tryingtofindava · 3 months
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acc going feral rn :3
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So they’re making a 3 part Slender movie…
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wastelandcatartist · 3 months
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I redid this piece I did last year and I'm so happy- I finally think I've found my style- they actually look like them to me!!
Old picture under the cut
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 9 months
Headcanons about Masky/Tim?
Oki oki oki
Very quick before you all read the rest of this
Tim/Masky is NOT my character, nor is he a creepypasta (originally a marble hornets character)
When I write for him, I write more of a creepypasta style but not the twink version, but the cool one
As for TW? Smoking, violence, mentions of Jeff, addiction?
Also I am sick, so please bear with me on ask and like the quality? My head feels as if it will explode
Ok? Ok.
So Tim? Overall he’s actually chill. He just kind of wants to be left alone for the most part? Like just let him smoke in peace!
I like to think that he’s a father figure for Toby and Cody, but I’m delusional and just really like found family
Very good friends with Brian, not necessarily Hoodie though. He really couldn’t care less for Hoodie
Tim himself I don’t think enjoys killing, that’s all Masky. On that note, Tim does have a temper! He will go off on anyone, don’t test him
He’s a major sucker for poetry and lots of movies (rom-coms, emotional stuff like whiplash, etc)
I mean what do you expect? He was in film?
Also, being from the south, he cooks really well! Very good at thanksgiving, and knows how to make some mean dressing.
Will deck anyone and everyone. he really doesn’t like many of the creeps. Absolutely despises people like Jeff and LJ. He’s cool with EJ and BEN tho (BEN thinks he’s mean, so they don’t socialize)
Also is a pill addict, I had to say it
As for Masky? Think a much more serious version of Jeff?
Like take Tim’s and Jeff’s personality and throw them together
Can be very cocky and bitchy, but he gets his shit done so
Also is a massive dick to Toby, Cody, and Brian
Literally just hates everything and everyone
Just cuz why not
Will deck you with a crowbar, no questions asked
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d3eathnotes · 8 months
Im super excited for your blog!! Im interested in your slenderverse I hope it goes well buttt can I have Toby Headcanons?
I literally had everything typed up and ready to post and my laptop shutdown. TIRED. (`ー´)
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𝙏𝙞𝙘𝙘𝙞 𝙏𝙤𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨: ➤ Toby has ADHD, Autism, Tics and Congenital insensitivity  felt i should make that known before I continue anything else ➤ Toby is a MASSIVE shit head like I mean he doesn't take anything seriously at all.. He plays pranks on everyone even boss Man which gets him locked in the basement half the time but he never learns (since he doesn't feel pain as well)
➤ Despite almost everyone in the creepypasta fandom thinking he doesn't remember anything. Toby remembers everything. The car crash, him killing his dad EVERYTHING and it effects him heavily but he kinda just pushes through..? Sometimes he'll have a smoke sesh with Tim or a heart to heart with Kate but besides that he just bottles up the emotions ➤ Speaking of bottling up his emotions, maybe once a month? Slenderman has to tie Toby to a bed when he's having an especially bad mental breakdown, like every emotion he feels rushes to the surface. The reason he gets tied to the bed is because he'll try to kill everyone in the mansion, so once Toby's tics get more intense or he stutters a lot more, that's the sign that it's that time of month again. ➤ Toby has a copy tic where he'll copy other people's mannerism which sadly usually gets him beat up at the manor.. ➤ For all my Toby lovers out there, he would actually be a really good lover! He's annoying, yeah, but he'll warm up to you and act relatively normal. Although he will love work more than you, as soon as Slenderman utters his name, he'll be out the door. He loved killing (he does have limits, don't worry). ➤ He sees Slenderman as a father figure, even though Slender has expressed that he only sees Toby as a pet dog, which Toby just plays off as tough parenting, but Slender's "love" was the only love he's ever known, aside from his mother, but he just assumes she's dead. ➤ Toby's brother figure is Tim, obviously. They go hunting together, go on missions, and smoke sesh together. Tim is a pretty quiet guy, so Toby would talk and talk and talk, but Tim didn't really mind. Toby was like a kid to him, and he felt bad for the kid. Tim is basically Toby's only real friend. ➤ Speaking of friends… Toby is kind of hated at the manor; Kate thinks he's a little bitch; Clockwork had a couple flings with him; Brian just thinks he's immature for his age; and everybody else is annoyed with his pranks. I hope you enjoyed!!! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
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sir-meows-a-lot · 10 months
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Tried something new
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sophieinwonderland · 10 months
for plural characters I give you: skully from marble hornets comics
or tim/masky. I picked skully just because I am him :p, tho im unsure the characters prns because well its confusing lol
since theres not a lot of info readily available I'll just explain: skully is a entity that carries multiple souls of the deceased from the operator (basically like slenderman lol) in it.
we have 2 skullys insys and the first one is more multiple in one than I am.
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thotly-thoughts-101 · 2 years
Unwanted pining(update?)
Okay this is actually a revamp of a thing I started in high school and is still one of my most interacted with posts to this day. SO this is the new one. please reblog, share, interact. 18+ content is in this series so be aware of that, don't like it just keep on moving.
Part 1 I guess
I know how this ends for me. The researchers only let me have this laptop so I have easier access to my sources, that and I won’t do anything stupid when I’m in my holding cell if I have something to keep me grounded. 
But today I am out for something important, the foundation needed my expertise, so they said, that is to say, they fucked up, and something got out. That or they found something new and didn’t know how to deal with it. One or the other. It did mean I got to go outside. I did like that.
They only refer to me using a Mr and my last name, which is kinda irritating, because I have a cool name, at least, I think it’s cool. 
“Mr. C,” The masked soldier broke my train of thought abruptly, “Close that damn computer and get over here, we need you in the briefing, you know the most about these fucking things.”
I glared and shut my laptop, gripping it close to my chest and stepping into the room and sitting on the far left, third seat into the row, near the front. I never listened to these stupid things except for the moments when I was called up to talk, give in depth descriptions of whatever they are trying to catch. 
This time I already knew far too much about what they wanted.
“Today,” the man dressed in an official looking coat sighed, he had probably given so many speeches and missions already, “We are going after an entity who has escaped containment, Kae is here to brief you all on the creature, as the only survivor of the last mission.”
I scowled as I was pulled up by my handcuffs and led to the podium. Screwing my face up I set my laptop on the structure, “We are going after a creature originating in Germany, that has migrated to the states, over the last few centuries. A few people have heard it called the Operator, or even Slenderman, but his birth name is Der Grossman, and that is the name that will hold the most power over him.
“He targets children specifically and has a dimension that follows him in the form of a forest, this is his hunting ground. We have to get him out of it, preferably with a child of a bitchy nature, or prey he hasn’t caught yet.”
I sighed, gathering my thoughts.
“And this is where we come in, right Kaelis?” a familiar voice asked me. I kept my eyes locked on my laptop as a set of pale hands clasped together on the sleek surface.
I looked up, silent pain on my face, the cold black eyes of Anders staring back at me, “I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they are clearly using us. You only survived because you knew how to act. But you’re prey now, and they want to use you for that.”
I nodded, words clogging the back of my throat as he continued to speak, “But I won’t let that happen.” He smiled, sharp, straight teeth threatening and predatory, “go on, finish your presentation.”
I finally looked at the men sitting, waiting, all of them staring. They couldn’t see him, but they knew he was there, everyone knew when he was there.
I coughed slightly, “I will be the bait, I am considered uncaught prey, and so he will seek me out. That will provide an opening for him to be caught. That is all.”
My chains rattled as I picked up my laptop and let my guard lead me back to my seat, where I would zone out for the rest of the meeting.
I hadn’t exactly been targeted by this entity, but I was close enough to something it would hunt, and that must have been good enough for the foundation. Not that they cared if I was okay with this, no sir-e, why would they care about me? I was just bait. Scowling, I was walked back to my little cell, with my bed and my desk. 
Cracking open my laptop I sighed and began to think. If they wanted him caught I could try and find methods to capture der Grossman, but he was Faerie, he wasn’t exactly something to be caught and contained.
“But no, we’re the scp foundation,” I whispered in a sing-song voice, “It’s our duty to catch anything abnormal. Even our own employees.”
I heard the laugh before Anders closed my laptop lid, “Don’t you know, employees rank higher on the list of “must catch”. Because you know how dangerous you are.” He grinned, eyes shining under the long, greasy hair he died with.
“I’m not the one to blame for that,” I muttered, trying to pry the device from his grip, “And take a goddamn shower, will you?”
Anders’ grip remained strong, however his hand seemed to change, looking younger, I looked back up, past the curly black hair, and into those haunted eyes I remember, “You prefer me like this, right? Like when we first met?”
“You were enchanting, how could I not prefer you like this,” I scowled, “doesn’t make up for the minimum eight people you killed.”
Anders' laughter faded away with his body, and I was alone again, with a laptop, now drained of its battery, and of course, all my thoughts and feelings. Taking a deep breath, I stood and paced the length of my room.
“You fucking poltergeist!” I screamed into the empty air, half expecting Anders to appear, rolling on the floor with laughter. Still alone I fell back onto my bed, curling up into a ball as I waited to become live bait.
Driving to the location 16 hours away from the facility with no laptop access and an annoying poltergeist ranks up in the top ten shittiest experiences I have had, ranked number three, right below dying, and number one being Anders himself. 
“Alright, it’s domain should start near here,” My guard turned to me, “click the button when it gets close enough for us to capture.”
I took the button, “He, not it.”
“Yeah, whatever, just go get the fucker,” he popped open the door, just to close it as I stepped out into the darkness of the park.
I walked into the fog filled darkness, hands shoved into my pockets, mumbling, “Anders, you damn well better do your bullshit and show me where to go.”
“Left at the fork,” Anders piqued up, walking alongside me, “Don’t this remind you of the good old days?”
I raised an eyebrow and turned left, “Of what? When you were leading me into rooms, trying to kill me?”
Anders laughed, “No need to frame me as a bad guy here,” he stared down at me, dark eyes empty and hollow despite his smile, “it’s not like I was the only one trying to kill you anyways. Right here.”
I headed down the right path, walking in silence until we hit a dead end. I stopped as Anders stepped into the foliage, watching me, waiting for me to follow.
“Seriously,” I crossed my arms, pausing to give the poltergeist a chance to elaborate, just to be met with that silent, unwavering stare, “yikes, okay then, fucking psychopath.” 
I stepped off the path and was promptly hit with a wave of dizziness, my knee giving way under me. A cold hand grabbing my arm and hoisting me up.
“Well would you look at that?” Anders mused, “We’re in his domain now. I can touch you”
I yanked my arm away, straightening myself up, “Yeah, well you better not touch me again. We have to find him, so that this can all be over, and maybe we’ll both finally move on and fucking die.”
“Yeah fucking right!” Anders laughed, “You know I won’t let that happen, cupcake.” 
I grumbled something under my breath and trudged onwards, further and further into the forest. Far as I knew I would be trudging on for hours, and who knew how time worked here, it may even take years for me, but ten minutes for everyone else, or vice versa.
My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pull and cloth covering my mouth, dizziness overtaking my senses as I fell back against a solid chest, my eyes rolling back as the suffocating darkness of sleep overtook me. Only faintly aware of Anders shouting and his cold hands trying to hold onto me, only to feel the chill of them passing through me.
I woke up in the backseat of a car that smelled strongly of cigarettes. Groaning, I reached up and rubbed my eyes, an attempt to get rid of the grittiness in my sight. Anders was nowhere to be seen, but there was a man driving, an unlit cigarette hanging limply from his mouth. He glanced into his rearview mirror, checking to see if I was awake.
He let out what seemed to be a heald breath, “You’re awake, good. Do you even know what you were doing out there?”
“Pretty sure I was busy trying to be a sacrifice in order to capture an immortal being,” I huffed, leaning forward in my seat to get a good look at the man who snatched me.
The stranger bit down on his cigarette, “I see, well, you’re stupid, you can’t catch, much less kill something like that.”
“I’m aware.”
I jerked forward by the sudden stop of the car, “You knew this and did it anyway?!”
I nodded.
“Oh my fucking god, you’re stupid, I should have just let you die,” the stranger hit his palm on the steering wheel.
I frowned, staring at him, “You mean you aren’t with my boss, you just kidnapped me… Who the fuck are you!?”
“Who am I? What sort of idiot lets their job send them off to the slaughter?” he finally turned around to stare at me, concerned irritation painting his face.
I leaned back, “Kae, and I didn’t exactly have a choice, or the capacity to die.”
That answer got me absolute radio static silence. The stranger who had drugged and kidnapped me stared me down, searching for a single flaw in my words, as though he were hoping I was lying. Which, unfortunately for the both of us, I was not.
“Alright Kae,” the stranger sighed, turning back to the road, “I’m Tim, and you’re going to help me, okay?”
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1o-o · 9 months
Just something random 👍
I have 2 versions of creepypasta :3
One version being With MH:
So basically in this one all the MH stuff happen but then Slenderman/The operator revives Hoodie and bring backs Masky’s mask to Tim,The operator then forces Tim/Masky And Hoodie (He doesn’t remember his old name) to work for him.They are still against slenderman but they can’t do anything to get out of his control.
The second version being original:
This one is just your normal creepypasta 👍
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adaki · 2 months
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Wanted to do some biblically accurate mh art
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tryingtofindava · 9 months
hi there :) can you please do masky with a s/o that wears kuro lolita?
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚! 𝐬/𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
a/n: soz this is rlly short but my brain is empty. But I learned a new aesthetic which is cool :))
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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He actually probably likes the aesthetic, not that he’d ever admit it.
He thinks it quite nice, he likes the way black looks on you. (AND HE LOVES THE FRILLS)
He likes the Victorian feel it has.
You’ll probably have to educate him on your aesthetic.
He definitely steals buys you little accessories/clothing to fill up your wardrobe to the brim! (even though it was probably alr filled to begin with lol.)
If he and you were to ever go out in public, I think he’d ask you to tone it down a little bit.
He doesn’t like when attention is drawn to him, especially due to his line of duties.
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wastelandcatartist · 1 year
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I did some art for Pride for the first time in a few years! I hope you all like it!
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hi! i recently started following you and i love your writing, it really is a light amongst a dead fandom lmao. anyways, could i request ej, masky and jeff hc's with a tattoo artist/piercer so, or maybe that simply has many tattoos and piercings? maybe the reader is a creep too but used to be a tattoo artist before becoming a creep or something, idk, i just rarely see readers depicted as anything other than small and cute and like that's cool but i want some spice!
tysm in advance <3
YOU ARE SO RIGHT THO!! Like I’m a sucker for sweet ol’ innocent reader x big bad guy (specifically EJ) but like weird, freaky reader? Imma eat that up every time
Anyways, I went with a creep reader who used to be a tattoo artist and had a lot of piercings :))
Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, and Tim / Masky with a ex-tattoo artist reader
Jeff the Killer :
If you still have your tattoo stuff, he’ll ask you to tattoo him
Definitely would want a big back tattoo, I could see him wanting a sleeve / large arm tattoo, maybe band tattoos, and something small for Smile
Would definitely color in your tattoos
If you have a lot of piercings, he might ask if you can give him some
His long ass hair definitely gets tangled / caught on your piercings
Probably gets a little jealous whenever you offer to tattoo or pierce another creep
If your backstory or killing style has to do with the tattooing or piercing he’s fucking head over heals
Like “oh yeah they did that to me but mine turned out cool” as he’s talking to a corpse covered in ink
Overall I don’t think he’d treat you any different from another killer s/o but definitely thinks your hobbies are cool
Eyeless Jack :
Ok so my version of Jack has a ton of markings and such on him due to the sacrifice
But he lets you mark all over them
I don’t really think Jacks skin could be pierced?
He has really thick and tough skin
But he loves to trail his fingers over your tattoos and mess around with your piercings
He would probably be worried for your skin and ink poisoning, so make sure to reassure him that it’s all good and your not in pain
Always makes sure you have disinfectant for your piercings and that lotion for your tattoos (I don’t have a tattoo but don’t they give you some kind of lotion? I’m like 99% sure)
If your killing style has to do with your hobbies then I think he’d be intrigued
Like you managed to kill someone with a small piercing needle?
Tim / Masky :
Probably won’t ask you to tattoo and/or pierce him
I just don’t see him having anything like that
But he likes seeing yours, he thinks there pretty
He loves to watch you come up with ideas for tattoos!
The two of you chilling in his room, he’s doing paperwork and your drawing out different ideas or messing with different pieces of stuff to turn into piercings
Brian would probably ask you for a tattoo, to which Tim would get jealous
Masky couldn’t care less, but it’s Masky who’s a bitch, so ya know
With you being a creep, Tim worry’s a lot. He knows that you can handle yourself, but he can’t help it
Especially since your piercing needles are so small, one wrong move and you could miss a target and then you get hurt
He overthinks a lot
He will get onto you back ink poisoning or infections, but hit him back with “well smokings not good” and he’ll shut up
Of course he has a small smile on his face, but you don’t need to see that
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miyunnnaise · 1 month
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always 4ever
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wkr-47 · 4 months
How all you people? Do u like Slenderman?
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vamp-yro · 2 months
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strawberyz · 3 months
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