#They should come with a trigger warning or something when they get together. BE AWARE
Cockles is gross. RLS is invasive and disgusting.
Oh! for sure dude.
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Absolutely gross...
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I mean, what is this fuckery here?
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Sometimes it seems they do this on purpose
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A coordinated...
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And disgusting effort. (to make us puke rainbows 🌈)
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Literally, they are revolting together.
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Totally invasive. (they don't leave room for Jesus)
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Just... revolting.
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I believe they invade each other's pants after much of these Panels. But of that, I don't have proof. We only have to endure the massive catalog of their gross public behavior.
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thatfandomslut · 8 months
Green-Eyed Monster
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Trigger Warnings: jealous Regina, friends who don't agree with reader relationship (we've all been there, right?)
can you regina and reader are dating but reader starts being friends with janis, cady, and damian and regina gets super jealous and it causes a fight with reader and then they make up and it's fluffy at the end
Mean Girls requests are open.
(Y/n) laughed loudly, quickly clasping a hand over her mouth as many people turned to look at her. Within those many was Regina George, her girlfriend. Though, no one knew that they were dating since Regina was still in the closet. The blonde quirked a brow from her section of the cafeteria as Janis placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder to help shush her. This was an action that Regina did not appreciate as she narrowed her eyes over at the two. Neither noticed this action as (Y/n) only laughed harder, her forehead gently hitting the table as Janis patted her back, laughing, too.
"Why were you laughing so hard?" Regina asked, sitting across from (Y/n) in her room. She kept her eyes narrowed as she examined (Y/n), trying to figure out what was so funny that she didn't even respond to Regina's texts during lunch.
Regina was still learning how to be in a relationship, and she was far from perfect, but she was perfect at being jealous. Even though there was absolutely no need to be since nothing was going on between (Y/n) and Janis. However, Regina didn't know this. After all, Janis was conventionally pretty, and she came without the baggage of a hidden relationship since she was already out. There was a small possibility that the school's 'it' girl was insecure. Not that she would admit that in any way.
A small laugh escaped (Y/n) as she thought back to what made her laugh so hard. This caused Regina to cross her arms before standing up. "Well, we were talking about this painting from mine and Janis's art class. We had to do portraits, but there's this one guy who like sucks at painting. And, I am perfectly aware it's not nice to laugh, but his portrait of Ms. Klein was not it." (Y/n) couldn't help but feel more giggles bubble in her chest, though she was finally able to keep them at bay.
Regina must have not understood art humor, because this wasn't that funny to her. "Did you have to let Janis put her hand on you though?" She questioned, watching as (Y/n)'s brows knitted together in confusion over what the problem was. "People are going to think you two are dating or something? Do you realize how stupid that makes me look?" Regina looked angry, and (Y/n) was getting to the same point that she was.
Sitting up on her bed and closing her book, (Y/n) considered her words carefully. "Okay, look, I didn't mean to make you jealous, but Janis and I are just friends. I'm not sure what the difference is when you, Gretchen, Karen, and Cady are touching each other's faces to apply each other's makeup. Perhaps you can explain it to me?" (Y/n) tried to stay calm and centered. She knew how heated Regina could get. Still, she must've said something that worsened the situation as Regina's cheeks brightened in color.
"The difference is, Janis is out, and you are out," Regina stated, grabbing for her bag as she started for the door. (Y/n) quickly untangled herself from her blanket, grabbing Regina's hand to stop her. "Don't touch me. You should go hang out with your girlfriend, Janis. She was all over you at lunch, anyways."
(Y/n) let go of Regina, not wanting to anger her more as she sucked in a breath. "Come on, Regina, let's just talk. I don't want to argue over this. I will ask Janis to stop touching me if it will make you happy." (Y/n) offered, hoping to create some peace between her and Regina. She hated arguing with anyone, but she despised arguing with Regina. It was another level of fighting that she couldn't handle. It made her head spin.
Regina walked out of the room and started down the stairs with (Y/n) hot on her trail. "I don't want to talk. I want you to understand how stupid I feel when you just let Janis put her hands all over you." Regina said as she made her way to her Jeep. "Just leave me alone." (Y/n) sighed as Regina shut her Jeep door and ran her hands down her face. She knew to give Regina space, that chasing after her right now wouldn't do anything for either of them.
(Y/n) went back to her room, falling back onto her bed. She was in love with Regina, but the worst part of this being a secret is she couldn't go to her friends for comfort. Instead, she felt unintentionally isolated as Regina's perfume still lingered in the air unhelpfully. She realized that Regina's insecurity more had to do with the fact that she and Janis were both out, but Regina didn't even give her time to help her work through that with her. So, instead, she had to force herself to not call or text the girl.
The next day, around lunchtime, (Y/n) was still somber over the events from the previous night. She had texted Regina a sweet 'good morning' as always but received nothing back. That's why it surprised her when Regina approached her table. "(Y/n), I have a quick history question, can I speak to you in private?" Regina glanced over at Janis, who rolled her eyes at Regina. (Y/n) nudged the girl beside her to stop before following Regina out of the cafeteria. "I realized that I took my anger out at you. To be honest, I was a little scared you might find Janis to be a better girlfriend because she was out, and you didn't have to hide." Regina admitted, causing shock to spread along (Y/n)'s face.
She wasn't expecting Regina to be insecure over Janis. "I understand your fear, and I understand your insecurity. You should know though, I'm not into Janis. She, Cady, and Damian are my best friends. I love them, but it's very different to the way I love you." (Y/n) put her hands over Regina's before their fingers intertwined.
Regina tried to hide the grin growing on her face as she looked down. "You love me?" She asked, her voice filling with emotion, a shift from the apologetic tone she held just before.
(Y/n) laughed softly before kissing Regina softly. Regina kissed back, cupping her cheeks. "Yeah, I love you, Regina George." (Y/n) said softly, glad to see that they had made up and that they were both getting over their previous argument.
"I love you too, (Y/n)," Regina said softly before taking her hand and leading her out the door. "Come on, I'm ready to go out there. I don't care what people think anymore. All that matters to me is that you're by my side when I go out there."
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girlgenius1111 · 8 months
you can face this
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barça x reader
r struggles with an eating disorder. her teammates catch on.
this [obviously] contains descriptions of an eating disorder. do not read if this could be triggering to you. please, just don't.
You hadn't really realized that it had gotten bad again. It was one of those things that crept on you, unconscious bad habits making a return until you had fully relapsed. It was 0-100, and it was even more complicated now that you played for Barça. Not just because of the overbearing teammates, but also because your fitness was strictly kept track of- you had to remain at a weight that wouldn't flag with the physios, or affect your strength too much. But another part of you still hated that number on the scale- it was a constant battle between those two parts of you. The rational side, trying to keep it together, and the not so rational side that didn't care what it destroyed on it's quest to be smaller.
You kept up a surprisingly strong façade. It was easier when the team wasn't traveling, and obviously more complicated when you were. You lived alone in Barcelona, in a perfect little apartment, rather close by to the homes of your teammates, namely Alexia. She liked the younger players to live nearby, so she could keep an eye on everyone, she said.
Your teammates could tell you were having a hard time; it was obvious by the way they worked harder to get a laugh out of you, how they'd show up to hangout of the blue, just because they were in the neighborhood. None of them had approached you about what was bothering you yet, and you assumed they didn't have any idea what was really going on. There were clues, though, ones you weren't aware of, that they were most certainly picking up on.
The first clues weren't much; the way you'd pick at your food whenever you ate with the team. For your part, you did well to hide the fact that every bite was painful to choke down. Still, there was just something slightly off.
It was the quieter members of the team that noticed other things, but they didn't bring them up to anyone else, not yet. Not when it was just you changing rather quickly in the locker room, or how you often showed up at team dinners claiming to have already eaten.
The first person to really notice that something wasn't just a little off, that something was wrong, was Pina. The two of you had finally convinced Alexia to allow you to room together; previously, she'd said no, arguing that you two would inevitably get up to trouble left to your own devices. You'd worn Alexia out, though, and both you and Pina were practically giddy when she'd flashed you with a warning look and read off your names together.
You'd managed to put it out of your head, how much of a hard time you were having. Until dinner that night. It was a rough day, rougher than you were used to, and while you normally could pretend pretty well in front of the team, you didn't feel like that was possible this particular evening. You'd gone to dinner, eaten as much as you could bare, before you mumbled something to the table about having a headache, and slipping back off to your room.
You were overwhelmed, really, and feeling incredibly alone. Something deep inside of you ached, and you wanted it to stop, leave you alone, just for one night. You were so frustrated, and pathetically, so sad. You thought you would have more time before Pina came back to the room, so you gave yourself the grace to breakdown, just a little. You could shower, wash away all traces of the tears, and be back to normal by the time your roommate returned.
What you somehow forgot, however, was that Pina was, while silly and mischievous, also one of the kindest people you'd ever met. You should have known that she'd come check on you, but you were slightly preoccupied with trying to keep a handle on your breakdown.
You didn't hear the click of the key card just before the door opened, and you were caught completely off guard when Claudia stepped inside, her face scrunching with worry as she caught sight of you curled up in the cozy chair in the corner of the room, sobbing quietly into your hands.
"Amiga! What is it?" She asked, rushing over to you. "Is it your headache? Should I get a physio?"
"No, I'm fine, Pina," you replied, wiping furiously at the tears that were still insisting on spilling from your eyes.
"Why are you crying if you're fine?" Pina asked in a quieter voice, on of her hands coming to rest on your knee.
“Claudia, seriously, I’m fine.” You insisted. You looked at her, then, and you looked so devastated, Pina knew instantly that you were lying. She felt so out of her league, so unsure what to do.
“Stay here.” She said after a minute, practically sprinting out of the room.
You knew she’d come back with someone, whoever she could find to fix you. This was the a job for an older player, not her. She gave good hugs, and could always make you laugh, but you needed someone older, someone wiser.
You sighed, knowing there was nothing you could do to stop her. You could only wait, and try to calm down.
You'd stopped crying, you really had, by the time Pina returned with Mapi in tow. You were prepared to act as though your friend was being dramatic, and really, you were fine, but then Mapi walked in, looking like she'd run the whole way to your room to check on you. The serious look on her face was such a departure from how she normally acted, that you were rather thrown off. She caught sight of you sitting on the bed, your red face, the slight downturn of your lips. What really got you was the way she didn't even say anything; she simply walked closer and opened her arms.
You were moving before you could even think to remain where you were, falling easily into the older girl's arms. They wrapped tight around you, and you buried your face in her shoulder. Tears ran off your face, collecting on Mapi's sweatshirt, but she held tight to you, one arm around your back, another holding your head close against her.
"It's alright, chica, we've got you." She murmured. You allowed yourself to sink into the comfort. For a moment, pretending that you weren't keeping so much inside, hidden away from the people that cared about you. You pretended that Mapi knew what was going on, and she was holding tight to you as reassurance, an unspoken promise that you'd be alright.
She didn't know what was wrong, though, and you weren't sure you'd be alright, not really. The little bubble of comfort and safety was broken when the defender pulled back, hands on your shoulders as she looked searchingly at you.
"What happened?" She asked. Her grip on you was tight, and you knew she wouldn't let go until you answered her. Pina was visible, just over Mapi’s shoulder, fidgeting with her hands and looking on nervously. Your only possible course of action was to lie, and to lie well.
"I don't know, I think I'm about to get my period or something," you lied. "I was just kind of sad, but it's fine, I'm fine now."
Mapi didn't look convince, nor did Pina.
"Are you sure? If something is bothering me, you can tell me. Or I can get Alexia if you want," Mapi suggested, beginning to turn toward the door.
That, you absolutely could not let happen. Alexia would get the truth out of you in seconds, especially when you were already so upset.
"No, seriously Mapi, I'm fine. Don't bother Alexia." You insisted, catching her arm and spinning her back around.
She eyed you for a minute, completely straight faced, before holding out her pinky to you. "Promise you are okay?" She asked.
You rolled your eyes, but linked your pinky with hers. "I promise."
She seemed satisfied after that, and you felt guilty about lying. It was for the best, though. You didn't need to worry your teammates, not when you were fine. Not when you had everything under control. Obviously, your motivation to lie went much deeper than that; the fear that they'd make you stop was suffocating.
You shouldn't have felt guilty for lying, because Mapi went right to Alexia anyway. The Catalan Captain miraculously had her own room, for the 4th trip that year, although no one felt brave enough to comment on it. She opened the door warily, thinking Mapi was knocking just to chat, which she got enough of during the daytime hours.
"María, I'm really tired," Alexia started, glancing longingly back at her bed, where a nighttime call with her girlfriend and a cozy blanket awaited her.
"It's about y/n. I think something's wrong."
As Mapi had predicted, she didn't need to say more before Alexia was, now wide awake, stepping to the side, motioning for the defender to walk in.
"What is it?" She demanded once the door was shut behind her.
"Pina came to get me, and she said y/n was really upset about something, but she was pretending she was fine. I went back to their room and she had stopped crying, but as soon as I gave her a hug, she started crying again. And then once she'd stopped crying, she tried to tell me she was fine, something about getting her period and being sad for no reason. She pinky promised, but she was lying, Ale, I could tell. She looked so upset, like she was barely holding it together." Mapi's worry was evident in her tone, and, like you, Alexia noted the seriousness that was present on her friend's face. It wasn't normal, and it meant that, likely, there really was something to be worried about.
"Do you have any idea what she could be upset about?"
"No, not really. She's been a little off, I guess, but I can't think of what could be wrong."
Alexia sighed, silently agreeing with Mapi that you had been acting weird, but also that she couldn't think of a reason for it.
"I'll keep an eye on her, and I'll tell a couple of the others to as well. If something else happens, we can talk to her again." Alexia decided, somewhat uneasily. She wanted to figure out what was wrong, and fix it now, but suffocating you while you were already upset probably wasn't the best idea.
In hindsight, maybe Alexia should have done something sooner. Your behavior remained off, but nothing else occurred that would really raise any red flags. That was, until the team had a double training session, and everyone ate lunch together. You had noticed more eyes on you in the last week, and figured that Mapi had probably asked a few of the older girls to keep an eye on you.
In an effort to convince them you were fine, you forced yourself to eat a normal amount of food at lunch, more than the carefully calculated portion you were intending to consume. It was alright, at first. You were able to distract yourself, joking around with your teammates. When you glanced down at your plate, though, finding it empty, you felt a wave of horror wash over you. You had no choice, no other option. It was too much. You couldn't do this.
You slipped away from the table after a couple of minutes of trying to calm yourself down. It felt like everyone was looking at you, judging you. You made it to the bathroom and kneeled in front of the toilet.
In that moment, you hated yourself. For eating too much, for caring about eating too much. For doing this. Tears fell, unrelated to what you were forcing your body to do. You just wanted to be normal, to feel good. You wanted to look in the mirror, and not hate what you saw looking back at you. You wanted to see what everyone else apparently saw; a normal, average looking person. You hated this, hated what you were doing, but you couldn't stop. You wanted to, more than anything.
When the door creaked open, and you realized you hadn't locked the door behind you, you were caught in the worst position possible. You didn't need to look up, see the disgusted faces looking back at you, to know that you wouldn't be able to play this off. It was obvious that you weren't just ill. You were sick.
You didn't look up, couldn't look up, at whoever was at the door. You sat back against the wall, staring numbly at the floor.
"Go get Alexia. Discreetly." You heard Ingrid instruct, and you heard Aitana reply quietly before her footsteps echoed back down the hall.
The resounding emotion was shame; for being so weak, for being caught doing this. You felt so stupid. You were an athlete, you couldn't be behaving like this. At the same time, the need to lie, to not let them make you stop persisted. You were torn, completely at a loss for words. So, instead of saying something you couldn't think through all the way, you remained quiet.
Aitana ran like there was a fire to the cafeteria, only slowing to a walk when she neared the doors. Her heart ached for you, truly. You'd looked so destroyed, the hatred you held for yourself clear on your face. She sped walk to where Alexia was sitting, making eye contact as the blonde turned towards her on instinct, as if sensing that something wasn't right. Mapi was on her other side, and she'd known something was wrong the second she saw her girlfriend go after you, but she'd been deep in conversation with Irene, and she hadn't wanted to overreact.
Aitana leaned down, speaking quietly in Alexia's ear. "Come with me, it's y/n."
Alexia nodded once, her expression firm as she stood. As if they were 2 ducklings following their mother, Mapi and Irene rose too, following their captain and Aitana out into the hall. They stopped just outside the doors looking expectantly at the younger player.
Aitana worried her lip in between her teeth, looking intensely at Alexia. She didn't want to say what was going on, not in front of the other girls. Ingrid had told her to get Alexia, and to be discreet. You didn't need a crowd of people.
"What happened?" Alexia asked after a minute, her voice anxious.
"I... Ingrid told me to get you, and to be discreet." Aitana's gaze flickered to the other girls, and the blonde captain caught her meaning.
"Mapi, Irene, go back inside, I'll take care of it."
They both began to protest, but Alexia remained resolute, shaking her head at them. "No, Ingrid said just me. Whatever is going on we don't need to overwhelm her." The other girls turned, sighing dramatically, walking back into the cafeteria.
Alexia fixed her gaze back on Aitana, wordlessly asking for more information.
"Ingrid and I followed her to the bathroom, and we heard her getting sick. Ingrid opened the door, it wasn't locked, and she was... she was making herself..." Aitana trailed off uncomfortably.
The pieces started to fall together for Alexia, and she didn't need the younger woman to say anything else.
"Okay. Okay. Thank you, Tana. I'll make sure she's okay."
Aitana nodded nervously, watching after her captain as the blonde made her way down the hall and towards the bathroom that the brunette had indicated.
To your surprise, Ingrid didn't try to make you talk. Her and Aitana had watched you leave the room, and worried that you were ill or something, with the look on your face. They'd followed you, hovering outside the bathroom door, before trying the handle. Ingrid hadn't expected what she found, and she wasn't exactly sure what to do. All she knew was that you needed help.
She shut the door behind her, locking it this time, before grabbing a paper towel. She got it wet with warm water, before carefully approaching you. Ingrid flushed the toilet, before lifting your chin to face her. You shut your eyes, unable to really look at her. You couldn't see how disgusted with you she was; that would be it. That would shatter you beyond repair.
Ingrid carefully wiped your mouth off, before taking your hand in hers, and wiping your fingers off too. The action made you inhale sharply. She knew, she'd seen. You knew she had, but the silent acknowledgement made you sick to your stomach all over again.
The Norwegian disposed of the paper towel, turning towards the door when a quiet knock sounded. You clenched your jaw, clenched your fists, dreading the conversation you knew your captain was about to force you to have.
You didn't want a lecture. You knew what you were doing wasn't okay, wasn't healthy. You knew, and you did it anyway. Because, despite what you told yourself, it wasn't about being healthy. It was about looking the way you thought you should.
Alexia entered, taking in Ingrid's troubled expression, before her eyes fell to you. You looked hopeless, completely embarrassed, and Alexia wanted to fix it. Make you understand that you didn't have to be embarrassed, not with her. She wanted to promise that everything would be okay, that she'd make sure that you were okay. She wanted you to let her in, finally, admit that you were hurting.
None of these things were conversations to be had in the bathroom, though. Alexia walked forward, holding out a hand down to you. Slowly, you raised your head to look at her. There wasn't any revulsion evident on her face, and even though you wanted to run, hide, pretend that this wasn't happening, you knew you couldn't do that.
You took Alexia's hand, allowing her to pull you to your feet. She was steady where you were shaky, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and leading you out of the bathroom. She stopped briefly, looking down at you.
"Do you want Ingrid to come, or would you rather talk just the two of us?" She asked softly.
Your eyes flickered to Ingrid, not wanting to hurt her feelings when she'd been so kind, but also thinking that you couldn't handle talking to more than one person about what was going on. It was horribly overwhelming enough as it was.
Ingrid caught your hesitance, reaching out to squeeze your hand. "It's alright, elskling. You talk with Ale, okay? And maybe later you can come over and have a movie night with me and María?"
You half smiled at her, as it was all you could manage, a smile she returned, before she headed the opposite way down the hall.
Alexia tightened her grip around you, like she was a little afraid you were going to run. To be fair, you'd considered it, but the tight hold your captain had on you had shut that option down. She led you through the maze of hallways, eventually finding a room that seemed to meet her requirements. It was a little relaxation lounge, one no one ever used as it wasn't very big, and the team kind of stuck together.
Alexia sat down next to you on one of the sofa's, and you appreciated that she didn't sit in the chair across the room; that would have felt terrifying like a therapy session, and you definitely weren't there yet.
"How long has this been going on?" Alexia asked. Her question startled you, having been sure she was going to try to make you talk first. She liked to do that, feeling like important discussions with her teammates were more successful when they steered the conversation. However, Alexia knew you wouldn't steer it anywhere helpful.
"How long has what been going on?" You replied, instantly regretting the words. Why had you said that? Alexia was aware that you knew what she was asking about, and she wouldn't let you get away with playing dumb.
Shaking her head, she spoke firmly. "No, we are not going to do that. Aitana and Ingrid saw, pequeña. We have to talk about this."
"I don't want to." You murmured, resting your head in your hands. You didn't. You would have done practically anything to avoid it.
"I know." Alexia told you sympathetically, rubbing her hand up and down your back. "We have to, though. I care about you way too much to not do anything about this." Ale paused. "When did it start?"
"It was bad when I was younger, a teenager. And I went to therapy, and I was doing well for a while. I'm not really sure what happened, why it started again."
Alexia didn't miss that you didn't answer her question. "When did it start?" She asked again.
You sighed, head still hidden away in your hands. "A few weeks ago. It wasn't that bad at first, I didn't notice. And then it was, and it was too late, I couldn't fix it."
"Why?" Alexia asked next.
You shook your head, even as the words threatened to spill out; the words that harassed you, that tainted every meal.
"Come on, pequeña. I am not going to judge you, just tell me."
Often, Alexia was seen as this intimidating, hardcore player. She'd do anything for her teammates, though, and she was capable of extreme kindness. If you were lucky enough to know Ale, to really know her, you knew how good she was. Maybe it was this, one of the best people you knew begging you to talk to her, that made you relent.
"I... I hate the way that I look. I hate it." Your words were dripping with self loathing. Alexia understood the unspoken words; you hated yourself.
There were a lot of things Alexia wanted to tell you, but didn't, not yet. She'd need them in the future, when the urge returned, and you fought against it. She'd need the reminders then.
Instead, she coaxed your face away from your hands, looking intently at you as she spoke.
"You cannot keep doing this. You know that. As your captain, and as your friend, cariño, you need help. We need to get you help."
Your eyes began to well with tears. Alexia took a shaky breath.
"And I know you do not want it, but you deserve it. Can you let me get you help, pequeña? Please?"
You considered for a couple moments. "What if I can't get better? What if... what if I can't?"
Above all, that was your biggest fear. Not being strong enough to beat it. It was why you resisted help; you didn't want to let everyone down if you failed. You wanted to be strong enough, you just weren't convinced you were. You were weak enough to start this, to fall into the horrible loop, to begin with.
"You will, cariño. You know how I know?"
You looked at her, eyes wide and watery. "How?" Your voice cracked, and Alexia took one of your hands in hers.
"Because you do not give up. You are one of the strongest people I know." You looked doubtful, still. "And I don't give up. I will not give up on you. We will get you better, together. You will not have to do any of it alone."
"Do you promise?" You asked, a few tears sliding down your cheeks as you blinked at the blonde.
Alexia didn't say anything, she just held out her pinky towards you. You linked your pinkie with hers, and knew, somewhere deep within you, that this wasn't a promise she was going to break.
Alexia did end up telling you all of the things she'd thought of, eventually. She wrote them down in a little note on her phone, not wanting to forget what to say, not when you needed her. Your teammates, the ones who knew, who you trusted enough to let know, used them too.
That it didn't matter what you looked like, being so unkind to your body was never acceptable.
Alexia told you this one evening she spent at your house, after you'd had a long therapy session. You'd arrived home, dissolving into tears, and somehow, she had known you'd needed her.
She showed up on your doorstep like some kind of magical being that could sense when her friends were sad, letting you cry into her for at least an hour.
She'd whispered the words into your hair, when you asked her if she thought getting better was worth it, if it was so painful.
You believed her, that day. Just a little.
She loved you, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about, or ashamed of.
She told you this a week later when you slipped up, and you'd called her from your bathroom floor, words unintelligible through your sobs. Alexia dropped everything to come over, and spent a while promising you that relapsing didn't make you a bad person. That you were doing your best, and that was all you could expect from yourself. That relapses were a part of recovering, as much as it sucked.
When she said the words, you believed her, a bit more this time. She'd been at your apartment before you could really even get any words out. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't care, if she was disgusted with you. If she didn't love you like she said she did.
Being healthy, above all else, was what mattered, and what you'd been doing wasn't.
This was Ingrid and Mapi. You'd gone over to their house for dinner, which proved to be challenging. You confessed how guilty you felt for eating enough, and how guilty you felt for not eating enough. It was hard to figure out what the right thing was, when everything felt like the wrong decision.
Mapi spoke these words to you, sounding wiser and more sure than you'd ever heard her. You trusted Mapi, you trusted Ingrid. If they said that what you were doing wasn't healthy, they weren't lying. Another piece of you got better that day, even as it was one of the hardest you faced.
You were beautiful, and strong, and your body allowed you to play the sport you loved.
You lost count of who told you this one. Irene, Lucy, Alexia, Ingrid, Mapi, Pina. It became something of a mantra, something they'd make you repeat when they saw you having a bad day.
Because, above all, you loved football.
You learned to love your body for allowing you to play football.
You learned to love your body just for being itself, regardless of what it looked like.
You learned to love yourself, to not put so much pressure on everything you did.
You healed, slowly. You knew, without a doubt, that you couldn't have done it without the team. You didn't want to conceive of a world where you would have to struggle alone, because you weren't. As long as they were around, you never would be.
it's a good thing i have therapy tomorrow!
i joke, although i do have therapy tomorrow.
getting better is so worth it. i promise.
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uplatterme · 2 years
BARBATOS, The First.
cw: yandere!venti, sub!venti, dom!reader, they/them pronouns, unwanted advances, obsessive behavior, public sex, cock stepping, also a warning for yandere!venti’s overall behavior.
a/n: i had a taglist for this but i lost it LMAO
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You’ve always noticed how different he acted towards you since the beginning.
The way he sits on your lap playfully, grinding himself without warning and when you ask him what he’s doing, he always pretends to be drunk although you were aware of his schemes.
Or when you’re wearing a skirt and somehow the Monstadt breeze always got stronger, your thighs or more accidentally showing even if you tried to pull it down.
And let’s not forget the time when he intentionally triggered his allergies so you could take care of him while he was “sick”. You didn’t doubt the fact that he was capable of taking care of himself.
You touch the rim of your glass, thinking about him. While it was definitely annoying, it sure did work and got your attention.
“That bard is quite strange, isn’t he?” You asked the bartender in front of you and he takes the empty glass from your hands to give you another fill.
“What’s strange is that he isn’t here chatting your ear off while you drink.” Diluc stated in annoyance. Archon knows how much the bard has actually ended up drunk under the table.
“Perhaps he hasn’t heard that I’ve come back to visit?” You questioned.
“He knows. If he says he doesn’t then he’s obviously lying. That bard knows more than you think.”
“Yet, he’s nowhere to be seen… How peculiar.”
“To think that we have a whole festival offering him flowers and yet he shows such indecent acts says a lot about our city.”
You stop before taking another sip of the alcohol in your hands. “What?”
The redhead stood in awe, realizing he’d made a mistake. “Forget what I said, I thought you knew.”
“Ragnvindr. Are you saying?”
He neither confirmed nor denied it.
You laughed at the new information. It was unbelievable, truly. “But, he’s so tiny? I could cup his face with my palms.”
“Get out. Don’t mention this to anyone.” He ordered.
“Excuse me?”
The next thing you knew, you were outside as Diluc closed earlier from the situation. Well, he was supposed to close earlier but with your pleading he served you a few glasses.
It did make sense, as strange as it sounded. Still, the idea of Venti being the Anemo Archon?
That and the fact that he’s obsessing with you made you want to go home and sleep.
Although, going home was never really an option for a traveler like you.
Should you really pester the Darknight Hero for a room?
You decided against it and went for a midnight stroll instead. There weren’t many hilichurls around due to the Honorary Knight getting rid of them for a quick bag of mora.
The stars were shining as you walked through the land of Mondstadt.
That still didn’t prepare you for the brightness that came along with the Anemo Archon appearing in front of you.
It looked like something out of a drama. A God staring down at a human as he fluttered his wings, creating strong breezes around the two of them.
Fuck. Was this really Venti?
The Anemo Archon presented himself in a form you haven’t seen before. Pure and white wings on his back, with a rather revealing outfit than his usual.
“Well, this is new.” You said.
He tightened his lips as he stared at you like you were his. “I’ve fallen for you, (Name). Why can’t you see that?”
A confession at this hour. One, which you did not appreciate either.
“I’m not looking for anything serious right now, so.” You scratch your head. Alice never wrote a book about rejecting Gods when they confess to you out of nowhere.
Barbatos floated towards you, clasping your hands together. “(Name). You don’t want another city to fall into ruins, do you?”
“Are you threatening me?”
You chuckled. “My, I’ve never thought Barbatos to be such a brat who rattles around if he doesn’t get what he wants.”
His wings quickly fluttered around.
“I’m not!” He yelled. “You don’t get it. Ever since I first saw you, I knew you were different from any other human I’ve met.”
You aggressively pulled him towards you by his braid. “I think you’re the one not understanding, Venti.”
“I’m not accepting a confession from someone who acts like a cheap whore. Surely, you can do better than that.” You scolded and it seemed to be working with how red his face got with each word that you tell him.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
You pulled on his hair again, your faces centimeters away from each other. He presented himself to be intimidating when he came over here and yet all you see right now is a puny little god, one who grit his teeth and trying not to let an unwanted noise come out from his throat even if the white shorts he’s wearing is leaving nothing to the imagination, his cock twitching from your words.
“I’m not—” He fumbled over his words, he knew just how enamored he was but he didn’t expect it to this effect.
“It’s not like that…” The red on his cheeks deepened.
“Do you really need to travel to the other regions? Haven’t I made Monstadt the perfect home for you?!”
You never asked for any of those, you wanted to say.
“I’m even offering myself to you. Isn’t that enough?”
There are tears coming out of his eyes and you couldn’t understand whether these were actually his true feelings or he was trying to guilt you into accepting his confession.
Either way, it was working.
The Archon embraced you tightly, pressing his cock against you and humping your thigh like a desperate bitch needy for attention.
He’s sensitive.
Right, someone like him would have been void of this kind of intimacy.
You waited until Venti was flushing heavy, moans signaling that he was close to cumming on you.
Then, you stopped him.
“Ah—Wait!” He mewled pathetically from the ruined orgasm.
“You don’t do things unless I say so, alright?” You warned him, the whole shtick of grinding against you without permission was getting old.
“Lay on the ground, Barbatos.”
Venti hesitated, unsure of how exactly. Eventually, he rested his back on the ground with his hands crossed together. He stared up at you, opposite of how you two were at the beginning of this whole conversation.
If you told him you were a god born in a human’s body, he would believe it.
His back arched as he felt you step on his groin, your shoe aggressively putting pressure on his already sensitive cock.
“Haah–(Name)-” He breathed out.
His wings moved involuntarily while you continued stepping on him. Venti writhed on the ground, moaning your name repeatedly as if it were the only thing he could remember.
“Don’t close your thighs together.”
“C-cant…’m trying.” He complained.
“Hold them for me.”
Venti puts his hands on his knees, spreading his legs open just for you. His trembling fingers barely even did anything more than when they were on the ground.
“I like this outfit on you, should wear it more often to show off how much of a whore you are to your people.”
He wailed in response, drooling at your words.
“Do you like it, Venti? Do you like it when I degrade you less than dirt?” You asked.
He shook his head, muttering ‘no’ over his whimpering.
You pressed down harder and Venti choked on his breathing, coughing in embarrassment.
“You say that…but my shoe is getting cleaned from how soaked you are. Not to mention, your feathers are all over the place.”
“I’m c-close–(Name), please…want to-”
Venti moaned louder, he wasn’t even holding himself back even if he knew that the two of you were in public, that if anyone were to see how he looked now then they would be able to figure out that their dear Barbatos was the one creaming on the ground.
“Admit it first. Maybe, I’ll consider it.”
You removed your shoe away from his cock and were immediately met with pleading. “No, no. Please, (Name),”
“Yes-yes. I like it when you talk to me that way. I like how you ignore me even if I’m bouncing up and down on your lap at Angel’s Share. I love how you treat me like I don’t mean anything to you.” Venti confessed.
“You’re sweet, Venti. You’re such a good boy for me.”
You placed your foot back on him moving around until he was helplessly sobbing from pleasure, cumming while screaming your name out as loud as he could.
Venti panted, his cock continuing to leak out even after he’s done with his orgasm.
You went on your knees, head still above his.
You caressed his wings which lay flat on the ground. “I like this one.”
“What–Hmpf!” He bit his lip in pain as you plucked out one of his feathers.
“I think I’ll keep it. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No–anything for you, of course.” He quickly answered.
“Then, let’s continue.”
Venti’s hole seemed prepared for you already. Still, you inserted two of your fingers inside him and felt his walls around. “Do you finger yourself, Venti? Do you think of me while you get yourself off?”
You inserted another finger in for his honesty, touching every part of his insides and avoiding his prostate, no matter if tried to plunge himself deeper for it.
“Close your eyes. Tell me exactly what you think.”
You removed your fingers while you listened to every detail he said out loud. “I imagine you placing me on my back and pounding me from how tired you are of me.”
You followed his directions, placing Venti on his back and pushing yourself in without warning. Venti gasped loudly, stopping his story momentarily until he realized that you weren’t going to move unless he continued.
“You pound me rough and deep, filling me up–as–ah!” He faced the ground, eyes still closed. He wouldn’t dare open them.
“You-you.” He tried to focus while feeling you all inside of him, how warm you are, how you hit his spots and how your hand is pushing his back down.
“You let me scream—hh—as l-loud as I can, how you’d love to parade me around like t-this to everyone, that my mouth could do better than tell tales.”
Venti continued to moan, gripping the grass on the ground and unable to hold himself from the pleasure.
“You say that the only time I should open my mouth is when I use it to please you.” He finished.
You grinned, this bard of yours sure let his imaginations run wild.
“And I bet you liked that, didn’t you?”
“Mhm—So, please don’t go anymore, (Name). You can have me a-all you want.” He said from underneath you.
You enveloped his dick in your hands. pushing him to his limit while his prostate was getting abused by your rough and quick movements.
Venti shivered flat on the ground as he came once more, saying your name over and over again.
“So?” The bard asked.
You entered Angel’s Share, desperately wanting a drink after you had ventured from Dragonspine for a quest. Diluc took a single look at you and grunted.
“Ragnvindr, the usual.”
He eyed your side and tutted his tongue.
“To think I was enjoying not seeing the two of you together and now he looks like he’s attached to your hip.” He elaborated.
Venti hugged your arm, snuggling on it as if it were a pillow. “Oh dear bartender, I think you’d find me attached to more than their hip!”
The redhead looked as if he wanted to throw the bard out right now. “I didn’t need to hear that.”
He tilted his head at you. “I’m putting his debt on your tab.”
“I can’t get rid of him, unfortunately, would cry his eyes out if I do.” You replied.
“(Name)? I’m here, you know!” He waved his hands in front of you and you continued to ignore him.
You hoped to yourself that claiming a god as your partner (of sorts) won’t go anywhere more difficult.
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Diabolical 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, extreme profanity, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Billy Butcher
Summary: your neighbours has some strange friends.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Down-trodden. That’s a good word to use. One you’d find in a particularly eloquent novel. It’s how you feel. Caught in the rain, missed your connection, and walking six blocks just to get back to your building. Down-trodden, defeated, and deflated. 
You come up to the door of your building, trying to unhook the end of your key from the ring. Before you can get a handle on things, the door flies open and you barely move out of its way. Your keys hit the ground and a dark figure swoops to snatch them up. Not him. 
That man stands, the loud one, the rude one, and jangles your keys. You reach for them and he keeps them just out of your grasp. You frown and rescind your arm. 
“Sir, please--” 
“Well, ain’t you the cat the river washed up,” he snickers. “Look at ya. Down-right sad, ain’t ya? What’s a matter? Did the sun not shine at ya majesty’s order?” 
“Sir,” you snip. “I am not in the mood--” 
“Are ya ever, love?” He chortles again, dangling the keys higher. 
“I’m asking nicely, please, give me my keys.” You make yourself as big as you can but still feel tiny before him. 
“Please and...” he drawls. 
“Thank you,” you try to grab the keys, hopping to snag them, but he manages to evade you. You huff, embarrassed at your own effort. 
“Ain’t that cute. Look much smaller out here without them walls to hide behind, Don’t ya?” He twirls the ring around his finger. 
You look away and frown, “look, I apologise. It was never meant to offend you. I only hoped you might have some consideration and not make so much noise. I was mistaken to think you could care.” 
“Ah, now, you’re gonna make me feel bad,” he taunts. 
You turn to him and shrug. What more can you say or do? His smirk fades just a little and his dark brows draw together. He clears his throat and lowers his hand. 
“’ere ya go then.” He offers them. 
Cautiously you reach out. Your hand closes around them, brushing his fingers, and he lets you have them. Warily, you pull back. 
“Was only playin’,” he winks. “Lookit, I’ll even be a gentleman and hold the door for ya.” He moves out of the way and keeps his hand on the door, “there ya are, proper queen, then.” 
You don’t know if he’s mocking you still or not. More likely he is. You hold your tongue. You just want to be done with today and him. You’re only recourse is to ignore him. It might get him off your back. You can handle a bit of shouting in the hall. 
You step forward and pass him. He looms, bouncing on his heels, and you hurry as you approach the stairs, “eh, never saw ya from behind. Not half bad.” 
He cackles before he lets the door go and it slams at his departure. You cringe. You should have expected something. You carry on up the staircase and keep your head down as you near your apartment. 
You go inside and toss the keys. You drop your bag as you kick off your shoes and traipse around to the kitchen. You put on the kettle and plant your elbows on the counter. 
The buyer didn’t take as much as you negotiated but you couldn’t say no. You had to take what they offered. It’s enough, but you were hoping for more. You did the repair just as they wanted but everyone’s always changing the terms. No one listens to you. Just like that man! You’re tired of feeling so helpless. 
And why does he have to be so crass? Why did he have to humiliate you like that? You dropped your keys and he couldn’t just let you have them. No, he had to make you perform like some puppet. Oh and then he had to be sure you know how nice he is. 
You don’t think you hate him; you just hate how people treat you. You pride yourself on being polite, on being empathetic as best as you can, on making yourself as little as possible so you’re not in the way. The one time you speak up for yourself and it backfires. Well, you won’t be doing that again. 
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winns-stuff · 10 months
Okay I’m back again and it’s only to say this.. The comments on the new fastpass are genuinely disgusting. I don’t care how you put it or feel about both characters it’s absolutely deranged to ship or want a redemption arc for a rapist, maybe I’m being too harsh but I can’t find soft words to use for this. The fact that there’s so many people girlbossing this entire situation as a “I got the entire lineage on my shoulders!!! I slept with the brothers and the father!!!!” thing is weird to me because these fans are all missing the point of Hera’s entire story and it makes no sense that as I’m ALWAYS saying these fans are quite literally shipping rapists with their victims when the entire point of Lore Olympus was to shed light and bring awareness to Sexual Assault that is not violent or gruesome in physical action.
And we all know why this is happening, Rachel doesn’t know how to properly handle this situation and it’s clear that that’s how this is coming across to her fans. They don’t see this as a rape survivor story they see this as another dark romance since she doesn’t bother on actually addressing the assault in a respectful and dignified way, every single time she adds another sexual assault in her story she’s always glamorizing it or diminishing it whenever she gets tired of writing about it and it’s infuriating. Your fans should know better than to ship victims with their abusers and you wanna know why? Because you pride your comic on healthy relationships and mental health talks, you use the sexual assault as some kind of badge to show everyone that you know what you’re talking about when it’s clear that you will abandon all real representation of a situation that affects millions of people around the world just for crappy fan service.
Lore Olympus fans are groomed to dismiss these arcs since they’re not even treated like they’re serious and it doesn’t seem like Rachel takes it serious as well, she’s never taken any advice from survivors who aren’t pleased with how she portrays SA and she completely ignores the feelings of those truly affected by the traumatic events that she shoves into her webcomic just so it’ll stay “interesting”. I’m tired of Rachel getting away with drawing absolute trauma porn and I’m sick of her sexualizing every single woman we come across, how many times do we have to continue this long and excruciating pattern of giving the women of your comic terrible consequences and make them suffer just for drama and nothing else. How many other situations are you willing to completely spit on just to look self aware?
This is honestly the last straw because there’s been so many people genuinely shipping Hera and Kronos and also saying borderline disgusting things just to defend stuff like that. Rachel needs to say something, you cannot just sit back and be quiet while your fans openly admit to wanting to see a rapist and his victim together for the sake of your own comic and “beloved” main character hell even for a lot of your fans you need to speak up about this and address it letting a mindset like that fester in a fandom probably filled with survivors of assault is a disservice to them and it’s a slap in the face to the comfort that your webtoon gave them.
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irondadfics · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could find me a/some fics that have a seriously injured or very sick Peter that also have him going to the hospital? Thank you!
here’s some for you! Some are unfinished but still worth checking out
Friendly Fire by JolinarJackson
Finding a careful truce with the government, the “rogue Avengers” are allowed to return to the Compound where they are put under house arrest. Peter coming to spend one week at the Compound during his summer break couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time as the opportunity to bond a little more with his mentor is overshadowed by a conflict he doesn’t quite understand. When he starts to develop a mysterious medical condition, however, the former team is forced to work together – not just to protect Peter’s identity from the DODC, but also to find the cause for his illness before it’s too late. “He’s my kid,” Tony said, his voice hoarse. “He’s my kid and I failed him.” He covered his eyes and took a few deep, shuddering breaths. “All I ever do is fail him.” Natasha knelt down in front of him and cupped his face in her hands, waiting for him to meet her eyes before she said, “Right now, he doesn’t need you to fix this. He doesn’t need you down here. He needs you over there, in the medbay, by his side.” She thumbed tears from the corners of his eyes and ignored the ones running down her own face. “You haven’t failed him yet.”
A Pair of White Converse by orphan_account
The subway car was quiet. Almost too quiet. Peter’s senses buzzed in the silence. A familiar shiver ran down his spine, and his muscles clenched reflexively. There was danger, his spidey-sense told him that much. But where? Someone sneezed into a tissue before clearing their throat gruffly, and the noise grated in Peter’s over-sensitive ears. A woman in a business suit chattered away on her phone, her voice brusque and commanding. She reminded him of Pepper when she was in a meeting - poised, well-aware of the power she held. Somebody was tapping their nails against the hard plastic of the empty seat beside them in a steady rhythm, almost like a countdown. Tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap. ~~~ TRIGGER WARNING: if something about bombs or explosions on trains triggers you, then please don't read. Take care of yourself.
Happy Binky, the big-ass bunny by Bergen
Even Spider-Man had his limits. One of those limits was a fall from over a hundred feet, that left him with a cracked skull, a broken spine and a severely crushed left leg. Spider-Man is recovering and out of the running. But he gets no rest. Because now, Peter Parker is facing his greatest threat so far: his aunt’s new boyfriend, Happy. And everyone says Happy is a good guy. Happy is a good guy. So Peter isn’t sure why the whole thing makes him feel on edge.
That's why they call me mr. fahrenheit by SparrowFlight246
Peter’s on fire. He wakes up fast, and before he even gets the chance to feel the pain, the aches, the dizziness, he feels the heat. It’s all encompassing, a raging inferno blooming from within him and burning him up from the inside out, and god, it— —god, it hurts. - Peter gets whammied by a 24-hour superbug, and Tony’s left to keep him alive until tomorrow morning. It sounds a hell of a lot easier than it ends up being.
If You Should Die Before Me (Reserve Me A Place In Heaven) by Aurealis
Peter is locked in a flooding cave in and Tony tries to rescue him.
How They Perceive You by ephemeralstark
Peter couldn't finish as the doors to the room they were in flew open and a shaky “you can't go in there,” could be heard.  “Hey, Underoos, fancy meeting you in here!” Mr. Stark said cheerfully, although Peter could see the tenseness in his jaw and the hardness in his eyes that made him mentally groan.  “M-Mr. Star’.” Peter mumbled in greeting.  “Mr. Stark, you can't-”  “-be in here.” Mr. Stark said, interrupting Dr. Kat. “I know, they told me, but judging by what I can see here, it’s a good thing I ignored everyone. That won’t work on him.”  “It’s anaesthetic.”  “I know.” Mr. Stark said. “And it won’t work on him, he’s a funky thing, aren’t you Underoos?”  - Peter's lung spontaneously collapses and Happy does the only thing he can - takes Peter to a regular hospital.
Don't You Let Me Go Tonight by edgeofthegalaxy
In which Tony finds himself taking care of a very sick Peter Parker and things are quickly going downhill.
Peter Parker and Peppermint Don't Mix by spidermanstan
“The reaction seems to be in response to peppermint, boss.” Friday supplied. “Peppermint is known to repel spiders, and can be lethal in large quantities.”  Or In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve
Cyanide? In My Shawarma? by losingmymindtonight
Pepper convinces Tony to bring Peter along on his first dinner with the Rogue Avengers since their pardoning. Poor Tony had thought the whole thing was a recipe for disaster before someone decided to shove some cyanide in his food.
Bohemian Rhapsody by Aurealis, orphan_account
It happened on the route to Avengers Compound for training. Now, Tony Stark lives in the fear of losing the one he would die protecting.
five and one by cinnamontoastcronch
Six times Peter Parker finds himself in a hospital.
A Twisted Upheaval by silentsaebyeok
“I’m afraid, Harrison, you’ve awakened a sleeping giant.” Wilson said. “Tony Stark will do anything and everything to protect those he loves. And with your carelessness, it is inevitable that my criminal empire will be brought to its knees. This is your last opportunity, your last chance to get this right. He is on our radar now.” -- The Kingpin runs the criminal underworld. He is the mastermind and the puppeteer. Tony Stark has been trying to find the elusive gangster for years, but with no luck. But then Peter Parker is kidnapped by an agent of the Kingpin’s, revealing the cracks in an otherwise unshakeable organization. Unlikely alliances form and friendships are made as the criminal underworld begins to unravel.
You always get back up (and I'll catch you when you fall) by SuperHeroTiger
Chapter 1: Day 1: Hanging
Peter Parker always gets back up. But sometimes, he falls, and it hurts, and he breaks. Thankfully Tony Stark is always there to help pull him back to his feet...
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severeangerissues · 16 days
You've probably already seen the post about the artist Truyerabi, who is accused of drawing incest and eroguro. The person who posted this said they did it "just to inform" But they clearly didn't do it just to inform, because if that were the case, they wouldn't have defended their actions and called the artist disgusting. This is already becoming personal and is clearly more than just informing.
Please don't skip this post, it's important if you're against false accusations and bullying and canceling people.
Truerabi knows that she draws disgusting things, and it is important to understand this. The accuser, let's call them that, said that she was hiding it, but in fact she was not.
Next I will provide translations of the post from Truyerabi's telegram to prove that she is not as bad as she is demonized.
I want to point out that Truyerabi actually draws these things and if these pictures are trigger for you, I advise you not to follow her telegram channel. You can follow her tumblr because these pictures are not there.
Let's also remember that the Internet has always drawn and will draw guro, ero-guro, and other abominations. It was like that from the very beginning and that's how it is. There is no point in fighting what has always been.
Please note that the translation may contain strange punctuation or something else. But overall, I translated everything that was written here honestly. Except that I didn't use swear words and adapted some sentences because this is the great and mighty Russian language /hj
Left is the original, right is my translation. I've highlighted the important parts in pink, but you should still read the whole post to get more details.
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The first important part. Truyerabi does not support what she draws, and you should understand this. There is no need to demonize her, she is a human being just like you. Yes, she is a pro/comshipper, but that doesn't put a cross on a person. Just like any other label. People can be like this for completely different reasons and it is wrong to lump everyone together. You must understand this.
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Here Truyerabi mentions that she puts warnings on her works, which is proof that she herself knows very well that her works are not something good. This also proves that she does not draw it "in secret", "in the shadows" or "behind the scenes" as some have accused her of. Because if that were the case, she would not published it on her blog, describing everything in the picture in a trigger warning. It's not very secret when you describe everything that's "secret", is it?
The accusation that she does this "in the shadows" comes from the fact that she only publishes explicit works on Telegram. And is this logical? There is no strict moderation in Telegram. But she does this mostly because she doesn't want to trigger anyone. The argument that she doesn't post it on Tumblr is just empty words to further defame the person. By the way, the prosecutor eventually published the works that were hidden from sensitive eyes without any censorship. They didn't even hide them under a cut. This is rather reckless, don't you think? Who ended up triggering more people?
*-You may have noticed that Truyerabi is not the only one being accused, but I translated the post she wrote "from herself"
⚠️The third argument contains a mention of self-harm, if this is a sore subject for you, read with caution or skip the 3rd point!!⚠️
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In this screenshot you can see that Truyerabi is not a crazy fetishist, but a person who uses shock drawings as vent art. She is well aware that these are disgusting topics, horrible actions. And it helps her "let off steam". Everyone has their own way of dealing with problems and she is far from the only one of those who preferred this method, believe me.
Now it is quite wrong to blame a person and insult them for something that is an outlet for them. It's still incest and ero-guro and you shouldn't watch it if it upsets you, but putting it out there in public and telling others that the author is disgusting is just wrong.
⚠️Someone told her "I think self-harm is healthier than proship" What? What for the hell? Are they saying that drawing non-existent people who have already died many times in many different ways even in the official media is worse than REAL self-harm? What? What kind of soulless bastard do you have to be to say that? It's not better at all. Anything is better than self-harm. This is an indisputable fact and arguing with it is idiotic.⚠️
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Here is another argument that Truyerabi does not romanticize incest and so on. She's right, the pictures don't depict Scout as someone who is happy with his situation. I don't think the person who wanted to normalize this would portray the characters as unhappy. On the contrary, it portrays incest as something negative, something that causes rejection and discomfort, something that harms a person.
Here she also says that it is unfair to say that her vent art is not vent. We don’t know what she went through, we don’t know what emotions and memories she puts into these works. It's wrong to blame her for the way she copes with her problems. She doesn't have to tell anyone what she's been through or what's going on in her head, but that doesn't mean she can be bullied.
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An argument with which I completely agree. I don't think that if you are a real internet hero, a public figure, you will hide behind a clean account. If you haven't noticed, the person who published one of the posts is an empty account with an anonymous nickname. Doesn't this seem strange to you? If the author of the post simply wanted to inform you, then why did they create a separate account for this, if they could fit everything into one post on their main one? Could it be that this person is a person who is upset with Truyeraby for something and does not want to be recognized. Because they might be recognized? I don't want to theorize, but it seems to me that in order to inform people, you won't create an empty account and hide behind it like a coward.
They also justified themselves with the argument that “I was disgusted by these works, that’s why I informed others.”
That's fucking weird dude. You were so disgusted by the work that you went into the person's account, looked at their work, saved a few TO YOUR DEVICE and posted it UNCENSORED to a platform where people are not ready for this, where there are many minors. They could, again, have hidden the work at least under a cut, but they did not do this. This is a thoughtless act. I think if you want to warn people, you'll write about it, you'll say it, but you won't call the artist disgusting, make up reasons out of thin air, and demonize them. You'll just warn people. But without inciting hatred towards the artist. Which, by the way, has really begun. We don't know exactly what people write to Truyerabi in her askbox, DM, anonymous messages on Telegram, but I saw that they wished death on her, wished death on her subscribers. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. This is not something a person should deserve, even if he draws something terrible.
And again. Everyone has their own limits of disgust. Someone might find what you draw or like disgusting, but they don't go humiliate you and publish a whole post about it, because no one cares. And if they do, then they are not mature people who are not able to cope with distress on their own.
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So what do we have as a bottom line?
YES. Truerabi draws incest and ero-guro. If this is triggering/shocking/problematic content for you, DO NOT FOLLOW HER TELEGRAM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
NO. She doesn't hide it, she doesn't romanticize it, she doesn't find it normal and it's ultimately just her vent art. She has other great normal pictures that you can see on her Tumblr blog.
PLEASE. Don't write anything like "this is disgusting, this artist is disgusting" and don't spread the qwertypsdfgh's post, because it leads to even greater cruelty. Better explain to your audience that they should be careful what they watch. But you can't bully a person for it.
REMEMBER. Before you accuse someone of such terrible things, figure everything out, because you can only make things worse for the person. You can make their life even worse. Think about your actions when they affect other people before you do them, and our world will be a happier place.
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На круглой планете, гуляет круглый ветер
По кругу гонит облака.
На круглой планете, есть место всем на свете
Пускай она не велика.
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v3nusxsky · 6 months
Whispers of Seduction
*Authors note~ introducing Larissa Weems to Sinful souls. I wonder what kinks she’ll have ;) also can’t wait to get more into the storyline with the next few instalments smut coming soonnnnn*
Trigger warnings~ more harsh Leonora, shh jealousy is serious persistent Larissa club things overall teasing etc mentions of smut
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Nevermore continued to flourish and naturally the stress of having an Addams present ensured that the blonde shifter needed a break from being principal. Of course anything too close to the grounds of the school was off limits. As much as the woman deserves her own personal life, it seems most of the parents keep close watch on her time off grounds. Would that stop Larissa Weems from relaxing like she would in England? Absolutely not.
Attending Cambridge University taught Larissa many things, one being that despite her ability she too deserves pleasure. Naturally her dominance radiates in every aspect of her life, so that was how she found herself in a club one night, where the drinks were good and well, where she discovered who she is. In actual fact, Sinful souls looks similar to that club, luring her in with its tasteful, elegant style. The perfect location to unwind and be Larissa and not Principal Weems.
Settling into a booth in the back of the club her eyes instantly landed on you. You were manipulating your body up and down this pole with an unmatched elegance and skill. The six inch heels highlighting your gorgeous toned legs as your skimpy top caressed your beautiful pillowy balls of flesh as they spilled over the cups dark emerald cups. Your chosen song being buttons by the pussycat dolls adding to your addicting performance.
“Girl, I'm a freak, you shouldn't say those things” blared as you spam around the pole, practically seducing everyone watching with just one look with your beautiful irises. To say Larissa was drawn to you would’ve been an understatement. Promiscuous happened to be a regular song that clients asked for you to dance to, that’s why it’s okay fitting it’s the first song Larissa had the pleasure to watch. From there on she was hooked, ordering a tall glass of red as she settled In for the night, eagerly awaiting for Delicate Doll to return to the stage.
Larissa Weems is a stickler for routines which is her reason for returning to Sinful Souls every night after hours of Nevermore Academy, always managing to secure the same seat that provided her the best view of the stage. Of you. You’d had a particularly slow night the first time she tipped you, Slumber Party blaring through the speakers as your audience seemed to be predominantly sapphic allowing you to be a bit more flirtatious in your moves. And when her slender fingers reached up to tuck a twenty into your waist band her cheeks flushed red as you winked at her. You’d noticed her for the past few nights now, always there and always stunningly put together. Alluding dominance and elegance with every sip of the ruby wine.
From there Larissa would always secure private dances with you and only you, always tipping you well above the going rate and always complimenting you and trying to get to know you personally. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t cause your heart to flutter and your stomach to drop at her intense gaze and shy smile whenever she learnt something new about you. She made you feel like the only girl in the room, as if you weren’t a barely clad dancer in her lap, more like you were her lover.
Leonora prided herself on her awareness of the goings on in her club. Therefore, it should’ve been no surprise to you at all that she’d spotted the same blonde with you night after night. You also should have expected her to become colder, more harsh with your training and her comments on such things. See Leonora didn’t know why, but you affected her in this way, and Leonora wouldn’t stand for it. Every beautiful woman that worked their way into her sheets never seemed to compare to you. Often, she’d imagine you instead of them and on the odd occasion she was alone to satisfy her needs, it was your name on her lips, your eyes peering down at her blown pupils as she clenched around the fingers in her pulsing core.
If was you that the raven haired woman wanted on all fours pathetically begging her to make you cum, screaming for her as she tailed you into oblivion with her strap, her hands in your hair as she panted praises in your ear. You giving her the dances in the privacy of her room, for free. Yet, she also craved being the one you wake up next to, the one you smile up at, you being the one attends the club on her arm. Hers. And hers only. Not that pesky blonde woman you are constantly all over. No. You were her doll in her mind. Yet it seemed she now had some competition, and if there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s winning. Little did you know, you were the prize for both women. And little did they know you wanted them both in the most confusing yet beautiful ways.
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enihk-writes · 1 year
pairing: past!chung-myung x gn!they/them!reader
summary: the night before he leaves mount hua to subdue cheon-ma and the demonic cult, chung myung pays a visit to the small run-down shed at the edge of the village.
content warning: reader is implied to have depression stemming from their eventual disability due to internal injuries healing wrongly // reader is implied to have some minor form of age-related memory loss later in life // canon-compliant chung myung death from the opening of the novel
word count: 4.0k
author’s note: yea,,, so uh,,, i got hit with an angst-a-tron MK3500 at 10pm on like a monday night one(1) day before i have to go back to campus for my semester 2 classes.... this fic somehow ended up being a fucking monster longest fic i’ve ever written in my career 我的天啊。我发神经病了是吗?这么突然能够写的这么多字?我老师看到这个肯定会把我两个脚从我学校四楼 tie together and 丢我下去。
the chatter in the bustling dining hall died down as he walked further and further away from the crowd and towards the sect gates.
past the open gates, he notices the older man with greying hair standing serenely, looking out at the nightscape and the village that surrounded the base of the mountain down below.
when did that guy grow so old? he knew the sect leader was getting on in years but, looking at the crow’s feet crinkling from the smile his sa-hyung gave him, it’s just hard not to get sentimental, you know?
are you going to see them? the sect leader asks, a teasing, knowing tone in his voice. like he was aware of something chung myung wasn’t. it was a little annoying, but this was nothing he wasn’t used to at this point.
chung myung grunts, not really wanting to answer the sect leader’s questions. truthfully, it was a habit everyone around him knew about. no one ever asked him about his relationship with that person out-right though, they were smarter then that, and were rather happy to stay curious.
tomorrow's mission won’t be like any other. the sect leader muses, looking out again into the distance.
you should tell them.
chung myung looks at the sect leader incredulously, like the man had grown a second head and was speaking unhinged gibberish.
about what?
you know exactly what i’m talking about chung myung. i know you’re not daft. a deep belly-chuckle came from the good-natured sect leader, even as old men, he still wanted to tease the younger one.
chung myung stays silent. he would rather not confront the matters of his heart tonight. he will in due time, just not now. it was better for the both of them — that person, and himself.
the sect leader chuckles again at the other’s unusually quiet demeanor, turning to go back into the bustling dining hall.
it seems i’ve held you back long enough, run along and come back on time.
the younger man clicks his tongue, scratching his neck and looking away in embarrassment, he felt too seen by the elder then — but he still promised to return before morning. tomorrow was an important day for the sect and the world as a whole, after all.
at the base of the mountain was a forested path leading to a thriving town under mount hua’s protection, he walks past the crowds of villagers and noisy night-market vendors, further and further away until it was just the serene moon of méiyuè accompanying him to where he had promised he would be.
sure enough, right along the dirt path was the familiar shadow of the run down hut, almost shed, that person had taken to calling their home these past few years.
he thought about the day they left the sect. he remembers chasing after them to the gates, hoping he could get them to stay. he didn’t understand why they left back then, even now, he still couldn’t get their reasons.
how could you leave the home you’ve lived in all your life like this? he shouts at them in confusion and anger, maybe with a little sadness laced in it too.
their back looked small. tired. the weight of their debilitating condition heavy on their minds. there is no cure for a broken qi core, after all. it’s like taking the eyes of an artist away or a musician’s hearing. when a murim warrior can no longer use their qi, what were they to do? if their condition hits rock bottom, they might not even have control over their own bodies, or even their consciousness. friends become foes, the living and dead are made equal in their skewed judgement, what if...
a chill ran down their spine at the thought of that scenario. no, they’d make sure such a tragedy can never befall on any innocent being. that’s why they were leaving the sect. for the safety of their sect brothers and sisters, and mostly for their own peace of mind.
why won’t you answer me, damn it!
chung myung’s calls were edging on desperation. he’d never been one to do well in the face of change. he was happy with the way things were, so why weren’t they? what went wrong? why did they want to leave?
so what if you can’t fight anymore? it doesn’t mean you can’t live here, everybody loves you so much and they can all take care of you!
besides, he was here too.
wasn’t he?
there was a long silence. the cool autumn winds danced past the sect gates. surrounding the two were large, towering plum blossom tress now donned in a lovely shade of caramel, with it’s leaves shaking free from the branches it spent a lifetime on — fluttering along with where the breeze led them and falling gracefully at their feet.
ever since their qi core broke, they’ve mostly kept to themselves. not really going anywhere outside their room or talking to other sect members. other then chung myung, of course. he was clingy, nosy and annoying. well, it was hard to shake him off in general.
if they were skipping meals, he’d break in through their window with a table of food. if they weren’t getting out of bed, he’d carry them out to join him in slacking off on daily duties. if they were beginning to spiral into the loop of numbed despair, he would barge in with something for them to do — housekeeping, meeting with merchants, archiving records, anything that kept them on their feet or distracted them enough.
it didn’t really make the feeling go away, but chung myung tries, and that was all that mattered to them.
but they had to go.
because they loved the people who lived here, they have to leave this home behind, so no one will ever suffer the chance of getting hurt by their hands.
because they loved him that they hope he would never have to go through the inevitable task of taking their life, when they are no longer themselves.
i should get going.
they grinned at him, honestly feeling a little silly about getting caught up in their emotions and becoming so sentimental at that moment. they were just moving out to live in the forest around the town outskirts. and it’s not like chung myung couldn’t come down the mountain to see them whenever he wanted either.
chung myung too, grew embarrassed. was he crazy? why did he act like they were going off to some faraway place? there were still within reach, there were still near mount hua. he could see them whenever.
tch. go off already.
he shoos them, flicking his hand at them in annoyance. wanting to hide his heated face from their prying eyes.
he hears them laugh for the first time in a while, he had been missing it lately, how could he have forgotten how sweet it sounded? they turn on their heel, heart lighter from before, it was going to be alright. they would be fine. chung myung will be fine. the sun will still rise on the east, and the seasons will change, the world will move on and so will they.
i’ll be going for real now, bye-bye chung myung. come see me tomorrow, okay?
nah, i don’t feel like it.
he sighs.
i’ll go if i can slip past the sect elders.
you say it like you want them to catch you, i guess you really don’t want to visit me. how upsetting...
ugh. fine, i’ll see you in your stupid new house.
how sweet of you chung myung! look at how grown-up you’ve become!
you little—!
they laughed loudly as they ran down the mountain before chung myung tried to catch them in a chokehold. he doesn’t even bother chasing after them, but he does look on at where the ran off to. their hair had been cut shorter then it usually was, and the tie wasn’t able to hold back the lose few strands that fluttered around their face. they looked younger, lighter, like a kid going on a trip away from home. if they were that happy, he has to be happy for them too, shouldn’t he?
it’s been more then fifty years since then.
he walks into the humble abode, they were sitting against the windows, a book in one hand and the other nursing a cup of tea. they’ve aged, he realised. their once battle-worn face had gone soft, the groves around their eyes had grown deeper over time. skin that was once full and youthful had grown loose around the bones. their hair that had always been so well-taken care of no matter what was now thinner, a little dry and coarse. he picks up the brush lying on the dresser nearby, and walks over to where they were sitting.
with a confidence that seemed to have done this a hundred times, he gathers their long hair and wraps a thin white ribbon around it, looping it over here and there. when he was done, he leans back to look at his work, it wasn’t that good, but it wasn’t the worst either. he wanted to braid the ribbon into their hair but he gave up halfway and settled with a low one instead.
as he sets down the brush, they sweep the half-braided hair over their shoulder to look at his handiwork, fingers playing with the ends of the ribbon.
do you like it?
they look up at him, eyes searching his face, a look of unfamiliarity in their gaze. taking a moment longer before a small smile finally cracks on their face.
chung myung...!
they call out his name, turning to face him fully. they remembered this stranger in their house, and look at how he hadn’t aged a day.
chung myung smiles back sadly. it wasn’t fair how he was the only one whose time had seemed to stop, and theirs had kept moving on, the age taking their memories away at every turn. he just saw them yesterday and they’ve already had trouble remembering him again. they’ve already lost so much, it just wasn’t fair.
i made tea. you should have some, training must have been hard on you.
they smooth out the frown on his brow, tenderly rubbing circles on his cheek with their thumb. humming an unnamed melody as they did so.
he looks over at the said pot of tea. it had already gone cold, probably even bitter from how long the leaves must have sat in the water. he takes a cup anyways, and empties it out, not even leaving a single drop behind.
they giggle in amusement, wondering out loud if he was that thirsty.
hm... the tea you made is really... rich in flavour. thank you for letting me have all of it. i really needed that.
he lies while choosing his words carefully, setting down his cup and pushing the tea set away, he ponders for a moment, and picks them up in his arms, carrying them over to their bed.
what about my book?
you can read that later.
they watch as he sets them down on their bed, kicking off his shoes and climbing in right after. he sighs as his head plops down on their lap, making himself comfortable.
their hands find their way into his thick, dark locks of hair — fingers gingerly undoing the ribbon, watching in quiet fascination as chung myung's abundant tresses came cascading down their legs and flowing over the edge of the bed.
he hums, almost purrs as they thread through the troublesome kinks and knots in his curls, scratching his scalp as they worked through it. his tense body grows softer at their touch, leaning into their hand, wishing that those soft palms would lay on his head forever.
but alas, the night wore off and the distant bustle of the village nightlife had faded into the gentle symphony of the nocturnal critters for quite some time now. he knows he had to get up and return to the mountains, but how could he? the heart wants what it wants, and what it wanted was to stay by their side until the last moment. but he had also promised his sa-hyung he would be back on time.
a long drawn-out sigh was passed in the silence that lay between the two of them. they gaze down at chung myung’s face, again scrunched into a frown.
you frown so much.
the pads of their fingers ghosted over his brows, softly smoothing out the hard creases on his face. he kept his eyes closed. if he opened them, he knew that familiar face would be looking over his, and if he looked at that face, he would look into their eyes, and if he looked at them long enough, he would never want to leave this place. hell, he might not even bother to go with the sect tomorrow.
tomorrow, most of the elders and older disciples will be leaving to subjugate the demonic cult. i’ll be going with them.
he pauses. waiting for them to tell him to stay.
they don’t.
i’ll have to leave soon.
i’ll come back.
again, he was met with no answer.
you have to take care of yourself.
a beat, and then — a barely audible hum of acknowledgement graces his ears.
chung myung sits up, pulling them into a tight hug, it was really out-of-character of him but something in him was telling him to do it anyways. burying his face deeper into the dip of their neck, he felt his anxiety pour out of his lips.
you better be here when i come back. don’t take this as a chance to go somewhere i can’t find you. i have something i have to tell you so, wait for me here. please?
they rub soothing circles on his back, hugging him back with as much strength their aging body could muster. resting their chin daintily on his shoulder, they revel in the rare burst of affection the man was showing tonight.
hm. you worry too much.
they giggle for a bit.
where else would i be if not here? this is my home, isn’t it?
yeah, but...
if you’re still worried about that... well, i won’t try anything anymore. i promise.
yes. really.
chung myung loosens his grip and finally lets go of his hold on them. coughing awkwardly, he moves them off his lap. slowly, he gets up, puts on his shoes and puts himself together. he turns on his heel, heading for the entryway. they followed after him, their feet shuffling against the floor trying to keep up.
it was drizzling outside.
there was a sudden warmth enveloping him from behind. it took him a moment to register their arms around his waist, face buried against his back. he barely held back his smile as he takes ahold of their hands, once again turning to face them. it seems that saying their goodbyes was a lot harder today, for him and for them too.
goodnight, chung myung.
you should go to bed soon.
he stays at his spot, watching them slide their door shut, listening as the movements in the shed ceased into soft breaths that eventually evened out. he waits a while longer and finally found the strength to return to his own home.
morning rolled around rather quickly. the streets were lined with throngs of civilians on each side of the road making way for the farewell procession of the would-be heroes. vibrant pink petals were cast into the air as the elders of the sect led the disciples onwards.
from the corner of his eye he catches a white ribbon flowing in the wind, but when he swings his head to look, there was no one there. was he just seeing things? his heart drops a little, he was hoping to see them before he —
look up.
his gaze meets theirs, a gleeful glint in their eyes, all perched up in the trees. he wonders what they were clasping in their hands, held up to their mouth in what looked like a kiss. though he didn’t have to for long. as he passed by under them, he felt a flutter of white plum blossoms raining down on him, most of it falling off him except for a lone petal that stuck on his lower lip. he picks up the petal in between his fingers, feeling the corner of his lip crook up in amusement.
he should ask them about that stunt they pulled when he comes back.
and he should probably also tell them how pretty they were with that white ribbon he gave them, all braided into their hair, when he came back from this.
finally, it was over.
cheon-ma has finally been defeated.
all at the cost of so many lives. all taken too soon, too cruelly and all for what? who was going to remember the names of those that died here today? who would mourn for these lives? chung myung couldn’t think of an answer to that.
his body grows limp and he collapses on top of the mountain of corpses. he’s lost too much blood, probably from losing his whole left arm.
to be born alone and to die alone like a common mutt, what a life he had lived as the thirteenth disciple of the great mount hua sect.
all that was left for him to do, as his consciousness walked on the thin line between life and death, was to wallow in his regrets. he could see his memories flicker before his eyes. was this what people talk about seeing when your life is drawing to a close? all that he has done so far, had led to this sorry end?
if only he had been more diligent in training.
if only he had been just a little stronger then he was now.
if only he could have saved a life, any life. a single innocent life spared from the cold clutches of an unjust death.
and one more thing.
he wanted to apologize to them, for breaking his promise. he hoped they would curse him out a little, because at least that meant they thought of him. he hopes they wouldn’t get too lonely and join them all too soon.
he feels his senses grow numb.
it’s been a few years since chung myung had somehow traversed through time and had woken up a hundred years into the future from when he had died on that mountain of corpses.
he’d kept himself busy with building the now fallen and derelict sect, back into the glory it once had.
this new body of his, it was going to turn twenty-two soon. in his downtime, he’d slipped away from the sect and had gone down the mountain to the town as he usually did.
though it was a little different today. he finds his feet taking him down the almost familiar path out of the town and on an overgrown grass patch where a dirt path once lay. and sure enough, he could see the familiar shadow of a house, almost shed standing in the distance.
time had worked it’s damage on the structure.
he peers in from the broken-in door to see the place left to it’s bare bones. whatever furniture or item had all been looted and taken. in the middle of the room was a mess of broken wood, remnants of when the roof caved in.
chung myung walks into the dilapidated room, looking around for anything that could have survived the past hundred years of wear and tear. anything that could remind him of them.
nothing. there was really nothing left.
a breeze came in from a window, and the corner of his eye catches a fluttering movement. he swings his head and there, on the window sills, was a ribbon, turned light brown from the layers of dust and dirt, it’s once long silky edges now choppy and frayed.
hands shaky, he unties the ribbon from the window, holding it carefully, as though it would fall apart in his grasp. he could feel the barely buried feelings of regret crash upon him all over again. he wonders if they had left this behind with the blind hope that he would come back?
he was back, against all odds. he had managed to come home, but, they weren’t here to see it. nobody he used to ever care for was here to see him anymore.
he should leave. before his feelings get the better of him.
he holds his hands to his face, sighing deeply. steeling himself to move on. but when he drops his hands and opens his eyes, he is once again stunned in his tracks. was it really?
there, past the open window and on the clearing right outside looking at him curiously was a face he would know anywhere. a startled squeak leaves them as they realize that their eyes met, trying their best to block his view with the laundry basket they held in their arms. backing off and beginning to scurry away from the scene.
chung myung knows that it was a long shot, an impossible shot into the dark even, but what if they had been reincarnated like he had? it wasn’t out of the question, right? he thinks as his legs swing over the window, jumping down from it and begins to give chase to the one running away from him.
really, what sane person would ever think that they could outrun a martial artist? chung myung caught up so quickly it was honestly laughable. he catches them by the collar, yanking them back and they let out high-pitched yelp in fright.
he could barely hold back his laugh as he looks down at their face, eyes screwed shut and lips pursed in anxiety.
steadying them on their feet, he turns them to face him. they look different from all those years ago, but his soul knows. it knows better then anyone that this is them, a different face, a different voice and maybe even another name but all of that cannot trick his soul from knowing who they were.
he searches their face, there was no look of recognition. no matter, they could start over, he couldn’t let this chance slip past him like it had back then. he would make things right by them, he wouldn’t keep them waiting in vain like he had back then.
chung myung clears his throat, grinning boyishly at them, hands formed together in greeting, bowing his head before he looks back at them.
ah, really sorry about chasing you down like that. my name is chung myung, and i come from mount hua sect in the mountains back there. it’s nice to meet you.
they look at him, up and down, assessing him for a bit. crazy guy. chasing them down like a predator hunting their prey. crazy. batshit insane. who does that? who even does that? but, they would be lying if their heart was swayed by that grin, he was a little cute, and who in the world wouldn’t be swayed by a face like his? not them, that’s for sure.
besides, when they saw him through the window, something about him...
it felt familiar. it’s almost like, they have known each other from long ago. but wasn’t that weird? how could one know a stranger for a lifetime? unless this was what others call a fated encounter? they bite back a gasp.
a soft, shy smile graces their lips. quietly telling him their name. chung myung couldn’t help the fondness growing in his gaze. truly, it was a miracle sent from the heavens. maybe this time, the two of them would finally work out what they couldn’t last time. maybe this time, they would find the ending they’ve both always wanted.
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malfunctioningspray · 1 month
When You Are Sick pt. 2
(Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor)
Trigger Warning: mention of puking, fainting, implication of sex, etc
If any triggers have not been listed but are found, please let me know so I can correct the warning. I apologize for the inconvenience beforehand.
I feel Asmodeus is the one to get his hands dirty for you while you suffer from any illness
hear me out, man is the avatar of lust, libido is high, he has definitely left an orgy covered in fluids
as he tends to be self-absorbed, Asmodeus wouldn't be aware of how bad your condition was until you fainted in front of him.
Immediately carries you to bed and tuck you in tight
he is the best out of his brothers in making you feel clean, pampered, and comfortable
Asmodeus will even make a video for his channel saying he'll be gone for a bit for personal issues (with a total clickbait title)
since you were so far in your sickness, Asmodeus would call Solomon over to look you over
of course, Solomon would see it's a simple cold and tell him its fine, but then Asmo would shake him for an instant cure
there is none, you just need some lovin.
Asmo is more than ready to give you that lovin as well, drawing you long baths where he'll feed you fruits or crackers
once you start getting better, they'll begin feeding you healthier food like soups.
Will make Solomon into an 'at call doctor' and dress him up as a slutty nurse
"Solomon says you should be getting better soon! Now open wide, ah~"
Let's be honest, man is eating the leftover food you couldn't bring yourself to finish
he wouldn't get sick, no no, Beel is the powerhouse of the brothers, but he would be deterred by his brothers.
imagine lucifer trying to whack him away with a stick to try and prevent him from getting sick as well
however, if there is a chance that he's the only one to care for you, Beel is locked in. in the wrong way
orders food for you, like burgers, ramen, fried chicken, yaknow, stuff you wouldn't give a sick person
I imagine he would feed you, trying to ignore the grumbling from his own stomach,
if he strays and almost eats it, Beel would just give it a kiss before feeding you in an attempt to cover his actions
Of course, Beel is weak to his sin, so often times him feeding you ends with both of yall chatting while you eat together
in the end, he would get frustrated from his lack of ability to care for you, so he's going online
there he finds his strength, something that separates him from his brothers: exercise
will make the perfect workout for you (mainly stretches) to get your body energized
"One more rep Mc! You can do this."
Again, let's be truthful here, probably the most useless brother when it comes to taking care of you.
There are levels to this fucker's brain
If you two are 'just friends':
he'll find out you are sick through his brothers, probably will go see you once a day just to be nice, but even that's a stretch
If you two are close:
might wonder where you are and go looking
once he realizes you are sick, he'll stay as far as away as possible, he's the second to last brother to get sick easily
depending on how close you two are, he'll probably send messages through Beelzebub
now, if yall are really close/dating:
he is worried, will cover up to the max degree in order to visit you
again, will pass messages along, though he will do so through dreams so yall can hold hands and sleep peacefully
when it comes to actually taking care of you, the most he can do is give you peace and comfort
even if he isn't sick while you are, he can't really do anything
cooking, cleaning, stuff like that aren't skills he usually has
so don't depend on him for those tasks
and if he is sick, you'll be the one to take care of him
though you can just ask for help from the brothers, and everything will work out
"Mc, it's me, let's just sleep in today."
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tcookies777 · 6 months
Where I am now
Many of you have left such kind comments and sent me messages out of concern for my wellbeing. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also appreciate your patience as I understand it can be difficult to wait months for a chapter update on a long, tedious fic such as The Anatomy of Love. Your patience for this story is always sincerely appreciated.
I've been struggling for months to find the right words to say. To decide whether to express the ache in my heart or draw lines and stay silent. But while a part of me wishes to say little to nothing on the matter out of a sense of shame, the better part of me recognizes that conversations like the one I'm about to raise are something that needs to be discussed more. If only to raise awareness of the topic or help destigmatize it. If only to normalize issues like these. If only to just help someone else who might be going through a dark period in their life as well.
It's here that I'll give a final warning of the sensitive topics of this post. So feel free to turn away now if the topic of mental illness might be upsetting.
Trigger warning: suicide and mental illness
Ok, so here goes....
My sister committed suicide. I won't go into details of course, but it was not peaceful or quiet - it was violent, gruesome, and excruciatingly painful. So much so that the police thought it might've been a murder and harshly investigated us, making everything more difficult and traumatizing than it already was.
She had battled with depression for nearly 2 decades, deteriorating far beyond recognition. We had grown estranged over the years of my childhood because she pushed loved ones away, blaming them for the way she turned out but also still relying on them to survive. An awful cycle of codependency.
I myself have been battling with high-functioning depression for the past decade, which is one reason why I struggle to respond to people's messages. From readers, friends, and family alike. I, too, have an issue of pushing people away. Because I'm ashamed for them to see how broken my life is. Because I have seen the way people judge you for having a mental illness. I have witnessed friends, family, and even Healthcare workers gaze upon the mentally ill as if they are a sore sight.
To be honest, I understand both sides; it can also be frustrating to pool all your time, effort and resources into trying to help someone who does not want to be helped. It burns you out. That despite your efforts to fight for that person, they do not fight for themselves and you're forced to watch them deteriorate in a slow, agonizing process.
"At the beginning, you’ll do your best to shoulder all my burdens. At the beginning, you’ll be strong about it. But over time, you’ll come to regret it—you'll come to regret me, and the burden that I have become to you." — Kakashi, Chapter 30 of The Anatomy of Love
On the other side, it's hard to take that step to accept the help offered to you. It's hard to find the strength to meet your loved ones halfway and help them to help you when you hardly have the strength to even get out of bed. Yet, you also feel guilty because it feels as if you are just dragging down those around you.
These are the feelings Kakashi expresses to Sakura in Chapter 30, when he tries to explain the reasons why they cannot and should not pursue a relationship. Guilt and self-loathing are the feelings that have been eating me up inside for years, as they ate at my sister as well.
We were born from a loveless, violent marriage. So we didn't know how to love each other, though we did whether we wanted to or not. Likely it was the trauma that bonded us. But put together, my sister and I were oil and water. Loving someone who is your family but is practically a stranger to you is incredibly difficult and taxing.
Yet, I understood completely. You just don't know how to show love to someone when you were never given love.
But despite my estrangement from my sister, I still love her. Being a 1st generation American often means you have nothing but your family. When you have no house, no savings, no relatives to turn to - just your immediate family - it can be a toxic, tough love where you have only that person whether you like them or not. And in Asian culture, family is especially everything even when it's completely dysfunctional.
So why am I updating TAOL now?
It's mostly for myself. Because it's my own comfort fic that allows me to engage in therapeutic writing. It's a story of loneliness and love of all forms (romantic, sexual, familial, etc). More importantly, it's a story about finding family, finding love, and finding home. Something that I've yearned for all my life.
And it's a story of pursuing happiness even when you think you don't deserve it. It's a story that shows good coping mechanisms and bad coping mechanisms and their consequences. It's a story of picking yourself up by the bootstraps even when you just want to sit and wallow in despair. And it's also a story of embracing the love of those around you and taking their hands when they reach out to you and offer their support.
At its core, The Anatomy of Love is a story about fighting loneliness, self-hatred, guilt, and mental illness with love. With the love of friends and family. And with the love for yourself. Because while it's important to have a strong support system to love and look out for you, it is just as important to love yourself and really put in the effort to take care of yourself. And sometimes that means being ""selfish"" and prioritizing yourself over others.
Why am I saying all this?
I'll admit, I'm uncomfortable revealing the skeletons in my closet to strangers online where everyone can judge and share my secrets. I'm embarrassed to admit that TAOL's themes are projections of my own desires, and for people to know that I write about such things in fanfic because of the fact that I don't have them. But I'm just too insecure to talk to anyone 1 on 1. Not to mention that, unfortunately, it's not that simple to just go to therapy (especially when the healthcare system is broke here).
Most importantly, I hope that if there's anyone out there reading this and going through a shitty point in their lives as well... I hope you are able to take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this. We individually have our own demons to fight, but we're all fighting the same battle.
I wish I could say it gets better, but there's honestly no guarantee. So many times, I've had to stop myself from telling patients "things'll get better" because that's a promise that we're taught never to make. The truth is no one knows if things really do get better. Personally, I haven't been feeling better at all. For most of my life, people have been telling me it gets better and to just be patient, but every year it actually gets worse and worse. And just when you think things are starting to look up, it instead gets even more worse.
It's tiresome waiting years for things to get better when it seems it's nowhere in sight.
But I'm trying my best to take it day by day. I do my best to get out of bed, go to work, take a proper shower, feed myself. I do my best to love myself - mostly out of fear that what little family I have will one day disappear and I will have no one left to love me. No one but myself.
But sometimes my best does not feel enough. Sometimes I hate myself more days than others.
That's okay, I tell myself. I hate myself today, but I will love myself tomorrow. I will forgive myself eventually. I can be happy eventually. One day at a time.
Because on my better days, I realize that not every person can afford to wait for things to get better. You have to be the one to take the initiative - get off your ass and take that step forward and make things better yourself. All the people around you can offer you all the help that you need, but the most important thing is that YOU have to want to help yourself.
So that's all I am able to say for now. I do apologize if my thoughts are a bit discombobulated. I am still struggling to find my feet when it feels like I'm still drowning under pounding waves of darkness. If you've read this far, I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
Meanwhile, I hope you guys can continue to enjoy reading The Anatomy of Love. The chapter is not entirely to my satisfaction due to the last minute revisions I made, but I wanted a sprinkle of happiness in the moment. I think that's something we all need.
Also, thank you for the messages you have sent me and the comments you left. I'm truly sorry I do not have the courage or strength to respond, but please know I am forever grateful and touched that people would reach out to a stranger like me.
Hope to see you soon,
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Can I request something with Kishibe and a reader that's chronically low on iron? Maybe she takes iron supplements and has a diet that's rich in iron, but every now and then she forgets to take care of herself and she ends up super dizzy and stuff? Kinda just in the mood for a Kishibe comfort fic. 😅
Forgetful {Kishibe}
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A/n: I am sorry that I took this long to write this and I hope you will like this nonetheless. Btw I don't know if you still want me to tag you on every piece I write so let me know if you do. I feel like it is a little short and for that I am sorry.
Pairing: Kishibe x fem!reader
Trigger warnings: dizziness, age gap relationship
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Although he doesn't look like it, Kishibe is a very caring person. He doesn't look like it and he surely won't show it but what do you know? He is always there for you. And he has a way, a very sneaky way, of getting information out of you. Now, he knows your routine, how a normal day for you should go, what time you wake up, what you usually eat on Tuesdays, the exact time you shower. Literally everything.
And he also knows that you're taking iron supplements. Is that a big thing? For you? No. They're just some damned pills. Nothing big. For Kishibe? They are his nightmare. Why? Because there can be sometimes when you'll forget to take them.
But since he knows your routine, he also knows when you are most likely to forget to take them which is usually on weekends.
"Um... is there... any chance that you can get me something to eat?" You turned to look at him with the most innocent smile you could master because there was no way you were going to let him know you were dizzy even though you were sitting down.
Kishibe knew the moment you said it that you had forgotten to take those pills. But he was going to play it dumb for the time being. "How about the rest of the cake from last night?" He asked, fully aware that what you needed was something savory.
"Mmm... I was thinking about that egg sandwich you make?" Leaning your head against his shoulder, you looked up at him through your lashes.
"Come, let's make it together." Your eyes widened as soon as he said that because you could barely see him clearly, let alone stand up. Kishibe sighed and stood up. It took him around three minutes to make what you had asked for since he had some already boiled eggs in the fridge. "Put an alarm or something."
"I forget." You spoke, your mouth full with the first bite you took.
"That's why you need an alarm. Doll, you were lucky that I was here to make you that sandwich but if something ever happens and I have to go to a mission, you will have to get up and make it yourself. And the next thing I know, I'll find you laying on the floor."
"I know..." You couldn't argue and Kishibe knew it. You know that he actually has a point because he has walked in on you, laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling because your iron had dropped and the dizziness just wouldn't stop.
"You just want to make me fucking worried and shit." He groaned and shifted on his seat, placing his legs on the coffee table before changing the chanel.
"But I like it when you care." You giggled. The sound was music to his ears but he didn't let it show at all. Instead, he just wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you slightly closer.
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iridescentxstars · 17 days
。˚ ꕥ 𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐱𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬' 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 '𝟐𝟒
Kinky season is coming and I thought I'd get a head start. From today until the end of September, I'll be taking kinktober requests while also working on some other fics that I hope to have done and ready soon (yes, the wolf fic is at the top of the list) This event is split into two different types: typical NSFW and dark, spooky NSFW because as someone kept making a point of, it's kinkTOBER and lines up with spooky season and I should have fun with that.
Idols allowed: Jongin, Bangchan, Minho, San, Seonghwa, Juyeon, Sangyeon and Irene
Must have all qualifying factors to the prompt otherwise it will be deleted.
Drabbles made that are on the darker side will be tagged and properly trigger warned. Do not read them if you are uncomfortable. Every post will state everything used.
Always take care of yourself and be aware of what you read. This is all for fun and is not designed to upset anyone. Nothing written is believed to be how someone may behave and is all fictional.
Try to be original and fun. If a kink/prompt has been picked too many times, I will not do it
If you don't like a particular prompt/kink, feel free to ignore it, do not send snarky remarks to belittle what someone may enjoy
Some will very clearly work well together, some will not, while I do like a challenge, please be mindful about how it would work as I only have around 500 words to make it make sense
Please do not make the prompt too restrictive. These are meant to be drabbles and there needs to be creative freedom
Format: Must contain the following: Idol, AU, trope/dialogue/prompt, kink
You can have a trope OR a dialogue OR a prompt OR all of it. Mix and match. Requests that spark inspiration might get a longer piece written. You can choose up to 3 kinks but only 1-2 AU, tropes and prompts/dialogue to keep it easy!
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All these prompts have been either thought about or found on other accounts because sometimes it's hard to remember or think about different ideas. The darker/spooky choices are coloured red to separate them from the safer choices.
Note: They can be interchangeable in the right circumstances. Mafia can be considered dark or maybe having a werewolf boyfriend is softer than we think.
AU: (some found here)
Friends With Benefits!AU
Monster!AU (specify what kind)
Mythology!AU (specify what kind/who)
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
Tropes: (found here)
Enemies to lovers
Fake Dating/Marriage
Only one bed
Love potion
Kissing as a distraction
Blind Date
Taking care of them
Forbidden Love
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
Dialogue/Prompt: (some found here)
“Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
“I could make you feel better.”
“My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“Come on, you have to work for it.”
“We won’t be missed for a couple hours, we should take advantage of that.”
“Hmm, is that a threat or a promise?”
“Let’s commit some sins.”
“Jealousy is not a word I’m familiar with.
“This is your work place, leave the boyfriend at home next time.”
“This seems like such a bad decision, but I just can’t help it.”
"You'll scream? Oh, baby, I really hope you do~."
You've been hearing noises for a while now, shuffling under your bed in the wee hours of the night. Most people would be scared to check whether it's their cat or not but you? You decide to lure the monster out by having a little fun.
There are no such things as monsters in your closet, that's what's always been told to you but how do they explain the eyes that watch you as you touch yourself? Or why you can't seem to stop doing it?
Everyone has a pet, a cute kitty cat or a puppy dog but you? Well, you have something that can't be found in a pet store... or... on this earth, actually.
A new haunted house has opened up and everyone is dying to go! You are scared, you won't deny that but what do you find scarier? The house and all its horror or the fact that being chased turns you on?
They told you that they would kill for you but you didn't think that they were serious... or did you?
You always joked with your extremely hot best friend that you would flirt and fuck your kidnapper because you read a lot of dark romance. So, they decided to make that dream a reality. Oh no, whatever will you do to gain your freedom?
Two words: Masked Men
You go to a party with your friends on Halloween and spot a handsome guy, walking around, shirtless, covered in fake blood with a mask on. Little did you know that it isn't quite a costume...
The dare was to enter the creepy, abandoned, possibly haunted asylum... not make out in it.
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
Primal Play/Predator/Prey
Orgasm Control/Edging
Knife play
Blood play
Fear play
Impact Play
Free use (established/consensual)
Breath Play/Choking
Sensory Deprivation
Size Difference
Age Gap
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
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I won't be putting the pressure on myself to do one a day as I do also work and everything else BUT I will try to do them every few days so there is no limit on what can be sent in as I'll go through and post like 1-5 at a time when I'm online and writing!
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
wait wait i got another,
so yknow how both foxy and withered bonnie are just sitting in the hall as if their both teaming to get you?
how bout a yan team up with both withered bonnie and withered foxy
Oh, sure! I'll do a bit of poly/rivalry in this. Animatronic or android, doesn't really matter. I got motivation for this through FNAF songs in my Spotify. Concept as not specified.
No dead kids! Just sentient robots like in SB.
Yandere! Withered Foxy + Withered Bonnie
(Nightguard! Darling)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry/Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Violence, Obsession, Isolation, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Rivalry turns into sharing with tension, Protective behavior, Jealousy, They tolerate each other for you, Kidnapping implied, Attempted murder/Murder.
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The two bots have their differences from their original production.
Withered Bonnie is intimidating and aware that he's broken.
Bonnie's aggressive at times but for the most part he's saddened by his appearance.
The bunny used to be so prideful of his skills, now he hates being kept in a cramped room and feels neglected.
Withered Foxy is much more aggressive compared to his usual self.
This is because he feels much more isolated than before, making him irritable.
He's one of the more feral Foxy's.
There's a good chance he'll be too eager and hurt his darling the first few times he meets you.
But he is grateful to see a new face after only seeing the withereds for so long....
Both bots share something in common, they want attention.
All of the withereds want attention due to being locked up for so long....
Yet Bonnie and Foxy are the ones that get attached to their new nightguard friend the most.
The way you deal with the two bots is very different.
Bonnie tries to go through the vents and hallway to see you, craving your attention and validation.
Foxy won't fall for the stupid mask trick, he just tries to jump into your office.
Until he's flashbanged by your flashlight.
They aren't aware they the same fixation until they meet each other in the hallway.
Safe to say one asks questions... then they realize they have the same desperation towards you.
At first this causes violence between the two bots.
Foxy's possessive with his rotting mind, he's never been noticed since his cove was closed down and was transferred here.
Why should he give you up to Bonnie? That bunny had his time to shine.
Bonnie's obsession over you turns possessive due to his obsessive need for validation.
He thinks you don't mind his appearance!
He also doesn't harm you unlike the fox.
Your shift only gets worse when you hear metal against metal echo in the pizzeria.
It's them fighting, busting each other up more than they were previously.
The fighting and rivalry is intense.
They now try to claw their way towards you with new purpose.
Bonnie stays in your room longer, no longer falling for the mask trick.
He knows you're there... he's always known.
Why don't you just talk with him?
He'd never hurt you.
Foxy has made a deal with Balloon Boy to get into your office.
The kid bot steals any batteries he can find and hides them away.
This allows Foxy to leap into your office and "play" with his best mate.
If either of them get into your office they usually don't hurt you.
They try to befriend you... making conversation.
They don't leave for hours so their rival doesn't enter.
The only good thing that comes from them is the fact other bots stay away.
You're guarded by either one of them.
Their "sharing" is a truce to tolerate each other.
They hate the idea but it is for the same goal.
They both care for you, they both want your attention and care, and soon...
You'll get a new job and leave them alone.
The thought of you soon finishing your week here pulls them together for a common goal.
They don't want to lose you.
That's when we get the moment of the two teaming up.
That's when you see them in the hall.
The sight unnerves you.
You're half used to them... but the idea of sentient robots is still a new concept to you.
You've never seen them in the hall with each other....
According to their chatter with you, you thought they disliked each other despite being friends at one point.
Foxy always spoke Bonnie's name with a hateful growl...
Meanwhile Bonnie was sent into a glitchy fit when the fox was mentioned.
Why are they so close now?
What were they even fighting for before?
You don't have much time to react as both bots can't be dealt with at the same time.
Even if they were friendly before... can you trust it?
You go for your flashlight... only to be met with laughter before BB scurries off.
You curse to yourself... fearfully staring back at the eyes in the darkness.
This was it....
Even if you defended against Bonnie, Foxy would attack.
You were at a loss.
Foxy enters first, supernatural speed catching you off guard.
You fall out of your chair with your heart pounding, making the fox laugh.
He hadn't even touched you!
Then Bonnie enters, faceless appearance staring at your shaking form on the floor.
Thoughts of them tearing into your flesh flash into your mind.
You scramble up right just as Foxy takes his place in front of you and Bonnie rounds the desk behind you.
Cornered... surrounded... at their mercy.
"Heard you were leaving this week!" Foxy scoffs.
"Why would you want to leave us... aren't we your friends?" Bonnie whines through his voice box.
You can't seem to find the words to reply... you're stunned.
"I don't think we can let you leave, matey."
"You belong here... with us. We care for you... don't you care for us?"
You have trouble believing that.
You still have marks from the two being too rough when they met you.
You don't have much of a choice in the matter.
By the end of the week the two abduct you.
Hiding you is an issue.
They could find an empty suit... maybe muffle your screams...
They'll find a way.
You have bathrooms, you have food to eat, they can take care of you.
If any of the other bots turn hostile towards you, the two bots defend you.
If employees find you and try to take you away...
Either Foxy or Bonnie will deal with them.
The two bots fight over your attention at times but you can calm them down.
Their aggression is taken out on their Toy counterparts at times instead of you.
They don't want to hurt you like they did before.
Escaping them will be challenging as they're never truly offline for long.
Your only way out of here may end up being in a body bag one way or another.
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Crossed Wires 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: silverfox!Andy Barber, Cole Turner
Summary: you try to balance your work with your private life as your boss and a new client try to blur the lines. (short!reader)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Cole sighs over his own insulated mug. You want to strangle him already. Does he have to moan with each sip? 
“Mm, coffee,” he pops his wet lips as he sits back, reaching to adjust the passenger seat, “medicine.” 
“Advil, that’s real medicine, there’s some in the compartment,” you say dully. 
“Oh shoot, you’re a life saver, Ma was all out.” 
He clunks the cup into the plastic holder by the console and unclasps the glove compartment. He shakes the bottle in triumph and your fingers tighten on the wheel. He’s like a kid sometimes, though you’ve heard a few compare him to a puppy. You don’t find the latter very apt; puppies are cute. 
“Odinson say what the problem was?” You ask. 
“The back up generator. He’s having some party but the old thing keeps clanking,” Cole explains, “he didn’t say too much about it. He was more into the shindig. Sounds like a good time.” 
You arch a brow. Shindig. 
You drive on. You know it’s going to be tedious job, especially with your boss around. You hate that he insisted. You can handle it on your own. He knows that. In fact, you’re better off without him. You’re only concern is that he gets his wires straight. 
The Odinson hotel greets you in all its resplendence. You park and finish the dregs of your lukewarm coffee. You hop out and grab your bag out of the back as Cole tangles his arm in the seatbelt trying to get out. Lord help you. 
You hike up your bag and take his, marching around to shove it against him. He thanks you and his hands brush yours as he accepts it. You refrain from shaking your head. 
“Come on, no time to waste.” 
You sidestep him and he lingers for a moment, as if he’d expected something more. He’s strange. You’re used to it but you still notice.  
He jogs to catch up with you and you approach the front doors together. He yelps as Thor bursts through them but you don’t flinch. As often as you’ve dealt with the boisterous man, you expect it. He’s loud and bold. If Cole is a puppy, he’s a full grown labrador. 
“There you are. And you brought the lady,” Thor nods in your direction, “excellent. Never bad to have an extra set of hands. Especially such pretty ones.” 
You could scoff. Your nails are cut short and neat, your fingers marred by callouses and cuts, and your skin to dry for comfort. You stare as Cole stutters awkward. 
“Uh, m-morning, Thor,” he greets. 
“Ah, still recovering?” Thor challenges and comes up next to Cole, clapping his back so he squeaks. “I told you not to challenge me.” 
“Huh, yeah, well...” 
You don’t ask. You don’t care. 
“We had a bit of a drinking contest last night, lady. You should have been there. Did he not mention that I valiantly carried him home?” 
You could snort. You don’t, but you could. You glance over. 
“Sounds irresponsible.” 
Thor laughs as he opens the door and beckons you both through. They let you ahead. You always hated that practice. You’re fine following them. 
“Ha, I like this one,” he declares, “she is honest.” 
“Heh, yeahhh,” Cole drags out the word nervously. “Very.” 
“Anyhow, I have much work to do. The party will be here before we know it,” Thor declares and goes ahead of you to lead you. 
You follow him down the narrow stairway near the rear of the hotel with Cole at your back. He’s closer than your like, just on the step behind you. Once more his hand brushes yours as he gets a bit too eager near the bottom and knocks into you from behind. You let out a growl. 
You pass the laundries where you previously rewired a few machines and carry on to the electric room. Thor flips on the crackling light, revealing a row of generators in varying condition. He steps up to the most ragged and taps it with his knuckles. 
“This one has been talking,” he explains. “Rather loudly. I think it is a cry for help.” 
You step forward without hesitation. Cole stands back as you reach into your bag and grab your multitool. You swiftly unscrew the control panel and look inside. Your examination is thorough as you slip behind to flash a light through the slatted venting there. 
“Ah, yes, she is small. She fits where you cannot,” Thor comments. 
“Uh, sure,” Cole agrees. 
“Anyhow, this party,” Thor intones, “are you coming? There will be lots of pretty girls.” 
“Oh, well...” Cole hesitates. You don’t know why. He’s a horrid flirt but brazen regardless. And a romantic to boot. He’s the type to bore you to death with his fairytale fantasies. “Maybe.” 
“You will come,” Thor insists, “I know you will. And lady,” Thor raises his voice, “of course the invitation extends to you as well.” 
“Mm, not much into parties,” you grumble as you poke your head out. “It smells like burning toast.” 
“Perhaps the kitchen...” Thor suggests. 
“You didn’t mention the burning smell. I need to shut this down, now. The switch will reroute to the others but the problem isn’t the back up. It’s this one. It needs a replacement.” 
“The others will hold?” 
“For a time,” you go back to the control panel and fiddle inside. “Tell the cleaner not to run the washers and dryers at the same time for now.” 
“Right,” Thor agrees grimly. “Can we have the new one by the party?” 
“Certainly can. Get Cole the money and I’ll pick up a generator today.” 
“Today?” They echo in unison. 
“They got an overstock place in the city. I’ll get one there,” you pause as the generator putters out as you shut it down. 
“Yeah, we’ll go get a new one and invoice you,” Cole adds. 
“We?” You screw the panel back on. 
“Yeah, it’ll be big, right?” He smiles. 
You look at him, “I have a dolly.” 
“I could use the drive. Clear out the cobwebs,” he turns to Thor and offers his hand, “I’ll send over the paperwork.” 
“You’re a fine man, Turner,” Thor shakes his hand. “But you leave all the behind for the party. It’s going to get wild.” 
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