#Tongue in cheek nods to Alice in Wonderland
synestheticdragon · 1 month
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The trailer for Tsukiuta's Rabbits Kingdom Movie is out!!!
For those who don't know, Tsukiuta is the fluffiest, softest found-family anime, with the 12 main characters adopting and supporting each other. (Not what I was expecting from an anime about idol groups) It's set in our world, just with a bit more magic.
The live action stage play adaptations (which is a thing most successful anime get (!)) are life-and-death rip-your-heart-out alternate-world sci-fi, fantasy, and/or isekai with some incredible world building and often ridiculous Japanese comedy sections.
I have never cried harder at any movie, anime, or TV show. In my life.
Rabbits Kingdom is the most popular play, having just got a second run (which I got to see on livestream!!!) and now an anime movie with the original voice actors!
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Pletonic yandere king and queen of hearts?
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Platonic Yandere Queen and King of Hearts
“Have some more tea.”
“Uh thank you, your majesty.”
You gave a thankful nod to the servant, biting back the urge to repeat the sentiment. Shifting your attention to the cup of tea, you held your cup to your lips with practiced care. With a tentative glance directed at her, the Queen gave you a nod to which you continued to sip.
“You’ve only had a few crumpets, love. Here have some more.”
The King unceremoniously poured the plate of biscuits onto your tiny platter, smiling as he poured the entirety of the honey bail onto it. You gave him a nod before indulging, careful not to smudge your makeup. 
Things had been truly bizarre since you had fallen into the rabbit hole behind your dear friend. Able to traverse the land together it seemed that for as mad as this world seemed there were set rules. Specifically, one that made your dearest friend be called Alice. It was grating to hear others call your friend a name that was not their own; even worse you were hardly acknowledged. Many would straight-up ignore you or tilt their heads at you and ask your name. It was oddly alienating for this world to encourage your friend to commit to this role claiming a prophecy be fulfilled. And then simply sighing when it came to you, being just as clueless as you.
In a way it gave you the freedom to do as you pleased able to travel all around Wonderland, getting to know those who were capable of acknowledging your existence. Some of which had been those in the Heart’s kingdom. 
“Now that is settled with we can begin talks of this Alice-character. I believe it’d be best if we capture her and behead her as soon as we have them! ”
She waved her own tea cup around, haphazardly spilling her tea all about her. Making you wonder why she spent energy lecturing you at all. Her husband sighed, hands on his round rosy cheeks watching you eat the honey-covered crumpet. 
“Mmmm, that’s nice dear.”
You dabbed at your mouth, running your tongue over your teeth in hopes of clearing any remains of the sticky treat. Wouldn’t want to have any distractions while you fought your point.
“Perhaps there can be another way…a more peaceful option?” 
Focusing on your cup of tea, you looked into the reflection of the organ-shaped teapot. Watching as the queen’s face seemed to scrunch before she turned to you. With her crimson-painted nails, she held your face, turning your head to the left then to the right. 
“Of course not dear, violence is the only option. Now, King, they’re looking a bit gaunt, yes?”
“Of course dear.”
Once again you’re plea was ignored by the two of them who were now conversing intensely about how much more you needed to be eating. After all a proper royal heir was plump and well fed, they couldn’t have others of the court thinking you weren’t being fed properly. Huffing through your nose you dismissed yourself hardly waiting for the Queen’s release before making your way out of the hearts maze. Being sure you were far enough for your angry mumbles and stomping was out of their earshot. So caught up in your huffy exit you nearly ran over the rabbit frantically calling your name.
“Oh! W.B. I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“I-it it is just fine, your majesty.”
“Your majesty, W.B. are you…have you been drinking hatter’s tea.”
“What?! No-well th-this might have s-something to do with just that.” 
He shuffled through his pockets, ears twitching along with his nose. The poor creature was really worked up. With a shaky hand(?) (or foot?) he gave you a scroll, an unstamped document that rolled over your feet when you opened it. You read through the first lines of cursive before double-taking running your thumb over the dried ink. 
“I, the Queen and King of Hearts, hereby declare that whosoever be appointed as the royal heir by their decree must adhere to the following rules and regulations—oh my gosh! I think I’m going to be sick.”
You haphazardly dropped the scroll to the ground, running past the rabbit who fumbled with the policy. The ‘rules and regulations’  that were spoken of told of horrible and gruesome punishments for those that so much as thought of slighting you. Being called ‘majesty’ or ‘young highness’ was one of them. Punishment for the accused was the equivalent of a scorched or ‘beheaded’ tongue, it was appalling to imagine. 
Torn by rage and helplessness you ran–out of the maze past the unpainted roses and idle card soldiers. You couldn’t stand to be here any further from your dearest friend, your dearest Alice while your company plotted to kill them. 
You were done.
Done with the absurdity of this world.
It was time to put a stop to it all. 
As you should’ve from the beginning.
Before they were wooed by Wonderland’s love for Alice.
Before they threatened their safety.
Before the others threatened you.
It was time to go.
Running with abandon you tore through the vegetation, uncaring of the way it stuck to your heart and card-patterned garments. Tearing at the seams of posh confinement you discarded different articles as the tearing branches demanded. Forging on you spied the bushel you had left your dearest compatriot to hide inside. Worry bubbled in your tummy as you noted the crumbs of a soft pastry caking your hands as you kneeled to the ground; forcing your eyes to roam through the blades of grass. 
“There you are!” 
You scooped them up, supporting their small form as you sat on your heels.
“Where on Earth did you find another shrinking cake!?”
They shrugged their shoulders and nervously dragged their foot along your palm as they continued to pout. You had to listen carefully but you could hear them. Fully used to their illogical desire for any available food—starved or full it must be eaten–you scolded them lightly. 
“Look, we don’t have time to fight about this…we have to leave the Queen is determined to have your head. I have a sneaking suspicion she’d not going to care whether your head’s the size of a sugar cube.” 
You patted yourself down, searching for the perfect place to tuck your miniature companion away. Finding the only space was the loose fabric around a makeshift pocket near your chest. With a little protest, your tiny friend climbed in, prepared for the jostling journey ahead. 
“Hey it’ll be okay, by this time tomorrow we’ll finally be away from this horrid place.”
“You’re right this is a horrid place, so far from the castle grounds! Guards! I want this patch of weed burned to the ground!”
You slowly rose to your feet hiding your friend with crossed arms. Dressed in battle wear: a spiny red armor the queen over a tightly fitted dress; the crimson wisps of her makeup were harsher and more violent than before, coupled with the dark eyeliner of a smoky eye. She sat on the back of some tortured creature that seemed to sport a glare at you of its own. skin–a pulsing pink, littered with pus-filled wounds, and stray wisps of hair and feather. 
“Your high–”
Her red claws nails touched and you sealed your lips. She sent a glare to the ground below her beast only shifting her seat before sending her narrowed gaze. 
“Only an hour in the jungle and you’ve adapted their savage ways? Where are your manners, (Y/n)?!”
“Uhm your maje-”
You could only helplessly flutter your lips at her screaming. Nearly shaking as you fought tears you held your ground. 
“I-I don’t understand what it is you want.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “So you have forgotten. You are still a child; misguided and ill-remembering.”
“What?! Wait hold on–”
“Now listen well child, you are to call me your mother and your father–your father. Do you understand?”
“But you’re not my–”
“GUARDS! Take the child back to the palace, the war that is to come is one I’d prefer you watch with lunch on the side.”
Four card guards took your limbs and held you high. Ignoring your wriggling and protests, you nearly forgot about your hidden companion. No doubt clinging to the fabric of your clothes in the midst of your sudden struggle. You stilled only bobbing at the marching pace of the soldiers looking at the twisted perspective of the Queen ordering her troupes to move. She turned to you barely looking over her shoulder as her pointed teeth showed from behind her crimson lips.
“I’ll return when I’ve rid you of the parasite Alice! In the meantime brush up on the rules you silly child. No longer will you deny your right as my young heir. Ta-ta!”
With a wave of her hand and the crack of a whip, she moved with the procession. 
Out to behead your dearest Alice and all of those who stood in her way.
Who was safely tucked within the fabric of your dressings.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
daddy’s little princess | morpheus x f!reader
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Hope sat on the throne in the throne room. Her makeshift crone sat crookedly on her head. Holding a plastic wand in her hand and pointing at anyone, that walks by, and shouting.
“Off with their heads!” As if she were the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland. “What does her majesty need?” One of the servants ask looking at the four year old.
“I’d like a-I-I want a-a coloring book.” She asked, and the servant smiled and nodded. “Of course.” They said, and went to retrieve a coloring book.
Hope sat on the throne her leggings kicking back and forth in the air. “Hope.” Morpheus said, seeing his daughter on the throne.
“Daddy!” She shouted, getting off the throne and running towards her father.
“What’re you doing little dove?” He asked, as he scooped her up into his arms and she smiled.
“I’m ruling over the Dreaming for you.” She says, and he looked at her letting out a soft chuckle.
“I wanted to help.” She says, and he couldn’t help but smile walking towards his throne and sitting down. His daughter sitting on his lap.
“That’s very sweet of you dove, but I don’t need any help.” He says. Her cheeks puff and she looks down making a pouty face.
“But, I do need your help making something special.” He says, and she looks up at him.
“With what?” She asks.
“Something for your mother. I want to make her something special but I don’t know what.” He says, and she looks at him. Hope sat there on his lap her tongue sticking out of her mouth, as she began to think.
God, it was so adorable when she thought how her tongue would stick out of her mouth. She’s so much like her mother. Then the servant brought the coloring book, and it was as if a lightbulb went off in her little head.
She took the coloring book and began to draw a picture of her family. (Y/n) and Morpheus, as well her mother’s growing belly. “Give her this.” She says, holding it up to her father.
“A picture?” He asks, and she shakes her head, “No daddy, a huge picture.” She says, and he smiles looking down at his daughter.
“You’re so smart my little dove.” He says, as he plants a kiss on the top of his daughters forehead. She giggled, as he stood up from his throne and made their way to make (Y/n)’s gift.
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judgedreddthelaw · 2 years
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Black Female Warlock Guardian x Shiro-4 (18+)
Part 3 A
You- purple
Shrio- orange
Amanda- green
Taking breaths, as you look at Shiro beckoning with your finger to hither your way, you try to sway your figure to give him a little show as you walk to show him you want him to follow. Taking the hint, he follows you into down the stairs towards the Hangar and you get to the corner of where you enter the area, you turn to him kissing his “cheek” and whispering, “Let me check on the progress of my sparrow real quick and you should say hi to Amanda too, after that we can go to my ship.”……… “ Yeah, I like that.” He presses his mouth plate on your lips, he is desperately wishing he had real lips and a tongue at this moment so he could enjoy the feeling of really kissing you, that didn’t matter to you because you still enjoyed it either way, because its Shiro and you love him. As yo two go into the hangar you noticed there was nobody but Amanda and one other person. You guys figured that everyone had time off to enjoy the festivities.“Hey Amanda!”…….. “Hey girl!……………Oh, my god is that Shiro-4?!!!!!……….get over here and give me a hug you asshole!” ………. They hug and your heart warms at the sight because everyone missed him and if he ever thought that nobody cared you could remind him of this day, when other guardians who new him talked to him when we were on the way to the party. After they hug Amanda put a nice but not hard punch into his arm. “Dude why haven’t you called anybody to let us know how you are?”……. “Yeah sorry Amy……things happen and you know scouts honor can’t tell you, if i told you id have to kill ya.” …….. “Ha ha ha very funny, anyways Y/n complains about you constantly.”…….You gasp and make a click noise with your tongue. “(You blush)No I don’t!”……… She gives you a smug look “Do to.”……….. You put your tongue out to her like a little kid would do if they couldn’t win their argument. “So what can I do for you folks, this fine evening?”……. “Just wondering what the status is on my sparrow, plus wanted to say hi.”……… “Well, unfortunately your sparrow is going to take a few days luck for you, you have the next week off, and since you never brought it in for any repairs for about 4 months now?! That’s very dangerous I don’t need to remind you girl.”………. “(You rolled your eyes) It was fine I didn’t think it was a big deal, sorry.”……… “You’re lucky you’re my best bud.”…………you go behind Amanda for a hug on her shoulders and she accepts “Aright now, don’t get all mushy on me.”……….. “Your the best!”…….. “Yeah I know.(winking at you)” …….. “Well, we won’t keep you from working….we will be in my ship if you need me.” Amanda gives you a salute signaling she understands.You and Shiro walk forward until you forgot something, you tell shiro to stay there for a sec, going back to Amanda “Oh, hey if you do swing by could you, you know warn me first?” She looks at you her eyes start to go wide and forming in what’s looks like a shit eating grin on her face and her cheeks blushing at the indication you gave her. “Don’t give me “THE face”.”………… “Whaaaaaaat face?”………she smiles at like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland…. “THAT face!” Wiggling her brow at you, “Oh don’t worry about my face, it’s your face you gotta worry about when he(she is making humping motions with her hips)pounding that ass.” You look at her in horror and madly blushing like a red plastic party cup. “Stop that…… (you shush her)….He’ll hear you stop that!”(you laugh) Giving her a fake mad look because you thought of telling her that wasn’t going to happen but it totally was. “It was nice seeing you again shiro!!!!”shouting back at him ……….. “You too!”…….…… Completely embarrassed you look at her somewhat sternly. “Just let me know.”……. “Don’t worry girl I won’t interrupt I am curious though don’t leave any details out.”
You smile at her patting her shoulder “Okay, perv.” She chuckles at you as you turn back walking to Shiro. “All good?” You nod your head and intertwining your hands, you lead him in the direction of your ship. You had Rose messaged him 3 weeks ago you traded your “Bird of Peace” in for a “Ossified Skycarver”. He whistles at the sight of the ship “Wow, it looks awesome and it’s big, it’s the Skycarver you messaged me about recently yeah?.”………. “Yeah there it is.”……….You are staring at it in awe and still impressed by this ship and you’ve had it for 3 weeks now. Shiro interrupted your train of thought with him going behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist pushing his slightly chilled mouth plate into your neck that gives you a chill in your bones, but feels nice since it’s him. You hum into the embrace enjoying yourself. He whispered in your ear “I want you to only think of me tonight, no thinking about anyone not even that guy Erin.”…….. “You mean Eric?” You look up at his face and he moves his plates to your lips again. “I wasn’t thinking about anyone since you…..(you reach behind you running your hand down palming his package)…..basically dry humped against me on the dance floor in front of everyone.”…………he speaks into your neck again………“Babe, I guarantee nobody was paying attention.”
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brendaaaa · 3 years
My Girlfriend is Hella Hot! (Eleven x fem!Reader)
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You were reading your adorable girlfriend Eleven the story of Alice in Wonderland out loud from a picture book when she said something completely random. “Y/n?” She asked out of nowhere. “Why does Dustin say shit so much? And Max? And everyone. What does it actually mean?”
You had to think about that for a moment. You supposed that she was used to hearing swearing all the time, considering the people she hung out with, including yourself, but you doubted if anyone, even her ex Mike, had ever sat down and explained what cursing was. “Okay,” you set down the book and turned so that you were facing her. “So basically there is this thing called swearing.” She nodded, her eyes big, hanging on to every word that you said. “Some people call it cursing, some call it cussing, or if you want to sound fancy, you can call it using profanity.” “Profanity,” she repeated to herself. “Yep,” you nodded along, “and so what it basically is, is using a group of certain words that are deemed ‘foul’ by society.” “Foul?”
“Bad, inappropriate. And everybody does it at some point. Lots of people will use curse words when something bad happens. Like if you forgot your textbook at home, you might say ‘damn it! I forgot my textbook!’” You snapped your fingers for emphasis. “Damn it,” she repeated. “Yeah. But it doesn’t have to be bad.” “No?” “Nope. Not at all. You can swear to appreciate how good something is. Like I would say, my girlfriend El is ‘hella hot!’” “What does...that mean?” “It means you are really pretty.” She blushed, “you are hella hot too, y/n.” You grinned, “Thanks.” She nodded. “And there’s a lot of different swear words. I’ll bet Hopper says quite a few.” El nodded, “like fuck?” And the innocent expression on her face as she said that was just priceless. You snorted, “Um, yeah yeah. That’s a...more...foul word, and you probably shouldn’t say that around Hopper, even if he says it around you.” The corners of her lips turned up, “okay. What does it mean?” “Well, it’s kind of multipurpose,” you said, and noticing her confused expression, added “like, you can use it for different things. You say it as an expression, like damn it, or to add emphasis, like hella. Or, it means having sex.” “Sex?” Her eyes widened.
”Uh yeah, you know. Hopper told you about that right?” You were blushing like mad, hoping you wouldn’t have to be the one to explain it to your girlfriend. She might get the wrong idea, and be traumatized for life. But to your relief, she blushed and said, “yes. Hopper sweared a lot when we talked about that.” “Swore,” you gently corrected her. “Swore,” she repeated, smiling. “Anyways, so that’s what that means. Any questions?” She nodded. “Is bitchin’ a swear?” You laughed, knowing how much she loved the phrase, “yes. Bitchin’ comes from the word bitch, which is a swear word.” “What does it mean?” “Well, uh, a female dog is called a bitch. And because she’s aggressive and protective of her babies, people started using the term to describe girls who acted like that. It’s kind of derogatory, but,” you shrugged, “Saying bitchin’ isn’t.” “What is-“ Eleven started but you cut off her, “Derogatory?” She nodded. “It’s like, offensive, or bad to say to someone because it’s disrespectful. So if a boy or another girl calls a girl a bitch it isn’t a good thing.” “But bitchin’ is good?” El wanted to confirm. “Yes. That’s like saying hella hot.” Eleven nodded, “y/n, am I a bitch?” “No! Why would you ever think that, El? You are wonderful, not a bitch at all.” “Well, I- I’ve hurt people. And I dumped Mike, and…” she trailed off. “No, no,” you said to her. “Please don’t worry, El. You aren’t a bitch. You only hurt people because you had to, and just because Mike was being a douche and you had to dump his ass doesn’t mean that you’re a bitch. So don’t go around thinking of yourself like one, because I love you so so much.” You froze. You hadn’t meant to say that. It just slipped off your tongue. El smiled shyly, taking your hands in her own.
“Y/n?” She waited for you to make eye contact with her. “I love you too.”
Your heart felt overwhelmingly happy as she put her hands on your face and pulled you in for a sweet kiss. “I think your bitchin,” she grinned and pecked your cheek.
Word Count: 760
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 9: Closer
...in which Ezi has her first kiss.
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Word count: 5.4k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: Please tell me what you think about the chapter! Reblog if you could :)
“Do you know why there’s a true love’s kiss and not a true love’s hug?”
“What do you mean ‘why’? I was asking you.”
Harry sighed, his hands gripping the steering wheel. He had to keep his eyes on the road, but Ezi would keep distracting him with her shifting in her seat every two seconds and rambling on about silly topics he had no interest in. However, he’d promised to not be a dick whenever she talked to him, so he wouldn’t.
“Can’t you see that I’m driving?”
“So?” Ezi snorted. “Just answer the question.”
Harry sighed again. “I guess that’s because a kiss is more special than a hug...romantically.”
“Why not?”
“Why not not? You’re just exchanging saliva.”
“It’s special if you’re exchanging saliva with someone you care about.”
Ezi still wasn’t satisfied with that explanation. “Okay, but what if the person won’t let you kiss them? How will you know if it’s true love?”
“If they don’t want to kiss you, it means they’re not interested, and therefore, it’s not true love,” Harry said. He couldn’t believe he was actually giving this some thought, but oh well, it was a long drive to the manor anyway. “For me at least,” he added, “true love must come from both sides.” Then he stole a glance at her and did a double-take. “Are you taking notes on your phone?”
Ezi flinched and put her phone into her bag right when she made eye contact with him. “No.”
“Liar. You were.”
“I’m learning to be human.”
“Just say you wanna kiss me.” Harry smirked. “We’re the only people here. This is a safe space.”
“It’s never a safe space when you’re in it,” Ezi said.
Harry’s eyebrows went high. “Excuse me? Yesterday you almost attacked a child for cutting the line in the supermarket.”
Ezi gave a firm nod without showing any remorse. “And the child would have deserved it. You, on the other hand, are deadly with your words.”
“How?!” cried Harry. “I’ve been nothing but nice to you ever since we started fake dating.”
Ezi rolled her eyes and checked her watch. “Yeah, your new record of being nice to me is two hours. Congrats.”
Harry exhaled, his shoulders slumped. “Okay, I think we should go over what to do when we see my mum, because if we act like this in front of her--”
“Why are we seeing your mother again?”
“Didn’t Jeff tell you?”
Ezi shook her head. She seemed quite confused, so Harry guessed Jeff had forgotten. To be honest, Harry found it funny and a little concerning that she had no idea why she was in the car after having been in the car for two hours. Someone could just kidnap her one day, and she wouldn’t even realise until they told her it was a kidnap. Or, maybe she just trusted him not to drive her to a government lab and donate her organs to science.
“Well, Jeff wants some new PR content of you hanging out with my family,” he told her.
“Why?” she asked, face scrunched up.
He lifted his shoulders. “To humanise you.”
“Good luck with that,” Ezi scoffed, rested her elbow on the window on her side and twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “It takes a lot to humanise me.”
“Well, not literally. Just in the public eye, because a lot of people suspect that this is a PR relationship. We’ve only been seen together as friends or co-workers.”
“That’s not true. We’re not even friends.”
“Exactly!” Harry exclaimed. “So if we can convince my mother that we’re dating, we can convince the whole world. Trust me.”
Harry didn’t even exaggerate it; his mother could detect a lie from miles away. He could count the number of times he’d got away with a lie to her on one hand. However, he had never lied to her about being in a relationship. So hopefully, she’d be too happy with the thought of him not being a player like his dad to tell the whole thing was fake.
And so for the rest of the drive, he and Ezi tried acting out scenarios for when they met his mother again. They broke out laughing most of the time because Harry would say something too cheesy or Ezi would use some lines she’d learned from those Netflix originals that Harry had rated one star. Now that they were standing on the steps of the manor, they had to keep it together. Because no one would shout ‘cut!’ if they messed up their lines. This was almost like going in for a blind audition, and Harry knew his mother would be the toughest judge to impress.
“Niall?” Harry’s eyes went wide when his best friend shoved the butler aside and embraced Harry at the door. Mikasa, Niall’s girlfriend, was standing right behind him, wearing a dark green satin dress that fell loosely to her knees. She gave Harry a lopsided smile, her black curls bouncing on her shoulders as she approached.
Harry hadn’t talked to her for weeks, but he assumed she already knew about Ezi. Hopefully just as much as his mother did. Unless Niall had broken the bro code and told Mikasa everything.
“Mimi, long time no see!” Harry said as he went in for a hug.
Mikasa eyed him up and down with her big smokey eyes. He always imagined those eyes having a special power that enabled her to stare right into his soul and read him like an unsealed letter. She was a psychiatrist and always making her friends feel like they were having a regular session in her office.
“So this is your girlfriend?” Mikasa asked, smiling at Ezi.
Harry’s gaze jumped to Niall, who subtly locked his lips with an invisible key and tossed it over his shoulder. Niall knew about the PR relationship, but Harry could always trust Niall not to tell anyone, even Mikasa. Especially Mikasa.
“Darling, you made it!” exclaimed Harry’s mother as she descended the stairs. Harry was just going in for a hug when he saw who were following behind her. And he froze.
Dawson and evil Aunt Beatrice. Dawson was wearing a simple black suit, completely made invisible by his mother in the tackiest neon orange sundress Harry had ever seen. He could hear his stylish crying just from seeing this outfit.
“What are they doing here, Mum?” Harry quietly asked his mother as they hugged.
His mother kissed his cheek and whispered back, “Since you invited Niall and Mikasa, I thought I should invite Dawson and his mother.”
“How is that the same thing?”
“Harry!” Aunt Beatrice said in her glass-breaking voice as she pulled him in for a suffocating bear hug. “Ah, you grew up so fast! I hardly recognise you!”
“It’s only been a couple of weeks, Aunt Beatrice.”
“I know, right? Kids these days.”
“I’m twenty-four.”
“Harry,” Harry’s mother reminded him, so Harry took a deep breath and went to stand beside Ezi. She looked at him like a deer in front of headlights. This couldn’t be good. His family must be overwhelming for her.
“Hey, Ezili!” Dawson waved at her with a smile, and suddenly, her face brightened, and she enthusiastically waved back. Traitorous little fish, Harry thought as he watched the two greet one another.
“Congratulations, you two,” Dawson said.
Ezi opened her mouth to reply when Harry threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her back to his side. He gave Dawson the best grin he could fake. “Thanks,” was all he said.
“Picture, everyone!” Niall interrupted the awkward interaction and pulled out his phone.
Everyone gathered together, and Niall winked at Harry. “Now, Mother Styles, could you stand closer to Ezili? Closer! Thanks. There we go. Looks like Ezili’s a part of the family.”
Once the picture was taken, he nudged Harry with his shoulder. “You’re welcome, asshole.”
Harry patted him on the back. “Send it to Jeff for me.”
“Boys, are you coming?” asked Mikasa, who was walking ahead, holding Ezi’s hand.
“Coming, lovebug!” Niall shouted at her and told Harry. “See? She likes Ezili.”
“So what do you do for a living?” was the first question Harry’s mother asked Ezili when they sat down at the lunch table. They were eating in a glass house in the flower garden by the lake. There were people dressed in uniforms serving them tea and appetizers, and Ezili felt like she was Alice having tea with the Queen of Hearts and her courtiers in Wonderland.
“I work at a bookstore,” she said when one of the maids filled her cup with Jasmine tea.
She didn’t understand Harry’s mother’s appalled reaction and why Harry had to add, “Ezi owns a bookstore.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” Harry’s mother said, sounding strangely relieved.
Irritated, Ezili leaned in and whispered to Harry, “Why did you lie?”
But he didn’t answer and only shushed her before smiling at his mother again.
“Can’t believe I get to live to see Harry bring home a young lady!” said Aunt Beatrice. Dawson opened his mouth to interject, but she didn’t give him a chance, “I always thought you were gay!”
At that, Niall choked on his tea, and Mikasa had to rub his back as he coughed violently into his fist. Ezili knew what gay meant, but why was it a bad thing?
“What if I were?” Harry asked his aunt. “I don’t see the problem with me being gay, which I’m not.”
“These biscuits are so nice, Aunt Annalise,” Dawson told Harry’s mother, probably trying to save the conversation from turning into a fight. But it seemed like Dawson’s mother was out for blood this morning.
“Harry,” Aunt Beatrice started again, and Ezili saw Mikasa and Niall sink into their chairs. “You’re a celebrity and the heir to this manor and your father's business. It’s so...unexpected of you to be dating some girl who works in a bookstore.”
Ezili wasn’t dumb. She might not understand a lot of things humans said, but she knew sarcasm like her mother tongue. It was her time to say something.
“What’s wrong with working in a bookstore?” she asked, making direct eye contact with Aunt Beatrice, who was shocked by the question. Everyone at the table seemed to be holding their breath.
“How much could you possibly do and make by owning a bookstore these days?” Aunt Beatrice laughed.
Ezili smirked and shook her head. “You could do and make a lot if you knew how to read.”
Harry kicked Ezili’s foot under the table, but she didn’t pay him a single glance. She believed she’d said nothing wrong at all. It was only the truth. Because why look down on people who worked at a bookstore unless you hated books because you couldn’t read?
Seeing his mother’s face turning red, Dawson burst out laughing. “Oh my God, she’s so funny!” Mikasa and Niall started laughing, too, and Harry’s mother awkwardly joined in.
“That’s what they call dark humour, Aunt Beatrice,” Niall told the angry giant lady. “Ezi’s a true Gen Z. She’s all jokes.”
Aunt Beatrice said nothing else. She shot a glare at a smiling Ezili and lifted her cup to take a sip.
“Oh, there’s my new cook!” said Harry’s mother as she waved at the door. “This is Dolores' first day at work. Come say hello, Dolores dear.”
“Good morning. I hope everyone’s having a wonderful time.”
Ezili’s entire body went stiff. Her eyes almost popped out of her head and dropped onto the plate in front of her. She knew that voice. Her heart was slamming against her ribcage as she held her breath. She felt the person’s presence beside her heavy like a weight ready to crush her bones into dust. Out of the corner of her eyes, she looked up.
Her sister Koa was grinning down at her.
“Ezili, are you okay?” Dawson asked, snapping Ezili out of her numbness.
Koa’s devilish grin remained as she circled the table after wishing everyone a pleasant meal, then disappeared out of the entrance.
Why was she here? Why did she have legs? How had she found Ezili?
“Okay, let's get straight to the point,” Aunt Beatrice started again, and everyone groaned at once. “How much did he pay you?”
“Mum!” cried Dawson.
“Excuse me?” Harry arched an eyebrow.
“It’s PR, isn’t it?” Aunt Beatrice said to him. Ezili was having a hard time paying attention to the argument while her heart was still pounding in her head. Her sister was here, either for her, or after her.
“You can’t do that to your mother, Harry,” Dawson’s mother went on. “She might be easily fooled but I’m not.”
“We should’ve gone for mini-golf,” Mikasa muttered to Niall, who exhaled into his hand.
Harry turned to his mother. “You’re just gonna let her disrespect my girlfriend like that?”
His mother opened her mouth to speak, but his aunt was faster. “If she’s your girlfriend then kiss her.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Harry scoffed and threw his hands in the air.
Ezili immediately stood up. All eyes fell on her.
“Excuse me,” she said, her voice trembling. “I must go to the bathroom.”
“I’ll take you--”
“No, Harry, you stay.”
Harry slowly sat back down as Ezili pushed her chair out and headed straight for the door. Thankfully, he didn’t follow her.
She crossed the garden and asked one of the employees where the kitchen was. As it turned out, they had a separate kitchen for when they served food in the glasshouse. Ezili couldn’t see the point of having more than one kitchen, but this was no time to question it.
When she found Koa, no one else was there but them. It seemed as if Koa had known Ezili would follow her here, so she’d asked everyone else to leave.
Ezili stood at the door while her sister stood by the counter with her back turned to Ezili. The first thing Ezili noticed was the knives within Koa’s reach. Ezili must be wise when confronting her sister.
“What are you doing here?” she asked Koa in Séren.
Koa slowly turned and leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “I’m a cook. Can't you see?”
“How did you find me?”
The corner of Koa’s lips curled as she unbuttoned the collar of her white shirt and revealed a gold necklace. Ezili sucked in a breath when she saw the shiny trident-shaped medallion on her sister’s chest.
“Is that--”
“Mother’s trident,” Koa sneered. “Yes, it is.” Then she buttoned up her shirt to cover it. “Now we can see who mother trusts more.”
“Aunt Nerissa came for a visit last week,” Koa said. Ezili knew that name could never be associated with anything good. “Mother doesn’t trust her, so she asked me to go on land to find you, but also to keep the trident away from Nerissa’s clutches.”
Ezili swallowed hard, her fists tightly glued to her sides. “What happened to the cook?”
Koa clicked her tongue. “She’s swimming with fishes now. Like the ones swimming in her pot just then.”
“You drowned her?!”
“In the lake.”
Ezili gripped her head and advanced towards Koa. “How many humans have you killed?”
Koa chuckled and took a few steps forward until she was dangerously close enough to hurt Ezili. She stood with her back straight and arms folded, her silver eyes flickering in the sunlight. “The important question is…” She stared Ezili down. “How many have you killed?” Ezili bit her lip when Koa poked her chest with her long nail. “Or are you too busy dating now? People are talking about it everywhere.” Ezili said nothing, so Koa went on, “It’s a fake relationship, isn’t it?” She leaned in, taunting. “Come on, Sister. Admit that you’ve failed. That you can’t make the human fall in love with you. Why so quiet? Is it because if you admit it, you’re an embarrassment and you lose the trident to me, and if you deny it, then it means you’re becoming way too human to kill him.”
At that, Ezili shoved Koa away and stabbed a finger at her. “Leave me alone. Mother gave me a year for this mission.”
“We won’t have that much time, stupid,” Koa snorted. “Narissa is onto something. The queendom is already in danger as we’re speaking. And you’re here having...brunch?” She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. “Pathetic.”
Both of them whipped their heads around and saw Harry, who stiffened in the doorway.
“Ezi?” Koa cackled, hugging her stomach. “Is that your human name? Are you his pet now?”
Though confused, Harry stepped into the kitchen anyway. “Ezi, you’re alright?”
“Harry, watch out!” Ezili shouted, but Koa was already on top of Harry on the floor. She sank her fangs into Harry’s arm with the rolled-up sleeve. Harry yelped in pain as Ezili dragged her sister off of him and slammed Koa’s head against the table. Hissing, Koa grabbed a knife on the counter and aimed it at Ezili, but Ezili was fast enough to kick it out of her sister’s grip and sent one more kick into Koa’s stomach. Koa was stronger than Ezili had thought as she plunged at Ezili again.
“Harry, run!”
But Harry didn’t run. He was back on his feet, grabbed a vase and smashed it onto Koa’s back. “Do not hurt my fake girlfriend!”
Koa rolled off of Ezili. The last thing Ezili could see was her sister’s bloodied face as she stumbled towards the door and ran off into the light.
Ezili lay there until her vision cleared again, and Harry helped her back to her feet.
“What the fuck?!” he yelled. “Who the fuck was she?!”
“My sister,” Ezili said, still holding her aching head.
“The one who tried to drown me? Why is she here?”
“To kill me, I think.”
But Harry wasn’t listening. He was pacing back and forth like a mad man. “This isn’t good, Ezi. This is bad! Your crazy sister is gonna expose us!”
“Expose us?” Ezili grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. “She almost killed you.”
It seemed as if Harry had forgotten that his arm was bleeding until Ezili had brought it up. He suddenly winced and fell into a chair.
Ezili scanned her eyes around the messy kitchen, panting as she tried to make sure that Koa had escaped. Then, she got down on her knees beside Harry and reached for his wounded arm.
He stared down at her in confusion, then his expression turned horrified when she leaned in.
“What the fuck?!” he hissed and yanked his arm away.
She glared up at him in annoyance. “Let me help!”
“Hell no! You’re not gonna lick my blood.”
“You need to clean the wound!”
“With water! Not by sucking it!”
Ezili huffed and aggressively got up while silently cursing Harry in Séren.
“There’s a--” His voice cut off when she tore off a piece of her dress “--towel over there,” he trailed off. She ignored him and went to the sink to soak the piece of fabric in water. He shook his head and blew up his cheeks. “Nevermind. You do you.”
Still glaring at him when she returned, Ezili got back down on her knees and started cleaning Harry’s arm. The place her sister had sunk her fangs into had turned dark red. It would definitely leave a huge bruise tomorrow.
“Lucky for you Koa was distracted and didn’t aim to bite your whole arm off,” Ezili whispered and glanced up, meeting Harry’s gaze. “You sure you don’t want me to lick your wound?”
“Well, now that you’re already in this position, you could just lick something else,” he chuckled.
Ezili’s eyes narrowed. “Like what?”
To her confusion, Harry covered his face and shook with laughter. “Sorry, that was a dumb joke. I just couldn’t help it.”
“I didn’t get it.”
“Yeah, that’s how a joke loses its funny,” he sighed then snapped his fingers. “Ooh, maybe I should just pretend that I don’t understand whenever someone tells me a joke, so that they gradually lose their funny.”
“That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard,” Ezili remarked.
“What do you mean?” Harry pouted. “I don’t get it, babe.”
Ezili rolled her eyes at his childishness, still, she couldn’t help but smile a little.
Once she had wrapped the piece of her dress securely around his arm, Harry pulled down the sleeve to cover it as he got to his feet. “That should do. Let’s hope my mother won’t suspect that we just got attacked in her kitchen by her cook, who was your evil siren sister in disguise. Damn, that sounds crazy even for me.”
Ezili stood with her arms crossed. “Do you think your mother can tell we’re not really dating?”
“Nah, my mother totally believes it.” Harry shrugged. “Honestly, I think we’re doing a great job pretending we’re in love when we can’t even have a conversation without insulting each other.”
“I don’t get paid enough to call you babe so many times.”
“Neither do I. This PR relationship is harder than I tho--”
Harry’s sentence got cut off by a sound at the door. When they both turned to it, Dawson was standing there, his eyes wide with shock.
Ezili was hoping that was the reaction to the messy kitchen and not to what she and Harry had said. However, luck wasn’t smiling at her tonight. Dawson’s appalled gaze jumped from Harry to Ezili. “What do you mean by ‘PR relationship’?”
“I can explain,” Ezi said, reaching for Dawson, but he backed away while staring at both her and Harry in disbelief. Harry believed Dawson wasn’t shocked that Harry could pull something like this, because Harry hadn’t been exactly the good kid growing up. What Dawson hadn’t expected was Ezi being part of this plan. Ezi must be an angel in Dawson’s eyes.
“So my mother was right,” Dawson said, flicking his finger between Harry and Ezi. “You were lying to everyone.”
“Dawson--” Ezi began, but Harry pulled her back by her wrist.
“Please don’t tell my mother,” he told Dawson and received stunned looks from both Dawson and Ezi. They probably hadn’t expected that coming from him. “This means a lot to her, and I don’t want her to be any more let down,” Harry continued. “Also, Ezi needs money, and I’m just trying to help. She’s also writing the next album with me, so it’s all good business.”
Dawson peered at both their faces for a long moment as if he was psychoanalysing each of them. Then, he breathed, “So you two don't have feelings for each other?”
“No.” Ezi shook her head fast and tugged at Harry’s sleeve. “Harry, tell him.”
Harry opened his mouth. Suddenly, he thought about how frightened he’d been when he’d thought Ezi’s sister was going to kill her. He could’ve run off and let her deal with it alone since he hadn’t asked to be part of her family drama, and he wasn’t brave, either. Nevertheless, he’d jumped in to help her.
“No,” he said, only to realise he shouldn’t have taken such a long pause to say only one word.
“See?” Ezi smiled at Dawson, who seemed less sceptical now.
“Okay,” Dawson said, his face relaxed as he put his hands on his hips. “Who else knows? Niall and Mikasa?”
“Mikasa doesn’t know,” Harry said. “Only Niall.”
“Alright.” Dawson nodded and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But you guys are really bad at pretending to be in love,” he told them after another moment. “I’ll try to tell my mum to stop being rude to you. But just to be safe, you should make it more convincing.”
Ezi heaved a sigh of relief and placed her hand on Dawson’s arm. Harry swore he saw Dawson hold his breath as if Ezi had the Midas touch, and Harry had to fight the urge to roll his eyes.
“Thank you, Dawson,” Ezi said in the softest tone Harry had ever heard.
“Your dress,” Dawson pointed out while eyeing her and then the kitchen. “What...what happened here?”
“There was a rat,” Harry blurted.
Ezi joined in, “Harry tried to kill it then it knocked over the vase, and I fell and pulled him down with me and ripped my dress on the glass.”
Dawson furrowed his brows as he nodded at the piece of Ezi’s dress in her fist. “That’s your blood?”
Ezi shook her head. “It’s the rat’s.” Then, she looked over at Harry, suppressing a grin. He stayed quiet and glared at her.
“Oh, God. That’s disgusting,” Dawson made a face. “Need me to help you clean up?”
“No, I’ll take care of it,” Harry said. “I’ll take Ezi upstairs to clean up. Could you distract everyone for a while?”
“Yeah, sure,” Dawson nodded, gave Ezi a tight-lipped smile and turned to the door. “Now, where the hell is the cook?”
Harry could hear every single word of the Jonas Brothers song playing downstairs. It seemed like everyone had finished brunch without him and Ezi, and now Niall was turning the manor into a concert. Niall and Mikasa had met at a Jonas Brothers’ concert years ago, and they would not let people forget about it. What they had was cute, but Harry could not imagine being with someone for that long. A PR relationship was tiring enough; he didn’t think he could ever handle a real one.
Back against the wall, he stared at his watch and tapped his foot impatiently before he came to knock on the door to his mother’s walk-in closet. “Ezi, are you done?”
“I don’t know how to put this on!”
Harry tossed his head back and groaned. “Do you need help?”
“Goddamn it,” he muttered under his breath. “Cover yourself. I’m coming in.”
Just to be safe, he had his hand over his eyes when he opened the door.
You'll say my name like it's been on your lips
Familiar in ways I can't explain
You got a heart that I know I can miss
Hold me like that and pull me right back again
The music outside became muffled. Harry peeked through the gap between his fingers, and nearly had a heart attack when he saw Ezi standing there topless with only jeans on. “I told you to cover yourself!”
“Oh, please, there’s nothing you haven’t seen.”
“It’s different every time.”
“How? I’ve only got one body.”
“No, seeing you feels different every time. It’s weird.”
Time stands still and it's only us
What we feel started way before we ever touched
Just imagine only us
Yeah, you found me right before I'd given up
Ezi said nothing, and Harry lowered his hand, feeling glad that she was facing away from him now. She looked over her shoulder, frowning. “Help me with this shirt!”
He ruffled his hair and padded over to take the shirt from her hand. “You got the button stuck?! This is my mother’s favourite Chanel shirt!”
“It was like that when I found it.”
“Liar.” Harry shook his head and started examining the stuck button. Ezi turned around, hugging her chest so her breasts weren’t exposed to him. He was trying his best not to look. Maybe he shouldn’t have put her in a dress that didn’t require a bra. He guessed he’d played himself.
“Damn, maybe I should get you another shirt and buy a new one for my mum. I don't know how to fix this.”
“Harry,” Ezi repeated and tapped Harry on the arm. He looked up, face heating when he saw her.
I just saw the lightning strike
Knew it right then when I looked in your eyes
And I said to myself, "It's no surprise we ain't strangers"
Strangers tonight
Still, he acted indifferent. “What?”
“I think we should kiss,” she said, making him flinch.
“Why?” He was already sweating through his palms. His mother’s shirt could no longer be saved now.
“To make it more convincing,” Ezi said as if them kissing wasn’t a big deal to her. “Maybe if there’s a picture of us kissing--”
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
She froze at the question and blinked at him.
I came here looking for another excuse
To run away from something beautiful
It's like it's driving me closer to you
Every step back pulls me right back
At this question, Ezi’s whole life up until that point flashed before her eyes. She had lost count of all the times she’d kissed sailors before drowning them. But she wasn’t going to kiss Harry to kill him. Not yet at least. He would still be there, alive, when she opened her eyes. He would still be aware of her lips against his. And she would, too.
“No,” she lied.
And he believed it. He cleared his throat. Suddenly, her standing there topless wasn’t weird anymore. “Okay, it’s pretty easy.” He put the shirt aside. His fingers were shaking so he opened and closed his fists a few times before beckoning her over. “Come here.”
She took a step forward.
Another step.
Harry’s face reddened with a small smile. “Ezi, closer.”
He’d never talked to her in that tone before. It was soft and firm at the same time, and she completely forgot having sworn to herself that she would never let him tell her what to do. She came so close she could not tell his breath from her own. His eyelids fluttered, and his pink lips parted, yet no word escaped. Then, he leaned in.
Must be from a different life
Been here before and it just feels right
No, this ain't the first time for you and I, we ain't strangers
Strangers tonight
But it was her who took his face between her hands and kissed him first. He froze for a second, then started kissing her back, his arms circled around her waist, pressing her against him.
Harry’s entire body grew hot. The voice inside his head told him to stop, but it only made him bolder. He liked that she’d taken charge. Her hands were under his shirt as his roamed across her naked back. His eyes went wide when she unconsciously let out a moan.
Strangers tonight
“Ezi,” he breathed against her lips. But before he could say anything else, there was a knock on the door.
“Harry, are you in there?”
Ezi pulled away as Harry threw his head back and exhaled harshly. “Yes, Niall?”
“Is Ezili there with you?”
“Yes,” Harry answered in a croaked voice and quickly cleared his throat. “Yes,” he repeated, sounding more stable. “Why?”
“You missed all the fun stuff. Your mother scolded your aunt for what she’d said to you and Ezi, and Dawson had to take his mother’s home.”
Harry looked over at Ezi, expecting her to be thrilled by the good news, but she only gave a small smile, her arms still tightly wrapped around herself to cover her breasts. Was she...shy?
Yes, yes she was. Ezi didn’t think she could ever be shy. But here she stood, blushing all over from a stupid kiss.
“Are they in there?” Harry’s mother’s voice outside the door made Harry and Ezi jump.
They looked at each other, scared when Niall told Harry’s mum that they were in the closet together.
“Not in my closet, Harry!”
“I’m just helping Ezi get changed, Mum!”
“You better!”
And then their footsteps faded down the hallway, along with his mother’s laughter.
Ezi and Harry made eye contact with each other and looked away at the same time as silence ensued. Suddenly, Harry started sniffing.
“What is it?” Ezi asked, worried.
Harry leaned in and started sniffing her neck, and she pushed him away. “What the hell?!”
“You smell.”
“Excuse me?!”
“No.” Harry shook his head fast. “You smell good. But..you didn’t have a smell before.”
Ezi quickly lifted her arm to smell herself. “I smell nothing.”
“That’s because it’s your own smell, so you don't recognise it. But--” Harry cut off midsentence and picked up a strand of her hair and brought his nose to it. Then, his lips curled. “Aww, my kiss turned you a little more human.”
“Shut up!” Ezi shoved at his chest. “I’m not turning more human! That’s not true!”
“It is true! Kiss me again. I’ll prove it.”
She said nothing, only glared at him as he burst out laughing and tossed her a t-shirt.
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
chapter twenty-one
i'm casting a spell on you
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The winds have begun to get colder and today, people who were planning to go outside were advised to put at least an extra layer of clothing or two. Apparently, the snow will begin to lightly fall anytime this month; however, Atsumu felt the exact opposite– he was boiling in the searing anger jealousy he was feeling as he watched you and that spiky-haired boy get cozier with each other from across the room, giggling together like teenagers while you added some finishing touches on the props you were both so “focused” on. He never took notice of it before, but for some reason, Iwaizumi Hajime really gets on his nerves every time he sees him, especially when with you; but he’ll never admit that to anyone, of course, not to a single soul, not even to Osamu (he can already picture the smug face of his twin brother, all while saying: “Serves you right, you egoistic little shit!”)
He thought of stomping his way towards you, but all his plans remain in vain because once again, the director of the play is calling them for yet another round of rehearsals. The play will commence the day after tomorrow and they really couldn’t afford to waste time. “As much as possible, let us fix what has to be fixed, improve what has to be improved; because in less than two days, there will be no room for those things,” said Miyu, the head as she pushed them towards the stage, where some of the backdrop had already been set up. He grimly follows the other actors, unaware of Yui’s presence as she followed each and every bit of his movement (and trail of vision) before rolling her eyes, “So, it’s you, huh, YN?”
On the other side of the room, Hajime stared at you and listened as you asked – more like rambled to – him for what felt like the hundredth time today, “So basically, you remember every single thing that happen in your life except those that are connected to your ex-soulmate… ex-soulmate sounds so weird, gosh…” Unlike with Tooru though, he can’t bring himself to snap at you no matter how repetitive you get. If he were being honest, he finds you a bit too adorable for your own good (not that he’ll tell you that because he’d rather die than be seen as creepy by you). So, he opts to simply watching you babble like a child; it’s more bearable than having to see you cry over that pissed-haired lad who can’t lower his pride for you (personally, he feels a little odd that he remembers who’s your soulmate instead of his). Silence engulfed you two as the actors and actresses began their rehearsals, letting the emotions flow out of them as they spoke their lines.
Miya Atsumu was a wonder to your eyes, enchanting you with magic you would’ve never imagined to feel as he caught your eyes, holding his stare as if to say: “I’m casting a spell on you, you won’t be able to get rid of me now.” It was as if acting was second nature to him and for the umpteenth time in your life, you found yourself going down a rabbit hole deeper than what Alice in Wonderland went to as your heart throbbed, feelings all over the place; pain, anxiety, love and all other things you can think of, it’s all for him– always for him.
“How pathetic,” you whisper to yourself, wiping the tears that persistently flowed down your cheeks. Why, why, why… why can’t I just unlove you? Your mind screamed as all the other crew members gave their applause, signifying that they have finished their practice and soon, you can see him making his way towards your direction, gaze fixated right where you and Hajime were standing, confusion and worry swimming in the pool of his eyes as he watched you cry for a reason he has no idea of.
He was almost there, less than one feet from you but fate decided to play with your heart once more as Yui appeared out of nowhere, linking her arms with Atsumu’s, who in turn looked at her in surprise, obviously not expecting a sudden display of affection from the girl, “Atsumu-kun, let’s eat lunch together!” She exclaims, barely giving you and your companion a glance (although Hajime could’ve sworn, he saw her give you a very deathly glare. What a strange woman, he thinks).
“W-wait… I need to talk to YN…” the blonde tries to reason but like persistent person she was, pulled him to the opposite direction, whining about how she was “so hungry” all of a sudden. Why, why, why… why can’t you just choose me?  And as fast as they came, they went away. How is it that every single time Atsumu walks away from you, it feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest too? Like he’s just taking it and leaving you with nothing?
“Well, that was interesting,” Hajime comments before turning to you, gasping when he saw your form; trembling and clutching a piece of the skirt you chose to wear in hopes of getting noticed by Atsumu, the waterworks flowing from your eyes once again. Aahh, it’s just hurts so damn much I feel like dying, you thought, just when will this sto–
A sudden warmth engulfed your whole body as Hajime hugged you, “You wouldn’t want anyone to see you cry, would you?” You nodded, burying yourself deeper in his arms, hoping that the pain goes away… But it never does, not before, not today, not ever; and just like that, you hate yourself for never telling Atsumu the truth because it seems like you were a bit too late now.
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In the middle of the cafeteria sat Atsumu and Yui, who merely poked her food with the spoon she was holding, eyes looking up at her companion (even accompanied with the bat of her obviously fake eyelashes) who seems to be too preoccupied of waiting for you to appear in the area. She clicked her tongue in annoyance at his indifference towards her, before calling the blonde with that sickening sweet voice everybody just seemed to fall for.
“Atsumu-kun~” She calls out, even having the audacity to prolong the last syllables. She remains unheard though, much to her dismay; she rolls her eyes and tries for a few more times but all were in vain.
She clenches her fist that was beneath the table, “Atsumu! Are you freaking listening to me?”
Alas! The boy finally looks at her with uninterested eyes, mind obviously still flying in the air, “W-what?” he replies absentmindedly. She scoffs at his pathetic state; if anyone were to look at their way right now, it would look as if she was forcing Atsumu to sit with her – like it was torture to be with her right now.
“You’re making me feel really bad about myself right now, Atsumu-kun,” she whined and pouted, smirking mentally when Atsumu seemed to finally wake up to his senses and give her an apology, “are you sure you don’t like YN more than me? Cause I feel like you’d rather be with her right now.”
“No! Uhm… it’s just that we’re not in good terms right now and she’s my best friend; but I like you Yui… I really, really do,” he claims while staring straight into her eyes, ignorant of the evil that was behind them.
“Then prove it, Atsumu…” I don’t care about your attachment with that silly girl, “show me that you really like me.”
“What? How?” The boy furrowed his eyebrows, unable to think of ways to confirm to Yui that he, indeed, is interested in her. Hasn’t he been showing it with his words and sweetness since the day they met? How could she still doubt him? The said girl only smiled, eyes glinting with nothing but malice and wickedness: Miya Atsumu. I’m casting a spell on you; you can’t get rid of me now.
“Your best friend is a Moíra, isn’t she? Ask her to cut your thread so we can become soulmates.”
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marga's notes. istG i tried to make yui a good girl but the plot line said no sksks so here's me trying to make you hate her instead >:)
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Raise your voice P2
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I stood over the hot burner watching the flames attack the bottom of the pot and the bubbles it caused rising in the water. I went over to the little dining table looking as Thomas sat there shirt unbuttoned focusing intently on his work and his maths, 
"Where's yours?" He asks as he spotted me looking I smiled going over to the bookshelf picking up my copy of alice in wonderland from the shelf flicking through the pages till I found my brown envelope handing it to him and putting my book back, "you didn't get one today?" He asks and I shake my head returning my focus to the water boiling on the stove "he can't keep doing that" he says "bastard. I see him tomorrow I'll punch his bloody lights out" 
I smiled to myself, I know he wouldn't, he never would, he couldn't we'd be in the poor house before a punch landed I went and found the soap and the cloths setting them up on the sink putting a lid on the pot 
"Rents done. I'll pop that in the post box tomorrow morning." He says getting up from the table hiding the packets away his in the bottom of his cigarette box and mine in my book "you know what that means?" He cheered coming over, leaning his hand on the sink to see my face. I smiled and slightly jumped, making an invisible sandwich and taking a bite. "Yep, shopping time," he laughs, kissing my head. "Are you alright y/n? From today and all?"
I shrugged 
"I'm sorry. I don't wanna make you think about it. I know he… brings back bad memories for you, If you want. We can go looking for another job tomorrow?"
I shook my head and patted his hand checking in the water it was almost ready so I went to the bed and began undoing any parts of my dress that remained leaving me in only my underdress and underclothes I went over and pushed him away to the bed too "alright I'm going, I'm going" he laughs going and getting undressed too but I did my best not to look I took the pot and poured the hot steamy water Into the sink with the soap at times pouring it directly into the soap bar to from bubbles in the water as I did I felt Thomas wrap his arms around my waist, pressing his half naked body against my own and kiss my cheek nuzzling his face into my shoulder "y/n? When can we get married?' he asks 
I smiled and shrugged waiting a moment for the water to cool 
"I know I call you my wife and all but… I want us to get married. Properly married." He says 
I didn't know quiet what to say or how I would convay it but I moved his hand to my stomach he strokes my skin with his thumb and kisses my head 
"That can be arranged my darling" he cooed whispering it in my ear pulling me tighter to him but I picked up his wash cloth and handed it too him "you spoil all my fun' he smirked taking the cloth and putting some space between us as he dunked the cloth in the water making sure to get a rub of soap before starting to wash up his arms I took my own and began scrubbing getting dead skin and dirt off me making soapy bubbles run across my skin both of us having to share the little water we had it turning a odd grey colour till we where all done so I let the plug out and went to the bed and climbed in getting comfortable, Thomas climbed in too laying down in his back so I smiled and laid on his chest tracing my fingers around his stomach as we got cosy in our cold little house "hey! That tickles you cheeky girl" he complained moving my hand from where I was slightly tickling him he moved his hand to play with my hair and the other to my own drawing circles and hearts on the top of my hand "did you… want to try tonight?" He whispered I looked up to him a little confused "did you Wanna try tonight y/n?" He asks moving the hand that was playing with my hair down to caress my stomach and hip "would you like that?" He asks kissing my head "we don't have to. If you don't want to tonight" 
Honestly I wasn't sure, I wanted to, but at the same time I didn't. I thought about it tracing the lines of his skin and I nodded the more I thought about it the more it made me want to giggle and blush and rub my thighs together, I wanted to. 
"You want to?" He cooes peppering my hair with kisses and I nod "okay, did you… Wanna be ontop tonight? I know you like that sometimes when your bad?" He asks but I shuffled and laid on my bag "oooh. No? Okay." He smirked crawling ontop of me and kissing my lips gently at first but getting slowly more and more passionate his hand running from my neck down my chest, between my breasts, down my stomach gently tickling my tummy till he reached the spot that was starting to ache, starting to yearn for his touch he rubbed around the spot a moment smirking into the kiss before his two fingers index and middle slipped inside me making me gasp allowing him to slip his tongue in my mouth too turning our kisses into something more moving his fingers slowly until the whole area was screaming for him and he pulled back "did you… want me to kiss you?" He asks already struggling for breath I gave him a funny look unsure why he asked considering we where doing it and the only reason we weren't any longer was because he pulled back he smirked a little blush rising to his cheeks a little "down there" he whispered moving his fingers I blushed unsure how to answer slightly using the covers to hide my face "yes?" He asks so I nodded "okay" he winked taking his hand away licking his fingers clean before moving to the end of the bed wrapping his hands around my thighs and pressing gentle kisses to all the places that yearned for his attention, I bit the covers wrapping a leg around him so I could rub my heel up and down his spine he got progressively faster and faster more attentive and more passionate till he pulled back taking shirt sharp breaths as he sat up and stared down at me "can I?" He asks gently pressing his hard erection against me I nodded he blew me a kiss before moving me in little gentle ways before he slowly pushed himself inside me, I smiled hiding my face the deeper be went the more I could feel him streching me out "uuuuhhhhh uughhh!" He gasped as I reached his base he stopped as soon as he was completely inside he pulled the covers away so he could see my face fixing some hair for me out my eye his hand slipping down till it met my chest drawing a little heart above my own I smiled blushing a little moving my hand up his arm and drawing a heart over his own bringing a smile to his lips "umm, I love you. My sweet little girly" he smiled giving my cheek a kiss "is this okay?" he asks putting his hands on the headboard so I nodded, he nods back and gently began to move "uuhh! Ooh yeah. Uuummm you feel so good" he groans head thrown back already he stayed gentle but got faster biting hard on his lip his eyes closed lost in his own world getting faster and faster "uuuuhhhhh uughhh! Y/n! Y/n! Princess!" He groaned the bed creaking with his every movement, the bed banging against the wall, the springs poking me a little but I could ignore it all for the feeling he was giving me my hands on his stomach as he moved faster and faster sweat starting to form across his skin "y/n! Y/n! Uughhh uuuuhhhhh!" He moans "please" he whines looking down at me slightly pleading, I giggled and began moving to clench around him each time he moved to be inside and in return he rubbed in my most sensitive spot "uughhh! Yes! Yes! Princess! Y/n! Y/n!" He moaned before collapsing on me kissing my lips harshly as his hips moved and spilled his seed inside me he pulled away gasping as he struggled for breath "sorry I uhhh… I was gonna pull out" he blushed before he pulled out and laid on his side of the bed slowly breathing I smiled and sat up in bed having some water he got his box from the table and lit up a ciggertte which only made me glare at him as I sipped my drink "it's my first one today" he argued I took his hand looking at his nails "fine. Second luke let me bum one at work" he sighed taking his hand back I went over and nuzzled on his shoulder resting my hand on his chest "my breathing is fine y/n. I've always been like this"
I glared at him
"Don't give me that look" he laughs "it's true"
I glared more 
"Alright," he sighed putting it out in his ashtray "happy?" He asks and I nodded nuzzling even closer "good. It was amazing my darling. Was it… good for you too?" He asks stroking my thigh 
I nodded but he saw thought it 
"You did… didn't you?" He asks glancing at my area 
I nodded 
"You little lady are a bad liar." He says "don't you Wanna cum tonight?" He asks drawing little circles on my thigh 
I shook my head 
"Okay. If that's not what you want. But as soon as you do tell me okay" he smiled and I glared at him "you know what I mean," he laughs "indicate to me in some way that would want it" 
I just shrug 
"It's fine. Unusual understand you just fine" he laughs cuddling me "I've been around you along time y/n. I know what your saying without you having to speak a word" he says giving my lips a kiss "come on. Bed time" he cooes so I nodded laying down and getting cosy with him as he blew out the candle and got cosy with me too.
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feelin-woozy · 3 years
Title: Sins of the Flesh
Word Count: 4,541
Pairing: Stu Macher / Reader / Billy Loomis
Warnings: Trans masc reader, but pronouns are hardly mentioned so 🤷‍♂️. This is just pure unadulterated filth but that's between God and me.
Also, unbeta'd because I was not making one of my poor friends read this lmao.
The two of you move together in a delicate push and pull. Despite the sloppiness of it, each movement was carefully calculated. Your lips are slow and languid, taking your time to strip Billy down as Stu’s is more steadfast and keen. It’s uneven, but it’s familiar, just another step to the dance the three of you have perfected.
As quiet as the two of you try to be, the bed still creaks with each movement. One hand is locked with Stu’s by your head, the other threaded through soft blonde curls as you cradle his skull. Your lips meet, again and again, a weak attempt at trying to swallow the soft noises that threaten to spill from kiss bitten lips.
The movements of his hips are slow but deliberate, brushing against all the right spots that have your back lifting from the bed as you desperately try and push yourself closer to him. You could never get enough of Stu or Billy, for that matter. Each time calloused hands would brush along your soft skin, it would set your nerves ablaze. Their touch was intoxicating, even when you knew what those hands were capable of. If anything, it drew you further, like Alice falling down into the depth of Wonderland.
There’s something sick about it; it’s not something that should draw you in. But when those hands grace your skin with such reverence, you can’t help but melt into it. Teeth sink into your lower lip, worrying the flesh softly and drawing a sharp gasp from your throat. Your fingers curling into a tight grip within Stu’s hair.
“You’re going to wake him up.” You hiss as your eyes shift slightly to gaze at the man who sleeps next to you. You watch the way Billy’s chest rises and falls with easy even breaths with parted lips. He looks peaceful like this, and it makes warmth flood your chest. It’s a sharp juxtaposition to what the two of you were doing next to him. There was an innocence to the way he slept soundly as Stu fucked into you, tempting pleasure laced noises to tumble into the darkness that enveloped you all.
“Don’t really care.” Stu murmurs, letting out a soft laugh that washes your face with warm bursts of air. You’re not sure that you do either, not when he kisses you again, pushing his tongue into your mouth to drag along the backs of your teeth. Any anxieties or misgivings that you may have felt before wash away with the way Stu tastes on your tongue. You can still taste the lingerings of mint on him from when he had brushed his teeth earlier.
You lift a leg and hook it around the small of his back to drag him closer. The action has him letting out a rumble of approval, and the hand that wasn’t linked with yours comes to grip at your hip. Bitten down nails dig into the skin there, hard enough to make you squirm. You only hope there will be marks left to remind you of this and that this wasn’t just night that blurred into a dreamy state.
“ Fuck .” The voice cuts through the air, startling both you and Stu. You go to open your mouth to say something to Billy, but the words die on your tongue when Stu slams into you, sending the headboard to knock against the wall with some force.
“Like what you see?” Stu breaths turning his head to smirk at the other. The shadows play over his face as he turns his head, a dark glint in his eyes as he stares at Billy. “Wanna join?”
Billy stares at him for a moment, blinking away the sleep in his eyes as he takes in the sight before him. He lets out a soft, shaky exhale, cheeks flushing as he shifts in the bed to get a better look at the display before him before he nods his head slowly.
The bedsprings cry out under the rough pounding, the sounds joining in the carnal noises and the contact of their bodies. There was no need to be quiet any longer, not when Billy was staring at the two of you with a dazed look.
“Too bad.” Stu laughs; the sound is taunting and bold. It’s not the usual tone he holds for Billy within the confines of your bedroom; more often than not, both you and Stu were obeisant for the man. Chasing the pleasure that he controlled with cold, calculated looks that dripped with saccharine. But there’s something about Billy staring at you with bleary eyes and sleep still evident on his face that leaves Stu to toe the line of what he may not get away with ordinarily. “You’re gunna lay there and watch us and then maybe if you’re lucky, we’ll make you cum after.” His lips pull into a wicked grin as he dips down to press a wet kiss to the curve of your neck, nipping at the flushed skin. “Right baby?”
He doesn’t leave you room to answer, not that you could manage anything more than an intelligible babble at this point. And knowing Stu, the man would take that as praise and encouragement. You’re certain that the neighbors would be woken by the sounds that seeped from your bedroom. The obscene sounds of skin slapping against skin were almost deafening. You could hear how wet you were, and the pleasure tinted shame had your head tipping back against the soft pillows.
You move your hand, untangling it from Stu’s hair to trace along the muscles of his arms, feeling them flex under his movements before you dig your nails into his skin. “ Fuck, Stu .”
“Stu, come on, don’t be mean.” Billy’s words don’t have the usual weight to them; that mean cutting edge he held when he wasn’t getting his way. There was something more complacent in his tone that only came when he was pulled from sleep or too tired to put up a fight against a losing battle.
The taller man thinks for a moment, eyes bouncing between your face and Billy as he lazily rolled his hips against you. Finally, he lets a wry smirk spread over his face. “Fine, touch yourself, but don’t you dare fucking come.”
Billy looks at him for a moment as if he was contemplating the order. You watched the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, likely swallowing the urge to turn the tables and make Stu’s world spin on its axis. But he moves quickly but sluggishly, lifting his hips to shove his briefs down past his thighs. He kicks them off, sending them to land somewhere in the room as his cock springs free, bobbing against his stomach. Even in darkness, you can see how precum glints within the light of the moon that peaks through the blinds. He grasps his cock, lazily stroking himself as he watches you and Stu.
You tip your head back as you feel chapped lips drag along the plane of your neck.
“He feels so good Billy,” Stu groans, hips stuttering briefly before he drives into you with enough force to rip a cry from your throat. “So fucking wet for me .” he pants before his teeth sink into your neck. You feel the way his words reverberate over your neck, the action making you tremble. “Tell Billy how good you feel, baby.”
“H-hah, fuck,” You sputter as you drag the blunt of your nails down against his arms, leaving angry red lines to rise in their wake. Words don’t form easily in your mind. You have to fight to get anything past broken syllables past your lips; when you do, they come out in shuddering cries. “Good, shit Billy, he’s so good.”
You’re expecting anger to flash over Billy’s face at those words, at knowing it was Stu getting you like this and not him. Not that he hadn’t done this to you time and time again, but this paired with being forced headfirst into a submissive role likely wouldn’t have sat right with him. And perhaps if it was any other situation, there would be anger that brewed within his eyes. Instead, Billy lets out an unabashed moan, hips rising to meet his fist as he watches the scene that plays out before him.
“Can I kiss him?” You blink up at Stu, tongue flicking out to wet your lips as you stare at the man, searching his face for any form of permission from him. Tonight, it was clear that Stu was in charge. And you didn’t mind in the slightest; you were happy to follow his commands with effortless precision, like a devout believer following their scripture.
He nods his head eagerly, excitement flickering in his eyes at the proposition. Billy is quick to meet your movements, turning his head to meet your lips in a frenzied kiss. Billy didn’t hold back in kissing you, tongue eagerly brushing along yours as he moaned into your mouth.
The hand that was wrapped around his cock moves quickly, sliding awkwardly between Stu and you to come and pinch at your clit. It’s not the best angle, but it doesn’t matter. The sudden sensation still has you pulling away from the kiss as your back arches like a bow. You think you hear the two of them laugh at you, but you can’t be too certain. Too drunk on the feeling of Billy slowly toying with you and bringing you swiftly to your own release.
“Gunna come for us baby?” Billy whispers, leaning over and forcefully capturing your lips in his again. You nod against him, lips clumsily trying to match his movements. Your body pulls taut, muscles flexing and relaxing as you let out a scream that is reminiscent of a banshee, as your release drags you under unforgiving waves.
“Fuck, you two are so hot.” Stu groans, watching the way the scene below him play out. It was desperate and frantic, Billy’s teeth sinking into your lower lip hard enough to draw soft whimpers from your throat as you were fucked into oversensitivity.
You feel the way Stu begins to tremble against you, his grip on your hand tightening almost painfully. The movements of his hips are brutal, an unforgiving pace that had become stuttered as he neared his release. It doesn’t take long before he comes, a sharp cry tumbling past rosy lips as his cock pulses and he’s filling you up.
With a sort of reluctance, he pulls away, sitting back on his heels to admire the sight before him. The way his cum dribbles out of you, how Billy is still eagerly kissing you and how his hand is back on his cock.
Stu had to give the man props for not going against his word and bringing himself over the edge. Perhaps Billy was just as eager to see how this would play out. Stu lets out a contemplative hum before leaning over and grabbing Billy by the hair and drawing him away from you. He leans in close, dragging his lips over the curve of the man’s neck and drinking in the way gooseflesh rises over his skin.
“I want you to eat my cum out of him.” Stu murmurs just low enough that you almost miss it. Color pours over Billy at that, his cheeks turning a dusty pink that spills down his torso. “Don’t you want to make him cum on your tongue? Go on, see how good we taste.”
They move quickly, shifting places with each other so that Billy was settling between your legs and Stu was at your side. He maneuvers your body easily like you were nothing more than a rag doll to be situated to his pleasure. Not that you minded, it was rare that Stu was in a mood like this, or more so rare that Billy relinquished any sense of control, so you reveled in the way Stu moved to sit behind you before pulling you back, so your back was pressed against the damp skin of his chest.
Billy doesn’t waste time; he starts by kissing along your hips, slowly dragging his lips along the soft hair that covers your thighs. He stops to suck a bruise into the skin, lifting his eyes to lock with yours. It’s hard to fully make out the features of his face as shadows dance over him, but you still catch the wild look in his dark eyes.
“Don’t have all-” You jolt at the feel of his tongue gliding through your slick folds. They melt away into a breathy gasp as you lean back against Stu’s chest, who coos at you adoringly.
Billy moves his hands to run along the firm muscles of your thighs, the pads of his fingers digging in softly before slung your legs over his shoulders, holding onto your hips to keep you in place. A slight whine of frustration bubbles from within your throat at the sudden restriction; you wanted nothing more than to press back and rock yourself against Billy’s face.
Soft chuckles float through the air from both Billy and Stu, the sound mixing like the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard. Though you don’t have time to dwell on it, not when Billy is dragging the point of his tongue through your folds. You can feel the way Stu’s cum and your slick is pushed around with the tip of his tongue, and the imagery makes you shudder against their respective holds on you. Billy shows his pleasure with a low groan, eyes fluttering closed as he greedily works his tongue inside of you.
You shift in their hold, body wound tight as heat sears every nerve that runs through your body. There was no way you could escape either of them; you were trapped like prey waiting to be devoured by the two men. Not that you minded, it was blissful to be taken apart by them time and time again only to be rebuilt with their careful hands.
“Taste good, baby?” Stu breathes as he watches Billy, the warm air tickling your skin. The man between your legs lets out an exaggerated moan of his agreement as his grip on your hips tightens. You can’t stop the way your body writhes or the way Billy’s name tumbles past your lips in a fit of desperation as he begins to eat you out like a man starved.
You’re only absently aware of the way Stu’s hand moves along your chest, fingers dancing along the thin scars that littered your torso. His touch is merely an afterthought, a feeble attempt at keeping you grounded as your impending release coils violently within the pit of your belly for the second time tonight. Tipping your head back, you manage to catch Stu’s eyes in a heated gaze. You take note of the way he stares at you with a look that borders on manic, the way his lips twitch in the excitement that comes with watching you fall apart at their hands.
Eyes fall shut as you exhale a sharp breath, one hand coming to curl in the thick brown locks between your thighs, the other coming to grasp desperately lace with Stu’s hand. “Such a good boy for us, Billy.”
The praise has Billy whining, the noise reverberating against your core and sending bolts of lightning to shoot through your body. One of the hands that gripped your hips moved carefully, coming to brush along your clit. The first brush of his thumb was tentative as he observed your reaction. It was almost kind of him to test the waters first, opposed to how he would usually cruelly toy with your body well past the point of oversensitivity. Your thighs quaked around his head, and you wiggle in his hold, breath caught in your throat before he pressed his thumb more insistently into the engorged flesh.
It doesn’t take long now, with the easy movements of his thumb and the way his tongue dives into you fervently. You can feel the way your cunt flutters around his tongue, the way the muscles in your thighs tighten, and how Stu squeezes your hand, muttering quiet praise into your ear as you sob through your release.
Billy only draws back, sitting once he’s confident he’s fucked you through your release. He stares down at you with a predatory gaze, lips and chin slick with you and Stu’s releases. He doesn’t seem to mind as he licks lips greedily. You can’t find words yet, chest heaving as you try and put your mind together once more but to no avail.
Thankfully, Stu speaks for the two of you as he strokes your hair away from your sweat slicked forehead. “Was that good?” Stu purrs lowly, pressing his lips to the side of your head, “Think we should make him cum?”
Billy waits as patiently as he can as he awaits the verdict, his hands balling up in tight fists that rest along his thighs. You take a moment and let your eyes roll over his flushed and sweaty body, eyes stopping only to take in the sight of his flushed cock, beads of precum glistening at the tip, and dribbling down along the length. Finally, you find the words begin to form in your head, “I think he earned it.”
The excitement that Billy exudes over those words is damn near palpable. You can feel the way he has to fight against his carnal desires to tear both you and Stu to shreds for his pleasure. But he waits there patiently, lips parting in a shaky exhale as his eyes bounce between you and Stu.
You smirk at Billy before tipping your head back to catch Stu’s lips in a soft kiss. “Think he deserves to fuck one of us?” You ponder aloud as you feel Stu’s teeth catch your lower lip between his teeth. “Or maybe we should blow him.”
“Let’s blow him.” Stu murmurs, shifting his gaze to look at Billy. “He’s lucky he even gets that after rudely interrupting us.”
You give Stu a final peck before pulling away, turning to look at Billy as well. The man doesn’t falter under you and Stu’s gaze; instead, you see something fiery brewing within his eyes like maybe he’s amused enough with the game being changed by the two of you that he’s just barely willing to indulge the two of you. Thus far, he had gone along, so the two of you were likely in the clear of Billy attempting to retain control.
The three of you move around the bed easily, like a silent dance the three of you have perfected over your time together. One that should anyone else see, they’d fail to recreate it. Billy sits with his back to the dark wood headboard, legs splayed in a way that radiates confidence as Stu and you settle awkwardly between his spread thighs.
“Can’t wait to wipe that smug fucking look right off your face.” Stu laughs, long fingers raking along Billy’s thighs. Billy just smiles at him, feigning innocence as if he doesn’t have a clue what the other is talking about. A quiet unspoken challenge that you and Stu were happy to rise to if it meant deconstructing Billy into a sniveling mess.
And the fact he trusts you guys enough to try it made your heart lurch in your chest. You don’t let your mind wander too far, too caught up in the lust that hung heavily in the air to really dwell on anything softer.
Your hand wraps around the base of Billy’s cock and strokes him slowly for a brief moment, eyes bouncing between watching his cock throb excitedly in your hand and the way his eyes flutter at the sudden friction. The sigh of relief that Billy lets out when your lips wrap around his cock borders on being cute if such a thing could exist within this state of debauchery.
“Think he likes it,” Stu sings, and even without looking at him, you know that he’s smiling. Warmth in his eyes as he watches the two of you.
You start licking broad stripes along his cock, dragging the tip of your tongue along in a teasing manner that has Billy’s hips rising in a weak attempt at seeking more. Before you can hold him the way he held you, you hear Stu ruffling beside you.
“Ah, ah ah.” Stu chides, bringing a hand to steady Billy’s hips. You observe the way nails sink into the soft skin, a gentle warning. “Don’t move, don’t want you busting like a virgin.”
“You two are going to be the death of me.” Billy grumbles, letting his head fall back against the headboard with a thump. But his hips still relax, settling back down into the plush mattress. You can nearly feel the way he fights against rocking his hips when you swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, but you hum softly in approval as you take him further into your mouth till you feel him nudging the back of your throats.
“I can think of worse things.” Stu shrugs with a snicker as he watches the way Billy’s fingers curl into the sheets below. He leans down as your head bobbed up, carefully maneuvering himself so he could lick at the exposed area that you hadn’t taken into your mouth.
Sounds of slick and enthusiastic sucking fill the space in between where Billy doesn’t groan. Spit dribbling down the length of his cock and smearing along yours and Billy’s chin in a way that has you feeling utterly dissolute.
The two of you move together in a delicate push and pull. Despite the sloppiness of it, each movement was carefully calculated. Your lips are slow and languid, taking your time to strip Billy down as Stu’s is more steadfast and keen. It’s uneven, but it’s familiar, just another step to the dance the three of you have perfected.
“Fuck,” Billy groans, thighs flexing as he fights against wildly bucking up into you and Stu’s mouth. It was messy and obscene, the wet sounds of the two of you working Billy’s cock in an easy rhythm filling the room. “Oh fuck,” The words mindlessly tumble off his tongue, and you can tell that he’s fighting not to spill then and there with the way his hips had begun to rock slowly and how his knuckles blanched under the force of his grips. “ Close .” He warned, the noise broken and debauched.
You pulled back with a pop, Stu following your movements wordlessly though he didn’t stop from tilting his head as he stared at you with a mischievous smirk and raised brow. You stare down at Billy, watching the way his chest rises and falls rapidly, the way his brows knit together as thinly veiled anger and annoyance flashes over his face. He grits his teeth, and you laugh at him.
“Do you wanna fuck his face?” You murmur, raising a brow as you stare at Billy. Any anger he may have previously held washes from his face as quickly as it had taken hold. Stu’s laugh echoes through the air with giddy excitement.
“Yeah?” Billy asks, looking at the two of you with skepticism, his brown eyes swimming with dazed pleasure as he blinks lazily. It was as if the offer was too good to be true after all that you had put him through. You watch the way he tries not to look overly excited like he wasn’t jumping at the first opportunity to ravage the two of you should that chance never come.
“Course, you’ve been so good for us, baby.” You hum softly, carefully moving from between his thighs to rest beside him. You grasp his face in yours, nails digging softly into his cheek before catching his lips in a slow kiss. A hand comes to cradle the back of Billy’s skull as you rake your nails lightly along his scalp.
By the way, Billy gasps into your mouth, you assume that Stu’s mouth is on him again. You know for a fact that Stu’s mouth is swallowing him down to the base when you watch a hand sink into short curls and the sudden sound of wet choking swirls through the air.
Teeth sink into your lower lip as a hand worms its way into your hair, fisting it in a tight grip that has you whining as the pain spreads over your scalp. Any pretenses of submission are quickly lost as Billy finds his footing with ease, easily slipping into his usual role now that the two of you had your fun.
The bed begins to creak once more, protesting against the almost violent movements of Billy’s hips. The slick sounds of spit and barely staved off gagging hanging heavily in the air. It made the air thick and smothering, and you almost found it hard to breathe.
Billy lets out sharp, stuttered puffs of air against your lips. The two of you weren’t even kissing at this point; Billy just held you there, foreheads pressed against each other as he used Stu’s throat to chase his own release.
“You two are real brats, know that?” He growls low in his throat, but his words tremble violently. You can’t take him too seriously when he sounds so broken and deranged. Though you’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on when he got like this, so wound up that when the tension finally snapped, he was damn near rabid.
“Maybe next time you should put us in our place.” You whisper quietly enough that you aren’t sure if Stu can hear you, but you know that Billy does the way he snarls and nods his head quickly.
Not long after, Billy is crying out, the fist in your hair tightening enough that you cry out in pain as his climax hits him with enough force that if he were standing, he would crumble and fold like wet cardboard. You shift your gaze to Stu, watching the way he strokes his hands along Billy’s thighs as he dutifully swallows around Billy.
Slowly, Billy goes slack, relaxing his hold on both Stu and you enough that the two of you can worm your way out of his grip. He nearly deflates into the mattress with a sated sigh.
“I think he enjoyed that.” Stu laughs, looking at you with a dopey grin. His eyes are glossy with moisture, and his cheeks are rosy but still, even in this state, he beams at you.
Billy cracks open an eye to look at Stu and you before letting his eyes close again. A smile pulls at his lips, though, and you can’t help but preen as you feel the warmth that rolls off his body in thick waves.
“What gave it away?” You chuckled as you moved to settle yourself back into the bed. The depravity in the air had begun to subside, shifting into something sleepy, warm, and safe . You turn and press a gentle kiss to Billy’s chest before you rest your head there, watching as Stu fumbled with the blankets, dragging them over the three of you before he too settled into Billy’s side.
“Love you guys.” Billy gets out through a yawn, and the two of you murmured your love for him before you allowed the warm afterglow to slowly lull you into sleep.
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Late to the Party | Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary:  Reader is running late for Tom's big event and Tom is mad about it. He will make sure the reader is punished for her behavior before the night is through.
Warnings: Smut,  Spanking, dom!Tom, Vaginal Sex, Aftercare, Possessive Tom, Light BDSM, Punishment
“Shit!” you hissed under your breath as you slammed the door behind you. You rushed to the bathroom, throwing your clothes off. You would clean up later. You were late. Very late. The kind of late the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland spoke about.
Two months into your relationship with Tom, and this was the first big event together. Tom imparted upon you not to be late. And now you were due at his house in ten minutes and you were just stepping into the shower.  “Fuck!” you snapped as you stepped out of the car and saw Tom standing at his door waiting for you thirty minutes later.
Tom looked at his watch, exchanging scowls between you and the time. He placed a terse kiss on your cheek as he grabbed your elbow with a sharp yank.
“Ow.” you exclaimed as he led you to the car. Tom pushed into the seat and slammed the door shut before walking to take his place at the steering wheel.
He started the car and took off in complete silence. You waited until Tom got well into the drive before clearing your throat and looking over at Tom. His hands gripped the wheel so tight his knuckles turned pale.
“Thirty minutes.” he said in a cool even tone.
“I can…” you stuttered. His cold tone unrecognizable to you. Tom showed only affection before.
“Thirty minutes!” Tom shouted, his face turning red. “How can you possibly explain thirty minutes?!”
You stared at the floor for a moment. “I lost track of time when I met with a friend. I didn’t mean to be late.”
“You LOST TRACK!” he bellowed as his nostrils flared. “You knew how important today is for me and how important being on time and there is nothing you can say to make that right.”
Tears pricked your eyes. The car came to a stop and Tom jerked his door open. He stomped around the car and pulled your door open. He leaned in to help you out of the car.
“I will deal with you later tonight.” he sneered through gritted teeth, “Let’s get through the rest of tonight first.”
You gulped as Tom pulled you from your seat and snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you tight against his side. The two of you climbed the stairs to the building. A young man at the top of the stairs paced the doorway. His eyes lit up as Tom came into sight.
“Mr. Hiddleston!” he started as he shook Tom’s hand. “We have been waiting for you.”
Tom shot a glare in your direction. “Sorry about that. I was unavoidably detained.”
Your cheeks heated.
“They told me to take you backstage as soon as you arrived.” the man continued, “If your date continues inside, my colleague will get her seated.”
Tom gave a small nod of the head to the man and release you from his vise-like grip.
You hustled inside as the young man ushered Tom down a hallway. Another young man led you to a large ballroom set up like an auditorium. He led you to a seat towards the front. As you sat down, the lights dimmed in the room.
A man walked up to the podium. “Thank you all for your patience. Please allow me to introduce our guest of honor, Tom Hiddleston!”
Tom walked onto the stage to thunderous applause. He threw you a small wink as he stood behind the microphone.
“Thank you all for waiting on me tonight.” the audience clapped. “I assure you, the people responsible for my tardiness will be punished.”
The audience laughed while Tom shot you a knowing face and you furrowed your brow at Tom’s comment. What did he mean punished? you wondered as Tom continued on.
You tried to concentrate on Tom’s speech but your mind continued to drift to Tom’s comment, and you squirmed in your seat but you stopped when Tom caught your eye and narrowed his glance at you.
Before long, Tom wrapped up, and the audience applauded. He headed off stage and the young man who ushered you to your seat pointed you towards the reception area.
As you made your way to the bar, you scanned the room for Tom but there was no sign. You sidled up to the bar and placed an order for a glass of wine. An arm snaked around your waist as the bartender handed you the glass.
“I would suggest something stronger.” Tom whispered in your ear.
You giggled as you turned your head to peer at him.
“What did you have in mind?” you giggled.
Tom’s smile dropped and his eyes darkened for a moment. “Punishment, darling. You made me late.”
Your mouth opened to respond when someone came up to speak to Tom. As quickly as his face darkened, a smile splashed across his face.
The entire evening, Tom kept you close to his side. His hands gripped your waist as though you might escape with hands migrating every so often to splay across your butt cheek. His nails dug into the flesh, enough to sting but not leave a mark.
By the time the two of you left the event, you felt both aroused by Tom’s public displays of affection and anxious by his comments. The ride back to Tom’s home seemed awkward as tension hung in the air. Once you pulled up to the house, you didn’t wait for Tom to open your door.
“Sorry again, honey. I guess I will call it a night.” you called to Tom as you headed to your car.
“Where do you think you are going?” Tom snapped as he slammed the door shut and stomped towards you.
Your brows furrowed in contemplation, wracking your brain for something you forgot. Tom stared you down as he approached you.
“Wait! I remember!” you squealed as you pulled up onto your toes to kiss him on his lips. Tom pressed into you as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer.
“Call you tomorrow?” you asked pulling away. Tom nodded.
You turned and headed towards your car but Tom held tight onto your wrist.
“We’re not done here, darling. Get inside.” Tom jerked you towards his house.
“Why?” you stuttered.
Tom leaned in behind you, grabbing handfuls of your ass. “Because your ass is going to be seven shades of red after that little stunt tonight.” he hissed into your ear.
“What!?” you shrieked. Tom glanced around to see if anyone heard you and dragged you into the house. The door slammed behind him and he flicked the lock shut.
“Get upstairs. Take off the dress, leave the underwear. Sit on the bed.” he demanded.
You scrambled up the stairs as his tone left no room for negotiation. You stripped as soon as passed the door and sat on the edge of the bed, hands fiddling at your side. After several minutes, Tom came through the door. He looked at you through narrow eyes.
“So, pet…” Tom popped the “p” in the word. “You have been awfully naughty tonight. Making me late for an important event.” He tsked his tongue as he pulled suit jacket off, hanging it up in the closet. “Whatever am I to do with you?”
You watched with wide eyes as he unbuttoned the cuffs of his dress shirt. With precision, he rolled up each sleeve exposing his toned forearms; you bit your lip to suppress the moan building in your throat. Tom looked at you with expectation.
“I’m waiting for an answer.”
Tom’s words jolted you back to reality. “Um… punish me?” you ended the sentence on an up note.
Tom smirked. “That’s right, love. And how do we punish naughty girls?” He moved to sit in an armchair nestled in the corner, his legs splayed as always.
He rubbed his hands together and beckoned you to sit with him. You rose and walked over in timid steps, uncertain of what will happen next. Your senses on high alert. Tom patted his thigh, and you sat down, more hovering on his leg. Tom’s warm hand rubbed up and down your back, sending shocks of electricity through you. He leaned in and placed soft kisses on your cheek, lips and neck. You let a deep sigh out and your shoulders relaxed. Tom smiled at you and then in a flash, spun you around in his lap and before you realized what happened, you laid across Tom’s thighs, ass on display.
“Now for your spanking…” Tom quipped as his hands rubbed your ass through your underwear, warming the skin.
“What!” you attempted to squirm out of his grip but he held you tight.
“Stop squirming and take your punishment or you will force me to tie you down.” You settled down. “Now… for a first offense, how many strikes? Twenty?” You laid there in silence, too scared to say anything. “I think ten should be sufficient. Do you agree?” You nodded. “I can’t hear you.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.”
Tom chuckled as he pushed his sleeves up further. “That’s my girl, now count out each strike, my love.” With no further warning, Tom’s hand cracked against your right cheek.
“One.” you whimpered as the pain radiated through your body.
Another crack to the other side. “Two.”
CRACK! The third strike hitting your lower ass where it meets your thigh. By this time, the assault brought your arousal alive. “Three.” you groaned.
Tom smiled at the change in your voice. His hand hit in a swift motion.
The next four strikes came in rapid succession, with barely enough time for you count each strike. Your ass burned like fire at this point. Tears streamed down your face from both pain and pleasure and you gushed between your legs. You opened and closed your legs against Tom’s thigh, desperate to find relief and friction.
“Almost done, darling.” Tom chuckled at the sight of you. He could see the skin reddening under your thin panties and the wet spot grew larger by the second. He licked his lips and shifted in his seat, his own arousal growing uncomfortable.
You fell limp against his legs, unable to resist the onslaught. Tom ripped your underwear down to your knees and you gasped. Your red skin shone in the room’s light and Tom groaned at the sight.
CRACK! “Nine.” you whimpered, your voice hoarse.
“Your ass is exquisite in red, darling.” Tom commented. You looked at the ground, unable to see the twinkle in Tom’s eye.
The last swat hit directly upon your glistening sex and toppled you over the edge. You screamed in pleasure. You forgot to count, but Tom let it slide. Tom held your body firm against his legs as you came down from your orgasm. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up placing you on your back on the bed. Your backside burned, but you didn’t care.
“Darling, look at the mess you made.” Tom gestured to the wet spot on his trouser. He undid them and pulled both his trousers and underwear down to his ankles. His cock erect and leaking pre-cum. Tom took himself into his hand and pumped a few times.
“Fuck!” you panted at the sight of him.
Tom winked. “As you wish.”
Tom crawled onto the bed and propped himself above you. You winced at the pressure of your backside with Tom’s weight, so Tom flipped you so he lied on the bed and you straddled him. He teased the tip against your folds.
“Tom… please.” you begged as you lined yourself up. Tom held you up for a moment, a bruising grip against your hips. In a single thrust, he sheathed himself within you.
“Gods! You are perfection!” Tom groaned as your arousal and warmth surrounded him. He bucked his hips into you, spurring you to rock on his cock.
“Nhnnmhmm.” you moaned as a second orgasm stirred inside you. Tom continued to thrust deep into you, pressing against your g-spot each time.
“That’s it darling, let go. Cum for me.” Tom pleaded, his fingers snaking down to tease your clit. You gasped at the added stimulation.
After a few moments, you orgasmed again. “God… Tom… Fuck!” you exclaimed as you clenched around Tom.
“Y/N!” Tom cried as he released his release, thrusting one final time into you. You collapsed onto Tom’s chest. He slid his hands up and down your back. When his hands ventured onto your ass, you winced.
“Sore, love?” Tom asked, his eyes filled with concern.
You nodded.
“How does a nice bath sound?” he kissed your forehead as he slipped out of you and rolled you off of him. He stood and walked to the bathroom, starting the water in the tub.
You groaned as you rolled onto your side, unable to lift your head or move your arms. The pain from your backside started to radiate into your legs. Tom was not gentle with his punishment. You felt his strong arms lift from the bed and carry you into the tub. The warm water soothed your aching flesh.
“How’s my good girl?” Tom asked as he wet a washcloth.
“Good.” you gave a wink.
Tom gave a devilish grin. “Good to know.”
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voltage-vixen · 3 years
A Wonderland of Pleasure (NSFW)
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Voltage)
Pairing: Rhion Hatter x MC (Female) This fic was for one of my contest winners, @promisefairy ! I hope this lives up to your expectations and that you enjoy! You were so sweet to chat with, and a huge thank you for joining my giveaway contest as well! 💖
Beads of water trickled down onto MC’s mane, slowly dribbling down her body while she sighed in the shower. Time had seemed to halt and she was at a standstill lingering as seconds passed into minutes since she was impatiently waiting for her lover Rhion to return from the penthouse. Her facial features were clouded in the shape of a pout because this morning was the morning that her and Rhion were supposed to have spent the hours in bed together-that is until Eisuke sent Baba and Ota into their shared quarters to summon the Mad Hatter when he had turned off his phone to woo his Alice and had failed to be reached. A faint crimson flushed her cheeks at the memory of the compromising position the two bidders had found them in.
Water splashed onto the walls of the shower as MC shook her head to erase that distasteful vision from earlier out of her mind. Thanks to the interruption of the auction managers, their alone time had to be postponed. That didn’t stop her from suffering in the misery of her pented up horniness though in the meantime. Biting her lip, MC was about to reach down to touch herself for some sort of relief to tide her over when she heard a surprising banging coming from the entryway of their home.
Rhion’s back!
“Darling? MC, I’ve returned,” Rhion’s honeyed voiced rang pleasantly.
The door to the bathroom flew open and his clothing was discarded onto the floor almost in tune to the blink of MC’s eye. He sauntered on into the shower, and instantly encircled her into his embrace. She relaxed into him, sighing at the rapid attack of his lips lightly grazing the smoothness of her skin.  
“Shall we finish where we left off this morning, my dear Alice?” he purred, playfully nipping at her earlobe. “I can tell by the way your eyes are begging me you’ve been waiting for me. Such a good girl you’ve been. Tell me, has my good girl already started the party without me?”
Her cheeks bloomed at his implication. Surely, he couldn’t possess a mind reading power now, could he? The innocence of MC’s reaction and the non-denial was enough of a confirmation for Rhion to assume his presumption was correct. A beautiful imagery of MC playing herself flashed in his mind, and the formed erection he was sporting had grown harder at the mere dirty thought.  
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Rhion whispered breathily, his hot breath blowing a reassurance into her ear. “But admit it. Admit that you want me. Tell me that my Wonderland is the only you will ever seek.”
Tilting his head, Rhion angled to try and kiss MC. However, since she was still feeling a tad bit annoyed that her man left her all alone this morning, an impromptu decision was made-it was her turn to take charge and rile him up for once. Denying his lips by burrowing her head in the nape of his neck, MC’s tongue flickered the sensitive spot on his neck, while her hands traced the cut muscles of Rhion’s abdomen, descending further south to reach the incredible heat of his arousal. A carnal groan pursed through the crease of Rhion’s lips as the slender fingers curled around the thick of heat that was pressing against her own thigh.
“You’re right,” MC huffed, sinking down onto her knees. “Your Wonderland is the only I’ll ever crave. Now allow me to lose myself in our own little version of reality.”
Glancing up to lock herself onto Rhion’s gaze, MC’s mouth encompassed the hardness of his length. He groaned out in a pure delight when the warmth he had long grown accustomed to, aligned in the sync of her seasoned movements, was pushing him beyond the brink of coherence. His angular fingers entangled around the locks of her damp hair, while the palm of his other pressed against the slippery shower wall to brace himself.  
MC took her time as she slowly ran her tongue up and down his erection. Each caress delivered a sweet tantalizing blissful jolting a burst of lust that tingled his every nerve. It felt good-more like great, but it simply was no longer enough. In a frenzied craving to join their bodies in a different matter, MC yelped when Rhion suddenly reached down to lift her up and planted her back against the wall.  
“You win this time, MC,” Rhion conceded, no longer caring about his initial agenda to toy with her.  “Let’s immerse ourselves in the high Wonderland has to offer together.”
MC enthusiastically nodded in anticipation, and mewled when Rhion’s fingernails dug into the contours of her curves. She willingly surrendered one of her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. With a swift jerk forward, MC moaned as his heavenly affection intruded upon her in the best of ways. Each thrust Rhion delivered founded stars in her eyes. The way Rhion’s hips snapped in attention to indulge in each of her sensuous whelms was launching her closer into a dreamy euphoric state.    
 “Go harder, Rhion,” MC demanded with a whimper, pleadingly blinking at him for more.
“My girl is a greedy one,” Rhion smirked. “And if I go any harder, I might break you. Are you sure you can handle that possibility?” His tone was no longer teasing but forbidding. Rhion’s warning was legitimate. For he was genuinely concerned that he would past the point of being able to stop if he did resume at the pace MC longed for.
“I can handle it,” MC begged, fervently rocking herself to match the pace of his thrusts. “Please, I can handle it! Now hurry up because I want you to break me!”
MC had no idea just how much her yearning fanned the flames of Rhion’s inner desires. A savage awakened within him and that savage wanted nothing more than to ravage MC. An arch of his eyebrows was enough of a cue for MC to jump up into his arms and entrapped his waist close to her body with her legs. Rhion uttered an animalistic growl when she lowered herself down onto the proof of his passion. This new position permitted Rhion to penetrate her deeper. He buried into MC, each stroke of his immersing the two into their very own rapture world of wonder.
She bounced in rhythm to match his movements, arching her head back when Rhion’s mouth brushed along the smoothness her swaying breasts. His tongue gently caressed at the mound of flesh, paying special mind to the sensitive bud of her nipple while he claimed one of MC’s breasts in his mouth. Each whimper that escaped MC elicited Rhion to want to hark in more of those harmonious sounds. Turning the consideration of his lips to MC’s neck to leave a trail of his marks, Rhion’s fingers inched until they connected with the swell that educed a cry of pleasure from the woman he loved ever so.
The exquisite way Rhion stimulated her body soon proved to be too much for MC, sending pleasureful eruptions throughout her body as her walls finally resigned their final flutter. MC’s body sank into Rhion’s. He reached to turn the spigot on the shower off, while MC heavily panted in his arms. After a few seconds, she regained her breath and cupped his chin to draw him closer.
“I’m not nearly finished yet. I want to stay lost in Wonderland with you….perhaps for even indefinitely,” MC breathed, tracing the lines of Rhion’s lips with her thumb.
She had no idea what she was babbling about at this point, but fortunately Rhion didn’t seem to mind much. Throwing open the door of the shower, Rhion squeezed MC closer to him when she shivered from the cool air in the room grazing her skin and proceeded to take her to their bed. Placing her down on the mattress, Rhion stole a glance at the beautiful sight of her lying bare before him.
If his Alice was a drug, he would ride the waves of any high if it went they could escape away into their own Wonderland for the rest of their days.
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connordavidscamera · 4 years
Wonder | Connor Brashier
A/n: obviously this is based off Wonder because it’s so good and I couldn’t not write something for it. 
Summary: You and Connor are at the launch party for Wonder and Connor has a surprise for you (established relationship)
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 1.8k
“I didn’t know they had launch parties for songs. I thought it was just for albums,” I say as I slide into my shoes.
“Well, it’s not an actual launch party, per se. It’s really just Shawn getting the team together for the release. It’s casual.”
“I know, I actually get to wear pants to this party,” I joke. 
Connor rolls his eyes. “Yes you do.” But then his eyes are raking me up and down and he bites his lip. “And damn, do you look good in them.”
“Hey, eyes up here, mister.” I say, reaching forward to lift his chin so his pretty eyes are on my face.
He smirks, “Okay, but what’s it gonna take for you to let me get you out of these for a quickie before we leave?”
I shake my head, “Nope. You’ve already had me three times today. You can wait until we get back.”
He pouts, “No I can’t. I’m needy and you’re hot.”
I laugh, “Flattery will get you everywhere, but not right now. We’re already running late.”
“It’s Shawn, he won’t care.”
“No, but you know your girlfriend is one for punctuality.”
He rolls his eyes, “Annoyingly so, yes.”
I gasp and hit his arm playfully, “You used to think it was cute!”
“Yeah, before it meant I couldn’t have my way with you before a party.”
I scoff and roll my eyes, “If you’re a good boy maybe I’ll let you have me while we’re at the party. How’s that sound?”
He perks up at the idea, eyes glimmering with a child like sparkle. “Really?”
How could I say no when he looks at me like that? “Yes, baby. But we have to go now before traffic hits.”
He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “After you, my love.”
“You’re gonna stare at my ass while I walk out, aren’t you?” I pull away from him with an amused smile.
He just shrugs, “I might.”
I pinch his cheek, “Well then I’ll put a little more pep in my step to give you a show.”
He groans, throwing his head back, “You’ll be the death of me, you know that, right?”
I hum and turn to walk out of our bedroom, his eyes following me as I go. 
“Another drink, my love?” Connor asks when he sees my empty cup in my hands.
“You trying to get me drunk, Brashier?” I tease, looking up at him. 
“Oh yes. That’s exactly it.”
I nod, “Nothing too strong, please?”
“You got it. Kiss?” he puckers his lips and I lean up to meet his lips but scrunch up my face. “You taste like whiskey.”
He chuckles. “Sorry, love. I’ll be right back.”
I nod and turn back to Shawn and Brian who are attempting to play beer pong against Sylvie and Justin. Brian isn’t very good, but he’s drank a lot more than Shawn has, so his aim is a little off. 
“Bri, you’re supposed to make it in the cup,” Sylvie taunts. 
“Shut up,” he grumbles, and sticks his tongue out a little as he squints at the cups on the opposite side of the table. And when it makes it in he’s more excited than I’ve ever seen him before. “Fuck yes! Yes! You’re supposed to make it in the cup,” he mocks. 
“Why is he screaming?” Connor asks when he returns with my drink.
“He made it in.”
“About time,” he checks the time on his watch. “Speaking of time. Shawn, you have to get on the premier. You have ten minutes.”
“Oh, shit, yeah. Thanks, Brash.” he pats Brian’s back and goes, “You’re on your own, Craigen. Good luck.”
“Where’s Anna?” he asks, looking around the room. “Y/n, where’s Anna. She’s good at this game.”
 “I think she went to get a drink.”
“Anna!” he yells. “Come be my partner for beer pong!” When she doesn’t answer immediately he groans. “Anna!”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Craigen. I heard you the first time.”
“Be my partner,” he pouts. 
“Yeah, whatever.”
I look back at my boy who is already looking at me. “Shouldn’t you be with Shawn? Sober him up a bit?”
He shakes his head. “No, he’s okay. Wanna be with my girl.”
I nod and turn in his arms to face him fully. “You know, you still haven’t told me much about this song.”
“I know. It’s a surprise.”
“But why?”
“You’ll see when it premieres.”
I pout. “But I wanna know now.”
“Nope, you’ll have to wait and see.”
I groan. “Why won’t you tell me? What? Are you in the video? Is my baby in front of the camera instead of behind it this time?”
He chuckles, “No. I’m not in the video.”
I huff. “Tell me!!!”
He shakes his head with a bright smile. “No, my love. You’ll see it,” he checks his watch again “Thirty-five minutes.”
“Tease,” I grumble.
“Says the one who told me we could have a quickie in the bathroom and has yet to follow through.”
“Well I said that would happen if you were a good boy. But you’re not telling me things so,” I shrug. “Guess no quickie.”
He growls in my ear and I’m almost reconsidering my answer. Almost.  
“Fine,” he mutters, “I’m gonna set up the TV for the premiere. You okay here?”
“Mhm, I’m gonna watch Brian lose another round.”
Brian gasps and turns to face me. “You too?!” His face morphs into what almost looks like true betrayal, but I still can’t fight the laugh that escapes.
“Guys, three minute warning! Get your drunk asses out here and settle in,” Sylvie calls from the living room. 
“Anna sit with me,” Brian begs as Anna and I make our way to the room. 
“I was gonna sit with y/n, but-”
“She’s gonna sit with Connor. Please?” He asks again, making puppy dog eyes at her. I roll my eyes and push her into him. 
“Oh just sit with him. He’ll never shut up if you don’t.”
“Ah,” Connor says when he spots me. “There’s my love.” He holds a hand out for me. “I saved you a seat.” He smirks, patting his lap. 
I shake my head and fall into him, not in the mood to tease him now. “My favorite seat,” I mumble, resting my head on his shoulder.
As everyone settles in, I play with Connor’s fingers, spin his ring a few times before taking it off of him and sliding it on my thumb. I half expect him to take it back when he lifts my hand. But he brings my thumb to his lips and kisses it over the ring before lacing our fingers and bringing them back down to my lap. “I love you,” he whispers into my hair.
“I love you,” I whisper back.
“Okay,” Shawn says, coming into the room. “Are you guys ready?” he asks excitedly, plopping himself down on the floor, his back against the armrest of the chair Connor and I are sitting in.
Connor squeezed my thigh. “Are you ready for the surprise?” He asks me.
I nod excitedly. “I’m very excited.”
“It’s starting,” Sylvie says for the few stragglers that were making their way into the room. 
I’m already hooked by the countdown. It’s very Alice and Wonderland-esque, with the swirling clock. By the time the opening harmonies come in I’m leaning forward to squeeze Shawn’s shoulder. “You sound good, Rockstar,” I whisper. 
By the middle of the song, I’m nodding and humming along to the song. But when Shawn gets to the last chorus I look back at Connor. “Wait, bubba, what’s the surprise?”
“It’s coming. Wait until the end.”
I furrow my brows and turn my attention back to the screen. Shawn’s just finished the chorus and is on his knees on the cliff as the camera gets closer to him. And the screen cuts to black.
Directed by Matty Peacock
And then another two seconds later:
Written by
Shawn Mendes
Matty Peacock
Connor Brashier
I gasp and look at my boy who is already smiling at me. “You wrote this!”
He chuckles, “Well only some of it.”
“That doesn’t matter. You wrote it!”
“So, good surprise?” 
I scoff and wrap my arms around him. “The best surprise. I am so fucking proud of you.”
He kisses the underside of my jaw and rubs my back, “Thank you, my love. Couldn’t do it without you.”
“Well,” Shawn asks, standing up. “What did you guys think?”
I pull away from Connor and look up at Shawn. “It was amazing! Probably your best song yet. You literally just keep getting better.”
He glares at me, “Your opinion doesn’t count. You’re biased because your boyfriend helped write it.”
I shrug, “That’s true, yes. But you’ve seen my boyfriend? I clearly have taste, so I would know. And this is your best song to date.”
Connor laughs into my shoulder and pinches my side, “y/n, come on.”
“Why are you getting embarrassed? This is phenomenal and I am so proud of you. Both of you,” I say.
Nearly two hours later, I won’t let Connor stop playing the song. But so we’re not annoying the rest of the group, he plays it for me on his phone - the music video though, because I want to see his name at the end. Doesn’t matter how many times I see it, it still fills me with so much pride and joy for the beautiful man in my arms right now. He and I are swaying drunkenly to the song on the balcony outside. It’s just us two and it’s perfect, it’s euphoric. 
“Been dreaming that you feel it, too. I wonder what it’s like to be loved by you,” he mumbles into my hair as he spins us slowly and I look up at him with a bright smile.
“What?” He asks, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “Why are you so smiley?”
I hum and push up on my toes just the slightest bit to press my lips to his in a soft kiss. “You don’t have to wonder,” I say when I pull away.
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t have to wonder what it’s like. To be loved by me?”
I watch as his face morphs into something that I can’t quite place. 
“I adore you. Like I truly, desperately adore you.” He places his hands on either side of my face and kisses me, this time with a little more passion than the one I just gave him. “I’m so lucky,” he hums, using his thumb to pull my bottom lip a little, just for it to pop back in place. 
I shake my head, “I’m lucky. Luckiest girl in the entire world.”
“If you’re the luckiest woman, let me be the luckiest man in the world,” He whispers, tracing his thumb down the column of my neck.  
I nod, “Okay. We can both be lucky to know what it’s like to be loved by one another.”
“Yeah, we never have to wonder.”
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Permanent tag: @soyalimoncada-blog @tinycertain @magcon7280 @homeofpoetry @fallinallincurls @goldenflickerx @sinceweremutual @myyohmyuohmyy @harry-hollands @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @baroness-alison @lostinmendess @linanilssonfurberg @luvluvxx @mariamuses @shawnieeboyy @divinginfearlessly @mendesficsxbombay @shawnsthighs @zaahidahhh @adelaidestreets @shawnandconnor @shawnsblue @turtoix  @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s
Connor tag: @gangofhoes @verlaneswiftie13
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myownparadise96 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: JoshxReader
Warnings: none
Thank you @satingrass-maidensfair for motivating me lol ❤
You picked a piece of lint off your shirt and looked around the cafe. The weather was a perfect sixty three degrees, sunlight streaming through the windows. The smell of coffee was swirling in the air, heightning all your senses. A Norah Jones song was playing in the background ( well, you knew it was hers because you only listened to her stuff every day) mingling with the noises of the steam baffle. Josh texted you a few days ago, while you were making dinner, the notification making you jump and burn your hand on the pot you were holding:
“I had a really great time today Y/N🙃. What do you say to coffee on Sunday? ☕We could go for a walk after, the weather’s supposed to be nice?”-
you grinned as you read the text. You met him at a mutual friends party two weeks prior, the two of you  hitting it off when you both reached for the last shot of Fireball on the kitchen counter- “You were first”- he smiled, making a gesture with his slender hand. “Oh n-no ”-you looked up meeting his, what seemed to you like the pair of the prettiest, honey-colored eyes. He had curly hair and dimples in both  his cheeks and was wearing some type of striped shirt with a high collar and tan pants. And what you found absolutely adorable - white Keds paired with white socks. The look look made you, in all honesty, melt. He ended up splitting the, already small, amount of liquor in half and measuring it in a comically precise manner, with his tongue poking out slightly- “Gotta make it even, right?”.
You decided right then and there that you wouldn’t... and probably could never forget him. Clinking your glasses you downed the (tiny amount) of alcohol. From leaning against the tabletop you somehow made your way to the couch, you sitting on the cushion and him on the arm, leaning over from time to you and touching your shoulder. It wasn't the.. gross way guys usually touched your shoulder. It was like he wanted to share a secret with you and with you only. In a very sweet manner. In that short time you decided his smile was your favorite thing about him. Second was the way he used his hands when speaking. You were trying to think of the third when you felt someones hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey”- he squeezed  gently- “How are you? I’m not late am i ?”-he sat down, slightly out of breath, setting a brown paper bag besides him.
“No, no. I just got here early, actually. What’s in the bag?”- you nodded towards it.
“Oh that?”- he grinned.
“Yes, that”
He smiled at you- "So, remember how you told me last week that you collect plants, too?”
“..Yes? why?”- you blinked. Where was he going with this?
“And remember how you told me you’ve been looking everywhere for an Alocasia?”- Josh put the paper bag on his knees, gingerly taking, yes, an Alocasia out. You audibly gasped.
“You didn’t!”- a huge grin broke out on his face. Clearly pleased with himself, he handed you the plant over the table and rubbed his hands on his knees.
“Josh! This is- I can’t- belive you remembered”- you laughed. He gave you an incredulous look:
“Of course I remembered”- you saw him blush slightly but still trying to keep it cool by looking at the menu but still eyeing you over it.
“Josh, honestly, this is so sweet”
“It’s nothing. I did get myself a plant too, actually”- he pulled out his phone and angled the screen towards you.
“ A fiddle leaf fig!”- you remembered him talking about it.
“Yep, got a nice pot for it and all. It’ll look nice in the kitchen”, he shrugged. You knew you had a silly smile plastered on your face but you literally couldn't help it.
“How was your week ?”- you asked, turning over the menu. You were feeling like having green tea. And carrot cake..yes, definitely carrot cake.
“Oh, fine. The kids were rehersing for Alice in Wonderland. You should see them, I’m telling you, the costumes are amazing”- you enjoying seeing his face light up when talking about work. Only to him it wasn’t work. It was so much more than that. You nodded, biting your lip.
“What? what did I say?”-he paused, blinking.
“Nothing. You’re adorable”- you blurted out- “Im sorry but I- just had to say it”
“Oh. I”M adorable? You should of seen your face when I took the plant out of the bag. Now that was adorable”- he folded his arms over his chest- “ Are you ready to order?”- you nodded- “Green tea and a carrot cake, please”
“Green tea and a carrot cake”-he mumbled and nodded to himself ,heading off towards the counter.
Five seconds later you heard his phone buzz on the tiny table in front of you.
The screen was right there. 
Very visible. Very.. “adorable plant girl?”- you squinted at it. You... were adorable?  From Jake: “How’s the date with the ‘adorable plant girl’ 🪴?”- was what it said exactly. The emoji also caught you off guard. The words swirled in your brain. He though you-
“Ok, one carrot cake and a  green tea for you”- Josh suddenly appeared on your side, balancing two plates and two steaming mugs on a tray- “and a coffee cake and matcha for me”. You quickly dove into your cake, just to have something to do. 
“Somebody’s hungry”- he chuckled, taking a generious bite of his own.
“Yeah- well I was craving something sweet today”- you swallowed audibly. Thankfully he didn’t seem to notice. The two of you ate in silence for a few minutes (or what to you seemed like eternity), but all you could think about was the text. Was it snooping if the phone was right there? You we’re so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice how you’ve been staring at the phone all this time. Josh noticed this and cleared his throat. “Everthing ok?”. You looked up. Well crap.
“Um yeah. Yeah. Why?”
“Well you’re eyeing my phone like an X-Ray machine, so”- he smirked.
“I just got lost in my thoughts-” you swirled a hand in the air.
A minute or so later he picked up his phone and you saw his face flush in the corner of your eye. Inhaling, he said-” You didn’t happen to see-”
“I’m sorry, it was, like, right there”- you simultaneously blurted. This time it was your turn to flush. He put his fork down abruptly. Suddenly you didn’t hear all the noises around you. 
“Can I be totally honest with you?”- he shifted in his seat- “I..I like you. A lot”
“I like you too, Josh. A lot”
“Ok... so we're on the same page”- he chuckled and looked down, making you notice his prominent cupids bow, just now.
“So, “adorable plant girl, huh?”- you nudged his foot under the table with your own.
“Well, you’re pretty damn adorable, I’d say”
“Well..Vice versa”.  After finishing your meal, he walked you to your apartment, the sun gradually setting  in the distance. A butterly lazily circled around your heads, making a smile appear on his face. You realized that this is what you cherished the most- the smallest things having the ability to make him happy. It was that easy. You felt his hand gently clasp your own, his thumb rubbing circles on yours. 
“So, plant girl, coffee tomorrow?”
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how-masterful · 4 years
Diamond In The Rough
Dhawan!master x reader
Summary: There's a reason you've been so drawn to the stars. There's a reason the Master took such interest in you. There's also a reason he brought you here on this specific planet, in this specific spot, on this specific night: Only he won't tell you just yet. Because that would spoil the surprise.
Notes: a VERY happy birthday to the one and only @plethora-of-imagines! My partner in crime, consultant in all things masterful, kneecap thief and reason I started this whole page! Have a fabulous birthday queen- this one is most definitely dedicated to you. I hope it lives up to the hype! ❤👑🥳
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The universe was a very, very big place. This was a fact that you didn't need to travel with a time travelling alien to realize was undoubtedly true. 
Learning about the universe on earth was... Limited. To say the least. Life beyond the stars was locked in the box of hypothetical conversation, pressed between the pages of countless philosophy and astrology books and stuffed into the midnight musings of "is there really life out there in the universe?" 
For years that question plagued you, hung in your mind like a veil over the fading black spots of your draining day to day. Others would blame their extra terrestrial musings on too many drug trips in the 60's or college, some on late night conspiracy youtube binges. But you blamed yours on simple curiosity- 'if there truly was life out there, why haven't we met it yet?'
But as you grew older, that youthful wonder and curiosity in the universe became something of a fascination. You checked your horoscope every morning, held countless books on the subject- you’d even acquired an old telescope from a family friend. The lady you’d acquired it from said her father loved staring up at the stars every night, made it a part of his routine .You never understood why she looked so sad when she said it, but you soon came to understand the connection people had with the stars.
Or, better yet, the people who travelled among them.
People like the man who currently held your hand in his own.
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
"Master, you are NOT responsible for Roswell!"
"Really? Who are you going to believe, darling? Your 1000 year old alien husband, or a middle aged redneck blogger?"
You let out a small snorting laugh, the man beside you smiling fondly as you sighed and shook your head. You squoze your conjoined hands, allowing your head to rest back on the purple tartan blanket with a dreamy sigh.
The pair of you were on a hill, a large open plane of thick grass, lay on a blanket beneath an ocean of swirling stars. The TARDIS sat parked in the distance, the familiar shack you called home glowing with the fairy lights you'd insisted on hanging around the roof of the veranda. You'd both abandoned your shoes and socks, a picnic basket and empty plates sat to the side, a half empty bottle of wine and two glasses still standing. Your lipstick still freshly sat along the brim.
The Master had prepared the feast for you both, the basket full of fruits and delicacies from planets far and wide. You couldn't help but moan at the tastes and aromas that encapsulated your senses, the flavors causing beautiful chaos upon your tongue. You supposed beautiful chaos was the Masters speciality. You'd sat in his lap and opened wide as you allowed yourself to be pliantly fed, the guttural groan that escaped the masters lips as you licked the crumbs from his fingertips causing your whole body to tremble with delight. But now the pair of you lay side by side, the Masters coat abandoned and his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows as you both gazed up at the dazzling dark sky.
"I'm telling you doll, never dare a drunk alien prankster- They'll neck down a bottle and start a whole subgenre of conspiracy theories in a single afternoon."
The Master took a strawberry from the hole at his side, taking a bite and discarding the top as you continued to shake your head. He let out a disappointed sigh- but there was no bite behind the gesture.
"Don't tell me you believe the redneck."
You shrugged innocently, biting your bottom lip to hold back your smirk.
"I must admit I'm more inclined to, Master. That tinfoil hat makes them hard to resist."
The time lord let out a proud laugh, eyes scrunching shut as you allowed your attention to stray from the sky. You admired the playful scrunch of his nose, the small lines that formed besides his eyes and in the curve of his cheeks when he smiled. His lips would always part, exposing his teeth. You supposed his usual laugh acted as a snarl, a threatening gesture to all opposition that he took joy in causing such pain. But here, under the starlight, there was no malice behind his grin. This was simple, unstoppable happiness that held an innocence that was rare to the Master. Or at least, rare to the universe. It was a sight you knew happily too well.
"You still haven't explained, Master." You finally spoke, eyes soft as the timelord's head turned in your direction.
"It's simple, pet. There's this race from quadrant nine, all of them three feet tall and neon green-"
You lightly rolled your eyes and smiled.
"I don't mean Roswell, I mean tonight. But expect many more questions about that to follow."
The Master smirked teasingly, hair lightly falling just beside his eye.
"Noted- I'll be sure to dig out the photo album."
"Why here?"
The Masters smirk morphed into a light dusting of confusion. A scrunched brow, one eye slightly more squinted than the other.
"What do you mean, love?"
"I mean, why tonight? You said we had to be on this planet, on this exact night, this exact year."
Realisation soon spread across his face. He nodded lightly, lips pursed as he looked up in thought.
“What are you planning in that mischievous head of yours?”
The Master smiled, allowing himself to lay flat on his back once more. He pulled his hand from your own, allowing you to nestle into his side as he took hold of your other hand. Your rings clashed together with a gentle click of metal, the diamond shining bright in the white glow of the moon. You smiled, head softly resting upon the timelord's chest as his other hand rested upon his stomach, his hearts rhythmically thumping under your temple like thunder. He tilted his head to look down at you, brushing a stray hair from your face.
"The universe is... complicated, love. It's like, its like that book you were reading a couple days ago. God, what was the name? It began with an A-"
"Alice's adventures in wonderland?"
The time lord nodded, booping the end of your nose tenderly with his finger.
"That's the one. It's like Wonderland. And the time vortex is the rabbit hole. It's so easy to get lost, to fall deep within its walls and find yourself confused and discombobulated on the other end.”
You couldn't hold back your smirking laughter. The Master rolled his eyes, pretending not to notice your childish reaction to his choice of words.
“But when you do find your way it's… strange. Unusual. Every planet and constellation and dynasty a new nook and cranny for you to explore. Wolds upon worlds of crooked doorways and spiral tunnels and rooms full of doors that lead you right back to where you started.”
You hummed in thought. You supposed the universe was like Wonderland, in a sense- your life turning upside down the moment you followed the Time Lord into his TARDIS and down the rabbit hole. You snorted internally at the thought of the Master being somewhat of a white rabbit. He already had the pension for time down pat, and arguably his beard and messy hair acted somewhat as a fur coat. You wouldn't dare say it to his face, but judging by his unimpressed expression he’d already heard you.
“But then, once you’ve already reached the precipice of curiosity, you meet the people around you. Whole races and subspecies of people that exist in the same space and time and universe as you but are all so, so different. Some of them are bloody boring, like the Shushans. What's so impressive about having your mouth on the bottom of your foot? And don’t even get me started on the Yomno, i mean- how can your whole race tell the future from spitting on a grain of rice yet all be so god damn dull-”
“Master, you’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
“Getting annoyed at other races for being your version of boring.”
The timelord sighed, causing you to giggle. You gently nestled closer to his side, the Masters other hand reaching up to tenderly cup your jaw.
“But then, once in a lifetime, you find something truly unexplored. Like a disappearing cat, or a dodo that died long ago but refused to acknowledge its own extinction, or a girl that fell down the rabbit hole and into the hands of a certainly very mad man. A rarity among the rubble of the basic and mundane. I believe you humans refer to it as a diamond in the rough. The time lords were once like that.”
You let your gaze meet his, confusion dancing across your face.
“Diamonds in the rough?”
“No, they were the rough. I was the diamond.”
You playfully smacked him across the chest, causing him to chuckle deviously.
“As I was saying, before I was so lovingly interrupted, sometimes you find something beautiful. But also curious, a mystery that even the most uninterested man would be desperate to pry their nails into and figure out how they worked. What made them tick. What made them happy. What made them desperate..."
The Master's thumb trailed over your bottom lip, his own lips parted as you let out a trembling breath. His lips curved into a soft smile, watching you lightly squirm under his touch. He pulled his face in closer.
"Humans are simultaneously the shining diamonds and the disgusting scum of the universe. Civilisations have grown in their honour and crumbled at their hands but none of them, not one single human, ever have or ever will compare to you. You're the breathing equivalent of lightning in a bottle, a single drop of rain upon a field desperate for salvation from a drought. A blessing. A gift. My diamond in the rough of a universe that does not deserve a single part of her. I don't deserve you. But here you are.``
His thumb gently caught the tear that threatened to fall down your cheek. You reached up to cup his cheek, the timelord nestling into the palm of your hand. Your noses bumped together at the sudden proximity, and you could feel your heart racing like a steam train in your chest.
"But here I am." You smiled through your tears, a choked laugh emerging from your throat, your thumb softly caressing the apple of his cheek. You could feel his hot breath against your own, his eyes heavy with lust and adoration.
"With the man whom I love more than anything else in the universe, who's shown me things I could never have imagined and treated me like a goddess when compared to him? I'm positively minuscule."
The Master let out a huff, his breath caught in the back of his throat as your lips ghosted over his own.
"Don't you dare think you're anything less than the universe" He whispered, gaze fixated on your lips as your foreheads softly touched.
"Oh yeah? And what if I do?" You returned, your bottom lip brushing against the Master's own, tongue teasing at the time lord's top lip as he growled lowly, voice rough and restrained.
"i'll rearrange the stars themselves piece by piece until you understand just how pathetic it is in comparison."
The distance between your lips was essentially non existent.
"Prove it, Master. Please."
And prove it he did. 
The Masters lips attacked your own with a desperate hunger, your eyes fluttering shut as the force sent you rocking backwards. You kept a tight grip on his face, keeping yourself steady as you pushed your lips back against his own. you'd be damned if the kiss were one sided.
His tongue slid in with ease, the hot taste of his tongue causing you to moan desperately against his mouth. The moan was reciprocated in earnest by the Master, his thumb gently pulling on your chin to allow his mouth further access to your own. You parted further, desperate to please, the sweet taste of your lips sending the time lord deeper into a spiral of lust.
You never knew how much you treasured the taste of his lips until the threat of their absence drew near, your own tongue forcing your way into his mouth like an anchor of perseverance. You took hold of both sides of his face, foreheads together as you hummed against his lips, causing him to crumble under your fingers with a chesty growl of dominance. He was hot fire, a delicious flame of lust licking and burning the inside of your mouth, and eventually the need for air forced your mouths apart.
The pair of you panted, breath escaping both parties as his arms wound tight around your shoulders, pulling you close. You gathered your breath as you nuzzled closer to the Masters side, lips red and glossy as you let your forehead rest upon his temple.
"That… Wow. I think you proved it."
"Did you ever doubt I would?"
You could hear the smirk in his tone, your eyes still fluttered shut as you came down from the high. You could still taste his mouth, the ghost of the strawberries still lingering on his tongue.
"I dunno Master… Still not seeing a tinfoil hat."
The eye roll was practically audible. The gasp certainly was.
"It's time, quick love, look."
You allowed your eyes to open, your gaze fixating on the stars above as they swirled in circular formation. Your mouth gaped open in shock as the pair of you sat up and looked to the sky.
"What are they doing?" You asked in wonderment, the Masters grip on you tightening.
"The whole reason we came here tonight. The once in a lifetime moment. Those drawings of the stars, the shapes they make. This is where they come from."
It was practically magic. Any other person would say it was witchcraft.
"Diamonds in the rough" you whispered, and the Master nodded triumphantly.
The stars swirled in ribbons of white, the dark black of the sky melting around them as the pin pricks in the black began to pulsate and grow with rapid speed. The stars began to link, intricate lines seared into the fabric of the sky like thread as the tiny stars began to merge and form into outlines of figures and shapes. A bear, a woman holding a sword, a pegasus with wings. Vast shapes of all sizes began to move and shift and form. Your eyes sparkled with wonder as the stars shone like diamonds.
It was too much to believe. Until they started to move.
Suddenly, the pegasus bucked up it's hind legs and began galloping across the sky. The woman drew her sword and charged, the scorpion's tale whipping in challenge. The bear plodded across the inky black, back pressed against the rams horns as it scratched itself as if upon a tree. All around you, hundreds of thousands of creatures moved and ran and flew across the darkness, the distant echoes of their commotion floating through the atmosphere.
A pair of lips softly pressed against your temple, trailing a line of kisses down until they ghosted over the shell of your ear.
"What do you think, darling?"
The Master whispered, breath hot on your ear and making you shiver.
"Its… Master its… Thank you. Thank you so much."
The tears from before had returned as the dazzling stars reflected in the sheen of your eyes, as the time lord beside you hummed in appreciation.
"Happy birthday, Y/N." The Master softly whispered, a tender kiss pressed to your cheek. 
In an instant you return to facing him, your lips pressed together once more, stars a distant priority beyond the pull of your husband's lips.
The constellations above returned to their original position, the pulsating giants of the sky suddenly bursting like fireworks in the night. The stardust began to fall atop your heads like something out of a fairy tale, like raining pixie dust as the stars returned to their pin prick size, now shimmering like the lights around the TARDIS veranda. 
But the pair of you were too busy for pixie dust. You didn't need the universe, or the stars, or magic at all.
You were already, well and truly, living happily ever after.
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mysteira6 · 4 years
IkeRev Loki Genetta - Like a Cat
Hi I’m obsessed with Loki Genetta and @maedayo’s art of him has inspired me to write these little scenarios with Cradle’s local Nyandere Cheshire Cat. Enjoy~!
(This will be in your POV, btw! I also tried my best to write this in a format similar to the game’s script. You’re welcome. :3)
No matter how you look at him, Loki still looks like a cat.
I chuckled at the thought as another breeze blew by the meadow, brushing the fuchsia hair of the man beside me and drawing a laugh from me. His mismatched eyes were sparkling with joy as he poked the strawberry shortcake on his plate with his fork and took another bite of it. 
“Mm~ Your cakes are always the best, Alice!” He smiled at me warmly. A blush found its way to my cheeks as I watched Loki take another bite of the vanilla-coloured cake, the unmistakable glee clear in his voice. “You should really think about opening a sweets shop in Cradle,”
I scratched my head sheepishly. “That sounds really ambitious, Loki,” I shrugged at the thought of competing against all the current confectionaries in Cradle. “There are already so many talented bakers in the Central Quarter… I highly doubt that my desserts would stand out compared to them,”
“But your sweets are all so good!” Loki replied with a grin. “I bet everyone in Cradle would love them~”
“You’re too kind,” I muttered to myself, hoping that he wouldn’t hear me. Despite my earlier response, my mind began to wander along the thought of actually working in a desserts shop in Cradle. Considering that I used to work in a confectionery in London, it wasn’t a completely foreign experience to me. I could still remember all the recipes that I used time and time again back then, so maybe-
In the midst of my thoughts, Loki had sneakily snatched the slice of cake that was on my plate, and was now happily munching away at it. “Haha, you didn’t even notice a thing, Alice! This cake is mine now!” He laughed wholeheartedly as he placed another strawberry covered slice of cake into his mouth, grinning at his success.
“Hey, that was my slice!” Placing my utensils gently on top of the picnic mat, I glared at Loki, crossing my arms. He didn’t seem to catch onto my anger, however; instead, he leaned close to me and lifted a piece of cake towards my mouth with his fork with an alluring gleam in his eyes
“Do you want me to feed you instead?”
My cheeks instantly heated up at his words, my heart suddenly beating very loudly in my ears. I was frozen by Loki’s gaze, his burnt caramel and topaz gold eyes staring back at me. It felt like a whole minute passed before my boyfriend finally broke the silence.
“Hm? You don’t want it?” He asked with a cheeky grin. I remained silent, unable to utter a single word.
“Well, I guess more cake for me then~” He said with a sly smile before redirecting his fork back into his mouth, moving away from me as he continued savouring his treat, the white icing on top of the cake smearing the side of his mouth a little. I found myself letting out a long sigh that I had been holding ever since Loki asked me that question. This guy…!!
One minute, he was innocently relishing my shortcake, the next minute he managed to steal my slice like a little devil, and now he was acting like a playful flirt. There were just so many sides of Loki that would pop out of nowhere, casting their spells to draw me deeper in love with him…
I found myself smiling warmly while fishing out a napkin from our picnic basket to wipe the extra icing on his cheeks. “Loki, you got a bit of cake on your face,” I giggled.
He quickly grabbed my hand just as I finished cleaning his face, startling me enough to drop my napkin. He closed his eyes as he affectionately nuzzled my palm, purring like a cat at my touch. “Hehe, I love it when you touch my face, Alice~” He murmured.
I sighed, though I was still smiling. “Loki, I need my hand back...”
“Aw~ But your hand is so warm!”
The cheery smile encased on his lips was enough to win me over. How in the world could anyone be so cute?
I mean, even his carnivorous diet is like a cat. Or was it more like a child’s?
“Bleh… Yuck…”
I turned my attention away from reading to the sound of Loki’s gags. He was sticking his tongue at the green flowered vegetable stuck in his fork, clearly not wanting to eat the broccoli from lunch.
Seated in front of him was Harr, Loki’s guardian and mentor, and to say that he was unamused was an understatement. His one eye that wasn’t concealed behind a mask narrowed at the pouting boy. “Loki, you need to eat your vegetables. I’m not going to tell you twice,”
“But I hate them…” The pink-haired teen groaned with a frown, his heterochromatic eyes drooping at the sight of his plate, mostly clean except for the cursed green pieces. “And why did it have to be broccoli, Harr? You know that I hate those the most!”
“All the more reason why you need to eat them,” The wizard replied with a deadpan look. “Look, they really aren’t that bad, Loki. And you’ve got to eat them for nutrition,”
The younger magic-user refused to listen. “I already eat a lot of fish! And fish has loads of nutrients too. I’m full--Thank you for the meal!”
Loki was about to stand up and lift his plate to the sink before Harr’s eyes glowed red, his powerful magic forcing Loki back on the chair no matter how much he squirmed. “Hey! No fair, Harr! I thought you told me not to use magic for trivial matters!” Loki yelped indignantly.
“Eat your broccoli!”
As I sat on the sofa in their living room, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. From this angle, Harr really looks like a father trying to get his son to eat his veggies, though he really wasn’t making any progress on the matter.
At that moment, a cheeky idea popped into my head, cueing the ends of my lips to turn upwards and form a smile. After slowly placing my book on the coffee table, I trotted over to the dining table, where Loki was pouting and Harr was crossing his arms in frustration. “Still not eating your vegetables, Loki?” I asked with a short sigh.
He immediately brightened as soon as I got close to the table. “Alice! Tell Harr to let me go!” He cried for help like a child while Harr shook his head in disappointment.
“I was thinking that he would mature a little after meeting you,” The older wizard mused, pinching his nose bridge. “But it seems that his refusal to eat vegetables hasn’t changed at all,”
I laughed light-heartedly at his words. “It would seem so,” I agreed with a sheepish grin before turning back to the stubborn man who was glued to his chair, ready to enact my plan. If Loki won’t eat his veggies willingly… Maybe I should give him some incentive…
Leaning in close to Loki, I cupped my mouth and whispered to him in the sweetest voice I could muster. “What if I give you some kisses after you eat them, hm?”
The pout on his face instantly disappeared. As Loki slowly turned his head towards me, I could see that his cheeks had turned pink and his eyes were widened at my words, his mouth agape as he stared at me. Despite my heart pounding wildly in my chest, the sweet smile on my face didn’t falter as Loki blinked at me, seemingly shocked at what just happened.
There was a short silence in the room before the Cheshire Cat let out an audible gulp and turned back to his food. The frown on his face from before returned, though it was visibly fainter than earlier.
“ … Fine,” He huffed as he picked up his fork, this time actually picking up the pieces of broccoli and chewing them in his mouth. He didn’t gag or complain, and I grinned at the sight. Success!
On the opposite side of the table, Harr’s cedar-brown eyes widened in astonishment. “My goodness…” He muttered to himself as he slapped his hand onto his forehead.
Loki can get pretty possessive like a cat, too…
I hummed a little tune to myself as I packed some books into the trusty bag Seth gave me earlier. Sirius was right; Harr really did have a lot of cookbooks lying around his house and he wouldn’t hesitate to lend me them if I asked him about it. Though I could remember most of the dessert recipes that I used back in London, I figured out that it would do me some good if I learned how to make other dishes for meals. And considering how amazing Harr’s cooking was, it was only natural that I’d try to learn from him.
Beside me, Loki leaned against the armrest of the sofa, nodding his head to the song I was humming. “What song is that, Alice?” He asked inquisitively, tilting his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it before… Did it come from the Land of Reason?”
I nodded. “I can’t remember the name of it, though,” I replied with a shrug as I zipped up my bag, lifting the straps around my head to rest on my shoulder. “I just remember listening to it a long time ago back in London,”
“Ah, that is, the Land of Reason,” I explained with a smile as Loki’s eyes lit up. For a number of times now, he has asked me about my world, known as the Land of Reason to everyone in Cradle. A polar opposite to this wonderland that I’ve fallen into, the Land of Reason progressed and functioned on scientific logic, machinery and phenomena instead of magic. I wonder how I would ever explain how to use a telephone to anyone here, especially Loki.
Meanwhile, the man that I was just thinking about had his gaze trained on the bag slung across my shoulder. The shades of pink and yellow in his eyes shimmered like stars, and yet I could feel them piercing through me. The lack of response from the usually vocal Cheshire Cat made my heart worry.
“Loki?” I timidly asked, not realizing how soft my voice had become.
He didn’t reply. Instead, he stood up from the sofa and walked towards me like a predator catching his prey. As he advanced to my position, I could spot his eyebrows drooping in disappointment. The tense expression in his eyes reminded me of the day he casted a spell to force me into a deep sleep.
“You’re leaving… now?” He finally murmured in a low voice, upset that I was preparing myself to head back to the black army’s headquarters.
Oh boy, here we go again… 
“Is Loki stopping you from heading back home again?” Harr let out a long sigh in a tone mixed with embarrassment and disappointment as he stepped out his room, catching the sight of Loki staring down at me with pleading eyes.
I unfortunately had to nod in reply before turning my attention back to the pink-haired man before me. “Loki, I need to get back. You remember what I told you right? It’s gonna be Luka’s birthday soon and I need to help Ray and the others practice making a cake for him,” I explained in a matter-of-fact tone. I was already used to the many episodes of Loki trying to stop me from heading back to the other black army members, after all.
He turned his head slightly at the mention of Luka, his lips curving into an annoyed frown. “I don’t like that you have to go back to their headquarters all the time,” He complained as he reached for both of my hands, holding them tightly as if I would disappear if he let go. “I wish you could just stay here with me instead,”
I let out a short sigh. As possessive and dramatic as he was now, I had to admit that there was always a small sorrow in my heart each time we parted ways. There was always the promise of seeing him the next day, but there was also the miniscule yet present uncertainty that I couldn’t do so. It was a fear I could not deny no matter how hard I tried.
I looked up at Loki with a warm smile on my lips. “I’m sorry that I can’t stay today, Loki. But I promise I’ll come back tomorrow, and then we can go out on another date in Cradle-”
“But I still don’t like seeing you leave me,” He replied, seemingly unwavered by what I’ve said, the expression on his face barely changing. If anything, his grip on my hands only strengthened.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, I promise-”
“But if you go, that means I won’t get to cuddle next to you tonight…”
His suddenly bold words caught me off-guard and I couldn’t stop the redness from crawling up my face. In fact, my cheeks weren’t red because of what Loki said; they got red because Harr was literally right there watching us!! There was no way to really stop his possessiveness, wasn’t there?
From the corner of my eye, I could see the wizard standing by the dining table with another disappointed expression on his face. “For the love of…” He mumbled, shaking his head. It seemed that as far as he was concerned, this routine of me getting won over by Loki’s charm was never going to end.
And he’s always demanding attention! If that part of him didn’t resemble a cat, then I don’t know what does!
“Hey, Alice~”
“... Alice, look at me~”
As tempted as I was, I managed to steel myself not to look at Loki, my focus not leaving the work in my hands for even a second. When he sneaked into my room earlier this afternoon, he took the liberty of lying on my bed for a little ‘cat-nap’. Now in the evening hours leading to dinnertime, he was up and clearly desperate for my attention.
… Actually, I take that back. The more I consider it, the more I realised that regardless of where we were, he always would be demanding my attention. It was petty, sure, but I couldn’t deny that I still love him for that.
Today, though, I couldn’t afford to be swayed by his pleas for attention. “Not now, Loki,” I proclaimed firmly. “I need to finish making this present for Edgar’s birthday tomorrow,” My mind floated back to a few days before when Loki had tried to stop me from going back to help Ray and the others make a birthday cake for Luka. Thankfully, Harr came to my rescue, convincing the ever clingy cat Loki to let go of me. Back then, I hopelessly fell victim to his boldness; I couldn’t afford to repeat that same mistake today.
… Huh…? Why… does my ear suddenly… hurt…?
I was so absorbed in my work that I had not noticed Loki’s stealthy advance towards me, him leaning over me as I sat on my work desk. As my attention was better tuned to his presence next to me, I could feel the short silky strands of his hair tickle my ears, accompanied by… something sharp?
It was only when his hands landed on my shoulders did my mind finally register what was going on. He… bit my ear… 
… Oh my god..!!!
“L-Loki?!” I involuntarily yelped as my whole body froze. Whatever was working on before now landed on the desk as my hands remained in the air, unmoving as an all-too-familiar warmth travelled up my cheeks, extending to the edge of my ears. I could practically feel the electricity coursing through my veins as his warm breath hit my skin like a piece of red-hot iron.
“Hm?” He whispered with a seductive smirk on his face, clearly ignoring the deep scarlet blush on my face. “What is it, Alice?” He continued in a somewhat innocent tone as he continued to nuzzle the back of my ear affectionately.
No matter how hard I tried, no words would come out of my mouth. All I could do was gasp as Loki’s slender fingers swept some of my hair away so that he could nuzzle my neck. I let out a high-pitched yelp at the warm sensation, my head tilting to the side as if it was second nature and my two hands automatically reaching out and searching for his, and he chuckled at the sight.
“You know, I really have to wonder…” His alluring voice returned as his hands finally met mine, lulling the sudden need that had culminated within me. “Why do you tend to think of other men while I’m here?”
“Do you need me to remind you of who you belong to?”
The heat from my face instantly spread across my entire being at the sound of his deeper voice. I couldn’t halt the quiet moans coming out of my mouth as Loki grazed his teeth against my neck, his tongue following after as he licked my skin. My heart is beating so fast… I barely registered the sensation of my chair being lifted slightly as I was spun around in midair, my whole body now facing my boyfriend.
In my half-lidded vision, I spotted a red and surprisingly seductive gleam in Loki’s eyes. He flashed his signature Cheshire grin as he raised his hand to my chin, keeping me focused on him. “I belong to you, Alice. That means that you belong to me too, right?” His grin widened as he pulled my face towards him, his lips capturing mine in a sweet kiss.
I melted into the sensation immediately, my arms wrapping around his neck as I leaned closer to him, closing my eyes to savour this feeling. Loki’s hands soon cupped my face as he tilted his head to deepen our kiss, his fingers framing my jaw so very gently, as if I was fragile porcelain. A few minutes passed before I felt Loki pull away from me, and I internally whined at the loss of his warmth against my lips. “Loki?” I asked quietly, surprised at how soft my voice was.
He just smiled at me, his heterochromatic eyes telling me that he was content. “I’m glad,” He said randomly as he interlocked his fingers with mine. The gesture, although sweet, confused me, and I blurted out my question before I could even consider its aftereffects. “Glad about what?”
He chuckled at me again as a cheerful smile found its way to his face. “I got your attention now, Alice~”
I blinked at the realization that he was right. Oh no… I fell for his charms again just like last time…
At this rate, I’ll never get any work done…!
… Then again… I suppose the same can be said for me, to some degree…
Loki found himself smiling widely at the little doll in his hands, her appearance looking so much like his Alice. Her long brown hair, her cute white dress, her pretty blue eyes…
The pink-haired wizard let out a small giggle. He made a mental note to thank Harr later for teaching him how to sew. Though it took him a long time to make this doll look like her without using magic (even when the urge to just flick his fingers at the doll was so tempting), Loki was still very pleased at the final result of his practice.
“Loki!!” A melodious voice rang through the air, cueing the man in question to quickly pocket the doll in his jacket before she noticed it. He couldn’t afford to spoil the surprise… not yet, anyway.
Instead, he waved at the chestnut-haired lady as she sauntered over, a picnic basket in her hands. “Sorry that I’m a little late. Were you waiting for long?” She bowed once, making Loki laugh.
“Not at all, Alice,” He shook his head politely as he reached for her free hand and raised it to his lips, kissing the back of it gently. “By the way, you’re looking very cute, as always~”
A pink blush spread across her cheeks as her face shifted into a flustered expression. Loki’s heart warmed at the sight of Alice looking so embarrassed. Her honest reaction to everything was the cutest thing about her, after all.
So adorable… Loki mused to himself before lowering his voice as he spoke. “Hey, hey Alice. Before we go on our date, I have something to show you,”
She tilted her head at him. “What is it?”
“Close your eyes,” He teased with a smirk, to which Alice logically raised an eyebrow at, but the serious look in his own eyes reassured her otherwise. Deciding to go along with his plan, she obliged. With her eyes closed, her now hypersensitive ears heard the sound of cloth being rubbed against, as if someone was searching through their pockets.
“Okay, you can open them now,” Loki’s voice brought her back to the present as she followed his words, her eyes now catching the sight of a quaint little doll resting in Loki’s hands. He was holding it with both of his hands, his fingers wrapping around the doll’s waist, right where the start of her navy blue skirt was.
Wait a minute… a navy blue skirt?
“This doll…” Alice blinked at the sight. “It looks like me…”
“That’s right!” Loki nodded excitedly. “Isn’t she adorable?” He continued, lifting the doll’s hand to imitate her saying hello.
Alice giggled at the gesture. “How did you make her, Loki? With magic?” She asked as Loki passed her the petite toy, her hands and eyes looking all over the doll and inspecting its quality and detail.
“Nope,” He replied with an unexpected answer, which cued Alice to gaze at him quizzically. “I made her from scratch,”
“From scratch?”
“Yep. She’s made from nothing but thread, cotton and cloth,”
“ … No magic?”
He grinned as if he was crossing his heart. “No magic at all,”
“Wow…!” Alice beamed at him, her eyes sparkling with awe. “That’s really impressive, Loki!”
The smile on her face was more than enough of a payment for his efforts. He could feel his heart soaring at the sight of her happiness. Oh how he’d love to capture that pretty look on her face forever…
… Oh, right.
“There’s a reason why I wanted to show you this doll, Alice,” Loki began, lowering his voice mysteriously. Alice turned to him quickly, curiosity in her gaze. “You see, the last time I came to your room, I noticed something,”
“You tend to keep a lot of dolls of me in your room, Alice,”
Alice’s sapphire eyes widened like a child would have if she was caught eating candy. “I-!!” She uttered a single word as her embarrassing side resurfaced. How… Didn’t she keep those dolls in her closet when Loki came over?
… Or did he find them by himself?
“I don’t know where you found so many dolls of me, though,” Loki mused, a playful tone in his voice as he continued his explanation. “I mean, I don’t mind you keeping dolls of me. In fact, I find it rather precious of you~”
Precious? The fact that she always cuddled a Loki toy to sleep everyday… was precious to him? Alice could not believe her ears. Had she fainted in embarrassment already? Was this just a dream?
Behind her back, she pressed a fingernail into her thumb, the stinging pain from it as real as the basket in her hands. Yep, definitely not a dream.
“It’s kind of unfair though,” The younger man pouted, a frown appearing on his face. “You have the chance to cuddle me to sleep every night, but I don’t…”
Did he just read her mind?
“So…” He said slowly, reaching out to the doll in Alice’s hands as he tenderly took the doll back, holding it in his two hands. The young magic-user then turned to the woman in front of him, a light pink blush across his cheeks and his gold-and-pink eyes shining in adoration and affection.
“You wouldn’t mind if I have a doll of you then, would you, Alice~?”
Hm... How would you reply to him, Alice? :3
Thank you so much, maedayo, for blessing my day with Loki fan art. I desperately need more Loki content~♥
Also, the song that Alice was humming to in the third scenario was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGmk_F3F0Lw
I’ve been listening to it the whole time I was writing this. It’s super sweet~ Also, I realise that some of its lyrics really REALLY fit Loki’s route. Like I want to make an animated video of it with Loki, ahhh-
Anyways, thank you for reading!
(P.S. time to start writing another Loki fanfic since maedayo just posted more art of him and Alice ahhhh-)
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warmau · 5 years
☆ countdown to halloween~ ateez x alice’s wonderland tw: blood, kinda tried my hand a creepier vibe! 
yeosang x cheshire cat
watches you stumble down the rabbit hole, floating effortlessly by your side as you tumble further and further into the unknown
he’s there when you’re trying to fit keys into different size doors
he’s there when that gigantic rabbit is having a fit over discovering you in his room
he’s there when you get tangled up between those mischievous twins
he’s there when you’re all alone - dropping to your knees in the garden of whispering flowers
tears flow freely down your cheeks and you keep asking “why am i crying? why am i crying?”
suddenly - for the first time - yeosang shows himself
the end of a purple tail comes up to wipe at the wetness on your skin 
“because you want to go home”
he answers your questions easily and you look up to see a pretty face, with a big bright smile
“wh-who are you?”
he reaches out, helping you up and you can feel the sharp points of his nails slightly prick the skin of your wrist
“oh - excuse me for being impolite - my name is yeosang. i said it when you first came to this world, but i don’t quite think you heard me.”
his ears twitch as he tilts his head to the side and keeps the unwavering smile
“we’ve met before?”
you hiccup - still shaken from the sudden urge inside you to cry 
the flowers huff - what a forgetful alice!
“oh don’t worry about it. but, since you seem a little lost - why don’t you follow me from now on?”
you stare into his gaze - brown eyes fade in and out, turning honey-colored to turquoise to emerald 
the pupils dilate, and then a second letter they’re slit just like a cats
you don’t feel like you should say yes
but yeosang hums as he awaits an answer. seemingly floating and then grounded.
the confusion frustrates you - but you’re scared to be alone any longer
somehow his smile grows even wider
“perfect - now let’s just make sure you remember this time, my name is -”
he leans in close and his hot breath makes the tears on your skin completely disappear
“kang yeosang.”
san + seonghwa x twins
everything looks like it’s upside down as you hear the queen yell down at you from his position in the judge’s seat
you can see the gigantic, nervous rabbit cowering in the witness box 
the spade soldier doing his best to ignore the frightful look of terror in your eyes and of course
the mad hatter, pinned to a wall by other cards
“red queen~”
“you know he doesn’t want to be called that!”
“well it’s what he is san, what else should i address him as?”
“well -”
you turn your head and the room flips back into place as two dark haired boys approach without a care
the queen howls at them for an explanation for the disturbance
and each flank you on either side
one is taller than the other, putting a hand on your shoulder with a sleek, long grin
the other’s got a sort of scowl - but it turns into a smirk as he bows before the queen
“this alice doesn’t deserve to die, and -”
“and we can tell you why.”
“seonghwa stop cutting me off!”
“you’re nothing but a blabbering idiot san - let me speak.”
the queen turns redder and redder as the two bicker and any help you thought they’d offer seems pointless now
“one of you two bastards better start talking sense - otherwise you and you and the alice will get your heads-”
seonghwa, squeezing you a little, nods at the queen
“yes - yes of course. well you see, madame, this alice is special.”
“is that so?”
you feel seonghwa’s gaze on you, dark eyes almost forcing you to meet them 
“yes. this alice -”
“this alice is OURS, queen.”
san jumps in, and suddenly you feel you’re being pulled into his side by the waist
seonghwa’s hand hovers over the spot where it just held you as his mouth twitches at san’s brazen actions
“yes, yes. let US deal with the alice. we know - we know just what to do with troublemakers”
the queen tilts his body over the bench, narrowing his eyes 
“exactly what are you planning to do then twins?”
san’s hand travels up a little, making you instinctively recoil into him
“oh a little of this-”
seonghwa’s fingers twirl into your hair as he comes closer once again
“and a little of that-”
your stomach feels heavy - not sure if it’s dread or fear or something twisted - something you really shouldn’t be feeling right now
the queen settles back, hand under his chin as he ponders the possibilities
you feel their hands on you again - the rabbit hides his red face in his paws and the soldier scoffs in disbelief
“c’mon alice~ wouldn’t you rather be held by us than by him?”
yunho x rabbit
“oh dear”
you mumble, dropping to your knees to pick up the scattered pieces of the broken pocket watch 
you don’t know how it got in your pocket, and you also don’t know how you got into this quaint little house
well actually - quite a large house - musing that the person (rabbit) that lived there must be bigger than usual
the chair you’d sat on for a moment had your legs dangling to reach the floor
but just now - as you’d run to meet the sudden insistent knocking on the door, you tripped and out of your pocket flew an ornate, golden, ticking watch
you’d watched in horror as it bursts to pieces before you and now you were trying to pick it all back up
not noticing the shreds of glass that catch on your skin and prick little spots of blood
the knocking is replaced with footsteps and suddenly you hear a shriek of shock
you look up and there’s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a rabbit?
no - he bends down and you see a boy? 
blonde, honey-eyed, lips pink like tulips
“m-my watch!”
“i-im sorry, i didn’t mean to-”
you start, but he reaches out, scrambling to try and get the pieces as well
your fingers brush and suddenly he pulls back - face flaming up with nervous embarrassment 
you apologize for what seems like the millionth time 
but he just stares down at his large palm and then at your fingers, now all covered in small cuts - your blood smeared on his skin where it’d made contact
you look down and blink
i didn’t feel any pain? but there’s so much blood now?
he seems to shake slightly as he reaches out and takes your hand by the wrist
when you’re pulled up - you see just how big he is
nearly shadowing you entirely with his broad shoulders
the white ears perched on the top of his head sort of twitch too his nose scrunching up a bit when he pulls your hand up to his mouth
“alice’s blood?”
he mumbles, voice shaking just like he is
you start, but then he leans in and presses his lips to one of your cuts
the warm, wet feeling of his tongue stuns you for a moment and when he pulls back his lips aren’t pink anymore - they’re red like roses
jongho x spade soldier 
“tell me, tell me really - are you worth saving?”
the soldier leans against the spear he’s driven into the luscious grass of the garden
he told you his name - jongho, the ace of spades 
you shift in the vines coiled around your wrists and sigh
“i’m innocent - i didn’t do anything wrong! i don’t even belong here!”
he turns himself around - staring up at the sky which you only know have noticed is turning grey 
with weirdly shaped clouds and floating playing cards that flutter down instead of rain
the eight of hearts comes lazily floating into your lap, but you can’t do much about it - seeing as though this soldier has tied you up
“yes yes i know alice, but are you worth saving?”
“what are you saving me from?”
he turns and his eyes narrow, the large A painted on his cheek gleams 
“what do you mean what am i saving you from? from the queen!”
you huff
“the queen said he likes me-”
“the queen is a liar, you’re only safe with me.”
he snaps his fingers and the vines come alive on their own, slowly but surely untangling themselves from your skin and disappearing back into the ground
you touch your wrists and then feel the cold blunt end of the spear tap under your chin
you look up and jongho tilts his head, “do you know what the eight of hearts means little alice?”
you feel around for the card in your lap and pick it up 
jongho turns the spear around and sticks it straight through the card
you gasp
seeing the end of the spear stopped dead short of a couple centimeters from your face
“it means we are a match. not you and the queen, not you and that rabbit, and not you and that loud, rude hatter.”
he pulls the spear back and you feel frozen 
he puts his hand out as an offering to help you up - you’re scared but you’re also acutely aware of how he did just spare your life
you take his extended palm in yours and in a moment he pulls you up as if you’re weightless and lets you stumble right into his chest
he grins - you can feel it against your hair - “i wonder what else the cards have in store for us, hm?”
mingi x march hare
he’s a rabbit - of course he can run faster than me!
you think as mingi pulls you close behind him - black ears stark against his red hair, frightened and wide-eyed glance over his shoulder
“he’s going to catch up!”
“he doesn’t even know we left the tea party!”
mingi doesn’t take any chances, wooyoung isn’t called the mad hatter for nothing
before you’d taken a seat beside him, prim and proper, mingi had never thought he’d miss a party
especially on an unbirthday like today
but you had looked so miserable - you hadn’t liked the cake and wooyoung’s repetitive singing had made you dizzy
you nearly poured scalding hot tea over yourself
so when wooyoung had bounced off for more biscuits, mingi had twitched and suggested very quickly that you and him get out of here while there was a chance
and he’d help you get back to,,,,,,,,,well,,,,,,,,wherever it is you came from
now running through the forest, mingi wasn’t sure where to go 
this way and that way, all the trees looked the same - all the flashes of that damn cat yeosang weren’t helping either
finally you both push through a large, thick bush and stumble onto a chessboard laid flat against the field 
it’s so big - mingi can’t see over the edge - but he feels you grab onto the front of his coat
“what do we do now?”
your voice is sweeter than any lullaby he’s ever heard
“let’s make it to the end of the board!”
he moves forward, but suddenly something holds him back 
yeosang appears - hovering over the two of you with a wicked grin
“march hare - you know knights can only move one way~”
hr turns his attention to you with the sound of a bell
“and alices, oops im afraid there are no alices in chess!”
he poofs out in a cloud of purple smoke and you look at mingi with eyes that feel like they pierce right through him
he tries to move, but he can’t - not unless he curves in the L shape 
somewhere from inside the forest you both hear wooyoung’s crazed laugh
but you look up at mingi and urge him to go - if he just gets across this board
if you two can fall over that edge
maybe you’ll end up back on the otherside - where you’re from - where there’s no mad hatter or wonderland
“will there be no me too?”
he swallows, but you shake your head and he feels the earth shake 
“no, no - you’ll come with me. i promise.”
wooyoung x mad hatter 
if you eat any more cake you think you’ll be sick
but wooyoung shows no intention of stopping - prancing among the table - skillfully stepping over plates and teacups
mingi is clapping on the other side of the table, the dormouse nowhere to found
“it’s our alice’s unbirthday! oh to be our pretty alice!”
he sings, leaning over and twirling his hat around his hand before settling it on your head
you try to pull it off, but the energy drains from your arms as soon as you lift them
“our beautiful alice, our incomprehensible alice, our angel alice, our perfect alice!”
he skids past you, blonde hair a mess - one eye sparking blue while the other remains a calming brown
“my beautiful alice -”
he whispers
“my incomprehensible alice, my angel alice, my perfect alice!”
he chants, pirouetting  into the seat beside your own
he gets close to your face - and you feel his hot breath and see the mismatched stitches of his jacket
“mine, mine, mine-”
he puts a hand over yours and you feel like you should hold your breath
“more cake my dear?”
“n-no thank you”
he nods, and pretends he heard yes as he retracts and reaches for the cake in the middle of the table that keeps growing layer after layer
just as he cuts into it - you feel something in you snap
and you put your hand over his to stop him
wooyoung throws a glance over at you 
the music, which came from nowhere to begin with, cuts short
mingi freezes mid clap
“alice - alice what is it?”
he insists and you can’t seem to remember any words as he watches you
c’mon, say it- say you don’t want the cake! say you don’t want it!
you push your lips shut and wooyoung suddenly pulls the hat off your head - using it to cover you two as he leans in close again
“alice, use your words - tell me what you want.”
“i want to go home”
is what you try to get out
but all you can manage is a small, whimpered
“cake - i want cake.”
he smiles behind the shadow of the hat, away from everyone’s eyes he mutters that he just had some and if you want a taste
all you have to do is lean in 
lean in and taste him
hongjoong x red queen
unimpressed with the waves you’ve caused
shoos the soldiers away when they ask about you because he is not interested in this alice
he tried to have you killed once - and it was boring
why would he waste his time tracking you down again?
which is why it’s such a shock when you hand yourself over 
hongjoong brings the flamingo feather fan over himself - the heat of this summer in wonderland is becoming unbearable
he should make a law about banning this kind of weather
when suddenly the doors to his ballroom swing open
cards come shuffling in, one after another, shouting 
“red queen, red queen the alice - the alice -”
hongjoong sits up, the velvet cape heavy and the crown of rubies shifting into place as he watches you march confidently up to the foot of his throne
“your great majesty!”
at least this alice has some respect
“please send me home! please tell me how to get out of here!”
hongjoong flashes a frown, everyone in the room but you swallows
“why alice? why? is my wonderland not suited to your taste? why do you hate it here?”
he throws the fan to the side and descends the steps until he’s right before you
up close you can see the gleam of his jewels, the look of burning rage in his eyes
“it’s lovely, but i don’t belong here - i don’t belong-”
“you don’t decide if you belong.”
hongjoong hisses and points to himself
“i decide.”
he excepts you to cower, every other alice has, but you just continue to stare back
“no - all i’ve done is cause trouble, wouldn’t it be better for everyone if i was gone?”
hongjoong grits his teeth - you’re testing the limits
usually, he hates it 
but you - oh you -
“you’re just saying that because you want to leave. well -”
he pulls you in, you end up flush against his chest and the entire room erupts into whispers of worry
you’ve done it now! that mouthy alice! you’re going to get it!
but hongjoong’s yes flash between rage and something else
“well what if i don’t want you to. you haven’t caused any problems for me little alice. in fact,,,,,,,i haven’t had any fun with you.”
he snaps his fingers and in an instant, everyone is filing themselves out of the ballroom
in the expanse of the empty room you see something in his eyes change
“don’t you want to have some fun before you go?”
he asks again and you feel something in the pit of your stomach knot
“yes alice, you’re a visitor here. i shouldn’t just let you leave with a bad impression, now should i?”
hongjoong takes his crown off, throwing it across the room and letting the velvet cape drop from his shoulders and pool around the two of you
what have i gotten myself into?
you desperately wonder as his hand travels from the small of your back
“well c’mon alice - you said you caused problems for everyone else. i want a problem too.”
his mouth moves to your ear and you think your knees might give out
“show me how bad you can be, hmmm - won’t you?”
you clutch his shoulder - the words and hongjoong’s voice all feel a mile away - yet seem to seer into your skin 
he kisses right in the spot that makes you buckle
“you never know alice, maybe this will make you want to stay~”
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