violetmoondaughter · 10 months
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Italian witch trials
Triora is a small village located in the region of Liguria in Italy, the town is known as the “Italian Salem” because of the famous Witch’s trial occurred there in the 16th century. It was 1587 when after two years of famine the village leaders and the elder’s council decided that such a tragedy was the result of the evil doing of a bunch of local women, all accused of mingling with the devil. The accused women were mainly prostitutes or poor women emarginated in the Cabotina, a district populated by meager people located outside the town walls. Nobody complained when a bunch of wretched women without a penny were accused of witchcraft, but things quickly changed when the accusations spread like oil and invested the wealthier women of Triora’s society.
Genoa sent over to Triora Giulio Scribani, a former local magistrate, nominated special commissioner for the case. Scribani sent thirteen women to the prison of Genoa and raged throughout the area opening new cases and causing innocent women to die. Genoa, the Inquisition, and the Church itself tried to intervene and to stop the trials but Scribani went ahead; in Triora and neighboring villages such as Andagna, Bajardo, and Montalto Ligure the deaths of many innocent people were recorded. In 1589 after two years of persecutions the trials were closed by the Inquisition, little is known about what happened to the women that were sent to Genoa, but dozens were the women imprisoned, and those who did not burn to death, died from the torture they endured. Historians agree in saying that the reasons behind the accusations, were possibly that local landowners wanted to rise food prices to increase their income causing people to become unable to buy food to sustain themselves and their families. Blaming the death of hunger-stricken people on witchcraft was a perfect way out.
Today the town honor the memory of the events with a museum dedicated to the witch hunt, trials and witchcraft, but the geographic area is still connected with its mysterious and magical past.
The heraldry symbol of the town is Cerberus, the infernal hound, the name Triora in fact comes from the Latin Tria Ora which means three mouths. Triora’s main church, the Collegiata it’s believed to be constructed on a previous pagan temple, a Fanum. Evidence of earlier pagan cults is also represented by an ancient menhir situated in the Mezzaluna Pass. But the area is full of places considered witching spots, natural spaces where it’s believed that withes organized their sabbaths, like the lake Lagodégnu, the field Ciàn der Préve, the fountain Campomavùe and the nearby walnut tree. These places, with the ancient Cabotina, can still be visited today and recall to the primeval traditions of Italian witchcraft. The village also organizes an annual festival dedicated to witchcraft and paganism.
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sheiruki-takes-photos · 9 months
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Triora, Liguria, Italy, 2010
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iwillstayvulnerable · 2 years
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Die goldene Sichel
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Weltkulturerbe Cinque Terre
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Imperia - Stadt an der Riviera
Ligurien – das gelobte Land Italiens
Die Küste der Küsten hat die Form einer Sichel. An ihr entlang tastet man sich vom Weltwunder der Cinque Terre bis zur Blumenriviera, von Ventimiglia bis La Spezia. Am besten, man folgt seinem Instinkt und lässt sich durch Liguriens Landschaft treiben - man möchte niemals mehr woanders verweilen. Wo sonst entdeckt man gleichermaßen malerische Fischerorte, wie, hoch droben im Hinterland versteckt, verschwiegene Bergdörfer, wo sonst flaniert man durch mondäne Städte, kostet sich durch Küche und Keller und genießt die Geschenke des Lebens so vollkommen, wie an Italiens schönster Küstenlandschaft, Ligurien. Genusssüchtige, aufgepasst - hier werdet ihr fündig. Und all die Unwissenden, die immun gegenüber irdischen Verführungen sind, werden hier eines Besseren belehrt. Lass dich berauschen, Reisender, vom verschwenderischen Reichtum der Natur, von der Romantik enger Gassen, vom Zauber steiler Küsten und dem abendlichen Gold endlos langer Sandstrände, vor allem aber vom verführerischen Flair eines der sinnlichsten Länder der Welt.
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Blick über die Welt
Lass dich nieder auf der Piazetta in La Spezia, in der verschwiegenen Enoteca von Bordighera, schließe die Augen und überlasse dich dem überirdischen Genuss der kleinen Taverne von Portofino, genieße den weiten Ausblick über die bewaldeten Bergrücken von Vasia bis hinunter zur Küste, lausche dem immerwährenden Gesang des Meeres auf den steilen Hängen oberhalb der bunten Häuser von Manarola, und staune über den Mut der Weinbauern, die wie die Dachdecker auf den steil abfallenden Terrassen oberhalb der Gischt vor der zerklüfteten Felsküste zwischen Riomaggiore bis Monterosso al Mare herumturnen. In Ligurien erfährt man von den Geheimnissen des Lebens. Man muss nur zu hören und zu sehen verstehen. Von „schmecken“ ganz zu schweigen.
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Ligurien, die Küste der Superlative
Ich gehe auf einem Eselspfad, weit oberhalb des Dorfes Corniglia, entlang von Natursteinmauern, die die Terrassen begrenzen. Obwohl der Küstenabschnitt der fünf Nachbargemeinden („Cinque Terre“) nur zehn Kilometer beträgt, schlängeln sich oben auf den Hängen die Stein um Stein aufgeschichteten Mauern endlos dahin. Ein bis zu siebentausend Kilometer langes, verwirrendes Labyrinth an Linien, Ecken und Kanten ist es, das kreuz und quer, einem engmaschigen Netz gleich, durch die Landschaft führt. Es sind die Begrenzungsmauern der, seit vielen Generationen aufgeteilten steilen Felder. Die Bauern sind an ihre harte Arbeit gewöhnt: das Hegen und Pflegen der Hangfelder, zum Teil in Briefmarkengröße, spielt sich entlang der Pfade ab, die hoch hinauf bis zum Bergkamm führen: Wanderwege, die der Küste entlang, durch winzige Ortschaften und vorbei an Wallfahrtskirchen führen.
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So wohnen Reisende
Immer wieder kreuzt man lange, verrostete Schienen, die von ganz unten die Steilwände heraufführen: Lastenaufzüge für Mensch und Material. Anders lässt sich der enorm steile Aufstieg in die höhere Region der „Terre“ nicht überwinden. Man staunt über den Mut der Menschen, die sich auf wackeligen Gerüsten hockend, die Wände hochheben lassen.
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Das vielgeliebte Ligurien aber hat noch weit mehr zu bieten. Man folgt der Küste, lässt die aristokratische Schönheit Genua links liegen und nähert sich der Küstenstraße in Richtung französischer Grenze. Die „Blumenriviera“ wartet, mit all ihren Reizen. Und das sind nicht wenige. Ihren Namen verdankt der Küstenabschnitt, wen wundert‘s, der überreichen Pflanzenwelt, die das mediterrane Klima hier erblühen lässt. Überall, ob auf Feldern, an Hausfassaden, in Gewächshäusern, in Parks oder auf  Märkten, die floralen Farben sind berauschend, man kommt aus dem Staunen nicht heraus und man möchte auf ewig abtauchen in den Duft und die Aura des Landes.
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Zauberhaftes Ligurien
Gleich hinter der Küste aber wächst Anderes in den Himmel und nicht Minderes: Olivenhaine stehen dicht an dicht in den ertragreichen Tälern. Hier, in der Umgebung von Taggia wächst die wohl aromatischste Beere ihrer Art. Die Äste der uralten Bäume sind übersät mit der köstlich kleinen Frucht, deren gepresster Saft die Delikatesse des ligurischen „Ponente“ ist, wie man die westliche Riviera hier nennt.  Die Taggia-Olive ist im besten Sinne des Wortes wertvoll. Ihr Öl bildet die Grundlage gesunder Ernährung, es ist das Geschenk der Natur an den Menschen und, die kleine Braune macht die Bauern der Umgebung wohlhabend. Der geringe Säuregehalt ist das Geheimnis ihres unübertroffen delikaten, weichen Geschmacks.DOP-Oliven und DOC-Trauben der Riviera Ligure di Ponente sind nicht nur geschichtliche Zeugen der Vergangenheit, sie bilden die Grundlage des wohlhabenden Jetzt und sie gelten ein immerwährendes Versprechen für Fruchtbarkeit und Reichtum des Landes.
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Das Öl der Jahrtausende
Hinter der Küste aber wird das Land fast vertikal in die Höhe geschraubt. Wer diesen Teil der Region entdecken will, braucht einen langen Atem - oder viel PS. Schmale Serpentinen winden sich hinauf und entführen den Besucher in eine sagenhaft anmutende, zauberische Berglandschaft. Um die dunkelgrünen Gipfel der wilden Naturlandschaft treiben zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit undurchdringliche Nebelschwaden. Auf den felsigen Kämmen und Bergausläufern stehen Dörfer aus einer anderen, mittelalterlichen Zeit. Triora, die 800-Seelen-Gemeinde inmitten einzigartig schroffer Berglandschaft blickt auf eine grausame Vergangenheit zurück: Als im Jahr 1587 durchgehend schlechtes Wetter zu Ernteausfällen führte, stellte man sich die Frage, wer an dem Unglück schuld sei. Bald fand man die grausame Antwort: Hexen. Die Erkenntnis löste massive Frauenverfolgungen aus, die bald auch auf benachbarte Gebiete übergriff: Verdächtige landeten am Scheiterhaufen. Eine Statue im Ort, sowie das Hexen- und Heimatmuseum sind Zeugnis dieses dunkel-düsteren Kapitels vergangener Tage.
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Künstlerdorf Bussana Vecchia
Ein deutlich helleres Lebenszeichen hingegen stellt das winzige Bussana Vecchia dar: Das heutige Künstlerdorf mit seinen pittoresk-verfallenen Häuschen und der zauberhaften Vegetation dazwischen wurde einst von einem Erdbeben zerstört, die Überlebenden verließen den Ort, und die Siedlung gab sich selbst auf. Anfang der 1960er Jahre wurde auf Grund einer Privatinitiative aus Resten und Ruinen eine internationale Künstlerkolonie gegründet. Zehn Jahre danach kamen Hippies, Aussteiger, Maler und Literaten aus allen Herren Ländern und begannen mit dem Wiederaufbau des Dorfes. Kaum blühte neues Leben zwischen den Mauern, versuchten die Behörden den Ort zu räumen. Die Neo-Bewohner wehrten sich erfolgreich. Bis heute. Künstlerateliers, Galerien, Restaurants und Bars machen den Ort zu einer einzigen, unverwechselbaren Attraktion. Art meets Business meets Art. Why not. Auch das ist Ligurien.
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An der Riviera
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ferro5 · 2 years
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paololocascio · 2 days
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rp-photographer · 1 year
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#instagram #iphone12 #iphoneography #iphoneart #architecture #city #cityscape #urban #urbanscape #urbanview #urbanphotography #triora #liguria #lightroommobile #lightroommobilepresets (presso Triora-Il Paese Delle Streghe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CosrM-Ytl8k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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58orionis · 2 years
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Sarebbe bello essere nuvole e avere un mondo da inseguire, fermarsi solo un attimo per poi scomparire..
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jakecarson90 · 2 years
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D ⁣ Taken on 22/07/2021.⁣ ⁣ *⁣ Triora is a beautiful medieval village, located in the western Ligurian Riviera, perched in the beautiful Argentina Valley.⁣ ⁣ It owes its name to 'Tria-Ora' (three mouths) indicating the three main products of the place: wheat, vines and chestnuts.⁣ ⁣ But it is due to the tragic story that occurred in the years 1587–89 that it is still known as the 'Town of Witches'.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ 🚆 First take a train from Genoa to San Remo.⁣ ⁣ 🚌 Catch a bus to Triora with 'Riviera Trasporti'.⁣ ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #Triora #Ig_Savona_Imperia #Imperia #Liguria #BorgoItaliano #Scatto_Liguria #Liguria_Best_Shots #BestLiguriaPics #BorghItalia #Italia #Italy #Italian_Place #ItalianVillage #RivieraTrasporti #SustainableTravel #UnoDeiBorghiPiùBellidItalia #BorghiRitrovati #BorgoMedievale #BorghiAutentici #Italy_Hidden_Gems #Italy_Lovers #ItalyIsBeautiful #PromozioneDelTerritorio #ItaliaStyle_Liguria #Loves_United_Liguria #TurismoInLiguria #Liguria_BorghiECitta #TheLigurians #LiguriaMia (at Triora) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chj9B8uqdtm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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insigni-insegne · 5 months
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annalisalanci · 2 years
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itsmmatchaa · 1 year
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.*𓆩♡𓆪⸸・゚ “the red flags are big but so is my dick” :)
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𓆩♡𓆪.SEX: god male
𓆩♡𓆪.SPECIES: demon? incubus prince? sex machine? the name you'll be screaming tonight? a nuisance for sure. Half demon prince, half human
𓆩♡𓆪.NAME: Niccolo Cifarelli
𓆩♡𓆪.NICKNAMES: nico, nilo, "the angel of art department", nicky, asmoday, the son of asmodeus, your highness
𓆩♡𓆪.OCCUPATIONS: prince of second circle of hell (lust), art student and a barista
𓆩♡𓆪.AGE: 246-ish
𓆩♡𓆪.BIRTHDAY: 6/9 nice (6th september)
𓆩♡𓆪.HOMETOWN: hell/woods in Italy
𓆩♡𓆪.HEIGHT: 195 cm
𓆩♡𓆪.EYECOLOR: Nico's eye color changes accordingly to his emotions, thats why he hides his eyes with glasses or his hair. Usually they are blue with brown hues, but can have hints of purple when he use his demonic powers, when he's angry or feeding himself with sexual energy, blood or flesh.
𓆩♡𓆪.HAIR: thick dark hair that cannot decide if it's black or dark brown, wavy and fluffy.
𓆩♡𓆪.BODY INFO: Nico's body is ripped. he use a lot of his time working out and carrying weight, art equipment and stones or clays since he likes sculpting. all that activities helped to turn him into a very strong guy. He also enjoys deadlifting and helping his dad with mechanics when he's fixing up cars.
𓆩♡𓆪.SKINCOLOR: Nico has a tanned skin thanks to the amount of time he gets under the sun helping his mother with orange harvest and sketching people.
𓆩♡𓆪.ABOUT NICO: son of asmodeus himself and a human woman. his mother died in Triora centuries ago being judged as a witch, when in fact she was just a very beautiful young and intelligent woman without a husband and refunsing to marry a old man.
when nico's mother arrived in hell, the demon asmodeus was amazed by her beauty and kindness, he decided to woo her and take her as his wife. she was strangely kind even though she was in hell. Asmodeus knew that someone had probably misjudged her and sent her to hell, which at this point was a daily basis (seriously heaven/hell bureaucracy is a mess), but asmodeus didn't want to lose her and decided to hide her existence. asmodeus waited years for her to feel comfortable enough to get into a relationship and copulate with him and together they had only one child: Niccolo.
Niccolo was born human and very weak, unfortunally the infernal air was not good for his weak human lungs, he was always coughing a lot so Asmodeus took his wife and children to a wood cabin to live in the human world. years passed and despite the efforts of his mother and father, unfortunately Niccolo died at the age of 13, due to the plague and his fragile health, on the island of Poveglia, along with other infected people. Asmodeus knew that he could not interfere with his son's death, otherwise the boy could become a lost soul without memories of his life, however de demon lord had a little bit of hope that maybe his son could turn into a demon when he died.
after Niccolo's death, a search was made after all the dead souls hoping to find Asmodeus's son but without success. Nico disappeared for about 200 years until a young boy suddenly appeared in hell, looking for his parents, saying that heaven was too boring
"I really tried be a good boy, but I couldn't do anything and they were already pointing their swords at me.”
when asmodeus learned that the heavens had kept his son for all this time, he was pissed, but at his son's request nothing was done and he wouldn't declare war to heaven... this time
"it took me a long time to see you father, and I don't want to look at any angels so soon"
Niccolo was now dead, and as Asmodeus predicted, he became a demon and a refused soul (when you ascend to heaven but get kicked out). asmodeus was proud while Nico's mother was slapping his shoulders while crying after so much time without seeing her only son.
after spending time with his family, Niccolo had been given the title of Asmoday, reborning as a hell's prince, and no one demon ever speak his name again. * (please check trivia for more information)
𓆩♡𓆪.PERSONALITY: even if he's flirtatious, full of shit and sometimes mysterious, he's kind and caring, he's a goofball honestly. his demonic personality does get the best of him sometimes, he can't fight the urge of making jokes and stealing people's heart with his looks (and he will seduce you in purpose, yes) but at the same time he's also clumsy and cute.
hes the type of guy that makes every woman's heart beat fast not matter the age, the type all mother want to their daughters. the way he talks to mrs. Amelia, an old lady and his neighbor, like she's young again, it's so cute, and it's so beautiful to see her smiling and blushing because of the compliments that Niccolo has said. he knows that a little compliment makes the day of the old lady.
"Oh Mrs. Amelia, you're shining today! May I have the pleasure of your company to the train station my lady?"
Nico also enjoys his time alone, listening to music or running early in the morning, calisthenics or painting. But there's nothing he enjoys more than vacation, when he goes back to Italy and can see his parents in the human form, and pretend they are normal humans for a bit, helping his mother taking care of her farm, and helping his dad when he's messing up with old cars. that one hobbie made Nico a big fan of races, it's not rare seeing him in street racings with his white nissan 180sx and believe me, he's fast as fuck when wants to win.
Nico is like a puppy dog when in love, he'll cherish and love you, you're going to be his sun, his moon and all hi starts, he'll draw you, sculpt you and kill for you if necessary. he´s the type that would wear a "my girl is hotter tahn you" shirt and he would be proud about it, even if he's supposed to be bad, if you ask, he'll be the most loyal puppy in the world. but don't be surprised if one day you wake up with a very hungry half demon boyfriend next to you needing sexual energy. after all he's kind of the prince of sex demons and when incubus fall in love they can only feed from his beloved and oh boy he's insatiable.
𓆩♡𓆪.LIKES: playing bass, cars, sculping, oranges and tangerines, messing with cars, iced coffee with 2 spoon's of sugar and milk, cats, the smell of rain
𓆩♡𓆪.DISLIKES: flu, hospitals, extreme unhygienic people and places, blank pages, when he miss a race, pure milk (he only drinks milk with chocolate powder or sugar). Cooking (he can't cook for his life), churches
names are sacred to demons, so when a demon makes himself known he is given a false name or title. Some demons are so ancient that we only know their titles. If you speak the real name of a demon, you can end up dying or you will feel enormous pain. The only ones who can speak a demon's name are those close to them or to whom the demon has made a confession (the act of telling the demons name).
can't cook for shit, but he's very good at making drinks. he work as an barista with Yao Mei.
each demon has a way of protecting its name, by telling it to everyone and putting a seal on themselves, or being so powerful that even if everyone knows it won't change anything. Or killing everyone who knows their name.
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anonpeggioredelmondo · 11 months
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Triora (IM)
La cosa divertente è che quelle non sono le scale per andare a casa di qualcuno, sono una pubblica via che si inerpica sul pendio passando sotto la casa di qualcuno
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the---hermit · 1 year
what's a historical fact or event that you think is super cool and more people should know about and appreciate?
Hello anon! This got briefly lost in my drafts, sorry.
There's so many cool history facts, here you can find the masterlist of my random history fact series (I have not written new posts for this series in a while, but I will get back to them in the future). Some honorable mentions of weird/not talked about historical facts are:
The 1932 emu wars in Australia, in which you guessed it the birds won against the Australian government.
The fact that the Roman emperor Claudius tried to hide when we was about to be crowned because he thought the guards wanted to muder him. This emperor is really interesting because he has always been looked down on. He didn't fit the physical standars of his time and was highly criticized for that, he was old when he got power, but he is also responsable for allowing non-Romans into the senate.
The emperor Hadrian had a major mental/emotional breakdown when his lover Antinoo died. From then on he started dedicating to his lost lover cities, temples, a huge amount of statues, and if I am not wrong he also dedicated a constellation to him.
On the same not of Roman queer history the emperor (or empress) Eliogabalus was trans. She was amab but there's sorces that very clearly state she offered half of the empire to the doctor who could give her a female body.
Jesus wasn't born in the year 0, it's probable he was born around 4 B.C. This is one of the funniest historical fact I know, and very little people know about it. It's all because a monk messed up the calculations. Also the fact that Jesus existed as a human in more or less that time is the only certain thing we know as historans nothing else can be proved because of the lack of certain and unpartial sources.
The iust prime noctis is only one of the many myths we have surrounding the middle ages. It is the right of the landowner to have sex with a woman on the first night of her wedding, if you have seen the movie Braveheart you know what I am talking about. Anyway it's only a myth, and if you think about it it makes sense, do you honestly believe people would not have rebelled against it? The lack of records of such rebellions proves it's only a story.
Witch hunts aren't the highlight of Medieval times. Although there certainly were some witch trials during the middle ages the most violent and the majority of trials were during the Modern era. Violent trials are a thing especially for me late 1400s to the 1600s, although we have trials that go all the way into the 1700s, amd of course there were some during the middle ages.
On the topic of witches (which as you might know is very dear to me) did you know the Italian town of Triora is called the city of witches because of how heavy the trials were in 1587-1589, almost all women of the town were processed as witches.
Not really an historical fact but historical terms that aren't really spoken of are the time periods. They are only a practical tool that helps us difine the past so you have always to keep that in mind, but also we are not living the Modern era, we are living the Contemporary era. The Modern period is usually dated from 1492 (when Columbus found the American continent) to 1815 (when Napoleom was defeated). The Contemporary era starts from 1815 and goes on till today.
I could go on, and I could talk more of some of these topics, these were only the first few things that came to mind!
(Disclamer: I wrote this all thanks to my memory so there could be some details that aren't super precise, but if you find these topics interesting and look more into them you can find lots online)
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ferro5 · 2 years
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paololocascio · 7 days
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