#Thomas Sanders dream
endermagpieart · 5 months
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What do you mean I’m a bit late for Janus’ big day? Of course not, how could you say such a thing! I definitely didn’t forget all about it in my absence and only get reminded in the incorrect quotes video live chat; that’s not like me at all ;]
Anyways I decided to dress our sassy snake in some different outfits I think he’d like. He seems like the type to get all dolled up on his birthday and it goes with Thomas posting pics in outfits inspired by the sides on their appreciation days!
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🐸 patt-on-the-back Follow
you're so cute, janus :)
⚕️hiss-teria Follow
sounds like a whole lot of projection to me but go off
🐸 patt-on-the-back Follow
🐸 patt-on-the-back Follow
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
There were two different Thomas Sanderses. Like it was the same guy, but there were two of them. And they broke into my house and did my makeup and threw things at each other.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 month
Virgil: You want the honest truth? *sigh* Okay fine.
Virgil: Sometimes I look around at all the guys and feel so…humbled that these nerds accepted me and chose me back. Like, genuinely, why? I’m just an idiot in a hoodie.
Virgil: But… I’m a happy idiot in a hoodie. I’m supported by the best sides in the world…
Roman: *calling from the other room* ARE YOU BEING NICE TO US IN THERE??
Roman: *offended Princey noises*
Virgil: Yeah, they’re alright
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the-fandom-nerds · 3 months
My orange side dreams (I've had 4)
A description of my multiple orange side dreams and some of my commentary on them.
The first one
I had this dream back in 2022. Logan was sitting in a closet looking into a mirror. But his reflection wasnt himself, it was Thomas with a scraggly beard, dirty grey hoodie, messy hair, etc. Logan was talking to him about backing off, the reflection was mocking him, and all of a sudden the reflection reaches out and pulls Logan into the mirror. He starts laughing evilly and takes on Logan's appearance, walking out of the mirror and out of the closet. The dream changes to me scrolling through the comment sections of youtube trying to look for theories about this video, when i find in the description for the video theres a single name: Julius.
What I find super funny about this dream was that, the original appearance is super similar to an old dark side OC I had before Remus was introduced. He represented procrastination.
The name Julius is also funny because I'm fairly certain my subconscious took it from the drink "orange Julius"
Also lmao me predicting Thomas having facial hair is wild, God damn 2022 Dazey.
The second one
Previously posted elsewhere on my tumblr, I'm basically copying and pasting the post here.
I had a dream that Thomas posted a sander sides video featuring Janus, Remus, and the orange side. The orange side had no defined appearance, he was constantly switching between looking like Patton, Virgil, and Logan.
Janus and Remus didn't like him. The orange side did things in the video that actually made REMUS feel disgusted. I wont describe how (info in the replies of the original post), but he was able to completely shut down other sides. He picked them off one by one and made them faint, disappear, etc...
You could tell by the end of the episode Janus was majorly unhappy but before he could do anything, the orange side rendered him unconscious and Thomas was left alone with him. The episode ended with the orange side laughing as the screen faded to black. The endcard featured Thomas announcing the next episode would come out in 2 years :) (ouch, the accuracy still hurts a bit)
The third one (short and sweet)
Orange side had this ability to influence other sides, like a temporary possession. He wore glasses, which let me tell you, I don't see many orange sides interpretations with glasses so this was just wild.
Despite the fact I know he wore glasses, he also didn't have a set appearance, like he was invisible. Similar to dream 2, he was constantly changing how he looked through this possession concept I brought up.
He was influencing Logan to lash out a lot. Weird huh *gestures vaguely to my complicated feelings to the wrath theory*
Different dream again, the final one
The orange side adopted the appearance and actions of my personal theory for what the orange side should be. Those who have read my orange side theories will already know what im about to say: He represented ignorance, his dark side animal was a bird (some sort of falcon or hawk), his name was Icarus. The entire dream (read: episode) was more or less about how the others fucking suck when it comes to addressing their issues. It felt like they were going in circles. Why did they have to constantly fight?
I've seen the arguments against my particular ignorance theory, saying it's basically just lying to yourself and we can't have two Deceits. But ignorance is more than just 'turning a blind eye.' It's purposefully ignoring new nformation to stay in a comfortable and familiar idea space. Most of the dream works from the angle of Logan not being listened to. The other sides ignorance is what makes Logan angry.
This means nothing but I feel like sharing. In this dream I got to meet Thomas and I asked him "so, Is the orange sides name icarus?" And he looked personally so offended that I guessed it.
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a-lonely-bat · 17 days
"Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow --
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe, A Dream Within A Dream
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2hd4me · 7 months
Would you guys be interested in me finishing this song? Would you guys be interested in more songs for this? I won't make any promises, but I do want to try to do more with this idea. Current Motifs - Virgil's Theme/Jester's Tear Trying Too Hard
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part-time-zombie · 3 months
Just had a sanders sides dream and I don't know what to make of it but oh boy was it something!
Ok so first off it did not take place in Thomas's apartment at all. I don't know exactly where it was but it was in some other building I don't recognize (potentially some artsy motel room several stories up or something, I don't really know).
Anyway, the dream seems to have picked up just as thomas and the main four sides were finishing their discussion, but by now logan and virgil had already taken their leave. By the looks of things it didn't go well. I remember patton looking at thomas and saying "you were my hero," and at first thomas look hopeful about being called a hero, but then patton corrects him. "You didnt hear me, I said /were/. Back then I always counted on you to do the good thing, to know what was right. Now, I don't even know what's good and right anymore. None of us are perfect here, thomas."
After patton and thomas talk this out, we see roman looking completely dejected. Instead of just sinking out, however, he just walks out of the room. He is then seen outside in the parking lot, getting on his motorcycle (!?) and driving off (with a white helmet and a cape with his logo on the back, looking stylish of course)
I have no idea what any of this means but I am fucking reeling rn
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I had a dream about the spooky gays babysitting my little brother together and I blame this blog
You're welcome for giving your dream brother the best spooky babysitters around <3 /light hearted
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shsl-fander · 4 months
Omg I realized I never posted more concert au art!! @spacedouterri
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spoondrifts · 11 months
i've been converted to thomceit not sorry. something about a totally normal guy who's in love with the metaphysical representation of his own self preservation instinct
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diamondwind99 · 24 days
don't mind me, just thinking about Roman and Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
Thomas Sanders and some random dude were having a singing competition and I could choose what Thomas said. In the middle of one of Thomas’ lines, Xiao from Genshin Impact hit me.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
All Sides: *all speaking over each other at once*
Logan: Everyone, one speaker at a time please...
All Sides: *continue bickering*
All Sides: *continue shouting*
Logan: ... well, since no one is listening, no one will hear about that sex dream I had about Remus…
All Sides:
Logan: Oh so NOW you guys have stopped talking? I hate you all.
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ageredukeceit · 2 months
Hi! This is Remus!
Hello!!! Am Janus!
This is our new blog where you can ask me or Jan Jan really anything!
But first here some tings bout us!
Me, Jan, and Logan are in a relationship and me and Lo are Dee's caregivers, but Logan didnt want to be apart of the blog for now!
The others do know about Jans regression and are alright with it, Virgil actually regresses too!
Wules for dis blog are weawy just be nice and no icky stuff!
Have fun asking us questions!
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naminethewriter · 9 months
What Dreams Are For - Masterpost
It is time for my biggest story yet, written for @sandersidesbigbang! Be prepared for a lot of confusion, angst and confrontations! Everyone has demons to face this time around and it's not going to be easy... I hope you follow along and enjoy what I cooked up this time 🤭
Summary: Dreams are weird. Especially when you’re metaphysical. There is a distinction between your own dreams and that of your whole. Even though Roman doesn't know at first that he's trapped in a dream, he does know that something is wrong upon waking in an unfamiliar room. He thinks he's in the Imagination but can't say for sure. Just what has he gotten caught up in?
Cast as the evil Prince and forced to act out the twisted storyline of Thomas’ dream, Roman, with help from Patton and Virgil, needs to figure out what is happening while constricted by what his hateful character would do and say which is not at all pleasant.
We dream for a reason. And as much as Roman likes to be the center of attention, this dream isn’t about him. Someone else is crying out for help.
Tags: platonic Dlampr, Intrulogical, Angst With a Happy Ending, Mystery Elements, Partial Mind Control, Sides are forced to stay in character which leads to some of them acting unsympathetically, mainly Patton and Roman
Story here on Ao3!
Chapter One: Wrong
Chapter Two: Rumors
Chapter Three: Unexpected Confrontation
Chapter Four: The Other Side
Chapter Five: Escalation
Chapter Six: Back To Normal?
This Story is currently on hiatus! I will return once more chapter have been written and are ready for posting.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Many thanks to my Betas @edupunkn00b and @starlocked01! You are wonderful 💙💚
Just as great are @failingatfailing and @wolfy-do-art-stuff who did a collaboration piece for this story that you can find here! It turned out superb, thank you so much 💖 💙 💜
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