#Sirius: Celebrity
wolfstarshipping · 1 year
Step & Repeat (62.744 words) by @theresthesnitch Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
modern AU, muggle AU, fake dating
Summary: Step & Repeat: 1. A banner with a repeating motif or picture that is used as a backdrop for pictures, like for a red carpet. 2. The act of actually falling in love with your celebrity best friend while being his fake boyfriend on said red carpet while the whole world thinks you’re already in love. Or, at least, that’s how it happened to Remus.
Comment: Fake dating is one of my favorite tropes, and this fic had absolutely everything I could wish for: lots and lots of mutual pining and totally platonic cuddling, so much domestic fluff, Sirius as a movie star, Remus as a writer, did I mention the mutual pining?? I'm sad I missed it when it was still a WIP because following along the social media posts on tumblr sounds so fun, but I'm so glad I read it now, because it was such a great fic, and the media content in between chapters makes the experience even more immersive, I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already read it!
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bruisedboys · 1 year
🍓 - “say it again, pretty.” with Sirius <3
the way I got so excited when I saw this request. this was one of my fav dialogue prompts and I’m sososo glad I got to pair it with sirius. love u babe hope this is okay!!
gn!reader 0.4k words
Sirius’s mouth is diligent on your neck. His lips are parted and wet as he works his way from a spot behind your ear downwards, smothering you with hot, open mouthed kisses that have you squirming underneath him. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire, worse when his tongue swipes over your skin, followed quickly by a not-so-gentle scraping of his teeth.
You gasp, fingers curling tighter where they’re buried in his dark hair. You’re sure you’re hurting him but maybe in a good way. With the way he’s kissing you, you think you’re right about that.
“Sirius,” you breathe out, more a moan than an actual word. “Sirius, baby …”
Sirius stops abruptly. You miss his heat immediately. He pulls away, hovering over you like some sort of angel, his forearms braced on either side of your head. His chest is heaving. You think maybe almost as deeply as yours.
He’s staring at you in a way you don’t understand. Dark eyes hooded by thick lashes, his lips parted and kiss-bitten, so swollen you want to kiss them til he can’t breathe. Still, he’s not saying anything. You frown.
“What?” You ask, breathless and quiet. And then, because you can’t help yourself, “Why’d you stop?”
A grin breaks out across Sirius’s face. “Angel,” he coos, in what you think is a fond, adoring tone. “Did you just call me ‘baby’?”
You think you stop breathing. You hadn’t meant to call him that. You hadn’t even realised. And now he’s looking at you like he wants to eat you. You pull your hands from his hair and cover your burning face with them instead.
Sirius protests immediately. “Hey, don’t get all shy on me. Come back out, sweetheart.”
He shifts his weight to one arm, his body flush with yours, and with the other he pulls at your wrists until you stop resisting. It doesn’t take much. He’s strong. And you’re putty in his hands, clearly.
“Say it again, pretty,” he says, voice low and quiet. If you didn’t know any better you’d say he’s almost pleading with you. He’s got both your hands in his big one, holding them to his chest so you can’t use them to hide. “Call me that again.”
You flush all over, your body tingling, heat licking it’s way up your neck and face. The way he’s looking at you, the way he’s talking to you, you’re surprised he’s doing such a good job containing himself.
“Baby,” you say, shy and quiet and barely there.
But it’s good enough for Sirius. He grins wolfishly. “Yeah, honey?”
You pull your hands from his grip and bury them in his hair again, pushing his lovely dark locks from his face before tugging his head back down to your neck, silently telling him what you want.
He takes the hint.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
hi hun!! i have another in a week :]] it's a little less cute than sunshine reader, but i read the fic where reader swore at someone and everyone was shocked and i thought it was so funnyy
i was thinking a.. hothead!reader who's got a sailor mouth and quick temper, so naturally she curses a LOT. and the boys dare her to try not to curse for just one day, and she accepts it, but without them even doing anything mischievous to tick her off, she drops something and she's like "fuck- shit, damn it!" and the boys are just giggling their head off and constantly reminding her to put money in the swear jar
ooh and maemae, i love the way you write descriptions omgg <333 especially when you write from james' pov, he's such a sweetheart!! ahh you're such an amazing writer, your stuff gives me all the warm fuzzies :] i hope you're taking care of yourself in the midst of writing all these requests!!
- ✏️
Thank you my love!
join the party
poly!marauders x hothead!reader ♡ 677 words
You know your boyfriends are plotting something. You eye them suspiciously as Sirius whispers to James, both of them giggling like children. 
“What,” you say flatly. 
James doesn’t even bother trying to hide his grin. “Nothing, sweetheart.”
You huff, biting your lip before you can call him any name that’ll make you lose your prize. It’s nine in the morning, and you’ve only got about sixteen hours to go with no cursing. Twelve if you go to bed early as a measure of self-censure. 
Remus had raised an eyebrow at you after a particularly colorful stream of expletives the night before, asking as you made your contribution to the swear jar, “Do you think you could go even one day without swearing like that?” You said you could, and Sirius had pounced on the opportunity for a wager, betting you that you couldn’t go the entire next day without using a single curse word. 
You’re sure the boys were hoping you’d forget overnight, but you weren’t accustomed to losing, and damned if you weren’t going to get your prize. Sirius had so little faith in you that he’d agreed to letting you pick what movies you all watched for the next month if you won the bet. The next month. That meant a month-long reprieve from those stupid fucking heist movies they all loved so much. 
You’re also certain that, failing their first plan of your poor memory, your boyfriends are going to be cooking up some other scheme to make you falter. One of their famous pranks, to be sure. They tease you incessantly for your short fuse, and they’re bound to try and ignite it any way they can today. 
You wonder what it’ll be. Dog breath potion slipped into your water bottle? Stink pellets tossed into your room? Or maybe something so simple as salt in your coffee?
You look down at the mug Remus handed you a minute ago, sniffing at it. They always use Remus when they want to be inconspicuous; it’s so hard to suspect him. But he wants you to lose the bet as much as anyone. 
You stand, carrying your still-full mug into the kitchen. 
“Not this time,” you mutter. 
Remus looks up from his paper, frowning at you as you stomp over to the sink. “Dove, what are you doing?” 
“You must think I’m so gullible,” you drawl, pouring the hot coffee down the drain. “There’s no way I’m ingesting anything you—” the handle of the mug slips from your grasp, the dish shattering in the sink “—ah, fuck!” You look up to see Sirius’ eyes widen, glee sparking to life, and realize what you’ve done. “Shit. Damn it!” 
Remus puts a hand over his mouth while Sirius hoots, and James simply collapses in giggles, disappearing behind the couch. 
“Tha—that was too easy,” Sirius cackles, using his forefinger to wipe under his eyes. “We didn’t even do anything yet!” 
“Sweetheart, I’m almost disappointed,” Remus says, shaking his head even as he grins from ear-to-ear. “I thought you’d make it to the afternoon at least. Get your money for the jar.” 
“That’s, what?” James' voice comes from behind the couch. “Three dollars?”
“Five,” you say gravely, holding up your favorite finger on each hand. “Fuck you, you assholes.” 
“Pretty sure that’s six, babydoll.” Sirius cheeses at you. “Gestures count, don’t they Prongs?”
“A dollar per hand,” James agrees, now recovered enough to sit up on the couch. 
You seethe at them, and Remus comes into the kitchen to help you clean up your mess, patting your shoulder consolingly. 
“We’ll put it towards date night,” he says. 
“Good idea.” Sirius kicks his feet up on the table, making a show of lounging in his chair. “I’m thinking tonight, we order in from that Indian place and watch The Italian Job. What do you think, lads?”
You bristle, but Remus sees the comeback sizzling on your tongue and squeezes your shoulder warningly. “Save your money, dove. Want me to make you some more coffee? Seems like you might need it today.”
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valleyian · 5 months
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Scorbmas day 4!! Joint Potter-Malfoy Christmas.
Lily L. Potter : “You cheated! I saw your card!”
James S. Potter: “I have no idea what you’re talking about”
Albus S. Potter: *sigh* “They’re always like this”
Scorpius H. Malfoy: “I think it’s kind of wholesome”
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 months
「 let's bake something yummy to celebrate 10k 」
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i can not believe i've hit this number... it's only two years ago that i began writing and sharing it online, so to think over that there is that may of you out there is truly unbelievable. in my head there is just enough to fit on my little couch here at home, but i don't think my couch is big enough for that many. thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for staying here with me, for reading my silly little stories and for always being so kind. i love you all.
this celebration will run from now till the 31 of march. anyone can participate and you can send in as many asks as you’d like, there is no limit.
if you need some prompts as Inspo for the request options, then try and click around on my sideblog @prompt-heaven where I keep a bunch of prompt lists very organised. 
navigation | masterlist | request guidelines
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cookie - games! (cast your mutuals, fuck marry kill, would you rather…)
muffin - come blabber with me! (it can be anything under the sun, from casual stuff to wip info about a certain fic of mine)
bread - tell me a random fact about yourself and I’ll say who I ship you with!
cake - i’ll give you a culinary-themed song that has your vibe!
bun - i’ll tell you which specific baked good has your vibe!
croissant - send me a sfw request! 
pie - send me a nsfw request! 
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moots: @oncasette @fightingdragonswithwho @fxllfaiiry @fettuccin-e @cosmal @creelteeth @inkluvs @inklore @reidslovely @spideyheart @ddejavvu @happyheidi @appocalipse @skullrock @starlit-moonlight @chvoswxtch @lanadelreyscokewhor3 @bruisedboys @midniteluv @bcyhoods @vhagarlovebot @bradshawed @mystcldydrms @katyswrites @strrawberrryjam @amorchai @venuslore @slvttyfied @ghostlyfleur @saraswritingtipps @cozhycottaghe @bunmurdock @chxrryhansen @fushic0re
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dearharriet · 3 months
congrats on 150!! for your celebration can I please have 🫧 with sirius black + “oh, that’s new”? Maybe reader got a tattoo without telling him and he likes it
thank you for requesting! 🩷 (wc: 664)
Sirius can’t stop staring at you in the sauna towel you’re wearing. You’ve both been in for several minutes now, and you’re relaxing more and more into the wood bench. He’s not sure he’s ever seen your shoulders so far away from your ears, and he’s definitely never seen your hair pulled off your neck the way that it is.
It gives him too much skin to work with, visually speaking. You’re completely free and clear of any curtains, your skin sticky with dew, legs sprawling and bare. The two of you make a happy sight.
As the air thins down, you stretch up and ladle more water over the hot rocks. Sirius watches a bead of sweat race down the back of your neck with rapt attention. He loses sight of it when he spots your tattoo.
“Oh,” he breathes, a strange twisting in his chest, “that’s new, yeah?”
You hum breezily, pouring one more generous scoop onto the hissing stones before giving him your questioning eyes.
“What’s new?” Sirius brings a hand up to absently rub at his own bare nape, and you seem to catch his meaning, sweeping your fingers over it bashfully. “Oh, that. Yeah. You’ve seen it haven’t you?”
He shakes his head no. “When was this?”
“Umm,” you dally. “Like a week and some ago? I wasn’t really planning it at all.”
Sirius watches you carefully, perhaps reading a small bit too far into your rosy flush. The air in the steam room is thick and hot now, thanks to you, which could easily be the cause. Still, you’ve retreated from him slightly, holding your arms nervously over your torso.
“Can I see?” Sirius requests, beckoning you to his side of the room. You oblige him, standing and relocating to the spot on his right.
You face your back to him, pushing away nonexistent baby hairs to clear the view. Sirius tentatively takes your neck under his fingers, holding you still.
It’s worse up close, which is to say dangerous for his health. He can’t believe what he’s looking at.
“You got a star,” he says distantly, not quite trusting his voice to keep steady. A star.
Your head falls forward and Sirius marvels at the way your tattoo stretches, wraps tight over your vertebrae.
“Like I said, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, “right.”
Reluctantly, Sirius peels himself away from you, returning stiffly to the cedar bench. His skin feels alive, thrumming with heat.
You settle back beside Sirius instead of returning to your bench.
“Is it what you hoped?” he asks, half to break the tension and half because he’d really like to know.
You nod, and Sirius’ eyes train down to the black shape again, unable to resist now that it’s right there.
“Yeah. I always wanted something for my neck, but I never could decide what.” You’re picking at your towel wrap awkwardly, sickly aware of Sirius’ hot gaze on you. You knew for a fact he hadn’t seen the tattoo yet, and you were almost dreading when he'd finally catch sight of it.
“I like it,” he says in passionate agreement. “I really, really like it.”
Your lips twitch into a smile, and you throw a sideways glance his way. “Yeah?” He nods avidly, and you release a relieved laugh. “I was hoping you would.”
“Can I see it one more time?” he asks. You laugh some more.
“Um, okay. Yeah.”
Sirius stares at the ink for another long minute, long enough for you to begin fidgeting with impatience.
“Yeah,” he concludes finally, “you’ll have to show this off more. Keep your hair up like this, maybe?”
Puffing in amusement, you peek over your shoulder shyly. “If you say so.”
“I say so,” he laughs. “I definitely say so.”
Stomach swooping with butterflies, you face forward again, trying to retain some semblance of composure.
“Well, okay then.” You sit back, relaxing some, milling in the warmth you feel inside and out.
thank you for reading! xx
join the celebration!
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underoospeterparker · 3 months
🐬 DOLPHIN “don’t apologize.” “sorry.” “name.” With Siri
join the celebration
sirius black x fem!reader, 0.56k words
"I'm home," Sirius sang happily from the front door, dropping his bag on the floor in favour of wrapping you up in his arms.
When he picked you up, you went gladly, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Siri!" You greeted, an excited squeal escaping your mouth as you pressed yourself closer to him.
He grinned in response, then kissed the top of your scalp, pressing his chin on top your hair. You sighed in happiness when he tugged you closer to him. "I missed you, lovely girl," he crooned, his voice sticky with the endearment.
You gave him a smile when he set you down and he mirrored it on his lips. "I missed you more," you said, suddenly shy. "Wait here, I baked you something!"
Sirius chuckled, a sound that you wanted to bury yourself in. "You did?" He called after you, an obvious smile in his voice.
The smile disappeared when he heard a scream and the sound of glass smashing to the ground. He was quick to make his way in the kitchen, finding you with tears in your eyes, staring at the mess you'd made on the floor.
"Sweetheart," he whispered, drawing your attention to him. He noticed your feet were bare, and he stepped over quickly to pick you up, setting you on the counter as gently as possible.
A tear fell from your waterline onto your cheek and Sirius frowned, reaching up to thumb it away. "I'm sorry," you murmured, voice barely audible.
"You didn't do anything wrong, baby. Accidents happen, alright?" When another tear escaped, Sirius let out a sympathetic noise and wrapped you back in his arms. He pulled away after a second to survey your face. "Just stay here, I'll clear it up in no time."
You interrupted, "but it's my mess, Siri, I can clear it up."
"That's okay," he said softly, a finger under your chin to tilt your teary gaze to meet his, "you're all good. Sit here and keep me company?"
You nodded while he got the broom, sweeping away at the flecks of glass and at your ruined brownies that you had made just for him as soon as you'd come home from work. The thought made you want to cry again.
Sirius checked up on you every so often while he cleaned up. Your bottom lip trembled and he felt his heart clench painfully. He made quick work of it, though, then picked you up lightly to set you on the sofa.
He sat next to you, and you placed your head in his lap while he scratched at your scalp lightly. "I'm really sorry," you murmured, and the corner of his lips tilted down.
Sirius looked down at you. He pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose, then said, "please don't apologise."
"(Y/N)." His voice was stern. You giggled wetly, the sound brightening up Sirius's face.
"Sirius." You imitated him badly, and Sirius almost cackled in laughter. "No, but really, I'm sorry you didn't get to try my brownies. I even made them with extra chocolate in case Moony came over."
His face softened. "That's sweet of you," he acknowledged. "But I'm sure Moony will be fine. He can get his own girl to bake for him, as far as I'm concerned." Sirius pecked kisses all over your face. "Because you're all mine."
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green-lights-33 · 1 year
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Merry Christmas <3
(does it count if it’s a kiss over the mistletoe?)
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enbysiriusblack · 5 months
modern marauders would have the silliest social media usernames:
james potter- lilyevansbf
marlene mckinnon- lilyevansismywife
dorcasmeadowes- lilytheloml
remus lupin- lilyevanshusband
sirius black- lilyevansnoticeme
mary macdonald- futuremaryevans
peter pettigrew- lilyiloveyou
emmeline vance- lilyevansgf
lily evans- goingtokillmyfriends
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
📮DITCH THE WHOLE SCENE- send me a character and any option from my request guidelines and I'll write a baby blurb/dialogue for it
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word count: 0.9k
warnings: pairings in the tags, little suggestive comment at the end
summary: after getting a little carried away at the after-party, you wake up in your brother's best friend's bed, which is not the best situation to be in on the morning of a meet and greet
"My brother is going to kill me," you were searching for your socks, you didn't need them as much as your search made it seem but it was better than losing your mind while doing nothing. "My brother is going to kill you," you found one, groaning lightly as you kneeled down beside the bed to pick it up, looking up when Sirius sat up on the bed, throwing his legs over the side in the process.
"Good morning," he hummed and you wanted to throw him with the sock, be damned if it got lost again, because how very well dare he be so calm. Sitting there shirtless looking as unfairly sexy as ever giving you that same little smirk that convinced you that sharing a bed instead of booking another room wasn't as bad an idea as you knew it was. "Did you sleep well?" he was kidding, he had to be. Did you sleep well all cuddled up in his strong tattooed arms? Yes. Have you been dreaming about doing that since your first show together? Also yes, but none of that would matter once your brother found out and killed the two of you.
"Sirius, are you aware of our current situation?" he didn't seem like he was, gentle hand reaching out to help you up and sliding right down to your waist to keep you in front of him. He was showing you no mercy, allowing his thumb to slip past the hem of your shirt, brushing over your skin a few times, only satisfied when you shivered lightly under the soft, forbidden touch.
"Everything is going to be fine," he promised and you rolled your eyes, clearly not on the same page. "Love, we didn't do anything wrong, yeah, there's no reason to freak out."
"We cuddled," you began, allowing him to pull you closer, knees against his, your hand settling around his wrist. "And we kissed, a lot," you looked down shyly, there hadn't been much time to process that part just yet.
"The scandal," he mused, admittedly satisfied with your reaction as he laughed lightly, stealing a quick glance at his pillow stained with your makeup before looking back to you with a smile. "We didn't do anything wrong," his smirk deepened, eyes practically laced with mischieve as he shrugged. "Not yet, anyway."
"You don't get it, trouble," your body moved without your permission, his lap seeming to be the perfect seat as you settled on his thigh, dragging a hand through his hair with a little shake of your head. "He made me promise, once I stepped onto that stage with you guys, you were off-limits."
"You were off-limits too," he agreed and it was sort of pathetic how he became putty in your hands so quickly, the simple touch of your fingers threading the paths in his hair had him close to purring, eyes nearly closing. "Shit, maybe we really are screwed," he breathed and the grip on your hips was enough proof, his head lulling forward against your shoulder, kisses breathed over your skin.
"What are we going to do?" he wasn't all that eager to answer, a faint smile finding your lips as his kisses spread to your neck, a feeling you'd never thought you'd be lucky enough to be familiar with, but as guilty as you felt, you weren't sure you'd be able to stay away again. "Do we go back to just being friends?" you were nervous for the answer, your heart knew that whatever happened the night before was right, it felt right, too perfect to be wrong, but your head knew that things would be complicated if you continued to act on what your heart wanted.
"Could you do that?" he peeked up at you with big curious eyes, up through his lashes and it made your heart do leaps in your chest, your fingers moving gently to reach up and smooth the frown from his lips- you shook your head. "Then we take it slow, yeah, see if it works- we don't have to tell anyone anything just yet, not until we're sure."
"And if I'm sure now?" he smirked, any sense of seriousness gone in a second as he tightened his hold and threw you onto the bed beside him, crushing you under his weight but you didn't mind, anything but.
"Then we just get to enjoy our little secret for a while," you didn't know where to put your hands, sliding them up his chest and eventually stopping to cup his cheeks, not even daring to bite back your happy smile. "You like the sound of that, sunshine?"
"Maybe," you lied, he noticed, and the way he leaned down to kiss you was an excruciatingly long wait, so when his lips finally met yours you couldn't even help but melt, humming against him and the sound vibrated right through his body. "Didn't think I'd ever get to do that in real life."
"Is it better than in your dreams?'
"So much," he was pleased with that, making sure the next kiss lasted even longer, savouring every second, because he knew that for as long as you had to hide whatever you had going on, moments were going to be fleeting, special and he didn't want to take for granted the time he had with you now.
"Good, now what I'm wondering is what other dreams we could put to the test..." your cheeks were burning, skin tingling at his tone and you knew he wasn't one to tease without following through which is why the groan that left his mouth following the knock at the door was anything but exaggerated.
"Pads, you better not still be in bed," your brother's voice was like a cruel hand dragging you right back to reality, a finger on your lips reminding you to keep quiet when you tried to push Sirius off you. "You've got ten minutes before we're leaving, mate, I need to go find my bloody sister," and then he was gone, the last thing you expected to hear in return was the soft laugh of the rockstar on top of you.
"You're not going to make this easy on me, are you, trouble?" he shook his head and you were gone, there'd be no return to friends if that look, that torturous little look, was anything to go by.
"You know the answer to that, sunshine."
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not-rab · 9 months
★ part 15 of my Celebrity Twitter AU, based off this fic ★
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★ part 14 ★
@mileystevenss @sunseeking-cryptid @iloveyoutothestarsandback @my-beloved-fandoms <3
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bruisedboys · 1 year
THE DARK NIGHT — sirius black + "don't forget to kiss me" from glue song by beabadoobee ty hehe
omg yes I freaking love that song
fem!reader 1k words
You’re up early for work, as always. Sirius, the lucky bastard, gets to sleep in. You mourn his warmth as you get ready in the ensuite, peeking through the half-open door to see him fast asleep in bed, bare arm stretched out over your empty side and his hair all fanned out over his pillow. He looks unfairly pretty when he sleeps.
It makes you want to cry. And to ditch your makeup and get back in bed with your boyfriend. You sigh and turn back to the mirror. You manage to get through your makeup and your hair before you allow yourself to look at Sirius again. Only, he’s not in bed anymore. He’s standing in the doorway, watching you in nothing but his boxers.
“Sirius,” you gasp, half-shocked to death. “Jeez. How long have you been standing there?”
Sirius mumbles something unintelligible. His eyes are still plagued by sleep, lips pulled into a tired frown. He is very clearly not a morning person. It’s amusing, and very cute.
He shuffles into the bathroom and across the tiles until he’s right in front of you. His bare chest staring you in the face. His tattoos stark against his pale skin. He smells like sleep. Like the laundry detergent you’d used on the sheets yesterday and his conditioner that you both share. It immediately makes you want to fall asleep against his chest in the middle of the bathroom.
“Go back to bed,” you tell him softly. You touch your hand to his abdomen, spread your fingers over his ribcage. You swear he shivers under your touch. “You’re tired.”
Sirius doesn’t say anything, only gets his arms around you in maybe the warmest, softest hug he’s ever given you. One arm circling around your back to hold your waist, the other bent over the top of your back to cup your head in his hand.
You melt.
“Sirius,” you say weakly, speaking into his chest. It’s hard to talk when he’s so close. When it’s just you and him, in the dark, quiet hours of the early morning, and he’s giving up his precious sleep to hug you instead.
“Y/N,” he says back, in the same sort of tone, the first intelligible word he’s said this morning. His hand strokes the back of your head all slow and soft. “C’mon, just let me hug you. I miss you.”
His words stick together like taffy, seep into your heart and make your chest ache. “Miss me?” You ask softly, though you think you know what he means. “I’m right here, baby.”
Sirius holds you tighter. So tight you’re sure your fresh skin products are rubbing away on his chest. You can’t bring yourself to care.
“I mean I miss you in bed,” he says moodily. He presses his lips to your hair and speaks into it, “Don’t want you to leave.”
Fondness for him bruises your heart. Makes your body ache all over. You make a pitying noise without really meaning to.
“I don’t want me to leave, either,” you say into his chest. You pull away slightly and press your lips to his chest, kiss kiss kiss over his sternum before lifting your chin so you can look at him.
He gazes back down at you, pretty in his sleepiness, the lovesick look on his face mirroring exactly how you feel.
“Then don’t,” he says.
You sigh. It’s affectionate in its annoyance. You’re annoyed because he’s so lovely and he’s really extremely persuasive even when he’s not trying.
“I can’t,” you say. You kiss his chest one more time and then pull away from him before you get stuck in his arms all day. Scoop up your things, slide past him back into the bedroom to get your bag.
Sirius watches you silently. He drags his feet back to bed when he realises you’re not planning on staying, however persuasive he is. You shrug on your jacket and slip on your shoes, pack your bag and grab your purse. By the time you’re done you think Sirius has gone back to sleep. You try to leave the room very quietly so as not to wake him again, but his voice calls you back.
“Y/N, darling?” His voice is raspy as ever, with him straining to talk loud enough for you to hear him. It honestly makes you a bit dizzy, the roughness in it. “You forgot something.”
You wheel around. “What? I’ve got everything, I think.” You instinctively check your purse for your phone, your wallet, your keys. They’re all there.
The blanket-covered lump that is Sirius rolls over onto his back. He lifts his head very slightly off the pillow so he can squint at you in the dark.
“You forgot to kiss me goodbye,” he says, as if it’s obvious.
You huff but stride across the room anyway, lean over his side of the bed and plant one hand on the side of his waist furthest away from you.
“It’s ‘cos I thought you were asleep, that’s why,” you explain, hovering over his chest.
He grins up at you, eyes half closed. Looking so lovely and sleepy and warm that you almost cave and fall right back to bed with him.
“Excuses,” he says lightly.
You roll your eyes and lean in to kiss him. It’s meant to be a chaste kiss, a quick one so you can leave before you’re late for work. But Sirius is quick to shoot his hand up and hold your jaw in place while he kisses you deep and slow, his lips hot and languid. He even manages to sneak a bit of tongue in there, even this early in the day. His thumb drags over your cheekbone and you think if he keeps kissing you like this, you’re never gonna leave.
You think that’s exactly what he wants. You pull away before you can give in to his antics.
“Sirius,” you say, breathless, lips swollen.
Sirius falls back onto the pillows, grinning like mad. His hand finds your hand across the sheets and squeezes.
“Bye, sweetheart. Have a good day, yeah?”
You escape before he can make you late for work. It wouldn’t be the first time.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
any chance you'd be willing to do disassociating!reader with sirius as a fade into you prompt?
Thanks for requesting!
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cw: mentions of blood, reader is in shock/dissociates after injury-related trauma
Sirius Black x reader ♡ 1.1k words
You’ve long since stopped shaking by the time you get back to your apartment, but it still takes you a few tries to get the key in the door, your movements robotic and seeming somehow separate from you. 
“Hey, you’re home late,” Sirius greets you as you walk through the door. “I was just starting to think about dinner. How would you feel about…shit.” He stops as he comes into the living room, gaze snagging on your legs, dried blood staining them from the knees down. Your shoes, which used to be white but are now a rusty brown. “What happened to you?”
“It’s not mine.” 
“Okay.” He’s still standing a good few feet away, like you’re characters in a play, reciting your lines without moving. “Whose is it?”
“Alright.” The word is meaningless, but not any more than the rest of them, you suppose. Sirius steps closer, slowly, as if wary of spooking you. “Is she okay?” 
“She, uh.” You swallow. “Yeah, she’s okay. Or she will be. She fell and hit her head, but they said she’ll be okay.” 
“Who said, darling?” 
“The nurses. I just got back from the hospital.” You remember the ambulance ride there, the ridiculous quiet of it all. You’d thought that when someone was hurt that bad, hospitals were all beeping and yelling and people running around. But they’d only asked Macy questions in calm, measured voices, no beeping or alarms to be heard. What did you have to eat today? Do you know why you fell?
“Sweetheart.” Sirius looks gutted, and you don’t know why he’s using that tone with you. You’re not the one who cracked your head open. “You should have called me, lovely. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.” 
“You were at work.” It’s simple, a fact. “Anyway, there was nothing you could do.” 
Sirius takes your face in his hand, and it feels like he’s touching someone else, your skin waxy and foreign. “I would have left work to be there with you. It sounds like it was an awful thing to have to deal with by yourself.” 
You guess it probably was. You’d had to put pressure on Macy’s head until the paramedics got there, kneeling in a pool of her blood as it seeped from the wound and time seemed sluggish and unreal. You know, objectively, that it was one of the more awful experiences you’ve had, and you’ll probably be dreaming about it for years. But it doesn’t feel that way right now. Nothing feels any sort of way right now. 
“How long were you at the hospital for?” Sirius asks. “When did this happen?” 
You don’t know. It was…the sun was still out, when she fell on the sidewalk. But the length of time you were sitting there with her, or the time in the ambulance, is all stretched out and murky. You know you got back to your car and drove home, but you can’t recall any part of the journey. You leave that last bit out of what you tell Sirius, but his frown deepens anyway. 
“That’s okay,” he says. “Let’s get you cleaned up, huh? Here, let me take those off.” 
He bends over, untying your shoes for you, and you watch as dried blood flakes off the laces where they bend unwillingly. Sirius doesn’t comment on it, slipping your shoes off one after the other and setting them by the door. His hands are delicate about your shoulders as he steers you into the bathroom, sitting you down on the toilet. You’re distantly cognizant of him moving about, opening and closing a cabinet and turning on the faucet, but it’s not until he crouches in front of you that he enters your awareness again. 
Sirius takes your ankle in his hand and begins just below your knee, rubbing a warm, wet washcloth over the blood staining the skin there. He’s talking, still, in a low voice, but the murmurings don’t seem to have much importance other than placation. It’s more ambient noise than anything else. He works the washcloth down your leg, the rough fabric scrubbing gently at your skin. He presses harder in some areas where the blood is stubborn, and that’s where you feel it most. The beginnings of real sensation, connected to you rather than some shell that you occupy and that moves when you tell it to. 
By the time he starts on your other leg you feel as though you’ve been thinking through a dense fog that’s beginning to lift; you’re able to feel the warm droplets of water running down your calf and make out some of the quiet words spewing from your boyfriend’s mouth. He finishes with your legs, and you hold up your hands, now trembling again. The blood there is cracked around the lines of your palm, and Sirius takes your hand in his, wiping it away gently. You can feel the cloth even more there, where it brushes against your sensitive fingertips. You can tell now that Sirius is telling you stories, various anecdotes of when he or his friends had gotten hurt. 
“It’s scary to see someone you care about in pain,” he goes on at a murmur. “Even when you know they’ll be alright, I think it hurts worse than when we’re in pain ourselves.” 
A tear dribbles down your cheek, landing with a splat on your thigh, and Sirius looks up, surprise morphing into heartbreak when he sees your expression. He drops the cloth on the floor, rising to an awkward height so that you can put your head against his shoulder when his arms come around you. 
“I know, baby.” His voice sounds almost fragile, as though he’s feeling this as acutely as you are. “I’m so sorry you went through that. Are you feeling a little more like yourself?” 
“Yeah,” you sniff. Your tears are still coming slowly, and you know the majority of your panic is still buried somewhere safe inside of you, but this is enough for now. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s happening to me.” 
Sirius pulls back, thumbing away your tears as he studies your face, eyebrows set close together in concern. “I think you’re in shock, sweetness. It makes sense, that’s a lot for anyone to have to see.” He strokes at your hairline, just beside your eye. “Do you want to talk about it? If not, we don’t have to. We can just watch a movie or something, try to forget about it for tonight.” 
You take a deep breath, trying to find the voice inside yourself that usually tells you who you are, what you want. It’s still quiet, but you think that’s answer enough. “The second one, please. I don’t think I’m ready to think about it yet.” 
“Alright, whatever you want.” Sirius nods, rising and offering you his hands to help pull you up. You take them, and he presses a kiss to your forehead as soon as you’re standing. “Whenever you feel ready, lovely, I’ll be here.” 
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 months
cookie — cyma your fav fics you’ve written!
omg omg omg omg omg, okay:
you – darling, you get the fantasy extravaganza i'm currently posting (and writing): the eflorr trilogy, but more specifically the first one: fused with the foe, because to me, you are a princess i'd gladly bend the knee to.
@chvoswxtch – my love, you get lilac. duh. i feel like that's a bit obvious, but with how much we've talked about it and DROOLED over lumberjack!frank, i just had to.
@ghostlyfleur – you're always calling me your baker!gf, so here i give you a whole series with a literal baker!gf: buttercup.
@fettuccin-e – uuuuhhh, you get breakfast in bed, because yum domestic!matt smut <3
@fxllfaiiry – well, you deserve something autumny... something a little bit gothic... so, we're gonna go with can’t fight the moonlight.
@cosmal – okay, okay, okay, you're gonna get kelp. a little bit of yo-ho-ho pirate smut for you
@inkluvs – the palace guards, because YEESS! *now imagine that elmo fire meme*
@inklore – i have this feeling deep down that you're a murder mystery hoe, so you're getting the murder at evergreen university.
@reidslovely – well, you're obviously gonna get something with peter, so i'd say cake. cute little neighbours to lovers story.
@skullrock – ooohh, angel & devil!steddie, for sure! more specifically the story entangled or just the tip in that AU, i can't decide...
@appocalipse – daisy. 100% you're getting that story.
@bruisedboys – thistle <3 you deserve for a prince to be head over heels for you.
@bcyhoods – just get to me in time, okay? because 🥺 nurse!reader 🥺 hurt/comfort 🥺 A FUCKING CAT 🥺 SMOOCHES 🥺
@bradshawed – I almost forgot about this one, but orchid. cute old money vibes? enemies to lovers? yes please
@amorchai – yeah, that’s sprained alright. just an adorable little peter blurb for a cutie like you <3
@midniteluv – a little cutie reid blurb for you, madam: you’re pregnant?
@mystcldydrms – brrrr, my eye is twitching out of sluttiness because you get nothing more than a toy with raaaafe
@venuslore – okay but magical mimic because mmmmmm sex magic 😮‍💨
@bunmurdock – i'm gonna give you ring ring for the pure deranged horniness of it all.
@slvttyfied – teamwork... because...i mean...........you, my love, you deserve to be the centre of 7 men's attention <3
@chxrryhansen – uuhhh you gotta get sour summer! the prequel to the murder at evergreen university before all of the murdering when everyone was happy and didn't think too much about the consequences of their slutty actions.
@fushic0re – you get a little bit of boxer!steve rogers yumminess: I still got a few rounds left in me.
「 come join my 10k celebration 」
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dearharriet · 3 months
Congrats on 150!! For your celebration I was thinking Bad idea right? Is soooooo Sirius black.
you are sooo right, my love, that’s exactly who i had in mind haha. thank u sm for the request! (wc: 765) (cw: pg-13 smut)
There’s nothing hotter than a secret meetup, which makes your circumstances all the more unfortunate. It’s hard to hear anything above the thumping bass of the club, but the crackling phone line meets your ear like a challenge. Sirius is on the other end, working like a dog to persuade you to meet him, and you can’t hold out much longer.
“Darling,” he begs, tugging at your heart with his old nickname. “I miss you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have dumped me, then.”
He sucks a breath in like you’ve actually wounded him. Feeling the conversation run long, you glance around the corner to make sure your friends are still where you left them, dancing obliviously.
“I know it, love. Only a raging idiot would let you go. I’m a jealous prick, and I don’t deserve you.”
He’s really groveling, you think, lips curling into a smirk. You could probably say anything now and he’d agree with you.
“For once, I think you’re right. You don’t deserve me. If anything, I should go home with one of the guys here,” you breathe, your voice pitching down. “Let him have his way with me, and then send you a scanty photo to cry about.”
Sirius’ breath catches. “You’d have every right.”
The pit in your stomach grows, and you know some stranger would never satiate it. Sirius is wrapped around your finger, and you’re so tempted to take him up on his offer.
“But,” continues Sirius when you leave the line dead, “you know they’d never make you feel the way I can.”
That’s the final straw.
“Send me your address,” you murmur hurriedly, already assembling a plan to escape your friends. Sirius halts it in its tracks.
“Stay there, I’ll come get you,” he says instead, his voice husky and dark. I’m so in for it, you think.
Twenty minutes later, Sirius finds you loitering a block away from the club, mace in hand. He leans across the center console to open his passenger door, and you poke your head in.
“Hey,” you breathe.
Sirius jerks his head up as a means of greeting.
“Get in.”
You do as he says, sliding into the familiar seat beside him. It’s been months since you’ve seen him, but he looks exactly the same; still the hottest man you’ve ever met.
Sirius is watching you, too, taking in your skimpy top and short skirt with hungry eyes. If you had any doubts about the chemistry still standing between you two, they’re immediately banished.
“C’mere,” Sirius grunts, patting his lap. You can’t get there fast enough.
He feels so good under you, familiar and warm. His hands don’t hesitate the way that strangers’ do, they just grip the meat of your thighs with abandon. Similarly, you don’t hesitate to plant your mouth on his, weaving into the song and dance you two have performed a thousand times.
“I meant what I said, doll,” Sirius groans as you pull back to attend to his spotless throat. “I really have missed you.”
“You have me on your lap, Sirius, you don’t have to convince me anymore.”
He chuckles at that, grabbing meanly at your ass.
“You always were too sharp for me.”
Pulling away from his bobbing throat, you scoot yourself closer to his pelvis, finding him hot and ready beneath you. You don’t feel sharp. If anything, you’re more convinced you’re not thinking at all.
“You’re so pretty,” he murmurs, and that’s exactly what you don’t want to hear. Lust is fine, but everything else has to stay off the table.
“Sirius.” You suck harshly at a spot under his jaw and he hums, in pleasure and in question. “Shut up,” you say, and then cover his mouth with yours again, tugging at his silky hair. He smiles into your mouth and you lick behind those wicked teeth, knowing them as well as your own.
“Take your pants off,” you suddenly demand, and Sirius looks at you like you’re crazy. “What?”
“We’re not having car sex on a well-lit street, babe.”
You frown. “It sure seems like we are.”
Sirius laughs, a touch hysterical. “Uh-uh. No way.” His hands come up to untangle yours from his hair. “My place or yours?”
With a huff, you pull yourself off of him, dizzy and warm with desire. Without a word, you buckle yourself in, silently relenting to his terms. As he sets a big hand on your flushed thigh, you glance over at him, and you know you’ve made a terrible mistake. Still, you’re not about to turn back now.
“Your place,” you say, “baby.”
thank u for reading! <3
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I was wondering for Trope Tuesday if you could write a brothers best friend with James Potter (If possible could she be best friend with Lily and the girls but don’t worry if not)
Love you and your writing xxx
thanks so so much!! for requesting and for being so sweet 🥲 i hope you like it!!
for my 250 Followers Writing Event!
Tropey Tuesday 🎭 trope: brother's best friend
pairing: James Potter x reader 
tags: angst, fluff, Lupin!reader, fem!reader, sibling fluff
word count: 3k (not me with the first thing I write after saying I might keep things a bit shorter)
“Hey, little Lupin,” Sirius says, grinning, as he plops down beside you on the common room couch. “You know we’re twins, right?” you respond, not even looking up from your book. “Yeah… but you’re shorter.” He seems overly satisfied with his justification, and you can’t help but giggle at his antics. 
“So. What are you reading?” he asks. 
This confuses you; you didn’t think Sirius was much of a reader. You look up at him, your eyebrows furrowed suspiciously, “You care?” “No, not really.” You roll your eyes at him though you’re not actually upset. “So why are you here, then, Black?” 
“I come at the behest of my darling best mate.” “And what does my darling brother want now?” 
“No, not Moony, Prongs.” Your stomach tenses at this. This just went from slightly irksome to anxiety-inducing interesting. 
“Well, ‘behest’ isn’t the right word exactly. He doesn’t know about this. But I know him, and he’s never going to make a move himself, so I see it as my best-mate-duty to give a helping hand.” Your mind is racing. “Make a move”?? Is there really a possibility of your crush liking you back? Is that what Sirius is telling you? That James likes you too??
You’re probably blushing and definitely confused, so you sit there awkwardly, hoping he’ll go on without your having to say anything yet. To your relief, he does. “I have it on insider information that our dear James Potter has himself a crush.” Godric, you never thought this would actually happen. After years of pining, of getting to know him… of thinking he only saw you as Remus’s sister.
“You’re best friends with Lily, right?” Relief turns to terror. Oh no, oh no, oh no, please no. 
“Um… yeah?” “You don’t sound too sure, sweets,” he laughs. “Yeah, I am.” You know, but pretend - especially to yourself - that you don’t, “Why does that matter?” 
“I want to get her and Prongs together of course! He’s been off lately, and he won’t tell me why. He always tells me everything. So, I reckon it has to be about a girl. And I’ve caught him looking over at you lot constantly recently. I saw him and Evans chatting yesterday, and there was definitely something there.” 
You’re on the verge of tears at this point.
“You alright, Y/N? You look like you’re going to be sick.” Sirius sounds genuinely concerned, and you don’t know how to escape with a convincing excuse given there’s no way in hell you’re going to tell him the truth, especially now he’s said what he has. 
“Um, no, not really. Sorry, I, uh, I think something I ate wasn’t quite right,” you stutter lamely, clumsily collecting your things, and running up the stairs to your dorm. After the night’s cruelty, it provides you a bit of sympathy: the room is empty. You curl up on your bed, clutching your pillow, and let the tears fall.
Why did it have to be Lily?? I mean, why did it have to be anyone at all if it couldn’t be you, but your best friend? You know how brilliant she is, how could you not, and you know how brilliant he is, and well, maybe they would be a good fit. If they make each other happy, that should make you happy; you want the best for Lily, truly. 
No amount of trying to convince yourself makes the thought of them together sting any less, though, and you succumb to wallowing in your disappointment and sadness. 
You’re still crying when you here a knock at the door.
“Y/N?? You in there? Open up, please. Sirius said you were ill?” If it were anyone else, you’d pretend not be there. But it’s Remus. You’ve never hidden from each other your whole lives; besides, you need him now even if you can’t tell him why. You wipe your face as best you can as you go to the door and open it. His eyes look frantically worried, and your heart melts a little bit. You might not have the romantic love you want so desperately, but at least you have this. Not many people know what it’s like to be as loved as you are. You try to cling to that feeling as you cling to Remus, crying into his jumper, but at the moment, it’s not enough consolation to assuage your aching heart.
“What’s wrong, Y/N/N? Did something happen? You’re really worrying me,” he says stroking your back. You shake your head. “Hey, can you talk to me? Please?”
You recover yourself a bit and go sit on your bed. Remus follows. 
“It’s nothing,” you say pathetically, wiping your eyes. “Uh huh,” he replies, unconvinced. “Really, Rem. Thanks, but it’s not a big deal. I’ll sort it, really.” 
“Can’t you just tell me what it is?” “I’d rather not.” “That’s new.” He sounds genuinely surprised. “I don’t like it,” he chuckles. “We couldn’t tell each other everything forever, could we?” you smile sadly at him. 
“And why not?” You laugh together, and you feel a tiny bit better.
The thing is, you want to tell him. And you would if it weren’t his bloody best friend. You know that no matter what he said, it would make things weird for him. You keep your secret more for him than for yourself really. 
“If I tell you part of it, do you promise to let me leave it at that?” 
“That’s going to be hard.” “Reeemm,” you whine at him. “Alright, alright.” “Well, it’s… it’s about a boy.” He grimaces, and you can’t help but giggle at it. Immediately, “Who?”
“That’s the part you don’t get to know.” “Oh, come on, Y/N, that’s just not fair.” “Please, Remus. It’s just going to make things harder, and weirder, and I want a chance to just move on on my own. Trust me, yeah?” “Fine,” he answers begrudgingly. “But that still doesn’t explain why you’re so upset. If the lads and I have to plan a cruel prank on some undeserving wanker, then I have to know who it is.” 
You’re particularly amused at the idea of James being both pranker and prankee. 
“It’s nothing like that. He’s nice. That’s why I like him so much.” “Yuck.” You roll your eyes at this, and continue. 
“I just found out he likes someone else.” 
Remus’s expression is all understanding, perhaps too much so as the pitying look he gives you makes you feel worse instead of better. “It’s fine, really. That’s life; it happens; what can you do?” “Are we listing trite maxims then?” You roll your eyes again. “Just because 'that’s life' and 'it happens' and 'there’s not much you can do,'” he says with a mocky voice around your phrases, “doesn’t mean you won’t be upset. Or that that isn’t absolute shit.” He smiles sympathetically at you and wraps an arm around you. 
“Yeah,” you sniffle.
“Yeah,” he echoes. “Thanks, Rem. I kind of love you, you know?” You bump into him playfully. “I know. I’m great.” 
“Har har. Wanker.” 
“Hey!” he laughs. “It’s impressive, really, how quickly you can shift from adorable to an arsehole.” 
“Oh, whatever,” you push him off. 
He’s still chuckling when he asks you to come down to dinner with him. You take some convincing, but eventually, after your face looks a bit less cry-y, you walk down to the Great Hall. 
“Hello, lovely!” Lily calls from a few seats ahead. Remus gives you a little hug, squeezing a bit more than he normally would, and sits with his mates, between Sirius and James - annoying, gorgeous, stupid, magnetic James. You’re glad their backs are to you so they don’t notice you’ve been crying, and you hurry down to sit with Lily. 
She notices immediately. 
“What’s wrong, love? You alright?” She puts a consoling hand on your shoulder. “I’m fine, really. Just got a bit caught up in my feelings,” you say trying to end it there, laughing it off. 
“What feelings? You do know that as my best friend, you are contractually obligated to tell me all of these ‘feelings’?” She says “feelings” funny, and you’re glad to be sitting here laughing with her. Until you remember the cause of said feelings. 
“We can talk later,” you lie. You’ll figure out what to say later; you’re too exhausted now. “I just want to comfort eat now, if you don’t mind.” She still seems a bit worried but gives your shoulder a loving squeeze as she says, “‘Course,” and smiles sweetly. 
You’re finishing your dinner when you feel a tap on your shoulder. Your stomach sinks as you turn. There’s Remus… and Sirius… and the source of the tapping: James. 
“Hey, Lupin,” James says. “Evans,” he adds, nodding at Lily, and your stomach churns.
“Hi,” she says. You don’t say anything. You’re too busy picking at your fingernails, gaze down, trying to keep it together. You go to turn back around toward the table, but James’s hand on your shoulder stops you. “Hey, what’s up with you?” he asks jokingly, though it seems more than tinged in concern. 
“Nothing,” and a weak smile. “Are you feeling better?”
You feel your cheeks catch on fire. Remus wouldn’t tell his friends what you told him, right? You hadn’t told him not to, but you thought that was a given. “Yeah, little Lupin, you had me real worried there,” Sirius chimes in. Oh, right. Thank Godric. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry for the scare.” You think that’s that, and go to turn again, but again, James gently stops you. 
“That’s good,” he says softly. You have to fight to not roll your eyes - why does he have to be so kind? and thoughtful… and caring… and pretty when he’s worried…
“Are you girls done? Want to walk back up together?” he asks. 
“Sure!” Lily answers enthusiastically before you have a chance to lie and say you aren’t finished. For a moment, it crosses your mind that maybe she does because she likes him too, and your misery returns in full force. 
You say nothing on the walk back up to the tower, and you want to go straight to your room when you get there, but Lily links arms with you and drags you to the sofa before you manage it. She’s sitting on the edge, leaning over chatting to Mary and Marlene on the next sofa, you in the middle, sulking. Remus is reading on the single chair, occasionally glancing up at you, the constant, loving worrier he is. Sirius and James are playing exploding snap just in front of you. You notice Remus’s glances, but you don’t notice James’s. 
As the game ends, Sirius claiming loudly he got cheated, James just laughs, shoves him, and comes to sit next to you. 
“What do you think, Lupin? Best exploding snap player you’ve ever seen, eh?” he jokes, his eyebrow rising. Ugh, he’s funny, too. 
“You could go pro if you wanted,” you play along, exaggeratedly impressed. 
“Oh, I’ve considered it, yeah. You know, if quidditch doesn’t work out.” “You have a better chance at exploding snap,” you tease. “Ouch!” he laughs. “You say nothing all night, and when you do, I get this cruel treatment?” 
You’re surprised he noticed and don’t know what to say. “Seriously, though,” he’s speaking much more softly now. “You okay?” He pauses, biting his bottom lip as if considering something, before continuing, “You seem sad. I know you told Sirius you were sick, but I don’t think that’s true.” 
You panic at the tenderness, at his observant attentiveness, and opt for comedic relief. “You calling me a liar, Potter?” 
He chuckles, rolling his eyes at you, but keeps on. “No, of course not. I’m just saying that, well, you can talk to me. If you ever need to… or just want to, I guess… I mean, just because I’m your brother’s best mate doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, right?” 
Friends. Ouch. You want to cry all over again, the proximity and kindness conflicting too much with the idea that he just wants to be friends, or worse, be friendlier with you just to spend more time with Lily too. 
“We are friends,” you reply. “Yeah? Great,” he smiles. Your heart aches.
“Yeah,” you whisper.
“So you’re okay?” he whispers too. “I’m okay,” you lie. 
“C’mon, Prongs! I need my rematch!” Sirius pulls him off the couch, demanding another game. 
The next few days go by gloomily but normally, and before you know it, it’s the weekend. And not just any weekend, a Hogsmeade one. You, your brother, and all your friends are strolling down the lovely, snow-covered lanes. Usually, you’d be especially happy now. You loved Hogsmeade, especially in the cold snowy months, but you still hadn’t been completely yourself since your emotional let down. 
You’re walking next to Remus, James animatedly talking to him on his other side. You feel invisible. Despite James’s kind words the other night, you can’t help but feel like your brother might as well be an invisibility cloak when you stand next to him. It’s like James just sees Remus; his sister is an afterthought.
You love Hogsmeade trips with your friends, but in your current emotional state, you’d rather be alone, so you subtly break off from the group and go into the nearest shop. It’s filled with magical toys and trinkets, and looking around helps cheer you up a bit. You’re browsing when you see a quidditch-themed exploding snap deck. You roll your eyes at the sky, giving the universe snark for not giving you a moment of peace of mind. Then you grab the deck and head over to the counter.
You’re walking slowly down the street, peering through shop windows, enjoying the cool breeze, when you hear your name called out. You turn to see James jogging toward you. “Where’d you go?” he asks friendly, falling into step with you, his shoulder bumping yours.
“Oh, just wandered off.” “Yeah, I noticed,” he laughs. “I didn’t realize my story was so boring.” 
“Oh, I, no, it wasn’t, I was just, you know,” you mutter, mortified. “I’m kidding, Lupin, relax,” he smiles. 
You smile back though you’re sure you’re blushing. You can blame the cold. 
“That freaks me out a bit,” he says. “What does?” “You and Remus have the exact same smile.” You’ve heard this before. “So it freaks me out that I think yours is so beautiful.” You’ve not heard this before.
You laugh lamely and offer up a weak but heartfelt “thanks.” He just nods. 
Your hands are cold, so you bury them in your pockets, and you’re met with your recent purchase. “Oh,” you start. “I have something for you.” 
“You do?” he sounds unreasonably surprised. “Yeah, just a little thing. Don’t get too excited,” you deflate. You pull the deck out and hand it to him. “This way you still get to think about quidditch while practicing for a more promising career path,” you joke. He doesn’t laugh, though. He looks awed. You don’t know what else to say and are starting to worry you did something awkward. 
He’s looking at the deck in his hand rather than at you when he says, “I really like you.”
You pause. You try to read his expression but struggle with his gaze down like this. “I really like you too,” you respond lightly. He looks up. Standing still, looking at you, he asks, “As your brother’s best friend? Like another brother?” he looks hurt at the word “brother.”
“No.” Honest, without revealing too much. “No?” He steps closer to you. “So if I were to tell you that I really want to kiss you right now…” His empty hand comes up to your cheek, caressing you softly. You smile brighter than you have in several days, much longer probably. He beams back at you in response and closes the gap between you. 
You pull back, and his eyes widen, but when you complain, “You lot already went to the Three Broomsticks? Don’t deny it - you taste like butter beer! We always do that last - I can’t believe you didn’t wait for me!” he laughs a deep laugh, wraps his arm around you, and pulls you close, kissing you harder this time. 
“I’ll buy you two to make up for it,” he says between kisses. He deepens the kiss, gently pushing his tongue against yours. You like the taste of butter beer; you love the taste of James Potter. 
“Bloody hell!” you hear from nearby. Sirius looks like his face can’t make up its mind between surprise, excitement, and confusion. “It was Lupin?! I thought it was Evans!” “You thought what was Evans?” James asks, looking perplexed, his arms still around you. “I thought you fancied Evans!” 
“Why?” The complete confusion and utter sincerity lift a huge weight from you, and you giggle. 
“Dunno, actually. Because I’m a bit of an idiot sometimes, it seems,” Sirius shrugs, seemingly already moving on from the situation. Which is more than could be said of Remus, who is standing stiff with his face blank staring at you. 
“It was James?” he asks, looking slightly disgusted. 
“You didn’t think it was Evans, too, did you?” You joke. 
Lily chimes in from beside Remus, “We would make a really good couple, Y/N.”
“Oi, Evans!” James scolds. “I’m not going to say you wouldn’t because you obviously would, but I’m trying my chances here, thank you very much.” Everyone but Remus bursts into laughter. 
“You might want to look away, Rem,” you say. “I don’t want to upset you, but I’m about to kiss your best friend again.” 
Remus groans and walks away, but you’re already too busy to notice.
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