#Tom Riddle/Alphard Black
iamnmbr3 · 3 months
Snape: The Dark Lord has a message for you. He says could you please stop thinking about Draco Malfoy so loudly. It's distracting him from his evil plans.
Harry: First of all, that's an exaggeration.
Ron & Hermione: It's really, really not.
Harry: Second of all, I don't complain to him about the 1001 facts and intimate details about Alphard Black that I've been treated to.
Sirius: O_O The what?
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in tmwwbk when alphard originally pursued tom when they were in school what made him think tom would be amenable and had tom figured out alphard was gay by that point?
The Man Who Would Be King by me and @therealvinelle
You guys really want that prequel fic, huh?
I don't know if it will make you feel better or not, but in this case, it's not that exciting or interesting of a story and the bottom line is "it happened" and you can assume it was fucking ridiculous.
How Alphard and Tom started their affair's not the point of that particular story.
Though to answer your question, Alphard did not assume Tom would be amenable, and Tom had not figured out Alphard was gay.
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overlord-of-fantasy · 1 month
Tom convinced his classmates that he lives with his rich, mysterious WIZARD parents
Alphard, walking through London with Tom: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
Tom: You people already know too much about me.
Alphard: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of your friends crash at your place.
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forestdeath1 · 3 months
what made you ship tom riddle/alphard black? i saw you mention you shipped it for while
Last year, I started writing a fanfic about Tom from Alphard Black's perspective. I didn't plan to write this ship, the characters decided that on their own ;) It's not an obvious ship tho. I don't think I'll tag it as a romance so people don't expect that, cos I don't really like to write traditional romance and love. But when it comes to feelings you are not allowed to feel, self-deception, doing what you have to do instead of what you want to do — that's my thing. So yes, I ship them, but it’s not THAT love.
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guys walburga is older than tom i can imagine the rise of voldemort and walburga's like ? wha? who? ohhh that weird kid? he had like no friends lmao ,,, fucking half breed ,,, he tried to stick w us and we shoved him in a closet & charmed him quiet for like 3 hours when he was like 12 . @ alphard didnt u have the hots for him . what ? join him ? WORK FOR HIM ? 💀💀 that's funny . but maybe i can go have tea w him and remind him how he had a crush on druella . idk why . i was hotter
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soup-of-the-daisies · 5 months
time travelling harry being slightly fond of orion black because he looks and sounds so much like sirius, but soon realising he’s actually unbearingly and unbelievably fond of orion himself… orion being baffled, suspicious and quite flattered that someone likes him for him, not just for his last name or status as heir, and promptly deciding he’d die for harry… tom seething with jealousy watching them hang out and being generally attached the hip, knowing he can’t kill orion because 1) harry would NEVER forgive him or talk to him again, and 2) it’d be a shame to alienate the ancient and most noble house of black by getting rid of their heir
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strangeharbor · 5 months
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rare meme breaching discord containment for @therealvinelle
(marvolard sounds like something you have on the edge of your dinner plate and refuse to eat)
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virgil-anon · 3 days
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @sri-verse
I'm tagging: @catjar91 and @wretchedanddivinee
This is a snippet of the first part of chapter 10 of a touch of fate (I'm currently editing this chapter)
Cedric found himself falling into an easy routine here, so easy in fact, that he barely noticed when a month had gone by. Time was racing by, which was ironic, because time wasn’t something they had a lot of, not if they wanted to complete their mission.  He knew this wasn’t his original time, his original life, but he was comfortable here. He would always miss his father and his friends, but he found comfort and companionship with his family in this time, and with Harry. The friends he was making here were both similar and different from his friends back home. His House was so familiar that it felt like coming home.  Dividing his time between Harry, his friends, quidditch, and classes, he was fairly busy. Not too busy, however, to notice that a certain Black was watching him. It started last night during Astronomy. Cedric had noticed Alphard in the class before (since so many students dropped it after fifth year, their classes were combined), usually sitting close to the other Slytherins, but he hadn’t thought much of it. After all, he’d resolutely ignored him after Cedric offended him during quidditch tryouts.  But last night he’d been staring at Cedric more often than the stars. Cedric couldn’t say he knew the oldest Black boy, but he seemed to love Astronomy (as did the rest of his family). He didn’t think he was more interesting than celestial bodies, but he assumed this was something he was put up to. Harry told him Alphard had been following and watching him all of the sudden, and they both knew who was the mastermind behind that.  That was just as well, since he’d been looking for an excuse to talk to him again, anyway.  The library was mostly empty during Cedric’s free period on Thursday. He chose a table in the middle of the room, so when Alphard walked into the library he could see him immediately, and vice versa.  He wasted some time in the nearby stacks, but Cedric knew he was watching him. Although, he didn’t draw attention to him, but instead kept working on his potions essay. Slughorn was a much nicer person than Snape, but he still graded with the same level of harshness and high expectations.  Cedric was so engrossed in his work that he hadn’t noticed when Alphard finally joined him, pulling out the chair across from him. He glanced up and smiled. “Hey, Alphard.”  “Diggory,” he replied, voice stiff and terse.  Oh no, that wouldn’t do at all. He leaned forward, folding his arms over his book. “I have a first name, you know, that I’d rather you use.”  “That’s rather informal,” Alphard replied. “We barely know each other.” Cedric shrugged. “I’m not forcing you to speak with me. Why sit with me if you wish to remain so formal?” He asked, voice laced with faint amusement.  Alphard bristled. “Don’t flatter yourself on my behalf. What if I’m not here for you?”  Cedric couldn’t help but chuckle. He reminded him a bit of Cho, with their similar raven hair (albeit Alphard had pretty curls as opposed to Cho’s straight hair), fair skin, and their studious yet shy nature. He glanced down—yes, down, since Alphard was also short, around Cho’s height, the top of his head reaching his chin—and grinned.
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HP rarepairs ship battle
Submitted Propaganda
I think they're sweet and I never see anything about them (dobby so fell first)
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*Harry staring at notice board in Slytherin common room*
Alphard Black: Hey Evans, what are you doing?
Harry: Professor Slughorn tells me I need to join a club—
Alphard: Oh? Have you thought about the Dueling club—
Harry: No. Hard pass.
Alphard: Why? You’re really good at—
Harry: Just because I’m good at something doesn’t mean I enjoy it. Besides that would be too much work. I’m looking for something that requires minimal effort. There’s not a club dedicated to napping is there?
Alphard: If there was Mulciber would be captain. But if you’re looking for minimal effort, Eileen Prince has a gobstones club that’s popular with the first and second years. You gotta make her think you’re serious about it though, cause if she thinks you’re teasing she won’t let you join.
Harry: Noted. Thanks, Black.
———-One Hour Later——
Tom: …gobstones? Gobstones?! He refuses my offers to join the Knights, but he’ll play gobstones with a bunch of eleven-year-olds?!
Alphard: Hey don’t curse the messenger—
Tom: Ridiculous!
Alyxander Mulciber: A napping club sounds like a good idea, do you think we could get a faculty advisor to sign off on it?
Lyra Burke: Professor Trelawny might do it if we lie and say it’s a astral projection club.
Ignotus Avery: If you guys get it approved, I’ll join up too. Could use a little nap with all this homework our professors keep piling on—
Tom: None of you are forming a napping club. You have too much work to do—
Lyra: If we form it Evans might join and that’ll give us a chance to gather more information on him…
Tom: There are better ways of gathering information, Burke.
Lyra: Maybe. But those other way are not as relaxing.
Tom: You’re not supposed to be relaxing!
Alyxander (whispering to Avery): I think he could use a nap.
Ignotus: …yeah, no kidding.
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therealvinelle · 5 months
Horrible options only.
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
Alphard: It's so hard when you meet a man, fall in love with him and then--
Sirius: He marries the girl he's been pining for and you're happy for him but inside your heart is breaking and then before you've recovered from that he dies tragically. I know.
Alphard: I was going to say 'and then he becomes a formless wraith somewhere in Albania' but ok.
Sirius: What?
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I feel like you guys have accidentally created a mini cult or religious following for Tom/Alphard
What the fuck have you guys been doing out there?
Look, @therealvinelle, praise and alphalord!
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overlord-of-fantasy · 2 months
Overheard in the Hogwarts library
Abraxas, happily shaking a bag of money: Nothing in life is free. Hagrid: Love is free. Minerva: Knowledge is free. Myrtle: Friendship is free. Alphard: Self-respect is free. Tom, playing with "his" harmonica: Everything's free if you don't pay for it. Everyone: ... Minerva: Tom, that's illegal- Lestrange: No, let him finish!
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softestaries · 11 months
The idea of Alphard Black silently judging all of Tom Riddle's potential villain names while sat next to him in 6th year transfiguration class brings me too much joy. Just image the BOMBASTIC side-eye he'd give when Tom settles on 'I am Lord Voldemort'.
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the-doxies · 1 year
I made Picrews of The Doxies! (caramael’s character creator)
Abraxas Malfoy
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Alphard Black
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Barty Crouch SR.
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Claude Rosier
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Cygnus Black
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Druella Rosier
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Eileen Prince
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Euphemia Prewett
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Fleamont Potter
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Ignatios Prewett
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Lyall Lupin
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Minerva McGonagall
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Orion Black
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Poppy Pomfrey
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Rolanda Hooch
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Tom Riddle
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Walburga Black
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