#Thor who was ‘banished’ from the family half a year ago and has since moved into the dorms for half the time (for free: claims no housing)
worstloki · 1 year
now i want an au where thor and loki two brothers are forced into a fake sugar daddy - sugarbaby relationship because Thor's lie blew up and he has to save his reputation in college lol
Ok ok so AU where Thor gets his allowance scrapped bc he was irresponsible with it and then a while later Loki gets ‘disowned’ and his name is removed from the company due to scandalous adoption reasons (still living in the same house tho, the parents just don’t want to see him) so the next time Loki shows to pick Thor the brother status is arguable and it’s less explaining to go ‘this is my sugar daddy’ as a joke than ‘this is my younger half-brother who is also in the process of getting kicked out of the house but it hasn’t happened yet’
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the-devil-herself · 4 years
Never Enough - Chapter 2
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 2 DESCRIPTION: Certain mates of Jotuns receive soulmate marks on their bodies. What happens when Loki’s mark is found on a girl with immense power? RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS: Also available on AO3! The link is here as requested.  Please give me some feedback if you can, I love the inspiration it gives me. Also let me know if you want to be tagged! I’m going to post the first 22 chapters of this story over the next few days, and, hopefully, I will find my muse to write more.
TAGGED: @kneel-before-queen-loki
Present Day
Bang! Bang!
I let out a frustrated groan. I knew who it was. "I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled back. The banging only stopped for a minute before it began again.
Tony had been trying to get me out of my room all morning. He started this obnoxious banging since 5 am, and there was no way in hell I was actually waking up that early. The only thing I was told was that there was a "family meeting" happening soon. A lot of the Avengers would be back from missions so we needed to be prepared to start as soon as they returned. They still hadn't shown up, but I could tell they would be here soon.
Bang! Bang! Bang!!
Tony's knocks were getting louder. I quickly put on a pair of pants and opened the door to a very agitated billionaire. "What the hell Tony?" I exclaimed, walking right past him. I checked the clock in the kitchen and saw it was 7 am. "Tony," I groaned as I started making myself breakfast, "it is a weekend, and I had perfectly relaxing plans for sleeping all morning. What is so damn important?"
Tony crossed his arms over his chest and simply stood there. He maintained an annoyed and frustrated glare at me as I pulled out the bowls and spoons. I finally stopped what I was doing and stared back, but he wasn't moving. I threw my arms up. "Alright!" I gave up. "What is it?"
"Thank you for finally crawling out of your cave to join us, Dana," he snarked back. I ignored him, though, and focused on my cereal.
However, when I turned around and looked at the living room behind the kitchen counter, I saw why he was so pissed. All the Avengers were sitting on the couches, looking straight at me. I couldn't tell if they had been waiting for a while, but I prayed it wasn't long. Thor was seated by himself in one of Tony's comfortable chairs, grinning at me like always. No one else looked amused.
"Dana! We've been waiting for you," Thor greeted me. He was oblivious to the annoyance of the other members at my tardiness and came up to me for a huge hug. I held him tight, having missed him for all these years.
"What are you doing here?" I inquired incredulously.
Thor laughed and walked me over to the couches where the rest of the team sat. Everyone seemed to relax a bit more at seeing my reunion with Thor. "I'm here to see old friends, of course!"
I didn't believe him. "But I haven't seen you since..," I drifted off, knowing mentions of that day were probably still too raw for him,"..since New York."
Thor's eyes clouded for a moment. Regret, pain, mourning, and anger all passed through his face in a matter of seconds, but I still saw it. He caught himself and returned to his usual friendly smile. He responded, "It indeed has been way too long, but now it seems there are things we need to discuss. All of us."
I turned to the others, but they too seemed confused about what he was talking about. All except Tony. He just continued looking pissed, and I had a reason to suspect it wasn't just because of my stubborn behavior earlier. He refused to sit down, choosing to stand by the couch were Natasha and Steve sat quietly. He had been uncharacteristically silent during the whole interaction as well, which was always a cause for concern.
Bruce was the first to break the silence. "Thor, what's going on here?" he asked the question on all our minds.
Thor sighed and smiled at me one more time before beginning. "My... brother," he started, causing everyone to tense up, "has spent years in Asgardian prison."
"Where he belongs," Clint piped up. He was sitting on the floor at Nat's feet, exhausted from having just returned from a mission.
I shot Clint a glance warning him to be nice. Yes, Loki destroyed half of the city, but Thor still cared for him deeply.
Truth be told, I wasn't around when the battle was fought. I was tucked up with my family in a completely different state. We watched it all happen on TV like most others did, staying up all through the night to make sure the enemies were defeated. However, I did experience something weird then. Days before the battle, my secret mark began to burn again. Gradually, but enough to gain my attention. Then, when I saw Loki on the TV, my wrist began to burn again like it had in New Mexico. I had to excuse myself and place my arm in cold water for half an hour before it faded.
My mark hasn't burned like that since.
Thor gulped, dragging our attention back to him. "Yes, I understand, but it seems my mother has pleaded with the Allfather for these past years to give Loki a chance to... rehabilitate." Multiple scoffs were given from around the room. "Odin has agreed."
"You can't be serious?" Steve demanded. "He killed hundreds, destroyed half the city, and brought about an alien invasion that we're still cleaning up after!"
"Steve," Thor said quietly. "I know. But I cannot defy an order from Odin." Steve backed down. It had been clear since we met him that Thor's father was a king that was not to be disobeyed. With Thor's former banishing, we knew he meant business. "And he is also my brother. He got sucked in to evils beyond our understanding, but I can get him back. I can bring him back again."
"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" Nat questioned.
All eyes were on Thor.
He couldn't look at us back. Instead he gazed at the carpet. "Thor?" I pushed. "Where is Loki?"
Thor eyes turned soft when they found mine again. I could see that same sadness in him that I saw seven years ago. His life was completely different to what he had planned, and his family was torn apart. Finding out your parents lied to you about your brother's heritage for your whole life along with realizing that same brother wanted to kill you was probably taxing.
"It has been requested that he is sent here."
That's when the screaming started. Clint started shouting about how Loki should be dead for his crimes. Steve and Tony argued about whether this was even a plausible idea. Nat tried to calm Bruce down before he had an anxiety attack. Thor stayed silent.
As did I. I continued to sit there and look at Thor. He looked so resigned. His eyes were shut, not wanting to witness the scene before him. The stress had taken a toll on him, and he had no support left. I grabbed his hand and held it between mine, but he didn't move.
"He's a murderer!"
"He'll be dead the minute he steps foot on Earth anyways..."
"... Fury would never agree..."
The fights weren't stopping.
"Tony," I spoke firmly. Everyone stopped to peer at me. "Tony, we have to help Thor."
No response.
"Guys, we can't leave this for Thor to handle alone. The Avengers have a responsibility to protect this world, and maybe, giving Loki a chance to redeem himself is a way of protection. I mean look at what he did in New York. It took six of you to defeat him! He's powerful, he's clever, he has allies and enemies across the galaxy. We don't really want another attack coming from him, do we?"
Thor finally cracked a smile again, silently thanking me by holding my hand a bit tighter. He had needed help all these years, but he never asked. He was always helping us, but now it was time to help him.
Tony considered what I had said for a moment. Although, Clint did not budge. "Dana, you don't know this guy. He's pure evil. I killed friends because of him!"
I released Thor's hand and stood up from my seat. "Do not dare to assume I don't know this man," I snarled, "because you would be wrong. I have met him- in New Mexico. And I saw it all. He's a powerful being, and, guys, we need him as our ally now more than ever. We've been experiencing increases in alien attacks and supernatural occurrences ever since. We could use a magic-wielder like Loki on our team."
Clint and Nat still thought it was all nonsense, but it appeared that I had gotten through to Tony and Steve. Bruce was still cautious.
"She's right," Steve spoke up. "We need more help. Each day new alien tech is invented, and people are now getting access to advanced weapons that we can't outgun."
The whole team silently agreed with what he was saying, but Clint still looked furious. It was expected though, since Clint was the only team member to have been made to kill other agents by Loki's scepter. He had moved on and recovered, but we all knew how hard it was for him to even think about that day and what he did.
"Clint, my dear friend," Thor uttered. "Would you believe me if I said that you were not the only victim of manipulation that day?"
This was news to us. Clint's eyes softened a bit, but his muscles were still tense.
Thor continued, "Loki has admitted to us that he was not in control that day... that a mad Titan had tortured and exploited him for about a year before New York. The monster, Thanos, found him when he fell from the Bifrost."
I sat back down next to Thor, processing all this new information. Everybody was taught that Loki was a bad guy and nothing more, but now... this changes everything. He was being used.
Before anyone could respond, Thor muttered, "I've seen the scars.... He tells the truth."
Scars. I could only imagine what kind of physical and mental pain Loki must have been through to have been convinced to invade Earth. Especially when Loki was no mortal man, but a god who had been raised to endure massive amounts of pain.
"It's decided then," Steve said, getting a supportive nod from Tony. "He may come here."
"But!" Tony interrupted. "He gets one chance, Big Guy. He does something, says something, even thinks of something that harms or jeopardizes others, he is gone."
I could see Thor let out a big sigh of relief. A big portion of his tension and stress rolled off his body now that he finally had help in supporting his brother. No one else looked very happy about it, but we could all see it was what needed to be done. And that was that.
Loki was coming.
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anavantgardener · 3 years
Frost and Mischief Ch. 1
Summary: The first chapter in a Loki Laufeyson (MCU) fanfic. Elska’s introduction to the world of Asgard.
Pairing: OC x Loki
Warnings: death, prejudice
Word Count: 3,437
A Deal of Sorts
Odin never wanted Elska; the girl was half Frost Giant. Jotun blood, despicable. He saw her as just another conniving Devourer. He would have thought a Valkyrie would have chosen a more suitable man to fall in love with. Surely any Asgardian would have been better.
Elska's parents met on the battlefield during the war over Jotunheim many, many centuries ago. A Frost Giant and a Valkyrie, two beings that could not be more different. A lawless scoundrel and a Disir spirit of protection. Purely because he saw a gleam in her eyes, Elska's father saved her mother from a dagger through the heart. When he was struck with an arrow to the shoulder, she helped him to a cave, where they called for Heimdal to open the Bifrost. Miraculously, the all-seeing man complied and got them to safety, hiding them in the attic of a servant's house in the lower district of Asgard. He saw the change their future would bring.
Years later, after they had birthed a beautiful stormy-eyed baby girl, they were discovered. It was not long after that someone slipped them a potion meant to rot them from the inside out. Soon, the smell seeped through the walls of the attic. The servants sent word to the palace and Odin himself came to investigate, along with his wife, who wouldn't stay put even if he ordered her to.
The little girl, barely old enough to walk, sobbed in between her parents' blackened bodies. Curly auburn hair, tangled and matted, reached to her collar bones. Big, pale gray eyes stared into Frigga's as she knelt down, attempting to soothe the little one.
Frigga calmed the girl enough to convince her to tell them her name. Elska. Love. A sweet rarity, this little one.
Once Frigga showed her the slightest kindness, Elska latched her hand to hers, holding tight. Odin told his wife not to get too attached, he would be banishing the child back to Jotunheim as soon as he was able, but Frigga bid him otherwise. Take the child in, raise her as an Asgardian. Teach her their ways, their customs and traditions.
Odin complied, making a deal of sorts with Frigga; the child could stay in Asgard as long as she was a servant to the palace. She would wait on the royal family hand and foot. She would know her place, from now to the day she died.
Knowing this was her only chance, Frigga agreed with her husband. The goddess had some tricks up her sleeve, and she knew Elska was meant for something so much more.
"Elska, you will be late for the palace, you will," Eira called from the kitchen.
"I am coming, Eira," Elska replied, irritation present in her tone. The servant girl took one last look at herself in the mirror, willing herself to take on the Frost Giant for half a second. The icy blue tinge to her skin was there and gone within the blink of an eye.
"Elska!" Eira called again.
"Let a girl strap her sandals, will you?" Elska huffed, bending down to pick up her shoes.
Eira giggled at her friend, always cranky in the mornings. She prepared some bread and honey for her to eat on her way into the palace. It wasn't much, but it would keep her pleasant until the next meal.
Elska walked briskly through the doorway to the kitchen, grabbing the bundle of food from Eira.
"Thank you, I promise I will be home in time to cook dinner tonight," the girl promised her housemate. She had an unfortunate habit of dawdling on her returns from the palace.
The girls bid each other farewell and Elska started her early morning walk through the various districts of Asgard. Taking small bites of her breakfast, she watched as people milled about, preparing for the day's activities. As she did every morning, Elska wondered what sort of lives these people led, what complexities scattered across their lifetime. Were they family oriented? Did their time revolve around their position in the Realm Eternal?
This people watching continued until Elska arrived at the palace. Tucking the cloth used to wrap her bread into a pocket of her servant's apron, she straightened up before entering the grand double doors that led to the main hall. She stepped lightly as to avoid disturbing anyone she passed. Soon enough, she reached one of the maintenance chambers where she grabbed a cloth and a broom.
The path to the Royal Library was burned into Elska's memories, for she had been beginning her mornings by tidying that room for quite some time now. She considered herself lucky, being responsible for the care of the All-Father's family and favorite rooms. He made it clear from very early on it was meant to be a slap in the face, a point about her heinous parentage, but she didn't care. Working in the palace gave her special access to rooms most couldn't even dream of seeing.
Elska had been sneaking books from the Royal Library since she was a child. Using them to aid in her education of magic, sneaking around only became easier and easier. Stealing herbs and potions from the healing chambers had saved numerous servants she lived with in her dwelling.
Food was never something she had to worry about, though; the cooks and other palace staff had taken a liking to Elska. Many of them lived in the lower district as well, so they had watched her grow into the young woman she was today. She wove stories of adventure and terror and sorrow, all finishing with a happy ending. She entertained with her magic, and used it to help clean up sometimes when she finished her own chores early. Her homemade healing balms had helped a number of people in the lower district.
Elska arrived at the Royal Library in a short matter of minutes. Pushing the door open, she glanced around the vast room. Her eyes landed on the young Prince Loki, only mere decades older than herself.
"Good morning, my Prince," she curtsied, as was custom upon greeting royalty. The prince nodded, acknowledging her so she could continue with her duties.
Prince Loki was seemingly the only one to ever use the Royal Library (other than herself, of course). Cleaning the room was always quick. Wipe the tables, return any books that may have been left out. There was one desk that she never touched, though, and that was the prince's.
Research papers and books with marked pages scattered across Prince Loki's desk; Elska dare not touch one small thing. She had made that mistake once and he nearly had her head for it. Since then, they have had a cordial greeting every morning... A sort of "don't bother me, I won't bother you" agreement.
She quietly walked about the room, straightening up the desks, organizing the books that likely hadn't been touched in centuries.
The books Prince Loki did allow her to move and return, he always set on the desk adjacent to his. As Elska began shelving them, one title piqued her interest.
"The Magic of Telepathy," the binding read.
Well, Elska thought to herself. How nifty. She suppressed a smirk, making a mental note of where the book was shelved. She'd be returning for it later tonight.
The day felt like it was dragging by; it was only midday and Elska was struggling to stay focused. There was no reason for this inability to concentrate, she was just bored with her chores. When one does the same thing every single day, what else can you expect of them. It's quite close to the definition of insanity.
Servants and palace staff were always provided a midday meal of bread, cheese, and a few assorted slices of meat, along with a cup of tea. After picking up her meal, Elska went to sit with a few of the other servants.
Taking her seat, she was met with various head nods and greetings.
"Everybody doing well today?" she asked the group. Many were too distracted by their meal to answer, but a couple looked up: Vidarr, a young boy with bushy hair and copper eyes, and Ingemar, a blue-eyed woman about Elska's age, maybe a little older.
"Just fine, delightful even!" Vidarr beamed.
"What has you so giddy this afternoon, little one?" Ingemar giggled at the boy.
"The healers gave me a sweet for tidying the potion bottles so well," he replied. "And mother told me this morning father earned the money to buy all the ingredients for a cake!"
"My, that is grand news indeed, isn't it," Elska encouragingly nudged Vidarr.
The three continued on with their meal, chatting about their morning walk to the palace and the latest rumors that were spreading through the servants. Eventually, some of the others began chiming in.
"I did hear that the merchant district is dealing with some thievery," Nidhoggr, one of the older servants mentioned.
"Thievery is quite common in the merchant district, though, is it not?" Ingemar asked.
"Yes, but not like this," Nidhoggr put his bread down. "Petty theft of fruits and loaves of bread, a dress or a shirt every now and then, yes, but this is weapon theft. Like someone's building an army within Asgard. One separate from the All-father's army."
Glances of concern were being exchanged when Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three, Fandral, Hogun, and Volstag, came in with Prince Thor, Prince Loki following close behind. The servants and staff took this as their cue to clean up and ready the main hall for the midday feast prepared for the noble and royal Asgardians each day.
"We must be quite early," Prince Thor's booming voice filled the room, echoing. "The servants have not even finished their meal."
As the plates were being cleared of their remnants, Elska caught the eyes of Lady Sif, who gave her an apologetic look. The servants hadn't much food at home, and here they were, tossing out what they were given at the palace.
Elska gave her a reassuring nod; all was well, the servants would be okay. This was not an unusual happening for them. Guards and warriors quite often came in before the servants and staff were finished with their meal, and they were not so kind about being kept waiting.
Plates were cleaned off and new dish settings were placed. An assortment of meal options were set out in the centers of each table, fruit scattered throughout. To top it all off, cakes and other sweets were added to the immense pile of food. Finally, the servants and staff parted ways and went to their next respective job.
For Elska, it was her favorite part of the day: tidying up Queen Frigga's personal study. Oftentimes, the queen was in her study while Elska cleaned, and the two would have such interesting, pleasant conversations.
Elska had always been fond of the queen. Without her, she would probably be long dead. She was the very reason Odin agreed to let her stay in Asgard. Queen Frigga was always offering her tips on magic (Elska suspected she knew of her frequent book borrowing) and even shared her potion recipes with her. The first time Elska ever created a successful illusion of herself, it had been through encouragement from the queen in her study.
As Elska progressed in her studies, their conversations extended into lore and history of the Nine Realms. The stories that built this wonderful realm were quite beautifully epic. The way it came to be, the Tree of Life, the Apples of Idunn that keep the people of the Realm Eternal alive for millennia upon millennia.
In all probability, Elska most likely knew more of Asgard than most Asgardians did.
Perhaps it was not the conversation that caused the servant girl to appreciate Queen Frigga so, but that the queen seemed to treat her as an equal. As someone with worth, someone to be really seen and loved for who they were. Queen Frigga listened to Elska, and in many ways, the young woman saw her as a mother.
Today, Queen Frigga came into her study halfway through Elska's cleaning. A smile came to both women's faces upon seeing each other.
"Elska, my dear, how are you today?" the queen placed both hands on Elska's face, looking into her eyes as if they would answer for the girl.
"I am most well, my queen," Elska grinned. "And yourself, my queen? How do you fare this afternoon?"
"Very well indeed," she moved to sit in her reading chair. "Now, where were we?"
"I believe we were just getting into the history of Jotunheim," Elska's eyes fell to the floor, knowing this was her own heritage, a heritage that most Asgardians despised.
"Now, my dear, you most certainly have nothing to be ashamed of," the queen said, bidding the girl to sit in a chair across from her. "All realms have committed crimes. All realms have begun wars. Does that mean we should be held accountable for the sins of our ancestors? I think not. We can only learn from them, and that is what we are here doing, are we not."
Elska's eyes met the queen's, and any tension she felt melted away.
"We are, my queen," she replied.
"Now then," the queen smiled and continued. "Jotunheim, the world of giants. Jotunheim is also known as Utgard, which means?"
"Beyond the fence," Elska reached into her mind.
"Yes, referencing the concept inangard, inside the fence, and utangard," Queen Frigga stated matter-of-factly. "That which resides inside the fence is good, law-abiding, civil. That which lies beyond the fence is chaotic, evil, untamed."
The two spent the next hour or so delving into the beginnings of Jotunheim, and the ways the Tree of Life stretches through the realm. Elska heard of things she already knew, like eternal winter of the realm. She also learned new concepts, like the effects of Jotunheim on Midgard, which was situated between Asgard and Jotunheim. As such, the middle realms experienced effects of the other two realms, unbeknownst to Midgardians.
"I should finish my cleaning, my queen," Elska said, noticing the sundial by the window. She was already ten minutes late cleaning Odin's study.
"Of course, my dear," the queen stood and straightened out her deep purple gown. "We shall continue tomorrow."
The two bid each other a good rest of the evening before parting.
Elska continued her work, organizing quills, papers, books. She picked up a couple tea cups and saucers before heading to the kitchen to drop them off. Leaving the study, she started the walk across the palace, keeping her pace quick as to not be any later than she already was.
"Running late, are we?" the All-father didn't even glance up as Elska entered the room.
"My sincere apologies, All-father," she said, curtsying. "I became caught up with the queen and lost track of time."
"Do not blame my wife for your shortcomings," his tone was curt.
"Yes, my lord," Elska bit her tongue and got to work. How fitting that her favorite part of the day should be followed by her least favorite.
No matter how quickly she worked, her time in King Odin's study never failed to trudge by. The man never left the study, especially not when a girl with Jotun blood was in it.
Oh yes, Elska thought to herself. I would definitely wreck the study, seeing as I am the volatile one in this situation. She often wondered if he would ever see the prejudice ingrained into his own thought process.
On this evening, King Odin seemed especially irritable; crumpled papers scattered the ground around his desk, and his knuckles had gone snow white from his grip on the arms of his chair.
"My lord," she said softly. "Might I fetch you some tea for your stresses?"
"I am king of the Nine Realms, child," he snapped. "I know how to deal with my stresses on my own." He sneered as he spat the last bit.
Child. You would not refer to your own youngest son as a child, and yet he is barely older than myself.
"Of course, my lord," she said, head down. "My sincere apologies."
She continued cleaning the paper wads off the ground when the All-father cleared his throat.
"My lord?" she stood.
"Some tea would be nice," King Odin said, still refusing to look at Elska.
Curtsying, she took her leave, feeling the unease leave her body as she stepped into the hall. It was like a breath of fresh air.
"Feeling crushed by the overwhelming presence of my father?" Prince Loki was suddenly standing next to Elska, startling her.
"My prince!" she caught her breath. "I was not aware you were here."
"The palace is my home," he had a slight smirk. "As such, I am here quite often."
"Yes, my prince, of course," Elska curtsied before beginning her walk towards the kitchens. Prince Loki stood outside King Odin's study for a second before catching up to the young woman.
"He can be quite overbearing sometimes," he said, looking straight ahead. Was the prince trying to comfort her?
"I can assure you, I do not know what you mean," she said, lest she be caught in an act of disrespect. The youngest prince was known for trickery, and she refused to fall into a trap.
"Ah, yes, of course you don't," he said with a crooked grin. "I believe you do, but we can go with this. For now."
"The All-father is stressed, I simply offered to bring him some tea," was the prince always this fascinated with what the servants thought of his father?
"I shall accompany you to the kitchens, then," Prince Loki said, matching pace with her.
"This is quite unusual for you, my prince," Elska dared to sneak a glance at him. He was quite handsome, with dark hair, piercing green eyes, a striking jaw line.
Her glance, however, did not go unnoticed.
"I am making my way that way, anyway," he looked over to her. "And I rather think you are enjoying the company."
"One would be wise to enjoy the company of all," Elska grit her teeth, choosing to be polite and regretting her admiration of the prince's features. "It ensures we do not make too many enemies."
"Was that a warning, dear Elska?" he was toying with her now.
Always games with this one, she thought to herself.
"Not intentionally, my prince," she gave a cordial smile. "Such a thing would be considered vastly rude, I should say."
"And you could never find it in you to be rude," Prince Loki jokingly scoffed.
"But of course not," she smirked.
"Because stealing books from the Royal Library would not fall under the category of rude things to do," the prince returns his eyes to the hall in front of them as Elska's jaw dropped.
Stopped in her tracks, Prince Loki turned to face her, an eyebrow raised, hands behind his back. He had a look of expectation on his face.
"My dear prince," she nearly spat the words in his face as she marched up to him. "Not all of us have the same luxuries as royalty. Some of us can't afford books or education, let alone food or proper clothing. These are not things I would expect you to understand. As such, I will not bother to explain something to you that you will be utterly unable to fathom."
The prince's face fell, and Elska immediately regretted her words. It was not that she was afraid of the prince, but was afraid she might lose her position at the palace, or worse, in Asgard.
"My prince, you must forgive me for my outburst-" she began, but was interrupted.
"No, my lady, I am sorry," and with that, Prince Loki walked off in the other direction.
Elska was quite preoccupied throughout the remainder of her day, feeling a mix of confusion as to why the prince spoke to her and fear as to what his accusation (correct accusation) could lead to. Perhaps nothing would come of it, but now the god of mischief had information that could destroy what little reputation she had spent the past almost millennia building.
On this night, she decided against going back for the book.
During her walk home that night, her thoughts were too distracting for her to realize that it was snowing in Asgard. Needless to say, she made it home in time to make dinner.
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 years
So we ended up on a ‘rewatching Ragnarok level tonight’. I might double up and also watch Guardians of the Galaxy in bed to fall asleep tonight, but we’ll see.
I had a Day. And also I’ve been kind of nostalgic lately, for the period of time in between seeing Ragnarok and seeing Infinity War. It’s not really about the movies or fandom - I mean part of it is, but it’s way more about the emotional and professional place I was in in that time period. I was still in the coursework phase of graduate work (which is really the part I excel at and the part that made me happy), I was in really good shape, I had a lively and varied social life. I’ve just been in kind of a rut for the last year. I even find myself missing my old apartment which is sort of ridiculous. (The apartment itself was nice, but I had a roommate who I didn’t like and my current apartment feels much more mine.) It’s just all about how do I get that back? The feeling I had then. Where did it go? Why do I feel like this now?
I do have some actual real-life ideas of the why and how, but since those are like...long term things, my solution to that tonight was...rewatching Ragnarok XD
Thus, here are some thoughts:
- I do wish they’d slowed down the pacing of the first like...15 minutes a bit but that’s mostly because I would take a whole 2 hour movie of Thor and Loki sniping at each other. But I guess that’s what fanfiction’s for. ;-)
[also, if you’re asking me ‘but what would you cut to make that part longer’ the answer is just that comic strip of the dog being like ‘No cuts! Only more!’]
- there are a couple things where I’m like ‘@self, that would have been a rad detail to include, well, too late now.’ mostly the whole ‘knocking on the door of the Sanctum and then you’re just inside’ bit. That would have been rad to include, somewhere. Namely in the chapter of ‘bound at the end of the world’ where Thor and Steve go to visit Strange. Eh. Too late, oops.
- “Father, it’s us” THAT FEELS SIGNIFICANT EMOTIONALLY (more significant even than the ‘my sons’ line, which admittedly does get the good face reaction)
- I really need to make another running playlist with more of the Ragnarok score on it, this shit is great running music
- I’m really into the focus on euphemism on Sakaar. “People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate” Like that’s part of what makes it such fun dub con fodder, it’s all about the veneer of being okay and then you peel back the layers and it’s horrifying (similar to the thing I said earlier about how the Black Order doesn’t really scare me, but the Raft does). There’s that great moment that the writing engineers where you’re going along with it, and then trip into the horror. “People come from far and wide” *nodding along* “to unwillingly participate” *trip.* Dang. It’s really great that the writing can cause that drop in your stomach when you realize the dark truth behind the glamour. Dang.
- Loki also full body flinches away right when the Grandmaster interrupts his whispering with Thor. Every time, every fucking time I think I’ve gone too far, or read too much into things about Sakaar, canon just fucking does that...
(like I guess you can interpret it as surprised flinch, but with everything else...)
- also Hela says that Odin ‘banished me, caged me’ which is a nice callback to what Odin did to both Thor and Loki, in order
- also the chest touching ‘you’re not allowed to leave’ move, please canon, chill out a bit
- I 100% think earlier in the Hulk’s career on Sakaar, Thor doing the lullaby totally would have worked. Like, the Hulk had been there too long, he’d gotten too much control over Banner. (I’ve seen posts that are like ‘lol why did Thor think that would work’ and my two cents is the only reason it didn’t was because of the brutality of the arena and how long he’d been there)
- I do really like how clever and resourceful Thor is in this movie - contacting Heimdall, palming the controller off Valkyrie. I like smart Thor. :-)
- Loki and the Valkyrie’s fight. Still hot. Still makes me ship it. Enough said.
- and the visual effect of that flashback scene...iconic
- “I don’t want to fight your sister, that’s a family issue” I love how Bruce draws the line, like ‘I’ll fight your brother, but your sister...eh...’
- I would also take a lot more Thor and Bruce sniping, they are very entertaining. And like four full movies of Loki and the Valkyrie physically fighting. Just like. A lot of that. Yes.
- “...do you want revenge?” “Um, undecided.” Gold.
- god, the elevator scene. I can’t. “I should stay here.” “You’re right, you should stay here.” “TT_TT how could you think I should stay here?” Loki, you are a disaster. This scene is also probably the most honest scene they’ve ever had, through four films, and it’s like 80% lies and obfuscation, fuck
- ‘orgies and stuff’ CANON GO HOME YOU’RE DRUNK
- also, Thor and the Valkyrie fighting in sync. Also hot. Also makes me ship it. Hence the massively underrepresented OT3. (I think there are...12 Thor/Valkyrie/Loki fics on Ao3?)
- despite having not grown up with/interacted with her younger brothers until like two days ago, Hela really has the ‘get up, you’re in my seat’ delivery down pat. And it even works. (I only have like...a 70% success rate.)
- I hadn’t ever really caught that Hela calls herself ‘the savior of Asgard’ in her fight with Thor, I feel like that also has so much EMOTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE that then Loki is given that title a few minutes later
- Valkyrie’s wtf face when she realizes the Bruce Banner/Hulk thing is great
- Thor and Loki being Delighted With Each Other will always be the best part of the final battle
- another thing that contributes to what I think this movie does very well re: Thor and Loki’s relationship is all of their real conversations are like half conversations (the elevator scene being the major exception, which is more a conversation hidden beneath another one) - Thor doesn’t need to actually explain anything about Surtur’s crown and Ragnarok on the bridge - it’s this nice little half-said conversation that serves to prove that...they actually know each other, that they’ve grown up together, had all this experience together before it all fell apart. It’s part of what I really appreciate about their relationship here. Their relationship is so dramatic and fraught in the first three films they’ve appeared together in, which is beautiful in it’s own way (you all know I love me a good dramatic angst speech), but I think here we really see what foundation there is to lay the ground of a reconciled, renewed relationship.
- Thor’s little ‘what have I done?’ makes me SAD
- I’m still waiting on that fucking hug, Marvel. I will never stop waiting on that hug. I will keep fucking writing fanfiction where they hug, and cuddle, and kiss each other’s foreheads, and cheeks, and touch each other, even just little touches to the arm or back to get the other’s attention. I will keep writing fucking PLATONIC BEDSHARING until I get my GODDAMN HUG, Marvel, I swear I will!
- I wish I could like the comparison posts between the end of The Dark World Thor and Endgame Thor, but the problem is...I love his coronation at the end of Ragnarok so much (how quiet and unadorned and clearly supported by the people it is) that I just...can’t get behind having to rewind that arc. It was such a good one. From ‘I can’t be both king and a good man’ to ‘to be a good man in this moment means becoming king’ and the title and power don’t necessarily fit him perfectly but you get the sense that he can grow into it and make it his own, and honestly that’s probably a good thing, and that’s what makes it possible for him to be a good king...and I just...it was perfect. Having to do it a second time (because otherwise he’s just like.....giving up literally everything?) is just...ah. I don’t know.
So that’s it! We’ve reached the end! Clearly, the end in which Thanos arrives and things are bad but Thor and Loki both survive (and Heimdall, he survives too) and eventually they defeat Thanos and recover and build a life together ruling Asgard reborn OBVIOUSLY.
I’m really glad I did this. I think I rewatched Ragnarok in...April? Just before Endgame? But I definitely wasn’t paying attention, was doing something else (something somewhat unpleasant if memory serves) and stopped halfway through. This was fun, and helpful! (I think some of my voices and aesthetics had started slipping a little bit in writing. I should probably watch the other two Thor movies, and Infinity War again too, refresh the inspiration box in my brain.)
Okay! End movie night!
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ascottywrites · 5 years
Overwatch -- The Felicity Smoak List
In light of Emily Bett Rickards’ departure from Arrow here we are with a few of my favorite things. Happy Reading!! 
The Phoenix by SuperSillyAndDorky06 (Complete: 27/27| 126,939) --Bratva Oliver 
Felicity Smoak fell in love with the broody, intense Oliver Queen, Captain of the Russian Bratva, ages ago but he broke her heart. So, when the sudden marriage between them is arranged, she does not understand it and she does not want it. Except Oliver Queen is not only a harder man to live with than she realized, he also has no intention of letting her go. Mature content. Mild swearing. A lot of sexual tension. And you will want to punch Oliver at times. Kiss him at times ;)
A Code of Silence by OliversMuse (Complete: 34/34| 55,265) --Bratva Oliver  Oliver Queen is a boss of the Star City mafia when he meets and and falls in love with Star City socialite Felicity Smoak. While on their honeymoon their yacht goes down and they are presumed dead. Five years later they unexpectantly show back up alive and Oliver is now also a Captain in the Russian Bratva. As he fights to keep his territory he faces a resistance that will force him to show everyone just how far he will go to protect those he loves and Felicity to show what she will do to protect her family.
I Will Protect Her by beggsyboo (Complete: 22/22| 33,678) --Bratva Oliver  She required protection.
He needed a wife.
   So I’ve just got three Olicity stories and they’re all Bratva!Oliver meh. It’s probably because in fanfiction I ship Felicity with literally anyone other than Oliver (sorry Olicity die-hards). It could be because after a hint of it was introduced, the Arrow-verse canon made it a central piece of the storytelling. Or it could be a multitude of other reasons...let’s not look too deep into it. INSTEAD here are some alternate pair Felicity fics. Enjoy! 
Wait. What happened in Vegas?  by Ellabee15 (Complete: 30/30| 47,651)  Bruce and Felicity accidentally get married in Vegas.
A Bat Reaches for the Light by tdgal1 (wip: 13/?| 35,053) 
Oliver sleeps with Isabel and tells Felicity that nonsense. Felicity meets Bruce Wayne, Felicity decides that if Oliver wants no relationship that is what he will get. The first chapter is a summary but things will improve. This is for my good friend Vanessa.
Between a Bat and a Sharp Place by Ellabee15 (Complete: 28/28| 19,849) 
Beginning sometime after Oliver makes Felicity his EA this takes a different view of how season 2 might have gone. What if Felicity's family secrets were revealed? How will Oliver react to her being the daughter of a business rival. More importantly how does Tony Stark feel about the way the Arrow treats his daughter. Also Felicity has a history with...Batman?
Batlicity oneshots by  Ellabee15 (Complete: 20/20| 20,250) 
Felicity/Bruce Wayne one shots.
How Did We End Up Like This? by Wally_Birb (Complete: 15/15| 46,404) 
For half of a decade, Felicity's best friend was a billionaire vigilante with a dark past. No, not that one. What started out as what Felicity insists was a mistake resulted in one of the longest friendship Felicity had ever had. Long distance, of course, because Bruce Wayne wasn't exactly keen on Star City and Felicity wasn't a fan of smog.
When Felicity and Oliver break up, Felicity doesn't want to give up on making a difference. So, she turns to her best friend, looking for comfort (which he fails at giving spectacularly) and understanding (which he wouldn't be able to stop even if he wanted to). She quickly finds herself fitting in with the Batman and his little army of children.
+Clark Kent 
The Measure of a Hero by Ellabee15 (Complete: 22/22| 36,873) 
After the Glades fall strange things begin happening in Starling.
Man of Smoak, Man of Steel by Ellabee15 (Complete: 24/24| 24,604) 
After Felicity graduated from MIT she went to work for a while in Metropolis to set up the Daily Planet's new computer system...and got a little more than she bargained for. AU (Obviously) will feature Arrow story line later.
+Clint Barton 
Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune by Ellabee15 (Complete: 29/29| 44,465) 
Clint Barton gets tired of being compared to the Arrow and decides to set the record straight once and for all. The last thing he wanted was to get involved in the Arrow's mess. Felicity's struggling with Oliver's willingness to overlook Malcolm's past in order to defeat the League of Assassins. The last thing she needs is another stubborn archer in her life.
**This is followed by  Where We Stand 
Not Her Only Archer by Nartie327 (wip: 11/?| 11,844) 
What If Oliver wasn't the only archer Felicity knows? What if she had a whole secret life before she joined Team Arrow that no one knew about?
(Timeline: Arrow season 2 & The Avengers: Age of Ultron)
Maybe Next Time I can Buy You That Drink? by lailah (one-shot| 2,868)
“When the shirt was gone her eyes widened in surprise. His body was -- well amazing, it was all rock hard muscle and skin, so much glistening skin. Felicity couldn’t help but reach out and press her hands against him, feel what she was seeing to make sure it was real.”
**This is followed by  The Softer Side
Marry Me (buy me dinner first) by Wally_Birb (one-shot| 7,718) 
The one where Clint and Felicity sorta dive headfirst into this whole 'partners' thing and Clint realizes what the initials of Strike Team Delta spell out.
When Lightning Strikes by Ellabee15 (Complete: 20/20| 48,473) 
After being banished from Asgard, Thor crash lands outside of Starling.
Smoak or Stark? by laxit21 (wip: 58/?| 76,002) 
Howard Stark was a known adulterer. Roughly a week after he and his wife are killed in a car accident, their son Tony becomes aware of his younger sister, Felicity Smoak. How will events for both the Arrow and the Avengers change as a result of their sibling relationship?
(Canon divergence for both Arrow and the MCU)
Always Be My Thunder by Ellabee15 (Complete: 27/27| 62,582) 
Felicity is recruited by SHIELD to help with an impending disaster. A life altering accident forces her to make an extremely important decision which will forever change the dynamics of Team Arrow and those of the Asgardian court.
Lightning in her blood by Millie 1985 (Complete: 3/3| 3,848) 
Felicity is not what she seems, sure she is a sweet, quirky, genius who can always be relied upon to help save the day but she is also more than that. She has lightning in her blood and more than one mighty protector in her corner. Takes place after both Heir to the Demon and the second avenger film. Now a collection of one shots.
 +Steve Rogers 
I'll be your Soldier by Ellabee15 (Complete: 31/31| 54,121) 
 Felicity Smoak is kidnapped by the league of Assassins. Over the next 2 years a new Winter Soldier comes to the attention of Captain America. (This story begins at the beginning of season 3 in the Arrow timeline and after Captain America: The winter soldier in the Marvel universe.)
Rising Above The Ashes by Wally_Birb (wip: 9/?| 20,494) 
When Felicity Smoak was 19, SHIELD forced her to join their ranks to work off the crimes that the people closest to her committed with her super virus. Also when she was 19, a kill order went out that forced three of SHIELD's top agents to defect so that she could escape with her life. No one knows why exactly the order went out, but years later the answer comes while Felicity is hacking investigating SHIELD.
Of course, knowing why it happened? Well that just puts more of a bounty on her head.
Some Good In This World (Worth Fighting For) by Wally_Birb (one-shot| 10,960) 
Felicity blames Cisco, honestly. It's always Cisco's fault, so she figured that when she woke up in the 1940's after interrupting one of his experiments, it was a safe bet to think that it was all Cisco's fault.
His Best Girl by iluvaqt (Complete: 22/22| 100,696) 
Felicity moves to New York after the Glades collapse. A chance run-in at the Buy More with Steve Rogers, changes her world and sets her on a path of discovery that has been kept secret since before she was born.
Because I'm Worth It by lateVMlover (Complete: 10/10| 34,455) 
This is a crossover story that is set after season 2's Arrow finale. Felicity is Pepper's cousin and decides to go to New York to get away from her heartbreak from Oliver. This is NOT an Olicity story. It focuses on her meeting and falling for Captain America.
**This is followed by a few more installations  Black Meets Green  Protecting the Family  The Wedding ...Ya know, just in case you’re in need of a deeper look. 
+Johnny Storm 
Where there's Smoak there's Fire by Ellabee15 (Complete: 11/11| 14,043)
In the wake of Oliver's death Felicity is sent by Palmer Tech to oversee a deal with the Fantastic Four.
Above | Beneath by Vixx2pointOh (Complete: 6/6|23,990)
He was from the lost world beneath.
She was from the dry land above.
Or at least that's what they thought...
Expectations by NellyHarrison (one-shot| 6,562) 
The first time Felicity Smoak meets Arthur Curry does not go well, but as they continue to work together, and she continues to believe in his potential, their relationship evolves into something neither of them had expected.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Never Enough
TITLE: Never Enough CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 2  AUTHOR: the-devil-herself ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine finding out that your soulmate is Loki and your very first kiss is interrupted by Thor shouting “Yeeessss” RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 here
Present Day
 Bang! Bang!
 I let out a frustrated groan. I knew who it was. “I’ll be out in a minute!” I yelled back. The banging only stopped for a minute before it began again. 
 Tony had been trying to get me out of my room all morning. He started this obnoxious banging since 5 am, and there was no way in hell I was actually waking up that early. The only thing I was told was that there was a “family meeting” happening soon. A lot of the Avengers would be back from missions so we needed to be prepared to start as soon as they returned. They still hadn’t shown up, but I could tell they would be here soon. 
 Bang! Bang! Bang!!
 Tony’s knocks were getting louder. I quickly put on a pair of pants and opened the door to a very agitated billionaire. “What the hell Tony?” I exclaimed, walking right past him. I checked the clock in the kitchen and saw it was 7 am. “Tony,” I groaned as I started making myself breakfast, “it is a weekend, and I had perfectly relaxing plans for sleeping all morning. What is so damn important?”
 Tony crossed his arms over his chest and simply stood there. He maintained an annoyed and frustrated glare at me as I pulled out the bowls and spoons. I finally stopped what I was doing and stared back, but he wasn’t moving. I threw my arms up. “Alright!” I gave up. “What is it?”
“Thank you for finally crawling out of your cave to join us, Dana,” he snarked back. I ignored him, though, and focused on my cereal. 
However, when I turned around and looked at the living room behind the kitchen counter, I saw why he was so pissed. All the Avengers were sitting on the couches, looking straight at me. I couldn’t tell if they had been waiting for a while, but I prayed it wasn’t long. Thor was seated by himself in one of Tony’s comfortable chairs, grinning at me like always. No one else looked amused. 
“Dana! We’ve been waiting for you,” Thor greeted me. He was oblivious to the annoyance of the other members at my tardiness and came up to me for a huge hug. I held him tight, having missed him for all these years. 
“What are you doing here?” I inquired incredulously. 
Thor laughed and walked me over to the couches where the rest of the team sat. Everyone seemed to relax a bit more at seeing my reunion with Thor. “I’m here to see old friends, of course!”
I didn’t believe him. “But I haven’t seen you since..,” I drifted off, knowing mentions of that day were probably still too raw for him,“..since New York.”
Thor’s eyes clouded for a moment. Regret, pain, mourning, and anger all passed through his face in a matter of seconds, but I still saw it. He caught himself and returned to his usual friendly smile. He responded, “It indeed has been way too long, but now it seems there are things we need to discuss. All of us.”
I turned to the others, but they too seemed confused about what he was talking about. All except Tony. He just continued looking pissed, and I had a reason to suspect it wasn’t just because of my stubborn behavior earlier. He refused to sit down, choosing to stand by the couch were Natasha and Steve sat quietly. He had been uncharacteristically silent during the whole interaction as well, which was always a cause for concern.
Bruce was the first to break the silence. “Thor, what’s going on here?” he asked the question on all our minds. 
Thor sighed and smiled at me one more time before beginning. “My… brother,” he started, causing everyone to tense up, “has spent years in Asgardian prison.”
“Where he belongs,” Clint piped up. He was sitting on the floor at Nat’s feet, exhausted from having just returned from a mission. 
I shot Clint a glance warning him to be nice. Yes, Loki destroyed half of the city, but Thor still cared for him deeply. 
Truth be told, I wasn’t around when the battle was fought. I was tucked up with my family in a completely different state. We watched it all happen on TV like most others did, staying up all through the night to make sure the enemies were defeated. However, I did experience something weird then. Days before the battle, my secret mark began to burn again. Gradually, but enough to gain my attention. Then, when I saw Loki on the TV, my wrist began to burn again like it had in New Mexico. I had to excuse myself and place my arm in cold water for half an hour before it faded.
My mark hasn’t burned like that since. 
Thor gulped, dragging our attention back to him. “Yes, I understand, but it seems my mother has pleaded with the Allfather for these past years to give Loki a chance to… rehabilitate.” Multiple scoffs were given from around the room. “Odin has agreed.”
“You can’t be serious?” Steve demanded. “He killed hundreds, destroyed half the city, and brought about an alien invasion that we’re still cleaning up after!”
“Steve,” Thor said quietly. “I know. But I cannot defy an order from Odin.” Steve backed down. It had been clear since we met him that Thor’s father was a king that was not to be disobeyed. With Thor’s former banishing, we knew he meant business. “And he is also my brother. He got sucked in to evils beyond our understanding, but I can get him back. I can bring him back again.”
“How exactly do you plan on doing that?” Nat questioned. 
All eyes were on Thor. 
He couldn’t look at us back. Instead he gazed at the carpet. “Thor?” I pushed. “Where is Loki?”
Thor eyes turned soft when they found mine again. I could see that same sadness in him that I saw seven years ago. His life was completely different to what he had planned, and his family was torn apart. Finding out your parents lied to you about your brother’s heritage for your whole life along with realizing that same brother wanted to kill you was probably taxing. 
“It has been requested that he is sent here." 
That’s when the screaming started. Clint started shouting about how Loki should be dead for his crimes. Steve and Tony argued about whether this was even a plausible idea. Nat tried to calm Bruce down before he had an anxiety attack. Thor stayed silent.
As did I. I continued to sit there and look at Thor. He looked so resigned. His eyes were shut, not wanting to witness the scene before him. The stress had taken a toll on him, and he had no support left. I grabbed his hand and held it between mine, but he didn’t move. 
"He’s a murderer!”
“He’ll be dead the minute he steps foot on Earth anyways…”
“… Fury would never agree…”
The fights weren’t stopping.
“Tony,” I spoke firmly. Everyone stopped to peer at me. “Tony, we have to help Thor.”
No response. 
“Guys, we can’t leave this for Thor to handle alone. The Avengers have a responsibility to protect this world, and maybe, giving Loki a chance to redeem himself is a way of protection. I mean look at what he did in New York. It took six of you to defeat him! He’s powerful, he’s clever, he has allies and enemies across the galaxy. We don’t really want another attack coming from him, do we?”
 Thor finally cracked a smile again, silently thanking me by holding my hand a bit tighter. He had needed help all these years, but he never asked. He was always helping us, but now it was time to help him. 
Tony considered what I had said for a moment. Although, Clint did not budge. “Dana, you don’t know this guy. He’s pure evil. I killed friends because of him!”
I released Thor’s hand and stood up from my seat. “Do not dare to assume I don’t know this man,” I snarled, “because you would be wrong. I have met him- in New Mexico. And I saw it all. He’s a powerful being, and, guys, we need him as our ally now more than ever. We’ve been experiencing increases in alien attacks and supernatural occurrences ever since. We could use a magic-wielder like Loki on our team.”
Clint and Nat still thought it was all nonsense, but it appeared that I had gotten through to Tony and Steve. Bruce was still cautious. 
“She’s right,” Steve spoke up. “We need more help. Each day new alien tech is invented, and people are now getting access to advanced weapons that we can’t outgun.”
The whole team silently agreed with what he was saying, but Clint still looked furious. It was expected though, since Clint was the only team member to have been made to kill other agents by Loki’s scepter. He had moved on and recovered, but we all knew how hard it was for him to even think about that day and what he did.
“Clint, my dear friend,” Thor uttered. “Would you believe me if I said that you were not the only victim of manipulation that day?”
This was news to us. Clint’s eyes softened a bit, but his muscles were still tense. 
Thor continued, “Loki has admitted to us that he was not in control that day… that a mad Titan had tortured and exploited him for about a year before New York. The monster, Thanos, found him when he fell from the Bifrost.”
I sat back down next to Thor, processing all this new information. Everybody was taught that Loki was a bad guy and nothing more, but now… this changes everything. He was being used. 
Before anyone could respond, Thor muttered, “I’ve seen the scars…. He tells the truth." 
Scars. I could only imagine what kind of physical and mental pain Loki must have been through to have been convinced to invade Earth. Especially when Loki was no mortal man, but a god who had been raised to endure massive amounts of pain. 
"It’s decided then,” Steve said, getting a supportive nod from Tony. “He may come here.”
“But!” Tony interrupted. “He gets one chance, Big Guy. He does something, says something, even thinks of something that harms or jeopardizes others, he is gone.”
I could see Thor let out a big sigh of relief. A big portion of his tension and stress rolled off his body now that he finally had help in supporting his brother. No one else looked very happy about it, but we could all see it was what needed to be done. And that was that.
Loki was coming. 
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kouhadyne · 6 years
me infodumping abt marvel!wren and her infinite wren-ness cranked up to 12
(SO jsyk wren lives in Midtown’s basement in an old computer lab. she’s about a year below Peter but in some advanced classes (namely science and history but thats it.) so she like...vaguely knows him but loves michelle (u cant convince me otherwise wren wouldnt be head over heels for her + probs started calling her mj) so that’s a thing.)
anyway, the kossor bullshittery happens like...either after dark world but before civil war. alt hot take, after iw (as in, everyone is fine, nobody is dead. iw was just a fight over the last hot pocket, avengers are back together.) the fog rolls in every night across NYC and it gets bad enough that there’s a curfew in effect (but people are dumb and go in anyway) so wren (being a dumb person) goes into the fog. she thinks shes gonna die but instead turns into a funky little alien. she thinks she’s a mutant (she isn’t.) and has the power to transform based off chemical responses (half right.) what does she do? she becomes a fucking superhero that’s what.
so she’s running around, trying to fight in like, the worlds shittiest costume but a cool mask (she made everything herself. her mask looks like this and her costume looks like this just without the mecha arms) and wren’s like ‘oh i wish i could control my magic instead of only using it when im scared.’ and woosh, loki comes along like ‘i can help but i need a favor’ and she’s like ‘ya what u need strange green deer’ so loki’s like ‘i’ll teach u how to hide me on earth bcs i got some stank dudes on me’ and shes like ‘aight cool lets make that happen, im THE DARK MAGE; HEROINE EXTRAORDINAIRE whats ur name’ and hes like ‘yeah im loki and we gotta work on that name.’
so they’re doing their thing, wren destroying anything and everything while he teaches her to control her magic so it doesn’t hurt her anymore. all the while she’s explaining her life to him like ‘i met u two weeks ago do u wanna hear my life story’ ‘no’ ‘too bad im an amnesiac orphan and i live in a basement its cool but im also a very cool mutant whos a hero. very neat and cool but people keep trying to kill me’. also i should mention people are trying to kill her left and right bcs word of a perfect-amalgamated hybrid is being spread and an organization of anti-hybrid assholes known as CICADA are like ‘hey kill her and we’ll give u money’. all the bad guys are like “ooh money” or “that nasty halfbreed is going down murder time.” (she does not know shes a hybrid. oblivious baby.) 
so loki knows because he isn’t wren: local dumbass. and hes like “is it true ur a descendant of banished asgardians” and wren’s like “im asgardian? neat.” but eventually kossor shows up like “im here to kill the runaway experiment real quick, thanks.” and they fight! but he eventually paralyzes her with a spell only to spill the beans on what she is. turns out, she’s a project called “Warbreaker” whose essentially a natural hybrid with the fused soul of a general and a child soldier smushed into her body. wren, understandably is pissed to shit but can’t really do anything bcs she’s being strangled as her creepy..uncle? father? whispers to her. anyways she’s left to die for 12 hours (he thinks the paralyzer will kill her. it didnt it just kinda...paralyzed her body.) and she has a meltdown because shes alone and faced with the truth about who she is. she believed she had a family somewhere waiting for her to come home, even if she didn’t have parents but now she’s just a disgusting half-breed with a price tag on her head and a target on her back who cant do anything except die.
loki finds her once the fog lifts with the dawn and hes patching her up and she just starts...crying. she explains what she is and hes like ‘oh welcome to the club i got lied to too’ and they have a Moment of Bonding-ness over their shitty families and heritage. but she kinda takes a step back and asks ‘what am i fighting for’ and at this point, she just wants kossor to stop. shes now furious and on a path of vengance and loki’s like “u go baby”. so wren makes a call-out post in the form of a literal war call and theyre gonna duke it out babey!!!
and now they fight bcs wren’s like ‘idfc what i am, what ur doin is wrong asshat’ and kossors like ‘u again, lol perish thot’ and then they fight (its cooler than i make it sound, im sorry.) but it takes 6 hours and both are like, at the fucking brink and wren jsut sucker punches the shit outta him with some magic (namely the illusions loki briefly taught her). so now kossor’s dying on the floor and wren’s dying standing up and he’s like “im sorry i didnt mean to start a war i just wanted my sister back.” and wren’s like “maybe don’t take bribes from extremists then” (i imagine their final conversation to be either deeply moving and influential to wren’s character or just. this vine) but now with his death comes more problems but now wren is stronger than before (using her soul of literal chaos as a fuel for her magic was a good idea) and ready to fight to defend people bcs why not (justice. thats why.)
but two months later shes back up from her hyperthermia induced coma and she’s like “Shit my homework fuck and also loki” (loki has Vanished in loki fashion, aka thor is on earth). cps finds her again and puts her back in a home bcs they thought she was just caught in the fog. but she’s being dark mage, running round the city fighting criminals/alien bad guys trying to kill her but sooner or later she gets a call from the avengers/nick fury and hes like “hey u wanna do an interview” and shes like “yeah its not like ive dreamed of this moment since my childhood as a small 15-year-old i mean I Am An Adult, I Pay Taxes, I Drink The Al Col Hall.” so, like any good person, she lies about her age to join the avengers after an interview with fury and hill (where she just tells how she beat up kossor but lies about her age and who loki is bcs she doesnt go back on her promise of hiding him) so theyre like ‘cool ur in welcome to the avengers dude’
so she’s living in the tower/compound and for Dramatic Purposes (learned from someone) she never takes off her mask and never really...talks. Only on missions when her Serious Wren shows up. but the kinda break her little shell and shes just so quirky u cant help but get charmed. it isn’t really until a mission where they fight CICADA that they find out who she is (they single her out and go after her until she’s near-death and her mask is broken to fuck). she eventually explains everything in the medbay and its like “great, here’s a child with big PTSD and anxiety who lied about her age to join the avengers so she can live somewhere better than a basement, now what” so they argue about it and wren quietly sneaks/runs away. but big worm, here comes a terrifying winter soldier who stalked her to her little hideout. so shes like “i know when im not wanted and ill just go back to being a vigilante’ and hes like ‘hey ur good, kid they arent gonna kick u out.” so they have a Talk of Mutual Bonding and he gets her to come back so they can talk it out. stuff gets argued about and wren’s like “why not just...don’t say anything to fury. im doing this outta my own free will so none of u will get in trouble. plus im also not a kid bcs technically im 4 years old.” ‘that is not helping, Kujisela’ ‘call me wren its my name’. long story short, they agree to let her stay as long as Dark Mage still fights. (im a big slut for family dynamics so Hey + i feel like the supersoldiers start calling her plum bcs of her Purple-ness and it catches on)
so ye thanks for reading my TED Talk; i love Wren Ataxia Kujisela with all of my heart (pls just...talk to me abt her)
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