#chanbaek scenarios
yeoliesbabygirl · 1 year
Incorrect EXO
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo:
Chanyeol, running into the room: Kyungsoo what's wrong?!
Baekhyun: Why are you only asking him?! We are both screaming!
Chanyeol: Because Kyungsoo doesn't scream unless it's an emergency. You, on the other hand, scream whenever you have the chance.
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cherryeol04 · 1 year
Green Rose
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➻ Pairings: ChanBaek, Chanyeol x Baekhyun
➻ Genre: romance, vampire au
➻ Additional: fluff, cute
➻ Word Count: 2.5K
➻ Warnings: N/A
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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It was early one morning, slivers of sunlight shining through Baekhyun’s parted curtains. The young male laid curled up in a small ball, swaddled by his blankets in the middle of the bed. His alarm hadn’t gone off yet, but his internal clock was already telling him that it was time to get up, regardless of what the large, blaring red numbers read on his night stand. And as much as Baekhyun tried to fend off consciousness and keep himself buried in the warmth of dreamland, the warm rays of the sun is what finally stirred him enough that sleep slipped from his grasp. A soft groan left him, dark brown eyes fluttering open a few times; blurry, sleepy vision slowly correcting.
He was highly annoyed at the time he read. Mainly because today was his off day and while his alarm was still set, he could easily just hit snooze or turn it off and spend the morning sleeping in. He hadn’t realized how his body had already been trained to wake up early thanks to his current school semester. 8:30 AM classes all week; Psychology and Biology. At least his math class was online, because if he honestly had to take a math class so early in the morning, he would probably quit school altogether. Of course that would be the end of his life. Baekhyun shuddered at the thought of the two hour lecture he would receive from his parents, that were paying for his schooling through their life’s savings. Of which Baekhyun already felt guilty for using and was doing his best to pay back the money through the small part time jobs he could get. 
A groan left him as he pushed himself up to sit in bed. One, slim hand pressed against the left side of his head, trying to calm the throbbing of the headache already forming. Today was not going to be a good day, he could already tell. With a grunt, he pushed away his covers and got out of bed, and like he did every morning, he made his way to the window and pushed open the curtains, letting the sunlight flood his aesthetically pleasing white room. The brightness blinded his eyes, however, and he closed them tightly, waiting only a few short moments before opening them once more, allowing them to get used to the new light. On the third floor of his apartment building, Baekhyun’s bedroom window overlooked the horizon to the east, facing the mountains in the very far off distance. It was always a gorgeous and breathtaking sight and he could never get over the beauty, even though he has seen the same sight for the past two years. 
Following his regular routine, Baekhyun unlocked his window and began to push it up. He stopped though, when a rose caught his attention. It was just laying there, on his windowsill, as if it had always been there, like that was home. Though Baekhyun was 100% sure that the plant had not been there the night before. But what was really odd (besides the fact that there was a rose on his windowsill on the third story of a building) was that it was green. And not like an icky light green, or a puke green, or even a neon green. But a beautiful dark green. It was a color that Baekhyun had never seen before, but he truly loved it. With a slight smile, he pushed his window all the way up and locked it into position, letting in the fresh, outside air. He grabbed the rose with delicate, long fingers, cradling it in his hands as he examined it. It was pure green. There was no hint of another color inside it, as if it had been dyed. It was all green...all natural.
Or was it? Could a green rose be natural if one had never actually been seen before? Then again, maybe it was just an undiscovered species of rose. Of course that also brought up the question of how it got there. Many outrageous ideas ran through his mind. Like maybe scaling the building to set the rose there. Or maybe a magical being hovered in the air to plant the rose there? Or maybe, and this was the scariest idea, someone snuck into his apartment while he was asleep and left the rose there. That seemed more like a plausible idea though, as terrifying as it was. Baekhyun knew he could be a very heavy sleeper and it was possible for someone to come into his home and he would never know it. 
A cold shiver ran down his back and Baekhyun nearly dropped the rose in his hands.The thought of someone coming in and seeing him in such a vulnerable position was so terrifying he almost didn’t want to keep the rose now. Almost. But despite his better judgment, he scavenged around his apartment until he found a suitable cup he could use as a vase and placed the rose inside, setting it on his desk. It was a pop of color in his nearly all white room. It strangely suited the place and Baekhyun kind of wanted to have more.
Baekhyun got his wish the next morning. Following his normal routine, Baekhyun was greeted with another green rose at his windowsill. It was just as gorgeous as the first and just as mysterious. How did it get there? Why was it there and who put it there? These were the questions that were constantly eating at Baekhyun. Has someone mistaken his apartment for someone else's? He wouldn’t be surprised. He didn’t consider himself anything special. He was just an average college student with an above average talent in singing, but that was about it. He never tried to overachieve, never really tried to be the center of attention (even though he had a loud and outgoing personality). He considered himself normal, lived a normal life. Who would risk their life to leave him a rose on his windowsill? It was quite confusing to him, but somehow he found it strangely endearing. The second rose found a home with the first and Baekhyun went on about his day, going to class and hanging out with his friends. 
When night came, he sat on his bed in his duck pajamas, eyes trained on the window. He wondered if his secret stalker admirer would come again. Would he wake up to find another green rose, or would he be dead? He wasn’t sure and he certainly didn’t like how wild his imagination was running at the moment, but all of them were plausible scenarios. But honestly, what could Baekhyun even do? It could just be a fluke he was getting the roses and eventually the person would realize that he was leaving them at the wrong window (however he was managing to leave them), or maybe he should arm himself with a weapon in case this all was intentional and he really did have a crazy stalker.
That night, Baekhyun went to sleep with a knife tucked under his pillow and a mind filled with worry. Morning came quickly and Baekhyun was pleasantly surprised to find himself still alive. And just like the morning before, there was a single green rose waiting for him on the windowsill. Baekhyun placed the rose with the others and continued about his day. For the next month or so, Baekhyun continued to wake up to a green rose on his windowsill, which he continued to add to his collection. By the 28th rose, Baekhyun was starting to really wonder who was leaving these roses and why. He was pretty sure it was no longer someone sneaking into his apartment to leave the roses. Especially when he made sure to deadbolt the locks every night. One night he even moved his dresser to block the door so no one could and still there was a rose left. It was a mystery to him, a freaky mystery. And to add weirdness to this mystery, Baekhyun also noticed that the roses never died. Sure he filled the vase with water and left the roses near the window for sunlight, but he never did any real tending to them. They should have died, but they didn’t. They were just as bright, perky and alive as they were the first day he found them. It was interesting if not a little creepy. 
Curiosity was finally getting the best of him and Baekhyun decided that this would be the night that he would stay up late. He would wait, in the darkness, by the window to see who was leaving him roses and finally confront him about it. His plan was half decent enough, or at least he thought it was. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong. So that’s what he did. As night fell, Baekhyun turned off his lights in his room and took a seat next to his window. He wanted to be close, but not too close where he could possibly be caught, because that would just ruin it all. If whoever it was saw him before they left the rose, Baekhyun may never actually solve the mystery of the green rose. Resting his head on the wall, waiting as patiently as his patient little butt would allow him, but by two in the morning, he was already falling asleep. With one passing look at the clock, he noted to himself it was only 2:30 in the morning, and slowly darkness enveloped him. 
He was shaken from his sleep by a slight chill. It started on his cheek and slowly traveled downwards, making him shiver slightly. It was pulling him from the warmth of his dreams and as he became aware, he realized it almost felt like wind blowing on him. And while he knew he was at his window, he didn’t remember leaving his window open. So did that mean…?
Eyes snapping open, Baekhyun was greeted with an open window and once more on his windowsill, there was a green rose, laying neatly on top of it. But unlike the other 28 times, this time there was a piece of paper tucked neatly under the rose. With a shaking hand, he reached out and grabbed it carefully. Laying the rose in his lap, he unfolded the paper and read over the few, short words that were written.
‘We’ll meet soon, Baekhyun.’
Baekhyun’s eyes slowly moved back to the window, staring out into the dark of the night, skies only illuminated by the artificial light of the street lamps below. Indeed, there was someone who was really leaving him these roses every night. Someone who knew how to scale a building up 3 stories without being seen or heard. A person who knew his name, yet he was almost sure he had never met this person before. The stalker idea came back full force, but once more his rational side wasn’t fully convinced. Wouldn’t this person have already tried to be with him or kill him or done something more than just leave roses? Didn’t stalkers usually want their victims to know who they were and why they were stalking them? This honestly didn’t make any sense to Baekhyun.
It just continued to leave him confused. He let out a tired sigh and slowly stood, the rose tumbling to the floor. He stared at it for a moment, not really seeing it, but just staring. His mind went blank, as if in a trance, but as quickly as it started, it stopped and he snapped out of it. Shaking his head, he bent down and picked up the rose, holding it in his left hand while he closed the window and locked it once more with his right hand. He made his way to his desk and placed the rose in his makeshift vase of a cup with the other roses before shuffling his way to the bed. Crawling in, he slipped under his covers and curled himself up into a ball and laid there, letting sleep once more overcome him.
The following night, Baekhyun was determined to stay awake and meet this mysterious man. So instead of going to class that day he stayed at home and slept for as long as he could, which was only until the late afternoon. However, armed with the most sugary drink he could find, he set himself up once more by the window and stared out into the darkness. He made it till about one in the morning before his eyes started growing heavy once again. He tried to keep himself awake with more sugar (candy and soda), but he couldn't feel their effects like he had at the beginning. He struggled for nearly an hour to keep his eyes open, but eventually he succumbed to sleep, eyes closing with one last blurry look to the window. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep or what actually woke him back up, but something did. Sleepy eyes opened and he looked around confused for a moment before he realized what was happening in front of his face. 
The window was opening. And it took all of his strength not to just jump up right then and there and see what was going on. Baekhyun realized that his nightly visitor wasn’t aware that he was awake yet, so Baekhyun was going to sit there and wait, at least until the window was fully open. It was an agonizing three seconds but the window was eventually open and Baekhyun saw the hand reaching through, green rose clutched into thick fingers. It was a quick movement, Baekhyun wasn’t even aware that he thought it, but he grabbed the wrist and pulled. The green rose fell from his fingers, a head coming through his open window and he was greeted to the site of the most handsome man he had ever seen. He was in shock and awe that this man was the one who was leaving roses on his windowsill. Speaking of which….
Baekhyun stood and moved closer, trying to see what the other was standing on in order to get to his third story window, but saw nothing. Nothing but just this man. How was that even possible? A deep chuckle left his visitor and Baekhyun found his hand removed from the other’s wrist. “Seems we finally meet.” His voice was so deep, it sent shivers down Baekhyun’s spine. “But unfortunately I can’t stay to chat. Maybe another time.” The male ducked back out of his window and Baekhyun gasped, rushing forward, hands pressed on his windowsill.
“Wait!” he called, but there was no one there. No sound. Nothing. It was like the man had never been there. His nameless visitor had appeared and like a ghost, had disappeared into the dark of night, leaving more questions than answers in his wake. He was handsome, with beautifully thick fingers. His voice was deep, almost melodic and Baekhyun was craving to hear more. 
 “I don’t even know your name.” The words barely passed his lips before he heard a whisper, from the familiar voice and for some reason it gave him a sense of hope. Hope this wouldn’t be the last time they would meet and like promised, next time, they could do more than just stare at each other.
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misswoozi · 2 years
Okay so this is a major hear me out. What about
Chanyeol is a musician through & through. He initially was interested in Taeil because of his voice. Before he knew it he was composing melodies & writing lyrics to accompany Taeil’s voice. I imagine their first interaction was because Chanyeol asked if he would sing the guide to one of his songs. Of course Taeil is surprised because he never interacts with EXO. Also he thought the first real interaction would be with one of the vocalist. Taeil goes into the studio not knowing what to expect, but goes in hoping he at least likes the song. What he discovers is not only does he like the song but also the composer. Although Chanyeol is playful he has a certain maturity that is only gained from bein in the industry for awhile. Slowly through sessions Taeil admits to himself that he has a crush. Chanyeol’s admiration does to adoration quicker than he’ll admit. It’s the way that Taeil’s laugh sounds like bells or the way his eyebrow scrunches when he’s tryin to hit a high note. I think they would have sex in the studio often. Taeil bent over the computer gettin the dickin of his life, yes. Taeil accidentally deleting a section of a song cause his hands are trying to find something to hold on to, definitely yes. Chanyeol isn’t to pressed though cause he has all the inspiration in front of him to crate something better. As an extra note I can imagine Chanyeol sending Taeil an audio of himself moaning while jerkin off. Chanyeol would find it funny, but low key hopes it would get Taeil worked up enough to call him -🪸
first of all, I am such a hard sell on bottom!Taeil but you nailed it and these two make sense together. Chanyeol is into slightly younger guys, slightly smaller guys, TALENTED GUYS (this is why I've always favored Chansoo over Chanbaek or Baeksoo) and Taeil fits into his type beautifully. Taeil WOULD be surprised by how charismatic Chanyeol is when they're working together.
I accept and I LOVE. If you have any other headcanons or scenarios for them, I'd love to hear them!
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reactingwithexo · 3 years
Hey please suggest me a ChanBaek fic where Baekhyun is insecure and Chanyeol takes care of him a lot? 🥺 Thank you for your work btw!!
First of all thank you so much for the support! I hope you keep liking my work even after my long absence
And unfortunately I cannot recommend you because I don’t really read ships fanfics , never really have , but let me know if you find something nice!
(If someone that knows one that can help the anon, let me know here!)
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Baekhyun : *laughing* Is there anything you cannot do?
Chanyeol, a man of limitless talent* : Gather up my wits and ask you out
Baekhyun : What?
Chanyeol : what?
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unsatisfiedmeow · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: EXO (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Characters: Byun Baekhyun, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo | D.O, Kim Jongin | Kai Additional Tags: #HEA_2017, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, YouTube, Minor Do Kyungsoo | D.O/Kim Jongin | Kai Summary:
Baekhyun runs an advice channel and isn't in love with Chanyeol. It doesn't help that a commenter keeps on asking how he should confess to his best friend. Let Baekhyun tell it again. He. Has. No. Idea.
Just baekhyun being so clueless af lol and chanyeol should have done it better next time kkkk
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chanhunist · 5 years
This is my other blog if yall wanna check out my exo fics :)
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srodulvroux · 7 years
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baek and I connect in a spiritual level
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paladinsuho-moved · 6 years
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[stay with me • p a r k c h a n y e o l]
“He’s my what?” Chanyeol asks, as he follows Doctor Liu back to his room. The halls are relatively empty at this time of day, and if they weren’t speaking, he’s positive he’d hear the fluorescent lights buzzing.
“He’s your husband, Mr. Park,” She answers, for the third time, “I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”
“I shouldn’t have to find out,” He mutters to himself, somewhat hurt, “I should know who he is. I should remember him.”
[part one] [part two]
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babejm · 7 years
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I live for them.😍😍 chanbaek was never ordinary.They are real, there is a word I like very much" Eyes never lie."❤ their look at each other kills me.😣 Today baekhyun was flirting too much. its must be hard for chanyeol.😅 and the most important thing is that they say love each other.😭😍 Oh my god, I guess I can't fight this.😭
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yeoliesbabygirl · 2 years
Incorrect EXO
Jongin: I saw Baekhyun and Kyungsoo hugging
Jongin: … and then I realised they were choking each other and I was like, okay, that makes more sense
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cherryeol04 · 10 months
Let Chanyeol Go in Peace
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➻ Pairings: Chanyeol-centric, Chanyeol x Sehun
➻ Genre: Member case study, linear life story, angst, romance
➻ Additional: terminal illness, slice of life
➻ Word Count: 1.1K
➻ Warnings: Major character death
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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He was 16 when he found out he was sick, 19 when he realized he wouldn't make it past 25. All his hopes and dreams dashed because of a genetic disorder that was going to take his life too early, never giving him the chance to do what he wanted. 
Chanyeol was a bright kid with an equally bright future, or so many had told him. His happy, bright personality never showed that he was sick, that he was dying. He never showed it, he never wanted to show it. He kept up his usual routine of getting up early in the morning, helping his mother make breakfast before he was out the door; his day filled with classes, a lunch date, club activities and a study session around dinner time. 
He kept himself busy so he wasn't reminded he was dying, so he didn't have to sit around and think of how each breath could be his last. He had done that once already and it nearly drove him insane with depression that he had been tempted to end it all right then and there.  He was 21 then, with the realization he wouldn't have many of his firsts. 
Like his first real kiss, because he never considered kissing the neighbor boy, Baekhyun, as his first kiss. They had been young, dumb and curious, hiding in Chanyeol's backyard under the big oak tree. They always hung out there. Baekhyun’s home life wasn't the greatest and Chanyeol wished he could take away the others' pain as much as he could. That's why they kissed. Baekhyun had told him that when two people were close and one was hurting, the other would kiss him to make it better. He hoped it worked. Shortly after that, Baekhyun moved away to live with his grandmother in the mountains. Chanyeol had gotten letters and he would always wrote back, but ever since they graduated high school, the letters came less frequently, and eventually stopped. 
Chanyeol never had the heart to tell Baekhyun of his quickly nearing end. He just prayed that Baekhyun's life was much better now. 
Chanyeol wouldn't get to experience his first date, because despite the fact he went out plenty of times with this younger, straight out of high school kid named Sehun, it was never actually a date. He disregarded the fact that they saw movies together or held hands. Even shared their food with each other. They weren't dates, at least not to Chanyeol. It's just what friends did together right? 
He never was going to experience his first time having sex, mainly because he was too shy. While he worked out sometimes (but not a lot due to his illness ), he was still tall and lanky with a bowed leg and large ears that he was still teased about. But sex wasn't something he truly cared about anyway. He had his left and right hand to handle any problems that...arose. and with such a short time left, though he was curious, he had better things to spend his time doing then fucking with someone he didn't even love. 
Speaking of, he never would experience his first love. Because despite the fact his heart always pounded in his chest when he saw Sehun, it wasn't love. Nor was it love when he found himself thinking of the younger male at night, wondering what he was doing and if he was alright. It wasn't love when he let Sehun cuddle with him on his couch on the days they hung out together, doing nothing and just talking about life. It wasn't love when Chanyeol found himself picturing his last breath and seeing Sehun next to him, tears in his eyes, knowing the other cared so much for him. It wasn't love...
Chanyeol was 23 when he realized he actually did love Oh Sehun and those feelings were returned. He was 23 and 3/4ths when he shared his first kiss with Sehun and for his 24th birthday, he spent the night in Sehun's arms, making love to him. 
Chanyeol never thought he would have these firsts, but in the end it seemed like fate wanted him to have something since he was being taken away so cruelly by her hands. 
Chanyeol was 24 years and 27 days old when he collapsed during the Christmas Eve party. He had been feeling worse for wear, more than normal, for the previous week. He hadn't been eating well, he couldn't keep anything down. His energy was less and less and he was struggling to keep up his happy persona. He knew the end was coming but he didn't want to worry the others. And he certainly didn't want to ruin anyone's Christmas. But unfortunately he couldn't stop it. Chanyeol was rushed to the hospital that evening, where the tragic news was delivered to his friends and family that he would most likely not even make it to see midnight. 
By some miracle, when he finally regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by his family, but most importantly Sehun. And like he had imagined many times before, his young lover was by his side, tears streaming down his face because this was the end and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. There was no cure for this disease. This wasn't some Hollywood movie where suddenly some random researcher for the hospital would come running  in, a vial of some strange liquid in his hand that could cure him. This wasn't some Shakespearean play where the main couple has overcome one obstacle after another  only to both end their lives in some tragic way. 
This was real life, where nothing you really want was given to you, but everything you truly loved was taken away. 
As the clock struck midnight, Chanyeol took his final breath, a soft whisper of "I love you" to everyone in the room and to everyone not there. To all the people he had met and become friends with in his short 24 years and 28 days of life. 
His final goodbye. 
As his heart stopped beating, the monitor was turned off, plunging the room back into silence  as they all watched Chanyeol lay there. No one made a sound, not even as their tears steadily flowed from their red and puffy eyes. The only thing that kept them from making a nose was the promise they gave to Chanyeol's mother. There would be no begging, no loud sobbing. No damning God or the world for taking Chanyeol away from them. They all knew it was coming, despite their prayers for it not to. Her voice, soft and trembling, the only thing holding them back. 
"Let Chanyeol go, in peace"
And they did. They let him go in peace, surrounded by his loved ones, knowing that his memory would always remain in their hearts. 
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ktrashquotes · 7 years
CHANBAEK soulmates matching tattoos au
they are my parents ok
everyone is born with a tattoo that matches someone elses, some soulmates have identicals tattoos, some have complementing ones, most soulmates develop romantic feelings for each other but its not unusual to see platonic soulmates
chanbaek are born with beautiful colourful shining suns on their right wrists (its rare for soulmates to have the tattoos in the very same part of their bodies)
byun baekhyun always loved the idea of soulmates, he thought it was beautiful and inspiring
until his parents divorced when he was 11
they werent soulmates, they loved each other a lot but not enough to make baekhyuns mom stay after she met her soulmate
baekhyun became afraid of falling in love
he started to always wear a piece of cloth around his right wrist so no one could see his marking
park chanyeol parents were soulmates
nevertheless he wasnt the biggest fan of soulmates, he thought it chained people together
so chanyeol always hid his marking sun
chanbaek met at 13
they went to the same boarding school and were in the same class
chanyeol was loud and bright and funny and baekhyun was loud and bright and funny
best friends at first sight
they have so much in common but were also very different
baekhyun could be shameless in a way chanyeol would never
chanyeol was so clueless sometimes, his friends wanted to hit him
baekhyun was theatrical and dramatic while chanyeol was utterly honest in everything
both of them were moodmakers and playful, both loved music and played the piano
they got called ‘beagle line’, alongside one of their best friends, kim jongdae
chanyeol, being the soulmate anti, never asked baekhyun about his tattoo and baekhyun didnt either
since their friends did, they knew about the other reasons to hide his tattoo
during all their years in school the thought of being soulmates never crossed their minds
they kissed twice, at 14 and 17, a party on both occasions but never talked about it
they pretended it never happened
but they secretly liked a lot both kisses
and yeah theyve always been close
disgustingly close according to sehun
annoyingly close according to kyungsoo
when they graduated at 18 they were still the ever together bros
they never talked about their reciprocated feelings on each other cause they didnt knew it was reciprocated duh
they went to the same college in seoul, majoring in different things
after a lot of considering, baekhyun accepted to share a apartment near campus with chanyeol
none of them ever talked about how natural things were between them, how it felt just right
chanyeol let it slip one day when having lunch with kyungsoo and jongin
kyungsoo uncharactheristically asked what he meant with that and chanyeol just brushed it off
“its normal, we’ve been best friends for almost 8 years now”
he didnt missed his 2 friends who were an actual soulmates couple eyeing each other
he and baekhyun had their affairs throughout the years
some ended pretty badly, but at the end of the day, chanyeol and baekhyun would always be together sharing some snacks or watching a movie or playing video games
all of their friends thought they were both really dense not to wonder if the 2 of them were soulmates
chanyeol would never voice it out but despite not liking the whole soulmates thingy a lot he wouldnt mind being 'chained’ with his soulmate if said soulmate was baekhyun
baekhyun was tired of failed relationships
he wasnt really hurt or heartbroken just tired
one day he said that to minseok and jongdae (they were in a cafe on campus during lunch break and baekhyun had a recent break up and he accidentally blurted out)
“sometimes i wish chanyeol was my soulmate”
the 3 men stood quiet for a few moments
“maybe he is your soulmate” said minseok
when baekhyun looks shocked and they start a conversation about the topic, jongdae looks exhausted
because duh his 2 best friends have been painfully pinning for each other for the past 8 years and fucking finally one them is considering the idea that yeah maybe they are actual soulmates
minseok points out to baekhyun that it is totally possible that they are soulmates and dont know it yet even though they know each other since they were 13 because baekhyun and chanyeol never saw the other markings
“jongdae is the only friend i ever showed my tattoo”
it is true becaeuse jongdae is a little shit that always brothered baekhyun to see his tattoo
baekhyun becomes an emotional mess because what if chanyeol isnt his soulmate
when jongdae and minseok are walking off the cafe hand in hand being the cute soulmates they are, baekhyun asks the youngest if he also has seen chanyeols tattoo
he said he never got the chance and its a lie not even minseok knows about
baekhyun had no clue on what to do so he do nothing, he just pretends everything is okay
chanyeol does the same
nothing is okay
their friends are tired of it because the 2 brats clearly love each other more than they will ever love anyone else
junmyeon and yixing are the comprehensive couple that tried to convince baekhyun he should talk to chanyeol about the soulmates issue
baekhyun is a little shit and says there is no issue
yifan and zitao are not comprehensive just very straightforward
“you always joke that im your dad so im being a dad right now when i say you have to fucking man up and accept the fact that maybe baekhyun is your soulmate and talk to him about it”
chanyeol was surprised people think he and baekhyun can be soulmates
he freaks out on what to do about the possibility
zitao curses because they are literally saying what he should do
its a long afternoon with the 'taoris couple’ and chanyeol is a bit terrified
he never really wanted a soulmate
he kinda realised that at least for the past years the reason he didnt needed a soulmate was because he already had baekhyun
he also realised he never wanted to lose baekhyun, soulmates or not
things between them started to get a bit awkward cause they realised their friends had been talking to both of them about the so called soulmates issue (still they dont talk about it)
chanyeol decided he wouldnt run from all this drama on a very specific night
they were at sehun parents house because he and luhan were announcing their engagement
everyone thought they were very young, too young (sehun was 19)
but they werent getting married just yet, they would wait until sehun graduated and well they were together since they found out the tulip on sehun chest matched the one in luhan biceps when the younger was 15
the whole event made chanyeol think about his future and baekhyun
they were both very emotional that night and maybe it wasnt a good idea to discuss the thing at the moment, but as soon as they set foot in the living room of their shared apartment chanyeol asked baekhyun he wanted to see his tattoo
baekhyun freezed for a few moments, he got so nervous he couldnt even muster one of his witty comebacks
“why this all of a sudden?”
chanyeol didnt answer and for a few seconds they just stared at each other eyes and had that thing they had since they met when they talk trough their eyes and both looked so exhausted
“i can show mine too if you want, i just… have to know” it was almost a whisper
they touch their respective wrists at the same time, untying the cloth, letting it fall on the floor
they never felt more synchronized, going through the same variety of feelings when seeing each other tattoos, the matching suns that never looked more bright and alive
it felt like hours until baekhyun said “now its the moment we kiss and confess our love for each other”
and chanyeol cupped baekhyun face and they kissed and then they made love until the sun was rising again
“i’m really really glad my soulmate is the person i love the most in the universe”
“you are the only soulmate i ever wanted to have”
and things go naturally just like everything between them
they are still the best friends
and 2 years later is natural that chanyeol proposed to baekhyun and its natural that baekhyun said yes
they were bonded
not only because of that identical firy sparkling suns on their right wrists
but also because they fell in love with each other not knowing they were soulmates
that was the biggest proof they were soulmates
“i would search the universe if i had to find you again”
they repeated that sentence over and over again throughout their life together
cause yes they lived happily ever after
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chanbaek-or-chansoo · 7 years
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A vital conversation between intellectuals.
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unsatisfiedmeow · 6 years
Fics Rec Masterlist
Recommendation of EXO fanfic from various platforms such as AO3, AFF, FanFiction, Wattpad, etc. *personal recommendation. (Updated 2/1/2019)
⭐ : Most Liked
💜 : My fav
A Way to the Man’s Heart is through his Stomach - baeconandeggs, waddlingpenguin | Fluff, Mature
Addiction to the sweetness that is you - Hobini | Fluff, High School AU
Ain’t nobody gonna love me like the way you do - baeconandeggs, singilu | Romance, Mature
All the same - iheart_chanyeol | College/University AU, Angst, Smut
Andante, andante - baekyall | Fluff, Romance, Strangers to Lovers AU, Fluff, Humor, College/University AU
Are you ready for it? - MinjiEXOL | Smut, Racing, Street Racers AU, Neighbors AU, Enemies to Lovers AU
Benefits of an inkigayo sandwich - BloomingByuns | Friends to Lovers, Romance, Fluff, Smut, Idols AU, Trainee Era
Convergence - abnegative | Single Parent AU, Smut, Fluff ⭐💜
Décalcomanie - yuni3010 | Domestic AU, Fluff, Romance, Angst, Parents AU, Mpreg, Hate to Love AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, Post-Divorce 💜
Do it. - imissedyourskin | Idol AU, Fluff, Light Angst
Don’t you dare run away with my heart - faded_jenes | Romance, Comedy, Halloween, Domestic, Fluff, Single Parents AU, Mild Smut
Dreamer - flower_girl | Idols AU, Domestic AU, Light Angst, Fluff
Even the midnights are better - baeconandeggs, baekyeolangst | Romance, Angst, Soulmates AU, Royalty AU
Fading regression, growing impassion - parkinabyun |  Mpreg, Minor Character Death
Fire and blood - theworldwithkaisoo | Vampire AU, Hunter AU, Mature
First love. - imissedyourskin | Fluff, First Times AU, Mature
Giant baby - dainty_lion |  Fluff, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Smut, Humor
Herculean - HeiryzMylisza, baeconandeggs | Wolf AU, ABO AU, Fluff
I know your mother too - tintatalk | Fluff, Comedy, Mature
It had to be you - baeconandeggs, flower_girl | Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, ABO AU, Wolf AU, Mpreg, Fluff, Mature
Let’s make it for(ever). - chanmosphere, exohousewarming | Family AU, Parents AU, Fluff, Mpreg, Domestic AU
Lock and Key - abnegative | Smut, Fluff, Angst, Self-Harm, Addiction 💜
Milkshake - nintendoswitch | High School AU, Fluff, Idiots in Love
One more time, one more chance - avenged_tobio | Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, ABO AU, Angst, Married Life, Implied Sexual Content, Mpreg
Only If You Want - baeconandeggs, exobubz | Romance, Comedy, Fluff, College/University AU, Drama, Light Angst
Stay stay stay - LumpOfCheese | Romance, Comedy, Fluff
Stranger on the bus - baeconandeggs, lordkrisdemort | Fantasy, Humor, Angst
Strings - internetpistol | High School AU, Rock Band AU, Fluff, Angst, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Romantic, Comedy
Tail and ears - GloomyDragon | Smut, Hybrids AU, Fluff
Take care of the baby - Sabiny |  Domestic AU, Fluff, Comedy, Humor, Family AU
The second time around - Anonymous |  Fluff, Angst,Reunions
There are hidden blessings in every struggle - rosaaa |  Mpreg, Fluff, Angst, Romance, Character Death, One Shot
You don’t play fair, but I like you anyway - dancingmochi1024 | First Meeting, Filrting, Fluff
You take my breath away - baeconandeggs, kunehonim | Romance, Fluff, Friendship, Unrequited Love, Best Friends to Lovers AU
Endeavour - baekyeolangst | Angst, Romance, Character Death, One shot
Firebird lover - Kyutebaekyeol | Fluff, Romance, Domestic AU
Love sick - Timidlittlerabbit | Fluff, Romance, Smut  
Listen boy! My first love story - g-odalisque13 | Fluff, Humor, Romance
Spot, the wolf - lizziepro | Crack, College AU, Fluff, Romance, Comedy
Private Number - Axerocknroll |  Romance, Drama, Humor
Sugar baby daddy - baekchan92 | Mpreg, Male lactation, Fluff, Agegape
Tutor boyfriend - yeolicksbaek | Fluff, High School AU
Note: If the link doesn’t work please kindly let me know. Thanks 😊🐻💛
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whimsical-ness · 7 years
Ticking Clocks | 03 (Final)
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◇ Link to Masterlist
◇ Chanyeol & Baekhyun series: 01 | 02 | 03
◇ Genre: Soulmate! AU, Slight angst
◇ Summary: You live in a world where everyone has a soulmate clock that stops ticking the exact moment you meet your soulmate. You are in a happy relationship with Park Chanyeol, and don’t care much about soulmates at all, that is, until you meet his best friend, Byun Baekhyun.
◇ Word Count: 1.9k
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Six months later.
You were leading a fairly uneventful (and single) life. You’d been promoted at work, and so had found yourself a posh apartment on the richer side of town. Things were finally looking up, and you were content.
But that didn’t mean that thoughts of both Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn’t occasionally haunt you.
It hurt for you to think about it, but somehow you had managed to not see Chanyeol since your breakup. He had called you every single day for the first month, but then he’d stopped, probably having given up, because you’d never picked up any of his calls. Maybe you were being too unreasonable, you’d think sometimes. But then the hurt and anger would rise up again, and any guilt you felt would vanish.
As for Baekhyun, you didn’t even have his number. Which turned out to be both a good and bad thing. Good, because it meant you didn’t have any way of contacting him, and so successfully steered clear of him.
Bad, because sometimes you woke up in the middle of the night with the strongest urge to hear his voice. And since you had no way to, it meant several hours of laying awake, staring at the ceiling, trying to imagine the sound of it instead.
You were also angry about the fact that Baekhyun hadn’t made an effort to talk to you either. You had no doubt that him and Chanyeol were still friends. Couldn’t he have asked Chanyeol for your number?
To you, this was a clear sign of him plainly not caring about where you were and what you were doing. And so you, defiantly, also didn’t bother reaching out.
If he didn’t want you as a soulmate, you didn’t want him either.
One Friday evening, you were walking home from work. Of all the days to not use your car, you thought, today was probably the worst decision you could’ve have made. Dark gray clouds had gathered in the sky. You prayed that the rain would wait at least until you got home. You were only two blocks away. It was as if the universe heard, but decided to play a joke on you instead. No sooner had you thought it, and it began to pour. Within minutes, you were soaked.
Exasperated, you began to walk faster. Your weekend was already off to a bad start.
A sudden honk by a car on the street nearly caused you to trip. “Y/N!”
You turned, squinting against the heavy shower. The person in the car honked again. “Its me, Chanyeol! Get in, you’re going to catch a cold!”
For a few seconds you just stood there, your brain furiously at war about whether to accept your ex-boyfriend’s offer, or risk walking another 10 minutes and be drenched till the bone.
“Fuck it,” you muttered, and ran towards his car. You got in glumly, and shut the door. “Well, my car’s ruined,” said Chanyeol, shaking his head at the water dripping all over his seat.
At the look on your face, he began to laugh. “I’m kidding,” he said.
You stared stone-faced ahead. Clearing his throat, Chanyeol looked at you. “So, where do you live?”
“Just around the corner.”
You felt him hesitate before he spoke. “W-Would you mind grabbing a coffee before I drop you off?”
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Fifteen minutes later, the two of you were at a table in a brightly lit café. You wrapped your hands around your warm mug of coffee and glanced at Chanyeol, waiting for him to say something.
He cleared his throat again. “So…how have you been?”
“Good,” you said awkwardly. “I-I got promoted.”
Chanyeol looked genuinely glad. “Congratulations. I know how hard you’ve um, worked.”
“Thanks,” you said staring at your mug.
“I-I’m sorry about everything,” he said, unexpectedly. “I should never have suddenly broken up with you, without even trying to make it work first. I was wrong.” He hung his head.
You suddenly felt embarrassed. “I may have over-reacted just a bit,” you admitted softly. “But I was completely humiliated. I loved you, and you decided to break up. To make things worse, Baekhyun basically made it clear he didn’t want anything to do with me either. I guess hearing that from my ‘soulmate’ just broke me.”
Chanyeol looked taken aback. “Baekhyun said that?”
“In not so many words. He rushed out to find you and just left me there without saying anything,” you said sadly.
Chanyeol shook his head. “Baek isn’t that kind of guy. He probably was just shocked and didn’t want to mess things up by saying the wrong thing.”
“Well, he could have called,” you shot back. “It’s been 6 months. Is that not enough time to think about the circumstance and try to sort things out?”
“He asked me for your number,” Chanyeol said awkwardly. “But I guess he didn’t pluck up the courage to dial it.”
You took an angry sip of your coffee.
Chanyeol sighed. “Look, just talk to him, please. I’ll give you his number.”
Ignoring your protests, Chanyeol grabbed your phone. “Also, I-I didn’t know how to bring it up earlier but-“
“But what?” you asked, curious.
“I found my soulmate,” he said finally. The smile that lit up his handsome face struck you, and you realized you’d never made him smile like that.
“Yeol, that’s amazing,” you said, surprised to hear the sincerity in your voice. “I’m so happy for you.” You smiled, hoping Chanyeol would see that you genuinely meant it.
“Thank you,” said Chanyeol, seemingly relieved at your response. “I met her 2 months ago, when I was over in China on a business trip. Can you believe it?”
You spent the next hour listening to Chanyeol talking about his new girl, but you found yourself not minding. You felt a sense of relief, knowing that he’d found his own happiness, even if you hadn’t found yours yet. It was strange; all the anger you’d felt towards your former boyfriend had seemingly dissipated after you’d finally talked to him.
But your anger directed towards his best friend was still very much alive.
After the two of you had finished your coffee, Chanyeol almost looked sad to take you home. “You have no idea how good it felt, talking to you,” he said, blushing. “I-I missed you.”
And then he suddenly wrapped you up in a hug. Breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne nearly made you tear up, and you quickly let go. “Should I have not done that?” he asked, looking worried.
“No, you silly giant. I guess I just realized how much I’d missed you too.”
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Later that night, you lay awake in bed staring at the new contact on your phone. God, you wanted to call him so badly. Did your ego even matter at this point? It was extremely likely that the only reason Baekhyun hadn’t called you was because he was scared you would probably just yell at him to never talk to you again. So…wasn’t it reasonable that you had to make the first move?
For the second time that day, you just said, “Fuck it,” and hit the call button.
The 15 seconds he took to answer were the most nerve-wracking moments of your entire life.
And then, “Hello?”
You felt the breath catch in your throat. “I-It’s me. Y/N.”
There was a pause.
“Um, I guess I shouldn’t have called. I’ll hang up now,” you said quickly.
“Wait! No, don’t hang up,” came a loud protest from the other side of the phone. “I was just surprised. I-of course I want to talk. Where are you?”
Maybe this weekend wasn’t off to that bad of a start after all.
He came over that very same night, in a frenzy of apologies and “I can’t believe you actually called-“
“Why didn’t you?” you enquired. “I thought you hated my guts and never wanted to see me again,” he pointed out. Fair enough.  
He looked good, you realized with a start. His hair was black now, and looked so soft that it took everything it had in you to not reach out and run your fingers through it. 
You ended up having a long, long conversation.
“I was obviously in shock. And I was worried about Chanyeol. But as soon as I knew, I felt as if you and me – we were meant to happen. I can’t really explain it. All I know is I felt like a complete idiot when I didn’t stop you from leaving that day. It very nearly kept me up almost every night since, and I was too much of a coward to call you and fix things,” he finished. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“I probably should’ve given you some time to deal with it,” you admitted. “But I was too angry to think straight…”
The two of you talked and talked and talked. The conversation turned from you sorting things out, to making stupid jokes about the whole thing, and then to just talking about yourselves. You found yourself spilling everything, even your stupid insecurities, without a second thought. Maybe this was what being soulmates meant. It was the oddest feeling in the world.
You absolutely loved it.
And then suddenly, the early morning rays were falling through the windows, and neither of you had slept a wink.
“How do you feel about eating pancakes at 6 a.m?” you asked.
Grinning, Baekhyun strode towards your kitchen. “Just tell me where to start.”
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Everything after that was a blur. If this was being in love, you never wanted it to stop. If you’d been happy with Chanyeol, then with Baekhyun you were positively over the moon. You constantly felt as if you were floating on fluffy white clouds, as cheesy as it sounded.
The funny thing was, the two of you had hardly been properly intimate yet, and it’d been 2 months since you’d officially started seeing each other.
You’d only held hands so far, and the first time, your cheeks went so pink you thought they would be stained that color permanently.
But you still hadn’t kissed.
And boy, were you dying to kiss him.
Then one lazy Saturday afternoon, when the two of you were on the couch arguing about what to order for take-out, you couldn’t take it anymore. Because you looked at him, at his hair sticking up adorably, his wide brown eyes, and then finally, at his particularly soft looking lips, and felt as though you’d die if you didn’t kiss them. And Baekhyun apparently felt the same way, because the next thing you knew, he was pulling you onto his lap and kissing you as if his life depended on it.
You weren’t sure how long you kissed for, but when you broke apart, you were dazed.
“I think-I think I love you,” said Baekhyun breathlessly. “No, I’m certain. I love you, I love you, I love you. My soulmate.”
“I’m going to put that stupid clock on display for the entire world to see,” you whispered against his lips. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.”
Smiling, Baekhyun kissed you again gently.
21 years, 6 months, 14 days and 36 minutes after the moment you were born, your clock stopped ticking.
And your life truly began.
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A/N: And with that our story comes to an end! I truly hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks so much for the lovely response! Don’t be shy to leave your messages in my ask, I would love to know your thoughts :)
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