#Trudy is stunning
ashandalder · 10 months
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Miami Vice / Season 4 Episode 7 👽 "Missing Hours" 👽
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vandnana · 2 years
In Love With The Enemy [I]
Chapter 1: Why So Blue?
pairing: lo’ak x female turned na’vi reader
summary: during the time when jake became toruk makto, you were quaritch’s youngest and most valued soldier, the daughter he never had. but, pandora changed you and you died during the final battle, betraying quaritch and wishing that you had been able to do more. now, you have been reborn again, as a na’vi, tasked with quaritch’s new military avatar crew to kill Jake Sully. taking advantage of this second chance at life, you help the Sullys and fall in love along the way.
genre: fluff, angst ~ slow burn, pining on lo’ak’s part 
highlights: [lo’ak already having a crush on the reader after LITERALLY almost trying to kill her, jake and reader have their tearful reunion!, quaritch still in his toxic dad era, and lo’ak admiring reader in the bioluminescence of the forest]
word count: 9,332
note: hello! thank you all again for waiting for this part! a couple things...when i was writing, i got soo carried away, but i couldn’t help writing in moments of reader with lo’ak in their first encounters cause shes totally intrigued and he has an effect on her, but both of them are in that awkward staring phase??? with that being said, i hope you enjoy!!
[Prologue] [chapter 2]
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Light infiltrated your senses, invading your shut eyes as you heard voices around you, the sounds distant at first, but slowly heightening as you came to. Opening them, the fluorescent lights stunned you, your hand instinctively finding its way to the front of your face. You pulled it away, the sight so shocking that you figured you were in hell, punished to be what you had failed to protect.
You were blue, a Na’vi, adorned in hospital gowns with wires attached all over your body. 
You felt sharp pains in your head and pangs in your heart, endless memories flooding your mind in swarms, the happiness, the pain, the loss...you remembered it all as you took in your surroundings. 
You got up instantly, pulling off the wires as you searched around, your vision becoming less blurry as you continued to blink. 
You looked for Grace first before you realized she was gone, murdered by your father, the agony once cauterized now festering into an open wound as the memory sunk stones in your heart. You were looking around for Jake, Norm and, Trudy, but they were nowhere to be found. You were alone, heartbroken, and confused. 
“Whoo! Looks like the baby’s awake!” You heard from behind the door, other blue figures walking in wearing full camo, all of them strutting over to you. 
In your newly awakened shock, you had a delayed reaction to your body just waking up, your muscles suddenly feeling like jelly as you kept yourself steady on the bed with your hands. As everyone filed in, you hoped that at least one of them would be Jake, but you sunk your shoulders as you realized who they were.
Wainfleet, Warren, Zdinarsk, and Fike. They were the soldiers you grew up training with, all cut from the same obnoxious and arrogant rock. 
Wainfleet shook your shoulders, laughing loudly as he looked at your expression, your teeth gritted as you did your best to hide how much you despised all of them, “Hey y/n, why so blue?”
The rest of them laughed aloud with him, and you rolled your eyes, pushing him off you aggressively, which only made him erupt with more laughter, “Still as feisty as ever.” Wainfleet sighed. 
Lagging behind, one last person walked through the door, and unlike the rest of the regiment, he was wearing hospital gowns like you were. When he turned toward you, you recognized him right away.
It was Quaritch, your father, the man you owed your life to when you were human. 
But it wasn’t really him. 
He had become his worst nightmare and in seeing him, you were convinced that you really had been damned to hell. He was Na’vi too and a real sight for sore eyes, his movements awkward and almost repulsed as he approached, like he wanted to jump out of his own skin. The only comfort that he seemed to take refuge in was seeing you, his daughter, his prodigy.
He hugged you and for the first time, he smiled. “My little girl, real nice to see you.”
You hardly shared the same sentiment, the comfort you should have felt replaced by torment and pain. Your memories with your father were consumed by both, and in that moment, that was all you could feel. It was rare for him to ever hug you like this. You never felt any warmth from his embraces, just a temporary sense of relief that you had done something right, that you didn’t disappoint him. You had endured it all your life, desperately clinging to the good things he did, your gratefulness to him for saving you from a worthless life overwhelming any rational thought.
Your father seemed to be the one savoring the feeling of holding you, the roles unexpectedly reversed as he, for the first time in his life, clung to you, like you were the only tether to who he once was. 
Before, you would have considered yourself lucky, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and savoring that feeling. But as you sat on the bed, you kept your arms at your sides and your eyes glued to the ceiling, biting your cheek as you fought every urge to give into your anger, to push him off you and make him pay for what he did to Grace. 
You took a deep breath in, relaxing as you faced forward again, “I’d be stupid to believe that we were brought back for a simple reunion. Why are we here? And how are we avatars?” You had a firm tone, almost emotionless besides your lifted syllable at the end to indicate your question.
Quaritch let go of you, a proud, satisfied grin on his face as he pulled back, “Perceptive as always.” 
He crossed his arms, “All of us got our ticket punched the last time we were on Pandora, and for the sins of our past we have been brought back to life in the form of our enemy to complete one simple task.”
“What’s the mission?” You remained stoic, mirroring your father as you crossed your arms. 
He chuckled lightly, his tone suddenly confident as his eyes reflected his renewed sense of purpose, “We’ve been ordered to eliminate the leader of the Na’vi insurgency known as Toruk Makto.”
The emotion you held in burst out in the surprise you showed in your widened eyes. Unfolding your arms, you felt a flit of relief settle in your heart, “Jake’s alive?” 
He turned his head, the rest of your regiment whooping with excitement, their smirks irradiating a sinister aura as they gathered around your father. 
“That’s right, y/n. Sully’s alive.” Your father gloated, his eyes ferocious with vengeance, “And we’re gonna kill him.”
He gave you no chance to protest, walking out with the rest of the regiment as he pointed to the clothes beside you, “Now, go on and get dressed. We got an hour before Pandora insertion.” 
You grabbed the clothes from the table, your hands tightening around them and your breathing ragged as you could feel your frustrations finally spill out. 
You had been born again, but at what cost? 
The same people that sent you to Pandora were the same people that made an unholy decision, reaching into the past and plucking you out of the comfort of death just to reclaim the glory they still believed was theirs.
When you had awoken, you had figured you had damned yourself for all eternity, and in learning about your new mission, you were right. You were thrust back into your own nightmare, a horrible repeat of the life you had once known, your orders betraying what you had in your heart, just like it did before.
You wanted no part in reclaiming glory and rewriting your father’s failure, but it was the only reason why your heart was even beating. Your mind was only just catching up on your grief, the loss so fresh and so vivid that you felt guilty to have that heartbeat. 
You were the Colonel’s daughter. 
Why did you deserve to live when Grace was dead? Why did you get a second chance at life when your only reason for breathing was to destroy Jake?
Everything about your life now was born from selfishness, the selfishness of Sky People that had no respect for philosophies regarding life and wholly disregarded the notions that dead things should stay dead.
You didn’t know what happened to Trudy or Norm, but you naturally thought the worst, and that made your mere existence even more unbearable. You weren’t sure how long it had been since you died, but for you, you never felt that time pass, never felt the pain of being gone from those you love. It felt cruel to be alive, the torment of it aching you as you thought of how Jake must have felt when you died and how much it must have hurt. 
You looked up, your eyes catching a glimpse of your reflection in the metal lining of the walls. You touched your face lightly as you stared, so bewildered by how you looked. You weren’t the old you anymore, only the shell of your humanity in the semblance of your features. 
And for the first time since you woke, you smiled, “If only Grace could see me now.” You mumbled to yourself, the sadness of losing her still lingering behind the calm that settled over you at having thought about her. 
You got up, finally deciding to change out of your gowns, and you could have sworn you heard Grace’s voice in the back of your mind, telling you what she always loved to tell you, how you were smarter than you let yourself believe and how you had a heart bigger than the soldiers you were surrounded by.
You took a look at yourself again, those words that felt as if they were just spoken yesterday shrouded over you. It felt unfair to be alive, and that guilt was deep inside of you, but you pushed that feeling aside as your own sense of purpose triumphed over it.
Whatever it took, whatever you needed to do, you were going to save what was left of your family.
You were going to save Jake. 
It was two minutes until Pandora insertion, your breather on as you waited for your descent onto the planet. You were quiet, keeping to yourself as you rode along with everyone else, absorbing every detail of the plans until you could figure out the best way to help Jake. 
When you had finally reached the ground, the hatch opened and getting up, you walked out, expecting to find yourself surrounded by the forest you loved so much. 
Pulling your breather off though, your smile dropped, your eyes unwilling to process the inconceivable truth. In front of you was the reckoning of humanity in full form, its destructive touch creating an unhallowed grave of the once-rich earth below it. Flashbacks filled your mind as you remembered your early life on earth, the desecration of the forest mirroring the desolation that you had escaped when you left for Pandora. Sky People had killed their Mother, holding onto the little that she could provide before finally destroying Her integrity.
Back then, Selfridge was all about the money, and while greed was still very much a part of the new frontier you had found yourself in, humanity’s motives had suddenly become desperate for something else--a new home.
The air no longer held a healthy vigor, a gray density taking its place and expelling a putrid, metallic smell that filled your nose. You were in horrid disbelief, the sight in front of you giving reason to the smell as you rubbed your eyes, still not wanting to believe that the damnation in front of you was real. You were witnessing an entire infestation, complete with insect-shaped machina, their hardware programmed to build the towers and towers of future buildings that would make up what would be known as Bridgehead City. 
Behind you, you felt slight relief to see that forest still remained in the distance, but with how quickly the machina bugs were building, it was only inevitable that their work would continue southward and beyond. The General in charge, General Ardmore, although satisfied with the progress that they had made in a year, was still taking losses thanks to Jake’s raids, his forces the only reason that the land had not been fully conquered.
You were looking at the footage from his recent raid, Ardmore’s hands on her hips as she explained the situation, “Jake’s raids are becoming bolder and more frequent.”
Putting a hand on your chin, you let out a weak chuckle, “Looks like Sully’s giving you a run for your money.”
Wainfleet nudged you in the ribs with a disapproving look, but you shoved him away, crossing your arms, “I’m only speaking the truth. He was a Marine, guys. I’m not surprised. He knows exactly how you all think.” Your tone was condescending as you glared at General Ardmore, who seemed to only tolerate your consistent interruptions.
She glared back at you, “Are you questioning my methods, Lieutenant?”
Quaritch was taken aback, putting a hand up to your chest, to stop you from continuing. You looked at your father and defiantly you spoke again. “I am questioning your methods, General. You may have been able to tame this frontier in a year with your bionic bugs, but these...savages with their bows and arrows still have you all by the balls.”
She scoffed, “I’d watch that tone, Lieutenant,” She paused as you kept your glare on her, and she turned, another holographic projection of the Hallelujah Mountains emerged, “Although, what you said does hold some truth. We’ve come to believe that he’s holed up somewhere in these mountains within one of its cave systems, but every time we go up there, we take losses. Can’t be more than ten minutes in enemy airspace without stirring up the hornets’ nest.”
You watched as helicopters were swarmed with hoards of ikran, and you were instantly fascinated, your mind querying the possibility of such a hive mind response by animals, “How odd. They never used to do that before.”
“Our only hope of finding Jake’s base is you guys. We think that you will be perceived as indigenous and won’t trigger the immune response, but that’s only our theory.” General Ardmore 
“And how might we test that theory?” You asked, crossing your arms.
Tight-lipped, she sucked a breath in, “The hard way.” 
Quaritch snickered, a cocky smirk on his face, “Outstanding.” 
“Good. No time to waste. Let’s fly.” She replied with a pleased grin.
Ardmore ordered for a helicopter to be prepped and escorted you toward the hangar. When you entered it, the pilot was just getting into the helicopter and you instantly thought of Trudy, your best friend who loved to raid the caf late at night with you and begged you to fly with her all those years ago.
Quaritch interrupted your thoughts as he pulled you back, “What’s wrong with you? You don’t talk to your superiors like that again, you understand me?”
Reluctantly you nodded, “Yes sir. I understand.” 
“You better. Now get in.” He let go of your arm, motioning for you to enter the helicopter. 
Wainfleet had a dumb smile on his face, asking curiously, “Where we headed first, Colonel?”
“Where it all started.” He replied, his eyes lighting up with his inspired rage, “W
Touching down on one of the mountains, a stream of nostalgia flowed through you as your mind replayed the first day you had ever landed there with Trudy. Site 26 was only a couple meters away, but each step was like a remnant of the past, scenes flashing in front of you as if you were only there yesterday. 
You suddenly felt like you were home once again. 
The forest had grown so much, the plant life around you like a warm blanket as the trees enveloped your figure everywhere you went. The soft earth squished down as you took a step while the intertwining branches and brambles gave you a hearty challenge as you maneuvered. Your ears twitched at the range of sounds, some delicate and others obvious, those ones keeping the rest of your crew on edge, their guns readied pointedly in every direction.
You were merely keeping protocol, not planning on shooting anything as you trudged carefully through the forest. Even with all that you had learned about Jake, you still had no plan. Any hope you had of going out to find him alone was futile, knowing that Quaritch would notice your absence instantly.
Approaching Site 26, Wainfleet took his place beside your father, joining him as they both stepped into the clearing. You hesitated, yet to brush past the infiltrating brush as the gaps in the leaves gave you a skewed view of the shack, which had clearly been abandoned, any sign of life nonexistent. 
You could hear slight rustling in the trees, the movement calculated and quick. Craning your neck, you looked upward, catching an unmistakable shimmer of blue as you watched the figure of a young man maneuver behind a thicket of green foliage above.
There was no use in hiding, you had already seen him and in his boldness, he brushed the leaves away, staring down at you with his bow already drawn back in his hand, and behind him was a younger girl, the side of her face only visible to you. 
As he continued to look at you, you put your gun down, your figure still as you squinted up at him, his face holding so much familiarity to you that you fell silent.
He was unusually hesitant to kill you, convincing himself that he was only being strategic, but truthfully, he just thought you were pretty, unable to contain a  flush in his face. The younger girl he was with, looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowed as she watched his odd behavior. He looked hardly older than you, but you still couldn’t figure out who he was, and you knew that the longer they were there, the more danger they were in.
You put your hands up, whispering as you spoke to them in Na’vi, “You both shouldn’t be here. Go back. They’ll kill you if they see you.”
He kept his bowstring taut, conflicted as he faced you, his voice barely audible as he whispered, “Why not let them kill my ass then?”
“I’m not your enemy.” You replied simply.
Quaritch looked over, seeing your figure behind the brush, calling you through his telecom device, “You got eyes on something, y/n?”
Placing your fingers on your own device, the young man drew his bow back again upon instinct, “No sir.” You shook your head, “There’s nothing but trees here.”
Giving them both one last glance, you made your way into the clearing, the young man’s eyes following you as you left, glued to you as you made your way to your father.
“Why are you just staring, Lo’ak? You heard her. We should go.” She pulled at him, trying to get him to budge.
“Not yet Tuk. I have to see what they’re up to.” He warned, glancing at her from the side and shushing her.
Carefully, he advanced forward, climbing to a higher branch with Tuk following behind him quietly. From a higher spot, Lo’ak watched as you, Quaritch, and Wainfleet gathered near your father’s AMP suit.
You were towering over it, your father frowning as his eyes were glued to his own battered skeleton staring back at him like an undead taunt. He put his hand on the arrows sticking out of his body, the two of them embedded into his chest mocking him scornfully too.
You looked down at the AMP suit, a relic of your father’s failure and you noticed his dogtags, pulling them off his skeleton. Your father always wore his, but he always had a copy of yours too. Handing them to him, he took them, his fingers gently brushing the metal and reading the engravings before he put them around his neck.
He looked up at you, “Check the old shack. Wainfleet and I are gonna look around some more.” 
You nodded, obeying the order. Pushing away the vines, you hopped in through the broken window. You were too big to stand tall, crouching as your eyes settled on everything, no longer seeing the reality of the wreckage in front of you, but rather the scenes of your memories. 
You felt as if you had traveled in time, back to the best days of your old life as you trailed your hands along the pods and going further toward the west-end you stopped, seeing your old bunk. You had decorated the frame with a few pictures and removing them, you wiped the dust away.
You held them up to the peeking light in the shack as you traced your hands over the pictures. One of them was just of you and Jake flipping off the camera, making you laugh to yourself. The other was your whole family, you squished between Jake and Grace, Norm and Trudy standing behind you, all of you grinning widely, your happiness caught in the stillness of one shot. 
That was the thing about happiness, it could vanish in an instant, the once pristine shack you had always remembered disappearing as you were faced with the reality of what it actually was. You were in a wreckage, your despair sinking into the broken glass that littered the floor. You hugged the pictures to your chest, savoring the memories before putting them in your pocket.
“Roll out, roll out! We got movement!” An urgent shout rang from outside.
Hopping back out, you followed after Wainfleet and the Colonel, both of them charging toward the forest.
Multiple shots were fired as you navigated through the forest floor and above, you saw the two Na’vi that you had seen earlier, frantically running through the branches and dodging bullets. 
Climbing up the tree, you chased after them, hoping to put enough distance between them and the rest of the regiment, “Ardmore was clear about what she wanted. If they know where Sully is, these two are no good to us dead.”
You were pleading on the side of reason and logic, lying through your teeth as you pretended to be on board with a mission that you only saw as immoral insanity. 
Quaritch rattled off commands, “Secure the girl! We only need one of them to draw Sully out. Kill the other one if you have to.”
You were catching up to the both of them, impossibly fast as you navigated through the branches, keeping your balance as you hopped from one to another. The younger one looked behind her, her foot suddenly catching on one of the branches and and sending her plummeting to the ground below with a hard thump.
Watching her fall felt like everything was happening in slow motion, your mind teetering on what to do as you continued to run after the young man, watching as Zdinarsk and Warren took her by the arms, dragging her off toward the shack per your father’s orders.
“In pursuit of the Na’vi male. No need for back up.” You quickly let out in your telecom, sprinting toward the young man as he was about to jump off the branch.
You tackled him, his back landing harshly on the bark as he yelled for his sister, “Tuk!” 
His eyes immediately went to you, enraged as he hissed at you first, maneuvering himself from under you and pushing you into the bark, his hands pinning your arms down.
“I’m trying to save you both.” You retorted, kicking from underneath him, inflicting a sharp pain in his legs that loosened his grip.
“Like hell you are. I should have killed you when I had the chance.” He wrestled you down again, but you punched him hard, catching him off guard as he placed his finger to his lips, now bloodied.
“Then you’d be dead and so would she.” You spat, grabbing his arm and securing him onto his back once more, your grip on him strong as he fought you off with all his might. 
You brought your knife to his neck, forceful as you pushed it against his skin, “I’m not your enemy.” His eyes were fearless, challenging you as you stared into his eyes. 
You huffed, lifting your knife from him and striking the bark so close to his ears that you nicked him slightly, blood drawing from where you had caught him.
You put a firm hand on his chest, catching your breath as you calmly talked to him, “I don’t want to fight you, okay?”
He placed his hands on your waist, swiping his leg from underneath yours to press you back into the bark, his eyes narrowed at you, his face smug, “Then what do you want to do? Dance?” 
You scoffed at his arrogance, “I want to help you.” You put a finger on his forehead, your teeth gritted, “You need to get it through your thick skull that if I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already.”
“I need to save my sister.” He was panting, still stubbornly persistent, but in his desperation, reluctantly loosened his aggressive grip on you.
You lifted yourself up too, your face so dangerously close to his as you glared at him. “You have no fear. I see it in your eyes. But that won’t save you or your sister. Even with all that courage, you have no chance against my regiment. Not alone at least.”
Your voice sent goosebumps down his whole body, his cheeks reddening as he tightened his jaw. He scoffed listening to you, his pride too great to acknowledge that truth. You stood up, putting a hand out. He hesitated to take it, and you rolled your eyes, leaning down to pull him up. He blinked at you, the feeling of your hands in his warm and kind, a sudden stark difference to how they felt when you were fighting.
You had a determined expression on your face, your speech hurried as you cautiously looked around you, “I’ll keep your sister safe. You have my word, but I can only think of one person who’ll know how to deal with my regiment.”
He sighed, your hands still intertwined, “Who?”
“Your Olo’eyktan, Jake Sully. My father, Colonel Quaritch, has orders to kill him, and your sister is his best bet at drawing him out.”
The young man’s face paling in shock, his mouth parted in utter disbelief, “Why does your father want to kill mine?”
You withdrew your hand, blinking as your brain could hardly process what he had just said, his reason for feeling so familiar slowly being committed to truth. In your shock, your mouth spewed your thoughts in an almost inaudible whisper, your face paling as you stared at him, “Had I really been dead that long?”
You couldn’t help but stare at him and looking down, you scolded yourself for not noticing his hands before, too encapsulated by that initial familiarity you felt about him. 
He tilted his head, squinting at you, “How do you know him?” 
“Look I-” You began, but your father’s voice in your ear interrupted you, startling you out of your deep thought, “Y/n, what’s your traffic?”
Putting your hands to your telecom you answered, “Returning to the rally point.”
You grabbed your knife that was stuck in the branch frantically, giving the young man one last look, soft and reassuring even amidst your seriousness, “Don’t worry about your sister. You have to go now! Hurry!”
Without another word, you jumped off the branch, your pocket snagging on it and sending the photos you had put in them flying into the air. The young man caught them in his hands, and seeing you, he was taken aback. He had seen your face before, but as he searched his mind, he found nothing to satisfy your mystery. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his head, pocketing the photos as he ran in the opposite direction of the shack, calling his ikran and darting away back to base.
When you had arrived at the shack, Tuk was bound to a nearby tree branch while Fike held her by her hair, ignoring her squirms as she tried to keep her cries silent. 
Quaritch walked over to you with a satisfied grin, patting you on the shoulder, “We got a prisoner thanks to you, but you were gone a while. That savage didn’t give you a hard time, did he?”
“No, sir. I let him go.” You responded simply.
“You what?” Quaritch yelled at you, furious.
“What good would he be dead? Eclipse is almost nearing and we’re in enemy airspace. We don’t have time for a full night-op. If I had let killed him, then who would be the one to tell Jake?” You argued back, your voice poised as you spoke.
“And how can you be so sure they won’t just leave this brat to die?” Wainfleet interjected, the question marking curiosity in everyone.
You glared at Wainfleet, biting your cheek as you hesitated for a moment. You didn’t want to reveal their identities, but with how bloodthirsty they looked, you knew that they were practically begging for any excuse to kill her. 
You sighed, “They’re his children.”
Quaritch’s expression turned sinister, his eyes lowering toward Tuk, whose face was scrunched up in fear, “Is that right? This is Sully’s kid?”
You nodded, your father awed by his own dumb luck as he looked up at the sky, laughing, “It must be my lucky day.”
Looking back at you, he put a hand on your shoulder, “I’m calling for extraction. We take her on board if Sully’s late.”
Calling the general through the telecom, he confirmed the helicopter’s arrival and turning toward the clearing, he called out, “Lyle!” 
Wainfleet, rushed over to him, your father pointing to the suit, “See if you can pull some data off that suit, and y/n, keep an eye on our prisoner.” 
You nodded, walking over to her as your father and Wainfleet disappeared into the clearing once more. 
Fike who was snickering as he watched Tuk squirm stopped once you cleared your throat, “Piss off. I’m sure you’re tired of daycare duty.”
Fike let go willingly, “My arm was getting kind of tired. Thanks.” He replied jokingly. 
He walked over to the others, talking amongst themselves loudly. You crouched beside the girl, who hissed at you, her pain manifesting itself in her eyes.
You remembered her name as you tried to comfort her, “Tuk, your brother is safe. You don’t need to be scared.”
Hearing her hiss, Zdinarsk was about to stomp over, but you stopped her, covering Tuk’s mouth with your hand. She turned around again, slinging her arm around Fike’s shoulders as she continued the conversation.
When she finally looked away, you took your knife out, tampering with the binds on her hands and loosening the seal, “I sent your brother to find your dad. He was once of the Sky People, but now he is Na’vi. Only he can stop them. Do you understand?”
She couldn’t believe what you were doing, her gaze darting from you to her wrists, you continued to talk soothingly, “When the time is right, you’ll be able to get out of those no problem.”
“Is my dad really coming?” She sniffled, her expression begging for you to be telling the truth.
You met her eyes kindly, “Yes. He is. I made sure that he would. And as long as you’re here with me, you’re safe.”
She relaxed, her expression relieved, a smile adorning her face finally, “Thank you for helping me and Lo’ak.” 
You smiled at her warmly, “Ah, so that’s your brother’s name.” She nodded and you couldn’t help but chuckle, remembering your fight on the branches, “I’m y/n.”
“Y/n. That’s pretty. How did you know my name?” Tuk asked innocently.
“I heard Lo’ak call you. Your name is pretty too.” 
She blushed, “Thank you.” 
She looked at her wrists, “How will I know when the time is right?”
Returning your knife to where it was, you put a hand on her shoulder, “You’ll know, Tuk.” You smiled, “Your dad knows how to make an entrance.” 
As you looked at her, you saw more of her parents in her. You had been so focused on the thought of being brought back to life, that you didn’t even bother to notice how long you really had been dead. You felt it first looking at Lo’ak, but it had finally sunk into you. 
It felt surreal, and as you sat on the soft, rich soil, you realized that you had probably died somewhere in the forest, your body a relic of the past just like your father’s was.
Quaritch walked out of the brush with a disgruntled expression, his eyes irradiating with an unkempt rage. When you saw him, you stood up, placing yourself between him and Tuk.
"What happened? Why are you-” You stopped as your father pushed past you, kneeling as he put a knife to Tuk’s throat.
He pulled her head back, seething, “Listen here little girl, the only reason why you’re breathing now is because I wanna see your father’s face when I kill you.”
Tuk froze, petrified as fear overtook her body, so stunned that she couldn’t even utter a whimper. 
“What the hell are you doing? She’s just a child!” You yelled at your father, something you had never done before, the height of your voice making him lift his grip on her. 
Slowly he ascended, his eyes squinted at you in disbelief, “I don’t care if she’s a child. She’s his. Sully’s gonna pay for what he did to us. To our family. Nothing’s over. Not while we’re breathing.”
The hatefulness in his words trapped you as you felt his manic desperation suck the fresh air around you, the world feeling as if it was sinking into abysmal darkness as you couldn’t shield the horror in your eyes.
He took the dogtags you had given him earlier and put them around your neck, “This Na’vi blood’s making you soft. You wear this as a reminder, y/n, a reminder of who you are and where you came from.”
Quaritch stomped off, barking orders to Fike as he left the perimeter, leaving you with those dogtags on your neck, mocking you. You clasped your hands around the dogtags wanting to rip them off your neck and cast them far from you, but you stopped yourself, your shoulders sinking as you sat beside Tuk again.
Your expression matched the darkening sky, the light that cascaded through the trees slowly succumbing to eclipse, and unsure of how to comfort you, Tuk put her hands over yours, your hearts anxious for what was ahead.
“Where’s your sister, Lo’ak? Where’s Tuk?” Jake yelled, his tone abrasive as he aggressively took his son by the shoulders, Neytiri behind him, her eyes filled with worry. 
His brother Neteyam went to his side while his other sister Kiri took the other, both of them teeming with worry. 
 Lo’ak brushed them both off as he made eye-contact with his father, the urgency in his voice showing in his hurriedness, “Colonel Quaritch. He took her, but this girl, she’s keeping her safe and she told me to find you.”
Jake squinted at his son, enraged by such nonsense. He raised his voice in anger, “What the hell are you talking about? Quaritch? A-a girl? That’s impossible. Answer the goddamn question, Lo’ak! Where is your sister?”
"Where is Tuk?” Neytiri repeated, the slowness in her voice giving intense warning as she glared at him.
“Tuk is at the shack, but you have to listen to me, dad. They’re all avatars. They were wearing camo and they had guns.”
Jake and Neytiri looked at one another, unwilling to believe such a nightmarish thing. Still, they were sure of one thing. Tuk was gone, and whether they believed what Lo’ak had said, it didn’t matter. They’re daughter’s life was on the line.
“Let’s go get our daughter.” Jake said to his mate, who nodded, calling her ikran, Jake doing the same.
Lo’ak reached the edge of the camp, mounting his ikran and almost darting off before Kiri and Neteyam showed up at his side.
Kiri groaned in annoyance, “What are you doing? You’re gonna get in trouble!”
Neteyam grabbed Lo’ak’s arm, glaring, “Don’t, Lo’ak.”
Lo’ak shoved him off, mounting his ikran, “Just come with me and stop being such a wuss.”
Lo’ak flew off, Neteyam grunting as he followed his brother, cursing at him under his breath.
Eclipse had finally taken over the sky and with it came a steady rainfall, giving Jake and Neytiri an advantage. Neteyam and Lo’ak followed not long after, and in his fury, commanded them to both stay by the ikrans, Neteyam reluctantly obeying, while Lo’ak agreed halfheartedly.
Jake and Neytiri moved in silence, calculating every move with precision. Neytiri took to the trees and Jake covered the ground, his tomahawk firmly ready in his hand. Carefully and silently, Jake disarmed the soldiers guarding the perimeter while Neytiri waited for the opportune moment to strike. 
Everyone else took their positions when dusk fell, the usual calm of the forest becoming eerie, the slight movements of the nature surrounding you making the crew jumpy, their guns at the ready, expectant of any attack. Earlier, when no one was looking, you loosened the binds around her wrists, telling her that when the time was right, she would be able to escape easily.
Tuk kept that in mind, her eyes glued to her wrists as she waited that perfect time. The noises around you had been constant, the rain, the occasional rustling of the leaves, certain animal calls. But, a new sound broke in the wind, making your ears twitch. Tuk heard it loud and clear, looking up at you, and you understood what the sound was. It was a call, a signal that Jake had finally come. 
After the wake of that new sound, the unmistakeable twang of an arrow burst through the thick air, sending Fike backwards and killing him instantly. Bullets rang through the air from another direction, sending the other soldiers flying to the ground. Tuk, who had figured this was the perfect time to set herself free, squeezed her hands through the binds and ran in the opposite direction of the fire, screaming when she ran into someone, but sinking with relief when she realized it was Lo’ak and Neteyam.
Neteyam took Tuk into his arms, holding her as Lo’ak grabbed her by the shoulder, “Where’s the girl, the girl that helped us?” He asked her.
Tuk pointed opposite his direction, “Y/n! She’s over there!”
Lo’ak, without any hesitation ran toward where Tuk had pointed, carefully maneuvering as he approached. 
You and the rest of the soldiers took cover as bullets continued to sweep the forest floor, bullets that you knew could only be coming from Jake. 
Quaritch, who had taken cover behind a log, saw the arrow, his voice sinister as he attempted to draw her out. “Is that you Mrs. Sully?”
She instantly recognized the voice, but she kept a poised anger, despite the ghostly chill she felt down her spine, “I will kill you as many times as I have to, demon.”
Quaritch huffed out cockily, reloading his weapon, “Looks like you’ve been busy while I’ve been gone, but don’t worry Mrs. Sully. Pretty soon, you won’t have a family to protect.”
Looking at Warren and Wainfleet, Quaritch gave his signal, the two of them putting their eyes in their scopes to search for Neytiri as he continued to talk, taunting her with unbearable arrogance.
She was stuck where she was, any movement marking her for death as guns in all directions were targeting her. You used your scope to watch your crew intently from the opposite side. Warren’s eyes were fixed on the trees, and you knew he caught sight of her when he stopped, aiming as he pointed his gun at her. You aimed at Warren ready to pull the trigger, but an arrow came flying through the sky behind you, shooting through Warren’s chest and sending his body instantly to the ground. 
Wainfleet immediately turned toward the arrow’s origin and you followed his line of sight to find Lo’ak behind you. You stepped in front of the line of fire, attempting to stop Wainfleet, but he had already pulled the trigger. The bullet had landed above your clavicle, a seemingly fatal wound as your body dropped, Lo’ak catching you as you fell. 
Wainfleet’s eyes widened, turning his head to the Colonel, who hadn’t seen what had happened, and in his flustered state, Wainfleet backed away slowly,  running to your father’s side.
At that same instant, Quaritch took his shot, gauging where Neytiri was and releasing a detonation of bullets that bursted with deadly fire, the area engulfing in a massive explosion that ruptured the area, pieces of bark flying all throughout the forest like shrapnel. Taking her chance, Neytiri ran, and seeing her movement, Quaritch ordered the crew to follow. Jake followed too, disarming soldiers from where he had taken cover and using the last of his bullets to secure Neytiri’s safety. 
You were lying on the ground, Lo’ak breaking your fall as you both tumbled to the grassy floor, “Shit!” He yelled out once he noticed the blood dripping from the wound. 
Shifting to your side, he put pressure on it, talking to you gently, “Hey! Stay with me, okay?” 
When your mind finally caught up with your body, you let a deep breath in, sitting up abruptly, the boy retracting his hands as your own touched where your wound was, the blood smeared on your fingertips as more poured down your chest. 
Quickly, you ripped pieces of your shirt as he watched, eyes blinking in confusion as his face flushed, “What are you doing?”
You almost laughed, a smirk on your face, “Relax, I’m not getting naked.” 
Looking around, you took your knife out, slicing off a piece of the bark from a nearby tree, pressing the blade into its flesh as it seeped out sap. You wiped the sap on your wound, feeling the slight sting as Lo’ak watching in confused awe.
Lo’ak let out another question, “Where did you learn how to-”
“I had a great teacher.” You replied, “Yanna bark sap has great healing properties.” 
You gave him the pieces of cloth that you tore, “Just wrap the pieces around.”
He took the cloth from you, covering the wound, “Wrap it tightly.” You ordered.
“Ow!” You yelped as he pulled the cloth taut.
“You said to do it tightly.” He mumbled, continuing to wrap your wound. 
You took his face in your other hand, brushing his lip with your finger, the bottom of it cracked and the blood crusted from when you punched him, “Sorry about that.” 
He could feel his heart beat faster, your fingers still on his lips as he placed his gaze on you. The way he bore his eyes into you made you feel shy, and having never been looked at like that before, you pulled your hand away, but he grabbed it, “It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt.” 
Blues, greens, and purples illuminating your shimmering skin as the plants around regained their bioluminescence. Anyone from the outside looking in would have thought you two were sharing affections, the plants livening around you, sanctifying the air you shared, that small, fleeting moment between the two of you peaceful amidst what had just happened. You cast your eyes away from him quickly though, unable to let yourself slip too deep into that peace, the horrible truth of reality striking at it like vipers.
Your ears twitched, voices coming through your telecom, immediately you turned around, craning your neck as you saw the bright, white lights of the extraction helicopter in the distance, snuffing out the glow of the plants. You could hear the general’s urgency as everyone was ordered to return to the helicopter.
“Get down. They might shoot if they see you.” You pulled him into the nearby brush, the tall, hanging leaves giving cover for you and Lo’ak.
As the helicopter neared and neared, its rotors whirred loudly, silencing the rest of the noises and filling your ears. Through the leaves, you saw the helicopter descend just above the tree line, multiple ropes dropping to the ground for extraction. Immediately, Quaritch stopped his crusade, falling back to the rally point, everyone else following after him. Grabbing onto the rope, he counted who he was with, but let go when he realized you weren’t there. 
“Y/n? Do you read me? Get back to the rally point.” He commanded in his telecom, his voice desperate.
You were about to put your hands on your telecom but you stopped, your fingers hovering over the buttons. You didn’t expect to hesitate. From the moment you woke up, you felt scorned by the presence of your father. But as you heard his voice calling to you so desperately, what was left of that old you, who loved him so much, found its hold on your heart somehow. 
“Y/n? Do you hear me? Get back to the rally point, now!” He yelled out. You could see him in front of you, frantically looking around.
General Ardmore was barking orders too, emotionless, “If she doesn’t come up Colonel. We’ll have to leave and come back tomorrow.”
Despite the whirring of the helicopter, your father’s voice was all you could hear in your head as he continued to scream out your name, the voice that taught you your every move and molded your every thought.
Still, you did nothing, eyes glued to your father in the distance, uncharacteristically panicky as he turned to the rest of his regiment, throwing his hands up, “Where’s my little girl?”
Lo’ak put a hand on your arm, his voice low, “Don’t tell me you’re gonna go back. That guy over there shot you, then left you.”
You looked at him, feeling the guilt within you rise, “Am I not so different from him? From all of them? I don’t belong here on Pandora and I don’t deserve to. If I stay here, I’d still be endangering you all.”
He kept his eyes planted on you, the sadness in your voice reinforcing him to be strong, “And if you go back, then what will happen to you? Will you just obey orders and watch your dad kill mine?” You looked at Lo’ak, your expression still conflicted and too aghast by his boldness to offer any protest. Yet, Lo’ak knew he got through to you, your expression softening as you let him lower your hands gently to the grass. 
“Look, you chose to save me and my sister when you could have killed us.” He lifted his hand up, his palm grazing it as he took the earpiece out of your ear, his fingers traveling to your neck as he unclipped your telecom.
You froze, your senses wholly attuned to him as your mind could only focus on his voice, calm and slow as he spoke to you, “You told me yourself. You’re not the enemy.” He smirked at you, pressing a finger into your forehead, “Get that through your thick skull, won’t you?” 
You couldn’t help a light laugh as your lips upturned, “I got through yours, so it’s only fair right?”
About to lift your gaze back on the helicopter, you stopped, rolling onto your back instead, relinquishing the ties of who you no longer wanted to be, unwilling even to grant them your eyes as they left you. You felt as if the tether to your father was being severed as the helicopter flew away, its whirring becoming distant and distant until finally, the tranquility of the forest returned as the bioluminescence reawakened around you. The feel of the grass and the air immersed you into that bliss, and no longer focused on the anger and hurt, you only wondered how you endured it for so long, how that tether was able to mark trauma into your skin and bones.
Lo’ak, although confused by your actions held no qualms about joining you, lying down, his eyes only on you the whole time. You turned your head slightly to look at him, and you felt that peace from before, no longer skewed but welcomed by you as you smiled at him, your gratefulness emanating from it. 
Under your gaze, Lo’ak felt himself get shy, getting up quickly to hide the blush that would surely make itself known among the illumination of the flora around you. 
“W-we should uh...look for my dad.” In his awkwardness, he was seemingly unsure, his tone expelling his words like a question.
Lo’ak put a hand out and you took it, “Yeah, Jake and I have a lot to catch up on.”
Once you stood up, you heard bellowing rustles in the distance, and immediately you took your defensive position, taking your knife out. Lo’ak also had his knife out, his back against yours as you both searched your perimeter. The rustling became footsteps, the sound approaching closer and closer until you saw a flash of blue rushing toward you, the lifting of a tomahawk making you dodge immediately.
“Jake I-!” He swung again, your knife barely blocking the weight of his tomahawk as you staggered backward.
“Dad! Stop!” Lo’ak yelled out, and hearing the rest of his family come, Neytiri already drawing her bow, he ran to her, pleading for her to put it down. 
You ducked again as Jake continued to swing, backing away as you put your hands up, “Jake! It’s me! Y/n!” You yelled.
The adrenaline pumping in his veins was too prominent, not allowing him to recognize you as he continued to swing at you, each one more forceful than the last. Neteyam had also drawn his bow, but Tuk clung to his arms, disrupting his attempt at shooting you.
You fought back vigorously and when you had finally knocked the tomahawk out of his hands, you let go of your grip on him, kneeling on the dirt with your hands up as you spoke again, out of breath, “Jake. It’s me, y/n. You have to believe me.”
Blinking, he could finally hear you, your unmistakeable voice warping Jake’s mind, unwilling to accept the possibility, your appearance betraying the very memory of you, splicing who he remembered you to be from the mystery of who was kneeling in front of him.
He put a knife to your neck, his eyes pained as he tried to ignore the memories coming back to him in response to your voice, “You’re not! Y/n’s dead. She’s dead, okay? So, who are you?”
What proof did you have? Even if you showed him those photos, they wouldn’t be enough. All you had were your memories, and as you looked at Jake, so happy to see him again, you reached into your past in hopes that he would remember too.
“You know me, Jake Sully, and you know my father. He’ll stop at nothing to kill you and your family.” Jake gritted his teeth, his knife dipping into your neck more. You became teary-eyed as you continued to speak, but you were fierce in your tone, “Do you remember what I told you before the bulldozers came?” You asked.
“A father protects. It’s what gives him meaning.” You looked over at his family, their stares burning into you, “You have a family now, Jake. Let me help you protect them from my father.”
Jake dropped his knife, his mouth parting, the words he had lived by in all the time you were gone breathing life back into you, his eyes no longer looking, but Seeing. Every doubt he had in his mind disappeared into the night air as he said your name, the breath he expelled so soft in the wake of what he felt was another reality. You were alive, and when he had finally accepted that fact, he lifted you up from the ground, pulling you in for a hug.
“I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you before.” He said softly, “Blue never really was your color.”
You buried your face in his shoulder as you hugged him back, “Yeah well, it was always yours.” 
You felt tears brim in your eyes as you lifted your head up and you could feel your whole body relax for the first time since you woke up. In the midst of your comfortable silence you suddenly heard him sniffle. You became moon-eyed, pulling back to see that he had tears falling from his eyes too.
You smiled at him, your old joking self returning as you laughed, “I see fatherhood’s turned you into a sap.” You put your hands up to his forehead, “And look at all the wrinkles on your forehead. You’re ancient.”
Scoffing, Jake pushed your hand away, tousling your hair, “You come back from the dead, and you’re still a little shit.”
“Whatever old man. I know you missed me.” You snarkily replied, weakly punching him in the arm.
He scoffed at you, winding his arm to punch you back when his face dropped, noticing your bound wound, “What happened? Did I shoot you?”
Lo’ak piped in, “It was one of the other soldiers. He was trying to kill me, but she took the bullet instead.”
He looked between you and Lo’ak. If there was still any doubt in his mind about who you were, it was easily erased. What you had done for his son directly mirrored what you had done for him all those years ago, every detail so ingrained in him that goosebumps adorned his body as he thought of it. Neytiri, who took her place beside Jake softened her eyes, having felt grateful to you for saving Jake’s life before, and once again for saving her son.
“I’m fine. You don’t need to worry. I’ve already put yanna bark on it. It’ll be better in no time.” You put your hands up, attempting to ease Jake.
He glared at you, “We’re going.” Jake turned to his eldest son, “Neteyam, take y/n back to camp.”
“No! I’ll take her back.” Lo’ak instantly protested, earning a knowing look from Neteyam, “It’s the least I can do after she took the bullet for me.”
“Fine Lo’ak,” His eyes were ensnared with warning, “You fly straight and slow, alright? Don’t be reckless in the air.”
“Yes sir.” Lo’ak answered, although he hardly meant it. 
Everyone called their ikrans, all of them coming in like a swarm and gracefully descending to the forest floor. Jake flew off first, Neytiri, who was holding Tuk, followed after, then Neteyam ascended as well.
Making sure you were secure before taking off, Lo’ak looked over his shoulder at you, “Have you ever been on an ikran before?”
“Never.” You said, suddenly excited, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly, your chest hugging his back, “I don’t care what Jake says, I don’t want to go slow.”
Lo’ak couldn’t control himself as a satisfied grin took over his lips, “Good, ‘cause I wasn’t planning to.”
The minute he kicked off, you felt the exhilaration of being in the air hit you as you flew through the mist of the night, Lo’ak taking extra detours around the mountain, commanding the wind as you felt it underneath you. You had merely felt free before, but as you embraced the touch of the swirling air, infinite and timeless in its beauty, you knew you really were. 
The day had felt excruciatingly long, and you felt so burdened by just being alive, the guilt, the hurt, and the pain encompassing you. But, being in the air with Lo’ak made those burdens feel like mere trivialities, and while you knew in the back of your mind that you would have to face them again, you let yourself feel that freedom you always longed to have and in its simplest form, you understood what it was you were really feeling.
You were happy.
But the thing about happiness is that it can vanish in an instant.
Your father was still out there, and having already been motivated to complete this mission by his own disposition, a new rage had sunk into his soul, catalyzing the torment he so desperately had to inflict.
Wainfleet finally admitted to your father what had happened to you, but in his deceitful cowardice, he left out one large truth.
“What did you say Lyle?” Quaritch asked impatiently.
“Sully. He shot her. She’s dead, Colonel.”
Author’s Note:
My lovers, 
let me know how you felt about chapter 1!! i’d love to hear your thoughts :)
endless thanks for all of you who have waited and continue to wait for the next parts! 
for all those that wanted to be tagged for this next part, i’ve listed you all below! thank you so much!!
nana <3
taglist [tumblr wouldn’t let me tag some of the blogs, but i didn’t want to leave anyone out!] :
@fifty-shades-of-mischeif @pretty-npeach @tonni30  @itsemy01 @23victoria @soobinsrose  @starjane312 @valentineoxox @justlillythinking @mae-is-crazy @scarletrosesposts@paniniii @bloodyziggy @mister-police  @mrs-sullys-blog @niiight-dreamerrrr @promiseofeywa  @wilmalovegood @sssspencerrr @mochi-yu @d4rno @lovekeeho @dreama-little-dreamof-me  @strawberryclouds22@tsunchani @sully-stick-together @scarletrosesposts @local-mr-frog @pirana10 @usernumder67 @im-kai-scotty  @mae-is-crazy @ghoulbli @devil-on-acid  @neteyamoa @iamparou @nightfalldia  @a-queen-blr  @aeclark041-blog1@justpassinbxx @mochi-yu @persondoingstuff @melatonindaydreamz @ducks118 @macncheese69420666  @rotten-toenails  @rikidaily  @extreamlycutecuban @iizx7y @bongwaterflavoredgatorade @lovekeeho  @spicycloudsalad @perfectprofessorloverapricot   @kind45  @skyri-revia22@blueblushedflwr  @neteyamslovr  @coldlamaspersonspy @jayinthecloset @lunamochii @littlethingsinlife @ok-boke @donaldsmac @slut4sluttybooks @zatarias-pandora  @bol0-de-morang0  @dakotali  @bajadotcom  @bitchyzombienacho @siriusblackwh0re @wadiyatalkinabeetmate @eggyongies @galaxyfruits @kiricomics @fireflystoughts  @reallysparklychaos @bwormie​ @glitter-in-my-heroin @kirikuki @katkat1918 @0-0h-0 @imthefunniestpersonalive @my-name-duh @mayabritjohn @annoyingstrawberryballoon @sometimesminsan @pearlrosegardener @aestheticcraze @animetrash12 @sbfandom @hrlzy @vhobuu @urforevermore @larkkyoris @usersjs-world @vampsclassiffied @razor-blayde @doromoni @lizzyloo22 @jimfiqs @hunylew @dreamergirljen
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uptondixon · 3 months
Give me everything tonight - Dante Torres x Intelligence Officer!Reader
During a late-night conversation in the locker room, you and Dante succumb to the feelings that are buried deep inside your hearts.
Word count: 1263
Characters: Dante Torres x You, Trudy Platt & Hank Voight
Warnings: Making out. They're horny. There's no actual smut tho.
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“Dante,” you whispered.
“Yeah?” he answered in the same tone, his breath coming directly into your face. Shivers spread across your body and fog clouded over your mind. He was so close, you were not touching but his presence was so strong. You cannot help but want to touch him.
Dante's not any different, in fact, he is sure he has been dreaming about your touch for far longer than you could ever imagine. He has never been so close to you before. The fact that he could take another step closer and the distance between you would be nonexistent makes his hands shake lightly. 
How did you two end up in this position? Almost pressed together against the wall of the locker room in the precinct. Looking directly into each other's eyes and longing to finally feel the other’s touch. 
What is happening right now is nothing but months of pent-up feelings finally running free. You and Dante clicked instantly. When you first met in front of Platt’s desk, his eyes lit up like two full moons. He was a calm and collected guy, it was rare for someone to make him lose control of himself. The state of control he fought so hard to achieve. But there you are. Simply existing and still making him a mess of shiny eyes, shy smiles, and impure thoughts. He never met someone so stunning, someone who had power over him with just a look. 
You stared back at the man before you, vaguely registering Platt mention the name of the new addition to Intelligence. ‘Officer Torres’. Even his name sounds pretty, you thought. He was exactly what you always thought a handsome man should be. Your mind does nothing but put you in trouble with all the dirty thoughts clouding your senses. Thoughts of him. Only him.
“We cannot,” you said, louder this time. By changing the tone, you expected to break the atmosphere that had built itself around the room, but it was impossible at that point.
Keeping eye contact with him, you said, “You know how Voight feels about in-house relationships, and after what happened with Hailey and Jay…” 
“Don't. Don't discourage this, Y/n,” he said, his voice still low. “I get what you're saying, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to care.” 
“For real, I just can't. Don't you see it?” his eyes grow bigger in exasperation. “I want you.”
Three words. Three damn words. They start floating around your head like a drug being injected into your body and messing with your sanity. Your body reacts to him more intensely now, your hands slowly reaching for his but never actually getting there. 
“I always wanted you, mi amor,” he said, moving his arms to the wall behind you, his biceps invading your line of vision, and the first thing you do is reach for each arm with your hands, feeling his skin. Your body and mind slowly losing the control to stop yourself.
“Fuck you, Torres,” you said in a huff. For a second there you truly hated him. You hated him for being so damn hot for absolutely no reason, making this even harder for you.
That drew a chuckle out of him, “What?” he said with a smile still on his face. You stared back at him and he felt like he could melt right then and there. All the nights he spent awake thinking about you. Thinking about every single thing that makes you the woman of his dreams. Every thought he ever had of you led him to this moment.
“Kiss me, Y/n,” he said so softly that it almost sounded like a request. His eyes left yours for the first time since he backed you up on that wall, instead focusing on your lips. 
You felt your hands start to shake and your heartbeat rise. You were just getting ready to leave for the night, how the hell did the conversation you both shared about the day's work end up like this? 
Suddenly, your mind was consumed by just one thought: fuck it. Fuck the rules. He wanted you. 
He wanted you and that is all you needed to hear to convince yourself to finally close the distance between your lips. 
Dante's lips were exactly what you expected, so soft and warm. His hands instantly left the wall and held your body close, your hands flying to the back of his head.
The kiss destroyed any second thought or insecurity Dante ever felt about being with you, it felt so right to finally have you. Thoughts of not being enough or not doing the right thing seemed impossible now that he tasted you. 
You could not remember the last time your mind did not wake you up in the morning with thoughts of him. Kissing his lips felt like long overdue and neither of you could stop now.
What started with a rough touch of lips grew into a battle for control. Tongues meeting each other, looking for dominance. A bite here and there, accompanied by a softer peck to ease the pain. You both followed this ritual over and over again, not even thinking about where you were or what you were doing.
Hands were flying everywhere, to feel hair, neck, shoulders, and pretty much anything else they could reach. It was all becoming too much. You both were sweating and panting but did not show any signs of stopping.
One special scratch of nails on his shaved head made Dante snap, breaking the contact with your lips. He reaches for your thighs, lifting you up with ease. Your legs instantly wrapped around him and you both suddenly stayed still, enjoying the sensation of being in each other's arms.
You fit so perfectly in his arms and Dante felt like he could hold you forever.
However, you both realized where you were, your senses coming back for a moment. 
“We need to get out of here, amor,” he said, still holding you firmly. If you did not leave now Dante would take you right here and you sure would not complain.
Your hands caressed his head, smiling at him in response, “We do D, right fucking now.”
He smiled so big you could count every tooth in his mouth. You both started laughing and he put you back on the ground.
Smiles, intertwined hands, hearts full of love, and bodies full of desire. That's how you both left the district that night. 
Thankfully, you did not meet anyone on your way out. It was late and the difficult case they solved that day had sent everyone rushing home to rest. 
Rest. Something you and Dante would not be having tonight, and everyone who set eyes on you at that moment could see that. But no one did, thank God.
But it was not like they did not know already. It would be anything but a surprise for your friends and coworkers.
“Well damn. So much for no in-house relationships, right Hank?” Platt said laughing after you and Dante walked up to Intelligence after first being introduced to each other.
Hank ran a hand across his face, eyeing the stairs you both went up seconds ago. You literally just met, what the hell? He never has a moment of peace.
“If you ask me, this is all your fault, Hank," Platt said with a taunting smile, she loves teasing him about this ongoing Intelligence situation. “You always choose such perfect partners, they can't help but sleep with each other.”
Voight groans, “For goodness sake.”
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I was hit with inspiration for my man, isn't he delicious? I love how this one came out! Feel free to reblog, like, and share your thoughts <3 Btw we need more Dante Torres fics!
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
yandere neteyam pursuing na'vi reader. she resists at first because he comes on too rough but she eventually falls in love and they have a family.
love your work and thank you for more yandere neteyam content, such a struggle to find 🥰🥰
Thank you so much! 💜 Sounds good.
Sweetheart, you are mine and you know it (Yandere! Neteyam x Fem! Reader)
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Summary: The new Olo’eyktan, Neteyam, at the peer age of 20 has yet to find his mate. The only woman who he is interested in, Y/n, doesnt want him. The only thing is that he doesn’t take no for an answer.
Warnings: yandere behavior, obsessive Neteyam, stalking, Neteyam being a little bit cocky, manipulative Neteyam + threatening
This hasn’t been proofread yet
[ 3rd Person POV ]
Y/n was born Omatikaya. She grew from an energetic and talkative Na’vi child to a stunning and calmer Na’vi woman. Adulthood had made her beautify stand out.
Every young man of the omatikaya clan had at least thought once about mating with her, even Lo’ak. But they knew that the Olo’eyktan, Neteyam, had been courting her for quite a time now. She had always turned him down, nonetheless. But he had never stopped trying.
Men knew better than to try to get between those two. They knew what Neteyam was able to do, not only he was the Olo’eyktan but one of the best warriors and if during the war against humans in Metkayina territory he could kill various Na’vi adults at the age of 15, they didn’t wanna know what he could do now at the age of 20.
“But pleaseeee” people rolled their eyes at Neteyam’s pleas, anyone could hear them. It was part of his new plan. Instead of pursuing her stalking (since it didn’t go as planned) he would just put social pressure and manipulation onto her. Sooner or later she would say yes, wouldn’t she?
“Neteyam, I am not interested in you” she responded for the hundredth time that day. “Why not? I am all you want and you know it” he smirked. “Ugh! Shut up!” She ended it there before going off to finish her chores.
Night fell and after the communal dinner Neteyam began with his courting again. “Listen, Y/n I am going to set things straight, I want to be your mate and you are obviously ignoring me” he made her follow him to a more secluded area. “But you are going to be mine, sweetheart” he cockily smiled.
Y/n looked at him bewildered. “Haven’t you guessed it? Everyone knows I am after you, no other male nor female will try to mate with you knowing that you have been chosen by me! Do you wanna dishonor your family by dying without a mate? You want to be ashamed of yourself for the rest of your life? Or are you going to choose the Olo’eyktan that has been after you for two fucking years” he roughly finished his speech, cornering her against Hometree.
“You will be mine sooner or later” he smiled at her, but his smile was dark, mysterious and dangerous. Y/n gulped down and looked at him in the eyes. “You will see that you love me” he smiled cheekily while walking away. Y/n sighed loudly once she was left alone.
After months and months of trying, Y/n finally mated him. Neteyam was so happy he felt he was in a dream. People were shocked when the news spread. Nobody would even know if he was able to win Y/n’s heart, guilt trip her or the burn out was so that she just accepted to never hear it again.
Years later, Y/n brought to the world their first born. It was a girl, Neteyam insisted in calling her Trudy as his father always had talked about her with him. Y/n accepted. Trudy was born as the first born of the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya and she would be the Tsa’hìk in the future.
She was treated nicely with a calm and collected mom and an overprotective dad. She always asked the story of how they fell in love and such and Y/n could only respond with a sigh before giving her a sweet smile and saying “he never accepts “no” as an answer”. Trudy would laugh about it, her innocent and naïve kid brain not understanding the undertone of her mother. “I tried to tell him no and shoo him away, but to no use”.
“You are mine and you know it, sweetheart” Neteyam laughed while hugging his wife “you were mine the second I laid my eyes on you”.
“And now we have a small princess I’ll take care of” he then picked his daughter up. “Nothing and no one will come between my princesses and me”.
Avatar Taglist: @amerieee @simp-erformarvelwomen
Yandere Avatar Taglist <3: @jkeluv @penquinsqge
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in May 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Farzana's Spite - Felix Graves 🧡 Archangels of Funk - Andrea Hairston 💛 How It Works Out - Myriam Lacroix 💚 Queer History A to Z - Robin Stevenson, Vivian Rosas 💙 Queerceañera - Alex Crespo 💜 Second Night Stand - Karelia Stetz-Waters, Fay Stetz-Waters ❤️ You Can Call Me Cooper - Cali Kitsu 🧡 Gooseberry - Robin Gow 💛 Grand Slam Romance - Ollie Hicks, Emma Oosterhous 💙The Witches of Silverlake - Simon Curtis, Stephanie Son 💜 Drawn to the Enemy - Barbara Winkes 🌈 The Truth of Our Past - Heather Leighson
❤️ Infaust - T.D. Cloud, Ambi Sun 🧡 Garner for Gold - Catherine Labadie 💛 The Z Word - Lindsay King-Miller 💚 Snake Charming - Genevieve McCluer 💙 The 7-10 Split - Karmen Lee 💜 Loving Jemima - Sienna Waters ❤️ The Potion Gardener - Arden Powell 🧡 A Swift and Sudden Exit - Nico Vincenty 💛 The Worst Ronin - Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Faith Schaffer 💙 Murray Out of Water -Taylor Tracy 💜 The Guncle Abroad - Steven Rowley 🌈 The Weight of What Was - Pip Landers-Letts
❤️ The Amazing Alpha Tau Pledge Project - Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey 🧡 I Met Death & Sex Through My Friend, Tom Meuley - Thom Vernon 💛 Malicia - Steven dos Santos 💚 The Sins on Their Bones - Laura R. Samotin 💙 SLUTS: Anthology - Michelle Tea 💜 You Should Be So Lucky - Cat Sebastian ❤️ Death's Country - R.M. Romero 🧡 Cinema Love - Jiaming Tang 💛 The Brides of High Hill - Nghi Vo 💙 Emma - Jenna Kent 💜 Wish We Were There - Lionel Hart 🌈 A Troublemaker in Her Eyes - Genta Sebastian
❤️ I Make Envy on Your Disco - Eric Schnall 🧡 Lavash at First Sight - Taleen Voskuni 💛 Queer Power Couples - Hannah Murphy Winter, Billie Winter 💚 In Repair - A.L. Graziadei 💙 A Heart Divided - Angie Williams 💜 Long After We Are Gone - Terah Shelton Harris ❤️ The Queen of Steeplechase Park - David Ciminello 🧡 Lunar Boy - Jes Wibowo, Cin Wibowo 💛 Hot Boy Summer - Joe Jiménez 💙 Sunhead - Alex Assan 💜 The Summer Love Strategy - Ray Stoeve 🌈 Into the Mouth of the Wolf - Erin Gough
❤️ The Girl in Question - Tess Sharpe 🧡 The Lost Erwain - Mariah Stillbrook 💛 Starfire - Naomi Hughes 💚 Adrift - Sam Ledel 💙 Shanghai Murder - Jessie Chandler 💜 April May June July - Alison B. Hart ❤️ A Bone in His Teeth - Kellen Graves 🧡 Cabin Fever - Tagan Shepard 💛 Don't Be a Drag - Skye Quinlan 💙 The Ride of Her Life - Jennifer Dugan 💜 The Redemption of Daya Keane - Gia Gordon 🌈 Nearlywed - Nicolas DiDomizio
❤️ The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 🧡 The End of Time - Trudie Skies 💛 Silent Ones - Melissa Polk 💚 Prime Time Travelers - Neil Laird 💙 My Darling Dreadful Thing - Johanna van Veen 💜 The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields ❤️ Spitting Gold - Carmella Lowkis 🧡 Last Chance - Claire Highton-Stevenson 💛 Road Home - Rex Ogle 💙 Only for Convenience - Shannon O'Connor 💜 Linus and Etta Could Use a Win - Caroline Huntoon 🌈 Finding Molly Parsons - Alyson Root
❤️ Breathe: Journeys to Healthy Binding - Maia Kobabe, Dr. Sarah Peitzmeier 🧡 See You Next Month - Jamey Moody 💛 Until You Say My Name - Tatum Schroeder 💚 Disembark - Jen Currin 💙 True Love and Other Impossible Odds - Christina Li 💜 Flyboy - Kasey LeBlanc ❤️ Thirsty - Jas Hammonds 🧡 Hands Off - N. Slater 💛 Flooded Secrets - Claudie Arseneault 💙 The Deer and the Dragon - Piper C.J. 💜 To Be Loved - Frank G. Anderson 🌈 Snowblooded - Emma Sterner-Radley
❤️ Blood Remains - Cathy Pegau 🧡 Blood on the Tide - Katee Robert 💛 We Were the Universe - Kimberly King Parsons 💚 Loyalty - E.J. Noyes 💙 Spirits and Sirens - Kelly Fireside 💜 Clean Kill - Anne Laughlin ❤️ The Worst Perfect Moment - Shivaun Plozza 🧡 Oye - Melissa Mogollon 💛 Here for the Wrong Reasons - Annabel Paulsen, Lydia Wang 💙 Exhibit - R.O. Kwon 💜 Experienced - Kate Young 🌈 Parenting with Pride - Heather Hester
❤️ Road to Ruin - Hana Lee 🧡 Meet Me in Berlin - Samantha L. Valentine 💛 The Advice Columnist - Cade Haddock Strong 💚 where lost & hopeless things go - Bryony Rosehurst 💙 Pit Stop - Ellis Mae 💜 The Switchboard - Christina K. Glover ❤️ In the Shallows - Tanya Byrne 🧡 Have You Seen This Girl - Nita Tyndall 💛 Another First Chance - Robbie Couch 💙 The Only Light Left Burning - Erik J. Brown 💜 Keepers of the Stones and Stars - Michael Barakiva 🌈 A Little Kissing Between Friends - Chencia C. Higgins
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gemtopia · 8 months
Niney the Na’vi girl
This is a short story I wrote about my Avatar OC named Niney. Niney is the half-human/half-Na'vi child of So'lek, a Na'vi warrior, and Ziva, a human who used to work for the RDA but is now part of the Resistance. The story is told from Niney's point of view and explores the ups and downs of being a hybrid, what it's like to be rejected by your own people, and finding a friend in the most unlikely places.
This was an idea that came to mind after playing Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. For reference, here is a list of Na'vi words that I used in the story and what they mean in English.
Sempul- meaning "Father" Sa'nok- meaning "Mother" 'itetsyip- meaning "little one" Kaltxi- meaning "Hello"
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“Toruk Makto!” said Sempul.
“So’lek! It’s good to see you brother.” said Jake.
The first time I met Jake Sully and his family was when I was nine years old. The year was 2170 and the Resistance had been talking about how the RDA had been tracking Jake Sully down ever since they arrived back on Pandora. There was a lot of talk about the RDA’s new base called “Bridgehead City” and how it was supposedly five times the size of “Hell’s Gate”.
“It’s been a long time,” said Jake in Na’vi.
The two of them talked for a few minutes before I slightly peaked out from behind my Sempul’s legs, catching Jake’s gaze before quickly hiding myself again.
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” said Jake.
Was he talking to me?
“She does not get to see many Na’vi.” said Sempul, “And she has been through a lot in the last few months… we both have.”
Sempul placed a hand on my back and urged me to come out from behind him. I was hesitant but did as my Sempul wished. Jake kneeled down to my level but was still much taller than me.
“Your name is Niney, right?” asked Jake.
I nodded my head yes.
“There are some people I would like you to meet.” smiled Jake.
As he stood up I suddenly became very shy and hid my face in my Sempul’s side. Just a few months beforehand I had lost my Sa’nok to the RDA.
My story begins at the first Resistance headquarters. The year was 2161 and my Sa’nok almost died giving birth to me.
Sa’nok’s name was Ziva Shapiro and back before she joined the Resistance she was a pilot for the RDA with her friend Trudy Chacon. The day Sa’nok and Sempul met was the day of the Battle of the Hallelujah Mountains. My Sempul, So’lek, was a hunter who had a vengeance towards the humans. My parents didn’t fall in love immediately because after the battle Sempul kept to himself but over time they found peace in each others company. Their relationship was a secret for a long time but when Sa’nok discovered she was pregnant with me the secret could no longer be kept hidden.
I grew up in an old RDA field lab that had been confiscated by the Resistance.
It sat on the outskirts of the Kinglor Forest in the Waterway Valley. Life was peaceful and we were happy… until the RDA arrived.
Sempul’s intentions of bringing us to the island were to keep me and Sa’nok safe and to this day he still blames himself for what happened. On the morning that it happened Sempul wasn’t even home, he was on a mission with the Resistance to rescue a group of kids from the RDA called the Sarentu. It started with soldiers in these tall machines coming onto the island. Sa’nok knew their intentions and feared for our lives so she sent out an emergency frequency to the Resistance as they made their way onto the island.
Everything happened so fast. Somehow word got back to John Mercer, a very powerful man in the RDA, of my existence and he had sent the soldiers to bring me to him.
“Come on out Shapiro!” shouted one of the soldiers, “We just wanna talk.”
Sa’nok didn’t trust them and was afraid of what Mercer would do to me.
I had been swimming when I spotted them coming and so we hid in the lab. Sa’nok was already prepared by the time they reached the front yard with stun grenades on her hip and a shotgun at her side.
“When I tell you to run, you run out the back and hide in the tree house. Understand?” whispered Sa’nok.
I was beyond scared and a little bit confused as to what was actually going on.
“John Mercer sent us here. We have a great opportunity for you and your kid!” taunted the soldier, “John says if you two come with us back to Bridgehead City that he’ll drop all charges from the RDA.”
“What does that mean Sa’nok?” I asked.
“It means they’re going to do experiments on you and God knows what else to me if we go with them. It’s a trick Niney.”
Sa’nok went over to the tarp door and looked through the crack. From the looks of it we were surrounded by AMPs.
“What do we do?” I asked.
“You see that large tote over there in the corner? I want you to go over there and dump everything out and crawl inside and close the lid. Okay?”
I ran over to the tote and dumped out all of the clothes and gear that was inside. I took one last deep breath before Sa’nok closed the lid and stacked the clothes ontop. I could hear her shuffling around and then I heard her shout back at the soldiers.
“Your too late fellas! She’s not here. Her father took her back to his clan.”
“Is that so?” said one of the soldiers, “And what clan would that be?”
“You really think I’m gonna tell you that?”
“If you value your life you will.”
There was a moment of unnerving silence.
“The Zeswa clan,” said Sa’nok, “Up in the plains, that’s where they are.”
“Much obliged!” said the soldier, “But you see, John wants you too and we need to know if your going to come willingly or by force.”
My heart was pounding out of my chest. I could hear heavy stomping outside coming from all around followed by what sounded like metal gears grinding.
“There’s no need for any kind of brute force,” said Sa’nok, “I’m compliant.”
Sa’nok shuffled around some more and I heard her whisper to me.
“Don’t come out until you hear total silence. I have to go with them in order to lure them away but I’ll be fine. Knock if you understand.”
I knocked on the side of the tote.
I was starting to smother and my chest was becoming tight.
The heavy stomping started up again except this time it was rapid.
“Alright boys!” said the soldier, “Light her up!”
I remember hearing Sa’nok scream in horror and then everything became really hot really fast. The soldiers had flamethrowers and were given orders to burn everything down. I scrambled to get out of the tote but it wouldn’t budge. That’s when I felt the tote being dragged and the lid was ripped off. Sa’nok had managed to break free and run back inside but we weren’t safe yet.
The entire lab was filled with smoke and bright orange flames engulfed the ceiling. We crawled along the floor to where Sa’nok had placed her shotgun. She grabbed one of the grenades and pulled the key.
“Cover your eyes.” she said.
She through the grenade and there was a loud boom. We were now under fire from the soldiers.
“Get to the treehouse!” yelled Sa’nok.
I crawled over to the back entrence and made a run for it. I didn’t get far before I something snagged my braid. Whatever it was began to lift me up into the air and I felt an excruciating pain radiate throughout my head.
“I caught it sir!” yelled one of the soldiers.
Suddenly there was a bright flash and the soldier dropped me. I couldn’t see anything but I could hear repeated gunfire so I stayed close to the ground. I was afraid I was going to be stepped on by one their machines but I couldn’t see where to go.
Once my sight came back I crawled my way to the little space underneath the foundation of the lab. From there I could see everything that was happening. Sa’nok was hiding behind a massive tree, jumping out every little bit to shoot at the soldiers. In the distance was the treehouse that they hadn’t yet burned. The main soldier leading the fight noticed me tucked under the foundation and began making his way over to me, the ground shaking as he grew closer. 
“Sa’nok!” I cried.
Sa’nok heard me and ran through the gunfire. It was too late though and the soldier in the big machine grabbed ahold of the structure of the lab and lifted it off the ground flipping the entire thing over. As he reached down to pick me up Sa’nok yelled for him to stop. The soldier turned around holding me by my braid.
“You just had to make this difficult.” said the soldier.
Sa’nok was aiming at him as she slowly walked closer.
“Put her down!” said Sa’nok, “I’ll do whatever you say just put her down!”
“Lower your weapon! NOW!”
“Put her down!”
“I said lower your weapon or I will shoot her!”
Sa’nok lowered her shotgun to her side. The soldier sat me down but kept his grip on my braid.
“Now here’s how this is gonna go. You and your abomination are coming with us back to Bridgehead City and if you try to stop us we will kill both of you right here on the spot. Do I make myself clear?”
Sa’nok regetable tossed her shotgun to the ground and raised her hands.
“Book ‘em.” said the soldier.
Sa’nok made eye contact with me as one of the other soldiers walked up behind her to place hadncuffs on her and shouted to me in Na’vi.
“Run to the tree!”
That’s when Sa’nok reached behind her back pulled out a real grenade and threw it at the soldier that was holding me. He threw me to the ground at the sight of the grenade and raised his gun towards Sa’nok. I quickly ran as the grenade went off causing me to lunge forward.
As I layed on the ground covering my head, my ears started ringing. I raised my head to look around and just as I did I saw Sa’nok fall to the ground, her body riddled with holes.
My heart stopped.
“Sa’nok!” I cried.
I ran over to her lifeless body.
“Sa’nok! Sa’nok!”
The remanding soldiers pointed their guns at me as the began to surround me. All I could do was sit there, holding her in my arms as I screamed and cried. The soldiers were yelling at me to stand up but in that moment something in me changed. Something strange happened that I don’t even know how to explain. Everything felt as though it were in slow motion.
I remember raising my hand out infront of me and screaming as if to stand my ground.
That’s when it happened…
Suddenly, dozens of thanators appeared out of nowhere and began attacking the soldiers.
I don’t remember the carnage or the gore of what the thanators did but I do remember entering a trance-like state where everything around me was like a dream.
According to Alma it was nightfall before anyone could get to me. When the Resistance finally showed up they said they had never seen anything like it before. I was laying next to my Sa’nok’s body, asleep, while dozens of thanators were encamped around me as if to protect me. Supposedly it took them forever to actually reach me, having to work their way around the vicious thanators.
I was covered in Sa’nok’s blood. I don’t remember the next few weeks after that and apparently I didn’t talk for a long time.
Sempul was lost without Sa’nok and was emotionally absent for while as well.
“I believe Eywa has a plan for people like us,” said Kiri, “You just have to believe it and keep faith.”
Growing up I was never treated or seen as an equal by other Na’vi but by some ironic twist it was always Sa’nok’s people, the humans, who treated me with kindness. I didn’t have any friends until I met Kiri. I remember telling Kiri that I had lost all hope and recently questioned the Great Mother’s very existence.
To put things into perspective allow me to fully describe what people witness when they see me.
I don’t look like a human and I definitely don’t look like the average Na’vi.
I don’t stand at a towering ten feet tall, I’m only four foot ten and that’s how tall I am now. When I was nine years old I was even smaller than that. I don’t have blue skin, I have white human-like skin with faded pink markings. I do have a tail along with Na’vi facial features like a big yellow eyes and pointed ears. I also have a tswin or as the humans call it, a neural queue, like other Na’vi that starts at the top of my head and goes all the way down my back. I don’t have black hair but a whitish blonde that gives me an albino appearance and instead of having only four fingers and toes I have five.
When I met Ney’omi along with the other Sarentu they were fascinated by my very existence. They were taken from their clan and raised by the RDA in a residential school and were used to seeing humans and Avatars but not hybrids, not people like me.
Ney’omi was kind and Teylan was fun to be around but I could tell Nor and Ri’nela were leary of me. As time went on and the RDA grew closer to HQ, Nor became more bitter towards the humans and got to where he wouldn’t even enteract with the humans in the Resistance.
He especially despised Alma but at the time I didn’t realize what she had done to the Sarentu. Even before Nor stabbed Alma I didn’t like him. The day I lost all respect for him was the day he told Alma to stop teaching me about other Na’vi cultures because she wasn’t a true Na’vi and neither was I. Sempul didn’t like that and told me to stay away from Nor. I won’t lie when I say that I was relieved when Nor ran away and despite Ney’omi and Teylan being kind to me and playing with me every now and then, even they were distant from me at times but I like to tell myself that it’s because they were so much older than me.
“Niney,” said Jake, “I want you to meet my kids.”
Right from the start it was Kiri who was the most excited to meet me.
There was four of them and they were all captivated by me. There were two boys that almost looked like twins, a little girl who was still much bigger than me, and there was Kiri.
I was nervous and backed into Jake’s legs.
“Everyone, this is Niney,” said Jake, “So’lek’s daughter, the one I told you about.”
Kiri clasped her hands together and smiled at me with pure joy as she slowly made her way over to me, the others following behind.
“Kaltxi,” greeted Kiri signing Hello.
I sheepishly smiled and signed Hello back.
“Niney, this is my oldest daughter, Kiri, and my youngest daughter, Tuk.”
“Your so cute!” exclaimed Tuk.
“Tuk!” scolded the oldest boy, “She’s not an animal.”
“I didn’t mean anything bad! She’s just so small.”
“Tuk!” scolded their Sa’nok.
“You’ll have to forgive Tuk. She’s never seen anyone quite like you.” said Jake, “This is my son, Neteyam and my other son, Lo’ak.”
The two boys stepped forward and signed Hello.
Neteyam went as far as to kneel down and shook my hand like a human. Gathering up a little more courage I stepped closer to them. 
“And this is their Sa’nok, Neytiri.” said Jake.
Neytiri smiled at me and got down on her knees, gently cupping my tiny face in her hands as she spoke to me in Na’vi.
“Hello, little one.” said Neytiri.
For whatever strange reason a wave of emotion hit me as I looked into her eyes and my heart began to ache. I felt my eyes swell with tears and in an instant I threw my arms around Neytiri’s neck and began to silently cry.
“I miss my Sa’nok.” I whispered in Na’vi.
Neytiri wrapped her arms around me and stood up, holding me as if I were one of her children.
“What’s wrong?” asked Tuk, “Was it something we said?”
“No, Tuk. I think she’s just been through too much.” said Kiri.
Jake walked over to Neytiri who was also emotional by my sudden embrace, and layed a hand on my back. Sempul joined us outside. Neytiri smiled at my Sempul and handed me to him where I hid my face in his neck.
“I’m sorry for your loss, brother,” said Jake.
“We will manage with Eywa’s strength.” said Sempul, “I am just thankful that they did not take my ‘itetsyip.”
“I can’t imagine losing Neytiri that way,” said Jake, “The RDA will pay for all the lives they’ve stolen.”
“Ziva was my everything… but now she rests in Eywa’s embrace.”
The Sullys stayed at the Resistance for a few days before they returned to the Omatikaya. They were there to trade weapons and help restock essential items like medicine, bandages, food, and ammunition. While they were there Kiri and I grew very close. We talked about our favorite things and exchanged stories. She showed me simple weaving patterns and taught me about basic herbal medicines. She was very passionate about the wildlife of Pandora and showed a strong faith in Eywa.
The day before the Sullys left HQ Kiri sat me down and had a heartfelt talk with me.
We were sitting on the floor, relaxing, in the lounge area of HQ when she took my tiny hands in hers.
“Niney I wish to talk to you about something.” said Kiri.
“What is it?”
We had been putting little braids in each other’s hair and adding beads. I was slightly distracted by one of my braids but kept listening.
“Tomorrow morning we have to leave and something you said has really been on my mind.”
I knew where this was heading and I tried to change the subject.
“Sa’nok used to do my hair in something called a dutch braid. You want me to show you?” I asked.
“Niney,” said Kiri, “I know you miss your Sa’nok and I know you lost her in horrific way… but I don’t want you to lose hope.”
I lowered my head to avoid the conversation we were about to have. Kiri could see that this was painful for me and hugged me in an embrace.
“I know what you did that day,” whispered Kiri, “I know what happened with the thanators and how they kept you safe.”
My heart dropped.
How did she know about that?
“I want you to know that I can do weird things too,” said Kiri, “And I want you to understand that the Great Mother hasn’t forgotten about you. This thing that you and I are capable of it’s strange but it’s a gift.”
I looked up at Kiri and she was smiling at me with the most loving and motherly presence.
“Eywa loves all her children Niney. Please, promise me you won’t give up on her.”
The love and concern in Kiri’s eyes was legitimate and sincere. I could tell that she truly meant everything she was telling me.
“I promise.” I said.
“Have you ever connected with Eywa, Niney?”
“I did once when I was a baby but… I don’t remember.”
“When you and your Sempul come to visit us we’ll take you to the Tree of Souls and we’ll connect to Eywa together. Would you like that?”
I smiled back at Kiri.
“Sounds exciting.” 
The morning the Sullys left, Kiri ran up to me and handed me a trinket.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“It’s a wooden shell I made to match the one on my songcord. I figured you could add it to yours to represent our friendship.”
“But I told you, I lost my songcord in the fire.”
“I know but it’s never too late to make another one. The songcord is a symbol of your entire life! It’s important for every Na’vi to have one.”
“I’m not a real Na’vi, not like you are.”
Kiri looked crushed at my statement. She reached into the pouch on her side and pulled out three different kinds of cord along with a few stray beads and gave them to me.
“You are more than Na’vi…” said Kiri, “you are my sister.”
I felt a twinge in my chest, not one of heartache but one of love and hope. Kiri hugged me and for just a moment I felt at peace. As the Sullys flew away I held onto the things Kiri gave me and watched as their ikrans disappeared into the Pandora sky. Little did I know that that would be the last time I saw Kiri for a very long time. Within a week after their stay at HQ, we got word that the Sullys had to flee the Omatikaya clan to avoid being caught by the RDA. They fled to the islands of the Metkayina clan where they still ran managed to get caught. As for me things were just getting started. While the Sullys were going through their own battle across the ocean we at HQ were about to go to war with John Mercer and Colonel Angela Harding. Luckily, I was kept far away from the battlefield but as I grew older and the war grew closer to home I learned quickly how to fully use my “gifts” from Eywa… and so did Kiri.
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Kinktober 4- Choking/ Spanking
Avatar! Jake Sully x Human! Fem Reader
Warnings ⚠️: Smut bro. MDNI or I’ll block you.
So there is a special someone I wanted to dedicate this for getting her blog back! I hope you can read and enjoy on your own time My Love 🌙 ❤️ @pandoraslxna
Sul’Eyanos is not something that is in Na’Vi vocabulary but something I had actually come up with… it means the binding of three souls, aka three soulmates. I did it when I was writing a shifting script for myself to be in a relationship with both Jake and Neytiri because I couldn’t break them up 🫣
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Word count: 6k words (sorry I got carried away but I included both choking AND spankies 🤭)
One of the strangest things about being on Pandora, was the fact that I had been born amongst them as a total surprise, sure my parents knew they were expecting, but I was an accident. We lived in an already confined space, but I’d always been a good listener, making sure I appeased my parents and wasn’t much of a nuisance, taking interest in what they called ‘work’ and going along with it. I found myself sticking beside Max’s side, which is how I knew that there was a new batch of scientists arriving, I was thirteen around the time that Jake and Norm had arrived on the planet.
I’d felt drawn to the ex-marine, for some reason, stunning half the staff when I’d bothered making an effort into saying hello to him, his smile spreading on his lips as I seemed to talk to him normally, not bending down or in his face. I was often shy in nature and never bothered speaking unless spoken to and that had been out of character for me.
I had been very close with my mother, but she had developed cancer in her brain, dying about three weeks prior to the next batch’s arrival, so I’d mostly been with my dad -who already buried himself in his work to forget about mom- and Max, who’d claimed he’d seen me reading a lot of medical books, taking me under his wing and teaching me everything he knew. Although Max was a scientist, he doubled as a Doctor for the humans, and somewhat of a medic for the Avatar’s as well. Since he’d taken me under his wing I’d been joined at the hip, essentially becoming a Doctor alongside him without the official title.
There had been very few things I had done on purpose within those three months since Jake’s arrival. One of them having been conspiring with Max and Trudy on how to sneak the trio out of the jail cell they were being held in, Max telling me he had to go with them and entrusted the care of the other humans and Avatars to me- a thirteen year old with no medical degree, taking care of adults- one of them having just given birth about three days ago.
Another thing I’d done on purpose was making sure that the other scientists hadn’t caught on that I had been without Max and attempted to make it seem like everything had been alright, until Paz had bumped into me and asked where Max was since she claimed she needed to be given a green pass to start working again, it had been about ten minutes since we had broken the others from their cell and my heart was beating erratically at the woman before me. She cut her losses with me and struggled to keep a steady gait while attempting to stomp away, knowing I had to place a couple of stitches on her tears after her son’s delivery.
Max appears not even a second later telling me Jake needed us to stay on the inside and be his lookouts in case any other thing happened. Another thing I had blindly agreed to and purposely done, I was a kid, I’d do anything for the people I’d grown to call my friends, even though I knew thats not how the real world worked.
But one of the things I hadn’t done on purpose was the crush that developed from having found it easy to talk to the ex-marine, I felt like an idiot for feeling as if I had been getting any kind of special treatment from him. Even when he’d always take the time to show me the pretty flowers that grew in the forest whenever he’d managed to sneak me out alongside Grace. Pointing out the many different kinds that grew in clusters while Grace and Norm took samples a couple miles away from hells gate and still very far from the Omatikaya. During the small period between him getting accepted as one of the people and before the war.
I did find him attractive in either form, but I should have known better than to let that shit stay in my head, knowing that there was no way he would feel the same for a thirteen year old. And I was proven right when I’d overheard him talking to Norm and Max at one point and stating that Neytiri was pregnant. I’d obviously had to congratulate him alongside the other men and I did feel happy to know he had finally seemed to have found his purpose, but I had cried so much that night. Taking it upon myself to follow in my fathers footsteps and drowning myself in my work and slowly detaching any kind of relationship I had developed with him, barely speaking to Norm unless it involved work, and not needing Max to hover over my shoulder anymore.
But that was fifteen years ago, I’m twenty-eight now, the same age Jake was when he’d given up his human life and permanently passed through the eye of Eywa, truly becoming a Na’vi and having woke up in his blue body, burying the body he’d once inhabited. I could feel a pull toward him any time I’d see him come in through hells gate but always pulled myself away from any room he had entered or pretended to act busy, I didn’t need to put myself through the same depressed puppy love I had when I was younger.
“Hey there stranger.”
My head snaps up at the sudden familiar baritone voice I’d taken to avoid any time I could, removing the one earbud that had been in my ear as I took my late night leisurely walk to give myself a break before diving my head back into my books, back already stiff as I turn around slowly, praying it was just my imagination. I just stupidly stared up at him.
“After all this time and you’re still quiet, huh?” He lowers his body as he squats on his toes and meets my height, I take a step back to give him his personal space so he doesn’t feel like I was invading it and he eyes me warily.
“Do I smell?” He jokes with a glimmer in his eyes and a half smile, showing his pointed canines, thats right, I have to act like I’m not losing my shit or going to embarrass myself.
“Sorry, just a bit tired. Was there something I could do for you?” I asked and watch him lift a brow and eye me warily.
“C’mon, kid, you treat me like you don’t know me.” Another playful smile but I internally grimace at the nickname, Kid, thats all he’d ever see me as and I thin my lips without meaning to and nod my head a big and turn to place the earbud on the stack of books I’d come back with.
“Life has changed the both of us, I knew you a long time ago and you have changed, you may as well be a stranger to me.” I shrug lightly but force a smile to imply that I had been joking. “What brings you in, shouldn’t you be off doing Olo’eyktan duties?” I attempt to redeem myself by adding the bit of sass I used to have for him, but I could tell by the flash in his eyes he knew I was putting on an act.
“I wanna show you somethin’.” He tilts his head back as if also asking me to go with him somewhere and I knew I had to decline. I was practically in love with a man I met as a child even though I knew he had been married and he had children, I knew nothing would happen if I decided to oblige and head out with him, but I knew I had to stay here for my own sanity.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t.” I stated firmly and felt some pride blossoming through me.
“You have something more interesting going on in here?” He asks simply, taking a glance around the lab as if trying to understand what I had found worthy of my attention at that moment, eyes coming back to meet mine.
“Well it’s not interesting but-“ This had been my first mistake.
“Then lets go.” He urges but remains on his toes and watching me intently.
“It’s my job-“ Second mistake.
“ The humans that stayed don’t work for the RDA and you aren’t your father.” He stated and my face falls at that comment.
When the RDA had arrived with General Frances Ardmore, they had essentially told all of the staff that they could have been arrested for treason, since my father had gone through everything on Earth, they had a file on him as well as every human Scientist and Doctor that remained on this planet. Had they voluntarily come back and assisted the RDA they would be dropped of said charges and receive the full time pay and compensation for ‘doing the right thing’. I’d grown upset at this statement but was reminded by Max and Norm that I had been born on Pandora and no record had ever been kept on me on Earth, they didn’t know of my existence and I was free to choose whatever it was I wanted, so I chose to stay. Unbeknownst to me, my father decided to leave as if everything he’d ever worked for had meant nothing, like abandoning me was the better option, another one of the reasons I buried myself in my work so I wouldn’t be reminded of how easy it was for him to betray the humans and myself.
“It’s still my job to find remedies to cure anyone who gets sick.” My third mistake was to attempt to keep this conversation going and I watch him roll his eyes.
“Who gets sick on Pandora anymore, if anything you could always learn from Mo’at, lets go.” He’d asked nicely before but this sounded more demanding. I hesitantly look back at the stack of books I had brought to read. To be fair, I’d read these books several times and I wasn’t looking forward to reading them again or adding notes onto my notes. My eyes glide over to his before I sigh.
“Fine, where are we going?” I asked him and see his smile grow before standing tall again, extending his comically large hand over toward me, and I take it as he turns and starts walking.
“You won’t need a mask.” He continues walking just a bit further before reaching a closed door in which you needed badge access to get through, but I was never really bothered walking anywhere I didn’t need to be and was pretty sure my badge wouldn’t slide the doors open, but he turns to take it and scans it in, and I watch the doors part, a circular room in front of us encased in glass.
My eyes widen slightly to take in the room, there are floor-to-ceiling windows where the curvature was, noticing most of the mountain we were encased in covering about five foot off the floor, the rest of it uncovered and showing the night sky above, the stars shining beautifully. I had no idea this place existed beyond the doors and hearing the whirr of the mechanics of the door shutting again.
“What is this place?” I asked and felt myself stepping closer to the glass, placing my hands on the window in awe, staring up at the sky and feeling like a little nerd all over again.
“It connected to the old observatory when this building was still a part of Hell’s Gate. Crazy how it fit perfectly in here.” I could see his body come into view from my peripheral and he’s gazing up at the stars, like he’s trying to find one, before smiling and pointing it out, although its hard to tell which one he’s looking at.
“Do you see that pale yellow star off in the distance, it has three blue ones around it.” He specifies and I let my eyes wander and actually manage to see the star he’d been talking about, all three stars shared a different hue of the color but the pale yellow shone brightly against it.
“Yeah?” I ask.
“Thats where I come from.” He stated proudly, almost nostalgically.
“Do you miss it?” I asked while allowing my eyes to stare at the stars in the sky, many of them were white, very few were blue, and only one was that pale yellow color. A small insignificant dot in the sky suddenly bringing on more meaning to my life.
“No, I found my place here.”
“I’m sure you feel accepted here more than you did on Earth.”
“Sure I did, it’s not every day you’re welcomed by the thirteen year old who is said to be shy by every crew member, only to realize she had a crush on the cripple.” He lightly pushes my shoulder, the beautiful expanse of space now being long forgotten as my widened eyes turn to meet his.
“You knew?” I had been too focused on avoiding him after a while and felt that it had been enough distance to make it seem like I’d outgrown him, as if he were a phase in my life I was no longer interested in. Far too invested in his answer to allow myself to blush or feel any shame from it, what he didn’t need to know is that I still felt this way, even now in his blue body.
“It wasn’t hard to decipher.” He shrugs while speaking and I could feel the embarrassment settle as I hunch my shoulders at the ick I could feel crawling up my body.
“I’m sorry.” I stated rather sourly, my eyes finding a deep interest in the floor below me, this was starting to get awkward and I needed to leave, I should have known the night was going to be spoiled by my own feelings.
“I should probably go,” I pointed back over my shoulder and turned pretty quick not bothering to meet his eyes. I was hoping he wasn’t as observant as he had been before and wouldn’t notice that the feeling persisted on my end, the last thing I needed was to be teased about how I’d felt about a mated man, but if he were to see through it, would he see my attempts at staying away from him and the respect I had for Neytiri and his children? Would he see that I willingly avoid him at all costs?
“So she was right.” His voice rings out and snaps me out of my thoughts, his big hand had wrapped around my bicep to stop me from walking further, and my head whipped around to stare at him.
Just when I think I know everything about the Na’Vi and have found my understanding in their culture, there always seems to be something added on to it and more customs I had been unaware of. One of them was the binding of three souls, something Neytiri told me is quite rare, she had been open at explaining that she only taught me the basics while teaching me her ways, but since I had been Olo’eyktan now, I must know of everything in order to properly fulfill my duties.
She explained the binding of the three souls, better known as Sul’Eyanos, is a pull from someone toward an already mated pair, something that is initiated by Eywa when she feels the three are compatible and better off together. She had stated she often found herself checking in on Y/n to see where the younger woman had been and if she didn’t see her anywhere she’d feel sadness. Neytiri could tell that the human was attracted to me from the moment she had met her, mentioned that Y/n had purposely avoided me, but harbored those feelings deep inside.
“Who was right?” Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I could tell she’d been embarrassed by the situation, tears weren’t exactly threatening to escape but her eyes had become glossy, and it felt like the puzzle piece had finally snapped into the right place. Without another word I’m quick to pull at her arm to turn her back to face me, release my hold on her, and place my hand on her lower back as I squat on my toes, bringing her even closer and connecting our lips.
I remember when I first kissed Neytiri, I could feel a warmth rapidly spreading through my body, a primal need to face plant her on the forest floor and fuck her had guided me to doing just that, not that she had minded, that same urge surging through my body at this moment. I could feel her tiny hands push against my chest and I’d backed away from her even though I hadn’t wanted to.
“Wait, you’re mated, what are you doing, what would Neytiri think?” I could see the panic settling on her face, her gaze downcast and I knew she’d attempt to slide out of my grasp at any moment.
“Hey, hey, look at me-“ I use my hand as gently as I can to caress her cheek, making her refocus on me, feeling pride at managing to get her to look back up, smiling gently.
“This was her idea.” I admit and watch her shock resurface. “We were given the opportunity to have a third mate, Eywa has chosen you for us, but we don’t want to force it on you.”
The confusion starts changing into hurt as her eyes fill up with tears, some already falling onto her cheeks, I could only watch as she starts to frantically pull herself away from my hold, her small cries reaching my ears and my own chest starting to feel heavy. I did not intend for her to cry and had no idea how to calm her at the moment, but I knew the second she’d get out of my grasp it would be game-over, she’d work overtime in avoiding us and refuse to be near us.
“Babygirl, stop it.” I huffed but she listens, slumping over and letting her tears fall like a river, I sigh and work on swiping them with my thumb. “I know you think this might be a prank or some stupid shit like that, but it’s not.”
“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life, but this is-“
I didn’t bother waiting for her to finish her words and placed my lips over hers once more, one hand on her cheek and the other on the back of her head to hold her steady, but also to prevent her from pulling away this time. Her smaller hands had pressed against my chest and applied pressure to steady herself, never pushing harder to get me off of her, but the primal urge surges through me again and the need to claim her was making my head feel stuffy.
I swipe my tongue over her bottom lip while sliding the hand that had been on her head down toward the back of her neck to cradle it, the hand on her cheek sliding down toward the small of her back to pull her closer.
“Mmph-“ I’m assuming she tried to say something but wasn’t protesting much when I shoved my tongue in her mouth. I could taste the fruit she’d been eating earlier and remember Max saying she had been obsessed with yovo when she was younger, I could tell from the taste she still had been, swiping my tongue over hers and feeling it go limp, allowing me to do whatever I pleased.
I could feel myself pulling her body closer against mine, glad I’d managed to build up my endurance for this pose while tending to my own children, thankful I had the use of my legs again. My ears flicker at the sound she’d made and feel a craving to want to hear it again, tongue and lips disconnecting from hers and quickly kissing along her neck, ensuring my fangs were dragging alongside her skin and hearing her breath come out in short pants.
“Jake~” She whines, the hands that had been on my chest showing my just how much she was enjoying it as her nails dug into my skin.
“I can smell you babygirl, oh fuck, can’t keep myself off you.” I grunt out as my hands were quick to tug on her shirt, silently asking for permission to take it off, catching her open her eyes and nodding frantically, sliding it off and attaching my mouth back on her neck, kissing down her chest.
“Are you sure we should-“
“Yes.” I groan as I felt the weight of her chest in the palms of my hands, looking back up at her angelic face. “We go as far as you want, hmm.” I hummed to catch her attention and she meets my eyes with a nod.
“I want to, but-“
“Then we will.” I stated while simultaneously running my thumbs across her nipples and hearing her gasp lightly, her face turning downward to look at my hands encasing her chest, planting myself on my knee’s and covering her body with mine and placing one of her breast in my mouth, flicking the nipple with my mouth and teasing the other one with my hand. Feeling her tiny hands grab onto my scalp to keep my face cradled in her arms and chest.
“Jake~” She moans lightly as I switch between her breasts, ensuring I plant a kiss between them before placing the other in my mouth, the other one being rolled between my pointer finger and thumb, gently pushing her down on the cold metal floor. A small hiss leaving her lips as her back comes into contact with it.
I’d knelt myself down on the floor, sliding myself between her legs, scooting close enough to have the backs of her thighs meet my shoulders as I got myself settled in, hearing a slight squeak as my hands grab her ass to slightly lift her, resisting my urge to take her at this moment and groaning at her scent.
“You done any of this before?” I asked and see her bite her lip, nervously looking away and nodding her head, feeling relief flood through me, knowing I wouldn’t hurt her and she’d be used to some stretch.
“Good.” I bring my mouth to kiss her exposed thigh, the skirt she’d been wearing wasn’t covering much from this angle, but that was a reward, I had to work my way toward it. My arms had wrapped themselves around them, the tips of my fingers gently squeezing the inner thigh and pulling them apart as I kissed, licked, and nipped at them. Hearing her breath hitch as I got closer, she’d been subtly moving her hips over, hearing a groan of frustration once I switched over to the other thigh and repeating the process.
“For the love of Eywa-“ She huffs and brings her head up and this had been the first time I’d ever seen the fire blazing in her eyes, nipping the skin just right while staring at her, her head falling back down.
“You wanna finish that thought?” I ask as my head feels dizzy from being this close to her clothed cunt and wanting to devour her.
“No-“ She mutters weakly, her head shaking, and eyes closed tightly. I take it upon myself to nuzzle my nose on her clothed cunt, skirt having been thrown on her belly carelessly, eyes closing and a loud groan emitting from my throat as I take the first sniff straight from the source, my cock hardening fully.
“Fuck.” I stated loudly, taking in another sniff, my head feeling dizzy as the logical part of my consciousness was getting muted, my primal urges surfacing as my finger hooks toward the side of her underwear, and swiping it to the side, her scent and leaking cunt making me groan, not bothering to check in with her before my face is shoved into her sweet petals, tongue pulling her lips apart and finally tasting her.
“Fuck-“ Her breathy gasp follows along the slightest thrust of her hips, I squeeze my hold on her thighs slightly tongue starting to work in overdrive for two reasons, to get to taste her deliciousness and to be able to hear her moan.
“Oh fuck!” She gasps while panting, hands finding comfort in my hair and holding on for dear life, the slightest of tugging toward where she wanted me had my logic slipping further, not caring if her thighs were attempting to close around my head and wanting to drown myself in her scent.
“Stop fuckin’ moving, babygirl.” I protested, feeling the cool breeze hitting my face wherever her juices decided to stick, knowing it had ran past my lips, her eyes shooting open and ready to say something. But I slid my finger into her cunt and all that comes out is a choked moan, head falling back to the floor.
“Please, please use another.” She begs silently, eyes slightly open, head lolled to the side just to look at me, my pride swelling since she had refused to lift her head.
“Only because you asked so nicely,” I oblige and place another finger in her warmth hearing her draw in another gasp and broken moan as I did so.
“Talk to me.” I stop all thrusting and keep my fingers buried inside her, my cock straining against my loincloth, but refusing to continue until she tells me if she’d fine or if I’m hurting her.
“Feels like a dick- just your fingers, please move, move now.” She rambles in hushed whispers that I barely catch as the sound of the blood traveling impossibly fast through my body- mostly down South- is roaring loudly in my ears. I slowly work on drawing my fingers back out of her cunt and slide them back in, hearing her first loud moan. Soaking up the sound with my ears turned toward her, wanting to not waste any of this experience.
“You won’t be left unsatisfied again, babygirl, I can promise you that.” I grunt and find myself captivated to pull my wet fingers out of her cunt, her whines rippling through my brain, telling me to get back to work, but I just had to take her clothes off. Tapping her hips with one of my wet fingers and feeling her understand my command right as I settle on my knees, the heels of her feet settling on the floor once more to lift her hips, finally taking off her skirt and underwear in one swoop, her bottom falling back onto the floor beneath her, legs spreading greedily to welcome me back into my spot.
“Hands and knees,” I stated as I untied my loincloth, dick springing upward and she freezes, looking at it as if she’d never seen one before.
“Thats huge.” Her eyes appear widened, mouth slightly open as she stares at it.
“Thought you said you’ve done this before.” I smirk with my teasing tone, some clarity returning back to me.
“With another human- is that going to fit?” I can hear the worry in her voice, and take the time to stroke her cheek again, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, connecting our foreheads.
“I’ll make it fit, babygirl, get in position.”
She nods before placing her knee’s on the floor with her hands bent at an angle, pushing her ass in the air as if presenting herself to me and I groan at the sight, taking the fingers I’d previously shoved in her cunt and do it again, exploring her from the new angle and hearing her moans return louder this time.
“Fuck, you look delicious.” I mutter through my lips as I focus on thrusting my fingers into her sopping cunt and not wanting to fight against my own urges, and finally giving into them.
A stinging sensation spread like wildfire on my bottom, but his fingers continuing their ministrations were driving me wild, a loud moan escaped my lips when another slap is reverberating in the empty room, my cunt instinctively squeezing on his thick fingers. With only two of his fingers in I felt like I was getting fucked, humans must be pretty small in comparison to Na’Vi.
A third slap was done to distract me from the third finger being inserted, the stretch was absolutely welcomed, his thrusts having slowed down a bit to help me accommodate for the extra digit but my hips were starting to meet his thrusts as I pushed myself back onto his hands.
“Your pussy is such a greedy thing, yeah? Rocking back to meet my fingers like the hungry cock-slut you are.” Another slap resonates within the semi-circular room, not bothering to respond verbally as my moans and whimpers were telling him everything he needed to know. He slips his fingers out and I can hear him grunt, turning my head back and biting my lip as I see him rubbing his slick covered hand over his cock, eyes locked with mine.
“You ready?”
“Fuck me.” I mumble under my breath at his cockiness, his lazy smile cut off by a whimper and that catches my attention.
“I will.” Fuck me indeed. He places his left hand on my hip while continuing to stroke himself as he lines up to me.
“I hope I stretched you out enough.” He whispers and I can feel the head of his cock slip in, the sting that I’d only felt when losing my virginity starting up again and I suck in a breath.
“Fuck babygirl, don’t clamp down like that-“ Jake grunts and sneaks the hand covered in my juices snaking around my hip, placing a large finger on my bud, heavily rubbing the nervous tissue and I buck my hips at the feeling, taking more of him in.
“Thats it,” I could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he keeps the same pace, taking the time to slide the head of his cock in and out cautiously, if I could think without my horny brain I’d be bursting at the seams at his realization and quick thinking.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight, such a good girl for me, huh?” He asks rhetorically.
“Yes~” I moan out and slide myself further down his shaft, taking in the pleasure of him paying attention to my sensitive clit once more, feeling used to the head and craving more, but he was right about one thing, I don’t think I’d be unsatisfied anymore.
“You should see what I see,” His hand abandons my clit and another slap, this time a wet spot left from his fingers cooling down the stinging cheek right as he draws himself out and shoves himself all the way in, the breath getting knocked out of my lungs at that moment.
“Move, move, move, move, move-“ I chant toward him, needing to feel that friction again, not caring if the slightest sting was there, wanting to feel the way his head and shaft glide in so smoothly that it sets all my nerves on fire, another wet smack on my ass as he obliges, repeating the movement.
“Jake, please, again-“ I pant as I say those words and feel another smack on the opposite cheek, releasing a frustrated moan as he stays still, I can feel his arms leave my hips and I whine at the loss, a thud implying they’d been placed in front of me due to his size.
“Hush ya’ mouth, kid,” He comments in my ear, straining his voice as he attempts to thrust slowly, dropping some of the weight of his chest into my back to prevent me from moving my hips back.
“I don’t wanna hold back, please, just go at your pace, I don’t care, please.” I moan between words, I didn’t care if I couldn’t walk from the mind blowing dick he was giving me, I just needed to come.
“Shut up, babygirl.”
I feel a hand circle around my neck from his position, his thumb and fingers squeezing gently at my neck as he says that and I could feel a flutter in my pussy, heat pooling down my lower belly, and I felt a deep desire to be filled with his come.
“You like being choked hmm I can feel your sweet cunt squeezing my cock.” His voice is driven my lust that I didn’t think this was the same man talking to me earlier. “I’ve wanted to take care of this sweet pussy for a while now, watch it swallow my cock, hear you beg for it.” Jake pauses and I felt the orgasm that had been approaching stop with his movement.
“Please let me come, I was so close, please-“
“Mm, you could do better than that, you did so good for your colleague last week, do I need to repeat the words you told him?”
I could feel my pussy drench in juices as he stated that. I’d heard the sound of someone closing the door right after I’d almost reached an orgasm with Jensen but he told me I was just imagining everything- of course right after he’d gotten to come and left me high and dry- I had to finish myself off in my room, I wonder if he-
“Shame you had to finish yourself off, but that won’t happen again, just beg.”
“In the-“ I pant as I feel the heat on my face “-nicest way possible, I don’t wanna walk after.” I stated with a gasp as he picks up his speed.
“S’what I fuckin’ thought.” He mutters in my ear and squeezes the sides of my neck once more, I believed he’d already been going as fast as possible, only to feel him lift me from my neck as he settled myself on his knees, making sure my thighs were spread over his knee’s, still squeezing my neck.
The shock of him lifting me, settling me on his lap, and thrusting his hips at lightning speed had my orgasm approaching faster than it had been when he was moving at a turtles pace. I could feel my thighs shaking at the feel of the head of his dick rubbing every spot inside I had no idea existed. My feet hadn’t exactly been touching the ground, but I could feel them ghosting over the floor with every thrust, the idea of being manhandled like this turned me on so much.
“Jake, I’m coming, I’m-“ I didn’t have time to finish the sentence as he squeezes the side of my neck and reaches over his other hand to rub my clit, speeding the process along nicely and making my orgasm crash over me.
The words he’d been saying were incoherent at the time, but I did feel warmth, everywhere. He’d wrapped his hands around my chest, the other on my hip to keep me steady, and another type of stretch was filling my pussy, his cock buried deep in me as he comes inside, most of it being dumped out due to it’s limited space.
“Holy fucking shit.” I stated tiredly, thighs still shaking as I manage to slowly bring myself out of my orgasmic mind-fuck. Mind suddenly reeling back and realizing what we’d done. “Holy fucking shit-“ I repeated in a different tone.
“You are ours, babygirl, you don’t need to freak out. It was her idea, remember?” He stated while kissing my temple and I could feel my heart rate picking up.
“I’m still scared to face her now. I fucked her husband.”
“She is also your wife.”
“But does she want to be-“
“Would I be here getting you off if she didn’t want to?”
101 notes · View notes
prompt: i am BEGGING on my knees for more recom!paz, maybe the moment that she and spider met? does he recognise her? he was only a baby when she died, but he kept her picture
(tw past csa, past torture, trauma, violent thoughts)
It's the hair that grabs his attention first--most recoms don't have curly hair, or if they do they don't grow it out long enough to see. She's got it pulled back, though, not like in the--
in the--
but the sight makes his guts twist anyway. He recognizes the outline of those curls, the same ways he sees in the mirror whenever he takes his braids out. He doesn't take his braids out a whole lot.
She steps into the clearing, gun hanging loosely at her side (shouldn't she be in the sky? is he wrong? let him be wrong). The grass crinkles under her boots the way Quaritch's used to and Spider flinches, pressing his back against the tree.
He tries to tell himself, firmly, that history isn't repeating--he's got a gun now, he's fought in battles, he's faced torture and worse, he's dangerous. He tries to tell himself that, but his hands still hang limp at his sides and he can't breathe right.
Another step, eyes flicking over him--once, a threat assessment, second, a look of confusion. Third, and she stops dead, eyes going wide.
You got your mama's eyes, Quaritch used to pant over and over again as he fucked Spider senseless. That's how I knew you. And...and he's not quite right, not anymore. The pupils are different, the irises, dark brown switched out for searing yellow.
But the shape is the same. And every time he's glimpsed himself shocked, stunned, thrown off his axes and spinning in the dark--he sees it again, in her.
She stumbles forward, like she's about to collapse, a lock of hair swaying from her ponytail, and Eywa, she looks even more like that stupid photo now. Propping herself on a tree, jaw working, more stunned than Quaritch had been, maybe.
"Miles?" she gasps.
And--and. Miles knows what she is, he knows (even if he took her name, even if he got her picture, and learned Spanish along with English to speak her first language, even if he spent his whole fucking childhood telling himself that she hadn't been at Kelutral, that it wasn't anyone's fault she got caught in the Soul Tree crossfire but that doesn't mean she would have done anything, fantasizing about her turning her guns on the enemy and going down a hero like Trudy Chacon had just to trick himself into thinking his family tree wasn't completely fucking rotten).
But he can't go for his gun. Not even now, with her off balance like this. And he can't snarl nobody calls me that, like he had with Quaritch in the woods, when it was so easy to reject his father, before Quaritch sunk his hands so deep into Spider's brain and body it might never come out.
She could do that, Spider knows. She could do worse, if he let her, if he stands in this burning fucking house and refuses to listen to his instincts, refuses to run or fight.
He knows this, and his hands still twitch at his sides, desperate to reach up. Like he's a little kid who's broken his arm again, screaming for his mommy the way the Sully kids always did when they were hurt or scared, even though he's over that, he is, he--
"Mom," he chokes out, like a good son. Like a good boy, his daddy's good boy, his mama's.
"Oh--" Paz Socorro crashes to her knees in the dirt, throws her arms around him before he has a chance to react. "Oh, dios mio." Pulling him close, muscled arms digging into his back, she smells like Quaritch had in the woods, blood and polish, sweat and dirt, gunmetal and smoke--but instead of Quaritch's sharp cologne there's a softer smell of conditioner, shampoo.
"Baby." She pulls him back to look him over and tears well in her eyes--because of the scar or the tewng, he can't be sure. "Oh, baby. My baby.” Pulling close again as she sobs in his ear, her tears dampening his hair and washing down his back like rain.
"It's okay," Spider says, arms wrapped around her sides instead of going for a knife or a gun like he should. "It's okay, Mom." It's a lie, and it's the only truth left in his fucked-up world. "I'm here."
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witchofthemidlands · 4 months
witchofthemidlands thoughts on “the devil's chord”
i know i KNOW maestro is bad but jinx monsoon, you scary legend, can you stay in the whoniverse forever 🎶😍🎶
✨ this is my personal opinion, media is subjective you might not agree with my opinions & that's just fine✨
i love that we’ve got an episode focused on music, my headphones are an anxiety ridden day away from being surgically attached to my soul. music is soothing, is it is my peace & doctor who has such beautiful music from the gorgeous theme tune to stunning pieces of music like: “songs of captivity & freedom”, “love don't roam” “turn left”, “who are you?”, “clara’s diner”, “my angel put the devil in me”, “the long song”, “the lone dalek”, “martha triumphant”, “the greatest story never told”, “this is gallifrey”, “the doctor forever” to “the goblin song” & scene stealing music choices like “tainted love”, “toxic”, “voodoo child”, “chances”, “rise up” & “spice up your life” doctor who is full to the brim of the most emotive & captivating tunes that i thank that it is fantastic that it’s the focus of an episode of my favourite show of all time.
this might just be me but the opening… it's giving rocketman.
MAESTRO 😍 the costume is everything this is one of the best introductions to a whoniverse villain i’ve seen in ages.
HENRY HARBINGER 😂 why i laughed so hard at that one i don't know.
is it just me or is maestro giving ✨winifred sanderson✨
ahh! ☹️ no continuation from the carla & cherry ending ☹️
fifteen, that red shirt is beautiful 🤩
“IVE GOT WIGS GALORE” oh 🥹 he's so happy! this is so lovely to see a version of the doctor just being so joyful, they're having the best time with their new friend & it’s incredible. i love them both so much, i love them going to pick outfits together (headcanon that they do each other's makeup)
pictures of this episode have been around ages but they look immaculate.
ruby being so joyful & having the best time is so lovely to see (the happiness is not going to last so i am clinging onto these moments like a space baby clinging to ruby 😭😩😭)
i still think it’s so odd that the beatles are characters 😅
honestly i know it’s meant to be bad but that would probably be up there with one of my favourite beatles songs if it were real.
am i cracking up or is that the same lady who was talking to isaac newton in wild blue yonder? 😬 is she the new “bad wolf” / “saxon” 😬
the spoon falling past the salt 👀 fourtenth fucked around & fifteen’s finding out 😭
SUSAN MENTION?!!! A SUSAN MENTION. A SUSAN FOREMAN MENTION? nah, nah because a friend of mine will hopefully back me up on this. i was literally saying hours before “the devil's chord” aired that i wished that there had been a new who update on susan because i'd always assumed that she might have chosen not to regenerate after living a long life with david or had gone back to fight & died in the early days of the time war. i now have a canon update on susan so be careful what you wish for i guess 😅
i am even more convinced that mrs. flood might turn out to be susan now.
ruby wrote music to her friend trudy when a girl broke her heart 🥺 ruby sweetheart i love you 🥺
THE GIGGLE 😨 i will admit from when i first saw a picture of maestro & they brought up the legions in the specials that maestro would be a part of it or even the one who waits but i got near taken out when the doctor said THE PANTHEON. ARE THEY GOING TO MAKE THE PANTHEON OF DISCORD THE LEGIONS?!?? THE WAY I LOST MY ENTIRE MIND THE SECOND THE WORD PANTHEON WAS SAID IT DID SOMETHING TO ME PHYSICALLY.
possibly the most useful sonic in the doctor's history. i really hope they make a replica of this, it looks like it would be an incredible fidget accessory.
“the world did not end in 1963” oh nooo love 😭 this is not going to end well 😬
ruby mentioning beyoncé & sam fender, i know she's in a band & seems to be musical but ruby OFFICIALLY has taste. the sam fender name drop especially near took me out because his music is just otherworldly, i love his music so much 🤩
honestly doctor who hits harder than crack.
😭 “where's my mum?” 😭 i wanted to hug MY mum after sweet ruby said this 😭
i feel like if the toymaker & maestro were in the same room it would rival the cinematic masterpiece that is the great dalek & cybermen roast of doomsday.
the doctor kissing the tardis, never change you beautiful person.
“playing lovesick songs for heartbroken lesbians” a) ruby, i may require your services one day & b) IS THIS THE FIRST TIME THEY'VE ACTUALLY USED THE WORD LESBIAN ON DOCTOR WHO?!?! 🥹 this lesbian salutes this episode!
the aesthetic of maestro's notes is everything to me it may be deadly but so aesthetically pleasing. they are a work of art, the notes & maestro 😍
👀 alien ruby alien ruby alien ruby 👀perhaps even one of the legion 👀😬👀
yessss! doctor who epic musical battle
“i have lived & i have loved” 😭 every time fifteen says something like this, it goes to the very core of me, how ncuti delivers the full range of emotions as the doctor is just incredible, he is incredible. he's officially in my top favourite versions of the doctors (he was already but this, this makes it forever)
the dog song is going to save the day.
the dog song, did not in fact save the day, but eh at least it worked (maestro don't goooo 😭😩😭)
what if the one who waits is the trickster? my clown hat went on the SECOND the doctor mentioned the pantheon & the trickster is always waiting for a way to breakthrough to the main universe, it is also one the most terrifying villains rtd has ever created & was somehow one of the main antagonists of a children’s show, if you're reading this & are not familiar with “the sarah jane adventures” this thing is scarier than some of the really intense doctor who villains, the trickster is no joke. i have always thought it would be incredible to have the trickster in doctor who because whilst they pushed it as far as they could on “the sarah jane adventures” i think that they could make the trickster one of the scariest creatures to exist in the whoniverse on doctor who.
A MUSICAL NUMBER?!! brilliant 😂
MURRAY GOLD?!? (where’s the series 10 soundtrack, king 😭)
harbinger 😬
the dancing on abbey road in the brought such a smile to my face ahh i love them so much 😊🥰😊
FANTASTIC 🤩 BONKERS 🤩 AHHHHH my brain just can't comprehend this one, it's just happy explosions of pure whoniverse joy in there.
jinx monsoon has played one of the best villains i have seen on doctor who in ages, what a performance, what an outfit (maestro i want your silver shoes from the apocalypse) it would be bad but selfishly i want them back.
am now wondering if “ruby sunday” may end up being something to do with the trickster, yes, i know that would be repeating history because of sky but those stories were never actually made so perhaps they're recycling the idea? would not be the first time that this is happened, that balls to the wall masterpiece of a show that is wizards vs aliens got some of the planned “the sarah jane adventures” stories after all.
this season has got off to such a good start, i can't wait to see what’s next, “the devil’s chord” was brilliant, it really wasn't what i was expecting & i love it, better than all my expectations, i will watch this one for years to come with either the biggest smile on my face or 😬 depending on what happens to ruby 😭
next week is… the return of moffat 😬 i will be fair, i promise to watch the episode with an open mind & judge it purely on how the episode is as it presents itself without any underlying negativity just because of the writer. i say this because i might need to be reminded of this when i come back to talk about “boom” because i am still upset about what happened to bill. yes, moffat has written some incredible episodes of doctor who, some fantastic stories, i'm not for one second saying that he hasn't but the last time i watched something moffat wrote i unleashed hell into an essay for my degree because he ruined my favourite characters from my second favourite book in the world.
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reyesstrand · 2 years
also like……carlos being stunned quiet and terrified and his eyes going so wide over trudy reducing tk to a potential mess to clean up…..flashing back to him looking at carlos imploringly in the police station with a busted lip, flashing back to him in a hospital bed after being shot, flashing back to him being kidnapped and concussed, flashing back to him in the fire, flashing back to him in a coma after saving a little boy, flashing back to him almost dying in a plane crash, flashing back to him losing his sobriety…tk has endured so much and been stronger for it all and carlos has been there to support him through it all and the mere thought of that being taken away because he feels like he got himself in this situation? the mere thought of him being reduced to a mess that needs to be cleaned up instead of the brave, resilient, loving, sweet man carlos loves? the mere thought of him not being able to protect tk?
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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you ever just draw something so stupid
(full image ID/transcript under cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A four-panel Be Kind My Neighbor fancomic. The first panel shows Lady Trudy speaking in ciphers to a silhouetted Neighbor tied to a crucifix. The second shows the newly-puppet Neighbor crouched on the ground in front of a burning crucifix, while a disciple of Trudy stands over him and says, "Your gender confirmation crucifixion was a success!" The third panel shows Neighbor, smiling nervously, saying, "Where is Lady Trudy?"; offscreen, the disciple replies, "Who do you think took your boobs?" The final panel shows a stunned Neighbor staring at Lady Trudy, who is lying down with Giant Boobies, with a hand emerging from her mask giving a thumbs up. End ID.]
[Image 2 ID: A screenshot of an ask on Yugo Limbo's tumblr. The ask reads: "-me and my gf reading the zine together- Me: man, why did they give Trudy such Big Naturals... My gf: -points at neighbor- Well who do you think gave her the boobs??? I SCREAMED" The response from Yugo reads: "I HAVE JOKED ABOUT THIS BEFORE..." End ID.]
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ashandalder · 10 months
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Matthew Rolston - Don Johnson, Polo Clothes, Miami, 1986
I’m guessing this photo is old hat to many of you in the MV fandom, but I hadn’t seen it until my ever helpful Pinterest page showed me a low res version on my feed and I went a hunting for the original. Yowza, it's a stunning print.
Is there a similar one with PMT or EJO? If not, that’s a real shame. Now, wouldn't *that* have been a great promo shoot for Vanity Fair or the like, the whole cast involved...
I read a post here on Tumblr that it was an outrage that Tubbs and Crockett were never undercover as escorts once over five series, whereas, naturally, Gina and Trudy did so multiple times. Have to say, this pic is definitely serving high-end escort, and that we didn’t get to see that two-part season opener is indeed an absolute tragedy.
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vandnana · 2 years
Hello! I'd love to see some lo'ak fics! I love your writing
Hope you are having a good holiday xx
hello! thank you so much for loving my writing, i really appreciate you! i hope you’ve had a good holiday as well! 
i’ve been working on a new lo’ak  x reader series and below is a preview of it!
**if you would like to be added to the tag list for this fic, please comment on this post or if you’re more comfortable, send me a dm or an ask!  
In Love With the Enemy (Preview Below) 
Prologue Is Here!
pairing: lo’ak x female human turned na’vi reader
summary: during the time when jake became toruk makto, you were quaritch’s youngest and most valued soldier, the daughter he never had. but, pandora changed you and you died fighting with the na’vi, betraying quaritch and wishing that you had been able to do more. now, you have been reborn again, as a na’vi, tasked with quaritch’s new military avatar crew to kill Jake Sully. taking advantage of this second chance at life, you help the Sullys and fall in love along the way
genre: fluff, angst (wip, more themes to come)
word count (wip): 839
The prologue is now up! You can read it here!
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You were the youngest in the regiment back then, too young for war and far too young for what was in store for you in Pandora. But, Quaritch took you in when you were a child. You had no family, no home, and no promise of a real future. He had seen himself in you: cunning, willing, strong, unafraid. You were everything he could have hoped for in a daughter, but you were real. His prodigy. And not a day went by when you didn’t live up to those expectations. You loved being with Quaritch. He had become your father and he always thought that nothing could ever change that. 
But, the more time you spent in Pandora, the more you began to see past the façade you let yourself believe. The mission was never about finding diplomatic solutions or building alliances. It was about destruction, money, and humanity’s wretched twist on glory, a misguided glory that Quaritch was more than happy to fulfill. It was Grace who helped you see that first. She always used to tell you that you were smart and far more capable than any of the trigger-happy morons you were with.
But even you couldn’t prevent Hometree from being destroyed, and although you did what you could to help Jake, Grace, and Norm escape with Trudy, the damage was done. You were an offender of the highest treason by helping Quaritch’s worst enemy, and you knew that you could never go back.
You feigned your innocence until the end, fooling everyone. You watched Quaritch shoot Grace and you cried alone when you heard about her passing. It wasn’t until you joined Trudy in her helicopter that you revealed whose side you were really on. Only for a moment did Quaritch hesitate to shoot you down, but his duty was above all. When he had dealt the final blow, the glass around you breaking with every explosion, you looked at Trudy with a smile. You were happy to be alongside her, dying with her as the sight of the Hallelujah Mountains became the last thing you ever saw, your vision fading into darkness as you descended downward into nothingness.
Then, came light again, invading your shut eyes as you heard voices around you, the sounds distant at first, but slowly heightening as you came to. When you opened your eyes, the fluorescent lights stunned you, your hand instinctively finding its way to the front of your face. Your eyes widened, and you figured you were in hell, punished to be what you failed to protect.
You were blue, a Na’vi, and everyone around you towered with their own blue figures, cooing you awake.
“Colonel, the baby’s awake.” One of them yelled, and you propped yourself up, taking in the appearance of those who had an air of familiarity, but still seemed to be strangers. 
There was Wainfleet, Warren, Zdinarsk, and Zhang looking at you, patting you on the back with satisfied smiles.
Then you saw him. Quaritch, the man you once owed your life to. But it wasn’t really him. He had become his worst nightmare and in seeing him, you were convinced that you really had been damned to hell. He was Na’vi too and a real sight for sore eyes as he looked like he wanted to jump out of his own skin, his movements awkward as he made his way over to you. The only comfort that he seemed to take refuge in was seeing you, his eyes still glimmering in fondness over you, the daughter he never had. 
He hugged you and for the first time, he smiled. “It’s nice to see you kid.”
You had all the memories from your old life, the old y/n that loved Quaritch and saw him as a father, the old y/n who trained endlessly to become that prodigy he loved so much. But you also remembered Grace, the only person you felt really saw you for who you were and who you could be, and it was her memory that really revived you. That was who you wanted to be now, not the monster that Quaritch had conditioned you to become.
Nothing felt real until that point, his embrace making your skin crawl, but it was a comfort nonetheless. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, a lopsided smile on your face, “Nice to see you too, Q.”
It seemed that you had been given a second chance at life, given the video log that you had filmed so long ago. Among Quaritch and the rest of your team, you were granted an avatar too, stowed away in case the supposed small chance of failing ever came to fruition. Seemingly, it had, and you smiled. Yet, no one else remembered Grace or the scientists, or rather they didn’t really want to remember. It was as if this new team of recombinants were a hive mind with only one mission left to complete, a mission that churned your insides.
Eliminating Jake Sully.
Author’s Note:
i hope you enjoyed this preview! i’m so excited to write some more! again, if you would like to be added to the tag list, please don’t hesitate to reach out through this post or through a dm or an ask! 
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gacmediadaily · 3 months
Two of Great American Family‘s major stars are teaming up for a new holiday movie.
TV Insider has learned exclusively that Candace Cameron Bure and Cameron Mathison will star in a new original holiday film, Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells. It will premiere in November as part of Great American Christmas 2024. The holiday event is in its fourth season.
In this upcoming film, Bure plays Gracie, who is Peachtree Inn’s perfect wedding planner and whose mantra, “No problems, only solutions waiting to be discovered,” makes blushing brides’ dreams come true. When Charlie (played by Mathison) brings his sister and future brother-in-law to their former hometown of Butler, South Carolina, expecting to create a magical Christmas Eve wedding at the Inn for Lindsay and Josh, the trio is stunned when Gracie stubbornly declines the job, saying it is not possible to pull off the perfect wedding two weeks before Christmas. Eventually, Gracie relents and agrees to plan the wedding, only to discover there are more hurdles to overcome than expected.
In addition to starring in Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells, Bure serves as an executive producer. Also executive producing the film are Holly A. Hines, Eric Jarboe, Jeffery Brooks, Ford Englerth, Gerald Webb, Paula Elle, and Trevor McWhinney. The film is produced by Mick MacKay. Supervising producers are Michael Shepard, Jonathan Shore, and Robyn Wiener. Serving as associate producers are David Oland and Trudi Thorwaldson. Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells is directed by Elle from an original screenplay written by Katie Main.
This isn’t the first film Great American Family already has set for its Great American Christmas 2024. Others include A Vintage Christmas starring Merritt Patterson and Christopher Russell; Love at the Kettle (working title) starring Carlos PenaVega and Alexa PenaVega; and A Christmas Less Traveled starring Bure and Eric Johnson.
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soupbabe · 1 year
Miss Ambrose 1992 (Magnolia Sinclair)
Magnolia talks to the first runner up after the pageant.
I listened to Linger by The Cranberries all day today and this is the result.
Warning: Angst, no comfort
Tagging: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @devil-doll13, @bugginbeetlew, @manbehindthemask
Staring at the curtain ahead of her, Magnolia's deep and slow breathes quicken in pace. "Hey," her friend, Joan, whispers. A cold hand interlockes with Maggie's clammy one and gives it a soft squeeze. Trailing the olive toned hand up to its owner, blue eyes meet soft brown ones. "You'll be fine- whatever happens, you still proved that you're prettier than half the town." She jokes. "Thanks..." Maggie mumbles, quickly touching her heated face. Chuckling, the brunette leaned down and pecked her cheek. "Good luck Maggie." She whispers, though it fell on deaf ears as the blonde's body went rigid.
"Joan Price just kissed my cheek."
Joan Price. The pretty girl that sits next to her in homeroom. Her partner in biology who laughs when Maggie gets too excited to answer a question. The same Judy Price who slept over the one time Trudy was out of town. The girl that looked so cute in Maggie's pajamas and shared a bed with her. The best friend that she's always thought was prettier than any boy she's ever seen just kissed her cheek.
Just a few more inches over and it could've been a dream come true.
Magnolia didn't hear her name be announced until the bright flash of a camera stunned her out of her thoughts. "Oh my god..." She whispered. The crowd stood in applause as a "MISS AMBROSE 1992" sash was placed over her delicate baby blue dress and a bouquet of roses was placed in her arms. The blonde flushes a bright pink as her second runner up pulled her into a hug, leaving the shorter girl's thoughts run wild.
"Does she like me?" "Do I like her? Is that even possible?" "Mama told me that a man would make me happy one day but she makes me happier than any man could..."
Soon enough, Joan took Magnolia's hand once more and walked off stage with her. "C'mon, Miss Ambrose," her new title danced off her friends words teasingly, "You gotta show off your new crown to everyone!" "Uh, actually, Joan..can I talk to you real quick?" Maggie spoke up, squeezing her hand for reassurance. "Of course." Her focus went straight to Joan's lips. The same soft, glossy lips that made her feel everything all at once with just one kiss on the cheek. "I don't know how to say this...but you make me feel so many things." Maggie breathed out. "When you kissed my cheek, everything just flooded and I didn't even know what happened because I was just thinking about you and your lips and-" her words were cut off by Joan's hands leaving hers.
"Listen," Joan went silent. Her lighthearted tone dimmed, her eyes darted to anywhere that wasn't Maggie's direction. "I'm not..I'm not into you- girls, like that." She confessed. "I think I'm gonna go, my family is waiting outside.." she quickly excused herself and left her by the wing of the stage.
Magnolia took in deep breaths and sat on the steps of the stage, knees to her chest as she reeled in the conversation. Touching her cheek, she felt the residue of Joan's strawberry scented lip gloss. Black streaks of mascara quietly ran down her cheeks upon contact. Faint calls of her name could be heard, but the new beauty queen of Ambrose chose to deck her head in her lap and remain silent.
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smollangrycat · 1 year
I wish I had wings
Late Nights
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————————————— OJ woke up with a jump, startled and disorientated she looked around the dark room. Panic started to settle in but the sound of Trudys soft snores brought her back to reality.
She’s was okey, she was safe.
As quietly as she could OJ shuffled off her bunk and made her way to the door. It made a quiet swoosh as it opened, OJ looked back - worried it would wake her friend but she was still sleeping.
The girl made her way into the cafeteria where she poured herself a glass of water. She sat at one of the tables and quietly when through the events of the day. 
Waking up late
Helping Max
Meeting Norm and Jake …
OJ smiled at the thought of Jake but then immediately groaned. She much of seemed like such a weirdo! The girl hid her face into her hands and sighed - she was so good damn exhausted.
A sudden noise made her jump and she swung around to see what it was.
… Jake.
OJ - “Hey, didn’t think you’d still be up.”
Jake smiled at her as he wheeled himself over to the table she was slumped over.
Jake - “Could say the same for you.”
They sat in a comfortable silence for a while just existing in each others company and it was surprisingly relaxing.
Jakes mind wondered to the question he had wanted to ask previously before they where interrupted.
Jake - “So, how do you know about marine ranks? You don’t exactly look like someone who enjoys combat.”
OJ smiled sadly and Jake immediately regretted his question, stupid, stupid! He should have just kept his mouth shut.
Jake - “Hey, you don’t have to …”
He stoped when OJs sad eyes met his.
OJ - “Jeez marine, it’s okey. My mom is head of weaponry here and she’s been a Marine since before I was born. “
Jake thought for a moment and then asked another question.
Jake - “So, how long have you been on Pandora?”
OJ counted on her fingers trying to work out how long she had truly been on Pandora. In all honesty she had lost track after the 3rd year.
OJ - “We’ll, when I arrived on Pandora I must have been around sixteen/seventeen, maybe?”
Jake was confused by her responds.
Jake - “I thought kids couldn’t go in cryo?”
OJ sad smile came back.
OJ - “They can’t. I left earth when I was eleven … I think, I spend six years in that ship while my mom was in cryo.”
Jake was stunned, what kind of parent leaves an eleven year old to fend for themselves for six years?
OJ sighed.
OJ - “it was better than growing up on earth tho, I had the medics to talk to and like three copies of the same book. Dr Augustine’s research in pandoras flora and fauna, probable the reason she likes me so much is the fact I can almost recite the book word for word.”
Jake laughed as she rambled, he felt all warm inside when she talked. He caught himself staring at her eyes and big dopy grin on his face as he listened to her talk.
Eventually OJ ran out of breath and it was Jakes turn to talk. He talked about his brother, his time as a marine and what his life was like on earth. OJ listened intently and when she noticed  how his eyes glazed over as he talked about Tom she there his hand and whilst it was only a small gesture, Jake felt grateful.
Once Jake had finished they went back to a comfortable silence until OJ stretched while a yawn escaped her.
OJ - Wow, I’m beat. I’m going to get some sleep, you should get some to marine.
Sully mock saluted and watched as OJ stumble walked back to her room, the same goofy grin was plastered on his face.
Ah shit, he might be catching feelings.
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