#There are no crows in this image because there’s a full version of this that I’d like to post when the new version of her drops.
oolongnoon · 2 years
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Malphasie. I was happy to hear that she was voted in to have a remade unit in the future. Thank you for continuing to enjoy my character’s design. 
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violets-and-books · 1 year
This is a man who longs to be loved. He longs to be loved and to be allowed to love. This is, genuinely, the first impression of him I got from the books. When Bollinger was revealed as a traitor, Jesper didn't react with anger, as you'd expect from someone who, yknow, had been betrayed. All he said was "Oh, Big Bol... you idiot." And it sounds REGRETFUL. He regretted what Bollinger had done, he regretted being betrayed by someone he saw as his friend. He and Bollinger weren't even that close but he acted so regretful and disappointed
He wants to love. He reaches out so desperately to everyone around him. He reaches out to Kaz so much, everyone's analysed that to death, but he reaches out to EVERYONE. Everything about him is crafted so people will like him. The humour, the flirting, the style, the laid-back personality, it's all a way to present a version of himself that everyone will like. And it takes such a toll on him - we see that with his gambling and his intense self loathing - but he doesn't try to change it. Because he wants people to like him so much
Jesper's childhood was so full of love. His mum loved his dad, his dad loved his mum his mum loved him and his dad loved him. There wasn't a person in that house who didn't feel intensely, completely loved and accepted. Out of all the Crows, Jesper had the healthiest early childhood.
And then his mum died.
And he suddenly didn't feel so loved or accepted anymore. Not because of anything anyone did but because his mum's powers had killed her and her death ripped a huge rift through the family. Colm still loved Jesper but he was afraid for him. Afraid that his zowa would take Jesper from him like it took Aditi from him. So, Jesper learnt to hide that part of himself. He learnt that, in order to be loved, he had to hide parts of himself away. He had to hide his power, the dangerous part of himself, the part his mother had given to him.
Then, when he fell into the Barrel, he had to hide more of himself. I'm fairly certain he was only 15 when he dropped out of uni. He was incredibly young and probably absolutely terrified. And so many of the people around him were strong and apathetic and dangerous. So, again, Jesper learnt and he adapted. He's a master of change, he can create whatever image of himself he wants. He knows how to make people like him.
All because he wants to be loved. Because he wants to love. He trusts and loves people so implicitly, so quickly, he treasures his friends. He loves people so deeply and completely, verging on the edge of blindness. And people just don't give him that love and trust back. He fights for it. Every bullet out of his gun, every quip or insult or fist thrown is because he wants his friends to love him. He wants to be useful and needed and wanted. He's got such a hole in his heart, such a well of emptiness, that he doesn't let anyone see. Because if people know he's weak, if people know he's human, they won't like him anymore. If they know he's more (or less) than the jokes and the empty promises and the easy pick-up lines and the guns and the flash, they won't love him anymore and he will be completely, utterly alone with his thoughts
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evegoldenwoods · 6 months
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I'm not gonna have time to do a full drawing today, and I'm on a train which makes smooth lines really tricky, so here's a super rough concept of a lyke card, plus the seven different iterations of the hanged man that I own from different sets.
I think it's very funny that everyone went for the hanged man as their tarot card, but it is the one that Keith and Austin chose for lyke, so I felt obliged.
The hanged man is a great card, deeply ambiguous. It's sometimes read as a traitor, or a mystic, or a version of odin. The figure hangs in this deeply ambiguous point between passivity and active choice. It's meant to be unclear whether they have been placed in this situation and are trapped, or whether this is an active decision to reach enlightenment. I want to evoke all those elements with Lyke, and lean into the uncertainty of his choices, which is why there's a shrew skull in the lower left corner, for chine. Roses, naturally, for Aterika'kaal - and rose thorns binding lyke's foot to the beam. The ravening beast appears from behind his coat, and tombo in its bowl is between his hands, which are stained with spider ink. Tombo is drawn to deliberately echo one half of the "two fish as yin and yang" image that is so popular, which is extremely corny but I like the idea of it feeling like something out of balance, that there's a missing presence. I might try and add a few more details, like junk spilling out of lyke's pockets, and some element of fire somewhere. He has one eye closed as a deliberate evocation of odin, because doing something stupid in the pursuit of knowledge is very lyke.
The cards in the picture on the right are from seven different decks - centre is the thoth tarot deck, centre top is the little monsters deck, and then going clockwise it's the corrupted tarot deck by wyrmwood, the star spinner tarot, the botanica tarot, the crow tarot and the literary tarot. If you're curious about any of those decks I wrote up a big post on all of them that you can find on this blog. But it's fun to look at all of them together and see the consistencies as well as the variations.
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
Hello, you used to do these things for ds characters a long time ago, like:
full name:
And other-
Could you do this for Error or Cross(or both) please? I need it for my friend and his project-
sorry it's been like 100 years since I got this but anyway I feel like those characters have become so inconsistent it's tricky to narrow them down. if you ask modern me their names are ellie [last name missing] and victoria crow respectively, both are she/her, and none of the characters have articulated sexualities anymore besides Not Straight for imaginative ease. or if you're asked me from 4 years ago they're just error and cross and they probably are still trapped in the undertale dark ages of men who wish they were fashion disaster enough to fit in jojo's bizarre adventure.
do you mean like you want the WHOLE thing? like the whole whole thing? I just searched back and found the text base. dreamswap has plot holes and changed so much around its later era in it that it's difficult to articulate the details, but I can TRY.
ds ellie (to differentiate from the fatal flaws universe) was raised in an ambiguous institution (in other words, an orphanage) and has no mentioned relationship to her parents nor where she lives, barring the implication that she lives in an underground city. ds vick was born… somewhere in the spectrum of the multiverse, in a chunk of real estate owned by the ds version of big bad xgaster and it wasn't established who her familial relations were in this version. half the characters in ds are also conveniently unemployed and this includes the entire meme squad. ellie and vick's phobias have yet to be articulated because it was never that important to the plot. in other, less jokey words, I would say phobias are much more severe and neurological than bad memories or unpleasant situations. I don't really wanna say that ellie has a phobia of human connection or that vick is has a phobia of defeat or something. they have bad things that remind them of bad things and may even be debilitating, but I haven't had a chance to articulate them in writing or even figure out entirely how to do that or how they might relate to any given story. I never decided whether they had any irrational fears either. same thing for the next inquiry; what their guilty pleasures might be. all I can come up with is that vick likes fighting, and it's not always the wholesome kind.
morality alignment. uhhhh. it's complicated. people are complicated. the whole next list of character traits that split everyone into one half of the chart or the other feel like they're not accounting for any hypothetical specifics. like, I could say ellie is agreeable, but she's capable of doing things that make her disagreeable to many others. vick could be disagreeable to the people she picks fights with but she's capable of being agreeable to others. either one of them could be more optimistic depending on the circumstances. vick's carefree attitude could be read as optimism or nihilism. some of them are more cut and dry (for example, I'm sure both of them are anxious messes, which is common for their age), but I feel like saying it doesn't really say as much as just reading the material that exists of the characters… and said material is already only semi-reliable at best.
basically, I have this image in my head of the complex potential of each ds character, but none of them have really grown into it. you get what I mean? there's a lot of character details that aren't very clear simply because the characters were created, but not wholly written. not wholly developed. I'm not saying I have contempt for them or something, or wish I had done more. they just have something they COULD be one day. more complete versions of themselves. versions of them that I started out imagining back in 2018, but the directions I was going in with what I was making resulted in those versions of them not being fully realized. a character can only go so far with bouts of lore and minimal continuity.
I dunno if any of that even matters. it's probably more useful for me to just give yes or no answers, but I just kinda felt like talking about ds and its characters and how they've aged. maybe they'll end up in some medium one day that focuses more on who they could be rather than just their backstories and they'll be more fleshed out then.
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Breakdown of thoughts before the Golden Cheese Update drops
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Too lazy to screenshot every character but interesting cast we have here to begin with (Gingerbrave + Wizard + Adventurer + Black Raisin + unnamed cookie that’s probably an archaeologist/historian)
I feel like Black Raisin has to be an intentional choice beyond birds (both her own crows and the cheese birds) but maybe I’m overhyping myself
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Crew enters a pyramid goes through some mines and falls into the depths after losing their footing and this is the meat of what I’m really excited about because 1) woah this is much more futuristic than what I was expecting 2) highly likely it’s virtual???
I think what’s the giveaway for me is the previous photo because we can see that there doesn’t seem to be any outside natural lighting like a sun or a moon. All of the lighting is coming from the city itself.
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I think the pyramid structure in the third image is the city Gingerbrave and co end up warping into especially since the rectangular structures on top of it could match the skyscrapers that we see. This moment also shows us the person who’s in charge of looking after the virtual city tech wise, which is interesting because they are also in the simulation too. Meaning we technically have two versions of them right now. The person sitting in the chair
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And the person in the throne room alongside Golden Cheese and the other guy that I think is based off Horus?
I think this might also apply to Golden Cheese where we see her in this virtual city but most likely in the real world, she’s probably in the sarcophagus we see in the beginning of the trailer.
I don’t know how to segueway into this mostly because I have no idea what this means for the story because I’m not too knowledgeable on Egyptian mythology but I basically agree with what some people have guessed about some of the characters representing Egyptian deities. So I’ll just throw this here
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Honestly, I think the contrast between the actual real world Golden Cheese pyramid being what you’d expect (ancient, probably desolate) and the virtual Golden Cheese Kingdom where it has so many futuristic elements and it’s bright and bustling and so full of life is such a neat concept already especially in terms of what that might mean for Golden Cheese’s character??? Im actually really hopeful and excited about it I can’t wait for next week
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randadrives · 8 months
An overview: Moab pt 2
I arrived at a good time of year, as July and August are the hottest months for the area. Tourist season is known to be the months of May and October. The weather is mild then, but the crowds are plentiful. I hadn’t realized that people from all over would be visiting, considering it took me so late in life to learn about it! Parked behind my tow trailer the first night was a converted semi-truck full of about 50 people from Germany touring the U.S. The main reasons for this would be the National Parks. Southern Utah has what is known as The Big or Mighty Five: Zion and Bryce Canyon toward the west side of the state, Capitol Reef more in the center, and Moab’s own Canyonlands and Arches. Delicate Arch, found in Arches, is the image of what most people think for Utah, being on the license plate and on several versions of the Utah quarter. I visited both Canyonlands and Arches twice, and Capitol Reef once, so I can speak for those but not the others yet. Unpopular opinion, but Canyonlands, slightly southwest of Moab, is my favorite of those three. The vast sights, the deep canyons, the wildlife, the diversity in colors of the rocks, and the hikes along the rims are breathtaking. It’s a large park, which I didn’t realize before my first visit, and it is separated into districts. I have only visited the Island in the Sky district, and the White Rim Overlook trail was a fantastic choice if you can only do one there. I also hiked the Mesa Arch trail, which is another famous spot in the state, as well as Grandview Point. There are plenty of pull offs along the main drive to see the views if not hiking, and there are more difficult hikes, as well as some back country hiking, which I plan to make it back there for. While visiting I was ecstatic to just drive and see the crows, ravens, mule deer, and lizards. The most popular park, next to Zion, is Arches, named for being home of over 2,000 natural stone arches. During the busy time of year, Arches requires a timed entry reservation to enter between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:00 pm. I always made sure to get there well before 7, as the crowds have already started early to take in the phenomenal sunrise views. In addition, beating the heat was important to me. I’d make it a habit to start a hike by 5:30 am and be done for the day by 8:00 am, just to avoid the soaring temperatures. There is no shade to be found in this park. I ended up hiking to Delicate Arch twice, as I had some visitors who wanted to experience it. I think I’ve seen most of the main arches that can be accessed along the main road, and did most of the shorter hikes. Honestly, this may be controversial, but Arches NP is slightly overrated IN MY HUMBLE OPINION. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cool. Especially the first time. The rock formations are wild and most of the time it feels like you’re in Jurassic Park. I have an appreciation for it, but I won’t go out of my way to go back again. I do encourage everyone to go once and decide for yourself where it ranks! The crowds and sharing the hiking trail with so many tourists was not appealing. I’m not sure if the off season would be better, but it does get cold in that area and I’m not a cold weather hiker. Also, there is a 100 ft tall phallic-shaped rock seen from the road called “The Phallus.” If that doesn’t make you want to go, I’m not sure what will. Last, but definitely not last in ranking, was Capitol Reef. I did not have high expectations because honestly no one had given me the suggestion to go, and I didn’t hear people talk about it much. It was a bit of a drive so I stayed at a campground in Hanksville, UT. Hanksville is in the middle of nowhere, I did not have great cell service, but it was beautiful and I had a nice, refreshing time there with just myself and the dogs away from the hustle and bustle of Moab for a couple days. I was told ahead of time to make sure to get some pie while I was there, and after a bit of research I found that I needed to visit the Gifford Homestead to purchase said pie.
Go to part 3!
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My Opinion on AI Art
I am going to put this on my main blog where everyone can see it, because I have seen a lot of different takes about AI generated imagery and I wanted to share my take. Do what you will with this information, but keep in mind it is only in relation to the state of AI generated imagery in 2022. If you come back to this in 2025 and scream at me about some controversy that has occurred after this was posted, I will hit you with a brick.
Okay. First things first, is an AI generated image art? Well, let's look at it. As of this writing, there are no sentient AIs, and all pictures made by an AI are made at the behest of a human*. The human involvement in these images is significant: humans start the projects, come up with the ideas, run as many iterations as they want, make changes to the inputs as they need to, and decide what the final product is. Humans may take the images the AI generated and edit them, modify them, paint over them, etc. The AI, much like a spirograph or a bucket of paint dangling from a rope, is just an algorithm to create images with.
In this regard, because most of the conscious decisions are being made by a human and it's being done recreationally (as opposed to being a survival tool), it is art. Full stop. What kind of art it is, the quality of it due to visual artifacts, and whether it should be in its own category away from art created with more traditional tools are all separate questions from the intent that drives it, which is that a human wanted to make something for fun. That's the only criteria needed for it to be art.
*Human here is used to mean "Living thing that thinks", and can include H. sapiens, elephants, aliens, time travelers, crows, and members of the family Hominidae that don't belong to the species H. sapiens
Now, onto the second part. The way most of the AIs we have seen so far have been trained is just wrong for a product that's being released as an art tool. For our own reference, let's look at how websites use art. When an artist joins an art website, they give that website permission to store the image, distribute the image to other computers which request access to the image, and make alterations to the image (e.g. make tiny versions of it to use as a thumbnail). That's part of the Terms of Service for every art website, and if you didn't know that you should go read the TOS again. However, the artists did not give the same permission to the groups that run these AIs, and they did not give the website permission to transfer permissions. That means when the AI makers scraped the internet for images to train the AI with, they did so without getting anyone's permission. This is the part people should be upset about.
Now, we've all downloaded images to our hard drives, shared pictures we like with our friends, and even studied other artists to figure out how they do that fiddly thing we don't know how to do yet. Individually, that's okay. We're not claiming the picture is ours. But these groups are creating AIs that will regurgitate pictures they have been trained with and then people attribute those pictures to the AI, not to the original artist. That's basically the art version of money laundering. At this time, that means the only ethical AIs to use are the ones that were trained solely on public domain works or had permission from the original creators of the works being used. And as far as I can tell, no AI image generator that meets those criteria exists yet. The people who made these tools made them without any consideration for the people who may be impacted by these tools, and that's not cool.
Now, the third part. Some artists are freaking out because they think AI art will replace them. I personally do not share this opinion. As we have seen from various other industries, such as the jewelry industry or furniture industry, people will pay a premium for the artisanal stuff even though mass produced alternatives exist, even if the mass produced stuff is equal in quality. I believe that tendency will also occur in the art world, and there will always be a place for independent and professional artists as a result. Photography did not end the career of the landscape painter, nor did CGI destroy the job of the set designer. There were periods of upheaval, yes, but at the end of the day things settled into a new normal and those jobs continued to exist.
Furthermore, we already have hobbyist artists who do great work for next to nothing, and that hasn't driven independent or professional artists out of business either. One only needs to look at the sheer disparity of prices in the Furry Fandom to see that independent artists can compete even in a market saturated with low cost artwork.
So, that's my opinion, and I look forward to giving AI generated imagery another shot when they come out with an AI that was created with informed consent and input from artists.
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not-terezi-pyrope · 2 years
Vent post, okay to reblog though I guess
The thing I notice most about being a fat trans woman is how nobody wants to talk about it.
I mean, sure, it’s an identity combo that will come up occasionally in laundry lists of identity combos when people are professing vague textual expressions of unspecified support, but nobody is really willing to talk about what it means.
I have tried to talk about what it means, what it feels like, but after one too many untouched twitter threads and reddit posts with two upvotes, I am more than aware that thin people, even thin trans women, would much rather keep on scrolling to the next 1000k upvoted post of a skinny woman on two months of HRT who already looks more feminine than I will after my whole transition.
And I don’t have anything against those women; I wish them all the best. But it really hurts seeing it, knowing people don’t really care to talk about how femininity as a trans woman is so often only obtainable if you are skinny, or else if you are fat in the precise right way that is only obtainable through intense body modification and/or surgery. I don’t get to mention the uncomfortable smiles and derelict dating profiles when other trans women gush about the vibrant new queer sexual communities they have found since transitioning. I don’t get to talk about how I am far and am therefore either a man, or a woman so ugly I bring down the mood when I impose myself into communities that they expect to all be full of hot, skinny queer women.
Because the thin lefty queer folks in those spaces don’t want to admit to themselves how often they are viscerally grossed out by my body. It impinges on their self-image as liberated and universally accepting. And like, I don’t begrudge them not being attracted to me. Nobody owes anyone else attraction, or reciprocation to advances (at this point I mostly don’t bother making those advances). But what does bother me is how people will continue to talk like this isn’t a thing that is true, to cover their ears and shut their eyes and continue to crow about how achievable these things are for everyone, how femininity is just a clothing change and hormones away, how easy it is to date other trans women and form sexy catgirl polyam harems once you come out, how it’s “just about confidence!!!”.
I wish that were true. I wish that was my experience with the culture. But although I have been out as trans for a while, I am still treated, in terms of sex and romance, roughly equivalently as a fat woman as I was as a fat boy; beneath notice. Knowing through the subtle cues people give that if I even tried to approach a thin cis woman it’d be a genuine “hello??? Human resources???” moment.
I failed my last diet. I will probably start another one soon that will probably also fail, and then I will keep trying, because society has been screaming at me for years that getting thin is only way to achieve a version of me that they will accept for who I want to be. You can’t transition weight in the same way as you can transition your gender presentation, at least not without a lot of physical and psychological pain, but that is what is asked of us, or at least me. The world screams at me for it. It’s astonishing how much casually worse people see you as for being overweight; it’s so pervasive that people simply cannot acknowledge it, because it would too greatly shatter their impression of a fair world.
Because people won’t talk about this I’ve never been offered a serious practical alternative to continuing to hate my body and trying to, some day, lose weight. if there is an alternative solution I’ve never been offered it because people will pretend that there is simply no problem. I am repulsed by the idea of gastric surgery, but the last few months the idea has really started to grow on me as a last resort that I might simply have to try before it gets too late for me to have a womanhood. Dieting landed such a blow to my mental health at the end of last year and I have nothing to show for it since I have pretty much gained everything back. It really saps my hope for the future that even after all this, I still don’t get to just be a girl and be liked/wanted by other people in general.
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p5x-theories · 1 year
Speculation on Future Phantom Idols
(If any of these appear it probably won’t be until the game is out and the gacha has truly begun)
Almost guaranteed:
Non-main Phantom Thieves: Violet, Black Mask, Sophie, Wolf, Erina and Toshiro (assuming they join in P5T)
A guess based on the idea that supporting characters in P5T double as Phantom Idols:
The same might apply to the supporting characters in the original P5?  Maruki seems likely given that he already has a Persona and Metaverse outfit.  It would fun to finally see what Hifumi was going to look like as a Phantom Thief.  I’m sure lots of fans would pay to see what their favorite Confidant would look like if they joined the Thieves.  And  if new Shiho gets to be a Phantom Idol why not the original?
Would be profitable, but I’m not sure if they’ll go for it:
On one hand, a lot of fans would be willing to pull for characters from previous games, so it would make sense to see them here.  But on the other, so far they’ve emphasized that P5X is based on the P5 brand, not the Persona brand as a whole.  So the idea of characters from older games appearing seems up in the air.
Honestly, I have no idea if the other Phantom Thieves are really “guaranteed”, just because Atlus seems to be kind of protective about where they show up (and we don’t really know the deal with Erina and Toshiro yet). But man, I really hope they do! I’m a big fan of the Royal and Scramble thieves, haha... though it would also be interesting if Black Mask specifically was included, because Crow is already playable? If they have cosmetic appearance changes for the Thief outfits as well (like how we know you can change Wonder’s real-world clothes), I’d kind of expect Black Mask to appear as an alternate outfit for Crow instead, honestly. Unless they want to let us have two Akechis on our team, which... I guess I wouldn’t be complaining about, hehe?
Also definitely confirming myself as a fan who would love to see alternate versions of confidants from P5 as Phantom Thieves! That does seem another step less likely than adding in the other canon Thieves (though I guess since Maruki does already have an outfit and Persona, but wasn’t ever playable, maybe he’s in between the steps), but I agree that Tomoko’s alternate Phantom Thief version appearing as a Phantom Idol does raise the likelihood from “well it’s nice to dream” to “this is theoretically plausible”!
I think the previous games’ protagonists- particularly P3 and P4- are probably the most likely previous game characters to appear, as special bosses at the very least, since that was in fact a feature in P5R (if technically DLC). You’re probably right that it’s highly unlikely the full teams will show up, though, unfortunately, at least based on what we know of the game right now. ... But hey, that one image of Yukari from P3D was inexplicably in the first beta’s files, so at least there was technically a P3 character in P5X at one point (at least in its data), haha?
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whiskey-nips · 2 years
I have so many drafts on tumblr of feelings I’ve never posted. feeling nostalgic lately. I have a few people I can talk to who knew me as different versions of myself, but I don’t get to speak to many others who shared the worlds the realities I used to live in. Either because they are still struggling to get out of them, they don’t want to remember them, or just generally have other issues that are taking over their life. Some people should be left in the past since the toxicity is still ever present and it’s upsetting that they have not done any change or growth and are still miserable beings who live off blaming everyone and everything except themselves for their own downfall. I’m glad for who I am today and can see all the things that could have happened. though I still had to go through similar struggles, sometimes the same struggles as said beings, but the difference being maybe I handled them in different ways. I obliterated my pride at times and ate a lot of crow, rejected images, made new images of myself, accepted myself, and stopped caring what others thought (pretty sure I can count on my hands the times I’ve actually cared anyways, not that many times) Still I digress again. Maybe Winter is just a nostalgic time. I’ll be different again in the spring, Full of hope, aspirations, and goals again once the flowers start blooming and new things take up more space than the old. Right now I’m trying to figure out what to do with all these thoughts and feelings. Trying to make something meaningful, useful, or get something out of them. give them closure, more detail, maybe I should let some things rest or die. There are some things I’d like to return to, to decide if they are still important to me, if I want to pursue something of that nature again, if there are more thoughts to have about it, if it should be shared, if there is more work required for certain subjects. I like to write and want to write more, I get so bored about it being and seeming to be all about me, me, me. so I’m reading and researching things. Who knows maybe I’ll finish something writing related this year instead of having scrap papers, drafts and ideas all strewn around on little bits of stained paper, ratty notebooks, and I’ll sort through my 52 drafts on this space and have something someone else might think is interesting. Here’s to me this year, attempting to be less clam-esque and opening up little by little and figuring out who the next creature I’m going to be. I’ve been in a sense a raccoon, grub, horse, cactus, wolf, bear. maybe i’ll relate to something more dignified and specific this year.
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tselbutnonhuman · 12 days
We are The Starry Eyed Lovers and this is our Alterhumanity and Nonhumanity blog! We will try to post as often as we can but we do have other blogs to take care of so please be mindful.
There are a few of us that have kins or are just plain nonhuman but we will introduce our host's kins and such because doing all of us would make this post way too long. Request Form Post
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Hello! I'm Z, the host of TSEL. I am 17 currently so please don't be weird and absolutely NO nsfw or the like on this page. Especially active/pro-contact zoos and people who like monsters/other nonhumans sexually. Partial DNI (including Radqueers/TransIDs) will be included in a banner at the end of this post. For the full/ever growing one go to our main @thestarryeyedlovers
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Animal Kin List:
All Species Of Bats All Species Of Fox All Breeds Of Dog (Intensity Differs With Breed) Common Rain Frogs Fallen Angels Raccoons White Wolf ALL Skrunkly/Skrungly Cats (Mostly Those Stupid Looking Kittens) Tyrannosaurus Rex Pterodactyl
Weird/Concept/Different Kins:
Gummy Candy Sharks A very specific White/Blueberry Cow Pillowpet (Thank Tommy for that one) Books The Backrooms/Liminal Space Smilers + Howlers - The Backrooms
Black MaineCoone White MaineCoone Most Other Cat Breeds Crows Black Wolf Great Dane German Shepard Cadigan & Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Constelic IDs: (Some of these are in between constel and kintype)
Sebastian Solace - Pressure (We have an introject of him and we've never played the game but, Large Tmasc fish man. Why wouldn't I want to be him???) Doll - Murder Drones (Also have an introject of her) c!Tommy - DreamSMP (Got a few of him in headspace but I am also him because I said so) Flesha/Skyn - Murder Drones (Cyn's Tessa skin suit disguise. !!Not an introject!!) GoodTimesWithScar - Every version but cc!Scar (Might have an introject or two of his characters/personas but idk) QSMP!Tubbo (Might also be an introject) !!THESE LISTS WILL BE UPDATED AS MORE ARE DISCOVERED!!
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We might do userbox and mood/stimboard requests if enough people want that along with other requests. They will mostly pertain to Alterhumanity/Nonhumanity but other themes will be allowed.
Requests can be as simple or as detailed as you'd like, but please at least provide two of the basics (Text, color scheme, theme, picture(s)/symbol(s), etc)
Though this is not a Build a Headmate blog, we have one and it is @tsel-bas and is highly anti-rq and transID. Dissomei and Aldernic terms are allowed if requested on that blog and this one.
So let us know if you'd be interested in any of that!
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I have had pasts lives and identify as an animal/nonhuman on all levels including physical. In fact, I'd say I shift into a human instead of my kins/theriotypes.
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Image ID: DNI: Basic DNI, Anti-endo/non-traumagenic origins, fakeclaimers, anti alterhuman/nonhuman, anti therian/otherkin, anti xenogenders/neopronouns, pro-contact harmful para, NSFW accounts, anti age-re/pet-re, radqueer/transID users, proshippers, anti good faith identities, pro-psych, ED/SH accounts.
If you think anything should be added to this let me/us know through dms.
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squarestarheart · 3 months
I'm sure that this has all been written before but my kiddo and I just watched The Secret of NIMH (1982) this evening, a few months after we finished reading through the book, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert O'Brien (1971). Let's just say, oh boy, we were both Big Mad. Spoilers after the break. (There are image descriptions in the alt text!)
For the uninitiated, the book (which I'll abbreviate add MFRN) is a delightful classic piece of children's literature. I read it and reread it as a kid, and was excited to share it with my own child this year. MFRN follows Mrs. Frisby, a widowed field mouse with four young children. Her younger son, Timothy, is sick with pneumonia, and so she can't move her children out of their winter home (which is in a half-buried cinder block in the middle of a farmer's field) to their summer home in order to protect Timothy's weak lungs as he recovers. In seeking help, she first rescues a crow (Jeremy), then very bravely speaks with an owl, who advises her to speak with a reclusive colony of rats who live in a large rosebush on the farm about moving her home until Timothy is well.
Mrs. Frisby manages to make her way to these rats, who tell her their own history as test subjects at the National Institute of Mental Health, where experimental injections increased their intelligence and bodily health to the point that they learned to read. The rats, alongside some mice who went through the same procedure, eventually resolve to escape the NIMH laboratory, which they manage to do. As they travel across the countryside, they come upon an abandoned home with a large library, and teach themselves mechanical and agricultural principles.
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There's quite a lot more to the story, but the important point is that this is a story about a mouse who wants to protect her family, whose fate is deeply intertwined with these highly intelligent rats who are trying to leverage their smarts and learning become more than Just Rats.
Secret of NIMH (SoN) seems to be a beloved film for a certain crowd of people. It's a Don Bluth film, his first full length movie after leaving Disney animation studios. At first, SoN seems like it's going to be a somewhat clipped version of MFRN, with some necessary differences that were needed to adapt the story to film. Mrs. Frisby is renamed Mrs. Brisby, likely due to perceived copyright issues with the Frisbee flying disc toy. A rousing chase scene is inserted at the beginning of the movie to establish the danger of Dragon, the farmer's cat. But the story diverges from the published material very quickly.
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SoN dispenses almost entirely with the entire plot line about the NIMH rats, relegating Nicodemus's story about their origins and trials, a tale that takes up a good 40% of the book, to a brief two-minute sequence. The rats wear outfits befitting medieval aristocrats. Jenner, a rat who in the novel left the larger group in an effort to find his own way, is recast as a nasty villain who sabotages the rescue of Mrs Brisby's children and kills Nicodemus so the rats can continue to live on the farmer's scraps. And most infuriatingly for both me and my kid, the rats are... magic?
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So instead of slowly becoming smart, being taught how to read, and developing a rational and technological society so they can become independent like the MFRN rats, the rats in SoN.... get injected with psychedelic chemicals, suddenly learn how to read, learn... magic?, become a medieval monarchy, and craft incredibly intricate and tiny little costumes for no apparent reason.
In MFRN, the rats succeed at very carefully moving Mrs Frisby's home in the middle of the night using clever machinery. This is at great risk to themselves, because they need to get the hell out of dodge the next day to avoid being captured and/or poisoned by NIMH staff. They are noble, they stick to their promise to Mrs. Frisby, and they eventually make their way to freedom despite some losses.
In SoN, we are instead treated to an attack on the house-moving operation by saboteurs, a sword fight, and then an honest-to-goodness Chekhov's Amulet Deus ex Machina when the mysterious amulet we see Nicodemus pass along to Mrs Brisby turns out to give the bearer magical strength. Why? No idea.
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And then the film ends with Jeremy the Crow canoodling clumsily with another crow, Mrs Brisby and her children in their safely moved house, and.... What happened to the rats? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ The End!
These were only some of the changes that both my kid and I found jarring. On the whole, this film felt like it took a few key points from a beloved book (some characters and a few key plot points) and then just plunked them down into a new story riddled with unexplained phenomena, hand waving, unnecessarily Brooding and Mysterious vibes, and a saccharine tone that really underestimates the kind of story a kid is able to understand.
We're 40 years late on this movie review, but here we go. 2/10. Read the book, Skip the movie.
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shibaraki · 2 years
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tags: GN reader, sick fic, gojo is a big whiny noodle, established (yet unlabelled) relationship, bathing a partner, non sexual nudity, intimacy, fluffy fluff but a smidge of angsty angst
wc: 2k
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“Stop being difficult, Satoru”. 
You readjust your grip around his waist and attempt to take on more of his weight, briefly closing your eyes to silence the need to roll them. If he saw, no doubt he would complain. Satoru is heavy without the exhaustion from sickness, but you can tell he’s purposefully feigning complete helplessness. 
It was not often that he was allowed to exhibit such weakness—if viral infection should fall under the definition of weakness. Satoru had a name, an image, and a certain projection of himself to maintain. Such a divine thing could not falter under trivialities; there was no mourning, sloth or envy. If you are condemned to be a God amongst men, what is there left to long for? 
This. A safe place to fall apart, a warm body to curl against that touches you without ulterior motive. You can tell by the way he indulges in your generous love whenever he can—a spare moment will always be spent with you, kissing you without direction, but most of all, doing nothing aside from breathing one another in. 
When you first met Gojo Satoru a small pip of melancholy buried itself into your chest, took root and grew with every encounter. Back then it felt as if there was no one version of him. You saw his demeanour wane and adjust to those around him, shapeshifting into whatever it was they wanted to see in him. The cajoling and arrogance was the only consistent thread he interwove between those masks, and you realised eventually that that very thread had been the thing keeping his seams together. 
Satoru needed to be strong. In the face of his opponents, his allies, his students and his admirers. To stoke kindling of mutiny, to admonish any small spark of disbelief, that strength must be upheld wherever eyes could see. 
You were under no illusions. From the start, you knew that your ability to see through his façades had been the very quality that magnetised him. And you let it happen, because with every true smile he gave you—fond and small, faint crows feet at the corners of his eyes—the ache in your chest lessened, and he began to look more like a man. Less deific. 
The relationship was almost symbiotic, medicinal. It was also something neither of you ever put a name to. In the unpredictable world you lived in, it was much easier that way. During the months that had passed you saw him in fits of laughter, inconsolable and regretful, scarfing down a hot meal made in your kitchen, frustrated, braced over you and shrouded in want. 
You hadn’t seen him sick, not until today. Part of you once wondered if Satoru could even get sick. 
“Be nicer to me. I’m dying,” he bemoans, nose nuzzling into your crown. You lock your knees as they threaten to buckle. Draping himself over you like a second skin, uncomfortably hot to the touch and slightly breathless between words, Satoru seemed to be both suffering and enjoying his sudden sickness. 
“I wish you would do it quietly then,” you huff, struggling in your short walk to the tub. It is already prepared and full of warm water—halfway, just to be safe. Once the levels expectedly rise around his too-big body, you didn’t fancy having to mop up your bathroom floor. 
“I don’t know how to be quiet… you would know,” he mumbles, voice stretched into a tired drawl despite the effort to sound suggestive. As the sentence ends, you have already bent to settle him on the edge of the bath. 
You stand between his thighs, smoothing both hands along his bare shoulders to steady him. The film of sweat sticks to your palms but you say nothing of it. Thankfully he’s already undressed and only left in his boxers, having shed his clothes hours before amidst the worst of the fever. He’s slouched like a puppet with no strings, and he continues to bend until his face is pressed against your chest. 
“Hey,” your brow creases with worry, any previous frustration quickly dissipating at the sight of him struggling. You bring your fingers to cradle his jaw, and his chin tilts until your eyes meet. “You with me, baby?”
Satoru blinks heavily, Elysian eyes clouded. His skin is flushed pink. Flat, white strands of hair cling to the damp on his forehead. Slow, a blissed out grin spreads across his cheeks at the affectionate pet name. “As long as… you want me,” he replies. 
If this illness isn’t contagious then his boyish grin and poor attempt at flirting certainly is. You smile, resisting the urge to kiss him as you push the hair away from his face, “If you cooperate and help me get you into the bath, then I promise to peel your oranges for you even when we’re old”. 
This promise holds a lot of weight. Satoru hates having sticky fingers. A pleased hum rumbles in his throat, and he leans into your touch. “Don’t know if that’s romantic or manipulative”.
“You’re both of those things,” you snort, pushing the flesh together until his lips jut into an unattractive pout, “all the time”. 
“Come on, Satoru. Off,” you forgo spoiling him further and reach to tug at the waistband of his briefs, “and in!” 
He’s boneless as he moves, shifting his hips left and then right as he shoves the material down his thighs. You crouch to squeeze beneath his knee in encouragement and slip the underwear over his ankles, feeling entirely at home with him despite the nudity. You half expect him to make a joke about where your eyeline falls, but he only watches you with a quiet reverence that warms you inside and out. 
You had checked the temperature while you’d drawn it. Tepid, around thirty one degrees to be careful, probably cooler now that some time has passed. Satoru turns on axis and lowers himself into the tub with a hand on your arm, the surface rising as it is displaced. 
Any and all rigidity immediately bleeds from his body, breathing a long suffering sigh. The bath is hardly long enough for his legs, but they bend willingly as his mouth disappears beneath the water. You’re quick to support him the further he slips, so taken by the relief that he doesn’t catch himself. 
Water ripples in rings as he exhales through his nose. You are submerged up to your elbows and grateful you’d opted for wearing a vest top, fingers interlocked at his back for support. “That feel better, baby?” you murmur. 
He hums a lazy affirmative and it vibrates through the water. Satoru’s lashes are pearly white like the halo of hair settling around his shoulders, his gaze doleful when he peers up at you. With the tension gone, it’s startling how sickly he looks. 
“This bug has really done a number on you, huh?” internally, you debate when and how you’ll free your hands. Louder than anything was the urge to gently scratch at his scalp, the way you knew he liked. “I don’t like seeing you suffer much”. 
His movements echo around the room as he finally finds strength, settling both feet flat to the end of the tub and pushing himself up the other.  “Steady,” you smile, releasing your grip to thumb at the pink line that now cuts across the lower half of his face. 
“Bet I look real ugly,” he rasps in quiet theatrics, head rolling slightly into your palm, “don’t look at me”. His lips purse against the skin there in a brief kiss as you continue to stroke his cheek. 
A laugh bubbles in your chest, but you keep it held. Intuitively, you heard the underlying insecurities. “I like you ugly,” you tell him honestly.  “Sometimes you’re so perfect it’s like looking into the uncanny valley. Now you look like a drenched kitten”.
“Rude,” you feel when the pout spreads into a smile, and he nips lightly at the heel of your hand before kissing the spot again. “You shouldn’t bully a sick person”. 
“Then how about I run a cloth over you instead?” 
The drenched kitten absentmindedly nuzzles his nose along your inner wrist, barely holding himself upright. “…‘Kay,” he murmurs. 
Your arm remains around his back as the other leaves his cheek and reaches for a wash cloth. The water distorts around his body as you dip it beside his hip, pale skin almost comparable to a moonlight's reflection beneath the surface. Your fingertips ghost through the soft hair at his navel, feeling the muscles flinch. 
“Gonna start up top, alright?” you explain, voice low as not to disturb the atmosphere. Stowed away in your narrow bathroom like this, it’s as if the two of you are the only people to exist. 
Satoru’s smile deepens, “Must be nice… getting to feel me up…”
“Mhm. Lucky I don’t usually need to get you sick to be able to feel you up,” you tease back, the fabric saturated and dripping over his chest as you stretch to run it along his collarbones. 
“No,” he breathes happily, chin tipping back to rest his head against the edge of the bath, throat bared. “You don’t”. 
You continue to wipe away at his skin in an effort to soothe him and further allay the fever. Gentle, purposeful motions over the lines and curves of his body. Your tender cadence continues as you instruct him to lift his arms, one by one kneading the flesh into smooth dough, accounting for every finger as you bring them to your lips. For each kiss his face further slacks, mouth parted to exhale soft breath, cheeks flush with more than sickness. 
The sight of him flowers love in your chest. It aches, not because it’s empty, but because it is full. “Think if I tell you something while you’re slightly delirious, you’ll forget I said it?” 
The cloth is pleasant on his skin as you wait for his response. It’s your own, one you know he favours and steals when he uses your shower, but adamantly denies doing so. Your caress has lowered over his pink chest to his abdomen, drawing circles into his hip. 
You can see his body naturally reacting to the touch, blood gathering between his legs, but he makes no indication of wanting more. Had he asked, you would have denied him tonight anyway. 
“Maybe,” he mumbles, watching you behind half lidded eyes. He looks benevolent. If you had to choose your favourite version of Satoru, you would pick Contented. 
He’s saying ‘I can’t promise anything’, just without as many words. You laugh warmly, and slide the cloth along his thighs with some finality. Chances are, your doting of him would be material to poke fun at you for the rest of the month. 
Your silence stretches out but he doesn’t press you. Instead you soak the cloth once more and squeeze before patting it across his forehead, wiping the damp hair back before you lean forward to kiss between his brows. The feeling coaxes his eyes shut, and when they do, you dip to kiss each closed lid. A sharp inhale ricochets throughout the room. 
There, the six eyes protected only by a thin layer of skin, you speak. It isn’t a confession of love, but it is as good as any. 
“You’re my favourite person”. 
Moving back just a hair's breadth, they don’t open again. They seem to visibly tighten, a crease forming across the bridge of his nose, like he was trying not to cry. He sighs deeply, smile trembling.
When he replies it is, as expected, masked behind arrogance, despite the words catching in his throat. You don’t mind the feigned nonchalance, or his need to shield himself with egotism. Because just as it has been from the start, you can see right through him, as he can through you. 
“‘Course I am,” he says. “I’m Gojo Satoru”.
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rggtattoos · 2 years
Based on your research, do you have any headcanons for the unknown tattoos of important yakuza characters? Like Kazama/Kashiwagi/Arakawa/etc.
I am unsure whether a simple or full tattoo would be best for these characters, so I have given an idea for both the main subject and a flower/plant motif for each. Keep in mind these are just some ideas, some of which are unlikely, but I thought were fun. I would love to hear other peoples’ thoughts on tattoo possibilities.
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Arakawa Masumi
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Based on Ichiban and Jo's dragonfish tattoos, which the creators have said are in honor of Arakawa, I feel like a dragon is likely. However, something related to his history as an onnagata (male actor specializing in female roles) in his family's Taishu Engeki troupe is also a possibility.
Maybe the Dragon King Ryujin and one or more of his daughters? This would also play into Arakawa's role as a father to Ichiban and Masato, as well as the rest of the men in his family.
As for a plant, the woman Arakawa fell in love with was named “Akane,” which is the name for a plant (Rubia cordifolia- “Common/Indian Madder”) whose roots are used to make a deep red pigment used in paints and dyes (Alizarin crimson is a synthetic version of Akane red).  The plant itself is not an ornamental, so it would make for a unique addition.
Kashiwagi Osamu
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I feel like something that reflects Kasiwagi's role as an advisor would be a good choice. Yatagarasu comes to mind- a gigantic 3-legged crow (yatagarasu means "8-span crow" 8 "span" = 144cm or about 4'8") sent by the sun goddess Amaterasu to guide the first emperor, Jimmu, to Japan. The 3 legs are said to represent heaven, earth, and humanity as well as wisdom, benevolence and valor.
Kashiwagi is one of the first characters to "rise from the dead" long after supposedly dying, so a little something to foreshadow that would be good. Wisteria, Chrysanthemums, and peach blossoms are all used to symbolize immortality, so one of those would be a good choice. I went with wisteria for the eyecatch image simply because I like it.
Kasama Shintaro
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Kasama really gave me some hell choosing a main subject for a tattoo. He's a very important character to the Kiryu saga, who leaves a lasting impression on the series as a whole.
I settled on Jizo, a popular god in Japan who takes on dozens of forms to protect people against everything from childbirth to headaches. (There are several Jizo statues in the games, namely 5 and 6) He is most well-known as a protector of children, as he helps guide them to the afterlife, but he also takes on the wounds of warriors, watches over travelers. He also acts as defense when the dead are judged, and oversees the punishments in hell so as to ensure they are not too severe, taking on the pain of the sufferers. He is commonly portrayed as a portly, child-like figure, but can also be depicted as a man in monk's robes. Jizo is said to take on the wounds and suffering of others, and Kazama dies shielding Haruka from harm.
A sunflower motif would make sense, given the orphanage he created. Though originally from the Americas, sunflowers were introduced to Japan during the Edo period. Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and longevity. They are also known for their unique ability to remove toxins like lead, arsenic, and uranium from soil.  The Sunflower Orphanage was built as penance for the murders Kasama has done as a yakuza assassin.
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calling4glaives · 2 years
Personnel Files 3: Crowe Altius
Moving down the alphabet from Axis to Crowe, let's continue our deep dives. Crowe stole our hearts with just a few scenes, and deserved so much better. Even if we want so much more, she does have a little more information to go off of than Axis and Sonitus, so let's dig in!
Crowe Altius
From the facebook blurb:
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Tumblr Blurb: She is a member of the Kingsglaive and possesses the ability to handle magical powers. Because of the experience of being raised an orphan she cherishes Nyx, Libertus and the other members of the Kingsglaive and thinks of them as family.
Name: Crowe - English: the large-beaked black bird, also many things with a “beak” shape: crowbar (prybar with a “beaked” end), crow (corvus, Roman boarding plank with a beak-like spike to anchor it), etc; a cry of victory/alarm/etc, as the sound a rooster or cockerel makes, or Peter Pan Altius - Latin: higher, deeper (as an adjective and adverb), part of the Olympic motto – Citius, Altius, Fortius (Swifter, Higher, Stronger)
Background: As with many glaives, we don't know exactly where Crowe's from. In addition to the two official descriptions above, we have Libertus's description from the movie: “What a life, huh? She was brought up an orphan. Run out of her village. I still remember the first time I saw her. Scrawny little thing, all covered in dirt. Not a friend in the world. But those eyes...damn. There was something about those eyes. She deserved better. And I would've done anything to give it to–” 
Orphan is mentioned several times, but where she was found and how old she is is still a mystery. She could be the girl in the group photo on Nyx’s corkboard, which still works because Galahd can, wherever you place it, certainly count as the “outskirts of Lucis”. She also could have been found in a different region on a glaive mission; while we hear about Libertus seeing her as a younger sister (to her annoyance, though whether it’s the younger or the sister thing that’s annoying is up for debate), each official blurb mentions the whole glaive is her family.
Equipment: Unlike Axis and Sonitus, Crowe is seen in several outfits, her uniform and a casual version, her undercover disguise, and the concept art of her and her friends in Galahd.
   - Uniform: Crowe’s uniform is drastically different from the mens’, with its higher, heeled boots, skintight leather bodysuit, scalloped standing collar, netting on her shoulder, gem necklace/fastener, and cape, though it shares the modeling of the lapels, cuffs, silver accents, buttons, and hood (and, presumably, but not seen, the cloth mask). Her oversleeves do appear similar to those worn by the glaive next to Luche on the wall and Nyx, though they only wear one and she has two. Overall, her uniform does appear to match the other mages’, down to the red gloves and capes, though the gem might be unique to Crowe; it’s hard to tell because the others wear their cloth masks. (The capes are patterned with an eight-sided geometric tiling pattern, according to the models; I wonder what the pattern represents?) One does wonder how she uses the restroom in that outfit; not quickly that’s for sure. Her messy hair is in a bun, and she doesn’t have any braids, at least not according to her hair modelling video.
[[According to one piece of concept art, she does apparently have a dagger, which can be glimpsed very briefly when the mages are conjuring the firestorm:
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Image from the wiki]]
  - Casual - though she rags on Nyx for wearing parts of his uniform to Yamachang’s, she seems to be doing something similar, if the bodysuit and gem are any indication. She wears the same outfit when the news of the truce comes through, though she pairs them with elbow-length black (leather?) gloves and crossed belts like the mens’, though we never see the weapon meant to go on them. The only differences between her battlefield uniform and full uniform seen in the briefing scene seems to be the cloak and hood, which makes sense with the lack of customization among the mages.
   - Undercover - Perhaps because she’s leaving Insomnia, her undercover outfit features actual color: various greens in the shirt and jacket. It might be her own personal style, because it matches the outfit seen in the promo art of her, Libertus, and Nyx working at the bar, albeit with a purple version of the shirt(s). The layered effect also matches Cor’s. She has a knee pad/brace, perhaps for fashion, perhaps as a nod to the king and the tendency of members of the Lucis Caelum bloodline to have knee/hip issues. Her helmet is an orangy-pink, one of the few nods to her supposed theme color of orange, alongside her belt.
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[[Gif is from ffxvcaps, still is from @capsource]]
- Dead - Crowe’s skin is very pale white and almost scaly and she has dark streaks running from her eyes, probably an indication of starscourge (does this also account for her very pointy breasts in the body bag?). It could also just be her mascara running from crying as she died, as Luche taunts Nyx; she appears to wear mascara and probably lipstick, though lacks eyeliner on her lids, even the “default dark eyeliner” seen on most women in movies and video games.
  - Alternate Future - Crowe wears a split-sided orange tunic bound by a thick belt-wrap and several beaded belts over a sleeveless skin-tight black shirt and shorts (possibly one garment), plus cuffs around her upper arm, though her feet are invisible.
She has an identical L’il Malbuddy cellphone charm to the one on Nyx’s corkboard (which is there before her body is found, btw).
Rank: Crowe appears to be a leader among the mages, as Drautos addresses her directly when asking for an update on their massive firestorm, though she was not standing at the point of their wedge during the casting. She’s obviously trusted enough no one doubts her being sent on a solo assignment, and was deemed important enough to have killed directly, either for her magic skills (we never see her carrying a weapon, so her martial skills are unknown) or her connections with the rest of the glaives, as a distraction and/or damage minimization.
Personality: Crowe is sure of herself, quick to tease, obviously takes duty seriously but has good personal relationships with Nyx and Libertus especially, worried about the treaty but willing to wait and keep up a positive front. Apparently the hair clip is not her style, whether that’s the hair aspect or the jewelry, though she wears a gold bracelet while undercover.
Relationships: The effects Drautos hands over after her death all appear to be things she was wearing, not things from a barracks, etc., so presumably she has a home of her own somewhere, and Libertus and/or Nyx is her next of kin.
- Libertus - She seems to resent being called a little sister – which could be a general rebelling or genuine distaste. She takes Nyx’s side more than his, defending Nyx against Libertus’ teasing when it gets a little mean (though she adds her own, lighter teasing) reminding Libertus to thank him, calling for Nyx and not Libertus when Libertus is crushed. Those first two could also be worry for his situation similar to Nyx's confrontation about the pills albeit expressed in a rough way, as she doesn't shy away from physical confrontation either.
  - Luche - she seems on fairly good terms with Luche, and is often standing beside him in group shots, but he seems to gloat over her death, though that could be more about the reaction it garners in Nyx at the moment.
  - Drautos - Why did he order her death? If the glaive is a family, did Drautos make a pragmatic choice or a personal one – to let her die before she has to watch as the rest of her family falls?
Behind the Scenes: Voice Actor - Alexa Kahn, who also works with redubbing lines (and could be the woman in the picture on Nyx’s board). Mocap (and, presumable, though uncredited face): Andrea Tivadar, who is also the facial scan for Lady from DMC 5.
As before, we'd love to hear if we missed information, or you'd like receipts on some of our claims, or even just your own theories or fanon regarding our favorite mage.
And good luck with your content creation for Legends week! Please send us an ask if you have any questions or confusion.
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valentinecult · 2 years
Delilah Theory
Recently, Arc Systems released an update on the Another Story for Strive. From the looks of it, it appears that both Ramlethal and Delilah are the main focus for the story. 
We finally get to see Delilah’s full appearance. Obviously, she looks like Bedman, but there are small details to her design that differentiate her from her brother. 
I’m going to make a theory and analysis based on her appearance and the screenshots of the new story mode. Reminder, this is a theory, so I may or may not be right or correct. Take it with a grain of salt unless the new story officially confirms it. 
Now let us dive in. 
Let us go over her small biography:
‘A young girl who has awoken from a long slumber.
She’s lived within a dream since her birth due to a unique condition caused by her brain’s inability to withstand her exceptional intellect and abilities.
As she’s only just woken up, she doesn’t have a solid grasp on common sense and social skills.
Her one and only motive is to get revenge for her brother’s life.’
What stuck out to me is that like Bedman, Delilah was asleep for a while. However, what is quite odd is that she’s now awake and it doesn’t look like her condition has any ill effects on her. You see where I’m going with this, right?
In Guilty Gear XRD, Bedman has been asleep for majority of the storyline. However, Delilah just now is more awake compared to her brother. I also noticed something interesting. The arrow on her head....
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Unlike her brother, Delilah’s arrow is pointing up. Bedman is down. 
This is what I believe....I believe that Bedman and Delilah’s powers work oppositely to some extent. I know some people say both of the siblings have an extreme and exaggerated version of Narcolepsy, but I think Delilah’s condition is more ‘severe’ and more dangerous. 
You see this image here?
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Baiken is seen attacking an unpiloted Bedframe. The Bedframe looks eerily alike to Bedman’s but there’s something different. The crown is pitched black, similar to Happy Chaos’ halo and interestingly, the face looks damaged. 
But what makes this weird is that NOBODY is piloting the Bedframe. More importantly, where the hell did it come from? 
It’s possible that Delilah somehow can summon one or rather...manifest one with her powers. I’m certain she could make a Bedframe out of thin air, similar to how Happy Chaos can snap a convertible into existence. Perhaps, this is a more powerful version of ‘Deja Vu’ where she is manifesting her brother’s bedframe based on memory. 
The damage to the robot might be due to how strong Baiken really is now, she is probably hitting the robot’s weak point. Or...the Bedframe isn’t as strong as Bedman’s. If anything, Delilah could be controlling it like a puppet.
Now why Baiken is fighting it is unknown and will be answered once the story is out.
It’s likely possible that the Bedframe has been hijacked by some unknown party. Either it is Crow or Happy Chaos. 
So, how does this relate to Delilah being awake? 
In XRD, it’s been stated that Delilah is more ‘unhinged’ than Bedman. She probably had a psychotic streak, but there’s a possibility that she is not in complete control over her powers and condition. Delilah may at some points awaken and fall back asleep periodically. So, there should be no doubt that Bedman was a more skilled fighter and dream manipulator compared to his sister. After all, Bedman has been doing the most fighting.
However, the lack of control over her abilities could be why Baiken is fighting it because Delilah may be losing control and the Bedframe is attacking people indiscriminately. 
Basically, the arrows on their heads might imply how often they are asleep or awake. Bedman’s down arrow might symbolize that he is more often asleep while Delilah’s up arrow might symbolize how often she is awake.
That’s my theory on how Delilah is different compared to Bedman. Again, I can’t guarantee this is right though since the new story has yet to be released, but whatever the case is with her, I’m excited to see her play a vital role next to my girl Ramlethal.
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