rsbigbang · 5 months
R/S Big Bang Fic & Art: Falling In Love Without You (E)
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Title: Falling in Love Without You
Author: @theresthesnitch
Artist: @babblingflowers
Beta Reader: @R33sesPieces
Summary: There is old magic in the House of Black designed to keep errant heirs in line. Magic that has now come calling for Sirius on the eve of his twentieth birthday. Sirius must convince one of his friends to fall in love with him. With Remus’s help to woo them, it should be easy… Right?
read on ao3!
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puuvillaa · 2 days
James & Remus, mpreg (omegaverse optional) but make it cute and fluffy
Remus was sitting cuddled up to James, who was slowly stroking Remus’s tummy with his warm hand, when he suddenly stopped stroking, pressing down a bit more.
“Is the baby moving right now?” he asked.
“Yes. Can you feel it?”
“I think so… yes. Yes, I can feel it.”
Remus turned to look at James, who had gone misty-eyed.
“Our baby,” James whispered.
Remus kissed his cheek, and James turned to look at him with a smile that only grew once their eyes met.
“Our baby,” Remus said.
(send me a pairing and a prompt)
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impishtubist · 2 years
snippet saturday
I was tagged by @theresthesnitch and what the heck, I can be bullied!  (Sometimes.) Here’s a thing I’ve been trying to finish for ages:
Sirius remembers.
He remembers a frigid December night when Kreacher had appeared in his flat with an unconscious and soaking Regulus in his arms, half-frozen and half-dead. He remembers all the animosity and the hatred falling away in an instant at the sight of his baby brother dying on his floor. He remembers calling for Remus while wrestling Reg’s dead weight into a warm bath, and they had spent the better part of the night casting healing spells and forcing potions down Regulus’s throat, sheltering a known Death Eater in the safety of their flat without a second thought. 
He remembers Regulus waking up the next morning, looking not at all surprised to be in his brother’s bed.
“I destroyed a Horcrux,” he’d said without preamble. “Also, I’m pregnant.”
Then, he had leaned over the side of the bed and thrown up on the floor.
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
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@jilychallenge | Partner: @theresthesnitch | January 2023: Firsts, Promises and New Beginnings
Prompt: First dance at their wedding + “I made a promise and I intend to keep it” / “I just meant to tell you that I’m having trouble breathing, with you, looking like that”
Read it on AO3
One and One is Two
James had not been able to stop beaming at his new wife since the second he saw her coming down the aisle. In short, Lily Evans was breathtaking, there was simply no other word for it. There was never a doubt in his mind that she would be, as she had always been beautiful, but there was just something about seeing her coming toward him wrapped in white lace that had made his heart skip several beats. He had giddily run through his vows so quickly he’d probably tripped over most of them, not that she had seemed to mind in the slightest. Lily was alight with happiness when he slid her wedding band onto her finger. Officially taking her from Evans to Potter. Their friends and family had cheered in delight and thrown flower petals above their heads as they’d marched triumphantly back down the aisle hand in hand. Well, for the most part anyway. There was the glaring aspect of the empty seats in the front row. Where Lily’s family should have been. In contrast with the already small number gathered to celebrate their union, their absence was stark. 
But today James would not dwell on that fact. It could not form a stain on today of all days in his memory, and he’d be damned if he let it dampen hers. This would be the happiest day of his life he knew, it could not be tainted with disappointment, grief or any other negative emotion. On another future day, James would easily find it in him to be angry at Petunia for doing this to his beloved on her special day. Especially knowing how much it would have meant to her. He’d been nothing but civil at Petunia’s wedding to Vernon despite their previous misgivings. Would it have been so hard for her to just show up for her own flesh and blood? To show her the same kindness? If for the ceremony if nothing else? But if James had learnt anything since meeting Sirius Black, it was that you had the option to choose your own family. Those who Lily needed to be here were, her chosen family, and that was all that counted. 
“Please allow me to introduce to the dance floor, for the very first time; Mr and Mrs Potter!” Sirius’ voice had come booming over a roar of applause. He’d been a fantastic bestman and MC for the evening. Using all the power and grace his presence allowed, for controlling the small crowd seated at their respective tables. 
James led his new bride by the hand to the centre of the dance floor, before wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her in close to him. He attempted to murmur sweet nothings to her. But his breath tickled her ear and Lily giggled like a schoolgirl.
“What was that?” she asked, pulling away slightly so she could hear him better as they swayed together to the music. 
“I just meant to tell you that I’m having trouble breathing, with you, looking like that.”
“Always with the charm, Potter.” Lily teased playfully. “You’re quite dashing yourself in dress robes. Though I think they’ll look much better later… off.”
“Don’t you know it, Mrs Potter.” He leaned in and gave her a few long and lazy kisses.  
They whirled their way around the dancefloor, perfectly in sync with one another, despite the little practice they’d been able to squeeze in between missions for the Order. Lily flush against him, pressed chest to chest, cheeks rosy thanks to champagne and the warm evening air. If he could freeze time and go back to a blissful moment in his life James knew it would be this one he’d choose. A room full of people, and yet it was like no one else was there. Just the two of them in step. Merlin, he hoped Peter caught a good photograph of this so he could look back on it as he grew old and withered. Show it to his own children and maybe even grandchildren. Their younger selves constantly dancing, twirling and laughing on a page. 
The music slowly began to fade, signalling it would soon be time for the next dance. Which customarily would have been a father-daughter dance. It was the first time James saw the corner of Lily’s mouth twitch from smile to frown. It was barely a second but it was noticeable nonetheless. He’d promised her their nuptials would run smoothly despite what raged around them, and that he’d have her swept off her feet. There was no way James was going to let that slip now if he could help it. Over her shoulder, James signalled wordlessly to Remus, who rose from his seat and hurried along to the table where the older Potters were seated. 
As the last melody died, Fleamont Potter took to the floor. His elegant mauve dress robes flowing out behind him. He approached the happy couple and bowed politely to Lily as James handed her off to him. 
“I made a promise and I intend to keep it Mrs Potter. I know it’s not customary, but I do hope dad will suffice.”
Tears welled in Lily’s eyes that threatened to fall in heavy droplets. James dabbed at them with his pocket handkerchief to save ruining her makeup. 
“Dad will more than suffice. I love you both.” 
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wolfstarshipping · 1 year
Step & Repeat (62.744 words) by @theresthesnitch Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
modern AU, muggle AU, fake dating
Summary: Step & Repeat: 1. A banner with a repeating motif or picture that is used as a backdrop for pictures, like for a red carpet. 2. The act of actually falling in love with your celebrity best friend while being his fake boyfriend on said red carpet while the whole world thinks you’re already in love. Or, at least, that’s how it happened to Remus.
Comment: Fake dating is one of my favorite tropes, and this fic had absolutely everything I could wish for: lots and lots of mutual pining and totally platonic cuddling, so much domestic fluff, Sirius as a movie star, Remus as a writer, did I mention the mutual pining?? I'm sad I missed it when it was still a WIP because following along the social media posts on tumblr sounds so fun, but I'm so glad I read it now, because it was such a great fic, and the media content in between chapters makes the experience even more immersive, I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already read it!
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goldenbi · 11 months
Title: Platonically (with my boyfriends) Author: TherestheSnitch Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Characters: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin Additional Tags: Texting, Dick Pics, Himbo James Potter, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Summary:
James doesn't really get the whole sending dick pics thing. Lucky for him, his besties Sirius and Remus are more than willing to show him the ropes.
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vaykatie · 1 year
Also this is my Sirius from Step & Repeat by Theresthesnitch. This is Adam lazzara from Taking Back Sunday. Just how I picture them in my head!
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carlav-blogs · 2 years
Here’s to one of my fave fic authors, and their beautiful fic. I hope you had an amazing birthday
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Happy belated birthday @theresthesnitch​ (I don’t know why it didn’t post yesterday and I really hate Tumblr)
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takearisk-x · 1 year
Ginny x Nearly Headless Nick
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goodboylupin · 1 year
🍬 💕
I give my great big box of candy hearts a shake…
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I open it up to pull one out for @theresthesnitch and see the inscription…
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lynnelupin · 1 year
What I'm Reading!
Hey, lovelies! If you're on the Wolfstar server on discord, you've probably just seen me requesting ugly-cry-worthy fics. I was not disappointed by the suggestions. I just read Dusk by TherestheSnitch. It was absolutely fantastic. And best of all, guess what? I'm ugly crying (not a nice look, but, hey, it was worth it).
Dusk has two chapters (5,605 words) and in both of them, we see an elderly Sirius losing his memory. It's heartbreaking. It's spectacular. It's (in a bizarre way) beautiful how we see so much love amidst so much sadness.
As brilliant as this is - please, for your own wellbeing, don't read if you can't cope with anything upsetting. Wait for another day - it will be worth it <3
Love on ya! :)
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maraudersftw · 2 years
Happy Diwali! Sorry you're feeling alone, though.
Tell me about a fic you've considered writing, but haven't for whatever reason.
Thanks, Snitch 🧡:') It's been a weird day, but all the sweet wishes have helped for sure!
To your question: SO. MANY. I wanted to write a second chances fic that I haven't been able to yet because I need to come up with a solid reason for jily to have broken up. I also wanted to write an FWB fic that I still haven't because I want it to have an interesting enough premise that it can stand out from all the other amazing ones out there already. The same reason also applies to why I still haven't ventured into writing a canon longfic. I certainly want to try, but I need to really plot it out well so that I can retain some sort of uniqueness. There was also an assassin!jily fic that I was planning to write long ago with an amazing friend (@myloveluna) but we never actually got around to doing it haha
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puuvillaa · 4 months
Jumping in your ask box!
New game: tell me your current favorite fic of yours, and why you love it so much.
Bonus fake internet points that aren't worth anything if you drop this in other people's inboxes too.
(I'm having a weird sense of deja vu that I might have already sent this one to you... in which case, please know it just shows you how much I love your writing. 💖)
As far as I remember, you haven’t sent this to me before, so thanks for sending it now!
My current favourite is Just as You Are. I think it’s a cool idea (although I can’t take credit for that since I didn’t come up with it myself) and I especially love the part starting from Remus thinking Sirius has abandoned him up to "Very easy access today." It gives me all the best feelings hurt/comfort does. I also like that it has top!omega/bottom!alpha, and I can't remember if I've ever written that before. I've already reread it several times since I finished it (in December?? Maybe)
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memebijin-love · 1 month
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The way how Remus' loneliness break my heart is.. arghhhhh😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This fic supposed to be fluff but made me cry a river..
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
🌹for you!
As it’s you, I’ll lovingly give you a snippet of “Lily Evans creates a fantasy quidditch league”. Can you tell I don’t have a title yet?
It was almost cruel taking money from Black at this point. Yet there was something about watching his mouth pop open in incredulous surprise every time that just tickled her. At list rate she’d be able to buy herself an entire terms worth of potion ingredients out of him.
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burningaurora · 1 year
[Podfic - TTS] Dusk by @theresthesnitch
One-Shot | Length: 38:32 | Rating: G
“That’s not fair.” Sirius was crying now, and Remus swiped his tears away with his thumb. “This isn’t fair. We haven’t had enough time. It’s not fair.” “I know, love.” Remus leaned in for a kiss, and wondered if it would be the last. “I have loved you for sixty-two years, and it’s nowhere near enough.” Or Sirius loses his memories.
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
Can I interest anyone in some pain? I couldn't help but create a podfic for this beautifully written story by @theresthesnitch. As painful as it is it's definitely worth a listen. Thanks again @theresthesnitch for all our your support on my podfic'ing journey
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