/c man before him. "...I just love Scooby-Doo.~" Dean said keeping his gaze on the mystery machine briefs M/n was wearing. Sam quickly got between both of them pushing his brother back. "Dean this N/n my boyfriend" A confused look crossed his face. "Where's Jess you girlfriend?" He asked. "She was my roommate graduated a year ago and M/n moved in."
Dean looked back at M/n the flirtatious smirk back on his face. "You're way out of my brothers league." Sam put a around his boyfriends waist pulling him close. "Why are you here Dean?" There was a pause of silence. "Dad hasn't been home in a few days." The blonde said before it was shot down. "Let me rephrase. Dad's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days." With that Sam tensed up and looked over to M/n. "I'll be right back." His tone rushed as he peeked him in the cheek and left their shared apartment brother in tow.
Once the sound of their foot steps were heard going down the stairs M/n sighed his hand running through his bed head. "Fucking Winchester’s." He mumbled before going back up stairs going to his old room. M/n went to the closet moving boxes out of the way till he got to the duffel bag he was looking for. A burner phone weighed heavy in his hand as he wandered back to bed. "If he goes I go." He mumbled to himself looking at the mirror on the nightstand. M/n has been off and on with hunting ever since he started dating Sam and he knew who he was the moment his last name left his lips, but he only put on a smile and gave him his first and middle name since L/n were famous in the community.
Sam came back to the apartment and started to pack a bag. "Sam what's going on?" M/n said innocently as he watched more of his boyfriends clothes fill the bag. "Just going to help look for Dad. Probably just went out with a old friend and didn't bother to pick up." Sam zipped up the bag as he threw it over his shoulder. "You know what's Monday right?! You can't just not show up it's your dream on the line, Babe!" M/n stepped forward slowing down the rushed pace. "I know...you're right and I'll be back on Monday." We walked out of the building. "Promise to call me when you get there." The h/c man said hugging the long haired brunette close. "I promise." With a final kiss goodbye M/n waved him off before going inside. Time to jump back into the L/n family business. Pulling out the burner it rung as the first number was dialed. "I don't give a damn of you are the IRS or girl scouts selling fucking cookies it's one am you idjit!" The familiar voice rung out. "Good talking to you to Uncle Bobby." M/n chuckled and the older man's breath caught in his throat. "Well I'll be damned do my ears deceive me or is that little F/n all grown up?"
"Glad you didn't trash this number."
"What are you calling for boy its still 1am?" Bobby asked.
" I need to pick up my truck. I'm going hunting."
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
Sam sat in the motel room trying to call M/n, but he didn't pick up. If only he knew that right at that moment he was beheading a vampire while laughing like a sadistic prick. After cleaning the blood off and burning the barn that held the nest M/n tried calling back when it picked up he heard Sam's distressed voice. "M/n now is not a good time. I'm so cold hold me" A voice spoke over Sam's. "Who the hell was that?!" I heard a loud hissing noise. "Sam!" That's when a shotgun went off, glass shattered, and the lime went dead. M/n stood up and paced un his room it would be late before he got home he'll have to hall ass to get there before Sam.
Going out to the truck he opened the bed lifting the metal cover and false bottom loading the weapons. He had no time to drop it back off. The road was silent till a voice interrupted it. "Hello, handsome. What's the rush?" Almost swerving into a ditch M/n looked over and saw a man with graying blonde hair. Reaching for a weapon the man's eyes flashed yellow gazing at him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He snapped causing the h/c make to look straight and push hard into his seat. "You're the little Winchester’s boy toy. Well in two hours he'll be home and dead by the time you arrive." M/n's breath caught in his throat. "Liar. I'm not stupid every hunter has heard what happened to Mary it doesn't take a genius to see they weren't the only one's. You need him alive and well, so why are you hear?" He growled low in his throat as the demon chuckled. "Got me there. You see Sammy boy needs to get back in the life and you being, I don't know, alive is getting in the way." The pressure grew stronger on the restrained man's chest till he almost could feel his lungs squeeze. "But I'm a business man. You work for me you live and maybe see Sam again or die in a blaze and the last thing he sees is your burning corpse. Can't be a protective boyfriend if your dead."
"What will happen to me if I agree?" That's when a sick smile pulled on his lips. "You become a demon. No a demon doesn't possess you! You yourself become one you memories and personality intact. So deal?" He held his hand out to the s/c man as he sighed taking his eyes from the road. "Deal." The demons yellows eyes shined bright as he yanked the young man forward pressing their lips together sealing it. "You are mine." He growled possessively as M/n pulled out his phone and dialed Sam's number. It went to voice mail. "Hey Rapunzel. I want you to know...I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. You mean the world to me...so once you figure out how to open you voice mail this is waiting for you."
Sam woke up from his nightmare of his burning apartment building. It been almost three years since then and he never gotten over it. It took a year to get to his messages and what M/ n left behind gave him more questions then answers. He couldn't even get into the apartment before the flames erupted. Sam had doubts about M/n in the fire, but after the police report was released only one casualty of M/n Middle/n. Dean tried to tell my it would at some point get better, but the guilt still felt heavy in his chest. Nightmares of M/n in the fire not in pain, but seeming to absorb the flames made him question what really happened. The brothers had a lead on yellow eyes that their dad led them to. It all seemed to convenient that after the fight he knew to much about the demon that pledged his nightmares. The warehouse was falling apart it was in shambles as Dean parked baby next to it. "Are you sure this is the place?" Sam asked his brother. "Dad said this was it. Load up." Dean got out the car popping the trunk. This didn't feel right.
Tied up, beaten, and tortured. The Winchesters look up at their own fathers face with those horrid yellow eyes. "You boys never questioned a thing didn't even hesitate to come inside!" He chuckled darkly as the surrounding demons grinned. "This would have been the part where I laugh at you kill you dragging your sorry souls to hell to be my toys for the next millennium, but I have something better!" Signature Winchester grin lifted his lips as he called out seeming to no one. "Oh, honey bear! Come say hi." The sound of a strong gust of wind came from behind them as the clack of well made dress shoes hit the shifty floor boards. A man wearing black dress pants, shoes, and a open f/c(not black) silk button up. His back was to the brothers as John lifted his head up to kiss the man's cheek. Turning around white eyes looked at them, but that face was unmistakably M/n's a scar on his brow but it was him. Sam was chocked up M/n was in front of him looking well and oh God he's with enemy that took their dad's body as a meat suit.
"Do you like him, Sammy? Hells best torturer!" John said running his hands over M/n as the man kept his gaze locked on the tallest Winchester analyzing him as he seethed with anger at the demon touched his boyfriend. "Oh the things he's done would make Lucifer blush." Yellow-eyes trailed his hand down the scarred chest biting his lip making Sam struggle more. Snapping his fingers the other demons took Dean, but Sam was left there. "You're not useful to me dead Sammy boi." The demon circled him. "What's the best kind of torture, love?" M/n seemed to move for the first time getting right in front of Sam dropping to his knees being face to face with him. Cupping the beaten cheek of the hunter in his s/c hand his white clouded orbs turned the lively e/c giving a sympathetic look before it switched off. "Physiological." Sam didn't notice the room shifted into their old apartment tears pooled in those e/c eyes. "Where were Sammy?" A hiccup in between silent cries ended the sentence as a scene played out of M/n on the phone trying to talk to Sam before it cut off. "I needed you!" A scene of M/n chained to a wall seeing figures of his past hurt him till he gave in. "You were mine. And you threw it all away, threw me away like garbage!" The images went to Sam being with girls, but he could see familiar h/c hair in the background.
Tears rolled down Sam's face as white eyes filled his vision the eyes he loved fading away. What felt like hours happened in only a few seconds and within those seconds Sam was broken. He buried his face into the palm still cupping his cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!' Sam would do anything for his M/n back even if it meant killing the monster his father has become. A gentle kiss stopped the trail of tears. "You are mine."
A/N: Quote= I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. -The Vampire Diaries
Tagged: @spnquotebingo
First male reader it was fun.
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