#This one is a chapter that started giggly and got Sad
banannabethchase · 2 years
Life is a little easier, somehow, with Jon around. It's weirder, it's pinker, but it's better. Until other people are involved.
For reference, Mox's hair is neon pink circa his CZW days. The ponytail and the pink screamed High School AU Mox.
This is his first time getting enough sleep his first few weeks of school, probably since sixth grade. Without soccer practice and Baller Club nonsense in the afternoons, he’s able to relax with Jon and get homework done without having to constantly perform or get distracted by Kenny. Nobody is dragging him away from his bed to do unexpected drills in the middle of the night or throwing parties where he’s the only one wishing there was alcohol. Where he pours a bottle of beer or two into a water bottle and drinks it before the night starts, just to survive it.
It's just him, and Jon, and sometimes Eddie, getting homework done in the library or at somebody’s kitchen table. Eddie’s parents are never around, Jon’s flit in and out between jobs, but Adam’s mom has told him she likes “those two boys” and Adam feels. Well, he feels safe.
“Just read it out loud to me,” Adam whines. He’s upside down on the couch, feet up on the wall like his mom hates. “The words get fuzzy after too long.”
“You’re the worst,” Jon says from the floor. He’s sitting at the coffee table, cross legged on the floor. “Your mother has asked you a million times not to do that, and I’ve only been over here four times.”
“Please?” Adam asks. He does his best to turn on the puppy eye pout, but it’s difficult from this angle.
Jon groans. “God, you’re lucky you’re pretty.” He reads aloud from the text, and they work together to answer the questions. The first in class essay is next week, and Adam is determined to get it all right. Adam shifts, rolling back to the floor in a graceless flop, so he can grab his journal and get going. Jon watches him with mild interest as he scribbles across the page. “You got dyslexia, right?”
Adam pauses. “No. What? No.”
Jon scoots closer to him, peering over Adam’s shoulder in a way that is a little too close for Adam to be breathing steady about it. “Your handwriting’s, like, inconsistent in a consistent way. And you slant in a weird way, like that.” He points to the word ‘economical’ which, okay, Adam only knows is economical because he’s the one who wrote it. But bad handwritings normal, right?
“It’s just like Eddie does it,” Jon muses. “Here, wait.” He holds up his hands like two thumbs up. “Which one is a b and which is a d?”
“Both of those are hands and I’ve got the d right here,” Adam says, not quite getting the joke but knowing when to ‘yes and’ when  the moment calls for it.
Jon shakes his head. “Keep it in your pants, Cowboy, stay focused.” He thinks for a moment, leaving Adam intrigued. “Okay, let me try something.” He grabs Adam’s computer and pulls something up. Within a few moments of Jon typing like a madman, the whole screen changes, and the words seem…clearer.
He grabs the computer from Jon, and finds it easier than ever to read the paragraph on the page. “How’d you do that?”
“It’s a font that helps people read when they have issues with it,” Jon says. “A couple years back, Eddie was in my freshman English class when he was a junior, he was having a bunch of issues. I basically bullied him into asking for help and, lo and behold, he’s dyslexic.” Jon shrugs.
“I can’t be dyslexic,” Adam says, feeling his world rock just a little bit. “I’m in AP classes.”
“Dyslexia doesn’t mean, like, you can’t be smart,” Jon says. “It just means that the way your brain processes things visually doesn’t always match the words in front of you. Some people theorize it’s three dimensional thinking forced to view the word in two dimensions, and that’s why reading’s so hard.”
Adam just blinks at him, suddenly very aware that his pants are too tight. “How do you know all that?”
Jon shrugs. “I told you. Cocaine and the library.”
“I thought that was a joke.”
Jon shakes his head. “Not at all. I got an A in Jefferson’s history class because I got stupid high and read every primary source on African colonization, just to spite the asshole.”
Adam fidgets. He doesn’t want Jon to stop talking, and he’s not sure why. “Really.”
Jon grins. “Did I tell you about the time I learned all about medieval –“
He stops talking, because Adam has always been so, so weak for nerds and Jon Moxley, somehow, is a big fucking nerd. Adam gets lost in it, the way they get a little too bold, the way their hands travel with a little more confidence. Adam finds himself swinging legs over to straddle Jon’s hips.
“I want,” Adam breathes, shivering as Jon’s mouth moves down his neck, “I want…”
“Yeah?” Jon asks, hands brushing them of Adam’s shirt, skirting along Adam’s skin, burning along the way. “What do you want, Cowboy?”
Adam doesn’t have the words for it, but the answer is yes and everything and all of you.
That’s when the car door slams.
Flailing, Adam practically launches off of Jon’s lap, loses his balance, and falls backwards into the table, his head landing with a sickening crack.
“Oh, jeez,” he hears from Jon. “Adam, are you okay?”
Adam blinks and sits up. The world is spinning a little, but he can see Jon, and he smiles. “I’m fine. And you’re fine. Because you’re pretty.”
Jon rolls his eyes. “Oh, god, he’s dying.” He adjusts his pants, which makes Adam giggle a little deliriously, then walks to the door.
“Mr. and Mrs. Page, um, Adam hit his head kind of hard, and I think he has a concussion.”
“My brain is fine!” Adam yells, but he sits up and throws up on the floor, so he might be wrong.
“Addy?” It’s his mom’s voice. “Oh, baby, not again.”
“I heard the door close and I jumped,” Adam mumbles. “Not in the same spot as third grade.”
“That’s when he hit his head trying to do a backflip off a slide,” Adam’s dad explains. It takes Adam a second to realize he’s speaking to Jon, because he was so focused on watching his mom get towels from the linen closet and spread it all over what used to be his dinner. “Smacked the top of his head on the underside because he didn’t jump out far enough.” His voice pauses. “Adam, how’d you get on the floor?”
“Kissin’ Jonny,” he mumbles, feeling more dazed than he should. Then he processes what he just said. He opens his eyes and clears them a little bit to see Jon standing there, trying to look less terrified than he clearly feels. “Um,” Jon says, glancing down at Adam. “Mr. Page, I, uh. I swear I did not cause that.”
“He was just being – being – ow.” Adam has to stop talking, because he thinks if he stops talking than the bells in his head will stop slamming. “Oh, kinda like the first one.”
“Jon, bud, will you help me haul this dumbass I call my kid up on the couch?” His dad says. Adam feels arms at his armpits and under his legs.
“Thanks,” Adam mumbles, stomach roiling again. “Oh, god, this is just like third grade.”
“Anything I can do?” Jon asks. His eyes keep darting between Adam and Adam’s dad, looking panicked still.
“He didn’t cause it,” Adam groans, and nothing is funny at all anymore. Not even a little bit. “I got startled and fell backwards.”
“You’ve got a helluva knot in the back of your head,” Adam’s dad says, eyeing it. “Bleeding like a bitch, but that’s head wounds for ya.”
“I’ve got the ice,” says his mother.
The next few hours are blurry, but Jon’s voice is there at the beginning.
“I’ve got to get home,” he says, pressing a kiss to Adam’s forehead. “But you’re the biggest idiot on the planet and I’m glad I get to put my tongue in your mouth.”
“Romantic,” Adam mutters, half asleep. “Kiss me for real?” Adam opens his eyes to see Jon rolling his eyes.
“Fuckin’ fine, you little whiner,” he says, but he kisses Adam like he means it, and that’s worth the pain.
He goes to the doctor a little while after that, his father babbling on about the logistics of solar vs. other methods energy for god knows what reason, and the doctor diagnoses him with -
“Concussion,” Dr. Wimblay says. “Just like the one all those years back, actually. Same spot, too.”
His dad sighs. “I wish I could say that’s unexpected, but our boy here’s never been careful with himself.”
Adam doesn’t want to think about how real that is.
He’s stuck at home, doing nothing in a dark room, for Saturday and Sunday, but the doctor allows him to return to school on Monday as long as he wears sunglasses and doesn’t look too much into the light, along with some other specifics his mother had emailed to his teachers.
“And no technology,” his mother says, like he hasn’t heard this a hundred times. “Even if they try to insist, no technology. You have a note.”
“A note on my phone, which may be a bit difficult to get if I’m not allowed to touch technology.”
There’s footsteps, then the light goes off, and his mom lifts up his sunglasses. “No sass, Mr. Concussion.”
He’s able to handle the ride to school, with only a bit of discomfort, but he’s glad he was able to call John and Anna and have them guide him from his mother’s car.
“We could walk you right into traffic,” Anna says, cheerily. “Let you crash into a wall. Push you down the stairs.”
“We would never do that,” John says firmly, his hands tight around Adam’s shoulder and waist.
“We could,” Anna singsongs. “It would be so easy.”
“You’re absolutely terrifying, you know that?” Adam mutters, and he’s glad for the ability to see basic outlines of things around him, because he can’t exactly guarantee Anna isn’t slowly poisoning everyone on campus and doesn’t want to trigger her murder response to a more immediate method.
Anna hums happily. “I do. And I love it.”
They get to AP Human Geography, where Jon is waiting. He thinks. It’s the general, vague, shape of Jon.
“Hey, Mr. Brain Injury, how ya doing?”
“Oh, shut up,” Adam grumbles, but he reaches out and pulls Jon to him for a quick, graceless kiss.
Somebody pulls on the sleeve of his shirt. “You’re aware you just kissed Jon Moxley, right?”
“Yes, John.”
“I thought you said I’m the only John you’d be willing to kiss.” Adam can hear the pout in John’s voice, and also the actual laugh from Jon.
“That was an actual conversation?!” Anna asks. “Oh, you’re on your own, blind cowboy. I’ve got shit to do.”
“If it makes you feel better,” Adam says, patting John on what he thinks is his shoulder, “his name doesn’t have an H, so it’s technically a different name.”
“Acceptable,” John says. He pats Adam on the butt, because John, and Adam feels him walk away.
An arm is thrown around his shoulders. “Your friends are weird.”
“My friends are either weird or bitchy.” He considers it. “Or both, if it’s Anna.”
“Or Matt,” Jon says, but it’s under his breath. “Let’s get you in here,” Jon says, shaking him a bit as they go through the door. “I’ll keep an eye on you, make sure you don’t get your ass flattened by a deadly chair or something.”
Adam berates him for that until Mr. Pham comes over.
“So I got your mother’s email,” he says by way of a greeting. “And, apparently, it’s real.”
Adam nods. “I’d show you the medical note on my end, but I’m not supposed to use technology.”
Mr. Pham tilts his head. “So, the typed essay? The chapter review today?”
“Oh, uh,” says Adam, “I’m not supposed to be looking at lights. Doctor says no because of my brain.”
Jon snort laughs next to him, and pats his arm. Adam rather blindly waves around and slaps Jon in the chest. “Shut up.”
Mr. Pham raises an eyebrow (Adam thinks) and looks between the two of them. “Fine. If you are concussed, I believe you, but you need to get this essay prep done somehow.”
“I can handwrite it,” Adam offers.
“And the reading?” Pham asks. “We don’t have any paper copies or audiotexts of the textbook.”
“That’s ableist,” Jon grumbles.
“Putting a pin in that for now, because you’re right, but we need to figure out the plan for right now.” Mr. Pham eyes the two of them.
Jon’s shoulder moves against Adam’s. “I’ll read it for him.”
Mr. Pham sighs. “Well, I wish I had a reason to tell you no. As long as the two of you get the practice essay and the reading completed, I’m fine with that.” He taps on Adam’s desk. “You. No more concussions this year. We have too much work to get done.”
Adam nods, and tries to look up at Mr. Pham, but the sunglasses make it almost impossible. “Yes, definitely, we can make that happen.”
Technically, it does happen. Adam’s messy handwriting gets even worse than it usually is, and the summary he writes is barely legible even by himself, but it gets done.
“I want to be nice to you,” Pham says when Adam hands him the paper. “But this is around what I get from my four year old on birthday cards.”
Adam smiles apologetically. “I couldn’t really see.”
“Alright,” Pham says, with a sigh. “Talk to me.” Adam decides he might be his favorite teacher ever, because Pham gives him the chance to explain his thought process out loud instead of just failing him on the spot. “I wanted to be nice, but that handwriting was bad enough that I think my brain was dying,” Pham sighs.
Adam rattles off what he and Jon determined to be the most important details of the chapter and its impacts on the greater global stage, and Pham nods, round blob through the sunglasses.
“Jon, I assume you’ll be writing your review, not just taking credit for Adam’s work?” Pham asks.
Jon gives him a piece of paper. “Done.”
Pham exhales. “Damn it. I was hoping to get out of grading two responses. Fine.” He takes it, then claps Adam on the shoulder. “Good work, kid. Please never make me read handwriting that bad outside of my own home again.”
Jon walks Adam to his next class, which is almost cute, but the Dark Order takes over from there. At lunch, Eddie makes no fewer than seven jokes about Adam’s concussion, but Adam decides it’s a friendly tease as opposed to actual malice. Based on what he’s seen of Eddie in the past, mockery is kind of his love language. That and punching.
“Seriously, man, Moxie told me all about it. It’s adorable. It’s fuckin’ embarrassing, but it’s adorable.” Eddie claps him on the shoulder, and Adam chokes on the school mac and cheese.
“I’m beginning to regret sitting at this table,” Adam grumbles. He misses the garlic bread when he reaches for it the first time. Figures.
“No, you’re not,” Jon says, and he leans close enough that Adam can see his big grin. “After school me and Eddie’ll drive you home. Sound good?”
Adam nods, doing his best to eat like a normal person. “Just don’t let me get lost.”
After Chemistry class, Alex finds John and they insist on going out of their way to walk Adam to French class. Nyla greets him at the door, which seems nice, until she makes fun of him for his sunglasses for three straight minutes.
“Hey, at least you’re not stuck in the barns today,” she says, patting him on the arm. “Imagine how much cow shit you’d step in.”
Adam snorts. “Fair.” The double block is longer than Adam likes, with a headache slowly creeping in that starts pounding halfway through, and begins to scream when the bell goes off.
“You good?” Nyla asks. He can’t see her face, but she sounds less mocking than usual. It’s weird. He must really look rough. “You need me to call somebody?”
Adam shakes his head, immediately regretting it. The bells are screaming again, this time internally. “Actually, yeah.” He fumbles in his pocket, unlocks his phone by muscle memory.
“Ooh, 1234, clever password,” Nyla says as she takes it from him. “Anyway, who do I text?”
“Jon Moxley,” Adam says.
Nyla makes a little impressed sound. “Look at you, rolling with the bad boys.”
“I’m not – they’re – ” Adam splutters, unsure of how to proceed. “They’re not bad.”
“It was a compliment,” Nyla clarifies. “You need a little rough around the edges.” She puts on a weird voice and sings, “Country boy, I love you.”
“Please never do that again,” Adam says.
Nyla sighs. “Not the first time you’ve heard that, huh?”
“No, first time,” he says. “Still annoying.”
“Well, I just texted your boy toy. He’ll be here soon.” She’s quiet. “Wait. I forgot you can’t see. I just winked. And I specifically texted Jon, ‘Hey baby boy I’m all done in French but I can’t leave without help from my big, strong, hunk of man.’ And then I sent about forty peach and eggplant emojis.”
“I may need to reconsider our friendship,” Adam says, snatching his phone back from Nyla.
“I doubt it,” Nyla says. “I bring a little spice to the lives of mayonnaise American cowboys.”
 Adam is saved soon after by Jon swinging by. “Hey, Ny,” he says. “I assume you’re the one who texted me from Adam’s phone.”
“I told you he wouldn’t think it was me,” Adam says.
“Worth a shot.” Nyla grabs Adam’s arm and squeezes it a little. “I smiled at you, but you couldn’t see it, so that’s my attempt at communicating.”
“O – kay?” Adam says.
She flounces off, and Adam is left in the capable – he thinks – arms of Jon, who brings him to the parking lot. “Eddie’s mom was off of work today, so he was able to bring the car. You got lucky.”
“Oh, because that’s the way I want to get lucky,” Adam says, grinning. Mox grabs his waist, pulling him around, making him stumble a little. Adam likes it.
“You wait until your brain gets better and maybe you will.” Mox presses a kiss behind Adam’s ear, and Adam is expecting this to get good, when Mox freezes. “Aw, shit.”
“Page!” shouts an unfortunately familiar voice. “What the fuck are you doing with those glasses? Hungover again?”
Adam wants to crawl inside of himself. “Leave me alone, Matt.”
“Oh, abandoning your friends, again?” Matt asks. He’s a shaded form in front of Adam through the sunglasses, but he’s able to see the absolute fury on Matt’s face. “Nice.”
“You all wouldn’t talk to me all summer,” Adam says. “Sorry for not throwing myself to my knees and begging you to like me.” He would have, though. If he’d known it would work, he would have.
Matt scoffs, twirling around the sidewalk like it’s his own personal stage. “Right. Because Adam Page would never put himself on the line for the team, right?” His stare is venom, and Adam’s headache has increased tenfold.
“You got a problem, Jackson?” Jon asks. “Because Adam here has a concussion, but I’d be happy to second for him if your pretty boy ass wants to go.” He swaggers up to Matt, who, Adam is pleased to see, takes a step back.
“I’m fine,” Matt snaps. “Just keep an eye out, Adam, because you never know when you’re guard dog won’t be around.”
He turns and flips his hair over his shoulder, which feels excessive, but Adam still can’t move.
“Fuckin’ prick,” Jon grumbles. “What the hell did you ever do to him to get that treatment?”
Adam mumbles the response, as quietly as possible.
“Come again?”
“I was drunk for our championship game, missed a pass, got the other team a corner kick, and lost the game,” Adam repeats. He says it as fast as he can, desperate not to let the shame well up in him again.
Jon lets out a low whistle. “That’s a lot of information real fast, Cowboy.”
“Yeah,” Adam says, “can we move on? Which is Eddie’s car?”
“The one he’s leaning against,” Jon says, pointing. After following his finger, Adam sees the form of Eddie fidgeting.
“Mox!” Eddie yells. “Get your Cowboy over here. I wanna go home.”
The conversation fades to Eddie’s math class, and Adam lets himself close his eyes until he gets home, desperate to sleep.
When he gets home, he waves to his parents and uses a headache as an excuse to be quiet. He sneaks a beer from the fridge and chugs it in the shower. It must be the concussion, because it works, and he’s out when his head hits the pillow.
Mini Playlist: Promise - Eve 6 Haven't Had Enough - Marianas Trench Afterglow - All Time Low Good to You - Marianas Trench
Bonus, because I'm a dick: Don't Lose Your Heart - Six the Musical Soundtrack
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dwntwn-strnlo · 1 year
WONDERSTRUCK matt sturniolo
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. final part of enchanted! make sure you go read parts 1 and 2!
thank you to the anon who came up w the names for chris' twins!
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. matthew sturniolo x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. i was enchanted to meet you.
↳ 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃? yes! . . . Hey you don’t have to but maybe for your enchanted chapter you could make a pt.3 and do one where it’s years later and they are getting married and in their speeches or vows they could talk about how that time apart was hard for them. And maybe enchanted could be their first dance song. ( Tilly429 on wattpad )
↳ 𝐂𝐖! use of 'y/n', not proofread
"this night is sparkling, don't you let it go . . .
. . . i'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home."
enchanted - taylor swift . . . speak now, tv. 2023
you knew one of you we’re going to break, but you definitely didn’t expect matt to already be tearing up by the time you and your father turned the corner. the second his eyes landed on you, you studied his face carefully. his eyes were watery, and he nervously chewed on his lower lip; hiding the smile you fell so deeply in love with.
as you started walking down the isle, you send him a gentle smile. he drops his head, shaking it. undeniably trying to hide his flustered expression.
following behind your future niece, chris’ daughter, chloe, whom threw lightly shaded rose petals in a hectic motion, you couldnt help but think about your own kid. though it’ll still be a few years time, you had to hide your giggly expression at the thought of raising your own baby with matt.
taking your eyes off the sweet little blonde girl, you look up to matt. nate and his three brothers stand behind him. nate persuaded his way past the other guys to be the best man, who now has his hand on matts shoulder; whispering something in his ear. matt brings his gaze back to you, his smile only growing more from whatever his best friend said. “see? i told you that you guys would make it eventually.” is what you later learn was muttered to matt, the words made you tear up for what seemed like the millionth time that night.
matt was last to get married. and he would never admit it, but he always hoped thats how it would be. his marriage being the one to seel everything off. the last one to hold onto the youth of his 20s.
even though you werent there for the wedding, chris was the first to get married, marrying his first love, and having twins, a boy and a girl. and then justin got married a few months later. you were lucky enough to be back in their lives when two years later, nick married the man of his dreams. getting to stand beside your best friend as he married the person he would never shut up about. and then a year and a half ago, nathan got married. and after you caught his wifes bouquet, matt sought it to be the perfect opportunity to prevent any more breakups, and proposed to you after the reception.
so of course he and his groomsman would be in tears, even if the other four were already with their forever persons. nobody really wanted to let go, their teenage years way to precious to just sweep away. but they knew it would happen eventually, and that eventually would be now.
reaching the altar, matt smiled down at you. swiping at his eyes with the back of his hand before whispering to you how beautiful you are.
though he’s said those simple words a thousand times over, you still felt as if you were a puddle, slowly seeping to the ground. you knitted your brows together, eyes washed with a joyous sadness, repeating the action and whispering back about how handsome he looks in a tux.
he too looked like the words would make him melt. the two of you couldve whispered to each other up there for hours if you could. lost in your words as you smiled and giggled like a couple of school kids.
“friends and family, thank you all for coming today to share in this wonderful occasion” you looked away to look at the officiant, but apparently it was just you who broke eye contact. “Today we are here together to unite y/n l/n and matthew sturniolo in marriage.”
you turn back to look at matt, feeling hot under his gaze as he admires you closely. the corners of his lips tugging slightly upwards, revealing a small, contempt smile.
his look of admiration causes you to accidentally drone away from the officiant’s words. the quick introduction a haze as you stare longingly into matts blue eyes that you’ve loved staring into for years. his thumb lightly grazing back and forth across the back of your palm. unspoken words sifting through his touch.
“y/n,” you turn to look at the officiant, ripped from your dopey daze. “you may now say your vows.”
taking a shaky breath, you look back to matt. “thank you, matt.” your cheeks get rosier the longer he holds your eyes in his, distracting you from your words. “thank you for ripping out the middle of the book, not letting the story read the end just quite yet, and completely restarting with me.” his expression immediately softens when the words leave your mouth. quickly catching on to the analogy that most of the guests wouldnt be able to catch too. “thank you for not letting the storyline end.”
you could tell how hard it is in this moment for matt not to reach out and wrap his arms around you, embracing you in a never ending hug.
noting that you've finished, the officiant turns to matt. "matthew, you may now say your vows."
he breathes in, before looking down at your entangled hands, and back up to your eyes. "i guess, i don't really have much to say." he laughs lightly.
"all of my love for you has melded so deeply into your brain, that you could probably trace every word i say right now back to something previous.
"i knew i left to soon, but i had no choice, really. but all i could do was pray and hope and pray again that that wasn't goodbye. i knew that i'd forever remember your name until we met again. and we did. and i am forever grateful-" he pauses, choking back on a sob. lifting a hand away to wipe at his eyes. "i am forever grateful to know that i am the one you love." he gives you his brightest grin, though flooded with tears, and whispers: "thank you, love."
you tried as hard as you could not to fall into his arms and wipe away his tears. you managed to keep yours hidden under your lashes, reminding yourself how long it took to do your makeup. lightly giggling to yourself about your stupid problem.
the officiant lets your vows resonate in the air for a second longer, before turning to matt.
"do you matthew sturniolo, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"
matt smiles, "i do."
turning to you, the officiant repeats what he said but about matt.
"i do," you smile. your cheeks undeniably hurt from how much you were smiling. you couldn't do anything to help your growing contentment.
the officiant explains the ring exchange, and then chris' son walks up cautiously with your wedding rings on a black velvety pillow. he comes up to you very slowly, doing his best not to lose a ring like he had probably seen in a movie, and was now worrying that it would happen to him.
leaning down, matt smiles before picking up your ring. "thank you jamie," he giggled.
"with this ring," matt smiles, gently lifting up your hand, "i thee wed and pledge you my love now, and forever." he lightly slides the ring onto your previously bare finger. sealing his love for you forever. he lightly grazes his thumb over the back of your hand, sending even more butterflies through your body.
you smile and pick up matts ring from the pillow. "thank you, buddy." jamie beams brightly up to you before skipping back to his seat. plopping down next to his sister, in between his parents.
turning back to matt, you pick up his hand. "with this ring, i thee wed and pledge you my love," you slide the ring onto his ring finger, "now, and forever."
"by the authority vested in me by the state of massachusetts," you turn to look to the officiant, who opens his arms wide, smiling at the both of you. "i now pronounce you, husband, and wife. you may now kiss the bride."
you barely have time to meet matts eyes before hes already leaning into you, kissing you gently.
you smile lightly into the kiss as you hear people clapping. and especially, the keys on the piano playing the intro to taylor swifts enchanted, per matts request.
pulling back, you smile brightly to matt. "i love you." you giggle.
"i love you, wife." he smirks.
you playfully roll your eyes before leaning back in and quickly pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "i love you, husband."
@thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic @20nugs @gracietaylorsversions @fenoy7 @mlimmm @prettysturniolo @ssturniolo @gabbylovesreading @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @matthewmurdockswife
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voidfxndoms · 6 months
Something Blue (Part 1) // Sterek
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Derek is getting married and Stiles, as his best man, decides to bring in an old bridal tradition.
Warnings: swearing, a lot of built-up feelings that don't come out in the best of ways.
W/C: 2,487 (total)
A/N: I had to split it into two parts because I was over the tumble world limit apparently??? I didn't even know tumblr HAD a word limit lmao. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this first part :)
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"Okay, Scott? How much time do we have?" Stiles asked, nervously pacing around the room. "Thirty minutes." "Oh my god, we're never gonna make it. Where is he? Where is Derek?" "He's going to be here, don't worry. We got plenty of time." Scott tried calming his best friend down. "It's his wedding, for God's sake! How can someone be late for their own wedding!" Stiles exclaimed, anxiety reeking off of him and invading the room. "Malia just texted me, Braeden is almost ready. I'm gonna go check on the catering and guests, maybe someone knows where he is. You need to calm down Stiles, we're gonna be fine." "I need to tell him, Scott.", Stiles said, eyes sad and shoulders slumped. "And you will. I got you." Scott smiled, putting both hands on his friends's shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. "I swear to God if Derek doesn't bring his werewolf ass in here right now-" "Threatening me on my wedding day? I really should have asked Scott to be my best man.". A tall, bulky figure walked into the room, pearly whites flashing as the words left his mouth. "You piece of shit!" Stiles said before taking big strides towards the groom and adjusting his tie. "Relax Stiles, everything is going according to plan. Scott, did Stiles not take his Adderall today?" Derek joked, looking over at the young alpha. Stiles huffed, then stumbled towards his backpack. Ignoring the two wolves making fun of him, he took out some things from his bag and placed them on the room's glass coffee table. "Okay. You, big bad wolf, c'mere." Derek, cocking a brow, approached the small table in the middle of the room. He observed the objects in front of him as he sat on the small sofa. "Stiles? What is this? I refuse to do any sort of voodoo ritual." Scott, standing behind Derek, looked at his best friend with a puzzled expression on his face. "I thought this was only for brides." "Well," Stiles said, "this is no ordinary wedding, so I don't see why only ordinary traditions should apply."
"Can somebody please explain to me what the hell I'm looking at, and what is this supposed to be?" Derek asked, half amused, and half annoyed. "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.", Stiles announced proudly as Scott rolled his eyes. Derek furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh my God," Stiles's jaw dropped. "You seriously don't know what I'm talking about?" "I have no idea what this is." the werewolf replied, confusion still plastered on his face. Before Stiles could say anything even remotely sarcastic, Scott said: "Guys, we've got twenty minutes. Stiles, make it fast." "Alright alright." the amber-eyed replied. He took a deep breath, unsuccessfully trying to calm his nerves. "As your best man,-" he started. "The worst decision of my life by the way, don't know what I was thinking." Derek interrupted him, chuckling. Stiles glared at him. "I was saying…" he continued, stressing the final word while shooting one last annoyed look at the giggly man opposite to him. "As your best man, it is my duty to make sure you enter this new chapter of your life in the best way possible, carrying bits and pieces of your life before that horrible mistake when you decided to marry Terminator's daughter." "You know her name is Braeden. And, come on, be nice to her -- she saved all of our lives. I still don't understand why you hate her so much." "It's not her that I hate…" Stiles mumbled. For a split second, Derek saw a glint in his best man's eyes. It was pure sadness, but it lasted for so little he questioned whether he'd imagined it. "Anyway, I took the liberty of borrowing a bridal tradition. In front of you you have three objects," Stiles said, before picking up the first one. "Wait, weren't they supposed to be four?" Derek questioned. "We'll get to that in a minute. Now, the first one; something old." "The triskelion?" "Yeah. This part is about having a relic, something that will always remind you about your roots. The sentimental value this thing holds is insane." Derek raised an eyebrow. "Think about it. Your mom used it to help you and your sisters learn how to control your powers. It's been in your family for years, Kate tried to steal it… you even have it tattoed on your back!" Stiles explained. "I also used it with Liam." Derek pointed out. "Yeah, but that was a total disaster." Derek looked at him, lips tight in a thin line, the eyebrow still cocked. "What? It's not my fault your whole "We can all rise and fall to another" speech didn't work." "Alright, alright. Stiles? Move on." Scott intervened, time slowly running out. He nodded, giving Derek the triskelion, who put it in the inner pocket of his tuxedo. "Object number two, something new.", Stiles said. Derek held it for a few moments, before shooting his head up and asking: "What the hell am I supposed to do with a roll of duct tape?", annoyance oozing from his voice. "Trust the process. The "something new" is an object that will help you in your new life."
Skeptic, Derek let his best man keep talking. "And now something borrowed. Courtesy of Jackson." "I don't need a bow tie, I'm already wearing a tie." "See," Stiles said, making his way to the groom, "This sentence is exactly why you need the bow tie." Kneeling before him, he undid Derek's tie and started tying the navy blue satin bow tie Jackson had lent for the occasion. Derek hardly ever wore suits, and even more rarely tuxedoes. He liked casual and comfy clothes and had no interest in the world of elegance. However, when the engagement had been announced and his closet opened, the only suit Stiles had been able to find was dusty, crumpled, and sprinkled with holes made by some very hungry moths. So he had forced the alpha to the best suit shop in Beacon Hills, where Derek had gotten a tailor-made navy blue tuxedo with black satin flaps that had been hunting Stiles in his dreams ever since the first time he had seen it on the werewolf. But Derek had drawn the line at that, refusing to spend one more dollar on his appearance, claiming that he wasn't getting married to the crowd but to Braeden. "She loves me for me. I don't give a shit about what the guests are gonna think." "You really thought I was going to let you stand there, butchering all degrees of style?" Stiles asked cockily, straightening the perfect bow he had tied. "Oh come on, you're being dramatic." Derek rolled his eyes. Stiles scoffed. "First of all, you were wearing a TIE. With a TUXEDO. Ties are worn with suits, bow ties are for tuxedoes." Derek's eyes widened slightly, surprised at the reaction. "Okay fashion police, my bad." "And let's not even mention the state of the tie you were wearing… Terrible!" "Okay- Stiles? It's okay. We get it. Move on.", Scott said, worry in his eyes. "No you don't!" Stiles almost shouted, suddenly misty-eyed.
To be continued...
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
daisy, chapter nine
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A/N: aaahhh! this is the second to last chapter of the series! I can't believe it's nearly over! also, this is the last smutty chapter, so enjoy! (omg why am I getting a little sad writing this authors note? THIS IS NOT EVEN THE LAST ONE YET!)
summary: “come on ace, don’t you wanna feel the prom king stretch you out?” 
warnings: private school!reader, perv!steve, smut, prom, prom king!steve, kissing, crying, size kink, dirty talk, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, public sex, exhibitionism, alcohol consumption, piggyback rides
word count: 2942
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Palms stinging from just how hard you were clapping them together, you watched as a cheap plastic crown was placed atop your best friend's head, his eyes never leaving yours. 
Suddenly, just before he and the prom queen were asked to take the floor, his feet started to move, leaping off the rigidity stage and before you could even blink, there he was, grabbing onto your hand and dragging you out of the bustling crowd. 
Pushing the doors open and bolting down the long hall, you yelped, finding it virtually impossible to keep up with his long strides in your dainty heels, “what are you doing? Where are we going?”
Rounding the corner, he replied with a big grin, “no time for questions, ace. Let’s go!” ripping a classroom door open and yanking you inside, he swiftly slammed it shut behind you. 
Watching him peak out the small window, dramatically, as if he was a kid pretending to be a spy, seeing if anyone had followed, “well…” you giggled at the all-clear sign he flashed you, “what now, your majesty?”
“Now the real party beings,” he announced with a smirk, dipping his hand into the inner pocket of his black blazer and conjuring a small metallic flask. 
Your eyes grew wide, watching as he unscrewed and top and took a big swig, “you smuggled alcohol in here?”
“Nah, I didn’t do it, bought it off of Munson like an hour ago.”
Passing it to you, you gave it a small whiff before taking a small sip. “Do you remember the first time we got drunk together?” you asked, chuckling lightly as you remembered the two bottles of champagne, he had stolen at his cousin’s wedding two years back. 
“Yeah…” he recalled dreamily, the most adoring of smiles blooming on his lips. 
“You broke your arm!” you questioned his grin, taking another sip before passing the flask back to him.
“And you went full-on doctor on me and refused to leave my side till long after I returned from the hospital.”
“Yeah, well,” you leaned back against the teacher's desk, “you’re my best friend…”
“Really?” he said sarcastically, taking a step closer to you, “well now all of the kissing makes a lot more sense.”
“Oh, shut up!” you stole the flask back from him. 
“And you letting me put it in your butt? Yeah, it all makes so much more sense now,” he teased, basking in the crimson your cheeks were turning, “it’s just what best friends do.”
Giving him a gentle shove, you sniggered, “stop it!”
Catching your arm as you pushed him, he pulled you in for a peace treaty, pressing his lips against yours in a giggly kiss.  
Feeling his fists rapidly bunch up the skirt of your swanky dress, he breathed against your lips, “you wanna do some more best friend activities?” grabbing the flask from your fingers and setting it down beside you.
“What,” you pulled back, feeling your pulse pick up, “like right now?” 
Craning down to kiss along your neck, he nibbled at the soft skin, “do you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about just bending you over mid-class? Please, ace, make my dream come true…”
“We can’t, what if someone walks in?” you couldn’t help the way you glanced around nervously.
“They won’t,” he promised calmly, leaning back in to kiss you once more, but your counterargument halted his peck.
 “You don’t know that. Someone could ditch the party like we just did.”
“Isn’t that part of the fun?” he effortlessly lifted you up to sit on the table and slid in between your parting thighs, “come on ace, don’t you wanna feel the prom king stretch you out?” he begged, nuzzling his nose against yours. 
Taking a brief moment to truly consider it, you then nodded carefully, “alright, fine. But you have to be quick!” 
“Do you really want it to be fast?” he swiftly pushed your dress up enough for your panties to be on display for him, his fingers instantly being drawn to them like a magnet. 
“N-no,” you shivered as he teasingly ran his short nails over the quickly dampening fabric, “I just don’t want us to be caught.” 
“Why? Are you scared of getting detention?” his hand swiftly smacked your puffy folds causing your body to jerk at the jolt of pleasure that bolted throughout it, “ace, you don’t go here anymore.”
“I know I don’t,” you wrapped your arms around his neck, already predicting that you’d need the support, “but I don’t want the people I grew up with seeing us, or even hearing us do it!”
“What, you’re scared of them finding out what a little slut you’ve become?” you felt him tug your underwear rudely, pulling the gusset even further into your wetness and saturating them completely, “you don’t want them to hear the filthy sounds you produce when I make you cream all over my cock?” he tugged even harder, “how you lose your breath every time I stick it in you?” he let go of the cotton, just before you feared it would snap in two, merely to send a few extra blows with his palm down upon your mess, “bet if they pressed their ear up against the door, they’d be able to hear just how fucking wet you are,” with another hard smack, he then raised his hand up and slid all four of his fingers into your mouth, your lips already agape in a silent moan, granting him easy entrance, “see? I haven’t even breached your pretty little panties yet and you’ve already soaked my hand.”
You let out a muffled moan as you tasted yourself on his digits, feeling his other fingers begin to peel your soaked underwear off, shifting slightly in your seat in order to make the job easier for him. 
“Since you're so concerned about people finding out,” he slid your panties all the way off and balled them up in his hand, “here,” he swiftly replaced his fingers with the sodden cotton, sufficiently stuffing your mouth full, “that should take the brunt of it.”
It didn’t silence your whimpers completely as you felt his fingers impatiently circle your clit before plunging them into your dripping hole. Gliding one of your hands down towards his belt, even though you’d felt it plenty of times before, the tent in his pants pressing up against your palm still sent goosebumps soaring all across your skin. 
Smirking down at your stuffed mouth, his lustful gaze egging you on as you one-handedly wrestled with his belt, eventually freeing his massive length. Giving it just a couple of pumps, you then wrapped your legs around his hips, drawing him close enough for you to nudge the bulbous head against your fluttering clit. 
Arching your back and granting him even better access, you blinked up at him, brows knitted together, and let out a muffled plea. 
“What, ace?” he withdrew his wet fingers and wrapped them around his base, “you want my big dick inside of you?” he briefly raised up his hand to nonchalantly spit in his palm, before lowering it again to work the slick all over himself, eyes fluttering as he slowly jerked his cock before you, “you want me to fuck you right here on the teacher's desk?”
Feeling the empty classroom buzz behind you, your mind couldn’t help but wander to thoughts about it not being so empty, causing your body to shiver violently. 
Cutting your daydream short, he fiercely drove his length all the way into you till you felt his bushy base tickly your tiny button. Borderline letting out a scream as his tip rudely bullied your cervix, your legs trembled so much around him that they gave out and flailed wildly at either side of him to offset the sudden fullness.
“That’s it,” he groaned, determinedly pushing his fat cock in as deep as possible, almost making you feel him all the way up in your throat, “is that what you needed, ace? You just wanted me to stretch you out, huh? Make you all dumb on my cock?”
Clinging onto his broad shoulders like you were clutching on to life itself, he rapidly set a brutal pace, faithfully fulfilling your request of keeping the fun brief. 
You could still hear the faint music vibrating throughout the building, letting you know just how not alone the two of you were, though also making you concerned that maybe he had been the one in need of a gag with all the lewd noises he let flow freely. 
“I always knew that you loved biology, but this is another level of dedication, ace,” his fingers dug into your hips, as he moved your body for you, making you meet his rough thrusts halfway, “you’re such a bad little girl, helping me out with my anatomy knowledge right here on the teacher’s desk for anyone to see…”
Gradually, you let go of his frame, dropping down onto the desk and lying flat against it, blinking hazily up at Steve as he hammered into you. The plastic crown was askew atop his now less-than-perfect hair, a few strands tickled his vision as he stared down at your body, intensely watching as he repeatedly disappeared into your sloppy warmth, fucking you like a madman. 
Feeling his fingers find your clit, your hands instinctually came up to squeeze your tits through your formal dress, fighting to keep your eyes open as you saw the light at the end of the tunnel. 
“Fuck, that’s it, ace,” he moaned, “take it, just like that, you can do it,” a smile overtaking his contorted expression, “good girl.”
And just as the fireworks erupted and you lost the strenuous battle with your eyelids, squeezing them shut merely to comprehend the euphotic sensation, you abruptly felt him pull out, instantly making you prop yourself up onto your forearms and glare at him in both confusion and slight anger. But before you managed to remove your makeshift gag in order to scold him, he swiftly replaced his girth with a few of his fingers, violently rocking the curved digits inside of you. Crying out in pleasure, even in the low light, your eyes caught sight of the gush that drizzled out of your squelching pussy, dousing not only your pretty prom dress and the floor below, but even though he had stepped out of the way, Steve’s dress pants also darkened a bit, his thick thigh becoming a splotchy painting with your essence. 
“Oh, yes, yes!” he growled enthusiastically, completely overcome by your showery display. Withdrawing his fingers, he fiercely rubbed his broad flat hand over the whole of your puffy pussy, drawing out as much of your juices as he possibly could, making your body shake and jerk in the overwhelming process. 
Cunt still quivering tightly, he pried his way inside one last time, not needing many pumps before he too was coming undone, melting down atop of you and pumping you full of his cum. 
Sluggish eyes danced over the ceiling as you felt Steve’s fingers pull the crumbled panties out of your mouth, making it much easier for you to catch your breath. 
“Fuck,” he breathed out slowly, nuzzling his nose against your cheek before kissing it.
Peeling himself off of you, you winched as he pulled his softening dick out of you, the vice-like grip your pussy had on him made the job much more difficult for him. Kneeling down before you, he picked up one of your wobbly legs and rested it on his shoulder, admiring the mess between your thighs. 
“Uh, would you look at that,” he spread you apart, making your leaking hole gape slightly for him, clearly still remembering his girth, watching as your muscles still spasmed, slowly recuperating from what had just transpired, “so fucking pretty,” he leaned down to kiss you, causing your weak body to shot back up from the overstimulation. 
“Steve,” you gently nudged him off of you.
“Sorry,” he landed just a few more kisses on your inner thigh before untangling from your legs and standing back up, “you’re just so,” he let out a soft breath, seemingly needing a second to cut through all the adoration his mind was clouded with in order to find the right word, “perfect,” his lips caught yours in a tender kiss. 
Smiling against his lips, you sneaked a hand up between your bodies to snatch your underwear back from his fingers. Noticing your gentle tug, he let out a chuckle and lifted them up, out of your reach.
“I’ll just hold onto these for now,” he smirked and pocketed the sodden ball of cotton into his breast pocket, “call it a souvenir.”
“That’s not fair, you’ve already got a crown,” you pouted through your smile. 
Plucking the flimsy plastic off his head, he gently placed it atop yours and said, “there,” taking the time to also tug some of the loosened flyaways behind your ears, “I think that’s a fair trade, don’t you?”
Then, just as you were about to answer, a noise caught your ear, making you jump in his embrace. Quickly hopping off the table, you clasped your hand over Steve’s smile. Biting down on your lip, stifling the giggle that fought to escape, you glared up at your best friend in alarm. 
“What do we do?” you let out a bubbly whisper, slowly lowering your palm to let him answer.
Holding you close, he crept towards to the door and glanced out the small window in it, announcing quietly a second later, “let’s go,” ripping it open and sending you both running down the hallway, sniggering quietly from the rush. 
Stumbling slightly as the alcohol in your bloodstream made its presence known, your best friend quickly noticed, and with a smile, he wordlessly plucked you up and carried you on his back the rest of the way to safety. 
His long legs didn’t stop till they stepped onto the vast football field. Both still laughing breathlessly, he gently set you down on the grass. 
Hearing Steve’s laughter slowly fade out, you turned to see him staring back at you softly, quietly asking, “dance with me,” as if it had just been a thought he’d accidentally let slip. 
“Steve,” you chuckled, cocking your head a bit, “we’ve already danced a bunch of times tonight.”
“So?” he smiled, stepping closer and wrapping his arms around you, “dance with me, ace.”
And so, with no music at all, you began to dance with your best friend at the edge of the empty field. It was playful at first, giggling and spinning each other around, at one point you even knocked the crown clean off, sending it flying from the extravagant twirl you’d attempted. But the bouncy nature soon died down and melted into something else, something intimate, simply a soft swaying hug. 
With your cheek pressed up against his chest, moving to the beat of his heart, you felt him rest his head atop yours and utter, “I’m gonna miss you so much…” 
His sombre tone made you pull back and blink up at him, “what are you talking about?”
Seeing his jaw clench in an attempt to swallow down his emotions, he asked straight out, “why didn’t you tell me you got into Harvard?”
“I…” the shock caused your hands to slide further down his body, “how do you-“
“I saw the letter,” swiftly escaped his lips.
“Oh…” you took a step back and averted your gaze, his weighty expression being too much to bear, “well, I just wanted to find the right time to tell you. I mean, Cambridge isn’t just a 30-minute bus ride away from here.”
“How long have you known?”
Crossing your arms, you stared down at your pinching heels, “…a couple of weeks.”
“You’ve known for a couple of weeks, and you didn’t tell me?” he exclaimed.
Peeking up at him, you saw him slowly turn and stare out blankly at the tall bleachers and the blushing clouds still peppering the dark skies above, “I’m sorry.”
“I just thought, I really thought, that when this letter came you would do the same as you did last time, come running to tell me,” his tone made your stomach feel like one big knot, “I thought this was the kind of thing you’d wanna celebrate it with me.”
“I do wanna celebrate it with you,” you rushed to catch his hand in yours, feeling wet hot tears begin to stream down your face and hearing as they clouded your voice, “I just also don’t wanna break your heart.”
Turning to look back at you, you watched as the brink of his disappointment gradually melted away. Exhaling slowly, his eyebrows crinkled up at the sight of your tears and he pulled you into a warm hug. 
“I love you, so much, you know that right?” he spoke clearly, burying his face in your hair. 
“Yeah, I know,” you sniffled, tightening your hold just a little more around him, “I love you too.”
After a little bit, once most of the waterworks had shut off, you heard his voice pipe up once more, “ace…,” and pulled back to look down at you, this time with a completely different look in his eye, “you got into Harvard pre-med,” he pointed out, gleaming of pride. 
“Yeah,” you mirrored his soft smile, “I did, didn’t I?” and tried to let the accomplishment sink in, a taxing task that became a lot more manageable once you felt the warmth of his lips press against your own. 
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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maryonmega · 3 months
Twin Stars - Chapter 13
Choices (instinct?)
You slip back into your altered hat and cloak before thanking the housemaidens and leaving the House. They're quite unique still, you didn't have them too altered. The others will know that it's you under them. If they chose to wait.
In, out. They did. You're sure of that. You all but begged on your note. You might still have the Stranger mask half on, but they know Stardust likes you. They wouldn't take you away from them.
In, out. 
You check the inn. The keeper confirms that your group is still on it, but Mira moved to an one bed room. Makes sense.
You stay, and wait. And by the time the sun starts to set, you hear them come. You lean on the wall of the corridor and pull your hat over your face. You're giggly like a child that just got a face paint.
You hear a couple of surprised noises, then Stardust's voice.
You grin and lift your hat.
"Hey, Stardust."
Loop is smiling at you.
They did tell they left to Change. You expected them to look different, and still need a moment to process what you're seeing. You two are still similar enough to pass as siblings, but couldn't pass as each other with a bit of makeup. They did stuff to their hair, too. Not much, but you don't think a dye job could reproduce it.
Yet, the diffrence that stood up most was how real their smile looked.
You want to express your relief, but Mira takes the first reaction role. With a healthy dose of irritation.
"That wasn't funny. You gave me a scare, you know?"
Loop looks at her like her voice was a jumpscare, then almost ashamed. They're still easy to read, it seens.
"I know it wasn't funny. I'm sorry about that. I didn't want to wake you up."
Mira scoffed.
"Don't you dare do that again."
You hear Odile's voice next. You can't quite read her face and you don't like that.
"Can you show us that you're really Sisyphus?"
"M'dame! They just Changed."
"And you, of all people, should know that body craft does not affect memories. Or that a bit of precaution does not hurt."
"And you're right, Madame." Loop responds. They looked unbothered before, but now a little sad. Their eyes (not mismatched anymore) go to you and they start smirking, then get serious again "You meeeh and piou back at sheep and birds."
Your blood turns into ice. So does your brain and bones when she turns to glare.
"That's one thing to know."
"It felt harmless..." You didn't have a choice on her knowing, but you can't use this defense.
"So you do?" Another voice. Pétronille. And she sounds smug. Oh, no, you have to avoid a bloodshed!
"We-well what matters is that we know it's really them! So, we can proceed!"
"Yes, we can." She says, still looking at you like she did in the loop she figured you out "When we have sunlight again. Five of us still suffer with cold."
"Of course." Loop nods, then turn to Mira "Did you get into an one bed room?"
"I did. Are you fine with sharing?"
"Don't worry about that. I did this without warning, only fair that I sleep on the floor."
"What? No, not with a perfectly comfy bed on the room!"
"You don't have to-"
"I'm offering because I'm fine with this. I shared a bed before."
You zone out for the rest of the verbal tennis but does catch on the agreement to share the bed.
Even if they look a little lighter, that sadness came back as soon as they had to acknowlege the others, didn't it?
Curious. Talking can be such a chore often, yet right now your tongue itches to tell the truth. That you know why Loop is so sad around them. But you can't. You don't think they will forgive you if you do. 
You don't want to make them suffer. You want to help. But, helping someone who doesn't want to be helped is rather thankless labor. And you don't think forcing untill they break and have no choice will work in this case. You don't think Loop will forgive you if that happens, either. 
So, you just tell the half truth of being worried about your "sibling" when your own sadness is noticed. 
You're on an actual road. Cobblestones make a soothing clicking under the heels of your boots. Mirabelle and you are on the front, an open map in your hands. Your hushed discussion is the sound one can hear under the soft wind that makes you once again grateful for your cloak. Finding a path that won't force you to camp for very long wasn't a big work, but for whatever reason Mira can't seen to go ahead and tell why she doesn't like the one you picked. Usually that would mean a big no-no, but, well, weeks of others talking behind a fella's back can make them get new pet peevees.
Your half forced focus is broken by the sound of hooves, then a multi-car caravan comes close and to a stop before the front horse bumps into Pétronille. 
"Hey! Hello there!" A cheery voice calls, and you turn to see a woman around Odile's age waving at the group "Remember me? Probably not but it's fine! When it comes to needy people I'm sure you've seen plenties."
She sounds cheery even saying that. That gives you a wave of relief. Untill Bonbon's face light up and they open their mouth. You know you're screwed before the sound comes out.
"You're the lady that had Dile's orb!"
"That I am. Small world, eh?" The Cheery One deflates a little. You can tell she looks embarrassed. Or ashamed "Now that we remeet, I'm really sorry about that. It's easy to blame Alain, but I still did his bidding when I could have said no."
"Hey, don't say that." To your shock, it's was Nille who said something "I know I'm missing context, but I also know saying no can be hard in some situations."
You... don't want to think too much about that. Cheery One gives Nille a small smile, so it must have touched something.
"Well, going south, too?" You nod "Want a ride? As a thanks?"
"M'dame, the King has been beaten for some time already." Isa, this time. He gets a playful eye roll in response. 
"Not a thanks to the Saviors of Vaugard. A thanks to the people who gave me the courage to get divorced." She winks, and pats the closest horse "I'd rather have someone in the lookout for sadnesses while at that cursed bridge, too, so you all can think of it as a favor exchange, if you want."
You don't quite get why she called the long bridge "cursed". You do feel bad for having forgotten her. How much from before did you forget, if the others seen to remember clearly?
"What happened to Alain, anyway?" Bonbon asks, and Cheery One giggles when Nille hushes them. 
"Under Defender's costudy. The city froze just a few hours after that, so they were still deciding what to do with him when I left. Honestly, I'm not coming back regardless, but I hope he sees the error of his ways. Everyone can change, after all. Even King sympathizers."
You're on the very back of the caravan. The siblings are beside you, Mirabelle and the couple in front of you. You can't see the two older ladies where you are and part of you thinks it might be a good thing. 
"So... Divorced from a King sympathizer?" You hear Pétronille ask her sibling. When you look, their face had turned into the definition of irritation. 
"A dumb idiot, that's what he was!"
You consider disguising, but remember you don't have to. You're Sisyphus, you're new too, you can't remember things you didn't live. 
(Not a dumb crab? Is it because big sis is here?)
"How dumb?"
They crossed their arms and pouted. 
"Kept saying dumb stuff, like that everything would be ugly if they didn't freeze. Like, so what if it's ugly? You can't think something is pretty if you're frozen!"
"Can confirm." 
... You avoid looking at her.
"So he hid an orb! Everyone was looking for the orbs like crazy and he went and hid one! And not even like normal people hide things. He hid in the middle of a forest!"
You lean in and listen to their ramble. About how he ordered his wife, the woman giving you all a ride, around and insulted her. How they had to solve puzzles and play detective to find the key and the box. Then beat up the man himself when he snatched the orb again and started monologuing about giving a second shot to destroying it instead. And to no tell Za that he was actually cool knocking the box off the "dumb idiot" hands with KABOOM!!! to avoid it happening in the cross fire. 
It's nice. Makes it feel like it took little time to get to the bridge. The view is actually nice. You can see the lake expand in all directions. Must be breathtaking during dusk. From the map read, it's about fourteen miles of bridge where you're crossing. You're not a building nerd, but you can regornize good work. 
"Well, no wonder she walked away. He really was nasty." You hear Nille say. 
"He was a big crab." You say softly, close to her ear. You know the kid will hear. What matters is that she thinks it's not your intent. Must have worked, because she nods.
You see them smirk with mischief.
"I wish I could have seen his face when he unfroze."
You hear a loud neigh and feel the cart come to an abrupt stop. Soon enough, you can also distinguish the Lady's voice trying to calm the animals, and... 
An uncannily human-like wail.
You stand up, and see it. A sadness had climbed up the bridge, and was beside them. A large, humanoid one, with no legs and moss-like things simulating hair and a torn shirt, arms twice as long as the rest of the body. You can see in Nille's face when she enters uncanny valley herself. 
You could feel in your very bones. A sensation you thought you left behind because was yet to awake again. It was strong. Maybe stronger than a big ball head. You look at it's hands. One clenched in a fist, one with an open palm. 
You can hear the others get ready to fight. Even Nille, whose level you don't even know. The sadness wails and lunges to the closest cart, yours, faster than a rock/paper should able to. Palmed hand out. 
You pull a sibling with each hand, getting them out of it's reach, and snap your fingers. 
Nille is keeping herself in front of her sibling, in a protective stand. You see the sadness' single eye focus behind her, at the child that looks like they'll scream at any second but no sound comes out. 
You only saw that shade a couple of times. When you realise what the sadness wants, it is all that you see. 
You're in the middle of hopping from the cart to the ground when you see Loop charge at the sadness, dagger first. 
(just attack?)
It gets thrown off the cart with a loud wail, and Loop pounces, craft ready. Sadness goo oozes out from where it got slashed. 
It swings the fisted hand, and you push them out of it's reach. You feel the strayed craft vibrate under your feet. And the familiar sensation of a buff. Twice. You give a quick look, and see that Mira and Isa already joined. Odile is barely within reach when you see her slow down the sadness. It's still thrashing around quite a bit, no surprise given how fast it was at first, but you know for sure the carts won't get any more collateral damage.
There's barely time to register it when Loop lunges again, palm open. You regornize the attack. You follow with your own paper attack - Tear You Apart.
It does something you didn't see coming. it hits you upside the chest with the fisted hand - painful like a bitch but you've had worse - and uses your body to throw itself at Isabeau, with the open hand. Even with a shield, you watch him stumble and, for a second, you fear he might fall off. Thank stars, it doesn't happen.
Mirabelle comes next with a Silent Artsy Burst. The air lingers with paper craft, and the six of you unleash it in a jackpot attack.
What remains of the sadness fall back into the water.
You breath in, and out. It was... quite spooky. You look at your partners. Four are also coming back from the scare. Loop...
Loop has a far off on their eyes, looking at the spot the sadness was before falling. They don't move their neck, but take steps to turn and look at where the siblings are. When they speak, they voice expresses nothing.
"Bonbon, are you alright?"
Bonnie is still in the back cart, clinging to their sister's shirt. Said sister is still in front of them, meat shield style.
They nod and Loop smiles. You hear a "good" under the relieved sigh before they put the dagger away and climb back into the caravan.
"Malheur." You hear Odile say, softly. You doubt those three will hear, with the safe distance you put between the carts and the sadness "Can form from people that decide to die then regret it."
... Oh.
So this is why Mira didn't want to tell you?
"M'dame Aimée is lucky we crossed." You hear Isa comment. Nobody has it to tell say another thing. 
You go back to where you were before, between Mira and Isa. The mood is tense. Part is because of the sudden attack, but you know part is also because of you. 
Your heart is also tense with worry for Loop. You look at them. You see them and Nille speaking, but can't figure out the words. You do see them hold out their hands, and each sibling takes one. You see Bonbon smile at them. You see them sloch in a way too familiar way. 
Not because you saw. Because you've been like that. 
You don't think Loop will freak out and turn into a human tower, but you still don't like the sight. 
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 year
Drinking alone
Warnings: Alcohol, some sexual content, vomit, fluff, angst.
This was supposed to go somewhere in the middle chapters, of All good Boys, but I wrote it first, as in before I wrote anything else and forgot it even existed. I only just found it so I figured why not post it. Let me know if you like it🤍
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Hallie sat at the bar staring at the shot glass the bartender had set in front of her, as she had been for the last five minutes.
“Are you planning to actually drink that or-?”
She looked up to find the bartender smiling at her while she polished a glass with a bar rag.
“I’ve never seen anyone stare at a shot for so long. Well except the AA people. They come in now and again, order something and stare at it, and then leave. But this doesn’t feel like that. So it must be about a guy.”
Hallie smile a little “Am I that obvious?”
“Kind of. The only time I see pretty girls so sad is when it’s over a guy.”
“I don’t like him. I hate him.” The bartender stared at her until she sighed “No I don’t.”
“I didn’t think so.”
“I want to hate him. I should hate him….why don’t I hate him?”
“I couldn’t say without knowing him, but if he’s causing you to drink then I’d say it’s the opposite. I’d say you L-“
“No!” Hallie slapped the bar and shook her head “Don’t you dare say the L word.”
The bartender started to laugh “Okay I won’t say it. But based on that reaction alone I’m pretty sure I’m right.”
“Ugh! You sound like everyone else I know.” Hallie finally picked up the glass and downed it, nose scrunching “That was terrible. Give me another one.”
As the minutes turned to hours, Hallie kept drinking, hoping that the alcohol would make his stupid face melt from her brain. It did not work.
If anything she felt more inclined to think about him than ever. While her senses had been numbed, her thoughts now moved freely without boundaries. She fiddled with her phone as she sipped a drink, scrolling through her contacts until she found his name. She hit the call button and heard it ringing until he answered.
“Hey. Just wanted to let you know that I’m mad at you.”
“What the hell did I do?”
“You know what you did.” She hiccuped loudly and coughed “You’ve disrupted my whole life. I was doing just fine until youuuuu came around.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Am I drunk? Yes obviously. Who are you my dad?”
“Where are you?”
“None of your business.”
“You have no idea where you are do you?” He sighed on the other end of the phone, and shook his head.
“Ha…no I don’t. I’m so tired. I gotta go though. Byeeeeee.”
“Hallie don’t-“
But she’d already hung up and was back to sipping on her drink. After a while she felt warm, and her vision got cloudy but she felt so relaxed sitting there at the bar, no one bothering her or stressing her out. Until she heard it.
She turned slowly, eyes closing and opening again before she focused on him. She was trashed.
“What the fuck are you doing? Ever heard of alcohol poisoning?” He looked a little mad, which she’d seen before, but never directed at her.
It wasn’t like her to be this irresponsible. In fact, while he could remember her drinking he had never actually seen her drunk. But tonight she was so drunk he wasn’t even sure she knew who he was.
“What are you doing here?” She asked squinting at him.
“You called me remember?”
She blinked and shook her head “No I didn’t.”
“You did. I think it’s time to go home-“
“No way I’m having fun!” She smiled and closed her eyes spinning on her stool. She downed the rest of the drink that was in front of her.
He caught the eye of the bartender and frowned “Ever heard of ‘your cut off’. What’s the matter with you?”
She shrugged and turned away. He threw up his hands and looked exasperatingly up at the ceiling.
“Have a drink with meeeee.” She said, slapping his arm and pointing at the stool.
“I think you’ve had enough for both of us. Let me take you home.”
“Haha! You wish!” She jabbed a finger in his chest and giggled.
“Good lord-“ he mumbled as she continued giggling.
“Alright fine. Take me home!” She stood suddenly and almost fell forward, but he caught her around the waist. She looked up and waggled her eyebrows at him.
“Take your opportunity to feel me up now.” She slurred loudly. Several people glanced at him and he felt his face get red as he attempted to help her out of the bar. The air was frigid, and he was hoping it would sober her up a little.
“Where are we going?” She asked from his side as they made their way down the street.
“I’m taking you home.”
“Nooooo let’s do something fun!”
“Your already having too much fun. Here’s my car.”
“I don’t wanna go home.” She whined head falling back. As it did it caught too much momentum and she almost fell back with it. She hiccuped again and steadied herself “Let’s go to your place! “
“Okay fine we’ll go to my place, don’t hit your head when you get in.” He steered her towards the passenger side door.
Hallie gripped his arm as he opened the door, squeezing it and looking up at him “Damn. Have you been working out?” Her hand slid down his arm, across his chest and down his abdomen, sending a shiver along with it.
“What are you-“
“You’re so hot.” She slurred, hand still resting on his abs.
He was taken aback for a second. She was either drunk and not thinking, or she was drunk and thinking too much. Whichever one it was, it was amusing to say the least.
“Okay Hallie let’s just get you home.” He chuckled a little, maneuvering her into the front seat of his car. As he made his way around the front he heard music explode from his speakers and a loud “Woo!”
It was going to be a long car ride.
To his surprise though, she turned the music down when he got in and was quiet for a while while he drove. She had her eyes closed, head against the window and he thought she might have fallen asleep, until he parked in front of his apartment, and she coughed and sat up “It’s so hot in here I’m getting nauseous.” She peeled her jacket off, and then her sweatshirt, and turned to him looking him dead in the eye, before she pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her only in a bra in the passenger seat. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair was a mess, and her eyeliner was smudged but he’d be damned if he wasn’t getting totally turned on. He’d thought about her naked in a multitude of ways, in his car included, and for a minute he was ecstatic his real life fantasy was happening, but then he realized he was parked on the street, which wasn’t secluded.
“Hallie what the hell are you doing?” He picked up her shirt and handed it back to her “Put this back on.” He looked everywhere in the car but at her. While the weather was cold, it was Friday and there was enough people around that someone could walk past and see a half naked girl in his front seat. HIS. That would definitely make it to twitter and would involve a lot of explaining to his mom.
“I don’t want to. I’m hot.”
He had never seen her in anything but work clothing and he was really trying not to stare but it was hard “I agree but people will see you.”
“Ugh. Fine.” She pulled the shirt on, backwards and made to get out, half standing before falling back in it again. He helped her out, noting that the apartment was dark through the window, thankful that Noah wasn’t home. Getting her up to the apartment was a nightmare, she kept falling and laughing, and he was exhausted by the time he got her inside. He held her up with one hand and turned a lamp on with the other. He felt her hand on his arm and turned to find her alarmingly close to him. Before he could speak or move, she slid both hands under his jacket, pressing herself up against him.
“Wanna make out?” She whispered against his neck, tongue sliding over the exposed skin that wasn’t covered by a hoodie. It was just enough to turn him red, which didn’t happen often, and make his hair stand on end.
“Tempting, more than you know, but no I don’t wanna make out.” He tried to gently peel her off of him. He knew as he did it there might never be another chance of her making any type of advances towards him, but it just wouldn’t be right.
“Booooooo.” She said sticking out her tongue “Your borinnnngggg. Your always trying to get into my pants every other day, and not tonight? What gives?” She tipped her head up to look at him and pushed out her bottom lip.
“What gives is your drunk off your face and I’m not going to take advantage of you that way.”
“But I really want you to.” She whined gripping the front of his sweatshirt and leaned forward lips connecting with his throat again.
“Hallie-“ he warned trying to gently push her off by the elbows. The absolute last thing he wanted was to turn her down, especially since he’d been trying for so long to even get her to admit she even liked him. This was alcohol talking, not Hallie and it would make him feel worse to know that tomorrow she would regret it.
She made a noise somewhere between a whine and a gag, as she attempted to pull him down lower by the neck of his sweatshirt until he was even with her face. In an instant she seemed to sober up momentarily as she stared at him. This was the closest he’d actually been to her, and now that he could see her face up close, he realized he had he been missing out.
“Matty.” She said softly, eyes burning holes into his. Before he could stop himself he leaned forward and kissed her. It wasn’t like when he kissed her in the bar, or when he tried to kiss her when he was drunk. It was heavy, the kind of kiss that made you weak in the knees. The kind of kiss you have someone when you liked them. It felt right. He threaded a hand through her hair as she pushed her jacket off and tugged at his sweatshirt. His brain was screaming at him to stop, knowing how inebriated she was and that she would wake up tomorrow and probably hate him for it, but he just couldn’t. He’d waited so long, forever it felt like, and now that he was kissing her he never wanted to stop.
She pulled his shirt up, and moved to unbutton his jeans, grabbing one of his hands and placing it on her lower abdomen.
“Touch me.” She breathed out, head falling forward, hair spilling over her shoulder. But before he could she stopped, turned pale, and vomited right over his arm and on to the floor. She looked horrified and covered her mouth.
He took an immediate step back and held her at arms length steering her towards the bathroom both stumbling as he hurried.
“Bathroom bathroom bathroom.” He said frantically, steering her into the bathroom and flipping the light switch on just as she started gagging again.
She fell forward, almost hitting her face on the side of the toilet, had he not caught her and threw up again. He grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his hand as she continued to throw up. She gasped and sat backwards looking over at him.
“Don’t look at me.” She moaned swatting her hand in his direction. If he hadn’t been so focused on keeping her hair off her face while she threw up he might have laughed “I don’t want you to see me this way.”
“Get a grip Hallie. I don’t care about this.”
She sat back and closed her eyes, before opening them and looking at him with a small smile “You know. Sometimes you can be really sweet.”
“Only for you.” He pushed a strand of hair off her face.
“Oh stop. That’s not true.”
“Kinda is though.” He said with a shrug. She frowned.
“Really? You’ve never been this nice to another girl.”
While this wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have while he was in a bathroom with her and she was throwing up he felt the need to be honest. Especially since she wouldn’t let him get this out when she was sober.
“I’m nice to a lot of girls, but not like I am to you.” He pulled a washcloth from the bathroom drawer and wet it, leaning forward to wipe off her mouth and forehead.
“You know why.”
“I do. But you shouldn’t feel that way about me. I’m not good enough.”
He leaned down to look at her “First of all, don’t ever say that about yourself, and second of all it’s me who isn’t good enough for you.”
She shook her head sadly “No it’s me. Trust me.” He head lolled to the side and her eyes closed “You deserve someone who can give you what I cant.”
“Nah. I’m good.”
She pushed herself up and crawled over to him on her hands and knees “I can’t love you. You know that right?” She was peering at him through mascara smudged eyes, and looked almost like she might cry “I want to though, but I just cant.”
“Well I could love you. So I guess that’s good enough.”
She opened her mouth to speak but immediately turned and started throwing up again. He started rubbing a hand across her back, when he heard her crying “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“For being such a bitch all the time. And for being this drunk. And for throwing up everywhere oh my god ew.” She threw up again, and cried some more.
“It’s okay Hallie really.”
She sat backwards wiping her mouth and sighed turning to him “I wish I could have met you earlier.”
“What do you mean?”
“I could have loved you before. In another life. Maybe even in this one.”
“Well since you won’t remember tomorrow. I’ll say this now. I love you in this life. Right now. And I think you love me too, you just won’t admit it.”
She looked dumbfounded for a few seconds before she nodded “I think your right.”
His heart felt like it might explode, even though he wasn’t sure she meant it. It could be the alcohol talking, but it could be her being truthful.
“I think you should try and get some sleep.” He helped her up off the floor, catching her as she stumbled and handed her an extra toothbrush, assisting her in brushing them. He eyes were opening and closing and she was slouching a little.
“Im so tired. Can I sleep here?”
“Of course. I’ll get you into bed and sleep on the couch.”
“Pffffft. Don’t be ridiculous. Just sleep in bed with me. You’ve seen me almost naked now anyways.”
He felt his ears get hot “I don’t think that’s a good idea-“
“Why not!?”
“Do you promise to keep your hands to yourself?” He asked leaning down to pull a shirt out of his drawer.
“Do I have to?” She mumbled, taking the shirt and attempting to pull hers over her head. It got stuck several times before he reached over to help her, sliding the shirt over her head, fingers brushing against her waist. He felt her shiver as he instructed her to raise her arms above her head and he slipped a new shirt over them. She stared at him for a minute, mouth slightly open before she smiled “Your kind of beautiful you know.” She paused and her smile got wider “In like a really annoying way.”
“There’s Hallie.” He laughed pulling the T-shirt down over her head “Feeling better?”
She nodded and closed her eyes “A little.”
He followed her to the bed, helping her shed her leggings and tucked her into bed, before getting changed himself and sliding in next to her. He listened to her breathing for a second, assuming she was asleep, and settled in.
She turned over, facing him and her eyes opened “Hey. I meant everything I said Matty.”
“Even the part where you love me?”
“Especially that part.” She stared at him, unblinking for a long time before she said softly “If I wasn’t drunk, would you kiss me right now?”
“I would. Ask me again tomorrow.”
“I won’t be like this tomorrow, so I’m asking you now.”
He leaned forward and kissed her very lightly, pulling away from her just as she started to move her lips, but she pulled him forward again.
“Don’t. I might never do this again. Just let me.”
She pulled herself forward, tugging him over her, mouth moving against his. This was all wrong, not how he planned it, but as she said there might never be another moment like this between them. When they broke apart her eyes slid closed.
“I love you.”
He felt for a second like he wanted to cry. Both because he loved hearing those words from her, but also because he was only hearing them under the effects of alcohol. He wasn’t sure which hurt worse.
He didn’t say it back, partially because she fell asleep but also because the first time he said it, he wanted her to be sober and aware so she knew how he really felt about her. He would keep those words locked away for another time when they meant more. When she actually understood that they weren’t just words. He sighed and leaned back in bed, arm coming up behind his head.
He most likely wouldn’t sleep, as his mind was racing a million miles an hour, thinking about her, the kissing, and her confession about loving him in the bathroom. While he knew he annoyed her, he had always been sure that she loved him at least a little bit. She wouldn’t put up with him if she didn’t. But to know that maybe it was a lot, made him feel good. Great even. But it also made him sad to know that it was her who was preventing it from happening. He’d always thought it was his own fault that Hallie wanted nothing to do with him, but it was actually she who had convinced herself she didn’t want to be with him.
He wouldn’t tell her about any of it. He’d keep it to himself, for a rainy day, a lonely night, a time when he needed to remember something good. He also didn’t want to embarrass her, so it would be a secret that he would keep and she would forget.
He heard her sigh and turn over in her sleep, head resting on the pillow near his shoulder. He closed his eyes and wondered if she was dreaming about him, like he dreamed about her every night.
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dennydraws · 9 months
Here is to 2024!
Hello, hello ~ I didn't get to do a proper new year journal entry about 2023, about plans for 2024... so here it is! \o/
I think 2023 was a year of growth for me. I finally invested into getting an ipad and procreate and while it was the cheapest possible I could grab, it tremendously improved my art in both speed and quality. I realized my biggest issue with digital art was how tired I was after work. I just couldn't bring myself to hunch over my desk and even if I was dying to draw I just couldn't. But the ipad made it possible to draw everywhere and after work, drawing from the couch was like a blessing! I don't look into investing further into bigger ipad, the gen 9 one is absolutely perfect for my needs so far. :>
2023 was no buy new art supplies year! I attempted to do big art challenge where I use my current art supplies with reckless abandon ...but for one reason or another (ok lets be real, I just juggle too much at once xD;; ) I couldn't keep up. However, I did resist buying new art supplies and gave away most if not all that weren't working for me! Which felt great! It's just so sad seeing art supplies that aren't used and seeing someone excited to receive them just gave me ultimate warm fuzzies :D Going into 2024 I think to continue with the no buy art supplies until my current stash is reduced some. Not that I have abundance of brands and things but I tend to be on the minimalist side and I don't enjoy having clutter of supplies if I can help it.
Onto 2024 with... hopefully a Youtube Channel! That's right! That's a new thing :D;; I want to start doing art youtube videos! But also, again let's be real. I don't know if I will be able to keep up with it. So I don't want to overly invest into it money wise but also, it's something I've wanted to do for years now but something kept getting on the way. So I think I want to try it now! I have this giggly excitement over the idea of planning what pictures to draw and editing and showing the process and talking about it... or talk about art and life in general, I hope it will be fun! And I hope it will be fun to watch for whoever might be interested to give it a look :D Return of the sketchbook flip through videos? :D;; Of course every beginning is hard and awkward and it will be sloppy but also, that's also part of the fun! I want to keep it casual and fun - no stress, only good vibes!
Sneric Comic, Sneric Comic! Oh, boy I need to get back into the gist of things again! XD I have outlined chapter 10 but the story bits after are a bit on the vague side. I'm still looking forward to putting the story together and printing it one day to have it on my shelf and be like - another one done! \o/ I'll get there, slow and steady!
So... onto 2024 where I hope I will do more with my art than scatter images through social media. And of course new adventures in FF14! And at last Eiyuden comes out (I backed it way back during kickstarter :D!) and maybe we'll finally see the Suikoden remaster come out too!
Okay that got too long! Thank you for stopping by, dear reader! I hope 2024 is amazing for you and full of positive growth!
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bismuthupmy · 1 year
Nothing Hurts | Leon x Luis RE4
Chapter 7 | 3.1k words
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The story of tragic righteousness where nobody is hurt and everything is perfect. Except nothing is perfect in hell.
A re-imagining of the events of the Resident Evil 4 remake where Luis and Leon get the ending they deserved.
——————————————————————————————————Guys. I got to spend my holidays on a farm. Hand feeding baby cows every day. Im in heaven.
The sun had fully dipped behind the hills now, shrouding the ravine in darkness, the sliver of orange light disappearing. The night breeze was chilling as night began to settle in.
Leon pulled himself up to his feet, panting from exertion. Ashley was coughing beside him standing up shakily as well. 
“You ok?” Leon asked Ashley. She shook herself off and dusted down her jacket.
“Yeah, fine.”
“Luis?” “I haven't done this much high stress running in days,” Luis leaned back against a rock the farthest from the ravine you could be. 
“Days?” Ashley panted. “I haven't in months.”
Luis and Ashley looked at Leon expectantly and if he was honest he really didn’t know how to answer because it was a bit sad in retrospect.
Ashley snorted and Luis just shook his head sympathetically.
“You’re so unintentionally funny, you know that Leon,” Ashley beamed at him with a giggly sigh. 
“How do you know it’s unintentional?”
Leon turned his attention towards their surroundings, now that they were out of imminent danger for the time being.
“You get this confused look on your face whenever we laugh at you, thats how,” Luis breathed a laugh, having finally caught his breath. Smokers life Leon guessed. 
Opting to ignore the irritating voice hanging over his left shoulder, Leon turned to Ashley, “Listen. You’re the one he wants. If we see him again, you run.”
“Huh? Wh-what about you?”
“I’ll do my job”
Ashley submitted and just hummed her assent, clearly not pleased but he had his job to do and he was going to finish it successfully.
“Don’t suppose I’m part of that job, huh?” The insufferable voice to his left spoke up. 
“I’m not getting paid to save you.”
“Aw, you wouldn’t leave me here, would you?”
Leon just rolled his eyes and walked a little faster.
“Don’t count on it,” he muttered.
They came up to another merchant stop, the mysterious man waving at them cheerfully, no doubt excited for some more pesetas.
“Repairs and wares to share, stranger. What’ll it be?”
Ashley wandered around the open clearing, ogling the big building behind the merchant’s booth, and Luis hung back around the path they came up from, watching over the area despite it being safe enough if the merchant was keeping up shop. 
Leon traded some treasures he picked up and repaired and upgraded some of his gear. The merchant really was ripping him off. This man was definitely taking apart these guns just to sell the upgrades separately. He was lucky Leon needed them.
He was just about to sort out his equipment, reloading and whatnot, when the merchant started moving around behind his little counter. He was packing up his merchandise into cases and piled them on top of a wagon. Leon watched him wide eyed. He wouldn’t have thought the merchant could move around this much with his arsenal if he hadn’t helped him earlier at the factory.
The merchant looked up, feeling Leon’s inquisitive gaze and his eyes crinkled under his mask. 
“Just packing up, stranger. Time for me to head out.”
With not another word he finished stacking his cases and pulled his wagon behind him. With the flick of a switch the purple lantern that marked his shop went out and the man went on his merry way, shuffling down the road with a wave over his shoulder.
“Uh, the roads not-” Leon went to inform the merchant of the unfortunate happenings of a few minutes ago but found he was too stunned to finish his sentence. He watched as Ashley tried to explain the same thing as he walked past but he just chuckled and patted the top of her head as he left. 
“Well isn’t he a funny character?” Luis was now next to Leon. He just scoffed and shook his head. 
“I’m not going to question it.”
Luis just nodded. He turned around, swinging his legs, as he whistled lowly, “What does this mean for us then?”
Leon gave him an irritated questioning look, to which the Spaniard received with an innocent little smile. Could he not be so cryptic all the time?
“You know,” he continued. “No merchant, no purple fire. Wondering what's nearby is all.”
Thinking about it, Luis was right. If the merchant was leaving the area there must be some sort of danger around. They better be careful from now on.
“You think he’s back?” Ashley joined them, hands drawn to her chest how you would when protecting yourself from a bad dream. 
“If he is, we be careful,” Leon started for the building. “Stay close and stay quiet.”
He was met with silence behind him. Naturally it didn’t last long.
“You said this was a slaughterhouse?” Ashley whispered  to Luis behind Leon. They walked up the wooden steps to a high platform which overlooked the lovely remains of some pigs and cows. 
“Yeah,” Luis answered just as quietly. “Though it's in a bit of an inconvenient spot. Far from town, right next to the castle. Terrible planning of this village.”
Leon sighed, succumbing to the incessant chatter behind him. Their talking was putting Leon on edge. To be fair he only told them to be quiet, not silent, but it was implied.
Ashley snorted, “The farm was all the way across the lake wasn't it? Why’s the slaughterhouse here? They didn’t think the layout through, did they?”
As he crossed the threshold, Leon was met with a sinking feeling. Something wasn't right. The air was dry and there was the lingering smell of rotting flesh.
“No, ha. Is that something you look into as the President's daughter? Didn’t think you’d be close to the country's infrastructure.”
Leon shushed them harshly, halting at the corner of the platform, staring intently down at the ground floor for any movement.
“Only curious.”
“Luis, shut up,” Leon hissed, pulling out his gun from its holster and signalling with his spare hand to the others to stay back. To his relief they obeyed and he  cautiously skirted around the corner and further along the top floor.
In an instant he was flying through the air and having the air knocked out of his lungs as he heavily hit the floor below.
“Leon!” Ashleys voice echoed in his ears. Pushing himself up on throbbing arms, Ashley was still up with Luis on the top floor, the latter pulling at her arm in the opposite direction with urgency. The village chief stood before him, on the same ground floor, looking up at the girl.
Leon pulled himself up onto his knees, lungs burning and chest heaving to regain sorely needed oxygen. He shot at the giant to distract him. Like  always bullets didn’t affect him, but now his attention was drawn to Leon so Ashley could escape.
Frantically looking around the room for a better solution, Leon spied an explosive barrel. Running to it, he rolled it on its side, sucking in a deep breath and yelled up to the pair on the second floor, “Run!”
He pushed the barrel towards the chief, training his gun on it now.
“Hasta luego,” he shot the barrel.
The explosion blasted him backwards a few feet, setting fire to the entire slaughterhouse, the dry wood inside the perfect fuel. Blistering heat licked at his skin as he stood back up again. Beyond the flames, Ashley and Luis weren’t  to be seen which Leon hoped meant they were able to get out safely.
In other less enjoyable news, the chief walked out of the flame. He wasn't unscathed however but it seemed like that was working out for him just fine. 
The man, skin marred by the fire, was even more of a giant, his spine stretched and exposed like a  centipede, large scorpion-like limbs protruding from his back. He was more than nightmarish.
“What the fuck,” scrambling to get higher ground on the monster, Leon pulled himself up to a second higher platform. He steadied his gun in his hands and fired at the chief's head. Heads were a weakness, right? He hoped.
Leon’s opponent drew back its claw limbs, swinging them downwards to kill. He just managed to pull out his knife in time to block off that attack when the second claw followed in the first’s footsteps. Leon rolled out of the way to avoid it, not trusting his luck with his knife a second time.
He was able to get in more gunshots to absolutely anywhere he could get a bullet in at this point, though nothing seemed to make a difference. The chief drew back which painfully puzzled Leon, folding inwards and upwards. 
“Judgement,” he muttered, now coming spinning at full speed towards Leon, claw limbs outstretched, clocking Leon right in the chest and sending him sprawling to the ground floor for a second time, his feet  kissing the flames that crept closer. His toes will certainly never be cold again.
Not wanting to stay down on the same level for any amount of time, Leon ran for the platform ladder again, leaping up to avoid another swiping attack. The monster seemed to be dizzy for the moment, wobbling, his attacks no longer precise. A few shots to his legs made him stumble a bit which brought great relief to Leon as that was the first sign of weakness. He now knew he had a chance.
With the chief recovering from his judgemental phase, Leon replaced his handgun with something with a little more power, pulling out his shotgun.
The blast from this one had more knock back and a headshot managed to stun the monster into falling to the ground, revealing a large green eye seated right in the middle of his upper back. If the head wasn't the weakness, a very abnormally large and out of place eye would certainly be.
Leon leapt down to the ground floor again and pulled out his knife, plunging it hilt deep into the eye on the chief’s back. He howled, clawing at his face in pain as he flung upwards to his feet, the force of it severing his elongated spine and his upper body came crashing down and his legs almost humorously flopped forwards.
“Looks like your tap dancing days are over,” Leon huffed, coughing around the increasing fumes in the air. It was getting hard to breathe, the fire consuming any oxygen in the slaughterhouse, the smoke smothering. In other news, the chief shouldn’t be too much trouble to get rid of now that he had no legs, right? Wrong.
A second set of claws erupted from his mangled back, pincers attached to the end. He banged them about, the vibrations sent up the walls of the slaughterhouse, causing the far platform to collapse along with part of the roof. Their ‘arena’ was closing in. 
The chief pushed himself up and away, flung to the roof rafters to hang on with his claws. He reached down with the new claws to pick up flaming piles of  wood and launched them at Leon down below. He was only able to narrowly avoid the projectiles by throwing himself to the side.
Turns out figuring out the monster's weak spot was worthless since he couldn't even get to it anymore. All he could do was run around aimlessly avoiding any projectiles thrown his way and getting in any gunshots he could between them. 
Leon watched as the chief picked up more projectiles from the rubble of the slaughterhouse. The smoke burned his eyes and made them tear up, making it much more difficult to see anything but he was pretty sure that those were explosive barrels he was holding.
Shoulders entirely deflating, Leon ran to try and duck for cover behind the panelling holding up the second floor from the barrels but he knew his space was limited. The chief pulled back and the barrels exploded. Except Leon didn’t feel the blow. 
Looking around his small hiding spot Leon saw the remnants of the aggressive heat of an explosion which followed a sharp gunshot. A second shot rang out, seeming to hit the chief right in the back where his eye was. He wailed and slipped from the rafters trying to catch himself on the others, ultimately falling to the floor infront of Leon.
Luis’ head popped up in the furthest window on the opposite side of the slaughterhouse, Leon’s rifle propped on the windowsill. He was gesturing towards the fallen monster, yelling something that Leon couldn’t hear over the roaring flames, but he got the idea. Pulling out his knife again, Leon lunged and put his entire weight behind stabbing the bulging eye in the chief’s back.
The chief roared and flung his sharp limbs around angrily, pushing himself back up onto his claws ready to jump back to the roof  rafters.
“No you don't,” Leon dove behind the chief as he floundered about on the floor, aiming his shotgun straight for the eye and firing as quickly as he could to try and take down the monster again.
Luckily for him, he slipped from the roof as Leon shot him mid jump, and he went sprawling to the floor again. Leon had to dive out of the way to avoid being crushed in the process.
Short of breath and aching from the lack of fresh oxygen, Leon struggled to pull himself back up in time to stab the weak eye again. He pushed up onto his knees and watched as the chief was pushing himself up on his claw limbs. 
Not waiting  another second, Leon lunged towards the monster, managing to lodge his knife into the eye just as he was  jumping for the roof again, slicing through the eye and the chief’s shoulder, successfully bringing him to the floor a final time. The chief screamed, hollered for Saddler, as he crumpled and collapsed unmoving on the flaming floorboards, his false eye falling out of his lax eye socket.
Leon coughed through the smoke, looking down upon his fallen enemy. 
“Give my regards to your god,” he spat, kneeling down to pick up the eye just as he heard a huge crash to the side and the fire expand.
“Leon!” Ashley cried from the direction of the crash. She had broken in a window to escape. “Quick! This place is coming down!” 
Forcing his limbs to move, Leon dashed for the exit, hearing as the wooden roof of the slaughterhouse cracked and scrapped. Not saving time to check it out, he dove out through the window into fresh air and the cool night breeze as the ceiling of the slaughterhouse caved and crumbled in.
  Leon coughed and sputtered as he tried to get all the smoke out of his lungs and back to normal functionality. He felt Ashley urgently pat down his back and noticed some other tiny flames attached  to his clothes which he promptly snuffed out too. He sighed.
“You’re welcome?” Leon looked up at Ashley who was smiling with her hand outstretched. He chuckled and took her hand as she helped him stand back up.
Leon took a moment now to look around their surroundings. They were now fully cut off from the village, the slaughterhouse in unexplorable ruins and a broken bridge now making a path into the dark depths of the earth. 
“Luis made sure I was safe here before going back to help you,” Ashley informed him. Leon hadn’t asked for more details about it but he must’ve made some sort of face that made her continue. “I know you don't like him or trust him and I don't know why. But he’s a good guy and I think he’s helped us out enough to trust, right?”
Leon wasn't planning to explain to Ashley about Luis’ situation with Umbrella since this whole mess was complicated enough as it is. He’d probably even have to go into explaining everything wrong with the company too since he wasn't sure how much Ashley was in the know about.
Then again, Luis had helped them without hesitation so he was making up for something. If Leon continued to think about it, it was strange a former Umbrella scientist was here in the midst of a parasitic cultist movement but he didn’t care so long as they could leave safe. And to do that there did need to be some level of trust.
Speaking of…
“Hope you haven’t left without me,” a grunt and a growl “These rocks are slipperier than I thought they’d be.”
Several more noises of effort  came from behind the remains of the slaughterhouse. Luis could now be seen shuffling down the rock face backwards. Upon seeing that Leon and Ashley had in fact not left him behind he gave them a goofy smile and a wave which immediately caused him to slide uncontrollably down the rocks and into the dirt below.
Ashley snorted and jogged up to Luis to help him up. 
“Gracias, princesa.”
Leon approached them both, regarding Luis, “You climbed up the rocks to get to that window?”
“Sure did,” Luis brushed down his jacket to get rid of the sticking mud. “You’re welcome, by the way. Couldn’t have you impaled by a scorpion, could we?”
“Impaled- scorpion!?” Ashley exclaimed looking between the two men with wide eyes. “What happened in there?”
Luis laughed, “Should have been there to see it! A whole scorpion came out of the storeroom!”
“Quit messing with me! Leon?”
Ashley fixed her stare on Leon and he just waved her off with a laugh of his own.
“Nothing, nothing. Let’s just say we don't have to worry about that big guy anymore.”
“What does that even mean?” Ashley huffed and jogged over to the window where Leon escaped from, leaning left and right to try and catch a glimpse of absolutely anything that happened in the slaughterhouse. “You guys never tell me anything.”
That’s because you don't need to know,” Leon rested a hand on Ashley’s shoulder to guide her away from the window. “This fire’s bound to catch their attention. Let’s keep moving.”
“Ok,” Ashley looked longingly after the slaughterhouse as the group began up the road again. “ Uh, Leon? I’m not going to turn into one of them, right?”
Leon looked back at the girl. She looked nearly defeated, anxiously keeping eye contact with him. He looked back to the road and caught Luis’ sad gaze in passing.
“I won’t let that happen. I promise.”
Their attention was taken by the castle up ahead, the stone fortress looming over them. There wasn't any other way for them to go and they needed to keep moving so into the castle it was. Leon hoped they could sneak through or find somewhere to lay low for a while.
The moment they crossed the drawbridge, it began rising, trapping them inside.
“That’s reassuring,” Luis commented. At least they weren’t unwelcome. These people seemed to love having them here if they didn’t want them to leave.
“Well, at least we don't have to worry about being followed.”
I always underestimate how big action scenes are like this one i was expecting like “oh it’ll just take up a lil bit and then i can go to the castle” but noooooooo it took up half the chapter Ridiculous i love it
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Charlie’s Angels:
Season 6: Book 1: Bonjour Angels
Chapter 1: An Emotional Farewell
The sun shone brightly over Los Angeles, casting a warm glow on the city that never slept. In the prestigious Beverly Hills area, there was the Townsend agency. Inside the Townsend Detective Agency office, the Angels, Kris Munroe, Julie Rogers, and Kelly Garrett, were gathered around their rarely used office dining table. John Bosley, their ever-present colleague and friend, was also in attendance.
The atmosphere in the room was a mix of joy and sadness, as the Angels prepared to bid farewell to the longest-serving angel , Kelly Garrett. With the gunshot wound she had suffered the previous year fully healed, Kelly was ready to move on to a new phase in her life. She had just gotten married and was now expecting a baby, eager to start her new life with her husband, Alan Samuelson after rekindling her romance with him.
In the middle of the table, an assortment of snacks and drinks were laid out, a small celebration to commemorate Kelly's departure. The Angels shared stories and laughter, reminiscing about their time together, and the many cases they had solved as a team. “I just got my head through the door and I was off to Hawaii!” Explained Kris to a giggly Julie. The laughter stopped. There was silence.
Kris, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, squeezed Kelly's hand. "Kelly, I just can't believe you're leaving us," she said, her voice cracking.
Kelly smiled warmly, her own eyes misting over. "I know, Kris. It's not easy for me either. But it's time for me to focus on building a family... my own family. You guys will always be in my heart, the first family I ever had."
Bosley, in an attempt to lighten the mood, chimed in, "Well, Kelly, we're going to miss you. But I think I speak for all of us when I say… does this mean I get your parking space?"
Everyone laughed, and Kelly wiped her eyes. "Of course, Bosley. You're going to need all the help you can get keeping these two in line," she said, nodding toward Kris and Julie.
At that moment, the iconic intercom on the table buzzed to life, and Charlie's voice filled the room. "Good afternoon, Angels. I understand this is a bittersweet moment for all of you. Kelly, I wish you well in your future endeavors. You will always be a part of the Townsend Detective Agency family."
"Thank you, Charlie," Kelly replied, her voice thick with emotion.
"Now, onto business," Charlie continued. "As you know, when one Angel leaves, another must take her place. So, it gives me great pleasure to reintroduce a familiar face as the newest member of your team…”
The girls looked at one another with puzzled expressions. The door to the office opened, and Tiffany walked in, her eyes scanning the room as she took in the faces of her friends. Kris rushed forward with a warm embrace. "Tiffany! It's so great to see you again! We've missed you!"
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Tiffany smiled back, "Kris, it's been too long! I'm so glad we get to work together again."
Julie, who had not yet met Tiffany, extended her hand with a warm smile. "Hi, I'm Julie Rogers. It's nice to meet you, Tiffany."
Tiffany shook Julie's hand. "Nice to meet you too, Julie. I'm looking forward to working with you."
Kelly approached Tiffany, her face a mixture of sadness and joy. "Tiffany, welcome back. I know you'll be a great addition to the team, just like before."
"Thank you, Kelly," Tiffany replied, hugging her. "I promise to do my best and make you proud."
After the introductions were made, the Angels found themselves looking through old photo albums together. Kelly and Kris found themselves alone for a moment near the window, gazing out at the city they had called home for so many years.
"Do you remember our first case together, Kris?" Kelly asked, a nostalgic smile on her face.
Kris nodded, her eyes distant as she recalled the memory. "Of course, I do. I was so nervous, but we got through it together.”
Kelly sighed. "Yes, those were amazing times.” She paused. A grin took hold of her face. “What is it?” Asked Kris. “Your first case and you ended up on a nudest beach” recalled Kelly as she burst out laughing. “I'll cherish those memories forever."
Kris hugged Kelly tightly. "We'll never forget you, Kelly. You'll always be an Angel to us."
Tears streamed down Kelly's face as she hugged Kris back. "I'll miss you guys so much. Please promise me that you'll take care of each other."
"We promise, Kelly," Kris whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Bosley, sensing the emotional moment, walked over to the two women and placed a comforting hand on each of their shoulders. "Kelly, you're leaving behind a great legacy. We'll make sure to honor it every day."
"Thank you, Bosley," Kelly said, sniffling and wiping her tears.
The Angels shared a heartfelt group hug, each of them knowing that they were part of something truly special. As they stood there, embracing one another, they were reminded of the unbreakable bond they shared - a bond built on trust, friendship, and the pursuit of justice.
As the sun began to set on Los Angeles, the Angels said their final goodbyes to Kelly. With both tears and smiles, they watched her walk away, ready to face her new life head-on.
And although they knew things would never be the same without her, the Angels also knew that they would continue to fight for justice, side by side, as a team. Together, they would carry on the legacy of the Townsend Detective Agency and face whatever challenges the future had in store for them.
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Chapter Two: Bonjour Angels
Tiffany, Kris, and Julie were inside the office room at the Townsend Agency, awaiting their next challenging assignment. Bosley walked in, greeting them warmly with a smile.
"Good morning, Angels," he said. "We have a new case that requires your immediate attention. It's in France."
The Angels' faces lit up with excitement, eager to embark on a new adventure in an exotic location. Bosley handed each of them a folder containing the details of their latest mission.
"This is a missing persons case," he explained, leaning against the table. "Four young women who work at a high end winery in France have disappeared. They were last seen leaving work and haven't been seen since."
The Angels each scanned the information in the folders, taking note of the missing women's names, ages, and job titles.
"Any leads on their whereabouts, Bosley?" asked Julie, looking up from the file.
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"Not yet," replied Bosley. "But we do know that the winery is located in a small town in the south of France, and the local authorities are hesitant about investigating the case. We have reason to believe that there might be more to this case than meets the eye. That's where you come in."
The Angels nodded in understanding, knowing that their expertise in undercover work and investigation would be critical in solving this case.
“Who’s the client Charlie”? Asked Julie.
The angels looked at each other. They looked shocked. “The owner of the winery, Mrs Francine Bernard, is a dear friend angels, I want to us help out and do what we can.” The angels listened intently. “Sally Miller, Elizabeth Lewis, Angela Clark & Rhona Fields all meant a great deal to her angels. Please get over to France & help her out.”
“Those names don’t sound very French to me.” Remarked Tiffany.
“All the girls who have disappeared so far, have beenAmerican.” Added Charlie.
"We'll need to go undercover to gather more information," said Tiffany, flipping through the pages in her folder. "I suggest I go as a wealthy socialite. It wouldn’t be too hard for Charlie to pull a few strings and get me a mansion in the French vineyard countryside now would it Charlie?” Joked Tiffany. The Angels laughed.
Chapter Three: The plan of action
The sun shone over the city of Paris, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets. Julie, Tiffany, and Kris sat at a small bistro table on the sidewalk, sipping coffee and nibbling on croissants.
"I love Paris," Tiffany said, taking a sip of her café au lait. "The fashion, the food, the men."
Kris rolled her eyes. "Since when were you always thinking about men, Tif? We're here on an investigation remember?"
"Of course I remember," Tiffany replied, waving a hand dismissively. "I was getting into character, I just like to enjoy myself while I'm working. And speaking of work, we need to figure out our undercover positions."
Julie nodded in agreement. "If you’re serious about the socialite cover Tiff… I think I should be your assistant. It'll give us a good reason to be seen together."
Tiffany smiled. "Perfect. And Kris, you can work at the winery. You know a lot about wine, right?" Winked Tiffany.
Kris nodded. "It was Moonshine Tiff.” She replied. I can definitely pull off a winery worker." She said, winking at Julie.
"Great," Julie said. "And I'll just be the helpful assistant, making sure everything runs smoothly… whilst Tiffany enjoys the French sun & everything else that comes with being a socialite.” She added, rolling her eyes with a smile. The angels erupted with laughter.
As they finished their breakfast, they paid the bill and made their way to the train station. The ride down to southern France was long but peaceful, and they spent the time reading about the personal lives of the missing women.
When they arrived at the winery, they were greeted by the owner, Francine Bernard.
"Bonjour, mesdames," Francine said with a smile. "Welcome to my winery. I'm glad you could make it."
"Thank you for having us, Francine," Tiffany replied. "As you know, we're here to investigate the disappearance of your female workers."
Francine's smile faded. "Yes, it's been a terrible situation. We've lost four young women in the past few weeks. I fear for the safety of my other workers."
"Don't worry, Francine," Kris said, laying a comforting hand on her arm. "We'll do everything we can to find out what happened."
“Come inside ladies, it isn’t wise for the three of you to be seen together.” Began Francine as she grabbed the angels, pulling them to her. “I do not trust anyone around here anymore.” She said firmly through her ever so present French accent.
She guided the angels upstairs into her private office & once the angels were sitting comfortably they were ready to begin with their questions.
"What can you tell us about the missing women?" Julie asked.
Francine sighed. "Not much, I'm afraid. They were all good workers, and I trusted them. But one day they just didn't show up for work, and I haven't seen or heard from them since."
"Did they have any enemies or problems at work?" Kris asked.
"Not that I know of," Francine replied. "They were all well-liked by their coworkers and had no issues with anyone here."
Tiffany furrowed her brow. "Do you have any theories about what might have happened?"
Francine shook her head. "I wish I did. But there's one strange thing I've noticed. All of the missing girls have blonde hair and blue eyes."
The angels exchanged a look. That was certainly a strange coincidence.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Barbara looked at her watch. "That must be the uniform fitter for Kris," she said. "Come in!"
A young woman entered, carrying a garment bag. "Excuse moi, Madame Bernard," she began, "but I'm here to fit Kris Munroe for her uniform."
Barbara nodded. "Of course, she's right here. Kris, this way please."
Kris looked at Julie and Tiffany with a hint of embarrassment as she followed the fitter out of the room. Julie couldn't resist teasing her. "Don't worry, Kris, we won't tell anyone you need a uniform fitting," she said with a smirk.
Tiffany giggled. "Yeah, we won't tell anyone you're… going undercover as a winery worker." She said, whispering the end.
Kris smiled playfully, leaving the room.
Barbara cleared her throat. "Back to business, please. I have some leads for you to follow up on." She handed them a stack of papers. "These are the names of all the employees who were working at the winery when the girls went missing. I also have security camera footage from the day of the disappearances. Hopefully, there's something there that can help you."
Tiffany & Julie thanked Barbara and left her office, ready to start their investigation. As they walked through the winery, they kept their eyes open for any clues or suspicious behavior.
“Well she was a lot of help.” Said Tiffany with a hint of sarcasm to her voice.
“This is gonna be a tough one…” replied Julie. “Welcome back Tiffany.” She joked
They split up to cover more ground and get to know the place, agreeing to meet back up in an hour to share their findings.
It was clear that this case was going to be very difficult.
Chapter four: Kris gets her toes dirty
Kris decided to keep her eyes and ears open as she knew she would have to work alongside the other vineyard workers closely. She tried to blend in as much as possible, taking on tasks and asking questions just like any other.
Over the next few days, Kris worked hard and got to know her colleagues better. They were a friendly bunch, always willing to lend her a hand or share a laugh during their breaks. Kris found herself enjoying their company, even as she kept her guard up and remained focused on the investigation.
One afternoon, as they took a break from their work, Pierre, a worker brought up the topic of the missing girls. It has been the topic of conversation & the subject had spread itself life a virus via Chinese whispers all day. "It's really strange, you know," he said. "I can't believe they just disappeared like that. I mean, we all work here together. We're like family. It doesn't make sense."
Kris nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's really strange. Have you noticed anything unusual around here? Anyone acting suspicious?"
Pierre shook his head. "No, not really. It's pretty quiet around here most of the time. We just work and go home. But I did hear something weird the other night."
Kris leaned in, interested. "What did you hear?"
Pierre hesitated for a moment, as if unsure whether to continue. "Well, I was on my way home, and I saw a car parked outside the winery. It was really late, almost midnight. I thought it was strange, so I went to check it out."
"And?" Kris prompted.
Pierre shrugged. "There was no one in the car, but the engine was still running. It was weird. I thought maybe someone was up to something, but I didn't know what to do, so I just went home."
Kris made a mental note to follow up on that lead. "How odd.” She said, playing dumb.
After finishing work for the day, Kris made it a priority to call Tiffany to tell her about the lead she had received from Pierre. Ringing from a telephone booth just outside of the vineyard grounds, she anxiously waited for her to pick up.
"Hey, Kris! What's up?" Tiffany answered.
Kris took a deep breath. "Hey, Tiff. I heard something today that might help us with the case. One of the workers, Pierre, saw a car parked outside the winery late at night. The engine was still running, but there was no one in the car."
Tiffany listened carefully. "Interesting. Did he get a look at the car or the license plate?"
Kris shook her head. "No, he didn't. But I thought maybe you could check it out. See if there's any footage from the security cameras or anything like that."
Tiffany grinned. "You got it, Kris. I'll get right on it. Thanks for the tip."
Kris smiled. "No problem. I'll keep you posted if I hear anything else."
After hanging up with Tiffany, Kris felt a sense of relief. She knew that Tiffany was a great investigator, and that she would be able to follow up on the lead with ease. She returned to her hotel room and began to go over her notes, wondering if there was anything else she had missed. Things were starting to get suspicious.
Chapter 5: Security… get Security
The following morning, Tiffany, dressed in her elegant socialite attire, paid a visit to the security building at the winery. There she met head of security, Mr Paul O’Brian, an American who had migrated to France. She casually brought up the topic of security and mentioned her concerns about the recent disappearances.
"I must say, these disappearances are quite troubling. As an investor, I am concerned about the safety of the workers and the overall reputation of the winery. Can you tell me more about the security measures in place?" Tiffany asked.
Paul nodded, understanding her concerns. "Of course, Tiffany. We have security cameras installed around the property, and we also have a one of us, who patrols the grounds at night."
"Would it be possible for me to review the security footage from the last week? I want to make sure this place is up to my standards," Tiffany inquired.
Paul hesitated for a moment, but then agreed. "I appreciate your concern, Tiffany. I will have my assistant, Philippe, give you access to the footage."
Later that day, Julie met Tiffany in the winery office where the security footage was stored. As Francine's assistant, she had the perfect cover to review the footage without arousing suspicion. They began to comb through the videos, fast-forwarding through hours of uneventful footage, searching for any clues.
After several hours, Julie's eyes widened as she noticed something on one of the screens. "Tiffany, look at this!" she exclaimed, pointing to the monitor. On the screen, they could see a dark sedan parked near the winery at the same time Pierre had mentioned. The car's lights were off, and the engine appeared to be running.
"Can you zoom in on the license plate?" Tiffany asked.
Julie nodded and enhanced the image as much as possible. The license plate was partially obscured, but they could make out a few letters and numbers. "It's not much, but it's a start," Julie said, jotting down the partial plate number.
Meanwhile, back at the vineyard, Kris had taken the opportunity to talk with some of the other workers during their lunch break. Over a simple meal of bread and cheese, she casually asked if anyone had noticed anything unusual or suspicious in the past few weeks.
Most of the workers shook their heads, not having any information to offer. However, one woman, Genevieve, seemed hesitant to speak. Grabbing a chance to speak with her alone, Kris noticed her reluctance and tried to make her feel more comfortable.
"It's okay, Genevieve," Kris reassured her. "I just want to make sure everyone is safe. If you know something, it might help."
Genevieve bit her lip and finally spoke up. "Well, I don't know if it means anything, but a couple of weeks ago, I saw someone I didn't recognize talking to , one of the girls who disappeared. It was late, and they were near the storage shed. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it seemed... secretive."
Kris's eyes widened. "Do you remember anything about the person? What they looked like or what they were wearing?"
Genevieve frowned, trying to recall the details. "They were tall, and I think they were wearing a long coat, but it was too dark to see their face clearly. I'm sorry, that's all I remember."
Kris smiled. "You don’t need to be sorry. I’m only wanting to protect myself. If I’m going to be working here I want some background. That’s all.”
After work, Kris rushed to the telephone booth to inform Tiffany and Julie about Genevieve's account. They agreed to meet at the hotel to discuss their findings and determine their next steps. Things were starting to get serious!
Chapter 6: Connecting the dots
In the hotel room, the three Angels gathered around a table, sipping coffee as they shared the information they had gathered.
"So, we have a mysterious person talking to one of the missing girls, and we have a car that could be connected to the disappearances," Tiffany summarized.
Julie nodded. "And we have a partial license plate number. I can contact Bosley and ask him to run it through the database. It's not much, but it might give us a lead."
Kris agreed. "We should also take a closer look at the storage shed where Genevieve saw one of the girls who disappeared talking to the stranger. There might be clues there."
The Angels decided to investigate the storage shed that night, under the cover of darkness. Armed with flashlights, they carefully approached the shed, making sure not to draw attention to themselves. As they searched the area, they found a hidden door behind some crates, leading to a concealed underground tunnel.
With their hearts racing, the Angels realized they were onto something significant. Julie hesitated, feeling uneasy about exploring the tunnel. "I don't know, guys. This seems dangerous. Maybe we should call Bosley and Charlie first?"
Kris put a reassuring hand on Julie’s shoulder. "I know it's risky, but we might be close to finding out what happened to the missing workers. We can't let this opportunity slip away."
Tiffany chimed in, "Besides, we'll be careful and watch each other's backs. We've faced dangerous situations before, and we've always come out on top."
Julie took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. We can do this. Let's go."
The three Angels ventured into the mysterious tunnel, their flashlights illuminating the narrow passage. They moved cautiously, staying close together and alert for any signs of danger.
As they continued down the dimly lit tunnel, they noticed several doors lining the walls. They decided to split up, with each Angel checking a different room.
Tiffany entered the first room and immediately spotted a large wooden box in the corner. Curious, she slowly opened it and was horrified to find it filled with cut-off hair. The strands varied in color and length, but it was clear that they had all been forcibly removed from the scalp.
In the second room, Julie discovered another box, this one filled with old jewelry. There were necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings, all seemingly haphazardly thrown in together. The pieces were tarnished and worn, but it was evident that they had once been cherished belongings.
Meanwhile, Kris entered the third room and found a series of photographs pinned to the wall. The photos showed young women, some of whom she recognized as the missing winery workers. The images were unsettling, as the women appeared to be frightened and distressed.
The Angels regrouped in the tunnel and shared their findings. The evidence they had uncovered pointed towards something sinister – a potential human trafficking ring operating from the winery.
Tiffany looked at her fellow Angels, her expression grave. "We need to get this information to Bosley and Charlie right away. I hope this isn’t what I think it is."
Kris nodded in agreement. "But we also need to be extremely cautious. Whoever is behind this operation is ruthless and dangerous. The hair, the jewellery… this is potentially a trafficking ring. We can't take any chances."
The three Angels carefully retraced their steps through the tunnel, making sure not to leave any evidence of their presence.
With a sense of urgency, they contacted Bosley and Charlie, informing them of their discoveries.
“Angels I want you guys out of there, now.” Stated Charlie.
“Over my dead body Charlie!” Retorted Tiffany grabbing the phone.
Kris and Julie looked at each other, their faces grin filled.
“This is my first case back with you guys & I ain’t pulling out now.”
After some further persuasion from Tiffany, Charlie backed down and let the angels stay. He made them promise to be vigilant at all times and wished them a pleasant evening.
But the evening was not pleasant. Each angel had trouble sleeping. The thought of a human trafficking ring was almost too much to take in. Just how much more was there left to unravel?
Chapter 7: The Party
The sun had just risen over the hills, casting a warm glow over the sprawling vineyards that surrounded the winery. It was a new day, and Tiffany Welles was ready to put on a show. Charlie had rented a magnificent house for her to host a party, and she had spared no expense in making sure everything was perfect. She was dressed to the nines in a stunning red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Her blonde hair was styled in loose curls, and she wore diamond earrings that sparkled in the sunlight.
As the guests started to arrive later that evening, Tiffany played the part of the wealthy socialite perfectly. She greeted each of them with a dazzling smile and a glass of champagne, making sure to mingle and make small talk with everyone. Julie was by her side, playing the role of her assistant, taking care of all the little details and making sure that everything ran smoothly.
Tiffany noticed a man who seemed to be watching her from a distance. He was tall and lean, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in a suit that looked expensive, but there was something about him that made Tiffany uneasy.
She decided to take matters into her own hands and approached him. "Hello, are you enjoying the party?" she asked, smiling sweetly.
The man's eyes flickered over her for a moment before he replied. "Yes, it's quite lovely. And you, my dear, are absolutely stunning."
Tiffany felt a chill run down her spine, but she kept her composure. "Thank you. I'm Tiffany Welles. And you are?"
The man took her hand and kissed it. "I'm Louis. Louis Dubois. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
As Louis chatted with Tiffany, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about him. He seemed too interested in her, too eager to please. She decided to play along and see where it led.
Meanwhile, Julie was keeping a watchful eye on Tiffany and Louis from a distance. She noticed that Louis was getting uncomfortably close to Tiffany and decided to intervene. "Excuse me, Louis," Julie said. "Would you like me to show you to the bar?"
Louis nodded and followed Julie to the bar. Tiffany breathed a sigh of relief and made her way to the bathroom. She needed some time to think.
As she freshened up, she heard a knock on the door. "Tiffany, it's me," Julie said. "Are you okay?"
Tiffany opened the door and smiled at Julie. "Yes, I'm fine. But something's not right about Louis. He's too interested in me. I think he's up to something."
Julie nodded. "I agree. But we can't be sure. Let's keep an eye on him and see what he does."
As the party wore on, Tiffany and Julie kept a close eye on Louis. They noticed that he was talking to several other guests, but always seemed to come back to Tiffany. She could feel his eyes on her, watching her every move.
As the night wore on, Tiffany decided to take a chance and see if Louis was really up to something. "Louis, would you like to take a walk with me?" she asked, smiling sweetly.
Louis nodded eagerly and followed Tiffany out into the gardens. As they walked, Tiffany tried to keep the conversation light, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Louis was up to something. Suddenly, she felt his hand brush against her back, and she knew then that she had been right all along.
"Excuse me, Louis," Tiffany said, pulling away. "I need to go back to the party.”
He nodded and led her back to the party, that was still very much alive. After some time, Tiffany slipped away from the crowd and made her way to her rental car. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she drove down the winding roads that led to the winery. She knew that Louis would follow her, and she had to be ready for him.
As she pulled up to the winery, she saw Louis's car in the distance. She got out of her car and waited, her hand on the pepper spray that Bosley had given her for protection.
Louis emerged from his car and started to walk towards her. Tiffany could see the hunger in his eyes, and she knew she had to act fast if she wanted to catch him.
"Louis, what are you doing here?" Tiffany asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
Louis smiled. "I thought we could continue our conversation. You're a fascinating woman, Tiffany. I want to get to know you better."
Tiffany felt her stomach turn with unease. She knew that Louis was up to no good, and she had to find out what he was after. "What do you want, Louis?" she asked, her voice low.
Louis's smile faded. "I think you know what I want. You have something that belongs to me."
Tiffany's heart skipped a beat. "What are you talking about?"
Louis stepped closer to her. "You have something that belongs to me. Something that's very valuable. And I want it back."
Tiffany's mind raced. She had no idea what Louis was talking about, but she knew that she had to play along. "What is it? I don't know what you're talking about."
Louis's eyes narrowed. "Don't play games with me, Tiffany. I know you have it. And I'm not leaving until you give it to me."
Tiffany's hand tightened around the pepper spray. She knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to protect herself. She took a step back and prepared to spray Louis in the face, but he was too quick. He lunged at her, knocking the pepper spray out of her hand and pinning her to the ground.
Tiffany struggled to break free, but Louis was too strong. Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a bottle of chloroform and a white rag. Tiffany’s eyes widened and she began struggling. He shook her violently and placed the chloroform filled rag over her mouth. Within seconds she was old cold. Her body now limp & a dead weight.
Louis quickly picked Tiffany up pulling her up over his shoulder. Before anyone had the chance to see what was happening, he ran to his car, placing Tiffany inside. He drove off in a hurry. Speeding down the French countryside roads.
Chapter 8: Betrayal in plain sight
Back at the hotel, Julie and Kris had been trying to reach Tiffany for hours, but their calls went unanswered. Growing increasingly worried, they decided to pay a visit to the winery to see if they could find her.
As they pulled up to the winery, they noticed Tiffany's car still parked there, but no sign of her. They exchanged a glance, knowing that something was wrong. Julie and Kris approached the winery's entrance and knocked on the door, hoping to find someone who could help them.
To their relief, Francine Bernard, the owner of the winery, answered the door. "Oh, hello Julie, Kris," she said, looking concerned. "What brings you here?"
"We're looking for Tiffany," Kris explained. "We haven't been able to reach her, and we're worried something might have happened."
Francine's eyes widened. "I haven't seen her since yesterday," she said, her voice shaking. "Please, come in."
As they entered, Julie noticed the pepper spray lying on the ground. She picked it up and showed it to Kris. "This is Tiffany's," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Something's definitely not right."
Kris nodded, her face pale. "We need to find her."
Francine invited them to sit down in the living room, offering them a glass of wine to calm their nerves. As they sipped their drinks, Francine began to share her story.
"Years ago, I was in love with Charlie," she said, her voice laced with bitterness. "I wanted to marry him, but he wouldn't have it. He didn't want to settle down, and he left me heartbroken."
As she continued, her demeanor changed, and a sinister smile crept onto her face. "So, I decided to get my revenge. I wanted to ruin his business and his precious Angels."
Julie and Kris exchanged a glance, realizing they were in danger. They tried to stand up, but their limbs felt heavy, their vision blurred. It was evident that something was wrong with the wine they had consumed.
Francine's smile grew wider, her eyes cold and calculating. "You see, I've been working with Louis. Together, we've been kidnapping those girls, we’ve got you here …and now, I have all three of you."
As Julie and Kris struggled to stay conscious, they realized that they had walked right into a trap. The darkness threatened to consume them, but they fought to stay awake, knowing that they had to save themselves and Tiffany.
"You won't get away with this, Francine," Kris managed to say, her voice weak but determined.
"Oh, I think I will," Francine said, her voice dripping with malice. "No one will ever find you here."
With that, she left the room, locking the door behind her. Julie and Kris, weakened by the drugged wine, had no choice but to succumb to the darkness.
Chapter 9: The Battle Within
As darkness enveloped Julie and Kris, their thoughts swirled with fear and uncertainty. They knew they had to find a way to escape and save Tiffany, but the drug coursing through their veins made it nearly impossible to think clearly.
Back at the winery, Julie and Kris slowly began to regain consciousness. Their heads throbbed, and their limbs felt heavy, but they knew they had to act quickly. Struggling to their feet, they began to search for a way out of the locked room.
Kris noticed a small window near the ceiling. "Julie, if we can reach that window, we might be able to escape," she whispered, her voice shaking.
Julie, sensing Kris's fear, gave her a reassuring nod. "We can do this, Kris. We're stronger together."
Working together, they managed to stack some furniture and climb up to the window. With great effort, they pushed it open and hoisted themselves through the narrow opening. Once outside, they took a moment to catch their breath before racing back to the warehouse to save Tiffany.
Upon arriving at the warehouse, they spotted Louis's car parked outside. Their hearts raced as they realized they would have to face him without backup. Gathering their courage, they entered the dimly lit space, ready to fight for their lives.
Inside, they found Tiffany, still bound and gagged, lying on the cold floor. They quickly untied her, and she whispered, "Louis is still here, be careful."
Suddenly, Louis stepped out of the shadows, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Well, if it isn't the Angels. I didn't expect you to escape so easily," he sneered.
Julie and Kris stood protectively in front of Tiffany. "Let us go, Louis. This has gone far enough."
Louis scoffed. "You think I'm going to let you walk out of here? Francine's plan is almost complete. You won't stop us."
With that, he lunged at them, and a fierce battle ensued. The Angels fought valiantly, using their strength and skill to hold their own against Louis. Tiffany, still weak from her ordeal, did her best to support her friends as they fought for their lives.
As the fight continued, Kris found herself struggling to hold back her fear. She stumbled, nearly falling to the ground. But Julie was there to catch her, her voice steady and strong. "We've got this, Kris. Keep fighting."
Emboldened by Julie's encouragement, Kris regained her footing and continued to fight alongside her fellow Angels. Together, they managed to overpower Louis, leaving him unconscious on the warehouse floor.
Breathing heavily and covered in bruises, the Angels shared a moment of relief. But they knew their fight wasn't over yet. They had to confront Francine and put an end to her twisted revenge.
With renewed determination, they raced back to the winery, the tension palpable, the danger more real than ever. Would they be able to bring Francine to justice and protect their own? The suspenseful mystery continued to unfold as the Angels fought to save themselves and those they cared for.
The Angels drove in hot pursuit of Francine Bernard's car, weaving through the narrow streets of the French countryside. They had to catch her before she could do any more harm.
Kris had the pedal to the metal, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. "I can see her up ahead," she said, her voice tense.
Julie leaned forward in her seat, her hand resting on her gun. "Good, we've got her now."
But Francine wasn't going down without a fight. She swerved her car back and forth, trying to shake the Angels off her tail. Julie gritted her teeth and took aim, firing a shot that shattered the rear window of Francine's car.
The villainous woman screamed in fury and spun the wheel, careening off the road and onto the grassy field beside it. Julie seized her chance and climbed over Kris, leaping onto the roof of Francine's car. She leaned in through the open window and punched Francine hard in the face, grabbing hold of her hair and pulling her off the road.
Francine tried to reach for her gun, but Julie was too quick. She shot a bullet that grazed Francine's arm, causing her to cry out in pain. The car skidded to a halt in the middle of the field, and the Angels closed in.
"Get out of the car, Francine," Kris said, her voice cold and determined.
But Francine just sneered at them. "You won't stop me," she said, her hand still clutching her bleeding arm.
Julie raised her gun and aimed it at Francine's head. "Try me," she said, her finger hovering over the trigger.
Francine hesitated for a moment, then slowly climbed out of the car, her hands raised in surrender. The Angels closed in, their guns trained on her.
"You're finished, Francine," Tiffany said, stepping forward.
But Francine just laughed. "You think you've won? You have no idea what's coming."
With that, she lunged for her gun, but the Angels were too quick. They wrestled her to the ground and disarmed her, cuffing her hands behind her back.
“Whatever you say Francine.” Said Tiffany as she looks down at her in disgust.
As they led Francine away, Julie turned to Kris with a grin. "Nice driving," she said.
Kris just smiled. "You weren't too shabby yourself," she replied.
The Angels piled back into the car, ready to head back to the winery and wrap up the case. They could get their head around the fact that Francine did this, all because Charlie didn’t love her.
Tiffany sat up from the back seat of the car, her face tired. “You know guys, this case proves that Love truly does make people crazy.”
Chapter 10: wrapping things up
Back at the Townsend Agency, the Angels sat on the agency’s luxurious quilted sofas, exhausted but satisfied. Bosley was there, as was Charlie, who spoke to them through the speaker phone, of course.
"Well done, Angels. You've done it again," Charlie said, his voice filled with pride.
Kris Munroe smiled. "We couldn't have done it without your help, Charlie."
Charlie chuckled. "You ladies don't give yourselves enough credit. You're some of the best detectives I've ever had the pleasure of working with."
The Angels blushed at the compliment, but their mood quickly turned somber as Charlie delivered some devastating news.
"I'm afraid the French authorities have confirmed that the four missing women from the winery are all dead," Charlie said, his voice heavy with sadness. "It's a tragic loss, but at least we were able to bring their killers to justice."
The Angels bowed their heads in a moment of silence, mourning the loss of the innocent victims. But then Bosley spoke up, trying to lighten the mood.
"Well, on a positive note, we did manage to save Tiffany from Louis's clutches," he said, grinning widely.
Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Thanks for reminding me, Bosley."
The Angels laughed.
“Who’s we?” Remarked Tiffany with a shocked expression.
“You didn’t do anything Boz!” Said Julie.
Bosley laughed.
“Angels, I am indeed, a man of a certain age. These days I prefer a more office based role.” He said sarcastically.
The angels laughed. After some time the mood grew less somber & the angels spent some leisure time Bosley.
They knew that they couldn't change the past, but they could focus on the future and keeping people safe from harm.
"Let's raise a glass to a job well done," Julie Rogers said, holding up her glass.
The other Angels followed suit, clinking their glasses together in a toast. They may have faced and tragedy, but they had come out on top, thanks to their skill, determination, and teamwork.
As the meeting came to an end and Charlie signed off, the Angels left the conference room, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. They knew that there would always be more cases to solve, but for now, they could bask in the glow of a job well done.
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Wordcount; 3,093
Fandom; Oneus & A.C.E.
Pairing; Reader X Kim Youngjo & Reader X Kim Sehyoon
Characters; Kim Sehyoon, Kim Youngjo, Lee Donghun, Park Junhee, Kim Byeongkwan, Kang Yuchan and Yeo Hwanwoong.
Warning, Angst, flirting with someone not in a relationship, love triangle, Jealousy and insecurity.
Notes; Chapter 7/10 earlier chapters here.
Disclaimer here.
Life had settled, you had been dating Youngjo for a month now. Most evening’s was spent waiting for Youngjo to come from Sehyoon’s. You would either cuddle up in bed attempting to match the mantra sounds from Donghun’s room, or you would go to Youngjo’s.
His house mates soon taking a shine back to you, though Hwanwoong was often a little bit more reserved. Gunmin would enjoy your visits, often cooking his own meal combinations that his house mates would turn there nose up. You enjoyed being the Guinea pig and helping him master new meals, while he enjoyed knowing that he fed you well. Even Youngjo had started tasting Gunmin’s foods, which usually ended with you feeding each other like a giggly teenage couple.
You had avoided Sehyoon at college, he had tried each time you entered to come speak with you. Ignoring him, your heart broke every time he looked lost and sad at your lack of attention. Junhee had called you out so many times on your recent cold like behaviour, which isolated you further from your college friends. Byeongkwan’s relentless jokes that you was seeing Donghun had the group beginning to believe there was truth to that.
Junhee had even quizzed Donghun, who was not happy that his friend could believe that he would water the lines of the friendship you both had, for just sex. However, after that Donghun had started leaning on you and Youngjo to tell Sehyoon so that you could enjoy your relationship without stress. Youngjo didn’t agree, wanting to keep his life uncomplicated as he continue to split his life between Sehyoon and you.
You was sitting in class when it became apparent that the new project was split into pairs. You twiddled your pen as you looked at Junhee, he raised an eyebrow and turned to face Minhee. He clearly had decided that he wanted to do the project with her. Miyeon grabbed Byeongkwan as you looked around the class trying to find someone to work the next assignment with. You soon realised there was no one till you look to your friends, Sehyoon was rolling his pencil in the air looking fed up.
It hit you he didn’t have a partner either, you rolled your eyes of course it had to be Sehyoon. The one man you had spent the last couple weeks avoiding. Who was the reason why you and Youngjo couldn’t be vocal about your relationship with.
“Oh look Yiseo you got no partner, neither has Sehyoon, looks like your have to work together now,” Junhee said sarcastically earning a hiss. “Think you need my seat,” Junhee said as he got up to offer it to Sehyoon, who reluctantly took it.
“Sorry I should have chosen faster,” he said looking saddened as he moved his items on the desk. The way he look rejected stung you and you smiled at him to show no hard feelings. “Why you saying sorry? I’m sure we’re have fun,” you said patting his shoulder making him smile in return.
You was sat in the cafe waiting for Sehyoon so you could get your assignment started. You had rang to let Youngjo know, he didn’t sound enthusiastic that you was paired with Sehyoon, worrying that you would tell him about you both. But you reassured him that you wouldn’t be getting that close to need to tell each other your secrets.
Sehyoon walked in and your heart almost did a back flip, he walked with his hair wet from the rain. The water pooling from his hair like they was sparkling. You could smell him walking closer, his aftershave not being any you could name as if it was made just for him, but it was enticing.
His tight T-shirt showed his defined torso that you felt your heart race and your head fuzzy. You bridged your nose closing your eye’s to calm yourself down.
How was he still having this effect even when you was now with Youngjo? When you opened your eyes he was sat at the table smirking, his usual annoyance zapping at you. “You still having them? You really need to get checked over,” he said leaning back arms folded.
“It’s a headache that comes and goes, just another pain in my life,” you said sarcastically as you shifted in your seat.
He held his phone to you but you raised your eyebrows. “This time it’s on me, choose your poison,” he said sweetly attacking your senses. You took his phone as you searched for an iced Americano needing something bitter to calm your emotions. He raised his eyebrow noticing your order when you remembered that that was his favourite drink. “Since when did you drink these, I thought you was one of those sweet chocolate types,” he said not taking his eyes off you. “Well goes to show you don’t pay attention or maybe you just don’t know me as well as you think you do,” you smirked back watching his smile fade. Instead of taking joy from his pain you felt guilty. “It’s a new thing,” you added smiling trying to de thaw the ice tent you shot up. He smiled as he made his order.
He sat listening to your suggestions intently, making notes of your ideas for the project. Before you realised it he was making you laugh with his little jokes. You could easily forget this was the man that you had spent so much energy hating.
Suddenly smiling mischievously you became intrigued despite knowing what was on his mind. “What?” you said chuckling. “Just you got some thing on your face,” he teased as your self confidence hit in as you went searching for your phone, looking at yourself in the camera facility.
“It’s right there,” he said pointing towards your nose. “Where?” you said panicking as he dipped his finger in to the cream cake he was eating and popped it in his mouth. The way he rather erotically sucked his finger clean had your heart bursting that you momentarily paused on your quest.
He chuckled noticing the effect as he scooped up another bit of the cream with his finger as your eyes scanned your phone for any sign of disruption on your face. “Where?” you whined again, “there,” he said as he sponged his finger covered in cream on your nose, before licking his finger clean as he chuckled a deep laugh that made you tightened your thighs together.
You pouted in his direction that made his laugh get louder. “Really,” you scoffed as he leaned over to get a paper towel. Leaning over the table his eyes heavy enticed you as he wiped your nose. “There, all gone,” he said, your heart thumping really fast as he used the pad of his thumb to softly stroke your bottom lip. Gasping as he did as you mirrored, your head became dizzy from the close connection as if the world didn’t matter, just you two in the room.
Just as Sehyoon went to talk, your phone rang seeing ‘❤️❤️❤️❤️’ on the Id screen. You knew it was Youngjo. Sehyoon noticed looking a little broken as he sat back in his chair, looking at his hands as if your caller ID had broken him.
“I need to answer this,” you said excusing yourself to the outside of the shop. “Hi baby,” you said shaking with guilt knowing the feeling you just shared with his friend, one that you had promised you never had feelings for. “Hi sweetheart, you still with Sehni,” he asked a little shakily. “Yeah still running over project ideas,” you replied. “I might not be able to meet up tonight,” he said sounding a little saddened. “What?” you whined, “oh that’s a shame,” you added feeling a little dejected. “Just my family has got an event this evening that I really need to attend,” he said softly. “I’m sure it be fun but try not to miss me too much,” you teased. “Though I’m sure I’ll miss you so much more,” you added hearing Youngjo’s chuckle that warmed your chest. “Liar,” he joked, “Well hurry to your family and hurry back to me. I’ll keep your side of the bed warm,” you added.
“Oh,” he said a little hesitant. “I’ll be there for a couple of days,” he added. “Oh ok,” you said feeling sadness attack you. “But I’ll ring you every chance I get,” he promised. “I know but it’s not the same then seeing you. But if it’s important I’ll still keep your side warm. Just run back home to me as soon as you can,” you said softly.
“Yiseo can I say something without you getting upset,” he asked wearily. “Yeah go for it,” you replied. “Can you not spend so much time with Sehni while I’m gone,” he asked. “Youngjo I won’t tell him I already promised you,” you replied ignoring his request. “I know you won’t…. Just…… he’s already messaged me saying how much he’s enjoying your company again….. I think he might make a move on you,” he said, sounding pained.
“Oh” you replied. “Look I know you said your not into him like that, because you hate him most the time. But I remember the way you two use to look at each other when you was enjoying each other’s company and ………. I know In those moments you lose yourself to him. Just please remember that your mine, when those moments happen, please,” he asked, sounding anxious.
“Kim Youngjo, you don’t need to ask me to be faithful, because I’m not the kind of girl that’s like that, I’m all yours,” you said, feeling a little guilty as if you was saying a half lie. Your Conscious attacking you, reminding you that when Sehyoon had his fingers on your lips moments before Youngjo was the most furtherest of your thoughts. “I’m happy to hear that, just please don’t give him hope because hearing the way he feels about my girl isn’t nice for me,” he said.
“Then why don’t we tell him?” you quizzed. “I’m not ready to break him,” he replied. “Is there ever a good time to break your friends heart,” you said turning through the glass pane to see Sehyoon sat there. His eyes heavy focused on you, his phone in his hand clearly half way typing someone. It hurt thinking he could even be messaging Youngjo. “No, but I was hoping there would come a time when he would let you go. It’s why I need you to back away a little from him. This projects come at the wrong time,” he scoffed. “I know,” you said feeling the same.
For Youngjo the Project meant he felt he couldn’t tell his friend he was dating the woman he loved. In Sehyoon’s case, it was more time to fall further for a Girl that was someone else’s. And for you, this project had thrusted your emotions you hidden running at you. Those emotions that because of that argument and then Youngjo that you buried, never expecting that Sehyoon would force them open. Your emotions was conflicted and confusing. “Anyway I need to pack,” Youngjo said breaking your thoughts. “Ok, I miss you already,” you replied hearing his chuckle warm you as he hanged off. You frowned into your phone before walking back into the cafe.
Sehyoon was a little quiet on your return as you both focused on finalising your idea for the project. Your phone bleeped as you checked your message, your heart fell a little.
❤️❤️❤️❤️ @2.21pm; Please be careful, Sehni knows your seeing someone. Or rather he saw the phone ID and he Suspicious.
You smiled as Sehyoon looked suspicious at you, your heart hurting how rejected he looked.
You @2.27pm; That’s good then, he’ll be able to take a step back. We can tell him soon then.
You smiled to yourself not feeling quite as excited as your words in your message. Hurting Sehyoon didn’t feel good in any way.
As you finished up your session he placed his hands over yours, his saddened and painful eyes piercing you. “I know I said this a lot, but I really didn’t mean what I said that night. I don’t think your annoying. Well you are,” he paused to chuckle. “But only because you drive me crazy in a way that I never expected,” he added before releasing your hands. “I annoy you because I drive you crazy?” you questioned as he smiled. “Yiseo I don’t think you realise how beautiful you are, how you have all the men around you in a weakened state,” he added. “I make you weak?” you teased feeling guilty as soon as the words slipped out. “Yes,” he said straightening himself out earning a smile. “That’s good to know,” you smirked before pausing, “apology accepted,” you added.
His smile beaming as he stood up, “Well Yiseo, till next time,” he smirked. “you mean tomorrow in class,” you teased with an eye roll. “Yes till tomorrow,” he added before pulling his bag on his shoulders and strolling out the cafe feeling a little too merry for your liking, which you put down to you accepting his apology. But your heart hurt remembering Youngjo’s plea.
You was finishing your notes at the end of class when your group started talking about the party that night. Your brain trying to focus on what birthday you had missed. “Are you coming?” Sehyoon turned to you to ask. You looked quizzingly at him, “I’m lost, coming to what?” you asked rubbing your neck feeling anxious to admit you didn’t know what special occasion was coming. “It’s my birthday,” Sehyoon said smiling. “Wow, oh I didn’t even know, happy birthday,” you said earning him to chuckle. “My birthdays next week but I’m going back home so the guys wanted to arrange it this weekend instead,” he said. “It’s tonight at home,” he added, “Is Ravn going to be there?” you slipped out not sure why as you knew he was away. His face fell, “No he’s away at some family gathering,” he said looking a little sad. “Then I’d love to be there,” you added, his face lit up, his cheeks puffy as they widened.
“Well I should maybe give you the address seeming as you forgot where me and your brother lives these days,” he teased. “Asshole,” you said swatting him as he chuckled as Byeongkwan grabbed him to leave.
Junhee was stood there, arms folded scowling at you. “What?” you said, “you told us to be friends now we are again, your scowling at me,” you said tossing your books into your bag. “Because some little birdie told me that your all loved up with his friend,” he said raising an eyebrow as you imagined the ways to plan Donghun’s death, You decided to play it down.
“Ewww me and Byeongkwan no just no,” you shook your head as you zipped your bag up tossing it over your shoulder. “Don’t try and play innocent with me,” he pouted, “I think one Kim Youngjo wouldn’t find that comment cute,” he added. You shook your head pretending to look dumb. “What Ravn? Sehyoon’s friend?” you said acting shocked. “Yes that friend, don’t play dumb it don’t suit you,” he said looking annoyed with your denial. You put out your bottom lip furrowing your eyebrows and shrugged. “Yiseo I saw him coming out your bedroom,” he said, your heart thudding not realising he had left your bed during one of Donghun’s sex party’s.
“Hey I thought you said a birdie told you,” you scoffed trying to over throw him hoping he was bluffing. “Yeah he just confirmed what my own eyes told me,” he scowled. You realised that there was no point continuing to deny and admitted defeat. “So what, yes me and Kim Youngjo is dating so what’s with the disappointed looks?” you said before walking out the classroom, slowing for him to catch up as you knew he would. He grabbed your wrist to face him. “I’m suppose to be your best friend yet you didn’t even feel the need to tell me this. Even Donghun knew,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes looking hurt. “Plus you know Sehyoon’s in love with you right and he’s trying to win you over,” he added. “This is just going to blow up big time,” he scolded. “I didn’t tell Donghun, he found out because he’s Youngjo’s friend as well. YesI know how Sehyoon feels, but nothings going to happen. Because I belong to someone else,” you added before turning to leave but Junhee pulled you back.
“So what was all that then?” He asked looking concerned. “What me and Sehyoon being friendly,” you replied sarcastically. “You two was flirting,” he accused arms folded not pleased. “No we wasn’t,” you scoffed rolling your eyes.
“Yiseo, you and Sehyoon have a complicated and fiery relationship,” you cut him off, “we don’t have a relationship minus friendship,” you scoffed. “Yiseo I see things, you and Sehyoon working on this project is setting all kinds of fireworks off. Fireworks that now your dating Youngjo you can’t afford to light,” he said looking concerned. “Junhee if you was worried about fireworks why did you put two firecrackers in the box to work? you asked beginning to get angry with Junhee presumptions that you would jump on Sehyoon at a slight touch. “Because I didn’t know there was other firecrackers,” he said slightly gritting his teeth. You closed your eyes feeling a headache coming as your mind felt overwhelmed. “Junhee I appreciate where your going with this, but me and Sehyoon are not going to make firework displays ok, that’s Youngjo’s job so please for me, relax ok,” you said, placing your hand on his shoulder as he grumbled. “And please for Youngjo, not me, please don’t tell a soul, he’s not ready for Sehyoon to know,” you asked. He tutted looking away, “fine, whatever, but I won’t lie for you, Sehyoon’s my friend too,” he scoffed.
You waited outside the apartment, bottles of Soju in your hand and a gift in the other. When Sehyoon opened the door a moan escaped him when he took you in. “You came,” he said, beaming so infectious that you retaliated. “Wow you look,”, “sexy doesn’t she just,” you heard the voice behind him cut him off. Your heart stopped, recognising the sound of the voice when you saw Yeo Hwanwoong’s face appear, his smile hidden beneath seething anger.
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vroomvroommbtch · 2 years
So it goes: Chapter 22 - MI x fem!OC
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Summary: Perth sunsets were Maggie's favorite, but even those could be forgotten and set aside for a minute when Michael was by her side.
Pairing: Michael Italiano x fem!OC
Warnings: Fluff, kisses, love and probably rainbows and glitter because this is all cuteness. Also some mentions of sex and swearing.
Word count: 8.7k
A/N: Hi there you kiddos, this took forever again, but here we go. For once in a lifetime it’s not sadness and tears so I think we can call it a miracle. Let me know what you think? Let me know your predictions for what’s gonna happen next? Let me know what you wanna see happening next? Thanks for the love and likes, it makes me all happy and giggly. Kay, bye! 
Chapter 22 - Let loose.
Michael was normally a guy with good ideas, but that day he just exceeded himself, and how much Maggie loved him for that. They were at the farm when he appeared in front of her and told Maggie to follow him. As always, she didn’t ask much questions when she walked behind him, following him to one of the buggies outside the house. Maggie automatically jumped into one, all excited thinking that maybe the odds were in her favor and that Michael got out of her mind taking her for a ride to race against no one around the place, but it was really none of it. She could have expected many things, but she wasn’t expecting Michael taking her to one of their favorite spots on the farm, especially when they were in the middle of a family reunion.
They spent some days in Perth, then they flew to Melbourne for the race and then back again to Perth to spend the rest of the free days with family. Maggie had no idea how it happened, before she could realize there was a barbecue organized and there was nothing that made her feel happier inside than that. Since it was Daniel's home race, her family decided to fly to Australia too, so after what it felt like centuries, they could get together and enjoy some good food and some wonderful Australian sun without the pressure or craziness. It was nothing but love, happiness, smiles, full bellies, and kids' giggles, but Maggie was still dealing with some issues that they had been carrying from the beginning of the season.
It all started in Bahrein with Daniel having covid, Jas being absolutely worried and feeling nothing but guilty, knowing her job was to take care of Olivia but also not being able to look after her sick husband, because that was her responsibility too. That look, terrible week; Maggie had to be the one looking after Jas and Olivia while the three of them shared a hotel room, all while Michael and Blake did their best to look after a very much sick Daniel who felt terrible about missing the whole week of winter testing but feeling even worse about not being able to be with his girls. A week later it was a terrible bad race for him and Lando, but it was fine considering they weren't expecting a miracle or a win in the race. It was a disappointment they could handle because it was the first race and Daniel was still dealing with the repercussions of covid, being a week in bed and missing the testing. It was nothing crazy, just another anecdote for the books, but it was definitely a way to start the season.  
Then Saudi Arabia happened. Maggie remembered everything like in a movie, but more like a horror movie. She remembered being in the hospitality, watching the practice when the explosion happened. She remembered the smoke, the noise, and the confusion, but more than anything she remembered Jas. The oldest sister was holding Olivia against her chest while the baby was sleeping peacefully. Jas was lost in her own little world, probably begging for a good race, but especially for a safe one, because that’s all she really wanted on a circuit that she didn’t like. It was just another regular Friday, but when the explosion happened Jas automatically held her daughter a bit tighter against her while she carefully reached for her sister’s hand. Maggie remembered the panic on Jas’ face, and she was sure it was the reflection of her own face. She remembered thinking how they needed to get out of there as soon as possible, but little did she know none of that was happening.
Michael had to beg her to leave the paddock without him. He had to beg her to go with Jas and Olivia so Blake could take them back to the hotel and the only way to convince her was to insist her sister was going to need help in case they had to leave in a hurry. He convinced her using the ‘Jas can’t with Oli and everything else together, and you can’t leave them alone, so please go with them’. Michael convinced her with a long kiss, promising everything was going to be fine and they were leaving as soon as possible. She agreed with a nod and another kiss as Michael cleaned the tears that fell to her cheeks. She agreed because she also knew Michael needed her help to deal with their family and because she wanted to believe they were going to get out of there as soon as possible. But little did they know they weren’t going anywhere because there were no flights.
Their bags were never really unpacked considering they were rarely more than a week in one place, but Maggie never packed as fast as she did that night. Every single one of her things was ready to go five minutes after they got to the hotel and then Jas took care of all their things while Maggie looked out for Olivia. Everything was rushed and messy and she couldn’t stop checking her phone until Michael texted her, letting her know they were back in the hotel. Once she was back in her room, Maggie thought that she was going to be able to get some sleep knowing Michael was just a wall away, but she couldn’t. She was terrified and all she wanted to do was go home and take her family out of there, but they couldn’t just because a bunch of crazy men decided to do whatever they wanted with the lives of hundreds of people working on that paddock. That was the only thing running in her head, and after half an hour of trying absolutely in vain to fall asleep, she decided to do the most stupid thing and text Michael.
She shouldn’t do it because she was sure he was already asleep considering it was way past his bedtime on a race weekend. She couldn’t because the last thing he needed was her and her nervous rambling, but she needed him. It was absolutely selfish, but she needed him. For her good luck, the very silly ‘Are you awake?’ that she sent was answered not even two minutes later with a knock on her door. She didn’t need to open it to know it was him, recognizing that knock anywhere after so many nights sneaking together. To see him standing there in the hallway was like a breeze of fresh air as she was seconds away from drowning. He looked so tired and so absolutely adorable, wearing an old shirt and some shorts, that Maggie had to do the biggest effort to not jump in his arms and forget the world existed. She was really thinking about the right thing to say and maybe to ask him to stay, but Michael was the one who broke the silence first. With a very simple question like ‘Are you okay?’ Maggie broke down. As Michael placed her arms around her body, Maggie buried her face on his chest because she was far from okay. Michael knew her enough, so the was no need to answer anything. She was claustrophobic and terrified, so it was far from okay. It took a soft kiss on her forehead for her to understand that Michael just knew, so Maggie sneezed his waist a bit tighter as she tried to get even more close to his body if that was possible. Maggie didn’t have to ask twice to stay there that night. With a soft, shaky voice, Maggie asked if he could stay with her, and for her good luck, his answer was another kiss on the forehead and a little nod. The next thing Maggie knew, Michael was lifting her, carrying her to bed, and then in no time she was snuggled by Michael’s side, hiding from the world between his arms and the sheets, trying to forget what was happening outside their little bubble, even if just for a short second. She wouldn’t have been able to sleep if it wasn’t for Michael there promising that everything was going to be okay, not moving his arms around here the whole night. But then there were counted things that made her feel as happy as waking up with his kisses. There was that small fraction of a second where she forgot what was happening, and all she could think about was the man on the bed with her, placing kisses all over her face and neck, even if it was just to let her know he had to leave. There was nothing as that little moment of happiness where she forgot about how dangerous it was to be there and how she really wasn’t with Michael, and she almost let it take over her, but Michael was quicker than the sadness. As if he knew what was going on in her head, he moved, and then nothing gave her the strength to keep going with the day as his tight hug while he laughed, saying that he was going to drop everything to stay there with her if she kept holding onto him for more time. Before he left and with another promise that everything was going to be fine, Maggie was asleep as soon as the door closed, but then she woke up again with a very sleepy Jas sneaking into her room because the boys were out and she didn’t want to stay alone in the room with Olivia. Maggie didn’t want to be alone either, so she was more than thankful because even in the middle of such a nightmare she was there with her family. Heaven knew if it wasn’t for them, she wouldn’t have survived such a thing. Between Blake –and Jon because bless his soul- affirmations that everything was under control, Daniel’s constant smile to not put the girls more nervous, Jas and Olivia all day by her side and her whole family and friends over the phone insisting to not worry because it was going to be over soon, and Michael staying with her at night, she made it through the weekend. They all made it through the weekend like the family they were, and she never loved them as much as she did that weekend. She never was as thankful for them as those crazy days, and she was never as happy to be on a plane as she was that Sunday night.
Saudi Arabia was a terrible nightmare, but then she got to go home and spend some time at home with her family in Dublin and for a while it all felt fine. Sleeping in her own bed for a couple of days was good. Eating Esme’s food again, going for lunch with her friends and hugging her favorite people was like a caress to her beaten heart and a breeze of fresh air all together. But then they went to Australia and like every single time she went back to a familiar place, all the memories came back. She hasn’t been in there since they left the safety of the farm back during the lockdown, and some much happened that it was incredible. But then they drove into the farm and she had to hold the tears, and the same happened when they walked into the house. Maggie remembered the tears, the laughs, the smiles, the hugs, the kisses and all the love, and she wanted all that back so badly that it made her hurt arch even more than it normally did.
Even with all the weird feeling and the suffering, things were relatively fine in Perth, but then she started to feel weird as soon as they got to Melbourne. The problem was, Maggie wasn’t feeling the regular longing and sadness for not being with Michael; this time she was feeling all that, plus feeling like she was constantly out of air. It wasn’t the first time she was in a paddock; it wasn’t the first time she was in an Australian GP, but it felt different. There were too many people, too much noise, and the worst part, probably how too many people knew who Michael was.  
It wasn’t new; she was also used to it, and she used to joke around being with an influencer and an old man who used TikTok, but that was it. The rest of the time for her Michael was just Michael. He was the man who she loved and the man who saw her in her worst version and loved her anyway. He was the guy who let her see him in his worst day, the guy who learned to change Olivia’s diapers and did it every single time she didn’t want and Daniel and Jas weren’t around, the one who always held her hand as planes took off and landed, the one who still made her coffee perfect, the one who always carried a hoodie in his backpack knowing she was get old at some point and the one who never complained when she wanted to watch the same tv shows or movies again and again, and who always checked on the rear-view mirror to check on her. He was her Michael, but in that paddock, he was coach Michael, which for some reason made her feel like he was miles away from her. As people called his name and asked if they could take pictures, Michael looked like some kind of rockstar and Maggie felt like she shouldn’t even be there at all. Even after years of Jas being with Daniel, Maggie wasn’t use to all the things that came from it. She wasn’t used to cameras pointing to their faces, even if the two girls stayed on a side with Blake, and certainly she wasn’t used to people calling Michael’s name. And even with her family there, she felt like she was absolutely out of place and the first one to see something was wrong was no one but Michael.
Her excuse that day was to stay in Daniel’s room with Olivia because she was being a little grumpy thing that day, and outside it was too warm for her little body. Besides, Maggie insisted she could stay with her niece as Jas went to the garage and the rest stayed in the hospitality. Nobody noticed a thing because it was normal for Maggie to stay with Olivia as Jas stayed in the garage to support Daniel, but as Michael went to check on them before the second practice that Friday, he knew there was something happening with her. Considering how busy he was that day and the fact that Olivia was finally napping, he didn’t insist when she dodged the ‘What’s wrong’ question, but there was no way he was leaving it there, and Maggie knew it. He knew that the whole ‘Let's talk later cause Oli is sleeping’ was an excuse because they weren’t going to wake her up by talking because just like her mother and nothing like her father, their niece was a heavy sleeper. Already at two months old, the smallest of the Ricciardos could sleep anywhere without being bothered for anything, which was a true blessing for everyone around her. She was a blessing for everyone, but especially for Maggie so she could use her as an alibi. She really didn’t need to look to know the one knocking on her hotel room door that night was Michael. She was expecting him to go there to talk to her after a very serious promise that they would talk later. This time there was no baby sleeping or a place he needed to go to use as an excuse, so she had to say the true when Michael asked again what was wrong. Without excuses or ways to escape, Maggie finally had to admit all the bad things that were in her head that weekend. Maggie explained everything to him because there was no reason to keep it inside eating her when the most understanding man in the world was sitting in front of her waiting to help in any way he could. There was no reason to lie to him, so she started to talk, and once she started, she just couldn’t stop. She could see how his heart broke a little as soon as she said she felt out of place and out of air. She could see his worried expression as she said she rather stayed in the hospitality to not ruin anyone’s weekend and how she didn’t want to be anyone’s burden. She could also see how Michael was trying to find the right words to say as soon as she said ‘Everyone’s happy and I know I’m the problem here, so it's fine. I just rather stay away and on my own’. But nothing compared as the look on his face when Maggie said she felt like he was miles away from her all the time, not matter how damn close he was. But what Maggie couldn’t believe was that in the middle of all the conversation Michael also apologized to her for not being able to see how badly she was feeling there, for not having more time to be with her, and for letting her down because she wasn’t supposed to feel like that. He said it was his job to not let Maggie feel like that even if they were in exactly different points in the world, and he was clearly doing everything wrong, and he couldn’t feel worse even if Maggie insisted it wasn’t his fault. She was the messed up one and he apologized for being busy doing his job. Maggie couldn’t say enough times that it wasn’t his fault at all, but all Michael did was kiss her forehead again and chain the subject. It took them both a lot to fall asleep that night. That night was nothing but long, and even if Michael needed to go to sleep, they had probably the longest pillow talk they had since they met, but it was worth the pain. There was no tossing and turning like Maggie normally would do if she was alone; instead, they held each other as tightly as possible in absolute silence. After talking for hours and apologizing to each other again and again and again, they finally kissed to close yet another deal that nobody but them were going to know about. Maggie only realized Michael finally fell asleep because at some point he stopped kissing her head and then she whispered she loved him more than anyone as she snuggled even closer to his body and finally went to sleep. It took him some kisses and some puppy eyes from Michael to convince Maggie to not stay in the hospitality during the practice and quali. It took him some extra hugs and kisses to keep her calmed during the whole day and it was the same thing during race day, but after all she made it. They made it because there was no way Maggie would have survived without him. When they made it to Perth it was like another breeze of air. It was nothing but days in the pool, lunches by the beach, playdates with the kids and a couple unplanned naps –normally in Michael’s arms and always blaming the calm of the farm–, which was the best way to stop and recharge no just for her but for everyone. Maggie really thought the rest of her day was going to be exactly like that. She was planning to sit somewhere –probably beside Michael or between his legs or in his lap– and enjoy as the rest of the day passed between conversations and drinks with her family, but it ended up being kind of different. She ended up sitting by Michael’s side, but on the roof of the buggy, in the one that was their favorite spots to watch the sunset fall and the hours pass. It was one of those places they used to sneak to be together –and make out like horny kids– when their relationship was still a secret, so it wasn’t a surprise that Michael took her there. Why Michael took her there wasn’t a surprise either, considering their hours in Australia were counted and how they were never really alone. The only moments alone they had were in her room, and it was either Maggie crying or them sleeping or saying goodbye to each other in the morning. As soon as they left Australia it was going to be back to their normal life and routine, so sneaking in some minutes just for them sounded nothing but logical. Maggie was more than happy Michael had such an idea, but then she couldn’t help but giggle as none of them really knew what to do or say once they were alone.  
“What’s so funny?” Michael suddenly asked, looking at her with a smile on his face, obviously not being able to stay serious as she laughed. “Nothing, I just remembered when we used to come here. I thought you were planning to get to third base in the back of the buggy like the old times, but I guess I was wrong” she shrugged, trying absolutely in vain to bite her cheek and not keep smiling. To say they just fucked there was an understatement because they did absolutely everything in, out and against the poor red thing, so it was more than one memory that came to her mind and made her all giggly And for the smile getting bigger on his face, Michael was remembering exactly the same things. “You want me to try to get to third base? Because you know it would take me no time to do it. Two minutes and I can get us going” “Two? Are you losing your touch, Italiano? It used to take you one minute or less” “It's that a challenge?” he asked with a fake annoyed expression on his face, looking straight at her eyes. They both knew it was all silly talk and nothing but jokes, but Maggie could see how Michael was waiting the exact moment she let him see it wasn’t a joke to act and make it happen. “I can get you moaning my name in thirty seconds and you know it” But the seriousness blew out of the windows again in a second as both started to laugh again. Maggie couldn’t remember the last time they both laughed like that while being just on their own, but it felt so right and so good that it almost made her forget how terribly it felt not being together, and how it was all because it her. “Are you gonna tell me why you brought me here if it's not to get in my shorts?” Maggie wondered, resting her head on his shoulder once the laughter was over and they were able to catch their breath. “You need to relax so I thought this would help” Michael explained very simply, kissing the top of her head before Maggie moved to look at him. “What? I’m relaxed, grá. Look at me, glasses, no makeup, your shirt, ugly shorts, and messy hair. Just like you like me the most” Maggie pointed at herself and her more than casual and more than relaxed look. She was not joking when she said Michael liked her like that. Michael absolutely loved her when she was like that. He always said she looked beautiful no matter what she wore, but she knew something about the natural Maggie turned him insane, especially when she wore glasses and his clothes. But even when she knew she was damn right, Michael gave her a look that was only saying that he didn’t quite believe the words coming from her mouth. “I’m serious! I’m in Perth, there’s this gorgeous weather, I spent the last two weeks with the whole family, we just had a barbecue, everyone is happy and healthy, Dan has no issues after goddamn covid, last night I won at Monopoly and I won against you at Mario Kart, I spent the day playing with the kids, I had an imaginary tea party with actual princess Isabella, I played football with Issac, they both told me they love aunt Maggie because they’re the sweetest babies, and on top of that I had the most wonderful gorgeous niece. And the most important thing here: you’re smiling. You have been smiling since we got here and that makes my heart melt every single time, and you know it, so that’s that” she explained, and once she was done, she grabbed his hand and gave his knuckles a short little kiss. “I know right now you’re fine, but last week wasn’t nice to you, sweetheart. It was a terrible weekend. We both know that” Michael pointed out, doing exactly as Maggie did and placing a kiss on his hand. But the difference was that Michael didn’t let her hand go like she did; he just laced their fingers together. “Last week was shit and I don’t know what’s gonna happen tomorrow, but I promise that today I’m good. I know this very handsome and very smart man who always tells me I gotta take it day by day and enjoy the silver lightnings. I’m gonna take today as a silver lightning. It's been a good day. Plus, this” Maggie smiled, pointing with her free hand at the sky in front of them. It was slowly starting to turn into a beautiful shade of orange, pink and purple, with clouds looking exactly like cotton candy, just like the loved it. “Look at this, grá. It can’t get better than this” “You like it?” “Like it? I love it. You don’t get those colors anywhere else” It took one kiss on her hand for her to realize Michael wasn’t looking at the sky but straight at her. She couldn’t blame him at all, because it was impossible to count how many times Maggie found herself looking at Michael instead of looking at whatever fascinating thing was in front of them. Most of the times it was a hundred times better to see his face lighting up, eyes shining and a smile appearing than to look at any landscape, but Perth and its sunsets was something different and she couldn’t help but stare at it. But what made her look back at Michael wasn’t the fact that she knew he was starting at her; it was the way he smiled against her skin and she was too curious to not look at him to know what was so fun. “I still remember the first time you came to Australia. You were asking all the damn time what were you supposed to do if you ran into a snake or a spider” he explained, kissing her wrist and holding her down, clearly knowing Maggie was dying to slap him. “You’re so mean” Maggie joked, shocking her head as she pushed him with her body, even if it did nothing to him considering their size difference. “I’m still trying to figure out what to do if that happens. They should give you a manual with instructions on the plane or something. But you know what I still remember? How happy I was to come here because I was going to be able to see you. It's crazy cause it feels like a lifetime ago”
“You don’t get happy to see me anymore or what?” Michael asked, again playing the offended, which only made Maggie want to kill him.
Or kiss him.
Or both. “Oh, shut up, dummy. I’m serious this time!” she exclaimed, trying to push him. This time she did it harder, which worked perfectly. In a typical Michael move, instead of covering himself like a normal human being about to get hit –even if it was a hit from a tiny body–, he went straight to place his arms around her body, holding her against his side, which let Maggie knew she wasn’t going anywhere for a long time. “I know, silly” Michael stated, kissing her temple before he kept talking. “But you’re right; it feels like it was centuries ago. Even the last time we spent here felt like it was a lifetime ago” “It's so insane how things change so quickly. Two years ago we were here in lockdown for a damn pandemic. We didn’t even know what we were; nobody knew about us. Now we have a niece. I still can’t believe we have a niece. Can you believe we have a niece?” “No, I still can’t believe it. Daniel has a kid; I think that’s the unbelievable part” Michael joked, holding Maggie tighter, knowing that he was gonna get hit again. “Hey, don’t be mean with D. He’s an amazing dad. He’s crazy in love with his girls. It's not like us having a kid or something, that would be kind of unbelievable” she shrugged, but as soon as she said it, she realized how bad that sounded. Maggie wanted to say something to fix it. She wanted to say she didn’t mean it like that, but before she could open her mouth Michael was moving her arms from around her, letting her know she fucked it. Or at least she though she fucked it, because Michael was with a surprised face, holding his heart with both hands, but there was a little smirk there letting her know that he knew what she meant. “You don’t wanna have kids with me? Margaret, you’re really killing me today” “No, don’t be all sensible today. You know that’s what I mean, Italiano” Maggie practically begged, as a pout and her best puppy eyes appeared on display. When she didn’t get an answer from Michael and he kept looking like a kicked puppy, Maggie used her second weapon, grabbing his arms to place them around her waist. And in case that wasn’t enough, she grabbed his face with her right hand and brought him closer to cover his cheeks in kisses. “Damn, she knows how to convince a man and fix a broken heart” Michael murmured, leaning against her touch, letting Maggie do whatever she wanted with him. “I just know how to convince my favorite man” she corrected him, placing her left arm around his waist while she stroked his cheek and kept kissing his skin. But like every single time Maggie decided to cover his cheeks in kisses, Michael took his change to move his head and cover her lips with hers. And to say their pact to keep their distance was long forgotten was a huge understatement. “That’s not fair. You caught me off guard” she murmured against his lips, not being able to hide the smirk on her lips as Michael kissed her again.    
Suddenly the beautiful sky didn’t seem so important as the most handsome man in the world kissed her. The beautiful Australian landscape was insignificant as she felt his teeth biting playfully her lower lip all to end up licking it to turn her insane. But she knew Michael enough –and she knew them together, too– to know nothing else was going to happen. It was just one of their make-out sessions and God, how she missed those. After their deal failed terribly during their first full babysitting day in London, there were just soft, little kisses shared between them. Ninety percent of the time the reason why they were kissing was because Maggie was feeling like crap or because something terribly was happening, so there was no really time. And then, the other ten percent were mostly sleepy goodbye kisses, good morning kisses, or stolen kisses when they shouldn’t be doing that. Always a gentleman, Michael was never one to go and push the limits, so it was always sweet and gentle.
Those stolen kisses were their way of showing each other that they still were in love with each other and that they were there no matter what. More than once it was the only thing that kept Maggie sane. Knowing Michael still loved her was what more than once kept her grounded when it felt like all was falling apart. She loved those sweet, loving, gentle and very PG kisses, but she missed their eternal make-out sessions. She missed their lips ending red and puffy after having their lips locked together for what it felt like an eternity, but not long enough. She missed the sensation of his beard scratching against her skin and not even realizing where her tongue started and his ended. She missed his hands roaming around her body, grabbing handfuls of her hair and his fingers leaving goosebumps whenever he touched her. She missed the smiles, the messiness, the giggles, the passion, the sweetest, the desperation, the longing, the belonging, the playfulness, the sweet words, the whimpers, the moans, the breaths, the grasp. But more than anything, she missed the love. She missed the love because damn, how much they loved each other. She just missed the love of her life kissing her like their life depended on it. And sometimes everything was so damn messy and complicated that she was sure it depended on it. And to not change their old good habits, Michael tangled his fingers with her hair at the back of her head as his free hand stroked her cheek and jaw until they were a little mess out of air but full of smiles. “That was…” Maggie whispered, resting her forehead against his as she tried to find the words, but it felt like they all disappeared from her mind after that kiss.
“Not part of the deal, I know. But I’m not sorry because I don’t regret it” Michael murmured, moving his nose slowly against hers, which only made Maggie smile even more. “I was going to say fucking perfect, but yeah, not part of the deal too” Maggie shrugged, not being able to take the smile out of her face, not even when she stole another kiss from him. “Do you ever think how crazy life is?” she suddenly asked, but not even the random question made Michael move away from her. “Sometimes. Why?” Michael asked, moving away enough to be able to focus on her face, but not enough to not have her in his reach any second that he wanted to kiss her. “If Jas didn’t wake up that morning, decided to quit her job, she wouldn’t have been in Monaco that day. And then if the girls had decided to go somewhere else instead of Monaco, or if they had decided to go somewhere else instead of that bar, she wouldn’t have met Dan” she listed, moving her right hand to cup his cheek with it as she kept talking. “If you didn’t go full wingman to talk to her because Dan was tongue-tied, who knows what would have happened. She wouldn’t have met Dan, but all that takes me to the terrible, terrible fact that I also wouldn’t have met you. I wasn’t planning on going to Australia and you weren’t planning on going to Ireland, so it wouldn’t have happened. I don’t know why, but lately that’s all I can think about” In another very Michael move, he grabbed her in his arms and a swift move Maggie was sitting on his lap, surrounded by his arms protectively placed around her body. He knew better than anyone that if Maggie was overthinking there was no better solution than holding her close and letting her ramble about it till it was all out of her mind, so that’s exactly what he did before he gave his answers. “DR and J were meant to be, so they would have met anyway in some other place. Maybe it would have taken longer, but it would have happened eventually” he replied, making his own speculations about what could have happened, all while he stroked her back and waist as he spoke. “And I think the same about us. We would have met anyway. There’s nothing I wouldn't do to find those cheeks. Besides, it didn’t happen, so there’s no need to worry or overthink, baby” “You had no idea I existed, you crazy Aussie” “I knew deep in my heart those cheeks existed” Michael joked, kissing her cheeks as much as possible before Maggie started to laugh and then he finally moved away. “I knew you were somewhere waiting for your cue to make your big entrance and knock the air out of my lungs, but never imagined it in such a way. It was more than I expected” “It wasn’t a grand entrance after all” 
“The girl of my dreams is the sister of my best friend’s new girlfriend and she has a boyfriend. I call that a big entrance, baby. Besides, that green dress. You knocked me the hell out of me with that, sweetheart” he remembered, and Maggie couldn’t help but melt at the way he smiled at the memory. She couldn’t believe four years had passed since that night. She had no idea how time flew so fast, but it felt like yesterday when her jaw dropped and her heart stopped for seeing Michael walking by Daniel’s side. She couldn’t believe three years had passed since their first kiss and another two since they made things official. But what was worse was thinking about how they wasted a big part of that time and how that kept happening. “You really screwed it up when you decided to sleep with me for the first time, uh? You weren’t expecting all the drama” she smiled sadly, looking down at her legs, totally ashamed for thinking how ninety-nine percent of their issues were all because of her. But Michael was having any of that, and before she could even react, he was holding her chin between his fingers as carefully as possible, probably expecting for her to break down at any moment. And damn, he wasn’t wrong. “No, I wasn’t, but I didn’t screw anything”
“Cause I’m the best of your mistakes?” Maggie asked as she smiled sadly and leaned against his hand, giving in completely at his touch. “You’re not a mistake, Margaret. You’re everything but a mistake. You’re actually one of the best decisions I've ever made, if not the best of them all” Michael confessed, resting their foreheads together once again. “But you should have kissed me on that plane or that couch” Maggie whispered, too afraid to speak too loudly and break their little bubble. But what did break their bubble was Michael and his laugh, just like every time she brought up their almost first kiss. Once in a while Maggie loved to mention it just to remind him how slow he was that night because she was right there by his side, almost on his lap and practically begging him to kiss her but being a true –and very slow- gentleman, he didn’t want to make the first move. When they started to see each other, they laughed at it because none of them knew why they didn’t kiss that night, but even when it was hilarious it ended up being one of their biggest secrets. For some reason they wanted to keep that little story for themselves, and Maggie just kept using it every time she could to remind him about one of the worst decisions of his life. “What can I say? You’re right about that. Not kissing you there was a mistake, but you know the good part? I can make it up for the rest of my life” Even when Maggie couldn’t get closer to him because she was already on his lap, Michael tried. He really tried to bring her closer, tightening the hold he had around her body, as he kissed her again. Maggie had no idea if he was already trying to make it up for the lost time as he promised, but she didn’t complain at all, she just kissed him back. She kissed him to make it up for not kissing him that night back in Vegas, and for every single chance they lost now they weren’t together. She held his cheeks between her hands as their lips and tongues moved together, hopping that maybe time would somehow stop so they could stay there at least for some extra hours. “Can we stay like this forever?” Maggie asked against his lips once they moved apart just enough to catch their breaths again. “I hate to say no to you, baby girl, but I’m afraid we can't. We have to go back to the house at some point” Michael answered, kissing the tip of her nose and then her forehead as Maggie rested her head over his shoulder, trying to deal with the reality, even if she already knew they couldn’t stay there forever as she wished “Wanna go to the beach tomorrow? We can have lunch somewhere and keep kissing for the rest of the day”
“First, I’m mad at the beach because I lost my ring there” she pointed, remembering how the first days they got to spend in Perth they went to the beach, and as soon as they got out of the ocean, she realized one of her favorite rings was gone. She had no idea how it happened, but she was still furious about it. “And second, it's our penultimate day here. Go spend it with your family. Go hug 'em, go give your Nana some kisses, I don’t know, grá. You won’t spend a day with me when you could be with them or your friends. You don’t get to see them as much as you’ll like, and you see my silly face every single day, so go or you’ll get sick and tired of me” she insisted, because no matter how much she loved the idea of spending the day by his side, Michael had more important things to do. “How could I ever get tired of the most beautiful face in the world? Look at that perfect nose and those sun kissed cheeks” he smiled, moving enough to be able to look at her face to run his index finger over the bridge of her nose, and finally stroke her cheek. “You’re a dream, sweetheart”
“What a guy is capable of saying to get laid” she joked, kissing the palm of his hand before he took it away. “Go have fun, okay? You’ll have a shit ton of hours on the plane to see me. I’m planning on using you as my pillow, so get ready” “I’m always ready to be used as a pillow. Also, now that we were talking about the beach incident...” Michael stated, looking for something in one of the pockets of his shorts. And just like a little magic trick, he made appear a small green bag, not bigger than the palm of her hand, all ready for her to take. “Here. For you” But before she even dared to move her hand to grab it, Maggie looked at Michael, looking for an answer to the big question of why he was giving her anything. The problem was that he looked so damn calmed that she couldn’t figure it out, which put Maggie on her nerves. “It’s not my birthday yet, y’know? We’re in April, no June. Maybe you’re losing track of time, old man”
“Oh c’mon! Since when do I need excuses to give you a present? I never needed them and I’m not gonna start now, Margaret” Michael exclaimed, as his hand was still open right in front of her. “It was for you, but for the old man commenting now I’m taking it away. Maybe Jas or Aoife want it. No, better give it to my dear Esmé” he shrugged, closing his hand and hiding the bag behind his bag as he put on his best offended face for her. “And then I’m the drama queen!” “You’re lucky you’re the most wonderful woman in the world” he complained again, shaking his head in the cutest fake annoying mood he could invent, all while he grabbed her right hand and placed the bag over her palm, closing her fingers around it. “Open it” “It’s an Australian opal” Maggie breathed, looking at the beautiful little ring that fell in her hand after she opened the bag. It was a simple, thin golden band adorned with a white, rounded Australian opal stone in the middle. It was so simple yet so beautiful, and Maggie loved it, and she was so in her little world, thinking ways to thank Michael for the present that it took her maybe too much time to realize it was a ring. Michael gave her a ring. “Wait, this is not…” she whispered as the air started to disappear from her lungs, because that couldn’t mean what she was thinking it meant. It couldn’t mean that. “What?” Michael asked, falling from his own little cloud to also realize what Maggie meant with that question and how it suddenly turned into a big confusion. “Shit, no!” he exclaimed as the panic appeared on his face and he covered his mouth with his free hand. “You think I’ll ask you to marry me with such a small ring, on top of a buggy and in such a bad moment?” “I don’t know, man! Maybe you've totally lost your mind!”
“No, Margaret, this is not me asking you to marry me” Michael finally clarified, grabbing her cheeks to look right into her eyes. “One day it’ll happen, but today’s definitely not the day. Unless you want me to. In that case, I’m getting on my knees right here right now in this damn buggy” Maggie knew it was half a joke and half true, but even then, she couldn’t help but feel her heart jump in her chest and her cheeks turning red as Michael offered to do it. She couldn’t help but feel happy, excited and on the verge of a nervous attack with the simple idea of Michael doing such a thing right there and in that exact moment. He was absolutely insane, but she couldn’t love him  more. “You’re ridiculous. And I’m an old classy lady for that kind of stuff, so I prefer diamonds in my engagement ring” Maggie kept joking as she looked at the ring that was still in the palm of her hand, ignoring the way her heart was racing inside her chest.
“I know that. I know you hate every single stone shape, that it’s not round. I also know you like colorless diamonds, and straight traditional bands. You don’t give a shit about the carat of the stone or the band. In fact, you couldn’t care less if it’s a real diamond, you just like shiny things, doesn't matter if they are expensive or not” Michael affirmed, leaving her with her jaw hanging. She had no idea how he knew all that. She had no idea how he collected all that information. Those kinds of comments were the ones she did while being bored with her friends or Jas, talking about girly stuff that nobody really cared about. Those were the kind of silly things she kept on her Pinterest because she was bored. But not even in a million years she would have imagined that Michael knew it all. She figured he could have an idea because he was always right with the gifts he gave her, but that was simply next level. “Don’t give me that look. I know what my girl wants. It’s my job to know” “And you’re doing it incredibly well” Maggie giggled, kissing his cheek as she looked at Michael and then back at the ring. “So, what with this cute bad boy?? “I got it because I know it's one of your favorite stones, but also because it's an Australian opal. I figured that maybe this Australian bad boy will remind you that you belong here. I mean, in case you needed another reminder besides a crazy family that loves you till Saturn and all the way back. Also, an Australian beach took one of your rings, so I thought that an Australian man could replace it. I mean, your favorite Australian man” “I thought you said you loved me till Pluto and all the way back” Maggie giggled, trying to hide with some silly comment the way her throat was notoriously closed by a knot after his beautiful little explanation. “Oh, I do love you till Pluto and all the way back. I said they love you till Saturn, but I love you till Pluto. Way further away and it's your favorite planet” “Stop acting like you know me so damn well, you eejit” Maggie laughed, slapping his chest with the back of her free hand as she was still fighting the tears. “If it fits my ring finger, I would definitely think this was on purpose” “It's not for that finger” Michael stated, grabbing carefully the ring from her hand and finally putting it on the middle finger of her left hand, just where the old ring was. “See? Fits perfectly. I’m starting to get offended with you thinking I don’t know you. It's me, y’know? I’m your Michael. I know you and your fingers and its size” “At this point I won't be surprised if you know how many freckles I have, sunshine” she smiled, looking down at her hand and its new acquisition that fitted perfectly. “I don’t even remember if I ever told you this, but I’m so very thankful that you’re my Michael. You have no fucking idea how happy it makes me, even on the worst days. Thank you for it and the ring. I really love it” “No need to thank me because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, my sweet little Maggie” he shrugged, but Maggie did thank him with a long, sweet and loving kiss, making him smile again as she stroked his jaw and his cheek. “And about the freckles, let’s say I like to pretend that I lost the count so I have an excuse to start again” And to not fail with his word, Michael went straight to her neck, kissing the small freckles she had around there, counting in the softest voice each one of them, making Maggie giggle and melt all together. It took him just one kiss to give her goosebumps all over her body as she felt his lips and his stubble over her skin, and by the second kiss she was just a little mess in his arms, breathing fast and trying to contain the little whimpers that wanted to leave her lips. “I know I asked this already, but can we stay here forever?” she asked already out of breath as her eyes closed and moved her head to a side to give him more access to her neck. “I don’t know about forever, but we can stay for a while because I’m not letting you go just yet” Michael murmured against her ear, moving the collar of her shirt down to her shoulder as much as possible, taking the strap of her bra with it on the way.
Maggie couldn’t help but smile as she felt his fingers move around her side and all the way down her shirt, stroking the skin on her waist and up to her ribs so slowly that it was like a sweet torture. Michael was clearly trying to be as careful as possible in case Maggie wanted him to stop for any reason, but he didn’t say anything. She missed everything about him, so there was nothing she wanted more than to get lost in his kisses and his touch, not really caring if they were on the roof of a buggy. She didn’t care as long as he was the one trying to not mark her skin. She didn’t care as long as he was the one making her moan thanks to his little playful bites, clearly holding himself to not leave a mess of hickeys as a proof of what they did during their little adventure. She didn’t care and wasn't planning to stop him, but like every single time destiny was the one stopping them. This time it was his phone and she felt how it wouldn’t stop buzzing right under her ass, which was nothing but a bother, a distraction and an absolute turn off. “Who the hell is texting you, Mike?” Maggie groaned, trying to not sound as annoyed as she really was, which was actually impossible.
But Maggie wasn’t the only one bothered there. She could feel Michael exhaling, clearly pissed at whoever interrupted them, not really moving away from her neck as he took his phone out of his pocket to check who was interrupting them. “It’s Dan” he informed, reading whatever their friend was saying. "You know how we have been joking and asking what he was going to propose to Jas? Well, he somehow decided to do it today. He needs our help” “C’mon, he just ruined your proposal and my nana nap full of cuddles after a quicky and all for what? So he can ask my sister to marry him? Boring. Also rude of DR to ruin the moment” Maggie joked, not really believing that Daniel finally had the balls to get on his knee and ask Jas to marry him after four years and a baby. It was about damn time. “A nap? Really? At this hour, Mags?” “Hey, don’t judge me. Besides I was going to invite you to my room to be my pillow. Thought you wanted to count my freckles. Or maybe I can count yours, too” she practically purred, kissing one of the freckles on his cheek. “I think we’re gonna ask your parents or uncle Blake to look after Oli tonight" he affirmed, stealing one last kiss from his lips, helping Maggie to get out of his lap so they could finally get out of the roof. “Defo. Now get me out of here” Maggie smiled, extending her arms and making grabby hands so Michael would grab her in his arms. The best part was that Michael wasn’t going to let her go, at least not that night.
@jamminvroomvroom @starlightoctavia @dr3lover @monte-carlando​
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Hot Mess
Prompt: Hi, so I really flippin love your writing style and I was wondering if you could write a fic of the sides just flirting(mainly Janus because we all know he's the best flirter) with each other, like in (Un)wanted chapter 1 where Janus was flustering Virgil really badly, that sort of thing. Could be DLAMP or DLAMPR I don't mind. You don't have too I was just wondering... Thanks either way!
First off, thank you so much for the prompt! Second...
Listen. Everything is awful and I don’t understand how flirting works. Ever. Actually, you know what, no. No one understands what flirting is. There have been so many fucking tests run and no one can ever tell who is flirting ever. It’s bullshit. Everything is bullshit and I’ve never understood a damn thing in my entire life and I’m sure as hell not about to start now. So.
That being said, here. 
Read on Ao3
Pairings: yes. LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR. 
Warnings: sympathetic janus & remus
Word Count: 5884
If you ask anyone whose fault is it that everyone, for some reason, starting flirting with each other, they’ll blame Janus. Even Janus. He knows what he did. It’s his fault.
Anyway, there are a few things that are a given. Everyone flirts with everyone, with the one exception of Roman and Remus. They’re brothers. It doesn’t work. Anything else is fair game. Are they being serious? Who knows. Probably. Maybe. Keeping anything straight around the Mindscape is complicated enough, for obvious reasons.
 Doesn’t mean there can’t be some level of trying to keep track of what’s bound to happen at some point.
 Patton’s flirting is both the least obvious and the most obvious. It’s super cheesy pick up lines delivered completely genuinely and the sweetest pet-names ever. But the problem is that’s not too different from how he normally is. For some reason, the Dad Coaxing Tone™ is the worst and he knows it. He doesn’t flirt nearly as often as some of the others do and he’s surprisingly sweet about it. It normally just makes them kind of giggly and slightly redder than normal. Always comes with hugs, which is never something to complain about. Cheeky comments and cheeky smiles that leave them second-guessing everything that just happened. And, of course, by the time they’re just about finished wrapping their heads around what just happened, he’s back with another line and here they go again.
 Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
 They should have expected this because his job is romance but fucking hell.
 His way of showing love is through poking fun at things so…all the teasing. All of it. Not just verbal teasing, even though that in itself is enough to make everyone melt into puddles, but he gets close. Like, sneak-up-and-hug-you-from-behind kind of close. Or he’ll just stand really close with a smirk as he teases them, waiting for them to give in and run into his arms. Or he’ll crowd them against the wall. Or the counter. Someone probably dared him to do this—or not, because, again, it’s Roman—but he definitely pinned Logan to the wall and didn’t let up until his grip on Logan’s wrists were the only thing keeping him standing. Also, super gushy pet-names. Like, super gushy. Like Patton, very fond of telling them how cute they are, including asking them why they’re hiding such a cute face, come on, he wants to see how adorable they are. With Janus and Logan, he makes his voice lower, taking advantage of how close that lets him get. Dramatic monologues or sneaking up and dipping them are a must. He goes full Disney Prince and doesn’t let up until they can’t even ramble anymore, smiling down at their bright red cheeks. With the others, he makes his voice very sweet, soft, and gentle. He gets right in their faces so they can’t go anywhere and riles them up until they’re a melted squirmy mess. It’s not uncommon to find someone—normally Patton or Virgil— an absolute puddle with Roman beaming, just twisting them round and round his finger. Merciless and shameless flirt. Roman is the actual worst and they all love him.
  Virgil is affectionately known as The Meme Flirter. No prizes for guessing who came up with that. He picks one nickname for each of them and just peppers it into conversation with a wink and a smirk. The master of timing. He doesn’t need to spend ages winding them up, he just picks the right moment and they’re covering their faces and squirming. Also uses the technique of being close but not close enough to touch. Sometimes he’ll team up with Roman or Logan and just be there all ‘you know he’s right’ when they look to him for help, or engage in conversation with whoever else is flirting about how red they’re getting, or how much they’re squirming. Or he’ll engage in flirt competitions. He’s way more confident about it than they ever anticipate and it always catches them off guard. He keeps an eye on them though, because he knows the others (especially Roman) can get carried away. “You don’t wanna break ‘em, do you?”
 (They do sometimes but shh.)
 For Logan, infodumping is the actual best way of expressing affection and you will not convince him otherwise. He’ll research topics so they can talk about them together if they want but if you think that is it then boy howdy you are wrong. This guy keeps notebooks on the best way to fluster each and every one of the Sides, okay. He knows his shit. He infodumps about them too, phrasing compliments as provable facts. Will pretend to be confused about why they’re getting so flustered, he’s just telling them the truth, why are you so red? It would be convincing if he weren’t purposefully making his voice as low as it can go and smirking. Also a teasy bastard. He will just ask them to do things he knows they can’t help doing when they get flustered, especially with Patton or Janus. He’s asked Janus to squee for him more often than he would like. (Liar.) Or they’ll be protesting and telling them to knock it off and he’ll just point out that ‘no one is holding you. Nor are we blocking any exits. By all means, if you wish to leave, then you may.’ Knowing perfectly well they’re puddles and puddles can’t move. But then ‘oh, you must not want to leave.’ ‘Accidental’ touches make it worse, as well as nonchalantly adding in pet-names. He’s the one who figured out that pet-names make them melt, by the way. Also figured out that firmer touches help ground them, so he offers them a deal sometimes. If they like, they can come and cuddle with him while he flirts. It gives them an excuse to cuddle and a place to hide, but that does mean he’s murmuring right into their ears. It’s a double-edged sword. When he teams up with Roman they are the worst, especially when they agree that it’s necessary to reestablish emotional stability. Or they’re bored, snickering when poor Virgil bolts out of the room from too much blush. Virgil will run away if it gets to be too much, he’s got that built into his whole deal as anxiety, but Janus…forget about it. That team-up definitely has overwhelmed the poor thing multiple times. You can’t freeze with these predators, they’ll eat you alive. They definitely teased and flirted with him until he burst into tears one time, it was…an experience.
 Roman pauses, midway through some dramatic gesture, faltering at the crack in Janus’s voice. Logan glances at him before looking back at Janus, his hands still pressed hard to his face, his shoulders tense. He takes a small step forward and tilts his head.
 He calls his name softly until he lowers his hands, unable to stop the comforting noise when he sees the tears on his cheeks. Beside him, Roman inhales sharply, only to make a noise of protest when he immediately covers his face again.
 “Janus,” he says, dropping the flirty persona immediately, “may I touch you?”
  Please say yes, please.
 He nods. Logan reaches out, gently covering his hands to coax them away, clutching them tightly.
 “Too much?” Janus nods. “My apologies, it was not my intention to overwhelm you.”
 “Nor mine, little snake,” Roman says quietly.
 “I know.”
 “Would you like us to stay,” Logan asks gently, giving his hands a squeeze, “or leave you alone?”
 Janus shuffles, his mouth drawing tight and his hands tensing. Logan is content to wait patiently for him to make up his mind, but Roman seems to have other ideas.
 “Oh dear,” he murmurs, stepping a little closer, “we really overdid it this time, didn’t we, darling?”
 “I said enough,” Janus mumbles.
 “I know, I know, I’m done,” he assures, reaching out to tenderly wipe his cheek, “I promise. Oh, oh you poor thing…”
 “Roman,” Logan chides gently, “I don’t think…”
 He trails off when Janus frees one of his hands, tentatively reaching out for Roman. Roman swoops in, gathering him into a hug so tight his fingers whiten from his grip on him. As Logan watches, Roman tilts his head slightly, beginning to pepper kisses along the side of his face.
 “I don’t understand,” he says quietly, “how…how is this not more overwhelming?”
 “I think you’re going to have to wait to ask him that, Specs,” Roman murmurs, “because I don’t know that either.”
 “Then how did you know it would work?”
 Roman looks up at him, sadness coloring his gaze. “Because a different face told me it would.”
 “I’m right here,” Roman says softly, rocking Janus in his arms, “I’m right here, little snake. I won’t let anything hurt you.”
 Janus all but slumps into Roman’s embrace, his head tucking neatly against his shoulder as he presses more kisses to his face.
 “I have you, alright? I’m not going to hurt you, you know I’m not.” Roman adjusts his grip. “It’s just like we always do, hmm? I rile you up and then you come here and I cuddle you right back down.”
 He pulls back to gently catch another tear with his thumb. “Just pushed a bit too far this time, hmm?”
  I rile you up and cuddle you back down.
  Like we always do.
  I’m not going to hurt you, you know I’m not.
 “I understand,” Logan breathes, “I understand now.”
 “Understand what?”
 “What’s happening.” Logan steps forward, gently resting his hands on the part of Janus’s back not covered by Roman’s arms. “And how I can help.”
 “By all means then,” Roman says, “tell us.”
 “Janus is…not accustomed to receiving compliments,” Logan begins, lightly hushing Janus’s noise of protest.
“It’s true, little snake,” Roman says.
 “Yes, and we will work on that,” Logan promises, “but that does make it easy to blindside or disarm him with comments of that nature. Hence…”
 He motions between the three of them.
 “You’re not used to experiencing affection like this,” he continues softly, “and especially not through flirting or playful teasing, which is why it doesn’t take much effort on our parts to fluster you.”
 Janus makes another noise of protest and he shushes him gently.
 “I’m not trying to tease, Janus, I promise,” he murmurs, “but it doesn’t, does it? It makes you uncomfortable because you don’t understand it, not really, so you don’t know what to expect next. We have not exactly been…forthcoming with affection in the past, have we?”
 Janus nods hesitantly.
 “This, however,” Logan continues, leaning a little more of his weight onto his hands, “is a form of affection you understand very well.”
 He steps a little closer, rubbing firm circles into Janus’s back.
 “You are a very heat-sensitive person,” he says, “and you understand how to give and receive affection in this language, so to speak. When one of us touches you while we are teasing or flirting with you, it heightens the loss of control you feel because it’s something that should be familiar, but it’s being used in an unfamiliar way.”
 “But when it’s like this,” Logan continues, leaning closer, “it’s calming. Grounding. Especially after you’ve just been in a state of higher stress. You know what we mean by it.”
 “When I put my hand on your shoulder or your back,” he murmurs, shifting his weight further onto his hands, “you know it means I’m here, right here, and I’m not going anywhere. When Roman kisses you—“ Logan smiles when Roman uses that as an excuse to press another kiss to Janus’s forehead— “you know it means he cares about you, that he won’t let anything hurt you.”
 “Look at our resident genius over here,” Roman says, leaning over to peck Logan’s cheek too, smirking when it brings a flush to his face, “aww, Logan, feeling left out?”
 “No,” Logan replies stiffly, ignoring the growing smirk on Roman’s face, “and even if I were, we have more pressing matters to deal with.”
 “No, no,” Janus mumbles, “I’m good now, I can leave, it can be Logan’s turn.”
 Roman raises his eyebrows. ‘Are you gonna let that go?’
 Logan will most certainly not.
 “I can assure you,” he rumbles into Janus’s ear, “I am perfectly satisfied with our roles as they currently stand.”
 Roman chuckles when Janus squirms in his grip.
 “After all,” Logan continues, “we have just established that this can be quite the cathartic experience for you, it wouldn’t do at all to interrupt it before it is complete.”
 “Did you just…create a scientific excuse to do this in the name of maintaining emotional stability?”
 Logan smirks. “Perhaps.”
 “You know better than to try and argue with Logan about science,” Roman adds.
 Janus swats at them half-heartedly but doesn’t protest when Roman lets him go a few moments later, pressing one last kiss to his forehead and leaving. Logan taps him gently on the shoulder.
 “Am I correct, Janus?”
 “Yeah,” he mumbles, a little red still on his cheeks, “you’re right.”
 “Good.” Logan reaches out and slides the tissue box closer. “And…thank you.”
 He looks up, confused. “For what?”
 Logan smiles. “For telling us it was too much, and for letting us help.”
 That’s the first time Logan’s able to determine exactly how best to help one of them calm down, especially after one of them is incredibly flustered. The first time he implements it is under…slightly different circumstances.
 He’s not quite sure how Virgil and Roman talked him into playing Truth Or Dare, but here he is, on the couch, Roman sprawled across the floor, Virgil perched on the back. So far he’s had to cover his ears from Roman belting the third Disney medley in an hour and he has several questions for Remus about where his good clipboard is. Then it’s Virgil’s turn again and he picks dare.
 “Are you sure, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance?” Roman asks.
 “Just hit me with it, Princey.”
 Roman taps his fingers against his chin, glancing around. His eyes land on a spot over Logan’s shoulder and he grins. Logan follows his gaze and sees Janus in the kitchen.
 “I dare you,” Roman announced, “to flirt with Patton for two minutes.”
 Virgil snorts. “That’s it?”
 Roman just sweeps his arm dramatically. “Your dare awaits.”
 Virgil shrugs, getting up off the couch and making his way to the kitchen. The instant he’s almost there, Roman scrambles up, jumping onto the couch next to Logan, almost landing on top of him, hooking his chin over the back.
 Logan raises an eyebrow. “Comfortable?”
 “Shush, Pocket Protector,” Roman says, flapping a hand, “and get your timer out.”
 Logan rolls his eyes, checking his watch and watching Virgil lean on the counter, propping his chin on his hand.
 “Hey there, cutie.”
 Patton startles, whirling around to see Virgil. “Hey! Wow, you scared me, uh, yeah, hi there!”
 “Sorry,” Virgil smiles, not sounding the least bit sorry, “can’t help it. You look like a cute little bunny when you’re startled.”
 “Oh, god, not this,” Patton mutters, turning around, his face already starting to flush.
Virgil grins, his tongue between his teeth as Patton tries to go back to what he was doing. “You just make it too easy, cutie.”
 “I do not!”
 The grin turns feral. “Then why don’t you turn around and show me that pretty face?”
 “Nope. No thank you. I’m going to stay over here.”
 “Why, afraid of proving me right?”
 “Then come on, cutie,” Virgil says, tilting his head, “turn around.”
 Patton leans his head back, sighing before turning around and spreading his arms. “Happy?”
 “Mm.” Virgil grins. “You’ve got such pretty eyes, Patton.”
 He stutters, his face already turning red. “Oh my god. Stop!”
 “Can’t help it cutie,” Virgil says, waggling his eyebrows and chuckling when Patton covers his face, “I’ve been dared to do this for two minutes!”
 “Good to know,” Patton squeaks, “that this is only happening because it’s mandatory.”
 “Aw, don’t be like that, cutie, you know I’ll flirt with you anyway.”
 “That is not what I meant!”
 Virgil only laughs harder. “You might wanna pace yourself, cutie, you’ve still got…”
 He trails off, looking at Logan. Logan checks his watch.
 “One minute and twelve seconds.”
 “One minute and twelve seconds left,” Virgil finishes, propping himself back up on the counter, “so…”
 The sight is entertaining, Logan has to admit. Patton goes bright and flushed, his eyes squeezing shut, mumbling little things to himself and trying not to whine every time Virgil opens his mouth.
 “Aw,” Virgil teases when he breaks and tries to bite down on his knuckle, “don’t muffle yourself, cutie.”
 “Goodness, you need to stop.”
 “I want your voice on my playlist, it’s so pretty.”
 “I just said.” Virgil props his chin on his hand again. “It’s so pretty.”
 “No, why are you doing this?”
 Virgil smirks. “Because you’re so pretty.”
 And with that, Patton’s reduced to another blushy panic with plenty of muttered comments and Virgil’s standing there, grinning. It’s refreshing, seeing Virgil so confident, so sure of himself. It looks good on him.
 And, of course, Patton is objectively adorable.
 The scene is so captivating, in fact, that Logan glances down at his watch only to realize the two minutes have expired.
 “Time,” he calls, much to Patton’s relief.
 “Thank goodness.”
 “Aw,” Virgil pouts, “you’ll hurt my feelings, cutie.”
 “Nope. No more.” Patton points a stern finger at him, the effect slightly undone by his pink cheeks and the fact that he’s obviously fighting a smile. “You get out.”
 Virgil just winks and saunters back to the couch.
 “Stellar performance, Dark and Stormy,” Roman declares, giving Virgil a round of applause, “truly excellent.”
 “Well done,” Logan says, “that was quite the display of self-confidence.”
 Virgil just lifts a shoulder and lets it drop. “Eh. Easy dare. My turn now, right?”
 Virgil narrows his eyes, glancing between the two of them. “Princey. Truth or dare?”
 “Dare,” Roman answers immediately, “what kind of prince would I be if I turned down a challenge?”
 Virgil smirks. “Alright, then. You have two minutes to make Patton redder than I did.”
“Virgil,” Logan chides lightly as Roman prances off toward the kitchen.
 “Relax,” Virgil says, settling in to watch, “it’s not like he’s gonna hurt him.”
 “No, he’s just going to fluster him with the end goal of rendering him inarticulate.”
 Virgil smirks. “Exactly. Now shut up and watch.”
 “Oh, Addie,” Roman calls, smirking at the way Patton startles.
 “Oh, um, hey, Roman, um, what do you want?”
 “I just want to talk to you, Patton.”
 “Oh goodness,” Patton mumbles, already covering his face as Roman crowds him against the counter, “don’t say my name like that, that’s really mean!”
 Roman’s eyes gleam. “Dearest, if you wanted me to call you pet names instead, you only had to ask, my sweet, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
 Roman just smirks, bracing his hands on either side of him. “No? Then what should I call you, gorgeous?”
 Any reply is too muffled for Logan to hear. Virgil snickers as Roman sighs dramatically.
 “Fine, I’ll just have to call you by your lovely, lovely name.” He leans forward to try and peer through the gaps in his fingers. “Almost as lovely as you.”
 He chuckles when Patton whines again, spluttering like a fish out of water. “You’re so cute when you’re at a loss for words.”
 “What do you want?”
 “Oh, I was dared to make you redder than Virgil did.”
 “Because you’re absolutely stunning, darling,” Roman answers easily, “and it’s stunningly easy to flirt with you.”
 “It is not!”
 Virgil snorts and Logan raises an eyebrow. Roman’s smirk widens.
 “Of course is it, cutie pie,” he coos, “all I have to do is this.”
 “N-no, don’t do that,” Patton stammers, trying to cover his face with a dish towel, only for Roman to catch his hands and effortlessly pull them out of the way, lacing their fingers together and holding them against the counter.
 “What’s the problem, sweetie?” He gently blows a strand of hair out of Patton’s face. “Is it just that I’m…right here? Talking like this to you? Is that it, honey?”
 “Hmm?” Roman tilts his head. “What’s that, cutie?”
 “It’s not even flirting,” Patton manages, still looking as if he’s trying to sink into the counter.
 “I’m not even saying anything, cutie,” Roman coos, “and there’s nothing I enjoy better than being able to render you speechless like this.”
 Logan has to admit, Roman’s teasing is enough to make him shift on the couch, a slight flush rising unbidden to his face. Judging by the way Virgil starts fiddling with the strings on his hoodie, he’s not immune to it either.
 It really should not be that much of a surprise that Roman is one of the most proficient flirters in the Mindscape. Romance, passion, and desire all fall under his purview. And yet, here they all are, slowly growing more and more flustered.
 “Okay,” Virgil mutters just loud enough for Logan to hear, “Princey’s getting me and he’s not even trying.”
 “I concur.” Logan adjusts his tie and glances at his watch. “Thirty seconds.”
 “Come on.” Roman tugs gently at the towel in Patton’s hands. “You have to show me your cute little face, otherwise I won’t know if the dare’s over yet!”
 He finally manages to get the towel away from him and gasps, quickly reaching out to cup his cheeks before he can cover his face again. “Oh, just look at you, you’re even cuter up close!”
 “Yes, cutie pie?”
 “Let me go!”
 “Go where,” Roman murmurs, pushing Patton gently against the counter, “can you think of anywhere better to be than right here, in my arms, while I tease you silly? Hmm? You’re not even trying to get away, sunshine.”
 Roman chuckles, stepping back, perching his hands on his hips. “What do you think, redder than Virgil’s go?”
 “Hmm,” Virgil hums, leaning over the back of the couch, “dunno. Can’t see his face from here.”
 “I’m mad at you,” Patton mutters, already covering his face.
 “Aw, no,” Roman purrs, “no you aren’t. Come on, gorgeous, if you don’t show us your face, I’ll just have to do it again!”
 “No.” Patton forces his hands down, making Roman chuckle again. Sure enough, his face is beet red, covering his skin with such intensity that for a moment, Logan worries. Then Virgil snorts.
 “Aww, he’s so cute!”
 “I know, isn’t he?”
 “Oh my goodness.”
 “Virgil,” Logan chides lightly.
 “You’re no fun, teach,” Virgil says, waving a hand, but he concedes. “Yeah, alright, Princey. You win.”
 Roman bows, sweeping his hand in a wide arc, before taking one of Patton’s hands and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
 “Thank you, sunshine.” With a wink, he strides back to the couch and sits down triumphantly. “That was fun!”
 His eyes widen when he sees Logan adjust his glasses nervously and Virgil quickly flips up his hood.
 “Don’t tell me that you got flustered too,” he teases, reaching up to poke Logan’s arm.
 “Enough,” Logan says quickly, “your turn to ask.”
 For a moment, he braces himself for Roman to not, indeed, agree, but then Roman simply pouts and tilts his head up.
 “Logan, dare or dare?”
 Logan blinks. “That is not the game, Roman.”
 “Yeah, but you’re the only one who hasn’t done a dare yet, so…” Roman shrugs. “Dare or dare?”
 “It seems pointless for me to choose between two of the same options,” Logan sighs, “but I will select ‘dare.’”
 Roman tilts his head this way and that, considering Logan. Then he grins.
 “I don’t think it’s fair if we leave Logan out,” he says to Virgil, “do you?”
 “Oh, goodness, hasn’t Patton had enough?”
 Virgil narrows his eyes at him. “So you don’t wanna have a turn?”
 Logan fiddles with his watch. “…I didn’t say that.”
 “Marvelous!” Roman claps his hands. “Oh, don’t be so shy, Logan!”
 “We know you’ve got notebooks full of ways to fluster us, L,” Virgil adds, “you’re good at it, okay?”
 Logan is quite proud of his ability to flirt, although how the others know about his research is a worrying question.
 “So,” Roman says cheerfully, “you have two minutes, but you have a harder job than we did.”
 Logan frowns and Roman’s grin widens.
 “You have two minutes to make Patton melt.”
 “Oh, Logan’s screwed,” Virgil chortles, tugging at his hoodie strings, “he’s so wound up right now.”
 Logan gets up, adjusts his tie, and heads for the kitchen, ignoring the way Roman and Virgil scramble up onto the couch to watch.
 Patton’s leaning over the counter, pressing his hand to his forehead. He glances up when Logan enters the kitchen and pauses. Contrary to his previous statement, he doesn’t look upset or angry, simply exhausted.
 “You too, hmm?”
 “I’m afraid so.”
 Patton groans, letting his head drop onto the counter. “Did I do something? Or are you all just bored?”
 “We’re bored,” Virgil shouts, “and you’re cute!”
 “Shh, it’s not your turn anymore!”
 “Shut up, Princey.”
 Logan rolls his eyes fondly, stepping closer. Patton straightens up, waving a hand.
 “Go on. Just get it over with.”
 “And I thought Roman was dramatic,” Logan remarks dryly, “but I am not keeping you here. If you truly wish to leave…”
 He gestures toward the stairs. Patton glances between him and the stairs.
 “By all means,” Logan says, lowering his voice and leaning against the wall to demonstrate he had no intentions of moving, “be my guest.”
 He watches, carefully keeping his face blank, as Patton starts to edge around the counter. He eyes the little bit of space he’s left and he can see the moment he realizes it’s not enough.
 “Okay,” he says, “I’m gonna go now.”
 “I know.” Logan tilts his head and smiles. “I’m not stopping you.”
 He stops out of his reach and stares at the gap again. One more little push, then.
 “You know…” Logan adjusts his glasses and looks Patton up and down. “You do not seem to be particularly…eager to leave, Patton.” He lets the corner of his mouth turn up into a smirk. “Could it be that…you do not wish to leave?”
 Patton takes the bait.
 As soon as Patton gets close enough, Logan hooks his foot around his ankle and blocks his exit, not bothering to hide his smirk this time. “However,” he says quietly, “I do have a task to perform.”
 “You,” Patton mumbles, closing his eyes, “are mean.”
 “Then allow me to make it up to you.” Logan moves, using his weight to push him back into the kitchen. “I have a proposition.”
 Logan smiles, leaning against the counter. “Come here.”
 “That sounds awful.” Logan raises his eyebrows. “…okay, okay, I’m coming.”
 Patton stops in front of him, his arms wrapped protectively around his waist. He does indeed look very cute.
 “Touch can be very grounding for you,” Logan says quietly, careful to keep his voice too low for Roman and Virgil to hear, “so if you like, you may cuddle with me for the duration of the two minutes.”
 “Yes, really.” He holds out one hand, palm up. “Or, you may leave. I won’t stop you this time.”
 He hugs himself tighter, glancing between the stairs and Logan’s hand. He tilts his head.
 “Come here, Patton,” he murmurs.
 He takes his hand.
 He pulls Patton closer, opening his arms and letting him hug him nervously. He hugs him back, creating a little pocket of intimacy apart from the rest of the room.
 “There…” Logan leans down to whisper in his ear. “Isn’t that better? Now you have something to hold onto, something to hide your face, hmm?”
 Patton nods, his face buried in his shoulder.
 The other thing about having Patton in his arms is that he can murmur directly into his ear, which both prevents Roman and Virgil from hearing anything he’s saying and makes flustering him much, much easier. He says as much, smiling when Patton whines and tightens his grip.
 “Do you know what my dare was, Patton?” When he shakes his head, Logan reaches up to gently run his hand through his hair. “It was not, in fact, to fluster you, but to make you melt.”
 “Yes, dear,” Logan smirks when Patton shudders involuntarily. “Do you like the pet names, little one?”
 “Shh,” he murmurs, running his hand through his hair again, “it’s quite alright, dear. Physical affection helps you relax, pet names make you feel cared for. It makes sense.
 “You are a sweetheart. No, no, don’t disagree with me,” he hushes, “you are. You care very much about how you can help other people and you do, sweetheart. It follows that having such affections be returned make you feel good.”
 He tightens his grip, cradling his head against his shoulder. “You feel good right now, don’t you, dear?”
 “Then, truly, how can you blame us for wanting to call you so many?” Logan tilts his head a little more. “You always get so flustered by it.”
 “No, I don’t…”
 “You clearly do,” he purrs, “you’re not hiding it well, dear. I can feel how warm your face is, pressed into me like that.”
 As he speaks, he feels it grow warmer still. He chuckles.
 “Oh, there’s really no need to be so embarrassed, dear,” he murmurs, “it makes complete sense. Hugs have been proven to decrease stress, reduce blood pressure, and increase the production of oxytocin.“ He smirks. “Quite the addictive drug, no?”
 Patton whines and he runs his hand slowly down his spine, pulling his hips against his.
 “You are smaller than me—“
 “—you are, which increases the feeling of protection,” he murmurs, “and safety, and thus you will relax.”
 He draws the word out with deliberate slowness, the end of it turning into a chuckle as he trembles in his hold.
 “That’s it, dear,” he says softly, “relax. Because there’s one more reason you’re going to melt for me.”
 Logan pauses, glancing up to see Roman and Virgil staring at them over the edge of the kitchen counter. He smirks and puts his mouth deliberately close to Patton’s ear.
 “You care for me, don’t you, Patton,” Logan whispers, his breath ghosting over his neck, “you do, don’t you? You care for me.”
 Patton whimpers.
 “Say it, dear,” Logan coaxes, “say you care for me?”
 “…of course I do,” comes the strangled whisper.
 “Of course you do,” he purrs, “of course you do, and here you are…wrapped up in my arms…letting me call you pet names…letting you hide your blush in the crook of  my neck…”
 He shifts one last time, making sure Roman and Virgil can see. Raising his voice slightly, he cups the back of Patton’s head protectively. He glances at his watch.
 “Ready?” He threads his fingers through the baby hairs on the back of Patton’s neck.
 “One…two…three, melt for me, dear.”
 The two minutes run out just as Patton whines and melts into a blushing little puddle in Logan’s arms.
 “Holy shit,” Logan hears Virgil mutter, “he fucking did it.”
 “I’m never underestimating him again.” Roman throws his hands up. “He did it in two minutes.”
 He tightens his grip, his nails scratching the back of his neck. “Good job, dear.”
 And if it makes him shudder and lean into him a little more, well, that’s just something else to add to the notebook.
 It’s cathartic; he can wind them up, make them all flustered, and then open his arms and cuddle them right back down, give them the reassurance of getting all worked up in a safe environment where nothing’s really gonna hurt them. Plus, if they’re too tired to protest when he peppers kisses all over them, that’s just a bonus.
 Janus—the one whose fault this is—is classic spy movie seduction. Textbook. His silver-tongue makes compliments as smooth as his scales and subtle touches that make their heads spin. Pet names, snarky comments, teasing, the lot of it. He knows they have a thing for his voice. All he has to do most of the time is get close and purr and they’re putty in his hands. Sometimes he’ll stay further away where they have nowhere to hide and just watch them squirm. Sometimes he just has to look at them a certain way and they’re gone. He is the embodiment of using the business end of your weapon to homo-erotically tilt up your opponent’s chin. Rivals Roman for how easy it is for him to make them flustered, but unlike Roman, with him, it’s a toss-up. He knows he’s a lot, and odds are, if he’s going to flirt with them, it’s more likely to be for the catharsis reason and less because they’re fun to play with. (Even though they are.) So, if he’s not having a competition with another Side or in a playful mood, he’s much gentler about it than Roman is, he’ll stop a lot sooner or pull them into his lap for cuddles. Or, like Remus, he’ll just touch them, let them hide their face in the crook of his neck, and just run his hands over them. It’s a perfect combination of grounding and flustering. Plus, warmth is good for snakes and there’s nothing warmer than a bright, flushed, flustered face. Totally doesn’t fluster people on purpose to steal their body heat.
 Remus is by far the only side where his approaches are completely different depending on who it is. Virgil is flustered very easily by his innuendos and everything, the more audacious, the better. Sometimes it resorts to the two of them having a flirt-off, the loser hiding their face while the victor cackles. Or Remus will make something that totally isn’t an innuendo into one and Virgil’s gone. For Logan, often he’ll just find him and tackle him onto the nearest surface, flopping down on top of him like a cat and listening as Patton starts verbally vomiting as he gets redder and redder. But overt sexual references make Patton and Janus really really uncomfortable, so it’s the bad kind of flustered. Instead, he’ll just find them and cuddle them and loudly explain how they are in fact the best cuddler. He finds how embarrassed they get very amusing. And if it has the side effect of summoning everyone else to a cuddle pile both because of the outrageous idea that anyone is better at cuddling than them and also free cuddles, well. Oops.
 So yeah. It’s a fucking mess.
 At least it’s a hot mess, right?
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"...So I Married A Monster" *Part 5*
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When it says he has "a manic smile and crazy eyes" this is what I picture. lulz.
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Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Gotta say got mixed reviews on who people are mad at, and honestly I'm shocked.
Y'all really just toss Y/N to the wolves like that? OLIVIA'S ALWAYS THE BAD GUY
Hahaha. I'm just kidding. Not really.
Anyway she's punished, so I hope you're happy.
It was a long train ride and a drive home to your house in Jersey, you cried the whole way. You had to get all your tears out before you got home, you knew you couldn’t cry over Rafael in front of your family. But why were you crying over him? He just betrayed the shit out of you. He just sat there and defended that psychopath Olivia to you; After she physically assaulted you. And then he had the audacity to tell you he loved you? What a fucking dickbag.
You pulled makeup out of your bag and began to hide the mascara and eyeliner mess your current face was covered in. When you were sure it was decent enough to walk into your house with, you grabbed your bag and briefcase and headed inside.
When you opened your front door you saw Billy on the couch, one of the girls on either side of him. They were watching Frozen, and eating popcorn. Both Maggie and Kylie jumped up to greet you when you walked in the door. You dropped your bags and barely caught Kylie before she knocked you over.
“Mommy!” She cried happily.
“Hey baby girl,”
“Mom, is it true? Dad’s moving home?” Maggie asked, causing you to shoot Billy a shocked and stern look.
“We haven’t discussed it yet,” You said it smiling, but through gritted teeth.
“Why don’t we do that now then, sweetheart?” He smiled warmly at you while you cautiously approached him, putting Kylie down.
“Sounds good,” You didn’t respond with a pet name, meaning business. You let the girls get back on the couch and watch the movie while Billy followed you into the dining room to talk, just as you and Rafael did before.
“I straight up told you Billy, you can’t just start telling them things!”
“Well it’s the truth isn’t it?” He kept calm.
“I told you I’d think about it--”
“And I told you to go talk to Barba, so you could get your head cleared,” He gave you a look. “And you did, so--”
“So what, you think Rafael is the only thing standing between us?”
“Well, obviously babe,” He put a hand over yours. “I mean, let’s be real. I left you,”
“Wow…” You snapped your hand away from his. “You really know how to woo a girl, don’t you?”
“Oh come on babe you know I was just--” He teased, trying to take your hand.
“Oh I know what you were just,” You huffed.
“...Look I don’t know why you’re mad at me, Barba’s the one who chose that bitch over you,” Billy scoffed.
“....What did you just say?” Your mouth fell open.
“What? I mean--”
“Were you--” Your eyes darted back and forth on the table as you tried to process what this meant. “Were you spying on me?”
“No,” He shook his head. “No, I just wanted to make sure you made the right decision,”
“What does that mean?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Oh I think you know what it means, Y/N,”
“You?” You raised an eyebrow. “You had to make sure? You couldn’t have just trusted me to make the ‘right’ decision?”
“Oh come babe don’t be like that, you know I love you--”
“Do you?” You narrowed your eyes. “Love is trust,”
“This is about what Barba said, isn’t it?” Billy's tone turned dark.
“Wha-- No!” You looked at him like he was delusional. “This is about what I’m saying!”
“Well what are you saying, Y/N?” His eyebrows arched.
“I’m saying, you can’t move in,” You said seriously.
“Yeah, that’s not what I’m hearing,” Billy laughed.
“Excuse me?” You barely exhaled, starting to see the beast behind the mask.
“Did I not speak clear enough, honey?” Billy’s voice suddenly turned very sinister. “If I say I wanna come home, I’m coming home,”
Meanwhile at Barba’s Office
Rafael paced back and forth, trying to figure out his next move. He knew Olivia would already be on her game trying to link you and Lewis together, at least she didn’t know where you lived. She’d send squad cars out there before he could even issue a warrant. But he wasn’t giving up on you that easily. He dialed your number, praying you would answer.
“Well obviously, who did you think it was gonna be, Barba?”
“Where is she?”
“What do you mean ‘where is she’?” He asked him like it was the stupidest question in the world. “Obviously she’s right here with me and our children, y’know where she’s SUPPOSED to be,”
“I want to talk to her,”
“Well you know Barba I really don’t think she wants to talk to you, y’know since you chose Olivia over her and all,”
“I didn’t--”
“Go on babe, tell him.”
“...He’s right, Rafael,” He heard your voice come through the phone. But it didn’t sound like you, not your normal self.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
“...No, I’m not,” You sniffled. “You broke my heart, Rafael,”
“See? Such a bad man, Barba,” Lewis chastised him.
“Shut up,” Rafael growled.
“Hey now man, no need to get testy with me,” Lewis said innocently. “I’m not the one who screwed up royally with my wife,”
“She is NOT your wife!” Rafael barked.
“Oh, I think she will be officially once again, soon enough,”
“Not if I lock your ass up first,” Barba threatened.
“Is that a threat, Barba?” Lewis’s voice grew softer and grittier. “Are you threatening to send cops here? Because I really, really don’t think you wanna do that,”
“And why wouldn’t I want to do that?”
“...Give me one sec,” Lewis pulled the phone away from his ear. Rafael heard a camera sound and some buttons mash, and then a text notification.
He opened it to see a picture of your daughters sitting on a couch across from you, totally engrossed in the move. They were in the background of the main focus of the photo, you and Billy. Billy had his classic smile in full effect, you had the most uncomfortable smile on your face.
And then, he saw it. He pinched and zoomed, but he could see Lewis had a gun pressed against your back. He knew it. He knew you were in trouble. He knew you needed him.
“Lewis I swear to God if you hurt her--”
“What? No, never Barba,” Billy shook his head while he pushed the gun up against your back with a creepy smile as he lowered his voice so the girl’s couldn’t hear.
“But, y’know if you start sending cops here, you know wires get crossed. Maybe your cop friends shoot the wrong person, then I try and defend my family, it turns into a shoot out, I mean-- people could die,” He warned.
“Alright, look Lewis don’t do anything stupid,” Rafael backed off. “I know you want your daughters safe, that’s your main priority right?”
“Oh you bet it is, counselor,” He beamed at his two precious princesses, completely oblivious to the horrors going on across the couch from them.
“So then just-- just take them, leave Y/N alone,”
“Oh I’m sorry, are you offering up our children to negotiate for my wife? Because I’m pretty sure she’d have a problem with never seeing our girls again, wouldn’t you babe?”
“Rafael I’m not leaving my kids, just-- just leave us alone, okay? Forget about me,”
“He has a GUN on you, Y/N!” Rafael cried erratically. “How am I supposed to just hang up and pretend everything’s okay if he has a gun on you?”
“It’s just…” You looked at Billy who had crazy eyes and a now manic smile on his face. “It’s just...protection,”
“Protection?” Rafael scoffed. “Protection from you?”
“FOR me,” You lied. You were scared out of your mind right now, but you couldn’t show Billy that. Why didn’t you listen to Rafael? Why didn’t you at least hear him out?
“This is your fault anyway Rafael, so just-- live with it,”
“My fault?” Rafael asked in disbelief. “How is this MY--”
“When you chose Olivia over me!” You hissed, trying not to alert the girls.
Billy was just grinning at the conversation, reveling in you having it out with his nemesis. He couldn’t help himself, he grabbed you and kissed you. You pulled back in surprise, yelping a bit. But as soon as Billy gave you a warning look, you gave him a nervous smile and a peck back.
“Baby…” You tried to sound giggly embarrassed. “Not in front of the kids,”
“I can’t help it babe, you’re just so sexy when you’re berating that fu--” He glanced at the girls. “Fugly ADA,”
“Did he kiss you? Did he forcibly kiss you Y/N?!" Rafael was ready to crawl through the phone.
“Baby,” You put a hand over the receiver. “Maybe I should take this in there, so I can really yell at him without upsetting the girls,”
“Oh, I think I’ll come with, dear,” He stood up and took your hand while holding the gun behind his back. “Hey babies me and mommy will be right back, gotta refill the snacks!”
The girls barely acknowledged him, too engrossed in the move as you and him walked into the kitchen away from their eyes and ears.
“Now where were we?” Billy gestured to the phone, encouraging you to continue.
“Rafael, if you hadn’t sided with Olivia after she literally attacked me, I would have--” You looked at Billy. What were you gonna say you never would have gone back to him? That would surely result in a bullet in your head.
“You wouldn’t have left and walked straight into that monster’s arms, I know amor--”
“Hey, no no-- no amor, amigo,” Billy warned. “She ain’t yours anymore, comprende?”
“.....Look, Billy and I are-- starting over. He apologized for leaving me and we’re gonna make our family work. So just--” You had to hurt him to save him; if he tried coming after you Billy would surely kill him.
“....Just go be with your fucking detective and leave us the fuck alone!” You started to cry, unable to help it. You really were overcome with anger and sadness, though you really sure which was more apparent right now.
“Awww, see Barba?” Billy wiped your tears with his thumb. “You went and made my baby cry,”
“She is NOT your--”
“Oh I think we all established who belongs to who now, Barba, don’t you think?” He mocked him, referring to Oliva's little crush on him.
“Now, listen to my wife and leave us the fuck alone. Or pay the price,” He warned one last time before hanging up.
“Can you believe the nerve of that guy?” Billy gave you a smile and a half laugh.
“Yeah, totally…” You nervously laughed. “Billy, now that that’s-- done, can we just--” You glanced at the gun. “Can we just be us, now? No...protection, needed?”
“Y’know what babe, I think that’s a great idea,” He nodded, pulling out one of your drawers and placing the gun inside it. Then he took a lock from the drawer and put it in the drawer, locking it tight and putting the key in his pocket.
“Can’t be too careful with kiddos around the house,” He gave you a sly grin before pulling you into a deep, sloppy kiss. This time you didn’t dare back away or resist, you just kissed him back.
You hated yourself for thinking it, but for a second it felt nice, memories of when you’d have secret make out sessions in the kitchen like this while the girls watched a movie all the time came flooding back to you. But this wasn’t that, this wasn’t the same at all.
“Y’know…” Billy looked in on the girls. “They’re pretty into that movie, and the sequel is next in the queue,”
“So…?” You didn’t like where this was headed.
“Sooooooo,” He replied in a singsong tone, his eyebrows wiggling. “I say we get….reacquainted , while we can,”
Oh god. He meant sex. He wanted to have sex with you right now.
“Oh um--Billy,” You blushed. “I haven’t...I don’t...have any protection,”
“So what?” He waved his hands. “So we’ll have another baby, we can handle it! Come on babe, just like the old days. I’ll even do that thing you like…”
You tried not to physically vomit at the thought of carrying any more of this man's children. God, there was no way of getting out of this was there?
“....Okay, sounds...awesome,” You did your best to get an arousal smile going.
“Good,” He picked you up bridal style. “Girls, mommy and daddy are gonna have some alone time, be good!”
“Ew, gross dad,” You could hear Maggie fake gagging. “TMI!”
“She has gotten so sassy, that one,” He laughed as he groped your mouth with his lips and tongue, hauling you off the to bedroom.
Olivia’s Office
Rafael stormed into the bullpen, where Olivia was already briefing the team on the new developments.
“Barba,” She smiled nervously. “Just the man I wanted to see,”
“...Why?” Rafael looked around at all of them with curious eyes.
“Why don’t we talk in my office?” She led Rafael into her office and closed the door.
“Liv look--”
“Now Rafa I know you don’t want to, but you’re going to need to give up Y/N’s address,”
“What? No! Why?” Rafael shut that down real quick.
“Because we know that’s where they are,” Olivia stated like it was totally obvious.
“You mean where he has her,” Rafael clarified.
“He has her?” She laughed. “She went willingly--”
“Because I betrayed her!” Rafael cried angrily.
“Excuse me?”
“Look, Liv--” He sighed and took her hands. “You are my best friend, and I’ll-- I’ll go down swinging for you, you know that,”
“But--” He sighed harder. “Y-You have to think about what it looks like to outsiders, what you did to Lewis--”
“What I did to him?” Her eyes went wide with shock. “What about what he--”
“I know,” He stopped her by gripping her hands tighter. “And--And I’m sure it was hell, whatever he put you through. But--”
“Well, go on,” Olivia scoffed, tears coming to her eyes as her best friend turned on her.
“....It is all just hearsay,” He gave her a sympathetic shrug.
“Are you serious?” Olivia did her best not to flat out scream in rage. “You don’t believe that I had--”
“I believe that you did what you thought you had to do,” Rafael assured her. Olivia scoffed and moved away from him, not believing this was happening.
“And- And I know Lewis is a monster, but I should have handled it better with Y/N. Especially because I know how charming and silver tongued he is. And she was--- is, in love with him,” Rafael looked down at the floor as he remembered your words.
Could you have just been saying that to hurt him? Because he was choosing Olivia? You didn’t look like you loved Lewis in that photo he sent him. For fuck’s sake he had a gun on you to keep you sitting there. And you didn’t sound fine on the phone. He knew you. Even if Lewis knew you longer, Rafael was sure he knew you better. He knew you were in trouble.
“But he has her there against her will,” He finished firmly.
“Oh please--” She laughed cruelly.
“Does this look like compliance to you?!” Rafael shoved the photo Lewis had sent him in Olivia’s face. She blinked at it, trying not to have a PTSD freak out just seeing Lewis’s grinning ghoul face.
“And he said if I send cops there, he will kill her,” Rafael's voice shook as he thought of what could happen to you.
“So you just wanna let him walk?” Olivia asked accusingly.
“NO,” Rafael said very adamantly. “But I’m saying we need to do this smartly, not just go in there guns blazing. Besides Y/N, she’s got two little girls in there. We can’t get them in the crossfire,”
“No, of course not,” Olivia nodded in agreement for the first time. If there was one thing she was on the same page with Rafael, it was protecting the kids.
“Thank you,” Rafael gave her a small smile and a hug. “...Are you going to be able to handle this?”
“What, because it involves the woman you love, or the psychopath that I hate?”
“I think I can cope,” Olivia gave him a look as she opened the door to her office back into the bullpen.
“Alright troops,” She announced to the squad.
“Time to get to work,”
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you’re the one that brings the sun; chapter 5/6
chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
warnings: swearing
word count: 2,757
notes: okay so this update took a while because I’ve been busy with school and writers block has been kicking my ass, but I think it’s worth it :)))
It was established in August that at least once a month, Alex will receive a phone call informing him to be at Julie’s house in ten minutes for a mandatory slumber party. It’s endearing sure, but he would like some sort of warning other than Luke calling him and saying that if he doesn’t show up as soon as possible, he’ll paint his drumsticks neon green. So that’s how Alex ends up sitting cross legged on Julie’s bed, putting Reggie’s hair into a bunch of tiny braids and watching The Princess Diaries for what’s probably the hundredth time. 
“Lilly is definitely a lesbian,” Flynn says through a mouthful of popcorn. 
Alex hums in agreement and Julie nods. “If only this movie weren’t made in 2001,” Julie says mournfully.
“Y’know I always thought that Joe was gay,” Alex admits. “Up until he dances with the queen.”
Reggie attempts to look up at Alex, earning an offended squeak from the latter. “Really?”
“Yes, now will you please stay still, I only have one more left.”
“Ok but there is no way Mia’s mom is straight!” Flynn says.
Julie seems to mull it over for a bit. “She does live in an old fire station. And artists are never straight.”
“Yea, like Willie!” Luke pipes up, sitting up from his position hanging halfway off the bed. “Willie’s not straight.”
“We should start a betting pool on how long it takes for Luke to bring up Willie,” Alex mumbles, his cheeks flushing pink. He ties off Reggie’s final braid and pats his head approvingly. “You look like a real princess.”
“Do I?” Reggie grins up at him with a bit of a twinkle in his eye and Alex chuckles. 
“No subject changing,” Luke protests. “How’s Willie doing?”
“Still a pining idiot,” Flynn answers with a cheeky smile. 
“I’m trying to watch the movie.” Alex shoves at Luke’s face and slides down off the bed to sit on the floor beside Reggie. 
“You’ve seen this movie a million times,” Luke points out. He leans down so his head is hanging off the edge of the bed and smirks mischievously at Alex, who is pointedly refusing to look at him. “Aleeeex,” Luke whines. “Don’t be a buzzkill.”
“Alice, please,” Flynn says. Alex shoots her a look seeping with betrayal and Flynn raises their hands defensively. “I haven’t seen Carrie in a few days!” They protest. “I need drama.”
“Drama?” Alex asks. “Or blackmail material?”
Flynn shrugs, which only serves to cement what Alex was thinking. “Yea, nope. It’s not like anything has even happened since-” He cuts himself off, realizing his mistake and preparing for the onslaught of questions. 
“Since!?” Luke cries. “Since what?!” He grabs Alex’s face roughly and looks at him with wide eyes. “Since what, Alex?”
“Nothing!” Alex squeaks, wrenching himself from Luke’s grasp. “Nothing! It was- let go of my fanny pack! Julie stop filming!!!” Alex swats at Luke’s hands and attempts to leap forward to grab Julie’s phone, but ultimately fails. 
“I’ll let go if you tell me,” Luke teases in a sing song voice, his grin only growing the more Alex fights. 
“Fine! If you just- sorry Reg the puppy-dog eyes only work on Luke and Bobby.” Reggie sighs in disappointment and Alex finally manages to get Luke off of him, huffing angrily and brushing nonexistent dust from his hoodie. “You’re a barbarian,” he mutters.
Alex responds to Julie’s prompting with a long-suffering sigh. “You have to promise not to make fun of me,” he says. They don’t promise. The movie is long forgotten as Alex’s friends gather around him, looking all too fascinated by his latest embarrassment. “He well… don’t laugh, ok. He wore a crop top last week and I tripped on my own feet and scraped up my knees.”
Flynn raises an eyebrow. “Nuh uh, there’s more, spill.”
Alex groans, burying his face in his hands. “They got all worried and started putting bandaids on my knees and I almost fainted. Then- please don’t make me say this,” Alex pleads, looking to Julie as if she’s his last hope. She shakes her head. “When they finished lecturing me I just looked at him and said ‘nice shirt’ and ran off. Nice shirt??? What is wrong with me?”
“Wait a minute,” Julie says, gesturing for Alex to pause. “You just… ran off? Where?”
Alex doesn’t say anything. 
“I’ll paint your drumsticks if you don’t tell us,” Luke threatens. The difficulty is that Alex doesn’t doubt him one bit, and knows that Julie has a healthy supply of paint in a drawer just a few feet away from Luke. 
Alex mumbles something under his breath and Reggie pokes him. 
“Sorry what was that? Speak up.”
“Orange, I’ll paint them the ugliest shade of orange ever.”
“I went and hid in my closet!” Alex blurts. “For like an hour. I am never going to live that down.”
“That’s… incredibly ironic,” Julie laughs. 
“I’m telling that story at your wedding.”
“Reginald, don’t even think about it!” Alex kicks Reggie lightly and raises his hand to flip off the other three, who are all dying of laughter. “I hate all of you. I need new friends.”
“Good luck with that.” Flynn pats Alex’s head; he can practically hear their stupid smirk. 
“Fuck off.”
Alex wakes up with his foot in Luke’s face, one arm thrown over Julie, his face in Reggie’s neck, and a very giggly Flynn perched on the end of the bed taking pictures. He sits up and murmurs sleepily, squinting in the oddly hazy room.
It’s gray and gloomy outside, quite fitting for mid-November, but far from Alex’s ideal weather. He’s always been partial to spring, when it’s not too hot and not too cold and not always cloudy and sad. 
Flynn hops off the bed and onto Julie’s chair, where she spins a couple times before turning her phone to show Alex. “This is gonna be my new lockscreen,” they giggle. Alex stares at the photo, baffled as to how his arm was bent like that. 
Breakfast is heaps of pancakes and fresh coffee (bless you, Ray) that for a moment, Alex considers just dumping over his head. Julie is curled around Luke for warmth throughout the whole morning and Flynn makes a point to gag at least once every 5 minutes. Alex knows she’s happy for them though, they finally got their act together a little over a week ago and at least this is better than the pining. Alex doesn’t say that though, because it will only get him a lecture on how he is not one to talk about pining. 
Alex almost thanks a god he doesn’t believe in anymore when the rain outside doesn’t seem to make any moves into thunderstorm territory. Willie hates thunderstorms. He stays cocooned in a blanket until noon, but eventually Tía Victoria shoos them all out, claiming that Julie will never finish her homework with them all glued to her. 
Alex is sopping wet when he finally arrives at his dorm, sadly no car can go right up to the entrance of the dorms. The first thing Alex notices when he walks in is the candles, and the second thing is the haphazardly thrown together fort in the middle of the room, which he narrowly avoids tripping over. “Willie?” He asks, lifting what he assumes to be the entrance and raising an eyebrow at Willie, who is grinning at him and shining a flashlight in his face.
“Ok, get that out of my eyes.” Alex clamps a hand over the light and Willie sticks his tongue out. “Did the power go out?” Alex asks, worry etching over his face. He can’t have all their food being ruined, with Alex living off his coffee shop job and Willie off of the occasional commission and odd check from his eccentric uncle. 
Willie shakes their head. “Nope.”
“So why the… candles?”
“It’s fun!” Willie pulls Alex into the fort, stumbling back and just barely evading them toppling over each other into a quite compromising position. Willie presses his back against the couch and pats the space next to him. “It’s like you’re a little kid again.”
“Luke used to love making forts,” Alex admits. “We would move all the furniture in his living room and make the absolute worst blanket forts you can imagine. Like seriously, it’s no wonder none of us went into architecture.”
“Really? I can totally see you as an architect”
“I’m joking, hotdog,” Willie giggles, bumping their shoulder together. He has a tendency to raise his eyebrows when he’s amused; Alex finds it all too endearing. Accompanied with the way their eyes crinkle when the laugh and the soft candlelight leaking through the thin blankets and draping over his features, Alex thinks he’s having trouble breathing. 
“I was drawing you, y’know,” Willie says softly after a few minutes of silence.
“The day we went stargazing, I was drawing you. You’re- you’re a good muse.”
“Oh.” Alex’s stomach flutters. “I uh… thank you.” He gives Willie a hesitant smile before turning to focus on the flickering light. His breath feels weighted, like every exhale means something, but he can’t quite pinpoint what. There’s a light breeze whistling through the crack in the door and Alex closes his eyes for a moment, pretending that it’s wrapping around him and holding him close. Alex didn’t get much affection as a child; his parents had always been very stiff. Sure, they loved him, but they weren’t that good at showing it aside from a rough shoulder squeeze and tight smiles so full of expectations. When he came out, even the snippets of affection faded; no more of his mother fixing his hair or giving him a quick kiss on the forehead when he was sick. Two months after his coming out, they just… kicked him out. He came home to find his belongings shoved carelessly into a trash bag or two and that was that. Luke more than made up for the lack of physical affection, but Alex knows that there will always be something missing. 
Wide awake, Alex lets his head fall onto Willie’s shoulder. This time with care and attention, hesitancy. He hears Willie suck in a sharp breath but then the tension melts from their shoulders and fizzles into nothingness. For a moment, there is nothing but them and the pattering of rain against the windows. 
“Lets go for a drive.”
Alex looks up expecting Willie’s usual carefree and impish grin, but he’s taken aback by his wistful expression and something bursts in Alex’s chest. Something that may be instinct and may be just an overwhelming surge of emotion.
“Okay.” His voice is barely a whisper, a single wisp of smoke snaking from a blown out candle.
The air is damp and the rain is coming down hard; Alex reaches a cautious hand out beyond the awning and winces at the downpour. But Willie is wiggling his stupid eyebrows in the way that makes Alex’s face heat and he can’t say no as Willie drags him through the wet grass, shrieking with laughter and going slower than necessary to relish in the water pouring down from the sky in torrents. They’re soaked to the bone and breathless, overflowing with mirth, by the time they reach Alex’s car and clamber into the seats. Right after a brief argument about who’s driving of course. (“You will not be touching my steering wheel with your grimy paint hands, William.” “Says you.”) So Alex is driving. 
Willie has their hands pressed to the window, breath fogging up the glass and sending them into a fit of giggles every time. Alex switches on the radio and there’s a song playing that he recognizes but couldn’t sing along to; something soft and low, like lilting waves. Willie knows it though. And they’re singing. Oh. They’re singing. Alex almost has to pull the car to a stop and put his head in his hands because Willie never told him he could sing.
Willie’s voice is low and slightly raspy, but not in a bad way. Alex knows he’s heard this song before, but he’s 100% certain that this is his first time really hearing it. And it’s beautiful. Or maybe it’s just Willie. It’s probably just Willie. 
Alex brings the car to a slow stop in the parking lot of an odd gas station that always seems to be closed. He doesn’t turn it off though, because he would rather die than have Willie stop singing. He leans his head back and breathes, certain he’s inhaling Willie’s voice. Willie’s voice which is like sparks on his skin, like smoke that crowds his lungs and opens his soul for the very first time. He feels a sense of mourning when the song stops and something else comes on, something peppier and sickeningly sweet. He switches the radio off. 
“I didn’t know you could sing.” Alex isn’t even looking at them; he’s fiddling nervously with the strap of his fanny pack.
Willie smirks proudly. “You learn something new every day.”
Willie traces a heart in the fog on the window and lets it sit there. Then he unbuckles his seat belt and pokes Alex’s shoulder. “Hey ‘Lex, come on.”
“No.” Alex shakes his head vigorously. “No. We’re already soaking wet and-”
“Hot dog.”
And damn it, the nickname may be so incredibly stupid but Alex has such a weird soft spot for it. He groans dramatically, making a point to wring out his hair, which is already mostly dry at this point. “You’re the worst. What if it starts thundering?” 
Willie shrugs. “I have my noise cancelling headphones. And you can-” they cut themself off. 
“I can what?”
“Nothing,” Willie squeaks. “Please. Please.”
So Alex climbs reluctantly from the car and stands in the parking lot looking far from amused. “You owe me.”
Willie laughs loudly, grabbing both of Alex’s hands and spinning him in an aimless circle, pulling them both into a dance  to music that’s only in his head. They twirl Alex around several times, and Alex is certain that he’s going to actually fall over and faint. Willie raises his face to the sky and squints, letting the rain soak him without care. Alex is in awe and how open and free Willie is, like nothing can ever go wrong and if it does they’ll always be flying. He doesn’t realized they’ve stopped dancing until Willie turns to him with a curious expression. Their eyes rake over his face and Alex realizes he’s staring. But for once, he doesn’t look away. And for the first time, he sees the corner of Willie’s mouth quirk up and their eyes flick to his lips and even linger there for a brief second. 
The rain doesn’t seem to have plans to stop anytime soon, and they’re both shivering and wet and Willie’s hair is dangling in front of his face. Alex reaches out and tucks it behind his ear, both of them holding a breath, waiting. It’s right there, right in front of him, and Alex is inches from just grasping it and clutching it to his chest. Willie takes a step forward so their faces are just inches from each other and Alex can feel their breath against his cheeks. He exhales shakily and raises one hand to cup Willie’s cheek, his touch feather light and afraid. Willie leans into the contact and grins upwards, their nose wrinkling fondly. He gives a silent nod and for the first time in years, Alex takes the plunge. 
Their first kiss is soft and slow and Willie tastes like rain and green tea. Alex smiles against their lips, a breathy laugh escaping his own. He’d think this is a dream, but no section of his imagination could conjure something even a fragment as magical as this. They’re in the middle of a parking lot, cold and wet, and yet Alex feels the warmest he ever has. Alex is hesitant to pull away, but he does, just barely. Their foreheads stay resting against each other, like breaking apart would break them. Then it comes crashing into him. Alex just kissed Willie. He just kissed Willie. And Willie kissed him back! Holy shit!
“Wowza.” Wowza? What the fuck Alex? 
Willie breaks into joyous laughter, throwing his head back and clutching Alex’s shoulders. And Alex laughs with him; he buries his face in the crook of Willie’s neck, his heart full to bursting. Wowza indeed.
notes: ...I did say I was thinking about a Willex rain kiss. I actually wrote like half of chapter 6 a while ago so I might be able to post it tomorrow. 
chapter 6
taglist:  @thatsanewflavor @spookiest-sapphic @dovesgrangers @julie-n-phantoms @frostknyte @thegaylink @nervousmiracletrash @crummycassidy @fairygclds @reallyintrospectivepeople @madsmax-37 @swamp-acad @kat-maybe-not @sunsetcurve123 @lookingthroughmirrors @queer-fandom-enby @over-under-through1 @willex-n-waffles @caliibee @stars-soph @herequeerandcantdrinkbeer @nickalicious @andwhenwepart @maizsnex @fanofthepod @heademptynothoughts @thunderstorm-symphony @julieandthephantomsandme @i-spit-on-fire
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allie1804-fan · 3 years
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Parting Is such sweet sorrow
There was just over a week before Keanu was due to head home. He was browsing in the Round House Gallery on the Harbour front for gifts to take home - he’d already bought an oil painting of Tresco from there for himself, arranging for it to be shipped home.
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At the counter, a flyer advertising a production of “Romeo and Juliet” being staged at the Minack theatre caught his eye – The Minack is a famed open air theatre carved into the dramatic clifftop above Porth Curno. He took a flyer back to the cottage and showed it to Kerry suggesting they get tickets.
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The night arrived and, at her suggestion based on previous experience, they took a couple of cushions to sit on and a rug for their knees to guard against the cold as night fell. The weather is mild in Cornwall but it was still only late May and temperatures would drop as it’s still cool at night.
Before the start, they bought some hot Cornish pasties and a bottle of red to share. The wine came with little re-usable cups with a cute image of the theatre printed on them that they could take home afterward as a keepsake. With pasties eaten, it was time for the rug which Kerry tucked around them both and they settled down, knees pressed together, to enjoy the show. During the show, Kerry could see Keanu silently mouthing some of the lines, especially Mercutio’s - he explained during the interval that it had been one of his earliest roles, aged at 21 for the Leah Posluns Theatre in Ontario.
The show ended to rapturous applause under the spotlights and with the moonlight sparkling on the sea below it was really a breath-taking spectacle.
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They lingered a little in their seats while the crowd made its way up the steps to the exit. When it had cleared a little Keanu suggested they take in the beach before heading back to Sennen. They had a little time before their taxi came which they’d booked knowing they’d be having a drink and that the Cornish roads at night did not favour a driver with even just one drink inside them!
They stood on the sand, gazing up at the cliffs and stars - Kerry was tilting her head back so much she nearly lost her balance! You could see the main constellations really clearly and it was fun to name them. Keanu was enthralled by her wonderment - she looked so beautiful gazing up at the midnight blue sky and the clifftop theatre, her face lit up by the moon. She shivered a little with the cold breeze off the sea and he took the rug from her hands and threw it around her. As he tucked it around her, they smiled at each other. Her eyes had a twinkle, one he recognised from their time in Tresco when they’d got a bit giggly drinking in the New Inn and he remembered the same look when he’d said goodnight to her after they’d got drunk in the pub at Sennen with her sister. Her guard was down and the affection she felt was clear in her eyes. He stepped closer to her, still holding the edges of the rug in each hand. A voice in his head said this was rash but he couldn’t help it. Scrunching the rug up and using it to pull her to him, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. His arms slipped around her and the kiss deepened but just as their tongues touched and he felt virtual fireworks going off in his head, she pulled away, pushing on his chest and breaking their kiss.
Swallowing thickly and clearly holding back tears, she blurted out:
“No stop, we can’t, I can’t, I’m sorry, I just can’t - you’re going home soon and this, this will make it hurt even more”
She looked down at her feet, shoulders slumped, then wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
“I’m sorry, so sorry, I know shouldn’t have done that, it’s just, God, you’re so beautiful tonight and I feel so much for you and it all just came spilling out, you know, in the moment.”
She took his hand in hers, softly rubbing his knuckles with her thumb.
“Thank you” She sighed heavily “I feel so much for you too - just protecting my poor old heart I guess.”
He nodded, his expression as sad and wistful as hers. They were quiet on the climb back up to the car park from the beach. It was steep and a bit treacherous in the dark so she relented on one aspect of physical closeness and let him hold her hand up the path, dropping it when they got to the car park where the taxi was just pulling in. On the way back to Sennen she took the front seat and he the back. Keanu cursed himself for his impetuousness whilst also pondering that it had surely been a long time since a kiss had made him feel something so intensely. Once back in Sennen they said their goodnights with a chaste kiss on the cheek.
Keanu slept terribly, tossing and turning all night, dreaming of Kerry, of kissing her, of Kerry naked rising and falling above him, taking him inside her, her hair cascading over her shoulders. He woke with a start, grateful he hadn’t had a wet dream, then relieved his pent-up lust in his morning shower, pressing his head against the glass after he’d cum, finally letting tears of regret fall.
For the next two days, he didn’t see Kerry at all. Usually, they saw each other every day somehow or other but she was obviously avoiding him – he guessed she was taking Scout for super early walks knowing he wasn’t a naturally early riser.
On the third day and his last in Cornwall, he set an alarm for 6 AM and listened out for her leaving the house, then scrambled to get dressed and head out himself. He looked down the beach and could see she’d gone that way today so he’d be able to catch her up or meet her on the return leg of the walk. He had to apologise for the kiss.
In the end, he caught up on the outward leg as she’d stopped by the shore to let Scout run in and out of the waves and was just staring out to sea.
“Hey there!” he called.
“Hey” she said, her voice expressing her surprise.
“You’ve been avoiding me” he stated “So I set an alarm to make sure I could speak with you. Listen Kerry, about the other night. I’m so sorry, I know it was stupid and I’m sorry, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you – I was just so caught up in the moment, the beauty of it all. The play, the moonlight, the sea and the stars.”
“I know, and I know you’d never hurt me. You’re too kind for that” she smiled but it was with sad eyes.
“And I should be saying sorry too, for sneaking around avoiding you. I’ve been a coward. And I promised myself I would stop that behaviour, you know, after the divorce. I said I’d be true to myself and honest with people and I need to stick to it.”
Up to this point Kerry had been mainly looking down, almost talking to herself but now she drew in a shaky breath and looked him in the eye.
“I could fall, no let’s face it, I am falling in love with you and I know there’s no future for us and a fling or a one nighter would be wonderful in the moment but would just be too painful in the end so that’s why I’ve avoided you! And I’m sorry for that, there I’ve said it now”
She blew out another long breath and let her shoulders droop, relieved to have said her piece.
Keanu was taken aback. Half thrilled and half devastated. Why did this have to happen now and here, over 7000 miles from his home?
“I’m falling in love with you too” he said quietly, sadly “but you’re right my life’s back there in LA. I have to go, I have commitments ……….. meetings, another location shoot. I’m sorry.”
She moved closer, took his hand and kissed it.
“Just one of those things, huh?”
He nodded and pulled her into a bear hug, she pressed her face against his heart which he knew was beating a little faster than usual.
“Come on let’s go walk it off, up on the cliffs, let the fresh air clear our heads.” he suggested.
They headed off up the beach and onto the coast path towards Lands End. They walked mostly in silence, each thinking about what was around the corner for them, each heartsore that the other wasn’t part of their futures.
“You know, I’d like to stay in touch” Kerry offered as they paused for a while on the path when Scout went scurrying off after spotting a rabbit.
“I’d like that too” he paused “but maybe not too much, too soon, you know. I guess we both need some space to let this be a friendship we cherish and not something that makes us sad.
“deal” she said sticking her hand out to shake on it.
“deal” he smiled back but like hers, his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
The next day, Keanu left for home. She came into the cottage to tell him the taxi was out front.
They shared a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“We’ll keep in touch yeah?” he said.
“Yeah but remember not too much, no mooning!”
He laughed
“I’ll have you know I’m a veteran mooner” and he turned away from her pretending he was going to do the other kind of mooning, making her laugh. At least that broke the tension and he picked up his canvas hold all and his carry-on bag and with that, he was gone.
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Fic Recs/Mandatory Reading for Reddie fans
Here is an incomplete list of some of my favorite Reddie fics on ao3, because i cannot get over the sheer talent of this fandom’s wonderful writers! A lot of these are the Greatest Hits that you’ll find on almost every fic list, but that’s why I consider them mandatory reading. like if you haven’t read some of these, what are you doing?
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg, rated M
the 27 years in between, but better because richie and eddie stay together. every time i think of this fic, i think of that lady gaga meme where she’s like “brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, etc” and maybe it’s bc this is one of the first reddie fics i ever read, but this one is always gonna be my favorite
broken record by spunknbite, rated E
the mother of all time loop fics. every reddie veteran gets chills at the phrase “the house on Neibolt was still standing”
literally everything by stitchy
like seriously just clear a few days bc you’re not gonna want to stop reading this author once you start. no other author has made me literally fucking cackle in one paragraph and sob in the next like this one, pls do yourself a favor and devour all their works like i did 
the night we met (take me back) by camerasparring, rated E
ch2 fix-it where eddie shows up at richie’s door alive and with no memory. great slow burn with a wonderfully conflicted richie, 10/10
let’s hear it for my baby! series by cloudings, rated E
OOOOOOOHHH boy! a modern teen!reddie grindr AU that’s both steamy AND sweet?? more like a fucking blessing amen hallelujah
a heart that laughter has made sweet by marjaani, rated E
another lovely teen!reddie fic that’s got it all! sweet, stupid boys, humor, a teeny bit of angst, and some 5-alarm fire smut with some top eddie, as a treat
keep talking. i’ll keep walking toward the sound of your voice. by theappleppielifestyle, rated T
angst with a happy ending is my favorite, and this one is just fantastic. so sweet, so sad! and stan is featured as eddie’s afterlife buddy and idk about y’all but i cannot get enough of stanley uris in my reddie fics. read this, then read all this author’s reddie fics, they’re all amazing
collateral by loosecannon, sheepknitssweater, rated E
a post-ch2 fic that i guess could be classified as fix-it, BUT with some very interesting twists. they beat the clown, everyone lives, but no one really gets the tropey happy ending. the WIP sequel is also incredible and i live for the updates.
the greater fool  series by mischiefmanager, mostly rated T with some E
this is a series i’ll reread a lot bc it’s so fucking good. follows young reddie into early adulthood, mostly a bunch of cute shit where they figure out themselves and their relationship. also contains the single best teen reddie fic in existence, he came in through the window, but reading the whole series is a must
brokeback derry and everything else by Amuly, rated E
27 years in between, richie and eddie reconnect in their 20s and meet back up in derry twice a year to remember and love each other before going back to their lives and forgetting. so much pain. there’s a lot of sweet stuff in there, but you can see shit’s gonna get complicated from miles away and the anticipation almost gave me stomach ulcers (in a good way). ultimate angst with a happy ending.
let me name the stars for you by playedwright, rated M
speaking of angst with a happy ending...Martian AU!!!!! this one fucked me up in the best way, i literally called my roommate at 2am to vent to her about my emotions after reading it. i go back and reread chapter 8 just to be overwhelmed by it, and it makes me cry every time. plus, there are awesome sequels/companion pieces in the series! read this, i beg you!
walk through fire for you by hyruling, rated T
unwind after all that angst with some cute, drunk, confused eddie being very upset when he finds out richie is engaged. richie only teases him a little before pointing out the matching ring on eddie’s finger. 
in the heat of the summer (you're so different from the rest) by kaboomslang, rated E
post-ch2 slow burn with tags that really say it all, including but not limited to: eddie moves to california and richie is a mess, Eddie Kaspbrak’s Hot Girl Summer, and cute middle aged man dates
pivotal moments by danfanciesphil, polypocket, rated E
high school reddie has a sort of fwb thing goin on, but emotions get in the way. featuring wonderful bevchie friendship, hella miscommunication, cute double dates, high eddie, and a happy ending
like a bullet in the back by jerry_duty, rated M
adult idiots in love! a personal favorite trope of mine! slow burn with a fair helping of angst but a really great ending. richie stays with eddie in new york while he’s there on business, and it takes these losers SO LONG to figure it out but the way they dance around it is very cute
no sense of living without aim [WIP] by liesmyth, rated E
richie and eddie meet on grindr in the 27 years between and hey, whadda ya know, they fall in love! i really love this fic but i’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned. i’ve had it open on my phone browser for like 3 months with no update but i still check it regularly bc i’m pathetic and this fic is just so good i’m DYING to know what happens next so read at ur own risk
a strange sense of familiarity [WIP] by Katranga, rated E
another “they meet and fall in love without remembering” fic, and even though it’s not complete yet, it gets regular updates. oh, also, i’m obsessed with it. they’re long distance fuck buddies who can’t admit they’re in love, and then they get hit with the childhood memories! and everyone lives! what’s not to love!  also PLEASE read kisses take like mint and every other reddie work by this author, they are all fantastic
adult friends by sudowoodo, rated T
AU where adult reddie meet at a first aid seminar for work (immediately fall in love), become friends, become best friends, and finally get to be happy. has some super repressed eddie and intensely pining richie, which is always fun, and genuinely made me laugh out loud. also please check out this author’s other reddie fics, there’s some super sweet kid reddie in there that really warms the heart
the mind's a funny fruit by joldiego, rated T
eddie wakes up barely alive in derry, has 0 memory, calls himself richie, and moves in with some lesbians. an absolute must read that ought to be on every reddie fic rec compilation. i read this a long time ago and just thinking about it makes me want to read it again.
now what i'm gonna say may sound indelicate [WIP] by IfItHollers, rated E
it took me entirely too long to find this fic since i joined the fandom, and it’s truly a fucking masterpiece. it’s almost at 200k now and still unfinished, and the slow burn is excruciating, but this is a legendary fic for a reason. eddie spends the first chunk of this fic in the hospital recovering from the massive chest wound, and then he and richie move the recovery to ben’s cabin in the woods. the author’s notes for each chapter are a story in themselves
signs of a new lifetime by swordfishtrombones, rated T
one of the sweetest, most romantic reddie fics i’ve ever read. a fresh take on a classic concept: post-ch2, they’re in love, they haven’t said/done anything about it yet, BUT!!! it’s not angsty! they are all cute and giggly like “you say it first!” “no, you say it first!” and it makes me fucking MELT
broadcasting tower by swordfishtrombones, rated E
back-to-back recs from the same author! bc i love these fics so much! sort of similar to the last one in that they both know what’s up and just haven’t said it, but this one’s got the angst! i didn’t know when i read it that it was the same author as the other fic, and i thought how funny, i found another reddie author that perfectly captures this pair in such a wonderfully romantic way! i also just noticed there’s a follow up to this so now i have to go read that immediately
eurydice; the original comeback kid by Vulcanodon, rated M
for the love of god please read this and the other work in this series. it’s a ch-2 fix-it with some intense action sequences and major pining, and it has haunted me since i first read it
love on the telephone by tempestbreak, rated E
okay this one is really just 30k of pure smut but it’s also so sweet and features a mini sexual awakening for eddie and some insecure richie with an emphasis on how much they love and trust each other. also it doesn’t hurt that the smut is fire, like does anyone else want that twink obliterated, or is it just me?
the boy who loves you by candlejill, rated E
eddie lives, richie confesses, things are chill and then they’re not. richie’s career flourishes, which is always nice to read and is what ultimately catalyzes eddie’s gay awakening and realization of his love for richie. it’s got some sad angsty parts and a very sweet ending, and it up there as one of my favorite reddie fics of all time
richie and eddie break up [WIP] by skeilig, rated M
a refreshing and realistic take on life ch-2 for the losers, because being in love at thirteen doesn’t mean you can fall into a perfect relationship at 40. i’ll admit, i’m hoping this will ultimately be a “richie and eddie get back together” fic, but it’s still a very good read (and often very funny in the second chapter) at the moment in the midst of their break up
september 1989 and everything else by pineapplecrushface, rated T
cute kid reddie figuring it out and making me smile. the follow up to this and the after derry series by this author are also personal favorites
go west by ssstrychnine, rated T
road trip fic! an absolute work of art slow burn with teen reddie in the 90s. it’s so beautifully written i just wish i could go back and read it for the first time again
the edification of eddie kaspbrak by tozier, rated M
character study with some incredible fucking prose, my lord it gorgeous. explores how eddie learns about love as he grows up, and it’s super fucking sad sometimes bc the poor boy doesn’t know how to have the things he wants and i just want to give him a hug, but it’s really a spectacular fic
circular motion by sinchronicity, rated M
soulmate!AU that follows book canon and even though it’s been a long time since i’ve read it and the details are fuzzy, i remember absolutely loving it and thinking it was incredible
tell me you know by RichiesToesHurt, rated E
college losers with some severely pining and jealous richie with a lovely ending 
predicament bondage [WIP] by dgalerab, rated E
i resisted reading this fic for so long, recently broke and binged all of it, and now i’m like frothing at the mouth for updates. richie’s a closeted actor/comedian who meets eddie, a professional Dom, when he needs help researching a role. they become friends, they develop crushes, richie realizes he’s a sub, and it’s just so much fun to read
there’s a lot more fics to rec so i might add on to this in the future, but in the meantime my biggest tip for for reading fanfiction that took me embarrassingly long to figure out: focus on the authors! if you read something you like, check out the rest of the work by that author bc odds are you’ll like that too. i mentioned it in a few specific works above, but check out the authors catalogues for these fics. if i included every work by these authors that i loved, this list would be miles long
feel free to add on any great stuff i missed, there’s sure to be tons of it!
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