#Thorin tries to be a good parent
scary-grace · 3 months
☕️ feanorians 👀 i know you have thoughts...
I do indeed have thoughts about the Feanorians, and I will admit that some of my gripes with the Feanorians are gripes with their fans. But when I’ve read the Silmarillion, it seemed that a strong-ish argument could be made that the Feanorians are the villains of the story, not the tragic heroes. Sure, the initial sin is committed by Morgoth in murdering Finwe and stealing the Silmarils, both of which are inexcusable, but from that point on, the terrible things being done in the narrative are largely being done by the Feanorians to everybody else. And no one — absolutely no one — is compelling them to do it.
I like a good tragedy as much as the next person. To me, one of the key features of a tragedy is its inexorability— the smallest details and circumstances, all piling up on one another to force an outcome no one wanted, with no one able to stop it until it’s too late. The Feanorians as a group (and their plotlines) are missing that inexorability to me. Finwe’s ghost doesn’t appear to Feanor Hamlet’s-dad style to order him to seek vengeance. Feanor does it on his own, which means that destruction of his own family and the thousands of people who die over the course of the War for the Jewels (and subsequently the War of Wrath) are his responsibility. Nobody pushed him into it. He was warned against it by just about everyone. And yet, off he goes.
I referenced Hamlet in the above paragraph, but when I’m thinking of tragedy, I kind of revert back to the Ancient Greek tragedies — Oedipus Rex and the Oresteia. Oedipus does everything a hero is supposed to do, but events set in motion by a single decision that wasn’t even his to make create a catastrophe that he’s powerless to avert. Orestes, meanwhile, knows damn well why he shouldn’t kill his own mother. He knows what will happen to him if he does. But he’s compelled to anyway, by culture and by honor and by grief.
The cultural factor doesn’t exist for the Feanorians. There’s no precedent in Noldorin culture for what to do if your father is murdered, and there’s no commandment to drag your entire family down with you in a quest for revenge that’s doomed to fail. And the ignorance factor doesn’t exist, either. Every decision is squarely in Feanor’s (and later, his sons’) hands, and they have all the information they need to make choices that won’t result in three Kinslayings, five disastrous battles, one child-kidnapping, and an attempt at forcing marriage in a culture where consent is the entire ballgame. The Feanorians act with malice. They disregard their own people and their own allies. Morgoth doesn’t make them commit the massacre at Sirion (you know, the one that even the Feanorian fans can’t defend); that’s one hundred percent pure Feanorian initiative. That’s not the behavior of tragic heroes. Those are the actions of villains.
So my thoughts on the Feanorians are that if the Silmarillion is a tragedy, they’re the villains, not the heroes. If the Silmarillion is a fable, they’re the bad example. (Tolkien reinforces this in The Hobbit — I don’t think it’s an accident that Thorin goes berserk and tries to kill one of his closest allies over a big shiny rock.) If the Silmarillion is a history, their response to Morgoth is the architecture on which thousands of years of tragedy are built. However they got to where they are at the moment of Finwe’s death (the Valar yoinking them all from Middle-earth was a bad move), at the end of the day, they’re still the ones holding the sword.*
*(Part of my insistence on the Feanorians being the bad guys is a response to some corners of the fandom trying to exonerate them for absolutely everything by blaming their victims. I’ve seen people say the first Kinslaying was Olwe’s fault for not giving up the ships, that the second Kinslaying was Dior’s fault for not giving up the Silmaril his parents retrieved, that the third Kinslaying was Elwing’s fault for — existing, I guess. And that it was just so mean of Thingol not to immediately submit to the people who murdered his brother. Anything to get Maedhros and company off the hook.)
Thank you for the ask! Sorry if I rambled a bit — once I got into trying to actually articulate my problems, it got a little complicated.
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sonics-atelier · 3 months
~ ⋆♡ Bagginshield ~⋆♡
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ɮǟɢɢɨռֆɦɨɛʟɖ աɛɛӄ 2024
A Birthday Gift from the Blue Mountains - Day 1 Bilbo as Thain , When a handsome Dwarf comes to Bilbo's door asking him to visit his shop at the birthday celebrations who is Bilbo to deny him ? Cue flirting and fluff.
Ales and Adventures: The Tale of Thorin and Bilbo in the Shire - Day 2 Developing Relationship + Thorin in the Shire , Thorin adapts to life in the shire rather well, cue fluff and peace because that's what bagginshield deserve.
Marks of Fate: The Acorn and The Harp - Day 3 Soulmate Marks AU + Dwarf Culture Soulmate marks are a blessing from the gods themselves, thorin and bilbo are destined for each other, cue teasing and heartwarming fluff.
Whispers in the Library - Day 4 Bookshops and Libraries + Khuzdul Language Thorin Tries Teaching Bilbo Khuzdul and Bilbo proves to be quite the flatterer ( dealing with smaug paid off ) , sweet kisses are exchanged.
Braids and Bonds: A Tale of Love in Erebor - Day 5 Canon Divergence (general) + Hairbeads/Beads. Thorin Tries to Teach Bilbo how to braid his Hair and the cultural importance of the craft but Bilbo fails at it. Thorin being a good husband, Killi and Filli being Menaces as usual.
Blooms of Friendship: Thorin and Bilbo's Garden Challenge - Day 6 Single Parents/Uncles AU + Gardening. Mr Gamgee has a gardening competition, Thorin doesn't have a green thumb so frodo helps, cue fluff.
Shelter in the Storm - Day 7 Sky / Storms. It's raining in Erebor, Thorin and Bilbo reminisce about their past and how far they've come, fluff.
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- All works are licensed under @sonics-atelier 2024 , do not repost or reuse in any way , shape or form .
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Semi-Finals, Poll 2
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One Last Adventure v. Heart of the Mountain
One Last Adventure: (Post-Canon Adventure)
Honestly, Bilbo was only half listening to that part. He was much more interested in Thorin. He could hear the cadence of his voice though in Gimli’s story. It was enough to bring an ache to his heart. Just imagining those blue eyes again, those rough palms gripping Bilbo’s shoulder, his laugh that had been few and far between but worth more than any treasure. 
“And so he told us we would need a burglar, and he knew where the best one would be. That’s when he placed the acorn in my hand telling me it would be what would convince you.”
Bilbo’s hand tightened around the acorn in his pocket. Yes, that was certainly damning evidence. 
“So what happened then? Why didn’t he…why isn’t he going on this quest?” Bilbo asked softly.
Gimli shrugged. “He walked back down the other end of the tunnel and I went to chase after him, but he was gone.”
Bilbo’s brows furrowed. What did that mean?
“So then Gimli found us!” Gulrik jumped in. “And of course, we didn’t believe him. Thought he was dreaming the whole thing up. But we snuck down into the crypt and he’s gone!”
“Gone.” Bilbo repeated.
“The tomb was open and there was no body inside.” Brombrar explained.
Bilbo felt like his heart was leaving his chest. What more did he need than that to know that Thorin was alive? How? He still didn’t know. But if this was the only way for him to see him again and find out for himself…
“Alright, if I do this, we need to set some ground rules.” Bilbo demanded trying to ignore the way the three dwarves lit up. “First off, you are writing your father.” Bilbo stated pointing at Gimli. “And your parents if they are still around.” He told the other two.
Bilbo endured their whining and groaning at being ‘full grown adults’ but Bilbo was not about to budge in his decision. He’s already had to watch two very dear young dwarves die far before their prime. He would not go through that again with these three. Something ugly seized in his chest as he realized there was a chance this miracle didn’t extend to Fili and Kili, and he hadn’t once asked about them. He tried to tell himself that he couldn’t bear to know that there could be a world with Thorin Oakenshield but not his nephews. He knew the truth though. And it was a truth he would rather not speak of, lest he paint himself the selfish, miserable codger that he is. 
“Next, we are going to get help. If I’m remembering my map correctly, we will have to go right past Gundabad, and I doubt the orcs are any less active just because a few hundred thousand of them died in front of Erebor. In fact, I would think they would be more inclined to revenge, and that’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
“I’m not worried about any orcs, Master Baggins.” Brombrar declared, arms crossed against his chest proudly.
It was on the tip of his tongue to tell him that he should be, but honestly, Bilbo knew there was no point in arguing with an overhyped tween. He could already feel himself getting a headache. This was going to be a long trip. Just what was Thorin thinking? Why did he ask children to complete this task and not the company he knows and trusts? 
A rather alarmed thought passed through Bilbo’s mind at that point. What if Thorin was still goldsick? It would explain why he wouldn’t go to the company, and perhaps he disappeared to the treasury and that’s why they couldn’t find him? But it didn’t explain why he told them to find Bilbo. He would think if Thorin was still sick, the last person he would want involved was the Arkenstone thief. Bilbo just could not make any good sense out of this mess.
“Ered Luin is in the opposite direction, and Erebor won’t exactly be on our way so what do you suggest, Master Baggins?” Gulrik asked.
Bilbo blinked, having forgotten for a moment what they were talking about. Ah yes, help. A thought crossed through his head that he knew the dwarves would object to, but he did know someone nearby who might be willing to join them. 
“Leave that to me, lads.” Bilbo declared. “We definitely are going to be making a couple of stops though. How are you on supplies?” 
“We refilled while we were in Bree just a few days ago.” Gimli assured.
“Good. Then let’s finish up our luncheon and be on our way.”
Bilbo didn’t interrupt the cheerful and excited chatter from the three dwarves as they compared their quest to others before them. Namely, Thorin’s quest for Erebor. Bilbo had finished up quickly, and decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to grab a smoke while he had the chance. He was actually doing this. He was going back on another journey. Wiser, more world-weary, and definitely remembered his handkerchief. He smirked around the stem of his pipe. Bofur would be so proud.
“Master Baggins, would you tell us about the quest you went on?” Gimli pleaded.
Bilbo took a last lungful before stamping his pipe out on a rock.
“Haven’t you already heard the stories?”
“But we want to hear it from you!” Gulrik stated. “What was it like facing down Smaug?!”
“How did you get the company out of the Mirkwood prison?” Brombrar asked.
“How many orcs did you kill?” Gimli tacked on.
Bilbo shook his head. He could only imagine the wild stories his friends were telling about him in Erebor. He felt a pang of longing hit him square in the chest. He shouldn’t have waited so long to write. 
“Here now. We have a long journey. There is plenty of time to talk along the way, but the best stories start at the beginning.”
Heart of the Mountain: (Evil Arkenstone AU)
He would extend the generosity of the mountain to Dale and rebuild the men’s city as well. Renew their trading partners and allyships. He saw it all so clearly in his head. But now…Now he didn’t know what to do.
It was late afternoon by the time Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Oin made it to the mountain. To be honest, Fili didn’t know what to expect. He wanted to believe that their company was safe and sound, but going up against a dragon couldn’t have been easy. After all, they barely escaped with their lives as it was. If it hadn’t been for Kili’s elf…well, a lot would be different. So when they stepped through the gaping doorway, it was a bit unnerving to be met with silence. 
“It’s a big mountain. They could be anywhere.” Bofur marveled.
Fili had a hunch where they could be, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it just yet. They passed through a massive hall with a river of gold straight down its center which led them through the forges which led through to another passage, eventually finding the treasury. The golden light played on the green walls making them all gasp when they saw the treasure hold of Thror for the first time. There was enough gold to rebuild Erebor ten times over! And still have enough remaining to do trade. He couldn’t believe such a vast amount of riches could exist and yet there it was. And amongst it’s coins, looking like ants amongst the giant hills, was the remainder of their company. Fili felt a tightness in his chest ease as he counted to make sure all nine still stood.
“Hail! Thorin, son of Thrain, King Under the Mountain!” He called out.
The rest of the dwarves looked up, cheering at seeing them whole and hale. Bombur, Bifur, and Gloin all came running, but none nearly as fast as Thorin himself. He bounded up the stairs, immediately pulling Fili and Kili into his arms as soon as he got to them.
“My sister-sons! It is good to see you safe.” Thorin sighed.
Fili found himself relaxing in the hold. He didn’t know what he would be coming back to after the way they left things in Laketown. That, and his mother’s words for when they reached the mountain.
“Keep an eye on your uncle. I don’t trust the gold not to steal another family member of mine.”
“Are we still searching for the Arkenstone?” Kili asked.
“We found it.” Thorin frowned as he slowly revealed the glowing stone from his pocket.
Kili reached out for it, and Thorin pulled it back fast. Fast enough that it gave Fili pause. Kili merely pouted at not being able to touch the gem.
“I don’t want…” Thorin began before leaning into to speak to them. “Tell me, do you remember Bilbo?”
Who on Arda was Bilbo? Any relief Fili might have felt, immediately stiffened back up under the odd behavior of Thorin. Was this what he was supposed to look for? And what did he do if this was it?
“Bilbo…who?” Kili asked.
Rather than answer him, Thorin merely sighed and shook his head, looking off into the distance as if he were listening to someone before turning back to them. 
“How do you two recall the troll incident then?”
THE TROLL INCIDENT? Why was Thorin asking after that?! Fili was so out of his depth. He had no idea what Thorin was on about and it was starting to scare him.
“Well, Fili and I were in charge of watching the ponies.” Kili recounted. “Then we realized it was trolls and followed them to their camp. Then we went back to get the rest of you and…I charged in ahead for…some reason.”
Thorin’s eyes widened as he latched onto the hesitation. “What was the reason?” He demanded.
Kili shook his head. “I can’t remember. Must have been to save the ponies though, right?”
Thorin took a deep breath and released, disappointment clear in his eyes. 
“Right.” He mumbled.
“Anyways…” Fili decided to change the subject, still a bit perplexed. “If you have the Arkenstone, what is everyone looking for?”
Thorin shifted on his feet. “Something that…fits the Arkenstone.”
“Like a box?” Kili laughed. “We’ll leave it in your pocket for now. It can’t be that important, can it?”
“It’s more than just a box.” Thorin snapped, taking Fili and Kili both by surprise. “It’s like a…lock. And I have to have it.”
“Why is that, Uncle?” Fili asked softly.
Thorin gave him an exasperated look, his eyes swimming with frustration that Fili couldn’t understand. They had the mountain. Smaug was dead, and the Arkenstone in his possession. What could Thorin possibly have to be frustrated about? 
“You won’t understand until after we find it!” He declared before sweeping back towards the treasury.
Fili gave Kili a raised eyebrow with his brother merely shrugging in response. Thorin wasn’t making any sense. Fili didn’t know what it meant just yet, but he did know that the situation definitely deserved careful scrutiny. He watched Balin gaze after Thorin with a haunted expression. Yes, the sooner they could get Thorin out of this treasury, the better. 
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bookloover35 · 1 year
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Legolas Greenleaf X Fem reader- Skinchanger.
Legolas Pov:
War, with a very unhappy ending.
That's the only thing that will happen if we don't get more help.
But who?
Gandalf: I know one person who can help us win this war once and for all.
King Theoden: Who.
Gandalf began to tell us that seven years ago he met a young girl and a skinchanger and that they are still best friends to this day and apparently she saved his life and a very famous dwarf king Thorin Okenshield and his company.
He also told us that she managed to wrestle away 10 goblins who tried to chain her.
Legolas: I remember her.
King Theoden: But I thought all skinchangers were dead.
Gandalf: Not all there are some left out there but very few and she is one of them.
Aragon: Is she strong?
Gandalf: In her wolf form she is stronger than an entire army and in her normal human form she is stronger than a thousand men.
Also more he talked about her also more I remembered her, I never got the chance to talk to her but I definitely remember her strength.
I remember when she fought the white orc by herself.
Gandalf: And believe me when I say this she is also very good at hand on hand comebat, it also includes swords, archery and throwing knives.
Gimli: Gandalf, can you get her here?
Gandalf: of course i can.
Yns pov:
Run faster I have to save Gandalf that was all I could think of while in my wolf form, how lucky I am so much faster like this.
I'm not going to lose my oldest friend and someone who is a very dear family member.
I have known Gandalf ever since I was little he knew both my parents my mother was a very beautiful wood elf and my father was a Skinchanger.
Legolas Pov:
Yn: Gandalf in your message you said it was easy to find here luck that when I'm a Wolf my sense of smell becomes a thousand times stronger than normal.
We all turned towards the young woman's voice and as soon as I saw her all the memories came back her long red hair and her eyes which were two different colors.
(If the hair doesn't match you, you can think that she has the same hair color and length as you).
Her left eye was Silver and her right eye was purple wow she is beautiful.
The wizard and the wolf girl hugged each other and then Gandalf said.
Gandalf: Yn, thank you for being able to come and help us, I had actually planned to come and see you but this happened instead.
Yn: You are family, of course I would come and help.
They both then turned around and we all got a good look at her and she was dressed like she was ready to go into battle, she had black and blue armor.
Gandalf: King Theoden, let me introduce my dearest friend Yn Stormheart.
And Yn this is King Theoden, and the others are Aragon, Gimli and Legolas.
She waved slightly at us and said hello.
Then the questions started to be asked and then I mean there were a lot of questions and then we asked if she could show what she looks like as a Wolf.
She smiled at us and asked us to back off and before you could even blink she had transformed from being a young woman to a wolf the size of a full grown horse.
I have to admit that I am very impressed but one thing is for sure that I did not want to make her angry in this form, she looked at me and I could hear her voice in my head.
Yn: Are you impressed?
Legolas: Very, and I have a very good feeling that we will win this with your help.
The end.
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ravensliterature · 2 years
Poisoned Arrow Pt. II
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A/N: I have gotten a couple of requests to make a request to Poisoned Arrow so I decided to do so. 
Part 1
pairing: Thranduil x Reader
warnings: Nothing really
w/c: 2841
Prompt: Laketown has been destroyed by Smaug. What will the ramifications be? Your father (Thorin) is being overcome by dragon sickness and it appears a war is starting on your doorstep
Legolas had to see his parents kiss. Gross. Thranduil didn't care if you both got caught; he was just happy you were alive. You felt the poison and its effects leave your body quickly thanks to the elven healers Thranduil learned from. Everyone seemed to relax, knowing the orcs were currently gone and you were going to live. This moment was short-lived when a roar was heard from the sky.
Thranduil's eyes darted toward the sound, and his expression changed drastically as he ran from your side toward the entranceway. Legolas followed him without hesitation to see what was making the noise from above. A dark shadow covered the sun, and you heard the people of Laketown scream and the bells of the town began to ring. Your eyes widened as your heart pounded loudly in your chest; this couldn't be happening. Legolas looked on in horror while your husband had a face of dread. Smaug.
"Legolas, escort the dwarves and humans to a boat. Now!" Thranduil demanded before leaving with a swift nod toward his son who stood frozen. You tried to get up, but you fell back onto your bed and let out a groan at the pain radiating through your body from the lingering effects. There wasn't much time left, so you closed your eyes tight and prayed that everything would go smoothly for everyone. Thranduil picked you up bridal style, recognizing your inability to fully stand yet.
"Everyone, to the boat!" Legolas shouted, escorting the human children who were clinging to him. Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur followed swiftly after. Finally, you and Thranduil entered the boat before drifting off down the river in the hopes of escaping. The fire covered the town as the dragon took his anger out on the village. All you could do was pray for everyone else. For Thorin. For Bilbo. For the rest of the company.
You held onto Thranduil tightly with a grip like iron as you watched the city burn before turning your attention to Thranduil again. He was pale and shaky, with worry etched into his features, but his expression was set firm. The boat drifted further down the river, and you saw a screech from the sky. Smaug was falling into the town, and Bard could be seen on the bell tower with his bow. An arrow struck the dragon in the chest, causing it to stumble and fall forward toward the water. You watched helplessly as Smaug crashed into Lake Town. The ship rocked violently, sending your boat further down the river in a wave. Thranduil grasped onto you tightly while everyone else grabbed onto the boat.
It was early morning when the fishing boat you all fled to safety on reached the shore. Everyone was exhausted and in need of food. When you finally made it safely onto land, you were met with a town without a home as they surrounded you all. Bard's girls were reunited with him, and at this moment, you were able to walk normally again.
"Nin meleth, I need to see my father. I need to make sure he is alright," you said to your husband. He placed a hand on your cheek softly and gave you a sad look.
"I know, my love. I know you will not be able to rest until you finish this journey," he said, looking straight into your eyes. He pressed a soft kiss against your forehead. He knew better than to get in your way, especially when it comes to family. You pulled away and looked around, seeing nothing else but ruins, people, bodies, and ash.
"This isn't good..." you mumbled softly at the same time Legolas began walking toward your side. "Mirkwood has been notified of the state of Laketown and will be sending aid for these people," he explained. He looked over at you and gave you a nod.
"Good job, my son, we are very proud," Thranduil said, smiling brightly at Legolas.
"Thanks, Father," Legolas replied. You watched the exchange between the two of them and smiled. It warmed your heart to see such close ties between the two of them. Legolas moved over to you as you turned around and placed your arm around his shoulder. You smiled lightly and leaned your head on his shoulder. "I will see you when this is all over, my son," you whispered. He squeezed your arm gently.
"Of course, mother. We will meet soon," Legolas replied, leaning his head against yours.
You and Legolas broke apart as he left to help with any healing that he could, leaving you and Thranduil to your discussion once more.
"So, my dear wife... I think we should talk about something rather important right now," Thranduil said, placing a hand under your chin and raising your face to look him in the eye.
"What do you mean?" you asked, tilting your head slightly. He sighed softly and placed a gentle peck on your lips. His hand found its way into your hair and tangled your fingers together.
"You are still recovering from the injury, and you will be able to walk fine, but be careful," he answered, resting his forehead against yours. "I need you in one piece," he murmured, kissing your temple. You nodded in response and wrapped an arm around him. He slowly backed away from you and turned back around. The King was to return to ensure aid was brought to the people of Laketown.
You made your way over to Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur who were waiting. After making sure you had everything you needed, you began your climb up the mountain to the entrance of Erebor, where you grew up.
As you approached the gates of Erebor, you realized how much larger it looked compared to how you remembered. The stone towers looked tall and strong, though they were crumbling from age. But there was still something familiar to it. Like an old friend that you haven't seen in years but missed dearly. Your reminiscing was cut short when you realized the entranceway was destroyed by Smaug's leave. Were they all dead? Was your father alive? You all had the same thought as your casual walking pace turned into a sprint as you all entered the ancient kingdom.
"Hello!" Bofur yelled into the echoing halls, searching for anyone. No response came, and it only served to worry you and the others further. "Bifur!? Anybody!?" Bofur called, hoping someone might hear him. You glanced at Bofur worriedly as you all continued to walk. You decided that you all would continue to trek the halls until you found everyone. Alive or dead.
"Wait! Wait!" a voice rang through the mountain as you all walked down the stairs further into Erebor. You recognized that voice. "It's Bilbo!" Kili exclaimed. You smiled widely as you all ran towards him. You stopped running abruptly when you got to the hobbit.
"Stop! Stop!" Bilbo yelled. You all froze in fear, wondering what was wrong. He looked terrified, and his eyes were wide with panic. "You need to leave. We all need to leave," he breathed, trying to compose himself. You frowned in confusion as everyone stared at the hobbit. Why would he want to leave? Then it hit you... your father.
"We only just got here?" Bofur said in disbelief. You all stared at Bilbo in shock for a few moments, but you knew. You already knew. The dragon sickness was already in effect. "I have tried talking to him, but he won't listen. Thorin has been down there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself."
Without notice, Fili sprints down the stairs, catching the attention of everyone as you decide to follow suit.
You could feel the fear creeping inside of you as you all followed Fili through the maze of hallways, and you got closer to the room glowing with gold. You felt your heart stop when you saw Thorin in royal garb in a sea of gold coins. The sickness was too powerful, and it was already affecting his mind.
"Gold. Gold beyond measure," your father muttered as he stared at the coins before him. Your breath caught in your throat, and your knees buckled as you struggled to remain upright. You feared this the moment you set on this journey. You thought he was strong enough to resist it. Hoped that he was. "Beyond sorrow and grief. Behold the great treasure of Thror. Welcome, my daughter and sister's sons, to the Kingdom of Erebor!"
Your father raised a ruby, throwing it to Fili as he caught it. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as you looked at your father. Kili sensed your pain as he grabbed your elbow in an attempt to drag you away from the sight. "Let's find everyone else," he whispered. You let yourself be pulled away from the scene and back up the stairs with the others.
Everyone was alive, but your joy was short-lived as Thorin put you all to work in search of the Arkenstone. The valued treasure above all. While everyone was searching, you tried to find a moment to break away. You couldn't be a part of this. You made your way to a balcony on Erebor overlooking the burned town. All that death for a stone and the decline of your father. It wasn't worth it. You reclaimed your home but at the cost of this? Finally, the tears you had built up began to fall. Your tears were interrupted when you saw an army of elves walk upon Erebor. Leading them was your husband? What was going on? Were they here because of you? As you stood there trying desperately to control your emotions, your attention is drawn to the man you love. As you continue to stare you see a man riding on a horse riding further than the rest up to the gate. As he got closer into view, you saw a familiar lock of black hair. Bard? As you peered over the edge, a raven flew above your head. You assumed it was likely Thorin telling your aunt they had reclaimed the mountain.
You weren't the only one who saw him as you saw your father walk down below to greet your guest. He appeared at the door talking with Bard through a hole allowing them to see each other's faces.
"I'm listening," Thorin said looking over at Bard with furrowed brows. Bard took in a deep sigh. "On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so they can rebuild their lives."
Bard suggested. Thorin remained silent. "Please," Bard pleaded. Thorin sighed deeply before saying, "I will not trade with any man while an armed host lies before my door."
You could hear Bard scoff in frustration, "That armed host will attack this mountain if we do not come to terms." You were happy Thranduil was aiding the people, but he wouldn't attack you, all right? Would he?
"Your threats do not sway me," Thorin replied.
You could hear Bard curse under his breath, "What of your conscious? Does it not tell you our cause is just? My people offered you help and helped save your daughter's life. And in return, you brought upon them only ruin and death."
Thorin shook his head in disbelief. "Why do the men of Laketown only come to our aid when for the promise of rich reward."
"A bargain was struck!"
"Begone! Let our arrows fly!" Thorin roared.
Your gaze snapped up in horror. Arrows. They meant war.
You could hear Bard shouting out insults and promises of bloodshed as he ran off in the direction of the human camp with the elves following him. You watched in silence and shock as Thorin walked away from the door fuming. "He is gone..." You murmured to yourself as just peered over the patio scared to return to the rest. You wanted to believe that your father is still in there. That he hopefully won't start an all-out war. You continued to stare wondering what would happen next until you heard footsteps coming down the pathway of the patio. You followed the noise to see Bilbo hooking himself to the wall, yanking on the wall, and testing its strength.
"Bilbo? What are you doing?" you asked, stepping forward worriedly. "Are you alright?"
He nodded his head sadly "The dragon sickness has taken hold of your father. I am saving him." After his declaration, Bilbo held out a glittering jewel-like none you'd ever seen.
You gasped softly, "The Arkenstone." You moved toward Bilbo, examining it with curiosity, noticing the gems on its inner surface seemed to glow slightly brighter than the rest. "Where did you get this?"
"I found it. I planned to give it to your husband and Bard," Bilbo said.
"I'm coming with you."
"No," Bilbo stated firmly, and you frowned, confused. "Do you know how Thorin will react knowing his daughter betrayed him in this state? He'll kill you!" Bilbo warned.
"I have no intention of dying today," you said determined to go with him. "He would never hurt me."
"How do you know?" Bilbo questioned. You ignored the question as you stepped closer to the balcony and then pointed down, gesturing for him to climb down. Once at the bottom, you used his rope to climb down as well. You quickly climbed down to the ground and stood beside Bilbo. Both of you looked around to see if anyone saw you guys scale down the wall. When the coast appeared clear, you ran towards the human camp.
"Y/N..." Thranduil gasped as he stood up for his chair in the tent as you were escorted by Gandalf and Bard with Bilbo in tow. "Oh thank Valar you're safe," he said grabbing you tightly into a warm hug. You wrapped your arms tightly around him, burying your face into his chest. "I am safe, my love," you mumbled in relief. You pulled back from the embrace and looked into his blue orbs and smiled. His eyes shone, and his skin glowed as you both gazed at each other lovingly.
"What brings you both here?" Bard asked raising an eyebrow.
"We came to give you this," Bilbo said pulling the Arkenstone from his pocket. Thranduil's jaw nearly dropped as he watched the hobbit place the jewel on the table with Gandalf and Bard doing the same. There was silence. Everyone was staring at the jewel in shock as Bilbo spoke up, breaking the silence. "We both took it as our 14th share of the treasure."
"Why would you do this? The hobbit especially doesn't owe us any loyalty," Bard questioned.
"We are not doing it for you. I have grown very fond of them and Y/N and I will save them all if I can," Bilbo explained.
Gandalf looked at Bilbo, surprised by his words and nodded slowly, "If that is what you wish. But I hope your plan works," he told the hobbit.
"Me too," you mumbled. "Thank you for bringing us here, Master Baggins." You said smiling gratefully up at him. He grinned in response before leaving the room with Bard and Gandalf leaving you and your husband alone. You felt something brush against your cheek. Glancing down, Thranduil leaned down kissing you gently. "It is good to see you again, my love. I'm sorry it has come to this."
"So am I," you sighed as you stared at the beautiful jewel that lay on the table. "But why have you come? I thought you were only aiding the humans with food and supplies?" You inquired. "Food and supplies will not rebuild their homes, my dear. They need resources and your father made a promise. My army was only to act as a warning. I didn't think dragon sickness would take him this quickly."
"What are we going to do?" you asked.
"Tomorrow, I need you to stay here. If the sickness has truly claimed him, he will hurt you."
"No. Me being there will stop him from hurting you all."
He smiled sadly before leaning down once again placing another soft kiss on your lips. "Let us worry about this tomorrow. Tonight is mine to enjoy with my wife." With that, he kissed you tenderly once more. You allowed your eyes to close, allowing yourself the opportunity to relax for the first time since you arrived. You soon became lost in his touch and his scent. It reminded you of the times he would hold you and make you feel special and loved. It also reminded you how much you wanted to feel those things again. You pulled apart after a while and placed a small chaste kiss on his lips. "Will you stay with me tonight? Let us worry about tomorrow later."
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Part 1
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betyloca · 8 months
the bear and the jaguar
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Summary: You escape from a giant bear along with Thorin's company. What your host doesn't know is that you are a werejaguar.
warnings: despair / memories of death / anguish / everything softens in the end
You were waiting next to the company for Bilbo to return. You were standing next to Gandalf, he was an old friend of yours.
He had recommended you for Thorin's company as a hunter, rather you were not a hunter but a predator, well that's how you felt.
In the distance you began to hear some familiar footsteps. It was Bilbo who had returned. Everyone turned to see him, relieved.
Gandalf: Did they see you?
Bilbo: no but...
Gandalf: What did I tell you, discreetly like a mouse?
Everyone began to agree with Gandalf. You noticed that Bilbo wanted to say something.
y/n: *screaming* silence
everyone was silent watching you
y/n: Bilbo, what did you see?
Bilbo: I wanted to tell you that there is something there and it is very big.
You could smell that there was another aroma in the air like a bear
Gandalf: I wanted it to be shaped like a bear.
Bilbo: Yes... how do you know?
Gandalf: There is a house not far from here.
Thorin: Is he friend or foe?
Gandalf: Neither of them, but it's the only way out.
We were running, the orcs were chasing us and now a bear, we had been running for a couple of hours.
Y/N: Gandalf, how much longer?
Gandalf: not much longer
I was going to protest until I heard a roar. I looked back and saw a huge bear. He looked upset.
y/n: fuck
We began to run faster until the house became visible, several came to the entrance trying to enter.
Thorin: They will open the door
I was running until I heard someone shut up, when I turned around I saw it was Bofur, I was running to help him.
y/n: quickly get up
He immediately got up and ran, he knew he wouldn't make it to the door so he started to attract the bear's attention.
y/n: *whistling* hey big guy come get me
The girl turned to look at me but started running towards me "this is a bad idea" I thought.
bofur: not my lady
I saw that he turned to see me, he tried to run towards me, but Dwalin stopped him. I saw that the bear was starting to act. I made a sign to Dwalin to take him away, and I started running towards the forest.
I ran so much that my feet hurt. It had gotten dark, I was under a tree. There was no sign of the bear, but you could hear the grubs.
I walked stealthily until I got behind a bush. I hated the guargos and the orcs were monsters. I raised my hand to my cheek, touching the scratch scar. I began to remember the day my life changed.
I lived in the forest with my parents, they were good, very loving people. One day I asked my father to play in the forest and he told me to be careful.
When I went out to play, I didn't realize how late it was. When I tried to come back, I heard a sound and some grunting. When I turned around, I saw golden eyes looking at me. A huge jaguar pounced on me, scratching my face.
When I woke up I was in my house, my mother said that my father found me, my mother brought a healer to check, she told them that I had the werejaguar curse, it would transform me into a jaguar.
at some point and that it was dangerous to have me around.
My parents decided not to listen to him and it happened when I turned 17, I had no control over myself and I murdered my parents.
When I remembered that, I wondered, maybe the orcs and the guargos are not the only monsters.
I already controlled my transformation well thanks to Radagast who had found me and helped me control this power.
I started walking back to the house until I heard the sound of breaking branches I started to get closer I saw a man who was putting on a shirt he had long hair I was going to leave until I heard the sound of grunting he turned towards the sound seeing Suddenly I took off the coat I had on.
I had finished inspecting my territory so that I did not see orcs
I was in a bad mood, I know that when I got home there would be dwarves.
I was changing thinking about where that woman was, I didn't find her anywhere and if the orcs took her, I was remembering what she was like, she had golden eyes like those of an animal.
I began to feel that someone was watching me until I heard a growl I saw that a huge guargo came out of the shadows I put myself in defense it began to growl but I was about to transform until something pounced on the guargo I saw a jaguar was biting and scratching it until The guargo took him off of him. I saw that the jaguar stood in front of me while roaring at the guargo while the animal ran away from there.
I saw how the jaguar walked with a limp on one foot, it had a wound on one of its legs.
I knelt in front of him
Beorn: Come, I won't hurt you.
I saw how he growled at me and walked
beorn: how stubborn you are
I started to be sure until I saw her go behind a tree. I saw how she changed a woman, putting on a coat over her exposed skin. She turned to look at me.
x: what the hell do you see?
beorn: you are the woman who went with the dwarves
x: how do you know that?
Beorn: I'm a shapeshifter.
x: were you the bear?
I saw her get alert
Beorn: I won't hurt you.
x: why?
beorn: you saved me so you are not a danger
x: I'm not afraid of you
beorn: you're not like me
She looked at me and seemed to relax.
I saw this man. He seemed not to be afraid. It was strange to me that people are not afraid. When I told them, the dwarfs felt uncomfortable, but they accepted it.
y/n: what's your name?
x: beorn
y/n: I'm y/n
I saw how he smiled
beor: we should go back and heal that wound
We were walking side by side it made me feel small when we arrived I took him to his kitchen as I passed I could see how the dwarfs Bilbo and Gandalf were sleeping
I was happy that they were okay I saw Beorn walking towards me with some ointment for the wound.
beor:* sitting next to me* let's see, give me your arm
y/n: no, I do it
beorn: how stubborn you are
He said, taking my arm while he healed me. I looked at him, he had beautiful eyes. He looked up and I looked away, looking elsewhere.
Beorn: I'm done, wait here.
He got up and left, he started to inspect the house until he returned with a measure of clothes.
Beorn: You only have that coat so I brought you clothes.
I blushed when I remembered that I wasn't wearing anything under my coat.
y/n: thank you
I said taking the clothes.
beorn: behind there is a room you can change and sleep there
y/n: thank you big guy, rest
I said going into the room I could see a giant bed I sat on it and started to change my shirt it fit like a beast I put on my pants tying them with the belt of my coat I settled on the bed getting ready to get some sleep the pillows had their aroma began to fall into sleep while I thought about what would happen tomorrow
Would you like a second part?
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jjamjamm · 3 months
The Hobbit Masterlist
*I was formerly known as bluemountainsmajesty and plan to rewrite some of my orphaned fics on ao3. For now, I'm linking them below:
Domestic Oneshots Masterlist - A series of oneshots (with the occasional second or third part), focusing on domestic relationships and moments between you and members of the company. [33/33]
Comfort - Bilbo has a relaxing Valentine’s Day planned, starting with a nice bath.
More than Friends - A dear friend is visiting the Shire and Bilbo discovers he may want to be more than friends.
Alterations - Bofur means well, but is ill prepared when ordering a dress to surprise Y/N.
Cold Shoulder - Y/N feels ostracized and like she has intruded on dwarrow life, just by living in the mountain to be with Bofur. He finds a way to fix things.
Fixated - "If it’s not too much to ask you for a Bofur smut fic where he has a particular oral fixation so he goes down on the reader a lot? I’d like a gender neutral reader" nsfw
Mr. Sociable - “Are you jealous? Want me all to yourself, do you?"
Subtlety - Bofur wants to make a grand gesture for the woman he loves, and it gets a little Great Gatsby on him.
A Perfect Fit - “I’d like to ask for a Dori (hobbit) domestic fic please. I just don’t think he gets enough love. Maybe falling for a small dark-haired human running an orphanage? Cause that would channel all those great parenting instincts he has.” request
A Dream Come True - "Were you dreaming about me again?" w/ Dwalin - smut smut smut NSFW
Love Story - Dwalin is a bigger softie than he lets on.
Ode to my One - Dwalin's anniversary gift for his wife is both unexpected and endearing.
Suspenders - At the royal wedding, Dwalin has a wardrobe malfunction. Reader offers to lend a hand. Hints at some NSFW
They Gave Each Other a Pledge - Thorin's youngest sister is in a secret relationship with his best friend. All is well until he catches them together. NSFW
Confessions - “Fili feat. miscommunication, confessions, nearly missed chances (and more than a little bit of wine)” I want to say this was from a Fizzy writing event.
Dwarven Merchants - Fili x reader role switching au. The Durins are merchants from Erebor while Y/N is a distant relation to human royals. Fili doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for her. [incomplete series]
Enough is Enough - Thorin’s had enough of his nephew and his wife. Borderline NSFW
Lullabies - Learning to live under the mountain brings certain challenges, like getting used to falling asleep in complete and utter silence.
Not an Overreaction - Fili x reader where Dwalin’s daughter gets caught with her boyfriend. NSFW
Sugar Rush - Fili has a sweet surprise for his wife on Valentine’s Day.
Unveiled - Fili brings you to the Shire with him. Thorin thinks he’s being clever, spiting the wizard by asking you to join the company. He doesn’t know what’s coming.
Golden Years - The company finds out Y/N’s birth year and think she’s much older than she really is. Kili tries to fix the situation, not wanting her to hate him for his poor choice of words.
Meeting Again - Kili and Y/N reunite after their first meeting on the shore. She gets a bit of a surprise.
Nearly too Late - Y/N is about to return to Rohan, Kili panics.
Favorite Star - Nori is a bit of a dork on Valentine’s Day, but a dork in love.
Supply Run - Nori and Y/N get some supplies for the company, and Nori reaches a realization.
Anonymous - These letters just keep coming, it’s time to find out who the secret admirer is.
Into the Woods - “Reader from our world figures out how to survive for months in the wild. Encounters Ori and helps him, in turn asks Ori if you would come home with him. Maybe showing some of Dori’s and Nori’s influence in Ori’s actions towards you.” requested
For the Dancing and the Dreaming - Thorin proposing to the reader by singing the “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” from HTTYD. With the reader joining him as a duet - request
Light of Day - Winters in Erebor really take a toll on their human queen. Thorin has an idea on how to fix that.
Skyless Stars - I got inspired by a gifset of glowworms from Waitomo Caves in New Zealand -> I like to think there are caves deep in Erebor like this and lovers take strolls there. Maybe there’s a pool and they go for dips in this little hideaway- away from the others for a moment of peace and privacy, contemplation… or secret kisses with Thorin.
Take a Break - Thorin and his Queen were invited to Rivendell to speak with Lord Elrond. She sees it as a vacation and tries to get her husband to see it the same way.
Unwind - My first smutfic: Thorin’s wife has been getting stressed with her duties lately, he tries to help her relax. NSFW
Valentine’s Festival - Thorin organizes an entire festival for the person he loves.
Wounded Pride - Thorin’s one is hurt, his nephews are to blame, the wizard is gone, and apparently, he had been right about their campsite
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smoking-old-toby · 1 year
happy bagginshield firefly day!!
i've finished the first chapter of bilbo the half-elven, that i'm officially naming "swap hearts, i want yours beating in my chest" (2.7k) - special thanks to my betas @kittyhawk717 and @ilovemosss <3
it wasn't going to have a bagginshield firefly scene, but i added it as my contribution. you can read the scene beneath the cut if you don't wanna read the whole chapter
firefly scene
A small voice in the back of Bilbo's mind tells him that it could be different now, since the dwarrow only know what he tells them about hobbits. If Thorin wants to bed him, well, why should Bilbo pass that up?
Because he admires Thorin. He's so brave and determined, even if he can be rude and insufferable. If he didn't care about Thorin's opinion of him, maybe he could do it, but getting involved with Thorin would only make it worse if Thorin ever found out that Bilbo has elven blood.
Bilbo has to remember that.
And he does. Remember. Until Thorin finds him later that night. 
He is admiring the fireflies when he hears the thud of dwarven boots approaching from behind. Bilbo hopes it isn’t Thorin. Bilbo hopes it is Thorin. Clenching his hands into fists on his lap, he takes a deep breath.
“I know that I haven’t made a very good impression on you… but it seems something is weighing heavily on your mind. If you wanted to talk about it to someone, I would happily be that someone.”
Thorin’s sincere words bring tears to Bilbo’s eyes, and he is glad that Thorin is behind him.
No. He doesn’t want to talk about it. Doesn’t want to talk about the loss of kin he never knew.
“I- I don’t want to talk right now,” Bilbo whispers. He can hear Thorin start to retreat, but suddenly he realizes he doesn’t want that either! “But I could listen. Perhaps you could tell me something instead. Something good.”
Feeling rather than seeing Thorin sit beside him, Bilbo listens to Thorin speak about how he would sometimes sneak out of the mountain at night to see the fireflies. He’s trying to imagine a small version of Thorin sneaking past his parent’s chambers to get to the roof and he can’t help smiling. Did he ever take his siblings with him, or did he keep it secret?
“They’ve always enchanted me,” Thorin says in a soft, confiding tone, looking shy, which Bilbo finds terribly endearing. 
You enchant me Bilbo wants to say, but instead he asks, “What was it like, being raised as a future leader?”
Thorin is silent for a few moments. “It was… structured. When I wasn’t in weapons training or the forge, I was expected to be observing my father and grandfather.”
“What about your siblings?”
“The same was expected of them.” Thorin grins at him. “Dis will love you.”
Bilbo can do nothing but smile back when Thorin declares this with complete certainty. 
Thorin looks to the sky with a self-deprecating sigh, and when he lowers his eyes back to Bilbo, his smile is rueful. “This would be the perfect moment, I think, to give you a flower crown… but I was unsatisfied with my attempts.”
Mouth gaping, Bilbo tries to think how he should respond, but then both of their heads turn towards Gandalf and Lord Elrond.
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lucigoo · 6 months
#FFF245 - You Never Cared, Why Start Now?
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Pairing - Past Bilbo/Thorin Warnings - Suicide by fire, MCD Words - 752
Summary - It started with the fires burning through Erebor. It will end with the fires burning through Bag End. Prompt #245 @flashfictionfridayofficial A03 here
Bilbo looked around at his smial. It was empty, bereft of life. Even though he had gotten everything back, even though it was all in place, it was useless. This wasn’t his home. This wasn’t anyone’s home anymore.
His home was buried in a mountain. Still and silent. His chest no longer moving, his heart now longer beating, no longer able to love Bilbo.
And yes, Bilbo’s heart still beat, as sluggishly as it did so, but the tempo was all wrong. It was broken. Like the rest of him.
He sighed again as his cup of tea turned to ash in his mouth.
He had done his job as a burglar. He had done his duty as a free being of middle earth.
He had saved the dwarves of Erebor, got their home back, and then he had gone to Mordor and saved everyone else.
It was then, with the frantic knocking on his door, that he wondered WHY he had even bothered. Wondered if the small-minded beings he knew had even been worth saving.
Bilbo opened the door to, well, a mob. He looked out at his family and sighed. He didn’t have the energy for this, and he had warned them not to come too close to him. Until he felt better. If he ever felt better.
“What?” he asked sharply, exhausted already.
“You can’t stay in Bag End alone Bilbo,” the shrill voice of Lobelia called through, increasing the pounding in his head even more.
Bilbo couldn’t hold back his wince at her voice. He took a deep breath and looked at her, hand reaching behind the door for Sting, in case he needed to chase the group away. “I can, and I shall. I’m sick, Lobelia. Go away before the malice of Sauron infects you too,” he said.
He watched as the other hobbits muttered about him and his “stories” to one another, right in front of his face. Bilbo’s nose screwed up in disgust. What happened to at least pretending to have manners and talking behind people’s backs?.
“You’re not well Bilbo,” Lobelia said in a sickly sweet voice.
“I know I am unwell. I’ve just told you I’m sick. But it isn’t the kind of sickness you are insisting upon. My head and my marbles are fine. I also wrote a will before I left. It will stand and you will not get Bag End no matter what happens to me. Now go,” he ordered.
Lobelia stood there seething as she tried one last time with the hobbits backing her up. “Bilbo, I only care about your well being,” she started.
“Do not lie to me!” Bilbo roared. “You do not care. You never cared. Any of you. The few who did are not here. You only cared to get my home, my assets. Who cared when I was a faunt? Lost and alone? Who cared when I had to arrange my parents’ funeral alone? Who cared between then and now? None of you. You never cared. And now it is too late. Leave my smial!” he thundered before slamming the door shut and locking it for good measure.
Bilbo heard them leave, heard the grumblings. Heard how no one sane would deal with Mad Baggins. He was already dying, so what difference did it make how or when he died?
He waited for the evening and got everything ready. And then he dropped the torch. He waited in his living room, Sting in one hand, his mithril on his knee, Thorin’s travelling cloak around his shoulder and his map in front of him.
Bilbo then knelt with his favoured possessions around him as the fire soared, as the red flames spread. He held his acorn close and sent a prayer to Yavanna. He was already dying and his heart had been lost back in Erebor. His kith and kin despised him for being different. He had nothing left. His purpose, if he ever had one, was done. Now he just felt like an empty shell in the shape of a hobbit.
Maybe Yavanna would show him mercy and allow him to go to Thorin. Maybe they would have pity on one small, sad, lost little hobbit as he sat there and let the flames destroy him and his home.
In the morning, there was nothing left of Bag End or Bilbo, but ash and smoke. Bag End was gone and so was a remarkable hobbit who had managed to save everyone but himself.
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rucow · 2 years
fíli is such an interesting character to me
hes young, but so mature and responsible for his age, he gives me the impression that he had to mature early and probably didn't have much of a childhood
kíli told tauriel that he was escorting caravans a while ago, probably before he had even come of age, and if kíli was working at such an early age then fíli definitely was too, because they weren't born in wealth and royalty like their status suggests, they're the first generation of dwarves that come after the loss of everything their parents and grandparents had. the life in ered luin was the only life they knew, and im sure fíli worked hard since an early age to do everything he could to help his mother and uncle
hes a prince and should technically have good people skills, but he comes across more awkward than his little brother in his interactions with the other characters (have you seen his gestures? he never knows what to do with his hands😭)
he's genuine and honest to a fault and it backfired when he begged alfrid and the master for help for kíli, because he told them his brother was sick when he could've said injured or hurt instead, and maybe, MAYBE he would've received help then (this was also a complete opposite to how thorin used his status to sway the people of laketown to his side *ahem*via manipulation*ahem*, fíli did no such thing although he could have)
fíli's speech about belonging with his brother. we don't get a straightforward reasoning behind why most of the dwarves really joined the quest, other than supporting thorin, but what im sensing here is that fíli came along first and foremost in order to protect kíli, idk maybe kíli really really wanted to go on their uncle's quest and experience the world and live through many adventures, and fíli of course would have followed kíli anywhere, because he's his younger sibling and it's his responsibility to see him safe and sound. im sure fíli promised dís he would protect kíli, and he hasn't failed that promise. he protected kíli till his last breath
and speaking of which, im sure fíli knew he was walking into a trap when thorin sent him to scout the ravenhill tower in botfa. i found it odd that even though thorin told them both not to engage, the moment they heard a sound inside kíli was ready to rush in and *engage*, and that was when fíli stopped him and turned him the other way, the opposite way from danger. kíli probably didn't want to let thorin down, especially after he felt that he already let him down in laketown
i could talk endlessly about what a good and caring leader fíli would have made, with the way hes so protective not only of kili but of everyone else as well. when the orcs attacked them in laketown, he urged bard to take his children and go to safety, even though fíli was defenseless himself. then when bard was out of the picture fíli practically adopted his kids and did everything he could to keep them safe, without being asked to or anything, it just came naturally to him. we also see him wordlessly helping the other dwarves throughout the movies, such as when he was helping bombur up after the stone giants battle, idk it's a nice detail
rewatching the ramparts scene where thorin specifically tries to force fíli to kill bilbo, because fíli is his heir and must follow in his dragonsick footsteps no matter what, really hurts me the most i think. how fíli had to break from thorin's grasp when he ordered him a 2nd time to throw bilbo from the ramparts, and fíli's "no" when thorin tries to do it himself
during that scene we see fíli not taking his eyes off thorin at all. he gently pushes bilbo away from thorin and into bofur's arms all the while keeping his eyes on thorin, just in case. its such a small detail but it speaks so much of just how much of a protector fíli is, and i can't wrap my head around how young he was during all this
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Better Days ~ Chapter Four (was Human Touch)
A/N - I changed the title because I think this fits better. Sorry for any confusion. 😁
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, new to the history department at the high school, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin  x ofc Elena Madison
Characters: Frerin, Flynn, Maura, Jake, Elena, Alyssa
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 6.9k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Frerin yanked off the black mock turtleneck he’d just pulled over his head and hurled it toward the hamper. Christ, it’d been two decades since he’d had to worry about making a good impression on a first date and he’d forgotten what a pain in the ass it could be. And while this wasn't his first date since he and Toni split up, it was the first one where he was this concerned about making a good impression. The last time he’d had to worry about it, he was a cocky nineteen year old more concerned with figuring out how to get into Toni Francetti’s jeans than he was with making a good impression. 
Of course, he found his way into those Guess jeans and ten months later, he then found himself newly married, staring down at his newborn son, wondering just how the hell he was going to finish college and support a family at the same time. Toni wasn't supposed to get pregnant. They’d only been out a couple of times and he was seeing a couple of other girls on campus as well, and neither one of them had said anything about being exclusive. Never mind being young and stupid. Young and stupid and drunk at a frat party when they got carried away. But, her family had money and her father made it clear to him that walking away was not an option. So, thanks to Toni’s family, he was able to finish college, and medical school, while she stayed home first with Flynn, and then with Maura, and then finally with Jake. 
He was far from a perfect husband. School, residency, working his way to an attending position meant time away from home, away from the family. He’d come very close to having an affair with a charge nurse, but stopped it before it went beyond a steamy kiss in the parking deck. He’d come clean to Toni and they tried to salvage their relationship, deciding to try for their third and final child, but in the end, it was Toni’s affair with a boy only slightly older than Flynn that delivered the final blow. 
He had to admit, it was for the best for all of them. The kids were adapting to their new lives and with far less tension in the house, they were all better for it. If he was absolutely honest with himself, he and Toni never should have gotten married in the first place. They were too young. Too selfish. Too immature. 
Of course, at the same time, he wouldn’t trade those kids for anything. 
He sighed as he tugged open the door to the walk-in closet and flipped the light switch. The closet ran the length of the bedroom, and was almost a room in itself. When Toni still lived there, they divided it half but since she’d moved out, he’d taken it over and had more space than he really knew what to do with. Suits and trousers and shoes were on one side, more casual clothes on the other. He peered out the window overlooking the front yard to see it was snowing lightly. Maybe they’d have a white Christmas. It’d be the first one in years. He and Flynn spent the previous weekend putting out the Christmas lights, while Maura and Jake took care of decorating inside the house. They did their Christmas baking last weekend and they would spend Christmas Eve with him, but Christmas Day with their mother and he didn't want to think about that. It wasn't the first Christmas he wouldn’t see them, after all when he was an intern and then a resident, his schedule included nights, weekends, holidays. Now that he ran the department, he had a bit more say in his schedule, but he also made sure he pulled his fair share of crappy shifts along with the other docs on his service.
Frerin frowned as he flipped through the rack of button down shirts, then moved to the stack of cubes where he kept tee shirts and long-sleeved shirts neatly folded. He chose a black henley and tugged it over his head, then moved to the mirror in the middle of the closet. Better than the mock turtleneck by far. Why did he even still have those stupid mock turtlenecks? He never wore them. Toni’s mother bought them every Christmas for him and they remained folded and unworn all year long. 
He flipped off the light as he left the closet and closed the door behind him, then moved to the chair under the dormer window in the far corner to pull on his favorite pair of shoes—brown Doc Martens Crazy Horse boots. 
The kids were in the family room, and he paused in the doorway and just watched them—Flynn and Maura were watching The Mandalorian, Jake was doing his homework. “Okay, guys, behave. I’m heading out. Jake, Maur, Flynn’s in charge and don't give him any trouble.”
As Flynn offered up a smug smile, Frerin was quick to add, “And no abusing your power, or else I put Jake in charge next time.”
“Nice,” Jake said, offering up his best impression of an evil smile.
Maura looked over her shoulder at him. “Have fun on your date, Dad. Be careful.”
“It’s just dinner, I doubt I’m in any danger.”
“Still, be careful.”
“I will, Mom.”
That earned him a smile and she turned back to the television. “Have fun.”
“I will. I won’t be too late and I’ve got my cell on.” He lifted his jacket up from where it lay across the back of the sofa. “Jake, bed by nine.”
“Dad, can’t I stay up a little later?”
“No. Bed by nine.”
“I’ll see you guys later. Like I said, I won’t be too late.”
“Don't hurry on account of us,” Flynn told him with utter seriousness, “especially if she’s cute.”
“That’s enough.”
“He’s right, Dad. You have our permission to have fun.”
“What kind of fun can they have over dinner?” Jake asked.
“You’d be amazed,” Maura told him.
“Enough.” Frerin dug his keys from the jacket pocket, and moved to the front door. As he pulled the door shut behind him, it was as Jake was asking one of them to explain what kind of fun they meant.
A sigh touched his lips as he walked down to his car. In the year since he and Toni separated, Maura and Flynn seemed okay with the few dates he went on, but this was the first Jake really paid any attention to it. And while he’d been out a few times over the course of the last year, he hadn’t slept with any of the women he’d dated, and he had no intentions of bringing any women home to spend the night unless there was actually a possible future, and since that was something he was not looking for right now…
He sank into the leather seat and turned over the engine, then got the heat going. As he backed down the wide drive, he tried not think about how quiet the house would be in the coming days. He didn't like it when the kids were at their mother’s, when the house was too quiet for his liking. He and Toni had worked out visitation with only a little fighting, and while they’d been doing this since the summer, Frerin still wasn’t used to the silence that came with an empty house.
The only good thing was he’d be able to get his Christmas shopping done before his shift began Saturday. Of course, that meant he’d have to wrap everything, which he did not look forward to doing. He sucked at it and as a result, Toni usually wrapped everything but her own gifts. 
“I’ll worry about that Saturday,” he muttered as he eased to a stop at the end of their street and peered into the mirror. He scowled, raked his fingers through the dark hair that would be curly if only he’d let it. That was how he knew when he needed a hair cut, when it refused to lay in any way that wasn't bushy. “I should do like Thorin and just let it grow out.”
He was just pulling into traffic when his cell rang. Leda. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I’m sorry to bug you, Frerin,” she said. “And I hope I’m not calling at a bad time, but Andrea’s temp has gone up.”
He shifted into Drive. “What’s it gone up to?”
“One-oh-one and she’s really cranky.”
“She’s most likely uncomfortable from the fever. Have you given her anything?”
“Some Tylenol about half an hour ago.”
“Give it some time to work. Do you want me to come by and take a look at her?”
Leda hesitated. “Are you home?”
“On my way out, but it’s no problem to swing by.”
“Are you on call tonight?”
“No. Believe it or not, I’ve got a date.”
He grinned. “Yeah. But, she’ll probably understand if I call and tell her I’ll be a little late.”
“No, God, don't do that. I’ll give it another half hour or so and try her temp again.”
“Leda, it’s not a problem if—”
“No, Frerin, please don't change your plans. I know I’m just being a nervous mom, but—”
“Leda, it really won’t be a big deal. If it’ll give you some peace of mind, I’ll call Elena and tell her I’ll be a little late. She’s a mom herself. She’ll understand.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ll be there in just a few minutes.”
“Okay. But only if you’re sure.”
“Bye, Frerin.”
He grinned as the call disconnected and he pulled up Elena’s number, smiling as she said, “Hello?”
“Hi, Elena, it’s Frerin. Durin.”
“I know it’s you,” a smile came through in her voice, “your name comes up with your number, remember. What’s up?”
“Uh, I’m going to be a little late. My sister-in-law, the one with the twins, just called. Her daughter’s temperature’s gone up again so I told her I’d stop by. I know you were planing dinner for six, so if you want to do this another night, I’d understand.”
“I’ll keep a plate warmed for you.” She hesitated, then added, “Unless you’d rather do this another night.”
“Whichever is easiest for you. I don't usually do house calls, but it’s my brother’s kids, so—”
“No, you don't have to explain. Family comes first.” She cleared her throat. “So, if you still want to come by—”
“I do, Elena. It shouldn’t take me long.”
“Okay. Then swing by when you’re done. Unless it’s really late, that is.”
“It shouldn’t be. But, what do you consider really late?”
He grinned. “I won’t be that late. I promise you that. I’ll let you know if anything changes, but I think my niece just has a cold.”
“Take your time. Chicken isn’t going anywhere.”
“I’ll call you when I’m leaving Thorin’s, okay?”
“Sounds good. See you later, then.”
“You will.”
 She clicked off and he drummed his fingers lightly against the steering wheel as he made a left onto Willoughby and headed out toward Route Seven. Thorin and Leda lived on the northwestern side of Sidleburg, in a dark gray Victorian with Pacific blue trim on three acres of land. A silver Honda Accord and a white Jeep Grand Cherokee sat in the driveway, with Thorin’s antique Mustang most likely in the detached garage, and he eased to a stop behind the Jeep. Snow began falling as he climbed out and made his way up to the wide, wraparound porch. 
Leda must have been watching for him, for the door opened before he could even reach for the doorbell. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, with dark circles smudging beneath them. She wore no makeup and her long blonde hair looked like she had a permanent case of bedhead. “Hey, Frerin, thank you so much.”
“No problem, Leda.” He stomped the snow from his boots before stepping over the threshold. “When was the last time you slept?”
“Uh… what day is it?”
“I know,” she rubbed her face with both hands, then lowered them to add, “but Thorin’s got his hands full with the Dunraven and neither James nor Andrea is sleeping much, so…”
“I told her I can handle it,” Thorin thumped into the room, his screaming son in his arms, “but she’s fucking stubborn.”
“Thorin,” Leda spun around to glare at him, “that doesn’t help anything.”
Thorin rolled his eyes, gently bouncing James against his shoulder. “Neither does you being a zombie, Leda.”
“I am fine!”
“Okay, guys, don’t start fighting just yet. Let me take a look, okay?” Frerin cleared his throat as he reached for James. “Hey, little man, shhh… giving Mom and Dad a hard time?”
The baby let out a cry as Frerin laid his hand across James’ forehead. “He’s warm. What was his temp last time you took it?”
Thorin rubbed his forehead. “Uh… just below a hundred, I think.”
“Have you given him anything?”
Another shrill cry rang out, this one from the living room to his right and Leda tripped over her own two feet as she went to fetch Andrea. 
“No. Not yet.” Like his wife, Thorin’s eyes were ringed with bruise like smudged and his forehead furrowed as if thinking was hard to do. “I’m sorry, Frer. I’m so fucking tired, I can’t even see straight right now.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling well.” Frerin sighed. “Get the Tylenol and let’s give him some and see if that helps.”
“I thought fevers were good?”
“They are. It means their immune systems are working, but they’re miserable, Thorin. There’s no reason for any of you to suffer if none of you has to. Give them the Tylenol and hopefully they’ll sleep. And you and Leda both need to get some sleep as well.”
“Yeah, tell me something I don't already know,” Thorin growled as he thumped toward the kitchen. “How did you do this and get through med school and residency? How do you work those shifts still?”
“Toni took care of the kids when I was a resident and now? I’m used to it, more or less. And trust me, it will get easier. Sooner than you think and faster than you can imagine.” Frerin smoothed a hand over James’ hair, which was thicker and even blacker than his sister’s. The baby quieted against him, while his sister’s screams made up for it, and Leda looked ready to cry as she came back into the family room. 
Two pack’n plays were set up by the sofa, and Frerin carefully set James into the first one, then turned to Leda. “Let me see her, Leda.”
“She feels even hotter now,” Leda told him, rubbing one eye after he took Andrea from her. “Maybe we should just take her back to the ER.”
“Let me see first, okay?” He moved to the sofa to set Andrea on one of the cushions and unbuttoned her fleece sleeper. Andrea began fussing again, shoving a fist in her mouth to chew on. “Shhh, mimûna,” he whispered, laying his hand against her forehead, “You need to let Mommy and Daddy get some rest, too, honey.”
She let out another cry and Leda sank onto the cushion above Andrea’s head. “Shhh… baby… please stop crying…”
Andrea quieted for a moment as Frerin looked her over. “Get me the thermometer, please?” he said without looking up.
“I got it.” Thorin came back into the room with a tympanic thermometer. He handed it to Frerin. “It’s got the little ear condom on it already."
“Thanks.” Frerin took the thermometer and gently slid it into Andrea’s right ear. She squirmed slightly, but then the thermometer beeped, so he eased it back out. “She’s at ninety-nine, Leda.”
Relief swept across her face as she sank against the arm of the sofa. “So, why won’t she stop crying?”
“When did she eat last?”
“About half an hour ago.” 
“She might have reflux. It’s fairly common in babies her age. Are you still nursing?”
She shook her head. “No. It was killing me, Frerin. We put them on formula a few weeks ago.”
“You might have to switch it up, try a few different ones and see if that helps.” He refastened Andrea’s sleeper and scooped her up to rest against his shoulder. She snuggled up against him, with a soft, tired sigh, and continued chewing on her fist. “In the meantime, I can give you a prescription for something, but honestly? I’d try an over the counter gas reliever like Mylicon first.”
“I can just get this at the store?” Leda asked.
“Yeah. It should be with the children’s cold medicine and cough syrup and the like.”
Thorin sighed. “I’ll go pick some up.”
“It should help. If not, let me know and I’ll write you the scrip.”
Leda let out a long sigh as Thorin clumped into the kitchen and grabbed his car keys. The kitchen door opened, then closed and a few minutes later, the Accord purred to life. 
“I’m so sorry I pulled you away from your date,” Leda told him, rubbing her eyes once more. 
“It’s okay. She understood.” He carefully got to his feet to rock Andrea gently as she cooed and gnawed away on her fist. “She’s got a kid herself, so she knows.”
“Tell me about her.”
He grinned. “There isn’t much to tell, Leda. I met her the other night in the ER and—”
“You dirty dog,” Leda let out a laugh, “you hit on a patient?”
“No. I’m not a grown-up doctor, remember? My patients are all under eighteen and I don't hit on any of them.”
“So, a sick kid’s mother? I’m not sure that’s better, Frer.”
“I didn’t hit on her in the ER. I just met her there. Remember the woman who came in to ask me about the discharge papers? The one you told me to hit on.”
“Oh, so you did take my advice. Then it’s all good.”
“I sort of took it. I didn't hit on her in the ER, though. I actually hit on her in the gym, instead. Her daughter is down with the flu, and she invited me over for dinner.” He smoothed his hand along Andrea’s back as she drifted to sleep. “And when I told her what was going on with these little ones, she understood.”
“Still… she’s the first one since you and Toni split up, isn’t she?”
“No,” he moved to the other pack n’ play and bent to carefully set Andrea in it, offering up a silent prayer that she remained asleep, “I’ve been out a few times, but they never amounted to anything.”
“I just… I’m not really looking for anything serious and most of the women I’ve met so far are hearing wedding bells instead of the restaurant’s daily specials.” He moved back to the sofa and sank onto the cushion on the far end opposite her. 
“At least tell me you’re getting hot sex out of it.”
He couldn't hold back his laugh. “I wish.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re not?”
“I’m not. And that’s okay, because I haven’t really been looking for that, either.”
“I know, Thorin thinks I’m nuts, too. But to be honest, I don't have the time, Leda. Between work and the kids and boring-ass dates with women who don't really do it for me? Sex has fallen pretty low on the list of priorities.”
“It’ll happen again. Maybe with this new woman.”
“Yeah, maybe.” He raked his hand through his hair. “But if not, I don't even think I’d care a whole lot right now. I’ve got enough going on and this is only dinner. I’m not thinking much past it right now.”
Leda glanced over at the fireplace. “What time were you meeting her?”
“She’s cooking for me.”
“Yeah. I mean, she’s not cooking for me. She was making dinner and just invited me to join her and her daughter.”
“Wait, she is cooking for you and you stood her up? Are you kidding me?”
He shook his head. “She isn’t cooking forme, Leed. And she understood.”
“Oh, Christ, Frerin, get out of my house and go have dinner. Thorin will be back in a few minutes and they’re both asleep, so get out while you can.”
“You sure, Leda? I can wait until he comes home.”
“Yes!” She laughed as she nodded. “I’m very sure. Go.”
He smiled as he rose from the sofa. “Call me if either one of them spikes another fever, okay, Leda? Don't worry about what time it is or where I am. If you need me, call me.”
“I will. Now, go.”
“What time is Dr. Hottie supposed to be here?”
Elena shot Alyssa a look. “I thought you weren’t going to call him that?”
“I said I wouldn’t to his face. And I won’t.” Alyssa didn't look the least bit contrite as she pushed her chicken around on her plate. “But, what time?
“He was supposed to be here for six, but his niece is sick and he was making a house call.”
“Mom, how cool would it be if you and Dr. Hottie got married? I’d never have to go to a doctor’s office again.”
Elena resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Okay, first off, Dr. Hottie and I are not getting married. We haven’t even gone out yet and I’m not looking for a husband, besides. I had one of those, remember?”
“Dad is an ass. It doesn’t count.”
“Watch your mouth, Alyssa, and whether or not he is an ass is immaterial. I’m still not looking to get back into any serious relationship right now. I’m fine with this—” She gestured between them. “And even if, by some crazy twist, I did end up with Dr. Hot—Durin, you would still have to go to the doctor’s office because you’re almost old enough to no longer see a pediatrician if you really didn't want to, not to mention, it would probably be weirdly uncomfortable for both of you and I can’t imagine he would be willing to treat you as a patient anyway.”
“Yeah,” Alyssa’s nose wrinkled, “it wouldn’t be cool to have to get undressed in front of my stepdad. Or,” she amended as Elena shot her a look, “my mom’s boyfriend.”
“Exactly. Even if your father was a doctor, he wouldn’t treat you, most likely.”
Alyssa set down her fork. “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m just not that hungry. I kind of want to just to back to bed.”
Elena bit back a smile. Alyssa did look utterly exhausted, her face still pale and her eyes still on the heavy-lidded and sunken side, with faint purplish smudges ringed beneath them. “Okay. Go get into bed. Do you want some tea or hot cocoa?”
“Maybe some tea?”
“Okay. Go get settled and I’ll bring you some.”
Alyssa pushed her chair away from the table and made her way down the hallway to her room. Elena remained where she was for a minute, just staring at the empty chair in the tiny dining room that was really more alcove than room. It was a far cry from the five-bedroom beach house where Alyssa had spent her first thirteen years. The two-bedroom, first floor apartment was a fraction of the size of that house, and yet they’d both adjusted with relative ease. It was amazing, how the absence of constant friction, of constant tension, and of frequent fighting rendered the size of the living space perfect. Elena found she didn't jump at creaking floorboards the way she used to, she didn't hear a car drive by and have her stomach twist into knots. She didn't have to worry about strange voice mails or why Dan was suddenly so protective of his phone. 
From where she sat, she could see the microwave on the counter beneath the cabinet that held their plates and bowls. It was nearly eight o’clock. Hopefully, Frerin’s niece was all right. Unless, of course, the niece was a ruse to get out of seeing her. That made her wince. It wouldn’t be the first time a guy lied to get out of seeing her, but she usually made it past a first date before being stood up.
Then the doorbell rang and a hint of shame swept through her. Not all men were Dan. She had to unlearn all of the self-preservation tactics being with him had left her with. 
She stood and made her way to the front door, smiling as she peered through the peephole to see Frerin on the other side. She’d forgotten how cute he was, and for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, her belly felt alive with butterflies as she unlatched the chain, flipped the deadbolt and tugged open the door. 
He jumped, but then smiled. “I know I’m really late,” he said by way of greeting, holding up a narrow paper bag, “but I brought wine so I hope that scores me a few points.”
“You’re late, but a sick baby is a perfectly good reason,” she pulled the door open wider, “and wine helps.”
“Good. I hope chardonnay works for you. Or did I just lose those points?”
“Chardonnay is fine, but the chicken might be a little cold.”
“Cold chicken is good.”
“Come on in.”
He stepped into the apartment as she said, “How is your niece?”
“She has a cold and probably reflux. She’ll be fine in time.” Frerin shrugged out of his black leather bomber jacket and draped it over his forearm. “Her parents might not survive it, though. Neither one of them is sleeping much and I’ve never been so thankful I didn't have twins.”
“That’s got to be rough on them, especially if they’re both sick. Here,” she reached for his jacket, “let me take that.”
She moved to the closet, pulling the door open as he said, “Yeah, their kids are not quite six months old, teething, and sick. The first year is always the roughest when it’s one baby. But two? No, thanks.”
“Right?” The jacket was heavier than it looked, and as she slid it onto a hanger, a softly spicy scent wafted from it. Frerin’s cologne, most likely. She couldn’t place the scent, but it was a nice one, whatever it was. 
“How’s Alyssa feeling?”
Elena closed the closet door and gestured for him to come into the dining room. “She’s feeling better, but tired.”
“Yeah, the flu knocks you for a loop, even kids.” 
“Sit down and I’ll fix you a plate.”
“Elena, just point me in the right direction and I’ll fix it myself. Sit down, have a glass of wine. You don’t need to wait on me.”
She smiled. “It’s only a plate.”
“I know.” He winked. “I can manage.”
“Okay. Then manage.”
“I will.” 
“Would you like a glass?” She held up the bottle of chardonnay.
“I’d love one.”
She retrieved the corkscrew and two glasses, then came back to pop open the wine and poured it into both glasses. Then, she sank back into her chair and watched him fix a plate from the dishes on the table, then went into the kitchen. “Where do you keep your waxed paper?”
“Top drawer underneath the microwave.” 
“Got it.”
A few minutes later, he settled in Alyssa’s chair. “See? I managed.”
Elena stiffened at the steam curling away from the potatoes and chicken on his plate. “Oh, damn… I told Alyssa I’d bring her a cup of tea. Excuse me a minute.”
“No problem.” He speared a bite of chicken. “I’ll be right here.”
She hurried back into the kitchen to set the kettle on the stove and turned on the burner, then came back to her chair. He smiled, lowering his fork. “This is delicious, Elena.”
“It’s just a roast chicken.”
“Yeah, but I do most of the cooking now and I am not a good cook by any stretch of the imagination.”
“Are your kids starving?”
“Jake might be.”
“How many do you have?”
“Three. Two boys, with a girl sandwiched between them. My daughter and Alyssa are in math class together. My oldest is a senior and my youngest is in the fifth grade over at the intermediate school.”
“Are you a weekend dad or full time?”
“Full time.” He lifted his wineglass for a sip. “My soon-to-be ex-wife gets them every other weekend for now.”
“For now?”
He lowered the glass, and sighed softly. “Our divorce is dragging out. She’s fighting me for custody. She should only know how I have to insist they go with her on her weekends.”
“How long have you been fighting over them?”
“Since day one.” He traced his finger along the glass’ stem. “They don't want to live with her. They’re in the house where they grew up and they’re old enough where I think a judge will ask them as well. But, Toni is stubborn, so…”
Elena didn't miss the way his jaw tightened with his words, the darkness that seemed to come to his eyes with them. “Can I ask what happened?”
“Sure.” He shrugged. “It’s nothing earth-shattering. Married too young. Kids too soon. We kidded ourselves we could work out all of the problems, but that was a lie, and then she had an affair. With a kid only a few years older than our son.”
Elena didn't know how to respond to that. What could she say? He said it bluntly, with almost no emotion in his voice, but at the same time, it hit her far harder. “What?”
“Yeah.” He rubbed his bearded chin with one hand, then lowered it to reach of his wineglass. “She was a stay at home mom until about two years ago. Then she decided she wanted to go back to school and finish her degree. Like I said, we got married way too young, and Flynn came only a few months after our wedding, so she didn't get the chance to finish college. The kids were old enough and I thought it was a great idea, so she went back. Then she gets paired up with this kid as her lab partner and the next thing I know…”
“An affair.”
“Yeah.” He met her gaze then, and offered up a humorless smile. “The kid’s younger brother was in school with Flynn. On the baseball team with him.”
Elena pressed her lips together at the soft words, at the pain that flashed in Frerin’s blue-gray eyes. “I can guess what happened,” she said softly.
“You’d probably be right. Flynn defended his mother and nearly found himself off the team as well.”
“Yeah. He got a two-day suspension, but the coach knows him, and knew what happened and let him stay on the team. It was a mess, but it’s all behind us now, thank Mahal. He’s doing a lot better than he was last spring.” He lifted the wineglass, took a sip, and lowered it to add, “And that’s a lot to drop on you and I’m sorry. You can just kick me under the table to shut me up.”
“No, it’s fine,” she said with a smile, shaking her head. “I appreciate the honestly. Too many guys would be all she’s crazy and fucked up and any other excuse they can offer to make themselves look good.”
He paused his chewing and just stared and for a moment, Elena wondered if she’d said too much. Then, he swallowed and with a shake of his head, said, “So, I shouldn’t tell you how you’re not like other women, then?”
“Only if you want me to toss out of my apartment.”
He smiled then. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
The kettle began whistling, so she said, “Excuse me,” and went to switch off the burner under the kettle and moved to grab the box of tea bags from the overhead cabinet. She set one in the cup she’d taken out for Alyssa and poured boiling water into it.
As she waited for it to steep, Frerin came into the kitchen, plate in hand. “I didn't freak you out, did I? I mean, I know my sad life story is really fascinating and all, but you didn't need me unloading like that.”
“It was fine,” she told him, leaning back against the counter. “And it’s not unloading. I asked because I wanted to know.”
“Yeah, but still…”
“No, no but still.” She smiled up at him as she took the tea bag from the cup with one hand and reached for the bear-shaped bottle of honey with the other. “I did want to know. And I’d like to know more about you.”
“More? Like what else?”
“Well, how long have you been a doctor? How long have you been at the hospital? What do you do when you’re not putting worried moms’ minds at ease with your incredible bedside manner?”
He chuckled. “I graduated med school ten years ago. Finished up my residency and boarded five years ago and I’ve been at the hospital for the entire time. I matched there out of med school, and they offered me my current position two years ago.”
“And what is your current position?”
“I run the pediatric department. So, when I’m not covering the ER or putting worried moms’ minds at ease, I’m stuck in budget meetings and buried under paperwork.”
“Poor Dr. Durin.”
“Hey, you should see what my in box looks like. I’m lucky I get out of my office alive some times.”
As he spoke he stepped closer, looming over her, all broad shoulders and wide chest. He was almost a foot taller than her, and seemed to block out the light from that single overhead fixture. 
“It’s a good thing you’re surrounded by doctors then, huh?” she asked.
“Yeah.” He nodded, bending toward her. “It is. At times.”
He hesitated, but then leaned closer still. Her heart sped up, a thousand butterflies going wild in her stomach at the thought of his kissing her. 
His lips were soft, his kiss gentle, and as he eased an arm about her waist, she did the same about his neck, and let her fingers creep up into his soft, wavy hair. His hand splayed across the small of her back, heat from his palm seeping into her as his lips parted, as his tongue eased between her lips to slick slowly along hers. 
His beard scratched lightly against her skin. The arm about her waist tightened, the edge of the counter bit into her hip as he pressed her up against it. For the first time in well over a year, Elena’s body hummed with desire, her fingers twisted of their own into his hair, her back bowed and as her breasts pressed firmly into his broad chest, she didn't miss the way his breath hitched. His kiss deepened further, his tongue tangling with hers now, slow and thick and teasing, and the hand on her back slid down over her left butt cheek to cup it and gently kneaded it. 
Frerin pulled away, somewhat breathless as he nuzzled her and whispered, “The tea…”
Her head spun from the fire in that one kiss, the one that left her breathless as well, with a delicious heat swirling through her. Her face was warm as she cleared her throat and whispered, “I should probably take that to Alyssa.”
He drew back, his eyes heavy-lidded, his grin on the boyish side. “Probably.”
“I’ll—I’ll be right back.” She slowly pulled away from him, reaching for the mug with one hand, drawing her index finger along her bottom lip with the other. It had been a lifetime since anyone kissed her with that much fire, that much passion, and a hint of shyness swirled through her as she moved to the doorway. There, she paused, and smiled as he turned toward the sink and with a light whistle on his lips, ran hot water into the sink, then tackled the dishes in the basin. 
“Where do you keep your dishtowels?” he asked, smiling at her over his left shoulder.
“The bottom drawer on your right. But, you really don't have—”
He winked. “Alyssa’s tea is going to be cold.”
She smiled back at him. “Well, far be it from me to stop you washing dishes.”
“They’re in good hands. Trust me.”
She ducked her head and made her way down to Alyssa’s room, which was dark except for the glow of the television on her tall dresser. “Did you get lost, Mom?”
“Funny. No, I didn’t. I had to let it steep, remember.”
Alyssa narrowed her eyes. “Why do I not believe that?”
“Okay, okay. You were letting it steep.” She sat up and flipped on the lamp on her bedside table. “Did Dr. Durin make it or are you still waiting for him?”
“No, he’s here. He’s doing the dishes.”
“What? What guy does dishes willingly?” Alyssa took the mug and sipped, then added, “Aside from one who’d probably hoping for a good night kiss.”
“What? You should totally kiss him, Mom. I bet it feels weird because he’s got a beard.”
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never kissed anyone with a beard before.”
“Well, maybe tonight you’ll find out.”
Elena smiled as she smoothed the comforter across Alyssa’s lap. “Don’t you be worrying about that. You try to get some sleep.”
“I will, Mom.” 
She took another sip of tea, then her expression grew serious—serious enough that Elena said, “What is it, Lyssa?”
“Well, I think you should let him kiss you. Then you can tell me if it’s scratchy and weird or not.”
“Why do you need to know this?”
“A few of the boys at school have beards, like Grayson Markham, and I don't think I’d mind it if he kissed me, but I think it would feel weird.”
Elena bit back a sigh. Her mother always described Alyssa as an old soul and more often than not, Elena agreed. However… “You’re not even fourteen years, honey. You should be thinking about school and homework, not kissing boys with beards. And how old is this boy, anyway?”
“He’s a junior. He just got his license on Monday.” Alyssa sighed softly. “And it doesn’t matter anyway. He’s got a girlfriend and even if he didn’t, he doesn’t know I’m alive.”
Thank God for small favors. But, of course, she could say that out loud, so Elena patted her through the covers. “Your time will come, honey. I promise you. Don’t be in such a hurry.”
“I know, but still…”
Elena smiled as she bent over to kiss the top of Alyssa’s head. “I know. Thirteen is a tough age. But, you’ll be grown up before you know it and I’m not at all ready for that, so let’s not hurry it along, okay?”
“Okay, Mom. You should get back to Dr. Hottie. He’s probably wondering if you’re ditching him.”
“In my own home?”
“You never know.”
Elena ruffled her hair. “I’ll come check on you in a little while. You should try to get some sleep.”
“I will.”
“Call me if you need anything.”
“I will.”
Elena flipped off the light and after a last look in over her shoulder, left the room, pulling the door by as she did. As she rounded the corner of the kitchen doorway, she smiled at the sight of Frerin stacking the clean plates in the cabinet. 
Dr. Hottie, indeed. 
“Tell me I’m not putting things in the wrong place,” he said without turning around. 
“No, you’re fine.”
“Good. My former mother-in-law used to move things in my kitchen—would put them where she thought they should be instead of where we actually kept them, and it drove me insane.” He closed the cabinet and turned toward her, leaning back against the counter. “So, if I did that, please yell at me.”
“I’m still deciding where things should go, so I don't think there really is a wrong spot just yet.” 
“Even so. Tell me, okay?” 
“I will.”
“So,” he draped the towel over his shoulder as he towered over her, “I was thinking we should go out sometime, Elena. You free Sunday night? I know it’s a weird date night and ordinarily, I’d suggest something on Friday, but I’ve to work Friday.”
“I’m free most nights, so Sunday would be fine. It just can’t be too late, since I have to work on Monday.”
He smiled as he dried his hands on the towel. “Sunday it is. Dinner? Movie?”
“What’s playing?”
“I have no idea. I don't even remember the last time I was in a movie theatre.”
“Me, neither, so why don’t we skip the movie and just do dinner then?”
“Dinner sounds good to me.”
She looked up at him and smiled. “Dinner it is.”
“Good.” His eyes glittered in the soft glow of the single overhead light. “I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
“No, I’m sure.” 
“Okay, so do you need to get home or do you want to maybe see what’s on television?”
“If you’re not throwing me out, I’ve got no where else to be.” He folded the dishtowel and laid it on the counter. “Do you watch The Walking Dead?”
“I thought that was on Sunday nights?”
“It is, and that’s why God invented On-Demand.”
“Oh, is that why?”
He nodded. “Oh, yeah. So, do you watch it?”
“No, but if you don’t mind my asking questions, I’m game.”
“I don't mind.”
“Then I’m game.”
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freyasigtryggrsdottir · 2 months
That Summer Love chapter 1 (Thorin x reader )
Summary: The Hobbit AU Reader broke up with Richard Armitage. She is sad, but it was the best choice for them. She went to a summer trip with her bestfriend Tauriel, to forget, relax, and to heal. She doesn't want a serious relationship far away from her home, but a cool singer sweeps her off form her feets and she needs to rethink her whole life and choose, how to live and love.
Pairings: Reader x Richard Armitage, Reader x Thorin, Tauriel x Kili
The train has arrived. I was so excited to be here finally, with my bestfriend, Tauriel.  Two weeks summer holiday, no university, no parents, no problems, just us, a lot of dance, swim and relaxation. Laketown was a famous destination with a big lake and friendly people. We grabbed our bags and went out tot he hot weather. I hissed, because my skin was so sensitive, and cheked the map on my phone. We will spend these few days in a hotel called „Dis’s castle’’. Its a big place with lot of rooms, but on the pictures they were cozy and friendly, not so big, and the reviews wrote just good things, especially about the owner, Dis. I was a little anxious and sad, because Richard, my ex, broke up with me a month ago. We were together for three years, but people and the plans has changed and the distance between us was unbearable anymore, so it was the best choice for the both of us to find ourselves and our happiness again.
We walked about half our, when we arrived. The hotel was blue and beautiful. I rang the bell and a white haired women showed up. She opened the door with a big smile and we stepped in.
’’Welcome here, Dears’’ said with friendly voice.
’’Thank you and nice to meet you” I smiled ’’She is Tauriel and I’m Y.N.’’
She showed our room and it was big, with two beds, blue bathrom and breathtaking scenery to the lake.
„My brother and his band will perform tonight in the garden. It will be a big party with several musicians and handsome man” Dis winked ” You can come, I will make some bread and food”
I nodded and thanked for everything, then she left us. We packed out our stuffs. I sit ont he bed, when my phone rang. It was a message from Richard. I sighed and opened. He missed me. I tought its over, but sometimes I felt he is still here with me. I tried to forget and when I tought finally I’m done with this drama, he just showed up, with a message or a brief call. I wanted to forgot him, but with his behaviour, its impossible. I took a deep breath and deleted the message. Its over, nothing will be the same, I don’t let myself to be sad. I will be happy on this trip and probably I will go into a short summer romance, nothing serious, just a fling, just for a few days, then I will go back into my normal life, where the university and my workplace are everything.
’’Just block his number” Tauriel sit next to me and hugged me.
’’This is your its-Richard-again face. We are here, he is far way from us and he is basically a stranger to us, so we will go tot hat party, we will dance and laugh a lot’’
I smiled and nodded. I clicked the blocking button. From now on, Richard is nothing to me and I’m free.
At eight o’clock we went to the garden. I wore a long A-line purple dress with fake white flowers and side sliths, Tauriel wore a green mini dress with crystals. A lot of people were here. Dis waved to us and walked to her.
’’I’m so happy you two are here. There are a bunch of people tonight’’ and with that, she gave us a glass of wine, the went up to the podium ’’Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome here. Our first performers is Durin’s sons’’
The people loudly clapped their hands and three people went up. One of them has long, black hair, he stood behind the microphone. He has the biggest charisma, with pierce eyes. The second was similar tot he first, but his smile was cheeky and playful, and he played on the guitar. The last one was like a blonde lion, and he was the drummer. They began to play and I lost. The singer’s voice were good, deep, with meaningful lyrics. I watched him and the world stopped for me.
Tauriel gently nudged me.
’’Somebody finally forgot that man” he said proudly and I nodded.
He was not my type, because he seemed like a bad guy, but his voice the the lyrics. My heart beat faster and I felt I live again.
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frevandrest · 2 years
do u have any info on Thèrése Gellé and SJ's relationship?
I have all the info there is! Which... is not much. What we know is that something likely did exist in terms of a romantic relationship in their teens (and maybe later, but that one is not proven). Some things could be extrapolated from little that we know, but we have only a few facts. What we know is the following:
Thérèse Gellé was born in 1766 in Blérancourt, as an illegitimate child of a local merchantess and a powerful royal notary Gellé. She was legitimized at 12, when her parents married each other.
SJ moved to Blérancourt at the age of 9. Thérèse was 10. We don't know when they met but since this was a super small community, I assume they knew each other (or at least, knew of each other) as kids.
At some point during their teen years, they seemed to have started a romantic relationship. There are no concrete sources for it except that it’s generally accepted that it happened. What we know is that in December 1785, they were godparents to a child in the village. Some historians see this as a sign that they were seen as a future married couple and chosen together because of this. I am not sure how sound this theory is, but I do think it’s interesting that they were chosen together.  Interestingly, most of the proof/sources for the relationship come from SJ’s early writing (namely, Organt and Arlequin-Diogène). While Thérèse is not mentioned by name, the context and certain (auto)biographical details that appear in these works strongly point out that the main female characters were based on her. (If anyone wants me to talk about what SJ’s writing (potentially) says of Thérèse and/or their relationship, I’d love to do that - I just have to do it in a different post because this one is getting super long). According to some, SJ asked Gellé for a permission to marry Thérèse and was refused. Not sure if this is true, but since SJ was 18 at the time and still in school, AND not particularly rich, it’s not surprising that Gellé wanted a more “prosperous” option for his daughter. 
Which brings us to 25 July 1786. While SJ was away at the boarding school,  Thérèse married Emmanuel Thorin, a young notary from a rich family. Historians agree that this marriage (done seemingly in a hurry) was specifically to prevent SJ from marrying her.
SJ graduated and returned from school a few weeks later, and he lost it. Reportedly, he had a huge fight with his mother (for not telling him that Thérèse was getting married? For not presenting him as a good option to Gellé?) Soon after, in early September 1786, he took that infamous silver and ran away to Paris. (I assume this episode is familiar. It resulted with his mother putting him in the correctional house where he stayed for six months, until early 1787). 
We don’t know what - if anything - happened between SJ and Thérèse after these events. What we do know is that the Revolution started and Gellé was a royalist who tried to stop revolutionary efforts in the village (he was the one who outed SJ as being too young to be elected for the Legislative Assembly in 1791). So yes, there was a lot of animosity between SJ and Gellé on the political grounds, but we don’t know anything about Thérèse during these years or how she might have reacted to all of this. 
But there is a significant event in summer 1793. On the 7th anniversary of her marriage, Thérèse left Thorin and went to Paris. She stayed in a hotel very close to SJ’s place. We know this because SJ’s friend, Victor Thuillier, wrote a much-quoted letter about it. In the letter, he informs SJ that the village believes that SJ had kidnapped Thérèse (not against her will?) and also gives SJ Thérèse’s address in Paris. To which SJ replied basically: “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Tell everyone (in the village) that it’s not true. I am very busy, bye”. (Not direct quotes - you can read more in the link above, though not sure if it’s the best way to translate these letters). 
Historians are divided over what happened. Those who are sympathetic towards SJ want to defend him against accusations of having an affair with a married woman, so they trust his word on it. Those unsympathetic towards SJ generally think that he lied and that he was totally behind Thérèse’s escape to Paris. But what I am more concerned about is how things worked form Thérèse’s POV. She left her husband, AND the village thought that it was because of SJ. This ruined her reputation beyond repair. Even if she did not cheat on Thorin, she was the one who was seen as leaving. 
As for SJ, nobody really talks about a possibility that he did help her, but not necessarily as a lover but as a friend - he wrote so much about protecting women from abuse and unwanted marriages that it wouldn’t be so impossible that he helped a childhood friend (tbh, it would be more shitty if he refused after writing so much about helping women). As for the affair... We don’t have any proof either way (except his reply to Thuillier). I disagree with historians who claim that “SJ would never”, because most of his writings actually point out that he was fine with women performing marital infidelity and the like. But this is not a proof either. So we just don’t know. 
Thérèse and Thorin had a divorce hearing in September 1793. Historians point out that the reason for the divorce they listed was not adultery, but Thorin didn’t seem to ask for a no-fault, mutual decision divorce either. He seemed to ask or a divorce based on the fact that she left him. In the hearing, Thérèse said that the divorce was mutually desired and she seemed to have asked for her dowry back. Their divorce was decided then, but they had to wait for about 11 months for it to become legal. They were legally divorced in July 1794 (18 days before Thermidor). 
That is basically it. We have no idea if SJ and Thérèse had any contact or what she did between this divorce hearing and Thermidor. We do know that she was kind of shunned in the village, while Thorin remarried and had children. Thérèse died in 1806, at the age of 39. 
There is one thing, written by SJ near Thermidor, that some people argue could be related to Thérèse, but there is absolutely no proof of it: that strange “story” about a lovers’ misunderstanding. It was the last item written in the notebook found on SJ during Thermidor, and it is super unusual because he left no other writing of this kind, but it’s impossible to say whether it has anything to do with  Thérèse or not.
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longsightmyth · 1 year
I'm never MAD that I write these things in fanfic but part of me sometimes does go 'wow if you wrote your original shit like that you could get somewhere'
Anyway. Even Stars Can Die could use some polishing but it still contains this:
“This is what I fear, Thorin,” Fíli said, not ready to call him uncle again. He turned so he could look Thorin in the eye when he continued, “That you have been yourself with all the trappings stripped away, that you have always been small and petty. Maybe the mountain doesn’t corrupt – maybe it shows us our true selves. I have seen you before: I have seen you greedy and harsh and unloving, though not to our people until lately.”
“Maybe it does,” Thorin said. “And maybe I am. But I know the mountain corrupts, for I have never hated you, Fíli, and I did there amidst the gold. I knew it was wrong when I said what I did, and I knew it was wrong when I did what I did. I never questioned those things, but you I hurt even as I tried not to.”
“How unfortunate,” Fíli muttered. “I will follow you, Thorin, but we don’t need to talk for me to do that.”
He pushed past Thorin, but he reached out and caught Fíli’s arm. “I know what you meant to do, Fíli.”
Fíli closed his eyes, preparing for recriminations and marshalling his arguments.
“I’m proud of you,” his uncle said.
Fíli blinked his eyes open. Across the hall, Dwalin had seen Fíli and Thorin conversing and started over, Bifur and Kíli with him, but Fíli shook his head.
Thorin saw. Fíli felt the grip on his arm tighten for half a moment and relax. When Fíli looked over his shoulder at Thorin, his uncle looked only at Fíli.
“You were always so good, Fíli,” Thorin said as if it were a confession. “So dutiful, and so aware. I could not have asked for a better heir. You are perfect.”
Fíli snorted.
"I'll tell you a secret," Thorin said. "To parents, their children are perfect, and you were mine more than you were ever your father's. However much he loved you and however good he was, Dis put you in my arms first and I never let you go."
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mordoriscalling · 1 year
Assurance and Authority (3/25)
Post-BOTFA Persuasion Au: Bilbo returns to the Shire after the Quest, having rejected Thorin’s proposal of marriage. For years after, he struggles with regret. When he and Thorin meet again, he knows better than to hope.
Chapter 3 also available on AO3
(Ch 1) (Ch 2)
After Master Baggins struck a friendship with the two married metalsmiths, the dwarves became frequent guests at Bag End. Both Seis and Umí enjoyed travel and journeyed from the Blue Mountains to Bree and back at least once a year, selling their wares as they went. Each time they travelled, they made sure to pass through Hobbiton and visit Bag End and its master, who was always delighted to host them. Bilbo found a lot of joy in the company of the dwarrow couple: they were a straightforward type of people, with a ready kindness that came from good and simple hearts, and the way their behaviour towards one another reminded him of his parents never failed to warm his heart.
And so so it came to pass that for the five years following their first stay at Bag End, Seis and Umí visited rather frequently. During that time, their friendship with Bilbo blossomed, until they told him all about their families and life stories. They had a daughter and a son, whose name was Jûnis. (How their daughter was called, they would not say, for a dwarrowdam’s name was a secret well-guarded by all of her race and could only be revealed by the dame herself). Their son was a swordsmith, who had moved to Erebor in search of work and more prosperous life, as well as following love, for he was courting a lady in waiting of the King’s sister.
"He’s all lost to her," Seis said about his son once. "He didn’t want to be parted from her for a day. When it was announced that the Princess would be moving to Erebor, and so would be her court, Jûnis was up on his feet getting ready to follow her. We tried to tell him to wait, to go to Erebor once it was certain there would be work and accommodation for him there, but he wouldn’t listen. He has his heart set on her and nothing can get through to him. It’s a really good thing that she accepted him."
"Give our boy some credit!" Umí replied. "He’s a charmer, and the courting gifts he’s given her are benefiting a lady in waiting. She’s not too good for him!”
"Aye, he’s a bright one, our Jûnis. He’s going to go far in Erebor.”
"That he is. Did you know, Bilbo, that our son is already working as an apprentice of the master swordsmith? He’s definitely going to be the head of the metalsmiths guild one day!’
Bilbo, although he did not understand the significance of being a head of a guild, nodded and expressed admiration for their son’s accomplishments. There was no falseness in his sentiment, for the warmth with which Jûnis’s parents spoke of him made Bilbo care for him as well. Indeed, as years passed, Bilbo came to care for the whole family as one would care for very dear friends. Seis and Umí seemed to reciprocate Bilbo’s fondness: they always sought Bilbo out during their trips to Bree, which they began making twice as frequently as they had used to before meeting Bilbo, and even invited Bilbo to visit them and their daughter in their home in Ered Luin.
Therefore, it came as an immense shock to Bilbo that, the year he agreed with Seis and Umí to join them when they returned to the Blue Mountains after their usual trip to Bree, the couple did not appear in the Shire. They did not come in spring as they had promised, and although Bilbo tried to search for them and even went to Bree, they were nowhere to be found. He asked other dwarves about them but received no information, and the letters he sent went without reply.
Around the time of summer solstice, Bilbo ceased his efforts to discover what had happened, and his worry gradually shifted into gloomy acceptance. He did not know what had become of his friends but he begrudgingly began coming to terms with the fact that he either might never learn the truth or he would not like it once he did.
And so, in the seventh year after Bilbo’s return from his adventure, two odd things happened: the first one was that he had no dwarven guests (for it had become so usual for him to host dwarves that the whole Hobbiton regarded their absence as more peculiar than their presence). The second odd incident was that, a fortnight after the summer solstice, a very tall fellow dressed in grey robes appeared at Bag End’s green door.
That day was a hot one and Bilbo spent it hiding from the burning sun in his study, going through some paperwork related to his tenants. Due to the weather, he truly did not expect any guests, and when the doorbell to his smial rang, he thought his ears were playing tricks on him. After the doorbell rang again, however, Bilbo rushed to the door, expecting Seis and Umí.
Seeing Gandalf the Grey instead surprised Bilbo very much, but the sight of the wizard was far from an unwelcome one. Bilbo smiled brightly as he beheld Mithrandir and the two embraced warmly.
"How are you, my friend?” Gandalf said after releasing Bilbo from his arms. Taking a good look at the hobbit, he added, "I’m glad to see you’re in good health. Why, you haven’t aged a day!”
Bilbo laughed. "I’m well, Gandalf, I’m well. Now, come in! Would you like something to eat or drink? I’ve made some lemonade, it's very refreshing in this heat.”
"Lemonade would be wonderful, thank you,” the wizard replied as he entered Bag End, being careful not to bump his head into any chandeliers or doorframes.
While Bilbo set the kitchen table and prepared something for Gandalf to have with the lemonade, the wizard took a seat and regarded the hobbit closely. The experience he’d gathered throughout a great many years of his life, as well as his wizardry abilities, granted him the gift of seeing much more than others could. Thus, Gandalf quickly noticed that his hobbit friend was not as well as he claimed.
"Are you certain nothing ails you?” the wizard asked once Bilbo prepared their quick meal and sat across from him. "Nothing at all?”
Bilbo did not answer for a long time, appearing to be torn about something. "I’m fine,” he said reluctantly, at last. "It’s nothing serious, I suppose.”
"And yet, your demeanour is clouded. Has something happened?”
In response, Bilbo told him of his friendship with Seis and Umí, and how they had disappeared without a word. Gandalf expressed sympathy and reassured that the hobbit that he should certainly receive an explanation in due time, which did not lift Bilbo’s spirits particularly well.
"Oh, but enough about me!" Bilbo said then, pouring Gandalf more lemonade. "Tell me, how are you? Have you come to the Shire to meddle? I hope there’s no new adventure that you want to take me on.”
The wizard chuckled. "I’ve simply come to visit you to see how you’re doing, old friend. The end of your adventure was not the happiest for you and I’ve been concerned. So has been Lord Elrond, in fact.”
"Lord Elrond?” Bilbo almost gaped with surprise.
"Yes. I’m headed from Rivendell, as it happens. When I was there, Lord Elrond asked after you. He was worried that your last time in his home changed your perception of it. He wanted me to assure you that you’re as welcome as always to stay there.”
An expression of deep sadness marred Bilbo’s face. “I wish I would want to go. I wish I could say I love Rivendell as it should be loved, but...”
The wizard sighed. “It is because you associate Imladris with the sorrow you felt while staying there, but healing from some wounds, my dear Bilbo, begins by poking at them. You should give Rivendell another chance. It is a place of healing, after all. If you wished, I could take you there myself.”
Bilbo shook his head. Even recalling Rivendell brought him too much pain, for it it had been there that Bilbo first truly understood how very deeply his affections for Thorin ran. The realisation had come to him when he had been on his way to the Shire back from his adventure. One evening throughout his stay in the Last Homely House, he had taken a walk among Rivendell’s beautiful gardens and saw a firefly. The sight of the glowing little insect reminded Bilbo of how a year prior in Rivendell, he shared his first intimate conversation with Thorin about their childhoods and fireflies.
It had been in Rivendell when they first had begun growing close, and it had been in Rivendell when Bilbo had first felt in full how dearly to his heart he held all memories of Thorin and, indeed, just how very dear Thorin was to him, for his feelings for the dwarf were nothing short of deepest, truest, all-encompassing love. Finally, it had been in Rivendell that Bilbo had come to the conclusion that he had made the greatest mistake of his life to have left Thorin behind.
And so, although Bilbo had fallen in love with the Last Homely House when he had laid his eyes upon it for the first time, now he could not love it. The thought of going to a place filled with such painful memories filled him only with resentment.
It was most fortunate, then, that nearing the end of Gandalf’s few day-long visit, a letter came, from Primula Baggins. She had written to Bilbo to ask him to come to Tuckborough on the behalf of herself, her husband Drogo and their little son Frodo, as well as many Tooks. She had stated that his being there would be most welcome, as Frodo kept asking to see him, Drogo dearly wished ‘to have someone around who would understand his Baggins ways’, while young Tooks wanted to hear all about his adventures again. Having his presence so desired, Bilbo did not dare refuse and replied to Primula that he would set out to Tuckborough as soon as his current guest left, which gave him a much-needed excuse to decline Gandalf’s offer.
“I must say I’m surprised to see you so keen on staying elsewhere than Bag End,” the wizard said when Bilbo told him of his plans to visit Tuckborough. “You have always been so attached to this smial.”
Bilbo shrugged his shoulders. “I am attached to it. It’s just that my feet like to wander after my adventure, and I haven’t seen these cousins in a while.”
To that, Gandalf gave a hum, not entirely believing.
On the eve of Gandalf’s departure, Bilbo sat on the bench in Bag End’s front garden together with the wizard. The two enjoyed a quiet smoke, watching the Sun set over the rolling, green hills of Hobbiton. Bilbo was in an especially pensive mood that evening; the wizard’s words about Rivendell had given him many things ponder about.
"Gandalf," he said just before the Sun hid below the horizon, “I think… well. The thing is… I don’t blame you, as it was myself who took your words as guidance, but I’m now thinking that in spite of how Durin’s folk would surely disapprove of our relationship and how uncertain it was whether Thorin would heal in body and mind, I… I should’ve been happy, had I accepted him.��
After the Battle of the Five Armies, the three heirs of Durin were dangerously wounded. They had not died on the battlefield, as Bilbo had managed to protect them from the ones who had wanted to kill them, but their condition still was very severe. Gandalf ensured, using his magic, that the King and the Princes would live. Once he did that, he met an anxious Bilbo, who waited outside of the King’s tent. The wizard told Bilbo that he had stabilised the physical condition of the three dwarves, but he cautioned that it was not certain that they should make full physical recovery.
Hearing that, Bilbo inquired about the state of King Thorin’s mind as well, as dragon sickness had overtaken it before the Battle. In response, Gandalf said that he was not sure whether Thorin was completely free of the sickness and it might happen that he could succumb to it once again in the future.
Having found this, when Bilbo saw Thorin right after and had the dwarf ask him to marry him, the hobbit thought that the proposal was a result of some convoluted reasoning, produced by Thorin’s body and mind affected by severe injuries and lingering sickness. Believing the dwarf not to be thinking clearly, Bilbo rejected the proposal. Thorin did not take the refusal well and the two of them parted in bitterness, with Bilbo leaving for the Shire accompanied by Gandalf the very next day.
Gandalf did not know about this situation, as Bilbo made no mention of it, until Bilbo sunk into quiet despair in Rivendell. Now learning that the hobbit still suffered heartache visibly pained him, his gaze brimming with sorrow.
“Nothing good ever comes from dwelling on the past, Bilbo,” the wizard said gently. “What passed is gone, and what lies ahead can never be known for sure. The present is all we have. Do not waste it on regret. You must try to forgive yourself for your choice, or else the weight you put on your own shoulders shall crush you.”
Although Gandalf spoke words of wisdom, Bilbo found it exceedingly hard to accept them; the present he had faded terribly in comparison to the present he could have had. With nothing in Bilbo’s current life to truly compensate for the choice he had made, and with his love for Thorin unchanged, Bilbo felt the pain of regret just as acutely despite the passing of years and, for the life of him, he could not find a way to reconcile with his own choices.
Regret made Bilbo’s heart ache especially strongly in the instances when others around him became blessed with what he deeply and secretly wished for but had lost the chance to have. In this respect, going to Tuckborough only worsened his heartache; once there, he witnessed an example of a joyous engagement, which he reckoned he could have known for himself.
Asphodel Brandybuck, an older sister of Primula’s, had accepted Rufus Burrows’s proposal of marriage just before Bilbo came to Tuckborough. And so, on the evening of Bilbo’s arrival, an engagement party was thrown, during which Bilbo was stuck listening to congratulations and excited wedding planning; Asphel’s joy and upcoming wedding was the only thing she and many of her family could talk about. All throughout the party, Bilbo could not help but imagine what it would be like to prepare and await a wedding of his own. Though he tried his best not to show his low spirits and only share Asphodel’s happiness, the whole ordeal was starting to get challenging to withstand. Just when he was about to excuse himself from the party, Bilbo was saved from his misery by his aunt Mirabella.
Mirabella Brandybuck nee Took, a sister of Belladonna’s, was of course overjoyed to see the second of her three daughters find a match. Her youngest, Primula, married first, quickly after reaching maturity, but Mirabella wished to see all three of her girls settle, although her oldest daughter Amaranth had already aged out of typical marrying age. At Asphodel’s engagement party, Mirabella sat and chatted with Bilbo a great deal - for she was very fond of “Bella’s boy”, as she called him - and debated with him about what flowers should be used to decorate the aisle, until she abruptly stopped.
"Oh, but Bilbo!" she cried. "Why am I even speaking of this to you? All this wedding and marriage business must be terribly boring to you; you have never been interested in these things!"
"Well," Bilbo said, "I’ve never been interested in that, yes."
In Mirabella’s advanced age of ninety-four, neither her eyes nor her mind were as razor-sharp as they had used to be. Thus, she did not notice her nephew’s deceit, only patted Bilbo’s hand good-naturedly and they moved on to talk about how Bag End’s garden grew.
Indeed, during the whole party, Bilbo thought he hid his foul mood well enough for no one to notice.
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Vassal of the King (part 1)
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Frerin x OFC
Author's annotations are here!
Frerin is twenty-four years old when his future is discussed -albeit briefly- for the first time.
The occasion is a momentous one, the anniversary of his grandfather’s accession to the throne or of the foundation of the kingdom; Frerin is not completely sure and indeed, in his mind the two concepts are almost equivalent. Thrór has been King of Erebor ever since he was born, and in the mind of the youngest prince of Durin’s Line he and the Mountain are practically one and the same; both have always existed, and will keep existing forever.
Frerin has no doubts about that.  
The ceremony lasts until sundown. Frerin stands next to his siblings (Dís between him and Thorin, in order of age) at the left of the throne, while his parents, the heirs, stand at the right. The whole royal family is reunited around the King as his allies pay homage to him: Men, Elves and Dwarves walk in front of Thrór, who welcomes them with varying degrees of courtesy.
The ceremony is boring as well as interminable. Frerin, still as he has been taught to remain, feels himself suffocating in the rich, heavy clothes his mother has forced him in; his feet hurt after so many hours spent standing, and the ceremonial braids uncomfortably pull his hair. He wishes he could sit, unbraid his hair, and go play outside; but he knows he cannot. He is young, but not so much that he does not realize that even one young as he is has duties to attend to during such an important event; he is a member of the royal family of Erebor, and he has to behave accordingly so as not to shame his father and grandfather.
Because of this, Frerin orders himself to endure; he bows his head in front of the visitors and remains otherwise still, his back ramrod straight and his face held high with a proud expression he has copied from his father and that looks vaguely comical on one so young. Thorin glances at him and nods to express his approval, and suddenly Frerin feels five inches taller: he really wants to make his father and grandfather proud, but there is nothing, nothing in Arda the young prince yearns for more than his older brother’s approval.
Finally, the ceremony comes to an end. There is still time before the evening banquet, which gives Frerin some well-deserved time to play with the other children of the family: his sister and favourite playmate Dís, and his cousins Dwalin and Glóin, both older than them but who seem to easily forget it, and soon the foursome is busy happily playing tag.
Frerin runs and screams and has the sort of fun only small children know, focused on the present and unmindful of the future and the responsibilities it will bring; his mother also screams, when he and Dís attempt to hide not behind but under the dresses of some of the court’s ladies. Thorin, focused on his role as future King, attempts to reprimand them and somehow finds himself dragged into the game; Frerin notices that Dís tries her best to be in Dwalin’s team every time, but he is still too young to understand the intention behind it.
Thráin and Balin walk past them. Frerin’s oldest cousin is calm and serene as always; there is not much capable to make him lose his temper. The King’s son is instead unusually content and in a good mood, a sign that the talks with Erebor’s allies are going well and the Greenwood Elves are less intractable than usual.
The children suspend their playing and line up in front of the crown prince; Thráin’s austere face is touched by undisguised fondness as he rests his hand on each of their heads, murmuring a blessing.
"You can stay here and play until it is time for the evening banquet." he gently warns them "But from then on I will expect to see you all on your best behaviour. Is that understood, young ones?"
"Yes, my prince." the five young Dwarves answer as one.
"Very well. Go back to your game, then."
The children do not need to be told twice; Frerin lingers to hug his father, and Thráin’s good eye smiles while the prince caresses his younger son’s blonde hair. "Mind your clothes." he gently warns the child "If you tear them, your mother will make sure you have to eat standing for a week."
"Yes, father."
Balin and Thráin observe the young prince as he joins his playmates.
"What do you think will become of him?" the younger Dwarf ask; they are alone, and because of this he can address the crown prince as informally as he would do with any of his older relatives.
"What do you mean?"
"Frerin. Thorin will be King after you and Dís… with the dowry she is entitled to the princes of the other six houses will undoubtedly compete for her hand. But Frerin…"
"Frerin is a prince of Durin’s line." Thráin decisively interjects as they pace the internal patio of the palace, even though Balin has not suggested otherwise "Whatever path the Maker will chose for him, he will excel."
Balin smiles, his hair and beard not yet touched by white. Even he is young still; even he, the wisest member of the future Company, has no idea of what is to come. "I do not doubt, uncle; but think about it… there is so much he could do. The Iron Hills, for example; Náin has no heirs, and should he remain childless, if you send the child to his court he might decide to adopt Frerin so that the crown remains in the hands of our family. Or, you could send him as ambassador to one of the other kingdoms…"
"Father! Father, look at me!"
Frerin is sitting on Glóin’s back, the other child lying prone on the floor’s polished stones. The flame-haired Dwarf pants and fidgets, but somehow his younger and lighter cousin was able to knock him down and immobilize his arms and legs so as to prevent him from standing.
The laugh spilling from Thráin’s lips explodes in the stone-walled patio, washed in the light of the setting sun. The prince reaches the children, lifts his younger son in his arms and throws him in the air before catching him again; Frerin’s laugh echoes his father’s, his blond hair spilling from his braids like the tail of a falling star. "Again, father! Throw me higher, please!"
Thráin complies, again and again until he and his son are both breathless. "A fledgling fighter!" he exclaims, ruffling his hair in a way that irreparably ruins the braids Frerin’s mother has spent an hour making "A future warrior, no doubt, just like his grandfather! Well done, son."
He kisses Frerin’s cheek, and the child smiles, even though his father’s beard scratches; there, safe in Thráin’s arms, he feels he could live forever.
"An ambassador? Maybe." the prince of Erebor concedes, turning to look at Balin once more as he easily holds his son against him with one arm "But not in the Iron Hills. Náin is not so old after all, and he has been married only for a few years. I think Frerin will remain here in Erebor, as his brother’s vassal. But we will not have to think of that before many years."
The prince smiles at his son; it is a smile Frerin will hold in his heart for the rest of his life, and that one day he will see again on the face of another little Dwarf of his line. "What do you think?" the prince inquires "What do you want to do once you have become adult? You want to stay here in Erebor or go somewhere else?"
There is no doubt in Frerin’s heart, nor suspicion that the events may develop differently from what he expects - from what he wants. "I want to stay in Erebor." he announces; he does not know what a vassal is nor what his father and older cousin were discussing about, but of one thing he is certain: Erebor is his home, the home of his family, his friends, everyone and everything he knows and loves. Why on Arda should he want to leave? "I will stay here forever with you and mother, and help you with the job of the King."
Balin smiles; Thráin uses irony to hide how moved he is. "Forever is a very long time." he warns his son as he puts Frerin down "You will have plenty of time to change your mind."
Glóin, red-faced with embarrassment, demands a rematch, that Frerin graciously concedes.
The game is back on.
TAGGING as usual @starlady66 and @elvenenby.
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