#Tra fanfiction
cinnamonroll-anon · 7 months
Hello! Can you do a request, Platonic or Friendship of Transformers (Prime, RID 2015, Animated, and others) Autobot kids, of your choice, w/ Reader as a Bot (or Animatronic) who's based on Daycare attendant (Sun/Moon/Eclipse) from Fnaf?
(if its okay add a reactions of the Autobots on Platonic relationship or Friendship between Autobots' kids and Daycare attendant! Reader?)
(Thank you and Hope you doing well!)
A/n: I'm having a wonderful day anon and i hope you do as well! Decided to add everyone's reaction so it's a big post! (I literally love sun and moon, the silly jester's)
Warnings: Fluff, Platonic Care, Friendship/ Guardian Care, Angst
He was more amazed by your design, how gracefully you moved compared to the other bots
You often would invite him to join you into some activities but he'd brush it off saying that he was too old for that kinda stuff (but you did make it look fun)
Then there was your moon form, the switch from you bubbly and exciting personality to a more docile yet protective one was quite baffling to him (also talk about a makeover)
Poor him if you hear about a messed up sleep schedule from being a teenager. Even his mom hasn't been able to get him to bed (he was obviously grumpy about it, but deep down was moved by your care for him.)
When he meets eclipse when he's in danger he feels so shocked but safe. What happened to you?
Has seen and understood the protection protocols you have and just how much you care about their safety.
Definitely still rebellious. If you think she called people her parents as an insult you definitely fit the parental role in her life.
She was at first very outspoken about not wanting you watching over them. (Babysitting her)
And when she tried to show you heavy metal by playing it, you happily supported her by playing a tiny xylophone. (You were trying your best but being excessively loud wasn't your deal)
You'd try to give her the space she needed but you obviously cared about her.
She did think your moon form was awesome. (Especially when she heard about you protection protocols)
You were unsuccessful to get her to sleep at reasonable hours but she ended up growing fond of you. You actually cared and supported her while her parents wanted her to be perfect. And you liked her the way she was.
Would more often than not join the activities you had planned out for them, learning that you were actually loads of fun behind your safety protocols (and human care files)
When she meets eclipse she thinks you're so cool! Yeah kick the cons ass! Definitely tells you that you're like a weapon which makes you feel bad, you worked so hard making sure that would never happen again. She clarifies that she just thinks that you being able to fight makes you awesome in her eyes.
Beyond delighted to meet you! Most bots are busy and don't often have time to chat but you're more than happy to talk to your hearts content with him
He allows your personality to shine, letting you both make fun activities and just hanging out with you
Definitely sees you as a Guardian because his family often overlooks him/ pressures him. But you can give him your undivided attention and compassion. He is still a growing boy
Is practically beaming when he sees your Moon form! "How did you do that!?"
Sometimes he overworks himself on what he's doing and you can always persuade him to rest
You can tell him stories and even play from your built in music box. You definitely help him feel safe and rest easy.
Definitely shows you morning cartoons and you sit happily with him and watch him. He also teaches you about videogames.
When he meets eclipse he's honestly worried about you but also sees that you're not some defenseless bot and you're willing to risk spark and limb to keep them all safe
He knew a bit about your past and he trusts you with the kids. He has no problem believing that you excel at entertaining and protecting them
He knows about your protective protocols and about eclipse and how that came to be
You were a caregiver on cybertron, watching over new bots and keeping them happy and healthy. You took absolute happiness in caring and playing with them, until the war. He knows how you tragically lost all of those under your care, seeing them all perish without being able to stop anything
He knows how that affected you eventually causing a split in your personality. Eclipse was more or less who you were, sun and moon were what you were left with after all the heartbreak.
He's seen how despite not wanting to be on the battlefield, you can definitely kick ass. Seeing you attack ferociously almost in a rampage when he first met you on cybertron
He treats you with much respect and feels easy around you. With how serious the war has been having you around is like a breath of fresh air
Man is a doctor, not a babysitter and he appreciates you
Hes always on edge and his patience is thin so he could never properly take care of the kids, even if he's grown on them (with some favoritism to raf)
At first he didn't really think you had it in you to be an Autobot or watching over the kids but you've shown him just how much you're capable of your work
You can work with the kids, having so much patience and just care for them. He realizes your strength and grows to truly appreciate the care you put into them
He definitely notices when you sometimes grow anxious around the kids but you prioritize them.
He doesn't know why until he asks optimus. His view on you definitely changes, he wonders if you see pieces of the young bots under your care in the kids
Definitely didn't believe in your capabilities in fighting until there came a moment when the kids were in danger. You turned into eclipse, swiftly taking care of the problem before frantically checking over the kids
She finds it funny when Jack comes and complains about your caring nature to her. She cares about him and also nags him, so she bonds with you over that care
Asks more about eclipse while all you can do is politely decline answering her questions. Its a sore spot for you and eclipse is strange to you
She also asks about your past and relates to you. She also had to deal with grief over the war, and she sympathizes with you. She stops pushing for answers and understands what you do and who you are better
Definitely happy to have you stay in base watching over the kids if an emergency happens. She trusts you and is grateful for you.
She finds your music box relaxing.
He loves your personality, he's always happy to see you. But he's even happier to participate in your activities.
He also has fun watching over the kids but you do a stellar job!
He thinks it's cute how you take care of the kids, you just radiate lively energy
Then he sees your moon form and he's pleasantly surprised by the shift. Especially if the kids are staying over for the night. The way you carry yourself with serenity and care is so different but wonderful.
You often ask for them to keep quiet if the kids are sleeping.
He's heard about eclipse but hasn't met them yet.
He's just happy that someone more careful with their feet are taking care of the kids
Hes a big guy with great strength. He tries to be gentle but he can fail, so having you watch over the kids is like taking a sigh if relief.
He may find your switching from sun to moon a bit uncanny but he just doesn't know how to interact with you. (He's nervous and doesn't truly understand how it works)
Sees you try to take care of miko and sometimes apologies for her, even when you told him that this reaction is natural in growing kids
He often overlooks your activities because he doesn't want to accidentally break anything you've set up.
Learns about your past and can't help but feel bad for you. The war has harmed alot of people but how could it rip such a vibrant bot like you.
Happy to have someone that knows what they're doing taking care of the kids.
She enjoys your company when she's more younger. She's always wanted to hangout with the bots more but sometimes she has to sit out certain missions. Luckily you're there to watch over her.
She definitely is happy that you actually know how to take care of humans and understand them. (You downloaded your information)
She was happy to count on you when her father was missing. You definitely made it easier for her and she appreciates you.
When she turns into a teenager that's where some changes happen. She thinks you might watch over her as babysitting and she can take care of herself!
She also puts a bit of a front with your moon form. She's not a little kid and she can stay up longer. (In her opinion, she tends to knockout early thanks to you)
She adores how your personality changes like the sun and the moon.
They day she saw you turn into eclipse she was shocked. "YOU KEPT A SECRET THIS BIG FROM ME???"
She'd love to see eclipse more often but usually gets told to not push it.
Doesn't fully understand humans or taking care of younger ones. He does end up learning by asking Sari and you. He picks up some stuff pretty quickly
He doesn't understand why you were added onto their team from the beginning. They were maintenance bots and you were??? Well, not that.
Your long limbs did prove to be helpful on more than one occasion and you were quite flexible.
He met eclipse when you had saved Sari from getting taken by the Cons. You singlehandedly scared them off and he was frozen in place. You were so quick and fierce getting her back and away from them, yet so gentle at handling her and looking her over for any injuries. He couldn't quite process it for a minute.
He asked you about eclipse and you nervously told him that it was something of mindset that combined both your personalities and it only ever appeared on cybertron. He respected your boundaries and made sure to remember them.
He feels relaxed around your moon form, but your footsteps are so light he forgets that you can still be walking around. (Has to listen closely to pick up on your bells)
At first he was deeply annoyed by you. Especially when you were Sun. He thought he had gotten another energetic and unruly young bot that he'd have to watch over like bumblebee.
Then when you all arrived on earth he saw just how patient you are. You would answer Saris questions, keep her entertained and safe.
He was also caught off guard by your moon form. He's grown more used to your Sun form and gets a bit spooked out at first. He ends up liking how you remind them to rest and just how calm you are. What freaks him out more is when you play your music box.
When he saw eclipse he was more cautious and even a bit frightened at what had just happened. He knew that your personalities weren't a common occurrence, not even on Cybertron, especially when it appeared in a time of high stress.
He became more fascinated in wether eclipse was some way you coped with emergencies or as a fight or flight response. He definitely thought it was a fight response on how you maneuvered yourself against the cons to get Sari back.
He was worried about leaving Sari in your care after that, scared that you could potentially hurt her.
He did some digging through the ship and learned about your past. You were tasked to look after young bots, not necessarily a teacher. He learned that you've been around from before the war and how you were sent to evacuate the young ones to an area away from the fighting only for the Cons to lay siege on the area, thinking it was an Autobot hideout.
He saw that you were basically rehabilitated after being eclipse for so long, but you couldn't go back to your original job because of it.
He saw that you truly cared about Sari and you would protect her and he trusted you again. He just hoped that reverting to eclipse didn't cause any psychological episodes on you. It's hard to read you when you always act like everything is okay.
He didn't think much of you like Ratchet. Already having a taste of another energetic personality (bumblebee) he wasn't exactly excited to work with you.
When you had arrived on earth, much like him, you were curious and open about this planet to the point of downloading just about any information you could find.
Then he saw you watching over Sari and learned that you were also observant and clever. You were sometimes able to get Sari to do things that she would refuse to do (like sleeping early)
He sometimes talks to you about his observations, seeing how you light up and are interested in mundane things like nature with him.
Then he sees your moon from and he greatly enjoys your company. You're much more relaxed and quiet, you seem more docile. Some night he enjoys quietly talking to you.
And then theres eclipse. He didn't even know you could fight. Despite his initial shock his gut feeling tells him to trust you. Especially when you held Sari and were practically all over her asking if she was scared and if she was hurt.
He did want to talk more about eclipse, he knew you would get a bit uncomfortable, but he reasoned that getting better control of eclipse could prove more helpful for you. Eventually he'd get eclipse to come out again, making sure to help you grow accustomed to them.
He learned that Eclipse was more silent and more alert, almost on guard. He'd end up talking to you getting told small bits of your past but he was okay with it. He's more happy that you don't pose a threat to yourself and others
He got along with you! You were so much fun and so active! You weren't reckless like he was but he still enjoyed time with you.
And going to earth didn't change much, except he thinks you became a bit of a buzz kill. It was mostly because he always let Sari tag along and you didn't want her to get hurt.
He knows it comes from a good place at heart but he feels like you nag him a bit.
He wasn't too fond of your moon form. You were quite and usually wanted to talk in a hushed tone (because you had already put Sari to sleep)
He gets to learn more about humans when you and Sari are talking or making a fun activity together. He often joins in on the fun (usually to escape s boring task)
When he met your eclipse form he was bewildered and awkward honestly. "So we're not going to talk about your crazy orange side?"
More blunt about the subject, he wanted answers! But luckily ratchet just told him that when you were ready you'd explain it.
He definitely gets along really well with you. You tend to keep things safe and fun, and he appreciates it
He has grown used to seeing you watch over Sari but he also gets his time to spend with her
You have both actually bonded over art! He makes paintings while you tend to draw adorable stick figures, that you sometimes deck out with glitter glue. Everytime you show him your work he's always positive about it.
As well as bumblebee he's liked you before landing on earth.
At first your moon form caught him off guard, especially when you'd walk around ay night, but he's used to it now.
When he saw Eclipse he was taken aback and frightened. It looked like you but it wasn't quite you. You were defensive and just worried about Sari.
He kept a close eye on the two of you for a while, trying to ease his own nerves.
He confronts you about it, bringing it up gently and you tell him that it's complicated but you didn't intend on scaring anyone. He doesn't judge you and is just happy to have you back.
RID 2015:
He was at first trying to be distant from you. To be fair he saw you like a babysitter and he was trying to act more mature.
He at first would be dismissive at first at your attempts to befriend him but he'd eventually give in with some pressure from his dad.
Eventually he'd find the activities you set up to be actually fun, heck, even his dad would take part in them with him and they'd have a great bonding experience
He'd find your sun colors to be bright but not too oversaturated. You reminded him of a carnival.
When he met your moon form one of the Decepticons managed to break free from his pod at night. Russell was taking a walk with his father and they were about to be trampled until you practically flung the Decepticon away.
And that's when he looked up and saw you. You were so different like this, you changed color and personality, at first he called out to you nervously not sure if you were alright. Luckily after dealing with the Decepticon you leaned down and comforted the two (his dad practically froze on instinct)
Then after getting used to your moon form, being more quiet and peaceful he met your eclipse from. This was probably his favorite form of yours because you were still fun but you were more relaxed
He enjoyed introducing you to new things on earth and answering your questions, you were just so wholesome and excited about it.
Overall he enjoys the time he spends with you, well except when they leave him out of missions and leave him in your care (he's just salty he doesn't get included)
Was concerned when you had also traveled the space bridge with them. Him and strongarm were at least police, sideswipe got dragged along, but you weren't exactly what he'd call cut out for the job.
He struggled to understand where you fit in, sure you had juvenile tendencies but you weren't a handful to deal with like sideswipe. You also tended to follow along but not all to the book like strongarm. You were like your own middle space. When you first arrived on earth you were definitely spending more time looking around and learning about the planet.
He grew fond of your personality, you were optimistic and energetic, which is why it surprised him to see your moon form. Sure you saved Russell from getting stomped but you also took down a whole con. Alone.
He was curious about your moon form, noticing how quieter you were, especially your footsteps, it was harder to hear where you were if it weren't from the bells decorating you.
He overall tried talking to you about it, in which you assured him that this was just how you were, but you didn't think you'd change while on earth. Speaking of changes when you turned into eclipse he thought you broke or something.
It was a high stress situation and you weren't taking it too well but he was walking you through it (to the best of his ability) until he saw you change. In this form you were more grounded and put together and you ended up helping alot like this.
He enjoys watching you interact with Russel and the others, reminds him of when he didn't have the responsibility of a leader. That and too often humored him more than the others. He knows he doesn't have to worry too much about you (especially seeing how capable you were at handling yourself) but sometimes worries when you change between forms. He wonders if it's painful for you.
She was definitely more harsh on you when you first met. As far as she was concerned you were just a civilian that got dragged into this mess, but she didn't dislike you as much as she did with sideswipe.
She thought you were gullible and slowing them down until she realized how crafty you were. She often watched how you partook in "arts and crafts" while watching over Russel but didn't bother to think how clever you were (at least in the situations you were actually in)
She grew more fond of you, especially after you got lost in the forest trying to find her and sideswipe after they had another disagreement. After they both cooled down and returned to base they realized that you've still been gone and it was already nightfall.
Eventually she went out to look for you but was shocked when she found you. You looked different, she almost confused you for a con in the dark. She noticed the change in your body language and voice, you sounded more quiet. You told her to keep your little change a secret and she did.
She honestly prefers your sun to your moon form. You were always cheerful and lively that seeing you so docile and quiet made her nervous. That and when she saw the way you had practically flipped a con like it was nothing.
When she met your eclipse form she approached you with more curiosity, asking if you were feeling well. You explained that you were okay but your heightened stress would often have you revert back to this.
She's understanding of your personalities and has enjoyed having you as her friend, especially when you talk to her about something new from earth.
Oh boy where to begin. He didn't mind your presence but didn't seem interested to get to know you. He was all about action but he knew you weren't a total buzzkill.
After a while you ended up becoming his voice of reason, like a friend that was watching out over him and Russel if they were getting into more dangerous activities.
He enjoyed hanging out with you a ton, finding himself participating in any activities you were doing with Russel and Denny. He warmed up to you easily with your enthusiasm yet caring personality.
His jaw practically hit the floor when he saw your moon from, the way you threw that Decepticon like they were nothing had him flabbergasted. "Since when can you do that!?"
He was freaked out at first but then was practically beaming at how awesome you were. He found your moon form more calming to be around especially at night. He was more than happy to give your form a chance but he also wanted you to take down more cons (he wanted to see you go berserk again)
Then he saw your eclipse form and he couldn't decide how he was feeling about you, on one hand, this was another one of your surprises but on the other you were more sure of yourself and also helping out more in this form.
He's happy to call you his friend, especially when he convinces you to do something reckless with him. bumblebee always scolds him for being a bad influence, but in his opinion a little fun never hurt anyone.
When he first saw you he thought you were funny looking, in a good way! He loved the way your personality reflected the way you looked. You were like a little sun!
He was definitely 100% on board with anything you wanted to do. You always made up new ways to have fun. He did feel bad about arts and crafts though, he wasn't too careful and he'd more often than that break his creation, but you always comforted him and encouraged him forward.
The night the con had escaped its pod he practically had a heart attack as he saw you charge at the con, before sighing in relief when you successfully knocked them out. He was cheering loudly for you as you were attacking the con, telling you to go all out.
Other than that he liked your moon form, not only were you great at fighting but you became more caring and calm. He was actually the one that discovered your music box and at night would often ask for you to play it. (It helps him relax a lot, especially because it's also with you)
This man was so shocked seeing your eclipse form. He would often joke around with you about how you kept it a secret. You were amazing in your eclipse form, you kept your knowledge and strength in fighting but you were also a great teammate, he'd love to go on missions more with you.
He's honestly a sweetheart with you and gets along well with any form you're in.
He was more amazed at your appearance. He wasn't used to seeing many bots but you were so different and stylized.
You were more understanding with his glitching, more often than not laughing to yourself at his mix up. You also were happy to befriend him more than the others. He believed it was because you didn't have much experience seeing a minicon.
Then he saw your moon from and was practically gushing at you. He had never seen another bot do whatever you just did! The personality changes gave it away that you were different from any regular bot.
He ended up trying to do some research, it's not that you were a different bot entirely. His conclusions led him to believe that something in your past caused this spilt in your personality.
He felt more safe around you whenever you stayed behind to look after the base when bumblebee had left for a mission, trusting that your moon side could protect them.
When he saw eclipse he was practically speechless. It made him ask all sorts of questions on why you were like this. You ended up being a bit vulnerable and explaining that you weren't sure why you were made like this and that you were sorry if this all made him upset.
He reassured you that he didn't think any less of you because of it, he actually compared it to his glitching. It wasn't regular but it made you both unique.
He's very warm and friendly towards you, he likes having you around, especially when you include him in whatever you're working on. He always ends up having a blast and he feels lucky to have a friend like you!
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yup-thats-me · 26 days
—haori • Iguro. O
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pairing; husband!Iguro x wife!reader summary; seeing the serpent hashira become jealous over a kid is not something a normal person would even dream of, but here the man was, absolutely smitten by his darling wife. warning; none
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Y/n's husband was grumbling yet again, the object being, of course, Kamado Tanjiro.
"That kid's gonna die by my hands!"
"What has he done to face the wrath of the serpent hashira, Iguro?" Y/n asked him smiling as she stitched his torn haori. In a second, all the fury from his dual chrome eyes vanished.
Igura sat beside Y/n, taking her hand to his lips, and kissing gently. “How can I not be angry, my love? He was talking to you as if you were chums!” It was an honor to see the man become so lovesick and tender—an experience only Y/n could have.
She put her hand on his cheek, caressing ever so gently. “I was the one who asked him about his sister. He’s a good kind, Iguro.”
Iguro became somewhat deflated at his lover’s words. He could only smile, accepting his defeat. “But still!” he whined as a last resort.
Seeing him almost made Y/n giggle, but she composed herself and instead kissed his cheek, enjoying the way Iguro’s face became flushed red. “I hope my wonderful husband isn't feeling envious towards a little kid?” Iguro could sense the playfulness in her words, but he was simply too overjoyed to care. He simply shook his head, like a child denying that he stole a candy.
Smiling, she continued with the task at hand, pushing the needle through the tear, slowly filling the gap. The air around them was quiet, and peaceful so.
“Even though, dear, Tanjiro is a promising boy,” she said unconsciously as she glanced over her handiwork.
Iguro perked up at this. “What makes you say that, my love?’’
“Well,” she put the haori over his shoulder. “No one could land a hit on my husband during this training, and he did so in four days no less.”
Even though Iguro felt a surge of pride and happiness spread across his chest as she called him her “husband”, he had to agree with the sentiment.
“It infuriates me…but you’re right.” He sighed, hugging Y/n close. “I do hope he becomes a hashira when this all is over. Then I’d challenge him to a battle!” And there he was, the most intimidating and unfriendly hashira of the demon slayer corps, the lovesick fool of them all.
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do not steal, copy or translate my work on any other site. all belongs to yup-thats-me™️ on tumblr
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findingcrow · 10 months
my friend is fucking amazing and wrote a oneshot of hurt/comfort will treaty and halt ocarrick being a father and holy shit its one of the most beautifully written things I've ever gotten to read and its sickening how well they did it and oh my god
im advertising it here because the tra fandom NEEDS this more than it needs oxygen and also they deserve ever bit of praise ever
@iwanttobepersephone @an1d10t (im sorry im like 90% sure you two are my only moots on here) (if you guys don't like being tagged in stuff like this please lmk)
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curiouselleth · 1 year
I've seen a lot of posts talking about if the elves in the Silmarillion would tra-la-la-lally, so, should they?
Also if anyone has any strong opinions on where in I should put it, I would love to here them!
Little (oops it's long) explanation for Be He Foe or Friend and more detailed update on progress and eventual posting under the cut! (I'll make a dedicated post for explaining Be He Foe or Friend next)
It's a Silmarillion choose your own adventure book I'm writing! I've been tagging all my posts about it with "be he foe or friend". It starts in Valinor before the Darkening, and is written from the perspective of Lalwen, one of Finwe's daughters and a textual ghost. We know she went to Middle Earth with Fingolfin... but that's all we know. So it will read as if you are Lalwen, and at the end of each chapter, you will have to make a choice, for example (and this whole bit here is just a example, I am not using this one):
What do you want to do as Princess of the Noldor? and you will have 2 or 3 options, like joining the Court, heading projects in the city, (construction, socail programs, etc.) or serving (insert favorite/least hated vala here). Each choice is tied to a certain chapter, so if you choose to serve in the court, you would jump to the chapter "Finwe's Advisors are Annoying" rather than just going to the next page with the chapter "In the Halls of Aule".
In some later chapters where survival might be a question, I'm thinking it could be fun to roll dice to determine that, like if you were in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears you would roll a 100 sided die, and if you got 98 or above you survive. (I'm still kinda rotating how this part should work)
As of when I'm posting this, I have roughly 4 3/4 chapters written! (and I'm realizing I really should make a dedicated post explaining this 😅) I'm planning to separate this into separate books, with this first one ending shortly after the Host of Fingolfin arrives in Middle Earth (probably shortly after Fingolfin is crowned). It's working title right now is Blessed Lands and Colder Seas.
As of now I estimate 26 or so chapters in this book, but there are probably quite a few I can combine. But I will probably find that I need more chapters in certain parts so I can't say for sure how many. What makes this complicated is that, no you won't be reading 26 chapters. Because for each decision you make at the end of a chapter, there will be 1 or 2 other chapters for the other choices... and it all branches off so there really will be 6 or 7 chapters as you read through. (I am so sorry if this doesn't make sense I don't know how else to word it)
Now, when am I posting this and where? That is an amazing question that I would love the answer to if anyone knows... anyone? 😂 Okay in all seriousness, I think I will start posting once I reach the halfway point of this book, I will definitely try posting on ao3 (which I will link), and if there's interest, I can try posting here on tumblr too.
Okay well this is three times longer than I expected it to be, but I think that's everything, (for now!) Namárië!
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tathrin · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where it gives the Mirkwood pov. Just sort of inhuman and unique opinions about the kindly beings living “in you”, then Sauron and his folks squatting/infecting.
An answer to this ask prompt.
Ooooooh that sounds amazing. Anon, I absolutely love it. That's briliant. Altough...it sounds like it should be told by someone whose writing has a much more poetic bent than mine does, tbh.
Hey @sallysavestheday @katajainen I feel like this concept might be up one or both of your alleys perhaps...?
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patemi-pk · 1 year
Game of Evron
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Sotto l'ardente splendore di un inatteso sole, le orde di schiavi affrancati devastavano i favi di incubazione. Una visione inconcepibile. Mai ti potresti aspettare la tua fetta di vitello saltare dal piatto per strangolarti. Così il Sommo Archiatra Zeron osservava dalle vetrate della Volta lo scempio compiuto al cuore dell'Impero.
La stirpe predatrice predata nella sua tana. Sdegno riempiva i suoi occhi. L'Impero era morto, ma non c'era da ricominciare daccapo. C'era bisogno di un nuovo Impero. Un Impero Invitto.
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Le navi si riempivano, i vettori di conquista diventavano rifugi per derelitti. Sbandati guerrieri perdevano le guide di una vita, gli schemi psichici fremevano di fronte al disastro. Solo una figura rimaneva fieramente eretta, certa che il domani sarebbe risorto. Un capannello di scienziati faceva la spola per chiedere ordini e pareri. Il Saggio Tra Noi rispondeva con quieta fermezza. La conservazione del cuore della civiltà di Evron doveva essere espletata. Lui aveva previsto. Sapeva della fine. Le parabole lobacevskiane di decadimento micografico ad accelerazione xeroniana erano chiare all'occhio esperto. Adattare le equazioni psicostoriche ai parametri di società alveare non era stato immediato, ma le recenti evoluzioni genetiche individuali avevano semplificato il processo. L'Impero doveva cadere. Il limite massimo sarebbe stato un ventennio. La causa esterna era stato un inaspettato plusvalore. Avrebbe permesso di conservare ciò che era importante e ottimizzare la rinascita. Ora mancava una guida per concentrare gli sforzi. Era pronto.
Continua (?)
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colachampagne3 · 1 year
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(T), orufrey, 1.4k/? (1/4), Alternative Universe - Magical Realism, Love at first sight, strangers to something like friends and family to lovers
(I translated the prologue here, when the story will be complete I'll decide if annoy someone to help me translate it all)
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themhac · 10 months
tra l'altro argomento jacopo mai nominato, argomento suic1di0 nemmeno, ma simone avrà qualcosa da raccontare o la sua intera personalità è essere sottone?
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messedupfan · 29 days
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It's official!! The Everything is Fanfiction officially has a new co-host!! Everyone please give a warm welcome to @somewhatgreatexpectations!!!
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 10 months
“no purity”
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❤︎ synopsis — he’s such a tease… always egging you on and irritating you. so now, he’ll just prove his point to you over and over again
pairing: vessel x afab!reader
theme: smut ❣︎
a/n: first sleep token fic! this was done per the request of my lovely friend @dead-end-fanfiction , the ask will be linked here. enjoy~
cw: nsfw content. gender neutral pronouns for the reader. thigh riding. lots of teasing from vessel. slight dirty talk. degradation.
“you’re tense, darling,”
“shut up, i know i am,”
how did they find themself in this situation again?
y/n was currently perched up on vessel’s thigh, staring down at him with a mixture of both irritation and anticipation. their breath was haste, dripping with an unknown sense of desire as they stared down the dark, mysterious man, who only wore a pearly white grin underneath his mask.
they were both in vessel’s office. he was leaned back against his red, velvety chair, the fabric brushing against vessel’s bare thighs. he looked cozy, despite the rather sexual situation he was in with the person who’s thighs were straddling his leg.
vessel just let out a chuckle, amused by the predicament they both found themselves in.
“well?” he started out, his voice feigning innocence underneath his knowing smirk. “you gonna start moving or what?”
they could only scowl at the masked man, not appreciating how smug he was being. “with that attitude, i won’t be moving at all.” y/n hissed out with narrow eyes, but that only seemed to amuse this eccentric deity.
“oh, honey… you’re the one that started this, remember?” vessel reminded, his tone velvety smooth with cockiness laced into his mannerisms. “i can sit here all day, and not do a single thing… just watching you drip your wetness all over my thigh,”
y/n was about to retort back, but they bit their tongue. as much as they wanted deny it, vessel was right; they did start this. but it wasn’t even intentional!
they just wanted to ask vessel a question. one. simple. question. but of course, the dark figure had to pull one of his wild cards, irritating y/n and prompting them to challenge vessel.
and that challenge? well, it was a battle of self control.
stripped completely of their pants, with nothing but their shirt on, vessel followed suit, and the two of them were just staring at each other, lust clearly clouding their eyes. sheet music was scattered all over the floor because of how haste vessel had gotten with putting y/n in this position, but he didn’t care.
especially when he got to tease them like this.
“look at you… so turned on just from sitting on my thigh,” the entity mocked with a provocative tease.
vessel’s voice was slickly sweet, a hint of mischief was in his tone. he was amused; amused at how easy it was to get y/n going. they were soaking wet all over his thigh, so much so that it was shimmering in the dimly lit room.
y/n could only roll their eyes at vessel’s words, their nails digging into his shoulders a little more. “you’re one to talk about being turned on, especially when your little friend over there seems to be having a bit of a problem.”
they nudged their knee in between vessel’s legs, brushing it against his clothed, hardened erection. he let out a rather loud groan from the contact, and vessel just chuckled lustfully.
“little? you wound me, dearie. it’s not little at all.” vessel spoke with a smug tone, a smirk evident on his face. “quite the opposite, actually.”
“shut up. we’re not gonna start talking about your dick.” y/n quickly shot down, blushing when they realized what vessel’s words entailed.
“awh look at that! you’re already blushing at the thought of me being too big and thick for you to handle.” he practically cackled out, relishing in the embarrassed emotions y/n was feeling.
they could only scoff and whip their head to look away from vessel. y/n didn’t have any sort of witty comment to get back at vessel.
they hated that he was so right too.
“now then… how about we get on track again, eh?” he spoke so smoothly, but his voice had so much arrogance to it. y/n gritted their teeth upon hearing this, but they just couldn’t be mad at him, not when they were being so intimate like this.
“you’re so goddamn annoying.”
“sure i am, but you love it. that’s why you’re so goddamn wet all over me.”
y/n really wanted to wipe that smirk off of vessel’s face, but they couldn’t bring themselves to. going back and forth with vessel has only gotten them more worked up, and they haven’t even done anything to relieve themself of this aching sensation that pooled in their stomach.
and vessel definitely took notice of this.
gripping their hips more tightly, vessel’s brazen and calloused fingers dug into the sides of y/n’s hips. he bounced his knee upwards teasingly to send jolts of pleasure up y/n’s body, making them whine out loud.
“fuck!” they moaned loudly, digging their nails into vessel’s shoulders.
“ahh… there we are, there’s the little slut talking.” he chided with a smirk, knowing the power he has over y/n.
it didn’t help that the friction only caused y/n to become even more wet. they could feel their leaking juices trickle down their inner thigh and onto vessel’s skin. and through it all, vessel still just emitted a cocky and sexy aura that made y/n just want to ruin their cunt all over his thigh.
it was so humiliating, but it turned them on so fucking much.
“i won’t repeat myself, darling.” vessel spoke with a taunting, almost threatening tone that was shrouded in promiscuous desire. “start grinding that pretty pussy on me, or i’ll make you move myself.”
his words were vulgar, but his words and the way he delivered them had so much power to them it drive y/n crazy.
y/n didn’t even think twice before they slowly started moving their hips in an up and down rhythm, keeping their pace slow. it felt like time had stopped for them specifically, just a little world where vessel and y/n could let their desires spill.
y/n rutted their puffy cunt all over vessel’s thigh, smearing his ashy skin with their juices. that feeling of doing all the work to get themselves off while vessel just sat there watching, it was enough to make y/n whimper from both frustration and arousal.
“g-god fucking dammit … mmmmh…” they managed to rasp out, and vessel groaned in response.
“that’s it… move your hips just like that..” vessel growled out, his nails digging crescent-shaped marks into y/n’s hips.
he guided their hips along his bare thigh, keeping his hands tight on y/n’s body as they were grinding up and down on his leg. the way they were moving just turned vessel on even more, the sight was so hot.
“ahh.. would ya look at that? you’re moving like a fucking pornstar.” vessel spat out, his voice still holding that lustrous tone that kept y/n whining and grinding on his leg.
“where’d you learn to do that, eh? you sleepin’ around with the other band members or what?” his voice was sharp, and a bit cruel. he just kept on speaking. “going around like the bitch in heat you are, getting other mens’ dicks wet for your dripping wet cunt? such a fucking slut… you’d do anything to get yourself off, won’t you?”
but those words just encouraged y/n to keep riding vessel’s thigh like no tomorrow, their movements speeding up slightly. they didn’t even bother to respond to vessel’s humiliating words.
vessel took notice of this immediately, and let out a lustful scoff, bouncing his leg up again to make y/n moan loudly. “mmmh.. not talking now, huh? that’s fine…”
he lifted them up slightly, and changed the angle to which y/n was riding his thigh, making it more pleasurable for their nether regions.
“just keep riding my thigh and prove to me what a little slut you are.”
and ride they did. y/n was moving their hips in such an erotic and frantic rhythm, it caused both parties to moan and groan from the feeling. that’s all they could think of; up, down. up down.
y/n hated how easily vessel got to them, how his words could turn them from a prissy, almost bratty little spitfire, to a mess of nothing but lust, desire and frustration.
but it always had them yearning for more. and damn did they love it.
as they continued to spread their juices all over vessel, their frantic movements were slowly pushing them closer to orgasm, that blissful climax they’ve been craving all this time.
“v-vessel… i’m so close..” y/n mewled out, and vessel was savoring that sound and feeling.
“oh.. you want to cum? does this whore want to cum all over me?” vessel questioned with that cruel, teasing voice.
he gripped their hips tightly and forced them down on his leg more, causing them to cry out in pleasure. “say it. say that you want it,”
“i-i want to cum! i want to cum all over your thigh! all over myself like the whore i am!” y/n practically screamed, getting desperate for a release.
vessel was satisfied to hear that; and so he guided their hips more across his leg to aid them to a climax. “that’s it… that’s the slut i love so much… now cum. cum all over the place.”
it seemed that his words were on command, because y/n’s hips spasmed wildly and their threw their head over vessel’s shoulder, crying out loudly in pleasure as they came all over his leg.
warm liquid trickled down their inner thighs and all over vessel’s leg, their essence coating his leg white. y/n breathed heavily to catch their breath, and vessel just chuckled and patted their head reassuringly.
“good little pet.” is all he said, a smile can be heard from his tone of voice.
after a bit of time of calming down, y/n caught their breath and attempted to get up from vessel’s leg, but his strong hands forced them to straddle his leg again, making them whine.
“vessel…?” y/n questioned with a slightly dazed tone, but the dark entity just chuckled.
“oh no… i’m not done with you yet, sweetie.” vessel whispered. he moved his hands to unbuckle the belt on the loops of his pants, sagging the clothing down. y/n looked down with wide eyes, watching vessel’s hardened cock spring free.
but he only chuckled knowingly. this was going to be a long night.
“i hope you’re ready for round two, baby, because it’s going to just get better from here.”
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jegonriver · 1 year
Part 2 of my Raphael notes and observations from combing over the House of Hope, be warned these may be spoiler-ish:
There's a copy of the DnD-verse K*ma S*tra in his boudoir, I cant remember what its called tho its like quarta serto or something.
There is an eternal debtor that worships Raphael's used chamberpot. There's an action to 'use' it but tbh I was not interested in trying it out.
There is a voyeur eternal debtor that Raphael instructed to always stand outside the boudoir and watch what goes on inside but never to join. She seems pretty into it.
Most of the plaques, scrolls, books etc suggest he has a strong sense of justice and a love of rules and laws which makes sense.
As a child, Gortash was sold by his parents to Raphael to pay a debt and he was kept in the prison and regularly beaten until he escaped.
Signs letters and instructions with 'R'
Has a 100 chapter book he's written of what is essentially fanfiction-esque imaginings he has of different in which he is coronated Archdevil Supreme, one of which is of course the scenario in which you give him the crown. The book describes some different chapters as being written as though they are historical fact, others as imagined futures.
One book describes how he himself created the Orphic Hammer to be able to break any infernally created chains.
Korilla has transcribed two scrolls of conversations Raphael has had with Hope. The first of which he askes Hope to sing him a nursery rhyme. The example he gives her when Hope is confused is a suggestive rhyme.
"Little Miss Teffle, sat on her kettle, steam blowing between her lips. Along came her oven, in need of some loving, and soon she had scalded hips."
Hope sings for him a nursery rhyme from her childhood and when the song ends Raphael sighs contentedly. He's so pleased he offers her the opportunity to be master of her own fate as a reward. She calls him "Sweet Raphael" and then tells him to eat shit. He responds with what sounds like genuine shock/disappointment "But..." and Korilla describes him as looking at Hope with immense "longing and hate", then implies she'll be punished.
In the 2nd transcription Raphael torments Hope with a jar filled with nightmares. Before doing so he says "Serve me then! Damn your pride and serve me with your whole heart!" She still says no, and he is disappointed and calls her naughty.
Oh also, he calls Hope by the pet name Sweetling, describes her as "my tenacious petal clinging to the flower despite winter, nature, and all common sense", and he also calls her 'dear one'
If you talk to Korilla she says Hope is Raphael's 'favourite toy', Raphael offered Hope "the world, but she didnt want it. He sweetened the deal; she said no. No matter how many times he upped the ante, she just laughed in his face. He didn't like that."
Korilla goes on to say "Eventually, he took her by force. Trapped her and swore he wouldn't let her go 'til she gave him what he wanted."
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Hello There Humans! You are conversing with Donnieslefteyebrow9000! Welcome To My Blog ( ^ω^ )
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I love cartoons,art, fanfiction, and making edits
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Thank you pookies 😘
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trash-bin-ary · 3 months
I don’t write fanfiction but uh I should be asleep but I’m thinking about Kelsey and Trudy so have this alphabetical list of the chapter titles of a theoretical fanfic (they’d also all start with [letter] for [word])
Affection - Kelsey being fond of Trudy
Baking - Trudy bakes with Kelsey
Cooking- Trudy cooks with Kelsey
Divorce - Kelsey witnesses tuckers A+ husband behavior in person
Entranced - oh Kelsey in love but she won’t think it plainly
Flirting - testing the waters
Girl-friend - Kelsey and Trudy hanging out and being friends that are both girls (tuckers like hm 🤨)
Homosexual - Kelsey is in love and thinking it plainly
Innuendo - talking with tony about it
Jealous - Kelsey thinking I’d treat Trudy so much better than tucker
Kids - things are happening in the trout household and Kelsey’s worried for those kids
Love - contrasting Kelsey and tucker
Marriage - now is when Trudy and tucker divorce
Nauseous - Trudy ain’t taking it well
Open - Trudy is working it out, Kelsey saying her place is open to her (and her kids and her kids are like 🤨)
Pleasure - Trudy worked it out and is having a nice time with Kelsey
Queer - Kelsey is like hey women like women
Risky - Trudy is scared of that
Soften - Trudy maybe like Kelsey just a little bit
Touching - yeah okay Trudy’s interested hesitant hand holding time
Undercover- Trudy does not want this to be public knowledge but everyone’s like ���
Visitor - tucker comes a knocking
Watching- waking up on a new day and it being peaceful
X-tra ordinary - day in their life
Zestful - it’s a good life
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fang-toothed · 9 months
Reading ao3 as a radfem is frustrating but unexpectedly hilarious.
I’ll be scrolling down through Harry Potter fics and 90% of them have “#also fuck jkr” or a “DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT SUPPORT JKR’s BIGOTED VIEWS” or something along those lines. There are no such tags or warnings for shows or movies with directors accused of rape, actors who are rapists, or anything from Stephen King (a pedophile). A woman with lukewarm feminist views is apparently more insidious than a man who has repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted. Wow.
The funniest thing I’ve ever encountered TRA-wise was when the author randomly inserted an encounter where the protagonist finds out JKR made “transphobic remarks” and breaks down in tears. A grown man - and a “cis” one at that - with extensive military experience breaks down because an author said that men aren’t women and women’s spaces should be protected. I’m not kidding. It was so abrupt that I burst out laughing. The (fanfic) author was so hopelessly deep into this cult masquerading as a movement that she thought this was a reasonable thing to add - or, perhaps, she had invested herself so deeply into this character that she couldn’t bear to write him responding in a reasonable way.
Idk if many radfems on here read fanfiction, but I’d love to hear any experiences you’ve had regarding TRA influence. My largest complaint, though, would probably be all of the “girlpenis” forcibly inserted into lesbian relationships - and to a lesser extent, the “boypussy” in gay male relationships. Art (though I hate to call this nonsense “art”) imitates life, it seems.
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faeriekorr · 10 months
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Another sketch I did for the Collab with @jack-jerky <3
18+, Smutty Version below! As well as the previous drawing!!
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blogitalianissimo · 5 months
Sempre molto bello consumare prodotti americani dove si fa romanticizzazione (?) della mafia. Tra fan fiction, libri trash, film, film basati su libri trash basato su Fanfiction, c'è veramente l'imbarazzo della scelta. Particolarmente consigliato per gli stitici👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Qua più che mafia romanticizzata abbiamo visto solo dei festini stile Arcore e la sindrome di Stoccolma più stupida di sempre, ad un certo punto speravo si ricordassero di essere dei mafiosi e ci proponessero le teste di cavallo nel letto come da tradizione, ma niente ahimè
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