#Think I'm gonna call it for today and see if I can work on translations instead. Don't need as steady a hand for that
solradguy · 1 year
Today has been a day, tell you what
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Wrong Number 4
Steve was eternally grateful that he'd finally told Robin about Eddie. Because now, he could torture her with his outfit choices. Robin groaned and covered her eyes as Steve held out more shirts.
"What do you think? Stripes or no stripes?"
"Steeeeeeve", Robin whined.
"You're the one that told me stripes really shows off my chest."
"Is Eddie a tits guy? Or an ass man?"
Steve put the shirts back in the closet. "I don't know. I don't know Robin and the fact that this is a video call date makes it worse."
"Actually....actually it makes it better." Robin uncovered her face and grabbed Steve's shoulders. "You'll be on the phone the whole time!"
"Yes...We've established this", Steve said, not sure where she was going with this.
"I mean, if you're doing a video call, YOU control what Eddie sees."
Steve stared at her face for a long while as she simply emoted using her eyebrows. "Robin, no."
"Robin, yes. Come on. We're going shopping. You're waaay overdue for this. And I need a couple of things myself."
"Things going that well with Chrissy?", Steve asked right before Robin threw his shoes at him.
"What do you think I'm doing while you're on your date?", Robin grinned.
Eddie's excitement just got more and more intense with each day. By Wednesday he was vibrating any time his hands weren't occupied with something. He only hoped it didn't translate to his texts. Cool as a cucumber, that was his motto when it came to Steve. He couldn't come on too strong.
(9:45 am) Thinking about those beefy thighs (9:46 am) god i wanna wrap them around my head
Perfect. Smooth. And not too much.
At least he didn't think so at the time. About an hour later Eddie remembered that Steve was at work and possibly reading that text in a room full of prepubescents. And he knew he was going to reap what he sowed when Steve texted him later.
[12:01 pm] You are the ultimate distraction.
(12:02 pm) sry. i forgot you were at work
[12:03 pm] I don't think you are sorry. In fact, I think you need to be punished.
Eddie needed to get a job in coding because there was no emoji that properly conveyed the intensity of the 'boi-yoi-yoi-yoing' going on in his pants. How grateful he was that he didn't need to talk. Texting would cover any stuttering he was sure to do.
(12:04 pm) punishment? 😏 (12:04 pm) what kind of punishment?
[12:05 pm] See me after class, Mr. Munson.
God, four o'clock couldn't come fast enough. Eddie knew that'd be around the time Steve got home from work. He spent about an hour rolling around in bed before getting up, needing to distract himself. He wasn't due for work today, but he went in anyway to loiter.
"I can tell you're horny and I can tell you're just idling until you get your dick wet. Get lost, some of us have actual work to do", Jeff said.
Eddie let out a dramatic gasp. "Jeffery! Jeffords! Jeffaniel! Jeffanie!"
"Are you just going to sit there, making up full names for me or are you gonna get off your ass?"
"I'll replace all the boards and sweep out the alleys for the next two hours", Eddie said, holding his hands together like he was praying to his friend.
Jeff rubbed his chin as he considered it. "Only if you take this next party I have coming in."
Eddie looked at the group arriving. There had to be at least a dozen. And he just knew they only reserved one lane. They always only reserved one lane.
"You drive a hard bargain Jimothy."
"Not even close", Jeff crossed his arms. "And it's this or whatever ants in your pants you'll do if you're unoccupied."
Curse his friends for knowing him so well. Eddie held up his end of the deal, taking care of the party. Turned out it was a birthday party (happy 14th Ashton). But two hours later, the time had passed and Eddie went back home. He still had an hour to spare (he didn't want to leave Steve waiting), so he spent the rest of the time coming up with some ideas for their date in a few days.
[4:04 pm] Are you home?
(4:05 pm) At home and awaiting orders gorgeous (4:05 pm) Have I been a bad boy Mr. Harrington?
Eddie's phone rang and he picked it up as he crashed onto his bed. He knew Steve could hear it when he laughed on the other end.
"You need to keep a tighter lid on those urges. It was a lucky break that all the kids were focused on their dishes that they didn't see the face I made."
"Truly, my bad Stevie. But I can't help what you do to me."
Steve chuckled. "Not even a little?"
"Not one bit. Okay, maybe a little bit. The truth is, I could've said a lot more, but I was holding back."
"Really now? And what would you have said if you weren't holding back?"
Eddie could hear something that sounded like movement in a bed. Steve was getting comfortable too. He thought about the picture he had saved, of Steve's lower body in those shorts. He had been laying in bed then too. Eddie let his mind wander for a bit. What he'd do if Steve were really in bed beside him...
"Baby if you were here right now, I'd have my hands all over you. You'd think I was an octopus."
"Tell me where you'd touch me first", Steve said.
"Well I'm still thinkin' of those legs of yours. You like massages, Stevie? I could rub you down all day."
Steve imagined Eddie digging his fingers into his muscles. That would really hit the spot, especially after a workout. "Mmm, and then?"
"And then I'd wrap them around my head, like I said. I saw what you were packin' in those shorts, baby. I would love to get my mouth on you."
Eddie heard Steve let out a soft moan and he definitely heard a zipper and some shifting. God, the image of Steve stroking himself... Eddie unzipped his pants too, palming at himself while the other hand kept an ever tightening hold on the phone.
"I wanna hear everything, baby. I'm working so hard sucking you off, I deserve to know how good I'm making you feel."
"So good, uh", Steve let out a small breath at the end.
"Yeah? I haven't even told you how I'd rock your world yet", Eddie grinned.
"I just know...You're so good with your mouth."
"You like the way I lick you up and down? How I kiss that beautiful tip?" Eddie knew he had a dick just as handsome as the rest of him, never mind that he had yet to see Steve's whole face yet. His hand pumped up and down as he envisioned the weight of Steve in his mouth. He thought about getting drunk on that taste.
Eddie groaned and his eyes fluttered close, his mouth moving faster than his brain. "Do you shave Steve?"
"....No...is that a problem?"
"Ohh it's the opposite of a problem babe. I bet you got a thick bush. I'd sink all the way down, bury my nose in it while you're fucking my throat."
Steve let out the most delicious sound as he came and Eddie wasn't too far behind. It was like he was there, hairs coarse and curly rough against his skin while Steve moaned right into his ear.
"Mmm", Steve hummed. "I know you look good now. My cum dripping off your lips."
"I'd swallow it all, sweetness. I wouldn't waste a single drop." He would take all that Steve gave him and then some. He was a greedy man.
"I know you wouldn't. I don't allow anything to go to waste in my classroom. Have you learned your lesson, Mr. Munson?"
"Maaaybeee. I might need another lesson, Mr. Harrington. Say, this Friday, at eight?", Eddie teased.
"I suppose you'll need more help studying. Don't be late, mister."
For once, Steve didn't linger after work. He made sure the kids cleaned up every last dish before the last period even ended. He even let them go a minute and a half before the bell. When Steve left, he went the back way to avoid most of the other teachers and that pre-weekend conversation. He got home right away and started getting ready. Robin had her own date tonight which meant he had limited time to get her help and last minute input.
When she got home from work, the apartment was a flurry of activity between them.
"Steve, I need the blow dryer!"
"Wait! I'm almost done!"
They both crashed into each other's spaces as they tried using the one bathroom mirror.
"Why can't you use your stupid vanity mirror?", Robin asked.
"That mirror is just for my hair and it's too small."
Robin gave him a side eye. "Is that my eyeliner?"
"Is that my face cream?"
For some reason, Robin insisted on getting dressed in his room, which meant at some points their outfits got switched around and they had to re-dress. The pandemonium finally quieted when Robin left for her date and Steve was at last alone for his. It was at 8:00 sharp that Eddie sent a text.
(8:00 pm) Knock knock 😙
Steve smiled as he started a video call. His heart fluttered at the thought of finally seeing Eddie's full face. So imagine his surprise when he was instead met with a hand that had a face drawn on it. And what could only be Eddie doing a deeper, character voice.
"Hello my love. Are you ready for the romancing tonight? I hope I get lucky, ehehehehe."
To which Steve couldn't help but burst out in laughter. Any nerves he might've had flew away.
"Oh, I don't know. I'm a proper young man. I don't think I could court with someone who was so...handsy."
"I wouldn't lay a finger on you without your permission, lovely. But maybe a few smooches. Muahmuahmuah!" Eddie's hand attacked his phone's camera with kisses and Steve giggled like it was actually touching him.
As his laughing fit subsided, only then did Eddie reveal his face. He took Steve's breath away. He was literally speechless and just stood there staring, which made Eddie start to squirm a little.
"You tryina turn me to stone, Medusa?", Eddie joked.
"Sorry!", Steve apologized when he realized he had been staring. "You just...you look really nice Eddie."
"You don't look too bad yourself, handsome", Eddie smiled.
That was putting it lightly. For the both of them really. Steve felt like he was talking to the perfect man. Eddie felt like Steve had walked right out of his wet dreams.
"So, what did you order?", Steve asked as he sat down at his table. He made sure his phone was angled that it only showed him from the waist up. Robin had the bright idea that since he could control what Eddie saw, he could wear whatever he wanted under the line of sight.
He was currently wearing a blue and white striped polo shirt. And beneath that, some lacy, navy blue panties. Maybe Eddie would find out, maybe he wouldn't. Steve had his phone on the table, propped up against some books.
"I ordered the Munson special. A grilled cheese with potato soup."
"Oh, that's a Munson special, hm?"
"Damn straight. Tomato soup is still a classic, but I'd die for a potato. What'd you get?"
"I have some leftover pasta that I just added some mushrooms too. Nothing too fancy."
"Unless it's one of those truffles", Eddie pointed out.
Steve rolled his eyes as he twirled his fork. "Truffles? On a teacher's salary?"
"Hey, you could be secretly rich."
"Oh if I win the lottery, there will be signs."
"Like 5th graders using authentic truffles", Eddie nodded to himself.
They kept talking throughout their dinner and then took each other to their sinks to wash the dishes together. Eddie talked more about his friends. Some of which he worked with and the band he was in. Steve wasn't super into metal, but he liked it enough to be interested in whatever Eddie did.
When they had talked about their date night and discussed their options, they decided on dinner and a movie. Once the dishes were cleaned, Steve took Eddie over to the living room and he sat down between the coffee table and propped him against another set of books as they both queued up the movie on their ends.
"You know it's been a really long time since I've seen this movie", Steve said. "I think I was literally a kid."
"There was a time when this was literally my religion", Eddie said as Quest for Camelot started to play.
Steve knew Eddie was into Dungeons & Dragons, so him being in love with a fantasy movie made total sense.
"Did you have a crush on Garrett when you were a kid?", Steve asked, later during the movie.
"'Did'? I'd still let him use that staff on me six ways to Sunday!"
Steve laughed and he was coming to realize he laughed with Eddie much more than any of his dates in a long while.
"I'm gonna go grab a drink", Steve said as he got up. He nearly asked Eddie if he wanted something. It really was like he was right there with him. Steve grabbed a soda and then came back, sitting down in his spot again when he saw Eddie's expression.
He was silent, which was rare.
His eyes were bulging out of his head and his hand was over his mouth.
Steve was about to ask what was wrong when Eddie's eyes flicked down and then Steve got it. He had stood up. In full view of his phone. And then turned to go into the kitchen.
Eddie had gotten a first rate view of his panties.
Part 6
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
All I Want
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Paring: Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 3.4 K
Summary: Steve has left you alone for a week with no explanation. Will you let him back into your life?
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, Lil bit of ANGST. A lot of FLUFF Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. A slap on the face, organized crime, implied violent retaliation, Bucky’s arm injury implied, Steve simping for reader, reader watching porn, sloppy toppy, gagging, swallowing, coached masturbation, oral (m/f receiving) fingering, nipple play, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up!) breeding kink, size kink, violence (due to mob world).
A/N: This is a bonus for  #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask and any other requests for a part 2 to Try a Little Tenderness. Here it is babes, I hope you like it as much as the first part. Happy New Year! 🍾
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Sam came, and he watched as you paced in your closed store the first day after the dust up at DUMBO. He told you minimal information, just that Bucky was alive and that he was going to stay there per Steve’s ‘request’ until he asked him to leave.
“I’m opening my store today.”
“No. You are not.”
Sam was usually nice, with that beautiful smile on display whenever he picked up Steve’s gifts. But now, he was steadfast.
You were hot. Not only at Steve for not telling you the whole story, but at everyone.
You couldn’t just sit around all day. You walked up to Sam and stood toe to toe.
“Take off that expensive jacket.”
You had an apron with the store logo in your hand.
Hours later, Sam took a break from helping you do store inventory to take a call. You kept working as he stepped into the back room. Then, you walked back to listen.
You peeked around your corner to see Sam letting out a sigh of relief.
“Good. At least that’s progress? He squeezed your hand?”
He paused.
“I know he has a long way to go, but you know Buck’s a fighter.”
“…Yes. Steve. I’m trying, but you know she’s stubborn…She’s okay. She’s a pistol, and she’s working me to death. She’s pissed at you though. At all of us. Yeah… I don’t think I can protect you from that. I’ll tell her it will be a while…”
You went back to your spreadsheet feeling some kind of way. Steve had time to call Sam, but not you. Okay.
Sam stepped out of the back room.
“Bucky’s alive. He was very badly injured, his left arm is…”
Sam paused, looking at you warily.
You looked back at him relieved, yet anxious at the same time.
“Let’s just say that he has a long road.”
You nodded and swallowed.
“What about Steve?”
You hated yourself for asking Sam. You should have been talking to Steve. But you couldn’t help it.
“He’s fine. Just has some… work to do right now.”
Your stomach dropped and you lifted your chin.
“What Steve does with his time has nothing to do with me, Sam. I don’t own him and he certainly does not own me.”
You were ready to fight.
“It’s not like we’re in a relationship. Steve’s fine, Bucky’s alive. So you can go now.”
You looked him in the eye so that he could get the message.
Sam shook his head.
“That’s not gonna happen Y/N.”
You glared at him.
“Tell your Boss that I’m sending you back.”
Sam advanced upon you, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Learn this, Y/N. Steve’s not my Boss. He’s my friend, and just like Bucky, he’s my partner. I'm doing him a favor making sure you’re alright. That’s what friends do. You can’t send me back.”
You two stared at each other. This must be what it was like to have a brother.
“You know you’re very annoying.”
“Same, lady.”
You fought the urge to laugh and wanted to stick your tongue out at him.
“Get back to work. We have the entire stockroom to count.”
Sam shook his head and obliged.
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Six days later, on Christmas Eve, the bell rang, signaling someone opening the door. You turned with a smile to greet the customer to see Steve standing there.
It was liked the wind was knocked out of you.
Steve stood there, staring at you, looking very tired, but with those same sparkling blue eyes. And he had the nerve to smile at you.
“Can I have the usual?”
He was a sight for sore eyes. You’d spent the week worried and frustrated, in addition to mad as hell. But he looked so damn good.
You walked over to Steve, and gazed up at him as he beamed down on you. You did the only thing you could think to do.
You slapped him.
“How dare you!”
Sam, who was in his apron behind the register, audibly gasped, because it didn’t end well with the last woman who slapped Steve. She’d ended up climbing out of a dumpster where Steve had unceremoniously placed her.
You looked over at Sam.
“Here is your friend, Sam. Talk to him. Because I certainly won’t.”
Steve’s heart was beating a mile a minute as he rubbed his face. That fire pent up inside you signaled a need for release. He watched you hungrily as you left, then turned back to Sam.
You stormed upstairs toward your apartment, hearing the beginnings of thier conversation.
“I thought we agreed to keep the store closed, Sam.”
“Well, the store’s owner might have a little to say to that. Have you ever tried to get her to do something she didn’t want to do?…”
You went upstairs, straight to the kitchen, reaching for your liquor cabinet. It was only noon, but you needed a drink.
You heard the door open behind you and did not turn around. You heard his steps into the kitchen, but you were immovable.
“Pour me one?”
You reached for a glass and slammed it down on the counter next to you, then poured some Uncle Nearest into it. You still didn’t look at him, but you shivered as he stepped behind you, nearly touching you to reach around for the glass, but only sharing his body heat.
“I deserve your anger, Ambrosia, But at the beginning, I genuinely thought that you knew who I was. I mean….”
You spun around, eyes full of fire, facing down Steve’s desire for you. And there was something else in his eyes. But you launched in nevertheless.
“At no time over dinner, or while you were sweet talking me into bed, did you mention that you were the head of an international crime organization. And then you put my business in danger. And apparently my life???”
Steve sighed and scrubbed his face.
“I know you’re angry, Baby, but you gotta listen to me.”
You closed your mouth and crossed your arms.
Steve’s face softened. At least you weren’t running away.
“I said at the beginning I thought you knew who I was. But then I realized that you didn’t know me as Steve Rogers the big bad dude, I was just that one customer who was sweet on you and sent gifts. And that made me fall for you even more.”
When he said ‘fall for you,’ your eyes went to his.
“Yeah, I said it.”
You were trying to remain upset, but he was so sincere. Your resolve was weakening.
“Fall for me? You haven’t spoken to me in a week, Steve. You called Sam every day but…”
“I had work to do. Bucky was injured and he was touch and go. And I had to take care of… I had to take care of some things.”
He looked at you and slowed down.
“You had work to do? So did I. But you told me to close my store. You couldn’t have taken a few minutes to call, to text? I figured I didn’t mean as much to you as I thought.” 
You looked down at your dirty chucks, and at Steve’s Ferragamos.
Steve moved closer and tilted your head up by your chin. The electricity from his fingers was almost too much.
“No, Ambrosia.”
Steve’s eyes were wild now, and desperate. He wanted you to understand so badly, but he knew it would seem outlandish.
“You mean so much more. I fell for you because there were no expectations. I kept buying you gifts and you kept sending them back. And I thought you didn’t want me. But then when I asked you on a date and you accepted, I realized that…”
“…That all I want is you.”
You looked up at him and bit your lip. Steve could hardly contain himself.
“I can listen to you, Steve. And I would have listened if you called.”
Steve leaned down and kissed your lips softly. He groaned when you yielded to him, opening your mouth and peeking out your little tongue. He wanted to ravage you, but first, you had to understand.
“You’ve got to know. You’ve got to know that you change me Ambrosia. With you I am a different man. I couldn’t call you because you make me weak.”
Steve kissed your frown and started talking again.
“With you, weak is a good thing. I am gentle, I am kind. I am patient.”
Steve looked into your eyes. 
“I am in love.”
You gasped. 
“You gotta listen. When I left, all I could think about, besides Bucky, was you. Your smile, your wit, your laugh, your body. How it felt to make love to you. To be inside you. To make you cum. Do you remember, do you remember how it felt?”
You smiled and nodded, playing with the St. Christopher’s medal around his neck.
“Look at me. Do you remember? Use your words.”
You clenched at his command. And you obeyed.
“Yes, Steve. I remember. I was sore for three days.”
Your admission and the new huskiness in your voice made him pull you closer and you could feel the pulsing in his pants. You also felt his heart beating in his chest.
“Fuck, Ambrosia. You make me wanna ruin you again.”
The way you looked at him indicated that you wanted the same. Steve felt his knees almost give out. He chuckled.
“See? You make me weak in the knees. Thoughts of you make me soft. And for what I had to do, I couldn’t be. D’you understand?”
You tried to think rationally. You knew what he was saying without saying it. He had to do horrible things. You watched the news this past week. You knew what Steve was responsible for. But you didn’t care. Bucky was always nothing but kind to you. And he was Steve’s best friend.
You thought about what you would have done in this situation. You looked back up at Steve.
“I understand.”
You bit your lip again.
“And I am still standing here with you because it is too late for me to tell you to leave. I endured Sam sleeping on my couch for a week and protecting me because I love you too, Steve. I think I have been in love with you for months now. And then, last week...”
Your hands moved to slip his jacket off his shoulders, kneading them and feeling the tension there. Steve’s eyes sought yours again.
“You love me too?”
“Yes, are you tired?”
“Exhausted, but… You want me to stay?”
Your hand was on the outside of Steve’s pants, grasping his hardness and making him groan, knowing that he was leaking in his underwear. His hands moved up your sides and lifted you up to sit on the counter.
He dove into your neck, inhaling your scent and giving you gentle kisses that made you arch your back and your breasts into his chests. Then, he started sucking hickeys into you as his hands came up to knead and grasp you, and to tease your nipples with his thumbs.
“All week I’ve gone to bed and woken up rock hard to visions of you. Didn’t wanna jack off. I need you Ambrosia. Need to see you cum again. Need to bury myself deep inside you. Need for you to hug me in all the ways. Need to see your beautiful body. Need to sleep with you in my arms. I’m tired. Tired of being without you.”
You nuzzled his ear, knowing that the only important thing right now was his need. And yours.
“Sounds like you need me to suck your dick.” 
You felt bold because he wasn’t looking at you.
The man literally growled in your ear and then picked you up, still wrapped around him like a vine, and carried you to your bedroom. He sat you down on your bed and looked down on you as you looked up at him.
“What did you say?”
Steve made sure to hold your head up so you could look him in the eye. Your eyes watered as you licked your lips and took a deep breath.
“I said, I want to suck your dick.”
“That’s… what I thought you said.”
Steve continued to hold your head by your chin, and stuck his thumb in your mouth as he undid his pants. You squirmed as you got wet at the sound of his belt clanging on the floor and sucked his thumb like it was going out of style.
Steve could hardly catch his breath for anticipation and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He looked down at you as he pumped his massively hard cock in your face.
“I want to be very, very rough with you, but I’m not going to hurt you, Baby. You want this?”
Steve moved himself to within an inch of your lips.
You made to move closer, but he held you fast. You almost felt his dick jump when you saw it. You squirmed again.
“Can you take it?”
You managed to extend your tongue and collect the drops of precum on his tip, making Steve shiver as his blazing eyes looked down on you.
“Fuck my face…”
Steve grabbed both sides of your head as you opened wide and accepted him into your mouth.
“That hot little mouth, holy shit, Ambrosia. How do you…”
You concentrated and allowed him to push past your tonsils to your throat, then suckled him as he pulled out, tracing your tongue along the vein on the underside of his cock. You ran your hands up his sides, tracing his v cut and abs upward under his shirt. Steve scrambled to take it off, and then pulled you off of him to take your shirt off.
“Where did you learn that?”
Steve raised his eyebrow as you grabbed for him again. He tried to be gentle, but you wouldn’t allow it, as you bottomed out again.
This time when you pulled off, gasping you said one word, “Porn,” and then started slurping sloppily again.
Steve stood there, head thrown back as you took his hips and went to town.
“Thank goodness for technology.”
You hummed your agreement, and then went for the gold.
“Ho-ho-holyyyyy. I’m gonna, fuckkkk Ambrosia, I’m gonna…”
You started gagging louder and finally, Steve took your head in order to use your mouth for his pleasure.
“It’s gonna be a lot… “
Steve was looking down on you with lust and you basked in it.
“You gonna swallow?”
You nodded eagerly, as Steve bared his teeth with an effort to hold back. You played with his balls, and he couldn’t anymore.
“Swallow like a good… fucking… girl…”
With those three thrusts, Steve sent a torrent of spend past your lips. You gulped it down and Steve thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He fell to his knees and you hugged him, assenting to his kiss so that he could taste himself on you.
“Thank you for that. Now I can think straight.”
He moved to push you back on the bed. 
“So, my sweet Ambrosia has been watching porn, huh?”
“I missed you Steve. Missed your cock.”
Steve shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Baby. I’m so sorry.”
Steve was now taking off your shoes, pants, and panites. He kissed your thighs and spread your legs with his hands. He was looking deep into your intimate parts. 
“My little sweet flower. Still so beautiful. But now she’s so sloppy.”
Those blue eyes looked at you, and your cheeks warmed.
“What happened?”
That deep voice.
“You know, Steve…”
“You like sucking my cock, yeah?”
“Yes, I do. Been dreaming of it.”
Steve grunted. His cock coming back to life at your words.
“You been touching yourself?”
“I have, but nothing compares to you. Didn’t know if I would see you again. Was thinking of getting a toy.”
Steve looked angry for a second.
“Never doubt, as long as I have breath in my body. You will see me again.” 
His eyes flicked down your body, reminding you of possession.
“Show me how you touched yourself. I wanna watch. Will you let me watch you cum?”
You squirmed at the request.
“Don’t be shy. Look. I’ll join you.” 
Steve leaned up on his elbow and started stroking his dick, making you wetter than you already were.
You bit your lip and slid your hands from your tits down your sides, one moving back up to play with your nipple, and the other finding your clit. You licked your lips as your fingers played in your slippery slit and lubricated your button. The sound was pornographic as your movements indicated how wet you were.
You watched as Steve opened his mouth and moved his hand faster.
“Put your fingers inside, baby. Pretend they’re mine.”
You shivered as you obeyed and your thumb tuned your body to a marvelous frequency with Steve watching. It was so erotic. You started to cum when Steve started moaning. 
“How pretty. Y’look so pretty getting off. Pretty little fingers in that gorgeous hole. My sweet Ambrosia…”
He was descending toward your center, breath hot on your cunt.  He inhaled deeply, taking in the essence of you.
“Let me be your toy…”
And his lips wrapped around your vibrating clitoris, sliding it between his lips quickly at first, causing you to jump, then, when his strong hands held your thighs open, he suckled it completely into his mouth and used his tongue to try and suck the life out of you.
You screamed and Steve slipped a finger inside your tight hole, thrusting gently at first, and then  adding another finger and becoming more insistent in the quest for your orgasm.
You came very quickly, knees around his head before he pried them off and then held you open. Steve blew on your cunt to extend the sensations, and thrummed your clit while you begged him to stop. The quivers were extended as he came up and sucked your nipples, and pulling his hair only spurred him on longer.
When you finally, finally came down, your hoarse voice complained to, 
“All my stars and heavens, Steve!”
“How can you be so fucking cute and so damn sexy at the same time. My dream girl.”
Steve kissed your forehead as you grabbed his cock and started pumping.
Steve tried to frown at you.
“So demanding.”
“Steve please.”
“You want this dick?”
Your breathy “Yes!” almost made him almost cum in your hand. 
“You. Are going to be the death of me.”
Steve held your thighs in your hands and pushed them up beside you.
His stiff cock seemed to know the way home as he positioned himself at your entrance. He slid the thick head inside you as you keened as you knew his shaft was almost as thick.
“You okay, Baby?”
“Hnnngh.. Oh Steve…give me more…”
Steve almost exploded at your face and the way you were squeezing him.
“Okay.. I don’t really wanna… hurt…”
“Hurt me pleaseeeee.”
Steve slid into your very wet canal and stayed there as you wrapped all of your limbs around him as you got used to his girth again.
“I-I-I can’t… I’m gonna cum… inside… I can’t… you’re gripping me so… so so tight…”
“Mmmmmmghhh! Give me!”
And Steve started moving, slowly at first, and as you urged him on, faster and deeper.
“I had plans for how I was gonna… fuck…”
“Oh my god… Steve, I’m…”
“I wanted to go nice and slow… ohhhhhh…”
When he felt you quiver around him was when he started cumming.
“Fuck! It’s too soon… oh my god you feel so good…”
Steve buried his face into your neck, huffing and puffing as his cum spurted out of him and into your warm goodness. You felt every splash of his hot ejection inside you and briefly considered the consequences.
So did Steve.
“Oh shit, I came inside you.”
Steve looked pretty pleased with himself. You had to laugh.
“I can’t with you, Steve.”
“I believe you just did.”
You both chuckled as he kissed you and collapsed on the bed.
Steve pulled you close.
“Sam is probably down there dealing with customers…still got bills to pay. The lights, the mortgage…”
You were dumping the last thoughts out of your head as you were falling asleep.
“Not the mortgage anymore. Valkyrie bought it from Wells Fargo…”
Steve sighed and kissed you on the forehead, exhaustion finally catching up with him.
“Oh, ” You replied as you snuggled closer to him. 
And both of you fell into the warm embrace of deep sleep for an afternoon nap.
READ Part three I WONDER
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crusty-chronicles · 10 months
is there any chance you could add killua for the airheaded but strong s/o headcanons? If not, then no worries, I just love how you write them!
Yeah, I don't mind but it's gonna be platonic because I'm a little iffy about writing for him romantically. He's just a boy 🥺🥺🥺 This is mostly a crack fic.
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Honestly tried to kill you at one point
Oh you're strong huh?
Then proceeds to hit you with everything he's got, only to see that it hardly affected you. (Kinda like the way he first treated Zushi)
After that he's petty, but impressed.
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 You've earned his respect 🥳🥳🥳
You're basically Gon 2.0
And he hates it
Cannot take you two anywhere
"We should break the lock to get in." Gon suggested.
"Are you stupid?" You scoffed.
"What's the point of having a door if you're just gonna break it?"
And Killua is momentarily at peace that at least one of you has some sense. Until you open your mouth again.
"Obviously we should smash open a window."
And Gon is nodding along enthusiastically
"You're right! What would we do without you 🤩"
And Killua is just 😮‍💨.
He is the parent of the group and I will die on this hill
If Gon's the sun, you're a nuke
He's constantly dragging you away from Hisoka
Nope. Not today
Why do you insist on talking to strangers.
No scratch that.
Why do you insist on talking to creepy strangers????
It gives him a massive headache everytime you almost get abducted.
Honestly thought about putting a tracker on you to avoid this happening.
But then he remembers you're practically indestructible so he drops it.
Is afraid Illumi will come for you and hurt you.
He was never allowed to have friends, and after Illumi threatened you and Gon at the Hunter Exam, he's very protective.
But then he remembers something you said after Greed Island.
"The three of us are all gonna become the best of the best. We're gonna get all wrinkly and old together and still kick butt!!! We're gonna stick together no matter what!"
And it temporarily quells the fear of his brother.
It makes him look forward to that outcome and gives him something to fight a little harder for.
When it comes to fighting, he does get a little envious of how you and Gon just rush in without thinking.
And how you always manage to win despite the circumstance.
But he never feels left behind because of it.
Like with Gon, he won't baby you, just call you an idiot and move on.
You fell?
Get up loser.
You can't read?
Find somebody else to translate. Or he'll make you do it and be laughing nonstop while you struggle to pronounce the word "Apple"
"Gon what color's an orange?"
"An orange is the same color as it's name. Just like a lemon."
Please somebody take you two back to first grade.
Killua is begging.
Even though he won't baby you, he'll rush as fast as he can if you're in actual danger.
You got caught by the phantom troupe?
"Are you completely brain dead!?!!? Where are you!?!?"
Now he regrets not putting a tracker on you.
"This nice clown man gave me candy and told me to follow him." You tell him over CALL.
He is screaming and panicking.
You trespassed into the mountains his family lives to see him.
And when he gets there he sees you rubbing the monstrous canine's tummy. Petting him and calling him a "Good Boy."
Names he has called you out of spite: Idiot, Moron, Dummy, Psycho, Airhead, Ditz, and probably Pea Brain
On the bright side, you are Alluka's favorite person.
"Give me your ribs."
"Oh, are you hungry? Let's see if we can't find you a smokehouse for those ribs."
And it baffles both souls so much that Nanika accepts that as fulfilling her command.
Plus you have endless amounts of energy that works to drain both girls out. Even when they've both already swapped twice.
Killua designates you her official babysitter when he's busy.
You are a complete lunatic and moron, but you're one of the people he trusts the most.
Even if he does complain about you a lot.
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ivyial · 10 months
okay time for some delulu gojohime analysis that's a bit of a reach.
so earlier today, i was rewatching a compilation of gojo and utahime's scenes from season 1 and it rang a bell (also, i just want to say, mappa gotta have gojohime shippers on the team cause some of the s2 gjhm elements weren't in the manga). ANYWAY.
so in episode 14 (the beginning of the tokyo-kyoto goodwill event arc), utahime is introduced (and i'm not gonna say that her literal second sentence onscreen ever is inquiring after gojo, but i am going to say that). then gojo comes in with gifts for the kyoto students - some charms from a tribe. this is how the panel goes in the manga:
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nothing specific about those charms/souvenirs. gojo also explicitly mentions that they're for the kyoto kids - nothing for the staff.
now here's how it goes in the anime:
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unfortunately i don't have the japanese script for this scene or the exact intended meaning, so i'll have to use the english translation :')
in the anime, there are two changes to gojo's dialogue:
the tribal charms are specifically protective. whether they work or not, they were made with the intention of protecting the user in mind
"the kyoto kids" becomes "everyone from kyoto" (including staff, technically)
now assuming that these changes are correct, it makes the scene way more relevant to gojohime.
as we know, gojo thinks utahime is weak. he says it to her multiple times and it's pretty much his go-to insult for her. we also know that gojo is loaded with cash, so spending a few more bucks isn't an issue. and yet... he didn't get her one of those. this is one amazing opportunity for gojo to make fun of utahime, by giving her one of those charms and implying that she needs it because she can't defend herself. but for some reason, he didn't take it.
there are a few ways to interpret that:
gojo is a decent enough guy to not embarrass her in public in front of other people. although, this isn't true, since he does do it in front of other people all the time: see season 2, episode 1, when he calls her weak in front of mei mei and geto. so maybe he just doesn't want to embarrass her in front of her students. again, not exactly true, since he puts her on the spot later in the goodwill event arc:
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pretty 'eh' to ask her to give a speech unprepared in front of all of the students, especially since she ends up performing very poorly. maybe he draws the line at calling her weak in front of her students, because he understands that they look up to her.
2. gojo didn't give her a protective charm because despite calling her weak all the time, he doesn't fully believe that and he knows she can defend herself. it is vaguely reminiscent of their recent shared scene in the manga, in which *spoilers for the current arc* utahime's cursed technique is revealed and she acts as an amplifier for gojo's. he definitely trusts her enough to team up with her, just like he did to find the traitor at the kyoto school.
3. utahime doesn't need protection, because he is there. for this interpretation, i'm drawing a parallel between this scene and this post explaining how utahime is metaphorically always under gojo's eye. even without that detail, there's his whole spiel in 2x01 where he dramatically announces "i'm here to save you, utahime". it's worth noting that he pretty much came round to help her out because he knew she was in danger (i think? someone correct me if i'm wrong please).
one thing's for sure though, it's that gojo doesn't truly believe that utahime is too weak to be a sorcerer. is she weaker than him? sure, but that doesn't make her incompetent. and if she needs to be protected, he's more than happy to do it for her.
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nicholasluvbot · 1 year
things he does that give you butterflies ✿
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pairing : bf!maki x gn!reader
genre : fluff, established relationships.
warnings : kissing, the reader is called pretty once, that's all ig (?)
author's note : tysm to the anon who requested this, this was really fun to write <3
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• if you're dating maki, expect random gifts from him. if he sees anything that reminds him of you or if he sees something you may like, he's gonna get it for you.
• gets you jewelry if he thinks it'll look good on you. or get you flowers just to see you smile and then say something cheesy like - "if I had a garden, I'd put your two lips and my two lips together". and loves to see the confused look on your face until you get what he's saying. and when you finally get it, you burst out laughing. you may not admit it, but you love it. and he knows that.
• if you are hanging out with your friends or just in public, he's gonna walk up to you and say something like - "hey baby, you look so beautiful today! can I please have a kiss?" and doesn't shut up till he gets one. and it makes you feel all warm and mushy because of how adorable he is.
• compliments you all the time. you'll make the weirdest face at him and he'll say something like "my pretty baby" or "I'm so lucky to have a beautiful partner like you", but the truth is that you're the lucky one here.
• cooks for you. you'll randomly visit him and he has a whole meal prepared for you. knows what you like and makes it for you even though he isn't fond of that dish. and will spoon feed you if you're feeling tired and then pamper you with a lot of love and attention after.
• back hugs. loves to surprise you by hugging you from behind. or maybe just comes and hugs you and buries his face in the crook of your neck if he's feeling tired.
• always saves a seat for you. when you're in public or around your friends, he does this because he loves being in your company. and if you hold his hand, he'll be extra happy :)
• and the most attractive thing about him to you is the effort he puts into your relationship. he always wants to see you, talk to you, and make you a part of his day.
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© nicholasluvbot. do not plagiarise, steal or translate any of my works.
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hunieday · 8 months
Yuki - Idol Star Prince Stage Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: momo
Yuki: please talk to me about anything
Momo: Yuki?! Thank you for your hard work!
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Momo: I know you’re composing a song right now so are you stuck…?
Yuki: mhm
Yuki: I feel like im turning into an exhaustion stew
Momo: A Yuki stew, now that’s a new one?! I’d love stewed radish on my plate! 😋
Yuki: Then I’ll turn into a radish now. I’ll even add chili peppers free of charge
Momo: lololol
Momo: I only see you like this when you’re tired…are you okay? I can talk to you as much as you want, but is there anything else I could do for you?
Yuki: right now
Momo: Right now?
Yuki: dr
Momo: Dr?
Momo: Huh
Momo: Yukiiiii, are you okay?😭
Yuki: dri
Momo: Are you making me piece your quiz together one letter at a time?!
Momo: Driver?
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Momo: You fell asleep…was I wrong…
Yuki: you were right up until the v
Momo: lololol I was close
Momo: Wait, is your word “a drive”?!
Yuki: yeah, somehow i want to go on a drive with you rather than talk through rabbichat
Yuki: it’s about time your magazine shoot wrapped up
Momo: Ahhh!!! Right!!!!! That was the plan but…
Momo: We’re waiting to shoot the last images with the sunset in the background, but there are clouds obstructing it…
Yuki: the clouds are holding momo back….
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Momo: I’m sorry to keep you waiting, it might be better to call it off for today…
Yuki: i’ll wait for you
Momo: huh
Yuki: i’ll wait for you. I don't think i’ll do anything if i just sit here in front of a computer screen
Momo: Yukiiiiiiii~~~~~~
Yuki: i know
Momo: I haven’t even said it yet!!!!! But the fact that you knew I was about to call you handsome makes you ultra handsome!!!!! >u<😍😆😍💚 
Momo: Haah… and I’m double nervous now because I was staring at a picture I took of you during your idol star costume fitting right before you messaged me 😍💚 
Yuki: hehe, you were staring at me?
Yuki: ah, I haven’t filled the idol star survey yet 
Momo: It must’ve been tough since you have so much on your plate, especially the composing stuff 😭😭
Yuki: What kind of questions did you get?
Momo: Mostly questions about princely stuff 🤔 “have you ever thought about being a prince?” something like that!
Yuki: never
Momo: Obviously! Yuki is already a handsome prince who takes me out on drives 🤴 ✨ 
Momo: There were also questions about whether I read adventure books where the prince fights to save the princess, especially as kids!
Yuki: i didn’t. we didn’t have books like that at home
Momo: I bet a dad like that wouldn’t buy those kinda books! 😆
Yuki: i knew such stories existed though. I thought it was weird to voluntarily go through to such lengths just to save a princess.
Yuki: why not leave it to a strong valiant knight. he has a better shot at succeeding anyways
Momo: That’s right!!!! lolol it would be meaningless to go help then get beat up and defeated 🤣
Momo: But the Yuki I know wouldn’t leave it up to some strong knight, he’d rush to the rescue himself 
Yuki: You think so?
Momo: For the juniors’ sake, you would greet the producers and tell them to “take care of those children”, then you strike a conversation with them during recordings! You’re so cool and dependable!
Momo: That’s the Yuki I know!
Yuki: thank you, Momo
Yuki: If you were the captured one and not the princess, I would definitely come running.
Yuki: So, if you don’t want to put me in danger, don’t keep secrets from me.
Momo: Yuki…
Momo: I’m sorry to interrupt this very heartfelt moment, but the sun is setting!! I’m gonna dash to wrap this up, so let’s talk about this in person!!!!!!!!!!
Momo: I’ll never do anything that would put you in danger, I promise, and I won't let you do anything reckless!!!!
Yuki: you better keep that promise
Yuki: I might not have a horse carriage or tea that’d suit a princess, but I’ll be waiting for you in my own car with momorin for you.
Momo: You are too good ✨ ‼️
Momo: Yuki, you’re the absolute best prince!
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originalaccountname · 1 month
Fun BSD French translation details and choices - DEAD APPLE (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
The Dead Apple movie hasn't received the French dub treatment, so this time I'm going with subtitles only. The differences should be less jarring, since they don't need to worry about lip flaps this time. Also it's longer for obvious reasons.
General notes:
Starting strong with calling the Dragon's Head Conflict "la lutte pour la tête" (the struggle for the head) and that it "decimated every [criminal] organization [in Yokohama]".
Chuuya calls Oda "le lampiste" (the lamplighter), which is also an expression to refer to someone as the lowest-ranking member of something.
Dazai called Corruption "la Corruption noire" (the black/dark Corruption).
"Was this someone that had captured your heart?" / "If she had been my beloved, I would have perished with her."
"Odasaku... you were right. Helping others is much more wonderful... but only as long as we're alive.
Shibusawa's tower's name was translated, it's called "la Forteresse des cadavres" (The Cadavers' Fortress).
Chuuya's nickname for Ango is "prof bigleux". "Bigleux" is a super informal way of referring to someone who can't see anything without their glasses. It also sounds super funny (ask google translate to say it for you)
Rashoumon is refered to with he/him pronouns
Shibusawa's fog is called "Le Soupir du dragon" (the Dragon's Breath/Sigh). 'Soupir' means 'sigh', but it's also a more poetic way of saying an exhale/a breath out.
Nya in Japanese, Meow in English, Miaou in French 🐱
Atsushi: "Boys need to get their claws out to survive!"
Chuuya's speech pattern is slightly different than others even in written form: we don't have a lot of written contractions in French, but something you can do to give the impression of a spoken/lazy vocabulary is the equivalent of "do not" vs "don't", and forgo the "ne" from "ne pas". Ex: Do not yell! -> Ne crie pas! VS Don't yell! -> Crie pas!
Chuuya called Ango "le lampiste" (the lamplighter) like he did for Oda while in the aircraft ("try to keep your shit" moment), so he's preemptively calling him a low-ranked guy with no power.
"I'm not gonna piss myself and run away either. You know when I'll be allowed to? Quite simply, not at any point." CHUUYA
Apparently the French subs decided Chuuya becomes gravitons during Corruption. Try to work this one out.
"You believed in me and use your Corruption? How touching." // "That was a rather violent way to wake up poor Snow White."
The way Agatha speaks, instead of warning them of having sent a special force to burn down Japan, she is telling them that in order to help them, she has sent special force their way. They'll be starting in 30 minutes, you're welcome :)
Dazai, Fyodor and Shibusawa all use the informal "you" with each other. Tsujimura uses the formal "you" with Chuuya. Ango uses the informal "you" with her.
Today's quotes:
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VF: En ce qui me concerne, les autres ne sont que des sacs de viande dont je connais les rouages. (As far as I'm concerned, other people are but meat sacks to which I know the inner workings.) Eng: To me, people are nothing but machines of flesh, behaving in identifiable ways.
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VF: Comment as-tu pu faire ça? Ce n'est pas du tout... agréable... (How could you? This isn't very... nice...) Eng: How could you? This feels great.
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VF: Ce débile de Dazai est sans doute à l'intérieur de cette chose. Je dois lui coller une bonne droite pour me soulager. (That dimwit Dazai is undoubtedly inside that thing. I need to punch him good to calm myself.) Eng: That dimwit Dazai is inside there. No doubt about it. I need to give him a smack, or I'll never get over it.
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Redirected (Zayne x Rafayel)
✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ Synopsis:
Betrayed was the word that described what Rafayel felt when he realized that despite waiting for 800 years for the girl he loved, she fell for another man just like that, he was foolish to think that she would love him. However, it was odd how he started to feel something similar to a guy who also loved her.
Seriously? Is he really gonna give me a chance to love again? Especially when that man is a stone-faced, asshole who's a smartass and way too blunt for his own good. This is the opposite of what he likes! but that doesn't stop his feelings from falling through. Unfortunately. ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦
Genre: Fluff/Angst (Slow burn) + Unrequited love Pairing: (Main Pairing): Zayne x Rafayel (Side Pairing): Mc x Xavier
Notes: Hear me out on Zaynel/Rafayne please omg, It's just so good cause they're artist/doctor, and many more, give a chance to this ship. The first chapter, Zayne and Rafayel are still smitten by Mc! This will be cut into chapters, I'll post more soon! Warning: Mc can be seen as a self insert/reader however that is not the main pairing, so instead of using You/Yourself I'm using She/her. If you do not like MLM please do not read it! The main pairing is already stated as Zayne x Rafayel! As the story progresses there is a possibility of adding extra warnings, I'll do that in each chapter. If you decide to continue reading. enjoy and please tell me your thoughts about it if you'd like! I'm the only one beta-reading my work!
Credits: Images came from the official website of Love and deepspace, while the banner is created by me. Masterlist
I do not consent to stealing, translating, or putting my work in AI.
This is insane.
The audacity of his crush to invite someone else to their date was not only insane, but it was also borderline cruel! How could she?
Rafayel grumbled to himself, looking at the food he was eating before shoving it in his mouth and chewing it angrily, they’re currently in Meow café, it all started when Rafayel decided to ask Mc out if she wanted to come by and pick him up to go to the meow café, and she seemed reluctant at first, but he insisted. 
“Come on Mc, it’ll be a good date, promise! It’s on me if you agree” he whined, he was bored without her, she was the only reason he’d go out often and he kept complaining to Thomas about the lack of inspiration, which was due to the fact that his bodyguard had been way too busy for his liking, even if he visited their headquarters, he wasn’t allowed inside, and when he asked where she was, they’d tell him that she wasn’t even on duty, so if she wasn’t around where was she going? She wasn’t answering his calls either that day.
If it weren’t for her friend, he would have stayed there under the scorching heat till she came around. “Oh! Mr. Rafayel?” Tara walked to him, holding an ice cream that probably came from the company’s cafeteria. “Who are you?” He tilted his head, looking down at the woman, “My name’s Tara, you must be looking for Mc, right?” He nodded, crossing his arms before he looked at the time “Is she there? Her colleagues told me that she was out, but they didn’t know where” he sighed, it was really hot today, what’s the sun’s deal? Does it want him to die out here? 
“Oh, it’s cause Mc got an injury on her hand, it’s not that bad but she needed to get some rest for it cause she can’t use any type of gun or anything that can strain her hand for the time being,” Tara said, licking the ice cream she was eating looking unbothered while Rafayel here looked outright terrified “What?!” he screeched causing Tara to jolt in surprise.
“She’s fine! She called me earlier to check on her things. If you want, I can give you her coordinates, although I was sure she gave you that already, I always see you around with her! And well Doctor Zayne and Xavier!” she shared, for some reason, Rafayel felt like she was doing this on purpose to get him riled up; which worked of course. 
“Can I have her coordinates?” he almost looked pitiful in Tara’s eyes before she smiled “Yeah sure, I trust you enough! Mc talks about you frequently!” she grinned, showing him a QR code which he scanned immediately, although hearing what she said made his heartbeat faster. “She talked about me?” He murmured, scratching his cheek “What did she say?” 
“Well,” she puts her finger on her lips before going into deep thought, “she said you’re always complaining and asking for her attention, it was frustrating sometimes” and that made Rafayel huff, so she’s been backstabbing him in front of her friends? 
“But she does sound fond of you when she says those things though, kind of like a best friend” Tara finishes, putting her phone back into her pocket “It’s rare for her to talk about someone like that ever since you know, that happened” she was referencing about the death of Caleb and her grandmother which made Rafayel frown, she couldn’t be reached during those times and he went to visit her, she was staying in a temporary apartment, and it was a mess. Reminiscing about that made his heart clench, out of everything he disliked, seeing Mc hurt like that destroyed him. He went to at least try to cook something for her, but all he could do was soup, so he decided to just order takeout from a restaurant that specializes in customizable meals. 
 “I should go now; you can visit her in Akso Hospital! I visited her yesterday and she’s doing great!” Tara snapped Rafayel out of his thoughts before he nodded “Alright, I’ll see you around, thank you Tara” he waved goodbye to her before looking at his phone which pinpointed the location of Mc. “No problem, go get your girl Loverboy,” she said, waving goodbye as Rafayel stood there cheeks up to his ears red. “Jeez.” 
During those times he never actually saw who Doctor Zayne was, cause when he visited, it was just Mc being there, and the nurse informing Zayne that there was a visitor, but that guy didn’t bother showing up, well he was busy apparently, which is great for Rafayel! He can spend some time with Mc. 
“Mc” Rafayel called out to her, pouting as he went to sit down beside her, who looked alright, she didn’t have anything stabbing her arms, and it seemed like she was about to be released soon. “Rafayel! How did you get here?” she asked, surprised while Rafayel frowned, his face looking sour, “I got your coordinates from Tara, why didn’t you even call me?” he huffed, crossing his arms “Do you plan to hurt yourself without informing me when you get to the hospital? What happened to being punctual with me? What if I needed you for a job and suddenly you can’t cause you got your hand hurt?” he scolded her, and she looked down “Yeah, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize my phone cracked when I was in n109 zone” She explained, playing with her fingers, “I couldn’t reach anyone except for Zayne and Xavier. I’m sorry” 
Rafayel felt bad for scolding her before he sighed, gently caressing Mc’s hand before he held it. “It’s fine, I was more worried for you than angry about it.” He placed her uninjured hand to his cheek, nuzzling it and Mc looked taken aback before she smiled, rubbing his cheeks “Thank you Rafayel”  He could get used to this to be fair. He liked the attention, the gentleness of his crush, however…
“By the way” he hummed, looking at Mc with an indescribable look, “Tara told me something” he continued, gripping on Mc’s hand a bit before giving her palm a bite, “She said you spent so much time with other people, Doctor Zayne and someone named Xavier?” Mc’s eyes widened before she started giggling “Are you jealous?” she said before Rafayel pouted, letting her hand go. “No! Why would I? You’d pick me either way!” he said, crossing his arms. Seriously, he was super confident during that time, and now look what happened. He didn’t expect that when he asked Mc out on a date, she was already in one with this Doctor Zayne! He was emitting a bad aura which made Mc sigh.
“I told you that I was busy, and I was with someone, but you complained if they’re much more important than you” She was feeling a headache coming to her, and It amused Zayne, considering she was usually the one causing the headache for him, this is interesting. Zayne was expecting a simple hangout with Mc when she got a call from an unknown caller, he didn’t expect it would be the guy that visited her and caused a lot of noise in the hospital back then was now sitting down eating his food angrily, Zayne kept a poker face before he went to eat his portion of the meal. “Nice to meet you, Rafayel” he stated, looking at Rafayel who glared at him “My name is Zayne, you were the one that a nurse informed me visited Mc during non-visitation hours?” 
Rafayel sat up straight from that, pointing the fork at Zayne “Excuse you! Nobody stopped me!” Zayne didn’t bother to look at him anymore before he gave Mc some of his vegetables “Eat” he whispered to her, she was going to whine but if she did, it’d be two whiners in one area, no way she was going to do that, so she accepted her fate and begrudgingly takes the vegetables. 
“Hey!” Rafayel pouted, looking at both of them, honestly, they looked like a couple, and it made his heart ache. “The reason why they didn’t stop you was because you rushed inside without stopping, the majority of nurses are women and what happens If a fully grown adult man came rushing into the room of a patient?” the audacity of this guy! He’s making it sound like he’s going to physically assault the nurses! “Luckily enough Mc here told the nurses not to call the guards, and to just inform me that someone broke the protocol. You should thank her that you weren’t thrown out.” Zayne stated, finishing the conversation before Rafayel could even say anything.
Rafayel continued to glare at Zayne, honestly now that he sees his fault, it was immature of him to just barge inside, but can you blame him? He was upset and worried for Mc! “I’m sorry,” He said, relaxing himself, and Zayne stared at him “Apology accepted, please don’t do that again." And that was it, end of conversation again, he was expecting retaliation from the guy, but he guessed he was the nonchalant type. Mc doesn’t seem bothered by it, as a matter of fact, she seems to like the silence while she eats. “It seems like you two would get along well!” she said as if the shenanigans that happened just a few minutes ago didn’t happen, “Doctor Zayne already introduced himself, why don’t you introduce yourself too?”  Mc went to get a drink before gulping it down, and Zayne was looking at her again. Why aren’t they paying attention to Rafayel much? This hurts his ego.
“I was thinking that Doctor Zayne already knows about me,” he chided, wanting to tease this prick of a doctor, crossing his arms. “Your name was repeated multiple times, and you almost got framed for murder, yes?” Zayne said, wiping the tissue on his lips, elegant asshole. “What? Where did you even hear that from?” He looked confused, isn’t Zayne an outsider? 
“Mc and I went to investigate that matter before, so I know about the case” He answered, as if reading Rafayel’s thoughts, it was easy to read the guy, he was like an open book because of his reactions, like Mc. Rafayel looked away awkwardly “Case solved! You don’t need to bring that up,” he grumbled, just how much did Mc spend time with this guy? He heard a chuckle from Zayne, “From what I heard you’re quite a disaster, always attracting trouble, or creating trouble for yourself” he said and Rafayel’s cheeks turned beet red from embarrassment “Shut up!”
 “See,” the banter was stopped when Mc giggled “you two do get along!”  
“No we don’t,” Rafayel glared at her, words coming out harshly and firmly “I find teasing him entertaining, it is nice to finally put a face to the name, Rafayel, some of my acquaintances are fans of your works” Zayne looked at him, stone-faced, unlike Rafayel, this guy wasn’t easy to understand, everything he says, he states it in a monotone voice, his face remaining neutral, the perfect doctor face or whatever, It’s the polar opposite of him. It makes him worried that Mc doesn’t like him because of his expressions, maybe she likes a guy like Zayne. 
Then a phone started ringing, it was a girly ringtone which surprised Mc, looking at her phone she noticed it was Xavier, making her smile unknowingly, “I gotta take this, give me a second” She looked at Zayne who nodded, while she just waved at Rafayel who looked like he was ready to whine about it. Leaving him with this guy? Especially in a café where lovers are usually around? Call him dramatic but this is definitely not something he wants to stay in, when he was about to stand up when Zayne suddenly talked.
 “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, drinking the coffee he ordered, Rafayel flinched before sitting back down “I was going to get water, it’s self-serving here you know.” Rafayel lied, looking away, why is he even avoiding eye contact? This guy has nothing on him. “Mc would be sad if you suddenly left just because she got a phone call.” He hummed, fixing their table cleaning it out of the empty dishes, and asking the waiter to clean it. It made Rafayel confused, but he stayed sat as told. “How about we play kitty cards while we wait?” he smiled.  ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ Word Count: 2,105
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 7 months
'Fit for a King' - WIP - “If you have had me on my back, we can also be on a first name basis” (König POV)
Fit for a King - Masterlist
König is talking to Ridgeback that he doesn’t want fem!sergeant Müller on the next – her first – mission with KorTac, Ridgeback is not having it, so he makes König talk to Müller about it, cue social anxiety meets superiority complex that comes with being this tall and buff, Müller puts him in his place and… what can I say? He’s turned on by that. And it gets them to talk with each other (finally). (2k words)
CW: NSFW, imagining explicit scenes, pervy!König
a/n: I'm still writing scenes whenever I think about them, so there still will be chronological skips and context missing in between, but I'll update the Masterlist in the order that they happen in (also gonna add some general info about the characters to the masterlist soon). This is a scene in his POV as I wanted to give the whole story a dual POV thing in general, I hope you like it! (two chapters are still in the pipeline for today or tomorrow, from Müller's POV again) ((also still working on a way to incorporate the german translations better))
“If you have had me on my back, we can also be on a first name basis”
“I don’t want her on the mission.”
“She’s going. End of discussion.”
“Fine. But I’ll have to see if she can stand her ground first.”
“Meaning that you’ll actually talk to her?”
Ridgeback can’t see the scowl under my hood.
“Yeah.” What I mean is ‘fuck, no’.
He grins at me.
Ridgeback calls after her in the training room. “Müller, a second of your time?” – “Yes, sir.”, she says stepping away from the weights she was working with. “The Colonel is unsure about your… skills on the battlefield and I was wondering if you could maybe demonstrate something to change his mind.”, he explains. She pulls up her eyebrow and gives me the sideeye. “Didn’t he read my transcript?”, she asks. I don’t say anything, but Ridgeback looks at me, waiting for me to explain myself. I clear my throat. “Uh yeah, I read it, it’s just uh-“ She looks up at me and the words don’t come out my mouth. I feel the heat in my cheeks. “What if like a big guy comes up to you and like… attacks you?” Wow, so eloquent. “You know that I’m a sniper, right? Most of the time I’m not gonna be around any ‘big guys’ except for present company.” God damn it, why did I ever start this topic up? She’s going to make me put my shoe into my mouth or however that saying goes. “Uh yeah, correct, I’m just saying, what IF.” She looks at me like I might be a bit crazy. Maybe I am. She confuses the shit out of me.
Then she shrugs her shoulders. “Okay.” and struts over to the mattresses for combat training and martial arts. I follow her, waiting what she’ll do. “You also read that I’m trained in field combat and Krav Maga?”, she asks again. I totally did not. I laugh it off, not sure if I should take her seriously. She gets in position looking up at me in all her 5’8’’ cuteness. “You ready, big guy?”, she asks me, tauntingly. I cross my arms and shrug. Before I can register her moving, she has gripped me, one hand fisting the fabric of my shirt and the other one latching onto my wrist. Just a moment later I’m in the air.
She flips me. She tosses me over her own back with enough force to move a little Volkswagen. And she actually goddamn flips me. As my body gets slammed into the mattress, my back colliding with the floor, I can feel arousal lick up my spine, making me hard in an instant. “Ah, scheiße1.”, I mutter under my breath. All I want to do is pull her with me – or better even – her trying to hold me down as she gets on top of me. Scenarios flood my brain, smutty and perverted. How she would tie me down, strip me, tease me. Take her seat on my face, make me eat her out. I groan. I would feel her heat on my face, lap at her wetness, take everything she would give me. She would stroke me, edge me with her soft hands and nimble fingers while pressing her pussy into me, maybe she would even try to fit my length into her mouth. She would grind on my lips and tongue, she would let me give her the pleasure she seeks until she comes on my face and I drink up her arousal, her wetness staining my hood.
The imagination alone makes me leak at the tip. Ahja, du kleiner Perversling2. I scold myself in my brain. Has it really been that long since I had a woman? Like, biblically. I guess it has.
She stands over me, setting a foot on my chest, her boot digging into my pecs. “So, can I join you, Colonel?” I’m kind of glad that she didn’t call me by my name just now because I fear that I would have come a bit in my pants. At least a little bit. I raise my hands defensively: “Fine, fine, Müller.” I clear my throat. “You can handle yourself, as you demonstrated just now.” She laughs and the soft and sweet sound taunts me. “I can even handle more than just myself.”, she adds confidently and steps away from me, holding her hand out to help me up.
I resist the urge to pull her down and jump up on my feet again. Now I’m towering over her, a whole foot taller. Oh, to have her run from me as I chase after her, would be so sweet. Hör auf3, the voice in my head fights against the pervy thoughts. Something about her taps into something primal inside me.
Ridgeback’s short clap gets my attention. I almost forgot that he’s still here. “Well, I think this got resolved. See you tomorrow then.” Müller waves goodbye, and I lift my hand too, not able to tear my gaze away from her. She looks back at me and I wish I could’ve just talked normally to her instead of behaving like an ass. I sigh inwardly.
Killing people, turning them to pulp, is easier for me than talking to them. Really talking, not just barking orders. And she makes me feel like for the first time in forever that I wish it was the other way around.
"Would you spot me, Colonel?", she asks me then. I sigh, in- and outwardly this time. "Please, just... call me König.", I tell her. "People who had me on my back already can refer to me on a name basis.", I joke feeling the heat in my cheeks flare up again as I see the confusion on her face. Get a hold of yourself, Mensch4. "Also, I made myself look like a complete ass in front of you, you deserve to let the title slide.", I say further, not stuttering as much as before, and she nods slightly. "So, is that a yes or a no on the spotting, König?", she asks plainly. I swallow down how it makes me feel hearing her say my name in that cute accent of hers and return her nod.
She goes over to the weight rack and starts to fit plates onto a barbell. I help her by lifting the barbell from the ground to give her easier access. She’s satisfied with 50 kilos on each side and then goes to lift it up the squatting rack. Oh, she’s going to do squats. With 120 kilos. I’m so double fucked.
“You ready?” I nod and stand behind her holding out my arms. I’m a head taller than her, so I can look at myself in the mirror in front of us as she is not obstructing my view. My eyes are on her again though. She has wide black training pants on, but her hips don’t leave much to the imagination. Her torso is clad in a compression shirt, with a sports bra underneath. Everything is covered up, tightly packed to not be hindering while working out. Yet in my mind it looks like the sexiest thing anybody could ever wear. And that is before she starts to squat right in front of me. I curse under my breath and push away the pervy thoughts. Just be normal for once. She doesn’t need you lusting over her right now, after you just insulted her like that.
I follow her movements hovering my arms beside her, ready to take off the weight if it’s necessary. But she’s squatting the weight no problem. After a few reps she sets the barbell down on the rack again. “Okay, I think, we can add some more plates.”, she says already hefting another 20 up. “Goddamn, you’re squatting more than half the team here.”, I remark. “Really? I’m a bit rusty to be honest.” Rusty? Heilige Scheiße5. She continues: “I wanted to build up strength again because I’m gonna be more actually in the field, but I don’t wanna squat this kind of weight without somebody to spot me.” I nod behind her and she gets ready for the next set. There she is, squatting my body weight like it’s nothing. It’s so fucking attractive to me, I can’t help it.
“Wouldn’t some of the others help you? Spot you?”, I ask as we set down the weight again. My hands stay on the barbell for a moment longer until she meets my eyes in the mirror. “I mean, I talked to Aksel and Nikto a bit, you know, Scandinavians unite, but eh- I didn’t wanna bother them. I think this is the longest interaction I had with anybody in the base. They’re not really talking.”, she explains with a shrug. I hold back a groan. This might be at least partly my fault because of the way I treated her the first few days. “So, I didn’t really have the guts to ask somebody to help me.” She shrugs again, but I see a hint of sadness and apprehension behind them. “But with what you pulled today, I didn’t have those reservations.” She grins at me a little bit.
“I’m sorry.”, I say then, the words sticking to my tongue, not slipping out my mouth easily. It’s not like I don’t feel sorry, I really do. I’m just not one to apologise easily. “Don’t worry about it.”, she tells me. “You’re not the first superior to doubt my abilities.” I feel a pang in my chest. Yeah, yeah, I can be a bit of an asshole, but it’s just setting in now how the whole situation must make her feel. And I want to take it all back. “Yeah, I… I know how it must look like right now from your point. I’m sorry really. I was an asshole about my doubts and I went about it in the most jerk way.” She turns around, her hands on her waist as she looks up at me like ‘Are we really still talking about this?’. The sass.
“It’s okay, Col- König. I accept your apology.”, she reiterates. She must see the doubt in my eyes because she says, with emphasis: “Really.” – “Okay. Schwamm drüber6.”, I say and extend my hand. She takes it and shakes it. Even through the thin fabric of my gloves I can feel the warmth of her palm and it makes me wish I wasn’t wearing any to feel her skin on mine.
“I’d head to dinner now. You wanna join me?”, she asks. “I get it if you can’t, you know, rank and all.” I scoff. “Nobody is asking for our ranks when we’re knee-deep in mud next week, so forget all about that.” She grins at my answer and jogs to the hallway. I follow her with big strides. “I don’t even know why they made me Colonel.”, I tell her as we walk down to the mess hall. She giggles and the sound makes me feel all floaty. And I kick myself again – in my mind – for not just talking to her. Or maybe just ask her to train with me. Instead of making it seem like I’m out to get her. “Maybe your reputation? And of course, the unique set of skills.”, she suggests. “I have a reputation?”, I’m surprised. “Yeah, kinda.” We enter the mess hall and get in line for a plate of beef stew. “Like what?”, I want to know as I stand just a foot behind her. “I’d rather not say.”, she evades. “Also, I don’t think that that’s who you are.”
“What do you think I am then?”, I ask her as we sit down. Other people are already here and I see a few surprised faces, including Horangi’s. “Really really big.” She laughs and I chuckle with her. “That’s just because you’re so small.”, I counter. “Psh. It’s not about the size.” I can see a hint of mischief sparkling in her eyes as she says that. Was that innuendo? “It’s not?”, I tease her. She leans forward and whispers like we’re sharing a secret: “If I were you, I wouldn’t be so cocky about it. Even a mouse can fell a tree, if she only knows how to.” I laugh at her remark. “Touché.” – "Maybe that could be my callsign: Mouse.", she jokes. "I like that.", I say fully grinning behind my mask.
scheiße: shit
ahja, du kleiner Perversling: uh-huh, you little pervert
hör auf: stop it
mensch: literally 'human being', in this context more of an exesperated 'dude!'
heilige scheiße: holy shit
Schwamm drüber: literally 'sponge over it', meaning let's forget about it
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Ikemen Villains - Ellis Twilight
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate.
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Love and happiness only become eternal when they come to an end.
Kate: "Will you join us and make your love eternal?"
Ellis: "What's this?"
Ellis and I were enjoying a new confiture from a bakery he recommended when a pamphlet was suddenly presented to us.
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Victor: "Basically, it's a pamphlet urging people to join a new organization called Amour."
Victor: "I heard that it has become a secret craze among lovers in London."
Kate: "I've never heard about it before."
It sounded like a romantic claim, but it kinda screamed fishy.
Ellis: "Are you talking about the people who went there and never came back?"
Victor: "I'm surprised you know that, Ellis. You really are on top when it comes to rumors."
Kate: "Wait. They never came back?"
Victor: "That's right. The couples who went to the ceremony to make their love eternal have gone missing."
Victor: "Even those who didn't elope are missing."
Victor: "They were most likely murdered at the height of their happiness."
Kate: "Why?"
Victor: "To make their love eternal."
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Ellis: "............."
Victor: "The building is on private land owned by a noble family, so the police can't go in without hard evidence."
Victor: "It's now our responsibility to expose the truth and bring evil to justice. That's why I want you, Kate, and someone else to go there and have a wedding."
Kate: "What? A wedding?
Victor: "You can't enter the organization's facilities unless you're getting married."
Victor: "In short, I want you guys to go undercover. Her Majesty has given this order."
(Going undercover in a dangerous organization and getting married to one of the crown members?)
I looked over the pamphlet one more time, worried.
Kate: "It says here that only those who truly love each other and have passed a screening process can make their love eternal."
Victor:  "Looks like you need to be recognized as lovers inside Amour's facility."
Ellis: "I'll do it."
Kate: "What?"
Ellis: "I want to marry you and make you happy."
(He knows we're going undercover, right?)
The way he said it sounded like a real proposal, and I had to reason myself out of the misunderstanding.
(I'm pretty sure Ellis wouldn't go too far.)
(Unless I ask him to do so.)
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Ellis: "Can't I?"
Kate: "You can. Ellis, I look forward to working with you."
Ellis: "Mmm, likewise."
Victor: "I'm counting on you guys. Oh, but Jude's gonna get mad again."
Ellis: "Don't worry. I'll finish a week's worth of work today."
(He's efficient.)
Thus, Ellis and I were going to get married.
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The sun went down while I was thinking about the undercover work.
(I guess this is all the stuff I need.)
I was getting my stuff ready for the overnight mission when I suddenly heard a knock.
Kate: "Yes?"
I opened the door, and there he stood.
Ellis: "Good evening."
He smiled as he said this, holding a cup of warm milk.
Ellis: "Here, you can have it if you like."
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Kate: "We're not pretending to be lovers until tomorrow, you know?"
Ellis: "Yes, but I have to practice."
(It's certainly an important mission, and we can't afford to screw it up.)
Kate: "Right. Come on in."
He sat on the chair while I sat on the bed, drinking the hot milk together.
Kate: "It's delicious, warm, and comforting."
Ellis: "Yeah."
I could feel my body relaxing.
(Maybe I'm actually more nervous than I thought.)
(Maybe he noticed that and came to see me.)
Kate: "About the mission..."
Kate: "If they're really killing to make love last forever, then that's one hell of an organization."
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Ellis: "I wonder about that."
Kate: "What?"
Ellis: "Love can only last forever when life ends."
Ellis: "That's why I'd rather stop time and make it eternal than have it broken."
Ellis: "If those lovers sincerely want that, then there's nothing wrong with making a place where that can happen."
"Two people in love will meet their death."
I thought about it and considered it wrong.
(I never got the idea that those lovers went there because they wanted to.)
Kate: "It's true that love comes in different forms for everyone."
Kate: "If it's something that both parties truly want, then maybe it's not right for others to say it's right or wrong."
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Ellis: "..........."
Ellis: "You really are a nice person."
Kate: "Huh? No, you are."
Kate: "Thanks for the milk. I can sleep properly tonight."
Ellis: "Glad you liked it."
He smiled, and I couldn't help but sip the hot milk to cover up the pounding of my heart.
Thanks to Ellis, my fear of tomorrow completely subsided.
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The next day, the mission finally began.
Layman: "Welcome to Amour!"
At the entrance of the church where "Amour" is based, we were greeted by a group of friendly-looking members of the church.
(I can't believe that these people might have possibly killed those couples.)
(It's kind of hard to believe.)
Layman: "First, tell us why you came to Amour."
Just then, Ellis hugged me tightly from behind.
Ellis: "I came here to make Kate mine forever."
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Ellis: "Right?"
Kate: "Y-Yeah. I came here to be his forever."
Ellis: "............"
Layman: "You've passed! You may now enter."
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Masterlist╏Part 2╏Premium╏Epilogue
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astrequa · 2 years
— Falling in love with you !
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Little things they do when they realize they have fallen in love with you
୨୧: Childe, Dottore, Eula, DIluc [Flower edition]
A/notes. I enjoy writing for Eula, and with her rumored rerun, couldn't be happier ♡ Referring Childe as Tartaglia,, Dottore part took place in Sumeru Akademiya !
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#. TARTAGLIA : Monoceros Caeli
He would show you in any obvious way like— calling you pet names, bringing you on romantic dates, or buying you some expensive stuff. He acts as Zhongli's wallet so it's normal for him to spend a lot of mora(s) in 1 day. He teases you 24/7 about it.
"Why would you like Mr. Zhongli? Don't you think I fit perfectly as your boyfriend or even husband?"
I see him sending you a lot of flowers and some cheesy pickup lines.
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#. II DOTTORE : The doctor
He never interested in love or falling in love once, every day he busied himself with experiments and theories so when it's come to this topic, he's hopeless. Grow you a flower that matches your eye color and said he doesn't mean to. Don't take it seriously, he just doesn't know what to do, the feeling in his chest is unbearable. He yearns for your attention and your love.
"You know today I received a one-of-a-kind flower that looks like a crystallize one" "And? It's not like I'm the one who gives you"
His heart would explode if you kept his flowers and decorate them in your dorm
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#. EULA LAWRENCE : Aphros Delos
She doesn't want to rush things, so she takes her time and makes sure she truly loves you. Seek Amber's advice with this; due to her surroundings, she isn't particularly skilled at expressing affection. Not a fan of physical contact, but for you? Your exclusion. She would pat your head or hold your hand. If she sincerely wants to express her love for you, she will give you a present. Mostly flowers since that's what Amber told her; flowers also can act as the language of love. Ask her what the gift was for, and she will state that it was merely a friendly gift.
"I starting to think there was another reason behind this..." "You think to much, it's simply a friendly gift"
I say that Cecilia will be the main flower, a beautiful flower that suits you as they are also hard to get it.
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Doesn't actually believe that he falls for you. He just can't picture himself in a relationship due to his past. Kaeya would notice this as soon as possible; his brother? falling in love, he teases the red-haired man. Diluc will begin slowly by showing a different side of himself, such as his patience for you, asking how you are, or how protective he is when it comes to you. Deliver a banquet or anything else that reminds him of you to your place in secret.
"I feel like I have a secret admirer" "What makes you think that?" "I got a banquet of flowers again this week" "Ah, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about that"
Kaeya definitely gonna tell you that Diluc likes you.
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Tagging. @strawberryswirlss
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ⓒlychme. Do not copy/translate/post my works on other platforms.
— Reblogs, like and comments are much appreciated !
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machinesonix · 3 months
I wanna dive kinda deep on one of the plot points in Dune that isn’t given its full context in the films. Actually I want to wax poetic about my favorite space witch super power and this plot point is gonna be our entry point into it, but without some sort of framing mechanism to focus my thoughts this blog is probably just gonna look like a bunch of all-caps Alistair Crowley cocaine patterned theology. But we’re here to talk about a different sort of psychoactive drug-fueled cult today.
The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood sure does give Lady Jessica a whole lot of shit for having a son. The plan was to have Girl Paul Atredies to have a baby with their cousin Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen and produce the Kwizatz Haderach, but in Jessica’s love for Duke Leto she gave him an heir instead. Which is weird because Princess Irulan is the heiress to the Imperial throne and a Bene Gesserit herself, but I guess that’s not how things fly on Caladan. Whatever the case, Jessica is very adamant that she does not regret her decision. Now the Bene Gesserit can do a lot of wild shit and sure, if you’ve got fetal telepathy maybe you can psychic your baby into having your favorite chromosomes and it doesn’t need a lot of technobabble but Herbert DOES provide some babble and I for one think it’s extremely cool.
Towards the beginning of the novel when the Reverend Mother microwaves Paul’s hand, she explains that in lieu of the machine technologies destroyed in the Butlerian Jihad, human technologies had to be developed to bridge the gap. This whole idea of ‘human technology’ fascinates me. Like I’m not sure if there’s a huge philosophical take away here other than something about the tenacity of the human spirit since a lot of these technologies are the result of the preternatural properties of the geriatric spice melange, but it really is a cool take on science fiction that’s made the setting as iconic as it is. 
Specifically, Bene Gesserit practice a technique called Prana Bindu meditation which I think translates as something like ‘muscle breathing’ but I’m not gonna pretend I can translate Sanskrit. A Prana Bindu trance allows its practitioner to manipulate their biology through sheer force of will. The big way the Sisterhood has been able to keep this century spanning eugenics program on the rails has been their ability to put their reproductive organs on manual. This is also what's going on with drinking worm poison to level up. Jessica and Paul are being put to the same test represented by the gom jabbar: Die like an animal or prove your worth by using your phenomenal human willpower to stay in control of the situation. If you're badass enough to manipulate your own metabolism to process poison into a particularly powerful dose of spice, you have earned the Other Memory and the esteem that entails. Or you can have your mom cheat and do all the hard work for you while you're sharing a metabolism, but you can see how that could stir some controversy. 
As a nonbinary person it is unavoidable to be fascinated by transformative bodily stuff. If I'm not then Rebecca Sugar will come take my license and like a poorly understood thought experiment about a physicist's cat, the quantum wavefunction in my pants will collapse into a single state. That's got at least something to do with my frothing fascination with Prana Bindu and all it entails. Now my brain is stuck on this whole male heir thing when Florence Pugh is absolutely killing it. STAY TUNED
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tessenpai · 11 months
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 125 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
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Uzuki: Um, here.
Uzuki: The transportation and food expenses.
Isaki: Huh? I'm not accepting money from a child. Get that out of my face.
Chapter Title: Chibana's Song
Uzuki: Because... I'm a... child...
Isaki: You're a naive little shit no matter how you slice it.
Uzuki: Little shit...
Side text: The child that still doesn't know love...
Page 2
Isaki: In this kind of moment a "Thanks for the food" is more than enough.
Uzuki: ...Thanks for the food...
Isaki: Very good.
Isaki: Well then, I will see you here at 9AM tomorrow.
Tetsuki: Cough- Cough
Tetsuki: Wh----
Uzuki: ...
Page 3
Isaki: Don't you dare run away.
Uzuki: She wouldn't take it...
Uzuki [thoughts]: Just like Chika. Chika's aunt.
Isaki [memory]: You're a naive little shit.
Page 4
Uzuki: Munch munch
Isaki: Will you look at that, you ate everything.
Isaki: Atta boy.
Page 5
Uzuki [thoughts]: It has been a long time since I finished a meal.
Uzuki [thoughts]: It... had flavor
Uzuki [thoughts]: ---A family restaurant
Uzuki: You didn't have to be family to go in...
Uzuki [thoughts]: Even something like that
Uzuki [thoughts]: I-
Page 6
Isaki: "You're going too far". You're thinking that, aren't you, Takaoka-kun?
Tetsuki: Well, honestly, I'm not that kind so I believe that leaving him alone would be fine.
Isaki: Ahaha, thought so.
Tetsuki: ---but
Tetsuki: The adults around me gave me an incredibly blessed environment to grow up in.
Page 7
Tetsuki: It was given to receive love from my parents.
Tetsuki: To be scolded and admonished.
Tetsuki: The back that served as an example was always in front of me.
Tetsuki: The hand that supported me and taught me to believe in myself.
Tetsuki: I know that I have so many choices.
Tetsuki: I am who I am because of that support.
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Tetsuki: Without that foundation
Tetsuki: I do believe it's pretty hard to climb up from the bottom by yourself.
Tetsuki: So the fact that you offered him a helping hand is---
Isaki: Eeeeeeeeeh, that's so grown up---...
Isaki: Takaoka-kun, are you truly a student?
Tetsuki: Huh...
Isaki: I'm very sorry, but is really not that deep.
Isaki: I simply wanted to watch Uzuki's defeated face next to me.
Tetsuki: Eh?
Page 9
Isaki: Nah, I'm just half-joking
Tetsuki [thoughts]: Meaning half of that was true...
Isaki: When it comes to music, it doesn't reach everyone equally.
Isaki: When I saw Uzuki today
Isaki: It just made me think
Isaki: "Ah, if this kid, in the state he is in, were to listen to Chika and de rest's performance..."
Page 10
Isaki: "He might just drown in despair"
Isaki: That's not what Chika wanted, right?
Isaki: Ah, I'm not saying I don't trust in their performance, ok!? I do believe in them but--
Tetsuki: I understand Please look forward.
Isaki: Well, it's not like it would make a huge difference if he listens with someone else.
Isaki: He might be just fine listening on his own, but
Page 11
Isaki: I just don't want Chika to regret calling him.
Isaki: Well, in short, this is my ego talking.
Tetsuki: I see.
Isaki: "I see"?
Isaki: Takaoka-kun, aren't you getting a little bit too comfortable with me?
Tetsuki: Hahaha
Isaki: I'm gonna take you for a ride now
Tetsuki: I'm very sorry.
Isaki: Oh, it's already 4PM.
Isaki: We had lunch at midday, didn't we?
Tetsuki: That's right...
Isaki: Then Chika and the others must be...
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Isaki: About to end the first day.
Page 13
Sign: Osaka Prefecture. Chibana Girl High School.
Song: "Higurashi" (Evening Cicada) written by Nakanoshima Kinnichi.
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Atsumu [thoughts]: It's Yamada style... I can't help but feel some kind of kinship.
Atsumu [thoughts]: The name "Higurashi"(Cicada) really evokes the summer---...
Page 15
Satowa[thoughts]: Rain shower...
Page 16
Takezou [Thoughts]: Woah, the sound is so good.
Takezou [thoughts]: There is a bitterness and depth to it.
Takezou[thoughts]: It harmonizes...
Natsu[thoughts]: Tsk It's good.
Page 17
Akira: It seems like Chibana always participates with a "Utamono (Lyrical)" song.
Mittsu: Lyrical!
Sane: Is that like the "Perversion of Water" performance you played, Akira-sensei?
Akira: You even remember the name of the song.
Sane: That's because it was a performance that changed everything for us by hearing the very first note.
Page 18
Akira: Thank you very much!
Natsu: If it's lyrical, does that mean there are parts where they sing to some lyrics?
Akira: I wouldn't call them that...
Akira: The song is challenging to sing because of its unique vocalization and verse arrangement.
Akira: In the performance, one note in the song has many elements packed into a single letter.
Akira: And above that, you have to do it while playing...
Sane: We could never...
Page 19
Chika: But if they always rank high, that means that...
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Akira[thoughts]: I've never heard singing express so much...
Tsukaji[thoughts]: As expected of their "Lyrical". A school that has always protected its spot at the top.
Tsukaji[thoughts]: As if it has been carefully passed down from generation to generation
Tsukaji[thoughts]: The thickness and depth of the sound and the colorful voices combined with it---.
Page 27
Tsukaji: The unique and incomparable Sound Of Chibana.
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Sfx: [Sound of cicadas]
Page 29
Sfx: Woaah
Sfx: Clap clap clap
Sfx: Waaaaah!
Page 30
Atsumu [sfx]: Drip drip
Natsu: Woah What is it?
Atsumu: It just kind of reminded me of my Grandpa.
Natsu: Well, it was a fine performance A shame tho.
Atsumu: Yeah!! I really liked it!!
Hiro: The singing was amazing wasn't it?
Takezou: Right? It was really surprising--
Sane: This is bad---...
Mittsu: I could hear the cicadas singing.
Kota: I'm tone-deaf so I'm so impressed---
Page 31
Chika [thoughts]: The koto, song, and sound... It was a song that really cherished every single one of them...
Chika[thoughts]: To people who have been accumulating these sounds. I wonder if I've made these people feel bad without my knowledge.
Chika[thoughts]: I thought I didn't care what other people thought about me, but---...
Chika [thoughts]: ....Ahh--....
Page 32
Chika[thoughts]: Dammit...
Takezou: ...Hey, Kudo-kun. The sound really lets everything out in the open.
Chika: Eh?
Takezou: Those people's true essence.
Satowa: !
Chika: Yeah...
Page 33
Takezou: I'm very much looking forward for them to listen to our performance
Page 34
Chika: Yeah!
Satowa: Kudo, I'll give you these.
Chika: Eh?
Satowa: Candy that cheers you up.
Page 35
Chika: These are my favorites! How come you have them!?
Satowa: Ch- chance?
Hiro [thoughts]: Satowa-chan...
Narration: On the first day of the Koto Music Division of the Japanese Music Festival, the 32 schools finished their performances.
Side text: Even unvoiced thoughts will be conveyed.
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue in the next issue---
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
Lunch Arrangements
Summary: From the RCD Universe; "Skitch going to see Wanda at her office for lunch. They had planned it out and everything. But for some reason the person working at the desk is sure Skitch can't actually have an appointment with Wanda. Skitch ends up having to call Wanda on her cell. Safe to say the person at the front desk sees the head tilt." - Anon
Pairing: Jeweler!Wanda Maximoff x Metalworker!reader
Warning(s): none that I can think of, I don't even think there's a language warning O.O
Note(s): I was just gonna simply answer the ask, but I had a bit too much in mind for dialogue, so I just made it a blurb- does this length still count as a blurb-? Anyways uh…I hope you enjoy :3
Word Count: closer to 900 probably
*squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit
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Fixing your leather jacket, you made your way through the front doors of Maximoff Headquarters, small plastic bag in hand. You were coming straight from work and there was a bit of a line at the corner store but you still made decent timing.
Walking up to the front desk, you notice that the blonde woman seems a little bit frazzled, so you try to make this quick for the both of you. You take a breath before a quick smile passes over your face. "Hi, I'm here to see Ms. Wanda Maximoff?"
The receptionist takes a quick look at your tousled appearance before going back to work at her monitor, "Ms. Maximoff doesn't have any outside appointments today, and we don't do walk-ins here."
"Nonono, I don't need anything fixed, I'm here to have lunch with her. We made arrangements for around this time."
The woman looked back over at you, obviously disbelieving. "Mhm, I'm sure. Ms. Maximoff has an important meeting slot scheduled for this time, so what you'll have to do is call and make your magical arrangements for a different time, probably on a different day. Alright, hun?" Her tone was a bit mocking and candy apple-sweet.
Your lips pursed a bit as you nodded at the lady behind the desk, "Yeah, I'll do just that. Sorry for keepin' you, miss." The blonde just makes a gesture away from her desk as she focuses back on her screen, keyboard clacking away. You step away slightly toward the seating area and take out your phone.
You have arrangements to work out of course.
It's always something.
When Wanda got your phone call, she was already on her way down on the elevator. You were originally going to meet her at her office, but her last check-in meeting ended early.
Walking out to the main lobby, she saw you in the sitting area before you could notice her. Wanda made her way up to the front desk to where the new hire, Hannah, was sat. As soon as the blonde woman saw her, she straightened up further and adjusted her desk area.
"Hannah, do you know why I'm here?"
"N-no, Ms. Maximoff. You have a meeting scheduled from now until two. Is something wrong?"
"I am supposed to have a meeting right now," Wanda's manicured finger points to your figure, while at this point, you've gotten up to go and greet your girlfriend. "With this person right here. So tell me why I had to be called to come down here to get them myself?" Wanda raised a brow, her head tilted as she watched the receptionist scroll through the digital scheduling. "I have it clearly marked in the system, 'L/N- meeting @ 12:15PM to 2:00PM'. How were you not aware?"
Wanda watched the receptionist sputter for a second, "I didn't know that your meeting was with them in specific, Ms. Maximoff-"
You could feel Wanda getting a bit tight at the situation as you came up to the desk to stand beside her. You rested a placating hand on her waist as you tried to lighten the mood a bit. "I don't know that we got as far as exchanging names, Wanda. I can't really blame her."
Wanda huffed, "I certainly can," she took a quick breath, giving your simple touch a moment to set in. "Commit them to memory then, Hannah. And see to it that this misunderstanding doesn't happen again. Am I understood?"
The poor woman struggled to even maintain eye contact. "Yes, Ms. Maximoff."
Wanda found your hand and loosely interlocked your hands together before you both made your way back to the elevators. On the ride back up, you both leaned on the back wall of the elevator, Wanda squeezing your hand as she continued to give the metal doors the stink eye. "Losing time over someone else's stupidity, I can't even-"
"What, five-ten minutes? We still have at least an hour and a half together before you go back to work and before you come home to me tonight. It's all~right, love." You brought your hands up to leave a quick kiss before rubbing your thumb over the back of her hand.
Wanda let out a slow sigh, and you could visibly see her unwind a bit. "I know I just- I made us lunch and this was what I was looking forward to most today."
"Well I was looking forward to it too, doll. What'd you make by the way?"
"Chicken Caesar wraps. There's extra dressing on yours of course."
"With soppage?"
That draws a giggle out of Wanda that makes you smile at the sound. "Yes, with soppage, I made sure to have extra napkins in my office."
You dramatically tilt your head on the back wall, eyes clenched shut in mock pain."Ugh, a woman after my own heart," turning your head to look over at her, you hold up your free hand with the small black plastic bag for Wanda to see. "I got us the goods too. Sprite and Sour Belts, baby."
All Wanda does is scrunch her nose up at you before the two of you share a kiss in the elevator.
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162 notes · View notes
venus616 · 2 years
these days; {tasm!peter parker}
Pairing: tasm!peter parker x f!reader (but you can interpret this as any peter parker), tom holland x f!reader
Summary: your way, i'm tryna understand these days… i need to know if you're feelin' it or i'm wasting my time, your way or mine (lyrics by wallows these days)
translation: (part two to daddy issues! pls read part one here if u are intrigued :')) college student!reader attempting to understand where she stands with peter now that their relationship developed, but not in the way she had hoped
Warnings: dilf!peter, smut, vaginal fingering/sex, oral sex, blowjob, masturbation, age difference, spanking, daddy kink, dacryphilia if you squint, mean peter kinda? he gets possessive at some parts, alcohol mentions, food mention, language, cheating, unprotected sex, 18+, NSFW
Word Count: 14.3k
read part one | two | read part three | read part four || series playlist • series status: complete
A/N: FORMERLY blkgwenstacy but i changed my username! bad summary once again but this + daddy issues and the next two parts (i plan to write) are gonna be part of the same series! i think this installment can work as a stand alone but this story has more plot imo
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August - 
Your irritating alarm on your phone went off. You shot awake due to your lack of sleep from last night then turned over to the reason why. You rolled on your side to face Peter, his eyes still closed but his lips forming into a smile. “Don’t say it.” He states, still refusing to open his eyes. You giggle at his refusal to be awake on a Saturday morning at 6 am. Since it was still the summer, the sun peeking out from his blinds was not helping his agenda for sleeping in. 
“You need to get up.” You say in a pleading whisper, knowing his son, Ben, would be up in about three hours. See, you and Peter have developed a few habits in the short time you’ve spent together. As you guys have been hooking up, (which is what you resigned yourself to call it as there has been no formalities put in place) whenever you guys decide to be intimate, which is often, you only come to Peter’s apartment after Ben is tucked in and leave before he wakes up. It had its flaws because you could barely get sleep on those nights, but with the way Peter made you feel, it was worth it. It was a time crunch outside of the limited hours spent together because sometimes you wanted to wake up and spend quality time with Peter that you couldn’t do if Ben wasn’t at Aunt May’s.
It wasn’t that Ben didn’t know you, but you and Peter knew better that it was better to not confuse him with the constant presence of his father’s 20 year old neighbor. You knew that the part Peter omitted from this reasoning was because he didn’t see it being long term, but let him tell it, he says Ben’s not ready to see any woman constantly around. 
Either way, you understood, even if Peter didn’t realize you did. Which made these compromises so much more frustrating. Peter officially woke up by rubbing his eyes and rolling on his back before sitting up. He turned over to you laid on your side, hips looking particularly tempting with his bedsheets draped across them, you wearing nothing but your underwear from last night. 
“Breakfast is kinda overrated don’t you think?” Peter whined before reaching over to cup your ass, about to kiss you. 
“I don’t know Pete, I think Ben’s gotten to like my pancakes that you continue to pass off as your own.” You push his head to the side, refusing his kiss as a way to feign being mad at him. 
“I don’t know what you expect me to do. Tell him the pancake fairy made them?” He scoffed at your accusation, hands ghosting your hips once more and this time you don’t swat him because you’re too busy giggling at his stupid joke. 
He took this opportunity to jump back in between the sheets with you bringing your hips against his. Nuzzling his head in between your head and shoulder. 
“5 more minutes? I already know what I want to eat today anyway.” He says before bringing one of his legs in between yours to spread you apart, cupping your forming heat. You bite back a moan. 
“Tempting.” You croak out, eyes meeting him as he looks back up to you. As you go back in to kiss him you’re reminded of the day and narrow your eyes at him, leaving him hanging as he never felt your lips meet his. 
“What?” He sighs, drooping his face down to the bed in disappointment. 
“Did you make the reservation for the place tonight?” You say, not trusting Peter when it comes to these things because you know how unreliable he can be, for whatever reason. You didn’t want to come off as prying or clingy so you never asked, but you could tell he felt remorseful when he was late or had to cancel. 
“Yes I did. And it’s a non-refundable deposit this time so I can’t miss it even if I wanted to,” You scoffed at that, “which I don’t.” He attempts to save himself. “Because I can’t pass up an opportunity to see you in whatever tiny dress you’ll show up in.” He says cupping your face. 
“You mean tear me out of?” You sigh, gesturing to the pieces of fabric on the floor laying on the floor and the clothes of the past, particularly upset at the expensive lingerie that he’s ripped off. 
“We both know you like wearing my clothes more anyway.” You could feel him smirking as he said that leaned into your neck. 
“You give me no choice.” You exclaim, ticklish at the bass of his voice against your skin.
You both make your way to the kitchen as you get back into your ritualistic routine of making breakfast for each other (& for Ben when he wakes up) with soft music playing in the background. You were wearing one of his oversized sleeping shirts and your underwear, mixing the pancake batter for Ben and Peter. Peter was shirtless with gray sweatpants on, working on the eggs for you and him.
It was a mystery the type of effect Peter had on you, the absence of fear and stress you had when you were around him was an addictive feeling so you had grown attached. There was something to be said about how you would hang on his every word, but you weren’t acknowledging it because ignorance was bliss. 
“So what time should I be ready?” You say, licking the mixing spoon as you placed the bowl of remaining mix in his sink. Peter placed your plates on the dining table and you quickly joined after grabbing the fresh toast, spoon in hand. You placed his in between his teeth which caused him to muffle a “fhanks” as he chewed. 
He swallowed a bite to answer. “I have to drop off Ben but the place is nearby May’s so you can meet me at the restaurant? I got us a private booth so you can just ask for my name when you come in.” He stated, shifting full focus on his plate. 
Your face faltered at that, a bit disappointed he wasn’t going to formally pick you up and walk you there, but you understood that he had priorities so you quickly shifted your focus elsewhere. 
“A private booth? Oh Peter you’re making me swoon.” You smile while running your foot up his leg from underneath the table. He looks up at you, forking his eggs as he smiles at you. 
“It’ll be like it’s our little secret.” He says grabbing your hand from across the table. You almost visibly grimace from his words, embarrassed at the statement. It was moments like this where you can’t help what you feel with the sort of arrangement you found yourself tied up in. 
The restaurant was gorgeous. You had never been here before so you relied on the address Peter texted to you, finding yourself in the middle of uptown Manhattan. It had a garden in the back that was almost like its own private central park, perfect for strolling right after dinner. You felt a bit silly getting out of the cab and walking in alone, like you weren’t meeting a man who had been playing your boyfriend for the past few weeks. Of course, you had to remind yourself he wasn’t necessarily your boyfriend in the first place. You were brought out of your thoughts when the greeters called out for your attention. 
Shaking out of your thoughts, you asked for Peter’s name. 
“Reservation for Parker?” You stated, not knowing how things like this worked at places like these but hoping you for it right. As the waiter scanned the list he nodded before asking you to follow him in. 
The waiter walked you to the private booth to find Peter in a two piece suit looking amazing. He was in a button up that was definitely meant for a tux as you saw how tailored it was for him. You were drooling so much you almost forgot yourself until his jaw was on the floor when he saw you.
You were in a little black dress that brought attention to Peter’s favorite parts about you, which was everything truth be told. Your breasts were being held up by two thin straps of the dress with a dip of cleavage that Peter found himself particularly drawn to when he stood up to greet you. 
“You look amazing, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to pick you up but now I’m kinda glad I didn’t or else we wouldn’t have been able to make it on time.” He stated before bringing you into a hug where he squeezed your ass, making you gasp in his ear. His dick twitched at the sound, already plotting on how he was gonna treat you tonight. 
After you two sat down and ordered, the waiter quickly retrieved your menus and found yourself almost kicking your feet from the way he looked at you. 
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.” You say attempting to make him laugh. You succeed as the crinkles by his eyes appear once again. 
“Don’t tempt me baby, you know I’m still a photographer.” He reminded you. Your stomach did flips at his pet name usage, you weren’t sure if you were ever gonna get used to his verbal affection. 
“I thought it was just a hobby now,” You bite back. 
“Now it is, ever since Ben came into my life I decided that it was better to keep it as a hobby instead of a career. But I used to be really good with the camera if I do say so myself.” 
“Oh I know.” You quirk up your eyebrow in response. 
He squints at you. “You do?”
“Your photos on your night stand and the bulletin board of your old work at The Daily Bugle are not very discreet, Peter.” He clenches his jaw at your observations, realizing you’ve probably seen the pictures of the mother of his child.
You notice his sudden tension and reach over for his hand on the table. 
“You were really good,” You reassure him but try to move away from the sensitive topic that was probably on his mind. “I just don’t understand how you always got such good pictures of Spider-Man, were you a fanboy?” You joke. He smiled softly at that, his eyes twinkling when he looked back at you.
You don’t know why you skated around the obvious but you knew you didn’t want to ruin one of these special moments you had with Peter with something as sensitive as that. You knew when he was ready, if he was ever going to be ready, that he would trust you enough to tell you what happened. 
After the meal he suggested you guys take a stroll in the back which you raised your eyebrow to. 
“What if people see us?” You joked, gesturing vaguely to the secrecy of this date that he emphasized. 
“Look at how empty it is.” He steps out to the quietness of the garden, twinkling with lights. He grins before leaning in to kiss you and there it is. The back and forth that you go back to whenever he says something like this. You know he’s not necessarily ashamed of you, but maybe about his involvement with you which you know is just as bad. You get distracted as you find yourself enamored in his kiss before he breaks away. 
He intertwined his fingers with yours before leading you around the park, stopping every now and then to admire the beauty. He fidgeted around a bit behind you but you pretended not to notice, letting the silence hang in the air as you took in the fresh air. 
“Her name was Gwen.” He states when you’re leaning down to look into the koi pond. 
“What?” You say off guard, almost slipping in before you feel his arms wrap around you. He holds your waist as you attempt to stay on your feet.
“The girl you see in my pictures, around my place. Her name was Gwen.” He says, scanning your face for a reaction. 
“Oh.” You sigh. Not knowing how to proceed because you don’t know what questions are the right ones to ask. This is probably the most vulnerable you two have gotten since you started sneaking around with him. 
“She died a year after having Ben. I haven’t really dated around since then.” He said. He let go of you before taking your hands in his again. 
“She was really beautiful.” You comment, rubbing your empty hand along his arm, attempting to comfort him. He looked pensive, as if he was wondering if he should say more. 
“She was.” He forced a smile. “We met in high school and,” He sighed for a bit, probably deciding whether or not he wanted to continue. Your eyes flicker to the ground before looking back up to him when he continues. 
“Well, you know the rest.” He choked as he bit back tears  but you could see them swelling in his eyes. Your heart broke at this, feeling bad that he felt the need to explain but you understood a little more why he treated this relationship so delicately. At least, you understood why he would. 
“Hey,” You call for his attention, forcing him to look at you again. “Peter, it's okay.” You murmured. He sniffled before wiping the tears that escaped. You two sat down next to the pond before you could say anything. 
“I’m really sorry.” You stated, reaching to grab his hand. You then tighten your hold on him. “I’m sorry if you felt obligated to explain yourself to me. I know I can be difficult but,” He cuts you off shaking his head. 
“Don’t do that, this isn’t your fault.” He paused, sighing out, “I’m sorry that you got into a relationship with a guy like me.” He let it slip out before both of you could realize.
“Relationship?” You question, choosing to ignore his not so subtle self deprecation.
“Whatever this is,” He takes it back. Peter knows that saying it aloud only makes it more real. 
“Where do you see this going Peter?” You ask, not allowing him to get away from you that easily. You don’t look at him, afraid of the reaction you’ll receive. You stare ahead of yourself looking at the pathway of stone, leading to the next sector of the garden. 
He sighs. “I don’t know Y/N. You kinda came out of nowhere if I’m being honest.” You whip your head to his direction and see him smiling. You couldn’t place how you felt hearing him say that. 
Peter was special to you, granted in more ways than one. The fact that he couldn’t even answer your question brought you some concerns that you previously pushed to the back of your head. You didn’t want to question the man who has brought you so much peace in this transition of your life, but he is simultaneously disrupting it when he says shit like this, so you do. 
“Was I supposed to send you a heads up?” You scoff. You playfully elbowed his side out of annoyance. 
“I’m sorry, I just want to enjoy this. I want to enjoy you.” He emphasizes, taking your chin in his hand as he stops you from moving any further. 
The rational part of you could see what he meant immediately. He didn’t see this going beyond a fling as he couldn’t even call you his girlfriend. But the side of you that wasn’t thinking straight held onto the fact that he saw you at all. The amount of trust you’ve put in him triumphed over whatever he said when he touched you.
He got you again and you were staring deep into his eyes. You could never stay mad at him for long so you folded immediately when he smiled at you. His arms made their way to the middle of your body and held you by the small of your back. He nuzzled his head in the crook of your shoulders, tickling you with kisses, and giving you a burn with his grown out beard. You giggled due to the ticklishness and sensitivity of your neck.
“I hate you.” You say, breathing out as he stopped to stare at you again when he returned to his previous position.
He smiles. “No you don’t.” He leans in to kiss your cheek, meeting your forehead and nose with his shortly after. 
You exhale, shaking your head. 
“I could never hate you.” You say softly. It was barely above a whisper but you know he heard you.
He always heard you. 
You woke up beside Peter the next morning. Your head was on his chest softly exhaling since he was still asleep. 
Last night's events were more than expected. After you and Peter spoke little to nothing about your current relationship status, you two walked home and he tore off your clothes. 
As usual. 
You detach yourself from his body causing him to stir from the brief loss of contact. He flips onto his stomach and you giggle at his movements. You reach over to the bedside where his camera laid, being used last night as a way to prove just how good of a photographer he was. You were a little embarrassed at how vulnerable you were to him last night but was flattered that you were momentarily his muse. Then, you think about how cute it would be have the tables turn when you decide to pick it up from the night stand. 
You snap a few photos of him, with your knees on either side of the back of his legs. Before you could scroll through the gallery to choose which ones to delete and keep your phone starts vibrating on your bedside. You put down the camera and see it’s your mom calling. 
Quickly, you pull on one of Peter’s nearest t-shirts and go outside his room to pick up. 
“Hey mom,” you say, a bit groggy since you had just woken up. 
“Hey Y/N. I was in the city today and I was calling to ask if you wanted to have lunch later. Maybe 12?”
You check the time and look back at the closed door. 
“It’s kinda cutting it close don’t you think?” You try to shrug off her invite.
“Oh, did you have a crazy Saturday night?” She remarks, laughing at your obvious exhaustion over the phone.
“Something like that.” You state meekly, heat rising to your cheeks over the phone. “I was on a date.” You cringe as you let the words slip out. 
“With him?” She yells over the phone, “Your little boyfriend,” She says in a sing-song voice to mock your previous lovesick conversations about him. 
Not that you ever brought him up on purpose, but she could tell from the way you carry yourself when you guys meet up that you were very much in love. But you never called it that, since Peter didn’t, your mom made a point that you knew it once she pulled the very minor details (ie; everything except his age and the fact that she’s met him before) out of you. 
“Did he finally ask you to be his girlfriend?” She eagerly asks. 
“No.” You answer honestly. There’s silence before she starts. 
“How long has this been going on?” She reminds you. 
“Mom.” You groan.
“I’m serious Y/N” You move your phone away from your face as she barks over the phone to collect yourself before you answer. 
You bring the phone back to your face. “It’s been two months but please don’t make this a big deal. I told you we don’t even want anyone to know.” You hiss over the phone so you don’t completely wake Peter up. 
You can hear your mom sigh before starting an inevitable lecture.
“You both don’t want anyone to know or he doesn’t want anyone to know? Because there’s a difference Y/N.” She answers honestly.
“He hasn’t claimed you as his partner but you’re still with him when you know you want more. And that’s the problem.” You can feel your heart beating faster as she says this, feeling angrier.
“Mom. I’m not coming today if you talk about this.” You say honestly. Your attitude started to show out so she backed off, knowing relationships are a sore subject with you. 
“Fine. But Y/N remember that whoever this boy is,” You silently huff at the usage of “boy”. “if he’s got you feeling like this and a title is what you want, it isn’t worth waiting around for. Trust me.” She says genuinely. You can hear the concern in her voice but you hear Peter calling out for you groggily. 
“I’ll see you at 3 then?” She says, voice coated in hope that you’ll join her.
“Yeah, fine. Bye.” You say dryly. You felt bad at how short you were being with her but you couldn’t stand the comments especially because you heard enough of it from yourself. 
All she did was confirm your stress and it was making you all the more anxious of your future with Peter. 
Or lack thereof.
You hang up as soon as she says her goodbyes.
You see that you have a few more hours with Peter before he’d go to pick up Ben and you meet up with your mom so you go take advantage of all the affection you could. 
You enter back in his bedroom to see him still in bed with the sheets covering only his lower half. 
You return back to your sleeping position after placing your phone on the nightstand and place your head back on his chest as you go back in to lay down with him. 
He feels your presence and smothers you, catching you off guard causing you to giggle. His playfulness calming you down from the phone call that caused you to be flustered. 
“Missed you.” He said, stroking your back.  
“Peter, I was only gone for 5 minutes.” You fire back. You decide to wrap your leg around his and sit back up on his lap, your heat meeting his crotch causing him to groan.
“So?” He quirks up his eyebrow before he leans up to kiss you, but not without grinding his hips into yours.
September -
Your third year of college came in full swing and you found yourself constantly at school in attempts to finish your homework on top of your double shifts in the campus cafe. You saw Peter significantly less as he returned to Ben’s school schedule on top of his work schedule.
You had wished he made more of an effort to compromise outside of sex because you valued his presence, but his priorities changed as he saw you less. 
As a result you’ve resorted to only seeing him on the weekends, late at night. This wasn’t necessarily new, but it caused some distance as you could clearly see the different stages of your life in perspective now. Especially when it was a Saturday night and you were with your friends at a friend’s party, hoping to make your rounds but dropping it all when you saw his text to come over after he put his son to bed. 
You felt bad, but you liked him. You just felt worse lying to your friends as they didn’t even know it was a boy you were leaving them for. It usually went something like last weekend. 
You would be laughing with your friends as they swayed to the music of a poorly lit apartment living room, exchanging details about majors to anyone new you met. You would feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and knew what that meant, since anyone else that would text you on a Saturday night was in the same building as you. 
12:10 am: Come over. 
12:11 am: Ben’s asleep. ;)
You attempted to hide your excitement and excused yourself from the conversation you were currently having. 
12:12 am: i’m at a party tho 
You started a mental checklist of what you were going to say when your friends were gonna inevitably question you for leaving. 
12:13 am: Please come?
You couldn’t help but grin before tapping your response. 
12:13 am: u know i love it when u beg 
You put your phone away and breathe out a content sigh before going up to the friend that invited you all and the host to say your goodbyes. 
“There she goes again.” They slur, toeing the line between tipsy and drunk before giving you the obligatory goodbye. 
“I’m sorry babe, I’ll see you Monday?” You reassure before saying bye to the rest of your friends. 
They all nod with an underlying smirk. You know what they want to say but they know that you’ll immediately deny it, as you have before. You shoot them a knowing glance as you exit their building taking the nearest subway to see Peter. 
One thing you wished was just for some reciprocation though. For example, like today. You had an opportunity to see him as one of your afternoon classes was canceled. 
You knew Peter had flexible hours with the lab he worked at, especially during the school year because of all the new graduate and undergraduate assistants being able to help. With his seniority there, he was able to call out any time which is how he was able to spend time with you when he wanted to, while Ben was with May over the summer. So you texted him, not expecting the response you were going to get due to the prior context. 
The text thread was as followed: 
11:03 am: “pete! i have the next few hours free bc my next class was canceled” 
11:03 am: “wanna come over?”
You tapped your foot impatiently waiting for him to answer while you were still in the back of your current lecture hall, switching from your laptop open with a tab of notes to your message screen in your phone. The prospect of Peter made you impatient as you missed him, since you went from seeing him almost everyday to once-twice a week in less than a month.
11:09 am: “I can’t. Still at the lab.”
Your face visibly dropped at the response, causing your friend to look over at you in confusion before you exited the message tab. You look at them and shake your head claiming it was nothing before you quickly tapped back a message once they nodded in understanding. 
11:09 am: “:( u can’t leave early? & doesn’t Ben get out at 3?”
You attempted to distract yourself by actually focusing on the lecture, knowing that the remaining minutes would only draw out in your head if you focused on Peter more than the content. Of course, your attention shifted back when you had a back to back vibration. 
11:20 am: “No. I’m sorry.”
11:21 am: “Maybe I’ll see you tonight.”
You sighed out reading his polite rejection coupled with his assumption that you’d answer to his every whim.
He was right, unfortunately. 
But you couldn’t tonight even if you wanted to. You had work until 10 pm and had some readings you needed to get done for your class tomorrow. Normally you would’ve told him that but you were so upset with the circumstances that you shut off your phone and sighed before packing up your stuff after the professor dismissed class to go to the library, thinking that you might as well be productive. 
Later on that same day, you were working late in front of the house waiting to close up until you heard someone coming in. You roll your eyes in annoyance and still don’t tear your eyes away from your notebook next to your open book, mentally preparing to ring someone up or make their coffee. 
You had been visibly down the entire day not just due to Peter but what it meant for him to say that when you know you’d drop everything for him. You knew it was silly and somewhat your own fault for letting it get to this point especially if you weren’t going to drop him anytime soon. 
Alas, it’s Tuesday night and you wanted nothing more than to go home but it was about 30 more minutes till you could even think about it. 
“Hi.” You furrow your eyebrows at the British accent and look up from your book to see a cute, boyish face smiling back at you.
You stand up straight and leave your pencil in between the closed book to face the register to ring him up for the bag of chips he has on the counter.
“Hi.” You quirk up your eyebrows before ringing his chips up. You patiently look at him in his eyes waiting for him to tell you his order, but he just stares back at you smiling so you prompt him.
“Anything else?” You attempt to say lightly, knowing if you don’t it can sound a bit mean. 
“Can I get an Americano? That’ll be it.” He says. You nod, a bit shocked he’d be getting espresso this late and this early in the semester but you weren’t one to judge, you were studying on the job. 
“7.50.” You say. As the typical exchange proceeds, you turn back around to make his drink. 
“This is a good book. Do you like it?” He states. You turn back around expecting him to be talking to someone else who just walked in but he was looking at you waiting for your response. 
You stammer before responding, shocked that he was actually speaking to you as there was no one else in the cafe. You remind yourself of the book you’re reading for your English class as there’s a discussion on the assigned chapters tomorrow. 
“Uh, kinda? It’s only for a class but I think it’s interesting.” You say, before turning back around to turn on the espresso machine. 
“Cool, what class is it for?” He asks. 
“English 300, 19th century English Literature.” You pipe back. You’re done making his drink by the time you turn back around. 
“Oh I took that last fall actually. Do you like it?” He says a quick thank you when he takes the drink out of your hands, fingers lingering on yours when he smiles at you. He made you blush at the action. 
You brush it off by pretending to think about your answer, placing your chin in between your index and thumb fingers before ultimately shaking your head. 
“Honestly? No. At least not so far. It’s just a bunch of pretentious English majors.” You joke before you realize through his reaction. His eyes widening before exhaling and chuckling. 
 “Oh my god, I’m sorry,” You laugh while he laughs with you. 
“Not all of you are pretentious,” You start before he cuts you off.
“No,” He shakes his head with a wide smile. “I’m not an English major. But I am a film major so I’m arguably more pretentious.” He stammers out before making both of you laugh, filling the silent cafe with the sound of you. 
You relax into a smile at how easygoing he is. Him being easy on the eyes didn’t hurt either. 
You let your confidence speak for you before you could even think twice. “Yeah well, you’re kinda cute so it hardly matters.” You turn around to wipe down your station before you can see his reaction, cringing at yourself for being so straightforward. 
“If the cute barista thinks I’m cute, can I get her name?” You hear him say. 
You wipe your hands on your apron before turning back around to study his face, a bit of blush remaining on his face. Presumably from your compliment. 
“Y/N.” You answer back, tilting your head to the side and he mocks you by mirroring your reaction causing you to laugh even more. 
He smiles at your reaction before answering. “I’m Tom. I would say it’s nice to meet you but I’m wondering why I haven’t seen you around before.” He inquires. 
You look at him inquisitively, surprised he’s being just as forward. 
“I like to think I’m always floating around campus, maybe you just weren’t looking hard enough.” You bite back, leaning forward on the counter. His lips form into a smile.
A few weeks pass after that encounter. You quickly fell into the habit of seeing him in between classes in his apartment which was closer to campus than yours. It sped up the dating process more than you expected because you two had a routine by the third date.
Throughout the week after your classes you spent time with Tom before your shifts at work. He eased into it by suggesting that he help you complete your readings before going in and he stayed at the cafe doing his own work, waiting for you to close up and come back to his place for the night. You obliged, not minding where this relationship would go, romantically or friendly as Tom made you feel very comfortable. 
By the end of the week, late Friday nights followed into the weekend by hanging out at your apartment to filter out the campus life which Tom enjoyed, so you two stayed holed up together throughout the weekend, for two weekends in a row. During these weekends, you were anxious with him just because you didn’t want to run into Peter and have to tell the entire truth of why you hadn’t been answering him around the clock like you usually would. 
However, there wouldn’t even be anything to explain as you guys weren’t there to have sex, but just because he liked your company. There were about 3 nights in a row where you guys actually finished movies before hooking up. You originally attributed it to him being passionate about films but you also came to the conclusion that he just found your commentary valuable and loved listening to you. Your friends eased your skepticism by saying, if he had wanted to just hook up or stay friends, he wouldn’t have cared all that much. 
Speaking of which, if you let your friends tell it, you two were inseparable, which you knew was somewhat true. Part of you worried if you were going too fast, but you knew that it was out of fear, especially after you spent your entire summer with a man who was emotionally unavailable. 
It caught you off guard because admittedly you didn’t know what you were doing. You were still sleeping with Peter but you progressively became more distant and he knew it. The last straw being when you didn’t come over to his place that Saturday night Tom shared his feelings for you. You found out at that moment that you reciprocated entirely, there was a cloud of doubt in your mind though, wishing it was Peter telling you this instead.
It was when you were walking to your apartment with Tom holding hands, giggling from a joke he had just made, but also just because he made you so happy, he blurted it out. 
“I like you.” He said, making you stop and look up at him in a bit of shock, still not completely sober so trying to formally process his words. 
“Tom,” You start, but you’re cut off. 
“No like, I really like you.” He emphasizes the “really” before chuckling and tightening his lips in a line before continuing. You stare at him in awe of his confession, knowing that it shouldn’t be as big of a deal as it is to you right now but it was. You weren’t used to these types of forward confessions unless it was layered with physical affection like Peter had done.You found your heart fluttering as he continued, finding that verbal reassurance made you feel like you were on Cloud 9. You felt guilty for thinking about Peter during a time like this, but it just made you wish he had taken the time to do this like Tom was.
“I just really like spending time with you.”  He cuts off your thoughts, taking your other hand in his. You nod before he can continue. 
“I was just lucky I walked in on your shift that night rather than my idiot friend‘s.” You threw your head back laughing at that, knowing exactly who he was talking about. 
“You’re insanely smart, funny, and really fucking cute. I’m kinda drunk right now but I think I can go on forever about you if you’d let me.” He laughed, making you giggle in response. 
You cut him off by kissing him roughly on his lips, not wanting to do anything other than kiss him. You quickly heat it up by removing your hands from his grasp and placing them along his shoulders, bringing your hips against his. He reacted quickly by wrapping his hands around your hips, making you gasp before you broke the kiss to clear your throat.
“I like you too.” You simply state, a bit shy now that you’ve admitted it verbally. 
“Yeah?” He teased, bringing his nose to meet yours. You nodded with a smile on your face. 
“Glad we got that sorted out.” He continues, before kissing your cheek.
You shake your head with a small eye roll. “Whatever, let’s go.” You smirk before pulling him up the stairs of your apartment. 
You stumble up your stairs giggling in front of Tom, knowing you’re making a little too much noise at 12 am as you were visibly tipsy but Tom makes sure that you’re safe by holding onto your hips. 
He wraps himself around you as you attempt to unlock your door until you hear a noise from behind you. You turn the key hearing the click with the unlock of your door but turn to meet Peter’s eyes as Tom kisses the crook of your neck. 
Guilt fills your veins as Peter stares back at you in jealousy, jaw clenched.
“Baby,” Tom coo’s, just as tipsy as you were so he missed the sight of you looking at your neighbor with feign innocence. “c’mon open the door.” He says, pressing another kiss on your neck, pressing his erection against your backside. 
Peter looks forward to opening his door to enter his home and slam it. The noise causes you to flinch and Tom to look behind the both of you. 
“Damn,” he chuckles. You focused on the doorknob attempting to push the overthinking aside. 
You open the door and turn back to Tom looking at you with drunk adoration in his eyes, giving you a reason to smile. 
You step backwards with your arms wrapped around his shoulders giggling, forcing yourself to forget about what just happened knowing that was a problem for tomorrow. 
He shut the door behind you grinning, knowing you were all his for the night.
You were dressed in one of Tom’s t-shirts that you had stolen from the previous week as you were walking him out, him dressed in yesterday's clothes. 
Normally you would’ve spent more time with him but seeing as he had a paper due tonight, he’s leaving before any more physical distractions could arise. 
You were standing in your doorway saying your final goodbyes, at least until tomorrow. 
“Text me when you get back?” You say after kissing his cheek.
“Of course love.” He responds before kissing you on the lips. 
“Ok.” You smile, letting your hands linger in his before he leaves, descending down the steps. You can see him exchanging a glance with Peter before Peter turns to face you, going up the steps. 
You remain frozen in your doorway looking at him and before he can stop at his apartment door, which you can tell he thought about it, he turns to you and steps closer. You feel timid in his presence once again, forgetting how small he made you feel. 
“Hi,” you start, not knowing what to say. You know you don’t want to apologize or allow him to make you feel bad about it, because technically you weren’t doing anything wrong. 
“Who is he?” He dived in the topic headfirst and you grimaced. You scoffed walking into your apartment knowing he’d soon follow behind you, always getting up into your boundaries because he knew he could. 
He slammed and locked the door behind him. 
“Who is he?” He demands loudly this time, making sure you can hear him when you walk into your room ignoring him. 
He trailed behind you, scanning to see what’s changed since he had last been here. His stomach dropped at the disheveled sheets. 
“What does it matter to you?” You state, picking up your clothes from last night off the floor.
When you put them in your hamper, he stops you by pulling on your shirt. 
“This his?” He scoffs. 
“You never asked me to be your girlfriend Peter.” You spit back, pushing his hand away from the fabric before he can tear it off you. 
He rolled his eyes before answering a bit softer. You could tell he backed down. 
“You know I can’t do that.” He said. You sat back down on your bed facing his general direction as he stood in front of you. His face softened as well and kneeled before you, face looking up at yours holding your hips. 
Your voice came out cracked, biting back the tears from how stressed he was making you. 
“Then why are we having this conversation?” You cry. The tears started spilling out before you knew it. He stood back up to kiss your forehead. 
“I’m sorry baby,” He said before fully standing straight. You looked up at him from your current position, feeling more vulnerable in front of him than you ever have.
You didn’t want to believe you were crying for his love, at least not explicitly, but he practically forced your hand at the way he was guilt tripping you as if he ever made an effort to claim you. 
He stroked your cheek with your thumb, wiping the tears still spilling as you sniffled. 
“Is he your boyfriend now?” He says, almost mockingly. You swear you could’ve cussed him out right then and there but you stayed silent letting him speak with snark, the lump in your throat not disappearing. 
You shake your head, causing Peter to shake his head right after. 
“Tell me.” He states, still gently stroking your cheeks. You bring a hand to cling onto his arm before speaking, voice still cracked.
“He hasn’t officially asked me.” You quiver, pushing yourself back on your bed until your legs are fully off the floor. You weren’t stupid. You knew where this was going, you knew what he wanted and you were gonna give it to him. 
Because it was what you wanted too. 
Peter crawled on the bed above you, hovering your figure. He takes your face in both his hands and kisses you gently. 
You realized as you kissed back desperately that he hasn’t been this soft with you in a while, the desire and hunger always coming first in the last two months. 
You kiss back, not understanding why but you did. Just as you did he trails down to your neck, crawling onto the bed with you. You were in bliss for what you knew was coming, or what you thought was coming. 
You were brought out of your expectations when Peter spoke. 
“Are you mine?” He asks. There was a sense of dominance in his voice you haven’t heard since the first time you guys had sex. 
This one was laced in jealousy though.
It was obvious something shifted in him as you showed him he wasn’t the only man in your life anymore and that he had to work for your affection if he truly wanted you. Though, he wasn’t willing to do more than he had to so he relied on your history and your clear love for him. 
Fortunately for him (unfortunately for you), it worked. 
You nod as he latches his fingers on the seams of your underwear. 
“I need to hear you say it.” He growls in your ear before pushing your back on the bed, making you gasp out. 
“Tell me you’re mine.” He says abandoning your skin to rub you through your underwear.
“I’m yours.” You whimper, your eyes meeting his as he massages harder on your forming wet spot.
You want to knock yourself out for how quickly you submitted to him. He knew the power he had over you and wasn’t afraid to remind you. 
But it felt too good to think about right now.
Before you could say anything else you heard him quickly unbuckling his pants. His bottom half was naked before he pushed your underwear to the side, clearly wanting to get to the point. 
Your body jolted as you felt his familiar cock fill you up again. Moaning out for him. You were pressed up against his chest on your side as he entered you laying down beside you. 
“Fucked another boy last night and you’re still so tight for me.” He teased as he whispered in your ear. 
You moan not knowing what to say, just knowing it felt so good for him to care enough about you to be this jealous.
“Tell me how much you love it.” He gasps, only letting the sound of your skin slapping fill the air. He grabbed on to the back of your thighs to hold them open for your entrance in a rough way that you knew was gonna leave bruises on you. 
“You feel so fucking good inside of me Peter,” You cried out, knowing it was gonna drive him crazy. You turn your head to meet his eyes again, literally black from how blown out with lust they were looking at you falling apart in his hands. 
“I love the way you fuck me daddy.” You groan out, fucking yourself back onto him, taking control of the pacing of your hips. He hissed out at your sudden change of pace before he grabs on to them to slow you down causing you to clench around him even more from his control. 
“Yeah?” He says before you kiss him desperately, not even aiming for accuracy as you only moaned in his mouth while nodding to answer his self indulged questions.
“Can he make you feel like this?” He says before slipping out of you completely, you whining at the loss of contact. 
He flips you on your stomach, and you arch your back, leaving your ass in the air for him. 
He rubbed your dick along your slit before fully entering, causing you to moan obscenities before begging him to thrust into you already. 
You shake your head as if to say “No” knowing it wasn’t true, because Tom was amazing in bed. But anything to keep Peter to make you feel like this again. You knew what he wanted to hear, even if it was just a power trip for him.
He drilled into you from this position and rolled his hips against your ass repeatedly. You knew you were gonna orgasm from this alone, he also knew from the way you were clenching around him each time.
“Fuck, are you gonna cum baby?” He asked. 
He already knew the answer. 
He made you sit up straight along his chest again as he continued to thrust into you. He massaged your breasts before going to your clit and thrusted into you even harder. 
“I’m gonna cum.” You groan out. As soon as you clenched one final time around him he mewled in your ear, cumming inside you at the same time. Your body vibrated on top of his before you two fully collapsed on your bed. 
You laid still, attempting not to think too deeply about what you just did and the morally gray area about it, but shortly after Peter snuggled up into you, kissing your cheek. 
October - 
Before you knew it, it was fall break. You loved Halloween so you had to emphasize the importance of preparing for your Halloween this week of no school by the multiple Spirit Halloween trips and making Tom help you decorate your apartment. 
You were currently on a stool putting your fairy lights up in your room for the seasonal flair for the next few months while Tom laid down in your bed, reading a book. 
You quickly wrapped up your process by taping up the remaining cords and plugging them in, to prepare for the long night ahead of you as it was already 7 pm. 
You stumbled down from your stool and looked around proud of yourself. You pick up your phone to check the time but see the text on your screen from peter. 
14 min ago: Come over?
14 min ago: Ben’s napping
You sigh under your breath so Tom wouldn’t ask what’s wrong before typing back. 
now: busy, sorry
now: studying :(
Peter sat on his bed waiting for your usually hasty arrival with a knock on his door but looked at your text in defeat. 
He knew you weren’t studying, especially with the cologne of who you had been fucking rubbing off on you for the past few weeks. 
He also knew that there was no way you were studying on fall break. Peter scoffed as he recalled you celebrating that all your midterms would be due right before, so you would have time to relax on your break guilt free. He mentally cursed at you for not even caring enough to come up with a better lie for him. 
Peter supposed it made sense that you were seeing someone else but he couldn’t find it in him to not feel jealous whenever he was faced with the reality.
In Peter’s head, and only in his head because he refused to ever tell you otherwise outside of nicknames, you were his girl. He loved the effect he had on you and how eager you were to be around him. He became addicted to the feeling and became possessive in a way that should only be reserved for commitment. 
He knew that, which is why he couldn’t find it in himself to confront you about it. At the moment, his stomach was turning at the thought of another man, really a boy to him, touching you. 
You placed your phone face down on the bed side before plopping back down beside Tom as he chuckled at your exasperation.
“You done?” He asks before putting his book back down, taking your hand in his.
“Yeah, no thanks to you.” You say, mockingly before he lets out an offended gasp. He rises on one elbow to face you as you stay laid down on your side. 
“Hey, I helped you carry all your stuff all week and narrowed down the costumes for us.” He claimed before flipping you over on your back, pinning your arms above your head. 
You scoff at this, knowing if you really wanted to you could play-fight with him because of the average strength he has, not like Peter where he’s basically Super-Man for whatever reason. (You couldn’t tell if you missed it during times like these.)
“Oh, as if you even helped pick them. You just insulted half my choices.” You roll your eyes before using this opportunity to wrap your legs around his waist and bring him closer. He stammers at this, scoffing at you before grinding his hips down on yours.
“I think you just brought up half of those options to annoy me. Like Cosmo and Wanda.” Tom points out, causing you to laugh at his observation. 
You sigh before your confession. “Yeah, I did.” You nod before he goes in to kiss you. He began to dry hump you before you both realized you could do without the extra layers of clothes between you. 
Meanwhile, Peter’s pants tightened at the thought of another man was going to be able to see how you writhed under their touch once they found that sweet spot on their neck. He reminisced on the memory of you moaning his name in utter bliss on repeat. He found himself reaching for his buckle and suddenly his hand was in his boxers, palming himself before raising his cock outside of the clothing. 
He doesn’t remember the last time he had you in his room so he reached over for the pictures of you he had taken that day in August, all saved in the drawer of his night stand.
Peter slipped through his favorites, finding the one of you smiling at the camera with his cum on your breasts. He remembered snapping this right after he finished, wanting to capture this moment forever. His cum still dropping a little bit off your chin with his free hand cupping your breast. He never told you this, but Peter adored your smile. You were always so expressive through your eyes and loved how you smiled at him.
After he shaked off the mere idea of another man recreating this position you, he started stroking his dick to this photo, face slack with awe of how radiant you looked in the most pornographic context. He let out breathy moans until he scoured for another and threw his head back at what he found next. 
A photo of you on top of him, attempting to bite back your moans because you were afraid of looking stupid on camera. He remembered assuring you that the camera loved you before rocking his hips up into yours. 
Peter’s thumb flicked over his tip as his pre-cum began to spurt out, reminiscing how your pussy would feel around him. He loved the breathy moans you had in this position because of how concentrated you were on rocking on him. But like most things, he liked taking control in this position even more so that you could just let yourself go and fuck yourself on him. 
Looking at the wetness on his tip, he thought about if you were here how you would blow him. He missed the feeling of your lips around his head, swirling your tongue to tease him and lap up the precum before deepthroating him. 
He began to lose himself in the memory of you and fucked his fist, moaning out your name. Behind his eyelids all he could see was those few moments he rocked his hips into your face with you gagging around his penis trying not to choke. He wasn’t adamant about face fucking you at first, but after seeing how well you took him the first few times, it just kinda happened one day. 
He was crying out to the memory of how it felt to hold your cheeks, looking up at him for approval while he came undone right in front of you, tears streaming out and unsteady breathing from the pace he was going at, but the memory of seeing your tear stained, cum stained face with runny makeup once he was finished caused him to unravel.
He sighed, coming out of his high looking at his cum drying up on his hand, lower stomach and thigh, disappointed at himself realizing that one, you weren’t here and two, that you were probably doing it with who ever the fuck your boyfriend was.
Tom. What kind of name is Tom anyway? Peter scoffed at the thought as he wiped himself off. He knew he was being petty but he didn’t want to rationalize it because he was still extremely jealous, and knew he had to put in a little more effort if he wanted attention from you, or even taking you back all for himself again.
He considered it, but decided to leave you alone, at least when it came to explicitly asking. Peter wasn’t sure if he could ever leave you alone, not when you’re right across the hall from him. 
He still remembers how shy you were when you first met him, and he adored you from then on, loving how you increasingly opened up to him before eventually returning his advances. And even though he would never admit this either, he also loved the side of you that became confident now that you were sure he was here to stay. He thought it was ironic that you’d be so quick to move on but it wasn’t surprising. 
Peter knew you were a gorgeous girl, the way you talked about college with a face like yours, was just unrealistic to him, it was unsettling but unsurprising when he saw who you brought home that night. Part of him wishes he wasn’t so afraid to claim you as his, but part of him, the more rational part, knew it was for the better. 
Peter didn’t like beating himself up over you, it felt very juvenile, but he couldn’t help it. He missed you and had to throw himself in other distractions in the meanwhile. 
The operative word being meanwhile because he was hoping Tom wouldn’t be around for long. 
He sighed before changing out of his clothes to shower and looked at his Spider suit in the closet as he rummaged around for a fresh change of clothes. 
Peter usually takes advantage of when Ben is at school to remain vigilant in keeping New York a little bit safe. But more often his reasoning has shifted. It’s less of a convenience thing and more of a distraction, now that you’ve been creating distance between you two. When he’s patrolling and actually catches bad guys, he doesn’t think about you or how fucked up the entire situation is, or even how he mistreated you. 
Peter was currently just exiting one of the quieter neighborhoods, walking Ben back to their home after a long night of trick-or-treating from the neighborhood's uptown and even in the one he had grown up in by visiting Aunt May briefly. He had been exhausted (still, flattered) by the long-winded compliments of his spider suit, because it was the one time of year he could get away with wearing it alongside a bunch of Spidey fanboys. They had just passed the subway stop closest to their complex until he heard a familiar voice calling to him. 
“Baby, are you sure you can even walk right now?” Your boyfriend inquired about your stumbling footsteps on the subway. You had just got back from your friend’s party that got cut short due to getting broken up by campus safety.
As you stepped out of the cart you slung your arm around his shoulder as he held your waist, being cinched together by the smooth fabric of your Playboy Bunny costume.
It had been a little more riskier than what you were used to for Halloween so you had pre-gamed before leaving for some liquid courage to walk the streets of NYC and around your peers in the tiny black leotard with your cleavage plunging out of it and black pantyhose to match. 
Tom thought the white bow tie choker, matching wrist cuffs and black ears on your head were an adorable touch and couldn’t wait to fuck you with only those remaining. 
To compliment your look, Tom was dressed up as Hugh Heffner to accompany your vixen look, red robe, sailor hat, pipe and all. You were admittedly turned on at how tacky he looked because he pulled it off oh-so well. You looked up from focusing on getting back up on your feet to meet his eyes and his cocky grin. You were a bit drunk and the black stilettos you were wearing were not helping, but nothing you couldn’t handle before the night was over. 
“Yes baby I’m fine.” You drag out causing Tom to raise his eyebrows as he was even more unconvinced. He helped you keep your steps somewhat straight and continued to hold on tight to your waist. His eyes kept flickering up and down at your body causing you to giggle. 
“What?” You say, knowing he hasn’t been able to keep his hands off you all night. Once he had seen you to pick you up from your apartment, he didn’t even want to leave. 
“You know what,” He rolled his eyes, taking a fake hit from his pipe before licking his lips looking at you again. You giggled at how silly he was being before he spoke again. 
“I’ve been wanting to take you out of this since I saw you in it.” He said before attacking the side of your neck and nibbling on your ear. You lightly shrieked as you guys finally made your way up the steps from the subway stop.
“Tom, stop there’s people around,”  You try moving away, slightly out of breath but you only give him more access as he pulls you closer and smothers your neck. 
He gropes your ass playing with the tail on your suit before resting his hands on the small of your back before anyone could flash you two a look. He was peppering your neck and jawline in kisses causing you to gasp before you could remind him, more firmly now. 
“We’re literally one block from my apartment,” You meet his eyes before you dodge his kiss to tease him. His lips landed on your cheeks instead of your lips causing him to bite you and you giggling once again from surprise. 
You two continue to walk in the direction of your complex and you notice a very familiar figure next to a short brown haired boy carrying a jack-o-lantern full of candy. You recognized the voice as he joked around his son and your suspicions were confirmed when he called his name.
Before you could think, you yelled out and quickened your pace with Tom now straggling behind.
“Peter,” You shouted but not too loud as it was getting late. You almost sounded relieved to see him, it had been a while since you guys had last hooked up. You tried not to think too long about it as you were in an established relationship with Tom now, but you were only human. 
Peter whipped his head around as he heard your voice and his eyes widened at the sight of you before you hugged him, smelling the alcohol off your lips. 
“Hi,” you exclaimed before getting off of him and looking to his son just as happily, “Hi Ben, how are you guys?” You had the widest smile on your face right now as Tom caught up, looking a bit embarrassed. 
“Hey, sorry man she’s a little,” Before Tom can finish and before Peter can roll his eyes at the gaudy display of a costume he has on, you interrupt. 
“Oh yeah,” You pause before scanning Peter’s face “I’m sorry guys I just wanted to say hi, what were your costumes this year?” You rambled on before you could stop.
Peter chuckled knowing you do this when you’re nervous, especially around him, but he got distracted while his eyes scanned your cleavage, your waist, then your legs that had seemed to be even more elongated in your tight pantyhose. 
He felt his pants tighten a bit seeing a glimpse of your white fluffy tail and the dip of your breasts when you bent down to listen to his son speak. 
Realizing that Ben was speaking, he quickly got out of his thoughts to listen. 
“I’m Mario.” Ben said.
“Mario? Well where is Luigi?” You exclaimed, making him smile.
“My friend earlier was Luigi but he had to go, his bedtime was way earlier than mine.” Ben answered, making both you and Tom giggle. Peter interjected. 
“Yeah cause Luigi’s dad isn’t as cool as I am.” He states, ruffling his hair causing Ben to smile up at him. You watched their exchange and felt butterflies in your stomach as you met Peter’s eyes again. His eyes started to droop with the same lust from the first time you two met as he scanned your body before meeting your face again. 
And it’s as if God hates Peter or Tom had mind reading powers because he started to hug you from behind again before resting his head in the crook of your neck. You smiled at the touch and Peter swore he wanted to vomit. Not because it looked overtly sexual, but because of how purely affectionate it was. 
He was not only jealous of Tom at this moment because of how obscenely sexy you were in this costume, but because he could get away with doing this corny matching couples stuff with you, even if he did look like the world’s biggest douchebag to Peter right now. 
Not only that, but the PDA in broad daylight like some horny young adults because you were. Peter would never tell you explicitly but he knew you guys couldn’t be together because of how dramatic the difference of where you were in your life right now. 
Peter already experienced the things you have, and while he loves listening to you he just can’t realistically tie himself to you in the way that you want.
He knows you know that though. 
You shake Tom off quickly due to the fact that you were beginning to feel his erection behind you. 
“And you, Peter? Oh my gosh are you Spider-Man?” You exclaim, looking at the suit behind his sweater and sweatpants. 
Peter had to be shaken out of his thoughts as he had a brief moment of fear until he remembered he dressed up like this today on purpose. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah just because of all the pictures I used to take.” Peter said scratching the back of his neck, hoping it was a convincing enough lie. 
“You used to take pictures of Spidey? Oh that’s sick man,” Tom says with a genuine smile, but Peter wanted nothing more than to web it shut.
“And it’s a really convincing costume, this is so cool Mr….” Tom trails off as you bit your lip watching for Peter’s response. 
“Parker.” He states before shaking his hand. “And you are?” He furrowed his eyebrows at Tom as you rolled your eyes at him, silently begging Peter to be polite. 
“Tom,” He smiled, causing Peter to return a tight-lipped one in response. 
“This is my son Ben,” Ben smiled and gave a polite wave back. 
The rest of the way back is filled with polite small talk, mainly between you and Ben talking about how much you love Halloween, Mario Kart, dressing up and how much you both could do without school. 
Peter had forgotten about the bond you and Ben built from the countless times he asked you to watch him when his Spider-Man business interfered with his personal time this summer. He was attracted at how easily you could carry a conversation with his son but it seems as though Tom felt the same way. 
He wanted to gag in jealousy at how Tom probably saw a future with you. Peter tried to stay focused on the conversation, but he repeatedly got distracted at how he watched you speak. His eyes lit up as he held onto you and made sure to focus on every single step, it almost started to feel like a competition as Peter was doing the same. 
Peter gets fed up watching this subtle display of how much he loves you again because of how it’s killing him. Even though he would never tell you how he can’t give that to you. 
As much as Peter wanted to hate the kid, he, and any other fool with eyes, could see how much Tom cares about you.
To Peter’s simultaneous dismay and relief you all reach the floor of your apartment and say your goodbyes.
“Goodnight guys,” You said, mainly sobered up from the riveting conversation you had with Ben and the consistent attention from Tom and Peter pulling you in opposite directions. 
You pretended not to notice in the shy way you usually did when you brushed off their affections, but Peter knew you knew. 
Peter wasn’t sure if Tom caught on but doubted it, as it was probably far-fetched to assume his girlfriend had history with her neighbor almost twice her age. 
“Goodnight,” Ben and Peter call back, Ben giving you a genuine smile while Peter only gives a half smile, you suspect it’s from jealousy as Tom lingers beside you to wait for you to unlock the door.
It is completely out of jealousy, mixed with guilt, resentment and fear. 
Peter opened the door for Ben to go in and looked behind him to see that you and Tom had already slipped in, hearing your giggles from behind the wall already.
He cursed his superhuman hearing ability for nights like this where hearing another man make you moan was the last thing he wanted to hear. 
Tom was seated on your couch and you were seated on Tom. You were grinding up against his hips. 
“Fuck,” He groaned out as you continued while leaving love bites on his neck, returning the aggression he had expressed earlier today. He threw his head back before facing back up to meet your eyes widening them.  
“You like that?“ You responded by nibbling on his ear. 
“No, wait yes, hold on babe,” He said before pulling his phone out of his robe pocket. Tom paused your movements reading the text and groaned out. 
“What?” You ask, expecting disappointment. 
“I have to go,” He said, clearly not happy about it either.
“Why?” You whine, grinding harder on him before he smacks your ass to stop, causing you to gasp out in pleasure. 
“My group for one of my classes have this huge project due tomorrow and we still haven’t edited like 2 hours worth of footage.” He exasperated, running his hands up and down your arms.
“It can’t wait?” You sigh out, not expecting to get blue balled by your boyfriend while you’re dressed like a sex symbol. 
“We haven’t even put together all the footage so no, it can’t wait. Plus everything is on my laptop so I have to go now, and wake up early if I want everything to go smoothly.” Tom explained, causing you to cry out in defeat.
“Tom, you’re just leaving me like this?” You sigh out as he wiggles your body off of him while he calls his uber. 
“I don’t want to babe. I’m sorry I’ll make it up to you, tomorrow?” He says before leaning back in your space to kiss your cheek.
You remain pouted as he kisses the back of your hand that he was holding.
“I swear, we’ll be done with all of it by the time it’s due, then I can come over after and we’ll have all night together.” He reminds you. 
You sighed out, rolling your eyes but nod in agreement, knowing one night without him wouldn’t hurt. 
“Okay.” You say.
“Okay.” He smiles back, kissing your cheek. 
You walked Tom down to the curbside of your building to get picked up and tried to hide your disappointment because you knew he had a valid reason to leave. It just sucked so bad for you that it was after a night you had been looking forward to. 
You say your goodbye to Tom as he gets in his uber and walk back up to your complex, finding it funny how you were in your worn out bunny slippers with your costume of tonight. 
When you walked up the steps and past Peter’s apartment to yours, you were reminded of all the memories of your routine that you abided by because it was an excuse to see him regularly, regardless of what he considered you. You sighed before going back to your apartment to get your phone, staring at the contact card on the screen. You thought back to all the time you’ve spent with Tom in the last two months, fondly, but remembered all the times you had wished it was Peter instead. You missed him more than you realized and tonight brought all those emotions back. 
After Peter put Ben to bed, he sighed thinking about your costume again. He laid down on his bed wondering if he should text you but knew it was pointless as Tom was gonna spend the night. 
Or so he thought.
He was just about to shower before he heard his phone ding and turned over to see it was you.
now: i saw u
now: the way u were looking at me earlier 
now: tom left
now: can i come over
Peter ran his hands through his hair not believing what was happening right now. Morally, he knew this was fucked up, but when it came to you so far? He hadn’t been following the rules. 
Before he could think rationally and the more he thought about your costume being still intact and untouched (for the most part) from your boyfriend, he texted back.
now: Christ y/n
now: Yes. 
now: Come over. 
Not even a minute passed before he heard that familiar knock, not too loud so that you wouldn’t cause Ben to stir awake. 
Peter opened the door and tried to hide his relief and excitement of how you had finally been the one to reach out to him. 
The door in front of you opened to reveal Peter, still wearing his costume while you were in yours.
“He couldn’t handle you could he?” He smirked, walking backwards to lead you into his apartment before shutting the door behind you. 
“Shut up Peter,” you rolled your eyes before wrapping your arms around his shoulder to kiss him. Your back was against the door, leaning your hips towards Peter feeling his forming erection through the spandex material. Peter knew where this was going so he returned the gesture by groping your ass and wrapping his hands around the back of your thighs.
“Are you sure you want to do this? Isn’t he your boyfriend now?” He stopped before continuing any further. You scanned his face for any hint of condescension or humor but found none, this stone face staring back at you. 
You nodded, slowly to make him understand that this was your decision and not an act of drunkenness, as you’ve mostly sobered up by now. It made you feel guilty but you couldn’t express just how much you needed him right now, at least not verbally and not to him. 
“Peter, I want you, right here and right now.” You say, making sure your voice remained steady in the confidence of your words as you stared into his eyes. You played with the hair at the nape of his neck affectionately as you watched him scan you for any hint of reluctance. 
After finding none, he kissed you back, gently, cupping your face before you kissed him back hungrily and deepening his action. 
He broke the kiss to say one word. “Jump,” He commanded. You listened, jumping into his hands so that he could lead you to the bedroom. He cupped your ass to carry you, but that didn’t stop him from kneading the flesh which made you squirm under his touch already. 
He laid you on your back, missing the way you looked underneath him. 
“I liked the tail.” He said as you looked up at him expectedly. His comment caused you to giggle before turning over on your stomach to tease him by wiggling your hips above the mattress. 
“Prove it Spidey.” You sigh out, knowing you were driving him insane by not only doing this. His pants tightened at the fact that you were going to fuck him in his actual suit, not even knowing about his alter ego. All Peter wanted to do after a month of not even seeing you was get his hands on you and inside you. 
“Baby girl I’m gonna do a lot more than prove it,” He growled low in your ear as he lined up his hips to yours. He landed a loud smack on your ass causing you to moan out, still accustomed to his force.
“You know,” You turn back your face to meet his, “I’ve always thought Spider-Man was kinda cute.” You start, attempting to tease him as you watch his stare harden. 
“And now I get him all to myself tonight.” You bite your bottom lip at the way Peter almost moaned out at your comment accompanied by the way you grinded on his cock.
You gasp at the sudden draft of your core, realizing that Peter had ripped your pantyhose and moved the crotch of your suit and thong to the side for access.
“Peter,” you hiss out at his sudden aggression. 
“Bunny,” He moaned out, rubbing his fingers at your slick, causing you to shake at his expert movements. 
“Turn around, I wanna see you squirm when I eat you out.” He commanded to which you obliged. 
You widen the entrance of your legs and sit up on your elbows, watching him place your legs over his shoulders. He chuckled, removing the slippers off your feet and looked at you once again. 
“I wish you kept on the heels.” He stated, throwing you a mock pout.
“And I wish you didn’t rip my tights.” You pouted back, causing him to chuckle lowly. 
“They were in the way.” He smirked at you, causing your stomach to backflip. 
You feel the fabric of his suit underneath him, sitting right beneath the back of your knees as your legs hang off his back. You clench your thighs around his head and his groans out, being intoxicated with the heat in between your legs. 
He watched you intently as you had your mouth parted slightly, watching his every move like it was still new to you.
He took briefly your nub in between his teeth, making you choke at the sensation, before rolling it on his tongue. Then, Peter flattened his tongue against your pussy, making you arch your back at the cool swipe he had just licked off of you. 
“Peter, please stop teasing me,” You whine out. He looked back up at you smirking, before pressing his lips to yours and getting back to work on making you orgasm. He settled his hand right on your pelvic area while we went to work on pussy, thrusting in two fingers at a time while sucking on your clitoris. 
You moaned out, struggling to contain it as he picked up his pace before you heard and felt him detach from you.
“Since you asked so nicely,” He said when he locked eyes with you. He watched you writhe under his touch as he added a third finger. You bucked up your hips moaning out his name in ecstasy, missing the way they filled you up. He curled them inside of you and trusted harder, hitting your g-spot repeatedly. 
You clenched around him, feeling the tension forming in your lower stomach unable to hold your orgasm any longer. 
“Peter,” you stutter out, struggling to get him to slow down. “Please, I’m gonna cum,” You cry, twisting the sheets underneath your hand before reaching out for his hair, running your fingers through his hair. 
He moaned at the way you pulled his head forward. Shaking his head in between your thighs, Peter held them tighter around his head and shook his head side to side continuing to lap you up like you were his last meal. The bass in his voice caused vibrations to go wave through your whole body, making you grind against his mouth rougher. 
You felt that tension in your stomach disappear, clenching around his fingers panting out before you could catch your breath. Peter slowed down his movements, eating the remaining cum you had just released before getting off his knees to face you again. 
He quickly removed his suit, eager to have you in his presence again. You watched him still coming down from your high and sat up to unzip yourself. He watched you confused, and asked, “What are you doing?”
“Taking off my costume.” You answered, raising your eyebrows at him. 
“No you’re not.” He shook his head, chuckling at your confidence in your answer. He stood up, naked making your mouth go dry at his body. 
He sauntered back to the bed, caressing your body in the costume, smirking when he ran his hands down your ass and thigh when he felt the tail once again. 
“You look so cute in this bunny, I don’t wanna see this go to waste.” He hovered above you with his hands on either side of your face planted in the bed. 
He raised his hand to your lips, asking for entrance. You opened your mouth as he put his index and middle finger on your tongue, wrapping your tongue around him and holding his palm to place them deeper in your mouth, You swirl your tongue around him meeting his eyes as he looks at you mesmerized. 
Peter parted his lips in amazement watching you deepthroat his fingers, coated in you. 
“You’re fucking incredible baby,” He sighed out before you released his fingers with a pop. 
You bring him in for a kiss as he holds onto the back of your knee bringing it closer to your stomach. When he moved to your neck, he repeated the action on your other leg. 
“Do you still want this?” He asks again for reassurance. This time you’re not sure if he’s asking just you.
“Do you want this?” You ask him, placing emphasis on you. You make him face you as he brings your knees to his shoulders to line up his cock at his entrance. 
“Of course.” Peter answered back genuinely. He said it in that soft voice he reserved for you when you two spend quality time together, the one that made you melt when you remembered you couldn’t have him the way you wanted to. 
“I missed you.” You answered back just as low, meeting his forehead and nose with yours. 
“I missed you too.” He said, shortly before thrusting into you. You clenched around him at the new sensation, feeling yourself stretch out.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He grunted as he leaned down to engulf you into a kiss. You can hear the wetness of yourself as he continues to thrust back in, fighting back whimpers due to how you weren’t used to his size. 
“So tight for me baby, you’re all for me.” He sobbed out as your body rocked back and forth from his force. The sounds of the back of your thighs hitting his hips filled the room as you whined out his name, strewn together with other obscenities of begging him to fuck you like he meant it. 
He obliged, causing your breasts to fall out of your top. He watched as your tits rocked back and forth with you below his body, face contorting with pleasure as if this was the first time again. 
Peter looked at the place where your bodies met, looking at how you clenched around him like you never wanted to let him go and the moisture from his pre cum and your previous orgasm collecting around his cock. He moaned at the sight, vision getting hazy from how you look under him, how you sounded and how you felt. 
“Love the way you cream around my cock, God I missed you so fucking much.” He stammered, voice sounding guttural and desperate for you. He thrusted at a faster pace, removing his hands from your legs and going back to the previous position of his hands planted beside your face. 
It caused your body to fold underneath him as your legs were still wrapped around his shoulders, giving him easy access to hit your G-spot on repeat. 
You could barely speak, overstimulated by his constant praises and the way he moved your body however he wanted to. All you could get out coherently was his name, on repeat. You sounded drunk off his cock, and he loved it.
“Peter,” You mewled out. 
“The way you say my name is unforgettable, baby” He started, slamming into you at a rate you knew would leave you sore. Your body tensed up at the way he held you down, loving the way he knew how to work you the way he wanted to.
“Tell me what you want, tell me what you want and it’s yours.” He continued, knowing you were close by the way you pulsated around him. 
“Cum inside me please. I’m so close.” You choke out. He nods, throwing his head forward in relief as he slows down his thrusts, before you feel him twitch after you clenched once more. 
Your heavy breathing filled the air as he collapsed, laying his sweaty body next to yours. His hair stuck on his forehead from the sweat. He raised himself on his elbow and brought his fingers back to your center. You felt his cum trickle down your thigh before he swiped his fingers and brought them to your lips again. 
“Open,” He commanded. You listened, repeating your earlier action to deepthroat his fingers as he hummed back in content. 
You sit back up to unzip your costume again, believing Peter was satisfied but being mistaken. He stopped your fingers by wrapping his hands around yours. 
“I haven’t even wrecked this costume yet, what makes you think we’re done?” He chuckled, causing the crinkles by his eyes to return.
You roll your eyes in response. “Are you ever satisfied, Parker?” You exasperate, admitting defeat by allowing his hands to engulf yours. 
He shrugged, “I will be after I see you hop.”
A/N: LMFAOOO please let me know if yall think a part 3 and 4 are even worth it after reading this bc im very self conscious of it! 😭 also you can interpret tom as an OC or tom holland i just figured it would be impossible to imagine his peter as a DILF so it was easy to just insert him as the bf... anyway i hope yall like it i've literally been working on this since i posted daddy issues jshdnsjnd
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