#This? Tonight? fucking yet again wanting to cry in the kitchen because I fucked something up?
downfallofi · 11 months
The incredible depression of like, it doesnt matter where you go, there you are.
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absfawn · 3 months
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a/n: massive shoutout to @andersonfilms for helping me with this. with all of it actually ... ily ღ
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the slam of the wooden door echoes throughout your shared home, rage spilling over like oil under a gas stove, both of your frustrated but truthfully? more so you. not so carefully you discard the keys in the entry bowl, smirking maliciously as abby just continues to press, creating more distance between the two of you as if this doesn’t need to be discussed. 
abby’s nails pick at the cuticles anxiously and you know if she continues they’ll bleed. you also know, you’re far too stubborn to help her with it, not with the stunt she pulled tonight. the two of you leaving early, the attitude she seemed to pull out of her ass. 
no, you’re not fucking standing for this bullshit. 
anxiously, the blonde halts near the kitchen island, waiting for you to meet her there but you don’t. firm hands running over your hair until they reach the nape of your neck, fingers pressing against the tension built. 
“are we going to talk about this or are you going to continue to give me the silent treatment? that is your typical move, abby.” questioning her as you slowly step forward. cynically, cocking your head to the side, waiting to give her back the same bullshit behaviour she served you on a silver platter all night long. 
her soft jaw clenches, lips pursed into a pout as her arms cross her chest. a needle drop could be heard between the two of you, only sound to be heard is the insistent tapping of your foot. an attempt to edge her into submission. 
taking one step closer, your cologne starting to invade her sense, numbing the frustration nudged in her mind. “is this what you really want? to act like an absolute brat, go to bed angry, and leave this all unresolved just so you can cry to me in the middle of the night when you want me to hold you.” 
“t-that’s not— i don’t do that.” abby defends, breaking her silence for the first time since the two of you headed home. 
“oh? you don’t?” your tongue pokes through your cheek, shaking your head at her in the process. all the fucking talk in the world but when it comes to you? she never has it in her fight back when you do. “okay. fine. let’s just pretend you don’t for one second. why on earth are you pissed at me for talking to people we both know?” 
“you’re calling it talking? please you fucking get off on flirting with other people in front of me.” perhaps she wasn’t thinking clearly, all the pent up frustration doing the talking for her but it spilled before she could halt her words. 
this time she was met with silence, as you roll the sleeves to your elbows carefully, exposing your tattoo forearms, the ones she loves so dearly. abby can’t read you, fuck, you look stone cold. processing what she just said to you as you reassess. 
if abby wants to play dirty, you’ll play goddamn dirty. 
“that’s what you think?” you laughed, dryly but sarcastically in her direction. “you’re gonna stand there, tell me m’flustered over some other girl? right in front of you? my girl? better yet, you wanna say i’m flirting with them?” you scoffed, running your fingers through your hair and tugging gently. 
abby didn’t know why you had switched from being so sweet, soft, and gentle, to suddenly pissed off, and annoyed. it was a joke. a joke she always tells you. always tells you that other girls make you flustered when you suddenly get warm and hot in a room. a joke that you usually laugh at and say something like ‘if it’s not because of you, then i am not flustered, i am pissed off’ and let it go. but since coming home, you’ve been downright moody and pissed off. “it was a joke” she sighed, shrugging off her jacket.
“a joke” you laughed and moved closer, not enough but one step was enough to have her baby blue eyes locking onto yours. “a bit of an overused joke, don’t you think, baby?” you’re scoffing again, cocking your head to the side. “a joke that you should know pisses me off by now”
“babe i didn’t mean it seriously. i know that you dont have eyes for anyone else” abby sighed again, looking at you with softer eyes. softer ones than a few hours ago. ones that would usually have you kneeling at her feet, worshiping the ground she walks on, and doing whatever she wanted you to do. tonight though? tonight you weren’t doing any of that. so she knew she had pissed you off with her joke. 
she’s barely able to keep up with her own thoughts circling in her brain, let alone able to keep up with how fast you’re moving. one second you’re standing so far away from her, so far away from her reach to being right in front of her. looking down at her with a clenched jaw. a clenched jaw that she usually finds so attractive, but now her throat is dry and she’s looking up at you with wide eyes and a pout on her face. “so you think that any girl i see makes me flustered?” you questioned, inching your face closer.
“no! s’not what i mean” she mumbled, shaking her head and closing her eyes.
“no? then what did you mean?”
“it was just a harmless joke, babe. really”
abby chokes out a sound. you can’t really tell when you’re grabbing onto her hand and tilting your head to the side more, your breath fanning her face hotly. “harmless joke?” you’re asking, eyes flickering over the way her eyes flutter open and she’s gasping softly when you’re out of nowhere shoving her hand down your pants. a crimson blush coating her cheeks upon feeling just how wet you are. “you wear those tight fuckin’ pants, that shirt that shows everything, and you think i am flustered because of them? 
you have her body boxed in against the wall. her hand shoved down your pants. her brain and body are fighting against each other. one side is telling her to behave and do nothing until you let her do something. but her brain is telling her to touch you. have you gasping under her touch and make you forget all about the joke. and yet she can’t. not when you’re looking down at her like that.
“have you ever taken notice to understand you are the most beautiful person in the entire world, and every single day i am with you or near you, i can’t contain myself? do you really forget how wet you make me?” you whispered against her neck, smirking. “have you forgotten how many times you have made me cum in the same night? forgotten the sounds i make when you touch me?” 
“no— i just—”
“you just what? c’mon baby, speak up, use your words”
“i was teasing you. m’sorry” abby whined, squirming against the wall when you’re sinking your teeth into her neck, and sucked softly. “m’sorry”
“yeah? you know how much i hate being teased” you’re growling, using your free hand and wrapping it around her throat. grinning smugly at the small gasp she lets out when you squeeze just enough. “get on your knees, clean up the mess you made and maybe i’ll think about forgiving you. depends on if you do a good job or not”
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Steve is normally pretty good at bouncing back from things. Minor inconveniences and catastrophic disasters alike, and then some.
Today is the fourth day in a row that Billy has come home to find him tucked into bed before five o’clock has even come to pass, when the sun is still a while off from setting and the crickets have yet to chirp.
It’s safe to say that whatever he’s hit must be sticky, because the bounce back isn’t coming anytime soon either.
Billy goes about his routine as usual. Unlaces and kicks his boots off by the door, empties his pockets on the entryway table, and makes for the bedroom.
The first tell-tale sign that something’s wrong is the darkness in the kitchen — nothing heating on the stove or in the oven, no spices lingering in the air or onion skins piled on the counter. Steve will open the windows and busy his hands washing vegetables in the sink, listening to the sounds of the neighborhood as he pours through one of several cookbooks, trying to make something new and interesting.
It’s part of his evening routine. Helps him decompress, in a way, because he can focus on the words on the page and using his hands without having to talk or listen to anything but the calm sounds around him.
Then once Billy gets home, he blabs on and on about whatever comes to mind, and Billy listens as he eats whatever’s been made.
It makes for a good night when Steve cooks.
When he hasn’t, like tonight, a significant ripple disrupts Billy’s routine. Only he couldn’t give two shits about the food being ready when he gets home.
He gently knocks on the doorframe before he pushes the door open, letting a rectangle of light spill into the room. A sliver of it touches the bed, enough to highlight a partial figure under the covers, and Billy’s brows crease together as he slowly approaches.
“Hey, Stevie,” he coos. Sits on the edge of the bed and reaches a hand out to feel over the blanket, palm resting against Steve’s bicep. “Long day again?”
“Mm,” Steve hums.
He doesn’t move. Doesn’t beg for a kiss like he usually does, and Billy frowns.
“You okay?”
“Did I do something? Feel like I haven’t seen you all week…”
For a few beats, Steve just lays there. Then, he sighs.
“Then what’s wrong? I’m walkin’ on eggshells here because I’ve felt like you’re pissed at me.”
“Didn’t ask you to,” Steve grumbles.
Billy furrows his brows.
“Well, shit, Harrington, I’m glad we cleared that up. Next time I feel like caring about my boyfriend, I’ll just go fuck myself instead.”
He stands up and steps toward the door, stopping before he’s crossed the threshold. Behind him, he hears a sniffle, and sighs as he rubs a hand over his face. Turns back around and makes his way to the bed again.
“‘Kay, I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry,” he says. Sits back down and fiddles with his ring on his middle finger. “I’m worried about you, baby, but I can’t help if you don’t talk to me.”
It’s quiet between them for a moment. Steve sniffles again, and there’s movement under the covers — presumably him lifting his hand to smudge the tears away from his eyes.
Billy scoots closer and sets his hand on Steve’s arm again for reassurance, rubbing softly up and down.
“I’m just— I feel useless, I guess. I don’t know,” Steve says.
His voice is low and raw. Vulnerable. Billy wonders if he’d been crying before he came home.
“Feel useless how?”
“I don’t… I don’t have anything. I’m nothing.” Steve lets out a shaky sigh and curls closer to himself. Billy’s expression drops. “I’m not smart enough to go to school and make a future for us, and, like, I know working minimum wage isn’t bad, but I want to… I want to have more for us than this, y’know? I’m a failure at everything I fucking try, and I’m scared this is it.”
The brunet chokes out a hushed sob. Turns his head to bury his face in the pillow to muffle the sounds of his strangled breaths.
Billy leans over his partner in a half-hug, laying his head on his shoulder and pressing him down into the mattress. It has Steve taking a somewhat slower, somewhat calmer breath. The first of more to come.
“How long have you been feeling like this?”
Steve swallows thickly, and his throat clicks.
“A while,” he manages. “I try not to think about it.”
“Sweetheart, not thinking about it isn’t gonna help you. Trust me, been there.”
Below him, Steve huffs.
For the first time in a while, Billy’s mind wanders to places he thought were forgotten. Closes his eyes and nuzzles his cheek against Steve’s shoulder as he rubs over his back.
“Y’know, I never told you this before, but I used to think I was unlovable. Wasn’t anyone’s first choice for my whole life ‘til I met you,” he murmurs. Steve’s breathing slows, and Billy spreads a little smile. “If you don’t have anything, Steve, you have me. I’d choose you and our shitty apartment over some sugar daddy with money and a mansion any day of the week.”
Steve sniffles.
“Yeah?” he rasps.
“Mhmm, and you’re not a failure, and you aren’t stupid. Just ‘cause you have hobbies that you don’t make money off of doesn’t mean you aren’t talented either — your customer service skills are honestly scary and I think I’d gain five hundred pounds if you got any better at cooking.”
Billy cracks a grin when Steve snorts. Turns his face downward and kisses his shoulder.
“Five hundred pounds, huh?”
The blond quirks a playful brow.
“How many servings do you have to make when you cook for us, Bambi?”
“I dunno, like, four?”
“And how much do we usually have leftover?”
There’s a short pause, and then Steve chuckles.
“Uh-huh, exactly.” Billy props himself up on his hands and gently pushes Steve’s shoulder until he rolls onto his back. “You’re smart, you’re passionate, you’re somebody, okay? If anyone ever tells you otherwise, I’ll buy a gun.”
Steve laughs, and Billy leans down to kiss just below his jaw.
“You’re a dork.”
“No, I just love you.”
Arms slide out from beneath the covers and drape around Billy’s neck, guiding him closer.
“I love you too.”
Steve tilts up into a kiss when Billy lifts his head. The blond hums against him, chewing his lip when they part.
“Wanna come heat something up and cuddle on the couch?”
Steve shrugs, his eyes lingering on Billy’s lips in the short distance.
“How about we order out and take a shower? You smell like motor oil.”
“You like it when I smell like motor oil.”
Fingers card into Billy’s hair, and he exhales a small sigh when they tug lightly.
“I like scrubbing it off of you even more, though,” Steve lilts.
Billy snickers and brushes their lips together again, melting down into his partner like sugar in a sun-warmed glass of tea. When they part, he lingers close, mere millimeters away from sharing another kiss.
“Lead the way, pretty boy.”
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elleluvsjurin · 2 months
Toxic Baby Mama!Siyeon
Lee Siyeon x Chubby fem!reader
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Synopsis: You and Siyeon broke up only a year after giving birth to your daughter, Moon. It was a mutual breakup so there were no hard feelings. Yet, she’s still obsessed with you but uses your daughter as a cover up for her obvious feelings for you!
Warnings: g!p Siyeon, toxic baby mama, smut, reader is down bad but she won’t admit it, reader has stretch marks, Siyeon is a slight lover girl, Nayeon mentioned 🦅
word count: 1.5K
Siyeon knocks at your door for the fourth time this week, wanting to see Moon. Regardless, you open the door to see her. Her shoulder disheveled hair sculpting her face perfectly. She eyes you up and down before letting herself in.
“Hello stranger. Where’s my Moonie?” She jokes and you roll your eyes at her playful persona
“She’s asleep, she should be up within an hour or two. Did you want anything to drink?” You eventually walk into your kitchen and she follows you.
“Actually I think I know what I want to drink.” She mumbles. She watches you pour some tea in a cup for yourself.
“You’re such a weirdo.” She laughs at your fake disgusted expression.
“I wasn’t a weirdo when I was fucking you the other night. I can’t get a little lovin’?” She flirts, testing the waters. Your breath gets caught in your throat before you a swig at your drink.
“Siyeon, you know how I feel when you say those things when Moon is here.” You reply.
“Hey…I’m just saying. But I’ll get something later tonight, yes?” Siyeon comes over to you and smacks your ass.
“Also what why were you posted up with Nayeon yesterday? She has something that I don’t, Y/N?” She questions
“She’s just a friend, Siyeon.” She scoffs and looks at you with an annoyed expression.
“Please don’t piss me off, Y/N. How are you going to let me fuck you one day and then the next day you’re posted up with other women. You know how I get when you’re around other women.” She mentions
“Siyeon…we’re not dating, did you forget that?”
She stays silent
“Ok.” Is all Siyeon says before walking out and leaving you alone.
One Week.
You had been texting Siyeon for one week straight without her texting you back. You hadn’t even heard from her except from the fact that she sent you money for Moon’s expenses. Until she shows up at your door.
“Siyeon. What the fuck is wrong with you? How dare you just leave me and your daughter alone because I posted a picture…a picture!” You’re angry, no, you’re fuming. What is her issue, you think to yourself.
“No. Y/N. You’re the one who’s sleeping with other women while we’re sleeping together. I’m here for Moon.” She says, nonchalantly
“What the hell are you talking about? I’m not sleeping with Nayeon-”
“Yet.” She cuts you off and grabs Moon from her highchair, on which you were feeding her on.
“Why do you have to be so immature sometimes, huh? I can’t have any friends?”
“No! You can’t!” Her voice booms, scaring Moon to the point where she starts crying. You instantly grab her to calm her down.
“Shh shh, It’s ok my love, mommy’s here.” You softly pat her head and kiss her cheek to comfort her. You eventually rock her to sleep on your chest.
“We’ll talk about this when I get back.” You mutter
You eye Siyeon before taking your child to her room. Siyeon goes to sit on your couch, poking her tongue in her cheek before you come back to her.
“Listen. Y/N. I wanted to say that I’m sorry for the mess I made. I know it was fucked up for me to assume that you are sleeping around even though we’re not dating. I also wanted to say sorry screaming and making our daughter cry, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. To be quite honest, I still have feelings for you so it pissed me off when I seen that post and I know I shouldn’t have abandoned you for a week, that was fucked up and once again, I’m sorry.” You look at her for a minute or two, thinking about all of the sorries you’ve heard that have came out of her mouth. You realize that you can’t cut contact with her because she is the mother of your child and that would be a little selfish of you so you decided to forgive her…again.
“I accept your apology but if you pull this shit again, you will not step one foot up in this house!” You exclaim to her very clearly. She comes over to you and softly pinches your cheeks before you see a smile creep up on her face.
“I understand. You just look so adorable when you’re angry, I can’t help but smile at you.” She picks you up and places you on her lap so that you’re straddling her.
“Let me show you how sorry I am-”
“Siyeon…you know how I feel about having sex while our child is here.”
“Let’s make it quick, shall we?” She starts by kissing on your neck.
“Please…” you mumble and she chuckles
“Use your words, baby.” She says up against your skin
“p-please siyeon..” your voice trembles as you feel her slender fingers go down your panties, her fingers finding your clit.
“so wet for me, hmm?” she mumbles in your ear as she slowly rubs your sensitive clit. Your body jerks at the sudden movement.
“f-fuck” you whimper
“yeah? am i making you feel good, hmm jagiya?” she taunts in your ear, her fingers rubbing in figure eight movements.
“yes, feels so good..” you groan. She moves her fingers at a fast pace on your clit and you completely fall apart.
“shit shit…shit! god im gonna cum!” you shout out
“be a good girl and give me my reward for playing with your pretty pussy. cum for me, baby.” by those words, you squirt all over her hand.
“Stand up for me, baby.” You comply and you stand in front of her, she eyes you up and down. She lifts up your dress and slowly kisses your stomach. She kisses every stretch mark on your tummy while she looks up at you.
“Siyeon…” you whisper quietly
“Yes?” She looks at you, sincerely
“Why do you act like this?” You ask, genuinely
“Because I still love you. You’re the mother of my child. I want you to be my wife. I want you to be my last everything, don’t you see that, Y/N?” She mumbles against your tummy, slowly pulling down your panties.
“Then show me. I’m sick of having you fuck me, I want you to make love to me.” Siyeon flips you onto the couch, slowly spreading your legs.
“i love this pussy, you were made for me.” She pulls down her pants and underwear, exposing her cock. She softly rubs her tip up against your slit.
“please.” you look up at her innocently. she slowly slides her cock into your tight cunt and you whimper.
“god you’re s-so cute, Y/N.” Siyeon’s voice trembles as she slowly slides in and out of your cunt. Your eyes roll to the back of your head feeling her instantly hit that certain spot inside of you.
“o-oh my god…siyeon~” you whimper
your moans giving her the encouragement that she needs, she speeds up. She pushes your legs up, near your head so she can get a better angle. Her tip hits your g-spot which each thrust and she eventually starts moaning with you.
“fuck you feel so-mmph good…so so good, all for me, jagiya.” she wraps one of her hands around your neck while she pounds into you
“god I love you..” you squeak out. Her balls slap against your ass while you try to quiet down. Siyeon grabs your face and roughly kisses your lips.
“im gonna knock you up again so that everyone will know that you’re all mine!” she grunts out, her movements slowing down
“shit…i-im gonna cum-ah!” you cum all over her cock. She shoots her load deep into your womb at the same time.
Siyeon slowly pulls out of your swollen cunt. Her seed dripping out of you has her going ballistic.
“my gorgeous girl. are you ok, i wasn’t too rough?” She asks, concerned.
“I’m perfectly fine.” She pulls you up off of the couch and straightens up your gown.
“you know, i really do love you…and I’d like to try again, with us, here soon.” Siyeon mumbles
“I know and I love you too but I think we should take things slow. Especially after what just happened without the past week.” You say, helping her put her clothes back.
“Of course, I understand.” She finally has all of her clothes on and she kisses your cheek, lovingly
You softly grab her face and stare at her.
“What?” Siyeon asks, slightly confused
“Nothing…I see Moon when I see you.” You giggle
“Really? I never noticed.” She says playfully and you lightly smack her shoulder.
She holds your waist, pressing her forehead against yours.
“You’re so cocky..” you whisper softly
“You like it though.” She smirks and kisses your lips once more.
You guys stay still for a few moments before Moon starts crying in her crib. Both of you rush to get her at the same time…
a/n: IM SO SORRY i do not know how to end a fic! But i hope you guys enjoyed this fic that has been sitting my the drafts for two weeks loll
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ax-y10 · 10 months
✮ knock ✮
in which- you have a fear of showing too much of your own skin due to past dreams and coincidences, but wilbur is there to help.
chapter info- mentions of private areas, mentions of fears, descriptions of nudity, descriptions of past situations, just a vent fic essentially
a/n- i made this as a sort of vent/coping mechanism because i needed to get this out somewhere to make myself feel better so here you go
pronouns- none (you/yours)
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you're sat in your boyfriend's bedroom, a frown present on your face and hot tears running down your face. maybe this wasn't worth getting so worked up about but it reminded you too much of years ago.
when you were in grade five, you'd had a dream where you were naked at school, beginning your fear of being judged by everyone. a year later in grade six, you had another dream about being naked at school, and that heightened your fear, if not hatched your fear of showing skin.
to make things worse, you've had multiple occasions where someone you know, whether it be family or close friends, has walked in on you changing, ultimately making your fear of showing skin ten times worse.
you'd swear that you would rather die than show skin to anyone in close relation to you. if you had to do one thing before you died, showing skin was the last on that list. it was your last resort, barely that. showing skin was never an option for you.
you'd been pressured by beauty standards, peer pressure, and wanting to seem more confident that once you did finally show a tiny bit of skin, it all went haywire, and every girl you walked past gave you weird stares or even just laughed at you as you walked past. you were never and never will be known for showing skin. you'll always be known as the girl who has self-esteem issues, hates showing skin. the amount of times you've been called a pick-me for the way you dress has you fuming at the statement.
and now, your boyfriend accidentally walking in on you showering has sent you back into a horrible spiral of worries and concerns and fears, breaking down into hysterics on his bed.
did wilbur know you were sobbing in his bedroom? no. he was in the kitchen cooking dinner for you both. were you desperately trying to calm yourself down without wilbur's help? yes, and it sure as hell wouldn't work with him not there.
"darling?" his voice from the other side of the door startled you enough to break you out of whatever bad thoughts were strangling your head.
"i have dinner," he'd state, before the handle of the door slowly starts turning.
"no! not yet. give me a second!" you yelled from his bed, scurrying into his bathroom and throwing on one of his sweaters he'd left in there for you.
it was silent. at least on the outside of his room. inside however? your mental rambling had started back up again and was attacking you.
a minute passed. two minutes passed. three minutes passed. five minutes passe-
"sweetheart, i'm gonna come in. something's wrong,"
his large figure in the doorway was inching it's way towards you, causing you to move back with each of his steps.
"oh, my love, what's wrong?" fuck. he'd caught on.
you were silent. all your communication skills were out the window.
"c'mere" his voice soft, calm, and collected rang through your ears.
and before you could blink, your head was nuzzled in his neck, your arms tightening around his shoulders as you clung to him, you legs bent uncomfortably underneath you, and your tears soaking into his shoulder.
he was happy to stay there all night if you needed, happy to let you cry it out, happy to listen, happy to talk. as long as you were okay.
"knock before you walk into the bathroom if i'm in there, please?"
"no problem, darling. have some pasta and rest easy and you can talk about it more if needed when you wake up, alright?" he paused, took a deep breath, and continued., "i'm right here, always. i'll stay with you tonight, okay? i love you,"
and all you can remember was the warmth of his arms before you fell asleep.
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
1999 part three
another long one LMAO SORRY💀💀
this one’s a trip so get ur snacks, drinks and one direction pillows and blankets from 2014 because this one’s a trip🤭🤭
lmk how we feel abt this part and ur fav moments, enjoy!!
warnings: angst, blood, underage drinking, violence, swearing
conrad fisher masterlist
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༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
Conrads pov
I clench my hands into fists to stop them from shaking. I shut my eyes as tight as I can to stop the tears from flowing out.
Calm down Conrad.
she’s upset, she’s tired. it’s fine.
no, it’s not, you did this to her, you’re the problem here. you made her cry. you might as well be like that guy she was with.
That guy.
I slowly shut Y/n’s door behind me and race to my car, ignoring Mom and Laurel’s worried exclamations.
“Everything’s fine, she’s okay, she’s sleeping right now. I just- I need to do something. I’ll be back soon.” I assure them quickly before grabbing my car keys and making my way outside.
calm down Conrad.
the only person who could calm me down right now is Y/n. I smile softly as she enters my thoughts but that smile quickly drops as I think of how she was crying tonight.
My hands clench the steering wheel until my knuckles turn white.
She wouldn’t want you to do anything.
But the way she was sobbing in my arms…
Fuck this.
I turn the ignition on and start reversing to the main road before my car even has a chance to warm up. I drive for what seems like seconds and go to the place where Jere told me he saw Dean last after I drove Y/n home.
It feels like my entire body and mind are on autopilot. I don't even realise what I'm doing before Dean opens Thérèse’s house’s door and my fist connects with his jaw. I don't realise how much anger I had in myself until he falls backwards and I don't give him a chance to get up. I keep punching him again, and again, and again. I don't stop until the blood from his nose is dripping to his white tee, until it's all disfigured and there's more bruises on his face than the hickeys on his neck.
“You ever lay your filthy hands on her again and I’ll make sure you wish you were never born asshole.”
I keep walking to my car as Dean and Thérèse scream threats back at me and flip them off as I get inside and drive back home.
I make it back home and immediately go to Y/n’s room to check if she’s asleep yet.
God, I'll never forgive myself for hurting her like that.
I gently cover her with the duvet on the end of her bed and kiss her softly on the top of her head.
When I make my way out of her room and quietly shut her door behind me walking to the living room, mom and laurel are already waiting for me. I don't say anything as they take me in their comforting arms and hold me. It feels like they're holding me up as my body racks with sobs, threatening to give out at any second.
“I just…I just didn't want to hurt her I didn't know what to do I-” My sentence gets broken off as another sob escapes me and Laurel kisses the top of my head. “I didn't know what to do after you got sick and it got worse I’m sorry I'm so-” I say to Mom struggling to breathe as she shushes me and wipes my tears away.
‘I’ll be okay Connie, I’ll be alright.” she whispers smiling softly but the tears in her eyes tell me otherwise.
They hold me, letting me cry for what feels like hours until their words of sweet nothings and assurances blur out and my eyes get heavy.
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Y/n’s pov
“No, it’s not Jere you don't need the cover that's just for decoration. No trust me I know Bels, I've seen Gordon Ramsey do this like a thousand times on tv.”
Stevens's earsplitting voice breaks me out of the trance of sleep.
How can he be this loud so early?
What time is it?
I pull the blanket off me and start making my way to the kitchen where all the voices seem to be coming from.
Wait…blanket? I don't remember putting one on after Conrad left.
My heart drops to my stomach as I think of him.
My thoughts spiral my mind starting to overwhelm me until Stevens's voice pushes them away. Thank God for his optimism.
“Alright you guys ready?” he says optimistically at the two unsure teenagers next to him, “Stop looking at me like that Jere. Okay, 3…2…..1!” he shouts as he presses ‘blend’ on the blender without a lid and just as he does, all the ingredients in the blender splatter all over the kitchen walls.
Jere and Belly shout at Steven as he looks around in a worried state at the mess he's made in the kitchen.
“Hey, what are you guys doing?” I laugh as I take a seat at the kitchen island.
“We were trying to make my legendary miracle hangover smoothies but since Steve-o here wanted to be a masterchef so bad he can take over and clean while Belly and I do it properly.” Jeremiah says as he throws Steven a kitchen towel and starts getting more ingredients out to make the smoothie again.
Belly comes up behind me at the kitchen counter and hugs me tightly, “Hey, we heard about what happened with Dean. I’m so sorry, he was a rat anyways. And Thérèse too.”
“Yeah, totally he was a dick.” Jeremiah agrees as he hugs me after Belly. “You deserve better Y/n.”
“God, when Mom told us I was ready to break all this guy's bones for messing with my baby sister and I swear I would’ve if Conrad hadn’t already beat me to it.” Steven says as he bins a chunk of fruit.
I laugh until I fully process what he’s said, “Wait what? Conrad did what?” I exclaim as worry starts to creep up on me and I get off the stool to find Conrad.
“Oh yeah, you didn't know? He's in the living room!” Jere shouts after me and I mumble a ‘thanks’ in response, too distracted trying to find Conrad.
I find Conrad fast asleep on the couch with his hair in his eyes. I sit next to him and brush the hair away from his face. I notice his knuckles peeking out from under the throw and I pull it away to show the entirety of his cut up hands. I gasp as I see them and hold them immediately examining them closely to see how deep the cuts are.
“M’fine I swear. You should see the other guy.” A raspy voice interrupts my thoughts and I look up to see Conrad looking at me sleepily.
“You didn't have to do this Connie.” I say, upset that he hurt himself over me.
“What, you think I’m gonna let the guy who hurt my girl walk around all fine? Had to fuck him up a little at least.” he smiles with his eyes closed.
I blush at him calling me ‘his girl’ although the words make my chest feel heavier.
Why wasn’t I his girl before?
I push the anxious thoughts away as he speaks to me.
“I’m really sorry about yesterday Y/n, I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you after you broke up it was shitty I’m sorry.” he says regretfully.
“It’s okay Connie don't worry about that right now,” I smile at him, “how much do your hands hurt?”
“Not that much. I could use a kiss though.” he smiles playfully.
I laugh and peck his knuckles carefully. One, two, three, fou-
Conrad lets out a loud hiss and furrows his brows in pain. Worry runs through my entire body as I ask him if I hurt him frantically. He bursts out in laughter at my reaction and tries to get off the couch.
“Oh, you dick.” I say as I push him down the couch and smile to myself as I walk away.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Come back baby!” he shouts behind me in laughter.
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timeskip to the beach
“Whoo! Yeah, let’s go Jere!” Steven shouts as he pushes his wet hair out his face and grabs his surfboard, getting in the water again.
“STEVEN! PUT YOUR SUNSREEN ON!” I shout at him knowing it's pointless and he’s just going to ignore me and get sunburnt again. Every year, I smile to myself rubbing sunscreen on my arms.
I look out into the distance and see Belly trying to surf but drastically failing, Jeremiah trying to help her and Steven trying to get Jere to watch his ‘new cool trick’.
Poor Belly. She’ll never get a moment alone with Jere at this rate.
“You’re not going to surf?” Conrad says as he comes up next to me.
“I don’t know, I’m not really feeling like surfing today, might just sit here and read.” I say smiling up at him trying not to look down at his naked chest.
He nods and puts a cigarette in his mouth, reaching into his pocket to light it up.
“You’re gonna slowly kill your kidneys like that Con” I say as I look in disgust at the thing in his mouth.
He smiles down at me as he goes to light it up but stops and takes the cigarette out of his mouth before putting it back in his pocket. “Well good thing I only need one kidney to survive.”
“I’d prefer if you had two.”
He laughs at me before making his way to the waves with his board.
“CON!” I yell after him.
He turns back and looks at me questioningly as I hold up the sunscreen in my hand.
He trudges back to me complaining about the smell and slightly sticky feeling of it as I rub it all over his back and chest trying not to blush.
I make my way up his collarbones, to his neck and finish with his face. I brush his hair out his face before smiling and whispering saying, “There. All done.”
He stares down at my lips and I stare at his as we lean closer, my heart beat speeding up by the second. His hand comes up behind my neck inching our faces closer and closer-
“Hey Con you coming?!”
ugh. Steven.
Conrad and I break away quickly before Steven has a chance to see anything and I awkwardly pat him on the back. “Yep. All done.”
“Did I interrupt something?” Steven asks, sensing the tension around us.
“Nope. Not at all.” I smile at Steven and see Conrad glare at Steven out of the corner of my eye. If looks could kill…
I stifle a laugh as I see Belly giggling at the scene.
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timeskip to car
We’re driving home with “Keep Driving” playing on the radio and Conrad’s hand holding mine.
Holding each other's hands like this has been a habit of ours for years, it’s just a comfort thing.
“Hey have you guys heard about that party going down tonight at Emmy’s house?” Jere says looking at his phone from the backseat.
A couple of no’s are heard from almost everyone until Belly says, “Should we go?”
“We don’t really have anything better to do” shrugs Jeremiah.
“Alright then. It’s a plan.” Belly smiles before we all start screaming the bridge in ‘Keep Driving’.
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at the party
Conrad and I walk in together hand in hand and go to sit on one of the couches after meeting Emmy.
We talk for a bit until we decide to get some drinks in the kitchen. We’ve never really been “party people” unlike Jere, Steven and Belly, so Conrad and I always stuck together in these things. We’d just stand or sit in some corner (with a pet if there were any) and we’d talk about anything and everything while enjoying the free alcohol.
“Thank you my good sir.” I joke, accepting the drink Conrad gave me as we make our way back to our couch. “Hey you know what we should do?” I say enthusiastically smiling at him.
“Uh-oh. What?” he says taking a sip of his drink.
“We should get tattoos. You and me. Matching ones. Emmy’s cousins upstairs and she’s got a tattoo gun, Belly was telling me.” I grin.
“For real?” Conrad asks.
“Yes Connie, I mean we promised we’d get our first tattoos with each other when we were younger so why not right now?” I ask standing up and downing my drink, holding my hand out expectingly.
There’s a pause before Conrad says, “Our moms would kill us.”
“Who says they have to know?” I smile mischievously at him as he says “Fuck it.” and grabs my hand pulling me upstairs, our drinks and couch long forgotten.
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“Holy shit this is badass!” I gasp as I see the two tiny ivy leaves on the side of my ribcage. “I’m so glad I wasn’t one of those people who cry when they get their tattoos.” I said to Conrad who was getting his matching leaves on his left shoulder. “Please, you didn’t cry but you sure as hell crushed my hand.” he says, shaking his hand around before I grab them and kiss them.
“I’m gonna go put a little lotion on this it’s starting to sting, will you be okay here?” I say to Conrad and go to the bathroom across the hall after he nods.
I put some lotion on the tattoo and immediately feel better until someone barges in.
Thérèse. Of course.
“Don’t you know how to knock?” I say, trying to turn away from her but she stops me.
“We need to talk Y/n.”
“Excuse me? No way Thérèse. No fucking way.” I say trying to open the door behind her but she’s too quick and locks it before standing in front.
“Thérèse what the fuck?!” I exclaim, starting to get mad now.
“Just hear me out. Give me five minutes to explain myself. Please Y/n.” she says and I can feel the guilt and regret seeping out of her.
I don’t want to hear a single word from her no matter what she has to say but if listening to hers my only way out of this bathroom then…
“Fine. Two minutes.” I say and immediately see the relief on her face.
“I want you to know how sorry I am. I got jealous of you and Dean like insanely jealous and I…I guess I just wanted to be with him and I didn’t think you were good enough for him and I know how stupid this sounds but I swear I’ve ended things with him and I just want our friendship back Y/n. I’m so sorry.” she says and when she finishes, she looks like she’s on the verge of tears.
I repress the small part of me that wants to take her back and be friends again out of pure respect for myself.
“I feel sorry for you Thérèse, I really do but no. I’m sorry but no, I don’t need shitty friends like you. If you liked Dean before we started dating you should’ve told me rather than making out with him and being a bitch to me when I saw you. Like I said the other night, you two assholes deserve each other. Now move.”
I’m walking back to the room Conrad was in trying to forget the interaction with Thérèse, trying to focus on just having fun with my friends and Con until a tall figure stands in my way.
No fucking way. What is everyone’s obsession with getting in my way tonight?
“Get the fuck away from me Dean.” I spit his name out.
“Babe I’m sorry, I fucked up please just-“ he tries to grab my hands and I immediately stomp on his feet.
“I said get the fuck away from me asshole!” I scream in his face before he stops wincing and quickly grabs me and pins me on the wall.
He looks at me with pure anger and possession in his eyes, scaring me to the bone.
What he says next has my fist flying straight into Dean’s jaw.
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Conrad’s pov
I step out of the room as soon as my tattoos done to show Y/n before I see her pinned against a wall by…Dean.
Anger rises in my body until I can’t think straight but before I can say a single word Y/n’s fist connects with Dean’s.
A chill runs down my spine and I swallow back the acid that crawls up my throat at her cry.
He tests his jaw, rubbing at the place she hit him. “You fucking…”
I see red as I lunge for Dean, but my attention shifts when Y/n lets out a whimper.
“Ow.” A single year runs down her face as she checks her fist.
I don't think as I jump into action. She hisses at me when I try to assess her hand, all while she swipes the tears off her face with her non-injured hand. Something definitely doesn't look right with her pinkie, and she winces as I lightly run my finger over it.
"That doesn't feel too good-" Y/n curses as she brushes her thumb across her knuckles.
"That's what you get for thinking you could lay a hand on me."
I swear this guy has a death wish.
"Oh, I'd like to lay more than a hand on you, you evil fucker.”
Y/n tries to step around me, but I block her path.
"I'll handle this." I give her other hand a reassuring squeeze.
Her brows pull together as she shuts her mouth.
"I was coming here to check in on her and see how she was holding up after seeing me and Thérèse. I'm sure it can't be easy seeing how she’s never going to be good enough for anyon-"
Bone crunches beneath my fist as I slam it straight into Dean’s nose. A deep sense of satisfaction fills me as his head rears back, rolling with the momentum of my punch. Blood gushes down his face and drips onto the carpet.
He tries to staunch the bleeding, but nothing seems to work.
“Call me when you get bored of him Y/n." Dean laughs.
Something dark takes over me. "Get out!" I roar as I lunge at him. My fingers grip onto air as he stumbles backward, tripping over his shoes as he holds his head back.
The pressure in my chest doesn't lessen as he disappears through the double doors. Hopefully he returns to whatever corner of hell he crawled out of before I have a chance to get my hands on him again.
Y/n huffs. "Well, that didn't go exactly as expected." I turn around, finding her hand clutched to her chest. Her twisted expression has my blood rushing to my ears.
I shake my head at her and say, “You’re mad." I laugh softly.
She laughs before wincing at the hand pressed against her chest. "Ouch."
"Let me have a better look." My pulse quickens as I assess her injury. I'm careful not to touch the skin near her knuckles,keeping mind of the swelling. It doesn't look like an open fracture so at least that is good news.
"You're insane. There's no other explanation for why you would punch someone in the face without knowing how."
"I thought it would be like the movies." She finches as she checks out the damage.
"We need to get you to the hospital to have it checked out" I choke on the words, unable to process the reason I decide to make that call. I fucking hate hospitals.
"No! I'm fine. See!" She wiggles her fingers and recoils.
I'm hit with the urge to go find Dean but hold back.
"Why would you punch him?"
Her jaw locks together, and she looks down at her vans.
I lift her chin with my finger. "Tell me."
She sighs, and it takes an exorbitant amount of effort not to shake the answers out of her.
"Promise not to do anything illegal if I tell you?"
Her head drops. "You're not going to be happy."
"I'm never happy." Except for rare occasions. All of which she is a part of.
She looks back up at me. Her eyes have a sheen to them that has nothing to do with her injured hand.
“He told me to…”
"To what?" Every muscle in my body tenses.
"to be with him or he’d make me regret it." She looks away as if she can hide the way her face is a wreck of emotions.
I'm already halfway down the stairs, body hot to the touch and my head empty of any thoughts besides finding Dean and pummeling him into the ground.
I should have known he would try to pull off a stunt like this. Part of me had stupidly hoped he would have some sense of decency left, but it seems he doesn't have a moral bone left in his body. I underestimated just how far he would go to retain her.
Y/n grips onto my arm and tugs me back. "Wait!"
"I can't talk to you right now.”
I can't talk to anyone, let alone her.
You're the one who brought her into this mess. What did you expect? You could’ve just told her how you felt last summer and prevented her getting with Dean in the first place.
Blood heats beneath my skin. I try to shake her off, but her hold only grows more desperate.
"I need you to take me to the hospital."
I pause, seeing through the cloud of red haze blocking my decision-making. "What?"
Her misty eyes lock onto mine. "I'm in a lot of pain."
Fuck. I release a ragged breath and shut my eyes. "Jere will take you."
"Connie, I need you there. Please." Her plea is my undoing.
My plan to send Dean into a coma slips away as I shut my eyes and nod my head. "Fine. Let's get you to a doctor.”
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part three done!!
side note: i wanted them to get matching ivy leaf tattoos bc they reminded me of taylor swifts song ivy🍂🍂
again pls lmk what you think of this part and have a good day/night!!
also pls reblog bc these take me ten years to write and my friend decided to torture me by reading them out loud in a long call about aubergines🤡🤡
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masterprocrastiwriter · 5 months
It's been a long, long while since I posted a fic. Also I've been hesitant for writing fanfics for a while because perfectionism, outside life and all that. I was quite conscious over this hurt-comfort story, but fuck it, I'm posting it here now. Hope you like it!
frail, yet brave.
a francis mosses story.
"I don't know, Francis." I murmured. "I honestly don't know what to do now."
Silence filled the entire room. Everything was dark except for the faint glow of hallway lights passing through the windows. I chose to keep the lights off tonight, and I'm relieved Francis didn't mind.
Even if I hardly see the surroundings as much, I could clearly see his brows and lips curve down into a somber expression. He's seen me like this for days—if it weren't for my tongue knotting up to say what bothered me so much to be like this, no matter how much I wanted to let it all out.
But I had to hold it until the weekend. Perhaps, by then, I'll tell him everything.
I quietly gasped when he suddenly pulled me into a hug, wrapping my body so evenly with his arms as he laid on the crook of my neck. I blinked a few times, my timid arms resting across the middle of his back.
He moved away to gaze at me again and my chest tightened at a closer look of his face. A hinting smile curved on his lips as he inched forward and carefully planted a soft, long, delicate kiss on my forehead. He parted, and kissed me there again, turning into a few more in slow intervals across it until he gradually moves down to my cheek.
Every single one of these kisses laid warmth on my skin like dabs of paint on the canvas that is my paled body. For most of the days feeling nothing, these marks of affection from his lips proved once again I could still feel something. I felt like trembling from within, hands closing into fists as I resist the urge to cry.
"Don't hold back, darling." His hand cupped my cheek like it was fragile. "Let it all out. It's just you and me."
Francis paused to gently rub the side of my face with his thumb, his eyes so full of affection and care. I couldn't bring myself to look away from it, because why turn away from something I longingly needed to see?
I quickly realized the tears blurring my vision, and the whimper in my throat and the tension of my body.
And his low, consoling hum was enough to break the dam and collapse myself onto his shoulder, holding him tight like I'm afraid to lose him.
I couldn't handle it. I just can't. Here I am emotionally shattering into pieces as I poured all of my pains, fears, and frustrations through the streams in my face and my loud, choking sobs that almost sounded like a dying howl.
"I don't understand!" I almost shouted between gasping my breaths, "I've ruined everything! I messed it all up, Francis, I swear I didn't mean to! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m…" My words fade into a hard bawl.
I felt his head shake as he tightened his grip around my waist and grazed his hand across my hair, both faces laying directly on each other's shoulders.
It's surreal how incredibly vulnerable I am, at this hour, in front of Francis. My sobs were echoing throughout the silence, and the walls may have been thin enough that the neighbors could hear me, but what mattered at the moment was letting it all out.
I used to deal with all of this alone and it was a hurricane. I was scared and in pity of myself a lot, hurting my body and hurling things in rage and regret.
But Francis was here beside me now, comforting me.
Slowly but surely, the burdening weight lifted off of my chest that I was able to breathe normally. Francis left for a quick trip to the kitchen and went back, handing over a glass of water. I took it and poured the cold liquid down my drying throat, sighing as I put the glass down and looked at him.
"Feeling better, darling?" He asked with a gentle smile. I nodded in silence. He sat down and ran his hand across my skin, pulling me into a full embrace once again. I closed my eyes and savored the warmth radiating from his body, reminding me once again that I'm not in a lone, dark room, consoling myself in the way I wished someone would do so for me.
"You still have you." He cut the silence that made me look up. "And you still have me." He slightly shifted back to take the shape of my cheek. "Talk me to me about it if you can. I am here with you. Always."
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whumpshaped · 11 months
a thought : Something so awful happening to beck one evening it makes them almost welcome helle with open arms in comparison (bonus points if even they're worried)
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tw vampire carewhumper, emotional whump, mugging mention, knives mention, death threats mention, subtle mind control, conditioning, conditioned whumpee
Beck stumbled into his apartment still sobbing, clutching his bag like his life depended on it. What else? What else could go wrong in his stupid fucking life? He had one vampire constantly pestering him, he'd had another try to bite him, and now he got mugged? There had to be something wrong with him. This wasn't normal. He had to be cursed.
He leaned back against the locked door, taking panicked little breaths until he felt like he could move again. He should've gone to the police. He'd just been too scared to do so, the cold touch of a knife still lingering on his neck where it'd nicked him.
He instinctively tried to reach for his phone to call his mom — only to realise that had been taken from him, along with all the money from his wallet and his credit card. At least the guy was nice enough to let him keep his papers.
He wanted Helle.
The thought made him cry even more. He was so shaken, so utterly terrified, and he wanted the vampire? He was losing his mind. But really, who else was going to raise hell for someone wasting 'his precious blood'? Who else was going to visit him at night without having to be called? He had no one else. Nobody would even believe him at this point, there were simply too many bad things happening to him one after the other. People were getting tired of him, he could tell.
Helle wasn't. Helle came back every single night, let him ramble, sat in the kitchen while he cooked, joined in enthusiastically whenever he complained about Christie or work, held him after he woke up from the nightmares they'd caused... They were all he had right now, as sad as it was.
Yeah, because you stopped calling your family as often. You're getting tangled up in the magic they apparently 'never use on you'.
He pushed the thought aside. He didn't have the energy for it. His heart was still racing, he still felt lightheaded and detached, and if his pathetically frightened mind wanted nothing but to run into Helle's arms, well... tonight wasn't the night when he'd rationalise his way out of it.
It didn't take long. Barely ten minutes after he'd finally torn himself away from the door and set his bag on the dresser, Helle walked in, their usual cheery demeanour instantly clashing with the fearful atmosphere in the room. Their red eyes settled on his shaking figure, and Beck found he couldn't even explain anything; all that came out were choked little whimpers, making even the vampire reconsider their evening plans.
"Oh, dear." They slowly walked over to the sofa, concern evident on their face. "What happened?"
Without saying a word, Beck's hands shot out to grab onto Helle's shirt, and they sat down so he could properly cling to them. They wrapped both arms around his frail body, letting him cry it out for as long as he wanted.
"S-someone stole my stuff," he sniffled. "My– my phone, my money– he put a knife t-to, to my throat– said he'd kill me–"
"Poor thing," they murmured, and for once, it sounded genuine. It was all Beck wanted to hear. To know that they did care, and his stupid love that he'd tried to hard to sweep under the rug wasn't entirely misplaced. "Do you want me to go and get your things back, darling? Or do you want me to stay?"
"Stay," he said right away. "Please. 'm s-so scared, I d-don't wanna be alone, I–"
"Shh, alright." They began gently rocking him back and forth, whispering sweet nothings until he calmed down. Beck thought it'd take longer. He thought he'd be crying all night, driving Helle up the wall, yet here he was, quiet and exhausted in their arms after mere minutes.
Like magic, right? They have to be using something. This isn't normal. No vampire puts a human at ease naturally.
He was too tired to care. All he could focus on was the gentle way they'd asked for his preference, the way they were willing to stay with him instead of immediately going on a vengeful hunt through the city. The way they would've gone if he'd asked them to. They were all he had, and they were so much more than enough.
"Feeling better?" Their voice felt like silk against his skin, soft and smooth and so light.
"Yeah," he whispered. "Thank you. S-sorry for... all of this." Despite saying that, he made no effort to push himself away from them. They didn't urge him either.
"No need. Just breathe."
He did. He could finally take deep breaths as opposed to the shallow gasping from before, and it felt nice, like a weight had been lifted. Even being reminded made him feel so warm inside, like he wasn't a bother, like... like he was allowed to just breathe. Like Helle truly expected nothing else from him.
"Thank you," he repeated, emphatic and reverent. It felt good to give into the gratitude instead of fighting it, to simply express his feelings instead of trying to hide them out of embarrassment. "Thank you for staying."
Helle kissed the top of his head. "How could I not, when a sweet thing like you begs me to?"
Sweet thing... It was probably just the sudden lack of adrenaline leaving him sleepy and stupid, but for a long moment, he thought he liked being Helle's sweet thing.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs
95 notes · View notes
steinfellds · 2 years
You're Just Replaceable
Pairing: Natasha x Fem!Reader
Summary: You broke up with your girlfriend for a year because she couldn't treat you with love and affection. A month later, you see Natasha treating Wanda the way you wanted her to treat you.
Warnings: heartbreak, angst without a happy ending, crying, breakups, nat being emotionally manipulative.
italics = the past
1.5K Words
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Your head shot up from the book you were reading when you heard the sounds of Wanda's giggles coming from the hallway.
Natasha carried Wanda in bridal into the kitchen and sat her on the countertop, leaving light kisses all over her face, pulling more giggles out of Wanda.
You felt a harsh pang of sadness and jealousy in your heart at their interaction. You always yearned for Natasha to treat you like that, yet she never did, even though you begged many times.
Almost throughout your entire relationship with Natasha, she neglected you. She never paid that much attention to you and always pushed you to the side. You never understood why you stayed with her for over a year, she destroyed your mental health.
You felt relieved and glad when you broke up with her, but it still really, really fucking hurt when you saw her with other women.
Natasha's eyes glanced over at you, making you look away with a small blush on your cheeks. You mentally cursed yourself for staring for so long.
"Sorry, Y/n. We didn't see you in here." Wanda apologised, her voice full of happiness.
You closed your book and shook your head, "It's okay, sorry for invading." You stood up and went to leave but Natasha's voice made you freeze.
"Stay. We will only be a few minutes." Her Russian accent was thick and her voice was deeper than normal, it was a sign of relaxation.
"Are you sure, I-"
You immediately sat back down and reopened your book, trying to refocus. Though you couldn't with the constant sounds coming from Wanda and Natasha.
You glanced up at the duo again, almost immediately regretting it when you saw Natasha feeding Wanda blueberries and strawberries to Wanda, a wide smile plastered on both their faces.
The sight almost made you tear up. Natasha gave everything you wanted to her new girlfriend, were you not special enough? Did you do something to make Natasha cringe at the thought of giving you an ounce of attention?
"Check the fridge, I made you something," Wanda muttered softly.
You heard the fridge open and a small gasp, making you look up again. Natasha held a box of blueberry muffins in her hands.
"Thank you, baby," She kissed Wanda's head, "They're perfect."
The memories of you gifting Natasha muffins flashed through your head.
"Natty, can you close your eyes? I have a gift for you," You held a box of homemade blueberry muffins behind your back, it took you over 3 hours to bake because you kept stuffing up.
"I'm busy, can't it wait?" Natasha was sitting in the lounge room, doing a puzzle.
"It'll take three seconds." You promised, standing in front of Natasha.
Natasha mumbled something that you didn't quite hear and looked up at you. You revealed the box of muffins from behind your back, expecting a positive reaction from Natasha, but all you got was a "Cool. Can you go now?"
You remember hastily leaving the room so Natasha couldn't see the tears forming in your eyes.
You felt your heart start to shatter even more when Natasha tasted Wanda's muffins. Natasha never tasted yours. It wasn't fair how she treated you compared to Wanda.
You slammed your book shut and left the kitchen. You couldn't last another moment without bursting into tears.
"Ms Y/L/N, I have been instructed to inform you that Mr Stark is holding a small gathering tonight. Dress casual."
You sighed softly, placing your Nintendo that you had just been playing The Legend of Zelda on the bed. Normally you would go to every gathering that was held, but you knew Wanda and Natasha would be drowning each other in affection.
It would destroy you even more.
You picked up your Nintendo and unpaused your game. You decided against going. Sitting in your room would be mentally healthier for you.
5 hours later, there was a sudden knock on your door. The knock was impatient and rushed.
"Come in." You called out, bringing your blanket to fit around your body more comfortably.
When Natasha walked into your room, you were surprised. You went to open your mouth to tell her to get out but she raised her hand at you, silencing you.
"You didn't come to the gathering like you normally do." She seemed genuinely concerned.
"I didn't feel like going."
"But you always go. Remember that time you had that horrible flu? It kept you bedridden for days, yet you still had the energy to go downstairs."
Your heart swelled at Natasha remembering that moment. You hadn't expected her to as she pretty much ignored you while you were sick, only occasionally giving you cuddles and bringing you medicine. Other than that, she left you for the rest of the day.
"Times change."
Natasha hummed, looking around your room. It had changed since the breakup. New posters covered the walls and the furniture was completely rearranged.
"You still watch that show?" Natasha gestured to the Avatar The Last Airbender poster you had hanging on your wall.
"Do you need something, Natasha?" This was the longest conversation you had both had with each other in over a year. She wanted something.
"Can't I talk to my ex-girlfriend?" She raised a brow, turning her attention back to you.
"Get lost," You scoffed. Natasha wanted something from you and you wouldn't give it, no matter what it was.
Natasha moved closer to you and sat on the end of the bed, she kept her distance to insure you wouldn't get scared and run off.
"Y'know, I've missed you, Y/n/n. You always ignore me now or give me short answers. Did I do something wrong?"
You couldn't help the loud laugh that left your mouth. Was she being serious?
"God, you're so manipulative, you know that?" You stood up from your bed and towered over Natasha's sitting body. You were only a few inches taller than her.
"It's an honest question, Y/n." Her eyes that looked up at you didn't show any signs of honesty. "I still care for you." She added, hoping her words would have an affect on you.
You stared at her, trying to fight back the tears that you could feel pooling in the corners of your eyes. "I'll ask you one more time; what do you need from me?"
Natasha sighed, giving up her act. "Do you still have that purple picnic blanket?" You hummed, "I need it. I'm taking Wanda on a stargazing date tonight."
"Just get out, Nat."
Natasha didn't bother arguing; she knew you wouldn't give it to her. She left the room and slammed your door loudly behind her.
You flopped down on the bed and let the tears flow. Natasha was doing everything with Wanda and it wasn't fair. All you wanted was to be loved by her but she could never give it.
You grabbed onto your pillow and cuddled into it. Your breathing started to stutter as you couldn't stop the soft cries that left your mouth.
Slowly, you started to tire yourself out from crying and drifted asleep.
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ladylooch · 1 year
oooh for blurb night (and if you've blurbed something like this already feel free to ignore!!) does lexi ever get subjected to any nastiness on social media or even in person? some of these fans take it a little too far, as we've all seen 😬
!!!!!!!!!! We have not talked about this yet. We talked about this with Emma. But we all know Lexi gets it and it’s bad. Nico does his best to protect her, but there is only so much he can do.
Lexi is unusually quiet tonight. At first, Nico didn’t think anything of it. She has been struggling since she quit her job, feeling like a “useless sack of potatoes” (her words) while flipping through various comedy shows trying to get a laugh. The truth is, she’s still grieving the loss of her special patient, and it’s going to take a long time until she moves through the process.
But this quiet tonight also comes with a distance that doesn’t sit well with Nico. He thinks of that as he wipes his hands off on the kitchen towel after finishing washing the knives from dinner. Then, he moves around the island to stand by her head in the living room.
“I’m gonna watch some film, unless you want to catch another episode of Gilmore Girls?” Nico asks, tugging her pony tail where it flops over the arm of the couch. She shakes her head no without looking at him. Nico sighs, coming around to squat in front of her. He examines her face, pursing his lips in sadness at how hollow her gaze looks. “Baby, I’m worried about you. What’s up?” 
“Why are you with me?” Nico blinks back at her in surprise. He did not expect that question.
“Why are you with me?”
“There are a million reasons. But if I had to sum it up in a sentence or two, it’s because you’re the best person I know and I can’t live without you.”
“You could do so much better.” She whispers as tears fill her eyes. Nico lowers his eyebrows in confusion. This is not like her.
“Lex, what is going on?” Nico scoots her over until her back presses into the large cushions fully. She begins to sob, hiding her face as Nico curls her into his chest. 
“People are being so mean to me on social media. And I can take it, Neeks. I can take so much if it means that I get to have you forever, but they’re going to a whole new level that I just… don’t.. know how to deal with.” She begins to sob harder. 
“Baby, I am going to fix this. Tell me what happened. I’ll take care of it.”
“How? Are you going to shut down the internet for me?”
“I fucking will if I have to, yeah.” This gets her to smile through her tears. Damn does he love her. He would go find every serve in the world and rip the cords out himself if it meant she wouldn’t cry like this because people were mean to her. Because of him. They attack her because he loves her. How unfair is that?
“Someone DMed me on Instagram asking if I knew how unworthy of you I was….” She sighs afterwards, tugging at the drawstring of his sweatshirt. “Like how do you get out of bed with so much ugly audacity?” She repeats.
“But you know that isn’t true.” He strokes her wet cheek, then tilts her chin back so she looks into his eyes again. 
“Yeah… I mean, for the most part. But, sometimes…. I’m just not sure.” 
“Oh Lex.” He breathes out a heavy breath, feeling his heart break. “Am I doing something wrong that makes you feel like that?”
“No! God, no, Nico you are… perfect. But, they get into my head… and I’ve been in such a bad place.” 
“I wanna fix this for you. Wanna soothe every crack and hurt in your heart, baby.” He kisses her lips desperately as he says it.
“You can’t.” She eases the burden for him. 
“What can I do?” Lexi contemplates, slowly blinking, really contemplating what she needs from her boyfriend right now. 
“Maybe you could take over my social media accounts and change the passwords, so I can’t login right now? I shouldn’t be on anything. Not until I heal. I can’t seem to hold myself accountable to that commitment.”
“Done. What else?” 
“Hold me. All night… until we are tired lumps, melded together with no ending.” Nico chuckles. 
“Okay. Here or in bed?”
“Bed.” It’s a heavenly sigh that tells Nico he’s getting lucky tonight.
After Lexi falls asleep, Nico maneuvers his arms around her and pulls her phone up. He makes a list of all the people sending her awful messages and blocks them, then he logs into his account and blocks them on his as well, across all social medical platforms until all that is left is praise, love, and appreciation for his beautiful girl.
Nobody makes his girl feel like not enough. Nobody.
And if this continues, this Devil is going to unleash hell.
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
26 - NYE pt. 2 - Say It Again** // Forever Winter Series
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pairing: austin x fem!oc | word count: 6.8k-ish
warnings: smut, alcohol, mentions of substance abuse, mutual masturbation, use of toys, crying, fluffy?? sad fluffy?? (u know the deal), slight sub/dom undertones if u squint, aftercare, please don't hate me, 18+, MDNI
summary: After Austin’s encounter with Elsie in a side room and his new year’s kiss with his date, he spots Elsie making a speedy escape. Plagued with guilt of his actions, he runs to catch her but finds her in a… compromising position.
previous chapter -> 25 - NYE - Til You Come Back For More
see masterlist - for chapter log & all other fics
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We go 'round again, we jump back in bed That's what you do when you love somebody
These bad omens, I look right through them That's what you do when you love somebody
I died when you left that night for the thousandth time 'Cause you love somebody else
Aspen pulled away from our new year’s kiss with the biggest drunken grin. The taste of her vanilla lip gloss and straight tequila coated my lips. I kissed her again for good measure, pulling her waist against mine. “You look stunnin’ tonight babe.” Cupping her cheeks, “Just like a little sparkly firework.”
She blushed a bit and nudged my arm, “Oh shut up.”
I contemplated sweeping Aspen off into a bathroom to get the feeling of Elsie off me, but I couldn’t do another fuck in a bathroom.
The roar of the new year faded back into standard party noise and Aspen hauled me to the kitchen for fresh drinks. She was talking to me, but my focus was on the door down the hall that I left a desperate Elsie behind. She still hadn’t come out yet, which I figured she would’ve rushed out to get her New Year’s kiss from Nox.
It was only when Aspen handed me a new drink that I saw Elsie creep out from behind the wooden door. Slow at first then quickly zipping through the bustling crowd. Condensation from the red cup collected around my fingertips as I squeezed it between my fingers. My predisposed path I expected her to take was wrong, instead of going to find Nox, she escaped to the loft elevator.
Guilt began to spread through my veins as quickly as the alcohol. I hadn’t exactly been nice in that room with her. Maybe it was too much. Maybe I took it too far. I never meant to make her upset – at least not enough to leave a party.
I then diverted my attention to tracking Nox, between the many other Elon Musk wannabe’s it wasn’t the easiest mission. I finally spotted him in a corner with some girl, a blonde girl.
A girl that looked pretty similar to the blonde I saw at the bistro weeks ago. The girl that ‘wasn’t there’.
Okay so – either she’s upset because of me or because of Nox – or I’m fucking seeing shit again.
Either way I needed to find her.
“Hey darlin’.” Curling my arm around Aspen, “I think I’m gonna head home.”
“Aw,” The edges of her plump lips downturned for a just a moment, “Well that’s okay, I kinda wanted to go to the club and cash in on lonely partiers.”
A smile tugged across my face, that was exactly why this was working. No strings, just fun.
“Why don’t you wanna stay and party?” She dropped a maraschino cherry in her mouth then plucking the stem out.
“I just don’t think I’m feelin’ all that well.”
She twirled the cherry stem between her thin fingers. “Aw,” She pushed out her bottom lip, “I can help, you want a bump?”
It took a good pause for me to contemplate the answer to that but ultimately decided against it, coke wasn’t something I wanted to make a habit of. I had too many fixes to juggle already.
“Nah I’m okay, but thanks for offerin’.” Picking her chin up, her brown eyes sparkling up at me. I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t gorgeous. She looked like if you put old Hollywood Marilyn Monroe into a present-day high-end escort. The type of escort that only the 1% hire, the Jeff Bezoz type of escort. Her features soft like a girl next door but her body like – a Playboy bunny. That’s exactly what she looked like, a Playboy bunny. The sex appeal, charm and the cheerfulness of a Playboy bunny.
I pressed a kiss on her full lips but before I could pull away, she hooked her finger into my shirt pocket. Her eyes met mine again, plopping the cherry stem in her mouth and within seconds plucking a newly formed knot from her extended tongue. Her fingers rotated it in my eyeline before dropping it in the pocket, her bedroom eyes locked on me the entire time. “Consider that a rain check for the other ways I could make you feel better.” She swiped the excess cherry juice from her thumb across her tongue then cleaned it off with a pop.
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Navigating through shitfaced New Yorkers on New Years was hard enough on its own but the urgency of finding Elsie and the concoction of chemicals in my system made it quite a trying journey.
Finally reaching her door, I gave my signature knock.
No answer.
Knock again.
No answer.
With a slight turn of the knob, the door pushed open. “Els?” I called quietly. Tiptoeing around the empty apartment before hearing small noises from behind her cracked bedroom door. When I stepped closer, they sounded like whimpers.
Fuck. The last fucking thing I wanted to do was make her cry.
I knocked gently against the door frame, “Els?”
No answer, so I decided to just open the door. We had keys to each other’s places it wasn’t like we never just showed up.
A loud shriek came from her lips, her bare legs clamping around her hand.
“I-“ Eyes widening at the absolute opposite of what I thought was going on. Her dress bunched up at her hips, her hand between her thighs.
“What are you doing here!” Using her free hand to chuck a pillow at me that I promptly dodged. I’d never seen her cheeks so red.
“I thought you were sad!” I defended, putting both hands up as if I were under arrest.
“Why the fuck would I be sad!”
“Well I-“
“Get out!” Chucking another pillow at me.
Then it occurred to me, and maybe it was selfish, but the sight of her like that burned something vicious down my body. “Wait,” A slight curl at the corner of my lips, “Is this because of me?”
“Is what you’re doing because of me?” I questioned, backing against the door clicking it closed.
“What are you doing, can you please just fucking leave.” Her voice was so flustered, it was almost endearing.
“Hm.” I stepped over to her, only causing her to clamp her legs more and slink further away from me. “Well, don’t stop on my account.”
I sat on the edge just below where her legs were bent. I loved having her be putty in my hands, I loved making her squirm and writhe and beg. Green eyes just blinked at me, even I could see the confusion behind them, the conflict. The visual struggle made me second guess my own actions. “I’m sorry I walked in on you. I’ll leave if you want me to.” Dropping the teasing tone.
“It’s okay um- just what are you doing here.” Well, she didn’t throw me out, maybe I was onto something after all.
“I saw you leave the party, I thought you were sad. But now I see you were just hor-“
“Sh!” Her free hand pressed a finger to my lips. She eyed me like if I was about to pull some rabbit out of a hat, like I was hiding something she was searching for.  In the slowest motion she unfolded her legs, keeping her hand over her core.
God she was gonna send me into a frenzy.
“Need some help?” I couldn’t help but offer.
Her middle and ring fingers drew up her slit landing at her clit but didn’t move. I could already feel my blood rushing to my hips. All I wanted to do was finish what I started at the party.
Adjusting to be between her legs, I pressed my coordinating fingers into hers then guiding them in slow circles.
“Wha-“ She began to protest.
“I can’t touch you remember?” I reminded. She dropped her head as my hand took control of the motions on herself.
“Now I’m gonna ask again.” Speeding up just enough to be noticeable, “Were you touching yourself because of me?” Her eyes widened, that was he rabbit she was waiting for - the ‘mean’ me she was yelling about at the party, the me that made her weak.
Her lack of a response caused a pause in my motions. Leaning forward placing a kiss at her bent knee, “Now what did we talk about words?”
Her already desperate eyes scrunched closed in defeat. It was those tiny moments of defeat that fueled me to push her further and further.
“Yes – Yes it was because of fucking you.” The angst in her voice indicated that she didn’t want to give in, but she was. She was pissed that I was right, that I saw right through her.
“Hm. You’re getting better.” My fingertips moving again, now in circle-8’s.
A low moan poured from her mouth. As rock hard I was or as much I wanted to be buried inside her or how I wanted to hear her choke on me, any of it didn’t distract from this. For me, sometimes this was even better than any of those. Being an orchestrator of a beautiful woman’s demise? A puppet master for a blinding spiral? Well that’s better than any orgasm I could ever have.
“Tell me darlin’, you got any toys in that drawer?” Her eyes shooting open again, more pink flooding into her cheeks.
“I- uh- no, I don’t.” Her words barely coming out past her stutters.
“Well, then you don’t mind if I double check?” My tone innocent, teasing. I went to open her wooden bedside table drawer when she caught my arm.
“No, no I don’t think you need to double check.” Panic clear in her voice.
“Mhm.” A swift tug at the drawer before she could protest further. Her hands immediately covering her face from pure embarrassment.
I was in utter shock when the opened drawer revealed a rather large collection of toys. Though, I suppose when you’re with a partner who doesn’t satisfy you, you need to find ways to find relief. Each toy she owned was smaller than me, but I chose the closest one to my size and girth.
When I returned to her, she had clamped her legs together again and was still covering her face. “Well, that wasn’t very nice to lie to me.”
“Shut up.” She fussed.
“Oh, don’t be like that.” My index tracing up the side of her thigh, “C’mon open up for me will ya?”
“No, you’re being mean.” She grumbled still hidden behind her humiliation.
“I think you like it when I’m mean,” The throbbing in my jeans was beginning to become painful, threatening to take complete control. “Let me make you feel good baby.” My hand curving round her full thigh, indicating to let me spread them. She paused then obliged, slowly opening her legs for me.
You know how when you’re really craving a favorite meal and then you finally get it and all you want to do is devour it in the most depraved way? That’s exactly how I felt the minute I saw her glistening heat.
“Alright darlin’ here’s what I’m gonna need you to do for me,” Gently bringing her fingers back to her swollen bundle, “I need you to keep doin’ what you were doin’ before, I’ll take care of the rest alright?” The utterly taken aback look on her face swirled both fear and excitement. Her dainty fingers began moving in circles once more.
Her eyes tracking me as I let a drip of spit land on the silicone member and massaging it in to lubricate before I brought it to her. Before I could even line up to her entrance she opposed, “I want yours”
Those were not words I thought would come from her mouth, in that moment but it only made me strain in my pants more, it took the last bit of self-restraint to reply, “You know I can’t do that.”
“Why not.”
“Because you won’t answer me.” Stating the obvious.
“About what?”
“You know what. The reason you’re in this mess.”
“Aust please,” Looking up with pleading eyes, “I need you.”
“Answer it, why were you so upset at the party?”
“I told you I don’t have an answer.” She repeated, quite brave of her to be defiant in this compromising position.
“Well then I can’t fuck you.” The words physically pained me.
She groaned in frustration, “Fine but…” Contemplating, gears churning while her vision traced from my face down to the bulge in my pants, “Well, if I have to touch myself, then so do you.” She said matter-of-factly.
Now it was me who was taken aback, not expecting that either. “Is that really what you want?” Confirming the fucked-up compromise.
She nodded pathetically, “Please? I need to see your cock.”
I didn’t need much convincing after that, undoing my zipper and tugging both jeans and boxers down letting my member spring free. I eyed her core before slipping two fingers slowly into her, causing a gasp. I moved them back and forth to get just enough of her juices to use as my own lube. She watched my every movement, from her to myself, then watching as my fingers wrapped around the head of my length and began to slowly bob up and down. I couldn’t help letting out a low groan as I was finally getting the relief I so desperately needed all night.
“Is this what you wanted?” Bringing my grip lower on myself and noticing her index and middle fingers beginning to work on herself again, “To watch me fuck myself?”
“Yes,” She nodded watching my hand as if she was in a trance, “Do you… do that to the thought of me?”
Suddenly that question that I kept asking her now spun on me seemed significantly crueller. Letting out another low grunt when I finally reaching the base of my length, “Of course, how could I not think about being deep in your throat again?”
A tiny proud curve tugged at her lips, “You think about being inside me?”
My hand now gaining a rhythm on my pulsing cock, “Fuck – yes.” I glided the head of the toy up and down her glistening slit, before gently sliding it inside her with my free hand. “Just like that.”
She sucked in a sharp breath the moment the toy filled her, but it wasn’t enough, “Please, fuck me.” She pleaded once more.
If I had to tell her ‘no’ one more time, I didn’t know well I’d be able to deliver it. My actions continued, now matching my hand in time with the silicone slipping in and out of her dripping heat. She must’ve caught on since her index and middle fingers also paced with rhythm.
“Does that feel good baby? Being filled up?” My actions sped up marginally. Using that word both turned me on and twisted my stomach in knots. The knots only tightened when I felt myself press a gentle kiss to her inner thigh, breaking the ‘no touching’ rule. Even though we were engaged in some filthy action, the kiss felt so intimate. Probably one of the worst ways I could’ve touched her.
It earned me a pitched whimper, “Yes.” Her hips ever so slightly lifting and rotated on the fake dick.
Watching her soaked cunt getting fucked by something that wasn’t me only made me insatiable, I needed her in my mouth. My hand moved from my member using two fingers to spread her even more. I wanted to devour her but all I was allowed to do was watch. Whines rolled from her lips basically fucking herself with the way she rutted her hips on the toy.
“Please Austin, I need your cock – I need to feel you.” Her voice even weaker than before, “I wanna cum on you please.” As she begged her thrusts became more erratic, causing the grip on my length to follow suit.
Her digits took over my work sliding down between her folds and spread them wide for me, riding both fingers across her lips. She was trying to torture, make me give in. And I wanted to, god I fucking wanted to, so fucking bad.
I returned grasp to my throbbing cock and my eyes never once left her pussy. “I can’t, you know I can’t.” My stare still on her core as if I were hypnotized. I watched the blue toy drawing in and out of her, her walls gripping onto it. All I could do was imagine it was me inside her. It took every ounce of self-control to keep me from doing just that.
A weak moan fell as she circled her swollen clit again, “Are you close?”
I thought about it for a moment, but my pulsing head answered for me, “Yes.”
Tugging at her bottom lip seeming almost embarrassed of what she was about to say, “I want you to cum on me.” Rose blush tinted her cheeks.
“What?” Propping an eyebrow and stifling another moan as my hand wrapped around myself never took a break.
“I want you over me – and I want you to cum on me.” She clarified, “No touching.”
My view moved to her face to verify what she had just said, “You sure?”
“Mhm.” Nodding pathetically, “Please Aus? I wanna be covered in your cum.”
She didn’t need to ask any more for me to be between her legs, it took every ounce of restraint to not just slide right into her exposed and begging core. I stole the opportunity to take in the full sight of her, desperate, wet, pathetic, plump lips raw from biting down any noises she didn’t want escaping. The silky emerald dress beautifully draped off every curve of body, accentuating her full hourglass figure. She looked angelic, only illuminated by a singular bedside lamp and the glows from the city. Breathtaking and fragile like one of those sculptures where you can see every wrinkle of the dress. Had I never noticed her beauty in that way? Or had I just been lying the entire time - had I always looked at her that way?
I knew I couldn’t touch her, but I couldn’t resist from trailing my fingertips up her thighs to her hips, pushing the slinky dress material up a bit. “I don’t think you want me making a mess on this pretty dress baby.”
Every time I fucking said the term of endearment, I wanted to punch myself, but I wanted to keep using it.
She blinked up at me, showing the most hesitation I’d seen from her all night. “I um, I don’t wanna do that.”
Furling my brows up at her, “This has to be like $200 dress you really want me ruining it?”
“$500.” Correcting me but kept her focus on the side of the bed, chewing on her bottom lip. “It’s okay I’ll get it dry cleaned or something.”
Out of every fucking weird thing that led up to that moment tonight, that was the most puzzling one. There was something wrong and as a man of course it took me longer than it should’ve to figure it out.
Smoothing my hand up over hip beneath the dress, “You don’t have to hide from me.” Her cheeks prickled pink, “I’ve seen you without a shirt on before.”
“Yeah, but,” Running her tongue between pressed lips, “Never like this. I never do… this without a shirt on.”
“What do you mean?” It only got more perplexing, “You don’t have sex without a shirt on?”
“We’re not having sex.” She was quick to correct me, however her point was debatable. “But, no… ehm, he doesn’t like seeing me like that… when we’re, ya know.”
Nox continued to shock me because like, what the fuck? Why would you want her to hide? If it were me the dress would’ve been on the floor before we even left the party.
I wasn’t prepared to handle her statement, well I wasn’t really prepared to handle any of it.
“I’m not him.” I reminded her, “And I want to see you.”
She just stared at me when I figured maybe I should reframe my words.
Fingers molding around her hips gently, “I want to see you. I’m not lying about that. But more than that, I want you to be comfortable.” I reassured, “So, if me ruining your expensive dress is what will make you most comfortable then, I’m okay with that.”
She took a minute to process my words before replying with a soft, “Thank you.” Her tone was more appreciative than it should’ve been, like no one had ever taken time to prioritize her comfort.
“I want to…I just,” Eyes faltering once more, “I don’t think I can.”
I nodded, “Okay. That’s okay.”
She looked so relieved, making me sadder than it should’ve. It made me wonder the sort of backlash she was used to when saying no.
“Do you want to continue?” Making sure we were still on the same page, “It’s okay if you don’t.” Her hazy greens met mine though I couldn’t tell what they were thinking. I squeezed her hip again softly, “I won’t be upset, I promise.”
She pulled herself together, “I want to.” Giving me a little smile, as if my basic human decency had given her a green light. “No touching.”
Normally I hated those words, but this felt more like a victory. Not a sexual one, but some sort of a victory, nonetheless.
I gave her a small chuckle, “Okay, you got it. No touching.”
In that moment it felt like something began to weave together. Every other time us as friends and us as… whatever this was, were completely different, completely separate. But in that tiny fleeting exchange, it seemed to be both versions of us meshed.
The way her eyes blinked up at me, a soft sage suggested she might have felt the same sensation. If I didn’t know better, she was telepathically telling me to lean down and kiss her – it had to be her though right? It wasn’t be me. For whatever reason the thought of kissing her was the line – because of course us literally fucking ourselves to each other wasn’t the line. You kiss one-night stands, I kissed Aspen, I even fucked her, and it meant nothing to me. But Els would be different, I just knew it. And as much as I did want to sleep with her, that would be different too.
Her hands trickling down her body snapped me out of my thoughts. Fingers beginning to work on herself again in circles, not taking long for tiny whimpers to escape.
“You okay?” Her voice quiet, insecure, “If you really want me take it off-“
“No, no,” Stopping her free hand that already tugged the dress up slightly, “You look perfect just like this.”
Soft lips curled up, “Thanks Austie.”
It was no ‘baby’ but it was close.
“If you want to…you could take yours off.” I never saw her like this, shy, embarrassed, apprehensive, vulnerable. I loved it.
It caused a small laugh, “Is that what you want?”
“Mhm.” A little nod then tugged at the hem of my shirt.
Using just the collar to swiftly slip my black tee off, I watched her gaze rake down my body now fully bare in front of her. She brought dainty fingertips just hovering over my chest, tracing each accentuated ab. I knew I wasn’t nearly as muscular as Nox so, I wasn’t quite sure if her regard was one of comparison.
Her floating touch never making contact with me until finally reaching the wrist that held my member, fingers gently landing on my wrist bone. Even just the tips of her fingers on my wrist sent shockwaves through me and directly into my cock.
“Continue?” Her sight timidly reaching mine once more.
Using one hand to prop myself over her and the other started working on my length again. She reached down past her right hand and took over the toy to fuck herself under me.
I held myself up, my forehead pressed against hers – the only part of us that touched. Our focus never leaving each other’s eyes, our staggered breathing matched in time, watching the descent in the other’s face.
“Fuck I wish it was you around my cock.” The hand at work on myself speeding up at the thought of any part of her, even just her hand on me pushed me further.
“I know,” Her clouded wide eyes looking up at me so innocently, so pure. “I wish it was you inside me.”
Her fingers accelerated as well as moving the toy in and out of herself. Knowing that my cock was just inches away from being inside her drove me insane. I wanted to bury myself in her and fuck her senseless. She deserved it from how frustrated she made me.
Our working hands were so close to each other, in some twisted way we were fucking each other - her rhythm with the toy matched exactly the speed that my hips rolled into my hand.
The gentleness towards her from just before was slipping out of my grasp. “I don’t think you want that baby.” My head falling into the small of her neck.
“What, why?” She squeaked. “I do.”
“No, because you’ve driven me fucking insane. I’d make you pay. You’re lucky I can’t fuck you the way I want.” The thrusts into my grip sped up as they would if I was fucking her.
Her breath hitched clearly not expecting that answer. From earlier at the party, I figured her voice would fail her again, but she surprised me, “Maybe I’d like that.” The artificial tool catching up to my pace.
“Really?” Breathing into her neck from how her words fueled me, “You’d like it if I fucked you senseless? You’d like it if I used you as my own personal fuck doll?” Those were things I absolutely never imagined saying to her, especially not like this but the bourbon burned in my blood and I had little filter. From how silent she went, I thought for sure that had been too much.
“Yes.” She shyly answered through a stifled moan, “I’d like to be that for you.”
“Oh yeah?” My hand now catching up with her faster speed. God all I wanted was to sink my teeth into her, mark her, leave her covered in remnants of me. “What if I wanted to hurt you?”
Her silence even louder, I hoped she knew what I meant or that I didn’t just ruin everything. “I think I’d like that too.”
“Fuck baby.” I breathed out and failing at keeping a groan from escaping into her neck. My climax was approaching. As much as I wanted to finally come, I didn’t want this moment to end. It was the closest we’d ever gotten. “How about if I wanted to fill you up with my cum, would you like that too?”
“Yes.” No hesitation on that one. “I wish you’d do that right now.”
“Fuck,” I grunted when her reply caused my cock to twitch in my hand, “You’re gonna make me come if you keep talking like that.”
“I want you to cover me remember? I want your cum all over me, all over my dress.” Her fingers stumbling on her clit and the toy erratic. “Aus I’m so close, I’m so close.” Voice strained through her rapid breathing.
I nodded, then bring my forehead to hers again, I wanted to watch her unravel. “C’mon baby, you can come, give in to me. Pretend that’s my tongue on you, pretend it’s my cock inside you.” On the precipice of my own demise.
“Fuck,” She started before full euphoria hit her, “Fuck fuck fuck Austin!” Her back arching away from the bed as she let out the loudest moans I’d ever heard – full of curses and my name.
As she came, I soon followed, fucking my fist as hard as I’d be fucking her. Vivid buzzing filled my hips then spilled from my member, coating her silk dress in milky stripes. Our moans swirling and filling the room. It was watching her completely and totally collapse under me that sent me over the edge. Her eyes stayed locked with mine almost the entire time, only breaking contact when they rolled back in the height of her orgasm.
Eyes fluttered closed while we rode out our highs, heavy staggered breathing in time with each other. Her expression grew progressively bashful, blushing covered her cheeks. A heaviness dropped into my stomach resembling restraint.
Restraint from what?
It wasn’t my body.
Eerily similar to when you can’t wait to spoil the surprise of a birthday gift. A budding secret threatening to escape from your lips at any moment.
I went to pull away to clean the mess we’d made but she caught my arm curling her own around mine. “Please.” A low whisper.
I had no idea exactly what she was begging for but I knew it wasn’t for another finish line.
“I can clean you up-”
“No, I need you please” She didn’t look up at me and I swore I heard her voice crack.
“How? How do you need me?” Replying in a hush close to hers.
Hesitated, “I don’t know.”
“What’s wrong?” Running through any possible mistakes I had made, maybe I should’ve resisted my own urges for her sake.
“I, just- I just need you.” Her tone now clearly a cracking dam of restrained tears.
I would’ve had a hand hold her cheek if one wasn’t supporting me and the other wasn’t covered in cum. So, I did the closest thing and nudged her nose.
“How baby? How do you need me?”
Her gaze diverted and clearing her throat, “I- this way, this. I need you to fuck me.” She lied, it was a shit attempt at the truth.
Well now I was completely puzzled, not following a single damn mixed signal. “I don’t think that’s it Els. What is it?”
And in just the second after I used her name tears seeped out. She quickly brought her free arm up to wipe the tears off with her palm, clearly attempting to halt it from accelerating. My brows furled at the sight below me, those were not the kind of tears I normally caused during sex.
“Please, please,” She pled desperately, “Can we do it again please? I need you to do it again.”
“Whoa, what is going on?” Going to pull away but her grip on my arm kept me locked. “Are you upset about this? Did I do something wrong?” I questioned, the only things that seemed like valid reasons. “Did I say something?”
The cries worsened, face reddening under the palm that frantically worked to clean her now flowing tears.
“Is that it? Did I say something wrong?” I mean, I had said plenty to her tonight between the party and here. “What was it?”
Finally letting go of my arm to cover her face in folded arms, now completely sobbing, sharp inhales, and her chest heaving.
“C’mon baby, can you please tell me what it is? I’m sorry for anything.” I didn’t know her cries could get any worse but now she could barely get a full breath in.
She visibly attempted to tame the tears enough to speak, “That.” She said simply.
“I- what?” Before the pieces fell together in a way I didn’t expect – I didn’t expect it to hurt so much either. “’Baby’?”
She fell apart again nodding beneath her arms.
“Oh, um, I’m sorry. Is it too much? Do you not like it? I can stop.”
She stilled, seemingly processing how to respond, maybe she didn’t even know. “Please just fuck me? Or something?” Her breathing steading just marginally enough to speak, “I don’t even have to cum just – something, anything.”
“Els, I’m not gonna – do anything – when you’re like this. You’re literally sobbing.” I felt like I was in some sort of twilight zone, like I was missing some key element. She just told me I did something wrong and now she’s begging me to fuck her?
‘I don’t even have to come’?
“I’m gonna need you to tell me what’s really wrong because, well, I can’t just sit here and watch you cry?”
She just kept, wailing. Pure, unbridled wails.
“I mean, if this is really about me saying ba-“
“Please Austin please.”
I had never heard someone begging for sex in such a sad way. It made absolutely no sense. “Elsie, I really don’t know what you want right now. I’m sorry for saying or doing whatever I did. But I need you to tell me what this is about, please.” All I wanted to do was make it better, hold her, stop her tears, whatever she needed, I wanted to give.
She took a long pause.
“If you fuck me, you’ll say it again.”
I took an equally as long pause just trying to wrap my head around her delicate words, “Okay, now you’ve really lost me.”
She turned her face completely away from me even though she was still hidden behind her arms. In a feeble voice, “I need you to fuck me, because you’ll say it again.”
“Say what again Els?”
Another pause with struggling inhales, “‘Baby’.”
Not what I was expecting but it was more confusing than anything else she could’ve said. “You only call me that when you want me.” Her words sliced through any fluff, any of the bullshit layers we had laid.
Well, duh. What, was I going to call her baby in front of her boyfriend? Or when we’re watching movies?
“Well – I mean – you know.” Stumped on what exactly was the correct response. “I, well, I just, you know.” Fumbling again, like I was trying to play football with a oil-coated ball.
“I well, uh,” What was I supposed to say? You have a fucking boyfriend? I shouldn’t be saying it in the first place. “I just didn’t know you liked it.”
“I know.” As to confirm my thoughts of how it wasn’t right, of how it didn’t make sense for me to say it and how she shouldn’t like it.
“Well, I’m not saying it to like- coerce you into anything. It’s not just because I want to, ya know, do what we did.”
“It’s not?” A sniffle as her weeping slowly began to decline. She knew I couldn’t answer it, I shouldn’t answer it. “I just- I don’t know,” Timidly pulling from her arms now looking up at me teary eyed, “I just like hearing it, I guess.”
Before I could even stop myself, “You like hearing it, or you like to hear me say it?”
Her watery greens rounded but just nodded, so feeble it was barely noticeable.
“Okay,” Finally regaining some control over the situation and realizing that I was still completely fucking nude, “How about this, I clean you up and get you into some comfy clothes?”
With a sniffle she gave me a silent ‘okay’.
“Uh, before I do anything, should I be worried about, ehm… him coming home?”
I fully expected her to shoot up in a panic, but she just shook her head, “No, he texted me he’s not coming home. He’s crashing there.”
Mhm, it had nothing to do with the girl he was with, right?
“Okay.” I made my way out of the mess of sheets and to her bathroom, cleaning myself off and slipping back into my boxers. Then brought a towel to the bed and climbed back in. I kneeled in front of her legs that had clamped back together, not moving any other way.
Trailing my hand up her leg, “C’mon baby, open up for me.”
Immediately I saw a slight glimmer in her now mostly dry eyes and then complied to me, timidly spreading open.
Any other time the sight of her still dripping and the toy still deep inside her would’ve stirred me again, but right now my priority was taking care of her.
I gently pulled the silicone from her core, coming out with a pop which caused her to blush all over again.
“Is it okay that I’m doing this?” I confirmed before actually touching her.
“Mhm.” Now hiding behind her hands again.
I brought the towel to her messy center and softly moved it down between her lips, making sure she was thoroughly cleaned up. “Does that feel okay?”
Then going to the dress, wiping off the excess of me that hadn’t yet dried onto the fabric. I tugged a bit on the scrunched dress at her hips, “You wanna take this off? I can get you some PJs and leave the room if you want?”
“Hmm,” She thought, “You can stay but, you have to close your eyes.”
“Okay.” I agreed quietly, pulling off the bed and going to her drawers. From the many drunken nights there I knew exactly which drawer held her PJs, second drawer on the left. I picked out an oversized shirt, one that seemed quite familiar, probably one that she stole from me and then paired with some fleece shorts. I set them on the bed and sat next to them on the edge facing the wall and shutting my eyes. “Alright, I’m not looking.”
I heard her shuffle around the bed struggling through the thick duvet, then an audible struggle and a defeated sigh. “I need help.”
I let out a quiet chuckle, “Of course you do.” I kept my eyes shut but motioned her to come towards me. “C’mere, I’ll keep ‘em closed.”
“Hmph.” She exhaled hard and shuffled her way over to me, the dress rippling across the wooden floor, “Okay, here.”
I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. My hands reached out blindly and met her full hips first, then wandered up her curves on a discovery mission. It was the first time my hands felt her this way without it being fueled by desires. A heavy knot fell into the pit of my belly, but it wasn’t sexual. I didn’t know what it was. It mimicked the feeling of picking up a product in a florescent lit mall, something you felt the instant need for, something perfect for you. Then you look at the price tag and the realization that it is completely out of your budget. Not that she was an object to me, god no. She was anything but an object to me. But she was out of my reach, something I couldn’t afford.
I wanted more than I could handle.
This intimate plight over her body outside of the sexual lens gave me a new view of her physique. The sightless wandering heightened my ability to discern parts of her figure I’d somehow missed, like the extra around her midsection. The part no doubt was what Nox ridiculed and made her embarrassed of, the part that she would stop in mirrors to body-check. The parts she frowned at, pulled baggy clothes over, the parts she hid. And yet they were the parts of her that drove me crazy.
My hands fumbled to find the zipper, causing her to let out a giggle. “C’mon now Aus, it’s not that hard.” A smile crept across my face and I chuckled back, finally finding the zipper and running both index fingers up the length of it. I kept a hand anchored to her side as I delicately unzipped the satin dress.
It was those moments, the giggles in between, it felt like us, normal us. Us meshed between those mistakes. Us meshed over intimate names and forbidden actions. Could we be us while touching the way that we do?
“Thanks.” She replied quietly, stepping forward and slipping the dress off. I could hear the rustling of her changing into the pajamas then pulling herself into bed. “You can open now.”
I let my eyelids open after what felt like an eternity. My gaze fell on her wrapped in her white duvet and gave her a tiny grin, “Ya know, I think you look better like that.”
Red peaked in her cheeks, “Shut up.” Then looking over at me with big eyes and I already knew what was coming, “I’m cold.”
I nodded and climbed across the king-sized mattress and met her under the covers, spooning her from behind. Out of pure reflex I wrapped an arm around her and out of sheer stupidity my hand found hers, intertwining between her fingers. A loud silence fell upon the room, like an elephant had suddenly made an appearance.
After a long bit of stillness came a barely audible, “Aus.”
And suddenly it felt like I was a little kid being caught in something against the rules, “Yeah?” I responded, nervous of what would follow.
She let a long pause pass, “What is this?” Her voice held a slight shake, sadness tainted through every word. “What are we doing?”
And just like that, she broke every silence compromise, every rule, shattering the close call clause. It dawned on me that I didn’t know the answer to that question. What were we doing? What did I want? What did I think would come from this? What ghost was I chasing and why?
“I-I,” I let out a sigh, “I don’t know.”
Her body wouldn’t have been more still, even her knuckles froze in time, “Do um- Do you like it?”
At first thought I questioned it, but how could I not? How could I possibly deny that?
“I think so - I think that’s quite obvious.” I answered simply. “You?”
“I think so.” She copied, her hand giving mine a gentle squeeze. I knew it was the champagne in her system talking, she’d never be brave enough to say any of that sober. That begged the question, did she mean it? And possibly, more importantly, would she remember? Would she remember my answers in the morning? Did I want her to?
I rested my forehead against her shoulder and placed a gentle kiss on her fabric covered skin.
“What does that mean?” She inquired another impossible and prohibited question.
I decided to act dense, the last thing I needed to do was misconstrue what she was insinuating, “What do you mean?”
“Like… for us. What does that mean for us?” I could practically hear her wincing from her own questions, bracing for impact.
“I’m…I’m not sure.” I answered honestly. I didn’t. She had Nox and now I had Aspen. “We’re friends… I guess.” The truth never tasted so vile in my mouth, it was like saying the sky was green.
She ever so slightly curled away from me, her face nuzzled into her pillow and from her lips came an even more vile truth. A truth so loud, so violent that rattled every molecule in my carcass. A verity that would obliterate every rule and null every close call clause.
“Friends don’t do the things we do Aus.”
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Next Chapter -> 27 - The First Close Call
Forever Winter Spotify Playlist -> ❄️
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Thank you for every like, reblog or comment, it means the world to me truly. I love hearing your thoughts and I'm glad you're liking my little story 💗
taglist: @cryingabtab @slowsweetlove @purejasmine @feverdreamcaoilainn @coloradohighs @iluvnerds69 @denised916 @julie181 @navsblog @centaine @golden-kiwis @michellelv (if you'd like to be added pls comment 💗)
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quinnxsocials · 4 months
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Chanel was just about to walk the path to her house until she heard Stu on the phone in a nearby alleyway talking to someone, she wasn’t nosey but something said to listen.
“I know Billy! It’s happening tonight. Don’t you fucking hurt Chanel I know I know don’t repeat it. She’s our final girl.” Stu said in the phone, “Mhm I have everything ready, and make sure to seduce Sidney. It’s our only chance to make this movie real! For us.” Stu exclaimed again happily. Chanel’s heart dropped, she ran into her house. Fuck this party, Chanel needed to save them. Chanel couldn’t let Sidney and Tatum die, but Billy and Stu were so attractive. They were so good to her, that’s when her doorbell rang. She went to check it and Stu was there, “Hey Chanel.” He said smiling, “Hi!” She replied, she had to act stupid and innocent. “You okay, saw you running.” Stu replied back and Chanel’s eyes widened but she kept her act “I’m okay.. uhm saw a skunk!” She smiled and looked at him nodding. He looked at her a bit confused but smiled, “See you at the party?” He said and Chanel nodded before shutting the door in his face and locking it before turning around and sighing. Now she had to go to the party, she quickly got dressed and realized that she could go to Tatum’s house to drive with them. She ran out and walked quickly to Tatum’s house and they let her in. “Hey you okay?” Tate said looking concerned, “look sexy tho.” She smirked. “I’m good just wanted to be with you guys.” Chanel replied nodding and Sidney came in “Oh Chanel, you’re here. Hi!” She smiled and hugged Chanel. “Yup! It is me!” They laughed and a few hours past of laughter and movies playing.
At the party Stu and Tatum were on the couch together and Billy and Sidney were going upstairs together to talk, Chanel decided to chill with Randy because why not? He was cool. “Hey Randy.” Chanel said smiling and sitting next to him, “Sup, Nelly.” Randy slurred in his words because he was drunk, “Real funny.” Chanel said smiling and watching the movie with everyone. “Here’s the last beer I have Chanel.” Stu said handing it to her , she smiled and didn’t drink it yet. “Hey Sidney!” Tatum said smiling, “Hey guys.” She replied , “Can you get us some more beer?” Stu said smiling, Sidney nodded and went into the garage, nobody noticed except Chanel that Stu signaled Tatum to follow her. That was weird, Chanel thought. After the movie finished Tatum came back, “Hey where’s Sid?” Chanel said tilting her head , “She was supposed to get us more beer, haven’t seen her. I was in the kitchen chatting with Billy” Tate replied. Chanel nodded and took a sip out of her beer that Stu gave her, suddenly she felt tired and dizzy. And she passed out a few minutes later..
When Chanel woke up it was a mess, everywhere. She didn’t even wanna find out, she knew what happened. Stu and Billy.. why? She ran outside and when she saw Sidney’s body in the window hanging she was horrified and screamed. “No. SIDNEY!” She cried and tried running to get help but Ghost face was there, chasing her. “FUCK YOU!” She cried and ran as fast as she could. And ghost face tackled her, “please!” she kept crying.. ghostface slashed her arm and she was bleeding a lot, she kneeled the masked man in the nuts and got up to run. But her wound that was reopened made her lose blood so she was lightheaded. She was a mess, blood on her face arm, clothes. As she ran she went back in the house and saw Billy fall down the stairs with blood on his shirt, he smelled sweet. And the blood was sticky, weird. She then saw Randy and Stu at the front door and they were both begging her to let one in. “CHANEL LET ME IN PLEASE RANDY KILLED SIDNEY!” Stu screamed and pleaded with Chanel, “I didn’t do it! Please Chanel.” Randy ran faster, Chanel knew Randy was innocent and let him in. “Stu’s gone mad!” Randy said as Billy shut the door and he turned around smirking with a gun, “We all go a little mad sometimes.” And he shot Randy. “BILLY NO WHAT THE FUCK?” Chanel screamed and tried to help Randy, she got up and Stu came from the side. “Stu! Help please!” Chanel cried out and held onto Stu, even though she knew he was a killer. Stu looked at Chanel and brought something to his face and smirked while speaking “Surprise Chanel.” She looked down and walked into the kitchen, she wasn’t afraid anymore. “Surprise ? Oops I knew ..” she smirked at both of them, but when another ghost face came out she was confused, “who’s that?” She titled her head Stu and Billy chuckled as the masked person ripped the mask off…
Chanel’s eyes widened and tears came out, Billy grabbed the voice changer and said “what’s the matter Chanel? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.” He smirked, and she looked back at Tatum. “you killed Sidney you bitch.” She screamed, “Like I said, girls can easily kill someone too.” Tatum said smirking at Chanel. “I hate you. All of you. I’ll never love crazy people like you.” She screamed at all of them. They just laughed, “We prefer the term psychotic.” Stu said giggling, “Let’s play a game Chanel!” He laughed, “ITS CALLED GUESS HOW IM GONNA DIE!” Billy chimed in, “FUCK YOU!” She screamed, “You’ll never get away with this you fucking lunatics.” She added on, “Tell that to Colton Weary.” Billy said smirking “We won’t kill ya sweetheart, just a joke.” Stu said laughing and Tatum was watching Chanel closely, then Billy brought out Sidney’s dad. Placed the knife and voice changer in his pocket and then left all the weapons with him, shot him and made it look like a suicide. But as he finished the police sirens were getting louder and louder, “fuck why are they here so early!” Tatum yelled with the gun in her hand and she brought her hands to her head in anger, “We gotta go boys!” She added on, “Don’t snitch Nelly, Billy will be back for you. You’re his final girl after all.” Stu said before leaving with Billy and Tatum. Shit.
Chanel hit herself with a vase on the head and passed out, she made it look like she was unconscious and hurt. But she was, Tatum was a backstabber and Stu and Billy were just there to have me as the final girl in this stupid film.
After Me and Billy just killed Casey and Steve we ran and when I got to my house Tatum was there unannounced, “Stu, what were you doing, why is there blood on you both.” Tatum said with fear in her eyes, “Tatum! It’s not what it looks like!” Stu exclaimed and looked at her, “No, it’s okay.” Tatum said smiling and looking up at him. “You don’t think I’m scary?” Stu said confused, “Scary? My god you’re divine.” Tatum said smiling. Billy looked at Stu and Tatum, “I wanna join, I wanna kill too.” Tatum said smirking, “Fine.” Stu and Billy both said in sync.
After they took some notes on the movies that would give them ideas Tatum was ready to become a new accomplice for them.
The next week there was a new girl next door from Tatum and while Tatum , Billy and Stu were walking past they saw her and knew that it would be there next victim. But after they attacked her, Billy couldn’t kill her. He tried, but it was too hard. Tatum and Stu didn’t judge and declared she’d be the final girl, the new plan was to get close to her as Tatum would approach her first and get more information. Then they would finish the killing spree and frame Sidney’s dad, Sidney would be the final girl originally but Billy fell in love with Chanel. And he chose her, instead.
Chanel was all over the news as the survivor of the Woodsboro massacre, she was famous now. She didn’t enjoy the fame and all she wanted was Billy back. And as all three of Tatum, Stu , And Billy’s bodies weren’t found Chanel had to fake a story and say they left before anything happened, and Sidney’s dad went crazy after the one year anniversary of his wife’s death. They believed her though, and as she lived her life she didn’t know Billy was watching her, and soon he would be back.
For his final girl.
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ronanceisintheair · 2 years
Nancy burst into a fit of coughs, she definitely added way too much seasoning, some might say that's not possible. Her watering eyes and searing throat said otherwise. Especially when they didn't seem to mesh well.
She hastily filled a glass with water, gulping down several mouthfuls without a breath in between.
But now that Nancy's throat was no longer severally aching she could focus on the hot tears that sprung to her eyes.
"Fuck!" She hissed, slamming the cup on the counter, not caring how the water sloshes a bit too much and splashes onto the counter.
"Nancy, what's with all the noise?" Karen enters the kitchen, and when she sees the tears in her daughter's eyes she's pulling her into a warm hug, "what is it sweetheart?"
Nancy took a deep breath, "I wanted to make a special dinner for Robin and surprise her after work...but I guess third times not the charm," she tried to laugh it off, it was probably foolish; crying over an unsuccessful cooking recipe.
But it wasn't about the food. It was about Robin.
"Cooking isn't easy, it takes a lot of trial and error. Just because you haven't gotten it right yet it yet doesn't mean you won't, Nancy."
Karen looked at the open cookbook, "sometimes you can be so hard on yourself, you know that? Why don't we start over? Figure it out together."
Nancy took a few deep breaths, her hands were sweating the whole drive to Robin's, several times she found herself wiping them on her skirt.
It wasn't perfect, not like her mother's own cooking, Nancy insisting her mother only Be a guide for her in the kitchen.
Afterall, this was supposed to be something special from her to Robin.
Nancy worried her lip as she got out of the car, slamming the door and rounding the vehicle so she could get the Tupperware from the passenger side.
She heard the gentle creak from the Buckley family home: a small quaint home with overgrown foliage, rusty debris in the yard, and most importantly her girlfriend standing in the doorway.
"Nancy," Robin greated face alight as she walked down the worn stairs, "I told you, you didn't have to cook." There was a gleam in Robin's eyes though, meeting Nancy at the car with her hands full.
"It was no big deal," Nancy laughed, though some of the falsification bled threw. "I had some help from my mom." She cleared her throat, pulling her eyes at from Robin.
"You're amazing," Robin closed the car door, "I can help carry something, my mom's not home, thankfully, so it's jus-"
Nancy could feel those hot tears at the back of her eyes again, pinching them shut,
"Rob, I tried my best...I really, really, did but if you don't like it we don't have to eat it." Nancy took in a shaky breath, opening her eyes once more, "we can just order pizza or something...I can drive and get you something you actually like...I just don't want to ruin tonight."
"Hey, hey...Princess," Robin's voice was gentle, one hand moving under Nancy's to support the food while the other wiped away a few tears Nancy couldn't keep from falling.
"It's okay, you could never, and I mean never ever, ruin my night or my day or my anything. Your mom is like a culinary mastermind but that shit isn't easy Nance. I love and appreciate that you did this for me, for us."
Robin took the Tupperware and placed it on the hood of the car, "come here. Come here," she pulled Nancy into a tight warm embrace, kissing the top of her head, "no tears. Not tonight. I love you Nancy Wheeler."
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hobaworld7 · 2 years
JJK • You're on your period
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Disclaimer : BTS don't belong to me, either does JungKook. That's how i imagine members in situation.
I'm a baby army so please stay nice in the comments and don't forget to gave me ida for futur post! Thank you and i hope you'll enjoy it.
_ _ _
It was a little past 11pm when you woke up in pain. Your period had started this morning and the cramps were so bad thats you had stayed in bed all day. You weren't able to find a comfortable position to sleep because every part of your body was hurting. You decided that a hot shower and some pain meds would be the greatest combo right now. When you got out of bed you saw a little stain of period blood on the sweatpants you borrowed and the sheet. 
'fuck fuck fuck' you sighed. 
You were staying at your bf's place for the weekend because he was out of town. You were watching his dog because he had a big show tonight. Even tho you've been together for a few months, staining your boyfriends sheet AND sweatpants was never nice. So you took them off the bed and start a laundry run so they could be clean for when he come home in the morning. Bam was sleeping on the floor, unbothered by all your emotions. Because you weren't just hurting from your period but your feelings were a thousand times stronger so you were crying because you felt so bad.  After taking a shower (and cry all the water out of your body) you put on some legging from your bag and a hoodie from your bf wardrobe and decided to go sleep on the couch so you didn't stain his mastress. You'll just make the bed in the morning, when you'll feel better. 
Except that the pain meds knock you out, and you wake-up on the couch, with JungKook hands on your forehead. 
'hey, what are you doing on the couch? is my bed not comfy enough? are you sick?' his soft voice murmured. 
And then your eyes filled up with tears. And you start to cry like a baby. Again. 
'No... I'm- I'm on my period, and i stain your sheet... I'm so sorry i must have felt asleep when they were in the dryer. I'm sorry Kook, I'll buy new one okay?' 
He took a deep breath, not to laugh about all those cru for what seems like nothing for him. He layed beside you and hug you with his strong arms. His hand stroking your hair.
'Hey babe, it's okay. It's human. It happens. Don't worry about the sheet okay? Do you need some pain meds or do you want to take a hot shower to ease your cramps? Something to eat?' 
You let out a little sniff, trying to ease the tears with some deep breaths. 
'I-I... I stain your sweatpants too. I'm sorryyy..' 
You couldn't be angry at the little laugh escaping his lips because, even tho you were crying. You know how stupid it was from you to cry over this. But the tears were just not ready to leave yet. 
He lowered his hand on your thighs amd felt your legging. 
'Babe, is it why you're aleeping with leggings on? It must not be comfy? You always had my clothes on when you're here. Let's go. Let's get you all freshen up and in my clothes. You'll be more comfy okay.' 
Seeing that you weren't moving from the couch, he just lift you, like the princess you were and bring you to the bathroom. 
'I'm really pathetic right?' A little laugh got out of your mouth. 
'I mean, i can't really understand how you feel but yes it's a little funny to see you like this. But it's okay, don't worry about the sheets or my clothes.' 
Kook smiled at you and kissed your forehead. 'Now go in the shower and i'll get you a hot towel and some comfy clothes okay?' 
Half an hour has past when you got out of the shower, all freshen up and feeling a little bit better. You uterus was still hurting and you're belly all bloated but some pain meds would do the trick for today. You put on the black sweatpants and the purple hoodie Kookie gave you and got out to find him in the kitchen, cooking some korean chicken porridge, the perfect meal when someone is sick. 
'So how about that, we eat and watch your favorite tvshow and after that cuddle all day long in my fresh clean bed with a little belly massage so you feel better?' 
You go in the kitchen and decided to hug him like a needy little koala. He lowered the heat from the stove top and turn to you so he can hug you. His arms goes around your shoulder and he kissed the top of your head.
'It sounds amazing.' You said. 
'Perfect, I love you my little bear' 
'I love you too Kookie'
If you want to read more, here is the link of my masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/kimtaehyung-taetae-writing/710423978560421888/masterlist?source=share
thank you army!
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theovergrowth · 2 years
(( drabble because I’m thinking about Titus when he was still a kid right after the Overgrowth cw death mention, murder mention, blood ))
This place sucked. It was disgusting, vile, dirty, selfish.
Buildings that were meant to stay long after nobody existed in them anymore. Between each building was a dark alley, full of garbage that was just asking for animals to choke or get stuck in. And don’t even get him started on money.
If you wanted to do anything, if you even wanted to eat or have shelter, you needed to use little coins and slips of paper that had value just because someone said they did.
This was what he was thinking as he stuffed his pockets with candy bars as the clerk wasn’t paying attention. That was another thing this place didn’t have: survival instincts. These people never noticed anything.
He walked out with no fight. Boring. This was so boring. He walked down the middle of the sidewalk, bumping into people as he went. If they said anything, they would find themselves tripping over grasping weeds in the sidewalk that hadn’t been there before (and yeah, sure, maybe he wasn’t supposed to be using his powers, but fuck it. Who cared? He sure didn’t).
On his way to wherever he was going (he wasn’t really sure), he spotted a cop car and ducked into an alley. Police didn’t like him; he couldn’t blame them. He knew what he did, they knew what he did. Many of the victims were their coworkers, friends, neighbors. And while the news hadn’t been released yet about him, a deal struck to keep him “safe”, the police all knew.
When did his vision get so blurry? When did he sit on the ground? Why was he crying?
Stupid, stupid, this town was doing something to him. It was infecting his brain with guilt and hatred.
When he wiped the tears from his eyes, he was being covered by weeds. They kept him sitting, kept him secure. One bunch went to his shoulder and squeezed, so he took a few deep breathes and patted them. They slunk away back into the ground. He stood, put his hood up and walked further down the alley to avoid the police.
“Hey bud,” one of his guardians voices rang from the kitchen as he walked in, “isn’t today a school day?”
He ignored him and quickly crawled up the stairs.
He entered his room and slammed the door behind him, slumping to the floor and burying his face in his knees. After a moment, he stood.
He hated this house. He hated these people. He hated this fucking town.
He hated himself for putting himself here. This place was only a reminder of everything he had done wrong, of everything he had destroyed.
Father would have known what to do. But all he had now was...
There was a burning in his soul now. A destructive flame deep in his very being.
He stared at his fist, covered in drywall, punched through the wall. He punched again and again until a warm stinging pooled on his knuckles.
There was a knock on the door. He locked it.
“Titus, is everything ok in there?”
They were quiet as they waited for an answer. He didn’t give one.
“I... know acclimating has been... hard for you,” they carefully spoke, as if they were afraid. They should be. “But... we all want you to know that we’re here for you. This is a safe place to talk, and we’re always willing to help in any way we can.”
After a bit more silence he heard their footsteps growing distant.
They couldn’t help. Nobody could help him. He was beyond saving. A lost cause. A monster wearing his fathers name and committing atrocities.
He was evil. He knew it. Everyone else knew it too, even if they pretended not to.
Tonight, he had court-mandated therapy. He was going to give them hell. Did they deserve it? No. Did he care?
No. Even if he did care, he would just shove that down and raise hell anyways. Maybe if he did, they would send him home. He could hope.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 10 months
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 40
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*Warning Adult Content*
A Costly Mistake
Over a thousand cuts later, Ghost continues to push Knox's patience to the limit by withholding the information needed to find Russell.
"You know this ends as soon as you tell me what I want to hear, right?"
Knox twists the blade deeper into Ghost's left knee, pulling another excruciating cry from the man.
"I know Russell is hiding out somewhere in a cabin and I also know you know where the fuck it is. So where the hell is it?"
"Does it really matter at this point?" Ghost pants, sweat and blood covering his face.
"You wouldn't be here if it didn't fucking matter," Knox retorts.
"Sure I would. You guys have been after me for a while now, right?"
Ghost spits blood at Knox's feet.
His arms are numb and his naked body is covered in gruesome bruises, various sized cuts, dried and fresh blood.
"I'm genuinely surprised it took you this long to catch me," he laughs. "Rookie mistake on my part. Something told me I was walking into a trap and my dumbass still showed up. That's what happens when you start to believe you're invincible."
"You talk and talk and talk but it's nothing that I want to fucking hear."
Knox removes the blade and jams it into Ghost's right knee, twisting fast and aggressively.
"What's the goddamn address to the cabin? We can do this all night, all day tomorrow and the next fucking day if you truly want to be a badass. I have nothing but time."
"Apparently, so do I."
Ghost laughs again but distress is written all over his face.
"I told you once before that I'm no fucking r-rat, so either kill me or go fuck yourself."
For hours, Ghost has been dangling in the center of the kill room looking like a broken puppet.
His arms are stretched painfully upward and his wrists are bound with something akin to barbed wire.
For him, at this point, breathing is about as painful as receiving a punch to the gut.
Every move he makes, his body pleads with him to give up and talk.
"I guess we're pulling an all-nighter."
Knox is more frustrated than he cares to admit but he doesn't let it show as he walks to the other end of the room to pick out a painful new toy to further mutilate Ghost's body with.
Part of him wants to take his time with tonight's torture session but the other part of him wants to hurry the fuck up and get it over with because he'd have more fun in bed with Everett.
In the midst of his browsing, the door to the kill room swings open and Mason enters with his familiar cocky grin.
A sign that can only mean good news lies ahead.
"Did you come here to help or to tell me something?" Knox questions.
"The latter."
"What's going on?"
"I just came from speaking to Gavin. He said you can kill Ghost because we got what we need," Mason tells Knox. "His most recent calls were from an unknown number, which I assumed belonged to Russell since I didn't see his contact saved in the phone. Long story short, I was able to trace Russell's burner phone to a cabin located in the middle of fucking nowhere."
"Thank fuck. This asshole was getting on my last damn nerve."
Knox, no longer thinking too deeply about it, picks up a screwdriver and a long kitchen knife. Simple yet effective with what he plans to accomplish.
"Any last words?" he asks Ghost while turning back around. "Because I can't stand to hear your voice for another second, so I'm cutting your tongue out first."
"That cabin is packed with more security than a federal prison. Your Pres is never getting that tape back," Ghost says, his voice having gone up a pitch. "Your best bet is to call Russell and make a deal. Agree to hand over the USB and the fucker who killed Shaun and I will convince Russell to bow out of this war and give you all the footage in exchange. Trust me, he'll listen to what I have to say."
"Speaking on behalf of my Pres and dead VP, The Fallen Angels ain't making no type of fucking deal with you shit-bags. And we sure all would never hand over one of our own," Knox snaps, offended. "A truce will never happen. The only way this war ends is by one side getting wiped out by the other and as it stands right now, you're on the losing team."
"Well, I'll uh..." Mason slowly backs out of the room. "...let you two get back to it."
After the door shuts behind Mason, Knox advances on Ghost.
He can see both fear and peace glistening in the man's eyes.
A small part of him can't help but be a little impressed by the man's bravery and unwillingness to fold under pressure and pain.
"I'll see you again in Hell," Ghost mutters. "Maybe we'll be a bit more cordial down there."
"I doubt it."
Knox's grip tightens on the screwdriver but before he can act, the startling burst of gunshots from outside interrupts the moment.
"What the fuck was that...?"
"Of course..." Ghost smirks. "Did you really think my people would give up that easily?"
"I'm going to kill you nice and slow when I get back," Knox mutters through clenched teeth.
His entire world narrows in an instant as his instincts kick in to protect Everett, his brothers and his home.
He drops his weapons and rushes out of the kill room to see his brothers running out of the clubhouse and toward the front yard with their guns drawn, a few of them barely dressed but still prepared to fight.
He's tempted to follow them until a heavy thud sounds from inside the kill room.
Cursing under his breath, he re-enters the room to find Ghost sitting on the ground, his hands nearly mangled after he ripped them free from their bindings, copious amounts of blood drips down his wrists onto the concrete floor.
The next moments are a blurred dance of danger and reflexes.
A darker, more reckless type of rage overtakes Knox as he charges forward to roughly fist a hand in Ghost's hair.
At the same time, Ghost grabs the knife and drives it up into Knox's stomach.
The attack happens in seconds, too quickly for Knox to have stopped it due to his mind being stuck on Everett and the gunfire that's growing louder outside.
Pain radiates through Knox's torso and he sways but stays on his feet courtesy of pure adrenaline.
With his guard back up, he wrenches the knife free and uses it to slice Ghost's throat.
He then stumbles back into one of the walls, pressing a hand to the wound as blood seeps between his trembling fingers.
It doesn't take long for the life to drain from Ghost's eyes, his body now completely still.
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