initiala · 9 months
Hello. I just read a Screenrant article that used this word incorrectly. I see this happening more and more, and it’s infuriating. I am going to go on a Tumblrrant.
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IF SOMEONE IS MORTIFIED IT MEANS THEY ARE EMBARASSED. So no, the protagonist of *Young Sheldon* was not mortified by his father’s near-death, he was actually
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Being mortified is being extremely embarrassed.
I personally am mortified at how much people use the word when they actually mean horrified.
Stop it.
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godsavemyreputation · 11 months
Is it just me or does tumblr not really give a damn what we see? Despite me saying countless times I don't want any nsfw or anything that is not safe for others on my profile. Let alone those profiles even following me or trying to. I can try to filter out some of the words, but that won't completely guarantee that I won't see those posts. I had to block certain accounts due to the amount I was seeing and did not conesent to seeing that. No one does here on Tumblr. Your nsfw accounts don't belong here on Tumblr. Where there are audiences literally too young to understand on here. You guys don't filter shit, and I'm about frustrated, because there is an audience out there that may be scrolling through Tumblr, and may potienqlly be traumatized, because of what they see. If you are an nsfw blog please get the hell off of my page.
#tumblrrant #myost
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xxstar-bluesxx · 2 years
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comfychairthoughts · 3 years
You know, I actually have a personal blog. I post about my life on there, but I can’t always be my true chaotic self. Why? Because people from my church read it. It’s connected to my Facebook, so my relatives read it. Old peers from high school read it. It’s wide audience, and most of them wouldn’t appreciate the actual shit that rolls through my mind on a daily basis. I got Tumblr and made this anonymous account so that I could get some thoughts out of my head without any stress about who might read it. I have Twitter for a similar reason, although that one is connected to my blog and personal accounts. But, no one uses Twitter. Approximately 10 people view my tweets and no one follows me, so I feel very free to post short quips about what I really think. When I need to rant, I come here. I can’t stand to keep thoughts in my head sometimes, but who knows if other people will relate or if I’ll be told to get mental help? I have no idea. It might be "uncool” to be on Tumblr now, but what else am I supposed to do? Keep my thoughts to myself? I’m tired of doing that. Anyways, that’s all for now. I’m going to get back to my Dulce de Leche ice cream and stressing about the 7 am spin class I have to teach tomorrow. 
Thanks for listening. 
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raevenswritingdesk · 6 years
Why did tumblr have to change? Like-
the colours are all so bright and vibrant now. They used to be soft, and pastel and calming, but now they’re all like BAM COLOURS and it’s just ugh jskskskssdfkdhdh
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Anyone else feel like they are so late to the tumblr hype but at the same time don’t care one little bit.My blog is so honestly and 100% me like i hold nothing back and it’s so thereputic and nice to have a space on the internet like that xoxo
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emissaryoftheone · 6 years
Feel shit 😢
I am feeling way too shit to even look through tumblr at all the beautiful and amazing nsfw posts by the people I follow.
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krishtianneseguin · 7 years
tonight i admit that everything around me affects my feelings. one little mishap and i'm done. if i feel like someone's not giving me their 100% back i normally cut them off before i get hurt. i rarely call anyone and when i do, i get unbelievably butt-hurt when they don't answer.
At this point in my life i should be in control of my feelings. im always careful in what i say to people, i always try to put the other person's feelings first and always try to help.
in a world of several billion people, the feeling of isolation never fails to consume me and all i want to do is cave in and cry. sometimes an existentional crisis comes to visit but then i try to convince myself that im crazy and i'm an idiot. but is it so bad to feel this way? it's 2018 and the world is shit, can't i have my negative days too? am i just supposed to fake it for the world and show the world what everyone wants to see? always smiling and always positive? i admit, i am like that, 95% of the time. but that last 5% of my dark side and negative thoughts, just hit hard and they hit close to home.
for the past couple of days i've been questioning my own existence and my happiness. what i am i doing with my life, where do i want to be in the next 4 years? am i truly happy? am i living the life i've always wanted? am i just an ungrateful bitch that just wants too many things in life? i've also been questioning if i even deserve all these blessings because i don't see the bigger picture.
today's rant is brought to you by the letter L for loneliness and the number 1 because there's only one of me. lol i probably just have a case of the baskets. get it?
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shmanny · 7 years
By far my biggest tumblr pet peeve is when I see shitty ass poetry with notes. Get over the abstract language that you think is so romantic and poetic, it's tired and textureless. Say something new for once. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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horanswhore · 6 years
Tumblr seriously you flagged me? It is not porn that I posted it's artistic nudity. Porn and artistic nudity are different. You have ruined yourself by banning adult content. Please approve my post. 
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gl211 · 7 years
I don't get why these anonymous people that watch the show to then flood members of this fandom with hate, political and downright rude messages. No we don't care what the actors are doing in their personal lives. Yes we know Shonda drags out storylines. But if you don't like it DON'T WATCH. But don't make it unenjoyable for everyone that is.
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When it's 2 in the effing morning and you have to find earplugs because your effing neighbor has no effing respect and is playing their effing TV so loud you can follow along.
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artyry · 8 years
Tumblr rant for those with overbearing parents
When your mom tells you you're a shitty students and that you have to go to community college because she's not paying for an education on a bad student and you're sitting over here with a 4.0 trying to figure out what the fuck you did wrong...
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simpleparadox · 4 years
Nobody will read this but...
I should post fucking more. I am a delight.
But tbh, the reason I was hardly on Tumblr was that I got too into Twitter but I have deleted that platform and here I am. Ready to blog shit and laugh for shitty memes.
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wheresrocky · 7 years
I’m just trying to legally run up them millions been putting in so much got ppl wanting to sign in Detroit to head that way but my brand is so big that I can do things myself I show what I want on social media but behind the scenes a lot of hard work and networking goes on I’m not the same me from before literally one time hitting the road can change your life for ever one connection can change your life for ever and I think meet juju on that beat and working with him was one seeing aboogie walk into his hotel room top floor mgm Detroit right across from ours and the world champ claressa shields after her fight and talking to him & chillin casual not on no fan stuff but on some we are somebody and the champ didn’t even know he was there! Plus we just did a show with him that night God is great and life is great ands that’s only a grain of sand compared to a beach now I just want to say stay focused stay humble and patience enjoy the process and eliminate all negative energy or doubters wether it be an old friend relative anyone who doesn’t believe you get rid of it don’t look back or go back I believe in everyone God is that good so please pray for me
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Have I become a Debbie Downer?
I’ve been angry for a few weeks now. Actually, that’s a lie. I’ve been a whole mix (#Heinz57) of different feelings for quite some time now. A lot of the time it just comes out as anger.
In January....I met this guy. He literally helped changed my perspective on so much. He was there always. Communicated always. Made me laugh, smile and giggle... Always. And when I did, he did. Our happiness was contagious between each other.
I mean honestly, If you could’ve seen the walls this guy had to break down.... Man, you would’ve felt bad. But everything has changed. Perhaps because we live together now... We’re comfortable together now. I know that happens... But this just isn’t right in my book. Or, perhaps it’s just everything we’ve been through.... And in the “Short” time we’ve been together... It’s nearing the end of August.... We’ve been through SO MUCH.
Allow me to elaborate a little. In the last 5 months... He lost both his parents in a span of three and a half months. (End of March to end of June.) Then I lost a cousin (who was like a sister) and a grandmother. (Even though we weren’t biologically related. But hey... In the wise words of #BobbySinger. “Family Don’t End With Blood.”) -- I lost the job that kept me financially stable, literally the day after i bought a new car..... (I actually lost the job on mothers day, via text message.) This literally is what is causing a lot of my unhappiness too. I’m not a person who is all about money. I don’t need money to make me happy, but i definitely need it to survive and I literally feel like I am barely doing that. All i can find is part time work and it’s going no where every single time. it’s beyond frustrating. -- In the beginning of  June, we rescued, adopted might be a better word, a dog. She’s a 2 year old Lab mix... She’s adorable and very photogenic when she wants to be. But she requires SO MUCH WORK. She hasn’t exactly had an easy life and it’s been complicated. For me at least. And it sucks. Because having a dog has never been this complicated. I love her to death but she’s so damn complicated. And it’s frustrating and stressful. Because she’s literally an angel for him and then a total asshole for me. (Unless /HE/ is around.)
I don’t know whats causing it anymore, you know? Like... I don’t know if it’s because of my financial situation right now. I don’t know if it’s because I lost two of my longest friendships (even though they haven’t really acted like friends in a while.) I don’t know if it’s because of the family drama. I don’t know if it’s because of my relationship. I just don’t know. And it sucks.
I used to be satisfied with life... And i’m NOT anymore. And that’s scaring the shit out of me. And it’s making my walls go back up. It’s making me angry, stressed, depressed... My anxiety attacks are coming back tenfold.
Nothing makes me happy right now. Nothing is good enough right now. And i’m not okay with that. I’ve been trying to change that, I’ve been trying to work on it.... With NO avail. And i don’t know what to do at this point. Sometimes i wish i had a total stranger to talk to. We would stay completely anonymous to each other and just vent and talk about our shit. Good or Bad. Sometimes a strangers perspective, advice or ear is just what you need.
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