#Transformers animated fanfiction
cinnamonroll-anon · 7 months
Hello! Can you do a request, Platonic or Friendship of Transformers (Prime, RID 2015, Animated, and others) Autobot kids, of your choice, w/ Reader as a Bot (or Animatronic) who's based on Daycare attendant (Sun/Moon/Eclipse) from Fnaf?
(if its okay add a reactions of the Autobots on Platonic relationship or Friendship between Autobots' kids and Daycare attendant! Reader?)
(Thank you and Hope you doing well!)
A/n: I'm having a wonderful day anon and i hope you do as well! Decided to add everyone's reaction so it's a big post! (I literally love sun and moon, the silly jester's)
Warnings: Fluff, Platonic Care, Friendship/ Guardian Care, Angst
He was more amazed by your design, how gracefully you moved compared to the other bots
You often would invite him to join you into some activities but he'd brush it off saying that he was too old for that kinda stuff (but you did make it look fun)
Then there was your moon form, the switch from you bubbly and exciting personality to a more docile yet protective one was quite baffling to him (also talk about a makeover)
Poor him if you hear about a messed up sleep schedule from being a teenager. Even his mom hasn't been able to get him to bed (he was obviously grumpy about it, but deep down was moved by your care for him.)
When he meets eclipse when he's in danger he feels so shocked but safe. What happened to you?
Has seen and understood the protection protocols you have and just how much you care about their safety.
Definitely still rebellious. If you think she called people her parents as an insult you definitely fit the parental role in her life.
She was at first very outspoken about not wanting you watching over them. (Babysitting her)
And when she tried to show you heavy metal by playing it, you happily supported her by playing a tiny xylophone. (You were trying your best but being excessively loud wasn't your deal)
You'd try to give her the space she needed but you obviously cared about her.
She did think your moon form was awesome. (Especially when she heard about you protection protocols)
You were unsuccessful to get her to sleep at reasonable hours but she ended up growing fond of you. You actually cared and supported her while her parents wanted her to be perfect. And you liked her the way she was.
Would more often than not join the activities you had planned out for them, learning that you were actually loads of fun behind your safety protocols (and human care files)
When she meets eclipse she thinks you're so cool! Yeah kick the cons ass! Definitely tells you that you're like a weapon which makes you feel bad, you worked so hard making sure that would never happen again. She clarifies that she just thinks that you being able to fight makes you awesome in her eyes.
Beyond delighted to meet you! Most bots are busy and don't often have time to chat but you're more than happy to talk to your hearts content with him
He allows your personality to shine, letting you both make fun activities and just hanging out with you
Definitely sees you as a Guardian because his family often overlooks him/ pressures him. But you can give him your undivided attention and compassion. He is still a growing boy
Is practically beaming when he sees your Moon form! "How did you do that!?"
Sometimes he overworks himself on what he's doing and you can always persuade him to rest
You can tell him stories and even play from your built in music box. You definitely help him feel safe and rest easy.
Definitely shows you morning cartoons and you sit happily with him and watch him. He also teaches you about videogames.
When he meets eclipse he's honestly worried about you but also sees that you're not some defenseless bot and you're willing to risk spark and limb to keep them all safe
He knew a bit about your past and he trusts you with the kids. He has no problem believing that you excel at entertaining and protecting them
He knows about your protective protocols and about eclipse and how that came to be
You were a caregiver on cybertron, watching over new bots and keeping them happy and healthy. You took absolute happiness in caring and playing with them, until the war. He knows how you tragically lost all of those under your care, seeing them all perish without being able to stop anything
He knows how that affected you eventually causing a split in your personality. Eclipse was more or less who you were, sun and moon were what you were left with after all the heartbreak.
He's seen how despite not wanting to be on the battlefield, you can definitely kick ass. Seeing you attack ferociously almost in a rampage when he first met you on cybertron
He treats you with much respect and feels easy around you. With how serious the war has been having you around is like a breath of fresh air
Man is a doctor, not a babysitter and he appreciates you
Hes always on edge and his patience is thin so he could never properly take care of the kids, even if he's grown on them (with some favoritism to raf)
At first he didn't really think you had it in you to be an Autobot or watching over the kids but you've shown him just how much you're capable of your work
You can work with the kids, having so much patience and just care for them. He realizes your strength and grows to truly appreciate the care you put into them
He definitely notices when you sometimes grow anxious around the kids but you prioritize them.
He doesn't know why until he asks optimus. His view on you definitely changes, he wonders if you see pieces of the young bots under your care in the kids
Definitely didn't believe in your capabilities in fighting until there came a moment when the kids were in danger. You turned into eclipse, swiftly taking care of the problem before frantically checking over the kids
She finds it funny when Jack comes and complains about your caring nature to her. She cares about him and also nags him, so she bonds with you over that care
Asks more about eclipse while all you can do is politely decline answering her questions. Its a sore spot for you and eclipse is strange to you
She also asks about your past and relates to you. She also had to deal with grief over the war, and she sympathizes with you. She stops pushing for answers and understands what you do and who you are better
Definitely happy to have you stay in base watching over the kids if an emergency happens. She trusts you and is grateful for you.
She finds your music box relaxing.
He loves your personality, he's always happy to see you. But he's even happier to participate in your activities.
He also has fun watching over the kids but you do a stellar job!
He thinks it's cute how you take care of the kids, you just radiate lively energy
Then he sees your moon form and he's pleasantly surprised by the shift. Especially if the kids are staying over for the night. The way you carry yourself with serenity and care is so different but wonderful.
You often ask for them to keep quiet if the kids are sleeping.
He's heard about eclipse but hasn't met them yet.
He's just happy that someone more careful with their feet are taking care of the kids
Hes a big guy with great strength. He tries to be gentle but he can fail, so having you watch over the kids is like taking a sigh if relief.
He may find your switching from sun to moon a bit uncanny but he just doesn't know how to interact with you. (He's nervous and doesn't truly understand how it works)
Sees you try to take care of miko and sometimes apologies for her, even when you told him that this reaction is natural in growing kids
He often overlooks your activities because he doesn't want to accidentally break anything you've set up.
Learns about your past and can't help but feel bad for you. The war has harmed alot of people but how could it rip such a vibrant bot like you.
Happy to have someone that knows what they're doing taking care of the kids.
She enjoys your company when she's more younger. She's always wanted to hangout with the bots more but sometimes she has to sit out certain missions. Luckily you're there to watch over her.
She definitely is happy that you actually know how to take care of humans and understand them. (You downloaded your information)
She was happy to count on you when her father was missing. You definitely made it easier for her and she appreciates you.
When she turns into a teenager that's where some changes happen. She thinks you might watch over her as babysitting and she can take care of herself!
She also puts a bit of a front with your moon form. She's not a little kid and she can stay up longer. (In her opinion, she tends to knockout early thanks to you)
She adores how your personality changes like the sun and the moon.
They day she saw you turn into eclipse she was shocked. "YOU KEPT A SECRET THIS BIG FROM ME???"
She'd love to see eclipse more often but usually gets told to not push it.
Doesn't fully understand humans or taking care of younger ones. He does end up learning by asking Sari and you. He picks up some stuff pretty quickly
He doesn't understand why you were added onto their team from the beginning. They were maintenance bots and you were??? Well, not that.
Your long limbs did prove to be helpful on more than one occasion and you were quite flexible.
He met eclipse when you had saved Sari from getting taken by the Cons. You singlehandedly scared them off and he was frozen in place. You were so quick and fierce getting her back and away from them, yet so gentle at handling her and looking her over for any injuries. He couldn't quite process it for a minute.
He asked you about eclipse and you nervously told him that it was something of mindset that combined both your personalities and it only ever appeared on cybertron. He respected your boundaries and made sure to remember them.
He feels relaxed around your moon form, but your footsteps are so light he forgets that you can still be walking around. (Has to listen closely to pick up on your bells)
At first he was deeply annoyed by you. Especially when you were Sun. He thought he had gotten another energetic and unruly young bot that he'd have to watch over like bumblebee.
Then when you all arrived on earth he saw just how patient you are. You would answer Saris questions, keep her entertained and safe.
He was also caught off guard by your moon form. He's grown more used to your Sun form and gets a bit spooked out at first. He ends up liking how you remind them to rest and just how calm you are. What freaks him out more is when you play your music box.
When he saw eclipse he was more cautious and even a bit frightened at what had just happened. He knew that your personalities weren't a common occurrence, not even on Cybertron, especially when it appeared in a time of high stress.
He became more fascinated in wether eclipse was some way you coped with emergencies or as a fight or flight response. He definitely thought it was a fight response on how you maneuvered yourself against the cons to get Sari back.
He was worried about leaving Sari in your care after that, scared that you could potentially hurt her.
He did some digging through the ship and learned about your past. You were tasked to look after young bots, not necessarily a teacher. He learned that you've been around from before the war and how you were sent to evacuate the young ones to an area away from the fighting only for the Cons to lay siege on the area, thinking it was an Autobot hideout.
He saw that you were basically rehabilitated after being eclipse for so long, but you couldn't go back to your original job because of it.
He saw that you truly cared about Sari and you would protect her and he trusted you again. He just hoped that reverting to eclipse didn't cause any psychological episodes on you. It's hard to read you when you always act like everything is okay.
He didn't think much of you like Ratchet. Already having a taste of another energetic personality (bumblebee) he wasn't exactly excited to work with you.
When you had arrived on earth, much like him, you were curious and open about this planet to the point of downloading just about any information you could find.
Then he saw you watching over Sari and learned that you were also observant and clever. You were sometimes able to get Sari to do things that she would refuse to do (like sleeping early)
He sometimes talks to you about his observations, seeing how you light up and are interested in mundane things like nature with him.
Then he sees your moon from and he greatly enjoys your company. You're much more relaxed and quiet, you seem more docile. Some night he enjoys quietly talking to you.
And then theres eclipse. He didn't even know you could fight. Despite his initial shock his gut feeling tells him to trust you. Especially when you held Sari and were practically all over her asking if she was scared and if she was hurt.
He did want to talk more about eclipse, he knew you would get a bit uncomfortable, but he reasoned that getting better control of eclipse could prove more helpful for you. Eventually he'd get eclipse to come out again, making sure to help you grow accustomed to them.
He learned that Eclipse was more silent and more alert, almost on guard. He'd end up talking to you getting told small bits of your past but he was okay with it. He's more happy that you don't pose a threat to yourself and others
He got along with you! You were so much fun and so active! You weren't reckless like he was but he still enjoyed time with you.
And going to earth didn't change much, except he thinks you became a bit of a buzz kill. It was mostly because he always let Sari tag along and you didn't want her to get hurt.
He knows it comes from a good place at heart but he feels like you nag him a bit.
He wasn't too fond of your moon form. You were quite and usually wanted to talk in a hushed tone (because you had already put Sari to sleep)
He gets to learn more about humans when you and Sari are talking or making a fun activity together. He often joins in on the fun (usually to escape s boring task)
When he met your eclipse form he was bewildered and awkward honestly. "So we're not going to talk about your crazy orange side?"
More blunt about the subject, he wanted answers! But luckily ratchet just told him that when you were ready you'd explain it.
He definitely gets along really well with you. You tend to keep things safe and fun, and he appreciates it
He has grown used to seeing you watch over Sari but he also gets his time to spend with her
You have both actually bonded over art! He makes paintings while you tend to draw adorable stick figures, that you sometimes deck out with glitter glue. Everytime you show him your work he's always positive about it.
As well as bumblebee he's liked you before landing on earth.
At first your moon form caught him off guard, especially when you'd walk around ay night, but he's used to it now.
When he saw Eclipse he was taken aback and frightened. It looked like you but it wasn't quite you. You were defensive and just worried about Sari.
He kept a close eye on the two of you for a while, trying to ease his own nerves.
He confronts you about it, bringing it up gently and you tell him that it's complicated but you didn't intend on scaring anyone. He doesn't judge you and is just happy to have you back.
RID 2015:
He was at first trying to be distant from you. To be fair he saw you like a babysitter and he was trying to act more mature.
He at first would be dismissive at first at your attempts to befriend him but he'd eventually give in with some pressure from his dad.
Eventually he'd find the activities you set up to be actually fun, heck, even his dad would take part in them with him and they'd have a great bonding experience
He'd find your sun colors to be bright but not too oversaturated. You reminded him of a carnival.
When he met your moon form one of the Decepticons managed to break free from his pod at night. Russell was taking a walk with his father and they were about to be trampled until you practically flung the Decepticon away.
And that's when he looked up and saw you. You were so different like this, you changed color and personality, at first he called out to you nervously not sure if you were alright. Luckily after dealing with the Decepticon you leaned down and comforted the two (his dad practically froze on instinct)
Then after getting used to your moon form, being more quiet and peaceful he met your eclipse from. This was probably his favorite form of yours because you were still fun but you were more relaxed
He enjoyed introducing you to new things on earth and answering your questions, you were just so wholesome and excited about it.
Overall he enjoys the time he spends with you, well except when they leave him out of missions and leave him in your care (he's just salty he doesn't get included)
Was concerned when you had also traveled the space bridge with them. Him and strongarm were at least police, sideswipe got dragged along, but you weren't exactly what he'd call cut out for the job.
He struggled to understand where you fit in, sure you had juvenile tendencies but you weren't a handful to deal with like sideswipe. You also tended to follow along but not all to the book like strongarm. You were like your own middle space. When you first arrived on earth you were definitely spending more time looking around and learning about the planet.
He grew fond of your personality, you were optimistic and energetic, which is why it surprised him to see your moon form. Sure you saved Russell from getting stomped but you also took down a whole con. Alone.
He was curious about your moon form, noticing how quieter you were, especially your footsteps, it was harder to hear where you were if it weren't from the bells decorating you.
He overall tried talking to you about it, in which you assured him that this was just how you were, but you didn't think you'd change while on earth. Speaking of changes when you turned into eclipse he thought you broke or something.
It was a high stress situation and you weren't taking it too well but he was walking you through it (to the best of his ability) until he saw you change. In this form you were more grounded and put together and you ended up helping alot like this.
He enjoys watching you interact with Russel and the others, reminds him of when he didn't have the responsibility of a leader. That and too often humored him more than the others. He knows he doesn't have to worry too much about you (especially seeing how capable you were at handling yourself) but sometimes worries when you change between forms. He wonders if it's painful for you.
She was definitely more harsh on you when you first met. As far as she was concerned you were just a civilian that got dragged into this mess, but she didn't dislike you as much as she did with sideswipe.
She thought you were gullible and slowing them down until she realized how crafty you were. She often watched how you partook in "arts and crafts" while watching over Russel but didn't bother to think how clever you were (at least in the situations you were actually in)
She grew more fond of you, especially after you got lost in the forest trying to find her and sideswipe after they had another disagreement. After they both cooled down and returned to base they realized that you've still been gone and it was already nightfall.
Eventually she went out to look for you but was shocked when she found you. You looked different, she almost confused you for a con in the dark. She noticed the change in your body language and voice, you sounded more quiet. You told her to keep your little change a secret and she did.
She honestly prefers your sun to your moon form. You were always cheerful and lively that seeing you so docile and quiet made her nervous. That and when she saw the way you had practically flipped a con like it was nothing.
When she met your eclipse form she approached you with more curiosity, asking if you were feeling well. You explained that you were okay but your heightened stress would often have you revert back to this.
She's understanding of your personalities and has enjoyed having you as her friend, especially when you talk to her about something new from earth.
Oh boy where to begin. He didn't mind your presence but didn't seem interested to get to know you. He was all about action but he knew you weren't a total buzzkill.
After a while you ended up becoming his voice of reason, like a friend that was watching out over him and Russel if they were getting into more dangerous activities.
He enjoyed hanging out with you a ton, finding himself participating in any activities you were doing with Russel and Denny. He warmed up to you easily with your enthusiasm yet caring personality.
His jaw practically hit the floor when he saw your moon from, the way you threw that Decepticon like they were nothing had him flabbergasted. "Since when can you do that!?"
He was freaked out at first but then was practically beaming at how awesome you were. He found your moon form more calming to be around especially at night. He was more than happy to give your form a chance but he also wanted you to take down more cons (he wanted to see you go berserk again)
Then he saw your eclipse form and he couldn't decide how he was feeling about you, on one hand, this was another one of your surprises but on the other you were more sure of yourself and also helping out more in this form.
He's happy to call you his friend, especially when he convinces you to do something reckless with him. bumblebee always scolds him for being a bad influence, but in his opinion a little fun never hurt anyone.
When he first saw you he thought you were funny looking, in a good way! He loved the way your personality reflected the way you looked. You were like a little sun!
He was definitely 100% on board with anything you wanted to do. You always made up new ways to have fun. He did feel bad about arts and crafts though, he wasn't too careful and he'd more often than that break his creation, but you always comforted him and encouraged him forward.
The night the con had escaped its pod he practically had a heart attack as he saw you charge at the con, before sighing in relief when you successfully knocked them out. He was cheering loudly for you as you were attacking the con, telling you to go all out.
Other than that he liked your moon form, not only were you great at fighting but you became more caring and calm. He was actually the one that discovered your music box and at night would often ask for you to play it. (It helps him relax a lot, especially because it's also with you)
This man was so shocked seeing your eclipse form. He would often joke around with you about how you kept it a secret. You were amazing in your eclipse form, you kept your knowledge and strength in fighting but you were also a great teammate, he'd love to go on missions more with you.
He's honestly a sweetheart with you and gets along well with any form you're in.
He was more amazed at your appearance. He wasn't used to seeing many bots but you were so different and stylized.
You were more understanding with his glitching, more often than not laughing to yourself at his mix up. You also were happy to befriend him more than the others. He believed it was because you didn't have much experience seeing a minicon.
Then he saw your moon from and was practically gushing at you. He had never seen another bot do whatever you just did! The personality changes gave it away that you were different from any regular bot.
He ended up trying to do some research, it's not that you were a different bot entirely. His conclusions led him to believe that something in your past caused this spilt in your personality.
He felt more safe around you whenever you stayed behind to look after the base when bumblebee had left for a mission, trusting that your moon side could protect them.
When he saw eclipse he was practically speechless. It made him ask all sorts of questions on why you were like this. You ended up being a bit vulnerable and explaining that you weren't sure why you were made like this and that you were sorry if this all made him upset.
He reassured you that he didn't think any less of you because of it, he actually compared it to his glitching. It wasn't regular but it made you both unique.
He's very warm and friendly towards you, he likes having you around, especially when you include him in whatever you're working on. He always ends up having a blast and he feels lucky to have a friend like you!
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foxespen · 1 year
Sins of the Father
Optimus had made many mistakes in his past, and he’s made just as many sacrifices to atone for them. But he may have gotten his second chance to make amends.
--- In their youth, Optimus and Elita-1 decided to take the next step and bring new life into the universe. After He lost his conjux, Optimus didn't feel worthy of being a sire and arranged for their sparkling to go somewhere safe. Stellacycles later, one conversation leads him to look further into Bumblebee's past, seeing too many connections to be a coincidence. Could the scout be his sparkling?
AO3 link
Other chapters: 1 , 2
Chapter 3
It has been about a full earth week since Optimus received the results, and in that week he has made zero progress. Although, he isn’t even fully sure what exactly he is trying to progress towards. He knows he has to tell Bumblebee the truth, the scout has a right to know something this big. However, he also knows he can't come right out and unload this kind of thing onto him, either. He just found his son, and he can’t blow what may very well be his last chance with him. So, Optimus is going to have to approach this slowly, find some way to get closer to Bumblebee and figure out the best way to reveal everything to him. It isn’t a perfect plan, by any means, but it’s something!
Ok, maybe plan is a strong word. Optimus is struggling to find the best activity for the two of them to bond over. They don’t exactly share a ton of interests, he doubts the younger bot would be interested in historia knowledge. Most of the activities outside of the warehouse is either a group activity or is liable to be interrupted by a civilian or whatever villain of the week decides to cause trouble. He also knows that the scout was likely to invite Sari or Bulkhead to join them. Which he normally doesn’t mind, Bulkhead is a valued member of the team and a good friend, and Sari is family to them. However, he knows that having Bumblebee undivided, or as undivided as he can get, attention is invaluable to his mission, so it’s something to be wary of. 
Optimus continues to process-storm as he walks into the common room. His train of thought is broken as he sees Bumblebee sitting alone on the couch, occupied with his video game. Glancing around, he notes there is no one else here. Now is his chance! He takes a klik to collect himself before he approaches the scout. “Hey, Bumblebee.”
The scout glances over his shoulder strut, pausing his game. “Oh, hey Bossbot! Need something?” His digit remains over the pause button, clearly hoping he doesn’t need to leave it.
“Ah, nothing in particular.” He shakes his helm with a soft smile, gesturing to the empty spot next to the scout. “Mind if I keep you company?”  Bee’s attention is already back on the game as he nods to the leader. Optimus takes the seat and observes the game, watching as the colorful characters attack each other with elaborate moves and some variation of what he assumes to be super powers. “So… what are you playing?” He probes.
“Oh, It’s Phantom Clash 5.” Bumblebee’s optics remain glued to the screen as he speaks. “I’ve been getting bored of absolutely crushing the racing games so Sari said I should give fighters a try.”  Optimus watches as his digits tap away at the buttons, fascinated at the flawless coordination. It almost looked like random button mashing, but he could recognize a strategic pattern being formed. He watches as the digital character takes more damage than it could deal. He spares a passing thought about the irony that the scout can strategize with this, but seemingly only runs helm first into any and all danger in real life.
“Seems like an odd choice, seeing as we fight in real life all the time.” He asks with a quirked brow ridge.
Bumblebee shakes his head. “ That’s the point of these games. I mean, it is, but the real point is getting the combos and flawless victories!” He taps a button and a long list of fighting moves and button combinations is displayed on screen. The information is a little overwhelming, and Optimus is pretty sure his processor is taking none of it in. “It’s also about the different characters and all their special moves.”
“Huh, seems like a lot to learn.” Optimus was never able to fully understand the point of video games, but he did understand it made the scout happy. So he didn’t see any problem with it. Seeing Bee talking so passionately warms his spark, reminding him of his academy days where he could talk for hours about historical figures while others could only politely nod.
As the victory screen pops up, Bee turns his optics to the leader. “You wanna give it a try?” He offers the controller.
“Uh, I don’t know, Bee.” Before he could argue any further, the controller is in his servos and the battle is already starting. He can barely figure out where to put his digits before his opponent starts beating his character to a pulp. He is confused when he isn’t allowed to attack back, only able to helplessly watch as the health bar drains to zero. His shoulder struts slump slightly as he’s greeted the game over screen, earling a little laugh from the scout next to him. “See?”
“Aw come on, that’s just a warm up. Here I’ll help.” He leans closer, pointing at the buttons. “So first, this button is the light attack, this one is the block, and this is the heavy attack and jump button.” He points to the buttons on the front, “This is the throw trigger and special attack trigger. Now you also need to first use the best ‘poke’ move, which for this guy it’s this button right here. You use this to keep the other guy away from you. You don’t want to go all button mashing cause then you just get confused.”
 Optimus tries to follow as best he can, but it is not sticking. “R-right.”
“You also need to watch what your opponent is doing so you know when to block, and if they block your attacks you can stop them by using the throw and get some extra damage in. But if they throw then you gotta mash the light attack.”
“”Wait, I thought I wasn't supposed to ‘button mash’.” 
“No, you can’t do it at random, but you can still spam the attacks. You just need to watch your opponent, which has more obvious tells than cons do.” With a chuckle he presses the start button. “ Don’t worry, I'll coach you.” 
The match starts, the opponent approaches him and he immediately uses the ‘poke’ to keep him away. He gets a good couple of hits in before he counters with his own poke. 
“Jump and use the poke while holding the left stick to the bottom right.” Optimus follows Bee’s  instruction, watching as the opponent takes damage. “Nice! Now get closer and wail on him with light attacks.” Optimus is able to get the opponent locked in place for a few hits before he winds up an attack. “Use the block! Then throw him so you can keep hitting him” Optimus does so and is able to get the health bar to about half. His luck runs out however when he presses the wrong button, and the tides are turned on him. The opponent is able to get him down, and the sudden change makes it hard for him to remember which button to press. And before he knows it, the game is over.
OPtimus heaves a sigh, “that’s a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.”
“Yeah, but you did really well for a first timer! Heck with enough practice, you might even be as good as me one day!” Bee answers with a smirk.
Optimus gives him a small chuckle in return, “ Maybe, I have to admit it was pretty fun. I’d like to do this again sometime.”
In the following couple of weeks, the two found themselves spending more time together over the game. They played other games too, Optimus actually really enjoyed the Animal Crossing game and how relaxing it was. Sometimes Optimus would simply watch Bee play and chat with him, even share stories from his academy days.
With the stress of just… Everything: between the cons, random villains of the week, AND reuniting with his son,  He finds himself cherishing his time alone with Bee so much.
“One time, Sentinel kept walking past a platoon of trainees that were waiting on their CO so they would stand at attention for him. They started to catch on and he yelled at them to do it when they didn’t jump up immediately. He got chewed out when the CO found out.” Optimus laughs as he remembers the look on Sentinel’s face when the CO called him to his office.
Bumblebee snorts, his character falls off the platform as he is distracted. “Man, I could have been there to see it! Honestly, I don’t understand how that mech hasn’t been demoted.” He dismisses as he reloads the level, only paying half attention to it.
Optimus gives a shrug as he thinks back on his former friend. “ His edges are definitely more rough than smooth, but he does have his moments.  I promise he was more tolerable back in the day, used to be the ‘fun’ troublemaker, so to speak.”
“Really? Can’t imagine that guy being ‘fun’ in any way. When did he become such a stick in the mud?” 
Optimus pauses, he knows the answer, the event that sent his career right into the incinerator. The event that took his sparkmate, and ruined his friendship with the other Prime.  The event that forever scared his processor with great shame and keeps him from recharging at night. However, maybe sharing this can help him in the long run. He is hyper aware that when he tells Bee about his parentage it can ruin their relationship. Even if it doesn't, he knows that the truth about Elita-1 will be hard to take if he already hates him. So, maybe if he rips that bandage now while they are getting along, it will make it easier for the scout to understand his perspective. 
So, with a heavy spark he begins. “He… We lost someone very dear to us. Things hadn’t been the same since…” Optimus watches as the pause screen pops up, Bee’s optics now trained on him. “Her name was Elita-1, we all trained under Kup and were thick as thieves. We practically did everything together, and those two could be absolute menaces when they were bored.” A melancholy smile graces his faceplate as he remembers how things were, but it slowly fellas his optics fell to the floor. “One day, we went to an organic planet to look for an abandoned con ship and were attacked by these spiders… Sentinel and I got out, but… she didn’t… He wanted to go back, but I stopped him… I couldn’t sense her signal and going back would be a death sentence. After that I was taken off the Elite guard training and we were never the same after….” Optimus feels the guilt piling on further. Even if not technically a lie, omission of further context is just as bad. But those details can wait for another day.
A comforting servo presses into his arm. “That’s rough…what was she like?”
“Huh?” Optimus was caught off guard as Bee shoots him a curious look.
“Elita-1, what was she like? You seem to think highly of her, so I’d imagine she must be pretty great.”
“… yeah, she was. She was one of the bravest bots I knew, very caring and fun, too. I always felt like the unfunny, geek friend that was dragging her down, but she still stood by me, until the end…. I just wish I did the same….” His voice trails off, his servo subconsciously finds its way to the scout’s.  There wasn’t a day that went by where he didn’t think about her.
“She sounds cool.” Bee’s voice is light, and as Optimus watches the hunt of concern in his optics he can’t help but picture the young bots carrier. A distant part of him wonders if Bee’s reaction would be different if he knew just who she was…. Or who she is now….
“She was… I miss her a lot…”  Optimus didn’t intend to get so vulnerable about this, and he resists the urge to apologize to Bee directly. He’ll never get to know Elita because of his mistakes.
“Well, you’re still here, too, right? And even if he’s a pain in the aft, it’s probably better that Sentinel didn’t end up spider chow, either.” Bee reassures him. “If she’s as good as you say then she probably would want you guys to survive, even if she can’t. So… you know, don’t beat yourself up too much about it, right bossbot?”
As a wider smile graces Bee’s faceplate, Optimus can’t help but feel affection swell in his spark. He wishes to wrap him in a hug and to tell him everything, promise to do right by him and protect him the way he should have from the start. But he doesn’t. He can’t bring himself to ruin this moment. So, instead he returns a fond smile of his own. “… yeah, you’re probably right. Thanks, Bumblebee.”
Their moment of peace is interrupted by Bulkhead interning the room. “Hey, little buddy! You ready for patrol?”
“Aw man, is it that time already?” Bumblebee sighs as he stands, stretching out his limbs before making his way over to his friend. He gives the Prime one last grin before they two leave the warehouse.  Optimus watches after them, thinking about the conversation. Over the vorns of sulking, he would often think about his sparkling and what had become of him in his absence. He worried what kind of mech he would be in life, but his grief told him that no matter what it was better than being with him. Now, he wished more than anything that he could have been there for Bumblebee. However, though his edges are rough, Optimus was still proud of the mech he was shaping up to be
“So, when are you gonna tell him?” Optimus jumps at the rough voice sounding off beside him. He snaps his helm to see Ratchet sitting on the couch next to him. He must have been so lost in thought that he hadn’t heard the medic enter, or change the tv to some talk show. It takes him a moment to register what he said.
“…soon.” He answers.
“When is ‘soon’?” Ratchet retorts with a quirked brow ridge. “You can’t keep this kind of thing to yourself for too long, Prime.”
“I’m aware… he’s going to push me aware when he learns about all of this…”
Ratchet shrugs and dismisses the Prime. “eh, the kid will be mad for a while, but he’ll get over it.”
Optimus nods but is still unsure. After all, he just started getting back the time he missed and he doesn’t want to lose Bumblebee again. He knows he can’t control how the scout reacts to the truth, and that the scout has every right to be angry with him. However the thought still filled his lines with dread. 
Maybe just a little longer.
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
Chapter nine is OUT BABYYY
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shapeofmetal · 1 month
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A recent couple of commissions for @potato-galaxy
I love drawing Bee so much <3 I got both of these done in record time
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tigressaofkanjis · 9 months
My biggest pet peeve in Transformers media and fanfiction sometimes is that Transformers aren't treated as aliens. They are referred to as aliens, they obviously are aliens, but they never feel like they are aliens because they are always written or seen as having all human mannerisms or features usually. Human posture, human noses, human mannerisms, humanoids...
What about TFA's cat noses or TFP's helm noses? One of the reasons I think those two shows have peak designs is because they have this lack of uncanniness to humans design wise. I'm not looking at a human being as a robot, I'm looking at an alien robot, ones that have claws, ones that have different body types that blend with their vehicle modes, ones with horrific mutilations and designs impossible by human standards. I love seeing that type of stuff in Transformers because to me, it makes them feel alien without completely changing the premises of similarities to where we can't compare their culture or likeness to humans. The films (mostly 1 and 2) showed off this as well.
Another thing I really would like to see in Transformers media is non-human interactive qualities. What do I mean by that? One thing I've noticed is aside from techno-organic species, regular Cybertronians do have a few qualities found in animals. Engine humming I believe was once used as a form of purring in the films and in some of the cartoons. Humans can't purr; cats can, and that small detail is always interesting to come across because it's like "wow, they have this feature that shows off a trait found in Cybertronians. That is so cool." You have them with multiple voice boxes for mechanical, natural, and human-like tones which is also an animal trait. Bumblebee is self-explanatory in most universes being able to still make sounds yet not talk. They have sensors across their body that don't act like the basic human receptors. Most animals can do more than just feel through certain points of their bodies. They can taste, smell, or even hear a hundred times better than a human being throughout various body parts, and Transformers have been hinted to have this ability too, especially through their servos. It's stuff like this that expands upon their existence as aliens.
They have extreme durability, their body morphs to extremes and can also double as a moving weapon (most obvious of course), some of them can make ungodly roars and creature-like noises to warn or show their threatening demeanor (Megatron's dinosaur-like growling), some can have two rows of teeth (a flat base in front and fangs hidden behind), and some of them have mimicking animal-like features (Starscream's bird-shaped feet with visible expansion the same as organic foot padding with similar distributive weight physics in a few universes) despite having no beast mode. There's probably more I can't think of on the top of my head in canon, but all those things are not heavily used as they should be to make them feel alien. They can still hold some relation to the humans they interact with, but I think a lot of Transformers are more than just metal "humans", you know?
Depending on the universe in fanfiction and who you encounter who writes it or not, you have several things that are always cool to see. They have to sparkbond (merging of hearts) above everything else to create a sparkling's life force with interface as just the extra for physical coding features. I've seen people use the non-canon heat cycles which are, of course, our fandom way of making a type of breeding euphemism akin to an animal's cycle. You have the common phrasing of nuzzling, heightened senses, armor and certain parts of the helm acting like fur or ears where it raises and flattens per their mood, and some Transformers have limb dissonance where if necessary, they can convert between bipedal and quadrupedal stances (best example is Bulkhead and Lugnut from TFA who have long arms but short legs and they have the bulky structure where they could possibly run like an animal briefly and the physics of it would work).
So, you have all these different things a common Cybertron most likely would be able to do or have but a human couldn't, and it's never utilized to their full potential. I would like to see people address the nature of Cybertronians as alien and not be afraid to make them alien. I think that's the biggest flaw in our franchise is that everyone is scared of making the Transformers not the humanoid "norm" and getting ridiculed for it. Like, they're aliens, you can make them act however animal-like or completely batshit insane as you want them. You can give them powers, animal-based senses, and behaviors hidden among a human thought process. And technically, you wouldn't be wrong to what they could be as a living creature in the universe by doing so. They aren't humans; they look humanoid, but they aren't us. Why should they have to be in every regard?
Thank you for reading my TED Talk.
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A Brother In Need
A gift for @nova--spark and a partial continuation of this post by her (ft. my fic blurb for it).
Sometimes, when things are dire, the Matrix can tear through the very walls between worlds. It can call out to others, summoning Primes to aid a brother in need.
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Optimus grunted as another shot scorched his armor. The upgrades he’d received were doing nothing against the raging force of nature that was Megatron. A jetpack was useless against a forged flyer. The Magnus hammer, which he’d not so quietly borrowed, was doing slag all do deter his foe.
Being taken prisoner had done nothing to calm Megatron or make him less of a deadly opponent. With Ultra Magnus out of commission, all Optimus could do was try to buy time while the Autobots got themselves organized. The battle had already raged for almost five minutes, a near eternity for Optimus, who, as much as he hated to admit it, was certainly not built for war. He could only hold off for so long, and with no allies en route, he was essentially a sitting duck.
Every dodged attack slowed him down. Each hit he managed to land seemed to bounce right off of the warlord. Even with the Allspark resting within its casing around his neck, providing him with energy he sorely needed, he was still losing. Bit by bit, he was pushed back closer toward civilian regions. It had never gotten this bad, not even on Earth.
“Foolish Prime. You will learn the meaning of suffering for daring to put me in chains.” Megatron flew at him yet again, and all Optimus could do was struggle to keep his frame from overheating as he forced himself to dodge. Unfortunately, Megatron was faster, hitting his jetpack with a well timed strike and finally sending him careening toward the ground. Optimus adjusted mid-fall, slowing his descent and landing on his pedes. However, as he attempted to get back into the skies in the hopes that it would limit civilian casualties, his jetpack failed to function. It puttered uselessly against his back, reminding Optimus again of just how dire things really were.
“I’m not going down without taking you with me!” He taunted his foe, running as far away from housing districts as possible. The Allspark weighed heavily around his neck, thrumming with strange energy he did not understand. It did little to aid him, but its glow reminded Optimus of what he was fighting for. 
Megatron could not win. Not while Optimus still functioned.
“I will strip you of your armor, one plate at a time!” Megatron roared in outrage, landing with a thunderous crash that left Optimus reeling. He clutched the Magnus hammer, not letting himself focus on the faint tremor of his digits as he raised the weapon high. He checked his comms, frantically letting his optics flicker around the area in hopes that someone, anyone, would come to his aid.
He saw and heard nothing. No one was coming. He was alone.
“I’d like to see you try.” He could sense the stress warnings for his servos running across his vision, but Optimus dismissed them. He needed to keep fighting, to buy more time for Sentinel to get things in order as acting Magnus. He doubted his former friend would actually aid him, but if Optimus could do something to give the Autobots a chance, then he would gladly put his life on the line yet again.
He took a deep vent, the world slowing around him as Megatron unsheathed his blade and leapt forward. Optimus distinctly recalled wondering if there would be anything left of his frame once the battle was done as the warlord’s blade met his hammer. 
The shock rattled his entire frame, knocking his shoulder from its socket. He didn’t have time to cry out in pain before he was forced to try and block another hit, then another, and another. He tried to fight back, but every time he tried to land an attack, Megatron’s blade cut through his armor like it was made of tinfoil. He was covered in gashes, each burning as they bled. He stumbled, trying to keep his balance as Megatron smiled, stalking forward and pushing Optimus up against a wall. 
“This is what happens when you play soldier, Optimus Prime. Now, you will die like the disposable pawn you are.” Optimus spit up energon, coughing as he clutched a particularly deep wound with one servo. The Magnus hammer was held weakly up in front of him, his entire arm shaking from the effort as he prepared to block. Part of him hoped that his team would arrive and save his sorry aft. The rest of him was praying for a decently quick and honorable end, perhaps a blaster shot to the spark.
Unfortunately for him, Megatron had other plans.
The warlord swung his blade, sending the Magnus hammer flying away from Optimus’s grasp. He cursed, getting into a combat position despite how battered and tired he was. His vents were flared wide, his fans running on their highest setting as he panted and tried to play hero. Everything ached and burned, his vision flickering from energon loss. But he was not given a chance to even try to preserve his honor as the hilt of Megatron’s blade collided with his helm, knocking him to the ground.
He cried out in pain, no longer able to stifle the agony of his failing frame. He heard Megatron laugh as a kick landed on his abdomen, sending Optimus flying against the wall behind him and leaving him to purge what little he had in his tanks before coughing up energon that had to have come from something internal being ruptured. 
He shook in terror that he could no longer mask as the warlord loomed above him, his towering frame now no longer anything close to the storybook villain Optimus had come to know. He prayed for salvation as Megatron took his time, hitting him again and again and kicking him around like some sort of training dummy. Every hit broke something else, shattering plating or snapping components that were likely vital. 
Optimus tried to be brave. He tried to keep being snarky, if only to buy time. But as he lay utterly beaten amidst the rubble of their battleground, he could only cry while pulling himself into a sitting position. There was nothing he could do now except try to die with a small iota of dignity. 
“Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Sari… I’m sorry I won’t be coming back to all of you.” A choked sob broke through his tortured venting. As Megatron cackled, Optimus touched the container the Allspark still sat within. He prayed in silence, hoping that the phenomenon that gave him life would heed his quiet plea. 
He wasn’t religious. He had no god to worship as the humans did. But he still hoped… that maybe, somehow, the thing that made him would have mercy on his spark.
“Goodbye, Prime.” Megatron’s blaster powered on, sickening purple and flooding Optimus’s vision as he raised his helm in one final act of defiance. If he were to fall, he was going to do so, looking death in the optic. He would not cower, not even in his final moments.
He stared down the blaster barrel, uncaring of how it made his optics flicker due to the brightness. But as he watched his death come closer, he felt warmth emanate from the container around his neck. He dared not look away from Megatron, but as blue light began to drown out the purple, Optimus could only gasp in awe at what occurred mere nano-kliks later.
A shot fired, but it was not Megatron’s blaster putting Optimus six feet under. Instead, bright blue energy impacted Megatron’s armor, scorching his seemingly untouchable plating and earning a cry from the warlord. Optimus gawked, his agony momentarily forgotten as he followed the source of the shot, his optics setting on a figure that towered over even Megatron.
A faint blue figure flickered in and out of existence, becoming more solid with every passing moment. Optimus’s optics widened as the mech stepped forward, his frame setting into reality as he held his arm up, the limb having transformed into a blaster without so much as a klik of hesitation. He stood proudly, his armor battered and scarred but still strong. His shoulders were sharp, and an autobot badge stood out clearly amidst the scratches and dents. His legs were long and built for combat; his waist was thin but his torso was heavily armored. A crack ran along his windshields, but it seemed to mean nothing for the mech who stood so powerfully on the battlefield.
Optimus watched in complete awe as the mech stalked forward, a battlemask firmly in place on his face as he fired shot after shot at Megatron. With grace that Optimus had never seen in anyone before, the mech strode forward, breaking into a steady run as his arms turned from guns to blades. In an instant, the mech, who looked so much like Optimus in color and overall design, met Megatron in combat. Their blades sparked, their grunts of exertion echoed across the battlefield.
Megatron tried to push back, but the mech was swift with his blades, cutting through Megatron’s defenses and slashing his armor clean open with rapid movements. Megatron stumbled back, screaming a curse in a language Optimus did not know. The mech, his counterpart, responded in kind with a quick kick to the chassis, sending the warlord sprawling after a pitifully short fight. It seemed that despite his failure to bring down his foe, Optimus had indeed tired him enough so that his counterpart had little issue bringing him to his knees.
A smug part of his spark flared in glee at the revelation.
“Serves you right, you glitch.” He raised a middle finger in Megatron’s direction as Autobots finally appeared in the distance. His counterpart knocked Megatron upside the helm, forcing the Decepticon leader into temporary recharge. Then, without a second thought, he came to kneel before Optimus, his battlemask slipping away.
“I apologize for failing to assist you sooner, little brother. The call of the Matrix can be slow at times.” Optimus carefully reset his optics, but the scene did not change as his counterpart tenderly picked him up as if he were but a newbuild. The Allspark pulsed against his chassis in response.
“It seems your reality has different rules than mine, but you need not fear. We are one and the same, merely separated by time and a barrier between worlds.” The other mech, the other Optimus, smiled in a soft manner before holding Optimus close. He coughed weakly, the pain slowly overwhelming his senses as his counterpart held him close. He wanted to speak, to ask who this mech really was.
But he found his questions answered as the other Optimus carried him to his team, passing him off to a very worried Ratchet. He stared, still in shock, as the other Prime began to flicker and fade, his existence starting to vanish like smoke.
“Rest well, young Prime. May Primus light your path.” With those final words, the other Prime disappeared as if he’d never been there in the first place. Megatron was bound and carted off, Ratchet strapped him to a gurney and rushed to get him hooked up to an IV. All the while, Optimus stared up at the sky uselessly.
He didn’t know how or why, but through the thing that hung around his neck, Optimus had been saved by another version of himself. A mech who carried his name, his burden, and his rank.
He’d had his life preserved by a brother.
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aviatrix-ash · 5 months
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Lil mini TFA comic set in my au playgrounds about the time Bumblebee was having it rough during his Autobot training with Sentinel Minor.Seaspray offers him a way to help get his mind off it and show him what he believes it means to be an Autobot. What will come of Bumblebee and his zombie space pirate fighting adventure? More to come, stay tuned!!
In G1 Bumbleebee and Seaspray seemed like really good friends, so I thought of doing a TFA spin on em and giving Seaspray a sorta role model/mentor role. Whether not this unhinged war vet who's might just let Bee run around with a Halo Energy sword fighting zombies is a good rolemodel or not is up for debate- buuut where's the fun in that!
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writeyouin · 4 months
I dont know if this went through but can I get a valentines day request for tfa sentinel prime falling in love with a g/n human reader?
Sentinel Prime (TFA) X Reader – Making Alliances
Description: After the war between Earth and Cybertron ended, you were recruited to work alongside Sentinel Prime. Yet, he tries to make your job hard, determined to keep on hating humans. Yet, given time, he finds it almost impossible to dislike you, no matter how hard he tries.
A/N – I had such a basic bitch plan for this and instead it turned into one of my longer fics.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“Guys, really, it’s fine. I’m fine,” You tried to assure the Autobots.
Optimus, Bulkhead and Ratchet looked at you doubtfully. Bumblebee looked more annoyed.
“Fine? How can you be fine with this? This reeks!” He exclaimed, waving his arms around.
You stifled a laugh at his over-dramatics. “Okay, I’ll admit, I never saw myself working with Sentinel, but… It’s not a terrible idea.”
Although you had your doubts, you believed what you said. Now that the war was over, and Megatron had been defeated, Cybertron had officially launched the Earth Alliance Program. Since the Autobots had been posted on Earth during the war, there was no point denying Alien existence, even though many Cybertronians didn’t think much of humans. Having been stationed on Cybertron for a week while you acclimatised, you had heard the hushed comments about how you weren’t advanced enough to be there, and how weak and fragile your frame was.
When the Autobots had come to your planet, they had faced their share of xenophobia, some of which continued to this day. Now that you were on their planet, you were beginning to get the same treatment.
In an attempt to bring your races closer together, Ultra Magnus had decided it would be best for you to be placed with a high-ranking officer, and as such he had made you Sentinel Prime’s assistant. Although he could have just as easily put you to work with Jazz, or left you with Optimus’ team, you understood his reasoning. If Sentinel could get over his prejudices, then anyone could. Besides, you still had one week left before you were to begin your work. In that time, you were expected to report any struggles that you had living on Cybertron.
In your first week, you had reported that the shower in your specially-made apartment was too hot, the cooking facilities were inadequate, and that you needed your own mode of transport so nobody else had to help you get around.
All the issues were addressed relatively quickly and now you had a motor-scooter which ran on autopilot. The vehicle did have a function for you to drive it yourself, but it had been dictated that you could not use that unless it was an emergency, otherwise you would be in breach of the first Cybertronian law written with humans in mind; it seemed that the governing body didn’t trust you to drive, though their fear and prejudice didn’t bother you too much.
“Are you even listening to me?!” Bumblebee waved his arms erratically.
While you had been lost in thought about your new position, he had been ranting about what a scrap heap Sentinel was.
You held up your hands placatingly, feeling a tiny pang of sadness that Prowl wasn’t there. It used to be him that ended Bumblebee’s tirades but… Well, everyone knew that war had its casualties; you just wished that it didn’t have to be someone you knew.
“Yes, I’m, listening. But seriously Bumblebee, you don’t have to worry about me. It’s just a job.”
‘A job I feel massively underqualified for,’ You added in your head, thinking how you had only been chosen because you met the Autobots by chance and they trusted you as their second human liaison.
Sari would also start her life on Cybertron, but seeing how she was techno-organic and only a teenager, she was going to school to learn about her Cybertronian heritage and culture.
Jazz and Bulkhead were going to stay on Earth, and Optimus was going to travel between both planets in an attempt to cement the worlds’ budding relationship. So, for a while, you would be alone, at least in a working capacity. Granted, Ratchet and Bumblebee would be nearby, but this was something you would have to do on your own.
“Alright,” Bumblebee grumbled. “But if he’s a glitch-head, get me and I’ll kick the scrap outta him!”
“You and what army?” Ratchet commented drily.
You chuckled and thanked Bumblebee, touching his arm to soothe him. A blush dusted his cheeks.
“Uh games night?” He said hurriedly, attempting to hide his feelings before racing off to where Sari was waiting for you all.
You ignored his flush red, fully aware of how he felt about you. You knew that was a conversation that the two of you would have to have one day, but you waited for the day he might bring it up. Besides, since this was the last night everyone would be together for a while, you didn’t want anything to jeopardise the fun, especially when faced with something as tough as unrequited love.
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“I’m here,” You said breathlessly, shooting through the automatic door just in time for work.
Sentinel glared at you. He had been counting on you being late so that he could complain about you to anyone who would listen afterwards.
“So… What would you like me to do, Sentinel Prime, Sir?” You bowed formally. There was no need to do so, but you hoped that by addressing him with such respect, he might warm to you somewhat. Having met him once or twice before, you knew how arrogant he could be and had decided for an easy life it might be better to stroke his ego somewhat.
Your gambit paid off as Sentinel forgot whatever sharp insult he was about to say. Instead, he blustered, puffed out his chest and managed to order you to stay out of his way while he did his job.
“Sorry Sir, but Ultra Magnus ordered me to help you in whatever way I can.”
“I know that! It doesn’t matter. I don’t need your help. Just stay out of my way and at the end of all this, we can tell Ultra Magnus to have you reassigned.”
“No, sir,” You said adamantly, standing your ground.
“What?” Sentinel spat, his lip curling.
“I’m here to work with you. I won’t be shunted to the side just ‘cos I’m human. Our planets worked together to capture Megatron, now we have to work together to show that our races can do the same.”
Sentinel stared menacingly at you. He didn’t want to be anywhere near you. You were small, organic, filthy. With that in mind, he wished you would just leave. He didn’t want any of your gross germs on him. Yet, it seemed that you were also stubborn in your mission.
“Fine,” He said after a minute, though it was clear he wanted to tell you where to go. “Just don’t do any of that gross human stuff. If you sneeze-” He didn’t finish his sentence, shuddering at the thought.
You gave him a thumbs up, “No sneezing, got it.”
With that, Sentinel finally gave you some work to do, and you began what was sure to be a rocky relationship.
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Working with Sentinel was difficult.
Sometimes, he would barely give you any work at all, insisting you use your ‘initiative’ to find tasks that would aid him. On other days, he would pile your workload impossibly high, and if you were struggling to understand the reports that he had ordered you to complete, that was your fault and he wouldn’t help you.
Either way, at the end of the shift, he would get to kick back at the bar and complain that you either didn’t understand the job or couldn’t keep up with the tasks provided to a bunch of equally closed-minded mechs who wanted to see you fail.
Still, you didn’t complain, doing your best to learn all you needed to succeed. To Sentinel it was infuriating, but you knew that if you complained, it would validate everything he thought about you, no matter how unfair it was.
Fortunately, you learned how to better work around him by talking to him with the utmost respect, complimenting him, and generally getting him talking about himself. On days when he indulged you with stories of his glory days, he was a little kinder, occasionally throwing you a bone and helping you out a bit with some of your workload, or sometimes instructing you on things you had been struggling with.
Still, your working relationship wasn’t great and wouldn’t be viable unless something changed.
Such a day finally came when Sentinel had the terrible idea that you should be faster, and very suddenly presented you with his patented human speed shoes… They were rollerblades.
“I can’t use these,” You sighed when he threw them at you, too afraid to hand them to you in case you touched him.
“You can and you will,” Sentinel harrumphed.
“Sentinel, I can’t rollerblade, at least not with all the things I have to carry about, and-”
“Is this you refusing to work, human?”
You rolled your eyes. Not only was he seeking an excuse to stop working with you, but he was also playing his trump card by calling you human instead of using your name; he did that whenever he wanted to instil a feeling of power imbalance upon you.
“Fine,” You sighed, giving in. “I’ll wear the damn rollerblades.”
“Speed-shoes,” Sentinel corrected.
“Speed-shoes,” You conceded, finding him to be extra impossible.
As you had told Sentinel, using the rollerblades for work was impossible, especially when you were carrying a stack of oversized datapads that you couldn’t see over, since Sentinel was also being unreasonable about your workload.
It started as a stumble on one of the higher walkways that had been provided like scaffolding around the office for you to work with. Yet, instead of falling, you dropped the datapads, tripped backwards, and screamed as you fell over the handrail.
While Sentinel was mostly paper-pushing since the war was over, he was still trained for battle. He hurriedly spun around at the sound of your scream and ran to catch you. While he was timely in his rescue, he wasn’t gentle and he blanched at the sound of bone snapping.
He expected you to cry out again, but you were worryingly quiet upon the realisation that your leg had broken.
“(Y/N)!” Sentinel yelled your name. His processor skipped over the necessary sentences as he scrambled to think of what to say next. He was stuck between asking if you were okay, even though you clearly weren’t, ordering you not to tell anyone about the speed shoes that had caused the accident, and demanding you to tell him how to fix you.
“I- I-” Tears streamed from your eyes.
Sentinel was taken aback by how pale you were and how unusual it felt to hold you. He was certain he would drop you if any liquids came out of you, yet here you were crying and all he wanted to do was hold you closer and tell you that everything was going to be okay.
You were soft and warm and… completely unexpected.
“R-Ratchet,” You managed to say between your sniffles and grunts of pain, pulling the rollerblades off, even though it hurt to move.
“Right!” Sentinel exclaimed, snapping out of his silence.
He transformed into vehicle mode, grimacing when it caused you more pain to be jostled about, then he sped to the medical school where Ratchet was spending his twilight years, passing on his knowledge to another generation of bots.
“What in tarnation is going on here?” Ratchet demanded of Sentinel as he held you out to the older bot in the safety of a private med-bay.
“I-(Y/N)-” Sentinel stammered, feeling the pressure of Ratchet’s stern glare.
“I fell,” You said weakly to Ratchet.
“Fell, huh?” Ratchet said doubtfully. “Where are your shoes, kid?”
You shook your head, indicating that it didn’t matter, but Ratchet was an astute old bot, and he shot a scathing to look at Sentinel, even though you hadn’t sold him out.
“Really, Ratchet. It- it was my f-”
“Never mind that, kid. Let’s get you seen to.”
Although Sentinel wanted to leave, he stayed, mostly because he couldn’t fathom why you hadn’t told on him. He regretted that decision when Ratchet asked him to chat privately after treating you. By that point, you were too tired to protect Sentinel further, and the pain medication had made you somewhat woozy. Besides, even if you had been in any shape to argue, you couldn’t keep up with either of them on a bandaged leg, and without assistance you couldn’t get down from the medical berth provided.
Once Ratchet had got Sentinel out of your sight, he began yelling, “I don’t know what you did, but you're darn lucky that kid isn’t selling you out! That’s far more loyalty than you’d ever give to them!”
“Wha-” Sentinel spluttered, offended and slightly intimidated by the older bot.
“Don’t you dare try to explain yourself to me! Young bots are all alike, all arrogance and no spark. Do you know how long it takes for an injury like that to heal in humans?! AND (Y/N) WILL BE TRAPPED HERE FOR A FEW DAYS, BORED AND ALONE SINCE YOU KEEP TELLING EVERY DAMNED BOT WHO’LL LISTEN TO YOU HOW LITTLE YOU THINK OF HUMANS!”
“I-” Sentinel held up a finger to argue, but Ratchet slapped his servo away.
“Don’t you dare try to argue with me,” He said dangerously. “I’ve seen (Y/N) a few times since she started working with you. You’ve overworked that poor kid for no reason at all, and let me tell you something- That kid won’t quit. You can pile on all the work you want, and (Y/N) will do it. They’ll exhaust themself to do anything you ask, all because they’re the bigger person and want to be friends.”
Ratchet barked a mirthless laugh, continuing his tirade, “Friends, HAH! But you won’t let that happen, will you, Mr. Bigshot. No, ‘cos you’re so superior. Well, anything to say for yourself now?”
Sentinel looked somewhat ashamed and contrite after Ratchet’s verbal rebuke, yet he let his anger bubble up and overtake him.
“I am your superior officer,” He spat contemptuously.
Ratchet shook his head, disgustedly. “Then lead by example and do something worthy of the title.”
The older bot was about to walk away, but Sentinel wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction, so he stormed ahead first, rushing back to the room you were stuck in.
“Come on (Y/N), I’m taking you home.”
“I just told you (Y/N) has to stay here,” Ratchet yelled, catching up.
“Not if there’s someone to take care of them.”
“And you’re gonna do that?”
Sentinel picked you up, more gently than before, and this time, he was extra careful as he transformed so as to spare you any discomfort.
He wasn’t entirely certain whether to take you to your own home or his, but after some thought about organic fuels and how much effort you would have to put into traversing his sizeable house, he opted for taking you to your place, next door to the techno-organic and down the road from that insufferable Bumblebee.
Sentinel especially hated the contentious yellow mini-bot since he always found reasons to bother you at work and it was a massive distraction. It didn’t help that Bumblebee was obviously head over pedes for you and that he had no respect for Sentinel at all; he only ever left at your insistence, and always with an insult for Sentinel about the workload he gave to you.
Hm… your workload. Sentinel couldn’t help thinking about what an aft he’d been of late.
“When you’re fit for work, I think you should take it easy. No more 12 groon days.”
A groon on Cybertron was more or less an hour, and you nodded along sleepily in understanding, grumbling a half-word that didn’t make sense outside of your head.
“Hey, are you listening?”
Your eyes shut heavily and you could barely lift them open to respond.
“Great, I suppose I have to take you to bed now too?” Sentinel complained, covering just how worried he was that you were acting out of the ordinary.
When he got you home, Sentinel struggled to take care of you; he had very little knowledge on humans, except that they had corrosive spit, though most were apparently too civilised to use it. Your house was a hybrid of human-sized equipment and catwalks, and lounge space for several Cybertronians, yet having never been there before, Sentinel didn’t know the layout, nor did he understand what half your appliances did, or what certain rooms were for.
He did manage to find your bed and lift you up to it, but after that, he felt like he should be doing something more to help. You were recharging now, but you would probably need things when you woke up.
Stuck on what to do, Sentinel reluctantly knocked on your neighbour’s door.
“What do you want?” Sari asked obnoxiously, annoyed to have been interrupted in the middle of the day, right after she had returned from class.
“I- I-” Sentinel made an effort to swallow his pride, an act which took a good five minutes. “I need your help.”
It took Sari about 10 minutes to stop laughing, but she got very serious when Sentinel begrudgingly explained that you were injured and that he didn’t know how to help you. After seeing you in bed, sleeping off the pain medication that Ratchet had administered, Sari explained very carefully how long it would take for your leg to heal, and what Sentinel had to do in the few coming days to help you out, such as placing a water bottle by your bed, and making sure your crutches were in reach.
Sentinel listened to everything she said, ignoring the back-handed insults that came his way, then after Sari left, he settled into the bot-sized lounge, waiting for you to wake up. He put the TV on, watching a show from Earth you had left in the player, synching the volume to his audials, but keeping it low all the same in case he needed to hear you wake up.
Having watched several episodes of the comedy show you had, Sentinel had to admit, it was pretty funny… for something humans had made. The idea of Ghosts being so ridiculously stupid did amuse him.
You woke up quietly, sucking in pain through your teeth as the medication you had been given started to wear off. Admittedly, you were surprised to see Sentinel in your house, even though you vaguely remembered him promising that he would be there.
It was amusing to see him actually having fun for once. Usually, he was tense and angry around you; you hadn’t realised he could be happy without putting someone else down.
You tried to get up without disturbing him but the crutch clattered to the floor before you could grab it.
“(Y/N),” Sentinel stood up quickly. “How are you feeling? Do you need Ratchet again?”
“I’m-” You thought about saying you were fine, as was the expected social response. Instead, you decided to answer truthfully. “I’m tired, but my leg was bothering me a bit.”
“It’ll be fine,” You added hurriedly before he could rush off to get help you didn’t need, “It’s just sore.”
Sentinel nodded. “From what I understand, it will be painful for some time,” He didn’t mention that by that he also meant the memory of inadvertently hurting you.
You nodded with a tired smile, “Yeah… Could be worse though. Thank you, for getting me help.”
“Thank… Thank you for your loyalty.”
You nodded again, “Yeah uh… You- You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to. I can take care of myself.”
Sentinel would have gladly left if he didn’t feel so responsible for you. “I need to stay for a while if you are comfortable with me being here.”
“Okay,” You agreed, reaching again for your crutches so you could go to the bathroom.
Sentinel hurried to pick them up for you. “Okay,” He agreed solemnly.
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Sentinel was surprisingly attentive to you. Although you only needed him for a day or so, he insisted on staying the full week. After that, he brought work to you for a while, afraid that if you returned to the main work base, you’d somehow make your recovery take longer.
Yet, the reports that he brought you were easier than before, confirming your suspicions that he had initially made your job harder than it needed to be; the deadlines were also laxer, and he took the time to explain a few things to you.
He stopped complaining about you to bots at the bar, and now on the odd occasion you sneezed or cleared your throat, he didn’t flinch or make nasty comments. In short, he was getting used to you, and you realised that when he tried, he could be very nice.
The peace was short lived however when Bumblebee came over to visit for the fourth time since you’d been hurt.
“You should quit,” He told you, point-blank, having abandoned the video game the two of you had been playing.
“Excuse me?” You asked, wondering what had prompted his response this time.
“Quit! Go back to working for the correct Prime. Optimus would treat you better and he wouldn’t make you work when you’re sick.”
“I’m not sick. A broken leg is not a sickness.”
“It’s an injury,” Bumblebee said accusingly, raising his voice.
“Bumblebee, this is for our races to work together. This is a good start.”
Bumblebee blushed. The way you spoke so passionately about your races working together made him think that you were talking about more than work… Maybe, you were talking about you and him. Together.
“Besides,” You added, “Working for Sentinel isn’t half-bad, you know. He’s- He’s been kind to me.”
Bumblebee froze at the look on your face. Pink-dusted cheeks, a soft smile that he had imagined would be reserved for him, the way your eyes glazed over almost dreamily when you spoke about Sentinel. No, no! This couldn’t be happening. You could not get feelings for that pompous, arrogant, pile of SLAG!
“How did you get hurt?” Bumblebee asked, dangerously quiet, though you missed the intention behind his tone.
He had asked you before, but you rattled off an excuse about being careless.
“I already told you,” You started, only to be cut off by a Bumblebee who was angrier than you’d ever seen him before.
Bumblebee ran out of your house, transforming as soon as he was on the streets. He was determined to give Sentinel a piece of his mind.
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It took a while for Bumblebee to find Sentinel, not knowing the places that the Prime frequented. Yet, he eventually found him leaving a store with a small box that fit under his arm.
Bumblebee rushed at Sentinel, throwing a punch against the larger bot’s jaw. Had he been prepared, Sentinel might have faired better, but as it was, he dropped the box he was carrying and stumbled backwards, against the alley wall.
Bumblebee tried to pin him but Sentinel pushed him back, grappling his arms.
“WHAT THE FRAG ARE YOU DOING?” Sentinel demanded as the two struggled, holding each other’s shoulder plates and trying to get the better of their opponent.
Bumblebee headbutted Sentinel in the chassis to little effect, “IT’S YOUR FAULT (Y/N) GOT HURT! ADMIT IT! IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!”
Bumblebee waited for the adamant denial Sentinel was known for. He pushed Sentinel back, readying his stingers, and only stopping when Sentinel answered.
Bumblebee stopped in his tracks, mouth agape. Sentinel had never once taken responsibility for his actions.
“It was my fault,” Sentinel admitted bitterly.
For the first time since finding him that night, Bumblebee really looked at Sentinel. “Why? Why now? After all this time, you finally admit to something…”
“It’s not natural…” Sentinel said more to himself than to Bumblebee. He was thinking about his feelings towards you, certain that it wasn’t right for a Cybertronian to feel anything romantic towards a human. He bent down to pick up the box which had spilled its contents onto the floor.
Bumblebee glanced down finding that it was all things for humans. Imported books from Earth, snacks you had been known to eat, herbal tea that Ratchet often recommended, and some pain medication.
Bumblebee picked up the tea, staring at it morosely before handing it to Sentinel who took it warily.
“(Y/N) doesn’t like that flavour,” He said quietly.
“I’ll… I’ll keep that in mind.”
Bumblebee nodded. He didn’t apologise for his actions, though it was implied in his tone when he addressed Sentinel for the final time that night, “Take better care of them. They’re everything to me.”
Sentinel nodded, watching Bumblebee walk away afterwards. He stayed there a few minutes longer before heading over to your house to gift you the things he had bought.  
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mothfables · 4 months
Rabbit in a Wolf Den
The Chain are all turned into wolves- all of them except Legend, who’s a rabbit. This, understandably, causes issues.
This was, Legend thought, the worst possible scenario.
He’d jolted awake in incredible pain. After laying there for a few minutes doing his best to breathe through it, he managed to gather the strength to look around. He appeared to still be on the path they’d been walking down before... whatever happened happened. But... something wasn’t right. Legend shifted slightly, hissing at the bright sparks of pain it caused, and took a closer look at his surroundings.
With a start he realized everything was bigger than he remembered. Dread began to build as he scrambled upright- or tried to.
Legend’s breath quickened as he glanced down at his feet. Only, they weren’t feet, but paws. Small, delicate, fluffy pink paws. His ears, long and floppy, pressed against his head as he began to tremble. This was not good. They weren’t in the Dark World, so how had he been transformed? Had he been the only one to get hit by- by whatever it was? Where were his brothers?
The dread was building into a wave. Really, the only way this could get worse was-
The sound of shuffling and confused whines had him freezing in place.
Goddesses but he didn’t want to turn around. He had to know, though, so he could determine if whatever was making those noises was a threat or not. And what happened to his brothers. Because there was no way he wasn’t the only one affected.
Swallowing hard, Legend slowly turned to look. The sight that met his eyes had him wishing he hadn’t looked at all- or even better, not woken in the first place.
Lying scattered on the road around him were wolves. And they were moving. Stretching, stumbling awkwardly to their paws, glancing around in confusion- just like Legend had been, but he refused to entertain that thought when his instincts were screaming.
‘Run run hide stay still where are my brothers don’t move what happened stay still stay still stay still-’
Then one of the wolves glanced over and it’s gaze locked on to him. Legend very carefully did not move.
It’s head tilted in confusion and it sniffed the air before it’s tail began to wag. It let out a yip, gaining the attention of several of the others. In the back of his mind, Legend noted severe scarring along it’s face and side. Then he quickly discarded the observation because there were suddenly wolves surrounding him, getting closer, their mouths were opening and oh goddesses those teeth looked sharp-
He bolted.
There was a flurry of surprised yips that quickly turned into excited barks and the wolves gave chase. Paws pounded the earth as Legend dodged and flailed to avoid snapping jaws. It was no use. They had him surrounded.
That led to where he was now — crouched in the middle of the path, surrounded by no less than four wolves as he trembled and shook with terror.
Teeth flashed and he shrieked, curling up as tight as he could in an effort to avoid being bitten.
A sudden snarl had him curling even tighter.
Confused whines interspersed with growls and barks sounded before they were suddenly muffled by an enveloping warmth and soft pressure all around him. Another whine made him shiver and cringe away only to be met with a mass of something soft. Blinking open his eyes in surprise, Legend found himself facing a wall of tawny fur.
It moved, brushing against his nose, at the same time a wuff sounded from above him. He froze again. It moved again, slow and repetitive. ‘It’s breathing,’ Legend realized. He waited, tense, but nothing else happened.
...Whatever it was didn’t appear to want to eat him, at least. He tentatively pressed closer, pressing his nose into the tawny fluff and snuffling at the scent there.
The smell of wood and faint feathers mixed with a familiar perfume met his nose. ‘...Sun’s perfume? But that’s only on Sky’s sailcloth... What’s going on?’
The padding of paws accompanied by the gentle clinking of a chain had Legend’s ears pricking to attention. He only knew of one wolf who wore a chain... Could it be? There was another quiet wuff and soft whines before something settled down nearby- or rather, behind him from where he was practically nestled into whatever creature it was that smelled like Sky.
Well, nothing had happened to him so far. Might as well see what maybe-Wolfie wanted, right?
Legend took a deep breath, gathered the tattered remains of his courage, and turned around.
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cinnamonroll-anon · 9 months
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TFA Autobots/Decepticons x GN!Fnaf Fan Reader (Platonic/Romantic)
Tfp/Tfa/Rid2015 x DCA Based Bot Reader (Platonic)
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foxespen · 1 year
Sins of the Father
Optimus had made many mistakes in his past, and he’s made just as many sacrifices to atone for them. But he may have gotten his second chance to make amends.
--- In their youth, Optimus and Elita-1 decided to take the next step and bring new life into the universe. After He lost his conjux, Optimus didn't feel worthy of being a sire and arranged for their sparkling to go somewhere safe. Stellacycles later, one conversation leads him to look further into Bumblebee's past, seeing too many connections to be a coincidence. Could the scout be his sparkling?
AO3 link
Other chapters: 2, 3
Chapter 1
“I don’t think the rest of the letters are gonna fit, Sari.” Bulkhead says as the young girl writes in large letters, reaching the end of the card half way through the word ‘father’. “Just write the rest really small and thin, that should do it!” Bumblebee suggests. Humans were very fascinating, in Optimus’ opinion, especially their unique customs. He reflects on this as he watches Sari work on a ‘Father’s Day’ card with Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Cybertronians didn't really have such holidays, so Optimus was glad to see it first hand.
Sari nods and writes the uneven letters. As she studies her handwriting, an inquisitive look crosses her face. “ Hey, do autobots have parents?”
Bulkhead exchanges a look with Bumblebee, “ uh… sometimes? I mean some do, like me, but not everyone does.” He scratches at the back of his helm as he tries to explain. Optimus jumps in “Technically we can, but since the war it’s less common. Most bots were protoforms, including myself, so we don’t have carriers and sires- or mothers and fathers.” Prowl nods in agreement, “I was also a protoform; a lot of them were in military programs as ready made soldiers, you can say.” Ratchet’s optics remained on the datapad. “My folks passed to the well of allsparks a long time ago. They were also medbots; helped me get the training i needed.” “My sire also passed, but my carrier still lives on our old energon farm. I try to send her letters when I can, but they can be slow this far out in space.” Bulkhead adds.
Sari nods, turning towards the scout next to her. “ What about you Bee?
“Huh? Well, I did, but I never met them. Probably also already passed.” “Probably?” Ratchet questioned. “I think so,” Bumblebee explains “I grew up in an orphanage on Iacon, from what I know they took in a lot of sparklings- I think you guys would call them babies- from autobots that offlined. So, I'm guessing they did as well.” “Hm, I think I know which one you're talking about. That place got subsidies from the war effort, and encouraged the kids to enlist when they could.” Ratchet shakes his helm. “Yeah, that sounds about right.” Bumblebee agrees with a shrug. “Well anywho… Sari, what’cha think for the inside of the card?”
As the young girl returns her attention to the paper, Optimus excuses himself before walking to his quarters. The conversation weighs heavy on his processor, dredging up many bad memories. He ventures to his desk, picking through datapads to find the young scout’s file. It contained basic information: he is barely old enough to be out of the academy, has behavioral issues, and is a ‘pint sized soldier that’s a mediocre fighter at best”. Optimus notes that parts of this report were written by Sentinel, so he takes it with some salt, or however the human saying goes. He finds the mandatory background check from the orphanage. The name brings a twinge to his spark, Bumblebee’s assessment had been accurate. Optimus had heard of many recruits putting their young in the home, few were able to return…some unwilling after everything they’d gone through. His optics trail to the photo that collects dust on his desk. A young couple stares back at him, his own young face and the visage of his conjux. There was a time where the thought of not having Elita-1 in his arms seemed like an impossibility. She was someone he’d hoped to spend the rest of their lifecycles with. In their youth they had wanted to take the next step and bring new life into the world. They’d been so excited, and when the time came to hold their sparkling Optimus knew his spark had been stolen once again. The little one had his carrier’s pretty yellow color, and his curious optics, at least according to Elita. Everything was perfect… then they went to Archa Seven. It was supposed to be simple: find an alleged abandoned Decepticon ship. At the time he was most worried about the trouble they might get into with their superiors. Little did he know that would be the last he'd see of Elita… Optimus had made many mistakes in his past, and he’s made just as many sacrifices to atone for them. When he’d returned, he felt lost in his own processor. Drowning in his own grief and guilt. A wedge had formed between him and Sentinel, destroying their friendship, and he buried himself in whatever work he could get. He felt he didn’t deserve to be a sire… so he’d made arrangements for his sparkling to go somewhere safe. An orphanage on Iacon, one he knew received funding and where he knew the little one would be taken care of. And though he’d promised to not look back, it weighed heavy in the back of his processor nearly everyday of his life. He kept telling himself that he’d done what was right. He couldn’t protect his conjux, and he wasn’t going to let himself fail again. His optics lock with Bumblebee’s profile photo, the bright yellow plating searing his processor. The orphanage is the same, and assuming his math is right, so is the scout’s age. Optimus let out a curse as rubs at his faceplate. He knows he can’t jump to any conclusions, and he was most likely looking too much into simple coincidence. He needs to investigate further.
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magnimoon · 2 months
Bumblebee Art - Synthesis Wars
So finally, here's my own design!
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I really love the horns, but the antennas can be exploited for emotional responses, but I made them spiky like his previous horns.
Actually, in the fic, he explains that he used to have a pair of horns, however, upon arriving to Earth, one got damaged due to the landing, and a few years later the other broke. So he made himself a pair of antennas since he didn't remember exactly how the horns looked and one human that was his driver for a while called him Bumblebee due to a buzzing sound his motor made.
Here's the full version:
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I'm still designing his full body, so that one will take a time for now. I'll be releasing more human characters (two to be exact) before his full design. Also here's the link of the fic if you want to read it!
I'm finally free! Now onwards designing Prowl's face! (No, I won't do a choose your Prowl image)
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thebettybook · 1 year
💙 Earth to Optimus? Somebot’s got a crush 💙
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Characters: TFA Optimus Prime x human!fem!reader. Other characters mentioned are Sari Sumdac, Ratchet, Prowl, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee.
Synopsis: Fluff headcanons of TFA Optimus Prime having a crush on you with him being a hopeless, utter romantic + mini scenarios of Team Prime finding out about his crush on you
Warning: Reader is mentioned to get a teeny paper cut that Optimus fusses over. Other than that, all fluff, enjoy~
Strawbetty’s note: First official post for TFA Optimus Prime! I love him :’) (he’s just so kissable) (also we’re not gonna question why I wanna kiss a robot alien)
💙 When it comes to romance, Optimus Prime is truly a hopeless romantic. Everything, from the faintest of song lyrics to even the smallest of petals from your favorite flowers, reminds him of you.
💙 Every time Optimus comes home to the base from patrol, he always brings back your favorite snacks or flowers that he bought at the local flower shop Detroit Daisies. By now, he’s good friends with the elderly lady who runs the flower shop and at this point she can’t wait for Optimus to confess to you already.
💙 Optimus is also pretty traditional. Since he doesn’t have much experience in the romance department, he goes by what he knows best: the book. Even though he doesn’t fully understand human customs, he does extensive research and courts you with your favorite things.
💙 However, romantic feelings sometimes encourage one to follow their instincts and throw caution to the wind. While he could read every book on Earth or search through every Internet database on how to act around a crush, Optimus knows deep down in his spark that he just wants to continue being himself around you. Especially since you make him feel so safe in doing so.
💙 Optimus is always the first to open doors for you and offers to drive you to places (and he’s been doing this even before he realized he had a crush on you). He’s a gentlebot through and through. Truly the bot next door. One could argue that he’s the eligible bachelor of Cybertron.
💙 Optimus will also show the sides of him to you that he doesn’t show much to anyone—the more goofy and dorky sides of him. He cracks a lot of jokes only you and him find funny, while Sari and Bumblebee just groan at his attempts at dad jokes.
💙 The leader of Team Prime is usually good at keeping his cool, and while Optimus feels safe to be himself around you, having a crush on you feels like he’s keeping a secret from you. And one thing to know about Optimus Prime is that he is terrible at lying and keeping secrets. Thus, he can be super shy when he’s around you sometimes despite the two of you already being close.
💙 He trips over his words and his stabilizing servos whenever he’s around you because you look so beautiful to him just by simply existing. It doesn’t take long before everyone on the team (Sari first, Ratchet second, Prowl third, Bulkhead fourth, and Bumblebee dead last) figures out that Optimus has a crush on you.
💙 Sari knew from the way Optimus would ask her more questions, such as when he came into her room at the base to ask her this: “Sari, could you…what’s that word again? Ah, Google. Could you please Google ‘How to play it cool around your crush’ for me?”.
💙 The young girl comically crossed her arms and grinned like a cat who swallowed a bird. “Why do you wanna know?” Sari had an inkling as to who Optimus’s crush could be—you. “Is this about Y/N?”.
💙 Her second question was enough to make Optimus heat up from the tip of his audio fins to the cheeks of his faceplate. The leader of Team Prime, despite his large frame, backed out of Sari’s room quicker than Bumblebee on the road and with repeated “Nope! Not at all!”’s. Sari snickered; maybe she could meddle later.
💙 Ratchet figured it out when Optimus rushed you to the med bay simply because you got a teeny paper cut on your finger from turning a page of a book you were reading. The older bot grumbled at Optimus for fussing over a paper cut, while you reassured Optimus that you were fine.
💙 Ratchet handed a bandage to you, raising his optical ridge when Optimus still towered over you in the med bay. Optimus watched as you simply wrapped the bandage (a pink Hello Kitty one, Sari’s favorite kind of bandages) over your teeny finger cut. When you placed a hand on Optimus’s servo and thanked him for worrying about you, Ratchet saw Optimus’s flustered expression and lit-up faceplate as clear as day. Oh, for Primus’s sake, he’s got what the humans call a “crush.” Ratchet rolled his optics despite a small smile growing on his own faceplate.
💙 Prowl, who loved to study human life and customs, also learned about human romance customs. He noted the way Optimus’s optics lingered on you if only for the teeniest of cycles, or the way Optimus would talk about something random you did that he found cute during his patrols with Prowl. Optimus’s optics and tone whenever he talked about you always conveyed what Prowl identified from what he saw from human romantic partners as yearning for something more than just being friends.
💙 Bulkhead found out when Optimus went to him for advice on which human movies to watch with you. Optimus listed a bunch of romance movies, from Titanic to Grease. Bulkhead told Optimus that Grease is a classic, and Titanic could make one cry for hours. Optimus took literal notes from Bulkhead’s advice. Bulkhead, ever the sensitive artist, scratched the back of his helm, wondering why Optimus was only listing romance movies to watch with you…UNLESS….
💙 Bumblebee, munching on his energon chips one Friday night, was oblivious, not even batting an optic when you and Optimus softly sang “Hopelessly Devoted to You” while watching Grease together in the living room. Optimus gazed down at you the entire time while singing the lyrics, his optics conveying his hopeless devotion to you, while your eyes were fixed on the screen.
💙 Bumblebee, who was talking about some upcoming car race with Sari, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Ratchet in the kitchen, finally noticed that all of their attention was fixed at the back of your head and Optimus’s helm. Bumblebee also noted the knowing smiles and smirks on their faces.
💙 “What? Why’s everyone staring at Y/N and Optimus?” The younger bot waved a servo in front of Prowl’s face.
💙 Prowl simply took Bumblebee’s servo in his and guided Bumblebee’s servo to the direction of you and Optimus. “Take a look, Bumblebee, and tell me what you see.”
💙 You and Optimus erupted into laughter at a scene in the movie before the two of you snuggled closer together. “Uhhh, I see Boss Bot and Y/N watching a movie together like they usually do?” Bumblebee raised an optical ridge.
💙 Sari shook her head, her crimson pigtails swishing from side to side. She raised her arms, and Bumblebee picked her up to let her sit on his shoulder. “If you look closely, you’ll notice that somebot has a crush?”
💙 Bumblebee narrowed his optics in concentration, before turning his optics back to Sari. “Who, Ratchet?”.
💙 “No, Prime does!” The older bot groaned. “Prime has a crush on Y/N! Tch, young bots these days are so clueless.”
💙 Before Bumblebee could let out an “Ohhhhh” of realization, Optimus interrupted him as he came up to the kitchen to fetch a snack for you. “I have a what on Y/N?” The team could practically see the hearts in Optimus’s optics.
💙 “You have a crush on Y/N,” Sari answered, all smug. “I figured it out first. Don’t worry, we won’t tell.”
💙 “Yeah, we won’t tell!” Bulkhead made a show of zipping his mouthplate and locking it with an imaginary key.
💙 Optimus wasn’t listening, simply grabbing your snack off the counter as if by nature and turning his back to the team to stumble back into the living room and rejoin you. “I…have a crush on Y/N,” Optimus’s voice trailed off, his smile adding to his lovesick daze.
💙 “Earth to Optimus?” Bumblebee called after him, before scratching the back of his helm and lowering his voice to whisper to the rest of the team. “Dang, somebot’s got a crush!” The latter sentence earned Bumblebee a collective eye roll from Sari, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Ratchet.
🍓 I don’t own any of the characters I mention or write about; they belong to their original and respective creators.
🍓 All content on this blog is created by me, @thebettybook (excluding posts I reblog that aren’t my own posts and unless I state otherwise). Do not modify, claim, repost, or translate my work onto this platform and any other platform.
🍓 Reblogs are appreciated :). Check out my TFA masterlist
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mylesbackshall · 7 months
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Transformers sky chase:
I feel like this piece is pretty ambitious with all of the characters I included but it was a lot of fun! And…maybe a lil stressful haha. I’m thinking of doing a colored version 👀i hope u enjoy!Art by me: Myles Backshall :)
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 24 days
Oh, what's your take on a TFA Sentinel as a Tinyformer?
oh my god
Honestly, of the Sentinels I know, TFA Sentinel would be only one mildly tolerable as a tiny XD
Tinyformers Sentinel at first acts like a spoiled child, throwing fits and getting angry if you don't give him exactly what he wants, but the second you show him actual affection he short-circuits.
He's still very dramatic, but he'll eventually start begrudgingly listening to you when you tell him things he can/can't do.
He will strut around like a peacock if you take him on a walk though.
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Kinktober Day Two: Gags
Day Two: TFA | Gags | Ratchet
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The gag was lodged in your mouth, restricting your sounds while you laid on the berth before your lover. Ratchet sat beside you, reading his datapad while you withered beside him. You wanted to beg him to do something more than just keeping the vibe on your anterior mode on a low level. Muffled whines and moans left your vocalizer, but he just sat there. Ignoring you.
That would not do.
Taking it upon yourself, you moved your thighs enough to start moving them to grind your anterior node against your leg, the pleasure that shot up your spinal strut made your optics shudder closed as you felt that very small overload that wasnt building up quick enough started to build and build until you felt it starting to peak over. Your frame shudders as you overload and cry into the gag as your valve winks and gaps open as transfluid slowly leaks from your overstimulated valve. You fall back against the berth as you vent harshly as the overload passes over you.
A tsk beside you makes you freeze.
“I told you I would get to you, now I have to punish you because you can’t wait a fragging second.” Ratchet grumbles from beside you as he sets the datapad aside and picks up the remote increasing the toy up to full blast making your back arch up and a loud muffled sob left you as you squirm and whine as your valve struggles around the toys teasing your sensitive callipers withing your valve.
Worth it, totally worth it! You finally got Ratchet away from his work to spend time with you. It has been a while since the two of you have had a night alone with just the two of you. Spending time with one another was difficult and an overall issue, some nights you spent alone in your shared berth as he was busy working all night and then slept for a small amount of time before heading back to his med-bay and lab to work for Primus knows how long.
You've pleaded with him to spend more time with you, and after an argument that resulted in almost a week of silence between the two of you. You both finally decided to sit down and discuss your feelings and what would be best to keep this relationship steady and strong. Prowl suggested trying something new, your interfacing activities were rather vanilla and dull, so you did some research and found out some things to try.
One of these was a gag, and so far from how Ratchet looked at you. He was enjoying himself. He got aroused at seeing you wiggle and writhe in your bindings and mumbling behind the gag. Seeing your drool and blissed out expression was everything to him. The mech moves a smidge closer and thumbs a digit over your node making your back arch and a muffled squeal of pleasure leaves you as he teases the sensitive bud of your valve.
Oh, yes~
He enjoyed this very much.
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