#Tree Style Tabs
estonian-is-horrible · 10 months
you've all heard about (and got real tired of) kaksteist kuud, now get ready for
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techniktagebuch · 4 months
Mai 2024
Immer offene Browsertabs, der späte Beginn einer Chronik (XI)
Im letzten Update dieser Chronik im August 2023 hatte ich nach über zwei Jahren mit dem Firefox-Plugin “Tree Style Tab” knapp 70 Tabs offen. Jetzt sind es zwischen 200 (wenn ich gute Vorsätze gefasst und aufgeräumt habe) und 300 (wenn nicht). "Die meisten davon dienen als Erinnerung an noch nicht vollständig umgesetzte Pläne oder Projekte" schrieb ich im letzten Update, und das ist immer noch so, "oder es sind lange Texte, die ich irgendwann noch weiterlesen will". Letzteres mache ich inzwischen nicht mehr, aus Tab-Sparsamkeit und weil ich eingesehen habe, dass ich doch nie weiterlese.
"Die immer offenen Tabs stehen in dieser linken Spalte ganz oben", schrieb ich im letzten Update, beziehungsweise vorher "ganz links", als sie noch am oberen Bildschirmrand angeordnet waren. Das stimmt im Prinzip immer noch, nur sind jetzt so viele Tabs geöffnet, dass ich weit nach unten scrollen muss, um zu Dingen zu gelangen, die ich täglich brauche.
Von oben nach unten:
Das Google Spreadsheet mit dem Gemeinschaftstagebuch (seit April 2020)
Ein Tag-Baum bestehend aus einem Libby-Tab (deshalb), einem Goodreads-Tab und zwei Storygraph-Tabs. Goodreads und Storygraph brauche ich sowieso täglich, um dort gelesene Bücher einzutragen, außerdem befinde ich mich in einem (stagnierenden) Projekt zur manuellen Ergänzung meiner Anfang 2024 nicht ganz vollständig automatisch zu Storygraph importierten Goodreads-Lesedaten. Ich müsste bei vielen hundert Büchern noch das Datum ergänzen, eine sehr langweilige Aufgabe.
Tumblr (seit Februar 2014), wegen des Techniktagebuchs
Telegram (nutze ich seit Januar 2015, scheint sich aber als separates Tab erst später etabliert zu haben)
Facebook Messenger (seit Mai 2015; vor allem wegen des Techniktagebuch-Redaktionschats, der aus historischen Gründen dort wohnt)
Discord (seit ca. 2020, vorher auch schon mal). 2023 hatte ich "leider immer noch nur selten Gelegenheit, es auch zu nutzen", das hat sich mittlerweile geändert. Allerdings nutze ich es fast nur am Handy, weil die Browserversion immer wieder Neuanmeldung verlangt. Die Anmeldung ist zwar nicht umständlich (QR-Code mit der Discord-App am Handy scannen), aber dann kann ich Discord auch gleich am Handy benutzen, vor allem, weil ich dort sowieso fast nur lese und sehr wenig schreibe.
WhatsApp (seit Anfang 2021) – vor etwa fünf Jahren wurde es nur von Rentnerinnen im Umfeld meiner Mutter genutzt, inzwischen kenne ich selbst 15 bis 20 Leute, die es bevorzugen.
der Chat von Google, der so oft umbenannt wird, dass es mir egal ist, wie er diese Woche heißt (seit Juni 2023, aus beruflichen Gründen und wegen einer Freundin, die diesen Kanal bevorzugt)
Gmail – eigentlich hatte ich das Tab 2016 geschlossen, und offenbar hatte ich danach bis 2023 keines. Jetzt ist es wiedergekommen, ohne dass ich sagen könnte, warum.
Slack – nachdem es letztes Jahr noch bei den weggefallenen Tabs auftauchte, ist es bald danach wiedergekommen. Das liegt daran, dass ich mein Openstreetmap-Editier-Hobby durch ein Open-Library-Editier-Hobby ersetzt habe und die Open Library es für den Austausch nutzt. Wenn man Slack täglich benutzt, entfällt das Problem, dass man sich ständig auf die umständlichste Weise neu anmelden muss, es stört mich jetzt also nicht mehr.
Als Kinder dieses Slack-Tabs um die 20 Tabs, die mit verschiedenen häufig gebrauchten Open-Library-Dingen zu tun haben: Anleitungen, Projekte, Suchen, Wikipediaeinträge, Vorlagen
Mastodon – seit Sommer 2022.
Mastodon Techniktagebuch-Account (seit irgendwann nach März 2023, damit ich als Techniktagebuch fremde Beiträge reposten kann)
Mastodon botsin.space – seit irgendwann in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2023 für meine verschiedenen zu Mastodon umgezogenen Twitterbots. Seit dem Ende von Twitter betrachte ich sie allerdings nicht mehr mit Liebe, sondern wie etwas, das mich an eine unglücklich beendete Beziehung erinnert, nämlich die zu Twitter. Deshalb nutze ich dieses Tab eigentlich fast nie.
Google Keep (seit Juli 2015)
Google Drive (seit etwa 2006)
Unter den meisten dieser Tabs hängen (im Baum-System von Tree Style Tabs) mehrere Kinder-Tabs. Darin sind die Seiten, die ich aus dem jeweiligen Eltern-Tab heraus geöffnet und mit denen ich noch Pläne habe.
Unterhalb der hier aufgelisteten immer offenen Tabs kommen noch Tabs, die eigentlich auch immer offen sind (jedenfalls seit Monaten), aber nicht, weil ich sie ständig brauche, sondern nur, weil sie mich an Pläne und Projekte erinnern.
Darunter kommen dann noch die, die gerade aus flüchtigen Gründen geöffnet sind. Hier räume ich alle paar Tage auf und schließe die nicht mehr benötigten.
(Kathrin Passig)
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Is there a treestyle tabs extension for Firefox on Android devices? I looked it up but I couldn't find anything
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rusquared · 8 months
firefox i love u and all that u stand for... but what must i do to get u to copy edge's vertical tabs UI
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sab-vs-self · 11 months
Quietly envious of Firefox modders like I was of UnixPorn rices when I was a lowly Rainmeter user.
I think I started out as an ElementaryOS user (it was sleek and pretty.) It was frustrating to use, something was always broken and someone related to the project was always in drama so I moved back to Windows. The funniest thing about my first installation of Elementary was that the install was broken and you had to rename a folder and add a file for it to work.
Came in-and-out of Linux with some Debian flavours. Settled with Ubuntu because I wanted something with a large enough community that I could have someone else give me fast solutions to problems that come up.
Changed my window manager from Budgie to i3 and ended up with my first rice that was super helpful when I didn't have a mouse for my half-dead laptop. Now I dual boot Linux + Windows and also switch between budgie, i3, and gnome depending on the aesthetics I want that day. I will also say that I wish I never upgraded to Windows 11 because WSL is broken for me. (If I'm doing something wrong let me know pls). If you're considering Linux then this can help you choose a distro that will suit you.
For spicing up Windows:
Wallpaper Engine
More things at Deviantart like pretty cursor sets
It is amazing how my software life always evolves because I'm chasing the next pretty customisable thing (and I did NOT have enough RAM for Windows + programs).
At my last job I ended up buying an extra 32gb because just running to preview my PRs would routinely crash my laptop. We weren't even sure it was the space issue at first because everyone else had Macs so no one could reproduce my problem 🥹
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ask-the-pioneer · 21 days
(OOC) Hey, do you know of any other cool rainworld ask blogs you could recommend to check?
I sure do!
@thunder-wolf64 is working on an AU in which one of Arti's pups (the green one, here named Sizzling Waters) gets adopted by scavs, and later reunites with his, erm, mentally unstable mom. If you are a reader who wants to see an AU with evil Arti, you will certainly enjoy Thunder's creations.
@threestarsaboveclouds is an iterator ask-blog that belongs to @delta-orionis, their posts are LONG and full of lore and I am honestly in awe people like Delta give so much to the RW fandom - it's free, high quality entertainment done purely for hobby. I have a lot of respect for their work. Besides, TSAC's color palette is very striking, which is what has initially drawn me to this AU.
@ask-the-colony-tree-siblings is @mushroominaforest's ask blog, and in this AU Arti and Hunter are siblings! Also, Mushroom's art style is a treat and immediately recognizable and I'm happy when i see it pop up in RW tag.
@firecracker-pup is run by @batnip; in a way it's a sibling-askblog to mine because both of our AUs center around the reinterpretation of Artificer's blue pup.
Honorable mentions:
@spotsupstuff's takes on RW lore and all their work surrounding iterators (my biggest blind spot) had my jaw drop to the ground and roll off into the seas - it's brilliant. I kid you not when I say I have +20 tabs open right now waiting there so I can binge-read Spot's posts once I get a free evening. There's so much of it... and I am ready to feast.
@opashoo has been working on a conlang for slugcats that I am 100% going to use in my AU. If you want to see amazing RW animations, art, and lore discussions, please follow her!
I'll admit, I feel like a lot of ask-blogs have died in the last 6 months? A handful of artists that were considered big - left the fandom. I'm not quite sure why that happened, but I'm hoping that the Watcher DLC brings some of them back (maybe).
-- Kali
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radioactivedotcom · 11 months
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👽 alien set 👽 [conversions] - SIMBLREEN 2023 TREAT 01
yep, i have reused the image. sue me. anyway, alien plants!! mm style! 3 grasses, 42 plants and 10 trees. hope you like it :D
reminder that you can mess with the plant's sizes in game by using the [ ] keys :)
– 55 packages –
all lods
mostly all between 1k and 6k polygons. maybe 2-3 at 10k.
find them by typing [RDC] or Alien Set in the search bar
credits for 3D models&textures can be found in the description boxes
recolors are very welcome!! (and yes you can include the mesh, in builds as well, as long as there’s NO PAYWALL)
– through here for all my s4 downloads –
tag me if you use!
download: sfs - mediafire (unzip and drop in your mods folder)
––– links not working? try right-clicking and opening in a new tab!
~ have fun ~
{•̴͈ ˔̇ •̴͈}
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jovial-thunder · 7 months
Lancer Tactics devlog
I'm gonna try out posting my ~monthly devlog roundup here as well. These suckers are glorified changelogs with anecdotes and gifs galore. Let me know if this is something you like seeing show up on your dash?
Map Editor
Got units able to be placed/deleted/moved in the mission editor
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Can paint/remove command zones in the editor
Can paint minecraft-like terrain blocks in the editor
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Can paint/rotate multi-tile props in the editor
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Can edit unit character sheets and portrait via the editor
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3D maps
Did a bunch of art tests with 3D mech models, provided by GeneralChaos, which we ended up deciding not to go with to keep things simple.
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To avoid the can of worms that is animation, we'd have to lean into a static "tabletop minatures" aesthetic which we decided is not a style we want to be stuck with. By sticking with 2D sprites, we avoid falling into a sort of uncanny valley; it's easier to get away with not animating a 2D sprite than it is for a 3D model.
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 We also experimented with 3D terrain. We decided to make a rule that the visual style for a piece of terrain should match its mechanical effect: obstructing terrain that you can't move through, such as rocks or buildings, will be in 3D, while non-obstructing terrain like trees will stick with 2D sprites.
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Hooking up the 3D camera to follow events like movement and attacks did a LOT for making it starting to feel like it's cohering into an Actual Game™
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Implemented cover! And an attack preview! Cover works by aiming a ray from the target to the originator (technically to and from each voxel of each, respectively, to handle size 2s shooting above size 1 cover) and tracking all the terrain blocks it hits (how we'll handle non-terrain hard cover TBD). I think I have it working according to Perijove's cover rules manual, but I'm sure there'll be edge cases to work out. This is a case where things are significantly simplified by working in squares instead of hexes; hexes have a lot more possible weird angles you have to deal with.
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Re-added what I'm stubbornly calling Combat Popcorn; little bits of text that pop out when you use abilities and attacks.
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UI & game screens
Added ability for the engine to show UI that's anchored to the game world via a little word bubble line but also stay on screen as the camera moves around.
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Got word bubbles working; you can now write dialogue in the mission editor, hit playtest, and see it work in a mission! (it does actually translate correctly now; this gif is just from a bug I thought was funny)
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Got ability effects mostly behaving appropriately again, including muzzle flashes. The easiest way to handle them ended up being NOT billboarding them so they always face the camera (like all other 2D sprites in the game); instead, I put them on a plane parallel with the ground and just spin them around the unit to point at wherever their target is.
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Did some work ironing out our tooltip system. The standard in CRPGs these days is this kind of nested labyrinth of tooltops that you see in Baldur's Gate 3:
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I Did Not Want to try and figure out how to wrangle that much UI, so we're instead opting to cap the nested tooltips at the second layer. You can lock a general tooltip for e.g. an action and then mouseover various items within that tooltip to get glossary definitions...
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...and then instead of having those glossary tips be lockable/mouse-overable themselves, I collect all related terms to that glossary definition and let you tab through them.
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Added skin overlay functionality to the portrait maker, enabling textures like scars, tattoos, stubble, and vitiligo to be applied to just the skin and not extend off into space.
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Midway through writing this update, Carpenter sent me this gif of the randomization button working! There's a still a bunch of skintones/assets missing and a few are a bit janky, but it was exciting to start seeing the range of these lil freaks (affectionate) that this editor can create.
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Mourning cloak license!
This is the one I'm probably most excited about: I did a bit of a content dive and implemented a basic character sheet + all Mourning Cloak traits and equipment. They don't have fancy graphics yet, but the weapons and systems can be added via the character sheet and used in-game.
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It took a little under a day, including adding soon-to-be common mechanisms like bonus damage. This is great news in that it means the engine we've been building for so long in the abstract seems to do a great job in handling comprehensive actual game content, and that it looks like we've set ourselves up for success when it comes time to buckle down on churning that out.
I'm sure other licenses will come with unique difficulties (I fear the day it comes time to do the Mule Harness // Goblin CP) but I'm feeling good about it!
Vertical slice?
Taking a step back, the pressing question on my mind has been "when will we have a playable early access build?"
I was originally hoping for Feb/March, but what we've internally been referring to as the "3D cataclysm" has pushed everything back by at least three months, so the target for the first alpha build is now in May. So, ah, thanks for your patience! Seeing things come together, I've become more and more convinced that moving to 3D was the right call.
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shadowwolflady · 7 months
Hatake Kakashi Headcanons
All right. It's time for some of my husband's headcanons. I consider Kakashi my husband. So I have to make some headcanons for him.
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Birthday September 15th
Zodiac Virgo
Height 181 cm
Weight 67.5 kg
Blood type O
Hair color silver/gray
Eye color gray
Missions completed 1,141
197 D
190 C
414 B
298 A
42 S
Jutsu: Tai and Nin
Kekkei: Sharingan
Hidden ability: Kamui
Style: Tracking/Assassination specialist
This man is an introvert.
Favorite colors: black, grey, green (neutral colors)
Reads Icha Icha in public
Work smarter not harder
Is late to things that aren't important
Sees KIA stone in morning
Appreciates his comrades more than he lets on
If you can't find him, he is reading or working out. Most likely reading.
If you REALLY can't find him, he is trying to hide and keep away from people.
He is straightforward and doesn't beat around the bush. Especially when it is something he likes.
Kakashi does smoke, only when extremely tired and stressed, like after a tough mission. Other than that, he won't smoke.
Will. Do. 400. Crunches. For. The. Fun. Of. It. Basically any kind of exercise for the hell of it.
His spacial awareness is insanely keen.
The moment he walks into a place or room, he already has a plan in case things go awry. He has an exit path separate from the front. He already has tabs on civilians and potential allies. On top of that, he already can sense those who have ill intent.
Plays dumb so he doesn't have to interact or get involved.
Has hyper focused on something and missed a conversation point.
Has fallen out of bed.
Has fallen asleep with his gear on. Basically face plant into his bed the moment he got home. And didn't wake up until 12 hours later to go to the bathroom.
He always throws up an aloof facade so he throws his opponents off. Acting bored or disinterested is the best way to rile up an opponent's anger, which can cause them to lose a fight.
Just the fact he shows up to something or for someone is a big deal. It means he supports them or it is important to him in a way, even if he is forced.
He gets really quiet and withdrawn when tired. Usually his book isn't even out by this point.
He gets more irritable when tired. He tries to keep his comments to himself and mouth shut.
Has massive respect for kunoichi. It isn't easy in the shinobi world and a woman has to be bad ass if they want to achieve recognition.
He is a stickler for teamwork and comradery.
He has a favorite tree he likes to sit in so he can watch over people while he reads.
He has sharp canines.
Favorite food Miso with Eggplant with salt boiled saury
Can cook
Likes simple meals
Doesn't like sweets
More savory food
Fish, beef, chicken, pork. In that order.
Can handle most spices.
Fast eater
Least favorite anything fried or sweet
Social drinker
Can hold his liquor
It is rare, but in the mornings he will have Coffee, Black
He is a gentleman, walks ladies home at night and makes sure his drunk friends get home.
He will get cats out of trees for civilians.
He will help the elderly with groceries.
Calm, cool, collected.
He is quiet and analytic, he likes to stay in the background and unnoticed. He will step in when he feels like no one will be able to handle the situation.
He is usually reading or day dreaming.
He usually speaks tactfully. But he does say what is on his mind.
Originally, he was strict and by the book. But after Obito's death, he became carefree and prioritized team safety over success of the mission.
He is reluctant to let anyone close to him. He fears losing them.
Modest about his abilities.
He has a heightened sense of smell and hearing.
He has a sensitive chakra network, able to pick up on people around him and distinguish friend and foe by their chakra signature.
Showers at night
Smells like sandalwood and timber, earthy undertone
He brushes his teeth with mint and mouthwash
He shaves every morning.
Comb? What's that? Maybe once a week or so.
Fighting Style
Kakashi uses a ton of kicks to keep opponents at bay from getting too close to him.
INSANE core strength.
Fluid movements.
Constantly adapting to the fight, changing grips and angles of attack.
Will use chakra as a last resort.
Will use Sharingan as the ultimate last resort.
Will prefer to knock out or render unable to move. Will terminate as a last resort or if opponent is known in bingo book.
Has dealt with bingo book individuals before.
He usually waits to strike.
His Anbu training takes over and he strikes fast and lethal over power.
Lots of his fighting is based off Gai.
Kakashi knows the strongest and most powerful muscles in the body are the legs, which is why he uses them.
He tends to sleep on his back.
He will wind up on his side.
He is a light sleeper.
Has insomnia.
He does like to nap during the day. Usually in a tree or outside. But he has napped at home.
He sleeps with a kunai under his pillow.
If he can't sleep he will read.
If that doesn't work, he will go for a walk around the village.
He enjoys taking naps with his ninken.
First chakra affinity is Lightning
Second is Earth
Can wield all elements due to sharingan
Insomnia, hence naps.
He will have night terrors to the point he will purposely walk around the village to avoid sleep.
Has scrubbed his skin to the point of bleeding so he could get the memory of blood off.
I will post more, but this is the general list I have for him.
My other list is for that when he is with my OC, Rai.
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He is so precious! He has my heart! I love him so much!
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dduane · 1 year
Judging books by their covers
Having spent the morning reading the notes on this post (and reading them, and reading them...), I realized I really needed to get to grips with a piece of work I'd been avoiding.
Some of you may remember me mentioning that the Young Wizards website's longtime ISP went out of business suddenly in July, necessitating the site's hasty relocation to a new home. In the process a lot of its internal URLs ceased to operate correctly, meaning that files weren't displaying. (As I was quickly reminded when looking for the original David Wiesner art for So You Want To Be A Wizard at 01:30 last night.)
Anyway, I just wound up spending the day rescanning book covers for the Young Wizards publication history page, and was reminded of some favorites while getting the work done. (And a note for the interested: if there's any particular cover from an English-language edition of the YW books that interests you, or you think the sight of one might jog your memory somehow, that page is where you'll find the images. Use the tabs under the header image to take you through the history of publishers and artists.)
Meanwhile, being reminded of what happened to the covers for So You Want To... alone is both funny and a bit sobering. Styles change, formats change, art directors change. Sometimes the covers get a lot better, and sometimes they, uh, don't. Look at the difference in styles alone among these, for example.
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Most of the time the writer gets to take what they're given, and like it. Sometimes, though, they get to give advice.
Here, for example, is one time that happened.
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This is for the UK hardcover of the first of the Feline Wizards books. The artist, Mick Posen, is a cat person... and he insisted on having pictures of the cats who inspired the NY worldgating team before he started painting. Just look at these three, especially Rhiow there in the foreground. Is this a hero, or what? :)
Here's one that caused a little controversy.
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The question of the day: Is Nita wearing anything? And if so, what?
The art won Greg Swearingen a silver Spectrum Award for that Deep Wizardry painting. But he and my then-editor on the series, Michael Stearns, apparently got into it a little regarding a conflict between the text and the necessities of painting a YA cover. If I remember correctly, I think Greg was holding out for "She's not wearing anything in the text in this situation, she just turned human again after changing back from being a whale, she shouldn't be wearing anything here!" and Michael was saying "But the parents, what if we freak out the parents...!" ...Eventually it seems like some kind of compromise was achieved. Swirly light = magic, or something. (shrug) Not my problem. It's a lovely cover.
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About this one I have, well, mixed feelings. At this end of time, the art looks clunky. Yet this is also my first bestseller. When the SF Book Club published this omnibus, Support Your Local Wizard quickly set records as their single most-requested item of all time for new members just signing up. Its print run ran to more than 250,000 copies, and it remained constantly in print until the Book Club itself ended.
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I've always been fond of this one for Deep Wizardry, and also of the one the artist, Neal McPheeters, did for the Dell Yearling and Dell mass market paperback editions of So You Want To... . There's a solid quality to both of them, but the second one in particular, that appeals to me.
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(For those in the notes on that other post who reacted immediately to Kit's antenna: This is one of the reasons why it features—along with one of Nita's wands from the rowan tree Liused—on all the covers of the revised/updated Young Wizards New Millennium Editions. I've seen a lot of memories jogged by its appearance.)
...Do I have a favorite favorite one of all these covers? As usual, it's hard to pick. But I have to admit that I smile, at the moment, when looking at this one—Greg Swearingen’s art again—since in a couple of weeks it'll be the fortieth anniversary of So You Want To Be A Wizard's publication.
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We'll see what the publisher does for the fiftieth. :)
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cognitivejustice · 3 months
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Paris plants its first "urban forest" on a busy roundabout as part of a plan to turn the French capital into a garden city
The city will plant 478 trees on the Place de Catalogne near the Gare Montparnasse train station as a flagship project in Socialist Mayor Anne Hidalgo's drive to cut noise, pollution and tackle global warming.
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The Place de Catalogne roundabout - designed by the late Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill in the 1980s - had for decades been a busy thoroughfare for cars. In recent years it has been transformed into a Dutch-style, bicycle-friendly junction that is also the start of a "voie verte" or greenway bike lane to the southern suburbs.
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Paris City Hall aims to have planted 170,000 more trees between 2020 and 2026, and more than 63,000 trees have already been planted, opens new tab since November 2020.
Hidalgo's leftist-green coalition has also reduced the space for cars in the city, increased parking fees and is phasing out diesel cars from the city centre.
The city's latest plan is to drive large sports utility vehicles (SUVs) from its centre
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techniktagebuch · 6 months
25. März 2024
Die Tab-Situation ist ein bisschen unübersichtlich geworden, aber wenigstens weiß ich jetzt genau, wie unübersichtlich
Ich habe den Verdacht, dass ich sehr viele Tabs geöffnet habe. Der Framework-Laptop neigt zum Überhitzen, oft stürzen einzelne Browsertabs ab und ein bis zwei Mal täglich beendet sich entweder Firefox oder das ganze Gerät startet neu. Alles nicht schlimm, es geht schnell und ich habe dadurch noch keine Daten verloren.
Vielleicht liegt diese Empfindlichkeit daran, dass die Lüftungsschlitze auf der Unterseite sind, darunter ist meistens eine Heizdecke und/oder meine Oberschenkel. Wenn ich an einem Tisch arbeiten würde, könnte der Laptop dort ungehindert hinauslüften, aber das mache ich nie.
Vielleicht neigt er auch gar nicht zum Überhitzen, sondern entweder der Laptop oder die aktuelle Firefox-Version (oder beide) sind im Gegenteil so leistungsfähig, dass ich mehr Tabs denn je geöffnet haben kann, und dann mache ich das natürlich auch. Manches deutet darauf hin. Seit zwei Jahren verwende ich die sehr gute Firefox-Extension "Tree Style Tab" und kann deshalb viel mehr Tabs als früher gleichzeitig offen haben. Weil man damit die Tabs in einer Baumstruktur angezeigt bekommt, sehe ich nicht alle gleichzeitig. Es sind wohl inzwischen etwas mehr als die 80, mit denen ich vor zwei Jahren umgezogen bin.
Um das herauszufinden, installiere ich heute eine weitere Extension namens "Tab Counter". Jetzt bekomme ich oben rechts immer angezeigt, wie viele Tabs gerade offen sind.
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Es sind also 234 Stück (im Screenshot nur noch 227, weil ich aus schlechtem Gewissen gleich ein paar geschlossen habe) und man muss sich nicht wundern, dass Firefox manchmal Schwierigkeiten damit hat. Aber ich brauche die alle!
(Kathrin Passig)
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funkyllama · 6 months
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The Ionian Royal Family Tree,
In the style of UsefulCharts. "Hi, this is Matt Baker. Today I'm going to show you the Complete Family Tree of Ionian monarchs, all the way from their royal roots in the Wittenburg dynasty to their more recent dynastic alliances."
@trhor @royaltysimblr @officalroyalsofpierreland @simming-in-the-rain @nexility-sims @empiredesimparte Written Tree Below Cut. Open the image in a new tab, it’s quite large!
House of Wittenburg:
Prince Alexander, Graf March -> Grafin Wilhelmine married Bernard Arpad von Celle, Graf Celle -> The House of Rodchester.
The House of Rodchester:
Adelheid married the Margrave Nirgend. Marie-Odile became the Countess March and had non-dynastic issue. Everette I, Grand Duke Bergstrasse -> Kezia -> Everette II & Princess Alexandrina (daughter of Queen Alexandrina) -> Everette III establishes the Kingdom of Iona with his marriage to Hereditary Grand Duchess Hana Ludvig (daughter of Hans IV, Grand Duke Helmstadt).
Ludvig von Helmstadt:
Hans III married Princess Louise of Windenburg and San Myshuno -> Hans IV married Princess Marguerite of Pierreland -> Queen Hana of Iona.
Everette III's Children:
Rose Mary married the Count March. Stephen inherited the Grand Duchy of Helmstadt. Lorraine married King Arnaut of Uspana (son of Queen Beatriz) and had non-dynastic issue, including Crown Prince German. Queen Viviana I reorganizes the government, establishing the Ionian Union -> Princess Bernedette -> Queen Viviana II married Imperial Prince Philippe Simparte -> Prince Lenerd (rumored son of Crown Prince Louis of Pierreland) and Prince Sigismund.
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parentsbesluts · 6 months
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after a full month theyre finally done . these designs took a lot out of me to make but i really like how they all turned out. more design info for each under the cut
patton: black cis man, he/him, 6'0 (the tallest except for remus*). 4b hair. he has patches of skin that developed into frog skin following the events of svsr. its functionally similar to vitiligo, as it was caused by the high amounts of stress patton went through, but not the same. his shirt was a gift from janus that was suggested by remus. he has chronic back pain (not a part of the design but this is important to know). he wears the bff bracelet that roman made for him when they were young. he has stretch marks around his shoulders and chest.
roman: italian + latina bigender woman, she/he/star, 5'10. he dyes her own hair often but favors stars natural color with streaks of blond. her sword is longer than that when star actually uses it. i fucked up the proportions when drawing it and didn't have the strength to fix it. she had an entire royal cape but he opts not to wear it in most situations. similarly he owns a lot more jewelry than just the stuff stars wearing in the picture but its often not practical. her bff bracelet is in a drawer in his room right now.
logan: indigenous (specifically mayan) agender person, they/xe, 5'6 (the shortest except for remus*). xyr hair has gone gray from stress despite attempts to fix it, so they have accepted their fate and moved on. xe has a nose ring because virgil is a terrible influence on them. the heart on their cheek marks the first spot that virgil ever kissed xem. xe's been carrying around that orange book a lot recently for some reason. xe has stretch marks around their chest, shoulders, armpit, and hips.
virgil: irish (she makes their skin gray just because) genderfluid person, she/he/they, 5'8 ½. he took up smoking (though they prefer weed over cigs) to try and reduce her and thomas's anxiety. it's seemingly working but now their room smells like weed. her rat tails are 100% real. after accepting anxiety she cut off their jacket sleeves and jean shins to show off more of his body. we love body positivity. the scar on his face is remus's fault. they have many anxiety reducing habits such as can tab collecting and biting her nails. enrichment. the heart on his neck marks the first spot that logan ever kissed her. he changes hair color in accordance with shirt. she has stretch marks around their hip and armpits.
janus: french + spanish trans male, he/hiss/venom, 5'8. the cane is not optional. despite having the fashion sense of an upper class victorian man hi is actively socialist. ve claims he's "reclaiming the style". the tree patterns on hisses overcoat and gloves have absolutely no symbolism related to them whatsoever. the eye he wears around venoms neck is made from serpentine. the ring pattern on hisses gloves is solely because its hard to put rings on over gloves, even though it doesnt matter at all and ve could simply summon rings on hisses fingers if he wanted to. the snake pattern around venoms coat is not sentient.
remus: italian + latino unlabled person, he/it/that thing, height is incredibly unstable but averages to around 5'10 most days. it can see out of the eyes on his earrings and right sleeve. the spikes on that things clothing are indeed real teeth. it misses his friends. it wears some sort of weird lingerie under his uniform. that thing ended up getting the uncontrollable hair genes and it dyes its hair in shrimp colors. he wants to dye its hair with virgil again. the chain can be stored inside of the mace handle, allowing the mace to be used as a morningstar. the preportions on it are also bad sorry. that things shoes are sentient and want to kill you. it wishes janus wasn't so busy. he doesn't want to be alone.
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leapdayowo · 5 months
Redstone and Skulk OC time :3
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Thought I’d turn my persona into a rns oc and give them a helsmet :3 I basically looked at my play style in Minecraft and took a few things from my own life and combined them to create these two! Short version about them below and a little story of their origins under that:
short version:
-Leapday_art (short version Leapday, she/he/they, the player) is afraid of losing important things in their life. He is very cautious about doing anything that could result in him dying and loosing everything in his inventory (sleeps through the night everytime to avoid monsters, barely visits the nether, strip mines, etc) +the cats next to Leapday are two of my darling kitties who unfortunately passed away irl, their names are Toby (left) and Toes (right)
-Nightfall_collections (short version Nightfall, all pronouns, the helsmet) was created from Leapday’s extreme fear of losing valuables and her grief from having lost valuables too many times. Xyr driving goal is to collect and preserve everything that xe can and to make sure there is always at least one copy
-other things about Nightfall: she is a magma cube hybrid while Leapday is a ??? hybrid player (if you read the story below this may make more sense👀). Nightfall can split into smaller duplicates which allows them to be in more places at once and thus more productive in their goal. She uses her goop-like body to write reminders on her clothes, then re-absorbs the goop later
-I think Nightfall would find himself as an organizer between lots of different parties/people in Hels due to being so dedicated to his goal + only being dedicated to this goal (his alignment is probably chaotic good because he’s loyal to his own goals and not to other people or outside rules. He does not take bribes or backstab). Also, Nightfall does not need to have possession of everything, but xe is trying to keep tabs on where everything that exist is at(this makes xem the go-to person for trying to obtain something in particular)
-I think Nightfall would become a sponsor (if that’s the right word?) for the Order of Remembrance because she greatly admires the work they do to preserve Hels’ history. She would also love Zedaph’s hall of all and definitely tries to work with private collectors to protect (and document/track) what they have (and she will keep what she knows a secret if it means protecting valuable things)
-Nightfall does not care about thieves unless they steal one of a kind things
-the doodles below were my earlier concepts, so Nightfall has green eyes before I realized it’s much more fitting for xem to have orange eyes
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okay, okay, story time (because I realized the ‘short’ version was getting very extensive):
Maybe it had started in the very first world she spawned in. A brilliant blue sky that stretched over jagged, looming cliffs with forests scattered underneath. Trickling waterfalls and bubbling lava pits here and there. The natural beauty of the world left Leapday in awe and eager to explore what other wonders lay beyond the horizon.
It must have started with the first tree she broke, a squat little oak, one of hundreds in the forest. When the leaves of that little oak had all fallen, saplings littered the grassy floor. She should’ve been excited, feel triumphant even by taking down the tree, after all it’s how the journey had to start. Except, all that Leapday could see was the awkward gap in the canopy from the absence of the little oak. It felt like an itch unscratched, nagging and uncomfortable. Well that wouldn’t do.
They scooped up all the saplings littering the floor and planted one in the same dirt plot the little oak was uprooted from. Then they planted a few more just for good measure. The unease lingered, but planting the saplings felt good. It felt right. Now their adventure could truly begin!
In this world, Leapday’s only companions were the pigs and sheep that he passed on his journey, though he would argue, if there were someone to argue with, that the world itself brought him company enough. That the days and nights passing was a conversation between the universe and Leapday, and thus a consistent companion. And what gifts did the universe provide for him to find! Rushing rivers that fed into powerful oceans, plenty of trees to sleep in and collect, and mountains to climb with the best views of the sunset. Never a dull moment for him as there was always something new to experience and see.
However, despite all its gifts, the universe was slow to explain the finer mechanics of the world, such as health to Leapday. A week of traversing through thick forests and steep cliffs left them battered and bruised. They learned how to gauge the distance of a drop and how to place blocks to minimize the pain in their ankles from falls. A similar pain gnawed from the inside of their stomach, which they discovered was briefly satiated by devouring the apples that fell from the trees.
During one climb up a particularly harrowing cliff, Leapday learned about the unforgiving weight of sand by placing it under her feet in order to reach the next ledge. The block had crumbled in a near instant, sending her plummeting towards the ground. Instead of hitting the hard rocks below, she splashed into a stream from a nearby waterfall. When she had dragged herself onto land and her heart had steadied to a more familiar pace, she let out a fit of bewildered laughter that overwhelmed the panic from moments ago. She knew falls much shorter than this one could take days to recover from, so what kind of pain would she be in if she hadn’t gotten lucky and fallen in the stream? Something cold ran through her and sank to the pit of her stomach. Dread of what could have been, what could still be if she wasn’t more careful. She resolved to never find out what would happen. How unfortunate that her next fall would be into a pit of lava, the very one she had been camping at throughout the nights.
He was being careful, more so than he had been for the first week in this world anyways. That didn’t seem to matter because he had still slipped when placing the block before him and fallen. It was his first respawn, and it introduced him to a few new things like a punch to the face. The first revelation was the agony of burning to death, and death itself. He curled into himself, crying at the phantom feeling of the lava eating at his flesh. The intense heat and how the lava had trapped him in place and burned. It was a twisted version of the warmth of the sun, which was shining down on him and in comparison felt as cool as the air in caves. The second realization came slowly as the memory of fire ebbed. Their knuckles no longer popped and their joints no longer ached. The tightness in their muscles had vanished, leaving softer tissue on the bone and the emptiness in their stomach no longer hurt. They felt new and full of energy, ready to begin their journey again. How strange they had forgotten what this felt like. White scars from their oldest injuries and freckles from sun touched skin still littered their body. They had died, but now were in perfect health again. Leapday took in her surroundings, her face lighting up with delight at the sight of a familiar oak tree. It had grown into quite the study tree since the start of her adventure. Soon after her reunion, Leapday discovered her now empty inventory when she reached for blocks to place in order to climb the canopy. The absence of stacks of logs, dirt, and sand had her racing towards the lava pit before her mind could catch up. Panic pushed her feet to run faster and dodge every obstacle. She ignored nicks from branches in her way and the sting of sharp rocks on her bare feet. The timer was ticking down. Her items would be gone- she just had to- if she wasn’t fast enough-
She burst through the tree line and was greeted by the familiar heavy heat of the lava pit. The sight of it made her recoil out of fear of falling back in even from many blocks away. On shaky legs, she circled the perimeter and searched for her items. The timer was still ticking, but they were nowhere to be seen! She crept as close as she dared to the lava and swept her eyes across the surface of the pool. Then she darted into the surrounding trees looking high and low.
No logs. No saplings or dirt or anything!
This was their third lesson. You lose items after death, and lava destroys those items.
Don’t die, especially not in lava, and don’t lose your items.
Now they had to start over, and this time not dying proved to be harder than expected. More falls and similar accidents happened. Zombies began appearing, persistent in their pursuit of Leapday’s flesh. Then skeletons, creepers, and spiders appeared and introduced many more ways one could die. The pain from the deaths hurt, but they became mundane as weeks turned to months. Loosing items became more painful and frightening when Leapday discovered crafting. More time and resources were needed to start over after dying with crafted items, so they took to the world underground. They followed their instinct to craft pickaxes and torches, to chip away at the stone in search of more sturdy materials. They crafted their first stone pickaxe and found it to be superior to the wooden one.
Maybe it truly started with that wooden pickaxe. When she crafted the stone tools, the wooden pickaxe sat in her hotbar, still good for half a day’s work but now obsolete. It had served her well to progress her journey, a necessary step, but it felt wrong to simply set it aside. It felt like the gap in the canopy all over again, but she very well couldn’t plant the pickaxe in the ground and solve her unease. Not sure what else to do, she attached it to her hip and went on with her day. She wouldn’t destroy it or toss it, she would simply carry it with her until she found what she needed to do with it next. It became her new companion (it was her first crafted tool. It was the first and therefore the only one that would ever exist).
Now equipped with wood and stone blocks, Leapday built their base over their mine. The wooden pickaxe found its place over the doorway leading outside, marking the build as their home. It felt right, so they continued their expansions. Farms were planted along a nearby river and fences placed to corral cows and sheep. Torches were the one item they were generous with. They were thrown across their property liberally since their light would deter creepers spawning too close for comfort.
During a thunderstorm that had picked up abruptly one morning, Leapday poked around at their communicator. It was a lightweight device that had been attached to their forearm since first spawning into the world and never disappeared after dying. After lots of fiddling with the different menus and buttons on the screen, they came across YouCraft. It was an archive of videos made by other players scattered across the universe, documenting their own worlds and progress! With the storm still crashing down around Leapday’s base, they curled up in bed and began watching the first video that caught their eye. It turned out that he had lots more to learn about the universe! After waiting out the storm, and then the night, by watching these videos, he learned about other biomes and blocks still left to discover as well as potions, enchanting, and other dimensions! A dragon was where this journey led for most players, though some took their time getting to it. Above all, he realized he needed diamonds. Diamonds were what every player sought due to their strength, but they were rare and dangerous to collect being so deep underground. They were needed to further Leapday’s journey however, so collecting them became his top goal. Quickly he learned how impossible achieving this goal would be. Well, it seemed impossible after spending days underground chipping at the cold stone and coming up empty. Strange echoes rang through the tunnels and more than a few times paranoia of something (or someone. He had heard the legends of Herobrine) sneaking up on him was enough to make him hole up for hours. Grey, grey stone that went on for miles. Grey cobblestone trailed behind him when his inventory filled. Leapday found other minerals, but the sparkling teal of diamonds still lay buried elsewhere. He mined for so long he began to doubt that the rare mineral even generated in this world. That only grey existed. That was until he broke away the next layer of stone before him and found himself staring uncomprehending at the bits of teal poking through stone. Uncontainable joy broke through his shock like sunlight through parting storm clouds. They were real! Diamonds were real and right in front of him! Invigorated with new energy, Leapday got to work extracting the diamonds just as they had seen others do. The amount paled in comparison to the stacks other players had, but in that moment he didn’t care. It was enough to have found them and confirm they even existed in this world. That weeks of sore arms digging at indifferent stone and unsteady gravel caches falling finally amounted to their new prized possession.
By the time he arrived back at his base, the novelty of finding diamonds began to wear off. He had to admit it was a measly amount. Just barely enough for a diamond pickaxe. What good would a stronger pickaxe be with no enchantments or replacements for when it broke? It had taken so long to find just a few diamonds what were the chances of finding more? No, they wouldn’t craft anything with the rare mineral until they had enough for spares and back ups. So back to the mines they went, and excruciatingly slow they found more, and continued to reason that crafting them was a poor decision. What if an accident happened and they couldn’t get back to their stuff? If they were swallowed by a pit of lava? So much time would be spent only to be wasted. Almost like their thoughts and fears had manifested it, a freak lava incident happened not long after. Leapday had been feeling good that day, so good because their most recent mining trip had yielded 13 diamonds and another cluster just across a lava lake. As they bridged across the lake, plans of finally crafting their collection of diamonds began to form making them giddy. It was the type of giddy that made any obstacle feel like child’s play and beyond consequence. That they finally could start progressing on their journey once more. It was enough to distract Leapday from the crunch of gravel under their feet and for their pickaxe to swing off its mark into the unsteady floor. The ground gave way and sent her tumbling into the lava.
She woke up screaming in her bed. Screaming from agony of ghostly flames that ate flesh, and then from loss and frustration. It wasn’t fair! Her luck had just turned up for the best and now all of it was gone! Every plan to use the diamonds tossed out the window and into a burning pit of despair. How stupid of her to not notice the gravel! All that time for nothing! She should have called it a day and come up 13 diamonds richer with plenty of levels for enchanting. All her gear and tools and items from mineshafts would still be intact, but no. Her head was too far in the clouds and now it was gone. She hadn’t even had the foresight to mark the cave to return to, so sure of her victory. There would be no hope navigating the twisting and sprawling tunnels below, and even if she tried to go back, the sight of lava would probably be enough to make her hurl. Fat tears began dripping down her face as she cursed and wallowed. They blurred his vision, so with a few steadying breaths and a final gross sniffle, he wiped at his eyes. Then he went to swing his legs over the bed to pick up the pieces of his day and froze. On his hand, both hands actually, were thick black smudges of… of something. What was that? He reached up to his face and traced the wet tear tracks with a clean finger. It too came away covered in the strange goop. An incredulous laugh burst from him, which evolved into hysterical crying. More tears fell from his eyes and he let them. The tangled web of grief in his chest unraveling as he did so, and he felt the last of his energy drain away until-
Sunlight trickled through the curtains and roused Leapday from their sleep. Birds were chirping and the familiar sounds of the animals grazing and leaves rustling cradled their mind while the events of the previous day trickled back to them. They felt heavy and gross. Their eyes crusty and mouth dry as a desert were a sure sign of their emotional distress. Disappointment felt like stones being dropped on them when they pulled up their empty inventory. It really was all gone. They let their head flop back onto their pillow and took a steadying breath, trying to recount the reasons they should get out of bed. Maybe they would stick to the joys of the world above ground for a month or two. Take up weaving or painting. They had plenty of resources to finally build a barn and an expansion to the house. Maybe they would go with a grassy roof.
Yeah. That could be alright. With one final sigh, Leapday pushed themself up off their bed and dragged themself over to their cauldron to clean up. They could see from their reflection that only a few faint smudges remained on their face, which they gently wiped away. Crying black goop was probably not normal now that their mind was more stable to think it over. Or maybe it was normal? It had never happened before, but the players on YouCraft all had their own quirks that Lepaday lacked, so maybe it was normal for them?
It turned out the inky tears were a new normal. From that incident onward, whenever they experienced a great sense of loss the strange tears formed and sank into the ground. They appeared when Leapday lost their first wolf companion and when they accidentally deleted a creative world full of builds of an ambitious project.
in another world…
In Hels, black goop bubbled to the surface of a sea of lava. From a distance, the surface seemed its usual hungry self, shifting and popping as it patiently waited for Hels and its inhabitants to finally crumble in. The goop was not consumed by its hunger however. It stretched towards the netherrack shore like a snake in water. Once it had gathered all of itself onto more solid ground, it sat and waited for more of itself to arrive, bouncing and bubbling over the terrain in the meantime. They could only wait so long however, after all, there was much to collect and preserve and too little time to do so.
And it’s finished! Whew, I don’t typically write, so this was a lot to work on amidst all my finals projects (totally worth it tho! It was great practice). I wasn’t planning on writing so much about leapday, but then I realized the interesting potential of writing about players when they’re new to the world. If they are akin to gods, they still enter the world with a lot to learn. The goop at the end is Nightfall, who then went on to travel Hels and collect as many blocks and items as xe could before xe came across the city Evil X established. At first they were incredibly overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to preserve in the city and mostly stuck to collecting free scraps and garbage. It probably did something to gain the attention of a member of the Order of Remembrance, who taught Nightfall about their goals and a few things about how society/Hels worked. From there, Nightfall set off to establish a massive collection and documentation of anything and everything, working with people in the process but also quite an eccentric personality that can be quite a hermit when buried in paperwork (not many people are willing to do paperwork as diligently as Nightfall)
Also, YouCraft is YouTube in the Minecraft world :P I felt I needed to separate it from our version of mcyt because in this universe the characters are real and making videos about their lives rather than people playing a video game (at least that’s how I’m headcanoning it)
thank you @silverskye13 for providing some more lore about Hels and the Order of Remembrance (as well as Redstone and Skulk as a whole <3) as well as inspiring me to keep trying to improve my writing and thank you to @/yayforocs for inspiring me to finally make my own rns OCs and this post :3
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bunberiii · 1 year
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11. fam (family tree/oriented google template)
introducing "11. fam", a pastel flower/korean-style aesthetic in-depth google docs oc template for the planning and documenting of information for families within roleplays and creative writing. with many custom drawings such as icons, menus, a customisable family tree and much more, this document includes space for individual family members, collective family history, name meanings, fun facts, heirlooms and more (section names can be changed to fit your needs). this template is also available in four colour options: ivory/white, persona/pink, lilac/purple, and serenity/blue. feel free to edit this as much as you wish as long as you do not remove my credit.
editing and modifications are welcome once you purchase the template.
all drawings and images in this document are custom created (or in the case of the pictures, edited) by me. If you would like to take elements from this document, you will need to credit me as an inspiration or the creator of that element(s).
resizing or moving objects/images can throw off the document, so be careful.
do not remove my watermark/credits!
please like or reblog this post if you use my template!  ♡
how to use
click the source link above
purchase the template via my payhip
follow the instructions on the downloaded note
once you receive access to the template, go to file  →  make a copy
how to edit
in order to most easily put in your own images, go to replace image then choose how you wish to replace it (either uploading a file or via the image's URL).
this document includes drawings. Double-click the drawing/image on the bottom left or top right corner, then click the edit tab. this will take you to a page where you can replace, edit or delete features of the image
for the custom-edited photos, I've linked a tutorial to how I created them in the zip file you'll receive after the purchase
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