#Tinkerbell ballet
aplausosvestuario · 2 months
Where magic meets dance: Peter Pan and Tinker Bell in a pas de deux Donde la magia se encuentra con la danza: Peter Pan y Campanilla en un paso a dos
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barbie-pink4ever · 4 months
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iamadyingangel · 1 year
i don't understand tumblr what do i do here help me help me error error error omg cringe bye lol
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beastwhimsy · 2 months
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my Joy redesign for inside out!! I felt that they needed more dynamic shapes and while I liked the blue, I wanted it to be a bit more indigo and more spread out! yes they're nonbinary and yes tinkerbell was an influence [: ballet slippers because I think they'd love dancing!! the ribbons are very expressive and match their feelings, drooping when they're downcast for example!
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devoutvesta · 3 months
A Deep Dive Into Disney’s Most Underperforming Princess
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Princess Aurora can’t even be described as controversial. To most, she’s simply boring, too passive, and a continuation of the bland cycle of white princesses who wait around for magic or a prince to save them. Although no one hates her, they find her irritating at the worst, uninteresting at best. In the fifties, they must have thought the same thing. Sleeping Beauty was a commercial failure, and led to company wide annual loss. Sleeping Beauty had followed several other financial flops, such as Bambi and Alice in Wonderland, the latter costing Disney around half a million dollars. Due to her lack of popularity, Aurora may be one of the most neglected Princesses. Many cling to her out of nostalgia, or because she has a nice design, and they find it hard to defend their love for the movie. But the movie’s turbulent history and the amount of detail that went into Aurora herself is what really makes her so incredibly fascinating.
Starting with her design, Disney hired Marc Davis as the supervising animator for Aurora. He also animated Maleficent. The intention was for them to be realistic enough to be placed against the heavily detailed backgrounds of the movie. Davis had embraced this artistic direction, while many of the animators found it, and especially Aurora, laborious and tiring to work on. Both Maleficent and Aurora had to be refined and dynamic. Davis was Disney’s go-to animator for ‘pretty girls’, examples being Tinkerbell and Alice. His knowledge of anatomy and the human body brought both Aurora and Cinderella to life, two of Disney’s most visually iconic characters. Davis had also incorporated Art Nouveau and Art Deco into Aurora’s design, while the tapestry-like art style of the movie was chosen by Eyvind Earle, who was inspired by pre-Renaissance European art. The score and songs were based on Tchaikovsky’s ballet.
Aurora alone required more effort and attention to detail than any princess before her. It took Walt Disney and his team three years to choose a voice actress. They nearly scrapped the project until they discovered Mary Costa, but Disney himself avoided interacting with her in person early on in the project, fearing that she’d influence his vision of the movie.
Aurora was loosely based on her voice actress. Her appearance and her habits (such as gesturing when speaking and singing) were both incorporated into Aurora’s animation. She was also drawn to resemble both her live action model, the same one as Cinderella’s, Helene Stanley, and actress Audrey Hepburn. Davis took inspiration from Audrey Hepburn’s slender physique and elegant demeanour.
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In the book Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment, author Douglas Brode referred to Aurora as “a model of modern (50’s) female glamour” and compared her to Brigitte Bardot. He also compared her gown to the work of Christian Dior.
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As a character, she was described by Nerve as being “the apex of women who made no choices for themselves.” Aurora is a member of the “Golden Era” of Disney heroines, the original Princess trifecta. Her dreams are the same as those before her. But it’s possible that Aurora’s dreams of true love derived from the need for companionship outside of her three fairy godmothers.
On their website, Disney describes her as, “graceful and kind. She knows that a wonderful future awaits, if you just have the courage to dream it. Aurora enjoys using her imagination and sharing stories with her forest friends. She is also loyal in her relationships -- to her animal friends, her fairies, and her kingdom. Aurora believes in a wish and remains hopeful that she will find the adventure she is looking for.”
Walt Disney himself described Aurora as being “a very layered character/different. She’s calm, yet playful. She has a sense of humour, and she has an imagination.” We can not argue that she was considered layered through the lens of the fifties, because many critics disliked all three of the original princesses for their passive personality, or lack thereof. But from the perspective of the team working on the show, they saw much more to her.
This was the film that Walt Disney worked his hardest on, it took ten years to complete. It was also the very last Princess film he was involved in. Her ‘layers’ were very much intentional. Disney tried to do the same thing with Cinderella.
With Cinderella, they attempted to make her less passive than Snow White, and they showed this through her rebelling against her abusive stepfamily. Maurice Rapf said, "My thinking was you can't have somebody who comes in and changes everything for you. It can't be delivered for you on a platter. You've got to earn it. So in my version, the Fairy Godmother said, 'It's okay till midnight but from then on it's up to you.' I made her earn it, and what she had to do to achieve it was to rebel against her stepmother and stepsisters, to stop being a slave in her own home. So I had a scene where they're ordering her around and she throws the stuff back at them. She revolts, so they lock her up in the attic. I don't think anyone took (my idea) very seriously."
The toned down version of Cinderella, although rebellious in her own way, is still toned down. That part of her character was written out. In comparison to what she would have been, she is passive. Aurora and Cinderella are both less passive than their predecessors, but passive nonetheless. All three of them are the staple damsels in distress.
However, Mary Costa described Aurora as “very strong”, citing her urge to defy her guardians as a display of independence and an example of her strength. Aurora was raised by three women, and had never met a man in her life. Costa believed that because of this, she was ‘innately romantic’ as opposed to lonely or depressed with her sheltered life. To quote, “there was a certain part of her that maybe she didn’t realise, that was just so romantic and maybe expecting something that–she didn’t even know what.”
She believed that her being raised by three older women rather than her parents made her “a little bit older, and yet, she…had this young, outreaching spirit.” Author Douglas Brode points out that the fairies’ independent raising of Aurora mirrors “precisely that sort of women’s commune numerous feminists experimented with throughout the seventies.” Aurora living in an isolated, female-only space, with female authority, is reminiscent of the bold and liberating radical feminist movement. In her own way, as a peasant, she was independent. And that independence and autonomy was taken from her upon discovering that she was royalty and betrothed to a prince. She was leaving her home and the presumed man of her dreams behind, and not of her own free will.
Aurora had enjoyed her simple life, it had fulfilled her, even if she desired more. She had dreams of finding romantic love, which she talks about in the movie’s song ‘I Wonder’. Additionally, her close relationship with animals demonstrates her loving and kind personality. She has a whimsical imagination, and it’s scenes like the ones from Disney’s Enchanted Tales series and ‘Once Upon a Dream’, that would support Costa’s claim of her being a romantic. Where she’s changing in and out of pretty gowns with a magical wand, and giggling to herself. Or dancing happily with the forest animals, thinking about her imaginary prince. In ‘Keys to the Kingdom’, she proudly sings about wishing to make decisions with her heart.
Her independence is demonstrated on multiple occasions in Disney’s discontinued Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams. Aurora graciously accepts responsibility of her kingdom while both her and Philip’s parents travel away for a business trip. All on her own, she is determined to get all of her Princess duties finished on time, the hard way. She refuses to take the easy way out, time and time again, even when she doubts herself. She works harder than even her father, who would take the easy way out by signing royal documents without reading them. Even when Meriwether gives her a magic wand to help her out, she reads and fills out every royal form diligently, and helps out all of her subjects. She manages to complete her tasks on time and throw a banquet for her family and Philip by the time they return. The lesson here is to ‘stick to it’ and to ‘persevere’. But her insistence on doing everything on her own is shown once again in A Kingdom of Kindness, where she must plan a surprise party for Philip. The three fairies attempt to help her, but she continues to tell them that she wants to do it on her own. This series was cancelled, and it is difficult to find any clips of it online. But this short-series gives us some insight into Aurora’s character.
She is assumed to be the protagonist by most, but many consider the three fairies to be the protagonists. They help move the story along, they protect Aurora, and they have distinct, in-your-face personalities. Many consider Aurora authentic, or the title character, but whether she is the protagonist or not has never been agreed upon. Her lack of role in the story has been criticized by many. But some take it as an allegory for the lack of control
The most lengthy debate surrounding Aurora has to do with how feminist her character is. She may have been an improvement from the previous princesses, but she is not regarded as a particularly feminist character.
The three original princesses, all being pale-skinned European princesses with a naive and endlessly forgiving (an unrealistic standard), sends a message to their viewers that this is what princesses should look like, how they should behave. All three classic princesses are deeply intertwined with Disney’s long history of racism and bigotry. In an attempt to amend this, Disney has released back to back live action remakes of their movies, all receiving mixed reviews. Maleficent was Sleeping Beauty’s remake, focused on a maternal relationship between Maleficent and Aurora. Many people interpreted the scene where Maleficent’s wings get cut off in her sleep as sexual assault. This inclusion made many survivors of sexual assault feel represented by the character.
From my perspective, the original Sleeping Beauty is technically a movie centred around women. A teenage girl lives with her three surrogate mothers, who end up saving her in the end from the female antagonist. Although Prince Philip’s role in the story is still a large part of what moves the plot along. It is Philip who is captured, as Maleficent knew that he would go looking for her. He courted Aurora, defeated Maleficent with the help of the three fairies, and kissed the princess awake. But he still doesn’t get as large of a role, or nearly as much screen time, as the three fairies.
In short, both the movie and the princess fascinate me. And although there is depth if you squint, a character does not need to be fleshed out to be lovable, or at least endearing. Aurora is my favourite Disney Princess, and I find the history behind her and the film to be more interesting than what meets the eye.
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inthefallofasparrow · 2 years
One time, I saw an independent production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and I’m not sure now much of this I’m misremembering, but at the start of Act 2, this little girl in a cutesy ballerina/‘tinkerbell’ fairy type costume with sparkles and ballet shoes and coat-hanger wings came on and started monologuing, and I was like ‘Wait, is this Puck? Because that’s an ... interesting choice.’
Then a 6 foot tall, bald man with no shirt came on and started dancing with her, and then mid-sentence, when it looked like he was maybe about to lift her up, he stabbed her in the back with a pair of scissors, and then carried her dead body offstage before continuing. And I was like, ‘oh... ok, that’s Puck.”
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A Fairy Tale Rabbit Hole
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the movie that it started it all for Disney Animation and it's the most influential fairy tale movie ever. Its tropes and its tone still inspires fairy tale media to this day, either as parodies, or homages.
But what less people know is that Walt Disney was inspired to make this movie because of a peculiar silent movie that he watched when he was a teenager.
That movie was Snow White from 1916. Its writer, Winthrop Ames, adapted it from his own Broadway play. An example of American fairy tale theater.
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This kept me thinking.
The Wizard of Oz is one of the most iconic fantasy films of all time, and it was made in direct response to Snow White. What people don't know is that the scene where Glinda saves the gang from the deadly poppies with a snowstorm came straight from a fairy tale musical from 1902. It came from The Wizard of Oz, a fairy tale musical "extravaganza", with direct input from L. Frank Baum, only two years after the original novel.
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Actually, stage musicals seem to take a slight part in the creation of Oz. The Marvellous Land of Oz, the sequel, seems to be inspired by this stage culture. General Jinjur and her army dresses like chorus girls, Ozma/Tip may be inspired by the crossdressing in children roles, and this was the book's dedication:
"To those excellent good fellows and comedians David C. Montgomery and Frank A. Stone whose clever personations of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow have delighted thousands of children throughout the land, this book is gratefully dedicated by THE AUTHOR"
These were actors of the 1902 stage show.
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Two years later, on 1904 Peter and Wendy premiered. This play is also one of the most famous children stories ever. Walt Disney himself acted as Peter in a local production of it and Tinkerbell quickly became a mascot for the studio.
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This all led me to think more about fairy tale theater specifically.
Since the ending of the 18th century and through the 19th century, a genre of stage show developed through Europe. It was mostly comedic and light-hearted, mainly inspired by fairy tales, and it was geared towards children and families. It involved lavish fantasy spectacles told through operas, ballets, and what we today would call "musical theater".
It had many different names and variations depending on the country.
On England, it evolved through the pantomimes and it became a Christmas tradition.
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In Russian, it was mainly through ballet, called the ballet-féerie, often considered a lower-class, more commercialized entertainment than traditional ballet. Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker are among some of them. Sleeping Beauty would later inspire Disney's telling of the story.
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In France they were called Féerie, and it was a mix of music, dancing, pantomime, acrobatics, and stage effects. It influenced the development of burlesque, musical comedy and film.
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From Wikipedia:
With his 1899 film version of Cinderella, Georges Méliès brought the féerie into the newly developing world of motion pictures. The féerie quickly became one of film's most popular and lavishly mounted genres in the early years of the twentieth century, with such pioneers as Edwin S. Porter, Cecil Hepworth, Ferdinand Zecca, and Albert Capellani contributing fairy-tale adaptations in the féerie style or filming versions of popular stage féeries like Le Pied de mouton, Les Sept Châteaux du diable, and La Biche au bois. The leader in the genre, however, remained Méliès,[37] who designed many of his major films as féeries and whose work as a whole is intensely suffused with the genre's influence.[38]
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Once you realize a huge chunk of fairy tale media has roots in family friendly stage shows from 19th century, a lot of it started making sense.
The focus on romance, the focus on damsels in distress, prevalence of lighter tones, the everlasting connection to music and dance.
They may be the main reason why some fairy tales are more famous than others. Some became source material for a continuous stream of operas, operettas, musical extravaganzas, ballets, plays, and others simply not.
And besides the Victorian Era storybooks that bowdlerized fairy tales for children, I think this whole genre of the theater was responsible to firmly establish fairy tales as a child friendly media, decades before Disney ever released Snow White to cash in that nostalgia.
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If you have something to add or if I just got something wrong, feel free to correct me.
@ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @adarkrainbow @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @natache @tamisdava2 @thealmightyemprex
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himalia-aesthetics · 11 months
Fairycore Aesthetic
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The Fairycore aesthetic is both ethereal and natural. This style is rooted in fantastical stories passed down for generations. Individuals with a love for nature and a longing for a fantasy life may be drawn to this aesthetic.
Babbling creeks
Wildflower fields
Lush forests 
Lily pads 
Beds of moss
Fairy Wings
Blue skies 
Key Colors:
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Lace tops 
Flowy long sleeves
Tank tops
Flowing skirts 
Layered skirts 
Baggy pants
One Pieces:
Flowy dresses
Ruffled dresses
Layered dresses
Lace dresses
Fishnet cardigans
Sheer cardigans 
Knit cardigans 
Mary janes 
Ballet flats 
Platform shoes
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Shiny necklaces
Bead necklaces 
Gemstone rings 
Dangling earrings
Fishnet tights
Leg warmers 
Canvas bags 
Shimmering eyeshadow 
Lip gloss 
Glowy highlighter 
Light blush 
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Lord of the Rings 
Barbie of Swan Lake
Barbie in Fairytopia 
Peter Pan
Ella Enchanted 
The Spiderwick Chronicles 
Winx Club
Once Upon a Time
Carnival Row
The Magicians 
The Other Kingdom
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Ethereal fairy vibes by Anouk
Fairycore by Ella Dickenson
Fairy core by Casper
Classical fairycore by dayfly
How to Build a Fairycore / Grunge Fairy Wardrobe by Mariel
Fairycore: history fashion influences and how to style outfits by Hali’s Room
I bought a Fairycore thrift store mystery box so I could feel ✨ magical ✨ thrifting TikTok trends
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J.R.R. Tolkien 
Holly Black 
Cassandra Clare 
Carolyn Turgeon 
Neil Gaiman 
Sarah J. Maas
Walking nature paths
Picking Flowers
Rock Collecting
Related Aesthetics:
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confused-bi-queer · 2 years
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Thank you for the tag everyone that hasn’t stopped tagging me!!!! Thank you for trusting I’m still around here!
I’m working on the next chapter of my ballet AU (the rise and fall of us) and it’s looking great!!! Both sad for Simon and Baz tho, but also very sweet!!! @erzbethluna has been helping me sort out the plot, so I’m happy to mention that I have everything planned!!!! I just have to write it now😭
I’m very thankful for everyone who’s reading this fic and waiting patiently for me to get the words out. I thought people would stop reading it after making it Mature, but it has had a lot of great reactions, so thank tou very much. Also thank you Eli for the mind blowing art!!!! It makes everything better.
The art for Chapter 9 is here, PLEASE check it out!!!
Now, a flashback of Baz being a Big Bro after a performance:
“These smell delicious,” I told them. “Thank you so much.”
I gave the flowers to Daphne and lifted my sisters in my arms, both of them laughing as they stopped touching the floor.
“Where is your costume?” Sophie asked while Petra was complaining about how sweaty and gross I was.
I had made up a story about how fairies sewed my costumes. They loved Tinkerbell, and I had seen all of the movies with them. They loved it when I indulged them with it. Once, we made a small house out of cereal boxes and junk we had in the house to see if the fairies came to eat the food we had left them there. They were so happy when the box was empty.
So, I told them the fairies had asked me to leave the costume so they could put more magic in it for me to glow next time.
Now tagging and tagging back: @dragoneggos @wellbelesbian @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @artsyunderstudy @bazzybelle @aristocratic-otter @palimpsessed @angelsfalling16 @forabeatofadrum @fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @thehoneyedhufflepuff @castawaypitch @nightimedreamersworld @ninemagicks @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @moodandmist @theearlgreymage @johnwgrey @cutestkilla @shrekgogurt @onepintobean @captain-aralias @letraspal @larkral @ineffable-grimm-pitch @katmiscellanious @ionlydrinkhotwater @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ic3-que3n @kohatenz @yeonjunenby @bookish-bogwitch @excalisbury @whogaveyoupermission @hushed-chorus @whatevertheweather @raenestee @foolofabookwyrm-activated @martsonmars @j-nipper-95
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
👗 Kirsty, all days of the trip?
how I spent my entire shift 😅 (other accessories not pictured + her jacket when she brings one is The Jean Jacket™)
Characters were chosen based on some of her favourites but also based on roles she has in ballets + musicals
Day 1: Alice ( Magic Kingdom )
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Day 2: Cinderella ( Epcot )
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Day 3: Belle ( Hollywood Studios )
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Day 4: Rapunzel ( Animal Kingdom )
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Day 5: comfy at the hotel ( grand floridian + sweater is Richie's )
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Day 6: Tinkerbell ( Epcot )
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Day 7: Wendy ( Hollywood Studios + dinner at Disney Springs )
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Day 8: Minnie Mouse ( Disney Springs )
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Day 9: Winnie the Pooh ( Magic Kingdom )
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Day 10: Aurora ( hotel / packing + dinner at Disney Springs / torn between two dresses )
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aplausosvestuario · 7 months
Dazzling on stage with this incredible Tinkerbell-inspired costume for your modern dance performances! Enter a world of magic and enchantment with our unique designs that capture the magical essence of this iconic character
¡ Deslumbrando en el escenario con este increíble vestuario inspirado en Campanilla para tus presentaciones de baile moderno! Entra en un mundo de magia y encanto con nuestros diseños únicos que capturan la esencia mágica de este personaje icónico
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Alright time for the off brand Disney princess movie showdown
Which is better? Barbie movies or Tinkerbell movies? (Ignoring quantity, solely on merit and quality)
But that comes with the caveat that Barbie was able to wholesale lift a lot of classic stories and ballets to make Barbie movies, so they were working off of solid ground whereas Tinkerbell had to go in dead blind.
However if we were to include the Tinkerbell books as well it suddenly bodies that shit where my Deluce fans at???
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soubaim · 3 months
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snow white tinkerbell female ballet dancer
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shop-korea · 7 months
10 Affordable Modular Homes for Sale Under $50,000: Explore Budget-Frien...
Dear Philippine Islands,
In case you've been speaking
2 your - Scientists
Pilipinas - 67,000 years
Pharmaceuticals - and
Medication Creation
World - Distribution
Before - You were never
Conrinuous - Existence
Pilipinas - has - vital herbs
and - leaves - Korea and US
has sewn up - people
Swords - Arrows - Stabbings
Gun Powder
Not - Pilipinas
Special - Volcanic
Herbs - Leaves - 2 - remove
Rust - Poisoning - Lead yes
Poison - then - Herbs - and
Leaves - Left - Cotton cloth
Wrap - after - 1 month - Nice
Line - No Poisoning
Today - Copy of Age 246
Years - USA - Lots of Patays
Deaths in - Manila Hospitals
Blk male was shacking - Blk
Female - Now Shacking white
Male - Curly - Brown - Hair
Kept on Staring at me
Moved - Rent Tent - to
Look at Green Tent just
one ropped - heavy yes
anyway so also - L side
Just never stopped stare
2 males - buthole penetration
Tent given - used - not - clean
Smelly - Leaves - Holes - were
covered - Different Color from
Displayed - Dirty
Ozark Trail - Walmart
Made in - Bangladesh
No No on Tents given
Hispanics giving used
Panties and clothes
Beggars - Not - Choosers
Dear Tondo - Other Squaters,
New Cafes - Coming
Planet Moon
31 st - Korean Star - Suicide
Fountain - outside - Chinese
Water Lilies - Electronic put
Coin 2 Send around fountain
Sending - your - Wishes
All Ages
Beauty Pageants
Ms Planet Moon
Mr Planet Moon
Ms Baby Planet Moon
Mr Baby Planet Moon
Singers only
Speaks Tongues
1 year - Free Food
1 year - Food Delivered also
No Tips - 3maids - fed also
Unlike - Ms & Mr Galaxy
Mr & Ms Planet - Moon
Will take - care of Poor
Homeless and Squaters
Homes - Education
Planet Moon - Cafes
24/7 - Always Open
Holidays - also
Kids - Seniors - World
Local - Military - Free
Food - Drinks
Dear Tondo - Other Squaters
Our Requirements
Speak Tongues
Norwegian Cruise Ships
Your first housing
Interviews - Chinese Zodiac
Birthdays - Classes - Jobs
Training Online - New Schools
We can empty - Tondo - Area
Buy that Locarion
Buy other - Areas
Moso Bamboos - 75 feet
3 feet - Daily - Enrich land
Only plant - Blocks Winds
500 mph - Absorbs Flood
We're going 4 Modular
Homes - Moso Bamboo
Outside - Marble inside
Marble like Wool brings
Coldness of Winter 2 the
Warmth of Summer
Don't know if u have
Residenrial Taxes
This Modulars are Free
Ms and Mr Planet Moon
will cut the Red Ribbom
Open House Small Party
Gated Digital Communities
Armed Guards - Males only
Uniforms - Made in Germany
Less than Tic Tac size Bullets
Poisonous - People disappear
Fake Waterfalls - water works
Outdoor - Indoor Swim'g pools
Fitness Centers - 24/7
Kids - Teens - Adults - Seniors
Horse Lanes - Kids - Others
Roller Skates - Lanes
Mickey Mouse - Disney
Balloons - Lights Nights
Little Mermaid - Tinkerbell
$0.25 - Coins - per
Rent Dogs - Coins
Miniature - Golf
24/7 - Tahirian Cafe
Buffets - Tahitian Dancers
Free - Dance - Classes
BBQ - Grills
Children's - Playground
Modular Homes
Gated Communities
Make Pilipinas Home Safe
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Have you ever been in an actual ballet?
Not very many, but yes. A lot of ballets have totally weird storylines, plus its a lot of pointe work, so they’re not my thing. But I’ve played a BUNCH of roles in Nutcracker, most of which were not en pointe, plus I’ve played Tinkerbell, Aurora, Glinda, and Esmeralda in ballets.
Never got around to the lead in Swan Lake; I can’t do enough turns en pointe for it…like seriously not even close.
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lovelyballetandmore · 2 years
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Tyler Donatelli | Houston Ballet
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