#Their wedding rings have lyrics engraved on them too
legolasghosty · 2 years
recreating your first/favorite date
for juke <3
Okay... whew, here it is. Sorry this took forever to actually respond to. Hope you like it!
“Am I allowed to know where we’re going yet?” Luke laughed from the passenger seat of Julie’s SUV.
“Nope,” she answered, giving him a smirk and hoping he couldn’t see her nerves.
It wasn’t like she was unsure as to what he would say. They’d talked about this dozens of times. There were certain things that they had to be totally on the same page about, especially since Luke had only been alive (sort of) for 6 years. She knew they wanted the same thing in the end on this. That didn’t stop it from being terrifying though.
“But I wanna know,” Luke whined, grinning and lacing his fingers with hers when she stopped at a red light. “Also, I could just poof us there, it’d be faster.”
“You got a problem with my driving, Patterson?” she teased.
“No,” he said quickly.
She laughed and turned left when the light turned green. Luke turned up the radio and they sang along to the random pop songs playing as the streets got more and more familiar. As Julie turned onto the street she grew up on, Edge of Great started playing. Luke smirked and started singing her parts. She giggled and hummed that funky guitar riff he only ever played live over the sound of his voice. Julie was still a bit in awe every time she heard it on the radio. They’d first played it almost seven years ago, and the official version had been on their first album, now just over four years old. And yet it still played on the radio from time to time. Because people loved it that much. It was nuts.
As the song ended, Julie pulled into her dad’s driveway. She turned the car off and climbed out, making sure that she still had the little box in the pocket of her lavender sundress. When she got around to Luke’s side of the car, he was giving her a confused look.
“Did your dad invite us over for dinner?” he asked.
“No, I just…” she started nervously, then shook her head. “Come one, I’ll explain in a few minutes.”
Luke still seemed perplexed, but let her take his hand and guide him down the path to the garage. When she arrived at the doors, she glanced back at him, her stomach a bundle of nerves.
“You got this,” he said, giving her that same confident smile he’d given her right before they performed together for the first time and every time since.
She nodded and pushed open the doors. They entered the space together. It had changed a lot since Julie was in high school, but the chairs were still firmly attached to the ceiling. The piano sat quietly under its drop cloth now that Julie wasn’t here to play it every day. The battered couch that really should go to the dump at this point was in its place, leaning against the wall that still held her mom’s favorite acoustic and a bunch of photos.
But there were still changes. Since Luke, Reggie, and Alex had become a part of Julie’s life, the photos on the walls had changed to reflect the new additions to the Molina family. The plants growing in the windows on the back wall were in much better condition thanks to her dad’s constant watering and care. The threadbare rug that had covered the floor since before the boys died had been replaced by a soft, light brown one during Julie’s senior year of high school.
Julie had been there the day before to make sure everything was clean, but she still felt the odd twitch of melancholy as she entered. She felt a bit like this studio when she thought about the girl she’d been when she met Luke. So many things were the same, she was still bold and kind and silly, but she’d grown as well, becoming stronger and more skilled as the years went by.
And then she looked back at Luke, who was right behind her with that confused but encouraging smile. His hair was a bit neater, the life story in his eyes a bit longer, but he was the same boy she’d met all those years ago in so many ways.
“Okay, um, you stay there,” she told him, a bit uncertain as she nudged him toward the empty space below the loft.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he chuckled, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans while he waited.
Julie smiled and crossed to the old stereo. She slipped in a CD and skipped ahead to the track she wanted. Technically, it had just been playing the first song when they were first here, but Lakeside Reflection fit the vibe she wanted better. It was close enough.
She returned to Luke, standing before him and taking his hands in hers. “Luke,” she started, “almost seven years ago, you and Reggie and Alex appeared right here and changed my life. And I know we talk all the time about how you guys brought music back to me and became my family in a way I didn’t know was possible, but it’s so much more than that.”
She took a deep breath and plowed on, looking Luke right in the eye. “You showed me what it means to live like tomorrow might not come. You inspire me to work hard and keep growing every single day. I finally understand how my parents always managed to keep loving each other, even when they argued. Because I love you. Always, even when I’m mad at you. And I want to keep loving you for as long as we have.”
Tears were starting to form in the corners of Luke’s eyes, but he bit his lip. Julie could see in his eyes that he had a good idea where this was going and was trying not to interrupt her. She’d planned to say more, but suddenly she couldn’t remember what. Her eyes were starting to water and she hadn’t even asked yet. And suddenly, the nerves are gone, replaced with pure anticipation. There will be time for all the words she is too choked up to stay later. Only a few of them matter right now.
Julie steps back and drops to one knee. “Luke Edward Patterson, will you marry me?” she breathed, pulling the little black box out of her pocket and opening it so Luke could see the silver band.
“Yes!” Luke exclaimed almost before she finished speaking.
And then she’s in his arms and they’re kissing and she can taste salt on his lips from his tears. Or maybe they’re hers. Both of them are crying, so it’s anyone’s guess. She doesn’t really care though. Yes, marrying someone who died and came back to reality 25 years later wasn’t without its complications, but it was Luke. They’d figure it out. Together. For as long as they could be.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Because, it's you and me
Prompt- dancing with each other | ANGST | HURT COMFORT ( mostly hurt ) | TW- death | "When the time comes, you have to let go and when you let go, know you're not alone, because it's you and me" | lyrics used- nothing by Bruno Mars
I've written plenty marriage related danced and recently wrote a masquerade dance. I promise this will be the last dance prompt I write for a while. Here's something entirely different. I am slightly proud of this.
" hey love, I've picked up the groceries like you said, let me know if there's something you need. Love you" beep beep....
" uncle harry ?"
Harry aligned on the chair better as he saw teddy walk in with a little bag.
" how are you doing Today ?" He asked cheerfully as he sat down in front of harry on the chair preserves for him
"you ask this everyday and I'm doing fine teddy " harry chuckled huskily
" well as your very beloved godson, I have the right to ask" teddy smiled as he adjusted the radio set and put on the new tape.
" you're more than just my godson teddy and you know that " harry groaned as he picked up his legs and with much effort put them over the little stool
" I know, uncle harry " teddy smiled and he finally pulled out the paperworks
" you know we can do this anyday- I mean there's no rush " teddy awkwardly said as he strange fear settled into his heart
" I know dear. But it's about time I did this " harry smiled. Sadly yet willingly teddy took out his pens and the papers, reading out to harry, taking suggestions and making harry sign the same.
" you'll visit right ?" Harry gauntingly asked
" uncle harry- don't say that " teddy sadly frowned
" will you ?" Harry persisted
Teddy sighed, leaning down to press a kiss on Harry's forehead " of course. And I know Albus and scorpius will too" teddy assured cupping his face
" you remind me a lot of your father teddy. I miss him, even after all this time" harry sighed
" you are like my dad uncle harry, I might've never known my dad but you've been my dad and I wouldn't switch it for the world- well I mean I would've liked to know him but you know what I mean. You were the closest thing to a family for me and I don't regret it "
Harry smiled " we've raised you right"
" without a doubt "
" shall I leave the song on then ?" Teddy finally asked as his time' came to leave
" leave it on " harry rested his head against the arm chair closing his eyes and falling into little world of his memories.
" harry- come on- hey- look at me- look in my eyes and Just let your body flow " draco chuckled
" but if I look at you, then my legs wouldn't work fine. Coordination would be absurd draco. What kind of shit advice is that " harry rolled his eyes, still staring at his feets
" trust me harry. Just look at me and you'll be fine. Everything will be fine harry. It's you and me " draco smiled fondly. Harry sighed as he looked into draco's eyes and let his body flow to the music as they danced away.
" see, it's that easy. It's always easy-"
" because it's you and me " harry completed his sentence. Draco smiled at him, pressing a small kiss over his lips.
" because it's you and me " draco repeated, and he twirled harry around, breaking into little laughter in their own little paradise.
" the blood sugar is considerably better, other reports also seem fine of course. Its mostly a fit report. Any problems and you know you have to report me immediately " the doctor smiled
" that's good then " harry struggled shifting backwards into the chair
" how long do you say ?"harry asked
" I- we can't predict that. But if this is how things are going to be, another 6 months maybe " she smiled sadly
Harry nodded, finally standing up, getting hold of his walking stick and letting himself out after bidding goodbye.
Like every other day, harry picked up some fruits from the market, visited Ron and Hermione, laughing at some old memories, going back home, reading the newspaper, cooking for himself, taking a shower, reading for another hour, sleeping for longer duration and finally would arrive evening that he'd spend away listening to old songs, checking his health, watching TV, making dinner for himself, and then go to bed.
Like every night, harry laid on the bed, wide eyed, picking up his phone and scrolling through until he Landed upon just the ones.
" honey, can you bring the monstera plant from the nursery, ours unfortunately died. love you" beep
" hey, love, I've told Albus and scorpius you're running a bit late, but try to reach here faster, if you can, we don't wanna upset them. Love you "
" hey love, I've picked up the groceries like you said, let me know if you need something. Love you "
" is- is this Working- oh it is. Hey, Darling, where the hell even are you ? It's our fucking anniversary and I maybe old but I'd still chop your penis off if- oh never mind, there you are. Wow you look still not a day old, still elegant as ever. Anyways- who you're talking to draco- love you, harry " beep
Beep... Beep..
Harry allowed a little tear to trickle down his face, playing with the ring on his finger as he remembered old days of his life passing away . He wouldn't change it for the world. He'd had everything he needed, and now he was done. He'd lived to see another day everyday, but now he just waited for another day where he won't be.
" Track suits and red wine " harry Sang lowly to himself just like they used to before
"Movies for two"
" We'll take off our phones "
" And we'll turn off our shoes "
He breathed heavily as he wiped off a single tear, still humming
" We're not making out"
"On a boat in the rain"
" Or in a house I've painted blue "
And slowly and slowly it faded until his eyes closed.
" hi harry " he whispered as he appeared in White
" d- draco- what- what are you doing here ?" Harry frowned
" it's time, babe, it has come. I'll be waiting " and he faded into the whites again with his own preserved little smile only for harry and that little dream came to an end, just like a breath.
" yo- I can't believe you bought his radio" victoria sobbed as she leaned over his husband's shoulder, teddy.
" I know he'll need it " teddy sobbed lightly, placing it over the little engraved stones.
Scorpius broke into sobs as he hugged Albus, violently" I can't- "
" it's going to be alright " Albus replied heavily
" shall I ?" Teddy asked everyone as he sniffled wiping away his own tears with a handkerchief, getting hold of his wife's hand.
" Who needs stars?
We've got a roof
But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you "
The radio faded, the voice slightly branching into little audio of harry and draco of them talking and giggling from the day of their children's weddings.
" I can't believe he bought this " harry whispered, holding draco's hands.
" I can't believe you didn't know he'll bring it " Draco chuckled as they watched their kids, holding hands with each other's and placing flowers.
" we've raised them right, haven't we ?" Harry smiled fondly at draco
" we have " draco smiled
" do you think they'll be alright ?" Harry asked , slightly worried for their kids.
" I think they'll be fine " draco smiled.
They sat their for Long hours watching their kids, sitting their ideally crying In their memories, sometimes even cracking little jokes, sharing memories until the night came in and they all slowly reluctantly started leaving.
" but there's nothing" draco hummed as he danced away on top of stones with harry
" like doing nothing " harry hummed doing the same
" with you "they hummed collectively as the song finally ended and teddy packed the radio up.
" we'll miss you. You're finally with draco. Rest in peace uncle harry. To the moon and back.. " teddy whispered and with a single large tear, he walked away.
" it's finally you and me " draco whispered when everything finally went silent.
" it'll be fine " draco reassured
" because it's you and me "
" because it's you and me " and they cherished in a little kiss.
I really hope you liked this. Thank you for the incredible support In the last few days..
Requests open
Day 47- stupid Teenage crush | Day 49- 5 times Harry was a pain in the ass until he wasn't
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gomgeomeogmeogmy · 3 years
overton!! because knox and i just got married 🥂
Congratulations on the wedding! Have some married Overton/knarlie headcanons!
Charlie and Knox wrote their own vows for each other
Charlie’s of course started off with jokes and light hearted comments but slowly got more and more serious until it got to the point he was tearing up
Knox did the opposite, he started super deep and serious and slowly got more and more funny and light hearted
Charlie cried when he saw Knox, but he couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot the entire time
Knox was crying pretty much the entire ceremony, but when he saw Charlie he stopped for a minute; smiled the brightest smile of his life then continued crying
They danced to “there’s a light that never goes out” by the smiths, kind of a morbid song when you look at the lyrics, but that song means the world to the two of them
Thé rings were fairly simple on the outside, a simple, sleek silver band, but on the inside they have each other’s names engraved in them with the date they started dating and the date Charlie proposed
Yeah, Charlie was the one who proposed to Knox
Since they both have the same friends, all of the poets were both of their groomsmen
And all of them were their bestmen too
Chris was the flower girl
Mr.Keating was the ring barer, he may or may not have cried when they asked
It was a pretty casual wedding overall, nothing too over the top, all the guests were good friends and close family
Before they kissed, Charlie mumbled “I always knew we’d end up here” to Knox while crying and giving him the biggest smile ever
Knox still remembers the exact way his voice sounded when he said it, those words meant the world to him
The entire night after the ceremony was full of chaos and fun
All of them got pretty drunk and just had a good time together, making jokes, picking on each other and laughing the entire time
The after party was just Keating and the boys, no family or anyone else
they decided to have a dead poets society meeting as their after party for old times sake
There was a lot of emotions, a lot of crying and a lot of laughing as they remembered their time at Welton; both the good and the bad
When Charlie and Knox finally got alone time, Charlie was the clingiest he’d ever been
He was constantly holding Knox, holding his hand, leaning on him; laying in him, telling him how much he loved him and how happy he was over and over again non stop the entire night
Knox was in the same boat, he was clinging to Charlie like a koala
The next day, they got lines from each other’s vows tattooed together
Charlie can always be caught staring at his ring, twirling it around his finger with the softest, most lovesick smile ever
If their jobs ever require them to take their rings off, they put it on a chain and wear it as a necklace instead because they both hate not having the ring on them in some way
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mage-ellie · 4 years
His Wish
This is my first request from AO3! People seemed to like it so I thought I’d post it here too :) I’m open for small requests! Feel free to request headcanons/scenarios/prompts! I’ll write about any of the P5R cast. Akechi is just my favorite boy <3 All I ask is that you don’t request abusive/toxic relationships, yandere, smut of underaged characters (I will age them up though), or pieces that romanticize mental illnesses. I prefer to write fem!reader since i’m a girl and it’s easier for me, but if you say please, i’ll do my best to write GN and male!reader pieces! <3 
Warnings: P5R spoilers, lots of fluff
Word count: 2,497
Link to original post: Click me!
Summary:  All Goro Akechi had wished for was to be loved, to be needed, by someone, anyone. He never could've imagined that his wish would actually come true.
In less than 24 hours, Goro Akechi was going to be married.
He never could've imagined that he would live long enough to find love, let alone get married. He had also never imagined that he would be marrying one of the infamous Phantom Thieves. Although, he couldn't complain, she was quite the impressive thief, having managed to steal his heart right out from under his nose.
Goro was currently lying alone on the bed in the hotel room he was staying at. Their wedding reception was going to be held at the Yoshiki-en Garden in Nara, Japan. His fiancée had practically begged him to have their wedding there. The garden was at its most beautiful during the spring time. But truth be told, Goro would've married her any where, even in that little hole in the wall, Leblanc.
The soon to be husband couldn't stop replaying everything that lead up to this moment.
How she had practically forced him to live with her during the whole Maruki conundrum. How she confessed her feelings to him in March when he returned. How he told her he loved her for the first time during their date to the cherry blossom festival in Tokyo. How he proposed to her in front of all of their friends 3 years later at that same cherry blossom festival.
He was so nervous for tomorrow, and yet so excited. He actually found someone who wanted to be with him for who he was, not because of his celebrity status. She knew about all of his flaws and his horrific past, but not once did she let him doubt her love for him. She worked so hard to support him while he went to therapy, to help him make amends with Futaba and Haru, to help him come to terms with the fact that he deserved a second chance.
A few years ago, he would've been terrified at the thought of having someone in his life like this, but now, he couldn't imagine his life without her.
The next thing he knew, he was being awakened by the sound of someone slamming their fists against his hotel room door. Akira Kurusu, Ryuji Sakamoto, and Yusuke Kitagawa were currently standing outside of his room, each with a black tux in hand. As well as Morgana, who was sitting on the floor next to Akira's feet, already wearing a cute little handmade formal black vest. They wanted to get ready with Goro, seeing as it was his big day and all.
A little ways down the hall, the group of boys could hear a group of girls squealing about marriage, dresses and romance. It was 8 A.M. and they were already so energetic. The groom and his groomsmen all laughed to themselves, they were excited as well. This was the first marriage in their friend group after all.
Akira, Goro's best man, mentioned that he should try to take as many mental photos as he could, because this day would go by in a blur. Goro believed him, one moment the boys were standing at his door, ready to get the day started, and the next they were all dressed and making their way to the venue.
The normally oh so composed Goro Akechi was sweating bullets. His hands were clammy and his throat was dry. Never in his life had he felt so nervous, so unprepared.
Before he knew it, it was suddenly 3 P.M. and the ceremony was beginning. Only your closest friends and family made up the audience. No media or paparazzi in sight. Goro shifted his weight from one leg to the other, he hadn't seen you all day. His heart raced as music began and you appeared in your gorgeous white wedding gown, Sojiro by your side, walking you down the aisle. He felt a hard lump forming in his throat at the sight of you. You always looked gorgeous to him, but in that moment, he truly believed that you were an angel sent from above.
A soft, teary eyed smile spread across his face as you made your way closer to him. He knew he'd be teased by the others for the rest of his life for crying while you walked down the aisle, but he didn't care. All that mattered, was that you were now standing before him, in a gown he never imagined he'd see you in. A warm, comforting smile made its way to your cheeks from behind your veil as you looked up into his eyes. It was taking all of his self control to not kiss you right then and there.
He could hear the officiant speaking about love and happiness, but he wasn't really listening. Goro was too busy taking as many mental pictures as he could fit into his brain. He only tuned back in when you brought up a small index card filled with writing. It was your vow to him.
"My dearest Goro. Never in a million years had I imagined that I would be spending the rest of my life with you, and to be honest, I'm pretty sure you had thought the same thing." You began, a light giggle coming from your throat. The Phantom Thieves, Sae and Sojiro also laughed, knowing what you meant by that. He had quite the troublesome past with the thieves after all. "Despite our differences in the past, I can't imagine being with anyone else. I vow to you that I'll work tirelessly to show you my love, to always be there for you, and to give you the home and family that you deserve." If he hadn't been so entranced by the way you looked while reading your vows to him, your words would've had him sobbing. "I love you Goro," He froze when your voice cracked, "I'm so happy that you're home." He knew what you meant by that. He remembered how devastated you looked when he told you that he might not have survived during Shido's palace, but he wouldn't dwell on the memory, he was with you now, right?
It was his turn. Shakily, he pulled out a card with his vows on it from his tux pocket. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he began. "Y/N, my love. I truly didn't believe that I would live long enough to find love like this. And you're right, never had I imagined that I would be marrying you of all people." He watched as you lifted a hand to your mouth and laughed, your eyes lit up as you did so, the other thieves snickering along with you. He was glad that you could all laugh about the past like this. It lifted a guilty weight off of his shoulders. "And yet, here I am, unable to picture this day any other way. These past few years, you've shown me a love that I've never known. Today, I vow to you that I'll spend the rest of my days finding ways to bring happiness to you, like you've brought to me. I vow that I'll protect you and cherish you with my entire being." He looked up momentarily, amazed by the fact that a single tear was making its way down your cheek. "I love you Y/N. It's good to be home." He watched as you nearly broke down at his last sentence. You took a moment to close your eyes and take a deep breath.
The officiant started talking about your rings, but once again, Goro was too busy staring at you to listen. The sound of you squealing is what brought him back to reality. He watched as Morgana trotted down the aisle, carefully balancing a pillow on his head and carrying the rings to you both. You had a look of pure delight on your face, apparently, Akira had told you that Morgana wouldn't be able to make it because cats weren't allowed or something, but of course, your kitty friend wouldn't miss this day for the world.
Everyone in the audience cooed at the cat as he sat in front of you both with a smug grin on his face. You both reached down for the rings, your hand lingered for a moment to scratch the black cat on the head.
Goro melted into your touch when you took his hand so you could put the ring on his finger, it was a simple silver band with both of your initials engraved on the inside. Next, Goro delicately took your hand in his and slid the crown shaped wedding ring onto your left ring finger. He was the ace detective prince after all, marrying him made you his queen, right?
The officiant spoke a bit more before saying the words Goro had been waiting to hear all day. "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
Goro gently lifted the veil from your face, but before he could lean in, you had pushed yourself onto the tips of your toes and pressed your lips to his, your arms making their way around his neck. You had been waiting just as long for this moment as he had. He quickly slipped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, reveling in the feeling of your lips.
Cheers erupted from the small crowd as you two pulled away. "I love you Goro Akechi." You whispered, only loud enough for him to hear. "I love you too, Y/N Akechi." His response was just as quiet as yours. Saying your first name with his last name did funny things to his heart. He wasn't sure if he'd ever get used to it, not that he minded. It would be a reminder that someone out there truly did love him.
The rest of the night was a blur for Goro. His most prominent memories of the night were of Sojiro sobbing when he danced with you, Morgana and Futaba arguing over who got to dance with you next, Ann screaming when she caught the bouquet of flowers you had thrown, and the way you looked, swaying slowly in his arms to a song he didn't know the lyrics to, but you knew every word. He wasn't even sure if he got to eat a slice of the expensive wedding cake that he had paid for.
By the time you both made it to the bridal suite, you were exhausted. Goro was barely able to get your wedding dress off of you before you passed out on the bed. He did his best to carefully remove your makeup so you wouldn't have to worry about it in the morning. He couldn't help but stare at you for a bit as you laid beside him, the light from the moon making your skin glow. His mind was ready to burst from how many mental photos he had taken throughout the day.
Gently, as to not disturb you, he wrapped you in his arms and drifted to sleep while going over the memories he had of this day.
5 years.
You and Goro have been married for 5 years now. Goro couldn't deny that he was happy to wake up next to you every day.
However, today was different. He knew that you had planned to meet up with the girls for an early breakfast, but you didn't wake him up to say goodbye. Usually, on the rare occasions that you would have to leave your shared house before he woke up, you'd wake him up and give him a kiss goodbye.
He had noticed that you had been a bit distant lately, and he couldn't help but worry. Were you falling out of love with him? Were you cheating on him? Was it something worse? His mind filled with all sorts of negative questions and concerns in an attempt to figure out why you were acting the way you were.
Goro waited for you on the couch in your home, planning on confronting you about your strange behavior when you got back. In the 8 years that you've been together, you've never once done something like this, so he was incredibly scared.
The familiar jingle of keys and turning of the lock on the front door signaled your safe arrival home. He watched you freeze for a moment when you made eye contact with him, uncertainty and nervousness clouding your once bright eyes. Goro raised an eyebrow, despite the fear that coursed through his veins.
You took a deep breath before approaching him silently, once in front of him, you dug around in your purse for a moment, before handing him a small white box with a red ribbon tied around it. He stared at the box, shocked as you took a seat beside him. Goro could feel you staring at him, burning a hole into the side of his head. A... gift? This wasn't what he was expecting at all.
"Well?" Your voice sounded so small. Were you afraid of something? He took a moment to look at you before untying the ribbon and opening the box, inside sat three pregnancy tests. Each one testing positive. It took a moment for his brain to process this information. You were pregnant, with his child. That's why you had been so distant. The two of you almost never talked about kids. Due to his traumatic past, Goro believed that he would never be a good father, even with all of the therapy and support from you, he could never see himself being one.
"You're pregnant." He breathed, still staring at the pregnancy tests. "Yeah." You sounded so tired, sad even. Despite his original negative stance on becoming a father, he couldn't help but feel joy. He was going to be the father of your child. He was being given the chance to start a family of his own.
Slowly, he turned towards you, staring down at your stomach. You weren't really showing yet. "Well?" You repeated. Your voice shook, on the verge of tears. Goro didn't respond with words, he just leaned forwards and pushed you into the couch, his arms wrapped around your back and his face pressed into your stomach. He couldn't stop the sob that escaped his lips. He never could've imagined this. Despite his initial fears, he would do his best to be the greatest father that he could be.
Your body shook as you began sobbing as well, one hand gripping the back of his head and the other resting against his back, holding him as he cried.
"I'm going to be a dad?" He cried into your stomach, needing to confirm that this was real. "You're going to be a dad, and an amazing one at that." Your response was so genuine, it made it impossible for him to believe otherwise.
His wish of being loved, of being needed, had really come true.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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An Invisible Thread Chapter 21 Mr. and Mrs. Fraser
She stands before the full length mirror, a bride. On pure white, lace, silk, and taffeta. Jenny had found it in a shop in Inverness. Everyone had done their jobs well and now it is finally the day. She will be Claire Fraser soon. Making official something that has been a fact for quite awhile now.
“You are so beautiful.” Her mum says. The tears she can’t hold back drip down her face. Thank God for waterproof make-up.
“Thank you mum. I can’t believe this day is finally here.”
“Finally?” a laugh as she takes a seat at the vanity table in the Laird’s room that is being used as a bride’s room. It will be a wedding night room also, a fact that makes Claire flush with embarrassment and anticipation.
“I have loved Jamie since I was two and knew I would marry him since I was eleven and we shared a first kiss. So, yes finally.”
“I can’t argue with that. Mary and Willy have the baby ready. He is so precious. Not,” she adds, “that I wish you making me a grandma anytime soon.”
“I have been on the pill for a month now. We are good.” Her eyes drift to the bed and she flushes again.
“That type of pre-planning is very responsible. You two are so young but, the responsibility you are showing makes me think the others are right. That you are ready for this.”
“We are truly.”
“For all of it?” Again she flushes. She wants him and badly. But the actual act, especially the first time, well, it was a bit intimating.
“I am a bit concerned about tonight.  We have been good. Not done that. Things but..”
Her mum smiles. They thought so, her and Ellen, but to have it confirmed. Now to help her daughter. “Claire, the stuff you two have done, did it feel pleasurable?” Her flush deepened. She nods. “Brilliant. Tonight do a lot of what you have been doing then move on to other things, eventually coming to together. You will know when it is time. It will sting a bit, but, if you find pleasure before, it won’t be to bad. Also, urinate before and after. Trust me. You don’t want a honeymoon bladder infection.”
“Ah, thanks mum.” She takes a seat on the edge of the bed. Her dad will be here within minutes. They will follow Geillis and Willy, and Mary carrying William down as a ring bearer.  Her mum will push the wheelchair as Claire holds her dad’s hand. A bit unconventional but a way for both her parents to walk her down the aisle.
“Oh my beautiful daughter.” Henry calls out when he wheels himself in a few minutes later.
“Isn’t she exquisite?” Julia replies.
“She is.”
“All ready dad?”
“Yes. Your procession is all lined up. William is so bloody cute in his tiny kilt.”
“Brilliant. And Jamie?”
“Well, I can’t tell you what he is wearing but you will soon see. He awaits you.” She lets out her breath and stands, soothing her gown out. Her mum adds the veil and they step out.  They head to the lift that the Fraser’s had added for Henry and head downstairs.  Her bridal party waits at the door that leads to the back garden.
“You are a vision Claire. My brother is a blessed man.” Willy comments.
“As you and Mary. William is the cutest baby I have ever seen.”
“Thank you Claire and for including him in the ceremony.” Mary softly says.
“You’re welcome.”
“Ready hen?” Geillis asks. She nods before replying.
“Very. I have been for years.”
The music starts. The Wedding Song( Where there is Love) and her heart speeds up as Mary and William step out. She smiles at the sounds of awe from their guests at the sight of the baby. Geillis squeezes her hand before threading her arm through Willy’s and stepping out next.
Claire takes a deep breath and takes her dad’s hand. The music swells at the lyrics, “a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home”. Their cue. Julia takes her husband’s chair and they step out.  A trellis covered with flowers cover them as they walk down the aisle. It is beautiful but all Claire sees is her groom.
Her Fire Jamie is a Highland Viking Warrior, with his kilt, high boots, sword and dirk, linen white shirt, tartan held over his shoulder with a broach engraved with the family motto. He is magnificent.  By the look on his face, he thinks the same about her.
They move slowly, to slowly, as the music continues. “A woman draws her life from man and gives it back to him. And there is love.”  A few more steps and they are in front of Jamie.
The music stops and the priest smiles at them. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”
She hears her dad utter ‘woman?’ under his breath before he answers, “Her mum and I do.” He then takes the hand he still tightly holds and places it in Jamie’s.  Julia wheels him back towards the chairs and she is his. Her soon-to-be husband’s. It is a bittersweet moment.
She smiles at him as his warm hands enclose over hers. “I love you.” She mouths as the good father begins to tell their guests why they are gathered together.
“I love you.” He mouths back.
“Now the couple have vows they wish to pledge to each other.” He says after they have said the traditional ones. “Claire.”
“From the time I was your Curly Care,” a twitter of laughter runs through their guests. She, focused on him, talking only to him, continues, “I knew there was a bond between us, even if at two I was unable to express it. Being away from you was like being away from family. Finding you again at ten was coming home. I knew then we were more then mates. With our first kiss, I knew we were heading here. Jamie, you have been my second home, my soulmate, and now you will be my husband. I love you more then words can say and will as long as our souls exist.”
The laughter was now soft sobs as Jamie tells her, “So Fire Jamie and Curly Care finally made it here. I knew it too, as soon as I so you that day 16 years ago. I was inconsolable when my Curly Care wasn’t there at kindergarten. But, even then, I knew, knew, that someway, somehow we would come back together.  That the bond wouldn’t be broken. So, I was awed but not surprised when you returned. I did vow I wouldn’t lose you again. Now you stand here pledging to be mine forever and it is as it should be. As it was fated to be. Te agam ort, Claire. Forever.”
There isn’t a dry eye among their guests as they exchange rings. As Brian binds their wrist for the older part of the ceremony.
“You are blood of my blood and bone of bone. I give you my body so us two may be one. I give you my spirit until our life’s be done.” They pledge.
“May I present Mr. and Mrs. Faster. Kiss you two.” They do, tasting each other’s tears as their family and friends cheer.  He lifts her up and carries her back down the aisle to the laughter and cheers of the others.
The cake is perfect for them as the side, on each layer, shows a couple from weans until their wedding day, growing up and growing closer. Their story.  They carefully cut into it and feed each other. They dance, together and with her dad and his mam. They are toasted and feed. Claire throws her bouquet which Geillis catches. Jamie her garter, after removing it with a blush. He tosses it to Angus. Pictures are taken.
“We are leaving,” Jamie announces after a few hours. “You guys are welcome to stay as long as you like. Thank you for all you have done for Claire and I. We love you guys.”  
He takes her hand and they head to the house. Bird seed and bubbles follow after them.
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blog-carmex · 4 years
So... I did a thing. I’m really nervous about it, but I’m going with the rip-the-bandaid-off method. I’ve been listening to 1D yet again and got hung up on the lyrics to “Love you goodbye” and then the glee watch folks sparked an idea no one asked for. This is it. You’ll find a lot of the lyrics used in this but hopefully not too noticable. Also a little Taylor reference, people how know the name of the song that tiny bit of lyrics is from will get it.
@gorgxoxus this is for you, even tough you may not want it.
Rated: M
Warnings: sad times, sexy times, mentioning of other partners
Read on ao3
EDIT: I was just made aware that this is really similar to @20xbetterthanu recent fic. So before you continue please go to Ally’s fic HERE and give her some love because she is freaking amazing.
Blaine knew the moment he opened the door for him. Kurt standing there in his blue button down with the delicate pattern that appears to be lace. “Vivienne,” Kurt had told him, “Westwood,” he had clarified. Like Blaine needed clarification.
He leans up to him, whispering “Don’t do this to me,” against Kurt’s lips before kissing him softly. One of his hands comes up to Kurt jaw, framing it softly. The slightest hint of stubble against Blaine’s palm. The other hand links with Kurt’s, the wedding band secure around his finger. Warmed by him wearing it for a while now. Definitive in its place.
Kurt hands covers his on Kurt’s neck, breaking the kiss but leaning their foreheads together. Both of them breathing into the shared space.
“Blaine,” Kurt mumbles after a moment, “let’s go inside.”
Blaine’s grip tightens on Kurt’s hand. The wedding band digging into his own fingers as he pulls Kurt with him to the couch, snuggling close to Kurt’s side. Silence follows, only broken by their soft breathing.
“Talk,” he prompts.
“Blaine,” Kurt begins but is interrupted in an instant.
“No, Kurt. Look at you,” Blaine lifts his head to watch Kurt’s face as he continued. “You didn’t come to apologize.”
Kurt nods and begins to tell Blaine. Tells him about Thomas like Blaine hasn’t known for weeks. Like Blaine’s heart hasn’t already been breaking and this is just the final twist of the knife. While he continues to press himself closer to Kurt’s side, hoping it will help to keep himself together, to not shatter into pieces. It doesn’t. Still, he stays there and listens to Kurt telling him about how they started talking again and ended up spending more and more time together. How this is something Kurt has wanted for a long time and how it isn’t something he can walk away from.
“He is my husband after all.”
“He hasn’t been your husband in years, Kurt,” Blaine cannot help himself but to spat at him.
“Blaine, I don’t want to hurt you,” Kurt says softly, stroking down Blaine’s back like he has countless times. The intimacy in its naturalness unbearably painful.
Then don’t, Blaine wants to say, wants to remind Kurt of all the places they’ve been to, the nights they have spend together, the times the world seemed to lay in their hands. But there aren’t words for this. This is it, there is no right way of ending this. Knowing this doesn’t keep him from pressing his lips against Kurt’s. Nor does it keep him from letting his tongue trace Kurt’s bottom lip, sliding between them as soon as Kurt’s lips part. He just wants one more taste. One more time for Blaine to pretend Kurt is his, although he isn’t anymore, maybe never has been. Whereas Blaine will irrevocably stay his.
So instead of speaking he just kisses Kurt harder, takes his hand and leads him to the bedroom. Kurt doesn’t protest. The only thing he says before they reach the bedroom being “I won’t stay the night, Blaine.” Blaine already knows. This will be the last mercy Kurt will give to him. But even if by tomorrow Kurt won’t be his, he wants to feel loved for just a moment longer.
“Take it off,” Blaine demands when they stand next to his bed. Kurt steps back a little, his eyes fixed on Blaine while he slides the ring off of his finger and places it on the dresser. Blaine doesn’t look at the ring. He has once, when he found out Kurt kept the ring by finding it in his bedside drawer. It’s a simple ring, sleek, white gold. Your hand prints on my soul engraved inside.
He steps closer to Kurt again, starts to undress him. His eyes following his fingers as he unbuttons every button with careful movements. When he is done Kurt shrugs off his shirt, moving to undo his own belt and take off his pants. The very same activity has been romantic many times. Two lovers eager to share themselves with each other. Those times it wasn’t been accompanied by heartbreak. Blaine lowers his gaze while he strips out of his own clothes.
As he stands there, naked and exposed a hand enters his field of vision. An offer, an act of reconciling before he will be left in despair. There is no other choice than to take it. There never has been.
Kurt leads him to the bed, lays him down. His eyes wander down Blaine’s body, his finger following. The lightest touch leaves goosebumps along its path. Kurt presses closer to his side, one of his legs slides in between Blaine’s. Kurt is already hard, he can feel him against his hip. Blaine isn’t.
Kurt kisses him then. Slow and deep kisses, his tongue teasing, exploring leaving Blaine no other choice but to follow. He gives himself over, concentrating on Kurt’s mouth and wandering hands, never leaving his body. He wants this, he is the one who grabs the lube and spreads it onto Kurt’s fingers. His legs falling open for Kurt by instinct.
He doesn’t give Kurt much time before he is pushing back onto his fingers, forces him to start off with two. His cock grows harder from sheer anticipation. Kurt has him writhing on the bed, head thrown back, before he pulls his fingers back out. When Kurt shifts on the bed Blaine opens his eyes again to find Kurt fiddling with a condom wrapper. Blaine’s eyes are fixed on Kurt’s hand, his fingers still glistening with lube. They haven’t used condoms months, decided not to after getting tested together. But that was because they had been exclusive. Apparently those circumstanced have changed.
He can feel his throat tightening, averting his eyes he turns around, presenting his ass to Kurt. The first contact he feels is Kurt’s hand sliding along his back, then his cock against his hole. When Kurt begins to press in, he moans, trys to push back. But Kurt won’t let him. Slowly he slides all the way in, his hips press against Blaine.
He can hear Kurt taking in a shuddering breath before he leans down, his chest pressed to Blaine’s back. Kisses along his back and neck, arms wrapped around his body, tears in his eyes. He knows Kurt won’t allow them to fuck. They are making love like all those timed before. When Kurt tightens his arms around his chest and pulls him up, he doesn’t fight it. He gets up to his knees, lets himself lean back into Kurt, knowing he will catch him.
Blaine wraps his arms around himself too, finding Kurt’s and linking their hands together again. Kurt buries his nose into Blaine’s curls, breathes him in before gently starting to thrust into him. There isn’t much room for movement with both of them clinging together, it doesn’t matter. It is enough for Blaine’s head to fall back onto Kurt’s shoulder in pleasure, breathless whimpers leaving his lips. Kurt kissing and licking along the side of his neck in between low moans.
Kurt doesn’t speed up, keeps the thrusts slow and languid, making Blaine feel every moment of his arising orgasm. When he comes, he bites his lip. He may have given Kurt everything, but he will not give him this, will not moan his name another time. Kurt comes moments later, thrusts still not speeding up.
After, the pretense is gone. Kurt pulls out, disposes the condom in the bathroom. When he comes back into the bedroom he doesn’t come back to Blaine. He goes to the dresser and puts his ring back on. Blaine’s gaze lingers on his body for a moment until it lands on Kurt’s hand.
When he looks up to Kurt’s eyes, he can see the hurt he avoided facing the whole time. This is the worst part. To know this is hurting Kurt. Knowing he loved him. Loves him. Kurt loves him. Just not enough. He has never been loved enough.
“Why did you put that on,” he asks.
“You know why I’m wearing the ring.” Kurt doesn’t look at him.
“Not the ring, the shirt,” Blaine clarifies. He doesn’t get an answer. “You wore it the day I told you I love you.”
“I’m sorry, Blaine.”
“Okay.” A word of acceptance, agreement. He feels neither.
He wants to beg. Wants to beg for Kurt to stay. But he knows there’s nothing he can do to change this, nothing he can to negotiate it.
Blaine turns around. He doesn’t want to watch Kurt leave. He can’t watch another person turn their back on him. There’s no need to watch him leave. His image will be forever imprinted in his soul anyway. There is no getting over this. He knows he will be okay someday. He will live with this. But getting over this, he won’t. He knew the moment he opened the door for him.
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mordoriscalling · 3 years
Life (of) Surprise (5/6)
Jaskier lies to his family about being engaged to Geralt for the second time… and there are way too many surprises involved.
Part 4 of the Singer and the Sailor AU that no one asked for but I wrote anyway (again).
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
V - A Surprise Is Executed
Jaskier is so very in love as his niece sits in his lap.
Zofia couldn’t be more perfect. She’s so curious about everything, so cheerful and full of awe, like a tiny, beautiful sunbeam. From her father Nasir, she got her eyes almost as dark as coal, her medium-brown skin and her raven-black hair, while she resembles her mother – Jaskier’s sister Amelia – in angelic facial features and a mop of curls atop her head. She turns one-year-old tomorrow, which funnily falls on his and Geralt’s wedding day, and Jaskier couldn’t love her more.
With immense fascination, Zofia plays with Jaskier’s necklaces, tugging at them and trying to put them into her mouth. When Jaskier tells her not to do that, she looks up at him, seemingly surprised to find him there, but then recognition dawns on her face and she smiles.
“Unca!” she exclaims excitedly.
Jaskier melts.
“That’s me, Zosia,” he replies, his voice wavering. “I’m your uncle Jaskier.”
Zofia flashes him one more smile before her attention is caught by the floral pattern of his shirt. She grabs at the material and he giggles, explaining the names of the flowers to her. The girl tries to repeat some of the words he says, failing hilariously. As Jaskier laughs at her attempts, he hears another person chuckling too.
It’s only then that he realises that Yennefer has been here with them the whole time.
They are sitting in the comfortable armchairs in the music room in his house. Amelia has gone out shopping together with Rozalia, Ciri and Dara, leaving her daughter in Jaskier and Yennefer’s care. Not that Jaskier cannot be trusted with small children by himself. Yennefer is just a... coincidental backup. She only came here to drop Ciri off so that she would hang out with Dara. Really.
As Jaskier tears his eyes away from Zofia, he’s surprised to find Yennefer gazing at him and his niece... wistfully. The emotion is gone the moment she notices him looking.
“We didn’t get to meet Ciri when she was this little,” she says defensively.
“Would you like to hold her, then?” he offers.
Yennefer’s gaze turns sharp, lightning-like, but before Jaskier can start rambling and take it back, she answers, “Yes.”
He takes Zofia into his arms and carries her to put her in Yennefer’s lap. The girl fusses and begins crying, scared by the closeness of a person she doesn’t recognise. Jaskier crouches at Yennefer’s side and tries to talk to Zofia soothingly. When that doesn't work, he shows her his necklaces and this, at least, distracts her enough to stop her weeping.
When Zofia calms somewhat, Yennefer puts her hand on the girl’s back. Zofia looks up at her and Yennefer smiles so warmly, so beautifully, that Jaskier’s heart flutters a little bit. She talks to Jaskier’s niece in such a soft, gentle voice that Jaskier just sits down right there at her feet and watches her, stunned.
“You’re a sweet child, aren’t you, little Zosia?” Yennefer croons, still smiling, when Zofia touches her locks with a delighted giggle.  
“My, my,” Jaskier murmurs, with a certain degree of awe he finds himself unable to conceal, “When one bears witness to you like this, it is not a hardship to believe that you have a heart.”
Yennefer snorts. “Don’t get ahead of yourself,” she replies, not looking away from Zofia.
“Of course!” he laments. “Her affections are held by but the chosen few and alas, I’m not among them. With me, she knows no mercy! Woe me, for she swore to strike me with a near-fatal blow. After all, she’s stolen the heart of my very own guardian angel!”
What he means is Yennefer’s recent relationship with his long-time agent, Triss. Yennefer doesn’t show an ounce of shame about that.
“If you think that everyone’s thoughts revolve around you,” she answers, allowing Zofia to play with the rings on her fingers, “Then I’m slightly concerned for your mental well-being, starlet.”
“Concerned, she says!” Jaskier exclaims. “You wouldn’t be concerned about me even if I were on the brink of death. Such is my miserable fate, despised by the world’s most powerful woman!”
Yennefer sighs in a way painfully long-suffering. “Your dramatics are exhausting, starlet, and I refuse to suffer them. Leave it for tomorrow.”
It is then that it hits him.
“Oh my god,” Jaskier breathes out. “I’m marrying Geralt tomorrow.”
Yennefer gives a very Geralt-like hmm. “Who would’ve thought.”
“Oh c’mon,” he protests, “I’m quite a catch!”
She raises one perfect eyebrow. “It baffles me that some people seem to think so, and Geralt most of all.”
“You’re just bitter, witch,” Jaskier grumbles.
Yennefer actually chuckles at that, her violet eyes glimmering with amusement. Zofia gets bored of sitting in her lap and tries to get off, so Yennefer puts her on the floor. The girl reaches out for Jaskier. He takes her little hands in his, helping her stand up. They make a slow round around the room until Zofia decides to head back to the armchairs, sit on the carpet and play with one of Jaskier’s Gucci slippers.
All throughout, Yennefer watches her with that gorgeous, affectionate smile. Jaskier can see why Geralt was mad about her.
“You two are a very unlikely pair,” Yennefer remarks when Zofia crawls to her and inspects her shoes.
“Yes, well.” He shrugs. “Opposites attract, and all that. I like to think that we’re two puzzle pieces. A perfect fit.”
“Puzzle pieces!” she repeats, barking a harsh laugh. “Oh, starlet, if only it was this easy.”
“Why wouldn��t it be?” he bristles.
“Don’t be foolish,” she chides. “A real relationship starts after three years. Before that, it’s just a romantic comedy.”
Jaskier purses his lips but doesn’t argue; she did spend almost a decade married to Geralt.
“Any advice, then?” he asks jokingly.
Yennefer actually considers it.
“Always be kind to each other,” she tells him, her face twisting with echoes of old, deep pain.
Jaskier only nods. They don’t speak for some time, focusing on Zofia. The girl starts getting moody after not seeing her mum around for such a long while. It’s a miracle she hasn’t got upset much earlier anyway. Thankfully, Amelia and the rest return a few minutes later.
“I think you haven’t shown us the wedding rings,” Yennefer says apropos of nothing after she returns Zofia to the safety of Amelia’s arms.
Jaskier blinks in surprise, realising that she’s right. He and Geralt had them made only two weeks ago. They decided on two silver bands, as gold felt too impersonal, both with a satin finish, Jaskier’s ring additionally encrusted with diamonds. Since Geralt entrusted them to him for safekeeping (and possibly also because Dara is their ring bearer anyway), Jaskier’s been, delicately put, protective of them. He only allowed anyone to see them in pictures.
“I haven’t, actually,” he admits. “Do you want to see them?”
Everyone nods. Reluctantly, Jaskier heads to his bedroom, where the box with the rings is hidden deep in a drawer of his bedside table. He’s more than certain to find them there. His heart stops when he discovers that they’ve somehow disappeared.
Gut-twisting panic rises within him. With shaking hands, Jaskier rakes all the drawers, then looks everywhere in the bedroom, but the box is gone.
“Fuck,” he curses with feeling. “Fuck, fuck fuckitty fuck!”
He more or less runs to the kitchen, where the rest waits.
“I’ve lost them!” he cries. “Help me look!”
Without another look at them, Jaskier goes about rummaging through the whole place frantically. Living room, the two guest rooms, the bathrooms – and still, nothing. He whimpers, wondering how’s Geralt going to react. He’s going to be disappointed, of course, but not surprised maybe, Jaskier did fuck up greatly once already. God, what if –
“Jaskier!” Ciri calls from the living room.
“They’re here!” Dara.
Jaskier rushes to them and sees the rings, resting in their box, on the coffee table, which baffles him so much that he stops dead in his tracks. He’s sure they weren’t there when he searched the room a few minutes ago.
“What,” he says, “the f – hell.”
Dara giggles. Ciri does too. Suddenly, everyone else is in the room, laughing hysterically.
“What’s so funny?” Jaskier demands. “This isn’t funny!”
Between one wheeze and another, Rozalia chokes out, “Of course you haven’t lost them!”
“You guard them like a dragon guards its hoard!” Amelia adds. “It wasn’t easy to take them away from you.”
Letting out a scandalised gasp, Jaskier points an accusing finger in the general direction of his sisters and Yennefer. “You – !”
“Your panic was extremely gratifying,” Yennefer says with a shit-eating grin.
“I hate you,” he grouses, shooting the three devious women a sulky look. “Why would you do that to me?! It wasn’t funny!”
“It was,” Dara objects. Ciri nods in agreement.
“Not you too!” Jaskier complains, throwing his hands up in the air. “You’re supposed to be on my side, young man! I’m surrounded by trai –”
“Just look on the inside of the rings, Julek,” Roza sighs tiredly.
He frowns, taking the bands to inspect them. “There’s nothing on the inside –”
There is, in fact, something on the inside of the rings. An engraving in small, elegant cursive, which wasn't there even a few hours ago.
Lead me, dearest, to the coast of tomorrow
Jaskier swallows hard, his throat suddenly tight. It’s such a sweet sentiment – his own lyric, the words he wrote for Geralt, in Geralt’s favourite song of his, with a lovely twist.
For a good minute, Jaskier is rendered speechless. When he finally manages to speak, he looks at his sisters and whispers hoarsely, “Thank you.”
“Oh, don’t thank us,” Amelia replies. “This was Yen’s idea.”
Jaskier stares at Yennefer, his mouth hanging open.
“The rings were lacking,” she explains with disdain that he sees right through.
Before Jaskier knows what he’s doing, he’s moving. He sweeps her into a tight hug, ignoring her protests about it.
“Oh, witch,” he murmurs to her, “You’re so wonderful.”
“That I am,” she replies. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
He chuckles, giddy all of the sudden. Yennefer shoves him away.
Jaskier laughs harder and blows her a kiss, enjoying her disgust.
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writingformadderton · 4 years
The Book of You and I - Part 12
Ship: Madderton
Word Count: 2591
Summary: Rocketman, a proposal, the Golden Globes and a wedding. We reached the end ;)
Additional Tags: fluff, proposal, slow dancing, Niall Horan, Rocketman, wedding
Dedicated to @taron-eggmcmuffin❤️ 
Part 11  Part 1
A few months late, the premiere of Rocketman in Cannes took place.  It’s still unreal to Taron that they got a four minute standing ovation for it. He got to sing Rocketman with Elton at the beach and the whole evening happened in a blur.
It's November 2019 now and his birthday is getting close. This year was wild and full of adventures. He feels Richard wrapping his arms around him from behind and smiles softly when he presses a kiss onto his temple.
"Everything alright?" Rich asks and rests his head on his shoulder admiring the sight Taron has from their balcony. The sun was going down over London and the sky was covered in a beautiful soft red.
"Yeah, I was just thinking about this crazy year," he admits and leans his head against Richard’s.
"It really has been crazy," Rich admits, giggling. "You're the actor of the year."
Taron grins when he hears the proud in Richard’s voice. "Mm and my boyfriend is the most stylish man this year," he says just as proud making Richard smirk. He jumps up and pulls Richard onto his chair, sitting down on his lap, "I didn't imagine my life would take such a beautiful turn after the accident."
Richard watches him lovingly and nods. "Everything happens for a reason," he says and wraps his arms around his boyfriend, "And I'm glad you're my reason for that shit that happened."
"Well I'm glad you're my reason too," Taron says and starts playing with Richard’s curls. "I would be very lonely without you."
"Me too, bub."
Taron stands there with a smile as his friends sing Happy Birthday to him. They are at Elton's place and Rich and Elton invited some friends and family. Jamie, Bryce, Dex and Bernie. Keeley, Sophie and Joe. Richard’s and Taron’s parents and little sisters. Niall Horan, who became a great mate of Taron and Richard after a night out and a surprising meeting in a bar is also here.
"Make a wish!" Niall cheers as he leans down to blow out the candle and Taron closes his eyes shortly before blowing out the candles.
Richard wraps him into a hug and kisses him lovingly. "What did you wish for?" he whispers.
"I'll tell you when it happens," he whispers back and smiles at him adoringly.
A bit later, Taron sits on Richard’s lap, enjoying the company of his friends and family. Suddenly someone asks Niall and Elton to play some songs and all get up to dance. Rich tries to pull him up, "Come on let's dance."
"Why should I dance now?" he laughs and watches his boyfriend adoringly.
"You loved to do it," he says and smirks at him.
Taron starts to get nervous and plays with his hands, "I-I'm not sure if I'm still able to-."
"Trust me. I'll guide you," Richard says and Taron’s face softens as he gets up.
"Fine," Taron sighs and follows Richard onto the dance floor.
Niall starts singing the song that Rich suggested he could play. Taron used to love that song. "When you feel your love's been taken, when you know there's something missing," he starts his song Flicker.
Taron looks up at Richard and listens closely to the lyrics. "When you feel there's something missing. Sounds familiar," he jokes and Rich smirks.
I'm afraid that what we had is gone.
Richard thinks back to when Taron couldn't remember him that day in the hospital and swallows. Everything they had was gone, but it came back so much stronger.
They continue dancing both listing to lyrics and taking them in differently than they did before the accident.
When you lay there and you're sleeping
Hear the patterns of your breathing
And I tell you things you've never heard before
"You did that a lot. Telling me things I've never heard before," T giggles and Richard chuckles.
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don’t leave
When Richard meets Taron’s eyes again, they are filled with tears. "Why are you crying now?" he asks confused and carefully strokes over his cheek continuing to dance.
"I'll tell you later." he says and smiles up to him happily. He buries his face in his shoulder and breathes in Richards cologne. When the song ends all of their friends stop dancing and look at them.
"What's going on?" Rich asks laughing and Taron takes a step back.
Niall sits down on the edge of the stage and grins at his mates and Elton watches them from the piano stool. "Okay, here we go," Taron says and smiles at Richard. "I won't talk much because then I'll probably start crying, but there are a few things I wanna tell you," he says and Richard nods slowly not knowing what to expect, "When I met you, I didn't know about our past and we had a rough start because of that. But you gave me a choice and the chance to get to know you all over again. You took the time to get to know me all over again. And I don't think that anybody else would have done that." Taron shrugs his shoulders. "I changed. I don't have to remember the past to know that. But somehow you stayed," he smiles softly, "You're my flicker of hope, you've always been. I don't ever want to be parted from you as we were all this time ago," he kneels down and opens a little box with a ring. "I know this is pretty fast but when did we ever do something as it should be? Do you want to marry me, Richie?" he asks and sees his beautiful deep blue eyes fill with tears.
"Yes," Richard nods and his hands are trembling when Taron puts on the ring. They fall into a tight hug while the rest cheers and cry into each other's shoulder.
A bit later, they are standing outside on Elton’s balcony where Taron was honest about his feelings for the first time and enjoy the little time of silence. Richard looks at Taron curiously and turns towards him, leaning against the balustrade. “So what did you want to tell me after the dance?”
“I just realized you were my flicker of hope in all of this shit and I guess that made me a bit emotional.” Taron admits and blushes softly. “And my birthday wish turned true when you said yes.”
Rich looks at him speechless for a moment before he pulls him close and connects their lips to a loving kiss. “You are the cutest person I know,” he admits and smiles at him.
“Well, I hope so,” Taron giggles softly.
Only three months later they are back at the Golden Globes, Taron being nominated with his performance in Rocketman. He’s sitting next to Elton and even though he hides it really well, he feels a bit anxious about Richard not being with them. Richard had been away shooting in Spain and wasn’t able to make it in time, his flight back only attended ten minutes ago and he didn’t want to suddenly walk inside this room full of people.
When his name gets called Elton and David start cheering loudly next to him and Taron smiles shyly not believing his ears. He gets up nervously, hugging Lucy and Rami, who are at the same table and walks towards the stairs.
On stage, he quickly hugs Chris and Scarlett who give him his globe and takes a deep breath. He thanks everyone included on the movie, Elton, David, Dex and hopes he didn’t forget someone. Then he takes another deep breath and smiles, “And I wanna thank my fiancé Richard, who just came back home from shooting in Spain half an hour ago. I am eternally grateful for everything you did, and I’ll see you later,” he says and gets distracted by the audience starting to clap and cheer. Taron looks to his side a bit startled when he sees Scarlett stepping out of his vision. His eyes widen when he sees his fiancé standing there with a bright smile and nothing than pure adoration and proud in his eyes.
Richard chuckles feeling Taron falling into his arms and wraps his arms tightly around him. “I’m so proud of you.” he says and T pulls back beaming. Richard kisses him lovingly before letting him get his golden globe, stammering another thank you and coming back grabbing his hand. Rich leads them down from the stage and out of the room. As soon as they closed the door behind them, they are standing in the empty hallway and Richard cups his face with both hands kissing him hungrily.
Taron moans into the kiss and kisses him back passionately. “Oh fuck I missed you so much!” he admits and Richard nods agreeing. It’s been the first time that they were parted longer than a week, at least for Taron.
“I missed you too, bubs. But now I’m here,” Rich smiles at him and hugs him tightly burying his face in his neck.
Taron fondles over his curls lovingly and smirks, “You’re tired from your flight?”
“Yeah. And I really wanna get out of this suit,” Richard groans and smirks up to him. “I can’t wait to fall asleep next to you tonight,” he says and bops Taron’s nose with his own.
“We’ll try to get out of here as soon as we can, I promise,” Taron says smiling and grabs his hands. “You’re gonna come with me so they can engrave my name on it?” he asks and Richard agrees immediately.
A little while later, Jamie is joining the table of all their friends and winks at T. “Seems like you have to pay for dinner,” He grins and pulls him into a strong hug. “Congratulations, mate. You deserve it!”
“Thank you,” Taron answers smiling and hugs him back. “Yeah, seems like I have to pay,” he giggles.
Richard nearly fell asleep in Taron’s arms during the talks with their friends and is incredibly tired already. When they finally leave, it’s already 2am and Richard rubs his face tiredly, yawning. He pats himself hard on his cheeks, trying to wake up enough to drive and T glances at him.
“You’re sure you wanna drive?” Taron asks worried and watches him closely. Richard looked terribly tired and exhausted.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay,” he says and yawns again, opening the car door.
“Richie, you’re exhausted,” T tries softly.
“Well, who should drive then, huh?” he asks confused and wants to get in.
“I-I could try,” Taron says barely audible. This was so stupid.
“Taron, love,” Richard starts softly, “It’s dark and already late. You barely drove short ways during the day so far. You really think that’s a good idea?”
“Not better than letting you drive now,” Taron mumbles and Richard watches him observantly.
Richard could see that Taron was scared. Scared of another accident, scared that something happened to them. He walks over to him and nods. “Okay, I trust you,” he says and hands him the keys. He hugs Taron tightly and presses a kiss onto his forehead, “I know you can do it and I’ll be right there.”
Taron nods and quickly gets in, taking a few deep breaths until Richard got in on the passenger side. T turns the key around and starts the car, buckling up. His fingers wrap themselves tightly around the steering wheel as he sets the blinking lights. “Okay, here we go,” He mumbles more to himself and bites his lower lip.
Richard glances over at him and sees how nervous and uncomfortable he looks. He reaches over to him and places his hand on his thigh, fondling him calmingly. “I know you can do it, bubs. Take a deep breath, focus on the street and don’t let anything stress you out. I’m right here,” He says calming and rubs tiny circles on his inner thigh before squeezing encouragingly.
Taron starts driving and his stomach protests against it almost instantly, but he decides to continue his drive. He is lucky about every red-light and Richard’s encouragements from time to time help him to focus. When he parks the car in front of their house he starts giggling, not believing he just drove them all the way home in the middle of a cold night in January. He rests his head on his hands on the steering wheel and groans, “OH my god, that was fucking scary!”
Richard watches him with a smirk and rubs his back. “I am so proud of you,” he says and grins widely as Taron looks up at him. “Look at you, my brave boy,” his voice gets soft and adoring as he fondles over his cheek.
Taron nestles his face in his hand and closes his eyes for a moment. “Wouldn’t have been able to do this without you next to me.” he places his hand on top of Richard’s and smirks, “Just like so many things.”
“Shut up,” Richard chuckles and connects their lips sweetly, “God, I am so proud of you after today.”
Taron blushes wildly, “You definitely need sleep,” He says and makes them both laugh into their kiss.  
Their wedding day is the most emotional day Taron can remember. He’s crying most of the time, cuddled into Richard, overwhelmed by everything that’s going on. Richard takes it as it is and thinks it’s cute, cuddles him and showers him with kisses. Walking down the alley with his mum towards Richard was the scariest and most exciting thing he ever did and saying yes felt amazing. When he saw Richard’s deep blue eyes fill with tears as he saw him, his measured sweet lover crying just seeing him in his wedding suit, he knew he finally was where he belonged. Dancing to Your song, holding each other close, while sharing loving kisses from time to time and staring into each other’s eyes felt perfect.
He watches Richard talking to his little sisters and imagines him with children. How cute would be Richard as a father? His heart warms at that thought and he feels happy and peaceful.
Taron never thought he would ever be able to be happy again or just smile. The first couple months after the accident he went through hell, feeling useless and lost. A good cry was almost welcome, because it was those days, he didn’t feel numb.
Meeting Richard let those feelings disappear and then come back stronger after their first confrontation with a part of the truth. But the more time he spent with the Scottish and the closer they got again, the more he felt alive. Truly alive.
Maybe he would have never experienced how it feels to truly love someone. Maybe he would have never learned to take care of himself and be aware of his feelings. There were a lot more “maybes” on his list, but he knows one thing for sure-
“You’re alright?” he gets interrupted in his thoughts.
Taron looks up into his favorite pair of blue eyes. “Yes, I am more than alright,” he says.
“So, Mr. Madden, would you like to dance with me?” Richard asks and winks at him as he grabs his hand.
“I would love to,” Taron answers giggling and shakes his head.
- Richard Madden, his husband, was the realest and best thing that ever happened to him.
@multicoloredchicken @primaba11erina @maddertonmyheart @madderton-obsessed @fuseburner @sarahegerton96 @ispewglitter
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Do you or have you ever owned a cup with your name on it? >> Actually, I have two. One time there was this dude in Meijer who was doing a promotion for Guinness, and the promo was apparently... giving out custom-engraved pint glasses???? You told him your name and he had this machine that put it on the glass for you. It was weird, especially since it was free... The font that your name is in is a bit wack, though. The other thing I have is a wine glass painted with a nighttime-y scene with skeletal trees and ravens on it. It has my name painted on the stand part, along with the date of my wedding. Sparrow has one too, with her name on it. I’m not even sure where they came from, tbh, but they’re pretty.
What’s the most expensive crafts tool that you own? >> I don’t think I own any expensive crafts tools. The only things I have are, like, pencils, a sketchbook, knitting needles, and yarn.
Have you ever woven baskets of any kind (wicker, paper, cardboard etc.)? >> Maybe as a child.
How do you like Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis? >> It’s all right.
Speaking of Jerry Lee Lewis, have you seen the biopic about him? >> I don’t think so.
How about the biopic about Tina Turner? >> Yeah, I saw that one.
Do you like the TV-show Frasier? >> I do, it’s actually funnier to me now than when I was younger. Back then I thought it was boring but it kills me now.
What’s something you know by heart? >> A lot of song lyrics? Also, the Litany Against Fear.
What is something you’re greedy about? >> I don’t think I’m particularly greedy about anything.
How valuable does a coin have to be for you to bother to pick it up? >> I’d pick up a quarter, maybe. I’m just no longer in the financial position where picking up coins substantially enhances my available funds.
What would be something you would wait in line to get for free? >> It depends on how long the line is, what kind of mood I’m in, and where I am... not just on what the item is. If I’m in a good mood and the line seems manageable, I’d wait in it even if the item is just some random trinket that I have no real use for. If I’m not in a good mood and the line is insane, I wouldn’t wait in it even if it was for an expensive thing I’ve been wanting for ages.
Has there ever been a leak anywhere in your house? >> No.
Have you ever slipped in the shower? >> Not to the point of falling.
Have you ever made any decorative crafts? If so, are they displayed? >> Not in recent memory.
Is it very humid where you are right now? >> Nah.
What is the most suggestive thing someone has said to you? >> *shrug*
Do you have friends who you playfully flirt with? >> No.
Doesn’t the Z in the Bzoink logo look like an L to you, too? >> I mean, not really, but I see where you’re coming from.
Did you ever take that 5000 question survey that was circulating Tumblr? >> Yeah, I took it a long time ago. Once the novelty wore off, I realised that most of the questions were just terrible IMO, which is bound to happen once you endeavour to write a survey with quite that many questions.
Have you ever had to change a zipper in your favourite article of clothing? >> No.
Do you prefer buttons or zippers in general? >> Zippers.
Did you grandma have a box full of pretty buttons? >> ---
What’s the most exotic spice in your spice rack? >> Hmm... garam masala, maybe? We have a wide variety.
Do buttons tempt you to press them? >> Not usually, but sometimes.
Do you have a favourite television host? >> No.
What’s your opinion on celebrity chefs? >> I think some of them are cool and fun to watch. Alton Brown is probably my fave.
Back when it first started, did you watch ANTM? >> I think I’ve seen a season or two. I knew someone who got on it, too (Isis King).
Did you know, that there was even a Finnish version of ANTM? Miss Jay made an appearance in the first season, too. >> No, I didn’t know that, but it makes sense. There are a bunch of those shows modeled after American Idol, too, for different countries.
Are you accident prone? >> No.
Have you ever broken something really valuable? >> I accidentally broke a laptop screen once, and that was pretty damn valuable to me.
What do you see as timeless? >> ---
What is something that you own, that has sentimental value? >> Most of these plushies.
Have you ever had your own website? >> Yeah, I’ve taken stabs at it.
What’s your favourite board game? >> ---
How about your favourite card game? >> ---
What’s something that you finished recently? >> I finished watching Sparrow play through Death Stranding, lol. I’m glad it was her and not me, because I’m pretty sure that game would have made me ragequit within the first few hours, and that would have been a shame.
What’s the smallest town you recall visiting? >> I have no idea.
What’s the longest distance you’ve had to go to work or school? >> ---
Would you learn a new language, if you didn’t share one with your lover? >> Oh, like in Love Actually? I mean, I can’t imagine myself in that situation, but I thought it was cute.
Do you have friends who are constantly tagging you in challenges on FB? >> No. People who have me on facebook should know I prefer to do my actual fun socialising on here or Discord.
When it comes to chocolate, do you prefer nougat, jelly or caramel filling? >> ---
Are you more concerned about winning than just participating? >> No.
Has somebody you know taken their own life? >> No.
What is a number that has some significance to you? Why is that? >> 9. Well, there’s a lot of synchronicity.
Do you prefer onions, leeks or chives? >> I don’t think I have a preference, I’ll take all three. Onions may be the most versatile, though, so maybe those.
What’s the most adult thing you have to do every day? >> I don’t think I have to do any adult thing every day. Maybe feeding myself is an adult thing? Although teenagers and even kids do that too.
What’s the most immature thing you like to do every day? >> ---
Have you seen the movie, Clue? If so, isn’t it fab? >> No, but I’ve seen some funny gifsets that make me think it’d probably be a good time. I might give it a shot if I run into it on a streaming service one day.
Do your cheeks get flushed easily? Do you blush easily in general? >> No, I’ve never felt that feeling.
Are there any social cues you miss entirely? >> Oh, definitely.
When someone doesn’t smile back at you, what’s your first thought? >> They probably didn’t want to, and that’s okay. I don’t always want to smile at everyone who smiles at me, either, and it shouldn’t be a mark against my character just because I don’t smile at a stranger. But, you know, whatever. Any stranger that takes that much offense at me not smiling at them probably wouldn’t get along with me for very long anyway, so it’s a useful social litmus test in the end.
Is there a person who melts your heart just by looking at you? >> No. Well, maybe Can Calah sometimes.
Have you ever had tom kha kai? It’s a Thai coconut soup, and it’s amazing. We serve it at work. >> No, but I’d definitely try it.
Have you, or anyone you know ever been rude to a server? >> I’ve never had the experience of having to watch someone I’m with be rude to a server and I am so glad for that.
What’s something you’re opinionated and very vocal about? When’s the last time you had to verbally defend your stance? >> I don’t know. I don’t really defend any stance of mine, I just put it out there sometimes if I feel like rambling about it and then leave it alone. Arguing with people about shit that ultimately really don’t matter is a waste of my valuable energy.
Have you ever played BitLife? I sort of got hooked on it, it’s like sims but in text form. >> No. I quite like the graphical form of The Sims, so I’ll stick to that.
What’s something you regularly order online? >> CBD.
When’s the last time you made a penpal? >> I’ve never had one.
Do you often make friends online? >> I make a lot of acquaintances online. Friends are far fewer.
Do people ever try to get something from somebody through you? As in, they ask you to ask the person they should be asking in the first place. If that makes sense. >> No. Which is good, because I wouldn’t do it.
What do you think when you see a couple holding hands? >> Nothing???
Is there anything you’re forced to share with someone else? >> No.
What’s something stripy that you own? >> I have a black-and-royal-blue striped robe with the Ravenclaw logo on the back.
How about something polka dotted? >> Nothing.
What is something you find absolutely appalling? >> Some people’s utterly disrespectful behaviour on this website.
Do you like elevators? >> I mean, they’re fine. I don’t dislike them.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say “midnight madness”? >> Like... premieres? Or book releases? Or something like that. I have a vague association but I can’t remember exactly where it comes from.
What is a country you would never want to visit? >> ---
When you’re angry, does it ever get physical? >> Well, yeah, but not necessarily towards someone else.
What do you do, when you’re immensely happy? >> It depends on how I feel like expressing it at the time? Sometimes I don’t express it much at all, and sometimes I literally jump around the room.
What made you scream out loud the last time you screamed? >> ---
Can you hear your neighbours through the wall? >> Sometimes.
What is something that frustrates you to no end? >> Noise.
Do you wear shoes indoors? >> Absolutely not.
Who is your favourite stand-up comedian? >> Bo Burnham, Dylan Moran, and in general I’m fond of how Tiffany Haddish presents as a person and performer.
What’s the weirdest video youtube has suggested to you? >> It doesn’t usually suggest me anything weird.
What’s the funniest infomercial you’ve seen? >> ---
Is there a drink that just goes right through you? >> I don’t feel that way about any drink, no.
Is there a food item you can’t eat because it doesn’t agree with you? >> Not that I’ve encountered.
Do you playfully compete with someone about something? >> No.
Would you rather swim or run? >> I can’t swim, so my options are a little limited here.
Do you like the smell of tar? >> Sometimes, yeah.
Have you ever been to a sauna? >> No. I couldn’t last two minutes in a sauna.
Does your doorbell ring unexpectedly often? >> Not often, but sometimes people will ring multiple apartments trying to get into the building, which is fucking irritating.
Is your favourite fictional character a human, an animal or something else? >> I am my favourite fictional character. /facetious
Have you ever helped a stranger? If so, what did you do? >> I mean, sure. Just simple stuff, like picking up something they’ve dropped or letting them know they’ve left their key in the apartment door or dropping their mail off when it gets mistakenly put into my box.
Do you share hobbies with any of your friends? What do you do together? >> ---
Do you have any flags on display? If so, what flag(s)? >> I don’t. Sparrow has a rainbow flag with a peace sign in the middle on her wall.
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douxreviews · 6 years
The Punisher - ‘Roadhouse Blues’ Review
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What an interesting bipolar premiere.
Half of it was a lovely, well-acted glimpse into Frank Castle as a calm, protective, somewhat normal and even romantic traveling man. The second half was a violent return to "an asshole who couldn't stay out of trouble."
I thought Jon Bernthal came off as incredibly attractive in the first half. He radiated adorable-ness and was so sympathetic, with his hard life fully reflected in his face ("rough road") as he was learning to take life one beer at a time. Yes, they gave us the cliché pick-up where Frank rescued Beth the beautiful bartender from the asshole who was hitting on her, but I liked it. Frank even chose not to hit on Beth himself because she'd just been hassled. It was Beth who came on to Frank. Lovely performances by Jon Bernthal and Alexa Davalos.
It was so easy to see Frank having a future with Beth. She was just lovely. A woman who seemed to be concealing her real self behind her long brown hair, Beth taught music and tended bar to make ends meet while raising her hockey-loving little boy Rex alone – remember Frank teaching his daughter to play the guitar in season one? The romantic interlude was fragmented, pretty bits of sex, nothing uncomfortably prolonged. The best part of it was Beth asking Frank about his scars. Frank even told Beth about losing his family without getting into the painful details, suggesting that he really was healed enough to start moving on and living his life. It was so nice that two hours out of town, Frank decided to turn around and come back for Beth.
Which is where the damsel in distress came back in. We never did learn her name, although I'm guessing we will. Frank bumped into her twice before he realized that she was in trouble when the bad guys (or actually, mostly bad women) followed her into the ladies room. I don't have a lot of patience for extended fight scenes but this one, the bathroom followed by the barroom, was well choreographed and far from boring. I was most struck (pun intended) by Frank taking his opponents' head in his hand and slamming them into – well, pretty much everything. Frank was simply incapable of walking away when he saw a young woman in danger. He had to intervene. Guess he's a dog off his leash now.
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The episode began in media res with a bloody Frank and the damsel in his van running away from the bad guys, so I spent most of the episode thinking that Beth had died. I was glad that they didn't fridge her; Frank did get her to the emergency room. It's interesting that we were also misdirected with the damsel, thinking that she had picked the lock to Frank's motel room and that he was about to catch her in it. I also liked that the third time the damsel had the opportunity, she was smart enough not to run away from Frank.
(Not that running away from Frank Castle is a bad thing. If I weren't in trouble, I'd run to the other side of the country to get away from Frank. But if I were in trouble, I'd glue myself to his side.)
There was set-up for not one but two villains. The first was the Russian with all the thugs who was after the damsel for some unexplained photographs, which he seems to have gotten from her laptop. We didn't get much about him except that he was giving orders to the local cops, and he had everyone else she was working with killed, which is why the damsel was in distress in the first place.
And of course, there was Billy Russo, still in a coma in the hospital. That was a fascinating, hideous mask he was wearing, but who would put something like that on his face? Was it Madani, who now seems to have a problem with alcohol? Billy woke from his coma after Madani left his room, unless he had been awake already. I liked that shot of his eyes opening behind that mask. I wonder how many episodes until we see his naked face?
— How many people died in that bar? I was sorry to see Ringo the bouncer go. That's a lot of death for the cops to cover up.
— The Russian picked up Frank's wedding ring engraved with "To Maria from Frank."
— The damsel called her contact, the guy tied to the chair, from a pay phone that had a skull decal on it.
— I don't usually rave about the music in an episode, but it was terrific, and not just because practically every lyric could have been about Frank Castle. The artist was singer/songwriter Shooter Jennings. His name was on the cheap marquee outside of Lola's Roadhouse.
— Janis Joplin's classic "Me and Bobby McGee" was playing during the barfight. Another good musical choice.
Beth: "You got the 'man of mystery' thing down, I'll give you that."
Female thug: (to Frank) "Dumbass. You're so far over your head you can't even see the light."
Frank: "There's more of them out there." Damsel in distress: "And what? You're just some Good Samaritan who couldn't stand by?" Frank: "I'm just an asshole who couldn't stay out of trouble, that's all."
Damsel in distress: "Will there be more of them?" Frank: "I hope so." That's too bad. I was halfway hoping that maybe Frank was ready for a little peace in his life, even if it would make for a boring second season.
This premiere was terrific, and I can't wait to see the rest of the season. Four out of four skull decals,
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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vantaert · 6 years
Crystal snow
The universe has never been fair enough . if it is the beautiful moon wouldn't shine in the darkness . Thus I wouldn't be surprised if it plays his dirty tricks on me like a magician hides well his secrets to keep playing with people's minds in the palm of his hand .
Sometimes I feel as I'm dying deep inside . As I'm alive but I'm a dead body inside . A feeling I can't ever reach to decipher ,keeps possessing me as I'm someone's else daydream yet I'm his biggest nightmare . It's crazy how the time flies in the blink of eye . But the memorial box in the back of my head still locked as it's been spelled by the black magic . Therefore a faint voice is trying his best to ring a bell. That this box is full of golden priceless memories should never be forgotten . But rather should be buried with me when the ground hugs my lifeless body .
It's insane but why I feel I'm already lifeless ! . Hand over my heart praying desperately that my heart doesn't miss any pieces like a forgotten puzzle couldn't be collected because the most important piece is missing . GOD only knows where it could be .
Unfortunately my insects tell another theory . They sing a lyrics how my puzzle won't match because I gave up on the liveliness piece to complete another puzzle. Surprisingly my heartbeats dance willingly along the rhythm as they're familiar with the lyrics while my brain finds them strange .
I wince a bit once ,twice ,when my heart skips a beat . Its clear as sea a memory hugged it or else I wouldn't feel the sudden warmth engulfing me head to toe .
It is merely impossible for me to pull the sides of my lonely lips into a smile . How can I while I'm deserted from memories as I'm spring without blossoms, winter without rain and heaven without Angeles .
I stop staring fondly at the pouring rain outside . How incredibly the pitter patter reminds me of tears . Both of them are ways to tear apart the untold pain . That chest is no longer able to hold . Since it's already started working on breaking my bones . Trust me I can hear the damage like an earthquake is happening against my ribcage. All I can do is letting out a big heavy sigh ignoring how close I'm to lose my mind the same way I lost my memories.
I open the door and the Cold breeze slapping my pale face alongside the rain sound embracing the soul that I pity the most . Should I walk slowly under the lazy rain like a bride struggling with her high heels kicking away wedding jitters . Or should I run as I'm in marathon against the unfairness that the universe is spitting on me as I'm kinda of angel his wings has been ripped . First option works better for a person like me who craves  drama .
I'm surrounded by strangers . Their grips holding tightly the umbrellas fearing the harmless rain . Suddenly It's snowing. The snowflakes is wandering everywhere like butterflies . I heard first snow sprinkles a wish . I'm not supposed to believe in fairy tales but who can deny the fact that these fairy tales are the doors into fantasies . I don't have to say my wish out loud because all of my insides scream it .
Miraculously among the strangers a figure is painfully familiar. I'm meeting those mischievous hazel eyes for the first time yet instantly I'm drawn into the gleam is sparking beneath his beautiful long eyelashes . What's wrong with my heart ! why is hammering wildly inside my chest as it's admiring his first love ! The way he's looking at me as I'm the center of his universe has triggered a memory.
And I can feel the pain throbs and pulses in my skull . I fear what's coming next but I bet it's the last episode of the drama "chasing lost memories" .
The spell is broken and memories are hitting me like thunder. I feel as I'm thrown in the deep ocean. My body is too vulnerable to fight the strong waves of emotions are scolding me . The box cracked open playing scenarios I spent dead nights to remember. How dare the universe snatch away my euphoria !
Tears are falling dramatically on my iced cheeks like waterfalls. My soul is being dressed by sentiments like the skyline wearing a rainbow after a rainy day .
It's him . He's the last piece of the puzzle . My heartbeats is drumming in my ears a proof that I guessed right .
He's getting closer and I swear he's like a crystalsnow walking under the snowfall on the song of my heartbeats. It's hard to notice tears since are being mixed with the raindrops . But he reads me like an open book though my pages were quite blank but not anymore. The spirit of LOVE filled the void without missing a gap .
His long fingers are brushing my cheeks softly as I'm kinda of a treasured piece is afraid of breaking. I close my eyes leaning in his familiar addictive touch like a drug flies into my veins. We don't have to say too much or not at all since our eyes are busy falling into deep conversation ends up recalling the lost feelings were flowing through the galaxies back to moon looking for home .
I still captivated how ethereal his priceless features are like every little small detail has been perfectly sculpted. The man appeal screams majesty. 
I'm about to engrave the last detail of his majestic features somewhere deep inside my heart that is churning every atom dancing in excitement urging to move . I feel his delicate heart shaped lips embracing mine. A new birth of me . I can feel my wings spreading wildly ready to fly sky high . Adrenaline is flushing through my body as he kisses me passionately, like he's thirsty and I'm the last droplet of water on the earth . Every inch of all of me is busy admiring all of him . Im melting under his kisses like jellies. Call me crazy but i swear to God who gifted me this pearl that I can decipher a smile glints his hungry lips . And suddenly my heart turns into a garden of roses and the petals course throughout my druggie veins .
After what seemed to be called a bless from heaven my lips tingles a little bit ,the sensation of his holly lips pressed against mine stay for few minutes. But no doubt I feel immortal when he kisses me . Even the stars won't beat how does it feel to be kissed by Kim Taehyung . Yes he's the guy that was hidden beneath the untold memories. Desperately looking for a miracle to get my memory back .
At 4 o'clock my tear came under the snowfall wearing a fascinating gorgeous smile couldn't be compared how Venus shines nor how the moon lights up the infinitely sky .
I intertwine our fingers together. The sight of how our hands fit together is enough to make me turn into a delectable shade of pink and I feel my heart leaps inside my spring chest .
We're going home . Kim Taehyung was the missing piece I was looking for and I found him .
I'm calling the universe °•°watch me love him cherish him every single day with every single breathe I take°•° .
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paladinsuho-moved · 6 years
stay with me [chanbaek]
summary: when byun baekhyun wakes up in the ER and can’t remember anything about the car crash, or the man who was driving, who is apparently his husband, he braces himself feel pity for the man, one park chanyeol. it comes as quite a surprise to him and everyone involved when chanyeol wakes up and doesn’t remember him either.
ship: chanbaek (park chanyeol x byun baekhyun)
genre: ANGST, fluff
warnings: minor language, minor medical procedures, hospitals, my bad attempts at humor.
word count: 3.3k
a/n: i’ve been wanting to write this since,, january. and i just finished this like, twenty minutes ago. this is going to be a more baekhyun-centric fic, as you can see in this first chapter, but there will be chapters focused on chanyeol. this fic is my baby (do i not say that about all of my other fics tho?), so please, i hope you guys enjoy (and also enjoy my girlfriends’ appearance in this, amber and krystal from f(x)) ;-; happy suffering! also, the part about crime shows being the only thing to watch at the hospital comes from personal experience, i know what i’m talking about.
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chapter one: my name is byun baekhyun
“What do you remember?”
He remembers feeling angry. An argument, but not what he was saying. The car, soft pop music from the radio almost taunting him with its chipper melodies. Sitting in shotgun, when lights come into sight, blinding him. The impact, his senses kicking into overdrive as the car hits his. And next to him, in the driver’s seat…
“A man. Th-there was a man with me.”
The nurse and the doctor exchange a look, before looking back to him. He feels uncomfortable, as if he’s a science project being poked and prodded at -- he hopes this ends soon. He wants to go back to sleep, even though he’d been unconscious ten minutes ago.
“What’s your name, sir?” Doctor Liu’s voice is monotonous, lifting her clipboard and looking at some documents, papers that he can’t see. He searches his mind for a moment, eyes darting here and there as he ponders the answer.
“B-Baekhyun. My name is Byun Baekhyun.”
The nurse eyes the documents the doctor is looking at, then nods. “Good. You remember that much. How old are you, Mr. Byun?”
He bites his lip, racking his brain for an answer. He remembers being 21, but he doesn’t feel 21. And judging by what appears to be the wedding ring on his left hand, he’s definitely not 21.
“I… I can’t remember.”
Once more, to Baekhyun’s dismay, the nurse and the doctor exchange glances once more. He sighs in slight desperation, wondering when they’ll just get to the point. “W-what’s wrong with me, doctor?”
The doctor looks over to Baekhyun, and sighs at the look on his face. “Mr. Byun, what do you remember about the man who was with you in the car?”
Baekhyun takes a deep breath, before clenching his jaw so hard that he can feel the way his teeth grind together, like gears that don’t fit well with each other. He can’t find a face, or a voice, or a name of the mystery man driving the car. The only thing he’s sure of is that he must’ve been very angry, too angry, to start yelling.
“I can’t remember anything, I’m sorry.”
The doctor nods firmly, before pulling the nurse to the side to speak for a while. He fiddles nervously with his fingers, staring at his right leg, which is stuck in a cast whiter than the stark bright lights of the hospital room, the ones that greeted him when he first woke up, the ones that made him wonder if he was dead.  
He catches a few words here and there, but doesn’t strain his ears to listen -- he doesn’t really care. He’s still in shock, asking himself why he doesn’t remember anything, even though deep down, he knows the answer. He’s seen that movie with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, he’s not stupid. Amnesia.
Ironically, as he silently asks himself how old he is, racking his brain for any trace of a memory of his last birthday, he can’t come up with anything other than the lyrics to that stupid Blink 182 song. He rolls his eyes at himself, before lying back down, shutting his eyes and trying to shut out everything else around him.
“Mr. Byun?” The nurse asks less than a minute later, now having finished her exchange with the doctor. He perks up, eyes opening and beginning to sit up. “Yes?”
The nurse walks towards his IV and begins to ensure that everything is in check, and Baekhyun winces at the slight discomfort as the needle under his skin moves slightly as the tube connected to it is tampered with.
“Mr. Byun, if you truly can’t remember the accident, your age and the man in the car with you, then, my diagnosis would have to be post-traumatic amnesia, along with physical damage -- three bruised ribs, a concussion, and a broken leg.” Doctor Liu’s voice is firm; non accusatory yet stern.
Baekhyun nods, furrowing his eyebrows as the official diagnosis sets in. “H-how long was I unconscious, exactly?”  
At this, the doctor scratches the back of her head, before glancing at her papers once more. “According to this… Sixteen hours. You should feel lucky that you’re awake, Mr. Park is still unconscious, and with the damage he’s sustained, we’re unsure if he’ll wake up at all--”
“Mr. Park?” Baekhyun can’t help but interrupt, the mention of a new name, and the curiosity inside him wonders if this was the man driving the car, the one he’d been arguing with.
“Oh, yes -- sorry about that. The man who was with you, driving the car. He received most of the trauma, given the fact that he was in the side of the car where the truck crashed into it. His name is Park Chanyeol, and according to these files, and the visitors you’ve had… Well, he’s your husband.”
Husband? Baekhyun thinks, furrowing his eyebrows, Wait, I’m gay? That’s so… Actually… That’s not surprising. Like, at all.
Still, he can’t deny the cold feeling washing down his spine as he sits up from the hospital bed, like when the wind blows at you while you’re walking through the rain, and the wetness makes it worse.
“Wait, so… h-how is he? Chanyeol.”
Doctor Liu purses her lips and exhales sharply through her nose, as if she doesn’t want to share the information. For a moment, she tilts her head back and forth, weighing the consequences.
Baekhyun bites his lip nervously, and a twinge of involuntary guilt blooms in the middle of his chest -- what will happen when this man wakes up, and Baekhyun has no idea who he is?
Doctor Liu eventually lifts the papers on her clipboard to check her facts before reporting back to Baekhyun. Quietly, gently, trying to sugar-coat the damage.
“He's… he’s not good. Two broken ribs, a broken wrist, a concussion.”
Baekhyun winces at the news, before shaking his head and clasping his hands together in hopes that they don't start shaking. He takes a deep, shaky breath before gathering the courage to speak again.
“But he's not awake? I can't go to see him, or anything—”
“You're still supposed to stay in bed, Mr. Byun, because of your leg,” Nurse Krystal reminds him, “And even if you could, Mr. Park hasn't woken up since the accident. He's not in critical condition anymore, but—”
“Krystal,” Doctor Liu interjects through somewhat gritted teeth, “This is obviously overwhelming information, for someone who just woke up himself. Let's give him a while to process this before we tell him the whole story. Unless, that's what you want, Mr. Byun—”
“N-no, please.” Baekhyun doesn't look at either of them, staring straight ahead at the dull bluish gray wall of the hospital room, “I’d rather not do this right now. I’d like to rest, if that's alright.”
Doctor Liu nods, and so does Nurse Krystal, eyes showing a slight amount of remorse and guilt. The nurse explains that the button behind him on the wall will notify her or any other nurse on duty. He nods once, indicating understanding, and with that, the pair take their leave.
When the door finally closes, he realizes he'd been holding his breath. Baekhyun runs a hand through his hair, shutting his eyes for a minute, taking everything in.
My name is Byun Baekhyun. I was in a car accident. I have amnesia. I'm gay, but that’s honestly not much of a surprise. I'm married. My husband still hasn't woken up.
My husband's name is Park Chanyeol. I don't remember anything about him.
His eyes open, slowly, as his gaze curiously glances down to find the wedding ring on his left hand. Clenching his jaw, he quickly removes it to inspect it more closely.
He cradles it gently, as though it's made of  glass. It's nothing too flashy, silver and gold sandwiched together to meet in the middle. On the inside, he catches an engraving, and he brings it closer to his eyes, closing one of them and squinting in order to read the tiny text.
To Baek, from here to the stars.
He sets it down on the small table for a moment, before realizing he could lose it, and half a second later, despite feeling his skin crawl he puts it back on.
His skin doesn't crawl because he woke up married to someone he couldn't remember. That happens to the average person after a wild weekend in Vegas. His skin crawls because it feels wrong to be here, wearing the ring.
He feels like an impostor who's taking the place of someone else. He doesn't… he doesn't know this man, this Park Chanyeol. He's not sure if he'd love Park Chanyeol if he woke up and barged into his hospital room claiming to know and love him.
Because he had a feeling that, in the best case scenario, Park Chanyeol had loved a Byun Baekhyun—but not the Byun Baekhyun that was currently in charge of steering the sinking ship. It's a horrible way to think, but it was the truth. The ugly truth, yes, but still the truth.
A knock on the door jolts him back to reality, and half a second later he’s glancing up to see the door opening, and to his relief, it’s finally a familiar face. Two faces, actually, as his best friends, Minseok and Jongdae enter the room.
Jongdae’s expression is slightly happier than Minseok’s, and as Jongdae closes the room, they exchange a brief look. As they make their way towards Baekhyun, he manages to crack a small smile.
“Hey.” It’s the only thing he can manage to say without breaking down completely. He feels like he’s just jumped off of a plane, and his parachute isn’t working. He’s falling, falling, and there’s nothing to slow down his momentum.
“Hey, Baek.” Minseok’s response is quiet, and while he manages a smile, he still sounds grim. “How’re you doing?”
He shrugs, tongue lying heavy in his mouth. “I’ve been better. I don’t… I don’t remember anything.”
Once again, the pair in front of him exchange looks, before looking back to him. Jongdae puts his hand on the small railing of his hospital bed, and leans against it, careful not to let it roll around too much.
“Nothing? Nothing at all?”
Baekhyun shakes his head, furrowing his eyebrows. He holds up his left hand shakily, showing off the ring. “Do you have any idea just how terrifying this is? I’m married, for fuck’s sake.”
Jongdae’s face flashes in a somewhat sympathetic expression, and Baekhyun runs a hand through his hair, desperate. “Doctor Liu told us everything. I’m sorry, Baek. We’ve been here since yesterday, if it makes you feel any better. Waiting for you to wake up.”
“How long have I been married to this guy? Chanyeol?” Baekhyun bites his lip nervously, exhaling through his nostrils.
Jongdae opens his mouth to speak, raising a hand, but Minseok cuts him off, nodding his head back and forth as he speaks. “It’s going to be four years next may.”
“And how long have I known him?”
Minseok pauses for a moment, looking to Jongdae for a moment, before back to Baekhyun. Baekhyun notices something in Jongdae’s eyes for a brief second, but it’s gone before he can tell what. “Well, you guys met that night we had that big party at my house... That was a few weeks before your college graduation, so that would make it six years now.”
Baekhyun nods, face still scrunched up at the information. He’s staring at his lap, processing what Minseok just told him. If his math is correct, and he’d known Park Chanyeol for six years, then he’s most likely 27. The room falls silent for a few moments, before Jongdae finally sighs, before speaks.
“You guys really love each other, if it makes you feel any better. He takes good care of you, just like you take care of him, you know?”
Baekhyun’s smile is sad, and once more, he looks down at the ring on his finger. “I just… I don’t want to know how he’ll react when he wakes up. I don’t remember him, but I also don’t want him to hurt, you know?”
Minseok puts his hand on Baekhyun’s back, giving him a few rough pats. “It’ll be hard on him, probably. But he’s pretty optimistic, and if I’m right, he won’t give up on you. He loves you too much.”
“And besides,” Jongdae interjects, “Yeol’s a big boy, he can handle you.”
“Figuratively, and literally. He’s tall as hell. And if what I remember from you being drunk a few years ago is true… He’s a big boy, if you know what I mean.” Minseok smirks, trying to lighten the mood, wiggling his eyebrows before both Jongdae and Baekhyun smack him, Baekhyun snorting.
“Shut up, hyung,” Baekhyun and Jongdae say in unison, before turning to quietly laugh at each other.
Once the laughter bubbles down, Baekhyun smiles at both of them, tilting his head. “Thanks for being here, guys. I don’t know what I’d do if I were alone by myself.”
“We’ll always be here to help,” Minseok replies, “We weren’t going to just leave you here.”
Baekhyun’s smile grows, and Jongdae ruffles his hair. “I mean, the only reason you were alone when you woke up was because we were hungry as hell, and the bibimbap they have here is great, but at least we're here now.”
“Yes, Baek?”
“Shut up.”
The days pass slowly, Minseok and Jongdae taking turns so that he wouldn't be alone, except at night, when they went back to their homes to sleep.
Minseok and Jongdae have helped to fill in some, but not all, of the gaps as the days pass. He's 28, he's a preschool teacher, Chanyeol works an office job, and up until now, the only child they've had is their cat, Asshole. He's still not sure if Jongdae was kidding or not when he told him the cat’s name.
His memories still haven't come back, and a little voice at the back of his mind asks if they ever will.
His days were occupied by Minseok’s fussing, Jongdae’s bad jokes, Doctor Liu’s check-ups, bland, unseasoned lunches and dinners, reruns of Law and Order: SVU on the television, failed attempts to stick a straw into his leg cast to scratch at any itch he gets. And, of course, thoughts of Park Chanyeol.
He asks, at one point on the third day, if he can visit him, to which Doctor Liu denies him, saying she didn't want him to get stressed.
He's definitely not dumb. He knows that if Chanyeol still hasn't woken up after this long, that something is wrong, and if he was, at one point, emotionally involved with him, he at least wants to see him, just to see what he looks like. He would've looked through his phone to find a picture, but it was destroyed in the accident.
It's on the eighth day after he wakes up that Baekhyun finally catches a break, and Doctor Liu tells him he's responsive, but not fully awake.
“We think he’ll be fully awake and responsive by tomorrow,” Doctor Liu explains during her daily check-up, “You're doing much better, would you like to see him then?”
Baekhyun contemplates the offer for a moment, before nodding. “Might as well get it over with,” He answers, and Doctor Liu nods with a small smile.
When Minseok comes back and he explains what she'd told Baekhyun, he nods and smiles at the news.
“That's good, man, that's good. You'll be fine. I know you will.”
He can’t sleep that night. He’s too restless, too impatient, too scared. The man he’s meeting in a few hours is his husband, but he still can’t remember a thing. And that terrifies him.
The way his memories can’t remember anything about him make him want to keep Park Chanyeol at a cold, clinical distance, barely within arm’s reach.
But the way Minseok and Jongdae have been filling his empty head with stories of the man who gave him the ring that, for some reason, he refuses to take off, makes him doubt. They’d said Chanyeol would be willing to wait for him. But what if he didn’t?
To wake up in a world where the one you loved has been replaced by someone who wants nothing to do with you, now that is the most terrifying thought indeed.
He sits impatiently the entire morning, he barely even manages to down his morning coffee. The reruns of Law and Order: SVU that play on the TV manage to calm him down, but it can only do so much. Neither Jongdae nor Minseok are with him, finally being called back to their respective jobs. By the time Doctor Liu comes around, he’s practically bouncing off the walls.
“Good morning, Baekhyun.” Her voice is warm, calming, her tone motherly. He smiles, nodding.
“Sleep well?” She asks, and he drops the smile, shaking his head. “I barely slept. I’m terrified, Doc.”
She nods, understandingly. “It can be a bit overwhelming. But I’m sure you’ll be fine. I haven’t gone in to see him yet -- but I assume he’s asking about you already. It’ll be fine, they’ve probably told him about your condition, so it might not be as much of a shock once he sees you again for the first time.”
He doesn’t respond; her encouragement doesn’t exactly ease the high speed nerves churning in his stomach, as if someone’s pressed the puree button on a blender.
She helps him out of bed, and he groans slightly as he’s helped into the wheelchair that they’ve brought him to move to the bathroom or anywhere else if he needed to, seeing as his leg is still in the cast. They told him it’d be another month and a half before he’s able to walk right, assuming he takes care of himself.
He assumes the way to Park Chanyeol’s room will take a while, so he decides he’ll think of what to say as Doctor Liu helps him get there.
Big mistake. It’s right next to his, and he almost pisses himself when he comes to this realization. But at the same time, he was less than twenty feet away from Park Chanyeol, and no one told him? Rude.
This hospital room is different to his; it has a small hallway before it opens towards where he assumes that the bed lies. He can’t see anything, or anyone, except for a wall.
“Mr. Park, are you awake?” Doctor Liu says, and he hears a hum of confirmation. The voice is deep, and he gnaws on the inside of his cheek, his hands gripping the sides of the wheelchair until his knuckles turn whiter than the walls.
“Come on in,” The voice says, and he takes a deep breath as the wheelchair rolls into the room,  and, for the first not first time, he finally sees Park Chanyeol, face to face.
The first thing he notices are the ears. They’re big, and stick out underneath dark, black hair. His eyes are dark, quickly bouncing between him and the doctor, and the few small tattoos he has along his arms seem to jump out at him against the background of tan skin. He has a few stitches, and the circles under his eyes are dark, as if he hadn’t been sleeping for more than a week, but he still manages to take Baekhyun’s breath away.
If being gay didn’t come as a surprise him, the fact that he fell for this gorgeous human somehow surprises him even less.
“I’m Doctor Liu, I assumed Doctor Kim told you about me?”
“Yes, he did,” Chanyeol says, nodding. His voice is deep, and soft, as Chanyeol’s eyes meet Baekhyun’s. The blender of nerves sitting in Baekhyun’s stomach goes into overdrive, from puree to instant death from the inside out.
Chanyeol studies Baekhyun for a moment, and Baekhyun waits for it to come: a hey, sweetheart, or Baekhyun, you’re here, or something along those lines that will make Baekhyun’s chest tighten with pity.
Instead, what Chanyeol says next causes his eyes to widen, and the blender to turn off, as if it’s been dropped off a cliff along with the rest of his stomach.
“Doctor… Who’s this?”
[chapter two: my name is park chanyeol]
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btextswriting · 7 years
YOUR SONG {Yoongi Fluff One Shot}
Author’s Note: @yoongihowareyousohandsome I made it extra fluffy for you! Hopefully you like it and I hope your friend is doing better! Much love - Caroline
You sat on your couch, mindlessly watching television when your phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, you smiled.
Sup, Yoongs? You asked as you popped another piece of popcorn into your mouth. Yoongi chuckled and sighed.
Seriously? Yoongs? Didn’t you hear of respecting your elders? He asked and you laughed. It was always nice to talk to Yoongi. He was one of the only people in the world that could make you smile until your cheeks hurt and he wasn’t even trying. His cool attitude and complete disregard of fucks to give always made you happy to call him one of your best friends.
What? Would you rather grandpa? You retorted and laughed as Yoongi sighed heavily. There was a part of you that never wanted anything to change between the two of you, but you were also completely in love with him. Not that he would ever feel the same.
Aish. Have you been listening to the radio? He asked and you scrunched your nose at the change of subject.
Yoongi, you know I don’t listen to the radio. You told him. But if you meant, have I heard your new song, yes. And boy, who are you trying to pull? You asked with a laugh.
What do you mean? He asked and you sighed. The song was a love song, it was full of beautiful lyrics and a gorgeous melody. You could still hear Yoongi’s raspy voice as it rapped then sang.
I mean the girl you wrote that song for. She’s a lucky girl. You’ll have to tell me who she is. You responded and Yoongi went silent. Well, you don’t have to tell me now or anything. You muttered nervously. Hey, I gotta go, uhm someone is calling me. You lied as you hung up the phone and sighed. Your heart was racing as you tried to expunge the conversation from your head, but you could still hear yourself fucking up your friendship.
On the other side of Seoul, Yoongi sat stunned, with the phone still up to his ear. He kept hearing your words ring in his ears. ​She’s a lucky girl. You’ll have to tell me who she is.
​Were you really not thinking it was about you?! Yoongi asked the now blank phone in frustration. Yoongi had spent months composing that song and it was his grand gesture to profess his feelings, and now you didn’t see them. He had included inside jokes and everything. Did you even LISTEN to the lyrics?! He screamed annoyed at the phone as he laid his head back on the couch and covered his eyes with his hands.
He kept trying to figure out what to say.
It’s about you …  No. You’re seriously that idiotic Maybe too harsh?  The lucky girl is you?  That’s cheesy. He murmured the various things, but then he always found a reason not to call back and tell you.
He sat there, stewing. He was going in a cycle. Maybe I should text her? Yoongi said to himself, but it was the same issue. Type, shake his head, then furiously delete. It was only when Jin came in that he looked up.  
I thought you would be running to Y/N’s place. Jin said in a calm manner as he made his way into the room. The hyung of BTS was known for sticking his nose into everything. Yoongi knew that Jin wanted the scoop so he just explained everything without the slightest objection. ​Well that’s unexpected. So she had no idea it was about her at all?
An exasperated sigh came out of Yoongi.  NO! He screamed and threw his hands up in the air. She thinks it’s about someone else! How do I get it through her thick skull?
Don’t call her dumb. Jin said in a stern tone and Yoongi glared.
Well she’s being dumb if she can’t see this damn song is about her. Yoongi spat as he crossed his arms.
​Jin was rolling his eyes at the toddler tantrum the other group’s hyung was throwing. The usually calm and collected Suga was now practically stomping his feet over a girl. Jin thought about this and started to laugh. He never thought this day would come.
Stop laughing, Jin hyung. I’m seriously losing it over this girl. Yoongi said in a pleading tone and with that Jin’s smile grew larger.
This is really love. Jin thought as he watched Yoongi freak out
Alright, I got a plan. But you will do as I say and not give me any shit. Jin said and Yoongi looked at him with a bit of fear.
Okay? Yoongi replied and Jin smiled.
Great! Grab a pen! Jin clapped his hands together and Yoongi apprehensively grabbed a pen and paper.
Within a couple hour, Jin’s amazing plan was done and Yoongi was a little peeved. He couldn’t believe he was standing there. ​What the hell was Jin thinking? He asked himself as he fidgeted. He was standing at your door, somehow talked into confessing in person by the older hyung.
There’s no better way to know there won’t be ANY misunderstandings if you’re face to face. Jin’s voice rang in his ear. He was so desperate at the time that he practically ran out of the studio. Now that he was standing in front of your door, nerves started to kick in.  
As he was about to turn around, you were leaving your place. ​Yoongi? Your voice rang through the empty air and Yoongi’s breathing caught. There was no turning back now.
​He scolded himself in his mind as he turned around. Trying to keep a nonchalant air about him, he greeted you with a small tightlipped smile. His jaw wanted to drop, even though you were wearing a simple white t-shirt and black leggings, he still thought you looked gorgeous.  Before you could ask what he was doing there, he shoved a paper in your face. It was handwritten and you were about to unfold the delicately kept paper, when Yoongi stopped you.  
I’m gonna be at the studio. Text or whatever when you’ve read that, but can you wait until I leave? He asked, more like begged and you nodded deftly as you looked from the note to him. Watching him quickly turn on his heels and walk down the hallway, you closed the door and sat down on your couch.
You were a bit confused, but you unraveled the paper. It was the lyrics to his new song. You could hear the melody in your head and the gruffness of his voice as he slowly sang. But the lyrics were annotated. He had inserted little stories.  
Your smile, a sunshine in a charcoal colored world
​Remember when we had gone out on that rainy day. You were laughing even though I was terrified that the dark clouds might swallow us whole.
Being able to breathe whenever you’re near. Being seen as me and not who the world wants to hear
​ You’re the only person I can be just Min Yoongi. Not Suga, not the rapper, not the rock in BTS. I’m just Yoongi or Yoongs, if you MUST call me that.  
My mom already loves you. My family wants to make you theirs
​If you could see the texts my mom sends about meeting you at that concert, you would laugh. She’s already planning the wedding.  
You continued to read. You laughed and you tried to hold it together. It was only when you got to the last line that you lost it.  
This is a song for you
​ Y/N, it’s always been about you.  
And before you could think about it, you were running out the door.
Making your way to the studio was like walking down an old engraved path. You knew the way like the back of your hand, you didn’t need to think as your body guided you to his studio and you were knocking on the door. You heard someone inside stand up and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before the door opened. Yoongi stood there, one hand on the frame while the other held the door open.
Hey. He said and you smiled, throwing yourself into his arms. Hugging him, you could feel the shock as he slowly enveloped you in his embrace. So I’m taking that as you like the song? He murmured and you laughed, the tears brimming your eyes as you nodded into his chest.
I loved it! You exclaimed and he laughed.
Good, I’m glad you finally realize it’s about you. Pabo. He muttered and you smacked his arm. What?! It takes an idiot not to realize that it’s about you. He defended himself and you shook your head.
Ah, I wanted to believe it was about me, but I never thought you would fall for me, I guess. You mumbled and Yoongi smiled.
Because I’m so amazing? True, true, I lowered my standards to be with you. He said and you glared. I’m just kidding. Y/N, if you could see what I see, you would wonder why a girl like you would like a weirdo like me. He mumbled and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Ah, I don’t care if you’re a weirdo, just so long as you’re my weirdo. You said with a smug grin and Yoongi shook his head with a smile. Leaning down and placing a light kiss on your lips, it was sweet and romantic, calm and relaxed, it was Yoongi’s way of telling you just how much he loved you.
You heard the beginning to his song play and you broke away from the kiss, only to see Jin standing there, holding his phone near you guys as he played the song.
AIGO, HYUNG! SERIOUSLY?! Yoongi screamed and you couldn’t help but laugh as you watched Jin run away from the angry rapper. Walking over to the soundboard, you hit the play button and the song began blaring through the studio. Yoongi rolled his eyes as he looked at you. Not you too. He muttered and you shrugged.
It’s like your love letter to me. You murmured back and began swaying to the music. Yoongi laughed as he watched you, but you pulled his to dance with you. C’mon dance with me. This is my song! You said like a drunk girl at a bar and Yoongi laughed standing up and spinning you around.
In his usual gruff voice, Yoongi said in your ear. This will always be your song.  
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Let Go // Dolan Twins
Summary: After years of being together Ethan puts together something incredibly beautiful and luckily making a video for Gray to react to. Now you get to start the rest of your lives together with Gray tagging on also because what’s Ethan without his twin? They’re a package deal no matter which one you’re engaged to.
Characters: Ethan Dolan x Reader, Grayson Dolan, Lisa Dolan, Sean Dolan and Cameron Dolan
Words: 5043
Disclaimer: I do not own YouTube, images or songs used in this. Song is ‘You Can Let Go’ by Crystal Shawanda.
Warnings: Possible swearing, major fluff, mention of hearattack and sad Grayson  
Author: Caitsy
Tagged: At the bottom
A/N: Sorry for not posting! It’s been hectic with uni ending next month and I’ve been writing this for so long. We’ve posted but it’s not showing up in the tags sadly.
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If you were a little girl and you were asked the question of who you would marry you would have answered differently from now because you weren’t a child anymore wishing for things that can’t happen. You were nineteen years old and your boyfriend Ethan had switched your promise ring with an engagement ring with a small vintage theme. You weren’t going to wait until you were twenty-eight to plan a wedding because you were just as in love as you would be ten years from now.
Ethan hadn’t taken you out to a fancy restaurant where you would have to act like someone else because your laughs were too loud. He didn’t hide the ring in the food despite the obvious problem of choking on it by accident. He didn’t make you do a scavenger hunt either because you guys weren’t basic and fought against the stereotypical clichés. He had done something unique and very him instead with no help because he wanted it to be special. You had accompanied him to his childhood home for his older sister Cameron’s birthday. It was both a surprise to you and everyone else because only him and your Dad knew about it.
“Can I show you a place I love?” Ethan asked as soon as the movie everyone was watching ended.
“Uh…I was going to help your mom.” You said frowning at your boyfriend of many years.
“Go ahead.” Lisa said from her position by her husband, “Gray can help me instead. Go spend some time together and relive Ethan’s childhood.”
Grayson groaned while Ethan helped you off the couch where you had been cuddling with a blanket covering your legs. His sweater enveloping you with the familiar scent that screamed your boyfriend and you always felt like he was hugging you when you wore his sweaters but they didn’t make it look like you weren’t wearing any pants. He smiled as you pushed your hair out of your face and blushed until his gaze. He gently pulled you out of the house with Cameron sneakily following behind you with a camera.
You were in the passenger seat with the windows down making your hair shift in the wind and the music blasting throughout the vehicle. Ethan had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road when you were being incredibly adorable singing along with no hesitation. You were a masterpiece in his mind and he couldn’t wait until he could name you ‘Y/N Dolan’ to complete it.
“I love you.” Ethan said grabbing your warm hand into his larger one.
“I love you too.” You smiled looking as he brought your hand up to press a lingering kiss to the back of your hand.
Ethan wasn’t overly nervous about asking you since it only be two of you and Cameron in attendance as he put himself out there. His plan would be a good thing and it was original instead of searching for videos on the internet, specifically Tumblr and Pinterest. He had set everything up really early with the excuse of going to work out and you didn’t bat an eye even though Gray hadn’t gone with him.
He pulled up to this small little hut thing that looked really worn down from the lack of use but it was still rustic and adorable. This hut was the place that Cam, Gray and him had spent many hours at playing before kicking the older sister out of the club. Changing the rules to state no females to spread and contaminate the building with cooties.
The sun was setting behind the tree line making it very aesthetically pleasing and it helped that Ethan could come out here everytime he was out to watch this from the safety of his property. The problem was that the sun was setting a little faster than he had planned. He had to quickly park and get out to open your door before you had a chance to get your seatbelt off. You were too busy watching the fairy lights handing from the trees to illuminate the steadily darkening area.
“Can you go in and turn the lights on? I’ll be right in.” Ethan said holding the door open for you to get out of.
“Sure.” You smiled hurrying to get into the small building and getting out of the slight chill.
The small hut was interesting with the initials of the Dolan siblings on the front door just below the childish sign. It was a hand made sign with the words ‘no girls allowed…even you Cam!’ that was crookedly placed on the door and nailed on. You ran your finger over the engraved smooth wood with a small smile imagining the young siblings forever tattooing their lives to this building. It was pitch black when you opened the door so you immediately went the window to pull the curtains away. You went to switch a light on but instead it was pull string light.
“What…?” You trailed off seeing something hanging on the string.
There was a beautiful, simple and elegant ring on the very end where some crystal figurine was supposed to be. When you turned the light on you saw exactly what kind of ring it was but outside the window was what took your breath away. There was a montage of pictures and videos of Ethan and you playing on a large screen with only a couple that featured Gray.
All the photos you took over the years together or screenshots of tweets and Instagram posts of lyrics and quotes with the other tagged in them. Your whole three years spent together as a couple went on the screen with your favourite song playing as it went. One of your favourites was the video of Ethan giving you the promise ring that had spent a year and a half on your finger. A video of Ethan from a couple days ago came up with him explaining how much you meant to him and how incredible happy he was to spend his life with you and how he couldn’t wait for more.
“Will you marry me?” Ethan asked in synch with the video.
He had managed to swipe the ring out of your hand and kneel just to the side of you with a hopeful expression and a nervous smile painted on his face. You were in tears because he hadn’t hinted that this would be happening and you remembered how much time he had spent editing over the last couple weeks. You were in shock as the first song that played in that restaurant you went to on your first date played in the background.
“I love you so much.” Ethan said rubbing his sweaty hand on his jeans, “I know we’re young but I love you just as much as I will years from now because you’re my person.”
“Yes!” You yelled throwing yourself into his arms nearly causing him to fall over from the force. You were kissing him the moment the ring was finally placed on your finger.
‘I thought you were going to say no for a second there.”
“I would never say no to you.” You giggled pressing a passionate and very deep kiss to his lips. The euphoria was rushing throughout your body.
“We should tell our family.” You whispered, “I’m so happy you don’t understand.”
“Cameron is here, she got the entire proposal on video.” Ethan said resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m so happy because he told me instead of Gray.” Cameron grinned coming out of her hiding place. She was oddly proud that she had be in the act despite not fully understanding exactly what her brother had been planning.
“Gray doesn’t know?” You asked surprised at the revelation because he shared everything with Gray.
“Well and your Dad technically but Cam didn’t know I was proposing to you. You would have unintentionally known if Gray had been involved somehow.” Ethan chuckled, “He accidently revealed your surprise birthday party last year.”
“True.” You hummed.
“I’ll edit the video for you and we’ll get Gray to react to it in a video.” Cameron said, “Trust me on this.”
Ethan nodded as he started to remove the things he had set up in order for the plan. Even though both Cam and him tried to tell you to sit down and relax you just wanted to cuddle with Ethan as soon as possible which meant helping them clean up and you were okay with that.
Ethan and you kept your engagement to yourselves for a couple weeks before Grayson asked what Ethan and him would be doing for that weeks video. After a lot of editing Cameron had given the video to you guys a couple days ago. You were nestled into Ethan’s side watching movies with Grayson when he brought it up.
“What are we doing for this weeks video?” Gray asked turning his attention to his twin instead of the screen.
“We already know.” Ethan said playing with the engagement ring that was unnoticed by everyone.
“We didn’t talk about it though.” Gray retorted giving Ethan a weird look.
“We’re reacting to a video.”
“Oh what video?” Gray questioned pausing the movie.
“I chose it.” You said throwing your legs across Ethan’s legs.
“Should we film?” Gray asked.
“Yeah it’s all ready to be watched.” You said not bothering to get up and help as they set up everything they would need. You decided instead to message Cam for the video she had made and how you couldn’t wait to finally Gray react to it.
Both Ethan and you had already watched it to be prepared for the feels that would definitely hit the two of you. You had already cried watching it once but somehow you know that watching it again wouldn’t stop the tears from coming once more. It was so heartwarming that Ethan had cried along with you.
“What’s up guys! We’re back!” They said in unison as per usual, “We’re something a little different than usual.”
“We’re reacting to a video that Y/N has chosen for us. We haven’t watched it at all and she wouldn’t even take bribes to let us see it.” Ethan announced, “I’m a little nervous for this and I really hope she didn’t pick something incredible dirty to watch.”
“I know! She’s so sketchy sometimes.” Gray laughed as you made a face at him.
Once the video had started up it showed Ethan setting up everything without showing his face to the camera he had set up. Gray paused the video already.
“Is this a fail video?” He asked.
“Just watch! I wanna know what happens.” Ethan said pushing Gray away so he could unpause the video.
Ethan quieted down as he watched his twin brother try to figure out what kind of video this was and why they were watching it. He got quiet when your face showed up in the video once you were in the cabin. Gray unpaused it on your face.
“Is that you?” Gray asked looking towards you.
You came into the camera view with the boys in order to start the video again as to silently tell him to shut up. The montage of videos and pictures had started in the video only briefly showing your reaction in the video. Grayson gasped when he saw the entire thing through the video starting to realize that something big was happening. Once more he paused it to look at you.
“What is this?” Gray asked.
Ethan was the one that unpaused the video this time with tears welling up in his eyes. Gray frowned glancing at him before his attention turned to the computer again. It was the end of the montage where Ethan had began his speech to you.
“You did that because you were nervous?” Gray asked already knowing the answer to the question. Ethan nodded while Gray smirked at him.
Once again you began to cry at the video just as Ethan had grabbed the ring out of your hand in the video and was now on his knee. Gray’s mouth opened a fraction as he gasped out feeling the tears well up in eyes too knowing exactly what was happening now.
“Will you marry me?” Ethan asked in the video, “I love you so much.” Ethan said rubbing his sweaty hand on his jeans, “I know we’re young but I love you just as much as I will years from now because you’re my person.”
“Yes!” You yelled throwing yourself into his arms nearly causing him to fall over from the force. You were kissing him the moment the ring was finally placed on your finger.
“Oh my god.” Gray exclaimed meeting his twins eyes in shock, “You…”
The end of the video showed Cameron back at the place Ethan had proposed the following night with something set up again. The fairy lights were now spelling something out in the trees with the words ‘Congratulations Ethan and Y/N!’.
“We are engaged guys! I proposed on July 27th at a special spot my brother, sister and I used as kids. The video was filmed by Cameron even with her not knowing that it was because I was proposing and she edited it. The only people that knew I was proposing was Mr. Y/L/N and myself.” Ethan explained grabbing your hand, “We wanted to show you the video along with Gray as a surprise.”
“That was quite the surprise.” Gray laughed.
“We don’t know when we’ll get married but we’ll be doing what Sam and Rosa Pottorff did with their wedding.” You said from Ethan’s lap.
“We won’t be revealing where and when the wedding will be taking place because it is just Y/N and my day. We want it to be special and memorable. Any comm-“
“I may have just found out about their engagement but it’s their day. The guests invited will just be lucky to witness the gathering. Any comments on crashing will be deleted and you will be blocked if we see anything else.” Grayson explained.
“That’s it for this video.” The both said, “We’ll see you guys next week on a Tuesday!”
Once the camera was put away in the safe location Gray stared at the two of you in complete disbelief which was understandable since you had thrown it at him. They told each other everything because they were not just twins. They’re best friends. If Gray thought it was prank you wouldn’t be surprised at all.
“You okay?” You asked concerned.
“Just surprised is all. I never thought he would propose at his age.”
“Are you sad?”
“No! I’m ecstatic but completely surprised.”
“I love her.” Ethan said squeezing your hand only to smile when he felt the ring dig into his palm, “I don’t see how waiting another five years would make a difference."
“Do I have to ask if you’ll be my best man Gray?” Ethan asked even though he knew the answer to the question.
“You made yourself stupid just asking that question but yes I will.” Gray laughed, “Who’s the maid of honour?”
“I don’t know just yet.” You replied already stressing out about the planning that would be happening.
“Too bad you don’t have a twin.” Gray chuckled, “Makes it easier.”
“Shut up.” You laughed hearing the frequent phrase that Gray asked you at least once a day.
“Should we go home for the weekend? Tell our families?” Ethan asked looking at both Gray and you.
“We would have to remember that we’ll need to facetime my family because they’re in England.”
“Your dad and you moved here a couple years ago but your mother hasn’t visited?” Gray asked confused.
“She doesn’t have the money to fly out.” You frowned.
“Would she be able to fly out for the wedding?” Ethan asked walking you over to the couch that was back in it’s position.
“Dad will help her.” You muttered.
There was a moment of utter comfortable silence as Grayson grinned at the two of you. Things weighed on his mind you vaguely knew what was running through his mind. He was scared of what would happen after you became Ethan’s wife. You also knew he was too selfish to bring it up to either one of you.
“What’s wrong?” Ethan asked his brother.
“Nothing.” Gray shrugged not meeting your eyes.
“Y/N, can you give us a moment?” Ethan asked.
“Of course. I’ll go start supper.” You replied kissing the top of Ethan’s head.
As you walked passed Grayson you squeezed his shoulder in support at revealing his fears. You may have been with Ethan for three years and knew him before that, Gray was the constant being his twin. They had a bond that E and you wouldn’t ever be able to have and you were okay with that. You didn’t want Gray to feel like you were replacing him.
You were going through one of the cook boos Lisa gave the twins in hopes they would have enough options to cook. You were smiling when you came across the handwritten recipe you had shoved in there a couple months ago. It was something your mom had made and gave you a copy. While reading it your ears were picking up the conversation the boys were having.
“What’s wrong?” Ethan questioned.
“I knew one day we would each get married and start a family but it just became real.” Gray admitted, “You’ll be a married man with a wife and future kids. You won’t have much time to make videos.”
“Why are you sad about that?” Ethan asked, “You knew nothing will stop me from making videos with you. Y/N would kill me if I gave that up.”
“I’m not sad about it, it’s just you’ll get a place with her because that’s what a married couple shouldn’t live with the husband’s brother.”
“Gray you can live with us.”
“No. You’ll need privacy to fuck all around the house.” Gray said cracking a smile.
“We could get places right next to each other.” Ethan grinned thinking back to a video from years ago.
“Like we said at the end of the separation video?”
You peeked into the living room to see the boys sharing a hug before setting up a video game to play as they usually did after a video. They didn’t immediately edit a video till the next day. You retreated back into the kitchen to finish the food that you had been making the entire time of their long conversation. It was fairly quick to make so when the rice was done you dished that up. The meatballs in a thick sweet and sour sauce was just finished when you dished that up also. You were digging in quick so you could call the boys in and give them some time to bond.
“Guys! Food is ready!” You called into the loud living room. It didn’t take long for the boys to be dishing up their food also.
“This looks so good.” Ethan announced as he sat at the table with Gray, “You getting anything?”
“I ate already. I’m going to go out so you can bond because you haven’t hung out alone in a long time.” You replied as you rinsed off your plate and utensils.
“We could all hangout.” Gray said but you shook your head.
“Hangout. I’ll be back tomorrow. I haven’t been at my apartment in a long time.”
In a way you lived with the twins about half other time but you still had your own place. IT was mainly for the safety of your parents mind, you didn’t want to cause your dad to have a heart attack; he was told by the doctors he was at risk of having one.
Why do you still have that place?” Gray asked.
“Because I like having my own place?”
“Her dad would have a heart attack if he knew we were sleeping together.”
“I thought he liked you? He gave you his blessing.”
“Oh he likes him but not me spending all my nights with him. He thinks I’m still a virgin.”
“Well I’ll call you later.” Ethan said kissing you while Grayson made a sound of disgust at the scene.
You chuckled at your future brother-in-law while grabbing your jacket on the way out of the apartment with a graceful move. Both of the boys nodded as you closed the door standing as you heard the excited sound of Grayson and an amused Ethan happy to make the best of the time alone together.
“It’s going to be a long night.”
*A Year and Half Later*
“I don’t think you should see me!”
“Grayson Bailey Dolan!” You yelled through the locked bathroom door where you had managed to corner the man, “I need-“
“You can’t see the groom!”
“YOU’RE NOT THE GROOM!” You screamed exasperated banging your closed fists against the door.
“I’m his twin though!”
“Whoa! Y/N, calm down. What’s wrong?” Lisa asked coming up to you dressed up in a gorgeous dress and natural makeup.
“I need to talk to Gray but he won’t come out!” You said mostly towards Gray.
“Do you want to chance antthign and potentially lower your chances for a succ-“
“Grayson Dolan don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Lisa threatened towards her hiding son.
“Would you just give these to him!” You huffed dropping the vows on the ground before storming back to your dressing room.
“Ready?” You dad asked from the doorway of the room. You nodded refraining from biting your painted lips.
You weren’t entirely nervous as the normal bride probably would be because you knew the today was something that Ethan and you had been impatient for. Forever was only a few minutes away. You could deal with Grayson being weird and barging into your future house like Barbra-Jean from Reba.
“You’re up.” Cam smiled smoothing her hands on your dress getting out the non-existent wrinkles.
“Are you sure you don’t want to be at the alter? It would be okay.”
“You would have a lopsided wedding party and I want to watch it in front of me.”
She was right your childhood best friend was your maid of honour despite having not been as close as you once were. You hadn’t seen each other in person more than a handful of times in two years. She was working towards getting a medical degree and you were living in different cities. Both of your were actually British but you each moved to America at different times, both with dual citizenship thanks to your one American parent.
When the music start as the door in the church opened you were hit by the butterflies that had been dormant for the door. Ethan for the first since you first met him was dressed in a fitted dark navy almost black suit. Throughout knwing him he had always gone to a button up shirt and dark jeans for fancy occasions.
“Holy shit.” You mumbled seeing that Ethan had said the same thing at the same time.
“Did you really think he would be wearing his notorious denim dress shirt?” Dad chuckled tucking your hand in the crook of his elbow. You let a nervous giggle out before straightening up.
It was when he had to hand you off to Ethan that he began to cry softly. He was havin a hard time taking his hand off yours finally seeing his little girl change her number one man in her life. He was shaking while placing your hand in Ethan’s and letting go.
“You can let go now, Daddy. You can let go your little girl is ready to do this on my own. It's gonna be a little bit scary but I want you to know. I'll be okay now, Daddy You can let go.” You whispered into his ear as he shakily nodded his head.
With a kiss to your cheek he sat down next your mother letting a deep breath out as the service began. His separated wife made a strange movement by grabbing his hand in hers as they watched their daughter become a wife.
“We are gathered here today…”
The best day of your life went by fast with the ceremony happening in the morning that had been so beautiful and exactly like you had envisioned. The vows were so well thought out and romantic you had have relived that hour countless times and still be so affected by the words. Now you were at the head of the room at your table with the now cut cake being ate. You knew that you would regret eating so much food later but it was your wedding so you deserve to over eat.
“We’re married.” Ethan whispered into your ear his breath tickling your neck.
“Yeah.” You smiled watching as everyone looked at their glasses once they were filled with relief.
“Do you want any wine?” Ethan asked having noticed you were only drinking water the entire time.
“No thanks. You know I’m not big on alcohol.” You smiled to yourself as your newlywed husband finished his wine off.
“Ethan?” Gray asked from his seat next to his twin brother. His gaze was fixed on the bottom of his wine glass.
“What?” Ethan asked turning towards him.
“Look at your glass.” He replied shocked.
Ethan frowned confused as he looked into the bottom of his now empty wine glass where there was two bears engraved on the bottom. They were lined with gold easily showcasing each bear holding a pink or blue ribbon and a question mark between them. It was a hidden message that was inside every glass in the building.
“There’s another guest here was invited by me.” You giggled.
“So we’re starting out own family earlier than we initially planned?” Ethan asked completely shocked.
“Yes. In seven months we’ll be parents to a baby. I found out a couple days ago when I was sick and they needed blood to get my iron. Doctor accidently checked off the box for pregnancy test.” You laughed as Ethan let out a chuckled at the sheer luck.
“I’m going to be an uncle.” Grayson whispered grinning manically to himself.
“I’m going to be father!” Ethan exclaimed with excitement.
“E, tell everyone to look into their empty glasses.”
Following your instructions Ethan snagged the DJ’s mic gaining the attention of everyone in the room as it wasn’t time for speeches just yet. Everyone smiled at the excitement that Ethan was showing towards everyone and it was inspiring.
“A couple minutes ago my wife…whoa that’s weird to say…told me that I’m going to be a father.” Ethan grinned, “She surprised me by this. Look into the bottom of your glass.”
A collective gasp was heard as it cemented inside their minds that there was a future Dolan child would be in the world. The first people to be at your sides so fast were your in-laws with huge smiles and tears of happiness. Grayson was hugging his twin as if his life depended on it. Grayson was only slightly sad at how fast things had changed since this morning.
“Congrats! This is amazing!” Lisa grinned pulling her oldest son into a hug as Sean hugged you also.
Your mother and father joined you all to give both Ethan and you hugs even though your dad was ignoring the fact of how you had gotten pregnant. Your Dad was practically sobbing compared to how he had been giving you away. Ethan had dropped to his knees to place either hand on your stomach and leaning close to talk to his unborn child. You weren’t surprised when Grayson crouched beside his twin to whisper a few words that were lost to you. Before you realized what was happening he was hugging you close.
“I can’t believe this.” Gray chuckled not ending the hug, “I remember when you two first got together and now you’re married with a kid on the way. Things change so fast.”
“Gray you’ll still be a huge part of our lives. You’re still going to have a place to crash with us.”
“Actually I will be living next door to you. It’s official.” Gray smiled, “My realtor closed the deal yesterday.”
“Are you serious!” Ethan exclaimed excited getting off the floor.
“Yeah.” Gray smiled pulling Ethan into a hug again, “Good thing we pre-filmed videos. Remember to have fun on your honeymoon.”
“No problem or complaints on our side.” Ethan smiled holding your hand, “Nothing is going to change about our career. We’ll still film even when I’m a father.”
“Honey it’s time for your first dance.” Dad interrupted clapping Ethan on the shoulder and squeezing yours.
Not even a full week passed by before Ethan began to really miss his twin, it was like that video from years ago all over again. You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss Gray either and just wanted him to be here exploring with you guys once the third day had past. You were supposed to be gone for two or three weeks.
“Ethan, maybe we should hed back to LA.” You admitted watching as the guilt flashed across your husbands face.
“No we still have a week.”
“We both aren’t having as much fun as we would have with Grayson here to annoy us.”
“Are you sure?”
“We have years to go on holidays. Imagine when Grape comes and the amount of fun we’ll have as a family?”
“Head home?” He asked as you rolled onto your side holding onto your small bump forming. His hands rested on your while he stared lovely where your unborn child was growing.
“Yeah. Can we get food before we go?” You asked.
“We just ate breakfast.”
“Grape is hungry.” You chuckled while Ethan pressed a kiss to your cheek.
You were so in love with him that it was insane. Now you had a small part of him growing inside of you with a child that would probably be like their father and uncle. Crazy, happy and hilarious people. Your type of people.
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rankajewellers-blog · 5 years
Things to Consider While Buying An Engagement Ring
An engagement ring is one of the most important items that you will ever buy. Ring decisions are crucial as they don't end with your engagement. An engagement ring is something that a person wears throughout his or her life unlike other accessories. In the West, diamond engagement rings are more famous. In India, majority of the people prefer gold rings. Though, since the past few years the sale of diamond engagement rings in India has been on the rise. There are many things to consider while buying an engagement ring. Here are few of them:
Your partner's preference:
This is the most important thing to consider before buying an engagement ring. Even if you buy the world's best engagement ring but it does not suit your partner's taste, it would mean all the time, effort and money going in vain. The best way to know your partner's preference is to ask them. But if do not want to do that, you could try some other way to get to know their preference such as talking to their family members or friends. You should even watch for hints because your partner may often give clues about their preference.
Size, shape and type of the ring:
There are ample of different types of engagement rings available in the market today. Even though yellow gold rings or diamond rings are more popular, you could always try something different such as sapphire or emerald rings or even black or rose gold rings and be unique. The shape of the ring is crucial when it comes to the aesthetic appeal. Some rings just do not look good because the shape of the gemstone or the overall shape of the ring is not chosen wisely. Getting the size right is also the next important thing. You could use one of your partner's finger rings to determine that.
Your budget:
You need to decide how much you can comfortably spend on the engagement ring. Taking into consideration the other expenses related to your engagement and wedding is important. Once you have finalised your budget, it would be much easier for you to shop for an engagement ring. Whatever your budget is, make sure you buy your ring from a reputed jeweller only.
The 4 Cs:
The 4Cs—cut, colour, clarity and carat are the four important things to consider, especially if you are buying a diamond engagement ring. They represent the four main components of its beauty and structure. The cut impacts the beauty of a diamond more than any other factor. It determines a diamond’s ability to sparkle, along with its overall aesthetic appeal. Colour refers to how white or colourless a diamond is. The clarity refers to the inherited imperfections or ‘fingerprints’ of the diamond. Carat weight refers to the weight of the diamond measured in carats. It is important not to compromise any of the 4Cs too much in favour of another. Some people think that bigger is better and settle for larger sized diamond rings neglecting the colour, clarity and certification of the stone.
Engraving adds a personal touch to the engagement ring. You could engrave important dates or song lyrics or some other text that is special to your relationship. If there isn't enough space to engrave a few words you could also engrave a small symbol of the heart or something else that you think your partner would love.
Shopping Wisely
Never hesitate to ask the shopkeeper any questions you have in mind. It is always better to get all your doubts clarified than regret later. If you want technical information, speak with a certified gemologist. After you finalise a ring, handle it. See how it feels on your finger. Don’t worry about taking up a salesperson’s time. A ring might appear differently on your finger than it did on display. Make sure you try on a variety of different rings, and not just buy the first ring you see. The only rule is to feel comfortable and confident about what you are buying.
Financing, Warranties & Insurance
Most retailers would provide financing for big purchases. Try to obtain information about it or about bank loans for wedding and jewellery purchases. It is important to obtain warranty information as well. It would include a guarantee that the ring will maintain its shape and assure that it is free from any manufacturing defect. If you’ve decided to buy a diamond engagement ring, ask for a GIA certificate to be sure about its authenticity. Enquire about  jewellery insurance which can protect you from things like accidental theft or loss of your ring.Also read about bridal jewellery.
An engagement ring is subject to constant wear. The ring will be exposed to stress, chemicals, bumps and bangs. Therefore, choosing a good quality ring that protects your investment is crucial. You should always choose a reputed brand. If you are looking for the best engagement ring for your partner, you should definitely check out the engagement ring collection offered by Ranka Jewellers in Pune. Buying a unique engagement ring for your soulmate is a magical and special moment you will treasure for many more years to come. This blog will help you to discover a beautiful engagement ring that your partner will love forever.
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