#Then he's even angrier he can't get alcohol
masquenoire · 2 years
OOC//What about foods he doesn’t like? Is he picky or will he eat something even if he doesn’t enjoy it?
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Roman has a pretty balanced sense of taste. He ate a wide variety of food growing up as a child and was exposed to exotic dishes on a regular basis, meaning that while there are some things he doesn’t like very much, he’ll eat them if he has to. He IS picky however; his dishes must be made with quality, fresh ingredients so cheap food pumped full of sugars and additives isn’t something he’s going to like. Arkham is notorious for this, cutting corners by serving sub-par meals as so not to go over budget and Roman will refuse to eat for days upon coming back, hating the poor quality, lukewarm meals he barely considers fit for pigs, let alone human beings. Nobody has a fun time when Roman gets hauled back to Arkham Asylum, least of all when he’s hangry so staff tend to look the other way when he bribes employees to bring food from outside premises.
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lavender-spice · 1 month
an honest man
Tyler Owens x Reader
Lily reveals the truth about Tyler's night, leading to confrontation
warnings: cussing, angst, but fluff at the end!
"Tyler Owens!" you shout , storming into your motel room. The rusty door slams with a rough shake and a deafening clang. The entire floor probably felt the shake of it but you could care less. You were going to skin Tyler alive. You beeline to the bathroom door, hearing the shower running. "Tyler you open this door right fucking now." you demand, jiggling the locked doorknob.
"Y/N? What is it doll what's the matter?" his voice is laced with concern as you hear him stumble out of the shower. He cracks the door open, hair dripping wet, shower still running. His eyes are wide, startled at your fuming expression.
"Do you care to explain why Lily says you were out 'till 2 am drinking with Kate?" he looks at you, flabbergasted. "You said you were out with Boone."
"Baby I was with Boone 'till like midnight, I was with both of them. Lily headed in with you and those two hung around. Kate was just the last to call it a night. We were up chatting real late." he replies nonchalantly. You roll your eyes.
Ever since this Kate girl rolled in Tyler's been smothering her like she's a baby in need of a blanket. He coddles her, taking attention from you. Every other word is Kate, Kate, Kate. It's like he's not even chasing for the storm, it feels like an excuse to be around her.
"I don't believe a word you say Tyler. You weren't in bed 'till 5 am, and I thought you were coming from Boone's room. Now I hear that Kate told Lily you were out 'till 2 with her, so what happened between 2 and 5, Tyler?" you demand, your voice growing angrier with each word. He sighs, stepping back.
"Can I at least finish my shower first?" he pleads. You scoff, letting go of the door. "You can go lick her boots Tyler. I'm sick of this." you storm off, leaving the room with a huff. You walk mindlessly until you reach the bar you were at last night.
You push the doors open and sit down at one of the rickety stools, ordering a Coors. And another, and another, until you're properly tipsy enough to not give a shit about where your fiancé may be. All you do is take down beer after beer, your empty stomach churning at the bubbly alcohol, your eyes getting wet each time they meet with the glistening stone on your left finger.
Tyler was a perfect man, a perfect partner. He understood you, he took care of you, and all of the sudden that's all tossed out the second some new city girl shows up. Even Lily noticed the shift in behavior. It was uncharacteristic, and no matter how mad you were, you just wanted Tyler back to being completely yours.
About two hours and a half pass by of you just wallowing in your own pity- even the bartender was shooting you looks every time you ordered another drink. By number 5, he tells you to cool down and has you close out. By then Tyler is also meandering towards you.
"Baby." he says. You don't look at him. "Y/N. Darlin' look at me."
You still refuse.
"I didn't sleep with Kate, or do whatever you think I did. I was talking to her about her accident. She had an accident years ago with an experiment gone wrong that killed her friends- we were unpacking it. We were getting to know each other. She was wanting to get to know you, too. I know it sounds bad, I know it looks even worse, but baby you have to believe me." he's begging at this point, shakily placing his hand over yours. "You're the only woman for me. The only person for me, the only one I could ever love. I can't look at nobody else the way I look at you. You mean everything to me. I'd let a tornado rip me away if it meant you could be happy forever. I never want to see you like this, especially if it's my fault. I just want to make this right honey."
Tears stream down your face. He sounds genuine, and you know he means it too. You finally turn your head, locking eyes. He's sorrowful, wiping your tears.
"Can you find it in you to forgive me?" you don't hesitate to nod. He leans over to kiss you, before outstretching his hand. "Let's get you to bed alright?" you let him lead you back to the room, feeling warm from the beer, and the affection he's showing you. This, this was your Tyler. The man you were going to marry. The caring soul you'd fallen for all those years ago.
He helps you change and tucks you into bed, kissing you earnestly. He murmurs sweet nothings into your hair as you breathe him in, drifting to sleep, secure in his arms.
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Not The Same As It Was
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Summary : Harry feels like his life with his family has not been the same as it was. Would he leave his wife and child for the woman who has him craving for more?
Warnings : Angst
Word count: 5.9k
A/n: We're back with another oneshot 🥳This is our late entry to @harry-on-broadway 's fic challenge. Enjoy ❤️
G and M
"So, where are we going?" Harry asked as he climbed onto the passenger seat of the car.
"Calm down, Styles, we ain't gonna kill you", one of the people inside the car laughed, "It's high time you had some actual fun, family life has changed you", another said.
"Hey… that's not true ", he complained as they started driving but that comment had planted a seed of doubt inside his brain.
"Well then, tell me, it's been a month since you came back from tour; how many times have you hung out with us, huh?", Neil, his friend asked. Harry stayed silent. After coming back home, he had spent all his time with his family. And now, he was back in the studio to work on the new album. He had been holed up there all day.
"Yup, that's exactly what I'm talking about, so shut up and have some fun with us tonight, everyone's gonna be there. Just let the old Harry out for this once. You can go back to your boring self tomorrow."
"Why are you late?Where were you, Harry?"
His head snapped up as he looked at Y/N, his wife. He was sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of water.
"Out", he murmured, placing the glass on the table. "You could've called or texted me, or at least picked up when I called you", she was annoyed.
"Well, I forgot. What's the big deal?" He stood up, placing the glass onto the coffee table with a loud thud and tried to walk towards the bedroom.
"You forgot? We were worried, you know? Beryl went to sleep asking for you. Where were you, Harry? You reek of alcohol." She was getting angrier by the minute.
"What are you on about, Y/N? Can't I just have one night away from all the responsibilities? Can I just enjoy myself for once? Ugh. They were right, family life sure does drag you down", he chuckled meanly.
“What?” she mumbled in disbelief. She loved their little family; her, Harry and their little girl, Beryl. She was so happy to have the most adorable baby on the planet and the best husband. She loved her family with her whole heart and believed he did too, until those poisonous words slipped from his mouth just now. They had talked, even before they had kids, about how important it was for the mental and overall well being of children to have their parents with them. Harry had treated his family as his first priority, until now. Did he really think that? That his family was dragging him down? She could feel bile rising in her throat.
“What? You know I’m right”, he shrugged.
“Don’t say things you don’t mean Harry, you’re clearly drunk. And don’t bring Beryl into this, you knew what you were signing up for when we knew we were pregnant. And you seemed so happy then.” tears pooled in her eyes.
He sighed,
“You know how happy I am to have a family, I just meant that I deserve a break from all this burden, you know.”
“Yup, got your message loud and clear, Styles.”, she said, walking towards their bedroom.
“Shit, Y/N I didn't mean it like that. I just…”
“Save it, Harry. I'll make sure that you won't have to carry our burden.” she said and walked into their bedroom.
He seemed to realize the weight of his words fast enough as the alcohol slowly left his system. He entered the bedroom and saw her coming out of the shower in her pajamas, her eyes were red and puffy. She did not even bother to look at him as he sat on the edge of the bed, fingers fumbling nervously.
“Y/N, baby… just listen to me, I-”
She did not even spare a glance at him and left the room. His eyes started welling up with tears as he heard the sound of Beryl’s room slam shut. He sat against the headboard, as he realized what he had done. Why did he say those words to her, he loved his family dearly, right? Right?
Y/n could not sleep that night. Were they a burden to him? Was he just tolerating their presence? A mere repayment for having loved her once? She held her daughter tight as she let her tears flow down her face and wet the pillow. Somewhere in the middle of doubting herself and trying to remember if she ever had tied him down, she fell asleep.
Harry couldn't sleep as well. He was not used to sleeping without her. He knew he had said some hurtful things, but didn't know how to make it better. He woke up early and went for a run to clear his head. He'll just buy her something to make up for it. She was his wife, she wouldn't leave him, would she?
He had come after the time Y/N and Beryl had left for work and school. He was supposed to take Beryl to school but he purposely avoided coming home early. He knew it would be difficult for him to face Y/N after last night's incidents and he figured that she would take their kid to school. And he was right. Both of them had left.
He placed the necklace he bought for her on the table and wrapped it up, placing a little bow on top. A perfect apology gift. She would surely forgive him after seeing that he had bought her an expensive necklace, right? Well, that's what he thought.
He took the gift to their bedroom and set it down on her dressing table for her to find after she comes home from work and went down to the kitchen, only to see that she had made him breakfast before she left. Guilt tugged at his heart. It would have been so hard for her today, having to get Beryl ready for school, cooking for everyone and then getting to her own workplace, all on her own. He should have been there, helping her with the chores. Y/N was a fashion designer. She had a boutique that sold wedding dresses. Since she had to stay late at work than usual, she had told Harry when he came home from tour that they should hire a nanny for Beryl to stay till she comes home. But Harry was quick to discard that suggestion and said that he'd be there and there was no need to hire anyone.
Harry would apologize to her tonight, he'll pick up Beryl from school, take her to get ice cream. Then he'll come home and make Beryl dinner and get her to sleep by the time Y/N comes home. She had to stay late at work, as her sales were going crazy. Then, when Y/N comes home, he'll set up a nice bubble bath and let her relax. He'll set up a nice romantic dinner and apologize to her. He'll give her the gift he bought her and tell her how much he loves her. If she lets him, he'll show her how much she means to him.
Harry had it all planned. He quickly took a shower, had breakfast and drove over to the studio.
Harry had a productive day at work. He was able to get a lot of work done. He could feel the rush of ideas running through his mind.
During the lunch break, he had sent Y/N a text saying that he'll pick up Beryl from school in the evening. She responded in half an hour.
Y/N/N❤️: It's okay, Harry, I'll pick her up. I leave work early today.
"Mate, are you coming or not? ", Jeremy asked impatiently.
"No, man, I've gotta get home early today, you guys go on without me", with that, he was off.
Harry had planned on getting home before Y/N but he didn't know when she would be home. Yes, she had informed him that she'd leave early, but he didn't know the exact time.
He saw her car as he drove into the driveway and realized that his plans had failed. The fresh aroma of food hit his nose as he opened the door and walked in. Y/N was cooking. Beryl was sat on the barstool near the kitchen counter, doing her homework and asking Y/N for help whenever she was met with difficult questions.
Taking off his shoes, Harry carefully walked over to them, a little nervous.
"Daddy, I missed you", Beryl pouted, seeing him. Y/N turned around at the mention of him and their eyes met for a millisecond before she turned away, an expression on her face he couldn't decipher. A wave of disquiet went through him, it was like being doused with ice cold water.
"I missed you too baby", he said, leaning down and placing kisses on her forehead, making her giggle.
"Where were you last night, daddy? I wanted to show you the picture I drew." She frowned.
"Daddy was late, kiddo." He said softly, looking over at Y/N who made no effort to turn around.
"You know what? You could show me the picture now." He said, making her smile.
"Okay daddy, can you put me down?" She asked, holding her arms out. Harry moved closer, picked her up and put her down. She ran off to her room in excitement. Harry walked over to where his wife was chopping tomatoes. He sat on the counter and gently called her name.
“Hey. Look at me.”, he said softly.
She hesitantly looked up.
"I am so sorry, love. I shouldn't have said that. I was drunk and not in my right mind. Will you forgive me?"
"I know, Harry. It's okay, I forgive you", she said in a small voice.
Well, that was easy, he thought. He didn't know why she didn't even put up a fight and stand up for herself because he was clearly in the wrong here.
"Really? I know I was a dick, baby, it won't happen again."
"It's fine, Harry. Don't worry about it" , she gave him a small smile. He knew she was still hurt by the way her smile did not reach her eyes. But he decided not to ask about that. She would be happy after getting that gift. He was about to tell her about it when they were interrupted by the pitter patter of two small feet. Beryl was running over to him with a picture in her hand.
After dinner, when Y/N took Beryl to her room to put her to bed, Harry took a quick shower. He did not see her in their room when he got out of the shower.
Was she going to sleep in Beryl's room?
Harry walked over to her room, only to see Beryl sleeping, clutching her reindeer plushie that Harry bought her when he came back from tour last month. It had become her favourite one. Harry smiled to himself and closed the door, walking downstairs, looking for his wife.
There she was, wiping down the kitchen counter and cleaning up. He gently slipped behind her, hugging her from behind and placing a kiss onto her cheek. He sensed her body suddenly stiffening but decided not to comment on it.
Swallowing down his hurt, he gently whispered in her ear,
"Come to bed, baby"
"I'll be there in a few minutes, Harry. You can go to bed if you want to, I'll finish this up and be there", she sounded nervous, he noticed.
"No, I don't want to sleep without you, besides, I have something to give you. I'll wait. "
He helped her clean and led her to their bedroom, handing her the neatly wrapped gift.
"What is it, Harry?" ,she asked .
She had never used a pet name after that encounter. He hated it when she used to call him by his name. She was still hurt, he realised.
"Um, it is a… peace offering. I'm so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it. So I bought you a necklace as an apology. " He said, suddenly getting nervous.
Sighing, she said,
"You didn't have to, Harry."
"I know, but I wanted to."
"Thank you." She said, without even opening it.
"Can I kiss you? ", he asked apprehensively.
She nodded.
He leaned in, pressing his lips onto hers. It was soft and tender. He held onto her waist and pulled her closer. Both of them did not want to pull away. It was when his hands started wandering over her hips and waist that she pulled back. He looked at her with a small frown.
"I… uh… not today, Harry", she stuttered.
"Um… yeah, sure", he said.
When they went to sleep that night, he hugged her closer to him.
It's been a week since that incident. They were getting back to normal but Harry couldn't help but notice a few changes in his wife's behaviour. She would do all the household chores without asking him for any help, she would cook, and clean, leaving Harry with nothing to do. On one hand, it was good because he could devote his time to the task at hand: the new album. But on the other hand, he found it weird that his usually feisty wife had turned into a housewife. She didn't complain about anything, balancing her housework and kid along with her equally demanding job. She took Beryl to school in the morning and picked her up in the evening.
Their schedules had changed as well. Y/N would wake up early, cook them breakfast and get herself and Beryl ready for work. Harry wouldn't even be awake till they're gone. After waking up, Harry would freshen up and go to the studio. In the evening, Y/N and Beryl would be back, she'd cook them dinner, feed Beryl and get her to bed. Harry would be home late. There were days where they wouldn't even see each other. Y/N had changed her schedule in such a way that she was able to leave in time to get Beryl from school. Harry and Y/N did not really get any alone time. They hadn't even really talked to each other in a week.
The next week seemed so hectic though. Y/N had been busier than ever with her sales going up. She couldn't leave early from work. So, Harry had to take Beryl to school and pick her up.
It was a Friday when they completed and recorded the first song for the new album.
"We'll go celebrate,'' he heard his friends say. He felt like it was only fair for him to go with them as he had been bailing on them for a little while.
Will you pick up Beryl from her dance class today? I don't think I can make it, Harry hastily typed up and sent the message to his wife and without even waiting for a reply, walked towards the car that was waiting for him outside the studio.
They had gone to this new bar near the studio.
It felt liberating for him to be away from work or family for a little while. The drinks had loosened him up. He found the whole having - fun thing refreshing.
It's been a while since he has had some fun, not caring about anything, just living in the present. The alcohol seemed to make him forget about everything. He let himself free, dancing with random strangers and drinking as much as he wanted.
"Hey, Harry, I want you to meet someone," Neil called out over the loud music as Harry was downing another shot of tequila.
With him stood a brunette, tall and gorgeous. She had beautiful hazel eyes which reminded him of Belgian chocolate. She had curves in all the right places. She was wearing a silver bodycon dress which hugged her figure and left little to the imagination.
"Hi, I am Kara", she held her hand out.
"Kara?" He asked, his accent becoming thicker due to him being drunk.
"No, Kara, K-A-R-A" she said.
"That's what I said. I'm English, I have an accent, lord…", he laughed, making her giggle.
He shook her outstretched hand,
"I'm Harry."
"I know", she giggled again.
"So, Harry, this is Kara, my friend from uni, she's a choreographer. She is here for some work related thing, she'll be here for a few months."
"It's nice to meet you ", he said.
"Likewise," she replied with a smile.
They spent the rest of the night talking. Harry found that she had a really nice personality. They talked about many things and he noticed that she had strong opinions about everything, a bold woman, she was.
When it was time for her to leave, she said her goodbyes to everyone in their friend group. Finally, she walked over to Harry,
"It's been great finally meeting you. I've heard so much about you and now I know what they say is true, you're really a gentleman. I'm going to go now, see you around." She leaned in for a hug. He returned the hug, blushing at her praise. She smelled good, like wild berries.
"Bye, see you around", he smiled at her.
He felt that he had taken the right decision to go out, it proved to be a good relaxation technique. He needed to do this often.
It was past midnight when he came home. Beryl was asleep, so was Y/N. He went straight into the kitchen to drink some water and saw a note on the fridge. Dinner is in the fridge, it said, with a hand-drawn red heart on it - Beryl drew it, he realised. He smiled to himself and sauntered over to his room. Y/N was fast asleep. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed under the covers.
For once, Harry Styles felt like he was leading a routine life. A boring one.
Days passed. Harry had started going out with his friends every now and then. He wasn't even home on weekends. They went to pubs and parties every week. Kara and Harry had become closer than ever. She always tagged along with Neil and gradually, she became an unavoidable member of their friend group. She used to visit his studio whenever she was free.
"Do you want to grab a bite? There's this new bakery I wanted to try", Kara asked one day, when she came to the studio. No one else was there. Harry had to finish up a lyric, and was working on it when Kara called and informed him that she was coming over.
"Yeah, sure, I'd like that"
"Wow, these are delicious", Harry said, as he took another bite from a macaron.
"Well, If you want any advice on anything, you know who to call", Kara laughed, lightly patting his arm.
Both of them had become really touchy with each other. Harry wondered if she was into him. He had felt a spark between them, an invisible pull guiding him towards her. She gave him new ideas and put in her suggestions whenever he was working on something when she went over to the studio. When was the last time Y/N did that? She was always busy with work. When was the last time they had sex? Hell, when was the last time they really talked to each other?
Kara brought out something in him, something fresh, vibrant and lively. He felt like he had become his younger self again. The mood was always playful and silly when she was around.
"Of course", he laughed.
"Can I ask you something, Kara?" , he suddenly asked.
"Why the formalities, H? You know you can ask me anything -"
His phone rang, cutting her off. Huffing, he looked at the screen to check who it was. Y/N. Way to ruin a moment.
"Hello? I'm busy, I'll call you back, okay?", He turned the phone off and turned towards Kara,
"Who was it?"
"Nobody, you were saying?"
"Actually you were about to ask me something. What was it?"
"Yeah, right. So um… I just wanted to erm… know if you were interested in choreographing a dance sequence for my new music video."
"Oh my God… really? I would love that, H", she squealed excitedly.
"So that's settled then, can we go over to the studio and discuss the details with the rest of the team?"
"Sure, let's go"
* * *
What Harry did not know was that his wife was actually outside the cafeteria he was in. She had gone to run a few errands when she saw him there. She called him to let him know that she was there. She was heartbroken after seeing him walk out with a woman, happy and laughing. Might be a friend, don't jump into conclusions, Y/N, she reminded herself.
The next day, deuxmoi had posted that they had sighted Harry outside the studio with a woman. Harry was worried that Y/N would be mad at him, but she didn't say anything. So, Harry was pretty sure that she didn't see it and was so relieved, to say the least.
But she did. She saw every single one of those articles that revealed to her Harry's location when he himself didn't. She heard about Kara doing the choreography from the tabloids, not him. She had seen the way he looked at her and she blamed herself for it.
"And cut…" the director shouted and the room erupted into loud noises.
"It was great, Harry. Kara, you did an amazing job, this is going to break the internet, I can feel it in my kneecaps", he laughed.
The music video for Harry's new single, Medicine, was choreographed by none other than Kara herself. More importantly, she was the one who performed it with him.
The video showed Harry sitting at a bar, just like how they met for the first time, Kara walking towards him and talking to him. Then suddenly, everyone in the bar disappears, leaving a spotlight on Kara and Harry. They stand up and walk towards the middle of the room, performing a seductive, sensual dance sequence. The video ends when they lean in for a kiss and the screen fades to black.
They had excellent chemistry on screen, everyone said.
It wasn't just on screen, Harry wasn't faking it. He enjoyed touching her, the way she would turn putty in his arms. He wanted to know if she felt it too. Harry swore he heard a small whimper when he leaned towards her in the last scene. It caught him off guard. When the director yelled 'cut' , they pulled away from each other. They might not have kissed, but the closeness made him feel something.
People were leaving after the shooting. After thanking everyone, Harry turned towards the door, only to see his wife standing there, talking to a crew member. He didn't expect she'd come to the shooting. Yes, he had told her over dinner that they would be shooting the video the next day but he never thought she would come. To be honest, he felt like they were drifting apart, they didn't have what they had once, they were falling out of love.
His eyes widened when he saw her there. How long has she been there? Did she saw the way he was touching Kara? Did she understand how he felt? He could feel his palms sweating.
Putting on his fakest smile, he walked over to her and slipped a hand around her waist,
"Hey Y/N/N, when did you get here?"
"I got here while you were filming, your mom took Beryl for the night. You did fantastic, H. I'm so proud of you", she smiled.
"Thanks baby. Shall we head out? "
"Um… yeah, sure"
"You go wait in the car, I'll be there, gotta get my phone and wallet from the other room", he said.
It was the day before the premier. Harry had arranged a celebratory dinner for the crew. Y/N was also there.
After the dinner, they were about to leave. Y/N had gone to the washroom and was coming out into the hallway when she heard Kara call out to her husband.
"H, wait up…"
Harry turned around to see Kara running towards him.
"Were you leaving?"
"I… yeah, I was. My wife had gone to the washroom, I was waiting for her", he said. She should know that he was married; she should know what she was getting into, if she was interested in him. But of course, she would know, he was The Harry Styles.
"Um, yeah… I just wanted to let you know something. "
"Yeah? What is it?" , he asked frowning slightly.
"It's just that I'm going back to L.A the day after tomorrow."
"Oh" , he wasn't expecting that. His face fell.
"I'm going to come right out and say it Harry, I really like you and I feel like you like me too. Uh…would you come to my apartment, if I invite you? We could spend one night together before I go back."
Harry couldn't believe it, she liked him!
Without wasting another moment, he stuttered out,
"I … yeah, I'll come. We'll go after the premier".
Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. Her husband was in love with someone else. He was going to cheat on her. Her heart dropped to her stomach. She just wanted the earth to split in two and swallow her whole into the abyss. She walked downstairs, shoulders slumped in defeat. She walked away and waited by the car, expecting his arrival. She heard his footsteps not long after. Wiping off her tears, she tried to act normal.
The day of the premier. Harry had woken up before everyone and was getting ready. The stylist had done his hair and makeup. He just had to change into his tux.
"Y/N, are you ready yet, baby?" He called out.
When there was no reply, he walked towards the bedroom and saw her in her PJs, eyes puffy and nose red.
"Baby, are you alright? What happened? Aren't you coming with me to the premier?" He asked.
"Um, no, I'm not. I don't feel good. I think I'm going to be sick. Can you go on without me today?" ,She lied, her voice hoarse.
Harry didn't think twice before agreeing. He was already nervous about how he was going to go to Kara's house with Y/N around. Now that she wasn't coming, it was easier for him to go to her place, but when he was about to leave for the venue, she felt bad about leaving Y/N in such a state. Was it fair to her, what he was doing? It's just a night, and Kara will be off to god- knows- where after that. It was his last chance. Harry walked towards the car with confident strides.
After Harry slammed the front door shut, Y/N broke down. She couldn't take it anymore. Harry won't be home tonight. He'd be going to her house and he'd realise that all he wanted was Kara and leave them. Y/N decided that she would leave before he'd have to break the news to her - she didn't want to hear that from him, she didn't want what they had to end, but what choice did she have? He doesn't feel the same way anymore. What was the point of staying there? After tonight, he would never be hers. He was going to give Kara something that belonged only to them. After tonight, Y/N is nothing to him. With a heavy heart and tearful eyes, she started packing all her stuff.
By afternoon, she was able to pack everything. She told Beryl that they were going on a little trip. They had to leave before he came home. She didn't know where to go. She took out her phone and called the only person who came to her mind - her best friend Alice. She called an uber in the evening and loaded all their belongings into it. With sorrowful eyes, she looked over at their house one more time ; the house they bought together, the house she thought they'd grow old together in, the house they had built so many memories in. With trembling hands, she opened the door to the car, let Beryl and herself in.
The event went well. Kara was not wasting any time, touching Harry any way she could. He didn't object or in any way try to get away from it. But he gradually started finding it a little uncomfortable.
The premier was over by 7o' clock in the evening. Everyone was going about their seperate ways and as the time passed, Harry became more and more fidgety and skittish. He saw Kara approaching and gave her a nervous smile.
"Um, I think we should go seperately you know, to not give the press anything to talk about." She said.
"Yeah, right. So erm… you will go now and I'll come to your place later?"
"Exactly. Plus…it will give me time to prepare ", she smirked, walking away.
Harry's heart was racing. He stepped out of the car and walked towards the house. The yard was illuminated with lamps on either sides of the pavement. With each step, he was getting more and more anxious.
"This is it", he muttered to himself. The chilly air of the night made him shiver. He involuntarily put his hand inside his pants pocket. There was something there. He took it out, it was a folded piece of paper, sides crumpled. Curious, he gently opened it, inside it was a hand drawn picture. He realized that Beryl must have sneaked in that picture the day before. Three stick figures stood in front of a rose bush. The words "all the best, Daddy" was written in purple colour. He smiled at the memory - when he and Y/N took Beryl to the rose garden while they were visiting France. Beryl was so happy to see the butterflies she saw there. She had even made a new friend there. They explored the city and Beryl was so tired by the time they went back to the hotel room, which gave Harry some much needed intimate time with his wife.
He thought back to the time when Beryl was born. He was out of town for a meeting when Anne called him, saying that his wife had been admitted to the hospital. She was out with Anne and Gemma at the time. He got to the hospital as fast as he could. There she was, smiling like the angel she was, holding a small bundle of blankets in her hand. He rushed over to her and looked inside the bundle to see their little baby girl.
"Our little girl", he said, tearing up.
"Our little girl", she repeated. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Thank you for giving me the best gift in the world, I promise to love you both till the day I die."
Harry teared up at the memory. He had everything. Y/N gave him everything. What had gone wrong between them? Was she not enough for him? No, she was always more than enough, it was his own stupidity that led him to where he was now. Then realisation dawned upon him - he was searching for Y/N in Kara. The way she made him feel, the way she soothed him; but the truth was that he could never find it in Kara.
It was never Kara, it was Y/N , it was always her and it was high time he let her know that; he had been taking her for granted. Harry turned around and started walking towards his car with confident strides.
Wiping off his tears, he focused on the road. Kara had been blowing up his phone. He felt disgusted at himself for even considering cheating on his wife. And the worst part was that he had left her all alone, sick, to care for herself when he was so eager to have another woman under him. He felt pathetic.
He parked his car and ran towards the front door. The house was covered in darkness. Why didn't Y/N turn the lights on? Was she that sick? At that moment, Harry hated himself for leaving her in the bed.
He turned on the lights and called for Y/N. No reply. He walked towards the bedroom, only to find nothing but a pile of sheets. He checked every nook and corner of the house for them, but to no avail. Harry started panicking. What happened to his wife and child? Where were they? He checked his phone again. No calls or messages from her. He called her back, but all the calls went straight to voicemail. Walking back to his bedroom, he found something he didn't see when he first came in... her wedding ring? On top of a wrapped box? He realised that it was the very same gift he gave her to make up for their fight - it hadn't even been opened. On top of it was a letter.
He was confused. He gently opened the letter,
Dear Harry,
By the time you see this, we would be out of your hair. I know I have not been the best wife, and trust me I've been trying.
After you told me that we were a burden to you, I had been trying so hard not to be a burden; I used to stay late in the boutique, do everything for you so that you won't leave me; leave us. I had realised that you had fallen out of love with me, but I didn't want to be separated from you, I thought it wasn't fair to Beryl. I thought I could handle it. But I couldn't. I hated it when I saw you with Kara. I hate that you don't love me anymore and I hate myself for it. I had seen you that day at the cafe and had called you to let you know that I was there. But I didn't know that you were with someone else. I didn't say anything even after you came home, because I didn't want you to leave us. I selfishly held on to the hope that if I stopped bothering you for everything, maybe you'd stay with us. But that hope was shattered when I accidentally overheard you and Kara at the dinner. I couldn't stay here after that. I am taking Beryl with me. I know I don't have a place in your life anymore. It hurts like hell and I know that I would never be able to move on from you because I loved you; I still love you. I didn't want you to tell me that you don't want us here, so I left with Beryl this afternoon. Don't worry, we won't be a burden to you anymore. I don't want your money or fame or anything, I just have a request to you - even if you regret me, please don't regret Beryl, she would be heartbroken.
I would tell Beryl that you have gone back for tour; she'd be sad at first, but she'd get over it eventually.
We won't meet again, Harry. I'll stay out of your life for good. I really hope this was worth it.
Harry stood there with the letter in his hand, shocked. And when reality sunk in, he collapsed onto the floor, tears streaming down his face.
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Loathing Love: Lavish Lies (Part 4)
Male Reader x Kwon Eunbi + Kang Hyewon x Jo Yuri
Length: 9060 words
Tags: emotional drama, smut, cheating, alcohol, rage, anger issues, bisexuality, girl x girl relationship, girl x girl action, threesome, literal breeding, mating press, face sitting, squirting, clit play, dirty talk, the dumbest, most improbable sex ever, this is NOT real life, very dark ending
TW: includes topics like cheating, alcohol, sex and death
Inspiration: "Look at Me" by XXXTENTACION, Hyewon x Yuri best ship, gay power couple; this had to be released in Pride Mont (glad I could make it lol), also @capslocked ; @iznsfw, I'm sorry.
(A/N: THE FINALE of my L4 Series. It's finally here. The promise is fulfilled. I hope you get the ending and don't hate me. It's all fiction.)
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“Look at me, fuck on me / Look at me, fuck on me / Look at me, fuck on me.”
Volume decreased by eighty percent. You don’t need someone screaming in your ears right now. It only makes you want to scream back. The poor guy has been dead for almost five years now, he doesn’t really deserve it. If you’re honest to yourself, he feels way too on point. Better turn the radio off entirely.
His voice still resonates in your mind, as you get out of the car. Combined with Hyewon’s and Yuri’s moans, they form an inglorious, deadly symphony to fuel your hatred. Visuals of you screaming, scratching, beating fragile, pale skin pop up in your mind. This wave of emotions, it’s crashing in on you like a tsunami. Sadly, it doesn’t bury you. It only makes you angrier.
Push open the door and Eunbi gasps. She kneels on the living room floor, right next to the carpet. Her clothes are in tatters, her knees covered in bruises, but worst of all, her face is ruined with scratches, blood and runny mascara. It looks like someone already did the things you imagined in your head: beat her up and left her whimpering on the floor. The punishment for someone who cheats and lies.
Grab Eunbi’s lifeless arm and pull it up. Your fiance begins to cry, she begs not with words but with her eyes. The way she shakes her head is in honest fear. The potential strikes scare her, how your palm will meet her face over and over again in a loveless, hurt beating.
But you sigh.
"I can't," you squeeze out, voice cracking with every word. "I hate seeing you like this. You deserve to be thrown out and beg for money on the street. But I can't, I—"
You pull Eunbi into a hug. Her small frame melts into your arms, her feet unable to support her. She is like a wet sack, surprisingly heavy. You're barely able to drag her to the couch and watch her whimper and cry, face hidden behind her elbow.
"I still love you, Eunbi.
"Let's try again."
"Y-yes," she sobs and tightly grabs your shirt.
"Let's marry, Eunbi."
"Y-yes, th-thank you."
The proposal might have been a mess, but the marriage was not. Everything was meticulously planned, and even the tiniest details went perfectly. No one knew of Eunbi's affair, and you kept it this way. 
Even after your marriage, your luck did not run out. Everything was working out. Two promotions in a year, a new, bigger house, two cars, a part time job for Eunbi that she really enjoys. Talking about Eunbi, she became attentive, caring, adoring, loving to the point where your wound began to heal.
Eight months into your marriage, you became an actor.
No, not the type that moves to Hollywood, swims in money and earns fame with every new movie. The type who has to act all day every day. You have to pretend that it's all fine, smile at everyone, always say the right things—
Acting is lying. You lie to them, because you cannot live with her lying to you.
Eunbi does not know about the abundance of security cameras you installed around and inside the house. They are tiny, but very modern and always connected to your phone for constant surveillance of your expensive home.
Not a single criminal has tried to enter your home—but multiple other 'criminals' entered something else.
At first, it was one guy. Tall, handsome, expensive suit. Eunbi greeted him with a smile. You watched the footage quite confused. The two of them sat down in the living room and talked for a bit. It looked like he tried to sell her something, but it also looked fake, like they were—
Role playing.
A minute later, Eunbi's arms and feet were wrapped around him as he drilled his cock deep inside her cunt. There was no sound, but you could see her moan and scream as he went faster.
Three weeks later, another guy. He seemed to not like role playing. Eunbi opened the door and his tongue was in her mouth immediately. They fucked all over the kitchen, on every damn counter. At least this guy was somewhat attractive.
Things got horrible after this. Guy after guy walked into your home and fucked your wife. Hole after hole, day after day. Whenever you were at work and she wasn't, a cock was inside her. One time, someone seemed to comment on her hair and the next day she went to dye it blonde. 
That was also the day you decided to not touch her anymore. You stay at work longer, until late at night. Work frees your mind a little, and soon they will promote you to the second highest position. 500k after taxes, seemingly infinite money, yet you still weep and down whiskey each night watching guys go to town on her.
Today, two guys arrived together. They spit roasted her on the bed, which was already covered in her juices and sweat from another guy an hour before. 
The video flashes before your dead eyes. You drop another piece of ice into the glass, watch the auburn whiskey sway and cool. Down it goes as Eunbi gets ready to take a cock up her loose asshole. For the first time, you look at the new guy who groans as Eunbi takes his cock.
His smug grin. It's the same motherfucker, the one you caught with Eunbi a bit over a year ago. 
For the first time, you stop your mindless staring at the screen. You pause the security footage as rage builds up at this stupid expression on this stupid face. Without hesitation, you reach for the glass and repeatedly smash it into the screen. It breaks in violent sparks and the room goes fully dark. 
You tear the screen off the wall, the same way you tear out the self-pity in your sorrow-filled heart. A violent kick sends the monitor into the computer and the thousand dollar set-up is reduced to broken scrap metals and torn wires.
The entire office is suddenly so dark and silent. Not that you were watching with sound, but the vivid pictures produced enough sounds in your head. It's all gone now, together with the dirty light displaying dirty pleasure. 
Don't lie to yourself; this was stupid. But as much as it was stupid, it was also necessary and it felt so right. Even though your favorite whiskey glass fell victim to your rampage, you don't regret it. You need more of this.
Throughout the entire night, you continue to mess up your workplace. You stuff bins and trash cans with everything in your office: Semi-important documents, plants, cables, liquor, chairs and especially all the unnecessary, lavish accessoires you gathered here for some reason. At dawn, the only thing that remains is a table, a chair, a laptop with a charger and a bottle of water. A frugal set-up, but more than enough for your job.
At 6:30 am, you arrive at home and jump right into bed, next to your snoring wife. With a quick glance you check her hand; the ruby embellished gold ring sparkles at her finger. A real, absurdly expensive piece of jewelry on a fake piece of shit, you think but smile nonetheless. There is some irony about it that you can't pin down yet, but you'll look for it a bit more.
A knock at your door. 
"Come on in," you say without looking up from your screen. It's probably the intern again, asking for help or another task. To your surprise, it's someone far more important.
"Still feels weird, when you remember what this room used to look like." A man, two decades older than you and a decade more work experience in this company carefully scoots into your office and wanders around it. "It's surprisingly vast."
You close your laptop when the man does not watch. It's out of respect, but for some reason, you do not fear him anymore. His name is Sakimoto, member of the board of directors and chairman of the staff council. Usually, there is only one reason for him to come into your office himself—and it's not a good one.
"How can I help you, Mr. Sakimoto?" you say with an insincere smile.
"Tell me," he responds, eyes wide in either insanity or genuine interest, hard to tell with someone like him. "Why did you throw it all away? It looks like a cell."
"It—to be honest, I—
"Well that's the point. None of the stuff is helpful in any way, even worse, it's distracting, unnecessary bullshit that keeps me from focusing. I don't need it, I don't want it anymore."
Sakimoto nods at your words, his expression never changing, not even at the use of your obscene slip. Maybe being a psychopath is a job requirement for Sakimoto's position. You can't bear to look at his slight smile and wide orbs any longer.
"Intriguing," he finally says and turns towards your door again. "You'll be at the board meeting tonight, 8pm flat."
"Yes, Sir," you calmly say, something grinding on your nerves as Sakimoto leaves without saying goodbye or closing the door. That's it, career over.
They’re gonna fire me, fuck.
This thought knocks on your mind the entire day, only getting stronger with every step you take towards the meeting room. Someone must have noticed your indefensible, erratic behavior, but how? Everyone was gone that night like they all are every night. You made sure of it by checking the nearby offices of your subordinates and co-workers. You even made sure to stuff all your furniture and electronics down to the bottom of the waste containers.
Maybe the board had a meeting and someone heard something? Fuck, that can’t be it, can it?
Deep breaths, calm breaths. If they know what happened, your fate is decided. You have enough money anyways. Other companies will still take you. You’re gonna be okay, this is just a small hit, a dent in the fast, unstoppable car that is you. If you’re honest, it’s a lot easier when you don’t care about the passenger or who she is fucking.
Bang the door thrice with confidence. The silence behind it becomes even more quiet, until someone urges you to enter in a strict, booming voice.
“You are a bit early,” the CEO says from the far end of the long table, his back to the setting sun visible through large windows behind him. The other board members look at you, some with a perfect poker face as if they are in serious business talks, others seem amused, maybe even a little tipsy, but what surprises you the most are those who look at you in anger and fear as if you were the grim reaper, coming for their souls.
“Better than being too late,” you respond with charme, your calm heart picking up in pace. 
“That is true!” the vice-CEO shouts and most board members fall into a short fit of laughter. They seem so odd, maybe they are making fun of you before forcing you to sign the resignation. You can already see the stack of paper in the CEO’s hand.
“Enough of this nonsense,” the CEO shouts. The laughs evaporate instantly, yet somehow, the positive vibes remain. The vice-CEO is grinning at you, even the CEO himself cracks a smile. He gets up from his chair, the paper firmly in both of his hands, and walks around the table towards you. Your feet seem to grow roots as he stops before you.
“Congratulations, Mr. Kwon,” he says cheerfully and hands you an—
“Official Invitation to the Board of Directors,” you read out loud in utter disbelief. 
“Mr. Kwon, why do you sound so shocked?” someone in the back asks and the CEO nods towards them with a sly grin.
“I did not inform him about our vote last week. Even Mr. Sakimoto only told him to be here today.
“Mr. Kwon, do you accept our invitation? You will be the thirteenth member, as Mr. Muentrich-Schleuser will resign next month. We all think that you are physically and mentally capable, have the pedigree and skill and most importantly, the outstanding drive to push this company forward. The growth in your department has been unmatched the past few months.”
The smooth, freshly printed piece of paper is in your hand. The other members gradually rise from their seats, all looking at you intently. They seemed so much bigger, when you entered the room, but now they are just like you. All you have to do is take the CEO’s stretched out hand, and you’ll be atop a mountain you never even dreamed of reaching. 
“D-do I have any other choice?” you say cooly, only your stutter betrays your facade. A couple of chuckles, the CEO looks at the ceiling and pretends to think.
“Well, you can’t go back to your apartment, as your successor has already been chosen. You could be transferred to Japan and lead the department there. It’d be the same pay as here but—”
He leans closer to whisper.
“—you’d have to pay more taxes there.
“What will it be, Mr. Kwon?”
You find yourself on the road again. Somehow, fate has you connected to your car. Whenever something big happened or is about to happen, you find yourself sitting in it, music blasting loud and numbing everything out. Tonight however, you purposefully turn the radio off and drive carefully. 
Let me celebrate somewhere; but where?
You won’t go home to your wife of course. She is more than undeserving to celebrate this moment with you. Most of your other friends and relatives are either asleep already or would ask stupid questions about Eunbi and why she isn’t celebrating alongside you. No, you need someone to not ask you about anything and just parties the night away.
Ah fuck it; strangers will do.
Park your car at the side of the road, don’t care for a ticket, hell, don’t give a fuck if someone decides to steal it. It’s used and you can easily buy a new one tomorrow if you want to. You wander down the street, busy with party-goers, drunk, high or both, some are a lot more focused and carry their drunk, high or both friends home. You loosen your tie, no need to look formally if everyone around you doesn’t either.
Suddenly, a familiar sight, a wooden structure with warm lights and that unmistakable smell. It’s almost nostalgic, magnetic, unavoidable, you just have to walk in there. As you grab the handle of the door and see the long, smooth, wooden counter, it hits you.
Oh my God.
“Oh, wow, haven’t seen you here in forever,” the bartender says when he sees you. His face hasn’t changed, his smile is the same, but you need a few moments to really recognize him again.
He takes a step back and smirks, firm grasp on a bottle of tequila.
“Well, yes, it has,” you respond and walk up to him. “It has easily been a year since my last visit, how the fuck do you remember me?”
“I have this tendency to remember people, especially because you were the last man to ever take her backstage.”
He winks and you throw your head back. Time flies, it really does, yet you find yourself sitting on the exact same stool on a very similar night with the same bartender. Even your wife is still a whore, fucking the same guys, probably right now as well. 
“So I take it that Hyewon is not coming here anymore?” you sigh and point at an expensive bottle of wine. The bartender swiftly uncorks it.
“I did not say that. She is just a lot more, let’s call it, picky. Okay, you know what?”
With an elegant pour he fills you a glass and places the dark ruby liquid on the counter before continuing.
“You can ask her yourself. She’ll be on stage in a couple minutes.”
A waft of wine hits your nostrils, but it’s a lot weaker than the words coming from his mouth. The thought of Hyewon blows you away, stronger than any liquor, no matter how high the amount of alcohol or the years it has matured. Hyewon, the kind stranger, the hot stranger, the stranger to fuck your stress out. Hyewon, the crazy friend, the bisexual friend, the let's-have-a-bar-backstage- threesome-with-this-hot-singer-friend. She was a big reason why you got over Eunbi cheating on you—but it has sadly not led you to the brightest of futures.
Maybe I should have stayed with her.
Take a sip of the wine. It’s delicious, celebratory, a drink for victors who have gained status and wealth beyond imagination, and you are now part of that group. At least you feel like it, even as the bar gets flooded with more and more people from all walks of life. Some look as well-dressed as you are, others clearly struggle to make ends meet in some months, but they're all here for the same thing.
Wait, what is Hyewon going to do on stage? Is she going to sing?
As you still wonder and savor the wine, one of the waitresses moves from light switch to light switch and slowly but surely fills the room in darkness. The crowd goes quiet as tension rises. Everyone is excited for sure, but none of them reach the level of thrill you feel when the spotlight illuminates the stage and a beautifully dressed woman appears behind the curtain.
Resounding cheers, applause, the occasional toast around you, inside you, but all you can do is watch in awe. Hyewon looks angelic, on one hand illegally beautiful, on the other illegally hot. Something about her is distant yet warm, unreachable yet magnetic, strangulating for the heart yet easy for the lunges—she is oxygen, or even better—the breathable air of heaven.
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Confidence in her stance which silences the crowd again, confidence in her hands which raise the mic to her glossy lips, most importantly, confidence in her voice as she starts the song with a powerful low note that almost throws you off the stool. 
It shouldn’t be such a shock. Hyewon’s voice is mesmerizing, you should have noticed it when she spoke to you or at least when she moaned, but only now you see the full beauty of it. It’s befitting of her, and you will enjoy every second of it. She carries this song gracefully, giving it a special touch that will keep the listeners yearning for a studio version, which would be an efficient side hustle for her.
Wait, what if Hyewon becomes a musician, with songs on the radio and the first glimmers of fame? What if she is already quite popular, an underground artist on the rise, from covering songs to writing her own? What if there is a whole story happening in her life that you missed entirely, just because you stuck to your whore-wife and mind-numbing job? This fear of having missed out on something this big and beautiful, maybe even life itself, shakes your heart with a strong aching, until—
Another voice. The first verse, the pre-chorus, the build-up, it all leads to another voice coming in with unbridled power and passion. It cannot be contained in the way it booms through the speakers and puts goosebumps on every single person in this room. You’re included in this list, but when you recognize the voice and see the woman step out on stage, those goosebumps turn to a full-on rush of nostalgic emotions. 
Back then, her singing was the catalyst for an unforgettable night. Unexpectedly wild, a lot of fun, but the stinging arrow of envy made things bitter-sweet for you. Watching the two of them be so close, intimate and loving had you yearning for more than just enraged sex. You wanted this too, and there was a time where Eunbi provided it. But the veil has been lifted. There is no love, just despair.
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It’s certainly a touching thing, seeing that Hyewon and Yuri are still close friends, connected through the language of music. Apparently they were always here, right in this inconspicuous bar, pulling the stress out of people with nothing but their voices, which combine at the end of the second verse and rush ahead into the chorus. It’s an invasion of your ears, low and high, soft and powerful, caring and overwhelming. 
This performance is greatness, the best of what humanity has to offer—and you feel like the embodiment of an embittered, wasted life.
Yuri hits the final note with such perfection that the first few people have already jumped up from their seats and cheered without holding back. Thunderous applause is an understatement to how hard everyone claps their hands or stomps the ground. They’re shaking the entire bar, which has the bartender holding onto some of the bottles with a worried smile. You on the other hand are glued to your seat in deep regret. Not enough to make you cry, but enough to keep you from giving the two angels what they deserve. 
Take a look at your wine. It has been untouched in your glass for a while now and it’d be a waste to throw it away just because you’re facing the cold, harsh truth again. What even is true at this point? Not the stuff you promise your customers and certainly not your relationship. Fuck it, take a large sip.
“They are awesome,” the bartender gasps. “They should finally do this professionally, this stage is too small for them.”
“Yeah,” you answer with a weak smile. “Imagine an entire stadium full of people being this ecstatic. The world would hear it.”
“Well, I tried my best convincing them,” he says and looks right next to you with a sly grin. “Maybe you have more success than I did.”
Time freezes when you feel the familiar busty body around your own. You did not see Hyewon launching herself at you, don't realize what's happening until she starts talking.
"Oh my God, it has been so long! Wait, is it really you?"
"Hyewon, I, uhm, yeah. I'm me."
"It's so crazy to see you again! How are you, how is life?"
"Well, it's—"
Hyewon squeezes your body tighter. She pouts when you look down at her until you finally get it. Return the embrace and Hyewon squeals in happiness.
"You don't have to say anything," she coos softly. "I'm just happy to see you again."
"Likewise," you respond with a sigh.
You could stand around like this for eternity. Hyewon's deep breaths and her steadily decreasing heart rate start to heal you from within. The pain and suffering caused by Eunbi's constant cheating, it doesn't matter right now. You deserve a break from the mess that is your life—you feel like you can celebrate your promotion for real now.
"Hyewon, I—no, you. You were wonderful on stage. Your singing, it blew me away."
As you gush about her performance, Hyewon blushes and disconnects the hug. You notice that she has this heavenly aura around her, like she is spraying sparks of love and happiness that try to ignite everyone around her. No wonder that she had this excellent stage presence during her duet.
"Thank you so much—
"Oh, babe~ I'm here~"
You jump at Hyewon's sudden call, which is not directed at you of course. Before your eyes can search for the person Hyewon just called babe, they have already arrived. Delicate fingers entwined with Hyewon's, they both go for a quick peck on the lips.
Your shriek makes the duo—the couple?—look at you with wide eyes, glossy and full of love for life—for each other? There is still too much to process for your brain, it can't handle another input. 
"Hey, is everything alright?" Yuri asks with concern in her voice and a caring hand on your elbow.
"Ye-yeah, ju-just not up to date at all. Are you two like… a thing?"
Hyewon has this bright smile on her face. She wraps an arm around Yuri's hip and the younger girl leans her head on her collarbone. Yuri raises a hand up to your face. There is a simple silver ring on it, and you see her eyes scintillate when she shows you it.
"We married two months ago," Hyewon giggles. "So much has happened since we met last time. I can’t really sum it up."
"Don't feel forced to explain yourself," you respond with an awkward laugh. "We had a short stint a while back, I only saw you falling for each other—
beyond that, our lives have happened far apart. But not going to lie, I'd love to hear your story if you're down for it."
Hyewon and Yuri share a glance and then start to laugh for seemingly no reason. It turns into a full fit that suddenly has you in a tight, three way hug. 
"We'd love to," Yuri says when she catches her breath again. "After all, you somewhat got us together. I told Hye that we should try to invite you to the marriage."
"Nah, it's good. How about I pay for the first round of drinks because of your amazing performance and then for the second round 'cuz I got a big promotion today."
"What if I want a third round though?" Hyewon asks jokingly.
"Babe, you can never handle three rounds," Yuri responds with sass and pulls the two of you to a nearby table.
"Looks like you just qualified yourself to pay for the third round then, Yuri."
"Like I said," Yuri babbles, her pitch high as the love story reaches its conclusion. "Hye was so scared to tell her father, but I had already bought the rings and planned the dresses, the cake—her mom was literally involved in everything—so on a Saturday night I poured her a third tequila shot—look how done she is after only two!"
Yuri points at her wife, whose head rests on her shoulder with heavy eyes and a rosy hue on her cheeks. Hyewon is in a drunk-dazed heaven, smiling stupidly, while trying to disagree with sounds that almost sound like words.
"Anyways, she was loose and so I dragged her over, we told him and—it was a stressful minute, I tell you that—after a minute he hugged us wordlessly. We kinda had no idea what it meant but during the wedding he looked happy, at peace basically."
"Okay, wow that is—"
Even your tenth reaction to Hyewon and Yuri's story, from threesome over dating to coming out to marriage, is cut short, this time by Hyewon groaning out a functioning sentence from her lip stick and alcohol covered lips.
"Babe, you, you forgot the part where, when you had to quit your job then."
"Oh, I'd love to hear about that too!" you quickly add, reminiscing about their amazing vocal performance. "Why did you decide to only sing for a living?"
Yuri puts on a sad smile as she strokes Hyewon's hair. Her gaze rests upon her empty glass, her orbs turn glassy for a moment then she shakes her head as if to shrug off what's bothering her.
"That's just about, you know, my former job. When I quit because we wanted to focus on music, some were angry because they thought I abandoned the team for childish dreams while others were… not so supportive of us. Ah, just forget it, it's fine."
"Sorry you had to go through it and sorry for bringing it up," you quickly apologize.
"Jeez, I said it's fine, don—"
"Let me make it up to you with a third round and the promise to meet the two of you here again."
Raise your hand to call the waiter while Yuri searches for something in Hyewon's pocket, but the older keeps nuzzling closer and closer as she dozes off. When the drinks arrive, Yuri slips you a phone.
"Put in your numbern" she whispers. "I bet she'll want to hear more from you too."
"Thank you. I assume you don't want to hear from me then?" you chuckle.
"That's right!" Yuri shouts and lifts her glass on high, so the entire bar can hear her. "I'm only here for the drinks. Cheers!"
Even the greatest party needs to come to an end at some point. 3am is when you pay for the drinks and call a cab. You barely find your way up the drive way into your house, which is not that bad, because now you don’t need to go sleep in the same bed as Eunbi and instead have the couch for you alone. It has never been so cozy.
Speaking of Eunbi, her acting is almost great. She apparently was so worried about you last night, and all the other nights the last couple of months. Now she found you on the couch, an obvious hangover by the way you scrunch your forehead. She puts her hand on your shoulder, rubbing it in circles, playing the worried wife like it’s in her script. 
“No, this looks wrong, I swear,” you try to laugh it off but Eunbi is just getting closer. God, you can smell all the other people on her. It’s like she showered in a dozen different men’s perfume and deodorant just to taunt you. Ignore the mocking, you’re above this. 
“Then what is it supposed to look like, babe?” Eunbi asks, her eyes wide and shimmering. “I’m willing to believe you, but you have to tell me why you got so wasted.”
“Well, I…” 
It’s best to mix the lie with some truth to the point where you might believe it yourself.
“I, surprisingly, got a great promotion, and we went out partying for a long ti—”
“Oh my God, babe, that’s awesome!”
Out of nowhere, Eunbi casts aside all her concern and launches herself atop of you. You immediately tense up. Feeling the incredible curves of her body has never felt so wrong, so traumatic. Groan and put a palm to your temple to signal her your distress, but she continues to bounce on your lap. 
“All your heart work paid off, I’m so proud!” she shouts gleefully, her arms tight around your throat in what looks like a loving embrace but feels a lot more like someone strangling you. “I almost thought you were out there getting addicted to whiskey every night.”
And you are addicted to men, Eunbi.
Addicted to sex, to being unloyal, to being creamed by other men.
You are the addict, you heartbreaking bitch.
But the words don’t come out. They run circles in your head while Eunbi’s clothed entrance rubs circles over your not-growing, not-aroused dick. You’re not going to surrender to her fuckable body, instead gently pushing her sides and groaning unduly. 
“Yeah, no, this was a one time thing. I should sober up, my head fucking hurts.”
“Should I get you some water and painkillers?” Eunbi asks and gets off of your lap to jog to the kitchen.
“Yes, please—”
—and then get out of my life.
The following months brought some drastic changes. Not only is your work harder, it’s also not optional anymore. You started to put up better numbers because of your overtime work, which was due to Eunbi. Now, you can’t escape it anymore. Working from 6am to 10pm is normal, hell, on some days you wish you could sleep three hours. 
But everytime you look at your new bank account—can’t let Eunbi have all the access—it all seems worth it. The pay is ungodly, you have way too much money. Even after taxes and buying two new cars to not look ‘broke’ next to all the other board members, you still have no clue what to do with all of it. Two or three more years, and you could retire wealthy beyond belief. Begs the question why these people usually don’t and continue working.
Another change to your life comes through Hyewon and Yuri. By themselves, they installed a new social life in your life. At least two times per month, the three of you meet up in a bar. You get to know new people, entirely different from you, but also basically the same. Everyone is tired from work, so it’s time to drink and party. You almost forgot how good it feels to have a variety of friends—from those that are perfect for loose parties to those that deeply care about you. 
Hyewon is the best of those friends. Nothing about your brief yet intense past seems to stick on her. She is chill around you, goofy and not at all awkward. Yuri is quite similar, though a bit more extravagant and flamboyant, which makes them the absolute gay-power couple. They just click, it’s perfect, young love. 
“Reminds me of myself.” Your lips betray you.
“What?” Hyewon shouts back, over the obnoxiously loud bass of the rock band on stage.
“Ah, nothing. Just a little envious~” you respond with fake annoyance and raise your glass for a toast. Hyewon hesitates, very out of character.
“Nah, I’m not toasting your glass before you tell me what you mean,” Hyewon says and stares into your soul with her drunk, teary eyes. Maybe she is not that drunk? Maybe you can finally open up about it?
“Really, it’s nothing.”
“Nuh-uh, tell me outside.”
And with that, Hyewon walks out the front door, you in tow as your tie becomes completely undone and your shirt is a mess. Outside you do not find privacy, just a lot of strangers talking, laughing, smoking. This time you pull Hyewon further down the street next to your parked Porsche, where it’s less likely for someone to hear you.
“Now you gotta… tell me,” Hyewon babbles.
“You are drunk, you’re not gonna remember it anyways.”
“Nuh-uh,” she says again, hitting your chest with her long, painted nails. “You need to spill it now, I’ll remember. Like I remember you only asking about me and Yuri and never talking about yourself.”
She’s spot on. You never wanted to talk about it. Eunbi’s name is pain, you don’t need to make the newfound pleasure and joy in your life go away because of her. This cheating whore—she should just go away at this point.
“You remember why we met?” you carefully ask Hyewon, testing if she is capable of understanding even though she is under heavy influence.
“Yes, your girl cheated on you.”
“Guess what: I married that girl.”
“Oh,” Hyewon says and after some delay smiles brightly. “So you talked it out and things got better? That’s why you didn’t come back, right?”
“Let’s just say that,” you gulp and your hands form fists. “Some people don’t change.”
“Fuck,” Hyewon’s pointy heels hit the sidewalk hard. “I’m sorry about that. Was it a bad divorce?”
“Huh? She still lives with you? In the same house? You share the same bed?”
“I—I did not divorce her.”
“I-I did not say that!”
“But it’s true!” Hyewon steps closer and grabs your collar. “I can see it in your eyes, you can’t let go. You hate her, but you can’t throw her away, although she deserves it.”
You want to grab Hyewon’s wrist, push her to the side and run away shouting words of denial that you are stronger than this, that she is wrong, that she doesn’t get it. However, Hyewon doesn’t deserve it—even worse, she is absolutely right.
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Yes,” she whispers and lets go. The two of you lean onto the Porsche in silence, watching customers of the bar pass by without worries, without hate, without defeat. The liquor has done wonders, turning a negative week positive. The same can’t be said about you. You feel exposed, utterly defeated by Hyewon’s words. 
“Fuck you,” you groan, face hidden in hands. “Fuck you for being right, Hyewon.”
“Sorry, but you had to hear it,” she responds and pats your back. “You need to tear her out of your life, like a terribly written chapter in a book or like awful lyrics that you wrote while high on midnight wine and sex.
“You get me?”
“I think.”
The world might not be good at this moment, yet Hyewon’s reassurance, her slow pats on your shoulder, her strong posture in her stunning red dress and the loving, tipsy smile on her beaming face are enough to show you the light of a better world.
“What about you?” you suddenly ask, wiping away tears you did not weep. “Something you’re hiding or keeping down?”
Hyewon looks away, her smile filling with a hint of agony, though nothing of her stunning beauty fades.
“You got me there. It’s something that’s been bugging me for maybe half a year. I know I shouldn’t but—I can’t get away from the thought, you know?”
“I would know if you would tell me,” you say playfully. Now it’s your turn to massage her shoulder, give reassurance, though you don’t know if you have any.
“It’s just that I—
“I want to have a child—my child. I love Yuri more than anything, I will never regret choosing her and only her, but this longing… it does not go away.”
“And adopting is not an option? S-sorry if that was insensitive…”
“No, it’s fine. I just want to be pregnant and raise my child together with her. You know what, forget that. It has to remain a dream.”
Suddenly, a friend of both you and Hyewon sprints out of the bar and looks around in dramatic panic until he finds the two of you. He takes leaps towards you, almost lands face first on the concrete before catching his small frame and coming to a halt.
“Hyewon,” he gasps out in between huffs and puffs. “Yuri is—she is so full, completely—you know?”
“That girl,” Hyewon sighs.
You return home on the same night. Your chat with Hyewon sucked out all the power the liquor usually has over you. It means that you are able to think about her words and take her seriously, but you’ll also have to live with Eunbi laying next to you, smelling like foreign sweat and cum again. You could choose the couch, but you haven’t gotten around to having it replaced with a couch where it’s better to sleep on. 
The moment you open the main door, you hear screams coming from the bedroom. Deja Vu, not the subtle kind, more like a fucking train running you over. You still remember the one time she did it almost two years ago where you caught her. This is basically the same. The same sounds, the same gut wrenching punch to your gut, hell, even the groans by the guy sound the same—
Could it be?
Eunbi, in her brand new bikini, rides the same fucking guy from back then while he has his disgusting, greedy hands all over her skin, spanking it and making her scream even louder. 
Like a silent assassin, you sneak towards the slightly ajar bedroom door. Dimmed lights illuminate the room which is filled by the smell of sex and the repetitive sounds of skin on skin. You take out your phone and use it as a mirror to catch a glimpse of what’s happening.
“You like that, you whore?” he growls at her, smiling stupidly dazed.
“Yes, oh God! Hit my tits!”
“I swear to God, your husband must be such a faggot for not immediately fucking you in that outfit. You look like a fucking breeding cow!”
“Yes, I’m cumming!”
“He can’t make you cum!”
The guy squeezes, then twists Eunbi’s breasts as she trembles, screams and squirts to an absolutely ridiculous level, one that even pornography can ot reach. She lets herself fall forward and the guy finishes inside her after a couple of thrusts. His rancid cum leaks out from every corner of Eunbi’s loose pussy. 
You almost throw up. You hurry towards the front door and hide in the back of your car. There is rage, embarrassment, pain—you can’t confront her, hell, you can’t even confront him when he leaves the house like a king, the sun slowly rising in the background. 
Your mind is empty, empty to the point it’s completely clear. You wait for Eunbi to fall asleep, then collect all the camera’s you have installed and throw them in a public trash bin. Afterwards, you clean up the house, dusting off as quietly as possible while also collecting dirty clothes to wash them (there is fucking leftover cum on some of her clothes and towels).
Lastly, you lay down next to her for a second and check if she has cleaned herself properly. 
This fucking whore, I—
“Honey, sorry for not making it last night,” you shout, pretending to come home at 5am. Eunbi shrieks and shoots up, still dressed in the brown bikini, still cum oozing from her cunt. She tries to hide herself underneath a blanket.
“Ba-babe, tha-that’s totally fine,” she responds nervously, looking very puzzled because of your tired yet bright smile.
“I saw you cleaned the house, it looks wonderful!” you compliment her.
“I, uhm.”
“Hey, even the washing machine is running—and did you bring out the trash already?”
“Well, I—”
“God, you look so hot in that bikini,” you lean down to her and cup her bountiful breasts. “I could devour you right now. Did you really wear it just for me?”
Eunbi hesitates, turns away for a second to look out of the window. She is thinking about it, clearly. This is where her final redemption can start, the way to salvation is to reveal all of her sin, the only way she can come back is to…
“I’m glad you noticed, babe,” she says with the fakest of smiles. “And yes, I would only wear this for you. B-but I’m not feeling it right now, you understand?”
You nod.
“I love you, Eunbi.”
You lying devil.
How did you end up here?
“Are you sure about this, Yuri?”
“Yes, do you really want this, babe?”
Yuri folds her arms and raises both her eyebrows.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Yes, I want this!”
With all doubts seemingly out of the way, the three of you make your way to the bedroom. Hyewon’s and Yuri’s apartment is small, but very cozy, the perfect place to live a relaxed, problem free life. 
But they decided to get you involved. You’re a problem here. Sure, you might have helped at starting their relationship in the first place, but now you’re here for chaos. 
Hyewon sinks onto the sheets first, Yuri’s fingers entangled with hers. Your fingers find the hem of Hyewon’s short dress. The angelic garment feels incredible, pure even in your hand and so you only hike it up with care, deeply in awe of what you’re about to see.
Meanwhile, Hyewon is a lot less pedantic and awestruck. She yanks Yuri closer, shortly fiddles with the button of her jeans and then quickly starts to undress her wife. The denim is quickly gone and before Hyewon can attack the white lace panties, Yuri shoves her lover's face into them. 
“Use your precious tongue, honey~”
Oops, you almost started to stare for too long. Better continue your hike up Hyewon’s beautiful, bountiful legs to her holy sanctuary, covered by the same lace she so greedily licks and nibbles on. Your digits hook into the white fabric and slowly pull it down, making Hyewon melt further into Yuri’s pussy. 
“You’re getting so excited, huh~?” Yuri teases and pats Hyewon’s head. The older girl nods while you start to fold her dress to finally see her wet, shaven cunt. You can smell the excitement, the arousal, the anticipation of what is about to happen to her. Now you consider yourself lucky to not have slept with anyone, which potentially avoided any and all STDs. 
It lets you create trouble.
How did you end up here?
It’s two days after Hyewon officially asked you to impregnate her. Tomorrow she will ask her wife in what you can only imagine will be the most stressful talk in her entire life. Today however, is not tomorrow. Today is the day you got your STD test back. Hyewon wanted you to take it for if things go her way and Yuri actually agrees to this chaotic proposal.
To no surprise, the results are negative. After all, you haven’t touched Eunbi in forever and by the way she lets seemingly everyone cum inside her, you wouldn’t be surprised if she caught anything. In the end, that was not enough however. You needed to make sure.
A bottle of champagne, neatly placed on the living room table. You put some decorations around it. Eunbi will appear here any minute, you told her you have a surprise waiting, something that will make her speechless, breathless even. 
“Hey, honey,” Eunbi announces her return, grocery bags in hands. “What is it you wanted to tell me?”
“Eunbi, I—the reason why I even took a day off is—nah, come on over! Let’s raise a glass first, shall we!”
The glasses are already filled, well prepared. Eunbi seems utterly perplexed. “Champagne in the middle of the day? Honey, what are you planning~?”
Trouble, bitch.
“Oh, yes, eat me, Hye, eat me.”
Yuri has started to tear off her t-shirt, the top underneath as well, to sit on Hyewon’s face completely naked. You on the other hand have only fished out your hard cock, which the incredible display of passion and erotic has surely made harder than ever. The straps of Hyewon’s dress have also started to fall down her shoulders. Finally, the chaos is coming together.
“The two of you are so hot,” you compliment and lean towards them. 
“I know,” Yuri responds in between moans and grinds her soaking pussy more and more on Hyewon’s mouth. “Your mouth is so pretty, so go-good.”
“Hyewon, are you ready?” you ask the woman below you, her nipples peeking out from her dress, her legs spread wide and invitingly and her pussy twitching when you rub up and down her labia. 
Hyewon finds her way out from in between Yuri’s thighs and rests her head back against her lover’s tight stomach. Deep breaths and eyes of absolute need signal you that yes, she is more than ready. The same goes for Yuri, who is on the one hand very fixated on rubbing and drooling all over Hyewon’s collarbone, while her eyes are focused on your cock.
“Watch him closely,” Yuri whispers. “He is going to give you our child.”
With that, you push inside of Hyewon’s awaiting pussy.
“What are we celebrating? Did you get another promotion?”
Eunbi looks genuinely curious. Strange, she hasn’t asked about your work at any previous point in time, unless it was about when you would be home. Keep the sarcasm to yourself, you don't want to spoil the actual surprise.
"Oh, sweety," you laugh with full bass. "No more promotions needed, we are set for life. Which is why I bought a new house!"
"No, you didn't!" Eunbi shouts and almost drops the glass.
"Careful, careful, don't spill it."
"Oh my God, you are crazy. Where is this house? Still in Korea or…"
You raise your glass towards her and smirk.
"I'll only tell you if you would do me the honor."
Eunbi reciprocates the smirk.
"Of course, darling."
The two of you set the glasses to your lips. Your eyes are wide open, your heart beats in an uncontrollable flurry as you watch Eunbi down the champagne quickly, almost in one go. You're quick to follow, while a new wind of fresh air fills your nostrils.
This should not feel this good.
Hyewon screeches when you pierce her tight pussy open. She clings onto her wife's thighs, gripping them tightly while blurting her initial, high-pitched moans straight into the pussy above her.
"You take it so well, baby," Yuri groans and rubs Hyewon's breasts with the sweaty palms of her hands. "Squeeze him dry."
Place both hands on Hyewon’s hips and begin to slowly pump into the woman, your cock stretching her walls, filling her whole. When Yuri suddenly starts to play with the small, hidden clit above the entrance, Hyewon becomes noticebly wetter, to the point where you hear the wet sounds of her arousal. It spreads around her crotch, your crotch, her legs, your legs, the bed’s legs, until everything is a glorious mess.
“Oh, I can feel him inside you, baby,” Yuri husks as her hand roams Hyewon’s abdomen. She has gotten off her lover's face and is now gazing at it, her eyes lustful, demanding for Hyewon to be bred. “Soon, I’ll feel something else knock from inside.”
“Yu-Yuri, I’m getting close!” Hyewon screeches, her fingers wrapping around your wrists as you grip her pale body tighter and tighter as she gets tighter and tighter. “I’m about to—”
“Don’t hold back,” Yuri demands and her hand slips down to Hyewon’s clit again and rubs furiously. “I want to see you cum, cum as you finally receive this gift.”
Well, there goes the last shadow of a doubt that Yuri might have something against this crazy idea. Turns out she is even more insane than you or Hyewon. She gets off on you pounding, dominating her wife and she does the same, finally choking Hyewon’s throat gently while bringing her to a loud, splashing orgasm. From the corner of her eye, you see her urging you to not cum yet. 
If she just knew how hard this is with Hyewon wringing all over your lubricated, diamond-like cock. Her pussy sucks you in, takes your breath away, yet you are able to make Yuri’s wish come true. Just close your eyes and imagine something normal is happening, a walk in the park, a nice summer breeze, the beautiful green of the leaves—
“You are so hot, baby, eat me~”
Yuri climbs on top of Hyewon’s face again, her subtle ass turned towards you as she slams her pussy on Hyewon’s panting mouth and rubs herself all over the most flushed, most perfect features to ever graze the earth. Hyewon is barely able to stick out her tongue to tickle Yuri’s clit and it’s so endearing, you just have to make it more difficult for her.
Fold Hyewon. It's as easy as folding a piece of paper. Hyewon’s feet dangle in the air, her toes curl frantically, trying to reach the ceiling to find grip, but she is helpless. At first she lost control over her body due to the mind-blowing orgasm, now it’s because Yuri and you use her as you please. Hyewon is a tool for pleasure and she couldn’t feel more pleasure.
“Your tongue, baby, put it in—ah!” Yuri’s climax was predictable. Her small frame trembles throughout, her adorable butt is right in front of you. You take a risk and fold Hyewon further, your lips now right on Yuri’s cheek. Your lick right across it. “N-not you! B-but don’t stop now!”
So you continue. Your tongue travels all over Yuri’s cheeks, an adventure almost as good as the adventure your cock takes inside Hyewon, exploring every single place inside her scorching cunt. You eventually end up in Yuri’s butt, twirling your tongue, getting her addictive taste on your tastebuds. Sadly, you’re unable to go all out on Hyewon in the meantime, so she scrapes your shoulders, probably feeling neglected. When you look down however, she opens her mouth wide and begs in the most adorable, lewd voice:
You drool right into the awaiting Hyewon, transferring the taste of her wife’s asshole, but it’s not enough, you need to dive into her lips and force her tongue around in her mouth. There is no other option, you need to melt into Hyewon to give her the perfect child, a child conceived under the most ridiculous, feverish and unexplainable circumstances possible.
Yuri’s nails dig in your neck.
“Enough fun. Give her your fucking cum!”
Open your eyes a final time to find Hyewon, fucked silly, sweat, tears, girl cum all over her face and hair, eyes barely open, mouth barely closed—why is she more perfect, the messier she gets? You thrust deeply a couple of times and with a final sprint, you finish the race, with Hyewon bred and Yuri rubbing her clit in a daze. 
“Don’t pull out yet,” she babbles. “I need to—fuck—I need to get the plug first.”
“It needs to look like champagne, untraceable, no weird smells or anything.
“Yes, I know that that is fucking elaborate and costly, I don’t care.
“Do you want to be on the board or not? I thought so.
“We have a deal then.
“Hm? No, her death does not need to be quick.”
Infact, I want it to be as long and painful as possible.
# 20 years later #
You open the window and watch the wind splash water against the shore of Malta. This view alone is worth thirty million euros apparently—you’re inclined to agree. The blue of the ocean meets the white stones, it’s a perfect match. No matter how rough the wind comes and goes, no matter how high the sea levels may rise, these two will never betray each other.
A knock on your front door. The way she knocks is unmistakable. Ever since moving to this long forgotten, barely reachable island, you have never felt the need to hurry about anything. It’s all calm and quiet out here—you’d need to go back to Korea for your life to be busy again. But if you’d go back again, your need to see her would be too big.
You couldn’t do that to her mothers.
“Hello, dear Godfather,” the beautiful girl says with a smile and playfully bows her head.
“Hello, dear Godchild,” you return the smile and the bow. “Didn’t your mother teach you how to properly bow?”
“Which one?” she asks, not able to contain her laughter. “The one that sings or the one that sings?”
“It’s nice to see you again, Minju.”
I missed you, my daughter.
(A/N: I hope you all had a happy june/Pride month!)
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marcysgf · 4 months
★ – satoru wants your attention ;)
18+, mdni !!
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☆ – this is my first time writing smut, sorry if it's bad :p pluzzz english is not my first language !
– ★ –
you knew you should've known better than to invite your friends to go out with you. not that they were bad or something, much the contrary. it's just that you knew he would come along, he always did. even after you broke up, a few months ago, he'd still make sure to go to every party you've been thinking about going to.
if it was just him being there, it'd be completely alright, you weren't children and could stay at the same room for a few hours without fighting. it would all be perfectly fine if satoru wasn't an attention seeker, doing his best to catch your attention and even ruining your potential dates.
it was always the same: every time a guy would even try to even look at you or try to approach you, he'd just wrap his arm around your waist in a possessive way while staring directly at the guy, or he'd just kiss the first person he saw in front of you, just to see if it'd bother you. it always did, even though you'd rather die than admit it. and, unfortunately for you, tonight was not different.
you were laughing at a joke a guy had just told you, a margarita in one hand while the other one landed on his large arm, a small smirk on your lips as you watched him practically eye fucking you. if you were lucky enough, you'd end up having more fun than planned at the end of the night. but, of course, all your plans were ruined again as soon as the white haired man came in scene.
“princess, you said you'd only get some drinks and come back, why are you taking so long?” his whiny voice echoed in your ears as his face approached your neck, leaving a wet kiss on it while his long arms snaked around your waist, pulling your body closer to his. “oh, and who would that be?”
you gritted your teeth in annoyance at the man behind you, holding the urge to punch him right in face. you could feel the smirk in his voice as he stared at the poor guy, who watched the scene with a confused expression. “oh baby, is this guy bothering you? knew i shouldn't have left you alone, now everyone thinks they could talk to such a pretty thing like ya. now, buddy, will ya excuse us? need to have my girlfriend back.”
“satoru, fuck off. we already broke up months ago, stop acting like we're together.” you protested, trying to leave his embrace but he only tightened it, squeezing your waist.
“umm, sorry, i should leave now.” the guy said sheepishly, his face beet red as he quickly left the two of you alone.
and you just sat there in disbelief, your hand gripping the cup so tightly you thought it might break at any moment. gojo laughed childishly, making your even more angrier as you slapped his arm, rolling your eyes as he whined in your ear, telling you how mean you are.
“satoru, what in the fucking hell is wrong with you?!”
“what? can't i protect what's mine?” he answered simply, leaving a playful bite at your earlobe.
“i'm not yours and you know that damn well. stop acting like an asshole every time we go out!”
“is that so?” he smirked again, letting go of your body just to stand in front of you. his large hand carefully held your chin as it pulled you closer to his face, the delicious mix of his expensive cologne and the smell of the alcohol on his breath invading your nose. “if you hate it so much, why do you keep inviting me, baby? hm? hoping to wake up in my bed again?”
“fuck you, satoru.” you harshly reply, wanting to leave him alone but not being able to move a single muscle, your own body betraying you. your eyes flick to his rosy lips, then back to his blue eyes again. ignoring the way your brain yelled at you to stop, your body moved closer to his, your lips softly brushing against his before closing the gap, a quiet moan leaving both your mouths at the contact.
and that is how you ended up in this situation: your legs thrown over his shoulders as his hips hit the back of your thighs repeatedly, the loud sound of slapping skin echoing through his room. satoru's grip on your plush thighs were almost bruising the skin as his cock bullied the inside of your pussy, his tip kissing all the right spots with every thrust.
“fuck, baby, you're so hot.” he managed to say between his moans “missed– fuck– missed your pretty pussy... always take me so well.”
you moan loudly at his raspy voice, your pussy clenching hard around his dick as your hand sneaked between your legs to rub quick circles on your clit. it's barely been five minutes and you could already feel the knot tightening inside your stomach, your legs shaking lightly. and, of course, satoru noticed, how could he not when it was so hard to move when your pussy was squeezing his dick so much?
“gonna cum, pretty girl?” he smirk, his hand replacing your on your throbbing clit. “just f'me, right? you're all mine. bet that guy wouldn't even be able to satisfy you, you'd probably leave unsatisfied and come back to me, huh.”
“fuck, 'toru, just like that.” your moans are like music to his ears, and he makes sure to get them out of you with every move of his hips. your hands massaged your boobs through the lacy bra, pinching your sensitive nipples as you feel his cock massaging repeatedly your g-spot. your high came shortly after a few strokes of his, your whole body shaking in pleasure.
you whine loudly at the overstimulation, his cock never leaving your sensitive cunt, fucking it mercilessly. satoru groaned in your neck, biting it hard while he came inside you, his thrusts slowing down and becoming sloppier, his sticky cum painting your insides, as he was making a mess because he wouldn't stop even after cumming.
“t-toru, ah... too much, baby” he laughed quietly at your whiny voice, finally stopping the attack on your pussy. he slowly pulled back, his now soft dick leaving your warm cunt as he smiled at the mess he made.
“hmm, would've ruined your date earlier if i knew i could get to fuck you like this.” he joked while teasing your sensitive entrance with his long fingers, watching you shudder. he then kneeled down in front of you, his mouth leaving a wet kiss on your clit. “we're not done yet, pretty, need to make up for the time we lost.”
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judysxnd · 8 months
I have an idea for pedro and reader I just saw TSITP.
they are fighting and mad at each other she gets drunk and go to the beach. Pedro comes and drags her in the house taking by his hand
I haven't seen the show so I hope it's approximately what you expected!
You were sitting on the table, waiting for Pedro to come home. You've been waiting for him for a couple of hours now. The night had settled, and you were supposed to be walking down the street to a restaurant for your date night. But someone forgot about you, again. You were all dressed up, swinging your legs, your arms crossed. You sitting in the dark, as the full moon was the only thing lighting the room.
It was past 9pm, and no one was home yet. You sent at least a hundred of texts, tried to call him, but nothing. If he was still working on set you knew it would be pretty useless to try and reach him because his phone was either on silent, airplane mode or turned off. It always pissed you off. What if something happened to you? No one could reach him. As each minute passed by you were getting angrier and angrier and the bottle of wine was getting emptier and emptier. You were feeling so hot and a bit dizzy. But he finally came back. At almost 10pm. He came back.
"Oh there you are" you sarcastically said as he turned the light on, turning his head towards you
"Baby I'm sorry"
"Nope I don't want to hear about it" You got up from the table, standing still for a minute as the alcohol made you woozy for a sec. "I've been waiting for you for hours!" you almost yelled
"Sorry I was working" he said taking his coat off
"Did you even remember that we were supposed to go out tonight?" His eyes widened "I swear to god" you said walking to your bedroom.
"I didn't do it on purpose cariño!"
"Of course you didn't, you never do anything on purpose!" you yelled, grabbing some clothes more comfortable to change into
"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked, leaning against the door behind you “are you drunk?”
"You always forget about me, you spend your time working" you stopped “and I just drank the bottle of wine, you know.. the one we were supposed to drink together after our date!” You stared at him
"Well I'm sorry I have a job that requires working a lot" you fully turned around, facing him, shocked by what he just said
"Because I don't? Because spending hours, entire nights writing, editing, filming, this is not enough for you?" you said as you walked closer to him “this is not enough for mister Peedroo?” You added, your drunken mind starting to make you even more mad
"You know this is not what I meant"
"I don't care Pedro. You could at least text me or call me, which is what I've been trying to do all night, but I bet your phone was off?"
"Yeah I'm sorry, it was on silent"
"Yeah as usual!" you said, changing in front of him
"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at you moving quickly to get changed
"Well I'm changing into something more comfortable since we won't go out tonight"
"We can still go out"
"At 10pm? I'm freaking hungry. I’m drunk as hell because I haven’t eaten a thing, I don't want to wait another hour for my food! Oh my god you're impossible!" You said going back to the living room, Pedro close behind you
"It's better than nothing!" You gasped, looking at him
"I can't do this" you said, grabbing your jacket and leaving your shared apartment. You didn't leave time for Pedro to say something. You need to get out of here, you were too upset (and definitely too drunk) to have a rational conversation with him. Things were already getting bad, you were already starting to say things that shouldn't be said, so it was better to leave in order to calm down.
But as you left, you were still extremely hungry. Pedro probably ate something on set, but you didn't. Time passed and you didn't move, hoping he would come home and you could eat together. So now you were thinking what to eat. You needed something fast, so you walked to the nearest McDonalds, ordered your food, and walked to the only place where you knew you would calm down, the beach.
Living in L.A. had some good sides, meaning the beach wasn't far from your apartment. In ten minutes you were there. You always loved the beach, it was one of the reason you stayed here rather than somewhere else. It always calmed you down, the sound of the waves, the feeling of the sand under your feet, the smell, everything was different and so calm, the opposite of the city you were living in.
You took your jacket and put it on the sand, not far from the water, and sat on it. You took the smell in, setting the blanket on the sand, sitting next to your food. You didn't even realise when you calmed down, but the soothing sound of the waves and finally eating made everything better.
Now that your stomach was full, you could finally think normally. The alcohol seemed to have reduced a bit. You weren’t feeling dizzy nor anything else anymore. But you couldn't help but smile. Even at night the view was beautiful. After finishing your burger and fries, you also ordered a sundae. You were eating it quietly, when you heard footsteps getting closer to you. You decided to ignore it, it was probably someone just passing by.
"There you are" Pedro's voice startled you, making you jump a little "I've been looking for you everywhere"
"You remembered I existed I'm surprised" you sarcastically said, not looking at him, still eating your ice cream. The alcohol wasn’t totally gone. He sighed.
"I'm sorry" he said
"It doesn't change the fact that it happened and that it keeps happening" you said dryly, taking another spoon of ice cream.
"I'm working a lot so that we finish early so that I can spend more time with you"
"It's doing the opposite right now though"
"Get up" he suddenly said
"What? I'm not moving" you finally looked at him
"I said get up" he said in a lower voice.
"No" he saw you weren't moving, so he started to grab the jacket you were sitting on, forcing you to get up. "What are you doing!" you yelled, stepping back, looking at Pedro folding the jacket and grabbing the empty bag where your food was.
"Let's go" he motioned for you to get moving. You frowned
"I'm not finished"
"You can finish the ice cream on the way home"
"No!" you blurted. Pedro stepped closer to you, grabbing your hand and dragged you away from the beach. "What are you doing? Let go of me!" He finally let go of you once you were on the parking lot. "What was that about?"
"I can accept the attitude, but I won't let you run away from me" you frowned once more, rolling your eyes. "I did something bad, we talk about it, but you don't get to leave me especially in the middle of the night, alone!" He kept talking. He was right though. "So you finish your ice cream, you get in the car and we go home and talk. Deal?" You sighed
"Deal" you finally said. He held his hand out, waiting for you to shake it. "Seriously?" He moved closer to you. You sighed, shaking his hand. He took the opportunity to pull you into a hug. He held you tight, kissing your head. You gave in, holding him too. "I need to finish my ice cream" you said, breaking the silence. He stepped back, smiling when he saw you were also smiling a bit.
Once you were done, you stepped in his car, where he was waiting for you. The ride was silent, but not a bad one. You were not anticipating the conversation, you both calmed down, so you knew it would be okay.
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banes-favourite · 8 months
How do you think Durge found out about Gortash’s past in the Hells? Would Gortash have willingly told Durge or did Gortash have a break down and Durge find out that way?
I really don't think Gortash would admit to it. Being a Banist, he probably takes great shame in the fact that he used to be a servant, even if it wasn't by choice. So I think he's convinced himself to put his past as far behind him as possible because it's better to focus on the future.
He never planned on letting anyone know, even Durge, his most trusted and powerful ally. That doesn't mean he'd lie though; just danced around the subject. When Durge questions his incredible knowledge in infernal matters, he simply says he spent a lot of time there. When he questions why he's so efficient at chores that are meant for slaves, he just laughs it off that he's skilled in all manners of subjects. I think the one thing he'd be particularly sensitive of would be the burn scars on his forearms that he consistently covers up with shirts and his gauntlets.
If Durge ever asked him about them, he'd admit they're an old injury and try his darnest to change the subject. I think after HoH, he's really touchy about scars, he absolutely hates his own, so if Durge was to push him about it, he'd get unreasonably angry and probably storm off and refuse to speak to him for like a couple weeks.
I think the only way Durge would find out is not by confronting him or asking around, but by finding him in a moment of weakness. Perhaps after the Mephistopheles vault heist, Gortash was quite bothered to have been back in the Hells, so he sulks and sulks until one night he tries to drown his feelings in multiple bottles of alcohol. Durge is shocked to find him so drunk and vulnerable so obviously he wants to know what's going on.
Gortash refuses to speak, getting angrier by each question, until eventually he blows up at him, cussing him out, breaking their alliance, talking shit about Bhaal and his useless children, saying all kinds of things he doesn't mean and Durge doesn't take seriously - all the while he's crying without even realising it. Through his incoherent rant, he eventually mentions HoH and how he "used to be a slave to the most fucking annoying devil who would break his bones every other day just for fun" and it just kinda clicks for Durge. After his rant, he just slumps in his chair defeated, muttering something about how he can't stand the hot of the Hells with a shaky voice as he finally starts sobbing. Durge just quietly holds him through it and never questions him about it again.
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nushy · 2 years
i won't be a second choice.
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pairing: rockstar!Eddie x fem!reader
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of alcohol and drugs, cheating
A/N: i'm sorry for this, but I'm at a strange place in life rn and I need the angst. it's a short one.
part 2 is here
"When was this?" you asked in a calm manner with a voice you didn't recognize. The room was dark, the only light was coming from the TV and the long-forgotten show you were watching, before Eddie came to see you.
"Last Saturday, after the show in New York." Eddie answered with a shaking voice. His face was hidden behind his ring-covered fingers. His whole pose was showing guilt and regret.
"Was she pretty?" your question made him jump and look you in the eyes.
"I... I don't remember. But I was thinking about you." you choked out a laugh and immediately threw your glass in his direction, breaking it in the wall behind him.
"You fucking idiot." you screamed. "I loved you. You knew I loved you ever since high school, and you threw away all of this for a stupid one-night stand. What? Couple of whiskey shots and a little bit of weed and I am no one?" you knew what you were getting into when you started dating Eddie Munson the Rockstar of Hawkins - you knew that there were going to be fans and groupies and girls that would do anything to sleep with someone famous, but Eddie swore that he had eyes only for you. And you believed him, after all he was your high school crush.
"I'm sorry. I know this won't fix anything, but..." he started talking, but you interrupted him.
"You told me you loved me before that show. You said you couldn't wait to come home to me and kiss me." you stopped for a second, because you felt the tears forming in your eyes. "There's no need to be sorry, because I'm out of here. You fucked the things up, Munson. And you dared to fucking kiss me when I opened the door just a few minutes earlier. And you sat on the couch like nothing happened. And you said "I fucked another girl." Fuck you." you were too emotionally drained to scream. Even though the way he just sat there, looking all sad and sorry, made you even angrier. "Pathetic. Congratulation, now you are a real rock star. A cheater." you grabbed your jacket and headed to the front door.
"Wait." he stood up and stretched out his arm to you. Oh, how you wanted to hug him and forgive him everything.
"No, Eddie, I am sorry. I can't." you couldn't face him as you said that. You opened the door. God, you already missed him, but you had to take care of yourself. You walked out in the cold. What were you supposed to do now? And to think that you were going to tell him the good news - that soon you would be not two, but three.
"Guess we will be two after all." you said quietly as you touched your belly.
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•·.·''·.·•This Can't Be Love (Bo Sinclair X Male!Househusband! Reader)•·.·''·.·•
Okay, so huge angst CW for this one. It's gonna be kind of a vent fic for me, that's why I've been working on it for a bit of time. Please proceed with caution.
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CW: Stockholm Syndrome, Domestic Violence, Physical Ab*se, Verbal Ab*se, Ab*sive Relationship, Alcohol Mentions and Consumption, Cussing
It was another day in the Sinclair house. The rain poured outside, splashing against the ground and hitting the windows in a lovely tandem of beat after beat. You worked away inside the house, dusting here, decluttering there. That’s what Bo needed from you, at least, that’s what he said he needed. You bent over and gingerly picked up crushed can after crushed can of alcohol, throwing the recyclable aluminum into a plastic trash bag. It was a lot of work cleaning up Bo’s messes, the man didn’t know how to pick up after himself at all. Either that or he just wanted to leave the work to you, which was just as possible. You pushed the thought to the back of your mind, continuing to pick up trash and other miscellaneous items that you found laying on the floor. 
You began to rearrange items on shelves, trying to make all of Bo and Vincent’s trinkets and baubles look more presentable. You were sure Bo would appreciate this gesture, you knew he hated coming back to a mess. And if you left it a mess, he got much angrier. Plates would fly, he would scream at you, maybe give you a smack or two. But he always apologized to you and you had no choice but to forgive him. He was keeping you alive. The only reason you ate, slept, and had water was because of him. Why would you want to let go of that lifestyle? You were horribly selfish for thinking that way. You completed the last shelf and moved on to your next task within the kitchen, pulling up your sleeves to tackle the mountain of dirty dishes.
You scrubbed tirelessly away at the grime upon the kitchenware, heartbeat speeding up slightly as you knew Bo would be home soon. You thought the dishes wouldn’t take this long, you wanted to get them out of the way so you could easily make Bo dinner and do the dishes a second time. But they were stubborn, the gunk was caked on thick and refused to budge. You scrubbed harder, a small tear finding itself to the inner corners of your exhausted eyes. Your chest thrummed and shrieked in pain and fear as the filth continued to stay stubborn, a choked sob ripped from your throat.  “Please,” you whispered as you scrubbed as hard as you could, with the force you hadn’t known you had, “please just come off!”
You were scrubbing so ferociously that you didn’t even register the sound of the door opening. Come off, come off, come off, please please come off, you screamed in your mind, heart slamming as you openly wept into the sink.
“The fuck ya cryin’ over?” A deep voice spat from the door way, causing you to flinch so hard that you shattered the glass in your hands, “Fuck! You useless piece of shit!”
He stormed up to you and smacked your face, pulling a loud wail from your scratchy throat. You knew he hated it when you cried but it hurt so bad. Blood soaked your hand and a red mark began to bloom on your cheek. He always came home in a bad mood, but you hated when he came home like this. You sobbed silently in pain, your hand shaking hard. You were shrunken away from Bo, your body trembling in fear that the man may strike you again. “I-I can clean this up, Bo…I’m sorry,” you whimpered, not daring to peer up at him through your teary lashes.
“You’re always crying like a little bitch. Why can’t you just shut up? You’re so pathetic, you’re lucky I even love you,” he sneered, grabbing you by the uninjured hand, “I’ll take care of this, honeydew, I can’t have ya bleedin’ out all over the place. If you go, who’s gonna do the chores?”
You knew the last comment was just a tease but it didn’t feel like it. He began to pick shards from your hand, wiping the blood gently away with a damp rag. You choked at the pain, clenching your eyes tightly. You hated how fast Bo could switch. One second, he was a monster who would do nothing but degrade and beat you, then the next, he nuzzled against you and called you by precious nicknames until he lost his temper again.
He poorly bandaged your wound, pressing a painful kiss to your covered palm, “There ya go, sweet thing. All better,” He pointed at the dishes, his face contorting from one of gentleness to one of annoyance, “Now finish these fuckin’ dishes, ’m starvin’.”
You nodded and quickly resumed your chores, your bandage immediately soaking up the filthy dishwater. You scrubbed away, dish after dish, trying to do it quickly to please Bo. He was right, honestly. You were lucky that he loved you. Without Bo, you would probably be in a ditch somewhere, dead. Or worse. You appreciated how much Bo did for you, how much he sacrificed to keep you alive and well. He was your savior, the guardian angel that protected you from the pain of the outside world. Doing mundane tasks for him was the least you could ever do in return. The best way to show your love.
You put the dinner in front of Bo on the table, clean silverware finding its place next to the meal soon after. “Would you like anything to drink, Bo?” You whispered, attempting to stay quiet so as to not hurt your lover’s head. His captivating blue eyes dragged up your form slowly, his mouth twisted into a scowl. He didn’t look very happy at all.
“What is this?” Bo snapped, causing your smaller form to flinch. He hadn’t asked for anything specific but he hated what you made. Your heart sunk and your hands began to wring one another, an excuse trying make itself present. Your head pounded with fear, your mouth opening and closing a few times.
“It’s…It’s what I made for dinner, Bo,” you whispered almost silently, earning a sharp tug to your collar. He pulled you close to his face, his minty breath hitting your nostrils and making your eyes prickle with tears. You hadn’t meant to upset him.
“Gonna be a fuckin’ smartass with me? Don’t give me an attitude unless ya want a beatin’, do ya understand me?” He spat, making you shiver in fear.
“Yes, Bo! I understand…please, Bo…I’m sorry,” you sobbed, your hands flinging up to cling to his strong wrists in shock. As you grabbed him one hand broke free from your shirt, a burning smack hitting your face for the second time that night. You fell to the floor and sobbed, your chest heaving as you wept in pain. You didn’t mean to cry, you didn’t intend to upset Bo even more, but you couldn’t help it. The stress of the day had beat you down and the pain was unbearable, even more so when he would insult you.
"Get me a beer," he grunted, not even sparing a glance at your quaking form on the floor, "and hurry it up, babydoll."
You sniffled and rose to your trembling legs, walking shakily over to the old refrigerator as was asked of you. Pulling open the door to the cold box, you reached in and grabbed an unopened bottle of yeasty, amber liquid. Hurriedly, you opened it and walked it back over to Bo, wiping your tears as you set it down.
"Go on, now, I'm sure ya got somethin' else to be doin'," he chuckled, landing a harsh smack to your rear end. You yelped at the pain and excused yourself with a whimper, going off to find another task to busy yourself with.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
hi!! im not sure if you’re still taking reqs or not but can you do hcs for oya boys when they’re drunk? hope you’re having a good one❤️☺️
a/n: Hello! Not very long but had fun while wrting this 🥰 Hope you like it too ❤️🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: alcohol
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Fujio : Happy, Affectionate and Reckless Drunk
* Fujio is definitely not high-intolerant of alcohol.
* As much as Tsukasa wants to stop him from over-drinking, this is Fujio, you can't stop him :’)
* He doesn't even realize he's drunk while drinking goblets one after the other.
* I can tell he was quite happy at first, often giggling or laughing.
* Pretty noisy…
* He acts without thinking and is definitely a nuisance
* Calling his ex is the most innocent thing he can do :D
* When his energy is low, he starts to be quite clingy
* I'm sure he will want to hug and kiss everyone all the time.
* He may cry if he doesn't get the attention he wants...
Tsukasa : Heavy and Protective Drinker
* Tsukasa is not someone who gets drunk easily
* He doesn't even know why.
* The type who calmly drinks and watches the others
* He often warns Fujio and the others not to do anything stupid
* Of course it is useless
* Protective and worried
* Every time they race with Yasushi and he wins...
* Because of the past, he enjoys very much when Yasushi slumped over the table, but he doesn't tell anyone :d
Todoroki : Unconcerned and Heavy Drinker
* Getting drunk is hard for him like Tsukasa
* But he comes with his careless attitude rather than his protective attitude
* Even if the apocalypse breaks around him, he will not move his finger.
* He'll probably roll his eyes at the stupidity of his friends and videotape the really embarrassing ones
* He definitely does not intend to participate in the drinking contest, but he can agree to shut Yasushi’s mouth
* He acts disgusted when Tsuji and Shiba want to hug him but he wants to hug him too...
Tsuji: Affectionate but Heavy Drinker
* He doesn't get drunk fast but he will definitely get drunk after a while because he wants to drink all the time.
* I don't think he is going to act stupid or silly
* But I'm sure he will be clingy
* I think he will often hug Shiba and at least try to hug Todoroki
* And I can imagine he is going to annoy everyone with talking very long about a silly topic…
Shiba: Affectionate and Reckless Drunk
* He gets drunk easily, though not so easily.
* Like Tsuji but much worse
* Too clingy, arrogant and annoying…
* More sarcastic behavior and like a huge teddy bear -wants to hug everyone 2 -
* Pretty reckless, likely to self-injure
* Can start a fight…
* I'm sure he'll keep drinking even if he's drunk and throw up at the end :(
Yasushi: Angry and Blackout Drunk
* The Worst
* Gets drunk easily and wanders furiously…
* He normally wants to fight people like he's not angry enough
* He invites everyone to a drinking race, especially Tsukasa...
* He doesn't even need to get angry when he lost, because he'll just collapse on the table.
* He will be angrier when he woke up…
Kiyoshi: Emotional and Sloppy Drunk
* I don't think he will be angry
* A quiet drunk unlike Yasushi
* But I think when he drinks too much he will be quite emotional and may even cry.
* Too red from alcohol and distraught, may cry over something really silly
* The biggest victim of Yasushi's anger...
Nakaoka : Happy and Affectionate Drunk
* Pretty similar to Fujio
* Better alcohol tolerance but drinking too much
* A real Casanova
* Can flirt with every girl and gets attention
* Always smiling or messing with someone
* Pretty noisy 2
* Nakagoshi wants to keep him out of trouble, but he's not very successful.
* Eventually he will give up too
Nakagoshi: Silent and Calm Drunk
* He doesn't get drunk easily, but he's not a heavy drinker either.
* We usually see him as determined and calm.
* I think he will be pretty quiet and calm even when he is drunk
* He'll drink his drink in silence and watch the others
* Protective 2
* Although he wants to protect his friends, he will eventually give up and wont care anymore
* I think he'll be pretty sleepy even if he doesn't slump…
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy
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pfhwrittes · 9 months
dealing drugs and feelings hcs (expanded) john price's headcanon is here.
next up, simon "ghost" riley.
TW: mentions of alcoholism, drug usage, mentions of domestic violence, overdose, death (because we're absolutely borrowing from '09 ghost's canon backstory here and holy shit it is dark).
drabble; 500ish words
-- ghost absolutely grew up in a shitty council estate in the greater manchester area (i'm thinking salford prior to any of the regenerative efforts that have gone into it), in a shitty two up-two down house, with his shitty violent drunk of a father, his battered mother and his brother tommy. i can just see how simon's life prior to joining the armed forces was marked by his father's rage and violence, his mother's fear and his brother's resentment at being trapped.
simon's dad is constantly in and out of prison during his childhood which makes things better and worse at once. better because there's a modicum of peace that allows the bruises to heal on simon's ribs and face, allows tommy to start smiling through the resentment that's festering under his skin, allows his mum a chance to call in the council to replace the doors to the kitchen and living room that have been ripped off their hinges. but it's simultaneously worse because while his dad's inside his mum has to make do with only one set of job seeker's allowance and housing benefit. it means going hungry more often then not, it means knowing that he's not getting new joggers now that he's shot up a few inches at 14 and even wearing his younger brother's cast offs isn't an option for him.
and thats when he picks up dealing. nothing hard. just a bit of weed (never coke or gear or pills), just a little bit so he's got enough cash to get new clothes from charity shops for him and tommy. just enough cash that he can pop money on the gas and electric keys. just enough cash that he can pick up pot noodles for tea. it comes crashing down when his old man is released again when he's 16 and suddenly his cash is being used on crates of stella to pacify him. it's spent on a second hand tv and playstation to keep tommy up in their shared room and away from angry words and angrier fists. it's spent on a shitbox nissan micra that he doesn't have a licence for. it's spent on kingsized rolling papers and pouches of cheap baccy until he can roll a perfect joint in under a minute before sitting in the back seat of his shitty car under some shitty streetlight and smoking until the fear in his lungs has been replaced by sweet and sour smoke and a craving for a rustlers chicken burger.
all of this just to say that simon "ghost" riley keeps dealing even as he joins the armed forces. the cash gets tucked away into a post office account he knows his mum and brother can access, an apology for abandoning them and a way of showing he still cares. he keeps dealing even after his brother is dead due to an overdose and his mum's in the wind after having escaped tommy's death and his dad's abusive fucking clutches. he keeps dealing even when simon is declared legally dead and he becomes ghost.
after all, you can't have a ghost on payroll can you?
taglist: @kaadaaan
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the-wisteria-house · 2 years
The Arrangement (Rengoku x Reader)- Chapter 2
Arranged marriage series
You and Kyojuro have a demon tailing you, but Kyojuro is unsure of its exact location or if it's even just a single demon. He can't risk your safety by prematurely attacking, so he is forced to play the waiting game. Will you make it out unscathed?
Warnings: mentions of Alcoholism,verbal abuse, arranged marriage,and cannon typical violence.
Kyojuro's always been a fighter. He's always stood up for what he believes is right, and while it's brought him great inconveniences at times, he's never once regretted staying true to himself and his mother's wishes. Even then, as he was faced with your unknown foe, the only thing that echoed in his mind was the promise he made to you, and he had every intention of fulfilling it. Even as Kyojuro made the realization that there was more than one demonic presence, his determination wasn't shaken in the slightest. Nothing was going to harm you as long as he still stood.
Kyojuro was on guard, keen senses looking for any sudden shifts in the air. Then he felt it; the figure behind you both was picking up speed, and quickly closing in on you both. The time to attack would be soon, he had to be ready, and he was. As you neared a particularly shaded part of the trail, a figure leaped out at you with an animalistic growl and unquestionable blood lust. Within seconds, Kyojuro had his sword drawn, and he was in position to strike down apone his demonic foe, though things didn't go the way he expected...
"Son of a-" you jumped in surprise as your fist made swift contact with what appeared to be a demon's nose, which released a sickening crunch. The demon hissed as it stumbled back, body colliding with a nearby tree, despratly clutching its now bloodied nose in minor horror, "Y-you bitch, how dare you!?" the demon screeched as a stream of blood escaped in between its long fingers, " I think you broke it! How the hell did such a pathetic small thing like you break my nose!!!"
'Di-did she just punch that demon in the face!?!' Kyojuros' face was stuck in a confused smile before he came to his senses and quickly leapt towards the demon. Ready to finish the job, though this attempt like the last was also interrupted by a yell.
"Rengoku-San, duck!" Kyojuro followed your instructions and narrowly missed what would have surely been a fatal blow to the back of his head.
'So I was right about there being more than one demon, but it seems they have teleportation abilities...' Kyojuro turned to face the second demon who donded a cocky grin, showing off its razor-sharp ivory fangs.
"Oooo, a slayer! This should be interesting." The first demon cackles menacingly before lunging a Kyojuro with inhumane speed. Kyojuro swiftly jumps to the right before bringing his blade down on the fowl creature's neck, severing it as if it were butter.
Kyojuros' attention then turned to the second demon, who seemed angrier at her fallen companions failer than the slayer who had debilitated him, "He was always overconfident! Damn it, why didn't he ever listen!? He's better off dead anyway!" While Kyojuro agreed that the demon was overconfident and foolishly impulsive, he was disgusted that the demons comrade would go as far as to be glade he was slain.
"He was your comrade, and you feel he's better off dead? Despicable, you demons truly have no compassion in your hearts! Even for those of your own kind!" Kyojuro readied his sword before quickly dashing forward with God like speed. You could have sworn you saw flames dance around his blade as he moved, "FIRST FORM: UNKNOWING FIRE!" You were in awn as you watched as he made a horizontal slash aimed at the demon's neck. The demon narrowly missed the powerful assault, jumping away at the last possible moment, though she didn't get away unscathed. Her arm appeared to have been severed and blood gushed from the wound. The demonic woman was less than pleased to say the least, "You damn bastard! Look what you did to my arm! How dare you?!" The blood lust was apparent in how she lunged at Rengoku. Her single arm was stretched out, and razor-sharp claws aimed for his face. Rengoku didn't seem to be phased in the slightest, you didn't know whether to be amazed or horrified at this fact, "SECOND FORM: RISING SCORCHING SUN!" But it seems you had nothing to worry for, as you saw him release an arching vertical slash upwards that decapitated the demon instantly. You found yourself utterly speechless...
"Holy shit- you're a demon slayer?" You looked as if you were a fish out of water. Everything made sense now - his broad, muscular frame, the Katana (which you had no clue how it didn't draw the attention of pedestrians), and so much more. The only thing missing was his uniform.
"Yes, I sure am! I have been for a while now!" His voice boomed out only to be interrupted by an irritated voice.
"Hey you fuckers! Can you shut up? I'm not done disintegrating yet! I don't want the last thing to hear to be you two philandering!" Your eyes go wide as you hear the voice of the woman, not even focusing on her inappropriate comment.
'What the fuuuuuu-' you take a step back, bumping into something warm and firm. That something was Rengoku, not that you cared all that much in at moment you were too busy trying to not lose your crap while listening to her severed head talking.
"Rengoku, why is she still - ya know?" You covered your fear and disgust with a calm exterior as you looked at the man behind you.
"Demons can talk until their mouths are burnt away, but there's no need to worry, she can't cause you any harm from here on, and even if she could I wouldn't allow it." Gone was the booming voice from earlier, and in its place was a calm and comforting voice. If you had any doubts earlier, they dissipated with his assurance. You couldn't help the blush that spread across your face as you looked into his beautiful tricolored eyes. You found yourself wanting to know more about mysterious man.
"We're under an hour from my family estate. If you want, we can take a break once we exit the forest?" Apone feeling his breath on your cheek you came to the realization you were still leaning against him and quickly moved away in embarrassment. Hoping to save yourself from further humiliation, you schooled your expression into one of disinterest and declined his offer, "Thank you for your consideration, but I'll be fine."
Kyojuro nodded in agreement, and so you both continued along the shaded trail. Thankfully, you didn't have any other surprise demon attacks before you made it out of the forest.
"(l/n)-san, if I may ask, how are you familiar with the Demon Slayer corps? Not many people know of its existence." Kyojuro looked at you with curious eyes, and after a moment of contemplation you decided you didn't see the harm in telling him, "My father was a slayer before his death." Kyojuro gave you a sad smile, but unlike others, there didn't seem to be pity behind it, but understandment of some kind.
"I'm sorry to hear about your father. There's always risk of not returning home in our line of work, but you never truly realize how quickly life can be taken away until you lose someone..." You looked at your hands, deliberating how to respond.
"That just makes life more sacred... the idea of growing old and dying... leaving something for the next generation, it's a beautiful thing." You say simply not turning to meet your companion's ruby and golden orbs.
'I hardly know this woman, but something about her is......different?' Kyojuro yurned to know more about you. The way you spoke...was oddly familiar. The DeJa'Vu it brought him was undeniable, but not unwelcomed. You reminded him slightly of someone, but who, he could not place....
"How long have you been in the corps? You said a while back there, right?" You question as he eagerly nodded in conformation.
"Yes, i first joined when I was 14, so almost 6 years, I'd say." He states proudly. "That's a long time for a slayer. You must have skill of the highest caliber." The man only let out a Harty laugh, "Why thank you (l/n)- San, you're too kind!" You couldn't help the smile that broke through your calm facade, and only for a moment, you both forgot you weren't just two young people conversing in the hopes of making a new friend. It was a happy moment, but as soon as it started it ended leaving a bittersweet taste in your mouth because, in the end, no matter how much you wanted to forget, you were betrothed to one another. With this thought in mind, you continued on your way to the Rengoku estate, a heavy weight wearing down apone you.
As Kyojuro promised, it wasn't too long before you reached the estate, and as you stood Infront of the proud entrance into the estate, you tried to fight the anxiousness that constricted itself around you in a vice like death grip.
"My little brother has been looking forward to your arrival! I don't think there's a thing in the estate he hasn't cleaned in preparation." Kyojuro's assurance helped cool your nerves before he pushed open the gate, revealing a young boy who bore a striking resemblance to himself. Said boy quickly set his broom aside before running to meet you both.
"Aniue, I'm glad to see you both had a safe trip! I was worried when I saw it was nearing nighfall and you still hadn't arrived." The young boy let out a sigh of relief as he neared and saw his brother was unscathed.
"Sorry for worrying you, Senjuro. There was a little hiccup on the way here, but we made it before night fall, thankfully!" The boisterous man smiled before stepping aside and jestering to you, "This is (l/n)-San! (L/n)-san, this is my little brother Senjuro, who I was telling you about."
You ignored the young boys' prominent blush at that comment and bowed politely, "It a pleasure to meet you, Rengoku-kun." Senjuro bowed in return before replying, "You can just call me Senjuro if you'd like. I don't mind!"
You smiled at the flustered boy before you, "Well then, I must insist that you call me (y/n)." The boy gave you a perplexed look before responding, "Are you sure that's alright?" You couldn't help but want to laugh at the odd look he was gave you, but fought to maintain a schooled expression, before responding, "Im sure, but of course, you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable."
Senjuro quickly shook his head side to side, "No, no, I don't mind at all (y/n)-San! I just didn't want you to feel uncomfortable!" He reassured, as his older brother couldn't help but chuckle at the both of you, "Well, now that we have that all sorted out, why don't we all head inside?"
"That's a good idea, brother! I'll make you and (y/n) tea. You both must be tired after all that walking." With that, the three of you made your way into the estate.
"Brother, would you mind showing (y/n) San to her room while I prepare the tea?"
"I don't mind at all, follow me (l/n)- San!" Kyojuro smiled before leading you down a long corridor before stopping in front of a shoji door that had beautiful, but slightly faded Crains painted on it.
"Here's your room! Mine is right across the hall, and Senjuros is the one next to mine to the left. If you have any problems, my door is always open, and I'm sure my little brother feels the same!" You could tell his words were sincere, but that confused you... You wanted to ask why he was being so kind to you? Why wasn't he angry at you? But the words were caught in your throat, and despite every fiber of you wanting to know why he wasn't angry already, you found a different question escaping from your lips.
"Thank you for the hospitality, Rengoku-san. Are there any rules I should know about?" He blinked; expression unreadable as he seemed to contemplate something... He didn't want you to feel trapped or as if you were walking on eggshells during your time there, but he also knew it would be best to warn you of his father's ill temper. He hoped it would help prevent you from ever being on the receiving end of one of his drunken spats, or at least postpone the inevitable. 
"This isn't a rule per say, and I don't want you to be alarmed. This is just something I feel you should know; my father usually likes to nap from 12-3 pm, during that time it's best to try to stay quiet, he can get rather angry if woken up. If you end up accidently waking him up, it's best to avoid angering him any further, so I suggest just staying out of his way." concern shone in his eyes, you knew he was serious.
"Don't worry, my mother was the same way. Your father won't even know I'm here." Your understanment seemed to help calm and reassure the man.
"I'll place my bag inside. I'll join you both in a moment."
"Okay, I'll leave you to it!" Kyojuro responded as he made his way down the hall, leaving you in front of your room.
"Home sweet home." You couldn't help the dry chuckle that escaped you as you turned and slid open the door, reveling your chambers.  The room was rather spacious compared to what you were used to. The exterior wall had shoji paneling along with a sliding door which had what looked like to have once been a beautifully detailed wisteria tree painted on it, now faded due to the sands of time. As you stepped into the room and took a closer look at the mural. You couldn't help but feel saddened at the current state of the painting, but you didn't have long to dwell on the fact. You knew you could only leave the boys waiting for so long without being rude, so you sat your belongings down next to the rolled-up tatami mat in a corner, before exiting the room with one last glance at the mural. 
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With Kyojuro
Kyojuro tried to hold back a sigh as he made his way down the corridor, trying to fight off his worries for the future. . . He never pictured that marriage, a family, or even a long life was in the cards for him. He still wasn't sure if it was, or even if he had a right to any one of those things.
"Aniue, you look troubled?" Kyojuro blinked, realizing he made it to the end of the hall, "What's wrong, can I help?" Senjuros' caring words and concerned frown had a soft smile gracing Kyojuro's face.
"You have no need to worry, it's nothing I can't handle. Your big brother is strong and always protects you, right?" Senjuro nodded in agreement before Kyojuro ruffled his hair and made his way around him to sit at the dinner table, missing Senjuros quite voice, "But who will protect you, big brother?" The question went unanswered as the boy's waited a few minutes for you to join them.
"Sorry it took me so long." You apologize as you entered the living space not long after Kyojuro.
"It's no worries at all (y/n)-San! Please join us." Senjuro waved you over in a friendly manor, dawning a shy smile.
"The tea smells delicious, is it Sencha?" You asked curiously as you settled next to the young boy at the chabudai (floor table) taking in the aromic smell of the familiar tea.
"It is! Brother brought it back from his last mission."  you watched as Senjuro poured the colored liquid into each of your cups.
"Would you like sugar (y/n)-San?" the boy offered politely as he lifted the lid on the sugar cube holder, ready and awaiting your response.
"Yes, one or two, please and thank you."
Once he was done serving you, he placed 4 sugar cubes into Rengoku-sans cup unprompted, having you raise your eyebrows slightly. 
"I like mine a little sweet." Kyojuro says with his usual boisterous tone before taking a large gulp and releasing a mighty "TASTY." That had Senjuro chuckling. The microscopic smile that graced your face went unnoticed as you observed the two brothers.
"I'd say that's more than a little sweet Rengoku-san." the truth behind your jest had Senjuro to laughing and his brother joining in after. 
"I suppose you're right (l/n), but can you blame me?! It tastes so much better this way!"
You shook your head exasperated, "I'm inclined to disagree. All you taste is the sugar!"
"I think that's the point (y/n)." Senjuro said with a slight snark as he tried to stifle his giggling.
"My dearest little brother! Now you're ganging up on me, too!" Kyojuro let out a dramatic sigh and looked away feigning hurt, before he found himself laughing along with his brother. 
You found yourself wished you could pause this moment, where the cruelties of the world couldn't touch you, where there was no anger, no sadness, where there was no pain... Only shared joy, between newfound friends, who in that moment forgot why they all were talking in the first place, but alas good things never seem to last long in this cruel world.  
"What the hell is all that racket!"
Hey, guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's about to get very interesting. Feel free to let me know what you guys think below! Also, I'll be creating a tag list, so just comment below that you want to be added, and I'll make sure to do so. Thanks for reading! (Edited on 8/2/23)
Last part: Chapter 1
Next part: Chapter 3
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ask-the-royal-absol · 3 months
◀️◀️ for Felix
"Destino?" the Gengar called. He hovered around the stony, rectangular buildings searching for his dear friend. This night had turned to shit in an instant. It was only three drinks. Only three. Sure, they were rather large and may have had a high concentration of alcohol, but Felix didn't realise three would be all it took to turn Destino from enjoying themselves to their current state. This stupid celebration that Destino had held for him recently evolving wasn't something he ever wanted, especially if it meant Destino ended up like this. Sure, it was probably the nicest thing they had ever done for him. Sure, Destino really went all out on it and gave it their full effort. Sure, seeing Destino genuinely be happy with the reaction Felix had about the present they took the time to find for him made his heart flutter. But he didn't want the evening to end up like this. Destino's parents would be furious. Felix was sure he wouldn't be allowed near the Absol ever again.
He scanned each corner, hovering faster and faster with each passing second. Sweat dripped and concern was the only thing his face could show. He paused. Clearly wandering around panicking wasn't going to find them. But where in the Underdark could Destino have ran off to? Where would be the perfect place for Destino to go off to?
And then it hit him. Of course that's where they would go. Moving faster than he ever had before, he zoomed towards the tunnel where the aquifer was situated.
The tunnel opened up to a large lake, aquatic plants forming on the surface. The walls, which were covered in brilliantly shining crystals, left spots of colour on the surface of the still water. The aquatic plants had recently bloomed under the light of the sunstone that hung down from the ceiling. He still wasn't sure how plants survived down here, with everything being underground and all. Stretching towards the body of water was a small, wooden pier with a depressed-looking Absol sat on top, head looking down towards the water. There was an intoxicated sway to their sitting and Felix was certainly concerned for their friend's safety. The ghost type floated towards them and sat down next to the absol.
"What the.......fuck........are you doing here........ can't you see....... I'm busy........" Destino continued looking at the clear water, though their expression changed into an angrier one. They were incredibly wobbly. Felix had to get them to at least move away from the water.
"That's nice pal. But I don't want ya fallin' in. Ya ain't stable enough ta-"
"To what???? Be here??? Are you worried I might.......slip in? Ha! Don't be so......fucking stupid......I am in......control....." Destino had to prove themself. They tried to stand up. It really want a good attempt. However, the alcohol was in control of their function and made them fall flat onto their face. A small, "ouch," accompanied it. Felix could see they would not be able to go anywhere without help. "You just don't......get it.....do you......" Destino began, words slurred as they lifted their face from the pier. They tried focusing on Felix, to no avail. "You.....just don't understand......I am the........Prime.......I've just got so........much to deal with..........and I can't..........I can't Felix............why am I so fucking...........useless.........."
For Destino to be saying something like that was a lot for them to admit. They usually showed an air of extreme confidence to the point where their ego was larger than the Underdark itself. So, to have them talk negatively about themselves was odd. Felix knew he just needed to listen. Interrupting them whilst they were venting would probably make them angry. "My parents.........they say I do nothing.........and it's true....... I'll give them that..........but it's difficult........so difficult.........because I have to be................there for everyone.........and I don't know if.........I can do that..........I don't know........if I'm good enough.........." This couldn't be how Destino actually felt, right? It was just the alcohol talking. Or, that's what Felix hoped. It appeared that Destino had paused their ramblings and continued to look drearily out at the water. Felix had to do something.
"Listen to yaself, pal. This ain't you. I dunno what ya did ta my friend but the Destino I know is confident, funny and is someone who I enjoy bein' around." This caught the attention of the intoxicated Pokémon and Felix could see the cogs whirring in their head. After a moment, Destino pulled their usual, confident smile, though it was accompanied by a constant sway from the Absol. They turned to face Felix.
"Ha!!! You're damn.......right......I am pretty great......the fuck was I.......going on about????" They tried to stand with confidence. Instead, Destino flopped back to the ground, face thudding into the wooden decking of the pier. The dizziness wasn't helping. Felix helped the staggering Absol up to their feet and helped them off the pier.
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noctivagant-corvid · 1 month
slides in not gracefully at all
why hello there good person, I am here to rant about my alcoholic 👆👆
anyways yeah tma oc!! Their name is Remi Clark, they are TMale and yes they did in fact name themself after the rat. He is a Flesh avatar if you can’t tell by the following backstory
He had an unstable childhood, with an alcoholic mother and a dad who died when he was 7. He spent as many days as he could staying over at friends houses, and when he couldn’t do that he just hid in his room all day. He had a few movies on dvds at home and when he was home alone he’d put it on and watch it for comfort. Eventually at 16 he stole some of his mothers bear cans and started drinking as well, quickly becoming an alcoholic by 25 and getting a shitty job as a janitor. Eventually he got Sensory Neuropathy, aka nerve damage. He couldn’t feel his body most of the time, which caused him to grow jealous of people who had had it better than him and could still feel themselves. He fantasized about feeling again, but he had slightly forgotten what he could and couldn’t feel which made him think about feeling his inner organs as well. He’d been growing angrier and angrier, and eventually he got kicked out of the pub he frequented. Already drunk, he got into a fight that moved into an alley and he accidentally killed the person. He licked away the blood on his fingers out of instinct/panic, and realized he could taste/feel right then. Looking down at the body, he had the urge to start eating, so he did. With every limb he ate he could feel his nerves in, and eventually he could feel his whole body again. It starts wearing off after a week though, since he just continues to damage his nerves by drinking. Now he’s in a loop of ‘eating’, working, and drinking.
I feel like he would use his statement as some kind of confession-therapy, just needing to share his experiences and trauma dump without getting an actual therapist
anyways yeah that’s it !! love my messed up middle aged man
Statement of Remi Clark, regarding himself. Original statement given August 12th, 2024. Statement recorded August 13th, 2024. Audio recording by Meredith Jones, head archivist of the Usher Foundation, Washington DC. Statement begins.
I wasn't this fucked up as a kid.
Yeah, my mom was shit and my dad was dead, but I spent most of my time out of the house with friends, or just locked up in my room. I think, when I was younger at least, I had a chance.
At sixteen I started stealing my mom's beer. By 25 I was a dropout, just as hooked on alcohol as her, and sustaining myself with a shitty paying job as a janitor. Joy.
Around a year into the job, I got diagnosed with sensory neuropathy. Y'know what that is? Didn't think so. It's a fancy word for sayin I can't feel shit. Some kinda infection caused it, doc said.
Do you know what it's like to not feel anything? To walk through your day, unable to feel any sensation on your body? Not even your own hands touching your own arms? It's horrifying. You start to feel like a ghost. I started forgetting what it was like to feel. I started daydreaming about feeling again, cold, heat, skin on skin, my heart beating. Yeah, you can't feel your heart beat, but I kinda forgot. Anyways, I started getting angry. Everyone else got to feel, but not Remi, why should anything good ever befall Remi? Noooo, I get to slave away at this stupid fucking job, unable to feel anything, and then drink myself into a stupor. What a great fucking life.
One night, I was raving and ranting like this, and I ended up getting kicked out of the pub I frequent. Got into a fight with a guy in the alley- I can't even remember his name.
I killed him.
Not on purpose, mind you. No, the first time was completely on accident. But I had blood on my fingers, so in a panic, I licked it off. And then I realized. I could feel it. My tongue on my fingers, the blood in my mouth. I looked down at the body, and I was hungry.
Every limb I eat, I regain feeling in the matching one for about a week. So that's what I do. I kill, I eat, I work, I drink. Over and over and over again.
I'm not a bad person, alright? I just can't go back to not feeling anything. You'd understand if you didn't feel either.
I can't be a ghost again.
Statement ends.
hope i did the wet cat justice
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tia-amorosa · 4 months
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol - Saturday Night Fever (Part 2)
Today the continuation of yesterday, when Oscar was found unconscious on the floor.
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"Vivienne…". Clark quickly went to her "Did he take anything, Clark?"/ "He had a bottle of black tequila in his hand earlier…"/ "And why didn't you stop him?"/ "I did, he put it back on the table and then took care of the stereo. Maybe he took something else later…"/ "My God, Clark, what else has to happen? He knows he can't drink any more alcohol… Now come on, Oscar"…
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Clark leaned down to Oscar and slapped his cheeks left and right a few times while calling his name. After a few seconds, he regained consciousness. "Welcome back…". Oscar was still a bit dazed. "Man, what…"/ "I told you to cut that shit out!".
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After Oscar was able to stand upright again, Vivienne slapped him in the face. "Hey, what was that for?". She stood in front of him with tears in her eyes and spoke loudly. "you know exactly what for, Oscar, and actually I should slap Clark too!"/ "hey, I…"/ "It's my fault, okay? Man, I'm just scared…". Vivienne hugged her fiancé and spoke more quietly again. "I know that, but it's unnecessary. Now let's go home first"/ "yes, go home, Ozzy, I can manage the rest on my own"/ "o.k…. I'm sorry".
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Marisol was still standing next to him and was a little irritated. "What was that, Clark? He didn't give me the impression that he'd had too much to drink, so what could have knocked him out so quickly?"/ "He just didn't eat enough… Do you still want to dance?". Marisol found Clark's behavior a little strange. He turned around and raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Yes, okay, let's dance a little".
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When Clark and Marisol came down the stairs and headed towards the dance floor… "I don't believe this…". Donnovan was standing there with a woman and the two of them seemed to be flirting with each other. "Now you know what he spends his time doing…"/ "DONNOVAN?!". Marisol's shouting even drowned out the music.
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Marisol walked to him with quick steps and almost tripped as she stepped onto the raised dance floor. Donnovan was shocked and surprised and tried to talk his way out of it. "Marisol, you here, I… Hey, that was nothing…"/ "Don't give me that shit, Don, okay? I'm sick of it! You haven't contacted me for days when I write to you or try to call you… So you're that serious about me, are you?".
"hey, calm down now, okay? Nothing happened…"/ "No, you were just flirting, again, and it's never going to end! Don, I can't do this anymore…"/ "What… What does that mean now?"
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"You know exactly what that means, Don! Nothing will happen with us, nothing will change…". It took Don a few seconds to assess the situation for himself. And then he showed his true colors. "You know what, do what you want then, you're boring anyway, you couldn't even control yourself". Of course Clark understood what he meant. "You'd better go now, Don…".
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Marisol had had enough, not only because he had lied again, but also because he had never shouted at her like that before. It hit her a little and she ran towards the checkroom… "Didn't you hear me?". Don looked angrily at Clark. "What do you want, you little prick? You can't do anything except sing a few off-key notes". That only made Clark angrier. "Get out now, before I lose my patience for good!"
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It wasn't just Don who was angry, Clark also gave vent to his displeasure. But no one wanted to stoop to that level and start a fight. So Don walked past him and just bumped him on the shoulder. "Just fuck off, will you? And don't come near her again," Clark shouted after him. Then he had to calm himself down.
End of this Part
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maplecornia · 1 year
chapter 69
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infinite stars masterlist | BTS masterlist | masterlist | playlist
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.1K
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: bts x female!reader
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: everything could change, but one thing that will never change is the bond between you and i
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language | mentions of rape | childhood trauma | multiple forms of abuse | mentions of blood and injuries | toxic relationships | mentions of alcohol and drugs | r*pe | assault | graphic depictions of all the above
taglist [OPEN]: @jaeyunverse | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear | @mangminnie | @plxlekoo (not taggable) | @cana | @eridanuswave | @MISSSEOULITE (not taggable) | @kodzuskook | @bingyuu (not taggable) | @soobmint | @hyunjxnxee | @gongiz | @uno7 (not taggable) | @yesv01 | @myork | @eunbinism | @kpopppy
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The taste of damp dewdrops on your tongue, the hint of rain still playing on your skin, your mind is filled with him. The way his hand slid into yours. The tears from the sky glistening on his skin, his eyes bright and comforting against the stormy colors swirling above him. Your heart still whispers the memory of his name, your body still shivering with the places his hands had touched yours.  
Love is strange, isn't it?
The way the simplest gestures, the simplest moments, can mean the world if it comes from someone you love. The way it can make you forget about everything else, save the memory of them, the feeling it felt just to be in their presence. To be beside them, even if only for a moment. Almost as though it were a special pill, a drug of some sort made just for you. 
After all, your mind is so full of Tae that when Jaejin calls your name you find you had forgotten he was here.
For a moment, it was easy to forget about the way he had hurt you, and abandoned you. For a moment, his betrayal was nothing more than a fact you had accepted a long time ago. And perhaps it would have been.
If it wasn't for the lies. 
Some drugs can't mask even that. 
"How is she?" 
His concerned gaze makes you pause for a moment. You wonder if it's time to forgive him, if even after everything that's happened you can at least forgive him for this. 
But then you see the watch Mijeong got him for last Christmas. 
A watch he still hasn't taken off.
A watch that got to stay with him when she had to leave him behind. 
Taking a deep breath, you fix him with a silent, cold stare, letting your shoes fall haphazardly on the ground before stepping inside your home. 
"If you wanted to know, you should've visited her yourself." 
Jaejin sighs as you brush past him, heading towards your room. 
If it were any other day perhaps he would have let you walk by, perhaps it would have gone on like it has been ever since he returned. As though the two of you were mere strangers living under the same roof. No interaction, nothing but the silence of your anger and his neverending shame. 
But it is not any other day. 
And Jaejin has had more than enough. 
“Is this how it’s going to be?"
There is only so much a person can take before they break, and Jaejin is unwilling to let your relationship fall to pieces, especially not when he is the one to blame.
"Look, I know you’re pissed at me, and I get it okay? It's my fault. I should have never left you when you needed me, but it was my dream! If I didn't try I would've regretted it, I thought you of all people would understand." 
You thought you would be angrier. You thought you would scream, fight him, push him away in a blur of tears and hot-blooded anger. 
Maybe it's because you're too tired, maybe it's because you've finally put things into perspective, or maybe you can't handle the distance between someone who feels like home any more than he can...
But you don't do any of that. 
Instead, you silently turn to him, your next few words a mere whisper. 
"You’re an idiot.” 
And if Jaejin was expecting anything, it surely wasn't this. 
Scoffing, you take your bag off your shoulder and set it down with a loud thump on the counter before fixing him with an incredulous look. 
“You think I’m mad because you left?” 
And at his silence, you know that you are correct. Rolling your eyes at his perplexed expression you run your hands through your hair in exasperation. 
“I’m mad because you lied to me, Jae!"
“What are you talking about?” 
Taking a deep breath, you fix him with a glare, trying your best to stay calm. Does he think you're stupid? Did he think that when he came home alone, you wouldn't put two and two together? Did he forget how thin your walls were?
How far was he going to take the lie until he was able to tell you the truth?
"I'm going to ask you something. And when you answer, I need it to be the truth, do you understand?" 
And though he doesn't speak, he nods silently. And though you're scared to hear the truth that he's been keeping from you for years, you also know that you need to hear it come from his lips. In order for you to move on from this, for you to trust him again, you need to know.
The real reason he's grown distant from you. The real reason it was so easy for him to leave you behind. The real reason he broke his promise. 
“Why did you and Mijeong break up?” 
Jaejin's heart drops to his gut at the question. 
And for a moment he can't find anything to say. He thought when he finally confessed, it would feel different, perhaps easier. And yet, after all this time he still can't find the words to express everything that has been building in his heart. 
Especially when it comes to you. 
How can he say anything when he is still irrevocably in love with Mijeong? How can he even think he has a right to dump his complex feelings on your shoulders when he doesn't even know what they mean? 
So instead, he runs his hand over his face, clear anguish written on the bitter smile that plays on his lips. 
“Did she tell you?” 
Swallowing hard, you shake your head. 
"I overheard you two talking that night.” 
His heart falls deeper into the pit of despair, and he runs his hands through his hair, unable to look you in the eye. His legs suddenly weak, he walks over to the couch and holds his head helplessly in his hands as he sits. 
You know.
You know and he didn't even get a chance to explain it to you. 
He doesn't know what is worse. 
You've seen Jaejin break down before. 
When his mother left him at his grandparent's house, with nothing more than an empty promise to return soon, only to be never seen again. When he had his first heartbreak and the two of you skipped class in hopes to chase it away. When his grandfather died, and he couldn't make it in time to say goodbye. 
When you left him behind, and the two of you said your first goodbye. 
Each time, you've seen the very same lost look on his face. The chaos in his eyes as he tries to figure out what to do next. How to make sense of an impossible situation which fate has already decided for him. You've seen the tears and you've heard the screams of anger, you've witnessed the worst and you've been beside him through all the bad. 
But this...
This is something different.
It's a side to him that he's hidden from you, that he's been trying to hide from you, and you have only just realized. It's new terrain, a dangerous one, one which you have no idea how to navigate. 
And yet, it is all so painfully similar, you have to wonder if he has shown this side, but it is you who has changed. If you are looking at him with new eyes, eyes that have seen everything, and yet nothing at all. 
After a moment, you join him on the couch, your voice soft when you next speak. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
"You had enough on your plate without me burdening you.” Jaejin shakes his head, his bitter smile only growing as he tries to pretend that he is alright. "I didn't want to keep it from you, it’s just you've been through enough and I was kind of scared.” 
“Of what?” 
And when he turns to you, there's a look of tenderness in his eyes that you've never noticed before. That perhaps you have seen, but have been too afraid to acknowledge.
Or rather, too scared to realize what they could mean. 
“The questions.”
At the response, you go silent avoiding his eyes, and he can't help the smile that appears on his face. Though brief, it's the most real flicker of happiness he's felt in your presence for a while, and it gives him hope. 
Perhaps this doesn't mean that everything has to change. Perhaps the two of them can stay the same, and he doesn't have to let go of you just yet. Perhaps this small, foolish hope could become their reality. 
“It’s okay, Yen, you can ask me.” 
And though Yen is wary, she does. No matter the consequences, she has to know, even if it hurts her more than she could have ever expected. 
“I thought you loved her.” 
“I do.” 
“Then why can’t you fix it?” 
It takes Jaejin a moment to answer, and when he does he cannot bear to look her in the eyes. He knows what his confession means, and he doesn't know how she will react, but he also knows she deserves the truth. Even if the timing is terrible, and even if this means their relationship has been torn at the seams, she deserves to know the reason why. 
“Because I'm in love with someone else.” 
Yen takes a shaky breath, almost too scared to ask the next question. 
Jaejin finally gains the courage to look at her, and when she meets his dark eyes, he can see the answer swimming deep in his irises almost as though it had always been present and she was just noticing the depth of the meaning in this moment alone. 
“You already know.” 
Yen goes silent and Jaejin waits for her to figure out what to say next. 
Just as he always has. 
Ever since they were children who leaned on each other when the world was too cruel for them to face, he's always sat afar, watching from a distance. Waiting for her to come and take his hand. Waiting for her to tell him to be brave. Waiting for her to give him the courage to fight. Waiting for her to be ready to come to him and see what he had only realized too late. 
Always waiting. 
In reality, he has always known the day would come when her smile would change towards him. When she would no longer be as warm and welcoming as she was when she was blind to his feelings and never had to bear witness to his selfishness. 
He just was never ready for the day to come. 
"I don't believe you."
And perhaps neither was she. 
"No! If you loved me, then why didn't you tell me?" As you look at him now, he can see the anguish behind your growing tears. "You knew how I felt about you, but you were the one who drew the line. You were the one who told me we couldn't be anything but friends." 
He wonders how many times he has hurt you. How many times he has betrayed you. How many times he has broken all of his promises toward you just because he was scared of his feelings. 
"I didn't realize it until you were already gone, and by then it was too late."
And yet he is still selfish enough to want you to stay like you always have. Because he doesn't want to let you go, because you are the closest thing to home he has left, and perhaps that is the scariest thought of all. Knowing you have someone who you rely on in that way, someone you need as much as the air you breathe. 
"That day I ran to you at the airport, that was me trying to confess, but I couldn't do it." 
But does that mean it's love?
Can it be anything else?
"I wonder why." 
You don't know what to say. 
Jaejin was your first love. A childhood crush you never quite got over, even when you said your final goodbyes. You always looked to him for everything, relied on him for everything, he was always there. You viewed him as your knight in shining armor. Someone who could complete your fairy tale ending almost as easily as he had repaired your broken heart. He carried a piece of it and faithfully kept it alive and beating. To this day he still harbors it close just as you cherish the piece he has given to you. 
But over time the love you had for him faded into an affection for a friend, a brother. You will always love him, and he will always carry with him the memories of your youth, but the world you had built with him has long been left in the past, and that's where you thought it would stay. 
But now...
“Mijeong knew." Your eyes widen at the confession, and as you look at him now you can see just how wretched he is. Just how much these feelings have torn him apart from the inside out. "She knew even before we started dating. She’s the one who wanted to start this, even when she knew I still loved you.” 
Jaejin smiles to himself at one of the many memories when Mijeong was still by his side. And though she will never know how he feels about her, he will always keep these memories they shared safe in the rose-tinted hue of perfection. For if he didn't, what more would he have than the darkening hatred of his own betrayal?
“That’s something only she knows.” 
The thought perplexes you more than you thought it would. How could you love someone who you knew would never love you back? Even if there were some hint that you could sway their heart, wouldn't it be painful? Wouldn't it tear you apart to know that the person you wanted the most in the world still had feelings for someone else?
How cruel can love be that that kind of distress would be worth it, if only it meant you could stay by their side for just a little bit longer? 
“Don’t worry about us, Yen. We’ll be okay. After all, we were friends before this, that’s not going to change.” 
Swallowing hard, you stare at your hands. 
“What about us?” Jaejin's eyes widen, and he turns to you, but you're unable to face him. You don't want to lose him, you don't want to let go of another piece of your home. Even if things have changed, does that mean you have to as well? “We’ll still be friends right?” 
And as his fears are finally voiced, his desperation grows, and on impulse, he takes your hands in his own, pulling you into a tight hug.
You don't know what it is. 
Maybe it's the nostalgia that's mixed with his scent of strawberries and crisp cologne, or perhaps the fact that this is the first time you've hugged him since he's returned. Or maybe it's simply because you've needed him for far too long that now that his arms are around you once more, it's become too much for you to bear.
No matter the reason, once he's enveloped you in the familiar cocoon of safety and warmth you allow the tears that have been building up to release. All of your fears finally come to fruition as you cling tightly to him, and he grips tightly to you. 
“Always." You nearly deflate in relief at the reassurance and respond by wrapping your arms tighter around his midsection. "I’m here for the long run, Yen, I won’t ever leave your side again."
If there is one thing Jaejin knows, it's that it doesn't matter how Yen feels. It's okay if she doesn't love him the way he does. He never needed her to love him, he just needed her by his side. Perhaps that is the real reason he didn't tell her how he felt before it was too late. Perhaps that's why he let her go. 
"I can deal with my feelings, I’ve been dealing with them for years, so please don’t worry about this. Concentrate on yourself, and I can figure out what I want.” Pulling away, he takes her face into his hands and squeezes it, snot, tears, and all. “I’m the only one who can do that, no one else should be the one to carry that burden." 
If all she needs from him is a friend, then that is all he will be. That alone is enough.
"That’s too much to ask of anyone.” 
And when he says that phrase, you finally understand. 
Why he and Mijeong leaned on each other, and why he had to let her go. 
But before you can say anything more, he presses a kiss on your forehead before standing and walking away. 
"Wait, Jae--"
"A little bird once told me to live my life to the fullest, without any regrets." 
You blink in shock as he repeats the words you told him when you left him behind, leaving you speechless. Turning around, he smiles at you, and you are taken back to the moment when you first met him. For that is the same smile he sent your way, the same look he gave you that turned him into your Prince Charming. 
“I hope you remember that when you’re on that stage." 
Even though everything has changed, some things still stay the same.
And you hope your friendship, just like when you were the two fragile kids all those years ago, will never sway.
"Good luck, little birdy.” 
And with that, he turns around, leaving you alone. 
Is it okay to live your life to your fullest? Is it okay to be just a little selfish, and ask for a little more than you know you deserve? 
In the dark, the only light you can see is the stars that glimmer outside. 
When you were younger, you would chase those very same stars, and now as you step out onto the balcony, you view them with the same wonder; the same fears. You're so close to your dream, so close to becoming one of the stars burning bright in the sky. It's everything you've ever wanted and its yours if you choose it. 
But what does it take to shine? What do you have to sacrifice to gain even a few moments amongst that dark sky? 
And what happens when you finally burn out?
Will they remember you?
Or will you be forgotten? 
“Are you proud? We’re almost there."
Smiling softly, you swallow hard at the thought, your hands shaking as you wrap them around your body. You always thought you were strong enough, but perhaps you never were. Maybe no one ever is. 
But is that reason enough to give up?
"It’s so close, but how much more do we have to lose before we can achieve it?” 
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note ::
this is off topic but I really like Jaejin's and Yen's friendship. Maybe at one point in time it could have blossomed into something more but right now, their friendship is something Yen really needs and I'm glad that she has it even if Jaejin's feelings have become complicated.
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chapter 70 here
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