#Turkey Day
asaltyarchon · 10 months
Whoever made this, may your pillows always be fluffed and cool and may you never hit a red light as long as you live.
I haven’t laughed this hard in a long mf time.
[credit to liffeh on twitter!]
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nuclearhearts · 10 months
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Boycott Black Friday! Every year the capitalists generate millions in profits from this sham of a "holiday". Target them where it really hurts: their wallets. Make our voices heard.
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sjbattleangel · 10 months
'You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans, and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the road sides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, "Do not trust the Pilgrims. Especially Sarah Miller."...And for all these reasons I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground.'
So this Thanksgiving, may we all join Wendsaday Addams in saying:
Screw colonizers.
Screw their revisionist lies.
Screw white supremacy.
but most of all:
Stand with Indigenous communities.
From Addams Family Values (1993). Dir: Barry Sonnenfeld
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marinememes · 10 months
Today is Wet Beast Wednesday THANKSGIVING!
Today’s wet beast is: Turkeyfish
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Olive’s Wet Beast Fact: Also known as the Lionfish, this invasive and venomous fish was originally from the Indian Ocean, but is now a highly invasive species destroying Caribbean reefs. What a good metaphor for the holidays.
Stay tuned for more Wet Beast Wednesdays!
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So this morning I woke up ready to make the monster turkey in my fridge. I said to myself 'uuuuugh spatchcocking the turkey is so much work, I'm not going to bother this year.'
Then I went to my recipe box and pulled out the card for the really excellent turkey I made last year. It was an experiment and it turned out so good that I wrote down what I'd done after a couple glasses of wine and put it in the recipe box.
And reader, the first line of the directions. I read myself for filth.
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[Image description: A small white recipe card on a grey background. Written on the recipe card in black handwriting is "Directions: Butterfly/Spatchcock the fucking turkey (Remember why you lazy fool). Rub Butter all over turkey, including under skin. Zest orange into Zataar. Drizzle the fucking bird in pomegranate molasses on rack over pan. Rub it in like lotion or whatever. All over. Pat zataar/orange blend all over. Cut orange in half, put under neck skin. Put OJ+Water in pan. Bake that bitch. (Watch pan keep wet) Gravy: Skim fat, use to cook flour (roux). Deglaze pan. Put juice in roux. Add Stock to get Consistency of Gravy. Devour."] First line. I can't stop laughing. Every time I glance at the card, I scream laugh hysterically.
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khlacnh · 10 months
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todayontumblr · 10 months
Thursday, November 23.
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.
Oh, what might have been. It would have been full of pictures and gifs of Hank Schrader doing miscellaneous Hanktivities: looking very smiley, looking very fierce, laughing, wearing shades, pointing guns, wearing DEA jackets and badges and lanyards, and, of course, perching on the toilet. We would have called it Happy Hanksgiving. It would have been great. 
Sadly a decision was made. So, for those who would have enjoyed Hanksgiving, here's a Snoopy gif to make amends. For those who wouldn't, well, looks like it all worked out just fine. And there's more than enough Snoopy to go around. 
Enjoy the popcorn. And however you mark today, we can only wish peace, love, and lots of good folk and lots of good food for all y'all. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. 
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floridaboiler · 10 months
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I know ppl in the US aren't saying they need a break from the several genocides the USA is abetting while their Thanksgiving turkeys thaw.
I know they aren't about to sit down and be 'grateful' the Turtle Island genocide provided them a place to live while insisting they need to take a mental health break from the genocide that Palestinians are the actual victims of.
And frankly, if Palestinians under occupation can force the entire world to notice their genocide while blackouts of internet and electricity happen then you can share their posts about it from the dinner table.
And in the spirit of the holiday you insist on celebrating: you can be grateful that's your only personal experience with genocide this year.
If you as person in the USA, do not share the same values as the white supremacists forefathers that got you here, then start acting like it.
Stop breathing life into traditions built on oppression. And stop celebrating them the same heartless ways they did. Natives couldn't even vote in every state until 1957, but y'all were having Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is not and was never a holiday that celebrated peace or harmony or equality or appreciation or appreciation. And we all know that's never what it's been about anyway. You know how I know?
Because enslaved people from Africa are who served colonizers their Thanksgiving meals.
Because bringing an end to our ongoing genocide would have been peace and harmony and the USA to this day refuses to do so.
This Thanksgiving I hope every bite goes down like native blood into soil.
Stop celebrating genocide and start standing behind global indigenous liberation so we can create a day to celebrate that instead.
Free Palestine.
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Artist Joelle Joyner
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stone-cold-groove · 10 months
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Nearly time to do the turkey dance.
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champagnexowishes · 10 months
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wicked-ghoul · 10 months
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To understand what the fresh hell this is, see this post by @turkey-day-danny lol
My YouTube
My Patreon
Danny Phantom © Nickelodeon
Art by @wicked-ghoul
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throwbackblr · 2 years
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athelind · 10 months
Thanksgiving By the Clock
I've noticed over the years that there's a great deal of variability in the times that people in the US (and, presumably, Canada) serve their big Thanksgiving dinner.
I'm curious about the details. Is this a regional thing? Is it a matter of family tradition? In the USA, are people juggling meal schedules around football games and parades?
This calls for a poll!
My family tradition was Going Out For Thanksgiving Dinner, so don't feel that Not Doing The Huge Cooking Ritual disqualifies you from this.
Reblog for greater sample size, please!
If you want to include your answer and where you're from/where you live now in the tags or in your reblog, that should produce some interesting results that are probably meaningless by any statistical measure. 😄
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thegoodmorningman · 10 months
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You're welcome!!!
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thevillageauntie · 18 days
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